#I am not ok and will be writing an insane amount of fic for the foreseeable future
hogans-heroes · 3 months
Me after the MOTA finale
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My longest (spoilery) ep discussion yet under the cut:
There was…so much, this episode and I’m still raw and emotional. What a rollercoaster. Damn.
First just want to say we got some scenes we wanted like Crosby losing his shit over the locked supply room! 10/10 loved it and Rosie yelling “coca-cola” at the Russians will never not be funny.
I couldn’t breathe in the forced march. And Bucky’s state is still bad and Gale stayed so close. The prisoners getting shot by their own plane was horrible, and happened a lot. Can you imagine surviving years in a camp just to get killed like that?
The scene where the prisoners are in the train goddamn killed me i was not expecting such a sudden shift. Bucky comforting the one guy who was terrified. Them being convinced they were going to be killed and Gale and Bucky’s little exchange??? Gale saying he really did believe they would be the last two in the air, with that horrible lost expression like a kid who can’t understand? Them saying these years wpild have be hard without the other and they wouldn’t have done anything different?
Omg Gale really did say he’s “in” for an escape just to get Bucky to calm down and not get shot 😭
Gale looks so much younger with his fluffy escape hair it makes me sad, and his heartbroken look when his friend got killed…
Let’s talk about Rosie for a second. That scene of him in the concentration camp was so powerful because there was no words, nothing happening, no action/reaction like so many other films. You just sit there with Rosie and realize. Seeing that writing on the wall was…well of course there’s no words. That’s the point.
“Not even the earth that covers our bones will remember us.” The power of that statement sucker punched me and drove home even more determination to keep doing what I’m doing in historical work etc., telling these stories.
THE WAY I FLIPPED MY SHIT WHEN WE SAW THE COMMONWEALTH TROOPS IN THE LAST CAMP!!???! The Indian and Caribbean pilots??? The Sikhs!?? The Australians!!! The Algerians and French colonials??! In love
The last camp riot when the tanks showed up was SO INTENSE and amazing. And honestly the best symbolism of the show was the Nazi flag getting torn up but the mix of all nations that fought, then seeing all the different flags flying as the guys cheered.
Gale’s longing look when he saw the planes dropping food instead of bombs broke my heart. His smiles getting back in the plane and taking the food, seeing the people happy to be helped instead of scared/angry of being attacked. THIS BOY HAS MY HEART.
Bucky in the tower and in the Jeep along side Gale’s plane was TRAIN SLAM OF EMOTION MY GOD.
Their smiles in the cockpit together, real, sweet smiles after all this time, and ending with all the planes flying away into that gorgeous sky…I have no words. It’s been such an emotional journey and was a powerful ending. I still feel like I could burst into tears any minute.
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parkitaco · 1 year
ok people. i really don't want to have to be saying this but i am once again being struck by the lack of etiquette in the byler fandom and just in current fandom in general so i just. have to say something ok
first off i'm gonna say that fandoms come from a place of love and i know everyone most people have good intentions and love their fic authors but the etiquette around fics and art and all that lovely stuff is,, how shall we put it,, literally nonexistent.
listen. i love writing fic. i love that people like reading my fics that's insane hello?? i love getting comments and kudos and getting messages from ppl who are excited about my future projects it's great!!!
that being said, when i receive messages asking when things will be out/comments on wip wednesday snippets asking if the fic is out yet/messages asking me to tag them when the fic is published, regardless of how good the intentions are it comes off as very demanding and doesn't make me feel good as a writer who is doing this Voluntarily and For Free.
fanfic writers do this for fun!! we are not machines, we are people with our own lives outside of fandom and those lives have to take priority most if not all of the time. this means that yes!! sometimes fics take a while to write!! sometimes chaptered fics take a while to update!! and guess what?? that is totally ok. fanfic writers taking their time is not a bad thing. it means they care and are taking their time to create quality content. it means that they are spending time tending to their real personal lives, which is a normal and healthy thing to do.
there are plenty of posts about why demanding faster updates is bad, and i think that's pretty common knowledge, but i want to talk specifically about these very enthusiastic comments/messages/etc because i don't think anyone means harm but the thing is that fic authors simply do not owe you anything. we don't owe it to you to let you know when a fic will be out, we don't owe it to you to tag you when it is, and we definitely don't owe it to you to provide information that you can easily find out for yourself. as a writer i'm already putting insane amounts of pressure on myself and receiving it from other people, even if that's not the intention, is just not a good feeling.
especially because much of this information is readily available to you!! while you may not be able to find out when a fic will be out (which is probably because the fic author doesn't know either), you are entirely capable of checking the timestamp on a post to see how old it was, then using a little thing called Critical Thinking Skills to determine whether it's likely the fic has been posted or not. if so then great!! most authors have their ao3 accounts linked somewhere on their blog page so YOU (yes, you!!) can go look for the fic on ao3!! if you don't find it, ao3 has a super cool feature where you can subscribe to an author, so you'll get an email notification whenever they post!! and while you're there, if you're truly desperate for something to read, you can always go through the fics they've already posted, and if you've read everything there already and/or they haven't posted anything yet, check their bookmarks and see if there's anything there you like!! and as a last resort, there's always the trusty old search bar on ao3, which you are capable of filtering to every last preference!! the byler fandom is huge and there are tons of fics out there so undoubtedly something will fit your taste.
i know that can feel daunting, and i know it's disappointing when a fic hasn't been posted or updated yet, but the good news is that if you're seeing a snippet it means the author is working on it!! a little patience never hurt anyone, and taking those steps to determine for yourself what's going on with the fic rather than bugging an author who is just trying to go about their life and work on content during whatever free time they have just proves that you care. the simple fact of the matter is that fic authors don't do this for attention, they do it for fun, and therefore we can't cater everything to you or answer questions that you should find the answers to yourself. it's not our responsibility to keep track of people who want to be tagged when a fic is published or want to know when it will be out, because all our energy is going into creating the content you so desperately want!! i'm just begging everyone to be a little bit independent. asking an author for this information just shows you don't care enough to find it for yourself and this sort of laziness is part of why fandoms die.
tldr: fic authors are not machines designed to please you, use some critical thinking once in a while, and please for the love of GOD just go touch grass. breathe some clean air. you'll feel better i promise
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euphylli · 1 year
You're taking requests ;) oh hon hon baguette. What about a scenario where Y/N is being plagued by this single mosquito all day and by the end of school they've had enough, determined to finally end it's reign of terror. They see their opportunity when it finally lands, only she doesn't realize it landed on the face of one Matsukawa of the volleyball team (silly Y/N). After her victory dance, they finally figure out that they just slapped their crush. I love you vivi♡
a/n: ok so i changed the prompt a little and I am so sorry this has been in my requests for forever but I just finished it up. i had a ton of fun writing this silly yet cute fic for Matsukawa and it led to even more thoughts of summer camp haikyuu. this is barely beta read so i apologize for any grammar mistakes. i hope you enjoy!
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You loved working for the Summer Camp, though the weather was unbearable. The humidity was horrid, you could never cool off, and not to mention the amount of mosquitos. The camp was on the edge of a huge lake, so there were so many different types of bugs. The kids there were super sweet and being their nurse was a blessing and a curse. There always seemed to be a kid from Ultimate Frisbee coming in, either with a bruise forming on their forehead or scrapes on their arms and legs. The kids always seemed to get really into the game, but maybe it was more their Counselor. He wasn’t the most energetic person but he had an aura that drew in the children. It was cute watching the way he interacted with the kids, he seemed to be in his element with them. He was also kind enough to walk them to your office every time they seemed to get injured. The conversations with him were never long but they were comfortable, and it never felt awkward or forced around him. His personality lured you in.
Today seemed to be the worst out of this year at the camp. The humidity was insane and the mosquitos seemed to be out to get you. Being trapped inside of a small room that had little air flow, you left the door open so you had no escape from them. Hearing footsteps you peeked to see a kid who looked no older than 8 followed by Mattsun. 
“So what happened this time?”
“They got hit in the head with a frisbee. Wasn’t my fault this time, I promise.”
“I see. Come here hun, let's get some ice on that for you.” You paused walking over to the cooler to grab some ice. “How many times do you come into my office with a kid, Issei?” He shrugged, picking a piece of grass off the stain on his khaki shorts.
“Everyday,” he mumbled, leaning to drop the piece of grass into your trash as opposed to just leaving it on the floor. 
“It’s almost like you’re making excuses to see me.” You chuckled, sealing the ziploc bag and handing it to the child. “Keep this on your head, it will help with the swelling hun.” You gave the kid a quick kiss on where he was hit before he put the ice on it. You looked over your shoulder to see his eyes go wide and he started stuttering out a rebuttal. “Oh?” You half grinned, blushing a little yourself. He quickly looked away from you, suddenly becoming very interested in the ice on the small child’s forehead. Issei put his hand on the child’s shoulder and squeezed gently once.
“Let’s get you back out there, champ. See you later!” He waved over his shoulder, the camper leading the way back to the field. You waved back and then proceeded to swat away another bothersome mosquito. You looked at your watch and sighed. Four more hours until you could go home. You rummaged through your desk drawer and pulled out a book that you had brought with you. 
You were two chapters in when you heard a soft knock on the door. Raising an eyebrow, you looked up to see Oikawa leaning on your door frame. Oikawa was the archery counselor for the camp that employed you both. You looked at him expectantly after surveying the room to take note of a child that wasn’t there. 
“Is there something you need, Tooru?” You placed the bookmark gently inside your novel and laid it on your desk. He walked all the way in to sit on the small cot next to you and looked at you, smiling devilishly. “What?” He chuckled and shook his head.
“You don’t see it, do you?”
“See what?”
“He brings a child with any injury, as minor as it may be, just so he can see you during the day,” he leaned forward, elbows on his knees with his chin resting in his hands. 
“He just wants to make sure they’re okay! Head injuries can be very detrimental, Tooru.” You leaned back in your chair and opened your book back up. He patted his knees and sighed before getting up. 
“If you say so…” He sang, slipping out the door. You shook your head and went back to reading. The hottest part of the day was over but still the bugs and heat were relentless. It almost seemed that the lake wasn’t providing any cool air for a good breeze on purpose. You stepped out of your office to get some fresh air before you had to get cleaned up and ready to go home. It was starting to cool down finally and when the breeze hit you couldn’t help but close your eyes and relax. Mattsun had seen you out of the corner of his eyes while grabbing his stuff. He couldn’t help but stare at you drinking in the cool air, but looked away quickly before you could notice.
The next day was even hotter and the mosquitoes seemed to be everywhere and more persistent than usual. There had been one in particular who was following you around and would not go away. Oikawa had stopped by again, smiling to himself.
“What’s got you in such a good mood Tooru?” You were fanning yourself and swatting away that stupid mosquito.
“Has your lover boy dropped in yet today?” He leaned against the wall looking out the door like he was waiting for someone to come in.
“No he hasn’t, but maybe he is playing it safe today and no one get hurt.” You swatted away that mosquito once again, finally getting it to fly a little further away from your face. “Also don’t call him lover boy, he just wants to make sure the kids are ok.”
“Whatever you say.” He lifted himself off the wall he was leaning on and started to head to the door. “I have to get back to my station before the kids get there.”
“Bye Tooru, have fun with the kids.” You waved at him before turning around to get some stuff done.
It had been a while since Tooru had come to ask about Mattsun and he still hadn’t come in. It was weird to not have him come in for a day. He was always in here with a kid who had some sort or bump, cut, or bruise. The mosquito that had been bothering you landed on the desk, thinking you had finally got it and slapped your hand on the desk. The mosquito was able to get away just before you would have crushed it. You sighed, frustrated that it was still bothering you.
“Knock, Knock” Mattsun was standing at the door, without a kid this time. “Sorry for the intrusion”
“Hey, you’re here, thought you weren’t coming in today?” You had stood up from your chair making your way over to him. “Where's the kid? Or is it just you today?”
“Just me. Got hit in the head when a kid threw the frisbee and just wanted to get some ice. Gotta make it quick, the kids are waiting for me. Had to stick them with Iwa for a bit. I didn't trust Makki enough to leave them with him.” Iwaizumi was the Rock climbing counselor and Makki was the arts and crafts counselor. They were some old friends of Mattsuns. He knew Makki would cause more chaos with the kids then he was ready to deal with later.
“Well let me grab you some ice real quick.” You turned to grab some ice and put it in a bag for his head. “Here ya go.” Finally you noticed the mosquito that had landed on Mattsun's cheek. Without thinking you smack him trying to kill it. 
“Ow, what the hell.” He brought his hand up to his cheek covering where you had hit him
“I am so sorry! I didn’t even realize” You were in shock you had just slapped him. “I am so sorry, let me get some more ice. I really am sorry” You had started to freak out, your brain finally processing what you had done. 
“Hey it's ok. Just a bit shocked and confused why you slapped me.” Mattsun watched you get more ice for his cheek.
“There has been this pesky mosquito that has been following me around all day and it landed on your cheek so without thinking I hit it to kill it.” You had brought the bag of ice to him. “Come here.” Mattsun had walked up to where you were and leaned down to let you help him. As you gave him the bag of ice you kissed his cheek. It was a habit you had picked up from working with kids all summer. You were working on autopilot and hadn’t even realized you did it.
“Thanks.” His cheeks had reddened slightly due to the kiss. His response was quiet and you had just barely heard it. It was weird, he was never this soft spoken around you. You had glanced over to see him just staring at the ground with the ice pack held to his cheek. His face was flushed concerning you more.
“Are you feeling ok? Are you sick?” You had put your hand to his forehead to see if he had a fever. He was warm but it definitely was not a fever. You dropped your hand back to your side as you kept your eyes on him.
“Yeah I'm ok. Just a little caught off guard.” You had given him a confused look. Why would he be caught off guard? Did you do something? You had wracked your brain for anything you could have done. That was when it had finally hit you. You had kissed his injury without even thinking, like he was one of the kids you would treat. It was your turn to blush.
“I am so sorry! I was not thinking when I kissed where I hit you. I do it for all the kids and it just became something I do automatically. I gave it no thought.” It was so embarrassing. He was cute and sweet and there you go making him uncomfortable by kissing his cheek. 
“It’s really alright. I think it's cute that you do it. I just wasn’t expecting you to kiss my cheek is all. I mean I come in here everyday with a kid and I have noticed the habit. It’s sweet that you care so much for the kids. Who would I be if I complained that the pretty nurse kissed my cheek.” He was looking right at you now. It made you more nervous. He thought you were pretty?
“Pretty?” It slipped past your lips before you could even think. What was with your brain and body working on autopilot today. 
“Well, yeah. Why do you think I stop here everyday? I come to see and talk to the camp's pretty nurse. I could just send the kids in pairs but I always come with them to see you.” You were just staring at him now. It seems Tooru was right after all. He came to see you. Tooru would never let you hear the end of it though if you told him. You couldn’t respond, just stuck in your spot staring at him. “I have been working up the courage to ask you on a date but I always chicken out before I can.” 
“I would love to go on a date with you.” It was sincere, you really did want to. You had finally worked up the courage to look him in the eyes after saying them. His eyes lit up hearing your response.
“Great! That’s amazing! When are you free?” He was smiling at you with such enthusiasm, it was contagious. Your own smile mirroring his.
“We could go after we finish up for the day. Normally I just go home and watch something.”
“Amazing! I have to get back to the kids but I will meet you here after camp is finished and then we can go out.” he was backing up and heading out the door to get back to his campers.
“Ok! I will see you then!” You yelled out to him as he ran off towards the camp. You really couldn’t believe that a pesky mosquito would lead to you getting a date.
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Ok I am starving for Valentino content so, drabble idea: fem reader cockwarming him while he watches the filming for another scene. Having to just sit still and look pretty while daddy’s working… and you know she’d have to stay quiet too or it’ll just take even longer. Do what you want with this, go wild. I need this man in ways concerning to feminism 🙏
Godddd, you and me both, anon, lmaoooo :D anyway I FINALLY finished this lil drabble request. I'll put it on AO3 as well, and update my masterlist of fics! Thank you for the request, MWAH!!
Media: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing: Valentino x female reader
Word count: 2.2k
Rating: E for Explicit
Where else to read: AO3, under the username TheWeirdDane, and the title Drabble 2 - Cockwarming. Yes, I'm insanely creative
Inside the Fic: cockwarming, (rough) fingering, kissing, daddy kink, general Valentino cunty behavior uwu
Author's notes: I apologize for possibly weird formatting. I'm writing this from a tablet, instead of my trusty laptop, so please, bear with me
In many ways, it was a typical day at the porn studio. Valentino sat in the director’s chair, shouting and, well, directing another porno. The actors were hard at work doing their thing. To tell the truth, you were only halfway paying attention. 
Because as it were, you were busy with Valentino. 
Well, maybe ‘busy’ was exaggerating things a bit. 
Valentino had, upon seeing you at the entrance to the studio, grabbed you effortlessly, carried you with him - just as effortlessly - and plopped you onto his lap when he had settled in his chair. It wasn’t a hard riddle to solve; he wanted to have you on his cock while he worked. 
“Surely you won’t mind, hmm, amorcito?” he had purred into your ear, and it was a good thing you were already in his lap, or your legs would definitely have collapsed. 
Quickly but without seeming too eager, he moved his coat and wings out of the way, revealing that he was wearing his skimpy black thong, fishnet stockings, and... that was pretty much it, actually. That meant it was easy and fast for you to pull out his cock and stroke it hard enough that you could sink down onto it. 
Valentino didn’t so much as moan. He only let out a low, pleased hum, before shouting “Action!” to the actors. Immediately, the demons on set got to work. It began with some light kissing that gradually got sloppier and more intense. Before long, they appeared to be really into it. Valentino leaned forward, squinting to get a better look at the scene. 
You couldn’t help a slight giggle. 
“Cut!” Valentino shouted, prompting the actors to look at him. There was no small amount of fright in them. 
“Baby-Cakes,” he purred and stroked your neck. You swallowed hard, a slight tremor going through you. “Did I give you permission to make noises while Daddy’s working?”
Suddenly scrutinized by everyone in the room, you blushed fiercely. You bit your lower lip and looked away from Valentino. 
He tapped the smoldering end of his cigarette out in a nearby ashtray. Your eyes followed the embers as they fell, and were eventually snuffed out. 
“Doll,” he then said, and his voice had taken on that kind of sticky, sweet undertone. It spelled trouble for anyone who didn’t obey him.
Looking up at him with big, wide eyes, he grabbed your throat in an instant with one hand, two others busying themselves by preparing another cigarette. The last hand rested on the armrest of the chair, claws tapping against the wood. 
No one made a sound. No one so much as breathed. But, maybe even more importantly, no one watched. Everybody was suddenly busy with their own thing. 
You swallowed hard once more, this time with great effort, and your eyes widened as you felt his cock throb lazily. 
“N-No, Daddy.”
“No, what?” he asked, a grin splitting his face. 
“You... you didn’t give me permission to make noises while you’re working.”
He didn’t release your throat. In fact, the grip only tightened, which made you try to scrabble at his wrists to get him to let go. Valentino laughed mockingly. Throb. 
“Aw, you want Daddy to let you go? Is that it?”
Knowing the double entendre - to be let go of physically, as well as losing your job - you shook your head as hard as you could. 
“Use your words. You’re a big girl. You can do that, can’t you? For me?”
A whimper escaped you. Another laugh from Valentino. 
“I don’t--- I don’t want you to let me go, Daddy!” you squeaked. 
His hand squeezed you even tighter for just long enough that your vision started going fuzzy and black around the edges. Then he let go. You breathed in so deep and fast that you nearly choked. 
“Don’t let it happen again,” he warned. You nodded with a shudder. His hand came up to rest on the back of your neck. 
“Action!” he shouted once more. You watched as the actors scrambled to their spots and started the scene over. 
The filming went on for a long time. An hour passed, and then another, and a third. Valentino was ruthless in his instructions, and demanded several takes of each scene and every angle. The actors didn’t even look tired, making you wonder just how coked up they were. You were starting to feel drowsy yourself, and you weren’t even doing anything! You were just sitting there, wiggling slightly every now and again. Whenever you did, you received a reward in the shape of Valentino’s hand absently stroking your neck and upper back. 
You didn’t imagine that he was aware that he touched you; you knew he was too focused on his work to pay you any proper attention. And, truth be told, there was something indescribably hot about that. 
As another hour passed, Valentino’s cock began throbbing harder and more regularly. You wondered what the reason could be, but didn’t question it, of course. You bit back a soft gasp every time, but weren’t afraid to test the waters by teasing him. So, whenever his cock jerked inside you, you clenched around him, and sometimes even rolled your hips against his lap. 
With a particular grind against him, you turned your head slightly to look at him over your shoulder, your eyes lidded and lips parted slightly. You did your best to look the part of a whore, like you belonged in a pornographic movie, and, judging from the grin on Valentino’s face, you were doing quite well. 
“Cut!” he suddenly exclaimed. You glanced out at the actors, and noticed that they were starting to look weary as they immediately stopped whatever they were doing. 
“Sweetheart,” he crooned, stroking his claw-like fingers under your chin. You giggled softly, but the sound died in your throat at his next words. “Are you trying to distract me?” 
You swallowed hard, trying another innocent giggle, but your throat was suddenly tight and dry. Maybe you had misinterpreted his grin...
“No, daddy,” you said. 
His grin widened, squeezing his eyes into narrow slits. 
“Are you lying as well? Tell me no, babygirl.”
You swallowed nothing. 
“That’s what I thought,” he purred, before adding loudly to the studio, “everybody, take half an hour’s break. But be fucking warned, if you’re not here in exactly thirty minutes, you’re fired.”
Everybody nodded, and the actors detangled themselves from each other to get out of the sharp, warm lights. Some of them went for a smoke, some of them for a drink. 
“Daddy,” you tried pleadingly, but he had already pushed you off of him. You stumbled forward a bit before he grabbed the back of your neck and dragged you along, ignoring your pained mewl. About to ask what he was doing, and where he was taking you, you recognized the long hallway with dressing rooms on both sides. 
“Inside,” he purred and opened one of the doors. You hadn’t had time to check whose room it was before he had thrown you inside, colliding with a beautiful table. The sea of vases with gorgeous flowers atop it shuddered. 
“Daddy, please, I didn’t---”
Suddenly, Valentino was crowding you against the table, looming over you and making you feel oh so tiny. It sent a delighted shiver through you, even as you shrunk under his intense gaze. 
“I think you’re better off apologizing rather than explaining right now,” he grinned. His voice was warm and kind, but you knew Valentino well enough to know that neither warmth nor kindness were in his heart at that moment. You immediately flipped the switch, becoming submissive and casting your gaze downwards. 
“I’m sorry, daddy.”
“And what, my little doll, are you sorry for?” he asked, mouthing at your neck and nibbling at the wildly throbbing vein there. It became increasingly difficult to focus, but you tried anyway. 
“I’m s-sorry for, ahhh, for distracting you from your job!”
He chuckled, one hand reaching up to cup and squeeze one of your breasts harshly. You squirmed with a pathetic mewl. Valentino continued. 
“And what should you have done instead of distracting me?”
Another hand went between your legs where he began fingering you. A heavy moan tumbled out of your open mouth, and you instinctively tried to close your legs, but Valentino was faster - not to mention stronger - and forced your legs to remain open. His long fingers reached so deep inside you. Your hips bucked, your legs trembling. 
You tried to form thoughts, tried to usher them from your brain and to your mouth. 
“Babygirl?” he drawled, letting it out as a question. 
“I-I should have just, hnggg, warmed your cock!”
“That’s right,” he purred, pushing his fingers as deep as they could go, before curling them slightly and pressing up against your insides as he began thrusting them. You whined and leaned your head back, warm euphoria sloshing through your veins at incredible speed. 
“So why, pretty baby, did you decide to go against my order?”
“I didn’t!” you whimpered. 
Valentino sighed loudly. With his last hand, he pushed down on your lower stomach, and he fingered you harder and faster, pulling wanton moans and gasps from you. 
“Doll, I know you know you’re in hot waters. Tell me the truth, and maybe I’ll be good to you.”
A whimper left you. Your eyes began watering from the assault on your cunt. You decided to try and get on his good side. 
“But Valentino, sir, daddy, you’re always so, oh f-fuck, so good to me!” you panted through your tears and whining. Valentino chuckled. 
“Nice try, babygirl, but that won't save ya this time. Tell me the truth. Now.”
His fingers sped up, and you thought it was extremely unfair to ask anything of you when he was fucking you like this. As if it was your fault you couldn't think straight right now!
“I-I-I just wanted to have some f-fun, daddy! I promise! There was n-nothing malicious about it!”
Valentino leaned in over you, his grin taking up your entire vision. He looked unbearably smug. 
“Good girl,” he purred, and suddenly withdrew his fingers. You whimpered loudly and quite miserably. You hadn't been close, but it had felt so good! And now that the pleasure was taken away from you, you realized how much you were trembling. 
“Daddy,” you whined, elongating the whine while pouting up at him. You were still out of breath, though, and Valentino simply laughed at the pathetic display. 
“I know you want me so bad, baby, but you've been a bad girl tonight. Do bad girls deserve rewards?”
You pouted harder. Valentino snickered and patted your cheek. 
“Please, daddy, I just wanted to---”
“Did I ask what you wanted?”
You paused. Then sighed. 
“No, daddy...”
“That's what I thought. Now, we're gonna go to the set again, and we're gonna take the scene from the top. And what will you be doing, dollface?”
“I'll be cockwarming you, daddy,” you sighed. 
“That's right. And?”
A shiver raced down your spine. You wetted your lips with the tip of your tongue. 
“And I'll keep quiet this time.”
“That’s right,” Valentino purred as he locked his lips together with yours. You gasped softly, but obviously you weren't going to complain. Instead, you closed your eyes and opened your mouth to let his tongue inside.
Except it didn't. His wonderfully long, slimy, prehensile tongue remained behind his sharp teeth, just out of reach. You whined softly, but the second you stuck out your own tongue to try and meet his, Valentino pulled back. He wore a smug grin on his stupidly handsome face. 
“Now now, baby, I can't get you worked up too much, or you definitely won't be able to stay quiet. Isn't that right?”
“Yes, daddy,” you muttered, casting your gaze down. 
“Aww, don't look like that, sweetheart. It wounds me deeply.”
“Sorry, daddy,” you said, and smiled up into his face.
“That's better.” In the next second, he pushed himself away from the table, straightened his coat, and pulled you up as well. “You'd better get your clothes in order, sugar. The others might think we've been up to no good, otherwise.”
You couldn't stave off a giggle, but nonetheless fixed your clothes before you followed him out of the dressing room and back to the set. Here, everybody was already in their positions. Some looked relieved at the sight of Valentino, some looked alarmed. 
“From the top, everybody!” he shouted at the actors as he sat back in his chair, pulling you onto his lap. 
“And I'd better see some actual chemistry between you all, or who knows what might happen,” he added in a quiet, but very audible purr. You saw some of the actors swallow and send each other nervous glances, but they got to work without complaining. Not that anyone would complain about an order from Valentino. Not if they cherished their life, anyway. 
With an ease that spoke of how many times you had done this, you sank onto Valentino's cock. You almost whimpered when that delicious, delicious cock filled you again, but you were determined not to fuck up this time, and managed to swallow the sound. 
You received an almost tender caress to your neck for your trouble. A small smile spread on your face. 
You knew you had a long night ahead of you, but if it was spent sitting on Valentino’s cock... you couldn't possibly complain. You did quite cherish your life, after all. 
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quillkiller · 2 months
I have just seen this and maybe you have talked about it before but Effie x Walburga
I’m like shaken because I can’t imagine James mom ever wanting to be with someone probably cruel from birth. I mean they would have been together in the fifties, idk it made em giggle
would you all still love me if i said i was a walburga defender… :(
ok ive been pondering this all day, and ive also spent an insane amount of time on public transport trying to find a post i made in defence of walburga. @sugarsnappeases pulled up her laptop as my own personal hacker and stalker and couldnt find it either. however i found a snippet of an ’what are ur unpopular opinions’ ask and found this:
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and that’s the gist of it. if anyone remembers the post i made or know how to find it pleaseeeeee send it to me. me and kara went through hell and back to try and find it :(((((((
1. i hate the concept of people being born ’cruel’ or ’evil’. people are people and sometimes people do bad things. i think its important to still acknowledge that abusive people aren’t monsters who just couldn’t help themselves. abusers are people and those people chose to treat you like that. that was a choice they didn’t have to make, but they did. abusers aren’t monsters or monstrous. it’s important to me, due to personal experience, to remember that abuse is a choice. it allows me to feel betrayed and hurt and angry that a person chose to do that to me
2. i think walburga was a victim her whole childhood. atleast my own depiction of her. it’s different when she becomes an adult, has children, etc, and she should know better. there’s no excuse for her abuse towards her children/no excuse ever for abusive parents. and i want to be very clear about how there are NO excuses !!!!!! i am not team walburga and will never ever be team walburga !!!!!
3. walburga was a woman in the 70s, she held no power over orion what so ever. he was the man in the house. the head of the family. the abuse was allowed because quietly sat back and allowed it. absolutely ridiculous to me that walburga would be worse than orion. i simply think its an ignorant and misogynistic take. a silent father will always scare me more than the active abusive mother. like.. the patriarchy in the 70s in pure blood families ? lets be real here
ive seen posts saying orion was scared of walburga and thats why he never did anything. like are we being serious here. no way she got to choose her husband. and he’s a powerful man from a powerful family. in the seventies. why woud he be scared of her she has absolutely no power what so ever
4. i love exploring the womens narrative in the marauders fandom because their canonical narrative is based on sexism and the nuclear family. i guess you think it’s outlandish that effie would fall for walburga (cruel from birth) because shes james’ mother, and the anti walburga in the way she opens up her home and basically adopts sirius and makes a home for him ? to me that’s not interesting sadly :/ i love effiebarty because i get to explore good housewife effie tearing down her walls and acting on her desires and urges. like…. i want her to leave both james and monty behind out of pure selfishness. like.. im the girl writing the baby killing fic where lily is the sole survivor….
5. to me walburga is sort of similar to alicent from house of the dragon. what did she ever do that wasn’t expected of her? she was a girl in the 60/50s in a powerful family and had less choices than either reg or sirius ever did. she didn’t leave like sirius did. she stayed like regulus. and for similar reasons reg stayed probably. and she’s a woman. her sons are more priveliged than she will ever ever be. even disowned sirius is more priveliged than her.
6. i want to be very clear again. i am not a walburga apologist. i think there’s a clear distinction between her child- and adulthood. at some point the abuse becomes a choice. she didn’t break the cycle and she’s bad and rotten woman who abused her children. no excuses !!!!!!!!!! however. it is interesting exploring the circumstances which led to the woman she is
7. to actually answer your question. i dont necessarily care for effie/walburga but i can see the appeal. maybe i’ll get into it we’ll see……. like honestly they wouldn’t be that different from jegulus?
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campbyler · 9 months
chapter six review:
i’m going insane. I’m Going Insane. I. Am going insane. I’m GOING INSANE!!!
the amount of brainrot that this fic has given me is so fucking ridiculous. you all are legends. this is history being made right now and i’m so glad i get to engage with it.
that being said: fuck you for making me scream and giggle and chuck my phone across the room multiple times while reading this chapter. fuck you for writing mike’s feelings for will into his internal monologue so intensely that i wanted to cry. fuck you for sending me into the goddamn stratosphere every time these two had a quiet, genuine moment where they weren’t just making out.
AND ESPECIALLY: fuck you for the “I know you.”
I know you? I know you? I KNOW YOU??!?!!!! WHAT THE FUCK????!??!!???!!!!!!??!!!
anyway, thank you so much for another wonderful chapter. i hope you get some rest in between uploads and don’t stress too much about crunching anything in, because i’m pretty sure most of us following this fic would wait decades for the next chapter with no judgement or complaint. (i would, anyway. i know how difficult it is to write shit quickly and especially long, intense, carefully crafted shit like this. as i said: legends.)
stop this was so kind 😭😭😭 tysm!!!
ok i hope your phone is okay and i'm sorry (i'm not) for making you scream and giggle so much while reading it. they're just a couple silly guys!!!!!
also thank you so much!!! life is Like That sometimes, so i know we all appreciate the patience when updates get delayed :) (we're just silly girls trying to survive the horrors and write fanfic in our limited free time!!!)
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cypheroo · 4 months
Info you may need! ~♡
(Now including my masterlist!)
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Ask box : Open for requests/questions!
Before sending in a request please do keep in mind what I am and what I am not willing to write. Other then that let your requests run wild! It can be as basic or as complex as you'd like! Also all requests will be looked at as gender neutral unless specified otherwise!
You can request one of three things! A character match up, a full fanfic, or a buncha little headcannons!
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Ask box info continued!
1. Requesting a matchup! (open!)
when requesting a match up please let me know what series you want the match up from, if you want a romantic or platonic match up, and your pronouns.
Try to let me know things like your pronouns, your likes and dislikes, your personality, etc! Any info you'd like to share! Please don't share insanely personal info as your safety is also important!
2. Requesting a fic! (open!)
Tell me the series/characters you'd like! Specifically, I'd ask you to request one character when wanting a fic as I'll be putting a lot more effort into the fic and wouldn't enjoy writing the same plot over and over again!
Please understand that I can't promise the fic I write will be perfectly what you imagined! I really would love to write exactly what you'd like but that's not totally possible!
3. Requesting headcannons (open!)
Headcannons work around the same as fic except I don't mind you requesting more character’s (ex : I'd like general relationship headcannons for all three of the love and deepspace boys separately! ) the amount of character’s is up to you all I ask is that you make it reasonable! With headcannons your also able to be a bit more specific!
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Fandoms I write for!
Most aphmau series
One piece
Death note
Food fantasy
Love and deepspace
Resident evil
Some final fantasy games
Blooming Panic
Our Life
legend of zelda
Others as well, I'm open to a lot of fandoms lol, just ask.
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What I will and won't write.
Will write!
Hurt comfort
Non gendered terms for reader
multiple parts / series if asked!
Won't write!
Abuse (only exception is when talking about the past)
Heavy gore
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Before you interact!
I'd like to note that I am 17 and still a minor where I live!
This is a safe space for anyone who enjoys x reader content, if you don't enjoy it that's fine! Just move on!
I am not OK with any racism, sexism, or any other hateful content. I will never condone it as well.
I love talking to people! Please interact if you enjoy any of the fandoms I'm in! PLEASE BE MY MUTUAL IM BEGGING!
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Other info!
I've been writing for a few years now and I love making anything others will love!
Keep in mind I am only on my phone so it may look bad on pc! I'm sorry!
I also work a lot (going to collage soon!). Writing is a pass time!
I use all pronouns and don't mind you calling me whatever your comfortable with!
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Love and deepspace
To Change | Zayne fic!
Aphmau mystreet
Family? Fuck No. | Garroth fic!
MYSTEET MATCHUP | Katelyn and Laurence! Matchup and headcannons!
Differing Tastes | Zane Fic!
Aphmau Diaries
A Private Celebration | Garroth fic!
The Stories never told before | Garroth fic!
I'll forever see you | Garroth fic!
Morning Confessions | Laurence fic!
Relationship headcannons for Laurence and Garroth! Headcannons!
MCD MATCHUP! | Katelyn and Laurence! Matchup and headcannons!
Food Fantasy
That one time you protected me | Sanma, Bamboo Rice, and Coffee fic!
Ouran highschool host club
I've Seen You Before | Mori fic!
Nanbaka prison
The King of Hearts | UNO headcannons!
Jujutsu Kaisen
Let me Fall for you While we're at it? | Yuji fic!
JJK MATCHUP! | yuji! Matchup and headcannons!
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flowerslut · 2 months
For the writing asks — 1,11,22
1 - Which of your fics would you keep the basic plot of but rewrite completely?
💀💀💀 well you see. I might be doing that right now 🤭
ok. i'm only half-kidding. i'm not rewriting all of call of the night, but it is in the process of getting a major overhaul (the first several chapters are actually getting fully rewritten, and there are going to be HEAVY edits to the first half, and moderate-to-light edits on the second half) because I love that fic, I think it's such a great fun plot, but both 17 year old and 24 year old shannon need to let [REDACTED] year old shannon have a swing at it. i'm not changing any parts of the story plot-wise, but I am polishing it a lot so that its a more straightforward, adventure/mystery-driven story. because holy shit did past me loooove to tell instead of show.
also I would 100% rewrite parts of the hunted, too (just cause I think I could make it better on a sentence-level but also I could definitely make that fic a little longer and a little more fucked up 🤠)
What is it about watching the same two idiots falling in love over and over again?
it's so wonderful!!! because with any ship, there is already something in canon that makes you fucking feral over them; whether they're an established couple, have a fraught relationship, or share some insane chemistry/sexual tension, there is always that little something that draws you toward a ship!!
for me it's usually a dynamic that I go for. not all of my ships fit the same mold, but there's definitely a pattern for me. I love ships where person A has committed atrocities and/or has a fucked up past—a 'doesn't speak unless spoken to' -type bitch who (in some cases) is a bit of an asshole—and person B is a little (or a lot) more outgoing and considered the "good" one, but definitely has that in-universe potential to be a fucked up little monster; a real 'you're a good guy so I guess it's fine if you sometimes get a little morally gray for the sake of the plot' -type bitch. i'm talking vegebul, bbrae, sasusaku, zutara, reylo, jalice, griddlehark—the list goes on man. i've got a Type! ♡
but in fic! watching them fall in love! over and over again!! is incredible! because you get to take this ship—this dynamic you love so dearly between two characters you cherish—and put them in SITUATIONS 🤩 canon only gives you so much to work with (whether that's plot, characterization, etc) so it's so fun to create, and see how other people create new stories and adventures and obstacles for these characters! I wanna watch them fall in love 1000 times because there are an infinite amount of #situations these assholes can get put into, and I just want to see what they'd do 🥰
also I know I already answered 11 but now I just want to bitch a bit about more things. in no particular order: I can't STAND love triangles or jealousy plotlines, and a lot of modern AUs bore the piss out of me 💔
send me more writing asks!
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albiorix-l · 7 months
Jrwitober Day 31- 5 years of jrwi
Ok, this one isn’t much of a writing prompt. Not like I know how to make todays prompts into one anyway. And for anyone looking at my account, yeah, I didn’t keep up with it at all. Everything’s been very busy and I just couldn’t find time unfortunately, especially as each one just got longer.
However, I just wanted to use todays little thing to express my complete love for this show and everything about it (except felipe, I want to strangle that guy).
I haven’t been watching since the start. More like the second half of 2022, when slimecicle left the Chuckle Sandwich podcast and, with that being one of my main comforts, lead me to search for other stuff he’d done.
Then I found it. I think I started with the Prime Force one shots, and fell in love with it, though I wasn’t very happy when I found out the rest was behind a paywall. The black rose one shot wasnt the most entertaining thing and I was a little worried to see what the riptide campaign was going to be like. Alas, I gave it a shot.
And. Wow. From the start I was so into it I couldn’t stop watching (doing 8-10 hours a day when I had a free day, I was so into it) and even when I had something else going on, the second I got home I just couldn’t stop. I caught up decently quickly, and after a couple months of rewatching old episodes, I sent my friend, who i had only known for a little while at this point, a BITB animatic. I thought it was cool and I get way too excited about it when I like stuff.
Thankfully, she liked it too, and we decided to both get the Patreon. That’s when I went absolutely insane. BITB, while I won’t go into depths, was amazing, and I finished it in 2 days. But Prime defenders, which id watched the free eps for a while, and that id read enough fics to vaguely be spoiled of s1, was so so so much better than I could’ve expected. Every second of it was incredible, and from May ish when I got it to now, i am continually enthralled by everything about it. I love bizly’s dming, the characters, the story, all the heartfelt moments that I even cried a good amount at.
Jrwi, and largely pd, have become such a big part of my life that I have to stop myself or I doubt I’ll shut up. And that friend I mentioned? We went from strangers to just enough friends I sent her that fateful video to practically siblings, all because I shared my interest with her. We were both the first people we came out to, helped each other through so much in the year and a bit we’ve known each other, and I love her like my sister.
All because of an animatic about a bug horror thing.
And of course, the community. The people I’ve met, mostly those in a jrwi fic server, are so talented and funny and they’re all amazing. I’ve had the chance to write and post on ao3 after reading it for I think 5 years, and the kindness in this community is so incredible it’s almost whiplash to go back to the real world.
So thank you, jrwi. For all you’ve done for me and everyone who watches you.
An inspired fan
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wiseatom · 1 year
The end of the year is near! Give a shoutout to your favorite blogs and tag them to spread positivity before the year ends! (from: a secret anon)
ALMOST FORGOT 2 DO THIS LITERALLY RUNNING AND SHAKING AND SWEATING!!! i am putting this under a read more so that i don’t clog the dash but you can catch me in 4k for the second time tonight below the cut:
yes i just rambled abt some of these people. no i do not care. starting with people i have probably interacted with enough to be weird about:
@bylertruther - HI DENISE IT’S ME AGAIN. denise bylertruther my one true love…my first mutual fr fr….ii have screenshots of every nice thing you’ve ever said to me (real) (not clickbait). i hope tht i am in top fans on your blog bc if i am not that is a crime but i’ll do better denise i swear i will. grabs you by the shoulders and shakes you so gently I AM OBSESSED W YOU U HAVE NO IDEA. every take is so true and real and i am constantly in awe like damn ok maybe i should be watching this show like denise bylertruther is. The strongest byler soldier imo and simultaneously every single person on the frontline for will byers. i know they said no new charas in s5 but i think they should really and truly reconsider that stance just so that they can write you into the show bc 1. you deserve it n 2. i want to see mike wheeler bark at u for daring 2 talk 2 will. ty for being correct always and so funny. i am biting you every day and reiterating that every fic i write is actually for you, the Original wiseatom stan,
@andiwriteordie - i say this with all the love and affection and positive connotation in the world, but andi, you are THE most insane person i have ever met, and i am obsessed with you. you are such a pleasure to talk to and bounce ideas off of and just be absolutely batshit insane with, and you are?? crazy talented?? literally SO creative, and your willpower is so admirable 2 me. the amount of fics you churn out is impressive on its own, but the fact that every single one of them is so beautifully written and makes me cry?? even when it’s fluff??? you are also, of course, one of the first fic authors i read for byler - i remember reading the let’s hear it for the boys series on lunch breaks at work over the summer and just like. being obsessed with the way you wrote them and how real it felt, like i was reading from the show. i have done jumping jacks reading your fics. it’s embarrassing. i will continue to do jumping jacks reading your fics. it will continue to be embarrassing. anyway the point is i cherish you and your fics and our friendship so much! punting you into the sun bc i cannot bear to look at you anymore!
@astrobei - suniiii suni suni SUNNNNIIIII. my orange creamsicle my taco bell cheesy roll up my bread puddinggggg. i don’t think i hav ever connected w a person as quickly as we have connected. like wtf we are just. the same person in different fonts n it’s cruel tht we live 3000 miles away bc i just want to wrap you up in my bindle n carry you every where i go. my real n true little sister. thank you for having an aneurysm every time i send u a snippet and for telling me tht i am funny because i need the attention. with that said i would also like to say that i have an aneurysm any time i read ANYTHING you write and you are also SO funny. ty for pioneering cringefail losercore byler and just like. breathing so much life n love into your fics. every single one is just a little love letter to stranger things n i am so thankful for the ones i’ve read and can’t wait to catch up and then immediately go on a 35 mile drive abt it.
@bookinit02 - i would like to state, on the record, that before i knew haven bookinit, i read baby we’re perfect and had such a breakdown over it that i literally blacked it out in my mind. like, i was reading it in line at the starbucks at work, and i was crying in the starbucks at work, in front of guests, n then i went back to my office w my little coffee and cried some more and ERASED IT FROM MY MIND. imagine my surprise when i put two and two together that sweet ball of sunshine haven is the author of the fic tht FUCKED ME UP SO BAD. i reread it the other day n sobbed like a little baby. but haven genuinely you are so talented and your fics feel so Easy, like they just are so in character and feel so Right. i can’t wait until you are a published author one day so that i can build a house out of copies of your book. you deserve the WORLD and i will not stop until it is urs.
@smoosnoom - mooooooOOOON my petri dish pal my eggo waffle supreme thing tht el eats i am biting u so hard. i kno that u know this already but you are literally so talented. lightning struck my house and also me when you hit post on i’m tearing you asunder and neither of us have been the same since. you just have such a distinct prose tht is so poetic and crafted so beautifully and uniquely and i am absolutely in awe every time i read it. u are also just so interesting to talk to like the way your brain works is so fun and cool and i lov being silly with you! i am tying you to a rocket w bert n ernie plushes n sending you to the Actual moon bc u belong up there w the stars (bert n ernie are for company so u don’t get sad and they have walkies in them so we can communicate from space which i think is cool). brb buying sidewalk chalk n transcribing all of ur fics in my driveway
@byeler - irene i know we have interacted a handful of times so you can block me after this if you want <3 but i just wanted to say that your fics were The first i Ever read for byler and i was just. completely shook. i have been reading fanfiction for over a decade and have read fic for ~30 fandoms so i have Been around the block before and there’s this feeling when you find an author that is just. Checking Every Box and you are It, irene. i remember i had to pace myself w the fics you had bc i didn’t want to run out bc it would devastate me. i already said this to you but i can’t wait to read heavy hopes when i am not dying/afraid of plagiarizing before i finish cmbcyb. also every time we have interacted has been an absolute delight, even when it has been bitching abt twitter lol. i think you are so great and i am Going to absorb your ao3 account into my skin. no there is nothing you can do about it. deal!
@miwism - MAL MALMAMALAMAMAAMLAMAMALAMLAMAL. i am going to ask you a question n i want it answered fr i expect a 20 page paper on my desk by monday: who gave you the RIGHT. you are a triple threat in my mind w fic and art n edits and being the funniest fucking person on this godforsaken site. you make me laugh SO MUCH while also making me completely in awe tht a person who is so cool and fun decides to kick it w us Losers. if i were to write you an actual report card i would give you straight As across the board: A+ fic, A+ art, A+ edits, A+ humor, A+ theories, A+ shitposts. comments: a pleasure to have in class. i would literally die for you. i’m serious. i will buy the headstone rn don’t think i won’t. i’ll fax u the receipt. ok great.
@mlchaelwheeler - SARAH. listen i kNOW we don’t talk that much but also i think we have interacted enough on the dash for me to be weird n say that you are That Mutual to Me. like i remember when you followed me i was internally scrambling like ok boys we gotta clean this place up gotta make things nice and pretty for sarah mlchaelwheeler. your analysis is SO GOOD and i aspire to have a brain as big as yours. you are such a delight and positive presence on my dash and when you’re online i’m like ok cool sarah is here everything is going to be excellent. i also want u to know that i think of you every time i watch rink o mania sad wilted will trailing behind mike bc of your icon. Your Impact, Sarah Mlchaelwheeler (ALSO UR URL WTF. ICONIC)
segwaying to people who i think are So Cool and i am Very Normal about:
@finalgirlbyers - sierra u are so funny to me it’s insane, and also, Always Correct. sometimes u post things n i’m like damn i didn’t think tht three minutes ago but sierra finalgirlbyers said it so it must be tru. i am drinking whatever koolaid u are serving, i am part of the hive mind, i would join a cult if u asked, etc, etc. every day i say thank god sierra is fighting the good fight n not a diseased m*lvn!
@elekinetic - ella u are so cool to me fr fr. i need to sit down and just devour your script tag and blow up your notifications bc every single one i’ve read hITS SO HARD. u literally never miss and i want you in the writer’s room sooooo fucking bad SOOOO BAD. more than anyone else. i also just rly appreciate the perspective tht u bring with your education and knowledge of tv and film. it’s so cool and always really appreciated!!
@heroesbyler - stav i think you are so cool and also correct literally all of the time. another one where i’m like oh stav said it guess it simply must be true! just every single post hits and i think tht you are so fun to have on my dash. tht is all. also i am biting you.
@miwiluvr - MOUMO U ARE SO COOL N TALENTED N EVERY TIME U REBLOG ONE OF MY FICS I LITERALLY DIE. if i never am able to post again it’s miwiluvr’s fault everyone…but fr ur art is so soft and just gorgeous and natural looking and i want to eat it with my mouth. thank u.
@nnilkyway - speaking of art i want to eat w my mouth - yvie omfg. you are literally so talented n when i followed you n you immediately followed back i had 2 sit down on the floor of the stranger things experience in los angeles california n that just felt so fitting somehow. ty for providing me w the mitski bangers i needed. also we are best friends in my head sry but it’s true so ur just going to have to deal with that.
@modsisawesome - more art i want to eat w my MOUTH. WTF. expect me to blow up ur notifs in a few days or weeks or whenever i have time i can’t make promises BUT EXPECT IT WHEN U DON’T EXPECT IT BECAUSE. UR ART IS SO SOFT AND REAL AND FUN AND I AM OBSESSED W IT AND U. i kno i declared us best friends n then fell off the face of the earth but tht is still true. bother me any day of the week i will respond probably tht same day of the week bc i think u are so cool.
@light-lanterne - angel you are so cool and i am so in awe of u every day. first of all your graphics are absolutely beautiful and please direct anyone who says otherwise directly to my askbox bc i will tear them a new one. second of all i think you are The biggest supporter of the byler fic writers and i am just so thankful for that and so appreciative of what you do. i am going to fight for my life to carve out time in the new year to read your fics they are at the Top of my list bc i want to show you just as much love and support as you have shown us!! thank you!!!
@new-ronantics - eevie i have such a crush on your art it is insane. everything you put out just has so much life and fluidity and looks so natural and i know how hard it is to achieve tht so i am just in awe of your talent. also your url is top tier and you are so so funny and every time you are online i am saying THANK GOD EEVIE IS HERE!!!!
@messrsbyler - nic i want to get to kno you better bc i have seen tht u are evil and dark minded and i am also evil and dark minded so i think we would get along so well. let me know when u want to be evil and dark minded bc i am always free to be evil and dark minded. thanks .
ok i have the memory of a goldfish and i am also so tired and also should really honestly truly be writing fic BUT i am so sorry if i forgot abt anyone!! if i did it’s probably just bc i am Afraid of u or we are so new mutuals. pls everyone bother me in the new year and then i will spend all year writing novels abt u for december 31 2023. ok goodbye <3
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meownotgood · 28 days
I really hope not to appear creepy or anything but I'd just like to come into your askbox to say that I am absolutely smitten with your blog.
I have also recently found myself obsessed with aki, and oh god what a blessing your blog is, just not only for the insane amount of beautiful writing about my favorite man but also for the generous information I found on it, I stg I am vibrating with intensity right now because oh gods, oh gods, does aki do stuff to my silly brain.
like I hate ironing out my shirts and such and my brain whenever I have to is like 'imagine you are aki's romantic partner and doing it for him'.
also not me about to reread for the third time 'under the influence' because I need a good way to start the incoming week and that's for sure going to give me the small treat I need! I just love that fic so much ugh, especially in the way aki behaves at the end of the second chapter when they are reunited!
ok I'll stop blabbering, just thank you for giving me further material to fuel my obsession!
awe anon don't worry it's not creepy at all!!!! I really appreciate you, your message made me smile so much when I first read it 🥹💞 thank you for enjoying my blog!!!! I'm so happy!!!
I'm honored, and I'm really pleased that you could enjoy my blog and all my fics I've made... you don't understand how amazing it is as a writer to hear that people are still enjoying and getting into my fics, even the ones I wrote so long ago. thank you for sharing in my love of aki... the man that he is..... he is so special to me so I imagine him a lot too 😭 he gives me motivation LOL
🫂🫂🫂 thank you for your kindness, and I hope you can enjoy my future fics too! you are always welcome on my blog to talk about aki hehe
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rottenbrainstuff · 9 months
BG3 playthrough: opening thoughts on Astarion (I would be interested to know your thoughts?)
(Mild spoilers that the whole internet knows already)
I’m making my way through the crypt right now. Humorously, my tav is a bard and has fair bonuses for lockpicking and trap disabling, so I always just used him out of habit. Bards are versatile so I tend to forget sometimes to switch to other people in the party, outside of battle.
This runthrough though, I let Astarion take a crack at the crypt and then I felt super foolish, his bonuses are amazing and I don’t know why I wasn’t using him before. Oops.
Now let’s talk about biting, and I’m curious what you guys think:
The writing in this game is absolutely fucking insane. I’m gobsmacked the detail they put into all the dialogue branches. Once again you’ll have to understand where I’m coming from, I never played Skyrim, I never played Dragon Age, maybe this kind of stuff is par for the course, I’m just an old lady marvelling at the crazy things you kids have these days.
So I see absolutely everyone making jokes about constantly being bloodless cause they always let their vampire boyfriend bite them. Just about every single fic I read has Tav and Astarion with the ongoing bite arrangement.
So imagine my surprise to learn that… giving Astarion the option going forward to bite you whenever you want…. Doesn’t actually get high approval from him. Did you guys know that? I didn’t.
Uh without going into too much boring detail about the way the dialogue branches, essentially in the end, Astarion says he promises to only bite enemies going forward. You have the option to simply say “I’m glad we came to an agreement” which ends the conversation right there, OR, you have the option to tell him it’s ok to bite you again, as long as you talk about it first.
Ending the conversation with the agreement gets you five approval. Offering to let him bite you again gets you none.
Five approval is a significant amount. You might think that’s strange. He’s still allowed to bite enemies as well if you do the other dialogue option. Why would he not approve EVEN MORE if he’s allowed to bite enemies AND ALSO YOU? Why does that make sense at all?
I think that is some extremely fucking clever meta writing, assuming it’s on purpose, which I do. Astarion’s arc is all about him gaining back his bodily autonomy, and the writers have shown in other cases they are absolutely thinking about fourth wall breakage and player implications.
I said “the ongoing option to bite you whenever YOU want” very specifically. You, the player, will decide when you want that to happen, and let’s be very honest. The fact that Astarion can get the happy buff from biting an enemy WITHOUT the significant disadvantage of making Tav bloodless every day… who is going to choose to do that, except because they think it’s hawt to have a vampire biting them? And Astarion has no mechanism to refuse or to ask for it when HE wants it. The player is ordering him around. Tonight you’re going to bite me. He can only say yes.
(and I know you guys aren’t being horrible when you do the bite option! I know from the fics you write you see it as role playing flavour where it’s imagined as an offer that Astarion can freely consider: I just think it’s fascinating when placed instead in the context of a game where you are the one controlling the choices and the devs have obviously added a statement)
So dang!! I dunno!! I feel kind of bad about going on that dialogue path now. I think I’m actually going to backtrack slightly and redo the bite to go the other route. Not just because “I am mathing this game and I want the max approval”, no no, I’m not playing like that. But I feel like the approval is there to indicate something important about how Astarion feels about the options, and as a comment about the player’s intentions, and I am absolutely fascinated that this was programmed in. It is DEFINITELY making me pause and really consider why I’m making the choices that I’m making. I want the bite option. Why do I want it so bad? If the character likes the other option so much better, why is it such a debate for me? I have to really confront the fact that I want to boss around the sexy vampire and make him do what I want. That confrontation is the whole point of his character. What a crazy detail. I am FLOORED.
What do you guys think? Which do you choose and why?
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greenerteacups · 9 months
Ok. First of all, I am obsessed with Lionheart. You are amazing and I could sing your praises for hours. However, I have a question regarding Wolfstar. Your fic was actually the first time I came across that ship. (I know now it's really popular). However, I would love to hear more about your thoughts on Remus and Sirius. Whether it's canon or your interpretation of them. I always found Tonks and Remus to be a strange couple in the HP books. Was that your impression as well? How do you think a romantic relationship between the two characters changes them, if it does at all? Thanks!
Totally! Thanks for the ask!
I think Remus and Tonks getting together suffers from the same thing that a lot of canon relationships do, i.e., that JKR doesn't really know how to write romantic chemistry. There are very few times in the books where it feels like there's genuine sexual or romantic tension happening on the page. So that's layer 1.
Layer two is that Remus and Tonks aren't themselves on the page for most of Books 5-7, so their "love story," as such, is 90% exposition. The only scenes we get of them as a couple are Tonks scolding Remus for not dating her and Remus guiltily shooting her down. It also seems out of character for Remus, who is defined in many ways by his attachment to the past and who has been living out of Sirius's pockets for two years, to show little or no apparent grief at the death of his best friend of twenty years, not to mention one of the last people alive who loved James Potter. Harry grieves Sirius more than Lupin seems to, and Harry knew Sirius for about five minutes compared to Lupin. That's not to say that grief always looks the same — it's different, and I'm sure Lupin compartmentalized it for the war effort — but it should, in theory, stop you from jumping into a high-intensity relationship with your dead best friend's niece. (If you look at the timeline on Tonks and Lupin's relationship vis-a-vis Sirius's death, it is absolutely wild.)
The Wolfstar in Lionheart is subtle, but as overt as I thought was realistic for two men who hadn't seen each other in years and are also, by necessity, only seen by the reader in the presence of their thirteen-year-old godson. I wanted to capture the energy of "closeted on-again off-again lovers in the 70s and 80s before having a VERY messy breakup" (which, believe it or not, is a broader demographic than you'd think), both because I think it's a fun way to write them (the vibes! the possessiveness! the old-married-couple meets shy-first-relationship of it all!) and because it explains why Lupin is totally alone before Prisoner of Azkaban — in particular, why he never made an effort to contact Harry. It's hard enough to be a closeted man in Britain in the 1980s; throw in a case of lycanthropy and an insane amount of personal trauma, and what you've got on your hands is the kind of guy who'd go totally radio silent on everyone he knows for 13 straight years.
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eurydicees · 11 months
YOU WROTE 18K BY HAND?? i am so impressed i need to ask what you are writing about. holy shit u are like a god
oh my god ok THANK YOU for asking !!! also in the time since you asked this, i have written another 1,400 words by hand. Anyways. under the cut bc this got. too long.
so this was originally for the 50k big bang project, but it was cancelled so i'm gonna go ahead and talk about it publicly now. SO.
the sparknotes summary: it is an iwaoi post-canon coming of age relationship study !! it's about iwaizumi in california and oikawa in argentina and how they navigate their friendship while long distance. it quite literally walks through every step of their journey from graduation aoba johsai to meeting again at the 2020 olympics....the sheer amount of time i'm covering is why its currently ~88,000 words LMAO.
this fic is literally my little monster. it was supposed to be 30k. then it was supposed to be 50k MAX. it is now 88 thousand words long. anyways though i'm enjoying it.
it's a slow burn get together, but it's also a break up & make up fic. the idea is that they dated in high school and then had to break up bc of the distance--but i think they're probably going to get together in the end. the middle is a whole lot of them growing up and figuring out how they can have a healthy friendship even as adults and dealing with loneliness and adulthood on their own and really coming into themselves as people by the time that they get to the olympics.
i just finished parts two and three, which is iwaizumi's years at university. here are some BANGER lines, if i do say so myself:
after oikawa's visit to california, when he has to leave again:
Oikawa smiles at him, and with that, he takes the handle of his suitcase and walks into the airport. Farther and farther and farther away, until he’s disappeared from sight and Iwaizumi is standing alone again, next to the blinking red hazard lights and the sound of other cars’ wheels on cracked concrete.  He gets back into the car. He doesn’t really want to talk to Rich right now, or any one of his other friends or teammates. He kind of just wants to be alone.  So he turns off the hazard lights and puts the car in drive and then he takes the long way home.
when iwaizumi is talking to his friends about oikawa:
“It’s not a big deal,” he tries. “We’ve both moved on. It wouldn’t have lasted while we’re in different countries anyway.”  He does not mention that Oikawa had asked him to wait. He does not mention that he is—he is waiting, and he doesn’t plan on stopping. He doesn’t plan on breaking that promise to come home.  “Ah,” Em says, subdued.
during a drunken NYE call:
Iwaizumi can hear the flinch in Oikawa’s voice. “You miss me?”  “I’m not saying it again,” Iwaizumi says, and it sounds like it’s supposed to be angry, but it just comes out tired and sad. “Of fucking course I do. You’re—” “I’m what?”  Iwaizumi takes a shuddering breath. “You’re so far away, Tooru. You’re so far away and it makes me—fuck, fuck! I shouldn’t have called. I should—” “No!” Oikawa says it instantly, desperately, cutting off any idea that Iwaizumi should go. Which is good because as much as Iwaizumi wants to escape the embarrassment of this phone call, he doesn’t actually want to hang up. He doesn’t actually want to leave Oikawa now. “Stay. Please. Stay with me.”  Iwaizumi pauses for a moment, swallowing down Oikawa’s words and turning them over in his head before saying anything else. “Okay. I’ll stay.” 
anywayssssssss!!! it's been REALLY fun to write, but it's also like. an insane labor of love. this fic was my project for nanowrimo july of LAST YEAR, and it's my project again this year. isn't that crazy. so so so much has gone into this fic its literally driving me up the wall. it haunts my every waking moment and also my dreams.
but yeah i don't have wifi where i'm living for the summer, so i've been writing everything by hand and then typing it all up when i can use a hotspot on my phone. i also have the most amount of free time in my life than i have , like, EVER had in my non-child life. so i get to spend so much time writing, which has been sooooo fun. i am begging the universe to keep me from being burnt out bc i'm genuinely having the time of my life working on this.
ok phone's about to die gotta go. thank you for asking i want to talk about this SO bad. please feel free to ask me. please enable me i'm begging you
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 2 months
4, 12, 19, 27 for the fic writer asks!
Yoooooo hey some slay questions! Here we go bois!
4- a story idea you haven’t written yet! So I have a good amount of random ideas just languishing in my notes, and if a creek mood ever strikes me, I have a film school au with them in mind! I think that would be fun lmao
12- a trope you’re really into right now so this is a constant with me and a surprise to literally nobody, but I LOVE a character getting taken care of!!! Wounded, sick, whatever man I just adore the tenderness of that shit, like there’s a reason I’m the Whumpshot Wizard and it’s bc I’m a sucker for patching someone up leading to confessions of feelings, or a partner who is well versed in their partner’s chronic pain and knows what to do, or the soft sweet reassurances as they hold a feverish loved one and remind them that they’re safe, or the protective fierceness of a person desperately trying to get their love to safety and figure out why they just collapsed, the gentle encouragement of urging a barely conscious partner to wake up the rest of the way, the concern of the recovery period, just FUCK dude I’m so soft for that shit!!!
19- the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic dude I’m gonna be so fr a lot of the time I just wing it for even my more involved aus but every once in a while I’ll actually fact check myself, and I went down SUCH a crazy rabbit hole learning the history of the Missoula Smokejumpers and smokejumping in general for And The Lightning Cracks The Sky, also I taught myself a little bit of lotr style elvish for How We Began (and I use that shit in the OJV too lmfao Stan and Kyle are fuckin dorks who whole ass speak elvish to each other)
27- your favorite part of the writing process ok I absolutely LOVE the buildup to the climax, like even more than the climax itself. Like writing the calm before the storm is such an ideal place to put tender moments; I’m gonna reference The Webs In The Rafters, chapter 16 when Butters and Kenny have their sweet moment at the pond like RIGHT before shit hits the fan. A lot of the time my fics start out as a specific scene I see in my head and build off of, and fleshing out character interactions is another one of my favorite parts, like for TWITR example, what is Cartman’s role in the group? How does Kenny react to learning more about the rest of the ranch hands? What is Kyle’s role in the gang? Who is closest to who? That kind of stuff, I love being able to try and convey personalities and relationships through the smallest interactions! Also, my favorite thing about posting on ao3 is just absolutely unhinged authors notes, like I LOVE busting out a new au with a “HELLO MOTHERS AND FUCKERS ITS TIME FOR ANOTHER PCE MULTICHAP!!!” Bc I’m insane and it’s fun plus I love coming up with a Question Of The Day for the end notes and seeing people’s answers! And ofc I love getting comments in general (also leaving comments lmao)
Thank you for asking these dude and apologies for the long winded answers I am Extremely Annoying and enjoy being obnoxious!
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aimmyarrowshigh · 1 year
HI, I'm just wondering where you get your drabble prompts from? 3000+ works that's INSANE but where do you get the ideas? if they're just random word generators I've done that, but I don't know how you can write so much and Im wondering if you have like pages with good prompts? love your work sm
Hi, thanks!
The prompts I use really are just random words, tbh. I found an old database for the Oxoniensis fanfiction “Porn Battle” challenge from 2013, stripped the fandoms and pairings from the requests, searched and removed all of the duplicate prompts, and randomized the whole rest of the challenge prompts to come up with a list of 13,000+ prompts. Then I just chopped that humongo list down into 100-prompt lists that I keep in an Excel file. I've got enough 100-prompt lists in there to last me YEARS, even if I were still writing at the pace that I was in 2022 (maybe soon. Hopefully soon).
I have noticed that there are some duplicate words that Excel missed stripping because of US versus UK spelling (or typos) but that’s OK. :) I just swap the duplicate word out of the list with something on my desk, usually -- which is why there are prompts for, like, "paint" and "seltzer" and "thread," haha.
I have put a couple of list tables up on my Tumblr on this page, so as long as you credit where you found them (because it did take time to strip, organize, and randomize the lists) you’re free to use them!
As for connecting the random word to an idea -- that's why it's helpful to have people request a pairing with the prompt, and it's SUPER helpful to have a really wide array of pairings/fandoms I'll write. I think if I tried to fill every prompt with the same pairing, I would run out of steam really quickly.
I also like to take prompts in the least expected direction that I can a lot of the time, which is why prompts like "domme" or "finger" will be totally gen, and something LIKE "paint" or "thread" might be smutty. Or if a word has multiple definitions, I try to use one of the less-common ones. I also, personally, try to come up with ideas that are canon-compliant or canon-adjacent as much as I possibly can because that's the kind of fic I prefer, and I think having that boundary helps me to come up with ideas, too. Like how would "seltzer" fit into the actual canon for Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, or Marvel, or Star Wars, or whatever? Sometimes that takes a little research to answer, and then that births an idea.
I like drabbles, one-word prompts, and canonfic all because they are boundaries and formats that help me, personally, come up with ideas more easily. I think if I tried to open up those boundaries and just write ANYTHING I WANTED I would freeze up and not be able to write anything at all. (Which is why I'm the world's slowest longfic writer, haha.)
I am a big fan of writing to formats and with boundaries of the form. I think it definitely helps get ideas flowing if you know that you only have a certain amount of room to fill. This is why I don't understand free-verse poetry.
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