#I am very happy with his teefs
feralmoonlight · 11 months
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*no tail for this bastard, but he's more sparkly now* He's really quite pretty. Too bad he's most likely to eat someone XD
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arctrooper69 · 7 months
Don't Forget
Crosshair x Inquisitor!Reader
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For the @clonexreaderbingo prompt "Don't forget"
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Warnings: Mentions of torture (both mental and physical). Generally dark theme.
"They left you. They betrayed you. They hurt you."
It wasn't just the constant mental barrage of half truths and words twisted ruthlessly until you could no longer decipher your own thoughts. You could still feel the physical pain long after it was over - the electric agony coursing, stinging, burning through your veins. The smell of your own scorched flesh still lingered everytime you took a breath.
"Do you hate me now? Don't forget how angry that makes you. Let it fill you. Let it consume you. Let it grow until all you can taste is vengeance."
And it did. You let the anger fester inside of your veins like the chemicals they pumped to muddle your mind and dull your senses.
There is only much pain the human body can take before you become numb to everything else. There is only so much anger you can hold inside before you explode. When you explode, there's nothing left of who you were before and no one to pick up the pieces save for the one who made you this way in the first place. All the atrocities in the galaxy can be committed guiltlessly if you believe they wronged you first.
Crosshair knew this better than anyone but it still made him angry. It made him angry to see what they did to you. It made him angry to see how they broke you and built you back up in their own image. Just like him.
Empire. Inquisitor. Good soldiers follow orders either way.
"Don't forget that they left you. Don't forget the pain they put you through."
Don't forget.
Don't forget.
Don't forget.
"Remember the pain, the suffering, the anguish. Don't you want it to end?"
Don't forget who you are.
Crosshair sat on the cold, durasteel floor outside of the ray shielded cell they'd put you in. Force-binding shackles encircled your hands and feet. His brothers hadn't known what else to do. Your red-rimmed eyes starred at him, face contorting with rage. Maybe someday you'd come back to him. Maybe someday you'd forgive him.
"Do you remember who I am?" he asked softly.
Once again, if you're supposed to be tagged and did not, please shoot me a message and I'll fix it!
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If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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wigglebox · 2 years
Hi! I always wanted to ask, even if its a silly thing, but I never saw an artist with your style and I think its really cute that your dean and cas have such bitable noses (they just look so fluffy). Where did it came the idea to make them like that?
lmao omg biteable noses i haven't heard that one awlefjawlkejaw i love it so much. why boop when you can boop with your teefs!
so i waited to answer this until i was back on my computer to basically say: idk!
but the longer answer is i was always interested in making the nose the focal point of the face. all my art style journeys always made sure i would put the nose for you to see it and always make it red lol.
i haven't drawn in a few years, about 3 years, until last fall and i wasn't happy with my style anymore. it felt too morose when i was just wanting to feel happy because the world around me is just meh and blegh every day, my job is stressful, and i wanted something to just keep me happy.
this was my art 3 years ago
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and i liked this style -- but it was also limiting for me bc it just always made me feel less vibrant and just more quiet and a little sad
but over the last 7 years these were styles i would do for a drawing or two every so often while i was still trying to figure my style out until i arrived at ^ 
I think this one is the closest one i can get to now 
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but there were other attempts:
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i thought it was a limiting style though because they don’t have a fully drawn eye and the noses kind of reminded me of a newspaper comic strip i used to see growing up falled Funky Winkerbean. I don’t know why -- their noses definetly aren’t like this -- but whatever pfft. 
But I still found the lack of eyes limiting, and that these were too cutesy, but also i couldn’t figure out how to make it constantly work so i just abandoned it and went back to my normal stuff. 
like i said, i hadn’t drawn for a few years but last october, i was feeling frustrated not being able to find the proper motivation to do winchester-relod’s Suptober challenge so i doodled this dude [by now i didn’t have my tablet and so any time i sporadically drew since 2018 i just drew on my phone]
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and then idk people thought he looked cute?
and then i drew this a few days later:
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with these tags: idk I am feeling squishy and gooesy this Saturday and want a hug, Jennifer why are you drawing big noses, because I have no idea bht it’s fun
and i guess it just kept going from there? people thought it looked cute, and i thought it was warm and happy and it made me happy to draw it. 
obviously looking at the art even from 9 months ago the style has changed as i figured out what i wanted to do with it [and invested in a little ipad to draw on instead of drawing with my finger on my phone lol]:
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So Idk really! 
I think I am sticking with this for now [sometines doing a slightly ‘normalized nose’ from time to time] because 1) y’all encourage me with your very kind words 2) it makes ME feel good to draw them like this -- like idk i never am like UGH with a drawing 3) it’s just fun! 
really it’s one of those things where for the longest time i’ve been trying to take inspiration from so many styles around me because I just didn’t know how to define myself as an artist, and then i just wasn’t drawing as much anymore once i DID settle on style from a few years ago -- to now just wanting to smile any time i’m creating something so if it makes me smile, my goal is to make others smile lol. 
a driving factor for finding my style before was like ‘how do i make this edgy and emo if i wanted to?’ because at the time i was still experiences lows. 
and now, i still experience lows [spoons, mental health, yadda yadda] but instead of drawing the sadness out, i wanted to draw something that’d bring the smile back at least in my mind lol. 
and nothing makes me happier than smacking my hand into my ipad trying to honk their noses and then hearing messages from others [like yourself] who find the noses cute as well! 
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b-sailor · 1 year
53 go
53. 5 things that make me happy
[generic gamer youtuber voice] TOP FIVE THINGS THAT MAKES ME HAPPY NUMBERR FIIIVE i cant do this. anyways uhhmm
1. army core of ika :)) ultimate comfort character i am so emotionally invested in him he is all i care about i love him so much every day i think of him. im attaching some pics cuz i love showing him to people. hes ugly but in a cute way to me (wif his teef showing)
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2. wintery landscapes!!!! whether it be a photo or a painting, or in pure nature or in a city area, i love seeing a blanket of snow on top of everything... its very comforting :> winter and chrismas are like intertwined here but i love em both
3. this one i learned kinda recently but i love the beach during summer. normally i hate this season but if its a nice day and you go to the beach to get in the water and maybe chill in da sun for a bit, it aint so bad. ideally this sounds like a pleasant way to spend a summers day
4. soft and fluffy things which includes but not limited to: plushies, blankets, the inside of some coats, and uhh cats :3 its comforting to me and makes me happt... i have a bunch of plushies on my bed and theyre all so soft
5. i like being called by my favorite character's/kin's name. it depends cuz sometimes mt fave isnt my kin (well i have two favorites usually, so one of them is bound to be my kin lol) currently i like being called blue or sailor.. it makes me go squeee!!!!
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topknotstrunk · 10 months
Review Everything 32 - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
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Please note, this review briefly touches on simulated child abuse, and shows images of simulated animal abuse as well as discussing that topic with some depth. Please proceed with caution.
Hoo, boy. What to say about this movie. Let’s start with the neutral to good stuff. 
This is a weird send off for this team. It’s the last Guardians of the Galaxy movie, which in and of itself I’m happy with. I think 3 movies plus some bonus screen time in other movies and shows was the perfect amount needed to complete these character’s arks. It was cool seeing Mantis come into her own as a fighter, teen jock Groot was fun, and I am SO EXTREMELY HAPPY that they didn’t have Quill and Gamora get together. The fight scenes were done with better than usual polish, it was nice to see long shots in the action scenes instead of the often defaulted to in Marvel formula of hit, cut, hit, cut, hit cut.
I also really enjoyed Gamora’s characterization here. She went from, “I don’t get why some version of me would love you piss the fuck off.” To, “I get it, but also, again, that wasn’t me so I’m gonna go do my own thing now.” I like that she’s her own person and not a story loophole for Marvel to get out of killing a character in a way that wasn’t supposed to be reversible. Keeping her her own character who’s not romantically interested in Quill makes her feel like her own person, and keeps the weight of the original Gamora being gone in tact.
Now on to the not so good to bad stuff.
Not So Good:
Having Mantis just out of nowhere, with no prior hints, be like, “Yeah I’m leaving.” Drax I get because he’s had this whole “used to be a Dad” thing going from the get go, but Mantis? She was thriving! And having Quill stop running is good-ish but like. He’s my least favorite character on this team, so when, at the end of the movie, they’re like, “Peter Quill will return.” I’m like. On Earth? Just chilling with his Grandpa? Doing normal Human stuff? As is, not a thing I’d bother to spend my time on. Not a thing I watch Marvel movies for.
Outside of the rest of what I’m going to write about the stuff with Rocket and his first set of friends, it was VERY weird to have the final movie in your trilogy have one of the core friends just gone for the majority of it. Not having rocket to interact with the rest of the team for their final movie together. I guess it works, cause like, it sets up that the Guardians team is kinda modular. As long as a few of the core folks are around they can make the team work. Saying that this was “always Rocket’s story” though? I don’t agree. The thing that works about this series is all of them playing off each other. As much as the movies frame Quill as the “main character” it just doesn’t feel like that when you watch these movies, at least to me.
The Bad: 
Animal abuse is bad. Child abuse is bad. A movie where you child code anthropomorphic animals and then abuse them? Doesn’t make for a “bad” movie necessarily, but a hard to watch one. Honestly, if I had known how brutal and disturbing some of these scenes with Fllor , Teefs, Lylla , and Rocket were going to be I don’t know that I would have watched this movie. I cried though a lot of the half of the movie that’s Rocket’s backstory, and felt physically ill a few times. I’m greaful that they didn’t show us much of the actual surgeries, but I am sad that I’m gonna have to use Does The Dog Die from how on with Marvel Movies.
Let’s touch on Fllor as an example. She is the most heavily modified of the batch Rocket belongs to.
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She has either part of her face missing or modifed, she’s had antentas attached to the top of her head, what looks like a second set of eyes, and robotic spider legs added on.
Now, here’s the thing. I “get” why Rocket was changed the way he was. Teefs and Lylla too. If you want a creature to navigate the world as a person when it’s an animal you need to change its body. It would be unrealistic for Teefs to move easily around a busy city that’s not under water as a walrus. So you give him wheels. The movie is so dark in those scenes that it’s hard to tell if he’s attached permanently to his wheel chair seat or not, but, like it as little as I do, that’s a choice that makes a sick kind of sense. Same thing for Lila, otters have short stubby arms that would make reaching things a struggle and they don’t have hands so adding some on, I get it.
But why the fuck does Fllor look like Fllor look like Jigsaw tried to make a spider cyborg? Is it for climbing, which we don’t really see her do? Rabits are already fast as fuck, so it can’t be for speed. They’re perfectly mobile and agile, so not for the same reasons that Teefs has for having wheels. And the thing over her face?
I think whoever designed her decided that the “upgrades” done to Lylla, Teefs, and Rockets weren’t... Gross? Upsetting? Gothic? Enough, so they took the cutest animal they could think of that we do real world animal testing on and made them look as fucked up as Disney would let them get away with.
Like, AFAIK Fllor isn’t in the comics. The closest thing we’ve got is Blackjack O’hare. And sure, he’s got cybernetic additions but they’re not needlessly gross or upsetting ones like Fllor has.
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Floor was made up for the movie. Sot they had total freedom to do with her design whatever they wanted. And what they wanted was upsetting. So, ya know, I got upset.
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They upped the gross factor for “Teefs”, Wal in the comics, and Lylla too but. I don’t know it’s just not the same as with Floor.
On top of being horribly modified animals, because this is a flashback and the characters are young, they’re also children. Children we get to see shoved around, screamed at, and shot. Alongside rapid, painful body changes, decapitation, gas lighting, and on screen immolation of other animals in similar situations. And this is all before we watch many animal-people die on screen as their entire planet is rased to the ground and crowds of children being trapped in cages in the cargo hold of a ship like they’re goods, not people. The movie just keeps piling on the longer it goes.We’re even treated to a nice, long, juicy close up of The High Evolutionary face after Rocket has torn it off. Normally body horror in movies really doesn’t bother me, but after all the awful animal stuff I just about barfed when his face popped up on screen. And there’s no real catharsis for any of this shit, which you would expect from the end of a series. You don’t need to go this far to convince us that these characters were honorably abused. Between everyone in America understanding that animals are abused in real life, and Neblula saying that it was worse than what Thanos did to her, that would have been enough. We don’t need to see them get abused on screen multiple times. It feels like torture porn, it feels unnecessary. I also really don’t get why Fllor, Teefs, and Lylla all had to die. Like, was it to help Rocket move on? The could have been dumped somewhere by their careless creator to come back later, and have a moment of reuniting and them owning their lives, instead of all getting murdered and then helping Rocket with a few kind words in the space between life and The Endless Sky.
And listen, I get it. The movie was impactful. So if shock value was the main thing they were going for here they got it. It was just a big let down to me personally, after the masterpiece that was Vol.2, and coming from the Found Family TM part of the MCU. Animal abuse isn’t fun, child abuse is worse, but it feels like the movie fell short by showing us all this graphic content and then not doing anything about it. Rocket looses half his friends at the end of the movie because they go off and do other things, they shot and killed his first set of friends instead of exploring what cool stories they might have to tell in the MCU, and then the movie kind of just peters out with them standing around in a room and talking, then going their separate ways. Will Rocket make a good leader? No idea, his history doesn’t suggest so. Taking care of Groot and being a good team member does not a leader make. Will we see more of Rocket? What will that look like? It feels so incomplete, like a 4th movie was being set up for only for it to not happen.
And the movie was so difficult to watch that I doubt I’ll ever watch it again.
What an unfortunate send off for many of these characters.
Really, why was I made to sit through all of that. What did I get out of it? Or Rocket? Or his friends?
In Summary: What a weird and gross way to end one of my favorite Marvel things. Good for Drax and Gamora, Mantis and Quill who knows, and Rocket I hope we see more of in the future. It’s too bad that Marvel now has gone over my personal threshold for disturbing content and I’ll have to be careful about that after 15 years of it not being an issue. There was some pretty great stuff in the not animal abuse parts of the movie, and I wish Rocket had been there for more if it.
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wings-fangs-and-claws · 11 months
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Hi. I'm Tristan :) I go by he/they/ey or any other neos that aren't fandom/food related.
I am an adult in my early twenties & breaking free from cringe culture and such.
I've felt that I'm Otherkin for a while now, but refrained from making a blog because 1) I wasn't sure what I was and 2) I was very afraid of being seen as "cringey"
After a bit of reflection I now know that I'm Shapeshifterkin! With the base form of a sort of anthro hare/bunny in a fantasy-like world. I don't know many details aside from that and I'm not exactly sure if the beings I shifted into count as kintypes or Something Else.
I'm also pro mogai and xenogenders/Neopronouns.
I'm happy to make friends in the community going forward :))
Teef headers by @/mmadeinheavenn
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hyunverse · 1 year
yes i do! i grew up in boston and ended up getting a rly good scholarship at a school here in nyc so i live here now :)) it’s not too bad. tbh it’s pretty much the same as boston just a little bigger. andddd what’s ironic is even tho i’m from two of the like most known cities in america, i am terrified of rodents 😭. i see them quite often in nyc but not as much in boston. no matter how many times i see them i’m still terrified of them and i am fortunate enough to not be rodent infested 🙏🏼🙏🏼. also yep teef in the muscles is the best way to do it. i want to eat minhos thighs. like chomp is an understatement for what i want to do to those thighs and i have no shame in explaining. the gods ddu du ddu performance …. that’s all i need to say
omfg what is even the point of dating someone like that ?? it’s exhausting. i agree with just wanting to do your own thing. when i was younger i always wanted to date but now i just want to be aloneeeee. i do miss aspects of being a relationship but tbh i’m fine w waiting to experience that w someone like every day yk ?
hey man technique is technique 😏. also yes hyunjin and felix hand comparison makes me crazy. ngl i’m big on size diff and hyunjin just does it for me. so tall and lankyyyyyy he’s just my type. like no joke he is my exact type all around but especially physically. nothing better than a feminine man with so much androgynous energy and duality. like it makes me insane. when i get home i want to measure my hands so i can compare mine w everyone’s. im sure it will be drastic so i will keep you posted ! how tall are you?? im 5’1 .. 😟 it’s bad ik
watch me cry at how sweet you are rn 🥲. u make me blush 🙄. i did take some earlier this morning and i’m trying to drink as much as i can (maybe i’ll purposely forget to do all of this just so you can come here but you didn’t hear that from me 😇😇😇). CONGRATULATIONS THAT IS SO AWESOMEEEEE!!!! you should be so proud of yourself and know i am very very proud of you as well <33 that is literally so amazing, hard work pays off my love 🫶🏻 that’s so awesome. if we happened to not live all the way across the world from each other i’d treat you to a delish meal but i guess our lives failed us on that one >:|. what’s ur fave food btw ? sending hugs back to ur sweet self 💗💗💗💗💗💗💕💕💕💕💕 and a happy heart attack bc u deserve it hehe
- 🐈‍⬛ much love from ur g <333
that sounds nice!! honestly, from experience, moving from one state to another is quite tough. i’ve been living in the city my entire life, but had to make an entire 180° for university life ‘cause my campus is in a village! like an entire village — on the way to my campus, there’s a sign that says, “welcome to ***** village!” good god u can imagine my terror 💀 the facilities are not bad but definite different compared to the city </3 okay i sound like a brat, don’t i? anyway! bae, i’m dead terrified of them nasty rodents too. i feel like puking at the sight of them </3 so i 💯 understand you honestly.
CHOMPING ON HIS THIGHS YEP YEP. minho needs to drop the workout routine cs god his thighs are. . . sighs dreamily. love em. wanna bite em. talking abt that performance. . . lee yongbok. i will never forget that signature ab showing move tbh. gonna show them to my kids being all like this is ur uncle felix! (get it? cs imma marry hyunjin frfr! yes pls entertain my delulu pls pls)
RIGHT i feel like my past experiences and friends’ relationships are the cause of me not wanting one </3 scared me off legit. i think imma stick to writing 🙏 why experience it rn when i can be delulu with u?
UR TYPE AND MY TYPE MUST BE THE SAME THEN CS I LOVE TALL AND LANKY MEN MMM EAT THAT GENRE UP ALL THE TIME! when they’re 90% legs and have big hands? call me up. call me up‼️that is my type right there.
yes keep me posted with the hand comparison, baby. tell me ur hand size too so i can compare with me 🙏 i’m 5’2 so we’re both not that far off HELP. short gang ig 😔
PLEASE DONT FORGET 💔 MY ANGEL I AM TOO BROKE TO FLY TO AMERICA 💔 ONE DOLLAR IS ABOUT FOUR MYR 💔 PLS TAKE CARE OF URSELF 💔 AND THANK YOU BABY!! means a lot from u hehe. i have sm fave food dang. . . it’s hard to choose. i like steak, and ramen and this malay dish u call tomyum! very yummers. also loveee hotpots. i could eat hotpot everyday of my life. and donuts!! what about yours, darling?
you make me blush too ^__^ kisses to u frm me!!
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goldie-claws · 2 years
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Whilst going through his tag, I realised I have very little art of Satanael with his new palette/art of him in general aside from a spare few sketches I never shared/may have deleted for whatever reason. So! Here’s some content of him to tide myself over until I can start working on his walking and talking sprite in my Smile Game Builder game!
✨ The maskless face was simply a palette swap of his original red colour (I plan to use the blue/white/gold from now on, as I’m fully leaning into his status as an angel than demon). I also gave him sharp teef for fun :>
✨ The reason I added the mask was to keep with the theme of how an angel’s face is always covered by wings/hands/eyes etc, although in my lore and rules only the eyes have to be covered if you’re a fallen angel like Satanael. I’m still not happy with the design (still needs some minor tweaks) so only once I am will I work on his sprite ingame.
✨ My original design for his true forme, where I leaned VERY heavily into a draconic look as I always write stories where angels look like dragons/can be mistaken for one. I’m torn on if I should remove his extra arms, but I do want his wings to look more angelesque and don’t want his design to appear too ‘crowded’.
(This drawing in particular was never finished so instead of having it rot in my files, I thought I might as well share it!)
✨ The original bust of his true forme, since I tend to do headshots first before I draw the full body.
And finally, since his design has certain assets lmao, I had to meme it at one point or another.
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Reblogs appreciated, thank you! 💖✨
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squiddlysq · 4 years
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Nature is beautiful !!
I just played the Xen section of Black Mesa & it gave me MAD alien inspiration so like. fuck it. benry & gman r Xen’s apex predator species AU
Transcript of my awful fucking scribbling under the cut ! + some other deets
Benry !
Teefs ! Seeing is for losers, echolocation is MLG -Echolocates using sweet voice -Also uses it to calm prey
Thick skull plate -1) Fends off psychic shit (e.g. resisting gman’s time stop) -2) hehe rock smashing skull go BASH
CLAWS  - RIP AND TEAR ! He likes to fight bro idk what to tell you - + has one more fingie (finger) than gman - he likes to climb + grappling in fights - likes to brawl more than gman
(the eye pattern is to annoy gman lmao)
Bigger fin - He swims & dives more than gman - he’s more active generally
Smaller & less arms ! - smaller bcos he is younger lol - less arms bcos he doesn’t care about precision - he’s a rowdy boy - more brute strength
EYES - He is looking. - Teeth are for losers all the coolkids absorb their prey into their body like waddledee (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzm3sNl8VwQ) - LOTS of eyes & they are constantly shifting + changing - Eyes are a big weak spot & harder to regenerate so gotta make em unpredictable + hard to hit
BIG BIG BOY - much older than benry, so much larger - with shapeshifting, the more dramatic the change, the harder it is to hold - gman is much bigger than benry so it’s harder for him to shrink to human form + he can’t hold it as long. - This is why benry just fuckin vanishes sometimes + why gman isn’t around that often - It’s also why hes Like That
SWEET VOICE - Used to calm/hypnotise prey - Also to draw them within grabbing range - Green to blue means I’m going to hurt you. - He doesn’t use it that much, prefers stealth - hunts like the cryptid he is
BIOLUMINESCENSE - Hard word to spell ! - He glowe. - idk bro he’s a spooky sneaky cave boy + I wanted him to glow - Opposable ! Like he can control what glows + how bright TRANSCRIPT DONE 
So essentially !! Benry & Gman are the same species & that species was Xen’s apex predator - capable of shapeshifting, wild regeneration, telepathy, Sweet Voice Bullshit + teleportation
They are terrifying is what I am getting at
The ability to shapeshift means that even tho they are the same species, they look very different bcos as they grow they change their default shape to match their hunting style/personality/preferences - ie benrys helmet/skull plate, gman having a shitload of eyes & benry having none, gman being very slim with a short fin while benry is a thicc bitch w a giant fin, etc etc
Point is ! They were happy enough living on Xen with a weird sort of ceasefire between them & the vortigaunts - don’t fuck with us & we will leave you alone kind of thing - until Nihilanth rocked up to cause problems for everyone
Even an apex predator can get fucked up if the whole ass planet is turned against them so they were driven off world to EARTH - more specifically to Black Mesa
I still dont rlly know abt Tommy in this AU,, like I’ve drawn him a Xen form but I’m not sure if I want him to be one of their species or a human - currently thinking he’s one of their species but born human so that’s his default body setting if that makes sense ? So he can stay human indefinitely unlike Benry & Gman who have to fuck off & recuperate if they want to maintain their Human Mode but he would find it harder to shapeshift into his Xen form
Bleh who knows. Anyone who actually read all this you a real one go play Black Mesa peace out
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loveafterthefact · 4 years
Love After the Fact Chapter 51: Fuck You, but Welcome to Daibazaal I Guess
Do you ever hate somebody and then you meet them and they're actually not that bad so you have to hate them for not being that bad?
Also Krolia is a good mom.
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Keith launches himself at his mother, who holds him protectively close, whispering reassurances in his ear even as she glares accusingly at the elegant Altean behind him. The Altean in question merely raises an eyebrow, drapes Keith’s cloak over his arm, along with his own. He doesn’t seem troubled at all by her expression.
He’ll learn. But for now, she has her baby back.
“I’ve missed you,” her kit whispers, burying his face in her neck. “I’ve missed you so much!”
“I missed you too, kitten. So much.” She has, desperately. Krolia is a soldier, and now Imperial Advisor, but she is also a mother, and that instinct runs hot.
Like now, when she’s inspecting her kit for any signs of damage. He seems mostly okay, aside from his rapid heartbeat, a sign of some internal distress. Well-fed, though she’d like to see a bit more extra weight on him for his growth spurt and season. He’s healthy, though. Fur and hair soft and silky, breathing clear, and he smells clean.
Untouched. At that revelation, Krolia releases something she’s held pent up inside since her son was wrested away from her. The little whore of a prince didn’t touch her baby. He didn’t hurt her kit like that. Thank the gods.
But why? What does a Galra kit matter to an Altean prince?
Speaking of which, the prince is dictating instructions to his companions, sending a small Olkari kit to the Blade of Marmora’s technological research lab and another Altean to greet the imperial family.
“Why am I doing this instead of you?” the green-scaled Altean bemoans.
“Because, Adam, I’m going with Keith to the medical center so I can get some actual, useful information from a medical professional instead of your long-distance boyfriend.”
“Takashi is a physik!” Adam hisses. Keith hums, eyeing Adam with a renewed interest. Krolia doesn't let him go for a second.
“I didn’t realize a glorified botanist had knowledge of growth disorders.” The Altean prince raises an eyebrow, folds his arms. His eyes, to the little creature’s credit, shine with good humor, more playful than anything else. The two must be friends.
“...Fair point. I will go and greet the imperial family. However, you will be going and greeting your sister.”
“Yes, right after this. We need to see her scans so we know how much cuter our kids will be.”
In Krolia’s arms, Keith laughs, quiet and soft. He’s watching the Alteans’ antics with something horribly akin to fondness. “Thank you, Adam.”
“It’s only my job, your Majesty.”
“But you always do it flawlessly.”
The green-scaled Altean blushes faintly, mumbles, “Whatever. Go… learn how to grow or something.”
Adam saunters off with a spring in their step while the crown prince waves teasingly. “What are we going to do with him, beloved?”
“Give him a raise?”
“Hm. He definitely deserves it. Now, Imperial Advisor Krolia, could you please escort us to the medical center?”
“Certainly.” She keeps her arm around her son, the Altean happy to follow alongside. Krolia finds herself struggling to rectify this charming, bubbly creature to the insidious one she imagined. Perpetually smiling, the young prince runs his hands along the wall, tracing the lines of carvings and rubbing his fingertips against ancient paint long since sunk into the stone.
“You know, my boyhood friend, Lanval, came here with my fathers once? He never mentioned this.”
“I doubt he nor your fathers cared about our traditions or our culture. Your friend in particular cared for little more than gossip.” Krolia purses her lips.
“Yes, he said you two met. Lanval is not half so foolish as he seems, though a bit pompous. My fathers… They are many things, but anthropologists are not among them. The same can be said of our soldiers.” The prince sighs. “I hope one day we can be more than enemies to one another, but I fear it is a child’s dream.”
Krolia says nothing, but Keith hums sympathetically.
When they reach the medical center, they’re met by the head medic, Thace, a relatively young Galra cradling a very new kit in his arms. “It’s my morning break, so unless you’re actively dying or in labor, I don’t care.”
“Hello, Thace. My kit is suffering from a growth disorder and is in the midst of his final growth spurt,” Krolia tells him.
Thace, a bright-faced, genial creature and one Krolia is particularly fond of, sighs, brushes a finger down his child’s cheek. “Fine, but only because he’s a prince. Here, can you hold Raj for me?”
Lance blinks rapidly, alarmed as the medic hands him his newborn kit. Keith only smiles. “Number five looks good, Thace. Hope they eat your fingers, Lance.”
Thace guides Keith over to a chair, where he sits in with a quiet ‘thank you’. Krolia registers a spasm traveling up his leg, presumably up his spine and then down his arm. The near-grown kit grits his teeth to stifle a whimper, but his heartbeats flutter and pound. A rotating arm spins around him, scanning him from all possible angles. Keith’s visibly untroubled. He’s done this before.
“Aw, do you have pointy toofers? You got some pointy teef- Ouch! Oh, you do! Look at those toofers! Oh my goodness, you got such nice toofers!” Lance beams down at the infant, every line of his face, his body soft as Raj chews on his finger, drawing tiny beads of blood. Even Krolia has to concede that it's adorable to watch.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! I-”
Lance shakes his head, smiling at the suddenly anxious medic. “Don’t worry about it. Though perhaps you have something else they can chew on?”
Thace hands the Altean prince a toy as he extricates his finger, an angry screech penetrating their ears in the moment of the exchange. As the kit chews happily on the toy, Lance turns his attention back to Keith, who’s smiling at Lance and the bundle in his arms. Krolia definitely hates that.
“So what’s to be done for him? Our alchemy was only able to do so much and painkillers have proven largely ineffective.”
Krolia’s eyes narrow, watching the tender expression on the prince’s face morph into worry. He’s not at all what she expected him to be. He’s much warmer than his biological father, with far more social grace than his step-father. Charming. Friendly. Charismatic.
And he didn’t touch her son.
It’s hard to hate him. She’ll do her best.
“Well, there is a serum that’s proven beneficial to kits in their eleventh growth spurts.”
“But?” Keith prompts. “There’s always a ‘but’.”
“But it causes excruciating pain for about half a varga.”
Lance adjusts his arms, cradling the kit with one arm, setting his free hand on Keith’s shoulder. “How does it work?”
“Well, Prince Yorak’s growth disorder affects more than just his growth plates. Obviously, without functional growth plates, his bones cannot grow properly. Additionally, with every growth spurt, a Galra’s metabolism slows down, making us hardier and more capable of surviving in the generally harsh environment of our planet. Prince Yorak’s metabolism is much higher, as he has missed a few growth spurts all together.”
“So wait. You’re not supposed to eat three meals a day?” Lance leans around to look his spouse in the face. “Do you have any sense of self-preservation at all? Or am I supposed to just magically know all this sh- stuff. And now you've got me almost swearing in front of the baby!”
“It never came up.” Keith shrugs, annoyingly indifferent even in face of the Altean’s exasperated expression. At least Krolia and the prince can agree on something.
“I’m not going to care when he injects you with some horror goop.”
“Yes you will-”
“Your Majesties.” They fall silent, sheepish as they turn their attention back to the medic. “If I am to treat you, Prince Yorak, please understand that this is not a one-time thing. You will require an injection every time your pain returns. However, I should tell you. Whether you accept treatment or not, you may experience fertility issues including difficulty conceiving, high miscarriage rate, and higher likelihood of stillbirth.”
Keith's gaze slips back to Lance and the tiny kit in his arms. Krolia looks away, thinking of the kits she lost, Keith’s siblings who never saw the world, never took that first breath of air. Now her son is facing that same fate.
“Keith?” The boys turn to her. “You should do it.”
“Obviously I’m going to do it. I don’t care about pain. The pain is temporary.” Keith reaches out a hand, and after taking a moment to adjust Raj, Lance grips it tight.
The kit Lance is still cradling coos, yawning wide as they wrap their hand around one of his fingers, settling into sleep.
“Well, it looks like you’ve no choice, beloved. I can’t leave until they let go of me.”
Thace laughs, gripping his small friend's shoulder tight. “Prince Yorak, you’re going to end up being the disciplinarian parent. I hope you know that.”
“I can retrain him.” Keith uses Lance’s hand to help himself to his feet, staggering a bit as he works his way over to one of the gurneys. The prince hands Raj back to their bearer with a smile and a thank you.
Krolia sighs, surrendering to the tender expression on her son’s face as he settles his head in Lance's lap. The prince smiles down, worry lining his eyes. "I'll be right here, beloved."
"I know. Just don't tell anyone if I scream."
"Never. It'll be our secret." Lance's shoulders line themselves with tension as Thace cuts off one of Keith's sleeves, shaves away a patch of fur, inserts a temporary port.
"This port will last around three movements, but you shouldn't need it more than two. Just try to keep it dry. And, while you're paying attention to me, do not go to your idiot savant of a littermate for season advice. You come to me or your mother, understand? It a whole different thing when you have a mate."
"That's a good point, beloved. Shiro is woefully inept."
"He really is. But he's a good guy. Like you." Keith smiles, dark eyes sliding up to Lance's. Krolia sighs, defeated. Her kit wants the Altean, whether she likes it or not. She doesn’t need to be friendly, but for Keith's sake, she’ll tolerate him.
For now. Until he screws up. Then she'll beat his ass.
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winding-gulch-blog · 5 years
Feisty Flower Bud (A Smile For Me Fanfic)
Putunia Mollar is the town’s greatest hero (self-proclaimed). She throws hands with big bad villains in the name of JUSTICE! But when the evil in her life is a bit too close to home, she finds sympathy at the side of a highly punchable, highly bonkers, and highly soft green menace.
(It happens once in a blue moon. A video game strikes just the right chord in me to write some fanfic. Smile For Me is one such blue moon creation. Take my bubbling found family angst and fluff before I explode beyond my ruptured appendix five years ago.) (Highly recommend you look at the wiki page for Putunia before reading. I’m expanding with my own headcanon into her family life for the purpose of this story.)
It wasn’t as exciting to fight a pillow back home. But with the Habitat closed down, Putunia had no other place to train for her inevitable upcoming battles with all the world’s superest of supervillains.
“SHUT THE HELL UP!” A female voice that rivaled hers in volume interrupted her. She sealed her lips immediately, going rigid. Luckily, there was no sound of footsteps on stairs. Spared an earful, or more.
“Ka-blaaam,” she whispered, knocking the pillow with her gloveless fist gently. She held it there, and ran her tongue across her teeth, feeling the space where a tooth once was.
She was lucky, in hindsight—it was a baby tooth, and she could feel the little spike of the permanent one already poking out. And she knew it wasn’t intentional. It was just late, and her mom was exhausted from another long day of work, and hadn’t expected to be playfully pounced by the eager child at the top of the stairwell. Still, the following shove and tumble down the stairs was painful. Even the way her mom picked her up, apologizing profusely in a rare hushed tone, felt as hollow as the space in her gums.  
This happened often. A thrown glass, or three. A brief yank of her hair. A raised hand. A small bruise or scrape she could claim as her battle scar from fighting baddies. A “CLEAN UP THE SODA CAN MESS YOU MADE DOWN HERE!” Or “KEEP YOUR DAMN HANDS TO YOURSELF.”
Followed by:
“Hecks, I’m sorry, Putunia. Long day.”
Putunia didn’t mind noise anymore. In fact, she’d adopted the powerful ability to project her own vocals. But it wasn’t always nice to be spoken to like that from bigger people—especially those with a fiery, paper-thin temper like her mom. 
She didn’t ever expect things to change. She just missed going to the Habitat to have a break from the shouting and other things.
Which is why it was so unusual when she heard a knock on her door while her mom was working the weekend shift.
She pushed a chair up to the door, and climbed up to peak out. 
She recognized her comrade immediately.  
“HEY FLOWER POWER!” She opened up the door with a big smile. Flower Kid smiled back; their teeth were extraordinary white, almost to the point of looking fake or like they were replacing what was there before. But that didn’t make their smile any less warm and inviting as its always been when they come and visit her.
“WADDUP?” Putunia asked. She remembered they didn’t talk. “COME TO SEE ME?”
A nod.
A shake of the head.
A nod.
“KAY!” Putunia almost darted out before pausing. “WAIT. MY DUTY IS TO STAY HOME. I HAVE TO COOK FOR MOM TONIGHT.”
Flower Kid dropped the smile and shook their head.
Flower Kid just held out their hand. Putunia tentatively took it.
The rest of the day happened quickly. Something about an investigation, based on information her floral friend had gleaned from Putunia’s home life in their visits, and having to stay at Flower Kid’s family house for a while as she had no immediate relatives. Putunia didn’t mind, it was like having a sleepover every night with plenty of superhero movies to watch, but she was confused what was happening.
But she was even more confused the day she and her short-term guardian went to the town park, and began approaching a villain.
A big, verdant, smiley one.
“GREEN MENACE!” Putunia put up her fists in time with Flower Kid grabbing her shoulder and pulling her back. “SO WE MEET FOR OUR FATED BATTLE!”
Habit lost his smile for a moment. “No punching, plez.”
That was like telling a fish not to swim. But Flower Kid was persistent in holding Putunia still.
A nod.
No response before a shake of the head.
A shake of the head again and gentle but firm tug.
Putunia looked between them.
“I’m here to halp out!” Habit explained brightly. “Flower Child has asked me to sit on you, because your a babey. I will watch u while they’re off being a busy-bee making everyone happy, happy!”
But it was no use. Her loyal floral comrade gave her a light pat on the head before ushering her over and leaving her alone on the field of battle.
Habit smiled again at the tiny person, thinking of ways he might entertain her. He recalled Putunia being full of spunk during the time she spent at his Habitat. How she managed to figure out he was…somewhat unsavory at the time was a mystery. But he was better now. Flower Kid leaving this smaller kid with him proved that he had earned their trust. “Lots of time for fun-funsies together! We culd…go splishy splash in the lake, or go pet the horsies at the farm. Or make sock puppets!”
Putunia stood up on tiptoe and pouted, trying to look intimidating.
And Putunia was immediately bolting through the park.
“Oh dear. :-(” Habit helplessly watched her vanish into distant bushes. Being a babysitter sure was harder than it sounded, and it definitely didn’t involve sitting. Flower Kid would be very upset if he lost her. But he was unsure how to keep her still. It was much harder to make people do what he wanted out of his Habitat, in a much bigger world that wasn’t his own to rule. Even if Flower Kid had coached him on not always getting what he wanted, it didn’t make it any easier.
Luckily, Putunia hadn’t gone too far. He found her rummaging around in a pile of dead leaves.
And then, a great idea struck him, as they always did. Habit may have been ‘eccentric’ in his thought processes, but he was very clever.
He crouched next to her in the leaf pile.
“Lemme halp you,” he offered. “What r we looking for?”
Putunia leapt away a moment, narrowing her eyes at him warily. He smiled in what he hoped was an inviting, not creepy way. 
“…MASK,” she finally told him. “AND A CAPE. AND A PUNCHING GLOVE.”
“Punching iz mean. :-/”
Habit entertained her by searching with her through the leaf pile. The search was fruitless after a few minutes, so she sprung up and headed off to another part of the park, Habit doing his best to keep up.
She didn’t seem to have much luck in finding her items, no matter how far and wide she searched. Another idea struck Habit. He was full of good ones today!
As she dug around in a sand pit, he carefully removed the cloth around his neck and placed it on her shoulders. “Is that cape-ish enuff?”
“HM…I ACCEPT IT!” Putunia concluded after a moment, doing a little twirl to test its movement in motion. “BUT I STILL NEED MY OTHER THINGS.”
The search took them past a park vending machine. Putunia insisted they stop and get sodas, even when Habit told her it was “bad for teef” and that he “didn’t like the bubbly tummy feeling”. But he gave in and got them; she was so eager, and he wanted her to smile.
They eventually found an old paper bag to work as a mask, smelling faintly of apples. Not perfect, but with eyeholes punched out, it was better than nothing.
“TA-DA!” Putunia stood up proudly on the park bench they were resting on. “I AM THE MASKED DRIVER JR! I AM AMAZING!”
“U are! :-)” Habit encouraged, giving a polite clap.
Habit tilted his head. “Putunia?”
“Fiting the baddies makes you habby, right?”
“YES!” She plopped back down and slid off the bench to admire the park in her heroic glory.
“What makes a baddie a baddie?”
“I sea…” Habit looked down at his empty soda can a moment. Two things he had done before, even if he wanted to do it for the greater good in his mind.
Putunia went on in her tirade of justice.
No, that couldn’t be right.
Her mom was her family. Her only family. Family weren’t baddies. Family weren’t baddies, right? Family weren’t baddies…
She thought about everything that happened, and Flower Child taking her away, and her missing tooth, and felt sick to her stomach.
Habit noticed her distress (and rather troubling examples of what baddies do—he is sure he never did those things, because his office had an elevator, not stairs, and he gave the kid Habiticians plastic cutlery to prevent breakage) and frowned. “R u okay…?”
And so began their fated battle.
She went in bare-fisted (a true heroic feat) and launched an impressive flurry of tiny punches into the green menace’s…knees? Ankles? He was so tall it was hard to tell. 
Habit did nothing to stop her. He just carefully pulled the paper bag off her head so she could see better, and stared down at her.
Her efforts became slower as her frustration increased, and finally she dropped both of her fists, panting heavily. Tears welled up in her eyes.
“N-NO...” She managed a strangely loud whisper, voice hoarse, inhaling sharply to stop anything dribbly and gross from coming out of her nose. “I-I DON’T WANNA…”
Putunia was sad. Habit had another idea. It was something Flower Kid had taught him to do. A kinder method to scrub away frowning faces.
The green man got off the bench and crouched, and wrapped his arms around her. But it wasn’t a violent constriction or attempt to yank her away, like she was used to. Just a gentle hug, as if she was as delicate as a flower, while she sniffled into his coat.
Her voice got the quietest it’s ever been. 
“I don’t wanna hurt anymore.”
“I know. Me neether.”
Putunia sobbed for a while. Habit didn’t talk, just lightly touched her hair or rubbed her back or did whatever he could remember Flower Kid doing for him on bad days. 
As she calmed down, Habit took his coat sleeve and wiped away her tears.
“Kno wut Flower Child taught me?”
“Sometimes frownies and tears are o-kay. They can just mean that u are asking for halp from people who love u.”
“I’M NOT CRYING,” Putunia said adamantly, wiping her eyes. “I AM TOUGH.”
“Your tough,” Habit agreed softly. “You are the toughest.”
Putunia stared at the ground. Did she win the fight? She wasn’t sure. 
Habit spoke up for her.
“Ur right. I’m…not that good. Flower Child, now they’re good. They’re sweet. I am not so sweet. I have bean so very sour. I have been a big baddie, a mena-ce. But, I’m trying to du better. I learned people aren’t meant to be cracked like eggs. The only cracking they should be doing is cracking smiles.”
He stood carefully, and lifted her up onto the bench with him. He let his speech flow a bit more like the others in town. It didn’t come naturally to him, and he still struggled with it, but he tried his best. “I never got to be happy when I grew up. I want you to grow and be happy and smile like I never could. If that means being a hero, u should be a hero. And if that means punching bad people, maybe u should. But you should sometimes give them something nice, too, if they seem rlly sad.”
Habit thought about his parents. He held her a little tighter. “Sometimes…sometimes baddies are the ppl that are supposed to love you. And maybe they’re sad, but…little ones aren’t supposed to be hurt becuz of it.”
“Let grown-ups handle it. You’ll be safe and snug and sound no matter what. And if your dream is to be a hero, you’ll be the greatest hero there ever wuz.” It was the best answer he had. He didn’t know what the future held for little Putunia. But if he had any say at all, he wouldn’t let history repeat itself and make a tiny, punchy, sad villain out of the kid in his lap. 
Putunia was unusually quiet for a few moments. And then:
“Oh! Like…Dr. Habit?” Habit wasn’t a dentist anymore but didn’t really have any other names for himself, outside of his first name, which just made him think about mean people making fun of him anyways.
“Hero?! Wowzie…! Am I worthee?” Truthfully, he always wanted to be a hero. Everyone’s hero. But Flower Kid got that title. They sure made people happier than he did. He used to hate them for it, but nowadays, he understood. They were really great.
Her energy was vibrant and blue and sparkly. Habit smiled with all his teeth showing, from genuine joy. 
Putunia didn’t even notice. She just gave a little yawn. 
“Feeling woozish? Is it beddy-bye time for Putunia?”
“MMMMmmm…no…I aM aWAKE…” Putunia protested, although her desire to rest after feeling all those emotions was catching up fast. Habit retrieved the ‘cape’ from her shoulders to put back around his neck, and pulled his coat around her like a blanket.
“Have naps. Flower Child will be bac soonish.”
And they were. They never truly left, and kept an eye on everything from afar—to say they were proud of Habit was a vast understatement. The sight of the two on the bench made their heart feel very warm indeed.
“Look, Flower Child!” Habit said with much pride of his own as they approached. “I successfully sat on the babey!”
Flower Kid gave an encouraging nod, and held out their arms to take Putunia from him.
Habit looked down at the sleeping girl. She was a tiny, bright, eager flower, just like his lily. He wanted her to grow big and strong and happy. He smiled, kissed her forehead, and carefully handed her off to Flower Kid.
“Take gud care of her?”
Flower Kid nodded with a warm smile. 
Putunia shifted in her sleep and joined the two in smiles, prepared to bring her blazing spirit to wherever she ended up, and whomever she ended up with.
In the meantime, she was happy to be surrounded by her heroes.
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jungshookz · 5 years
so in love [valentine’s day 2019]
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→ summary: a series of valentine’s day themed drabbles featuring some of your favourite boys.
→ genre: a HEAPING amount of fluff (approach with caution) and a cheeky sprinkling of nsfw 
→ wordcount: i don’t fckin know just enjoY the drabbles gosh darn it 
→ note: i’m sorry that i couldn’t include all of the boys in the drabbles but my dang fingers probably would’ve fallen off if i did! also i,.., tried making a fic header for a first time but i’m not sure if it looks good or not?? lmao anyways happy valentine’s day!
(gifs aren’t mine!) 
(((and the read more function iS there so if it doesn’t work for some reason i am sorry don’t attack me)))
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“what are you doing out of bed?? that totally just ruins the whole romantic breakfast in bed thing” you perk up when you notice yoongi step into the bedroom
“hbrushingn my teef” you murmur through a mouthful of toothpaste before bending down and spitting into the sink
you rinse quickly and wipe your mouth with the hand towel before stepping out of the bathroom and taking a look-see as to what your husband’s done for you this fine morning
“happy valentine’s day” you grin as yoongi purses his lips
you lean forward and give him a smooch
“now get bAck in bed so i can do this properly”
you hop back into bed and pull the covers up
you’re practically vibrating with excitement because a) you weren’t expecting breakfast in bed and b) you’re hunGRY
“heart-shaped pancakes. i never thought i’d live to see the day when min yoongi made heart shaped pancakes.” you tease as yoongi places the tray over your legs carefully
yoongi holds a finger up “chocolate chip heart-shaped pancakes, thank u very much”
now thAT gets you more hyped
there’s a single rose in a small vase in the upper corner
your plate in the middle holding a stack of heart-shaped pancakes (it took waY too much effort and he’s never going to do it again) ((just kidding he’s probably going to do it again)) and even the slab of butter’s been shaped into a tiny heart
a glass of chocolate milk in the other corner
all of your favouRITES
“i just realised i forgot to bring the utensils.” yoongi frowns
you grab onto his wrist before he can leave “it’s okay! i can use my hands”
“y/n, you’re not a child- oh, okay, you’re already using your hands”
“come n sit!!” you pat yoongi’s side of the bed and he sits down and crosses his legs as he faces you “thank you for breakfast!! happy valentine’s day i love u” you beam and lean over a bit to give yoongi another kiss
“happy valentine’s day. love you more.” yoongi mutters fondly and reaches over to tuck a strand of loose hair behind your ear
you rip a chunk of the pancake off and pop it into your mouth and chew thoughtfully
an exclamation mark appears at the top of your head
“this is so good” you hum happily before instinctively wiping your sticky fingers on your shirt
maybe breakfast in bed wasn’t such a good idea
“you better not get any syrup on the bedsheets” yoongi warns and you raise a brow before holding your sticky fingers out and wiggling them in his face
he scowls playfully and smacks your hands away before scooting closer to you
“here, i’ll feed you” he rips a heart in half and folds it in half so that he’s not touching the syrup and he holds it up for you
you wrap your fingers around his wrist as you take it into your mouth and yoongi whines in complaint “how’d you get your fingers so sticky so quickly??”
“it’s a natural talent” you swallow the bite and yoongi reaches over to wipe a droplet of syrup away from the corner of your mouth with his thumb
he swallows thickly when you take his thumb into your mouth and proceed to suck the syrup off with a happy hum
that shouldn’t have turned him on as much as it did
and it also shouldn’t have turned yoU on as much as it did
within a couple of seconds the pancakes have been abandoned and yoongi’s on top of you with his lips pressing hot kisses on your neck
your fingers curl around the cotton material of his shirt as he slides his hand under your thigh and pulls it up to rest against his side
“god, yoongi…” you breathe out and yoongi groans when you roll your hips riGht into his crotch
you’re so soft and warm and yoongi wants all of you right now
he has a finger hooked in the waistband of your panties and your hands are starting to push his briefs down and-
the two of you freeze when the baby monitor sitting on the bedside counter crackles to life and hwayoung’s cries start filling up the space of the bedroom
you both turn to look at it
yoongi lets out a quiet groan before tucking his face into the crook of your neck “so close…”
you can’t help but laugh before patting his back gently “c’mon, you. duty calls!!”
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jimin loves you with his whole ass heart already
so when he discovers that there’s a whole dAY dedicated to smothering the person you love with moRE love??? 
bitch??? he is HERE for that
“iloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouoUoUOUoUoUOU!!!!!!!!!!” jimin murmurs into the crook of your neck as his fingers tickle your sides
this morning the bedroom is fiLLEd with the sound of you laughing (with the occasional snort thrown in there) and jimin continuously confessing his undying love for you
“jimi- oh goD you have to stop-!” you’re howling with laughter and there are tears prickling at your eyes
it tickles so much to the point that your entire body is starting to huRt
“alright, alriGht” he decides to cut it out to give you a chance to breathE and flops down on his back next to you
he’s out of breath too “can’t have you dying on me on valentine’s day”
“touché” you prop yourself up on your elbow before shifting closer and snuggling up to him
jimin pulls the covers up and wraps an arm around your waist  
his fingers are tracing patterns on your bare thigh absentmindedly “so what else do people do to celebrate valentine’s day?”
“well, we can do plenty of things. we can laze around in bed all day-“
“i like that option”
“we can do… other things in bed”
jimin stops tracing patterns on your thigh and you can hear the smirk in his voice
“that option doesn’t sound half bad either” he murmurs and his finger trails up your thigh slowly
you scowl and smack his hand gently before propping yourself up on your elbow again
“but we can always start off with breakfast in bed first! how do strawberry waffles sound?”
jimin perks up and you two move on quickly from the obvious fact that later tonight y’all are probably going to break the damn bed
“ah- i like the sound of that too!!”
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you’ve never been a fan of romcoms
all those cheesy cliché heart fluttering moments just don’T get to you
if someone stood on your front lawn blasting music from a boombox confessing their love for you you’d tell them to get the hell off your lawn and then you’d turn the sprinklers on
if someone chaSed after you in the airport to stop you from getting on that flight to new york city because i love you you’d scoff and purposely maintain eye contact with them as you scanned your ticket and walked through the gates
and kissing in the rain?? sounds like a monTH of eating nothing but chicken noodle soup and chugging down bottles of cough medicine
AND you hate that the prices of flowers just inflate dramatically when valentine’s day rolls around
why would you waste good money on some weeds that are just going to die in a couple of days??
you get the point
it’s a well known faCT that you have a heart of pure steel and jungkook takes pride in knowing that he’s the only one who’s able to melt all that cold steel away
hehe :~)
“a caramel macchiato for y/n?” jungkook doesn’t have to call for you as if you were just any old customer but he likes doing that because- “don’t forget about my tip, jagi”
“you are the absolute bane of my existence.” you tease but lean in anyway to give him a smooch
he hands you your coffee and that’s when you notice the sprinkling of cinnamon that’s been shaped into a heart
you look back up at jungkook and he’s grinning at you and rocking back and forth on his feet “happy valentine’s day!!!”
“happy valentine’s day, you cheeseball.”
“do i get an extra special tip for the extra special decoration?”
“u know-“ jimin squeezes in next to jungkook “i was actually the one who helped shape the heart, so i think i deserve an extra special tip too-“ jimin leans forward and purses his lips exaggeratedly and jungkook is [this] close to tackling the older boy to the ground
“don’T MOOCH OFF MY tiP u biTCH”
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“happy valentine’s day, bookworm” namjoon jumps in surprise when your arms slink around his waist and he lets out a small breath of relief before his lips tug up in a fond smile
“happy valentine’s day!” he presses a kiss to your forehead before grabbing a book from his cart and sliding it into the bookshelf
“i have a surprise for you”
“it better not be like last time when you told me you had a surprise and the surprise was that you accidentally spilled coffee all over the monitor” namjoon snorts and slides another book into place
“hey, now. that was an accident!” you’re about to pull away from him but before you get the chance to do so he quickly reaches down and grips onto your wrist to keep you in place
you scoff and prop your chin up onto his shoulder “you haven’t given me a proper kiss yet, by the way. frankly, i’m offended!”
“hold on, you whiney baby. lemme just finish doing my job first.” namjoon glances over at his almost empty book cart “you could always help me out a bit” he teases and reaches over his shoulder to pinch your nose playfully
“i can’t reach the top shelves without my trusty stepladder, so you’re going to have to take care of this on your own”
you’re reaLLy excited to give namjoon your valentine’s day gift
you ordered it back in december and it finaLLY got here last week
it’s a first edition copy of immanuel kant’s (you vaguely remember joon blabbing to you excitedly about this philosopher guy and you only remembered his name because it sounded funny to u lol) ‘critik der urtheilskraft’
“wait, before you show me the surprise-“ you’re leading namjoon back to the front desk but he stops in his tracks and yanks you backwards so that you twirl riGht into his arms “c’mere, you” he leans down and plants his lips on yours and you hum happily and wrap your arms loosely around his neck
he nudges his nose against yours after pulling away
both your guys’ cheeks are warm and rosy and you giggle before giving him another quick peck “we have plenTy of time to kiss later let me show you what i got for you!” you drag him back behind the counter before bending down and rummaging through your backpack “close your eyes and hold your hands out!!”
“i have a bad feeling about this” namjoon murmurs but does as you say
you place the book on his open palms and namjoon grimaces
“ohgodohgod what is it what is that” he whines and squeezes his eyes shut even moRe
the smile drops from your face momentarily and you scoff playfully
“it’s a bOOk you moron” you jab a finger into his chest and namjoon peels an eye open slowly before opening them both and blinking down at-
“ohHHHHHHHHH MY GODDDDDDDDDD” namjoon literally shRIEKS and you’re pretty sure your ears are bleeding “no way- how did you even- what the hel- oh my go-“
oh god
you think you broke namjoon
“,..,so i’m guessing you like the- woAH” the next thing you know namjoon’s tackling you to the ground and smothering you in kisses like an overactive puppy
if you guys were in a cartoon there would be hearts floating up and around your lovE pile
you laugh as namjoon squishes your cheeks together and gives you one big fAT kiss
how the heCK did he get so lucky to land someone like u!!!!!!!!!
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yoongi really doesn’t understand you humans
first of all there was that whole mistletoe thing during christmas (which he definitely didn’t mind and deFINItely took advantage of but was still confused by the concept) ((kissing someone?? because they’re standing underneath a sprig of grass????? he appreciates it but still doesn’t get it))
and now there’s this
valentine’s day
febRuarY foUrtEenth
he can’t help but scoff to himself as he thinks about it
valentine’s day
a day where candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of saint valentine
you know what valentine’s day is
it’s the negative side of capitalism
it’s become so commercialised and no one’s reaLLY celebrating it because they love their partner they’re only celebrating it because they love the idea of love
the point is
yoongi doesn’t want to celebrate valentine’s day
and he’s not going to celebrate valentine’s day
“good morning~” yoongi glances over his shoulder before rolling over onto his other side to see you coming out of the washroom
“mm.” he grumps in response and tugs the blanket up a little higher “by the way, don’t expect me to be all lovey-dovey because it’s valentine’s day. we’re still getting takeout for dinner.” yoongi flops his head back against the pillow and shuts his eyes
“alright.” you chirp in response and yoongi opens his eyes immediately
you didn’t even put up a fight
no protest?
yoongi props himself up on his elbow
“did you hear me?”
“loud and clear” you pull your hair up into a ponytail
“…i said we’re not celebrating valentine’s day.”
you dab some lip balm on your lips and press them together before humming “i know. i don’t care.”
you can’t lie
you care a little bit
you know how weird yoongi is when it comes to humAn traditions
but then again this’ll be your first ever valentine’s day noT being single so you kinda wanted to celebrate it?? but also you’re super busy today (you have a midterm to study for so it’ll be anoTher late night at the library) and you’ll probably be too tired to do anything suPer extravagant so
it’s fine
you don’t need the chocolates or the flowers or the fancy dinner
you love yoongi and you’re pretty sure yoongi loves u (u guys haven’t actually said it to each other yet) and that’s all that matters !
meanwhile he’s still in a daze
you don’t care
you don’t.., “”””””care”””””” ???
what does that mEAN
you can’t not care
you usually care about these kinds of things!!!!!
“i’ll see you after my classes.” you prop a knee up on the bed before leaning down and giving yoongi a quick kiss “you know, it’s a good thing we’re not celebrating valentine’s day. otherwise i’d have to go out and buy all those overpriced red lacy lingerie sets and pink fuzzy handcuffs just to impress you for a night! this is great! my wallet loves this!”  
yoongi isn’t even paying attention to what you’re saying because what the hell is going on
“right. yeah. valentine’s day is… we’re not doing that. like 500% not doing it.” yoongi clears his throat and waits for a second to give you one more chance to start protesting
but again
absolutely nothing from you
it’s after you leave and yoongi is left by himself that the realisation hits him
oh god
you’re going to break up with him aren’t you
that’s why you don’t want to celebrate valentine’s day is because you’re going to bREAK UP WITH HIM
what’s he going to do
where’s he going to go he can’t go back to hell and he certainly doesn’t want to live out on the streets
you guys are bound together you can’t break up with him!!!!!! are you allowed to do that??? he literally gAVE you a piece of his AURA  
,.,.,.,.you’re going to break up with him and then you’re going to get together with jimin
oh HELL fuckiGN NO
yoongi immediately sprinGs out of bed
there’s no way in hELL he’s going to let that happen
“what’s the matter with you?” you snap out of your little trance when jungkook waves his hand in front of your face
“i’ve eaten like 98% of your fries and you haven’t made a move to stop me yet” he scowls when you smack his hand when he reaches for another fry “never mind”
“ah, it’s nothing.” you wave it off
“that’s a lie and you know it” kook points out before taking a swig of water
“it’s just… it’s valentine’s day today, y’know?” you murmur and pick at your cuticles
you didn’t think you’d care about valentine’s day and stuff but now that you’re in a relationship you.,., you wanna celebrate valentine’s day tOO :( you just wish yoongi would open up more easily to human traditions
like yeaH he’s a demon and naturally he’s the most pessimistic i-hate-the-world kinda guy but,.., u just want him to put in some effort sometimes
jungkook slowly lowers his water bottle and narrows his eyes a little “was i… was i supposed to get something for you?”
you scoff and raise an eyebrow and let your expression answer the question
jungkook lets out a small breath of relief because he deFINitely didn’t have anything prepared
he can make a rose out of your ketchup-stained napkin if you want him to
“okay, yeah, it’s valentine’s day… so… why are you so bummed out again? you’re in a relationship. i’m the single one here!”
“yoongi doesn’t do valentine’s day.” you roll your eyes at how woRKed up you’re getting over this
this morning you literally told him you didn’t care but here you are a couple hours later whining about how you’re not getting a valentine’s day celebration
you look over and see a couple snuggling up to each other
at another table a boyfriend is feeding his gal a damn chocolate covered strawberries and he even got her a bouquet of flowers!!!!
all these couples just ruBBing it in your face!!! DISrespectFUL
it’s odd
you’re not single but you certainly feel very single right now
you push your lunch towards kook before slumping down on the table
you’re not so hungry anymore
you feel a small tap on the top of your head and you look up
“…happy valentine’s day?” jungkook offers weakly as he holds up his makeshift rose to you
a small smile twitches at the corner of your lips and you take it from him before taking a whiff
smells like ketchup and french fry grease
“ever the romantic, aren’t you?” you sit up straight and pinch at one of the petals
“tell me something i don’t know”
yoongi is going crazy
he can’t recall a time in his long, long life where he’s worked as hard as he’s working now
this is what he’s been up to since his little realisation
he made the bed
he did the laundry
he took the trash out
he vacuumed the entire apartment
and now he’s starting on dinner because it’s nearly 5 o’clock and woW time goes by so quickly when you’re STRESSING THE FCUK OUT
he’s in the middle of chopping up the onions (his eyes are stinging so badly but he needs to power thru for u) when he notices something
a presence
an.,,. angelic presence.,.,,
“what do you want??” yoongi groans immediately and turns around just in time to see jimin appearing in a golden glow
“hello to you too.” jimin snorts and picks a loose thread off his silky white shirt
there’s a little heart embroidered on his chest pocket
it’s valentine’s day after all!!
“y/n’s not here - but she will be in like an houR so you need to get outta here”
“i never pegged you for the devoted, stay-at-home-and-make-dinner partner, you know” jimin teases and pushes himself up onto the kitchen island
“oh, shut the hell up” yoongi growls and jimin raises his hands in defence
“goodness. what’s the matter with you today?”
“i’m just-“ yoongi stops himself and he lets out a small breath before putting down the knife and turning around “look, it’s nothing, alright? get outta here”
“you know i’m not going to leave til you tell me what’s wrong…” jimin whistles and plops back down onto his feet before nudging yoongi to the side and taking over the role of onion dicer
yoongi steps aside and slumps against the kitchen island and stares at the back of jimin’s blonde head
“i… i’m not good at… human things, you know?”
“makes sense considering the fact you’re far from human”
“no- you know what i mean, man. and i’m especially not good at… romantic…” yoongi cringes “romantic human things.” he clears his throat “i’m not good at them like you are.” he adds quietly
jimin pauses and glances over his shoulder “huh.”
he’s never seen yoongi so insecure before
jimin picks the chopping board up and slides the diced onions into the bubbling tomato sauce before putting the board into the sink “i don’t know what you’re talking about. the whole cleaning the apartment up and making a valentine’s day dinner seems romantic enough. don’t be so hard on yourself!”  
“i dunno…, i just feel like i’m screwing everything up and i really- i really, really like y/n and i don’t want her to feel like she’s.. stuck with someone like me for the rest of her life and stuff… am i making sense? like, i don’t want her to-“ jimin already stopped listening to yoongi like a good thirty seconds ago
he think it’s endearing how obviously whiPPEd yoongi is for you even though he’ll never admit it
jimin holds a finger out and yoongi trails off slowly before raising a brow in confusion
“-i’m willing to offer my services from the goodness of my heart.”
yoongi narrows his eyes and immediately feels jealousy prickling at his skin
“..,what kinda services.,.,.,. there’s no way i’m sharing y/n with you just because it’s valentine’s day i’m not going to give y/n the giFT of a threESOME you perv-“
“i was talking about sprucing up the romantic factor in the apartment, you idiot.” jimin snorts “sure, you vacuumed, you dusted, but you didn’t even put any decorations up! how’s y/n supposed to know about your romantic intentions?? and also, look at what you’re wearing!! that’s not appropriate valentine’s day attire” yoongi looks down at his t-shirt and grey sweats  
“what am i supposed to wear?” yoongi furrows his brows and looks at jimin’s outfit “i’m not wearing anything like what you’re wearing”
“you can’t pull off silk anyway.” jimin purses his lips “i’ll figure it out for you, don’t worry about it!”
yoongi clears his throat “you’re doing this for free?”
“only because i like y/n and i think she deserves a nice valentine’s day. now - you stay here and work on dinner, and let me work my magic.”
yoongi lets out a breath after jimin leaves the kitchen
he sure hopes jimin knows what he’s doing
“you sure you don’t wanna come over to my place and binge-watch bad romcoms??” jungkook swings his backpack over his shoulder and you laugh lightly before shaking your head
“as tempting as that sounds, yoongi’s probably waiting for me at home. we’re getting takeout for dinner and his favourite chinese restaurant closes in like an hour so i better get my ass home otherwise he’s going to be gruMpy for not getting his orange chicken, you know him”  
“alright, well… happy valentine’s day!!” jungkook’s been trying to cheer you up all day and you keep insisting that you’re over it but he’s you best friend and he can tell you’re still a tiNy bit upset about it
as you sit on the bus back home you can’t help but let your mind wander
what if you and yoongi had celebrated valentine’s day tonight
where would he take you? what would he wear?
the thought of yoongi wearing a crisp tux makes your heart flutter
and then you remember his obscenely mint-green hair and that paired with the suit makes you giggle for some reason
also.,.,,. not to be that person..,., but you can’t help but feel like valentine’s day sex would be a loT more intense than normal sex
you feel your cheeks redden and you quickly shake the thought off
no use getting hyped up over something that’s not going to happen
at the end of the day yoongi still makes you happy and that’s all that matters
you settle back against the chair and check the time on your watch
looks like you won’t be getting chinese takeout tonight
“i know i’m late but hopefully you’re willing to forgive me if i order us an extra large pepperoni-“ the moment you open the door to your apartment you immediately notice that something is wrong
not necessarily wrong
something’s different
you take a couple cautious steps forward and narrow your eyes “…yoongi?”
you don’t hear anything in response but you take this moment alone to take in the atmosphere
what the hell
is this your apartment “yoongi…”
..,.,did u walk into the wrong apaRtment
there are lit candles everywhere (they’re the ones you used to summon yoongi with lol)
the lights are dimmed
there’s.,,. classical music playing from your bluetooth speakers
what the hell is going on
you’re about to call out for yoongi again but then you hear someone clear their throat and you whip around quickly
your eyes nearly pop out of their sockets
woW yoongi looks good
he’s wearing a black button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up
his shirt’s tucked into a pair of blue jeans
and did he
this bitch is wearing cologne
for the first time in forever
yoongi looks
min yoongi?? nervous??
“what are you-“
“this is for you” yoongi stammers and thrusts a bouquet of roses into your hands
“i-i made dinner too” yoongi points over your shoulder and you turn around to see the dining room table all spruCed up
there are two plates of spaghetti sitting across from each other
a candle burning away in the middle of the table
he even brought your nice wine glasses out  
you turn back around to face yoongi and he has his lips pressed together looking like he’s waiting for you to say something
you set the bouquet down on the coffee table “i thought you were too good for the whole valentine’s day thing.” you tease gently in hopes that he’ll loosen up a bit because he’s literally sO nervous it’s kind of scary
yoongi lets out a breath and runs his hand through his hair “i mean… at first i didn’t think we needed to celebrate valentine’s day because i didn’t think i needed to prove that i love you through fancy dinners and flowers n stuff-“ yoongi looks down and picks at the dry skin around his fingernails nervously and he looks up to see you with a megAwatt smile on your face “…..what”
you shrug casually and take a couple steps closer to him with a pleased smile on your face
yoongi lets out a small groan “what?? you know i hate guessing games.” yoongi doesn’t budge as you wrap your arms around his neck
of course his arms snake around your waist instinctively
“seriously, what?” he pouts and you give his bottom lip a lil kiss
“you love me” you whisper
yoongi furrows his brows “…yeah no dUH i thought that was pretty obvious considering the fact i slaved away all day tryna give you the beSt valentine’s day ever-“
“say it again” you grin adoRAbly and yoongi is reminded of how TRULY w h i p p e d he is for you
yoongi clears his throat and rolls his eyes when you reach up and tap your ear as if you can’t hear him
“i love you… you needy, whiney, attention-seeking little human.”
“love u too you literal spawn of satan”
yoongi didn’t know why he was so worried you were going to break up with him
he knows he has you wrapped around his pinky finger
but he’s probably wrapped tiGhter around youR pinky finger if we’re being real
after dinner and dessert (yoongi made chocolate covered strawberries) you head upstairs to wash up real quick and you’re surprised to see a white box sitting on your bed tied up with a pretty red bow
what is this
you approach it cautiously before peeling the little sticky note off the top
‘you can thank me later. happy valentine’s day!’ you raise your brow at the sticky note and yelp in surprise when it suddenly disappears and fades into sparkles- oHhHHHHhh now all of this makes sense
you knEW yoongi couldn’t fold the napkins into little swans without jimin’s help
it’s the thought that counts tho so you still appreciate it
you tug at the bow gently and pull the top off to reveal a lingerie set
you gasp at how pretty it is as you pull it out
jimin has good taste
it’s a practically see-through baby doll dress and it’s a smoky grey colour (kinda matches yoongi’s hair)
triangle lace cups
an empire waist with a shiny satin bow around it  
and of course you can’t forget about the matching thong
you let out a quiet squeal of excitement and clutch it to your chest
“gimme a second, jagi. i’m almost done with the dishes…” yoongi pokes his tongue out in concentration as he scrubs at a particular stubborn stain in the metal pot
he can’t help but wonder if jimin would be willing to help out with the dishes too
“one second, yeah?” he glances over his shoulder to acknowledge you and-
o fuk
yoongi immediately freezes and his mouth goes dry
he was certainly not expecting that
he clears his throat and turns back around
he reaches over and turns the tap off and sets the pot down in the sink gently
jimin really is an angel
you have your bottom lip tucked in between your teeth to keep yourself from bursting into giggles
yoongi dries his hands on a cloth before turning around and leaning against the sink and giving you a quick nod “c’mere, baby.”
you make your way over to him and his grip tightens on the edge of the counter
you look so good and he’s literally -1 seconds away from ripping that off of u
“happy valentine’s day.” you murmur with a small smirk and reach up to pop one of the buttons on his shirt
…,,..,yoongi wants everyday to be valentine’s day
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Proper member introduction blog (WIP)
general sys info:
- I/we (use they/them when referring to us!)
- OSDD-1b system of 25+
- fictive + masc heavy
- Tulpas + Tulpamancers, pro-endos allowed to interract but on thin ice kinda
MOTH (he/him or any)
hii I’m moth or (any of the names listed here, moth just happens to be my main internet nickname :p) and I’m the sys host :)))) I really luv doing art n HEY COME CHECK OUT THE MAIN BLOG BCUZ I POST MY DANGER DAYS/TTLOTFK STUFF ON THERE!!!! 
I look the closest to the actual body :)
- inft-p
- male + homoflexible + poly + ace
- 15 - 19 y/o (ageslider)
- tag: #-moth
- other tags: #Eclipse (OC) #Alexis (OC)
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PAX/SCHLATT (mainly he/him)
I’m the system’s co-host despite doing considerably less than moth does but thats okkk - I also have a partner  whos also a member of another system :thumbsup:
- istj-t
- male + bi
- around 23 y/o
- tag: #-Pax
(- not okay with being referenced/compared to scource unless it’s by close friends)
(- uncomfortable with scourcemates)
ACID (she/it/kit/teef)
h3LL0 am ac1d but 1 fuLLy g0 by AC1D_SW33TZ x)) n0t c0mf0rtabL3 w1th g1v1ng my r3aL nam3!!! 1 am a ag3sL1d3r and ag3r3 (4-9 1n L1ttL3 and 17-20 1n b1g but 1m bar3Ly any mature HAHA!!!!!!! 1 draw s0met1m3z but 1tz n0t my pass10n xD
((quirk translation: “Hello, am Acid, but I fully go by AC1D_SW33TZ x)) not comfortable with giving my real name!!! I am an ageslider and agere (4-9 in little and 17 to 20 in big, but I’m barely any mature HAHA !!!!!!!) I draw sometimes but it’s not my passion xD”)) (-moth)
- nb + aroace ?
- 17 (3 - 9 in agere) y/o
- tag: #-ac1d
GRIAN (he/him)
i am bird
- male + heteroflexible
- 19 - 27 y/o (ageslider)
- tag: #-G
(- okay with being referenced/compared to scource)
(- happy with scourcemates)
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ZEPHYR (she/it/he/they)
guy i speak :)) iam really funny head
- ageless
- tag: #-Zeph
ASH (he/she)
he’s pretty,, new? ig! hes almost complrtrly nonverbal and doesn’t speak or type,, she communicates through expressions and dat shit so unless you’re in a video call or in person you’ll probably just not get to meet each other properly hhhh (-moth)
- male + bi
- around 24 y/o
- tag: #-Ash
(- happy with being referenced/compared to scource)
(- uncomfortable with scourcemates)
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RUBY (she/they)
 the headmate that made us realise that we’re a system . I’m a big big caretaker but I’m not gona go acting like a mom out there if you’re not a little/kid/agere :P I’m often at co-front with Cassidy !
- demigirl + bi
- 18 y/o
- tag: #-Ruby
CASSIDY (she/her)
Hi! I’m the one who likes to customize our headspace constantly :^) our house now smells like old people
I really love small-ish house plants and generally going outside! I’m very rarely fronting alone, maybe i take some ruby maybe i take some moth hahaha
- female + heteroflexible
- 19 y/o
- tag: #-Cassidy
VAL VELOCITY (he/they)
- male + questioning
- around 21 y/o
- tag: #-Val
(- okay with being referenced/compared to scource)
(- okay with scourcemates)
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OTHER SYSTEM TAGS: #quotes (where we put funny stuff) #asks (qna stuf)
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call-me-jennn · 5 years
slight burnout
I’m definitely a words of affirmation person, strongly so I thought. Pretty much nothing is as satisfying in my job than when I finish explaining treatment to a patient and they go “oh, that makes sense now. I feel better”. Even if you say good job to me sarcastically, which sometimes the coworkers do, it’s enough for an energy boost. But I don’t know anyone who craves words of affirmation more than my doctor. 
After a surgery, after a case, after convincing a patient of treatment. She’s ON me. “I did good didn’t I Jenn?” “Not a lot of doctors have such a good touch, my patients never need pain meds.” “Aren’t I blessed? I have this little halo.” 
Yes doc. You’re great. Yes doc, surgery was beautiful. On and on and on.
But back to me, when I get a little overwhelmed, I noticed a while ago that I’ll do this little coping mechanism where I’ll kinda fake cry to myself. Like “waaaaaaah”. I didn’t notice it until I was doing it at work one day and someone tried to comfort me. I was like “huh? No I’m totally fine.” I don’t know why but fake crying just makes me feel better haha. 
When I am very overwhelmed however, I’ll will cry. Or try to at least. I get overcome with the urge and I sob heavily but I usually can’t get any actual tears out. The emotions are real though.
All this is to preface how work went last friday. I wasn’t supposed to work until 11, and had two big surgeries scheduled and one small extraction. Going out to drinks with the friends for Little Phat’s birthday and doctor calls me on my way there, in the middle of my nightly facetime with Mindy I might add. She says one of the La Jolla patients was having a problem with his implant, asked if I was okay with seeing him. Sure, I’m not gonna say no. Shouldn’t be anything major, let’s see him at 8 am, then I’ll have time to set up for the surgeries after. 
EXCEPT turns out we had to extract his implant and it took a million years to clean out this massive socket of infection. So it’s 10:15 am and I’m trying to clean this blood covered operatory while the doctor tells me to take a lunch break before the next two surgeries. NANITHEFUCK MAN. I’m running around for like the next 5 hours through the worst surgeries and none of the fucking teefs want to come out in anything less than a millions pieces and the fuckin phlebotamy tech is chillin goin “man Jenn, it makes me tired just looking at you” and “hey you wanna meet my nephew” and I’m just like beetchhhhhhh, pleasedonttalktome. And I feel the sobs coming on but the patients are so happy and thankful but it’s still not enough so as soon as the last one is dismissed I’m bent over with my head on the counter sobbing and here comes the doctor going “JENN WASN’T I AMAZING TODAY”
So that was the start of the weekend. Saturday ended in the ER and Sunday morning started with coming to home to Alix with puke on him and ended with me crying cause boys suck. What a weekend. 
Okay it wasn’t all bad but I had all these complaints and no one to complain to cause no making friends feel bad because accidents happen. Also I am a Huynh Truong now and that was the weekend highlight. Will make a separate post about that latersssss.
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