#I appreciate and understand the concern though! don't worry you don't come off that way
butwhatifidothis · 11 months
Hi, I'm really sorry if this does come off sounding rude. I've followed your 3h content for a while now so I was around to see the drama with raxis and things like moonlitboar occur. It really does suck and I've seen a lot of toxic edelgard stans myself in the fandom. I do understand how raxis does tend to block evade thus making it a prolonged conflict with no easy end. But I can't help but feel that the discord screenshots you've posted have not helped in resolving the conflict. I don't think that you have been wrong about the culture of toxicity inside the discord but I feel that the discord screenshots may have escalated the conflict since now there are people there who are becoming very paranoid about about "spying" (which in itself a little bit of a grey area because it is a public discord) . But I think that paranoia in the discord now has the potential to turn really ugly and further radicalize more people in the discord. And because there are some neutral people in that discord who do seem to want to just block and ignore/tired of some arguments, I think that an end to the discord screenshots would keep them from being swayed by the paranoia/ a sign of good faith. I really don't think that you are in the wrong when it comes to this whole thing with raxis. I think that raxis's actions and behavior do deserve to be called out in the past and present. But I just feel like trying to call out one person is one thing but a whole discord is just a very huge and impossible challenge. I think that the discord is just best left ignored as these people have clearly made it clear that they really don't want to be reasoned with or want to change and I think that they are getting really dangerous. I really do hope this doesn't come off as both sides are bad because I do believe that this problem has always originated from Raxis. Sorry this got so long and I really do wish you all the best.
It's no problem; I understand where you're coming from.
What I feel about it is this: people from outside the server did not know the depths this server was sinking into. Leaving them alone as we have been would have resulted in them continuing to go on as though everything was fine as long as they confined their rhetoric to a certain spot; I feel it's important to remind people that that is not true, as that would only isolate the problem while doing nothing to actually rectify it or stop it from getting worse (even though this of course isn't going to magically cure everything either, to be clear).
Even well before I posted these specific screenshots, they were paranoid about the entire fandom "persecuting and targeting" them for "no reason," they were paranoid about how everyone is "out to get" Edelgard in FE's general fandom spaces, they were paranoid that every single other person who ever criticizes them is some form of evil bigot (which would normally be a bit of an exaggeration, if it wasn't for them genuinely saying this every single time something like this happens); at worst, this will just be used as yet another scapegoat to continue their self-fulfilling prophecy of being generally disliked in the fandom. At best, this warns people about what's been going on - a miracle could even happen and some of the people in the server can see what the higher ups in their server have been letting slide and leave.
I called out Raxis because of the harm he was (and, frankly, still is) doing to others, and I am doing the same to the Edelgang discord because of the harm their mods have either allowed to happened or have outright participated in themselves. Given the general consensus of people from the outside's reactions (that being shock and/or disgust), I think it's ultimately important to warn people of harmful actors and the rhetoric they spread.
Especially given how they responded. If there was any sign of remorse for what was done - Shandale disavowing their previous beliefs, or if that didn't happen them getting unmodded/banned/some sort of action done from the mod team, or even just some pushback from the general members (something they were more than ready to do in defense of Raxis, and something they were willing to do when these sentiments were first said) - I would have been more than ready to delete the screenshots and apologize for showing them. But their defense of it - that it was "taken out of context," as though what was said could ever be alright to say, as though they do in fact stand by them - shows the importance of calling this behavior out.
They do not think it was that bad. They think these sentiments are okay to have, as long as they are in the "right context." And I don't think it's okay for people to not know that given how dangerous the rhetoric is
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hughiecampbelle · 2 months
The Boys Preference: Taking Care Of You When You're Drunk
A/N: Not requested, just an idea I had! Still not feeling great, but I will definitely get back to requests tomorrow :) This is just a lil thank you for your patience my loves! Feedback is always appreciated! 💜
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Butcher notices you've been drinking a lot more than usual. Ever since you found out he was dying, you've been trying not to think about it or worry about it, and the only way you can do that is by drinking. Getting drunk is just a fun side effect. He'll drive you from the bar, taking your shoes off before tucking you into his bed. He hates the idea that you're hurting yourself like this because of him, because he didn't listen to you and he took the V without regard to his or your safety. The least he could do was hold your hair while you threw up and bring you a glass of water and some Tylenol. You don't talk about it, though. You don't want to talk about him dying, you don't want to face that future, and you don't want to talk about your growing problem. You were drinking on the job, too, maintaining a certain numbness so that nothing else could hurt you.
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Hughie hates that you're drinking more. He understands why. More and more stuff just keeps going wrong. More and more issues pop up. It's hard to be positive or optimistic. It was easier to find your way to the bottom of a bottle than to come face to face with any of this stuff. He doesn't mean to pry, but he asks you a lot of questions. The main one is why are you doing this? You just shrugged. It's so hard to explain. Everything feels like too much. You were tired, and scared, and you weren't sure you wanted to do this anymore. What was the point? He tried to cheer you up. You had the serum in the severed leg, you were so close, why give up now? You wanted to be that hopeful. You really did, but you couldn't.
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Annie definitely lectures you. This is the third night in a row (this week alone) where the bartender called her, your emergency contact, taking your keys from you. You've been drinking a lot more, ever since you left The Seven and joined The Boys. You worked with Vought for so long, she knew there was a lot you weren't saying. She tried to talk to you about it, but you were so cagey, shutting her out instead. Shutting everyone out. It was awful, that much she knew. Still, everyone went through something. That didn't give you the right to get as drunk as you were as often as you were. You're barely listening, but she gives you her speech anyways. She'll keep telling it to you until something changes.
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M.M. hates taking care of you when you're like this. The biggest thing he can't stand is the vomit. He stays as far away from you as possible, yelling from the across the room if you're okay. He offers hand sanitizer and napkins and mouthwash, but he refuses to get any closer than that. The noises alone make his skin crawl, let alone the smell. He's in charge now. He feels like he has to take care of everyone, regardless of the issue. You getting drunk wasn't a problem yet, but he knew he'd have to talk to you if it got worse. Drinking every night just to function during the day wasn't you. You couldn't keep going on like this. If that included tough love, so be it. You needed to hear it.
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Frenchie drinks with you. He never goes as far as you, realizing that at least one of you should be slightly more sober. He doesn't really mind when you get drunk. Something happens with you. You become happier, sillier, more fun. You smile and laugh more. He likes seeing that. He likes knowing you're at least a little happier. Life had become so hard lately. Your past was catching up with you, and you didn't know how to handle it, so you got drunk. He understood the concern from everyone else, but he knew yelling and lecturing would change anything. At least he could be there for you. At least he could take care of you and laugh with you and be there. That's all you really needed.
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Kimiko is quite gentle when you're drunk. She walks you home from the bar and takes off your shoes and asks you questions: Are you nauseous? Are you hungry? Thirsty? She gets it. When she saw the posters of the Shining Light Liberation Army, she drank more than a few beers. Anything she could get her hands on. Sometimes, you just need a little liquid courage to face the hard things. She makes sure you have pain relief for the headache you'll feel tomorrow and gets you something greasy to put in your stomach. She doesn't like or want to villainize your actions. You were all tired of this, fighting a battle you could not win. She stuck up for you when the others thought you were being messy or stupid. You just needed some time, that was all.
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Bonus! Homelander thinks you're messy, a degenerate, and he won't tolerate it. When he knows you're drunk or hungover he makes a special point to seek you out, to punish you. You're a member of The Seven, you should act like it. The same way it infuriates him when Sage lobotomizes herself, he feels that when you start drinking. You have a public image to uphold. Even when you go out in civilian clothes, anyone could spot you. Anyone could ask for a photo or ask questions. It was stupid and selfish and reckless and as long as he's in charge, he won't tolerate it. He humiliates you, he says, because he cares. You think it's because he likes having power over you when you're at your most vulnerable.
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Bonus! Soldier Boy thinks you're a lightweight and calls you out on it any chance he can get. There's no keeping up with him. Even being a Supe, you could still get incredibly drunk. Your tolerance was a lot higher than humans, but nowhere near Soldier Boys. He doesn't really take care of you when you're drunk. It's more like lying you on your side and leaving you to sleep. He's not very caring towards anyone, let alone someone he considers lesser than himself. He's fun to drink with, but the fun pretty much stops there. If he's feeling extra considerate, he might throw a blanket over you, but that's as far as he goes. He'll leave you and keep on drinking for the rest of the night. You being drunk won't put a damper on his legendary partying.
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alwaysmoncheri · 7 months
summary: you’re sick and spencer takes the day off of work to take care of you
cw: female!reader, cheesy writing, throwing up, spencer being an all around sweetheart, 782, spencer reid x reader
you wake up with a pounding headache and a throat scratchier than sandpaper. the flu has taken residence in your body, and you feel utterly defeated. but you refuse to take a day off of work. so you somehow manage to stumble into the bau office, feeling the weight of sickness pulling you down. spencer glances up from his desk, concern etching his features. he notices your pale complexion and furrowed brows.
"hey," he says softly, rising from his chair as you pass by. "you don't look so good. are you okay?" he asks, as you slowly sit down into your chair and lean back with a pained expression.
you shake your head, managing a weak smile. “just a bit under the weather. i’ll be fine." you say and spencer sends you a questioning glance but believes you nonetheless.
as you attempt to settle into your workspace, working on paper, and glancing through files, the queasiness intensifies. numerous co-workers glance you way, the concerned expressions watching you from behind their desks. when you come across a particularly gruesome file you feel the contents of your breakfast surging up from your stomach and panicking, you reach for your desk drawer, contemplating using it as a makeshift trash can.
spencer, quick to understand the situation, rushes over, gently placing a hand on your shoulder. "no, no, honey, don't throw up in there." he whispers, gently, rushed, but profusely worried.
more panic sets in as you glance around the office, desperately searching for an alternative. spencer, ever resourceful, leads you to the nearest restroom. you make it just in time, sparing your desk from an unpleasant fate.
"maybe you should go home, take the day off," he suggests, one hand rubbing soothing circles on your back while the other holding your hair back.
you shake your head, determined to soldier on despite the discomfort. "I can't let the team down. we’ve got a case and i’ve got a job to do.”
spencer looks torn between concern and understanding. “if it gets worse, i’ll take you home, okay?” asks and you nod, grateful for his caring nature.
the day unfolds, each passing hour adding to your misery. spencer keeps a watchful eye on you, offering water and snacks in an attempt to alleviate your symptoms. however, nothing seems to be enough.
during a briefing, your stomach rebels, and you struggle to maintain composure. spencer notices your distress, placing a steadying hand on your shoulder. you manage a weak smile, appreciating his support. as the team delves into the case details, you focus on breathing steadily, determined not to let your illness hinder the investigation. but when your face goes a shade lighter than it was before and you look as though you’re about to pass out, spencer quickly gathers your belongings and takes your burning hand in his.
"okay, honey, I think it's time for you to go home," he insists, his worry palpable.
you nod, grateful for his insistence. as you head towards the exit, spencer supports you, making sure you don't stumble. the team watches, puzzled, as you leave unexpectedly.
once outside, spencer uides you to his car, helping you settle into the passenger seat. he drives you home, his concern evident in the glances he steals between navigating traffic.
when you reach your doorstep, you fumble for your keys, but spencer intervenes, unlocking the door for you. once inside, you collapse onto the couch, relieved to be in the comfort of your home. spencer settles beside you, offering a comforting presence. spencer retrieves a blanket, covering you gently. "rest up. I'll make some tea and check on you in a bit."
“thank you, spence.” you whisper gently before falling into much-needed sleep.
the next morning, you wake up feeling slightly better. your pounding headache is gone and you stomach doesn’t seem to feel as queasy as it had the day before. spencer who stayed the night, much to your surprise, greets you with a warm smile.
"how are you feeling?" he asks, the same concern from yesterday lingering in his eyes. he kneels in front of you and brings his hand up to brush your hair away from your face.
"better, thanks to you," you reply, genuinely appreciative of his care.
spencer chuckles softly and you can’t help but examine the crinkle of his eyes and soft curve of his lips. “well, it’s the least I can do. but you’re still not going into work today. and i’m staying right here until you’re all better.” he adds, pivoting on his heels, grabbing a cup of tea from the coffee table behind him and offering it to you. you can’t help but smile.
“okay, doc.”
masterlist . spencer reid masterlist . taglist
thank you for reading, my darling! remember to like! reblog! and comment! i’ll give you a smooch if you do, ily! send requests to my inbox!
alwaysmoncheri © ─ all rights reserved. please do not repost/translate/copy any of my work.
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redroomreflections · 6 months
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Natasha Romanoff x Reader
3/5 (even though we know it's more than likely this will be longer)
Summary: Natasha Romanoff and Reader reluctantly team up for a couples retreat mission. Despite initial resistance, they find themselves drawn together by unexpected circumstances and shared experiences.
Word Count: 3.8k words
Natasha's eyes fluttered open, her body drenched in a hot sweat. A dull ache pulsed through her left shoulder as she instinctively reached out to the headboard for support. Rubbing her shoulder, she squinted at the dim glow of the old alarm clock resting on the nightstand between the double beds. The numbers indicated it was just 11 pm—she hadn't been asleep for long.
As Natasha tried to shake off the grogginess of sleep, she realized something felt off. The hot sweat clinging to her skin and the soreness in her shoulder give her an uneasy feeling. She leaned over in bed, adjusting her eyes to the nightlight to see your covers were thrown back with no sight of you at all. Interesting. She figured you couldn’t have gone too far. You didn’t need a babysitter or someone watching over your shoulder. You’re a skilled spy just as she is. There was no need for her to worry. 
With a sigh, Natasha swung her legs over the side of the bed and sat up, running a hand through her damp hair. She knew she wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep easily now, not with that nagging feeling gnawing at her mind. She decided to get up, maybe a glass of water or a short walk around the building would help clear her head.
But as she stood, her gaze fell on the window. Her curiosity got the best of her as she moved closer to the window. She noticed a small figure seated by the poolside, an unusual sight considering it was late at night and the pool area was closed. Squinting, Natasha observed an even smaller flicker of light coming from the person's lips—a cigarette. It’s you. How long had you been down there?
The peacefulness of the night enveloped you as you sat by the pool, the soft glow of the pool lights casting eerie shadows that distorted the shapes of the surroundings. With one hand propped on your knee, you idly kicked your toes into the water, feeling the gentle waves ripple beneath your feet. The pull of the cigarette between your lips offered a momentary calm as your mind wandered.
Thoughts swirled in your head—about the mission, about your time as an Avenger, about the mysterious meaning of life's purpose.
"Couldn't sleep?" Natasha's voice broke the silence as she approached, her footsteps barely audible except for the faint shuffle of her flip-flops against the damp concrete.
"Nah, I don't usually," You replied, exhaling a stream of smoke into the night air as you took another puff of the cigarette. Tilting your head back, you watched as the smoke dispersed in the wind.
"Did I wake you when I left?" You asked. You pressed the cigarette into the concrete before twirling it in your hands. 
“No,” Natasha said. 
"Good," You nodded, acknowledging Natasha's unspoken disapproval at the sight and smell of the cigarette. "Don't worry, I threw the pack away," you reassured her, hoping to alleviate any concerns she might have about your habits. 
Natasha offered a small, understanding smile. "Thanks," she said softly, appreciating the gesture. Despite her reservations about the habit, she knew you were making an effort, and that meant a lot to her. At least she knew she could trust you to be professional about this mission. 
“I’ve been on missions before,” You confessed quietly. 
"I know," Natasha replied, her tone gentle yet firm. "But that doesn't mean it's easy every time. We all have our ways of coping." 
“Why are you being so cool all of a sudden?” You turned to her with suspicious eyes. “Less than eight hours ago you practically hated my guts. You’ve barely even looked my way the past three months.”
Natasha sighed, her expression softening. "I know, and I'm sorry," she admitted, meeting your gaze with honesty. "Sometimes it takes a wake-up call to realize we need to set aside differences and support each other. We're a team, after all." She paused, searching for the right words. "I guess I just realized that life's too short for grudges, especially in our line of work."
“Grudges are what fuel me,” You shrugged. “I have a few people on my list that certainly deserve that.” 
Natasha nodded, understanding the sentiment. "I get it," she replied. 
Natasha settled herself beside you, maintaining a comfortable distance, yet close enough to feel the subtle ripples of the water as she dipped her feet in. There was a quiet understanding between you, as neither of you had anything left to say. 
“My favorite position is cowgirl,” You suddenly said. “Not for me for the other person.”
Natasha raised an eyebrow at the unexpected comment, her expression a mix of surprise and amusement. She chuckled softly before replying, "Well, that's certainly... a candid confession." She shook her head with a playful grin. "I'll remember that, though I'm not sure it's pertinent to our current situation."
“It is,” You glanced over at her. “We’ll probably be one of the only lesbian couples. Which means weird fetishizations and probing questions. Maybe even a game of truth or drink. Adults at resorts are unhinged.” 
"You might have a point there," She conceded. “Give me the rundown on the dossier.”
You took a deep breath before launching into the details of the dossier. "Alright," you begin, "Shady Corners, as the name suggests, is a high-end resort nestled just outside of Miami in the Bay Harbor Islands. It’s owned by, Ilanka and Maxim Belinsky, it's known for catering to the elite, offering luxurious amenities and discreet services."
You leaned in closer, your voice lowering as you delved into the more clandestine aspects. "There’s a darker side to Shady Corners which is the entire reason for us. Rumors about the Belinskys' involvement in illicit activities, from money laundering to connections with underground cartels."
"Apparently," you continue, "guests have reported strange occurrences in the resort's secluded corners—mysterious meetings, people disappearing, and several break-ins, all hushed up by the Belinskys themselves. Couples keep checking in since it’s such a popular destination with a history behind it."
Natasha listened intently, her eyes narrowing as she took in the information. "Sounds like we've got our work cut out for us," she remarked. 
“Indeed we do,” You sighed. “We should get some sleep.” 
“I’m fine with staying here a little while longer.” 
You nodded in understanding. "Alright," you replied. 
Hour 12 
A few short hours later, you found yourselves back on the road, with you taking the wheel this time. Natasha's unease was noticeable as you bobbed and weaved through the traffic, your driving style more assertive than she was used to. With each swift maneuver to pass SUVs and trailers, Natasha's grip tightened on the door handle, her knuckles turning white with tension. 
You couldn't help but notice her discomfort, and though you tried to reassure her that you had everything under control, her nerves seemed to get the better of her. 
“Do you understand speed limits?” She tersely asked as you stepped on the pedal a bit harder. 
You glanced over at Natasha, noticing the edge in her tone as she asked about speed limits. Despite her brevity, you couldn't help but feel amusement at her concern. "Of course I do," you replied, trying to sound nonchalant as you stepped on the pedal a bit harder. "But sometimes, you just gotta keep up with the flow of traffic, you know?" 
Natasha's grip on the door handle tightened even more, and she shot you a disapproving look. "That's not an excuse to break the law," she retorted, her voice filled with frustration. "We have to be responsible drivers, especially on long trips like this."
You rolled your eyes, feeling a bit annoyed by her lecturing. "Relax, Natasha," You said "We'll get there in one piece, I promise." 
“I would like to live to see thirty,” Natasha commented, tightening her seatbelt around her midsection. 
“No way you’re being truthful about your age right now,” You flicked on your indicator, laying on the horn for the driver in front of you as they moved at a turtle’s pace. 
You could sense Natasha's annoyance as she defended her age, her frown deepening. "I'm twenty-nine," She stated firmly. "Do I need to show you a birth certificate to confirm that? What makes you think I'm older?"
You shrugged nonchalantly, a smirk playing on your lips. "Relax, Natasha," You teased. "I was just saying, you seem a bit uptight for someone your age. But hey, maybe that's just part of your charm." 
Natasha rolled her eyes, unamused by your comment. "Gee, thanks," she muttered sarcastically, crossing her arms over her chest. It was clear she wasn't in the mood for jokes. “I’m far from uptight.”
You furrowed your brow, considering her words for a moment. "Well, since you're so sure, let's take a little trip down memory lane, shall we?" you challenged. 
"Remember when we missed that turnoff and you practically had a meltdown?" you began, counting off on your fingers. "Or how about when I accidentally spilled coffee on the map and you acted like it was the end of the world? It is crazy that we’re using a map anyway when there’s a perfectly good GPS right here on the dashboard. Unless you’re testing me. I thought you trusted that I was a good spy."
“Trust is a strong word,” Natasha shook her head. “What’s that training like anyway? Coming through a government agency.” 
"It's... intense," You replied, your tone guarded as you skirted around the topic. "But it's nothing like the Red Room if that's what you're thinking."
You shift uncomfortably in your seat, not wanting to delve too deep into your past. The memories of your training were still fresh in your mind, and you preferred not to think about them. "Let's just say it involves a lot of rigorous training and a fair share of close calls," you added cryptically, hoping to steer the conversation away from your own experiences.
“A close enough call to have a four-inch scar on your back?” Natasha tilted her head. 
You paused for a moment, caught off guard by Natasha's astute observation. "Well, you've got quite the eye for detail," you replied with a forced chuckle, trying to deflect her question. You shifted in your seat, a hint of discomfort creeping into your expression. "Unless you’re also ready to discuss the scars you have too?” 
“Touche’,” Natasha sighed. 
You raised an eyebrow, shifting the focus of the conversation with a swift change of topic. "So are you and Rogers a thing?" you asked, a sly grin spreading across your face. If there was going to be anyone in the hot seat, it needed to be her. It was about time you made the Black Widow uncomfortable.
Natasha's expression remained neutral. She paused for a moment, considering her response carefully before replying, "Steve and I have a professional relationship, nothing more."
You pressed on, determined to push her buttons. "Sure, sure," you teased, leaning in slightly. "But I've seen the way you two look at each other. There's definitely something more there."
Natasha's facade faltered for just a moment, a little bit of frustration crossing her features before she quickly regained her composure. "Believe what you want," she replied coolly, her tone leaving no room for further discussion on the matter. 
“Come on, it’s okay to say you’ve tapped that,” You egged her on. “Stop being so prissy for a second. It’s unbecoming.” 
Natasha's jaw tensed as she resisted the urge to roll her eyes at your persistence. "I don't see how my personal life is any of your business," she replied sharply, her tone tinged with irritation. "And I certainly don't appreciate your crude insinuations."
You could sense her growing frustration, but you pressed on, determined to get a rise out of her. "Oh, come on, lighten up," you teased, leaning in closer. "It's not like anyone would blame you for going for the Captain. He's like the poster boy for good looks and heroism."
Natasha's gaze narrowed, her patience wearing thin. "I suggest you drop it before you say something you'll regret," she warned, her voice low and measured. It was clear she had reached her limit. 
“Ohh, I’m shaking in my boots,” You rolled your eyes. “At first the pressure was on me. Be more like Natasha. Take notes from Natasha. Ask Natasha for help. We can't even hold a simple conversation.” 
Natasha's jaw tightened at your sarcastic remark, her frustration is evident in her expression. "I never asked for you to be like me," she retorted, her tone clipped. "And if you're feeling pressured, that's on you, not me."
You could sense the tension between you escalating, and you knew you had hit a nerve. But instead of backing down, you continued to push, fueled by a mix of defiance and annoyance. "Oh, please," you scoffed, rolling your eyes. "Don't act like you haven't enjoyed being put on that pedestal. It's not like you haven't reveled in being everyone's golden girl."
Natasha's eyes flashed with annoyance, her patience wearing thin. "That's enough," she stated firmly, her voice leaving no room for argument. "I won't be dragged into your petty games. If you have a problem with me, say it to my face instead of hiding behind snide remarks." 
“I don’t have a problem with you,” You began. “It’s the simple fact that you’re committed to this whole mean girl serious chick schtick. You’ve insulted me fifteen times this morning without holding your breath or thinking about it. I simply want to know what’s up. So I’m asking? Last night we were cool. This morning it’s giving me an entirely new personality.”
“So, to get back at me you imply that I’m sleeping with my teammate?”
The accusation hung in the air, heavy with tension, as Natasha processed your words. 
"Implying? No," You retorted. "I merely observed a dynamic between teammates. If you took it as an insult, that's on you."
“I think you’re jealous,” Natasha commented. 
Your response was swift, fueled by a mixture of frustration and defiance. "Jealous?" you echoed incredulously, a flash of indignation in your eyes. "Of what, exactly?" Natasha's comment caught you off guard, the accusation striking a nerve. "I'm not jealous," you countered, your voice tinged with irritation. "I just don't appreciate being undermined and belittled at every turn."
There was a tense silence between you, the air thick with unspoken tension. Natasha's expression remained impassive, but there was a glimmer of challenge in her eyes, daring you to continue the confrontation.
“Jealous of that fact that I was welcomed into the group based on merit and skills alone,” Natasha gloated. “I didn’t need my government daddy to put a word in for me.” 
Natasha's words stung, hitting a nerve deep within you. You clenched your jaw, struggling to maintain your composure in the face of her taunting.
"Merit and skills alone, huh?" you replied through gritted teeth, your tone laced with bitterness. "Funny, considering the lengths you've gone to to prove yourself at every turn."
But you swallowed your pride, forcing yourself to remain calm despite the urge to lash out. With a tight-lipped smile, you met Natasha's gaze head-on, refusing to let her see how deeply her words had wounded you.
"Congratulations," You replied tersely, your voice cold and clipped. "I'm glad you're so proud of yourself. Now let's focus on the task at hand, shall we?"
The silence went on for a few seconds longer before you scrunched your nose. 
“And government Daddy?” You frowned. “Who the hell do you think is my dad?”
Natasha's expression remained impassive, her gaze steady as she delivered her next words with a calculated calmness. "I don't know," she replied evenly, "but I wouldn't be surprised if it's someone like Ross."
The mention of Ross's name sent a chill down your spine, stirring up memories of past encounters and the uneasy alliance you had with him. Despite your best efforts to distance yourself from him, his shadow seemed to loom over you like a specter, a constant reminder of the ties that bound you to the government.
“Holy Fuck,” You clenched your fists, struggling to contain the anger bubbling within you. "Ross?" you scoffed, your tone dripping with disdain. "He's nothing but a manipulative bureaucrat with his own agenda. I have no ties to him, and I certainly don't need him to vouch for me."
“Why is his name riddled all over your file then?” 
You felt a knot form in your stomach at Natasha's question, a sinking feeling settling in as you grappled with how much she knew about your past. "I... I don't know," you replied, your voice strained with uncertainty. "Maybe it's just... paperwork. I've had dealings with him in the past, but that doesn't mean he's my... my father."
Despite your attempt to brush off the implications, Natasha's piercing gaze bore into you, her scrutiny unrelenting. "You can't just dismiss it like that," she insisted, her tone firm. "There's a reason his name keeps popping up in your file."
You shook your head firmly, dispelling any notion of familial ties between you and Ross. "No, not because we're related," you asserted, your voice resolute. "I've made it clear before—I have no familial connection to Ross."
Natasha regarded you with a scrutinizing gaze, her expression unreadable. "Then why is his name so intertwined with your file?" she pressed, her tone insistent.
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself for Natasha's reaction to your explanation. "Spectra was deeply connected with the CIA," you began, your voice steady despite the lingering frustration. "Ross helped me out with some intel. Nothing more. Nothing less."
Natasha regarded you with a thoughtful expression, her gaze probing as she considered your words. "Is that all it was?" she asked, her tone cautious. "Or was it part of a larger plan to spy on the Avengers?"
You shook your head, the weight of Natasha's suspicion weighing heavily on you. "No," you replied firmly, meeting her gaze head-on. "I would never betray the team like that. Ross may have his own agenda, but I'm not a pawn in his game."
As Natasha continued to scrutinize you, a glimmer of realization crossed her features. "So what's the deal?" she asked, her voice softening slightly as she searched your eyes for the truth. "You're not exactly the type to strike up a deal with Ross without a good reason."
"It's complicated," You admitted. "But after Spectra's downfall, I was left vulnerable. Ross and Tony offered me protection, a way to defect from the shadows and start fresh."
Natasha's brow furrowed in understanding, though there was a hint of skepticism in her expression. "And what do they get out of it?" she pressed, her tone cautious.
You sighed heavily, knowing that Natasha wouldn't let up until she had all the answers. "Information," you confessed, the weight of your betrayal heavy on your conscience. "About Spectra.” 
There was a moment of silence as Natasha processed your words, the gravity of your situation settling over you like a suffocating blanket. 
“You’re an informant?” Natasha breathed. She knew it. She couldn’t believe this. 
You nodded solemnly, meeting Natasha's gaze with a heavy heart. "Yes," you admitted, the weight of your confession hanging in the air like a dark cloud. "I'm an informant."
Natasha's breath caught in her throat, her disbelief palpable as she struggled to come to terms with the revelation. "I knew it," she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper. 
“Thank you, Kim Possible for knowing it all,” You rolled your eyes. 
“Who’s Kim Possible?” 
“And you’re still telling me you’re under thirty,” You mumbled. You rolled your eyes at Natasha's response, unable to resist a sarcastic retort
You couldn't help but chuckle at her bewilderment. "She's a fictional character from an old cartoon," you explained. "Always saving the day and solving mysteries. Thought you might appreciate the comparison."
“So, you gained immunity for your crimes then in exchange for information?” Natasha deduced. 
“Something like that,” You shrugged. “I’m an Avenger though because of my skills. I could have gone into a witness protection program or something.” 
There was a moment of silence as Natasha absorbed your words, the weight of your choices hanging heavily in the air between you. "I understand," she replied finally, her tone softening with understanding. 
“Do you? Because it seems like you want to use my past against me every chance you get,” You eased up on the accelerator. “I was a teen when I became a pawn for Spectra. They weren’t the cleanest government agency. None of them are. You may have involuntarily joined the Red Room but it’s not like I had much of a choice either. I was a poor kid from Jersey with no money or family. I did what I had to do to survive.” 
“I do understand,” Natasha nodded. 
“Look can we make a deal,” You sighed for what felt like the millionth time that day. “Can we just be cordial? We don’t have to be friends. I’m not expecting us to have sleepovers and braid each other's hair. I would simply like to make this work so that we get what we need out of this mission.” 
Natasha regarded you for a moment, her expression thoughtful as she considered your proposal. After a moment of silence, she nodded slowly. "Agreed," she replied, her voice firm. "Cordial it is."
You offered her a small nod of gratitude, relieved to have reached a truce, however tentative it may be. She reached into the backseat, grabbing something you couldn't see before you realized it was the magazine from yesterday. 
“What is your favorite type of nonsexual physical intimacy and are you satisfied with the frequency you receive it?” 
You blinked in surprise at Natasha's unexpected question, taken aback by its intimacy. For a moment, you were at a loss for words, unsure how to respond to such a personal inquiry.
Clearing your throat, you composed yourself before replying, "Um, well, I guess my favorite type of nonsexual physical intimacy would be... hugs? I suppose?" You offered a hesitant smile, feeling a bit awkward under Natasha's scrutinizing gaze. "I’m not really comfortable with a lot of physical touch. For personal reasons. And as for the frequency... I guess it's alright. I don't really think about it much."
Natasha nodded, her expression unreadable as she tucked the magazine back into its place. "Good to know," she remarked casually, as if she hadn't just asked you one of the most personal questions imaginable.
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, feeling a bit exposed by the exchange. But despite the awkwardness, you couldn't help but appreciate Natasha's attempt at breaking down the walls between you, even if it was in her own unconventional way. With a small nod of acknowledgment, you turned your attention back to the road ahead of you.
------> part 4
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missmugiwara · 1 year
If I May Be So Bold
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Summary: fem!reader x Rengoku // You, Rengoku, Uzui and the boys go to the Red Light District. You agree to go undercover as an oiran, but you can't help feel some type of way for the Flame Hashira. Perhaps this mission will bring you two closer. Warning: 18+, NSFW, slight smut, some dubious consent (in the form of kissing), swearing, mutual pining, friends to lovers Note: Took me forever to edit! This is a bit of a long read. Hope you all enjoy!
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Everything went smoother than planned. Tengen and Rengoku did a fantastic job talking you and the three young slayers up (although the Hashiras' good looks really helped). On the first night everyone had successfully infiltrated a house in the Red Light District. Ironically, Inosuke and you had been snatched up together for House Ogimoto. Besides that, it was a relief to know someone was with you to make this a tad more bearable. So off went Tengen and Rengoku to do some snooping around as you gathered intel with the boar-headed boy.
A light knock at the door to your room interrupted your thoughts.
Softly, you called, "Come in."
When Rengoku slid open the shoji door, you blinked in shock . Instantly, you hopped up from your seat at the vanity. Strange that he was here even though you agreed to meet for a report tomorrow. Yet by the look on his face, something was on his mind. Quickly, you trotted to his side, urgently closing the door before turning to him. Gladly, you would listen to Rengoku's troubles. Without thought, you grabbed his hands in your own.
"Kyojuro, what are you doing here? Did something happen?"
For a split second, he did not respond as his striking eyes took a moment to gaze upon the beguiling disguise that adorned you. Then, those beautiful fire-like eyes flickered to meet yours.
He smiled gently, running his thumbs over the backs of your hands once, "Nothing at all! I came to check and see if you were alright."
A pause stilled the air. You could feel your cheeks heat slightly, and you snickered. Was he serious right now? You were a Hashira too - one of the strongest members of the corps just like he was. Even if Rengoku had become a Hashira years earlier than you, you were still just as strong. Plus, you were Tengen's tsugoku a while back, so Rengoku knew you were trained well and by someone he respected. It was not like him to worry like this.
"Why?" you shook your head - realizing that sounded kind of rude, "I mean, I'm fine! You know I can take care of myself."
"I know, but… I just had to make sure."
His eyes said otherwise. Something was bothering him. The relationship between you two allowed you to understand each other deeply and emotionally. After all, you had been close friends for years. Together, you had been through a lot. There was never anything that prevented you from speaking your mind in front of him because he truly respected you - mind, body, and soul.
A warm smile graced your lips at the sweet gesture. A slight flush heated up your cheeks. You looked down. The honorable Flame Hashira holding the hands of the lovely Hashira-turned-oiran. It warmed your heart knowing he was comfortable enough to do this. Rengoku could be very protective when it came to you, so it made sense that the possibility of being with other men in this district bothered him greatly. He just hid it well. Really, he did not have to worry.
But thanks to Tengen's flashy ideas, you were an oiran for the next few days. An oiran. Rengoku - just knowing him - probably was not accustomed to women of this caliber.
"Are you sure you're not here for… something else?" You asked with lidded eyes. Slowly, you moved your hands to brush up against Rengoku's chest as his face blossomed into a blush.
"Uh, n-no! No, I-"
You tilted your head to the side with a grin.
"Just messing with you! I appreciate your concern, but really… I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me."
The Hashira was stiff for a few seconds in recovery from your bold teasing. What a cruel joke, and he played right into your hands. After another moment, Rengoku softened his gaze. His parted lips turned into a smile.
"Very well! Just let me know if you ever need me, my beautiful oiran. I'll be close."
His beautiful…? Was that a slip of the tongue? It couldn't be because Rengoku was not someone who made mistakes. You shook off your flustered state, taking your focus back to the mission. You had to make sure everyone would be safe. So when the Flame Hashira began to walk off, you realized you wanted to protect him too from anything. Even if he was strong. Ah, perhaps that's what he was conveying earlier. Without thinking, you reached out and grabbed the fabric of his uniform. Your fingers curled around his arm.
He froze before the door could even slide open. Gently, he turned towards you with a look of surprise. Using all your strength to muster up the courage for what you would say next, you simply stared at the ground and bit your bottom lip. Rengoku could sense something was not right much like you did earlier for him.
"Tell me what's wrong." he instantly uttered out in a low, protective tone.
A pause.
And then you broke out into laughter.
"I can't let you leave looking like that!" you grinned widely.
Kyojuro's brow twitched in surprise at the sudden change in your mood. He seemed amused.
"Oh? Like what?"
Still holding onto his arm, you tugged gently at it. He was captivated as you pulled him close to your body, following your movements about the room.
"People will get suspicious. Come on, you have to look the part!" you danced over to the vanity, searching for lipstick. Once you found it, you ran it over your lips a few times, puckering them in the mirror.
Then, you turned to Rengoku who simply blinked at you.
"I… don't understand. Please tell me what you mean!"
There was a blush at this cheeks. The color complimented his sweet eyes. You hummed while walking over to him. Still smiling sweetly, you ran your hands over his shoulders.
"Do you trust me?" your hands froze once they reached his neck.
Rengoku looked at your lips for some time before he darted his eyes to meet yours.
"Of course I do!"
"Good boy."
Before Rengoku could even speak, your hands grabbed at the collar of his uniform, ripping it open to pop a few buttons off. Rengoku's breath hitched in his chest, and he seemed to gasp - that is, before he stopped himself as you exposed his neck and part of his chest by running your manicured hands underneath the cloth and over his skin.
"Please forgive me!"
With your hands at his collar again, you pulled him in and slammed your mouth to his neck. His eyes widened as you held him for a few seconds, then you breathily released him with a pop of your lips. A swollen, light bruise plus a bright, red lipstick stamp of your mouth was now evident on his neck. Rengoku was stunned. You grinned sheepishly before pulling the Flame Hashira in again, smothering his face with kisses over and over - then all the way down his neck and part of his chest. Once done with your work of art, you pulled away to leave Rengoku completely frozen in place before he broke out into a goofy, lopsided smile. He was blushing profusely. Had he ever been kissed like that before? Had you ever kissed anyone like that before?
"There." you smoothed the uniform at this chest, smiling proudly, "All for the mission."
"Yes! For the mission!" he repeated, but there was something in his tone when he uttered those words and a smirk upon his face. You gingerly let go of his uniform, apologizing for making a mess out of him - blushing as you kept staring at his lips. Did you cross a line with Rengoku? Hopefully not. But as you kept focusing on those gorgeous lips of his, you felt butterflies in your stomach. It was the only part you didn't kiss because Rengoku was your friend. You couldn't possibly test this friendship further. You would never want to do that.
The sound of his voice brought you back to earth, and his hand upon your cheek grounded you. He leaned in to touch his forehead to yours.
"You really are a tease," Rengoku whispered, eyes becoming lidded, "and you always have been."
Time seemed to have stopped as you both stood there momentarily, just gazing into each other's eyes. His hand was so hot - it felt like it was setting your entire being on fire. You froze in place while clutching your hands to your chest. Just fixated on his glowing eyes. He certainly made a flustering mess of you. It seemed Rengoku knew how flustered you were, and he seemed to be enjoying it immensely.
He smiled so widely that his eyes closed. "Well, I shall be going now!"
What a shame. He was leaving already when you both only wanted more. Although, neither of you dared to say it outloud because you were just friends. This made you both all the more foolish.
"Uh, y-yes!" you dumbly responded, eyes still sparkling from this intimate moment. At how unexpectedly sexy Rengoku was. At how flirtatious he was. You followed the Hashira to the door as he placed his hand on it. He paused and looked to you one more time.
"There is… one more thing." he murmured.
"Of course! What is it?"
"If I may be so bold… you missed a spot."
Your eyes widened. No, he couldn't be! He wasn't referring to his lips, was he?
Was he!?
Because he seemed distracted enough by all the bites and kisses all over him, you were hoping he had forgotten about that little detail. Well, actually - you weren't hoping that at all. But this was so unexpected! Oh gosh, and kissing him? Rengoku? On the mouth? Oh yes, that would be amazing, but wait, right now? You broke out into a sweat.
"Um… come again?"
"Apologies, but won't it look rather suspicious that the only part of me you haven't kissed is my lips?"
By the look on your face, shocked eyes and parted lips, not responding to his question at all - Rengoku twitched nervously. Perhaps he asked too much of you! And instantly, he bowed.
"I apologize! I should have never suggested such a thing! That was inappropriate of me to even-"
"It's okay!"
He froze this time.
"It's okay. I don't mind. It's… all for the mission, right?" you bashfully smiled.
After a brief pause, Rengoku whispered, "Yes. All for the mission." And so you stepped forward, placing your hands on his shoulders. He leaned in, and you leaned in all the while both of you uttered apologies and whatnot for moving so slow, for pretty much any stupid little thing that didn't even need an apology. Stuttering voices, trembling hands, flushed cheeks - really, what a sight to behold as two confident, adult hashira were fumbling around in nervousness. Allowing this little moment to crumble their defenses.
Quickly, you pressed your lips against each other's, and you both parted. The red lipstick painted a pretty picture of your mouth that was once on Rengoku's. This was not the ideal moment in which you wanted to kiss for the first time, and you wished you could have made it last a bit longer, but you were friends. Just friends. At least you got to taste him if just for a little bit. Seeming as neither of you two made a movement, Rengoku responded first to ease the silence.
"I'll come again tomorrow. Good night."
"Good night, Kyojuro."
All for the mission.
Rengoku did come back the next evening for he always kept his word. He insisted it was just to check in and make sure you were safe. You told him everything was perfect and that no one had bothered you all day. In fact, Rengoku appeared nightly, and every night he reminded you to mark him up to your heart's content.
Including his sweet mouth.
Oh, because it was for the sake of the mission! To protect you both, obviously! Nothing more. Who were you to deny him? He was the expert here on missions and had been a Hashira longer. Happily, you agreed. Yet how much fun it was, how good it felt, but all for the sake of work and protecting one another. The low giggles, the flirty whispers - all of it so tantalizingly sweet and left you burning for more. So this display of unkempt clothes, disheveled hair, and kissing repeated itself every night. No matter how naive you both might have been.
However, one particular night was quite worrisome. Rengoku appeared at your door as usual, and you swiftly pulled him in - detailing him right away of some potential rumors Inosuke heard. You were so frazzled by the intel that you were quickly scooting Rengoku out of the room in a hurry.
"I'll get more information, just please be safe! Inosuke and I will meet with Tengen later! I wish I could have done more, but I'm working on it!"
His feet skidded across the floor as he tried to stop you from pushing him. You slid the door open, pushed him abruptly into the hall, and were about to slam it shut but Rengoku whipped around and caught it in his hand. He then grabbed your arm quickly in turn. You gasped in surprise at the way his hand needily grasped at your skin. The door slid shut behind him so quickly as he pushed you back into the room.
Rengoku pulled you to him so roughly that you nearly bounced off his chest from the impact. His arms around your waist kept you steady as he clutched your body close. Your face was on fire as you locked eyes - a look of something ignited in his, a look of arousal in yours. Your fingers gripped his uniform tightly at the chest. Before you could speak, Rengoku slammed his mouth against yours. You let out a squeak. Rengoku's one hand was in your hair while the other arm was so strongly, tightly wrapped around your waist. You froze in shock, but then you melted because god, you needed him badly. This was different than the other times you two had messed around and innocently kissed - though it was not innocent in the least. Rengoku had never embraced you so desperately before. After a few seconds, he pulled away. You stared at him with wide, frazzled eyes.
Rengoku grinned, "Oh! Apologies! You know… we just need to look the part! All for the sake of the mission! You nearly forgot."
"Yes!" you yelped with a stupid, lovestruck smile, "The mission!"
The mission?
The mission?
Fuck the mission.
What about that kiss!?
That was not like the quick pecks from before! Because Rengoku did that with feeling. You couldn't pretend anymore! You wanted more, you wanted him, and you always wanted him. For as long as you could remember. But you never did anything because he was just a friend, and you were frightened that that friendship may be ruined. Did he… want you just as badly? Oh, but this was all wrong. It was not the way you wanted to woo him. This had been pushed on for far too long now to solely be considered something two friends did.
Rengoku quickly excused himself for the evening and bid you good night as you stood there, frozen and hot and bothered. Snapping out of it, you reached for his wrist. When the Flame Hashira turned to you with concerned eyes, you gripped his wrist tighter between your hands.
There was such a needy tone in your voice, but you didn't care how embarrassing it was. You already made a fool of yourself every single night with these lies - kissing just for the mission? What was that crap?
"Please? For me." you begged. Your voice was wavering, a slight crack to it as you cleared your throat. It seemed you were about to cry, and it was not something you did often in front of him. His eyes pulsed at the pleading look you gave him. Rengoku did not hesitate in the slightest.
"Of course. I'm always here for you."
Again, he joined you in your room. It was wonderful that he did, but now that you had gotten to this point… you both were unsure of what to do next. Just like the first night, you were holding his hands in your own - just staring into his eyes while frowning, blinking again and again to stop tears from falling.
Rengoku's breath hitched in his chest at the sight. No. He couldn't stand seeing you like this, on the verge of tears and all. Something was making you sad. And even worse, for a split second, he thought - did he cause this? He would never allow it. Another moment of reflection and Rengoku was certain what to do next.
"This is foolish."
You blinked, "I… Oh… what is?"
He cradled your face in his hands gently after you sniffed, an attempt at trying to choke back tears. It was such a soft hold, and you craved that longing touch from such a gentle soul like Rengoku. Only Rengoku could ever do. He ran his thumbs somewhat roughly over your cheeks, smearing any makeup upon your face.
"This disguise. Everything. It's foolish! I'm sorry Tengen came up with such a ridiculous idea. I'm sorry he threw you into this." he smiled gently, and you blinked when he removed a hand from your face.
Lips pursed in thought, he titled his head to the side and hummed at you with lidded eyes. His tongue poked out between his lips, and he brought his thumb to them. He licked his thumb, then ran it slowly over your own lips. An attempt at washing away the lipstick with his own saliva. You whimpered at the touch. The gesture was so incredibly hot and watching him with those gorgeous eyes made it even hotter.
Your heart thumped in your chest especially when his hands moved to your hair. He gracefully took out any pins or accessories, and although such a simple act, it was so intimate. Letting your hair cascade down your face, you blushed when you tilted your head downward to just stare at his chest. When Rengoku was done, he softly placed the hair accessories at your vanity. He glided back to you, holding your face so sweetly in his hands once again.
"Seeing you like this, all dressed up and with this make-up… as tempting as it is, I find you much more beautiful without it."
His thumbs brushed against your cheeks. Rengoku's lips parted in deep thought, and he looked at you with such adoration in his beautiful eyes. You laid your hands against his chest as your face heated up. His hands moved down your arms to wrap around your waist. Your eyes became lidded, and his expression soon mirrored yours as you both slowly leaned in. He paused and ran a single finger over your lips.
"I won't be able to control myself much longer." he breathed. "Please, I need you to kiss me."
"Is… is it for the mission?"
"No. It's because I would like you to."
You grinned while stroking the side of his face, "Well, good. Because I definitely want to."
With that, he closed the gap between your mouths. Your eyes shut immediately when his soft, perfect lips pressed against yours. A simple, gentle kiss - but when you let out a moan against his mouth, Rengoku's arms tightened around your waist to increase the friction between your bodies. Your hands shot up to grab his hair, deepening the kiss as your mouths began to slowly move against one another's, leaving gentle smacking sounds to fill the air. He groaned once your tongue ran along his bottom lip, and in turn he gently bit down on it. You heart was thundering in your ribcage when you pulled away, only to find the Flame Hashira smirking.
"May I stay even longer?"
A chuckle escaped past your lips. You did not even care how ridiculous your expression was or how ridiculous the half-smeared makeup on your face must have looked.
"You can stay as long as you want."
And you leaned in again to lock lips, throwing you arms around each other. His mouth moved so quickly and desperately against your own, letting out small groans between your whines of pleasure. You pressed your body closer to his, hips grinding needily against his own. Your tongue danced across his bottom lip again, into his mouth, before he lifted you up by your thighs to wrap them around his waist and seated you at the vanity, knocking over anything in the process when your bottom slid across the surface. Mouths still connected, Rengoku's hand parted your thighs further, and you moaned when one skillful hand brushed up the inner length of your thigh underneath your kimono. Swiftly, you grabbed his other hand and placed it atop your breast, but Rengoku immediately pulled back. Your eyes snapped open to meet his, and he was blushing profusely at the sight of you two - hot and bothered and needy. You threw your hands off him.
You flushed, "I-I'm sorry! Is everything okay?"
Rengoku took a moment to steady his breath, and he leaned in with a smile on his face. He pressed his forehead to yours.
"No, I'm sorry. I can't do this. Not here, not like this." he spoke between pants, and you stroked his cheek with your hand.
A blush appeared on your face again. With a determined look in his eyes, and his usual confident smile, he gripped your hand between his own.
"Please wait for me! Wait until after this mission is over, and I can take you on a proper date!"
"Kyojuro, I -"
"Well, well, well." Tengen smirked, who was seated at the edge of your window.
Rengoku and you peeled yourself off each other, scrambling to look decent as you both turned to see the sound hashira. When did he arrive? How long was he there? Ugh, he was always like this! It drove you nuts when you were a tsuguko.
"I've been waiting for you two to get together for forever now!"
"How long have you been here!?"
"Not important." Tengen shrugged his shoulders, "I'm disappointed I caught you two goofing off when we should be working." he smirked again, and you arched a brow at this.
Because the way Tengen said that made it seem like he wanted this to happen. As his former student, you knew him well.
"But I can overlook it because," his eyes became lidded, "this was all a part of my flashy plan. Though I wasn't expecting this to happen so soon. Way to go, pupil!"
Rengoku let out a roar of a laugh at your flustered state. He waltzed right over to Tengen and slapped a hand on his friend's shoulder.
"How embarrassing for us! I am utterly ashamed! Apologies, Tengen! It won't happen again!"
You groaned in defeat. Of course Rengoku would laugh it off. The two Hashira turned toward you, both smiling and quickly getting over whatever this was.
"Ah, and I heard something interesting, Rengoku!"
Tengen readjusted himself at the window, "I heard our stunning courtesan here wasn't getting any calls, so I wondered why and went snooping around."
"O-Oh, did you now!?" Rengoku blurted out.
"Yes, and you'll never believe what I heard!" Tengen smirked wickedly, "I heard from the owner that every night, a gentleman of yellow and red hair drops a pouch of coins onto the desk asking for our sweetheart here. The owner said this man's exact words were: 'This should be more than enough to cover her. No one shall have her. She's mine.' Wanna tell us about that, Rengoku?"
His face was on fire as Tengen smiled sweetly. Not a care in the world from the Sound Hashira. You cupped a hand to your mouth to stifle your giggles, grinning innocently at Rengoku's reddening blush.
Tengen could be reliable as much as he drove you crazy.
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krypticcafe · 2 years
Hello! This is my first time asking someone but can you do 141 men reacting to us being hypersexual? I dont see any of those ones😅
Task Force 141 men w/a hypersexual partner
rating: mature
character(s): GN!Reader, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, John "Soap" McTavish, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Hound
warning(s): language, emotions(?), sexual themes, possible inaccuracies, mentions of trauma
a/n: An interesting request! I'll try my best to be accurate, but I can't guarantee it'll be perfect as someone who does not go through hypersexuality and a lot of resources online tend to only go over symptoms and general medical help but not a lot on how it affects relationships. So please please PLEASE correct me if needed, and I'll make the necessary changes!!
I think out of all the guys, he'd be the only one who's heard of it, though he isn't all that educated about it.
With how Gaz is, you're actually quite comfortable discussing it early on in your relationship, bringing it up one day while you two are just talking about things.
He listens and nods along, occasionally commenting here and there, but he mostly listens. When you mention how it can be caused by trauma, you appreciate that he asks but tells you you don't have to if you're uncomfortable. He's just super understanding.
Also super low-key about it.
For example, if you tell him, signal, or if he can tell you're kinda going through it, he'll come up with a quick excuse to pull you aside and talk it out or do something else.
He already knows a bunch of exercises to keep your mind from reeling, small games to keep you grounded, and supervises you for a bit.
If you choose to, Gaz will absolutely support you if you pursue therapy! He'll especially praise you for any progress you make.
All in all, 10/10 boyfriend.
It'll definitely take a while for him to wrap his head around the concept, but as long as you just communicate, things should be fine.
If and when you guys have sex, he's always checking in here and there, making sure you're good but not overdoing it so that it becomes overbearing.
Outside of that, if you're having trouble coping and physical touch helps, he's the best man for it.
His arms will wrap around you snugly, and just listening to his heartbeat alone can help soothe you. Sometimes, he'll hum to you or help massage your back. You find his voice to be helpful with how firm and direct it is, so he'll often converse with you to get your mind off things.
Definitely will give you resources if you ask. Need a therapist? He's got a reliable list. Need tools like sex toys? No shame, he'll get what you need. Ran out of medication? Just picked some up.
Keep in mind he can't always tell if you're having issues since he's quite busy when he's not alone with you, so you two developed a small signal to help each other out if needed.
Don't forget to reassure him too because he worries he's doing something wrong a lot of the time, so again, just communicate with him!
He's a little confused, but he's got the spirit.
It does take you a while to work up the courage not because you're worried about the shame of telling him, but more about if he'll understand.
When he first hears it, he kinda confuses it for higher libido but you quickly correct him.
"Ah, so it's not just impulsive but intrusive?"
From there, oh he's very, very sweet about it.
One of his best traits is how distracting he is so you can bet your ass he will find a way to keep your mind off things and humor you. He asks a lot of questions, but that's just his way of expressing his concern and care! Again, he's a super observant boy.
He'll always give you distance if that's what you need, but if you need some physical or verbal help, he's there in a heartbeat. If you guys are intimate, he'll take it slow and be loving as possible. He's happy to provide.
Oh, but if he hears you talking badly about yourself, he's quick to shut it down because hearing you call yourself 'dirty' or feeling 'used' has him very distressed.
"But I'm-"
"But nothing. You listen to me, okay? I would never think of you like that and I want you to know that to me, you're more than that, you're more than-" He stumbles over his words, "-jesus, you're everything and I don't want you thinking that you'll ever be less than that to me, alright?"
It's a hard pill to swallow, but his words are nothing but the truth, just as genuine as he is. After that, you start taking more of his words to heart.
It's hard to tell what Simon's thinking a lot of the time, but rest assured, it's anything but judgment.
He thanks you for telling him and acknowledging how difficult it is. After all, you've done the same for him.
He's not gonna treat you like a porcelain doll, but that doesn't mean he's not gonna be cautious if guys have sex, he gets how vulnerable it can feel, being exposed, so it's something the two of you work through together.
He's also prone to getting upset if he hears you speaking badly about yourself, and admittedly, he's kind of brash and blunt at first when trying to confront you about it but over time, he learns to better express his concern.
With time, he'll steadily find more ways to keep your mind off of it. So far, he finds he's best at it via spending time with you like cuddling, or when he invites you to do different physical activities like exercising, taking walks, or sparring with him.
If you need help focusing or you take medication or therapy, expect him to nag about it!
"Did you go to the-"
"Yes, love, don't worry, I have. Thank you for asking."
You know he's looking out for you, and you couldn't be any more grateful.
Very much like Gaz, he's quick to understand.
"The girls who get it, get it" type of energy
He'll ask questions, but if he sees you getting skittish or awkward about it, he'll change the subject.
When he's nonverbal, he knows it'll be difficult to help you, especially if you're struggling to focus on his signs.
So what he does is he'll take your hand and trace a question mark in your hand, asking what's wrong and having you explain. If you need to calm down, he'll trace little shapes and hearts in your palms, intertwine his fingers with you, and help guide your breathing before asking questions.
If you struggle with finding other ways to be intimate or expressing yourself in your relationship, he'll show you what he likes, love languages of his, and such.
During a long mission, he had found you particularly frustrated. Rather than shaming you, he offered to help you get tidied up and take you out on a date.
The two of you went trinket shopping at the local town, though he was mostly buying you whatever you showed interest in, which quickly grew overwhelming.
But hey, it worked to brighten your mood, so it's a win in his book.
Oh he's so understanding. Hound isn't hypersexual themselves, but they understand the struggles of having highly impulsive and intrusive thoughts and actions, and more than understand the pain and shame that stems.
He expresses that he's proud of you for confiding in him something so personal and being comfortable enough to tell him
From there, he's very attentive to your needs and makes sure you're never overdoing it when indulging in NSFW.
If you two have sex, then it probably starts as a slow process to get comfortable, since Hound has their own sexual anxieties. But they're more than willing to take the reigns, establishing boundaries and patiently communicating with you even if it's difficult. In the end, it's a very vulnerable and intimate experience for the both of you.
In the case things have to stop, he'll clean things up, reassure and praise you, while finding something else for you two to do, like a movie night or cuddling.
Or if you're needy but they're not in the mood, Hound will help you redirect that energy somewhere else and makes sure you don't feel ashamed or insecure.
Personally, their favorite way of helping you is asking you about your interests or hyperfixes because they just love listening to you talk so passionately and just learning more about you so they can spoil you for future reference.
But sometimes you just need him to completely envelop you in his arms and give you something else to feel instead of that frustration, something to feel loved.
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outivv · 2 years
Can we get some separate headcanons of Xiao and wanderer with a Timid but kind reader?
Reader is extremely quite at first but show lots of act of service (like when they were injured, reader is the first one to try to help n stuff), and because of how timid and weak the reader look people always take advantage of themm( ̄∇ ̄+)
It's alright if ya don't want to,have a nice dayy!^^
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Synopsis: timid/ quiet reader who’s love language is acts of service!!
Warnings: not proofread
Characters: xiao, wanderer, and dehya
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: hello hello!! Thank you for requesting!! I hope you don’t mind me adding dehya, I just reallllly wanted to write for her :’). Anyways!! Hope you enjoy, and have a great rest of your day!!
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— Xiao —
I think your more timid, and quiet personality mixes with xiao’s really well. I don’t know why but it’s givingggg power couple.
Anyways, I feel like xiao is pretty oblivious to your acts of service, he appreciates them but he doesn’t know why you’re doing them you know? Like when you help him with his wounds, or make him food, or do literally anything for him, he doesn’t understand… why.
You hum happily as you tend to xiaos clothes, mending them, and sewing back the tears in his clothes. Xiao watches from afar, seeing you so happy just… doing something for him. He doesn’t get it. Why are you being so nice to him? You even lent him some spare clothes you had, the thought of wearing clothes that are originally yours makes his cheeks flush. “Here you go!! All better now.” You say handing him his clothes and returning his thoughts to normal. Your sweet smile, and the way his clothes are gently folded- it’s all too much.
“Why do you do things for me?” He asks rather bluntly. Your smile drops, “what do you mean?” He glares, not out of malice, but out of frustration. He feels his question is rather silly to be honest, “I mean you help me when I’m wounded, you fix my clothes, you tidy my room at wangshu inn, and I don’t have to ask for any of it. Why do you do it?” Your blank face turns to one of pure adoration, and almost… pity, “because I care about you. Taking care of things, and people- it’s how I show love.” Your response isn’t what he expected, he honestly expected you were doing it an an exchange for your guaranteed protection. But in reality it was just as simple as… you loved him. He took his nicely folded clothes and disappeared, his heart racing, and face flushed. He hoped you didn’t notice before he left. 
I think after that encounter he gets much more flustered, and aware of your acts of service. He definitely appreciates it, and voices that appreciation in various ways. By checking in on you, idly hanging around you more, developing a crush on you you know. Simple things like that :)
He really hates that people take advantage of you, but he’s also very concerned that he’s doing the same… unintentionally JEGJEG. He’s like “that jerk just took advantage of [name] and I know it. Oh my god am I being a hypocrite right now? Am I doing the same as that jerk? Oh…” he’s very self conscious and worried that he’s taking advantage of you without realizing it. He’s not. You know he’s not.
— Wanderer —
Respectfully. He probably has told you to have a spine because of how often people take advantage of you. He’s harsh with his words, but they hold a strange sense of genuine concern, and care in them. He sees how these people hurt you, and he doesn’t want that of course, but he’ll express it in a way that comes off as much harsher than intended.
“I just don’t understand.” You say wiping your tears and sniffling. Wanderer sighs, and moves your hand from your face to wipe your tears himself, “I do. It’s because you don’t know how to tell others to do it themselves.” His usual glare is focused, worry pooling in his eyes, though he hides it very well. His heart may break a thousand times from seeing you cry, but you’ll never know that.
You look up at him, your tear filled eyes, and red face drenched in sorrow, and confusion as to why people are continuously walking all over you, how they have the audacity to do so. “I just… I wanna help people, I want to show them that I care.” You sob harder, your words broken up by hiccups. Wander thinks back to all the times you help him and his gaze softens, “people who have the sheer nerve to take advantage of you, don’t deserve your kindness. You need to actually have a backbone, and ignore them.” His words sting a bit, but you know he’s right. You wrap your arms about him to hug him, a sign of thanks for his advice.
He appreciates your help, and everything you do for him, but he’s the type to be like “no it’s fine I can do it myself” and be all stubborn even if… he can’t do it himself KEVEKEG. It’s rather annoying to be honest, you wanna showcase your feelings for him, and you can only do that in a simple way, and he won’t let you because of his own pride!!
He does let you do some things for him though. Mostly just things he doesn’t necessarily know how to do, like I feel like he isn’t superb at writing. Not that he’s bad at it per say, but he just isn’t great at it. So when you write him things, or write for him, he’s very appreciative. :)
— Dehya —
Strong independent woman!! Who will crumble by the fact that you so kindly do things for her, and enjoy doing them, and ahh. Dehya is a big acts of service person, it’s one of her main love languages too, so if you’re trying to tell her you love her (in a platonic/romantic way) then she absolutely loves it.
Dehya returns to your camp to notice food freshly made, clothes folded, and tents and beds made. “[name] did you really do all this while I was gone?” Dehya asks astonished. You turn around from folding another pair of clothes “hm? Oh yes!! I wanted to get some stuff done so we could enjoy ourselves. We’ve been traveling for a while, and while you were gone completing a commission, I just thought I’d be helpful…” a smile grows on dehya’s face at your words, her heart swells with all the love in the world for you.
I feel like dehya would try to do the same for you in a way. I don’t know how to explain but you both do things for each other, and it’s just a never ending cycle of basically saying “I LOVE YOU” “I LOVE YOU MORE” “NO I LOVE YOU MORE” “NO THATS IMPOSSIBLE I LOVE YOU THE MOST” “NO I-“ you get what I’m saying.
No one dares to take advantage of you, especially by the mere mention of dehya’s name :), so thankfully, you don’t have to worry about that.
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starlight-archer · 21 days
Since AO3 is down, here's my stevetember fic!! (will be up on AO3 too as soon as possible)
The Case of The Not-So-Evil Seagull: Part 1
This was not the first report of 'evil seagulls' in Port Townsend. However, it was the first report of such obvious severity.
It started out simply enough, with a letter from Tragic Mick, who had contacted the Dead Boy Detective Agency in London, via the Ghost Post about the theft of a specific magical item from his shop. An item that could cause quite the calamity in the wrong hands.
“Are we sure we want to go back there after what happened?” Charles asked, full of well-meaning concern.
“It's Mick! We have to go!” Niko protested. “I wouldn't have been able to come back to you guys without the bear totem he gave me.”
“I do believe that Niko is correct in this matter. Mick has asked for our assistance and I think that it is fair to say that we owe him.” Edwin reasoned. “Besides, Esther is gone and therefore cannot hurt any of us anymore.”
“Esther's not who I'm worried about, mate.” Charles pursed his lips in irritation as he remembered that infuriating feline menace. “It's that bloody Cat King.”
“But he helped me and Crystal!” Niko jumped to the cat's defence.
“That's true. He did give us some pretty vital info that helped us figure out how to take Esther down.” Crystal added. “But we don't have to interact with him, especially if he might make you uncomfortable, Edwin.”
“I appreciate that, Crystal, but I assure you there is no need to worry. I parted from the Cat King on good terms. By the end, I believe that we came to understand each other. Besides, I have no reason to think that he would do anything to purposefully hinder us, given that none of us have slighted him as of recent.” Edwin replied, and, as he recalled the way he had kissed the Cat King's cheek, he felt relieved that ghosts lacked in the ability to blush.
“Alright, if you're sure,” Charles reluctantly agreed. “but if he tries any funny business, I won't hesitate to knock his block off.”
“I cannot say I approve of such measures, but I do appreciate the sentiment.” Edwin smiled fondly before turning to Crystal and Niko. “Given our previously successful experimentation with the backpack, I believe it would be more efficient for the two of you to use it so that you might come with Charles and I, via the mirrors.”
Edwin circled the desk and stood, ready, by the mirror.
“Okay, okay, sure, that's great and all, but Niko and I are gonna need to get at least a backpack of clothes together before we go all the way there.” Crystal gestured between the two of them while Niko nodded enthusiastically.
“Fine… just don't take too long.” Edwin sighed.
Having to accommodate the living was still something to get used to after thirty-odd years of just doing everything on a whim. He was getting there. That didn't mean that he wasn't going to complain about it, though.
When they got to Port Townsend, it was sunny and bright, still in the morning hours of the day. It was one of the more convenient things about the eight-hour time difference; it meant that they had the whole day ahead of them to work this case.
As soon as Crystal and Niko had managed to clamber back out of the backpack, they headed over to Mick's.
When they arrived, the shop was strangely quiet. Cautiously, they shared a look between themselves and stepped inside.
Mick was not in his usual seat behind the counter, so they ventured a little further until a loud crash sounded out from around the corner.
Simultaneously, they hurried to the source of the noise, only to find Mick swinging a broom at a frantically flapping seagull. The bird flapped its wings and tried to land, the space between shelves being too small for it to comfortably fly.
The four of them watched on in mild horror as the bird nipped at Mick's trouser leg, only to get whacked in the side with the broom and sent careening towards them with an indignant squawk.
They stepped back, giving the bird and the frustrated ex-walrus as wide of a berth as they could in the confined space between aisles.
“Get it! Get that evil seagull!” Mick turned about and followed through the gap in the shelves.
The seagull cried out and hobbled towards them, one of its wings visibly injured. It jumped twice and scrambled as it was knocked in the tail feathers again with the broom, and tried to hide behind Edwin and Charles' legs.
“What in the blazes is going on here exactly?” Edwin asked, confused and startled.
“That there is one of those evil seagulls that's been terrorising my shop.” Mick pointed at it in accusation with the broom. “Coming in, flapping around, knocking things over. And, trying to eat my lunch.”
They stared for a moment and the seagull let out a rather pathetic squeaking noise.
“While that is certainly very irritating, what is it about this exactly that warrants our intervention, specifically?” Edwin questioned, slowly, still taking in the situation.
“I already told you. It's an evil seagull.” Mick reiterated.
“Right. Well, I'll just take this little guy outside then.” Charles said, turning to try and scoop the bird up into his arms.
The bird screeched out in pain as pressure was put on its injured wing and it snapped, biting at Charles' fingers with its sharp, yellow beak.
“Oi!” he protested. “I'm just trying to help, mate!”
“I think its wing might be broken.” Niko stepped closer, looking sympathetically at the bird.
“Shit, that looks bad.” Crystal agreed, wincing.
“Hang on a tick.” Charles finally managed to scoop up the seagull and noticed something. “This guy's got pink legs. That's a Herring Gull, right, Edwin? Aren't they usually only in the UK?”
The seagull squawked in what sounded like agreement.
“That's right, Charles. They're endangered, actually, if I am recalling correctly.” Edwin turned to examine the gull himself. “What are you doing so far from home?”
The gull tilted its head, curiously.
“What exactly was the magical item that was stolen from you, Mick?” he turned back to their friend.
“The sheet music that summons evil seagulls.”
“Hang on. Is that the same sheet music that we almost tried to use to make that giant fish go back to sleep?” Crystal wondered, aloud.
“A'yup.” Mick confirmed with a solemn nod. “Good job you didn't, too, or this would have been an even bigger problem.”
“I wonder who would want to summon evil seagulls...” Niko reached out to gently touch the seagull's head. It nipped at her fingers, but with no real intent to cause hurt. “This one seems too nice to be evil.”
“Now don't let it fool you. That thing has been coming in and wrecking my shop daily. For a week.” Mick complained, though he did set his broom aside and take up his usual seat at the till.
“Do you have any idea who might want to do this?”Crystal asked, though she was pretty sure that there was no real point in asking it.
“Not a clue. That's why I called on you. You helped out all those ghosts while you were here and you dealt with those other evil seagulls for one of 'em. Surely this is within your area of business.” Mick looked between them expectantly.
“Of course! We can start right away! Right, guys?” Niko agreed, excitedly.
“Thank you! Thank you all. You can choose an item from my shop as payment, just get rid of those seagulls!” Mick seemed to be caught between relief and concern as he leaned back in his chair.
It had looked for a moment, as though Edwin had been about to object to Niko's eager agreement for the lack of negotiation over a method of payment, but he quickly accepted it at the prospect of being able to pick something out from the vast assortment of magical and enchanted items inside the shop.
“Right. Well. Let us get to work, then.”he said, cornering a glance down at the herring gull- which was looking awfully sorry for itself in Charles' arms – before turning briskly towards the exit.
“Right, we'll get this sorted for you, Mick, don't you worry.” Charles smiled cheerily as he pet the seagull's head with his index finger. “This little guy doesn't seem all that dangerous.”
“Just be careful.” Mick cautioned them, and after all the times he had helped them, they were inclined to listen.
“Sure.” Crystal offered a one-shoulder shrug.
“Don't worry, Mick. We'll be careful!” Niko assured before she hurried after Edwin, shortly followed by Crystal, and Charles (who was still focused on petting the gull and looked as though he may be about to start cooing at it).
Once they were all outside, it occurred to them that they didn't really know what to do with an injured bird.
They could not simply take it to a vet, considering that it was allegedly evil and most likely a magical creature of some sort. Being any kind of magical or supernatural tended to mean that normal doctors and vets, and the like were out of the question.
They also, however, could not spend the entire investigation carrying it around like some sort of handbag. Attempting to place it into the backpack could also result in some undesirable issues, not limited to the action potentially exacerbating the bird's injuries.
“So what do we do with it?” Crystal voiced their collective thoughts.
“We have to help it.” Niko said, sympathetically.
“But how? We don't exactly have access to any supernatural veterinarians, do we?” Crystal snarked, without any real bite.
“Well, as much as I'd love to, I can't really keep carrying him around with me, can I?” Charles agreed, though he looked reluctant to part with the seagull.
“Unfortunately not.” Edwin agreed. “Though I am rather uncertain of what alternatives we have at our disposal.”
Niko gasped. “What about the Cat King?”
“What do you mean?” Crystal immediately questioned.
“He's a magical animal too, right? Maybe he can help!” Niko explained her idea, happily.
Charles visibly recoiled at the plan, he felt a bit bad about his obvious distaste, but said distaste was overruling it.
“Oh, do stop pouting, Charles. Niko is right. He may just be the only one capable of helping us with this specific issue.” Edwin chastised.
He worried for a brief moment over the prospect of seeing the Cat King again, after their parting in the alleyway. He fought a blush at the memory of his bold actions, and at the knowledge that he still possessed the white lily that he had been so thoughtfully gifted. He had pressed and dried the flower in order to preserve it, and it was – at that very moment – sitting in a small frame, atop his desk.
The only person that he had confided in about the flower's origin was Niko, and he had a sneaking suspicion that although her intentions were good, she had another distinct purpose for suggesting that they seek the Cat King's assistance.
Nevertheless, he truly was their best option.
The welcome that awaited them at the entrance to the Imperial Pacific Cannery, was… not in the least bit warm.
A clowder of hissing cats eyed the seagull with varying levels of seething, loathing, and hunger. They could not seem to decide on whether they thought of it as a threat or a snack.
“What the fuck are you doing back here again?” it was the same cat that Edwin had leashed on their first visit. He couldn't say that he blamed it for its disdain.
“We are here to seek an audience with the Cat King. Kindly move aside.” Edwin answered coolly.
“Fuck you!” it sneered. “I've got no idea why the Cat King even likes you.” it complained, but moved aside anyway.
“Thank you.”
Edwin walked past and the others trailed in behind him as he stepped inside the cannery.
As he approached the dais where the Cat King sat in his throne, in his cat form, Edwin could practically sense Charles' want to grab his cricket bat for protection. Such measures would be unnecessary, but he could certainly understand why his inability to access it would cause unrest. It was almost like a comfort item; it made him feel safer.
In a flash, the Cat King vanished, and reappeared in his human form in front of Edwin, running a hand over the lapel of his coat, adjusting it, though he was otherwise keeping a bit more of a respectful distance than he usually maintained.
“Edwin~” he purred. “What a pleasure it is to see you again~”
Edwin straightened up and cleared his throat. “Likewise.”
“Likewise?” Charles' spluttered next to him.
Edwin chose to ignore this.
“So, what brings you to my kingdom? Did you miss me?” the Cat King inquired, stepping a little further into Edwin's space at the positive reception.
“We require your assistance with an evil seagull situation, actually.” Edwin said, gesturing to the bird. “Though, that is not to say that I didn't miss you.” he hastened to add, upon noticing the Cat King's falling expression (which quickly brightened again).
“Oh. Well, since you came all the way here, I suppose I can do a favour for my favourite ghost.” the Cat King smiled and eyed Edwin flirtatiously as he spoke.
“So, if you're done with the foreplay, can you just tell us if this is actually an evil seagull?” Crystal reiterated, growing irritated at the time that they were taking.
“Ugh, you're so impatient.” the Cat King backed up, not bothering to hide his annoyance. “Do you want my help or not?”
“Sorry your highness. Please help us out.” Niko apologised on Crystal's behalf.
The Cat King lost a bit of his bluster at that. He had a soft spot for Niko, seeing as she was one of the only members of their little Scooby Gang that actually showed his position any respect.
“Fine, fine.” he pretended to be put out by it as he turned flippantly to the bird. “It's not an evil seagull, at least not by supernatural standards. It is a supernatural seagull though.”
“It's supernatural?” Charles repeated in question.
“I just said that, didn't I? Keep up.” the Cat King responded sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “Why don't you transform yourself, huh? You think they'll be nicer to you if you keep playing up the whole poor defenceless birdie shtick?” he leaned over so that he was eye-level with the seagull.
The gull wailed loudly in protest.
The Cat King hissed in irritation as his cats scattered and puffed up on high alert. “Shut the fuck up, will you? No one cares! Hurry up and transform already.”
All of a sudden, the bird disappeared inside a thick grey swirl of fog and before any of them could fully comprehend what was happening, it had reappeared in Charles' arms. As a young man.
Charles' immediate response is to push him away and scramble backwards away from him. “What the hell?”
“Don't be like that! I thought we were becoming friends!” the seagull- man- thing whined in what was surprisingly, a British accent.
He was tall (maybe a couple of inches taller than Edwin and Charles) and toned with soft features that were undercut by a sharp jawline. His hair was a riot of grey, wavy curls. His skin was smooth and dark, and his eyes were a piercing yellow, giving away his true nature.
“You did just transform while still being held.” Crystal pointed out.
“My arm is broken.” the Seagull protested. “I could hardly fly down with a broken bloody wing, could I?”
“Oh my god there's two of them.” the Cat King looked exasperatedly between the Seagull and Charles.
“Oi, sod off! No there isn't!” Charles snapped back.
“Why are you so offended? I'm perfectly nice, I'll have you know.” the Seagull pouted.
“Why are you British?” Niko broke the tension with her confusion.
Crystal's eyes widened. “Oh my gosh, Niko, you can't just ask people why they're British.”
“Your friend… Charles… guessed right earlier. I'm a Herring Gull.” he replied with a shrug, carefully guessing Charles' name and hoping he was right. “We're native to the UK and Ireland.”
“What on earth are you doing in Port Townsend, Washington?” Edwin inquired. “A little bit out of your usual migration is it not?” It was easier to ask these questions now that the gull had taken on a human form.
“Is that where I am? Thanks for telling me! You're the first one to bother to tell me anything. I did wonder why everyone here sounded like the TV people.” the seagull smiled widely at Edwin (oh good grief he had dimples). “Last thing I remember, I was flying over Hastings beach looking for anyone eating chips out in the open and the next, I was flying straight into a tree in the middle of an unfamiliar place. My nose still kind of hurts.” He moved his good arm animatedly as he explained it and even made a little 'exploding' motion for flying into the tree.
“I have… so many questions...” Crystal shook her head as she stared, mystified.
“That sounds like it hurt!” Niko sympathised.
“It did!” the seagull agreed. “And now I have a bruised nose and a useless broken arm!” he gestured to the offending limb. “That mean walrus man kept chasing me with his broom. I only went in because I could smell battered cod.”
“Of course you did.” the Cat King looked as though he was finding all of this hysterical. “This is too good.”
“Can you not use your magic to heal your arm?” Edwin asked. He had pulled out his notebook and pen from his breast pocket and was poised at the ready to start documenting any and all information that he could gather.
“Well, I think I can only transform. The only other thing I can do for sure is see ultraviolet light, innit? But all herring gulls can do that, so it's not really special.” the gull answered.
“You think? Can you at least tell us what sort of magical being you are if you are not an evil seagull?” Edwin continued, raising a brow at the gull's uncertainty over his own capabilities.
“Not a clue, mate. Definitely not evil though.” he sniffed. “Any of you got any food? I'm a bit peckish.”
“No...” Crystal replied.
The seagull looked a tad downtrodden at that, the most upset he had been thus far, even when he had been talking about his broken arm, which was still hanging limply by his side.
“Hang on a tick. Rewind a bit. You don't know what you are?” Charles was utterly baffled by the prospect.
“I guess I just never really thought about it.” the gull shrugged again.
Everyone in the room just stared at him for a moment, blinking. Every time he spoke he said something that managed to completely threw them for a loop.
“That's sad.” Niko broke the silence.
“I mean, I don't think so. I don't really think I need to know, you know? I don't know why I exist or what I'm supposed to be, but here I am! I actually think it's pretty cool! I get to be whatever I want.” the seagull grinned again. It was almost rudely charismatic.
Niko smiled happily in response, relieved that being in the dark about his own origins wasn't something that made him feel down.
“Jeez. I can't fucking take this anymore.” the Cat King gestured and in a puff of purple flame, the seagull's arm was secured in a cast and sling.
“Holy crap! Thank you!” the seagull cheered and abruptly drew the Cat King into a crushing hug. “My arm is all fixed! You're the best!”
When he let go, the Cat King stood stock still with a startled expression. He was only snapped out of his stupor by Charles and Crystal's snickering at his expense.
“It is absolutely not fixed. It is still very much broken. It is simply in a cast. Please do refrain from excessive movement if you want it to heal correctly.” Edwin chastised.
“Awww, thanks. You really care a lot don't you? You're so nice! Looking out for me an' all.” the seagull was almost painfully sincere.
They might not have known what the true nature of this seagull-man-thing was, but one thing was for certain.
This was definitely not an evil seagull.
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 4 months
i know you said that wu and garmadon wont reach true potential but what exactly is holding each of them back
"…I remember now, you know." Zane steps away, tugging off his hood and letting his smile shine through. "I remember everything my parents did to care for me, I remember where I came from…I remember why I'm here…and I feel stronger for knowing. I'd been so concerned lately with all the things I couldn't understand, but…I don't have to understand everything in order to be loved, or to love myself."
. . .
"All I did was realize something I should have a long time ago." Jay finds his strength again, standing while using Nya and Kai for support. "I was so busy worrying how much other people like me…that I forgot to like myself too. I have worth…even if not everyone sees it right way. But those that do, the ones that dare to weather the storm… even if they don't stick around forever, I can appreciate the time that they were willing to stand in the rain."
. . .
"Honestly, at first I thought I was weighed down by all the baggage with my dad. Sure, that was part of it, but…I realized I had come to believe that my worth was tied into what I could do for others, and that was so easy to believe…not only because of how I was raised, but because I care about you guys so much. The idea of letting you down or not being strong enough for you…that could've been enough to break me." A shy, somewhat embarrassed smile takes over Cole's face. "Heh, and I also kinda thought…I was too hard of a person to love, and therefore struggled to find some love for myself as well. But hearing it from my father, and my brothers…maybe that's all I ever really needed. That one, tiny thing…well, even a pebble can cause a landslide, I guess." 
. . .
"…when you said the heart was the key, at first I thought that meant I had to do anything to prove to myself that I was worthy of being the Green Ninja, because I thought that's what my heart was destined for." Kai hums, placing a hand against his torso. "…but all it really meant was to look inside ourselves, and choose to admire what was there. Lloyd helped me see that…I was obsessing over something that I already had. Our Elements are us, and we are our Elements…and I thought Fire was something that it's not. I thought I was something that I'm not."  Kai looks back up at Wu, beaming softly. "Simply put…all we ever had to do to realize our potential…was learn to love ourselves." 
Wu and Garmadon can't fully accept who they are/the mistakes they've made/the actions they've taken/what they've done, and feel like they're not who they're "Supposed" to be and they hate themselves for it, though on opposite sides of the spectrum, and thus cannot attain the highest form of their own powers
(...not Nya tho; she doesn't technically "hate herself", just cannot accept both the best and worst parts about herself yet (plus all the self-identity issues to begin with; can't accept yourself if you don't exactly know who "you" are :d))
"OH but what about when Garmadon reaches his True Potential in S9 with Harumi—?!" He never actually 'fully' achieves it there (similar to Jesse currently) due to Harumi having him go about it the wrong way, but he still gets closer than Wu does (...unless I'm feeling generous in giving Wu some extra character development 👀).
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alespov · 1 year
Preach til the morning light.- A.Wesker 18+
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Tw: Content: No mention of religion, he's really just posing as a priest. Umbrella is cult-like. Swearing, smut to come in later chapters. age gap, creepy creature… anything else lmk loves
a/n : this is going to be a dark fic! I don’t condone this in real life! Feedback is appreciated, requests are open! (If the text is to small, don’t hesitate to ask for bigger text :) )
Consider Supporting me of Ko-Fi
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As autumn leaves shifted their hues, a growing eagerness to depart from your stagnant hometown emerged. You and your mother were about to embark on a fresh chapter in Raccoon City, reuniting with family and liberating yourselves from the stresses of your former existence.
Upon setting foot inside your new residence, a surge of thrill washed over you. The charming essence of the house embraced you as you ascended the staircase towards your bedroom. Bathed in gentle sunlight filtering through the windows, it epitomized the idyllic sanctuary you had always imagined. Eagerly, you began to unpack and create a space that was truly yours. You occupied the bright upstairs bedroom while your mother chose the one on the ground floor.
Each possession that emerged from the moving boxes contributed to crafting a snug refuge for your soul. Beloved novels found their home on shelves, cherished photographs were displayed as reminders of fonder times, and nostalgia blossomed while recalling halcyon days when life was uncomplicated.
"Honey!" your mother's tender voice permeated through the air, urging you to reluctantly set aside your book. You hesitantly rose from the soft embrace of your bed and navigated the stairs to locate the living room. There, amidst flickering light from the television screen, your mom lounged comfortably on the sofa, leisurely absorbed in her show.
Upon turning off the television, a deafening silence filled the room, amplifying her burgeoning sense of unease. Her eyes, brimming with anxiety, locked onto yours as she inquired, "Have you noticed the alarming number of people vanishing lately?" Her voice trembled with palpable concern, and understandably so - such occurrences belonged to the world of fiction, not reality.
"Before I forget, I have a little something for you," she mentioned with hope as she made her way to her bedroom. She reemerged holding a dark green gift bag. "I'm always worried about you being out late, so I just wanted to help ensure your safety." Her laughter was strained and nervous; she was visibly unsettled. Handing over the bag, she embraced your appreciative hug. "Thanks, Mom. I truly appreciate it. But please don't stress about me," you told her gently while giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. She offered a bittersweet smile and responded, "I know, but after losing your sister and your dad... I can't help it." Tears streamed down her cheeks; your heart weighed heavy with guilt. Dabbing at her eyes, she motioned towards the bag.
As you delicately unwrapped the tissue-covered parcel, anticipation surged through you; her eyes danced with excitement. "Go on, open it already," she urged playfully; her infectious laughter warmed the room.
A soft gasp escaped your lips as a self-defense keychain was unveiled alongside a coordinating student ID holder. Both were adorned in your most treasured color - one that deeply resonated within your soul and intertwined with the present moment.
"Wow Mom, this is amazing! I love it - thank you so much," you expressed gratefully. After nodding in acknowledgement and exchanging smiles, you both went on to enjoy the rest of the evening separately. Clutching your bag and new keychain, you ventured out the door to make your way to work.
You genuinely enjoyed your job, and your colleagues were pleasant, with the exception of Victoria. Even though you had minimal interaction with her, she would deliberately make your life miserable for no obvious reason – from splashing water on you to knocking over books and taking unplanned days off. You were greatly irritated by her behavior, but there was nothing you could do about it. Victoria was quite popular and well-known.
Fortunately, she had called off today which turned out to be a hidden blessing. However, that also meant you had the responsibility of closing the library all by yourself. There weren't many people around today, so your workload was relatively light.
As evening approached and the sun vanished beneath the horizon, the library doors slowly shut. With the keys securely in your possession, a satisfying click echoed through the desolate streets, signaling the arrival of a peaceful nighttime ambiance. With the day's hustle and bustle finally over, you eagerly anticipated the warmth and relaxation waiting for you at home.
Quietly approaching your car, your fingertips gently traced the cold metal of the door handle. A serene atmosphere embraced the crisp night air, and all you wanted was to head home. However, something felt amiss, and you could sense it in the atmosphere. As you unlocked the door and reached to open it, suddenly someone grabbed your arm. Terrified, you glanced up and saw what used to be a man. His chin looked like it was half-separated from his face, with his skin slowly peeling away. Struggling to breathe amid choking on saliva emitted an even more unsettling aura.
you felt the whirlwind of emotions, the terror and vulnerability overwhelming you like a tidal wave. Your heart raced as if it were trying to outrun your tormentor, while the deafening sounds of the city seemed to mock your desperation. At that moment, the collision with the stranger felt like another attack, only adding to the chaos that had consumed you. You let out a piercing scream, causing the man to cover his ears and fall to the ground. Seizing the opportunity, you ran, dropping your belongings in the process. As you collided with another person, your fear escalated, making you sob uncontrollably.
"NO... let me go!" You continued to hit before you heard a soothing voice. Just as the stranger began to feel the full force of your distress, a surge of empathy erupted from within. They quickly wrapped their arms around you.
"Please, dear, calm down. You're safe with us, especially with me." You felt lightheaded, and soon you were struggling to keep your eyes open.
- sorry for the cliffhanger babes <\3
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fordohyon · 8 months
pt. 2!
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PAIRING - maknaeline!xikers x fem!reader
TAGS - fluff
WARNING(S) - lmk if theres any, lmk if there are errors as well!!
wc - 2.2k, each member around 300-400
req by - @junghoonateezzanti
a/n - finally 🙌🙌 ive finished it!! sorry it took a while (like really really long), but i am now not procrastinating my reqs and doing them! Very long overdue!!
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Since you've been dating, Junghoon has only seen you without makeup or minimal makeup. It's not that he thinks you look ugly, though he's seen you buy some and paid for a few. Your cousin's wedding is in about 3 hours, he knows about the wedding and you've talked about going together. Buzzing from your phone echoes throughout the room confirming that you called him. "Babe...? Isn't it too early?" Evident in his voice that he had just woken up. "Sorry, did I wake you up? Though, are you sure you're gonna come with me? I mean, it's your first time meeting my family and it's during a wedding." Your boyfriend hums as you babble,
"Of course..! We've talked about it, honey. I wouldn't say things I'm not sure of, okay? I'll be there, I'll bring my suit and things too." He voices, affirming you.
Your doorbell rings while you scramble to find your dress, your boyfriend messages, telling you he's at the door. Treading to your door and hearing your boyfriend calling out your name you open it instantly, "Hi honey, you look good." He mumbles whilst you kiss him. "Thank you... You'll be dressing up here?" You question him, making sure what you heard a while ago was right.
"Yes, I brought my suit and everything," Junghoon confirms with a warm smile, holding up the garment bag. "I thought it would be more convenient to get ready here together. Plus, I wanted to spend some extra time with you before we head out."
As you let him into your apartment, you notice a flicker of concern in Junghoon's eyes. Sensing his unease, you gently touch his arm and ask, "Is everything alright, Junghoon? You seem a bit off."
Taking a deep breath, he hesitates before speaking. "Well, I have to admit, I've been feeling a bit... insecure about it lately," he confesses, his voice hardly above a whisper. "Remember the security guard at my workplace who has a crush on you? it made me wonder if I'm not appreciating you enough."
Surprised, you reassure him quickly. "Junghoon, don't worry. I love you, and I'm committed to our relationship. I appreciate your concern, but my heart belongs to you.
Relief washes over Junghoon's face. "Thank you for understanding," he says gratefully. "I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. I trust you completely, and our love is strong."
You pull him into a solace embrace, whispering, "Junghoon, you mean the world to me."
A sense of reassurance, you both get ready for the wedding. You take your coat, ready to go.
You both attend the wedding, your family asks about your boyfriend and invites him to dinner. Of course, he says yes.
(might make an imagine/drabble about the dinner with your family cs I've been missing junghoon a whole lot lately)
He was already at your place before you were even thinking about getting ready for your date. "Babe...? Are you going to dress up in front of me?" He asks you, you who completely forgot about having Seeun over and about to take your towel off. "Get out... Please" You mumble meekly. "I'll tell you when I'm done!" you shriek at him, voice slightly shaking. As Seeun stumbled out of the room, his mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. Jealousy surged through him, fueled by the sight of you preparing for your date in a way he hadn’t seen before. His extroverted nature had always made him feel confident, but now he found himself questioning his desirability.
Inside the room, you were left feeling a mix of vulnerability and confusion. The situation escalated beyond what you anticipated, and you desperately wanted to explain yourself to Seeun.
Outside, Seeun's heart sank as he realized the impact of his jealousy on your relationship. He berated himself for allowing his insecurities to overshadow his trust in you,
he gathered his thoughts and knocked gently on the door. "I'm sorry," he said softly, his voice filled with remorse. "I let my jealousy get the best of me." Taking a deep breath, you opened the door and looked into his eyes.
"I understand that seeing me dress up caught you off guard," you began, your voice filled with empathy. "But please know that you are the one I love and have chosen to be with."
Seeun's eyes softened as your words sank in. Realizing the significance of trust and communicatio. "I love you," he said earnestly. "I don't want my insecurities to come between us."
you both chose to set aside the tension and focus on strengthening your relationship. You promised to communicate openly, sharing your fears and insecurities.
You walked out of the room, leaving behind the misunderstandings and doubts that had momentarily clouded your love. As you went on your date together.
Yujun was known for his contradictory nature—extroverted at heart but held back by shyness. You’ve been dating for several months. Sharing a deep connection, Yujun’s insecurities are about to be put to the test.
You had plans to attend a special event. It was the first time Yujun would see you get dolled up, as you usually preferred an easier look to do. As he waited for you to finish getting ready, his mind wandered to the security guard he had noticed at their previous outings. The guard always seemed to cast longing glances in your direction, and it fueled a growing jealousy within Yujun.
As the minutes ticked by, Yujun’s anticipation mingled with anxiety. When you finally came out of the bedroom, he was struck by you. The sight of your radiant beauty, accentuated by carefully applied makeup, took his breath away. But it also stirred up a storm of conflicting emotions within him.
Amid this internal struggle, the doorbell rang. It was the security guard, who had come to escort them to the event. Yujun’s heart sank. Throughout the evening, Yujun battled his insecurities. As he observed the guards’ charming and confident demeanor, he couldn't help but compare himself to the security guard. Doubts gnawed at him, whispering that he wasn't enough for you, that you deserved someone more outgoing and self-assured.
Sensing Yujun’s unease, you pulled him aside, her eyes filled with concern. "What's wrong, Yunjn?" you asked gently, your voice sufficed with care.
Stumbling to find the right words, Yujun finally mustered the bravery to convey his feelings. "I'm sorry. Seeing you all dolled up tonight... and the way he looks at you... I can't help but feel jealous. I worry that I'm not enough for you."
As you reached out to hold his hand, your eyes softened. "Yujun, I understand your concerns, but you mean the world to me. Your shy nature and extroverted heart are what make you so special. I fell in love with the person you are, and nothing can change that."
As Yujun listened to your words, he felt a glimmer of hope. Seeing that his envy was rooted in his insecurities and that you had chosen him for a reason.
As the night progressed, Yujun made an effort to entertain in discussions and showcase his extroverted side. With you by his side.
Hunter found himself in the midst of a whirlwind of emotions. He had been dating you for quite some time, and your relationship had always been filled with understanding and support. However, tonight was different. It was the first time Hunter had seen you put on makeup, and it ignited a spark of jealousy within him.
As Hunter watched you carefully apply your makeup, he couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity. His mind drifted to the security guard, whom you had encountered earlier that day. He exuded confidence and had a character that seemed to draw people in effortlessly. Hunter couldn't shake the feeling that you might be attracted to the guards' charming nature.
When you finally emerged from the bedroom, Hunter's breath caught in his throat. You looked breathtakingly beautiful, your natural features enhanced by the subtle touch of makeup. His heart swelled with pride, but at the same time, a wave of self-doubt washed over him.
As they prepared to leave for the evening, Hunter noticed that the guard would be at the event. A surge of jealousy coursed through Hunter's veins as he observed the guards' friendly banter with you during the walk there.
Sensing Hunter's inner turmoil, you gently took his hand and gazed into his eyes with concern. "Hunter, what's troubling you? You seem distant tonight."
Hunter hesitated for a moment, then finally found the courage to express his feelings. "Seeing you so beautiful tonight and the way the guard interacts with you... I can't help but feel jealous. I worry that I'm not enough for you."
Your understanding softened your eyes. You tenderly caressed his face and talked with an earnestness that never wavered. Hunter felt a weight lift off his shoulders as your words sank in. "Hunter, please know that, I love you and there's no one else I'd rather be with. Just be yourself, and that's more than enough for me." As your words sank in, Hunter felt a weight lift off his shoulders.
Yechan had been dating you for quite some time, and your relationship had always been filled with experience and excitement. However, tonight was different. It was the first time Yechan had seen you put on makeup, and it kindled a storm of clashing emotions within him.
As Yechan watched you carefully lay on your makeup, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of insecurity. His mind wandered to the security guard they had encountered earlier. He had an undeniable charm, and Yechan couldn't shake off the feeling that the guard had developed a crush on you.
As you finished getting ready, you turned to Yechan with a radiant smile. Your beauty, enriched by the touch of makeup, took Yechan's breath away. But alongside the admiration, jealousy began to eat at him, threatening to overshadow their evening.
As they prepared to attend an event together, Yechan's unease grew when he realized that the guard had been assigned to escort them to the event. The thought of spending the night in the guards’ presence intensified Yechan's jealousy, and self-doubt started to cloud his mind.
Seeing the anguish on Yechan's face, you grabbed his hand and drew him away. "Yechan, is there anything wrong? You seem standoffish."
Yechan paused, not knowing quite how to say what was on his mind. But he understood that their connection depended on honesty. "Seeing you so beautiful tonight and the way he looks at you... I can't help but feel jealous. I worry that I'm not enough for you, that I can't compete with his charm and attention."
You cupped Yechan's face gently and your eyes softened. “His charisma may draw attention, but it's your light that shines brighter than anybody else's, Yechan. I like your gregarious demeanor and your capacity to make everyone around you feel special.” You leaned in closer, your voice dropping to a whisper.
"But most of all, I admire your kind heart and selfless nature. You make me want to be a better person." Yechan's cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he smiled bashfully. "I never knew you felt that way," he murmured. You smiled back, feeling your heart flutter at his sincerity. "Well, now you do."
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ultrone · 1 year
more jock/fuckboy Amber PLEASE i'm begging you 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
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You were heading back to the locker rooms after cheerleading practice had ended about half an hour ago. However, the coach asked to speak with you, so it took some extra time before you could reach the locker room. By the time you finally got there, everyone else had already left.
As you were placing your cheerleading uniform in your backpack, having already changed, a voice caught your attention from behind.
"Hey there," Ethan said, his tone dripping with flirtation.
Ethan was the co-captain of the football team, known for being friendly and well-liked by everyone. You used to think he was nice too, until a couple of weeks ago when you turned down his advances. Since then, things had become uncomfortable. Ethan's behavior had taken a strange and intense turn whenever you were alone, making you feel nervous and unsafe in his presence.
"Hey Ethan," you replied, forcing an uncomfortable smile while hastily packing your things to leave as quickly as possible.
"Didn't cheerleading practice end like half an hour ago? What are you doing here?" He asked with curiosity, stepping closer towards you.
"Yeah, practice ended a while ago," you answered, trying to keep your tone casual. "I just had a talk with the coach, so I got delayed."
"Oh, I see," Ethan responded. "Well, since I'm heading home too, I can give you a ride if you'd like."
"Oh, no, Ethan, don't worry about it," you said, your voice wavering slightly. "I appreciate the offer, but it's just a few blocks, and I could use the walk. It was nice seeing you though."
You made your way toward the door, hoping to exit the situation, but Ethan suddenly positioned himself between you and the door, blocking your path. Your heart rate increased, and you felt a surge of unease.
"Come on," he insisted, his tone becoming more insistent. "I don't mind at all. It'll be fun, I promise."
You tried to remain composed, but the situation was making you increasingly uncomfortable. "I appreciate the offer, Ethan, but really, it's okay. I'd rather just walk. I don't want to bother you."
You hoped he would understand and let you go, but the persistent look on his face made you even more apprehensive.
"You wouldn't bother me at all," he said, his hand inching closer toward your arm, disregarding your clear refusal.
But before he could make contact, a sharp voice cut through the tension, causing both of you to turn in surprise. "Don't fucking touch her," Amber's voice rang out, as she swiftly slapped Ethan's hand away from you. "Didn't you hear her? She doesn't want your ride. Back off."
Ethan seemed taken aback by Amber's sudden intervention, his expression shifting from persistence to annoyance. You felt a surge of relief that Amber had stepped in just in time to diffuse the situation.
"Hey, Freeman," Ethan responded, attempting to mask his annoyance with a smile. "Chill out, I was just offering her a ride, no big deal," he said nonchalantly.
"Well, she doesn't need one, so get the fuck out of here," Amber snapped back, her tone firm and unwavering. Ethan knew better than to mess with Amber, aware of her reputation. Reluctantly, he obeyed without further protest.
"See you around, Y/n," Ethan smiled at you, though it felt forced, and then turned around, exiting the locker rooms. You let out a sigh of relief, grateful for Amber's intervention.
Amber turned to you, concern etched on her face. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine care.
You nodded, a small smile forming. "Yeah, Ambs, thank you."
Amber's gaze shifted to your bare shirt, and she immediately took off her bomber jacket. "Here," she said, gently placing it on your shoulders. "It's getting cold outside. Put this on." Without waiting for your protest, she made sure the jacket was securely wrapped around you. The familiar scent of her surrounded you, bringing a sense of comfort.
She then grabbed your bag with one hand, interlacing her fingers with yours in the other. Tenderly, she placed a small kiss on the back of your hand. "Let's go. I'll drive you home."
You smiled and nodded in agreement. Hand in hand, you walked out of the locker rooms together.
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maniculum · 4 months
Bestiaryposting Results: Rabyeang
This one's posting a few hours later than usual, because due to various circumstances, we ended up recording an episode of the podcast this evening, so I didn't have time to get to it until now.
Anyway, odd and somewhat uncomfortable entry, some parts of it seem clear though. Genuinely interested to see what comes up because I haven't gotten around to checking in on it until right this moment.
Anyone who isn't sure what I'm talking about can find out at https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting.
The entry our artists are working from can be found here:
If you want to join in on drawing the next one, that entry can be found here:
Art is below the cut in the order in which it was posted.
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) decided to go with an aquatic creature to make it easier for it to interact with lampreys, specifically a shark because they give live birth. I think the post here is pretty great, and including a lamprey is quite nice actually. Extremely cool-looking all around -- I encourage anyone reading this to check the linked post for a more detailed description of what's going on here and how the artist reached this design.
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) has drawn two snakes in the act of twining around each other as the female bites the male's head off. Kind of like a caduceus that's gone wrong somehow. Going in a snake direction makes sense, and the entwined pose I think makes it work. They have also included a rather cute bonus sketch in the linked post along with the explanation of their design, which I encourage y'all to check out. (Also thank you for providing alt text.)
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) has made a very eye-catching but also somewhat... worrying creature by taking inspiration from Surinam toads and orchid mantises. The way those two inspirations are merged is really clever, I think, and as usual I love the medieval-inspired style. This is a creature I appreciate in drawing form but would probably find quite off-putting in real life, which I think is a sign of good design. (Also, thank you for providing alt text.)
That's it this time around, I'm afraid -- this particular entry doesn't seem to have sparked inspiration in many people. (Understandable.) So let's check in with the Aberdeen Bestiary.
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So, as I'm sure you've all guessed from the highly accurate illustration, this is the viper.
(I'm getting increasingly curious about what the deal is with this very specific head design you see on so many medieval creatures.)
So yeah, the bit with the lamprey is presumably complicated by the fact that one is an aquatic creature and the other terrestrial -- breath is going to be a concern, at the very least.
I think knowing it's a viper explains a lot of the entry: in the medieval metaphorical space, a viper is of course Very Wicked, so they really run with that here.
I wasn't aware vipers gave live birth, so I Googled it (apparently they do), and interestingly one of the top results was this Quora post:
So apparently elements of this are still hanging around, if someone is asking on the Internet whether vipers really eat their way out of the mother. Also interestingly, the answer makes note of other medieval myths about vipers, including both the head-biting and the lamprey thing. (And also one that female vipers look human above the waist, which is a new one by me.) Instructional.
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ingravinoveritas · 7 months
Did you see Neil's tumbler post about autism?? I never knew. Did he ever said anything about it before? My son was recently diagnosed, and Neil saying that he's autistic made me feel... I don't know, connection to him in a new way? Recognized? Hopefull? I don't have the words. Just wanted to hear your thoughts on it. I hope i didn't come off as offensive in some way. English is not my native language.
Hi there! I am slightly behind in Asks, so apologies to folks who have been sending them in over the past few days--trying my best to catch up now.
Firstly, you did not come off as offensive at all, so please don't worry! And yes, I did see Neil's Tumblr post (it's here, for those who might have missed it), and it's given me quite a lot of feelings, for reasons that would probably be expected.
I think what immediately came to mind when I read his post was a conversation I had with Neil when I met him back in November at a tribute to Ray Bradbury. I told him how much I was struck by the story he'd read, as it felt very much like an allegory for autism and resonated so much with my own experiences as an autistic person. He seemed to appreciate my comments and agreed with my observation, but never at any point in our conversation mentioned anything about identifying as autistic himself.
Does that necessarily mean anything? Of course not. I know that Neil does not owe me (or anyone else) a disclosure, and the decision to disclose is a very personal one that each person has to make for themselves. But thinking of Neil's post the other day, I'm also reluctant--for a variety of reasons--to say that it is a disclosure, or Neil definitely stating that he is autistic.
When I got your Ask on Friday morning, I was eager to answer it, though I knew I would have to wait because I was at work. Soon after, I had a difficult, emotionally draining meeting with my two supervisors. I ended up crying at work--which I have now realized is a trauma response--and by the time I got home and was starting to process everything, it was difficult not to look at Neil's post and flinch, particularly at the mention of "superpowers." That day, for the first time in a very long time, I could only feel the "kryptonite" part of being autistic. (My personal stance is that I have never considered autism to be a "super power," but something that is neither all good or all bad, and is part of who I am, yet not all of who I am.)
And from the conversation I had with my supervisors, I felt the responsibility and the pressure of other people seeing me in ways that I never intended--and regardless of whether I want to be seen that way. (For context: This was about my work as a professional speaker and people seeing me as an expert in autism/sexuality, when I never use the word "expert" to describe myself and always tell people I don't have all of the answers.)
The reason I mention this is because I feel like people read that post from Neil and--understandably, of course--saw something. They felt the connection that you described, and that sense of recognition. But what concerns me is that it's going to somehow turn Neil into a representative for an entire community, when that may not be something he wants or feels like he can be. If he is on a journey with autism--whether that means self-diagnosis, or a clinical diagnosis, or not having/seeking a diagnosis at all--that's something incredibly personal. As difficult as that journey is for people navigating it privately, myself included, Neil is possibly doing it in the public eye, which means that everything--every achievement and every misstep--is that much more amplified.
To that end, what I often see with Neil and social media is that he is either lavished with praise or torn to shreds (with very little in between). Being autistic means there is another possible dimension to who Neil is, but it can't be the only lens through which we see him. So I'm just hoping fans don't pin all of their dreams and expectations on him--not only for their sake and avoiding potential disappointment, but also for Neil's. To allow him the messiness and imperfection of being human, instead of a perfect role model.
I hope all of this makes sense. I'm still feeling a little raw from this past Friday, but I wanted to be sure I answered your question. Thank you for writing in! x
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ikamigami · 5 months
Sorry for not saying anything for the past day. I've been trying to gather my thoughts and feelings over the whole situation. I'm not even sure what to say since I'm usually the "listen quietly and give small indications that I'm listening while someone vents" type of comfort. I'm afraid I'll say the wrong thing and make things worse for you. If simply mentioning the situation brings you back to a bad mind-space, please ignore this then and go about your day.
But I want to say that I love your analysis, the passion you have, and hope this situation didn't take away what appears to be something you enjoy doing for any other character you like to analyze. What happened was too far. Whether it was targeted to someone else or you, in the end people got hurt and you were one of them. You deeply connected to a character and worried for them, that's not something to be ashamed of. Whether you're right or wrong, that was your personal interpretation and it's not like you made a petition to make your interpretation true and harassed others. If it somehow came off that way to other people, the situation could have been handled better. Again, sorry being quiet until now. We're new mutuals and I wasn't sure if I should say anything. I'm glad others, however, had shown their support to you and helped you through all of that. Please take care of your mental health and I hope today is better than yesterday for you.
And sorry for making this anonymous. My anxiety is getting the better of me. If anything I wrote made you upset or if this itself is overstepping a boundary as a new mutual, please know that I'm sorry and to please just ignore anything I said/delete this. I don't plan to do something like this ever again.
You're absolutely fine. It's okay, dear anon 💗
I understand the hesitation. I also often hesitate when I want to say something that it makes me anxious.
Thank you so much for your kind words and support. Even though you're just a new mutual, you already expressed such deep concern about my well-being and I can't thank you enough for this ^^
They told me that it felt to them that my theories come across as if I think that I'm right and I'm upset when others don't agree with me.. which is true kind of.. idk anymore.. I also thought that others theories also had that feel to me.. but no one was upset so I am probably at fault.. right?
I left Discord on January.. and even before I stopped talking about it.. and I focused to talk about it only on my blog on Tumblr.. but one time I went under someone else's blog and there was an argument and I apologized and I promised that I won't do that again.. and I think that I didn't do that.. but idk.. I'm not sure..
Some people blocked me and that's fine and I blocked some people to so we wouldn't uspet each others.. but I was still upsetting everyone..
I.. I just.. Do VAs really think about me like if I was like that Miku fan..? I wish for to know for sure but I think that this is true.. Were they harassed because of me? Because of my posts? I hope not.. but idk.. I can't be sure..
It's okay..
You're so kind. Thank you so much for liking my analysises ^^ I appreciate your words and support 💗
Your words mean a lot to me, thank you 🫂
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masterqwertster · 1 year
20. “You’re right.  I don’t understand.  I may never fully understand what you’re going through.  But please let me help you get through this.” with Ashton and Orym please? Preferably with Orym asking 😁
For the Noticing Trauma prompt
Honestly surprised to have someone taking me up on the "Wait a month" part of my pinned post. But I'm a creature of my word, so let's go! Also slight spoilers for ep69
Orym finds Ashton seated, contemplating a rock held in their hand.
"Gonna try meditating again?" Orym casually asks.
Ashton flinches before turning to look at him, and Orym mentally berates himself for not being obvious enough in an approach from their left side.
"...Maybe?" Ashton answers, doubt and worry coloring his tone.
Orym wanders over to sit beside the genasi, near but not encroaching on their space.
"Would you like some company? I think some meditation could do me some good as well," Orym gently offers.
Ashton blows out a breath, the vocalization beneath it conveying something between annoyance and resignation.
"So I wasn't thinking, exactly, about meditating," he confesses, turning the rock in his hand, creating a soft clicking of stone on stone.
"Okay," Orym says, curious, and maybe a bit wary of where Ashton may wish to take this conversation.
There's silence for a few moments as Ashton purses their lips, obviously considering their next words.
"I don't want to give you more shit to worry about when we've already got so much going on. And I'm not falling down on this, so I don't need you to pick me up on it."
Yet, Orym can hear going unsaid. He can at least appreciate Ashton trying to hold to that promise they made in Issylra to keep each other functional and upright. Even though Orym's pretty sure that not catching Ashton before they hit the metaphorical ground in these situations will make pulling them back up much harder than catching them earlier.
The solution is simple enough, at least.
"I won't mind. It's kind of easier to face other people's problems than your own," Orym offers. "Plus, we're already doing all we can for the big problems we're working on."
Ashton snorts. "Yeah, I can fucking agree with that. Fuck."
Another sigh as Ashton's free hand comes up to rub his face.
"Alright. So, um... when I went to pick up my clothes, I, uh... I might have had a bit of a panic attack, in a side-alley," he confesses, voice lilting in that way that's begging for Orym not to be upset by this revelation.
"Oh, Ash," Orym says softly with sympathy. "We would have helped with that. You didn't have to-"
"I didn't want coddling," Ashton cuts through the reassurance. Not harshly, but still a solid stop. "I just wanted some space to freak out for a minute and pull my shit back together without being disturbed. Okay?"
Orym nods solemnly. With as many of his own panic attacks and other breakdowns as he's put off to maintain strength for others, he can't say he doesn't see the appeal of doing what Ashton did. To let it out and then put it back in its box without witnesses... he's done that a time or ten.
"Anyways. I had a panic attack, and while that was going on..." Ashton's gaze falls to the rock being turned in his hand, a small contemplative silence dropping over him again. "...And while that was going on, I think... I think I saw the bits of stone on ground near me... shaking. Vibrating. And I'm not sure if it would be worse if that was real, or if it was my mind playing fucking tricks on me."
It takes a few seconds for Orym to figure out why vibrating rocks while Ashton was having a panic attack is cause for concern.
"You think you were shaking them?"
"Seeing as I've apparently got fucking titan blood..." Ashton trails off, words filled with frustration, and a slight undercurrent of fear.
Orym's small hand reaches out, covering the rock Ashton's rotating in their hand, stilling it. He almost expects the rock to be rattling between their grips after that little talk, but no. It's just a normal, motionless rock trapped between his small fingers and Ashton's larger ones.
"I know I can't understand what that's like, what you're going through. That none of us really can. But I'm here, we're all here, to help you get through it, to figure it out. If you'll let us," Orym reassures Ashton, squeezing their fingers around the rock.
Ashton deflates, blowing out another deep breath.
"Yeah. I know. Having all of you is probably the main reason I'm not having a complete breakdown over this shit," they gently murmur.
Orym gives their hand another squeeze. Bells Hells has each others' backs, no matter what.
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