#I appreciate the love and affection!!
peepthatbish · 8 months
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just comeing back with an extra delivery of love and appreciation for you peep <3 hope you're having a great day luv
awww!!! tyty moss <33
my day went well! glad to say it’s over though, don’t have classes tomorrow so I get to sleep in. super excited to that lol
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ruinme-please · 4 months
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”𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮” (𝐱)
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elitadream · 2 years
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Been thinking a lot lately about how Mario and Peach might have gotten to know each other better and what subjects could have brought them closer together, so here are several little headcanons I had which I’ve combined together for this one scene. 😁
- Whenever Mario mumbles to himself or thinks out loud while working alone on a project, he usually does so in Italian.
- Peach has been fascinated by the language ever since hearing it from the bros and truly finds it beautiful. 
- She adores Mario’s accent and could listen to him speak for hours.
- She learned an Italian word on purpose in the hope of catching Mario’s attention (and was secretly thrilled when it obviously did).
- She asked for possible lessons because she longs to spend more time with him and figured this was a good way to do exactly that.
- Mario was genuinely impressed that Peach could memorize something she heard only once and was touched by her will to learn.
- When around her, Mario gestures with his hands a lot and unconsciously makes all sorts of small flourishes.^^
- Peach is usually the one who initiates proximity and is just slightly less shy about standing close to him than he is to her.
- Mario’s patience and natural enthusiasm makes him a great teacher.
- They will soon develop a pattern from this and take to showing new things to one another as a recurring activity. 
I love these calm, peaceful moments so much! They’re among my favorite things to draw. 🥰
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wholecakes · 9 months
zoro who is so caught off guard by sanji’s kinder actions towards him is one of my favorite tropes. sanji crafting him specialized post workout snacks personally adjusted for him but still down to fight and call him names. he’s still the biggest asshole zoro has ever had the displeasure of knowing, and he’s horribly considerate. he’s a little confused but doesn’t reject any of sanji’s specialized treats. it’s not like sanji is fawning and doting over him like he does nami, so zoro feels like he can cross off sanji actually liking him from his list of reasons as to why sanji is acting like this. but it’s still fucking strange..
meanwhile sanji is in his kitchen wondering how zoro hasn’t taken a damn hint yet
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jojo-schmo · 1 year
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"We told our friends they were beautiful and recorded their reactions!"
Click the "read more" for the rest of the Waddle Dees' video :)
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I misremembered the Waddle Dee camera crew's broadcast as Channel DDD when it's actually Channel PPP. Sorry... blame the anime for planting the wrong name in my head haha :'D
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fatuismooches · 3 months
Now I realized we're always comforting the segments since the time of their life is depressing, but we never comfort Prime himself. The one who experienced everything. Reading the Zeta fic honestly broke me, I just want to go up to Prime and hug him and pamper him and everything.
The segments are from one point in Dottore's life. One phase. They don't usually stray from the personality or actions they've had during that time. Perhaps that's why you found it easier to comfort them, as they never left that state, and you could read them better. But Prime, he is a culmination of all of them, he is them and yet he is not at the same time. He has a bit of all of them ingrained in him and yet he's not the same as them.
The more you get to know about the segments, the more you indirectly get to know about Prime as well. On the very rare occasions you get to see the segments being vulnerable, your heart aches not only for them but for Prime as well. At least the segments now have you for comfort and reassurance, but who did Dottore have back then? He had no one, only faced with the reality of your sleeping body daily. When the realization hits you, it just hurts you... really bad. Prime never shows any weakness - he's always cunning. Intimidating. Manipulative. Around you he was confident. Teasing. Bold. One could never guess how he felt all those years ago. You could have never guessed, and you know him better than anyone.
You don't even know how to bring up the topic, you imagine that even if you try he'll brush it off and change the subject. That was simply the man he was - he'd never admit to such things, at least not without a lot of nudging, (and you meant a lot.) Instead, you settle with making sure that he knows you're here now, and that you're always going to be with him. You randomly hug him throughout the day (even if he does get a bit annoyed at times.) Nuzzling your cheek on the top of his head, into the soft fluff of his hair, arms gently but firmly wrapped around him as he questions your sudden presence, shuffling through paperwork, but you remain silent as your grip tightens.
You don't even care if the position is uncomfortable, you just hold him and hope to transfer your feelings to Dottore somehow. You don't care how weak you are, if you can do something to make him less stressed you'll do it. Cooking his favorites to pampering him in the bath (the lazy way he lays on you while you wash his hair, it's almost as if he's going to crush you) to even organizing his office just the way he likes it without him knowing. You mumble sweet things into his ear while he gives you that look at the almost nauseating cheesiness, you kiss his scars and rub your hands over his calloused areas.
You don't care about anything. You just want to provide some comfort to him. It's the least you can do, after everything you've caused in the last few centuries.
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mel-loly · 2 months
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-Thank you to everyone who is still here liking, commenting and reblogging my content, even though I'm not posting much “fandom stuff” anymore, you're still here! And I really appreciate that.. (and that makes me so happy, that as I showed in the “comic”, it moves me, so- thank you, really!!) :]💛
Also- a tip: there are also many other blogs that don't post fandom stuff, but when they do, they get more likes and reblogs than the original/other content.. So also give love to those people who have your original content, reblog, like, comment, because that's what they need! Recognition for your original content! And I know you won't regret it, and it won't hurt you to do what I said! In fact, you will be doing good and giving such love that many wanted and deserve.
A big kiss/p and a hug! Even for those who only like it when I post fandom stuff, I still love you so much, and I won't stop making this type of content, ok? I just want to give more voice to what I have to give as original, because that's what makes me happy and well ^^
-Melissa, Designer.
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oddly-casual · 3 months
Gaap Goemon appreciation post/ Character Analysis
because I need y'all to hype him up as much as I do.
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I was a fan of the Mairimashita Iruma Kun anime many moons ago, and just recently I got back into it. Finished the manga. Walked away loving the entire Misfit class. Most of all, I see a criminal lack of Gaap content. So, here's why I love Gaap and why I think you should too.
By all accounts, there isnt a whole lot of focus or information about Gaap that goes beyond the depth of a kiddy pool. (It's like that for most of the misfits tbh...) Still, Gaap gets more focus than most.
Kindness and care:
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The thing about Gaap that stands out the most, is how much of a natural caretaker this kid is.
He greets everyone he meets with respect. Often using the honorific "Dono" Which google tells me translates to "Lord" or "Master". Almost every time he greets somebody he always has an offer of Hell tea and onigiri. He always makes sure to take care of his guests and his friends. This kid has no shortage of manners. So polite.
In the Harvest Festival arc, Gaap is the one who goes out to save the other students even when Agares has valid points about why rescuing a bunch of demons they dont know wouldn't benefit them in any way. In the festival, where the entire point is to be a cut above the rest, what did Gaap do?
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We see little examples of Gaap's kindness. How he defends his friends and is usually on the front lines whenever someone's well-being is cause for concern.
This boy is the mom friend who always had a painkiller and a stack of bandaids on hand. He's such a mom friend that he canonically fights with Jazz when it comes to taking care of their classmates. (They both have a caretaker complex.)
It's also the way Gaap responds to stress! In the Heartbreaker arc, Gaap is paired up with two first-years who won't stop fighting. This obviously stresses the boy out, because he had high expectations of getting along with his first years, but it didn't turn out that way.
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The first thing Gaap does is try to offer them food, something we see Gap do to Agares when he snaps at him. When the offer of food doesnt work, he instead tries to assure the first years that everything will be fine. Even if Gaap isn't confident, his first instinct is to try to appeal to and take care of people. Even if that's not what they want.
It’s interesting, because Gaap doesn’t physically get in between them, like you would expect him to do. He avoids conflict when it gets physical, despite being such a capable fighter. (Though when it comes to saving others, he has no problem acting.)
Friends and Habits:
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We get to know Gaap the most when he's around other people. Obviously, because he's a secondary character. I think another aspect of this is because Gaap is a social creature, he thrives around people. We rarely see Gaap standing alone and this makes sense because his goal is to have 100 allies.
In the demon world, we know that demons usually dont care about saving or helping others if it doesnt help them. Nor do they have the drive to see their efforts to the end, because they get bored rather quickly. Gaap breaks out of this status quo, along with the rest of the Misfits, by stubbornly pushing towards his goal even when the fruits of his labor dont bloom right away.
The biggest showcase of this drive is the person Gaap takes care of the most, that we know of.
Chapter 111 shows us that Gaap came to Agares' house every day. check it, every day. Gaap would go out of his way with breakfast and pick Agares up so he could make it to class.
Agares clearly doesnt want to go, but Gaap takes him anyway, refusing to leave him behind. From what we can guess, he's been doing it before they started training together. Which could mean Gaap didn't know this kid, but saw he wasn't going to class and went to go take care of him. (Classic extrovert adopting their introvert friend).
We see how that kindness affects Agares as a result. Agares feels guilty when he snaps at Gaap and goes out of his way to visit Gaap when he doesn't show up for class. (This could also mean Agares went to class on his own, without Gaap having to force him.)
Agares was also willing to help the people Gaap saved. Even when telling Gaap not to go out and save those people, Agares still houses them, keeps them safe, and even plans an escape route for the other students when things look bad. It's a lot of hassle for a character who hates being bothered. Gaap's kindness is contagious, even if it's not obvious at first glance.
Oh, Maybe He's Kinda Fucked Up?
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No one escapes childhood unscathed.
Gaap is a caretaker, he does it happily. Even so, when you put yourself in the position to take care of others, there are parts of yourself that fall into neglect that you dont realize.
After the Heartbreaker arc (Chapter 272), Gaap is noticeably absent. We find out later, what happens when you fuck with the nice guy too much.
Maybe it was his crushed expectations, the stress of failing and losing, or maybe Gaap was just tired of being nice but he goes apeshit. Accidentally slipping into his Wicked cycle and nearly driving two students mad with his fucked up face.
We learn that showing your true face is a big no-no in the Gaap household. It's literally written on the walls, and Gaap feels immense shame and embarrassment that he broke a family rule.
He hides his face in his hands, and puts a bag over his face when Agares comes over. He's afraid of hurting someone again, even though the stress of those events have passed.
We dont know his parents' reaction, (because aint no way they dont know) Whether Gaap was disciplined by his parents or not, Gaap put this huge weight on his shoulders. Not blaming the stress of the situation, but blaming himself for losing control.
Gaap specifically said, “I panicked”. Which could mean that with all the stressors, he snapped and just lashed out. Gaap didn't willingly enter his wicked phase, I think he just gave in to his instincts. His bloodline originally started by warding off predators with their maddening appearance. What is panic if not your brain responding as if your body is in danger?
Despite Gaap reasonably getting upset, he still feels terrible for the trouble he caused and the students he hurt. The first thing he did after waking up was to ask if he could apologize to the first years for mentally scarring them.
Gaap’s ambition is to make 100 allies. It's pretty sweet. When a teenager says it(Gaap looks 17 yrs old), It just sounds like he wants to have friends. Pair this up with the fact that Gaap rarely asks for anything in return, and suddenly his wanting a ton of friends makes sense for someone who looks his age. Gaap takes care of people because he wants them to like him. (Even if he can drive them away with how much he cares.)
I have no idea where this desire comes from. If it's something his family drills into him, to be sociable and network, or if it's just a personal goal because of his ugly ahh face.
Regardless, this moment makes me want to lie down on the road while it rains:
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Despite how much his ambition means to him, he is willing to isolate himself as long as it means no one else gets hurt. This speaks to his good intentions. It isn't just about the popularity or all the favors he could have from knowing so many demons. It's about forming genuine relationships with other demons and providing them a soft place to land and build community.
Look at my son, he tries so hard.
My final point:
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Look at how cool he is. This is Chapter 76, my boy came out the gate swinging with powerful bloodline magic. He's got the position, he's got technique, he's got flare. What more could you ask for?
Gaap started out as rank 2, and since then has had no problem leveling himself up. Gaap always stays on his feet (Hence his nickname Busy Body), not letting himself fall behind his classmates. He aced his training and had since learned to use Wind as a companion and not as a tool. He even developed a full-range attack where he can pick which targets get hit by his swing and which dont. He is leveling up in the world. Dont hurt em now Gaap.
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I'm the equivalent of those parents who show off pictures of their kids from their wallet.
Gaap as a character, in the story he's in, isn't anything really new or groundbreaking. Even still, in a story like Mairimashita Iruma-Kun, the Misfit class are demons that are different. We get to learn why they're different, and how they learn to overcome these challenges despite how they threaten to hold them back.
Gaap is a good kid that you watch succeed from the background. We see him struggle and fall apart, but he never stops caring about others in that process. He's that good-natured kid in your life that you hope succeeds because in a cruel world, they make the decision to be kind.
If anyone made it this far, slay. Even if you never noticed Gaap before, I hope you have a new appreciation for his character. Nishi took time and love to write him out, I think that deserves attention too.
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moeblob · 15 days
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I love Chris so much you guys.
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julissart · 5 months
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Special delivery 💛💚
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I've always felt that it'd be Killua who initiates the first hug we see between him and Gon
#i have my reasons for this#i feel like i'm in the minority though... i know gon is honest and much more emotionally expressive#but he's not actually more tactile than killua#i... i actually do think that it's killua who initiates much of the contact between them (fistbumps and poking and hand on shoulder)#if i'm not mistaken anyways#and he's very tactile with alluka and nanika (carrying + hugs + handholding)#granted that's his sister(s) but still. killua is far from touch averse - his getting embarrassed is a cute trait to be sure#but i do think he'll get a bit better at accepting that kind of thing once he's had some time with alluka and nanika#a lot of that does come after all from his feelings of unworthiness - and now that his sisters need open affection after so long being alon#he's going to have to gain at least some comfort with giving and receiving love#gon and mito go for hugs either at the same time or mito initiates. gon hugs leorio in the scene right after he's revived#but idk idk i just feel like he won't be the first to initiate a hug with killua especially since i suspect he still feels quite guilty#i think it would show growth on both their parts. not to mention it'd be very sweet to have gon a bit blindsided + happily surprised#as he's the one typically honest and forthright with appreciation and compliments while killua is. not. lmao#i think he should receive a nice hug from his best friend. and then i think they would both know it's gonna be ok. :')#storyrambles#hunter x hunter#hxh#killua zoldyck#gon freecss#this is so sappy. what's wrong with me. this is what they do to me.
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green-enby · 2 months
Happy International Friendship Day! I wrote a "poem" a while back about a long-distance friendship and falling in love platonically as an aroace; this feels like a good time to share it.
Here I sit on the swings in this garden
Thinking of you, our week spent together
Some flowers falls violently, one hits my back
I think to myself 'What season is this?
Perhaps it is autumn', but we're in full summer.
It must be because I associate you
With the fond memory of when it hit me
Again with such violence, that one realization
One I'd never tell you, lest it hurts you, too
Let's just see each other in a year or two.
Then I'll let you know, if you're close enough
That I'll be there for you, no matter how far
But really I don't need you to feel the same
It's more than enough that you told me you'll stay
I do not need you to change yourself
Because I love you as you are, my friend
So I did not dare ask to hold your hand
Didn't demand a longer embrace
Didn't feel hurt when we parted ways
'Cause now I am sure that I'll meet you again.
Platonic love, what a funny thing it is
The saying "just friends", they've got no idea!
They think we've it easy, no chances of heartbreak
Cold-hearted as robots, unmovable as mountains
I too was floored when instead I experienced
The highs and the lows of this love rollercoaster
The worries, the tears, that feeling of dread
'I'd rather be a robot or mountain', I'd said.
But then I saw you once more
In our scorching summer heat
Your eyes always closed
The illusion of distance
We sat and talked easy,
That dread all but gone
And now that you are, too
I feel no remorse:
It really was worth
All the beats it cost
My green and purple heart.
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iphyslitterator · 3 months
I don't know if this is a point that needs defending, but I feel strongly that Tommy's love language is quality time.
Evidence with Buck:
We've already talked extensively about how Tommy Shows Up to the wedding even sooty and exhausted.
At the bachelor party, he's not especially demonstrative, but he's THERE when he's sleepy and on standby and the party sucks, and he only leaves when he's called in to work.
They don't touch at the medal ceremony (I headcanon that they agreed not to), but Tommy sits next to him, stands next to him, goes through the buffet line with him.
Offering flying lessons and Muay Thai lessons: This isn't really an act of service, because neither of these is actually useful to Buck -- but they are a way to spend time together. The Muay Thai conversation is literally, "Of course you'd rather hang out with Eddie" / "I'll teach you so you can hang out with me too!"
In the first kiss scene and the 7x10 date night, Tommy shares his own feelings of jealousy. Words of affirmation would have stayed on Buck (you're great, you have nothing to be jealous of, your birth father doesn't deserve you); switching to himself puts the quality in quality time (we're bonding, we're having a deep conversation, this is reciprocal).
And with EDDIE. oh BOY:
Goes to his house THREE TIMES in the first TWO WEEKS, I'm still hung up on this, that's so fast.
Muay Thai
Working on cars
Karaoke trivia night
Trip to Vegas: Kind of an act of service/gift, but if it was easy for him to get the tickets, the emphasis is more on spending a significant amount of time together.
Again. It's been a few WEEKS.
I suspect Tommy is amazing at words of affirmation when necessary, and I like to imagine he's big on romantic touch. But what we've seen of him in season 7 leans heavily toward Being Together, rather than Doing Things, as the way he expresses interest. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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godilovemyhusband · 2 months
The first feeling he evoked in me was admiration, because he was the best, yet humble, withdrawn and quiet. His posters and illustrations were better than mine and my friends from the year, his artistic awareness and skill would have impressed anyone. He always dressed smartly and neatly, in a shirt and trousers, sometimes wearing a jacket. I watched him from afar, listening to the way he talked to his friends, the girls who constantly accompanied him.
Their presence was a reason for me to conclude that I had no chance, nor did I recognise that there was anything unusual about me that could attract his attention. Over the years we simply passed each other in halls and corridors, exchanging only a few pleasantries between us, and as I looked at him from afar I thought about how if only he had given me a chance, I would have made him happy.
During the exhibition of our mutual friends, we stayed in a large group to drink beer. There were fewer and fewer people left, but both he and I stayed until the very end. We were both drunk and we both talked to each other more: I could see that he was watching me, that he was smiling when I joked. Walking into a second pub with two other friends, he confessed to me that he had tried to get into the Academy of Fine Arts in our national capital, but didn't make it and considered it the biggest failure of his life.
I then said to him thoughtlessly: I'm glad you didn't succeed.
He lowered his gaze in shame, remaining silent until the end of the road. Inside, we were already chatting in a small group, sitting next to each other. He brought me the tea I had ordered so I wouldn't have to get up — there was so little space on the bench that our knees were touching. Although he should have been going in a completely different direction, that night he walked me up to the house. We hugged each other goodbye and he told me that he felt something then, that he craved to be embraced with such longing, such affection.
He later confessed to me that he had once heard me say that one of the boys, who we all didn't like because he kept changing girlfriends, had 'even taken an interest in me'. He said he didn't understand what I meant at the time, as if to suggest that there was nothing to be interested in when he thought I was a beautiful girl. He claimed he was afraid I was bobbing my head too much in the clouds, that I wouldn't be able to handle his serious plans for life and traditional approach to family, that he would only ridicule himself in front of me, that he would be a disappointment to me.
He has been my husband for three years now.
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thekintsugikids · 1 year
so much for (tour) dust, the healing tour of all time
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Holy shit
George is PISSED; not even Season 8 got this kind of heat. The man's just SPOILED parts of the Season 3 outline. George you can't get me worried that the HBO lawyers will come for you that's too stressful
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