#I ate stuff like that (+ a bunch of other scenes) UP when I was a little kid
boilingrain · 11 months
If it wasn't for the fact that Warrior Cats is full of plotlines that weren't really thought out fully and/or had potential but went nowhere, I'd be a little surprised that nobody in Thunderclan during the Power of Three was looking at Ashfur and Jayfeather and going "hm..."
Squirrelflight briefly dated a gray cat with blue eyes and then later one of the kits the brought home and claimed were hers was gray with blue eyes and you're telling me nobody jumped to any conclusions and just accepted that all 3 of them were Brambleclaw's?
(Though tbf I haven't read TNP in a while but I think Squilf & Ash broke up before Lion, Holly & Jay would've been conceived by Leaf & Crow so maybe that's why nobody assumed things)
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trash-gremlin · 6 months
VHS Christmas Carols Spoilers
a bunch of my favourite parts and reactions in the VHS Christmas Carols bc i think it needs more love (its incredible btw and definitely worth the money)
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i will never get over curts acting choices for this line, the little laugh before saying it and his FACE OH MY GOSH HIS ACTINGGGGGG
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maybe the real gift was the love we had for each other and the sacrifices we were willing to make to make the other one happy
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these three and their vogue-esque gay ass little song is the only thing that matters to me
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it took me forever to turn that into a gif so i hope you enjoy it as much as i do
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their reactions to the match girl showing up + brian mouthing "what the"
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again laurens reaction to the match girl
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ugh ATE
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smth i only noticed on like the third rewatch - you can see scrooge holding and inspecting the watch he bought off jim when he bumps into the match girl
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this is here bc they all look very good in that lighting especially lauren
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embarrassing to admit it took me until here to realise that the match girl died
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ajs little smile makes it feel like scrooge is taunting bob here and i love ittttt especially as hes calling him bobby
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the ghost of christmas past jumping rope + scrooge being confused and doing it too
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meredith lighting the ghost of christmas past's cigarette
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scrooge basically begs his younger self in this scene, i absolutely love ajs choices in this show as scrooge. also i am such a huge fan of this casting not only because they are both phenomenal actors that i will never shut up about but they genuinely look similar and it works very well in this context
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scrooge honey you cant fight the christmas electricity
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HUGE dad energy
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the top of his tiny tim shirt poking out + he looks really good here
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funny little thing i noticed - his shirt isnt buttoned, just folded over itself. in the actual show you can see him tuck it under his jacket those quick changes must be killing them
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the way he begs them and they dont even react.. paired with the music and this is horror movie level stuff
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he got his watch back :,)
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no im not crying, i have allergies... yea im allergic to being sad
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this show is incredible go rent it right now if you havnt seen it, go rent it again if you have, and sacrifice all of your money and worldly possessions to starkid thank you and goodnight
124 notes · View notes
“A Book I Read”
It took three very patient friends of mine to encourage me to finish reading this. I took notes the whole way through, and I am now sharing those in hope of finding loving community with my fellow haters.
Important context:
I loved Eragon, which came out when I was roughly eleven
Christopher Paolini was the first author to ever disappoint me
I used to love epic fantasy, until feminism, coming out, and learning about literary criticism made me just too mean to enjoy it
Since 2015, whenever I’ve had writer’s block, I’ve found inspiration by looking at this screenshot:
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Christopher has managed to create a life where his mum has never stopped doing his laundry or his editing for him. He has never worked a job in his life. He has infinite time to work on his craft, and yet, with all of those advantages, he writes the way he does. I don’t hate him, but I do want to destroy him in single combat.
17 November 2023
I forgot how obsessed this man is with proving he knows rare words. Picking up my phone to google the word “trenchant”.
He really just didn’t want to say the dragon had a sharp sense of humour huh? Oh, no, it’s TRENCHANT. It wasn’t even for dialogue I identified as comedy but Murtagh thought it was TRENCHANT. He and Thorn have been alone in the wilderness for too long
Of course the protagonist has grown a beard. He’s A Man Now.
I have a theory that this book is about coming to terms with marriage. Murtagh is like “our bond… our bond that lasts until death… the oldest magic… only the two of us understand each other. But, we’re also trapped with each other,” and I’m like hm. Fascinating. Say more
Instantly Murt befriends a child, to prove he is good really.
It’s so weird to read a book by a grown man with kids who is like “how did we all start out so innocent and pure…” like have you MET five year olds
This whole fork fight scene makes me feel second hand embarrassment deep in my soul. It’s SO This Guy Is The Best And Coolest
“Fencing with effortless ease” I do not care how well trained he is: you cannot kill four men with long swords by stabbing them with a little fork in “four hard impacts.” It’s just not happening.
I’m really dwelling on the idea of magic as “imposing your will” on something. It’s very.., something. Murtagh cleans his shirt by “imposing his will on the garment” like. Okay, I suppose in a way that is how all laundry is done, but it’s. Hm.
How come he’ll clean a shirt with magic but not shave with magic? Why are these books SO obsessed with beards and shaving and how to do shave and using magic for shaving etc etc, Eragon was also majorly preoccupied with this
Paolini’s got so many complexes on the page. All the “we’re half brothers and your dad killed my dad” stuff is A LOT
The naming stuff… SMH what would Ursula Le Guin say about all this
I’m obsessed with how even as (gasp) an OUTCAST!! Murtagh can’t not be the coolest guy ever for any time at all. It’s like a disease
Giving the child the enchanted killing fork was the worst decision ever made. Murtagh gives her a murder weapon and is then moping like “what’s it like… to live without killing…” literally pages later.
I’m really startled that Murt is delighted to see a tiny flying magical grass boat come down from the sky and circle him instead of being like “wtf, I’m being Watched,” which would be the true act of a man we are told is paranoid
I just got to the bit where Murtagh offhandedly says that magic users who “are the heaviest” always have the most spell reserves.
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Like……… what???? Magic eats your fat?? It burns glucose??
You could be a better mage if you just, ate a bunch of raspberry frogs before each fight??????
It’s food powered??? You really want to go there, Paolini????? Wizards in the candy shop, eating sweeties like Mistborns?
GOD, if only Galbatorix had chugged a bottle of red cordial before his last big fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I return after losing my mind about this to my partner for forty minutes)
If it was “if you’re hungry you can’t FOCUS” I’d get it. But I always assumed it was like, you know how other fantasy does it? Some kind of pool of ADDITIONAL energy that you are accessing and that can be used up (until you go too far and start using life force or whatever). Like, it’s CHANNELLING it that makes you tired, not that it’s literal food energy.
Murtagh is always running or doing his sword forms or whatever and now I’m like “DUDE, NO!!!?!? DON’T BURN YOUR WIZARD CALORIES!!?!?”
I like when magic can’t do EVERYTHING, when it’s consistent or limited in some way, but I do hate the idea that it’s this predictable. Food energy becomes raw magical power. I GUESS.
(A little later)
Screaming at the suggestion Thorn can tell when Murtagh is horny.
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I don’t like the euphemisms. It makes it worse
The fact he can’t talk to his dragon whenever they’re “too far apart” (distance never specified) is making me insane. Why did I pick up the dragon riding book if it’s mostly about leaving your dragon locked up at the bike rack
I know Thorn is basically a rescue dog with anxiety, but it bothers me how much he’s left on his own. The narrative just has no idea what to use him for other than speedy transport for the first um… 200 pages, it seems? He’s meant to be his own creature with his own intelligence. He doesn’t go anywhere without Murtagh though. So what is he doing all the time
I think Paolini WANTS his world to be big and mysterious (his introduction literally just keeps saying things in the world of the story are mysterious) but he HAS to keep explaining everything
24 November 2023
I’ve figured out something that annoys me about the world of this book, in terms of just how the worldbuilding is not actually that magical. It has the D&D problem!!! Which is to say that every regular person on earth is Level One and every important character is like, level 12. And part of what makes that even worse is that all women in this world are level zero.
I’ve been watching my friend Chris play the first Alan Wake game and we realised that all the faceless enemies that are possessed by Evil in the game are… working class men. The protagonist is this literate wealthy New York writer who is constantly killing faceless workers—farmers, loggers, coal miners, builders. And that’s not an INTENTIONAL commentary by the game, but it’s very revealing. And This book is the same in that: there is no such thing as a complicated poor person. They’re all either Dirty Evil or Dirty Good. Murtagh is going around, writing poetry in his head and inventing magical computer code, and then every child is an urchin who is like Oi Guvnah, and every dad is gruff, and every woman is worried.
The language used to describe everyone who isn’t a Fighting Man is so demeaning. And even then, we only need to respect the leaders of those men. The leaders are the only ones with depth who might need to be taken seriously.
It’s like Murtagh has a tally in his head where he is going “finally, a guy who is level 6”!
Most people in this world exist to deliver information to the protagonist.
Paolini either thinks his readers are too dumb to understand that his characters exist between scenes, or he doesn’t understand himself that we don’t need to see every time Murtagh enters a city under a new name and how he does it. Or know what he ate for dinner and how he prepared it and where he slept and what he dreamed and, and, and—
It’s weird because Paolini is being self indulgent as fuck but it is NOT fun to read. This dude really just needs to go write a survival story or something… A guy in the woods depending on nothing but his wits and his axe and his beard and his libertarian values
I don’t understand the stakes at play. All the magic scenes with Mind Penetration are so sudden and hard to actually understand as action. And the way it works is about brute force, so the dragon is not going to be at risk of being taken over except by another, even bigger dragon
It would be fun to read the Murtagh city sleuth segments if Thorn was backseat driving a little. I think that their bond should not get thinner over distance. The fact that it does just defeats the point of a magical bond.
Why does the dragon have to stay so far away? Like… it’s established that there’s a spell to conceal a dragon from sight. Dude. You could just go fucking invisible
There’s so many decisions that just are so bonkers to have made. The whole fetch quest for information pissed me off so bad. “You have to join the guard” (40 pages of emotions about uniforms ensue). This guy learned about plots from video games
Paolini had kids apparently, but you can tell he doesn’t really understand kids. “How do they all start out so innocent and pure,” says a man who has never heard a seven year old describe someone being killed by farts before.
The description of Murtagh carrying a cat that doesn’t want to be carried is very funny. I don’t know if Paolini has ever carried a cat before. If you’re carrying a cat that doesn’t want to be carried close to your chest, and you tighten your grip when it squirms… say goodbye to your nipples, my man
It’s strange how much Paolini doesn’t explore the things that seem to be the point. FOR EXAMPLE, the fantasy soul bond trope loves to say “even during sex!??! 👀” because it’s about INTIMACY, and some alien presence always being there. The dragon rider trope is popular because dragons are powerful and wise but also Beasts. Magic is fun to read about because it can do things that can’t be explained.
Paolini’s world is big, but nothing in it has any real substance. Nothing in it has any real consequence, and it makes it impossible to really invest in anything that happens. None of these poor city folks have a life once they leave the scene of delivering Murtagh information… or if they are a woman, delivering him a hot meal. There’s no sense of a world that exists outside Murtagh’s point of view!
25 November 2023
The towns so far don’t feel at all distinctive to me! I was interested in the one with the massive lake, but then it having this massive fish in it was the only point of interest. It would be fun to have been like “oh the fish has ruined our summer festival! It’s ruined the nobility pleasure cruises! It’s also eating fishermen!” Or “Why do all these fishing boats have huge spikes on the prow? Well,”
Again, these guys are all level one in peasant dirt town. They have no capacity for individual thought and no ability to adapt.
It’s like Paolini doesn’t know what makes people and places in fantasy feel distinct, or have culture. It’s so evident in how much he HASN’T thought about. For example, the bonkers amount of restrictive gender norms that he doesn’t seem AT ALL CONSCIOUS OF? Everyone who died in the war was A Man. No women died in the war. But that hasn’t resulted in any social changes. There aren’t more women doing work, for example, like being fishermen
I remember being thirteen or so and reading the bit in the second book where Arya explains to Eragon that she’s better and stronger than a human woman, because she is an elf, so Eragon doesn’t have to worry about her in battle. I was this kid there like “man, that sucks. I assume he’s coming back to that assumption later,” and… he never did. He still hasn’t. And that sucks
The dragon riders were not THAT long ago, in the world of these books. It makes me wonder—were none of them human women? I always assumed that some were human women, but… did dragons only choose elf men, elf women, and human men? If they chose human women, then even being accepted into a paramilitary dragon force didn’t change gender expectations in the rest of the world. What the fuck. He’s really never thought about this.
Women keep showing up as cunning-mysterious, as humble dirtmothers, or as innocent children. Oh my god I’m just describing maiden mother crone. That’s all he’s capable of.
I just got up to where he rescues the werecat baby (innocent girl child) and settles in to hear the stories of elder werecat (cunning-mysterious)
I noticed the Arya Problem with how Nasuada is described in this book, too. Every woman has to be the best, most capable, most powerful woman ever, to be worth the attention of The Boys. Otherwise they can’t respect her. Only two literal queens can be considered worthy of just two average guys who got pet lizards. Even then, they’re not actual equals.
“She still empathised for me.” Yes, don’t worry, Murtagh, I remember that’s what women are for.
I should note that the reason Nasuada is considered so powerful and so much worthy of his love and is her strength as a person. This is proven in the Eragon books because “she still empathised” with Murtagh whilst he was medieval torturing her. He was medieval torturing her for like… most of a book and that’s how they fell in love. Because she could see in his eyes that this guy torturing her… was Complicated. He didn’t really WANT to be medieval torturing her so she actually felt worse for him than he felt about how he was (and I can’t stress this enough) medieval torturing her
I just can’t imagine that THE QUEEN OF A WHOLE CONTINENT would still prefer the guy who sadly tortured her. He’s her top preference. Out of EVERY OTHER MAN IN THE WORLD
I put the book down until the day before I was meant to have finished the book for book club:
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10 March 2024: from page 274 onwards
The evil witch is called BACHEL?????!!?!??!? Fucking BACHEL. Pronounced “buh-SHELL”, the guide at the back says. You changed one letter in Rachel, don’t lie to me Paolini
I got so mad being reminded the evil king Galbatorix was defeated by “Eragon forcing empathy upon him” so that he magically exploded himself out of guilt that I had to put the book down and complain to Charlie for five straight minutes
I guess that’s why Galbatorix made Murtagh torture Nasuada for him. He knew that if he’d done it himself she would have empathised with him too hard and he would’ve exploded himself
Murtagh has never met a single person he has respected. Murtagh is the specialest boy in all the land. Eragon had to leave the country because they were both too special to share a continent
Murtagh decided on where to go and he was immediately surrounded by armed guards who took him to where the plot was
Paolini uses the fucking word “admixed” while discussing EATING A PIE. The flavours admixed in his mouth. Just because you know a word… doesn’t mean it’s a word to deploy about eating a pie
I HATE how the only people strong enough to do the strongest magic are Elves Or Human Riders. It’s fucking magic my guy! Why is it checking your goddamn DNA! Also, hey! Wasn’t it supposed to come down to the strongest wizards being the guys who ate the most for lunch?
In a world of Magic how come every wizard battle ultimately comes down to who is a better Professor X?? I came here for fireballs, not Mind Battles. I don’t care about your Mental Wards
Hahaha Murtagh!!! Get trapdoored, bitch!!!!
Dragon panic attacks: conceptually cool but a bit ?? Like ah… the plot literally comes to scoop him up and carry him away. Yet again something outside of Murtagh makes a decision for him about what to do next
Murtagh’s poetry is going to make me explode myself like Galbatorix in book 4
If there’s something I like about this book so far it’s just the bits where he and Thorn are camping. Not flying, because then Murtagh is using the time to think and that’s horrible. The bits where they make campfires or whatever feel like something is actually happening. A guy and his dragon hanging out
Man. The way this novel is plotted really reminds me that it’s not actually that hard to write a book.
Murtagh goes to the evil village (oh yeah there’s an evil village. It is where Bachel lives. She is evil because she does magic without using the magic language). The village is called:
But I couldn’t remember this so I kept referring to it in my head by another, more familiar, name
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Murtagh is so freaked out by finding a village with architecture that he doesn’t recognise. He’s like “My god!!! Nasuada has to be warned!!!” Ok but about what??? New ways of building pillars???? The art deco movement threatens the land??
Kinda fascinated by how much this village represents a threat to CULTURE. The architecture, the people… Everything about it so far is designed to be A Foreign Threat. The inhabitants are Of All Races (except elves they are too cool too pure etc). The humans have A VARIETY OF SKIN COLOURS, which memorably never happens in Alagaesia, a continent once explicitly described in the Eragon books as only having two (2) black people on it at all (then one died) (the other is Nasuada) (the one who died was her dad)
This guy with a goatee isn’t quite human. He is maybe part urgal and he is so uncomfortable to look at! Mainly he has arms that are a bit too long!! Bachel isn’t a human and also isn’t an elf, and that’s also deeply unsettling.
Bachel also fundamentally represents a threat to THE STRUCTURING POWER OF LANGUAGE, huh??
Bachel is so far the most interesting character in the book!
Murtagh is so upset and confused when Bachel calls him “my son” like… I’m cryign. “But she’s not my mother! I know my mother!!” he thinks, in a panic.
If this was a fantasy novel written twenty to thirty years ago, then the sexual tension between Murtagh and Bachel would be absolutely insane. Alas, this is a world of abstinence, and sexuality is only ever meaningful looks between a queen and the guy who tortured her (it is weird how he keeps caressing Nasuada’s face on the gold coins)
It’s very funny that Bachel has specifically fourteen warriors. The prose keeps telling us that there’s fourteen of them. So you get Murtagh stepping forwards and then sentences like “the fourteen warriors attending Bachel shifted”
She seems like a perfectly normal cult leader to me? Why is she automatically a threat to Nasuada! How come the two of them can’t arrange a toxic political marriage that becomes… something more 😉😉😉
Nothing annoys me more in this book than Murtagh being able to identify specific vintages of wine. It keeps happening and it pisses me off
Bachel is a half elf!!! “It had never occurred to him that such a thing might be possible.” This is truly and absolutely unbelievable to me. Nobody in this world ever has sex
How did it take so long to get to such an objectively cool village!!! Like this is just a cool place!!! Sorry that Nar Nar Goon is evil but like FINALLY something has style
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Three thoughts at once:
I’m so bored that Paolini’s mind can’t get more interesting than temple virgins, let alone wearing white to represent ritualistic purity. Like… nobody in this world fucks anyway, why does it matter!
Murtagh should also wear white all the time
Lesbianism doesn’t count as a violation of being temple chosen. Alín is wearing lesbianism
Paolini has never once written a woman who is Normal. He just can’t conceive of it. You can feel how he starts sweating.
Murtagh finally realised it was a cult. What sets it apart as a cult is that the followers appear to be “half-wits” to him
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I’m going to detransition to break his fucking neck
Paolini has learned nothing since he had a woman deliver the exact same line in like 2008. The fact that another editor just thumbsed this up. The fact that this is in a book published in 2023. Well, now I’m REALLY embarking on an antagonistic reading: that’s right, I am reading women as capable.
Obsessed with Bachel. She is a girlboss and I’m a feminist xxx
Book is constantly weird about how much she is capable of eating and drinking at her feasts and how it makes her appear swollen and bloated etc etc. Murtagh is so weirded out by this because he feels it is unfeminine… as though she is not a witch and we weren’t told earlier that how much magic you have is directly equal to how much you eat. (Meanwhile he is only picking at his food and eating just enough of it ‘to be polite’ as though this is not making a decision to have less magic than her)
She has so much charisma compared to anyone else in the book. If my choices are her or Murtagh then sign me up boys!!!
Okay but much like how this would’ve been a VERY charged relationship 30 years ago, I’m weirdly disappointed Bachel she isn’t not described as megahot? Like the book keeps telling me about this virginal templemaiden or whatever, because Murtagh is only attracted to women he can rescue. But I’m actually just like… I think this woman is hot. Tell me more about her. It’s wild that this book is written by a guy like Paolini, who told me all about Oromis’ pubic hair in 2008, and who barely thinks women are people. Yet he doesn’t want to discuss her tiddies?
This book could, and should! have started when Murtagh landed his dragon in the evil village of Nar Nar Goon. That’s the point that stuff got actually interesting. Everything before this was literally video game fetch quest logic plotting that earned him the right to fly to Nar Nar Goon.
Boar hunt. More like BORED hunt. And then suddenly there are so many pigs, a comical number of them flying everywhere
This motherfucker using the phrase “the boar was lying athwart him” in a sentence in an action scene????
Murtagh is nearly dead and the boar is lying athwart him?
I’m going back in time and bullying the author at school
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RIP Murtagh, trambled to death by 30-50 wild hogs
Oh god every time someone knocks Murtagh out he has a vision or a bad dream or a flashback or whatever and it’s so tiring
“EXISTENCE WAS A TOMB WHEREIN THE SINS OF THE PAST LAID INTERRED???” Do you ever read a sentence that sounds so much like the author is jerking it? “All had been lost, and there before him lay the instrument of their destruction” he is furiously jerking it oh my god. “Destroyer of hope, eater of light” oh, god, he’s still going
…This book is. Weird about mothers
Murtagh flies into a rage because Bachel mercy killed a guy who was dying bc of boar trampling because “I COULD HAVE HEALED HIM!!!!!” And the mercy killing is proof it is a cult. Because doing it Bachel’s way meant the guy was too relaxed and at peace when he died
Paolini’s family were in a cult, as I understand. So it’s kind of weird how much he doesn’t really understand how being in a cult works
I don’t really remember how religion works in this world, but I do remember tuning out of a long boring passage in book 2 or 3 where Eragon learned about all the gods and decided he was an atheist. It’s especially weird to be like “holy shit, an EVIL religion??!” In a book where religion has absolutely never come up before now
Oh my god, Alìn was whipped for being ‘too familiar’ with Murtagh!!! That’s because she’s so pure and a helpless victim girl in all white :’((
In my mind Bachel and Alìn COULD be in a fucked up lesbian relationship with bad BDSM etiquette. Of course Paolini can’t imagine a world where women have enough personality or agency to fall in toxic love with each other. Also even though he has people tied up and strapped down and whipped and being tortured etc in every book don’t think he knows that BDSM like. Exists. Boooooo
Murtagh: killing one guy who is dying of a punctured lung is the ultimate evil!
Also Murtagh: I know an invisibility spell, but to sneak out of my room I am going to suffocate seven men to death
Genuinely upsetting to read those men dying. He made it impossible for air to enter or exit their lungs with a word. Veins popping clawing at faces etc. God, what a way to go. So unnecessarily cruel. Yep, there goes the good guy
The main way the village is evil is that there are unsettling carvings everywhere. Paolini read some Lovecraft, but he did not understand what was up with it. Or maybe he did, because this book did get a lot more weird about Racial Purity once Murtagh arrived in Lovecraft Village
11 March 2024
There’s a bloodstain that “filled Murtagh with the apprehension of evil” and it confused me because these books are so gory. Earlier he killed four men with a fork. But like oh yeah I guess it’s because when Murtagh murders people now it’s bloodless. I guess. His murders are good you see
This chapter is called The Bad Sleep-Well you can tell Paolini thought he was a real genius for this one
Okay but why are there bats… roosting… in a cave… at night. And why is Murtagh worried that red light will risk waking them? Animals cannot see red light?? SOME FARM BOY YOU ARE, PAOLINI
Okay I have to stop nitpicking. I have to restrain myself until my Vyvanse kicks in
“Murtagh felt a sense of not just age but antiquity. Whoever had built the stairs had done so long before Alagaesia had been a settled place. What was it Bachel had said? That the cultists had lived in Nal Gorgoth since before elves were elves... He was starting to think she had told the truth.”
Sorry uhhhh, Alagaesia was settled?? When they talk about The Grey Ones, are they talking about a race PRIOR TO COLONISATION?????????
“He continued forward. Deeper into the womb of the earth. Deeper into the black unknown, seeking, seeking, always seeking a farther shore, every sense razor-sharp and razor-scraped, skin all goosefleshed, cold sweat dripping down the back of his neck and gathering around his belted waist.”
God it’s so overwrought...
He found the well!!
Oh my god. The well is a natural magic hotspot and that means it “wasn’t the sort of thing that the Draumar ought to have dominion over.” It’s a natural resource???
“Not that he would want Du Vrangr Gata to assume control over such an important location either. This was exactly what the Riders had been created for: to oversee and mediate that which could destabilize the land.”
Murtagh is going to bring democracy to the Middle East
He’s too scared to mentally contact his dragon with Bachel around. If he was a proper horse girl he would find a way
Oh Galbatorix BECAME evil because he met Bachel and she manipulated him. Haha oh dear. No, you can’t just come to the conclusion the dragon rider paramilitary force who controls the resources are bad on your own. Not just because they sent you into the mountains when they knew it was dangerous and wanted to find out if you’d be killed up there! No, a manipulation had to have happened
It’s funny to me that the evil ancient witch queen who lives in seclusion in the mountains uses the new name for the city of Uru’baen. Oh no, she knows it as Ilirea. She’s hundreds and hundreds of years old. You know what that is? Evidence of Find And Replace, to me.
Bachel’s eyes are “glowing with fevered ecstasy.” I could make her feel that way. Also. Because, I know about sex
Always with the fucking passing out at the end of the chapter for Christopher James Paolini
NOW Bachel is being described appropriately as a hottie. FINALLY. GOD! It only took Murtagh being mind controlled in his brain but I. I!!! I could see the glorious light of truth!!
“He followed, dumb and wildered.” Well, not as much as that sentence. (You can be bewildered. But can you ever just be wildered????)
The dedication to making Murtagh the most pitiful little meow meow in existence in the Galbatorix flashbacks I’m… what happened to the joys of a guy who is evil because he was convinced or was tricked, not because he was fully brain abused???
The Urgals are racially… uncomfortable. Yellow eyes and Murtagh just straight up saying “how do you speak English”
The evil guys have masks and they put them on and like channel the animals the masks are of and on one hand it’s an idea I THINK is cool but also combined with the everything it really has this “tribal stuff is threatening” vibe all over it
“What do you want, witch?”
“I want you.”
Obsessed with how he’s shackled to a table and there’s still an incredible lack of sexual energy to this scene. This is like a day at the office for both of them.
… oh, but she is wearing claws and claws DOES equal a threat of penetration. Maybe a little sexual? As a treat??
Him being tortured reminds him of torturing Nasuada. Wow, it was their first date!
It’s just like. It’s fucked up imo. She should never kiss you Murtagh!!!
Is anything more boring than a torture scene.
Also, was he not drugged right before this scene? How is he able to mentally evade her and power his wards etc?
I’m mad that when he’s brought fancy foods by Alìn he doesn’t share his food with Ubek the Urgal
Oh my god Ubek tells him a story where the moral is just him outright saying at the end, “it’s important to stay close to the people we care for, even if we don’t always fit in so easily” lmao. Subtlety of a mallet
Is anything more boring than a torture scene? How about a torture chapter!!!1!1!1!
This chapter is interminable. Oh my god.
Oh, so we did all that and he gives in I guess. I can’t believe how little agency this man has had throughout this book????
Haha oh my god, Bachel is studying his nude and compliant body in front of her court. Telling him to turn around so she can inspect his back (no mention of his ass even though it is out, tragic). Fucking love it. Now that’s bdsm. Pledging my allegiance to her instantly.
I am BORED. I liked when he was at least doing things of his own volition!
He flies his dragon off on Bachel’s orders and we get the line “Never had air smelled so… so… delicious.” Cryign
GASP he’s killed… CHILDREN!!!!!!! I hate how it only becomes horrifying for him to have done these murders once he realises they’re HUMAN children. Urgal children? The implication is that would’ve been a bit tacky but ultimately fine
Prison brothers blood pact. I feel so little about this. Ubek is 5000x more interesting than Murtagh but he’s been slotted into what is unfortunately a sort of magical indigenous person trope but where instead of being a human being, he is an orc. Which makes the whole trope much worse
Murtagh touched Alìn’s face… gasp! She’s been corrupted by the Touch Of A Man!!!!! (I do not care about this.)
(I care a little. For example she didn’t touch HIM. He just reached out and she didn’t pull away. This is the biggest decision about this character’s life, and she isn’t even allowed to be the one who makes it. He decides on her behalf, and she must be okay with it. Because she doesn’t pull away or fight him off.)
(Also Paolini doesn’t seem to be aware that ‘a woman who has been pledged not to be touched by a man’ would um. USUALLY be understood by a reader as euphemistic. Not that her purity could be forever ruined by a man literally just touching her face)
The way Paolini fills Murtagh’s brainwashed dialogue with oops all ellipses makes me want to tear the book apart with my teeth
Worst: how Grieve the guy who is part urgal is perpetually referred to as “heavy-browed.” “the heavy-browed Grieve” I’m sorry but I missed phrenology school, is that bad??
Also if he’s maybe part Urgal but Murtagh is now given a chance to making it clear that some of his best friends are urgals... Why is Grieve so distastefully described? What’s wrong with being half urgal? My suspicion: it’s the bloodlines intermingling
I suspect I can just skip every fucking dream sequence and flashback. Nothing of any value in these
This one guy, Lyreth, who trapdoored Murtagh for 2.5 seconds ages ago in the book, is TWICE referenced as holding/ touching the waists of “village” or “cultist” women in his dialogue tags. That’s the full extent of it. It’s not that there’s a giggling tavern girl sprawled in his lap while he’s speaking. These faceless women are exclusively sketched into existence by how a named male character’s hand is on their waist. We don’t know anything about how they are responding to his touch, which is extra in-your-face considering that Murtagh just obliterated a woman’s ritual purity by touching her face without asking. And it’s only ever these women’s waist. It’s not their hips or thighs or boobs. He’s not kissing their necks. I’m sure in Paolini’s mind this guy touching women’s waists is meant to read as sexual, which is supposed to reinforce that he’s a scumbag… but it doesn’t work because it’s so impersonal. These women are just… unmoving waists that he is just touching. It serves as a good illustration of how women—and sex and sexuality and bodies—are handled in these books. Men are never ruled by their strong and muscular bodies. Men have minds, and magic, and telepathy battles. Even when Murtagh is on a torture table or when he’s naked in front of a powerful woman who is actively inspecting his body, he doesn’t feel vulnerable. He doesn’t have an ass or a dick. The wind doesn’t make him shiver. He’s just a Mind. But women, well. They only have bodies when men touch them. The course of Alin’s life is defined by Murtagh’s touch, and even Nasuada, a fucking queen, only gets physical description via the coins Murtagh has in his possession and his memory of the cuts and bruises he left on her body. And women also have no minds—unless they’re werecats or elves or half elves, the only kind of woman who are remotely threatening, the only kind of women who are “as good as” the baseline of human men. Nasuada is proven as Murtagh’s equal because she was able to overcome the torture of her body. If he hadn’t tortured her, or if she had broken down, she wouldn’t have proven herself worthy of being his romantic partner.
Eragon’s romantic interest also started out being tortured. Not by him, but “girl who is tortured but is too strong to give up her secrets” was her entire characterisation for a book and a half, until he rescued her. That’s uh. That’s how you find girlfriends who are good enough for your protagonists.
Bachel has put Thorn in a special wrought iron muzzle. Yet again, this is just objectively cool
We learn about who the cult worships: evil dragon underground. He makes fumes come out of the earth and they brainwash people and give them visions. He will come out of the ground and eat the sun unless every living thing worships him.
Really Bachel is not leading a cult she is leading an environmental rescue mission. Quick we gotta get everyone to worship this evil dragon STAT, or he’s going to wipe out all life on earth.
Why does an evil dragon living under the earth with the power to eat the sun (?!??!) actually want or need to be worshipped by “every living thing”. What is his motivation?? And why would that stop him eating the sun?
“The sculptures would have horrified most any artist in Alagaesia, no matter their race.” Mark this down as one of the worst sentences he has written yet!!
I realise now I’ve been misremembering multiple main characters’ names
I like Bachel telling Thorn to stay, like he’s a dog. That’s good to me
Murtagh is learning about the power of friendship to heal himself last minute, I guess
Why is Murtagh pausing to duel fucking Lyreth, the most boring man in the world. Is it because of the waists he touched??? I have never felt this man was worth any time at all
NOT Paolini specifically pointing out that Lyreth “smelled of a cloying peach scented perfume” and that he’s physically weaker than Murtagh as Murtagh overcomes him. Lyreth was too feminine to be strong, in the end
This book is obsessed with the word “youngling.” Murtagh says to Thorn “don’t kill any younglings.” He’s fighting Lyreth but he’s not worried because he himself is “no longer a youngling”. Fucking fuck off! just say youth. Child. Kid. Teenager even!! Come on!!
Murtagh going “this is taking too long” in the duel: me at the whole book thus far
“Is wrong-think to worship Bachel or Azlagur,” says Ubek. This is real dialogue in a book published in real 2023. Oh yeah btw everything he says is written like this
Oh, the urgal’s size and brute strength makes him Murtagh’s equal. I see
Grieve is legitimately yelling “kill the non-believers!!” and calling them desecrators??? Cartoon hours
To start winning the fight, all Murtagh had to do was find his magic sword! It stores all his potency and he inherited it from his father. Freud?? Don’t worry about it
The cultists are bleeding green blood???? Does this mean they’re not human or is it the lighting or what.
Groups of dragons are always being described as a Thunder Of. They’re only ever being described in visions but it’s always being described as “a thunder of dragons”, because Paolini is very proud of inventing his very own collective noun for dragons I guess
Buncha little pasty freaks showing up.
Murtagh’s ultimate challenge: he has to fight one hundred gollums
Paolini inventing new guys for his dungeon at unprecedented rates
Murtagh is legitimately busy trying to think of new names for his sword NOW?? He is just going to stop in the middle of this urgent fight to go find where the bad woman (Bachel) took the good woman (Alìn) to go “my sword has a bad name. It could have a good name.” Did he not have time while he was mouldering in the dungeon to think about this
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He’s checking his compendium, like in video games.
Books have never been worse. If Murtagh/Paolini calls this sword Scar I will legitimately never know peace
Oh the sword is called Freedom now. Get it? Like America? It’s the most important value??
“Seeing the armor, Murtagh realized that the leather garb the cultists had donned for the festival of black smoke had been made to resemble Bachel's fantastic suit.”
what a sentence
This is the worst
I hate how her spear has a name and a dramatic history. Like come on
Fucking mind battles again
Alin is just… I’m sorry to her, but she’s not a real person. She’s a cardboard cutout in distress
The final boss fight should not be taking place in the magical world of the mind
Now she’s calling him “infidel?” Okay
The ultimate battle: the structuring power of masculine language versus the primeval chaos of raw women’s emotion!!! Who will win!! Hint: Christopher Paolini wrote this!
“She seemed merely a woman again.”
‘Merely’ is how Paolini always describes women (when he thinks they’re worth describing of course)
Wait… is the only reason Bachel has been intimidating REALLY just because she’s been channelling a tough evil boy dragon? Once the mask is gone and he’s not empowering her… she’s merely…
I’m going to kick Christopher Paolini’s fucking ass
Murtagh feels so emotionally close to Bachel. As he splits her skull. Normal book
For real why were ALL the Riders so afraid of Bachel??? The gas fumes? Face masks not invented?? This seems pretty easy to solve like if they’d just. Sent more than one guy?
He passes out and the chapter ends of course. Then he wakes up in the city
Ah, Alin is blonde and blue eyed. She was a pale skinned virgin who needed rescuing from an evil and also foreign almond eyed amber skinned woman who was whipping her. You know how it goes
I hate how Alìn always calls Murtagh “my lord.” She’s like one of those medieval fighting game banners of a sexy woman. She’s a cartoon.
Isn’t it a shame that when Murtagh hastily gets out of bed to bow to Nasuada he is wearing pants. So much funnier if he wasn’t
I’m so over this book holy shit
Oh, for being the apparently only sole survivor of Murtagh’s obliteration of her cult and everything she’s ever known, Alìn is being promoted to… Nasuada’s maid. That’s not what she asked for. That’s just what she’s being told she’s going to do from now on. Fucking hell.
Nasuada is Jealous of this blonde woman and I was afraid for her because Nasuada is also famously the only black woman on the continent. But of course she has nothing to fear because only the most powerful woman in the land could ever be remotely Murtagh’s equal, which she proved by being stronger at being tortured than him
She asks him to stay and she touches his hand just lightly
The END??
They don’t even kiss?!!!?!! I had to read it twice to be sure. SEXLESS BOOK.
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devils-dares · 1 year
Hey, Dev! So, this is the request I mentioned I'd like to make, so here I am.
Well, I had this idea on a particularly shitty day after two specific scenes came to my mind, so basically I thought about Matt and the reader both having a bad day and then they do some couple stuff to comfort each other, you know? Just a bit of domesticity, taking a bath together and taking care of each other, cooking together and that kind of sweet couple things...
But the two specific scenes I have in mind are one where Matt and the reader dance in the kitchen (nothing too grand, more like hugging from behind and starting to dance a bit clumsily while doing something else, maybe also singing some song softly in the ear... I sort of imagine the reader doing this with Matt, but you can adapt if you want to)
But the precursor scene of this whole idea is basically one where Matt and the reader are cuddled together on the couch and watching some old cartoons that Matt used to watch when he was kid, with the reader doing the audio description for him.
It's just a pretty silly idea that seems comfortable to read and that I feel would be lovely in your writing but for some reason has become something special to me...
PS: I imagined this as Matt x male reader (because I'm basically basing it on something I'd love to do, I'm sorry for that), but you can adapt and make a gn reader if you prefer, whatever you judge best... I appreciate it in advance! :)
wordcount: 534
Matt tucked himself in bed next to you, a pained groan leaving his lips. He’d had a horrible day, both in and out of the office, and he’s taken… quite a beating when it came to his nightly activities. You reached out to him, only for him to take your hand and pull you to rest your head on his chest. It seemed like a good idea at the time, up until he hissed as you put your head in its rightful position.
“Sorry, love, forgot I bruised my ribs.” You shake your head at him, a sad smile on your face.
“It’s alright, how about we just sleep today off? Get a fresh start tomorrow, besides, it’s a weekend, we can spend all day together.”
“That sounds nice.” He says through a yawn.
He whimpers in his sleep, borderline cries are ripped from him as he tosses and turns, getting nothing but a turbulent night’s sleep.
In the morning, you wake to the sound of a record playing and the smell of fresh coffee. You sit up against the headboard, rubbing at your eyes to shoo the sleep away, before slipping out of bed and joining Matt.
He must have been invested in whatever he was doing, because you were able to sneak up on him, wrapping your arms around him from behind and beginning to sway to the music. He jumps a little, immediately relaxing when you say his name in a sleepy voice.
“What are you doing up? You should be resting and healing.” You inquire.
“Got up early to meditate. I feel better already,” he says with a little laugh, “you ready for breakfast?”
“Let me freshen up, and then we can see what Chef Murdock has cooked up this fine Saturday morning.”
The two of you ate breakfast while laughing about everything that went wrong yesterday. Your problems spanned from getting a bunch of small paper cuts, to dropping an important file down the elevator shaft. You even got coffee spilled on your pants by your co-worker, and you didn’t have time to come home and change.
After washing and drying the dishes together and finally having the confidence that both of you are going to have a good day, Matt suggests a bath.
He settles in behind you, your back to his chest, and you immediately melt into his body under the warm water. He rubs at your shoulders, lazy kisses pressed against your bare skin and you sigh softly and sink even further into the water and into him, your eyes drooping closed.
“Sleepy?” He says, his voice groggy too.
“A little.”
“Then I propose a nap next.”
Now, after sleeping beneath the sheets with each other in your arms, you two are on the couch sharing a blanket while you narrate your childhood cartoons to him. He smiles as laughs infiltrate your words, happy to hear you happy.
“I had a great day today.” You say, smiling at him during a commercial break.
“Yeah? So did I.” He leans over, kissing you soft and sweet. You settle back against him, narrating the cartoons in silly voices, feeling nothing but joy when they result in Matt’s laughs.
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stoopid-turtle · 10 months
I've seen people theorize as part of the devil's timeline (which I don't really subscribe to, but am curious about) that ggdd were pretending not to know each other beforehand when they started filming CQL and that that would explain why they got more familiar over time but also so quickly in the BTS. To me this would explain a couple things (like sharing phones so soon) but creates so many more questions that I have a hard time buying it. Mainly: I 100% understand why they wouldn't want to tell fans/the world at large any more details about their personal lives/relationship, since it's not our business, but I can't figure out why they'd like... act in front of the whole rest of the cast as strangers. I don't *think* it would make it seem like one gave the other any advantage in the casting process, but what do I know? And I can't think of a lot of other reasons for acting that elaborate/long-term. I was wondering if you had any takes on this?
Also! I wanted to say thanks again for your posts so far and I respect that it's not something you plan to keep doing, but I was (hoping) wondering if you were thinking about sticking around in the fandom as more of a spectator? I'm also a new turtle as of like 5 months ago so it's nice not to be the only one still going 🤯 over some of the BTS in 2023 when it's ancient news to everyone else. Thanks again for your hard work on your posts and timeline!
Do they share phones really early? The earliest I saw was 7.7, though I'm not especially eagle-eyed. Beyond that instance and dd using gg's phone while the cast ate lunch on 8.2, I didn't notice either of them sharing phones in the videos I saw.
I guess I'm the odd one out bc I don't think they became familiar unusually fast. It seems like a reasonable timeline for the age they're at, from my experience. So I don't see the need to have an explanation for that since I don't see anything out of the norm in how their relationship progresses.
That's probably why I take the Devil's Timeline as interesting speculation but not much more.
But your main point is definitely a sticking point for me too.
Spitballing it, maybe they wanted to hide the nature of their relationship at first until they realized it was a gay-friendly set. But even then, why act like they don't know each other at all? They have a reasonable explanation for how they'd be acquainted: they met on DDU a year before. I'm not sure why they'd play coy.
Of course, behind the scenes industry stuff is always a wild card. We don't know what we don't know, and maybe gg and dd had a good reason to pretend they didn't know each other at all. I'm not well-versed enough in c-ent to even have a guess as to what that might be, but I assume it's possible.
At the same time, they later seem open about their relationship on set, even having couple fights and flirting while surrounded by cast and crew. So why hide things at the beginning?
I've been watching through some more of the daily bts on another playlist, and gg and dd act how I'd expect 2 reserved people to act on the first few days of working together. Of course, that's real subjective to assess, so somebody else could come away with a completely different impression of how they're acting. But, personally, I don't see anything that needs any explanation.
re: your second para: I'll probably go back to lurking. I have a primary tumblr acct that I use to lurk on a bunch of fandoms. I already followed the bjyx tags and a lot of the turtles on that acct before setting this up. I definitely plan to keep up with the boys, but I don't foresee posting that much in the future.
(I reserve the right to give in to my impulses and hunker down for the long-haul, though.)
I always get to a fandom late! I missed all the excitement when the bts first came out, but I still feel hype when I come across new-to-me stuff. I'm happy to enthuse with others!
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sweaterkittensahoy · 18 days
Fic Writer 20 Questions
Tagged by @meyerlansky
How many works do you have on AO3? 773
What's your total AO3 word count? 2,059,396
What fandoms do you write for? I'm deep in Masters of the Air now, obviously. I've also written for Band of Brothers and Generation Kill. I dabble a LOT, so my overall fandom list is very long. Way back in the day I wrote a lot of West Wing. I did a lot of Guy/Kyle in Green Lantern, and then Law & Order: SVU ate my brain for several years even though I can't actually say the show was ever good. Oh, and I was in Avengers fandom hanging out with my fellow Phlint crew at one point.
Top Five Fics by Kudos Revenge is Best Served @ (Check Please, Jack/Bitty)
But I Will Hold on Hope (And I Won't Let You Choke (Avengers, Phil/Clint)
By the Book (Avengers, Phil/Clint)
These Are Our Friends, and These Are Our Foes (You're the One I Love Most (Avengers, Phil/Clint)
5 Scenes to Build a Team (+2 Scenes of Sweet Sweet Victory) (Avengers, Phil/Clint)
Do you respond to comments? Yup! Usually in batches. I really like doing it.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? You Would Live a Hundred Years If I Could Show You How (Law & Order, Jack McCoy/Mike Cutter) -- I killed Jack.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I tend to write happy endings most of the time, so you can really just pick one, but I think it's probably A New Mode of Living (Band of Brothers, Speirs/Lipton), and I'm including the epilogue with that.
Do you get hate on fics? Very occasionally. I just delete/block and move on.
Do you write smut? Oh my yes.
Craziest Crossover? I once had CJ Cregg go on a date with Big Bird. They had a lovely time.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yup! Someone stole a bunch of my Rita/Amanda fics from AO3 and slapped them on Wattpad with Amanda switched for Olivia but everything else verbatim. I reported the shit out of her, and when she moved over to AO3 and literally did the same thing, I reported her again. She accused me of bullying, naturally.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Several! And I have blanket permission for my fics if anyone wants to translate anything. I would love if you'd link back to the original story so I know it's out there.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Eons ago there was a show called Without a Trace, and a friend and I took turns writing vignettes for the same couple. Same friend let me write a sequel to their Leo/Josh West Wing story, and we did a few more things like that. I don't think that any of those survive, however.
All time favorite ship? Speirs/Lipton, Band of Brothers. They are very important to me. They see each other in a very important way, and I treasure them.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? On the advice of counsel, I refuse to answer.
Seriously, though I don't really have that sort of WIP. Either I'm working on it (A Mighty, Vast, and Dangerous Place is still in active progress), or the idea didn't pan out (a bunch of stuff), or I actively chose to stop working on it (there's a Ted Lasso fic that I will never touch again).
What are your writing strengths? I do good character voices and can get the emotional response I want from readers. I have fun coming up with interesting descriptions.
What are your writing weaknesses? Losing steam. Getting distracted by a new fandom. From a writing-writing standpoint, I have a hard time remembering room layouts or where people are in them. I don't think visually, so I'm always having to scroll back up or make a note so I don't forget a piece of furniture or a whole guy.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I got no problems. It's about being able to understand the point of the conversation, not necessarily the words themselves. There's lots of ways to get it across while having the dialogue in a different language than the rest of the fic for whatever reason. But the use of the other language needs to fit the story and the characters, and if you're writing in another language, you better know it's quirks.
First fandom you wrote in? Ahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha
Oh, god, it was Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers back when god was a child.
Oh, man. God, I just got the goofiest memories. I was SO into that show.
Favorite fic you've written? Oh advice of counsel, I plead the fifth.
Honestly, I don't know. It changes constantly.
Tags (very optional): um, @dytabytes, @infiniteeight8, @daysofxavierspast @sarahcakes613, @ralkana, @lunaris1013, and anyone who wants to. I swear I barely remember my own name when it comes to tagging time.
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abybweisse · 1 year
Hello, it's me Onikiri. Hope you're doing fine
If you saw the ending of Kuroshitsuji Red Valentine event, therecs a very sad scene of Sebastian, who missed Ciel after he ate his soul (Even his seiyuu, Daisuke Ono did an excellent job for giving a Melancholic tone to show how lonely our demon butler was)
Do you think after he and Our!Ciel finished their contract, Sebastian will mourn over his master's demise and missed being a butler? Will he missed the other servants as well after they are gone? Because I think it will be a nice ending if Sebastian will get sad after the contract and crying as well as it will be the first human emotions that he felt (It's pretty debatable because some said that he has no emotions and lack of empathy)
What's your opinions on this? I appreciate it if it was different than mine ^_^
Note: I kinda like angsty Sebastian stuff, not gonna lie
Red Valentine event vs end of the manga
About all I recall from the Red Valentine event is Grelle breaking into a bakery to make sweets or pastries for William, and a bunch of characters crashing the scene. Undertaker showing up to play fairy godfather, Grelle being granted a wish to be attractive to all the guys, hilarity ensuing, etc.
As I've said before, if/when Sebastian devours our earl's soul, I'm hoping there is some sort of emotional growth. Possibly even emotional tears. Just like Hannah in s2, after eating Luka's soul, simply because Luka is so full of love for his brother and he thanks Hannah for fulfilling his wish. No one had ever thanked her before when she'd completed a contract. In manga canon, I'd like to see something along those lines.
How Sebastian feels about anything and anyone after eating our earl's soul should determine what he does next. Does he stay in the human realm and seek to help people, like the survivors? Does he just return to Hell and take a long nap? Idk. 🤷🏻‍♀️ If the story's conclusion very closely follows Mother3, then he might stick around for a while, trying to make repairs or helping certain people recover from the aftermath. I'm definitely expecting some collateral damage during the final battles/confrontations. He might try to make amends.
Or he might not.
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gaiahypothesims · 1 year
Get to Know Me- Sims Style
Thank you for tagging me @treason-and-plot
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What’s your favorite Sims death?
Ugh man, I don't know. I don't let mine die a lot, but they do tend to die from random stupid things. Meteor death, while I was making scenes. Birthday cake fire/death from a gameplay.
Alpha CC or MaxisMatch?
Alpha. I like MM for TS4, but not so much for TS3.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
I haven't had to until recently. Laken ate a whole bunch of pie, autonomously!!! and then the next thing I knew he was all blown up and waddling around. The rest of them seem to have kept themselves in order. Its no good when taking pics of a scene and suddenly someone looks waayyyy different. Fucking Laken.
Do you move objects?
Oh absolutely. I don't think my game likes it. But its a necessary evil.
Favourite Mod?
All of NRAAS, and also all the new toddler interactions from MTS. Skins are a must for me, same with eyes. I don't like dead eyes.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
TS3- Generations or Seasons? I think. I had TS2 previously, but that was a lifetime ago and I don't remember what I did with that.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing
Live like aLIVE. What the heck man.
Who’s your favourite sim that you’ve made?
Oh lord. I have so many. I'll be the most apparent and say Jonah. Because he's just a whole legacy.
Have you made a simself?
Oh yeah. Just one though. Because I wanted to see if she'd get up to some shit. On brand as always, she does nothing. Just shows up here and there. Goes to work, goes home. No drama. Sigh. Lame old thing.
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Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Oh man.. I don't know. Black? I usually change them. The brown is too green, the reds too orange... blonde too yellow.
Favorite EA hair?
Good question. Maybe this one? I don't use EA hairs for the most part. Jared got a makeover and doesn't use this one anymore, but it was one I've used before. There are some other ones that are decent but I don't have images.
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Favorite life stage?
Young Adult, just because it encompasses a pretty huge frame of life. You can make them look 18 or 35+ in the same stage.
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Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I like building things, I just suck at it. I love the gameplay, but I also love making up a story as I go. So while I am mostly a story teller here, I do let gameplay dictate a lot of what goes on. High free will is always on.
Are you a CC creator?
In a way. I do have CC out there, but nothing fancy. Just make up and some paintings. I share a lot of my sims because I like making them.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
I would say that there are some older sim story tellers and such that have kept me going. There are ones that I think about a lot and would 100% credit me for keeping on, even when things aren't the same as they were before. I do it for you!
Do you have any sims merch?
Yeah for sure. Any dildo out there that you fancy is directly moulded after Jonah's dick. At least he'd say so.
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
HAH. I can't even imagine the torture of sitting through me 'playing'.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I really used to be gameplay only. But In my mind I made up stories and dialogue as it happened and of course laughed at my own jokes and their antics. It wasn't until after TS4 came out and I really went hunting for stories that I started my own, not in TS4 because I couldnt "connect" with it.
What’s your origin id?
I don't know. I do have TS4, but I don't play it. I ended up having TS3, GEN, Seasons, ITF on there.... but then I re-bought it all on Steam way back because Origin is so shifty.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Oh man, so many and so niche. But generally Around the Sims is so solid and still converting and making things for TS3. They are the only person I've spent real $$ on.
How long have you had simblr?
I don't know. 6-7 years? Maybe more. I'm sure I could look it up, but... that would make me look back on my life.
How do you edit your pictures?
I used to take reg screens and then run them through Adobe Lightroom. But then I thought I would try gshade-reshade, hated it, then tried it again. I still don't love it, but it cuts down on editing time which means I can actually share/write whatnot. So I'm there now. Reshade.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
I love ITF... because its just... out there and every so often I love me some sci-fi. With that said I think the game isn't complete without Seasons and Generations. I'll be honest and say that I haven't explored the game to the fullest. I wish it would be "remastered" and more current to todays systems. It would be a whole ass banger if it could actually play on the system I have right now.
***I'm not nominating anyone because I'm so late to the game. Life is wild and crazy and I feel lucky that anyone remembers I'm still here. I love you all, and appreciate all the hearts and comments. I know I'm not as consistent or interactive as I used to be. Life has just... decided to make me work for it.
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hajihiko · 2 years
Ok first off I love you and your opinions are 100% valid BUT I've been thinking for a while and I disagree about hajime and nagito clashing once Nagito wakes up. And this isn't a shipping thing I just want them to be friends. They had some sort of vibe in chapter 1 enough for Hajime to feel betrayed by Nagito's "oops-I'm-crazy" reveal, but even after that Hajime always just wanted to understand Nagito. And yes then chapter 4 happened and Nagito was an ass to everyone especially Hajime, but in the anime they seem like friends now?? Hajime was the only one there when he woke up and Nagito recognized he was Hajime and not Izuru immediately. They even ate on the boat together. Nagito definitely needs to change some of his mindsets thru therapy but the anime made me sad for him, the guy has no friends and he wants to be friends with kaz and fuyu and the others, he just needs help getting there. And he says weird stuff and can be creepy but Hajime accepts every other quirky person on the island so..? Idk I would love your thoughts :)
Ok so a while ago I talked about how I can imagine Nagito either, a) would resent Hajime for choosing his Just A Guy self over Izuru, or b) idolize him (like he idolizes all the Ultimates, but more) for nonetheless being The Ultimate Superguy. I'm not 100% on either, just figured those would be the two most likely scenarios. I also think both would not sit well with Hajime who now has a bit of a complex identity that he might not fully get himself, and having it sorta put in the spotlight all the time might be uncomfy.
I also sort of do-and-dont consider the anime, since I liked a bunch of things about it but some felt rushed, so I think of that ending as like .... thematically accurate but not necessarily how it went down? And I guess that includes the Nagito OVA. Like, thematically yes, Nagito is gonna be friendly with everyone now and it's reinstated how Hajime is himself (including Izuru) and they come a full circle with mimicking each other's poses from the start of the game; thematically YES very good. But i think it kinda happens too easily?
Tbh I just kinda think it's more boring if they're both immediately totally cool with one another, and I think they're more interesting when they clash and make each other think about things differently. Same with like, Mikan and Hiyoko, I don't buy that they're just immediately chill around each other after All That. That's not as satisfying as them having to work on themselves and the relationship. Like, with Nagito specifically digging at Hajime's insecurities and singling him out like he did, causing Chiaki's death (which he had a good reason for but it obviously hurt for Hajime especially), and just generally how Nagito was treated through a lot of the game (badly), and his views on Social Hierarchy being super challenged by Hajime even existing... having them just end as being wordlessly ok with it all is anticlimactic imo.
So like, whenever I talk about post-wakeup dynamics, in my mind I'm kind of thinking they had at LEAST a year together before the scene in the anime where everyone's awake and healthy and working together.
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jiilys · 1 year
deleted scenes deleted scenes
going to shamelessly use this to talk about worthy punishments behind the scenes
at the top of the document i have 'troubles always gunna find you baby / but so am i' from western nights by ethel cain because literally. thats them
heres a bunch of random sentences that got cut because i never built the scenes to go around them:
Sirius, in charge of paying literally one bill, realised he forgot when the kitchen light went out. Lily told him not to open the fridge and they ate bread for dinner, sat on the kitchen floor with candles on. She would have taken a picture, only her phone had run out of battery three hours ago and she couldn’t open her laptop without seeing the thesis document and feeling sick. 
"James sent you a pie but I ate it" Sirius said, holding the pie box and not even looking guilty. 
The masters she was meant to do in two years she was now going to do in three, sat on the phone with uni administrators trying to explain how her brain felt laden with cement, unusable actually, and she needed the time to figure out how to be a person again. Sirius, mysteriously, would always appear with a biscuit packet at the end of these conversations, and, after a particularly horrible one, a bottle of tequila he’d had delivered, and she chewed him out for spying but not really. 
They pulled the tattoo gun out out over the next few months, mostly keeping to his back and arms, easily coverable. His visa case number. A crudely drawn square. ‘Jimmy’ in a heart with a cross through it. They got really drunk once and Lily almost wrote ‘sense and senseabitch’ but they couldn’t figure out how to spell it (senseabitch or senseabitchity).  
Something James had said to him once, after doing something insane to impress lily in school: I heard her voice, what was I supposed to do? 
Sirius has spent his life being distracting. It is, in fact, maybe the only thing he is good at. 
heres sirius getting a haircut. i have no idea why i didnt put this in i think i forgot:
“It needs more off the top.” 
“You just said that.” 
“It still needs it.” 
“How can you even see the top?” Sirius accused.
“It looks weird–“ 
“It’s gunna– Lily!–“
Lily had taken a large chunk of his hair and was carefully cutting against the comb, “he’s right, there’s too much at the top.” 
“Oh my god–“ 
“It was making you look like a poodle.” James added.
“You’re mixing your metaphors.” Sirius said, shortly, “Before you said I looked like I’d been lost at sea for ten years.” 
“Okay Lily, you looked like both.”
“I looked like a poodle at sea?”
“He’s mixing his similes, not metaphors.” Lily corrected, absently.
“Are you done?” Sirius asked. 
“Remus said you were looking slightly caveman the other day.” James added. 
“You’re loving this, aren’t you?” 
“Honestly,” James grinned, “Massively so, yeah.”
Lily stepped back, squinting. “Okay, I think the left side is quite a lot shorter than the right.” 
“Brilliant, cheers Evans.” 
“Let me see” James said, craning his neck on facetime, “I need screenshots for the group chat.” 
here's a scene i wrote ages ago and cut because i couldnt think of a better joke for the last bit, even though parts of it are okay:
Sirius was having a cigarette for breakfast when Lily walked in and sat at his desk and said “I think we need to spice things up” 
“In what sense?” 
“In our relationship.” 
Sirius, overwhelmed with joke opportunities, genuinely couldn’t pick one and missed the window. “Okay,” Lily got up, clearly reading his expression, “I want to start this again.” 
“No, wait–“ 
“No, I’m not giving you a chance–“ she said, leaving. She then immediately walked back in. “I think we should–“ 
“Spice things up in what sense?” 
“We started this conversation again.” 
“I didn’t,” Sirius said, “Are you finally propositioning me? Because I’m afraid you couldn’t afford me.” 
“I was literally just going to suggest we go a day without talking so we would actually have stuff to catch up on the next day, but now I don’t think one day not speaking is enough.” 
“Oh,” Sirius feigned disappointment, “My ideas were way kinkier than that.”. 
“You just said I couldn’t afford you.” 
“I’ll give you a discount.” 
“Hard pass.”
Lily stood up, “This entire conversation has been pointless, I’ll see you at dinner.” 
“I can’t believe you just came into my room to tell me you didn’t want to speak to me anymore.” 
“AndI turned down your prostitution offer.” 
“You are a shit mate. James would’ve taken me up on it.” 
“Yeah, well, he’s still got some start-up money.” Lily called, rounding the door.
also this:
They have a huge fight about whose turn it is to vacuum, full yelling, Sirius banging kitchen cabinets, Lily’s voice going hoarse. She goes in her room and tries to call James but the line is busy, which probably means Sirius is talking to him. This is so annoying that Lily goes and bangs on his door and tells him to hang up, Sirius yells back that he’s not even on the phone with him, which Lily immediately outs as a lie when she barges in the room. Sirius continues to lie loudly that it isn’t him and James puts on a high voice for ten minutes, fabricating an elaborate backstory until it’s just all of them –Lily standing, Sirius spread on his bed, James’ voice –talking shit for an hour until Remus comes looking, and then he joins in. That’s the day. 
heres this random exchange:
"I wouldn’t mind going to jail"
"What if Remus wasn’t around to bail you out" Lily countered
"That would never happen." Sirius said, eating a donut for some reason.
they were going to have a big fight. it was actually one of the first things i wrote for it, and its not bad, but i couldnt have remus appendix/lilys thesis crisis/sirius depression stuff AND this. too angsty. anyway here it is:
Lily let him ring three times, before picking up on the fourth. 
“You are fucking shite–“ 
“It’s your turn for coffee–“ 
“It’s nine am! You have never been awake at nine am! Fuck off!” She hung up. 
The phone rang twice. She picked up fourth ring, third call. 
“I said-“ 
“First of all, nine am is not an unreasonable time to call someone, secondly, when you were banging pots at all hours last week not sleeping and making some typically heinous bullshit I did all the dishes and said nothing because that’s my end of the deal, and for the record not all of us have the luxury of operating on English time one-hundred-fucking-percent of their blessed life, some of us are having to conduct company bullshit in a time-zone for a country they can’t even enter, and have been awake for four hours, and had to get out bed today. Grow up Evans.”
The dial tone was a knife. 
Lily made the coffee, and walked into Sirius on mute on zoom, glaring furiously at a notepad. He looked up when she walked in, looking a little guilty and mostly defensive. 
“I thought about spitting in this.” She held out the coffee. 
His shoulders relaxed a little. If she’d been another person, any other person, she wouldn’t have noticed, “Only thought about?” 
“Yeah. Sorry for last week.” 
“Sorry for about five minutes ago.” 
She shrugged, “Nine a.m. isn’t an unreasonable time.” 
“Your cooking isn’t that heinous.” 
“Liar.” Lily gave him the coffee, “How is the meeting?” 
“Vitally important, so I’ve had them on mute for ten minutes.” 
She smiled and hit the unmute button on his laptop. Voices burst in, Remus, half-arguing about system design, two unknown voices trying to shout him down
‘no murders’ she mouthed at him, backing out of the room. 
He grinned, winked at her. Turning back to the screen: “Oi, let Lupin finish what he was saying–“ 
i rewrote that sirius depression scene a hundred times, i can't even tell you. a million versions of it exist and still i dont know if its right
lily was going to say this: “No I don’t” Lily took the bottle out of his hands, “You are not wrong, you’re brilliant. There is no charity, nothing works without you”
or this would happen:
No, no” Lily said, easing the bottle out of his hand,
“I’m weight. You can’t keep trying to bail me out. You can’t fix it��
“Whose trying to fix it? That’s impossible. But you can tell me.” 
“Doesn’t do anything.” 
“Yes it does,” Lily, stubborn, always, to the blood, “You know it does. Its the only thing that really does work, it’s just hard to remember. You’re not charity, or weight, no one’s bailing you out. We love you. I love you. And if that’s bailing you out then fine, that’s for free forever.” 
alternately this would happen:  Sirius wasn’t there for any reason other than he was bored at the bar and James was in the business of throwing lifeboats to people he loved. And Sirius always needed the lifeboat, the saving, the pulling back. Lily dragged him to every meeting, made sandwiches, wakes him up.  Remus bullied him onto every call. Their club was the only one he ever wanted to be in, but that could not be enough forever. Without them he falls into Regulus’ crowd, dead in a tunnel somewhere, speed-racing. Remus hated that. James too. Sirius loved going fast
anyway there were so many. lily was also going to say this at one point but i never built a scene around it:
"Theres nothing more stupid than marrying your high school boyfriend but im going to do that"
all of the lily and sirius stuff at the end is inspired by this one line in my notes: it's weird. i don't remember the bad stuff. you were there.
also lowkey very proud of this title like when i thought of it i was like oh my god
anyway i have to run, talk more soon abt this stupidly large thing!!
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kmze · 12 days
One thing that I love about candice is that she has been consistent with her preferences and even to this date she gives canon reasoning for that without blatantly being disrespectful.When a KC fan told her caroline made klaus a better person, Candice after referring to the klaroline thing as a ' game between writers and twitter' quipped 'well saving a man if she can't save herself'.Again when asked about her favourite season she said s2 because of caroline's transformation and even though she,candice,had been told multiple times she was the greenest of the bunch,everyone ended up loving caroline and that she 'ate bunnies and became little sunshine to stefan's shadow '.
I mean in general I care about Candice's opinions on ships of her character because she actually pays attention to the show's storyline and her character lol. I remember before SC became canon she was iffy about them because she was nervous Caroline could be used as a prop because she always valued the character of Caroline over any ship. She has never liked KC though lol but even with them she will give them stuff, like she posted the selfies with JoMo while filming S5 of TO and she did a video saying sorry about missing the June Wedding con with her saying to say hi to “Stefan and Klaus for me.” She's just much better at the PR side of this stuff I think, might be why she loves doing podcasts she just knows how to talk to people. LOL there's some con video I think from 2019 where she kinda called out Paul for being a dick asking her if this was her first acting gig when they filmed a scene from the pilot. I do enjoy when she gives him shit because a lot of other actors just laugh at him and she's like "talk less, smile more." I will always credit Candice as being such a ray of sunshine as a person making people fall in love with Caroline, because Caroline was such a prop girl in S1 and I definitely think Candice was a big part of Caroline being such a keystone of the TVDU.
BTW someone asked me recently if I read "We Were Liars" the show Candice is doing with Julie and I just finished it yesterday! So now I'm really excited to see her in this when it comes out, the twist made me scream "what" for about 10 minutes and I had to sit with my thoughts before I could even finish the book. Candice is probably excited to live out her WASP-y Real Housewives-esque fantasies with this character.
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emetogirl · 10 months
If this is TMI please feel free to ignore:
Have you ever intentionally done emeto things with a someone else? A bunch of coincidences have happened to me and my partner is aware of my kink as well, so she does things to tease me sometimes. But we haven't done a proper "scene" yet. We've discussed it and settled on me drinking too much alcohol as an easy way to make things happen. But I'm still a bit shy and am working up the courage to ask for permission to initiate. I also don't love binge drinking so I'm still brainstorming alcohol-free approaches.
I’ve done some stuff with really close mutuals that I trust a lot! Specifically I have called or facetimed when I’ve gotten sick and they’ve comforted me, and on occasion we would do “scenes” where I’d pick out what I wanted to eat and we’d videochat and talk leading up to me getting sick until I eventually drank/ate enough that I’d throw it all up. I usually only drank a little bit of alcohol, not enough to get sick from being drunk, but more from the volume of liquid that was in my stomach. I felt like that was a safer option for me since I was alone and the other person wasn’t actually there to take care of me. I always preferred eating or drinking too much food or carbonated beverages because then when it came up I would immediately feel better and get that sort of instant relief and then just get to enjoy being taken care of. I’d say go for it because having this in person is my literal ✨dream✨ so let me live vicariously through you and enjoy the night of your life
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myoddessy · 2 years
Idk why but I love the idea of youngest member being someone famous's kid but they were like no I wanna do stunts. Any thoughts?
i 💞 decent nepotism babies and for the sake of my sanity i'll ignore the voices in my head that are yelling at me to make the reader ryan's kid who kind of grew up on the set of jackass
I feel like the youngest cast member would probably be the kid of someone who's worked with jackass for stunts and stuff before, and the first person who came to mine was Tony Hawk!
So, like your father, I can see you doing a lot of skating and skate-related stunts, which would probably be how Johnny found out about your willingness to be a complete idiot and offered for you to join the cast.
Now, although they didn't treat you any differently than they did any of the new cast members, the og cast were a bit surprised when you kept volunteering yourself for wild skating stunts even if you ate shit 8 times out of 10.
Most of the cut scenes in Jackass Forever and 4.5 were things you'd done that weren't big enough to make it as proper stunts, but still too fun to trash.
Stuff like skating down a steep ramp and directly into a river, throwing balls at Ehren and Dave as you zoom past them on set, people shooting paintballs at you as you skate in front of them, things like that.
One of your main stunts that actually made proper screen time on Jackass Forever was a bit of a mix between the long jump and the human ramp where a bunch of the guys lay on the ground and you'd attempt to jump over them with your only build up being on a very sketchy and feeble ramp that made great content because everyone involved ate shit.
I feel like you'd have your own brand of skateboards and there was a competition between you and Wee Man as to who could plug their own brand the most.
It was an easy win for you because it's surprisingly hard to successfully market tacos when there's someone pogo jumping on someone else's balls behind you.
You'd definitely be friends with Maya Hawke, if for no other reason, but to have your instagram bio say "Ethan Hawke's daughter" to match hers.
Altogether, you'd be my fav nepo baby ever.
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It instantly tells you what to expect. Bunch of amazing women with insane vocal ranges and the energy of a Taylor Swift concert.
Amazing composing
The use of motifs, every single verse with the queens saying lines in order has the green sleeves melody snuck into there
Great symbolism with said motif! We are quite literally forced to hear it even if the situation doesn’t particularly call for it
The use of the different vocal ranges overlapping in the “Wives” and the first sung note in musical is just ✨chefs kiss🤏✨
“All you ever hear and read about!” RAW LINE. RAW. OMFG YES
All of K Howard’s lines. That’s the entire bullet point.
Great introduction to the queens! The problem with Uranium Suite and Fall Fair Suite is that Uranium depicts how people would see the choir (only on a surface level) while Fall Fair shows us how their actually like but doesn’t provide that much context as to that their a choir. However what Ex Wives does it that it shows them as individuals as well as clearly shows they CAN work as a group but they don’t get much individuality from it
Also speaking of RTC’s St. Cassian Chamber Choir, the Queens are technically a choir! MAKING THISE DAMN MELODIES SO MUCH MORE SATISFYING TO LISTEN TO
Also iconic lines
Quickly foreshadows in subtle ways (AUDIBLE STORY TELLING MY BELOVED)
Once again comparing my 2 fav musicals, RTC has this thing where each character gets a version of Karnak’s theme, SIX does this too in the Queen’s intros
Already tells you the amazing humor of wit and sarcasm you can expect to see through out the musical
More audible foreshadowing via the style of each remix
Lina is simple at first with a few strings, but has a lot of little bits added from time to time. It toys with the melody and what it can apply into the already catchy tune. Her intro is probably the one with the most inconsistency as it does not keep the added stuff going. It has a relatively low and steady beat but makes up for simplicity in vocal potency. ALSO JUST SO SAVAGE SHE ATE THAT UP FR FR. Just like No Way
Anne has a slightly higher and more excited melody. The Tempo is the same but serves less of a heavy role unlike Lina’s and is mainly just the supporting cast to the melody. While Anne’s vocals stay relatively high throughout at the end she goes lower and more sinister. Great audible storytelling! There’s little to no playing with what’s been set up and when there is it’s all subtle. As mentioned before the break is only at the end. It’s so cherry and cheeky but if you look at the lyrics it uh- kinda intense. Very DLYH if ask me
JANE SEYMOUR JUST IS PUN FILLED, THE JOKES. It perfectly sets her up to be the one overlooked and the more… patient and forgiving one of the group. She only ever snaps in one of the two fight scenes. Also the fact that she claimed she was the only one he truly love, while sadly likely to be true, also contrasts how loving and caring her sing ends up being with the slight cockiness that the line can be read as along with the infamous “RUDE!”. Her melody is the middle. The added wind pipes(?) later are the high. The tempo is a sort of balance from the higher notes. Her melody is so melancholy and monotone. It’s very Jane and very Heart of Stone fr fr let’s keep this greatness up!
ICH BEN ANNA VON CLEVES. This one does not disappoint either! You can already see the consistent parallels of Anna’s relationship with online dating throughout the song, so it’s good that’s it’s inky reinforced here but not much! Also Haus of Holbein foreshadowing so I guess that softens the whiplash somewhat- Also this intro if the only one where the other Queens serve vocals more than once, I guess you could connect it to how Get Down is the only song that has Anna going out of her way to get the Queens involved (THATS ISN’T BY U BEING PROBLEMATIC ANNE). Also Anna’s snarky comment at the end is ironic as she was probably the only one besides Cathy who didn’t have to deal with Henry in that aspect. Also very very simple only having the accordion, tempo, and clicks to compliment. Get Down!
PRICK UP YOUR EARS IN THE KATHRINE! WHO LOST HER HEAD! For the longest time I thought it was “beheaded; before I promised you I’d see outside of wed” referencing both how short her life and time with Henry was. But no it’s “promiscuity outside of wed“ 💀. Either works however! Kinda ironic that Kat is the one to interrupt Anna’s comment as… ya know… But anyways. The chord progression on this one is especially of note as it’s actual kinda different from AYWD. While AWYD goes High and ten descends, this one go High -> Lower -> Lower Medium -> Low. Interesting indeed! Long of stings and slashes to replace the clicks that Anna had! Also not sure but Tempo seems to be more dominant?
BAM TINY WHIPLASH STRAIT INTO A LAMENT BABY. Then it goes pop again as Cathy gains her balance. Notice how the beats don’t comeback until that point. The first two lines rather have the piano as the click clack. Past that THEN the tempo beats come back once Cathy is talking about and addressing them as a GROUP. She is the one to slide them back into the chorus after all! Foreshadowing as how she convince them to write fanfic- I mean reclaim their stories! Anyways as I saying, she’s probably the one who shakes it up the most. More foreshadowing!!! Also Pt. 1 of Cathy being an independent women’s who may or may not come off as slightly protective and clingy-. Still very IDNYL!
So to recap that giant section; it’s Good use of simplicity, effects, and contrast -> Vocal centric within a happy lucky tune and beat that breaks at the end -> Puns and a somewhat monotone melancholy feel that easily shows character -> More simplicity and focused on the vocals to carry it, also ironic jokes and sarcasm! -> Interesting chord progression and really good wordplay -> Amazing and subtle foreshadowing mix into a lament turned beautiful transition to chorus
Also apparently the Queens go from right to left if you have ear buds in but as a half deaf person I will sadly never get to get the full experience-
Have I talked about the amazing vocals???
Also can we talk about how dramatic the beginning is? I love it lmao
Also how over time when they the rhyme their just like “ugh this b*tch again stfu I’m too tired to deal with this”
The fact that Catalina is the first every voice you hear in the entire musical but Cathy isn’t the last line in the sing or the whole show is a nice detail, idk if it was intentional fore shadowing but it’s great!
Also the fact that Hamilton ends on “Who lives who dies who tells your story” and SIX instantly throws you with a “Listen up let me tell you a story!” Is my favorite coincidence
Kat’s lines are potentially longer to match AYWD’s length
Ill try my best to fit as many as I can off the top my head
I can’t fit everything so this is it- thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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softsky-daily · 6 months
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Every time I go home I always notice how quiet it is around here.
Positive thing: I had a good time spending the day with my dad, and I ate a lot of good food.
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Here's all the good food in question. The ice cream we actually made ourselves using mangoes and milk and whatnot, and it was really good. Even better than store-bought mango ice cream that I've had, I'd say.
After all the talking and eating together I got settled in my room and began watching through the dramas my friend recommended. I don't think any of them were for me, unfortunately. This was something I don't think I realized before, but I'm sensitive to the pacing of shows and stuff, and if it feels even a bit too rushed I can't help but notice it. Another thing was that a lot of them felt so... insincere? Overly jokey? Something like that. Maybe that was part of the rushed feeling I got from them too. When things I consume feel too empty or ironic I just get frustrated. I like to have quiet moments in things I watch, or at the very least a moment to breathe that isn't interrupted by cheesy sound effects or dialogue for the sake of filling silence. I get that the majority of dramas are meant to be fluff or escapism in some way, so maybe the whole of the format isn't for me.
I did like 恋せぬふたり (Loveless Pair), which my friend did not recommend but was just one I had been meaning to try. It's specifically about aroace people which I thought was really cool. Unfortunately episode 3 came with a warning of sexual violence (I don't know a milder translation but basically) so I didn't continue. I did like how clear they were in saying the two main characters were aroace, since I feel like explicit representation like that especially in Japanese media is pretty rare. Maybe I'll go back to it one day if I'm feeling braver.
Back to the whole sincerity thing, after watching through her recommendations and not clicking with any of them I wondered if I had just gotten lucky with 逃げ恥. It does have a lot of silliness in it but it feels grounded and earnest, which I think comes from how it feels like there is something it wants to say beyond just doinking two characters together to get them to kiss. Or maybe my friend's own tastes clash with my own so her recommendations didn't work out because of that. Who knows. Either way I think I need to keep broadening my media-consuming scope.
After getting tired of trying out a bunch of the first episodes of dramas and not liking them, I decided to watch The Farewell since another friend had recommended it. And wow. If it was depth and sincerity and quietness I was seeking, that movie absolutely delivered. I love media that goes into the particulars of a specific situation, in a way that feels like it really wants to explore the dyamics and implications of it. This one was about a Chinese family returning to China to see their dying grandmother, but the grandmother herself doesn't know her illness is terminal, so the family keeps up the lie while trying to be there for her. There's many scenes of just all of them together, not talking about the actual situation, but being the situation, if that makes sense. It was a character study of an entire family through the lens of a 4-ish day trip. I loved the scoring, and the way they framed their shots like the viewer was a part of the scene, and a bunch of other little details that made it feel real. I also am just weak for stories revolving around immigrants and multi-ethnic relationships. Hopefully I can find some more media like it.
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J2 Gold Panel Kansascon 2022
The panel starts with the boys being all soft for each other, so Jensen participated in the Saturday night concert, and one of the fans shouted out "rockstar" and Jared agrees that Jensen is a rockstar! But even cuter is that Jensen goes "he is a rockstar, look at this guy" 😭
And then when Jared says he doesn’t have the rockstar hair anymore that he needs to grow it back out, Jensen says he should that he personally misses Jared's hair. That they need Jared’s hair back, and his gone to which Jared says "i don't know, I like it" but Jensen finds it annoying as hell and when he says that Jared's goes “I told you that for 15yrs!” And Jensen's like “I know you told me that but I didn't believe you so now you- you proved me wrong”. Your honor, they are married.
Jared says that his hair got to a point where if they were doing a scene outside and it was windy they would have to redo the scene because the wind would blow his hair all over the place and make it look like a wind tunnel, and Jensen shares that actually happened to him on Friday. He was doing a walk and talk outside with his Big Sky co-star Katheryn Winnick, who plays Jenny, and the wind came and messed up his hair. And he grabs part of his hair to lift it up as an example and Jared says he likes it 😂 
Jared has never been to Kansas before so he took the opportunity to go to Lawrence and he ate a bunch of BBQ which led to a small conversation and debate about BBQ and who does it better because Texas has a different way of doing it- as I am typing this I am realizing some people might be like ??? about this, BBQ is a big deal in both states, and people who like it have very strong opinions about it.
Let’s get into questions, in some of the scenes where we see Dean’s man cave we can see video game controllers, what games are they playing and who is beating who? 
Jared says they're probably playing Galaga, Ms. Pac-Man, Pong, Donkey Kong, Frogger that it's probably one of those multi-choice consoles. And that what he and Jensen are playing is what they played in the 90’s so N64 Mario Kart, GoldenEye- he says that if aliens came down to Earth and threatened to blow up the planet unless someone could beat them at something he would volunteer with Super Smash Brothers on the n64. That there were some people on the Walker set talking trash about it so he's gonna take his n64 to set 😂
Jensen says they would be playing Contra because there was a year that that’s what he and Jared would play every time they would get a break on set. The moment the director yelled cut they would run to the trailers to try and beat their record on finishing the game.  x
Could Jensen share stories about Big Sky? In particular, the fan is interested in hearing stories about Reba.
Jensen explains that the show has both week-to-week cases and also the long lead stories so the cases that last the season (or longer) his character deals more with the week-to-week stuff but Reba is working more on the long lead story so they’ve only had one scene together. Only one? It's better than nothing but writers please 😭
Jared comments that it’s gotta be intimidating to be on set with Reba and Jesen replies that it is until you actually meet her and see how sweet she is that she’s like Ruth, she’s the sweetest darling of a human being. In the scene he had with her it’s an introductory scene so he's supposed to go "Beau Arlen. Nice to meet you." and she goes "Sunny Barnes" which is the name of her character and they do a couple of takes and during one of them a big airplane went over and messed up the sound so they had to do it again. So he says his line, and she goes "Reba McEntire" 😆 That she just kind of snapped into being her charming self, and- so Rex Linn who plays her husband in the show is her boyfriend in real life and he was standing right next to her and she goes "oh my stars I just introduced myself as myself!" and Jensen's not too sure what he said but it was like "if I had a nickel every time that happened".
Then that same day it was their dolly grip, Josh's, birthday and they all started to sing him happy birthday but everybody quieted down to hear Reba singing, and he leaned over to Josh to point that he just had somebody who has a bag of Grammy's singing him happy birthday. x
The next fan has been handing out worms on a string, and they wanna know what color Jared and Jensen would want. But before they pick their colors, Jared shares a story about how G is terrified of worms, and how one time when they were shooting they had to stop because she saw one- it's a whole thing but the reason I bring it up is that Jensen's facial expressions amuse me. During the story he is not amused but his best reaction comes after they've been given the worms, he's playing with his and he points out that it has eyes and Jared says that's another thing that because they don't have eyes in real life G's like "you don't know their intentions" and Jensen's reaction is as if he has heard the most ridiculous thing.
Anyways for their colors, Jared says he's going red, and that Jensen's gonna go blue. The fact that he picks both his and Jensen's colors is funny in a cute way. He says on spn his and Jensen's marks were always red and blue so the first thing he said on Walker was that he's red, that they didn't have to give him the red mark but that's where he'd be going so if they wanted his character in place to put a red mark there, and Jensen says that when he got to Big Sky he said he's blue.  x
Have they thought about doing an spn movie, like a long case?
Jensen says that’s something that he and Jared have talked about that maybe in 5yrs. They've talked about what it looks like but they don't know exactly what it looks like yet but that they definitely haven't hung up their boots for the last time. x
Can they talk about the time they first met and did they click immediately? Um, Jensen says he was actually telling the story, in the Big Sky set, about how he and Jared met I'm gonna need a minute 🥺 Him sharing stories about Jared on set gives me all the feels.
I love listening to this story but I have recapped it a couple times so for the sake of convenience I'm gonna do the speed version which is that they met on the day of their screen testing. Jensen originally auditioned for the role of Sam but he wanted to try out as Dean and asked Kripke and co. to contact him when they were reading for that character which they never did the next time he got contacted was to go to the screen testing with Jared and then they got cast. And Jared almost didn't get the role because he had done the brooding thing which is what most shows were looking for at the time but what Kripke wanted was someone smart so his manager had to call and let them know Jared's academic accomplishments, and he too the next time he was contacted was for the network test with Jensen.
So they go and they're the only ones there which is not usual, usually, there's several auditions and then when it gets to this point it's 3-5 people for each role but in this case, it was just them and they got to talking and the rest is history.
Jensen says that they didn't get a chance to run lines together or get to know each other very well before they were called in to read the scene together, that it was kind of instant the way Jared expressed himself as Sam and the way that he was playing Dean. That it was incredibly cohesive immediately ❤️
What was the best part about being part of spn? They say there’s a lot of really great parts. Jared says this: the conventions. He grew up going to conventions as a fan but he never really thought it possible to be interesting enough for someone to want to spend their time, and their money to come say hey and catch up. So knowing that what they have there in the cons with the fans is so much more than any other convention he's ever been to, that this is a family, that it doesn't feel like going to a con it's like catching up with friends and family in different cool cities and talk about a project they're all pretty thrilled with and that's pretty awesome.
Jensen brings up the saying "If you can make a living doing something you love then you never work a day in your life" and says that's been the best part about this. x
J2 Gold Panel Kansas 2022
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