#I blame it on all the crossovers I've read being batfam
Everyone who has ever written a dc/marvel crossover has ignored the obvious fact that Bart Allen and Peter Parker would be best friends
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ameba-from-space · 2 years
if possible do you have anymore bat fic recs, because the way i’ve already finished the three you already did is probably unhealthy… HOWEVER i’m obsessed (is that a good reason???)
By popular demand I'm gonna do a fourth fic rec, Yay, I'm legit shocked people actually care this much about my opinion, I'm working on doing a Damian focused and a Jason focused list, but I'm spending the holidays with family in a farm so there's not much wifi, but with that said, let's begin this shit, oh wait just a warning some fics here will be superbat, but not all of them so if you dont like it just skip it
Arm Candy - Bruce Wayne, Party Grandpa
Speed Dating: Bitch, Me Too! and Bitch, Me Too! - Dick and Bruce bond over dating people with superpowers
Count Bat-cula - Guys batman is not a vampire I swear
Inbox - Jason listen to voicemails sent to a dead kid
Hedging Your Bets - The league becomes animals, no bruce is not a bat
mr. sandman - Nightmares are a bitch
Even When the Words Went Wrong and You've Always Been the Sweetest Song - Hurt people hurt people, and Jason and bruce have been hurt a lot
Batman Watches Mean Girls And Decides To Be Petty - Jarro is in this and honestly, we need more fics with him
through different colored glasses - #LetBruceRest2021
Let Your Hopes Shape Your Future - Bruce thinks about god
Save Me from the Dark - Bruce is killed by superman, Clark gets depressed, the family gets mad
Like a Thief in the Night - Bruce learns more about Jason's time in the streets
And Other Hazards of Heroism- Concussions are great comedic plots
Multi Media Marketing Mistakes - I thrive on Bruce and Oliver being asshole best friends
Captain Marvel's Adopted? - I'm so weak to bruce adopts billy fics
Keep the Family Secret - The justice league finds out about bruce's many kids
All Hands on Deck (Batfam/Young Justice Crossover) - It will never not be funny that bruce is the most socially reclusive person ever but still manages to have the biggest superhero family of all the league
The Cape Void - What if the cape actually IS bigger on the inside
Perfect Alibi - ever wondered why Bruce Wayne always seems to have an alibi?
Nature and Nurture - My dream fic and the best thing I have ever read, Bruce Wayne age-regression, the kids react to how much their dad changed over the years
Sick Day at the Wayne's - what's that good sir? Is it another billy should be a member of the batfam fic? Why yes it is
From the Shadows - You thought I was done with billy gets adopted by the batfam fics? Think again
cards - Steph makes father's day cards for the only reliable father figure in her life, batman
scapegoat - Blame jason, is not like bruce doesn't let him get away with everything
We Keep This Love in a Photograph - The secret baby pic stash
Well this is it, I've gone through all my bookmarks, I hope you guys enjoy these ones, I will post the Jason and Damian list as soon as I can, I'm also thinking of doing a superbat one, let me know if that's something that would be interesting to you guys.
Links to other parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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