#I can tell you everything I ate today down to the bites
sturniqlo · 3 months
In Between- M.S
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summary: with their usual bickering, Y/n and Chris escalate into a heated argument and Matt has to break up a fight between his girlfriend and his brother
cw: angst, cursing, crying, fluff at the end
an: thank you to @ik33pitundercover for this wonderful idea (if you have any idea pls comment them here or in my 'send requests' in my bio and i might make them happen!)
Before Matt and Y/n got together, it was always Chris and Y/n the bestest of friends. Though they never had any feelings for each other, they were always together. Everyone always told them they had a sibling like relationship. And they both agreed. They constantly bickered, pushed each other around playfully, just everything siblings would do. Eventually, the two other brothers, Nick and Matt, also became close with Y/n.
A couple of month of hanging out one on one, Y/n and Matt ended up dating. And Chris couldn't be happier. His brother and best friend were both together what more could he ask for?
Earlier today, Chris had texted Y/n if she was down to hangout. She politely declined, telling Chris she was going to hangout with Matt for most of the day. He understood and responded to her that he'll probably hangout with his other friends. He was a bit bummed to say the least. Chris can't remember the last time him and Y/n hung out one on one. Not that he was jealous of her and Matt, never. He just wanted to spend some time with his best friend.
After messaging Y/n, he didn't text any of his other friends, too upset to even hang out with anyone else. As the day went on, Nick had came into Chris' room to ask if he wanted to go hangout with him and Madi, he declined. When the afternoon came by, he ordered takeout and ate his taco bell. After eating he hopped on fortnite and played a couple of rounds before deciding to take a nap.
Y/n spent the whole morning and afternoon with Matt. Although she did feel a bit bad for declining Chris, Matt reassured her and told her Chris would be fine. Around ten in the morning, she picked Matt up in her car, and drove them to their usual breakfast spot. They shared each others plate and were both bloated with good food at the end of it. During their breakfast time, Matt had mentioned how Chris had seemed a bit down as of lately. "Do you think it's because you haven't hung out with him?" He said while taking a bite of his pancake. "I've hung out with him. We were all together last weekend." She replied.
"Yeah, I get that but, I mean one on one." Matt didn't mind at all when his brother and girlfriend hung out one on one. He liked that she had a good relationship with Chris and Nick. "Oh, yeah, I see it now. Maybe I can plan something with him next week? If he want to, that is." That conversation was a couple of hours ago. The time was now nearing five in the afternoon and Nick had called Matt that he was staying over at Madi's. "Do you think Chris is home?" Matt asked as they picked out the ingredients for tonight's activity. "Not sure, he texted me earlier that he might hang out with some of his friends."
Y/n and Matt had spent the afternoon at her place watching movies and playing games. Y/n ended up making them lunch, and here they are now in the grocery store. They had both agreed the would make something at Matt's house so Y/n can drive back to her place when she was ready to go. Matt was a bit bummed that she couldn't stay the night but understood that she had an exam early in the morning. "Wait, let me get Chris a pack of Pepsi. He told me he was running low yesterday." Y/n said, pushing the cart towards the soda isle.
"He seriously needs to cut down on the Pepsi. But we just keep feeding into it." Matt wrapped his arm around his girlfriend's shoulders. "I agree."
Chris woke up to the sound of a loud bang followed by laughter coming from upstairs in the kitchen. He checked his phone and saw it was almost six in the afternoon. He had slept for about an hour and a half. Confused about the loud bang, he got up to check. Coming up the stairs half awake, he saw Y/n on the floor cleaning up what looked to be some sort of dessert batter. "The fuck happened in here?" Chris said, startling Y/n. "Oh shit! Chris what the hell, you scared me." Y/n stood up from her spot on the floor. "My bad." Chris scoffed, going to the fridge.
"I thought you were going out today?" She threw the many stained paper towels in the trash. "I was going to but, you declined." He threw some shade at her. "I told you I was sorry, Matt had this planned for a couple of days now." She said, walking away to go retrieve their mop. "Where's Matt anyways?" He asks, as Y/n fills up the mop bucket. "He spilled his cake batter on the floor and it got all over him so he went to shower."
"Oh, well clean this mess up then. It not gonna clean itself up." He points to the remaining with his water bottle. "Woah, who put a stick up your ass?" Y/n was taken back a bit. Most of the time she could tell when Chris was joking when saying rude comments because he always smiled and tries not to laugh whenever he says them, so does she, but, he seemed serious about this one. "Stop playing around. Are you going to clean it or not?" Chris slightly raises his voice. Y/n's eyebrows furrow.
"Okay, You've never talked to me like that and I'm not going to let you talk to me like that." She stops filling the bucket up and stares at Chris with a confused glare. What has gotten into him? "Whatever." He scoffs, as he starts walking towards his set of stairs. "Hey, no! You come back here and tell me what this is all about." She tells him, she slowly starts getting mad. "I'm not a fucking child for you to be talking to me like that." He fights back. "Well you're acting like one right now." She crosses her arms. "Just leave me alone and enjoy your time with my brother. Seems like he's the only one you've known for years."
"Is this about us not hanging out as much anymore?" She says as Chris turns back around to face her. "What do you think? You get with my brother and now you forget about me? Was being my friend just an act to get to Matt?" Chris yells. "Are you hearing yourself right now?" Y/n yells back, and she sees Matt walk in with wet hair. "What's going on." Chris turns his head to see who was talking. "Oh look, your boyfriend is back, looks like you won't be needing me this evening." He smiles sarcastically.
"You're being a fucking dick right now." She walks closer to him. "Woah, okay. Let's- why don't you two settle down. And talk without yelling." Matt intervenes and steps in the middle of the arguing pair. "Matt, move. Chris is being unreasonable and isn't thinking before he speaks." Y/n tries to move Matt out of the way. "Babe, hey, calm down. Tell me what happened."
"He came up the stairs and just started being rude to me. He's mad about me and him not hanging out as much. When he could've just told me in a nicely manner." Y/n leans her head at the last part to where Chris can see her. Chris only rolls his eyes. "Yeah, you always tell me you're busy. Seems like you have time for everyone else besides me. I hope you're happy Matt, considering the fact that you ruined our friendship." Matt turns around. "Chris, I didn't ruin no friendship and your friendship with Y/n isn't ruined."
"Matt do you know what he said to me?" Matt shakes his head. "Oh, please enlighten him, Y/n." Chris says mockingly, she only rolls her eyes at him. "If you keep rolling em' they're going to get stuck." Chris adds. "Chris, stop it." Matt turns his head towards him "Go on." Matt tells her. "He told me that I only became friends with him to get with you. Can you believe that? He doesn't know the shit he's saying!"
"Chris? Do you really think that low of her?" Matt is shocked by all of this. He's never seen Chris and Y/n argue this bad. And it's making him upset that he's in the middle of this. "I'm starting to." Chris' comment ticks Y/n off. "That's it, I'm out of here." Y/n grabs her purse and phone and pushes through them. "Y/n come back." Matt gently grabs her arm. "I can't be in the same room as him right now. Not when he's acting all bitchy."
"I'm not acting bitchy, so get your facts straight." Chris adds on to her anger. "Chris that's enough." Matt raises his voice at his brother. "Here, come to my room to cool down and I'll talk to Chris, okay?" Matt softly talks to Y/n as he sees that she near bursting into tears. He knows she hates arguing with anybody. "Okay, okay." She whispers walking off to Matt's room, not making eye contact with her best friend.
Once Matt hears his room door close he starts going off on Chris. "What was that all about." He points to his room where Y/n is. "An argument, dumbass." Chris makes a smart mouth comment. "You know you could've talked to her like a normal person right? And to accuse her of using you so she could get to me was a low blow." Chris now realizes how bad it sounded. When Y/n entered Matt's room, she sat on his bed and let her tears out. She's never fought with Chris this bad. Yeah, they might've had a little argument or two over something small, but it never got to this point where someone had to intervene.
"Sorry, I got carried away. It's just, I miss hanging out with her. I feel like she's slowly forgetting about me ever since you two started dating." Chris says, wiping his eyes to prevent his tears to come down. "She's not forgetting about you, trust me. We always talk about whenever we hangout. And, she's also noticed how you two haven't been hanging out as much. Also, Im sorry for hogging her for months now." Matt tells Chris, earning a light chuckle from him at the last comment.
"Why don't you go in there and talk to her while I clean this up, okay?" Chris nods and starts walking towards Matt's room where Y/n currently is. He lightly knocks before opening the door. "Hey." Chris says, walking towards the bed to sit next to her. "Hi." She says, lifting her head off her knees. "I'm sorry about everything I said out there. I know you didn't use me to get to Matt. That was stupid of me to say." He shakes his head thinking back on it. "I just felt like you were forgetting about me and I was upset and let out my anger on you instead of talking to you like a normal person would." Y/n finally looks at him. "I'm sorry you felt that way. But, I also wish I would've realized it sooner, it would've prevented this whole shit show."
"Do you forgive me?" He asks lowly. "Of course I do, you're my best friend." After a couple of minutes basking in the comfortable silence, Matt finally walks in. "Nobody has been killed, I'm guess you two made up?" He takes a seat next to Chris. "Yup, we're good now." Matt smiles at that. "That's great, how about tomorrow you two spend the whole day together after Y/n is done with her exam?" Both Y/n and Chris liked the idea of that. "That sounds nice. What do you think, Chris?" Y/n asks Chris. "I'm up for it."
"Come on, let's go bake the boxed cake since I spilt the other one." He stands up and sits in the middle of them wrapping his arms around both of them. "That's the first ever biggest fight, definitely going into the book."
"Shut up!" Chris and Y/n say in unison and laugh.
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oracle-of-dream · 19 days
Bad Habit
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Summary: Jiwoong's your partner in class studying bad habits. You happen to chew on the inside of your mouth and bite your nails. It's not healthy! He feels compelled to find a new way to help you.
Warnings: Male Reader, Jiwoong is a caring man, Finger/Hand fetish, Finger Sucking, Hair Pulling, Oral Fixation, Blowjob, Cum-swallowing
Wordcount: 2.5k
It's been a habit you've had for a long time. Maybe even since you were a kid. Any time you felt stressed out, you naturally started grinding your teeth. It felt like your brain was running out of air, your ears buzzed, and you couldn't think straight unless your mouth was occupied. After a while, it changed to chewing gum, sucking on lollipops, biting your nails... whatever you needed, to keep your brain running. It was just so relaxing.
The clouds looked so fluffy today. You chewed on your index finger while letting your mind wander.
"Y/n, your assigned partner is... Jiwoong." Your professor's voice snapped you back to reality.
Looking around the room for context clues on the topic, you noticed everyone was sitting in pairs. Talking to one another, and discussing plans.
A man by the window stared at you, his dark eyes locked with yours as he smiled. He waved you over and you took your bag to sit by him. "I'm Jiwoong. We'll be partners for a while for the project. Do you get everything that's happening?" He asked with a soft smirk.
You hated partner work. It complicated things, and you didn't even know the topic. And this Greek statue of a man was your partner–it smelled like you would be doing it all alone anyway. "No, I missed the explanation. I'll go and ask the teacher."
Jiwoong shook his head. "No need. I can explain it to you." Jiwoong explained the entire project idea with amazing clarity– as if he had written the assignment himself. It was a simple experiment to study bad habits. Each group was meant to learn about their partner and identify a bad habit and ways they can try to prevent it.
"Oh, that's super simple. What's your bad habit, Jiwoong?"
Jiwoong chuckled. "I thought we were supposed to learn about each other. Where's the fun if I just tell you the answer?"
"What do you suggest instead?"
"How about lunch? You can learn a lot about a person over a meal." Jiwoong started packing his bag. You followed him, packing your back, and walking to the campus cafeteria.
You tried to study him while walking, but he gave nothing to work with. It was time for a different approach. "Do you have any hobbies?"
"I work out," He said shortly.
"Favorite foods?"
"I like fruits, mostly the sour ones."
"Um... fears?"
"Next question."
You continued asking general questions until you sat at the table across from him. It was beginning to irritate you how nonchalant he was being. The static in your brain started taking over, the rising sound of ringing in your ears. Before you could enjoy your food, you started chewing on your chopsticks. The feeling of rolling your tongue over and around the cold metal soothed you in an instant.
"Y/n?" Jiwoong called.
"Mmh?" You mumbled as you looked over your food, deciding what to eat first.
"Actually, never mind." Jiwoong picked up his utensils and started eating with you.
You tried to study Jiwoong while he ate, but he was still perfect. An impeccable wall, with not a single crack. Meanwhile, Jiwoong studied you back with sharp eyes that occasionally met yours. Eventually, figuring out the other got boring and you let your mind wander again. Going over what else you had to do after lunch. Go to another class, study for a few hours, and then you have to stop at the store to get food for dinner.
Unconsciously, your hand scratched your chin. But instead of putting your hand back down, your thumb found its way to your lips. Your lips parted and you started chewing on your nail.
Jiwoong sucked on his teeth. "Don't bite your nails. It's not healthy for you."
You obediently put your hand down. "Whatever," you mumbled. You continued with your meal, occasionally glancing at Jiwoong and catching him closely watching your hands. You ate your meal but somehow you ended up biting your nail again.
Jiwoong stood and grabbed your hand, his eyes coated with a hint of irritation. "Don't bite them," He warned. "Or is this your bad habit?" Jiwoong smirked at you as he shook your hand in his.
"I guess it is."
"So, now we're supposed to find a way for you to break that habit." Jiwoong went through his bag and pulled out a lollipop. "Just suck this instead, okay? I read before that the best way to break that habit is to do something else."
You took the candy from him to see the flavor. "Is this butterscotch? Who eats this?" You tossed it back to him.
"It was just a random flavor, I didn't specifically pick that one. Just eat it." Jiwoong unwrapped it and pressed it to your lips, leaning over the table to reach you. You turned your head, which forced Jiwoong to hold you by your chin and guide the candy to your lips. He was soft when handling you. Holding your chin up so you were looking at him as his thumb brushed against your lips. Your lips parted for a moment and he seized the opportunity to slide into the opening. Just for a moment, Jiwoong's finger passed into your mouth and then left. His eyes were tender but piercing and you felt something inside you snap...
Jiwoong let you go and sat down. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so pushy–I was just trying to–"
"It's fine... I have to go. I'll see you around." The words spilled out of your mouth quickly as you scooped your belongings and rushed out of the cafeteria, your mouth filling with saliva as you did.
You could only make it to the bathroom before spitting into the sink. Your skin ran hot in waves, almost pulsing. Every time you closed your eyes, you could see Jiwoong's face holding you as his hands slipped into your mouth. Locked in a stall, you tried to calm down but the candy wasn't helping. Even biting your nails wasn't good enough anymore. You sat on the toilet, closed your eyes, and put your fingers on your lips. You saw Jiwoong looking at you with so much care as his fingers pushed into your mouth, letting you suck on them. He moved his long fingers making you gag as he held you by your neck–he wouldn't let you back away from him. Your body twitched and squirmed as your brain went black. Softly, you started humming, then moaning as you felt pleasure from your mouth being occupied. Less than a minute of this made you finish in your pants, you breathed heavily as you returned to reality.
You were sitting in the bathroom. Fingers dripping, lips swollen, and a dark spot in your pants that couldn't show how messy it was in there.
You cleaned yourself up, had to use your bag to cover your crotch, and left the bathroom. After a few minutes, you could feel an itch at the back of your throat. No matter how many times you coughed or rubbed your throat, it wouldn't go away. By the time you got home, it was unbearable. Drinking something cold or hot and eating cough drops. Nothing was working... Until you had an idea. Slowly, you put your index finger in your mouth and started to suck on it. The itch stopped and your head was at peace again. But anytime you stopped, the itch wouldn't stay gone for long.
Were you really that much of a freak? You couldn't focus unless something was in your mouth. You had to buy more candy that night to try and calm yourself, but you barely slept. At all. And the next morning was even worse, even your fingers weren't doing the trick anymore. You needed something longer to touch the back of your throat, to itch it directly. But your gag reflex would stop you from pushing anything too far... You needed someone to scratch it for you.
You struggled through the school day. Every minute felt like an hour. But you just needed to see him again, to ask for help...
When your psychology class came, you booked it into the classroom. Jiwoong was there before you and smiled at you walking in. Your body's immediate reaction was to start salivating as if it knew what would come. You approached Jiwoong as calmly as you could, trying to drink down as much spit as you could before speaking.
"Jiwoong, about yesterday–"
"I really am sorry about that. I shouldn't have been so forceful with you."
"No! I'm really not offended."
Jiwoong chuckled. "Well if you're sure. Just let me know if I can do anything to make it up to you, I just feel bad."
Your brain rang in alarm. This was your chance. "I–uhm, actually do have something you can help me with."
His eyes brightened. "Sure, anything."
"Can you come with me for a bit? Now?" You tried to contain yourself but the way you said "now" was almost like a moan. Jiwoong nodded and followed you out of the classroom. You led him down a few hallways until you found a secluded spot.
"What's wrong? Is it bad?"
You nodded. Struggling to keep it together. You picked up Jiwoong's hand before speaking, "I-I need a serious favor."
"Say it."
Your face burned with embarrassment with the words that came out of your mouth, "Can I please suck on your fingers?"
The silence was deafening. You stood there, unable to look at his face, waiting for his eventual judgment. But it never came–Jiwoong moved his hand to your lips. "Do I need to do anything specific?"
"You'll let me!?"
Jiwoong nodded. "I said I'd make it up to you. So, sure."
You couldn't hold it back anymore. You didn't waste another moment as you closed your eyes and took two of Jiwoong's fingers into your mouth. You pushed as far down as possible, gagging immediately as your body shook. You felt Jiwoong pull his hand away, maybe out of fear for your safety, but you opened your eyes to look at him. You silently begged for more.
Jiwoong moved his fingers back into your mouth, making your eyes roll. It felt so much different when he moved on his own.
You pulled off completely, swallowing a deep breath first. "C-Can you... do it?"
"D-Do what?" Jiwoong's eyes were wide as he watched your every move.
"Please... can you help me?"
"Just tell me what to do."
"Can you take control a bit? You can stop, but I can't do it alone."
Jiwoong smiled, cupping your cheek. "Okay, I can. If that's what you need, I'll do it. My way." Jiwoong fixed his stance before you, his energy completely switching. "Kneel for me," He commanded.
Slowly you knelt and looked up at him.
"Oh, that's perfect." He stroked your cheek again before putting his two fingers on your lips. "Open." You shivered at receiving the order as your mouth wrapped around his fingers. Jiwoong held the back of your head with his other hand and pushed you forward. His fingers pushed into your mouth as your tongue wrapped around them. They tasted sweet, like sugar, and were so soft. Jiwoong played with your tongue, stroked the roof of your mouth, and looked deep into your eyes the whole time. His chest rose sharply as he gripped your head tighter, his breath loud and ragged. "Y/n, stop for a second," He pulled you off him, leaving you gasping for air.
"Why? Please, don't stop–I'm not finished." You begged, almost crying from the absence.
"I know... I need help too." Jiwoong pushed your head toward his crotch, gently asking. "Can you help me too? It'll be good for us both." Sucking his fingers was the only thing you'd thought about. But now Jiwoong was offering something else... From what you could see from the bulge in his pants–he's huge.
You nodded slowly. "Please, let me suck it."
Jiwoong unbuckled his pants and let his cock out of his underwear. It slapped against your face. It was heavy and warm. It smelled clean with a hint of sweat. He tapped it on your face a few times before he pulled on your hair. "Open... Please." You could hear Jiwoong straining, trying to keep himself from being too rough with you.
You gently opened your mouth and went to reach for his cock. Jiwoong swatted your hand away. “No hands, just–let me.” Jiwoong slapped his cock on your tongue. “You’re so cute… It’s almost bigger than your face. Lick it, baby.” Your tongue darted out, giving small kitten licks, precum salty and sticky on the stiff muscle. Jiwoong’s jaw clenched as you swirled your tongue around the tip, then licked along his shaft slowly. “Very good,” He mumbled. “Just like that, keep going.”
Your spit dripped down his cock as you licked, almost choking on your spit as you climbed up it.
“Can I fuck your mouth?” Jiwoong grunted. You nodded gently, eyes begging for more. Jiwoong pushed into your mouth, cock heavy on your tongue as the tip hit your throat. “So wet–” He started moving, listening for your moans as the vibrations traveled up his cock. Every touch of the back of your throat hit the spot perfectly. You gagged, but with Jiwoong holding you there was no way to pull away. “Brace yourself.” Jiwoong started speeding up, now both hands were holding your hand as he moved your head on his cock in time with his thrusts. Your throat bulged as his length dove down your throat. You twitched and shook at the sensation overload. Jiwoong didn’t stop. He couldn’t.
He grunted at every thrust, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Sorry–” His next apology was cut off by his orgasm crashing over him. His cum spilled into your throat, while his cock was still deeply invested in you, forcing you to swallow. “Take it… Every drop,” Jiwoong grunted as he pulled his cock from between your lips and took a good look at you. Red, teary love-struck eyes, swollen lips, breathing heavily. You enjoyed every second of it and couldn’t feel the itch anymore. Finally, you could think soundly. Then the thought of what just happened crept into your mind.
“Jiwoong, I…”
Jiwoong looked around while slipping his cock back into his pants. “We should get out of here.”
“About that, I’m sorry. I just couldn’t get rid of that feeling and I needed something…”
Jiwoong helped you to your feet. “I needed you too,” He kissed you, tasting himself on your lips. “And if you need assistance regularly, I can do that.”
You nodded. “I’d like that… A lot.”
Jiwoong’s hand slid down your stomach, “And, I can even repay you for–” Jiwoong’s eyes widened as his hand reached your crotch. “Did you cum already?” You slowly nodded. “You need some extra pants? I have my gym pants in my bag.”
“Yeah… if you don’t mind.”
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bengals-barnesbabe · 3 months
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Call Me Back
Pairing: Ex!Joe Burrow x Black!Actress Reader
Description: This wasn't how your life was supposed to go, but you're glad you have friends that will always be there for you.
Warnings: Angst, Language, Horrible Communication, Toxic Relationships, Cheating, No Happy Endings Today :(
Word Count: 2.4k
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊° .☆
“God, I’m so hungry.” You say as soon as the appetizers arrive at the table.
Everything looked so good. “I could down all 6 of those plates right now.” After loading a variety of flavors onto your plate, you take the first bite of actual heaven. 
Your friends sit there in total shock, the calls of your name falling on deaf ears. By the time you look up, half of the plate is gone. “Um, when was the last time you ate?” Ariel asks, the girl with red dyed locs only had a single meatball on her plate.
You look around the table and slowly shift in your seat when only one of the five plates had been loaded.
You gulped. “Oh I skipped lunch at work, we were really busy.” 
6 Hours Earlier
The scene had wrapped early, but lunch was scheduled at 1. As you sat in your trailer, the next 30 minutes felt like hours. You were starving, because of how long a chaotic filming of a movie is. All you had today was a protein shake. Sipping on it throughout was fine but you needed food. 
The second the clock struck one, you yanked open the door hoping to see your P.A on the other side and by the grace of god, she was.
“One Moe's Homewrecker Bowl with extra salsa, queso, and siracha. A large chocolate peanut butter cup milkshake from Steak & Shake and lastly homemade banana pudding straight from the Peach Cobbler Factory.” Deyzia handed you the bowl first and set the rest on the counter.
“D I fucking love you so much.” You moan taking a bite of your food. “I also love filming in Atlanta.”
The young girl giggled, grabbing water from the mini fridge and setting that beside you too. “You’re welcome, boss. Gotta keep the woman that pays me happy.”
You simply nodded, not caring about her words. The food was all that mattered at this moment. 
Thinking back to earlier that day, you push the play forward a bit and fake a groan. “Skipping lunch was a bad idea, but I need to make room for my pasta.”
The faux brunette beside you took that as an opportunity to clean your plate. “I felt that, but I’m not letting these mozzarella sticks go to waste.”
You had to fight the pout that wanted to set on your face as your stomach started to growl. “Go on right ahead Sash, I shouldn’t be eating such greasy food anyway.”
“Oh yeah, she’s a big movie star now guys.” Diane chuckles. “Before you know it, The Cheesecake Factory will be too good for her.”
Your laugh comes out halfheartedly. “Please if it ever does, I’ll start paying for everyone’s dinner.”
You can tell the dark skin beauty liked that even if her job in real estate had a more stable future than yours.
Everyone seemed to move on from your appetite afterward, now paying more attention to Sasha's newest romantic encounters- as a newly out fem she was immensely enjoying the fun queer scene. 
But even with most eyes on her, you couldn’t help but feel another set studying your presence You quietly excuse yourself from the table and speed walk to the women’s restroom, the clacking of another pair of heels steps behind you causing sweat to build on your brow.
Looking in the mirror, you powder all the sweaty and oily spots on your face. Then reapply your favorite lip tint before your longtime friend speaks up. 
“This morning all you could talk about was that cobbler place opening back up. I heard you place the same lunch order with the addition of the banana pudding you said was ‘so incredible, to die for, astronomically delicious.’ Then you came home and downed a large fruit salad. But you’re starving- no actually you're too full, but your stomach is definitely saying the latter.” You lock eyes in the mirror, but for the first time in 8 years, you can’t read the expression on her face. 
Her strong bronze arms cross over her chest, some of her blonde braids getting caught in the process. “You think I don’t know what’s going on?” 
“No, we’ve been best friends since drama school and this is how you tell me?!” Her eyes are so scolding you shift your focus to putting your makeup away.
“Eliza!” The harsh tone of her voice makes you jump but paired with the role you’ve wanted since you knew what theater was it brought chills to your skin. The day you met, you both chose to audition with a Hamilton song so the director made you sit for each other’s ‘performances,’ in the end she became the Angelica to your Eliza.
“Yaz, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Your hands shake as you close your purse and turn to leave. But her now soft mousy voice stops you. "Just wait."
“Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?” 
Because you hadn’t admitted to yourself.
Turning you lay your head against the granite wall and show her the small pools in your eyes. “I.. I didn’t notice it at first, after most shoots I slept for hours. I didn’t want to eat but that was sort of normal. Then the um- cravings started, I was just glad my appetite was back. But I started getting sick, and that’s when I really noticed the changes. I kept telling myself they’d go away, that it’s not really happening. I still haven’t said it out loud, but it’s been two months. I wrap in a few days, the movie’s been a great distraction, but I-I don’t know what to do. The doctor said everything���s fine, but I don’t feel like myself anymore. I-I don’t-
She takes two large steps and engulfs you in her arms. “Hey, hey I’m here. I’m here Liza. You’re gonna be fine, I’m gonna help you through this. Don’t worry about it, you’re not alone babe. You have me, Dia, Sasha, Ariel, shit even Deyzia, we’ll always be here for you.”
You sob even harder. “I-I hav-haven’t-
“Shhhh, take your time, I’m not going anywhere.” She just rocks you in her arms, the safe and secureness she oozes is more than enough to calm a bear. 
You slowly pick up your head and wipe away the remaining tears. “I haven’t told him. I found out after we broke up, he blocked me on everything and I changed my number. I don’t know if I can go through this with him, after everything we’ve been through. I can’t Yaz, I can’t tell him.”
She kisses your head and whispers against your heated skin. “I’ll tell him and I’ll whoop his ass in the process.”
You snort against her neck, softly pushing her away. “Thank you, I honestly have no idea what I’d do without you, Angel.” She smiles and wraps an arm around you.
“I know, who do you think helped you with all those damn orphanages?” You roll your eyes at her smirk as you walk back into the dining room.
“So who’s telling the girls?”
“Ja’Marr! Open up! I see his stupid car outside, you’re not fooling anyone!” Yazmine’s incessant yelling and banging on the Cincinnati door seize when the tatted wide receiver yanks it open.
“Woman, you need to chill the fuck out. Whatchu’ doing all that hollerin’ for?” The football player dawned a sweaty white muscle shirt and basketball shorts, clearly he had just finished a workout. Yazmine would usually take more time admiring his strong build, but that’s not why she’s here.
“Where is he? Bring Burrow’s ass out, we need to have a chat.” She demands arms crossed and lips pursed.
Ja’Marr smirks doing his own look over the woman in front of him. “Mm mm mmm. You sure are breathtaking, baby.” He bites his bottom lip tilting his head to get a peak at her backside. “What did I do to earn the sight of this..
“Hey! No, focus Chase.” She snaps her fingers in his face to riel him back in. “Joseph. Burrow. Get him. Now.”
He takes in the serious look on her face and shakes his head. “I assume this is about your girlfriend, so..” He steps back and opens the door wide enough for her to go through then nods towards the direction of his kitchen.
“Thank you.” Yazmine leans up and places a chaste kiss on his cheek. “If this goes well, you might get more later.” Then walks off looking for the quarterback.
“I better be getting more, fucking HOA gon kill me for the damn noise.”
Turning a wide corner, Yazmine spots the man she’s been searching for at the kitchen counter, wearing almost the exact attire as his friend. “Oh sorry, I didn't know you and J were rendezvousing today.”
She looks at the man confused. “Rendezvous? That’s not what we’ve been- nothing is going on.”
Joe cocked his head with a smirk. “Isn’t it though? I’m pretty sure sneaking around for months on end means there’s definitely something going on behind closed doors.”
Yazmine rolls her eyes and sits on a bar stool, leaving an empty one in between them. “Whatever that’s not why I’m here- didn’t you hear me at the door?”
He points to the Beats headphones fitted snugly in his ear.
“Okay well, this is about you and..” Joe scoffs hopping up from the stool.
“If there’s no you and J, there definitely isn’t a me and her. I don’t want to hear it, she clearly doesn't either considering she’s not here herself.” 
Yaz gets up and follows him to the backyard. “This is serious Joe, if she could be here, you know she would.”
“Actually I don't know anything about her anymore, including her number, because she changed it hours after we broke up.” He muttered picking up a basketball, bouncing it once, and shooting- only to airball.
“She had to change it, remember the stupid leak! You didn’t have to block her on everything though, maybe if you had left at least one line of communication open I wouldn't be here, asshole.” She snickers as his second shot also falls short.
“Well get the damn thing over with then. What’s the problem?” 
Her face softens and she reaches into her back pocket. “Joe, she’s pregnant.” 
His frustrated demeanor immediately drops, replaced with wide eyes and parted lips. He slowly feels his world start spinning, he parts his stance and grips onto the basketball for some kind of relief.
“She’s 11 weeks, almost 3 months. It’s most definitely yours and she just got back in town. She wanted me to tell you because she was scared of your reaction, she’s not sure if she wants you to be there though.” Yazmine confesses handing him an ultrasound picture.
“What do y- what? Why wouldn’t she want me there? I- I don’t understand.” His eyes are locked on the image as it shakes in his hand. 
Yazmine lets out a breath. “Think about it Joe, you were nothing but unreliable in the 3 years you were together. You put football, your foundation, even your friends before her. Then when she got her big break, the happiest day of her life, she had to come home to you in bed with someone else. You didn’t know how to be in a relationship so instead of asking her how she felt, you broke her heart. Does that sound like someone she’d want to raise a child with? She didn’t even want to admit to herself, I didn’t find out until a few weeks ago.” She inhales deeply trying to calm her emotions.
“I’m only telling you because it would be cruel not to. Even if I thought telling you would do the trick if that's what she was going for. She doesn’t want anything from you, so don’t worry about being put on child support. I don’t know how the rest of this is going to go, but I will not let you and your bullshit upset her, stress her out, or bother her about it. That’s my best friend and I will do anything to protect her. You may not want to step up to be a father, but that baby will have two parents no matter what.” A stray tear streams down her face, he’s now looking at her intently. 
“Now you have a choice: keep the picture, hide it somewhere then sign away your rights in a few months, or turn it over and change your life.” Yazmine swiped away the tear and then left him alone on the court.
Joe hadn’t realized he too had been crying until a tear dripped onto the paper. He stumbled over to a lawn chair, not taking his eyes off of the black and white fetus. The damp spot now made the paper translucent allowing him to see blue ink on the other side. His brows furrowed then he remembered, ‘Turn it over and change your life.’
Flipping the image hope peaked in his heart as he repeatedly read the number.
The quarterback quickly began to pat his shorts, realizing he left his phone inside. He rushed into the house, passing Yazmine and completely ignoring his teammate to grab his phone on the kitchen counter. Not caring about the small audience he dials the number as fast as he can, praying that she’ll answer.
“Come on, come on. Please pick up.” It goes straight to voicemail, her fake perky voice fibbing about calling back on the other side instead.
But he still takes the chance and leaves a message. “Baby, it’s me. I know, Yaz told me. I’m so sorry, I know it’s long overdue but please if there’s a chance I wanna be there. If this is the only time that I have to get through to you, I’m taking the shot. I know you deserve way better than me and that baby- our baby deserves to have a family that loves them and cherishes them for everything. Give me a chance to be the man you need me to be, I miss you so much. I’m sorry I didn’t see what I had right in front of me. I’m sorry about the image you have of me in her head. If I could start all this over again, I’d change everything I did- I was selfish and foolish. I need you.. I want you, you’re the only one I want. Please, I want to be a father to our baby. I watch them grow up with you. Even if we don’t work out again, I won’t leave our baby. I won’t leave you until you’re kicking and screaming for me to go. Just give me one more shot, to show you that I can be who you need me to be. I don't want this to be the end of our story, tell me I have more time. Please baby, just call me back.”
'This mailbox is now full. Goodbye.'
☆. ° ₊*. :°• .° . ☆ • . . 
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bangchansgirlsblog · 11 months
Can I please request Skz x 9th member with s3lfh4rm like…the boys trying to help and all those things (you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to)
The stages of healing.
warning: eating disorder and mentions of self harm.
Pairing: Skz x 9th member
Summary: the stages are healing are hard but Chan and the boys are here for you.
!not proofread!
Hope you enjoy this bby!
"Baby you have to eat something" Chan says while pushing the plate back to my side of the table.
We were currently sat in the dining room and everyone had finished eating their breakfast leaving me and chan (who had also finished eating his breakfast) alone.
"Chan I don't want too, I'm full" I complain while looking at the full plate infront of me. It was obviously untouched but i could'nt bring myself to eat it. It was taunting me.
"You only had two bites and we have training all day today, I don't want you passing out my love. You need to eat something," He says while rubbing my back. He was being gentle i cant lie there but the worryb and frustration in his voice caused me to feel more guilthy at the fact that my brain was a constant maze and battle zone when it came to eating
"Look you can atleast just eat the mashed potatoes and peas so you can give you energy. Trust me it wont be bad," He tries to reason with me but I shake my head no. I was so full and food gave me so much anxiety.
I didn't want to grow fat, I wouldn't allow it.
"Channie I don't want too, please don't make me." I beg him while fiddling with my fingers.
"Baby, I'm starting to get worried. You only have one meal a day and when you do, you barely eat. Please don't make me forcefully feed you." his voice was soft and his touch was so warm. i knew he meant well bu the contant voices in my head wouldnt allow me to do anything.
I look at him terrified, mortified because would he really? I knew Chan was stronger than me but he wouldn't pin me down just to make me eat...right?
"Okay Mashed potatoes only." I sigh looking at the plate. Trying not to cry.
"There we go Babygirl" he smiles and kisses my temple. His eyes twinkle and i couldnt help but also smile at how pretty he was.
"what?" he asks chuckling
"your just so pretty"
"ugh stop changing the subject and eat" his cheeks were now a ligh pink and his ears turned a dark red. he rolls his eyes playfully and runs his hand through his hair.
"Yo Chan," Han says coming into the room and looking over at me and Chan. He gives him "the look".
"Is she having trouble eating again?" Han asks worried and Chan nods his head.
"But it's fine she's eating her potatoes today.”
Han smiles at that and comes over to ruffle my hair.
“I’m proud of you kid.” He beams and I poke out my tongue causing him to laugh.
"Chan can you help me look for the flash drive before we leave?" Han asks,
"Yeah sure, babe eat up. I'll be back." He tells me and leaves the room with Han. I let out a sigh of relief and quickly stand up and dunk all the food into the trash can. My heart was beating because I prayed that Chan would take long looking for the Flash drive but luck wasn't on my side because he came right back into the kitchen.
"Hey-" he stops and looks up from his phone. "are you done?"
"I finished them." I said smiling, well whatever you call a plastic smile. A guilty smile.
"You finished all the mashed potatoes?" He says coming close to me. I nod trying to avoid his eye contact.
"Okay then." He simply says before walking to the trash can.
"N-no don't look in there-" I try to stop him but it's too late. He had already opened it and looked inside. He turned to look at me and he was so mad I could tell.
"Your a liar." He growls. i gulp knowing the concequences of my actions.
"i ate half of them?" i sigh and look up at him. He just shakes his head and lets out a frustrated sigh.
"i dont get it! why dont you want to eat anymore? We were doing so well,"
"is everything okay in here?" Felix's head pops up at the corner of the door.
"she just threw out all her food-"
"again? thats the 4th time this week." he frowns and makes his way into the the room.
"exactly my point,"
"i did eat chan, i ate half the potatoes-" i tug on my long sleeves sweaters and look at the both of them.
He frowns and looks down then back up, searching for my eyes.
“Can I see your wrists?” He asks looking back down at my fingers. His eyes were furrowed. Almost in like a confused way?
My eyes go wide at his request but I quickly shove them away.
“Chan they’re ugly, I don’t want you to see them.” I frown. My voice quivers. The tears that had disappeared were now reappearing.
“Chan I haven’t been cutting I promise-“
“Then let me see, I know you too well my love. Let me see.” His eyes are soft now and were reaching out for both my hands that were covered with my hoodies sleeves.
I sigh and give in. His hands are soft against mine but he pulls up the sleeves. He examines the scars that were now slowly healing. His lips in a soft smile.
“See I told you, I promised you I stopped.”
“Hey hey hey and I’m so proud of you. I just wanted to make sure because I care and love you. You’re doing a good job healing.” his hands wrap around my waist and pull me against his body.
“Ew gross get a room.” Felix says killing our moments. Chan chuckles and pushes him away.
"The cars are here everbody!" Hyunjins voice echoes through the house.
"okay this conversation isnt over yet, here take the banana and we'll talk about it after practice yeah?" he kisses my forhead and hands me the banana before we grab our bags and make our way to the car.
"go ahead eat it, im watching you." chan raises one eyebrow while staring at me. "She still isnt eating?" Leeknow asks after listening to our conversation.
"i am! chans just being a overprotective," i sigh and peel the banana.
"i am not!" he defends himself and i let out a giggle while slowly starting to chew the banana and finishing it. "see i told you," i poke my tongue out at him and he let out a little laugh.
"okay whatever but your still having lunch with me." i mentally sigh dreading the feeling of the banana sitting in my stomach.
i play with chans's silver braclet as we wait to arrive at the jyp building. It didnt take long. It was just a 15 minute ride once we arrived. we all make our way up the building to our normal dance room and set everything up.
"lets start with stretching and then get to God's menu, yeah?" we all groan as we get to our places and minho plays the song.
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Can we have bestfriend headcanons for rollo please???? i need to be friends with this guy so bad you don't understand
***Warning: Glorious Masquerade spoilers in the final few headcanons!***
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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The best way to sum up this relationship is that Rollo is the mom friend, and you are his child. (If you were to ask Rollo, he would say you're an idiot, but you're his idiot.)
From an outsider's perspective, it's hard to tell that you're friends at all. He always has that hard-to-read face on him, plus those grimaces he gets whenever the slightest annoyance or inconvenience makes itself known.
You've gotten used to his quirks though, so you can read his emotions a lot better than most. When the corners of his mouth twitch, that's him trying to smile! When he taps a finger against his arm? He's thinking hard about something.
He dislikes it when you call him "bestie" (so, of course, you make sure to do it often). Rollo corrects you with his name each and every time.
He finds physical affection just as repulsive. Rollo's constantly shying away from your touch, insisting that it's unhygienic and immodest to even so much as brush shoulders by accident.
There was an incident when you hugged him once and he got oddly quiet, then asked "... What is this?" to which you had casually responded, "Affection."
"Disgusting," Rollo had declared, handkerchief to his nose. "... Do it again."
He's one of those old-fashioned people who insists on keeping in contact via letters and cards instead of text messages, email, and/or social media. Rollo claims that stuff "rots your brain cells" and "promotes a vain, degenerate lifestyle".
You thought it silly and inefficient at first, but over time you've come to appreciate the time and thought that comes with each letter. Receiving a note from Rollo is the best part of your day--you love catching up with him and sending him back updates of your very own.
He's a busy guy and follows a strict schedule, so more often than not you're the one that's following him around as he does his various tasks. You lend him a hand too, though Rollo takes care to not burden you too much. These are his responsibilities, so he should take charge of them.
You occasionally climb up the bell tower with him (the view up there is amazing!) and all the gargoyles clamor to greet you. Rollo has to remind them not to overwhelm the guest.
When there is time, you sit down at a cafe and share a meal. Rollo introduces you to his favorite places and makes recommendations (though he usually gets the exact same thing). You try to push him to vary up his diet a bit more, tearing off pieces of your own lunch or offering him bites of whatever it is you're having (even though he insists he'll have none of that).
One day, you caught Rollo parading through the streets on horseback. He introduced his steed to you, instructing you on how to safely pat it and feed it an apple from your hand. The horse seemed to like you, so Rollo hoisted you up and let you ride it around the city for the rest of the day.
He's still not very good at expressing himself. When you sense that he's feeling down in the dumps, it takes quite a bit of coaxing to get him to talk about it with you (if at all). In his mind, he shouldn't be troubling others with his own matters.
Sometimes you're not successful at convincing him to open up, so you settle for giving a gentle reminder that you'll be there for him no matter what. You wouldn't want to push him to talk when he's not ready to!
... On the other hand, when Rollo wants to talk, he'll rant and rave for what seems like forever. You patiently nod your head and listen to everything he spews out, from his express hatred of a certain lizard to how the local goats almost ate his stationary set.
There are rare times, though, when Rollo shares his passions and ambitions with you. The relaxing gardening he has been doing as of late, how beautiful the Bell of Salvation is today, his plans for the future... It's in these moments that you can truly appreciate how solemn and thoughtful he can be.
Rollo often nags you for little things: there's a crease in your shirt, your room is slightly messy, there's a hair out of place, etc. But hey, it's fine. You know he does it lovingly, even if the comments come with a slight frown.
He also tends to lecture you about your own safety, often warning you to keep away from "suspicious individuals" (and, of course, mages). Rollo lets you know that if anyone gives you trouble, you should inform him right away and he'll come storming over to give them hell. Yes, he's the overprotective friend that will throw himself into the crossfires to defend your honor--
This man comes to hangouts with everything you could possibly need in case of an emergency. Got a scrape? Boom, first aid kit. (He even patches you up personally.) Hands dirty? Hand sanitizer and wet wipes for the rescue. You start calling him “dad” as a joke every time he produces exactly what you need.
Rollo has the tendency to (sternly) speak up for you, especially in cases when you're too meek to speak up for yourself. It has big "EXCUSE ME! They asked for no pickles" energy.
Once a year, you join Rollo for a very special trip. You always stop by the same florist's shop, always watch him select the same bouquet of white lilies, always walk quietly alongside him down to the local cemetery. You don't follow him to the grave, but you let him know he can take as long as he needs with the visit, that you'll wait for him at the gates.
You watch the clouds slowly pass by and the sky change colors from cornflower blue to the shades of sunset. Night has started to trickle in when you hear his approaching footsteps. The flower bouquet is gone, deposited as an offering to a boy that has become one with the stars.
Rollo emerges, and you pretend to not notice the wetness to his eyes, the silvery shine upon his cheeks. You know if you point it out, he'll only become defensive and deny it.
"Ready to go?" you ask every year.
"... Yes," he replies, just the same as always. (Rollo will then try to subtly wipe away at his tears.) "Thank you for accompanying me. I do apologize for imposing on your time."
"Don't," you tell him. "I've always got your back, just like you've always got mine. That's what friends are for, right?"
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A Song of Ice & Shadow
Part 4
You can read part one, two, three here.
Summary: Y/n is intrigued by a certain illyrian. They open up to one another one night, but she stops it from getting out of control. With Feyre’s return, things get more tense.
Warnings: some angst.
Word count: 2.95K
Like every day, today was no different. Y/n would wake up, stand in front of the mirror for five minutes, bottle up her feelings and go on about her day. 
“How’s Elain?” She asked Nesta, who was sitting in the same armchair as always, a book in her hand.
“Same as she’s been since she got turned” Nesta replied.
“How are you?” she asked, her tone serious and low.
“Never better. I’m free to do whatever I want”.
“Are you? All I’ve seen you do is sit in that armchair, reading books every day since we’ve gotten here”.
“I’m immortal now, what difference does it make if I sit here for one or twenty years? Not everyone wants to venture into the world like you”.
“You’re upset with me” Y/n observed.
“With you, with everyone” Nesta sighed.
“I understand. What can I do to help you?”.
“Nothing. No one can do anything about this”.
Y/n closed her hands into fists, clenching so hard she almost broke her bones “at least we’re all together” she tried to find words to comfort her sister, knowing she's suffered as much as she did, but these were the only words she found, the one she’d tell herself every time she’s about to break down “we’re all together, we made it” she repeated, to which Nesta only nodded.
Taking a deep breath to compose herself, Y/n plastered on a smile, masking the turmoil beneath before entering Elain’s room.
“Elain? How are you feeling today?”.
“I want to go home” Elain repeated, as she had been for the past couple of weeks.
“I know. I want to go home too. Let’s just wait until Feyre gets back” she stroked her sister’s hair and kissed the top of her head before leaving.
Luckily, no one was in the dining room when she entered. The house offered her food, which she ate very slowly.
“Are you alright?” a voice interrupting her trail of thoughts, catching her off guard.
“Are you alright?” Azriel repeated, concern evident in his voice.
“Yes, why?”.
“You’re holding your fork midair” he shifted his eyes to her hand, where was holding the fork.
“Oh, I was just lost in my thoughts” she explained, lowering the fork back onto her plate.
He slid a chair two seats away from her and sat down, a plate full of food appeared in front of him as he dug right in. Her eyes trailed him all the way.
She took another bite of her food, but with a lot on her mind, she had no appetite. She wanted to stand up and leave, but seeing he just got here, she didn’t want him to think she’s leaving because of him and she did not want to be rude. Since when do I care about what other people think? she thought to herself.
“You’re doing it again” Azriel remarked, emitting a soft chuckle.
She placed her fork back down “how’s spying going?” She inquired, distracting herself from her thoughts, but also out of curiosity, not that she’d admit it.
“‘The spying’ is going slow, but we’re making progress” a smile remained plastered on his face.
“Why are you smiling?”.
“No one has phrased that question like that before”.
“Well, there’s a first time for everything”.
As they sat in silence, Azriel hesitated before speaking again “how are you coping? I can only imagine how you must feel, it’s not easy becoming fae when you hate our kind” it wasn’t a confrontation, but acknowledgment of what he’d observed.
“No, it’s not. But as you can see, I’m doing well” she lied. Not wanting to push her further, he only nodded.
“Do you sleep upside down like bats?” she spontaneously asked, making him choke on his drink from the peculiar question.
“No. No, I do not. I sleep like normal people” his eyes furrowed with curiosity as he turned to face her.
“How would I know” she shrugged “you do have wings of a bat… I just thought you had other characteristics of a bat as well” she added.
“Like what?”.
“Do you bite- or drink blood?”.
“Only when asked to” a smile tugged at his lips “and no, I don’t drink blood. Any other clarification I can assist you with?.
“No, not at the moment” she struggled to hide her amusement.
“Oh, you poor thing! But don’t worry, I’ve come to rescue you” Cassian said to his brother, as he strode in, noticing the two of them sitting alone.
She rolled her eyes at him “I was just leaving”. “And just for the future, when you want to rescue someone, maybe do it before the end” she advised before walking out
Azriel kept a stern expression before standing up himself.
“Where are you going?” Cassian asked.
“I finished eating”.
“You’re just gonna leave me alone?”.
“You’ll do fine on your own” he patted his brother’s shoulders.
Y/n had always had trouble sleeping at night, but ever since her new life at the Night Court, her nightmares increased. Unable to sleep, she went upstairs to the roof. This space had become her comfort place when she needed to escape the things that plagued her sleep. Seeing as Cassian trained in the morning and Azriel being away most of the time, she thought no one would be here at night time. Reaching the training ground, occupied by her thoughts, she paid no attention to who was there. Fiddling with the blue celestite necklace around her neck, she reached the edge and looked up at the sky. Three bright stars decorating the visibly huge mountain, Ramiel.
“What’s on your mind?” sleek like the shadows, Azriel approached, snapping her back to reality.
Blinking rapidly, she muttered “don’t you ever sleep? Even bats do” Y/n quipped, attempting to deflect.
“In the morning”.
“Are you referring to the bats or yourself?”.
“Both” he let out a soft chuckle.
“As I recall, you’re awake in the early mornings, so how many hours do you sleep?”.
“Enough to keep me going. What about you? You’re awake”.
“But I do sleep in the morning. In case you haven't noticed, I eat breakfast when you’re all having lunch or dinner” Y/n reminded.
“I have noticed... You still haven’t answered my question” Azriel persisted.
“What question?”.
“What’s on your mind?”.
“If that were true, you wouldn’t be staring into nothingness all day” he pointed out.
“I’m fine. It does not concern you”.
“Alright, how about I share something personal about me, and you can tell me what’s bothering you?” Azriel offered.
“And why would I want that?”.
“Out of curiosity. I’ve also noticed you like knowing things, especially when it concerns your sisters and yourself. So, go ahead, ask me anything you want? Anything you want to know”.
She contemplated for a while. “What happened to your hands?” she blurted out, one of her hands remained fiddling with the necklace.
He did not anticipate her question, but still, he answered “my brothers” he cleared his throat “my half-brothers thought it would be fun to see what’d happen when you mix oil and fire with our quick healing gifts” he explained, and shadows wrapped tighter around him.
“How old were you then?” she asked, her voice low and soft.
“Eight” a hint of darkness gleamed in his eyes.
“Were they punished?”.
“So, your father did nothing, as his flesh and blood was set on fire?” her tone shifted, her face contorted with anger.
“I am a bastard, while my half-brothers are his legitimate sons. In his eyes, they are his flesh and blood” he clarified.
“It makes no difference. You’re his son, nonetheless” she shook her head, tightening her grip on her necklace.
“It did to him”.
“What about your mother? Is she-”.
“That’s another personal question. We agreed on one. Now, it’s your turn”.
“What do you want to know?”.
“What’s been bothering you? And don’t say transitioning, you’re more concerned today”.
“I went to see Elain today. I know it takes time to heal, and I know I shouldn’t interfere with her healing process, but it- it ‘s so hard to just stand by and do nothing. I want to help her, and she doesn’t want my help. Even if she did, I don’t know what to do and how to help her. Her wedding was supposed to be in a few weeks” she sighed “ I worry about Nesta, too. Although she seems fine, I know she’s not. She used to tell me everything, and now she’s hiding from me” she opened up for the first time. Realizing that, she regretted it immediately and didn’t know why she agreed to that stupid deal. With the shadows whispering into his ears, Azriel discerned her discomfort “that necklace, do you always hold it when you’re feeling… a strong emotion?” Azriel asked, attempting to change the subject.
“I-” she looked down at her hand wrapped around the necklace ”I suppose. I never gave it a thought” she lowered her hand,releasing her grip on the necklace.
“That necklace, where did you get it from?” his eyes narrowed as he recognized the stone. She never took off that necklace, but today was the first time he'd spotted it. After all, it’s not polite to stare down at a lady’s chest, and being the gentleman he is, he never looked.
“It was a gift from my mother, why?”.
“It’s a rare stone, only found in certain places” he explained.
“You recognize it?”.
“I’ve seen something similar once or twice, but I could be mistaken”.
“I don’t think it’s from anywhere in Prythian. My mother hated your- our kind. She’d never take or gift me anything related to us” Y/n stated and his shadows danced around her.
“Why do you hate our kind so much?”.
“That is another personal question. We agreed on one” she repeated his words to him “and I’m not making another deal with you. I’ve already said way too much” Y/n retorted.
“What are you so afraid of?”.
“More questions” an amused smile crept onto her face.
“Fair enough” he raised his hands in surrender “don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about tonight”.
“Good night, shadowsinger” Y/n said, heading swiftly towards the stairs and his shadows slowly retracted.
“Good night, Y/n” he murmured in a subdued tone as he watched her leave. That night, for the first time in a very long time, Azriel slept peacefully. 
The following day, Y/n didn’t go out to eat breakfast or lunch but she went out for dinner. Upon arrival. She found Cassian seated in his usual spot. Ignoring his presence, she took a seat, hoping for a peaceful meal.
“No mean comments tonight?” Cassian quipped.
“I was literally minding my own business. What do you want, you brute bastard?” Y/n replied sharply.
“There we go” he smirked.
“Your brother won't be joining us?”.
“Which one?”.
“The somewhat civilized decent one”.
“I’m assuming you mean Az. He left early this morning. He’ll be gone for a while. Why do you ask?... Aw, don’t tell me you have a thing for my handsome brother” Cassian teased.
She huffed “you wish…without him here, a war would start and I’d rather not get my hands dirty” she retorted, taking her plate and heading for the exit.
“It’s cute that you think you can take me. Perhaps if you trained with me long enough, you’d be a worthy opponent, but still, even then I doubt you’d defeat me” he taunted, his smugness evident.
“Piss off” Y/n snapped.
“Did I hurt your feelings?” he mocked.
“It would take much more than that to do so, especially coming from you” Y/n replied dismissively.
“And why is that?”.
“You simply don’t matter enough to me, to even consider anything you say, good or bad” she shrugged before leaving.
“Ouch” he murmured.
Being aware that Feyre was returning today, Y/n went to check on Elain before her arrival. However, what she found when she got to her sister’s room left her in shock.
“What the fuck is he doing here?” Y/n spat out, her voice seething with anger. Lucien was standing in the doorway as Feyre left Elain’s room and closed the door behind her.
“Y/n, wait. I can explain” Feyre interjected.
“You brought him here? To see Elain? The fucking monster who sold us out to Hybern” her words were laced with deep-seated hatred.
“It’s more complicated than that, and he is her mate” Feyre reminded.
“He’s no such thing to her”.
“I just wanted to see her” Lucien tried to clarify.
“You don’t get to speak” Y/n pointed her finger at him.
“Y/n, he’s our guest. He will be staying with us” Feyre declared.
“You would let the man who ruined our lives, who ruined our sister’s marriage stay here with us?” she took a deep breath, trying to control her rage.
“If you would calm down and let me explain, you’ll understand-” Feyre urged.
“I’ll calm down when he’s gone. Do not let him near Elain, if you want him to stay in one piece” she warned, shooting Lucien with a glare before storming out.
“I take it you weren’t thrilled to see your sister?” Cassian smirked as Y/n passed him.
“Not in the mood today for your bullshit, brute”.
The next time Y/n saw Feyre was at dinner, attended by Rhy’s inner circle, her sisters if they desired, and Lucien. She was reluctant to go, but fearing Elain might attend and be in the same room as that monster, with no one seemingly having a problem with him, she decided to go. She had arrived slightly later than everyone else. Feyre was sat next to Nesta, Rhys on her other side, Amren across from her, Cassian next to Amren, Azriel beside him, Mor opposite of him and Lucien across from Nesta, leaving two seats vacant, one next to Az and the other next to Mor. They were talking about flying lessons when she entered, dressed in a long-sleeved black gown with silver glitter that exposed her collar bones and back. Only the metal part of her necklace was visible. The upper part of the dress embraced her curves, while the lower part flowed like liquid silk as it draped over her figure. Knowing her temper, everyone stopped talking, if only to see what she’s about to say or do or who she’d pick a fight with. To their surprise, she did neither as she glanced at Azriel and took a seat beside Mor.
“What happened to you?” Y/n asked Azriel, gesturing to the wine splattered across his chest and neck. He looked down, only noticing it when she pointed it out.
“Mor spewed her wine when she heard Feyre wanted to learn how to fly” Cassian explained with a  grin.
“You have wings?” a question directed at her sister.
“Yes, I can shape-shift”. At that, the conversation continued.
“I can teach you” Azriel offered, elaborating that the other two Illyrians had been trained at such a young age that they barely remember it. To which Cassian countered they still teach the younglings the basics, which ended with Azriel explaining that it’s not the same for older individuals, and that there are fears and mental blocks. Everyone fell silent and something inside of Y/n stirred. She wondered if he was talking about his experience, not forgetting the conversation they had where he told her about his past. She did not know a lot, but seeing as his own brothers burned his hands, they probably restricted him from flying or participating in anything that would give him any kind of power.
Feyre proceeded to ask her sisters for help against the king of Hybern. Explaining that with training they could potentially close the holes expanded by the cauldron. Amren offered to train the sisters, which Y/n refused, unwilling to take part in any of this. Despite the growing frustration among the others, Feyre was grateful that at least one of her sisters was willing to help. She explained that they might need their assistance during the meeting with the high lords and this time, both sisters rejected.
“People’s lives might depend on your accounts of it. The success of this meeting might depend upon it” Feyre clarified.
“Don’t talk down to me. My answer is no” Nesta asserted, while Y/n remained silent, watching the exchange between her sisters before Nesta stormed out. Now all eyes were on her.
“Y/n, please. We need your help” Feyre begged.
“Do you know what you're asking of me?” Y/n narrowed her eyes.
“I do. And I understand your hatred of our kind, but we-”.
“You understand nothing. All my life, I have helped you. I have dedicated my life to you, to Nesta, to Elain, and never have I once asked for anything in return. But helping you and your new found family is what got us into this mess. And now what? You expect us to go to that meeting that is full of entitled bastards who did nothing all these years, who don’t care about us, about mortals and beg them for help? I would rather see them all burn and their kingdoms or courts reduced to ashes” Y/n delivered the chilling words with an unsettling calmness, her voice devoid of any hint of emotion “and just as Nesta said, if you dare bring Elain into this, I’ll be the one delivering your throat to her” she glared at everyone in the room before leaving and slamming the door shut behind her.
Taglist: @st4r-girl-official @judig92 @5onedirection5 @nayaniasworld @blackgirlmagicforever @stained-glass-eyes0708 @slytherintaco @aehllitas-blog
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calypsocolada · 1 year
how they kissed you for the first time... ft. tecchou, kunikida, dazai, sigma
cw: none, mostly fluff :)
wc: 2.6k
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He’d been watching your reactions as you ate. You stayed pleasant, a soft smile on your face as you tried the food he prepared for you. Vanilla ice cream mixed with mashed potatoes. It was disgusting to say the least. Tecchou had a thing about like colored foods. Apples with hot sauce, carrots and sherbert. It was a whole thing and frankly you found it kind of endearing. He was always excited for you to try new stuff he put together and not everything had been a complete disaster. You swallowed the mashed potatoes and ice cream and forced a smile. It was strange tasting. 
“Wow, you’ve outdone yourself this time.” You said, reaching for another bite but Tecchou stops your hand. 
“You don’t like it.” He said, gently pulling the bowl away from you. 
“What? No, I like it.” You say but Tecchou just smiles warmly, shaking his head. 
“I can tell, it’s okay, I'll try harder next time.” You bite your lip, feeling slightly guilty. Tecchou runs a hand through your hair, turning you to face him. Your stomach bottoms out at the touch. He was always very professional with you. You had a crush on him the moment you met him but didn’t think it would ever go anywhere. Tecchou leaned down and to your surprise pressed a soft kiss to your lips. You freeze, unsure this was really happening. When he pulls away you stare at him stunned. 
“Tecchou?” You ask as he smiles. 
“I’ll make you something else to eat.” He says, kissing you again.
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You stamped another one of Kunikida’s reports, depositing it in the correct slot as you stretched. It’d been a long day. Dazai’s assistant had the week off so you were taking care of both boys and while Kunikida looks after you and keeps his reports spotless Dazai was the complete opposite. You had to fix nearly everyone that he wrote today. Which caused you to have to stay two hours later than usual. You pack up your things quietly, the only light in the office coming from the meeting room. You poke your head in there, Kunikida was sat near the white board working diligently. 
“Hey I’m heading out.” You say as he looks up, confused slightly. 
“I didn’t know you were still here.” He says, setting his pen down to give you his full attention. You sighed slightly. 
“Had to fix Dazai’s reports.” He nods his head in understanding before glancing out the window. It was dark out. 
“You’re not walking are you?” He asks as you nod your head. 
“Too late for the bus, I’ll be okay.” You say but he shakes his head. Closing the folder he was working on. 
“I’ll give you a ride.” He says as you shake your head. 
“You don’t have to do that sir, really I’ll be alright.” You say but he stands and pays no attention to your protests. 
“It’s fine dear, let’s go.” He says softly, grabbing his keys. 
“Are you sure?” You ask as he nods his head. 
The ride back to your house was comfortably quiet. It was softly raining outside, padding against the windshield as the wipers swiped back and forth. You shiver in your seat slightly as Kunikida noticed you move. 
“Cold?” He asks and before you can answer he’s pulling off his jacket to give to you. You thank him and drape the jacket over your body. “I’ll be sure to talk to Dazai tomorrow so that you’re not stuck working later than need be.” 
“I don’t mind.” You saw softly as Kunikida pushes his glasses up shaking his head. 
“I’ll mind for you.” He says, you look over at him. His endless seriousness. You smile. He was always looking out for you. He pulls into your apartment complex as you gather up your things. He parks and switches off the car. You look at him quizzically. “I’ll walk you up.” He says, grabbing some of your things to carry for you. Walking up to your apartment you shake the rain from your hair. 
“Thank you again, I promise next time if I work late I’ll have someone pick me up.”
“No need, it’s easier if I drive you.” He says as you shoot an amused look over your shoulder at him. 
“Easier for you? You love the opposite direction.”
“Easier on my mind. To know your home safe.” He says and your heart melts in your chest. You remember the time the agency had been raided, you hadn’t gone in that day for some reason and when Kunikida thought you’d been hurt he about lost his mind. You felt terribly about it but it also made you feel warm. To know he cared so much. You just wished it was more but he was so professional he’d probably never make a move on you. Once at your door you unlock it and Kunikida pushes it open for you. Inside you set your stuff on the table. 
“You want a coffee or something?” You ask. 
“May I kiss you?” He asks and to be honest you didn’t even comprehend his question before mindlessly answering. 
“Sure.” Because for some reason you thought he answered your question about coffee. A simple misunderstanding. Kunikida’s hand softly slides against your cheek as he pulls you into him and presses a kiss to your lips. You jolt, caught off guard as he pulls back. For a split second you two look at each other before you flushed violently. 
“You just kissed me.” You say dumbfoundedly. 
“I’m aware.” He says. “Was it okay?”
“Uhm, yea. Do you like me?” You ask, thoroughly confused. He looks at you like you were the crazy one. 
“Very much, it’s affecting my focus.” He says. You stare at him as your mind processes the moment. Him kissing you, him affirming his feelings for you. You needed a longer kiss. You gently grabbed the front of his shirt. 
“Kiss me like you mean it this time.” You say as though resting some hypothesis. Kunikida raises his brows. He reaches and takes off his glasses before turning back to you. He gently grasps your hip, pulling you into him, other hand sliding against your cheek. His lips meet yours and it seems your words awoke something in him because he kisses you hard this time.
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Infuriating man. You were gone for a week on vacation and came back to your desk a mess. It seems Dazai took the liberty of making various origami animals out of your important documents. You practically growl in anger, pushing out of your chair. You stomp towards Kunikida’s assistant. 
“Where’s Dazai?” 
“He’s working a case but he should be back soon, is something the matter?” She asks as you grind your teeth together. 
“Aside from working under a child, no, nothings the matter.” You growl spinning around as the other assistant giggles behind you. 
You take care unraveling the documents and straightening them back out. Fifteen minutes pass before the front door opens and the man of the hour strolls inside. His eyes find yours and his entire face lights up. 
“Darling! You’re finally back!” He says excitedly. You pointedly turn away from him, back to your desk. You hear him walk over. “Something the matter?”
“Yes! You!” You snap in a hushed whisper. “These documents are important and you made stupid cranes out of them.”
“Oh dear, relax. Here,” he reaches for something on his desk and hands it to you. You snatch it from him. “I made copies.” He says as you look through the perfectly straight papers. You sigh heavily and crumple up the other papers, tossing it at him. 
“I had a great vacation and you’re ruining my first day back.” You say, turning away from him again. 
“Geez, I made all those for you and you toss them away, be still my heart.” He croons. 
“Be still your lips.” You retort. “I need quiet to go over your reports.” 
“Let’s go get some coffee.”
“Did you not hear what I said?” You ask sharply as Dazai leans against your desk. Clearly craving your attention, he always craved your attention. Like some touch starved animal with no self control. 
“I heard,” he says, cocking his head to look down at you. “But I want coffee and I need them to write the reports.”
“You haven’t even written them yet?” You jolt, turning to look at him. He pushes off your desk and dawdles towards the door. “Dazai? Please tell me you’re joking.” You call after him as he slips out into the hallway. You shove away from your desk and practically run after him.
He’s halfway down the hallway when you get to him. “You are going to be the death of me!” You call after him. 
“Isn’t that my line, darling?” He says over his shoulder as you sigh. 
“Kunikida is gonna yell at you for turning in your reports late.” 
“Kunikida is too busy making goo goo eyes at his assistant to notice, it’s been like that the whole week.” He says as you fall into step with him. Mouthing ‘goo goo eyes’ in confusion. 
“Too busy with her, how?” You ask as he looks down at you, raising a brow. 
“You girls don’t talk?” 
“She’s always leaving on time while you keep me here hours late, we don’t have much time to talk.” You sigh. 
“At least I give you free rides when I keep you late.”
“You’re a terrible driver. I’d probably be safer walking.” You sigh as Dazai laughs, throwing an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his body. He’s warm and smells like he’s already had a cup of coffee or two. 
“I missed this.” He says as you let him hold you. You two had a very complicated relationship. It was like you were an old married couple. You spent most of your days together either gossiping or bickering there was no inbetween. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss him. 
“I’m serious about those reports, Dazai, I have something I’m doing after work.” 
“Oh? What’s that?”
“None of your business.” You snipe, pushing him off you. He chuckles, pushing his hands in his pockets. 
“It’s a date isn’t it?” He asks as you snap your head towards him. 
“Who told you?” You ask, narrowing your eyes. 
“No one, dearest. You’re dressed up more than usual, not to mention your hair and make up are done differently which means you’re probably leaving from here to go to the date, am I right?” He asks with a shit eating grin. Of course he was right. He was always right. You swallow, sighing. 
“Yes, okay I have a date.” You say as Dazai turns to look at you, he looks at you for a long moment. You huff. “What? Got some jokes? Out with them so we can get your coffee and get these reports done.” 
“Do you like this guy?” 
“It’s a blind date.” 
“So you haven’t met him?“
“Not in person, we’ve texted.” You answer as Dazai stops walking. You turn to look at him as you stop walking as well. “What?”
“Do you like him?” He asks again. 
“I don’t know yet.” You answer, motioning him to walk. 
“Who set this up?”
“A friend.”
“A trusted friend?”
“Okay, why the twenty questions? Are you trying to be an ass?”
“Just curious.” He answers simply as you sigh heavily. 
“Can you be curious and also walk?” You ask as Dazai chuckles, walking forwards and before you can react he’s pushing you against the wall and pressing his lips to yours with an urgent need. You gasp and his mouth swallows the sound. You should push him off but something warm is building in your stomach and you realize a little too quickly how much you want this. And when that realization dawns you push him back. 
“What the hell?” You ask breathlessly. Dazai still has his hands on you, his mouth centimeters away from yours. 
“You’re gone for a week,” he starts, voice thick with want and desire. “You answer none of my calls, you come back and suddenly you’re going on a date? With someone you don’t know. Someone that doesn’t know you?”
“Dazai-” he’s kissing you again, plucking your words right from your lips. He pulls back only for air moments later. “What is going on?” 
“Don’t be mad but I have to tell you something.” He says as you pull back, able to see his face. “The reports are done already. I just wanted an excuse to get you out here so I could kiss you.” 
“I hate you.” You say but the butterflies in your stomach tell a different story.
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There was a man that sat in the corner of your cafe. He was very distinguished, sipped his tea quietly and read various books. It's been a few weeks since he’d been coming so one night you decided if he was going to be a regular you might as well introduce yourself. So grabbing some new pastries you cooked earlier in the day you walked over. The man slowly looked up at you and you gave him a kind smile. 
“I don’t mean to interrupt your reading, I just wanted to give you some free baked goods, I hope you like apple fritters.” You say, setting the plate down on his table. 
“Wow, uh, thank you that’s very kind.” He says, his voice soft as he sets his book down. “I’m Sigma, just moved here a month or so ago.” He says, reaching for the plate. You tell him your name and his cheeks pinken as you welcome him to the neighborhood. You two end up talking for a while, Sigma offering the set across from him for you to sit in. For the next few weeks Sigma stops by, you make him new pastries to try and you two end up talking for hours. One night you were closing up when you heard a soft knock on the front door, you turned and saw Sigma, drenched from the rain outside the front door. You gasped and ran over, unlocking the door and pulling him inside. 
“I’m sorry, did I startle you?” Sigma asks as you shake your head. 
“Course not! Did you forget something?” You ask and watch him nervously fumble with his fingers. 
“Uh-  yeah.” He says, running a hand through his wet hair.
“Yeah?” You ask, turning to the table he was sitting at but there was nothing near it. “What was it?” You ask over your shoulder and when Sigma didn’t answer you turned around. He looked so nervous, his cheeks turning red you wondered if he was sick or something. “You okay?” You ask, stepping towards him. 
“Y-yeah, i’m fine.” He stutters nervously. 
“Here, take a seat, I’ll fix you up a hot cup of coffee.” You say and he just nods his head, taking a seat. You walk into the kitchen, worried that maybe he was sick, maybe from the rain. You finish the coffee and walk it over to him, sliding it to him as you sit next to him. 
“Thank you.” He says softly, blowing on the coffee before taking a small sip.
“Are you sure you're feeling okay?” You ask, crossing your legs. 
“Uh- yeah, sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you.” He says, swallowing. He clears his throat, turning to face you. “I want to uh- to um to tell you that I- uh,” He chatters nervously as you listen, not interrupting him. “Uh- god this is-- hard.” He sighs, taking a big sip of his coffee. You give him an encouraging smile. He sets the cup down and seems sure of himself as he turns and just leans forwards kissing you quickly. You gasp, the kiss was mere milliseconds before he’s pulling back. 
“I’m sorry, I’ve wanted to do that for weeks but I don’t really know what or how to do it and-” You cut him off by kissing him, showing him how it’s done. You take his face and pull him closer to you, his cheeks were cold, his hair wet as you ran a ahdn through it. His hands cautiously reach for you, softly pressing against your hip. You smile into the kiss and grab his hand, pulling it around your back to let him pull you even closer. When you two break for air he looks redder than before, even the tops of his ears were red. It makes you laugh. "What?" He asks as you shake your head.
"You're just cute, you know?" You ask and he gasps slightly, smiling softly.
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sidekick-hero · 8 months
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(steddie | gen | wc: 846 | cw: none | tags: established relationship, soft boys being soft | @steddielovemonth prompt: Love is being seen and known by @acasualcrossfade)
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It's a quiet Sunday afternoon in late May, the sun streaming in through the living room windows and bathing them in its warm light.
His head is in Eddie's lap and Eddie's fingers are running through his hair in that soothing way that makes Steve feel closer to sleep than awake. Everything is soft and hazy, like a dream he never wants to wake up from.
Everything could be perfect.
Everything is perfect, really.
Everything except the voice in his head. It speaks in different tongues to better disguise itself, making it harder for Steve to get rid of it.
Sometimes it sounds like his grandfather telling him to go somewhere else to eat like a goddamn pig when Steve ate his chicken legs with his hand and got grease on himself.
Other times it's his mom telling the neighbor that Steve wasn't the brightest kid, but at least he was good at sports.
Often it is his father's voice asking him why he is such a disappointment.
On his bad days, it is Nancy's voice reminding him that his love is bullshit, that he is bullshit.
Eddie helps. Most days he makes the voices go away, or at least helps him quiet them.
But not today.
Today Steve woke up to a bad day.
That's why they canceled their plans to go to the Hopper-Byers' for a family picnic and decided to spend their Sunday on the couch instead, just the two of them.
That's why Steve is biting back the questions he's been dying to ask for hours. It's too much to ask, too raw, too needy. It would be like cutting himself open and showing Eddie the emptiness inside where a real person should be.
That's why he breaks so easily when Eddie looks down at him with a soft, adoring smile on his face and kisses the tip of Steve's nose.
Just like that. Like it's nothing. Like it's everything.
Like it's love.
"Why?" It bursts out of him like hot magma from an erupting volcano, spilling out of his mouth and leaving scorched earth in its wake.
Brown eyes widen in surprise, clearly not expecting a natural disaster in their living room.
"Why what, Stevie?" He asks, his fingers stopping their soothing ministrations, and Steve begins a tally of the casualties. That's one.
"Why are you doing this?" Steve demands, unable to contain the outburst. "Treating me like... like I'm something worth treating with so much care and gentleness? You canceled the picnic today like it's no big deal, but I know how excited you've been all week about your little campaign with the kids. Just because I'm too weak to handle a bad day. Why are you not angry? Why... why...?"
Why are you still here?
He can't say it, can't ask it, too afraid of the answer.
But Eddie hears it anyway, can see through Steve and his bullshit as if he were made of glass.
"Because I love you, Steve."
Steve hates that it sounds so simple when Eddie says it like that.
"But why?"
Steve scrambles into an upright position, can't bear to have this conversation lying down. He needs to be able to run and hide, to get away so he can lick his wounds.
Some of these thoughts must show on his face, or maybe it's just the way Eddie has learned to read him like an open book. Those dark chocolate eyes Steve loves to get lost in go impossibly soft as they take him in, and Eddie's calloused hands are so, so gentle as they grip Steve's own, as if Eddie is afraid he'll break him with one wrong move.
"There is no why, Stevie. I love you because I have to. Because there is no other way to exist in a world with you in it. No why, any more than there's a reason your hair does that floppy thing no matter how hard you try to tame it. Or why a gaggle of middle schoolers imprinted on you like ducklings, so now we're co-parenting them."
Eddie brings both of Steve's hands to his mouth and kisses them reverently before placing them on his own cheeks, silently asking Steve to hold him.
And Steve does, as if Eddie is the most precious thing he's ever held in his hands.
"Some days I felt like I wasn't even real, you know? Like I was imaginary, and if people stopped believing I was real, I would just disappear. So I invented myself every day so other people wouldn't have to. It was like who I really was was secondary to what I wanted everyone else to see. But not you. You saw me. You knew me, from the beginning. I can't really explain it any better than that. You make me real. And I love you. And there is no why, only a how. I love you like you're real too."
The voices in his head do not magically disappear, but when Steve kisses Eddie, he begins to feel like a real person, too.
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byunpum · 1 year
Can I ask for a side story of dad!Tsu-tey, like he and Neytiri and Jake have to do important adult stuff with the new clan they are in leaving the kids do their own thing
And the Omiatkaya kids are with reader who is making lunch with the spice they have with them to cook and Tistreya, Amoung, and Rotxo, try forest people food and it turns out that it's quite spicy as it's a delicacy
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Pair: Tsu'tey x Y/n daughter x sully family x Metkayina kids
Warning: None, Domestic moments, ao'nung being drama queen
Note: This would be like an alternate part to tsu'tey's "i can be a better father" series. You can read it HERE.
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Lo'ak had dragged his entire group of friends, including his brothers. Ao'nung, rotxo and tsireya were trailing behind the group of boys. They were proudly talking about their half-sister's culinary skills. "I know you're going to love it, Y/N is the best at making stew" lo'ak was excited. You had told him the day before, that you had collected everything to make his favorite dish. The metkayina kids were also excited, according to what their friends had told him this food was different from the ones they ate, which was something very tasty. 'Majestic;' as tuk said, as she jumped up and down with joy as they got closer to your marui.
The way to your marui was a bit further, as it was inside the jungle of one of the islands of the metkayina clan. So practically everyone was running. You were left alone, as your father had to go on a trip with Jake. So you were left alone with spider, and you had invited your siblings to have dinner at your home today. In the distance you can hear the voices of the group of friends. "We're here!!!" says neteyam, pushing lo'ak out of the way and entering the marui before anyone else. You laugh, watching as they were arguing over who was going to eat first. Meanwhile you were wiggling, and putting the last ingredients in. "Hey…calm down…there's food for everyone" you scold him, seeing how behind them you recognized three familiar faces. You say hello too, they looked a little shy. But you calm them down, telling them that they were practically family, that they were more than welcome.
All the boys sat down, waiting for the food to be ready. As they all talked and joked. They could smell it, the rich smell coming out of the pot. After a while, the food was ready. You bring out the plates, nice plates that you had brought from your old home. Handmade jars made by your father, perfect for when you made your stew. You hand everyone their respective plate, the metkayina boys were surprised to see the color and the rich smell coming out of this food. Tsireya watched as her friends were already beginning to eat. "Y/N this is delicious…thank you" says kiri, as she continued to eat.
"You're welcome…mmm I hope you like it. I want you to be honest with me, and tell me what you thought?" you speak, watching as ao'nung began to eat. Followed by roxto and tsireya. After the first bite, ao'nung started coughing but calmed down. Trying to calm down, as he watched your eyes widen in concern. "Everything okay?" you ask him. "Yes, yes…it's very …. yummy," ao'nung says coughing. Meanwhile tsireya, was eating quietly as was rotxo.
Rotxo was next to you, eating all the stew on his plate. This was not the first time he had eaten some of your food, but it was the first time he had eaten this dish. "Y/n this is delicious" says Rotxo, wagging his tail from side to side in happiness. You laugh a little, and shift your gaze. It looked so pretty.
"Y/N one question…what's that stuff at the end, it's like it stings, but it's delicious?" asks tsireya, the girl was excited about the food, it was something so new to her. She had never eaten anything like it. It was a very spicy dish.
"That's spicy…it's something special that Y/N puts in it," said neteyam. Meanwhile, ao'nung was still eating, but the more he ate the more red he was getting. But still, everyone ate every last drop of the stew. You start picking up the containers, everyone looked normal except for ao'nung who looked a little sick. He looked a little uncomfortable, and his face was red. You reach over, and touch his shoulder.
"Ao'nung are you okay?" you ask, watching as your friend fake a smile, but you could see his painful facial expressions. "Did something happen with the food?" you ask. "No…it was - delicious, it's just that I" ao'nung puts his hand to his stomach, you could hear the crunching sounds his stomach was making. As it is he twisted in pain. "You're not well…I think the spicy sauce made you sick" kiri says, as other guys came over to see what was wrong with their friend. "No…I'm fine, don't worry" speaks ao'nung, trying to hold back a mouthful of vomit.
"I think we should see mom" tsireya says, moving closer to her brother. Helping him up from the floor. Everyone was worried, because he was getting worse very fast. "Yes…come on, come on" you help tsireya carry ao'nung. The poor boy was trying to keep his balance.
"I think these tanks will last for about 5 months" tsu'tey says. Jake, neytiri and tsu'tey had set out from the morning on a quick trip to the camp in the hallelujah mountains. They were going to get some supplies, like oxygen for spider and Y/N. And find out if there was any new news. "Yes…I think up to 8 months." Says jake helping tsu'tey carry the oxygen tanks to his marui. When they arrived, they noticed that no one was there, and there was a mess of dirty dishes and cooking utensils. As if someone had walked past them, as if someone had left in a hurry.
Both men put down their oxygen tanks, and look at each other in confusion. Tsu'tey was already getting nervous. Just before either of them could speak, neytiri rushes into the marui. "Tsu'tey come…Y/N is in trouble" says neytiri. Tsu'tey runs out, behind neytiri and jake follows them. What could have happened, you were not a girl who made trouble. The group of friends arrived where he had indicated to neytiri. Tsu'tey saw how Y/N was at the entrance of Ronal's marui, next to her was spider. He was holding his sister's hand, and neteyam was in front of her calming her down. He could see how nervous she was.
The group of friends approached the boys. " Dad!!!" you whimper, running to hug your father. Tsu'tey hugs you back, patting your high back. " Dad…. I swear I didn't do anything!!!" you were a little agitated, neteyam walks over to his uncle. Like the big brother he was, he was going to clear the whole thing up. "Teyam, what happened?" asks Jake. Looking at his children cautiously, lo'ak was at his brother's side. Meanwhile spider, was still holding your hand. "I can explain everything…" speaks lo'ak. But his father makes a grimace for him to keep silent.
"Dad… Y/N prepared something to eat for all of us and we invited the guys. But the food that Y/N made was spicy. and apparently that was very bad for ao'nung. Ronal yelled at us, and made Y/N feel very bad" neteyam tries to explain everything that happened. Meanwhile you were trying to hold back your tears, it was the first time in your life that someone yelled at you the way Ronal did. You had never experienced a bad treatment from an elder. That hurt you, you were a very well-behaved, kind girl. You were obedient, and you hardly ever got into trouble. And now you felt very guilty.
"Dad…he was very bad. He even vomited blood, and it was my fault" you were trying to sound calm, but your crying voice was creeping in. " Sweetheart this is not your problem, you didn't do anything…calm down" tsu'tey tries to reassure you. Jake walks over to you, and strokes your hair. "Y/N I'm going to talk to ronal…you take it easy. Go with your dad to your home and rest" jake speaks, walking away to enter ronal's marui.
Tsu'tey tries to comfort you some more. He then asks neteyam as a favor to take his sister home. All your brothers take you to their marui. While Tsu'tey and Neytiri accompany Jake. No one was going to be yelling at his daughter, while tsu'tey tried to defend you. Jake tried to calm him down, they didn't want to get kicked out of the clan. The boy's stomach was pretty badly hurt, so what had happened had been very serious. But it was not justifiable the bad treatment that Ronal had given you. After discussing for a while, and making all things clear. Everyone went home.
Later in the evening, you were calmer. Your brothers had stayed with you. Then the rest of the family arrived. Tsu'tey prepared something to eat, so that everyone would calm down. Even Neytiri was comforting you, she felt that you did not deserve this bad treatment. And for such a simple thing, it was not your fault that the boy was so weak in the stomach. After dinner, everyone went home. Spider had gone to bed early, while tsu'tey was finishing a basket he would use to hunt fish. Meanwhile you, you wanted to go apologize to ao'nung.
"Hey, where are you going?" asks tsu'tey as he watches you walk out of the marui. "I'm going to walk for a while…I want to clear my head" you speak. Your father just gives you a smile, and keeps working.
You had to apologize to ao'nung. You felt guilty, after all you were the one who made that meal. Poor thing, he must feel terrible. After a while, you arrive at the marui of tsireya and her family. You were afraid that Ronal might see you and yell at you again. But to your good fortune, only tsireya is there. The girl sees you at the entrance, you had your arms crossed.
"Hey!!!" says tsireya in a low voice, approaching you. "Hey…how are you?" she asks you.
"I'm fine…. I came to check on ao'nung. I didn't get a chance to see him" you speak, lowering your head expecting tsireya to be upset with you. But you feel her take your hand, and begin to guide you to where ao'nung is supposed to be. "He's better…tired. But he's going to be fine" the girl says dragging you along with her. You are surprised at how big her marui is, it is very beautiful. You can see ao'nung lying on the ground, on a kind of makeshift bed. He was half awake, moving his face to see what his sister was doing.
"Hello" you speak softly trying not to make him uncomfortable. Ao'nung laughs, and you raise your hand a little. Waving at you foolishly, and making a sign for you to approach him. "Y/N you're here" he speaks, you could tell he was still in pain. You sit next to him, watching tsireya walk away, to do other things. "I want to apologize…I didn't mean for you to get like this" you try to apologize. But you hear a giggle coming from ao'nung. "You're silly!!!" the boy teases you. You give him a pinch on the shoulder, and he yelps in pain but doesn't stop laughing.
"I know it wasn't your fault, I'm just a giant baby….I should be the one apologizing" ao'nung stops talking, and takes your hand. To give it a squeeze and stroke the top of your hand with his thumb. "She shouldn't have yelled at you like that…it was unfair. I apologize sincerely, on behalf of this family and the clan. You are an honorable member, and I know you would never hurt anyone…least of all me, would you?" ao'nung went from a very touching speech, to being flirtatious in seconds. Winking at you, while seeing that you're blushing. " Yah, get off me…. idiot" you whine. Pulling further away from him, sticking out your tongue.
The two of you stay silent for a couple of seconds, until you move over and adjust one of ao'nung's curls. to lift you off the ground. "Well I'm glad you're okay…mmm tomorrow I'll make you a drink perfect for these things" you speak, as you see ao'nung's eyes widen. "Really…it's very good" you joke.
"I'll eat and drink whatever you give me…I don't mind. But only if you prepare it" he winks at you again. You look away, ignoring him. If he was right, he was still the same stupid as always. But even dumber and weaker.
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crabsnpersimmons · 1 month
Crabs this is Noa you need to help me I'm in love with your restaurant AU I need more I love food and you combined it with the dca I can't I ca
Uhh what's in the menu? :D
legit every meal i have is inspiration for this AU 😂
as for the menu, welllll most of it is based on Hong Kong style cafe foods (because that's what inspired me at first), but the specials change regularly and go into many different cuisines.
the boys also specialize in different things too:
Sun specializes in healthy, nutritious meals. he’s also the most interested in learning all about food, from farms to cooking methods. if you ask him to surprise you, he’ll discretely scan you and determine what your body needs and will cook something accordingly.
You are surprised as a bowl of soup appears in front of you, held by a gold hand. You follow that hand to it’s owner—meeting Sun’s blank eyes staring down at you.
“I… didn’t order a soup,” you stutter.
“You appear to be low in iron today,” Sun responds in his monotone voice before turning away, then adding, “There is more if you need it. It's on the house.”
Without a further word, Sun returns to the kitchen.
The smell of the soup wafts to your nose and you decide to dig in. It’s a fairly clear broth yet surprisingly flavourful—the kind of soup that takes more than a day to properly steep and simmer to extract all the flavours from it’s ingredients. Despite that, the soup was clear of any dregs at the bottom—just the way you like it.
You feel your face warm—from the soup or from the attention, you’re not entirely sure.
You might take his offer for seconds.
Moon specializes in everything indulgent! juicy fried chicken? the cutest pastries? he loves them all and he’s always experimenting with new recipes. sure he recognizes the importance of a healthy meal, but sometimes you just need a boost, yknow? food is more than fuel, it can be something to be enjoyed.
When you stepped into the restaurant that morning, Moon could already tell you were off to a rough start. He watched from the kitchen window as you ate your breakfast, staring dryly at your phone.
And then he had an idea. Ooooohoohoohoo, clever Moon!
“Gooooood morning, starlight,” Moon walks over to your seat at the bar table. “How’s your breakfast? Would you like some dessert with it?”
You groggily look up from your phone, and nod, barely registering what he said. Then before you know it, Moon is gone and back again with a warm plate of french toast.
Moon wasn’t kidding when he said dessert—the toast is thick enough to be a cake! When you cut off a manageable bite, you realize it’s actually two slices of toast, sandwiching a gooey filling.
You take a bite and you’re surprised by how delicate and rich it is. The toast melts in your mouth and leaves behind the aroma of butter and eggs and the delightfully chilled sweetness of condensed milk coats your tongue.
Your expression must betray your reaction, because you see Moon smiling back at you so sweetly.
Eclipse is the main front of house, waiting tables and charming customers. and he’s also the barista, preparing a variety of drinks (and sometimes putting on a bit of a show while doing so). he can cook as well, but he leaves it mostly to Sun and Moon.
You have no idea how you got here. You decided to stop by the restaurant, only you forgot that today was their day off. However, you’ve learned that the chefs live in the apartment above the restaurant, which explains why Eclipse found you and let you in.
Now you were seated at the empty bar table, while the charming barista prepared you a drink.
“Here we are,” Eclipse gently places a glass in front of you.
Based on the colour, the ice, and the straw, you take a guess, “Iced coffee?”
“Half correct,” Eclipse chuckles and pours himself a glass as well. “It’s one of my old boss’s favourites. It’s called ‘yuenyeung’, a mixture of milk tea and coffee.”
“Oh, so ‘yuenyeung’,” you grimace at your butchered pronunciation, “means ‘tea-coffee’, I guess?”
Eclipse smiles. For the short while you’ve known him, you have learned you do not trust that smile. “No, ‘yuenyeung’ refers to a pair of mandarin ducks that look very different, male and female. They’re a symbol of conjugal love—a pair of two different elements coming together as one.”
You freeze as Eclipse chuckles and clinks your glass with his. “It’s more fragrant when it’s served warm, but it’s too hot for that today. I’ll save that treat for a day you need the warmth.”
He’s right. It is too hot for this today. You take your glass and sip on the straw, Even chilled, the aroma of black tea, coffee, and smooth milk is strong on your tongue.
Even after downing your entire glass, you still feel too hot.
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after-witch · 9 months
(For Mahito)
"Could we go out and see the Christmas lights today?"
note: yandere, kidnapped reader, vague violence implications
You ask the question as casually as you feasibly can. You don't even look up from your book, or from your spot on the ground, where you're currently nestled on top of a pile of mismatched, patchwork quilts and blankets taken from here and there and dropped on the cement for you to arrange like some sort of comfort-starved underground rat.
But the casual pretense didn't appear to work.
As soon as the words leave your mouth, you hear the hammock creak, and ah--when you look up, there it is.
Mahito is already leaning over the side of his hammock, upside down, current book discarded, a lopsided grin on his face and keen interest in his eyes.
"Oh? Why do you want to see them? Are Christmas lights important to you?"
Your heart speeds up, and you cover your chest with your book, stupidly, like that will hide what your sure is a pulse in your soul.
"No," you lie, turning a page. "I just thought it might be a change of pace from our usual night." You shrug, and curl up further into the blankets. "If you don't want to, it's fine. I don't really care."
You hear the creaking rope again before there's the tell-tale sound of Mahito's feet hitting the ground. His voice has gone up an octave, and he draws the words out childishly as he plops himself down on your nest of blankets.
You don't look back at him, still, despite the increase in your heart rate. Despite the bead of sweat on your forehead. Despite the way your muscles tell you that you ought to be moving away.
"I didn't say I didn't want to!" He whines, before he simply plucks the book from your hands and tosses it aside, forcing you to--in slow, carefully orchestrated movements--give him your attention.
He grabs your mouth and squishes your lips together.
"Are they fun? I bet they're fun--tell me!"
Living with Mahito has given you the uncanny ability to plan ahead more than your body wants to; desperately, your mind, your muscles, everything wants to react quickly to the danger he presents. But that's the riskiest thing in the world, so you force yourself to think before you act.
"Well," you say, considering slowly, "They can be very beautiful, especially when it's dark outside. And when the weather is chilly, it gives everything the perfect winter atmosphere... like you're walking around in some fairytale or a cheesy movie. Or a snowglobe, if it happens to snow."
You shift on the blankets, propping yourself up on your elbow.
"And if you're walking downtown, there's usually other things you can do while you look at them. Window shop... oh," you don't bite back the smile, "Because everything is way too expensive, especially around Christmas. But it's nice to pretend. Or you can get hot chocolate." You lick your lips, imagining the sweet, warm liquid on your tongue. How long has it been since you've had something sweet that wasn't stolen, half-eaten, or questionably old?
"Nothing better than looking at Christmas lights on a cold night with some hot chocolate, you know? As long as you've got a cozy hat and some mittens, it's not so bad to be outside. It all adds up, I guess, to be something magical."
You're smiling, when you finish. And oh, oh, you've let yourself get too carried away. Let nostalgic make your heart beat-beat-beat too easily.
Because Mahito is staring at you with a cat-ate-the-canary grin on his face, his gaze locked firmly on your own as you realize your mistake.
His lips curl.
"Oh, pet. Your soul is humming," he whispers. His fingers grip the flesh of your side and squeeze casually, making you jerk, though there's nowhere to go.
"Will it hum like that if I take you? Or differently? Better? Worse?" He digs his fingers harsher into your side and tugs you close. His lips open again and you get the oppressive feeling of a thousand questions lingering behind them, waiting to burst out. Questions that would make you squirm, make you want to heave, make you grip your palm until it bled.
But he doesn't ask any more than that. Instead, he pecks your nose with his lips, leaving a wet splotch. "Well, I want to find out!"
And then he's off you, leaping to his feet with a giggle.
You stare up at him stupidly, feeling like your heart has been scooped out (by him, who else--who ever?) and dropped back in.
When you don't move, he grabs your wrist and yanks you unsteadily to your feet, so that you're forced to cling to his arm to avoid face-planting onto the concrete.
"I hope you don't mind stolen hot chocolate," he says, leading you on wobbly legs deeper into the sewer, where--somewhere--there is a way out. "Unless some of the clothes from my experiments have cash on them... well, let's look next time."
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starchaserwrites · 7 months
@jegulus-microfic / february 15: poison / word count: 787
When Regulus agreed to babysit Venus (Sirius and Remus' puppy), he thought the seven days they would be out of town would go smoothly. Thinking that was his first mistake.
The thing is, Venus is very quiet most of the time... except in winter when there are thunderstorms. It's winter, and what are the odds of that happening three nights in a row? One hundred percent, apparently. To say that Regulus' apartment was ruined is an understatement. 
His second mistake was thinking he could leave Venus alone for more than an hour to go shopping. Regulus takes full responsibility for this one, as he must have seen the noise complaints from his neighbours coming when he had the idea of leaving the husky with apparent separation anxiety alone.
Completely exhausted from lack of sleep and complaints, Regulus thought he could take some time out to distract himself by watching a movie with the puppy, which of course was Hachiko. They both settled down on the couch in the living room with a large carrot for Venus and a chocolate bar for him, and Regulus clicked play on the film. Regulus considers the eight and a half minutes he was awake an achievement. Third mistake.
One hour and fifty-two minutes later, when something warm licking his hand wakes him up, panic overcomes the youngest Black. Venus seems more energetic than ever, the carrot is intact except for a few bites, and there is no trace of what was left of his chocolate bar.
Missing chocolate + Venus = POISON
It's the equation that appears in neon letters all over his brain. 
Regulus can already imagine the thousand and one ways his brother and Remus will kill him for harming their baby, so for a long minute he sits, paralysed, eyes closed, as Venus chews on the sleeve of his hoodie.
When his phone vibrates, indicating a new message, that's all he needs to react, it's a message from Sirius asking how the little furball is, and just as Regulus is about to call and tell him everything in tears, a new message pops up, causing a light bulb to go on in his head.
J. Potter: Dinner tonight?
And Regulus has never been happier that James never gives up on him, so he decides to call him.
"I wasn't expecting you to call and finally agree to a date with me, but I suppose the solemnity of the occasion deserves it, what time shall I pick you up?" is the first thing he says.
"I need help, something bad happened," the younger man says, running his hand through his now tousled hair several times. There is a noise at the other end of the line, probably caused by a sudden movement.
"Where are you?
"I'm in my flat, but James, I need your help as a professional," Regulus says hurriedly. His brother's best friend has been a vet for about three years, so he should know what to do. 
"But you don't have - oh, is it Venus?"
A few minutes after Regulus chokingly confirms "yes" and explains the situation, James arrives at his flat. As he runs some routine tests on the husky, Regulus can't help but think once again how handsome the vet looks today and how grateful he is to have him in his life.
"Are you sure she ate it? She's not showing any symptoms of chocolate ingestion, her temperature is normal, as is her heart rate, and she's not puking. Have you checked the flat?" the doe-eyed man asks as he finishes his inspection. 
The lack of response is enough for James to start scanning every corner of the living room, and when he pulls the chocolate bar of discord from behind a potted plant, Regulus swears he could kiss him, but the feeling that he's been a complete idiot the whole week he's been with Venus is greater. So when the tears of relief and frustration start to fall, he can't help but feel pathetic. 
"Hey, it's all right, okay?" the older one says, reaching over and grabbing him by the shoulders, "I know taking care of Venus can be draining, I had my fair share of her a while back too. You must be tired, let me take care of you, okay?"
And that's how they end up sitting close together on the couch (only because Venus takes up most of it, that's the only reason, really), wrapped up in a blanket and a cup of chamomile tea, watching an episode of Dr. House that Regulus has already seen about 6 times, and knowing that in a few moments, and for the first time, he'll be the one asking James out on a date.
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 7 months
[Tf141 with a reader who sucks at baking but wants to bake them a Valentine’s day dessert]
Happy Valentine’s Day! :D
Let’s celebrate with the boys!
John picked you up directly after work, you wore the dress he loved the most, and the lace and semi-transparent part at your shoulder just enhanced your already overwhelming beauty. He drove to the restaurant he reserved a few weeks ago. exquisite dishes, lit candles, jazz music floating in the background, and you. He couldn’t find a better way to spend Valentine’s Day with the love of the life.
After the dinner, he drove home and led you up with his big hand ingulfing yours, and he smiled the whole time while you rambled about what happened today.
but it was a little weird today, once you stepped into the house, you rushed to take the shower (which He wanted to join but you insisted on showering alone), and urged him to go take a bath when you finished.
He quirked his eyebrow when he sensed something in your behavior, excitement, and slight anxiety, but he set the question aside and listened to you.
When he stepped out of the bathroom, his eyes were immediately covered by your hands.
“What are you doing now, love?” A laugh rumbles from his chest.
“Just close your eyes until I say okay.”
John got led by you through the darkness, he assumed he was in the living room now, according to his familiarity with the house, and he opened his eyes when you told him to.
He just let out a little gasp when he saw your figure.
You were dressed in a silver-white nightgown now, the transparent clothes allowed him to see the lingerie you wore under it, and he was dragged to the couch before he was able to recover from the shock yet.
A bottle of wine with two glasses was set on the table, and he found a cake placed beside them.
It's obvious that it wasn’t made by a professional baker, the decorations were oblique a bit, a drop of whipped cream left at the place it shouldn’t be, but he knew it was made by you, and to him, it was much better than every cake he can found in the world.
“I know the cake is kind of... hmm... ugly?” you chuckle nervously “but this is the first time I made food without burning down the whole kitchen, you know I suck at cooking, so I hope you can at least have a bite.”
You were expecting everything, getting refused, embarrassment, awkwardness, but what you didn’t expect was John leaning down, planting a quick but deep kiss on your glossy lips, and the low voice of your lover soothed your anxiety.
“How can I only take a bite of the cake that’s made by my perfect wife? eh?”
You two sat side by side, finishing the whole cake together, which John ate most of it. You leaned into him when the empty plates were left on the table, and you sighed happily.
“Thank you, John, I was so afraid that you wouldn’t like it.” You told him the frank thoughts you had earlier, and you turned to face him when you felt he grazed his hand on your thigh, and the smirk on his face told you, the night was still long.
“How could a man reject his wife’s gift? now just lay down and relax, let me reward my pretty wife, yeah?”
Johnny came home later than he expected on Valentine's Day, he rushed to the restaurant he ordered the dinner from to celebrate Valentine's Day, and barely arrived in time to pick up the food before it closed. Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, he took a glimpse at the text he sent you, telling you he would be home later than he told you, which left unread for 30 minutes, and he started to worry if you were angry, or worse — injured.
Swiftly parking his car in the garage, he quickens his pace when climbing up the stairs to your home.
”Bonnie, I’m h-“ He swung open the front door, calling out for you, but he shut his mouth when he saw the scene in front of him.
You were asleep on the couch, he quietly approached you, lips forming a grin when he saw you drooling all over the couch, mouth slightly agape.
You decorated the living room, under the dim light, some candles were lit and stood on the table, and plates and flowers were placed in a tidy and elegant way, his eyes moved, took in the peaceful vibe he craved, and stopped at the cake sitting in the center of the table.
He laughed when he realized the cake was your favorite mascot with a mohawk made of chocolate whipped cream, he noticed many parts of the cake had been fixed and decorated repeatedly, just to make it as perfect as it could.
You stirred awake when you felt kisses on your face, through your blurry vision, you saw Johnny smiling at you.
“Hey, Johnny...” You returned the smile “Do you see the cake?” The pride in your voice was apparent, this was the first time you made a cake that wasn’t too bad, and able to gift it to your lover, even though it took you many hours of researching and practicing.
You waited for his answer with a hazy smile, only to be pulled into a tender kiss. You relish in the affection and warmth radiating from Johnny's body, responding to him by deepening the kiss.
The kiss lasted a minute, and you finally pulled back, just to see his eyes — full of bliss and love for you — meeting yours.
“aye, the best thing I ever get in my life besides ye.”
Honestly, Kyle already knew you were preparing something for Valentine's Day. He saw you jump and hide your phone when you sat on the couch, and he approached from your back to ask you about dinner. He saw the utensils badly hiding in your closet when you told him to help you take a t-shirt. Of course, he chose not to mention, because the expecting sparkles and adorable smile you had when you were scrolling through your phone about the secret gift — unaware of the truth he already knew — was too precious.
When he came home on Valentine's Day, he opened the door and called out your name, only to be met by your flustered voices when he walked to the kitchen.
You standing in front of the counter, a pastry bag with a pink color cream in your hand, trying to hide the dessert you were making, but he already saw it.
A cake sat on the counter, it was far from perfect, with a slightly tilted body and not very good-looking handwriting, a “ Happy Valentine's Day Kyle <3” written on the top.
You were embarrassed, you didn't expect to take so long to finish the cake, but Kyle just strolled to your side and kissed off the cream you accidentally smeared on your face.
“This is the best gift ever, baby. Happy Valentine's Day.”
For Simon, baking wasn’t a difficult thing. He learned from his mother how to bake cookies and cakes when he was young, but he knew you were extremely bad at baking or cooking, so it was always him doing the work when you two were going to make some sweets, you just stood aside and help him grab the ingredients he needs.
He had noticed the flour became less, and the sugar wasn’t the same amount as the last time he used them, and it always happened when he came back from deployment or a few days of work. He asked you about it, but you just brushed it off and simply went to do other things, everything clicked together when he unintentionally saw your calendar, circling out the date 2/14, and your phone stayed on the tutorial about Valentine’s Day cookies when you fall asleep on the couch while waiting him came home.
When Valentine’s Day finally came, He came back from the base at night, but the burnt smell immediately flooded his nostrils when he opened the front door.
He yelled your name, rushed to the kitchen, and saw you standing there with a plate of burnt cookies in your hand.
“S-Sorry, Simon. I’m just trying to... I...” Embarrassment made your cheeks blush with rosy red, and he noticed the sad tone in your voice, wobbly, and managed not to cry.
He took a piece from the plate and ate it under your surprised gaze.
“Not bad, love.” Simon chuckled and kissed your forehead.
You took a piece and bit too, and he laughed when your face contorted at the bitterness.
“This sucks, Simon.”
He just takes out all the ingredients again and hands them to you.
“Well, let’s make them again, yeah? This time, I'm the helper.”
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rubendiasthoughts · 1 year
Hi ❤ wrote this blurb today, so I hope you like it. You can let me know what you think, it's always appreciated 😊 Thank you to the person who requested this, the idea was so cute ❤
Babying Ruben after he picked up an injury:
"Baby!" you hear your boyfriend call you from where he was sat on the couch.
"I'm coming!" you exclaimed, leaving the vegetables you were just chopping on the cutting board and making your way to the living room. "What is it baby?" you asked as soon as you made it through the door and saw Ruben laying back on the decorative cushions of your couch.
"Sorry, baby. Would you get me some water?" he asked, looking at you apologeticly.
"Sure, just a second" you answered, sending a soft smile in his way to make him feel a little better about asking for your help a hundreth time that day. You knew how hard it was for Ruben to depend on someone's help this much. He was always the one who wanted to protect you, care for you and provide for you, so it is no wonder it was difficult for him to be the one who needs to be cared for. The injury he picked up during his last game making him feel entirely helpless. The smile that spread on your lips was meant to tell him you didn't mind taking care of him. In fact, it actually felt good to, in turn, do something nice for him, something to show him how grateful you are for all the times he has so selflessly taken care of you.
You turned on your heel and went back to kitchen to fill a glass with water. Once you got the liquid in the glass you walked back to your boyfriend, putting the glass on the coffee table, so that he could easily reach for it, whenever he wanted.
"Thank you, sweet girl" Ruben said quietly, making another smile spread on your lips. "Give me a kiss?" he asked, looking up at you with his puppy eyes. You nodded your head, leaning down to him to connect your lips with his. The kiss was slow and gentle, your hand cupped his cheek, as his pulled back the hair falling into your face.
"Gotta get back to making dinner" you mumbled against his lips and pulled away, Ruben's eyes following your figure as you made your way out of the living room.
You spent about an hour running around in the kitchen, finishing up dinner for you and your injured boyfriend, making sure everything was according to his diet plan. Once the meal was ready you took out two plates and put the food on them to then bring it out to the living room, where you and Ruben could eat it on the couch. You put the steamying plates on the coffee table and made yourself comfortable next to Ruben. He sat up, kissing your cheek quickly before reaching for his plate.
"Smells delicious, baby" he told you, taking the fork in his hand. You smiled as he took the first bite and you heard a humming noise escaping his mouth. "And it tastes even better, angel" he added with a full mouth. The two of you ate in silence, watching the show that Ruben has put on before.
After the two of you were done with your dinner, you made sure to take the plates back to kitchen and wash them up, before returning to your boyfriend. As soon as Ruben saw you walking through the door he reached out his arms to you, inviting you to sit close to him. He had his legs up on the couch, his back resting against the arm rest. He spread his legs slightly for you to take a seat between them - so you did, resting your back on his chest. He took one of your hands in his, intertwining your fingers together, his other hand resting flush on your stomach. You raised your intertwined hands up to your mouth in order to press your lips to Ruben's knuckles, as he placed gentle kisses all over your shoulder and your exposed neck.
"Thank you for taking care of me, sweet girl" he mumbled into your skin, his beard scratching it gently.
"Of course, you always do it for me" you whispered back, your lips still grazing the top of his hand.
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eleonoraalbright · 3 months
Baking Partners
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x fem!reader
Summary: You and Peter bake a cake for Jean's birthday!
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You reached out to pull an empty pudding cup laying on the carpet. You tossed it into the trash and made a final check to confirm that it was the last object under your bed. There was a lone pink Snoball tucked away in the corner. Ah ha, that was where you had hidden the tasty treat! 
You placed it in the ‘keep pile’ along with a dozen pencils, a ruler, bobby pins, and a startling number of firecrackers leftover from Independence Day. The small cake would make an excellent post dinner dessert. The quicker you ate it; the less chance Peter would find and eat it himself.
“Hey, babe, can you wrap this for me?” You jumped at the voice and saw the man himself sitting on your bed holding up a stack of VHS tapes. He saw the Snoball and before you could even express your displeasure, he ate it in one bite. “Hmm, I haven’t had one of those in a while. I should get more sometime.”
“Peter!” You swatted his knee with a rolled-up magazine. 
“What did I do?” He moved out of range to avoid being hit again.
You said through gritted teeth, “I was going to eat that later.” You should’ve known better than to save it. Hostess snacks were never hidden from your boyfriend for long.
He offered to steal another one from a nearby convenience store, but you turned him down. You’d retaliate next time he was out and take a whole box of cupcakes from his room. “What do you want? I’m in the middle of cleaning.” 
“I need help wrapping these gifts.” He patted the tapes. “I tried nine times but they come out really sloppy and I keep ripping the paper.”
You shrugged. “Sure. Go get the wrapping paper, tape, and scissors. Oh, and ribbon too.” Peter retrieved them in a trice. He watched in fascination as you meticulously wrapped the presents and curled the ribbon. “Who are these for?”
“Jean, for her birthday tomorrow,” he replied. “She told me once that she hasn’t seen any of the Godzilla movies, so I got her Godzilla: King of Monsters, Godzilla Raids Again, King Kong vs. Godzilla, and Godzilla vs. Mothra! Mothra was kinda hard to find. I had to go to three different–.” 
It took a bit for his words to register. You interrupted in a panicked shriek, “Jean’s birthday’s tomorrow!” You leapt off the floor and dashed to Scott’s room, hoping his girlfriend was not with him. Perhaps Peter was wrong.
His perception of time was skewed and often he mixed up dates. The prior year, he had thought Thanksgiving fell on a Tuesday. You knocked on Scott’s door. He opened it, a toothbrush was hanging from his mouth.
“Is Jean’s birthday tomorrow?”
“Uh, yesh,” he responded through a mouthful of toothpaste. 
“Dammit! I thought it was next week!” Scott went to his bathroom to finish brushing, and you slumped against the wall. What could you get your friend at such short notice?
You could run down to the mall to buy an outfit for her, or give some cold, hard cash. That was unimaginative though. You could resort to free coupons for chores and favors. That seemed cheap and lazy. “What am I gonna get her?”
Scott came back, saying, “Didn’t I tell you? She wants you to bake her a cake.”
You whipped your head around. “No! You failed to mention that!”
“Sorry, that’s what Jean told me. She’s always going on about that strawberry cake you made for Hank’s birthday. She wants you to make another one like that.”
“Okay. I can do that.” The wave of anxiety passed, replaced with nervousness that came whenever you baked for a special occasion. “I’ll bake it today and frost it tomorrow morning.”
“Will you need a taste tester to make sure it’s up to scratch?” Peter asked, appearing by Scott.
“No, remember how many strudels you ate when you said you were only having a nibble.” You went to your bedroom to put on your shoes. “But you can accompany me to the store if you want.”
“First of all, it was only sixteen strudels. I was retraining myself. Second, just give me a list and I’ll get everything for you. The sooner you make that cake the better.” He licked his lips in anticipation.
You grabbed your wallet and stuffed it into your pocket. “Last time I sent you on an errand on your own, you came back with ninety-six chocolate muffins and twelve liters of Dr Pepper, not to mention that random beta fish.” 
“He looked so lonely in that little cup! What did you expect me to do? Besides, why have carrots and bread when there’s bakery fresh chocolate muffins!”
“You’re proving my point. Now do I have to drive to the store or are you gonna take me over there?” In response to the question, he sped you to the local Walmart. “Eh, thanks.” You wandered among the produce section, pushing a shopping cart Peter provided.
“Let’s see, we need strawberries of course.” You picked up a container of them. “Do these look fresh?” You looked to your right to see he was no longer there. Great, how were you going to return home? 
That would be a problem for later, now your attention was needed at the task at hand. You needed strawberries, sour cream, and granulated sugar for the actual cake.
For the frosting, you needed unsalted butter, cream cheese, and vanilla extract. The rest of the ingredients were at the mansion. You maneuvered through the aisles, searching for the sugar, then spotted the cookies and chips in the buggy. “Peter!” 
He zoomed next to you. “They’re part of a healthy diet!”
“Put them back!” You shouted, “And no stealing! You know what Xavier said!” An elderly woman glared at you. Offering her a strained smile, you moved on to the dairy section. The sour cream, unsalted butter, and cream cheese were taken from the shelves and set inside the cart. Peter reappeared, carrying three boxes of Lego sets. He gave you puppy dog eyes. 
“C’mon, look how cool they are. This one’s called the Space Supply Station, this one's called Beta-1 Command Base, and this is a King Castle set!” As he named each one, he built them in milliseconds. He grinned, proud of completing them so fast. He ran off and came back in a blink of an eye. 
“They’re on your dresser, aren’t they?”
You sighed, admitting defeat when it came to Peter giving up his kleptomania. He took your hand and made an effort to stay by your side for the remainder of the trip. All that was left was the vanilla extract. You got the small bottle and walked to the check out. A line was at every cashier. Peter coaxed, “We could skip this, ya know.” 
You shook your head and booped his nose. He tapped his foot repeatedly, creating an impression on the tile. He put the items on the conveyor belt while you handed your credit card to the employee. Unbeknownst to you, Peter left for the transaction. 
“Ready?” You asked, collecting the bags.
You heard the cashier gasp, “Oh my gosh!” She pointed behind you. You glanced over your shoulder and were flabbergasted at a ten-foot-tall statue of the Eiffel Tower composed of toilet paper.
You exclaimed, “Peter!” 
He zipped behind you, holding your neck and waist. “Okay, we should probably go now.” In a blur of colors, you arrived at the mansion.
You stared at him, dumbfounded at his lunacy. “I can’t take you anywhere, can I?”
He kissed the top of your head. “Technically, I took you there, and you behaved well enough for the both of us.” He used his powers to get the other ingredients for the cake and put on matching aprons embroidered with Kiss the Cook all in mere moments. “What’s the first step, boss?”     
“Well, we have to puree the strawberries.” You rinsed and hulled the strawberries before pureeing them in a blender. The fruit had to simmer on the stove for twenty minutes and would have to cool for longer, which caused Peter to complain.
“Don’t worry, while that’s heating, we can still make the cake. I need you to get two round cake pans, line them with parchment paper, and grease them.” You turned your back to preheat the oven. 
“Like this?” Peter held out the two pans with the greased parchment paper. 
“Yeah, good job.” He smiled at your compliment. You always forgot how handy it was to have Peter in the kitchen, that was if he paid attention to what he was doing and not get distracted. The flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt were all whisked together. An electric mixer was not needed as Peter wanted to stir and could do it quite fast. 
You did remind him not to do it at full power lest the contents of the bowl went flying. Next, he mixed the butter and sugar until they were smooth. The egg whites, sour cream, vanilla extract, and sugar were added. You said, “Go slower.” He gave a ‘have you lost your mind look’, and you explained, “I’ll pour the milk but you have to go slower because we don’t want to over mix it.”
“Gotcha, we don’t want to mix the stuff we’re mixing together,” he quipped.
Ignoring him, you let out a long sigh. “Get the puree.” You took over the whisking from here to ensure it was the proper consistency, and scraped the batter into the pans with a spatula. The timer was set for twenty-five minutes.
You and Peter tidied up the kitchen in the meantime and ate some pizza afterwards. The timer beeped, signaling the cake was done. You pulled the pans out of the oven and inserted a toothpick in them which came out clean. 
“Hmm, that smells good.” He came closer, the hunger plain in his eyes.
“Don't get any funny ideas.” You shook your index finger at him.
“Aw, c’mon. It’s not for my sake.” You raised an eyebrow in skepticism. “It’s for Jean, we don’t want to give her a bad tasting cake.”
“Don’t insult my cake, Peter! If any part of you thought it was bad then you wouldn’t volunteer. I’ll let you have the excess I cut off when I frost it tomorrow.” 
“Yeah, for now let’s play Ms Pac-Man. We deserve to.” You dragged him to his bedroom to enjoy what was left of the evening in sweet solitude. 
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It was four o’clock in the morning. Scared of being caught, you made your way to the kitchen without the use of a flashlight. You paid the price of stubbed toes, bumping into unexpected corners until you reached it.
You fumbled to find the light switch and at last flicked it in the on position. You gasped at what you found. Peter was sitting on the counter with a grim expression holding a bag of confectioners’ sugar. 
“What are you doing up this early?” You crossed your arms in front of your chest, sensing the tension in the air. 
“I never went to sleep.” He tossed the bag which you caught. “I knew you were lying to me! I’ll make it tomorrow,” he repeated in a bad imitation of your voice. “You wanted to make it without me! Ugh, you sit on a throne of lies!”
Well now he was being dramatic. As you explained your defense, you brought out the freeze-dried strawberries, cream cheese, milk, and vanilla. “I wasn’t lying, for yesterday, today would be tomorrow. I never specified exactly when I’d make it though.” 
Peter wasn’t listening. “You have a royal court that lies too! And a jester that lies while he’s dancing, and for food you drink peacock soup that whispers lies in your ear for you to say! All in a great, big lying kingdom!”
You can’t help the grin spreading across your face. “Peacock soup?”
“You know what I mean!”
“No, actually I don’t.” You walked over to Peter who was sulking at the table after his outburst. You rubbed his shoulders and said in a soothing voice, “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, but I do have a reason not to tell you. Remember that red velvet cake Jubilee and I made? And what she did when you ate all the frosting?” Your grip on his shoulders tightened. 
Peter winced at the memory. Dodging Jubilee’s constant firework attacks was an exercise he was not eager to go through again. “I just... Ijustreallylikebakingwithyouandit’soneofmyfavoritethingstodowithyouandIwantedtohelpwiththefrosting.”
You sat next to him. “Excuse me?” 
Peter took a deep breath. “I like baking with you, it’s fun.” Your heart melted at the adoring look he gave you. 
You extended your hand and helped him up. “Fine, we’ll make it together but–” You jabbed him in the chest to emphasize your point. “–if you eat so much as a teaspoon of it, you’re banned from baking. Capeesh?”
“Capeesh! So, whadda we do?” He shouted. You shushed him to lower his voice to avoid waking the sleeping inhabitants of the school. It would be futile, however, because noise was inevitable as the food processor was necessary for the task.
The freeze-dried strawberries were blended into powdery crumbs. The cream cheese and butter were beaten, confectioners’ sugar, strawberry crumbs, milk and vanilla were added. The result was a beautiful pink-colored frosting. 
You retrieved a knife and sliced the tops of the cakes to even them out. A dollop of frosting was spread on the bottom cake and you placed the second cake on the first one.
You covered them in strawberry frosting and decorated and piped rosettes along the edge for decorations. Finished, you stood back to admire your handiwork. It was the best cake you had made yet. 
“Looks delicious.” Peter wrapped an arm around you and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. 
“It does, doesn’t it?” You agreed, leaning against him. The sun was rising in the East, and you swayed a little on your feet from the tiredness overcoming your body. You reached a spoon into the bowl, swiping what was left of the frosting and held it out to Peter. “Here, you earned it.”
His eyes lit up as he licked it off. “Mmm, I can’t wait till Jean cuts it.”
“You can and will. It's her birthday, remember?”
“Yeah, yeah, but for my birthday I want ten of these.”
You blanched at the prospect of having to bake that number of cakes, nevertheless you replied, “I’ll see what I can do.”
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Much to Peter’s annoyance, the cake cutting happened in the late evening. Streamers and balloons hung from the ceiling of the parlor room and presents adorned the table with the birthday cake as the crowning jewel in the center of the table. Jean at the head with her friends surrounding her. 
Eyeing her numerous wrapped boxes and stuffed bags, she asked, “Should I open them up first or cut th–”
“The cake! Do the cake first!” Peter appeared by her side with a knife in hand. “C’mon ya know ya want to.”
Scott interjected to tell Peter to shut up and let Jean make the decision. To prevent an argument from arising between the two men, she did both at the same time.
She unwrapped Kurt's gift while telekinetically cutting the cake with perfect precision. Without wasting another second, Peter brought two plates of cakes to the sofa. He gave one to you and ate his own piece as if he hadn’t eaten in a month. 
Soon he was on his third slice. “It’s so good!” The others chimed their agreement. 
From across the room, Ororo asked, “You made this from scratch?” 
Peter answered before you could open your mouth. “I basically did everything. She did a little towards the end but it was mostly all me.”
You jabbed him in the stomach with your elbow. “It was a collaborative effort.”
You smiled at the deserved praise, but frowned when Peter was on his fifth slice. If he kept up this rate, he would finish the cake before the party ended. Scott noticed this as well. “Hey, Maximoff, slow down. The rest of us would like to have more too.” 
You agreed, “He’s right, Peter.”
“I can’t help myself,” he whined. 
This problem had to be resolved. You helped a confused Peter up who questioned where you two were going. “You love my baking right.” He nodded his head in assent. “But Twinkies are still better?” This was a sensitive topic to bring up. 
No matter how fantastic your creation was, it still took second place to Peter’s love of Twinkies. You had made it your life’s mission to accomplish the impossible and make him admit your desserts were superior. “Well, buster, I have a new quadruple chocolate cake that’ll make you see differently.” 
Peter’s eyes widened in excitement. “Quadruple!” 
“That’s right, wanna try it?” Suffice to say, his interest peaked. The night was spent in the kitchen again with Peter as your baking partner.
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sane-omblog · 2 months
Delicious? (Part1?)
Aka story of Raphael and his mysterious taste bud
I don't know what I did, I just wanna try my hand on writing and this is an.. fever idea ig
I already wrote more but ermm yea will need some more time to finish it
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Raphael was always an easy child, you told him to sit there, he sat, you told him to go to bed, he went. Even with food, he was also easy, he doesn't have any preference or hatred towards food. He eat veggies, fruits, any meats with no complaints.
The little angel was in the middle of flying lesson when the most easy and/or awkward question for a kid. He stared at two pots of soups, they smelled a little different from each other. "Which soup would you like?"
“It would be all the same to me, you can let the other choose first” he said, sure enough smell wouldn't change taste
“Awww what a kind little angel you are, Raphael” the older angel reached and pet him on his head. He liked it.
Raphael took a bite of the soup that was left for him, it's plain, bland, and didn't make any difference from other soup he had tried for all his life. The angel, his age, letting him try the other soup, seemed like she didn't like it and wanted to know if he liked this more and traded it.
It's the same, he couldn't tell what was different.
He agreed to trade it anyway.
Evening came, Raphael told his attendant what he did that day. Simeon, as always, smiled back at him and said “That's so nice of you, Raph.”
He paused, Raphael thought it wasn't bad to get compliments from such easy action.
“But I guess, I should find what your favorite food is, huh?” with chuckles, Simeon started to name random dishes while going to the kitchen and made them dinner. His wings moved while walking, always brought his attention away. "Oh I should make that today, what do you think about.."
He sure he would liked everything Simeon made for him.
"that's sounds nice" but maybe not as that sandwich the other day
But again, it's too bland on his tongue
“How is it?” Simeon asked him half of the meal
Raphael couldn't remember the name of what he'd just eaten.
He swallowed. “It's good”
Simeon said he misread the recipes and asked if he wanted him to make something real quick for his lunch today. "I should have wondered how all those ingredients never went well together, I'm so sorry Raph"
As a young angel at that time, he said "it's fine and I should get going to the training, I will take it, thanks"
Raphael ate it, the bread, the mistake of fruit jam, the strong spiced meat and some vegetables. He liked it. Everyone there knew Simeon was his guardian, and always wanted to try his food.
Of course he didn't mind, even though it's the first time he thought this is what delicious tasted like and wanted to have it all to himself.
The other angels took a bite with so much hope, especially after seeing him with such sparkly eyes.
But then they made a weird noise and said it wasn't any good as the rumor said.
“This is too salty!” they wailed
“Ugh the bad taste still on my tongue”
“Is the fruit he used rotten?!”
They whimpered about how bad it was, asking if he misunderstood the word delicious. Raphael didn’t think so, because if it's not delicious that means he wouldn't like it.
But he likes his food this way, so it's delicious. That's what he thought.
He felt some rage bubbling inside him, he didn't have any preference about other Simeon’s food but he knew that he's a great chef.
“Don't say that, you shouldn't judge it by just one time” he paused, didn't know how to describe what Simeon's food usually taste like, not even what he ate for breakfast. “He just busy and misread the ingredients this time”
It's true that's why he accepted this mistake of food in the first place, he didn't want to put any more loads of work onto archangel.
And it worked. They backed down, went back to enjoy their own lunch.
The next day they asked him to share again and agree that the food from his guardian was delicious after just one bite.
Leaving him missed that unique taste of jam with yet another bland taste.
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