#I can't relax until everything is taken care of. If i try to relax or rest when I just got home from a trip there's just always the nagging
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is this actually that uncommon? I don’t even unpack just the DAY I return from somewhere, but it’s literally the first thing I do. I do nothing else until I’m unpacked, I have everything organized back in it’s proper place in the house within an hour of getting home lol.. I thought this was typical??? What’s the cultural norm?
#same with groceries or anything else I;m bringing home from outside -  i put it away or d o soemthing with it immediately#I just don't like looming tasks in the background taking up my mental space like 'oh i still have to do that later' etc.#I can't relax until everything is taken care of. If i try to relax or rest when I just got home from a trip there's just always the nagging#sense that I'm going to have to get up and do something else LATER (put the stuff away) so why not just do it now#It's the whole principle of 'be more uncomfortable in the present in order to help yourself in the future'#Samme thing with covid like. Follow the social distancting tules and wear masks and do everything extremely dillignently NOW no matter how#annoying or inconvenient it is at the MOMENT because the future pay off will save you more discomfort later (more vairants coming out - long#er lockdowsn because of wider spread - you or your family getting sick - etc.)#I am ALWAYS willing to inconvenence myself and ''suffer'' temporarily in the present if it will help my future self or get me a larger#benefit down the line. etc. etc. But to me that just seems like.. literally the only rational thing to do#what's more important? my temporary emotional satisfaction or my long term wellbeing ? always the long term#it might feel good to just come home and flop onto the floor and shove the suitcases aside but is that like hour or so of rest worth#the annoyance later when you realize you've still got to put everyhting up and now you REALLY don't feel like it and etc. etc. ?#just save your future self the trouble and get it out of the way#But again I just thought it's like... everyone would also do that??? If not then when do you unpack? days later???#Kind of like how in childhood I still had a lot of issues (hadn't developed cognitive empathy really at all - no affective empathy - don't u#nderstand social cues well or people at all - etc.. which is a recipe for frustration when Living In A Society since people are always#doing things you don't understand and you struggle to communicate properly or be understood like everyone's just speaking a different langua#ge than you) and worse anger problems and there were a few times I would come home from shcool or something and just freak out and#knock my shelves in my room over and break things or etc - and it's like OKAY that feels fine in the moment but.. consider the aftermath!#now I have to spend like a whole fucking hour cleaning my room and putting everyhting back together and etc. etc. and it's like a negative#feeling on top of a negative feeling. not only am I still kind of mad but now I have EXTRA work to do when I just want to go to sleep#So in a more minor way it's the same thing like.. If I feel shitty from traveling I don't want to DOUBLE the shitty by having extra stuff to#do later and some task looming over my head. I want to get all the bad out of the way first so I can just have uninterrupted peace later lol#if that makes sense? idk lol#The one exception is once recently I had been somewhere and got legit heat exhaustion and was throwing up by the time I got home so#I didn't unpack everything then. But after cooling off and having pedilyte and stuff I still shakily unpacked before I went to bed lol
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golden1u5t · 22 days
spencer reid m.list
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❣︎- fluff ఌ- smut/suggestive ♡︎- angst
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ఌ meeting the old friend | spencer brought you out to meet his old friend, ethan, but he deeply regrets it when ethan starts to flirt with you right in front of him. 
❣︎ is it that obvious? | you and spencer were closer than normal when showing up at rossi’s dinner party which causes for teasing from derek and a kiss at the end of the night.
ఌ working all day | spencer’s being a brat because you’ve been working all day, leaving you no choice but to fix his attitude for him. 
❣︎ periods and colds | being sick and on your period is never a easy thing. the symptoms that come with it are even worse but you're still determined to go to work and it's up to spencer to make sure you stay home and get taken care of.
♡︎ jj’s confession | the aftermath of jj’s fuck up.
ఌ sober enough | while out at a bar with the team the tension between you and spencer grew to be thicker until it was too much to stand. 
ఌ mean but he likes it | spencer finds that he likes it when your upset.
ఌ right here, right now | “you know, i could always get you off right here, right now”
ఌ untitled blurb | making spencer suck your strap before you fuck him.
ఌ worship you | spencer takes notice of how you react to being praised so he takes that information and runs with it. 
ఌ home remedy | spencer's a genius, he knows everything and one thing he's learned is that orgasms help with cramps.
ఌ early in the morning | spencer always wakes up before you and he usually takes time to himself to admire you. this morning is different though, he wakes up with the sudden need to bury his head between your thighs.
ఌ discovery | while being pinned down underneath you, spencer really can't think of anything other than filling you up with his cum.
ఌ one more | spencer's a munch. that's it. that's the summary.
ఌ change of plans | the arrangement you had with spencer, friends with benefits, quickly changes to more than that when he sees a cop flirting with you on the job.
ఌ book club | you can’t stop finding yourself in spencer’s bed, even after you’ve broken up.
❣︎ ఌ backwards | you and spencer never got along, with him just getting back from prison and you being the newbie, until you do and things start moving faster than expected. 
ఌ ruining him | basically just ruining spencer…
♡︎ ❣︎ ఌ addiction | spencer's working through his addiction and you hate to see him in pain. you was to try and take his mind off of things, even if it'll only last a little while.
❣︎ share the attention | having a new baby around means that majority of the attention goes to it. your daughter thinks that with all the attention your giving the baby you've forgotten about her, luckily spencer is there to explain to her that you both will never forget her.
ఌ substitution | after running out of candies to suck on, you and spencer find a different way to keep your mouth occupied.
ఌ gold chain | post-prison!spencer + gold chain + talking you through it. dangerous combination.
ఌ sativa | having sex with spencer but your both high 
ఌ date night | it’s supposed to be date night with just you and spencer but that quickly ended when a guy started to flirt with you. (including aaron hotchner)
ఌ hot tub |  after a long case you and spencer find yourselves wanting the same thing, to relax in the hotels hot tub, but the tension between you was so thick it led to doing more things than relaxing. 
ఌ I'm onto you | based on "haunted" by beyoncé
ఌ professor | you've always had eyes for your professor, always doing or wearing something that'll provoke him. one day you wear a particularly short skirt and spencer decides he can't take it anymore…
ఌ teacher of all things | spencer may be your professor but how to catch a serial killer isn't the only thing hes teaching you.
❣︎ incoming baby | you and spencer get into an argument over something as silly. while he's too busy being stubborn, you're busy going into labor.
ఌ nyquil | you fuck him so good he falls asleep immediately after you finish.
ఌ mile high | you're bored and teasing spencer seemed to be harmless and entertaining until he pops a boner, you take your chances with inviting him into the small bathroom to have a quickie.
ఌ touch starved | spencer was alone for so long before you got together and he's just so touch starved he gets hard just from looking at you, even if you had just got done having sex.
ఌ talk to me | making spencer talk to you while you jerk him off.
♡︎ mess it up | spencer hadn't been answering any of your phone calls and every time you showed up at his apartment he pretended he wasn't home. so, you go to his job, hoping to get a second chance with him. based on “mess it up” by gracie abrams 
ఌ that boy’s a munch | spencer’s a munch. that’s it.
♡ ❣︎ ︎ ఌ honeymoon | sex has always been a bad subject growing up, it was shunned upon to give into your bodies desires without being married or wanting kids. the abuse that came with this topic has caused you to hide away from it, you've never told spencer but when you do, he makes sure to make you as comfortable as he can.
❣︎ mirrorball | spencer notices how you put other people before you all the time so he decides to do something special for just you.
ఌ distract him | spencer looks amazing reading his book, his lip tucked between his teeth and his hands trailing across the page. you can't help but pull him onto your lap and distract him.
ఌ much better | pegging spencer when he gets home after a long case
ఌ a challenge | making spencer cum by just playing with his nipples 
ఌ playboy bunny | while being questioned in regards to a murder investigation, your only way of proving your innocence is the tattoo you have on your underboob.
ఌ shade of purple | spencer’s watching you paint your nails his favorite shade of purple and can’t help but let his mind wander. 
ఌ hidden freak | spencer's not very used to having to hide hickeys on his body and you had to leave before he had the chance to ask you how to hide it. doing the best he could, he threw on a shirt with a collar and hoped for the best.
♡︎ you're too sweet for me | spencer is your dad's best friend and you're fresh out of college. what happens when he's innocently picking you up from a night out with your friends turns into a heartbreak?
ఌ birthday boy | it’s spencer’s birthday and derek’s birthday gift to him is a trip to the strip club and private dance. 
ఌ next time just ask | you’ve had an attitude with spencer all day long, he finds the one thing that’ll make it go away
ఌ intelligence is attractive | spencers always had a crush on you but the way you show your intelligence does him in like nothing else. 
❣︎ hollywood star | you and spencer had been in the early stages of your relationship when lila archer came along(or her stalker to put it better). you already weren’t fond of her when she’d been giving spencer heart eyes the entire time but when gideon sent him to watch over her for the night, that really set you off. 
ఌ first timer | you’re taking spencer’s virginity and everything is just so much for him that he starts to cry. 
ఌ lingerie | you're showing spencer all the lingerie sets you got while out shopping with the girls and you knew he'd like them but you underestimated just how much he'd like them.
ఌ wait your turn | having two partners is great and very fun until you're stuck on the sidelines while they have all the fun. (including aaron hotchner)
ఌ he’s clueless | your boy is a genius but when it comes to sex, he's absolutely clueless.
ఌ patched up | spencer had gotten hurt while on a case and it was up to you to patch him back up, which wouldn’t have been an issue if the tension between you wasn’t so thick.
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etfrin · 7 months
↳ ❝NSFW Alphabets | Mike Schmidt❞ˎˊ-
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Mike Schmidt x female! Reader
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| masterlist | bc: @cafekitsune | request |
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A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
— would bring you towels and clean you up, a glass of water if your throat gets sore from moaning so much, and cuddle while praising you softly.
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
— his eyes because you compliment them so much (HIS EYES ARE SO PRETTY AHHH) but for you, it's your hands, loves to hold them during sex or just in general. It's very comforting for him.
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
— loves to cum on your pussy, just something about your folds being smeared with his hot seed gets him going, it's sexy for him.
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self-explanatory)
— would steal your panties to jerk off at work (like in the pizzeria while he's bored out of his mind staring at the cameras)
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
— He had a couple of flings and that's it, his experience is average, body count is perhaps six. So it's a complete 50/50.
F= Favorite position
— RIDING. He gives me a pillow prince vibes sometimes he just wants to lay down as you take your pleasure while riding his cock without him doing much of the work. Also because he loves to suck your tits and see them bounce as you ride his cock so well.
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
— hmm, I don't think Mike is the type to be goofy during sex but sometimes he would say something that would make you cackle and he doesn't even know what made you laugh so much.
H= Hair (grooming habits)
— every couple of months he trims.
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
— would take his time while fucking you. His way of fucking is sensual, he's relieving so much of his stress while he's thrusting into your cunt. He's making sure to do it nice and slow, taking his time, until his muscles are completely relaxed when he cums.
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
— mike would masturbate whenever you're not near, he usually masturbates at his work when he's missing you so much. He takes his phone out and pulls out a picture of yours he had taken or carries one of your used panties on him at all times.
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
— edging, bondage (him getting tied), breeding kink, overestimation (receiving and giving), praising kink (receiving), cockwarming. He's so submissive and breedable. Tie him up and ride him until he's shooting loads after loads all the while he's begging that he can't cum anymore but his cock is hard and throbbing inside your walls. You reassure him while saying that a good boy could and would cum once again so who is he to deny you? Nobody, that's who.
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
— bedroom or at his work (since it's an abandoned pizzeria who would care), on the days when Abby is in her school, he would fuck you all over the house, the kitchen, the couch, the floor, no place is safe.
M= Motivation (things that make them tick/turn-ons)
— your interactions with Abby. You would talk to her so sweetly even when she's too focused on her drawings. You coax her to talk and eat and just be so sweet and patient with her. You remind him of his family before everything. He wants to have a family with you and rest assured your cunt is gonna be filled tonight.
Honorable mentions: You holding his hand, you praising him or helping him with anything in general. He has been alone for so long, trying to keep everything on his shoulders, even you bringing him breakfast in bed is enough, he would fall for you harder and fuck you even better.
N= No (turn offs or absolutely won’t do)
— anything that's too messy like watersports.
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
— he would be so messy while eating pussy. He would suck at your clit too harshly, nipping at the sensitive swollen bud while his digits thrust into your walls. He takes his fingers out and licks them clean off your juices. He would lav at your pussy but he would always give special attention to your clit, he loves it as it swells up and how sensitive it can get so quickly and you have tears falling because you're just so overwhelmed and he repeats the process again and again because something about keep sucking your clit just does it for him.
When you're sucking him off though, he's so gentle about it. In complete contrast while he's eating you. He murmurs your encouragements and he strokes your hair. Giving your mouth shallow thrusts, making sure you don't gag, and warning you before he would cum, letting you decide whether he should cum in your mouth or on your face.
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
— unless you beg him to go fast or you're the one controlling the pace, he fucks into you in a sensual, lazy manner. Sex is less about the sexual pleasure for him and more about letting his stress go. Letting off his tense muscles while each thrust just makes him melt in you.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
— unless he's desperate, like in the mornings minutes before he has to drop Abby to school, he isn't much for quickies. Would rather just take his time, if he can't have you at the moment then he would wait until he can.
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
— mike is willing to experiment, just not that much. He's very vanilla.
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
— since his pace as I mentioned would be pretty darn slow, he could last for hours, he would ignore your pleas to cum with an annoyed sush or his palm over your mouth so your begging is muffled and doesn't influence him. And since he could last for hours, he wouldn't do more than two rounds of sex in one day. He would keep his cock inside after finishing just so he can slowly fuck you again when he stops feeling like jelly.
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
— oh! He would use a vibrator on you, especially while eating you. Him sucking on your clit while the vibrator is at its highest setting. He only does it when Abby is having sleepovers with Vennesa (I have obviously decided to ignore the canon events of the movie roll with it) You would be mewling and moaning so much that the neighbors would complain the next morning but it doesn't matter to either of you, not when you squirt on his face and he laps your cum as it flows down past the vibrator.
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
— not much of a teaser but would love getting teased when he's in a much more submissive mood. Just keep giving him praises, love bites, and body worship him, he would be such putty in your hands if you knew what to do. He can even cum untouched just from being teased.
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
— HE'S A GROANER, HE MOANS AND WHIMPERS AND WHINES. he's a loser so it's canon, he tries his best to stop his sounds, biting his lower until it bleeds, or stuffing his face into the crook of your neck, his mouth onto your pulse, sucking the skin to stop his whines or stuffing his face into the pillow to stop a whimper.
W= Wild card (random sin canon of any sort)
– he had a threesome once with you and Vanessa. He hadn't touched her, not even a kiss, too busy giving you attention. He would fuck your ass as Venassa fucks you with a strap-on. He would get jealous but he cum so hard after seeing the two of you kiss. His ex-crush with his girlfriend, never in life that he thought that would be possible.
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
— average girth but a bit tall. Six inches with a brown mushroom tip. Uncut.
Y= Yearning (sex drive level)
— i wouldn't say he has a high sex drive but at least thrice a week, you're getting dick down by him.
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
— after aftercare, it wouldn't take him much longer to sleep, five mins max, he's just so relaxed, he's gonna get the best sleep ever with you in his arms.
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A/N : make sure to reblog if you make it till the end!
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the-ace-with-spades · 3 months
(another unfinished post i found on the way to glasgow - that was the longest train ride in my life - I'm sorry in advance)
When Ice finally passes away, at the age of 73, in his sleep, Bradley moves Mav into their house the same day.
He gets the call in the morning, while trying to simultaneously cook Jake's breakfast and try to make their daughter put on a rain jacket. It's not Mav, but someone from the hospital. Jake doesn't know this — Bradley's face twitches only for a second and then he's back to the nagging, relaxing tone and telling their daughter it's raining and it won't stop. Jake only finds out when he comes back home from the school drop-off and Mav is already there on their couch. Jake doesn't even get the full explanation until that night, just a quick, "Ice passed away overnight."
There's only their three youngest living with them at the time — their 18-year-old daughter who attends UC San Diego, and their 15-year-old son who is still in high school, and their 7-year-old daughter — so Mav takes one of the vacant bedrooms.
The first few nights, Bradley sleeps in the same bed with him. Neither of them looks like they get much sleep. They don't really eat, either, just drink coffee and nibble on the crackers.
The kids start coming back home, and their oldest helps Jake arrange most of the things for the funeral, at least for the first few days. Mav is... numb, not really there, and Jake understands — he would, too, if he woke up one day and his husband died in his sleep next to him. Bradley is silent, mostly, the way he usually rambles to fill out the silence, the way he hums, the way he sings at any given time when there are no words spoken, it's all gone and Jake doesn't know how to fill out the silence either, how to ask, how to make it better without asking.
Bradley doesn't cry, or at least not the way he knows Mav does — he can see Mav's red eyes every morning — but there's something empty in his gaze, in the way his eyes follow Mav and in the way he melts whenever Mav is around, always close, always brushing against him. Mav spaces out a lot, doesn't talk much, doesn't—well, doesn't do much. Every time he tries to help with something, paperwork, the funeral arrangements, the hospital bills, even just sorting out the kids' school leave or Jake's own work leave, he fumbles a bit, not really able to focus on anything for long, and it's like his mind is completely scrambled. Jake doesn't know how to help him — doesn't know if they even can.
The kids, well, did not take it well, as expected. The oldest two try to be brave and help Jake with everything, keep the house going, but their youngest daughter doesn't really understand why her pops isn't back, the middle kids don't understand why now — Ice was in remission, in good health, would go hiking with them once a month, play with them in the backyard, talking about plans for the future with them, nothing that would tell them to expect their pops passing away. Mav and Ice had taken care of all of them for years, while Jake and Bradley were still deployable, and helping out as much as they could. Ice was a huge part of their lives, since the very beginning.
Bradley is certainly not doing any better but one couldn't be able to tell if they didn't know him well enough. He's always been more for packing his feelings into a tight neat box, compartmentalizing until there is too much and it all overflows in some explosive way. His focus is mostly on Mav and the kids, trusting Jake to take care of anything he can't.
Jake can't even ask him how he's doing until the night before the funeral.
Mav tells Bradley he wants to be alone that night and Bradley lands in their bedroom.
He acts normal — checks the kids are in bed, checks on Mav, prepares stuff for breakfast in the morning, has a shower. Only when he sits down in their bed, their dress blues, cleaned and pressed sitting on the hangers hooked up on their wardrobe, right in front of him—only then he freezes, a blank stare still on the uniforms.
Jake sits down next to him on the bed. "Talk to me, Bradley."
"I knew it was going to happen at some point, I just," "I just thought we would have a few more years."
Bradley sleeps curled up on his chest — he sleeps the whole night, soundlessly, and Jake is almost settled.
Almost. Mav is a couple doors down, alone.
Ice's been—had been retired many years now, but he had been high enough in the ranks that the Navy still insists on making a military funeral. Jake tried to take away as much of the flashy bullshit as possible, but there are still things leftover — the sailors with the flag, the flyover. But there's no one who wasn't close with the family at the ceremony, there's no speeches, and no one tries to hand either Mav or Bradley a flag.
The wake has an even smaller amount of people, all packed in their house — Mav hasn't been at his own house since — and thanks to Slider, mostly, and his 'the bastard wouldn't want us to mope around', it's less sad and quiet.
Mav eats two slices of cake, which is the most Jake's seen him eat since, and even laughs at some stories about Ice people are exchanging.
Ice had a good life. A big family. A big happy family that loved him.
But life goes on without him. Jake goes back to work first, then the kids have to go back to school, then Bradley has to back to work. After a couple of days alone at their house, Mav starts bringing up moving back to his own house.
He's not really doing great. He's still quiet, still spaces out more often than not, still forgets himself sometimes, still freezes whenever he tries to say something and the we he uses is one person short. He's—lifeless, for a lack of better word, and seems like he's noticing it now that Bradley isn't with him most of the waking hours.
"That is our home," Mav tells them. "I can't abandon it forever, I'd be abandoning him, too, if I—"
Jake—Jake gets it. He doesn't like it, but he gets it.
Bradley's been fielding off any suggestions of Mav moving out but he's pretty sure that soon Mav is going to pack his stuff and up and leave without asking for permission.
"If he wants to move back home, we can't exactly hold him here. against his will."
"Jake," Bradley says. "I feel like—if we let Mav go back there alone, he's going to die of a broken heart and I won't have either of them anymore."
"I know it's selfish," he interrupts, "but I can't lose him, too. Not now."
Jake can't make Mav stay with them — so he finds the best solution he can and instead, they all move in with Mav. Hell with it, he's going to try to get everyone to live their lives to the end. They'd done it before, Mav, Ice, Bradley, Jake and their two kids under one roof, when their oldest two were their only two kids.
The two of them and two of their youngest; two of their kids move into their house so they don't have to sell it.
Mav lives on. They try to occupy his mind by throwing their youngest at him — ask him to take her to school, pick her up from school, take her to her gymnastics class, do her homework with her, teach her how to play piano. The other kids pick up on it, too, and their high schoolers would wrap Mav into doing math workbooks with them, or ask him to drive them to their friends' house, and the kids that have moved out ask Mav to go to lunch together or call him to ask him things about car and house repairs that don't exist.
Mav gets brighter every day. Never as bright as before, but no longer so numb.
Their daughter ends up never moving out and so do they.
They all get older but Mav holds up pretty well. He does break his hip when trying to wash the windows, had a limp and terrible back ache ever since, had to stop driving because he can't see shit, had to stop piloting even sooner, and his memory is also shit, but Jake is pretty sure his cholesterol is lower than his own and he has better blood pressure than Bradley. Bradley and Mav are the ones cooking after all, Jake is the one eating all the tasty but not healthiest food, and Mav's life revolves around spoiling his cute great-grandkids and Bradley's is filled with the constant stress of managing Navy's top flying school.
For his ninetieth birthday, Mav flies a fighter jet as a passenger, the oldest person to ever do that — his youngest granddaughter is the one to take him up in the air, a junior grade lieutenant herself. They have a birthday party held at their house, Mav falls asleep in the armchair, Bradley makes fun of him and promptly falls asleep on the couch, too. Jake loves them both so much and still kind of can't believe he has this — house full of grown-up kids and grandkids of his own, his graying husband of over thirty years, his father-in-law coming to an age he wanted to see his mother at.
They're cleaning up, their two daughters who still don't have kids and didn't need to go home helping, and Mav tells them he's going to get some fresh air on their veranda. "I've got a terrible headache," is all he says.
Half an hour passes, they've packed all the clean and dirty dishes, and Bradley huffs to himself. "He fell asleep on the bench again, didn't he," and goes outside.
Bradley shouts for him in less than a minute. The ambulance is there in eight. Within the half-hour and a CT scan in the hospital, the neurologist tells them Mav is too far gone to survive the day. Within six hours, every single person from their family has come to say goodbye. When they pass the seven hours mark, Jake stands up from the plastic chair behind Bradley — he's not about to tell Bradley he should rest, but he's been holding Mav's hand since the minute they admitted Mav to the ward and hasn't eaten or drunk anything all day. He tells him he'll go grab them a coffee and bagels and gets a little nod and a smile.
Jake comes back twenty minutes later and Bradley doesn't even look up from where he's gripping Mav's hand.
"Can you get the nurse for me?"
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amomentsescape · 7 months
Hello! Can i ask for #4 and #9 with bubba, and #6 with (RZ) Michael please? Totally fine if you'd rather not, I just enjoy how you write them 🫶
October 2023 Halloween Prompt List
Bubba Sawyer x Reader, RZ! Michael Myers x Reader
A/N: I was able to squeeze your request in, so no worries! :)
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Bubba Sawyer
#4: Going to a haunted house attraction
Surprisingly, this is his first time going
Even more surprisingly, the attraction seems to get to him a bit
Chasing and attacking random people? Totally cool
Having some adult jump out and scream at you? Not so much
Bubba can't help but get a bit fidgety while waiting in line
Partly from the actors, but also from the fact that he rarely interacts with other people that aren't his family or you
And once you guys are actually in the attraction, oh boy
Every jump scare and sound causes Bubba to let out squeaks and grunts
He grips onto your hand so tightly
You think he's going to rip your arm off the first half of the house
However, things take a turn when you enter one of the themed rooms
There are fake guts hanging from the ceiling, "dead" people sitting at the dining table
There was even fake blood dried on the floor
When Bubba saw this, he froze
You thought something was wrong until he let out a couple giggles
This soon turned into huge fits of laughter
Even the actor in the room looked confused
Bubba grabbed at one of the gut props and wiggled it around, looking at you before laughing in hysterics again
It was his way of telling you "I know what this is actually supposed to look like, and it's not this"
After that room, Bubba was a lot more relaxed
Some of the jump scares and costumes still got to him, but he felt more comfortable knowing that everything was indeed fake
Once you guys made it through the house, Bubba took both of your hands and bounced around happily
It was clear he had fun
And who would have guessed that Bubba would be scared of a man dressed as a demon and not of a room decked out in gore?
Go figure
#9: Costume shopping
The moment you even suggested going somewhere together, Bubba was all ears
He isn't exactly the biggest fan of people, but he loves spending time with you
Plus, Halloween was a bit more special
He could walk around happily in his mask and not feel judged
Besides, you were going to a costume shop anyways
No one was going to say a thing
When you both first walked in, Bubba was taken aback by the amount of clothing in the building
He didn't even know where to begin
Luckily, he had you to grab his hand and lead him around the place
He was very intrigued with all the mask options
Of course, they weren't as "genuine" as his, but he thought the different colors and monsters were cool
He also liked turning on all the animatronics and decorative lights (although a few made him jump)
When you walk by the "adult" section of the store, his eyes go wide
You may not be able to fully see it, but his face is beet red under his mask
You even tease him a bit by picking one of them up and swinging it around, acting like you were considering buying it
He stayed pretty close to you after that
But eventually, you both found some cute couples' costumes to try
He likes the idea of matching with you
You guys don't end up buying a costume, but you did leave with a few string lights and the promise to come back later
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Michael Myers
#6: Going through a corn maze
This behemoth of a man isn't exactly going to get lost in one of these
He can literally see over every stalk of corn
And even if that wasn't the case, his sense of direction was ridiculous
You could put him in the middle of the forest and he'd find his way home
So when you first suggested going, he just looked at you
Walking through a bunch of crops? Why would he want to do that?
But you insisted on going and talked about it so excitedly that Michael gave in
The last thing he wanted was to have you all disappointed and sad
He cares about you in his own way
But his one stipulation was that it had to be just you two
So you managed to find a corn maze in the middle of nowhere
Michael just let you lead him wherever once you got there
Even if he knew you were basically going around in circles, he just let you drag him along
He didn't want to ruin your fun, even if he was bored
Watches you touch all the corn and pick up little stones
He even lets you hold his hand as you trudge your way through
You eventually have to break down and ask for his help though
There was no way you were going to make it out on your own
And without even needing to look, he simply points which direction to go
Secretly likes you depending on him for these types of things
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lady-charinette · 1 year
Forever obsessed with the fact that Kyu-chan had most likely taken care of the medical aspect of Rei's recovery after he shot himself in the arm and Kazuki and Miri being there for him every step of the way.
Kazuki explaining to Miri that Papa Rei had a bad accident at work and wouldn't really be able to use his arm the way he used to.
Miri being sad at first bc that meant Papa Rei won't be able to play video games with her anymore or hold her. Miri brightening herself up by saying Papa Rei is still Papa Rei, with two functional arms or just one, so she would do everything she could to help him recover.
Kazuki tearing up and hugging his girl and whispering what a good and sweet child she is, that both he and Rei are lucky to be able to call her their daughter. Miri hugging her papa & kissing his cheek.
Rei eavesdropping overhearing from his room, his jaw clenching in an effort to try and keep the tears at bay. They still roll down his cheeks and he quietly wipes them away.
Months of occupational therapy, Kazuki trying to find honest work, Miri going to daycare and trying to cheer up Rei and help him in the house. They're staying at another safe house of Kyu-chan's until they're able to rent their own place.
Miri sometimes rubbing and poking Rei's arm to see if he has any reaction, she grows sad when he doesn't but he just smiles and ruffles her hair, telling her he was fine as long as they all stayed together.
The quiet, tender moments in the evening when Miri is already sound asleep, safe in her bed from any threats. Where Rei is trying to change for bed but his shirt gets stuck on his head with only one arm pulling at it in one direction. Feeling two helping hands pull his shirt off the rest of the way.
Kazuki is holding out his Rei's PJ's to him, at first he refuses to accept help to get dressed, it was embarrassing, he was a grown man.
Kazuki just swats his hands away, all the while snarling what a stubborn bastard he was, but his touch was gentle and careful as he guided Rei's arms into the shirt sleeves and helped him pull up sleeping pants. Rei vehemently insisted on being able to go to the toilet ALONE, but Kazuki still hovered over the closed door from the other side just in case "Rei fell over, hit his head on the tile floor and someone had to fucking call the ambulance".
Kazuki changing for bed himself before he brushes teeth together with Rei. They grow comfortably silent, marveling at how they managed to escape with their lives, how peaceful things were (for now).
They still tense at the slightest sound, Rei reflexively tries to reach for the knife at his night desk, but he forgets he can't use his left arm and makes a mental note to move his knife to the other side for easier access.
Kazuki has multiple weapons; a short knife in the top drawer, a baseball bat under the bed and a small handgun tucked in his underwear drawer (he knew that was the safest place where Miri wouldn't look and couldn't reach). Since Rei was no longer a human weapon, he had to step up and protect both him and Miri in case Rei's father changes his mind and goes after them.
They still need time to fall asleep, Rei feels the phantom pain of the gun wound on his arm, the spot grows tense and spasms randomly throughout the day.
As if sensing his discomfort, Kazuki would reach over and gently massage Rei's arm.
"You don't have to-"
"I want to."
They fall silent again, Rei exhaling at the way his muscles relax again thanks to Kazuki's ministrations. He sinks further into the soft bed, no longer sleeping in the cold hard bathtub. "Thank you."
"Don't mention it. You want an ice-pack?"
Kazuki had argued the mini fridge in their bedroom was purchased for the sole purpose of storing ice packs for Rei, but it looked suspiciously full of pudding and other sweets for Kazuki to munch on at random intervals during the night.
They fall into a comfortable silence again, until Rei quietly whispers into the darkness. "How is job hunting going?"
Kazuki snorted. "They ask all sorts of questions. What does it matter if can't handle accounting stuff when I work as a waiter? Someone else should count the money after work! Sheesh, they drive me crazy with all those extra questions too! 'What do you like to do in your free time?', 'Why did you leave your previous workplace?', 'Why would you like to work for us?'. Duh, to make money. Besides, it's not like I can just say my previous line of work got a little too dangerous and we almost got killed infiltrating my partner's mafia family mansion."
Rei chuckled quietly. "I don't think that would be a good answer."
Kazuki mirrored his chuckle. "Yeah, neither do I. But...I should find work soon. I will find work soon. So that I can support you and Miri properly and you can rest up well."
Rei tensed again beside him and Kazuki's hand shot out to caress his arm. "Tense, again?"
Rei didn't answer. "Rei?"
A muffled sob filled the silence and Kazuki's lips stretched into a small smile in understanding.
Rei tried to silence any sounds that might escape him, but the overwhelming emotion crushing his chest like a vice had him struggling to keep his composure.
This time, Kazuki's hand touched him again but instead of massaging his arm, he moved to tenderly grab Rei's head and pull him into a hug.
Rei tried to struggle at first, but just sunk into his embrace without much fight after a few seconds.
Kazuki held him close, fingers tenderly running through his messy black hair. He knew what Rei wanted to convey without him uttering any words.
Thank you, Kazuki.
They were safe and together and that was all that mattered.
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intimacyequalsdeath · 8 months
Bubz's Slasher Fictober Apple Crumble NSFW Alphabets Day 22: Billy Loomis
For day 22 I decided to give the ghostface girlies another treat for this month. Plus since I've only done Poly ghostface so far technically this isn't overlapping and it's an entirely separate person (I've been running out of people to write NSFW alphabets for without too many characters getting two or three fics)
Notes: Minors DNI, NSFW, Smut.
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A is for Aftercare (What they're like after sex):
Billy loves pillow talk, he could stay up for hours afterwards just talking to you about anything and everything going on in your lives. If you know about Ghostface he enjoys telling you about what him and Stu get up to when you aren't around.
He also likes to clean you both up too, not much lovey dovey shit though since he wants to focus on cleaning the mess and being able to relax with you.
B is for Body Part (Favorite on them and their partner):
His favorite body part on him (Besides his hair) are his arms. I've always taken him as the guy who works out at least a little. Plus with all the Ghostface stuff he's gotta have at least some muscle there. He's overall quite proud of his body.
On you he loves your thighs. No matter how thick or not they are he thinks their great. No matter if your sitting in your bedroom or next to him in the cafeteria he's always got a hand on them making sure everyone else knows who you belong too.
C is for Cum (Anything to do with cum):
Billy's not trying to risk anything at all even if you can't get pregnant so he always pulls out. He likes to cum on your chest but your face is also a close second for him.
D is for Dirty Secret:
Before you and Billy got super close to where the two of you began a relationship, you were probably close to the top of the Ghostface list. He'd never tell you but he thought at first you were just like everyone else at school so he had no qualms with going after you until he realized you weren't and found himself becoming attracted to you.
E is for Experience (How experienced are they?):
Billy is Billy. He's got loads of experience in both one night stands after parties and actual relationships. That doesn't make him the best boyfriend in the entire world, but he's not entirely stupid on how to make the relationship work.
F is for Favorite Position:
Billy surprisingly is a simple guy. He likes missionary cause he loves looking into your eyes and watching what he does to you as he whispers gentle praises in your ear.
G is for Goofy (How serious are they?):
He can laugh a little and get cocky during sex. He's not the most serious person ever by a long shot but he also is gonna stick to his goal of making you both cum.
H is for Hair (How well groomed are they?):
The king at taking care of himself. He keeps himself well groomed pretty much everywhere. I mean he does have an image at school to upkeep.
I is for Intimacy (How are they during the act, romantic etc):
Billy has romance down to a science. He isn't afraid to break out all the bells and whistles to really knock you off your feet. Like I said he's good at this shit both putting on a facade and actually meaning it.
J is for Jackoff (Do they masturbate and how often?):
He does it pretty regularly whether he's with you or not. It's something to pass the time when he's board waiting for Stu for Ghostface shit and he just actually enjoys doing it so why not.
K is for Kink (Their kinks):
Bondage, Billy loves to tie you up and leave you desperate for him. Bonus points if you cry and beg him to fuck you while he's doing it.
I could also see him having a slight daddy kink, or maybe at least calling him sir or something. He loves having that sort of power over you. He's also got a major corruption kink that I think is pretty self explanatory.
L is for Location (Favorite places to have sex):
He like it best on a bed or a couch. He also really enjoys the times neither of you can wait till you get to either of your houses so he pulls over to the side of the road and you do it in the back of his car.
M is for Motivation (What turns them on?):
He loves when you surprise him with skimpy outfits. He also really enjoys when you wear these outfits to school or out and about with him so he can stare at you and get a list together of everything he's going to do to you later.
N is for No (Something they won't do):
He's not gonna share you (Maybe with Stu since I am a fan of Poly Ghostface), You're his and he's not willing to let anyone else touch you.
He also won't ever like physically strike you, He just isn't into shit like that and doesn't think it actually has any purpose besides hurting you.
O is for Oral (Oral Preferences):
Really big on both giving and receiving. Is maybe just a tad more into receiving since he thinks your amazing at it, but he's not afraid to have you for a meal here and there.
P is for Pace (How fast or slow? Are they rough?):
Billy loves to be a bit rough around the edges but he likes to take things slow. He's really into savoring the moments the with you and making it a nice experience for the both of you.
Q is for Quickie ( Do they like quickies?):
Billy likes quickies, if you can't make it to a bed or anywhere to do the whole shebang he'll go for a quickie in maybe the back of his car or a random janitors closest.
R is for Risk (Are they down to experiment?):
He has his particular things he's just not into and not going to try but he is down to experiment with some things. I could see it also being something you have to bring up for him to even give it a second thought. He just knows what he's into and is satisfied with it.
S if for Stamina (How long can they go for?):
He can go for a while, maybe a good few hours. He does like to give you breaks though as he knows he can get rougher especially when he starts to get tired towards the end.
T is for Toys (Do they use toys and do they like them?):
I could see him having a few things himself to use when he jerks off and stuff, but most of the hardcore toys he saves for you if your into it. He will also be really into buying you toys to try out that caught his eye.
U if for Unfair (Do they like to tease?):
He teases a good bit cause he likes to rile you up, but he's never gonna be to terribly mean about it. It's more so just playful teasing to get you worked up.
V is for Volume (How loud can they get?):
Billy audibly moans a lot but he's not the loudest with it. He likes when your loud so anyone who's around knows who makes you feel that good but he himself doesn't get that loud.
W is for Wild Card (Random things):
Out of all the outfits, he likes pink frilly things the best. There's something so innocent about it to him that he likes to corrupt. That if you really wanna get him worked up show up in some pink frilly shit.
X is for X-Ray (What are they packing):
A good six inches. He's about medium in girth too and the shaft itself is pretty straight. Perfect for hitting all the good spots.
Y is for Yearning (How high is their sex drive?):
It fluctuates, it can be high if your working him up, but he usually isn't ready to go at the drop of a hat.
Z is for ZZZ (How fast do they fall asleep?):
Like in aftercare he likes to talk to you afterwards so he's not gonna fall asleep for awhile. You'll most likely be the one to fall asleep first and shortly after you since he'll have no one to talk to he will fall asleep himself.
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iamthecomet · 9 months
comet oh my god going off of that last free use phantom thing... if inspiration strikes I would love LOVE to see some of phantom laying back and being totally taken care of by the whole pack, them all surrounding him, hands and tails everywhere until he cant tell who is doing what anymore and is just totally relaxed
Service sub Aeon deserves to be taken care of.
Aeon's drifting. Mis-matched eyes open. Unfocused. The exposed ceiling beams swimming in front of him. Hazy figures dipping in and out of his periphery. A flash of golden hair, deep purple eyes, opalescent horns.
He's narrowed down to sensation. To touch. All other senses on the back burner. He isn't even sure who is touching him where. Whose tail is curled around his thigh holding him open and exposed. Whose tongue is pressed against his fluttering hole. Licking up over the seam of his balls. Over the base of his cock. And back down to press into his stretched rim.
He's soft now. Over sensitive. He's belly sticky with his own cum. His cock twitches though, valiantly. He'll be hard again in no time. Part of him wants to push away--he's had so much. He's so fucked out. The other part is desperate for it. Wants more. Wants to be swallowed whole.
He thinks he's in Cumulus' lap. Head resting on the swell of her breasts. He thinks her hands are the ones dragging over his nipples. But maybe that's Aurora. Maybe it's both of them. There is a tail curled around each of his biceps. Gentle. Not restraining. Just solid enough to keep him from trying to do too much. He thinks one of them might be Mountain's, but really it's just a guess.
Satanas, he doesn't know anything anymore.
Someone kisses him. Rain, judging by the taste. Tongue slipping into his mouth, cool and easy. Aeon opens for him, drinks him down like he's dying of thirst and Rain trills above him. Pressing one cool hand against his cheek as Aeon surges toward him, reaches up, begs for more.
"Easy, baby," Cirrus coos in his ear--over to his left. "Just lay back."
Aeon eases back, drops his head back into the hollow of Cumulus' throat. Someone drags a hand down his stomach, circles his cock into a calloused palm and he jolts.
Whining. Body begging him to lean into it--to pull away. Each stroke is electric. Too much. Pleasure zapping through his veins and he can't take it. He can't think about anything else. Hips bucking up into the hand as he fills out, hardens up.
Someone, Swiss, he thinks, whistles like he's impressed. "Still going, huh?"
Aeon nods, eager. He slams his eyes shut as another pair of hands widens his thighs. The tongue that's been fucking into him slips out, moves away. Aeon whines at the loss--but it's shortlived. Replaced by the fat head of a cock that he's pretty sure is Aether. Too fat to be anyone else's.
"You ready, baby?" Aether for sure. Reaching up to brush hair out of Aeon's eyes. "You've done so good for us today. Let me take care of you?"
Aeon cracks his eyes open. Finally forces them to focus on Aether looming between his legs. Cheeks flushed, eyes focused on Aeon.
Aeon swallows, tries to find words. "Y-yeah. Yes please."
After a day of doing everything that was asked of him--asking for something feels wrong. Like he's stepped out of line. But the collar he wore all day is long gone, and Aether just pushes in inch by slow inch. Watching Aeon's face for the first sign that he's had too much.
He has had too much, he thinks. He's had all of them at least once. He's been pinned between nine other bodies for what feels like hours. When Aether pushes in, there's no stretch, no burn. Thoroughly used. Aether groans low, a rumble that Aeon swears he feels in his bones.
"Still so fucking tight."
"Right?" Dew says from somewhere on Aeon's right. "Don't know how he does it."
"Magic," Sunshine offers from his other side. Whatever Dew says next is cut off by another groan from Aether as he fucks into Aeon. Giving in to hard deep thrusts that Aeon feels in his throat.
"Can't help it," Aether says, almost apologetic. "Too fucking good."
"Give it to me," Aeon begs, voice canting up with each word. "I can take it. Please, Aeth."
Aether smiles down at him. He pushes down, deepens the fold of Aeon's body until he's almost in half. Dislodging whoever's hand (Mountains?) was on his cock. It doesn't matter anyway--he'll cum like this. They all know it.
The next thrust makes Aeon wail.
Aether kisses him on the forehead, soft and sweet in contrast to the way he's railing him.
"Don't worry, baby. I know you can."
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jadeddangel · 3 months
Heyyy, just read your poly ff with lute, adam and reader and it gave me idea... Just imagine, readers day being particularly long and they feel like shit and so they come home to their two lovers and just cuddle and get taken care of + if there is wing stuff, I would go insane like wing caressing
You can write something of this or just have it in ur head bc can't get it out of mine hahha
Adam x reader x Lute
Let me make your day better
You were a newer angel working for the seraphims, Sera and Emily. And you loved your job you truly did, but Emily was exhausting. It was her job to make everyone happy and, in a way, working for her made that your job too. So all day you've been climbing through play places, making sure businesses were doing ok, cheering everyone up AND planning the early extermination. You were done, your social battery was shot, and it was taking everything you had to not just snap at absolutely everyone."Hey! Are you ready to go have more fun? We can have a slumber party? We could invite our friends! Drink soda pop until our heads explode! And have fun all night! I've got glitter glue and googly eyes!!" Emily listed off excitedly, bouncing on the balls on her feet. (If you understand the reference, I do write for sun. 👀) You took a deep breath trying to calm down and not snap at the sweet girl, "Emily darling it's starting to get late, it's not good to plan this things so late, plus you hate the dark and Sera won't be happy if you keep the lights on" you spoke trying to convince her it wasn't a good idea . Emily teared up slightly, "but I really really wanna keep hanging out! And having fun!" Emily whined loudly, and you finally lost it. "That's enough, emily!! I said not tonight!! You're so annoying!!" You snapped wings puffed up in anger, making you appear bigger than you were.
You could hear gasps of shock from around you due to the fact that you just yelled at a seraphim.You felt guilt start to overtake you, "emily.. i- oh god Emily, I'm so sorry, " you said softly, smoothing your wings out with your hand before crouching down in front of Emily. Emily looked like she was about to cry, "n-no, it's ok, I get it.. you can go home, " Emily sniffled and hiccuped. You nodded slightly, understanding that you weren't in a headspace that was open to keep working.
You nodded and left, heading straight home. It was starting to get dark in heaven anyway. You trugged through the front door, setting your clipboard on the table with a sigh. You went to your shared room and just turned all the lights off, cuddling up in the covers. You relaxed at the familiar scent of musk and sandalwood. Adam and lute used the same cologne, so it was the smell of both of them. You sighed, and you realized that with how close Adam is to the seraphims and how news travels around quickly, you knew Adam and lute were bound to find out quickly.
And as if on cue, you heard the front door open and two sets of boots step into your home.You sat up a bit and set your phone on the charger, Adam was the first one to enter your bedroom his mask and boots off. "Hey there sugartits you wanna tell me what happened with emily?" Adam said as he began changing into his at home clothes, aka just some sweatpants and a shirt.
"Today was just a lot, and I snapped.. she wasn't taking no for an answer and I couldn't take it.." you muttered
Adam nodded a bit. "Did you eat anything today?" Adam asked, turning to look at you. You shook your head a bit."I didn't get a chance. Can we just order something instead of cooking?" You asked
Adam sighed and nodded "yea we can do that." Adam plopped into the bed next to you on your left, pulling you close to him "Mm I missed you today, " Adam muttered softly
You could feel the smile crawl onto your face. "I missed you both too speaking of. Where's lute? I heard her come in?" You said, looking up at Adam. Adam smiled down at you. "She's grabbing you some water. She thought it'd be best to give you some space," Adam explained, rubbing your side.
Lute walked in after a few minutes with some water and a snack, "Hey there darling, I brought you something to eat," Lute said, crawling into bed next to you, handing you the water first.
You chugged the water down, not realizing how thirsty you had been throughout the day. "Thank you, lute.. I'm sorry I'm not being the best right now.. today was just shit.." You sighed a bit.
Adam was still rubbing your side while scrolling on his angelphone, showing you funny videos occasionally. Lute reached behind you, rubbing the base of your wings sweetly. "Do you need help winding down? A massage? Some of our kind of play time, maybe?" Lute offered gesturing to the chest of "toys" you had.
You relaxed a bit. "If you just keep playing with my wings and rubbing my back, that'd be great.. I don't think I'm supposed to fit in half the places I did today. " You laughed slightly before moving, resting your chest on Adam's thighs. Adam moved his phone a bit to look down at you "yknow you could put that mouth to use girly~" Adam put his hand on the back of your head moving your head a bit closer to his crotch. Lute slapped his hand away. "Stop that she just wants to relax pervert." Lute said sternly as she straddled your lower back and began massaging paying extra attention to your wings and breaking open some of the pin feathers you hadn't even realized you had.
You let out groans when lute hit knots in your muscles and your wings, "fucking hell lute.. you're so good at this" you breathed out. Lute snickered a bit "oh I know I'm good with my hands deary" she teased.
Adam huffed. "What so you can joke, but I can't? What a double standard danger tits, " he was whining. You took a deep breath. "Adam dear, I love you. I do, but if you keep whining like a toddler, I'll hit you," you threatened. Adam gasped playfully. " I'm the one buying food, and now I'm being threatened by my own lover? I can't believe you, " Adam joked as he handed you his phone to order what you wanted. You could hear Lute laugh at him as she massaged and rubbed along your wings. "Mm lute right there... that feels so good..." you whispered a bit.
Slowly lute finished the massage and ordered her food as well, and sat you back in your spot. Adam put his phone down as he put the order in before grabbing the remote and putting on your comfort movie.
The rest of the evening was rather relaxed. You ate together, had some dessert, and took a shower together before ending it all in a cuddle pile on the bed with you in the middle.
Lute was playing with your hair while humming softly, Adam playing with the feathers on your wings as you sat together in mostly silence aside from lutes humming and the white noise.
"I hope today is better for you, girly," Adam said softly, breaking the silence. "You know what? I think it will be better, but you guys really made today so much better for me.." you said softly
They always did make your bad days better, and you'll always make their bad days better, no matter what.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Hello! I hope you are wellI've seen that you've opened your requests, so I'll take this opportunity to send you one.I had read your headcanons with the brothers about the MC hearing scary noises at night and waking up.I really liked it and I asked myself and if, instead of being afraid of a suspicious noise in the middle of the night, MC told them "Don't worry, I'll see what it is, just stay in the room"? If you don't like the request, ignore it, it's not a problem.Take care of yourself!
Hello, anon! I hope you're doing well, too!
Ohh I'm so glad you enjoyed those headcanons! They were some of the first ones I did and it was sooo fun to revisit the idea where MC is the one who's like nah I got this lol. I enjoyed writing it!
Thank you for the request!
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the brothers react to GN!MC going to investigate a strange noise in the night
Warnings: sharing beds with the brothers, but nothing sexual, mostly just cuddles and some kisses
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He won't wake you up, but the fact that he's sitting up in bed causes you to wake up anyway. Ask him what the problem is, but he'll brush it off. It's nothing, MC, go back to sleep. But then you hear it, too. What was that? You can't tell if Lucifer is actually concerned or not, so you tell him to stay where he is while you go check it out.
He's conflicted. On the one hand, do you really think you can just tell him what to do like that? On the other hand, you can totally just tell him what to do. He secretly likes it when you take charge. And he also knows that you're powerful enough to handle yourself if there actually is anything to worry about.
In the end, he decides to go after you, but he's taken too long. He's halfway out of bed when you come back. He's not happy about this, so now he's frowning at you. You tell him that it was nothing, just as he said. He's going to try to get you to tell him if it was one of his brothers getting into trouble. You get to decide if you rat anybody out or not.
Get back into bed beside him. Kiss away his frown. Get him to lay back down with you. Tell him that everything is fine and he can go back to sleep. He's going to settle in with you because you're the only one Lucifer can truly relax with. He trusts you and soon enough, you're both asleep again.
Wakes you up immediately, though not necessarily on purpose. The second that weird noise wakes him up, he's clinging to you. Might even let out a scared little yell. As soon as he realizes that you're awake, he's embarrassed by how freaked out he got. Tell him you're going to check it out and that he should stay where he is.
He's going to bluster about it, but he's going to let you go deal with it. Feels bad that he didn't go with you, though, so he's pacing around his room until you come back. The second you're back through the door, he's at your side, holding onto you. What was it, MC? Did ya see anythin'?
Reassure him that there was nothing to worry about. If you did run into something, go ahead and tell him about it. He's going to be really annoyed if it was just one of his brothers messing around. He was all freaked out for nothing!
Pull him back to bed. Calm him down by telling him you've taken care of it. That he has nothing to worry about. That you're here beside him and that you'll always protect him no matter what. Mammon might say something about how he's the one who should be protecting you, but your words also mean a lot to him. He's going to hold you close the rest of the night.
He doesn't wake you up on purpose, but he does react to the noise by jolting awake himself. Due to the close proximity of the bathtub, this instantly wakes you up, too. Ask him what's wrong and he'll sheepishly tell you that he heard a weird noise. You crawl out of the tub, falling over the side as your legs get a little entangled. Tell him to stay where he is and you'll go see what's going on.
Levi does as you ask. He waits in the tub, hunkered down among his blankets and pillows, hoping you come back soon. He's coming up with all kinds of terrifying ideas about what could be happening to you. If you take too long, he won't be able to stand it and he'll go after you. But if you come back quickly, you'll find him still in the tub, mind racing.
Tell him everything is okay. There was nothing there. He was probably just hearing the house creak or something. Now he's a little embarrassed by how he reacted. Reassure him that you don't mind. If there had been something out there, you would have taken care of it.
You're amazing, MC. You just went right out there in the dark to face the unknown head on. How did you do that? He's impressed. He's also happy to go back to sleep in your arms. You make him feel safe.
He doesn't hear anything, but you do. It drags you out of your peaceful slumber and when you sit up in bed, he wakes up beside you. Asks you what the problem is, but then he hears the noise, too. He's not sure it's worth bothering with, but tell him you're going to go check it out and he should stay there.
Doesn't listen to you. Follows you out. There's no way he's going to let you go wandering around in the dark alone, MC. He knows you can take care of yourself, but that isn't the point. He wants to know what's going on, too.
If you find someone out there making the noise, Satan will absolutely go demon form on them. He's pissed because they disturbed you. You'll have to calm him down once he's done yelling at the unfortunate demon brother who got caught. Get him to go back to his room with you.
By the time you reach it, you've managed to talk him down out of demon form. He'll probably apologize for flying off the handle. If he's too keyed up to go back to sleep, you can lull him by reading out loud for a little bit. He'll eventually fall asleep listening to your voice.
MC! It's terrible! Shakes you awake. Wants you to hear the noise, too. It woke him up, which is just the worst! Please go make it stop! You hear it, too, and tell him to wait in his room while you go investigate.
He tells you to be careful, although he doesn't think it's anything dangerous. He's more worried about you tripping in the dark. He's going to stay put, just like you told him. He wants you to make it stop, it's disturbing his beauty sleep.
When you come back and the noise has stopped, he's overjoyed. Pulls you into his arms immediately, peppering you with kisses. He's so grateful that you went and took care of whatever it was! Asmo is going to want all the details about it. If it's something really harmless, like someone left a window open and the wind was making it bang against the house, he's going to be so annoyed. But he's so happy that you took care of it for him.
It's easy to get him to go back to sleep. He's already burrowing back into his blankets, pulling you in along with him. Keeps his arms wrapped around you all night. He has nothing to worry about as long as you're here with him.
Blinks himself awake and at first thinks it's himself because his stomach growling has been enough to wake him up in the past. Gently tries to detangle himself from you because he's preparing to go to the kitchen to get a snack. Fails and wakes you up, but you hear the noise, too. You tell him to stay where he is because it isn't his stomach and you're going to go check it out.
Even if it isn't his stomach, he's awake now and he still wants a snack. Might insist on going with you so he can stop in the kitchen. If you tell him to wait for you, he will if you promise to bring him something back. Otherwise you can tell him to come with you. He'll do whatever makes you happy and also results in him getting something to eat.
If he goes with you, he'll detour to the kitchen immediately. You're free to check out the rest of the house without him. If you tell him to wait for you, he'll be exactly as you left him, still sitting up in bed, when you get back. Give him whatever snack you've brought and he'll happily eat it while you tell him about whatever the noise was.
Now that Beel has had something to eat, he's pretty satisfied. He trusts that you took care of anything that was going on. He wasn't too worried about you, since he knows what you're capable of. Tell him to go back to sleep and he immediately does as you ask. Wants to hold you close, though, so please snuggle up to him, MC.
Considering this guy could probably sleep through anything, he doesn't hear the noise at all. You do, though, and while you're not overly concerned about it, you do want to go check it out. You don't even bother to wake him up. You know he'll stay here since he's still sleeping.
You leave him behind and sure enough, he stays asleep. At first. Eventually, though, he becomes aware of your absence. Likely it's the lack of your warmth that does it. Normally Belphie could probably sleep through this, too, but he doesn't like the idea that you've left him. When he wakes up to find you gone, he's annoyed and goes after you.
Finds you out in the house somewhere. Tell him you were just checking out this weird noise and that you didn't want to disturb him. Well, you did disturb him, MC. You can't just leave him cold like that in the middle of the night, you know. Please come back to bed right now.
Doesn't even care about the noise at all. Will follow you around if you insist on going to find it still. If you've already found it though, he'll grab your hand and pull you back to bed. Once you're laying down again, he wraps himself around you tightly. He doesn't like the idea that you could just get up and leave without him knowing. Reassure him that you won't do it again.
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masterlist | part 2 with the side characters | Thank you for reading!
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lolahasmoxie · 6 months
Merry Little Christmas (J.T.)
Look, it's me writing for someone other than Eddie!
TW: loss of a parent, all the feels.
(takes place in this universe)
Sad Kid check-in for those who are grieving this time of year. Take care of yourselves out there.
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Jamie Tartt was many things. Footballer with a right foot blessed by god, a reformed prick, a beloved mama's boy.
He was also upfront and honest, so when you initially had told him your plans for the Christmas break, his response of "That's the saddest shit I've ever heard" hit hard.
The team was off until after the new year, so you had the time to return home. But holidays just weren't the same since your mom had passed away two years prior. So when Jamie asked what your holiday plans were, you said you would Facetime your friends and their kids, bake some cookies, get drunk on boozy eggnog, and cap the night off by watching Die Hard and eating Chinese food.
"No, there's no way I'm gonna let you stay here and have that be your Christmas."
"And how are you gonna stop me? You're going to be 200 miles away in Manchester?"
"Easy," he says as he flashes you a million-dollar smile. "Come with me."
You try to convince Jamie that there is nothing wrong with your plans, but Jamie is persistent. That's how, on December 23rd, you end up on a train with Jamie to return to his hometown. The train ride is quiet and less packed than you thought it would be. Jamie holds your hand the entire time, telling you everything he has planned for you.
Georgie and Simon meet you at the station, and when Georgie pulls you in and gives you a mother's hug, your heart physically aches. But you let her hold you, followed by Simon, before they usher the two of you into the car for the ride home.
Simon has a shepherd's pie waiting, and after you all stuff yourselves, Jamie takes you on a walk through his neighborhood. The streets are quiet as Jamie leads you by the hand to show you his old stomping grounds. When he kisses you under a streetlamp as the snow starts to fall, you think maybe this Christmas won't be that bad.
It's late Christmas Eve. Simon had made a fantastic dinner. All of you had worn colorful paper crowns and opened Christmas Crackers. You had beaten the pants off Jamie playing cards, and he had retaliated by trying to steal as many kisses from you as he could.
Now, it was almost 1am, and you are wide awake. You had quietly come down the stairs and taken a seat in front of the doors that opened onto Georgie's garden. The snow was falling again, and the world looked serene in the moonlight.
His heart breaks when Jamie sees you staring out the glass doors. He knew that things had been off with you, but he knew better than to push. Roy had told him to be patient, which was easier said than done. Jamie hated seeing you upset.
"If you're waiting for Santa, I'm afraid I have some news that might disappoint ya." You turned as Jamie approached you wearing a long-sleeved thermal and black boxer briefs.
"You should be in bed; it's late."
"Could say the same for you." he counters as he moves to sit on the floor behind you. He looks at you expectantly, and when he sees you give him a nod, he quickly wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you between his legs.
You sigh and let yourself relax into Jamie. There's a comfortable silence as the two of you watch the snowfall.
"I'm glad you came with me. And I know you've got something on your mind, but no pressure. Just tell me when you're ready, alright, love?"
Jamie softly runs his nose up and down the side of your neck as he holds you, and the tears that you've been trying to fight for days can't be held back any longer.
"Christmas Eve was my Mom's favorite, and it's the day I miss her most. We would talk and catch up, and I hate that she isn't here. I fucking hate it."
Jamie pulls you closer, hoping he can take some of the weight you're carrying. He's patient as he rocks you, moving to stand only when your crying has stopped.
"Come on," he says softly as he helps you to your feet. "There's my sweet girl."
"I'm all puffy and snotty." you quip as you wipe your eyes with the sleeve of your top.
"Still as beautiful as the first day I met ya."
"You're a liar, but you're sweet." His hands cup your face, and you let him pull you up for a kiss.
"Come on, I have an idea." You furrow your brow as you let Jamie lead you upstairs to the guest bedroom. His bed is simply not an option for two people, so he's joined you in the small guestroom Georgie and Simon had prepared.
"What are we doing?"
"You mentioned Die Hard in your original Christmas Eve plans," he says as he motions for you to climb into the bed. "So that's exactly what we're going to do."
"It's late. Are you sure?"
"I will consider it Christmas only when Hans has fallen off Nakatomi Plaza."
You curl into Jamie's side, and you are asleep before John kills his first terrorist. The snow outside starts to fall harder as Jamie watches you sleep. You lightly stir when he presses kisses into your hair.
"Merry Christmas, sweet girl."
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fluffydice · 2 months
Kubosai little baby ficlet,,,only around 600 words lol
The bell rings. Kusuo breaks from his comfortable stupor with a blink, glaring at the intercom on the wall as though it alone was the source of all his problems.
Aren follows his gaze, then looks back down at him. "Damn."
Yeah. Damn. Kusuo lets out a quiet, growling groan, and Aren lets out a little puff of amused air. "Don't want me to leave?"
"I never want you to leave," Kusuo replies thoughtlessly. Then his brain clicks back on and he feels himself grimace as embarrassment cramps sharply in him, somewhere between his stomach and his chest.
"Good grief," he huffs, hunching in on himself slightly. When he peeks over at his boyfriend, he's sporting a tiny smile. Kusuo already knows that Aren is keeping it small in an effort not to scare him off—but there's no disguising the delighted shine in his eye. "I didn't mean to say that," Kusuo admits, which is another embarrassing honesty in of itself.
"I like it," Aren replies easily, voice even and soothing.
"I know," Kusuo grits out. "You like hearing sappy things."
He thinks about calling them stupid to soothe the ache in him, but he doesn't want to hurt Aren's feelings. Doesn't want to make him stop saying them.
"I'm. Trying. For you," he instead says quietly. "...It's hard," he adds on, even quieter.
"I know. But I'm glad you try," Aren says, his thumb rubbing up and down Kusuo's wrist. Part of him wants to swat it away, but he knows his boy is a fidgeter. He does his best to ignore it instead, and also ignore the very fact that his first instincts no longer center around himself. It's all just become about Aren.
Kusuo wants to make up for the way he gets taken care of, so easily that it must be second nature to the other. This doesn't feel like enough—it never does—but if Aren's words are to be trusted, then Kusuo himself is enough to make the boy happy.
How...odd. Kusuo isn't sure if he can trust that.
"It makes me feel warm," Aren continues. "I know you care. But hearing it..."
'Knowing I'm one of the few to get to hear it,' Kusuo hears him think. He would have known even without his telepathy, he's pretty sure. Aren is prideful in way different to Kusuo's own. They don't clash over it as much as they maybe should.
Hearing those words is enough to soothe the worst of his embarrassment. Kusuo closes his eyes for a beat, relishing the first relaxed, manageable thoughts he's had all day. Everything has been just too much, grating on his ears and his mind, making him tense. But sitting here, fed, outside, and with his boyfriend—he can't even find it in himself to be ashamed at how much better he feels.
"What a pain," he answers instead of any of the sappy thoughts running through his mind, because he can't make it too easy for Aren. One or two thoughtless slips, maybe three or four in private, are fine. Something would have to be wrong for anything more than that, though.
Aren laughs. Of course he does. Kusuo looks away, feeling shy but not enough to fuss about.
"Do you feel better, at least?" Aren asks.
Kusuo waits a beat, considering. Then: "Yes," he says.
What a pain. The truth of his answer isn't even surprising anymore—he does feel better. Relying on someone like this is nearly humiliating, yes. But it's worth it to see the soft curve of Aren's lips, and, even better, the warmth of them against his own. The pleased grin is soft against Kusuo's lips, and they mold against the other's until he's smiling too.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Darling 18+
*A/n~ I’ve never written smut before and this is my first fic I’m posting here so any pointers would be appreciated*
Prompt~ reader is teasing Larissa until she snaps giving into her own wants. Smut fic.
Tw~ NSFW (finger!ng) (sub reader/dominant Larissa) (mommy k!nk) (spank!ng) (swear!ng) (eating out) (thigh r!d!ng) (strap)
Fingers tugged at your hair absentmindedly throwing it up In a bun on top of your head. Pieces of your fringe fell to cup your cheeks as you sighed. Today had been nothing short of stressful. You love your job, of course you did but that didn't mean it didn't come with its own challenges. You'd been teaching outcast history at Nevermore now for 3 years, so of course you knew certain points in the semester was hell. The teaching itself is wonderful, you love passing on your knowledge to your students. You can't help but find it fascinating to talk about of the different kinds of outcasts, the challenges they face, how they came to be and the relations between Outcast and Normies. But the paperwork? Now that was tiresome and quite frankly boring as hell. But still you did try your best to stay caught up on it so it didn't take all the joy from your days. However the past few months really you'd neglected your paperwork in favour for something else. Or rather someone else.
A certain stunningly tall principle offered a great distraction these days. In fact she's the reason you had paperwork overflowing from your desk. Over your years here you watched as a tentative friendship blossomed between you and Larissa. Often most weekends you'd go to her office to drink wine and relax by the fire. It's one reason why you have grown to long for the weekends. Recently those evenings had included some harmless flirting between the pair of you. It was no secret you had eyes for the fairer sex however when you found out Larissa was the same you honestly choked on the wine you had swigged. You hadn't expected her to be interested in women or well rather anyone. If anything she seemed married to her job. She loved Nevermore and it's students more than anything else. It was endearing to see the determination and care she put in every day to be the best principal Nevermore had ever seen.
You made your way to the desk and decided to start from the bottom. This way you knew no matter how much you managed to complete tonight before you passed out from exhaustion, you wouldn't miss any deadlines. You're classroom was peacefully silent apart from the gentle scratching of pen against paper. You couldn't help but allow your mind to wonder to your boss. After all you were completing these with the upmost care making sure everything was legible, aiming to reduce the stress she would have. You'd spent many night's listening as she would whine about messy plans submitted from teachers. Your mind wandered to the previous night. The flirting had an affect on you, you were starting to think Larissa knew that. Secretly enjoyed flustering you. You couldn't help the small smile that overtook your lips as you recalled one of your favourite moments. You were sitting in a comfortable silence watching the flickering flames dance together. Only when you'd taken a big swig of your wine did Larissa lean over and whisper in your ear "you look absolutely ravishing love" causing you to cough and splutter on the wine as a bright red blush adorned your cheeks. Larissa couldn't help blur chuckle are the response you gave. It pleased her to no end knowing she had this effect on you.
As if the women on your mind knew you were thinking of her, your phone lit up with a text from her.
"Y/n can you come to my office? I'm feeling quite stressed and I would benefit from your help." You know what they say curiosity killed the cat, that's why you found yourself walking the familiar route to her office. Paperwork forgotten. Once you reached her doors that clearly stated "principle L. Weems" on a thick golden plate, you didn't even know you just pushed the doors open slightly, just enough for you slip through the gap before shutting the doors. Turning around you could see that the women had her shoulders tensed up, eyes fixed on the paper as she concentrated and her left hand balled into a fist as her right carefully scribbled down on her own work.
"Larissa?" You whispered only wishing to alert her to your presence and not spook her when she was clearly concentrating.
"Ah y/n! Please do come here darling." You couldn't help but freeze and blush at the pet name. Larissa seemed to be in a strange mood this evening as when you didn't move she barked at you in a stricter voice that was normally used with her students "now y/n!"
You couldn't help but quickly scurry to stand in front of her bowing your head in a form of an apology. "Uh sorry Larissa, what did you need?"
"Darling, I've had a stressful day" there was that name again, and you knew this fact already. I'm fact you'd had to send two of your students to her office for their behaviour today. "Now I'm sure you noticed we have a special kind of relationship and you can tell me if I'm wrong here but I think it could extend to more than friends and more than boss and employee wouldn't you agree dear?"
Eyes blinking rapidly you processed what she'd just admitted. She wanted to be more than friends? Excitement rose through you as you nodded in your agreement. "Darling, words please" she whispered holding your gaze. "I um I agree Rissa" you diverted your gaze to find your shoes not being able to contain the flush spreading over your cheeks. You had to be dreaming? Right? "Perfect! So love why don't you come and help relieve this stress?" The thickness in her voice and the glint In her eyes showing you just how badly she wanted you. God this had to be a dream. But no way would you turn this down, even if you'd wake up in an extremely frustrating state.
"Wha-what um what can I do to help Rissa?" Eggar to please the women you would only go as far as she wanted. You stood, head still tilted down waiting for instructions. Suddenly the tilting of your head wasn't to hide your blushing, no it was that of submission. Unknown to you this pleased Larissa to no end. You almost dropped to your knees at her command. And the commanding tone? God you are a goner. "Come sit on my lap pet" moving to straddle her lap you rested your face in the crook of her neck. Her scent was that of floral and honey mixed together. You went limp allowing her to readjust you as she deemed fit. A little shaken breath escaped you your aching centre rested against her toned thigh.
"Now little one, I have to finish some work and your going to be a good little one and rut against my thigh hmm? I know you need me y/n. I can practically smell you as you drip onto my thigh. Before any of that I need to know you want this. If you don't this can stop now and we can just talk." The last part of her words sounded slightly unsure like she was expecting rejection. But that wouldn't come. You wanted her. Needed her. And most importantly you wanted to help her destress. If this was what she wanted the hell you'd happily allow it for as long as she was willing. You managed to whisper out a please which caused the women to smile and tap your hips, silently giving you permission to follow the order you'd been given. Your hips slowly rocked against her thigh, teasing yourself not that you needed to but If this was a dream then you wanted it to last forever. Soon enough whines of need and pleasure we tumbling from your lips and into her neck. Breath ticking the little hairs there. You could feel how you were soaking her strong thigh, you picked your pace up subconsciously as you grew closer to your peak. Movements become more desperate and needy as she brought a hand to your waist, fingers finding purchase there hoping to slow your movements. She was almost done and although she could let you fall over the edge now, she didn't want to. She wanted to see you as pleasure took over your every thought.
Pen now thrown down against the desk, you had her full attention as you mewled against her neck "fuck mmm Rissa I need"
"Oh darling I know what you need. But you have to earn it. Don't you want to be my good girl?" She husked out placing a gentle kiss to your head as she brought her over hand up to fully still your hips. Fuck you could cum just by that statement. You stood up on shaky legs allowing your breathing to attempt to steady itself.
"Little one, kneel" and you did just that. It was embarrassing how quickly you followed her commands. You knew you seemed like a pathetic slut but truthfully for Larissa you are just that. Normally you wouldn't submit so willingly.
Kneeling in front of her chair, face to face with her panty clad sex you couldn't help but wonder what she'd taste like. You drew your bottom lip between your teeth at the thought. Unknowing that Larissa was watching every action closely. She shifted her hips and removed her own panties as you went wide eyed. Your pupils dilated as you were now looking at her dripping pussy. You were taken there and then. The unbearable urge to just dive in between her gorgeously toned thighs. You looked up at her through your eyelids silently begging for permission to do just that.
You looked so desperate there fully clothed, hair messy and eyes clouded with desire. She couldn't help but being her hands to find purchase in your hair, giving you all the permission you needed. Larissa took a sharp breath as you gingerly licked around her soaked pussy, teasing her and just getting a taste. She was your new favourite flavour. Nothing you'd ever tasted compared to this. You'd happily eat her for the rest of your life. As you continued to explore with your tongue you were able to gage what was having the best effect. The kitten like licks lavished her clit had her gripping tighter in your hair pulling you closer in a silently plea for more.
"Fuck y/n please stop teasing me" she whimpered out between breaths. Taking this as your cue you finally allowed your tongue to explore inside her lips. The taste so much stronger caused you to moan and clench your thighs together. Wanting to be good for her you tried to ignore your own desire. Suddenly confidence overwhelmed you and you plunged two fingers into her sopping pussy, causing her to cry out a strangled moan. You were pumping your fingers in and out at a brutal pace, the primal need to make her cum driving you. Her breathing was irregular moans tumbling from her lips as you felt her thighs start to shake, tale tale signs to keep going despite the burning in your arm. You brought you mouth to her bundle of nerves and sucked. Hard. Which was what helped Larissa let go and cum hard all over your fingers that were still buried in her sex. You could feel her walls fluttering around your fingers as you helped her down from her high. Tugging on your hair was pulling you away from her, causing you to whine in protest. “Tsk, darling you are going to pay for that I thought you were going to be good for me hmm? “
"I'm sorry I just I wanted you to feel good i-"
She cut you off "I don't wish to here excuses. Y/n come lay over my lap... now!" The commanding tone once again had you falling over your own feet in an attempt to comply as quickly as possible.
You felt your dress being lifted up to your hips and your panties striped from you. The cold air hitting your pussy causing a small gasp.
"Count little one, I want you to be a good girl for me okay ?"
You nodded and waited for the blow that you knew was coming. Surely enough a firm well placed smack to your right ass cheek as you gasping out "fuck o one"
"Ow two"
"Th three"
"Oh fuck me four" your voice was quivering now as tears strolled down your face, dripping onto the floor.
"You're doing so well darling just one more okay such a good girl for me"
"F five fuck me mommy!" You all be screamed out your word's echoing off her official walls. The women underneath you froze hearing your last word. However your sluggish brain still hadn't quite caught up on what you'd said. No all you could think about was the stringing of red flesh and your own needy dripping pussy. Larissa brought her hand to rub firm gentle circles on your back as you collected your breathing. God this women would be the death of you. She'd not even touched you properly yet and yet here you were minutes away from begging her like a desperate whore.
Larissa brought you so she was able to see your face. Her thumbs wiped the stray tears that had fallen as she was overcome with the desire to kiss you. A needy breathless kiss that made you week at the knees. The kisses trailed off to your cheeks, your neck and your ear before she whispered what was quite possibly your new favourite sentence. "Can I fuck you love?" You nodded embarrassingly quick as you watched her move around. Seemingly finding what she wanted she went and locked the office door, just in case. You blushed knowing it hadn't been locked. You were lucky it was out of school hours, so no students would be around. You were captivated as Larissa stripped down slowly before slipping on the harness. A dark red colour sporting a red dildo. You were relieved to see it was roughly average size and girth. Knowing how sensitive you'd be anything bigger would've destroyed you. You didn't realise you were starring until fingers clicked in front of you. "Thought I lost you there little one, now strip. I want to fuck you" it should've been a world record for how fast you rid yourself of your bra and dress. Larissa chuckled at your eagerness and helped you up to sit on her desk. You watched with a desperate interest as she lined the toy up with your centre. Thrusting in once causing your eyes to roll back your head and your back to arch as you adjusted to her size. She was busy peppering kisses up and down the tall of your neck and over your collar bones. She knew you needed more when your hips jerked forward desperately seeking more. Only then did she pull out of you almost all the way before slamming back into you. Settling a delicious but ruthless pace. You're moans were uncontrollable by now. Loud and mumbled becoming in coherent as you began the climb to your own climax.
“Little one, if you wish to come beg me" Larissa husked at you breathing irregular due to the labour of her harsh movements.
"P pl easeee Larissa I need to cum let me cum." You all but cried out
"You're so pretty when you beg my love but same my name."
"Risaaaaaa fuck me please oh god I can't"
"No little one say. My. Name." She all but growled out at you making sure to keep you teetering on the edge of your own climax that your body desperately desired.
"Oh fuck me mommy please mommy please I need you" and with that Larissa brought a hand to your clit causing your body to throw you over the edge. Moaning desperately as you rode out your orgasm. Sweat covered your body as she pulled out of you gently causing you to whine and collapse back against the desk. Concern flashed through her eyes. Had she been too rough?
"Darling are you okay?" The concern Evident in her voice.
"Mhmmmmmmm I mm " you managed to mumble out fighting your exhausted body. Larissa had fucked you so well your body and brain couldn't keep up.
Sensing that she'd done a good job Larissa chuckled and pulled you into her arms carrying you to her quarters next door.
"Oh look at my little one, mommy fucked you well mmm?" There was a hint of pride in her tone which caused a sleepy hmm of agreement from you. You were curled up against the principle desperately wishing hoping you weren't going to wake up and this only be a dream. Exhaustion was seeping through your bones as your stubbornly tried to fight it, just in case this was a dream you didn't want it to end.
"Sleep now little one, I'll still be here when you awake darling" the soothing words and tone was all it took for you to allow sleep to take you.
Word count~ 2983
*A/n ~ never wrote smut before all that was definitely an experience such a long chapter I hope it's not too terrible for you guys*
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ralvezfanatic · 4 months
Although I think Luke is mostly a dom/top, I think he could be a switch.
Warnings: Just a bunch of nsfw headcannons about Luke. No actual story, plot, or smut, but there are mentions/descriptions of sex. HCs for male readers with a dick, and for trans male readers, (both with and without bottom growth).
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Domming/topping? He'd manhandle you easily, no matter your size or anything. He's strong, he'll move you, flip you, or carry you to wherever he wants with complete ease.
He can be both rough or gentle with you, whichever you prefer at the moment. Unless he was away from you for long. He'd be rough, desperate to feel you again.
Luke gets desperate when he's spent more than a couple days without you, your kisses, your touch, your body. He'll jump your bones as soon as theres a chance.
He'll be pulling you into a kiss, all messy from his desperation. His hands moving all over your body, glad to be holding you again.
Leading you to your bedroom, or they nearest surface if he can't help himself. There isn't a place in either of your homes where you and him haven't fucked.
On the couch, on the kitchen countertops, in the shower, bathroom sink, against every wall in the house, hell even the floor.
He's clawing at your clothes, trying to rip them off you as quick as possible. He's gotten good at undressing you both in under two minutes.
He's rough at the start, so so desperate (and horny) after being away from you for so long. He can't keep his hands off you, wanting to feel you.
When you have sex, he'd prep you by eating you out. He'd happily bury himself between your thighs, licking and sucking around your entrance, pushing his fingers in to stretch you.
If you have a cunt, he'd happily lick up all your juices. Lapping them up hungrily, unable to get enough of your taste. Its intoxicating, hes addicted to tasting you. He'd praise your taste, your cunt and everything about you as he ate you out.
He'd kiss and lick your clit/dick. (No matter what you have, bottom growth or not, he'll call it a dick.) He'd suck on your bud while pumping his fingers in and out of you.
He could (and would) make you cum just from his mouth and fingers, and he's extremely proud of that.
If you have a dick, he'd still happily go down on you. He'd lick around your hole before starting to prep you.
When he's stretching you, he'd jerk you off slowly. He'd thrust his fingers in and out of you while his other hand pumps your cock.
He'd kiss your tip, give it small licks as he adds another finger into you. He would take your length in slowly, removing his fingers to hold you in place as he sucks you off.
He would either stop right before you cum, having fun with the way you'd cried out in frustration, or keep going until you cum into his mouth, moaning around you whole swallowing all of your seed.
He would keep your cock in his mouth licking every drop of cum off your length until you push him off.
After eating you out, he'd fuck you, even if you finished already. He loves overstimulating you, loving the noises that come out of you, the way you cry from pleasure but don't stop him.
He'd praise you, calling you a good boy for taking him so well, leaning down to wipe away your tears and kiss you so you'd calm down.
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Subbing/bottoming? He's needy, way more than when he tops. He allows you to control him completely, obeying your every command. He loves making you happy, and if that means become a desperate needy slut, thats what he'll do.
He definitely prefers to bottom after a really stressful day/case. He loves being taken care of, not having to worry or work too much and just relax for a moment.
Luke definitely has a praise kink, and its more prominent when hes getting topped yk.
He becomes a complete mess under you. No matter if you're fucking him, riding him/his face, he's a mess. He is ADDICTED to your taste, absolutely loves whenever you sit on his face. Quite literally cannot get enough of you.
More on the praise kink. He could probably cum from just being praised while going down on you. Like being praised and tasting you? He couldn't imagine anything better.
He's wasn't used to bottoming before you, never having someone who wanted to top him. So the first time he bottomed for you, he was a bit nervous.
He also never experiment with himself back there, so in a way it felt like you were taking his virginity, to him at least. (Don't question his thinking).
He was sensitive, trying to hold back whimpers when you started to prep him, his own dick leaking precum just from your fingers going in.
Once you added your third finger into him, he was already begging for you to fuck him. He would have came from just your fingers if you didn't stop.
While topping, he's not that loud. He'd praise you a lot and just compliment everything about you. But while bottoming, he'd be a bit louder.
Honestly, he'd whimper.. like I can see this man whimpering as you fuck him stupid.
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For aftercare, I think he's big on it. He'd make sure your comfortable, going to get a warm cloth to clean you up first.
He loves to cuddle after sex, preferring to hold and kiss you while thanking you and continuing to compliment you. 9 out of 10 times this results in round 2 or more.
He'd either draw you a bath, depending if you can walk or not. Or he would shower with you.
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formula1fanfiction · 28 days
Alex Albon / Carlos Sainz
Title: I want you to feel, like he did
Pairing: Alex Albon / Carlos Sainz
Characters: Alex Albon, Carlos Sainz, George Russell
Prompt: Can you write something that Alex learned how Sainz treat, Russell and punish him. Rough top Alex.
A/N: you can read about George and Carlos here, but you don't have to.
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Alex waits in the shadows by Carlos' drivers room until he sees the Spaniard arrive back. Alex is burning with pure rage, he waits for Carlos to go inside, then quickly follows him, nit bothering to knock or wait for permission.
"Alex?" Carlos seems surprised to see him, they don't ever really interact, so the confusion is valid. "What are you doing here?" Carlos follows up, crossing his arms.   
"George, told me about it you know." Carlos smirks, closing the gap between them, so their foreheads are nearly touching. "What's wrong? Sad your little slut has spread his legs for another man?" Carlos laugh, it takes everything inside of Alex, not to punch his stupid face.
"Don't you dare call him a slut." Alex growls back, the smirk on Carlos' face, grows even wider. "The truth hurts, no? Besides what are you going to do about it?"
Alex doesn't know why he does it, but he kisses Carlos' the Spaniard gasps into his mouth, it's such a hard kiss that Alex is sure he can taste blood. Carlos gets over his initial shock and starts to kiss back, his arms wrapping around Alex's neck.
"Oh no, Carlos, you are not the one in charge here." Alex pants, breaking the kiss and pushing his fingers into Carlos' silky hair. Alex kisses him again, this time, pushing his tongue into Carlos' mouth, exploring every inch of him, while sneaking his hand down Carlos' body, over his strong thighs and resting over his hard cock.
"You had no right, he had carpet burns-" Carlos cuts him off. "He wanted it hard, he begged for it." Carlos puts on a mock British accent. "Fuck me harder Carlos-" Alex sees red, and uses the opportunity to grab Carlos' cock though his jeans. "You're hard Carlos, do you want me?" That does knock the smile off Carlos' smug face.
"Who doesn't want a good hard fuck?" Carlos says, while trying to grab Alex's own cock, but his hand is smacked away before he even gets the chance. "I hope you know, you are bottoming this hard fuck."      
Carlos looks taken back and stays quiet for a few moments, then the smile is back again. "Well if he liked it so much, no reason why I wouldn't." Alex' smile becomes shark like. "Just you wait, Carlos." Alex produces a condom and lube from his pocket, he came prepared, knowing Carlos wouldn't say no.
Alex unpops the button on Carlos' jeans, pulling a gasp from his mouth in the process. "You can leave Carlos." Alex takes a step back, meeting his eyes. Carlos shrugs and pushes his jeans and boxer shorts down together, letting his hard cock spring free and slap against his stomach.
"If you think I can't take a cock in my arse, then you've got another thing coming." Alex shrugs. "That's not what I was thinking at all, bend over." Carlos doesn't just folds his arms, he wants Alex to make him. With a shrug, Alex swiftly bends Carlos around and bends him over, he goes surprisingly easy.
Alex pops the cap on the bottle of lube, drawing another shudder from Carlos, he pours a generous amount onto his fingers. Alex circles around the opening for a couple of seconds just to increase the tension, he waits until Carlos relaxes, then unexpectedly slams a finger into him making Carlos cry out in surprise, or pleasure. Alex honestly doesn't care which it is. Alex instantly twists around the single digit then starts to fuck into him with it, opening him up as much as possible with one finger then adding a second digit and slamming into him, with quick and rough finger thrusts. He works up his way to three fingers then, lets them slip out of him.
"I'm not like him, I didn't beg for more.." Alex ignores him, and pushes his own jeans down to his thighs and rolls on the condom. "please just fuck me Carlos, my slutty hole needs you inside of me." Alex knows he's only doing it wind him up, he saw the state of George..
It succeeds, Alex can feel himself filled with rage as he roughly takes Carlos by the hips and sinks inside with one, swift thrust, he doesn't bother to stall and instantly picks up a rough hard pace, he's never been this rough with anyone in his life, Carlos deserves it.
"I won't give you the satisfaction of moaning like a cheap whore, like George did." Alex squeezes Carlos' hips even tighter. "You're the one taking it up the arse Carlos, you have nothing to be smug about." Alex thrusts in extra hard, slamming into Carlos' prostate in the process of it, which does pull a moan from Carlos. "Who doesn't moan like a cheap whore?" Carlos tells him to shut up, Alex ignores him and slams into his prostate over and over again.
Alex squeezes Carlos' hips so hard, there's sure to be bruises left there as he slams into Carlos which as much force as he can muster, slamming into his prostate with every brutal thrust. Carlos' losing it rapidly, as his body is filled with waves and waves of pleasure.
"Touch me Alex, please." Carlos' sounds needy and pathetic and it's music to Alex's ears. "I'm not touching your horrible cock, touch yourself or cum from my cock alone, I don't care." Carlos makes a dissatisfied grunt and wraps his hand around his own cock, stroking himself in time with Alex's thrusts.
Carlos screams as he comes, his who body shudders with it as he spills himself over his own hand. Carlos becomes vice like around him, it soon becomes harder to thrust into his tight channel. He can't take it anymore, his orgasm practically squeezed out of him, he bites down on Carlos' shoulder as he comes, spilling inside of the condom.
Alex leans against the wall panting, after pulling out of Carlos collapses onto the floor. "Aren't you going to thank me?" Carlos pulls himself up off the floor and pulls his boxers and jeans back on.
"No, I don't think I will." Alex pulls his own clothes up and swiftly pulls his own pants and boxers up. He gets out of there as quickly as he can. He only hopes Carlos feels as used as George did.    
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lou-struck · 2 years
Little Heroes
Featuring: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Eijirou Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, and Shoto Todoroki...
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~Here’s how I think the BNHA guys would respond to being shrunk down by a quirk.
~ This is pretty similar to the series I did for Obey Me and a couple of you thought It would be fun to do with BNHA so here we are.
Katsuki Bakugo~
He hates it so much, everyone around him so is much bigger than him and he is being babied. 
 When you try to put him in your pocket he starts squirming and shouting obscenities at anyone who is staring at him. He fires off little explosions with his quirk, but they are so little they tickle your skin like tiny pop-its. He’s like an adorable little firecracker.
You are the only person he is comfortable enough with to relax in his tiny state. As you walk he is able to conceal himself and whisper as many snarky comments in your ear as you want. It becomes alittle difficult to pretend you don't hear him insult the people walking past you.
When he is back to normal, you are forbidden to ever speak of this ‘little’ mishap ever again.
Izuku Midorya~
He doesn't leave your side at first. Instead he is content to just happily ride around in your hands and  on your shoulder enjoying the closeness between the two of you. But as he gets morecomfortable in his tiny state. He begins to wander farther and farther away from you. 
Eventually, you cannot see the little green head of your boyfriend and you begin to panic that someone will step on him. or he will get stuck somewhere you can't get to. Suddenly he comes out from under the couch dragging a few lost things out. As you examine each on he puffs up like a proud little dog showing off his prizes.
Shoto Todoroki~
When the smoke cleared he was so confused. The villain was encased in a mini glacier but it towers over him and he wonders if he overdid it.
 Why was everything so big all of the sudden?
It wasn't until you reached down and scooped him up in your hands that he realized that its wasn't the world that was so big, he was just so small. He isn't really bothered by it and enjoys all the contact he has with you.
The feeling of being safe in your hands fills the void of physical touch he has experienced in his youth and he won't budge from you for a second. When his tiny tummy starts to rumble as softly asks if he could have a bowl of cold soba. You don't find it in yourself to deny him when he looks so adorable.
As you get it he wonders what it would be like to jump into the bowl.
Eijirou Kirishima~
As everyone towers above him, he doesn't feel very manly...
The Villian’s shrinking quirk has left him feeling small, one misstep by someone and he would be squashed. 
Even if he goes unbreakable it wouldn't protect him from the sheer weight of everything around you. But when he sees you rush over to him and scoop him up his big heart feels like it is about to flutter out of his tiny chest.
On the way home, you promise to stay with him until the effect wears off and he is back to his full size. 
Normally, Kiri is super clingy after when he gets home so it's no surprise that he wants to ride around on your shoulder as you move about the house. You have no objection to doing so since normally you are the one who is usually being carried and held by him.
Once he is back to normal he will definitely return the favor and carry you bridal style wherever you may need to go.
Denki Kaminari~
Denki likes this a bit too much.
Not only does he get to be taken care of by you, he gets to enjoy all the advantages of being small, cute, and handsome. He considers himself your personal assistant while you work, giving your phone a little charge here and there, and munching on a kernel of popcorn.
He is so entertaining to watch as he builds little forts out of the items on your desk that you forget about the paperwork you are supposed to be doing.
Once you are done you sit down to watch a movie, he sits comfortably on your lap and teases you relentlessly. 
He feels so content to be taken care of that he can't wait to turn back to full size to treat you just as well, maybe build a fort big enough for the both of you.
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