#I discovered it a year or two later but cant remember exactly when JUST THAT THIS REVELATION HIT ME LIKE A TRUCK
unohanadaydreams · 6 months
Celebrating the coming of 2024 made me realize I've been unwell about Bleach characters for almost 20 years.
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goosewhisker · 4 years
russetfur vs. the entirety of skyclan || ch. 3
read this on ao3 || read this on fanfiction.net
chapter one
chapter two
summary:  After enduring months of Turtlekit and Kitekit’s abuse, Rootkit finally snaps and accidentally awakens his powers. This has the unfortunate side effect of reviving the ghost of an angry Shadowclan warrior who: 1) is personally offended by Skyclan’s existence, and 2) has magnanimously taken it upon herself to relieve the world of that burden. Or something
okay so its been a minute since i posted. a lot of things happened, i got a kitten, a job, a new fandom, and i speedran a full semester of calculus in like the past four weeks. im sorry about how late this is and i cant promise when the next one will be up but its half written already so uh hope springs eternal. anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk
also shoutout to @turquoise-tulip for reminding me that ive had this chapter in my drafts for half a year now this ones for you im sorry its so stupid
Chapter Three: In Which Rootkit Practices the Art of Blackmail 
The morning after is quiet.
...is what Rootkit would like to say. Actually, he gets woken up by Tree at what his mom likes to call 'the butt-crack of dawn' to go talk to Leafstar, thereby ruining his chances of being a normal warrior forever.
When they get to the leader's den, Violetshine is already there. Rootkit discovers this by walking into her while his eyes are closed in the middle of a yawn.
"See, he's about to fall asleep on his paws," his mom points out, sounding pretty close to yawning herself. "It's too early for this. Morning, kid."
Rootkit mumbles something that's unintelligible even to himself and falls asleep on his mother's paws. A few minutes later, he's woken by gentle paws on his back.
"Hey, kid. Kiddo. You gotta get up."
Rootkit hums absently, still mostly asleep, before realizing abruptly where he is. Mouse dung! Suddenly, he's completely awake. He jerks his head up, almost colliding with Tree's jaw before he pulls out of the way. Rootkit, too busy panicking, doesn't notice. He just fell asleep in Leafstar's den! After she'd brought him over to talk specifically to him! After seeing this humiliating display of incompetence, she'll really never make him a warrior, and Kitekit and Turtlekit will-
"Rootkit." The single word cuts through the panic. Rootkit looks up to see Leafstar, looking very serious with only a hint of amusement seeping through. "Are you feeling alright?"
"Yes!" The answer bursts out of him before he really thinks it through. And, well, it's not entirely true, but it's not entirely untrue either. Either way, he's up for answering any questions, which is probably what she's asking.
Leafstar looks at him just long enough for him to start fidgeting before she begins. "I've already spoken to your parents, Rootkit, so I know most of the story. I just need to know your side. What happened yesterday with the ghost?"
Rootkit looks at his paws, then back to Leafstar's calming gaze. "It started when I was at the grave. I was just- just talking, and then Kitekit found me..."
He tells her the whole, stupid story. How he'd lost it at Kitekit and Turtlekit and turned around to find a ghost looming over him; how he'd asked Tree for help, only for her to disappear; how she'd attacked him and Tree, announced her intentions, and vanished. At last, the story runs dry and he falls silent to watch her expression change.
Leafstar hums thoughtfully. She turns to Tree. "Do you think she's likely to hurt someone?"
Tree shrugs, looking uncomfortable. "If she's serious, yes. Most ghosts can't touch the living. Those who can - like this one - usually died violently or thinking they were wronged. And angry ghosts tend to be... volatile."
"Ah." Leafstar considers this.
"If it comes to that, what'll you do?" Violetshine asks. "Will you be able to stop her?"
Rootkit watches Tree watch his mom, and something in his dad's eyes soften. He leans over to swipe a tongue over her ear. "You want to help her, don't you?" he says quietly. "Because she's Shadowclan?"
Violetshine flushes, but she doesn't back down. "Many of them weren't kind to me," she says, "But Shadowclan was still my home once. I can't just forget that."
Tree purrs and winds his tail with hers. "That's why I love you," he whispers.
Rootkit sticks his tongue out in disgust. Bleh. Grownups!
"To answer your question," Tree adds, "I don't know what I'll do. I suppose-" he pauses, eyes tight with worry. "I've never exorcised a ghost who didn't want to move on before. I don't know if I even can. This may be something of an experiment."
The grownups look at each other for a long moment. "I will do whatever it takes to keep my clan safe," Leafstar says. There's something like a warning in her voice that makes Rootkit shiver.
"What should I do?" he asks. All three adults look at him like they've forgotten he's there.
After a moment, Leafstar's face breaks into a smile. "Tell you what. You can help by keeping an eye out for this Russetfur and letting one of us know when she's nearby. But listen, Rootkit," and her voice goes stern. "You must stay away from her. Russetfur is dangerous, and she may hurt you to get what she wants. Do you understand me, Rootkit?"
Rootkit looks into Leafstar's amber eyes - warm and worried and burning with a fierce, protective fire - and knows what he has to do. "I understand, Leafstar," he says, and just like that, his mission clicks into place.
From somewhere else in the camp - probably the warriors' den - someone screams, followed by Russetfur's haunting cackles.
Rootkit ignores it.
As he double checks his supplies, Rootkit runs through a mental checklist. He's talked to the ghost - check. He's figured out what she wants - check. He's given her what she wants - well... no. Tree's three-step-plan hadn't exactly accounted for what happened if what the ghost wanted was unobtainable.
Well, it doesn't really matter now. This plan is sure to work.
"Are you sure this is gonna work," Needlekit says again.
"Yes, I am, Starclan above will you stop nagging me," Rootkit says.
His sister makes a disgruntled noise and hauls the next bramble into place with a particularly vicious tug. "I'm just concerned you have no idea what you're doing, is all."
"I know exactly what I'm doing."
Rootkit doesn't have any idea what he's doing.
"Hmm." Needlekit seems thoroughly unconvinced, but she gets on with the task anyway. The trailing brambles she's weaving into place will form a turtle-shell-shaped cage laced with warding herbs over the grave when they're done. The plan is more or less to summon Russetfur into a cage she can't phase through, leaving her unable to escape. In Rootkit's opinion, it's a pretty solid plan for someone who has no idea what he's doing. "Why're you so set on doing this, anyway? Didn't Leafstar tell you not to mess with Gingerpelt?"
"Russetfur," Rootkit corrects her automatically. "And, well, yes, but..." he hesitates. "It's just... you know. I was the one who set her free in the first place, and..."
"Yes?" Needlekit prompts him. She's given up on the brambles and moved to stuffing moss and bracken into the gaps.
Rootkit fidgets uncomfortably for a second before the truth bursts out of him. "And now Russetfur's running wild everywhere and it's all my fault, and what if Leafstar decides not to make me an apprentice? If I don't become an apprentice, I can't be a warrior! And if I can't be a warrior-" he cuts himself off. He can't repeat what Kitekit and Turtlekit had said; even saying the words aloud seems like tempting fate... and he can't burden Needlekit with that, anyway.
Needlekit looks at him, though, and her gaze goes soft. "And being a warrior is your dream," she says, and starts stuffing the gaps with renewed vigor. "Well, come on, then! If we can trap Scarletfuzz then Leafstar will have to make us both apprentices! I can't be an apprentice without you; then I'd have to share the den with just Kitekit and Turtlekit. Can you imagine?" She pulls a disgusted face that has Rootkit giggling despite himself.
"Alright, alright," he says. "While you're doing that..." He shoves aside the piles of bracken they'd collected and settles down on the dirt. In his stories, Tree had never really talked about summoning ghosts - his work had been more about getting them to leave - but Rootkit is pretty confident about his ability to summon her again if necessary. More importantly, one or two of his stories had been about things the average, non-ghost-seeing cat could do to ward off spirits.
Rootkit spreads out his supplies, most of which had been scavenged from the medicine cats through a combination of tag-teaming and white lies. The herbs really are going to help his mom, just not in the way Fidgetflake thinks.
Thistledown. Rosemary. Lavender. Thyme. All plants that either attract or repel spirits, according to Tree (from what Rootkit can remember, anyway). Plus a lot of spiderweb.
"Hey, are you sure that's right?" Needlekit asks, leaning over his shoulder. "I thought we were gonna get some sage. And why'd you pick up the thistle?"
Rootkit frowns. "Well, Fidgetflake was coming back too soon and I panicked, alright? If you've got a problem you can get some more yourself."
Needlekit snickers and prods the massive pile of spiderwebs. "No thanks. I think you could've gotten a little more spiderweb, Frecklewish might still have some left over... yeesh, alright, I'll leave off the sarcasm. You don't have to glare at me."
Rootkit rolls his eyes. The immaturity of some cats. "Maybe I went a little overboard, but we need it. Frecklewish can just send the 'paws out to find some more. Now help me apply it; we need to cover the entire cage so there's no chance of getting out."
It's the work of a few minutes to paste it over with cobwebs, and the work of a few more to weave in all the protecting herbs. With luck, they'll prevent her from just phasing through. By the time they're done, it's so dense that a living cat would find it impossible to escape; Rootkit can only hope that the same goes for a dead one.
"Alright, fire 'er up!" Needlekit commands.
Rootkit closes his eyes to focus, trying to recall the feeling of power rushing through his being. Once, Tree had told them of a time when he'd jumped onto a wire fence and been struck by something he'd called electricity- what lightning is made of, apparently. Rootkit imagines it feels something like that.
The power lying dormant in his veins leaps forth eagerly at his call. It swells like a crescendo of sound, rushing out through his paws into the ground.
Rootkit focuses on the grave with every fiber of his being and wills it to summon its spirit. "Russetfur!" he cries out.
For a moment, nothing happens.
Then, something shifts.
It's like a hole is briefly torn through space; instinctively, Rootkit reaches in, grabs something, and drags it through.
Beside him, Needlekit gasps. "What the heck was that?"
But her voice is wavy, distorted. Rootkit opens an eye and finds his world is tilted sideways. Needlekit makes a high pitched noise that scrapes its claws across the most inner parts of Rootkit's ears.
"M'fine," Rootkit mumbles. His words are slurred, he realizes distantly, because half his face is pressed into the dirt.
Needlekit jabs him. "This is no time for sleeping, Rootkit. Did it work?"
Rootkit blinks. For a moment, he has absolutely no idea what she's talking about; then, the memories start to flood back. He narrows his eyes, remembering the feeling of hooking a soul on his clawtips like a fish. "I think-"
He's interrupted by an infuriated caterwaul that drowns out whatever he was going to say.
"What is this?"
The cage shakes as its captive throws her entire weight against the wall, but it holds steady. The herbs have done their job; even a ghost can't pass through.
Needlekit laughs triumphantly. "It's bad kitty jail for bad kitties!"
Russetfur snarls back something absolutely obscene and proceeds to attack the inside of the cage with a ferocious determination. At least, Rootkit thinks she is; it's kind of hard to tell since they can't actually see her.
"Can she get out?" Rootkit wonders.
"No," Needlekit says at the same time Russetfur snaps, "You bet your kittypet hide I will."
Rootkit blinks.
"Literally," Russetfur adds. "Because I'll strip it off your back to line my nest."
"Oh." Rootkit drops his head back on the ground. The dirt here is very comfy, he realizes. Maybe he should just sleep here from now on. "Yeah. That was kind of unclear."
"It'll become very clear in a few minutes, runt. I'll even give you a demonstration."
Needlekit leans against the cage with a smirk that probably would have been infuriating, if Russetfur could actually see it. "Don't worry, Redpelt, you're clear as crystal."
Rootkit freezes. Even the scraping sounds coming from inside the cage cut off. "What was that," Russetfur says suspiciously. "Did you just-"
"Keep your spirits up," Needlekit says. "I'm sure you'll be back to your old haunting grounds in no time."
Rootkit tries to slam his head into the ground and discovers that it's really much harder to do when you're already lying on it.
Russetfur doesn't say anything.
"What's wrong, ghostie? You're as silent as the dead in there."
Then a translucent ear rises out of the ground right next to Rootkit's face and he screams loud enough to be heard halfway to Riverclan, probably, and scrambles out of the way. Needlekit screams, too, and then Russetfur is climbing out of the ground like a corpse emerging from its grave.
She shakes herself off and grins down at them with more teeth than a cat should rightfully have. "You forgot to ward the bottom," she says. Rootkit makes a very small sound that definitely qualifies as a whimper. "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."
All the fur on Needlekit's body has bushed out so she looks twice her size - which, compared to the full-grown warrior before them, is almost nothing. She's shaking like a leaf, but undaunted, she spits at Russetfur's feet. "Drop dead!"
Rootkit could kill her.
In a blur of movement, Russetfur pins Needlekit to the cage wall with one paw. "I admire your spirit, kit," she hisses. "But if you want to sass me, you're digging your own grave."
That's it. Rootkit has had enough. That is the final stars-damned straw. "Shut up with the stupid ghost puns, I swear to Starclan," Rootkit screams.
The wind rustles gently in the treetops as the two she-cats stare at him.
"The next person to make a single stars-cursed ghost pun, I am going to snap your fleabitten neck. Is that clear?"
Needlekit makes a stifled noise muted by the heavy paw slowly crushing her windpipe.
"Ah." Russetfur looks to be considering it. "Would you say we're dead m-"
Rootkit makes a very aggressive series of throat-slitting gestures.
"...you've got your father's spirit in you, I see."
"I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it," Rootkit snarls.
That gets her attention. Russetfur's eyes widen, then narrow. "Oh?" Her voice is considerably less friendly.
This is where it gets tricky. Rootkit's at a disadvantage - he's just seriously ticked off a relatively powerful ghost with a grudge against his relatively powerless clan, she's got his sister by the throat, and his only bargaining chip is a bluff. But there's an opportunity somewhere here; he just has to navigate a very prickly, very dangerous minefield and pray he doesn't blow them all up.
Time to channel his inner Tree. "Look," Rootkit says, in his best diplomat voice. "Clearly, we both want something here, something that we can provide for each other. What do you say we make a deal?"
Russetfur narrows her eyes and tightens her grip on Needlekit. "I don't think you're in a position to bargain, here," she says.
"On the contrary." Rootkit raises a paw. "I am in every position to offer a deal... as you just experienced yourself."
Russetfur scoffs. "What could you possibly have to offer me?"
"Your life."
That gives her pause. "If you could exorcise me, you'd have done it already."
Rootkit gives his best imitation of her knife-sharp smile and proceeds to lie through his teeth. "What do you think we were doing just now?"
The ghost narrows her eyes and says nothing.
Rootkit seizes his opportunity and plows onward. "You don't want to be exorcised, and we don't want you in our camp. So here's the deal - you leave and we don't follow." The last few words are growled out, like Leafstar whenever someone threatens the clan.
It's very intimidating, in his opinion, but it doesn't seem to have an effect in Russetfur. If anything, it only seems to make her angrier. "I won't sacrifice my honor as a Shadowclan cat to run from a bunch of kittypets," Russetfur snarls, leaning closer. "Even if you kill me again, I'd sooner die fighting for my clan than kowtow to some coddled housepets."
Rootkit grits his teeth. She hasn't called his bluff, but they can't have her running loose and hurting people. Think, Rootkit! "Another deal, then," he says. "If you won't leave the camp, then you just can't hurt anybody."
"No deal," Russetfur snaps.
"That's the final offer," Rootkit says coldly. "Under no circumstances are you allowed to hurt or injure any Skyclan cats. I'm not going to compromise on that point. And you can't really afford to bargain, anyway," he adds with a shrug. His heart is pounding so loudly he's almost sure Russetfur can hear it. "If you don't, I'll just summon you into the cage again and exorcise you for good. Or who knows? Maybe we'll leave you in there for a while. And this time we'll cover the bottom." He finishes with the nastiest, most hateful smile he can muster - which isn't particularly difficult, right now.
Russetfur goes silent. He can practically hear the gears in her brain ticking as she weighs her options. There's clearly only one real option here; he just hopes she isn't too prideful to take it.
"Fine," Russetfur growls, voice so low he has to strain to hear it. "Fine. I agree to your terms." The hatred seeping from her voice is almost palpable.
Well, the feeling is absolutely mutual. Rootkit dips into a little bow and bares his fangs in a farce of a smile. "Pleasure doing business with you."
Russetfur disappears into the air, leaving Needlekit to slump to the ground, wheezing. Rootkit waits until he's certain the ghost is gone before sinking onto the ground himself, body shaking with all the fear he couldn't allow himself to show before. Holy crap.
"Are you," Needlekit begins, then cuts herself off with a raucous bout of coughs that makes him wince. "Are you... okay?" she whispers hoarsely.
Rootkit makes a high-pitched, keening noise before breaking into nervous laughter. "No, no, not even a little bit. Oh, Starclan, I can't believe I'm alive, I thought she was going to kill us both. Oh stars..." he trails off with a giggle and buries his face in the dirt.
They lie there for a couple minutes, the silence broken only by Needlekit's wheezing and Rootkit's trembling.
"I want Mom and Dad," Needlekit whispers.
Rootkit couldn't agree more.
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tfw-no-tennis · 3 years
mtmte liveblog issue 35
ooooh baby functionist universe time
the cover with the neon ‘everything is fine’ sign is rlly good but also the pile of dead data stick bots makes me so sad omg noooo they're so cute leave them alone :( 
minimus and rewind...! its so cool seeing them interact
also I just love the crowd shot, and you can immediately see that there are a ton of data stick bots like rewind around - which isn't what we’re used to at all
also some good ole totalitarian govt stuff like the ‘you are our eyes’ sign (which, in retrospect, is fucking evil damnnnn)
also I'm so [eyezoom] on this functionist universe stuff bc like, this is basically the only time we ever see dominus be a character (rather than hearing abt him thru other characters), and even so he remains pretty ambiguous 
like, minimus clearly isn't thrilled that dominus didn't show up to see him at the space airport or w/e when they've been apart for two million years - and even tho we later see why he didn't show up, it still shows that there's some tension there
the amount of crowd shots in this issue is insane 
oooof, the fact that they sold luna 2 - and to the black box consortia, who we just heard about last chapter when they previously got into a space battle w/the galactic council and the djd
fu!minimus being part of the primal vanguard is interesting, I wanna see more about that. what was he doing w/them for 2 million years?
rewind just casually saying this completely fucked stuff, like that the govt ‘outlawed the intellectual class’ and ‘deported the knock-offs’ (which I'm assuming is cold constructed bots?)
I really like the sense we get thru minimus and rewind’s convo that all of this fucked up stuff has happened slowly enough that its become almost normal - like, they talk about it casually, even though its clear they don't necessarily agree with any of it 
plus the sense of ‘even if things get really bad ill be okay’ that both rewind and minimus seem to adhere to - rewind having been upgraded from being in the disposable class due to his connection w/dominus, and minimus saying ‘I like to think that obsolescence is something that happens to other people’ 
I love all the fucked up signage this issue. ‘take pride in being a means to an end,’ yikes
god and the fact that there isn't MORE data sticks, there's just LESS of other alt modes bc of how many alt modes the govt has wiped out completely...
oof, and continuing the whole ‘slow change’ thing - minimus saying that ‘the council never touches the astro class,’ and maybe that used to be true, but the govt will keep pushing that line, clearly...
and we get to see minimus’s alt mode! altho we the readers know that this isn't minimus’s true form...
‘amazing, the lengths some people will go to cross class boundaries,’ minimus says, as if he isn't doing exactly what rewinds describing, but even moreso as a loadbearer wearing an entire suit of armor
and then the casual public execution of the last lunabot...oof.
love the ‘cybertron. the present day’ text overlay...I was so confused about this when I first read it lmao. I figured it had to be some sort of au/quantum nonsense but STILL
back on the lost light, chromedome is going full kool-aid man on rewinds door
mannnnn I absolutely love the plotline of rewind 2 and chromedome 1...im so glad the story acknowledges that they ARE different, they did experience different stuff on their own lost lights, and rewind 2 being a quantum duplicate doesn't mean he had the same experiences as rewind 1...
and I love so much that chromedome just Doesn't Get It, bc of course he wouldn't - he’s too relieved that rewind is back to even consider that its not quite the same, that the rewind he was forced to blow up is still dead (which is a fucked up thought, so of course chromedome, the master of pushing the past away and moving right along, would want to avoid thinking about that in favor of continuing his relationship w/rewind 2)
it also makes a lot of sense that rewind, who records everything and puts a huge emphasis on history/the past, would be hyperaware of all the differences between him and rewind 1, and his chromedome and this chromedome
AUGHHHH and chromedome referring to an offer he made to rewind that was pretty clearly ‘if your memories of the djd slaughter are too much, I can remove them for you’ ooooof...I love these two so much, like...their absolute opposite approaches to trauma is fascinating
oooh mannnnn and then rewind starts ‘remembering’ stuff from the functionist universe...the plot thickens...!
I really like how one of the main ‘things’ in a lot of tf universes is energon/energy shortages, its interesting when the angle is kinda like, ‘energon is a finite resource and the methods to obtain more often involve destroying other planets,’ that's a pretty unique, alien problem for the tfs to have
it also makes sense that the functionists would form partially in response to that (perceived) shortage, and any sort of scarcity would push them further into their extremist views
I like how expressive the characters with visors are...its cute...
poor rewind has to go thru So Much
WHY can just anyone go into the morgue and touch the dead bodies. I mean I guess megatron being one of the captains explains why he’s in there, but that still shouldn't be allowed 
‘megatron mountain’ vhbjdkshfbjskfbhhk that's so fucking funnyyyyy I love rodimus....I quote that line a lot, especially when watching g1 lmao
the fact that swerve diluting his engex bc he’s a cheapskate saved everyone's s lives is amazing lmao
also like...damn brainstorm sure tried to murder Literally Everyone huh. like I guess the logic would be that if he succeeded in changing the past it wouldn't matter that they had died there cause the timeline wouldn't exist, but STILL. I guess that shows how confident brainstorm was in his plan
it makes so much sense somehow that rung doesn't drink. and we’ve seen firsthand why magnus doesn't lol
mannnn that panel of brainstorm shooting magnus with some wacky beam and causing the magnus armor to fall off in vehicle mode...Super Cool, just peak mad scientist vibes there
ok but if minimus switches to alt mode when ultra magnus does - as we see here, where minesweeper-minimus is inside big-ole-car-magnus - does that mean that inside the minesweeper is turbofox-minimus?? I want to seeeee
ghsdufjkbvksadfbhjs the panels of rodimus telling megatron that brainstorm time travelled are so fucking funny
and megatrons rant about how absolutely bonkers the lost light is....hvbhjdskfbasjh that's so funny oh my god. like yeah dude you're right and you gotta roll w/it sorry 
'on this ship, a minor breakdown is practically a rite of passage’ vbjdsnfbkasdfn its true and I love it
goddddddd it kills me how at this point in the story its So Obvious to everyone that brainstorm travelled back in time to do evil decepticon double agent stuff - and we as the reader can even buy that bc brainstorm has been so sketchy until now, and nothing he’s done contradicts what rodimus suggests - but it turns out in the end, it was all just for love. AUGHHHHHHHH its about the LOVE!!!! that's why I love this arc so much.
back in the functionist universe - god I cant believe rewind waited until Now to reveal to minimus that dominus has a tv face...like I get that that's a difficult topic to bring up in conversation but like, a little sooner might've been good hbvhjkdhnfbjaksl
oh man it hurts...rewind saying that they're in a ‘blind spot...’ oh man :(
rebel rewind, tho!! I love it sm
oh man and rewind never even broke the news about dominus to minimus oof. that's a tough reveal 
MANNN I really like the whole ‘flathead’ thing, its so awful and brutal. its such a logical extension of empurata, and as dominus says, once people get used to seeing empurata’d bots, it loses its punch...and the flatheads thing is even more invasive 
and writing wise, both empurata and the tv-heads are such good devices to show evil govt bs. I talk abt it a lot but I like all the ways jro gets creative with the ‘alien robots’ thing; a lot of these concepts wouldn't work at all with humans or other organic aliens
GODDD and dominus’s chilling speech being interrupted by the functionist propaganda....fucking horrifying I love it
also seeing dominus here is fascinating - clearly the council managed to pin him down enough to turn him into a flathead, but they never discovered his true alt mode...same with minimus, actually 
the cog is so fucking ominous. just floating there...
and the council is scary too! their names, and the fact that they all look the same...seems about right for an evil alien governing body
mannnnnnn and then the reveal that the data slug alt-modes will be ‘recalled’ next...rewind noooooo...and the one council guy even admitted that they still served some purpose in society, BUT that their ability to mass store data made them dangerous to the goverment...evil!!
meanwhile, rodimus doesn't know enough about science to be appropriately frightened about their timeline being wiped from existence, so he’s having a grand ole time
‘no one’s nodding, perceptor’ bvhjdbfasdfhbk their expressions....the lost light command crew are all clearly team ‘leave the science to the scientists’ lmao
I do love the paradox stuff, and brainstorm’s way around it all 
‘so I'm not allowed to take an interest in magic?’ hvbjhsdkfbjhkdf ily sm rodimus
but also like....rodimus suggests a parallel universe could've formed and perceptor is like ‘no way, that's not scientifically possible,’ as if brainstorm didn't basically defy science by time travelling at all...and more to the point, functionist cybertron DID get created, so rodimus was actually RIGHT this time
love that we’re already seeing perceptor’s admiration for brainstorm and his invention even here....sapiosexual mfer
a time travel chase....so beautiful...I love sci-fi so much
seriously time travel is one of my favorite tropes ever, this arc was inevitably gonna be my fav 
‘he’s going to kill orion pax.’ DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN
meanwhile, on functionist cybertron...aw, is that bulkhead? great cameo! oh wait what's going on with all the data sticks...? uh oh!
the fact that their heads just EXPLODE....soooo fucked!! 
god and then the council picks up their dead bodies, for...probably something evil, I’d assume
god and then dominus got even more fucked....
‘there are certain words you cant afford to lose’ ;_; REWIND....GODDD IM SAD 
GOD GOD GOD the reveal that minimus has CAMERAS in his EYES GODDDDDDDDDDDD that's so FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and rewinds reaction...ME TOO BITCH TF!!!!!!
all the ‘you are our eyes’ messages are even worse now huh!!
they did it while minimus was asleep...that's so fuckedddd
FUCKKKK and then rewind’s impassioned rebel speech, which I adore.....rewind ily sm...he’s such a good revolutionary, I wish we could've seen him leading an anti-funtionist rebellion....BUT THEN ‘oh? what about the back up?’ and its just like HHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and then his head starts smoking and we see another billboard, but this time it says ‘WE are your eyes’ - is the implication that everyone is now a surveilling spy, whether they like it or now, so now it’s ‘we?’ like, we’re all in it together, spying on each other! ooooof
also. this is like the third time rewind has died on-screen in this series lmao (well, if you count the fake-out death where he thought he’d be cancelled out during slaughterhouse)...he ALMOST died in issue 12 too....poor rewind
‘the custom-made now’ is such a great title. jro always killin it w/the titles
plus ‘elegant chaos’ is such a cool arc name. fucking epic 
M A N NNNNNNNN THIS ISSUE WAS BALLER...this ARC is baller....I talked a lot hvbhdjkhfndsak lmao but there's so much to talk abt!!! I love the look into the functionist universe, I love seeing alternate versions of characters and settings so much, and I love time travel, so this issue is basically made for me
plus I fuckign love alien robot politics and seeing the absolute control the govt has over cybertronian society in the functionist universe is fascinating - plus from a storytelling standpoint, I think it was brilliant to show the ‘other side,’ aka what things would've been like without the war...which is something ill talk about later when its more directly addressed in the story but man do I enjoy that 
basically I love this arccccc I cant wait to read more hhhhhhh
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TUA Power HCs Part 1!
Discovered them at age 3 (He was the first)
He accidentally broke one of their nannies fingers
Had trouble controlling his strength (still does)
For personal training Reginald first made him build up his body
Because just cause he had incredible strength, didnt mean his body could take said strength
He used to accidentally break his arms when he used too much strength
They always healed fast though
As if they never broke to begin with
Baby Luther used to hide the fact that he broke/sprained/bruised his arms, legs, basically any part of his body because he felt like a failure whenever he got hurt
Later in life (maybe at 10?) Reginald discovers that Luther not only is super strong but also had super endurance
(Special Training was not fun that year, Reginald wanted to see how long he could last without food, water, air, shelter, etc.)
After that year, special training was a mix between building up his strength (weight lifting heavier and heavier objects every week) and building up his endurance (running around the room carrying a crap ton of weights, carrying a really really heavy weight and Reginald seeing how long he could carry it before his body gave out)
They first discovered his ability to breathe underwater first
Diego unlike his sibling absolutely adored bath time as a child
He would stay in the tub for hours if he could
One time his nanny had to leave him in the tub because one of his siblings was having a tantrum
She comes back to a sleeping Diego
Who's asleep in the tub
submerged in water
Was lowkey jealous of his siblings' powers while growing up
Reginald was so disappointed in him for having such a "useless ability"
Poor baby took it into heart :(
Special Training was awful before he found out his secondary power
Reginald wanted to see how long Diego could last underwater (he discovers Diego could last an indefinite amount of time down there)
He stopped liking water after that
He finds out about his secondary power at age 6
He likes to help Grace in cooking and usually cuts up the vegetables for her
He gets really good with the knife
So when Reginald demands he learns to wield a weapon he immediately chooses the knife
At first its was all stabby stabby but then one of his siblings goads him enough to rashly throw the knife at them
His aim is perfect. The knife is sailing through the air, going exactly where he wants it to be, except he wanted it to be in their head and oh god Diego panics, he didnt mean to throw that knife he never meant to hurt his siblings and he loves them and -
The knife is sailing towards his sibling's head and then it suddenly curves
Diego runs up to his sibling and hugs them and apologizes
Diego never wanted to pick up a knife after that
But then through some persuasion (Allison), he forgets the incident and picks it up again
Special training is all about accuracy and precision. All about moving targets, really tiny targets, living targets
Reginald wanted to know how much he could curve, what could he curve and all that jazz
Diego learns Physics because its an absolute must
(He learns how hard he has to throw for it to curve that much, how fast it needs to be to keep in the air even after it curves, how heavy should the knife be if he wants this specific result)
At first its hard and because he can curve anything he likes through pure instinct why does he need to learn Math?
But Reginald wants him to be as accurate as possible
(He motivates Diego by putting Mom and his siblings in situations where one false error could lead to their deaths)
He learns physics quickly
(Five and him bond over physics, Five helps him, He helps Five until Five gets too advanced and well...)
He actually gets super good and can do equations on the fly
People are constantly surprised at the amount of math needed for his powers
as a kid had absolutely no control on when her powers would activate
it would activate all the time leading to a lot of accidents
one time she snapped at Klaus to stop talking and he couldnt speak until she was able to reverse it
Reginald decided the best way for her to control it was through trigger phrases
she went through a lot of them because it wasnt cool enough for her
there was "listen up", "somebody once told me" (someone always interrupted her, usually Klaus, with the world was gonna roll me so she dropped it after like 3 uses) and a bunch more before settling on the iconic™ "I heard a rumor'
early on she learned that she had to be very precise with the wording or else the rumor wouldnt turn out the way she wanted it to
so special training was mainly focused on her wording, her pronunciation, and her learning other languages
allison is fluent in italian, french, spanish, mandarin, filipino, somali, she also can speak in a bunch of other languages but isnt super fluent
allison was actually pretty ok with special training until she was 10
thats when reggie brought in actual real life people
until that point she had only rumored her siblings (reginald actively encouraged it as long as he wasnt the one who got rumored) and occasionally the businessmen who came over to talk deals and shit
reggie was smart and only brought in people he was sure no one would miss, homeless hobos, drug addicts, people who lived by themselves and didnt have much family or any family at all
at first few meetings, she could stomach the feeling of wrongness
it was still easy for her to reason that what she was doing wasnt really wrong after all the commands she was issuing were really mild (like i heard a rumor you stubbed your toe, i heard a rumor you could play the piano perfectly)
they were just testing the reach of her powers
(could it rewrite your brain? create illusions, hallucinations? make you gain talents you never had? make you feel things?)
(reginald already knew her rumors could affect the memory, no need to test that, same thing with if her rumors could affect herself)
but then the more they pushed the boundaries the darker the rumors, the harder it was to stomach this sense of wrongness that threatened to swallow her whole
(could it override survival instincts? could it fake relationships? could it wreck relationships? can the human mind take multiple rumors at once? how about multiple conflicting rumors? how many rumors does it take to break the mind?)
its a lot easier to deal with special training when you cant remember
(but in her dreams she cant forget, she wakes up screaming, absolutely terrified and cant remember why)
at first thought everyone could see the ghosts
actually he thought they werent ghosts cos they didnt appear to him with their death injuries
realized they were dead people when he accidentally walked through them
at first the ghosts were ok (they were mostly the nannies vanya killed so they were nice) they were loud and sobbed really really loud all the time but they didnt actively seek him and so he didnt actively seek them either
he still didn't like his powers even back then when they werent as bad as they are now
since he didnt really have any interest in his powers, reginald forced him to use them more, to explore them
klaus really didn't want to talk to any ghost so Reginald locks klaus into the mausoleum for the first time
this is where everything goes to shit btw
Klaus is absolutely terrified because these ghosts arent like the ghosts in the mansion (the nannies)
these ghost were malicious and horrible and they were dead for so long that they lost any sense of self or humanity in them
this is where klaus develops his fear of the ghost and his powers
this is where klaus loses a grip on his powers and it causes horrible repercussions
he sees the way they died now
and it terrifies him even more
from ages 8 to 11 hes facing the full force of his powers whenever hes trapped in the mausoleum
every session his fear gets worse and worse
the ghosts appearance actually reflects on how he feels about them actually
thats why ben and dave dont look awful
and why the rest of the ghost do
klaus loves ben and dave
he's absolutely terrified of the rest of them
he discovers that drugs numb their abilities when one of them gets hurt badly during training and is on really heavy pain medication
maybe it Five who broke 5 ribs when sparring because luther forgot to control his strength
Five couldn't jump at all when he was on those meds and he hated it
but Klaus? the moment he put two and two together he jumped at the opportunity to temporarily get rid of his powers
he would purposely get super banged up during training just to get rid of his powers and it scared the living shit out of his siblings
they ask him to stop and he does, he doesnt like it when he scares his siblings
but the ghosts get too much and klaus is severely tempted to fuck himself up to get that sweet relief that the pain meds provide
he stumbles upon Reggies alcohol cabinet and discovers that while getting drunk doesnt exactly cut off his powers it gives him this buzz that makes it a lot more bearable
he discovers drugs when he sneaks out one night to get more booze
he starts off with weed and gets hooked
the ghosts are always worse after coming down so he scrambles to get high as soon as possible
he doesnt try anything harder until ben dies 
after ben dies he spirals
TUA Power HCs Part 2 is coming up in a bit, ask me if you wanna get tagged for it :)
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reddogf13 · 4 years
Escape: To Salvation Ch: 7
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Blake X Val
Summery: Blake wakes up in the hell town known as Templegate. confused and alone he must fight through both his past and present for his future. however, hallucinations of festering demons haunt him along with something else more of mortal blood. now he must fight to keep his nightmares and reality separate or succumb to the deadly wilds. however is he truly as alone as he feels in this world?  
status: complete
rated: M - fowl language, sensitive topics, and gore
previous chap: Escape: To Salvation CH:6
next chap: Escape: To Salvation CH:8
~Ch:7 Déjà vu~
“wicker, uh sir. We found one of the survivors.” a lower solder spoke to the higher with the crooked jaw. Standing at the entryway of the large fire lit tent as the lower was too nervous to approach. Sitting at a desk with a large map was the higher officer sticking pins attached to strings over certain areas. “the reporter?” the high officer spoke through gritted teeth. Grabbing a hold of his bottom jaw to force it into place with a loud pop. Adjusting it further with a crackling noise. The noise having the lower wince away. “no sir. It was one of the test subjects. The 2nd red marker who led the second group.” the man spoke, not wanting to get to close by the high officer. “the genetic freak.” wicker growled. “what do you want?!” he snapped at another soldier arriving. causing the other to pause his entry. “i-i brought your meal sir.” the other answered. After being waved in the food deliverer carefully crept in to set the plate by his side. Juicy chicken thighs, potatoes, and spinach. Wicker grabbed the chicken first to rip right into it with the stronger half of his jaw. Carefully chewing with his head tilted to the side for food to stay in place. The sound of a radio buzzing forcing him to stop with a groan. All knowing well who it was that was calling. The two lower men left in a nervous hurry without even requesting permission to. Wicker roughly swallowed his barely chewed food to delicately answer. A headache growing in his skull already in expectation of the voice. “since you haven't reported I assume you've found nothing!” the female voice roared over the radio. “we have found a survivor, I just got the news. Its that 2nd red marker, it managed to survive.” he spoke, gritting his teeth by the end as his jaw moved out of place. “so what have you been doing about it? Are you hunting on the field right now? By the sounds of the fire you must be lazing in your tent!” the voice scoffed. “i was-” the officer started, being interrupted by the female. “let me see, a experiment and a man running from Murkoff soldiers. Where have I heard this before. Could I be feeling deja vu from the huge mistake that was Jeremy Blair and later a same mistake committed by a John Barker.” she spoke in a rhetorical question as a reminder. Wicker going silent as his heart dropped. “i won't be a failure like those idiots. Blair could barely contain mount massive and john was practically an experiment himself.” wicker stated, trying to gain confidence in the higher. “just like you. I remember you made a mistake before when guarding a lab. That snapping jaw of yours makes me sick along with feeling incredible doubt you'll do anything right.” the female spoke with disgust changing into aggravated disappointment. “ No, no, I'll get things done! I'll go out right now with a party and have them by morning! I'll fix it, I promise nothing will get out.” wicker spoke with desperation at proving his worth. Knowing that his future and life were on the line. “you better if you want that CEO promotion. You used to be the head of your area till that lab failure. If you mess this up you might as well burn yourself at the stake. I demand results by morning.” the female voice snapped. The radio swiftly cutting off before wicker could get another word out. He stared down at his meal in silence. Rage burning to the surface in a furious yell as he swept his food far off the table. The sound of crashing glass on the dirt causing the camp to go on edge. “get everyone here!! NOW!!” wicker roared as he exited his tent. Forcing those sleeping to wake as he kicked there ribs or legs. Tossing food from those still eating to force them in line. The rest scrambling on their own into designated groups and lines. “not only do we have a rat reporter out there, now we've found out the 2nd red marker freak is out there too! From here on they are our top priority! I want bodies and no ones aloud to sleep, eat, or take any sort of breaks!” wicker shouted over the large mass of soldiers mixed with workers. “what about clean up?” one from the demolition group spoke. “forget it, for now. If that reporter makes it back or the freaks discovered. Murkoffs already halfway in the grave. If none of us find them then we're all gonna have our heads in the guillotine. Remember all those past workers now in jail for a lifetime for crimes against humanity because two idiots let two experiments get out to the public TWICE. I won't let that happen, we're not going to be failures. Half will get into search party's, blow up every little mine and cave they could hide in. burn the whole forest if you have too. We cant let them reach civilization. The other half will move with me to the blockade. We'll make it bigger and longer with a team of builders. Pack up immediately I want all this over by morning. NO EXCEPTIONS!!” wicker spoke with a commanding tone. “sir this land is huge with a whole catacomb of various mines and cave systems. It'll probably take us a week just to close off all the-” a worker started, interrupted by the loud bang of a hand gun blasting a bullet through his skull. “i wont tolerate hesitance or slack! Now go or Murkoff will get bullets for the rest of you!!” he threatened as he waved his gun toward the shocked crowd. The large group running in all directions to grab or pack what was needed.
_____________________________________________ Blake winced as Vals nails dug into his shoulder. Sure that a little blood was drawn from the grip. “did you say something?” the officer standing inches away spoke to another nearby. “no, why?” the other asked. Both going quiet as the radio sounded with static. “wickers given new orders. Regroup and form bigger search party's at the camp with new directions. Demolition men will also be joining scouts. Other half of all workers will move the camp to the blockade.” the radio spoke out the information. “whoa, wonder what caused the moving party.” the 2nd solder asked. “who do you think, probably little miss sunshine calling. We better get moving before wicker bites our heads off at camp.” the first spoke with an annoyed groan. When the two walked off out of site Blake grew increasingly uncomfortable at Vals body being over him. Quickly standing with a rush of pain to get away from her. “you shouldn't be speaking when trying to hide. It's a good way to get something through your skull.” Val spoke to him in a frustrated tone. “yes, but, but I know that symbol.” he said. “It was all over the news with the biggest story ever. A company called Murkoff doing mass experimentation on people. Turning them into weapons of war with torture and psychological manipulation. They were outed a couple of years ago by an ex worker and a mental patient. They escaped the asylum Murkoff was experimenting in and escaped a false town Murkoff created.” Blake thought as everything flooded to him. “They were able to releasing so many of their classified documents. Showing gruesome videos, written records, classified tapes from so many of the Murkoff heads. Pandora box was opened after that. the whole thing. More records were leaked, more Murkoff buildings were exposed. All over the world these places were being hunted out. It was the biggest crime against humanity any country had seen. Even the UN was getting involved after places were found in other countries. The worker who leaked the records, Waylon I think. He got into a huge debate himself over the freedom of the insane patient he escaped with. That went on for months and after a few years everything was locked down, whistle blowers hidden, and left to cool off. Guess they didn't get rid of Murkoff completely.” he continued in thought. The logo still burning in his brain. The pain of knowing it from somewhere else, but not being sure of where exactly. He was trying so hard to remember where, but couldn't with his memory being so clouded. His memory did keep returning to Jessica, but there seemed no reason to connect the two. “if it can’t help us, it's best we find some shelter and look at that leg.” Val spoke with disinterest on the symbol subject. “ but this whole thing is bad, this thing is huge! It's not just about ...” Blake trailed off before stopping. Realizing that Val was right. The knowledge of it being Murkoff not changing their situation. Only being more intimidated now by who is hunting them. “what happened after I left?” Val asked him. “ … i-i saw a helicopter and ran to hide someplace else. I ran into some wolves once the sun was down. One got my leg before they were distracted on those strangers wandering around.” Blake explained with half truths. He mainly wanted to get away from Val when he left. “hm. Maybe the wolves will distract them. The next shelter I know of is far. I can help carry you there.” Val said looking out to the forest then back to Blake. “i, uh-” Blake thought, debating on taking Vals help and whether or not he could make it their in the first place. A sudden memory coming to mind when he remembered both were covered in mud. He faced away from Val with a nervous swallow. “uh … are … are you wearing any clothes under that mud?” Blake asked, his voice nervously locking up. He could have just looked and seen for himself, but he rather not. It would have taken a moment anyway with the pitch black dark. “yes, mud would have stuck better without, but misplacing clothing would be a bigger hassle not worth it.” she stated. Getting a breath of relief from Blake. “i really don't think I can walk very far.” Blake spoke honestly. “This makes traveling by night impossible. Cant have a torch becoming a giant signal to the stalkers. No torch leaves us to the wolves. There's no good shelter near here either. Your leg leaves very little possibility of travel as well.” Val said, speaking more toward herself at the end. With Blakes paranoia making him nervous at the thought of Val possibly abandoning him or putting him out of his misery like a horse with a lame leg. “i can still climb, its how I got away from the wolves.” he said to try help their current situation. “ how high can you go if you can? There is another shelter nearby. But it needs a bit of walking and climbing. It's not a straight climb up a rock face. You'll have to go over avalanche derbies. Many fallen trees, rocks, shifting dirt. If you can't even walk then your leg will give out over the first tree.” Val spoke. “i climb better than I can walk. Going over trees won't be as bad for me.” he spoke with as much confidence as he could. The two going deathly quiet as the howls of wolves echoed through the forest. Some going one after another with over 7 long howls being heard. “sounds like we don't have a choice really. We need shelter and you'll have to get up there no matter what.” Val said as she walked over to a fallen tree. Looking down it to settle on a large branch to rip off. “here, easy to use for walking or running. or if you need to beat a wolf off you.” Val said half joking with a small smile. “thanks.” Blake mumbled, not exactly enjoying the joke. as he adjusted the large branch as a crutch to carefully walk behind Val. “how far will we walk?” he asked. “we need to find the large river first. Then we follow it down to a large pond. A little up from the pond is the pocket made from the avalanche. Its high and unreachable by the wolves. Getting to the river alone will take around 15 minutes, then the pond will take half an hour at our current walking pace. We absolutely cannot stop either. If the wolves scent your blood they'll be upon us in an instant.” Val spoke with a warning tone. Blake nodded, getting worried at how long they'd be traveling. The crutch helped only so much with each step still shooting up a bolt of pain. By the time they found the river Blakes whole leg to the hip felt on fire. The searing pain making him both sick and lightheaded. He stopped to lean on his crutch at the river's edge. Breathing heavily through his sickness to try and continue walking. Val stopped as she saw him no longer following. She thought for a moment at seeing Blakes distress. “rest your leg in the water. It'll numb it and hide the scent of blood.” she told him. Blake slightly nodded before slowly getting to one knee and putting his leg into the freezing water. The burning slowly went away, but the sickness was getting worse. “how are you feeling?” she asked at seeing no improvement with him. “ uh … tired, in pain.” he grumbled with exhaustion. Not wanting to mention anything about his sickness. Val brought out her small bag to dig for something. Taking out a small pouch from it to open in her hand. She pulled out a few long shoots from a plant of sorts. Sitting down beside him to be at level with him. “eat these.” she told him while holding out the shoots to him. “ … what are those?” Blake asked. “its pieces of wild lettuce. They're good at killing pain.” she said, continuing to offer them. Blake swallowed at the thought of them being poisoned. He carefully accepted them despite that. Being so sick and in so much pain not making him care too much at the moment. He took a bite out of one with the taste causing him to gag. “don't spit it out!” Val said urgently. Blake roughly swallowed it down before gagging some more. Almost vomiting at a few points before roughly swallowing the taste away. “god that's awful.” Blake coughed. “It's like eating a bowl of liquid grass and lemon juice.” he coughed again. “yes, but its super strong in handling pain. Both those sticks will help you handle the rest of the way.” she reassured him in continuing to eat. He thickly swallowed before just biting huge chucks off to swallow as quickly as possible. Finishing one stick as he stopped to keep his stomach down. Taking deep breaths to finish off the last one. He took a few handfuls of water from the river to spit out the bitter flavor staining his mouth. “we'll wait a few more moments, then the medicine should kick in. you wont feel like you need the crutch anymore, but you shouldn't walk without it.” she said as she tied the mini pouch shut. Stuffing it back into the pouch at her hip. “ugh, I just want to get there.” Blake groaned as he carefully stood. His leg being fully numbed from just the freezing water. “alright, if you feel more pain. Tell me as that might mean your legs broken.” Val informed him as she walked ahead. “wait!” Blake whispered at the sight of flashlight beams. The lights searching over the tree trunks across the river. Blake ducking down with Val in the shrubbery at the river's edge. A gunshot ringing out, then another, and other. A cry of pain ringing out with loud growling taking over as one flashlight dropped to the floor. A few more gun shots followed by more screams as the sound of ripping meat echoed. Growls and shrieking heard far across the loud water. “i think it's best I forget the crutch.” Blake said as they both nervously hid. The sounds of bushes shifting being heard as a wolf slithered through to the water. Wheezing and hacking with eyes reflecting in the dark. Looking up and down to the water as if confused. Biting at the water instead of drinking like a normal canine. Stopping as it choked on one mouthful of water. More wolves joining to do the same. Only one or two not seeming confused at the mechanics of drinking. Others going to far as to dunk their heads before rising again into a choking fit of coughing. A loud shrieking rang out far down the river. Having the wheezing wolves skitter away in a twitching shuffling pace. “were going to have to run as much as we can. Their hunting around here, it's only a matter of time before a wolf spots us.” Val said back to Blake before cautiously getting up to move. Blake nodded as he followed right behind. Running the entire way felt like years had pass. Stopping at every shrieking howl or to hide at any shifting bushes. Luck turning in their favor as rain began to pour. The water washing away their tracks from Murkoff. While hiding there scent from the hunting wolves. Blakes wheezing getting to the point he couldn't hide it anymore. The heavy sound of rain hiding that as well. Val found the large avalanche slide and pointed Blake to a thin dark opening at the top. The pile long having settled with trees already growing from the dirt. The fallen trees eaten mostly by termites with the rocks buried solidly into the surrounding dirt. Val started up the steep slope first to help Blake over the higher hurdles. The solid dirt turning to sliding mud. Having Blake slide a few times with pain shooting up his leg again. All the running tore his leg more till it started conquering the pain killer. Blake was helped up the final short wall edging separating them from the entrance. As soon as he was inside the dry cave he sat down to rest his leg. Hearing Val walk around in the darkness as she tore something from the walls. He saw glimpses of her as she sparked two rocks together over a pile of vines. Getting a small fire going after the fifth strike. She grabbed more vines growing in between the cracks to throw on the fire. “time to look at that leg.” she spoke at Blake. He swallowed his stomach down. He knew she had to treat it with how bad he now saw it in the light. Distrust however was still heavily fueling his paranoia. Half his pant leg by the shin was stained by the red blood. A large hole in the fabric barely showing the extent of the bite. He tensed as Val came close to roll up his pant leg. Examining the large wound with a grave look. The wound dripping blood, a deep chunk missing with the surrounding area swollen with bright red coloring like a red pepper. “did you treat this at all?!” Val exclaimed. “no, I didn't think it was this bad! It didn't hurt for a while.” Blake answered. “this needs serious attention. I need stronger supplies then what I have to keep infection away. Lucky you didn't bleed out.” Val huffed, looking into her bag with frustration. “can't you just stitch it shut?” he asked, still thinking the wound was not as serious as Val made it out to be. “with what those wolves eat your lucky it hasn't developed rot by now. I can temporarily treat it with some plants, but it has to be left open till tomorrow morning when I can find something stronger.” she explained, going over to a nearby large rock. She pulled out various herbs to pile into the middle of the rock. Getting up again to collect a handful of water to spread over the pile. Sitting down by it while grabbing a small rock nearby. Carefully grinding the pile down into a thick paste. Scooping it all into her hand to bring it to Blake. Smearing it down the wound with little thought about being gentle. “geeze, what are you doing?!” Blake yelped in pain as Val forcefully packed the paste deeply into the wound. “i have to set it in deep to block the blood in. it will also stop infection from festering on the surface. I need stronger stuff to help heal it, along with getting this swelling down. The painkiller should keep you till afternoon tomorrow. try to actually sleep till then.” Val spoke as she stood to wash her hands in the pouring rain. Blake letting out a grumble at being told to sleep. “let me look at your hands too. They should have healed well if you didn't touch them.” she said while flicking the water off her hands. “their doing fine. Just leave them alone and wrapped. I can't afford to mess up these bandages.” Blake spoke with a sigh. He just wanted to be left alone. “just let me see, I won't touch.” Val spoke with a gesture for him to show his hands out. “no.” he replied firmly. “your like a child. Just let me see then I can give you some food.” Val growled. “i am not a damn kid and I don't have to do anything! … what food?” he questioned, making sure his food bag was still on him. “i found a group of blackberry bushes. I have a heavy bag full that can fill us both. I can try and get more food while i am out tomorrow while collecting things for your leg.” Val explained as she pulled out a heavy looking bag from her hip pouch. Blake stared at the bag with his stomach growling at the thought of being full after who knows how long. “just don't touch them.” he grumbled as he carefully unwrapped his hands. “5 year olds give less fuss then you about wound care.” she chuckled while looking over his hands. “their healing fine. Should only be a scar left after a week from now. Still don't know how you got those. Marta got you while you hanged from a window?” she joked with a chuckle as she sat by the fire. “no, laird had nick crucify me with nails.” Blake spoke out before realizing what he had mentioned. “laird, the scalled?! You were with them?!” Val exclaimed as she jumped to her feet to get away from Blake. “I'm not sick! I was in there, but I was chased! I am not sick!” Blake spoke quickly to calm her down. “how do you know?! When did you meet the scalled?! Were you touched?!” Val continued with paranoia in her tone. “no, no, that's why I took the medicine! I've been taking it daily. It stops me from getting sick and since I took it right after possibly being infected I should be healthy after a while. I just have to make sure I take it.” Blake explained quickly, doing his hardest to convince Val he wasn't a walking plague like the scalled. “how can you be so sure?!” she questioned. “i know what the disease is. Were taught about … diseases, like this. Symptoms, signs, and how they're treated. If caught early enough these pills will get rid of it. Knoths been taking them to keep himself alive, but also spreading it around. Besides it can’t spread like a cold like through sneezing or sharing food.” Blake explained as he took out the pill bottle and rattled it a bit. “how does it spread?” Val continued questioning. Leaving Blake now in an awkward spot. “weeeelll, it can only be transferred by certain … close … sexual contact.” Blake started awkwardly and half mumbled by the end. “ oh, … can you tell if I have it?” she asked a little more calmly then before. “i don't think so, you don't seem to have any symptoms. Infected develop things like rashes, skin sores, general feeling of being sick like a fever and feeling exhausted. I can give you a pill bottle too I have enough to last us both 2 months. By then it should be cured, … if its been caught in time.” Blake spoke as he held out a bottle. Val hesitantly taking it from him and looking over it with a glare at remembering the familiar object. “i saw him handling these all the time. Always told us they “helped him concentrate”.” Val growled. “I've been taking two a day. I don't know if its the right amount though, I might be overdoing it.” Blake mentioned as he looked at his own bottle. “i never saw how many he took. He kept them pretty hidden from everybody. Only me, Marta, and the delivery boys knew about them.” Val sighed as she took two of the pills. Blake taking his own two pills with minor relief at no longer needing to tiptoe around the subject anymore. “did any of you know exactly what they did?” he asked. “i was suspicious. I didn't believe they were for concentration, but I didn't know what else they could be for. My mother warned me certain plants could cause addiction. My best guess was something along those lines.” she said while packing the pills into her bag of herbs. She sat down again to open the large bag of blackberry's by the fire. Setting them down in between her and Blake. Both grabbing their own handful to start eating from the bunch. Blakes eating was getting slower as he felt fuller, but not for that reason. The illness he felt earlier was worsening. Breathing through his last handful to get it down. He knew he'd need all of it to get better. “I've probably lost half my weight during this whole thing.” he thought, swallowing his last mouthful. “want to rest with me by the fire?” Val asked while packing away the empty bag. Earning a groan from Blake at the question. “why do you always want me to sleep with you, why?!” he demanded to know. “i sleep better by someone. … sleeping alone leaves you to being grabbed in the night.” Val answered quietly. “how do you know I wont do anything?” Blake glared at her. “your not that kind of person.” Val stared back with a smile. Blake swallowed at that as he looked away for a moment. Considering his options while going over safety reasons not to. “just don't sleep too close and don't touch!” he stated seriously. After getting a nod from Val he breathed out nervously before carefully getting up to lay by the fire. With Val laying only two feet away with her back toward him. He watched her for a short time till a yawn he had broke it. Turning to stare at the ceiling before slowly falling to sleep. He awoke to a smack on the arm. Feeling as if he was covered by a layer of heat mixed with sweat. He slowly opened his eyes to seeing Val up by him. “get up.” she told him. Throwing a small pebble at his arm. “what, why?” he groaned sickly. “you want to get clean don't you?” she answered as she pulled off a flake of dried mud from her dress. Tossing the piece at him before going out. Blake looked down at himself to see all the leftover mud from the night. The rain didn't exactly clean them, only shifted the mud into deeper body crevices. He groaned as he slowly got up. A heat wave flashing over his body with sweat building across his skin. He stumbled against the wall from lightheadedness with the world spinning around. “fuck, I cant be getting sick.” he thought. Standing up straight with a groan of deep breath. “splashing my face with water mite help.” he thought, slowly making his way out. Val already started her way down. With rest and pain killer his leg no longer felt like a burning glass shard stabbing it with each step down. The bright daylight making the climb down much easier as well. He followed the small groove in the bushes he saw Val walk through earlier. Reaching the large pond with shallow water at its edges. He considered taking his clothes off for bathing until Val was seen near by. “my clothes need a lot of washing anyway.” he thought, only setting his bagged stuff to the side. carefully going into a deeper area of water up to his chest. Scrubbing away all the caked on mud along with whatever was layered on him. “haven't felt this clean in ages.” he sighed while scrubbing his head. Stopping from curiosity on what Val was doing around the water's edge. “What are you doing?” he shouted to her across the water. “collecting plants. They grow all along this water.” she shouted back while picking things from bushes. He nodded while turning to look at the water. The world spinning again as he did. Even the cool water was unable to wash away the sickness building in him. “i cant be getting sick. i cant be getting sick.” he repeated in thought. “the pills should have taken care of this. I can't get any infections.” he thought, worrying about what could possibly be wrong. Especially after last night when Val discovered he got near the scalled. “maybe all those pills are expired. Would explain why I haven't OD on them or seen any symptoms.” he thought. Slowly going under the water in an attempt to cool off again. Gaining a few mouthfuls of water to ease the feeling of cotton mouth developing. Coming up a few moments later for a breath and moving wet hair from his face. He jumped with a spin of his head toward a large splash of water. Seeing nothing but rippling water that was only disturbed again by Val rising from below the surface. “what are you doing now? Collecting more plants?” Blake asked with curiosity followed by mild caution. “getting clean, why so interested in what I do?” she asked back with a smirk. Blake rolled his eyes as he looked away, looking back toward Val with an unamused look. Only to immediately look away again at the sight of Val undressing. He refused to face her when he walked out of the water to head back. “where are you going?” Val asked casually while removing her final bit of clothing. “I'll just wait in the cave. I am clean, just need to dry off now.” he spoke nervously with an excuse. Not wanting to stick around Val any longer. “I'll be there soon to fix your leg.” she spoke in a cheerful tone that made Blake even more nervous. “better come back wearing clothes.” he mumbled under his breath while walking. The climb back being much more difficult than earlier. Beginning to feel like he lost half his body weight in sweat despite little exertion. He wiped his face with his still damp sleeve. Unhappy about most him being dry from the burning sun outside. He'd rather stay soaking wet in the cool cave. Blake swallowed roughly as he sat down from exhaustion. Rubbing his throat to help ease the burning itch developing. Coughing in an attempt to ease the itch making things feel worse. Feeling the cold wall at his back he turned to fully lay against it for relief. Finding himself slowly drifting off under his fevered sickness. He found himself surrounded in suffocating darkness again. Hearing many whispers going on in the darkness with a feeling of being watched. He tried to speak but no sound left his lips. A burning sensation growing over his skin having blisters form. Growing till they painfully popped the clear liquid all over him. The liquid boiling his skin into sliding off. He cried and panicked over the sight in terrified silence. Attempting to run to find help, water, somebody. He was growing desperate in his search. Stopping in his tracks as he saw rotting corpses rise from the darkness. Backing up only got him a few steps till he saw reaching rotting arms behind him. Rotting corpses growling and gurgling out mouthfuls of blood as they closed the circle around Blake. Just as he was being grabbed and eaten he awoke in a terrifying scramble to his feet. Yelping as a shock of pain went up his injured leg having him fall onto his knees. Val standing near by with a look of concern over him. He was covered in sweat stains from the fever practically boiling him. His skin coated in a layer of the same liquid. His throat being far too much in pain to swallow even spit. “your not doing so well.” Val spoke with a gentle tone. “i am fine.” he barely got out with a coughing fit following right behind. “you have a fever.” she stated to him. “no, no, just hot from the weather. I'll be fine once it gets dark.” he said. Swallowing hard multiple times with his stinging throat. “you're sick.” she spoke, not believing Blakes excuses at all. “i-i cant be sick. I- I am not, its- its not- not one of the scalled.” he sickly stuttered with difficulty on finding the proper words. “i know, I've seen this before. Many of my children had it once.” Val spoke gently as she had Blake lay back down. “let me look at your leg. If i am right it won't look very pretty.” she said while rolling his pant leg up. “hm.” she hummed with a glare. “it's not what I expected it to look. The swellings still there like it should be, but the trauma isn't nearly as bad. Were you hurt anywhere else?” she asked. “i got bit on my arm, but its not like my leg.” he mentioned. Earning a glare from Val at the mention of another untreated wound. “which arm?” she growled. Blake holding out the bitten arm with a hiss of pain after Val yanked it forward to roll up the sleeve. The arm being covered with small gashes, holes bitten deeply all over the skin turning it a dark bruising purple. Some areas turning black as it resembled shredded hamburger meat. The swelling being so bad it was probably blocking the blood flow. “idiot!” Val shouted at him as she shoved his arm back. “i didn't know it was this bad! A chunk wasn't torn out like my leg. I can't even feel it!” Blake spoke with worry as he examined his arm. “that's because the meats dying from trauma. I need to get the swelling down if you want to keep that arm.” she said while quickly looking through medicine pouch. “keep it ...” he swallowed nervously at the words. Fearing that ignoring the wound may have just cost him his arm. “you can fix it right?!” he swallowed fearfully at the possible answer. “if I gather fast enough. Make sure the fire doesn't go out. It'll be very important in helping you.” she breathed out while throwing more vines onto the fire before leaving. Blake swallowed as he looked over at the small fire. Looking around to grab whatever vines he could reach and toss onto the fire. Becoming worried as all the movement was making the world spin. Followed by double vision making things worse. He swallowed followed by deep breathing to keep his stomach from coming up on him. “fuck.” Blake spoke through a coughing gagging fit. He laid by the fire to watch it. Closing his eyes tightly when the fast moving flames were not going well with the spinning vision. The darkness again washing over him.
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The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far: Chapter Three
Alright guys, so this takes place after a bit of a time skip. While I know that time skips are like coma theories (as in a sort of cheap way out) this is meant to illustrate the sort of relation ship Bill and her 'uncle' are creating. It's a long one (6,000+ words) but gives some insight to the characters. I know not everyone is a fan of time skips but if I were to go from start to finish for this whole fic it would be longer then the whole Lord of the Rings series so forgive me. The next few chapters will all include some kind of time skip as the focus of them is more to establish and form relationships serving as kind of independent one shots instead of parts of the over arching story-line. I understand that this may be a bit unpopular but considering what's coming it seems the best way to structure it to achieve my end goal with out having it drag on forever. I told you this was going to get weird. Also as an aside, I know there were some grammar and spelling errors in the first two chapters, this is due in part to my normal Beta reader being unavailable (because adulting is time consuming). That being said I had a stand in look this over an took much more time in transcribing it so I hope most of the errors were addressed.
Once again it’s posted here on AO3. And now onward to the insanity.
~*~ One Year Later
Stan sat pantsless in the TV room wondering if this was what contentment felt like. Beside him on the floor sat Billie leaning back against the dinosaur skull staring at the trash TV that played across the screen. Murphy announced ‘you ARE NOT the father’ for the third time in a row and the young woman who sat beside him burst out crying as a man who looked like he should be selling used cars jumped up triumphantly to the jeers of the audience. Beside Stan, his ‘niece’ let out a sharp bark of laughter as she took a sip of her soda. He glanced at her and shook his head; she really was a strange one.
In baggy basketball shorts and a tank top, he could see the mural of tattoos she sported. The sleeve on her right arm was actually a bed of colorful flowers and vines with skulls woven in, macabre but beautiful if he was honest. On her left shoulder was a raven’s head that looked like it was tearing through her flesh that was a little to photo-realistic for his taste. She also had a peacock on her left thigh with a long flowing tail that curved around to end on her knee cap, and a small green dog robot thing from some cartoon or other with the word ‘DOOM!!’ in crude childish letters on her right ankle. Wild black curls spilled over her shoulders in an unkempt mane and dark circles around her eyes told him that she had spent too long at the Skull Fracture last night getting rowdy with the lumberjacks. “Told you, Stan that means you’re picking up the tab at Greasy’s,” she told him cheerfully and he let out an exaggerated groan. He should know by now that betting against her was a fool errand. Over the last year, he’d learned a lot of things about Billie. Like she had no fixed address just various post office boxes, and instead, she lived out of a duffle bag and motel rooms. She worked for herself and seemed to make pretty decent money though he had all but confirmed his suspicion that she toed a very fine line between what was legal and what wasn’t. In truth, she played it pretty close to the vest when it came to discussing her work but she’d let a few things slip and he was willing to bet that she was a bloodhound at least part of the time. Someone that loan sharks and crime lords used to find people that didn't want to be found. A dangerous and ethically ambiguous profession at best. And while he couldn’t help but dislike that idea he couldn’t exactly say too much on the matter, instead of taking some small comfort in the fact that at least she wasn’t a full-fledged criminal like he’d been. Maybe if she had kids one day they’d manage to be upstanding members of society, but something told him she wasn’t the settling down type. Overall throughout seven visits and quite a few calls they had developed a comfortable relationship. After the fourth visit, he’d broken down and invited her to just come to stay at the Shack instead of staying at The Twin Beds. Which he regretted almost instantly; Wendy and Soos had both noticed at once and plied him with questions. Fortunately, Billie seemed to have inherited his Ma’s snake tongue and smoothly lied that she was the daughter of an old acquaintance that he was helping out with a place to stay between jobs without batting an eye. Soos and Wendy had been a bit wary of her at first, but they’d come to warm up to her. She tended to help around the shop and was generally amicable flashing charming smiles and quick wit to win them over. He was fairly certain she’d won over Wendy by covering for her so she could skip out to hang out with her friends a few times but couldn’t prove it. And Soos’s natural good nature had caused him to warm to her quickly, especially when she started helping him come up with and build new attractions for Stan to take credit for. When he wasn’t leading tours and she wasn’t off drinking and brawling with the bikers of the town (a pass time she seemed to enjoy a tad too much in his opinion) the two of them usually spent their time watching trash TV in between runs to Greasy’s diner and the bar. Though after she’d started staying with him he’d discovered that the woman could cook. He’d told her at one point that she didn’t need to but she’d shrugged it off with a smile and that cool laugh of hers saying ‘I spent enough nights hungry and cold that it’s a pleasure to be able to make a decent meal.’ That thought had given him pause to wonder what exactly she’d been through; her mother certainly sounded like a piece of work, but it seemed like so much more. But as much as he wanted to know he didn’t ask. In fact, he hardly asked her anything about her past and she in return didn’t ask about his. Instead, they had found a strange sort of comfort in each other's company. Two broken people who had had hard lives that could spend time around the other without pretending to be anything more than they were. The first few visits they'd both been on their best behavior, Billie had kept her habits of beer and brawling to herself and he had cut back on the cigar and shoplifting. But after an incident involving Billie sucker-punching a guy for asking her if she wanted to come back to his room and put a smile on her pretty face after which Stan had declared it was time to leave snatching the guy's wallet as they fled they had come to a silent agreement that they didn't need to put on 'upstanding citizens' acts anymore. He had thought a few times that he vaguely remembered that this strange feeling of accepting each other for who they were was what family had felt like back when Ford and he had been children, but he couldn’t quite be sure. “Earth to Stan,” Billie’s smooth southern drawl broke through his thoughts pulling him back to find her head cocked staring up at him one brow cocked curiously, “You didn't hear a damned word I said did yuh?” she asked a smirk pulling on her lips. “Naw, I was too busy thinking how sick I’m gonna feel at dinner so I cant go to Greasy’s,” he told her to cover his sappy musing. She rolled her eyes as she shook her head. “The most expensive thing on the menu is 15 dollars. I know you're cheap but…,” she began only to be interrupted as an obnoxious commercial can on the volume raising ten octaves. “Are you completely miserable?” came Bud Gleeful’s voice. “Well I am now,” she growled putting one hand over her ear and glaring at the TV as the commercial played. Watching she cocked an eyebrow as Stan’s picture flashed up to be stamped with ‘FRAUD’, “What bullshrimp is this?” she asked incredulously, “That the chubby car salesman? He’s ten times the liar yuh are, how the hell does he have the gall to call yuh out like that?” “I know, right?  At least my customers have some interesting stories to go with the junk I sell them,” he said indignantly, “And what’s worse is it’s working. He’s got his kid pretending to be psychic and the tourists are eating it up. Heck, even the locals are. Putting a real cramp in my wallet. I wish there was something I could do to hit him hard but nothing seems to be working. Even the Squid-abitt isn’t enough,” he railed shaking his head. Beside him, Billie cocked her head one eye squinted in thought as she stared at the TV. “What about someone who can talk ta the dead?” she asked and his head snapped over to her his eyebrows shooting up. “What? Well, yeah that would be a real money maker but who the hell do I know that can do that?” he scoffed as he took a drink of his soda, “Even I can't pull that off.” “I can,” she said matter factly and his face pulled into a look of bored skepticism. “Yeah, and I can teach a pig to fly,” he snorted and she looked up at him that sly smirk of hers slowly crawling over her lips. “Ya wound me, Stanford. I’m from the south where snake oil peddlers are ah’ dime ah’ dozen. Hell Bud’s one that’s why he’s pulling this off so well,” she told him in a slightly condescending tone, “Tell you what I’ll go double or nothing on Greasy’s. If I can give yuh a two-night show that will make more then you do in the same two days. That means two dinners at Greasy’s and braggin’ rights from now until the end of the world,” she challenged and he couldn’t help the lopsided grin that pulled at his lips. “Only if you get it up and running by Saturday,” he added, that would give her the rest of the night and tomorrow to prepare. Not to mention that those were the moneymaker days with tour buses on top of regular foot traffic. A challenge he was sure even she couldn’t pull off but she just grinned and put her hand out. “Prepare ta eat crow, Stanford Pines,” she told him as he grasped her hand causing him to let out a sharp hoarse laugh. “Even you aren’t that good kid,” he sniped unable to help the smug laugh that escaped him at the fire that lit in her eyes at his challenge. “Oh you’re fixin’ ta eat those words old man,” she warned as she hopped to her feet. “Hey what about dinner,” he barked as she turned on her heel to head up to the attic. “Time is money, Stanford. Order Chinese from that there place at the mall, card’s by the phone,” she snapped as she hustled off to get started. Watching her go he couldn’t help but smile. She really was something else, and he’d managed to get dinner without paying for it.
A day and a half…that was all he’d given her. And now he was thinking that had been too much time. The woman had to be some sort of witch. There was no other explanation as to how literally overnight she’d managed to pull this off. By Friday morning there had been flyers plastered all over town with the simple drawing of a closed eye with the words ‘Esmeralda. Two nights only at the Mystery Shack.’ And apparently, somehow everyone in town had heard the whispers about a real live gypsy that could talk to the dead by noon (he had a theory that Billie had somehow gotten Wendy to help her spread the word but once again couldn’t prove it). By Friday night there was a deceptively large tent set up around the totem pole that looked like it had come out of some storybook. It would have been impressive if he didn’t feel the impending loss breathing down his neck. His one hope was that she wouldn't be able to pull off the act; after all, she had become someone the locals recognized by now so they surely wouldn't buy it when they saw her. That was until he’d come downstairs Saturday morning to find a gypsy woman sitting at the table nursing a cup of coffee. Her skin held an olive tint, her eyes a rich deep brown, and her curly black mane was held away from her face by a scarf. She wore a frilled white shirt that hung off one shoulder and a skirt made up of layers of gauzy material in a rainbow of colors with a coin skirt hung low on her hips. Bangles crowded her wrists and a few on her ankle making her every movement musical. Staring at her she flashed him a bright grin. “Good morning Mr. Mystery I’m Esmeralda and I speak to the other side,” she greeted him in an accent that was European but not too strong. Staring at her it took him a minute to realize that she was his daughter. What gave it away was the bandage on her left hand, it was neatly wrapped and wouldn't be worth much note if he didn’t see the slight bump where her extra finger was folded across her palm to hide it. Shaking his head he stared open mouth at her, she looked like a cliche and it was brilliant. The tourist would eat it up. “How?” he demanded his voice cracking in indignant awe causing her to chuckle. “Lots of foundation, contacts, and years of practicing a dozen accents,” she told him smugly in that outrageous but somehow totally believable accent, “You can always admit defeat now Stan and I will only demand one of my dinners,” she offered. “No way toots. You never call a fight early,” he replied and she shrugged as she took another sip of her coffee. Arrogance rolled off her and he let out a low grumble, while he could appreciate her confidence speaking to the dead was a tall order. He opened his mouth to say something to her when Wendy's voice came from the gift shop. "Stan a tour bus just pulled up!" Glancing at 'Esmeralda' she flashed a wicked smile as she stood in a rattle of bangles and rolled her shoulders. Looking him up and down she couldn't help the smirk that pulled at her lips. "May the best con win, " she laughed resting all her weight in on hip as she stretched. Stan couldn't help but let out a bark of laughter that rose in him as a competitive fire lit in him. "Age and treachery with overcome youth and exuberance every time, " he reminded her and she shrugged as she moved to slip out the back door. Watching her go he shook his head getting his cane and flipping his eye patch down, he had to admit having some competition was making the day a bit more exciting. The next 10 hours were a whirlwind of activity as a flood of tourists poured through. He spun his stories with a flare he hadn't felt in years as Esmeralda flittered about. He had to admit that she was good; adding some rustic flare to his stories telling of sighting of the Cat-a-peid in the 'old country' and backing up the claim that the magic crystal they sold were steeped in the mystical energy of the forest. Between the two of them, they managed to create a fevered excitement in the visitors who all but threw their money at Wendy. But even as he reveled in what were surely record profits he couldn't help but notice that all of Billie's help was a double-edged sword. Even as she hyped his attractions she filtered about reading palms and offering charms that she made appear from her skirt. Shiny rocks and crudely carved figures on a bit of string, things he recognized from the bulk supply warehouse he bought his own junk from. A ten here and a twenty there that she slipped away with a smile and an offer to come see her tonight as the spirts had many messages and perhaps one was for them. And he finally got to see her speak to the dead, at least that was what it looked like. Gravitating to a cluster of tourists she placed a hand on her temple as she closed her eyes. Letting out a humming sound she peered up at the curious group. "There is a woman. Older, matronly who wishes to speak to one of you. Some connection with the letter T, " she said softly as she hummed again pausing for dramatic effect, "A name or hobbies maybe. Teresa. Or Teapots. Or Tammy. Or trains...tarting. Tabatha, maybe. I'm sorry it's hard to hear her. Her voice is a soft one but warm like..., " he began only to have one if the men, a middle-aged guy speak up suddenly. "Thelma?" he asked suddenly, "My Mema was named Thelma, " he said excitedly and a murmur went through the crowd. Billie smiled softly as though listening to someone speak before nodding. "Yes, Thelma. She passed suddenly, but not unexpectedly right, " she told him and he nodded his face pinching ever so slightly with emotion. "In her sleep, but she was 98," he supplied and Billie smiled gently as she nodded. "She wants you to know that it was painless and she is at peace, " she told him kindly as she shifted as though leaning closer to someone to hear, "She says that you're worrying over something financial. A promotion or payment of some sort. You are concerned that it won't happen, that it keeps you up at night. You are sleeping and it worries her. Do you know what she's talking about?" she asked and he nodded silently the crowd around him starting in wonder. "Ye...yea. I know what she's talking about, " he choked and Billie nodded sympathetically, "She says that you don't need to worry. That it will all work itself out. She says to tell you to have faith, that God wouldn't have you face a trial you could not handle, " she said her eyes flattering closed once more, "She says she loves you and that you need to read for your own health." For a moment silence hung in the air before the man moved forward and threw his arms around Billie thanking her. Around them, the crowd had tripled in size and an excited clamor rose from them all talking at once. It was amazing and a total sham. He'd seen this sort of psychic before, they were all over daytime TV. And while he had no idea how they did it he knew in his bones they were fakes. But even so, the audiences ate it up including the one now swarming around Billie. "Oh she's good, " he growled as he stood watching her work the crowd telling them that she would speak to the spirits tonight and they were welcome to come, no latter than 7 and cash only for her small admission fee. She only asked 20 dollars so she could continue her travels. And every single one ate it up like starving men. She smiled at just the right moments and spoke just the right word. And that when it hit him. This wasn't her first time pulling this con. She was poised and practiced like she did this every day. This was an old hand to her, a well-practiced grift not some idea she"d randomly thrown out. He'd assumed she was just winging it, she was a PI not a psychic. At least she was now. Just like he was Mr. Mystery now. But before that, he'd been a lot of other things. And it appeared before being a PI Bill had been other things as well. In that moment he realized that he'd been played, that he'd assumed she'd been bluffing without knowing her tells. She was a con artist just like him, and he should have known. Betting against her was a fools errand, and not just when it came to daytime talk shows. She was his daughter after all, and it seemed some of his talents had passed on.
Billie sighed as she she leaned against the support of the porch, a cigarette in one hand and a can of Pitt cola in the other. She felt like a whole new person after a hot shower to wash off the ton of bronzer and foundation she’d used to make her pale skin darker. It was nice to be out of that stupid heavy skirt and back in sweats and a t-shirt. Pre-dawn just started to brush the sky above the trees with thin lines of pinks and oranges the trees shadows stretched out like fingers of darkness trying to resist the coming day. It got light so early up here it made her feel like it was later (or earlier) then 3:30 in the morning. It really was beautiful though, like a Rob Boss painting. She had to admit when she’d first rolled into the little Organ town the year before she had found the picture perfect place a bit unsettling. It had been the plan to show up meet Stan and never look back, after all she’d never thought he would want anything to do with his brother’s vagabond daughter. Guess that’s what she got for thinking. It turned out her uncle seemed to want something to do with her after all, and surprisingly she wanted something to do with him.
After her research she had expected to find a cold logical man who had no room for sentimentality. While she knew scientific papers were written specifically lacking any emotion his had seemed extra sterile. Even the forwards to the where normally the researcher had some kind of tone had been devoid of anything to give her a glimpse of personality. But instead she had found a man who was the furthest thing from a cold clinical researcher. He was warm in a gruff kind of way and she liked it. It occurred to her that the time line of his published works ending and the Murder Shack coming into being seemed to overlap with Stanley’s death. Perhaps, the sudden change in profession had also been a sudden change in personality, grief was a powerful thing after all.
Or perhaps he’d simply decided that this strange little corner of the world was too wonderful to waste with his head buried in in books. And it was wonderful. And weird. Over her first few visits she’d began noticing strange shadows and odd movement in the trees. And while she’d written off the little men she’d seen rummaging in the diner’s dumpster and the Moth Man she’d seen batting at a street light outside the hotel one night to tricks of the mind and the local legends getting to her, she’d quickly realized there was something inherently odd to the place. Not bad just odd. But once she’d come down one morning to find Stan luring a walking camp fire out from under the porch with marshmallows she’d realized it wasn’t in her head. Instead she had decided that she rather liked this place, after all she was an odd person so she didn’t feel so out of place. It was like she could breath freely in this strange little town with her eccentric uncle.
Her uncle, that was still a strange thought. Billie had never really had a family, her mother had always been too busy being a drunken whore druggie to be anything else. And while she technically had four older siblings they’d all been to busy finding their own way to survive to bother with anything as trivial as bonding. Hell, after she’d been taken into state custody she hadn’t seen any of them for years, a few she still hadn’t seen even after all these years. It had always been her, she’d learned early to never depend on anyone else. Survival was the end game and others had always been passing acquaintances to her. But for some reason she kept coming back here, kept calling to check in on Stan. Perhaps, it was that he never asked any questions or judged her for smoking and drinking. Or maybe it was that she knew that the tired eyes and world weary voice she had was a mirror of his. Not that it mattered, she had come to really appreciate the time she spent with the old con.
It was a nice change of pace. Most people seemed to think that being a PI was like the movies; chasing down leads, sneaking around to get photos, and all that, but it wasn’t. While sure it had its exciting moments (especially when it came to some of her less than reputable clients) it was a lot of time sitting around and waiting for someone to show up. It was digging through mountains of trash and public records to find a lead. It was asking a lot of questions that never got answered to people who didn’t want to talk to you. Over all it was exhausting in more ways then one. She’d always spent her time between jobs partying or holed up in a hotel room getting stoned and sleeping, but now she found coming here to be a much better past time.
There was always some new creation Stan was working on or some project to help Soos with. She had found walks in the woods were eventful as she seemed to run across odd little creatures and weird rocks no matter what direction she went. Even when it was boring around the Shack she at least had company. And Stan sure made for interesting company. He was always ready to snipe at each other or make stupid bets over anything. Heck, the last two days had been the most fun she’d had in years. She had enjoyed watching the old con slowly realized that this wasn’t her first rodeo, though, she knew she had shown her hand and he wouldn’t fall for it again.
Then again even she was surprised she’d pulled it off. While the gypsy shtick had been something she’d acquired as a teenager the rest had been dumb luck. She was constantly surprised that for such a nowhere town Gravity Falls seemed to have everything. 24 hour copy shop to make the flyer? Yup, Shenkos beside the mall. Party rental shop with a thematically appropriate tent? You bet. Costume shop? Yup. Local teenagers willing to spread rumors and wield social media like a finely honed weapon for $20 bucks? Well, everywhere had those but Wendy was a sweet kid who seemed more then willing to recruit help. It just went to show that helping the kid ditch work a few times had been a good idea. Still, some how it had all come together and she’d been able to back up her cocky words. Even with the expenses she’d pull in over a grand in a weekend beating Stan by a hundred buck and some change.
So she’d won, though, since she had told Stan to keep it since it was his customers to begin with she had basically bought herself two dinners and some expenses but useless bragging rights. In truth, she didn’t need the money, she got paid well for her work and had nothing to spend it one. She didn’t pay rent since she refused to settle, and aside from weekly hotels, food, and smokes she didn’t buy anything really. So she had a huge bank account that she just let sit for when she decided to retire. Plus, she’d liked the idea of helping Stan out, if in no other way then sticking it in Bud’s face. How dare he call Stan a fraud when he sold junk cars at astronomical prices? A small self aware part of her knew that she had done it because she cared about the old man, but she just ignored it.
Shaking her head she snorted, she had to be tired to be getting all introspective and squishy. Feelings weren’t her bag, she’d just done it for fun. At least that was what she told herself. Shifting slightly she groaned, her body felt heavy and her eyes kept trying to close. She was exhausted two days and nights of putting on a show took a lot out of a woman. Not to mention, she’d had to strike the tent after last night’s performance so the rental company could pick it up first thing, and of course she and Stan had sat up counting out their respective earnings. Stad had recounted hers twice growling she’d padded them, before finally admitting defeat. The look on his face had been worth it.
“Alright kid, how’d you do it?” came a gruff voice and the smell of cigar smoke pulling her eyes from the trees. Looking over at him she flashed a smile earning a half hearted scowl in response and a dismissive grunt, “Come on out with it. It’s only fair I know how I got beat.” Smirking she let out a sharp bark of laughter.
“It’s called cold reading,” she told him causing one of his eyebrows to shoot up in question, “You size up a crowd; age, clothes, general stuff you know. Then you throw out a line; something vague enough to not be a definitive statement but specific enough to be convincing. One you get a bite you reel them in, double talk so they tell you everything but it seems like you told it to them and bam you talked to their dead aunt,” she explained as she took a drink.
“Sounds like it would be easier to actually talk to the dead,” he grumbled, “Yur Grandmother would be proud. So where on earth did you learn to pull that off? It doesn’t seem like somethin’ you’d learn for a party trick,” he observed as he took a long puff off his cigar groaning as he settled back on the couch. Shrugging she sighed as she moved over to sit next to him staring out at the dark woods tucking one leg under her.
“When I was round about 16 I ran off from the group home. I was tired of being passed around homes like a fruit cake at Christmas yuh know. So I landed at a traveling fair after a while and met the Amazin’ Jezabel. She pulled the same gimmick and taught me how since my weird hand gav’ ah bit of a witchy vibe. I traveled with them for a year or two, ‘fore getting sick of making her a ton of money and gettin’ hog spit in return. I went out on my own and was good at it,” she told him cracking her neck  a touch of melancholy settling over her as she recalled the days she spent running the con at fairs all over the south, “I probably could have gone on with it, got one of those shows on TV, but after a while people started coming to me looking for real answers. Sure, stuff like this weekend is fine. Tellin’ people that their grandma loves them or their dog is always hangin’ around them don’t hurt nothin’ It makes them happy, but when you have people comin’ to yuh lookin’ for their missing kid offering their life’s savin’s for answers it changes the game. I couldn’t bring mah’self ta lie to them. I didn’t want to give ‘em false hope so I quit. I was tryin’ to feed myself not cheat desperate people, yuh know?” she finished before calming up. She hadn’t needed to say all that, and it kinda broke the unspoken agreement they had to avoid anything too honest about themselves.
Glancing over she expected to find him either half listening to her ramble on or looking at her with the inscrutable look of mild disappointment he got when she came in half cocked with a split lip from brawling with the guys at the Skull Fracture. Instead his brows were furrowed and the corner of his lips pulled down in a half frown. It wasn’t that he looked disgusted at her words more…saddened by them. For a long moment they just stared at each other before he looked away taking a drink of his own soda.
“What?” she asked finally ignoring the slight feeling of insecurity that his silence had brought on.
“Nothin’. I was just thinking about your Dad,” he said his voice slightly rougher then normal, “That’s impressive though. You got any other tricks up your sleeve?”
“Naw, nothing worth noting,” she said as she looked away from him resting her elbow on the arm of the couch and leaning her head on it. For a moment they were silent, sitting there smoking before her eyes slid over to him again.
“What about him?” she asked unable to stop herself. While she excepted that Stanley was gone, and he seemed to be a subject Stanford didn’t seem keen on she couldn’t help but wonder about Stanley. He glanced at her from the corner of his eyes knowing what she was asking at once. For a second she thought he wasn’t going to answer before he shrugged.
“Nothin’ really. Just that you’re a lot like him. He may have been a cheat and a liar but he never preyed on desperate people. He’d probably be proud of you for that,” he said as Billie barely suppressed the pleased smile that threatened to surface at his words, “Though if he’d have known about you’d you could bet you wouldn’t have even been in a position to have to decided who were acceptable marks,” he added under his breath like he was speaking to himself not her. Smiling she looked back out at the trees.
“Yeah well if that were the case I wouldn’t have been able to get some free meals and braggin’ right now would I?” she chuckled to break the heavy silence that had settled on them and she saw his lips twitch from the corner of her eye.
“Yeah, yeah live it up kid. You cheated and you know it. That was dirty trick, I wouldn’t have made that bet if I’d have know you were a professional psychic,” he grumbled and she chuckled as she finished her drink and stood stretching.
“I’m goin’ ta bed. I’m beat,” she announced with a small yawn, “You should get some sleep too, Stan yuh look like hell,” she added glancing down at him causing him to chuckle.
“You ain’t the boss ah me kid,” he grumbled as she couldn’t help the stern look that crossed her face causing him to laugh, “Yeah, yeah. I’ll finish then and head to bed,” he assured her waving his hand at her. Smiling she yawned again as she headed in.
“Night Stanford.”
“Night Billie.”
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freebooter4ever · 4 years
my dad group texted my brother and i, highly unusual, and i think jordan was weirded out too cause his response was equally short and confused. on the list of things my little brother and i have never discussed, our dad’s relative interest or lack there of in our lives is pretty high. dad’s been messaging me since october, asking about stuff like where my next living plans are (which he has never done since i first moved out age eighteen), and i’ve only been vaguely responding to the point blank questions cause its just. so. weird. i think my grandpa’s death has shaken dad’s worldview a bit more than he’s been letting on.
he alienated my brother and i pretty much immediately after his secretive marriage to the bottle blonde rich bitch when i was 22. he kicked my brother out as soon as jordan turned 18, and when i discovered this by coming home one summer and seeing jordan wasnt in the house, i got so fucking mad that it was the first time i ever had a full out screaming match at my dad. and apparently this display of anger was when rich bitch decided she didn’t like me (probably valid, but also ironic because pretty much from birth it was known in my entire extended family that dad and i were almost identical personality wise, and both of us have tempers where we will not get mad at anything but frustration will build up and up until on the rare blue moon it boils over, and oh boy. watch out. those moments were the only times i was ever scared of my dad as a kid and i think it only happened twice in my entire life)(if she thinks im crazy when im angry, she should see my dad)
but i was crazy mad because while i was lucky enough to be put in therapy due to attempting to starve myself into non existence at age 13 (many many sessions of ‘family’ therapy with me in the center of a long couch silently trying to pretend i was invisible and my mom two feet away at one end and dad on the opposite end of the couch, and my mom doing all the talking, ranting and raving about how im starving myself to punish her. and then the therapist kicking both my parents out and trying to convince me to say a few words, and her finally getting me to realize that how my mom treated me was not normal and not something i needed to put up with if it made me sad and scared, and then the therapist realizing that i was still too sad and scared to confront it, and her and i coming up with a compromise where we would tell my mom that i was just ‘really attached’ to dad’s house and it wasnt that i was terrified of living with my mom or liked my dad better, it was that i just really liked living in one place instead of out of a suitcase and moving every week), and so had both the therapist and my dad supporting me when at fourteen i finally said enough was enough and demanded that my dad get full custody so i didnt have to spend every other week with my abusive mother anymore - while i got out of that situation, my brother didnt. i tried, he knew that it was my decision to live full time with dad and i made it clear he could do the same, but just as it was a given that i was identical to dad’s personality, my brother was identical to mom’s so i think he was more attached to her than i was. either way, he always refused and insisted on continuing to live between both of them. after i hit driving age, my dad transferred responsibility to me for shuttling my brother to and from my dad’s house to my mom’s apartment. dad’d lock himself in his room, or go to the gym, and i’d turn on an endless rotation of star wars movies for jordan and i to watch before i had to take him to his next week’s place (phantom menace was our favorite cause darth maul was just cool ok, dont judge).
anyway, the last day i ever stayed at my moms house, my brother was there. and i must have been twenty or twenty one because he would have only been around seventeen. but even at seventeen he was well over six foot five cause he got all the height in the family which was totally not fair but thats besides the point. so while i was there my mom flew into one of her alcohol induced rages, and took it all out on my brother. i had intellectually figured that all the anger my mom used to take out on me had then transferred to my brother once i stopped living there every other week, but up until that point i hadn’t actually seen it. she started shoving him, and punching him, and not enough so it would hurt much, because as i said he was well over six feet and she was barely five six, so he could pretty well block any thing she dished out. but he was cornered, and he looked scared. and i was hiding useless on the stairwell, crying, and begging mom to stop. and it only stopped cause jordan managed to slip out the front door and once he escaped mom went back into the kitchen, still yelling and angry. and i took the chance to grab my school bag and leave in solidarity. and my brother and i stood there awkwardly on the porch, me still crying, and him smoking and trying to look cool and not like he just got chased out of the apartment by a woman half his size. and i promised him we wouldnt go back until she calmed down, and that she was being unreasonable and he didnt deserve any of it, and id figure out somewhere to go. and we started walking down the sidewalk, but not together because we were never that close. he wandered off somewhere to smoke. and that’s as far as i remember.
this day came up in conversation with my grandma in the months after grandpa’s death, during one of our many three am can’t sleep conversations in grandma’s kitchen (grandma would wake up, i’d hear her get out of bed and wake up too. she’d make herself tea and eat some graham crackers and we’d sit together at the table feeling the third empty chair like an ache). grandma brought it up, because apparently, even though i cant remember this at all, i had my no/kia brick phone in my school bag (a minor miracle because i hated carrying around cell phones for the longest time), and i actually called grandma. and grandpa and her came to pick me up, and they found me sitting on a wall a block away from my mom’s apartment, and then we drove around till we found jordan, and then we all went back to my grandparent’s house. after bringing this up, grandma then, completely unprompted, told me something that child me thought about regularly - she said that even though her mom died when she was 8, leaving her to help raise her two younger siblings, grandma thought in some ways it was easier than what my brother and i went through with the divorce and my mom leaving. i used to regularly - not wish my mom dead, exactly - but wish i could pretend she was dead, rather than her just not being there anymore. especially since, when i was suddenly thrown into being her sole emotional and physical punching bag now that dad wasn’t filling the role anymore, a lot of the times being around her post divorce was not a good thing. (I cut off all contact with my mom finally at age 25 and haven’t looked back)
so yeah, i was fucking pissed that i had worked so hard to try to mitigate the damage i caused by leaving jordan alone with my mom for pretty much the entirety of my high school years...only to have my dad kick him out barely a few years after i left for college and thus putting my brother at my mom’s mercy. ostensibly my dad kicked my brother out because of his drug addictions, but my brother was the most mild mannered addict i’ve ever known. the worst thing he ever did was steal a couple hundred dollars from me, but he never got violent, he never got angry. other people got angry at him. my aunt once tried to fight him in a hospital elevator because he sold my cousin heroin or meth or some shit and my cousin ended up impaling a knife in his chest in front of my grandma, which is a whole nother story. but jordan was only nineteen when that happened. my cousin? thirty six. and a long time violent and angry drug addict with a record (he threw a book at his professor’s head and got kicked out of grad school while on cocaine once, which is how he ended up back in washington state and needing a new drug dealer - hence my brother suddenly getting involved) (same cousin later flew into a drug fueled rage in his forties and almost beat his girlfriend to death) (my brother was long since clean by then and had nothing to do with our cousin getting drugs at that point)
all this to say my dad’s rich bitch new wife didn’t think a drug addict and mentally ill artist fit into her picture perfect family, so dad started making it clear we were not welcome at family functions unless we complied with very strict rules. ironically, jordan was let back into the fold first partially because i can hold a grudge for a very long time and i was very very terrified of my mom and dad was the sane stable one and i had trusted him to take care of everything even without me there and dad had failed pretty spectacularly at that. im still bitter at my dad for his secret marriage and subsequent moving into her million dollar mansion and throwing my brother out. but also partially because jordan started following all of dad’s rules, got himself cleaned up (he moved in with his girlfriend, and i think being out of mom’s house had a lot to do with getting over his addictions), started studying computer science, found a really good software engineering job, suddenly dad approved of him. i also partially antagonized rich bitch wife by doing silly things like wearing black leather pants and the most provocative clothes i owned whenever i went over to their house. rich bitch was a very simple narrow minded person with a lot of prejudices. i imagine i was not seen as a good influence on her two younger daughters. and eventually they stopped seeing me altogether. even when i was living in washington for all of 2017 - the only time i ever saw dad was when he’d come visit my grandparents alone. the day before i took grandma on the train to move to ohio, we were supposed to all have dinner together at our family’s favorite place to eat out - crossroads mall - and the rich bitch refused to show up. that’s how petty she is. she also is so dumb she’s under the delusion that kids get into drugs if they don’t have dogs (????) so that’s why she forced my dad to get a dog for her spoiled brat youngest when the girl went into high school. my dad dislikes animals, so i will say one of the highlights of this marriage is seeing my dad become a dog person. the rich bitch and her daughters mostly ignore the dog, but my dad is so attached to max that he even lets the little puppy sit in his lap while driving. anyway, anyone who thinks dogs are the sole answer to preventing drug addictions can go to hell.
yeah, blah blah blah, to sum up its WEIRD for my dad to suddenly be texting my brother and i unprompted, and asking me about my life and my plans. i dont really know how to deal. i miss him. he was always the closest person in my life to the point where even when i moved away for college, i still assumed after i graduated i’d just move back in with dad so it was only four years being gone, cause why would i ever want to live anywhere else?. i kept thinking if i could hit some level of success that he would approve of, that maybe eventually i could become somebody his rich bitch wife would associate with. but that never happened, obviously. 
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rookieinbflat · 5 years
New Territory
Open Heart - Ethan x MC (Levin Stern)
Summary: Ethan and Levin spend the weekend looking after her younger sister, which prompts a conversation about having their own children.
WC: ~2000
She’s standing silently in the doorway of the spare bedroom in their apartment, watching on as he reads her younger sister Isa to sleep with a copy of Finding Our Way in the Universe, a book that he picked up yesterday under the recommendation that it is a luminous behind-the-sciences record of a two-decade astrophysical feat. Levin chuckles to herself, she cant say she’s surprised, she can’t say she’s not guilty of advanced reading either, remembering how she used to read Isa to sleep with a copy of The Great Gatsby. His deep voice is soft and lulling, she can only watch in admiration at how well he handles children, despite him not giving any indication of wanting them.
Isa loves him, which is shocking, the eight year old often bristles at anyone who gets too close to Levin, she’s possessive of her older sister despite the sixteen year age difference. Ethan has done a good job of showing Isa that he’s no threat to their relationship, he invites her along to picnics, gifts her with clothes that catch her eye, leaves sets of sparkly gel pens in her rucksack, buys Isa punnets upon punnets of strawberries - her favourite.
She looks just like Levin, Ethan thought as he looked down at the child stretch across his lap. They share the same long chestnut coloured hair, chocolate brown eyes, freckles littered across a button nose. He smiles softly at Isa, who was still sucking on her thumb in her sleep. She’s got to kick that habit, he thinks to himself, there are multiple studies showing the deterioration of a child’s teeth when they suck their thumb past the age of four, not to mention the sheer amount of germs she must be picking up. He’ll be sure to show those studies to Levin tomorrow, maybe slip some hand sanitiser into Isa’s rucksack too.
When Levin suggested to him that she drive down to Fairhaven and bring Isa up here for the weekend, he almost couldn’t imagine anything worse. A small child running around the apartment, leaving grease fingerprints on all of the stainless steel appliances, spilling milk on their expensive rug? But Levin, oh his sweet Rookie, looked at him with eyes that he couldn’t say no to. Levin drove down and got her after work, they arrived back just as he was finishing cooking dinner, they ate and spent the rest of the night playing board games, she was shockingly good at Scrabble for a child. Ethan had met her family before of course, weekends in Fairhaven spent in the park or at home for birthdays, her mother and father often came an visited for various events in Boston and they would have dinner. But looking after one of the children for more than a couple of hours at a time? This was was new territory for him - for them.
He doesn’t notice as Levin watches on from the doorframe, his body is turned to face away from her as he continues to read from the new journal he’s just bought.
After a few more moments of watching Levin pads out to the kitchen, making a pot of tea and pulling two mugs from the cupboard. It’s been a cold winter here in Massachusetts and her other siblings had been spending their days at school neglecting their beanie and scarf, sharing water bottles, and failing to wash their hands. A nasty strain of the flu struck them down and Levin brought Isa up to Boston to take care of her, their mother had a lot of her hands right now and Isa, like Levin, had an autoimmune disorder that meant she could not afford to be sick with the flu. She just feels lucky that her mother finally caved and took Levin’s advice to move from Charlotte to Fairhaven, she couldn’t stand being so far away from her family but she couldn’t leave her placement at Edenbrook. Now, she could take care of them when they needed it, see her siblings more often, be apart of their lives.
Ethan emerges a few moments later, just as Levin is pouring two cups of tea for them. She chews on her cheek lightly at the sight of him, grey sweats and a black t-shirt never looked so good. His hair is ruffled and the stubble she loves so much is getting a little longer, almost time for a trim. He walks over to her and picks up a mug, leaning against the kitchen counter, they’re both studying each other, trying to figure out what’s going on in the others mind. A common past time of theirs, mainly hers, she always wants to know what’s going on inside his head. All Levin wants to do is crack open his skull and unravel all that grey matter, pick his brain until there’s nothing left she doesn’t know, lay it all out in a long line wrapped around their apartment. It was the psychologist in her.
Ethan, on the other had, has no need to do such a thing. He’s never met someone as honest as Levin, she says exactly what’s on her mind - when appropriate - but most admirably, whatever you asked her, she would answer honestly. She’s got no need to lie, she said one night over dinner when they’d first started seeing each other, she doesn’t even lie to save face, that sort of lying, she says, is for people who can’t own up to the realities of their own lives. That was probably one of the first times he knew he loved her, this gorgeous, honest, brave woman was all he ever wanted.
“Are you psychoanalysing me, Rookie?” He’s smirking now, watching her with his gorgeous blue eyes.
Levin bites her lip and looks down at her tea, “Sorry, I can’t help it sometimes, I was just watching you and Isa before,” he puts his mug down on the counter next to him and closes the space between them, taking her mug and doing the same, “you’re really good with her,”
He places his hands on her hips and pulls her against him, “I’m just glad she finally lets me hold your hand now,” she wraps her arms around his waist and looks up at him. When Ethan was first introduced to Isa, they had driven down for their mothers birthday, as they were walking hand in hand from the car to the park, Isa ran up and swatted Ethan’s hand away and replaced his with her own. That happened for the first six months of dating.
They’ve never talked about children, not really. It’s been bought up a couple of times and while Ethan hasn’t outright said he doesn’t want children, he’s never said that he does. She tries not to push him, she tries not to psychoanalyse him, but its hard when he doesn’t fully open up. She thinks he’s still figuring it out for himself, but time is closing in on them, they’ve been engaged four months now, the topic is going to come up soon, Levin has just never been sure on how to approach the topic.
“I think she really likes you now, you should consider yourself lucky - she’s not an easy kid to win over,” Levin smiles up at him, their foreheads bumping against each other.
“She’s so articulate for her age, socially and emotionally mature,” He speaks as if not directly to her, but as if he’s pondering something, then he looks down, “she’s so much like you,”
He reaches down and grabs the back of her thighs, hoisting her up so she’s sitting on the counter, he’s standing between her knees. He runs his hands up and down her bare legs, the shorts she wearing don’t cover much, and he can’t resist the feeling of her soft skin. “I’ve been thinking,” he starts, looking deep into her eyes and she raises an eyebrow, “I want one,”
She’s confused as to what he means, he’s always speaking in riddles and she’s always trying to decipher him, “You want one bottle of scotch, one more dog, one new Mercedes?” She laughs and his heart jumps in his chest, her laugh is his second favourite sound, the first being the sound she makes only for him, “What do you want one of, Ethan?”
“I want a child, Levin, I want a child with you,” He says sincerely.
She smiles broadly and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a long, intimate kiss, the kind that makes his heart speed up, “Took you long enough,” she laughs and he smiles too, “but we still have Isa for two more days, not sure you have enough experience to make an informed decision here,”
He laughs now, his eye crinkling at the edge, these are her favourite moments with him, she thinks, when they’re in their kitchen, sipping tea or cooking dinner, when they don’t have the weight of the hospital on their shoulders. “I know what I want, I see the way you are with her, you’re going to be an amazing mother, we’re going to have beautiful children, I want a family with you,” he kisses her again, longer and deeper, running his tongue along the inside of her lip, making her shiver. She loves it when he does that.
Ethan can already picture it, the two of them and a house full of children. They’d sell the apartment, or maybe keep it for weekends away in the city, and buy a house on the river, just a short drive out of town. They’d have beautiful kids, maybe with her hair and his eyes. Weekends spent visiting Naveen or her family, running along the river, they’d be great parents, they’d give their children a guiding hand, but also enough space to discover and grow. Ethan had never thought about children until he met Levin. That first month she was in the hospital and helped him test out the fMRI machine. She’d asked the words so casually, ‘do you want kids?’, like she was asking what coffee he wanted from the cafeteria. Maybe for her, the question was casual, Levin had grown up in a large family of nine children and dozens upon dozens of cousins, a big family was always apart of her plan. Ethan didn’t want to bring up the conversation about it children were apart of his future until he was sure he knew what he wanted.
Now he knew. He wanted a whole house full of Isa’s for the two of them, he also knew that Isa would be over the moon at the prospect of being an Aunty. She was the youngest of the Stern bunch and desperately wanted nothing more than a younger sister to dote on like Levin had doted on her. Maybe Ethan and Levin could give her that, a little bundle of joy to take care of, and play with, and Isa would show her how to scam Ethan out of hundreds of dollars worth of strawberries.
Ethan is pulled out of his family fantasy by Levin running her hands under his shirt and across the skin on his hips. “So you want to make babies right here where we cook our food,” she mumbles against his lips and a deep rumbling laugh comes from his chest, he presses harder on her hips, eliciting a soft moan from her.
“Mm I want to make them here,” he kisses her lips and then trails more down her neck and across her collarbone, “on my desk, on your desk, in the shower, maybe even in the backseat of the car,”
He nibbles on her skin and she laughs again, “You’re keen, but I think we have to make it to our wedding first, I do want to enjoy our honeymoon with glasses upon glass of sangria,” she pulls him up from kissing further down her chest to look into his eyes.
“I guess we probably should wait, logistically,”
“Doesn’t mean we can’t do any of the fun stuff now though,” she taunts and captures his lips with hers, pulling on his bottom lip with her teeth.
Ethan groans, “I just got her to go to sleep, it cost me another punnet of strawberries,” He looks at her pleading. She’s not exactly capable of keeping quiet when they get going.
Levin chuckles and pulls his shirt over his head, running her hands over his taut muscles, “I’ll be quiet if you will,” she tells him softly.
“I will make no such promises,”
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a lot of kids right after highschool or even during highschool will start to experiment on drugs which is cool yeah okay, but you also never know how they will affect you until after you do them!! so its important to do research it really is. i tried psychedelics on impulse with my friends after working all night. so i come home around midnight, and me and 3 other people did it. I felt it coming an hour later. At first it was such a good experience. we were all laughing so hard we were crying. my friend ethan took his first about 30 min before us. He felt ot coming before us. As it was coming he kind of freaked out and started having a bad trip off the bat. I remember he was telling us, dont do this, throw up right now, you dont wanna feel like this, so that kind of freaked everyone one out. His brother was addicted to airduster and died in a car crash must i add. & so he lived through that and was trippin thinking he was being airlifted and literally gonna die. He called his mom but our trip setter said it was a buttdail and hung up LOL. Anyway after a couple hours he came out of that bad time and 'woke up' like nothing happened. Still trippin, he started talking about time and how everything is a loop and that its not real. I started to laugh, and then i was hysterically crying. My friend Bryce who wasnt on anything tried to help me. I asked if he would go upstairs with me because downstairs wasnt a good setting for me at that time. Upstairs, it was dark. He was trying to comfort me the best he could. I started seeing things. I already was seeing things and patterns. But i started seeing bad things. Bugs, all over the walls. Things crawling all over me. I was terrified. I finally ran out of the room and almost fell down the stairs on my way out because i was scared. I walked outside for a bit. It was beautiful and i felt at peace again. Its about 5am now and everyone was trying to sleep. Me and zack went upstairs to sleep in bryces bed. He fell asleep almost instantly, as did everyone else downstairs... no matter how hard i tried to sleep i couldnt. I closed my eyes and my momd took over so i tried to stay up for that reason. I was laying there looking at everything in the room, a stuffed plush turtle was on the bed and it started to swom around the room. I remember asking fairly loudly , can anyone here me.. is anyone awake... no answers. I was laying there in bed telling myself outloud, 'i am never doing this again. Hope- dont do this again. You know what you feel like right now and you dont want this. Please dont do this again'. Bryce had a bathroom in his bedroom so i took a journey there. And thats when i just looked at myself and my face was so disoriented. It was so weird. I dont know why i did, maybe i thought i would be sobered up if i seen some sort of 'reality'. I was there forever it seemed like. Just looking at myself and i didnt like what i saw. 8am rolls around and everyone wakes up. Their trip is over. I am still awake, 24ish hours at this point. Im still not here. I still see things. Every word i attempted to say just didnt sound right to me. I didnt feel like myself. I do believe i killed myself or whoever i was on the inside after that. We walk downstairs and ethan takes me & zack with him to get food. Walking outside, just looking around at what we think is reality. I didnt see it. There was no reality for me. We get im his truck and start driving. The world is so crazy and fake. Thats all i remember thinking. We got pulled over because i didnt have a seatbelt on. Talking to the cop was the biggest challenge i have faced i swear to god. I felt like he knew i wasnt really there. Like he knew i knew i am retarded and that reality isnt real. Anyway. I never paid that ticket.
1 year later
me and zack move out to a 1 bedroom apartment. Bryce, dion, and tim came over. They all wanted to do shrooms. Ofcourse i said no at first because i remember what i told myself out loud. And i knew i didnt want to expierence that again. I kept getting, cmon shrooms are way different, they wont be as strong. So i said ok. We took the shrooms and mixed them up with lemon juice and took a shot. I only did 3 grams. We drive around immediately after and they start to hit as we're driving. I was telling myself in my head, its okay. Its okay. Its okay. This is gonna be a good trip. We go to a park and walk around. Everything was so vivid and bright and so fucking beautiful. We're there for an hour or two. We smoke 2 blunts. It was fun. I liked it at the park. We go home early. A tiny one bedroom apartment with 5 people in it. As im walking up the apartment stairs i started to notice things that were entering my mind. It wasnt good. Call it an anxiety attack. But tripping. After sitting on the couch as long as i could i go to the bed and lay down. I get scared. So terrifed. Why am i thinking what im thinking. I try to act normal. I lay in bed alone and do what i would usually do. Then i asked myself what the FUCK would i usually do. I yelled for zack. He came. I started talking about so much but mainly what i was exactly thinking at that moment. I was saying everything that was entering my mind idk why but i was. " i want to kill myself " and that was fucking it. "Can you please shoot me i cant take this. This is too much i dont want to live here anymore i cant do this" maybe i was thinking that because i lied to myseld and i did it again. I did psychedelics again. After i begged myself to never do it. I threw up. After a couple hours in the bathroom trying to think of how i can possibly shoot my brains out because i couldnt take it. It was mental torture. I was already killing myself by doing the shrooms and i think i knew it deep down. anyway after some hours I layed down at 8pm and falling alseep was the hardest thing ever.. but i managed. I woke up the next day and let me tell you guys. I will never be the same. Its like, multiple illnesses seeped out from the depths and theyre with me every goddamn day. I feel the same urges and tendencies as i did when i freaked out. A simple stomach ache will trigger it. Sometimes weed will trigger it. Just dont fucking do psychedelics if you dont know anything about them, about yourself, or about family history of mental illnesses. I discovered too much for my own good and im stuck like this forever.
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keith-is-not-an-emo · 5 years
which fics are you reading atm if you don’t mind sharing? ty!
Oh boy anon, oh boy.
You don’t know what you’ve done.
There will be E rated fics but they won’t solely be smut fics or too extreme.
edit: it seems like you can’t access the post from your dashboard so you have to be on my blog to see it *sighs* good job tumblr, like always.
star-crossed by realfakedoors (or anything they write, you’ll be seeing a lot of that here)
They said, once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a peaceful and prosperous kingdom, rich in romance and tradition. They said the Prince would host a ball, and choose his spouse, and they would live happily ever after.Well, they lied.
Keith is a Prince, and Lance lives with his shitty extended family. Neither of them are very happy, and when they meet, they’re surprised to have so much in common. Strangers, to friends, and then, well…
Meanwhile, Hunk is a sweetheart, Pidge is an iconic asexual, Shiro is a supportive Knight Dad™, Allura isn’t here for anyone’s crap, and there’s some political shit going on that forces them all together.
okay so how do i say it? it might be fave kl fic atm. this is my dirty laundry, my on thin ice. i love eveeery thing about it. i literally drop anything im doing if i see it updated. Also the last chapter? got me Shook.
also i KNOW about that big E rating there but the smut is in only one chap and i think the author marked it so it’s totally complementary and doesn’t add anything to the story so don’t worry.
breakfast on the moon by DairyFarmer (also very very recommended author!!)
Future Prom King, student body president, and all around hottie Lance McClain is abducted from his home in Arizona in 1997.
He is found decades later in the clearance section of an Earth paraphernalia store by the Paladins of Voltron.
another one of my big faves atm. everyone is very attentive of lance which is *clenches fist and wipes tear* very good. also it screams future langst and i cant wait :) (im kind of a langst hoe sorry not sorry)
let’s play pretend and hope it comes true by fevered_dreams
The Kingdom of Altea was quickly heading towards ruin. At least, it had been until the Royal Family’s eldest daughter had been born as an alpha. The people had rejoiced at her birth, and there was hope yet for a new ruler and a future secured. Even the fact that the second Royal Child had been born a beta couldn’t dampen their spirits.
Except Lance was not an beta. He was just an omega, trying his best to keep the charade going with a set of spells, pills, and all the tinctures he could brew because being an omega was dangerous. Being an omega made him something to be had, a rusted tool of barter worth less than scraps in return, and Altea couldn’t afford to let him go.
But, if Lance’s luck would have it, Prince Keith of the Blade wouldn’t mind being lied to too much.
okay okay in my defence, this one STILL doesn’t have smut. only kinda steamy make-out sessions. also don’t let the a/b/o scare you, there is talk about the dynamics but not so much in the sexual way, u’kno?
anything by BleuSarcelle, but if i have to chose one, let’s go with Of Pink Freckles and Green Moles
Lance now can see the boy’s face and he can only stare at the pretty color in the boy’s eyes before he’s suddenly being squished by two hands.
“Papa!” the boy shouts happily back at the adult that makes his way other them hurriedly. The boy hardly notices, still too fixed on squeezing Lance’s cheeks for a second longer before he giggles. “Papa, ugly!”
“Keith, no! Oh my god -”
“Ugly,” the boy repeats obliviously, patting Lance’s cheeks with a proud gleam in his eyes. “Ooh-gly!”
Lance doesn’t know what that word means but for some reason, it makes him cry harder.
[Or the one where Keith and Lance meet when they are two and three years old respectively and spend their entire childhood going through charity contests. Lance says they are rivals, Keith only hears ‘best friends’.]
super cute G kidfic.
Ground Control to Major Tom by yourfavoritetsundre
A year after Keith and Lance have a big falling out, Lance is…well, he’s not missing. He’s fine. He’s just not telling anyone where he is. Keith decides maybe the best way to apologize for being an absolute monster is to track him down.
Following Lance’s path of self-discovery, Keith starts to remember all the things about Lance he had buried years before. Because of the war, because of the Blade, because of Allura. And he starts to realize that maybe he’s to blame for more than he thought.
Meanwhile, Curtis just wants to plan his quiznacking wedding.
post-s8 fic
Written in Sand by MuseofWriting
Lance wakes up in a hospital on Earth to discover he has been missing for four months, with no memory of Voltron or the Galra. Drawn inexplicably to the desert where they found him, he discovers a hut full of research and notes that may provide the key to his missing memories. With secrets and conspiracies surrounding him, and the Garrison potentially hiding far more than he could ever have imagined, Lance grows to trust the notes in the desert - but he may not believe the person who claims he wrote them.
this one has been around for a while (a year to be precise) and i thinks its pretty aknowledged in the fandom but *shrugs* 
until we get there by starlightment
Sometimes his mind is cruel. He’ll wake in the dead of night, drowning in his sweat, choking on his tears. He’ll clutch at old bedsheets until his knuckles fade to white. He’ll shiver in the darkness, and the light blue marks beneath his eyes will start to burn, and his lungs will heave, aching for a breath that just isn’t there.
And sometimes Keith comes to visit.
Those are the best days, Lance thinks.
Those are the days when it’s easiest to breathe.
Or: Lance loses himself a little bit, but Keith is there to help him find it again.
post-s8 fic. i think i dont even need to present they author since they’re better know for writing something blue (i heard wonders abt it but havent found the chance to read it yet). also i cant fucking wait for their new fic like im vibrating here on my seat bc i LOVEEEE the trope of jock keith / nerd/prep lance dont judge me
sunflower by xintong (uuh i think i dont have to introduce this author either lmao)
On the morning of their first summer back on Earth, Lance receives a gift of sunflowers. A confession, a rejection, and the passage of time, all leading to the one person who’s always been there for him.
another post-s8 fic because honestly i needed healing at that time okay. super soft and cute and uuughhhh i cant deal
Pretty Ob(li)vious by msmooseberry
Lance loves make-up and being pretty while wearing it. Unfortunately, even in the world where Earth becomes one of the main centres of intergalactic communication and home to many races, his hobbies are still largely frowned upon. He never wanted other cadets at the Galaxy Garrison to find out, especially not his half-Galra crush, but that is exactly what happens. Lance prepares for the hate or ridicule at best, but the reaction he gets is something else entirely. Who knew Galra viewed lilac sparkly lips as a betrothal symbol?
keith finding lance the most beautiful being ever? uuh yeah? gimme that shit
Chestnut And Onyx by MilkTeaMiku (great author too!)
If his eyes weren’t deceiving him, Keith looked a little flushed. He crossed his arms over his chest, wings all puffed up and ruffled like he was preening. “I didn’t know you were that flexible,” he said. And then he looked angry, and his wings puffed up even more, and he stormed away. -Lance thinks his wings aren’t all that pretty, but Keith has other ideas. If only Lance knew.
langst wing-fic. what could i ask more for?
you’re lucky that’s what i like by zenstrike
Lance rescues a hamster from certain doom.
or, Lance has Keith wrapped around his little finger and doesn’t even realize it.
just. take the whole fucking thing. just take it
aaand these are the ones that appear on my feed that have been updated recently since most of them aren’t finished (sowwy). the bad thing about reading a lot of fics and having bad memory is that i already forgot half of my fave fics, probably, lmao.
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tsuyoi-hikari · 6 years
Hyde Jekyll, Me Review
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Have you ever watch a show that is good but you are puzzled why it is not more popular? Have you watched a show that you literally want to share it with everyone else because how it affect you emotionally? Have you watched a show that you find it hard to finish each episode because you keep rewinding your favourite scenes over and over again? Have you watch a show that you can literally start again just after you finished it? And have you watch a show where it satisfy you through and through? This is Hyde, Jekyll, Me means to me. I wanted to rate it 8 (due to some of the drama's imperfectness) but the show seriously connect to me on spiritual level (lol) so it deserved an 8.5. I literally cried the whole last 2 episodes since its really too sad for me. I cant believe how good and addicting is the drama. It had interesting plot with brilliant ending and I like how everything come like a perfect puzzle at the end. Great character developments and the twists was revealed in a nice and smooth way.
Hyun Bin is really great as both Seo Jin & Robin. I'm surprised to read that some people thought playing 2 characters are too much for him. Both Seo Jin & Robin are literally two very different person in mannerism, tone, vibe and speech pattern -- it seemed like it is played by 2 different actors -- thats how good he is. I thought he did an outstanding job when he had to act as one personality trying to pretend to be the other. You can see how the other personality is struggling and Hyun Bin did it with you knowing exactly that. Only great actor can do such a thing and Hyun Bin did exceptionally well here. Robin had me at hello so he will always be special in my heart (yes, he's my soulmate lol!) while Seo Jin's arrogant and cold personality to coat his vulnerable side made him so attractive. Han Ji Min is really lovely as Hana and imo they did everything right with her character and it made sense why both Seo Jin & Robin falls in love with her. Now regarding the issue that many people has problem with this drama. I personally thought many people seemed to misunderstand the message that the writer trying to tell us. BOTH SEO JIN & ROBIN IS THE SAME PERSON. Hana didnt settle for Jekyll because Hyde and Jekyll happen to be the same person. The writer keep highlighting in the ending note in each episode on how the two of them will become one; 'The silent moment when I become you, and you become me.' 'The more I keep trying, the more 'me' I end up discovering.' 'Somehow, you and I have become us.' Even Seo Jin realised that Robin is after all him when he saved Hana at the warehouse. Usually, all DID related movies/dramas just removing/letting go all the different personalities at the end and but this one it combined them together because they are the same person. Seo Jin created Robin as a defense mechanism to cope with his self-blame and cowardice. And for years, he hated and wanted to destroy Robin. But it later changed when he realised that Robin is after all him. Aside from getting Robin memories one by one, Seo Jin's mannerism changed and he become happier and gentler just like Robin as he is receiving his feelings as well. Robin is just like a dream that he cant remember. And Hana is the cure of that when she made him remember all those dream when he was Robin (like he told her in the end). The dissatisfaction that many people have towards the different treatment between Seo Jin and Robin should not exist as they are one person at the end. The way to see this drama is that you should not be jealous of one part of yourself as you are the same person. That is what Seo Jin decided to do at the end. He accepted Robin as he knew Robin is after all him -- you can see that Seo Jin no longer sabotaged Robin & Hana's relationship because he knew that Robin is him. Memories are what makes a person. Without memories, a person will be empty. Seo Jin having all Robin's memories and feelings (note how he even tear up suddenly at the bridge) at the end indicates that he is after all Robin. Robin is Seo Jin and Seo Jin is Robin. They are the same person. Now regarding the criticisms that Hana is getting from many viewer, Hana has always like Seo Jin -- she will never go that length to protect him just out of pure compassion and she definitely didn't settle for Seo Jin because Robin is gone. Like Seo Jin said, she is in love with Robin but she also love him as well which she didnt deny. The writer go through a great length to prove that Hana is also attracted to Seo Jin so I really wonder why many people seemed to missed that part. I find it absolutely ridiculous how people said she is greedy and selfish. She is actually the opposite of that and she handle the 2 personalities with such class and kindness. How is she undeserving of Seo Jin when she practically protect him since they are kids (heck, she watched over him for 1 whole year afraid that he might commit suicide), she risk her life to save him plenty of times, she overcome her fears to help Seo Jin find Dr. Kang, she suffers multiply abusive words from him, she cares for him when he's sick, she cooked for him, she stopped Robin from going public, she stopped Seo Jin from destroying his life, she's mad at him for deciding not to cure his illness and the list go on. I mean, she literally an angel that cure his DID -- the one that made him realise that he and Robin is one person. Yet, she get all of this shit just because he happen to fall in love with the good guy (first time in Kdramas that a girl actually fall for the nice guy). I find it absolutely ridiculous that some viewers mad at her for being a loyal and kind just because she didnt happen to fall head over hills with the main guy. However, despite she is in love with the other personality, not even once she allowed Robin to compromise Seo Jin's life and position knowing Seo Jin is the main personality. And the writer cant make her having a relationship with both Robin & Seo Jin cause that will make her a player. And she only decided to love Seo Jin in the end because she realised that Robin & Seo Jin is the same person. She didnt know that they started to become one after the warehouse incident and she only know it when Seo Jin told her that he has all Robin's memories. For Seo Jin to have Robin's memories, talents as well as feelings (as Seo Jin even feels what Robin is feeling -- his love, fears & sadness), it means that he is Robin as well. She loves both of them. And at the end, she got the best of both world when they become one person. The writer was very adamant in letting us know this so I really wonder why many people seemed to missed that. I know the drama is not perfect but it certainly didnt deserve all the hate that it is getting. I'm glad that I give this drama a try without reading any reviews. It makes me able to appreciate the drama as it is. Hyun Bin is definitely fantastic in here and it sadden me that he never properly reward for his performance in this drama.
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batgirl-87 · 5 years
So @mdeenise “challenged” me to answer all of the questions from this Hogwarts Mystery Asks: MC. I’ve already answered some (can check ‘asks’ or ‘ask game’ tags, I’ll also link them in my Masterlist) so I’ll answer the rest I haven’t been asked yet here because
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1. What is their whole name? 
Nereida Adelyn-Keira LaFontaine Black
5. How is there relationship with Jacob?
Keira and Jacob were very close - it was them against the world! They’re very protective of one another, they can get/have gotten into a lot of trouble together, both with a rebellious, mischievous streak; but they are also siblings so there’s teasing, embarrassing each other, lots of physical ‘play fighting’ - they’re very much like I can be mean to my sibling but if you’re mean to them I’ll hurt you. Clearly when he ‘disappeared’ it was devastating for Keira and she felt completely alone. 
6. How is their relationship with their parents?
Both Keira and Jacob loved their mom who was their primary caregiver. Keira honestly doesn’t really remember her dad much but Jacob hates him. She has a vague recollection of him and Regulus and Sirius, a bit better memory of Sirius who kept in contact with her and Jacob even after they moved to Canada, possibly to spite his parents but Keira thinks he actually cares about his younger half-siblings even if it was something that started out from spite or curiosity. 
When their mom died of course Jacob and Keira were very sad over their loss. They were then taken in by their mom’s close friends and moved to Canada from Ireland and while there was an adjustment period they both appreciate the care they provided, and while Jacob and Keira didn’t exactly feel like they belong in this ‘family’ their mom’s friends were great parental figures and they do care about them and appreciate everything they’ve done for them. Their dad was nonexistent in their lives after the passing of their mom (he passed soon after the next year, after the death of Regulus) but when they arrived in the UK to attend Hogwarts they did find savings left for them from their dad in Gringotts (safe to assume without his wife’s knowledge). 
So both love their mom and ‘adopted’ parents (unofficially adopted =p) and while Jacob hates their dad and views him as a manipulative, selfish, neglectful arse, Keira is pretty neutral and apathetic about her dad since she doesn’t really remember him all that well. But she appreciates the money! =p 
8. How’s their relationship with their family?
Ahahahahahaha - I’m cackling =p
Unfortunately, the family on Keira and Jacob’s mom’s side are all pretty much passed or they have no idea who they are =p Their mom and mom’s parents are passed and their mom had no siblings since her mom died relatively soon after her birth (undines...) As stated before, Jacob and Keira appreciate and care very much for their mom’s friends who took them in after her passing, although a bit of awkwardness since it’s not ‘really’ their family...
As for the Black side of their family *more cackling* Orion seemed much more interested in their mom than them and didn’t seem to want much to do with them, at least according to Jacob. Walburga hates them and this whole situation, of course! With good reason! She honestly probably would of had them killed. She focused most of her energy on ensuring this scandal did not get out into the public and was probably very relieved when they moved across the pond. Of course when Jacob returned to attend Hogwarts he was done living this lie and didn’t care who it upset and went by his Black family name, encouraging his sister to do the same - this family would not win! Walburga could try to deny it all she wanted but a paternity test (which I’ve done some research on Wizarding World paternity tests and some interesting ideas came up!) just proved it.
Despite this, Walburga and the rest of the Black family continued to ignore their entire existence. Andromeda may have been left out of the loop considering she was disowned from the family as well but when Keira and Tonks realized they were both related to Bellatrix Lestrange, and therefore related themselves, Keira was so happy to be accepted by some members of the Black family. Sirius also was accepting of his younger half-siblings and stayed in contact with them even after they moved to Canada. He may have only gone to see them at first out of curiosity and then continued to visit and communicate with them out of spite to his parents but he probably did care about them and enjoyed them more than Regulus because they weren’t brought up in a pureblood elitist household. Probably wished their mom was his mom which would just upset Walburga. And if Walburga didn’t hate them before, after she passed, Keira, now more spiteful and daring with everything that has happened, moved into the now empty (well except for Kreacher) 12 Grimmauld Place which would just piss Walburga off! How she convinced Remus, no idea - basically she was like I’m doing this and Remus had to go along with it =p
Wait, is Kreacher family? Keira and Kreacher argue a lot and she will not stand for him being mean to Remus or any of her friends and will threaten to kick him out although it’s an empty threat because she wouldn’t actually kick him out and make him homeless! Kreacher of course thinks she’s invading some place that does not belong to her but because she is a Black she sort of does belong there and while not related to his previous Walburga, she is to Orion so he has to put up with her =p They eventually reach an understanding. Kreacher is free to stay there and does not have to do any chores or cleaning up after her or Remus, as long as he’s nice... or just stays away from her friends and Remus. 
I’m not sure how Regulus felt about them, maybe neutral? I think discovering his dad’s affair would be a shock to him, he might be curious as well to meet them and I like to think did meet them at least once, possibly while their mom was passing (like Orion went to see her and Sirius and Regulus decided to go as well because, hey, it is their younger siblings whether they like it or not and it’s a hard thing to go through) but I think he was more worried and concerned about Death Eater affairs and tricking Voldemort =p
So while Keira is close with Tonks, and probably her parents as well, and both Keira and Jacob are accepted by Sirius, and maybe even Regulus, who knows =p, most of the Black family still pretends they don’t exist. Although I like to think Keira later bonds with Draco and they become close and overall these next generations are going to be better. And while Bellatrix may refuse to acknowledge Keira’s relationship to her, deep down she actually really likes Keira because she’s a strong, tough bitch who isn’t afraid of her and would have killed Dumbledore without even being a Death Eater if asked =p Seriously, Keira knows she’s actually Bella’s favorite. 
(This also pretty much works for my original HP OC bio where she was Sirius’ daughter because besides Tonks, Andromeda, and Ted, the rest of the Black family wouldn’t really acknowledge her existence either)
Does Remus count as family? Of course he does, he’s “Uncle Remus!” =p Remus and Keira had an instant bond, they are incredibly close - I like to think of it as two people who felt completely alone in the world found each other and now they were not longer alone. Keira is very much like Sirius, and Jacob can be very much like James actually, so it was actually nice for Remus to be around them if not bittersweet. I actually have a post about Keira and Remus’ relationship so I won’t say too much more besides they are very close and Keira is suuuuper protective over him.
9. Do they have any other siblings?
Sirius and Regulus Black
11. Do they have pets?
Keira has a Siamese cat and Jacob had a Barred Owl named Archimedes which I guess is hers now too? Jacob also wanted a dog or crup but then went to school so their ‘adoptive’ parents are taking care of it =p
14. Any crushes?
Charlie Weasley.
She won’t outright admit it but it’s obvious to everyone else besides Charlie. Wasn’t even aware of it herself for quite awhile! =p But fortunately she plays it pretty cool and isn’t a stuttering mess around him so maybe he has no idea she likes him because she’s so chill and nonchalant about it. Although she can be flirtatious but she can be like that with a lot of people =p (She’s related to Sirius she can’t help it! =p)
16. Have they ever dated someone before (Either back at their home or at Hogwarts)?
Rumour has it during her summer before Sixth Year, where she spent most of it in Canada, and going into Sixth Year she was dating someone. Has not been confirmed nor denied. 😜
(I think that’s all of them? Wasn't that much actually, I expected more =p But I still wrote a lot more than intended so sorry about that! Hope I explained things well enough! If anyone has any questions or want to talk about MC’s more hit me up! Thanks for your challenge! 😉💙)
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theinquisitivej · 5 years
SteamHeart Episode 13 Reactions
Chapter Thirteen: Homeward Bound
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You can listen to the full episode here.
We briefly shift our focus away from the crew of SteamHeart to check in on Miguel and Hrao. They’ve made their way to Memphis, and though Miguel has done his best to cover Hrao with some tarpaulin as they move through the city, he’s nervous and fears that people will discover her sooner or later. We overhear little snippets of conversation that mention a great black lion that was spotted a few months ago and has put the locals on edge. Miguel worries that the people’s curiosity of this creature and others like it will make them immediately hostile towards Hrao if they find her, but I have to wonder what this creature was exactly. Of course, since it was a big cat, your mind goes to the same place as Miguel’s and you assume it came from Hrao’s world. But with all the portals and increasingly frequent sightings of the sort of unfamiliar creatures that that strange old man Malloy tells his stories about, the black lion could be anything and have no connection to the feline inhabitants of Rama. One possibility is that they’re referring to the Manticore which killed the Vice-President, and this bit of information is meant to indicate the timescale of when Tiger’s Eye took place in relation to the rest of the events of the first phase of New Century. Or, maybe this creature really is from Rama. If that’s the case, I see two possibilities; either this is one of the Lions from the society that represents a serious danger to the cats of Hrao’s continent, which, depending on the nature of the Lion and his intentions, could be a real problem for our heroes here in the Reunified States, or it is the ominous entity which Hrao encounters later on in this chapter. Whatever the case, this background detail hints at a lot of possibilities and reinforces the impression that the world of New Century is full of unexplored mysteries and extends beyond what we see happen in the main body of the texts of each story.
         Miguel and Hrao eventually make their way to his father’s house. The smells, sights, and sounds of these new surroundings are undoubtedly overwhelming for Hrao’s acute senses, but she waits outside in a hidden alcove while Miguel braves whatever life waits for him inside. The first indication that things have changed significantly between the last time he was here and now is the repainted yellow door – the threshold to the interior of this house is unfamiliar, and crossing that threshold will take him not to his old life, but to an alien environment that Miguel neither recognises nor wants to be a part of. His father, Francisco, answers the door, and the low ringing bells of the music immediately makes the listener feel ill at ease here. Miguel demonstrates his newfound deft athleticism by moving around his father to see who else he hears inside the house, showing how Miguel has changed and developed through his time with Hrao and the bond they share. Miguel is confronted with a greying woman and her two sturdy-looking sons sitting at the table. Francisco speaks as if he’s never met Miguel before in his life, but Miguel determinedly pushes his connection, offering information about Francisco’s life that he knows will be enough to prove what he says to these strangers. Miguel is not only stronger now, but we also see his quick-thinking and, more importantly, the courage he has which helps him to stand his ground and disagree with what his father says and what he wants Miguel to say.
         Francisco pulls Miguel aside into his old bedroom, where the two can talk and ask each other questions. Miguel is taken aback and disappointed in how his father has changed and adapted so quickly after Miguel had gone, and yet has not changed the worst aspects of himself in the slightest. Francisco enquires whether Miguel brought back any treasure as he had set out to do. He doesn’t even check to see if he’s alright. Francisco offers not a home for Miguel to return to, but a place where he can work to earn the right to what room Francisco and his new family can spare. He talks as if Miguel abandoned him and says that he had to fend for himself in Memphis, which is a twisted way of looking at the disappearance of your own child. Not only that, but Francisco’s complaints would be laughable if they weren’t so disgustingly petty and manipulative when you consider how Miguel, a boy not even in his teenage years, was thrown into an entirely different world where he genuinely came close to death on multiple occasions, and yet he showed the bravery and fortitude to survive. Apparently, Louisa, the woman at the table, took pity on Francisco and showed him kindness when he said he was a recent widower, which, of course, is a lie. He lost his wife to the Wendigos years ago, and in remembering this, Miguel now realises that his father had left his mother and the rest of his family behind. Francisco is terrible, and he blames Miguel for everything and acts as if he is the wronged father who, in his mercy, forgives his son. It’s a horrible way to mistreat your own family, and when Miguel decides to leave this house and the people behind at the end of the scene, I breathe a deep sigh of relief.
         Outside, the air “smells the wrong kind of familiar” (a wonderfully apt phrase to describe coming back to a place you know but don’t feel welcome in after spending time somewhere else that you grew attached to and found family in), and Hrao isn’t where Miguel left her. His fear that he had dreamt her is understandable, not only for how terrible it would be to be stuck with this family he wants nothing to do with, but because the world of Rama and the tone of Tiger’s Eye is very dreamlike, so the idea that everything he had experienced these last few months never happened isn’t so ludicrous. They find each other, and Miguel signs to Hrao that the people who live here are “another tribe”, that he wants nothing to do with them, and that his place is with her. This makes Hrao, and the listener, smile.
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         As they make their way north towards the forests, Hrao begins to show signs of illness. Her hunting technique is off, she’s out of breath, and, after collapsing and asking for water, Miguel rushes off to the stream to fetch some, worrying that if he makes a mistake, Hrao “may not live to see another tomorrow”. The next section begins with us hearing, for the first time since Tiger’s Eye, Maureen Foley delivering new lines as Hrao. It has been far too long. She states that it is “tomorrow”, tying in directly with Miguel’s last word in the previous section of the episode and making us curious yet apprehensive to see what this sickness has done to Hrao. The tone returns to that mystical and dreamlike stream of consciousness that made Tiger’s Eye so captivating to listen to. As Miguel leaves from the cave they are residing in to fetch medicine, Hrao slides in and out of consciousness, eventually coming face to face with an ethereal figure, a tall black cat, that she recognises as The Father of Passing. She asks if it’s her time and says in a weak, pleading, yet sincere voice, “I want to stay…I have to look after my son”. This affirms how far Hrao has come, going from the hunter who went about her days in a weary trance and moved through life automatically at the start of Tiger’s Eye to this person who doesn’t want to go because she has something to live for. This moment is also significant in that Hrao turned away from the gods of her people when she lost her daughter. Perhaps her time with Miguel has helped bring her spirit back to her, as if her detachment from life during her day-to-day routine of hunting at the start of Tiger’s Eye was just her isolated body, severed from the world of spirits where the gods of her people reside. However, this moment is also significant because, as Hrao points out, she is seeing the Father of Passing here in Centrum, in Miguel’s world. It makes the nature of these deities even more uncertain, as you wonder not only whether they truly exist, but if they can exist in all worlds of the New Century multiverse.
         After this, Hrao is visited by the Fire Lion, a figure that seems to represent life and hope, just as the Father of Passing represents death. His words and presence fill the cave and Hrao with a nourishing light, and, shortly after, Miguel arrives, having brought medicine from a vet, which is amusing to hear from Hrao’s perspective who is uncertain what he means by “cat healer”. As Hrao rests and recovers next to her son, reassured by Miguel looking less worried than he was before, she tells us that the black figure remains in the cave with them. She does not look directly at him and his blue eyes again that day, but he is nevertheless not too far away. Hrao reflects on how Miguel also suffered from a severe illness during his first few days in Rama, which cements the duality of the bond between the two of them (pairs and fated duos are a recurring theme in New Century, after all) as they are each following similar patterns as they spend time in each other’s worlds. But with time and nurturing from her, Miguel grew, adapting to the world of Rama until he became who he is today. The episode ends with Hrao wondering if the same will happen to her here in Centrum, asking “what would I be like after tomorrow?” I truly don’t know what Hrao will be, how the people of the Reunified States and the crew of SteamHeart will react to her when they meet her, or what role she has in the journey ahead. But despite my apprehensive fears, I can’t wait to find out, and am ecstatic to see more of her in New Century.
         The epilogue tells us, categorically, that he Miguel will never see Francisco again, and I am very glad to hear that. The author tells us that we can imagine whatever ending we wish for the man. It leaves his fate in our hands, but ultimately, whether Francisco continued to hurt people, or con his way through life, or got his comeuppance and suffered severe punishment for his cruel disregard for others, the important thing that the last line of the episode tells us is this – “he is a tree falling in the woods”. As the proverb goes, if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it truly make a sound? Francisco can do whatever he likes, or suffer whatever fate he brings upon himself, but as far as the story of New Century is concerned, there is nothing more to be said about him, and we will not be there to hear the rest of his tale. He will be unnoticed and forgotten. And perhaps that is the best we can hope for when it comes to the people we cross paths with in life who hurt us. That we leave them behind and forget them.
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ladynyx92-blog · 6 years
A “Little” Surprise
Minseok X Reader _______________________________________________
The rain crashed against the window as I waited for Minseok. I was in the little cafe where we first met. He had tripped over someones bag and spilt coffee all over my baby blue dress. I was soaked through and to increase both our embarrassment the hot liquid made the dress see through. He was so flustered that when I think back on it I always giggle. He was adorable then and is still adorable now. Its been three years since that day and every year we visit this same cafe on our anniversary, but this time was different.
Minseok ran through the door his usual messy hair even messier now from the rain. He shook off the remaining drops and ran a hand through his hair looking over to me. Smiling softly I waved and admired as he made his way to me. Usually in situations like this everyone would think I called him to meet me, but no. He called me. My stomach was in knots as I remembered the phone call today. His tone had been frustrated and almost angry on the phone and it was urgent that he speak to me in person. It had been nearly a month since we had spent time together so I was really worried I had done something wrong. Had he changed his mind about moving in together? Were we breaking up over something I did? I cant think of anything but maybe I did something without realising.
Minseok took a seat and gave me his signature smile. Just that perfect mix of cute and damn sexy. A mix nobody else had perfected. “Sorry I’m late. Paperwork got insane after I got off the phone with you. One of our clients had a whole change of plan and it put the project back by about six days and” he trailed off shaking his head “anyway that’s not why I called you” I nodded slowly and he rubbed his hands on his jeans nervously “lets order coffee first” he said waving to the waiter. We ordered our coffee and I sat in nervous silence as we waited for it to come. He wasn’t looking me in the eye and eventually I couldn’t stay quiet. “Minseok whats wrong? You’re scaring me a little bit here” I asked quietly. He looked up and opened his mouth to speak when the coffee arrived. Quietly we bowed our heads thanking the waiter then waited till she was gone before Minseok spoke. “I got a promotion” he said calmly but he didn’t exactly sound thrilled so I held off on congratulating him. “Why do you not sound happy about it?” “Because its conditional. If I want to keep the job I gotta go work for nine miserable months in China starting next week” he sighed wiping his hand down his cheek, then through his hair. “Oh” I said quietly thinking about it “and you haven’t given an answer yet because of me?” Minseok sighed and shook his head “No I didn’t answer yet and my boss is giving me a hard time he wants an answer by tonight” he sounded so defeated my heart almost broke. I reached across the table and took his hand in mine. “Take it” “What?” “Take the promotion” “But nine months?” I smile and squeeze his hand “I’ll still be here waiting for you when you get back” His warm smile made my heart flutter as he lent forward and took my hands in his. “You promise?” I nod and lean forward pecking his lips softly “I’ll be here. In //our// apartment.” He gave a small chuckle and kissed me before pulling back and getting his phone. “Be right back” I nodded and watched him go call his boss. On his way back I notice him pay for the coffees and give him a curious look when he hands me my coat. “I wanna do something before I have to get packed” he said helping me put on my coat. I chuckle and nod “okay”
I wasn’t sure how long we were driving but when we stopped I felt his soft warm hands remove the blindfold. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust before I saw the ocean in front of us. It was beautiful. Minseok lent over and placed gentle kisses on my neck, making me shiver and giggle a little. He undid my seat belt and reached over letting back my seat. I don’t know when he removed his seat belt or how he managed to climb over me, but I didn’t care. His touches were gentle, his kiss was loving. I knew he was trying to make a memory here and now. One I could cherish while he is away. It might disappoint some that all we did was kiss with some light touches, but it was enough for me. When he eventually pulled away he said nothing. Instead he got out of the car and took my hand helping me out too. His wonderful smile graced his lips as he brought me over to the fence and turned me to face the ocean. Hugging me from behind and whispering in my ear “Remember this while I’m away. Anytime you get lonely or you miss me close your eyes and remember I love you” he smiled into my neck as the sight of the setting sun brought a delighted gasp from my lips. “Oppa its beautiful” I whispered in awe at the sun set. He let go of me and moved to my side. I looked over and noticed her was nervous, rubbing his hands on his sleeves as if trying to stop them from sweating. “I um.. I wanted to do this next week but… I’ll be in China so…” he turned and looked at me. My eyes went wide and my mouth opened in shock as he knelt on one knee before me. “_________ you have made my life worth living. Every morning I wake up wanting you next to me. Every night I want to sleep with you in my arms. I want to spend every hour with you. Make meals with you watch movies. I want to be there for you when you are frightened or when you are ill. I love you and” he gulped as he took a ring box out of his pocket and opened it “would you like to spend your life with me, even when I am being an absolute dork? Will you marry me?” I felt the tears roll down my cheeks as I nodded. I couldn’t speak. I was so emotional I just cried as he slipped the claddagh ring on my finger. It had a beautiful sapphire in the centre heart and the symbolism was overwhelming. The claddagh was a traditional Irish ring. It was a symbol of love friendship and loyalty. I had told Minseok about them once but they were not easy to get outside of Ireland. He stood up and took me in his arms, kissing away my tears. “I love you” he whispered and held me tighter. “I love you too” was all I could manage to say. The realisation that he would be gone for nine months was beginning to sink in. I hugged him tighter and whispered “I will be here when you get back. Waiting. In our apartment. I’ll find us one while you’re away. One we’ll both be able to call home”. Minseok chuckled and pulled back far enough to kiss my forehead. “I trust you” he said with a smile before hugging me tight as we watched the sun set.
The next couple of days were busy. Minseok needed to pack for nine months away and I had already begun apartment searching. I dropped him to the airport and cried as he left. It would have been easier if I hadn’t seen the tears in his eyes as he kissed my forehead and said goodbye. But it wasn’t goodbye. I would see him again in nine months.
A week after Minseok had left I discovered I was pregnant. I told my parents and I told his parents. I didn’t know if I should tell Minseok or surprise him when he got back. I knew he always wanted kids. I also knew he would be worried about me if he knew I was pregnant while he was in China. Mrs Kim went with me to the doctor and we found out I was due two weeks before Minseok was due home. Which meant it was possible he would be coming home to a child. If not he was definitely coming home to a pregnant fiance.Mrs Kim and I spent the whole evening discussing which would be best for both myself and Minseok. We didn’t want him worrying but we also didn’t want to give him a heart attack when he got back. In the end we decided to tell him I would have a surprise for him. One that will change his life but in the best way possible. That night Mrs Kim and I rang him on a video call. She sat with me holding my hand under the table so he wouldn’t know I was nervous. He was delighted to see us and told us about his week and what was coming next. He wouldn’t have time for many calls over the next nine months which made us feel better about our decision not to tell him the whole story. He was curious what surprise but Mrs Kim helped me to keep it a secret. She told him to stop asking and not to ask me when he talks to me alone. He agreed while laughing and I couldn’t help but laugh too. She was serious but pleasant so she didn’t mind us laughing. After-all she was giving her son orders not to question his own fiance.
Just like he predicted he had very little time over the nine months do we talked maybe once a month. It was hard but I was kept busy between apartment hunting and doctor appointments. As we hoped the baby came right on time. Labor was terrifying and really painful. All I wanted was Minseok there to hold my hand but Mrs Kim, who has asked me to call her Eomeoni, stayed by my side and held my hand tight. My parents came later. My mother was brought in to me and she wiped my forehead for me and helped me too. With Eomma and Eomeoni I managed to stay reasonably calm and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She had Minseok’s dazzling eyes and my sweet smile. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. My baby. I had talked baby names with Eomeoni and she remembered a name Minseok said he always liked. Azalea. So that is what I called her. Our baby. Azalea. She was small but very healthy and the doctors let me home after three days of observation. Eomma and Eomeoni came to my new apartment with me. They had helped me move in over the last three months and had set up the babies room. Everything was perfect for Minseok to come home.
The day arrived and I went to the airport alone. Eomma and Eomeoni stayed with Azalea. We agreed it would be easier to tell Minseok about his daughter if his daughter was home with her Grandmothers. I waited by the arrivals gate. My face lighting up when I saw him. He saw me and almost ran to me taking me in his arms and spinning me around holding me close and kissing me deeply. When we parted I giggled “I missed you too” He chuckled and pecked my forehead “Hello my love.” He took my hand and kissed each knuckle then kissed the ring and looked at me with a loving and tender smile. “Lets get you some coffee” I said calmly and took one of his bags as I walked to the cafe. He gave me a quizzical look and followed “Get /me/ coffee? Not us?” I nodded slowly and put his bag down “I’m not drinking coffee at the moment” Smiling I pecked his cheek and went to the counter for our drinks. Confused Minseok sat down and watched me. I could feel his eyes scanning over my body. I gulped knowing he will realise I have a bit more weight than when he left, thankfully I didn’t gain an awful lot while pregnant but of course I did gain weight and my hips are slightly wider after giving birth.
When I returned to the table with one coffee and one herbal tea, Minseok’s eyebrows raised into his fringe and he tapped his finger on the table “so um… this surprise?” He asked suspiciously “its not something small is it?” He was already watching me for any tell tale signs of what is going on. Slowly I shake my head “not really. No” My hands were trembling as I reached for my cup but his hand took mine stopping me from taking a drink. “Whats wrong?” He asked his expression serious and concerned. I couldn’t help but chuckle softly as I shake my head “nothings wrong. I just …” I gulp and take a deep breath “I have kept a big secret from you for nine months and I am a little nervous to tell you now” I admitted. He smiled and squeezed my hand before using his other hand to take a sip of coffee. After he put the cup back down he spoke softly “why don’t I try to guess then?” I bit back a laugh and lifted my cup “try but I don’t think you can guess this” I took a sip and placed my cup back down. “Whatever it is you kept it for nine months. I am guessing you didn’t tell me so that I could focus on work. Correct?” I simply nodded with a small smile. “You’ve also gained a bit of weight since I saw you nine months ago” I gulped and again nodded wondering if maybe he will get it. He shook his head muttering “cant be” he looked back at me carefully “Tell me” I took a deep breath and took my phone from my pocket opening it up on a picture of new born Azalea and slid the phone to him. He looked at me confused then looked at the phone. At first he was confused then slowly realisation began to sink in and shock replaced his confused expression. He started scrolling through the pictures seeing every single one that I took of her. At least one every day since she was born two weeks ago. Tears were in his eyes when he looked back up at me “Are you serious?” I could feel tears in my eyes as I nodded and smiled “you have a daughter” The shock faded and was replaced by awe as he looked through the pictures again “We have a baby? We have a daughter?” I nodded knowing they weren’t really questions. He gave back my phone and took my hand “where is she now?” “At home with her grandmothers. They are already spoiling her” Minseok laughed and squeezed my hand “Can we go see her?” I nod and point to his coffee “do you wa-” “No lets go” he interrupted pulling me from my seat and carrying his bags. I laughed and nodded leading him to the car. His excitement was making me feel much better about everything. I had felt guilty keeping it from him but now he knows and is excited to meet his daughter.
The drive home was full of Minseok asking questions. He asked everything he could about the pregnancy and apologised for not being at her birth even though he didn’t know. He scolded me lightly for not telling him then kissed my hand and my cheek forgiving me. When we got to the apartment he got nervous. He hesitated outside the front door then again in the hall. “What if she doesn’t like me? What if she starts crying?” He asked me as I hung up our coats and put his bags in the closet to unpack later “Don’t worry.” I said bringing him into the livingroom where Azalea lay in her pram. Eomma and Eomeoni greeted Minseok and hugged him tight congratulating him. Azalea heard his voice and started to cry. Minseok frowned “Shes crying because of me already?” I picked her up and smiled to him “not because of you” He was nervous as I handed her to him but he took her anyway. Holding her carefully he looked at her and smiled. “Hello baby girl” he cooed rocking her gently and taking her tiny hand in his “I’m your Appa.” He whispered proudly to her. “We called her Azalea” I told him quietly and he smiled his eyes not leaving his daughter. “Azalea. My beautiful Azalea please don’t cry. Appa’s here” he coos. To his amazement she stops crying and opens her eyes looking up at him. A small gasp leaves Minseok’s lips as he sees his eyes looking back at him “she has my eyes” he whispers. Nobody says anything not wanting to disturb the beautiful moment between Minseok and his baby. “Appa will always protect you. My beautiful baby girl.” He lent down and kissed her hand then her forehead gently. Looking up at me he smiled before looking back at Azalea. “Our Baby”
_______________________________________________ I hope you enjoyed this story. Please let me know what you think and if enough people like it I might write another ^-^
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feed-my-reads · 2 years
NICOLA LOWE Author interview
A little introduction:
I am Nicola Writes Romance on Twitter - @nicswriting
When did your love of books begin?
As early as I can remember. I vaguely remember having a bookcase when I was tiny. I always used to be asking for books, and had very supportive parents who got me the books. I recall lots of library trips and much hiding under the covers with a torch so I could read later than I was strictly allowed to as a kid!
When did you start to have the wish to become an author?
Only in about March this year (2021). I only began writing in January 2021, I let a friend read it, and she loved it. It was the start of a bug for me, wanting to let people read my work!
How have you found the process for becoming an author?
I only tried querying for a very short time, it isn't for me. I'm highly impatient, and a total control freak! So I looked into self publishing with the help of The Coffeehouse Writer (@thecoffeehouseW). It's been hard work, at least as much work again as writing the book in the first place. It also feels like the marketing is non stop, but I wouldn't change it, and am currently doing it all again for my second book.
What would you say to those wanting to become an author?
I would encourage them to pursue it. Everyone has a story, whether you're young, old, rich, poor, you have a tale to tell and somebody will want to hear it. Don't go into it because you think you're going to make millions, go into it to share. This is a hugely supportive community and the journey is incredible.
Tell us about your book/books:
I began writing in January 2021, during yet another lockdown because I felt so sad. I wanted something to focus on, to cheer me up. So I wrote about falling in love, lovely dates, handsome men... and it just snowballed.
I'm very proud that The Missed Kiss was released exactly six months to the day I started writing it, and its sequel To Kiss You Again will be out eleven months after my writing began. Two books in my first year!
What do you love about the writing/reading community?
The writing community is so supportive, there's no jealousy or competition (that I've witnessed at least), and always someone to console after a bad day, or give advice or help. You get out what you put in, and I've made so many friends. I've also discovered a crazy amount of talented authors, and my TBR list is out of control!I love the reading community, and spend a lot of time reading and reviewing also. My favourite thing though, is when a reader contacts me to talk about my book, that's so special!
If you could say anything to your readers, what would it be?
Firstly, thank you, thank you, thank you! I appreciate you so much.Secondly, leave reviews please. I cant empathise enough how important reviews are to indie authors - five minutes of your time means the world to us,
Where can people connect with you?
Twitter - @nicswritingInstagran - nicolaloweauthor
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lux-scriptum · 3 years
RE: Opulent Dreamer - I debated whether I should ask this because you said you were afraid to contradict yourself, but I hope if it's an open question where you can choose not to say anything it's okay?
I kind of just want to know everything I can about the plot, tbh, anything you're willing to tell me, hopefully in detail as possible or as vague as you want (though of course if it's spoilers or if you don't want to feel free to ignore this!). Like, what were your plans for it? Where was it going to go? Why can't Tae leave faerie? You once said it was about two gay assholes trying to outdo each other (and Ben, poor Ben) and I've just been so curious what that looked like ever since? Also, what does Meilyr have against Tae, if anything, since he was provoking him (it sounded like they met at the party and Tae slept with him and had his wings out - surprising, since I believe you mentioned he doesn't usually show his wings)?
I'm guessing most, if not all, are questions you can't answer, but I thought I'd just put out the questions I've asked for years and just see how much I can get :) You can see I just want to know everything and anything. So any information, even unrelated to the questions I asked, would be fun to have. Just, literally anything you feel comfortable sharing. If you don't, then please don't mind me :)
I hope you have a good day! <3
I can do my best to answer these! I can tell you’ve read what I posted once or twice because I can't for the life of me remember the details. I had to reread it myself LMAO.
My basic plans were to end up with the three of them in a triad. Ben and Lyr were already in a relationship. Branwyn had sent Ben to Lyr years ago when she discovered him wandering under her tree as a teen. I think he was a teen anyway. This is subject to change. I wanted to give Taegan a chance to grow as a person, and also recover from having Cadoc break up with him permanently. That was well over a century (if not two? Again timeline wobbly) of a relationship Tae knew he could fall back on eventually. He’s a little shook.
Which leads to why he cant leave. Simple. Faerie doesnt wanna let him go. Its fond of him. I can reblog the post that explains how the planes pf existence are Sort Of Sentiant but thats the gist of it. Faerie is worried about Tae.
I honestly can’t remember exactly why Lyr was so annoyed with Tae but I’m gonna assume from my quick reread that his arrogance sort of pissed Lyr off. Especially when someone who was so clearly upset the night before and clearly needs some sort of help and support decides the next morning to be snooty to a Prince of all people.
I apparently did start a part 3 but I never finished. I think that was around the time I was writing 3 different AUs at once and that was on top of Editing PD proper and later HtP with Sam (which we’re still writing, slowly) so I can see why they all sort of fell to the side. Lately I’ve been looking for new forms of media to consume to feed the creativity. Maybe I’ll get back to it all eventually. I’m not sure if I got to all your questions; I’m on my 2 hour bus ride so I was looking for something to do, and this was a lovely way to spend it. Let me know if I missed anything.
But Another Side Note! I’m genuinely enjoying these asks. They make me think about older stuff I haven’t touched in years and Its been kinda nice to have asks to look forward to answering! Any time you wanna send one in, about Opulent Dreamer or anything else, feel free. You’re not bothering me in the slightest 😌
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