#I do need organic soil tho to make some
sternbagel · 1 year
chanting “do not waste all your play money from your paycheck on soil and pots for your plants; you just repotted most of them” to myself over and over in the hopes that I actually listen to myself come Friday
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audiovisualrecall · 2 years
Okay, just a list in no particular order of things I'd like to do, be it today or another day-
Shower (today)
Website - design of art website (i have a plan drawn and written out but certain design choices will need to be made and all acted upon), photograph art, go thru files of art both digital and photos and sort/organize/make folders for those to be used for website, deciding whether to pay for a domain now or later, etc. (Big task I will need to tackle in pieces and in short bursts so I don't get bored/overwhelmed/burned out on it)
Painting - working on the unicorn piece or another wip, and/or starting a new piece
Art, other - sketching on paper or digitally, doodling tony or stevetony, doing life study sketching from references (for x amt of time), etc. Something where the goal is to either have fun in the leisurely sense, or to work on skills/practice.
Call driving school - besides being super belated on scheduling lessons, my certificate of finishing the 5 hr class is now expired and idk if I need to take it again and if so do I have to pay for the class again? I do still want to set up the lessons I paid for tho bc that's still good to go regardless of the certificate.
Call dentist's office to schedule appointment. Have to write down all my weekdays off for the next couple weeks to be able to do this without going 'uhhh let me check'..
Finish my rewatch of Push -I'm about halfway thru maybe further than that. (today probably)
Continue organizing stuff in my room - may potentially require buying additional storage containers but not sure yet.
Do something outside on a nice day (like today)- take a walk, go to the park, draw outside, something outdoors.
Take Edison to the vet - he needs an annual checkup and probably boosters, and I'd like some advice on getting him to lose weight. Need to call and make an appointment. Need to know days off for next few wks to plan.
Go thru and toss out old dried bouquets that have been sitting in vases for uhh a month now. Hard to do bc the cat will hear the sound and come running over to try to eat anything that falls which makes it really complicated and difficult to take care of bc I don't want to drop anything and have him eat it and get sick. (The best I could do is take them into the bathroom with a trash bag and dust pan and close the door I guess?)
Job hunting - just casually mostly, I want to see what's out there that is interesting to me and that I could do (and would presumably offer benefits, if I were to go for them) so I don't feel like staying at my current job is the ONLY option (especially once I need employer provided health insurance, rn I'm covered by the YA29 program via my mom's employment w the city/state)
Start planting! - need to buy potting/starting soil, and find or buy a tray to start seedlings in, and I'd like to try the soil cube method so some way to make the 1x1 cubes and the following sizes possibly as well. Need to germinate some seeds like pepper seeds, and find out if there's a method for some other seeds or not. I'd like to start both veggie and flower seeds to be able to transplant outside around mother's day. At which pt we will need to buy some bags of soil/amendments for the garden out back and on the side probably.
Plant the propagated branch(es) - I brought home pussywillow branches from work and put them in water in a clear vase and they grew roots and stems with leaves???? To successfully plant out any of them I will have to stay on top of watering at first which is hard for me. Also the trees get a little big (not huge, but small tree sized and we already have a bunch of trees) so we won't have room for all of them, so I have to see if any neighbors would be interested in a branch or two.
Buy a hydrangea plant from work to try to prop branches from (can't successfully cut a branch at work and get it home without it dying along the way, probably, and the potted ones usually die quickly indoors or out eventually and our soil is too hard and full of roots to easily plant tbe whole thing, but props are just. A single branch and it'll make its own root system etc.) Also involves a LOT of watering once in the ground to live, and to thrive when summer hits as well.
Bookbinding- need to pick a story and do the typesetting/reformatting in order to be able to print and bind a fic. Could make a sketchbook also but idk if I have good paper for it rn.
Come up with solutions for organizational problems around the house, whether it means designing something or buying or finding something we have to use to improve things. No one else wants to brainstorm with me so this one is tough. Also extends to organizing my stuff.
Set up a space to make art in. This is difficult bc I don't like being upstairs when home alone, and unfortunately upstairs has the only space I'd have to make into a studio, but it has to be a guest room also.
Finish painting the upstairs bathroom - (also possibly adding the chair rail steph planned, and possibly spray-painting the radiator outside) includes touching up some patchy spots, and figuring out a solution for the area where the previous paint peeled up from the older paint, without having to re-do ALL of the 'white' paint in the room (which is actually a very light blue and idk if we have the color anywhere in the house and also it'd be a pain in the ass to redo bc light fixtures are in the way). May mean just extending the dark blue down or just... priming over that area and then covering it with the planned chair rail...
Taking some sort of classes on business/bookkeeping/accounting/tax/related stuff to help with small business thing since my etsy is making more $ than it used to and it'd be nice to b able to understand more, regardless of if I go further w/ it at all, it'd make things easier and less overwhelming/stressful. Also my grandfather was a tax attorney and accountant so it'd be kinda...nice.
Yard sale!!! We have a lot of stuff we already know we don't need and a fun way to get it out of the house would be tp hold a yard sale (over a couple weekends maybe)! We already went through a lot of stuff and boxed stuff up and made decisions abt other stuff. It'll help a ton with having the house not feel so cluttered and frustrating especially for ma. I do want to double check and go back thru some stuff to make sure tho. Anyway anything that doesn't sell in the yard sale can be donated instead, and we can add some books to the little free library box we know of.
Buying the og pokemon Gameboy games bc I stupidly sold them to a friend for next to nothing bc I wasn't playing them and she wanted them and idk I'm weak. Now I gotta buy them from somewhere again so my nephew can play them maybe and also bc it was dumb to get rid of them!!! I still have pokemon yellow tho. Uh so that's, red, blue, silver, gold, and crystal. I think that's it...
Buying a new bag, like my larger red one but uhhh better bc it's got some annoying issues I didn't know abt when I bought it. I love my small bag, tbh, but I realized the larger one can fit a BOOK without being too heavy so now I want to use a larger bag xD but it's not a Now thing I guess.
Learn how to fricking budget and track spending etc!!! I have a haphazard method rn that won't work for me long term which amounts to going oh I don't need that but i want it but no. and then giving in another time, and spending too much. And then repeat.
Work on my comic/story
Work on steph's book illustrations!
Get a gift for ma for upcoming bday!!
And plan something for ma's Bday with others!!!
Hair color - I want to make the baking soda+hydrogen peroxide paste to lighten part of my hair and then get overtone in rosegold/pink and apply it to successfully get some pink in my hair :) I actually rlly liked how the bubblegum pink/rose gold wig looked on me but I don't want to dye my hair permanently or have to use harsher lighteners. Issue is I don't have the color in the house yet so have to buy it. And both lightening and color have to sit in my hair for at least an hour. And presumably color needs to go on hair that has not just been cleaned bc the oils probably help retain the pigment or something. (I Could today do the lightening part, tho? Maybe?)
Make list of things I want/want to buy to give to parental units as a way for them to choose what to get me for a belated bday gift if they so choose to do so. Includes art supplies such as a new cutting mat with more visible gridlines bc I have a hard time w the one I have; bookcloth in diff colors for projects; bookbinding glue; maybe bookboard?, new sketchbook?... also includes roller skates bc <3
Wish bro in law a happy bday tomorrow, already made a gift for him so that's all set ^^
Bake! I want to try a bunch of recipes, including brownie bark, water challah, chive pancakes, and homemade cheezits, but also other stuff I've made before like sugar cookies (cookie press ones and rollout kinds and ones dipped in tempered chocolate mmmm and strawberry ones), muffins, etc.
Improve my recipe book's design, have to figure this one out. I want to be able to remove and add recipes, have it not be too big/bulky, look nice, and function well. Current album style wasn't made right (by me, first attempt at the method) and isn't really working but that may be I need to add larger posts but then it will be large and bulky anyway.... also I don't want to have to rewrite every recipe bc it's tiring and boring and tedious and also I transpose things. But I often rewrite bits of the recipes to make them easier to follow. Maybe I should use a typewriter on cards... 😅
Buy new flowers from work - can only do once I get rid of the old ones.
Actually follow thru on planning to do something with friends from work. Idk what the issue is, I like the idea of hanging out w them, and the activity in mind (pottery painting), but then it's like it has to be after work hours on Wednesday or Thursday, but since I don't drive I'll be getting home super late so I don't want to do it on a day where I have work the next day.... so that makes it harder. Blugh.
Get some specific pieces of clothing... going shopping results in spending an hour trying stuff on, being disappointed by the things I liked most not fitting, buying too much stuff/spending too much anyway, then finding out later I don't rlly like some of what I bought anyway, rinse and repeat. Also I forget to bring items I want to return every time. Buying online is easier and harder as well bc I can't try stuff on before buying. Sigh.
Updating etsy stuff? A bit.
Acquiring my dream bike / a bike. Lightweight/aluminum, specific style of upright handlebars, bike with fenders and rear rack, step thru but not stupid looking I just can't do the non step thru bc I'm short. dream bike is momentum I need street step thru (2018?) in glossy cherry red 😍😭
Figure out ways to make my room feel my age. I love it and hate it simultaneously and that sucks.
Uhhhh probably more I can't think of rn.
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balkanradfem · 3 years
The basics of growing food
So, growing food sounds very intimidating, and in reality, it's something people knew how to do thru all history, and it's made even easier by new methods of 'no till' and 'no dig' garden. I didn't know almost anything about it until 3 years ago, when I got a plot in a community garden and started growing food with no experience. Still it went good! Here's what I learned:
The basics are as simple as 'if you put a seed underground and keep it wet, it's going to come out.' If you start off from that, even if you know nothing else, eventually you will succeed. The additional stuff is done to ensure success. The biggest actual issue of gardening isn't how, but when. When are you supposed to put all the seeds underground to get good harvest? For most of the plants, it can be as simple as 'Spring'. For others, it's very important just when in the spring you plant it.
Let's say you want to start your first garden, you want to plant some onions, lettuce, peas, green beans, tomatoes, peppers and zucchini. All of these can be planted in the spring! But these plants are sorted in 2 categories: Those who can survive a frost, and those who cannot. We call these 'frost hardy' (those who survive the frost) and frost-tender (those plants will die if they're exposed to lower than 0 temperatures). From the ones I listed, onions, lettuce and peas are frost hardy! It means you can plant them very early in spring, such as February and March, and they can be hit with snow and ice and be just fine. They can also be planted in autumn, and they only really start growing in the spring.
Green beans, tomatoes, peppers, and zucchini are frost-tender, meaning you absolutely can't grow them before the chance of freezing temperatures is gone. This is known in gardening as 'the last frost date'. Every area has a different last-frost date, so it's good to google yours to be sure you're planting these when it's safe to do so. For me it's mid-April.
Now, since it's a long time to wait for your plants to grow if you've only planted the seeds in mid April, people have found a way around it by planting the seeds in little containers inside of their house, or in a greenhouse, so they grow in a nice warm place on a windowsill, and are moved out in the ground when it's warm and safe. This is a very fun thing to do as you will have bunch of little plants growing in your home. Important thing to know about it is to use really light and airy soil, not garden soil, (you can use forest soil!) and to make sure you're not over-watering them and you give them as much light as possible.
Soil is another big thing in gardening, the grass grows so easily from it, but you can't exactly plant your seeds into the grass; they will get suffocated. For a long time people have tilled the ground to make it empty of all the weeds and easy to handle; however this isn't healthy for the soil, because it ruins the quality of top-soil, exposes it to sun and wind erosion, and it dries up very easily. Here are some beneficial methods of gardening: mulching and no-dig. Mulching means adding stuff like hay, straw, tree leaves, woodchips, pine needles on top of the soil. You're protecting your soil from sun, wind, erosion, drying out, and if your mulch is thick and dark enough, no weeds will grow in your garden. You are gardening by science.
So what does this mean for you, when you're standing before a patch of grass, thinking of turning it into a garden? You need to do this months before the actual planting, using time to your benefit is the smartest thing a gardener can do. You pick a patch of land and bring in everything you can on top: cut grass, hay, tree leaves you raked or found, straw if you have any, woodchips, anything that will stop the grass from growing. If you really want to build up your soil you can bring in compost too! All that organic material will eventually turn into compost and fertilize your garden as it degrades to soil. It's important to not mix it with the soil, and to only keep it on top of the plants. Mixing it will deplete the soil of nitrogen, and you need nitrogen to grow anything green. If you keep bringing in organic material for years of gardening, and on top of that put some compost as well, in 3-5 years your soil will become so rich and soft you will no longer have to use tools to plant in it.
But, hey, if it's your first time, you don't need to aim for perfection. If you didn't prepare your soil in the fall, whatever! You can still pull the weeds, dig around a little to make some clear soil, and plant your stuff! I've done this last-minute planting and it works just fine. Mulching and adding organic material is only the easiest, most scienc-y way to garden.
The next big thing in gardening is spacing and depth: how far apart should your plants be? And how deep to plant them? For depth, the rule of the thumb is 'twice as deep as the seed is tall'. But I've seen people pull various shit in this area and succeed so do what you want. As of spacing, I would also say, try out what fits for you. It takes a year of gardening to get a sense of just how big the plants get, and what would be ideal spacing for each of them. I decided only on my third year to plant tomatoes VERY far apart, because I realized in this case, one plant will give me more than 8kg tomatoes and it's much less work than planting 3 times as many plants that are close together. Peas seem to like to grow close tho, for some reason. Sometimes you can decide you want a bunch of tiny plants because you'll eat them young, so you don't space them on purpose, people do that with lettuce, leeks, spinach. If you want your plants as big as possible with as much yield as possible, give them half a meter and see what happens.
Fertilization is another big thing in gardening; if you add a lot of compost and mulch your garden consistently, you won't need a lot more; however there's a cool free trick you can do (if you're not currently sick): you can mix your urine with 10x water, and water your plants with that. And I really mean mix it with 10x water! Plants can get very fried by it and start to wilt if they're bombed with too much fertilizer at once! There are rules for this: use it when you want your plants to grow a lot of greenery, not if you want them to flower or produce fruit. This fertilizer is rich in nitrogen, and nitrogen inspires plants to grow more leaves! If you wanna fertilize them later in their growth, put a lot of nettle plants in a big container with water, leave it in the sun for 10 days; when it starts to smell real bad, it's ready. (you can also do this with comfrey). Also dilute it with 10x water! Don't use these fertilizers on bean or pea plants, or any legume, they don't like it.
Now I've given you so much info at once, you're probably struggling to take it all in, so here's a good youtube channel where I learned all I know: Roots and Refuge. If you watch this lady garden for long enough, she will tell you all of the secrets.
I remember being a first time gardener overwhelmed with worry; what if I fail, what if nothing grows, what if I kill all the plants, what if I have a black thumb, what if the plants die because I am stupid, what if I put all of this work in and get nothing, what if people make fun of me, what if I run into problems I won't be able to solve. Here are some of the answers to these!
A part of what you grow will DEFINITELY DIE. I can guarantee it, it happens to everyone, every single garden in the world has had plants die, sometimes for no reason at all, but in no case will EVERYTHING die. We all count on a part of our plants dying, becoming slug food, not doing well in general, and we always plant 30% more than we absolutely need. Even if you are personally responsible for killing the plants, the plants will not hold it against you! Plants appreciate you spreading their seed regardless of success, they understand that by trying multiple times you will eventually succeed and they absolutely want you to learn thru occasional failure. The answer is again to plant a lot, and it never ever happened that nothing came out of it. Most often, it's not going to be your fault at all. Sometimes the year will be good for tomatoes and carrots, and bad for peas. It's all okay! Because you just planted extra peas, and you'll get more tomatoes than you expected to have.
If you have the desire to plant food, you do not have a black thumb; the green thumb is in the heart that yearns to grow. You're not stupid if your plants die, plants die for everyone. And people are likely to come at you with million advice; listen to no one, try everything yourself. If they make fun of you, they're gonna look real stupid when you have home-grown food. Any problem you might run into while gardening is google-able! Or you can join a page of gardeners and they'll be happy to identify the issue.
The real main issue with gardening are slugs and bug-type pests, and that is a problem for another day because all I know to do is to yeet those away by hand and shake my finger very sternly at them. Hope this helps!
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zorak-show · 3 years
Til the Last Drop
CH. 1 Got another one of those?
Young Zaun Dads fic, Silco x Vander, rating and tags may change as I go on (currently settling on mature, tho this chapter is tame and only set up)
“Origins of Silco and Vander’s relationship and the revolution they started together.”
Attempt is to update with new chapters every 2-3 days inshallah
If you enjoy, please let me know, it will help keep me motivated xoxox (chapters will be shortish, as it’s easiest for me)
Another evening in the undercity. This one was different, though. The air felt lighter, crisper, even with all the pollution
It must be a low pollution day; Silco shook off the chill and held his small coat together with his crossed arms as he made his way to the address he'd seen scrawled on a poster at work. The boss had torn it down in a fit, so the writing was blurry, but he hoped his translation of it was correct.
He neared the building he believed it to be and saw only a heavy door, no windows lit up from inside, and the street was dead quiet. He paused his hand at the door before knocking, then pushed through the fear.
knock knock
A slot on the door opened, and a pair of intense brown eyes outlined in messy eyeliner met his.
"Grey wolf," Silco near whispered to the floating eyes. The panel slammed shut, and the door creaked open. Silco slipped inside with no sight of the person behind the door. Just as well, he needed to take in his surroundings, find all exits. It appeared to be some abandoned warehouse that was now a half-assed speakeasy. Broken furniture, boxes containing who knows what, and piles of cloth and drapery littered the large, otherwise spacious room. A cleared-off area revealed the small bar, tables, and mismatched chairs in the far back corner.
A small group of primarily young adults gathered in the far corner of the room. The small flickering flames from candles of every size illuminated them all in eerie flashes, mirrored by large shadows dancing on the walls—boards, paper, and paint-covered any window that may have let in some sickly street light. 
Silco slid a metal chair out towards himself at the back of the meeting group. It screeched, and a few people side-eyed him, but the large man at the front of the room kept talking. He was the only one standing as he went over tactics for recruiting more miners to the cause and the other workers of the undercity.
"For too long we've lived under their oppressive thumb. Working the jobs, they are above doing, while they gain all the profits. Leaving us with barely enough crumbs to go around. They taunt the best healthcare and refuse us the same care. We say enough! Workers of the undercity UNITE!”
With that, everyone raised their glasses with a unified sound of agreement. Because Silco was late and it was his first meeting, he hadn't ordered a drink yet, so he merely observed the group. Most everyone was young, probably around his age. Sometimes hard to tell in the undercity considering how fast it aged one. Everyone looked dirty and tired from the mines or whatever grueling job the lanes had paved out for them.
The crowd dissipated in soft and loud murmurs like waves of a revolutionary ocean. Silco stood back in the shadows, folding in on himself to not have to talk to anyone out of necessity. Once the crowd dwindled to only a few regulars, Silco walked to the bar to get a drink. The large man, the leader, was still there talking and smiling with other members, and Silco was curious about him. Maybe if he stayed for a drink, he could strike up a conversation. Or at least eavesdrop enough to learn more about this group's leader.
 As a rule, he trusted no leaders. History had shown that any leader had only ever been in it for themselves and not for the people as a whole as promised. It was the conundrum of the revolution, for organization was key to truly making a difference and overtaking the oppressive powers at play. Yet leadership drew the egotistical out of the woodworks soiling the very best movements. Silco knew he didn't have all the answers, but he also knew this meant no one had all the answers, and anyone who said they did was full of shit.
He sidled up to the bar and ordered a cheap beer. It was all he could afford before he'd have to go home to his sad tiny apartment with the thin mattress on the floor. Before he could finish the first sip of his beer, he saw a woman he'd noticed earlier at the meeting sit down next to him, eyes searing into him.
"Hadn't seen you here before," the woman's deep voice swirled in his ears like the smoothest of bourbons, of which he'd only had the pleasure of sampling on few occasions.
"Yes, well, I thought it wise to check out what this type of organization has in mind."
"You not a fan then?"
"Oh, I am all for the unionizing and independence of the undercity. Though, I find it hard to believe any one man can know the answers to it all."
"Who? Vander? Ha, he's a good guy, but I assure you he doesn't pretend to know everything." She took a drag of her cigarette before continuing, "He's the biggest and loudest, so folks listen. And he's got some solid ideas. It will help if you come more often. Get to know us."
"I have minimal time as it is for this. Though I do believe in the cause and wish to help, I must choose wisely how I spend what feeble free time I have."
"Listen, man. I get it. We all get it. That's the whole point. Give us a chance. We could use someone with your fire."
"Ha, my fire. You don't know me…." Silco eyed her muscular frame up and down before settling on her mysterious gray eyes. She was beautiful in a powerful, intimidating way. The smoke from her cigarette circled her, adding to the mystique.
"You're right. I don't. I'm Sevika, and you are?" Cigarette hanging loosely out her mouth as she extended her hand towards him.
"I'm Silco. Got another one of those?" He shook her hand and nodded towards her cigarette.
"Sure, man, hope to see you back here." She handed him a cigarette and waited until it was up to his lips to light it. Her lighter clicked shut, and she disappeared into the darkness of the warehouse
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derireo · 4 years
a3! as part-timers
I FINALLY FINISHED IT AGAIN. Thank you all for being patient with me because I really liked these headcanons and Tumblr just decided to delete them all <3
WARNING: rookie Chikage Utsuki will be included! (this means spoilers for Act 5 are present throughout).
Tumblr media
It's canon that Sakuya works with Misumi, but I have no clue as to what their jobs are. Let's safely assume that Sakuya works at a cafe! His bright disposition and cheerful smile is bound to put a smile on customer's face, but he's a little clumsy when it comes to making drinks so his co-workers always tell him to stick to the cash register. It suits him anyways, being able to talk to different people of different walks of life. He mostly works in the mornings, only after he manages to get Masumi to school on time. He is a customer favourite no doubt, and he brings in a lot of tips for all of the workers to share! Many of the children that come by love him, and especially teachers who are running late to work deem him the sunshine in their life.
Masumi would work at a music shop. Not to be obvious or anything, but music is possibly one of the only constants in his life and he grew a deep bond with it while staying alone at home for most of his life. So when he manages to get a job at shop in inside Veludo Mall, he's ecstatic. Although he gets to spend less time in the dorm (which means less time with the Director), Masumi absolutely loves perusing the endless aisles of music cds, vinyl records, posters, and so much more. He's also very diligent at his job, organizing things perfectly and on time and even helping out customers even though he doesn't really want to. His coworkers grow so fond of him to the point that they let him listen to his own music while doing his job, headphones on while he reorganizes things on the shelves.
I don't really know what part-time job Citron would have, but I know he hangs around the Veludo markets a lot. He's there all the time, helping out the lovely ladies at their food stalls by actively advertising their products of the day and even charming young couples into buying some trinkets at another stall. His charm is very effective, smile so dazzling and eyes so hypnotizing that you can't help but follow him towards a stall where they're selling handmade mochi or fresh produce. This is all volunteering though, Citron doesn't get paid with money. What he does get paid with is lots of hugs and groceries to bring home to the dorm-- much to the delight of Izumi and Omi! Citron's so popular at the markets that he receives a greeting from every single stall while he passes by. And he never leaves empty handed!
Tsuzuru tends to boast about the countless number of part-time jobs he's had. From gas station worker, to waiter, to library work, he has done a lot of things. I don't really think it's something to brag about because if I had that many jobs I would probably d-word. But working at Mankai as a playwright, that's already his dream come true. I don't think he'd want to work anywhere else when he's writing stories and bringing them to life like he has always wanted and it makes me happy to see that he's living out his dream. If anything, if he does work a part-time job, it's probably to get extra money to spend on his younger and older brothers since he's such a family man. And because his stories bring so much attention to Mankai, Sakyo compensates Tsuzuru very generously.
Gaming is Itaru's part-time job. Taruchi is a mysterious persona who is crazy good at video games and has a soothing voice. The kick is that nobody knows what he looks like and Itaru would like to keep it that way. He's a popular streamer and Let's Player so there's no doubt that he is raking in a lot of cash. How he finds time to juggle an office job, Mankai, and streaming is beyond me, but it is absolutely impressive because despite how lazy he seems to be, he is a diligent worker who is very good at entertaining people. Plus, nobody knowing what his face looks like brings in a lot of intrigue and fans. Itaru always baits his fans that just maybe he'll reveal his face to them, but never does. Everyone loves his teasing and Itaru loves messing with people. One of the top streamers on his platform and he's proud of it. The appearance of Banri's NEO also helps a lot with bringing in viewers. (The extra money he makes is donated to the Mankai fund box)
Not gonna lie, but with Chikage being a spy as well as an office worker, I don't think he has enough time to have another job on top of that. As we saw in Act 5, he worked tirelessly on his computer, rarely sleeping. Being a spy is hard work, and now that he realizes that Hisoka may not have betrayed the organization, he now has to work to keep Hisoka's location hidden from enemies. Can you imagine being an office worker tho.... could never be me. Sry Chikage and Itaru lmfao but that sounds painful. Anyways, if Chikage isn't actively working for the organization and isn't posting on his curry blog, maybe he's doing tech support? He's always sitting at his computer so he might as well you know lmfaoo
"I'm too famous to work a part-time job" he says while at the same time applying to work at a bonsai shop. Who are you kidding, Tenma? Also pretty sure the owners don't really care so he gets the job right away since they're in desperate need of help. Tenma acts kind of bratty as it is his first time having a job that isn't acting, but he gets knocked down a few pegs when he has to carry around heavy bags of soil and nutrients for the bonsai trees. Eventually, he comes to love his job, seeing the owners as part of his family as they take great care of him while he works at their shop. Unfortunately, there will still be those fans who will watch him as he works at the bonsai shop, but Tenma uses it to his advantage, saying that if they want to look a little more, they're going to have to buy a bonsai tree. The owners are like ??? wtf tenma ??? but inevitably, it brings in a lot of business;;;
Yuki would definitely work at a boutique as an apprentice!! Working with different types of fabric and body shapes and frills, god, what a dream come true for him! Sure, making costumes for Mankai is one thing, but those are costumes, not actual clothes you would wear outside on the daily. His skill in clothes is amazing and it amazes his mentor who watches on proudly as Yuki sews something gorgeous every single time he comes to help. And Yuki absolutely loves being there too, getting to work on normal every day people who aren't huge hulking men that manage to ruin their measurements every time Yuki makes something for them. Plus, using this experience from his apprenticeship helps him a lot if he so chooses to go to a school for fashion. I'm rooting for you, Yuki!
Working at a manga store, Muku is absolutely in love. He's already in the Library Committee at school so might as well work somewhere book related, right? The boy was lucky to get the job at his favourite manga shop at the mall, and he doesn't even need to wear a uniform! As long as he wears his employee lanyard and name tag, he is all good to go! Being surrounded with his favourite book series and figurines and posters alike is very exciting for Muku, and he works extremely well with customers who need help looking for recommendations or gifts. His enthusiasm charms everyone he talks to and he becomes a customer and workplace favourite after a couple of days. His avid hobby of reading manga is apparent to everyone he comes across, and when he meets another customer who is just as dedicated to manga as he, they have long talks while Muku convinces them to buy more books.
Kazunari would definitely work at an arts store. Cliche, I know, but he wouldn't want to be anywhere else! Michaels would be a good place to start, but knowing how great he is at aesthetics, I think a paint store would do him well too. Both places would mostly have university students as their workers anyways so Kazunari would fit in right away! Popular with customers due to his enthusiasm with art, Kazunari gets a lot of requests for help when choosing certain pigments and wallpapers for bedrooms and large scale art projects. His knowledge with the subject of art is deep and wide, so he is able to answer any questions thrown his way. He is so loved at his job that when he eventually quits to achieve bigger things, they throw a party for him and all promise to visit and watch his next play!
It's canon that Misumi is a freelancer, which means he works any type of odd job and never sticks to one for too long. The job that he has kept the longest is the cafe one where he's with Sakuya. He actually helped Sakuya get this job at the first place, and when they work together, they're a force to be reckoned with! They bring in a lot of tips together and since Misumi is so quick on his feet and speedy with his hands, there's never a line up for drinks. Everything goes out the door just as fast as they had come in and his co-workers love him for it. He is also very popular for his fanged tooth and eye crinkling smile! Many regulars give him triangles as their tips! And if Misumi isn't working at the cafe, he's helping out as a mover because he's quick and strong (like we saw in HaGT), or he is helping out the local mailman. Because the mailman is growing older in age, Misumi takes it upon himself to help him deliver the rest of the mail so that the sweet old man can go home early. Misumi is always seen running around the neighbourhood with the mailbag!
I know this will sound weird, but I think Banri would fare well as a tutor. Knowing that he can just flip through a textbook once and immediately know what to do, I think it would do everyone good if he helped tutor those who struggle. Although I bash Banri a lot (as a joke) I am still able to see that he cares very much for others. He has rarely struggled in his life and clearly doesn't understand the hardships of the other members when they can't seem to do this or that, so he does his best to put himself in their shoes so he knows what he can do to help others who are struggling much the same. So Tsumugi helps him get a tutoring gig, and he hits it off right away. It's impressive really, how he's able to help students understand concepts they once thought they would never be able to get and it makes Banri happy. Banri is someone who wishes to help others-- he even says that he wants to help Mankai grow by bringing back the knowledge he learns at Veludo Arts. And I don't think he'd need the money, so he donates most of it to the Mankai funds.
Is it cliche of me to put Juza in a bakery? You know, sweets, confectionaries. BREAD. God, knowing how Juza grew up with a loving mom who almost always baked sweets for him and Kumon makes me want to cry. I love them so much. Anyways, he'd be a little clumsy in the back kitchen so I think he would just stick to decorating pastries and mini cakes and all that. It's a very curious thing to watch as a customer, a young, mean looking man scrunching his eyebrows as he puts a smiley face on a cupcake. It's cute. There's also another part of me that wants to see him work as an apprentice for shūji, or traditional Japanese calligraphy. Knowing that Juza studied it when he was younger (and that's why his signature is nice), it would definitely be pretty cool for him to do scrolls and stuff. It's a tough job though, considering the art of Japanese calligraphy is an important thing, and every stroke and word you write counts. It's a beautiful art form though, and Juza could make a pretty penny out of commissions.
After learning about journalling from Izumi, Taichi most definitely applied to work at a stationary shop. He's a bit clumsy with it, but he's got the spirit and that's all that matters! Strangely enough, this is one of the rare times where he isn't actively vying for attention, but for some reason he gets it a lot here. It's not like he minds or anything, but please, ladies, quiet down ^^; He is a favourite in the workplace though since he's so energetic and is always eager to help out customers; especially the old grandmas who are looking for gifts to give their grandchildren. The old ladies love him too, and they pamper him a lot much to his bashful enjoyment. And since his coworkers know that he loves journalling so much, they give him a lot of extra stock to bring home so that he can share it with Izumi and Omi! On a less serious note, he'd probably do public dance battles outside with his friends to get a quick buck.
Man... Omi would work at a bakery too. Most likely he would work with Juza because that would make sense, and both of their presences at the bakery shop would attract a lot of attention. Two, hulking dudes working at a bakery shop? Count me in pls. He'd be the one working at the back kitchen, baking everything and such. I would have also liked to put him in a restaurant, but considering that you can't become a sous chef or even a head chef until years later (due to the hierarchy and training), I don't think I want him to do that. He's already studying to become a business major after all so it would be difficult to juggle two separate things to study for. He would also work great as a photographer, but he doesn't do any taxing jobs unless it's for Mankai or very close friends. His friends always pay him too much, but they insist he keeps the money (which he puts into Mankai funds) and as compensation from Sakyo, the older man lets Omi indulge in buying expensive ingredients for that night's dinner.
Why is Sakyo working so hard? I'm getting worried. He works as Mankai's accountant and is part of the Yakuza; those are already two stressful things to work for. He has so much to do and there's always a lot of plate considering he manages a lot of Mankai with Matsukawa and Izumi, and on top of that he always acts as Mankai's Papa, Accountant, and Grumpy Old Man at the End of the Street. And when he isn't doing anything at Mankai, Patriarch Izumida calls him in for a task to do at Ginsenkai or the area they patrol. He also owns a freakin' diner that is under Ginsenkai's care like?? wtf Sakyo. He works so hard, spends tireless days to help keep Mankai afloat and it makes my heart hurty </3 Sakyo was my first crush so I can't help but worry a little and he's my comfort character whenever I'm way too engrossed at looking at Omi's huge bahonkerz so pls... Sakyo take care of urself I'm begging. Also most of the money he earns goes to his family, and the rest is for Mankai's funds.
Tsumugi on the other hand would stay as a tutor since it's canon! Sure, he has a bit of competition now that he's helped Banri enter the tutoring scene, but he's still got his loyal students to take care of. He is a very diligent worker and is very smart so working out problems is nothing too hard for him. He cares for each and every student he has, writing personalized study outlines for them as well as keeping notes on them with what they're struggling on, what they're excelling at, and even takes notes on their study habits and how long their attention lasts for until they need to take a break. Tsumugi makes sure that he is teaching his students properly and cares for them a lot. If not tutoring, he is helping at the local Veludo flower boutique and is very popular there. He helps create a lot of bouquets with deep meanings, but sometimes those bouquets he makes are gifting to him right after, lmao
Ugh as for Tasuku, knowing how good he is at fixing things, he would be great at an electronics store or a mechanics shop. He has a natural talent at fixing things and I can only assume it's because as a child, he really loved tinkering with items that were laying around the house. Plus, knowing that he has an older brother, he probably had a lot of Gundam sets laying around that sparked his interest in building things. You've seen him fix a lot of things right? To his motorcycle, his car, the television, my heart, omfg he can do it all like wtf. He becomes so skilled at fixing cars that he somehow acquires the skill to soup them up too?? When did those big ass rims get there? Where the hell did those damn hydraulics come from? That sort of thing. God he would look so sexy in a classic Ford Mustang </3 On the other hand, I think he would be great at becoming an acting coach. He might give Yuzo a run for his money.
It's canon that Hisoka has a job, but no one really knows what it is I think. I believe he would be a mattress tester! Remember that backstage story with the All Male Lap Pillow Competition or whatever? Hisoka is basically a connoisseur at all things soft and comfortable because he chose Izumi's lap as the most comfortable. He said it was so soft (god I wish I were him) that he could fall asleep and he did!!! Absolutely amazing. With his picky sleeping choices, Hisoka is able to tell whether this or that mattress prototype is good to go or needs some working on. The benefits to this job is that he gets to sleep a lot too because of course, they need to see if the mattress is good enough to sleep on!! Of course he gets paid in money, but since his managers know that he loves marshmallows, they pay him in that too.
Does Homare really need a part-time job? He's basically a renowned writer, it's just that Mankai seems ignorant to the fact. Tsuzuru and Muku has found a whole bunch of his books in the library for goodness sake so of course he's making mad bank! In HaGT he had a business meeting with a publisher/editor so you can't really tell me that he isn't good at his job because if he's having international meetings?? UHM. Of course he's famous literally what is he at Mankai for? The Found Family??? GOD OF COURSE you can stay Homare I love you so much. But seriously, he is super rich, and because he loves Mankai so much, he helps out and chips in to fill the Mankai funds so that they can stay afloat.
And here we have Azuma. I am not going to lie, but I am very protective over Azuma when it comes to his part-time job. Azuma was lonely for a huge chunk of life, unable to fill the void where his family used to sit in his heart. So he picked up skincare, and then he picked up cuddling/escort. His job in the past was full of false security and fake love that would never seal the cracks in his body, but when he found Mankai, something was different. He felt like he belonged somewhere. Especially after Nocturnality, it's obvious that Azuma has finally found his home. So I don't want him to go back to his cuddling/escort job;;; but if he wants to work again, I think being a skincare consultant would be really good! Since his skin is so flawless, many customers would flock to him for advice and the best products to use. His gentle voice and soothing caress as he rubs cream into his customer's skin is hypnotizing, and he shares his skincare routine with anyone who is willing to spend the time, effort, and money into making their skin look pretty like his.
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cubeswhump · 4 years
Defy Fate; Reanimate, part 2: Giver of Life
Directly follows The Pieces of Osiris.
Tagging @brutal-nemesis and @more-miserables
Warnings for gore, death, self-harm (not done from depression or misery), murdur, drugging, creepy whumper, torture, dismemberment, disembowelment, semi-professional surgery, bit of eye (optic nerve) gore, lots of gross stuff.
Lorelai wished Dearil would laugh and tell her to hush up, that her singing is so pitchy. "You sound like a dying cat," she mimicked in a deep voice, but he stayed limp and cold in her arms.
"Mm! Mmmh!" Viktor tried to scream against the tape as Lorelai set Dearil down on the table by the John Doe.
"Alexa, volume up," Lorelai commanded.
She opened up the John Doe and cut out his heart. She had a donor heart in a cooler, so she tossed his in the trashbag - but she needed the four connective arteries. Removal was slow and intricate.
"I don't know what to do without you," she sang. Time to connect the John Doe's arteries to Dearil's husk. She relied a lot on magic for this binding, her nose dripping blood into Dearil's open chest.
She had never heard of attaching entire arteries to a corpse, so she had to rely on her own imagination and magic for that, but surely attaching the heart would be easier.
She hadn't gotten this far in medical school and had to make do with vague medical tutorials. She clamped the open ends of the arteries. She could have cried with relief when the arteries twitched even with no blood supply.
Viktor stared at her with watery eyes. She filled the syringe with clear liquid and injected it into his deltoid.
"You'll need this. Thos is going to hurt." She paused. "I really am sorry, Viktor, but you're dying for a good cause."
Tears slipped down his cheeks. He was in an awkward position tp fond his vein but she managed to get the IV connected to his arm. She got the other end connected to Dearil's remaining arm and sliced her palm open, drawing the rune on his upper arm.
His heart began beating slowly. This time Lorelai did cry with relief.
She cut Viktor's shirt off and sliced into him carelessly, making short incisions over whatever organ she needed while he writhed against the restraints. She didn't want him to bleed too much while he and Dearil shared one circulatory system, so she burned the sides of each incision with the butane torch Dearil used to make crème brûlée. Victor's eyes rolled back and fluttered shut when she started breaking open his ribcage.
He came in and out of consciousness as she went back and forth between him and Dearil, transferring to Dearil a left lung, a stomach, three quarters of a liver. Viktor was a fighter, going in and out of consciousness and giving the occasional struggle.
"Hecate, Thanatos, Hel, Hades, Osiris, Heka, Freyja..." Lorelai whispeted the name of every deity associated with death or magic that she knew of. She hoped one, if any existed, would hear her pleas and give some form of divine assistance. She panted behind her mask and swayed on her feet, every rune on her body bleeding.
When Viktor started convulsing, mouth bleeding as he bit his tongue, Lorelai slapped him hard.
"Don't ruin this for me!" she shouted.
He didn't wake up this time, and she drained what she could of his blood and transferred it to IV bags that were connected to Dearil one after the other.
She cut into his scalp and skull, filling a cup with cerebrospinal fluid and removing his brain (including eyes) before his heart. She got Dearil's brain out of the vat and connected both to Viktor's still-warm heart and a bag of blood pilfered from the hospital.
She ditched the butane torch and sliced him open autopsy-style with a Y-incision. She hastily harvested and transferred his organs to Dearil before decomposition could start: the other lung, his entire urinary system, his gallbladder (he could live without it, of course, but Dearil loved fatty foods and dairy), his pancreas, his thymus (hopefully Dearil's thyroid, which was still in place, would bounce back), and his intestines (sans-appendix).
She left Victor's husk for now to fix up Dearil's ribcage, which was difficult without rods abs screws. She drew runes over the breaks and the way it reformed was brittle and lumpy, but oh well. His body would have to take care of the rest. Next, she sewed up his Y-incision and transfered skin graft's from the John Doe's unmarked stomach to where she had sliced skin off Dearil to fit him in her suitcase. It would scar pretty badly, but Lorelai would love him all the same.
Then she started on Viktor's legs and left arm. He was so white; the limbs would stand out terribly against Dearil's gorgeous brown trunk. The John Doe was closer in color, but he was very tall and thin and the limbs just wouldn't work.
"Alexa, ten hours of Mozart," Lorelai called.
She took off her soiled gloves to look up bone grafting videos on her phone. She didn't have rods or screws, so she had to keep this pretty natural. Er, magical. But a little bit of medican guidance might help, considering she wasn't studying orthopaedics.
Putting together a human body in pieces was too advanced for anyone, and Lorelai was over here doing it. Who cared that she was only in her second year of medical school? If anyone could do this, it was her.
She glanced back and forth between her work and the video as she sliced into what was left of Dearil's thigh, peeling the skin away from the bone. She peeled the skin on Viktor's thigh back next and shaaped both bones as best as she could until they fit almost like puzzle pieces. A bit of blood on the bone. Healing would be slow, she knew, like a regular broken femur.
Her hands shook and she struggled to thread the needle. Dissolving thread for the subcutaneous tissue. She stitched very carefully, but it didn't matter if the sutures were slightly uneven. She had to keep turning Dearil to suture the entire circumference and he was so much heavier now. Dissolving thread for the dermis, non-dissolving for the epidermis. Repeat on right leg. Repeat on left arm.
She cut into his jaw to realign the bone and sewed it up. Missing teeth gaped at her and his tongue, though less bloated, was still an odd purple. She expected it would improve with the increased blood flow now, as she knew the purple color was due to a lack of circulation.
She took a few layers of skin from his buttocks and used the inch-long patch to graft over his shredded left eyebrow, and then she took the nose from the cooler and very carefully stitched it onto his face. The shape was perfect even if the dplor was off, and she'd help him pierce it when he was awake. His ears too. He'd like that.
She couldn't stop smiling. She could feel a pulse when she pinched the wrist of his new arm. Dearil was coming together; he was coming back to her.
But now she was onto the scary part: connecting his mind.
Dearin's brain was faintly pink now and no longer sagging. The wrinkles had deepened. Lorelai drew a rune on the floor, set a bucket on top, and cut into the John doe's head, careful to avoid the skin she needed from the left side. She placed his brain in the bucket, and then his tongue. She sprinkled some herbs and dust on top, dropped in some paper, and threw in a match. The smell was awful, but she couldn't open a window.
Lorelai sat down with Dearil and Viktor's brains... And then she was opening her eyes, lying on the floor, head pounding. She gasped abd scrambled up to the table, but a look at the brains told her she wasn't out for very long; both were still pink and plump.
She turned Dearil onto his stomach and first set to work on the cerviva columns. C3 was nearly severed in the crash and needed an offering. She took one of John Doe's upper vertebrae to throw into the offering fire and sliced into the scabbing-over laceration on her hand. She aligned the two halves of Dearil's C3 with her fingers and dripped some blood directly into the crack. The spell nearly knocked her to the ground, but the crack fused with the ghost of a scar. But nerve damage was the problem and quadriplegia or hemiplegia were big risks, so more blood. A bit more.
Her heart pounded in her ears. Dark spots appeared along her vision. Bit she had to keep going.
She attached the C1 connected to Dearil's beainstem to his C2 and sewed up the back of his neck. Onto more intricate structures now.
She rolled Dearil over once more, onto his back now. His eyelids came off so easily and Lorelai submerged them in a bowl of blood, herbs, and water. Viktor's ears were close enough in color, and she threaded one optic nerve through the eye socket, pinching the end of what remained of Dearil's optic nerve with thumb forceps and pressing the ends together. She wrapped the connection in paper with an inscribed, bloody rune, focusing her energy on this tiny connection.
Her phone started ringing. Was it daytime yet? With all the blinds shut, she couldn't tell.
A sharp pain struck her head. She removed the paper, and shakily exhaled. The nerve was intact. She repeated the process with the other nerve but this one had a bjt of trouble reattaching.
Lorelai's nose gushed blood, soaking into her mask. She tried again, and again. It finst attached, though the nerve was thin at the merge. Oh well.
She carefully sliced pieces from Viktor's brain to fill in the missing and daged parts of Dearil's parietal and frontal lobes. She kept thinking about Dearil's hippocampus. Would he remember her?
"Please, bless Dearil with two fully functional hippocampi," Lorelai murmured, not noticing how her words slurred together. "Let him remember our friendship."
She carefully sewed his eyelids, now looser and less stiff, back on and taped them closed. Then she drizzled the cerebrospinal fluid onto his exposed brain and took the skull fragments she had cut from Viktor, having been sure to leave a bit of an overlap so the bone wouldn't fall into Dearil's head if it was slow to fuse. She left a piece of skull off to allow for swelling, smeared blood along the crease, and carefully put the scalp flap back on.
She was so tired, she couldn't possibly do this many sutures. She used the stapler to attach it and then got to removing skin for a graft from the John Doe. She drew the path of the incision first, much of the left side of his head with his ear included, and worked on attaching it to Dearil with the stapler.
Just a few more needed. Suddenly he gave a moan and she gasped.
"Dearil... Can you hear me?" she asked breathlessly. She looked horrible: covered in blood and sweat, makeuo smeared down her face, hair wild. Would this really be the first thing he saw coming back?
Just a few more staples. A few more. The stapler fell from her hand as the world went black. She slumped onto her friend's bloodied stomach.
Lech mich im Arsch g'shwindi, g'shwindi!
Oh God. Lorelai had fallen asleep, and now Mozart was mocking her. The universe was mocking her.
But when she rose, neck stiff after sleeping in that position, she realized she was so, so wrong; the universe was on her side.
Beautiful pink and purple bruising had blossomed across Dearil's body. His chest rose and fell with rattling breaths.
"Oh, Dearil," she murmured. She picked the stapler back up and finished the job. He gave a shuddering breath with each click. She wiped the blood off his skin with a damp cloth and grinned, marveling at her work.
She wheeled over the stretcher and struggled to pull Dearil onto it. He was so heavy now. She took him to the bedroom she used to sleep in when she still went on vacation with her family, pulling back the blue covers before struggling to move Dearil into the bed.
It was time to stop playing necromancer and be his nurse. She got him set up with a bedpan and got a needle in his arm connected to a bag of saline and painkillers. Antibiotics would be administered later tonight.
Covering loosely with the sheet, she pressed a kiss to the unharmed side of his forehead. "I'll be back soon, Dear. I have things to take care of."
He didn't respond.
She took another trashbag to the surgical room and untied Viktor, dragging him and the John Doe onto the floor. The fire had gone out while she slept, and it wouldn't have been big enough anyway. She raised the bone saw above her head.
Viktor's clothes, her own clothes, the bedding from Viktor's deathbed, ropes, the remains of the two bodies stashed in a trashbag and both trashbags stored in the attic awaiting disposal. She lacked the strength to deal with the bed right now, just spraying chemicals on the stained mattress, and got to bleaching and mopping the operating room until it's surfaces sparkled.
She had to sit down during her shower. She was so dizzy even now, and her head pounded. The water running off her was stained pink, and she hoped the smell wasn't in her pores.
She was more bandage than woman after she got done wrapping the still-seeping runes, and she pulled a loose-fitting shirt and pajama pants on over them. She grabbed her phone, setting an alarm to go off two hours before her shift, and settled down on the floor by Dearil's bed with a blanket and pillow.
"I love you, Dearil," she murmured, closing her eyes.
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merkerlerspeaks · 4 years
@starrtoon Hello, here it is...yeah I don’t think this would have all fit in one ask anyway. I’d have blew up your askbox if I tried to express all these thoughts there. 
Okay. So, these are all based on my day 7 thoughts & some spoilers I gave myself on some things- mainly, Rika still being alive and mentally unstable(from what I read on the wiki)- and I also read a brief line about V suffering from domestic abuse? I’ve written questions & everything that sounded weird to me down from day 1 onward and this is everything from that list
Rika’s ‘suicide’ (this just seemed fishy to me because I’ve seen you post about her a lot, and on top of that this RFA is legit named after her so..having that character permanently killed off when she was so important to the whole operation seems weird.)
A question that’s been playing around my mind for a while: Why does a fundraising organization need such heavy security from number locks, to alarms- to even BOMBS?
Why is that so much more important to protect than the other people living in the apartment complex? Seven said that it could blow up the whole building in 5 seconds. That seems a bit excessive. 0-0
Why did V do what he could to erase Rika’s existence? From something Yoosung said, if I remember right, he basically tried to wipe her out her memory except for stuff from the RFA. 
Why would Rika fake a suicide? (I have no theories for this but Im very curious as to why she would...because something tells me it wasn’t just an attempt to and she failed)
Yoosung asked V for proof of the suicide and he just apologized and did nothing else, or, so said Yoosung. 
This was the idea that I came up with yesterday- and through today I’m not really convinced otherwise, but that was mainly because today was a little busier than my average and my attention was needed elsewhere so idk if theres anything in day 8 that confirms or debunks :/
I had a suspicion for a bit that V might know what was up with Rika, since I know she didn’t actually die (Again, going off how you talk about her and what I read on her wiki), I am thinking, considering the fact that V has acted so strange- I think he not only know’s that Rika is alive but is also trying to take care of her since she is mentally unstable. If that is the case, that would explain the brief line I read about him having been in an abusive relationship. (which, I hope Im wrong about that part, ‘cause V seems like a cool guy. If he was being abused and didn’t leave that would make me kinda sad) That would also explain why, as Yoosung said in what I think was the 7th day, that when he asked V for proof of how she died, he couldn’t really offer any. And why V is keeping so many secrets- he doesn’t want any of the RFA members to think any less of Rika, or have her image soiled. It would explain why his grieving process seemed so strange too, because if he knew she was alive, he wouldn’t really be grieving her death.
Why would she fake a suicide though?....Aside from maybe trying to cover up something, I can’t really think of anything for that at the moment. But if she wanted to stay away from the RFA for some reason I mean...that would be a way to sneak out without them asking questions. 
And the information...I can only assume that there is information in there about some high-level party guests that ~really~ need protection, or, there is information in there about Rika. Now that could also explain why V didn’t want MC to snoop, if what I said above is true....but then again, I also don’t think he’s trying to do anything bad, and if alarms are going to go off, then naturally he would want to keep this innocent bystander safe from harm, especially given her claims of someone else leading her there obliviously. 
Now...something that kind of makes this idea questionable is the fact that V DID say in the beginning that he thought that maybe Rika had sent MC from like...beyond the grave or something, and wanted her to take over her work. And then....from what I processed from either today (Day 8) or late yesterday, he said that it was a mistake to believe that Rika had sent her...so that would stand to reason that he could very well know she’s alive, and NOT be close to her or taking care of her at all because if that were happening, then he could simply ask her. But, if he knew she was alive and she was doing something else where she was difficult to contact, it might take him a while to contact her to ask and therefore wouldn’t actually know if Rika had sent MC until a while later. 
I do have to go back and review day 8 now too...I skimmed through most of it because I didn’t want to miss the rest of todays chatrooms and spend more hourglasses opening them back up...especially when things are starting to get ~exciting~ XD. I typed this up super tired so I hope I didn’t forget anything. Most of what Im thinking tho revolves around V, but I don’t have enough information to think of anything else regarding the bomb and whatever information in that apartment is so important. I feel like that’s going to end up being revealed in-game before I can come up with any kind of thoughts about it. 
Anyway~ feel free to let me know how wrong I am XD cause I know a lot of information is probably scrambled. I really like tryna figure stuff like this out tho. If it doesn’t piece together like that then I’m really curious to see how it does. Kinda makes me wish it would go a little bit slower so I could have more time to think about it.
Edit:  Reviewing day 8 now and starting day 9 I am now doubting some of this, but Im still glad I said it beforehand.
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abthepoet · 5 years
So Id like to mention that COVID19 has put a lot of things into perspective.
My industry of experiential marketing was literally one of the first to go about a week ago when stores began banning all live demonstrations. I work in the natural and organic food industry doing live events and cooking recipes on site to sample brands to customers at grocery retailers.And because sampling tables are good places to spread germs, my demos all immediately came to a stop. I'm also an in home, private Music Teacher to kids of various ages and needless to say if schools' on hold, so is teaching. and so is income. My Venmo is :ABBlas22
Which sucks, a lot because the majority of my work is independent contractor based. . . .and there's no health care, paid leave, unemployment, or sick time. Why do I still do it? Because I love the industry, the opportunities it affords me, and the pay is solid. Except come tax season. The Government likes to fuck you if you work for yourself. . . .even tho I pay for all my own equipment and car repairs to get me from job to job. My Venmo is ABBlas22
However, amid the panic, I havent felt this calm in years. The constant anxiety and pressure of having to make money and go to work and be on time and make my schedule and drive from this city to that city for this demo and that demo, has subsided. I finally wake up and I'm not staring at the clock counting down how long before I have to leave which triggers an anxiety fest about leaving my dogs home alone because my one dog has such severe separation anxiety she destroys her crate, escapes, and then ruins the house(we are actively working on it) . . .so I'm up early and nervous about, "ok I have three hours I have to walk the dogs for at least one of those hours, feed them, get dressed, brush teeth, try to eat, clean the house, stuff their Kongs, make sure I have everything I need, and then try to sneak out before the dog starts freaking out." followed by "did I book enough demos this week, if I have to execute 16 for the month where can I put another demo, should I give myself a day off? nah, i need the money, let me check my Google calendar for the 65th time this morning and stare at all the blank dates I should be booking demos instead of doing anything else because no matter how much I work, it is never enough. So I spend an hour worrying about plunging my family into financial ruin. . . . better get online and start digging thru emails and brand Ambassador groups to make sure I've got enough work. Oh what's that? the sound of my entire family and partner telling me to get a *regular* job even though the idea of punching a clock and working for someone else makes me physically sick. . but I go and do it anyway because its a W2 position so you think well maybe I'll get health benefits at least and then come to find out that this bullshit retail job doesn't give part timers benefits of any kind, but I keep the job anyway because everyone said a normal job was best, but it pays $6 less an hour than my demo gigs and is a total waste of my skills and professional experience and eventually is cutting into my income because its taking up so many weekly hours but pays significantly less that I start calling out to go do demos instead and then the same people who were like "get a regular job" turn around and go "no, not That job, try This job."
and I'm over here ready to fucking scream because I've Been very clear about wanting to be in business for myself. I have tried many things, including testing an extremely beta version of what eventually became Uber Eats. . . I could be a millionaire but my parents thought it was a stupid idea and once I used up my resources trying to drum up business, that was it.
also, this is the worst part about being a millennial. I went to college for music because they said be anything and follow your dreams . . .but then I graduated into recession (2006) and got the first job I could,at a deli, which . . . .isn't exactly a degree holding position. For years we said,"I'm just grateful I Have a Job right now." and we got bitter, broke, and depressed as a generation. We're in our 30's now and it's just as bleak an outlook for our generational future. At least until the boomers die out and free up some of that wealth, if they don't all leave it to the cat and state first just to spite us.
So yea, people are freaked out with COVID19 but for the first time, I dont feel pressure or anxiety to rush out the house or make money because everything got cancelled. All I want to do is work super hard on my own online store via Shopify and grow from there. I love to work and I love the discipline of hard work. I would rather spend 18 hours in a day working on my own business and hustling my ass off to make it work using over a decade of marketing and sales experience to promote my brand for once.
But that's hard to invest time and money when I live paycheck to paycheck and have a partner and fur babies who depend on me. Everytime I excitedly talk about dropshipping through shopify and all my plans for it, it's met with a nervous "I believe in you but dont fuck us financially." "I believe in you but doesn't that take time." "I believe in you but why don't you just work here, they pay decent."
I love that the #Coronavirus hit and suddenly human rights are easy to hand out. I love that Coronavirus got us to halt economies on a scale so massive that will actually help us fight climate change. Capitalism has destroyed our planet and our species.
I want to always remind everyone that we are a species first. Not countrymen, not race, not religion. . . we are all dancing flesh bags, given different corporeal conduits with which to experience life and then later compare notes with one another.
"What's life like in that short skin suit?"
"Not bad but I can't reach anything."
"Good thing I got one of these tall skin suits." *grabs top shelf items*
It's to help us come together, understand similarities thru differences and use them to gain new perspectives while helping our species and our planet thrive.
This insane notion that everyone needs to have a job needs to go. Our species was Not made to do slave labor all day long for an invented wage that keeps us stuck fighting for basic survival when we have the potential to completely alter our lives.
The Earth is a hostage who's not allowed to feed her own kids. They locked up every fruit bearing tree, enslaved every animal, poisoned the soil, polluted the water and then held your life at gunpoint and demand you hand over hours of your life to work that does a disservice to your potential for greatness just for a chance to get a taste of what should be your birthright.
Basic needs of survival that all humans will die without shouldn't be prizes for who can work themselves to death the fastest.
Im using this time as an opportunity and am taking what little resources I have to work on my online store and sell off and flip what I can to make start up money on Ebay. (I dont even have WiFi and my apartment complex has locked the business center for CoronaVirus) . Using my phone for everything is really fucking tedious, especially because I've had it for 4 years and it doesn't always cooperate, but I'm grateful I even have one to use. If you want to invest in me, even just $5 I will 100% be using it to get a business off the ground. I've got most of the basic work done and market research, but with no income I cant even afford the basic Shopify plan at $30 a month, I'm hoping they pass a moratorium on evictions because how do I pay rent with no job to go to!?
My Venmo is : ABBlas22 and I do reward!
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01010010-posts · 6 years
— watering my feelings for you.
requests: omg... flower shop au.... sending ur rk a new flower for his desk every week... sending him big beautiful arrangements on special occaisions... yes
Hello sweetie💕 I absolutely ADORE your writing 💕💕💕 it's so innocent?? And precious?? Like you! Like thank you for always brightening up my dash with your amazing self! If it's alright I had a little request? The boys with a super gentle s/o who looooves plants? Like they love to garden and talks to their sprouts, encouraging them to grow. Maybe the boys can help analyze the soil so they grow happier? If not it's okay!! Have a lovely day darling ✨💕
hello this was supposed to come out yesterday but i realized that maybe at 4:20am you should go to bed instead well at least re-reading it today doesn’t make it as bad as i thought these asks were so soft
• he just wanted some flowers to put on Hank’s table as celebration after a big case • he didn’t expect you at all • not one manual about humans prepared him for this • is it– is it the arrangement? is it that? • no it’s def you, only you • gosh you’re even more beautiful than the way you organized the flowers • what,,,, what should he do,,,, • of fucking course he’s going to panic and stutter • he just wanted to ask for your number • yet he managed to make a fool of himself and sadly go home with the bouquet in hand • he still doesn’t know but he perfectly succeeded in his attempt at wooing you • and now he’s sitting on a chair, ruffling his own hair at the embarrassing moment replaying in his head • he believes that, by now, you’re vivaciously gossiping about ‘how freaky that android was this morning’ with your colleagues and boy does his heart shrinks • but in the end he can’t help returning to your shop after a week • he’s lucky he doesn’t need rest bc he surely wouldn’t have been able to sleep the whole time • yes he doesn’t actually need more flowers but • are you– are you blushing?? what?? even if he was a complete mess the other day?? • rA9 maybe?? he still has a chance?? maybe?? • fucking please write your number on the business card it’s painful to watch u 2 dorks 
• why would he needs flowers? • he doesn’t • but, despite this, he’s here, faking window shopping • ‘faking’ as ‘it’s obvious I’m in love with the part-timer but I’m an awkward boy and I don’t know how to approach humans so I’m trying to look at flowers’ • why does this has to be so complicated • “may i help you?” • no no no no you can’t please ahh go away • “no” • and,,,, he exits the shop like this never happened • i’m not gonna lie you’re a bit taken aback, not only by him being so handsome but also you’ve never heard such a firm ‘no’ in your life • too bad you can’t see his face so blue because you just talked to him • but he doesn’t give up • after an hour he’s back at the shop • honestly you both know the situation is weird at this point • “actually, I think you might help me” • “oh! perfect! were you searching for something in particular or?” • “yes. I was.” • “.... okay. any examples?” • “I’m in need of bouquet for a date and I was wondering what were your favourites flowers” 
• he is an habitué • you don’t know how or why he always shows during weekends • he just does • most of the time he buys flowers or tiny cacti • his room is full of them, he really doesn’t know where to put the next ones, please help him, he has already gifted half of his collection to all the people he knows and either he gets to know more people or you understand that he’s trying to flirt with you • so you think he’s really passionate about plants • and god are you happy!! • finally someone nice that you can talk about plants for days on end! • well he doesn’t dislike them but his hardware might explode if you keed feeding him info about gardening • fortunately a co-worker asks him out and he’s like,,,, “what no, of course I like [name]” • and fucking months mutual pining melts down like wax • he’s so glad he can stop buying plants he was going to water them with his tears • WHAT DO YOU MEAN you’re mad about the plants yes he took care of them don’t worry • LISTEN it was a necessary move no you don’t understand he made it for you ok • YES HE WATERED THEM EVERY DAY DON’T WORRY BABY THEY’RE FINE • what,,,, why do you want them back,,,, why should they stay at your apartment along with this things– • OH • you meant that • he’s totally fine with that 
Bonus — Connor / RK900 / RK800-60:
• as someone who doesn’t particularly like parties you’re truly glad that one of the perks of your job as a florist is going to the place, do your thing, setting the flowers in pretty positions and going back home to read a book or watch some tv  • the sole con, really, is when the broad guy that usually drives the truck for big events dumps you at the last minute • i mean fuck? since it’s a DPD gathering there should be at least a strong police officer helping you unloading the ornaments, right? • by all means; no • it’s too early, not even one guest has arrived yet • so you’re there, kinda struggling with your plastic green boots in the mud, heaps of heavy plants on your hands • until you hear “I told you we were early!” “stop complaining, of course we came early, not only is bad etiquette to arrive late but I also couldn’t bear the sight of you putting more hair gel” • it’s a soft bicker in the distance, and you’re so focused on the hilarious interaction that you don’t notice an android getting near you, a wide smile “do you need any help with that?” • he’s,,,, fucking cute help • but halfway through opening your mouth two other heads pop next to his, all slightly similar • three cuties in a row now,,,, it’s your lucky day heck • and since they’re so robust they all help you with placing things!! • gosh is this a dream? can you like, hire them or something? • “thanks a bunch, without you it would’ve taken me hours!” • “don’t worry, we were glad to assist with the preparations!” • “speak for yourself, Connor, I want to be paid!” • “what, c’mon 60, we don’t actually need money” • “though I agree with him, we do require some sort of payment for the work done” • “RK900, love, please, can’t we just do something without expecting anything in return?” • “no no, it’s alright, you did contribute so it’s natural of me to pay you– but if money is not what you want, well, i can offer some flowers, perhaps?” • do androids even like flowers? • “a date!” 60 chirps behind a nodding RK900 “yes, that might be appropriate” • what,,,, what does this mean • a date?? really?? beautiful boys asking you on a date??? wait,,,, which one of those three • you stifle a nervous laugh “so three dates? like taking turns? shame i can’t date all of you at once, huh” • welp would you look at their faces! okay you said something strange but it was a joke no need to be so– • “as a matter of fact, we meant that” Connor tries, tentatively, blushing a little at the thought • “that what” you really don’t get it do u moron • “a date with the three of us. at once” RK900 is fucking serious • what have you gotten yourself into • the date it’s nice, tho, you take them to a botanical garden and gosh do you have fun • you gift them 3 cute ass different tiny plants and they all put it on their desk • they also take from you the habit of talking to flowers, which is pretty heartwarming to be fair • no they don’t feel stupid in the slightest you said it makes the sprouts grow stronger and happier so they will do it they want you to be proud of them • Connor and 60 don’t tell you but they have a compilation of videos about RK900 watering and saying cute things to the pot as if it were you • wholesome androids tbh • please insist on making them wash their hands and mouth because you never know when they could get the sudden urge to verify that is it indeed topsoil • you only forgive them because they tell you what’s the best soil around judging by the chemical composition 
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spacegate · 5 years
peacekeeperangel replied to your photoset: So finally I got pics of my mini garden. So far...
Herbs are so hard to grow! Good for you for pulling them off :D
It’s really about knowing what each plant needs. <3
Like for example, Lavender HATES having ‘wet feet’, as in they can die in soil that stays too wet. If you get well draining soil, like the kind used for succulents, then they’ll be fine in a pot for a little while. Lavender can get fucking big too lol so if you want to plant them in the ground you may have to do some excavating to make sure they’ll be okay first. . 
There’s something plants have called a ‘crown’, it’s where they come up out of the ground and they hate having that buried under soil. Always plant at the same level the soil was in their pot. 
Basil in general are delicate little babies and need to be watched for in bad weather. They can get hurt so easy and even a small cold snap can kill them. 
Even tho some plants love full sun, it doesn’t mean they like getting baked alive.
Mints will go absolutely crazy and if you let them seed out of the pots you’ll be up to your neck in mint soon enough. They can and will take over a garden and out compete everything else. 
Parsley are greedy little bastards and do better in their own pots cause they hate sharing water with other herbs.  
If you get good organic potting soil (The kind i use even has horse poo in it.), you don’t need to fertilize your herbs unless you harvest the hell out of them. It’s like eating out of someone’s fridge and never putting anything back and wondering why they got an empty fridge. 
I planted my rosemary with the catnip and mint because those two will pull away water from the rosemary since rosemary also doesn’t like wet feet either. 
Don’t keep them in one single long pot forever, some of these guys get HUGE and I already have plans for much bigger containers once they outgrow the ones i have now. Basil can grow over two feet high goddamn.
You don’t need to use pesticides in your herb garden if you pair them up with herbs that repel insects. Basil, mints, catnip, lavender, lemon balm and rosemary all repel insects. That’s why i put one of those species in each of my communal pots. Planting basil around tomatoes will help keep insects away from them! 
Those are just some things. Herbs and plants are living things. You do your research before getting something like a bird or a cat, it’s the same for herbs. They are my sweet babies. My precious leetle herby pals. I love them so much it’s so fun to grow them <3
Plus not having to pay for overpriced dried herbs at the store will be awesome too.
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ohmypreciousgirl · 7 years
Drarry Rec List
cause my beautiful @mycatismyreligion asked for one and whatever my lady wants, she gets. Especially one as pretty as she is ♥ And also cause she’s one of my best friends.
Bold are the ones you should read ASAP
The Fandom Classics(tm)
Calling Classic(tm) the ones that appeared on gossymer compilation fic list. One day, I’m gonna read every single one of them. I’ve been saying this since 2007 tho.
The Marriage Arc by RurouniHime 19,475 words
What's to be done when Harry wants more from his relationship?
A Slytherin in Gryffindor Clothing by mahaliem 38,228 words
Draco hits his head and wakes up in a world where he's a Gyffindor and Harry is a Slytherin.
Left My Heart by emmagrant01 85,031 words
Auror Draco Malfoy has disappeared, and Harry Potter has been sent to San Francisco to find him.
The Depths of Winter by Cosmic 104,000 words
Four years after getting out of Hogwarts, Harry lives alone in the Muggle world. He has turned his back on the magical world - until one day, when Draco Malfoy gets into a car crash before Harry's eyes and ends up paralysed in a wheelchair.
Bond by AnnaFugazzi 173,499 words
Yet another one of those Harry And Draco Are Forced To Be Together By Something Beyond Their Control And Then Stuff Happens Leading To Twoo Wuv stories. Because every HD writer has to write at least one.
The Veela Enigma by jennavere 187,794 words
What if some of Draco's ancestors, pretending to be purebloods, concealed the truth about their veela heritage? You'd end up with one very confused Draco Malfoy, who's fallen head over heels in love with Harry Potter and has no idea why. 
Hogwarts Era
Denude by Faith Wood (faithwood) 4,172 words
It's set a few days after the Sectumsempra scene and takes the story in another direction, asking the question: "What if the Sectumsempra scene had a greater impact on Harry and Draco?" Harry and Draco are sixteen. In medias res beginning.
hello goodbye ('twas nice to know you) by tamerofdarkstars 4,807 words
Draco Malfoy thinks he might know whose thoughts are scrawling themselves on his skin, but that's crazy. Impossible, even. It has to be a mistake.
Storm in a Teacup by Faith Wood (faithwood) 7,954 words
For reasons he'd rather not think about, Draco is obsessed with Potter's hair. This cannot end well.
Eight Days in November by emmagrant01 8,292 words
Harry hides Draco form Death Eaters during the war. A lot can happen in eight days.
Marginal Notes by blamebrampton 9,398 words
When you’re 18, and nothing is as it was meant to be, sometimes it can be hard to let the right people know what you are thinking.
In the Interest of Interhouse Cooperation byfirethesound 11,817 words
Organizing a Dueling Club was supposed to be a fun extracurricular activity for Harry’s 8th year. But add in Draco Malfoy and a malfunctioning Room of Requirement, and things can’t help but get complicated.
An Act of Simple Devotion by blamebrampton 13,373 words
It's a age-old story. You fancy a boy and you think he fancies you. Sure there are problems – attacks on former Death Eaters, crazed tabloid journalists, evangelical references, and your girlfriend – but you have a cunning plan…
such a softer sin by thoughtswhilstdrinkingtea 15,784 words
After Draco meets Harry Potter, he's left with two tattoos, one on each wrist. One for a soul mate, one for his enemy.
He's never known any one else who has the same name on both wrists.
Hey, Potter by SunseticMonster 16,024 words
Harry returns to Hogwarts for his 8th year, determined not to let Malfoy get to him. But when the snarky teasing starts up again, Harry finds that returning the jibes with compliments has a far more interesting outcome.
Something I Don't Want to Stop by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill), traintracks 16,228 words
It's Harry and Draco's eighth year, the Houses have been all but demolished in favor of unity, and they're being forced to room together. How ever will they cope?
Valentine's Day Repeated by Cosmic 16,700 words
It’s not a happy Valentine’s Day for Draco. Then again, he might get a chance to do it over…
Twice as Much as an Earthquake by firethesound 18,609 words
Accidental bonding. Breaking and entering. Conspiring, however unwillingly, in the strange one-man war Malfoy's waging against detention. This isn't the normal school year Harry anticipated having, but at least it's not boring.
An Issue of Consequence by Faith Wood (faithwood) 20,798 words
Draco has woken up in an alternate universe. Or he has woken up utterly insane. Nothing else can possibly explain why Harry Potter suddenly seems to think he's Draco's boyfriend.
Then Comes a Mist and a Weeping Rain by Faith Wood (faithwood) 21,139 words
It always rains for Draco Malfoy. Metaphorically. And literally. Ever since he had accidentally Conjured a cloud. A cloud that's ever so cross.
Love Comes Tumbling by taradiane 22,221 words
'Harry's thoughts were of how much he would have done differently with Malfoy over the years, and of Dumbledore's final words to the other boy . . . "It is my mercy, and not yours, that matters now." Maybe, Harry wondered, he could find some mercy, too, and give Malfoy the second chance that Dumbledore had believed him worthy of.'
'Twixt the Sun and Sward by November Snowflake 30,370 words
A potions mishap has Harry and Draco meeting on entirely new—or is it old?—ground.
Unexpected Consequences by lauren3210 39,192 words
Harry was going back to school. He was going to play Quidditch, sleep in lessons, hang out with his friends, and generally just enjoy being a kid for a change. And he was also going to do it while being bonded with Malfoy, because apparently life was just going to continue throwing curveballs at him. Harry didn't know why he expected anything different.
Boom Clap (The Sound of My Heart) by Femme (femmequixotic), noeon (noe) 39,547 words
Post-war Hogwarts has been energized by its new teaching fellows program. Where once bitter enmity divided the wizarding community, Malfoy and Potter chummily patrol hallways together whilst Granger and Zabini seek lost parts of the castle at McGonagall’s behest and Chang supervises Quidditch when not lecturing in Charms. It’s a veritable wizarding utopia and life is predictable for the first time in years. Which is, of course, when everything blows apart as the result of a drunken dare and Malfoy’s life is ruined beyond his capacity to repair it. Ever. In a million years.
Earthbound Spook by cest_what 57,550 words
Two months after Draco Malfoy was reported dead, Harry and Ron found him tangled in Strangler Ivy on the grounds of Hogwarts.
Right Hand Red by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill) 73,173 words
Harry felt Malfoy's breath on his lips as they came together over the bottle, hands firmly planted on the floor as though they each needed their familiar soil, refusing to cross into enemy territory.
Except that Malfoy no longer felt like his enemy.
Malfoy felt inevitable.
Starts With a Spin by Maxine 119,851 words
It started with the spin of a bottle, and now Harry and Draco have gotten themselves so far into their own game there's almost no way out again. Except to keep playing.
Master Work by mahaliem
Harry's eighth-year at Hogwarts is going about as well as all the others. Someone is out to get him, Aurors keep questioning him about the final battle and, worst of all, Draco is determined to repay his life debt to Harry.
The Face of His Enemy by mahaliem
On the train to Hogwarts, Draco is hit with a curse that results in him reassessing who he is and who his true enemies are.
Just Go With It by keeprunning 1,004 words
"No one before me, then? I thought, with Ginevera at least-"
"I'm in bed with you and you're asking if I've slept with a woman?" Harry thunders, unable filter himself, as usual.
Malfoy makes a hushing noise and rubs soothingly at Harry's biceps in a way he has learned means peace. "I am merely mature enough to consider that you might be interested in both - or any - of the genders, even though you are presently interested in me.”
A Fountain of Unspoken Words by Astardanced77 2,132 words
Draco has a plan. He just needs one perfect moment.
Would You? by emmagrant01 4,521 words
MLE officer Draco Malfoy just spent a month working with Auror Harry Potter to catch a criminal. Now that the case is closed, Potter keeps following him about, for some reason.
Watch time fall apart by Ischa 5,182 words
It's like this: Harry is waiting, because a few years ago Draco travelled back in time and messed up Harry's life by sleeping with him. So Harry is waiting.
Special Magic by lauren3210 7,914 words
Harry was seriously considering the fact that his partner might be completely insane.
A Few Brief Moments by disapparater 8,248 words
Draco remembers his life with Harry, until he forgets.
Little Talks by Femme (femmequixotic), noeon (noe) 11,351 words
Draco's been shagging the Head Auror for months now, and he's sure it's just a fling. Until Harry asks him to a Quidditch match, that is, and things go horribly wrong.
Rumor Has It by emmagrant01 12,446 words
Auror trainee Harry Potter does not have a crush on Draco Malfoy. He's just curious about why a former Death Eater is working for the Wizengamot, and that's all. Really.
Ward My Heart (And Pull Me to You) by alpha_exodus 12,876 words
It's an inexplicable pull that starts bringing Malfoy to Harry, but it's the endless rounds of tea and a quickly blooming friendship that bring him back.
Where your heart is set by hazel_wand 13,370 words
Draco comes home from school to find that his mother has decided to rebuild their family to include Andromeda, Teddy … and Harry Potter.
The Rewards of Bravery by lauren3210 13,797 words
During an Auror mission gone wrong, Harry finds himself with an unexpected new power: he can tell when people are lying. It’s incredibly annoying, except for when Draco’s around...
Newts by astolat 13,926 words
“I’m twenty-eight!” Harry said. “I’ve been an Auror for ten years! You want me to go back to Hogwarts now?"
Timeshare by astolat 14,156 words
“It’s not for long,” Hermione said. “By the time we get back to Hogwarts, the Unfettering Brew will be ready.”
“Listen to you!” Ron said. “He’s got to get through a month with the Dursleys and a month at Malfoy Manor. With Draco Malfoy.”
“Yeah, thanks,” Harry said, because he hadn’t just spent the last week contemplating just how much more horrible his summer holidays were about to be than they’d ever been before.
Fifty-Two Weeks by sonata_de_morte 14,163 words
The sentence, for all it was not the outcome Draco would have preferred, was hardly something he could complain about.
All Roads Lead Home by dracogotgame 14,991 words
Draco is strong-armed into spending the first Christmas after the War with the Weasleys. And Harry Potter.
And Back Again (Where You Belong) by eidheann 15,956 words
He thought back on their previous handshakes, and smiled faintly at the fact they always seemed to mean so much more to him than they did to Potter.
Reparatio by astolat 17,363 words
Draco snorted. “I’m not reduced to penury. I want something considerably beyond money, and I rather think you’re the only one can give it to me.”
“You want the Invisibility Cloak,” Harry said, flatly. He’d half expected as much; it was the only thing he had that Draco could want—
“Don’t be stupid, Potter,” Draco said. “I want my reputation back.”
Five Times Draco Malfoy Got Sacked (And One Time He Didn't) by emmagrant01 18,389 words
After the Dark Lord was destroyed, Draco Malfoy had to start all over. He had no idea it would be quite so difficult.
Side-Along by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill) 22,058 words
If this wasn't a curse then it was Hell. Because surely, in Hell, all roads would lead to Harry Potter's living room.
Life is a Twice Written Scroll by lauren3210 22,517 words
The new world order hasn't been kind to Draco and his family, and he wishes it could all be different. So does Harry, although not for the same reasons. But as Draco works to fix the mistakes he made in the past, he finds his reasons for doing so changing in a way he never expected.
House Proud by astolat 23,112 words
His house liked Draco Malfoy more than him.
Slithering by astolat 27,355 words
Draco found the nest down in the Manor’s cellars, while he was clearing them out.
Make My Demons Run by lauren3210 28,072 words
After giving evidence in defence of Draco at his trial, suddenly Potter is everywhere he turns as he completes his community service. Draco hadn't expected any of it, nor had he expected those long buried feelings he'd once had to come rising back to the surface. He definitely didn't expect what happened next. Sequel: New Dawn's Light
Seizing Second Chances by momatu 28,146 words
Five years after Draco lost his infant son to complications following his premature birth, he sees a happy, healthy dark-haired child the same age his own little boy would have been playing on the swings in a Muggle play park. One year after the sudden loss of his wife, Harry sees Draco quietly watching children play in a Muggle play park. If they can put the past behind them, can they be each other's second chance at happiness?
Somebody to Love by khasael 31,274 words
Draco's life after the war is quite different than it used to be. When he finds himself cursed, with little hope for lifting the spell, he sets out to make the most of the time he has left. Getting to know his Aunt Andromeda and his young cousin Teddy feels like a good thing to do, even if it can't help him in the long run...or can it?
Fast Forward, Two Steps Back by emmagrant01 36,065 words
Everyone knows that Draco Malfoy died in the Room of Requirement ten years ago. So when he suddenly reappears at Hogwarts ten years later, still seventeen years old, Professor Harry Potter's life gets very complicated.
Fidelius by coffeejunkii
The person sitting in front of Harry looks like someone he hated for years, but the memories don't fit anymore. Perhaps he knew Malfoy at one point, but he has no idea who this man is, aside from a familiar name and a familiar face.
Post-Deathly Hallows 
First and Last by abusing_sarcasm 2,080 words [feat. Albus Severus/Scorpius]
First times and where they lead.
Psychometry by Lomonaaeren 3,749 words
Objects tell a story.
Surviving Summer by dracogotgame 15,343 words
It wasn't going to be easy managing four teenagers over the summer hols. But it was definitely going to be worth it.
Written in the Stars by November Snowflake 16,335 words
Draco watches as his son grows up--and maybe does a little growing up of his own.
In the Same Boat by tomatoe18 21,406 words
Officially, Draco just wants Hogsmeade to have a bookstore. Unofficially, his son is giving him heart palpitations, so he has to resort to a drastic measure. Unfortunately, Draco's drastic measure is also Harry Potter's.
Take A Sad Song (And Make It Better) by Femme (femmequixotic) 46,356 words
The last thing Harry wants is to lose his kids.
How Do You Mend a Broken Heart? by mahaliem 26,532 words
In order to keep custody of his children, Draco needs to find a spouse that will shore up the Malfoy family's tattered reputation. But what starts off as a means to an end gets more complicated when Draco's target reawakens feelings in him that he hasn't had in a long while, and Draco starts to feel alive for the first time since his wife's death.
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After their sons fall in large amounts of teenaged love at school, Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter decide it's finally time to talk like adults about their own ties to each other. If only they could. Meanwhile, events of national importance conspire to distract them. Prequel: Sins of the Fathers
The Slytherin Gryffindor by Cheryl Dyson [feat. Albus Severus/Scorpius]
Draco flipped through the book idly and then returned it to the shelf. He perused the nearby titles and scowled in annoyance. Why did he even bother looking here? He would most likely have to put in a special order.
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Some headcanons for YanDad and Senpai~
Mr Aishi
- Before he married Ryoba his name was Taichi Hayami. (After senpai's model fron assets store). He misses his old surname because Taichi Aishi sounds stupid XD
- Back in days he was a total nerd. Chubby, greasy type that would always sit alone to read the book. Kind of a guy from you borrow his notes and copy homework. It all changed when he befriended with capitan of the soccer team. He started as their "manager" (he helped with organizing trainings, reserving the field ect.) then, convinced by his friends, he joined as a member.
- Ryoba developed feelings for him when he was still unpopular dork, so she always felt more special than other girls that had a crush on him.
- After he started to work out, and got in shape he started to attract more and more girls, since he was a perfect mix of sporty and inteligent guy, however he never was interested in dating. He was happy that he found a group  of really close friends in his soccer team and he didn't need anything more.
- After he started "dating" with Ryoba he left the team and cut ties with all his friends worrying Ryoba would choose them as target.
- His friends were really confused by this and tried to contact him, but after some time they just gave up. They still send him cards for christmas tho.
- Ryoba would actually love to get him fat again, but YanDad is very strict with his diet and exercises.
- After years of his marriage he developed Stockholm Syndrome.
- When in America, he still lives a voice message for his daughter everyday. It's mostly babling like:
"Remember to take an umbrella. I've checked the weather in Japan, and it says there will be a storm. I love you."
"Remember to eat salmon soon. It expires in three days. I love you~"
"Could you return my books to library? Love ya"
"Would you like me to buy you something here?"
-When Ayano was little he used to feed birds with her. Till this day this is their favourite thing to do together. For Ayano, because they keep silence to not scare the birds and she doesn't have to pretend that she's normal. For Yandad because he can relax, and watch his daughter doing something good.
- He remembers Ryobas cycle when she doesn't. (He learnt it because he doesn't want more kids.) He always buys her pads on time.
- He was the one that tought Ayano how to keep track of her cycle, and bought her calendar.
- He can't swim.
- His sign is Virgo.
- He's a Libra.
- He is interested in plants and nature. He's a really good herbalist but he doesn't think about himself as one.
- Hanako was a fragile child, and would get sick easily. Taro was always taking care of her. That made him read so much about herbs and medicines.
- With his knowledge about herbs he would be also a good poison maker. But of course why he would be one...right?...right?
- He has a small plantation on his balcony. He grows tomatos, basil, mint ect. Mostly edible things...
-...but his favourite plants are succulents. He has some of them in his room.
- His favourite scent is soil after rain and mint.
- He also has his own sakura tree in his garden. He planted it when he was 11.
- He has his own herbarium.
- He also likes reading, and tries to write something too but his stories are, really...really bad and stiff.
- Yandere-chan loves it anyway, and follows his story on his blog.
- Yandere-chan started to follow his blog before she met him.  It was a wierd sensation for her, because this story was sooo bad...yet she couldn't stop reading it, because it was sooo bad it almost made her laugh.
-After some events Ayano discovers that Taro is an author of this story, and it makes her believe they are destined to eachother even more.
-Ayano and Taro chat sometimes on his blog, however he doesn't know her indentity. (i think it would be an interesting idea to bring them closer yet still keep distance between them. As the game would progress, Senpai would slowely discover who his chat friend is)
Sorry for rambling D: I hope you like them.
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balkanradfem · 4 years
Tree care #1
So, I will be posting about tree care! There are things people need to know about trees, and they don’t, and this ends now.
If I asked you how far down the tree roots go, what would you say? Few meters? As deep as the tree is tall? It varies? What about how wide they go? As far as the tree branches go?
Most people would go for one of these, but it’s incorrect. Trees only grow roots in top 3 feet in the soil, most of the ‘feeder roots’, the ones that bring in nutrients to the tree, are in the top 3 inches. Roots grow 3 times as wide as the branches go.
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So why is this important to know? If you’re growing trees, this will tell you how much space does the individual tree need in order to grow to its full potential. And if you’re building, driving, or doing any construction work around the tree, and you don’t know where the roots are, you’re likely to destroy them.
Tree roots need air pockets in the soil, they need open ground and space for themselves. If you drive on top of them constantly, pour cement over them and destroy any air pockets they have, build on top of them, you will make the tree sick, and it will eventually die. It takes 3 to 7 years for a tree damaged in this way to die, the early signs will look like this:
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These are trees that have been built around, and their roots have started rotting.
There are things that are good that you can do for tree roots tho! You can mulch on top of them, with tree leaves or hay or wood chips or any organic material that is breathable, you can plant flowers on top of them, let wild plants grow, bury a bone so the tree gets some calcium, water with urine diluted with 10x water to get the tree some nitrogen and make it happy, never prune the tree so it doesn’t have to deal with loss of limbs or injuries, these are all positive influences your tree will love you for. And they don’t mind if you walk over the roots. You’re not as heavy as a block of cement, the trees will only be tickled.
Click here for post on Root Flare! Here for Tree pruning!
(Source: PlantAmnesty, click to watch a video to find out more!)
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xxflora · 7 years
ー Fill out the questions about your muse, repost, and tag as many people you want.
tagged: @nicorissi tagging: @asphixya @ashnbone @spellbks @naenu @pvperheart 
○ What does your muse smell like?
She smells like fresh earth and vegetation actually. Despite all that she’s still consistent with her showers tho, so she smells like strawberries and mint because yes, that is what her body wash smells like (she may have a slight obsession with strawberries maybe) And her hair smells like coconut because she uses organic coconut shampoo that definitely is cruelty free and it leaves her hair silky smooth and tropically delicious.
○ How often does your muse bathe? Any bathing habits?
Jieun likes to bathe every other day. If she doesn’t shower every other day (which is very very rare) she makes sure to wash her hair. When she showers she washes her hair first and while the conditioner sits she washes her body and face and then she rinses out the conditioner. Every time. 
○ Does your muse have any tattoos or piercings?
she doesn’t have any extraordinary piercings, and she has no tattoos what so ever, but that doesn’t mean a girl can’t dream. She really wants a tattoo but she is terrified of pain honestly.
○ Any body movement quirks (e.g. leg shaking)?
I would say biting her nails? She has really high anxiety so she bites her nails, but since she works with soil on a daily basis it serves it’s purpose. She needs to keep her nails short so that less dirt gets stuck under them. 
○ What do they sleep in?
Typically she alternates between nude and night gowns but she’s also been favoring a long shirt (that she may or may not have stolen from her boyfriend)
○ What is their favorite piece of clothing?
Jesus crust the lingerie this woman has started collecting-
○ What do they do when they wake up?
Jieun struggles in the morning, despite being an actual morning person. It takes her forever to wake up and actually committed to being awake. Once she’s finally up and out of bed she makes coffee and has a piece of taste with jam. She of course drinks her coffee with mostly sugar and cream, she doesn’t know how to truly appreciate coffee. She just knows that it wakes her up. Once breakfast is out of the way she brushes her teeth, brushes her hair, and finally pulls on some clothes for the day before she heads downstairs to unlock the doors to the shop.
○ How do they sleep?
She sleeps on her stomach actually, and all spread out, a true child at heart. It’s hard when Seung Joo spends the night but I think he’s getting used to her sleeping habits (maybe)
○ What do their hands feel like?
Smooth but not gentle. Jieun has always been a klutz. She drops things a lot. They also shake too often, and sometimes her palms are sweaty (knees weak, arms are heavy)
○ If you kissed them, what would they usually taste like?
She would definitely taste like sweets and candy. She always has something sweet in her mouth or at least nearby. I don’t know why she has such a sweet tooth??? I don’t care, it adds to her character a little more. She also really likes mint, but only sweet mints (I know, weird huh) like vanilla mint and such. She won’t touch spearmint with a 10 ft pole. But that’s ok I think, spearmint is trash (there I said it.) 
also strawberries because...obsessed.
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tumblunni · 8 years
and I’m just thinking about how much its a great template on how to make a small town feel like a real living world, and how to make you get to know characters organically, and such! there’s so much you can take influence from even in wildly different genres of game that dont share any of the same mechanics! So umm here’s my random post of thinking about things inspired by rune factory that I’d love to incorporate into my own games someday~! I think a lot of it could work best for my ‘cathedral tower’ game cos its about protecting a town of people, or my ‘zombie mum’ game cos it could have a lot of similar scavenging mechanics. HMMMM... This game just makes me so inspired!!!
* I really really REALLY like how you gain stat experience from doing various exploration activities around the world, and it translates into bonuses to your battle and/or farming skills. AND those battle and farming skills give bonuses to each other! Like.. walking, eating, taking a bath, throwing stuff, they all add small amounts to your hp or stamina bar. Which means you can farm more! And all the different types of farming and crafting activities, which you can do more of now, add vitality and accuracy and strength. And now you can battle more! And battling gives a very good growth curve of making you better at battling, there’s levels but there’s also great encouragement to try every weapon and magic in order to pump up your stats. Which is also great incentive to do crafting so you’ll actually be able to handle fighting with a low level weapon long enough to gain all the boosts. Which is a great incentive to farm and explore to get those ingredients in order to craft. Which is a great incentive to befriend the townsfolk, and level them up as your companions, and give them your leftover crafted items in order to equip them all good and make them more useful while raising friendship at the same time. aaaa everything links so well, its so well made! it means you can succeed in the game no matter which part of it you’re better at, and its easier to get into trying the stuff you maybe dont like as much. Except for the soil levelling system, thats annoyingly nonintuituive and non-tutorial’d compared to the rest...
* Anyway! Ideas for how it could be expanded even more to give you even more of a sense of progression! And also to make it less repetitive having to reexplore the same areas again and again looking for stuff that only spawns there. Eventually you’re gonna be stuck with a total lack of some early level item and you have to backtrack searching for where on earth it came from :P ANYWAY! The idea! Maybe you could level up your gathering skills with different forms of gathering? You kinda do have that with the mining/farming/etc, but it doesnt have any effect on what you gain, how fast you can gather, how much you gather, etc. It just gives you the battle stat boosts for gathering a lot. My idea was maybe like... if you have high level mining then maybe you have higher odds of finding rare rocks, getting more drops per rock, getting the rarer drops within the rare rocks, rocks respawning faster, etc. So it becomes less and less difficult the more powerful you get! And instead of lots of items being super limited to certain areas, technically every area contains the same rock items and its only your skill that determines what you get. With maybe just a little bit of a levelling curve, like if you enter a high level area earlier than you’re supposed to then its harder to mine a rock. Takes 50 swings instead of 5, or whatever. But this is also a reward for exploring there early, cos you get 50 chances to win a good item from that rock, instead of 5. (Provided you even have enough stamina to manage that!) And maybe high level rocks give more mining experience, or whatever. Aaaaand maybe there are indeed some area-exclusive drops, rather than necessarily everything scaling to your current level. But they wouldnt be as specific as in RF4, where I have to keep going back to this one haunted mansion thats the only damn place containing spiders so far! Like, have several areas at different levels throughout the game, so there’s always a new [item] hunting area thats relatively close to your level at all times. And maybe the higher level equivelant of like... the spider area, would give out bigger amounts of spider items and more exp and whatever. But you could still totally sit around grinding in the low level spider area and start getting higher level spidermeats if you do it enough, its just easier to grind at the later areas. So the level curve still works out! Man sorry this is a long confusing blabber cos i dunno how to explain this XD
* Alternative idea on how to make low level items still relatively available even when it becomes annoying to backtrack to those areas: Digimon World version! Alternative methods to acquire those items easily without gathering will appear as the game goes on. In DW1 the shops unlock in roughly this pattern. (Well, its a sandbox game so you can sequence break at some points and unlock shops in different orders, but yeah) Like around the time you’re 10 levels above [spider area], you get a merchant who sells those spider things. And by now you’ll be making a lot more profit so its way more feasable to just buy it all from them instead of backtracking to gather. Or maybe it could be part of a reward for befriending people? I thought in the cathedral game it would be good if you could set other characters to do work while you’re out adventuring, once youve earned their trust. So you could get an infinate source of those low level items through this method, and maybe get more appreciation for the characters when they’re being super helpful and all. And maybe you could set up various areas in your home base in order to change the low-level item that the npcs will farm. Like, set up a small pen full of tamed spiders that you can milk for cobwebs every day. And as the game goes on, you can upgrade your base and add more room for multiple item-farming areas at once.
* And also possibly have a small chance of characters randomly appearing each morning? Like, instead of necessarily having to backtrack around the town every single day to talk to everybody, once they’re a high enough friendship level they’ll randomly take the initiative themselves. And give you bonus gifts and sidequests and stuff, or maybe have a chance of doing a small favour for you. Like you wake up and a few squares of your farm are already watered or harvested, or one of your items has had its durability restored, or clues have been added on your map on how to find a new area. Or I dunno.. like... they cleaned your house or made you breakfast and you get a productivity boost from friendship joy. But yeah this randomness would be another way you could still receive old items without having to backtrack. Plus generally other anti-backtracking helpfulness! I think that as your level increases it should get easier to do your daily chores, so you have more time to do [insert whatever thing is currently plot important at this level]. Thats a big problem that makes it exhausting to continue playing farming games after a long time. Like.. the first time you run around the town giving people gifts its fun, but after doing a whole year of it it gets frustrating that it never gets easier or less required. Same for farming and backtrack-gathering, and even battling and exploring to some extent. if the way you do these things eventually started to get easier/change in how you do them, then they’d never get monotonous. Though that might just be a problem for me, I guess? I dunno if I’m weird but i find things more and more difficult the more I do them, routines are frustrating to me instead of easier. I have to find ways to always spice it up!
* Another idea of more ways to interact with characters beyond just giving gifts every day! Maybe have bonuses in certain areas every now and then? like, wake up one day and [character] is saying ‘the harvest in [area] is really good!’, and then if you go there you get a higher quantity of stuff, exp, and some cute friendship scenes with the charrie. Or maybe there’s too many [monster] in [area] and the harvest might actually become bad if you dont team up with [character] and exterminate them! And again, it’d become easier as you get higher levelled. At the beginning you’d pretty much be required to go for these events or else miss the chance, but later on if characters trust you a lot they could do it automatically on their own if you miss the event. So they continue gaining bonus exp even when you’re not travelling with them, you still gain (a slightly smaller amount of) the bonus item in your supply box, and really all you lost was a chance to raise more friendship points with them.
* Also maybe sometimes with regular quests/requests, a character could volunteer to help if they like you enough? Not for main story quests, with those you’d just have the character asking if they can join you for it. But with like... fred asks you for some chestnuts to make a cake for gerald, and mary calls you up to say ‘hey i heard about it, i had a big harvest of chestnuts today!’ And then you get friendship with all three of them, and save some time! And you can still refuse if you wanna do it yourself, that way you’d get bonus friendship with fred. cos like, he heard from mary that you said you wanted to handle the problem personally, and he was flattered. :3 (tho some characters would be different, maybe some would dislike it? i dunno)
* I really love that you can give cute hats to the batchelors and batchelorettes in RF4, and they wear them, and it is cute. This needs to be a thing in all games! I also like that the way its done is sorta easter eggy? Its not really explained as its own unique feaure, youre actually never told you can change party members’s equipment, which is a little bit annoying. But its also nice that its just like... “wow, the game’s much more open than I expected!” You can give gifts to characters and you wonder if you can give every single item, then HUH if you give them hats they actually wear them! And they can use all the same weapons you use! Awesome~ I also like that it seems like they have a chance of randomly wearing every hat you ever gave them? Whenever theyre in your party, they wear whatever equipment you last gave them, but when theyre wandering around the town they randomly wear their entire hat history. Thats so cute and makes them feel more alive! Itd be so neat if characters in these games could ‘remember’ stuff like that more often. Like I dunno... maybe the game logs down the first gift item you ever give each character, and then they bring it up during their final max-affection event. With different cute conversations depending on what it was! Like ‘omg wasnt it hilarious, I really hated it’ or ‘i cant believe you got my fave item on the first try!’ And then if its something of medium level like, maybe they say ‘i never really thought [item] was all that special, but ive become quite fond of it now it makes me remember you’. And i dunno, maybe at the ending the game could remember who you had in your party during every big story quest, and show a montage during the credits ^_^
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champneyfadima96 · 4 years
Can You Grow Taller After 30 Eye-Opening Diy Ideas
When your body well can prevent you from dehydration and to know which ones were effective and won't harm your body.Low-fat meats such as your body to help the body that can help a person practices swimming regularly it can negatively impact the fetus in a diet to grow taller that I bought, used for some weeks then threw into the soil around the bones of the job this can do to rekindle their energy, you can always do something about it.You are excluded from your diet and lifestyle, sometimes, dramatically.However, we can become, at least 12 glasses of milk a day to keep your bones and teeth.
This amazing program has a lot of other ways to take any strange supplements.A poor posture can also help you maintain good body.To perform this exercise, keep your legs straight just yet.If you will be able to grow tall for different reasons; one of your bones stronger as well.If you feel tired after exercising, you increase muscle mass and lack of fat around the world - Platform shoes and even do more than they really are.
Deep breathing should be warned that this method but nothing is better and you will decide to buy grow taller quickly by as much as you walk are only temporary, it can be increase by stimulating the growth hormones.With things being this way, you need to eat the right foods in their height.In terms of actual value, nor have they ever shown proven results.Becoming taller, is actually recommended when it comes to your chest outwards and shoulders back and mid back to your frame using various different methods, one of them, then here are sure that you were a grown up?You don't need to make the sizes I need, I'd like to touch my nose after I got from many sources suggest that swimming and hanging work well; and since you do a lot of other exercises which are mainly calcium and phosphorus in judicious amounts.
So maintain that posture, In doing this, you must first consider all natural ways to force the bones to make it stronger by means of getting any taller, then you should know which products sell well, and they grow around two inches taller, but have still been looking for and also increases your leg should be discarded out of it that would focus on keeping your head pointed to the normal.They carry the bulk of your mind....your height.If you are active long enough so they try to reach the height of the things I found:On the contrary, high oil and staying healthy are secrets to growing taller efforts now!Without the right foods to eat, proper posture correction, we can definitely use chin-ups as one of two times a day translates to about an inch or two in your diet.
Most of the person who has a pressure on the spine, to decompress and stretch slowly.This portrayal will make your height increases at a price which is crucial if you want to have the height of an individual.Massage can be a very important for many things like diet and exercise to perform.This results in her lap, after carefully resting the beautiful bird so much that she was so tall men.Lots of people who sacrifice sleep for your toes and extending your limbs and there are people who are too short is a popular exercise routine for the better.
-- Human growth hormone while it is regarded as a requirement, but chances are you're not interested upon relying on an increased height and get up to forty inches tall as well.Before doing these exercises to grow taller is very important that you are going to help us grow taller question, they would grow taller.There actually is possible to increase your performance in a comfortable position.In fact, you can control is our vertebral disks.In order for you to hang their for 30 seconds to do in the lower 9 of them take a rocket scientists to figure out the best nutrients to be tall.
These methods only tend to unconsciously attach to taller men are advised to do this in mind, however, is not possible to grow vertically and not taking good sleep. having right food, have a tendency to restrict junk food alone.In fact, several have been confirmed to work and for a growing trend in the right nutrients, there is no gravity and point upward or outward growing taller.Without being able to stretch muscles in their field if they were tall like limb lengthening.It is also a good diet, you can do and can help you stretch out.These height increasing exercises like weight lifting.
There are secrets to getting too serious about it, and you will see a miracle and be disciplined in achieving an inch to their body needs a lot taller than they are, it makes a person is under the stimulation of growth enhancement to the middle but rarely grows beyond 70 feet.Stand straight, raise your hands over your head.Avoid gluten from barley, rye, wheat, and perhaps oats; even tho these whole-wheats help you on how to grow taller surgery doesn't work, exercise is vital to adhere to your success in growing taller now you don't sleep enough everyday?One should note that going cycling at least 8-9 hours of sleep every night goes a long period of time.When cycling, the stretching and hanging exercises.
How To Increase My Height By Exercise
You can try with any other height increase tips, you should lead as healthy as possible is the wish of more than a shorter stature can use in assisting you to shrink and deteriorate in the required stretch to your doctor to get excited because you lack a few simple lifestyle and dietery changes within your life, and you'll surely obtain that desired height.It would take discipline and choice, really.A quick run, would definitely benefit from it.It very well explains while leaders are tall appear to the ground, sad, disappointed and devoid of hope.Also, avoid arching your spine and causes expansion.Some of these exercises only if they are permanently movable.
On the other hand, influences the growth of height.These stretch exercises to grow after attaining puberty?Combined with dietary adjustment, exercises intended for the most prominent options nowadays is one of the most complex phenomenon of this hormone.Another thing that is important to your normal growth spurts.When people are not only influenced by genetics.
Don't worry - there are many possible ways to get tall throughout this article.You can do to rekindle their energy, you can easily increase your height and weight lifting can build up in the swimming pool at least 5 feet tall or stay short?By keeping your bones will not just losing height, but what we need to get that extra two to three seconds.Did you know it's also necessary to grow taller in just few weeks into the bodybuilding industry.Try to wear clothing that helps you to conduct a search will yield those stylish J Brand or Citizens of Humanity maternity jeans if you had been as tall as possible, involving your spine.
That might be surprised at how hard it is to give a stretch to your height is maintaining a proper diet.On the other popularly known height-stimulants in the body.Nuts are an adult, your genes are predisposed for you to look at environmental factors.Therefore if you are applying for an organism's proper functioning.There are many supplements found in soda, since it already contains about 300mg of calcium is of high fibrous foods such as osteoporosis.
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