#of them happier I think. like they’re doing great but they could be doing better if I’d get this soil and then get a real good fertilizer
sternbagel · 11 months
chanting “do not waste all your play money from your paycheck on soil and pots for your plants; you just repotted most of them” to myself over and over in the hopes that I actually listen to myself come Friday
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dumplingsjinson · 8 months
List of random dialogue prompts (pt. 3)
“Truth be told? I miss the times — the me — before I fell in love with you.” 
“You know, I can see myself in, on top of, or under you. What do you say?” “I can see you buried six feet under my very feet if you don’t stop joking about this shit with me.” 
“Was there a point when you fell out of love with me?” “There was a point when I fell in love with you, but never out.”
“When did you fall out of love with me?” “That’s the thing: I never fell out of love with you. You’re the one who fell out of love with me.”
“Right person, wrong time… What if this is the right time? We’re just the wrong people for each other.”
“You have me wrapped around your fingers. Crazy part is, I don’t mind it.” 
“Don’t forget this: I made you. I can easily break you if I wanted to.” 
“I shared pieces of me, with so many people, and none of them kept those pieces safe, and I don’t know if I can risk that with you because it would devastate me if you turn out to be the same as them all. I would be completely destroyed.” 
“Don’t give me that look.”
“You okay?” “No. I need hugs. From you. I need you to hug me.” 
“I just wanna fucking get over you so I can be okay again.” 
“Stop trying to remind me that you’re still in my life. I’m trying to not think about you, for God’s sake.”
“I wanna kiss you so badly right now but we’re in public and I know you hate public display of affection—“ “I’ll allow you to do it this time.” “Wait… Really?” 
“I make shitty decisions and you’re a testament to that matter.”
“I have things to do, and most of them include me trying not to think about you.”
“I’ve never cried because of someone, you know? I didn’t have anyone to cry over. You’re the first, and you’ll also be the last, or so God help me through this embarrassment.” 
“Breaking up with me does not mean you had to kick me off your Spotify playlist, you know? Because damn. As much as I’m upset, your list had some bangers.” 
“You don’t get to do decide my feelings for you.” 
“I’m not bitchless, you fucking dickhead. Take that back!” 
“Every little thing reminds me of you, which sucks because you’re not in my life anymore.”
“It’s kinda weird not seeing your name on my phone when I wake up. It’s gonna take me some time to get used to this.”
“I think I knew this wasn’t going to last when I realised it’s not that I trust you. It’s that I don’t care what you do, and who you might be fucking around with.”
“One text from you has me happier than a child whose mother bought them their favourite candy. It’s not okay.” 
“I don’t share my Spotify playlist with just anyone. It’s like a secret love language of mine, reserved for those I want to let in. You’re one of them, yet you’re here thinking I don’t feel the same way about you?”
“I dunno, I just… Kinda fell for you.”
“You’re the reason why I fell in love with you. You, as a whole.” 
“There are some songs that I can’t listen to anymore, because they remind me of you; of all the times we’ve had together. And it sucks because some of them are great songs. And you fucking ruined them, you asshole.”
“I’m tired of acting like I don’t care, because I do. I fucking do, and that’s what makes this even worse.” 
“One thing you should know about me is that I suck at letting go.”
“So you’re telling me I’m supposed to sit here and give a fuck? You couldn’t pay me enough to do that. I have places to be and things to do.” 
“You need to stop being such a dramatic bitch.” “It’s the only way I can entertain myself, okay? Now piss off and leave me be.” 
“Maybe I shouldn’t have let you go.”
“You deserve someone better than me—” “You don’t get to decide that for me.”
“You ever think about how good we could have been together?” “Yeah. I think about it all the time, and then I remember how badly you fumbled. So yeah, good job.”
“You’re blushing.” “I’m not.” “…Then I guess I’ll have to give you something to blush over.”
“I lost myself while trying to find the good in you.”
“I think it’s comforting that they’re somewhere out there… Even if we never speak again, you know? They were a part of my life, even if it was only for a little while. They made me feel good, even if it was only for a short amount of time.” 
“Remember when you said you’d catch me when I fell? Well, you’re a fucking liar. Figuratively and literally. Now I’m hospitalised and also emotionally scarred. I hope you’re fucking happy about that.” 
“If we break up, I’d look for you in other people and be reminded that they are not you, and that I’d never find someone like you again. And… I don’t think I can bear the thought of that.”
“I give you permission to break my heart.” “And I give you permission to end me if I ever do break your heart.” 
“I have things to do—“ “And I’m one of them.”
“You’re only saying sorry because you want to make yourself feel better, so you can go shove that sweet apology up your ass because it doesn’t mean shit. I hope you continue to feel like shit over what you did, because I’m never forgiving you.”
“I had expectations for someone I knew couldn’t meet those expectations, so that’s my fault for expecting anything from you at all.”
“You? Breaking my heart? It’s funny how you think you even have that power over me.”
“You were like a routine that I loved and it felt… comfortable. But I guess that’s not the case anymore.” 
“You fell in love with the idea of someone that wasn’t even real. You fell in love with your own projections. How are you so foolish to think that it would have worked out?”
“I’m fine. Of course I’m fine.” “Everything about this interaction is telling me you’re not fine — not even close.”
“The idea of us was perfect. Blame me for thinking it would turn out into something good and as fantastical as what I made it out to be in my head.”
“Because no matter what I do, I can’t stop thinking about you and it’s about to drive me to the very brink of insanity, so if you’ll excuse me for not wanting to be near you, that would great.”
“I would not be who I am today if not for you.” 
(pt 1.) | (pt. 2)
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stem-sister-scuffle · 4 months
Alphys (Undertale) vs Jade Harley (Homestuck)
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Alphys is a Roboticist, Biologist and Souls/Determination Researcher!
Jade Harley is a Nuclear Physicist!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
"Because she messed with DETERMINATION and made Amalgamates, blending monsters into each other to form horrible combinations of undead beings. She’s a lesbian"
"Man made horrors, overwhelming guilt, cute lizard girl, bisexual"
"SHE'S SO CUTE. She's awkward and shy but you can tell she knows a lot about what she does!! She's also a bit of a tragic character considering her biological endeavors have gone kinda. wrong. SHE'S BI AND LIKE ANIME 🫶"
"Ultra qualified women with deep scientific knowledge who are also massive anime nerds and can't hold a simple conversation represent!"
"idk she's kind of just. The Royal Scientist . built a robot and put a soul in it. tried to bring monsters back to life, this failed miserably. did research on souls and determination. has a kickass lab. also nerdy as hell and can't just. tell the truth to save her life. love her"
"I don't think we have a word for "works with SOULs and DETERMINATION, including fusing ghosts with robot bodies and creating immortal abominations of multiple people stuck together." I guess you could probably just put her down as Robotics. Mechatronics or something. Like sure she melted a bunch of guys, but she takes responsibility! Feeds em dog food! That takes responsibility. Bisexual"
"She had a friend who was a ghost, and they wanted to be famous! So she used her knowledge of robotics to build them a new body how they wanted! He became famous, as he wished! And Alphys worked on a bigger, better body that fit him well, though it used up a lot of power and needed more upgrades, hence why it wasn’t used often until the final battle with him (Him being Mettaton). But basically, Mettaton got a new body the way he liked it, changed his name, and started going by different pronouns (Mettaton is only ever referred to by they/them when people reference the ghost). Alphys allowed him to feel much happier as himself, and they’re great friends! Though, she did pretend that she created Mettaton and his SOUL herself, no ghostliness involved. But Mettaton did agree to that.
Because of her perceived achievement, (though her actual achievement was also pretty cool) Alphys was hired as the Royal Scientist for the Underground, and got to work with Asgore, the king of all monsters! She continued working with Mettaton, and Asgore asked her to try and find a way to break the barrier that was trapping them Underground without killing humans. Alphys found an interesting thing called Determination, or DT within humans using the SOULs of humans Asgore had killed and allowed her access to.
She tested it on some flowers in his garden to see what would happen, and nothing did. That she realized at the time, anyway. She had actually injected DT into a flower sprinkled with the remains of Asriel, the king’s dead son, and brought him back to life as a flower. Problem was, Asriel, or Flowey as he eventually called himself, didn’t have a SOUL anymore, since he was a flower. Thinking that nothing had happened, Alphys decided to try and see if it could really bring back monsters that had fallen down/were on the verge of death. She asked people for their family members that had fallen down. The monsters that had fallen down were basically dead, but the last of their magic hadn’t quite run out yet. However, their magic was being spent keeping their bodies from turning to dust, and they were unable to move, pretty much in a coma. So really, if it didn’t work, no harm done! Either it works and they live, it kills them, or it doesn’t do anything and they still die!
Alphys conducted her tests, and at first, it worked! All of the monsters were getting up and moving around! She contacted the families to send them back, but when she was about to, she discovered they had all started melting and had stuck together and merged into one being. She chickened out for fear of how the families would react, and proceeded to ignore a bunch of letters for quite a while. Eventually, she did own up to it, though she was immediately fired (by the EX-queen, not Asgore. Was that even legal?). The families were just happy to have their loved ones back, and while they were still somewhat upset, understandably so, they didn’t really blame her all too much.
ALSO!! She got a girlfriend!! She’s canonically expressed interest in Undyne, Captain of the Royal Guard and who would eventually be her girlfriend, Asgore, and the unknowable! She has made mistakes. Big ones. But honestly, I don’t blame her for the mistakes. The real problem was that she is incredibly anxious and let that get the better of her, leading to her not telling people important things that they deserved to know. She’s not the best at being honest."
Jade Harley:
"She's soo fun and silly and her symbol is literally an atom. she regularly irradiates steak to feed her weird dog"
"She and her nuclear powered dog creating a new universe. she's cool"
"Built a modded bass guitar that's only playable when she's in her robot form and has extra arms. Became a doggirl. She also plays the flute :)"
"i think you have enough ramblings about her already but i couldnt NOT submit her, she is so dear to me <3"
"bbg has THREE scientific specialties!! she genetically modifies plants and makes them grow beautifully high just because she can and loves science. in her alpha timeline she’s a tech mogul and creates technology that challenges the evil empress that brought earth to ruin. AND she’s a furry"
"She plays a silly flute refrain. She's a furry. Literally, she's a doggirl. She's also a god and created the universe. JADE BEST GIRLIE!!!!"
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mvltisstuff · 8 months
Heyy, i love your fics so michh, can u make Buck x reader, they have a newborn girl and reader is stressed because the baby won't stop crying and buck helps her. Take your time!💋
close to you - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
a/n: this is such a great idea, and i’m so happy you asked me to execute it <3 madeline is also inspired by the name maddie, as i feel like that’s so cute for buck :((
madeline was a gift from the moment y/n took time off work because of her pregnancy. she was a gift the moment they decided on a name. she was a gift the moment she entered the world in the small hospital room.
however, y/n despised herself for thinking part of it was a curse. she loved her daughter more than anything in the world despite the short amount of weeks that she had arrived. buck had gone back to work, but y/n needed more time to recover from the birth. she got the pleasure of staying home with her baby, and she genuinely thought so.
it wasn’t until the constant screams came through madeline’s mouth that y/n started to get more and more tensed. her head was pounding, her body was sore and she just wanted to give her baby peace.
she felt like the worst mother in the world, not being able to comfort or secure her baby girl. she figured it would come naturally. in reality, it’s never been harder.
she cried when she was hungry, needed a diaper change, sleepy, or she just cried. it seemed like it was always that she just cried and screamed. it burned in y/n’s ear painfully as she listened to the squeals of her daughter. she just wanted her to be happy, and buck wasn’t there to help.
“mad, please.” y/n begged when her eyes started to water again, and the quiet squeaks left her baby’s soft cheeks. “i’m so sorry, i want to help you.”
y/n sighed as she rocked the baby in her arms, the bags under her eyes only getting darker as she stayed up with madeline. buck was exhausted when he came home, so he just went to sleep. y/n was fine with that as he did everything he could for his girls, all the time.
she’d be lying if she said she didn’t miss buck every hour.
he had some type of paternal magic to him that eased madeline. it brought her down to earth, and it gave y/n time to relax. her hormones were all over to place. every time her baby cried, it flooded her body was sadness and exhaustion. she was deeply jealous of buck secretly because of the ease he seemed to have with handling their child.
“hey, dad,” hen smiled, seeing buck walk back into the station after a few weeks with his wife and baby alone. “how’s y/n and the baby?”
“they’re good, i feel so bad leaving them though.”
“it’s hard to leave, that’s the last thing i wanted to do when we first got denny.”
“it’s just- i talk to you about anything, right?”
“of course, buck! what makes you say that, though.”
“madeline cries a lot, and i can just tell in y/n’s face that somethings wrong. i mean, i get that babies cry, but it just seems like it’s taking a huge toll on y/n. i don’t want her thinking she’s a bad mom, and if what happened to maddie happens to her,” buck thinks back to his sister, who went to hell and back trying to be a better mom for jee-yun. it breaks his heart to even consider y/n feeling left in the dark the same way. “i can’t handle that.”
“listen, buck,” hen lands a hand on his shoulder. “it’s going to be ok. you could even go for a little longer off work, you came back really soon.”
“y/n said it’d be good for us, and make me happier.”
“but is it making things easier? you both need to be doing this together. y/n’s saying a lot of stuff she doesn’t mean, and her mind is running at a 100 miles an hour.”
“i know,” buck says. “i’m gonna see her after the shift, i’ll talk to bobby. see what i can do.”
y/n continued to pace around the kitchen for hours, her lower back beginning to ache and her ears hurting from the wails of the baby in her arms. she tried everything from feeding her to rocking her in her swing, but nothing seemed to stop the cries of her daughter.
“madeline, please, i’m begging you,” y/n whines, practically on her knees for her child to stop crying.
the cries quickly started to blend in, y/n realizing that they’ll never go away. she wasn’t sick or anything, y/n repeatedly checked, but madeline still was just simply unhappy. and, y/n swore she was the problem.
buck arrived home late in the night, hours past dinner and inching closer to the bedtime of their casual family. when he opened the door, he just knew that y/n was in there with their baby, struggling to hang on and fix the problem.
“y/n?” he calls out, wandering around their home and finally landing in the nursery. the light purple walls and decorations were darkened, y/n and madeline sitting in the chair together. y/n’s shirt had been pulled down so she was able to feed madeline, but it seemed like no use. the baby in her arms was still weeping and throwing her tiny hands around. “oh, y/n.”
her blank expression told it all, along with the dark bags under her eyes. “she’s so upset, buck, i don’t know what to do.” y/n murmurs slightly over the cries of the baby.
“it’s ok, honey, we’re gonna figure it out.” y/n’s eyes just water with each tear that drops from madeline’s eyes. “no, no, it’s okay, y/n.”
“i’m sorry, i’m just so tired.”
“i know, i’m here now. we can fix this, okay?” y/n swipes under her eyes, taking in sharp breaths and trying to steady herself. “hey, honey, listen to me. you’re ok, madeline’s ok, i’m ok. we’ll be alright.
she nods as his arm touches her side, the baby wrapped in his other arm. “alright. why don’t you hold her, and i’m gonna go see if our noise machine is here yet.”
buck rustles through packages and gifts from their baby shower and tries to find anything that might help their girl sleep, and anything that will bring relief to y/n.
“i found it! it’ll be white noise, which we should’ve tried sooner. i don’t know if it’ll work, but it won’t hurt to try.”
buck allowed y/n to place the baby in her crib, letting her tiny body rest against the soft mattress. they turned the lights off and plugged in the machine, which sang out the staticky white noise that calmed their daughter.
her crying started to come to a halt after a bit of hearing the noise, her adorable little eyes shutting after a bit to finally rest. y/n could feel her whole body relax under seeing her baby finally sleep, as it had felt like days.
she felt like crying, she felt like sleeping, but she also felt like she had so much to do. the house was a mess, her baby had finally gotten to sleep, but she also wanted to sleep. it felt like one thing after another, and buck looked over again to see a y/n staring at the ground.
“what’s the matter? talk to me, y/n.”
“i’m not cut out for this,” her shaky voice comes out, his hands on the sides of her arms.
“what? of course you are!”
“i can barely manage to keep this house together, let alone keep our baby happy and i haven’t even been able to go back to work! i feel like shit and i just want to be happy with my baby, but i don’t even know if she’s happy and-“
“alright, i know,” she allows herself to fall into bucks grasp, as he worries silently for her in his mind. he can feel the exhaustion venting off her body, begging for sleep and somewhere to lay in peace and quiet. “i don’t want you worrying about anything else. let’s go to sleep, and i’m gonna help you, i promise. i’m never leaving either of your sides.”
his arms warmly grasp her body clad in a soft set. he leads her to their shared bed, pulling the blankets out and holding her as she finally gets her deserved sleep.
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moonstruckme · 7 months
Also would love more of the art student x stem student peter writing,, again totally just self indulgent here but I adore their dynamic I could go on forever, like study dates but she’s working and Peter hangs around revising notes in her studio and they both just accompany each other AGHHH I could think about them for ages
Thanks lovely!
tasm!Peter Parker x artist!reader ♡ 727 words
Your hand comes into view, taking Peter’s attention from his notes for the first time in hours as you slide a paper plate stacked with pizza slices towards him. 
“They were out of stir fry,” you say, “but they let me take extra pizza since they felt bad.” 
Peter blinks, realizing his eyes are dry and achy. “When did you get this?”
“Just now,” you say, though it sounds like a question. Your brows twitch towards each other, somewhere between bemused and concerned. “Pete, I’ve been gone for like a half hour. You didn’t notice?”
Peter blinks again, hard. He gives his head a little shake. “No, I, uh…I guess I was too distracted. Thanks for the pizza.” 
“Course.” You kiss the top of his head as you round the table, sitting down across from him with a couple slices of your own. Peter watches as you zone back into your work, a pensive frown coming to your face. You’re in the beginning stages of a new project, and the last few hours have been a frustrating cycle of erasing, sketching, and erasing again. Peter doesn’t get how you can even see through all the faded, half-removed lines on your page. 
“How’s it going?” he asks, tentative.
Your frown worsens. “Not bad,” you say, in a tone that says not great, either. “I’ve landed on an idea, but it just…it doesn’t feel perfect. I don’t want to start and then have to change my mind again.” 
“Didn’t you say that’s how it usually goes?” he prompts. 
“Yeah,” you sigh, and you sound so upset about it that Peter has to—just has to—reach across the table and take your hand. You offer him a small smile and return the squeeze he gives your fingers.
“Want a break?” he asks you, and you raise your eyebrows.
“I just took my break,” you remind him. 
It’s difficult to love someone and see them treat themselves how you treat yourself. Peter would count a run to the dining hall as a break, too, but he doesn’t like it when you do it. Still, that doesn’t give him a lot of ground for argument.
“Then can I see?” he tries, hoping talking it through will make you feel better.
You chew your lip for a second before nodding, going to slide your paper towards him. 
“Nope, hold on.” Peter stands up on his seat, stepping one gangly leg and then the other over the table before lowering himself into the chair beside you. He wraps his arm around your shoulder, hugging you so that your face is squished against his bicep. “Better,” he says. “Go on.” 
You laugh at his over-the-top affection, but don’t move away, going into the details of your original idea versus what you’ve come up with on paper. The abstract always falls short of the concrete, Peter knows that, and yet he feels your disappointment in your inability to fulfill the full scope of your vision acutely. You grow more animated as you talk, eventually bringing the paper closer and sketching while he watches. Peter suggests his own solutions as you work. They’re useless of course, but he knows that having a sounding board helps you think, so he’ll keep the conversation going any way he can. To your credit, you don’t tell him all the ways he’s wrong. You only hmm and huh and then do your idea anyway. 
After a while, you come up with something you’re happier with. It’s still not perfect, but Peter reminds you again of your own tenets; that it never will be, and your only job is to do the best you can with what you have. You’re smiling by now, so it’s a win in his book. 
“You gonna talk me through your biochem notes now?” you ask him cheerily. 
“Aw, sweetheart.” He kisses the side of your head. “You’re a gem for offering, but we both know you’ll get a headache.” 
“I’ll eat my pizza while you talk,” you propose, picking up a now cold slice of your dinner. “C’mon, it’s only fair.” 
Peter grins at you, your face lined with tiredness and hand stained with silver pencil lead but eyes alight with that fizzy energy you get from creation. “Okay,” he concedes. “But when we go home, we’re watching the most mindless show we can find on TV.”
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rhondafromhr · 7 days
Expanding on my “the Monroes adopt Max and he becomes an even worse person” AU
- they take him in not long after he turns sixteen. His dad dies in some kind of freak accident, it makes the news and Linda recognizes the name because she knows everything there is to know about the history of the Honey Queen pageant and his mom won about ten years ago. She also knows that, like every other winner of that pageant, she left Hatchetfield and never looked back, meaning Max is completely alone now. She’s not sure why she cares about this complete stranger, but her heart breaks for him not having a loving home and she decides she can provide that. She’s a great mother, after all, and they already have four beautiful boys, what’s one more? Gerald isn’t as invested at first, but he agrees to it because he supports Linda in basically anything she wants to do.
-Linda keeps trying to give him expensive new things to cheer him up and make him feel like part of the family and she doesn’t understand why he’s reluctant to accept them. His dad was the type to act like providing basic needs (food, housing, etc) was a huge burden and always came with strings attached, saying stuff like “I put a roof over your head, I pay all your sports fees and you couldn’t even win that game?”. She and Gerald eventually figure it out and the next time Linda gives him something, she makes sure to tell him he doesn’t have to take it if he doesn’t want to, but it’s a gift that they got for him because they like him and they’re glad he’s here. That makes him smile for the first time since he moved in. He tells her that he’s glad he’s there, too.
-they try to stick him in an expensive private school, but he wants to stay at Hatchetfield High because he doesn’t want to give up his power there. They go back and forth over it for a few weeks and during that time, someone overhears them discussing it while out for dinner. This leads to a rumor going around school that Max is leaving and it gives all the nerds so much false hope that things could get better. In the end, they let him stay. There’s not a lot Linda and Gerald can’t get away with, but even they’re not willing to risk pulling the star quarterback out of school and making the Nighthawks lose to Clivesdale.
-Pete, Ruth and Richie do end up transferring out to get the hell away from him when he starts becoming even more of a menace, as impossible as that seems. Richie begs Paul to let him finish out high school at Sycamore and Paul reluctantly helps him get a variance. He joins the anime club and the swim team there. Sycamore isn’t as cliquey as Hatchetfield High and a lot of the kids who go there are just as “weird” as he is, so he’s actually kind of popular there and he’s much happier. Ruth starts doing online school. Being away from the constant bullying, her anxiety starts to get better and her confidence improves. She joins a local theater troupe for teens, makes tons of new friends there and lands her first ensemble role. Pete just works his ass off and graduates early, then goes off to UCLA (he gets his own CaliforMIA reprise). Lex and Hannah make it to California in this universe too because why the hell not and Pete ends up being their roommate. I just think he and Lex would be an iconic duo. They’d hate each other at first (she’s a retail worker and Pete’s canonically a rude customer, natural enemies) but then they’d start vibing and the levels of snark would be off the charts.
-When Linda and Gerald see how Max is struggling in school, they hire a tutor for him and his grades actually improve a little. He’s still a nightmare to deal with and doesn’t try that hard, but they pay this tutor such an extravagant amount that they’re willing to put up with just about anything. Just for funsies, maybe the tutor is Ziggy. Idk could be a fun comedic pairing and I like to think Ziggs is smarter than they let on and tutors on the side so their only stream of income won’t be drug dealing - they don’t want people getting suspicious of how they’re making a living.
-Linda and Gerald start going to every single football game with the boys. The whole family is decked out in an obnoxious amount of Nighthawks gear and they cheer for Max louder than anybody else. Max pretends not to care, but he secretly loves it. They’re proud of him and it’s not conditional on whether he wins or not. They prioritize him, clearing their schedules so they can come to the games and always show up when they say they’re going to. His dad never did that for him.
-Max injures his knee during one of these games and he insists he’s fine, but the coach forces him to sit out for the rest of it. He’s worried Linda and Gerald are going to be mad at him for not playing or think he’s weak for not toughing it out, but they’re both just worried about him and want to make sure he’s okay. When they get home, Gerald makes him stay off of it and ice it. Linda fusses over him and his new brothers keep him entertained while he’s laid up on the couch.
-every so often, the school calls the Monroes and tries to talk to them about a bullying incident. It’s pretty rare because Max is the star football player and the administration doesn’t really care what he does, but if it’s a particularly violent one they’ll at least make a half-assed attempt to address it for appearances’ sake. Gerald tells them “if you have that much of a problem with it YOU do something about it.” Linda then reminds them that if they do, their generous donations to the school just might dry up. Whenever Max comes home after, Gerald just laughs about it and claps him on the back, then says something along the lines of “That’s my boy, keeping those nerds in line!” Obviously, this only encourages him more.
-Linda decides to impart her wisdom on him and show him that brute force isn’t the only way to keep people in line and get what he wants. She and Gerald start to teach Max more creative, underhanded ways to hurt people and encourage him to use their wealth and connections to his full advantage. As they say, what’s the point of having money if you’re not going to enjoy it?
-As part of this lesson, Gerald fondly recounts what Linda did to that girl’s skis in that competition back in college and how it was the moment he knew she was the one. He goes on about how hot, successful and smart she is and says that Max should take her advice because she knows what she’s talking about. Max can’t put it into words, but there’s something so healing about seeing the way Gerald and Linda love and support each other. Maybe seeing this modeled teaches him how to have (somewhat) healthy romantic relationships down the line and he and Grace eventually get together and have a similar “horrible to everyone else, loving and supportive to each other/enabling to each other’s bad behavior” dynamic.
-When Max joins the family for dinner with Roman and hears the way he talks to Linda, he can’t control his temper and tells him he doesn’t care who he is, he’s going to smash his face in if he doesn’t shut the fuck up because nobody talks to Linda like that. Gerald, of course, is absolutely delighted. Linda half heartedly scolds him, but is secretly so touched that he stood up for her like that. She and Gerald discuss it, decide Max deserves a little reward and buy him a brand new Range Rover.
-After the incident with Roman, Linda tells Max that he just might be her new favorite. River overhears and this ignites a lifelong, largely one-sided sibling rivalry with Max. He starts kind of emulating Max’s bad behavior and lashing out at school to try and get Linda’s attention and when that doesn’t work, he becomes a huge overachiever instead as a way to distinguish himself from Max and make himself feel superior since Max isn’t very academically gifted. He does genuinely study and work hard but he also pulls every dirty trick imaginable to sabotage any other students standing in his way (some…unfortunate things end up happening to his competition for a few scholastic awards and the one student who’s ahead of him for valedictorian his senior year). Linda’s proud of him and showers him with praise, but all he can think about is that moment Max displaced him as the favorite. He wonders if anything he does will ever be good enough to earn that spot back.
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of-many-fandomss · 5 months
Mob!AU with Pietro Maximoff x Stark!daughter reader? Either they’re from rival mafias or Pietro works for the Stark family, whatever you think works best. Maybe a Romeo & Juliet vibe where they see each in secret, but with a happier ending?
“Guess who,” That infuriatingly flirtatious voice floated into your ear, the breath of its owner hot against the back of your neck.
“Stop,” You huffed, trying to push yourself out of the arm he had slid around your waist, not playing into his game. You ignored the butterflies that had erupted in your stomach and the fire that lingered wherever he touched, “We can’t do this right now.”
Pietro smirked down at you as you pivoted to look at him, an all too familiar glint of mischief lingering in his eyes, “I couldn’t think of a better place.” He tried to play it off innocently, but you knew better.
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest, desperately trying to convey that you were annoyed at being pulled into a random supply closet you had been walking past on your way to the kitchen. He didn’t need to know how the crammed conditions to him were making you feel.
“My dad will actually kill you, Maximoff.” You tsked, “We already know that he’s just looking for an excuse to do it.”
It was then his turn to roll his eyes, though there was a great playfulness about him as he did so, “Psh, we both know I’m his favorite employee.”
Employee was a loose term for deadly assassin.
And while Pietro might not be Tony’s favorite, he definitely was one of the biggest assets.
“No,” You poked his chest, the task itself not being difficult considering you had mere inches apart between you two already, “We both know that you enjoy pissing him off a little too much.”
“The don would’ve killed me long ago if that’s what he had wanted.” The man gently took your hand off his chest and held it in his own, squeezing it once.
You sighed irritably, eyes fluttering shut as you suddenly softened and spoke, “We can’t keep sneaking around like this, Piet.”
He smirked, leaning close and beginning to leave a trail of kisses along your exposed neck- you, unable to help yourself, sighing slightly and titling your head back as he did so.
“And why not?” He muttered against your skin, “It’s so much fun.”
Before he could get much further, you got ahold of yourself and mustered every bit of strength that you could to gently push him away.
His eyebrows furrowed momentarily as you gingerly took his face in your hands, making him look you in the eyes.
“I don’t want to keep sneaking around anymore.” You clarified in a whisper.
For once, the man was silent, his eyes searching yours for some unknown purpose.
After a few moments, he finally breathed out, “I don’t either.”
“Good.” You took his hands into yours, being the one to squeeze them this time, almost eagerly, “Then let’s not. I’m tired of acting as if I don’t know you whenever we’re in the same room as others.”
Pietro carefully detached one of his hands from yours and swept a stray piece of hair behind your ears, “Weren’t you just the one saying that your dad will kill me?”
“I won’t let him.” You promised earnestly.
He was silent for another moment before he leaned in and softly captured your lips against his, “Then let’s do it.” He breathed out when he pulled away, “No more hiding. No more lies.”
A genuine smile broke out onto your face, “I can’t wait.”
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ingydar-g-phan · 6 days
Happy birthday Dan. I found you at a very, very low point in my life. It’s funny, because that point was only a few months ago. March 3rd. March 3rd. Jesus Christ. I was dealing with severe bullying, depression, hopelessness, isolation, gender dysphoria (i have been out/socially transitioned for like 5 years), and most of all, loneliness. I had a circle of about 3 friends who i talked to regularly, but only 1 i even saw in person more than once per year. Then, two of those 3 people began having relationship issues and were on the verge of breaking up. I felt like i was a bother, a burden to their already existing issues. Every single day I’d walk into school, put my headphones on, and not talk to a single person. I’d read, sleep, listen to music, dissociate, and sleep some more throughout the day just to distract myself from everything. From class, from parents, from the outside, everything. I fully and truly believed everyone besides those 3 people hated me. They found me disgusting, annoying, taking up space, and simply didn’t want me there. I think that is true to an extent, but i don’t like how i was just letting that be how it is. My dad was genuinely hopeless, he told me to just ride it out and if i could try to be just a little bit normal-er, maybe i wouldn’t be ignored by every person every day. That didn’t work. Instead, i decided to do some self work. Or rather, my dad stopped intruding on my free time which allowed me to still be awake and do things i wanted to do in peace. I thought, “Dan and Phil….those two emo guys with the cat whiskers….i have such a vague memory of a friend mentioning them or scrolling across a post of them, who even are they?”. I typed into the YouTube search bar “Dan and Phil”. A gaming channel? Are these people streamers? Oh god (i did not know you were one of us 🏳️‍🌈….or british…..). I watched one video. Now, ACCORDING TO YOUTUBE HISTORY, i somehow watched What Dan And Phil Text Each Other 4 as my first video. Not even the gaming channel, i don’t know how this happened maybe YouTube is lying to me. Whatever. Ok so which ones Dan and which ones Phil? Why do they look SO different? They’re British? I started watching Dan and Phil edits on TikTok. Ok, i know who you are, i get the vibes. Oh, coming out timeline? Gaming channel timeline and hiatus? Reacting to PINOF? On March 13, i watched Basically I’m Gay and Coming Out To You. It took me an entire month from then to watch Why I Quit YouTube. By late April, i was in it. I was watching Dan or Phil every day. Before, during, and/or after school. Since then, I’ve purchased YWGTTN (limited edition signed updated paperback). It was 38 fucking dollars in USD but it was worth it. I also now own TATINOF and DAPGO, one of which is signed by Phil, i bought second hand. So yes, now this is my new thing. But you know what else? I was getting happier. I was going to more concerts. I was doing my schoolwork, or at least trying to. I was reading!!!! I’ve since finished The Secret History. I made a friend; reconnected with an old childhood friend and started eating lunch together and hanging out and having shared trauma dump sessions, and we are so so close now. My two friends broke up, but it’s ok. I’m best friends with one of them and he’s so much better off, and the other and i are still casual friends!! I value them both for the multiple years I’ve known them. I’ve taken family vacations and done religious holidays with genuine care while getting to reconnect with my family. I’ve very passionately finished acting in a musical that I’ve put so much care into for about 5 months. I’m graduating tomorrow!!! And me and my close friend will be going to a concert tomorrow night afterwards, and I’m going to have a great summer where i see my close friend who i haven’t seen IRL since March of 2023. I’m getting closer with my dad and seeing a new therapist. I am having medical problems as of right now, but i would 100% be lying in bed crying and skipping graduation had i not found a reason to enjoy my days.
Did i just take one sentence referencing Dan to write a whole autobiography on tumblr? Yes, but also no. Dan and Phil are real people. They really do rescue pigeons named Steve and getting 10 sauces for their pizza and say hi across the city with binoculars. But they also genuinely have an impact on people, and they see that, and they LIKE to see that. I don’t think Dan will see this post. But I’m making it anyway. For me.
I love Dan so much. I cried twice while watching We’re All Doomed in my kitchen. I have actively watched Dan and Phil videos while crying at school. Once, in my bedroom, i was having a panic attack. I had an overwhelming rush of thoughts around 10 or 11 at night about how worthless i am and how terrible everything was going. I opened my tiktok, and there was THE edit that saved me. It was a video of fetus Dan on YouNow talking about his dream home. And then it was cutting back and forth to the Phouse. Then, Dans hopeful monologue in Basically I’m Gay. Finally, Dans hopeful monologue in We’re All Doomed. All of this in a softly shaky screen with sad music behind it. I cried a lot. This aspect of my life means so much to me. I think about the Halloween 2023 baking video at least 5 times a day (and sister Daniel’s….uhm….legs…). I am still so mad i did not buy the satanic Craft shirts. I just rewatched Dans interview last year with Anthony Padilla just because of how goddamn much I’m obsessed with that angle of Dan with his cute chin and cheeks and fucking dimple. I think about Dans bluntness in his defined-self and truly feel inspired to be like him. I look at his change over the years, his comfortability in his body, seeing that his face and neck are shaped like my face and neck, and he’s fucking beautiful. I don’t think I’d feel comfortable in my weight if not for Dan Howell, and i mean that so insanely sincerely. I read Dans book whenever I’m feeling hopeless and need a soft sexy British man to tell me the scientific reasoning behind why i feel this way and to assure me he’s felt worse. I’m so serious when i say i cannot imagine a day of my life without Dan and Phil. I truly don’t understand how i lived before or how I’d expect to live without it. “Live”, in the sense of find a way of life, not as in “stay alive.” I can’t imagine a day without those big brown boba eyes and that cute dimple and mainly that calming voice that reminds me someone else has felt this way. That reminds me love is possible. That reminds me i have so much ahead of me, so much life and love and joy.
Phil’s birthday stream may be my favorite piece of Dan and Phil media, or at least one of them. I find it so comforting and wholesome and beautiful and hilarious. I have such high hopes for Dans birthday stream. Until then, I’ll be working on my long-awaited (still very very unfinished) 2009!Dan and Phil art piece within my art initiative (pinned on my profile) (just for funsies, no money or anything involved). I’m going to sit there at 3pm (my time) and watch with a huge smile on my face to see my amazing dads spend the time of their lives being sexy and old and happy and disgustingly homosexual while i just embrace all you’ve done for me.
Happy birthday Dan
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
Rebirth AU question: does Jaune still have his white streaks in the new life? I think it be pretty cool if he did and since there is a real life condition called Poliosis it wouldn't be considered that wierd.
Family Bonding
Jeanne: Uhh, Jaune, is your hair turning white?
Jaune: Seems so…
Jeanne: Doesn’t that only happen when you’re old?
Jaune: Well, it was a side effect after I returned from the, Ever After. Maybe I just picked it up?
Jeanne: Well, while it’s a bit weird that, that’s happening to you, since everything that has happened to you. But, you looked absolutely great with those white streaks in your hair in our past life.
Jaune: I know, Rin absolutely loved it.
Jeanne: Rin absolutely loved you. Hell she had a daughter with you. Even if she knew you couldn’t be there for you, she loved you enough to conceive a child with you, and what a wonderful child she was.
Jaune: …
Jeanne: Jaune?
Jaune: …
Jeanne: Jaune, are you okay?
Jaune: This world is our second chance at life… my second chance of living a happier life. A life without the pain, and all the rage I endured in that life. And, if there’s anything, anything in this life I want more than anything else… I want the life I could have had with, Rin. I want to live my life with the daughter I never had… I want that happy life…
Jeanne: …
Jeanne: I thought you were fine with not being there for them?
Jaune: Not really… I was okay that I couldn’t be there to help her, but… I wish I was… I just wish I could have been there for the both of them. See her grow up, and become the fine woman, and huntress you said she became. I can’t help but feel like the deadbeat dad who abandoned his pregnant wife, and child. We were okay with what we did, but…
Jeanne: Don’t worry, Jaune, you’ll find her, and get to live that life you never had.
Jaune: I hope so… I know I plan to do that with, Pyrrha, and May if she’s here to. I want to live those lives I could only dream of.
Jeanne: Tell me… Is there… Anyone else you want to live those lives with…?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Maybe, Nora?
Jeanne: Jaune! You know I was talking about me!
Jaune: Hehehe! I know, Jeanne. It’s just…?!
: Ohhhh~!
JJ: …
: Mmmm-AH~!
Jaune: …
Jeanne: That’s not mom, is it?
Jaune: No… I think it’s…
: AHHHH~! That’s it darling, right there~!
JJ: Willow Schnee.
Jeanne: Well, that didn’t take as long as I hoped.
Jaune: Couldn’t wait until we were…
: Ohhh~! Right there baby~! Right there~!
Jeanne: Oh there’s, Mom!
Jaune: They’re having a threesome, good for them. We’re leaving now!
Jeanne: I’ve already sent a message to the others, they’re already heading to the storage house, and grabbing their gear.
Jaune: Okay, lets grab our usual stuff, and get the hell out of here!
Jeanne: We should also grab an extra sleeping bag, and at least a four person tent.
Jaune: What, why?
Jeanne: For, Winter. We aren’t leaving her here with that are we?
Jaune: No, that’s a good point, I didn’t even think about her. Lets go do that, but uhh… where is she?
Jeanne: I don’t know, do you have her number?
Jaune: Nope. You?
Jeanne: Me neither. Shit. We need to find, and quick. Before…
Winter: Before what?
Jaune: Ah! Winter! What fortuitous timing! We need to go, now!
Winter: Why?
Jeanne: The less said the better. Come on we have to go!
Winter: Not until I talk with my mother, then I’ll go on whatever it is you want me to go with you for.
Jeanne: That’s not a good idea.
Winter: Why not?
Jeanne: Well…!!
JJW: …
Winter: W-What… Was that…?
Jaune: By the gods! Were on the pouch, and we can still hear them!
Winter: Wait! Are you parents having sex; Was that your mother?!
JJ: That wasn’t our mother.
Winter: W-W-What…?!
: That’s it dear! OOOHHH YEAH~! Just like that~!
JJ: That’s our mom.
Winter: What?! What’s going on?!!
Winter: …
Winter: So… Considering how you had all this camping equipment just sitting there, you’ve had to do this before haven’t you?
Jaune: I think we were six the first time we did this.
Jeanne: Four; it was after Angela was born.
Jaune: Really? I don’t remember that.
Winter: Wait, this has been happening since you were four years old?!
Jeanne: Yeah pretty much.
Jaune: Yeah, if, Saphire’s pregnancy didn’t end up with, Mom being infertile, we would have at least six more siblings.
Jeanne: Luna’s probably already started a betting pool that we’ll have another one.
Winter: But, if your mother is infertile, that means what was that betting pool, Luna mentioned was all about?
Jeanne: That the betting pool, Luna made is on when it is born, if it’s a boy, or a girl, and if it’s twins.
Jaune: Good gods… please tell me she didn’t do that. Luna seriously didn’t make a betting pool on that!
Winter: WHAT?!! You degenerates are betting on whether, or not my mom gets pregnant?!
Jaune: Not me! I never take part in these bets. But, the rest of them are. And, if you think that’s bad, then I would love to hear your opinion on the betting pool involving me.
Winter: Do I want to…?
Jaune: Actually, I don’t want to hear your opinion on that..
Winter: Okaybthen.
Jeanne: The pool is on which sibling sleeps, and/or takes, Jaune’s virginity~!
Winter: What?!
Jaune: Jeanne?!
Jeanne: I’m currently holding the lead~! While you coming into the top ten, Winter.
Winter: I’m in the top ten…? No wait! I’m on the list?!
Jaune: And, you wondered why I wanted to shank one of my sisters with a rusty spoon.
Winter: Oh good gods… I thought dealing with, Weiss, and Whitely’s antics was a nightmare. But, the rest of my siblings are worse… So, so much worse.
Jaune: Siblings…? You referred to us as, ‘siblings.’
Jeanne: Do you see us as your siblings, Winter?
Winter: …
Winter: I’ve only been around you guys for a week… I’ll acknowledge that we are siblings by blood, but by bond… I… I need more time…
Jeanne: Take your time, we’ll be here when you need us, Oneesan.
Winter: Grk! Good gods why does that hit so hard?!
Jaune: You’re not used to genuine love, and affection.
Winter: You heard me?!
JJ: Yep!
Winter: You two are unnerving in how surprising you can be… You two are exceptionally skilled students, too skilled in fact. You have incredibly strong, and versatile semblances that you know the ins, and outs of by heart. You seem to have extreme knowledge about me, and my family. Even about things I never told you about… None of this makes sense. What are you…?
Jaune: We get that a lot… Were just a pair of hunters-in-training, nothing more.
Winter: Nonetheless, you two know quite a lot about me, especially you, Jeanne. Why is that??
Jeanne: Even if we told you, you wouldn’t believe us. I wouldn’t believe it, and I was a part of it.
Winter: Try me.
Jaune: Should we…? She is family after all.
Jeanne: By blood, but not by bond.
Jaune: She must earn the rights to our secrets then?
Jeanne: Yep, and I have the perfect way she can earn it!
Winter: How?
Jeanne: Specialist have a special program that allows you to take on a protégé, correct?
Winter: It does, why do you…?! Wait, you want me to be your mentor?!
Jeanne: Yep, I shall become your beautiful little protégé~! What do you say?
Winter: You can’t be serious.
Jeanne: Why not? You’ve seen how good I am, I wouldn’t be a burden to you.
Winter: …
Jeanne: Come on, it would be a great learning experience for me! Imagine all the things you could teach me!
Winter: I don’t know…
Jeanne: I’ll give you a hug if you say yes~?
Winter: You seriously think that would work, on me no less?
Jeanne: Yes.
Winter: …
Winter: Haaa… It will take some explaining to my superiors. But, fine… I will take you on as my protégé.
Jeanne: Whoo! Thanks, Winter!
Winter: Yes, yes, you’re very welcome… Please let go of me…
Jeanne: No~!
Winter: Grrrrr…!
Jaune: When did you decide on doing this, Jeanne.
Jeanne: A while after our first duel. Since you’re leaving to, Vale to do some training with our uncle. I thought, why can’t I do the same with my, Oneesan?
Jaune: Fair, but are you really okay with this, Winter. Jeanne can be a bit of a handful, especially when using her semblance.
Winter: Jeanne will be an exceptionally skilled, Huntress. The skill she has shown me will prove that to be true. While she does seem a bit unruly, I think she will go far. And… Why not spend more time with my little sister?
Jeanne: (Gasp!) Oneesan~!
Winter: Grk?! Jeanne?! Let go! You’re chocking me!
Jaune: Well, everything seems fine then. Now come on, we got a fire going, lets have ourselves some smores!
Jeanne: Yes! Smores!
Winter: Uhhh… what’s a smore?
JJ: …
Jeanne: What blasphemy is this…?!
Winter: W-What?
Jaune: No wonder she’s so uptight; she doesn’t even know what a smore is!
Winter: Excuse me?!
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Porco Galliard Fluff alphabet ・゚・(。>ω<。)・゚・
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This is my first official headcanon so I take recommendations/feedback by ask or dms if you’re nice lol. Keep in mind these are canon!verse headcanons. I feel like we don’t have enough of those. We love Porco over here so this was fun to make.
No warnings very sfw
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
So i def see Porco as a super romantic guy when he’s head over heals for his s/o. Not that he’s doesn’t put efforts on dates otherwise but if he IS he’ll organize walks around his city, picnics, restaurant dates, he’ll buy them flowers pretty much every time they hangout as if he’s on a first date trying to impress them
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He thinks that the way his s/o looks at him longingly is the most beautiful sight ever.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Realistically, during a panic attack, he wouldn’t know what to do or say in the beginning of the relationship. He would be so awkward and just hold them the entire time but as he gets to know them better and their relationship gets stronger, he starts to help them slow their breathing, help them focus on the present moment and give them reassuring words like : “There you go, baby.” “I’m so proud of you. You’re doing great.”
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Ok so obviously canon!verse Porco sadly only sees the relationship as short term since he knows he won’t live for long. Part of him wishes there could be a cure or something just so he could live a long life with them but, hey…
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
I picture Porco as rather passive because despite his tough/cocky exterior, when it comes to his lover he very much turns into a puddle. You’ll hear “yes ma’am 🙄” a lot if they’re a girl lol.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Yes!! Because of what I said above. They would have to say something very insulting for him to have difficulty forgiving them. A scenario I imagine would tip him over is if his lover is not Eldian and shares how they are tired that the people of Paradis get treated as a punching bag and abruptly cuts him off when he tries to retort by asking him how he can speak about his own people that way. They call him a “self-hating Eldian” and he very much takes it the wrong way. It would take him a couple days before he forgives them but at least it would make him think. (Should I turn this into a fic?????)
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He is very grateful but honestly just for their existence??? For being his partner?? Having someone love him in that way and getting to have a passionate romantic relationship even tough he’s a warrior makes him feel really privileged. He legit worships his beloved because of that.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Not necessarily secrets but he has a hard time expressing/sharing his emotions and fears.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
They made him better </3 He is clearly happier, let’s people into his life more, they’ve made him think about how he was groomed from a young age to pay for the sins of his ancestors and how messed up that is. But mostly, they made him feel like a human being.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
YEEEESS is that not obvious I mean look at him
It’s def so much fun to watch him try to hide it tho
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Yes, he’s a great kisser. The first kiss was very tender and sweet. He really couldn’t believe his life at that moment (lol) and wanted to savour every moment.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
“It’s hard for me to describe how I feel and I have no real future ahead of me, but you’re everything to me”.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Yes!!!!!! He dreams of it. The wedding would be small with just his warrior friends and his closest family members but all he wants to do is to stare at the ring on his partner’s fingers at the end of the ceremony.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
“Babe”, “Baby”, “Beautiful” in the morning AaahHhGhh
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He tries to keep the relationship lowkey because… he is who he is BUT it’s actually hilarious how obvious it is to his friends and comrades that he’s head over heels in love.
He expresses his love physically the best because he lowkey hates how red and hot he gets when he has to tell his lover how much he adores them.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Like I said earlier he is trying to keep things under the radar BUT he always compliments them whether they’re in the room or not to a point where Zeke rolls his eyes at the millionth mention of how “smart” and “brave” they are. So no PDA.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship
His commitment
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
VERY, VERY cliché romantic guy think roses, cute nicknames, cooking, drawing a bath for you, foot massages😮‍💨❤️‍🔥
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He doesn’t really have the time to help them but is always supporting them and reminds them that they can achieve anything they put their heart into.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Unfortunately, because of his lifestyle he cannot afford to “switch it up” here and there but he would definitely prefer to.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He knows them better than anyone else whether they’re an open book or more reserved. He doesn’t even have to spend a lot of time with them, he just does.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Warriors don’t have a lot going for them aside from shallow admiration from fellow Eldians, and the love from their family and friends (if they have any). That is the reason why after his relationship with his mother, his genuine, heart felt romantic relationship is the most important.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
So one time after a warrior mission, he came home very wounded to the point where he was healing very slowly and his titan scars were still on his face. Fortunately, his s/o was there and took care of him also drowning him in kisses. He was taken aback by the fact that despite his very hollow cheeks and overall scary titan-esque look, they still wanted to show him affection that way.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Yes it’s his favorite thing to do he’s legit a teddy bear
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He will read the romantic letters they send him. He’s not really one to write letters but he will enjoy reading them before going to bed.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Yes he will make sure by any means necessary that you work out what’s wrong in your relationship. Like that man would stop at nothing it’s kinda scary.
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Thank you for reading!! Prompts by @/snk-warriors
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
Meet The Parents II. 🎀
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Giorno x F Reader / Narancia x F Reader. Commissioned piece.
Word count: 3.3k. Note: Dialogue in italics is meant to represent words spoken in English !! [Scarlet Ribbons Index]
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It’s the type of day a tourist couldn’t be happier with. Cloudless baby blue skies, nonexistent humidity, and a light northern breeze to cool the skin.
Giorno Giovanna thinks that the timing for such weather couldn’t have been better. Given your current frazzled condition, entertaining your two special guests from overseas is made easier by the outdoors' availability. The young Don fears you’d stress yourself into an early grave otherwise. You said you’re going to dazzle and distract your parents with Napoli’s beauty, so as not to allow any downtime.
Downtime means more intimate conversations. Apparently, this is a risk you don’t want to take, hence your current tour guide persona.
“Is she still looking out the window?” Giorno queries your Stand, who has taken to floating around dejectedly. In an attempt to soothe your nerves, Scarlet Ribbons tried braiding your hair, an effort met with reproach. While you normally let your Stand amuse itself by fashioning your hair into innumerable styles, you claimed ‘you have a strict image to maintain and can’t go around looking like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz.’
Your Stand nods in affirmation at Giorno’s question.
“Did she at least put the binoculars down?”
This time, a shake of the head.
Hurried footsteps echo against the tile of Giorno’s villa, footsteps that can only belong to you, as he’s dismissed the few employees trusted with the home’s upkeep for the day. Your Stand fades away, apparently still in low spirits from your earlier altercation. You round the corner and sigh in relief upon spotting Giorno.
“They’re returning from their walk,” you have a distinct pleasure in confirming. “We’ve almost made it through this harrowing trial.”
Giorno disguises a chuckle by clearing his throat. “Has it been that cumbersome? You look like you’re in your element to me.”
“Yeah, if my element is ‘ungodly distress’. I think I’ll need a therapist when this is all said and done.”
“I’ll see that it’s arranged.”
Giorno’s attempts at soothing your nerves are fruitful. It’s strange, this switch in roles. You were usually the one who made a point of uplifting the spirits of others. While Giorno’s more reserved nature doesn’t lend well to making you burst into hysterics like Mista or Narancia can, he fills another role. One that is specially carved out in his shape, unable to be occupied by another.
He is the best at getting a read on you. Though he’d never admit it aloud, he takes pride in the fact. The others may have known you longer, but he catches the nuances they’re blind to.
For instance, he sees the genuine sprouts of concern hiding beneath your typical display of theatrics. You’ve gone to great lengths to hide your involvement with Italy’s underbelly. This false impression, meticulously crafted, could shatter like glass at the slightest pressure. Doing so would undoubtedly break something inside you too.
Giorno refuses to let that happen. Not when you’ve become so integral in his life, that he can scarcely remember a time when you weren’t around.
He trails not far behind as you run to greet your parents. Their faces light up the second they spot you — he can’t blame them. Before he enters the conversation, he recalls the words spoken by Bucciarati many years ago on his first trip to Libeccio.
“The others might give you a hard time at first, but try not to hold it against them. That’s just their way of getting to know you,” Bruno trailed off. Then his lips quirked into a fond smile. “However, you don’t need to worry about that with [First]. She’ll make you feel like you’ve known one another your entire lives within minutes.”
It was exactly as Bruno foretold.
“GioGio, my mom and dad want to thank you for your ‘cousin’s’ hospitality,” you call over to him.
Giorno wasn’t sure if he should be concerned or impressed by how quickly you crafted a lie to explain away his opulent residence. For safety’s sake, Giorno thought it best if he met your parents privately, away from the prying eyes that came as a consequence of being Passione’s boss. Thus came the tale that his Posillipo estate actually belonged to some rich cousin who felt gracious enough to lend it to him for a few hours.
Your worldbuilding went beyond that, but that captures the essence of things. He admires your tenacity.
His appearance in the backyard where your family unit has huddled together is met with a chorus of accented ‘grazies’.
“Woah, that was pretty solid,” you give an approving look. “Have you been practicing that?”
“I read on a pamphlet that we should know how to at least say hi, yes, no, and thank you,” your mom confirms.
“Still can’t roll my r’s if my life counted on it, though,” is your dad’s contribution.
“Well, one year of high school Spanish can only do so much,” you give your dad a conciliatory pat on the shoulder for good measure.
He shakes his head. “I took French.”
You make a face of faux sympathy. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.”
Giorno feels a stirring within the recesses of his soul. This close-knit bond is unfamiliar to him, a long-forgotten desire he chased after futility as a child. He knows of the hardships you endured, and how you were brought into Passione’s fold for the lack of a better alternative. This is what you fought to preserve. What you shed blood, sweat, and tears for, hiding the damning trifecta behind a seemingly carefree smile.
He resolves himself to fight for it too.
“It’s been my pleasure,” Giorno responds in kind. He might not be as English savvy as Fugo, but he can roughly follow a conversation and chime in on the occasion.
The young Don then turns his attention to you. “I’ve prepared a small gift for them, if that’s alright.”
You gnaw on your bottom lip, contemplative. “Is it… proletariat friendly? No Giorgio Armani or Gucci, right?”
“Don’t worry, it’s nothing like that. You can look it over first if you’d prefer.”
“Nah, I trust you. I’m just on high alert. Mista wanted to give them a vintage bottle of Chateau Cheval Blanc and I almost died. I can’t keep giving everyone rich cousins…”
Giorno can’t say he didn’t expect such shenanigans. Everyone is doing what they can to land themselves in your parent’s good graces, for if you hold their opinion in such high regard, it might be the key to claiming your hand one day. This appears to be an unspoken yet universally understood truth. While Giorno would find it unbecoming to consider your parents a means to an end, he isn’t going to pass on this rare opportunity.
It isn’t just about winning them over either. Your approval factors into the equation as well.
After a brief departure, Giorno returns with two wrapped boxes in tow. He hands them to your mother and father respectively. You look as curious as they do, inspecting the present’s outward appearance for any hints. He takes a deep breath. It isn’t often he’s nervous, since his position doesn’t permit such weakness, yet he can’t deny the fluttering in his stomach. He moves on to the next stage of his plan.
“Please tell them I wanted to show a small token of my appreciation, for having raised such a kind and thoughtful daughter,” Giorno isn’t surprised to see your face morph into embarrassment. Still, he continues, a touch of mischief underlying his tone, “I’ll know if you mistranslate, [First]. English was my foreign language class.”
You give an exaggerated sigh and resign yourself to your fate. You repeat what Giorno said to them, uncharacteristically sheepish as you do so. His heart soars at how endearing the sight is. A devious side of himself tempts him to tease you more, but his polite tendencies win out, advising that now isn’t the time.
True to his word, the gifts are nothing that showcase his exuberant bank account. It’s a simple tie for your father and a brooch shaped like a ribbon for your mother — both a recognizable shade of scarlet. You look at the gift, then him, your mouth agape and your eyes glossy. He can decipher the depths of your gratitude without you needing to utter a word.
“Well, look at that,” your father holds the tie up for closer inspection. “You’re always wearing this color anymore, [First]. I guess it’ll be a family thing now.”
Your mother expresses her appreciation next. “What a thoughtful gift. I have an outfit that’ll match this perfectly! Tell your friend he has such good taste…”
Giorno decides the evening couldn’t have ended on a more positive note.
Your parents don’t depart long after that, jet lag still weighing them down. You offer to accompany them in the taxi back to their hotel, but they say they don’t want to take up any more of your time than they already have. So you settle for staring out the window until the cab leaves your line of sight. This time, you’re noticeably missing your binoculars, which Giorno believes your Stand hid in a vengeful act.
Once you’re certain they’re long gone, you run at Giorno with open arms.
He lets out an ‘oof’ at the unexpected impact, his cheeks flushing and hands uncertain where to settle themselves. Eventually, he reciprocates your embrace, ignoring the knowing thumbs up Scarlet Ribbons gives from behind your shoulder.
“I can’t thank you enough, GioGio,” you pull back, much to his disappointment. The bright smile lighting up your face instantly makes up for it. “I really… wow. This might sound kinda silly, but whenever I get homesick, I think I’ll feel better knowing they have a reminder of me like that near them.”
A wistful yearning fills him then. This wish to pull you back to his chest, reassure you that he’d do anything to appease whatever negative emotions you may harbor — homesickness or otherwise — but he keeps himself in check.
It wouldn’t be appropriate for him to do that yet.
Still, he’ll see to it that a day will come when he can.
“It’s the least I could do. I consider your family to be my family.”
And so they will be, if his next dream is to be fulfilled.
It doesn’t take much to excite Narancia.
He’s always brimming with energy — too much energy, according to Fugo, but who cares what that guy thinks — ready for anything and everything. His infinite enthusiasm somehow doubles whenever you’re involved. Anyone with a set of functioning eyes could see how utterly lovesick he is for you. Well, except for you, apparently, who finds it presumptuous to assume others’ feelings.
When you still came back to visit him at the hospital, despite the way he snapped at you for what he considered ‘pity’, he swore an oath to himself. No matter the cost, he would see to it that you’re happy and never cause you distress again. If presented with the choice between having you or the world, he’d pick you every time, without hesitation.
You’re precious to him, living proof that not everyone will cast him aside at the first opportunity.
Convincing himself of this has been an uphill battle. He’s been left behind too many times to count, made into nothing but a stepping stone for others to advance forward. Distrust cultivated throughout an entire lifetime is not so easily dissipated. They linger, like sediment that’s fallen to the bottom of a pond, waiting to rise at the slightest stir.
Narancia rattles off the gelato order you gave him, barely comprehending the fact he needs to pay once the employee confirms it. His head is elsewhere. He hands over more cash than necessary, grumbles something about keeping the change, then scurries to the side. In the background, he catches the melodic sound of your laughter. He sees you clutching your stomach, your eyes crinkling with mirth, and both your parents smiling as well.
Narancia has always wanted to secure your happiness… so why is it this sight unsettles him so?
Feeling the way he does now is nothing short of aggravating. He doesn’t understand it or know how to make it go away.
Regardless, he knows he needs to try. It would put a damper on the mood if he comes back over and sulks. He likes your parents and wants them to like him too. He might not be super smart the way Fugo is, or as charismatic as Giorno, but he still wants to showcase his strong points. That’s why he’s been mentally preparing for this day. Practicing English (by listening to rap music, but he still counts it), fixing his posture, and even acting all gentlemanly. He can’t recall a time he’s held open so many doors and pulled out so many chairs.
“Nara, need some help carrying all that?”
Your abrupt appearance nearly has him yelping in shock. Narancia steadies himself, preparing to ask what you mean when he recalls the tray in his hands. He can’t recall a time when he crawled so deep into his head.
His skin flushes when you poke his cheek. “Hello? Earth to Narancia? Did looking at the gelato give you some sort of existential crisis?”
“N-No! There’s, uh, no crisis here.”
You give him a quick glance over, as if not entirely convinced, yet ultimately relent. Narancia sighs in relief. Had you decided to keep pressing the subject, he isn’t sure if he would’ve been able to deflect your attempts. Lying hasn’t ever been his forte.
The gelato is dispersed among the four of you. You’ve settled at a quaint picnic table, rustling branches overhead granting refuge from the Mediterranean sun. Although Narancia can’t understand whatever conversation is taking place, he nods along, his eyes never leaving your animated form. He admires how your hair billows in the breeze, pulled up in a high ponytail and strung into place with a ribbon.
He’s always thought your hallmark color suits you. It’s warm, bold, and passionate. He couldn’t see a shade of scarlet without his thoughts instantly drifting to you.
“My parents were wondering if you’ve ever thought about visiting the States.”
Narancia does what he can to shake the shackles of uncertainty off of him so he can respond. “I kicked the idea around when I was younger, yeah. It might be kinda hard now. Lotta work to do.”
“I can’t blame you for developing an aversion to flying after Sardegna,” you nudge him with your elbow. “Maybe we can revisit the idea when things settle down. There’s so much I’d want to show you. I just know you’d love it! In Times Square, grown men walk around dressed as Elmo and harass people if they don’t give ‘em money after you take a picture together. It’s hilarious.”
Your dad throws something in, which you translate with unrivaled excitement. “I almost forgot! You’d get to try New York pizza… it apparently descends from a Napoli immigrant, what’re the chances of that. I know you fiercely defend your Neapolitan pizza’s honor, but I’m confident I can convert you.”
He scrunches up his nose. “No way. That shit sounds—”
Remembering his company, he slaps a hand over his mouth.
“Pff, Nara, it’s fine, they can’t understand you,” you wave off his concern. “They wanted to let you know you’re welcome anytime. There’s no need to rush an answer, though. I’ll just say that you’re thinking about it.”
Narancia pushes his melting gelato around with a spoon. “Hey, [First]?”
“Have you ever…” The words die on his tongue, for the mere possibility submerges him in grief, “Have you ever thought about moving back? To your home, I mean. Cause… Giorno would let you. Then you could pursue your dreams again and be happy.”
He can’t bring himself to face you. Guilt weighs down on him like an anchor — here you are, trying to enjoy an outing with your parents you haven’t seen face to face in years, and he’s bringing down the mood. The fear of this future manifesting into reality hurts. It isn’t a brief, weak pang, it’s a heavy ache that reverberates throughout his entire being.
You’re his best friend, his first love, his everything.
Would seeing your parents — a reminder that you have a home elsewhere — threaten to take that away from him? And could he ever be selfish enough to stop it?
You rattle off something, causing both your parents to stand. They send a friendly wave Narancia’s way, which he returns with as much enthusiasm as he can muster, given the tempest brewing in his heart. Then they’re off to overlook the Golfo di Napoli, fitting in perfectly with another cluster of tourists.
“Is this what’s been bothering you, Narancia?”
He can’t bring himself to speak, so he nods his head.
You rest your hand over his. Your skin is soft and warm, a combination that serves as a balm to his malaise. He recalls when he’d been forced to live in the streets, after serving time in a detention center for a crime he didn’t commit. He remembers how his former ‘friends’ abandoned him, spreading rumors that the eye disease he’d contracted was contagious, his isolation seemingly set in stone. No one looked at him, came near him, much less touched him.
When you visited him in the hospital for the first time, you practically tripped over yourself to hug him. His heart monitor had gone through the roof — he couldn’t believe a pretty girl like you would willingly come into contact with him.
You intrinsically knew how to comfort him then, and you know how to comfort him now.
“Well, I guess it’s natural to wonder that. I won’t lie and say I’ve never considered it. For the longest time, I tried to push it to the back of my mind, because there was a lot of work to do before my debt would be paid off. What you said about GioGio is right. It’s one of the first things he asked me after overtaking Passione.”
Narancia swallows thickly, the silence following your last statement deafeningly loud.
“That being said,” you squeeze his hand then, “I made up my mind. Dreams are fluid, Nara. At least to me. They change shape over time as we grow, experience new things, and meet new people. I don’t want anyone else to experience what I did. By doing some wrong, we can bring about good. I want to keep Passione strong so a worse entity doesn’t take its place.”
You give him a wink. “That means you’re stuck with me.”
To further emphasize the point, you use your Stand’s ability to manifest a ribbon, tying your wrist to his.
“Will that make you happy?” Narancia asks.
“Not always, but life’s about more than being happy,” you reply without hesitation. He can tell you’ve given this some thought, far before he broached the subject. “That’s why we need each other. Gotta keep things bearable, y’know.”
A beat passes. Then he grins, wide enough that it almost hurts, but he pays it no mind. He squeezes your hand back. Sensing his lifted spirits, you mimic his smile, allowing the ribbon to fade away for it served its purpose. You never fail to amaze Narancia with how utterly lovable you are, he swears it’s almost supernatural.
“You’re right. You’re always right, [First].”
At this, you put your hands up, a laugh leaving your lips. “Oh, far from it. Now let’s go get my parents back before the crowd gets any worse.”
Narancia springs into action, the usual pep in his step making a triumphant return.
“If we’re making plans to head to the States, there is one place I really wanna visit.”
You raise an eyebrow as he helps you up. “Oh? And where might that be?”
“The mouse’s home turf. Disneyworld.”
“You know that means we’d have to go to Florida, right?”
“What’s wrong with this ‘Florida’ place?”
You place your hand on his shoulder. “That, my dear Narancia, is a long tale, full of mystery, intrigue, and alligators…”
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raainberry · 9 months
Nayeon(TWICE) and "my favorite Person" by peach prc
« A strong feeling of dislike or hatred : ill will or resentment tending toward active hostility. »
Nayeon x gn!reader
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synopsis - adult breakups are just messy sometimes, and that’s okay.
wordcount - 1.4K
A/N - Was losing two hours of sleep worth it? only time will tell, and quite frankly I don’t care. I don’t know how to feel about this one, but that also may just be sleep deprivation so who cares. N e ways, thank you for trusting me with your imagination (?) and I just hope you like it!
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“Oh my gosh… Look!” You slurred, pointing to the number plate of the parked car a few feet away from you.
Your friend stopped in their tracks, allowing themselves a break from the effort that was dragging you to the Uber.
“What?” They sighed, wondering what kind of antic you were about to pull again.
“The number plate! She’s everywhere!” You yelled, your voice echoing in the night.
It caught the attention of several people around you, all as nosy as they were drunk.
The scene amused them, or so it seemed through the blur of your own drunken eye sight. You could make out a few smiles on their faces as your friend manhandled you into the car, where another one of your friends waited.
“Shut up, Y/N. Just get in the car.”
You didn’t see, but you were sure they’d rolled their eyes saying that. They always did whenever you mentioned Nayeon. You could understand, but it didn’t mean you cared.
Especially when drunk.
You tripped into the backseat of the car, hearing the door close behind you along with the dumb laugh of your friend next to you.
You didn’t pay attention to them, deciding you’d better focus on whatever was out the window before throwing up everything you’d swallowed in the last few hours.
As far as you could recall, it was a fun night. A birthday party you’d certainly remember, just not who’s. You giggled to yourself as you remembered how you snuck into a stranger’s celebration and managed to become the life of the party.
Another night for the books. Another night filled with questionable decisions you could care less for in the moment. Another night spent drinking yourself senseless, until all you could feel and remember was joy. Happiness.
Otherwise you would forget what it even is.
A heavy sigh escaped your lips at the thought. It was great while it lasted, but the night was over. Soon you’d have to come back to reality, which was a much less fun realm at the moment.
You closed your eyes in an attempt to rest your mind, and get rid of these party-pooper thoughts. That only pissed you off though, as memories of happier times flashed light in the darkness you’d plunged yourself in.
You opened them again, your gaze landing on a few passing street lamps. In hindsight maybe those were the flashes you saw.
The memories were real, though, no street lamp could prove otherwise.
“Dang it…” You mumbled under your breath, feeling your blood warm up enough to feel the anger in your chest.
It was crazy to think about, how that burning sensation used to be all butterflies and rainbows whenever you so much as thought of her.
Your eyebrows furrowed together. It was upsetting. Everything was so complicated now, why did it have to end this way.
Stupid number plate.
You failed to get over her tonight too. No matter how hard you tried, how many parties you attended, how many people you tried with… She wasn’t there. They weren’t her.
She was always the problem.
Maybe that’s why you thought about her so much. More than you’d admit.
How was she dealing with all of it? Was she doing better than you? A part of you hoped so. The other hoped she was dealt with cards a hundred times worse than yours when it came to getting over your relationship.
She was somewhere in between.
She wondered about you too that night. About how you were doing. She would love to say the same as those mature people after a breakup. Something along the lines of “I wish them the best.”, or “I hope they’re happy.”.
Truth be told, she didn’t wish for that. Nor did she hope for it either. She couldn’t say it, or else she’d be lying.
She had done enough of that. That’s what caused it all in the first place. What caused her to lose you completely.
Or almost.
Because why were you at her doorstep that very same night? Leaning against the frame like it would fall the same way you would if you dared to step away.
One glance at you and she knew what was happening. Yet she couldn’t help but ask. What else would you say in that situation?
“What are you doing here?”
You stayed silent, looking into her eyes. Nothing behind yours, she could tell you didn’t have any more idea than she did. Maybe even less.
Whether you had given her address to another Uber or walked here on your own from your own apartment… That was only details she did not care about at the moment.
Sure, she was surprised and got startled by the mere sight of you standing so close after so long, but she was only human. As much as she denied it in front of others, as convincing as she was… She still cared about you deeply.
She couldn’t just throw away what you had. Everyone is a bit of a sentimental hoarder, especially when it comes to love.
So yes, it didn’t take much for her to give in to old habits. Her mind switched off, or on, all she knew was that she had to take care of you. She had to. Because at the moment it looked like you didn’t hate her as much as you told her you did just weeks ago.
Your breakup was messy as they come. Venom spat from both sides, bad mouthing the other like it was some petty high school star couple break up. At this point in time, no one even cared who started what. All you cared about was yourselves, shielding your hearts from the gut wrenching reality of the situation.
It was hard to accept. That someone you once called your everything now hated you with every fiber of their being.
All except one. One in the heart. The one thing they tried so hard to protect in the middle of this mess, only to keep what once meant so much to them. If they lost that too, it would all be pointless. Meaningless.
All those years.
Everything you did together. Everything you said to each other. Everything you loved about the other.
It would have all been for nothing.
“Wait are you real?” You said, the words leaving your mouth all meshed together.
Nayeon didn’t say anything. Not even when you grabbed her face, cupping the rosy cheeks you used to kiss so softly every day.
You studied her face for a few very long seconds, oblivious to the love and care she still held in her eyes for you. Just in case this would happen.
She couldn’t believe you actually were in the same room as her again. She would have preferred if you weren’t drunk out of your mind, but it was nice to see you nonetheless. It allowed her to hope, even for a moment.
However, you were quick to destroy any bit of it as you snickered at your own thoughts before voicing them.
“Of course you’re not real.” You smiled before whispering the next words as a secret between you and this person your brain tried so hard to see Nayeon in.
“She never helped me.”
Might as well have punched her, it would have hurt less than the drunken laugh that escaped your lips.
She stayed still, feeling your hands slip away from her cheeks, taking the warmth she’d been gotten used to away with them.
“Well whoever you are, you’re very nice.” You said, hoping that whoever this person was would feel appreciated. “Thank you for helping me, I sooo didn’t want to do skincare right now.”
Just months ago, she would laugh and drag you out of the bathroom in order to tuck you in. You’d thank her, assuring her you loved her to the moon and back, and back again to whatever you could think of that was far enough. And she’d giggle, leaving a kiss or two on your forehead before laying beside you to sleep with a protective arm draped over your chest.
That night you dragged yourself out of the bathroom, leaving her behind and by herself. You got into the familiar looking bed, tucking yourself in as she watched you from the doorway, wondering whether or not she should join you.
The internal debate was intense. She didn’t want to overstep boundaries, but you had also crossed a line by coming here in the first place. She had told you several times, some more creative than others, that she did not want to see you again.
As drunk as you were, you should have at least remembered that much.
You did.
Yet there you were. Making yourself comfortable in her bed while she let you do so with no bone in her body wanting to object.
Who was she kidding… That was her bed.
She sighed, letting her petty thoughts win once more before grabbing a couple of the throw pillows sprayed around on the mattress. She built a small, metaphorical barrier between you and the side she would be laying in, all while you were already passed out on yours.
She knew it was wrong, no matter how many pillows she put.
She knew you’d probably kill her as soon as you woke up.
So if this was her last night alive, might as well spend it next to her favorite person.
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Game Night
Summary: No One Knows AU Part 13, Jazz decides to make things better in the best way she can think of.
So Danny fought Vlad without her, and Jazz is a little annoyed by it.  Sure, things have been a little awkward between them lately, but she knows for a fact that she never gave the impression that she’s done helping her brother.  She’ll never be done helping her brother.  When did she have to start trying to prove that?
Well, whatever.  Either way, she’s not letting Danny do this alone.  And if he’s not letting her help with fights and he’s not letting her help with his friends who are being real jerks, that leaves one area left Jazz can reasonably put some effort into.
“Hey, Mom?  Dad?”
Mom turns from the invention she’s tinkering with and gives Jazz a smile.  “Hi, sweetie!  Did you just get home?  How was school?”
Jazz nods in response to her question, then says, “School was good.  I was wondering if I could talk to you and Dad about something?”
“Sure Princess, what’s going on?” Dad says, moving over to stand next to Mom.
Jazz takes a breath, readying herself for how little Danny’s probably going to like this.
“Do you think we could start having a family game night?” she asks.
Both of her parents look surprised and a little caught off guard, and Jazz can’t blame them.  Her request probably sounds like it comes out of nowhere.  If Danny were here, he’d probably be staring at her like she’s crazy too.
“A family game night?” Mom asks, sounding confused but not against the idea, which is a good start.
“I’ve just noticed we’re all super busy most of the time,” Jazz says, keeping her tone casual.  “You guys are ghost hunting or working here in the lab, Danny and I have school and homework, we just haven’t seen much of each other recently.  I thought it would be nice to have something consistent we can all look forward to doing together.”
Mom brightens, and Jazz knows she’s succeeded.
“Oh sweetie, that’s a wonderful idea,” she says.  “Did you have a night in mind?”
“I was thinking Fridays,” Jazz says.  “That way Danny and I won’t have to worry about any homework right away, and it’ll be right before the weekend for you guys too.”  And Danny can stay up as late as he needs to for ghost fighting and sleep in the next day, Jazz adds on in her head.
“That sounds like a great plan Jazzo,” Dad calls happily.
“Do you want to pick out some games tomorrow?” Mom asks.  “I don’t know if we have many in the house.”
“I’ll pick some up after school,” Jazz says.  “I have a few ideas.”
“Thanks sweetie, that would be lovely.  I’m looking forward to it,” Mom says with a bright smile, and Jazz gives one back before heading back out of the lab and letting them get back to worth.
She glances at the oven clock in the kitchen as she passes and notes that she still has a couple hours before Danny comes home.  He apparently missed Nasty Burger with his friends yesterday, so they’re making it up today.  Jazz hasn’t had a chance to ask him what happened yet, but he seemed happier when he got home from school, so she can’t really object.
For now, she heads up to her room to do her homework as she runs over the plan again in her mind.  It’s not a short one, and it’s probably not going to run totally smoothly.  Especially if she doesn’t get a chance to talk to Danny about it first.
But she can do that either while they’re out patrolling tonight or in the car ride tomorrow, depending on how busy it is.  Figuring out when to do it is the easy part.  The hard part’s going to be convincing him.
“What?  No way,” Danny says, predictably.  He turns to look at her from his seat.  “Are you crazy?”
“It can’t go that badly,” Jazz says, giving him a quick glance before refocusing her attention on the road.
“Jazz.  Seriously.  Did you decide to tempt the fates today?  ‘It can’t go that badly?’  What are you talking about?  Of course it can go badly!”
“That’s not what I meant,” Jazz says.  “I mean there’s a limit to how bad it can go when we’re doing all the talking to them without you going ghost.  Without bringing Phantom into it at all.”
“Oh, so instead of hearing them talk about how they want to dissect me specifically, I can hear them talk about how they want to dissect ghosts in general!  That’s so much better!”
Jazz doesn’t say anything for a second.  Danny seems to get that she’s not done, though, and after a second he turns to her.  “What?”
“It’s not… fair,” Jazz says slowly.  “But I think it’s pretty clear at this point that they’re not going to change their minds on their own.  We’ve got to bring it up first.  Even if it’s uncomfortable.”
“And we have to do this now, why?”
Jazz doesn’t say anything again.  She’s pretty sure he’s not going to take “I want at least one part of your life to be not terrible” as an answer.
“You should really try it,” she says instead.  “I’ll do most of the talking.  Just give it a shot.”
She can feel Danny glare at her, even if she doesn’t look away from the road.  “Well considering you pitched it as a family bonding activity, I doubt Mom’s going to let me get out of it on pain of death, so I’m going to have to, aren’t I?”
Jazz sighs.  “I really think it’s a good idea,” she says.
“Oh, well, as long as you think so,” Danny says, turning to glare out the window.  He goes on to not say anything to her for the rest of the drive, and gets out of the car and heads immediately for the school as soon as Jazz stops and pulls into a spot in the parking lot.
Jazz sighs and turns the car off, then climbs out to head into school.
Danny seems a little less irritated by the idea on the drive home that afternoon, but Jazz can’t tell if that’s because she hasn’t brought it up yet, and she’d rather not tempt fate.  So instead, she asks if he has plans for the weekend now that he’s not grounded anymore.  And this is when Danny throws her a curveball.
“Actually, yeah,” he says.  “I’m going to the park with Valerie Gray.”
Jazz gives him a quick surprised glance before turning back to the road.  “Valerie Gray?” she asks.  The park part of that plan is more than a little confusing too, but less confusing than who he’s doing it with.  She hadn’t thought the two of them were even the tiniest bit aware of each other, aside from that time Danny accidentally ruined Valerie’s life.  (Which he still hasn’t let go of, to Jazz’s annoyance.)
“Yeah,” Danny says.  “We ran into each other totally by accident yesterday after the fight with Vlad, and then we just kind of… hung out together, by accident mostly.  But it was fun, so we’re doing it again.”
Jazz smiles.  So that’s what he did instead of the park.
“That’s great,” she says, keeping her gaze on the road but making sure Danny can see her smile.  “I didn’t realize that’s what you did instead of Nasty Burger.”
But then Danny goes quiet again, and Jazz knows she’s said the wrong thing.
“That’s not what I meant,” she says.  “I just meant, I’m glad to see you’re having fun with someone.”
Danny sighs.  “I know what you meant,” he mutters, and at least he doesn’t sound angry.
Jazz sighs and doesn’t say anything else.
Being this direct with Danny would definitely be a bad idea, but Sam and Tucker are pissing her off.  They don’t have to like Phantom, that’s fine.  (Mostly.  Not at all.  It’s not fine, but that’s not the point.)  From what little Danny says about Sam and Tucker these days, it seems to be all they talk about now.  And Jazz can tell it’s getting to her little brother.
Because of course it is.  His closest friends spend all of their time together angrily ranting about how much Danny sucks, of course it’s getting to him.
If it wouldn’t just make things much worse, Jazz would give the two a giant sister-sized smack upside the head.
Danny doesn’t say anything else until they arrive at home, and Jazz doesn’t try and fill the silence.  But for as much she doesn’t want him to constantly be thinking about Game Night, she doesn’t want him to forget it either.  So as they both walk into the house and Danny starts for the stairs, Jazz weighs her options, then calls out, “Don’t forget we’re having our first game night after dinner!”
Danny shoots her a glare, but it’s a little less angry than the ones she got this morning, so Jazz counts it as a win and heads over to look through the board game selection she picked up yesterday.
She’ll save the chessboard for her and Mom, as she doesn’t imagine Danny or Dad would take to it as well as the two of them would.  Danny and Dad would definitely like Battleships more than them, but it’s a two person game anyway, so she sets that aside too.  The games she bought that would work for four people are Uno, Sorry, and Yahtzee, and out of the three, the last one sounds like the one it’ll be easiest to have a conversation over.  So she sets the other two aside as backups and sets up Yahtzee on the coffee table.
Then she heads upstairs to finish her homework, knowing she has an hour or so before Mom will call her and Danny down for dinner.
She doesn’t need much time to finish her homework, but she’s already settled on a game plan, leaving her with not much to do for several hours.  So, even though she definitely won’t need them tonight, she starts piling through the evidence she’s been collecting on the consciousness and psychology of ghosts.
It’s slow going, especially considering most ghosts aren’t exactly the type to stop and chat about how their brains work, but Jazz is getting somewhere.  She’s seen enough from Danny to thoroughly discard the “ghosts are malicious monsters who somehow also have no consciousness and can’t feel pain” theories that her parents have been working under.  But she doesn’t have much in regards to an alternative theory, especially in scientific ways.  She’ll get laughed out of the room by her parents if she shows them what she has to disprove their theory with no idea what’s actually happening.
But she doesn’t want to start asking invasive questions to Danny about how his brain works.  He has enough going on.
So, she’ll move slowly.  Let her parents discover the flaws in the theory themselves.
“Jazz, Danny, dinner’s ready!” Mom calls up the stairs, and Jazz drops her notebook, startled.
“Yep, be right there Mom!” she calls back.  She pulls open her desk drawer, jimmies up the fake bottom, and slips her notebook inside it, then heads out and towards the steps.
Danny’s leaving his room the same time she is, and he gives Jazz one last glare but follows her down the stairs.
Mom is setting stove-grilled burgers out on the table, and miracle of miracles, none of them are glowing green this time.  After that she goes back to get cups with ice water, and Dad is setting silverware by everyone’s place for the slightly burnt potatoes that were cooked with the burgers.  It looks like a surprisingly appetizing dinner, and Jazz can tell Danny thinks so too as he sits down next to her.
“I thought I should make something a little fancy for tonight to celebrate our first game night!” Mom says in explanation as she sits down at her place with the last cup.  “Thanks for the great idea, Jazz!”
Jazz gives a smile that hopefully doesn’t come off as nervous.  She told Danny she’ll do most of the talking, and she will, but that doesn’t mean she’s not nervous about it.
“Thanks Mom,” she says.  “It’ll be nice to have something to look forward to at the end of the week.”
“I think so too Jazzercise,” Dad says with a grin at her.  “Though I still think a family ghost hunt would have been more fun.”
“No,” Jazz and Danny both say at the same time.
“The kids are right dear,” Mom says, patting him on the shoulder.  “We shouldn’t bring work into fun times with them, even if work is fun.”
“Exactly, a good work life balance is very important,” Jazz says, gripping her hands together tightly under the table.  “But actually, on the subject of ghosts—”
She ignores Danny’s not-so-subtle glare at her as both of her parents turn to her.
“You guys were in that fight downtown last night, right?” Jazz asks.  “With that dog ghost?”
“That was us, sweetie, thanks for noticing!” Mom says.  “But luckily it didn’t hurt anyone.  Calmed right down once Phantom showed up.  But we’ll have to keep an eye out, who knows what he’s planning on making it do—”
“Yeah that’s great Mom,” Jazz cuts her off, before she can start going off on a tangent about Phantom’s evil plans.  “But why didn’t it hurt anyone, do you think?”
Jazz sees Danny roll his eyes in her peripheral, and ignores him again.
“Oh I haven’t the slightest idea sweetheart,” Mom says.  “But ghosts don’t think logically like you and me.  It could be anything really.”
“Yeah, as long as we manage to capture it, who cares what it’s thinking?” Dad says, taking off half of his burger with a bite.
Jazz sighs.  “But don’t you think—” she starts, and is interrupted by Danny pushing back from the table and muttering something about suddenly not feeling well.
“Are you okay, sweetie?” Mom calls after him.
“Fine!” Danny snaps, which is when Jazz knows she shouldn’t follow him just yet.
Instead, she turns back to Mom and Dad as soon as he’s vanished up the stairs.  “I think it wasn’t hurting people because it’s a dog,” she says plainly.  “A well trained one.  And it didn’t want to.”
“That’s a nice thought, Princess,” Dad says.  “But it’s still a ghost.  It’s dangerous.”
“So are normal dogs under the right circumstances,” Jazz says firmly.  “And didn’t you say it calmed down once Phantom showed up?  The same way a dog might if it saw its owner?”
“It’s still different from a human and a normal dog, sweetie,” Mom says.  “But I can see why you’d think that.”
“Can you think about it then?” Jazz asks.  “If you see where I’m coming from?  Can you consider it?”
Mom sighs, seeming a mix of amused and exasperated.  But then she says, “Alright sweetie, I’ll give it some thought.  But I still think you’re looking at this wrong.”
Jazz nods anyway.  Honestly, that’s probably about the best she could have expected.  “Thank you,” she says.
The rest of dinner is more lighthearted, and they talk about more basic stuff.  Jazz mentions the math test she aced last week, and Dad gives her a beaming smile and ruffles her hair just enough to be annoying.  Mom mentions the new invention she’s working on, and Jazz listens to the science while also making mental notes of any way it could hurt Danny.  The food is actually edible and surprisingly good for once, so Jazz can enjoy it.
But as the dinner starts to wrap up, Mom mentions that Danny still hasn’t come down, and stands up with a mention that she’ll go find him.
“I got him Mom!” Jazz calls.  She hops up immediately and heads off towards the stairs before Mom can protest.
She knocks on Danny’s door and calls out his name so he’ll know it’s her.  She waits a couple seconds, and Danny jerks the door open, though he doesn’t exactly look thrilled to see her.
He grabs her arm and pulls her inside, then slams the door shut behind them.
“Happy now?” he hisses, turning to face her.  And for all that he’s keeping his voice down, it does nothing to hide how angry he is.  “Are you satisfied?  Do you get yet that no one’s ever going to change their mind?”
“They said they’d think about it,” Jazz points out.
Danny blinks, seeming surprised for a second, then narrows his eyes.  “Because they see your point or because they’re humoring you?”
Jazz doesn’t say anything, and Danny rolls his eyes.  “That’s what I thought.”
“Danny, they’re not going to start by immediately accepting that they’re wrong,” Jazz says.  “That’s not how people change their minds.  Especially with things they believe in as strongly as our parents believe this stuff about ghosts.”
“Oh well that’s great, because I totally have the time and energy to put towards changing their minds slowly!” Danny snaps, before pausing and lowering his voice again.  “Let me just take a break from all the ghost fighting and homework I’m constantly drowning in and best friends who hate me and new Huntress sidekicks who want to kill me!  I’m sure I’ve got plenty of time in between all that!”
Jazz blinks, caught off guard.  “New Huntress sidekicks?  When did that happen?”
“That’s not the point,” Danny snaps.  “Look, Mom and Dad are so far down on my list of priorities right now it’s ridiculous.  And I would love to not have to also deal with them bad mouthing Phantom even more than they already do!  I get enough of that from Sam and Tucker!”
Jazz sighs.  “Okay,” she agrees.  “You’re right, I’m sorry.”
Danny blinks.  “Huh?”
“You’re right, it’s not fair for you to have to deal with it.  I’ll talk to them on my own.”
Danny groans and drops his head into his hands.  “Ugh, no!   That’s not— I don’t want you to bother at all, Jazz!  It could just as easily make things worse!”
“It could also make things better,” Jazz says.  “I know what I’m doing, Danny.  I know how to talk to Mom and Dad.”
Danny scoffs and glares away, muttering something that sounds like “Why do I even bother.”
“Come on, no more ghost talk tonight.  Let’s go play a board game.”
Danny looks up at her incredulously.  “You were serious about that?”
“Yes,” Jazz says.  “It’s important for you to have some time where you can just relax and do things you enjoy.”
“Stop therapizing me,” Danny says.
“Good luck with that,” Jazz says plainly, and Danny groans.
“You gonna come play games with us?” Jazz asks.  “I actually think Mom and Dad are looking forward to it.  And I’m sure they’ll let you finish your dinner first.”
Danny glares at her, then mutters, “Fine.  But no ghosts, I mean it.”
“No ghosts,” Jazz agrees, holding up her hand.  “I swear.”
Danny sighs, sounding irritated and exhausted, but when Jazz heads out of the room a second later he follows her out, which is a start.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
The People That See You Part 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Eddie eyed the table critically.
“Hey, Will,” he said. “You think this fight will be wrapped up in twenty minutes?” He liked calling on the younger Wheeler because he was a good DM and was better at knowing how long things would take.
Will looked around at the table and then nodded. “About that, maybe a little more if people take longer to decide their move.”
“Dustin,” Eddie said. “You just took your turn, would you go tell Sir Steve that we’re nearing our break?”
Dustin saluted and went dashing up the stairs.
“Steve!” he called, bounding into the front room like a jack rabbit on crack.
Steve looked up from his book.
“Since when do you wear glasses?” Dustin asked pointing at his face.
Steve sighed and took them off, setting them on the table next to him. “Since I’ve been bashed around so much my right eye has decided it doesn’t want to focus anymore.”
“Eddie says it’ll be about twenty minutes until the fight is over.”
Steve nodded and stood up. He took the lasagna out of the fridge and popped into the oven Steve had kept warm. He turned around to see Dustin staring at him.
“Don’t you have to get back to the game or whatever?” he asked, shouldering past the youth.
“Not for awhile,” Dustin muttered. “I took my turn.”
“Okay...” he said, eyeing him. “So what do you want?”
“You’re in love with Eddie.” It wasn’t a question and Steve was reminded of this one’s ego.
“Doesn’t mean he feels the same,” Steve said, shaking his head.
Dustin just shook his head. Steve could be so stubborn. He went back downstairs yelling, “What did I miss?”
Steve thought back to all his interactions with Eddie and might have to concede that the little punk had a point. He hated it when that happened. It did nothing to temper the ego.
He heard the thundering of feet and began cutting the lasagna. He set aside the largest piece and then let everyone else dig in, choosing the piece they wanted.
Erica spotted the other piece on the counter. “That one for you?”
Steve shook his head. “I’ve already eaten. This is for Eddie.”
Just then Eddie came into the kitchen. “Ahh, Stevie, you shouldn’t have.”
Steve laughed. “Yes, I did.” He grabbed the slice and on his way through the crowd ruffled Dustin’s hair. “Otherwise these buttheads would have taken it all before you had a chance to grab a slice.”
“Hey!” Dustin protested.
“No, no,” Eddie said. “I can see that.” He leaned closer and whispered, “Are you sure you’ve eaten?”
“Yeah, I made myself a sandwich about an hour ago when I wasn’t sure how much longer you were going to be.”  
Eddie nodded and dug into the lasagna. He hummed happily. “Fuck, Steve this is so good.”
“I made the noddles, too,” Steve said happily. “It took me a couple of days to perfect it, but I think it turned out great.”
Gareth looked at him in awe. “How the hell did you learn how to cook like this?”
Steve shrugged. “I had to. My parents aren’t around and I played three different sports, so it was either eat out all the time and hurt my playing or I learn how to cook myself and make sure I ate healthy.”
There was a couple people who shifted nervously. It was one thing to hear of the neglect second or third hand, but it was something else to hear King Steve talking about having to fend for himself or perish.
Suddenly Will was there pestering Eddie about the latest battle and just like that the tension was broken.
Steve mouthed ‘Thank you.’ And Will just nodded.
After everyone had gone but Eddie, Steve flopped on the couch, exhausted.
Eddie sat down more gently next to him. “You do know, you don’t have to do this, right?”
“No, I enjoy it,” Steve said. “I really do. Hosting is the one thing that’s mine. My mother ‘hosted’ but in a way that meant she held court while she paid everyone else to do the actual work. But taking care of people, making sure they’re having fun, that there is enough food or drink, that’s all me. I love that.”
“I’ll give you that,” Eddie said. “I don’t think I’ve seen a happier group of people than the ones that just left.”
Steve grinned. “Good.” He leaned his head so close to Eddie’s that he was almost resting on his shoulder. “I have an ulterior motive, though.”
Eddie twisted to look at him. “What do you mean?”
“I knew that if I wanted to date you, I would have to win over the Hellfire Club,” Steve whispered.
Eddie’s eyes went wide. “And now?”
“I think I am an overwhelming success, don’t you think?” Steve batted his eyelashes at him.
“You most certainly are,” Eddie said, cupping Steve cheek. “But I would said yes with or without them, you know?”
Steve lifted his head and Eddie bent down to meet him, their lips meeting for the first time. It was slow and sweet, gentle.
“I wanted them to like me,” Steve murmured when the broke off the kiss. “Because they’re important to you. And because you’re already part of my friends.”
“You win,” Eddie said with a grin. “I can’t stop you when you set your heart on something.”
“Well, I’d hope so,” Steve said after another kiss. “Because you are the biggest thing I’ve set my heart on.”
“I love you, too, Stevie,” Eddie murmured.
“Good,” Steve said, and gently lowered them on to the couch to continue kissing.
Eddie couldn’t believe his luck. He knew had all these arguments about how this wouldn’t work, couldn’t work. But he didn’t care. He had the best boy in the world in his arms and he was going to keep him.
Brian was going to be insufferable.
Tag List: @itsfreakingbats @colorful565 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @grtwdsmwhr
For some reason Tumblr isn’t properly tagging so all I can say is I tried.
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hedgehog-troops · 3 months
A Study Into Lily Evans: 1.8k
Lily focused, minor marylily and back ground jegulus.
Lily Evans.
Many people knew her, many people had opinions about her, not all correct but opinions nonetheless. It’s hard to be known when you spend your entire life faking a personality.
The first person to ever know her was her sister. Petunia could always find her tells and would hug her whenever she needed. That is until one day Lily mentioned how she had a crush on the girl across the street.
That’s what Petunia said she was.
Eventually they talk less and less, and then just cross to the point where Lily smiles at her, and Petunia throws a dirty look.
But it’s all good.
When she makes a new friend at 10 she keeps those parts of herself hidden. She keeps them hidden so she doesn’t lose another good thing in her life.
She would like to say that the second person who knew Lily was Severus Snape, her best friend but really she was the one doing the seeing and justifying. It’s a tale full of betrayal, red flags, homophobia and racism. Definitely not one she likes to think about.
The second person who actually knew her was her dorm mate, her best friend and later something much more.
It all began with a confident smile and a “Hey! I’m Mary, Mary MacDonald and is it just me or are these people weird”
Lily had looked at the girl – Mary – looking up at her from in between the ridiculous amount of pillows at her.
She knows it’s incredibly cliché but her first thought was truly Oh. This girl is beautiful.
So Lily kept her distance, she did. She made an extra hard effort of keeping out of way and sitting as far as she could from her and everything. And it worked, it worked all up until one day Lily was crying in a corridor after receiving a reply from Petunia to her letter.
She had sent a letter explaining how those were just childish thoughts and how now, she knew better and wouldn’t think of anything like that, how she missed her sister and hoped she could rekindle the things between them. And once again she had profusely apologised.
She received a reply and it was just one word, not even signed off but Lily knew Petunia’s handwriting as if it were hers.
As soon as she’d read it she ran out of the great hall and into a corridor pulling her knees close to her chest and resting her head on her knees she’d begun to cry.
She felt pathetic.
She was Lily Evans.
Smartest kid in her class and yet a freak.
She felt helpless as another sob coursed through her body.
Couldn’t they see that she couldn’t help it?
She felt a hand on her shoulder, looking up she saw herself gazing into the most beautiful eyes ever.
And from then on Mary had taken to calling her her best friend. Each time she wondered if Mary would still keep up the claim if she knew how Lily truly felt.
Their friendship changed all through one drinking game. One day they were best friends and the next they were girlfriends, and Lily had never been happier with a change ever in her life.
She’d like to say their relationship was fun and perfect. But it wasn’t.
Their first ever fight was about Severus.
“He was my first friend!”
“That doesn’t excuse his behaviour!” Mary shouted back. “He treats me like shit, he treats people like us as shit. Not only is your so-called ‘best friend’ racist, he’s also homophobic and transphobic. Do you not see the things he says to Sirius and Remus? To James and Dorcas? Or do you just ignore those words when they’re out of your best friend’s mouth?!”
“No. I will not– i can’t–”
“Mary” Lily whispered, absolutely devastated.
“Not until you let go of him, Lily, i won’t, i can’t.” and with that she had left.
People may think that her and Severus’ friendship ended that evening in the courtyard but it ended that night.
The rest of it all was just a ploy.
Their last fight, oh, it’s ingrained in Lily’s mind.
They hadn’t been fighting per se, more so just realising just how truly devastating their love story actually was, and just trying their best to salvage it.
“Think me a coward all you want, flower, but I can't fight this war.”
“Mary please, for me, for–”
“You’re being mean Lily”
“I’ll save you, just don’t run away! I can’t stand being without you.”
“Run away with me then!”
“I can’t, not on good conscious, i can’t”
“Fuck your conscious!”
“I have morals!”
“I have family! I have a family who loves me and needs me as I need them. I can’t leave them.” And then with a sideways glance, she said, “not that you would understand”
Lily inhaled sharply and nodded, tears welling up in her eyes.
“Lily, I–”
But it was useless. Lily had already left.
All these people in her life, and yet the only person who ever saw her was James Fleamont Potter.
For all of her first year and most of her second she had thought of him as an obnoxious, loud and arrogant child.
It wasn’t until late in their second year that her opinion on him changed.
Lily followed the muffled sound of sobs until she reached a hidden alcove, hard to spot upon first look and inside she saw Potter repeatedly hitting both his palms on the side of his head repeatedly murmuring “Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.”
She may not like the guy but she wasn’t heartless.
Lily sat down next to him and slowly pulled his hands aways from him.
James looked at her, eyes wide, red and puffy. It was a sight, seeing probably the most popular guy in their year like this.
“What’s wrong?” Lily asked and for a moment it looked like he would not reply. But then with probably the most distressed voice she’d ever heard, he said, “Me. i’m wrong. I’m all wrong. I’ve been wrong my whole life. Wrong.”
It had taken a while but eventually James had confessed to having a crush on a boy and then after that they gradually transformed into confidants.
Lily had been the first person James had told about being trans (besides his parents ofcourse) and after that she helped him in any and every way she could.
People would argue that their story started in 6th, or it started when James asked her out for the first time on the last day of second year.
But it was all a ploy.
Lily Evans and James Potter.
Head Girl and Head Boy.
The Perfect People.
That’s what everyone thought, but only they were the ones who saw behind the mask, behind the smiles and hugs and sweets. Only they saw the two broken and lost children in a world full of hatred.
For two years they only had each other. For two years they talked and they talked about feeling out of place. But then in fifth year, changes started.
Sirius opened up about their crush on Remus to James, as did Remus about his crush on Sirius to Lily. Marlene and Dorcas started going out. Mary and Lily kissed. Regulus finally talked to James civilly, and they started to meet up.
And in that year, what was a duo became a group, it became a family.
They were happy.
For the first time in their lives, James and Lily looked at one another and saw two children who were happy, truly happy.
Lily Evans hated Fate.
Maybe it liked playing a sick joke on her.
When Lily and James got together everybody said it was Fate.
That night Lily found her in that alcove. Fate.
A pure-blood and a muggle-born. Fate.
Books and sports. Fate.
Fate. Fate. Fate.
Maybe it was Fate.
Maybe it was Fate that the same day as Mary and Lily’s break-up, Regulus broke James’ heart too.
Maybe it was Fate that both James and Lily were drinking on a Tuesday night.
Maybe it was Fate when they both showed up the next day to class together, bright smiles painted on their faces.
Maybe all the rumours were Fate too.
Maybe it was Fate when James and Lily collectively decided that nobody would ever have the energy to put up with them.
Maybe it was Fate when the Ruse ended and they started dating.
Lily thought that after all these years she had seen James break down, seeing him at his worst. But no.
His worst came with a letter at midnight.
At that moment Lily truly saw James break down and she would be lying if she said it wasn’t the most terrifying thing she had ever witnessed.
She wondered what it was like, knowing the love of your life could die at any moment, that you may have to hurt them on the next mission.
At least she knew Mary was safe.
A year into their ‘relationship’ James told Lily about how guilty he felt about not being able to provide an heir, how he had these plans with him but now they were all useless.
And so, they decided that they should have a child. After tracking down one of James’ cousins and going through with the whole sperm donation process, Lily was pregnant.
And then 9 months later, Harry James Potter came into the world, crying.
Looking at their little boy, James and Lily decided maybe they would be okay.
All the tabloids may have believed that the secret to the famous Lily Evans and James Potter’s amazing relationship was a lot of love.
It was true.
But it was love for other people.
Maybe it was wrong of her, but the best day of her life was when she was hit with an Avada Kedavra right at her chest.
Waking up into the next world beside James, had admittedly been weird.
As they stood up, they were given the choice of whose life to view.
Harry or Mary?
Harry or Mary?
“I’ll go with Haz, you choose her.” said James.
Lily nodded and before she had the chance to thank him, James landed on the ground as a body tackled him to the ground.
She smiled as she watched both James and Regulus hug and kiss and cry and hold on to each other.
She was glad that things worked out for James, he deserved that.
But when had things ever gone right for her.
That’s what she thought as she turned around to watch Mary slow dancing with a guy in the rain and kissing him and smiling into the kiss and, and, and.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Donnie wants to kill himself.
His brothers know he’s thought about it before. They are well aware. Leo had those thoughts as well, something Donnie had found reassuring. But with moving out , and therapy, Mikey, Raph, and Leo got better. They improved.
Donnie did not want to hold his brothers back. So when they curbed their worst habits, became happier, and healthier, Donnie did his best to do the same. He didn’t think it was very convincing, but it seemed good enough for his brothers.
(Maybe they didn’t care. Maybe they were willing to turn a blind eye so long as Donnie was no longer making it everyone’s problem.)
So Donnie fakes being happy. He pushes through exhaustion. He lies, and lies, and lies.
Until just being around his brothers is a chore. Until that desire to end his own life, becomes something heavier. Until Donnie is drowning.
Donnie wants to die, but he can’t bring himself to do anything about it. Everyday he wakes up, and this remains true. Donnie keeps making excuses not to act on this desire, keeps letting his cowardice win.
Donnie keeps doing this, and nothing changes. Until it does.
Something gives. The dam breaks. For the first time in a while, Donnie has something to look forward to.
He finishes his work, something for Big Mama. His brothers are not home. He is alone. He can’t help but be happy about this; he does not want to have to smile in the face of his death, as relieving as the thought of it might be. He does not want to feign softness as they pass his room, as he chokes on his own life.
Donnie wants to be selfish, this one, last time.
He writes some letters. His brothers are not home. He’s thought about what he was going to write for a while. A message for Mikey to take care of his plants, for Leo to make sure they’re supported, for Raph to deliver his final invention. For them to look out for each other. For them to find happiness.
He tells them he’s proud of them. He tells them he loves them.
It’s true. It is not totally honest, but he has not lied. He wants to leave them with these pretty words, flowery sentiments, rather than the ugly, mess of every emotion that’s driven him to this edge.
He feels like he could hack the words up, like poison, like some sick confession that would do nothing but hurt everyone involved.
He thinks he’d rather die avoiding such things. Bury that harshness with him.
Donnie writes the letters. And he thinks there is something to be said about what does not reach the pages. He does not say it’s not your fault. He does not say he’s happy for them.
The letters are light and conversational, a fragile illusion. He places them at his brothers’ bedsides.
Donnie mixes a potion. His brothers are not home.
Donnie smells the brew. It smells sweet, but he knows it will be tasteless. Almost perfect, if not for the syrupy consistency of the potion.
There are worse sensations to have to endure as you die, he thinks.
His brothers are not home when Donnie downs the glass. His brothers are not home when Donnie’s drifts to sleep. His brothers are not home when his heart slows and his organs fail.
Donnie stops breathing.
His brothers are not home.
Leo gets home first.
He does not go to his room, instead walking past Donnie’s room on the way to the kitchen. It is four pm and Leo does not want her brother to sleep the day away.
Leo sees Donnie sleeping at his desk, clearly having working himself to exhaustion as he tended to. Leo shakes him awake.
Donnie does not wake up.
Nothing wakes him up.
this is great cause i was JUST thinking about how much i love writing suicidal characters. i was literally just thinking "yeah i love this character... what if he was suicidal tho"
Donnie writes the letters. And he thinks there is something to be said about what does not reach the pages. He does not say it’s not your fault. He does not say he’s happy for them.
THIS. THIS IS SO. THIS IS SO EVERYTHING. AGUAHGADSFSJHGAG. i love the thought put behind this sentiment, he doesn't wanna blame them or hurt them but he also can't.,,a,fauhga,fsdfaguhagsdfag.
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