#I don’t really have an opinion on it and I don’t think I Enjoyed having to drive around for my brothers BUT
cupidlovesastro · 2 days
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🥀𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲🪓
astrology observations #19 (love edition)
astrology observations #18 (real life experiences)
astrology observations #17 (placements i wouldn’t wish on my worse enemy)
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✄ water mars people can get really annoyed and upset with people who show no empathy, remorse, or compassion
✄ aquarius placements (mainly big 6) get annoyed when something that was underground and that no one else knew about, gets popular
✄ aries and scorpios can tend to be hated for no particular reason
✄ aries asc,mc, or in 11h be hated by the public or multiple people in general
✄ sagittarius placements get annoyed when people aren’t open minded, or completely shut down their opinions. they hate when they can share their thoughts, while also hearing someone else’s opinions
✄ taurus mars individuals hated being rushed. they like to take their time and they like diligence
✄ mars aspecting uranus can make someone who’s unpredictable when it comes to anger. you will likely have to walk around eggshells around this person. and when they’re mad things can get chaotic fast
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✄ mars in 9h can indicate getting really annoyed or fed up with politics and may not enjoy conversation about the government in general
✄ mars in 7h or 12h can mean that you have enemies who really dislike you and are aggressive towards you
✄ mars aspecting mercury can mean your words are quite hurtful to others and you may come off angrier than you intended. people may often think your trying to be rude or disrespectful when you’re not
✄ fire mars people can hate when others have no drive or passion in anything. they can see it as laziness or just someone who have no sense of direction
✄ aries/mars in 5h can indicate having a love hate relationship with romance
✄ aries/mars in the 7h can show that you tend to have enemies to lovers relationships, or lovers to enemies
✄ pisces mars people can be incredibly passive aggressive, and will get easily emotional. they’re also good at sensing tension in the room or between two people
✄ mars squaring or opposite moon can show that you have a hateful mother or you don’t like your mom very much. there’s a lot of tension between you two
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bitchy-craft · 1 day
PICK A CARD: What strangers think of you
Hello and welcome to this new post of mine! In here I will give you a reading on what strangers think of you. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful!
Masterpost > Paid Readings > Subliminal Channel
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~pick a card~
Pile 1:
Strangers think of you as absolutely ordinary. There are no wild assumptions or thoughts about you whenever people look at you, some might not even notice you. You don’t stand out in such a way that it makes people question or think about you in a negative light.
You simply exist, just like they do. They might see you, think a thing or two about your clothes, or simply notice something, and then continue as if nothing happened.
Pile 2:
Strangers don’t really have opinions on you, but when they do they have nothing to do with your personality. They can’t see what kind of person you are based on your looks, and therefore purely base their thoughts and opinions on your clothing. There are people who do not like your clothing choices; they find it tacky, cheap-looking, or not something that makes you look your best.
Others think you look cute, and that it makes you stand out in your own way; they can see that you picked your clothes because you like them and you find them comfortable; and that in itself is admirable.
Pile 3:
You might have a RBF and this reflects onto how strangers think of you. The more introverted and insecure girls might walk around you, trying to avoid you gazing upon them, scared you might judge or think something awful of them. Other people might think and assume you are a bitch, and will therefore not speak to you either, and when they do approach you very emotionally distant in order to put their feet in the water first to see if any sharks bite.
Some people think you are incredibly beautiful and attractive due to your facial features and your RBF together; some see it as you being incredibly confident, and that is alluring.
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To clarify,I don't believe in porn makes you evil and I don't believe in like fantasies are evil. I'm pulling this quote off Scarleteen "“If we aren’t both careful and creative we can get stuck in fantasies that don’t mature and politicize with us."" I'm also new to being about to vote, so I'm trying to be careful about what I consume and what stereotypes media perpetuate. Like I'm not moralizing about kink or anything, and my ask was how can I get aroused with media wo my kinks or wo media
hi anon, welcome back! I'm genuinely very glad to hear some follow up.
for anybody who doesn't stay vigorously up to date with all of my anons, this ask is a continuation of this one.
so I went and checked out the Scarleteen articles you mentioned in your first message, or at least I tried to. How to Approach Sexual Fantasies and Desire on Your Own Terms is here, and while I couldn't find anything with the exact title 50 Shades of Abuse, we do have 50 Shades of BS - How to Tell the Difference Between Kink and Abuse as well as 50 Shades Crappier: On Selling Abuse for Valentine's Day, both of which cover how the 50 Shades series isn't a great model of real, responsibly-practiced BDSM.
now, here's what I didn't see in any of these articles: an assertion that anybody needs to, as you've decided to do, avoid any work that depicts anything less than perfectly healthy sexual practices.
the closest we get to that is the quote by adrienne maree brown from How to Approach Sexual Fantasies, which you mention above. now, here's the thing: first of all, I actually disagree pretty substantially with brown's assertions that one's sexual fantasies need to "politicize." I know what my politics are; the fiction that I enjoy can't change that, because I don't have the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair. I actually just talked about that earlier today in another ask.
(also, and this may be an unpopular opinion, but adrienne maree brown is kind of a dork who doesn't really say much of anything in Pleasure Activism that Audre Lorde didn't already say better and more succinctly, and I personally lost interest in Pleasure Activism pretty much the moment she casually dropped that she practices reiki healing because that's a pseudoscientific alternative medicine that doesn't do shit or fuck. but I digress.)
listen, I'm not trying to peer pressure or bully you into watching anything you don't want to watch. your porn consumption is up to you. but what you're doing here is absolutely moralizing, I think maybe because of an underlying assumption that media that involves sex is just, like, innately different than any other type of media, which is in itself an idea that stems from sex negativity!
I don't know, let's just try to play out a little thought exercise here. like, would you consider it reasonable if somebody told you that they've decided not to read or watch anything that depicts problematic behavior because they don't want to normalize it. like, first of all, they're never watching anything but Bluey again. except actually not even Bluey because I just remembered about Bluey in the genocide, which actually makes for a great illustration of how nonsensical and impossible it is to try to only engage with media that is 100% ideologically pure.
and again: that's fine! that's literally fine! it is 100% okay to watch or read or play things with morals that don't totally 100% align with yours. it's okay to enjoy them, even. it's a lot healthier than trying to avoid upsetting or incongruous things entirely, because that gives you the chance to actually think about it rather than trying to shut it out entirely! that article actually provides an entire list of questions you can run through with yourself to critically analyze the things you watch if you feel so inclined! that's a much better skill to practice than avoidance!
I get that when you're new to sex, as you said in the previous ask, this might seem daunting, but your brain isn't just a sponge that will uncritically soak up and adopt anything you expose it to. you very clearly have the ability to research, differentiate between fiction and real life, and form your own opinions! and it is absolutely fine if you want to just watch porn with your kinks!
like, listen, I see what the question is, and the easiest answer is just. do whatever gets you off.
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justwinginglife · 2 days
This Time, It's Different
Dedicated to the only person who will read this, my bestie @minasfwoopyponytail, yall I know I be doin Soshiro all the time, but I got on the Ranpo track cuz we were talking about Ranpo being in our top favs for BSD so I gotta show him some love today (I am so sorry that I bought Chuuya, Dazai, and Akutugawa merch and forgot about you Ranpo my love, this is my apology fic for you).
You were never good at lying. 
It was inconvenient in almost all aspects of your life, but you never thought your ineptitude would be the reason someone finally fell in love with you.
After many failed attempts at bending the truth, after attempting to tell your aunt you liked the socks she got for your birthday and instead unknowingly wrinkling your nose at them and breaking her heart, after attempting to tell your boss that you were busy and couldn’t come to work on a Saturday and when she asked follow up questions about your supposed plans you found yourself flushed and floundering, after attempting to tell your ex that you enjoyed meeting his family but then immediately declining any further interaction with them, after multiple awkward interactions and even more disastrous encounters, you decided to give up on lying. It wasn’t for you.
So you resigned yourself to the fact that you would have to tell nothing but the whole, honest truth for the rest of your life. Your lackluster lies may cause catastrophe otherwise. 
So when you joined up with the Armed Detective Agency, when you rejected Dazai’s advances by saying, “No offense Dazai, but I’m sure you say that to all the ladies, and while I’m flattered, I’m not into womanizers,” when you offered methods of stress relief to Kunikida because he “always looked like the world was ending,” when you asked when Furukawa would be retiring because you were concerned about him “overworking himself in his old age,” when half the detective agency was against you from your first day, Ranpo Edogawa found himself half in love with you already. 
He’d never met a person who didn’t -or just couldn’t- lie, even among his fellow coworkers, and he was at least intrigued by you if nothing else. He found himself eager to see just how far you were willing to go to continue telling the truth. 
Going forward, you often found him tagging along on missions with you, peeking over your shoulder while you worked, listening to everything intently, even despite your other coworkers telling you that Ranpo almost never went out of his way to be this personally invested in anything, just because he wanted to hear you talk, to see if you really told everyone everything you thought all the time. And to ask you questions. Lots of questions. 
Most of them were controversial because he wanted to see if you’d stick to your opinions even if you were in the minority, some of them were philosophical because he wanted to know the way your mind worked, and a few of them were just downright absurd because he was Ranpo. 
“Okay. So. You want to know if I would divert the trolley to save the lives of five by killing one?”
“Yes, and when you’re done with that, do you think that dress makes that girl’s butt look fat?”
“Mr. Edogawa, sir, I really don’t see how this is relevant to the case.”
“Oh it’s relevant, alright. Answer the question, I’m your superior and I wanna know.”
“Um. Alright. Well clearly it makes more logical sense to sacrifice the life of the one for the good of the many, just mathematically speaking, and yes, that dress is very unappealing on her, I don’t know why she went with white.” 
“Agreed, the white is hideous, you pass my tests. For now.”
And so this bizarre relationship of yours continued.
Ranpo would wait for you to finish up cases, would wait for you to finish in the bathroom, would wait for you to finish up dinner, just so he could pick your brain, just so he could amuse himself with your answers. But the more time he spent with you, the more his reason changed for spending the time. He was always attentive, had always had a keen eye, but when you were around, it seemed every last bit of his attention had devoted itself to you. He knew how long it took for you to finish going to the bathroom, so -much to your embarrassment- he always knew what you were doing in the bathroom depending on the length of time. He knew how long it took for you to eat and which foods took you longer amounts of time to eat them. He knew when it was your time of the month, he knew what you craved during said time, he knew the way you’d react when he brought you said craving. He knew almost everything about you and it still wasn’t enough. 
One day, he diverted from his usual barrage of insane questions and he started asking about you: what was your favorite food, where were you born, did you have any pets growing up, what did you like to do outside of work? By now, you had gathered from all his previous questions that he was just having fun interrogating you, but you enjoyed talking with him, so you answered all his questions regardless, personal or otherwise. You were unsure how telling him your favorite color was supposed to entertain him the way his usual ridiculous questions did, but you told him it was green anyway. He brought you a bundle of kiwis the next day because he couldn’t figure out what else was green to give you. You were unaware of the fruit’s connection to his question about your favorite color but to him, he’d pretty much just asked you out. 
When you didn’t reciprocate his feelings, because you were unaware he had feelings for you, and unaware he had just presented them to you through said kiwis, he pouted for the remainder of the day.
You couldn’t figure out why the man who had spent every waking second of your career with the ADA by your side had suddenly started avoiding you. You couldn’t figure it out, and it was killing you. Little did he know, you had also started memorizing details about him, and the way his laugh sounded, the way his lips curved into a smile, the way his fingers pushed up his glasses, the way he did anything and everything, the way he said anything and everything had you craving your next interaction before the previous one had even ended. And you couldn’t take the silence he had now forced you into. So you went on a hunt for him.
You found him sulking on the rooftop. 
You plopped down beside him without saying a word and when you could tell he might be preparing to run again, preparing to plunge your relationship into further silence, you handed him a Ramune. He froze. And then he snatched the drink out of your hand like it was just another Tuesday for the two of you.
“You remembered my favorite flavor, huh? Not too shabby for a second rate detective.” He chugged down the drink.
You laughed and nudged his shoulder with yours. “If I’m such a second rate detective, how did I know you’d be on the roof?”
He shrugged. “Got lucky, I guess.”
You bit your lip and for the first time in years, considered lying. But you couldn’t do it. “Actually, I didn’t just ‘get lucky.’ I knew you’d be on the roof. You always come to the roof when you’re upset. I notice more than you think. So tell me- why are you upset?”
He sighed. “You’re not into me. No one’s ever into me.”
You blinked. “I’m sorry, what?”
He sighed again, this time more exasperated. “I gave you a gift, but you didn’t accept my feelings.”
You blinked again. “The… kiwis?? Ranpo. You always give me gifts. You gave me strawberries during my last period even though Yosano told you to get me chocolate because you know I like fruits better than chocolate. You gave me limited edition tickets to a play that was already sold out because you’d preordered it when you heard me vaguely mention that I liked it. You are always giving me things, and they’re perfect, and I love it, and I appreciate it, but how was I supposed to know this time was something different?”
He tapped a finger on his chin. “Yeah okay fine. I see that now.”
You inched up closer to him. “So… this time is different though?”
He suddenly blushed. “Yeah… this time it’s different. This time I wanted… well I wanted…”
He’s suddenly quiet and it’s the first time you’ve ever seen him like this. You’ve rendered him speechless and it’s impossible not to find it adorable.
You kiss him.
If he was speechless before, now he’s speechless and breathless.
“I just… you just…so we’re?”
You nod, smiling at him. “Yeah. We are.”
“We’re… together?” He squeaks out.
“I’d like us to be.”
He nods vigorously. “I-I’d like us to be too!” He blurts out.
You kiss him again and this time he savors the feeling of your lips melding with his. This time he kisses you back with fervor, with passion he never knew he could feel. This time, he’s all yours.
Author's Note: I am too lazy to write a longer fic that delves into their relationship after this, but I did want to write a lil drabble about it, so I will be posting it here.
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oswildin · 1 day
Debated making this, but oh well, here we are…
I rewatched the Loki series.
Going to add here quickly that I have been a fan of Loki since 2012/2013, and I personally relate to his character for a multitude of reasons.
Now, I enjoy the series, but I wish they made it more character focused than they had. I do feel like they prioritised story in terms of making it fit the next phase over exploring and expanding on Loki’s character to some degree (a lot of it was surface level).
For example, I would’ve loved to have seen:
Exploring Loki’s Jotun heritage, even if it was a variant of him in the void that embraced it, dropped his aesir form, a conversation between Loki and his Jotun variant as they explain why they chose to embrace it, giving a different view to maybe how our Loki sees himself/the Jotuns. If ‘What If’ could have a frost giant Loki variant, why couldn’t the show?
Expanding upon what happened to Loki during that year after his fall from the Bifrost. The reason for this is self explanatory really, it would add more lore/depth to his experiences/actions during the Avengers. Maybe address the trauma he has from it.
Loki fighting with his so-called ‘desire’ for a throne more. By this I mean, I felt he flipped pretty quickly from his plan to overthrow the time keepers to just following along with Sylvie - which is fine, but I kinda thought there would be more push back from him. I get it was a life or death situation and Loki’s whole thing is ‘survival’, but it would’ve added to their dynamic and the fact the writers clearly wanted to push how Sylvie was different to other Loki’s.
Exploring Sylvie’s backstory more. It really did feel like it was an afterthought, which is a shame. I suppose they left it ambiguous for certain reasons, but I think they should’ve had more flashback scenes of what Sylvie could remember. I think it would’ve helped people understand and relate to her more. (I do love her though).
Actually showed Loki’s gender fluidity & shapeshifting ability more. Again, self explanatory really & important to his character, plus the whole implied only ‘woman variant’ thing with Sylvie should’ve not been a thing, like at all.
They should’ve given Loki more time to process everything. This show really should’ve had 8 episodes each season, I get that’s not the writers fault, likely Disney/marvel’s doing. Perhaps then the shift in his character wouldn’t have felt so jarring, especially considering he’s 2012 Loki. I do agree they wrote him as if he was Ragnarok!Loki, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it just felt jarring considering the last we saw of this Loki was Avengers. But then I could also argue that maybe he thought ‘what’s the point of it’ because the TVA know everything about him, but I digress.
Used Sylvie more in S2. It did feel like they didn’t quite know what to do with her, her and Loki clearly just needed to sit and discuss the citadel fight, but the closest thing we got is in EP3 where Sylvie says ‘this is all rather familiar, isn’t it?’, referencing their different/opposing opinions on the TVA/He Who Remains. And also maybe the pie room scene, but it’s very vague/not directly addressed.
Explored the fact that Mobius is not a good guy more. Because, he isn’t. And that’s okay. To me, the whole point of the show is based on Loki’s quote of ‘no one good is ever truly good, and no one bad is ever truly bad’, and whilst they do reference Mobius’ own morally grey actions/traits, they don’t particularly make it clear and most just see him as this ‘happy go lucky old man who likes pie and loves Loki variants’. In fact, I actually really liked the scene where Sylvie confronts him - which is a very unpopular opinion to have it seems, lol.
Delved into the psychology of Loki further than surface level/what we already know about him. Yes, we know he’s the God of Mischief. Yes, we know he isn’t evil. Yes, we know he is redeemable. Yes, we know he’s cunning, manipulative and selfish. We get that he projects this ‘illusion’ of himself, but it was only really mentioned in S1 EP1, maybe slightly EP2, before it’s never really mentioned again. I suppose S2 does this to a degree with the bar scene and EP5 of S1 in the time cell with Sif - also I think they tried to take the narcissist angle from the pov that it’s because of his low self-esteem as to why he needs validation and it’s a defence mechanism, but they didn’t particularly make that clear and made it seem like he just thinks highly of himself.
I know it seems like I have a lot of issues with the show, and I do, but I still enjoyed it. It’s okay to be critical of a piece of media and still enjoy it.
I do prefer S2 to S1, mostly because I prefer the direction they took it in and whilst I, of course, wanted better for Loki, I can’t deny S2 EP6 is a stunning finale. I sobbed so hard during the ending and still feel the grief that I actually lost someone I knew personally. But I also have hope that this means Loki is now a main player in the next phase (am I delusional? Maybe).
I enjoyed the dynamics, the back and forth/chemistry, the story was interesting, the set & costume design, the acting, the directing/colour grading, the music (Natalie Holt, you are genius), the emotions, the fun, the characters…
So this is not a hate post by any means, I will once again state, I enjoyed the show. But, I do have issues with it, and that’s okay too.
Please, dni if you’re just going to be argumentative or confrontational. I also don’t want to hear that just because I enjoyed the show that I’m ‘not a real fan’ lmao. I’m sorry, but I’ve been a Loki stan for over a decade, and I will not have someone tell me I’m not a real fan because of a piece of fictional media. Also, please do not mention anything regarding ships on this post, I do not care for it because it always ends up in arguments and I am a multishipper so I don’t tend to fight for any side. Thank you! :) /gen
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stardust-sunset · 3 days
I’m just gonna ask this once but how come whenever brody is absent for more than two days IM the one getting harassed over it? I’m not gonna respond anymore because I think I’ve made my points clear and all I can say atp is check my pinned but like…why is it me? Are you trying to be like “i told you so?” or like are you trying to prove something? because my stance isn’t gonna change. I’m still gonna support him. And it’s fucking creepy the way some of you track his absences. He’s allowed to take breaks. He should take breaks and the reason WHY he takes breaks is not up for speculation and if he really “wasn’t in the show anymore” we would’ve heard about it by now. He’s entitled to his own privacy and I don’t know why i’m the one who has to deal with the brunt of the hate like I’m not him. I’m not connected to him and just because I’ve been vocal about my opinions in the past doesn’t mean i enjoy looking at dumb anonymous hate.
Let him take breaks without speculating why he’s gone. It’s creepy and frankly it’s an invasion if his privacy. You don’t know him. I know a lot of the cast is active online so it seems like people know him but you don’t. It’s okay to be worried but what I’ve been receiving is not okay. And you know who you are. He’s probably fine and just needed a while to take a break. A lot of the cast takes breaks and yet it’s just him that gets shit. Sure maybe he takes off more than other people but that’s his choice. And his part is the most involved and it’s NATURAL that he’s need a break. It’s his body. Not yours. He knows his body better than anyone and if he decides he needs a break, then he’s going to take a break. End of story, close case, don’t speculate. And if you hate it that much then don’t support the show.
I’m done being the one everyone goes to to be like “oh he’s absent again all he does is take breaks” or “oh he’s absent he shouldn’t be on broadway” because it’s gross. If you’re speculating that hard and tracking the absences of someone you hate so much then I’m going to assume you genuinely have no life.
Sorry for the rant. I’m just sick of waking up to hoards of anon hate and speculation. He’s fine. If something happened we would’ve known by now.
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sockdooe · 1 month
I don’t know if maybe it’s just me, but is anyone else seeing a rise of people claiming that they could do a better rewrite of Voltron and then immediately say they’d make K/L cannon or Adash/ canon?
I don’t know about anyone else but I genuinely don’t think making ships canon would make the show better.
In fact I think It’d make it worse.
And considering shiro isn’t even mentioned in these and if he is it’s just to be Keith dad…. Is telling.
#listen do what you want but I’m really tired of people genuinely thinking they can do better and then forget the main story of Voltron#I’m being so dead serious#Voltron was never supposed to be about ships or which ones would be canon#it’s about 5 teens/young adult forced into space to be the ‘hero’ against a empire that’s been around for more than their entire life times#and the fact this shit keeps populating the shiro tag is what pisses me off more#I feel like I’m the only one in this fandom that enjoys ships for what they are: FUN#I have tons of ships!!! I don’t want any of them to be cannon!!! even if I love them so much!!!! why? because ships don’t need to be canon!!#you can just simply enjoy having your headcanons and making art/writing and have it be fun!!!!#nothing has to be canon#I don’t know why especially this fandom is so obsessed with it but it’s driving me CRAZY#and what makes it worse is that every time they talk about making K/L cannon is that ‘it deserves to be’#NO IT DOESNT#IT REALLY DOESNT#VOLTRON HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ROMATIC RELATİONSHİPS#UNPOPULAR OPINION BUT IT REALLY DOESNT#you want to do a re-write do it! but dont do it just because you want to make a ship CANON#because that’s not re-writing it’s just fan fiction#you are just writing a fanfic#I want to re-write Voltron too but I actually want the show to improve and be BETTER AND LOVE ITS CHARACTERS#I WANT THEM TO BE BUIKT UO THE WAY THEY SHOUKDVE BEEN#ships don’t belong in canon#sure is it maybe nice when it happens cool but let it happen without dismissing the other characters#not because fans wanted it#also stop fucking populating the shiro tag lest I come at you with a lead pipe#Voltron#voltron legendary defender#vld
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starbuck · 2 months
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If you feel the urge to take a red pen to a story, you are REACTING to the story which is the POINT!!!!!
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communistkenobi · 11 months
looked at the terror tag on here (mistake) and I saw someone dismissing criticisms of the show’s depiction of colonialism because like all the guys die at the end and the british do all the violent shit they accuse the Inuit of doing so the show is ultimately telling the audience that colonialism is bad. which I think is kind of silly. I don’t think the show is apologetic about british colonialism in a general sense and like obviously The Point Of The Show is to make the argument that british colonialism creates conditions that are hostile to all human life, that you reap what you sow etc, but there is a generosity and sympathy going on with the main cast that does blunt the text’s ability to be critical, and coupled with the like weird magical indigenous people bullshit going on I think the show is limited in its capability to deliver a full-throated criticism of British colonialism and its consequences. and this almost goes without saying but the vast majority of what I saw in the tags was people shipping white guys together as opposed to discussing the show itself, although to be fair I don’t think that really indicates anything meaningful about audience response beyond the fact that tumblr’s sole mode of engagement with any text ever made is to make shipping edits and meme compilations
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ssreeder · 10 months
How would your write a zukka proposal(with sokka proposing and making zuko a betrothal necklace?
I am actually not a huge fan of betrothal necklaces between zukka. Idk, the tradition seems more of a NWT thing and I like that they have their own way of life separate from the SWT and their traditions.
Also,,, knowing the betrothal necklace that belonged to Kya originally belonged to Kana and is now a family heirloom from their deceased mom… I just don’t see the romantic aspect for Sokka or Katara. Idk I think the necklace had a different meaning for them and a lot of mixed sentiments so yeah it’s just not something I headcanon sorry anon :)
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divinebunnii · 4 months
some people really need to realize that just because everything is available to you on the internet does not mean you have to force yourself into every area of the internet
it’s okay that some things just aren’t for you, aren’t meant for you, aren't made for you. it’s okay that some communities and groups aren’t meant for you, and that doesn’t mean you should sit in the misery of trying to stay somewhere you don’t like or disagree with while actively trying to make others that enjoy / appreciate that something to feel bad / guilty / also miserable by projecting your negativity into that space.
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noirtek · 1 year
the fact that the iz fanbase is still at each other’s necks over ZADR is so. to me
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compacflt · 1 year
Do you have any opinions on what kind of music mav and ice like? I’m just curious as someone who has motorcycle riding 80s navy dad whose favorite two artists were Madonna and Bruce Springsteen if you think the answer would surprise us? Or if they’d be as predictable as always
Yeah nothing crazy. kinda predictable i guess. classic rock, country rock, classic blues, nostalgic 60s folk, contemporary stuff when it comes on the radio and isn’t unlistenable by their middle-aged-white-man standards.
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+ of course ice’s somewhat gay Fleetwood Mac entanglement
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artheresy · 9 months
If you don’t want to see like any leaks at all pls avoid
Okay so apparently, APPARENTLY, there has been data put in for a character by the name of Feixiao… y’know The General of the Xianzhou Yaoqing so I think the next ship might already be decided 👀
And listen, I wanted the Zhuming, I still want the Zhuming, I hope it’s next because I need Huaiyan like I need air in my lungs… but Baiheng is from the Yaoqing and Jing Yuan said her family was one of the most renown Foxian families on the Yaoqing which could mean Baiheng lore is very VERY likely WHICH MEANS I STILL WIN 🎉🎉
Say what you want about being tired of the Xianzhou, I NEVER get tired of it not even tired of specifically the Luofu. Partially because I love exploring immortality both in terms of the extent of immortality and self healing but also the extent to which lifespans fundamentally affect all parts of people’s lives like in specifically regards to love to give one example. Thinking about like Banxia from Bailu’s story quest and also the world quest about the Vidyadhara guy (who himself was… ugh) who keeps falling in love with this one Xianzhou Native for multiple reincarnations, jealous of his previos self each lifetime, and how she gradually loses the spark and interest in love and passion due to her lifespan and her continuously going through this?? The exploration is so good… I love that they went multiple long life species with different lifespans and circumstances around being long life, it gives so much to play with and I am so so excited to see us go to another part of the Xianzhou fleet and have just their circumstances explored more !!
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mando-din-lorian · 1 year
Hmmmm, having many thoughts about the new episode.
I really enjoyed seeing Jack Black, that was awesome. And I loved Din “petty” Djarin knocking over droids. That was fun. Still very much enjoying the season, but I am starting to get a little nervous for how it’s going to end. We’ve got, like, 2 episodes left and I’m not quite sure where we’re going with the plot.
We all assumed Din going to the Mines of Mandalore to redeem himself would be the focus off the season, but it happened in 2 episodes. We’ve gotten some fantastic insight with the covert, and even more growth with Bo Katan. But it still feels like something is missing.
I do feel like Bo reclaiming the saber by killing the creature that attacked Din to be a bit…sloppy in writing. I was hoping for something a bit more dramatic or interesting than that (we don’t even know what that thing was either. It was never explained.) I’m okay with Bo being the leader, but I was hoping to see Din get more action with the Darksaber.
Was also hoping we could get more growth between droids and Din this recent episode. He is obviously still very paranoid of them, and kind of has it out for them. Seeing the battle droids that ATTACKED his home as a kid, I was hoping we’d have something a bit more with that too. He obviously seemed very angry, but like…where’s the trauma from season 1? It obviously wasn’t cured and he’s obviously still distrustful of droids. Idk I guess I also assumed if he’d come face to face with the droids that attacked his village he’d have more of a visceral reaction.
Also thought this would give him a new perspective with droids, what with them wanting to live and make a life for themselves. Hell, I was hoping it would go into them helping him find the piece he needs for IG-11 to restore him.
It just feels like there are a lot of loose threads, and we’re getting so close to the end, I’m worried they’re not going to tie them off. I’m still enjoying this season, I’m beyond excited every Wednesday to see what happens next, but this season does feel a little all over the place.
Anyway, I’m gonna say optimistic anyway! Still looking forward to these last few episodes and still crossing my fingers that Boba shows up! I’ll withhold my entire opinion of the season until the last episode airs!
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daydadahlias · 10 months
Me before you is one of his saddest movies I literally cry like a baby but its one of my favourite romance movies
Ok so I watched this movie last night and I definitely enjoyed looking at Sam Claflin and I thought the actors had AMAZINGGGG chemistry so it was a genuinely wonderfully fun watch until the last, like, ten minutes…. But taking that into consideration,, I will say, personally, that I’m quite tired of the narrative pushed by Hollywood that disabled people would rather die than live disabled.
Like, I’m actually entirely pro assisted suicide, so it’s nothing to do with the ethical implications of that or saying he shouldn’t have exercised this right but entirely to do with the fact that this author clearly just… didn’t do her research. Or really… talk to many disabled people from what I gathered (like saying he had a C12 injury which,, isn’t real)? Like, I watched the most beautiful documentary about disabled people’s sex lives over the summer for my human sexuality class and all of those people were so fucking happy to be alive. Like, genuinely all of them.
And I’m not saying that stories like this can’t be told because I do think it’s nice to see all perspectives on a topic and all different narratives about people’s different lives… but I think it’s sad that I can’t think of any media where disabled people are just… people who get to live happy lives. And who get to have good sex with the people they love… So, like, I enjoyed watching the movie for the most part but I did find the ending just inherently disappointing. Just because the existing pool of disabled romance is already so small, I don’t know why it all needs to be like that.
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