#I figured ooooo I love this drink I want a lot of it!
givemebishies · 1 year
Hey, write your usual/favorite Starbucks/coffee shop order in the tags!! I love tasty drinks and I’d love to hear about yours! ☕️ 🍵🥤🧋
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writeroutoftime · 1 year
don't write me off just yet
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pairing: john shelby x reader (requested by: anon)
summary: based on the quote "and no, I know, based on my track record, I might not seem like the safest bet. All I'm asking you is don't write me off just yet." - Musics & Lyrics
words: 0.6k
a/n: and we're making our way through this list! honestly, I really like how this one turned out and I hope you do too! I miss writing for John so this was a lot of fun!
Every day, for the past two weeks, without fail, John Shelby came strolling into your shop, armed with only a cocky grin and a mischievous glint in his eyes. And each day, you knew what line would roll off his lips the minute his eyes landed on your figure.
"y/n, love!" John greeted. "What are you doing this evening?"
Looking up from the display case you were organizing, you rolled your eyes at the persistent Shelby in front of you. "Not going out with, John Shelby, that's for sure." you quipped.
"And why not, love?" he questioned, leaning against the counter, chin in his hand.
"You come in here every day and ask the same question and I give the same response. When are you going to give up?" you asked, seamlessly avoiding John's original question.
His boyish grin returned as he slapped the counter happily, walking backwards towards the door. "Never, y/n y/l/n. Not until you agree to go out with me." he declared, leaving you to shake your head, alone once more.
Later that evening, you had decided to join your friends at the Garrison, knowing full well that John would most likely also be in attendance. Despite that, you made the resolution to enjoy a night out and not worry about work or any other distractions in your life. Unfortunately for you, your friends had other ideas.
"Aw, why won't you give John a chance? You know he's sweet on you." your friend whined.
"Me and about every other woman in Small Heath. I can't just be another notch on his belt." you confessed, eyes hardening in determination. "I won't be."
She looked at you sympathetically, handed you another drink, and dropped the conversation. Little did you know a certain Shelby overheard your conversation. John continued to sip on his whiskey, quietly contemplating his approach.
Nearly a week went by, and you had yet to see John Shelby stroll through your shop doors. Though the peace and quiet is what you had desired, you couldn't help the disappointment that flood your system. Perhaps he truly had moved on.
Shaking any thoughts of John Shelby from your mind, you busied yourself by tidying up the back corner of your store. So engrossed in your own thoughts, you nearly missed the jingle of the bell singling the arrival of a new customer.
"Be with you in just a moment." you called out, but when you turned around you were shocked. "John!" you exclaimed, not expecting to see the man in your shop, let alone looking so sheepish.
"y/n, I don't want you to think that you're just another notch or a conquest to me." he began, and you immediately knew he overheard your conversation at the Garrison the other night. "You absolutely stunning, love and I want to take you out, be a proper gentleman an all that." he explained, pulling out a bouquet of flowers behind his back and presenting them to you.
Gasping softly, you stepped forward to accept the gift. "They're beautiful, John." you spoke, knowing how big of a deal this was for him. There was something in his soft lilt and demeanor that was like a switch in you. Maybe there really could be something there.
"I know based on my track record, I might not seem like the safest bet. All I'm asking you is don't write me off just yet." he pleaded, looking up at you with hopeful eyes.
"I think there's something you want to ask me then, John." you teased, and John's eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning.
"y/n, love. What are you doing this evening?"
Unable to suppress your smile, you looked straight into John's eyes. "Looks like I'm going on a date with you, John Shelby."
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 5 months
How about something friendshippy/familial between Texas and one of/some members of the South? (Not Louie or Flo only though please!) Maybe Tennessee, Georgia and/or Kentucky?
Okay so- I imagine Texas to either have a neutral, pretty damn friendly, or brotherly (both big and little) relationship with the south. I’m just gonna name off different southern states and tell you what I think their relationship is with Texas! <3
Alabama: Neutral, though they aren’t against going out to get drinks together and they won’t murder each other by simply being in a room together. But at the same time, Texas thinks that Alabama is too much of an asshole to Louisiana and a few others for him to wanna be around.
Arkansas: they’re pretty chill. They don’t really have any problems with each other, they just don’t hang out a lot. :]
Florida: they’re basically the- crazy-but-cool-uncle + equally-as-crazy-but-is-good-at-hiding-it-nephew. Idk. They just give that vibe. They’re friendly with each other but if Florida does anything to hurt Loui, Texas is going to kill him.
Georgia: Very lovely father/son relationship. Georgia is like a father figure to Texas, and loves him like a son. Georgia whacked him in the head with the adoption stick the day that Texas became a state.
Kentucky: again, a very lovely father/son relationship, very similar to Georgia and Texas’s. Texas has found that Kentucky is weak to the puppy eyes too.
Louisiana: they have both a best friend and brotherly relationship and will ALWAYS be there for each other. You mess with one, you mess with the other. Loui is one of the first people to ever get Texas to open up and one of the first to give Texas a shoulder to cry on, and Texas will forever be grateful. Don’t mess with Loui unless you want to have a knife or ten shoved down your throat. I could honestly go on and on about them-
Mississippi: They friends :] Texas will protect Sippi with his life and Sippi will do the same. Or- he’ll try. If Texas lets him. He won’t, but it’s nice to know that the thought is there.
North Carolina: I think they could be pretty good friends tbh. They don’t talk much, but they would sure as hell be more than fine with being in a room together.
Oklahoma: Do not, I repeat, do NOT leave these mfs in a room together. They don’t hate each other too much, and can be friendly sometimes, but Oklahoma annoys the living sh*t out of Texas and they will co-sign each other’s obituaries.
South Carolina: They friends :D they both enjoy hanging out with each other. It’s kinda like a big bro/little bro thing, but not quite.
Tennessee: Uhhhh- well their relationship is…..weird to say the least. Like- they’re friends, but not friends. Texas disagrees with a lot of the stuff Tenn does, but at the same time they are okay with being around each other. But I swear to god if Tenn decides to mouth off, he’s getting punched.
Virginia: they’re like a mother/son relationship. Cuz lets be honest, Virginia is more of a mother than a father, and he sure as hell acts like a mother hen. Especially to Texas cuz he’s a clumsy bitch and bruises easily. Texas acts like he’s annoyed, but he’s secretly grateful.
Texas be collectin them parental figures like Pokémon cards lmao
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leorawright · 1 year
what if the mercenaries had to do a mission in Rio de Janeiro (I love this place 😭) and saw the enemy team's s/o (who was supposed to be on vacation or had been fired) somewhere and the s/o said "what the fu-- what are you doing here???? can you even speak portuguese??? you want to know? that's not my problem...but hey if miss pauling found out i let you die she would kill me... so do you want help? like... taking you somewhere, translating what people say or teaching you a little Portuguese at least..." and if they accepted they would see that the s/o was the same with everything that happened in teufort she/he/they didn't get angry with almost anyone there and was a very good person and helped the mercenaries without complaining and even let him sleep at s/o's house and stuff... and found out that s/o was born in Rio de Janeiro and went there to remember his childhood
hope you are well :D drink plenty of water and eat ^^
Ooooo I can sure as heck try (I'm a little lost with such a long ask so I'm only doing a couple mercs sorry)
Mercs finding s/o in their hometown on a mission
He's super confused when you randomly walk up to him in Rio de Janeiro
But he's silently thankful you're there because he doesn't know how to speak Portuguese and doesn't know what he's doing
When he gets to your house that's when it all clicks that this is your home
He's a little sheepish that you had to help him but overall thankful
When you start walking towards him he's confused. Why are you here? You weren't assigned on this mission?
He doesn't know a lot of Portuguese so he's glad you do
Why do you own a house here? Oh you must live here that makes sense
He's barely phased by figuring out you live here he just silently files it away in his memories
When Heavy sees you he's shocked
He thought you got fired or something but you're just here?
He knows basic Portuguese for this mission but definitely not as much as you know
When you take him to your house he realizes you live here and immediately softens
He wishes he could be in his home but for now, he's in yours and he's going to be respectful
He's relieved to see someone he knows in the sea of unfamiliar faces but also he didn't know you would be here
When you offer to teach him Portuguese he immediately takes you up on that offer
When you two arrive at your house Sniper had already pieced together that you lived in Rio de Janeiro
He's honestly kind of honored to be in your hometown
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Plastic Man's Adventures in the DC Universe! Now with undertones of angst!
Eel O'Brian liked to consider himself a simple man. You know, single father, likes to make people laugh, one of the only members of the Justice League that Batman is actively afraid of. You know, normal everyday Joe stuff. He'd tell you his origin, but he's a little embarrassed to tell people that he used to be a goon for Zebra Man of all people. But, that conflicted with his feeling of pride that Batman of all people is basically his parole officer. Overall, when people ask Eel O'Brian what his origin is, he typically just tells them "Zebras". That typically leaves the audience confused enough for him to be satisfied.
O'Brian and Batman had just finished a mission that required him to turn into a key that Bruce couldn't make a conventional copy of. O'Brian was waiting in the Batcave for Bruce to change out of his costume. Some idiot hired the Condiment King of all people and Bruce's costume was completely covered in yellow, red and green paste.
Alred approached O'Brian with a cup of tea in hand
"Tea, Master O'Brian?"
Plas gave Alfred a loving look. Alfred's been nothing but kind to Plastic Man. Plas has honestly considered inviting him to Thanksgiving multiple times. But, he just figured it would be weird.
"Please Alf, you can call me Plas. And is that earl gray?"
Alfred gave O'Brian a warm grin. O'Brian was admittedly one of his favorite Justice League visitors aside from Diana. Everybody else in the league acts awkward when they visit the cave. O'Brian and Diana act their own version of casual around him. It's refreshing.
"Yes sir it is."
Plas took a sip of his tea. He loved it. He morphed his face into a thumbs up
"It's awesome Alf. Thank you!"
Plas' face turned into a question mark
"Ooooo, is that a dash of honey?"
Alfred gave O'Brian a surprised face
"How did you detect that? Not even Master Bruce has noticed the dash of honey."
O'Brian morphed his face back to normal
"Nobody realizes my powers affect my taste buds."
Alfred gave a look of intrigue
The two gentlemen drink their tea in silence. Not awkward silence, but a familial sense of silence. O'Brian morphed his body into random geometrical shapes, it's his equivalent to stimming. Alfred didn't mind. After O'Brian finished his tea, he noticed that Robin was standing in front of a display of a Robin costume
"What's up with Robin? He's normally a lot more cheery than that."
"You're referring to Master Grayson. Master Bruce got a new ward. His name is Jason Todd. Master Bruce decided to adopt him after he tried to steal the tires off the Batmobile."
O'Brian's eyes slightly widened out of pure shock and intrigue
"Master Jason is a little...jaded. Almost reminds me of somebody else I used to know,"
Alfred gave O'Brian a glance
"Perhaps, Master Todd could benefit from hearing from somebody who used to live a life like his old one."
O'Brian gave Alfred a glance
"Okay Alf, I'm hesitant to do this, but your voice normally sounds like my common sense. So, I'll do it."
O'Brian proceeded to morph himself into a slinkie and made his way over to Jason. He noticed that Jason was bloodied up. He looked livid. All he could do is look at Dick Grayson's old costume
"What are you looking at?"
Plas morphs back into a human form
"Are you talking to me or the mannequin?"
Jason gave a scowl
"Take a shot in the dark"
"Wow, so I guess you definitely got Bats' signature scowl"
"What do you want, clown?"
"Wrong character, my derogatory pronouns are idiot/moron"
Jason's scowl turned into confusion
"What the hell?"
"Forget it. I just wanted to tell you that I get what you're going through. And if you need to talk to som-"
Jason snapped
O'Brian stood in silence
O'Brian stood, listening to every word Jason had to yell at him in frustration. He held himself in a composed manner
"Woozy Winks"
"Woozy Winks was my best friend, my literal partner in crime. The day your dad found me was the same day that he died. Just some Joker goon that was feeling spiteful. Shot him three times in the chest. He told me to run off before he reloads. Before that, I had to live on the streets. Doing things that you probably had to do, too. I know you think I'm a buffoon. I probably am. But at the very least, I can tell you that I know what you're going through."
Jason turned red in embarrassment, shame, guilt. He realized that he was shutting himself off like Bruce did. He had always told himself that he was going to be better than Bruce. How could he be so stupid?
O'Brian takes a knee and looks Jason in the eyes
"You're a pretty good kid, you'll get up-"
Jason hugged him and cried. O'Brian didn't know what to do. He only had a kid a couple of years younger than Jason and Luke was never this much. So, O'Brian did the only thing he could think of doing: the thing Batman would do to help somebody crying and in need
"Hey kid, do you wanna join us for dinner?"
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shorkbrian · 4 years
OOOOO okok.... kirishima with a darling who’s his study partner by chance (college) and he just like,,, falls in love with them! but she have a boyfriend so :(((( but he decides the best idea is the take her by the hair and “lovingly” fuck his new little girlfriend, even though the cries pouring out her mouth are anything but... and he just. forces her to be his girlfriend and you’re just miserable babey
Bro bro bror bror b rorr bor rbro rbo
Prelude - He’s like a stereotypical jock, but is super kind and friendly and just a big HIMBO lololol.
Pairing - Kirishima X Reader
Prompt - At the top
Warnings -  NSFW, full non-con here folks. Kirishima doesn’t let reader tell him no. That is NOT cool y’all. Consent is always required.
Music -  https://youtu.be/2k5w6eTxGXk 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You’re good at most subjects but this one just really flies over your head. When you went to the teacher, she paired you up with the only other person in the class that seemed to be having trouble, Kirishima. The teacher figured that the two of you could work through the material together.
You didn’t mind. Kirishima seemed like a decent guy, even though he was very physically intimidating. He was on the football team, built like a literal brick wall, but his personality was sunshine and rainbows. The man always greeted you with the brightest smile when you showed up to study.
For the most part, the two of you struggled to get work done. Kirishima could do no more than three problems before getting frustrated or bored, and he’d start making funny faces at you, maybe kick your shins underneath the table to get you to pay attention to him. When you finally looked up to see him with his face contorted in the weirdest way possible, you’d burst out laughing. That’s how the two of you got kicked out the library for a month, had to meet at a coffeeshop to study.
Kirishima liked coffee so sweet that it made you sick, almost gagging after taking a sip of his drink when he offered. Likewise, Kirishima couldn’t stand your tea, said it tasted like “old lady water” and needed sugar. You learned a lot about each other, and eventually reached the point were you would consider the two of you to be friends.
You were friends. Until he decided you weren’t`
Today you two are in the library, both of you struggling over your worksheets. A tapping on your shoulder alerted you to the presence of your boyfriend, and you were promptly hopping to your feet, smiling and hugging your boyfriend. He wanted to come see you, spend his lunch break together, so you had told him to meet you in the library, where you and Kiri had rented a study room.
“Midoriya! Hi baby.”
With a kiss on the cheek, your boyfriend was b lushing, pulling out a chair at the table so he could sit down. “Hey, who’s this?”
He was gesturing to Kirishima, who was glaring at your boyfriend. That was odd. Usually the redhead had no problem meeting new people, maybe he was just grumpy because he was trying to study?
“Oh, this is my study buddy, Kiri. Kiri, this is my boyfriend, Midoriya!” Midoriya nodded at Kirishima, and Kiri gave a flick of his head in return, before hunching over to scribble furiously at his paper. Yeah, he was definitely irritated at having his studying interrupted. Unusual, but you figured you should be supportive of the redhead taking his studies seriously.
“Hey babe, let’s go eat out in the courtyard - I don’t wanna make Kiri uncomfortable.”
Your boyfriend nodded, getting up from the seat he had just plopped down in, before giving a sheepish wave to the as the two of you exited the room.
“I’ll be back, sorry!”
you whisper-yelled to Kirishima before the door swung shut.
There was small talk as you and your boyfriend made your way to the pretty courtyard of the college, filled with flowering trees and cozy benches for couples (like yourselves) to sit on.
It was peaceful, sitting there, chatting with your boyfriend while he shared his sandwich with you. He was working as an intern for a big engineering company, and you could tell he was happy about his work as he animatedly recounted what he had done so far that day, pausing every now and then to gulp down a bite of sandwich.
But as all good things must end, your boyfriend had to leave after his lunch break was up, checking the time on his watch and gasping as he realized he had spent way too much time talking to you.
He apologized profusely for his abrupt exit, giving you a brief, slightly messy press of his lips against yours before he gathered his bag, shoving the rest of his sandwich into his mouth. Midoriya waved, skipping backwards, making you chuckle when he tripped and almost fell.
You loved your boyfriend, thought of yourself as the luckiest girl for getting together with the kindest, sweetest man you had ever met.
Returning to the private study room, You were surprised to see Kirishima still hunched over his paper, still scratching out numbers. His grip was white-knuckled on the pencil.
“Uh, Kiri? You okay dude?”
“Yeah, it’s whatever, I’m fine.” He didn’t sound fine. The man sounded angry.
Figuring he just maybe needed some space, you shrugged “... I need to go get a book real quick. Need anything?”
“No.”  Was his short reply.
Kirishima was normally a bubbly, friendly person. Why was he so irritated all of a sudden? Did this have something to do with your boyfriend interrupting the study session? 
You pondered over this as you walked through the shelves, partly glad that you weren’t having to dodge other students. You and Kiri usually choose times that the library was relatively empty, just in case the redhead made you choke in laughter again. 
Finding the aisle your book should be in, you meandered slowly to the end, scanning the shelves. Ah! There it was, on one of the higher shelves - but luckily you could still reach if you went on your tippy-toes.
A  big hand slipped around your waist, and suddenly you felt cool air on your backside, as if someone had flipped up the edge of your skirt. You tried to whirl around, smack whichever dumb idiot thought it’d be funny to feel you up, but you were pushed up against the bookshelf before you had the chance, shelf almost rattling with the force.
“Hey—!” Another hand clamped over your mouth, smothering your rather loud protest. The giant hand covered more than half of your face, and you couldn’t help but gasp. Was this really happening? Were you really about to get groped by some meathead senior?
“I’m really disappointed (Y/N).”
“I thought what we had was special, thought that I was the only one you looked at like that. That hurts.”
The hand on your waist dipped lower, and yup - he had flipped your skirt up, was running his hand the top of your panties, feeling the fabric between his fingers. You struggled - tried to kick back, headbutt him, twist out of his grip - but the man was too big. He slipped a finger underneath the elastic waistband of your panties, pulled it back, let it go so it could snap against your skin; make you flinch.
“Newsflash (Y/N), your ‘boyfriend’ doesn’t actually love you. You could do so much better than a little Twink like him. You need a real man, someone who can take care of you and give you what you need, give you anything you want.” What was he talking about? The hand at your mouth was clamping your jaw shut, putting so much pressure against the lower half of your face that you couldn’t even open your mouth, just let out angry whines.  When his other hand traveled around to the front of your body, dancing over the flesh of your hip,  you wiggled, trying to put up a fight. It was useless.
Kirishima shoved his hand down your panties, groaning lowly into your ear when his fingers grazed the tuft of curls above your pussy, before dipping further down to stroke gently over your folds. You shivered, angry whines giving way to distressed whimpers, wanting to yell, scream for the librarian that you knew was at their desk. 
You were hanging on his arm, trying to pull his giant hand away from your face, but there was no point. The man spent hours in the gym, building up his muscles to make him better at football, and it coincidentally made him better at holding you against his body while he slipped a finger into your now-wet cunt.
The side of his thumb was flicking at your clit, his middle finger slowly dragging across your walls. You held back a groan when it thrusted in deeper, passing by your g-spot on the way in. Kirishima noticed.
“Did you get tired of waiting for me to make a move? So needy for a cock to fill you up that you ran and got a boyfriend?” What? You shook your head no, but his fingers clenched down tighter over your face, and you froze in pain.  “I was gonna be so romantic for you, get a bunch of flowers and one of those big stuffed bears. Ask you to be my girlfriend.  But you just couldn’t wait, could you? Had to go and ruin everything.”
His voice was low, his breath tickling your ear and making you shiver as he whispered, practically growling. You had never seem him irritated, let alone angry. You were scared. Another finger slipped into your pussy, and you keened, scrabbling at his arm at the sudden stretch. Kiri snickered.
“Gonna have to take a few more to get you ready for me babe, I’m not a little stick like your stupid excuse for a ’boyfriend’.”
Tears sprang to your eyes. You loved Midoriya, had ever since you met him. He was shy and nervous, but he was also sweet. Midoriya would never treat you like this, would always ask if you wanted to make each other feel good, ask before he so much as looked at you. Kirishima was a brute.
Another finger entered you, and while the stretch stung, you also felt pleasantly full. His thumb was still moving over your clit, and with a muffled wail your hips twitched in the air, grinding down on his thumb as you suddenly came.
Kirishima didn’t stop. He huffed out a quiet laugh, gave your a wet kiss against your neck. “See? Knew you were meant for me. I love you baby, gonna make you feel so good.”
Blinking, you were trying to come down from the height of your pleasure, flinching away from Kiri as his fingers slipped out of you. Oh god, you didn’t want him to keep going. Muffled cries left your lips, desperately trying to get Kirishima to stop, slow down, please wait, but the man was determined. Your panties were pulled to the side, and something big nudged against your entrance. 
“Sorry baby-“ Kiri grunted, beginning to inch his way inside your tight pussy. “You’re just so sexy ’n pretty, can’t hold myself back.”
The mushroom head of his cock popped past your opening, and you squealed in pain. You were wailing behind his hand, and the man could feel the tears dripping onto his fingers as he held your mouth shut, could feel your lips moving as you cried “Stop, stop! Hurts, oh god Kiri it hurts.“
“Shit, baby I’m sorry, ‘m sorry.”  Without moving, you heard the sound of him spitting, and then felt his hand bump against where he was connected to you. He had spit in his palm, and was the rest of his girthy cock with the slickness, practically jerking himself off into your cunt. You cried harder.
“Shh, shhh it’s okay. I’m gonna take care of you. You’ll get to cum again, don’t worry. Bet your shrimpy little bitchboy never had you cumming twice, did he?” His voice turned sour at the end of his sentence, filled with venom at the mere mention of your boyfriend. 
Kirishima moaned, wet hand coming to rest on your hip as he slowly, slowly began inching forward, forcing his cock into your body. It still hurt, but not as much as it had at first - the slide easier with the addition of the man’s spit. It felt like he was pushing himself in forever, his cock could’ve been in your throat by the time his balls pressed flush against you
. He was bottomed out, and you were gasping, struggling to suck in air around your sobs and his giant hand. The redhead stilled, allowing the two of you to adjust to the sensation. While he waited, Kiri brought his hand up to your hair, sweeping it away from your neck so he could kiss the tender flesh their, hair still in his fist.
“You’re so good for me, look at you takin’ all of my cock. Fuck, fuck - you feel so warm.” He whined between kisses, pulling your hair to tilt your head back as he kissed towards the front of your neck. You shivered as the pain zinged through your scalp, sharp and prickly.
The man pressed up behind you had waited long enough. With no warning, he drew back his hips - cock sliding out of you. He was so /big/.  You wished he had prepared you more, at least then you wouldn’t be sore as he pressed back into you, setting up a rhythm of slow, long thrusts.
He was pulling your head back by your hair, making your head rest against his shoulder against your will, your hands still clutching desperately at his arm. Shoved against the bookshelf like this wasn’t very comfortable, but neither was getting your pussy wrecked by a man twice your size. 
Gradually, Kiri’s pace increased, your pussy working to lubricate itself and making each rapid thrust end with a squelching sound and the slap of his plump balls against the top of your clit.  Truthfully, Midoriya had never fucked you this good, but you were fine with the young man’s sexual ability. He would finish inside you, then lick out his cum until you were squirming and writhing on his tongue, and then Midoriya suck at your clit, shove his fingers into you and fuck you fast until you squirted, leaving the both of you in bliss.
Kirishima had carnal desire, sucking dark marks into the column of your throat, accidentally tugging your hair on each thrust, making you climb further onto your tiptoes to try and alleviate the pressure. He was getting rougher, throaty moans being punched out of him on each thrust - the man tried to quiet himself down by burying his face into the crook of your neck, biting down onto your skin. It just made you sob harder, the pain and pleasure mixing and sending you hurtling towards another orgasm.
And then he slammed into you so hard that your feet lifted off the ground, your body held up by his hand in your hair and the cock filling your pussy. A wail escaped you, his hand silencing it, and you came, twitching in the big man’s hold. 
“Oh, fuck, oh my god baby you’re so amazing oh my god, oh my god-“ Your toes brushed against the ground again. Kirishima was slouching his back so he could pummel into your smaller form even harder, babbling into your shoulder as his hips stuttered when he reached his own orgasm.
You sobbed as you felt his warmth filling your insides. 
Kirishima stayed there, leaning his head against your shoulder while he sucked in air, breathing raggedly. On every sob, you could feel his length inside you, and you were so disgusted.
His breathing evened out. Your sobbing quieted down into measly sniffles. Kiri let go of your hair, scratching at your scalp to alleviate the stinging sensation that he knew he must’ve caused by pulling on the strands.
“I’m gonna take my hand off your mouth now, can you be quiet for me?” You nodded, and the brushing grip was released from your face. 
You stayed silent, hand coming up to massage at your jaw where his big fingers had dug into the tender flesh.
“Good. Wanna go back to my dorm to clean up?”
Shaking your head, you barely choking out a panicked “N-no!”, almost forgetting to be quiet in your haste to respond.  Kirishima sighed behind you, pressing his chest against your back as he did so.
“Baby, I said I was gonna take care of you. I wanna take care of you. We’re going back to my dorm.”
He slowly slipped out of you, wincing as the air hit his dick.  With his length leaving you empty, Kiri smoothed your panties back into pale, then wiped his cock on the underside of your skirt before tucking it back into his pants. You wished you hadn’t chosen a skirt that morning when you were getting dressed.
Without another word, Kiri gently turned you around to face him, his eyes filled with a warmth that they always seemed to hold whenever the two of you locked eyes during a study session. His big arms encircled you, pulling you into his broad chest as he squeezed, the hug surprisingly gentle, almost calming. It would have been an amazing hug, if only the man hadn’t raped you beforehand.
  A jacket was being wrapped around  the bottom half of your legs, Kiri securing it so that you wouldn’t flash anyone when he picked you up in his arms, carrying you bridal-style. You rubbed at your eyes, trying to scrub away the tears as your ex-friend carried you towards the library exit, smiling down at you fondly.
“I love you, you know that? I’m gonna take such good care of you baby.” You ignored him.
“And don’t worry about your old boyfriend, I’m going to talk to him and break the news that you aren’t interested in him anymore. You’ve got something much better now.”
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oooooooooohh nooo thats so cute :(((( what u said abt young eden is so true omgg. they r also def the type of kid that brings stray cats n dogs 2 their home. so evrytime the orphanage carataker hears a meowing or barking inside they r like "gdi eden not AGAIN!!" but it wouldnt stop them lol. they r the type that r immune to scolding. after finishing wth being scolded theyll go back 2 do exactly what they r told not 2 do. oh n also they enjoy rough playing. so on top of being covered in dirt or mud, theyll always have bruises n scratches from getting into fights or just from falling or running around. also they have a habit of like, suddenly disappearing (maybe 2 the forest which makes them hard 2 track).
and lol ye i saw it, it made me go hmmm, a true missed opportunity. eden wouldnt let the chance pass. im manifesting a future update where we could give them oral spiderman style 🙏
a bit off topic but i was wondering if u have any ideas or hcs about eden n baileys relationship/friendship?? idk. eden being slightly aggressive n mad at u after they rescue(???) u from bailey when u miss ur payment kinda throw me off ngl. bc they dont act that way when they rescue you from remys farm or the asylum. like, wtf is going on??? idk. its a bit of head scratcher for me.
Ooooo boy Eden and Bailey's past is something I often think about.
Under a cut for sheer length
Okay so I think they are about the same age (late 20s to early 40s) and that they grew up in the orphanage together.
I think Eden was there since very young/birth, but Bailey came later.
Eden not having sole primary care takers fucked up their socialising skills and they felt more comfortable on their own (read:fear of abandonment).
Bailey I think came from a really abusive impoverished home, and thats what made them obsessed with money. They have a weird vendetta against their birth parents to be 'better' than them.
Eden had a stray dog they cared for, but one day when they were running through the forest, a wolf got at it. Hence their 'non of these would survive in the wild' line at the pet store, and their obvious interest in puppy play.
After that, Eden started to shut off even more, being aggressive with the other kids, until Bailey started hanging out with them.
Bailey was angry to be in an orphanage and could see that Eden obviously wasn't happy, so they sort of gravitated towards each other.
Bailey was also the only other kid that didn't cry when Eden hit them.
They're the only two people that know each other's birthdays, besides anyone who looks at their very real legal documents.
As they hit puberty and start growing, they get competitive. Both are rather controlling, so they make a ton of bets against each other. One of them being who can lose their virginity the fastest.
Eden is rather blunt at asking, scaring a lot of the potential partners off, while Bailey is smoother about it and of course wins the bet.
Some fellow orphans start going missing, making everyone uneasy.
This is also when they start noticing the rampant sexual assualt in town, travelling as two most of the time so they can fight people off easier, if needs be.
Terrible at school. Eden was great at English, decent at history, but good luck making them show up half of the time. Eden had a talent for art, however, particularly carvings.
Bailey was there to socialise and steal lunch money, but they had okay grades.
If this is set in England, they would have gone to a secondary school with a sixth form. This means ages 11-18 as students, and I hc that when they were in year 7 (1st year of secondary) Leighton was in sixth form (years 12 and 13). They did not get along for the brief time they would meet in the halls.
I also think Eden would have dropped out in year 11, at age 16, and probably had an apprenticeship with a woodworking company (explains making the coat rack and love seat).
Bailey starts getting into more and more criminal activities, dragging Eden into them too, until a local crime boss notices them. The boss takes Bailey under their wing, thinking Eden won't be right for the job.
Instead they ask Eden to get a job at the police station and help them get further footholds there, that's how Eden has all of those collars (inspired by that one anon), and possibly their rifle. Alternatively, Eden leaves for the military and comes back later.
It works, and they end up covering a lot of their tracks. It's probably around this point that Landry does a few smaller jobs around the place and starts hearing about the Boss' new protégé.
They both have money now, for the first time in there lives, and this is when their differences start to show.
Bailey wants more and more, where as Eden wants to be comfortable.
Bailey fits into the mobster life fairly easily, but instead of the drugs that a lot of the others peddle, Bailey specialises in extortion and blackmail.
They slowly end up getting quite a few powerful figures under their control, and when the boss dies and Bailey ends up in charge of the money? They buy the orphanage.
I think Bailey might have cared for the orphans at one point, in their own ways, but their greed got the better of them.
Working under the mob and the corrupt police has Eden start to hate and fear the town. The only place they felt safer was the forest - which was full of deadly animals. But Eden could protect themselves now.
Being tall and muscular means that Eden is often sent to intimidate or even physically hurt people, often times getting hurt as well. Not to mention when arresting people, some are rather adverse to going to jail and take stabs at them.
If I go with Eden joining the military, they come home hoping to have a familiar setting calm their nerves, but it doesn't. Working for Bailey to earn money also doesn't help, one job having them break into the police station and setting fire to their files (that's another way Eden could find the collars, think of their old dog, and take them in nostalgia).
Eden cracks when they're asked to kill someone off, only to realise its a kid. That's too far.
They go to Bailey and tell them they're done. They need an out, they're fucking miserable, barely sleeping, constantly anxious, and Bailey tries to convince them to stay at first, before realising that they could lose their best friend once and for all if they force them to stay.
So they start planning together what Eden should do, and eventually come up with the cabin. Bailey has Quinn/their predecessor in their pocket by this point, so some cash and threats have some builders help make it, including running water.
When in town, Eden supplies Bailey with animal furs for custom coats. Bailey gets Eden new books, cans of food, more bullets. And if you miss your payment, Bailey eventually gifts Eden with a spouse.
Eden gets angry if they 'rescue' you from Bailey cause its a reminder of the past they try to avoid, and they take it out on you. Of the fear they had as a young orphan of disappearing, something Bailey is now enforcing on more orphans. They take it out on you because violence has always been a way they've coped.
Occasionally, maybe on one of those birthdays, they sit at the lake and drink some whiskey together. They don't talk about their feelings, they're both too stunted for that. But it's comforting knowing each other is still alive and well.
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sweetchup · 4 years
Monarch Butterfly
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Anonymous asks: Chrollo and his so that both think they’re playing each other... maybe she’s sweet and cute looking so she plays into it and he thinks she dumb and naive and she thinks he’s just a rich kid that took one philosophy class
Type: Chrollo Lucilfer x theif! Reader
Au?: None (same universe as Cute Little Princess (pt.2) and N.E.R.D.S (pt.1))
Word count: 4,000+
Warnings: Smut, Unprotected sex, Chrollo being a Sapiosexual, Dom/Submissive, Angst, angst and angst. Yay, I’m so sad.
Author Note: welp. In a simple sense I went overboard, hehehe, since I instantly got an amazing idea. I might actually make a part 2 to this one if it gets popular enough. I honestly fell in love with the concept once I started writing. I hope you like it anon.
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“(Y/n), are you thinking of trying something stupid again? Don’t think I can’t see that look on your face.” Clementine says, blowing a puff out of her cigarette as she looks over to you. You only laugh at Clem, reaching over to pull one of her short blonde corkscrew curls. You watch it bounce back and forth for a moment before answering. “I don’t think it’s stupid. I’m just thinking of having a little fun, that’s all.”
“A little fun my ass. Do you know where we are right now?”
“A party?”
Clementine sighs and shakes her head, “You idiot. We are in a fancy hotel at a party, being hosted by Emperor Fushi who is crowning his eldest daughter, Himiko, and her future husband, Tai.”
“Well, I don’t think it’s that serious.”
Clementine squints her eyes at you as she exhales one last puff of her cigarette before putting it out. “How so. Enlighten me Miss (Y/n).”
“Well,...” you pause for a minute to gather your thoughts, “this is the second time Himiko has been engaged in less than a month. Her first husband was Phinks Magcub who randomly went missing around a week and half ago, along with Emperor Fushi’s youngest daughter.”
“Yeah, they apparently fell in love and ran off into the sunrise. Like so cheesy comedy”
“I don’t think that’s the case,” you murmur. Finally spotting your target again. Clementine lets out an ‘Hah?’. You ignore her noise and just signal her to move down the stairs with you, “I do believe they fell in love and disappeared but I don’t think Mr. Magcub was actually in love with Himiko. Mr Magcub and Himiko got engaged about three ½ weeks ago and Mr Magcub disappeared 1 ½ weeks ago. What do we know that happened in between that timeline?”
You hear her gasp and you smirk a little bit. “T-the theft of The Dragon Eyes Collection!”
“And who do we know that’s crazy enough to do that?”
“The phantom troupe! Wait, (Y/n) is one of them—“
“Yep, one of them is here,” You squint as you go to search for him again. Oh. There he is, “And it’s their leader.”
“(Y/n) wait don’t. We don—“
You act as if you're checking something in her hair and whisper into her ear. “Clem. He already has the two Crown Jewels. That’s our mission and I need to go retrieve them. We may also get the info on the Dragon Eye Collection. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, please hold down the fort while I’m gone.”
You pull away and Clementine sighs before smirking. “Don’t be a stupid ass though.”
“I won’t.” You whine as you sashay away. Your heals click down across the tile floor as you get closer and closer to the bar. You hear a whistle and look to your left to see some young prestigious men eyeing you. Practically undressing you with their eyes. Bingo.
As you finally come to the bar area, you locate him. You can’t see his face right now, due to his back facing you, but it’s obvious it’s him. His bulb-like earrings give him away from like a mile away. You smirk before giving your best sweetest smile. You poke the black haired leader on the shoulder causing him to turn around.
“I-um. Oh god. I’m sorry but can I sit next to you?”
Chrollo gives you a smile. “Yes, of course. Is something the matter, Miss?”
“Oh, no. I’m just not a fan of parties and I was trying to go back to my room but, I got a little scared when a couple of men were staring creepily at me.”
“But, wouldn’t I make you nervous as well? Afterall you don’t know me.”
“Ah I guess-s you do. I’m sorry you are just the first one I saw. I guess I’ll leave, I’m sorry to disturb—“ you say, attempting to get up.
The black haired man grabs your wrist. “Oh. I don’t want you to leave. I was just curious.”
You sit back down. That worked perfectly, he reacted just as you thought he would. You once remembered a person telling you that the leader of the Phantom Troupe has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and his curiosity. And you could tell just by watching him from the balcony, that stealing the Crown Jewels was just like child play for him, so he was bored sitting here at the bar. And even if he didn’t look like it, He was practically looking for anything to possibly entertain him.
So, you walk in, a rich looking damsel in distress waiting for someone to come save her. Chrollo will, of course, take that. You check off all the marks needed to satisfy himself and he had many possible ways to do it. He could steal your Nen, break down your mind, use you, steal from you, or simply just do all of them.
This was where he messed up though. He never would have imagined he would run into someone just as intelligent as him, you.
“I’m Chrollo, Chrollo Lucilfer, by the way.” Chrollo says, leaning against the bar counter.
“Oh! Nice to meet you Chrollo. I’m (y/n). (Y/n) Okage.” You murmur the last part under your breath as if you don’t want him to know. But, he definitely caught it. Perfect, he took your bait. Now he thinks you're an Okage.
“An Okage huh? Wow, call me impressed.”
“Ahh it’s not anything that impressive. It’s just a last name after all.”
Chrollo raises an eyebrow as if he’s saying really. So you’re an Okage, huh? Now he is really interested. The Okage family is a prestigious military family that is known for their very rare Nen. Chrollo is definitely not letting you out his clutches now, he’s going to quietly lure you into his web and pounce. But the question is how…
Ah, that’s how. Chrollo eyes the group of men on the left side of the room, whistling and eyeing every woman that passed by. This worked even better because they were also blocking the exit.
“Would the group of men that happen to be eyeing you, them?”
He points to the group before looking quickly back at you. He watches your doe like eyes blink a couple of times before looking off in that direction. You seem to shudder and clearly show your fear as you see them.
“Y-yes that’s them.” You say, clutching tighter onto your purse. You hear Chrollo let out a small ‘ahh’ as you finish talking.
“Well I was just wondering how you're going to get back to your room without them noticing. After all, they are blocking the door.”
“Oh no. Your right. Do you know if there’s any other doors that lead to the hotel part of this building?”
“Sadly there isn’t. But...,” Chrollo suddenly stands up and extends a hand out to you, “I’d be happy to escort you back to your room.”
“Really?!? Thank you so much!” You say, taking his hand as he leads you away. As you're about to leave you spot Clementine and, secretly, use your hand to signal her.
Clementine smirks into her drink as she notices it. So, the spider has been beaten at his own game eh? Man she might call you stupid but honestly you are the smartest partner she could ever as for. It also doesn’t help you make this job ten times more interesting when you're around.
She just hopes you didn’t get him too caught up in your fun. He’s definitely not like the others you’ve faced.
“C-chrollo, W- Wait. I haven’t even taken out the keycard.” You murmur, let out soft moans into his ear as he bites and sucks on your neck. Maybe you made yourself a little too appealing to this guy. Though, at the same time, you can obviously tell him lusting over you is all fake. He just wants you to let his guard down so he can steal from you. Also, you can feel he doesn’t even have a bulge right now.
“Give it. I’ll take care of it.” Chrollo groans, grabbing the card. Once the door to the hotel room is unlocked, Chrollo picks you up and throws you onto the bed. You squeal as he pulls your dress off you and then takes off his shirt and bandanna. Huh. Honestly he’s not half bad, he’s got some nice chiseled muscles going on and an interesting forehead tattoo. Though his patience could use a little work.
You moan out his name as he gives small open mouth kisses all the way from your stomach to your lips. Once he reaches your lips he stops and gives you a passionate kiss.
Honestly, even though this is nice and all, you have a job to finish. Sorry Chrollo. Hope you’ll forgive me on this one.
One moment, Chrollo is pushing you down onto the bed and in charge but in the next, his body feels a hundreds of pounds and it’s even hard to move an muscle.
“W-what?” Chrollo murmurs confused as to what’s going on. You huff as you roll him off of you and he lands next you on his back.
“Fuuuw, Damn Chrollo you weigh a lot. You should lay off the muscle training for a while,” You say, stretching your back. Now, let’s see where those Crown Jewels are. Scurrying through his clothes you find two tiny marbles stuffed into his pant pocket. You bring both up to your eye and examine them as you sit down on his lap. As you look into them you spot the two crowns in one and the Dragon Eye Collection in the other. Score!, “Ooooo! What an interesting ability. Conjures never cease to amaze me with what they come up with.”
You see Chrollo tense, attempting to move, as you throw them on top of your dress on the floor. “Don’t try Chrollo. My Nen won’t be making you move for quite some time.”
“How so?” Chrollo asks, his face blank, unreadable. But, it won’t work, you can see right passed that little trick of his.
“Now I wouldn’t want to tell you that silly goose. I’ll meet one of your conditions if I do so.”
You see Chrollo eyes gleam for a second. He was surprised. He’s had people figure out what his Nen is before but no one has been able to find out his conditions. Not his enemies, not the people of Meteor City, not the Zoldyck’s, not even the troupe. Only he knows what they are. Chrollo licks his dry lips, he’s knows he’s walking on shaky ground right now. “A condition? Are you talking about my Nen? (y/n)? If that is really your name. Though I highly doubt that’s your name. Afterall—
Aww how cute, little Chrollo is trying to change the subject last minute. You decide to cut him off in the middle of his rant, “Yes it’s really my name and yes, I’m talking about your Nen and conditions. Honestly, I already knew you could steal abilities around 3 people had already told me. So it just left me to how. How did the infamous Chrollo Lucilfer, Leader of the Phantom Troupe, steal people’s Nen without their knowledge? Well, it can’t be something that catches them off guard. Afterall, that will grab too much attention and you would have found out already. Yet it also can’t be something too far from the topic of “Nen” either since you need to steal it. So I just observed you as you walked around the party today, after all their is an—“
You pause for a second as you feel something. Is this really happening right now? You test the waters and spread your legs a little bit more wider. Chrollo has definitely gotten a boner while you were talking, it’s a fully hard one too. You decide to roll your hips a little and watch as Chrollo let’s out a moan. You laugh a little at his reaction, “Wow. I’m not sure if I should be happy or offended that me talking turned you on more than the flirting and grinding we did all the way in the elevator.”
Chrollo chuckles, his hair sprayed around on the pillow below him. He’s still trying to keep his tough act up, even now. “Well, there’s a word to describe that actually. It’s called Sapiosexual. By definition it means that someone is attracted to their mind over-r… shit.”
Chrollo clutches onto the sheet below him as you start to slowly grind on top of him. “You know, I’m starting to believe you just really like to hear yourself talk. Either that or you just like to avoid confronting things you don’t know how to figure out in that moment.”
Chrollo doesn’t respond. He just chooses to close his eyes while you smile down at him. “Not talking? Aww sorry I didn’t mean to hit a nerve, Chrollo. Here let me make it up to you.”
You lightly lift yourself off his lap and slowly begin to unbuckle his belt. Looking away quickly, you tried to see Chrollo for a reaction but there was none. Oh well, you can’t rush the good things after all. You’ll have him a mess eventually.
Finally, you pull down his pants and boxers off. Leaving his hard length out in the open; you reach out and hold it lightly in your hand. Wow, he really was a Sapiosexual. The tip of his cock was a pretty red shade with light drips of precum spilling out, showing he was practically craving for release. Hmm...You know what you’ll do. “Wow Chrollo, you're really straining for release. I should help you out. Hmmm... I’m not sure if you're a germaphobe or not so I’m just going to start with my hand….”
Chrollo still had his eyes closed so it gave you the perfect opportunity. As you continue talking, you pulled your panties to the side and lined him up with your entrance. Careful not to get too close so he figures out your plan. Honestly, you were soaked, his cock was honestly really thick and big so you knew it was going to feel absolutely amazing. Also, Chrollo is an entertaining man. You wouldn’t mind have sex with him multiple times if you have to.
“....so Just let me know if it’s not enough ok? I’ll switch to my mouth if so.”
You wait for a second for him to respond but he only lets out a chuckle. Still trying to play it cool. Oh well, you brought this on yourself Chrollo. You take a deep breath and sink down onto his length.
You hear chrollo let out a loud groan as you sink every inch Chrollo has to offer inside you. Even while you are just staying still it makes you feel as if you are about to burst. But, that’s not the important thing right now. You bring your hips up and start off with a slow rhythm, watching as Chrollo is attempting to bring back his composure.
“So,... where was it I left off again? Oh yeah. So I was observing you at the party. Be extra careful to catch changes in people’s aura and listen to what you were saying to them.” You say, rambling off your thoughts. You feel Chrollo twitch suddenly inside you as you speak. You decide to reward the poor man by moving your hips at a faster pace. Maybe you got a bit too excited coming across someone like Chrollo. Clementine will definitely scold you later but, oh well. “I noticed you had stolen the Nen ability of 6 out of the 21 Nen users you talked to at today’s party. Observing you is how I determined the conditions. The first condition I found out was when Mr. Noz and Mr. Casey wouldn’t show you their Nen, and theirs weren’t any of the ones that ended up being taken. The 6 you did take however did show you, meaning one of your conditions is the user has to show you.”
You flinch as you feel Chrollo’s hands grab onto your waist, a bruising clutch against your soft skin. Crap, your Nen was warding off faster than you thought. You have to quicken this up, as much as you didn’t want to. You lean forward onto chrollo’s chest, allowing him to be squeezed more and sucked deeper into you. It definitely made you more vulnerable since it meant his cock was bashing against your g-spot with every flick of your hips but it was also working well on him. You could tell since he was panting and groaning into your ear like crazy. You just needed to hold on for a bit longer.
“T-the second condition I confirmed also with two people. One being a woman whose husband explained to you her Nen ability. You didn’t end up stealing hers so that meant one of the conditions had to do with the person telling you about their Nen. T-Then—then when you went to…”
Oh god, you hide your head into Chrollo’s neck. It was too good, you were honestly begging for mercy. You would slow down the pace but Chrollo has gotten feeling back in the muscles of his hips so he was just thrusting up erratically into you. Chasing after his release.
“What’s wrong (y/n)?” Chrollo murmurs into your ear, causing you to whine and shiver at his mesmerizing voice, “W-what did I do next that 100% confirmed the second condition?”
You don’t respond as your brain was practically melted at this point. Though, Chrollo won’t take that as an excuse. Chrollo, with most of the feeling back in his body, flips you over so he was on top. He stops his thrusts and holds your legs down so you can’t move. You whined as you looked at the silvered eye man above you. “I asked you a question, my little butterfly. And I expect you to answer it.”
You pause and don’t say anything, not wanting him to boss you around. He smirks and pulls all the way out before bashing right back into you, hitting your cervix. You grunt, pain flickering through your body.
You glare at Chrollo above you and he only does it again. And again. Waiting for his lovely little butterfly to answer him. On the 6th thrust is when it gets interesting, this time when he bashed in, your cervix had eased up. Allowing him into the depths of your womb. Your eyes widen and Chrollo chuckles, both of you knowing what this means.
You try to fight against it but Chrollo successfully cross your legs. Making it so you squeezed around him even more. He lets out a sigh, losing his composure as he begins to make small little thrusts, trying to stay in your womb. “Answer me my little butterfly. You and I both know what’s highly likely to happen if I cum this deep in you. There’s no way around it if I do. So answer me.”
He was right, there was no way around it if he does. You’ll just have to follow his orders, waiting for him to drop his guard again.
“T-then I confirmed it when Mr hansu wouldn’t explain to you how to function his ability after you saw it, only about how flashy it is. Meaning your second condition is the person has to tell you the general function or uses of the ability. The third—“ you let out a small sigh as you feel the knot in your stomach about to explode. It also didn’t help you could feel Chrollo begin to twitch inside you, if you came while still explaining there was no question he would cum, hard. “The third, I confirmed through your expressions. Sometimes you would do the first two conditions but not follow up with the third condition since you hadn’t found the ability interesting to you. But when you did, you always had them touch the handprint on your conjured book. The ones that didn’t touch it, didn’t have their abilities stolen.”
You let out a sigh, you were done. You listed all of his conditions. Now he just needs to stop thrusting into your womb.
“And the fourth? The fourth condition?” you blink as he says this. T-there was a fourth condition? Oh god you had forgot strong Nen ability usually had 4-5 conditions not 2-3. Your heart races up as you flicker fastly through your memories.
Nothing else was similar between all the people he talked to. Which means that it’s either a time limit or a magic word that you hadn’t caught. It’s more likely the time limit so you’ll go with that.
“Y-your fourth is a time limit. I confirmed this because strong Nen types need 4-5 conditions and nothing else was similar between the people you talked to. T-This—this means the only likely answer is a tough time limit. From what I observed it took you about 45 minutes to steal from one of the businessmen-men so it’s something higher than that but it has to be shorter—oh~ than 3 hours since that gives too much time and isn’t as strict. Hah-ha-Happy now?”
Chrollo humms for a minute thinking, before he lets out a groan. Come on Chrollo, pull out. You can tell he’s about to burst.
“Chrollo pull out-t, you're about to cum.”
Chrollo groans as you say that, leaning his forehead against yours. Damn, you felt your walls twitching and tightening. You were going to cum.
“You can tell little butterfly? You're so smart my butterfly. All mine.” Chrollo murmurs, pressing kisses against your collar bone. “ I enjoy you, you are so entertaining, so smart, so special. Like a rare specimen. My special butterfly. Trapped in my web forever. Fuck—”
As he says that you finally feel him cum, also allowing the knot in your stomach to finally burst. You bite down, hard on his shoulder, as your whole body shakes underneath him in ecstasy. You thought your brain was mush before, but now it had completely melted into a liquid. It also didn’t help that you loved the feeling of him pumping hot cum into you. The feeling of something so dangerous that also felt so messy and primary sent a flame through your nerves.
You let a couple of pants out as you finally come to. Turning to your right you see chrollo his eyes close since he was out cold. You had hoped when you bit his shoulder and broke the skin that, with your nen, you could put him to sleep before he had cum in you but it seems that hadn’t worked out. As you're trapped underneath the handsome man, you decide it wouldn’t hurt to observe him for a little. Ever so carefully you lightly run your fingers through his hair and then to tracing his features before finally running them across the tattoo on his forehead.
“(Y/n)…” your heart clenches and your fingers tremble as you hear him whisper in his sleep. This is bad. You finally decide it was time to get him off you and it was time for you to make your leave. With a huff, you roll him over before covering with the sheets. You give him one last look before you begin to get dressed, deciding not to even bother cleaning up the cum he pumped into you. You would deal with it when you got back home and we’re able to take a shower, right now you just needed to get the hell out of here. Though before you leave, you decide to neatly fold Chrollo’s clothes and place them on the nightstand beside him, a parting gift if you will. As you place the clothes down and go to leave, a hand grabs your wrist.
You turned, shocked, as you looked at Chrollo. He was hardly able to keep his eyes open and was struggling to even hold onto you. “My Little butterfly… you aren’t going anywhere… you're mine”
You look at him blankly for a couple of seconds before letting out a sad laugh. Damn it. This was supposed to be a fun time but nothing can ever have a happy fairy tale like ending can it?
You lean down placing your forehead down on his. Looking deeply into his silver eyes. “Chrollo. I am your little butterfly. I bet I forever will be but…but…”
You turn your head to the side and savor the last kiss you'll ever share with this man. This extraordinary man that gave you a night you’ll never forget. You slowly pull away watching as his eyes begin to droop again.
“But, Chrollo, you have to be careful. Afterall, A monarch is deadly to a spider.”
And, with that, Chrollo was out. And so were you, not a single trace of you remained in that room. It was like the monarch had never been trapped in Chrollo’s web in the first place.
But, the scars left on those beautiful butterfly wings of yours, Is enough proof that you were there. And that you left, damaged.
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sharperthewriter · 3 years
Chapter 6 of Possible-y Utah
Chapter 6 - Pool Party II She rolled up the belted overalls and her white croptop in a ball with the sneakers on top and put them on the sofa.
"You got anything to drink, Monique?" Kim asked.
"Some soda, juice, or milk, Kim. Mom's got it all laid out." Monique said, pointing to the refreshments.
Kim got herself a diet soda and headed on outside to soak up the sun's rays. She closed her eyes and laid down face first on the pool chair.
(25 minutes later)
After getting a good slight tan, Ron came up to her seat.
"Hey, KP! You're missing out on the fun!" he exclaimed.
As it turned out, he added goggles, an inner tube, and flippers to his feet.
"Ron..." Kim groaned, "...Monique's pool is big, but we aren't at the beach this summer yet!"
"I wanna soak it all in!" he replied, "Even Rufus is getting in on the act!"
Rufus giggled and put on his small goggles over his beady eyes.
"Rufus?! Is he going to go off the diving board in the deep end?" she questioned. Kim pointed to the deep half of Monique's pool that was at least 12 feet deep. That area had a diving board and slide.
"You bet your Nacos that he is, KP!" Ron grinned.
"That's so him!" Kim chuckled.
"So what do you think is going to happen in our senior year?" Ron then questioned.
"You know what? It is a really big question!" Kim exclaimed. "Considering that we're going to get a lot of our starters back on the football team for the upcoming season, we could make it all the way to State."
"Aww...man!" Ron complained, "My arms are sooo tired from last season!"
It was a longstanding tradition at Middleton High since the 1960s that the Mad Dog mascot must perform pushups on all the points the Mad Dog football team has scored through the course of a game.
"Ron, you need to do this for the team!" Kim insisted, "We need that edge after our Mad Dog football team got eliminated in the second round of the playoffs."
Ron took a deep breath and said, "The pushups are one tradition of the Mad Dog that I wish that can do without...but since you are my BFGF, I am going to do them in your honor!"
"Thank you, Ron, for the support!" Kim replied with a smile before turning her entire body around. "Oh and also, can you rub the sunscreen on my back? I don't want to get a really nasty sunburn!"
"Much obliged, KP!" Ron said in grabbing the sunscreen from the bag. He took out the sunscreen, squirted it a few times, and began to rub his girlfriend's back.
A familiar snarky voice came upon Monique's backyard.
"Out of my way, everyone! The Queen B is here!"
"Oh no..." she muttered, "Not now...please not now"
Bonnie then opened up the gate to the backyard, and she was in a two-piece bathing suit that accentated her figure. However, she wasn't the only one with her.
Another girl also came through the gate. She had blonde hair, light green eyes that were covered by her oversized sunglasses, and, like Bonnie, was in a bikini. The thing that attracted people most was the jewelry with solid gold hoop earrings, four bangles, five rings. She also had her nose and both ears pierced.
"What do you want this time, Rockwaller? You're blocking my sun!" Kim snarked at the brunette.
"Just the usual, Possible! Annoying you and Stoppable like always!" Bonnie replied with a smirk, standing right in front of the sun.
"You know that you haven't been invited to the party!" Kim snarled.
"Yeah!" Ron agreed, "Party crasher!" Rufus gave a raspberry at her.
Monique turned around and saw the three arguing.
"Uh, excuse me, Bonnie, but may I remind you that you and...whomever your friend is...need to leave!" the fashionista insisted.
"But we only just got here, Monique!" Bonnie cackled. "And actually, we did receive two invites from Hope, whom emailed me the copies!"
Kim glared at Hope.
"Sorry, Kim, but Bonnie has been my friend. I just cannot say no to anything she asks me..." Hope whimpered.
"Whatever." Kim sighed at Hope before turning her attention to Bonnie. "Just don't act like a fool for at least a couple hours, Rockwaller. This is Tamara's last party before she leaves for college! And who is your new friend here?"
Bonnie snickered and loudly announced to everyone!
"Girls...and the loser Mad Dog mascot..." she decreed while Ron seethed at her.
"I present to you the newest prospective member of the Mad Dog cheer squad! Rebecca Starlet! She just recently moved from the rich upper crust of Upperton and her family owns the Starlet Oil Company which is worth about $7 billion!"
"Seven billion?!" Ron exclaimed as his jaw dropped.
"That's correct, Stoppable!" Bonnie snarked, "She's like the heiress to the comapny!"
"So that explains all the bling she has on her..." Kim muttered. "Country CB, I would guess?"
"Yep, Possible!" Bonnie replied, still grinning at the glimmer of gold all over Rebecca's body. "She only shops the finest stores and not any peasant dumps like Club Banana!"
"Only sore losers would even wear those fashions that would be dumped into the local Smarty-Mart..." Rebecca snarked before looking at Tara, "...and for those rats that only work minimum wage at the local Cow N' Chow!"
Monique gasped at what Bonnie and Rebecca said about both her and Tara. She clenched her fists, ready to punch them!.
"You take that back, girl, before I am going to pound both your faces in!"
Kim and Jessica held her back before any punches could be thrown.
"We can't fight her now, Monique! Not in public! Not now!"
Monique relented before unclenching her fists. "Someday...karma will shove you right in the face..." she muttered.
Rufus also growled at Rebecca.
"Seems like Rufus doesn't like you on first impressiosn!
"Monique, you never cease to amaze me!" Bonnie chuckled.
"Why thank you, Bonnie, for introducing me to the rest of your squad!" Rebecca replied as she removed her sunglasses. "I hope to contribute to next year's team as we root-root for the Mad Dogs! Oh, and we're going on shopping trips to the World's Richest Mall!"
Kim gasped. "Only the uber-rich visit that place!"
"That's correct...um...what's your name again?" Rebecca asked.
"The name's Kim Possible. Perhaps you have heard my name in the news?" Kim asked, huffing.
"Oh yeah, the stupid crop-top cargo-pants wearing weirdo fighting other weirdoes!" Rebecca taunted.
"I guess you got all that info from Bonnie..." Kim muttered.
"From only the very best!" Rebecca replied before looking at her Club CB watch. "Oh, goodness, look at time! We should be at the salon for our 2pm mani-pedi!"
"Yeah, the both of us would stay and love to annoy you two losers, but we got an appointment to keep!" Bonnie snarked. "Kthanksbye!"
And with that, both Bonnie and Rebecca left Monique's backyard to go to the limousine.
"Ooooo! The nerve of Bonnie to insult me and my friends like that!" Kim shrieked, "And that super-rich so-called 'friend' of hers? I only wish if all that jewelry on her turned to rust!"
"KP! Just chillax! Don't let Bonnie and her rich girl-friend get to you!" Ron replied, "You got me and Monique to hang out all summer long! Plus, we won't have Barkin to push us around for the next two and a half months!"
Kim's frustrations with her rivalry with the Queen subsided...for now.
"Thanks, Ron. I really need to get my temper with Bon in check in time for the new school year." the redhead admitted.
"That's the spirit, girl!" Monique exclaimed.
"I know you can do it, Kim. Just clear the mind off of Bonnie and be in control!" Ron replied.
"Okay, sounds good to me!" Kim said as she sat back down on the pool chair.
"Relax and soak in the summer!" Ron said with a happy sigh, "It is going to be peaceful and quiet!"
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passable-talent · 4 years
Hey! I saw your post about Jet and I was wondering if you could do some sort of angst with him? Thx love :)
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ooooo jet angst
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Jet had many adventures with the Freedom Fighters before they made it to Ba Sing Se. Some of which ended well, and some of which ended very, very badly. 
That takes us to the situation that currently befell him. 
Jet had taken himself up against a tree, leaning against its base and hoping that even sitting upright would keep him awake. He’d been in worse scrapes than this, he told himself, even as he watched his leg bleed, the scarlet liquid staining the dirt around him and turning it into sluggish, russet mud. 
The wound was deep. He’d taken a slice of a sword through the muscle of his inner thigh, where the skin was softer, and the arteries ran closer to the surface. It was bleeding, hard, fast, soaking through his pants. His vision started to get blurry.
He was lucky, he thought, a stupid laugh making its way through his body, that the sword had missed a certain other part of his body. 
His head was swimming. He barely knew where he was- just that his injury let the rest of the Freedom Fighters get away, and they were gone. He’d had hopes of catching up to them, but he couldn’t imagine that now. He couldn’t walk, and their head start was substantial. He knew they’d be fine. Smellerbee could handle Longshot, she knew the mission. They’d make it to Ba Sing Se, and they’d get the fresh start they needed. He knew they’d be okay.
Jet, he just, well, he didn’t want to die. Not here. 
“Are you okay?” said a voice, in a direction Jet could hardly place. His muscles all seemed to want to stay still, and so it was a challenge to move his head toward the sound. 
“Oh, spirits,” you breathed, running to the side of the figure, when you saw the amount of blood they were losing. “My name’s Y/N,” you told him, not even sure he was conscious, “I’m gonna take you home. You’re gonna be fine.” You grabbed his arms, trying to haul him to his feet, or at least one of them. He seemed awake enough to try to help, though how much he truly was helping was... up to debate. 
“Jet,” he murmured, his head limp in front of his chest, eyes barely peeking out from under their lids. 
“Jet, is that your name? Jet?” You kept hold of his wrist, its grip keeping his arm slung over your shoulders, your other arm under his. You didn’t know much first aid, but you knew enough. He wasn’t the first war casualty you’d come across. Keep him talking- that’s what your mother had always told you. Keep them talking. 
You wished there was a waterbender in town. You’d heard, a few towns over, about a sweet woman from the Northern Water Tribe who could heal the injured and sick thanks to waterbending. If that was an option, you knew he would heal much better than he would under your hand. 
“Yeah,” he breathed, eyes closing, his leg dragging between the two of you. His good leg, when his toes didn’t catch in the grass of the path, hopped along, keeping as much weight as he could from his other leg, as the blood still slid down his skin. It was a win, and a loss, in that he was helping you, but the elevation of his heartbeat only served to push more blood out of his body. 
“Where do you come from, Jet?” You asked, trying to keep up a light hearted conversation even through gritted teeth, as you hurried home. Home- how far away were you? You’d only been at the river, that wasn’t far, but you didn’t know how much distance Jet had in him. 
“West,” he murmured, the sound of the latter letters slurring on as he teetered closer to unconsciousness. 
“No, no, Jet,” you growled, forcing him further upright. “You pass out on me, this gets a lot harder, come on.” He groaned, gave another hop on his good foot, and tumbled into you as he lost consciousness. 
“Nope, not today,” you snarled, gritted teeth supporting your strength as you hauled him up. “You’re not going to die on me today.” You pulled both of his arms over your shoulders, collecting most of his mass onto your back, and hauled him home. 
Jet woke up three days later. Three days, in which you stitched up the wound as best you could, changed the bandages a dozen times, forced him to swallow water even as he slept, and being pretty sure it was going to somehow lead to him choking.
Three days, in which he was alive, but you couldn’t be sure he’d stay that way. He’d lost so much blood, what if his body just gave out? What if all of your help had been for nothing? Sure, you knew nothing about him, you’d just met him, but you couldn’t let him die. You’d rescued him- you were supposed to be his rescuer. 
You didn’t think you’d be able to handle it if he died, right here in your home. 
You’d taken up to sleeping, not in your bedroom, but instead in the main room, where he had been sleeping on a low table for the full three days. You’d gotten him a pillow, and tried to make him comfortable, but there was only so much you could do, thanks to his unconscious state. 
This, luckily, was where you were when he woke up. 
He let out a groan, and you heard him shift his head. You lifted your own, gazing across the room, and lifting a hand to rub your eyes to make sure your mind wasn’t playing tricks on you. 
“Jet?” You asked, and you watched as he tried to crane his head toward you. 
“Y/N, right? Do I remember it right?” He asked, and you nodded, standing up with maybe a bit too much excitement. 
“You’re awake,” you said, your smile bright as you cupped his cheek. “I can’t believe you’re awake.” His eyebrows knotted, and he blinked once or twice. 
“What do you mean?” He asked, “how long have I been out?” 
“Three days,” you said, and his eyes went wide. 
“Three days,” he breathed, looking away. “I’m never going to catch up with them now.”
“My friends. I got hurt so that they could escape- they’re headed to Ba Sing Se.” You wouldn’t admit it, but you didn’t want to say goodbye to him so soon. Your next words, however, were entirely true, and not rooted in selfishness whatsoever. 
“Jet, you can’t walk yet, much less travel. It might be a long time before you can.” You saw it in his eyes, when he made the decision to sit up and do it anyway, and so before he could you grabbed his shoulders and forced them back down. 
“Jet, I’m serious. Whatever cut you went straight through some of your muscles. If you try to walk now, you might just reopen it.” He swore, and laid back down, closing his eyes. 
“Thank you,” he whispered, after a moment collecting his thoughts. “You’re doing a lot to help me, and you don’t need to.” You felt a little bit of heat on your cheeks, and smiled. 
“Yeah, well,” you whispered, turning away to get him a cup of water. 
“If you come across bleeding out in the woods, it’s like, well, you probably should help, right?” He chuckled, a smirk pulling on his lips and revealing teeth on one side of his mouth. 
“Yeah, right.” You gave him a cup, and he sat up, taking a long drink, only pulling it from his mouth when it was empty. 
“Y/N,” he said, pulling your attention again. “I’m gonna repay you.”
“You don’t have to, Jet. Like I said, its the right thing to do.” You felt his fingers curl around your wrist, and you turned to him. 
“Y/N,” he said again, keeping eye contact. It was intoxicating, like he knew exactly his effect on you. “I’m alive because of you.” You broke his gaze and looked away, but as you did, his hand brushed back some of your hair. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
The question caught you off guard, and your eyes returned to his, wide, surprised. But you couldn’t- in no world would your answer be anything but:
-🦌 Roe
tag list- @lammello @kittyddandnyla
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patchworkpuzzle · 3 years
Alright my love, my darling Patchy!
Congrats on having so many people realize your amazing talent! I know you will have a lot more followers in no time. I luv you!
Let's hope I order correctly.....
Pumpkin spice latte with espresso (Tendou Satori) and extra foam (I would love nothing more than to have him need me to be on top 'despite my worries about crushing him')
Lills! My dearest and brightest starshine!! I would be more than happy to fulfill your request! And may I take this moment to tell you how much I appreciate you for being such a great a supportive friend?
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Ooooo a pumpkin spice latte! I hope I've made it good enough for your standards!
You wanted to give yourself some major credit.
You didn't really think this blind date that your worker had set up for you was going to go well; especially seeing as they wanted to go to a bar for the first date.
Who takes their date to a bar? Let alone for the first-ever date! He didn't know anything about you, and he just assumed that this would be a good option?
He was probably a loser, that's what you thought.
A loser that didn't know how to prepare for a proper date. But you figured that you could make yourself look extra pretty and wear your best fitting dress; for if he didn't show up, maybe you could pick someone else up while you were there.
And you were right. Your date didn't show up.
But, the bartender seemed to fancy you quite a bit. When you first showed up, he gave you your drink for free; claiming it was 'on the house' with a sly wink.
And when 20 minutes passed he gave you another one, this one was 'on behalf of your date.' And then another 15 minutes later, to 'make this guy a little more tolerable when he finally shows.' And then another when an hour had finally hit, clearly proving that your supposed date wasn't going to show.
"What's this one for?" You mumbled out, your hand muffling some of your words due to your face resting on your palm; your free hand reaching out to swirl the contents of the tumbler placed before you.
"To celebrate," He smiled, elbows coming down to rest on the bar as his face neared yours "the fact you now don't have to deal with that asshole."
"Celebrating me getting stood up?" You hummed before taking the glass and downing the contents immediately "Interesting."
"Well, you could see it that way, or..." His smile grew more impish as his eyes roamed your figure "You can see it as having your night available for other things."
"What other things are you trying to suggest?" You brought your face closer to him, a smirk of your own painting your face; one that was matching his.
"That your body would look real good on top of me"
His words caught you by surprise, your cheeks flaring up at how bold of a statement it was; but also how good the thought was. He didn't give you any time to respond - 'only telling you that he was off in an hour if you could wait that long.'
And well despite your trepidation, and the fact you normally never do things like this, you went home with him. Not like you could really stop yourself from falling into that temptation.
And try as you might to protest, he simply just HAD to have you on top of him. Had to feel your thighs squish his face to keep him in place as he ate you like a man starved, moaning when he could feel your hips rutting into his face.
How he couldn't help himself from marking your skin in his most favourite spots on you; turning your ass red simply because he liked hearing your whimpers and watching your jump.
To let his hands wander the expanse of your beautiful body as he watched you bounce on his cock with such enthusiasm. Eyes unable to stop themselves from being mesmerized by the way your softness would jiggle for him.
He could watch it for hours.
And well, he kinda did.
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Next order, please!
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Undercover- Throne of Glass AU (2)
Ahh so this was meant to go up yesterday but a gal has gotta work sometimes. Enjoy my loves:) Also I’m not 100% sure everyone was tagged properly in chap 1 so please check that first just incase!
Undercover Masterlist.
Full Masterlist.
Warnings: Swearing, violence and mentions of sex. I’ll update these as the story progresses.
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The dinner had gone nicely, Aelin thought. The newbies had fit in quite well surprisingly and after what seemed to be a game of twenty questions, they were joining in on the chaos. They were all now in the main room, drinking and playing cards while she and Lysandra sat on the floor sharing chocolate cake between them. And of course, because they knew nothing, there was judgment from said newbies.
“Very sorry to interrupt ma’am, but, are you really going to eat all of that?” It was Connall who’d asked, while his twin smacked him over the back of the head.
“Seriously Con, you don’t ask ladies such questions. I apologise for his idiotic mouth ma’am.”
Aelin didn’t want to put on the mask of Celaena tonight, she wanted to relax and they wouldn’t be able to connect the nickname and so she said, “I told you none of that when your giant over there passed the test,” jerking her thumb over her shoulder where she knew Salvaterre to be sat, “please, call me Ace.”
The whole room went quiet as soon as the words had left her mouth, Lys’ fork stopped halfway to her mouth and raised a single dark eyebrow and Aedion’s eyes had gone wide. She knew why it had stunned everyone of course, but tonight she just wanted to be with her family. Manon was the first to speak up from where she was draped across Dorian’s lap, her fingers tangled in his dark hair.
“You never let anyone call you that this early, what gives?” it was a lazy drawl, as if she thought Aelin had some sort of scheme behind it, but for once she wasn’t planning anything.
“I find I quite like this lot, there’s something different about ‘em. And yes, dear Connall, it’s only three slices between us.”
There was a snort somewhere and she turned her head to see Elide staring at her, a single eyebrow raised. “’Only three slices’ she says. The two of you have been sharing most of that cake throughout the day. I expect you to be in the ring tomorrow Ace, maybe you and Manon can go for a round, you haven’t in a while.”
Chaol, Dorian and Aedion all spoke at once then.
“Absolutely fucking not!”
“Not happening Lochan.”
“Elide have you lost your mind?”
Aelin only noticed the outburst was because she and Manon were both giving each other the same feral grin, which the other girl soon turned into a glare when she glared down at Dorian, who visibly gulped. “Is there a problem with Ace and I sparring, love?” Dorian nervously laughed and shook his head.
“No, baby. You’re a delight in the ring.” Manon simply rolled her eyes and leaned in for a chaste and shockingly mild kiss for the couple.
The confusion was evident on Gavriel’s face, speaking up for possibly the fourth time since dinner started- he seemed quite content in watching others enjoy themselves but Aelin noticed his eyes always settled on her cousin after a while. She let a smirk slip free as he asked, “What’s so bad about them sparring together?”
Aedion was the one to answer and the man gave all his attention as if he was the most wonderful person in the world. Interesting.
“They don’t spar like normal people would, they fight rough and dirty. Last time knives were involved and Manon was left with a scar across her shoulder and Aelin ended up with a dislocation.”
Manon chuckled darkly and Aelin scoffed. They were all so dramatic.
“I’ll go a round with you, if you’d like?” It was Rowan who offered and Aelin found herself quite excited at the thought, seeing as Fenrys had said he’d trained the twins on everything they knew, well almost everything as Lorcan had trained them alongside him. His fellow comrades however, didn’t seem as happy, in fact they looked incredibly cautious, Lorcan obviously the most cautious of them all as he was now sat ramrod straight in his chair.
“But you haven’t trained against anyone sinc-” Rowan cut Lorcan off, shoulders tense and a dark glint in those pretty green eyes.
“I know exactly how long it has been.” He relaxed somewhat as he focused back on her once more and Aelin was suddenly curious to know what had happened. “We don’t have to of course but I’d be willing if you’d like a partner.”
“Tomorrow morning, seven sharp. Training room as you know is on this floor, I’ll meet you there.”
He simply lowered his head in a nod before turning to talk to Vaughan but his knuckles were white where he was clenching his glass. Something bad, then.
“Well, now that the fuss is over, can a girl tend to her chocolate cravings without question?”
All nodded except for Lysandra, who Aelin now noticed had eaten most of the cake during that little discussion.
Rowan didn’t sleep that night, bombarded with memories of the past. He’d always remember, always feel the pain, he knew that but it fucking sucked. He didn’t need to be told by Lorcan that he’d not trained with another since that day six years ago. There was no forgetting that day everything went to hell and that he’d nearly killed Lorcan because of it- at sixteen years old he had no idea how strong he was, but they soon found out. It was stupid of him to push himself to do what he was not ready for but then he remembered Celaena, or ‘Ace’ as she’d asked to be called in private, was their mission, their target and so if she was hurt it didn’t matter. It also gave him the chance to figure out weak spots and how good she was at defending herself if in the end it came to a fight rather than surrender.
Now he was sat in the stupid fucking training room with little to no sleep and a simmering rage left over from the awful images he was provided by his brain. It was large room with lots of weights, a few workout machines and what looked to be knife throwing targets. Most likely for the tiny hell beast who Lorcan clearly fancied. He wasn’t the only here and was accompanied by Fen, Gav, Lorcan, Aedion, Manon, Dorian, Elide and finally the bitch princess herself. Celaena, who was dressed in very short, shorts and a goddamn sports bra, was having her hands wrapped in tape by Aedion while Manon braided her hair back while he watched from the other side of the room, hands fully wrapped and doing the usual stretches he did when he would practice alone. Seriously, did she have to spar practically naked? If she was any other girl and he’d seen her like that, it would be incredibly difficult to fight the urge to pin her against the wall and fuck her senseless. He was pulled from the utterly disgusting fantasy by the sound of footsteps to his left. Rowan didn’t need to look up to know that Lorcan and sidled up next him and with an exhausted sigh asked, “Yes, Lorcan?”
“I know you hate it when people ask you if you’re sure about something, but are you sure about this? I can make up some kind of excuse.”
He knew this was coming, had been dreading the bastard conversation since he’d volunteered himself. They were the only two on the opposite side of the room so no one could hear him when he replied, “Yes, I’m fine. The bitch will think I’m weak or some other stupid shit and we need to win her trust, all of their trust and so I am going to do this.”
“Ro, you’ve refused all of us when we offered over the years. You and I have been best friends since we were kids and I don’t want to see you like you were that day ever again, so I’m asking one more time. Are you absolutely sure you can do this?” Lorcan never spoke gently to him and Rowan was grateful, he didn’t want pity.
“I’m sure. This conversation is over.” He pulled himself to stand when he realised everyone was waiting and walked to the middle of the room where the little makeshift sparring square was. Both his people and hers, although they were all considered hers now unfortunately, were spread out around them as he stepped into the square. There was not time to brace himself because all of a sudden she had landed a very powerful left hook and rammed her foot into his abdomen causing him to stumble. He brought his hand up to wipe the back of it across his mouth and found blood there when he pulled it away.
He laughed then and returned the favour full force but instead of a foot to the abdomen he used his fist watching as Celaena allowed herself to drop to one knee, only one. From that advantage point she took his legs out from under him and had him on his back, but he rolled before she could pin him and pushed himself back up. When they were standing again she smirked before running at him and from there it was blow after blow after blow. All that rage that was simmering just below the surface from last night rose up again and made him ruthless. When he finally had her pinned on her back wrists bound, Rowan thought she might give up but he was wrong. She went pliant underneath him and then her leg was around his hip and pulled him down to grind herself against him. He’d not been with anyone in a very, very long time and so the feeling shocked him so much his grip went slack, giving her the opportunity to get him into a headlock and his limbs trapped in awkward angles. With his free hand he tapped repeatedly and Celaena let go of him, walking over to Aedion who handed her a small towel and a bottle of water waiting for her. Fenrys came over, pulling him to his feet and patting his shoulder, muttering in a low voice, “Better luck next time, ey mate?”
It was repulsive to think his hormones betrayed him for that fucking privileged nobody, but he couldn’t show the disgust or the hate and so he simply said, “You really do play dirty woman.”
There was a laugh, a coy laugh like a lover would and then she tossed a cold bottle of water at him.
“I’ve got to say Whitehorn; I didn’t picture you as a man that would let the wrong head make decisions for him.”
Play your part, no matter how horrible it is. You’ve endured worse.
He took a deep breath before he smirked back at her, making a show of running his eyes over the length of her body. “When one is trapped between the thighs of someone of your beauty Ace, such things are hard to control.”
Her cheeks were redder now and it was hard to tell if she was blushing or if it was from exertion. Part of him hoped it was her blushing as that would provide him an opening to get close to her, but wouldn’t have to go so far as actually sleeping with her. He shivered at the thought. Rowan saw that she was clearly about to retort with something snarky when a phone started ringing. Everyone stopped as Elide, who was now at her boss’s side, pulled a phone from her back pocket and began to speak.
“This is Lochan.” There was no emotion on her face and there wasn’t any way of telling what the other person was saying on the other end before she handed the phone over to Celaena. There was a mask in place when he looked back at her and suddenly he felt like he knew the reason for the nickname she was given. Yes everyone throughout London called her little followers “Assassins” but it was she who was given the title of “Assassin Queen”.
“Speak, now.” Everyone in the room was staring at her waiting but she acted like they didn’t even exist.
“Is anyone hurt?” He could only detect a faint sense of worry in her tone but then there was an awful snarl on her face which meant that this was not going to be good at all.
“By the time I get there Chaol,” mystery of the caller solved then “your wife better be safely tucked into bed and resting, and those little fuckers better be secure.” She hung up, if there was a reply from the other man, it was cut off half way through. Dorian was the first to speak up, fear in his voice.
“What happened to Chaol and Yrene boss?”
“Some little fuckwits somehow managed to track them and broke in. Clearly they have someone almost as good as Elide, as they got past her systems but must have done so from somewhere else. Yrene has a few scrapes and bruises but she held her own, took two of them out. Chaol has three unconscious and tied up. Get your shit together, we move out in ten.” No one had a chance to move before Lochan piped up.
“There’s only one person in London that even comes close to my skills boss, and you know that.” Elide spoke smoothly and it felt as if this was a topic that had been brought up before. The tiny spitfire continued, her eyes tracking her friend and boss, and that’s when he noticed Celaena’s fists were clenched, knuckles white. “He was spared once, because I knew what it would do to you but now he’s crossed a line.”
“And when we catch him, no one touches him except for Chaol and myself. Are we clear?”
They all gave an obedient ‘yes boss’ and watched as she left, not speaking to anyone further. Lorcan beat him to the unspoken question, trying to clear up the confusion. Rowan couldn’t think of anything from the files and backgrounds they were all given.
“Who is this mystery man who is complicit in trying to have a pregnant woman killed?” Rowan tried not to flinch at the memories the words triggered and turned to look at Aedion, who gave a sigh before answering;
“Sam Cortland.”
Oooooo yeah I did that😮 if you wanna be added/removed from the tags just give us a shout!
Tags: @bryaxisthefaceofnightmares @fancyclodpaintercookie @empress-sei @acourtofterrasenandvelaris @tswaney17 @queen-of-glass @thesirenwashere @awkward-avocado-s @b00kworm @http-itsrebecca @eatmysandwiches @poisonous00 @flowersinvegas @julemmaes @mu-si-ca-l @spyofthenightcourt @sis-it-dont-add-up @mad-madeline-ace​ @df3ndyr
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the-black-birb · 4 years
ooooo I saw the tags, so mayhaps “study date” + kurotsukki ? hope you’re doing okay, and good luck with any tests you have coming up! -🌙
Study Date
A/N: thank you!! I'm all done with exams now so I just have to survive the next month of school lol
Tsukishima knew Kuroo was smarter than him.
It wasn’t something he’d ever admit to his face, not wanting to inflate the older man’s ego anymore and being rather opposed to letting on anything about his true admiration for his senior, but it was something Tsukishima was certain of. He’d certainly proven it to him on the court; Tsukishima undoubtedly revered Kuroo as a teacher in that sense. He begrudgingly owed him his own love of volleyball (though that was only something he’d never admit). But he had no doubt that Nekoma’s captain, two years his senior and in college courses, was undeniably book smart. He’d been on the receiving end of his chemistry lectures too many nights at camp.
What he couldn’t figure out was why Kuroo would ask for Tsukishima to help him study.
Nothing about it really made sense. For one thing, Tsukishima was younger than Kuroo and taking different courses. For another, they went to entirely different schools literal hours apart. But Kuroo claimed he had “business in Miyagi” and wanted to get some tips from his protege while he was there.
Tsukishima couldn’t exactly say no. He’d owed Kuroo plenty, and he didn’t exactly fancy denying him this as well. But he still couldn’t grasp exactly what it was Kuroo planned to get out of this.
Head full of questions and cheeks cold from the new winter frost, Tsukishima strolled into the cafe Kuroo had asked to meet him at. Having arrived five minutes earlier and already hyper-aware that Kuroo was never particularly punctual, Tsukishima expected to find himself alone but instead was greeted by a familiar dark bed-head.
“Tsukki!” Kuroo grinned, two drinks in hand (was that a pink drink? Tsukishima pinned Kuroo as more of an espresso kind of guy, really). “Sorry I already ordered for you. Hope you don’t mind black coffee.”
He didn’t, but Tsukishima had a suspicion Kuroo already knew that. He wasn’t exactly the inconsiderate type.
“Thanks,” Tsukishima muttered, sliding into the table across from Kuroo. “So what’d you need?”
Kuroo’s signature “nice guy” smile faltered only slightly at the question, but Tsukishma didn’t miss it. He was up to something.
"Well," Kuroo smiled. "I was wondering if you could help me form some good study habits. Shorty really praised your intellect so I thought you were the person to go to." Kuroo's grin didn't waver, but Tsukishima was already too suspicious to be distracted by his charm. He sipped his coffee sternly, calculating eyes staring into the upperclassmen.
"Kuroo," Tsukishima drawled. Kuroo shivered at the way he said his name. "Why does someone in college courses need study tips?" Kuroo opened his mouth, undoubtedly having already prepared an excuse, but Tsukishima was ruthless. "Weren't you already accepted into your favorite university?" 
Kuroo screwed his mouth shut. Tsukishima knew about that?
"And you got a scholarship."
He knew about that?
"Why would the salutatorian of Nekoma highschool need study tips?"
Tsukishima relaxed back into his seat, not realizing how worked up he got while investigating Kuroo. He'd hoped to unnerve him enough to find out his true intentions, but his dreams were crushed when he saw the smirk creeping onto Kuroo's face.
"Tsukki," he stage-whispered. "It sounds like you're obsessed with me."
The blonde swallowed tightly. This is a test, he repeated to himself. Kuroo is a master of provocation. You will not break.
Still, he felt himself breaking into hives.
"I simply," he cleared his throat, not trusting his voice to stay steady. "Talk with Akaashi a bit."
Kuroo hummed, nodding his head. "Of course." He smirked. "About me."
Fighting the blush crawling up his neck, Tsukishima pushed his glasses up in a weak attempt to maintain some kind of dignity. "About a lot of things." He ignored the way Kuroo wiggled his eyebrows when he said that. "Why are we here, again?"
Kuroo shifted in his seat nervously at the question. Got him, Tsukishima clicked his tongue.
"Well I guess it won't seeing so you're so interested in my life-"
"Am not!"
"I was hoping for this to become like…" Kuroo breathed in to prepare himself. Unconsciously, so did Tsukishima. "A date."
As Tsukishima stared silently at Kuroo, mouth hanging open just a bit, Kuroo fought to come up with excuses. "Sorry!" he laughed. "It was a joke! A joke! Y'know, why don't we invite your friends to join us," he continued rambling, hands waving around frantically and all but ignoring the boy in front of him. "Want to invite shrimpy? Yamaguchi? Let's call them up I can-"
"No!" Tsukishima cut him off. Finally, he gave into his fate as he felt the blood rush to his face, surely spreading out over his ears and neck.
"Don't invite them," Tsukishims muttered, grip tightening on his coffee cup. He was looking everywhere but at Kuroo. "A date is...it's fine," Tsukishima huffed.
His partner smiled, trying not to seem too eager as he bent forward in his seat.
"Right," he smiled. "Let's go on a date, then."
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splendidlyimperfect · 4 years
Ooooo if you’re still doing the sentence starter thing can I request: “ i can’t believe that asshole said that to you .  it’s not true, you know.” And “you want me to punch him in the face ??” Please??? With Natsu comforting Gray???
this took a while, i can’t remember how long ago this was submitted, time is fake, i’m sorry <3 i hope you enjoy it! 
read my lips
rating: teen and up pairing: gray/natsu tags: modern au, established relationship, covid fic, coffee shops, hard of hearing character, sign language, ableism, audism, emotional hurt/comfort, me projecting on gray as usual
**tw for ablelism/audism (ableism targeted at Deaf/HoH folks) and an instance of the r-slur
“I don’t care what Lucas says, Han shot first.”  
Natsu emphasized his point with his sewing needle, shooing away Happy when he tried to bat at the thread.
“I’m not disagreeing with you,” Sting insisted from the other end of the video call. “I’m just saying that he did kind of invent Star Wars.”  
Natsu rolled his eyes at his cousin as he nudged Happy away from the laptop. “Yeah, and he suggested Darth Icky as a Sith name to the game devs for ‘The Force Unleashed’, so it’s probably time for him to just, y’know, not be involved anymore.”  
Continue reading on AO3
Sting snorted, shaking his head as he tied off a knot on the back of his embroidery and flipped it over to study the design. He sighed, holding it up to the camera so Natsu could see the uneven stitches.  
“I don’t think I’m ever gonna get this,” Sting complained. “Yours looks so much better.”  
“I’ve also been doing it for years,” Natsu pointed out. He was about to say something else when the front door slammed open, bringing with it a red-faced Gray who looked like he was on the verge of tears. He kicked off his shoes, tossing his mask into the laundry basket at the door and throwing his bag on the floor.  
“Hey, love,” Natsu said, waving his hand to get Gray’s attention. Gray shook his head, refusing to look at Natsu and storming into the kitchen. Natsu frowned. Gray had been in a good mood when he’d left that morning, and he’d texted Natsu only an hour ago – on my way home, gonna pick up coffee, love you <3 
“Everything okay?” Sting asked.  
“No, I gotta go,” Natsu said, setting his embroidery down and giving Sting a concerned look. “I’ll text you later, ‘kay?”  
Sting nodded. “Hope everything’s okay. Love you.”  
“Love you, too.”  
Natsu nudged Happy off his lap, then headed to the kitchen, where Gray was aggressively washing his hands. Eventually he turned off the water but stayed where he was, head down and fingers gripping the edge of the sink.  
He didn’t answer, so Natsu reached around the corner and flicked the lights a couple times. Gray sighed, grabbing the towel and finally turning around to face Natsu.  
What’s wrong? Natsu signed. Gray’s cheeks were still flushed, and he refused to meet Natsu’s gaze. 
I can’t fucking understand anyone, he signed eventually, looking like he was going to cry. Natsu frowned and Gray added, With masks on. I can’t read anyone’s lips and I feel so stupid.  
Natsu’s heart ached at the defeated look on Gray’s face. He stepped forward and reached out for Gray’s hand, which was balled into a tight fist. It took a few seconds, but eventually Gray sighed, letting Natsu slip their fingers together.  
“I just wanted a coffee,” he said out loud. His voice was tight and on the edge of tears. “The barista kept asking me something and I couldn’t hear her, there was too much background noise. It’s all just… sound. I didn’t understand. She had to write it down and people were staring, and I felt like an idiot, so I just left.” 
Natsu ran his fingers over Gray’s, bringing his hand to his lips and kissing it.  
“It’s so frustrating,” Gray said quietly. “Everyone thought I was stupid.”  
“I’m sure nobody thought—”  
“They did.” Gray’s jaw tensed. “The guy behind me thought I couldn’t hear at all, but he was so fucking loud. I heard him laughing, telling his friend I was…” Gray’s voice broke and he quickly rubbed at his face with the back of his hand.  
“C’mere, sweetheart,” Natsu said gently, pulling Gray close and wrapping both arms around his shoulders. Gray leaned into the embrace and pressed his forehead to Natsu’s shoulder.  
“He said I was retarded.”  
Natsu froze at the words that were muffled by his shirt. “What?” he tried to pull back to look at Gray again, but Gray wrapped his arms around Natsu’s waist and kept him close. He was trying his best to hold it in, but he was definitely crying now.
Natsu held Gray tighter, protective anger filling his chest as he ran his hand up and down Gray’s back. “I’m so sorry,” he said against Gray’s ear. “I can’t believe he said that to you, that’s horrible.”
Gray didn’t say anything. Natsu could see him biting his lip to keep back the tears and the soft sounds that came with them. He sighed, holding Gray as close as possible and pressing his cheek to the top of Gray’s head.
“I love you,” he murmured as he ran his fingers through Gray’s hair. They stood like that for a while, and eventually Gray’s shoulders stopped shaking. He sniffed and wiped his eyes with his sleeve.
“Hey,” Natsu said gently, pulling back and making sure Gray could see his lips. “You know what he said isn’t true, right?”
“I…” Gray swallowed and looked back down at the floor. “It’s just so frustrating. I get so embarrassed and I feel so stupid.”
Natsu shook his head, nudging Gray’s arm and switching to sign.
First of all, that guy is an idiot and a terrible human being, and if I ever see him, I’m gonna punch him in the face. Secondly, you’re not stupid. You’re one of the smartest people I know. You know four languages, you can build computers from scratch, and you can code faster than humanly possible. You know every single piece of lore from World of Warcraft – which is ridiculous, by the way, but adorable.
Gray’s lip quirked up in a tiny smile.
There’s nothing wrong with you, Natsu continued. No matter what. Doesn’t matter if you want to wear your hearing aids or not, if you want to talk or sign, or if you need extra time understanding people.
Gray sighed and ran his hands through his hair. “I know. It just sucks.” He exhaled loudly, then looked up at Natsu. “I’m sor—”
“Don’t you dare apologize.”
“Look, I know we’re Canadian, but apologizing for someone else being an ass and calling you a slur isn’t allowed.”
Gray laughed and the sound relieved the anger and frustration in Natsu’s chest. He studied Gray’s face for a moment – the deep blue of his eyes, the tiny scar on his forehead, the barely noticeable dimple on his left cheek.
“What?” Gray frowned at him.
“You’re pretty,” Natsu said simply, leaning in and kissing Gray’s nose as a pink flush spread across his cheeks. “And I love you.” Before Gray could attempt to deflect the compliment, Natsu added, “Do you still wanna get a coffee?”
Gray’s expression shifted into something uncertain. “I can just make it here.” He gestured to their coffee machine, but Natsu shook his head.
“That’s not what I asked. Do you want to go out and get coffee?” Gray gave Natsu a suspicious look and he laughed. “I have an idea,” he said, gesturing to the door. “C’mon, let’s go for a drive.”
Natsu made Gray drive. He gave directions that lead away from the house, across the freeway, and into the neighboring suburb. The roads were unfamiliar but Natsu navigated them from his phone, clearly looking for something specific.
“Where are we going?” Gray asked again. He glanced over at Natsu, who just grinned at him and pointed out the window. A Starbucks sat in the middle of the shopping complex on the right side of the road.
“Do the drive through.”
“There’s tons of Starbucks back in New West,” Gray said, frowning as he flicked on the signal and pulled into the parking lot. “Why’d we come all the way out here?”
Natsu didn’t answer, just gestured to the menu screen as Gray pulled up to it. He looked at Natsu, ready for him to interpret whatever the barista said, but was surprised when the screen lit up instead. Someone with long, dark hair appeared on the screen, dressed in a green apron and giving them a warm smile.
Welcome to Starbucks, how are you doing today?
Gray’s eyes widened as he watched them sign, and it took him a moment to realize that they could see him.
Good, he replied quickly, hoping he didn’t look too confused. Um. You?
I’m great! What would you like to order?
Gray stared blankly at the menu for a second, then remembered he always got the same thing. Doubleshot on ice, please? he replied. Grande? Natsu poked him and he batted his hand away. And a Java Chip Frappuccino.
Awesome, see you at the window! The barista smiled and waved at him before the video switched off and the screen returned to normal.
Gray managed to hold in his tears until they had their drinks and were parked in the lot. He quickly wiped at his eyes with his sleeve, trying to hide his face from Natsu.
“That was Rogue,” Natsu said gently, reaching over and pulling Gray’s hands away from his face. “Sting’s new partner.”
Gray swallowed, trying to push down the lump that blocked his throat. “They can… they know sign.”
“Yeah.” Natsu brushed Gray’s hair out of his face and tucked it behind his ear. “Sting was telling me about them earlier – their little sister is Deaf so they’re pretty close to fluent in ASL.”
“Oh.” Gray stared down at Natsu’s hand in his, trying to figure out how to explain the complicated sensation in his chest. The frustration and embarrassment from earlier were gone, replaced with a deep sense of relief.
Natsu nudged Gray as he let go of his hand, and Gray looked over at him.
You’re not stupid, Natsu signed, balancing his drink on his lap. You’re smart and funny and gorgeous, and I love you so, so much.
Gray stared him – wild hair and bright eyes and the wide smile that Gray had fallen in love with so many years ago. “How do you do that?” Gray asked softly. Natsu raised an eyebrow. “You always know how to make things better.”
“Making you happy is my superpower,” Natsu said, grinning as he took a sip of his drink. “Now, y’know what you can do with lips besides read them?”
Gray raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“Kiss them.”
“You’re such a dork,” Gray said, shaking his head and laughing.
“You love me, though.”
“I do.”
Gray leaned over the console and pulled Natsu in for a long, slow kiss. Natsu’s hand brushed through his hair and he leaned into the touch – into the way that Natsu always felt like home.
“Mm.” Natsu hummed happily as he pulled back and pressed their foreheads together. “See, this is why I make you feel better – I get kisses when you’re happy.”
“So you’re not just being altruistic?”
“Not entirely. I may or may not have ulterior motives.”
“And do those ulterior motives happen to involve clothing?”
“That’s entirely up to you.”
Gray laughed and brushed his nose against Natsu’s, then pulled him in for another kiss. He tugged lightly on Natsu’s hair, biting gently on his lower lip and tasting chocolate on his tongue. Then he pulled back and smiled, setting his coffee in the cup holder and putting the car into drive.
“Let’s go home and find out.”
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purekesseltrash · 3 years
This is my final ask talking about BTD so it has to be perfect, I literally created a google doc so I wouldnt fuck it up before I sent it
Shoji replaying a song over and over while doing a task reminded me of when I listened to “Ophelia” by The Lumineers on repeat while drinking coffee on my kitchen counter and lemme tell ya, I’ve been chasing that high ever since
Yeah knowing you'd have *some* family but not all of them after coming out sucks major ass but its the truth, I'm ever so grateful that the only person who would react negatively that I know would be my maternal Grandmother whos a narcissistic bitch who I haven't spoken to in years so like, i dont give a shit what she thinks but I know that it would be hard on Shoji seeing how family oriented he is in this story and him knowing his relationships with his siblings and parents would be rocky makes my heart break for him
That went over a lot smoother than I thought it would, I mean i'm incredibly happy that they’re like, getting together, but I honestly expected it to be more drawn out
Awww Tokoyami getting their as fast as he could and Shoji being soft for domestic Tokoyami
Sweet jesus I can relate to Shoji just randomly thanking his friend for being his friend, the amount of times I’ve wanted to just ominously text my friends a “thank you for everything” is too many to count
I LOVE GRITTY, HE REMINDS ME OF MY CAT WHOS A MAINE COON (his names Chewie if you're interested)
I knew Mic would suck at cooking, its just so him
I practically squealed at Shoji changing Tokoyami’s contact name to Fumikage
Okay, little background story, I keep a list in my notes app of headcanons for Tokoyami and literally one of them on there says word for word “Dogs absolutely love him and he loves them right back” so im SO GLAD you made him a dog person, making him a cat person seems like the easy route
LAWYER MOM IS INTRODUCED i honestly didn't picture her as a blonde but now I see it
Tokoyami’s mom being incredibly enthusiastic reminds me a lot of my mom, she always get excited when people have pride flags hanging up and suggested we get a pride flag so that made me appreciate my mama more than I already have been
I swear to god my eyes got as big as saucers hearing the part about cheesecake because I'm from New Hartford and forgot Hartford was a different city.
I can just picture Aizawa SLAMMING the brakes and whipping his head around, hair flying, as he looks at Shoji
“And he let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding” how much more cliche could you get, not gonna lie that made me laugh
All right I have to confess something. I've skipped every transcript of Put Your Sticks Up because I was impatient and wanted to get to the story. Now you know my biggest secret, I always felt bad but would get frustrated cause I wanted to hear ‘bout my boys.
The last precious worm ask! I am finally on my laptop so I can give this the proper attention.
Ngl, when my head isn't working, I will just put on one song and play it over and over and over and over and over until something comes into my head. My ShinOji fic 'Gold Rush' came from that. Still not sure how I managed to make a somewhat decent fic out of a song about gentrification but my mind is a wild and wonderful place.
Yeah, Shouji goes through it with his family. One thing that I can say though is that as Shouji starts to get more and more successful with his art, Tokoyami starts to spitefully send articles and reviews written on his work to his parent's house. He never gets a response but doesn't expect to, he just feels like they should see how amazing their son is, goddamnit. The one day, a letter comes back. Tokoyami opens it, expecting it to be them telling him to knock it off and instead, one of the pictures has been sent back with 'This is beautiful' written in pen, an arrow pointing to one of his vases. Tokoyami then has to show it to Shouji and explain what he did. Shouji cries basically all night. That starts a very, very tenuous back and forth with his mom.
Gonna put the rest of this under a break because it's gonna be long
You should have seen my first outline if you thought this was quick with them figuring it out. Basically, the only reason that Tokoyami broke it off in the first place was because he didn't see that there was a chance of it working. They worked so well otherwise. Amazing chemistry, complimentary senses of humor, Tokoyami didn't want to break it off at all. He just felt like he had to because otherwise they were both going to get more hurt. So when Shouji was like 'okay, but actually I do want to try this', he was all in.
Ojiro is legit Shouji's first real friend. Which is really really sad given that they met when they were eighteen but Shouji never really got a chance to do anything normal.
Maine Coons rule and Chewie is an excellent name for them. I was going to name their cat after Marie Phillipe Poulin, the greatest women's hockey player ever, but I decided that Gritty would be funnier. Mic as a bad cook is deeply satisfying, I picture him being like me, just all 'okay but I just do enough to make something to survive on and uh.... who needs all the details and stuff'.
The name change actually came from my beta. They asked why his contact was still Western Civ Tutor in the beginning of the chapter and I was like 'oooo, great way to show how they have changed'.
And maaaaaaaaaan. I'm sorry but how is someone who is a bird gonna like a cat. Nah. Tokoyami is a dog person. They do go on to get a dog. They were going to get a Shiba Inu or something catlike until Kenta came through with a hound puppy that he'd found in the rain while on his route and just dumps it in Shouji's lap like 'Surprise!'. They name it Lu after Roberto Luongo, famed goalie. The dog is a goddamned menace and Shouji ends up having to take it to classes and learn about dog training so they can all keep their sanity. He ends up loving Lu the most. (I do some part time dog training so I had to throw that in)
Tokoyami dyes his hair. He's actually a mousy blond under the dye like his mama. And yeah, my parents are hella supportive too. I figured it would be healthy for one of them to have accepting parents.
Aizawa was pretty pissed, ngl. For all that he should know better, he got caught up in the same shit that coaches tend to slip into, which is a responsibility because they have someone with potential that they must mold and then when they go on to do amazing things, they can feel a part of it. But then he realizes where he fucked up and how he was so busy seeing Shouji the hockey player that he couldn't see Shouji the person.
Listen, it's my fanfic, so I'm gonna get as cheesy as I damn well please. I'd written a super cheesy ending for the end of 'Black Sun' and was waffling on keeping it until somebody was like 'it's a fic, be as cheesy as you want'. I can has my cheese, as a treat.
WHAT IN THE FUCK WORM. HOW CONFUSED HAVE YOU BEEN THIS ENTIRE TIME?!?!?! this legit made me laugh out loud when I read it. GO BACK AND READ MIC'S SHOW!!! I set up so much stuff to try and prepare the reader to understand the emotional stakes, not to mention the basic facts of hockey! That being said, I get the feeling.
Thank you for this last super mega grande worm ask, sorry that it took me so long, I wanted to be able to give it my full attention. <3
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enbysiriusblack · 3 years
oOoOo cAn yOu sHip me with someone?? hp or marveldkjdk
I forget everything about myself oof
oh no
this is embarrassing
that's about it...
how does shipping work? llamao my pea brain cannot figure out what attraction is,,,
Tumblr media
I ship you with...
very similar energy, lots of enthusiasm and excitement. Chaotic energy!! She'd love llamas. I feel like they wouldn't be as into reading but she would gift you some as presents. he would be a massive fan if bubble tea, they would try (and fail) to make it all the damn time.
Peter Parker
would also be a huge llama fan, probably has a llama backpack somewhere. Loves dim sum, goes to restaurants that cook it all the time on dates. similar chaotic energy. would love the idea of bubble tea but wouldn't actually like it, but he would keep getting it for himself and drink it again cause you like it and he wants to like it. You'd have to drink it everytime.
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