#I fully realised I was a lesbian because of her and now...
cryptidotter · 10 hours
Something I love about the romance in The Locked Tomb is how Gideon as our first POV narrator is like "this is Harrowhark Nonagesimus, she thrives on scorn and ambition and death" and as a seasoned enemies-to-lovers fan, my first reaction was "I love it, I support women's rights and wrongs, and I can't wait to see this cold evil character discover feelings eventually" but then the plot twist is actually that Harrow is a pathetic desperate emo who barely needs an excuse to say the most romantic shit imaginable. Which is already a good payoff and the characterization is superb, but then you see inside Harrow's head in the next book and discover that despite her trauma and 35 mental illnesses, she is so much of a fucking soft marshmallow simp that not even her DIY lobotomy can keep her from indulging in a coffeeshop AU (?!?!) to soothe her yearning soul. Which makes rereading GtN delightful because now you can read between the lines and realise like "oh wow, she was down bad the whole time and Gideon just didn't notice". It gives so much lesbian Pride and Prejudice that you can only fully appreciate during a reread. I adore it.
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umbratheshadowfamiliar · 10 months
Me as the most gigantic lesbian in the world watching the new Philosophytube Video where Abigail does drag as the arsonist:
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midniiights-garden · 9 months
Mizu realising she's in love/a lesbian [Headcanons!!]
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(A/N: I feel like this is like... already a given but please remember that these are HEADCANONS!! She does not have a canon sexuality. And I know it's mostly the lesbians who haven taken over the show but my content is available for everyone to see and I wanted to remind everyone that I am not going to tolerate slander or trash talking because of a personal opinion. You are entitled to your thoughts and I am entitled to mine.)
Possible TWs!!: Mentions of sex and sexual encounters, M*kio (you cannot stop me from putting this man as a warning I hate him sm), Canon typical violence, Racisim, Homophobia, Mysogyny (did I spell that right??)
Firstly I wanna address her relationship with Mikio in order to fully understand my headcanons.
Personally I do not believe that Mizu actually "loved" Mikio in the romantic sense. She thought she was in love, but in the end it wasn't.
Speaking as someone with a lot of personal trauma regarding relationships myself I realised that I couldn't differentiate between romantic and platonic love. Basically, for me, all I saw was that someone was treating me nicely for once and now I'm attached to them. And for the longest time I thought that was what love was.
And I think Mizu experienced something similar.
Basically, when Mikio treated her like a fucking human being she was like "oh, hey this is nice. This is weird, but it's nice. So I guess I'm in love, right?"
Like, no, baby. You aren't. That's just called emotional trauma.
That's also why she thought she was straight for the longest time because she genuinely cannot tell when she likes someone romantically.
As I often restate it'll take a while for her to fully understand the extent of her emotions, but she'll get there.
Now onto the fluffier stuff :))
How does she realise she's in love? What's her reaction to it?
I think she gets hit with the realisation as if it were a train crashing into her.
It's just a normal evening, she's probably at a ramen shop with her future S/O with her and then as she's taking a bite of her ramen she looks over at you and thinks: "Huh... I wonder what it would be like if I got to hold them?"
And then it's just a record scratch moment for her where she's like wtf where did that come from.
It's either just normal domestic moment like I mentioned or her future S/O sparring with her (which may or not freak her out bc of the fucking Mikio incident).
But when Mizu successfully pins her S/O down they just laugh and smile, knowing Mizu would never hurt them on purpose.
That made Mizu's heart flutter more than anything Mikio had ever done for her.
She's going to be in denial about it for a long time. Like... a really, really long time. Cue the "but we're just friends"!
How does she react when she realises she's into girls?
Due to the internalized homophobia instilled within her as a child and other such thoughts she starts to think she may be going crazy.
She'll start to pull away out of fear, not truly understanding her emotions.
Which, of course, will hurt her future S/O and cause them to worry.
Seeing her future S/O so distraught kind of triggers something in her. She realises that there's nothing inherently wrong with her, that she's still a person and the person she likes is still a person and that there shouldn't be anything wrong with liking her S/O. She also just didn't like seeing you worry over her, it hurt her more than any blade that she's been stabbed with.
Now onto her actual physical attraction.
Once the whole emotional side of it is somewhat sorted in her mind she finds herself not so subtly staring at her S/O's tatas.
She doesn't strike me as someone with high libido or anything despite what I've seen a lot of headcanons say. But I think shes the kind of lover to enjoy getting her S/O off a lottttt
I don't believe she was ever really attracted to Mikio sexually but seeing her S/O's kimono slip off their shoulder to reveal some titty has her red and hot.
She likes that it's soft. She really likes the softness of her S/O's body.
(A/N: That's all!! I feel like I was terribly self-indulgent with this one but there are a lot of aspects in which I relate to Mizu with. Which is probably why I care a lot about representing her correctly. As usual, feel free to comment or send asks to my inbox!! I hope y'all enjoyed <33)
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strangertheories · 1 year
I've been seeing people saying that platonic Stobin is only benefitting Steve or that Robin only exists to redeem Steve from past homophobia and I'd like to politely disagree. I don't think enough people realise just how crucial their friendship was to Robin's character development outside of Steve, so I'll just spell it out here in this long post for the four year anniversary of Robin coming out to Steve.
At the start of S3, Robin is deeply sarcastic and jokingly rude, but this is not entirely what she is actually like deep down and the true Robin doesn't emerge until her and Steve are talking to each other in the bunker. She says that she acts like she doesn't care and that she floats above it all (in reference to popularity) but deep down, she just wants to feel normal and accepted.
But Robin knows she could never be accepted fully because of her attraction to women. If she acts like she doesn't care and holds Steve at an arm's length, it keeps her safe. Robin can't be rejected if she doesn't let him in. She doesn't believe anyone could ever be friends with her if they knew her secrets, so constructs this personality around herself, however deep down she is just insecure and struggling with internalised homophobia.
A lot of people talk about Robin's coming out scene, rightfully so, but I think we need to talk more about what happened before. When Steve tells Robin he's attracted to her, she looks devastated. With her guard let down after a near death experience and drugs, she was finally able to bond with someone who she now has to reject.
At first, she tries to talk Steve out of liking her. She tells him that he doesn't know the real her and that if he did, not only would be not want to date her, but he wouldn't even want to be her friend. This is where it all becomes clear that Robin's sarcasm and refusal to let her guard down is not linked to her sexuality but rather because of it.
This is why Steve accepting her is so crucial for her character from then onwards. For the first time in her life, Robin let someone see her true self, knowing that she would be rejected and lose her only friend. And yet she wasn't. Robin let Steve in and his acceptance finally enabled her to realise that just because she is gay it doesn't mean that she's abnormal or could never be happy. Obviously, there are safety concerns that prevent her from running through the streets of Hawkins with a pride flag, but I believe this acceptance is crucial to the version of Robin we see in S4.
After S4, there were a lot of complaints that the Robin we saw in that season wasn't like S3 enough and felt like a completely different character. Firstly, Robin was shown to speed talk, be unhelpful and miss social ques when nervous in the final episode of season 3, so I disagree with that criticism. But most importantly, the reason that S4 Robin is different to the one in S3 is because S3 Robin was never real. It was a character she built in order to avoid dealing with the pain of rejection or accepting that she cares about what other people think of her. But due to Steve, Robin is able to realise that she doesn't have to be someone else, hence her personality shift.
That's also kind of why I dislike the idea that her relationships with Nancy and Vickie are better than her one with Steve because she wouldn't have had those relationships if it wasn't for him. Steve enabled her to open up and let down her cool and sarcastic persona. Robin is anxious and awkward with Nancy and Vickie from the get go unlike with Steve, which ends up enabling her to ultimately make more real bonds with them much quicker. She would not have been able to do that if it wasn't for the value his acceptance brought into her life.
I'm going to get a bit mushy and personal here, so feel free to skip to the end, but platonic Stobin isn't just meaningful to the fictional character of Robin. I'm an autistic lesbian and I have had a lot of struggles with making and maintaining friendships. For a while, I didn't have any friends at all and I was very depressed. But now my mental health is so much better because I was able to find a friend who fully accepted me, who I didn't have to mask around, who I easily came out to. Becoming friends with her has enabled me to become way more comfortable with unmasking my autism outside of that one relationship because being more vulnerable is what enabled that friendship to be so much better in the long term.
Robin is a character I relate to a lot, and I've written a lot of posts on autistic Robin in the past. I think seeing friendships portrayed on screen where a girl is able to let down her mask, learn to become herself and become much less distant to the point that she explicitly feels comfortable telling someone she has issues with social ques is great for all kids. So many people, especially autistic people, struggle with being themselves and with finding friends. Maybe Robin did just exist to redeem Steve or whatever, but I know seeing that friendship on screen meant a lot to me. It's so difficult to find someone who accepts you and to open up to someone, but I think that platonic Stobin shows that it can be worth it.
Sorry for the mushy side tangent at the end, but I hope this post explains the importance of Steve's acceptance to Robin's character development. Acting like she only exists for Steve is dismissive of the impact that friendship had on the development Robin has and will have, especially if you view Rebel Robin as being somewhat canon. Not to mention, clarifying a loveable character is no longer homophobic feels like a pretty good thing.
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stargirlinterludefr · 2 months
GOOD LUCK, BABE!: sarah cameron x fem!reader
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synopsis: you and sarah are were best friends, she said she wanted to experiment and while she’s everything to you, you’re just an experiment to her. Maybe she was in denial but she realises too late that whatever the two of you had wasn’t ‘nothing’ and she’s forced to stand face to face with i told you so.
TW: hints of homophobia, internalised homophobia, discussion of comphet, drug usage, alcohol consumption, angst, topper, ward actually being a good dad for once, use of y/n, jj being brutally honest
NOTES: sarah is a lesbian in this fic but she struggles heavily with comphet (compulsory heterosexuality) and similar to the song, gets with a man because she can’t accept her sexuality. I have been in the readers situation so writing from experience I suppose.
word count: around 3,010
Driving at sunset in the outer banks is a serene experience, the way the colours dance across the sky and eventually blend into the horizon when you look out upon the sea.
Driving at sunset in the outer banks had always been one of yours and your best friend Sarah’s favourite things to do together, the way you’d drive and she’d stand up through the sun roof of the car, arms our like some kind of angel.
How could you not fall for her?
You were fine with your one sided feelings, truly you were, Sarah was your best friend and you’d already had the conversation about how you didn’t feel anything for her when you eventually came out to her. A big lie, of course, but you just didn’t want to lose her.
So, driving at sunset in the outer banks with the girl you love silently may be foolish to others but it’s a serene kind of peace you’d never want to exchange.
Driving on the same route as usual, you wait for Sarah’s usual routine of pressing on some random Taylor Swift song and standing through the sunroof of her car, but she remains sat in the passenger seat with a mindful expression etched onto her features.
“You okay, Sare?” You ask, taking your eyes off of the desolate road for a moment to glance at her as she hums in response.
“Me? Yeah, ‘course.” She mumbles and you know it’s not true which is why at the next turning that leads to an open space to park, you pull the car over so you can give her your full attention.
“Okay, fess up, you’ve been staring out of the window like you’re contemplating throwing yourself out of the car ever since we got into it.” You say, a slight tease to your tone to help lift her spirits but she simply offers a small smile.
“I want to ask you something…and I-I want you to keep an open mind, okay?” She says after a moments silence and you’re quick to nod, studying the side of her face intently as you wait for whatever thoughts have been bothering her.
“So, you know how you’re gay?” The words have you choking on a breath, eyes widening as you let out a laugh but by the serious look on her face you quickly simmer down.
“Uh yeah, that is uh what I am, big lover of women…why?” You say awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck as Sarah fully turns to look at you now.
“I’ve been thinking that…I might want to like, you know, experiment…” she mumbles and you have to hold your breath to prevent you from choking on it again, “With uh girls…and since your my best friend and the only openly lesbian person I know I thought that maybe I’d…ask you.”
You both stare at eachother for a second, your mind is scrambling and reeling for a response as Sarah’s face becomes increasingly more red.
“I-it’s stupid I know but-“ She starts but you quickly cut her off.
“No, it’s not stupid I uh…I’d be- I mean sure, I’m happy you trust me enough to come to me about this.” You say, clearing your throat as you finish, you know deep down that this is only going to end in tears but if this is the one chance you get to love her without hiding it as much, you don’t want to give it up.
Sarah smiles as she nods in relief, “Yeah? I mean, it obviously won’t mean anything like feelings wise because we’re best friends it’s just like…friends with benefits?” She says and you hate the way your stomach drops slightly but you hide it from her, smiling as you nod.
One month into yours and Sarah’s ‘nothing’ situation has you realising it isn’t really nothing. Sarah likes to say the two of you are nothing, pointing out she’s merely trying out new things and in turn your getting a good lay.
But the two of you clearly aren’t ‘nothing’ and that becomes increasingly obvious when one of the only people in the world you thought wouldn’t notice the underlying tension, did.
You know Sarah’s brother isn’t blind, he’s always been surprisingly observant and ever since he’d discovered you weren’t interested in men he’d ‘joked’ that you and Sarah would probably end up hooking up eventually.
You now also realise that he wasn’t exactly joking.
“You should call it off, y’know.” A voice sounds from behind where you’re sat on the deck chairs surrounding the large pool at Tannyhill, Sarah having gone inside to make the two of you drinks.
As you turn to see the source of the voice, you’re met with the sight of Rafe’s looming figure. Sunglasses are sat on his face so you can’t see his eyes as he looks at you but when you glance behind him briefly, you can see Sarah conversing with Topper in the kitchen.
“And you’re talking about…?” You trail off, quirking a brow at him as he snorts out a laugh and rounds your deck chair to sit on the one beside you.
“I think you know what I’m talking about, princess.” He states, lying back on his chair nonchalantly as you continue to look at him.
You swallow, you weren’t exactly afraid you and Sarah had been found out but you didn’t want to out her when she didn’t even properly know what her sexuality was yet.
Rafe continues when you remain silent, “I’m just sayin’ kid, I may be her brother but Sarah’s gonna fucking break your heart, she’s never been one to face her feelings.”
You immediately feel defensive, maybe it’s because you love her or maybe it’s because you yourself are in denial. “And you are?”
He lets out a chuckle at that, turning his head to look at you through his sunglasses “Never said I was.” Rafe states before adding, “That’s also how I know whatever it is y’all have going on, it’s gonna end badly, because like me…Sarah can’t face her feelings and she sure as shit is not gonna admit the fact that you love her.”
You don’t even have time to process his words because Sarah and Topper come walking back toward the pool, you turn back to your previous position as Rafe stares at you for a moment before he turns his head back toward the pool.
Sarah and Topper are laughing as she places your drinks on the near by table and an ugly feeling of jealousy coils in your gut as you watch the two of them, the way he stares down at her and the way she bats her eyelashes up at him.
You barely register Rafe’s mutter beside you, “So fucked.”
Sarah is kissing you sloppily, her legs wrapped around your waist as you hold her hips, everyone once in a while she lets out soft moans into the kiss before eventually she pulls away to check her phone that buzzes beside you.
You hate when she does that. You hate when she breaks away from you as though nothing at all is happening.
As her eyes flit over the screen you watch as she looks up at you before back down to her phone with a guilty expression,
“Topper?” You hum and she nods, climbing off of your lap and you follow her in standing up. Music is still blaring from downstairs and you feel dizzy from the way Sarah was just kissing you and the alcohol in your system.
“I’ll come find you later, yeah?” She mumbles, eyes not meeting yours before she’s gone out of the room before you can even blink.
She always does that, avoiding your gaze after the two of you had done something that branched away from ‘just friends’ because she couldn’t dare to face up to you and her own emotions.
You sigh, rolling your shoulders as you leave the room shortly after, slowly pushing past sweaty bodies and couples making out as you stumble down the stairs.
As you reach the bottom you come to a slow halt when your eyes latch onto something that makes your head spin.
Sarah kissing Topper. Topper kissing Sarah. Sarah’s kissing Topper. Topper’s kissing Sarah. Sarah’s kissing Topper? Topper’s kissing Sarah?
You feel sick, your heart beats violently in your ears and you can’t force your eyes away. You can’t do anything but stand and stare.
After a moment, Sarah’s eyes open while she and the dreaded boy continue to make out, said eyes dance over to where your stood and you think for a moment she looks guilty but before you can decipher the look…her full attention is back on Topper and you’re left looking like an absolute fool.
Sarah finds you around an hour later, stumbling over to where you are sat beside JJ, the two of you sharing a joint.
The Cameron girl smiles widely when she spots you, all but throwing herself to sit on your lap and your jaw ticks in annoyance which you know JJ notices immediately.
“Heyyy, I missed you.” She slurs, hands coming to tangle in your hair as she places a drunken kiss to your lips and then drags them down your neck as JJ clears his throat awkwardly.
“I’ll uh…catch you later.” He says, coming to stand and you nod your head in thanks, not missing the way his eyes all but scream that you have some serious explaining to do.
“Sarah…” You mutter, attempting to lightly draw the girl away from your neck but she doesn’t seem to budge so you pull her away with a slight bit more force and she looks at you with a pout that makes your heart stutter warmly in your chest.
“I think it’s time for-“ You begin but Sarah cuts you off.
“I’m sorry, about Top, I just…you give me all these crazy feelings and I needed them to stop.” She slurs drunkenly, hands coming to cup and squish your cheeks together. “It’s just the way I am, you’re my best friend and Topper’s like soooo sweet.”
Your heart feels like it’s about to plummet, you feel so humiliated but you know she’s drunk and you hope that she maybe remembers what she’s said in the morning but you know that won’t happen.
You gently remove her hands from your cheeks before you awkwardly pat them, “Well uh good luck with that.” You say, already knowing that whatever she was trying to do by kissing Topper was never going to work.
You knew first hand, you’d have to stop the world just to stop these feelings and that would never happen.
JJ Maybank was probably one of the only men on the planet you trusted whole heartedly, the boy was your best friend and you loved him like a brother.
Which is why you felt like an asshole for the way he’s looking at you right now.
“You’re tellin’ me kook prince, Rafe Cameron, knew about whatever little sexy mackin’ thing you got going on with Sarah Cameron before I did?” He says, eyebrows raised as his hands wave wildly around “Me? Your best friend, the guy who taught you how to give good head to a gir-“
“Okay! I get it, I’m sorry!” You say loudly, interrupting the route he was going, you know he’s not truly hurt that you didn’t tell him because it’s JJ.
“But seriously bro, what’re you gonna do? Because, not to ever say I agree with Cameron but, she’s totally gonna break your heart.” He rambles, taking a sip from his beer bottle as he comes to sit across from you on the dock the two of you are currently situated at, the dock at the Chateau.
“I don’t know…if it means I don’t have to lose her then maybe I’ll just keep doing it?” You say, shrugging as you watch JJ quirk a brow at you.
“First of all, that’s cliché as fuck, second of all this whole situation is not fair on you at all.” He states, gently nudging your foot with his own. “She’s usin’ you as like some sorta’ experiment and I get it’s hard to come to terms with who you are, I saw it first hand with you, but this shit ain’t fair bro…and it ain’t love.”
You don’t say anything to that, simply nodding as you swallow harshly, turning to look out at the small rippling waves of the water.
Sarah is sat on the sofa in the large living room of Tannyhill, eyes boring into the ceiling as she pays no mind to the show playing in the background on the tv.
The sound of her father walking in makes her turn her head and give him a small smile as he comes to sit across from her, ending the call he was on as he looks at her.
“You okay, sweetie?” Ward asks, eyes trained intently on Sarah who nibbles softly at her bottom lip.
“I- uh…yeah- I mean…I don’t know-“ She starts and before she can even get another word out, Ward is sat beside her and pulling his daughter into his arms before the tears fall down her cheeks.
“It’s okay, honey, it’s all gonna be okay.”
All Sarah can do is nod because she doesn’t believe that true, nothings okay with the fact that she could possibly lose you because she can’t understand why she’s feeling these things for you and she feels like her only option is to bail, because while she knows deep down you love her in a way that she’ll never understand…she also knows she’ll fuck it up.
Driving through the outer banks at sunset was yours and Sarah’s favourite thing to do together but now, with everything the two of you have been doing, you don’t think you can do these drives without the blinding feeling that nostalgia and Sarah give you.
You pull over similar to the time you did when Sarah brought her idea forward but on this occasion, you’re the one who can’t look at her.
“I’m gonna say something and…I just, need you to listen because…I can only gather so much strength to say it.” You croak out, not daring to look at her because you know she’s already crying and you can’t bear the fact that you could be inflicting pain on the girl you love.
“I love you Sarah…and I tried not to, I really did-“ You choke out, squeezing your eyes closed for a second before reopening them and continuing, “I think I’ve always loved you, before we even became what we are now, but this isn’t what love should be.”
You turn to her then, Sarah’s lips trembling as tears stream down her face and you fight the urge to lean over and take her into your arms.
If you did that, you’d never be able to end this.
“I know you’re confused but…I think you know, deep down, that whatever you feel toward me is real and you’re scared to acknowledge that.” You point out and Sarah lets out a shaky breath at your words.
“You’re my best friend, of course I feel things toward you-“ She attempts to say and you shake your head as you cut her off.
“We’re not just friends, Sarah.” You note, running a hand over your face as the girl beside you crosses her arms over her chest.
“I’m not gay.” She says, her tone so unsure yet so confident that you almost feel guilty for some unknown reason. Guilty for what, exactly? You don’t know, maybe for ending whatever it is you had going on alongside your friendship.
“Come on Sarah-“ You try and she immediately shuts you down, eyes now more angry then they are sad which makes you feel like you physically recoil at the change.
“No, y/n! You’re not making me into something I’m not, just because you’re gay doesn’t mean I have to be too!” She snaps, her words slicing through you violently as you feel a pit of shame curl up in your stomach “I experimented and now I know for sure now I’m not…whatever it is I thought I was.”
You know she’s building up to something so you close your eyes in anticipation for the blow she’s undoubtedly about to deliver.
“Besides, I’m with Topper now so...” You exhale as she says the words, as though she’d physically hit you in the stomach and winded you before you let out a light scoff.
You look to her, her eyes wide and defensive. You simply shake your head before opening the car door, “Topper,” You begin, letting out another scoff before you begin to step out of the car, “Good luck, babe.”
Four months after yours and Sarah’s conversation and while you haven’t heard from her, you have heard from Rafe. The Cameron man informing you that Topper and Sarah are having a very…turbulent relationship.
Rafe knows you were the one to end things with his sister, he and JJ being the only ones to actively know that something was going on between you and Sarah. With the exception of Ward who was left to guess what was plaguing his daughter’s thoughts over the last few months.
You feel a form of sympathy as the way everyone only refers to Sarah as ‘Toppers girl’ now. You know you shouldn’t be surprised at it, she never leaves his side and you realised it was her way of trying to prove to herself and to you that whatever feelings she had weren’t romantic.
You knew better and deep down so did she.
As you sit with your friends on the HMS Pogue, sailing across the water you catch sight of Topper’s boat when JJ starts geeking out over the model and price of it.
You also notice Sarah beside him, her face screaming out how unhappy she is without her even needing to say it.
And when your eyes meet hers, you see the unhappiness in her gaze. The facade she puts up and parades around under only extends to so many people and you are not one of them, you know Sarah so deeply and you also know that whatever she’s attempting to prove with Topper isn’t working for her.
And as your two boats come in line with one another, slowly passing, you mime toward the Cameron girl…words you hate to say but you do anyway,
“I told you so.”
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undefined number of favourite #mafin scenes [the defense]
Seeing this made me feel like that skinny dude in the dusty black tux, “What’s this? What’s this? I can’t believe my eyes. I must be dreaming -  Have I possibly gone daffy?! What’s this? How queer! Who’d think! Oh could it be - I’ve got my wish?”[1]
Okay, maybe not entirely truthful, I was late to the party and I knew exactly down which road of sapphic sophistication this was about to go down, but I am very good at suspending my disbelief and hold on reality to get lost in the fiction. So I giggled quietly to myself and my grin grew wicked with each flicker of Marta’s unsure gaze but rejoiced at the stone cold set of her jaw as she sent the opportunistic homophobe packing.
Honestly love her look, the way Marta’s whole appearance is attempting to sing “don’t be suspicious” but she desperately has to keep her eyes on the floor because they got the wrong sheet music and are fully intent on belting “I’m coming out” if she were to meet Fina’s eyes when they are left alone. And the way she is so firm with Petra, there’s no room to doubt that this woman is power personified, just as long as she doesn’t have to look at or acknowledge the hot brunette next to her, then it’s another story for another day, one which ends with sex on the shop floor (or so I would like to believe at least). But until then she will squash the bugs and will do so with a razor sharp determination which will leave you no doubt she will absolutely ruin you if you cross her (yes and thank you, please).
And there is something very heartwarming about seeing Fina who is so sure she stands alone be shocked to realise that Marta is on her side. Her boss, her social better if you’re to be crass, she does not side with Petra but rather takes her corner. Not just takes her corner, but goes into the ring and throws a couple of swings herself. Petra is done for and Fina, despite whatever the rest of the world will say, does not lose out on her position or her support even though all signs point to lesbian. At times I feel like Fina has the survival instinct of a male 18-25 with a fresh driver's license, especially when it comes to her penchant for coming out. I swear this woman comes out more often than I do and I have the good fortune of not living in a fascist dictatorship or the fifties. But the thing is, she’s had a very good track record with the people she loves and admires. Between Carmen and now Marta’s surprising response the fact that she later comes out to her father too becomes a little less of a free fall. Those close to her accept her for who she is, she’s got a pretty solid foundation of support. All things considered I don’t think she’s stupid or even particularly reckless, she knows the consequences of homosexuality, but when your lived experiences keep surprising you in a pleasant way then I think it is easy to become a little braver by each positive coming out. 
This show is full of the usual tropes and is so textbook in a lot of ways, but this, Fina’s journey - it’s surprisingly refreshing and doesn’t feel like something I’ve seen often before. Despite all of the obstacles, the pain and the challenges thrown at her there is something in the way they tell the story of her sexuality that hits a little different. Marta they’re being pretty standard with and I wouldn’t write home about it, but Fina - it feels - new, soft, straightforward. I don’t know. But I do think in part that whatever it is or whatever you want to call it, it is actually why the show hooked me (that and the fact that Marta Belmonte has the kind of profile I could see myself willingly commit harakiri on, but that’s another story for a another time, one which does not end with sex on the shop floor unfortunately). Good scene though, good acting.
[1] Tux guy, Skinny, et al. What’s this?. in That one Christmas movie. (1993)
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fallout-lou-begas · 2 months
I need some advice. So, I'm currently engaged to a trans woman (I'm a cis lesbian). We've been together for 3 1/2 years now, and we're sexually active. Now my fiancée still has her penis, and I've begun to realise that I'm starting to like girl dick more than vagina's. I love my fiancée and see her as an amazing woman, but I'm scared that I'm technically a chaser. Am I really one or am I just a girl in love with my fiancée? I'm asking you Ms. Lou-begas due to you being a trans woman
Anon, I think that you have so little to worry about that it's almost funny. I promise you that you're not a chaser just because you like to have sex with your trans fiancee. Being a chaser isn't just "being attracted to trans women," being a chaser is specifically about dehumanizing trans women completely into nothing but sex objects just by virtue of them being trans. Do you see trans women as fully realized people instead of reducing them to whatever hardware they might have? Are you not ashamed to be seen in public with the trans women that you're attracted to? Are you respectful of whatever sexual boundaries trans women may have? Are you capable of interacting with trans women non-sexually? Are you going to be normal if she wants bottom surgery instead of treating it like a tragedy or trying to convince her "to keep it"? If you've answered yes to all five of these questions then you're fine.
It's okay to like your fiancee's dick, to love it even, but from what you've told me, it sounds like you love her for who she is, not what she has. You should have no reason to be paranoid about whether your attraction for her is of the same stripe as the unhealthy and oppressive oversexualization that society foists upon us at large. There's something sad about how so many creeps can cause actually good-hearted people to worry so much about if they're "allowed" to be attracted in basically any way at all to any trans women without doing something wrong.
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pjsk-headcanons · 18 days
breaks knuckles we're doing akinene ( •̀ ^ •́ )✧
Context for later stuff: In my mind, WxS have a game where they yell out random parts at each other and do their best to play it for the next five minutes. Mizuki is fully in on this and even participates. (Mizuki theater kid canon TO ME)
Akito didn't realise he was into Nene before she got all confident, and now he's just down bad. Unforch for her, Nene has a thing for Loser Boyfails, now that she is no longer a Loser Girlfail. (To the same extent, at least...) She takes one look at this guy, sighs very heavily, and starts taking notes on how to become his friend. (In a very neurotypical fashion.)
They're bi4bi but lean in opposite directions and are so used to being percived as gay that all of their friends are Very Confused when the resident lesbian and chronically gay guy start making out holding hands - and I say holding hands because they are both embarrased to hell and back. This does not mean they're going to lay off the PDA though. Making your partner embarrassed is the highest form of love.
Before they got together, Nene attempted to act (Y'know. given she's an actress.) like Akito's friends to try and win him over, which means being bubbly and listening to the entirety of both RADder and GLaP days' catalouge trying to figure out how to start a conversation. Eventually she gives up and tries talking about her intrests, specifically a game she knows Toya also likes (Slime Rancher). This is exactly what she needed to do from the beginign because, as stated, Akito is down bad and will just sit there staring in awe while she infodumps.
Nene shows up to a VBS performance in full theatre kid attire and Akito proceeds to buy her an entirely new wardrobe.
Akito is forced to go to WxS performances. Nene begs him not to but Kohane and Toya had already bought tickets and An cant make it so he kinda has to. Half the performances are Nene doing the stupidest shit imaginable (She fills in for Tsukasa on the human canon one time and now Rui thinks it's acceptable to do literally anything to her-) or she's playing the villan and holy shit is he gay straight bi.
Nene unironically says "unforch" and it's begun rubbing off on Akito. Which means Kohane and Toya and Kotaro too. An is sobbing in a corner.
Ena is the last person to find out about this. She thinks Akito just has some random girl on his arm or whatever but she goes to the Shinonome Household one time and Ena's impression shoots up instantly when she finds out Nene is not just a girl, but a Gamer Girl (who listens to n25).
Mizuki jokingly threatens to kick them out of Kamikou's Pride Club for being too straight. An actually threatens to kick them out but bc of the aformentioned WxS game - Rui keeps giving her slutty parts intentionally and boy howdy does Akito fall for it.
Rui: Nene! Kinky assassin! Nene: What gender? Rui: A guy. Nene: On it. (To Akito) Wow I've, um. Dropped my assassin killing gun. Into your dick. D'ya mind if I fish it out? Akito: (Spluttering) An: (Groaning) Toya: (Chuckling) Everyone Else: (Roaring Laughter) Mizuki: Okay, now do it for real. That means not on your boyfriend. Nene: Sure. (Walking over to Rui and holding a Finger Gun below his neck) Wow... Sure would be a shame if I had to feel up your insides, removing any trace of life, raw and bleeding, so all that was left was a variety of products to be sold... (Shrugs) Too bad you wont be awake to feel it. (Shoots Finger Gun) Akito: (Has not said anything and we're not sure he can.) An: (Bemused Laughter) Everyone Else: (A Light Smattering of Applause) Nene: (Mimicking Tsukasa) Now back to talking about that policy that wants to make our existence illegal. Tsukasa: How dare you mock me, a future world star??!! Nene: Yeah, you can't be a star if you get hatecrimed, dude.
They stay up all night playing Splatoon! <3 I love me some gamer gays. They did almost break up over Mario Kart, though...
formatting this on my phone was a mistake... but yah i think thats it for now!! i'll probably think of something else in ten minutes though... from 🎲 anon!! (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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widowbitessting · 2 years
Sugar Mommies Season 2, Pt:2
Hi! Welcome back to my crazy little universe! Grab some popcorn, get comfortable and enjoy my lovies <3
Livvy ❤️💋❤️💋
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You’re woken by Carol snoring loudly in your face.
And with some of her hair sticking into your eye.
The sudden noise jolts you awake from your sleep and you can’t help but jerk back slightly when you realise your nose is almost fully in her mouth.
You let out a startled noise, managing to waft Carol’s blonde locks from your eyeball and shuffle back; body freaking out when you near tip off the edge.
Yeah, your single bed is not ideal for two sleeping bodies.
You push Carol’s form from as far as you can before you nestle back under the duvet, sighing in bliss.
It’s all worth it -- so fucking worth it if it means Carol is here with you.
Even if she’s snoring her morning breath into your face.
You can feel yourself dozing back off to sleep, eyes growing heavier and heavier until your body decides to have other ideas.
A cramp seizes control of your insides and you let out a sharp gasp, near folding in on yourself.
You let out a shaky breath, eyes creasing as the pain washes over you.
Your hand moves to rest over your lower stomach.
No, you can do this; you’re cuddling in bed with Carol.
You’re not getting up because of period cramps.
You shuffle uncomfortably and start when Carol wraps her arm around you.
“You’re fidgeting, little one.”
“Sorry.” You whisper.
“Are you okay?” Carol asks, “or did I not burn off enough energy last night?”
You peak at her through one of your eyes and see her tired stare looking right at you.
“I’m fine.” You lie.
“You’re a terrible liar.”
“I know.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I‘ve got some nasty period cramps. I’ll be okay, they normally go in a couple minutes. Half an hour tops.”
You don’t expect her to kiss you when she does and it takes you by complete surprise.
“What’s your morning drink, kitten?”
“My - my what?”
“You heard me. What do you like to drink in the morning?”
You tell her and after kissing you deeply, Carol shifts to climb out of the bed.
You grip onto her arms before she can move fully.
“What’re you doing?” You ask.
“Like I’m gonna leave my baby to writhe in pain while I try to get more sleep.” Carol winces when your nails bite into her skin. “Now come on, little koala. Let your captain up. I need to sort you out.”
“Not like that…” Carol winks. “...not yet anyway. You need some TLC. Let me help you. Please?”
“Did you just answer my question with a question, kitten?”
Carol bursts out laughing, leans down and kisses your forehead.
“Stay in bed and try not to be in too much pain, kitten. I won’t be long.”
Then just like that, she’s gone.
Walking through your home like she has lived there for years.
You can hear her humming as she quickly walks down the hall and you’re about to get up to go and follow her when another cramp pins you back to the bed.
God, you hate being a woman.
Periods are just the worst.
You define as 100% lesbian; do you really need to have this torture every month?
Plus babies are just something you never clicked with.
Screaming tiny humans with sharp fingernails and no spatial awareness.
You’d take a cute cat or dog any day.
You’re focusing on your breathing, deeply exhaling loudly through your nose, when Carol re enters your bedroom, carrying two steaming mugs.
She smiles softly at you.
“Here you go, kitten.”
She places your drink on the bedside table, not trusting you to take it straight from her in case you scold yourself.
The first sip is like heaven; your eyes flutter and you let out a quiet moan.
“You’re really good at making drinks, Carol. Wow.”
She shrugs, sitting by your legs.
Your eyes wander down to her nipples that are protruding against her shirt.
“What can I say?” She replies, “Wands is a serious grump in the morning before her morning coffee. I had to be good at making drinks, kitten.”
It’s your turn to smile.
“Well, remind me to thank Wanda when I next see her. This is just what I needed.”
“Oh! I forgot the rest of it. Hang on.”
Carol vanishes within seconds and returns in less than a minute to you; now carrying a glass of water and some pain medication.
“Have some tablets and drink all of this please.”
“The tablets, yes. The water, I’ll sip some it but no. My coffee is too high of a priority right now.”
You don’t even register fully what you’ve said.
And because Carol doesn’t react right away, it tricks you into a false sense of security.
“What was that baby?”
She waits until after you’ve had your tablets, until you’re properly lulled into thinking you’ve gotten away with it.
“What was what?” You look at her with large, confused eyes.
“About the water. Repeat it for me.”
“I - erm,” You feel your cheeks burning up. “I can’t remember what I said?”
“Are you asking me or telling me?”
Carol’s eyes twitch as she lowers herself to your eye level.
“You don’t sound so sure there, kitten.” Carol watches you like a hawk.
“I - I can’t remember what I said.” You reply quickly. “I promise.”
“Such a forgetful brain.” She says. “Dumb little baby. Need me to remind you what you said?”
You can only nod, trying to contain your anger at the insult.
You’d glare at her but you’d rather not get into any more trouble.
Not yet anyway.
“That you were going to sip some of your water, little one.”
Your eyes widen slightly.
“Oh yeah.”
“Oh yeah.” Carol mocks. “I’m gonna give you one chance to take that comment back, kitten.”
“Or what?”
Carol’s eyebrow raises.
“Do you really want to find out?”
You stare at Carol and look directly into her eyes; feeling all sense of confidence draining from your body.
“Come on, little sub. Use those words. I know you can do it.”
“What happens if I don’t…take it back?”
“Then I’ll call you Y/N until I say otherwise.”
She says it so simply that your brain almost doesn’t process what she threatened.
“You can’t take away my nicknames!”
“Can’t I?”
You try to speak but the only thing that comes out is a garbled stream of incoherent words.
“N-no! They’re cute and lovely and - just, just no!”
“Then drink your water like a good little girl and I will call you all the nicknames you want, Y/N.”
“Yes, captain.”
It takes you exactly five seconds to drink the entire glass.
Carol watches you down the entire thing with an incredibly smug look on her face and the second you finish the last drop, she pulls you in for a kiss; holding your body firmly against her own.
“Such a good girl, kitten. Such a good fucking girl.”
Her tongue licks away any excess that escapes your lips and when she puts the glass back onto your bedside table, Carol’s whole body tenses.
“How long have you been standing there, MJ?”
“MJ?” Your head snaps to your door that stands ajar.
You hear her awkwardly laugh before the door opens further.
“Not that long…captain.” She winks at Carol. “I just wanted -”
Her voice trails up when the blonde abruptly stands up, glowering at her.
“What did you just call me?”
Carol walks over to your best friend, who resembles a deer caught in headlights.
“I need to make something clear. You do not get to call me that, understood? That nickname is reserved exclusively for Y/N, Wanda and Natasha...”
“You don’t get to say it!” Carol continues. “Not even as a joke. Do I make myself clear?”
Carol towers over MJ.
“The next time you want to make your presence known, knock. Like a sane person. Don’t just stand there and spy on us.”
“...I will.” MJ’s cheeks are red. So red. “Sorry.”
“Now.” Carol licks her lips, exhaling loudly. “What did you want to tell us?”
MJ looks at the blonde a second longer and then at you.
“You know what? Nothing. Forget it.”
She slams the door and seconds later, you hear the front door get the same treatment.
Carol lets out a sigh, bumping her head on the wooden frame.
“I overreacted. Shit.”
You jump out of your bed to cuddle into your blonde girlfriend.
“No - maybe. But it’s MJ. She’ll get over it.”
Carol turns to encase you in her arms.
“Are you sure about that?”
“Yeah!” You lean up to peck the tip of her nose. “We argue all the time. She’ll come back in an hour or two. Order take out, watch a crappy horror or something and then agree to move on. Trust me. What just happened is nothing.”
“It is though.” Carol replies.
“How so?”
“Because it’s an argument with me. Not you, kitten.”
True to your word, almost two hours later, MJ returns to your apartment, hair wet from the sudden downpour of rain.
Her shoes squeak as she walks through the front door, and when she spots the two of you nestled on the sofa, she offers you a small smile.
You pause The Lion King and smile back at her.
“Nice walk, MJ?”
“It was okay. Rain came out of nowhere.”
“Yeah I heard. Did you do a me and forget your coat?”
MJ toes her shoes off and chuckles.
“Maybe.” She replies. “It wasn’t raining when I left.”
You turn on Carol and smack her arm.
“See! It’s not just me who doesn’t take a coat.”
“Okay, kitten.” She kisses your temple. “I’ll buy you both umbrellas and personally attach them to your wrists.”
“Thanks, Cap.” You grin when you kiss her cheek, not missing the awkward way MJ clears her throat.
“I -” Now it’s your turn to awkwardly clear your throat. “I need to sort myself out…y’know…period wise…I’ll…be…back…”
You don’t miss the way Carol’s hand tightens on your arm as you stand up.
You pry her from you and offer a small smile to MJ before you vanish from the room.
Leaving Carol and MJ alone in the front room, The Lion King still playing in the background.
“So…” Carol starts, pausing Scar midsong. “Want a bright pink umbrella?”
“I’m okay…” MJ replies. “Thanks though.”
Carol sighs.
“Come here?” She says. “Please.”
MJ slowly walks over and sits on the edge of the sofa where you had just been.
“What’s up?” She asks, spotting a lone sock on the floor and deciding it is the most interesting thing on the planet.
“I’m sorry…” Carol says. “I overreacted. Big time.”
MJ shrugs.
“It’s fine.”
“It isn’t fine though; I shouldn’t have shouted at you. Especially not in front of your best friend.”
“Okay, that was uncool.” MJ looks up at Carol. “And you did sort of overreact…but it’s fine. I appreciate your apology. Even if it is a pretty crappy apology…”
Carol lets out a laugh.
“I’m just being honest, Carol.”
Rolling her eyes, Carol checks her phone and smiles.
“Well this crappy apology is just about to be the best apology of your life, MJ.” Carol replies, “in about 2 minutes.”
There’s a knock at the door.
“Two seconds more like. Go and answer it, MJ.”
She looks at Carol.
“If I open that door and Natasha and Wanda are there…”
“It’s not them. I promise.”
There’s another knock on the door.
“Go and answer it, MJ. Quickly.”
Doing as she’s told, something that Carol is very smug about, MJ goes quickly to the front door and opens it.
“Order for MJ?”
The man holds out a tray with one large take out cup to MJ and she takes it.
“Have a lovely day.”
MJ looks at the drink in her hand before shutting the door.
“Is this what I think it is?”
Carol shrugs.
“Taste it to find out.”
MJ does just that, not caring if it scalds her tongue as she practically inhales her drink.
“You got me a hot chocolate!”
Sprinting back to the blonde, MJ tackles her into a tight hug.
All the while not spilling a single drop of her drink.
“I accept your crappy apology!” MJ practically shouts down Carol’s ear. “Consider us best friends at this point!”
“Erm, and what exactly am I?” You ask, watching the two from the hallway.
“Hey, your girlfriend got me my hot chocolate. That’s practically the seal for best friend hood in my eyes.”
“You’re saying I’ve been replaced?” Your mock hurt bounces off deaf ears as MJ swigs from her drink again.
“You even got it from Coffee Bean & Brew! They make the best hot chocolate!”
“Only the best for you, MJ.” Carol grins
MJ hugs her again.
“Thank you.” Another swig. “Thank you, thank you; thank you!”
Getting up from the sofa, MJ practically vibrates from the room.
When she reaches you, she pulls you in for a hug.
“What’s that for?” You ask.
“You’ve got a scary girlfriend. But she knows and admits when she’s wrong. So thank you for choosing her. And the other two.”
“Erm, thanks I guess?”
She pecks your cheek before gulping more of her drink.
“You’re gonna finish that in record time, MJ.”
“You bet your ass I am!” MJ beelines for her bedroom. “Enjoy your film, girls! I’m gonna go ring Peter and tell him how awesome Carol is.”
This time when MJ slams her door shut, it’s out of excitement. Not anger.
You walk back over to Carol who is grinning up at you.
“I told you I’d handle it, kitten.”
“Yes, by feeding her hot chocolate addiction. She’ll be hyper for hours now.”
Carol pulls you in close as she presses play; resuming The Lion King from where you had paused it.
“Careful there, kitten. That’s my best friend you’re talking about there.”
You scoff and slap her shoulder.
Before nestling into her warm embrace.
“Oh whatever, captain.” You say with a smile. “You can deal with her when she crashes then.”
Carol groans and rests her head on top of your shoulder.
“As long as it means we’re okay and she’s not mad at me anymore; then deal, baby. Fucking, deal.”
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yizhou-time · 8 months
[ 14.24 ] art-student!heejin — angst
warning/s: fem!reader (also a student), mention of a pen knife and a small scar from it (dropping it in class), heejin is implied to be taller than reader, reader is said to have hair that reaches at least their chin, sad lesbians, this actually feels quite intimate wait, internalised homophobia(?)
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the light in the bathroom flickered, still broken from jinsoul and sooyoung’s fight months ago, the bulb was due a change but you could still see her face perfectly.
heejin stared at each paint mark as she carefully wiped your face with tissue she had taken from the stall behind her, being much more careful than she was with her own face just moments ago. one of her hands held your cheek, under your hair, while the other went back and forth on your other cheek.
she drops the now red tissue into the sink, keeping her grip on your face, as she picked up a new piece and put it under the tap briefly. she leaned in closer this time, her eyes soft and full of an emotion you can’t quite understand.
“i’m sorry about yerim.” she begins to wipe just above your eyebrow as she speaks but you aren’t listening.
her thumb begins to stroke a small spot and you realise how warm her touch is. it’s not from sweat or how long she’s been holding you but from how it makes you feel inside. butterflies are everywhere and you feel fuzzy. she makes you feel fuzzy and warm and cozy and at home like she always has only this time it sends your heart to your stomach as you realise what it means.
heejin stands up fully to blow the small wet patch on your head dry. she teeters back and forth for a moment, hesitating while thinking about her next move. she can feel how intimate the atmosphere has become and she’s seen your eyes trained on her as she cleaned up, although she notes that it wasn’t a shy stare or a cautious one.
slowly she puts her other hand on your cheek, you don’t seem to mind that it’s not dry and heejin sees you slowly melt into her hold. both of you stare at each other and she steps as close as she can, all while watching you for any movement but nothing comes. you’re chest to chest and she leans down to become face to face with you.
there are mere centimetres between the pair of you. you can feel her soft breath on your lips as hers slightly part.
you’re almost 100% sure she can hear your heart beating, you know she can feel it, but it doesn’t matter because if you listen close enough you can hear hers too.
slowly you lift a hand to rest on her wrist and your thumb copies her movements from minutes ago. your eyes wander from her face to her collarbone and you notice a small mole you’ve never seen before, then you look at her empty wrist and notice a small scar you’re sure she got from a pen knife in class.
then you look back at heejin’s face. her eyes are glazed over as she observes you. her cheeks are a light shade of red, and not from your thumb. her lips were still parted as she looked for the right words to say.
after a moment she speaks. “don’t look at me like that.” it comes out as a whisper you can barely hear, the closeness making so you can just catch it. there’s a small break in the sentence and you watch a tear fall from her face however you do nothing to stop it.
“i wish you were a boy.” is all you can reply.
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starfleetwitch · 7 months
Berenice Griselda Wolfe tried to kill me and when that didn't work, she sabotaged my home set up by being a flirty MF with a TARDIS.
(Not a sentence I thought I'd EVER write completely sober or seriously but here we are)
This is a bit of a long story and now I've written it and got it out of my system I fully realise just how much I resemble a dog barking at a corner for no reason.
There is a TLDR at the end
Story time:
So I got this Tardis themed external USB hub for Christmas a few years ago.
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It's kinda cool, lights up when you plug in a USB and what not. Fantastic. It also made that scrapping TARDIS sound when you plug in USBs. Also a fantastic feature, quite quirky. Much wow... For a week and then it really grated on my nerves. Found out after a month there was a switch on the side that let you turn the sound off. Wonderful. Fantastic. Problem solved. They all lived happily ever after, end of the story.
Except it wasn't.
Because the internet exists and with it, great knowledge that I shouldn't have been allowed access to.
I got bored and last year during some death scrolling, I found out I could change that hideously irritating TARDIS scraping sound...
... And lesbian jesus help me, I wanted to be funny 🙈
So I decided to use sound bites from Holby City. Specifically from Bernie Wolfe.
We had "I say ding dong" for when a USB was pushed into a slot and "Easy tiger" for when a USB was pulled out of a slot.
Link here for reference: Where it all went wrong
Anyway. For a while it was quite funny... Except for you know... When my volume was turned up full blast and I was getting jump scared by Bernie Wolfe's voice every time I plugged in, lord knows what the rest of the house thought every time it went off.
I lived with it for a while... You know... Haha, scared me, GOT ME AGAIN BERNIE YOU OLD SCALLY WAG! But then things started going wrong. The jump scares started going into heart failure mode when in the middle of the night if I was doing a long download, she'd just randomly yell 'DING DONG!' or even worse, she'd start stuttering on full volume 'I SAY I SAY I SAY DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG'. GENUINE heart failure territory. Like FOR GODS SAKES BERENICE STFU!!!
Me being me, I forgot how I'd changed the setting to be her voice... And also at this point, I should add, the switch on the side to stop her talking stopped working.
I must assume murdering me in cold blood via jump scares just wasn't working fast enough for her because for a while she stopped.
All seemed well in the land of Starfleet Witch but unbeknownst to me, Bernie was plotting something bigger. Something she knew would REALLY insta kill me.
I started working from home for a bit and randomly about a week in, she did it again... Except this time she yelled 'EASY TIGER' and that was it. Nothing seemed out of place, she never spoke again after that. Everything was fine for a couple of weeks.
I'd been in an anxious spiral. Shit was happening IRL and I was TERRIFIED of the future. She saw this weakness in me, witnessed first hand how on the edge I was and decided, like the spiteful cunt she is, that now was the time to hatch her brilliant plan.
Wednesday morning. I had a deadline. 9:30am arrived... But my computer wouldn't turn on. I rang for help, I had switched it on and off many times... Nothing. 10:30am rolled around. I unplugged everything, had the very guts of my computer spread out across my floor praying it would be an easy fix... Nothing. At the 11th hour, I plugged everything back in and tried to turn it on again, constantly pressing F8 to reboot it and miracle of miracles, it worked! I downloaded some software to test the hard drive health, did some diagnostics and everything seemed fine. Better than fine. The computer was HEALTHY AF! So I prayed it may have been just a one off glitch.
It wasn't.
In fact my computer repeated its issue of booting up every morning after that, an expense I couldn't afford to fix any time soon but I NEEDED the computer for work.
Friday morning rolled around, I unplugged everything, held the very heart of my computer in my hands trying to find a loose connection or SOMETHING. Nothing. Everything was fine. Dejected, this time when I tried to turn the computer on, I only plugged in the power cable, screen and keyboard.
It worked first try.
And that's when I FINALLY got suspicions.
Over the weekend I decided to do some experiments. I tried plugging in different things I hadn't plugged in when I last tried switching it on and low and behold it wouldn't turn on when Bernie TARDIS was plugged in.
And that dear friends is when I decided aging 40 years in the space of days over a joke isn't actually funny and that I'd CLEARLY wronged a god somewhere along the way, for what crueller punishment could they bestow upon me than to have my very muse almost kill me via an anxiety induced heart attack?
I haven't found out how yet but my TARDIS with Bernie's voice clearly got possessed by a disgruntled spirit insisting on making my life a living hell and now it's in quarantine until I can cleanse it's soul and work out how to take it's voice away again.
Moral of the story: Don't give things Bernie Wolfe's voice, no matter how funny you think it'll be. Bolting upright in your bed because you heard Jemma Redgrave say "ding dong" at 3am isn't actually as pleasant an experience as you might think and when it happens several times, it's terrifying.
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missingexaltation · 2 years
Alternative 'Steve coming to terms with being Bi' idea:
(The queer community isn't perfect, there's a lot of infighting that's not obvious on the surface level. A lot of bi/pan/ace people get sneered at by gay/lesbian people even now, and in the 80s it was worse.)
After Vecna, Eddie tells Steve he had and still has a crush on him, but as he's aware that Steve's straight, he's going to stop flirting with him because he doesn't want to make Steve uncomfortable. Eddie will get over it eventually, but he wants 'to be friends so please don't hate me, Stevie, I'm trying to stop'. For some reason that hurts Steve and he can't stop thinking about it. For a few weeks, while Eddie's being his usual boisterous self, Steve just watches and thinks.
Eventually, he tells Robin how he feels, that he thinks he likes Eddie and wants to try being with him because they get on great, and he's nice, and kind of good looking, and why not? He's not used to being subtle about asking people out, so figures he might as well see if Eddie wants to actually date him.
Robin is shocked but then SO happy that he's gay too. But when Steve says that he's not, that he still likes women, she gets annoyed. Being gay is a big deal to her, and she feels like Steve would rather date someone he's not attracted to, just so that he's not single/lonely. 'Maybe I just like Eddie, he has long hair, I dunno?' 'That's not a thing, Steve!'
Steve has no idea, and after his shift, when he's alone, he melts down about it and genuinely wonders if he's deluding himself. Maybe he is 'fully gay', maybe he's desperate for love from anyone. He thinks he likes Eddie, so was he lying to himself before? Did he love Nancy, or did he just want to love her? It doesn't quite fit, and it takes him a long time to get to grips with who he is, and he spirals a bit because he realises that actually he has no real sense of identity in general. He doesn't know what he wants in the future in ANY capacity.
During a movie night with the older teens, it's Argyle (bizarrely) that vaguely states that he finds both the make/female lead actors hot, and it's the catalyst for Steve actually figuring himself out. He doesn't talk to anyone at all about it. He thinks and thinks and thinks, and just comes to terms with it. He did love Nancy, he does find girls attractive, but he also wants to make out with Eddie. (He also thinks that guy in that labyrinth film is kinda hot.)
So he bites the bullet and does what he wanted to do originally. He asks Eddie out, and Eddie's immediately like 'uh HELL yes', feeling like he's won the jackpot. And after a few weeks of vaguely secretive dating (ie making out at Eddie's new house), Steve settles into 'liking both', and tells Robin. He's much more confident this time, now that he's tried and knows he likes both.
Turns out Robin's been thinking about it too, and when Steve tells her about him and Eddie, she's apologetic for trying to tell him who he is. She points out that she'd have hated it, if it was the other way around. She's been looking into it, and come to the same conclusion. Steve was right, he can 'like both'. They have another soft little moment before she brutally mocks him for his taste in men.
(Eddie, meanwhile, has no idea how much soul searching Steve and Robin have been through. He's walking on air, just ecstatic that The Steve Harrington is his boyfriend.)
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valyrfia · 3 months
im only asking this to cleanse your inbox and you once said you are happy to talk about gay things if anyone wants to tell 🤧 as someone whos in her late twenties until that age i was straight or was thinking it but i just met a girl lately and she's the definition of 🥺🥺 she's so sweet and petite and thoughtful and she fucks my mind so much? I'm trying to not fall in love and tell myself im not into girls but is this how you realize youre actually gay?? shes like my bestfriends close friend so i see her often and I'm-
Not to be your lesbian agony aunt but I think the greatest piece of advice that was ever said to me was "straight girls don't even consider any of that from girls, at all". Straight people don't even think they could be gay, and don't imagine romance with the same sex past anything but a fleeting curious thought. I think my main piece of advice would be to listen to your body! Close your eyes and think about her, note how your body feels and if you're comfortable, think about: hugging her, holding her hand, kissing her and note how your body reacts to each of these things. You don't have to do anything about it, you can just be!
Personally, the year I realised I liked women there are three things that stick out in my mind, I'll stick them below a cut. Take what resonates with you and leave what doesn't!
Number one. I was in uni at the time we had a break in the middle of a lecture and my group of friends all sat on the stairs inside the lecture theatre chatting and a female friend hugged me from behind, in a kinda non-platonic (I was fully in her lap, my head was tipped back onto her shoulder lmao) and I fully melted and completely zoned out from the conversation. Now whenever men had hugged me like this I felt trapped and claustrophobic and I had no explanation in my head for why my body was completely not wanting to move w this random friend but barely wanted the guy I was seeing at the time touching me.
Secondly I was out with some friends and having a conversation w my best friend at the time in the bathroom when this girl we vaguely know walks in wearing a crop top and sweatpants and smiles at me. I just remember completely losing my words and blushing FURIOUSLY all over. (An even more fun fact is that this girl is in fact my now-girlfriend, this is about two years before we started dating).
Thirdly, I made this friend who was a lesbian and the first real interaction with a lesbian that I had had and I just thought she was so pretty and all I wanted to do was talk to her all the time. I didn't want other people, even our other friends talking or interacting with her without me there. We fell asleep on calls together and it got to the point that I was blowing off my boyfriend at the time to spend time with her because I felt like I was literally glowing in her presence and it was something I couldn't really fathom until one night I realised that I didn't like being best friends with this woman, I was fully on my way to being in love with her and wanted to be dating her. And that was the straw that breaks the camel's back to me realising, oh shit. I'm gay!
In hindsight was also attracted to some girls in school but hindsight is 20/20
But yes my number one piece of advice is YOUR BODY KNOWS! Listen to your body! And loving women is great! Don't be tricked into the 'oh I'm too old to discover I'm gay' trap, that's impossible, different people have different timelines! I'm rooting for you!
Also, liking women is so fun! Having crushes are fun! Have so much fun with it!
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xxcherrycherixx · 9 months
Lets talk about my goldilocks (goldi)
Shes a single mom, her husband passed away when blondie was a kid and she never looked for anyone else after.
She toned down her girly poofy pink wardrobe when she became a mother, and it got even more toned down after losing her husband.
She was raised very traditionally as most of the parents of the ever after high cast are. This means shes against the whole rebel thing, which explains why Blondie was also against it.
Shes also homophobic, but only because shes not able to understand it as queerness had been very undercover before the time frame of ever after high along with being a rebel. It causes her to lose blondie who is a lesbian and dating cupid. She misses blondie so much considering she was basically the only family she had left and then one day she sees blondie has a baby now, her granddaughter. It makes her desperate to have her family back and she throws her taught prejudice aside and rekindles with blondie, accepting cupid and their daughter as her family.
She likes nature and would take little blondie out into the forests with her to explore and have picnics
As the queen of their village shes on friendly terms with their local bear population, all goldilocks eventually are and its why blondie is so sure on all bears being her friends, its because she sees that the local bears to her village are friends with her mom and so she thinks all bears outside of her village will be friendly with her too.
Goldilocks never pursued a career, all goldilocks usually just become queen of the village (basically just mayor) and raise the next Goldilocks as stay at home moms. Blondie wants a career though, she wants to be a reporter. When she stops talking to her mom she basically realises she can actually fully pursue this career, she figures she wont have to be the queen of the village anymore and goes for it. When she does reconnect with her mom she manages to keep her job, with goldi sharing her duties of queen and helping to look after the kids while blondie and cupid are both working.
Goldi loves her grandkids, she takes them out into the woods just like she did with baby blondie. She raises an eyebrow at the bear cub but she quickly accepts him, she asks her mother bear friends about raising cubs and passes the advice she learns onto cupid and blondie. she proudly shows him off as her grandchild to her mother bear friends, and sets up playdates between him and their cubs so he can have playmates he can be more of a bear with (like using his claws and teeth without risk of injuring his human siblings)
When blondie tells her who the fathers for her bio kids are she raises an eyebrow “king charmings boys? Well thats a coincidence. You know once upon a time those boys could have been your brothers” and blondie is confused and horrified “what” goldi just laughs “oh dont worry theres no chance of that. I just dated him for 2 weeks back in high school” and blondie calls daring and dexter to tell them about it and daring is surprised meanwhile dexter is like “… i kinda knew?” Anyway blondie and daring gang up on him for not telling them, darling sees this and pretends she had no idea either leaving dexter to fend for himself.
She gets along with cupid and thinks shes a sweet girl, and even one day says she thinks shes the perfect girl to be dating her daughter. of course cupid is always on her best behaviour around blondies mom. shes pretty sure goldi wouldn’t be as keen on her if she knew half the things she gets blondie into, or what she gets into blondie 👀 so basically all swearing, sexual references and provocative clothing are kept very much away from goldi’s ears and eyes so she can maintain this image. (Cupid has absolutely had sex with blondie in her moms house, when blondie moans cupid shushes her for basically the first time ever, blondie is confused and cupid whispers “hun, i cant have your mom hear us. shes taking me with her shopping tomorrow for ‘mom and daughter-in-law bonding time’ I cant handle the pressure of her glaring at me and giving me the silent treatment the entire time” blondie rolls her eyes and tries to be quieter.)
Goldilocks has no idea how old her daughter’s girlfriend is and will never know. Blondie and cupid decide its best to keep somethings a secret from her mom, she also wont ever see cupid’s true form or even know shes able to shapeshift at all. the kids say something about cupid’s “cool bone wings!” And goldi is so confused, its even worse when their cub asks goldi “why do i need to be around these other bears?” And goldi says “its good for you to be able to learn bear things from your own species instead of just your human family” and he tilts his head confused “but momma is a bear sometimes, she teaches me bear things already” and goldi confronts cupid and blondie to which they absolutely lie about it.
Goldi meets cupids family once and never again. They are too much for her and cupid cringes as her auntie Aphrodite tries to flirt with a confused goldi. Cupid begs and prays that goldilocks views on her have not changed after the experience.
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
also of course streets of fire has all the totally unintentional queercoding of the biker bar, which on this second watch I kept my eyes open and the way it's shot makes it really hard to see any women (I saw one on the actual watch hidden way up in the balcony and then during screenshots realised there are more on the dance-floor, but they just aren't visible due to the fast cutting), otherwise we've got:
a rockabilly all-male group singing about "one bad stud moved in my neighborhood" (it does later on go on to sing about how "if he wants your baby--" but tbh you do not hear that, I had to go check the lyrics, which also describe him as a bear so... you mainly hear the repeated chorus refrain of "one bad stud")
a bunch of guys gathered around dressed in leather
the most androgynous dancer, I fully thought on the first watch that this dancer was a cis man + some of those moves are ballroom (there's almost a fucking death drop!)
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I see the women on the right now, but the cutting is so fast + the dancer is so electric I did not see them while watching!
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who is this boy!? The Moment
When McCoy (whomst we oughta have a whole own post on) enters there are more visibly women -- that's because her presence brings all the lesbians
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there's no worse place for queer discourse than tiktok bcs why am i seeing chronically online lesbians on there gatekeeping chappell roan from bi girls and saying weird shit like 'only lesbians experience comphet none of you fake gay bitches can relate' and then 3k comments like 'yeah why can't they let us have this one thing' or 'hi i recently came out as bi and don't wanna offend anyone can you explain this to me' followed by and avalanche of biphobia in the answers or better yet bothering bi girls who are speaking about their own relationship with comphet and telling them 'if you don't wanna have that problem just divorce your loving husband of 20 years and go date a woman'
what truly gets me about that is how we as queer people know full well that our identity is not limited to who we fuck and we're the first ones to bring that up when homophobes hit us with that 'as long as you do it in your own four walls' type shit and the whole reason why stems from the fact that heterosexuality itself is a set of rules and regulations 'normal' people are meant to follow rather than just man woman penis vagina sex it is literally a whole lifestyle and you don't even have to be queer to be breaking those rules
like straight culture literally can't process a relationship where a woman is slightly taller than the man they will call michelle obama a man because their brains are so marinated in the heterosexual sauce that they can't even imagine a woman who's not soft small and delicate they see a woman cut her hair short and immediately imagine she's either having a breakdown or a lesbian etcetc
heterosexuality is so much more than who you have sex with and because of that comphet can hit anyone it's not a uniquely lesbian experience there's plenty of fully straight women who'll wake up next to him in the middle of the night and realise they've sacrificed all their hopes dreams and aspirations to get married to a man birth him children and wash shit stains out of his underwear and have an existential crisis because two days ago they were 22 and had their whole life ahead of them and now they're pushing 50 realising they're nothing more than his wife
y'all gotta fight the obsession to draw neat little circles around queer identities where everyone is having a completely unique never before seen experience only those inside can understand or relate to and feeling attacked if someone you placed outside shares in whatever thoughts and feelings you've laid claim to
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