#I gave him a cozy jumper
beckiboos · 11 months
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Sleepy baby
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charliemwrites · 9 months
Before charmed slasher Simon revealed his true identity, what were movie nights like? I’d kill for a lil section on them almost cuddling on the couch while watching a scary movie and Simon absolutely adoring when you jump and scooch closer to him on instinct 🥹🥹 please charlie I beg you 😭
*Checks notes, chats with The Council* Yeah okay... we can do that.
CW for a bit of somnophilia and Simon being a creep!!
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You open the door looking like some kind of pastry with too-big eyes. Soft, cream-colored pair of joggers and a thin pink jumper, so fuzzy he just knows he'll find fluff on him after this. You look so cozy and sweet; he wants to put a pretty belled collar on you. Maybe watch you curl up in a nest of blankets, safe behind the bars of a cage.
But maybe not, he muses as you chirp a greeting, taking his hand to tug him into your apartment. A lamb inviting a wolf to the pen. He likes you best like this, all loose limbed and free to roam. Thinks maybe you'd lose some of that mischievous glint if he locked you up.
The collar though... he'd like to hear it ring as you bounce around him.
"I am the bestest friend ever," you declare, squeezing calloused fingers so much bigger and crueler and blood-stained than your own. "You know why?"
He arches an eyebrow. Your impish smile widens with delight. "Why's that, luv?"
"Well, you know that one place you wanted last week, but they were closed?"
He grunts and nods. Last week was your choice to pick the movie, which mean he was in charge of dinner.
"Well... they're still closed for repairs but! I talked to the owner, who talked to his mum, and she gave me the recipe for that dish you like. So guess what I did!"
He stares at you for a moment, teeth aching his jaw with the urge to sink them into soft flesh. Mark you as his. How the hell are you real? How the hell are you here?
When he's silent a beat to long, you click your tongue.
"You're no fun - I tried to make it," you explain.
Only then does he become aware of the scent in your apartment. Garlic and red meat and savory spices. His mouth fills with saliva as he focuses his attention on you again.
"Smells great, luv," he says, flicking the corner of his mouth up.
You beam. "Hopefully it's good! I tried it first and it seems alright, but I'm not sure it's as good as the restaurant."
It's almost not a conscious thought to snap his arm out and scoop you up, dragging you in against his chest. You yelp initially, but it devolves into a little giggle as you flatten your palms against his chest.
"Thank you, luv."
Every time he comes into your home, it's a struggle not to keep you. Not to take this place for himself, keep you for his own among all your pretty, soft things. Blood washes out; he'd show you how.
"Rileyyyy!" you mock-whine, pushing at him. "C'mon, before it gets cold."
He wants to make a comment about eating you. Simon thinks he could survive a winter on your taste alone. Instead he lets you on your feet, eases his snake-like grip around your waist. You cast him one last, warm look and skip off to the kitchen to fill bowls with food.
"So what movie are we watching?" you call.
"You ever seen Sinister?" he asks.
You make an annoyed noise. "You know I haven't!"
"Well, that's what we're watching."
You appear with a full, steaming bowl and a beer, shoo him to the couch with a little kick to his ankles. "Get it set up while I finish serving."
"Bossy thing," he tuts, voice a little too low for teasing.
The bridge of your nose darkens with a flush, but you make a cheeky little face in return. "Someone's gotta keep you in line!"
You're gone before you can hear the rumble in his chest. Some days he could swear you know what you're doing; that you know just what sort of animal you're poking at. That you're seeing just how much you can prod before he springs.
He tries not to imagine that cheeky, smug little smirk going all wet-eyed and desperate with lust. Sits to hide the bulge forming in his pants and sets up the movie.
You saunter out with your own, less-filled bowl and a glass of white wine. Take one look at the screen and shoot him an exasperated look.
"I should have known," you complain.
"Literally called Sinister, luv."
"Yeah, I know," you lament.
As soon as the movie starts you're curling into his side, eyes huge. Meal forgotten in your lap.
"Oh, no," you whisper, tilting your face to give him a pleading look. "I can't eat like this!"
"Eat quick, luv. You'll have a break after this first part.”
You do as you’re told; take a big sip of wine when you’re done - just in time for the first jumpscare. You save the wine but quickly put it away, shrinking down against the cushions.
“You’re mean, awful, terrible,” you mumble, fumbling a blanket off the back of the couch.
“‘S not very nice,” he snorts, licking his fork clean. You’d made it quite well for a first time. Not necessarily as good as the restaurant’s but better for you having made it special for him.
“You’re not very nice,” you reply, going stiff with fear as the “home movies” start playing. “No no no, fuck all of that.”
As soon as he’s set his bowl aside, you’re clinging in his arm. Bicep squished against your breasts, little fingers curling hard into flesh. He hopes you’ll leave cute little bruises. Your eyes are huge trained on the tv, bottom lip caught between your teeth.
“Holy shit,” you squeak, hiding your face.
Chuckling, he nudges at you. “Uh uh, no hiding. C’mon, I’m right here.”
You whimper and snuggle in even closer, wedged up against his ribs, leaning into him. Nearly climb into his lap when the creature starts moving on the screen, hands flapping.
“Fuuuuuck that,” you whine, “he’s so fucked oh my god.”
Simon chuckles, setting his other hand on your thigh. Indulges in stroking his thumb over the inseam of your joggers. You barely even seem to notice, engrossed in fear.
By the end, you’re fanning yourself of the panic, shooting him a look that’s meant to be accusing but mostly just owlish.
“You have to make it up to me,” you declare.
Oh, he could think of a dozen ways to do that.
“Yeah?” he rumbles. “What do you need?”
“We’re watching something else. My pick this time.” You pause, shoot him a worried look. “Can you stay for another?”
He smirks. “Couldn’t kick me out if you tried, luv.”
You really couldn’t. Because you’re adorable when you’re scared. Look like something to ruin. But the aftermath is almost better. When your body melts into warmth and (false) safety. The anxiety drains away, leaving you sleepy and pliable. You’ll fall asleep within the hour.
And you do. Clue playing (subtitles on) you’re snoozing against his shoulder before long. He waits until the movie ends for plausible deniability, then takes you to bed. You hardly stir, save to press your nose against his collar with a little hum.
He eases you out of your joggers, eyes flickering at the pretty lace clinging to your hips. Tiny little bows at the sides.
Snuffs out the bedside lamp and fishes his fully-hard cock from his pants. He teases his free hand along your inner thigh, over the lace front of your panties. Scrapes his nail a bit where your clit is hidden. Nearly purrs when you moan softly, wiggling on the mattress to open your thighs wider, still out cold.
Fucks his other hand vicious and brutal, relishing the slight dry pain. Fast and hard, already worked up from having you trembling against him for over an hour. It doesn’t take long to fall over that edge, the memory of your squeaks and cries finishing him off.
He covers the sensitive, angry tip as he cums, no matter how much he wants to paint you with his spend. He takes a deep breath as the pleasure courses through him, twitching through aftershocks. Cracks his neck as he peeks your peaceful expression.
Can’t help himself. Smears his wet thumb over the front of your panties. Nothing you’ll notice in the morning, but you’ll spend all night with him marking your cunt. Maybe even all day tomorrow.
He should go.
Ends up gently, carefully, glossing your bitten bottom lip with a drop of cum as well. Gets rock hard all over again when your tongue flicks out at the sensation, tasting. Still unconscious. You roll over with a sleepy sigh and curl up.
Simon pulls the blankets over you and returns to the living room to clean up from dinner. He’s not yet willing to slink back to his den.
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eternal summer [part one]
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part two: [soon]
word count: 2207 warnings: none ! notes: will get part two done as soon as i can, particularly if you guys seem to enjoy this <3 please always lmk your thoughts, don't be shy !!
You met him in the wintertime; he was all grey smoke and black coats and pale fingers blushed with red from the cold air. You had been at Charli’s house (practically a second home to you after years of friendship) watching the late-December snowfall while basking in the warm comfort of her living room, when a loud, almost obnoxious knocking came from the front door. Charli was quick to get up, rolling her eyes good-naturedly and simply saying, “It’s just Matty.” 
The two of them stood in her doorway talking, Matty undoubtedly looking for George. Your gaze returned to the soft and snowy scene outside the window, allowing you to become lost in thought. Matty, you said in your head. Best friend’s boyfriend’s best friend. Enough degrees of separation away for you to be vaguely aware of him, but not near enough for you to have met him before. Charli had plenty of stories to tell, of course, but that was about it. Curly-haired singer with a loud personality, a soft heart, and, according to several anecdotes you’d previously heard, someone who should be filed under Men Who Can Do You No Good. You had your doubts about the sources you’d gotten that from, though. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Charli say to Matty, “Yeah, she’s just over there.” 
You turned to look over at the doorway. Matty was craning his neck slightly, as if trying to get a good look at you over on the couch. You sat further up and waved to him. “Hey.” It was your first time really seeing him, and you did your best to take in as many details as possible without blatantly staring: the few stray curls that escaped the rest of his neatly gelled hair, his slight stubble, the small silver hoop that hung from his ear, the way his eyes crinkled when he returned your smile.
“Hi.” He paused, giving you just a moment to collect yourself again. “I’m Matty.” He sounded almost awkward, like he wanted to say something witty or cool but had completely drawn a blank. You told him your name, he nodded, he said something to Charli, he left. That was that, completely (maybe disappointingly) unmonumental. 
Charli sat down next to you on the couch again. “Did he seem tense to you?” she asked.
You gave a noncommittal shrug of your shoulders. “Dunno. You know him better than I do.” Although, a very small part of you couldn’t help but briefly wonder what it would be like if you did know him better. What if you could tell when he was tense, what if you knew all the tells of when he was anxious, what if you could read his mind and he could read yours? You stopped before you got even further ahead of yourself. You sound insane, you told yourself. It was enough to make you decide to push Matty out of your thoughts for the foreseeable future. Besides, it would be quite a while before you’d have to see him again.
Except it wasn’t. Just two weeks later, you found yourself back in Charli’s home, the familiar air smelling of pine and cinnamon from the lit candles. Charli had decked the house out in fairy lights and colorful, sparkling ornaments – it was a Christmas party, after all. “Party” was a bit of an overstatement, though. Really it was just you, her, George, and the other three guys, with Carly accompanying Adam. 
Your eyes landed on Matty almost immediately after walking inside. This time, instead of the drab coat and slicked-back hair, he was drowning in a fuzzy, oversized jumper and had let his curls loose. They framed his face perfectly, and something about seeing him in this setting – warm, cozy, inviting – made your heart briefly skip a beat.
Halfway through the night you were perfectly at home with the group of people who had been near strangers just hours before. Everybody had drinks in hand, conversation was flowing with ease, and a warm glow seemed to illuminate the whole room. In your slightly tipsy state, you allowed yourself to sneak furtive glances in Matty’s direction – what harm could come from a little crush on him? He was cute, he was funny, he was intriguing. It would be weird for me to not be interested, you reasoned with yourself. It was just then that your thoughts were interrupted by yet another reason to keep him on your mind: his fucking fingers. The flicker of his lighter had drawn your eyes to his hands and the way they fidgeted with a cigarette before pressing it to his lips. Matty’s face was briefly highlighted in a bloom of yellow-orange, before the flame went out and was replaced by wisps of grey smoke. You blatantly stared  at his index and middle fingers as they held the cigarette to his lips, then studied the shape those lips took when he blew the smoke out to the side, wondering how they would feel against yours, soft and hungry. 
At this thought, you stood and excused yourself to the kitchen, deciding that another drink was in order. You were almost certain you could feel Matty’s eyes burning into your back as you walked away, but you weren’t sure if it was wishful thinking or anxious paranoia on your part. 
The sound of conversation from the other room was slightly muted in the kitchen, but it wasn’t long before you heard familiar footsteps behind you. You turned around, already knowing it was Charli. “He hasn’t got a girlfriend, you know,” she said with a sly smile.
You furrowed your brow in feigned confusion. This would not become something she could hold over you. “Sorry, who are we talking about?”
“Matty, obviously!” she exclaimed loudly. You gave her a warning glance, petrified that her voice would carry and your little crush would have to come to a swift end.
“I’m not interested.” Charli raised her eyebrows at your words. “Well, maybe I’m attracted, but I’m not interested!”
Your friend knew you well enough to understand that the topic was moot. There would be no changing your mind – at least, not that night. Charli began to sidle out of the kitchen, but not without saying, “I’ll keep my eye on you two,” in a teasing voice.
And then it’s summer. Everything is the same, but now there’s a gold filter over it all. Everything is different, but the air still smells the way it did in the summer five years ago. Summer is a constant. Time will always pass and everything will always keep moving, but when the time is right, the sun will always warm your skin, and if you try hard enough, your skin starts to glow the way it did when you were six years old. 
One thing you’ve learned since May, when the weather really got warm and the sunsets began to linger a little while longer, is that Matty Healy is luminous in the summertime. Your interactions with him have become more frequent since that December, giving you the opportunity to watch him metamorphosize. Without you particularly realizing, lunch dates and movies and late night drives with him have become a part of your weekly schedule. Charli had been determined to work her magic, and while no romantic endeavors had occurred, her set-ups for the two of you had undoubtedly helped form one of the most meaningful friendships in your life.
You’re definitely over that stupid crush. 
There’s no time to contemplate your previous budding infatuation anyway, because a car has pulled up outside your home and the driver is incessantly honking on the horn. Speak of the devil. You grab your tote bag filled with a towel, snacks, sunscreen, sunglasses, and a paperback book and dash out of your front door, sandals hitting the ground loudly. 
Both the driver’s and passenger’s doors of Matty’s car have been thrown open. Alison by Slowdive is playing softly through the car speakers as you slide into your seat and place your bag on the floor between your legs. Matty raises his sunglasses up away from his eyes, pushing some of his hair out of his face. “You ready?”
“Mhm.” You have to bite your tongue in order to not say more, seeing as your heart rate has increased tenfold at the sight of Matty. Every button of his white short-sleeve shirt is undone, the collar hanging loosely around his neck. His tattooed arms are sunkissed, almost golden, as if a goddess of the sun blessed him with her touch. Glimpses of the tattoo across his chest peek out from his undone shirt, contrasting with the bright fabric. You’re filled with the insatiable desire to remove the shirt and press your fingertips to the ink, the only barrier left between you and his bones being that thin layer of skin. You could melt into each other.
There’s not much need for small talk today. Soon enough you’re speeding down an empty rural road, windows down and music loud. Matty is rhythmically tapping on the wheel to the beat of the music, while you reach your arm out the window and let yourself become enveloped by the roaring warm wind. Occasionally you turn your attention back to Matty and the soft smile that appears on his face as he mouths the words to the song. He could smile at you and the world could crumble down at your feet and you wouldn’t care; all you can see is Matty.
After a lengthy drive, a sparkling expanse of water comes into view, the sandy beach completely deserted save for two figures you can see in the distance – Charli and George. You have a feeling that this beach day is another one of Charli’s attempts to set you up with Matty, and for once you don’t feel so eager to protest; not when his eyes are pools of honey and his cheeks are dusted pink from the sun and his perfectly sculpted figure is right in front of you like this.
When you and Matty have carried your things down to the beach where Charli and George have placed their bags, the two of them are already down in the water; Charli’s loud laughter carries up to the sand where you stand with Matty. “They’re really cute together, aren’t they?” you say wistfully, almost to yourself.
“Yeah… yeah, they are.” You’ve discarded the large cotton shirt you were using as a cover-up for the black two-piece you had beneath it, and Matty’s eyes are trained on you. A pause before it hits you:
He’s staring he’s staring he’s staring fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck–
Matty clears his throat. His face is burning bright red now, and you’re quite certain he hasn’t formed a sunburn this quickly. “Sunscreen?” he says weakly.
“Uhm, would you like help with your sunscreen, I mean.”
“Oh!” Your mouth takes a moment to catch up with your brain. “Yes, please!.” You dig around in your bag for the sunscreen and hand it to him before turning around, your back facing him.
The cool lotion on your back applied by his warm and calloused hands nearly makes you gasp. You bite down on your lower lip and tense your shoulders, though the goosebumps across your skin give you away regardless. Matty’s hands work the lotion into your skin, fingers practically massaging your shoulders. Your eyelids flutter close, and before you can stop yourself, you let out a soft, contented sigh. Matty’s fingers pause and your eyes shoot open.
It wasn’t even that bad don’t worry it’s fine don’t worry–
Matty quickly finishes applying the sunscreen and takes his hands off you, allowing you to face him once again. His lips are parted almost imperceptibly and you’re sure he can hear your thoughts racing – a mortifying idea, as all you can think about is silencing his next words with your mouth on his, hungry like he’s fresh fruit, letting him drip down your lips to your chin.
“Are you two having a moment?”
You nearly jump out of your skin. You didn’t even notice Charli making her way up the beach toward you. A knowing look is on her face as she picks up a towel and wraps it around herself, telepathically screaming “Tell me fucking everything” at you. 
“No, we’re just–” You start, but Matty is quick to interrupt.
“We just realized we forgot something in my car, actually! Come help me find it?” Matty looks at you pointedly, nearly begging for you to go along with this. And who are you to say no?
“Yeah, yeah, of course! Tell George we’ll be right back, alright?” you tell Charli.
Before she can get a word in edgewise, Matty takes your hand in his and adamantly whisks you away. You wave to Charli, who’s watching with an open-mouthed smile, before returning your attention to the task of keeping up with Matty’s fast pace. His grip on your hand, the serious expression on his face, the white shirt slipping down his shoulder – you’re suddenly faced with the unsavory realization that you’re not, nor have you ever been, over that stupid crush.
On the contrary, you’re utterly fucked.
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starlight moonlight sunlight — blurb four
Blurb Title: Warm Jumpers by the Fire
Pairing: ex!Remus x reader, Remus x Sirius, eventual poly!Wolfstar x reader
Warnings: none
A/N: the fancast gifs don't relate to the story at all, I just use them to break the story from the info. Imagine who you want.
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The school was buzzing as owls dropped flyers for the new cafe opening in two days. You and Dora’s cafe. Running a bakery wasn’t something you wanted to do forever. You wanted to be known for something past the girl that escaped America and Voldemort. Pandora understood that. She was more than willing to learn all the special nymph recipes and how to ingredients from you so she could continue the cafe outside of Hogwarts once you left the business. But for now, the two of you were content working there. 
You thought as much as you set down a tray of goodies for some students and summoned another tray for a few faculty members that came for a visit. Of course, they never got the stuff you were giving to students but they didn’t have to know that. Lily, Remus, and Regulus entered the classroom with their books in tow. You pointed them to an empty table while Pandora took the last of the pastries out of the oven. She charmed the bell so you two would be alerted if anyone needed anything before you guys joined the others at a table by the window.
“I hope you guys don’t mind that we have another person joining us,” you said as you took a little rat off the pillow on the windowsill. 
The others laughed. Peter had been disappearing a lot recently and now they knew where he was going. He liked listening to you hum or sing. It calmed him down in rat form immensely. For a few days now, he’s been trying to convince the boys to come sit with him by the fire and listen but Sirius wasn’t up for it all which meant James staying behind in solidarity. 
Wormtail got comfortable in the large center pocket of your overalls. You had been wearing a lot of tops with high pockets for him. His little rat form was adorable. You wanted to meet the rest of the marauders’ animagus forms. Finally getting comfortable, you poured drinks for your book club and opened up to the latest chapter of Interview with the Vampire. 
Remus rested his cane against the windowsill and got himself comfortable. He reached for your hand, pulling it into his lap where it just rested on his thigh. He knew he had to do better. It was a conversation he had with the other boys back in their dorm. The point was for it to seem like you were drifting apart naturally or there was no spark anymore, not for him to push you away. If you got suspicious then surely you’d accidentally walk in on him and Sirius and everything would go awry. He had to be a better fake boyfriend. 
Which meant he poured out your tea during book club, he held your hand as you walked through the hallways of school, he gave you chaste kisses whenever his boyfriend wasn’t around, and he cuddled up to you on the couches in the Gryffindor common room right in front of the fireplace while the two of you finished up homework. You were wearing his jumper, loving how tall he was because it just made the whole thing cozy to slip on. Remus wasn’t even sure when you took it. He hadn’t noticed it missing from his closet until you showed up to Hogsmeade earlier wearing it. 
You set down your nearly finished Potions essay. “I’m going to write a famous book.” 
Remus looked up from his work. “Yeah?” 
You nodded. It wasn’t just Pandora who knew about your desire to make something of yourself after Voldemort took your normal life away from you. The whole group knew about it. Remus set his work down and pulled you closer, your back against his chest. 
“I think that’s a wonderful idea, dovey. I’ll be the first to read it.” 
“You will?” 
“Of course… Hey, there’s a Halloween ball coming up soon. Will you be my date?” 
You chuckled as you accepted the invitation. Remus didn’t have to ask you but it was sweet that he did anyway. The thought got you a little excited. Dressing up for Halloween wasn’t just a muggle thing. Wizards loved it too. You had a brilliant idea for your costume and dress, telling Remus such as you kissed him.
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@venomsvl @peaches-n-sunscreen @summerellaz @supernaturallover2002 @sambucky8 @9daykrisr @thebitchinleo @23victoria @scarlets-widow @pagetpagetpagetpaget @lovexnatasha @awesomebooklover17 @1234-angelika @imatrisk @blackreaderatrisk @princess-jules47 @alexloveskili @a-marie-a @siriuslysirius1107​ @i-have-no-life-charlie
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moonsanoverthinker · 9 months
Some Christmas/holiday themed TMA headcanons because tis the season and all that jazz (definitely didn’t forget about this in the drafts until now)
Sasha would give handmade cards to everyone
Tim kept every card she gave him
During secret Santa Jon pretends to not know who gave him the present
Every year Christmas scented reed diffusers would appear but no one knew where they came from - Despite claiming it was never him, it was always Jon
Tim once again wearing short sleeves despite it being freezing (I’ll never let the hc of always wearing short sleeves Tim go)
Peter just baking cookies and having a nice time
Tim would be the main Christmas celebrations person but that slowly fizzled out (like across time frame of series 2/3)
Tim also used to go all out when decorating for Christmas but eventually just stopped bothering
Elias in a Santa hat looking miserable (not necessarily a hc but a funny thought)
Despite claiming to not be a couple Tim and Sasha did wear matching Christmas jumpers while in the institute
Georgie and Melanie have a really nicely decorated tree and just a nice cozy vibe to the house during the holiday season
Tim once gave Jon a present and wrapped it in wrapping paper, then duct tape and then zip ties - Tim also got Sasha to hide any scissors
Martin and Jon baking cookies - They were questionable looking but at least they were edible
Just the series 1 gang having a mini office party - Tim singing constantly, Sasha occasionally joining in, Martin just bobbing his head along and Jon looking slightly horrified but also amused (Not technically a hc but also ouch)
The holiday films section (I have zero evidence for any of this)
Martin’s favourite Christmas film is Muppets Christmas Carol - He forces Jon to watch it every year
Martin also enjoys Die Hard so it’s depends on the day which is his favourite
Jon claims to dislike Muppets Christmas Carol - He secretly enjoys it
Tim’s favourite film is either Elf or Love Actually - he likes to complain about love actually constantly but does enjoy it (he’s just like me)
Sasha loves The Polar Express
Elias claims The Thing is a Christmas movie - There’s snow so it counts
Peter also likes to claim that Misery is a Christmas film - There’s snow so it counts (also I just imagine him making digs at Elias about being trapped)
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neongreenllama · 1 year
Prompt: Omega
I tried my hand at a little omegaverse … no idea if I’ve done it right
cw for implied sex
@wolfstarmicrofic - 728 words
He glanced up from his laptop to see Remus walk across the room to get to their bedroom. It was at least the third time he had done that in the last ten minutes.
Sirius went back to answering his work emails.
Only a few short minutes later, Remus came back out, vanished into a different room, came back, and walked to their bedroom once more, carrying a bundle that looked like blankets.
After a few more seconds of typing out an email, he heard scraping noises as if someone was trying to move furniture.
He sighed, giving in to the fact that he wouldn’t get any more work done right now, and followed Remus to their bedroom. It didn’t look the way he remembered it from this morning.
The curtains had been pulled closed, putting the whole room in very dim lighting. The blankets on the bed had changed to fluffier versions and multiplied, and so had the pillows. A few pictures of them that usually hung in the living room were now arranged on the bedside tables.
He leaned against the doorframe, watching his mate fruitlessly pull at one of the posts of their large bed in the middle of the room. It moved less than an inch with every pull.
“What are you doing, love?” he asked gently.
“Moving the bed,” came the curt reply. Remus looked a bit rosy and sweaty, his curls falling into his face. He must feel hot. No wonder what with the thick jumper despite the warmth in this room and his physical effort.
He hummed. “Why?”
Remus stopped pulling to catch his breath. “It’d be more comfortable that way. Why do we even have it like this? It’s so bare and bright,” he said, irritation sounding in his voice.
“I think you said it’s more practical this way.”
Remus scoffed, his irritation becoming very clear, and went back to pulling at the bed. Everything in Sirius wanted to comfort him.
“Now, this is just a guess, but …” he began, careful so as to not prod an angry dragon. “Do you think you might be nesting?”
Remus immediately stopped, looked about the room, and, apparently seeing what Sirius saw for the first time since he’d begun, breathed out, shoulders sagging in defeat. “Why do I never notice it.”
Fondly smiling at his omega, he pushed off the doorframe. “Let me help you with that.”
Having moved the bed to a corner in combined effort, Sirius laid back on it, pulling Remus with him.
He nuzzled his face in his mate’s neck and breathed him in. He could already tell from the scent that his heat was close. He gave it another day, maybe two.
“How about we stay in tonight?” he mumbled against his neck before kissing it.
“But we wanted to go for dinner with the others.”
“We can do that some other time. Let’s order in and watch a movie, what do you say?” He kissed his neck some more. He smelled so good, Sirius wanted to bathe in it.
His mate huffed out air and he could tell from his scent he was starting to get irritable again. Remus was generally annoyed at his own nesting habits. He wasn’t looking forward to his heat either since it always meant mood swings from raging hormones and canceling previously made plans. But he was only ever annoyed until his heat arrived in full swing, which was when he suddenly switched to being very much down for everything that was happening, even begging his alpha for more. Sirius always did everything to the best of his possibilities to keep his omega happy.
“But we wanted to go for dinner,” Remus repeated now petulantly.
He hummed in his neck. “But it’s so cozy in here, I don’t wanna leave.”
The truth was that Sirius knew he wanted to go out now, simply because he hated changing plans, but as soon as he was outside, he would want to be back in his nest. Though it really was cozy, and Sirius wanted to be with his omega, breathing in his wonderful scent. He snuggled closer to Remus, pulling himself on top of him.
“C’mon, Moony.” He grazed his lips over his scent gland, Remus going soft and pliant beneath him.
Two days after the end of his heat Remus puffingly moved the bed back to where it had been before, muttering to himself how impractical it was this way. Sirius watched fondly for a few seconds before helping.
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I want Jessie's Girl
Panda’s Notes: I will probably never stop writing these guys. >w< I hope you all like it. Also, Pop Quiz! Between Miles and Gwen, which one is "Jessie", and which one's "the girl"? I'll give you a hint: You're wrong. Thanx to @rosileeduckie for beta reading, as usual. >w<
[Ao3] || [Commissions] || [Ko-fi]
Miles and Gwen were so cute. The way they thought so alike and acted so in sync on missions and in combat, only to go back home and stumble all over themselves trying to hold one conversation with each other. They steal chips off each other’s plates and give chaste little kisses like they’re doing something scandalous. Or scared of each other, somehow. Even when they held hands, they acted giddy. Miles tried so hard to hide the goofy grin that lit his face up when she cuddled against him, and Gwen could never tear her eyes away from him, no matter what he was doing.
The puppy love was saccharine and cozy. It stuck to the walls and made the room feel warm.
And it was also making Hobie fucking sick.
He bit his tongue and winced. He felt a little bad for even thinking it.
It was criminal, though, wasn’t it? Being cute and coy all the time; hanging out in his dimension all the time instead of either of theirs. And gods, it really was like they were here all the time. Definitely more often than before. When he looked at them, they were always worlds away, sparing him the slightest glances before falling to whispers and returning to their skittish patterns.
Hobie grit his teeth and gave an exaggerated sigh, leaning on the neck of his guitar. “Oi, I can play some music if you two are gonna dance around each other all feckin’ night.”
Miles cringed with a shy chuckle, and Gwen glared at him with the least intimidating blush on her cheeks. It was more of a pout than a glare, and Miles sneakily poked her cheek, giving a spooked sort of giggle when she turned to him instead. Gross.
Hobie glanced between them patiently. His eyes rolling halfway off his head was patience, trust.
“Right.” He clapped sharply, drawing their attention as he stood up. “I think I see what the problem is here.” He sauntered around the coffee table, and only Gwen knew to be wary of his approach. “You lot are all nervous because you don’t actually know each other that well, yeah?”
“We know each other…” Miles scoffed, crossing his arms. “At least, it’s been easier getting to know each other since, well, everything.”
Hobie stuck his tongue out, waving his hand a bit dismissively. “Don’t go flatterin’ yourself, Brooklyn. Unlike some folks, I’ve spent more than a couple of days with Gwendy, here, and she could hardly say two words about ya besides how cool you were and how brave and—” Halfway through his speech, Gwen had hopped to her feet and flailed at him indignantly, and he laughed lightly as he blocked her attempts to punch him or shove his face. “And, yet, somehow, the entire time, she was all doe-eyes smitten despite knowing, like, three whole stories from you.”
Gwen gave up her efforts with an exasperated whine, pulling the hood on her sweatshirt—It was actually one of Hobie’s old jumpers, he corrected himself—over her head to hide her blushing face as she fell back onto the couch. Miles was just staring at her, that same adorable grin stuck turning his face into the brightest light in the room.
“I’ll be honest with you, mate: I had thought she was out of her mind being so hooked on someone she barely knows.” He couldn’t help smirking when Miles averted his gaze, and he crossed his arms smugly. “I admit, though: If it had to be anyone, I’m glad it’s you. You meet the hype, so to speak.”
Miles looked proud of himself, though he tried poorly to hide it. Hobie could just barely spot the little grin on Gwen’s lips behind her hood and hands.
“Still, there’s the matter of not knowing much.” Hobie clapped his hands again before cracking his knuckles. “Gwendy passed on some cute little anecdotes about a ‘family cookout incident’. Told me the one about you trying to prank your parents…” He walked around to the back of the couch, leaning on it and resting his chin on his arms. “But, tell me, bruv, what has she told you about herself?”
Miles somehow grew even brighter. “Oh, man, when she first came to my dimension, she told me about some of her first fights; it was pretty cool.”
Hobie leveled a smug look at Gwen, moving one hand to ruffle her hair under the hood. “Nah, Miles, not shit about Spider-Woman. Stuff about Gwen.”
Miles hesitated a little, his eyes darting to Gwen. Hobie pretended not to notice. Gwen just rolled her eyes and nodded subtly. Hobie pretended not to notice that too.
“Well~ I do happen to know she has pretty good taste in Puerto Rican food.” He smiled slightly as Gwen giggled. “She’s really weak to anti-humor, and her slack subject is English, apparently. And, uh…” He withered under the unamused look on Hobie’s face.
“Damn, she was right; you are fuckin’ dorky, mate.” Hobie sneered as Miles gasped in mostly fake offense.
“You called me a dork?!” He asked Gwen in disbelief, and she snickered a bit shyly.
“You’re my dork, though!” She insisted, only to still get a pillow bounced off of her head.
Hobie caught it without really looking; his eyes were rolling too hard to look at anything. These two were going to make his teeth fall out. He casually whacked Miles with the pillow before sighing loudly.
“Guess I have to do everything around here, as usual.” He huffed a bit playfully, pushing himself up and walking back to the chair in the corner. “I can tell ya a thing or two about her, if you want to listen.”
Miles couldn’t help the way his eyes lit up, even if he kept the rest of his face cool and collected. Gwen glared at Hobie warily, but she crossed her arms and didn’t move to stop him.
Pretty rookie mistake for someone who was Hobie’s roommate for so long. He couldn’t even try to keep the sneer off his face.
“February. Dye Job.” He said shortly, just to see if she’d react.
“Oh, my god.” Gwen groaned, hands flying up to cover her face as she let out a laugh. “Seriously, Hobie?”
“First time she wanted to dye her hair—in my bathroom, by the by, in case you care—she didn’t think to tell me, or anyone, really. Just got a bottle from one of the li’l underground markets. No box, funny enough, so no instructions. ‘m sure she just told them she’d ‘figure it out’ and handed off the five quid.”
“I paid you back for it!”
“Oh, you paid back plenty beside the money, love. The look on your face—” Hobie laughed, waving one hand. “Miles, when I came home, I’d thought someone had offed the poor thing. Red stains, tracked across the floor. Handprints on counters and both of the sinks. Nothing if not thorough, this one—”
“I said I was sorry!”
“—I found her with the worst, patched-up job I’d seen in a while. Looked like she’d been beaten over the head, I swear. I had to talk her into the powder pink, just so I wouldn’t get any more heart attacks if she messed it up again.”
He grinned as he leaned on one hand. Miles’ eyes were on him with absolutely rapt attention while one hand rubbed reassuringly along Gwen’s back. She was hiding in her hood again, curled up on the couch with her head resting against Miles’ leg. She was so cute, and he really was so kind.
“Actually, I still have the pictures.” Hobie remembered, tearing his eyes away from the pair of them and pushing himself up.
Gwen sprang up so fast, it triggered Hobie’s Spider-Sense. “You do not have that fucking picture.”
Hobie snickered a bit deviously, reaching up to the top of a shelf and pulling a binder from behind a heavy-duty band. “All Spiders have a thing for photos, love. And I always keep a little dirt in my pocket.”
“I told you to burn those!” Miles started to stand as Gwen lunged, apparently unsure if he should stop her or not.
“Yeah, and I didn’t.” Again, while hardly looking, Hobie held the photo album up over his head as he tried to hold Gwen at arm’s length with his free hand. “C’mon, now, I won’t even show him the one where you cried about it!”
“Why do you have a picture of me crying?!” She got ahold of his sleeve before lunging to grab his vest and try to reach his outstretched arm.
“It was, like, two seconds before you started laughing!” Hobie argued, starting to laugh a bit himself. “And you were cu—Oi, quit that!” His voice started to break into giggles when Gwen switched tactics to tickling up his side just under his vest, and his arm started to come down as he tried to shove her back. In a quick—almost reckless—motion, he gave the binder a very slight toss, using a shot of web fluid to stick it to the ceiling before scooping Gwen up into his arms. She squealed brightly and tried to flail, reaching out to Miles before Hobie hooked his arm across her ribs.
“Aw, Gwendy, thank you for reminding me!” Hobie laughed, waving Miles a bit closer with his free hand. “Miles, my guy, did she tell you that she’s…ticklish?”
“I didn’t tell him that because it’s not true!” She tried to insist, trying to squirm out of his hold much more now that the apparent plan was revealed.
Miles’ grin turned a bit more mischievous as he slipped his hands into his jacket pockets. “She actually did not tell me that. Wonder why~”
“Why, indeed, lovely?” Hobie teased, letting his free fingers wiggle where he knew she could see. “Could it be that she wants to hide how much of a squeaky mess she is when she laughs?”
“Fuck you…” She whined through stifled giggles, shrinking away from his fingers as best she could. Which is to say, not at all.
“Little rude for someone who’s totally not ticklish, eh?” He let his fingers sneak slowly under her chin to scribble his nails gingerly along her neck, and he sneered a bit as she tried and failed to contain the much stronger giggles. “Little rude considering I know all your favorite little spots.”
“Oh, do you?” Miles snickered softly, nudging Hobie with his elbow as Gwen kicked halfheartedly.
“I do, yeah. Matches up with a few a’ yours, actually.” He taunted, his hand moving quickly to Miles’ neck and skittering up behind his ear. He smiled as Miles flailed away from him with a squeak, readjusting his hold on Gwen. “And as for you, Ghost, you wanna tell him the truth? Or do you want me to show him?”
Gwen was still barely keeping it together; she pulled her hood to hide her face, but she’d all but ceased any real struggle. “I-I’m not telling—Hobie!”
He hadn’t let her finish that one, curling his hand into a claw and digging into her stomach. The squeal he managed to rip out of her was phenomenal, and her head tipped back onto his shoulder as she laughed loudly. She kicked with a renewed effort, her hands grabbing at the arm restraining her instead of the one attacking. Hobie held her tighter, closer, and he smirked playfully as each skitter, pinch, and squeeze of his fingers tuned the notes in her laughter.
The only issue—if one could really call it that—was when he turned his head.
The look on Miles’ face was pure, soft adoration for poor Gwen; the way one looks at a little kitten curling up in their arms. When his eyes fell on Hobie, they changed; apparently, in bringing light to this barely hidden little secret, Hobie had hung the moon and stars by hand all on his own. It felt like an adrenaline shot to the heart, maybe an electric shock.
Hopefully, he was just imagining things.
…Miles does have beautiful eyes though.
“Oi, Miles, c’mere.” He beckoned just a bit teasingly, much to Gwen’s squeaky protests when Miles reached to goose her hips. “There’s just one more little thing I’ve got to let you in on, Peter Pan.” Hobie practically purred, and Miles flinched a little as he effortlessly blocked the elbow Gwen swung at his head. “And that right there is why I’m not gonna regret it, too.”
“Hobie, please!” She laughed, wiping her cheek with her sleeve and kicking lightly at Miles when he poked her again. Even when they weren’t tickling her, she couldn’t come down; she held the back of her hand to her mouth, but the giggles refused to stop.
Hobie chuckled, finally letting her feet touch the floor, and in an obviously practiced maneuver, both of his hands were suddenly on her stomach, one of them quickly finding her bellybutton while other mostly kept her balanced.
Not that it really helped. She shrieked, bubbly giggles turning into cacophonous cackles as her knees buckled almost instantly.
“Hobie!” Miles fake-scolded with a laugh, catching Gwen easily and guiding her as she let herself “fall” to the floor. “You’re just being mean now.”
“I mean, a little.” He admitted as he knelt closer to keep contact, scribbling his fingers much more purposefully while Gwen squealed and hid her face. “But I think I’ve almost…got it!” The pause had come from him sneakily raising his hands just enough to claw them suddenly into her lower stomach again. And finally, he got the true reveal he was hoping for in the form of loud snorts starting to break up her cackles. Miles’ eyes lit up once again, and Gwen finally gave up on hiding. She avoided Miles’ loving gaze, her cheeks dappled red like paint drops on canvas as Hobie’s scribbling fingers slowly dialed her back down to snort-filled giggles before lifting away.
“And me without my camera.” Hobie said softly, a fond grin taking over his face. “What a shame. ‘f it were up to me, I’d show you how bad raspberries get to her, but I suppose I shouldn’t kill the poor thing.” He gave Gwen’s stomach a firm pat before pushing himself up onto his feet.
“That was pretty cute though.” Miles said gently, taking one of Gwen’s hands to kiss her knuckles and snickering as she pawed at his sleeve. “What do you think, Gwanda? You have fun?” He teased.
She tugged him closer by his jacket, her voice still tangled in giggles. “Hobie screams when you tickle his feet.” She said, firm and deliberate.
Hobie let out a laugh that was more of a shocked cough. “Gwendy! Thought you was only tryin’ to tell him the truth and all.” He laughed dismissively, shaking his head until he saw Miles grinning mischievously. He gave a smirk of his own, crossing his arms. “You’ll never catch me.” He shrugged casually.
Miles made a move to stand, and Hobie’s Spider Sense prickled sharply. Okay, he was serious. Without much of a second thought, he bolted for the door, vaulting over the railing and starting to swing up to the highest point on his boat. Turnabout is definitely fair play, but Hobie was never one to give an easy win.
Miles had hardly gotten one foot flat on the floor when Hobie sprinted like the devil was on his heels. Miles snickered, letting himself relax for now as he pulled Gwen to her feet.
“So…?” She asked expectantly. “Not exactly according to plan, but…” She gave a shrug, smiling softly.
Miles chuckled, shaking his head as he grinned. “Nah, you were still right. He’s kind of adorable, in his own way.”
“Right? Don’t let him hear you say it though.” She giggled, squeaking when Miles suddenly poked her and socking him in the arm.
“We should still probably wait a little longer, though. He seemed, like, nervous?” Miles led her slowly, thinking she might still need her balance back.
“You’re probably right…” Her face lit up with mischief as she jogged past him for the door. “For now, though—”
She didn’t bother to finish, vaulting over the railing outside and firing a web up toward the roof with Miles trailing not far behind. She knew all of Hobie’s favorite escape routes.
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A Cozy Autumn Date
He had been monitoring the weather forecasts for the last couple weeks to make sure everything was perfect. It had to be. Your date was something very special to him and he wanted you both to be able to look back and cherish it.
So when he finally saw the day in the forecast that would be absolutely perfect, he started getting things set up. Which was a little hard to do in between his daily fights against the other school gangs, but this was something important that just had to be done.
He called up a few places for food catering and dining out, just for price ranges and locations, options-that sort of thing. He called to find a very specific type of flower bouquet and since it was a seasonal kind they always sold out quickly. Upset that nobody had any left over, he decided he would make you one from scratch, hoping that even though it wasn’t store-bought you would at least like it a little.
Finally finding a place that was still open on October 31st proved more difficult then he thought.
“People really like going on Halloween dates? Maybe I’ll keep that in mind.”
After about a week he found one. He gave the owner all the information that was asked for and he asked about the location, directions (since he was never really sure how to get to these places), and time slots. Picking the second-to-last slot, he thanked the owner many times.
“No problem, young man. I hope you enjoy your date.”
Then disaster struck: the week of your date everything was suddenly closed and unavailable. And it was showing rain all week.
“NOOOOOOOOOOO!” Smoky fell to his knees in anguish. Your date was ruined.
“What’s up with you?” Fujio asked, walking into the room.
Smoky just glared at him.
Fujio stepped back, startled.
“H-hey bro, I-I-I didn’t do anything. I didn’t hit you, r-right? C-c-calm d-down.”
Fujio backed up so far he hit the wall, now Smoky was right in his face.
“You’re going to help me with my date since the weather ruined my plan. Got it?”
“Good! Now here’s what you have to do. Get some people from Oya and Murayama, oh and Rao too, and…”
October 31st, at the break of dawn, everyone was gathered in the gym they fought Senomon in, working out the details of this date.
“Ok, so I know we’d rather be fighting each other, but I really need your help. As you know, it’s soaking wet out which put a damper on my date plans and everything was suddenly closed up. So I need you guys to do some behind-the-scenes magic for me to make this a great date. If everything goes well, I’ll hold off on beating you guys for a month.”
“So what do we do?”
“Ah, Todoroki and Odejima! Ok I need you guys to go get these things for a pretty fall bouquet since everyone ran out.”
“What am I doing here, again?”
“Murayama, you are Mr.Muscle. I need you to drive the tractor. But please go slow- it’s supposed to be a nice date, not a car race.”
Murayama scowled, but nodded his head in acceptance.
Fujio and Rao were already off setting up a cute little corn maze and a pumpkin-lined path for the tractor. Murayama came over to help put a canopy up over the cart the tractor would be pulling. When Odejima and Todoroki finished with the bouquet assembly they helped Smoky put some hay bales into the cart for the two of you to sit on.
“Now we wait. Meet me here in 2 hours.”
Your boyfriend Smoky hadn’t contacted you in a few days, so when he finally did you asked him what was happening. Did he get hurt real bad in a fight this time?
“No, no I’m fine. Hey do me a favor, will ya? Put on a cute outfit, maybe bring a light jacket or a sweater, and meet me outside. I’m gonna take you somewhere you’ll like.”
You smiled. “Ok, I’ll be right down.”
Hanging up and charging your phone for a little bit, you go to look for an outfit.
Urgh!! I have nothing to wear! You groan, tearing apart your closet. You finally decided on a black corduroy jumper and a fuzzy lavender sweater, paired with some Bearpaw boots. You grab a windbreaker and unplug your phone, putting it into your jacket pocket. You want to look nice for Smoky so you put on a little makeup-mascara and some lip gloss is enough. You practically ran downstairs to the door, yelling your goodbyes to your pets as you left. You locked the door and ran to Smoky, flinging yourself into his arms.
“I missed you! Are you sure you’re ok?”
Smoky just chuckled, “Yeah, I’m great. Here, let’s get going,” he said, opening the passenger door of his 1975 Ford Bronco for you.
It didn’t take as long as either of you thought it would to get to the date place, and when you got to the parking lot Smoky told you to close you eyes.
“It’s a surprise, so you have to keep them closed. I’ll guide you there.”
You were surprised now. “Ok, then. Lead the way.”
You feel the hard ground under your boots, hear the leaves crunching a little through the water on top of them. There’s a faint smell of rain and something else you can’t quite place.
“Hey gimme a hint! Where are we?”
Smoky chuckled. “Not very patient, are we? You’ll see soon.”
He loved this about you, so sweet and always curious about things. And the way you cared so deeply about him.
The two of you stopped after a few more feet, and he warned you first before continuing.
“Ok, I need you to grab my neck. I’m going to lift you to the next part.”
Confused, you wrapped your arms gently around his neck, and the he proceeded to lift you princess-style into the cart. He came up shortly after, helping you to your feet. He walked you over to the hay bales, and gently helped you sit down on one.
“Why is this seat so prickly? Can I open my eyes now please?”
Smoky just about bursted from being so giddy.
“No, not yet. Almost.”
He reached over and flicked the fairy lights that Todoroki and Odejima had put up around the inside of the cart. Then he grabbed a lap blanket for the two of you. He sat down next to you and spread the blanket over your laps.
You opened your eyes and were absolutely amazed. What you saw before you was more than you could have asked for in a date from Smoky. You were in a cart in a pumpkin patch, with a corn maze and a path lined with pumpkins for the tractor to go through.
Smoky handed you the bouquet Todoroki and Odejima made, nervously.
“Do you like it? Is it ok for a late fall date?”
Your eyes were suddenly moist. You were so happy he put this much thought into your date.
“Yes, of course I like it. I love this idea so much!”
Smoky signaled to Murayama to start the tractor, but he didn’t.
Still nothing.
“Murayama called in sick, he said he didn wanna see you guys bein all mushy gushy on each other.”
“Oh no.”
Murayama called in sick? Really? That could only mean one thing. He got Binzo to drive.
“Please tell me you know how to drive a tractor?!”
The tractor started, and you were surprised at how smooth it was. Then the driver turned around.
“I put off my date with Todoroki for this, so you owe me.”
“Odejima!! Hi, I’m glad to see you!”
Odejima. Odejima is driving. Ok, now you can relax.
Hours later after you went through the pumpkin patch and path, picked out a couple pumpkins to carve later, and got spooked in the corn maze, it was dark. You got up go jump down off the cart but Smoky was faster.
“Here, I’ll go first.”
Smoky jumped down from the cart and turned around. Spreading his arms like he wanted you to jump into them.
“Now you.”
Smoky stood there smiling, and since he had given you such a nice date and even got a lot of the boys to help, you decided to let him have this.
You jumped down into his arms, scared that you would fall. But he caught you, swinging you around.
“I know this wasn’t the best date, but I hope it was ok.”
“Smoky, I already said it was great. I loved it. I mean, a date in a pumpkin patch and all our friends came to help you out? That’s amazing. And I did catch glimpses of Fujio, Rao and Binzo so that was fun too.”
Smoky was shocked.
“It’s fine, he only came in to see how we were doing. He didn’t want me to tell you until after and he said you promised no beatings for a month.”
“Grr, but he’s exempt. He didn’t help. So he gets the punishment.”
“Smoky, don’t ruin the date we had. I don’t think it’s over yet.”
Smoky looked at you, now he was the confused one. The date wasn’t over? Yes it was. This was all he had planned.
You walked toward Smoky, now you were nervous again.
“I want you to close your eyes, please.”
Smoky just looked at you, blinking.
“Smokyy! Please? I have something for you.”
Smoky reluctantly closed his eyes.
“Now put your hands out toward me, face up.”
He did, still confused. You put your hands in his, squeezing them so you had a good grip. Then you got on your toes (since he was a bit taller than you) and kissed him on the cheek. You got so embarrassed and you felt your cheeks heating up.
Smoky opened his eyes and saw you, beet red. He was also blushing-you had never kissed before so it was a first for both of you. He walked toward you and gently took your head in his hands, giving you a light peck on the forehead.
Both of you were still blushing when Smoky turned to you and said it was getting late.
“Yeah, let’s go home.”
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lttl3babybug · 1 year
could you please do cg spider-noir hcs? :3 thank u!!!!
OF COURSE!! I’m so sorry this took so long sweetie, I’ve been very busy bc of going back to school :3
Cg!Spider-Man Noir headcanons!
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🔍 With Noir being from the 1930s he’s not sure of what your age regression is…at all. He is clueless when it comes to all of this
🔍Be gentle with him while explaining, don’t hurt his head please
🔍It’ll take awhile for him to get used to the idea of you regressing but once he did he’s a-okay with being your cg!
🔍In fact, he’s very excited that you chose him to look after you while you’re in such a fragile state
🔍Once he’s settled into being your caregiver he’s actually pretty decent at it
🔍He has a very calming nature to him so if you’re upset he’s very good at calming you down
🔍His precious rubix cube. You are the ONLY one, other than him, allowed to play with it. He’s quite happy to sit and watch you point to the coloured stickers and say what colour each one is
🔍If he’s not in his spider suit he’s very keen on his big turtle necks so he’s very cozy to cuddle with
🔍Will let you sit in his lap while writing reports and such, gently stroking your back and humming to you while you’re cuddled in his lap
🔍Speaking of turtle neck jumpers if it’s cold you will be wrapped up and I mean wrapped up. Turtle necks, big floppy hat, scar, mittens, earmuffs, big fluffy pants and a big puffy coat overtop all of that
🔍He cares so much, keeping every bit of artwork you give him and rotates what one’s go on the fridge
🔍However. There’s one that’s permanently up there. It’s the first drawing you ever made for him, a drawing of you and him holding hands that has the text ‘Me and Dada :)’ underneath it
🔍He melted when you first gave it to him. Holding back tears while putting it up on the fridge with a little magnet of your favourite cartoon character on it.
🔍Oh my god I love him
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rebelwriter99 · 11 months
Now you‘ll obviously have to do the marauders fandom!
Well I should’ve seen that one coming shouldn’t I!
The first character I first fell in love with: Remus Lupin-even before I fell into the marauders fandom. Books, cozy jumpers, a chocolate obsession, kind almost to a fault and a mischievous streak a mile wide that nobody sees coming. Of course he’s my favourite!
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Sirius. I found him a difficult read sometimes in the books when I was younger, mostly because he felt too young compared to adults of the same age. The films helped a bit, fic helped more. He’s the kind of character where you need to live in their head for a bit to really fall for them. He’s still one of the hardest to write! He’s a lot more unpredictable than his Moony-But I love the challenge.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Depends on who you talk to-but Snape. I don’t care if you were obsessively in love with a person 20yrs ago-that’s not actually a good reason to become the greatest fear of a child who’s parents were tortured to insanity. Neville’s boggart should be Bellatrix-and it’s not. I don’t think there’s anything that can change my mind about how horrible that is! (The one version of Snape I have grown to tolerate is him written in Stealing Harry-which is testament to the writing 😅)
The character I love that everyone else hates: Oh botheration now I’m stuck. I have seen some takes where people say Regulus was a death eater because he chose to be/believed in it I suppose? Maybe it’s the older sibling in me but I doubt that very much.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Dumbledore. I gave him the benefit of the doubt before. But the more I read and write in the marauders era, the more his Machiavellian scheming seems to create more problems than it solves. Also he left Harry with the Dursleys.
The character I would totally smooch: Ahhhh 😅 I’m a tad Asexual for this question! I’d love to hug most of them though. Maybe I’d give Remus a kiss on the cheek to say thank you for existing? Just to see the expression on his face!
The character I’d want to be like: Again-is it any surprise when I say Lupin? It’s difficult to find disabled characters I really truly relate to as a disabled person myself, but I’ve read a lot of excellent takes on this in fic and I wish I had half his resilience sometimes. I do however share his chocolate obsession.
The character I’d slap: Reg and Sirius. For Merlin’s sake tell each other you care about one another and share a few secrets it makes the plot so much easier to write and you end up a touch less dead. Also Sirius tell Remus about the whole secret keeper mess you might not end up in prison for 12yrs.
A pairing that I love: Wolfstar 😊💙
A pairing that I despise: Oh now this depends a lot, like really a lot, on the fic. If it’s not Wolfstar I’m very open to trusting the writer and following where they lead. I’m open minded. I just don’t tend to ship characters where I expect one to want to murder the other one I suppose? Other than that I’m easy going 😅
@imjustherefortheshipping your turn now? (Couldn’t help but return the favour! 😉)
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Christmas coziness
Pairings: George Weasley x Reader
Warnings: Pure fluff
Summary: Cuddling at night with your secret boyfriend during the Christmas holidays.
AN: Yup, we're doing harry potter world fanfiction now, I've been having writers block for our darling Eddie Munson so heres my compensation till I get some Eddie stuff actually finished.
❤️Just a short lil blurb type thing❤️
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You lay on the mattress on the floor, no light in the room other than a large fat candle casting orange over the walls and the book case it was placed infront. 
It was 12pm and you couldn’t sleep, sat against the wall under the closed window you read your book ”A romance at Hogwarts” wrapped in a thick knitted blanket with multicolored squares. 
A soft tapping at the door broke off your reading as you looked up. The watch on your arm showed past midnight, did someone actually knock on the toor or was it just some animal outside in the snow, making its way home to its family for Christmas. 
You decided to open the door anyway, folding the corner of the book you unwrapped yourself from the blanket and tiptoed across the floor, clad in Georges quidditch jumper you stole out of his trunk when realizing you hadn’t brought a single jumper, a pair of Christmas themed cotton trousers, the drawstring hanging loosely and thick green socks on your feet. 
You turned the nob quietly and peeped out.
”George?” You whispered. 
He walked past you into the room and turned towards you ”I thought we agreed no sneaking around at your parents house?” You smiled looking up at his tall frame where his curtain bangs framed his face. 
”I know but I missed you” he leant down and gave you a long warm kiss on the lips. 
You walked past him and plopped down on the fluffy mattress, closed your book and placed it on the floor. 
”Nice pjs” you grinned as you saw George in a matching purple pajama set with balloons on, talking in a hushed tone ”I know right?” he chuckled as he sat down opposite you and crossed his long legs. 
”Sooo what you up to?” He asked as he watched you rewrap yourself in the blanket. 
”Not much, was just reading, can’t sleep” you whispered ”Its freezing here” you shuddered. 
”Yeah the storage closet isn’t much of a warm cozy bedroom” he smiled shyly. 
”Well I’m not complaining, I’m just glad I got to stay here for the holidays instead of at Hogwarts listening to professor Trelawny drone my ears off” you giggled. The comment earned a small laugh from George. 
”Well you want some company? You know what they say about body heat right?” He winked. 
”Ugh your so stupid” you rolled your eyes affectionately ”But yes I would like that very much thanks. 
You slid under the covers and awkwardly unraveled yourself from the ball of a blanket. George slipped in behind you, throwing the blanket onto of the dove and wrapped his arms around you. 
You nestled into him as his chin rested on the top of your head. ”But don’t fall asleep, you’re just cuddling with me till I do and then you have to creep back to your room” 
”Remind me why are we keeping this a secret?” 
”Because, its enough with Freds constant comments just imagine the rest of them, and were only 17 but we both know your mum will not stop haggling us for marige and grand babies, just look at her with Bill and him and Fleur only just got married”
”True, ok yeah that’s true” 
”Besides, it’s kind of fun sneaking around isn’t it?” You asked him, turning your head to see your loves face. 
”Yeah ok it is” he grinned. His words put you at ease and you turned back around. 
”Ok now do your boy friendly duties and make me fall asleep” you joked. 
”Im on it” George whisper shouted and squeezed you as tightly as he could. ”Ahh George stop, you’re gonna make me pass out!” You squealed. 
You didn’t realize how loud you’d been and suddenly you clasped your hand on your mouth listening to any noise. The coast was clear, it seemed no one had heard you. 
”Wasn’t that the point? You wanted to sleep right?” George joked behind you. you rolled your eyes ”Not forcefully! Now shut up and let me sleep”
You both closed your eyes and before you knew it you had drifted in to cozy dreams of Christmas and George and lots of other harmonious things. 
- - - - - - - 
”Well well well, if it isn’t the two lovebirds” a voice was heard from the door and your eyes opened wide. You looked up to see Ron, Harry, Hermione and Ginny stood in the doorway. 
You quickly turned to see George hugging you tightly fast asleep. You nudged him vigorously until his eyes slowly opened. ”You were supposed to leave you idiot” you groaned as George did the exakt same motion of looking up horrified to see the four younger teens. 
”Aw merlins..” 
”So you two are a thing now” Ginny grinned. ”Ron you owe me five gallons” Ron groaned as his sister nuged him. 
”Molly said breakfast is ready” Hermione said awkwardly. ”Thanks Hermione we’ll be right out” you grinned awkwardly, sitting up. 
The four made their way out of the doorway ”Uh harry?” Harry turned curiously to see what you wanted ”Could you.. maybe uh close the door?” You asked awkwardly. He smiled apologetically and shut the door. 
”George!” You whisper shouted and the boy laid beside you rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. ”You were supposed to go back to your room”
”Sorry, must have fallen asleep” he apologized, sitting up on the mattress, massaging his neck. 
You both quickly made your way down to breakfast in the tall gangly building with mismatched decor but somehow worked. Everyone besides the adults snickered as you both entered the kitchen, George behind you, still looking sleepy as ever but almost a foot taller than you. 
”Whats so funny?” Molly asked as she stirred the pot of scrambled eggs on the old stove. 
”Oh nothing, we just witnessed something unexpected” Ron told his mother. 
Molly rolled her eyes ”Why you are a great story teller Ronald, lots of detail” 
”Well I guess if they know we may as well tell the others?” George asked you. You simply nodded. 
”Mum, everybody” George said reluctantly as Fred flashed a wicked grin at him. ”Me and Y/N are.. together.. and have been since.. the end of fifth year”
Molly exclaimed in happiness while Fred watched the scene unfolding. 
”Since fifth?!” 
”But you’ve only been flirty this year!”
”Whens the wedding?” 
”Oh how lovely!”
”Knew it!”
”Told you Molly!”
”Ron you really are oblivious, congratulations you guys”
George groaned as you sat down in a chair next to Fred, earning a wink from him. 
”Told you” you grinned at George.
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ellecdc · 4 months
Hi! I love your writing and I saw you offered matchmaling services 👀
My favourite colours are green and gold, my current hobbies are knitting and crochet-ing, I'm also trying to learn how to cook and make jewellery. My favourite animal would be a magpie.
Hope you have a lovely evening!
this is giving me major Reggie vibes and perhaps Remus!
calm, cool, collected. Remus would want you to knit/crochet him all the cozy jumpers (he'd be too shy to ask, but would want to cry if you ever gave him one). and Regulus would totally wear all of your homemade jewelry.
magpies are so cool!!
thanks for playing <3
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cadrenebula · 8 months
YAY I can ask about your amazing characters! Thanks for reblogging to remind me to ask you some! :D You're amazing and I love all your characters! So whichever ones you want to answer for:
Do they wear jumpers (sweaters)? If so do they fit perfectly or are they baggy?
Do they have a favourite hot drink? Tea? Coffee? Hot chocolate? Hot cider? If so, how do they take it?
It's cold and wet outside, your OC has just come in the front door. What do they do to get warm?
What's your OC's idea of a cozy night in?
Popping this below a read more since it got long in answering these. :D
1. Do they wear jumpers (sweaters)? If so do they fit perfectly or are they baggy?
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While most of Aryn's clothes tend to be form fitting to show off his dancer's physique, he'd definitely be putting on a nice fluffy oversized sweater. He may have even taken one of his Nonna's since Fen is definitely bigger than him. (Though he'd definitely ask first if it was okay to take it.) He definitely has at least one (maybe more) sweaters knitted by his sister, Ely.
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Alex isn't a big fan of sweaters. He would definitely not wear an oversized one for fear it would get in his way if something came up and he needed to fight. But he was also born in Ishgard so the could doesn't bother him as much. Especially now that he lives along the ocean with his wife. The cold there is much more tolerable so he doesn't often need sweaters. Plus he has a jacket he really likes and is fitted for hidden throwing knives and a extra set of daggers.
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Asher doesn't really own any sweaters. Not that he doesn't want any. He would probably own at least one warm fluffy sweater if he gave it some thought. But he doesn't often put much thought into clothes other than making sure he has some clean ones that aren't full of holes. Especially with how often he gets dirty doing mechanic work for the group or his own things.
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2. Do they have a favourite hot drink? Tea? Coffee? Hot chocolate? Hot cider? If so, how do they take it?
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Stefan practically lives off coffee. His coffee intake increased during the whole Necromancer incident and it's surprising he doesn't have coffee for blood at this point. Though he will drink tea on occasion too. But for the most part he prefers black coffee, no cream or sugar.
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Nebula much prefers hot tea. Mostly for drinking though they can easily use the tea for other purposes, such as tea leaf readings. They prefer a nice hot chai with a bit of cream and sugar.
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Alfa is definitely a cider drinker. It's definitely better hot than cold. Sometimes with a splash of something alcoholic. But he doesn't spike his cider too often. Kino would give him an earful if he did.
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3. It's cold and wet outside, your OC has just come in the front door. What do they do to get warm?
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Destiney would get out of any damp/wet clothes before heading for the bed where Syl keeps the really nice fur blanket he made. She'd bundle herself up in it before finding her husband to snuggle up to. She loves when he brings out the nice fur blanket for the cold months.
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Valen would definitely be stripping and taking a nice hot bath or shower. Depending on which he has more time for. Shower if he's in a hurry or a bath if he has time. Once he's clean and dry, then comes a nice cup of something warm to drink like tea or hot chocolate. Which depends on what he has on hand. Traveling so often he doesn't always remember which he has in stock.
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4. What's your OC's idea of a cozy night in?
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Ronove would definitely have to go with snacks and cuddles with Ely. She'd probably be knitting with him snuggled up beside her with his snacks and probably some nice chai tea she made. He likes listening to the clack of her knitting needles. He's tried it himself but he's still very much a novice at it. He'd rather sit beside her while she knits instead. It's more soothing.
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A cozy night for her is time spent with her Siren sisters. Usually drinking and playing cards. Though she doesn't drink as much as her sisters. Just being with her sisters is comforting to her.
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To Lance, a cozy night in is time spent with either Kyna or with Tara's family. His brother can't often get away to spend cozy nights with him. But he does dote on Tara's niece and nephew. He'd settle down and read them stories or play games with them. Or if Kyna would like, they'd have a quiet night in his room curled up together in front of the fireplace with hot chocolate.
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Thanks for the asks! @pinxli
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sarcasticdolphin · 7 days
Smrtolf fae au: September Prompt 17: "Hitchhiking"
This is only like barely tangentially related to the prompt but I did try.
For the amazing @adridoesstuff as all the Smrtolf drabbles are.
Cut is just for length.
“Peaches!” Rudolf���s call is rather forlorn as the gelding runs through the forest, leaving the rest of them far behind. It’s just his luck, really. He’d wanted to take Shadowdancer for his ride with the king, but she was with the farrier when the time had come. And Clouddancer was for Smrt.
The whinny that Peaches gives seems entirely too mocking to be a coincidence, and Rudolf’s shoulder’s drop. The horse had been behaving rather when compared to some of the other times Rudolf had ridden him - though it was Peaches so Rudolf attributed that more to Clouddancer’s presence than anything else. Smrt’s dappled gray mare might be a gentle horse, but with other horses there was never any doubt that she was in charge.
Even when Rudolf and the king had dismounted everything had seemed alright. They’d led the horses, giving them a little break as they made their way through the forest and Smrt spoke to Rudolf of the court. Then Peaches had jerked the reins from Rudolf’s hand and pranced away in that very particular way of his.
Smrt’s hand on Rudolf’s back is warm even though at least three layers of cloth separate it from Rudolf’s back, and his eyes are kind when Rudolf looks up. Smrt had just been praising his riding ability when Peaches had taken his moment, and now Rudolf felt like a novice again.
Meanwhile Clouddancer seemed entirely unaffected by the whole affair, standing a few steps behind Smrt. The reins dragged on the forest floor when Smrt had dropped them. She wouldn’t run off.
Rudolf lets Smrt’s arm wrap around him, and with it comes the warmth of Smrt’s cloak.
“He’s such a jerk.” Smrt is smiling gently, and his smile is infectious.
“That he is.” Rudolf has seen more of Peaches’ antics up close than he would prefer, but even he won’t deny that it is rather amusing to see them when one is not the subject of said antics.
“He was supposed to be mine, actually.”
Rudolf had heard the story a few times, but never from Smrt himself.
“But when they presented him to me he was his usual self.”
“And so you gave him to Aemilia.” Rudolf fills in, smiling. Her version of the story is quite amusing.
“Who found him rather unintimidating.”
“And so you sent him to the royal stables. Whatever did they do to you?”
Smrt laughs as they finish the tale together, and Rudolf finds himself grinning.
Another whinny comes from far off in the trees, and Rudolf wonders how far Peaches had run. For all he was such a jerk, he was also fast even by the standards of fae horses. And when all was said and done, a very nice horse. Fast. An excellent jumper. Alert. Just a complete jerk and too smart for his own good.
Clouddancer softly nudges Smrt with her nose, and Rudolf realizes she has the reins in her teeth as she drops them unceremoniously in Smrt’s hands and the king gives her an affectionate scratch. On another day she might round Peaches up - especially if they were in a paddock - but who could blame her for wanting some peace and quiet before Peaches finally found his way home? And there was no question that Peaches would find his way back. He always did, even from further afield than this.
Smrt swings up on Clouddancer’s saddle with an effortless grace before he extends an arm down to Rudolf.
Rudolf hesitates for a moment, remembering that it was best not to ride with two on the same horse, but takes Smrt’s arm and lets the king pull him up onto Clouddancer’s back. She’s a strong horse, and it isn’t far. It’ll be fine for the ride.
He and the king are certainly cozy atop her back through, as the saddle is meant for one and Rudolf is essentially plastered to Smrt’s back, feeling how soft the king’s cloak is and getting his cheeks tickled by wisps of the king’s long hair. They are rarely so close, especially now that Rudolf is older, and there is something comforting about it that Rudolf treasures.
The ride back is mostly silent, and while it isn’t rough terrain Rudolf does find himself more properly embracing the king. Clinging to him. He will have to remember to let go when they return. It will be seen as impropitious enough that he and Smrt are riding the same horse.
But despite it all, Rudolf isn’t sure whether he should thank or curse Peaches. The gelding seemed more a demon horse than a fae horse, but Rudolf wasn’t going to complain about being so close to the king that he could feel the energy radiating off him.
Rudolf’s thoughts do wander a bit, though. To Peaches, who will eventually realize that he has to find his own way home. Tomorrow, perhaps. When no one appeared with his daily peach or grain. The question would be more over whether the horse would throw a fit and then drag himself home to the stables or whether it would be the other way around. Rudolf rather hoped for the former, but knowing Peaches he would probably manage to throw multiple fits. 
Or perhaps Peaches would find a peach orchard and stay there for a few days. The gardeners were not to be scoffed at, however, and Rudolf wonders how that would go. Peaches could jump well enough to clear the fences, but how would he deal with half a dozen angry fae gardeners?
Clouddancer halts just before the crest of the last hill and Rudolf slides off, content to walk beside her for the last little bit. But the king slides off as well, taking the reins and nodding in the direction of the stables.
“Shall we?”
“Indeed.” They set out at a leisurely pace with Clouddancer dutifully following behind. No conversation passes between them, but the silence is a comfortable one, filled with the sounds of Clouddancer’s steps and distant crickets.
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bonky-n-steeb · 3 years
there is no right way (vii)
summary || when you agree to be the feared mobster Bucky Barnes’ sugar baby, you expect to get enough money to pay your bills. what you don’t expect is to fall head over heels for him.
warnings || sugar baby au, mob! Bucky Barnes, unprotected sex, lil pinch of smut, a whole lot of fluff, and then a dessert of angst. SMUT. ANGST. FLUFF. (the holy trinity). MINORS DNI.
I have decided to not do taglists anymore, so if you wished to be notified of my newest updates please follow @bonky-n-steeb-lib and turn on the notifications!
* Feel free to send drabbles, requests or asks about this series!
*laughs in evil* 😈
series masterlist
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“Good morning!” Bucky chirped as he entered your bedroom with a glass of water and ibuprofen clutched in his hand. “How are you feeling?”
“Like my head is about to burst.” You said groggily as you held your head. You were still covered in the blankets when Bucky placed the items on the bedside table.
“Have this, you’ll feel better.” Nodding, you quickly drowned the pill and the glass of water. “Thank you.” You didn’t have any other words to describe how much you appreciated Bucky taking care of you.
Bucky pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead and you preened under the attention, but you couldn’t stop the guilt brewing inside you. “Bucky I’m sorry.”
His smile dropped as he sat in front of you on the bed. He was wearing a comfortable jumper and sweatpants and he looked very beautiful even in such a simple outfit.
“What are you sorry for?” He placed his hand on your jaw and ran his thumb over your cheeks reverently. “For yesterday. You had to leave early because of me and I… I just made a mess. I’m sorry.”
You sighed and dropped your head low before Bucky titled your face up to meet his eyes. “You have nothing to be sorry for. The party was almost over and you didn’t make a mess, not at all.”
“You’re just too kind.” You took Bucky’s palm in your hand and kissed it. “That’s not what many would say.” He quipped and you both chuckled.
“What happened yesterday? And do not lie to me.” Bucky’s tone was serious and you knew he wouldn’t take you beating around the bush with your answer.
“I met pepper, umm… you know that, but she wasn’t really nice to me.” Your face scrunched up at last night’s memory. Bucky’s thumb instantly eased over your frown lines.
“I don’t know what she said, and I’d rather not cuz I’ll punch her and we do not want that. But I need you to know that you’re the most beautiful, smart, caring, lovely person I’ve ever met. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“Oh Bucky…” tears had accumulated in your eyes by now. It was the sincerity with which Bucky said those words that touched your heart the most. No one had ever been this serious about you.
This time it was you who pulled Bucky down for a kiss. You melted into the kiss as Bucky’s soft lips pressed against yours. You pressed little pecks to the corner of his lips and you were both giggling like idiots.
“I’ll make you some breakfast.” You whispered against his lips and he shook his head. “We have people for that.” His hands on your face were very comforting.
“But I wanna do something for you.” You had to express your gratitude in someway and cooking was the best way you could do it. “Okay.”
You quickly dressed up in Bucky’s clothes which were loose yet very cozy. You breathed in his scent before trotting down towards the kitchen.
“I’ll make some toast sandwiches.” You exclaimed giddily as you entered the kitchen. Bucky observed you as you happily went around the kitchen collecting items.
You were so in your element, it almost felt like you were dancing. And that gave him an idea, a very good idea. He fished out the phone from his pocket and quickly opened Spotify.
Such a feelin's comin' over me There is wonder in most every thing I see Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes And I won't be surprised if it's a dream.
Your head whipped around to look at Bucky as top of the world by Carpenters started playing. He was standing behind you with his arms spread and a smirk gracing his face. “Come on!”
You weren’t going to miss on this. Leaving behind the knife and the cucumbers, you ran into his arms. You placed your hand on his shoulder and the other in his waiting palm.
You both swayed to the rhythm of the song abandoning every other thought in your head. Your eyes were locked with each other and silly wide smiles were gracing both of your faces.
Everything I want the world to be. Is now comin' true especially for me. And the reason is clear, it's because you are here. You're the nearest thing to heaven that I've seen.
You couldn’t help but think how the lyrics were really applicable to you. All your sweet dreams were coming true and every day felt better than the last and it was all only and only due to Bucky.
It was always these simple small things that made the real difference. In his arms, you felt the safest despite him being the most dangerous man in New York.
You smiled when you remembered your first encounter. How he had entered your shop and asked you if would be his. You remembered the hesitation and you felt like you had done the greatest mistake of your life.
But what you two shared now wasn’t a mistake, and even if it was, it was the best mistake you had ever made. You laid your head on his chest as you two paced around the kitchen.
I'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creation. And the only explanation I can find. Is the love that I've found, ever since you've been around. Your love's put me at the top of the world.
You gasped as he twirled you with his finger and you couldn’t stop giggling when he started spinning you in circles, only to pull you back into his arms.
You were at the top of the world because of Bucky. And the deep feeling in your chest which made you warm with just the thought of Bucky; that was love.
You breathed in his scent and nuzzled your face on his broad chest as you smiled to yourself. You were in love with Bucky Barnes, and you weren’t complaining at all.
“How are you feeling now?” His chest rumbled as he asked you. You were both still swaying to the tune of the song and you didn’t ever want to leave his warmth. “Much much better.” You replied.
“Bucky! What is this?” You gasped with widened eyes when Bucky opened the rectangular velvet case. You could see it was a beautiful necklace, but you were too shocked that he’d bought such an expensive thing.
The necklace was clearly made of gold and its pendant was a small shiny ‘B’ which would suit your neck perfectly.
“It’s a necklace.” Bucky replied matter of factly. You opened your mouth once and then closed it again before finally speaking. “I know Bucky, but like, is it for me?”
“No. It’s for Steve. He’d look real pretty I guess.” Bucky quipped sarcastically and you playfully hit him on his arm. “Come on Bucky!”
“Of course it’s for you. Who else would it be for?” Bucky snaked his arm around you and pulled you closer to him. “Did you like it?” He whispered in your ear.
You traced the delicate chain with your fingers and smiled with watery eyes, “It’s perfect Bucky, thank you!” You held the B in your hands and felt the smooth texture.
“I was going to get a diamond one, but then I know you won’t wear it everyday. So I got this. I’m also going to get that diamond one.. for you know, private times.” He nibbled on your earlobe as he said.
“Bucky… you didn’t have to get this, really.” I love you anyway. You bit your lip and kept the rest of the sentence to yourself.
“Of course I had to get you this! You don’t buy anything from the card I’ve given you and most importantly I love to spoil my pretty girl.” He kissed the tip of your nose before taking the necklace in his hands.
“Turn around.” You obediently turned around and faced the mirror. You saw as Bucky placed the necklace around your neck and clipped it behind. “Perfect!”
A sudden idea popped up in your head as you traced the B, “Bucky, what does the B stand for? Is it like Boleyn or something?” You pretended to think.
Bucky slapped your ass you squealed out exaggeratedly, “Ouch!” He chuckled at your antiques and held you even tighter. “You know what it stands for sugar.” His voice had a soft edge to it.
The initial around your neck didn’t feel imposing at all. Instead it made you feel safe and wanted. “Hmm.. I know the B stands for Bucky. And so will everyone who sees this.”
“Fuck… do you have any idea what seeing this around your pretty neck is doing to me sugar?” Bucky started mouthing at that sweet spot on your neck and you let out a soft moan.
“I need you, now.” It was more of an order than a request and you happily accepted it. You both couldn’t keep your hands off each other as you frantically undressed, leaving only the necklace on.
Once you were settled on the bed, Bucky spent no time in lining himself up with you. He rubbed his head over your wet pussy, spreading your slick before entering you in a smooth stroke.
His lips were either kissing you or nibbling on the skin of your collarbone near the initial as he snapped his hips into yours. Your just held onto Bucky’s shoulders and chanted out his name like a prayer.
“Bucky..” you hissed out when his fingers started rubbing your clit. Bucky’s voice was rough and at the same sounded absolutely needy when he said, “Tell me who you belong to sugar?”
You both crashed into the waves of a pleasurable high together when you cried out, “You, Bucky! I’m yours. Only yours!“
You mindlessly scrolled through the various pictures of you and Bucky as you sat on your counter. You smiled fondly at a photo Bucky had taken of you early in the morning.
It wasn’t the rush hour and there was no one in your bakery except you and Peter who was working in the back making a new batch for the evening rush.
A ding resounded in the empty shop, indicating someone’s arrival. You looked up from your phone to greet that person but the instant you saw how it was, your entire face fell.
“You?” You asked as John Walker walked through the door with an evil grin plastered on his face. You looked like a deer under the headlights as he approached you.
“Aren’t you happy to see me, you bitch? You thought I’d let you walk away after you ruined my life?” John’s look was malicious and you tried your best to not shake with fear.
Gladly, hearing all of this, Peter was by your side at the next second. Peter’s body looked oddly taut, like a leopard waiting to pounce, and it was unlike you’d ever seen him before.
“What do you want?” You were sure he wasn’t here for the cakes. Keeping your eyes on Walker, your fingers quickly dialled up Bucky’s number on your phone which was still on the counter.
Bucky didn’t waste anytime in picking up the phone. You could hear the faint hello as he answered, but it was too low for anyone except you to hear.
“What I want is….” What happened next was in the blink of an eye, one moment you were looking at John and the next he had a gun pointed straight at your face.
“…. revenge.”
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silversweetpea · 2 years
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Word Count: 1288
Pairing: Steven Grant x Reader
Summary: You hadn't meant to steal it, honest!
Warnings: Pining, awkward interactions between two lovesick neighbors
Author’s Note: Every week I set myself up with a list of things to do before the episode drops and finishing this fic is on the list this week. Now if you'll excuse me I'm about to become a nuisance again to those forced to keep me on topic until I am able to watch the episode 💜 (also I know this is just Oscar out of character but I love his little smile here he looks so friendly)
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“I’m sorry to bother you but,” There was a pause and you weren’t sure if it was because Steven is anxious about confront you, or if your hearing has suddenly given out in your body’s last ditch effort for self preservation. ”Is that my blanket?”
In retrospect, you could have avoided this exact scenario with just a touch of effort.
In your defense the blanket was very cozy.
And really, Steven also shared some of the blame in this situation. You had just meant to do your laundry. Maybe you had done it on a Thursday at eleven because you noticed that's when he was doing his for the week but you were out of clean underwear!! It was innocent until you got into that little shoebox of a room.
He hadn’t said much when you passed him, just gave you that timid, tilted smile of his and ducked his head. Your comment on the insane snowfall of late had gotten you a nervous laugh, an excuse to gently bump his shoulder with your own and let the smell of coffee and paper stick to the insides of your lungs. 
And then, he was gone, just like every week before.
Except this time he left a blanket behind in the corner dryer.
You knew it was his, even under the scent of laundry detergent and soft linen dryer sheets you could smell the black coffee. The dark blue fabric was soft and warm under your fingers, your heart thundering in your ears as you thought about wrapping yourself within it.
“Well he’s bound to realize it’s missing, right? I’ll just hold onto it until Steven comes back.” It’s a murmur to yourself, a way to convince yourself that your heart was in the right place, at least most of the way.
And yet, fifteen minutes into waiting in the cold damp laundry room your fingers were running over the blanket once more. You were sure by now that Steven wasn’t coming back for it, that you would just have to drop it off at his apartment door on your way to sleep for the night, but if he wasn’t using it, surely it would be alright.
The only sounds in the room were the thudding of the ancient machines struggling to dry your work clothes and the nonsensical video essay you had put on as background noise, ones that quickly fell away under the darkness of cotton.
Under the blanket you could feel your face flush with warmth, only partially brought about by the comfort of the blanket. More so it was brought about by the way that you could imagine curling up next to Steven under it, could all but feel him at your side, somewhere to rest your head as you talked - or listened to him talk. 
And when you returned to your apartment it was late, and the blanket draped around your shoulders was so comfortable. You were certain that Steven would miss it but also hadnt it been ages? Surely he had already gone to sleep and you would only be disturbing him if you knocked on his door to return it this late?
That, of course, had been two weeks ago. And now he had walked in on you standing next to the dryer, swaddled in the thing like you had all the tight in the world to do so.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be too forward I-It’s probably not-” You probably looked ridiculous burrowing deeper into the confines of the fabric you had been caught red handed with but it was your only defense against the absolutely terrible situation you had found yourself in and the way that your mind fixated on the jumper he was absolutely drowning in. It looked soft and the color brought out the warmer tones of his skin, especially along his cheeks.
“No, uhm, It-its yours. You left it in the dryer last time we ran into each other down there?” There was recognition now, but still so much confusion and by gods if you could will the earth to swallow you up you would. “I meant to return it but it was really comfy and I kept worrying I would bother yo-”
“You wouldn’t!” Somehow it’s Steven’s turn to look embarrassed, shoulders up to his ears, hands fiddling with the edges of his sleeves in front of him, eyes looking anywhere but at you. “Bother me, I mean. You wouldn’t bother me.”
“I really am sorry Steven, you must think I’m a creep.” Even as you say it though you’re struggling to pry yourself away from the fabric. It doesn’t smell like him anymore, two weeks of curling up within it has changed it but you can still imagine that it does. Call it insane, call it a placebo effect, but it makes you feel safe, fills your head with snippets of conversations - all brief but kind at their core like the man whose been dragged into them - that make your one bedroom apartment feel a little less lonely.
“No, I just think you’re,” when he does look back at you it’s something almost raw and it takes your breath away. Months of passing pleasantries and soft daydreams about the man had left you ill prepared for actually holding his attention like this. Even as he struggles to find whatever word he’s looking for, hands moving with a touch more anxiety than a moment ago, his smile lightens his features like the sun breeching over the horizon. “warm.”
You hate waking up early but his smile makes you want to see dawn every day for the rest of your life. 
“I was. You have good choice in blankets.” The smile grows again and when he rolls his head ever so slightly, you’re enchanted by the way his hair moves with a life of its own. It’s suddenly hard to swallow when you pull at the blanket and begin to shrug it off. “Well, here y-”
“You should keep it, actually, I, well, I have another one now,” The blanket stops immediatly, almost of its own accord. No matter how much your eyes skim Steven's face you can't catch any signs that hes being less than genuine. Your heart skips a beat at the thought of keeping it but you also can't stomach the thought of Steven freezing in his apartment from the winter chill.
“Really Steven, I shouldn’t. Gods I can’t believe I made you buy another blanket.” The mortifying feeling in your bones settles out a bit as his expression changes. His features look softer than they have any right to in the awful florescent lighting of the laundry room.
“Its okay, this one has a neat hieroglyphics pattern around the edges. It doesn’t actually say much which isn’t uncommon for mass production items. It’s the same with my cellphone case, just a bunch of gibberish.” It's the most he's ever spoken at once and the first time hes seemed unapologetically enthusiastic. When he holds his phone case up for you to see though. It's like the spell breaks and he awkwardly begins to retreat again. “Sorry I’m..I'm talking too much, have a bit of a habit with that.”
"Don't apologize, I wouldn't have listened if I didn't want to." The dryer beeps behind you but you don't pay it any mind, too focused on the glimmer of light that returns to his eyes. "You can read hieroglyphics?"
“It’s, well, It’s not that impressive, really." The way he hesitates reminds you distinctly of your cat meeting someone new, hesitant to trust anyone foreign to them but so desperate to get to know then too. "Hieroglyphics aren’t a whole language they’re more like an alphabet.”
Maybe it's silly to make a snap decision while your back is turned to him and you can't see his reaction but your clothes are getting cold.
“Would you teach me how to read them?” That and you worry about him changing his answer if he sees your disappointment where as the clothes you're putting in your basket have seen you far worse.
“Sorry?" You're not sure at first if it's really a response or a gasp for air.
"I think it'd be fun to learn something that unique and then we could leave each other notes and stuff. Ya know, things like 'I have your blanket, can I keep it?'" When you steel your nerves and turn to face him, Steven looks utterly shocked. His chest Is barely moving as if he's holding his breath and his mouth is ever so slightly ajar, obviously struggling for a foothold in the conversation. "I mean, you don't have t-"
"No! No, sorry no I would love to, uhm, I just..." His voice comes back desperately just a second before trailing off again. "Are you sure you want me to teach you? I'm not very good at it yet."
It's mostly a joke and it gets most of a laugh in return. You're not sure if you could part with it for good but for a split second the idea of continuously switching it out for another, equally as warm but heavier with his presence, lodges itself in your brain.
It shouldn't break your heart as much as it does to hear him so dismissive of what he can do. But you've been doing and feeling a lot of things you shouldn't these days where Steven is involved.
"Hey, don't say that, you're better than any other bloke I could find to spend my time with around here," it doesn't sound very precise to studying and you would feel embaressed if not for the way that Steven's shock melts into something softer and closer to hope. "Besides this gives me a chance to try and convince you to take your blanket back."
"So tomorrow then? We could grab coffee while we talk?" Your hands are gripping the plastic basket as hard as you can without it being picked up on, worried it would slip through your fingers from the anxious sheen on your palms. If it is picked up on though, Steven writes it off with that soft small smile of his.
“It’s really alright. It looks," Steven trails off, eyes roaming over you for just a second, hand waving a bit awkwardly. "Warmer there.”
"I'll bring the flashcards," it's still tentative but the smile he ends it with makes your heart stutter. His own brand of an almost joke to make you smile. He doesn't seem sure enough of it to keep his eyes on you, yet I able to keep them off of your face. It's endearing, but then again, so is everything else about him.
"Looking forward to it," it's hard to contain how giddy you feel as you pass him by. You're not trying all too hard though since you can still feel Steven looking at you like you're not entirely real. "Goodnight!"
"Laters, Gators," you almost don't catch the second word with the way he trails off in volume, as if rethinking what he's saying as he's saying it.
So yes, in retrospect you could have avoided that, but really, who would want to?
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