#I guess I had written this during pride month
The amount of rainbow everything, everywhere, is starting to get to me. It’s like a punch to the gut every time I see a pride flag being flown by some organization or church or company. I still have to feel the dirty looks from people in public, or endure being looked up and down after giving someone my name, or experience being ma’amed or she/her’d on the regular. I’m still afraid to come out to some people in my family that are the types to act like “allies” and go to pride marches, but when the time comes to have to accept a family member, I know they won’t. It’s not even just the corporations. It’s the self-proclaimed allies and people who are all about pride now that it’s the cool thing to do, but who are still homophobic and transphobic to people in their lives.
(I wrote this years ago and it was in my drafts.)
This feels especially relevant after coming out to the people I thought wouldn’t be accepting…and they weren’t.
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lisenberry · 4 months
Thinking about soap accidentally impregnating reader and how they’re both terrified but he’s secretly excited and just finding out he has a breeding kink
I haven't written for Soap yet, but I can already tell this ask has changed life. Thank you!
As you can guess, there's smut, pregnancy, and breeding kink. Oh my!
“Oh, shit, Johnny.”  Your moan turned into a whine as he hammered the gate of your cervix like a battering ram.  The pleasure-pain pressure of being rearranged had your thoughts reeling and your strength drained.
Slack-limbed and useless but for the sloppy wetness of your pussy, and the incoherent drabble of sounds seeping from your mouth. 
If the first orgasm he wrung from you with his fingers to your clit hadn’t knocked you senseless, the third one that he’d bullied from your g-spot with his cock alone had sent you to the afterlife. 
The lights were on, but no one was home.
“Just a wee bit more, mo chridhe.”  He always shifted into Gaelic when he was ready to come.  Mumbled sweet endearments as he reverted to some primal version of himself.  My love, my heart, my darling.  “Ya feel so perfect against me all bare like this.  I don’t want it to end.”
You had been seeing each other for a few months.  Nothing exclusive yet, but you’d gotten to know him enough to chance a fuck without the safety of a condom.  The thought of feeling every vein, every bump, and the slow drag of his bare skin had made you crazy.  It was worth a round of antibiotics to feel him come all hot and messy, and fill you up with his completion. 
He was leaving on a mission the next day, and you didn’t want to say goodbye not knowing what he felt like without the cool, unnatural glide of latex between you.
He’d gone wild when you told him, stripping you down before you even finished saying, “It’s okay, I’m on birth control.” 
You had no idea that he’d edge himself to the brink and draw it out for what seemed like hours.  You’d long since been able to clench around him, to give any resistance at all to his mindless barrage.
“You still with me, hen?”  There was a wicked smile on his lips as he slowed to a stop, tugging himself out fully, teetering just as he was about to finish.
For a split second you were afraid he was pulling out.  That he wasn’t going to give you what you needed. 
“No!  Please,” you screeched like a baby bird in protest, and found the strength to hook your legs around his waist.  Your fingers dug into his shoulders to bring him back down to you.
“Ah, I’m only teasing you, pet.  Look at you, so beautiful.  So needy.  So patient.  So good.”  Words and phrases broken by his panting breaths as he hitched himself back in.  “I’ll give you what you want.”
His big, blue, earnest eyes found yours, as you brought him into focus. Insatiable with lust. 
You thought he’d renew his attack on that deepest, tenderest part of you, but he found your g-spot again instead.  Your mind was gone, but your body had enough for one more, and he stole a final fiery blast from your haggard, overwrought nerves.
And he kept his promise, of course, filling you generously with his own burning release.
It was almost three months later, when he’d returned from the job in South America, that you built up the nerve to take a test.  To prove once and for all what you’d suspected all along. 
“My birth control is supposed to be 99.9999 percent effective.  How did this happen?”  You wanted to cry, as a pit of anxiety settled into your stomach at the news.
“My wee swimmers are one in a million, I guess.”  He crooked a lopsided grin as he nervously scratched the back of his head.
“I don’t think that’s how it works.” 
He was a genius at chemistry and physics, but he must’ve been busy daydreaming about blowing something up during reproductive biology.  You were pretty sure it was more about your hormones not cooperating than his super virile sperm. 
You didn’t have the heart to burst his bubble as the smirk spread wider with pride across his face.  When Johnny put his mind to something, it was bound to be an adventure. 
Was his fearlessness and good humor a trait he’d pass on to his bairns? You'd find out soon enough.
“Well, the damage’s been done, eh?  Can’t knock you up twice.  Not yet, anyway.”  His eyes darkened as he reached for the waist of your pants and pulled you across his lap.  “Seems we’ve been given a gift.  Might as well earn it.”
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2-sleepy-for-this · 20 days
The Size of a Hug pt.1
Hey lovelies! It’s been a while since my last fic post-
Well, here’s that rich teen with a size shifter bodyguard idea written out, courtesy of @brick-a-doodle-do for the groovy inspiration! (And I’ve decided to make this a multi chapter thing too)
Also I totally didn’t just realize I made the bodyguard’s name ‘Raider’ instead of ‘Raiden’ like the poll said—
Anywhoo, I guess Raider it is then… welp… here’s the fic!
Word count ~ 1.5k
tw ~ kinda bratty teen, mention of killing people, smidge of conflict, unintentional fear play
Salem groaned internally as he thought of what awaited him for the next few months. It had already been a boring past few days. His parents had paid some big, serious guard to watch his every move. Not that he needed to be babysat. The teenager thought of himself as mature enough to not burn their mansion down. 
That didn’t stop his parents from never trusting him. Or caring about him.
Salem was surprised when they had told him a personal bodyguard would accompany him everywhere while they traveled who knows where and left him alone. During the first few days, he despised this guy, taller and intimidating, and often tried slipping away from under his guard. 
Salem still did this, just less than before, after realizing that this guard, Raider, was freakishly good at tracking him down. He would find Salem in under fifteen minutes every time without fail.
The teen had a feeling that his skills, along with his odd scars and intimidating demeanor, were a result of him coming from the CIA or something equally as crazy. Leave it to his parents to get him a babysitter that has probably — most definitely — killed people.
It had now been about a week since his overly serious warden had shown up, and the week had not been easy. Granted, Salem often prided himself in making things purposefully difficult… but this was just awkward.
Having a bodyguard, specifically this one, meant doing whatever was deemed safe around the house while a guy easily a foot taller than him loomed over his shoulder, silently watching him. Even when Salem would attempt to engage in small talk — a thing he hated — it would be met with that tense silence.
He knew his guard could speak. Raider had spoken to his parents before they left and would occasionally remind him of whatever homework or activity he was meant to be doing. However, any other time was like talking to a brick wall. 
With a pointed side eye, the teenager stood from the dining table after picking at his breakfast. It was hard to keep an appetite while being stared at. Instead, he opted to walk over to one of the various television rooms of the house, knowing he’d be followed close behind.
Flopping down onto the couch, he flipped through channels on the large screen. Eventually he settled on a movie he had seen a couple times before, starting the movie as he saw Raider just standing behind the couch, looking at him.
It sent a shiver of unease down the teen’s spine for some odd reason. Being watched after spending years out of his parent’s gaze was jarring, like whiplash every time he thought he was alone. 
Soon, it was very hard to focus on the movie. Salem could only feel Raider's eyes on the back of his head like some kind of horror movie killer, silently waiting behind him for a moment to strike. Even though he knew Raider was paid to do the exact opposite, he still felt exposed.
With a sigh, Salem turned around to face the guard with a glare that was too nervous to seem at all threatening.
“Are you going to keep staring at me like that all night? It’s all you ever seem to do, anyway.”
Salem crossed his arms expectantly, waiting for something other than the quiet looks.
“Last I checked, that was the job.”
Raider’s tone was sarcastic, his voice sounding rough like he hadn’t used it much, which wasn’t a surprise. Salem was almost shocked by the remark, the audacity of sassing his charge. Immediately, he became defensive.
“Well, maybe I just want something called ‘privacy’, have you heard of it? Look, your staring is unsettling and I can’t relax. Go be a guard elsewhere if you must.”
“No can do… I was paid to watch you, so might as well get used to it, kid.”
The nickname was completely unappreciated by the teen, who looked very ticked off at being told no. Unfortunately, there was no denying Raider’s statement, as it was true. It was unfair, but Salem could tell that no amount of words and arguments would sway this no nonsense watchman.
“… Fine, just… at least sit on the couch, act like a normal person.”
At the mention of the word ‘normal’ it seemed that for the briefest moment Raider bristled slightly. Salem wasn’t even sure if he’d imagined it or not, but regardless, it went as soon as it came.
Raider walked to the other side of the couch and sat, back straight and unrelaxed, but at that point Salem didn’t care as long as he didn’t have someone so tall looming behind him.
They both sat like that on the couch for the duration of the film, wasting a couple of hours, not that Salem was in a rush to do anything else that day.
After the movie’s end, he got up and stretched his limbs with small cracks and pops from joints. The spoiled boy hadn’t bothered to look at Raider as he walked out of the room, knowing that he’d just be followed inevitably anyway. He made his way to his room and stood in the doorway facing Raider once more.
“You aren’t allowed in my room. I don’t care what my parents said.” 
Then he not-so-gently pushed his door shut. Well… he tried to at least because right as it was about to close, it hit something.
Looking down, Salem saw the guards shoe in the doorway, blocking it from shutting all the way. He glared at the man, but Raider simply looked back at him with indifference. 
For an uncomfortable five seconds, they stared at each other. Then, slowly, Raider closed the door all the way with a sigh.
The teen smirked, having won that battle despite it being a small victory.
As Salem relaxed in his room doing whatever rich sheltered kids did, Raider walked down the hallway.
He was slightly annoyed that the kid decided he was going to wait outside despite orders from his parents to have him watched at all times. Raider let him though, because he knew that Salem would only get more defensive if he didn’t have a place for privacy. Like a kitten. A feral one at that.
Raider chuckled to himself at the comparison. Then, he wondered what he should do in the meantime while waiting for his charge. 
After spending a week in this house, he had a fairly good idea of the layout, opting to go to the kitchen for a snack or something. Watching the teen eat breakfast earlier had made him hungry and now that he was technically on break, it wouldn’t be a problem to grab something to eat.
This was a big kitchen, everything was large enough to rival industrial sized appliances. The fridge, wide with a height that made him feel small, was what drew his attention. The parents had mentioned that snacks were on top of the fridge, how it had been a tactic to stop Salem from eating too much junk. They had said he would need to ask a butler to grab a ladder for him in order to reach them. 
This, coupled with a boy that hated him for doing his job, pissed him off. Raider just wanted a snack and an easier life. Is that too much to ask for?
Either way, the snack was much more attainable. Though, wandering around trying to find a butler or a ladder seemed needlessly complicated, especially when it would be so simple for him to grab it himself if he just—
But he couldn’t. Though, even with the years of training on and off the field… the urge the size shifter had to just use his ability for mundane things was strong. It made him want to just grow a couple feet taller, just enough to see the top of the fridge for the snacks.
It was a liability issue if anyone spotted him while not the height he should be.
However, no one was here… there wouldn’t be butlers and cooks in the kitchen for another few hours, and his charge would be cooped up in his room for however long until then, for food most likely. 
He supposed now would be as good a time to just let his cover slip a little bit.
So he closed his eyes, focusing on that constant tug inside him and a tingling pins and needles feeling encased his body. 
When he looked around, everything was distorted looking, smaller, and the top of the fridge was at chest level. He was about 10 feet tall at this point.
Except… right as he began to reach his arm up to grab a snack, he heard a stifled gasp. A chill of shock ran down his spine as his head snapped to the doorway… and there stood his charge, staring up wide eyed at his form, now only at hip level to the mini giant.
ahh! Cliffhanger!
wow, my first time writing and posting OC g/t… that’s crazy. Hope you all enjoyed and I’ll try to get the next chapter out soon! :D
Tag list:
@da3dm @i-am-beckyu @lunar-but-little @Phoenix-on-the-run
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gonzo-rella · 4 months
Not A Girl, Or Anything, Really | Phoebe Spengler
Pride Month 2024 #3
Relationship(s): nonbinary!Phoebe Spengler x nonbinary!reader (platonic)
Summary: In the midst of a gender crisis, Phoebe confides in you.
Warnings: Coming out scene. (Let me know if I need to add any)
Word count: 0.4k
(A/N: I love the idea of Phoebe being nonbinary, and I love the idea of being an older sibling figure to her, so I thought I'd combine those two things in a short fic. I want to write some more Ghostbusters fics with a nonbinary reader (I can see myself writing a Ray Stantz x enby!reader fic at some point), so let me know if you'd be interested in that. If you're reading this during June, I'm taking Pride Month requests, where I'll be writing for queer readers. I'm trying to post every day, or on most days, but I don't have enough ideas to fill up the whole month, so give me some ideas, pretty please. I've written and plan to write a lot of nonbinary!reader stuff because I'm self-indulgent like that and there's not enough fics out there for enby!readers, but I'll happily write for readers with other queer identities! (By the way, I write for the queers year-round, but I'm focusing on specifically queer!reader fics this month).)
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You could tell that whatever Phoebe wanted, or needed, to say wouldn’t leave her lips easily. She looked at you uncertainly, her gaze flickering between your eyes and the floor.
“You’re nonbinary,” she began hesitantly.
Nodding, you smiled at her to ease her visible anxiety.
“Correct. Go on.”
She rubbed her arms in an effort to ease her nerves. Then, she managed to look you dead in the eye.
“Do you think I could be nonbinary, too?”
You chuckled.
“That’s not for me to decide, Pheebs,” you said, voice warm. “Do you think you could be nonbinary?”
She shrugged.
“Maybe. I don’t know,” she replied. Though, to you, it came out like she had at least an inkling but lacked the confidence to admit it. “How… how did you know?”
“I thought about how I felt. What made me uncomfortable, what made me comfortable, how did I see myself, how did I want other people to see me,” you explained. “So, how do you feel?”
Phoebe glanced away as she contemplated your question. She looked self-conscious, in the kind of way that anyone exposing their most vulnerable thoughts and feelings naturally would.
“Well, I’ve never really cared about what people saw me as,” she said. “Being a girl, or being seen as one, doesn’t matter much to me. It’s never really bothered me that that’s how people see me, either. I don’t mind being called ‘she’, or my mom’s ‘daughter’, or Trevor’s ‘sister’. But, when I think about it, I don’t see myself as a girl, or anything, really. I guess it’d be nice if other people saw me that way, too. But, I don’t see the point in telling anyone if it doesn’t make me uncomfortable when people see me as a girl.”
She stared at you, as if waiting for an answer.
“I still can’t tell you what you are,” you insisted, with a gentle laugh. “You need to trust yourself to figure this out. And, it’s okay if you don’t figure it out, too.”
She seemed dissatisfied with what you had to say, so you felt obliged to offer her something. With a huff, you continued.
“But- and I’m still not telling you what you are- you don’t have to feel uncomfortable with being a girl to be nonbinary. And, I know how easy it is to convince yourself that asking people to respect who you are means you’re being difficult or something. But, anyone who’s worth being in your life will respect who you are, without treating it like an inconvenience.”
You watched as she took in your words. She locked eyes with you once again.
“I’m nonbinary.”
You grinned.
“Welcome to the club, Pheebs.”
Phoebe smiled. She paused before speaking again.
“Can you say that you’re nonbinary?” 
You knitted your brows.
“Uh, I’m nonbinary?”
“Hi, nonbinary. I’m Phoebe.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose.
“I should’ve seen that one coming.”
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Trigun Bookclub: Trigun Vol.1, Chapters #00-01
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lets fucking do this
I'm annotating every chapter of trigun, both the Japanese original print (reread) and Overhaul 1.0 (first read). Literally just writing down everything I notice about details, version differences, translation notes, etc. and also being gay about the characters. happy pride month
I had other stuff to do today yesterday so I only got through a little bit but pace will pick up tomorrow today (1 volume/week is faster than i thought...)
Here are the beloved non-analysis sillies...
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And there are just so many annotation images so I just put the rest under the cut <3 read my notes boy
[edit: why aren't the images not being side by side like i want them to i hate this. here's the url for my blog page with correct formatting] [edit 2: i guess it's only on desktop, not on mobile. so that's good]
First thing I noticed was the difference in the number of volumes, or the number of chapters in each volume. In my JP copy, volume 1 ends at Chapter #07: Rem, while Overhaul (and I assume every version after the first JP print) ends at #12: River of Life.
Anyways onto the actual images
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21st of July - !! didn't notice [that the July incident actually happened in July] during 1st read b/c months are only numbers in Japanese 11 hours after destruction - July incident was 2am
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For some reason I thought he was standing this whole time. unneccesary details georg
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Estimated age: 24 - Official age for his appearance? dang he's young Appearance - "Place of origin/birth," not "what he looks like" The worst kind of outlaw, and an unrivalled killer. - Added in a later version? (not in my JP copy but the phrase is familiar)
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This blank space originally had the Japanese translation for the board.
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We see his serious expression already! I don't remember '98 doing so this early on so it's pretty notable to me...
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Just thinking about how Vash counted each individual gunshot being fired during all that chaos... dear god.... During my first read/watch I thought it was just silly Rule of Cool protagonist moment but not really. This guy actually has Insane perception, either from being a plant or sheer practice. Or both.
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Also immediately after all that, I really love the way the aftermath is shown here. The only things you can hear are the creaks of the light and the crying boy. It really brings out the tension in the atmosphere.
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Finally, something other than unneccesary bits! If you look at the flooring under the toy gun, the perspective lines are pointing SW-NE. This corresponds to the flooring on Vash's right, whose right arm is also suspiciously out-of-frame... This is definitely the moment he took the toy gun. I can't express the amount of Holy Shit I felt when I realized this. The detail!!!!! man!!!!!!!!!
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There's a little translation error here - it should be something like "Even if he were still alive, he wouldn't be able to move an inch!"
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One of my favorite Vash moves with one of my favorite Tumblr heritage posts.
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This is not really based on any drawn details, but I think this is the moment that Vash readies the toy gun, puts it in his pocket, and picks up the ketchup. Do Not trust this man when his arm is not visible. Also finger still in gun <3 doing his part blocking one bullet at a time
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And here we have Vash's first COOL cool moment!!!!!! cue my homo screaming. goddddddddd im so mentally unwell about him. agh I also absolutely love when Nightow does that thing where he screen-tones a character's skin just because. It pops!! It's unique!! I love it!! I eat it up every time!!!
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Here's where I realize that Vash's hair antennae are pointing straight up. I should be on the lookout for when he makes the transition to the M-shaped antennae we know and love.
Also, a little untranslatable joke from the Japanese version. In Japanese, this guy calls out at Vash like "And you, don't provoke him!" except it's written with the kanji for "Hunter" (狩人 karyūdo), with a ruby pronunciation note saying "you" (おまえも omaemo). These kanji/ruby mismatch jokes are never not funny and it's so sad that there's no way to keep them in without doing...this lol
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The "I counted!" reveal never fails to get me. holy shit. I love the little boy's expression when he gets his gun back :) You helped!!! and you don't have to have the real deal to be cool as balls!!!
Just lumping this with the previous two because it's a tall image, but another small translation error. Rather than being about doing harm, he's talking about recieving it (~~はゴメンだ is a hard-to-catch phrasing/idiom; it's already been discussed with the translator on a different instance). It should be more like "[...But] nobody likes getting hurt, right?"
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THE GIRLIES YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Not including the dialogue because. y'know. At least they get (accidentally) Bonked by Millie :) get their asses
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Here, the order suggestion is made by somebody off-screen, but in the first edition, it was made by the cook himself. (left image annotation says "the storekeeper(cook) is so nice!")
That's it for chapters #00-01! I'm going to keep having Category 5 Autism Events every day aren't I.
It's literally 1:20am as of finishing this post because my computer won't stop crashing. Posting this first thing in the morning tomorrow <3
Also, the Japanese copy of the annotations will be in the reblogs for anyone who wants to see them. The emotions are Rawer and they're phrased way less awkwardly... if you can read them lol
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glittter-vamp · 1 year
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Joe Burrow x Bisexual OC.
Warnings: 18+MDNI. Mention Of Death & Grief. Emotional Intimacy pretty much at 100 and smut-ish themes. Homophobia. Angsty yet Fluffy. Pretty heavy chapter overall.
Word Count: 3.4k
"Thank you for shopping with us, have a great day!" Val smiles at a customer that was in the store while handing them their shopping bag. It was Sunday which she usually didn't come in for but Elsa had went a little too hard at the Pride parade the day prior and Dani was off. So, it was just her and Kade in the store today making things happen. 
"Almost time to close, what a weekend!" Kade sighs moving a box of hangers. 
"It was pretty crazy, I guess since we closed yesterday for the parade people came today instead." Val says organizing a rack of shirts.
"I'm so glad I'm off for the next two days, I'm drinking a whole bottle of wine by myself tonight to destress." Kade lets out a breath. 
"You and me both." Val smiles. Them two make it through the last work hour with only one other customer coming in. Cleaning up quickly, they make it out of the store by 4:50 and in their cars to go home. Since it was Sunday evening the traffic wasn't so bad but living in a city meant it was still there regardless. As Val drove home she got a call from Joe. She had talked to him here and there, all through text after that argument they had. 
"Hello?" Val answers on the car Bluetooth. 
"Hey...are you out of work?" Joe asks. 
"I am. Why?" Val asks wondering why. 
"Would you mind stopping by the house today? Something came for you at the house." Joe says sounding just as confused as she was hearing that. 
"Uh, what do you mean something came for me...to your house? I've never your given address for anything to anyone." Val questions. 
"I'm just confused as you about it are but it's addressed to you, it's a letter." He says. 
"Does it seems like junk mail or something? That's so weird..." She asks as she drives. 
"No, it's hand written from within the state. Say's its from someone named Sabrina Farley." Joe responds back, Val's heart dropping hearing that. 
"Are you sure!?" Val asks trying to remain her cool. 
"That's what it says, I can drop it off during the week if you're busy--
"No, I'll come get it now. I'm in the car driving anyway." Val says. 
"Alright, you can let your self in. I have to rest up my leg. My knee has been feeling weird." Joe says. 
"Do you need anything?" Val asks. 
"Nah I'm good, but thanks. I appreciate that." Joe yawns. They hang up soon after and Val makes her way to Joe's.
Pulling up to his house she parks in the driveway and lets her self in like he told her too. She could hear the tv, Joe was of course was watching some alien documentary like usual. Walking to the living room she see's Joe laying on his couch icing his knee. 
"So, what'd you do to your knee?" Val speaks up startling Joe and making her laugh. 
"I didn't hear you come in... but I think I went to hard in the gym yesterday." He shrugs looking at his leg,
"Better chill before everyone gets on your ass or you injure yourself again." Val shakes her head. 
"I know..." Joe sighs. 
"So about the letter?" Val asks awkwardly. 
"Oh yeah, here!" Joe reaches over and grabs the letter that was sitting beside the remote. 
"Here you go, I didn't open it or anything." He says handing her the white envelope. Val reads the name and she starts to feel uneasy about it. 
"I really have no idea how this person got your address. I'm real sorry this came here, that's super invasive." Val bites her lip looking at Joe. 
"It's alright. Do you know who that person is though?" Joe asks and she nods yes. 
"My older sister. Since I cut off contact from the family , they haven't had my number or address except for the twins who I actually haven't heard from in months." Val shakes her head. 
"Do you think it's something serious?" Joe asks sitting up, intrigued by what that letter held. 
"Must be if they sent it to your house and not mine, my store or any of my other friends houses." Val says ripping the letter open. 
Val starts reading the letter which was starting off first by apologizing being sent to Joe's house but that they couldn't find her address anywhere online and was scared that if it got sent to the store it would end up in someone else's business mailbox instead. Which Val found very weird but she continued reading. As she read the next line her heart sunk and felt her eyes water. 
"I hate to inform you that dad has been involved in a car accident two weeks prior from when I'm writing this. He doesn't seem to be progressing at all, therefore mom is going to make the hard decision to take him off life support tomorrow. Though, we felt the need to tell you, we ask that you do not come to the funereal nor contact any of us. We've seen you in the tabloids and still don't approve of your life choices and out of respect to god, the church, the family and most importantly dad it's best if you don't come. We don't need any shameful people around us during this hard time or someone to take the attention away from dad." 
"Val...Hey, Hey...what's going on? Breathe." Joe says to her as he runs up to her and catches her as she falls to her knees at the news she just read. Val lets out a sob as Joe tries to console her and get her seated on the couch. Not being able to barely breathe let alone talk, she hands the letter to Joe and he reads it keeping one hand on Val and rubbing her back as she cries. 
"I'm so sorry Val. This is isn't the way they should've told you." Joe says hugging her tight and kiss her head as she cries. 
"I probably already missed his funeral since this was sent a week ago. Why would they do that?" She sniffles shaking her head. 
"If you did, that's entirely their fault. They know what they were doing sending this letter, they could of called, sent this to your actual house or business or even gone to your store in person...instead they sent it to my house not even knowing if it would get to you two weeks after your fathers accident in which they didn't contact you. This was malicious on their part, you did nothing wrong." Joe says feeling nothing but anger over this situation for Val. He couldn't believe they would treat her this way but it became clear why Val separated herself from them.
"I-I should go home. I'm sorry for breaking down like this here. I should of opened that letter at home or something." Val says quickly getting up and wiping her tears, desperately trying to get herself together. 
"What?! No--Val, you're not driving while you're emotions are hitting you like this. You're still processing this." Joe says shaking his head and Val sighs. 
"I just know things aren't okay between us and going through this here--
"That's not important right now, what's important is that you stay here and not get behind the wheel while you're crying. I'm going to get you water, please just stay here and take a breath." Joe says sitting her down again and she just nods beginning to cry again. Val didn't couldn't believe that letter. Still processing everything from her fathers accident to him being taken off life support to her family asking her not to come to the funeral because of who she was was just something she couldn't believe but hurt like hell. It proved that she was yet not healed from her past with her family.
"Here." Joe says coming back with a water bottle. Val takes it and takes a few sips. 
"Is there anything I can do?" Joe asks sitting next to her. 
"Get me a time machine so I could tell my parents not to have me and spare everyone the disappointment that I am." Val sighs wiping her tears. 
"Don't say that. Just because they have a problem with who you are doesn't mean you don't have people around you that love and support you. Plus, you've basically built your own family, you have the girls, Mateo, Kade and Elsa...Me and my family." Joe says hesitating on that last part. 
"I don't even know how your family views me right now so I wouldn't count them in there." Val shakes her head. 
" They haven't said anything to me about it so...well my mom obviously asked about what was going on cause she knows we're together but she didn't comment on anything else. My dad is never one to get into my personal relationships so..." Joe shakes his head. 
"Still doesn't mean anything." Val mutters. 
"Why don't I draw you a nice bath? I'll go pick up some food in the meantime while you soak." Joe says patting her knee. 
"You don't have to do that." Val shakes her head. 
"You need it, c'mon." Joe slowly pulls Val off the couch and they make their way upstairs letting the letter on the couch. 
"You still have clothes in your drawer, I haven't touched them." Joe says softly as they enter his room. 
"Thanks." Val sniffles heading over to where she always kept her clothes.
Joe headed to the bathroom and filled up the tub for her while she chose some clothes. Her mind was having a million different thoughts about what's happened. Though she was heartbroken over the news of her dad she was also incredibly angry at how it was handled. She couldn't stand the way her family has treated her since she came out in college. Val makes her way to the bathroom where Joe was making sure the water was a perfect temperature and the tub was getting filled up. 
"You can get in while it fills it takes a bit, did you need anything else? I haven't restocked on your wine but I can get you something else..." Joe asks as Val set her clothes down on the counter. 
"I think this moment calls for one of your vodka tonics." Val smiles. 
"Woah...I haven't heard those words since you opened up Pixies." Joe says making her chuckle. 
"I know it's a dangerous thing to say but I really need it." Val sighs. 
"You're wish is my command." Joe smiles leaving the bathroom. Val undresses and realizes she still has the markings from Summer on her body. Shaking her head and setting that aside she steps into the warm bath that smelled like lavender. Val feels herself relax into the semi filled tub and soon enough Joe comes back with her drink. 
"Here." Joe smiles handing her the drink. 
"Thanks." She smiles back taking a sip of the ridiculously strong drink. 
"Jeez, did you put any club soda in that?" Val shudders as the liquor runs through her body and sort of gives her a shock. 
"You knew what you were asking for. I put a lot of ice so just let it water down a bit." Joe says squatting down to her level and turning the water off for her. There wasn't many bubbles in the tub so Val saw Joe's eyes lingering on her body thought the soapy water. 
"What did you want to eat?" Joe asks clearing his throat. 
"It's Sunday evening so everything closes pretty early...whatever is open is fine. No healthy stuff though, I need good savory comfort food."  
"I'll be back, call me if anything. Make yourself at home." Joe says giving Val a gentle kiss on the head before leaving. It felt nice for Val to have Joe there for her. This was one of the things she couldn't complain about when it came to him. He was always there for Val when she needed him the most with no questions asked. Relaxing in the hot bath and downing the drink she eventually gets out and takes a quick shower being one of those people that can't just take a bath first. 
After her shower, drying off and draining the tub, she gets dressed and heads downstairs taking the glass that was now empty. As she washed her cup, Joe comes in with the bags of food.
 "So I got us sushi, and I stopped to get us ice cream. Hope that's okay!" Joe says smiling at Val. 
"That sounds really great. Thank you." Val smiles back. 
"We can put on a movie or whatever you want." Joe says setting the bags down to put the ice cream in the freezer.
"Sure." Val nods. She grabs water for them both from the fridge and make their way to the living room. 
"So, what do you want to watch?" Joe asks after they settle on the couch with the food. 
"Um, something funny I guess." she shrugs taking a bite of the spicy shrimp tempura roll. Joe turns on Superbad.
"I saw that you went the pride parade, how was that?" Joe asks failing miserably to use his chopsticks like usual making val laugh. 
"It was fun. Everyone had a goodtime." Val nods. 
"I saw that Summer went...you guys were posting on instagram" Joe says. Val knew she was going hear something about about her come from Joe eventually. 
"She was." Val says nods eyeing Joe. The last thing she wanted right now was to get in an argument with Joe about Summer again after what she just learned. Her emotions were way to high right now for that and she knew it.
"Is she...at least making you happy?" He asks softly and Val sighs. 
"Joe, I really don't need this right now." Val rolls her eyes.
"I'm not mad or trying to start anything. I just want to know she's at least treating you right given your history with her and having your own complaints with me" Joe says, he seemed genuine. 
"We only messed around once after that fight we had, we're not dating though and she's been fine to me. No drama. There, happy?" Val answers truthfully. 
"Very." Joe smirks which annoyed Val. 
"How about you? Any girls you've brought back here and shown them what a night with America's QB heartthrob is like?" Val asks trying to annoy him.
"Nope. Those nights are reserved for you." Joe smirks. 
"and Sofia the baddie ig model." Val nods popping another piece of sushi into her mouth pretending she didn't see Joe's annoyed face when she said that. 
"Okay...maybe I see how asking about Summer and throwing her in your face could be annoying." Joe says making Val snort. 
"But, since we're on the topic of girls and I still have my list of questions of you..." Joe trails off, Val sighing preparing for what's about to come out of his mouth next.
"Is it true that you guys can last for hours during sex? How is that even possible? How come you don't last with me that long?" Joe asks making Val almost choke on her food. 
"We technically can...but it's courtesy of the strap and we take breaks and then go back and forth through the night until we can't anymore and...I have no problem lasting that long but you on the other hand..." Val sips her drink and Joe looks in complete shock. 
"If that's the case...why the hell are you dating men? Let alone me." Joe mutters that last part. 
"Because that's how bisexuality works, I like all genders...and what do you mean let alone you? You're the only guy I've been with that actually gives a fuck about getting me off every time we have sex." Val snorts. 
"Do you have one?" Joe asks as he eats. 
"A what?" She asks confused. 
"A...strap or whatever it is you guys call it." Joe clears his throat which made Val laugh at his awkwardness. 
"I think... I have my harness somewhere at my condo, as for the toy itself...I have to get a new one." Val nods. 
"I saw that they had strapless ones." Joe nods and Val does a double take towards him hearing that. 
"Have you...been researching lesbian stuff!?" Val says rather loudly and clearly embarrassing Joe seeing his face turn a light shade of pink. 
"And by researching I know it's just porn." Val teases him. 
"No. I've actually been on educational websites for your information. I was wondering about the stereotypes. " Joe defends himself. Val thought it was actually very cute that Joe was educating himself about stuff. Most men would just ask when the threesome was happening and call it day.  
"Can I ask if you have a preference? Like do you prefer having sex with women or more with men?" Joe asks. 
"Overall, I say that I wouldn't. But there's certain things that I appreciate about both that's different." Val admits. 
"Like what?" 
"Well with girls I like the softness of it, the foreplay is usually on another level and the after care is really nice too. Plus there's a different sense of comfortability with women knowing they have the same parts as I do and know how are bodies are naturally. Also it's a plus that they're more on top of stuff like their status and there's no risk of pregnancy. " Val says and Joe nods. 
"And with men?" Joe asks seeming to be nervous to ask about it. 
"Well, my prior experiences with men were all college guys so I'm not gonna go there but with you specifically... I like how strong you are with me and assertive you are. Also getting to actually...feel you inside me is something I can only experience with women to a certain extent. Plus moans from any gender are hot but the list goes on for both, I just like what I like. There's really no competition here, we at least between you and any other woman because I've heard of plenty hook up stories from Gen with guys"  Val shrugs making Joe chuckle.
"Thank you for talking to me about this stuff...I know it's weird of me to ask this stuff." Joe says sheepishly. 
"Like I said before, if it's in good faith and you're being genuine...I don't have anything to hide. I appreciate you being respectful about it and not with stereotypical things like other guys would probably do." Val smiles.
 They both finish their meal and start paying attention to the movie that was already a good chunk through it. They eat their ice creams after finishing the dinner, Val still thinking of her dad and family, still figuring out how to navigate this situation from here. 
"You can take my room... I'll sleep in the guest room. Give you some space." Joe says as they clean up the mess of food in the living room and take it to the trash in the kitchen. 
"Oh you don't have to." Val shakes her head. 
"It's not up for discussion, I'll finish up here. You should go get some rest." Joe smiles and Val just nods. Even though it wasn't even 9PM yet, she did feel exhausted after the news she had received today. 
"Thanks, I'll uh see you in the morning...goodnight." Val says giving Joe a small smile which eh returns. 
Val head upstairs grabbing her phone and goes into Joe's room. She uses the bathroom quickly and gets into the comfortable bed when there was a small knock on the door as it opened. 
"Thought you'd like some water." Joe says bringing her a water bottle and setting it on the nightstand. Val thanks him and he goes to leave when she grabs his hand and stops him in his tracks. 
"Stay...please." She says softly and Joe gives her a look of sadness and pity before he gently nods. 
"Let me just turn off the hall light." He says squeezing her hand. Val nods letting go of him. Coming back into the room, Joe this time around doesn't say anything about Val being on his side of the bed and just turns off the light and gets in bed next to her. Val cuddles up to him inhaling his familiar comforting scent that she loved so much and Joe places a few kisses on her head as he slowly and gently rubs her back as she lets sleep take over, feeling fully comforted and cared for by the person who has her heart.
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A/N: That was heavy chapter! But BF Joe showed up 👀
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Requesting five times stayed for Castle of Glass please and thank you ❤️ Hope you get the chance to do another sleepover in the future
A/N: Me too! I've really enjoyed doing it! Some of these are pre-castle of glass, some are during the already written chapters of castle of glass. If you would like to send me a request for one of my WIP pairs, you can find the prompt list here!
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five times stayed:
“Do you have anywhere to go?” Nightwing asked, softer than Y/N was expecting from the hero she had just watched take apart all of Luthor’s men. He had brought her to a small, sparsely furnished apartment that she guessed was a safe house rather than where he actually lived. But he had insisted on treating the nasty gash on her side himself.
“I can find somewhere. I’ve done it before.” She told him, wondering exactly who he was beneath the mask, if he lived a completely mundane day life, or if his day life was as exciting as his night life.
He frowned. “That’s not- I don’t- You could stay here if you want. No one else knows about it and there’s a security system.”
It was her turn to frown. “What’s it cost?”
Nightwing took a minute to consider what she’d said. “Help me make sure Luthor can’t finish it.”
“Done.” She said with zero hesitation.
Jason’s head throbbed angrily as he started to regain consciousness. He took a moment to assess his surroundings before he opened his eyes. He was lying on something that was a lot comfier than the lumpy bed in his current safehouse and he could hear someone talking in worried whispers on the phone. The person seemed to be in another room so he risked cracking his eyes open to look around the room.
He was lying on a sofa in a rather messy apartment, but it was the suit on the coffee table next to his own helmet that drew his eye. The blue and black suit.
Fuck no.
He was not going back to Arkham, not again.
His head spun as he stood up faster than he intended to, but he had to get out, he couldn’t go back, he couldn’t.
“Woah, Jay, no, no, you need to sit down.” Dick lunged forward and caught him before he could keel over and face plant the floor.
“Get the fuck off me, Dickhead. I’m not going back to Arkham.” Jason growled and attempted to shove Dick off. But either Dick had suddenly gained Superman level strength, or Jason was a lot more fucked than he thought because Dick wouldn’t budge.
Dick deposited him back on his sofa and then stepped back, partially to avoid Jason’s attempt to punch him in the head.
“I’m not taking you back to Arkham.” Dick said softly, his voice thick with emotion. “I never should have left you there in the first place.”
The part of Jason that was still Robin, the twelve year old boy who just wanted Dick Grayson to like him, wanted nothing more than to believe his older brother. But Dick had already thrown him in Arkham and then left him there once. Jason might understand because he’d nearly killed the new Robin and taken Dick’s computer birdie hostage, but that didn’t mean he wanted to go through that again.
“I haven’t killed anyone in months, you don’t have any reason to send me back. So, I’m gonna go and you can go back to forgetting me again.” Jason stood again, his head still spinning but he managed to stay standing this time, and grabbed his helmet.
But then he looked up at Dick and…fuck, Dickiebird looked like he was about to burst into tears and Jason’s head was not in a place to deal with that.
“I don’t want to forget you. I never did.” Dick whispered. “I promise I’m not going to send you back to Arkham. No one else even knows you’re here other than Alfred. But stay, please, just for the night. Jay, you’re in no state to go anywhere.”
Jason’s heart felt funny. “Just for the night then.”
“How was he?” Dick asked quietly.
Y/N glanced to where Jason was packing his bag. He looked better than when Dick had dropped him off three days prior; his bruises had started to fade and he could move on his own.
“He was fine. No problems, we even watched Pride and Prejudice without either of us snarking the other.”
Dick laughed but stifled it in the back of his hand when Jason shot them a look. “I’m surprised he didn’t try and climb out of your window.”
“Nope, he stayed put the whole time. Can’t guarantee he will stay in tonight though.” She smiled as Dick groaned.
“I really think you should stay in tonight.” Y/N said, looking at Jason with a frown on her face.
“I’m completely fine.” He said, pretty sure he almost convinced her before he sneezed again. He hadn’t actually been sick since his dip in the pit, but apparently a run in with Freeze and then Killer Croc before taking a dip in a Gotham sewer was something that even the pit wasn’t able to deal with.
“Jay.” She said softly and he flinched slightly as she rested the back of her head on his forehead. “You’re burning up.” She gently pushed him back until his knees hit the sofa and he sat down. Once he was sat down, he found he really didn’t want to get up. “If you go out, I’ll call Dick and send him after you. But if you stay in, I’ll make you a blanket fort and some soup.”
Soup sounded really good, the blankets sounded even better. “Fine, but only if you promise not to call Dickhead, at all, and make chicken noodle soup using the recipe I have in the kitchen.”
“Done.” She smiled and ruffled his curls like he was a kid.
“When this is all over, move in with me properly.” Jason said.
Y/N shifted her gaze from the night sky to look at him. “What do you mean by ‘properly’?”
“You can help me pick out the apartment, as long as it’s in my territory and I think it’s safe, and we can have more than one bedroom so you don’t have to set up all your stuff in the living room again. It can be our space, rather than my space that you’re using.” He said before furrowing his eyebrows. “That last bit sounded rude, didn’t it?”
“Only slightly.” She smiled. “But I get what you mean. You know if we did do that, you’d have to deal with the rest of the bats because Dick and Damian especially, will not leave us alone.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, I’m aware of the risks, sweetheart, including the demon brat.”
She threaded her fingers with his and squeezed his hand. “Okay, yes then, I’ll move in with you properly.”
He smiled and she wanted to make sure she could see his smile for the rest of her life.
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billyfazworth · 3 months
Crows of a Feather - A Hello Neighbor: Masks of The Ravens Short.
Written by William F. Fazworth
A few notes before I begin: -While being based on the future timeline of the (potentially no longer canon?) Hello Neighbor Book 7: Reset Day, this version of RD is majorly overhauled as I wasn't a big fan of certain elements in the story. -The character of Stella Grayson is an OC but only by technicality, Stella (no last name given) was mentioned in Reset Day twice as an ex-friend of Piper but that's about it. Due to this, I had to take creative liberties. -Piper and Stella have different ages compared to the original, instead of being 13 the two are 17. -Lastly (and hopefully I don't release this late) Happy Pride Month! And I hope you enjoy my sapphic babies.
Raven Park, 4 PM Autumn leaves continue to fall around Stella, fitting considering how she's feeling. Her eyes were covered in tears, tears that befell her face, all caused by her own mistakes.
The girl was sitting alone, alone in a nearby park here in Raven Brooks, all because she had to act stupidly foolish, why the hell did she think this was going to be easy? To go hundreds of miles away from Anaheim to this desolate town before being drive off road by a some cloaked nutjob cosplaying as a bird, not only did her dad's car got wrecked that night, but she lost most of her stuff considering said cloaked nutjob chased her off out the woods.
Somehow, being hit by a car was the best thing to happen that night, at least Sergeant Finch was nice with her. Sometimes Stella wondered if she was too stupidly optimistic or if she was just desperate, after all her and Ally basically ran Piper off into this place, she shouldn't have followed, maybe it was for the best.
"There you are."
Stella's eyes shot up, her head turned over and there she was, Piper Tillman. Stella noticed she was wearing something familiar, her David Bowie shirt and her father's jacket, the same look she saw her in that fateful night. "Mrs. Esposito's been looking for you, considering your staying at her and her wife's place." Piper told Stella, whose tired eyes questioned her motives "I... I didn't expect to see you here... especially after-"
"After I told you I wished we never met?"
The two girls looked at each other, both of their eyes locked in with a sense of regret, worry, and anxiety. "Yeah... that..." Stella uttered, Piper herself sighed and reached into her pocket, grabbing what appeared to be cans of soda "Want one?" She asked Stella, offering her the drink, who accepted the offer as the two began open the cans.
"Thanks..." Stella said softly, taking a sip of her soda. "You sounded tired." Piper said, causing Stella to turn her head over to her "I thought you needed a drink." Piper continued. It was the same gesture, the same gesture she gave Piper before she moved away from Anaheim. "I don't get it Pip, why are you even here, accompanying someone who frankly doesn't even deserve any friends." Stella said solemnly "Don't say that-"
"But it's true." Stella said, cutting Piper off "It's my fault you left Anaheim, I can't believe I sided with Ally during this whole stupid mess!" Stella exclaimed, chugging down her last sip of soda before throwing the can away in frustration. Piper was quiet, not really sure what to say for a response, it stayed that way for a few minutes before.
"I guess abandoning me was a jerk move."
The two girls sighed, Stella rubbing her forehead and trying to calm herself down. "But none of us were rational." Piper added, Stella turned her head over to her "What?" She asked, her voice cracking off guard. "I... I still believe in my dad's innocence, but I have to admit, I shouldn't have gone on the offense with you and Ally... I guess I'm here to say-"
"Don't be sorry." Stella replied, causing Piper to stop "Don't be sorry for all the things you said to me, it wouldn't have happened if I wasn't such an... well, an asshole." She added on. Piper let out a soft chuckle "I... I suppose so." She said, struggling for a moment to put things into words.
"Hey Pip?"
"Remembered when things were normal between us?"
Piper sat there and began to think, taking a sip of her soda "Like, before we both ended up in a town where a giant bird stalks the woods?" She asked, Stella chuckled "Well, that. But... no, I mean back before that dreaded phone call you had." Stella answered, adding "Back when we were just a bunch of gals who's trying to have fun in life." Piper took another sip of her soda before she answered "So... back when life was actually relatively good to us? Yeah, I do." She took another sip of her soda soon after.
"Do you think life will be good again? You know, for us." Stella questioned and Piper doesn't seem to really know the proper answer "I mean, I don't know... can I say something?" Piper suddenly asked, looking as if she's gotten some sort of idea, Stella nodded and Piper continued "I'll be honest with you Stella. I honestly tried to, well, I guess forget everything? My mom said that this town is supposed to be something new, our moving day was our reset day. Who knew that our reset day would mean being chased down by a giant bird?" She told Stella.
"But... I just couldn't."
"What do you mean?"
"Every single night, every single time I try to forget, I either get dragged into this town's latest fucked up phenomena or... or I'm surrounded by the past." Piper said, her voice somewhat cracking as she said that last part. "I... I'm sorry." Stella said but Piper tried to brush it off "It's... it's fine..." Piper struggled to say "It's not all bad I suppose." She added on.
"After all... I might've gotten my answer that day."
"Well... maybe an answer."
"For what?"
"You finally noticed me that day, noticed what I really felt about you... and I wonder now if you really did feel the same about me."
Stella stopped for a moment as her eyes widened, a rushing sense of adrenaline pumping through her veins, she could feel herself sweating.
"I... I do..."
Piper snapped out of her little trance, now her face was slowly glowing red as she looked over to Stella, her eyes seemingly staring at Piper's as if she saw the shining sparkle of the nightly stars.
"And I... I wished... I wished we could've had that kiss."
The two remembered it all now, a band practice break that was about to change their lives forever, the day felt like a magic moment never able to be casted, as if the two were cursed to be torn apart and condemned to a fate none of them wanted. It was as if the world wanted them to never see each other, to never be able to embrace each other's arms on that very moment or the moment after.
To never have that kiss.
"Maybe we will."
Piper's hands began to reach out over to Stella's shoulders, as if she was sending a lifeline over and Stella grabbed on, the two were growing closer by the minute, like a magnet slowly attracting a metal object, as if the crows were flocking over to the source of the storm. Stella placed her hand on Piper's cheek, the two now in sync with each other and as if, as if fearing for the moment to collapse once more, the two finally shared the kiss that they had desired that day.
And as they slowly let go of each other's embrace, the two looked at each other with abject sparkles in their eyes. "I... Piper I..." Stella was almost speechless, her face a mix of emotions, from shock to joy to anxiety all wrapped in one. Piper on the other hand looked like she was going to cry, cry out of joy, out of how she couldn't contain the bright smile on her face.
"I love you." Stella finally uttered towards Piper.
"I... I know... I love you too." She replied back in a soft and joyous voice.
Piper's vision was becoming blurry, as if something was in her eyes, something wet... tears and before Stella could even reach in, Piper did it first, the two hugging each other in an embrace as Piper began to cry "I did it..." Piper said as she sniffled "I got my Stella back." She said and the two hugged each other even tighter "And I got my Piper back." Stella added, the two now happily embracing themselves.
"You two are sweet."
The two girls stopped as they turned over to see who it was "Sergeant Finch?!" Stella exclaimed in shocked, suddenly another person came up behind the Sergeant "Mrs. Esposito?!" Piper said in shock. "Mr. Roth's been looking for you two lovebirds for the past hour or so." Mrs. Esposito said, "Sorry." The two responded in unison.
"So, I see that what I said about Piper was right huh Stella?" Sergeant Finch said playfully, causing Stella to blush "Alright Mari, told you the two are gonna fall for each other, you owe me twenty bucks." She added, with Mrs. Esposito pulling a 20 dollar bill out of her pocket as she chuckled.
"Right, since it's getting dark and I assume you two haven't had dinner, I'm willing to let you two eat at my house before I send you both back to Mr. Roth." Mrs. Esposito stated, the two nodded in agreement "Alrighty then, Finch start the car, I'll call up Nicky about the fact that his new daughter has a girlfriend now." Mrs. Esposito says, causing both her and Sergeant Finch to chuckle. Piper just awkwardly blushed as Stella held her arm tight "Well look on the bright side, at least meeting the parent won't be hard." Stella said jokingly, "God I love you." Piper said in response, letting out a soft chuckle.
The two would hold each other by the hand as they walked over to the car, happy that they're together again.
The End
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runwayrunway · 1 year
No. 3 - Top 19 jetBlue Tail Designs
(number 10 will surprise you!)
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How exciting - my first request! (Well, actually, I had a different request all written up and ready to post, but this one got bumped to the front of the line...for reasons. Keep reading to find out what reasons those are!) 
The format of this post will be a bit different. There will of course be an overall grade for the general livery, coming in a subsequent post for an extra exciting multi-part review, but what the asker is referring to are jetBlue’s various jellybean tail designs, so I’ll be weighing in briefly on each one. No grades this time, just my top 19 jetBlue tail designs.
Readers from the US are probably pretty familiar with jetBlue, but I imagine a lot of people overseas aren't as much. While they do fly to some parts of Latin America and even have two destinations in Europe, they're primarily a domestic low-cost airline based in New York and Boston. One of their more noteworthy feature, aside from the fact that they name their airplanes silly things, is that instead of having one identical livery for all their planes they use several different designs for the tails, meaning that their fleet is not entirely uniform or even close to it. (Think of it like a handful of differently flavored jellybeans.)
All of the following quotes are taken directly from the jetBlue website. Images are from visitingphx.com, and the following users of planespotters.net: Carlos A. Nieves (balloons), OMGcat (highrise, hops; spotlight), Marco Dotti (tartan), KirkXWB (streamers), Chris Pitchacaren (ribbons), and Wade DeNero (dots). The reason I use photographs when jetBlue have a page with images of all the currently-in-use tails is that a lot of them look significantly different in natural lighting vs how they are on the website.
These rankings are...in all honesty largely fairly arbitrary without a huge gap between first and last place. I'll probably completely disagree with this ranking by tomorrow, and in fact returning to the start to proofread after finishing my first draft of this post I do already disagree with my own rankings, but I need to commit to something to make the post and rearranging them would take time and effort, and I have the rest of this jetBlue extravaganza to type out, so here goes. A list of my top 19 jetBlue liveries, ranked from the one I typed out first to the one I typed out last.
Sorry, anon.
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1. Windowpane (retired)
It's very straightforward and clean. It has both the dark blue of the rest of the livery and a lighter contrasting shade. It's fairly self-contained. I think it's good to look at. No complaints.
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2. Harlequin (retired)
See above, but it has the distinct flavor of a couch cushion. This is about to become a theme. I kind of wish they'd started with the dark blue at the bottom instead of the light blue, since it contrasts more with the white fuselage and sort of makes the whole design feel more cohesive.
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3. Spotlight
Wouldn't you know it, she's a birthday girl! This "fierce" design was originally rolled out during 2019 Pride month - by complete coincidence, I would assume. I guess it would be weird for their brand, maybe, but if they have a yellow plane I don't see why committing to a rainbow plane was that far of a leap.
Despite that, I actually really like this design. The tiny bits of orange don't really overtake the rest of it, and the lighter, brighter blue really pops. It feels bubbly. It feels bubblier than the design called 'bubbles'.
I do feel the need to point out that the description on jetBlue's website seems to just cut off abruptly.
"bold splashes of color continue to steal the spotlight on our ne"
Your ne? Your ne is what? Please, how am I supposed to properly assess this design if I don't know what this livery is stealing the spotlight on? I'll rank it really high just in case I'm missing something crucial.
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4. Plaid (retired)
I'm honestly just a big fan of plaid generally. This has a nice three-dimensional feeling to it. The main reason I ranked it so high is that I got the mental image of airlines knitting little jackets to put on their planes' fins so they don't get cold in the winter and can't stand how adorable that is.
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5. Ribbons
The ribbons tail is used on A321neos with Mint, so the fanciest planes the airline has. I like this design. The blue shades feel like they fuse into something nice and eye-catching. It feels weird that they cut off abruptly, but I still like this tail design a lot.
That said, jetBlue's website has goofed again:
Ribbon has colorful tied up with (count ‘em!) THREE hues of blues.
Has colorful...what tied up? Or is colorful the thing being tied up?
jetBlue. jetBlue, the company jetBlue. I am talking to you. I know you're reading this. jetBlue, this is just sad. I feel legitimate pity for you. Can I please proofread your website? Please? You don't even have to pay me in money. I'll do it for TrueBlue points. I'll even do it for a couple scale models. Please don't let yourself live like this, jetBlue. You can do better. You literally have so much money. You can pay like dozens of people with fancy degrees way more than the retail price of a few small model planes to proofread your website but I am one individual with a tumblr blog and this is like seeing a wounded animal thrashing around on the ground. I'm being condescending but I'm also completely serious.
Now, if the next time I go on your website I see that you've changed it without contacting me I'll assume you're ripping me off and I won't do anything about it but honestly, jetBlue, I'll be hurt. So think about your actions.
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(Jokes aside, though, two typos on one page of a major airline's website is two more than there should be. Also, if anyone is reading this after they've fixed it, here's an archive to prove it happened. That said, this was posted in July and I'm editing this in on the second of September - bad look!)
(Also, three hues of blue is a weird thing to tout as a benefit considering a lot of the other tails have three or even four different shades of blue.)
Anyway, the ribbon tail is pretty nice. I like it.
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6. Mosaic
This design looks really washed out on their website for some reason but in person it's pretty nice. I'm not sure if this is a legitimate thing other people observe or just a me thing, but it sort of reminds me of how panels on airplanes overlap each other a lot with a bunch of adjacent square edges. But it also just looks nice. This is also one of the older ones but I feel like I wouldn't have guessed that if asked. Nice and simple in concept but not boring in execution.
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7. Hops
This is a bit embarrassing, but until I actually looked up all the tail patterns I never connected the 'hops' name with an image. I just saw it written in passing and thought 'huh, like, the plant? That's a bit of a weird name but alright'. Even when I saw it I immediately was put in mind of a field of wheat, which is not the intended effect.
(It also looks like waves.)
It is, in fact, hops as in several consecutive short jumps, and is the standard tail on their A220 fleet. I do like it a lot regardless of if it's several short jumps or a wheat field or the ocean. It has some nice forward motion and the colors are nicely staggered and create some interesting depth. My one issue is that, like with the ribbons tail, this feels like it really needs to be released from the confines of the tailfin.
I know they're phasing out their E190 fleet, but there are definitely hops tails on E190s as well as A220s. The one I use as an example, for instance, is E190 N323JB "Only Blue".
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8. Balloons
A 20-year anniversary livery. Ribbons might be higher on this list but balloons kind of fundamentally shreds it by having an entire five shades of blue.
This looks more like scales than balloons to me, but I still enjoy it. I feel like the variety of shades here actually makes it feel lighter because the very darkest shade is present for less of it, but a nice vivid blue is always good in this case. I'm also fairly sure this is the most recent regular tail variant, and it fits right in with the rest.
The reason I rate it so high is that it's a very overtly fun concept, and the website claims that the five shades are meant to stand for jetBlue's five core values - Safety, Caring, Integrity, Passion and Fun. And you know what, sure. Balloons are definitely fun. That's a nice theming choice. I like it.
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9. Tartan
It's very funny that the description on the website says that they're 'mad for plaid' even though they retired the plaid livery. Still, this looks nice. I think it ended up here for personal reasons, those being that I'd die for a jacket or something made from a fabric with this print. Green and midnight blue are one of my favorite color combos for some reason. I'm a sucker for it. Like I said, these rankings are largely just based on mood and my opinion of the tails doesn't significantly vary, so I can do what I want. I can say that this is my ninth favorite jetBlue tail livery because I want to wear a jacket made of it. I think it would also be very cute if they made, as described earlier in the section on the plaid livery, a little cap for the plane out of said fabric, and gave the jacket to the pilots so that they could match. I think that would be really good.
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10. 100 (special)
Obviously, this was going to end up at tenth. It was never not going to be at tenth, even if I hated it beyond words.
I actually do like this tail too, though. It follows the general jetBlue trend of kind of looking like fabric but it also sort of looks like a plastic bag like you'd get from a corner store. I feel like the fact that I think this is probably down to some sort of repressed memory of a specific corner store I've been to.
Bag or fabric qualities aside (you know what, I think this design would look good on a pillowcase) I do think that it's almost sort of subdued due to the smallness of the shapes and the large amount of dark colors and it sort of obscures the fact that this is a special livery to celebrate a milestone, but it is. (I'm including it here because the only change is to the tail, plus a bit of writing under the logo - not exactly a new design for the plane as a whole.)
This livery is actually to celebrate jetBlue's 100th A320, N655JB. It was a little bit startling realizing that this plane was acquired all the way back in 2007. I mean, they have a big fleet, but not big enough that that isn't shocking. She wore this (and the 'Our 100th A320' sticker) until 2013 and currently has the highrise tail, but is still named "Blue 100".
I wonder if they're going to do something similar for their 100th A220, given that if nothing changes about their order they'll end up with exactly 100 of them. I hope they do.
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11. Highrise
The main thing I really like about highrise is the way that the green catches the light. At different angles it can look almost like it's shining and it stands out very nicely against the blues in the background. I know it's not part of their fundamental brand, so to speak, but I do find the combination of blues and green jetBlue uses sometimes quite striking, and the highrise design shows that off extremely well.
I actually think, in terms of representing jetBlue's history, this livery does the best job. It's meant to represent the high-rise buildings typical of New York. It's a nice touch. Again, though, stop holding back her power! Set her free from the confines of the fin!
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12. Streamers
"as in Jetstream and as in let’s jet the party started", according to the website. This livery is for their A321LRs, which fly transatlantic flights. It's fine. It's nice. I can't say 'streamers' is what came to mind immediately - it was more like 'oh, nice abstract blue pattern' - but it's definitely not bad.
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13. Prism
Very similar to highrise, with the colors and all, but I find that it shines less from the same angles. Also, a bit less thematically potent. Still nice. I'm running out of ways to say "still nice". Sometimes nineteen is a lot more than you expect it to be.
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14. Dots (retired)
Cute, sweet, simple...much like windowpane, but I prefer graph paper with actual squares versus the dotted version and have ranked them accordingly.
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15. Bubbles (retired)
This looks like it has that sort of three-dimensional plastic bottom-of-a-rug texture. I don't hate that, but boy does it make it hard to try and read the text!
This is officially the point where my opinions actually have somewhat started to drop off and we're getting to ones I'm less jazzed about, but it's still entirely fine. I don't mind it.
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16. Blueberries
The idea behind blueberries is really cute, but the bit of empty white space irrationally bothers me.
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17. Stripes (retired)
I owned a sweater with this exact pattern when I was in middle school and I wore it until there were too many holes to justify it anymore because it was very soft and comfortable. Much like my sweater, this livery is retired now. That's good, because you don't want holes in your vertical stabilizer. That would absolutely not be comfortable, and I doubt the landing would be soft.
Seriously, jetBlue cannot stop making tails that look like they're little hats somebody knitted for the airplanes.
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18. Barcode
I don't know. The orange just...doesn't work for me when there's this much of it. Sorry. Still not like, awful or anything though.
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19. jetBlue Vacations (special)
Not enough blue. Too many colors that aren't blue. You had one job.
Okay. That was all nineteen of jetBlue's tails. That said, having given my verdicts on all of these designs, I do feel like I'm at the end of a life-changing journey and have just realized that what I was searching for the whole time was just a hollow mirage. Why must we judge? Is it not enough to share in the joy of many variously-tailed airplanes mingling together under a shared ICAO designator?
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When I see these flocks of bluebirds grazing on the tarmac together, embracing each other not just despite but because of their differences...all of them are beautiful in their own ways, and all of them lift each other up instead of putting each other down. They rise together, separated by at least 1,000 feet vertically and three miles laterally, and we should all be inspired by that, not try to tear them down.
Well, I think I've learned a very valuable lesson today. And that lesson is that I'm not going to be able to go over all the jetBlue tail variants and the general livery in the same post, or that post will be very very long. So, why the expedited pace for this request? There's no space left in this post, but I'm not going to take a jetBlue Vacation just yet. You'll have to read about it in part two of my jetBlue special...which is approximately 1,000 feet vertically and three miles laterally away.
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bam-stroker · 1 year
Just want to throw out there to the world (because of disability pride month)
If you are ever having frequent migraines write them down and go see a neurologist. I downplayed my experience with them of like "Ooo they're like.. maybe 3 a month!" for years and suffered because of it. What I was counting as 1 - was just day 1. In reality I was having multiple days of my life taken away because of them where I'd just have to sit in a room alone in darkness.
You deserve the chance to get medicine to live a better quality of life.
I know how absolutely rancid experiences with doctors can be (I have been through some shit)
But! I hand you my pro tips (taken from US viewpoint but certain things may be applicable elsewhere) and I guess these things could be used towards other afflictions you might deem as small and have kept ignoring. If your life quality is lowered it's worth trying to chase down help.
Keep a health journal. I mean it! Write down the days you're dealing with your shit, how long it goes on, every little detail of how shitty you feel. When ever you go to a doctor you gotta come in (sadly) proving yourself. So have that written down and handy and get in the habit of writing or even just making little marks in your calendar of all the days you deal with a thing.
If you can - find out about said doctor/specialist. I made the mistake early on of just picking anyone who had an opening. I had A Bad Time. It's laughable but look on google reviews for the office. It's one of the few public places grievances can be posted by most patients. If a lot of them are trending in the "They do not listen to me" realm.... look for a new doctor.
Remember that journal? Well, if things start to get BETTER from treatment - write that shit down too! I have many a fight with US health insurance of why I have the audacity to use said insurance... and having the before and after things handy in those times is great. It's also great if you need to go to a different/new doctor and they wonder if your past treatment is worth it or not.
If you have anything you're worried about and want to go over during a doctor visit... guess what.. WRITE IT DOWN! There is something about a dr's office where the chronic illness jumps from my body and I question everything I've ever experienced. So I have handy everything written out of recent problems/symptoms and my questions on them. Also you could have some one else there with you, like a friend/family/etc, to help remind you of your questions so they don't get ignored. And if your doc does keep ignoring them... Leave them for a new doc.
These are just some very basic things I wish I'd known early on. But I hope they help someone else out. I will say I am so, so lucky that I ended up finding medicine that works for me (#team ubrelvy - which you can technically get for free with certain insurance and by going through the ubrelvy manufacturer coupon sight) but what works for me doesn't always work for others. It takes time to find the right mix of care and medicine.
But if you are spending multiple days a month in solitude/pain... It might not be as small a thing as you think and you deserve the chance to ease that pain.
I wish all of you kindness and rest this pride month and every month <3
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mytardisisparked · 5 months
20 Writer Questions
Was tagged by @emilie786!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
I currently have 46! I have a couple sittin' in the crockpot tho hehe.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Historically, I have written for Star Wars and Star Trek. Right now I am writing for The X-Files :)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
My top 5 are all older fics of mine: "When Sunrise Comes Early," "From the Depths of My Two Brain Cells," "The Voyager Bunch," "Ex Equis Scientia," "I'll Always be Around, Wherever Life Takes You"
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmmmm hard to say because I tend to end even my angstiest fics on a hopeful note.... I guess maybe "Night Visions?" Or, I'm sure there's a one-shot back in Ye Olde Star Wars collections somewhere that was extra angsty, but I am not going back to read those right now because I have neither the time nor fortitude.
However, I will be publishing something during Merry Month of Cohen that is p angsty so keep an eye out for that he he :)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, hard to say because I end almost all of my fics on a happy/hopeful note. I feel like maybe "Blessed Be The Man?" I really liked the way that one ended.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I've had some... aggressive? comments before that bordered on rude, but they never seemed to be coming from a place of hate. Usually, it's just people who enjoyed the story but made the presumption of telling me an element they had wished was different in a way that was not very politely worded. I don't take a lot of offense to it. I'm not popular or controversial enough to get actual hate comments lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nah bro. I get giggly and weird when writing a kiss scene; what the characters do beyond that is none of my business lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really? I tried writing a Star Trek Voyager/Star Wars crossover once but never finished it because it was not clicking. Other than that,,,,,,,, I guess @well-and-true and I keep having our Treksonas do holodeck programs based on The X-Files, which hasn't really been ficced (yet) but it's fun to imagine! Lots of shenanigans.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not in the manner that this question is asking, but I do consider the AI scrapping stuff to be theft and I'm not cool about it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! With @emilie786.
I've also done a LOT of idea bouncing with @baylardo @jellybeansarecool @elephant-in-the-pride-parade @maliciousalice @well-and-true and, while it hasn't turned into official co-writing (yet :]), their ideas and conversations and artwork have all been *deeply* valuable acts of collaboration. It's not co-writing in the official AO3 sense, but their words of encouragement and ideas are inseparably woven into almost all of my works from the last couple years.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I am very much impacted by the ole Hyperfixations so my favorite ship will almost always be whatever I am currently obsessed with. I never stop loving ships though. They are always lurking in the back of my mind. And sometimes they cycle back to the front. (right now I am DEEP in the MSR pit hehehe)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ummmmmm I outlined an extremely ambitious fic based on the Threshold!AU that would be multichap to the extreme and I LOVE it a whole lot but I am not sure I will ever have the fortitude or attention span to actually write the whole thing. I want to so bad.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like the way I write movement and nonverbal comm. I also like my dialogue, once I get a good understanding of the way a character talks (it can take a bit).
Aside from that, I like my comedy. I love love love writing comedy. I love the beat of it, I love the nitty-gritty of correctly timing it, I love that it can be dry or slapstick or subtle or witty, I love that it can be situational. I'm not a perfect comedy writer, but it's a shoe that fits me well and, IMO, I continue to fit better and better as I learn and practice.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
HOO BOY well,,,, lately I feel like I have been struggling with "show don't tell." IDK why. I also hate how often I start sentences with "He" or "She" and I wrestle with finding more interesting ways of beginning sentences. I mostly write short-form fics, but I am working on a multi-chap fic right now and I have discovered that longform plots can be difficult to wrangle. I just wanna skip the "plot" and get to the good stuff (the significant character scenes).
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If I could I would.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Way back in Yonder Years of fanfiction.net, I wrote for Marvel. Specifically, Captain America and Agent Carter. You will never find them.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
And Still, The Sea is Salt. I wrote it 2 years ago and it is still, IMO, my best work. It's a little more.... niche? of a ship and fandom (Pike/Una, Star Trek SNW) but I liked the story I told and the way I told it. And the poem I incorporated into it.
I also really liked my very first Star Trek: Enterprise fic, "Parent-Teacher Association," because I felt like I nailed the characterization and (as prev mentioned) I LOVE writing comedy.
This was fun! Tagging: @singeart, @elephant-in-the-pride-parade @jellybeansarecool @gaitwae @more-better-words @jenksel and anyone else who wants to
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lake-archive · 10 months
Drabblecember Day 4 - Learning Traditions
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Prompt List - Fling Posse Selfship / Yumeship Masterlist
Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Characters: Gentaro Yumeno, Ann Wolff (OC), Ramuda Amemura (mentioned)
Pairing: Genann (Gentaro/Ann)
Words: 600
December, the month which may as well be one of the busiest months for almost anyone. It was the so–called ‘holiday season’ as well as the last month of the year. Of course the people would be in a hurry and rushing from place to place, from store to store. There were no last minute preparations either. The month had just started. And yet, people were in a rush. Maybe you can't start early enough these days. That was Gentaro's best guess at the moment. The city of Shibuya was always busy but December may have been its busiest month.
And it had not just been the general masses who had been busy, even certain individuals he knew. Ramuda was really getting into the month, not just job wise. He had been working on his Christmas collection for months, sure, but it had not been just that. Decorations and even the music playing in his studio had been rather festive. Even the sweets Ramuda served during visits, some having been recommended. “I didn't know there had been so many yummy sweets! Ann–Chan can't cook or bake but they sure know a lot regarding Christmas!” That was the answer Gentaro got.
His curiosity had peaked, at least a little, and thus he had decided to inquire them about them about Christmas as a whole. However, shortly after the author had quoted Ramuda directly, Ann couldn't help but laugh it off. “That's high praise, I ain't a Christmas expert.” They even said, a little flustered looking at most. “I've just been telling Ramuda how my family used to spend Christmas time. That and I just love Christmas time altogether.“ That was somewhat of an unusual answer, especially since Gentaro had rarely seen them smile like this. So honest, like a little child.
“Thou art fond of Christmas.” He was holding back his disbelief. They never hit him as the type for such festive activities. And yet, they looked more than eager. “Yes! It was like a little family gathering! We would sit down during the day, play games or just talk. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. And shortly before dinner we read out loud our self–written stories.” They responded with a grin. “Since we never knew what to gift each other we basically gave each other stories. “ They had said the last part with pride, as if they had kickstarted such a tradition altogether.
“Sounds lovely.” He chuckled, the envy kept to himself. Spoken with such fondness, as if they were dwelling in distant memories from the past. It was nostalgic for them, was it not? Which means the time must have been lovely. Old times they desperately wanted back but couldn't at the moment… Or so Gentaro would like to think. “But enough about that. Sorry.“ Ann quickly apologized, getting themself out of their thoughts. Yet he didn't really mind. “Is there anything you did during Christmas? There's gotta be something even Yumeno–Sensei does during the holidays.“ Oh they sure had high hopes…
“Eating strawberry cake.” He quickly responded, looking ever so calm while responding. It sure had them dumbfounded, tilting their own head a little sideways. “Sounds boring.” They even said. “That was a lie.“ He quickly added to his response, making them pout ever so lightly. That face never got old. “Ugh, just say that you don't wanna talk about it…” They complained. “Haha, there would be no fun in that.” He said. Ann's cheeks puffed like a hamster's. But it was not a complete lie… His Christmas had been as dull as anyone else's. Maybe it will change this year.
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enbyhoshi · 2 years
ao3 wrapped 2022
i tried doing this on twt and i accidentally closed the tab and i lost all of it so. tumblr it is!
before i start: i wrote 7 fics in 2022 (total of 72.5k words), 5 of which were posted during the first half of the year. at one point i was writing 3 fics at the same time which was Insane and i still can't believe i managed to finish all 3 of them in time. wow. anyways let's dive into it!
1. sweet like honey
fem soonwoo, 21k, M, 3/4 of the 'girls like girls (like boys do)' series
my girls.... i miss writing them so much. i truly wasn't planning on letting this fic spiral into the 21k words monster that it came out to - it was supposed to just be the scene where ww calls sy her gf (D-364) - but i don't regret it at all! they deserved their happy ending considering the angst i put them through lol. this was also the first time i wrote smut and it was an Experience
favorite part:
Someone calls Wonwoo’s name and they both come back to reality, turning back to their friends when Soonyoung realises two things, almost at the same time: 1) Minghao and Wonwoo don’t know each other, and 2) none of their friends know about what happened last night. None of them know about Soonyoung and Wonwoo, whatever they are — oh, hey, another thing to add on to the list of realisations kwon Soonyoung has at a busy dance hall post-performance: 3) she hasn’t asked Wonwoo to be her girlfriend yet.
2. baby, be my weekend
soonwoo, 22k, M, idol!wonwoo bodyguard!hoshi
el called this one of my best works in their comment and it has stuck with me since i read it. i had so much writing this fic i truly loved it so much!!! i also didn't expect the amount of love and attention it got ksdjghsdk i just wrote a silly little prompt me and my friend came up with! wow. sorry i don't have a lot to say for this if i loved it less i'd be able to talk about it more etc etc
favorite part:
The noise is getting louder though, heavy like someone is continuously stomping, and it sounds like it’s coming from- “Wonwoo!” He freezes in his tracks. He knows that voice. “Wonwoo! Wait!” It feels like it’s happening in slow motion: Wonwoo turns around, his heart at his throat, only to see Soonyoung running out of his apartment building still in the same clothes as ten minutes ago, getting drenched as he does. It doesn’t deter him from running towards Wonwoo, though, and Wonwoo doesn’t know what’s happening until Soonyoung grabs his face and kisses him harder than he ever has, pouring every single bit of his emotions into it. Wonwoo can’t do anything but kiss him back, pulling him as close as he can, wanting to feel nothing but Soonyoung’s body on his.
3. 노래해 (‘bout you)
fem soonhoon, 3k, G, university au i guess
GIRLS!!!!! this fic was so spontaneous i was thinking about how there's literally no fem soonhoon fics so i decided to take matters into my own hands hehe. i truly wrote this in two days just in time for pride month which is insane considering i was writing both my 1d fest fic AND my 96z fest fic at that time. what was i thinking.
favorite part:
“Remember that time when Jihoon-unnie talked about anime for six hours straight?” Seokmin says, lifting her head up from Seungkwan’s lap. “That’s probably the most I’ve heard her talk in one sitting.” “I was doing a ranking,” Jihoon says in an attempt to defend herself. “That no one asked you to do, by the way,” Seungkwan says. “You’re lucky Wonwoo-unnie and Jisoo-unnie are just as big weebs as you are.” “Uh, who’s the one between us who started playing volleyball just because of Haikyuu?” Jisoo raises her eyebrow at Seungkwan, who shuts her mouth and goes back to braiding Seokmin’s hair. “That’s what I thought.” Jisoo says, satisfied, and goes back to her bracelet.
4. still feel the same (and you will too)
soonwoo (+ others), 10k, G, wedding au
my 1d fest fic! probably my favorite fic i've written this year. i have a soft spot for kid fics and i have always wanted to write one so i'm so happy i got to fulfill that with this fest! i hadn't written babies before so i did a looot of research to make it as realistic as possible and it seems to have paid off lol. i still remember crying when i wrote the ceremony part (I’d marry you again if I could. I’d do it all over again. Just for you.) and the part where soonwoo dance (He looks at thirty-year-old Wonwoo now, older and wiser and the father of his child, the love of his life — and he thinks about how he doesn’t regret saying yes, not one bit.) also rule 63 is just so fun hehe
favorite part (i already mentioned my favs so i chose a different one lol):
“You say that but it’s gonna pass in the blink of an eye.” Soonyoung says. “One day you’re scrolling through the baby-cribs section at IKEA and the next you’re holding a whole newborn in your arms. Crazy how life works sometimes.” Minghao blinks at him. “Please tell me you didn’t get Byeol’s baby-crib from IKEA.” “I talked him out of it, don’t worry.” Wonwoo reassures her. Minghao lets out a heavy sigh of relief.
5. knock, knock, knock on my door
96z, 10k, T, uh. first time meeting?? strangers to lovers??? idk
my 96z fest fic! this fic went through a lot LOL. i changed the plot a million times because i was unsatisfied with it each time and at some point considered making it two parts so the Big Reveal would be a different chapter but it just didn't feel right. also i only considered it because i wasn't sure if i was gonna finish the fic in time LMAO. this fic is yet another self indulgent fic because like hoshi i have friends but none of them know each other and it makes bday plans so much harder... if only they could fall in love with each other and make it easier for me
favorite part:
“What are you thinking about?” What isn’t he thinking about. Their entire conversation. Jihoon’s words. Junhui’s words. Junhui’s smile and the way his entire face lights up with it. The way Jihoon starts blushing from his ears. Soonyoung kissing them goodnight. Soonyoung’s glossy eyes when Wonwoo sang for him at karaoke. He blurts out before he can think too much about it. “I like you.” Soonyoung opens his eyes and stares at him like he’s dumb. “I know. I like you too, Wonwoo-yah.” he says, easy as ever. “No, you don’t understand- I like you.” Wonwoo insists. “Like, I’m in love with you, I think.” Soonyoung continues to stare at him like he’s dumb. “I know. I like you too, Wonwoo-yah.” he says again.
6. pink where it's deepest inside
fem soonwoo, 3.5k, E, t4t pwp (also 4/4 of the 'girls like girls (like boys do)' series)
oooh boy. originally i started writing this right after i posted sweet like honey but i never finished it because i was too embarassed dfghdfg. right after i posted my 96z fic i fell into deep writer's block and i couldn't write ANYTHING but i knew i wanted to do smth special for the anniversary of this series and i thought well. might as well finish this i guess. huge thank you to el for betaing if it weren't for her this would've never seen the light of day god bless
favorite part:
Unable to wait any longer, she pushes Wonwoo off her a bit to take off her skirt and underwear when Wonwoo’s hands stop her. “Wait,” she says, looking into Soonyoung’s eyes, bashful all the sudden. “Keep the skirt on for me... please?” Well. What is Soonyoung supposed to do? Say no?
7. from luck to fate
soonwoo, 1k, G, pre-slash from the bodyguard au
i wrote this as a writing exercise to kind of get out of my writer's block for a bit and it turned out better than i expected so i was like you know what. i'll post it! i kinda wish it was longer but i think it's also perfect the way it is. also i loved writing seokmin he didn't appear that much in baby, be my weekend so it was fun to include him in this and show how it all started!
favorite part:
The guy Seokmin was talking to before, with the weird hair and striped sweater, holds a microphone in his hands, standing in the middle of the stage as he waits for his song to start. Soonyoung assumes that he must be a soloist or something. Probably a rookie too, if he didn’t recognise him. Or maybe he’s just unpopular. It wouldn’t be surprising.
wow. that's a lot of fics isn't it! i can't promise how much i'll write or what i'll write in general in 2023 because i still haven't quite found my footing again but hopefully that'll change with the new year :) thank you for reading so far 💕
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hawkeyefrommash · 1 year
hi! i didn't write fic for a long time so i stopped linking my accounts and i always forget to post about it, so i'm gonna make this and pin it so people can find my writing if they're interested :)
You can find my AO3 here.
I have a lot of fics for things I don't write for anymore, but below are fandoms I plan to write more for:
all my fics are buddie unless otherwise stated
the future could be bright (though no one's sure about it), 3.5k
Buck and Eddie take Christopher to see snow for the first time and spend a weekend at a ski resort... and there was only one bed.
a distant echo, 45k, co-written with Asplenium on AO3
Buck was told, after being struck by lightning, that it would take time for things to heal. That, after dying, he might not feel like himself again right away. What he hadn’t been told was that he would start seeing his dead brother everywhere he went. Or: Buck comes back for himself, but he comes back wrong.
The 118's Secret Book Club, 15k, co-written with Asplenium on AO3
“Did you hear about this?” Eddie demanded, walking past Karen into the house as soon as she opened the door. “Hey, Eddie,” Hen greeted from the kitchen. “How are you, Eddie? I’m doing great, thanks for asking.” Eddie dropped the book on the counter. “Taylor Kelly wrote a book.” “Okay that’s worth it,” Karen announced.
don't waste a dime on me, 1,9k
Buck and Eddie attend the LAFD's Winter Charity Gala, where Buck is up for auction as a 'date with a real firefighter!'.
will you hit me where it hurts? (i won't feel anything otherwise), 3.8k
Eddie wants to start a fight with Buck. He just doesn't know why. Or: the one where Eddie feels something around Buck, and guesses wrong about what that something is.
try something like this, 4.8k
AU Post s6e7 Cursed - Eddie and Felisa go on a date and things spiral out of control. “Look,” she says slowly. “You’re a great guy. But you clearly have some things to figure out. And I can’t believe that I’m offering but I’m willing to try and help you.” “I don’t need any help,” Eddie says, so quickly that it has to be automatic. And isn’t that something. He’s just full of surprises, it seems. She tries to keep her look from coming across as pitying. “Then I can be a friend.”
are we okay?, 1.1k
After Maddie and Chimney get married, Buck goes to talk to Eddie about something important.
recalling things we never did, 3.6k
It’s just that, even after they leave the wedding, Eddie sees it every time he closes his eyes. Sees the way Buck and Tommy had slow danced near the end of the night, Buck’s fancy suit jacket – in his clean wedding suit, not the ruined bachelor party one – discarded on a chair somewhere, Buck’s arms around Tommy’s neck, the way Buck would drop his head forward as he laughed at something Tommy said, shoulders shaking. Or: Eddie sees Buck and Tommy together as a couple and reacts in a very normal, hinged way. He just wants to spend more time with his best friend, right? Right.
Pain Points, 20k, co-written with Asplenium on AO3
When the 118 is called to the campsite of a corporate retreat, an earthquake puts their relationships and survival skills to the test. Or: Buck and Eddie have been keeping their relationship secret for a month, and it’s starting to put a strain on them… and the team. When the pressure to tell their friends and family about their relationship comes to a boiling point, they get separated during a call where everything that can go wrong, does.
The 118 Attends Pride, 1.6k, Buddie and HenRen
A short and sweet fic where our favourite firefighters and their families get to walk in a pride parade!
is it casual now?, 1.3k
“Then stay,” Eddie repeats. “Stay and talk to me about it. You’re my best friend, I want to know what’s bothering you.” Buck stands up slowly, keeping his clothes clutched in his hands like a lifeline. “That’s that problem,” he says, voice much more harsh than he intended. He hadn’t meant to say it at all, not really. “We’re best friends.”
what spring is like, 1.7k, HenRen
Karen's hosted a wine night on an irregular-regular basis for a few years, with the core members Maddie, Eddie, and Ravi. Here's an average wine night, set nebulously in a s8 where everything is beautiful and nothing hurts.
good luck, babe! 1.5k, Ravi POV Buddie
When Ravi joins the 118, he immediately learns about Buck, Eddie, and their whole confusing... thing. Luckily, Ravi's never pretended to himself that he isn't nosy, so he's gonna find out. And he's sure that there's something to find out.
Star Trek
all my fics are spirk unless otherwise stated (has yet to happen)
Series: anything past the horizon, total: 16.5k
maneuver one into place, 7k
Captain Pike promotes Spock to temporary First Officer, takes on Lieutenant James Kirk as a student, and becomes an accidental, unwitting matchmaker. Or, the one where Spock and Jim become long distance chess buddies.
you only see the sky, 9.5k
As it turns out, it's hard to navigate a new relationship when you work on different starships. Jim and Spock are willing to try.
must continue up, ongoing
After Jim and Spock's sudden engagement, it's finally time to meet the parents.
how many days do you think we actually have left?, 5k
'Medically fragile Spock': the fanfic. Character study about the first Human-Vulcan hybrid to survive to adulthood.
there is never just one future time, 5k
Rumours of James Kirk's conquests are greatly exaggerated. A character study, told through the (fewer than expected) romantic relationships in Jim's life.
time throws us along, 1.5k
A late night and a long overdue conversation.
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fairydustedtheory · 2 years
Ok so here we go I guess... aka  big rant and dumpster fire life update
As you guys may have noticed, I’ve disappeared from here for a while, except for a couple hellos here and there. The last few months have been pretty hard if I’m being honest. Between exams and family issues. And... basically I now find myself with absolutely no income. I could go into a very long rant about how this wasn’t what I expected to happen and how much I hate society and how much I really hate having to post this but I think this post will be long as it is...
Long story made slightly shorter: my ex is still a shitty person and has not given me child support since august and who knows when/if he plans on ever giving it ever again. That’s basically a 900€ hole in my account that I’ve been trying to make up for by using my small savings to get by with the income I had during my course (I was earning about half the minimum wage here for a full time course so not a lot but I’m used to being on a tight budget).
The course is now over so I’m not getting any more money from that, I have no job yet, no more money saved and no money coming from the unemployment place that was supposed to give me a minimum allowance to survive for the time between the course and the future job income... and I just don’t know how I’m going to pay my bills, buy food for me and my kid. I don’t know anything. My rent payment went through a couple of days ago and my bank account is so in the red it’s scary. Especially knowing that I have no way to make it better. I have all my bills in monthly transfers so I have no way of controlling that, it’s just money going out until my bank finally decides to block my account because I keep going under my overdraft limit. And I really really wish to avoid getting to that point but I just don’t see how to avoid it with how things are going.
I mean, at least it’s not anything medical or life threatening, I know people have it worse than having no money. But being in financial crisis and not knowing how or when i’m going to be able to make things better... well, i didn’t expect that since I took the course to move toward a better life, not a worse one.
All that rambling to say that I’m putting my pride aside and posting this in the off chance that maybe anyone feels like donating to help, that would be really really appreciated. So if you ever appreciated the stories I’ve written, the gifs I made, or all the events I organized over the years, maybe you’ll consider helping out if you can. I mean, now would be the perfect time to save my sorry ass.
I have no real clue how to do this. I don’t have venmo since it’s not available where I’m from. I do have my Kofi account which seems like the simplest available option? I don’t know about fees though, fees are my enemy because I'm at a point where every cent is very much welcome and needed, I’m just clueless. 
I hate that I don’t really have anything to offer in return. I don’t know if I can offer to take prompts for ficlets or photoshop and actually have the focus and energy to follow through any of that because I’m pretty burnt out from the course/internship/exams and now this, I never feel creative when I’m exhausted and worried so I don’t want to make promises I can’t keep.
Sooo if you’re still reading after all of that, thank you, it makes me feel a little less alone. Obviously I know that most people are also in financial need and my problems aren’t extraordinary so I don’t really expect a thousand dollar miracle donation that would solve all my worries. But at least I got it off my chest and that’s already something...
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loserchildhotpants · 1 year
several times in my life - several, as in more than three times - i’ve had it happen that i’ll bend over backwards for a friend, or multiple friends at once, and i go above and beyond the call of duty as far as friendship goes and then when my utility runs out, or i need something in return (in the form of emotional support, i enforce a boundary or something), i am excommunicated. 
that i go above and beyond without being asked is something i pride myself on and that sits well w my spirit, but i also know that it’s a reflection of some seriously deep abandonment issues. im self aware enough to know that i often do this to myself, and that, to a degree, i teach others how to treat me.
one of these instances, i was in high school, and i’d been sent away from my lunch table and my group of friends bc i hadn’t performed socially the way one of them wanted me to (one of them had introduced a bf to the group and we all hung out w him and when asked my opinion of him i was like ‘he seems nice :)’ and that was really all i had to say abt him bc he was a typical teenaged boy and honestly wasn’t even that nice i was just Being Polite and this was apparently so devastating to my friend that all the other friends rallied around her and decided to punish me for being so unkind bc ‘don’t [i] know how much [my] opinion means to her’ ??? so. i am exiled).
during my exile, i went to the art wing for lunch bc i literally had no one to eat or sit w and i may as well. we had sketchbooks we used for the entire school year, it’s where all our art assignments went (i was in an advanced art class and yes we had homework), and it was nearing the end of the school year, so mine was mostly full. i had one homework assignment i was gonna work on over that lunch period - i remember bc it was pointillism and it was coming along really nicely. i went to grab my sketchbook from my designated shelf, and found it was duct-taped shut and had slurs written in sharpie across the cover.
i panicked, tried to get it open without fucking use of fire or something that might compromise the ~8 months of work i had in there, and when i got it open, i found more of the same. all my works had been ruined w insults and slurs, and some of the drawings were just scribbled over boldly w sharpie to make them unusable. 
i don’t have PROOF those girls did that to me, but the insults used and the handwriting was... telling. 
so for the last 15 years, i haven’t let anyone touch my fucking sketchbooks or look at my artwork without explicit permission and without my constant oversight, and i’ve kept in mind that even people i would be ride or die for may not necessarily consider that trait valuable, and more than willing to cast me aside, they may be willing to hurt me if it makes them feel better.
i feel like i smell it in the air. 
i had that sense of foreboding, the same kind i had before i pried my sketchbook open. and listen, maybe that’s the trauma and anxiety disorders talking! sure! but y’know, it’s not the only time that sort of shit has happened to me, 3 or more times, to me, speaks to a pattern. so maybe it’s anxiety, or maybe im seeing a pattern and i Know when something is abt to happen bc it’s happened multiple times before.
i do this thing where i’m like ‘i’ll work really, really hard, i’ll be available MOST of the time, i will extend my emotional bandwidth for you, i’ll help you when times are hard - when your marriage is falling apart, when you’re homeless, when your parent has died - i am ready and willing to do everything in my power to help you however much i can and surely this will make me a Good Friend, and if i am Good Friend, the person i am being a Good Friend to will be a Good Friend back to me.’ 
that’s not necessarily true, i guess. and nothing friendship-ending has happened (yet) but it’s like i feel it in the air. could it be trauma and anxiety informing that feeling? absolutely. ... but also, no one can discount that im batting 1000 as far as friendships failed, dead and gone now, especially the people i’ve broken my back for. 
idk what the point of this is i just had to write out my thoughts i guess
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