#I had a lot of fun with this playlist in particular <3
mochiwrites · 9 months
WHY ARE YOU APOLOGIZING SO MUCH THATS SO SCARY😭😭😭 ill climb through my tiny phone screen into the fic to protect them myself I SWEAR I WILL🔪🔪
but also A PLAYLIST!! your music taste is impeccable i have to say. there are some artists ive never seen other people also liking on there and its so cool to see them getting some recognition!!
time to listen to that on repeat while letting the brainrot take over
songbird is a normal au :)
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pallases · 2 years
love when i find an album i can just play over and over for a week straight
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ssalballoon · 8 months
i wanna get better at art but dont know how to start ^^' whats a good way to get into studying anatomy and improving as an artist? tysm 💗 love your art soso much
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more art converts 😼 yay!!
i think these asks were sent by different people but they're pretty related + a lot of my advice is the same! so i'll answer these together under the cut (it's so long oh gosh)
ok first of all i'm very flattered that people are asking me for art advice but i'm really not the most equipped person to ask TTOTT I've never been deliberately studious with my art so I feel bad offering advice when I've mostly gotten by with just drawing fanart and ocs a lot... my rate of improvement has therefore been slow, but I've still had an enjoyable learning experience so perhaps from that angle my input may help! i'll mainly refer you to external resources that have helped me
For anatomy + drawing humans:
1) I know I'm not diligent enough to sit down and study muscles, so instead I make it more enjoyable by drawing my favorite characters in a pose that targets the muscles I want to practice! (i default to drawing ppl naked because of this lol) This isn't the most efficient, but it serves as good motivation to get practice in. (honestly a lot of my general art advice has the undercurrent of becoming so obsessed with characters to drive your motivation to draw even when artblocked/ struggling with doubts!)
2) I want to refer you to Sinix's Anatomy playlist! Although Sinix focuses more on digital painting, he gives simplified anatomy breakdowns that include how muscles change shape under different movements/poses, which is crucial for natural human posing. the static anatomy diagrams from Google don't really help for that
3) What's just as important as anatomy is gestures! (especially important if you're used to drawing non-human objects I think!) Making figures look like they have flow to them will sell the "naturalness"(?) to your anatomy. If you have in person life drawing sessions accessible near you I'd recommend trying those out, or if you prefer trying it digitally there's this website!
This helps you not only get a sense of human proportions, but also natural posing! I'd limit the time taken to draw the poses from like 10 seconds to 1 minute(?) for quick gestures, and maybe 1 minute to 5mins(for now!! typically they go much longer) to study human proportions. I'd say don't spend a lot of time on them, repetition is more important!
4) I've also picked up on useful anatomy tidbits from artists online! Looking at how practiced/ professional artists stylize a body helps me focus on what the essential details are to convey a particular form (looking up "human muscles" and being hit with anatomy diagrams full of all the smallest details can be overwhelming! what do you even focus on?! so these educated simplifications really help me) Like Emilio Dekure's work! Look how simplified these figures are, and yet contain all the essential information to convey the sense of accurate form (even though it's highly exaggerated!)
(shamefully admits I've never studied from actual anatomy books so I can't recommend anything in that sense TTOTT)
For general improvement:
1) I highly recommend Sinix's Design Theory playlist and Paintover Pals! (+ his channel in general) You don't have to put them immediately into practice, but I think these are good fundamental lessons to just listen to and have them in the back of your mind to revisit another day. Plus these videos are just fun and very approachable! Design theory fundamentals are essential to creating appeal and directing a viewer's attention, and critiquing others' work/ seeing his suggestions are a good way to practice noticing areas of improvement+ solutions yourself!
2) If you prefer a more formal teaching resource, the Drawabox YouTube course covers all the basic fundamentals of drawing in short lessons. But honestly if I were starting out, this would be a little intimidating for me (and even now it still is! I haven't done all of them) But even if you don't watch them, the titles should give you an idea of the basic concepts that are valuable to pick up. I think it would be nice to keep in mind and revisit once in a while as you learn!
(One lesson I do encourage you to watch is the line control one! A confident continuous line conveys motion and flow much better compared to discontinuous frayed lines which I think is good to practice early by drawing from the wrist and shoulder)
3) As a universal piece of advice: Please please please use references! Use a reference for literally everything, observing is how we learn! You'll find that a lot of things you thought you knew what they looked like are inaccurate by memory alone. Also, trace! This is solely for your practice, tracing then freehanding has helped me grasp proportions when I was struggling! (of course don't post these online if you traced from art)
I've found that being able to compile references into easy to access boards has been very helpful in encouraging me to use references more. For PC, I think they use PureRef (free/pay what you want), and for iPad I use VizRef. VizRef is a one time purchase (which was definitely worth the $3.99 USD price imo)
4) On that note, try building up the habit to observe from media + real life and make purposeful comments about what you see! Like hey, when I bend my knee, the muscles/fat in my thighs and calves bulge outwards, I should draw that next time. Purposeful observation carries over to your overall visual library, and it's a little thing that adds up over time
5) For motivation, get into media you really enjoy, or make your own characters! The way I started art more seriously was by drawing fanart + OCs from anime that I liked ^^ For OCs it really encourages you to draw more because you're the primary creator of their art! Also you gotta see a lot of good art to make good art! Watching visually appealing media (like animation with appealing stylization/simplification) can passively help you learn just by observation.
ok wow I could go on but this is already a lot of information TTOTT my main aim for this reply is basically: don't let anything discourage you from learning to draw!! drawing is so fun and brings me a lot of joy ^^ practicing often will of course help you improve, and the way to incentivize that is by having fun with it! i hope this could help!💞
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vintageshanny · 1 year
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Elvis lovers - it’s that time again! This week’s question is…..what are your top three live song performances? I definitely have not heard all the live stuff that’s available, so I’m really excited to see all of your answers and add them to my playlist! ❤️❤️❤️ Don’t forget to put the reasons why it speaks to you! Reading about everyone’s love for this man just makes my heart swell. 😘❤️
Such a Night (March 25, 1961 Pearl Harbor) - This concert is amazing, and this song in particular just puts me in a good mood. The little growling noises he does throughout are just so sexy, and the song is so upbeat. I love that you can hear the playful dynamic between him and the audience. There are so many amazing songs from this concert that he rarely performed again - Reconsider Baby, It’s Now or Never, I Need Your Love Tonight. And the corny jokes are already in full effect! He was really just his dorky self on stage, and I love it so much!
My Babe (Elvis Live 1969 Disc 9 - August 25, 1969 Las Vegas Midnight Show) - This is one of my favorite blues songs, and I was so excited when I first saw that Elvis covered it. (If you like blues, listen to Little Walter’s version. It is a great song, and I wish that Elvis had sung all the verses - I’d love to hear him sing “When she’s hot there ain’t no coolin’ her.” 😉😍) The amount of sexiness he oozes in this vocal is almost criminal. When he sings “she don’t, she don’t, she don’t, oh God,” I bet every woman there felt something…unspeakable. And the grunting! Whew…I need to recover from just thinking about this performance. 🥵 Really everything from this first Vegas run is just superb - the bluesy arrangement for Heartbreak Hotel is another favorite for me.
Funny How Time Slips Away (Elvis on Tour Disc 3 - April 14, 1972 Greensboro) - I love this song so much, and this particular version just does things to me. Right before he starts the song, he asks them to turn the house lights up, and when he says “I-I-It’s funny because I-I-I can’t see you really,” his sweet little stutter just melts my heart. Then when he sings, “How am I doin’? Well I’m sweatin’ a little bit baby, but I guess I’m doin’ fine,” it makes a lot more than my heart react. 😉😍😂 I just love how you get a feel for his interaction with the audience in this performance, and I like when he says “let her have it, man, let her have it” to security (I think about someone trying to get a scarf). My other favorite live performance of this is at Madison Square Garden. In that one, you actually can hear him stutter while singing a line, and I love that he goes up and hits that falsetto note when he sings “Remember what I told you,” and then drops way back down. I think he just had a lot of fun singing this, considering it’s kind of a sad song.
Runner-up goes to You’re the Reason I’m Living (March 22, 1975 Midnight Show). I think this is the only time he performed this live (someone correct me if I’m wrong), and it feels like just a beautiful dedication to his fans. Again you can hear his sweet stutter before he starts, and I like how you can hear him direct the band on what to do during the song. He performs the song so beautifully and then concludes by saying “That was, probably you could tell, totally unrehearsed.” Um, no, I could not tell that at all because it was amazing! ❤️
Again tagging past participants, but if you love Elvis and his music, please join in! 😘
@whositmcwhatsit @be-my-ally @thatbanditqueen @ellie-24 @plasticfantasticl0ver @lookingforrainbows @prompted-wordsmith @flwrs4aust @iloveelvis @argeriant18 @loving-elvis @alienelvisobsession @ab4eva @manebioniclegali @deke-rivers-1957 @rjmartin11 @c-rosenn @elvisalltheway101 @satninroses @doll-elvis @devilsflowerr @missmaywemeetagain @presleysdarling @troubleinapinksuit @cryingabtab @generoustreemystic @samfangirls
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caustinen · 2 months
Let’s create a “clegan/buckxbucky/buckyxbuck/eganven/whatever we call the buckies” playlist together.
🎶 🛫 When you get this, list 5 songs you like to listen that remind you of Clegan (MOTA) and publish them. Then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool) (@onyxsboxes so i can add your replies to the playlist) 🛫 🎶
You can include more or fewer songs (as you prefer), I'll collect all the replies and put them together in a playlist that I'll share in a week or so (I'll update it as I receive replies, so no rush and no pressure).
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS & sorry in advance, i am a music lover first and a person second so i can’t not be intense about this despite having chosen mostly super cheesy songs!!
if i needed someone (the beatles)
if I needed someone to love / you're the one that I'd be thinking of / if I needed someone / if I had some more time to spend / then I guess I'd be with you, my friend / if I needed someone / had you come some other day / then it might not have been like this / but you see now I'm too much in love
there were so many beatles songs i considered since they wrote so extensively on many sides of love, but rather than going with my first obvious choice “if i fell” i thought this was a good song when thinking about them meeting, especially from gale pov! the cheeky way to phrase this, “i’m a very independent person and quite busy too btw BUT if i were to need someone in my life you’d probably be the person”, just that slow process of falling for a friend when the butterflies in your tummy start changing little by little, you smile a little wider any time you see your person, but you’re maybe not quite ready to admit it to even yourself yet, but in soft moments you might slip something like “the last few years would’ve been a lot rougher without you… bro”
2. standing next to you (jungkook)
Stop, can you feel that? / It's like Heaven and Earth moves whenever we touch // The universe approves when you and I dance // They can't deny our love / They can't divide us / We'll survive the test of time / I swear that I'll be right here / Standing next to you
this is fun, sexy pop perfect for the moment when they eventually do stop dancing around each other, that first love bubble of excitement of each touch and kiss and just being close to someone <3 but also the “standing next to you” sentiment is so good when thinking of even particular scenes in the show and overall how they’re able to show their love in public in fics too, just standing close to someone when you’re aching to feel.... also everytime a song mentions dancing it's in my clegan list
3. ocean eyes (billie eilish)
I've been watchin' you for some time / Can't stop starin' at those ocean eyes / Burning cities and napalm skies / Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes / Your ocean eyes // I've been walkin' through a world gone blind / Can't stop thinkin' of your diamond mind / Careful creature made friends with time // I'm scared / I've never fallen from quite this high / Fallin' into your ocean eyes / Those ocean eyes
idk if this even needs explanation, i think the blue ocean eyes are a stable of this fandom and this also serves again as a perfect bridge from the previous songs as the flirty love bubble morphs into real feelings, almost scary in their intensity
4. falling away with you (muse)
So I'll love whatever you become / And forget the reckless things we've done / I think our lives have just begun / I think our lives have just begun / And I'll feel my world crumbling / I'll feel my life crumbling / I'll feel my soul crumbling away / And falling away / Falling away with you / Staying awake to chase a dream / Tasting the air you're breathing in / I hope I won't forget a thing
This could be a stalag/immedieate post-war song, i mean the whole song is so sad but these parts in particular are talking so beautifully about overcoming difficulties, loving someone when you know you can’t fix them and you might be a little broken too but for now the love in itself will be enough, will have to be enough to get your through the worst and then you can start to reasses where to go from there
5. exist for love (AURORA)
And then you take me in / And everything in me begins to feel like I belong / Like everybody needs a home / And when I take your hand / Like the world has never held a man / I know I cannot heal the hurt / But I will hold you here forever / If I can, if I can / And then I learned the truth / How everything good in life seems to lead back to you / And every single time I run into your arms / I feel like I exist for love / Like I exist for love / Only for love
Because I’m a hopeless romantic i needed to end it here, this is probably the most overly sweet n hearteyed song ever made but it fits them perfectly and in this small narrative over these songs i want them to always end up here bc real life sucks and i seek happiness from fiction
+ sata vuotta / hundred years (behm)
i know you asked for five but this finnish song just fit for them perfectly, especially since i’ve been reading @joeyalohadream cooler fic part two as a bedtime read for the past few nights and been in my feelings (you’re absolutely phenomenal writer and I adore your work!!) so i wanted to add this, but figured it probably wouldn’t make any playlist since the lyrics are the oof of it… I did a quick partial translation for the first part:
I’m sure that just with your eyes / You could make the sky itself fall down / And all the birds find their way to Eden / I might be losing my mind / When I find myself running after you to the hallway / Just to see your shadow for a moment more / And if you felt like drowning / I would give you my lungs / So you could breathe / If you let me / I’ll hold your hand tight / For a hundred years at least / But even that wouldn’t be long enough / No one else can make me promise them / Hundred years of my time, at least / And if you’d be okay with it, even longer than that
(there were so many finnish songs i realized fit them PERFECTLY but idk if it’s okay to spam them in this context, maybe some other time)
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU i love yapping about music and clegan so this was a dream way to start my day!!
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visualtaehyun · 5 months
Tagged by @thegalwhorants here, thank you dear ✨ I love musical tag games but this might be the first time I've answered one where the results are extremely telling about me lmao
Shuffle your On Repeat playlist and then list the first ten songs!
Next Love by BADMIXY
P'Mix's MVs are always super fun and unapologetically queer and I love her as a songwriter! This song is actually over two years old but I first listened to it after ฟ้ารักพ่อ (DILF) went viral and she came out with her debut album that included this song. But I'm pretty sure I became properly obsessed with it after hearing the RnB arrangement that (surprise surprise 🤡) ZeeNuNew performed during the DMDLand2 concert. Also wanna shoutout that time New and P'Erk Chrrissa covered it together during a live session because it made me hope P'Mix might one day write a song for New!
ไหล่เธอ (You've Got Ma Back) by Fourth Nattawat, Ford Arun, Satang Kittiphop, Winny Thanawin
I love this show and the entire OST! Could I have just linked the official MV? Why yes of course, but that wouldn't showcase the chaotic energy of the MSP gang as well lol (if the video doesn't start at the timestamp, it begins at 8:45!)
Get A Guitar by RIIZE
Now this one's a real wildcard lmao It is literally the only song on my On Repeat that isn't written or performed by a Thai artist! I came across it through a KPop random dance vid so obviously I had to link the Studio Choom performance. The choreo is so fun and, to this day, some of my favorite KPop songs are funky just like this one. I don't know who this group is btw (like I literally only found out through this tag game that they're an SM group lol) since I stopped following KPop artists and trends when I fell into my lil Thai and QL corner here so sorry if I sound like your typical clueless local now 😂
รักแท้ (True Love) by NuNew
He's performed this song countless times by now but I chose this one in particular because it was such a huge stage and opportunity for New 🥹 The official MV currently sits at 68 million views btw
ภาพสุดท้าย (Last Twilight) by William Jakrapatr
Y'all. I was so obsessed with this song. Like I literally know the entire lyrics by heart. Since Pal reminded me of Piano & i, I had to go with this performance! :) I'm really looking forward to William's upcoming series - I love LYKN and Est Supha and am sure the OST is gonna be incredible.
꽃이 피는데 필요한 몇 가지 (Blooming Just For You) by NuNew, Paul Kim
The first time he performed this song live 💕
How You Feel by NuNew
Have I mentioned NuNew is my favorite artist 555 This is the song that did me in - it's the first song by a Thai artist that I added on Spotify after getting into QL via KPop -> DKZ -> Semantic Error -> other KBLs -> "Oh, let's watch another popular BL on Viki"... and now I'm here waffling on about Thai language and music lol
ใจรัก by Zee Pruk
P'Zee recently said he didn't enjoy singing before he met New but that he's found joy in it after singing with him a lot. And he's improved so much! My favorite will always be when he sings ballads and love songs like this one though. (fyi this song is like 40 years old so you might have heard it covered by other artists before)
ประตูวิเศษ (Better Days) by Jimmy Jitaraphol, Sea Tawinan
Aaaand check for another song off the Last Twilight soundtrack that I was obsessed with! What can I say, I'm a P'Amp fangirl lol The lyrics are lovely, it's easy listening, and this show occupied my brain for months.
ก้อนหินกับดวงดาว (Rock & Star) by Fourth Nattawat
Love this scene, love Chinzhilla, love these lyrics, I'm repeating myself lol you get the gist, it's a banger!
To sum up- 7/10 are OSTs, 5/10 were written by Amp Achariya, and 3/10 are by NuNew (+2 more made me talk about him). So now that I've been publicly clowned by my own Spotify, I'm tagging (no pressure ofc): @zimmbzon @pharawee @airenyah @telomeke @rocketturtle4 and whoever sees this and goes Oh hell yeh an excuse to talk about my fav music!
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maria-ruta · 2 months
💐🎵 for veronica?
link to questions meme
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
I'm not a flower expert and don't know too much about the flower meanings but,,,
I guess you could always go with Rose/s for Veronica! since she is a toreador and it's their clan symbol
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she is pretty much like rose - pretty but has sharp torns and all that
BUT you could also give her Queen of the Night, because wouldn't THAT be such a flattery hoho
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also fun fact
Gregory, a man who used to be a dragon (fairy chimera in the shape of red dragon, to be exact) who Veronica and Charlie had a duel with, came to Rene's house after the duel to have negotiation with and also to meet Veronica and give her a gift - an extremely poisonos flower, trapped in a glass ball. Very extravagant and expensive gift...
He said something about the flower being as beautiful as dnagerous, just like Veronica (i dont remember the exact quote lol). Because during the battle at the duel Veronica was able to notice his weak spot on his neck and was attacking him furiously there, so he probably thought of her as a dangerous oponent (he didnt know she was almost out of blood points and probably wouldnt last long unless Charlie hasn't unleashed the demon from the sword he had but shhh)
Veronica wasn't fan of him or his gift and didn't want to see his face at all but she accepted a gift anyway, because if this man was to become Rene's new buisness partner, she didn't want to make things worse
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🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
im also not an expert on music eitherrr fdhgfjgfjgfjfd
UNLIKE VERONICA!!!! whos very much into music! actually her toreador weakness is that she can become hypnotized/zoned out by good music! (which lead to unexpected conclusion that she either would be hypnotized by her own singing... or she doesn't consider her singing good.... so there is a little angsty note(lol) to that - Veronica never thinks her singing is good enough... because she never became a singer, how she dreamed... even tho her singing IS very good... she doesnt feel it :') )
I think Veronica likes lots of different music genres, from opera singing to rock and pop etc
i cant be specific bc im dum dum when it comes to music, singers, and music history OTL unlike Veronica! typical case of "my character is smarter than me" kind of shit hahaha
NOW TO THE SONGS THAT REMIND ME OF VERONICA HAHA YAY (ill put under read more so i dont take too much of your dash)
the curse - as the vampirism and beast and bloodthirst and such
love profusion - Veronica's relationship with her sire (she got them under her skin... quite literally haha). Especially fits well with the begining of it - when she was embrased and there is no resurection :')
bye bye baby - Veronica leaves her sire and joins anarchs
teach me to fight - her anarch years basically (also the closest of what i imagine her voice be.. i never was good at imagining character's voices alas U_U )
shut up and drive - perfect vibes for Veronica's driving (and not only) hahaha
cold souls - that's actually song not so much for Veronica but for her sire when he found her dying and had impulsive desision to embrace her. I wrote more about it here
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nyxshifts222 · 3 months
hiii I was wondering if I could get some advice.. I'm kinda specific I think idk—i just woke up
I have ADHD, strict parents, and a loud household. I was wondering if you had any tips / methods to share??? my motivation gets beaten down pretty quickly and since I'm constantly surrounded by people who don't believe in this stuff, it's kind of hard!!
I totally understand! My parents are very very strict Christians who believe anything like that is satanic, so I just don't tell them and that works pretty well for me.
As for your motivation, I would suggest that you just immerse yourself in your DR in fun ways. Like you could make Pinterest boards, write scenarios, anything like that. My personal favorite thing to do is making a playlist of music that reminds me of my DR and just listening to it a lot with the intention of aligning with your DR. A lot of times when I do this, I also unlock memories of my DR, and I always write those down in a Google document. It's really helpful for me to have a place to come back to that has all of my memories/scenarios. It just makes me really excited to shift.
You also mentioned that your house is really loud. Here are some ideas to deal with that (with links to YouTube videos):
Listen to brain waves. You can look up explanations on what they all do.
Listen to brown noise. Brown noise is kind of like white noise, but it's deeper and kind of sounds like an air conditioner. It's very calming and it usually blocks out a lot of background noise.
Listen to music. If you can sleep to music, you could put on some calm music of your DR and listen to it as you fall asleep. I personally like Dark ambient music.
Listen to ASMR. You can look up no talking ASMR on YouTube, and it'll be really relaxing, especially if you train yourself to focus on it instead of any background noise.
Use the WBTS method (Wake back to sleep). Basically, it's where you wake up in the middle of the night/early in the morning, stay up for a while, and then shift. This could be good for you because it's usually quiet at like 3 am.
Finally, you could use methods that don't require silence. Just focus on your DR and how you're already there, and then gaslight yourself into believing that the noise around you doesn't matter.
Overall, just keep expressing what you believe in! Your parents and other people don't have the right to force you into any particular worldview. If you believe shifting is real, then it is.
Brain waves:
Brown noise:
I hope this helped and Thx for the ask 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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photogirl894 · 3 months
🥳Photogirl894's "Sun and Rain" Fanfic Three Year Celebration!!🥳
As of today, it has now been THREE whole years since I started writing and posting "Sun and Rain", my Bad Batch fanfic and love story between Hunter and my OC, Kimber!
Crazy how time flies when you're having fun, right?? 😆
I've added a bit more to my story since last year and I'm insanely happy with how it's progressing! This year, the story continued on through events of season one of the Bad Batch (a little slower than I had hoped for, but progress is progress) and there was lots of angst, but also lots of good moments. We're officially halfway through season one! With the show ending this year, it got my thoughts turning more to how Kimber's story would go throughout season three and I think a lot of you will like what I have planned in the future. There's still a lot more to come and at least we know that there's gonna officially be a happy ending 🥰 (Though, I would've had that happen no matter what, but now, I don't have to break canon to get it!)
A huge thank you to everyone on my taglist as well as those who are currently reading my fic! I've gained a few more loyal readers and it makes me so happy! Your guys love, support, comments and messages are what keep me going! 😊
@the-sad-batch , @nimata-beroya , @intrepidmare , @legolkenxbi , @tech-aficionado ,
@ladykatakuri , @d1n0-dan , @sammi9498 , @darthzero22 , @scarlettrose9901 ,
@thebadbatchscyare , @chxpsi , @ilikemymendarkandfictional , @4pplecider , @locitapurplepink ,
@l-lend , @nekotaetae , @eternalwaffle , @merkitty49 , @avathebestx ,
@idoubleswearimawriter , @techs-stitches , @fantasyproductions , @totallyunidentified and @dreamsandrosies
To celebrate the three year anniversary of "Sun and Rain", I would absolutely love to talk about the story with my readers again like I did the last couple years, especially since I've gained a few new readers in that time and I honestly think it's a lot of fun! 😊 I want to know some things you guys like about it so far and I'm curious if anyone has questions for me about it, so once again, I have a list of things anyone can send to me in my ask box: things you can tell me from your own perspective or things you can ask me personally! (For those who may be reading and aren't caught up all the way yet, there most likely will be spoilers, so you've officially been warned 😅)
Tell me...
1. Your favorite moment
2. Your favorite line(s)
3. Your favorite relationship
4. Your favorite chapter
5. What scene/line made you laugh the most?
6. What scene/line made you smile the most?
7. What scene/line made you cry/angry the most?
8. A song recommendation for my "Sun and Rain" playlist that you think fits Kimber or her relationships with other characters and I'll give it a listen
9. What you'd like to see later on in the story (and maybe I'll tell you if it'll happen)
10. Your theories for "Sun and Rain" and where it's going to go
Ask me...
1. Anything you want to know about my OC, Kimber (within reason) or my Koriena Force girls (Lex, Kida and Irys. Any questions about Rina will be directed to @l-lend since she belongs to her)
2. What was my inspiration for (insert scene/chapter)?
3. What was my inspiration for (insert certain line/paragraph)?
4. What chapter am I most proud of?
5. What certain lines am I most proud of?
6. What was my favorite moment(s) to write?
7. What was my least favorite moment(s) to write?
8. For a hint of upcoming chapters/events and how Kimber's role might change certain things (if you want to know about particular upcoming events from the show, please specify)
9. For a sneak peek into future scenes I already have written (though it's mostly dialogue and I only have a couple, so I can only do this a certain number of times)
10. Anything else you want to know from me about "Sun and Rain" or my experience writing it thus far
I look forward to talking about this with all of you! And stay tuned for another fun surprise later today! 🥰 I love you all so much!!
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elkkiel · 4 months
okay so i listened to the summoning and take me back to eden (it autoplayed so i figured i might as well listen it to it) and. wow. not what i expected at all! i'm a big fan of songs shifting genres and it looks like they do that for all of their songs so thats really cool!!
i would love to listen to any more reccomendations you have, since typically i enjoy music that's faster paced. i really really liked the summoning though, and the lyrics for take me back to eden. wow. like. WOW. i did research into their lore and it bangs so damn hard
thanks for the rec :)
(also, sorry about the a/b/o stuff with other fandoms :( i love talking about it for pwp reasons and socioeconomic theorizing reasons so my blog is a safe place for that stuff if you want :))
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I am absolutely elated that you like what you've heard so far!!!! And also so so sorry for the rabbit hole you're going to fall down with these guys
I would honestly recommend the whole Take Me Back to Eden album as a new listener—I looped it for practically a month straight when I first found them haha. It's a great sampler of their range and by far the most refined, cohesive release of their main 3 LPs.  
Beyond just getting you to listen to a whole album in one sitting, here's some of their popular songs/singles:
(Btw, there's a TON of good live recordings for some of these as well; they sound just as good, if not better, on stage as they do in-studio)
This is the one with the sexy banner/mic stand stroking lol. It's a sensual, synth-y intro leading into a hell of a headbanger with chuggy guitars
The Summoning
Mentioning this for the live performances in particular. Vessel goes CRAZY with his live vocals, there's a huge drum solo in that atmospheric part, and a LOT of on-stage shenanigans to be had. It's the song that made them blow up HARD, and for a good reason.
Rain (ty @tonguetyd for the rec lol, here's a last-minute addition)
This is another great sample of Vessel's vocals, especially in the intro. It starts slower with the solo piano but gets really powerful in the second half. A personal and fan-favourite for sure!
If you vibe with Alkaline, you'll vibe with Hypnosis. It's like ultra-concentrated, pathetic sopping wet paper towel levels of yearning with groovy, heavy breakdowns
The Offering
A setlist staple that'll make you want to dive headfirst into the nearest mosh pit. This is a good example of the music tying into the lore/story behind the band as well, if you're interested in that kind of lore analysis
An oldie but a fan favourite! It might just be me but it kinda gives me Bring Me the Horizon vibes, so if you like them then you'll probably like Jaws as well
Yes, it's called Vore. Welcome to Sleep Token lol. It's one of their heaviest songs with lots of harsh vocals (Vessel really shows off his higher range here) and super groovy, dynamic instrumentals. Personal fave tbh, it's at the top of my Spotify repeats playlist
And finally, the lore 🥰🥰 I've only been here a short time and still have yet to discover a lot of their story, but here's an overview of the band history and lore, as well as an in-depth interview with Vessel from 2017. They like to add a lot of Easter eggs to their releases (they created a whole ass alphabet/cypher to go along with Take Me Back to Eden), and the fans go WILD with theories and analysis!
Anyways I'm gonna cut off the infodump there haha. Please let me know what you think and if you run across anything else (songs, lore, etc.) that you liked!!
(Also ty for the omega solidarity 😌 the sleep token fandom is so much fun and still exists in the same weirdo-freak realm as dtblr omegaverse-enthusiasts lol. There's just far less *actual* omegaverse here.
I've been spoiled by the sheer amount of a/b/o content and normalization in the dteam fandom that normal amounts of fandom a/b/o feel like total deprivation. If you ever feel like sharing I'm always down for theories and headcanons too btw. It's such a fun, complex trope and I love to see what others think)
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astaraels · 11 months
i was tagged by the lovely @callivich for some fandom asks, let's fuckin goooo
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once? Cold Feet by aeli_kindara; In a Haze of Smoke & Fire by IanRightsOnly; please don't say I'm going alone and broad-shouldered beasts by biblionerd07; Cooperative Gameplay and Bright by grayola; to think that we could stay the same by teatrolley; love, let your hands be tender by sadwhales; to stop our hearts from drowning by enbytim; Redheaded Stepchildren by ZebraWallpaper (there's a lot, I know)
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog? anything with 5x10 i'm a slut for love and violence interplay
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about? honestly when/if ian and mickey do eventually end up with a kid (it would happen completely by accident, of course) they're the biggest girl dads ever.
What’s a fanart you love looking at? this one is g o r g e o u s
What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration? well, i'm currently working on a soulmates au fic that's canon-adjacent of seasons 1-5, so that's been fun! (featuring romantic and platonic soulmates because i refuse to write only the romantic kind :p) i'm also fond of writing character study fics when the mood strikes. i haven't been motivated to write fic and post it in nearly ten years, but i'm very happy that shameless and gallavich have helped me knock some of the rust off the old writing skills.
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of? SHOTGUNNING. where are all the shotgunning fics. also nurse!mickey (I read a fic with this once and it's a crying shame there's no emt!ian/nurse!mickey fic--at least none that i've ever seen...)
What’s your favourite season? And has this changed after multiple rewatches of the show? i've only watched the show through once but honestly s4/5 are my favorites, but i have a special place in my heart for s1 and s10.
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved? I mean the fact that they managed to convict mickey of attempted murder and debbie of statutory rape is insane. (the age of consent is 17 in illinois! and it's literally sammi's word against mickey's AND debbie's! but it's fine, just fine, everything's fine...)
What line/dialogue/description from something else (a poem, a book, a tv show, a movie, or something else) do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship? these two are the most siken-coded ship since dean/cas. in particular: little beast, saying your names, you are jeff, and wishbone. I even named my gallavich playlist on spotify after a siken poem, and half the chapter titles in my long fic will end up being from his works as well....
What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale? i think things are gonna go okay for them! i think that they may make their way back to the south side, but in a house of their own not too far from the other gallaghers. i like the idea of them ending up with a little girl of their own but i can also see them just being cat dads and being the best uncles to ian's siblings' kids. i would love for them to reunite with svet and yev later down the road, as well. there's endless possibilities <3
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primordyalsoul · 6 months
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
the moment i started watching/reading eva rei was the character that intrigued me the most. she had such a magnetic, melancholy presence that always touched me, and the initial journey of discovering her origins made me SO sad i had to explore it.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
hmm not much I don't think? the only thing I can think of is something I don't even write and that's the CSA implications in rei's story. It's not something I think would come up much in threads anyway, but I avoid it because bc I wouldn't feel comfortable dealing with it.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
oh man, basically everything i do here ! particularly the different relationships Rei gets to develop...i get legit emotional thinking about her slowly realising she matters as a Person and not as an object or an end to a means. I also love writing the dichotomy between her wisdom and her inexperience, because she's very wise and perceptive but at the same time is a child who's very limited in life.
i also LOVE writing hcs and metas!! there's so much to explore i never get sick of it. I haven't posted any of them yet bc i still have to make my thoughts coherent, but i especially love writing about rei's ""childhood"", as in her time as Rei 1. I also wanna write about the difference between Rei 2 and Rei 3 and explore how I can portray that in how I write them.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
they're not headcanons, rei's my character everything i say about her is law.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
i gotta have something, usually music, something from rei's playlist.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
hmm both, really. when I read a reply from a mutual I find it very easy to pick out lines that stand out to me, which I then try to either incorporate in my response or build on how Rei reacts to it (which is always fun bc she's a very introspective character)
When writing I blurt out whatever comes to mind then spend a while re-wording + rearranging...a lot of the times i get stuck on a particular thing bc i want it to sound a certain way.
But when I can't start working on a reply right away I'll bullet point my ideas or any lines I wanna use then draft it so I don't forget.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
I do ! I think at heart I'm very lovey dovey so I do enjoy shipping a lot. Writing and drawing a ship I have with someone makes me very happy, and it's always so fun developing the relationship and seeing how it blossoms. Despite this, I don't have many romantic ships across any of my blogs, but I don't really mind or care because I have so many lovely platonic + familial dynamics that I find just as if not more investing.
For Rei, in general she's not the most shippable. She struggles enough with making friends as is, and has so many emotional and mental struggles that make it difficult for her to connect with others. BUT she's also a sweetheart and always gives her everything into her relationships, so it's fun and very cute when she gets crushes <3
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
Sumin or Su <3
january 17th
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
yellow, orange, red and pink and blue and-
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
always changing ! But as of late I've had these on repeat ; e.dge of seventeen by s.tevie nicks, n.othing matters by the l.ast dinner party, blast doors by e.verything e.verything, e.njoy the silence by d.epeche mode and ALL of the so much for s.tardust album by F.all Out Boy,
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
D.une p2
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
exactly one ep of Dun.geon M.eshi. I stopped bc I KNOW I'll get sucked into but I cannot be distracted rn!! I got a degree to finish!!
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
Everyone Adores You (At Least I Do) by M.att M.altese
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
ogugh so many....chicken curry, pine tart, turon, mochi, etc etc etc
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
I love autumn! But I'm also very fond of early spring
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
many :) i'm very thankful for the people i've met here
i yoinked this from @cloistress bc it looked fun! I'll tag: @gravltas , @dnangelic , @foolshoujo , @dimitresca , @enshijou , @kudakenai , @allevils @nagarese , @043094 aaand anyone who wants to! steal from me <3
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moonlitinks · 1 year
Writer Q&A Tag Game
Thank you to bestie @writingbyricochet for tagging me! CAN WE JUST START OFF WITH THAT LITTLE WRITING SNIPPET (AND THE KISS SCENE) THAT HAD ME SQUEALING??? I AM SO, SO EXCITED FOR PARADISE LIVED AND DIED. for anyone interested in this amazing writer, her answers are linked here!
1) What motivates you to write?
Whenever I sit there and read a good book in one sitting for hours. The magic. The characters. The romance. The ACTION. It just makes me realize that I want to ignite this same feeling to others, and I want to make my book feel like a second home for them to escape to <3
2) A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
This is my most recent writing snippet that I'm just SO HAPPY TO WRITE I DON'T KNOW WHY
“Well, I think you’re a selfish—” Rip. The sound of her skirt tearing caused her to pause, and the magpie picked and picked at the edges of her dress. What was it doing? Bari grabbed at the remaining pieces before she exposed herself and got kicked out due to indecency. He stared at her with indifference, scowling like he could not take her at all. “There,” he said. “Now you have no reason to cling to me.” He snatched the magpie from the air and Bari cried out in alarm. Even the bird seemed to sense the dangerous aura that the he emitted, pecking at the space in between them. Altair paused at where the magpie pecked, and his gaze slipped for a second, enough to Bari to snatch her bird back, and the lantern in the other.  She really did need to get rid of the lantern, but it wouldn’t move because, apparently, even an enchanted object believed that she didn’t know what she wanted. “Tell me to take a voice.”
3) Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
Altair, because he's so complex. I always love a character that is more mysterious and has a lot of history to unpack behind them because of all the awful things they've done, but a lot of guilt and regret following them, too. Seeing their transformation arc is BEAUTIFUL.
4) What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
Drafting and creating plot twists! And brainstorming / daydreaming about ideas. If you can't tell, I'm not much of a plotter haha.
5) What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Inner dialogue! And I think I really like getting in depth with characters, so you really know them.
6) What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
I think I love it because we're all honest about the writing process. Writing is really lonely and it actually can really drain you mentally without the right mindset. Personally, I have a lot of anxiety, so seeing people that understand me really makes me feel like I can write and simply enjoy it. It also makes me feel less alone.
7) A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Scrivener, my love. I also love watching author interviews like Chloe Gong and Stephanie Garber and just seeing what their drafting and publishing journey has been like, and it inspires me to write! Pinterest is also great for aesthetics, and Spotify is the best for playlists <3
8) A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
I love the Enchanted Kingdom (soon to be named...) I've built so far. It's filled with curses that have been unresolved in the first lives that these gods have lived, and now have reappeared to kinda ruin the Kingdom. My world is very fairytale slash studio ghibli esque, so I'm having so fun with the tidbits now!
9) What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Oh, God. DO I KNOW THIS PERSONALLY. I swear my rough patch hasn't ended... writing after nearly not writing for a good two years really does something to you.
Writing is all about mindset. It doesn't matter how much of an oddball idea you have. If you don't believe in it, it'll never get finished. Every time I doubted myself, my anxiety got so bad I shut down immediately. And I was so worried about what other people would think when reading my books, that I stopped myself from writing the books I want to write in the first place. Whether you have people around you discouraging to write, or can't believe in yourself, at the end of the day, it's just you and your book. And what's the point of writing if you're just following a trend? Or slugging yourself to finish a book you can't even connect with? Each book is a piece of yourself, and I think the greatest realization I had is to write the story you want to read. And it doesn't matter if it's about some girl who makes a deal with a god to save her sister, or about some alien on a spaceship, or about carnivals! Writing is so amazing because you can connect with readers who enjoy the same things you do, but it all starts with believing in yourself first.
When you get stuck, don't panic. If you haven't read an article about how Boredom Leads to Creativity, maybe take a quick break about writing that first! Writing isn't about who finishes the book first, but it's about quality and a game of luck. Maybe you need a break away from writing. Maybe you need to reconnect with your characters. Maybe you're just tired of toiling over and over again on this plot line.
There is no set method to returning to your project. But what has helped me is learning why I want to write. It doesn't matter how much I return to my world, or try to force my characters into more trauma if there's no reason why I'm writing this. Like, is it to enjoy it? Is it to have people experience these feelings I've felt months ago, and hold importance to me? Even the simplest reasons are the deepest ones. <3
And finally (sorry this advice is literally a hundred pages long, can you tell I'm procrastinating right now?), writing is meant to be serious, but it's also meant to be fun. The draft is simply just that: a draft. You can get ideas from random lines you wrote, or even take out characters to write a different book about! Don't ruin the one thing you've learned to love. Personally, writing in fun / ugly fonts: Arial, Comic Sans, etc., has really helped me focus on what I want to say instead of whether this book will ever get queried or not. Set a routine. Write everyday, or don't if you're more of a mood writer. The instant you feel the itch to write, JUST FUCKING DO IT, OKAY. THIS IS A SIGN. It doesn't matter if it's a scene in the third act and you're only on chapter 1. It's a sign that the story wants you, and only you to write it.
FINALLY FINALLY, I swear this is my last piece of advice, and the shortest: Believe in yourself, even when no one else does. Writing is hard, but rewarding. I believe in you. <3
wowooww that was long, tagging @orphicpoieses @macabremoons @halfbit @leisoree @sleepysuiteheart @the-chaotic-writer @heymacareyna @hallwriteblr @sculpture-in-a-period-drama @pixelw0rds @thetruearchmagos + other mutuals and anyone who wants to participate! i would love to hear your responses, PLEASE.
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ FIRST POST ⋆⭒˚。⋆
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hello !! i'm a long time lurker here at tumblr, but it's been a while since i posted/made any new sideblogs. you can call me anna ! i'm a girl obv, and also a minor [16-18] so pls don't be creepy !!
i recently got into diabolik lovers and watched the first season of the anime as well as gameplay of haunted dark bridal. if it's not obvious, my favourite character is kanato !! i haven't been very involved with the fandom yet but i see a lot of hate for him which is sad :(
more about this blog -- my main fandom is diabolik lovers !! i'm no artist and barely a writer, but i can make memes, headcanons, quotes and things like that !! as well as rambles and stuff about the series. i'm not interested in any characters other than yui and the sakamaki brothers, so if you expect content for anyone else from me i'm sorry to let you down.
i'll add some more stuff abt me below :}
fandoms ::
-- diabolik lovers [obv]
-- danganronpa
-- hetalia
-- doki doki literature club
-- yandere simulator
-- future diary
-- omori
-- higurashi when they cry
-- mystic messenger
-- shiki [second best vampire anime after DL imo]
hobbies ::
-- writing [kinda? procrastination is my worst enemy hhhhhhh]
-- cycling
-- learning abt history//geography
-- listening to music [brb js gonna look for a kanato playlist]
-- making fun of americans
-- baking
my fav music artists/bands ::
-- marina (and the diamonds)
-- melanie martinez
-- mitski
-- kikuo
-- lana del rey
-- abba
my fav authors ::
-- agatha christie
-- donna tartt
-- fyodor dostoevsky
my ranking of DL boys ::
-- kanato is obv number one, i rly love his more feminine design and i believe we need more characters that look like him in media. maybe bc my type is more feminine boys but idk. i love his personality asw he's batshit insane and needs immediate professional help. underrated
-- subaru is a surprising one for me, as i often forgot he existed while watching the anime but his route in hdb was rly cute and he's such a tsun tsun which is adorable
-- a few yrs ago reiji was EXACTLY my type and i still appreciate his character archetype quite a lot. he's also one of the meanest of the brothers i love that abt him (i would cry on the spot if he scolded me)
-- shu is pretty cute and i rly like his personality as well. he also has his weird moments like everyone else but i think he had the closest thing to a healthy relationship w yui so that's cool. he's also super relatable
-- laito was actually my second favourite before hdb, but holy fucking shit is his route messed up. the anime did NOT do a good job portraying how deranged this man is. i still like him but his constant horniness and raging misogyny [more so than the others] are huge turnoffs
-- ayato was always pretty low on the list, and after seeing his route my opinion didn't change much. i don't dislike anything in particular abt him, he's just not the type of character i usually like. i don't rly like him with yui either for that reason, so yeah
other ::
-- i rly wanna travel to a lot of places
-- i'm a huge planner when it comes to things, but when the time comes i never follow the plan i spent so much time on,,,
-- i love cats !!
-- i think i'm aroace but i might be biromantic
-- my fav type of weather is cold//rainy//snowy weather
-- my fav food is schnitzel and my fav dessert is crêpes [also my fav fruit is apples]
-- i love making ocs
DNI list ::
-- racists//xenophobes
-- misogynists
-- homophobes
-- pedos//other weirdos of that type
-- furries
-- incels
-- yandev supporters//apologists
-- kanato haters//yui haters
-- people younger than 13//older than 30
-- rhythm game fans
-- 4chan users
-- twitter users
that's it for now !! ty for reading this far <3
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cordiallyfuturedwight · 7 months
favorite k-pop group tag game!! thank you for tagging me @cosmicdreamgrl @jkvjimin & @hvseoks 🤍🤍
who is your favorite k-pop group?
bangtan, ofc
which member sparked your interest first?
jhope! i couldn’t take my eyes off of him when i watched performances! he glows!!!!!!
who was your first bias?
seokjin <3
what makes them your current bias?
is this question worded correctly? lol jin is still my bias (there was a moment after watching some run bts where it was yoongi but i returned to my roots). what makes me a jin bias? WELL [unfurls scroll] no i’m just kidding, i wish i was better at putting it into words let me try!!!!! besides being the most beautiful man in the universe, I love his sense of humor and I love someone who can make the people around them happy and find joy and laughter in all situations and I feel like he does that so well in this group. he’s also so unabashedly himself it’s refreshing, and i love that he’s a bit of a wildcard and honestly keeps a lot to himself, we love a mystery. he’s just the epitome of chaotic GOOD and works so hard and loves and cares for everyone so much…… seokjin is so comforting for me to watch because i see myself in him and i just have a lot of love in my heart for him okay???? �� tldr; when i see him i get the zoomies
who is your bias wrecker?
yoongi and jhope
which members are you currently obsessing over that aren't your bias/bias wrecker?
taehyung (deep sigh)
when did you first discover this group?
dec 2021 is when i started going all in. for no particular reason, i just really enjoyed watching their videos and laughing with them during what was a hard time for me. i had bwl on old playlists at that time but didn’t dig any further back then, silly me lol
have you ever been to one of their concerts?
i was soooooo fortunate to be able to see yoongi twice on his dday tour 🥲 i had SO much fun at it too, i hope i can see the whole group one day 🥲 but my favorite part was getting to experience it with @aprylynn and also meet @kithtaehyung 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 i love the connections the most and he gave us that thumbs up!!!!!!! like i just. screaming people with everyone in that room is high up on my favorite moments of life list
what are some of your favorite songs by the group?
omg, what would be my ult faves????? DIMPLE of course, ego, silver spoon, run BTS, mic drop, love maze, home, boyz with fun, life goes on, autumn leaves, spinebreaker (this should open the next tour imo) & cypher 3
i’ll tag: @livelocks @rjshope @ugh-yoongi @senor-hoberto @raplinenthusiasts @starcatching @vrainydays @lesbiansuga @sevencoloredstar @thisfuckingdeadlife @jinstronaut @epiphanytear @btsiu (& those mentioned 😘 & you if you’re reading this!!!!!)
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coldflashevents · 2 years
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Greetings, folks! 
You’ll recall that recently, I asked everyone to vote on the prompts for our upcoming Coldflash Winter Week, which is due to take place December 26th–January 1st.
The votes are in (and voting is now closed)! As always, we had a lot of amazing prompts to choose from, but there were definitely some clear favourites. I used a combination of the most popular prompts, in no particular order. There are two prompts for each day, to give everyone plenty of options. I’ve tried to include a themed and non-themed prompt for each day of the event, for or for those of you who may not celebrate Christmas or don’t feel like sticking to a strictly winter theme! 
Like the last event, we’re keeping it chill *finger guns*. Any kinds of fanwork are welcome! Fanfic, fan art, playlists, moodboards, fan videos, edits, gifsets… whatever your heart desires. Feel free to make as many contributions as you’d like---the more the merrier!
Without further ado, the prompts for the event are...
Day 1
Mistletoe The Rogues
Day 2
Holiday Truce Secret Relationship
Day 3
First Christmas Fake Dating
Day 4
Secret Santa Body Swap
Day 5
Cuddling for warmth Post Oculus
Day 6
“Let me help" Ice skating
Day 7
New Year’s Kiss Free day
Once again, is a pretty casual event, with no commitments or sign-ups. The only rules are as follows:
1.      Remember not to start posting until the event begins! You can start sharing your contributions on December 26th. If you’re a little behind schedule, don’t worry—I’ll continue to monitor the tag for a short time after the event is over in case anyone misses the deadline!
2.      Make sure your work includes the prompts! There’s plenty of room for creative freedom, so hopefully these suggestions will spark something for you… pun intended. You could even mix and match---maybe Barry begs Len to let Barry “help” him on the ice rink, or they have to cuddle for warmth post-Oculus. So many possibilities! 
3.      The tag for this weekend will be cfww2022, so remember to tag all your contributions! When we get a little closer to the time, I’ll also start an AO3 collection where you can share your works with the world!
4.      Please use appropriate tags. If your work is nsfw, or contains themes that might be upsetting or triggering, please make sure to tag it as such. We want everyone to be safe and enjoy themselves during this event, so be mindful of your fellow users and make sure to leave warnings if necessary!
5.      Have fun!
As always, if anyone has any questions, please feel free to drop me a message!
Thank you everyone, and let the coldflashing commence!
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