#I have a whole mini fic planned in my head with this idea but I wanted to keep it short here
sokkas-therapist · 2 years
Just thinking about single dad Zuko getting together with sokka when Izumi is little, and them both being worried about how she’d react to it since Zuko was all she’d had up until this point (+ a handful of amazing lesbian aunties), then Izumi running to Sokka and throwing her arms around him after a nightmare for the first time, and him just being kind frozen in shock for a minute but then wrapping his arms around her too, and vowing to himself that from that moment on he would always do everything in his power to protect her and *uncontrollable sobbing*
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uncouth-the-fifth · 1 month
i'd like to report a crime - Leon Kennedy/Reader
read it on Ao3.
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Pairing: Agent!Leon/Detective!Wife!Reader Tags: anxious work stress + leon comfort!!, leon being a fucking goober Notes: when i'm at work I'm always picturing him swooping in to save me...... leon kennedy if you can hear me please protect me from 9-5 hell... and like I said before, I would LOVE requests or prompts for this fic, I have so many ideas but I can't commit to any of them lol.
Standing in the bullpen at work today, you had a thought. Maybe they called it “medieval torture” because that was a whole lot catchier than “a shitty day at the busiest police precinct in Washington DC.”
It certainly felt like medieval torture to you. Before you’d even stepped into your big girl pants this morning, you knew that today was going to suck. Plain and simple. Suck. Yet another presidential event was bringing the Secret Service’s jurisdiction into your already hectic station, meaning that big square dudes in suits were going to be breathing down your neck until quitting time. You had three huge active cases that needed your attention. One of those cases came pre-packaged with a deeply annoying lawyer, who, in your professional opinion, has his head shoved a foot up his ass. He will absolutely be showing up to bother you today.
And worst of all: in your haste to get to work (Leon had put some serious effort into making you late), you’d accidentally worn a pair of super uncomfortable shoes! So now every waking moment of your existence was bonafide torture.
Clamping your jaw, you glance up from the paperwork in front of you and check your watch. Three o’clock. Right, okay, you can work with that.
You slap your hands down on your desk as you push out of your seat, and it gets a satisfying yelp out of the man sitting cross-legged beside it. He bristles up like a porcupine and nasally complains, “Where are you going, Detective Kennedy? You said we could—”
“Coffee, Douglas,” you bite back to said lawyer.
The last thing you want right now is some of the lousy, watered-down coffee from the station’s breakroom, but taking mini-breaks at your desk is just not an option anymore. Douglas has been camped out there from the moment you clocked in, and since you both refuse to budge, he’s going to stay there. Breakroom it is. You wince the whole way there, cursing your shoes from hell.
Someone forgot to start another pot of joe, so you have the absolute pleasure of doing it yourself. A small blessing in disguise, really. You give the glass pot your best thousand-yard-stare the whole time it heats the water, and just when the outline of it is starting to burn behind your eyelids, you’re jolted out of your glazed reverie by a cheerful, “Detective Kennedy!”
The officer appears at your side like she was there the entire time, and you wouldn’t put it past her—Giana is the latest in a long line of rookies who have imprinted on you over the years. Good kid, but a little on the overeager side.
She gives you a sympathetic frown and launches into way too much bubbly talking for your aching head to handle. “Heyo! Man, it’s crazy today, huh? You look beat, detective. Hey, think of it this way—just a few more hours and we’ll be home free! Any fun plans tonight?”
The question triggers a movie-style flashback sequence in your mind, complete with black-and-white visuals and some tasteful dream fog. Leon, your husband, boredly poking around the aisles of a new Target by your place. Leon discovering the boys' toy section. Leon, your beautiful, amazing husband, going starry-eyed at the massive NERF Elite Titan CS-50 Toy Blaster, which you’re pretty sure you need a license to operate.
He’d tapped the Nerf box like a boy on Christmas morning. “150 foam bullets, baby.”
But it would take a lot of energy to relay all of that to Giana. So instead of explaining that you’re having an epic Nerf duel with Leon when you get home (no headshots, loser makes dinner), you cooly answer: “...Spending time with my husband.”
Giana hums. “It’s so weird to me that you’re married…” (Thanks.) “I can’t even picture you not grinding away at some case.”
The coffee machine burbles out its last sad spit of coffee. You pour a good amount into your mug, smiling, “Oh, Leon’s just as bad. We’re both married to our work. He’s just my favorite mistress, s’all.”
Giana opens her mouth to launch into another cheery tirade you can’t catch up with. You like the girl, but on top of being way too eager, she’s also painfully see-through. For example, you don’t even have to turn around to know that a gloriously hot guy has just walked into the bullpen behind you. It’s written all over Giana’s owlish look over your shoulder. Hell, you can even clock that he’s heading straight this way—not only does Giana cross herself to bid away impure thoughts of the stranger, but she evaporates into smoke out of pure shyness.
“Look out!” She stage-whispers.
Aw. Poor girl, you think as she waddles away. Considering who’s going to be unloading a clip of foam bullets into you later this evening, (what a strange double entendre), you’re basically immune to hot guys. You can handle this.
“Excuse me, detective, I’d like to report a crime?”
All sense of professionalism poofs off your face at that familiar voice. You whirl to face your husband, and in one swift slash, the ten ton weight of your stress is slapped clean off your back.
Leon’s resting stare has slowly been absorbed by his Serious Agent Face. But today, he’s smoldering less in the business way and more in the off-duty model way. In a white tee, jeans, and racing-striped leather jacket, he certainly looks the part, clean-shaven and dewy-skinned. Fuck him and his unblemished skin. What Umbrella moisturizer was he using back in the day, dammit?
You’re capable of joking again and fall flawlessly into the bit. “Of course. What kind of crime, beautiful?”
He isn’t really able to look flustered, but you think you get close to the impossible with the way his head tilts at that line. You notice that he’s hiding something behind his back.
“A theft,” he answers. The tiniest smirk twitches on his mouth. “My heart’s been stolen.”
…What a fucking cornball. The tragic part is that you find the joke pretty funny, and not completely in the ironic way. He waits for you to giggle and twirl your hair or what-the-fuck-ever, but you refuse to give him the satisfaction, ducking into his quick hug to grin into his shoulder.
You groan at his awful joke. “Jesus. You need a fork for all that corn, Leon?”
“I take mine off the cob,” he drawls in your ear. With that voice, he could make anything sound suggestive.
You’re about to pout at him for failing to return your hug, when you draw back and see that his hands are full. It’s then that Leon presents his bounty to you, bowing his head and holding his trophies aloft like a knight giving respect to his princess: in one hand, one of the stupid expensive coffees you like, and in the other… your comfiest work flats.
“How?” is the first thing your fish brain manages to say. Because, truly, how does he always know? The coffee, the shoes— “Did you put a tracker in me? One that tells you everything I’ve been complaining about all day?”
You go slumping down into the nearest seat, mystified by him. Leon sets the still-steaming coffee down in front of you and kneels, stooping to help you out of your shoes-from-hell. The strap around your ankle has rubbed the bone raw even through your tights. He gets the clasp loose on the first shoe with little fussing, then soothes the skin with tender brushes of his thumb.
“Mhm,” he hums. All you can see of him from this angle is the layers of color in his hair, deep browns and ash blondes blending into one another. The smug pride in his voice is obvious—he loves knowing he’s read you well. “Tells me when you’re hungry, too. Have lunch with me?”
Please god, your body begs. Just picturing it loosens some of the tension in your neck. Like last time, the two of you would play-fight over where to eat, and your cute little delivery boy would go pick up the winner. That way, you wouldn’t have to waste a single moment of your allotted thirty-minute lunch. Leon would pull up a seat at your desk (maybe scare Douglas off with a flash of his badge), and you’d get a blissful, uninterrupted dose of him. Enough to get you through the rest of your shift.
He’d be too deep in Professional Agent Mode to babble like he does at home, but Leon’s raspy chuckles and his hand on your knee would tide you over til’ five.
…But no, the universe is never that kind to you. You wince at Leon’s offer and drop an apologetic hand to his shoulder, still knelt at your feet and working on your other shoe. He’s too good to you. “M’ sorry, baby, but I think I’m gonna have to work through lunch if I wanna get home on time. Rain check?”
He doesn’t mind. He throws a squinty warning stare your way, not happy that you’re getting dangerously close to overworking yourself, but he understands.
A sly smile creeps onto Leon’s face as he helps you slip on a flat. “I could talk to your Captain. What if you were pulled away for a ‘federal emergency?’”
“Then I think me and my Captain would implode from stress,” you laugh. “He’d think I’d been drawn into some national crisis or something.”
Leon scoffs. “That’s only happened, like, once.”
The other flat welcomes your poor, aching foot like a jacuzzi hot tub, and you take a deep magical sip of the overpriced coffee he got special for you. It trumps the watery breakroom joe any day.
For a minute you’re so stupidly happy that you could easily punch a boulder clean off a cliff. Hell, you might even twirl your hair.
“One too many times!” You groan. Since he’s being all cute and kneeling at your feet, you can’t resist poking him a couple of times to be silly. In the chest. In the cheek. In the heart. Stage-whispering, you accuse, “I think you just like having excuses to work with me.”
Leon finishes helping you into your shoes, but he’s in no hurry to leave his spot. One of his rough hands finds yours in your lap and toys with your wedding band, twisting it, testing the groove where it’s been sitting for a few years now. Those big blue eyes fix on your face. You’re married to the guy, but something about being the subject of all his naked attention makes you feel like shrieking into a damn pillow. He’s the best. Judging by that mean little smile on his face, he knows it’s true.
He gives your hand a little squeeze and points out, “I was your partner before anyone else. We never got our buddy cop beat—so yes, I will shove myself into your world since I can’t pull you into mine.”
You’re grateful he still thinks that way. Getting him to talk about Raccoon is harder than pulling teeth, but this—your partnership, whether that be as cops in an imaginary second life, or as husband and wife—never fails to pry him right open.
You’d been asked before if it was frustrating, how your paths had split after the city had blown. The two of you had come from the same spot and endured the same things, but where Leon had soared up, you’d kept to what you knew. No part of you envied him for it. In his mind, the two of you were still the same unit you’d been then, endlessly loyal to one another. You watched Leon’s back and—clearly, he watched yours.
“You’re my favorite,” you tell him, sweetly petting his chin. “I’m gonna fucking destroy you at our Nerf duel when I get home.”
All the buttery tenderness wipes from his face, and in an instant he’s on his feet, clapping a scarred hand down onto your shoulder and bending to whisper fiercely in your ear. “I’d like to see you try.”
He smushes a kiss to your cheek, waves a friendly, “See ya,” and melts back into the current of the rowdy bullpen. You hate to see him leave, but by god, you love to watch him go.
A few seconds after Leon says his goodbye, Giana, your rookie, peers around the open door of the break room. Her patchy blush goes all the way down to her uniform collar. “...Nevermind. I can definitely picture you married, Detective Kennedy…”
Ask to be added to my Leon taglist!
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heartsforvenus · 27 days
supernova ⛥
robin buckley x fem reader
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summary- you and robin are newfound friends, but you wish you were something more. little did you know, so did she. you were both too afraid of admitting your own feelings
tags- song fic 'red wine supernova' by chappell roan, fluff, kind of angst, 'one-sided' pining, sex references, mention of drinking, the joys of a first homoerotic friendship
lowercase intended
this is lowkey trash and all over the place, but i had the idea and thought it was cute. hope you enjoy my first fic <3
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i'm in the hallway waiting for ya, mini skirt and my go-go boots
"we're gonna be late!" you exclaimed, standing outside of robin's bedroom.
you had recently befriended robin buckley, one of the band geeks of hawkins high, and somehow convinced her to go to a party thrown by tommy h. not only is she your new friend, she is also your longtime crush, but that was a secret between you and your diary.
that led you to this moment, where you were standing in the hallway outside of robin's bedroom waiting for her to get ready and contemplating your life actions. robin did say that you could stay in her room while she changed, yet you knew yourself better than that. even if you were turned around and forcing your attention on the most mundane object in her room, you were sure to die of embarrassment, thinking about her bare body standing mere feet away from you.
"would you chill out? i'm getting ready for a party i didn't even want to go to, nor was i invited to for that matter," she reminded you and you leaned your head on the wall behind you.
"half the people at those parties weren't invited, he's not gonna point out you in particular," you told her and you saw her head pop out of the door.
"i look like a fucking idiot and i can't zip up this dress. let's just not go," robin decided. your body was on autopilot when you turned the corner into her room and grabbed her arm. the touch of her soft skin against your own was almost enough to make you forget what you were even doing, as she stared at you waiting for you to say something.
"let me zip it for you." your voice came out in almost a whisper as you were still kind of stunned from the previous interaction. and don't get me wrong, the two of you have touched each other before, even held hands, but you weren't sure if you would ever get over this phase.
"fine. but don't break it. maybe i can return it after tonight," robin thought aloud, which made you frown.
i just want you to make a move, so slow down, sit down, it's new
"robin, you look... i mean, this dress... it's so nice."
you mentally facepalmed at yourself. obviously she looked beautiful. this was not the first time you chickened out on complimenting her and it surely wouldn't be the last. you were honestly just saving yourself from the inevitable embarrassment. you couldn't handle the 'i only see you as a friend' from robin, that would just be the point where you would genuinely hope the ground would swallow you whole. or that you'd get hit by a car. or that the world would end.
"thanks, you can have it if you want it. it would probably look better on you anyway," robin commented, and you could feel the all too familiar feeling of warmth rising to your face.
"no..." you shook your head. you wanted to tell her that the dress looked like it was made personally for her. it showed off all her curves in a way that wasn't too revealing, but it was just enough to catch your eye as you glanced over her body in a manner that was not as discreet as you hoped.
in an attempt to change the subject, you yet again grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her out of the room.
"let's go before all the attendees get too bored and start having sex in every room," you suggested. her lack of resistance was a shock as she willingly let you drag her out of the house.
"now, how are we even getting there? if you plan on drunk driving me home then you're even worse of an influence than i thought," robin wondered, leaning back on the hood of your car.
"i was just thinking we could walk. it's not too far from here." robin groaned at your suggestion before standing up straight.
"fine, but you can carry me on the way back," robin agreed.
i just wanna get to know ya, guess i didn't quite think it through
once the two of you made it to the party, you began drinking whatever anyone would hand you in a red solo cup. you guys were stuck inside of your own bubble, accidentally ignoring everyone around you to just speak to each other. you each spoke about your families and your deepest fears, but there was always that one thing on the tip of your tongue that you couldn't force out.
not here, you'd tell yourself, someone might hear and then everyone will know.
as if she could read your mind, robin narrowed her eyes and asked, "what's on your mind?"
"oh, it's nothing," you promised her, not realizing your dilemma was so evident on your face. or maybe she could just read you that well already.
"right... well i just told you about how i literally peed my pants a year ago, so i think we can talk about anything." her blue eyes pierced into your soul, and you so badly wanted to tell her what you were thinking about. another day.
"i was just thinking about how embarrassing it is to pee your pants," you lied and she giggled, that giggle that would've had you weak in the knees had you been standing.
"okay, you jerk, i'm sure you've done embarrassing things too." she pushed your shoulder lightly.
"not yet," you told her. she shook her head, wondering why you were such an enigma, and why it always felt like there was something you weren't telling her. for a moment you snapped out of your bubble to notice everyone around you was either making out or passed out, just as you had predicted. "maybe we should take this as our cue to leave."
this caused robin to notice her surroundings for the first time and jokingly gag, which caught the attention of one of the girls who was kissing some guy. she just glared back at her, and robin jumped up.
"yeah, let's go before this girl beats the shit out of me," robin, wide eyed, agreed. the two of you clumsily rushed out of the front door, passing more and more couples until you finally made it out into the night.
there was a breeze in the air, but it wasn't too cold. you hoped that robin wasn't cold, because you didn't bring a jacket to offer her. she hoped the same about you.
fell in love with the thought of you, now i'm choked up, face down, burnt out
now, you were laying next to her in her bed. wearing her spare pjs, literally surrounded by her scent. you couldn't sleep, because you were thinking about the girl beside you, as you often did in the middle of the night. usually in your own bed, though, so being near her was making it much worse. you had half a mind to just leave, but you didn't know if you'd ever have the opportunity to sleep in her bed ever again. you certainly wouldn't once she found out what you were, or so you thought.
you felt her shuffle closer to you, and you tensed up. she had been jerking about the bed the whole time, but you didn't expect her to unconsciously move closer to you.
god, you had it worse than you thought.
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howlinchickhowl · 15 days
Ristretto - mini update
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Hey! So, uh. I've been working on the next chapter of Ristretto for a good long while now. I'm finding it challenging because it's a lot of spice and that's one of the things I find hardest to write well. The next chapter, May, the lusty month of may, is planned as basically a five + 1 of fucking, and I have completed one section! So I have decided what I am doing for this chapter is mini updates by section here on tumblr, and then whenever I have all the sections complete I will update on ao3. In all honesty I just feel like I need the boost of actually posting something right now.
If you remember this fic and want to read the updates separately as they come, great! If you would rather wait and read them all in one go as one whole chapter, also great!
If you have no idea what Ristretto is, it's my coffeeshop AU I have been writing forever and a day and you can read from the beginning here.
And now without further ado!
Chapter 9(a) - rated E
By the time Ian closes the store, Mickey has taken to the break room for a nap, and Ian completes all of his nightly cleaning duties to the sounds of him snoring deep and rhythmic. When he’s done Ian shakes him awake and is treated to a full ten minutes of Mickey yawning and squinting like a sleepy baby while they gather their shit and lock up. They walk to the L and it seems to dawn on Mickey just when they’re getting on the train that he doesn’t actually know what Ian has planned, or where they’re going.
He gripes when Ian refuses to tell him, makes a few guesses but doesn’t get anywhere close. When they get to their stop he looks confused, wary, like maybe Ian’s playing some sort of trick on him. But he follows all the same. 
They get off at 47th and cut back across the 90 towards the maze of streets they both sort of call home. Ian leads them through Fuller Park, past the train depot, and the little league field.
“I peed on first base here once.” Mickey tells him, with a childish sort of pride, hooking his fingers into the chain-link fence and stopping to stare out at the spot in question.
“Why?” Ian stops beside him, watching his face as he looks, remembers. Mickey shrugs, like he doesn’t know why, but there is a faraway look in his eyes that suggests that this is not really the case.
“Bet you were a little terror.” Ian jokes, bumping Mickey’s shoulder with his own.
“I was a Milkovich.” Mickey smiles, licks his teeth, kind of feral, and pushes off from the fence. “We got far to go?” He asks, and Ian shakes his head no, pushing off as well and steering them across the little patch of green adjacent to the field so they can hang a right onto Normal.
A couple of blocks and a couple of turns later and they’re there. A road of empty homes, a tiny ghost town in the middle of the night. It’s eerie, actually, Ian thinks as they walk. They reach their destination, two doors down from Lip’s new place, a little square box of a home with faded gray walls, an overgrown front yard, and, crucially, a shitty back door with a broken lock.
Ian leads them through the little wilderness of the yard around to the back, jiggles the handle a little in the way that he has figured out gives him the quickest access, and ushers Mickey inside.
The electricity is out but Ian is prepared, he reaches over to the counter and flips on the camping lantern he had set there for this exact purpose. It’s not bright but it gives off just enough light for Mickey to see the selection of snacks Ian has set out next to the sink, the array of candles he has prepared on most of the other surfaces, ready to light, and through the open door into the next room where he has set up a little nest for them.
Mickey’s back is to him and he hasn’t spoken yet, and it’s making Ian kind of nervous. Was this a weird thing to do? Was it too much? Maybe he should have talked to him about it before? The seconds tick by and neither of them speaks and Ian’s heart starts to pound like that time he and Lip had boosted a car and ended up in front of a cop car at a red light, holding their breaths and hoping like hell that the car hadn’t been reported stolen yet.
Sucking in a deep breath he moves past Mickey and starts to light the candles, just to give himself something to do.
“It’s not much, I don’t know, I thought…”
He trails off, holds his lighter to the wick of a dusty teddy bear shaped candle Debbie had been throwing away and chances a glance at Mickey, nervous, but unable to stop himself from trying to figure out what he’s thinking.
Mickey’s eyes roam around the room, taking in the sight as the newly lit candles cast warm flickering shadows over his impassive face. They land at last on Ian’s, reflections of the flames dancing against the black of his pupils.
“It’s private.” Ian shrugs.
Mickey cocks an eyebrow, drags his bottom lip between his teeth for a moment and nods.
“Private, huh?” He asks, stepping closer so their bodies brush against each other. Ian reaches around past him to light another candle, no noise but their breathing and the soft swish of his sleeve against Mickey’s.
He lights the candle, and the one next to it, placing them gently back in place on the counter, and when he turns his head towards Mickey he is right there. Their faces are inches apart, so close he could count the individual freckles on Mickey’s eyelids, could extend his tongue and lick the tip of his nose.
Their eyes lock onto each other’s and his breath is suddenly coming in shallow little huffs that blow the stray hairs hanging over Mickey’s forehead up.
“Tell me Gallagher,” Mickey’s voice is hushed, a low rumble of a thing that gets Ian’s nerves tingling as Mickey squares up to him, getting his body even closer and laying assured hands on Ian’s belt buckle. “What do we need somewhere private for?”
His eyebrows tick up again, suggestive, knowing, and his fingers find stronger purchase on Ian’s belt, the backs of his first knuckles brushing the sensitive skin of Ian’s stomach while his thumbs trace the outline of the buckle. Ian sucks in a sharp breath, Mickey draws in his own, long and slow and he waits.
Ian moves first, slamming his face into Mickey’s with enough force to push him back into the counter and latching his lips onto Mickey’s with almost desperate fervor, and after that it’s pointless trying to say who is kissing or grabbing or undressing whom.
Tongues and lips and teeth all slide and catch and drag, Ian pulls Mickey’s jacket down his shoulders, Mickey gets Ian’s pants open and shoved down over the swell of his ass. They move as one frenzied unit, pulling and grabbing and pushing and shoving, until Ian’s pants are around his ankles and they are tripping and stumbling and laughing into each other’s mouths trying to stay upright.
Mickey grabs a fistful of Ian’s shirt and yanks it up in an entirely ineffective attempt to get it off him, growling when he is unsuccessful.
“Fuckin’, take your fuckin’ shirt off asshole.’ Mickey yanks again and Ian pulls away just enough to get his shirt over his head, tossing it blindly and praying it doesn’t land on a lit candle and start a fire. He should be more careful, he knows, but he can’t focus on anything but Mickey right now, Mickey who is looking him up and down and licking his lips like Ian is a big juicy steak he’s looking to devour.
“Fuck, yeah.” Mickey breathes, getting both his hands on Ian’s traps and sliding them, firmly, down over his chest until just his fingertips are brushing over Ian’s abs. He rests there, and the muscles in Ian’s stomach jerk under his touch.  
“This is the most of you I’ve seen all at once.” Mickey tells him, breathless, giddy, running his eyes up over Ian’s chest and shoulders and then down to where his hands are resting, plucking gently at the elastic waistband of his underwear, index finger rubbing idly over the little thatch of coarse red hairs that line it.
Ian leans in to drop a kiss on his open mouth, slack and wet and eager against Ian’s own. He moves over to leave kisses against his cheek, his jaw, nosing up behind his ear into his hairline and breathing in the scent of his skin, intoxicating and so intense just there that Ian can hardly bear it.
“You want to see more?” He asks, pushing the flat of his tongue against the skin of Mickey’s neck and dragging, slowly, as Mickey shivers against him.
“Wanna see it all.” Mickey’s voice catches as Ian flicks at his earlobe with the tip of his tongue, and he shoves his whole hands down into Ian’s shorts, palms flattening over his hips and fingers digging into the flesh of his ass in retaliation. The movement pulls them right in close, and Ian’s cock ends up shoved right up along the length of Mickey’s where’s it’s hard in his jeans.
It’s like a whole series of flashbulbs go off in Ian’s brain, one after the other. Flash. Flash. Flash. His whole brain lighting up with the contact, a full-body shudder running through him, forcing his breath right out of his chest in short little vocal puffs that he can’t contain. He shoves his forehead into Mickey’s shoulder and breathes there, letting the soft, musty scent of Mickey’s skin soothe him until he has a better hold of himself. 
Mickey’s fingers twitch, urgent, and it is that impatience helps Ian focus, helps him find it in himself to drag his mouth up Mickey’s neck, take his earlobe between his teeth in a sharp tug and then whisper.
“Take them off then.”
That’s all the permission Mickey needs, he shoves Ian’s shorts down and the two of them are off again, hands and tongues and lips everywhere at once. Ian gets distracted running his hands all over Mickey’s back and shoulders and waist, feeling the warmth of his skin seeping into his palms and getting lost in the sensation so much that he barely notices Mickey huffing and puffing about having to take off his own pants, since Ian isn’t gonna do it for him.
They laugh together when he can’t get enough room to open his fly button. Ian leans his hips back to make some space and gets with the program enough to help Mickey get his jeans and underwear down until there is a matching pool of fabric restricting his ankles as much as Ian’s. And then they laugh again.
“Should probably take our shoes off.” Ian murmurs, pressing kisses to Mickey’s lips, pressing the whole length of his body along the whole length of Mickey’s and trying not to hyperventilate at how good it feels to feel him.
“Later.” Mickey grunts, shoving his hand between them and grabbing hold of Ian, firm in the way he’s come to learn that Ian likes best. He slides his tongue sloppily into Ian’s mouth in time with his thumb rubbing over the head and it’s almost  enough to make Ian’s knees buckle.
“Mickey.” He tries to say, muffled against Mickey’s lips, hindered by his seeking tongue and his clever little hand starting to stroke.
“Mickey!” He succeeds this time, firmly, grabbing whole handfuls of Mickey’s ass and pulling him tight to Ian’s body, trapping his hand between them and halting his movement with a grunt. Mickey’s answering huff is petulant and it’s pure instinct that has Ian pulling him in even harder, letting his fingers pull at Mickey’s ass-cheeks so that they part, exposing him to the open air, letting him feel it until his panting breaths turn vocal and he stops trying to move.
Mickey’s eyes catch on his, they’re dark with want, pupils blown wide enough that Ian can barely make out the blue in them. Up to now their encounters have been marked with both an overwhelming intensity of desire and a level of humor Ian never knew could be a part of sex. Sex has never really been fun in this way, before. Fun in the way where you get your rocks off and it feels really fucking good and someone thinks you’re hot and that feels amazing or you’re super high or out of your head and everything you do is fun. But fun like this, stupid fun where you’re held captive by your pants and your lover won’t let you do anything about it kind of fun, that’s a new thing. That’s a Mickey thing. It’s the best thing Ian’s ever had.
But now it feels like they are teetering on the edge of something else, something new. Not wholly new to Ian, he’s dangled his feet in these waters a couple of times before, and the heat in Mickey’s eyes suggests that it’s not his first dip in this particular pool either, but new for them, together, and just the thought that they might be on the same page, compatible in this as well, it’s a whole new thrill. 
 “I had a plan.” He tells Mickey, low and serious, letting his thumb rub over the swell of one ass cheek, feeling the fuzz of the surprisingly light colored hairs that grow there. “Got a mattress all set up in the next room, comfy pillows, soft sheets.”
“Not a fuckin’ princess Gallagher.” Mickey grumbles, and Ian clenches his fingers harder, pulling his cheeks further apart. He can’t see, but from the sharp grunt that Mickey lets out he can tell the tension is starting to stretch his hole open ever so slightly.
“No.” He says, easing up just a little.  “Just thought you might appreciate getting fucked without getting carpet burn on your ass.”
Mickey’s mouth turns up in a smile that is somehow equal parts flirty, filthy, and sweet, and his tongue flicks out over his lips slow, tantalizing.
“Awful thoughtful of you.” He tilts his head up into the space below Ian’s chin and Ian shivers as the flat of his warm, wet, tongue slides over the underside of his jaw.
“Yeah, I’m nice like that.” His focus is split, the sharp spikes of Mickey’s stubble following the path of his tongue like tiny electric shocks against the sensitive skin of his throat, but he manages to loosen his grip and slide the fingers on his right hand all the way into Mickey’s crack and stroke them up and down a couple of times, fingertips catching gently against his rim as they move.
“Hmm.” Mickey sucks in a slow breath, and Ian can feel all the muscles in his ass twitch, uncontrollably. He likes that. “Other ways too.”
“You think I’m nice?” Mickey’s teeth join the party, scraping over the hinge in Ian’s jaw, adding a new sensation to the wet and sharp in a way that makes Ian’s knees threaten to give out. Ian rewards him by allowing the tip of his middle finger to sink in, breeching the tight circle of muscle just enough that it clenches around him. Just enough that he can now officially say he’s been inside Mickey Milkovich.
A soft vocal puff of breath blows out against Ian’s neck, wet with saliva and just a little itchy where Mickey’s been working it over with his lips and tongue and teeth. 
“What’s that?” Ian inclines his head, pushing their temples together. He pushes his finger a little deeper and then pulls it back almost immediately, Mickey’s body moving with him, unconsciously trying to keep him in. Mickey grunts. Ian pushes at his cheek with his nose, lays soft kisses on his cheek, against the corner of his lips. “Say you think I’m nice, Mick.”
He gets at Mickey’s lips, hot and wet, slides his own over them, breathes a hot breath into his mouth, swallows the breath that Mickey gives him back. He lets his finger push back in, as far as it will easily go.
Mickey kisses him, one sweaty hand coming up to grip at his shoulder and the other grabbing him at the hip. He kisses him dirty, lips and tongue dragging hot over Ian’s own, slow and wet and it’s so fucking hot Ian makes a sound he’s never heard outside of porn, like a grunt and a moan had a filthy high-pitched baby and it gets Mickey grinning against his mouth until he’s basically kissing teeth.
“Nice guy, huh?” His lips pluck at Ian’s again, nose bashing nose as he draws his head back so their eyes can meet. “That what you think you are?”
“What else?” Ian shrugs, drawing his finger, still resting just inside of Mickey’s ass, in tight little circles, just the tip really, swirling around, feeling his walls, the heat, the jolt of Mickey’s muscles as they pulse at the contact. He could just stay there forever, just rubbing at him, feeling him, but at the same time he’s desperate to get a rhythm going, add more fingers, taste him, get something else inside him, he wants everything all at once and it’s like he’s just feeling too many things, he can’t take it.
He buries his face in Mickey’s neck and clenches his hands, one holding steadfastly to Mickey’s ass-cheek, one spread so that he can keep his finger inside, but still clenching against the sheer strength of what he’s feeling.
It’s a lot, he thinks, as Mickey gasps against his ear, he must be pulling at him pretty hard, dragging him from the inside. He tries to relax, tries to think about releasing his muscles and slowing his breathing, think about things that calm him down. Soft music, going for a run, the sound of Mickey’s voice lately.
“Mick.” He about manages to grind out against the flushed pink skin of Mickey’s shoulder. “What else?”
“What, if you ain’t nice?” Mickey’s voice is soft, kind of high right there against the shell of his ear, soft lips mouthing at his earlobe as small warm hands run up and down his sides in slow, firm strokes. It must be clear to Mickey that Ian is on the brink of falling the fuck to pieces. He manages a juddery kind of nod, face still buried in Mickey’s skin, hands still fighting to tense, and he feels Mickey’s chest rise and fall in a deep breath, feels him relax his body against Ian’s.
The kisses that follow are gentle, soothing, along his hairline, down his forehead, over his cheeks and jaw, and punctuated with that sweet, husky voice, not quite whispering, but not quite talking aloud either, talking him down with each pointed breath.
“Well you’re really fuckin’ hot. So there’s that.” Kiss. “Funny. When you’re not trying to make a dumb pun joke.” Kiss. “Strong.” Kiss. “I like that you’re strong.”
He can feel it working, feel himself settling back into his skin, his heart slowing back to a regular (if aroused) rate. He manages to press a kiss into the ball of Mickey’s shoulder and is rewarded with a questioning “hmm?”
He gulps in a breath and focuses on relaxing his hands, soothing his thumb over Mickey’s almost certainly bruised ass-cheek, retracting his finger in a long, slow, slide that has Mickey’s breaths coming in short sharp vocalisations, almost giggles, like the sensation is more than his body can bear.
He drags his face up to Mickey’s for a kiss, and as he melts into that mouth it’s like he’s fully back inside his body again. He can feel every place where his skin is sticking to Mickey’s, pulling in little painful drags as they move against each other. He is aware once more, of Mickey’s dick, resting, a little twitchily, beside his own, pressed between them both and dribbling into his pubic hair. Ian enjoys how wet he gets, can’t help but reach between them to feel along the sticky length of him and give a couple of short tugs, coating his fingers in pre-come and sucking in the little huffy breaths that Mickey puffs out as he does.
“What else?” He asks, dragging his hand back around and sliding his finger back inside, crooking his knuckle to stretch out the rim a little before diving properly in.
“Fuck.” Mickey breathes against him, and Ian swallows it, his words, his breath, the intoxicating smell of him swirling inside Ian’s mouth and resting against his palate.
“What else?”
“Jesus Christ you uh.” Ian licks at his lips as he is trying to form the thoughts, a little more sensation, wants to see if he can get Mickey to shake out of his skin just the way Ian almost just had. “You kiss good.”
He licks him again, closes his lips over Mickeys in a reward of a kiss, rubbing at his rim with the tip of his ring finger, testing the waters to see if they’re there yet. Mickey’s moan is loud, fills Ian’s mouth with its neediness as he throws his arms around Ian’s shoulders and presses himself as close to Ian’s body as he can get. Second finger it is. On the next draw back, he pushes two in. Mickey’s whole body shudders against him.
“Mickey.” He loves the feel of Mickey’s entire weight hanging off him, pressed against him, clinging to him like he’s a life-raft and Mickey’s adrift at sea. “What else.”
Mickey whines, and it is such a sweet sound. Ian buries his fingers as far as they will go and swallows the noises his lover makes.
“Christ, Ian, I don’t know, if I say you’re nice will you stick your fuckin’ dick in me?”
If he’d thought laughter would break the horny spell he’s under, he would have been wrong. He’s so turned on he’s not quite sure what to do any more. He’s laughing straight into Mickey’s mouth and buzzing with desire and fighting the instinctual thrust of his hips all at the same time, so many sensations warring for attention he hardly knows how he’s still standing up, except that Mickey’s body is supporting his as much as Ian’s own is supporting Mickey’s. And God does he want to stick his dick in Mickey, more than anything he thinks he’s ever wanted. There’s only one thing stopping him.
He pulls his mouth from Mickey’s and unceremoniously drags his fingers out of his ass, grabbing a cheek in both hands and squeezing.
“Not without lube.”
Mickey rolls his eyes, leaning back in, but Ian stops him short with a hard smack and pushes him away.
It’s only when he makes for the little nest he’s set up in the next room that he remembers his pants are still around his ankles and he’s still wearing his boots. It’s Mickey’s turn to laugh as he very narrowly escapes tripping over his own feet.
“Shut up and get your shit off.” Is all Ian says, working on freeing his feet and admiring the lines of Mickey’s body as he hops about pulling his own boots off and shaking his legs out of his pants until at last he’s standing in nothing but his socks, a mile and a half of pale skin lit only by the soft glow of the candles and making Ian’s breath catch in his throat.
He has to kiss him again. His pants have barely hit the floor and he’s got Mickey gripped by the hips and is smashing their lips together even as Mickey’s shit-eating grin gives way to open-mouthed laughter.
He keeps kissing him as he uses his body to move them through to where he has stashed the lube, keeps kissing him as he backs him toward the mattress he has topped with piles of blankets and pillows gathered from every corner of the Gallagher household (and washed on a super high heat to remove any trace of Frank that might have been lingering), keeps kissing him, though not with a whole lot of finesse as he lowers them both down horizontal and reaches blindly around the side of the mattress for his little kit of supplies, and Mickey just keeps kissing him back.
Back when Mickey had first come around the Tamp and Grind, refusing to order his drink the way he wanted and barely looking Ian in the eyes some days, he would never have imagined, in a million years, that Mickey loved kissing as much as he does. But he really fucking does. He’s almost always the first one to lean in, and never the first one to pull away, he leads with his lips, a total kiss slut, and Ian loves it, loves that he is maybe the only person to know it. He kisses him and kisses him and gets hold of the lube and kisses him and vows that he will never deny Mickey a kiss when he wants it. He deserves all the kisses.
Although maybe he needs to take a breath, his thoughts are getting a little loopy.
He gets the lube on his fingers and fumbles around beneath them, sliding two straight back in to Mickey’s hole without much pre-amble and smiles when Mickey gasps beneath him.
“Yeah?” He asks, not really pulling his face back from Mickey’s, their mouths still connected though not quite in a kiss.
“Fuckin’ warn a guy” Mickey murmurs, lipping at Ian’s bottom lip a little, not quite a kiss, not anything really but some contact.
“How’s this for a warning?” He brings his ring finger into play, running it along Mickey’s rim to position it in the sort of ridge formed by his other two fingers and pushing, just a little, before pulling back again.
Mickey sucks in a deep breath, blowing it back out warm over Ian’s mouth as the finger slides in next to the others. There are so many sensations, warm breath on his face, soft hairs against his cheek threatening to tickle, sticky skin pulling against his own wherever they move, and the sucking heat surrounding his fingers, Ian revels in in, how completely physically consumed he is by this man, how absolutely lost he is to anything outside of his body and Mickey’s body right now.
He twists his fingers and pulls out a little before pushing back in, trying to give him a little stretch on every move, he grins at Mickey, thinking about why he needs the stretch, and Mickey’s returning grin is filthy and harsh.
“You gonna fuck me Gallagher?” He grunts as Ian makes his two main fingers into a scissor inside of him.
“Uh-huh.” Another kiss, another thrust, and now Mickey’s hand is worming in between them to grab at Ian’s dick, firm and sure in a way that makes Ian jolt.
“Think you got what it takes?” He starts up a stroke, nice and light, not letting his hand catch where Ian is sticky from pre-come, and Ian gives him a couple of thrusts in time with his fingers and fuck it feels really fucking good.
“Fuckin’ know I do. You’re desperate for it.”
Mickey licks his grinning lips, thumbing at the head of Ian’s dick.
“That right?” He squeezes a little, and Ian jerks.
“Fuckin’ greedy for it, you think you can take it?” He needs a condom, where did he leave them? He knows it was close by. He throws his arm out over their heads, feeling blindly as he sucks on Mickey’s lips. He comes up triumphant, waving it between their faces with a grin which Mickey returns, eyebrow cocking up toward his hairline.
“Only one way to find out man.” Mickey says, and all at once they are moving together, getting the packet open, getting Ian suited up and ready, and then both of their hands are there, covering him together, guiding him together, until he is finally sinking into the sucking heat of Mickey’s body and the both of them stop breathing for a minute as he slides all the way in.
It’s like time stops still. Like the whole world shrinks down to just him and Mickey and the points of contact between them, the heat that surrounds his cock and the light hairs tickling his elbow where it is bracketing Mickey’s arm, the short bursts of air that are passing between them as they kind of gape open-mouthed at each other, adjusting, feeling.
He thinks he could stay there like that forever, just locked inside Mickey for the rest of time, and be perfectly content with his lot in life. Mickey, though, he senses, is about to get restless.
He opens his mouth, no doubt to give Ian some patented Milkovich sass, so Ian takes his moment, right before Mickey speaks, and strikes, pulling out almost all the way in one swift movement, before grinding his way back in, pushing even further when he bottoms out so that Mickey’s hips tilt up off the mattress and a short grunt comes punching out of Mickey’s mouth.
He seems to like that move, so Ian goes with it, adjusting his weight so that he is able to grab hold of a seductively thick thigh in each hand and push upwards, holding Mickey’s weight so he can pull out again and grind back in, using every ounce of muscle control he’s worked so hard for to tilt his hips at just the right angle and push himself forward at just the right pace to get Mickey’s knees to twitch and his thighs to clench around him.
He goes at it like that for as long as he can, sweating and gasping and rolling his hips, rewarded for each thrust with a soft breathy ‘uhn’ from Mickey and the occasional half-hearted bite to his jaw or his ear or, at one point, his nose, though he does wonder if that was just bad aim. He doesn’t know how long he manages, maybe a minute, maybe less, before he starts to get that tight feeling in the base of his spine and his toes start to tingle and clench. His movements grow less smooth, less sure, jerking forcefully instead of gliding with purpose and he hopes he’s done enough to get Mickey there as well because this is apparently going to be a short performance.
‘Mick,’ he manages to gasp, eyes zeroing in for a second on a sweaty lock of hair that’s dangling out of place, ‘Mick, I’m—’, the force of his breaths blows the hair away again and Mickey’s face, flushed and glistening with sweat, comes back into focus.
‘Yeah, yeah.’ Mickey says, hushed and dark and right there with him, thank fuck. Glassy eyes lock onto Ian’s for just a second before Mickey’s reaching down between them to get a hold of his own cock and the sensation forces them closed, head tipping back, hips jolting upward with a force that nearly knocks Ian sideways. He pulls back, bringing Mickey with him so that he’s resting back on his knees, Mickey splayed basically in his lap. He does his best to grip Mickey’s hips despite the sweat and his waning co-ordination, juddering through the last thirty seconds of thrusts as Mickey urgently strips his cock, bringing himself to the edge and throwing himself off it seconds after Ian shudders and jolts and grinds to a seizing halt. He empties into the condom with great heaving groans, laughing as Mickey’s face twists up in bemusement at the noises he makes. A whole body shiver runs all the way through him and he leans into it, shaking his shoulders and head like a dog, spraying sweat everywhere and arching his back into a stretch.
It’s only when Mickey grunts and gives him a half-hearted kick against his right side that he realizes all of this movement is probably a bit much for the man he’s still inside of thirty seconds after he’s blown his load.
‘Fuck.’ He breathes, running his hands over Mickey’s hips in a way that he hopes is at least a little soothing. ‘Sorry.’
Mickey’s whole body seems to go limp, legs flopping down, head tipping back onto the mattress as his breathing slows. There is a small bruise starting to come through just beneath his clavicle, a dark blue just beginning to bloom, and Ian is struck with the overwhelming urge to taste it.
He tips forward, softening cock slipping out with the movement and earning another grunt out of Mickey, whose hands are covering his face now but who adjusts his body to the shifting weight of Ian leaning down over him. He brings his arms down around Ian to run light fingers over his back as Ian mouths gently at the darkening mark. They catch their breaths with soft touches and light kisses, Ian can hear the slowing thud of Mickey’s heart beneath his skin and he tries to match his own against it, breathing slow into his chest, contemplating what it might feel like if they were to somehow become one single being.
Mickey’s fingers in his hair tug him back to reality, and his brain suddenly starts whirring in a different direction, one that plants the seed of worry as he goes back over the last half hour, cataloguing everything he could have done different, better.
“Sorry.” He says again, propping his chin up on Mickey’s chest so he can look up at him. “That was—I can do better than that.”
Mickey waves a dismissive hand between them before planting it back in his hair.
“Nah,” He says, twisting a damp curl just starting to form around his middle finger, “you’re a fucking stud Gallagher.”
It’s dumb, and it pulls a groaning laugh out of Ian, but it’s enough to quiet his doubting mind and he buries his face in between Mickey’s pecs as the both of them give in to a few giggles.
“I can do better, though.” He says eventually, “I got a bit overwhelmed but usually I don’t just lose my shit like that.”
Mickey pulls at his hair, forcing him to look back up and meet Mickey’s eyes, cool and sharp, assessing Ian as they look him over.
“Alright,” He says at length, dropping his head back and giving Ian a couple of gentle pats on the shoulder, “well give me a minute to get the feeling back in my legs and you can prove it to me.”
part b coming soon??
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koithelittle · 7 months
christmas movies & cuddles
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note; my first fic here, yay!! terrified would be an understatement. idk how long it’s taken me to write this but it’s been a while, i was really struggling with being okay and confident with it so if it suck’s, i’m sorry. requests are open tho! for all things, and my inbox just in general so have at it! okay that’s all.
warnings; use of daddy/dada, cutesy pet names, brief mention of alcohol (wils past wif cwistmas), ummmss,,, mark boardman is there! great sitter- okay that’s all i think! not proofread for mistakes so beware!
pairing; cg!wilbur soot x gn!little!reader
taglist; @jjtheresidentbaby @lillylvjy @wilmaslittleflower @whos-nicooo (ask to be added!)
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wilbur always found enjoyment in making you happy, in doing things that would bring a smile to your face or make you laugh and giggle. he loved to be your sun, when all you were surrounded by was darkness.
he's never been fond of holidays if he's honest. he didn't like dressing up for Halloween, and as a guy in his mid-late 20s, he didn't particularly care for the party side of halloween either. when it came to Christmas, it only seemed to remind him how lonely he was. or had been. before he met you, christmas was spent inside, alone with alcohol to numb the loneliness.
but now, with you, he has every reason to celebrate it. christmas decor goes up november 1st, Christmas cookies get made the day after and he already has a list of gifts he plans on getting for you and all of your shared friends. he has plans of activities, and small outings to go on. you go ice skating together, where he holds you to his side and keeps you from falling. he takes you out to get a christmas tree together, bringing it home and setting it up in the corner of the den.
he'll stand on his toes to hang up the garlands, spending hours outside hanging up christmas lights on the porch (you tell him it's not worth the cold he'll endure, but he insists on doing it without you peeking all so it's a surprise). he loves doing things for you, and holding you and keeping you warm during the cold nights. he'll make you tea or cocoa and hold you between his legs as you both watch a christmas movie.
you show him all your favorites, although, elf is his all time favorite. he finds it bizarre and funny at the same time. how silly it is, and campy it feels. he'll rub your stomach and kiss your cheek, holding you close to his chest.
if he's honest, part of why he does all of these things is to help you, to heal you and to make christmas fun for big you and little you (because let's be honest, he does everything he can to bring a smile to your face both big and little).
lately, though, he's wanted to focus more on at home, quiet christmasy adventures. things that you would feel comfortable doing when you're regressed, which meant quiet and cuddly activities that meant being cooped up inside.
he'd seen the whole boo basket trend, and thought it was a neat idea but wanted to have his own twist on it (prior to deciding, he also saw the burr basket posts but those fizzled out before he really got a good idea of what he had planned). he sat down at his desk to list a few stores he'd stop by and what items he planned to get from each one.
the local bookstore was sure to have a santa book, and maybe even a few jellycats (you eyed them all the time, and he almost always sneakily bought the mini ones to hide around the house). after the bookshop, he'd head to another shop, one that he's sure would have a basket and maybe a blanket, some candy and instant cocoa, amongst other things.
once his list was completed, he hurried down the stairs to where you were cooped up in the corner of the couch, wrapped up in one of his blankets with your stuffed bunny held against your chest. you'd been regressed for a few hours now, and needed quiet time so he set you up in the living room awhile ago, your favorite cartoon playing on the TV.
he sat beside you, pulling you into his side as he kisses your cheek and temple. he rubs your arm as he smiles down at you, "hello, baby, you ok?" he whispers as you whine and crawl into his arms, sitting in his lap.
he chuckles softly, nuzzling his nose against your hair as your hands grip onto his shirt. he pulls back to get a look at your face, hand on the side of your head as he pushes hair out of your face.
"love," his voice is a bit more firm, "are you okay?" you shrug as a response, soft frown held on your lips as he sighs and pulls you closer. he presses kisses to the top of your head, running his fingers through your hair as his other hand rubs your back.
he holds you for a while, the TV playing as background noise more or less as he coos and whispers a soft lullaby to soothe you a bit. when your grip on his shirt loosens, and your breathing steadies out, he pulls back to look you in the eye again.
"I've gotta go out for a bit, do you want to go stay with grace or wilma?" he whispers softly, hands on your lower back as he gets you to sit up a bit more.
you shrug, eyes stuck on the wall behind him as you zone out. he rubs your back, bringing your attention to him again, "okay," you mumble, dropping your head to your shoulder.
he kisses the shell of your ear, recognizing that you're most likely nonverbal or at least close to it. he nuzzles his nose against your cheek in a light manner, tickling you. you giggle softly, tensing up before relaxing in his hold when he kisses your temple.
"what if... I called over wilma to keep an eye on you, mm? orrrr maybe joe? ash? mark?" he smirks, pressing a few kisses to your cheek.
"ummm.. mark!" you giggle softly, smiling wide and happy at the thought of getting to see Mark again. you have a few drawings for him, as well!
"mark? okay, well can you give Daddy a few minutes while I call him, yeah?"
you nod softly, scooting out of his lap and settling in front of the TV as you start to play with your stuffies. wilbur sits up, walking over to the foyer as he calls mark, listening as it rings.
mark picks up, "hey, mate! what's up?" his voice is bright and chirpy, always happy.
"hey, I've got a favor to ask," wilbur starts, and you perk up. you sit up, leaning over the back edge of the couch, looking over at him and smiling.
Wilbur smiles over at you, chuckling before he continues, "I need to head into town for a bit and I was wondering if you'd come over and look after y/n for a bit? they're little right now and I just don't want to leave them alone but I can't take them either," Wilbur sighs, pacing a slight bit as he awaits and answer from mark.
you don't bother to listen to the rest, slinking to the corner of the couch and curling up happily. he walks over a moment later, sitting beside you and rubbing your side and arm.
"hey lovebug," wilbur coos, you lift your head and smile sleepily at him. he pulls you up into his lap, holding you close.
"hi, dada," you whisper, head rested on his shoulder as he rubs your back softly, free hand playing with your hair.
"mark will be here soon, yeah?" he smiles sweetly, rubbing your upper arms as he pulls back to look at you.
he holds you close to him, humming a soft tune as you let the time pass quietly. mark soon rings the doorbell and wilbur greets him before giving him a way too detailed run down, as if he'd never been your sitter before. then, wilbur finally leaves.
he hurries out to the car, heading into town. he had the list pulled up on his phone, ready to have things marked off. he started with the book shop, sifting through the various christmas children books and collecting a few in his arms, checking out and walking next door to the children's shops.
he spends the rest of the next two hours, shopping and gathering things of all kinds. your favorite candies, a blanket, a stuffie or two, books, crayons, etc etc. anything that could make you feel better. and so, after he puts everything in the trunk, he gathers it all up into the basket, making it look all pretty before he tucks it into the passengers seat, making his way home.
while wilbur is driving home, you and Mark are set up on the kitchen floor. he made a little sensory box for you, one that he brought from home. youre playing with the toys, making the dinos fly as mark watches you and cheers you on, making you giggle with every question he has.
"what's this dinos name, little one?" mark coos, holding a blue dino up to you.
you giggle softly, taking the dino and placing it on the top of his head, making it jump around before taking it back and putting it in the box, “bluey,” you hum.
“oh, bluey? that’s a nice name, hm?” you nod at mark’s question, quietly playing in the box that holds sand and rice and an assortment of dino toys.
“when’s daddy gettin home?” you mumble quietly, eyes cast down on the dinos you’re playing with.
mark hums, thinking for a moment before he answers, “soon, hun, promise.”
soon didnt come soon enough for you, waiting not so patiently for wilbur to come home. once you hear the door click open, you jump up and hurry to the door, slinging yourself into his chest. you hug him close, babbling incoherently to him as he hugs you back.
"hey, baby, you okay? you miss me?" he croons, pulling you closer against his chest, his arms wrapped around you. you nod, giggling happily.
"missed you, dada!" you squeal as he moves to pick you up, holding you on his hip as mark cleans up in the kitchen.
"I missed you too baby! how about you settle down here, mkay?" he sets you down on the couch, tucking a blanket over you as he moves into the kitchen.
"were they okay?" wilbur kneels down to help clean up the dino toys and what other things get taken out of the box.
mark smiles and nods, "of course! they missed you though, alot."
wilbur hums, smiling to himself at the thought as he and mark bid goodbyes, mark soon leaving through the front door. you peak up over the back of the couch, arms folded and chin resting atop of them.
he chuckles, walking over to you and kissing your forehead, brushing hair out of your face gently, "hi love, I'm gonna go get something, okay? be a good little love while I'm gone. I'll be right back," he places a lingering kiss to your forehead before he turns to leave out the door. you stay there, watching the door like a puppy. he steps back in a few minutes later, a basket covered with his jacket now clad in his arms.
"close your eyes, bunbun," he smiles widely, and you do as told, giggling softly as you shut your eyes. you feel him sitting down next to you and something wicker being placed in your lap.
"open, love," he smiles as you, watching as you excitedly giggle and look up at him.
“all for me?” you whisper in disbelief, eyes wide with joy as you hold the sides of the basket, waiting for the go ahead.
“mhm, just for you, baby. go on, open it. it’s for our evening,” he smiles a bit softer, hand reaching behind your head to rub your hair as he watches you excitedly unwrap it all. your eyes widening with each thing, giggling and squealing happily with each little gift. once it’s all open, you crawl into his lap and wrap your arms around his neck, settling in for a hug.
“thank you, daddy!” you giggle softly, nuzzling your face into his neck as wilbur hugs you close.
“did you like it?” he hums, kissing your temple and cheek as he guides you back so he can look down at your face.
you nod eagerly, “all of it! every bit!” you reach over for the little bunny stuffie he grabbed for you and you show it to him, “it looks like you dada!”
he chuckles, rubbing your cheek and nodding, “oh it does, doesn’t it?” he takes it into his hand, waving it a bit at you as you giggle.
“yeah! ‘s you, dada!”
“well that’s a high compliment, mm?” you nod softly at his words as he hands the bunny back to you, pulling you into his lap as he rubs his thumbs over your soft cheeks, “how does a christmas movie with popcorn and candy and cuddles sound, mm?” his lips curl up in a coy smile, eyes bright with love for you.
you nod in agreement, resting your head on his shoulder as your hands rest on his sides, “mmhm, please?”
he nods, mumbling a quick okay as he kisses your cheek and sets you aside on the couch, “i’m gonna go get stuff from the kitchen, ok? you stay here and rest,” you nod, rubbing your eyes sleepily as you curl up on your side.
he hurries into the kitchen, starting some popcorn as he fills your favorite sippy with some juice, setting that aside as he pours the popcorn in a bowl. he sits beside you, popcorn on the coffee table as he hands you your sippy cup. you hold it, leaning against his side as he sets up a movie, cuddling close with you as you both quietly watch the movie together.
the rest of the evening is spent cuddled up with a christmas movie and candy, no need to talk or chat, and that’s the best part.
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Earthspark Frenzy, Ravage, and Laserbeak start to notice that Soundwave (Aka their dad) becoming a bit more…’friendly’ with their human ally (*wink wink*). One morning, after Soundwave and the human had gone away on an ‘mission’ and and just returned to their little base in the early hours of the morning when they though the cassettes would still be in recharge, but they thought wrong. Frenzy decides to be a little shit and asks, “So~ does that mean we can except a little brother or sister sometime soon?”
I wheezed out loud at this one and then started thinking about it and now I want to write this and a whole host of other Earthspark fics invoicing human/bot babies. Thank you very much for this anon, I've been waiting for a reason Hehehehehehe...
(Headcanon Note; I fully imagine bots can knock up humans with lil bot babies that grow into full size Cybertronians. Partly because I like the idea of the Allspark creating a species that can reproduce universally as some kind of all-life-is-connected thing, and also because I just prefer alien to human babies.)
Apologies for the tangent, now on with the story! I hope you enjoy, and if you like my writing style you can always commission me!
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Hearing Frenzy's voice surprised you out of your light doze, and you snapped your head up to find the three Minis up and awake in the tiny "kitchen" you'd all set up in the main area of the bunker. Soundwave acknowledged his Cassetes with a nod, just as tired as you were after the mission that had dragged into the early morning hours. Seated atop his shoulders, you did the same, waving and trying not to yawn as you rubbed the sleep from your tired eyes.
"Morning, everyone..." you greeted as warmly as you could, grumbling stomach reminding you why you hadn't asked to head straight for the bedroom to pass out. Soundwave raised a cupped servo for you to crawl into, his sharp claws curling protectively about your tiny form as he dropped to one knee and set you down. You were too tired to care how your hand lingered on his after grabbing on for support, and found yourself smiling up at him in a bit of a daze.
"I will initiate recharge. Join me after your rations." he said simply, utilizing a much broader vocabulary for you as he often did. Frenzy made a sound like a cough, and in the corner of your eye you saw her quickly put down a cup of energon to clear her vents. Soundwave left at that, and you set about pouring yourself a bowl of cereal for some much needed breakfast before bed. Just thinking of curling up in your little spot in the crook of his arm had you struggling to keep your eyes open...
"Back so late you're early, huh Y/N?" Frenzy asked after you'd fetched what you needed, briefly confusing your tired brain before you put her words together. Sitting down at the little salvaged table, you sat opposite the three and tried to stir up enough neurons to be conversational.
"You could say that. The mission took a bit longer than we planned, but we got what we needed." you explained, trying to stay conscious long enough to pour milk over your cereal.
"We weren't too worried. The two of ya have been spending a lot of quality time together of late, we were sure you were using the night well." Laserbeak added, bobbing his helm in confirmation. There seemed to be the faintest hint of a grin on his beak, but you didn't look too deeply into the expression, even as Frenzy snorted at his words. It was quite normal for them to be amused by their own antics, so you were hardly suspicious, and didn't even notice Ravage observing you in silence.
"Guess you can't wait to get back the berth." Frenzy continued, smirking over her glass as you shoveled cereal into your mouth. Not reading into any of their questions, you nodded, thinking of how Soundwave would probably be recharging by the time you joined him. It would feel incredible to just sink in with your blankets and pillows and sleep next to his warm frame. "You two must love sharing that thing."
"Yeah, no point in wasting space." you agreed as you got to the milk at the bottom, thinking purely in literal terms thanks to sleep deprivation. A single glance would have allowed you to see that Frenzy was biting her lip to keep her giggles in check while Laserbeak did much the same, all while Ravage tried to pretend he wasn't affiliated with either of them, but you merely continued talking without a thought. "It's at such a premium down here, we're practically on top of each other half the time."
This time you recognized the sound Frenzy made as a barely restrained chuckle, but when you looked up for clarification, it was Laserbeak that spoke.
"For you and Soundwave, it's way more than half." he said with a snicker. Though their double meaning was so obvious you should have caught on straight away, all you had the capacity to do was tilt your head over your cereal, the wheels of your brain doing their best to try and figure out why these bots were acting so strange.
"What?" you pressed, your direct question coming just as Ravage swatted his tail at the avian bot.
"Nothing." Laserbeak replied with mock innocence after ignoring the hit, grin never once leaving his beak.
"He's just goofing around." Frenzy said to calm your concerns, waving off the other mini in a good natured tease. Figuring they were all just involved in a game, you shrugged and brought the bowl to your lips to finish, getting about halfway through the sweetened milk before the cassette broke the silence.
"But for real, when can we expect a little brother or sister?"
You half choked on the milk and sprayed the rest over the table, eyes bulging as you finally understood everything that had been implied up to that point.
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storiesofsvu · 9 months
5 Nights Pt 4
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*not my gif* Aaron Hotchner x reader warnings: semi public make out, dirty talk and lots of it, smut, v minor daddy kink. pt 4 is finally here! now y'all see why i couldn't have done all of these all together in one fic lol. I'm 99% sure this is the end but i lowkey am already thinking about extending it into a mini series of how things go when they get back to Quantico. so if y'all are interested in something like that, lmk!!
Love Aaron Hotchner? Don't miss out! Taglist here! Like what you read? Tip your writer!🩵
Aaron had had his eye on you all day, barely able to tear his gaze away from you as you worked through mountains of paperwork. His plan the night prior was to get himself off to the thought of finally fucking you and then actually fuck you when you got home from the bar. Problem being that the exhaustion was catching up with him, and you were out later than planned, he was dead to the world by the time you got back to the room. So now he was stuck for the third day in a row fighting off a constant hard on, desperately trying to think of anything but the memories of you trembling in his arms or on your knees with his cock buried between your lips.
He was on his way to get a fresh cup of coffee when he spotted you in an empty, off to the side copy room, using the machine to get extra copies of case files. You’d been running low on clothes, stuck in a skirt today, one that hugged tightly to your hips and ass, leaving little to the imagination, exposing your legs that Aaron wished were wrapped around his head again. He silently shut the door behind himself, you didn’t even realize he was in the room until his hand was on your waist, his breath hot on your ear as he husked into it.
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to resist bending you over a desk and fucking you so hard you forget your own name?” His hips ground into your ass and you let out a gasp, his cock very apparent through the fabric, “fuck you so good all you can do is chant my name, let the whole building know just who it is that’s making you feel so fucking good. Make you scream so fucking loud when that tight little pussy squirts all over my cock, just love the way you make a mess sweetheart, love watching you fall apart on my cock. Wanna pull out of you, watch your juices drip down your thighs before I come all over your face, shove my dick into that mouth of yours, watch you choke on it.”
You instinctively ground back towards him, letting out a little moan at the way his dick twitched. Your hand shot out behind you, wrapping up to tangle in his short locks, “Hotch…” you practically moaned, complete putty in his hands. All thoughts of the work place and task at hand completely forgotten as his hands began to roam your body, groping at your chest, fingers pinching your nipples through your clothes. You let out a whimper, feeling yourself begin to flutter around nothing, the pulsing in your pussy simply begging to be filled with Aaron’s cock, wetness growing with each time he rutted against you.
“I’m gonna absolute ruin you.” He growled, a hand cupping at your pussy through your skirt, “no one’s ever going to be able to fuck you like I can.”
“Aaaron…” you groaned softly, tugging at his hair.
Within a second he had you whipped around, pinning you to the counter behind you and his lips were on yours. You let out a gasp into the kiss, your entire body tingling at the feeling of his kiss, the way his tongue easily slunk into your mouth, dominating the entire situation even more. He slotted himself between your legs, a hand sneaking between your ass and the counter, squeezing at your body as he hoisted you onto the ledge. You instantly wrapped your legs around his waist, your skirt bunching around your waist as he rolled his hips into you, his cock rubbing right against your clothed pussy and you moaned. His teeth sunk into your lip, pulling it before letting it snap back to your mouth, he considered leaving a hickey on your neck but couldn’t resist plunging back into another kiss, never wanting to have to surface again, eager to completely devour you.
It wasn’t until his phone blared through the room that the two of you came hurtling back to earth and to your senses, jolting apart breathlessly. Hotch hissed, adjusting himself in his pants with one hand while the other dug his phone out of his back pocket to answer, turning his back on you in an attempt to focus. Chest heaving, you slid off the counter, fixing your blouse and straightening your skirt while you tried to calm the fire shooting through your body. Thankful for the mirror in the corner you were able to wipe off the smudged lipstick, take a minute to make sure your hair wasn’t too messed up before you grabbed the copies and originals from the photocopier, vanishing from the room as Aaron swapped back into work mode.
The door to the hotel room was barely shut much less locked by the time Hotch was pouncing on you, hands shoving your blazer to the floor before roughly tugging at his tie while his tongue plunged into your mouth. Clothes trailed their way through the hotel room until your back hit the wall, a gasp escaping your lips at the cool temperature on your bare back. Aaron’s lips traced the column of your neck, pulling moans from you as he began to suck at your pulse point, groaning over the taste of your skin. Your hands slunk between your bodies, palming at him through his boxers, he was already hard, pre-cum staining the front of the fabric. His hands wound around your body, pulling you tight to him as he squeezed at your ass, fingers daring to sneak between your legs from behind, brushing at your clothed pussy.
“Aaron… please..” you whined, letting out a quiet yelp when his teeth sunk into your skin, determined to leave you with a mark that claimed you as his. Your fingers tugged at his boxers, yanking them as far down as you could while he was attached to your neck, “need your cock. Now.”
You felt him twitch in your hand when you said it, letting out a breathy moan as your hand wrapped around his length. Within the next second his hands were ripping your panties off, shreds of fabric falling to the floor and you let out a louder moan when his fingers ran through your pussy lips.
“God,” he groaned, “have you been this wet all day?”
“Mmhmm.” You nodded, rutting your hips toward him in search of what you wanted, “need you. Fuck me, please sir.”
Aaron finally pulled himself away from the crook of your neck, wrapping a hand around his cock, running the tip of it through your folds, smearing your juices down his length. He watched the way you shivered at the contact, another whine leaving your lips before he spanked your clit with his cock and you gasped, body jolting off the wall toward him. With one swift thrust he was buried inside you, body tight against yours as he pinned you to the wall and you both let out satisfied moans.
“Fuck…” he grunted, “you feel so good.”
“Move…” you begged and that was all it took for Aaron to grab your legs, wrapping them around his waist as he began to pull almost all the way out before sinking all the way back in. “Oh god.”
Your head dropped back against the wall, each pump of his cock hit every inch of you that you needed, little whimpers and moans leaving your lips every time he pressed you into the wall. Your arms wound around his shoulders, bracing yourself up as he picked up the pace, burying his face into the crook of your neck again. You could feel the slick building between your legs, fully coating him, your pussy fluttering around his cock and he swore.
“Fuck…” he panted, “squeezing me so tight already.”
“Harder. Please.” Aaron stepped back from the wall for a moment, bracing his feet differently before thrusting even deeper into you, pinning you to the wall and you cried out in pleasure. “Oh fuck! Yes! Oh god…”
A shimmer of sweat was breaking out on your body as your hands clawed at his shoulders, nails leaving half circle indents on his skin. Each thrust of his hips crashed you into the wall, the pain worth it for the pleasure, his body rubbing against your clit, fire prickling under your skin as you clenched down around him.
“Feel good?” He asked, finally pulling his face from your neck, capturing your lips in a deep kiss as you nodded, whining out the best ‘yes’ you could in that moment. Your thighs began to squeeze around his waist, your breath hot on his lips as your chest heaved, eyes fluttering shut and he could feel your cunt dripping and pulsing around him, “you gonna come for me sweetheart?” A hand slid up your body, roughly cupping at your chest, finger and thumb pinching at one nipple and then the next, rolling the swollen buds between his fingertips. “Be a good girl and come all over daddy’s cock.” Aaron husked into your ear, biting at your earlobe and your eyes shot open at the use of the title.
“Oh god!” Your body trembled, pussy clenching down around his cock as your peak washed over you, juices dribbling out where your bodies were connected, drenching Aaron’s thighs as he continued to pound into you.
“That’s it.” He cooed, “that’s my good girl.” His arms wound around you tightly as he pulled you off the wall, cock still buried deep in your cunt as he carried you over to the bed. Your lips were peppering kisses to the side of his neck, teeth scraping gently at the skin as you let out little whimpers, pussy still fluttering around him as you shivered. Before he had a chance to put you down on the bed you let out a little whine,
“Wanna ride you.”
“Alright.” He chuckled, slipping out of you and dropping down onto the bed, bracing himself up against the headboard as you scrambled up the bed to straddle him. His eyes flicked behind you to the full length mirror, the one he’d fingered you in front of days ago, “wait.” You stalled in your movements, “turn around.”
“Turn. Around.”
His finger twirled and once your eyes met his through the mirror you understood why, a small smirk on your lips as you straddled his hips, hand wrapping around his cock. You trailed it through your folds, rocking up and down as you pressed his cock against your pussy, grinding up and down his length as your juices made even more of a mess before you finally lined it up and sunk all the way down onto him.
“Fuck…” you moaned, biting your lip, “love your cock.”
“Yeah?” He asked with a wicked grin, hands coming up to rest on your waist, giving you a soft squeeze, “love it buried in that tight little cunt?” A hand spanked at the globe of your ass, “you like it when I fuck you nice and deep?”
“Mmhmm?” You nodded, gasping when he spanked you again.
“Well then why don’t you get goin’? Put on a nice little show for me, let’s see how gorgeous you are riding my cock.”
You didn’t need any more encouragement, bracing on your knees as you rose up until only the head of his cock was inside you, starting a steady rhythm bouncing in his lap. Aaron groaned at the sight of your tits bouncing in the mirror, the way your eyes fluttered shut and your hands roamed your body as you rode him. Each time you came down his cock fully disappeared into your pussy, throbbing and twitching inside you, feeling the way your walls were pulsing around him. He would never get enough of this sight and he knew it, trying to memorize every inch of your body through the mirror as he squeezed at your ass with one hand, the other on your waist, guiding you up and down. His hips suddenly thrust upward and you let out a little squeak in surprise, your eyes shooting open,
“Touch yourself.” He grunted, “want you to come again before I do.”
“Yes sir.” You nodded, keeping eye contact through the mirror as you sucked two fingers into your mouth while you continued to ride him. Your fingers left a trail of spit down your body as your hand sunk lower until they hit the swollen nub, pulsing and aching to be touched, “oh fuck…” your head dropped back as your began to rub your clit.
“Harder.” Hotch urged, hands gripping your waist tighter, “faster.”
You complied, pushing harder as your hand began to move faster, bouncing quicker in his lap and you began to pant, your chest heaving as pleasure prickled under your skin. All that could be heard in the room were the sounds of skin on skin, wet sounds squelching from your pussy as your moans got louder and louder. Hotch could feel your cunt squeezing down tighter and tighter with each thrust of his cock and he knew you weren’t far off.
“Oh god daddy…” You moaned.
“That’s it sweetheart.” He grunted, bracing a foot on the bed to thrust more powerfully into you, earning a loud moan from you as he did so, “show me how pretty you are when you come for me. Just for me.”
You let out a cry, your body surging forward as pleasure skyrocketed through you, your entire being shaking as you squirted all over his cock. You tensed up, hands braced against the bed in front of you before you screamed out a moan, a third orgasm coursing through you. You barely had time to feel the wetness dripping down your thighs before Aaron shoved you forward so he could get on his knees behind you, his cock never once leaving your drenched cunt and then he was fucking you into the mattress.
“God.. listen to you..” He moaned, “just fucking wrecked.”  Your fingers clawed at the bedspread, pussy throbbing around him, clit harshly rubbing against the bedspread, whines leaving your lips as you began to reach the stage of overstimulation. “Just a little cock slut, aren’t you?”
“Only for… you…” you moaned out, voice muffled by the duvet.
“Good girl.” He grunted with a particularly deep thrust and your thighs shook, “gonna make me come.” He could feel his lower stomach tightening, his eyes squeezing shut.
“Give it to me.” You cried out, “want your cum.”
“Fuck.” He hissed, his hips faltering and then stilling buried deep inside your cunt, cum spurting into you, coating your walls.
“Oh god…” You groaned at the sensation, finally letting your body fully collapse into the mattress.
Panting, Aaron gently dropped over you, caging you into the bed, one hand softly soothing up and down your side as he pressed a series of kisses across your shoulders, “you okay?”
“Phenomenal.” You mumbled back, earning a chuckle from him before he kissed the back of your neck, gently slipping out of you to collapse on his back beside you on the bed. You rolled your head toward him, shifting slightly, happily sighing at the feel of the cum mixture leaking down your thighs, “but if it takes another fucking four days for that to happen again, I will not be impressed.”
“All I need is four minutes.” He smirked back at you, “besides, there’s plenty of ways I can get you off that don’t even need my cock.” You let out a yelp when his hand slid between your legs, softly fucking the cum back into your cunt, “see?” He asked with a near evil grin and you laughed, letting him wrap his free arm around your waist, lips meeting yours in a lazy kiss as he continued to toy with you.
You had to admit, even if you did have to wait another four days, you knew it would be completely worth it in the end.
@alexusonfire @svushots @geekyandgay98 @onmykneesformarvel @emobabeyy @daddy-heather-dunbar @mrs-ssa-hotch @hotchandspencearedilfs @mina2000alex @telepathay @darlingsfandom @ssamorganhotchner @hotchsdoormat @hopedoesntknow @thehauntingofbasingse @plaidbooks @the-hopeless-haze @niyizh @ababanana @tommyriddleobsessed @supercriminalbean @hotchs-bitch @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @emlynblack @ivyflowers13 @ratsnestinmyhair @silversprings-mp3 @originalbrunettecharacter @elz-artzzz @ssaaaronhotchnerr @itsrainingreid @speedynana
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dracaelus · 4 months
Ok guys, look at me *shaking with ghostbat energy*
During the events of Batman fear state, scarecrow finds a way to get into batman's mind and mess around a little. So, naturally, batman asks ghostmaker to enter his mind and check what's going on, you know, as you do
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This happens in Batman (2016) #113, if you wanna read the whole thing you can start at Batman #106 or (if you wanna see Khoa's introduction and first appearance in the comics) Batman #102. I'm telling you this because right here at this moment, there's a wonderful, incredible potential for ghostbat fics and I need someone to tap into that, so bear with me
In the actual issue, things get resolved a little faster, but here we have your prompt: Bruce and Khoa exploring Bruce's mind, walking around through all of his memories, trying to get to the one they need and find out what's wrong with his brain (besides the usual).
So we can see Bruce at multiple points of his life
Khoa: you know, I think you could've been an actual cute baby if they'd just given you brown contact lenses
Bruce: don't start
Khoa: I mean it, you had potential. But as things are, you were just a small creepy creature
Khoa: like, what's the deal with all the staring?
Bruce: I was attentive and observing.
Khoa: you were strange and off-putting... Not much different than you are now I guess
Khoa: Oh, he's staring at me now. Can you make him stop? Do they come with an off button?
Bruce: It's just a memory, Khoa, it can't hurt you
Baby!Bruce: •-•
We can have kid!Bruce going to the park with his parents; they send him to play with the other kids and about half an hour later he comes back with some company.
Kid! Bruce: *holding a little kid's hand* Mother, Father. Meet your new son, Tobias.
Martha: What
Kid!Bruce: I adopted him as my brother since you wouldn't give me one by your own volition. He's part of the family now. He's very nice, I think you'll like him.
Tobias: :D
Thomas: How did you even get him-
Martha: *carefully* Look, Bruce. Darling. I know you want a little brother...
Kid!Bruce: I really, really want •-•
Martha: ... really, really want. But you can't just steal a kid like that, that's illegal.
Kid!Bruce: -_-
Kid!Bruce: I shall be a criminal, then.
*in the background*
Khoa: so... you've always been like that, hm?
Bruce: stfu i was six
The comedic potential??? The opportunity to throw all your headcanons into it and call it a day???? C'MON!
And you can take a completely comedic approach to it, but may I present you one more aspect of this little adventure because everything is fun and games until I throw horror at it O_o
So, here's the thing about Scarecrow's plan: he creates an evil/monstrous version of Bruce in his memories. It doesn't appear much so it's hard for me to explain what exactly it is and what it's supposed to do, but it's basically:
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Ghostmaker just straight up kills it but yk I think there's more potential to this idea, it can be further explored
I, personally, love the idea of this disturbing version of him being able to manifest itself in multiple memory!bruce versions
So, cute but creepy baby bruce? He's about to get creepier
Baby!Bruce: •-•
Baby!Bruce: *eyes go completely black*
Khoa: yk, Bruce... I'm not a kid specialist, but I think there might be something genuinely wrong with mini-you...
Bruce: Khoa, seriously, I thought the only baby here was my younger self. Could you please stop trembling under the stare of a 1 year old-
Baby!Bruce: *turns his head 360 degrees like a kid in a horror movie and starts coughing black goo*
Bruce: ...
Khoa: see, this is why i never wanted kids.
Also, just as a side note, khoa can also show bruce his own memories
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So you can do whatever you want with that information. I just really wish that whole plotline had been longer
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simplepotatofarmer · 1 year
another mini fic for my 'hey loyal write this' challenge, this time based on @justcallme-ange's prompt! a slight retelling of doomsday preparations featuring doomsday trio!
“How’s preparations coming along, mate?”
Techno stopped in the middle of the cabin and sighed, arms hanging down at his sides.
“Bruh. Don’t ask me that, Phil, alright,” he said. “I have no dang idea what I’m doin’.”
“You look stressed.” A trace of worry was in Phil’s voice, hidden beneath the laughter.
“Who knew that destroyin’ a government was so complicated?” 
“Have you talked to Dream again, seen what he’s up to? It might help us figure out what we should be doing,” suggested Phil.
It wasn’t a bad idea. As much as Dream came off as mysterious and aloof, Techno had learned it actually took very little to get him talking. Or at least very little to fluster him and get him laughing which was about the same thing in the end. 
“See, this is why I keep you around, Phil,” Techno said, taking out his communicator and typing out a quick message.
[you whisper to Dream] hey man [you whisper to Dream] can we meet up and do a lil planning?
With a sigh, Phil moved some clutter out of the way, clearing a place for him to sit.
“Now we wait,” he said.
They didn’t have to wait long. Techno had barely begun pacing around the cabin, collecting supplies to brew a potion then deciding he wanted to brew a different one, before his communicator chimed. Techno fumbled with it for a moment.
[Dream whispered to you] i’m kind of busy. is something wrong?
[you whisper to Dream] define ‘wrong’ haha [you whisper to Dream] nah, it’s fine. we can come to you. where are you?
Phil quirked an eyebrow as he watched Techno type, chuckling to himself, and resisted the urge to stand up and try to read over his friend’s shoulder.
This time the reply took longer.
[Dream whispered to you] sure i guess [Dream whispered to you] i’m near by [Dream whispered to you] at my HOUSE
Techno waved the communicator in Phil’s direction.
“This man, he’s still tryin’ to convince me he’s not homeless.”
“Jesus christ,” said Phil, rolling his eyes.
[you whisper to Dream] do you mean your ‘evil lair’?
A second later, the communicator chimed.
[Dream whispered to you] WHAT?? [Dream whispered to you] how the hell do you know about that techno??
Laughing, Techno responded.
[you whisper to Dream] me and phil will be there in a bit [you whisper to Dream] sorry about the creeper man
[Dream whispered to you] THAT WAS YOU???
Techno remembered the path to Dream’s little house. It hadn’t been that long since he had watched Dream struggle to build it. He was little surprised to find that Dream had returned to rebuild it but maybe he shouldn’t have been. It seemed like a very Dream thing to do, the more he thought about it.
“You really bullied him into building a house?” asked Phil as they trudged along.
“I mean, bullyin’ is a bit harsh, Phil.” Techno paused. “But I absolutely bullied the heck out of that man.”
“You’re unbelievable, mate.”
As they crested the hill, Techno stopped.
“Huh. I guess he really did rebuild it,” he said.
The house was just as mismatched as it had been the first time Techno had been here. Shaking his head, Techno headed down with Phil following behind him. There was still a hole in the yard from the creeper. Techno knocked on the door and waited.
A moment later there was the sound of something hitting the ground and then footsteps that were almost too quiet to hear. The door opened and Dream was tugging down his mask, dirty blonde hair sticking out around the straps. When he spoke, he sounded as if he was holding back a yawn.
“What did you need to talk about, Techno?”
“Well, the whole destroyin’ the government thing,” he said, slowly. There was something about the set of Dream’s shoulders, how disheveled he looked, that made worry sprout in his chest. His armor was half on and his sleeves were rolled up, exposing his forearms covered in bandages. Techno glanced at Phil; he had been ready to grill Dream about his plans but he was silent, frowning. “You alright, man?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” Dream adjusted his mask again and glanced behind him before stepping aside. “Well… I guess you can come in, I’ll show you what I’ve got so far.”
One of the first things Techno noticed about Dream’s ‘house’ was there was no bed. The second thing was the blueprints that had been spread out and tacked up onto the wall. Some of them clearly weren’t for whatever he had planned for L’Manberg and he had quickly shoved them away. Neither Techno nor Phil said anything though they had exchanged a glance before sitting down at the table Dream had indicated. There were only two chairs so Dream had sat on a chest in the corner.
“And you got enough TNT for this?” asked Phil.
There was no answer.
Techno cleared his throat. The mask made it impossible to see where Dream was looking but the downward tilt of his head gave it away.
“Dream?” Techno shifted in his seat and nudged Dream’s foot with his hoof. “Wakey-wakey.”
Dream jerked upright.
“When’s the last time you’ve gotten some sleep, man?”
He tugged at his sleeves, rolling them down, and turned his head away.
“Well, to be fair, I’ve been pretty busy,” said Dream.
Snorting, Phil shook his head.
“Damn good way to get yourself killed, going into battle exhausted.”
“It’s—I mean, it’s fine. I’m fine.” Dream’s voice rose in pitch. “You’re the ones that wanted to come here.”
Techno frowned. The worry from earlier had bloomed.
“Alright, Dream, alright,” he said. “I guess we should be goin’. How about you walk us back, Dream?”
“What?! Why?”
It was a question that Phil had been on the verge of asking himself but he saw the look on Techno’s face and realized he had something planned.
“Haven’t you ever heard of hospitality, Dream? We’re your guests.”
“That doesn’t—That doesn’t make any sense! You came here.”
“Hospitality, Dream.” Techno got to his feet. “C’mon, walk us back.”
The groan Dream gave turned into a yawn halfway through. Standing, Dream adjusted his mask once more – it had slipped to the side – and headed towards the door.
“God, fine.”
It took about five minutes for Dream to stumble the first time. The second time, he slipped on a snow-covered log and might have fallen if Techno hadn’t caught him, steadying him with a pat on the back.
“Whoa, easy, Dream,” he said.
Dream didn’t pull away. He rubbed a hand over his face, beneath the mask, and then shrugged. He knew the argument that Techno was about to make and knew there wasn’t anything he could say because Techno was right.
“You got a death wish, mate, running yourself so ragged like this?” asked Phil.
Looking at him, Dream shrugged again because he couldn’t argue with that, either, not really.
“Good thing you decided to walk us back, Dream, you can stay with me tonight,” Techno said. “I have room, I told you that.”
“I’m not—I’m not staying with you.”
“Sure you are, Dream.” Taking Dream’s hands, Techno ducked under his arm, turning so his back was to Dream and lifting him. Dream struggled for a moment before giving up and letting Techno tug him up until he was settled on Techno’s back. “We can’t have you trippin’ and breakin’ a leg before the big fight.”
“This is so fucking embarrassing,” Dream muttered but he looped his arms around Techno’s neck.
“I mean, it is pretty embarrasin’ that I have to carry you but I don’t mind, man.”
Phil burst out laughing, slapping his knee.
“Oh, got him.”
“I hate both of you,” said Dream.
“I know, Dream.”
The laughter trailed off and silence fell as they walked. It didn’t take long for Techno to feel Dream’s head drop against his neck, chin resting on his shoulder, breathing now even. All his weight was now held up by Techno’s arms, hands under his knees.
“He’s asleep, isn’t he, Phil?”
Craning his head, Phil tried to get a good look.
“Out like a fucking light,” he said, with a huff of amusement.
“I knew it. Man was practically asleep on his dang feet.”
“Some big bad,” Phil said. “He’s like a damn toddler.”
“Not gonna lie, he weighs a bit more than a toddler but yeah.”
“So, was your plan to bully him into walking us home just so you could make him take a nap?”
“Well, when you put it like… But yeah, that was exactly my plan, Phil. That was exactly my plan.”
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when the clock strikes 12
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Summary : while awaiting for the new year countdown, Eddie had an idea to blow your mind
Word Count : it's for the mini fics section soooo lengthwise? probably solid
Warnings : 18+ (MDNI)SMUT‼️Eddie Munson x FEM!reader, language, slight alcohol consumption, reader and Eddie are both (20), slight somnophilia 🫠, aftercare, no use of y/n, reader is slowly waking up and Eddie asks for permission and if you're still uncomfortable with that please don't continue to read, that's just it really
What to Expect : SMUT and FLUFF, Eddie being a silly goose, set in modern era (of course, there's still a touch of 80's in there), UPSIDE DOWN & VECNA DON'T EXIST IN THIS!
Note To Reader : GIF for this because I'm missed seeing him moving on my fics lmao, also the divider is made by me hehe- I'm literally exposing myself out here, please forgive for my salacious thoughts 🙏🏻 (if you know me in real life? no- you don't 😃)
Author Note : I know I've been long gone for a while but I'm trying my best to post new fics as much as I can! there has been a lot of happenings with my life especially we're having a lot of events like family reunion 🫠 (but it's so much fun tho ngl)
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The preparation for new year's is going so well
So well, that you haven't realized how tired you really are
You're so productive that you've used too much of energy on yourself for working to prepare for the party
You wanted this to be perfect
You want everything to be settled in according to your plan
Eddie knows that you're always so "serious" when it comes to decoration and especially when there's an occasion
He loves you for it though, you just don't throw parties
You throw the greatest parties all the time and you never missed
All of your friends are in there, Steve, Robin, Jonathan, Nancy, Argyle and the freaking kids that you always adored so much
You looked around at everyone in the room
Jeff and Gareth are bantering at each other with some album, Dustin and Lucas fight over which 80's fantasy film is the best, Steve, Robin and Eddie surprisingly getting along with the same pop music artist, you could see the three of them geeking at each other
Max and Jane do makeover at each other which aches your heart of seeing them so close to each other, it's really so sweet to have a real girl bestfriend like that
"I'm gonna refill your glass" Nancy pasts over to you snatching the glass on your hand so swiftly that it makes you snap out of your head
You slowly trying to register what just happened and you smile finally
"More wine? really?" You say as you watch her fill your glass with wine
"Uh, yeah?" she replies with a dramatical jerk to her head as you chuckle
"But it's only 9pm!" you exclaim with wide eyes but a fond smile on your lips
"are you saying that we should only be drinking when the clock finally strikes 12?!?" she says while she fills her cup, she takes glances at you and back to her glass
"Ah- yes, that! exactly!" you point to her using your index finger as you holding your glass of wine
You could already feel yourself getting drowsy a little bit from the wine
Red wine will always make you feel sleepy
You don't even know if it's the alcohol or you just really need to doze off for a minute before you could scream at the top of your lungs for 2024
You don't even know how many glasses that you already take
"Did we just finished the whole bottle?" You feel the world is spinning on you
Nancy, your bestfriend- raises the bottle in front of you as she snorts at your disapproval look
"Kinda?" she says slurring as she smirks at you
"What do you mean? Kinda?!"
"Hey- woah!"
Jonathan passes by and bless him for his instincts because Nancy would've been knocked her head on the counter as she starts stumbling from her stance, he catches her on time
Nancy giggled as you rolled your eyes in annoyance, massaging your forehead
He saw the look from your face as he chuckles
"She got too far again, huh?"
"Yeah, she always does, Jonathan, nothing's new" you reply as you also can't walk properly
"Wait- don't move- should I call-"
Before Jonathan can finish his words, the voice of your boyfriend booms out of nowhere while Argyle tails behind him, looking at you and Nancy
"Sweetheart- how you've-"
Eddie clocked the wine bottle from Nancy hand
"Did you dr-"
"Don't even try it, Ed's" you placed your palm over his mouth as you stumble forward, he immediately wraps his arms around you as you started pressing all of your weight against his chest making the male laugh as he gently hold the back of your head
"Y'all getting drunk already? It's not even 12am yet" Argyle with his iconic tone, you seriously have no idea which one of his voice is normal
You've never heard him talk in normal voice before so you're used to him having that voice that sounds so freaking high as fuck
But, he's a good bud tho, so hilarious
"Blame her, not me! Eddie tell them!" You defend yourself as you put your chin onto his chest as you look at him with a pout on your lips, he smiles as he ruffles his face against yours making your face scrunch up from his action, he laughs again
"What's with all of the commotion?" Steve arrives with hands on his hips
"The two got their selves drunk again" Jonathan points to you and to his girl
"As if that's new" Robin appears in the corner with her arms crossed leaning against the side of the wall
Steve chortles "Wait- you got hustled by Nancy again?"
You groaned from Steve's teasing "yeah, I always fail to see that, thanks" you say
"I told you, you shouldn't brought the wine here, you moron!" Robin uncrosses her arms finally figuring out where the wine misplaced her eyes widen when she saw Nancy holding it, she snatches it making her bite a laugh as Jonathan also connecting the dots at the scene
He pressed his lips together to not burst from laughter
Argyle watches both of his friends having a fit of unnecessary argument
"I think I need to grab a popcorn for this" he leaves abruptly as he looked at your kitchen cabinets and came back munching in a bag of popcorn, very entertained at the scene
"I-I don't know how she got it!"
"Did you hide it properly!?"
"Look- Robs-"
Robin clicks her tongue as she asks "Nancy, how did you get the wine bottle?!"
She turns around with a lopsided smile as Jonathan steadys her
"I just saw it hanging around but-"
"I think Steve" she points at him as she chuckles making the boy winces as he finally remembered of what he's done
"Forgotten about it that he left it out there, soooo" she giggles again making Robin grumble as she raises both of her eyebrows at Steve
"Oh- come on!" Steve runs his fingers through his hair as he decides to turn back leaving all of you
"Hey! don't you walk out on me! I paid for that expensive shit-" Robin follows him as she starts pointing everything on him
Argyle, Jonathan, Nancy and Eddie all laughing at the scene while meanwhile you, Eddie could hear you chuckle a bit but you made a little hum
He draws back his attention at you, he looks down at you
"I think I need to doze off for a minute" you say to him with your sleepy eyes
He smiles as he kisses the top of your head he put his arms around you "Yeah, sure"
Eddie says to Jonathan and the rest that you and him will be out for a while, they all nod and said "Don't be late for the countdown"
Your boyfriend leads you to your bedroom as you throw yourself at your bed as he closes the door walking towards you, you lay behind your back as you stretch your whole body, Eddie chuckles at your tipsy behavior
"I love my bed"
"Yeah, you always do"
"Uh huh"
He snickers "Okay, honey, are you well? are you sober?" He leans down at you
"Eddie- you know the alcohol hits harder at Nancy right?"
"I'm just checking you know to see if my girl's alright" he shrugs as he put his hands inside of his pockets
"I'm very much, okay, eds- I'm sssleepy" you yawn as you feel your eyes dropping until it shuts completely
He chuckles as he shakes his head he leans down as he kisses your forehead you smile at the gesture as it makes you even heavier to fall asleep
Eddie watches you sleep as he stands over at the window
The neighborhood outside is quite a watch, everyone is having fun, everyone is having a blast
The music outside is dull but he can hear all of his friends laughter and the screams of excitement from them
He shifts from where he standing as he tears off his eyes from the outside of your window and goes back at you
You turned on the other side, so you're now facing him as you snuggle against your pillow
Eddie smiles to himself, he feels so good having you in his life
He walks towards you as he moves the fallen hair strand on your face
His eyes softens as he sats down beside you
You stirred up from the movement on the bed as you try to open your eyes, you smiled when you realized it's Eddie
You pulled him closer beside you as he lets you take him laying down with you
He put his other arm over you as you cuddled against his chest almost hugging him in the process
You feel more cozier and even more sleepier than before
The moment you move your leg over to his
Your skirt rise up exposing more bare skin to him, his breath hitches at the sight of it
He looks down at you, he double thinked- maybe- it's a bad idea to do this but he wants you so badly right now
He shouldn't even be thinking that you will get mad because hell-
You trust him
He starts sinking down beside you, you moved slightly as he continues to do his work
He plants hot kisses over your neck when finds your sweet spot- you hum lightly
He's now on top of you, holding your hips, he's positioning you laying on your back, your head is on the side, still sleeping peacefully
He goes over to your chest, you're wearing tube top with a zipper in front, so he has a access to your bare chest, he kisses more and more
Your body couldn't even register what's going on
You felt hot and cold all over because of the midnight's weather and from your body heating up from the tension that your boyfriend is giving you
You feel him going lower and lower but you can still feel your eyes tired
He watches your soft heaves from chest rising up and down, his eyes darkened when he puts his hand inside of your skirt, he slowly reaches at the hem of your panties
He licks his lips, your skin feels on fire because of his fingertips, your stir from your sleep once again but still not opening your eyes
He doves onto your lips, kissing you, and you hummed as you lazily kissed him back
"May I?"
You move your head onto the other side, you catch a glimpse of the clock, it says 11:20pm
"Ed's, we might get late-" even though, you want him to do it
You're not even opening your eyes yet but you can see his pleading eyes being directed at you
"Yes, Eddie, you can have me, take it all" you sank down further making Eddie groaned when his fingers touched your center, it's drenched
He hook his fingers on your underwear along with your skirt discarded on the floor
You shudder at the cool air as Eddie positioning himself comfortably
He smears kisses on the inside of your thighs as he goes closer and closer to your core
You moved your head on the other way as you try to close your legs when you can't help but feel the arousal that's coming in
But he places his palms on the sides of your legs spreading you open as you can feel of your insides burning from his touch
His hands are everywhere, when the moment he swiped his fingers at your core, you released lewd noises as your breathing goes quicker
He licked his finger cleaning it off with his tongue, he grins down at you
He holds your hips as he leans down
Before you can finish your sentence, he doves down lapping at your juices as you gasp from his sudden action
His eyes are glued to you as he continues to do his work, watching your once peaceful slumber turns into pleasure
He devours you so satisfying that it's making you close your legs, he smirks as you can feel his tongue go lower inside, you mewled
He holds you tightly as you grip on the sheets, he sucked more and more of you until your can feel your legs shake
You can feel his hand reaching on the hem of your top, you slightly open your eyes as you find the zipper as you pull it down
He grunts when he saw your breasts that he worships everyday, you loved the way he admires your body
You're now naked so divinely displayed for him
His free hand kneads your boobs as you moaned, he dives back down as he starts to bully your clit
You can feel your body tremble from the sensation forming up in your stomach
You reached for his hair as you pull it making his eyes grow hungrier and eats you like man starved for days
"Oh- Eddie-"
He carries the back your butt as his tongue digs deeper earning a squeal from you when he reaches the spot that you didn't know it existed
Your eyes are heavy-lidded, you try to watch him but you can't when your brain can't place your emotions whether is melatonin or oxytocin
you're not sure at this point but hella you feel so fucking amazing right now
He abruptly stops and when he does, you finally open your eyes
"Wha- what- don't stop!" You whine
"What about the countdown?" His lips are covered with your slick and his saliva altogether not caring a single shit that it's literally dripping down on his chin
You gasp at it as you moaned, he chuckles darkly, you know what he's doing he's teasing you
"Do you know that you're frickin' beautiful without even trying?" He goes at his usual antics as you beg for him to come back down
"Eddie, please!"
"Not until you see stars"
Before you can utter another word, he goes back in but this time he places your legs over his shoulders another spectacular angle making you shiver from his touches yet again
He grips your legs, thighs, arms, your belly, he squeezes your boobs and it's literally fucking everywhere
One thing, you know it's for certain that you really would unashamedly come from his simple touches
He pokes his tongue down on you but when he curled it, you chant his name like a prayer, you have the ability to scream his name without being caught in action inside of the room because of the loud noises from the people and the music
Your eyes burn from the threatening tears but Eddie is not having it, he wanted you to fall apart completely for him
You moaning louder and louder when he swipes his tongue on your entrance when he puts your legs down on the bed
"You're still not seeing it, I see"
"D-Don't stop- please"
He opens your legs again as he resume to his mission, he tongue fucks you as he digs in and out, you squirm at it as he starts picking up the pace as you let out a ragged breath
Goddamn, he is killing you right now, you can already die right then and there heavenly
Your mouth falls open without noise coming out of them as you yank his hair, he growls as you couldn't believe that he could reach every spot inside of you
You arched your back as you start grinding against his face, his eyes flashes devilishly mischief as he didn't stop this time
He laps once more until you cry out his name
You jolted when the fireworks exploded booming the entire neighborhood
You come on his tongue as the same time the fireworks started
Your legs are spent, you feel boneless but a sickly smile is now sitting on your lips
He let you get back on earth for a while as he cleans you up, he dresses you up not leaving single skin left behind without his kisses
"You saw it, huh?" He grins like a devil that he is but you love him, he holds the door open for you letting you first outside
You saw all of your friends jumping on to the music and celebrated very happily
"I did" you admit ignoring the rosy tint on your cheeks "and it was much more better"
"Than?" He throws his arms around your shoulders
"The fireworks" you smile as he chuckles as he kisses the top of your head as he squeezes you to his side
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margowritesthings · 11 months
Te Beroya: I
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pairing: Mandalorian!Arthur Morgan x reader crossover: Star Wars x Red Dead Redemption prompt: 24. “Your charms won’t work on me, pretty. I’m not that kind of bounty hunter.” & 45. “You’re prettier than the stars above, you know that?” (from @saradika's Star Wars prompts!) word count: 3359 words warnings: brief mentions of harassment in a flashback, implied non-con intentions but flashback ends before anything happens, somewhat suggestive fighting authors note: this is shameless self care where I have no idea if anyone will even read this, but I totally just sat and wrote the whole ass thing last night in one sitting?? anyway, this is 100% inspired by @saradika's incredible fallout/star wars AU, and it will be a mini series! I hope y'all enjoy, cause Mandalorian!Arthur has my whole ass heart. If you're here from Red Dead and have no idea whats going on, I've left a little glossary at the bottom of the fic with any terms I've used!!
i haven't tagged anyone cause i didn't know if my usual Arthur people would like a crossover or not, so please let me know if you'd like to be tagged in the next part!!
beta read by @cowboydisaster, divider by @saradika
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Max Rebo is on tonight, so the Cantina is busy. More so than usual, which gladly works in your favour. It’s much easier to blend in with the rabble when there’s so many of them, diminishing the danger of getting a simple drink after a long day. You miss the time when danger wasn’t something you had to consider before something as simple as a trip to the watering hole, but that’s life now. 
You’re sitting at a table for two, the second chair pulled away by a group of Klantoonians playing Dejarik and making bets amongst each other, which works fine for you. An empty chair might invite guests, which is the last thing in the Galaxy you want right now. 
When you throw your drink to the back of your throat, it burns just how you like it, though the sight of a now empty glass pulls your brows together in an almost pout. You have very few credits left, and with your face coded into half the bounty pucks this side of the Outer Rim, work is pretty sparing these days.
A knight in shining beskar turns heads as he strolls into the Cantina, a Mandalorian whos helmet catches the dim spotlights scattered around the dusty bar when he appears to survey the clientele surrounding you, capturing your attention in the process. It’s a rare sight, seeing a Mandalorian walk so openly around the place, and the man instantly ignites a fascination in you. Sure, the Daimyo around here has the armour, but Boba Fett doesn’t claim to be a part of any creed, so you’re not entirely sure where he stands.
You’re so lost in your thoughts that it isn’t until the stranger is right in front of you, two glasses in hand, do you realise he was even approaching. 
“Mind if I sit? I can pay rent.” He asks, his low, gruff accent hinting at origins in Mos Pelgo Freetown- as he gestures to the two glasses grasped in gloved hands. Curious eyes scan over his figure, tall and built as he is, landing on the full glass of whiskey with your name on it. A solution to your dry problem, albeit a risky one. It all depends on how much you’re willing to gamble for a drink…
“If you can find a seat, sure…” You shrug, fauxing a nonchalant air about you to keep suspicions low. You have no reason to trust this man, but showing that so openly would surely attract questions you’re not prepared to answer. 
The glasses are placed down, the mystery Mandalorian taking a few steps, winding around the merry crowds to reach the nearest table. You watch on, amused, pretty sure anyone in this whole place would choose a fight over giving up their seat; the Cantina hardly has the clientele of the highest calibre. It’s an apprehension you feel, almost an excitement, at the thought of a fight breaking out and distracting everyone enough for you to pick a few pockets. And you’ve already got your drink… 
You’re busy planning who you’re gonna steal from when you notice the presence this man commands. He’s tall, built up with muscles packed under his beskar. You can’t see his face, and you wonder if he’s one of those Mandalorians who never remove their helmets, your curiosity officially piqued. He approaches the group who took the seat in the first place, one of them scoffing at what you assume to be a request for the seat. You sit up, ready for the ensuing fight, but it never comes. Instead, the Mandalorian leans down, right up to the other’s face, and it’s far too loud in here to hear what he’s said, but stars would you love to know what has a Klantoonian scrambling up like that and offering out the stool. 
Disappointment and a strange sense of admiration mixes in you as you lean back into your seat, your new tablemate following suit and sliding one glass across to you. 
“Cheers,” You announce, lifting your glass to clink it against thin air before taking a sip, savouring the burn over your tongue a little more this time. The Mandalorian nods his head in response, and just as you think you’ve worked him out, he reaches for his helmet and pulls it off his head, placing it down on the table and taking a gulp from his own drink. 
It takes you a moment to take him all in. His sandy hair, tousled from the helmet, a couple strands falling in front of his tanned skin. He has the jawline of a deity, spattered with stubble that is only broken with a small scar on his chin. 
Dank Farrik.
You know his face. You know this man, you’ve seen that scar, those eyes, (though even in the dark cantina you can see an incredible ocean hue that no hologram nor poster could never hope to capture) before, hanging on the walls of  the underground bars you used to frequent before every crime family on the planet were after your head.
Arthur Morgan, bounty hunter.
It’s too late to flee, and the disruption you’d cause by bolting would only draw more attention to you, so your only option appears to be complacency, for now. Act the fool, pretend you don’t know exactly who he is and why he’s here, and let whatever little plan he has in store for you play out until you can excuse yourself and get the hell out of here. 
You school your expression to as much indifference as you can, though the rather long sip of your drink may have given you away. Arthur watches you intently, and if you didn’t know better you’d think he was buying you a drink to flirt with you. But you do know better, unfortunately. 
“You know,” he starts, drawing out the statement and retaining your attention with a long sip of his own, “You’re prettier than the stars above.” 
Whiskey shoots down your throat and back up again with your little splutter, not expecting this to be his plan. You just about manage to suppress the scoff rising up like bile,  concealing it in a cough. Your fight or flight is in hyperdrive, and the reverend Arthur Morgan laying on the fake charm in order to cash in on the price on your head really isn’t helping. He’s good, though, you had to give him that. It’s a mighty fine pickup line coming from a mighty fine looking man, it’s just a shame he’s trying to capture you.
“Afraid your charms won’t work on me, pretty boy. I’m not that kinda girl.”
“Pretty boy, really?” He doesn’t seem mad, more amused, a raised brow meeting with a little chuckle and a head shake as he throws the last of his drink back down. 
It’s now or never. 
You throw the last of your own drink back, part for the plan, part for the Dutch courage needed to actually pull the plan off. 
“Same again?” You ask, your stool squeaking awkwardly against the stone floor when your straightening legs push it into the wall, “I think this rounds on me.”
It’s a near perfect act of indifference, with only a single, traitorous voice break right at the end. You hope he doesn’t notice, but it’s wishful thinking. Arthur stands too, echoing your stools creak, his hand reaching on instinct to the holster hanging by his hip.
Dank farrik dank farrik dank farrik!!
“Don’t you worry about that, pretty girl.” The way he throws your pet name back at you… he knows you know, and you have seconds to act.
Eyes wide, like a bantha in headlights, you take your chances in throwing the last of your drink back, before throwing the glass over to the table of gamers and gamblers. It hits one of them on the back of the head, and everybody turns to him, the music cutting off abruptly for a few seconds of silence before the chaos erupts. 
You’re the first to move, breaking the almost comical freeze frame to put one boot on the table and push it into Arthur. He lunges for you, missing by inches, so close you feel the air rush past your skin where he nearly grazes you. The table hits him in the stomach, and he’s forced to bend over it, giving you the perfect opportunity to risk everything and grab the blaster jutting out. You shoot twice, high into the ceiling, which really kicks things off. The cantina soon descends into riot status, with punches thrown, drinks flying and the like. The distraction you’ve been after ever since he walked in here with his uneasy air and the hairs on the back of your neck first began to stand on edge.
The path out is far from easy, and you’re pretty sure you stood on more than a few limbs, but when the dry heat of a Tatooine night hits you, you’ve never been so grateful.  You don’t look back once, not knowing if he’s following you or even if he saw where you’re going, you just run until your lungs burn and your muscles scream at you and then you run some more. There’s a spot you know, an abandoned farm house just outside the city that’s covered in sand and looks like it hasn’t been touched in years. You hid out there once before, the last time a bounty hunter tried their luck with you, successfully prolonging this never ending hunt where you’re the prey every damn time.
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It’s a long night, one where you don’t sleep a wink nor dare to light a fire. It doesn’t seem like Arthur followed you, but it was a few hours after reaching the farmhouse did you release the grip of your stolen blaster enough for it to no longer press each metal marking into the skin of your palm. You keep your back pressed firmly against the wall of one of the sand-filled alcoves, keeping hidden from sight until the suns are both well above the horizon. The mid-morning heat is a grateful relief from the biting cold; even the desert cools in the dead of night. 
You spot the bantha first, letting it lure you into a false sense of security before it gets close enough for you to make out the details of its silhouette, one detail in particular being the goddamn bounty hunter sitting atop it. 
The fact that he’s here at all means he knows he’ll find you here, but logic doesn’t get in the way of you scuttling back into the house, climbing to what used to be the second floor and pulling the blaster back out to press against your chest. 
Not exactly the faster creatures in the Outer Rim, it takes the bantha and its rider a few torturous minutes to reach you, but when they do arrive, Arthur dismounts casually, with no indication that he intends to send you back to your maker. Your breath hitches as he walks down the little incline of sand into the ruins of the house. 
He turns on his heel, and you notice the spurs on his boots make a little circle in the sand around his feet. 
“I know you’re here, mesh’la,” he taunts, bringing out a Mando’a translation of the newly formed inside joke you seem to share now, “Ain’t no point hiding.” 
He’s right, you know he is. There is no way out, no possibility you’re going to escape him, and even if you did, there’s no cover out here. He’ll be able to sit back and watch wherever you run, just waiting to follow. You could shoot him, but the weight of the blood you’ve already spilled is already becoming too much. Could you really carry more?
Tears threaten to prick at your eyes, but you refuse to let them fall, refuse to let the shaking of your hands carry on for any longer than your cover does. He won’t see the cracks in your facade, that you’ll make sure of.
“You’re prettier than the stars above, you know that?” 
It will be a cold day on Mustafar when the great Arthur Morgan bows to flattery, but that doesn’t stop you from poking whatever fun you can reach. 
Your voice echoing around the remains of the farmhouse alerts Arthur of your general location, so he turns to it, giving you a full view of the amused grin on his face.
“Your charms won’t work on me, pretty girl. I ain’t that kind of bounty hunter.” 
You laugh. A genuine, true laugh, despite yourself. Despite everything. 
“Come on out now, no-one needs to get hurt…” He pleads, wandering eyes indicating he’s still not 100% sure where you are.
“Except me, when you hand my ass in for a few credits.” You point out, noticing that your back and forth seems to have quelled the tremors in your hands. Let’s not ponder that right now…
Arthur looks taken aback, like he genuinely doesn’t know what to say to that. Good. Let him stutter to death for all you care. 
“Well, maybe you shoulda’ thought of that before you started sloggin’ off some mighty powerful people, sweetheart…” 
His comment seems to spark, igniting a firework of anger deep within you. It explodes loudly, albeit quickly, when you aim Arthur’s own blaster to beside his feet, firing a warning shot that smokes in the sand. You wouldn’t be surprised to see one of his boots singed with how close you were, but when he jumps back, pulling out another identical blaster from a second holster and aiming it right at your alcove, you curse inwardly. How did you not notice that?
“You have no idea what you’re talking about, bounty hunter.” You seethe, that anger burning hot as he claims to understand your situation. 
“Well why don’t you come out here and we can talk about it?” 
That earns a scoff, which Arthur responds to with a long sigh.
“Look… way I see it, you’ve got two choices. You can come out, do this the easy way, and I can bring you in nice and warm, get my full fee, and you live to see another day. Or-”
“Yeah, I get it, beroya,” You spit the Mando’a name out like a curse, “Or you can kill me right now and have a real lonely drive back to wherever the hell it is they want my corpse.” 
You hate that he’s right, hate that you’re cornered, hate that it’s over, ignoring the small part of you that sighs relief at the prospect of no longer having to live life with one eye on your back. 
There’s one last, long, deep breath, the exhale feeling like letting go of something, though you’re not sure if it’s freedom or the captivity this hunt has kept you in, and then you’re jumping from the second floor, landing in the sand with a thud. You’re still clutching the gun, but so is Arthur, and you’re not sure you’d fare well in a duel against an actual sharpshooter, so you toss it over to him, sand flying off at him in a final, petty move. 
Arthur picks it up, holstering a pistol at each hip as he slowly approaches, hands raised like a keeper trying to tame a wild rancor. You can’t decide if you like that allegory on not, rancors can get pretty vicious… 
The handcuffs you also didn’t notice last night hang from the bounty hunter’s belt. You’re still while he corners you, appearing willing when he plucks the binders from his belt. It isn’t until you feel gloved hands against your skin do the prickles on the back of your neck start burning and the urge to flee rises up again like bile. 
Phantom hands, Trandoshan ones, appear all over your body as you’re flung out of reality from a single touch. 
“Aren’t you a gem?” his whisper just about reaches your ear, warm breath bubbling at the skin of your neck like acid. He runs a claw across your jaw, resting it below your chin so you can’t look away. 
“Please don’t touch me.” You demand, though your voice is weak. Scared. You know what happens to girls who don’t do what they’re told around here.
That displeasure spreading across his face twists and contorts it when he registers your disobedience. Notably, his claws remain on you, and when you try to step backwards, he crowds you, following until your back hits the cold stone wall. Claustrophobia sets in, your breath hitching when you feel his chest press against yours. 
“Hm… I think I will, girl. Nobody says no to me, you’ll do well to remember that.” 
The stench of whatever cologne rich Trandoshan boys wear lingers in your nostrils like it so often does, but your mind catches up with where you really are faster than your body does. It’s instinct, when you bring your knee up to hit Arthur hard in the gut and completely wind him. He lets out a groan, doubling over and dropping the binders in the process, which you kick across the sand. 
You use his distraction to push him over onto his back, but he grabs the lapels of your jacket and drags you down with him so you’re straddling him, crotch to crotch as you attempt to pin him down into the sand. Your thighs squeeze together in an attempt to constrict his wriggling, but he’s pretty strong. You’re not thinking straight when you pull your fist back, with every intention of striking Arthur in the face, but the shock of his catching your fist in his much bigger hands seems to bring you back to reality and you realise what you’re doing. 
Frozen, for only a second, but it’s enough window to give Arthur chance to overpower you, twisting your bodies together until you’re below him instead and he can pin down each arm by the wrist. Your thighs remain wrapped around him, and with Arthur towering over you, it has suddenly become an awfully intimate position shared between the two of you. His face is inches from yours, his hot, panting breaths mixing with yours. Both of your chests rise and fall, just barely touching as you glare into eachothers eyes. 
“The hell was that?!” He demands, and you’re trying your absolute hardest to ignore the prodding you feel against your thigh. Maker help you…
He doesn’t deserve a response from you, only the ceasing of your strained muscles trying to escape his iron grip as a silent admit to defeat. With the way you fell, your satchel is digging awkwardly into your lower back, so you raise your hips slightly to ease the ache. An unexpected effect of that is your pelvis grinding oh-so gently against Arthur’s, which seems to bring a surge of energy to that bulge pressing against you. Your eyes widen, as do Arthur’s, and there’s one single moment shared between the two of you before he quickly scrambles off you, not releasing his bruising grip on your wrists. 
When he stands, he doesn’t give you the chance to before he’s walking to the direction you kicked his cuffs. It drags you along the coarse sand, your wrist screaming from the strain of carrying your weight.
“Ow- you’re gonna break my wrist, you fucking nerf herder!” You hiss at him, kicking your legs in protest as sand flies about the place and you’re dragged to the cuffs. 
“Shoulda’ thought about that before ya tried to break my goddamn nose, mesh’la.” The term of endearment is anything but sincere, coupled with rough movements as he cuffs you that hint that he may be pretty pissed about the sudden unexpected fight. The binders are a little too tight to ever be comfortable, but you’re pretty sure that’s intentional. A slice of revenge for trying to run again.
“These are too tight.” You complain, lifting your wrists up to his standing form. 
“Well, you better get used to it. We’ve got a long ride to Mos Espa, Princess.”
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beroya - bounty hunter dank farrik - curse word mesh'la - beautiful trandoshan - an alien species, one of the crime families of tatooine
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collecting-stories · 1 year
King of my Heart - Jay Halstead
Request: Hi! Can i request King Of My Heart with Jay Halstead?❤️ 
A/N: I just really like the idea of Jay with like a firefighter s/o. I think I've written like two other fics with him and a firefighter s/o, pretend they're all interconnected lol.
TS Anthology Series | One Chicago Masterlist
...is this the end of all the endings?...
Dating with your schedule was not easy. Finding time to actually connect with people outside of work was next to impossible, especially since you’d taken on some paramedicine shifts for Sylvie on your days off from the Firehouse.
While you were trying not to rush into things or make any assumptions about whether dating was the correct term, you’d been spending a lot of time with Jay in recent weeks. You’d volunteered to help at a city garden that Trudy helped organize and he’d been there too and you’d both sort of clicked (at least that’s how you described it to Stella later on because you were too hesitant to admit that Jay had pretty much stuck to your side that whole day and asked you for drinks immediately after).  
“I just don’t wanna like...move too fast.” You explained, pulling your shirt over your head and fixing your hair, “like, okay...what if it’s just supposed to be like a casual thing and I make it this big thing in my head that it isn’t? Then I feel stupid and I can never show my face when he’s around.” 
“Listen, if it’s casual, he’s the one who should feel stupid. You’re a total catch,” Stella replied, always ready to be your cheerleader when you were feeling insecure about something. “You are a total badass, you’re on Squad. You don’t need some guy and he’s lucky you’re giving him the time of day.” 
“I wouldn’t go that far.” 
“I would!” Stella insisted, “you don’t need him, don’t feel like you need validation or something.” 
“I don’t. I’ll admit I’m okay single but, it is kinda nice having someone...I don’t know, want to put in the effort after a long shift. I mean, it’s not like we have easy jobs.” You replied, grabbing your duffel from the bench and slinging it over your shoulder. “I guess I just want some clarification. Are we dating? Is he thinking this could be something more serious? Is he even looking for something more serious?” 
“Are you?” She deadpanned as you both made your way out of the locker room. Most of the other third shift had left already but Stella had hung back with you while you showered, mostly to listen to you have a mini-crisis over your budding relationship with Jay.  
“I feel like I could be.” You shrugged, “that sounds stupid but like, sometimes I just look at him and think like, yeah I could do this every day of my life. That’s really fucking scary Stella...like...” 
You trailed off as you made it out onto the driveway and saw Jay’s pickup parked out front. He was standing there on the passenger side, leaning against the truck and when he saw you he smiled. Stella nudged your ribs playfully before giving you a silent wave goodbye and heading to her car.  
“Hey,” you called out as you got closer, “don’t you have work?”  
“Caught a double yesterday, just got off like an hour ago.” Jay replied, “Figured if you don’t have plans this morning you might wanna get breakfast?”  
“Oh my god yes, I’m starving,” you said, letting Jay take the bag off your shoulder and toss it in the back of his truck. “Herrmann has a new candidate and he offered to make dinner last night-” you shuddered and Jay laughed. 
“That bad?” 
“Terrible! And we ended up getting a call anyway so basically...no dinner.” 
Jay shot you a sympathetic look over middle console, “Shit baby, I’m sorry.” 
You felt yourself warm up at the sound of him calling you baby. You weren’t much for pet names but somehow hearing the word out of Jay’s mouth squashed all the worries you’d been keeping close to your chest.  
“Jay!” You whispered, trying not to laugh and draw anyone’s attention, though most everyone in the house was asleep at this hour. Aside from Herrmann who had gotten stuck on night shift and was currently trying to keep his eyes open to reruns of Lets Make a Deal in the common room. He had ears like a hawk though and you knew he’d come snooping if he heard commotion. “We’re gonna get in trouble.” 
Jay smiled against your neck, placing another kiss there before responding, “I don’t work here so technically...” 
“Well don’t get me in trouble then!” You replied, unable to stop a laugh from escaping this time as you bumped into the washing machine.  
It was nearly one in the morning when Jay had shown up at the firehouse, texting you and telling you to let him in the back door. He’d just gotten off work and you still had six more hours on shift but it was officially your six month anniversary and he was surprisingly sentimental. Although you weren’t sure that making out in the laundry room like two horny teenagers was exactly sentimental.  
You didn’t get much time to consider anything at all because the siren went off, the overhead voice alerting the firehouse, “Truck 81, Engine 51, Squad 3, Ambulance 61.” 
“I have to go,” you insisted, pulling away, “Jay, I have to go.”  
“I know, I know.” He let go of you, stepping away so you could head out to the apparatus. He followed behind you, careful to stay out of the way, stopping at the Squad table. 
“I knew I heard something!” Herrmann laughed, walking through the double doors with Ritter, “Sneaking around the firehouse like a couple a kids!”  
You did your best to ignore Herrmann as you geared up, stealing one more kiss from Jay, “I’ll see you after shift?” 
“Yeah, I’ll pick you up.” 
“Get in the rig lovebird!” Tony called out the window and you rolled your eyes before climbing up into the back with him and Capp.  
You couldn’t resist a last glance out the window as you pulled out into the street, Jay standing there with his hands in his pockets, watching you and grinning. By the time you got to the fire, you’d be clear headed and ready to work but until then, you’d let yourself be a little lovestruck.  
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obsessedelusional · 1 year
small town girl - 02
paring ✦ Bella Ramsey x Reader
summary ✦ PART 01 (Recommend reading it so this makes more sense.) Bella shows back up in town after you two not seeing each other for months. What happens when they show up to your work out of the blue?
word count ✦ 2,600ish
authors note ✦ yall I’m lowkey thinking about turning this into a like mini fic or something I got more ideas also I’m so far up Bella’s ass it’s sad
Feedback & Reblogs are helpful and extremely appreciated ♡
⊹ ꙳ ✦ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹
“Is y/n here?” Maddie looks up from the countertop she was wiping down. Rolling her eyes instantly when realizing it’s Bella.
“No.” She responds, turning her back to Bella.
“Please I went to her apartment and some guy answered. Had no idea who I was talking about.”
“Maybe you should call her. Oh wait you can’t because she blocked you because you’re a piece of…” Mandy responds, voice trailing off.
“You should be glad there’s customers in here otherwise I’d be tearing you a new one.”
“And I would deserve that.” Bella sighs accepting they fucked up.
“You didn’t deserve y/n. That girl is the sweetest person ever. I’ve never witnessed her be anything but kind. She was so head over heels for you. In all the years I worked with her I ain’t ever her see her like that. Only for you to break her heart.” Mandy say finally facing my Bella, talking with her hands. Pointing at Bella in an accusatory way.
“I realized that. I fumbled so badly. I’m here to do whatever I need to do to un fuck it up.” Bella admits.
“Fuck no. You don’t get to walt back into her life three months later like nothing happened. I’m not participating in helping you. Get out.” Maddy spits, giving Bella a serious look. Bella only nods before turning around to leave the coffee shop. At the same time your unknowingly walking into the building. Focus all on your phone you walk right past Bella. Only stopping when you hear the not so familiar anymore sound of their voice.
“Absolutely not.” You say aloud, rushing past the counter. Taking every bit of willpower you have to not look their way. Locking yourself in the employee break room.
Once locked in the dark room. You fall to the floor back sliding down the door. A slew of curse words leave your lips. The last three months were rough to say the least. Shortly after the end of your relationship with Bella your mother passed away. All the sadness you had for what could of been left focusing solely on your mother.
Which made it easier to move on. Truth be told you shoved that shit so far down inside. The worst way to move on because now just hearing their voice and briefly see the lower half of their body was more than enough to send you out of control. Knowing damn well if you looked at those comforting dark eyes you’d fold immediately to whatever Bella wanted. Your breathing is hitched, tears gushing down your cheeks. All the feelings you had suppressed now out on the surface.
You’re not entirely sure how long your sat there. The sound of soft knocks startles you. Until it’s followed by Mandy speaking.
“They’re gone. I made them leave.” It takes some strength but you pull yourself up. Unlocking the door and facing Maddie.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize honey.” Maddie frowns before pulling you into a hug. You fall into their embrace all while your breathing turns back to normal. She’s the one to pull away gently pushing the hair that’s sticking to your face with tears away.
“I closed the store so you could get your bearings together.” You go to apologize but Maddie hushes you.
“They seem pretty adamant about seeing you.”
“What did they say?” You ask.
“They’re not working for a few months. Said they’ll spend the whole time here if it means you’ll hear them out. Whatever it takes.” Maddie retells Bella’s words.
“Fuck,” You groan now pacing.
“I told them they’re not welcomed back here but that don’t mean anything coming from my mouth. They said they don’t plan on giving up so easily.”
“What if Bella comes back? What’s stopping them from coming back every damn day?”
“Nothing. Legally anyways. You either need to set that boundary with them or they continue showing up whenever. Whatever you do I’ll support you.”
“Fuck. I’m gonna have to deal with this.” You whine.
Considering the size of the town. There’s really only one place Bella could be. The dingy motel on the far side of town. That is unless they’re staying outside of town. The next nearest motel or hotel an hour away. After work you made the short drive to the motel. Immediately noticing a car that is too nice for anyone else in this town to drive.
A quick visit to the front desk leads you to figuring out Bella is staying in room 11. They older gentleman is unwilling to share that information. The key display behind his balding head shows that only room elevens key is missing. So you thank him for nothing and leave. Your sat outside in your car trying to find the courage to confront Bella.
Only for Bella’s room door to open slowly. Your the only other car in the parking lot so naturally their gaze lands on you. A unsure smile spreads across their face. Shutting the door behind them they walk over to your car. The only thing you can do is unlock the door. They take the hint and climb into the passenger seat. Bella goes to speak but you cut them off.
“You can’t show up to my work like that.”
“I just..” You cut them off again. Your eyes focused outside of the car, terrified to turn towards Bella.
“I don’t care. I don’t want you to feel like it’s okay.”
“Okay. What ever you want.” There is several moments of silence. You sat there frozen waiting for Bella to say something. The feeling of Bella staring burning into your skin.
“Why are you here?” You finally spit out breaking the quiet.
“I tried so hard to move on.” Bella admits.
“But you made it so difficult. I folded after a couple days. I tried to contact you. The first call rang until I was sent to voicemail. Went to text you and none of my messages would go through. I would of been here sooner but I had obligations to finish with work.”
“I blocked your number.” You respond causing silence to consume the conversation again. Bella now waiting for you to continue.
“It was the same day my mom was admitted into intensive care. It was all too much to handle. I had to. I couldn’t handle you and that at the same time.”
“How is she doing?” Bella asks.
“She’s passed away a few days later,” You explain, your voice cracking in the process. Tears begin to well in your eyes begging to fall. The light touch of Bella hand on yours forces you to look at the connection. You watch as Bella interweaves their fingers with yours.
“I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine how difficult that must have been.” Looking up from your hands you slowly look up their arm eventually landing on their face. Their eyes filled with so many different emotions, lips forming a small frown. When you make eye contact the tears betray you falling down your face. Bella pulls you into a hug, leaning over the center console. You don’t hug back just lean deeper into Bella’s embrace.
Eventually when you were the one to pull away. Bella let you sit in their arms until the tears dried. Uncomfortable small talk turned quickly into a natural conversation. Bella listening intently while you updated them on your life. Then taking turns as you hear about what they’ve been up to. Laughing here and there, something you have done in a minute. You only realize you’ve been sat in the car for too long when the sun starts to set. The clock on the dash lets you know it’s nearly nine pm.
“I should probably go. I got an early shift tomorrow.”
“This was nice.” Bella responds.
“It was.” You smile.
Bella wants nothing more than to follow you home, stay with you but decided against it. Grateful that you sat and chatted as long as you did. Not wanting to overstep your boundaries, keep you happy. So that maybe one day things could go back to how they were before.
“We’ll I’ll let you go.” Bella opens the car door, looking back when you speak.
“You can come to my work tomorrow.”
“Yeah?” Bella asks, grinning softly.
“Yeah my shift ends at noon. Maybe we can get lunch or something.”
“I’ll be there.” Bella smiles before getting out of your car. After shutting the car door they wave as you drive off.
“I told you not to come back here, get out!" Maddie is yelling, looking away from the dishes your washing over to the clock it’s nearly noon. Notifying you of Bella’s arrival, you leave the back room to find Bella attempting to plead their case.
“It’s okay Maddie.” You interrupt their conversation.
“You sure? Cause I won’t hesitate to drag them out.” Maddie offers.
“And I appreciate that about you but I promise it’s okay.” You reassure her. She gives one last disapproving glance towards Bella before walking off.
“Sorry about that.”
“It’s all good. I deserve it.” Bella says.
“Let me clock out and then we can go.” Bella nods. Watching as you clock out, reassuring Maddie one last time that you’ll be okay.
“Thank you for this.” Bella says sitting across from you at the local restaurant, the only one for miles. This is something Bella and you never did before. You’d suggest it every so often just to be shut down. Told they were too tired or just wanted to go home with you. So you’d happily oblige not wanting to push Bella away. You smile before Bella continues.
“I really truly want to apologize for what I did. I’m so sorry for saying we’re just friends. If I could I’d take it back I would in a heart beat. The last three months were unbearable, I was in LA busy with work related stuff. Too focused on the fact that I fucked up what we had to enjoy what I was doing.” Bella stops to catch their breath, out of breath from their ramblings. Bella reaches over the table grabbing your hands with theirs, holding on tightly.
“I didn’t think you’d want anything to do with me. Rightfully so but I am so happy your here with me.” Bella adds.
“Me too.” You smile pulling away. Only because the waitress is here with your food. She sets it down before asking if you two need anything else. Bella tells her no and thanks her too.
You decided after that day to take things slower with Bella. Wanting to make sure everything went smoothly this time. Not rush into anything like the last time. Last few days spent working early, Bella picking you up after your shift. Summer is close to coming to an end so you make Bella experience all the small town shenanigans.
One day is spent at the reservoir. Bella brought food and you ate together, sat on a blanket in the sand. After the two of you finish, you lay there for some time just talking. Eventually you’re the one to drag Bella into the water. You two play out in the sun all day, Bella getting burnt in the process. After your many attempts to make them apply sunscreen. So on the way home you offer Bella to come over because you have some after sun lotion that should help it go away. Teasing them about how you were right the entire way. Bella doesn’t spend the night.
Bella is there to pick you up after work the next day. Leading Bella to the nearest place to hike. Somewhere you frequented often. It was a place you’d go to be alone and get a moment of silence. Only this time it’s filled with chit chat and laughter. A smile never left your face that night.
With the weekend approaching one of your friends is having a bonfire. It takes a bit of convincing but eventually Bella agrees to tag along. It’s just a small get together or so you thought. Because when you two arrive your greeted by a larger crowd.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized sensing Bella’s uncomfortableness.
“It’s okay.” They attempt to reassure you, not convincing you in the slightest.
“Come on.” You say, pulling Bella in the crowd. Finding a cooler filled with drinks. Grabbing two peach flavored beers, one for you and one for Bella.
A few drinks later you’re starting to feel the effects. Bella decided against drinking because they drove tonight. Your buzzed using Bella’s body as support, under their shoulder one arm wrapped around their waist. Their arm hung over you, holding onto you tightly.
Your friends seem to like Bella well enough. The two of you mostly staying together by yourselves. Your stood in front of the bonfire a few feet away. It’s finally dark enough for them to light the fire.
“Is this really what you guys do for fun? Stand around burning trash, getting drunk?” Bella asks interrupting your gaze into the fire starting.
“Yeah.” You laugh because hearing it out loud it really does sound stupid.
“Ain’t much else to do.” You add once you stop laughing, looking up to Bella who’s already looking at you.
“You’re so beautiful.” Bella responds.
“You’re pretty beautiful too.” You respond, not making all that much sense.
“That’s all you,” They laugh. The view above you of Bella has you feeling like you’re about to do something bad. Your promise to take things slow fading fast. Bella’s taken by surprise when you’re the one to close the space between you two. Kissing them with a soft smile. Bella’s arm drops falling to your sides, pulling you in closer. Your the first one to pull away.
“We should get out of here.” You say, smiling while biting your bottom lip. Bella agrees following you back to their car. The drive to your home is short. Bella sneaks peaks as you sit in the passenger seat eyes closed, window opened air in your face. Laughing at you when you start singing along to the song on the radio. Doing their best to keep their eyes on the road as you put on a full show.
Bella parks in front of your house. You jump out of the car, walking towards the front door. Fumbling with your keys, struggling hard. Your startled momentarily by the feeling of Bella behind you. They reach for your keys helping you speed up the process.
“Thank you,” you slur into one word. Bella guides you to bathroom even though you protest against it. Wanting to crawl into bed and sleep. They watch as you poorly remove your makeup, helping you get the rest when you give up. You brush your teeth making eye contact with Bella through the mirror.
“You’re so handsome.” You say, mouth full of toothpaste.
“Thank you,” Bella smiles. Once your done you leave the bathroom heading straight for your bedroom. Unaware of where Bella is you start undressing leaving a trail of clothes behind you. Until your left in nothing, crawling into bed. Bella walks in finally.
“Now that your settled I’m gonna take off.” Bella speaks noticing the clothes strewn across the room.
“Leaving me already?” You whine.
“Yeah. You’re hammered and I don’t want you to do anything you wouldn’t do sober.” Bella says keeping their distance.
“Why do you have to be so reasonable?” You groan knowing Bella is right.
“Because I want this to work.”
“Fine.” You say attitude heavy on your voice rolling over back to Bella.
“I promise if sober you wants me to spend the night tomorrow. I will no hesitation, okay?” Bella says stifling their laughter.
“Okay.” You respond, sadness now in your voice. Bella plants a small kiss on the top of your head before saying goodnight leaving you alone to sleep.
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littlespacereader · 4 months
@dino-boyo-agere gave me such a wonderful Supernatural request that I literally had to break it up into two parts because I realized I was writing such a long story!😂 I promise your request is going to be the part 2 of this story because I feel the questions you asked in your request are better answered in the second part.
I decided to write something a little different for me. It’s not my standard comfort agere fic but I’m really proud of the interesting story that plays out here. There some LGBTQ+ acceptance, there’s some fun dialogue and there’s even a cliffhanger! You don’t need to read the other fics to understand this one, but if you’d like to here’s the first one in my mini series, and here’s the second one.
Please everyone enjoy the part one of this adorable Supernatural Age Regression fic! But please be warned with the trigger warnings below!
The Little Hunt Begins
(Part 1)
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Little!Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester
TW - the reason why there is no SFW tag is because of usual supernatural violence, language & kidnapping at the end. (Don’t worry this is resolved in part 2) Please be warned if this isn’t your speed!
Tags - hiding regression, diapers, thumb sucking, CG Castiel, LGBTQ+ confessions, brotherly acceptance!, cliffhanger ending, sorry not sorry, told by Dean’s POV,
Nickname - Sammy, ‘ammy
Click here for Part 2
The past few months have been the most peaceful months Dean’s had in years. With Castiel as his Caregiver, he’s been regressing regularly in the bunker with Castiel watching over him.
His peace would’ve continued if it hadn’t been for Sam finding a new hunt for the two of them. He doesn’t blame his brother, they have been inching to get out of the bunker for a while now.
But the thing is, it’s been a while since they had a hunt with Dean’s new regression schedule. The whole idea made him nervous, very nervous.
Dean paced back and forth in his room while Castiel sat on his bed.
“Why can’t you just let me ask Sam to join?” Cas asked.
“Because it will look suspicious! He’s already been questioning why the two of us are always together. I just…” Dean sat on the bed beside Cas, “I just don’t want him to know.”
Cas sighed, wrapping his arm around Dean, “You know, Sam might understand if you just take the time to explain it to him. With everything you’ve been through he might understand your need for regression.”
“No, NO! He can’t know Cas. He can’t.” Dean shook his head. “He wouldn’t understand.”
“I don’t think you’re giving Sam enough credit. I think if you took the time to properly explain it he would understand.” Cas countered but Dean wasn’t listening.
He turned his body towards Cas, hiding his face in his shoulder. His arms wrapped Castiel’s neck. “He can’t know…I don’t want him to.”
Castiel sighed but nodded his head. His arms wrapped around Dean, holding his Little close. “Then he won’t know.”
“I’m just…scared. I don’t want to regress around him.” It was hard for Dean to admit it. After all, how many hunts has be done before Castiel found out about his regression? But now, without Castiel joining him, he felt vulnerable.
“You know that just in case you do all you have to do is call on me and I’ll be right there.” Cas started to explain, “But, I do have a plan that’s going to help you through this hunt.”
That got Dean to lift his head off Cas’ shoulder and look at him intrigued.
With a long goodbye to Cas, Dean joined Sam in the garage and the two took off to their hunt, miles away.
The car ride was quiet for the most part. Dean blasted his music while Sam played on his phone. But then the silence was broken.
“What’s been going on with you and Cas?”
Dean almost swerved the car.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re always hanging out together. Like more than usual. Are you guys…um…”
“What Sammy? Spit it out.” Dean sighed.
“Are you guys a couple?” Sam asked.
Now that short circuited Dean’s brain all together. Here’s him worried about Sam finding out about his regression that the thought of this looking as if they were dating didn’t even cross his mind.
But now that he was thinking about it, he did like Cas. He’s a great Caregiver and he’s always been so kind to Dean even outside his regression. What if they were something more than just Caregiver and Regressor?
These are thoughts for another day when he isn’t so stressed about this stupid hunt!
A small blush started to creep onto Dean’s cheeks at the thoughts circling his brain.
“What? No. No we aren’t a couple.” Dean tried to say as cool as usual.
“Really? Because you seen all flustered at the thought of it.” Sam chuckled.
“No we aren’t dating Sammy. I would’ve told you if we were.”
There was silence in the car again until another question popped up.
“But you like Castiel?”
Dean’s heart dropped. Of course he liked Castiel. He meant everything to his little side. But he always meant everything to him outside of his regression. But this question wasn’t meant for that answer…but Dean still answered it.
“I mean…I don’t know, maybe. Would that be so wrong?” Dean asked with s pounding heart.
Sam shook his head, “No dude that wouldn’t be wrong at all. I mean if you like Cas that much maybe you should ask him.”
Relief filled Dean’s soul. Even though it wasn’t relief to his stresses about his regression, it was relief that his brother, despite everything, still loved and accepted Dean for who he was.
“Maybe I will, maybe I will.” Dean smirked. “What about you? Anyone on your radar?”
Now it was Sam’s turn to turn pink, “What? No. No, there’s no one on my radar.”
“I don’t know, I hear you always on the phone with someone. Maybe they’re a special someone?”
“Yeah you wish.” Sam chuckled.
“More like you wish.” Dean chuckled back. “Come oooooooooonnnnnnnnn, who are they?”
Sam smiled as his face got more pink. But he looked a little nervous at the admission, “He’s…um…he’s unexpectedly really kind.”
“He?” Dean laughed, “Would you look at us Sammy?” He laughed. Sam laughed too. Would you look at them. Both perfectly accepted for who they were.
“Just make sure whoever this he is knows that if he hurts you I’ll kill him.”
Sam chuckled, “Yeah? Okay Dean.” He rolled his eyes playfully.
“I’m not kidding I will! This guy better watch out.” Dean added trying his best to be intimidating.
Castiel’s plan was simply yet perfect for Dean. Dean’s biggest fear is regressing in his sleep and waking up to a wet bed. The solution? He secretly wears his usual diapers to bed.
But how will he get around Sam seeing?
Well every night he’ll take a shower and hide the diaper his pajamas. After he’s showered he’ll change into a diaper and just hop into bed, go straight under the covers and avoiding Sam’s detection all together.
Then in the morning he’ll wake up early, get changed while Sam sleeps and throw the wet diaper away.
It’s a fool proof plan Cas came up with!
They traveled all day and settled into their hotel for the night. Sam sat at the hotel’s table and researched away the case.
“Apparently there’s been a lot of mysteries happening to couples in the area dating back to the 1600s. Most called it witchcraft.” Sam explained.
Dean sighed, “So we’re dealing with witches?”
“Sounds like it.” Sam sighed back closing his computer before getting up to flop into his hotel bed.
Dean took it as his que to get ready for bed. With shaking hands he grabbed his pajamas with the diaper hidden inside and stood up.
“You need the bathroom before I shower?”
“Ummmm, no. No, you’re all good. Thanks.” Sam replied before turned his attention back to his phone.
Dean nodded before slipping inside. With the door shut behind him, he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
After a shower and a quick change, Dean was shaking from nerves…again. With his diaper on under his clothes he feared the couple of steps from bathroom to bed would scream to Sam that he was wearing a diaper.
But it didn’t. Dean carefully made his way back to his bed and under the covers before Sam has even realized he left the bathroom.
When he did realize, Sam got up to use the bathroom himself. When he returned he turned off the light and wish his brother a good night before heading off to bed himself.
The plan worked!! Dean turned to his side and closed his eyes. Castiel’s plan had worked! Sam never said or suspected a thing!
“Thank you Cas.” Dean called out silently to the Angel.
A warm and calm presence wrapped around Dean, causing him to know the Angel got his message. His eyes slipped close as he felt safe enough to fall asleep.
The plan was fool proof. As the next day arrived Sam never got suspicious of Dean and his diaper.
They went out and talked to the police as they began their investigation of the murders. Then spent the rest of the day in the local library looking into the historical records.
“There,” Sam pointed out, “There’s a florist down the road from here that used to be the home of a famous witch’s house before she was evicted and well…” he trailed off.
“My guess is if they’re here, that’s where they would be hiding out.”
Dean yawned before patting Sam back, “Good work Sammy!”
He looked up at the clock in the library. It was too late to go today, this would have to be a mission for tomorrow. “Come on, let’s call it a day. We’ll go tomorrow.”
Sam nodded, rubbing his tired eyes, “Yeah that’s a good idea.”
After eating some take out, both Winchester were exhausted after a long day of working and researching. Both laid on their respective beds absolutely tired.
Dean didn’t feel like a shower tonight, too exhausted to pull himself into the shower and back into bed. But he did need to get changed discreetly. So he grabbed his pajamas, hidden diaper and tooth brush and went into the bathroom.
Dean changed for the night and was beginning to brush his teeth. He wasn’t in there long, maybe about 10 minutes when there was a frantic knock at the bathroom door.
“Dean…a-are you going to be long?” Sam asked with a worried tone to his voice.
“No, why what’s the-.” Dean opened the bathroom door, tooth brush still in mouth when he was ripped out of the bathroom by Sam. He promptly slammed the door in Dean’s face.
Dean stood there, a bit taken back. A thousand thoughts ran through his head as to what happened to his brother, but one image stayed in his mind. Sam was holding himself, as if he was about to have an accident.
Dean was sure he saw it, a move he himself had done on occasion when he was so deep into his little headspace he almost forgot to go potty. Could Sam be…What?! No. No! Well…maybe?
With a thousand thoughts running through his head, Dean took a seat on his bed and continued to brush his teeth. Eventually Sam walked out of the bathroom, face red as an apple and avoiding Dean’s eyes.
Dean went to the bathroom himself, spit out his tooth paste and slipped back into his bed. Sam seemed as though he wanted to go right back to bed and avoid everything all together, but Dean on the other hand want to ask him questions.
“You okay Sammy?”
“Yeah! Yeah, I just…I just really needed to go pot-…really needed to go pee. That’s all.” Sam explained, face red as ever. “You were in there forever!”
“I was not!”
“You were too!”
“I was maybe in there for 5 minutes!” Dean complained.
“No! You were in there for wayyyyy longer. I was dying out here.”
Dean wanted to ask and say so much more, but he could see the topic easy really starting to get to Sam who was gripping his blanket to the point of almost ripping it.
“Alright, alright maybe I was in there for too long. I’m sorry. I just…I just wanted to ask because I’m was worried maybe you were feeling sick or something.” Dean asked, starting to sound sincere.
Sam’s grip on the blanket ceased when he heard Dean’s honest answer. “I’m fine Dean. Like I said…just had to go pee.”
“Okay, I was just worried. Good night Sammy. Sleep well.”
“You too Dean.” Sam added before turning over and going to sleep.
Dean turns over as well and tried to go to sleep but his mind races with a thousand possibilities, one of them being Sam as another Little just like him.
Dean slept past his alarm and woke up a lot later than he wanted. He remembered hearing Sam on the phone with someone then the sound of the hotel room door closing.
His eyes fluttered open as he moved his thumb from his mouth to rub his tired eyes. WAIT. Dean sat up and moved his thumb far away from his mouth, wiping his face on his sleeve of any remaining drool.
He looked around frantically but thankfully his brother was out. He didn’t see Sam meaning Sam maybe didn’t see him sucking his thumb.
Dean sighed. He just wanted this case to be over so he could just go back to cuddling with Castiel and watch Scooby Doo.
But maybe they could wrap this case up today or tomorrow, then the idea of being with his Caregiver wasn’t such a far off idea.
Dean pulled himself out of bed and quickly got changed before Sam came back to the hotel room. In his hands were two plastic bags from the supermarket.
“Where have you been?” Dean asked.
“Good morning to you to sleeping beauty.” Sam joked quickly stashing one of the bags by his stuff before setting the other on the table. “I just had to grab something at the store for myself but I was kind enough to get us breakfast too.”
Sam threw Dean a box onto the bed he was sitting on. Dean leaned forward and grabbed the box, looking back up at Sam like he was crazy.
“What hell is this?”
“What do you mean?”
Dean help up the box of granola bars, “This is breakfast?”
“What? I always eat those for breakfast?”
“That’s because you’re 80. I can’t eat this! I need a real breakfast!” Dean could hear the twinge of his littler self in his voice.
“Come on dude, really?” Sam sighed.
Dean crossed his arms, “Really. I don’t want to eat this…this healthy stuff.” He felt the urge to stomp his foot but quickly stopped himself.
He uncrossed his arms and cleared his throat and tried to push his little headspace down, “Come on, let’s go get some real food. My treat.”
“I’ll umm….I’ll meet you there, I just need to go to the bathroom real fast and get changed…into my suit! For the case of course.” Sam tried to right away convince. But Dean could sense there was something more.
But he didn’t question it. He just took the que right away, “Don’t take too long, I’m starving. Meet you at the car.” He smile to try and reassure his brother before grabbing his keys and exiting the hotel room.
They never talked about it. Not at the breakfast diner nor at the drive to the florist. It didn’t stop Dean from having a million thoughts about what was happening.
It wasn’t his business, he knew it wasn’t. He asked Sam if he was okay, and he said he was. That was as far as he wanted to get into. But it was hard to stop himself from the thousand of possibilities running through his mind, mostly his brother being a Regressor like him.
But they had a case to get back to! So with stomachs full of pancakes they were in search of the witch florist! There was just one issue…the address they had was wrong.
So they drove, and drove, and drove around the town in search of this damn florist! Finally after a hour of driving around this stupid town they found the florist hidden away off the main road.
When the two walked through the door, the smell of the flowers practically smacked them in the face. Immediately both were taken back by the intensity.
“Boys! Welcome!” A woman at the counter welcomed them. “What brings you in today? Looking to get something for your girlfriends?” She should only know.
Sam walked around the flower shop while Dean walked to the counter, “I’m agent Graham and he’s agent Mobius. We’re investigating the murders of Julia and Andrews. The police told us they visited here before they were found well…”
“I heard. Oh it was terrible what happened to that lovely couple. They were so young and vibrant. It’s a shame really.”
“What were they in for?”
“Well, they seemed to be having some relationship issues. Apparently he never bought her any flowers. So she dragged him in here to get her some.”
“What flowers did they get?”
“Oh they got these ones over here.” The older woman led the way through the florist shop. Dean nodded his head to Sam to check the back while he walked with the older woman to another part of the story. He nodded back and went to it.
Dean followed the older woman as she made her way through the store. The store was loaded with different flowers, all different colors, sizes and scents. It was starting to get to him a bit. He felt dizzy.
“How long have you guys been here?” He asked.
“Oh, for many many years child.”
Child? That’s a strange nickname. But she’s old…old people have strange nicknames he guesses.
“Here we are. They ordered these.” She pulled a white flower out from a bundle and handed it to him. “They’re in season right now, take a whiff.”
Dean looked at the flower then looked at her. He needed to buy Sam some time anyway, plus what was one extra flower when he was smelling all of them since he entered the damn place. He brought the flower close and took a whiff.
Suddenly it was as if smell had punched him in the gut. He gasped and dropped the flower as he felt himself quickly being thrown into his little headspace without any control.
“What the hell was that?!” He backed up.
“Such big language for such a young boy like yourself. You hunters really should be more careful considering your headspaces.”
Dean could feel himself not only regressing but getting really tired really fast. He needed to get Sam and they needed to get out of here NOW.
He started to backtrack but he wasn’t as coordinated as he was before. He swayed from one wall to the other, trying to get to where Sam was.
“Oh I’m sure your brother is being taken good care of.” He heard the older woman call out from behind.
He was moving more slowly, his eyes drooping and his regression taking hold. Tears fell from his eyes. “S-S- ‘ammy!” He wanted his brother! He would protect him. He would save him from this lady! He’s always so smart and he always has a good plan!
But before Dean could reach him fell to the ground, his head swirling. He look to the side and there was his brother, sound asleep on the floor just a little away from him.
“ ‘ammy.” Dean muttered, reaching his arm out to his brother before his eyes rolled back. He fell into a deep sleep as he longed for his stuffies, his toys, his sippy cup and most of all his Angel.
(AN- Oh no! Our boys are in peril! Don’t worry I’m currently writing part 2 while you’re reading this. Let me know how you enjoyed this change of fic writing. It’s a little darker than what I normally write but I kind of like the change a bit! I’ve got a darker moon knight fic in mind too. Let me know if you’d read something like that too. But back to this fic…what’s going on with Sam👀 Who’s he on the phone with all the time?👀 What’s up with that? All shall be revealed in part 2 with is from Sam’s POV. Stay tuned!)
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sofasoap · 1 year
Lastochka - Part III
Pairing : Nikolai x F!Reader ( OC/Mini MacTavish)
Summary: Keeping it under the radar has its benefit. until it isn't.
Part I , Part II, Interlude, Part IV
Warning : Mature theme. Violence, innuendos and hint of smut mentioned.
Thanks to @homicidal-slvt for planting ideas into my brain. this whole series is all for you :)
Check out @shkretart for their beyond amazing artwork of Nikolai ( and the CoD boys )
My usual thanking @saltofmercury, mother of Mini, for lending me the character :) Please go and check out her fics!
“masterlist” for Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
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LIke playing with Russian roulette, even Lady Fortuna’s luck runs out. 
“We will go dark for a while Nik, the mission won’t take too long. I will be back before you know it.”  you smiled at him. 
He hasn’t heard from you for over a month. His little Swallow. Lost in the wild. No one will tell him anything. Why?
Because no one knows about you two. 
It was an unspoken agreement. Keeping it lowkey. No one else needs to know. Keeping things professional on the surface.
Even if Price noticed. He hasn’t said a thing. 
You started seeking him out more often after the safe house incident. 
“You still got my phone number right?” 
“ Maybe? Maybe not?”
“ I knew you wouldn’t throw it away.” The irritated look you gave him. He loves to get on your nerves. But at the same time he knows you aren’t afraid to bite back or correct him. He loves a woman with a bit of fire. 
He takes on every chance that was offered to him to be close to you. Any mission that needs him to be back up, he is in. Need transportation? He will fly you and the team there. No questions asked. 
“Payment?” He will look at you and half joke to the boy. “Mini can be the payment.” That never ends well, Soap jumps in ready to tear his head off with Ghost and Gaz tries to pull him back, Price looks at his friend with a knowing glare and shakes his head and you hide behind Price, utterly mortified.
He savours the time with you alone, on standby at the rendezvous point. Started off you shyly leaning against him. Offer him more of your baking ( he loves your chocolate biscuits) everytime you two share a cup of coffee, waiting for the team to return. The adorable little pout when he teases you and you couldn’t return with a witty retort in time.
Or that little smile on your face as you watch him checking through the gears and parts in the helicopter.
One day, he was sitting in the pilot seat, checking over the flight plan. It has been a long demanding mission. You have been up for two days straight, patching the teams up. He can see the strains and fatigue is starting to get to you, your red rimmed eyes says it all.
Putting down his paperwork, he waves you over. Dragging your sluggish feet over to where he is, he pulls you into his lap. You wiggle around a little bit, finding a comfortable position before leaning your head against his chest. 
“Tired?” You nodded your head in response.
“Sleep for a bit.It’s ok. It will be a while before they return.” 
“Hmm?” Taking his sunglasses off as he looked down, noticing you were gazing up at him with glassy eyes as you reached up, one hand cupping his face, another running your finger through his hair, combing it with care and tenderness.
He leaned his head down slightly, his mouth hovering over yours.
“Ненаглядная,” he murmured.  “You know what would be better than thanking me with words?”
“Kissing you?”
“That’s my clever girl.” closing the gap as he finishes, he finally got the first taste of you. Those soft luscious lips he has been dreaming and craving for months. And he wants more.
He made sure when there were only two of you, away from the bloodshed and chaos and the preying eyes, he worshipped his beautiful Goddess with all the attention. Showering you with all his love, making sure your body will only crave for him, his immortal lover, calling out only his name every time he pushes you up high.
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“Where is she?”  Nikolai demanded as he stormed into the briefing room.
“M.I.A. we don’t know.”  Price snapped at him, already frustrated at the lack of details from your disappearance. And the guilt of pressing you into another covert mission. He doesn’t need Nikolai to come in and add more complications.
“Package extracted, safely hidden. THEY ARE HERE. DO not come looking for me.” The message ended up with the sound of a gunshot and your scream.
By the time they have reached your last signal transmission spot, you have already disappeared. All there left was the mission package you have successfully obtained and a dog tag with a simple wedding band attached and pool of blood.
“You shouldn’t be here.” Soap growled. 
“Пиздец , Soap ,SHE IS MY WIFE!!” Slamming his hand on the desk, “I do have the right to be here and know what is going on! Just like you do!”
Deafening silence settled in the briefing room as the bombshell was dropped. 
Everything became clear to Price from your hesitation, and your requests before you left.
“Alright. But don’t tell Nik about the details.” looking down on the floor, toying with your dog tag chain. “This might be the last mission I can take for a little while.” 
“Getting tired of us stinky boys?” Price laughed.
Shaking your head. “Planning a trip. Promised someone I would take a break with them.” That little mysterious smile, Price knew not to push for anymore details. 
You and Nikolai were planning for the honeymoon. 
“Lads. Everyone needs to calm down here.” Laswell broke the silence. “Any personal questions, save it for later. Our priorities here are to try and find Mini, and get her out.” If she is still alive. The unspoken words.
Laswell turned and threw some files at Nikolai, he quickly flipped through it.
Pausing on one of the pages as he spotted a name. “Laswell.” he frowned. “Are you sure these are Bratva that are involved?”
“Positive.” Laswell took out another file. “Got any connections?”
“Connection?” He let out a bitter laugh. A vicious smile appeared on his face. The Russian bear has been awakened. “Their Pahkan owes me a favour. A HUGE favour.”
Everyone turned and looked at Nikolai. First time in days there is a bit of a breakthrough. There might be hope to find you after all. They will not give up until they physically see your body. Dead or alive. 
People should know , they do not mess around with Nikolai , the leader of Chimera, or his loved ones. He will make them PAY. 
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Спасибо - Thank you.
Ненаглядная - precious
Пиздец - damn it
tag :
@roosterr @preciouslittlecreature
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ur-dad-satan · 7 months
I'm almost certain that MC would introduce the brothers to human world holidays and they would try their best to emulate it with what they have. That being said, have a mini fic!!
!! Fluff, wholesome, thanksgiving themes, shit postish, gender neutral MC !!
Also, I'm basing the food and traditions off of my personal experience so sorry if you don't see your faves mentioned in the foods
MC had been hanging out with Asmodeus and Mammon in the common room gossiping about both human world and Devildom social media. The three were scrolling and laughing when a certain human world post caught MC's eye.
"Oh! I didn't realize today was Thanksgiving. Damn, it's really almost December." They sighed. Their tone was no longer as happy as it was before and their expression had switched to a slightly somber one.
"What's wrong, honey?" Asmo asked causing Mam to pay more attention too.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to kill the mood." MC smiled slightly only for Mammon to roll his eyes.
"No. Stop that. What's going on with ya? What happened, MC? Do I need to get Beel to fight someone?" Mammon asked getting closer to comfort them.
"I just realized that today is Thanksgiving. In the human world, it's a holiday where you're supposed to remember the native people killed by European settlers in order to take their land by having a huge feast and sharing what you're grateful for with your friends and family. My family would make a lot of different foods, desserts, drinks, and watch movies all afternoon until night and then we'd all go home and sleep of we were at someone else's house. We always made so much that we would be eating the same thing for at least a week!" MC smiled nostalgically. They sighed in contentment before shaking their head and looking back up at the two demons with them.
"Oh, honey that sounds like a... wonderful little tradition! I'm sorry we don't have anything like that here." Asmo said gently and placed a hand on MC's leg.
"Hey, how about I try to make ya feel better, huh?" Mammon asked excitedly.
"We'll all go out! Even if we just walk around and window shop, all of us will go out on the town!" Mammon suggested. MC thought about it for a moment, then nodded their head and smiled gently.
"Alright. I'll ask the others if they want to go with us." MC said and stood up to go talk to the others.
"Don't worry about it, MC. Asmo and I will take care of that. I'll even let you wear my lucky ring today, okay?" Mammon said and helped MC up off of the couch. He kissed their forehead and shooed them off to get ready.
"Okay. Thanks Mam. Asmo, can I use your tub, please?"
"Help yourself to anything you need, gorgeous!" Asmo smiled and watched MC walk out of the room. "Mammon what are you planning?" He asked more seriously.
"We're gonna throw them a Devildom style thanksgiving! C'mon! They'll love it and it'll make em happy! It only makes sense, right?"
"Wow, Mammon, that was actually a good idea. You tell the twins and Satan and I'll tell Luci and Levi." Asmo smiled and pat his older brother on the shoulder as if to say, 'good job'.
A few hours later, all eight residents were out and about. They spent the whole day laughing and joking around with MC to make them feel better. By the early evening, Lucifer, Satan, Levi and Asmo went back to the house while Mam, Beel, Belphie, and MC stayed out a little longer. The four of them walked around a park for a while until Mammon looked down at his D.D.D and quickly spoke up.
"I'm pooped. Let's go back to the house." The white-haired demon suggested.
"Fine with me, I'm hungry and Belphie looks like he can barely hold his eyes open anymore." MC chuckled and peeked over at Belphie who was leaning on Beel and almost asleep.
"I think Lucifer's cooking tonight, so dinner should be ready by the time we get home." Beel said happily and the four of them made their way back to the House of Lamentation.
MC opened the front door and was immediately hit with a cacophony of familiar smells. They looked back toward the three brothers they were with who were smiling at them excitedly. MC immediately walked straight into the dining room and gasped in pure shock and awe.
"Happy thanksgiving, MC!" The crowd yelled in glee. The rest of the brothers, the angels, Solomon, Lord Diavolo, Barbatos, Mephieso, and Thirteen lined the sides of the room. In front of them was a giant spread laid out expertly across the huge dining table. There were dinner rolls, ham, macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoes, fresh collard greens, redxred apple pie, wicked cupcakes, demonus, and so much more across the table.
"You guys! You didn't have to do this for me! It's just one little human world holiday!" MC gushed holding back their tears.
"Well, we heard how sad you sounded, and we wanted to do something nice for you." Solomon said. Being human too, he understood missing little things like a holiday.
"Thank you all so much! I'm so glad that I came to the Devildom. My life has never been more exciting." MC said happily.
"It was Mammon's idea. You should thank him the most." Lucifer piped up. Mammon blushed as every eye in the room turned to him.
"Aww, Mammon! Thank you so much! I love you so much!" MC ran to Mammon and hugged him with everything they had in them. Mammon blushed even more and stuttered out an 'of course' in response.
The rest of the night was spent full of laughing, delicious food, jealous glared thrown and Mammon, and lots and lots of good memories. Solomon even pulled some strings and got MC's favorite alcohol so they could get a bit "silly" just like everyone else.
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