#I have an exam in like 2 weeks that I started revising for today so that’s great
secretceremonials · 2 years
I think my life would be so much better if dido had stabbed Aeneas rather than herself
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deltaromeo3 · 1 year
𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚛𝚎..? #3 ⋆ Charles Leclerc
pairing: charles leclerc x reader
summary: in which the reader does not recognise the famous Monegasque Formula 1 driver; the very same one that was about to change her perspective on the sport and also her life.
— buckle up cos this is a long one yall…. a lil smau at the end? 👀
— you can read parts 1 & 2 here: #1 #2
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You went on three more dates after the brunch date. You really enjoyed his company and agreeing to go for brunch with him was the best decision you've ever made.
Charles had popped the question on the third date and of course, you said yes. However, you still kept your relationship private but not secret. No one knew who he was dating and vice versa…. yet.
Today was your final paper for Uni. You had spent the last few weeks focused on studying so you couldn't meet Charles (and attend his races) as often as you wanted to but he was totally understanding and even had flowers delivered to your house to boost your morale.
You went to school with the notes you wrote clutched in your hands. You had a few hours to kill so you decided to have a light breakfast and head to the library to do last minute revisions with Emma.
The clock hits 1:30pm and all the students were gathered in the examination hall, seated in their respective places as the papers were being handed out. You turned to Emma who was seated a few seats diagonally behind you.
She shows a thumbs up and mouths 'good luck!' with a smile on her face.
You returned the gesture and then turn your attention back towards yourself.
Three hours later, you exited the exam hall and let out a sigh of relief. You took out your phone to text Charles, letting him know you were done with your final paper of the goddamn semester.
In the midst of typing, you bumped into someone.
"Oh god I'm so sor- Charles?!" You yelled out.
He laughs but was quick to shush you by covering your mouth, "Hi,"
You were shocked to see him as he was away for the British Grand Prix. You figured you had a few days left before he returns but as you just found out, he was back early.
You hugged him in joy and he embraces you in his arms.
"How was the paper?" He asks as he lets go, the two of you walking away.
"Good- but difficult. I think I'll do well," You hesitantly say.
His eyebrows furrow, "You think? Come on, don't say that! I know you'll do well,"
"Yeah? You think so?"
"Of course! You're my girl, there's nothing you can't do my love," He says as he kisses your forehead.
You smiled in response, feeling a little better.
"Let's go for dinner?"
It's like he was able to read your mind.
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Fast forward, it was graduation. You did indeed do well. Your parents couldn't attend as they were miles away so they supported you via live stream. Charles however...
@yourusername posted on their story
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@charles_leclerc posted on their story
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Monza was a particularly important race; Charles loved the Monza GP as much as he loved his home race- it held a very special place in his heart.
This was your first time attending, the atmosphere of the tifosi’s was like nothing you’ve ever seen before.
You were with Emma in the Ferrari hospitality as Charles had paddock & VIP passes for the both of you. Of course, he couldn’t forget Emma. He said if it weren’t for her, the two of you wouldn’t have met.
The both of you were seated at the back of the garage with headphones on, focused on the race.
The race started off well. Charles was on pole, which was amazing, he even managed to maintain his position for the next 53 laps, keeping the two Mercedes drivers behind him at bay.
“Mercedes threw everything at him today- Charles Leclerc has coped brilliantly! He won in Spa, he wins in Monza!”
As soon as his car crosses the finish line and the checkered flag waves, you rushed over to the barricades, waiting for him.
As soon as he parks his car in the Parc Ferme, he rushes to the team donned in red.
He brushed past everyone as soon as he saw you at the front of the line. He runs over to you, immediately embracing you in a hug.
You hugged him back but was taken aback at his sudden action because your relationship hadn’t gone public yet. But today, Charles figured it was time the world knew.
You kissed the top of his helmet, afterwards pushing his visor up, eyes locked with the same set of green eyes you were first met with at the supermarket a year back. His eyes were squinting- he was smiling.
With his hands rested on your waist, he proceeds to place his forehead on yours, “Je t’aime. I love you. Je t’aime tellement. I love you so much.” He says loud enough so you could hear him over the screams and cheers.
You smiled. Your heart melts when the words escape his mouth because prior to this, the both of you hadn’t said your “I love you’s” yet.
“Take off your helmet,” You said and he quickly proceeded to do so.
You placed your hands on the side of his face bringing him in closer, kissing him. Once you let go, you said,
“Je t’aime aussi, Charles. I love you too, Charles.”
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liked by emmaharper, charles_leclerc, yoursister and others
yourusername I guess I’m a Ferrari fan now…🤭
emmaharper #ForzaFerrari 🤪🤪
charles_leclerc 😘😘 I love you
yourusername I love you too❤️
emmaharper ew
yourusername @emmaharper 🙄
yourusername 😳😳
charlesleclerclover well now we know who’s the mystery girl…👀
charlesleclerc_fc new wag!!!!!
user1 ooh so she’s the doctor he posted about!
yourusername @user1 yessir🤭
yourfriend y/n you dating a f1 driver was NOT on my bingo card….
yourusername hehehe surprise…?
view all 136 comments
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A/N: here it is, the long awaited part 3! and with that, the “and you are…?” series comes to an end!! hehe definitely didn’t expect there to he 3 parts but oh well! i hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! thank you for all the love <3
ps. im open for requests :)
— taglist: @charlottemount @fangirlika @lunnnix @maryleclerc
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studyyblur · 1 month
hi there <3
so i gave my mock exam today, it went pretty well, i did a couple silly errors (your girl wrote 2^3=6 😄) but other than that it went pretty good.
i didn't really do any studying the whole day because i wanted to give myself a day off, to gear up for tomorrow, rn i think i'm gonna surf yt for a while, have dinner and call it a night.
i plan on posting my to-do for tomorrow later on tonight, gosh i'm SO excited to begin it all tomorrow!
i have another mock test to take in a few weeks, the syllabus of which would comprise of the whole syllabus of the last three tests i have taken, so there's a quite a lot of revision to do, but then i have another test 2 weeks after that, which comprises of the entirety of coordinate geometry of my curriculum hahaha so we gotta start on that too, hmm i'll decide on the to-do soon and post it.
also, i'm so so SO thankful for your reblogs and likes, i appreciate it so much!
thank you for such a warm welcome <33
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o2studies · 4 months
༻`` 1 June — Saturday 56/60
🧡 academia >> / (planning to study a lot of Russian as I've finished this year of school now)
🧡 physical health >> I walked a good bit today, there was a kind of fun day at a park and so I went there with a friend and it was SO MUCH FUN!
🧡 self care >> Sleeping in that little bit extra this morning
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I went with K today on a single ride 6 or 7 times and it was amazing! So so much fun, we were screaming our heads off (it the one in the middle picture) and enjoying the music and the slightly sick feeling of being spun round at 100mph. It also felt really freeing to just scream and really funny whenever I'd say 'wee' in a childish tone whenever we'd start spinning in the seats again. We went to her house afterwards, had food, watched Emperor's New Groove (1 & 2) and had way too much fun texting out friend from each other's phones. It was an amazing start into summer.
More updates about this last week:
My exams went quite well I think. There is a couple I might have to retake next year but we'll see whenever I get the grades (I'm praying to God they're all A's or at least high B's). I'm quite happy with how they went tho and mostly proud of the revision I've done for them (I have really died down the revision in the last week and was so tired—physically and mentally— of it all)
I've been falling into some depression-related habits on this past week, sleeping in way too late and constantly, not taking care of myself, being really tired in the evenings and just wasting away the afternoons on my phone & isolating. I am already better and I know I'm working to keep being better. I'm really proud of myself for how quickly I'm bouncing back from that
I wrote some more in my journal recently and started writing out some goals for this year's summer! I would like to write at least some of them out on a post here soon and properly reflect on the list.
My parents had a conversation with my the other day about how I'm allowed to get a part-time summer job this year! I'm really excited, it would be good for me in many ways plus it'll keep me slightly more busy in these next 3 months which is good
I also got my driving licence!! Woo!!
I'm talking with my friends more often and really bonding with them too. We're getting a lot more comfortable around each other too (and the friendly flirting sessions we sometimes have are just so fun XD). We are going to make a good few plans for meeting up over the summer.
After the last exam I talked to another friend, A, while waiting for our buses and I forget how much I love having them as a friend. It was really nice to hear more about them and how she's been doing and her plans for the summer. I'm hoping to meet them sometime next week after their Birthday.
This might be it for now.. If I can remember anything else major that's happened I'll make another post to add to this.
Good night/morning everyone :)
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thebluntstudent · 4 months
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Also, a little commentary about panic attacks because I been there babs, in fact was there 30 mins ago~
Tomorrow, I have an exam that I have been dreading for a long time. So naturally, today when I woke up a couple hours later than I was anticipating and opened up my notes to make the most of my last day of revising, I was hit with a flood of overwhelming anxiety and a panic attack followed suit.
I was struggling to move, I felt so overtaken by my thoughts- so I lay down, hugged myself, and did my best to calm down and rationalise my thoughts. This is how I got through it, and this is how I contended with a few of the emotionally-loaded thoughts that were driving my pre-exam panic:
Firstly, getting through it. If you are having a panic attack, don't try to push it down or ignore it- it sucks babs, but much like escaping a burning building by jumping through the fire, it's happening now and the only way past it is going through. So feel it. If you can talk to someone to support you through and ground you then do, and use whatever aids you to help calm the physical effects enough that you can start to fight that negative filter making you feel like the worlds biggest failure right now- you're not. You're a human, and if you didn't care about this exam you wouldn't be curled up in bed hyperventilating about it!
Just physically calming yourself down doesn't help you fight the thoughts you're having that may be caused by or be the cause of your anxiety in the first place- so here are a few anxious thoughts I have had that you may also be experiencing and the rationalisation that helped me through them- in hopes that if you aren't doing okie dokie right now that maybe this will give you something to focus on and help you be the devil's advocate to your own anxiety too:
"I woke up later than I wanted to, I've lost important study time." So you slept through your alarm, or forgot to set one- fretting about lost time is only going to make you lose your mind and lose focus more, and the day before an exam you need as much rest as the night before. A few hours may feel like a lot of time, but you probably wouldn't have made the most of that in a groggy sleep-deprived state anyway. You're looking after yourself, you still have time, and that is okay.
"I have so much to get through, I'm never going to understand everything now." There is still plenty that you can do! I have been moderately unwell for 2 months and it has had a massive impact on my capacity to study consistently. There's a fair bit of content I know that I don't have enough time to understand at a first grade level- but I still have hours to lock down a little bit more confidence in preparation for the exam. Stop thinking 'I have to do ALL of this in the next 24 hours', start thinking 'what can I do to make myself feel a little more confident for tomorrow?'- as I mentioned in my last post, in just a 5-10 minute revision session you can go over a topic's worth of content via flashcards, and you literally have hours to go yet.
"I'm a bad student, I should have started prepping weeks ago/I should have done more." Hindsight is a bitch. Even if your reason for not studying before now is simply procrastination (which does not make you a bad student, it makes you a normal student- and also, a human being), mourning the time you've lost will not get you a top grade. You still have so much time to make yourself feel a little more prepared- you aren't a bad person, and you can still do something now even if you didn't a week ago! <3
"I don't even know where I'm supposed to start now, everything feels so overwhelming." take 20. Stop envisioning your subject as a whole (easier said than done, I know), and instead try to break it down into little segments of info you have to learn- you've already been taught the subject, so you don't have to learn the WHOLE thing in 24 hours. I like to write a list breaking down my module lecture by lecture, with three little check boxes next to it (though this depends on the subject you're doing): content, flashcards, practise. Cross off anything you've already done, pick one topic- one task you want to focus on and ignore everything except for that for however long you'll be working on it. It doesn't matter if you can't get through the whole list- every little section you do is another set of questions in the exam that you now have a better chance at answering. Isn't that a win?
This won't get rid of your anxiety like some magic solution, and it isn't always an easy task to dismiss your restless mind's accusations- but hopefully this is a little helpful for any fellow messy, anxious students out there who want the best but aren't in the best circumstances to get there <3 also, good luck!
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kerostarz · 5 months
love you twice. kim gyuvin
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🍵 _
“and yeah he was really nice overall”
my roommate finally came back and i told her all about my official first encounter with kim gyuvin.
“this is the beginning of your rom-com.. are you kidding me ??” my roommate squeals, i laugh and shrug, “oookay calm down i don’t even have the time to complete half of these essays and research studies in time, you think i’ll have time for romance ?” my friend smiles and winks and i roll my eyes giving up.
⏰ *ringggg* *ringggg* (the next day)
i woke up and quickly got ready. today i had two midterms in biology. how exciting. truthfully with me being sick i wasn’t able to study much as i just felt dead for a whole week, so i decided to wake up early and go revise in the library.
it wasn’t too cold this morning as spring was approaching so i finally chose to wear a t shirt and some baggy blue jeans. i silently scurried out of my dorm as to not disturb my roommate who was still in dreamland.
after 2 hours in the library, it was finally time to take my test and i did not feel prepared at all. 1.5 hours passed by and the bell rang signaling that the test was finally over. it was well past 13:00 pm and i was so hungry. i quickly paced down the hallway but when i got down to the entrance, it was pouring rain outside. great.
for one: i had no umbrella in hand, and for two: it started getting cold and i had no jacket either. at this point my only choice was to run back to my dorm but before i could take a step outside, a hand pulled me inside again. huh ?
“it’s too cold, you’ll catch a cold again” i turned around, my face meeting with none other than kim gyuvin’s face. “oh it’s you!” i exclaimed in surprise.
“here” gyuvin dropped his backpack on the floor and began to take his hoodie off, “you can have my hoodie” and before another word could leave my mouth, he motioned his head left and right and pointed his palm at me, “do not worry! i am wearing a thermal shirt underneath so i have come prepared for the weather AND i brought an umbrella too!” i smiled softly, gently taking his hoodie and thanking him as i put it on. it was warm and had a baggy fit on me.
gyuvin opened the umbrella and we took off under the rain, our bodies compressed under the umbrella as to not get a single drop on us. “what brings you in the biology building by the way?” i asked him, wondering since his major’s building was on the other side of campus. “oh! uuhh.. my friend left his pencil case so i went to drop it off.. yeah!” he smiled. “i see, well we just had an exam and i’m exhausted ugh, i have another one in the afternoon but at least it’s online” i sighed, a sigh of exhaustion. silence and rain fills the conversation for a minute.. “are you hungry? let’s go and grab hot pot” gyuvin suggests and i immediately agree.
“thank you for the meal~” i drop my body against the restaurant’s sofa, my stomach satisfied with the food, “you really didn’t have to pay gyuvin”. he refused to half the bill earlier and ran to the counter to pay. at that point i couldn’t say no so i remained in my seat laughing it off as he turned around smiling and sticking his tongue out.
“sooo.. when are you taking the test” gyuvin asks, we headed out the restaurant and began to mindlessly walk around the streets near campus. “ah, you’re right” i chuckled, “i totally forgot about it haha” i was having so much fun just hanging around with him that it only hit me now that i have yet another test to take. “i should head back to my dorm” i replied looking down at my feet. i felt gyuvin’s gaze laying on mine and i suddenly started getting nervous. but why ?
“it’s 5pm and the cafe should not be busy since it’s a week day.. we could pass by and you can take your exam there, yeah?” i looked up at him, his eyes shining like boba balls, almost as if he was begging me to not leave. “plus it’s nearer here than campus so we’ll save time and-” “let’s go,” i cut him off and smiled, gyuvin smiling back, his eyes forming a crescent moon shape.
“let’s get going then.”
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kaiju-shenanigans · 4 months
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Oh my god, this is like the 10th time I'm trying to post this!🤦‍♀️ Anyways...
Day 5:
Wasn't really productive this past weekend, was just going over what I already had to learn. I could feel a sense of burnout coming on so I decided to take the weekend slow. So that means I'll have to pick up the slack this week since my first exam is next Tuesday!
Sent an email to my lecturer to clarify if the notes I have for my "Psycho" essay for cinema studies are on the right path for what we're expected to write in the exam, and thankfully they were correct. Phew! Will probably start attempting to write out the essay today and Wednesday, and hopefully send it to her again by Wednesday or Thursday for one last round of feedback before the exam. Finally started learning for English and started compiling notes for Angela Carter's "The Bloody Chamber". I then revised over the other notes I need to know aside from the essay for cinema studies. 📚
Did my 7 min core workout and 10 min stretch. I was thinking of moving on to longer, more challenging workouts but decided not to cos I didn't want to end up feeling too sore because I just know that will make me lazy and want to lie in bed to rest. So for now, I'll just stick to what I've been doing just so that I'm regularly exercising. I'll probably start doing 2 sets of the workouts tho, since they're not high intensity. But I'll leave the longer, challenging workouts for after exams. 💪
Had to unravel the basket I was crocheting lol. I kept messing up and I think it's because this is the first time I'm working on a project in the round. Hopefully I'll attempt it again this week. 🧶
Unfortunately didn't get to read, but will definitely get back to it this week. 📖
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blysse-and-blunder · 1 year
In lieu of a making a comeback
11:45pm Sunday, June 18, 2023
Went through my drafts folder today, scrolling quickly past all the posts I’ve saved for when I’ve finally finished succession and found that the last time I drafted a commonplace book post was back in early May? I may post that one later—it’s a bit of a time capsule now, and isn’t even fully finished (hence why I saved it rather than posting). but rather than wait for perfection—my lesson of the year it seems—I’ll dash off a short one here. for my own entertainment, which of course is the point.
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Reading just started victoria goddard’s bee sting cake, the second book in the greenwing & dart series. jemis’ narrative voice sounds a little too much like fitzroy’s — exacerbating my prejudice against first-person narration where the pov character just kinda sounds like the author’s mouthpiece—but seeing more of ragnor bella, this area of the twelve kingdoms, these references to the Interim and the Last Emperor, remains delightful. Also about 80% of the way through ursula k. le guin’s a wizard of earthsea for the very first time, which has been a slow because I’m absolutely savoring it. one of those books that feels like it’s in conversation with Tolkien but goes about ‘let’s make magic literary’ in a totally different way.
watching the aforementioned succession. @hematiterings and I were doing a rewatch (for me; her first time) and we have now gotten up to season 4 episode 3, You Know the One, which means that there’s only one more episode before I’m in new territory. it’s been a really rewarding rewatch, even as I’ve been doing laptop work the whole time—I’m understanding characters’ relationships and the stakes of different decisions and events so much better than I did the first time.
listening for some reason this week and last I have not been able to get enough of Hildegard von Blingen’s bardcore covers. Specifically the cover of taylor swift’s willow, which is not a song I knew, cared about, or really even noticed before now? But it the bardcore cover elevates it so well? hildegard’s voice is so lovely? one of those sopranos I usually don’t quite believe are real—just a pleasure to listen to. bad romance and holding out for a hero have been on repeat as well, and pumped up kicks (buskin boots!) is so much more interesting than the original, but willow has been the one I actively searched by name.
playing d+d campaign one tonight for the first time since FEBRUARY. it was good! we laughed! R tried to seduce a jaguar! we might be starting a schism in a fantasy meso-american religion or possibly playing the ball game to avoid that! we won’t be able to play again until late July, early august! The real boss fight is—has always been—scheduling.
making look at this dining room chair I glued back together.
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No after pictures yet but it was clamped for a few days and has now been back in use with no ill effects since…gosh, last weekend? so we’ll count that as a win.
working on between finishing my most recent slog of grading (32 review assignments, which I spent waaaaaay too long on out of an anxiety of needin to help them revise for their final portfolios) and the next round of grading (final exams for 385 are due…thursday, possibly? and portfolios Friday, though I expect I get many either late or with extension requests, my fault entirely), I think I have to write at least one job app for June 30 and. maybe try to slap some new stuff into ch 2. or conference paper? hm.
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kukies-capabilities · 2 years
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🎧 222 - Kyle Lux
Had my last mock exam today!! I am freeeee (for like a week then I have gotta start planning my revsion for my real exam)
After Monday I had three more exams, Maths paper 3 and Physics paper 2 and 3
Maths paper 3: I answered most of the questions and excpet from the last question and part c and d of another question I knew what I was doing for the most part. I even did 2 of the question prior as part of my revision. 6/10
Physics paper 2: What a horrid paper. The last page had questions on topics we havent even covered yet and I ran out of time and wasnt able to finish most of the questions 1/10
Physics paper 3: If paper 2 was horrid this was a atrocious. For the astrophysics half, I thought i knew the content and how to answer some of the questions but I guess not. The practical skills half was worse, I didnt known what I was doing and just attempted to write an answer for most questions. It didnt help that the room was really warm and the person next to me kept snufgiling. I felt so overwhelmed. -10/10
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beforeiread-studies · 2 years
21.01.2023 || Ok, today we start studying for the German exam for real. I have 1 week to prepare for it but I've also already done most of the prep in December so it will be more like revising everything.
Also, I've received some more "we don't offer internships" answers and one "we could be interested" from a school in Australia. I could be very interested as well.
To do today:
Tidy my room
Wash hair
Read 2 entries from Nella Last's Diaries
Read Maestro Pulce
Send another 4 internship applications
Pack item to ship off
Work on blog post
Finish writing P&P fanfic
BONUS TASKS: Watch a movie
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studywithanoodle · 2 years
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Week 2
This week, I embraced the green space on my campus a lot more and the way that autumn really made it beautiful. I really went ham with using my new Notion board system, which definitely works the best when I have tasks split into smaller pieces and put onto the table format. This week was a lot busier, but I felt more like myself as a result. I really missed being busy like I was in high school.
A View Into My Week of Work and Studying
This was another week in which I really procrastinated on finishing my lab report for physics. Even though I love physics, I'm allergic to lab work and submitting my lab reports prior to the night before like I did in high school or the day it's due like I do now.
I found that I struggled a bit with my physics homework this week. Of course, I took this as a sign to study the topic, which was work and energy, a lot more since there were some questions I wasn't as familiar with. Due to this realization, I went to the Learning Resource Center in the medical school on Friday (yesterday) to scan some books for practice problems. I printed them in the library along with other problems I collected from past physics classes and the textbook for my course.
At the beginning of the week, the touchpad on my laptop was kind of wonky, so I complained about it to my friends, and one of them was so kind as to get me a mouse, which came on Wednesday. It's made working on my laptop a lot easier, especially since I lowkey hate my touchpad LOL
Friday was my busiest day of the week and was the first time that my assigned study group for my bio course met. I felt like it helped with getting my motivation for studying for my second test up, so I spent a lot of time today working on my study materials. I will take more pictures of them as the next week goes on.
I got new pens today since my desk pencil case (there's a difference between my desk pencil case and my regular one lol) was somehow lacking colored pens for me to use as I revised my notes. There's just something so wonderful about a brand-new gel pen. I also got to explore my new home (the wondrous city) a lot more as a result of going out to get new pens.
On Tuesday night, I ended up staying up late working on a presentation for the nonprofit I work for. I ended up going to bed at almost 5 AM, which was fine because I didn't have class the next day. Even though it obviously wasn't a healthy thing to do, I got a lot of work done and might end up doing it again if I have a task that really has been put off for a while.
Hobby Analysis
I actually got some crocheting done today since I decided to pick up the top that I'm making for a friend. Since I've been delaying it a lot due to my schedule, I'm still hoping to finish it by their birthday in mid-December.
Hopes for Next Week
I hope that I will be a lot more consistent with my skincare routine in the next week. I also want to start practicing piano little by little again by maybe going to the practice room every other day or something to get back into it. I also hope to be more productive since I have tests coming up; I now have my second physics exam scheduled for November 22, which is before Thanksgiving.
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immigrant-rob · 9 months
The last move
It's been 2 months since the last blog, so time for an update on the highlights. We have moved in and settled into our new rental house provided by a miracle. It is located in the exact neighborhood we had wanted, close to Naomi's family but usually an expensive one to rent. However, the landlord was very generous and made a deal that if we took good care of the property the rent would be lower. After unpacking 104 cardboard boxes and a few weeks of minor repairs around the house we were finally ready to settle in and enjoy. Besides living close to Naomi's family (who love to cook, and guess where most leftovers end up 😏), it is also within walking distance of a huge supermarket (think like Albert Heijn XXXL) and church. I had given up all hope to be able to walk to places from home!
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While clearing out the house, Hoydi, Naomi's brother and I did a trip to the dump. Going to the dump always was an exciting day out back when I was young, but this was on a different level. Whereas I'm used to dumping my couch in a container, here they have ''landfills''. Massive pits on the outskirts of the city where 1.2 million people literally can dump their trash. Not sure how I felt about dumping 3 couches into mother nature, but I was assured that the nice neighborhood next to it was built on one of these full landfills and in a few years a new neighborhood would be built on my 3 couches.
A few weeks later we hosted our first guests at our place. Jacqueline, an old university friend of mine and her husband Mark came over. We went on my first snowshoeing hike up to Chester Lake through fresh powder which must feel as outdoorsy as it can get. We witnessed a decent sized avalanche from fairly nearby, and the powder it spewed up blowing through the trees. The next day we spent playing boardgames, where Mark beat me at my home game Everdell after I made a shameful mistake, but redeemed my board gaming career with a surprise Scythe win. Both great games if you're into board games!
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A week later Naomi and I took a 1 week breather in Vancouver and Vancouver Island, where my highlight was seeing unhuggable trees. The largest being 9m in circumference! We also revisited Naomi's memories of camping on the island, catching crabs and clam digging on the beach. We caught 19 crabs in total, unfortunately non were big enough to be eaten.
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Initially, I thought we were going for the views, but soon it became apparent that Naomi had a different to-do list. Apparently, Vancouver is the place to be to eat Asian food outside of Asia. I should've known that marrying a foodie means travel destinations aren't based on scenes but on food. I'm glad they didn't charge me 2 seats on the flight back after that week... Anyway, the climate reminded me of home. Wet and humid. Ideal for someone whose nose had been clogged for the past 2 months to be able to breathe again, but also reminded me of what I did not like about Dutch weather. The wetness and gray skies. Believe it or not, while writing this the temperature is -31 C here, but it is dry and I will bet a Timbit on a clear blue sky later today, just like the past week. I'll deal with the congested nose.
Last 2 highlights were our Christmas dinner with turkey and ham prepared by Hoydi which I could help carve (and take home many leftovers). Secondly, a beautiful easy hike through Johnstone Canyon to view the frozen waterfalls and its dare devil ice climbers. It's a tourist attraction which always makes for fun viewings of unprepared tourists with no cleats slipping and sliding down the trail. The second part of the hike to the mud pots was very quiet and allowed for some Disney Wonderland like views in the valley.
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Studying is going well, I'm still on track with my schedule to finish by the end of January and use February to revise. Looking forward to put the exam behind me and start working!
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honestly not been to good im pretty sure im burnt out but my first exam is in less than 2 weeks so ive just got to find a way to keep going. i got absolutely nothing done yesterday and was basically in bed most of the day on a discord call with a couple friends not even talking for most of it
the whole bank holiday thing also really fucks with me because its more difficult to get a bus to go out to do revision and then theres all the coronation shit
i did however read a really good fanfic that i put off reading for ages because i thought it was gonna be shit but it was really good and now i feel dumb for not reading it when my standards for reading have dropped because i have read like pretty much anything under the 1975 on ao3
how have you been doing? - 🐸
Oh, I’m so sorry you’ve not been feeling too good lately :( burn out is real, though. And, inconveniently, seems to always hit when you don’t have time for it. I felt the same way, yesterday. Like, my dissertation chapter is due soon but I could hardly read a damn thing yesterday.
Sometimes, I think that it’s good to just take the day off when you’re feeling this way. Maybe resting will make you come back to revision with a more refreshed mindset. Though I know how difficult that is. Because when I’m resting, I’m always thinking about the work that I SHOULD be doing instead. Not very restful, lmao. Ends up just filling me with guilt. But we gotta practice this stuff and get better at taking care of ourselves.
I KNOW ITS HARD OUT THERE ON Ao3. part of the reason I STARTED writing fanfics is cuz I read basically all of it and was like “well I want more!” Haha.
I’ve been alright. Yesterday was rough mentally. But I’m feeling a tad better today and hoping to get some work done on my draft. If I ever stop procrastinating that is, lol. The end of the semester is always busy and stressful I hate it.
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drsorrell · 1 year
Wed. 4.26.23 (SVC, Core Writing)
Make up any Chapter Tutorials, InQuizitives, or any other work you missed last week; our last class in next Friday (in person)!
I emailed you all what you were missing early this morning.
There is no Final Exam that you need to attend in person. 
The Final Draft of Paper #4, the Revision Memo for Paper #4, and any revised papers are due at the beginning of the exam period.
Please email me if you are submitted revised papers.
Final Exam/Final Paper Due Dates:
8:30 class: W 5.10, 8:30 am
9:30 class: M 5.8, 8:30 am
10:30 class: T 5.9, 11 am
Activity: Turn the Activity from Monday due today into Outline #4 (300-500 words) while the Writing Associates and I stop by to check in. This is due Friday by the time your class would start!
Outline #4: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 
1 What would you like to achieve in this last paper of the semester? 2 After rereading it, what do you think of your first paper now in terms of content and how it was argued? Has your viewpoint changed? How so? 3 What other readings (one can be from outside the textbook if you like) )will you add to the conversation to make it richer and more lively (now that you know what you are doing better than you did way back when you submitted Paper #1)? Why are you adding these readings? 4 What is the main point/argument of your Paper #4 going to be (thesis)? How does this join an ongoing conversation about a topic? How does it bring something new to the table and show that you have something unique to add that others haven’t said yet? 5 What is the point of paragraph 1? (topic sentence) How does this connect back to your overall thesis? What TS and IS evidence will you use to demonstrate that point? 6 What is the point of paragraph 2? (topic sentence) How does this connect back to your overall thesis? What TS and IS evidence will you use to demonstrate that point? 7 What is the point of paragraph 3? (topic sentence) How does this connect back to your overall thesis? What TS and IS evidence will you use to demonstrate that point? 8 What is the point of paragraph 4? (topic sentence) How does this connect back to your overall thesis? What TS and IS evidence will you use to demonstrate that point? 9 What will you do in your conclusion to sum things up and also point the way toward the future (recommendations, future research, sudden realizations you just had, etc.)?
For  Outline #4 peer-review: We're going to do this a little differently this time (not in groups). I want you to read through as many of your classmates as possible, answering the following question for each one:
If you were writing this paper, what would you do differently?  Write at least two sentences for each Outline. (“I wouldn’t change anything” is not an acceptable response!)
Today:  InQuizitive by the end of the day: “Integrating Sources.”
Friday by classtime (online): Complete Outline #4
Monday: Draft #1 of Paper #4 is due by classtime. 
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chickenfetus · 6 years
part 2
#once again don’t send me asks or messages abt this i’ll just be mean to u#egg boils#ok so we have this project due in january but it’s long term#and we’re supposed to find an orgnanization to help out#so my group chose this hospice and we emailed them#and we were HOPING it’d work bc my mum has connections and stuff#but it’s been 2 weeks and my mum asked me abt it yesterday so i told her no the person hasn’t replied#and she was like oh i’ll go remind them#note she said she’d remind them today.#it’s 5pm and my whole group is counting on me but i hate asking for things#especially from my parents so now we’re playih the waiting game and honestly my group is full of FUCKS#i don’t hate them but i don’t necessarily like them a lot either#i don’t like anyone from my class the way i like my mutuals on here and twitter#and it’s sickening how i can’t be myself with them#because i don’t want to make anybody uncomfortable so i’m just.#fake#and my exam is on the week after next#and i haven’t started revising i asked the person im helping if she wants to go out and study bc that’s what we did last term but she#ignoredthat message lol so fuck megan lives i guess#just kidding maybe that’s for the best#and i’m just . so so so so tired#i don’t want to talk to anybody right now and i have a slight headache#might do my report tmr instead in school and just die i guess idk i need more alone time#away from family and just... people i know#next week. is a week of self recovery#speaking that shit into existence#mother m#negative
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studycupoftea · 2 years
How to revise before exams.
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Today I wanna talk about revision, because it literally has to do with 90% of your exam result.
a good revision means you know the most important materials before the exam + you can solve random questions from past papers ( perfectionist alert. )
• Now how can you make your revision effective?
Here are five tips that I believe might help you know exactly how to revise before exams:
Give yourself enough days for revision
Choose the method that works best for you ; flashcards, active recall, mind maps
Review the most important topics first.
Revising what you studied is more important than studying new topics
Use past papers.
Now let's dive deeper into each one of these tips, but before that let's say something to be realistic: if you want your revision to be effective, you gotta work from the starter of the semester. Or at least, a few weeks after that starter .
So you can try new revision methods ( which I'll talk about in details later ) and choose the perfect one for you.
For example: you want to revise for biology and you haven't figured out how to revise before that exam, but you are still at the beginning of the semester, you have the luxury to try out all the methods and see if they work.
So you tried out the question and answer method but you are more of a visual learner so you found out that flash cards and mind maps are going to work better for you.
Moving on to the next reason, which is:
2. Preparing materials to revise from!
Back to our example, you now know that flash cards are it for biology, so now you need to make sweet, lovely flash cards for each unit , right? So you can save them and use them the two days before the exam!
Now back to our tips on how to revise before exams! And let'talk about time .
1. Give yourself enough days for revision.
Two hours? Six hours? Na na! Time is your only and irreversible card here, so make sure to play it right! Split the days before the exam so you have at least one or two days to go through everything before the time.
Revision is SO SO SO IMPORTANT! No matter how hard you study, you won't remember half of it if you don't revise them over and over.
2 . Good method
The good method is the one that works for you, buddy! I won't tell you to stick to one way and trash the others.if it works, that's it .
HOWEVER, it's known for some methods to work best with certain subjects, such as : flash cards for studying languages! So it's good to see what's up there and try it out.
It's very important to figure out what your teachers wants you to know. Every exam has its high yield information that you're more likely to get asked about.
It helps to make a table and organise the materials from the most important to the least important.
4. Revise then study
If you are short on time it's better to start revising what you already know than to cram and study the new topics . Why? Because this way you at least can ensure you don't forget the first half. You can study the other topics after your revision is over.
5. Past papers are very very important.
Don't ever go to your exam without solving a few ones of them.
They help you know how the teachers think, the formula of each question, the design of the paper and that helps you know how to study for each one of them.
I hope this was helpful , and best of luck for everyone ✨
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