#I have many thoughts but need to be promted to talk about it
emile-hides · 2 years
What kind of prompts are you looking for?
Here on my main blog, anything to get me into a ramble would be amazing. Ask my opinion or headcanons on a character, ship, arcs, etc. Ask about the AUs I am spinning in my brain, or the plot fixes I've been messing with, my homebrew on how Fairy Tail Magic works, my character redesigns (there's very few of those), anything to get my brain flowing.
You can also go to my ship blog @kakusu-shipping and request Fairy Tail X Readers or Ship Fics/Headcanons, any character, any ship, any amount of detail or lack there of you want, just to get my brain running.
Thanks for taking interest in my need to ramble, I soaked up all of Fairy Tail like a sponge and now I will actually imploded if I don't find some way to use it to create and vocalize my thoughts in some way.
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lostinforestbound · 4 months
You absolutely love this page , you do such an amazing job !
I have a headcanon request for Rolan !
What if the reader was somehow “isekaid” into the BG3 universe from 2024 and by chance happened to get to know Rolan (romantically) ?
Would he be interested or perhaps skeptical ?
It’s a thought I’ve had for a long time ! 💕
I’m fine with SFW / NSFW — you choose what fits the promt best 💕
Oh what an interesting idea!! I can certainly try! I'm not too familiar with "Isekai" so I hope this is good enough!
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Isekaid to Baldur's Gate 3 (Rolan)
It kind of happened out of nowhere when you first appeared in Baldur's Gate 3. You didn't expect this to happen and honestly, you were scared. You didn't fit in anywhere, so you quickly got clothes off of a dead body to change into, stealing the pack as well.
It doesn't take long to find yourself at the grove, and you end up meeting the tiefling refugees, and in turn, Rolan. He's immediately suspicious of you, as if he just knew you didn't belong. It didn't help that you insisted on him staying to help the other tieflings, his siblings on your side on the matter.
You get the feeling he might hate you, but it ends up him just being standoffish. Once you two start chatting a little more casually, it gets easier to understand him. He has an apprenticeship to get to and there's been too many delays already.
You two start talking more, and you learn a lot about him in little ways. He's a wizard, a prodigy, and he loves his siblings very much. You find that particular fact about him so sweet, and even admire him for it.
When he asks about where you're from, you play dumb, obviously. How are you supposed to explain that you're from a completely different world where this place is a video game?
He's a smart man, he knows you're avoiding the question or straight up lying. But thankfully he's more interested about talking about himself than learning about where your from.
He's reluctant to answer questions about tieflings in general, but will answer them the best he can, even if he's embarrassed. Some of the more personal questions he refuses to even respond. Why are you asking about how sensitive his tail is??
It doesn't take long for him to fall for you, in all honestly. You care, you listen to his ramblings, you are naturally curious and willing to learn...it's admirable.
Even at his lowest point in Last Light Inn, after taking his anger of losing his siblings out on you, who did nothing wrong, you stayed. He will never understand why, but you stayed, as if you knew he needed you.
It was there in Last Light Inn, when his siblings have been saved by Tav and their crew, is where you two have your first kiss. It's tender, sweet, but urgent. He will make up for being such a prick to you in other ways afterwards.
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scavengerflight · 17 days
《 Infinity 》
I recently finished a book that has a spotlight on turkey vultures. This book was fantastic, and I highly recommend it. Vulture by Katie Fallon is both informative and whimsical, but this post isn't a book review.
In the last chapter before the afterward, Fallon brings up a topic that I'm pretty passionate about, which has promted me to finally talk about it. Vultures are symbols of many things for me, such as representing how I want to live life and my spirituality, but one of the greatest comforts they provide me with is that they remind me that life ends, but also lives on forever.
I've had anxiety my entire life, and it got incredibly bad in my teens. I've gotten medication and therapy since then, and it's paid tremendous dividends. I would always be scrutinizing over my every move or thought. I had to be perfect at everything, art, school, and literally everything else I was doing. When I discovered paganism and found my own beliefs, I felt a great comfort in the fact that I will no longer exist one day. There will come a day where no one remembers me. There will come a day where nothing I will do or have done will matter. All of that will simply fade into the universe. Vultures remind me of this. They remind me that I don't have to worry, that I can make mistakes and learn along the way, that I can do my best without hurting myself. I can exist how I want to, regardless of how others think of me. One day, there will be no one left to remember me. Vultures are the witnesses of many stories of many creatures, including themselves, and any story must come to an end at some point.
On a completely opposite note, vultures also remind me that I will live on in the veins of Mother Earth after life. All of my chemical components will be broken down and spread to places beyond my current reach. I will be one with Mother Earth in perhaps the most powerful way possible after death. That means so much to me. I don't want to be embalmed or preserved, I want to be in a completely biodegradable coffin/casket, wearing a simple 100% cotton gown, so all that I am can dissolve and dissipate throughout the planet, my nutrients going whenever they are needed- where I'm needed. Where she needs me. Vultures remind me that I have an immortal place in death. Just like the carcasses they consume, I will re-enter the cycle of life. My corporeal components will enter this system more intimately than I ever could in life. I will live on the soil, the plants, the fungus, the insects, and so on, forever being recycled through the veins of the great Mother.
I realize these are pretty different ideas, but together, they bring me a great deal of comfort mentally and spiritually. Being a vulture makes me feel whole, like my story is worth sharing.
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bored-storyteller · 2 years
Hello, your writing is a pure bliss and I hope Im not late yet, but when I saw your promt and your cute newest work about Uta, can I mabye too have a request about him? He is my favourite anime character. :D And I would like to request the story on a word pancake, please. :D
Ok, I changed this little story you don't know how many times. This is the one that seemed most decent to me! Thank you for your request and for your support dear Anon!🌹
Tokyo Ghoul, Uta x human! Reader
Word: "Pancake"
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"Have you ever tried to eat human food?"
Your question hovers quietly in the evening half-light, Uta just pushes his head back on your legs, to be able to look at you.
He lies quietly on the sofa, with his gaze up to that moment lost in an indefinite point of space and his hands folded in his lap.
For a moment the red irises scan the curiosity in your gaze, as if they can't really understand it.
"Why should I do this?" He asks you, and then rearranges himself, looking back at the ceiling.
"Because you are crazy ..." you murmur slightly sulky, looking away too, while your fingers distractedly enjoy the sensation of his shaved hair against the fingertips.
You don't talk much, but you don't mind. It's not like you don't say anything to each other, but you like to take your moments of calm in the evening, with no need for anything other than the two of you.
And when you believe that the topic has simply fallen on deaf ears, Uta sighs softly.
"Only once." He says without giving particular color to his tone, but manages to spark a new curiosity in your eyes; you didn't expect it, you almost laugh at the surprise.
"When?" You ask, because it is inevitable that you do, and your boyfriend knows it.
His eyes roll to signal that he has already regretted having spoken, but in any case he replies: “Do you remember the first times we met? When did you work at that cafe? "
A slight smile crosses your face as you nod softly. You remember the weird guy who walked into the local every week on your shift, all covered in jacket, hat and sunglasses. He always took the usual things, a black coffee and pancakes to take away: the pancakes you made only yourself, however, because according to him they had a "particular aesthetic taste".
That thought made you laugh then as now.
"What did you do with those pancakes actually?"
"I looked at them ... I found them really beautiful."
This time you can't hold back a light but amused laugh. Why does this seem so in line with Uta?
"And then, despite that stench of rancid, I could still smell your perfume."
He is speaking to you with such quietness that he seems almost emotionless, yet for some reason he makes you blush. Though…
"Won't you tell me that ..."
Uta sighs, turning his face back to yours: "Yes, I tasted it, okay?"
You put a hand to your lips to keep yourself at least partially from laughing. You can't tell if you enjoy the fact itself or how embarrassed he seems to admit it.
“However, it didn't go beyond my esophagus. Really unbearable. Stop laughing now. " He tells you trying to be bored, settling down again to look elsewhere.
"I could be offended, you know?"
"It wouldn't be very smart of you since you know exactly who I am."
You smile as you quietly stroke his hair, undecided, however, whether to allay that annoyance of him or to continue teasing him as long as he is on your lap.
"Basically you ate it because you wanted to eat me, then." You murmur more to yourself than to him as a black strand slide around your index finger.
He looks at you, but this time he doesn't find you focused on him, you seem rather lost in your thoughts of that little realization.
"The initial idea was that ..." He reveals in a whisper that he does not know if you are listening, but your smile confirms that he has been heard.
How do you smile at him when he says such things to you, anyway?
"You're a pancake for ghouls."
"Oh well, thanks for your absolutely uncorrupted compliments." You answer him, your amused smile clashes a little with the fake frown on your forehead.
"But that's the truth." He insists, as he gets up just to get a chance to bite your nose slowly.
You just snort in front of his games, perhaps in bad taste or perhaps just very dangerous.
"You are inviting you know? But it would be a real shame to eat you."
"Stop." You tell him immediately, bringing your palm to his lips to silence him. A flash of boredom crosses his gaze, but he immediately frees himself from your grip.
"The official idea was that ..." he resumes, the quiet music of his voice fades slightly "the unofficial idea was ... I would have been sorry to disappoint a certain human being if they had asked me to taste their sweets in front of them. "
It's funny how he tries to be as innocent as possible in front of your doubtful gaze, and whether that's true or not, you sigh complacently as you smile.
"I would never have asked you, I was too afraid of your judgment."
Uta doesn't laugh, but you can feel the fun in his snort escaping his lips as he playfully strokes your head before standing up.
"Luckily I'm a ghoul then, my sweet pancake."
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trans-duckling · 3 months
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KakaGai Week 2024: Black tulip
Words: 1,380 Pairing: KakaGai Promt: Flowers
Kakashi walked through the aisles of the Yamanaka’s flower shop while contemplating his options. He had already grabbed a few seeds for vegetables and he was considering a fruit tree as well, but he was not sure about which flowers to choose. There were too many options and he was not an expert on them as much as with other plants.
“Kakashi-sensei!” a light voice called coming from the back of the shop. “It’s a surprise seeing you here.”
Ino had grown quite a bit since the end of the War, maturing and becoming the head of her Clan just as Shikamaru had had to do with his. Of course, as a well-organized kunoichi she still found time to take care of the flower shop and work as an active ninja. In the meantime, Kakashi was having difficulties staying awake during a morning meeting at the Hokage’s office.
“Hello, Ino” he greeted with a small smile. “I was deciding about what to take for my garden.”
“Oh, so Gai-sensei and you have finally decided to bring some color to the backyard? That’s great news!” she said with a happy tone as he checked what the Hatake had in his hands. “I see that you took some vegetables seeds, do you need help knowing how to take care of them?”
“Not really, my father and I used to cultivate them when I was a kid, and I kept at it until I joined the jounin barracks, so I should be fine with them” he explained, turning then his body to point towards the fruit trees in the small greenhouse. “However, I would appreciate your help choosing a tree.”
The Yamanaka nodded, moving to the back of the shop to show him the options he had looked at a few minutes before.
“Well, being your first one, I would recommend an apple tree, and if you actually want apples, you’ll need to take two so they can pollinate. I would make you a discount, don’t worry. Also, I wouldn’t take the seeds, but one of our medium pots so hopefully in a year or two you’ll have something that looks like a real tree.”
“Mm… I guess it’s a good option, Gai likes apples.”
“Gai-sensei loves anything that is healthy” Ino laughed.
The Hatake smiled and nodded in agreement. Decided to follow the kunoichi’s advice, he used his hands to make two clones and made each one of them take a pot with an apple tree to the front desk.
“Anything else I can help you with, Kakashi-sensei?”
“Well, I had also thought about buying some flowers, both for growing in the garden and to bring to Gai today.”
The expression on the Yamanaka’s face became soft and a nostalgic smiled appeared on her lips.
“It’s fun to see how you don’t hide your feelings, sensei, with Asuma-sensei he always tried to convince me the flowers were not for Kurenai-sensei.”
“Of course he did” Kakashi laughed.
As the girl continued to help him with his decisions, they kept talking about the Sarutobi and remembering him. It felt nice to hear how much his students still loved Asuma, proving he had done a great job raising them.
The Hatake almost had to create a new clone just to open the door of the house, as the other two were carrying one pot each and his hands were full of bags with seeds and smaller pots with other plants. Thankfully, his amazing skills as a shinobi helped him to turn the key by using the strength of his left thumb and pinky.
“Gai!” he called as soon as he entered and made the clones disappear. “Can you come to the entrance? I need some help with the shopping!”
His partner was not as far as he had thought, as he heard him probably transferring from the sofa to the wheelchair in the living room around the corner.
“I didn’t know we needed to go shopping, rival” the other man commented as he approached. “You should’ve told me so I could help from the beginning, I still can… What is all this, Kakashi?”
The taijutsu master had cut himself midsentence as he took in the small green forest that had just invaded the entrance of their house. The Hatake could only smile at the surprise.
“This is your new project” he explained as he left the bags he was carrying over Gai’s lap, “or ours, if you would like for me to join. You commented the garden was a little depressing a few months ago, remember?”
Even if with a confused expression, the other man moved his arms to hold the bags in place.
“Well, rival, I appreciate the intention, but I must continue with my rigorous training if I’m going to recover soon, so I can’t…”
“You can, Gai, and you will” Kakashi interrupted him, this time with a serious tone. “You know what the doctor said; you’ve actually worsened your condition by exceeding your limits, so you should take some time to recover and focus on other things. There is more living beyond training, Gai.”
He added the last sentence in a lower tone to try and hide his feelings, but as attentive as his partner was, he noticed them anyways. Even if they had finally recognized they loved each other after the War, since starting his rehabilitation Gai had put all their activities on a halt, whether they were challenges or even sex. To say Kakashi had started to feel their relationship cooling down was an understatement.
“I…” the taijutsu master mumbled, voice slightly shaking. “I’m sorry, rival. You’re right, I should not force my body that much, I promise I’ll try to do better from now on.”
The Hatake just nodded in silence, turning then around to take one of the apple trees. It would be a while before they got actual apples, but the thought of seeing something grow as years passed in the house he once shared with his father and now did with the man he loved, brought him happiness.
“So… About the garden” Gai started a few seconds after, probably wanting to change the tone of the conversation to one lighter. “I see here you bought a lot of things, are you sure we’ll have space for everything?”
“Yeah, I think so, and if not we could move the flowers to the front yard, I guess” Kakashi explained. “Will you want my help, then?”
“Of course, rival!” the other man exclaimed. “We could even make a challenge out of it, see who can dig the wholes faster! And on the long road whose plants grow better!”
“Mah, Gai, this is going to be our garden, let’s not make a competition of who has a better green hand” he huffed. “Although I’m up for the other suggestion.”
“YOSH! It’ll be a challenge, then.”
Suddenly full of energy, the taijutsu master rolled himself straight to the back door that gave access to the garden, letting the bags in the porch and coming back to take the other apple tree before even Kakashi could’ve crossed half of the hall. Only once everything was out did he remember about the last item he had bought at the shop.
As Gai inspected the leaves of the small trees, the Hatake bended down next to the bags and took out from one of them an almost black tulip encased in a long plastic box for conservation.
“I got you something else” he commented as nonchalant as he managed.
His partner frowned as his sight left the trees to focus on the object he was offering him, eyes opening widely upon seeing the flower.
“Rival, it’s beautiful!” he exclaimed as he took the tulip with incredible delicacy. A few seconds passed while he admired the present, his face becoming red after a bit. “Do you, uh, know what a black tulip signifies, Kakashi?”
“Well, unless Ino lied to me, I would say it’s ‘eternal love’” he replied, smiling over the blush that had started to appear in his own face. “It suits us, don’t you think, eternal rival?”
Instead of answering with words, Gai brought one arm up to grab the neck of his tactical vest and pulled it down until their lips met.
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eleanore-delphinium · 10 hours
I really love your works and the drama you put in them so I've been thinking about this promt lately for Damirae.
I know it's sounds awkward😭😭 but how about Raven is having a miscarriage after trying many times having a baby.
And she's starting to make some stupid scenarios of Damien divorcing her for not being able to have a baby (overthinking)
First, thank you! I'm glad to hear you love my stuff. And thanks for talking with me. 🥺
To answer your questions.
I have thought about Raven having a miscarriage and it upset her so badly, but never got a proper plot other than that thought. So I never dove into it. I still might in the future.
Now. Right now, I do have a fic where she is overthinking and needs to provide a baby for Damian bc she thinks he might find someone else if she doesn't. Is that close enough to the 2nd part of the question?
(and yes it is WIP...currently...longer than anyone probably wants)
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visionsofmagic · 2 years
freyr x reader [gow: r]
| masterlist
× summary: kratos' daughter find love with freya's cute brother; freyr.
× requested by anon: Hii! It is i the one who asked about Freyr, I don't have any promts or Ideas but can you try writing one? Maybe she's Kratos' daughter or an ally he encountered somewhere on his adventures.. then basically overprotective kratos. And can you please include Ingrid..
× wc: 2.7k
× warnings & tags: events take place between breaking the curse freya have and forgiving freyr & I didn’t want freyr die in this fic, so, he lives after the ragnarok. ^^ fluff, kratos' daughter!reader, touching.  
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freya had a special part on your heart even after she tried to kill your father, kratos who had to kill her only son to protect her life. so, when she told how she needed to break the curse odin have put, both you and your father has accepted. it was good to finally have a time to break the ices between your family and freya because you like to spend time with her. she was strong, caring and beautiful. you loved her but one thing you didn't know was that you would love her brother, freyr, more.
freya called him as yngvi but you knew his name was freyr since one of his statues was in the realm of elves. he had so many similarities with his sister. they looked so alike. you could tell he took some of his features from his sister. same hair color, same braided hair style, same eyes, and much more but no, for you, they weren't the same. for you, freyr was something else. he was different from freya because when you were looking at him, you felt something unfamiliar that you weren't feeling when it was the eyes of freya you looked at. freya was like a friend to you now but freyr was like a - soulmate that your hearts seeks.
it was just a little time you spent together, yes, but you couldn't help but feel like this. feel good beside him.
you remembered the first time you saw him, after you and kratos, your father, followed freya to her realm where she was born. the realm was looking magical. but him - he looked more beautiful than the realm's itself. he was hostile towards you firstly, trying to protect his realm and people, his friends. then, thanks to freya's appearance, he changed his mind on you. he looked both of you, studying what kind of God you were, you and your father. he even looked at you for a certain time to make kratos took a few step to him while covering your smaller body with his. not knowing freyr yet, his gesture was understandable. however, you could feel shyness and nervous feelings coming out of freyr who made a joke about the whole situation, "not saw a God like you - I mean two of you, not only her." he chuckled a little bit that probably would make freya roll her eyes if she was in human form. then, kratos made a hmm sound, referring to that it was okay but he has to be careful. oh, the protective attitude he had.
you had pink cheek too because you didn't know whether he meant to look at you because he found you interesting or he was just curious about where you come from but he made you feel shy at that moment.
then, freya and kratos left the place freyr and his friends were staying.
you could remember the conversation you and your father had, "be careful. we can't trust them. not yet." rolling your eyes, you nodded, "I know father but they are freya's family." you were referring to freyr especially. "they mean no harm."
"just listen to me once." he added, and mimir who was listening you while you were talking far from the camp, wanted to add something to make the air's nervous level decrease since kratos showed a great protection for your safety.
"leave her, brother. she needs to find new friends. the age she is in now requires to find someone -"
"no." this all what kratos said, feeling something unfamiliar in his chest because of being not ready for you to have - special someone. however, it wasn't something like this, as you thought. indeed, it was. you learned it with time.
touching his arm, you smiled, "I will be okay father. do not worry. I am your daughter after all."
he nodded, relieved to hear your confident and trustful voice. as he turned around to leave the camp with freya, you saw mimir's face; smirking mischievously and winking. how you loved to old man. he was understanding you well and it wasn't a sin to feel - excited.
after they left the camp, you went to meet with friends of freyr who were speaking with each other around the fire. hildisvini was one of them who was a vanir archer. he was a good speaker and you kept talking with him since you were fond of bows and arrows 'till mimir's voice took your attention. leaving hildisvini with a gentle manner, you went to where mimir' s voice came from and then you saw him again, smiling to mimir while talking about an old memory as you understood.
"mimir?" you asked to took their attention on you. "I thought you went with my dad."
mimir spoke while freyr brown eyes turned to, making you feel shy again, not a familiar feeling for you.
"I wanted to speak with freyr since it was a long time ago we spoke."
nodding to him, you said, smiling a little, "it would be a shame if freyr wouldn't get the an apology."
mimir looked offended while freyr smiled, "everyone know what a pain in the ass you are."
mimir rolled his eyes as you made your way to look at the table in which mimir's head was staying, right in front of freyr as he put his hands on it.
it had a map of vanaheim on it, a guide for the next events that will come. studying it, you asked to freyr while avoiding any eye contact because he was close and you could faint any moment.
"is it okay for me to look? if it is a secret and important thing, I can turn around."
he came to your side, he put his hands on the table, right next to you, leaving just a few inches between your little fingers. you could feel his warm, radiating from his body to yours.
"it's okay. my sister trust you with her life after all, I can see it in her eyes."
nodding to him, you tried to focus on the map but it was so hard. it became harder as he turned around, putting his waist rather than his hands. he threw one leg over other while leaning back to the table's edge and crossing his arms together. he was looking good with his brown hair that has some white parts and beams that looks beautiful. you wondered who made his hair. you wondered how it could feel good to play with it.
to think about this made you realize how you acted like a teenager rather than a mature woman. it was the first time you had this kind of excitement, making you wanna burn your face into the leaves, hiding it from freyr who was looking at you like mimir wasn't there.
his green and brown colored armor was looking cute on him. it was right contrast to yours; light blue and black. a suit like armor that covers your body, making it look cute but charming.
"mimir told me that you have a magnificent power on magic."
smirking to mimir who was trying to look at the map like you but probably was listening your conversation with freyr, you said, "is it right, mimir? I never thought you liked my magic."
"I do not like it my lady, especially when you use it for making my beard sparkle in nights." both you and freyr chuckled because he still had some sparkles on his beard, showing how it would look like with full sparkles. "but I would not deny how well you are good at it."
nodding to him, you felt proud. taking a compliment from the smartest man alive was heart-warming. however, your happiness and proud went higher as freyr said, "I would like to see it since I assume you are really a powerful magician."
looking at his eyes, you two shared a stare that lasted long enough to make mimir giving a fake cough. you and freyr stopped looking at each other but you could see his brown eyes still with his visible mark on his lips. you wanted to ask how he got it but it was for another day.
you looked at the camp, "should I show it in here?"
freyr looked at the camp and to his friends too. "wherever you like."
mimir added, "can you leave me to sigrun on your way to inside the forest my lady?"
nodding to him, you turned to freyr who was waiting for your answer, "the forest then."
° ° °
and here you were, standing in a big and old tree that had same magnificent and beautiful colors on it still, aging like a wine as midgard people said. however, it had some dead flowers around it, would look heart broken if they had human forms. feeling their sadness because of the death that was coming for them, you knelt down, touching them gently.
"come," you said to freyr, the god of rain and fertility as mimir said, "you should be close enough to my magic and its main intent."
freyr copied your posture, kneeling down to your level but standing taller than you still. he touched the same flowers you touched one by one and when your hands crashed into each other, a fresh and soft jolt traveled on your bodies from fingers to inside. looking at him while he looked at you, you began to sing a melody, sounding so peaceful as the tattoos you had on your right arm began to shine with a blue sparkle, magic flows from your heart to the flowers. and one by one, they reached the life they deserved, blooming again with powerful colors they had once.
freyr looked at them, surprised but impressed.
when all the flowers found their life again, you didn't take back your hand and so did freyr.
he said, smiling to flowers, "I never see them so beautiful. this realm, my home, is not what it is used to be but now - it looks like same as the past. you give them life. the life they needed."
he turned to you, smiling still, "thank you. I appreciate it. I really do."
smiling to him, feeling happier than before, you stood up with freyr, holding each other's hands like they were where they should be.
then, after a long time, touching and looking at each other, he broke the silence." but I believe you have more than this. you even have an arrow and bows on your back."
you left his hand, taking your weapons from your back to show him, you said, "I was once a sword master. I had a magical one too but I lost it, a long time ago."
freyr, maybe for the first time, looked sad. you was going to ask if you said something wrong but he began to speak, feeling a little sadness in his eyes, "I had one too. it was - it was good to have it in my hand. it even had a name."
"oh," you said, feeling sad like he did. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to."
"it's okay. you wouldn't know." he smiled, wanting make you feel well.
to change the topic from a sad event to fun one, you smiled, asking him more questions about the sword he had once with your curiosity. "you said it had a name. what was it? or should I guess?"
he nodded, smirking, beginning to feel good again with your playful attitude.
as he began to walk, you put the weapons you had back into their places, following him while traveling around the realm.
"uhm, can it be -" you put a finger on your chin, thinking about it. "the magnificent sword of the lord freyr?"
laughing at your comment, he said as you impressed the way he laugh, looking cute. "no. of course not! it's so long. I can't even remember it."
shrugging, you said, "I tried my chance. so, what was its name?"
"ingrid." he said, "I named him as ingrid."
"ingrid." you repeated, "It's a good name. I liked it."
"you would like ingrid if it was here, with me."
looking at his hand which he was focusing on, you said, "I will. I believe one day, I will see it with you."
smiling at you, he gave you a meaningful and thankful look, making you smile too and you realized that how this stranger god made you smile so much in a day with only spending a little time. he would give much more happiness, you believed, with times you would spend with him in the future. you wished you would have chance to spend more times.
° ° °
"y/n." your father's voice took your attention from freyr who was sitting on your left side, on the wood that was around the fire. your conversation about your personal beliefs and more was interrupted by kratos but you felt relief because of seeing him in one piece even if knowing there was no one that could hurt him.
"father!" you said happily, hugging him for a short time when you saw freya in her human form. you smiled, already feeling she broke the spell with your father. "I am happy to see that you have gained your freedom frigg."
she smiled at you, saying, "thanks to kratos." to show she forgave your father.
as you looked at kratos, smiling more, he nodded to you and freya left your side to have a gloomy but long waited réunion.
you watched them as kratos asked, "did you were well and safe?"
you nodded to him, "I was father. and I made new friends as well. they all are good."
mimir who was on the hand of brok came to scene with brok, "I see you broke the spell, brother. well done."
"and don't worry for the kid," brok added, handing mimir's head to kratos which was a funny scene to look at, "she is doing well. it's time to finally finding some friend. and freyr is not a dumbass too. it's a good sign."
kratos said 'hmm', not giving enough acknowledgement but accepting the fact that you were on the age in which you could decide on your own.
mimir said in a low tone, probably for hiding it from you but you could hear his voice still," don't worry brother. freya would teach her the 'woo'."
"mimir!" your father said with a deep and warning tone. wait, what was woo?
° ° °
you stopped to tying your hair into braided style when you heard freyr's voice.
you turned back to him, looking at his smiling face and pick colored cheeks that were visible, making you smile too.
pointing to your side, he said, "can I?"
"of course." you slid over to create a room for him on the root of a lofty tree reaching down to the ground. "I thought you were with frigg?"
"I was," he said, looking at your hair. "but she said I needed to be elsewhere."
you were surprised to here that. "she said that?"
"yeah," he put his left hand on his neck, "maybe she could said that if I would not shut my mouth, talking about you, she would stab me."
chuckling nervously, he looked at somewhere else rather than your face.
laughing at his shyness and nervousness, you said, "she is straight-out, isn't she?"
"she really is."
smiling together, you spent some time in silence, having good time with each other's company, looking at the beautiful places of the realm.
then, out of sudden, you turned to him to only catching him looking at you.
it took you a certain time to take an action again.
"I don't know why but I feel we will have a long time together."
shrugging, he said, "I hope. I - I really liked you."
you gave him your right hand, "meet again?"
he nodded, smiling, he held your hand, making his warmth flow from his hand to yours, "yngvi."
you smiled too, "y/n."
and with that, something that will last between you for eternity has begin.
the end.
thanks for reading! <3
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newcomernewcums · 2 years
Can I get a combo of "A kiss from someone the other didn't think thought of them that way" "A kiss stemmed from jealousy" & "An angry kiss in the rain" from the Kiss Promt list perhaps? W/ Price × reader idc if it's sfw or not. Ya girl just needs a lil angst 🤤 I may be asking for too much but..😶‍🌫️
two ppl asked for kissing in the rain so i’m combining it into this! Happy valentine’s yall im eating so much chocolate
Price x reader (MOSTLY sfw (i’m reading this back there’s one lil implied fantasy whoops im so sorry im keeping it tho), age difference, lil’ angsty with a happy ending):
He shouldn’t’ve entertained it in the first place. As soon as he noticed the way you stared at him he should’ve pulled you aside, stopped talking to you, anything to nip it in the bud. It’s wrong on so many levels, he’s your superior, he’s training you, he’s…significantly older.
He doesn’t do anything to stop it, though. Can’t even bring himself to care about the age difference when his mind wanders to what his hands would look like wrapped around your waste, what you would look like pressed into his pubic hair, throat constricting around his—
It’s a problem now. He has to shut it down.
It’s valentine’s day and he’s sitting in his office, pouring over papers utterly alone. It doesn’t get to him, really, it’s just… not a fun day.
His head shoots up at a knock on the door, and then his heart sinks as you step into the room. It’s in his stomach when he glances down to see you holding a single rose in a tiny round glass. Where the fuck did you get a rose on base? He doesn’t say anything as you place it on the edge of his desk, stays quiet as you confess your feelings, eyes sweet and hopeful.
Any why wouldn’t you be hopeful? He’s indulged you too much, indulged himself. Allowed smalltalk to led to deeper conversations, let you sit on the roof with him as he smokes, told you to call him John, put his jacket around your shoulders when you got cold. He’s been so fucking stupid, and now you’re here with a red rose on valentine’s day and he has to break your heart.
You’re crying as you leave his office.
He’s pulled to the party against his better judgement. Ends up standing in the corner, talking to Soap and Gaz as he looks at the pitiful cut-out hearts and streamers taped to the ceiling. Last minute decorations since it had to be moved inside when it started raining. He ruefully thinks that that’s apt.
He’s trying to ignore you across the room, stop his eyes from wandering over everytime Soap goes on another tangent. He’s failing miserably. He thought he had more control, but you’re dressed up—taking advantage of one of the only times you don’t have to be in uniform—and surrounded by other recruits. Your friends, he guesses as he pushes down the jealous twinge in his stomach everytime you smile at one of them.
You look…happy. Genuinely happy, the kind of happy that makes his heart skip a beat every time he draws it out of you. That should be good, he knows he should be glad that whatever you were feeling for him was just a schoolyard crush, but it just makes his blood boil.
He tries to convince himself it’s fine. He’s not thinking about you. He’s not regretting every action that led him here—and he’s definitely not thinking about the rose he has tucked in a shelf in his desk where nobody else can see it—as one of your “friends” takes the liberty to wrap an arm around your lower back to lean in and whisper something in your ear.
But his feet are moving as soon as he sees you leave the group, following you into the small kitchen on base, effectively blocking you in as you try to refill your drink.
You feel him immediately, stiffening up, turning towards him with wide and confused eyes.
“Your friends seem pretty comfortable around you,” comes out before he can stop it.
“W-what?” You look cute when you’re confused, nose scrunching up as you take a step backwards. It only serves to make him angrier.
“Just thought you needed a reminder of appropriate relations,” he growls, crossing his arms as your confusion starts to morph into anger, “I was prepared to let your little stunt go earlier, but if you’re slutting yourself out all over base-“
“Fuck you, Price,” you push past him, out the doors towards the barracks. The look on your face is seared into his brain, there was only a second of anger before your eyes were welling with tears and you just looked broken.
He’s chasing you before he can think. The rain is heavy, immediately soaking through his clothes straight to his skin but he doesn’t fucking care. He catches up to you easily, grabbing your arm and spinning you around to say something, but you’re yelling at him before he can figure out what to say.
And he knows he’s cruel, and he knows you should hate him, he knows they were just your friends, and he overreacted, and you don’t say it, but he knows an old man like him really really doesn’t deserve someone as sweet and caring and honest as you. Someone who would confess their feelings on valentines day, who would bring him a flower—nobody’s ever gotten him flowers before—who would stay up late to listen to his old stories, and continue to sit there with him when he got quiet as the memories got too painful.
He just can’t say that. Because he’s too old for you, and it’s not allowed, and he’s too much of a chicken. And you look so beautiful, hair matted to your head, a couple strands sticking to your face as you yell over the rain. So he does the only thing he’s thinking about right now, grabs you by the waist and pulls you in.
You stiffen for a second, hands coming up to his pecs, and he thinks you’re going to push him away, yell at him some more. He thinks that this is all he’ll ever get of you, but then you’re melting against his, pulling him closer, as your lips start to move against his.
Your lips are red and swollen when you break apart, and he can’t tell if the wetness is from the rain or his spit. He rests his forehead against yours, winds his arm around you.
“‘m sorry, ‘m so sorry,” he whispers, hoping that he’ll never have to let you go again.
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berry-nonnie · 7 months
So for the promt from @egganonman, I was going to do a little animation of Berry pacing and freaking out about the vote. But it turns out today I can't draw anything :/
Here's a written thing instead, I think it'll have the right kind of spiral feeling that I wanted :]
Cut due to length
Silence, just for a moment while the weight of this choice pressed down on everyone involved. This wasn't the same choice as it was last time, not nearly as easy to decide the right answer. Of course She would make it much harder, so much harder.
"What do we pick?"
And just like that, the silence shattered and chaos unfolded. Voices drowned each other, though many of them had similar opinions on the matter. Panic filled the air for some, afterall who could decide which of two evils were the worse? To tell someone we care for to either give up his freedom without a fight, or to let him fight something that he had no real chance of winning against.
Words were shared amongst the anons, beings that were on a different plane of existence. Votes cast, some with an explanation as to why they leaned the way they did, others silently. The numbers were adding up, so many were putting their vote to fight, and whether it was to show Hetch that they believed in him or to watch him go down swinging, it was unknown for most.
And though it already cast its vote, once away from the others, one of the anons would begin a spiral into its own fears about what its choice would become.
"I voted too fast, I was too quick! Oh, he's going to be torn to shreds. The new toy that She was talking about must've been Security," it muttered into the silence of its solitude. One step, another, pause, and then two more steps. "He's doomed. I voted already, I can't change it."
"Not like it would matter if we could. It's a choice between giving up or fighting, nearly everyone would choose to die fighting. And they did choose," it sighed in response to itself. One hand pushed violet hair out of its blank eyes, its ears pulled back and the anxious energy pooling in its body left its tail flicking.
"Did we make the right choice? Is it really better for us to let him fight when I'm positive that he can't win?" It asked, and though there was nobody there with it, it was like it was asking another. "I should've stuck with my plan to wait an hour before voting."
A silence covered the space, only interrupted by footsteps. In the middle of another pacing step, it paused as if someone had said something outrageous.
"Of course it matters! I care about those people, and if I can help them, I'll do my damn best," its tone biting, but the deep sigh that followed implied a feeling of helplessness. "You know, it's only been 3 or 4 days for us, but for them? We've all been gone for TWO whole months! Something traumatic happened to a 17-year-old, another kid DIED, and as soon as all that happens, we all just disappeared. Radio silence! Nothing at all, for two fucking months!"
"Hetch probably thought we left, just up and abandoned him. Not just him, but all of them. I know how it feels for someone to just dissappear for months, and it sucks ass. I wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone," it hesitated for a moment after that, "actually, I hope that the Founder is abandoned by everyone. She deserves absolutely nothing good."
"I'm not being harsh. Am I? No, I'm not," it shook its head, as if clearing unwanted thoughts from its mind. "Hush, I'm perfectly reasonable to hoping She gets what she deserves."
"Listen, I'm trying to say that Hetch needed us but we were gone. And now we're all back, and he was about to get out of there with his kid, Sneeg, and Charlie. But then they get caught, right as we return. That's suspicious, right?" it resumed its anxious pacing, chewing on its nails as its mind was plauged with thoughts. "The timing was too on the nose. She's got to be behind it."
"Yeah, you're right. That was obvious, She's behind everything. Man, I kind of regret my vote. If we told him to just take the mask, he'd probably think we hate him, wouldn't he?" it mused. "I mean, I might just be overthinking. But if he puts on the mask without a fight, he would have more energy to resist it, right? We'd have a chance to snap him out of it, or at least a slightly better one."
It paused its pacing again and tilted its head.
"Yeah, I guess I should get some rest... Alright, I'll leave this for me to worry about in the morning. Goodnight."
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silvermoon-scrolls · 1 year
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To Be or Not To Be, Yourself
Fandom: Young Hercules Pairing: None Word count: 487 Content warning: Questionable ethics? My humor?
For @deanobingo – Also available on AO3 Promts used: Iolaus and Honesty (or lack there of)
Summary: Iolaus feels Hercules needs help in the chatting-up-girls department, and naturally he has a plan to help a fellow cadet out (and maybe himself, too).
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Hercules looked mighty uncomfortable as he stopped outside the tavern, clearly reluctant to continue inside.
“It’s a great idea,” Iolaus said with enough confidence to make a pig fly. “How many girls have you scored with, huh?”
“None,” Hercules admitted. “But I haven’t really been try–”
“Exactly,” Iolaus interrupted. “And do you know why that is?” He poked his friend in the chest and immediately answered the prompted query himself. “Because you don’t know how to relax and just be yourself around girls. And since you aren’t comfortable being yourself, it only stands to reason that you should pretend to be someone else!” he explained with the air of a man who was secure in his knowledge that his reasoning was beyond reproach.
Hercules however did not seem to be entirely convinced of his friend’s logic. “I don’t know… It feels dishonest.”
“Don’t see it as lying. Just, you know, putting forth another version of you. One that’s a confident ladies man.” Iolaus nudged Hercules in the ribs and winked.
“But isn’t the whole point of being in a relationship with someone that you’re supposed to be able to be yourself with each other?” Hercules asked hopefully.
Iolaus abruptly brought up his hand. “Who-ah! Going a little fast there aren’t you? Who said anything about relationships?”
“But…” Hercules looked confused. “I thought– Isn’t that the goal?” he asked uncertainly.
Iolaus gave him a look of such incredulity that Hercules started to question whether he had suddenly grown an extra head or or maybe a disturbingly disgusting mole right between the eyes. “Uhm, then why do you want to talk to girls so badly, what's the point…?”
“‘What’s the point?’” Iolaus echoed with a hint of annoyance. “Sheesh, Herc. How much of this birds and bees thing am I gonna have to teach you?”
A large grin appeared on Iolaus’ face as he noted Hercules’ cheeks slowly grow beet red. “There you go,” he said, slapping the demigod on the back. “I knew you would get on the right page eventually.” Confident that his friend was won over now that he obviously was thinking of the right kind of things, Iolaus gently got them moving towards the tavern again. 
“Now remember,” he urged – his voice taking on that certain characteristic it did whenever he relayed one of his 'foolproof' schemes. “We are students from an art school in Athens. You’re a sculptor and I’m a poet – chicks dig that mushy, artsy stuff – and we’re here looking for the most beautiful girls in the land as inspiration for our art pieces.”
His partner's intricate background story faded into the background as Iolaus pushed him through the doorway of the tavern and on to this week’s inevitable doom. A sculptor was all well and good, Hercules thought. But what he really needed to be, was a person who knew how to say 'no'.
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ronni-right · 2 years
no 5 for daemyra? pretty please with sugar on top
Fandom: House of the Dragon
Pairing(s): Daemon Targaryen x Rhaenyra Targaryen
Warning: Daemon and Rhaenyra are very very distant cousins, age difference is around 4-5 years, fluff, attempt in humor
Headcanon: Daemon and Rhaenyra are friends, they aren’t a couple, but they act like they are married
Author’s note: English isn’t my native language. Based on
@dumplingsjinson promts.
Word Count: 729
Rhaenyra should probably look away from his plate. It’s not really polite to stare at someone else's plate, but she already ate her portion of duck, cooked by Daemon. And she knows the slices of meat on his plate are the last one from the duck he cooked. Oh, she likes every dish he makes, but the duck is her favorite, and she is still hungry and she doesn’t want to admit that to Daemon because he definitely will say something like “how many times have i told you that you should eat at least three times a day?” 
Right now she doesn’t really listen to what Daemon is saying, his voice washes over her like the nice warm water of the Pacific Ocean. She likes his voice, and his thoughts, but she doesn’t really listen as she stares at his duck and then moves her gaze to stare at an offensive thing on her plate, a salad made from glazed pecans, pear, and cucumbers and spinach with baby greens. She has never been enthusiastic about any green vegetables and different greens. And her plate is full of a salad she has no desire to eat. Rhaenyra looks down at the green mess on her plate and grimaces. She has already eaten pear and nuts, but cucumbers and greens disgust her. And she really can’t explain why. Rhaenyra looks back at Daemon’s plate, catching that the room is filled with silence as Daemon stopped talking. She looks at him with an raised eyebrow and as an answer she gets his smirk and: 
“Here, have some of these,” Daemon moves suddenly “and I will take those,” he reaches to swap their plates.  
“There’s no need—” She rushes to stop him, feeling her cheeks burn. 
Rhaenyra catches his hands in hers, but he gently puts her hands on the table, covering them with his own. It still amazes her how small she is compared to him, as she looks at his hands and not seeing hers. His hands cover her completely.  
“It’s fine. I’m not a picky eater, unlike you.” And Daemon takes the plate from her, placing his own in front of her. He ate his salad, and left slices of duck and pear. 
“I’m not-,” Rhaenyra tries to protest about her being picky eater, but she thinks about all food she doesn’t like: greens, mushrooms, fish, if it’s not salmon, liver, sausages, if it’s not in hot-dog, and … Okay. This list will be long enough, so she finishes with:  “You know I don't like greens.” Rhaenyra doesn’t try to pull her plate back, she goes straight to cutting a slice of duck into small pieces. 
“You can always imagine that they are your enemies and that you destroy them all with your teeth.” Daemon suggests with a smile that tugs the corners of his lips. “Like that.” And he shows her how, stuffing his mouth with a salad, aggressively chewing it. And Rhaenyra can't help but laugh as she watches this. 
“You are so good at destroying my enemies, Daemon,” she purrs and then bats her eyelashes on him. “So will you be my knight in shining armor and destroy them for me everytime I should deal with them?”
“Don't you want to grow up tall and strong like me?” Daemon flexes his biceps, and she stares at his muscled arms. Daemon isn’t bulky, but he is all muscles, with a clear strength behind all these muscles.
“I don't think I can grow any more. Besides, I prefer to stay small and petite.” Rhaenyra answers, still looking at his arms, and then moving to his big palms, which hold a knife and a fork. She doesn’t see the way he swallows hard or how he looks at her, the way she looks at him. 
“Me too.” Daemon barely whispers, but Rhaenyra doesn’t catch that, registering just a sound of his voice. 
That's why she asks:
“What?” And finally her eyes are on his face. 
“Eat your duck or I will take it away from you as you ain’t strong enough to resist me.” Daemon tells her and then he reaches for her plate with a fork to catch a piece of duck, so she pulls the plate to her and starts to eat.
Well, she can’t resist him for very different reasons but he doesn’t need to know that. 
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starstruckwillows · 2 years
Hii!! Could I please get a 🃏 for marauders or stranger things, whatever you want? I'm awful at making decisions and could not choose between the two 😭
I'm a straight female and my pronouns are she/her. I'm fairly introverted and it takes me a while to warm up to people. I love reading, my room is filled with stacks of books. I especially enjoy true crime, poetry and Russian literature!I adore adventures, witty and playful banter, pulling harmless pranks, joking around and having indepth discussions on anything and everything. I love helping out and people come to me to vent or for advice and comfort. I'd consider myself really smart and I'm very ambitious; I love being the best at everything I do. I daydream a lot and I'm a hopeless romantic! I enjoy all forms of art and I have quite a few creative hobbies! I'm 5'9 and I have long and curly dark brown hair and brown eyes. I dress mostly in relaxed suits, blazers and coats and I love the occasional dress or sweaters layered over a white button down! My mbti is infp and I'm a ravenclaw.
Thank you very much! Your event promts are really creative and fun, I love the theme!!
aww thanks i'm glad you like it! <3
you'd be accidentally cool during hogwarts, partly because of your iconic style, partly because of you're association with pranks. as a ravenclaw, the marauders have sought you out many times when they need some more brains behind a launch. for the most part, your time at school is fun, with the studying aside, and you're getting great grades, all set for a high earning career in either wizarding or muggle world. the war derailed that first.
in terms of romance, sirius black. being so cautious to date him at first, knowing his reputation, worrying about your grades, concerned with how fickle he can be. you stressed for nothing - being with sirius, despite any baggage he took with him, is easy. and he did nothing but support you. the two of you would be absolutely unstoppable. midnight talks are his favourite thing, so that would be happening a lot. he might try to show you constellations, but you'd probably know more than him. just smile and nod.
definitely fighting with the order during the war, maybe doing undercover work. maybe even serving as a translator with international wizards if you know any russian. trusting your friends with all your heart, but never fully trusting the powerful man using you as pawns. it wasn't that you thought he didn't know what he was doing, rather that he didn't mind who died to get there.
there will still be time for love and laughter, not even you-know-who can stamp out the human spirit.
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cosmic-glow · 2 years
Promt 33 with Hidan? Not nsfw, I don't mind if it's ooc
Notes: I think I really enjoy writing for this man lol. Thanks for the ask, good reading!
Warnings: Alcohol, drunkenness, mentions of sex and bad language. (SFW).
Drabbles Game:
  "... it's 3:00 in the fucking morning"- Hidan
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  Almost at the same moment that the door opened with a loud thud that, you swore, made the walls shake, you sat up on the bed in a defensive position.
 You were sleeping peacefully until that drunk bastard invaded your room.
  Hidan had just returned from a party and, as usual, had drunk as much alcohol as he could. However, one information you didn't know was that the reason he exaggerated - more than usual - this time, was because of you. He tried to forget the frustrating fact that can't tell he liked you for fear of how it might turn against him if you kicked him for not feeling the same way. But see so many couples in that damn bar just brought your beautiful face and smile back to his mind. And that was why he kicked the door to your room as hard as he could. He wouldn't hesitate anymore.
 He is a servant of Jashin, nothing else can hit him, so fuck it- that's what he thought when decided to do this.
-Heeey, Y/n! Wake up! I want to tell you something and you will listen!- his speech was limp, but determined.
 You turned, less alertly, to the man when you recognized him, which made sleep and tiredness overwhelm your body again. It was still night, you knew this because of the window right next to him through which the moonlight entered the room. What the hell was so important for him to wake you up in the middle of the night?
-I'm tired of this shit so I'll talk, and I don't give a fuck if you feel the same or not! But I like you! Like, I really like.. I'd sleep with you, damn it! I think you're so fucking badass besides very hot, so.. that's it! Now you know…
 Hidan already has a... rude language, and whenever he's drunk or nervous it only gets worse. And in this case he felt both. After his speech, the man seemed a bit out of breath, recovering amidst a few gasps of air. Now he was standing in your room, at the foot of bed, waiting for any response from you, because even if said he didn't care, he needed to know if you felt the same way.
 Then, with heavy eyelids, you looked at the clock beside you. Its glowing numbers in the dark read 3:00AM, which made your tiredness give way to your irritation.
-Hidan… it's 3:00 in the fucking morning- your relaxed and heavy body wouldn't let you express all your frustration.
-I know, but fuck it!- No, he didn't know until then.
 You brought your hand to your forehead as if you had a bad headache. How would you get out of this situation? Your head wasn't working right to have this conversation right now, in the middle of the night. It was then that an idea popped into your mind like a small spark.
-You said you'd like to "sleep" with me, didn't you? Then come here.
Hidan hesitated for a moment, analyzing you.
-… Serious?
-Yes, come soon.
  He approached, already with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. You smiled back at him, raising your hands to touch him. Hidan bent down before you, ready to kiss your lips as he ran his hand through your hair. You pulled him by the neck into an embrace, bringing him closer, and then dropped him onto the bed beside you before your lips met.
-Okay, now sleep- you ordered.
-...That's not quite what I was talking about… but it will do.
 He found himself satisfied because the combination of tiredness and drinking were making his body increasingly soft. The idea of sleeping in your arms didn't sound bad at all. Besides, Hidan wouldn't start this if you didn't want to.
-Shut up…- you said sleepily.
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straightupsickfics · 2 years
I have an OFMD promt for you if you're interested! I love the way you write them! Lucius @Ed abt Stede, "That man spoils you rotten."
oh this is sooo cute for them pls <3 stede really will spoil him!
Ed wakes up alone in bed, which is unusual for a two reasons. First, he doesn't quite remember getting in bed, and two, he never wakes up alone. Stede is always beside him, reading or sipping his tea or kissing Ed's cheek or —
Well, anyway, Stede is decidedly not beside him. In fact, the right side of the bed is entirely made up, which means Stede hadn't been there at all just yet.
"Oh, look who decided to join us," a voice says from the other side of the room. "You look amazing like that, by the way."
Waking up to Lucius instead of Stede is not Ed's idea of a good morning, if he's being honest, but given the way the light is coming through the window beside him, it looks more like late afternoon than morning, anyway.
"Mm? Lucius...? Where's Stede?" Ed sits up too quickly, his vision going bleary and unfocused and the congestion in his head shifting enough that it brings the last few days back in vivid memory. He has some kind of bug...cold... sinus shit, which was all too soon joined by some of the worst headaches he'd ever had. And Ed had had his fair share, given all the drinking and hangovers over the years.
"He's off making sure Roach gets your soup just right," Lucius informs him, looking up from his notebook and smiling a little. "He left me here to make sure you're alright and to track any new developments. So far I've written down 'absolutely ungodly snoring' but not much else."'
"Fuck off," Ed groans. He feels a little better than he had earlier, but he's definitely still sick. His head feels heavy with congestion, he can hardly breathe through his nose, and he's vaguely aware that he's going to sneeze in a minute or two.
"Just reporting the facts, Captain," Lucius says primly. "Stede should be back soon, though, thank god. Not that I haven't loved this."
Ed sneezes once...twice...three times in response, aiming them down at the many blankets Stede had piled around him, too exhausted and out of sorts to do much else.
“eh-hH–httSCHssh’ooh! Chiiishhhew! ehh… etCHishh!"
He sniffles a few times, eyes and nose streaming after his little rush of sneezes.
"Attractive," Lucius teases.
"Snf! SNF! I don't remember note-taking needing a minute by minute commentary, mate. Tell Stede I don't snf! dneed soup I just ndeed..." Ed trails off, because all he really needs is Stede and the realization makes his breath catch in his throat.
"You can tell him that, but then you'll make his face to that horrible pinched up sad thing, and trust me no one wants to be the one to do that. Plus, that man spoils you rotten, why ruin it for him? Or yourself, for that matter."
This, too, gives Ed pause. Stede truly does take the best care of him, in general, but especially these last few days. Aside from this latest soup endeavor, Ed reckons Stede's hardly left his side the entire time he's been sick. The thought makes him warm all over, but it also makes him miss Stede something fierce.
"Yeah, s'pose you're right about that," Ed says quietly. His head throbs and he knows it's a matter of minutes before he's sneezing again, but at least he knows Stede will be back soon, and he can count on him not to narrate every fucking moment of this fucking cold.
"That's been known to happen, yes," Lucius smirks.
He looks back at his notebook and Ed lets himself burrow back down into the blankets Stede had covered him with. The only thing that would be better right now is if Stede himself were here beside him instead of — no doubt — torturing Roach to ensure the soup was done up the right way.
Ed's smiling to himself at that thought when the door creaks open and then shuts again.
"Oh, thank god," Lucius says, already springing to his feet and talking rapidly, faster than Ed's cold-addled brain can comprehend.
"You're a star, Lucius," Stede says, and when Ed looks up, Lucius is high-tailing it out of their quarters, leaving just him and Stede and a steaming tray full of mugs and bowls and spoons. If Ed had any sense of smell left, he'd bet it all smelled amazing.
"And how's the patient?" Stede asks warmly, setting the tray down and pressing the back of his hand to Ed's forehead. "You gave me a little bit of a scare there, Edward. I was afraid to leave you alone, you seemed to be in so much pain."
He's looking at Ed with so much fondness and genuine care that it makes a lump rise in Ed's throat.
Stede presses his fingertips to Ed's scalp, massaging lightly, like it's nothing at all. Ed lets out an involuntary groan at the touch, feeling some of the tension leave his body. His headache was already on its way out, but a few more moments of this and he'd be asleep all over again, and that wouldn't do either, not when Stede had gone to so much effort for the soup.
"S'nice," Ed says, fighting to keep his eyes open. "Y'really didn't have to do all this."
"Oh! Nonsense. No one likes to be sick. Let me fuss a bit," Stede says, as if he isn't already doing just that.
Lucius' words ring in Ed's ears. That man spoils you rotten.
He really isn't wrong.
"Yeah, alright, mate," Ed says quietly. He looks up at Stede and smiles, thankful beyond belief that the same man who would let one of his crew lose teeth to scurvy would drop everything to make Ed Teach soup. "But you'll have to have some too. Misery loves company and all that, eh?"
Stede sits beside him on the bed, smiling when Ed lets his head rest on his shoulder for just a moment.
"Ah, well, you know I always love your company, Ed."
Ed's stomach flips. Definitely, definitely spoiled by Stede Bonnet.
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majestyeverlasting · 3 years
hey, I absolutely love your writing!!!❤️
Can you maybe write a Bucky x reader with the fluffy prompt 31?
(the reader is afraid of something and she lashes out on Bucky... like she rambles on, and on to Bucky so that she runs out of breath... and Bucky forces her into a hug, which she eventually relaxes into and then tells her the promt)
If you can't write this, I'll totally understand... enjoy your day🌼🌼
♡ Hi! Thank you, I'm happy to hear that you like my writing! I love this request, and hope I was able to capture the essence of what you wanted. I know you've been waiting, so thanks for being patient! To summarize, the reader's doubts lead her and Bucky to explore the idea of what it means to add value to the world. That of course leads to some intimate dialogue and soft moments. Towards the end, I played around with an idea that relates to Bucky having enhanced senses, and I think it worked out pretty well. But I suppose that's up for you guys to decide. 🌼
♡ Prompt 31: “Shh, I can hear your heartbeat.”
What Comes Naturally
There was an abundance of memories to hold onto as summer began to bid farewell. Each of them sweet, and owning a small fraction of your heart. The days, once long, were beginning to grow shorter, and nature itself was slowing to the new rhythm of the atmopshere. It beautiful time of transition.
But a rather peculiar round of thoughts had started to cultivate within your mind. They were dense and somewhat dark, awaiting the moment in which they could release their rain.
Their accumulation had been on the basis of value. The value you were adding to the world, specifically; was it enough? Could you be working more, creating more? Did strangers walk away remembering you? Did you better the lives of those around you? There were as many doubts as there were questions. And they all seemed to have come out of nowhere, plaguing you suddenly.
It was an unfortunate headspace to have fallen into. All things considered, you should’ve been happy. Happier than you were, at least, because it was the dawn of your favorite season. Yet you’d woken up and found yourself wondering if you were doing enough.
That afternoon rolled around quickly. You were curled up on the couch when Bucky returned home from his routine run. He lifted his hand in a wave, to which you responded with a quiet hi. The earbuds you had in played a song that served as a feeble distraction from your worries. You watched as he went to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water, taking a few big gulps. He focussed on you as he drank.
Then he set the bottle on the kitchen island, and dabbed his mouth with the back of his hand. A furrow formed between his brows as sweat glistened above along his hairline. “You okay, doll?”
The question barely registered, but you read his lips. Before speaking, you paused the song. “Yeah, m’fine. Just relaxing”
You might as well have been glass with the way his gaze went through you. “Okay, well, I’m gonna go hop in the shower,” he said, running a hand through his hair. A brief moment of silence passed. “We’ll talk when I’m done, okay?” There was a knowing to his tone.
All you did was nod, gratefully.
A couple minutes after he left the kitchen, you ended up padding to the bedroom as well. Rather than bothering with another distraction, you simply laid on your back across the bed. You stared at the ceiling as the sound of running shower water emitted from the bathroom. And though it was faint, you could also hear the timbre of Bucky’s voice as he hummed a tune. You closed your eyes, finding solace in the fact that he was near, and willing to listen.
By the time he came out, you’d dozed off into a light sleep. As soon he gave your knee a few gentle squeezes, your eyes fluttered open. There was a small smile on his face as he looked down at you. Damp locks of his hair fell into his forehead, and a beige bath towel was wrapped around his waist. You sat up with a soft grunt, and he pressed a quick kiss to your forehead before moving to get dressed. You caught of whiff of his cedar body wash in the process.
“Love you,” you murmured, rubbing your eyes.
“Love you too, pretty girl,” he said. “Wanna start telling me ‘bout what’s going on in that mind of yours?”
For a few seconds, all you did was look down at your socked feet and kick them. You heard a couple of dresser drawers open as Bucky saught out the clothes he was going to wear. “I feel like there’s something more I could be doing,” you finally said, turning to look at him. He’d tossed his towel onto the bed put on a pair of blue boxers.
“Something more?” He repeated as he pulled a black shirt over his head. “What do you mean?” His eyes met yours with genuine curiosity, wanting to understand.
You sighed, picking at the bed comforter. “The world is so big and people are out there doing so many different things, and it feels like I’m not doing nearly as enough. Like there are ways for me to step up that I’m not acknowledging,” you explained. “Like I’m missing the mark.”
Bucky put on a pair of sweat shorts before walking to take a seat beside you on the edge of the bed. He looked intently into your eyes. “What mark do you think you’re missing?”
“That’s the thing, I don’t know,” you said, tone raising slightly. “There are people like you who go out and save the world, and do all of these crazy, larger than life things. People who have huge, innovative ideas that change entire industries. People who massive followings because they’re encouraging, or funny, and whatnot. And they all add so much to the world.”
Bucky thought about interjecting, but decided to let you continue. “It seems like I’m hardly doing anything. I at least try to leave a good impression on everyone I meet. And I try to extend the best of myself to the people I care about.” You turned your gaze from him, and directed it to the floor.
“But now there’s something’s telling me that I should be trying harder. And I don’t even know what that’s supposed to look like.” Bucky had began to run a comforting hand up and down your thigh. You released a harsh huff of air, not even realizing you’d been working yourself up. “I don’t even know where all of this is coming from. I just feel off, and...”
You fell silent when he wrapped his vibranium arm around your shoulders, and pulled you into him. Pressing a kiss to your temple, then your cheek, his stubble brushing against your skin. There was warmth radiating from his body, and he smelled good. So good. You let your head tilt to rest on his shoulder, and looked down to where your knee was brushing against his. Suddenly, it seemed as though everything you’d previously said was immature and incomprehensible.
“I’m sorry,” you started. “Maybe I’m just being—”
“Shh,” he coaxed. Then he said something that caught you off guard, and took your mind off of everything else, “I can hear your heartbeat.”
“Wait, what?” You breathed. “No you can’t.” When Bucky chuckled, light and airy, you lifted your head. “Can you really?” Your voice was soft with a disbelieving edge.
“Yes,” he said, letting his arm slip from around you. “Lay down for a second.” You did, and he fell onto his back as well.
There the two of you were, chests rising with your breaths, looking up at the ceiling.
You waited for him to explain himself or say something else, but he didn’t for a while. The air was quiet long enough that you figured it was only a matter of time before you began to hear your own heartbeat, or possibly even his. You didn’t, of course, and Bucky eventually broke the ambience that had established itself.
“I can hear it,” he confirmed, turning to look at you. “But just barely ‘cause it’s not as strong now.”
“Because I’ve calmed down?” He hummed in agreement. You studied his handsome features and began to smile. "I didn’t know could do that,” you told him. “I mean, I knew your hearing was good, but to be able to hear a heart beating is… cool.”
“Yeah. I just have to be close enough and focus extremely hard,” he explained. “And you wanna know what I have to say about adding value to the world?”
You’d almost forgotten about what you expressed to him in the moments prior. Almost. “What?”
He propped himself up on his metal arm, and placed his flesh one on your chest over your heart. He could feel the gentle thump against his palm. “This, right here, is all you need to know that you’re adding value; the fact that you’re alive,” he said, smiling when you placed your hands overtop of his. “Everyday you’re adding value in a way only you can. Even if it’s not always through some big and over the top demonstration.
“Just be and do what comes naturally. One day that might be saving a city, another day that may be making somebody laugh. Who’s to say they aren’t equally important in the end? They both effect how the future plays out, right?” He quirked his brows.
It was moments like that when you realized just how much of life he'd lived and how much wisdom he'd earned over the years. Even if you had've racked your brain, you wouldn't have found anything capable of standing up against his words. You took his hand and pressed a kiss to his palm.
Thank you so much for reading! Consider sticking around for more. <3
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Hi Eve! How are you? 💞 I have a question if you don’t mind, because I really wouldn’t want to ask for a promt that makes you uncomfortable.
I know you don’t write anything explicit for the cubs but would you be willing to ever write intimacy like showering/baths together without it being sexual? or maybe aftercare or something like that?
Oh I love casual intimacy! Cubs credit goes to @lumosinlove <3
TW for sharing a bathtub, nudity
The bathroom door opened; before Leo could even crack an eye open, warm water splashed up onto his chest and callused hands pushed his legs up to his chest. “Scoot,” Finn said.
“A little late for that,” Leo grunted as he made room for a whole other person in their tiny tub. “What the hell?”
“Aw, Peanut, I love you too.”
“Why are you in my bathtub?” Leo laughed as more water sloshed over the edge and Finn nestled into him.
“Our bathtub.” A kiss pressed against the damp skin of his jaw. “And because I wanted to. Lo, you coming?”
Leo raised his eyebrows as Logan appeared in the doorway half a second later, nude except for the single sock he was struggling to get off. “Desolee, un moment.”
“You’re not fitting in here,” Leo warned.
“Have a little faith, my love.”
Logan at least had the decency to kiss his forehead before crushing himself into the millimeter of space between Finn’s knees and the wall; one freckled leg hung over the rim, and Leo grimaced as his shoulder was crammed into the joint of the cold tiles. “Well,” he said drily once they were mostly settled. Tacky soap suds were already itching his arm. “This is…comfortable.”
Finn hummed happily and leaned more of his weight into Leo’s chest. “Isn’t it?”
“I was being sarcastic.”
“Why?” Logan shifted and Finn winced. “I think this tub is the perfect fit for us.”
Leo craned his neck to look around the back of Finn’s head and gave a stray chocolate curl a light tug. “We need more space.”
“We need a house.” Silence fell again as they both turned to look at Finn, who shrugged. “More space, right? It’s not like we can’t afford it.”
Logan met his eyes for a half second, and Leo saw his own shock reflected back at him. “Are we really having this conversation in the bathtub?” he asked incredulously. “For fuck’s sake, Finn, my leg is asleep and you’re talking about a house!”
Finn laid his head back against Leo’s collarbone, brows furrowed. “Is that a no?”
“I—” Leo broke off as he searched for the words. “It’s not a no, it’s just—shouldn’t we do this in a more formal environment?”
“Because it’s a formal topic?”
Logan looked between them, still bracing himself on either side of the tub with his hips only half in the water. “Finn, you want a house?”
Finn was quiet for a few seconds; something sweet and shy crossed his face. “I think about it sometimes, yeah. The apartment can get a little small with all three of us in it. I’d like a bigger shower.”
Leo narrowed his eyes playfully. “How many houses have you bookmarked on Zillow?”
A startled laugh escaped Logan’s mouth; another half-gallon of soapy water hit the floor. “Mon dieu, are you being serious?”
“No, I’m being Finn,” he said with a grin, earning himself two groans. “But I’m not kidding.”
Leo’s pulse skipped a beat at the thought of having a house. They could host real team parties if they wanted, and he could plant herbs in a back garden instead of pots on the windowsill. They could have a bed that actually fit three people; Finn could wallpaper a room with bookshelves. All their families would have a place to stay when they visited, and all of Logan’s sisters could have their own rooms. “I’m in,” he said softly, nuzzling his nose into a soap bubble on the back of Finn’s neck. It was tangy on his lips.
Logan wound their fingers together; Leo saw him squeeze Finn’s hand with a bright smile. “Moi, aussi.”
“Okay.” Even without seeing his face, Leo could hear the excitement in Finn’s voice. “Okay, let’s do it. Come on, I’ve gotta show you my—”
“Wait, honey, don’t—”
Leo’s warning was cut short as Finn stood, upended Logan into his lap, skidded on the tile, and stumbled back in the tub with a splash, sending half the water onto their bathroom floor.
“First request for the house,” he wheezed as Logan struggled to sit up again. “Really big bathtub.”
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