#I heard somebody had a bad couple of days i hope this will cheer you up a bit
heliads · 1 month
REQUESTS OPEN OMG EVERYONE CHEERED. hi i was thinking.. what if… hmm.. what if.. guardian angel y/n x connor lassiter where in unwind instead of lev saving him after the happy jack explosion its y/n. (they kiss at the end PLEase)
ANYWAYS ILY u survived exams i’m so proud !
'angel ex machina ' - connor lassiter
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They find Connor Lassiter staring at a billboard. He’s slumped against a wall, eyes hollow and vacant, like nothing in this world could possibly be more fascinating than a couple hundred square feet of boastful advertising. The bright colors seem to laugh at him, tantalizingly out of reach from where he crouches now, separated from the rest of the world by the walls of a harvest camp.
We have guardian angels! Low prices, high protection! 
Even if Connor somehow managed to piece together enough cash for their exorbitant prices, it’s obvious that a guardian angel would be wasted on him. Connor is days away from his own unwinding. Not even a real guardian angel could pull him out now, let alone the vapid models in suits they’ve got bedazzling that billboard. Everyone knows you can’t actually hire a guardian angel. They just show up somehow, save your ass however many times you need it, then disappear. There, then gone. Intrinsically a part of your life, and then it’s like you’d never known them at all.
Guardian angels are extraordinarily rare. The closest Connor’s ever come to meeting one is hearing a story his dad used to tell, and even then, Kirk Lassiter had only briefly glimpsed one of his neighbors getting saved from a car accident by one of the angels. Not exactly a core memory for Connor. His mom had never seen one at all.
That’s the way it usually goes. There aren’t that many guardian angels in the world. Rare things, they are. Somehow, they decide that a person is important enough to save, and then they swoop in and do what they do best. That’s usually saving them from disasters– floods, tornadoes, you name it. There’s an iconic photograph of a guardian angel rescuing someone from a burning building that Connor sees annually in his textbooks; something about the wings silhouetted against the flames is irresistible to school publishers. Hayden swears that he heard about somebody who got a guardian angel to do their taxes, but Connor figures that’s another of the boy’s bad jokes. Guardian angels are for real problems, not tax fraud.
Hell, no one even knows what guardian angels look like. There are photographs, sure, but they always turn out strangely blurry, like when the sun’s too bright outside and all you can do is squint. Even the people who’ve seen guardian angels say that their memories faded oddly quickly after the incident. No one can decide if they look like people, if their wings always appear, if they’re even recognizable as guardian angels at all. The only thing the masses can agree on is that guardian angels do exist, and they’ll never be good enough for anyone.
Least of all Connor. He’s harbored a hope that he’d get to meet one at some point, obviously, everyone has. Imagining that you’d be important enough to warrant an angel sent to watch over you is everyone’s secret fantasy.
Connor’s a few hours away from getting unwound, though, so he’s pretty sure that dream will die like the rest of his:  unwanted, unclaimed, unfulfilled. He’ll go to pieces as yet another boy who dreamed of being great, another poor soul ignored by the angels. The only difference is that, unlike most of the teenage population, he’s not even mediocre enough to live past sixteen. He’ll be in parts by tomorrow. Then, who knows? Maybe his elbow will go to a kid worthy of an angel. Connor wasn’t, but maybe his unwound pieces will be.
Connor shakes his head slightly to rid himself of the thoughts. He’s not usually like this. He’s not a quitter. He’ll go under the knife protesting his unwinding. It’s just a little difficult to keep up the fighting spirit when he knows that at last, despite all his running and hiding, he’ll be unwound anyway. There’s no fighting the Juvenile Authority. All his great efforts just delayed the inevitable. It cuts him to say it, but it looks like they were right after all.
In an attempt to get his mind out of obviously dangerous waters, Connor rips his gaze away from the offending billboard and glances around him. Only now does he notice another future unwind drawing close to him. Connor stretches and stands, forcing the corners of his mouth to upturn slightly so Y/N, his closest friend here and only ally among the cops and lambs to slaughter, don’t think he’s totally deranged.
“What are you doing?” Y/N asks, coming to a stop by his side.
Connor shrugs listlessly. “Nothing. Drafting my will.”
With anyone else, he’d probably stay silent, but Connor learned a long time ago that trying to hold his tongue around Y/N L/N is a losing game. They met in the basement of Sonia’s antique shop, Y/N having arrived barely a few minutes after Connor and Risa. Talk about a coincidence. They quickly hit it off, and as proof of their friendship, they’ve even ended up at the same harvest camp after it all went south back at the Graveyard.
If Connor were trapped with anyone, though, he’s glad it’s them. Not even Hayden can make Connor laugh as much as he does with Y/N. They understand him in a way that no one else ever has. If he were feeling particularly stupid, he would call it love, but Connor knows better. They’re both about to get stripped to pieces. If he spills his guts now and they friendzone him, Connor will have ruined the best part of his life for nothing.
So he stays silent, and watches Y/N laugh at his joke. “I want your car after they unwind you,” they inform him. “Maybe even the house.”
Connor pretends to be outraged. “Both? That’s absurd.”
Y/N snorts. “Who else would you give them to? The tithe?” Then, in a quieter voice, they glance towards the billboard Connor was staring at, and add on, “Maybe an angel?”
Connor sighs. “They can’t sell real guardian angels. No amount of flashy billboards can hide that.”
Y/N nods. “You’re still tempted, though?”
Connor lifts a shoulder. “Who wouldn’t be tempted? The idea is great. I’d love for someone to save me right now. Or maybe just care enough to try.”
“I care,” Y/N offers.
Connor gives them a wry smile. “I know you do. But you’re stuck in the same mess as I am, so maybe I’ll hold off on believing in your escape plan until you’re out, too.”
Y/N looks at him for a second, too deep for Connor to understand, then cracks a grin. “You should believe in me, Lassiter. I’m tunneling out from under the dorms with just a spoon. I might make it halfway to Florida by the time we get the unwind order.”
Connor scoffs. “That only works in movies. You’d need a miracle to break through an inch of concrete, let alone all the way past the borders.”
Y/N smiles at him, a little secretively, a little knowingly. “I’m pretty good with miracles.”
“Sure you are,” Connor says, stretching his arms to rid himself of an unpleasant pinch in his muscles. “Any chance you can whip one up to save me from my impending doom?”
He isn’t expecting Y/N to respond, obviously, but when their face drops at the sight of something approaching behind him, Connor knows it’s not just from his lack of belief. “I’d have to make it quick, wouldn’t I?” They mutter under their breath.
Connor turns around to see a squad of Juvey-cops bearing down on him. He swears under his breath. “This is it, right? They’re going to take me away?”
Y/N’s face looks ashen and wrong. “I should have saved you. “
“We should have saved each other,” Connor corrects gently. Usually, he isn’t the sentimental type, but as the guards get closer, he can’t resist the urge to lean closer to Y/N and whisper to them, “Hey, I’m glad for the time we had, alright? It meant– It meant a lot to me. You know. If I was going to talk to anyone on my last day, I would have wanted it to be you anyway.”
Y/N sucks in a breath. “Don’t say that.”
Connor stares at them. “Why not? It’s true.”
Y/N looks like they want to argue– why, Connor isn’t sure, but the guilt in their eyes is like nothing he’s ever seen before– but before they can say a word, the Juvey-cops close in around him, cutting Connor off from Y/N like slamming a door in their face. They give him the usual speech about how it’s time for him to be unwound, but Connor can’t find it within himself to pay attention. It’s so typical of him, honestly, to be zoning out during what may be his last hour whole, but all he can think about is Y/N, who disappears into the distance as the cops drag him away, Y/N, who he’s now left here alone, Y/N, who will join him in this fate not long from now.
Connor doesn’t want to be unwound. Obviously. He doesn’t want this, and the sheer force of his not wanting overwhelms him as they lead him closer and closer to the doors of the Chop Shop. A crowd of other unwinds has gathered by the door; apparently the final moments of the Akron AWOL make for some good entertainment. The band is playing. Connor wants to run, run far and fast like he always does, but for the first time in his life he realizes how pointless it is. If he tried to flee, they would catch him. They would drag him back, and it would be like nothing ever happened. There is no way this day ends with anything but Connor in pieces.
Connor forces his legs to move him mechanically towards the Chop Shop entrance. Just before the darkness of the place swallows him whole, something tells Connor to glance over his shoulder one last time and he sees Y/N staring at him beseechingly. He doesn’t know how he’s able to spot them so easily in the crowd, but he can. Like he would know them anywhere. Like doing anything but looking at them is impossible.
Then the guards shove him into the Chop Shop, and Y/N is gone, replaced by the dark certainty of Connor’s unwinding. The hallway seems to stretch out forever, but before Connor can take even one more step, a few very confusing things happen all at once.
First:  there’s this shift in the air. Connor can’t describe it. It feels strange and wrong, burning on his tongue like electricity. The hairs on the back of his neck stand up, and Connor knows at once that something is about to go wrong.
Second:  the room erupts in fire and smoke. The bone-rattling boom of the explosion comes later, a little delayed, but Connor sees the white flash of heat and light first. He’s knocked off of his feet, and time seems to slow down. The entire world is gone, replaced only by Connor, floating hazily through the smoky air, and the blossom of fire around him, searing off everything else.
Third, and most confusing of all:  out of nowhere, Y/N is right in front of him. Y/N, yes, but Y/N different somehow. It takes him a moment to realize why. Their eyes glow white, brighter even than the explosion, and their skin is radiating off this cool, pearlescent light. He has no idea how they could have possibly gotten in front of him so fast. He has no idea how they’re seemingly immune to the heat and force of the explosion around them.
Y/N reaches for him, pulling Connor into their arms. Their head presses against his, and they whisper quietly, forcefully, “Be safe, Connor.”
The command reverberates through Connor’s entire body. He doesn’t even remember hitting the ground, and when the explosion clears, he’s– He’s fine, actually. Nothing hurts. When Connor stares at his body, he’s utterly unharmed. Not even a scratch on his skin. He is totally untouched by the explosion that has just decimated the entirety of the Chop Shop.
Connor looks around him and realizes that Y/N is sitting in front of him. They’re both on the grass outside the Chop Shop, although he doesn’t remember getting there. Y/N is unharmed also, although Connor can say for certainty that there is still something wrong about them. It takes him a moment to get his scattered thoughts in order, and then he remembers. Y/N’s eyes wink pearlescent at him from a few paces away, and he knows.
“You’re a guardian angel,” Connor stammers out.
Y/N nods. “I am.”
Easy as that. They say it like it’s nothing. Like Connor hasn’t just had his life saved by a supernatural being currently sitting criss-cross applesauce in front of him on the waving grass. He’s had a lot of time to wonder what it would be like to meet a guardian angel, but it never would have occurred to him that one would have been in his life this entire time without him knowing.
Connor stares unseeingly at them. Try as he might, he can’t force himself to believe that Y/N is anything other than, well, Y/N. His friend. His best friend. The person he’s been crushing on since they stumbled into him by accident in the dark of Sonia’s basement. He remembers the flighty beat of their heartbeat when they were in his arms then, and he remembers what it felt like when they embraced him again in the smothering heat of the Chop Shop inferno. All Y/N. All an angel.
“You were trying to save me,” he begins, then stops. That really sums it up.
“I was,” Y/N agrees. “It was always about you, Connor.”
The idea doesn’t compute to him. “Then why wait until now to save my life? Why not make sure the Juveys never found us out in the first place?”
Y/N tilts their head to the side, considering this. “The job of a guardian angel is to save their primary assignment, sure, but also to minimize suffering wherever they go. I knew the Chop Shop explosion would happen if I didn’t save you. This needed to happen so everyone else here could be rescued. Worse things would have happened if I didn’t interfere now. It may not seem that way, but it is.”
Connor can practically feel gears in his head spinning. “So you knew how this would end the whole time?”
“I knew the great catastrophes of your life,” Y/N corrects. “I knew many paths you could take. This was the big risk, though. I didn’t get to see any more after that. Now I know just as much about your future as you do.”
Connor whistles under his breath. “That’s comforting.” Then, a terrible thought occurs to him. “Wait, that means I was your assignment. Like a job? Were you ever really my friend at all, or was that just something you had to do to complete your assignment?”
Y/N rears back as if hurt. “I have always been your friend. Guardian angels aren’t supposed to ever reveal themselves. I was actually meant to never talk to you until I saved you.”
“What changed?” Connor asks. He can’t stop himself.
Y/N smiles softly. “I saw you. You looked like someone fun.”
“Someone fun,” Connor echoes. He tries to think about his life, if anyone could see that and decide he was someone worthwhile. Someone fun. Someone an angel could watch and want to befriend. A warm feeling blossoms in his chest. Pride, maybe. Or the realization that the one secret he’s been keeping may go both ways after all.
“Yeah,” Y/N says, growing a little embarrassed. “I like you. My bad.”
Connor laughs. “That’s not bad. I like you too, by the way. In case you didn’t see it when you were receiving visions about my life.”
Y/N’s eyes dart up to his. “Really?”
“Really,” Connor says. “What, you didn’t know?”
Y/N shakes their head. “Like I said, I could only see what happened to you up to the Chop Shop exploding. Everything after that is a mystery.”
“Well,” Connor says, drawing closer to them. “I’m glad I get to surprise an angel once in my life.”
Before Y/N can ask him what he means, Connor kisses them, and after a moment of shock, they kiss him back. He’s not sure if he’s the first person in the world to have kissed an angel before, but he wouldn’t mind having that accolade under his belt. Just so long as he gets to be the person to kiss an angel two times, or three. Or forever.
requested by @julysn, i hope you enjoy!
unwind tag list: @reinekes-fox, @locke-writes, @sirofreak
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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tom-whore-dleston · 1 year
What I've Been Looking For
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Pairing ▹ Joaquin Torres x gn. reader
This fic contains ▹ fluff, birthdays, soulmates AU, Joaquin and reader are 24 years old, alcohol consumption, sibling banter, lightly beta'ed writing
Word Count ▹ 1.2k
Summary ▹ Every year, you wish to meet your soulmate but are becoming less hopeful of it coming true.
Notes ▹ It's my birthday!!! You all voted for a birthday fic and I delivered 😜 I would like to count this fic towards my submission for @late-to-the-party-81's Challenge Yourself challenge since this is my first time writing a Soulmates AU. Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed! 😊
Prompt ▹ Sharing birthdays: soulmates are born on the same day, share the first breath with each other by @creativepromptsforwriting/@creativepromptfills Dividers ▹ @firefly-graphics
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Birthdays were a sacred celebration. You lived in a world where your soulmate was born on the same day as you, sharing your first breath together. Every year, you wished for the same thing before blowing the candles of your cake out. You wished to meet your soulmate. The soulmate that came into this world the very exact moment that you did. As the years went by, you became more discouraged from meeting that person you were meant to live the rest of your life with. Nevertheless, you continued to wish to meet that special somebody.
Upon waking up to the sun shining down on your face, you sighed, throwing the bed cover off your body.
Another birthday. Another wish to waste on someone that may as well be a myth.
As you walked into the kitchen, you heard a cheerful shout from your sister.
“Happy birthday!”
“Oh, it’s that day again, huh?” You joked before giving her a hug.
“Of course it is!” She started to run to the fridge, pulling out a small cake and plopping a candle on top. You couldn’t help but laugh at the lengths your sister went to make your birthday special, even if she knew that it wasn’t your favorite day of the year.
“I really appreciate the gesture, but I am not eating cake at 8 in the morning.”
“Oh, c’mon! It’s guava flavored. Your favorite!” For a slight second, you were tempted to give in and eat a slice. You couldn’t resist anything guava flavored.
“Alright, fine. But I am not blowing candles or making wishes.”
“What?” Your sister looked like she was about to cry. Was it her birthday or something? “You will have bad luck if you don’t make a wish.”
“Eh, who cares? I haven’t had any luck with a soulmate so what else do I have to lose?” You walked past her to brew a cup of coffee and she followed you like a newborn duckling.
“I care! I know you feel defeated about not finding your soulmate but I know they are out there. I love you so I want you to be happy. And that starts with enjoying this cake with me. With the candles and singing and wishes!” You admired your sister’s persistence. She may have been younger than you but she fought like hell for you. Maybe you could do without a soulmate, as long as your sister continued to stick around and tolerate your pessimism.
“I love you too, little sis. Thank you for the cake. For everything, actually.” You pressed your forehead against hers. “Now light this bitch up, and try to sing on key.”
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The end of your birthday was approaching and so far, it wasn’t too bad. You, your sister, and a couple of your friends went out for dinner and drinks with a balcony view of the sun setting over the beach. The alcohol in your system caused you to fully relax as your gaze followed the orange orb descend in the purplish yellow sky. You had just gulped the last day of your champagne as a crowd of employees marched towards your table with not one, but two chocolate cakes littered with sprinkles.
You glanced over at your party, confused upon seeing the second plate of dessert. They all shrugged before pulling out their phones to record you. One server finally placed a slice of cake in front of you, and you flashed them a thankful smile. Then, you followed the other piece of cake to the next table. The same server set down the plate in front of a man so ethereal, you could have mistaken him for Prince Charming.
That man glanced at you, catching your gaze as the candles on your cakes flickered under your smiles toward each other. Time stopped and the rest of the world ceased to exist as everyone around the two of you sang “Happy Birthday.” You couldn’t tell if it was his enchanting stare or the fizzling drink you downed, but your cheeks warmed up and butterflies fluttered around in your stomach. Everything about this man was mesmerizing, from his sculpted bone structure in his face to his fluffy dark curls, and then the radiant energy that he exerted as the gentlemen across from him sang drunkenly. You wanted to know his name, his story, and his hopes and dreams.
Amongst your trance with him, you discovered his name was Joaquin since his buddies shouted it louder than your equally drunk friends and sister did with your own name. Joaquin wasn’t a common name, but that was what drew you even more to him. Joaquin was full of wonder. You may not have known then and there, but Joaquin was just as enamored and curious about you.
“C’mon, make a wish!” One of your friends yelped behind her phone. Your eyes shut and a hopeful grin spread across your face. For the first time, you had a different wish.
I wish for Joaquin.
Opening your eyes, you blew out the flame and the sounds of cheers and claps filled the atmosphere. Peering back at Joaquin, your eyes met once again, lingering a little longer than before. His teeth glimmered under the last bit of sunlight that peeked from behind the horizon. The sun finally disappeared, but then the moon and stars took their place in illuminating Joaquin’s beauty for you to admire.
“Hey, why don’t you stop gawking over that guy and go say ‘happy birthday’ back.” Your sister laughed. Your lips curled inward as if you had been caught with your hand in a jar of candy. Suddenly, you grew nervous at the thought of approaching him. This man could be the soulmate you have yearned for your whole life. But what if he wasn’t what you expected?
You wouldn’t know unless you tried. And so you did.
The chair shifted under you as you stood up to walk towards Joaquin. Before you knew it, he was doing the same exact thing. Walking toward one another felt like your hearts were being pulled by a string that connected you two. By the time you were only feet from one another, you had wished you had some champagne to chug before leaving your seat. But once you locked eyes with Joaquin, all those years of disappointment and defeat vanished. Hope, love, and happiness began to fill that hole in your heart.
“So…” You began. “It’s your birthday too?”
“Yeah, it’s actually my 24th to be exact,” Joaquin responded, combing his hand through his brown locks.
Your heart skipped a beat. “Same here.”
Joaquin beamed. “I figured. Who would have thought that it would take me 24 years to finally feel truly alive?”
You bit your lip, fighting the urge to tear up. No witty comeback could top his, and deep down, he knew that. It was hard to believe that you had finally found your soulmate. All that was certain of you was that you did not want this moment to end.
“Well, I’m not much of a cake person, but I do like long walks on the beach.” You laughed at his corny comment. “Wanna get out of here in a few?”
You nodded without hesitation. Joaquin took your hand in his, symbolizing the beginning of a beautiful life of many birthdays and growing older with your soulmate.
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bennydemarco · 3 years
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HANK VOIGHT in CHICAGO PD S08E05 for @everyhowlmarksthedead 💕
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totebagchiqbarista · 3 years
Heyy can i request a luka x fem!reader fic? Like you know how how luka is always calm and cool? What if he turns into a living mess after he meets reader? Like no stuttering or something but hes ranting about her to juleka all the time and cant concentrate when shes around??
what are you doing to me? // luka x fem!reader
request: anonymous
warnings: fluff, swearing?, Luka being a mess
pairing: Luka Couffaine x Fem!Reader
a/n: I really wanted to write some Luka stuff and this kind of stretched out to a good amount of words so I hope you like it! :)
"Dear God, Luka, stop talking!" Juleka shouted at her brother who entered her room uninvited for the 4th time today. She had understood he didn't have anybody really to talk to, but Lord was he getting annoying at this point.
"But I have to tell you something"
Pushing him out of her cabin one last time, Juleka stood at the door frame and stared at the blue boy. "Go out and find a life!" Of course, she didn't mean it like that, but before she could manage what she is doing, she slammed the door shut in front of him.
Luka was taken aback by the change in Juleka's attitude. He didn't flinch though. He was always that one collected and calm person in every group. Anger never fulfilled him in the ways it sometimes filled his mother, for example.
Anarka had never been the type to prohibit them of their freedom, but she tends to let her emotions take over her. When somebody mentions their dad, she turns red, wrathful at the memories that flow across her head. And it's never long until she completely lets rage form her.
But Luka was different. He was always the serene boy you would find in the back of the class writing songs, practicing riffs. When somebody took it out on him, Luka sucked it in, forgetting about the scene in a few days. He had never lost his temper, beat someone up, melted at someone's touch...
He didn't mind it, after all, there was nothing to whine about. He had all his emotions under control, and even though he would never admit it- it made him feel superior to others.
So Luka decided to go to the park. Whenever he had nothing to do, a simple solution always came to his mind- a warm walk through the park.
"Hi, Nino" he exclaimed seeing the familiar couple by the water fountain. "Hi, Alya."
Alya offered him a soft smile, taking a piece of Andre's ice cream. Nino lent him his famous handshake. "I'm excited for tonight!" said Alya, referring to the private hangout at Couffaine's that was yet to come.
Luka had completely forgotten about it. How could he do such a thing? Still, he kept his cool exterior, nodding his head in agreement. "Me too"
"Oh shoot! I forgot I was supposed to meet Y/n tonight" Alya looked back on her schedule.
"Who's that?" Luka questioned, having never heard of that name before
"An old friend of mine. She just recently moved here"
"She can come, too."
"Really?" Alya's face lit up in joy "You would do that?"
The blue-haired boy laughed "If there's one place in Paris everybody is welcomed, it for sure is the Couffaine's ship!"
"Great, we'll see you there soon!" Alya added before collecting her phone and her boyfriend, running to meet up with her long-term friend.
Luka was left alone by the fountain, staring faintly at the water drops in the pool. Hot summer day took a toll on him and his eyes closed slightly under the pressure of the beaming sunshine.
A wooden bench called out to him and so he sat underneath the cooling shade of the trees. Moments passed and Luka grew to be more impatient. Guests were to come tonight, maybe he should return and help Juleka set up for the evening hang out...
Just on a mark, a girl ran to the park, out of her breath. She seemed worn out as she breathed heavily from the excessive physical activity. She looked at the phone in her hands, it responding with a typical GPS lady voice.
"Shit" she mumbled as she frantically tried to get the directions from the small machine.
"Hey" Luka called out to her from his sitting position in the corner "Are you lost?"
The girl looked around, making sure the blue boy was talking to her. "Yeah, I guess I could say so." Just as she returned him the look, Luka was struck by her beauty. It seemed like such a cliché, really. And Luka hated clichés. Yet, he was mesmerized by the girl who stood before him.
"Right... Where do you need to go?" He asked, collecting himself by her feet.
"Uh," she let out an unknowing hum "Here"
The picture she showed was blurry but Luka figured the place. It was a place he liked to visit sometimes, too. He showed her the directions, making sure she knows all the tracks.
"Thank you so much" The girl beamed with happiness in her eyes "Thank you for helping me"
Luka nodded, and the girl turned around to leave in the direction he just showed her. Luka contemplated for a second before asking a question just as she was about to leave "Can I know your name, at least?"
Hope in his eyes, he stared at her for a full moment until she broke the silence. "We only just met. Besides, where's the fun in that?" Sending him one last wink goodbye, she disappeared into the streets of Paris.
Juleka wasn't a person one could easily talk to. Except for Luka. Luka knew his sister was quite an introvert and a rather shy soul. He respected it and grew to watch over her, protecting her privacy with others. But with him, she was sometimes an extremely cheerful and bubbly person. Hell, there were moments he wished she could stop talking!
So when the two of them collaborated in decorating the harbor for their friends, they finished rather quickly. In under 2 hours, the duo managed to make the best party ship anyone has ever seen.
"Alya is bringing a friend," Luka said as he and Juleka tried to put the last fairy lights around.
"Really? Who?"
"An old friend who just moved here. Y/n as I recall."
Juleka nodded, trying to remember the name "Oh yes, Y/n. Alya told us about her. I'm glad to finally meet her."
Soon enough, the guests started to gather and their home was erupting from chit chats and music. Luka talked to everybody, getting lost in the crowd. His mind always found its way back to the silhouette of the lost girl from the park. There was something he couldn't get enough of in her...
"Luka, could you play us something?" asked Marinette to what Luka only nodded, heading to his room for the guitar.
"Alya is here!" Rose exclaimed when she noticed her friend at the entrance. Next to her stood a girl, a girl Alya has told them almost everything about.
"Hi, guys! This is Y/n" everybody welcomed them, all eyes prying on the newbie.
Marinette came closer and hugged her "I'm Marinette" she addressed as she offered her a soft smile "I've heard so much about you!"
"I could say the same" Y/n returned the sweet gesture.
"What took you so long?" Nino asked looking at his watch and then back at them.
"My bad. I got kind of lost."
The moment Luka stepped on the ship, the last thing he expects to see was the girl he couldn't stop thinking about. The girl that has been playing in his head all day, since the moment they met. Well, not exactly met.
"You" he blurted without thinking as he set his guitar down.
The pair of orbs he remembered from this morning, looked up at him, as surprised as him. "You" she joked back, not breaking the eye contact.
"You two know each other?" Marinette asked looking back and forth between the two of them.
"Not really. He helped me find the way this morning" Y/n explained
"And she didn't even tell me her name"
"It's more fun this way, don't you think?"
Luka chuckled offering her a handshake. "I'm Luka"
The night moved slowly and Luka found himself growing more and more nervous whenever Y/n was around. This can't be! He's always the calm one, the collected one, the untouchable one. No, no. It's just a mire admiration. Nothing much, really. He's as steady as ever...
"Spin the bottle!" Alya shouted out of nowhere
Numbers of confused faces turned to her in a moment. She proceeded, explaining her outburst. "Let's play spin the bottle"
The teens looked around, meeting with other's sights, nodding in agreement. Soon enough, the group was sat on the floor. Upon choosing a seat, Luka looked around. There were 2 left: beside Y/n and opposite of her. He wanted to sit beside her, really. Oh, just how he wanted to sit beside her, their knees touching... But he was so nervous. His palms sweat just for the thought and his heart raced with a speed unknown to man.
So he sat opposite of her.
"Right, so, we are playing spin the bottle combined with truth and dare. A person spins the bottle and they ask "truth or dare?" the one who the bottle has sat on." Alya explained.
Marinette went first, the bottle landing on Y/n. The bluenette smiled softly and asking the question. "Truth or dare?"
"Are you happy to be in Paris?"
"Very!" The two exchanged graceful smiles earning a groan from Nino.
"Where are the fun questions! C'mon dudettes!" he cried obviously disappointed in his friends.
Marinette looked at him in confusion "What do you want me to ask?"
"I don' know, something interesting. Like, describe your perfect type, or something"
Y/n laughed for a second. "Well I don't really have a type but guitarists hold a special place in my heart"
Luka looked at her in surprise but wasn't met with her gaze. That was it. He'll lose his mind because of this girl and there's no turning back. He'll be defeated, if only he wasn't already.
Y/n grew to be a great addition to the class and the friend group. And she grew closer to Luka's heart, more close than he liked to admit. When she was around, his mind was rollercoasters, when she was away her melody played in the back of his head. It was exhausting, really. Luka had never acted this way, especially not for a girl. It was all new to him.
It had been almost two months since Y/n's first day in the city of love. Never had she imagined that she would fall so in love with the people, the culture, the capital of France in general. She was standing on her balcony, looking at the most beautiful sightseeing- the Eiffel tower.
"Mom, Dad, I'm leaving, see you later!" she shouted as she closed the front door behind her. Juelka had invited her to help her out with band stuff. She was a bit surprised to say at least for Y/n wasn't much of an intellectual in that field.
The traffic was light and soon enough she stepped foot on the magnificent ship. The boy she already knew very well was strumming his guitar in the corner.
"Nice tune" she whispered, coming behind him
Luka jumped a little, taken aback by her unexpected figure. "Y/n? Why-"
"I invited her, I need some help," said Juleka from the door. "I'll be back in a second" and with that, she disappeared.
Y/n sat on a chair beside him, feeling the tension rise. Luka's melody became more insecure, more unsteady. It felt as if he was trying too hard.
"What happened?"
"I don't know" Luka answered, regretting holding the guitar now. It was true, when she was around, it was not much he could do. His mind always wandered elsewhere.
An uncomfortable silence took over them. Juleka was nowhere in sight. After some minutes of complete dull, Y/n stood up eager to leave. "Tell Juleka I'm sorry, but I just remembered I have to go."
Luka wanted to say something, but he couldn't. He was afraid of blurting out something way more stupid. So he nodded, regretting his decisions. What has she done to him? He can't even think straight, what to do, what not to do. He's a mess and it's all because of her.
"What are you doing you, idiot, go after her!" Juleka stormed out of the ship, scolding her older brother.
"Go after her! Tell her how you feel! God!"
"What are you talking about?" Luka played it off dumb
Juleka's anger only grew "Oh please, mister untouchable, you're not so secretive about it. You can never concentrate when she's around, when I mention her, you grow all impatient. You talk about her ALL THE DAMN TIME. I can't listen to you anymore!"
Luka shifted in his spot "I don't talk about her that much"
"You literally stormed in my room last night talking about her humor and how cool she is. Go tell her how you feel, Luka"
He contemplated for a minute making Juleka impatient "Now! Go!"
The blue boy nodded, setting his guitar aside, and running as fast as he could. He ran the way he remembered Y/n to go. His legs could sprint only so fast but somehow he managed to run it all the way through.
Just by the bridge, she saw her walk by herself. It was already getting late, the sun was just around the corner, held by its fingertips to not yet say goodbye. She was looking to the river, calm and alone. "Y/n!" he shouted, putting all the energy he had to pull it through.
"Y/n!" he screamed once more to what the girl turned around. Just as she was about to ask what was happening, Luka panted taking her hand in his the moment he got the chance.
"No, no, I talk." He said taking a deep breath and looking right into her eyes. "Y/n from the moment we met in the park, I couldn't stop thinking about you. You took a tool on me, god, I'm wrapped around your finger! I can't focus when I see you, I lose all my senses when you smile"
Y/n smiled at the ongoing love declaration. "And no matter how hard I tried to cover up my feelings, to forget you, there just is no escape. I am lost, I'm losing my mind. God, what are you doing to me? I rant about you to Juleka, dear Lord. You made a mess out of me, Y/n, and I love, I love, I love you."
And before thinking, Y/n pressed her lips against his. She kissed him long and lovingly, making him melt under her touch.
"That makes the two of us"
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Hi, Eve
Rose here from yesterday, thank you very much for the Birthday message, I wasn't expecting you to read it let alone reply but I was looking for Coops kids Birthday fluff specifically. It doesn't matter if you don't have time however as I don't want to be a bother.
Hello Rose, and happy (belated) 20th birthday! Sorry for the wait--I really wanted to get this one right to celebrate such an important number. I hope your day was absolutely fantastic! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove, but Stella is an OC
Combined with asks for Sirius lightly making fun of Remus' accent and Remus yelling at a game show (@nazar4114)
“Medusa!” Stella shouted with all the force in her thirteen-year-old lungs. Remus leaned forward on the couch. “Medusa!”
The front door opened with a creak. “I’m h—”
“Yes!” they cheered in unison as Nicole answered correctly. Remus turned and gave Stella a double high-five, feeling his heart squeeze at the vivid joy on her round face. “Good guess.”
“I knew she was gonna get it,” Stella said with a pump of her fist as she turned back to the show and folded her legs underneath her.
“Gonna,” a familiar deep voice mimicked from the doorway. Paper bags rustled before footsteps stopped behind the couch; Remus tilted his chin up without sparing a glance, and Sirius pressed a laugh-laced kiss to his cheek before dropping one on Stella’s head as well. “You sound too much like your dad.”
“Love you, too,” Remus said wryly.
“I’ll take ‘Myths and Moths’ for 400, please.” Nicole’s voice snapped his attention back to the screen, and Stella narrowed her eyes.
“Daily Double!” the automated voice announced. Stella gasped; Remus bit his lower lip. “This mythical shield was wielded by Athena, and is sometimes said to be made of goat skin.”
“Aegis,” Stella whispered, then raised her voice. “It’s the Aegis, Nicole. You know this.”
“We know you do,” Remus said, scooting forward. “You just guessed whose head is on it.”
Nicole’s buzzer went off with two seconds to spare. “What is the Aegis?”
“Hell yeah!” Stella whooped.
Remus turned to her and raised his eyebrows. “Excuse you.”
“Are you two going to do this the whole afternoon?” Sirius asked from the kitchen, obviously amused. “We might need to get the neighbors some noise-cancelling headphones.”
Stella blew a dark lock of hair out of her eyes as she flopped her head back. “It’s almost final Jeopardy, papa. We have, like, ten minutes.”
Sirius blinked at her, then shook his head. “I swear you two share genes.”
“Ope, you caught me,” Remus said over the noise of the commercial break. “When I was 20 and had literally never left Wisconsin, I went and had a secret kid in Maine who looks terribly like you just so that someone would watch Jeopardy reruns with me thirteen years later. Oops.”
“It’s the truth,” Stella said with great gravity. “I remember.”
“Mon dieu,” Sirius muttered, though he couldn’t keep a smile down. He had never been able to hide around Stella, not once in the three years since they had adopted her. It was one of the things Remus loved most about him. “By the way, nobody under the age of fourteen is allowed in the kitchen for the next…hour. Ish.”
Stella squirmed around until she could rest her arms on the back of the couch. “What if I get thirsty?”
“I’m sure you can invoke birthday privileges and ask your dad to get something for you.”
“Birthday privileges?” Remus scoffed. “Nobody in this house has a birthday today. Yours was last month, and mine’s in March.”
“It’s my birthday,” Stella said.
“What? No, it’s not.”
“Your birthday is in June.”
“It’s today.”
“Or maybe July?”
“It’s today, in December, when there’s snow,” she insisted, throwing herself back against the pillows. “Come on, dad, that’s not funny anymore.”
Remus raised his eyebrows. “Is somebody too old to find their poor old dad amusing now? Can you go back to being twelve so somebody will laugh at my jokes again? I know, I know, we're super lame compared to all your friends’ parents—”
“So lame,” Sirius agreed from the kitchen.
“—but I like to think we get one more year of pre-teen cuteness before the teen angst takes over.”
Stella sat up again with a groan. Looking at her, Remus saw a mix of himself and Sirius that had always baffled him, considering they had adopted her comparatively late in her life; beneath it was something uniquely Stella. Maybe it was her double-jointed elbows, or the board-straightness of her hair next to their curls, but there was no mistaking that she was her own person through and through. He loved that about her. “I’m not going to be a terrible teenager.”
Sirius poked his head around the edge of the kitchen—his nose was adorned with a smudge of flour. “Can I record that for future use?”
“Ooo, using the French,” Remus hissed. “That transformation is already beginning.”
“It’s not like you were bad teenagers, right?” She settled upside-down on the couch with her flamingo-patterned socks high in the air.
“I almost convinced Grandma to let me dye my hair blue, but otherwise I was pretty good.”
“I was terrible,” Sirius laughed. “I didn’t talk to anybody for a solid three years.”
Stella frowned. “How? I think I’d die if I did that.”
“He’s stubborn,” Remus stage-whispered.
“I heard that.”
Stella suppressed her laughter as best she could, but she was about as good at hiding her emotions around them as Sirius was. She didn’t really giggle—the amount her voice had deepened over the past three years always gave Remus whiplash—but her laugh had the same cadence as it did the first day they heard it. While Stella had been quiet at first, it only took love and time to bring her out of her shell. Within a year she settled into their lives like she was always meant to be there.
A thoughtful look crossed her face. “This is my last year before high school.”
“Does it feel different?”
“Not really.” She paused, then shrugged. “And a little. I don’t feel older. It just feels like there’s stuff I won’t get to do anymore.”
“And a lot more you will get to do.” Sirius left his dishtowel on the counter before joining them on Stella’s other side. “You can drive soon, you’ll get a longer curfew, you get more freedom…”
“I guess.”
“What are you going to miss?” Remus asked as she toyed with the hem of her shirt. It was a basic Lions FAN jersey; he was fairly sure she bought it to be ironic. That, and she only wore one of theirs if she was upset with the other, or if one needed a boost at a game.
“I dunno.” A few beats of silence passed. “My classmates. My team. It feels like everything’s going to turn upside down.”
“You can still keep in touch with your friends, and I bet your team won’t be too different,” Sirius said quietly. “Even if it does, that doesn’t mean you have to give all of them up. People change in different ways. They come and go on their own time.”
“There’s going to be a lot of upside-downs over the next couple years, kid.” Remus offered her a smile. “But you’re going to be just fine.”
“You two sound like such dads right now.”
“This might shock you, but that’s because we are.”
The corner of her mouth tugged up and she lolled her head to the side to look at Sirius. “Is the cake done?”
“Fifteen more minutes.”
“Will you watch final Jeopardy with us?”
“What’s the category?”
“US Presidents.”
Sirius exhaled through his nose, but nodded. She grinned and turned herself upright to snuggle against his arm. “You just enjoy watching me lose.”
“Alright, is everyone ready?” Sirius called from the kitchen.
“On three,” Remus said, raising his phone camera. “One, two, three!”
“Happy birthday to you,” over a dozen voices sang. They were off-tempo and so out of key the composer was probably spinning in his grave, but Stella’s clear joy didn’t waver for a millisecond even as her cheeks reddened. “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Stella, happy birthday to you!”
Finn, of course, dragged out the last note. So did Leo, Logan, Kasey, James, Lily, and Talker in varying degrees of awful harmony attempts. It was terrible, and beautiful. “Make a wish,” Sirius said softly as he set the cake down and stepped back. His eyes were the brightest quicksilver Remus had seen in many moons.
Stella closed her eyes, took a breath, and blew as hard as she could—the entire room erupted into cheers when all the candles went out. She was laughing and blushing at the same time when Remus turned the lights back on, though the humor won out in the end and she helped pass plates of cake to her many aunts and uncles. Like every year prior, Regulus managed to smear a bit of frosting on her chin, only to immediately deny it with great offense when she noticed. It was becoming a bit of a tradition—one that Remus never grew tired of.
I know what I would wish for, Remus thought as he looked around the table at their patchwork family. Celeste, Dumo, and his own parents had no doubt spoiled their first grandchild with ‘cusp of adulthood’ gifts, and Natalie and Lily would certainly steal her away after cake for some girl time. Finn and Logan would remain the fun uncles while Leo and Regulus kept their thrones as the cool uncles; Stella would interrogate Jules on the intricacies of high school for at least an hour before they destroyed everyone in a snowball fight. The world they built together had a place for everyone.
I would wish for this. This, for us, forever. It wasn’t a bad eternity to imagine.
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lupiningwolves · 3 years
Not without him | Regulus Black x fem!reader
summary: Y/N Potter and Regulus Black...
warnings: character death, mentions of death, mentions of food, angst
Seven years ago, a little eleven year old girl walked through the Great Hall. The students from the four houses watched every move the first years made. But two boys were more curious about what was about to happen. Two best friends watched as their younger siblings walked behind Professor McGonagall.
„Are you nervous?“, asked the black haired boy that walked next to Y/N. She nodded nervous. He took her hand and smiled warmly at her. „It‘s gonna be alright.“
„Thank you“, she said. When McGonagall stopped before the teachers table, she announced what will happen. But Y/N already knew. Just one year ago, her brother wrote excitedly a letter to her, saying that he was put in Gryffindor and already made friends.
„Regulus Black“, McGonagall shouted. All eyes turned to the boy that slowly let go of the girls hand, smiled weakly at her and walked to the Sorting Hat.
He sat down and McGonagall was about to put it on his head. It just touched his black hair as it shouted: „Slytherin!“ The girl felt her heart sink for a moment. The Slytherin table cheered loudly while all the other tables stayed silent.
It felt like an eternity until her name was called. „Y/N Potter.“ She walked to the Professor and waited until the hat was on her head.
„Mhm, ah, alright ...“ She had never been more nervous in her life. „Let’s make it - Gryffindor!“ She smile bright and went to the Gryffindors that we’re more than happy to have the other Potter in their house.
„Y/N.“ Her brother smiled at her and hugged her.
„Jamesie“, she responded.
„I‘m so proud of you“, he muttered. He let her go again and faced his best friends. „Y/N, that’s Remus, Peter and Sirius.“
„Hi“, Peter said smiling and Remus waved at her. But Sirius said nothing.
The boys looked at him worried and talked to him about his brother being a Slytherin. The girl didn’t take part in the conversation, but sure listened to what they said.
And when she laid in her bed at her first night at Hogwarts, she decided to became friends with him. A friendship between a Gryffindor and Slytherin, especially a Potter and a Black, was difficult. But not impossible.
During her first year, Y/N slowly but steady became friends with Regulus. And by the start of second year, the two were inseparable.
„Regulus“, she beamed as she saw him at the Hogwarts Express. She wanted to go to him, but her brother held her back.
„Not now, Y/N. He‘ll come along. Just like Sirius will.“ She nodded sadly.
Sat alone in a compartment, she waited for him to come, just like he promised before holiday. But when the train started moving, she lost all hope.
With her head against the window, she closed her eyes and waited for sleep to come over her. But nothing happened.
„Is here still a seat for me?“ Y/N smiled as she heard the voice and looked to the door.
„Reggie.“ She got up and hugged him like there was no tomorrow. „I missed you.“
„I missed you too, Y/N.“
In her third year, Y/N found out about all the stuff that was going on at the Black house.
She just wanted to use the toilet when she saw her best friend crying in Moaning Myrtles bathroom.
„Reggie“, she breathed out. He raised his head from inbetween his knees that were pulled up to his chest.
„Y/N, I - You shouldn’t have seen me like this.“ He wiped his tears away, but a sob escaped his lips.
Y/N slowly made her way to him to give him time to decide, if he wants her here. But when he didn’t say anything, she kneeled down next to him and wrapped her arms tight around him.
„It’s okay. It’s gonna be okay. I’m here now. You have me and always will. Shh“, she whispered in his ear. „Do you want to talk about it?“
Regulus didn’t want to. But he knew her better than anybody else and was sure that she would want him to talk anyway. So he told her everything.
In the end, both of them were crying and in each other’s arms.
„Come on. I got a good friend that has more chocolate than books. And let me tell you, that means he has a lot of chocolate.“ She got up and pulled him to his feet. Then, she dragged him to the Gryffindor tower and sneaked into the dorm of her brother where she stole a few chocolate bars.
In fifth year, Y/N started listening more to what the people around her said. And what they said was that she and Regulus were in a relationship.
Before summer, she didn’t think that she could actually be in love with him. But the more time she thought about it, she was sure that the butterflies in her stomach when she thought about him and the jealousy when she saw another girl talking to him, were love.
And who better ask for help than the most lucky person in love herself.
„James, I kinda need you help in something“, she had said.
„What’s on?“
„I - I think I‘m in love.“ The older boy‘s eyes had widened at his sister’s confession.
„Who is it - No, I already know it“, he had corrected himself. „Well, my dear sister, just talk to him I guess. I could ask Sirius if he knows anything.“
The girl had smiled. „You‘d do that?“
„Anything for my little sister.“
So she thought the whole summer about how to confess her feeling towards her crush.
When the teachers talked about their upcoming O.W.L.s, Y/N found herself watching Regulus as he twirled his quill between his fingers.
One time in the library, Y/N studied for the last O.W.L when Regulus sat down in front of her, a big smile across his face.
„Guess what?“, he asked happy.
„What?“ She was happy too, because she had never this such a big smile on his lips.
„I got a date.“ Her heart sunk and her face fell. But she reminded herself that she was his best friend, so she forced herself to a smile.
„Really? Must be a lucky girl then.“
„Yeah, she is amazing“, he said deep in thought. „She isn’t a Slytherin, Mother and Father are going to kill me. But she is worth it. She is beautiful. The most beautiful girl I have ever seen. When I saw her the first time in first year, I knew she was going to be the one I marry.“ His smile grew and grew by his words. And Y/N thought she was going to cry. „She was nervous, you know. I saw it on her face when she walked down the Great Hall. So I took her hand.“
She realised what he was about to say. „Wait - W-What?“
„You, Y/N. Sometimes I wonder how you’re one of the best in all classes. I thought it was obvious.“ She shook your head still in shock. „Well, Darling, you and me are going to Hogsmeade together.“
„We always do, Dumbass“, she retorted.
„We are going out. As in I like you and you like me back more than friends.“
„I‘d be more than happy about that, Mr Black.“
Their relationship wasn’t easy, not at all. They were happy when they had one day without a comment from anyone. When Regulus was back home during summer, he told his parents. And the owl that reached Y/N made her look herself in her room for days.
She was more than happy to see him in September. She thought about breaking up with him. The comments from all around them made her insecure about herself and their relationship. And, more important, his health and relationship with his parents worried her the most.
So she decided to talk to him after a few weeks back at Hogwarts.
„Reggie, can we talk for a second?“, she asked him when she was sure that he was done with eating dinner.
„What - Yeah, of course.“ He wasn’t sure why his girlfriend was so nervous. When they walked out of the Great Hall he wanted to take her hand, but she pulled it away.
„We need to break up“, she said when they were in the safe space of her dorm room.
His face fell. „What? Why?“
Tears welled up in her eyes as she saw the sad look on his face. „Reggie, please. You need to understand that-“ He cut her off.
„There is nothing to understand, Y/N. I thought we were doing fine“, he said not so calmly anymore. „What is it? Is there somebody else?“
„What?! No, you know I would never love someone else. There will always be just you.“
„Then why?! Is it the others? The comments?“ She didn’t say anything, but Regulus knew by the look on her face that it was exactly what had got her upset. „Y/N, don’t listen to them. They’re all idiots. I love you, okay?“ Both of them froze at what he said. „I didn’t want you to know this way, but yes, I love you. More than anything in the world. So please, give us another chance. I‘ll do everything to make this work.“
She stepped forward to hug him. „I love you too“, she said against his chest. „I’m sorry.“
„Don’t be, pretty girl. I know it gets hard sometimes.“
Regulus and Y/N. After Sirius and Remus the most beautiful couple. Even Lily and James looked bad against them. They went through hell, but still got each other.
When James graduated, Regulus took James part in keeping everything bad away from her. And she kept away the demons that followed him. But there was one thing she couldn’t stop.
He was a death eater.
He told her immediately when he got the mark. She was angry and sad. But not at him, at his stupid family that made him do what he did.
After they graduated, Regulus bought them a small flat near the one Remus and Sirius got. All of them became friends because of Y/N and James. But Sirius still hadn’t got over the fact that his brother was one of them.
But Regulus and Y/N were happy. More than that, they were engaged. No one from the black family knew, except Sirius of course. They wanted to wait until after the war to get married.
All happy and giggling, Y/N came back from her parents to Sirius and Remus‘ flat where everyone was supposed to meet. Regulus said he‘d be there too.
She opened the door and took her shoes off. „I‘m here!“, she beamed and went to the living room. Remus had Sirius in his arms while he was silently crying. James sat on a chair with his face buried in his hands. She heard the girls talking in the kitchen. „What’s going on?“
They looked up at her confused. „Y/N“, James whispered. „You haven’t -“
„I haven’t what?“, she asked worried. She had never seen Sirius crying before. „Where is Reggie? I thought he was coming too?“ Sirius broke down again and a tear escaped her eye.
James got up and hugged her. „I‘m so sorry, Y/N.“
She got out from his grip and looked at him. „What is going on? Where is he?“
„He’s dead, Y/N“, her brother whispered as the girls came in the kitchen and abruptly stopped when they saw the younger girl.
But she didn’t want to believe it. She couldn’t believe it. „When this is one of your pranks, James, I swear to my life ...“ But her brother was serious.
„We‘re so sorry, Y/N“, Lily said. She went to hug her, but she backed away.
„That’s not true“, she muttered. „You’re lying. I talked to him this morning. He said he’d meet me here. He said he couldn’t wait until the wedding. He - H-He-“ A sob escaped her lips and tears flooded over her cheeks. „Please“, she looked around the room and saw everyone’s sad gaze. „No“, she mumbled.
Her knees gave in and before she could fall to the ground, her brother caught her and pulled her in his embrace. „I’m right here. Shh.“
„He can’t leave me“, she sobbed into his chest. „He- He said he’d never leave me. Never. Why? Why did he lie?“ More tears ran down her face. She could barely breath. „I loved him.“
„I know. He loved you too. So much“, her brother said and stroked her hair. „It’s gonna be alright.“
„Nothing is gonna be alright! He’s gone! He is gone.“ She whispered the last part as her voice broke. „I can’t live without him.“
„You can, Y/N. It’s gonna be a rough time. But we’re all here for you. We can get through this together.“
But she didn’t want to. She didn’t want to live without him. Not without the love of her life.
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
Back at it again with mysterious anon,
Could I request some Niki angst? You've done one where the reader cheats on James to be with Niki so maybe reader cheats on Niki with James 👀
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Muted [Niki Lauda x Reader]
Word count: 2k
Warnings: angst
A/N: This one makes no sense, I just wanted to break my own heart. Little narration, a lot of feelings.
Niki wished to be able to tear his ears off when he heard James sweet talk to you after a pre-season testing. He whispered sweet nothings to you, telling you how he would sweep you off your feet, bring you away to his house in England.
Then things got heated, he started mentioning how he wished to do you this and that. He didn't need to be specific with his words, Niki could easily understand the situation by how y didn't even flinch or tried to deny yourself.
He knew you, he knew you too well.
With him you have always been protective, jealous, proud of your relationship and there was only one way he could imagine you giving in.
You already gave up. He already lost you before that very moment, you slipped through his fingers like water through wood, following every curve and every wrinkle, weakening it from the outside until you got to the inside, opening it up, exposing it.
His jaw clenched, he pulled his cap over his eyes as he marched away.
There was no time to regret, no time to think twice, he had only one thing to do.
Throw the soaked wood away.
You were speechless the moment you came home to find your stuff already dislocated outside the door, your keys completely useless in the brand new locker.
Very Niki: efficient, resolute and without looking back.
You knocked at the door, you waited but there was no answer.
Your eyes darted down onto the simple and effective doormat you brought, or was it already there when you moved in? As you wondered why it had to end like this, you didn't even act surprised, you knew perfectly what you did and you took full responsibility over your actions.
You were no saint in this situation and maybe it was bold of you to just expect confrontation from Niki.
You considered to just leave, even if pained you to go like that, but you were temporary bruiselessp, you knew actions weren’t the most painful weapon in Niki’s arsenal, it was his cut throat way of speaking and in particular when it came to you.
Before you could have the time to realise that it wasn’t a punishment but a chance the door opened. Wild curls and beaming eyes, simple home clothing and steady hands.
He was everything you ever wanted and all you could never achieve.
“Niki” you murmured as you looked at him “Listen”
He looked at you eyebrows up “Oh, no I think I heard enough today between you and Hunt”
“No, no, now you’ll listen”
You paced inside the house quickly to stand in front of him, a visible frown over
your features.
Don’t do it, you ket telling yourself, just leave, just go, don’t confront him, you can’t win.
He was right, you cheated but it was’t pure lust, it wasn’t like you enjoyed to hurt him and hadn’t felt a single beat of guilt, you just wanted him to know that.
“Tell me the truth, were you even serious with me?”
You asked him and the question made him cringe.
“Like what? The doubt made you wish to make sure you will always have a bed to sleep into? We lived together, sounds pretty serious to me, evident if you apply a bit of brain power in it”
You frowned as he was hurt and he was attacking you but he saw you wanted to talk and he smirked shaking his head “What are you doing? Finding a way to put the blame on me?”
“I just want to talk Niki” you groaned but he rolled his eyes
“No, you just want to tell me why you did it”
He was stone cold, maybe you hoped he’d react somehow, maybe a bit, maybe just a bit. And now he was just humiliating you even more. No matter the pain of being cheated on, he wouldn’t let you win that either.
In that moment you realised that your gut feeling was right, you should have just disappeared.
“Go on, how bad can I have been to make you decide it was better to fuck James Hunt?”
“You never cared about me”
It was dry as an answer, you hated yourself forn ot being able to express all you went through now that it was the time, his eyebrows shot up in disbelief and a bit of
sassiness. He was mocking you.
“Didn’t I?”
“No, not when you’re constantly dismissing me, telling me anything I say it is stupid or judging anything I do from your superior being. Anything I did was poorly done, or not the right moment or just not enough for you”
“You’re not stupid, but clearly you need to see everything through your heart shaped eyeglasses, right? You need confirms and words and speeches and big excitement. Well, go play the princess somewhere else, what I offered you will be the only true relationship you’ll ever have, and you know it. I never lied to you, I never cheated on you, I tried to better somebody that liked to stay as she is, that’s my only fault”
“I didn’t want to be somebody else, I just wanted you to care about something, anything that was not your job”
“So fucking around was a better choice to keep your ego up”
“No, but at least somebody would gave a fuck about me”
You snapped back immediately to him, you couldn’t remember the last time
you and Niki had sex, maybe a little shag in the middle of the night but it
felt more like trying to get rid of the tension to fall asleep.
He rolled his eyes like little he cared, his hands opening like you just stated what you had to do:get the fuck out.
That always hurt you: the fact that whenever he seemed driven to you, he would pull you into amazing kisses and heated love sessions but always at his time, his desires. If you ever leaned to kiss his neck or reach for him when he was busy or doing something more important, which was most of the times, he would shrug you off, literally closing the space between his neck and shoulder, stretching his back to get you away.
Not now.
Stop it.
Don't be like this.
You really aren’t good at picking timings, are you?
Those words hunted you day by day, you felt like he didn't need you, like anything you did was wrong, flawed, helplessly meant to annoy him one way or another.
You always seemed to organise dates in the wrong days, to wish to stay lazy at home on the wrong day, to pick the wrong moment, the wrong occasion, the wrong words, the wrong topic.
There were times you even woke up with him, you would sit at the breakfast table with him, not knowing if to engage a conversation or just trying to show him your support. You just wanted to see him even if you didn’t know if he would stay outside for the night or leave for some business meeting or whatnot.
But it was never worth it, it was never enough.
Every time you engaged him for confirms or any kind of formal commitment you always were out of place, out of time.
Your touches denied, no sweet words for your ears. You felt like a shadow beside him, you weren't there for the good and neither fo the bad. You weren't into his thoughts and not even into his hopes.
You grew detached from him, angry, you wished to hurt him even though every time you found yourself staring in his eyes you felt bubbles in your stomach and an happy feeling. A voice in your chest telling you how much you cared, how dear he was to you.
And yet , no fondness was reserved to you, no tender touches or gentle words.
It was just the bare minimum of a relationship.
So it felt natural, terribly natural that when somebody, it was James but you know anyone could have worked it out, gave you the backhand of attention you felt loved and blessed. Did your heart flutter when you saw him? Probably not, but he held your hand, he wanted to spend time with you, he stayed in bed after sex with you, he held you and not just dealt with you. You didn’t feel dumb every second of your day with him.
Because that's how Niki made you feel.
Like you were a burden and you'd gladly relieve him now from that, even if you never wished for it to happen this way.
Not reducing it all to the unstoppable drive of sex, your pain was discarded, once more.
You probably deserved it, you got it in the moment you admitted your weakness to him, the moment you slipped into some other man’s bed instead of facing him.
Or maybe, admit it, maybe you just hoped that he would lose control.
Just once, just one time he would have to put the rest aside and focus only on you.
"Now that you wasted some more of my time" he held the door open and waited.
You felt anger and sadness mixed up, the realisation that even now you couldn't win against him.
You'd never get your point across, you will just be the cheater and he would be right.
The loud slam followed your exit as your eyes dropped onto the couple of luggages belonging to you, all your stuff. You never realised it was so little.
You didn't feel like seeing James, let out friends and family that will give you random hypocritical phrases to cheer you up.
Maybe you'll go to an hotel, maybe you'll just leave.
You wished to change your name, change yourself.
The instinctive thought that crossed your mind made you gag, because for a moment, just a random malicious moment, you imagined how beautiful it could be to start from the beginning with Niki.
And maybe you won't do the same mistakes, maybe you'd be better.
James told you many times that you didn't have a reason to feel less than Niki, but the truth was that after hearing to be wrong, do wrong and act wrong, you begun to believe it.
And as you dragged your stuff t the car and drove off you begun wondering what life could be without Niki and while watching you and your little suitcases he wondered why you have such a small amount of things. He wondered if you have always looked so frail, he wondered if there will ever be an after you.
Or maybe, all hope was leaving with you, you were his Pandora’s box, a box full of all the feelings he prohibited himself to distract him and the hope was leaving with you, hidden tightly in the perfect cage of your chest.
Far from him, safer.
Tagged @cazzyimagines @lieutenantn @handmaiden-of-mischief @thesunflowersutra @zemomybeloved @fictionlandslanddreams@charistory @greeneyedblondie44 @apparrio @hb8301 @whatawildone @rhymerhymerhyme  @thehuiabird @lilith-blackrose @unbeatablecurlgirl @obsidianlaszlo @alindeluce @zemosimp05 @baronesszemo-blackwood @nocapesdahling @everythingbeginsineternity-blog
100 notes · View notes
Out Of Time ~ 141
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 3,200ish
Summary: Things start to get real. (gifs aren’t mine) PLEASE READ THE NOTE AT THE END.
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“Now, you better be on your best behavior for your Aunt Pepper and Uncle Happy, alright?” Y/N said. She was kneeling down to Morgan’s level, brushing the little girl’s hair behind her ears.
“Alright, momma,” Morgan agreed with a nod. 
“Daddy and I will call you every day.”
“Can’t I just come visit you? The—the com… compod… com—“
“Compound,” Y/N gently fixed with a smile.
“Yeah! It’s not too far away. I can come and help a wittle!”
Y/N sighed. “I wish you could, honey, but this is grown up stuff. Someday you’ll understand.” She pulled the girl into her arms, holding a kiss to the side of her head. “I love you, Morgan, so much.”
“Don’t tell daddy,” Morgan giggled, trying to whisper, “but I love you more than 3000.”
“Hey!” Tony exclaimed with mock hurt, coming onto the porch after packing the car. “I heard that.” He came and joined in on the hug. “But I forgive you.” He kissed the top of Morgan’s head before him and Y/N pulled back. “Don’t give Happy too much grieve, okay?”
“Okay, daddy!”
Tony leaned closer to Y/N. “If we’re going to do this, we’ve got to get going,” he whispered, placing a slight kiss near her ear.
“Okay,” Y/N whispered in reply. She leaned in and gave Morgan one last kiss on the forehead. “We’ll call you later tonight. I love you.”
“I love you too, momma and daddy,” Morgan responded.
Y/N and Tony stood up. She had an arm around his waist, holding herself close to him. Pepper and Happy came up behind Morgan.
“We’ll take good care of her,” Pepper promised.
“Thank you guys,” Y/N said before Tony led her to the car.
He opened the passenger door for her then got into the driver’s seat. Y/N waved and blew kisses to Morgan as they drove off. When they were too far away, she sighed into the seat. Tony reached one hand over and gave her knee a slight squeeze. They didn’t talk though, they were both too overwhelmed with what they were both headed to do.
Steve was standing outside, staring at the ground. His hands were on his hips as he looked beat. Bruce, Scott, Natasha, and himself had just tried to send Scott back in time, to no success. All they did was age and de-age Scott. Steve needed to get out of the hanger and clear his head. It had gotten his hopes up to bring everyone back, but it was looking like their plan wouldn’t be a possibility.
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As a noise broke the silence, Steve looked up to see a car speeding towards the entrance. The car pulled over to him, passing him slightly, before reversing. As it backed up to stop in front of Steve, Tony rolled down his window to reveal himself and Y/N.
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“Why the long face?” Tony asked. “Let me guess: he turned into a baby.”
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Steve looked away with a slight smile on his face and a nod. “Among other things, yeah,” he responded looking back at the couple. “What are you two doing here?”
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Tony got out of the car, Y/N following, and walked around to the back. “That's the EPR Paradox. Instead of pushing Lang through time, you might've wound up pushing time through Lang. It's tricky. Dangerous. Somebody should've cautioned you against it.” He leaned against the car as Y/N moved to stand beside him.
“You did.”
“Oh, did I?”
“Tony,” Y/N scolded quietly, knowing Steve did deserve the sass.
“Thank goodness we’re here. Regardless, I fixed it.” He held up his right hand, device on it. “A fully functioning Time-Space GPS. I just want peace.” He made a peace sign. “Turns out, resentment is corrosive, and I hate it.”
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“Me too.”
“We got a shot at getting these Stones, but I gotta tell you our priorities: Bring back what we lost? I hope, yes. Keep what we got? I have to, at all costs. And... maybe not die trying will be nice.”
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“Sounds like a deal.” 
Steve reached out his hand to shake, in which Tony took it. Pulling away, Tony opened his truck. He reached in to pull out Captain America’s shield. He handed it toward Steve, who didn’t take it.
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“Tony… I don’t know,” Steve said.
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“Why?” Y/N asked. “Howard made it for you.” 
“Plus, honestly we had to get it out of the garage before Morgan took it sledding,” Tony added. “She’s been way too eager to take it out since she found out it belongs to you.”
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With a light sigh, Steve took the shield, placing his arm in the straps. It had been too long since it had rested on his arms, seven years in fact. It felt nice to have it back.
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“Thank you,” Steve replied.
“Will you keep that a little quiet?” Tony asked as he pulled out a few more things from the car. “Didn’t bring one for the whole team… we are getting the whole team, yeah?”
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“We’re working on that right now. You guys might be able to be of some help.” Steve began leading them back into the hanger. “Who’s with Morgan?”
“Pepper and Happy,” Y/N responded. It was clear to the men that Y/N was feeling hesitate to do this and leave Morgan. “You’re going to have to join in on the call tonight. She’s upset she didn’t get to talk to you that much when you guys showed up a few days ago.”
“Y/N? Tony?” She heard Natasha gasp. Her friend quickly ran to her, engulfing her in a hug. “You came to help. Thank you so much.”
“Woah there, Banner,” Tony said, causing everyone to notice him studying Bruce, who had merged with the Hulk. “What did you do?”
“I know, it’s different,” Bruce responded. “But I finally found a way to live with both my sides.”
“That’s wonderful,” Y/N smiled. “I’m so happy for you, Bruce.”
“Thank you.”
“What’s the plan with the team though?”
“I’ve called Rocket and Nebula,” Nat explained. “They’re on their way. Once they get here, Bruce with go with Rocket to fetch Thor from New Asgard. Rhodey needs to finish up a few things before he comes. They should all be here tomorrow.”
“What about Clint? Is he still off the grid?”
“I’ve pinned pointed his location and am going after him tonight.”
“Do you need any help?”
“I think this is something I need to do on my own.”
Night had fallen and Tony had already started building a platform for the time travel. Natasha had left to retrieve Clint and Y/N was just finishing up her video call with Morgan.
“It’s time to go sleepy night-night, now Mo,” she told her daughter. “I love you, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight.” She blew a kiss.
Morgan blew one back. “Love you, momma!”
Y/N smiled softly as she hung up. Turning the phone in her hands, she looked around the bedroom she was sitting in. This old bedroom was filled was so many memories, good and bad. Y/N honestly never thought she’d ever come back here, again. With a small sigh, she pushed herself up from the bed and walked out onto the small balcony that was attached to the room. She leaned on the railing by her forearms and looked over the once bustling grounds of the compound.
“I thought I’d find you out here,” Tony said, snaking his arms around her and pressing a kiss to her neck. She jumped slightly. “Sorry, did I scare you?”
“A little. I guess I was too caught up in my thoughts,” Y/N responded.
Tony rested his chin on her shoulder. “Care to share?”
“This place used to be so lively… even after the team broke. There were people running around and working hard. Now… now It’s empty. Too empty… I don’t want this to be the world Morgan grows up in. I want to her see busy streets and cheer in crowded arenas. I want her to experience what life should be like. Not this… this mess.”
“I get it… I want her to meet Peter. I can already imagine the chaos those two could cause.” 
Y/N laughed. “Me too… And Harley.”
“And Harley… we have to get our boys back.”
“We have to. And not die trying.”
The next day, Tony and Y/N spent building the platform, while everyone else came and went, going about their assignments. Natasha left to get Clint, having got some concrete leads about him being in Japan. Rocket, Nebula, and Rhodey arrived. Rocket and Bruce quickly left for New Asgard to fetch Thor. Nebula, Rhodey, and Scott began thinking of suit ideas for the time traveling. Steve gathered together everything he could find on the Infinity Stones, the whole time itching to ask Y/N questions. He wondered if she knew more than they had learned from past experiences. And it wouldn’t surprise him if she did.
Rocket and Bruce arrived back with Thor first. It shocked the team to see Thor in such a state as he was. His hair and beard were long once again, and he had gained more than a few pounds. It saddened Y/N to know that this had all taken such a toll on Thor. Her and Tony really had been one of the few lucky ones. 
Rocket quickly began helping Y/N and Tony with the platform. Which Y/N was extremely grateful for because she could only understand, or do, very little of what Tony was asking of her. 
Thor was drinking a beer as he clumsily walked towards the platform. Tony was walking from behind Thor, dragging a long hose.
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“Drifting left,” Tony warned Thor as he began to pass him. “On the side there, Lebowski.” He faced Rocket, who was working underneath the platform. “Ratchet, how’s it going?”
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“It’s Rocket,” the raccoon corrected. “Take it easy. You’re only a genius on Earth, pal.”
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“Thank you!” Y/N exclaimed jokingly, pointing at Rocket.
“Hey!” Tony exclaimed, a little hurt.
“I love you!”
Tony scoffed. “Sure.”
Y/N giggled as she came up to Tony. “I’m sorry,” she pouted slightly as she grasped his hand. “Forgive me?”
Tony sighed, rolling his eyes playfully. “I guess.” He gave her a light kiss. “Want to go check out how the suit is coming?”
“Of course.”
They intertwined their fingers and headed to where they were figuring out the suit. When they arrived in the room, Scott was in the suit with Nebula and Bruce working on it around him.
“How’s it coming with the thingamajigger?” Tony asked as him and Y/N walked over to the Scott. “What’s our status?”
“Now?” Bruce wondered. “Yeah, it’s just about ready.”
“Alright, let me see. Wow. Got a little Pym,” Tony pointed, “Stark styling.”
“And the, uh, noggin bubble, courtesy of, uh,” Tony turned to Nebula, “Rings of Uranus. What’s your troop called?”
“The Guardians of the Galaxy,” Nebula answered.
“We just need someone to test it,” Bruce said, as he grabbed some small glass tubes with a red liquid and started doing something to Scott’s suit.
“Time travel suit?” Rhodey questioned, walking in. “Not bad.”
“Hey, hey, hey!” Scott exclaimed, stopping Bruce. “Easy, easy!”
“I’m being very careful,” Bruce responded.
“No, you’re being very Hulky.”
“I’m being careful.”
Scott held up a red tube. “These are Pym Particles, alright? And ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, this is it. This is what we have. We're not making any more.”
“Scott, calm down,” Rhodey advised.
“Sorry. We've got enough for one round trip each. That's it. No do-overs. Plus two test runs.” Accidentally pressing a button, Scott quickly shrunk and returned to his normal size. “One test run.”
“Shit, Scott,” Y/N muttered, shaking her head.
“Alright, sorry. I’m not ready for this.”
“I’m game,” Clint’s voice suddenly came from behind them. They all turned to look at him. “I’ll do it.”
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He looked different. It wasn’t just his hair cut and his sleeve tattoo. It was his eyes. Clint had lost his wife and three kids. Y/N couldn’t even imagine what he was exactly going through.
“Clint,” Y/N gasped softly.
“Y/N,” Clint responded with a nod.
Tearing up, Y/N let go of Tony’s hand and quickly wrapped her arms around Clint’s neck, bringing him in for a hug. Clint didn’t hesitate to hug her back.
“I’ve missed you,” she whispered.
“I’ve missed you too, Y/N/N,” he responded. He pulled away and looked back at the others. “Suit me up. Let’s do this.”
Tony and Y/N got the platform set up and gathered everyone while Bruce, Rhodey, Scott, and Nebula got Clint situated. As everyone slowly gathered and Bruce came to help Tony, Y/N stayed back and close to the wall. She had started to tremble at the thought of the time travel actually working and all that came a long with it. Her head had also started to get fuzzy. And, from past experience over the years, she knew that a seizure could easily be triggered. Steve had noticed at discretely came over to her.
“You alright?” He whispered.
“I-I-I… I don’t know,” she responded, shakily. “This all… what if it works? And… what if it changes things? I… I can’t lose Morgan. I-I can’t.”
Steve came around and cupped Y/N’s face with his large hands. “You are not going to lose Morgan. I will not let that happen, I promise.”
“You can’t control that Steve… you don’t know… I’ve seen things. I know things… something’s still coming.”
“What do you mean?”
She shook her head quickly. “I can’t say anymore. I can’t.”
“Don’t push this, Steve. I…” She swallowed, getting a tad dizzy. She gripped onto Steve’s arm, trying to keep herself steady. “I… oh…”
Steve held onto Y/N’s upper arms, noticing that she was struggling. “Talk to me, Y/N. What’s going on?”
“Just keep me close. I’m not feeling so good.”
“Maybe we should sit you down in the other room.”
“No. I want to be here. I need to be here. Just wrap your arm around my waist and keep me close to your side. I don’t want Tony to worry.”
Steve gave in with a sigh before turning so that they were both facing the platform and wrapping an arm around Y/N’s waist. Everyone else was at the control panel and Clint was taking his position on the platform.
“Alright, Clint,” Bruce said. “We’re going in 3… 2… 1!”
A helmet formed over Clint’s head before he went quantum. That was the longest minute of everyone’s lives. Y/N could barely breath as she stared at the space Clint once stood. When he finally rematerialized, Clint was on his hands and knees, breathing heavily. Natasha rushed up the platform, crouching down and cupping Clint’s cheeks. Scott and Tony rushed up onto the platform as well.
“Hey, hey,” she called. “Look at me. You okay?”
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Clint held up a baseball glove and threw it at Tony. “Yeah, it worked,” Clint said. “It worked.”
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Tony smiled triumphantly, holding the baseball glove, as he turned towards Y/N. She was the only one that didn’t seem excited. In fact, her complexion was off and her breathing pattern had changed. Tony knew what was about to happen before her eyes even rolled back.
“Rogers!” Tony shouted, surprising everyone. “Get her on the ground and on her side. Now!” 
When Tony had called out to Steve, that was when her eyes rolled back and Y/N began to seize. Steve quickly did as he was directed, already familiar with the routine. The whole team quickly surrounded them, with Tony and Bruce pushing to the front to help.
“What’s going on?” Thor asked, confused and completely worried.
“She’s having a seizure,” Natasha responded. “She had a car accident a few years back, left her with some brain issues.”
“When was the last time she had one?” Steve asked as he kept his sister on her side. 
“Probably a little bit over a year,” Tony replied, helping Steve.
They all let out a breath of relief when she finally stopped moving.
“Let’s get her to her bed,” Bruce suggested.
Tony picked her up. “I’ll handle it,” he said. “I’ll get her settled and then we can figure out a plan.”
They watched as Tony carried Y/N away.
“Steve,” Natasha called gently, looking at her friend. “What triggered it?”
“I have absolutely no idea,” Steve asked, keeping his eyes on the pair as Tony walked away.
Y/N immediately knew what had happened the moment she opened her eyes. She was laying in her bed, all tucked in, and Tony was sitting next to her, reading something on his tablet.
“How long have I been out?” Y/N asked, voice slightly horse.
“Hey, you’re awake,” Tony said, placing his tablet down and turning to face her. “You had us all worried.”
“What happened?”
“I was just thinking about… well, everything… and I guess I stressed myself over the edge.”
“Maybe you should go home, stay with Morgan.”
“No. I need to be here.”
Tony pursed his lips as he studied his wife. He definitely didn’t like the way she emphasized need. “Why? Why do you need to be here?”
Y/N sighed and closed her eyes. “You know why.”
“No, I really don’t. You’ve always been so vague around your destiny and the Stones and shit. Just tell me what’s going on. What do you know?”
Y/N tossed her covers off and sat up, sitting on the edge of the bed facing away from Tony. “I can’t say Tony.”
“Like hell!” Y/N stood up, walking onto the balcony with Tony following. “If you’re scared of the Stones, no need. They’re gone, Y/N. You felt that yourself.”
“You don’t understand… Things could still happen and I can’t have more lives on my hands than I already do.”
“Y/N, what happened is not solely your fault.”
“But it is. I was tasked to save everyone. And I failed…I failed Wanda, I failed Vision! I failed Peter! And Bucky!”
“Bucky,” Tony scoffed. There had always been a question lingering in Tony’s mind, fighting for an answer. But he was too frightened to know the truth. Until now. He had to know. “Are you still…” He studied Y/N for a quiet moment. “Are you still in love with him?”
“Tony…” She tried to turn away, but Tony grabbed onto her arms, keeping her facing him.
“No, you don’t get to run away right now. I need an answer. If we’re going to do this, bring everyone back. I need to know the truth, once and for all. That I wasn’t the second choice, that I wasn’t just the only option so you went for it… So, tell me, would you have chosen me if Barnes was still here?”
Ending 1: It’s Always Been You >
Ending 2: I’m From Brooklyn, Too >
I hope this wasn’t complete crap. And I couldn’t wait to post this! I know I’m on a break, I just got too excited about getting to the 2 separate parts!
I would love to hear your theories/hopes for the endings! I would love for everyone to read both, especially because they’ll take on Endgame very differently!
Also, my tag list is struggling to work. So please be patient with me. Also, Chapter 140 did not get a tag list because tumblr is the WORST right now and hates me and kept deleting it. So, again, please be patient with me. I’m just a human trying my best.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
@tommy-holland (won’t link)
@maia030 (won’t link)
@idkanymoremansstuff (won’t link)
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@mallyallyandra (won’t link)
@jatriciaaaa (won’t link)
@bihoeofmanyfandoms (won’t link)
@dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable (won’t link)
@sxpxrnxturxl (won’t link)
@follow-hi-this-is-my-brain (won’t link)
@the-person-in-the-circle (won’t link)
199 notes · View notes
prismatales · 3 years
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Word Count: 1.2k
Pairing: Mirio Togata x Reader
Tags/Warnings: Fluff fluff and more fluff, Mirio being a nervous wreck, little pinch of insecurities.
Hello there! It’s been a while but I’m back with some BNHA Fluff starring the sunshine boy himself! This is my entry for Anilysium’s sfw Collab. This month the prompt was “Accidental Kiss”, you can find the masterlist with everyone’s works here! 
This idea has been sitting in my wips since September and it was the perfect opportunity to work on it! Hope you guys enjoy it! Special thanks to @vivianvampyric for beta reading, I loved all of your suggestions, baby!
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No matter how many times you thought about it, every single time was just as hilarious.
How can somebody as brave, cheerful and fearless as Mirio Togata be as nervous as his childhood friend, Tamaki Amajiki, at the idea of a confession? The same guy who faced the head of the Yakuza without hesitation is currently sitting beside you with rosy cheeks, looking around the park nervously while one hand brushes the back of his neck.
“So, you wanted to talk about something, right?”
When he asked you to meet him in the park during the weekend, you never expected this outcome. It’s almost like you’re standing before a completely different person as he continues to look away.
“Ahaha… it’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?” He asks.
“Ah, yes it is.”
The way Mirio avoids the question confuses you, but it’s the way his hand clutches his knee anxiously, the way he coughs lightly, and the way his eyes avoid you to watch  the children playing nearby,  that makes your eyes widen slightly.
Could it really be what you think it is?
The more you look at him, it becomes more obvious that he’s having a hard time expressing his thoughts.
“We’ve known each other for a while now, haven’t we?” He stated simply as you nodded in response. 
“Yeah, remember the first time we met?” He groans as you giggle at the memory. During your U.A. entrance exam you ended up in the same testing area as Mirio. He could almost hear your shrill cries of embarrassment after he used his quirk in front of you for the first time. “Talk about first impressions, huh?”
Neither of you can stop laughing at the memory, thinking of all the good times from high school as well as the bad, which only helped you grow stronger.
You both went through hardships, providing each other a shoulder to lean on. But maybe you could be more than that one day…?
“You’re sweating a lot. Mirio, are you sure you’re okay?” He just nods quickly, pulling at the collar of his shirt that suddenly feels awfully suffocating. Despite all the emotions running wild through his head, he never stops smiling,  which is something you will never stop admiring, no matter what. It’s exactly that optimism that made you develop feelings for him in the first place.
“I’m fine, I'm fine! I just… There’s something I’ve wanted to ask for a long time.” He stays quiet for a short period. Once he takes a long, deep breath that soothes his nerves, his whole attitude shifts instantly.
With the confidence of a thousand men, Mirio rises from his seat on the bench to stand before you with a determined look on his face. It’s a simple gesture, but it’s more than enough to make the heat in your face grow within a matter of seconds, paralyzing you in place as you stare back at him with the fabric of your sundress clutched tightly between your fists.
After taking another breath, Mirio finally gathers the courage he needed to speak.
“We’ve known each other for a while now, and you’re also one of my closest friends.” Did he just friendzone you? “You’ve always been there for me, from the moment we walked into the same classroom, to all those times we needed help watching Eri. And we never stopped talking even after graduating, and I love having you around.”
What is this weird aching inside your chest? It’s almost like there’s something crawling its way through your ribcage, slowly approaching your heart to crush it in a deathly grip.
“Ahaha… yeah, it’s unbelievable, isn’t it?” You almost want to whimper on the spot, feeling like a small child after being scolded by their parents: Small, sad and vulnerable. It’s too good to be true, isn’t it? That the guy you’ve had a crush on for years feels the same way about you? 
You snap out of those negative thoughts when he takes your hands in his own. They’re much bigger than yours and covered in scars; you can feel the texture of each and every single one, all proof of all his hard work and dedication.
“The thing is,” his thumb traces small circles on top of your hand, making your heart beat faster against your chest. “I want to be more than friends with you!”
It’s incredible how a couple of words have such strength, enough to make the hammering in your chest intensify at a deafening pace that you swear even Mirio can hear. The words stay jammed in your throat, unable to come out through your trembling lips, which you lick nervously.
You’re so nervous that all of your senses feel like they’ve been amplified. Everything sounds so far and so close at the same time. The pounding in your chest, the lively chirping of the birds, the children playing behind Mirio: they sound closer than before, the noises blurring together into an incoherent mess.
“I love how you help everyone around you. How brave and fearless you are. That little scrunch of your nose whenever you’re deep in thought. That cute laughter of yours. I want to—!”
The sound of a loud smack can be heard in the distance, followed by a surprised shout from Mirio. All of sudden, you feel a blunt pain on your forehead as Mirio is suddenly pushed forwards and his face smashes painfully against yours. At the same time, a soft pair of lips come crashing down upon yours and his blue eyes are wide open as they stare into yours. There’s a shrill ringing in your ears as you’re trying to process everything going on.
Mirio’s body is draped over yours, one of his hands pressed firmly against the back of the bench to stop the fall. Neither of you move from the shock, caught off guard by the sudden change of events. Your mind is a cloudy mess when Mirio’s lips finally part from your own, leaving you both in a daze.
“I’m sorry sir!” A small voice snaps you out of it as Mirio turns around in surprise. One of the children from before is standing nearby, holding a red ball with an embarrassed smile. Are they sorry because they hit Mirio with the ball or because they interrupted?
You don’t know, but keep staring silently at their small frame as they run away with that ball clutched in their tiny hands.
“Hahaha...Talk about unexpected.” Once again, Mirio’s scratching the back of his head, chuckling as he looks away in embarrassment. But hearing those familiar giggles of yours makes him look back at you. “Everything okay?”
“You know, people usually start dating first before sharing their first kiss. But that was nice too.”
Mirio blinks repeatedly, processing your words over and over as you stand up from your seat, trying to smooth the wrinkles in your dress after clutching the fabric so hard.
“Does that mean... what do I think it means?” 
“...Yeah, it does.” Your head is tilted gently to the side. “I like you too, Mirio. And I feel the same way.” 
“Good,” He grabs your hands again, slowly lacing your fingers together. “Good. Can I… kiss you again?”
“Mhmm, just be careful of flying balls this time.”
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Taglist (If your name is in bold I couldn't tag you.)
@bnha-ra @godtieruwu @hanniejji @mysticalite @savagetrickster @shoobirino @songsforbnha @sugacookiies @unbreakableeiji @pixxiesdust @hawks-senseis @yikerb @definitely-yours @khemz1312 @sadskater25 @ruinedbyatrashcan @lemonadencran @honeytama
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tobi-momo · 3 years
"The Setter's Help" Chapter 8 - Final Chapter
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Pairing: Kageyama Tobio x Volleyball player!reader
Synopsis: With a big game coming up, the confidence in your setting has gone down significantly. Knowing the setter on the Karasuno boy’s volleyball club is good at what he does, you ask him for help. Will he help you build your confidence and skills or will he just tear it down more?
Genre: Romance, fluff, some crack, angst, hurt/comfort
Chapter Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 3.5k
Taglist is CLOSED
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The air that enters your lungs comes out in puffs, a clot in your throat that prevents the swift in take of the oxygen you need for your vision to move somewhere that wasn’t the dirty floors under you. The fear and the intimidation that ran through your jamming pulse radiated out of you, the stuttering of your nerves creating a fog in your abdomen- moths instead of butterflies. Your body felt fuzzy, even as you looked at the trembling hand that floats in the air, it felt numb. A raggedy breath leaves your lips as you gather feeling back into all the nerve endings that rest in the pads of your fingers. Your eyebrows furrow in concentration as you screw your eyes shut, feeling the cool air sweep up against your skin.
It might have been a new, refreshing light that flows through the strands of your hair, or maybe- just maybe, it was the doors opening to let the other team enter.
Holy shit it’s happening.
This is it. The one thing you’ve been practicing for for weeks.
The big game.
You take a quick look around the gym- the room not fully set up, people getting ready to sit down in the stands, the players from the other team setting their bags down and stretching while their coach gives them a quick pep talk- your teammates doing the same. You saw the boys’ team sitting down, as well. Half were munching on snacks, the others indulging in conversation with each other, Nishinoya and Tanaka multitasking and doing both, while the rest just sat and got their phones ready or just watched the other team, including someone in particular.
It’s been a couple days since you’ve taken a good look at him. His arms were crossed as he observed the other team with annoyance, gathering the information he needed on all players. It’s not like he was going to tell you- well, not anymore. He took a chance, when he flicked his pupils to match yours. Even though he didn’t expect you to look back, he did it anyway. And when he caught the color of your iris looking right back at him, he shook with nervousness. You turn away quickly the moment he sets his eyes on you- a hitch in your throat creating a sort of choke that crept up. His stare lingered longer than it should have, watching you pick a ball up from the court with your clammy hands and slap it on the ground before partnering up and warming up your arms.
For whatever reason, he kept his vision nailed on your wrists, watching them carefully. He was surprised at the improvement you showed since he started working with you. Your arm looked strong, powerful. That was good. Your eyes were taped to the ball, as it should be. Your wrists were flicking at the right time and the ball floated in the air gracefully, like he taught you. So why, he asked in his head, why were you so nervous? You’ve had games before, this is just another one. Why was this game so important?
His attention was brought back to the team that practiced on the other side of the mnet, watching for weaknesses and advantages.
This was going to be tough. They had control over their energy- they were confident. Sure they were going to win this. You, on the other hand, had doubt painted over your face in red. God, he felt like an idiot. What was he trying to prove? He made you feel like nothing when he should have been helping you conquer the world. Dumbass.
“Hey, do you see their setter?” Hinata asks out of the blue, pointing to the other team.
“Number three?”
“Yeah, I think she’s a third year. Do you think Y/n can compete with that?”
“What do you mean,” he asks defensively, “why wouldn’t she?”
“Well, she’s probably had more experience and has played against many other people just like this team, Y/n hasn’t,” the ginger explains, using tiny hand gestures.
“That doesn’t mean anything,” The blackette stops him, determination lining his pupils as he focuses on you, “Y/n is a good player, she’s just nervous or something. Give her time, she’ll do fine,” he pauses, “I think.”
“I hope so,” Hinata breathes out, watching the girls do their drills. “Does she play all around?”
“Probably,” Kageyama answers nonchalantly.
“Oh,” the boy mumbles. They continue to watch the girls warm up.
“Hey, hey, calm down, okay? You got this!” A girl beside you on the bench holds her water bottle while cheering you on. You give an awkward smile, just wanting the antics to calm down a bit.
You were fine. You were okay. You were good. You got it. You can do it. You recall the moments you got a strained compliment from the man you looked up to, the one who helped you become better. He’s only said subtle things like “that was good” or “nice job”, but every time those words left his lips a sense of comfort and reassurance washed refreshingly over your body, like you really earned it. Maybe you could do that again.
“Thanks, I think I’ll be fine,” you respond, letting her tone down a bit before you get up to your position.
It was a weird rotation, although you thought you had it nailed down pretty well. Practicing over hours everyday helped you feel better about memorizing where everyone goes every time you rotated. So, as you walk over to right-front, you watch the referee check the girls’ spots, then you get into position.
Once the sound of the whistle went off, your vision tightens to the people on the other side of the net. Strangers, they were, trying to invade and conquer your land.
You weren’t about to let them do that.
“Wow, she’s really good,” Hinata notes as he watches your form as you jump up to toss the ball, your loud cheer echoing with the smack of the ball once your teammate smacks it towards the other side with power. “Was she like that the whole time?”
“I guess,” Kageyama mumbles with his vision glued to you. He watches you form a fist as you grab another point, a wild smile covering your face. He could almost smirk at the joy he was watching, your smile didn’t have to be that contagious, you know. The happiness and excitement that grew on your face spread to everyone else on the court, your teammates reciprocating that emotion. You did it on purpose, he knew. Even if you weren’t actually feeling like it, you needed your teammates to, or else this game was out of the window. Why didn’t he tell you that you needed that, too?
It seemed that every time he looked at you, there was another thing that he left out. Another thing that he could have taught you, let you know of, showed you. Especially that you were good enough. That you had the talent, the skill. All that you needed…was to believe in yourself.
Why didn’t he help you?
“I’ll be back.” Kageyama practically jumps out of his seat, storming out of the gym without a single glance to pay towards the game once more. The boys don’t question it much, only exchanging quick glances to each other before going back to whatever they were doing beforehand. He exits the gym, his back slamming against the wall while he groans. Upset, he places his hands on his head in frustration, turning away from the people still entering.
He could have done so much better.
“Yeah! Nice kill!” Your cheerful shouts reverberate throughout the gym, your smile radiating off to other players. Too bad you were still too nervous to actually enjoy this.
You saw what the other setter could do. Three could do things you couldn’t. Three had talent and skill that was just so beyond your reach. You knew it was the end of the road for you. God, you knew it. You had failed before you had the opportunity to even get your first victory. First victory as first setter.
“Y/n, it’s to you!” You shake your head vigorously back into focus as you plop your arms out in front of you, receiving the aggressive ball. It spins up in the air as you yell, “Setter out!” so somebody else can take hands. The red spot that spread on your arm felt really good, like something that was supposed to be there. The ball was supposed to hit right there, bounce up perfectly and create a beautiful play. Like Kageyama taught you.
Was it bad that you sort of missed him? Were you a bad person for wanting him back in your life? After he was ripped away from screaming insults and attacking you, literally, he seemed to really, genuinely be sorry. You wanted- want to forgive him. You want to do more than forgive him. You want to be with him.
You’re climbing the score board, stealing point after point. Soon, it’s the fifth set. Two to Two. The spike in your nerves were inexplicable, the numbness coming back. This- this was it. You got it, just breathe. Control yourself, you can do it. You were in the perfect place, no need for you to switch position with another after the ball is sent your way, your feet stomping on left-front for grip.
“Kageyama, it’s the fifth set, come back in, the game is almost over. You missed a lot, dude.” Hinata says half way in the doorway of the hallway, the loud cheers and squeaks of shoes reiterating. “Kageyama-”
“I heard you,” he cuts the red-head off firmly. He picks his head up from the ground, inhaling to calm his nerves. When he walks back inside, his eyes immediately tape onto your figure, not on purpose, but subconsciously. He didn’t mean to, he just did it. The way you stepped perfectly as you did your approach and hit the ball down on the other side forced his feet to slow down, just to watch you a little longer while you made that court yours.
He saw the nervousness seep into you the moment the score hit twenty-four to twenty-three. One point. One point was all that it took to win, or to tie. He saw the trembling in your hands, the hot breaths that left your mouth, the boiling beads of sweat that helplessly dripped down your skin. He knew what you were thinking, but he was too afraid to say something to help. Coward.
As he sat down, all eyes were on you.
Your heart beats irregularly, your lungs almost hyperventilating when you watch the reff raise his arm in the air towards your team, blowing the whistle while folding it to his chest.
This was it.
He watched your fret in concentration with a furrowed brow, his arms crossed and his back leaned forward in the stands.
You get in position at the net, your hands floating in the air, inches away from the net. You make eye contact with the setter on the opposite position, her deathly glare making your deep sigh seem more in defeat than it was in anticipation. The toe of your shoe tapped the floor, your vision zeroing in on the girl in the back that bounces the very ball that determines your fate on the sore floors.
Take a deep breath, Y/n. Just take a breath.
The ball is sent over. Good. It soars over to middle-back, ‘don’t let it get there’, Kageyama told you once. Send the ball somewhere they can’t get it, not directly to the player.
She receives it. Beautiful. “Mine, mine! Nice receive!” You yell to the libero, who nods after she sends the ball towering. To set this, you need to run deeper- it didn’t go directly to you. So you do. You run. You sprint, actually. You rush your way under that ball, which powers it’s way down- God, it’s so low. Squat, you have to squat! Getting down, you stretch your hamstring and balance on your heel while the ball finally makes contact with the tips of your fingers. Remember the wrist, Y/n, remember the wrist. Flick! The ball floats effortlessly in the air, as if in slow motion. You watch as the right-front hitter does their approach, springing themselves up in the air and as you stand, smacks it down.
Shit. Shit!
Where is the defense?? Where are they??
You take a look around the second before the ball is forced over to see absolutely no one covering the hole. The girls weren’t in the correct positions, an entire spot being empty at the front of the court. You needed to get there.
Your ball is centimeters away from making contact with the blocker on the other team, your feet not moving as fast as you need them to. Millimeters, now. And… bash. The hand of the middle blocker hits itself against the ball, ricocheting off her skin back to your court.
Time is running out.
You’re running again. A strained heave leaves you as you almost trip over your own ankles to chase after this ball. Of course it’s off to the hole. Still, nobody moves. They just watch.
‘If you absolutely need to get something, dive. Let’s practice that.’ Kageyama taught you this. You can do it. Dive. Use your hands to slow yourself down, and not go too far or injure yourself. You don’t have time to breathe properly, you just need to get there! Please! Just get there!
Your stomach slides on the floor as your wrist reluctantly pops the ball back in the air. Come on, come on, come on!
Oh! The ball rises just far enough to touch the top of the net, your teammates still frozen as they watch the scene play in front of them. You wanted to be upset, but you didn’t have time for that right now. It wavers, you’re not sure if it’ll make it, and you can’t touch the ball again without giving them the point, and your teammates refuse to work with you.
This was unbearable.
It slowly walks along the net like a tightrope, not picking a side to fall on before- yes! Yes, yes, yes! Your strained, stretched, wide eyes couldn’t tell anyone how fast your heart was beating, how fast your thoughts ran through. Absolutely nothing could compare with the adrenaline and the anxiousness that makes your pulse beat as it falls to the setter on the other team. She was shocked as she crouched her body to get this under the net, her arms stretching to make contact with the ball and-
The whistle blew. All noise stops, your ears are practically ringing, though, as you whip your head to the referee. The ball is forgotten, hitting the ground repeatedly and faster every time it makes contact with the floor until it rolls away. The whistle stays in his mouth, but his arm moves. To the net? Your head follows the line his hand points to, all the way down to the…to the foot that rests past the line.
Your breath wouldn’t come out, your stinging eyes not seeing everyone in the audience stand up and lean down to see and your ears not picking up the sudden screams that they let out. Your teammates were jumping up and down, piling up on top of each other, dragging your body with theirs as they celebrated the victory. Your victory.
Because you fucking won.
The tears that poured out of you were something that wouldn’t go unnoticed by Kageyama. For he was just…watching. Watching you. Watching you cover your mouth with your hand slowly, falling on your knees in realization that you, essentially, won this game. The circle your teammates made as they bunched up together in celebration didn’t include your sobbing figure. Your shoulders bounce as you cry on the dirty, sweaty floors of the court you just dominated. The steaming tears left your waterline and puddled on the floor, splashing on your hand as your back falls forward towards the ground.
You- you did this. After all this time, and all this work and practice, you did it. And as you hunch over and hide the bawling you can’t keep to yourself, the person that you wanted to thank the most’s hand places itself on your back. The warmth and the tingling was undoubtedly him, his fingertips lightly scratching your back when you take the risk of looking up at him. Turning your head, you see his figure already squatting down next you, his head only a couple inches above yours. He smiles, a real smile. One that he showed you when he was proud of you, when he was happy and content with your actions. The screams of everyone in the room were muffled, everything was blurry except his dark blue eyes that bore straight back into yours. Did you deserve this? Did you deserve to win?
His thumb cautiously brushes your cheek when you start to sit up, your spine lining up straight again. “You did-” he clears his throat, “you did good out there,” he mumbles, slightly embarrassed, but doing his best to swallow his pride and tell you what you deserve to hear. You look down in disbelief, almost scared you weren’t hearing this correctly. “Hey, look at me,” he mutters to you, taking your attention once more when your glassy eyes flicker back to him again. His palms rest on your cheeks, his thumbs wiping away the continued tears that slip free from your puffy eyes while his pupils stay focused on yours. “You deserved it, okay? You really did.”
Another sob lets go, and it wouldn’t stop even if his shirt caught it. You both sat on your knees, his hand on top of your head as it rests on his chest while you cry. His other hand just sits on your back, unmoving yet not faltering to give you the reassurance you desperately needed.
“You did good,” he repeated, just in case you needed to hear it again.
“Thank you,” you whimper into the fabric he wears, your lips shaping an ‘o’ while you try and take your breaths slow and steady. The hands that lay dead on the floor come up and wrap around his torso, squeezing him closer. His breath hitches. “Thank you so much, Kageyama.”
He only hums, letting his hands snake around your form as well. It was a subtle embrace, his warmth covering yours, but very affectionate and meaningful, and noticeable, by the way the Karasuno boys’ just won’t stop talking about it.
He tries to ignore the little clicks and flashes and the giggling and snark behind him, but he groans at his friends and glares at them after leaning his head back. They take a step back, but still “observe” from a further distance. He turns back, relieved. His head droops down to lay on top of yours, no care in his body for the sweat that gathers in your hair. No regard for the sweat anywhere on you, really. He just wanted to enjoy this moment.
“So…” you repeat, walking with him down the sidewalk with your fingers wrapping around each other bashfully, your heads turned towards the ground shyly while you walk hand in hand. Your arm swings back and forth and his thumb rubs the back of your palm.
“Do you want to practice volleyball with me again? Another time?” He asks nervously with speed.
“Ah, volleyball?” You ask, contemplating. “Would you like to do something else?” He blushes. “I don’t know, like, get coffee somewhere? Or maybe just hangout at my place?”
“Uh, we can do both!” He shouts, trying his best. You can tell he’s incredibly tense, anxious about this topic. You giggle at the effort.
“Sure, okay, then. Let’s do it.”
He smiles with you, an excited smile you don’t think you’ve had the pleasure laying eyes on before. His smiles never seemed normal, but they were always the cutest thing to behold. You loved them. You loved everything about him. And you were grateful. For everything. You couldn’t have done this without him, and you made sure to let him know that with the kiss you left on his cheek before you went inside. His burning cheeks seemed on fire when your sweet lips made contact with his skin. He was as stiff as a board, his face melting in shock while your hands placed themselves on his shoulders. Your head moves back, your nose tickling his as you look him in the eye.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Tobio.”
“Uh, yeah, yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he stutters. His eyes wide as a deer in headlights with your face as close to his as it is, a breath falling out of him he didn’t even know existed when you turned around to head inside of your house.
He waved to you politely before he watched your body disappear behind the door. But this time, he knew you were coming back.
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A/N: holy fucking shit its over omg- like theres the epilogue and then the setter's help is done! im actually so sad its over and im gonna really miss it :( thank you wombat so much for helping me seriously you are a big part of why im posting this thank you love <3 also sorry for the delays lol im buried deep in school
taglist in reblog!
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
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Hi dear! As agreed, I’ve changed it to dad’s friend!Bucky <3 Hope you’re going to enjoy this!
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, age gap, daddy kink, allusion to non-con, death of minor characters.
Words: 3000.
Looking at the lonely chocolate muffin laying on the table in front of you, you closed your eyes for a couple of seconds, making a wish: it was your birthday, and you were stuck in some filthy roadside diner with no one but Mr. Barnes by your side.
Bucky. You were ought to call him Bucky, you reminded yourself, opening your eyes and blowing softly on a single candle sitting on the top of your muffin.
It wasn’t his fault you two ended up here - there had been a huge accident on your way back home, a tanker truck exploded into flames in the middle of the highway. In fact, you were lucky you were far away since several drivers and passengers who had the misfortune to be close to the truck had already been declared dead. It was all over the news, most of the people inside diner glued to the old TV hanging on the wall.
Staring at the candle, you carefully pulled it off and dropped it on a cheap white napkin, taking the muffin and eagerly having a bite. Mr. Barn... Bucky watched you from the other side of the table, his coffee already long cold. There was no smile on his face as you quietly said thank you to him, but you barely remembered him smiling at all despite knowing him for several years at the very least. He was your dad’s friend, and he often visited your house to share a beer and watch hockey with your dad late in the evening. Who could imagine it would be Bucky of all people helping you stay afloat.
“What did you wish for?” He asked you, and chuckled grimly at him, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. Apparently, you had to keep it a secret to make your wish come true, but it didn’t matter now.
“To have a family.”
You gulped down a sob and stared at the red table as Bucky reached out to pat your shoulder gently. Both of you knew what you meant, but you had no strength to talk about it again. It was still painful as hell.
“It will get better.” He said quietly as you nodded, wiping away your tears and gulping down your coke. “You need time.”
Yeah, time, that was what everyone around you kept saying as if time could change the fact you were all alone now; as if it could make you forget all that happened and keep the pain away. What could time do? Make you insensitive, unsympathetic, and unable to feel anything at all. All this time could probably do to you, sure.
He bought a couple of ham sandwiches and bottles of coke for the evening and left with you following him closely. The motel room was just as dirty as the diner, but you didn’t expect anything else, preparing to cleaning it up - anyway, there wasn’t much you could do around here. Although there were lots of people stuck here along with you two, you had no wish to go talk to them about the tragedy. You had your own already, and it was enough for you.
“Your uncle looks scary on this photo.” Your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you picked it up, reading the message from April, your best friend - your only friend, to be completely honest. “Like he’s straight out of those serial killer documentaries.”
“April, come on."
"what, I'm serious lol"
"Maybe he’s not your sunshine guy, but he’s the only one who stayed with me after all that happened."
"And he is NOT my uncle!”
“sorry girl just wanted to cheer you up”
You smiled at the text, missing Bucky’s gaze as he came closer to you.
“Who’s that?” He asked, and you raised your eyes at him, immediately getting back to your grim state.
“April. She saw the photo I sent her.” Explaining quietly, you tried pretending you were happy, stretching your lips in a thin smile and thinking whether Bucky could feel it. “She’s checking on how we are here.”
With that he left to bathroom, leaving you on your knees scrubbing the floor. He was bad at cleaning - really bad, missing tons of dirty spots to the point it felt like he didn’t clean anything at all. That was why you preferred doing it yourself. Besides, it was him who paid for the room and food despite you trying to share the expenses, so you felt obliged to him.
Bucky certainly wasn’t the most talkative or friendly type, but he still cared about you, supporting you the way he could. Even if he was way older than you, and a part of you still didn’t feel very comfortable around him, Bucky was the only one by your side. He agreed living with you when most of your relatives had little interest in staying even for a few days longer, leaving you all alone. He helped you with all the legal stuff you knew nothing about, never having to deal with these issues before. He gave you a drive to your university campus every morning and called you every time when you were supposed to come home, probably afraid you’d do something to yourself. That was what you thought, at least.
He was a good man. Maybe a little gruff, seemingly unfriendly, intimidating even, but still better then all those who promised to look after you and then vanished.
“I’m going to go for a walk.” Bucky said after leaving bathroom and putting his sneakers on. “Will you be okay by yourself?”
You felt shame bubbling up inside you at his words. He still thought you might be suicidal.
“Of course. I’ll be waiting here.”
With that he nodded and left you alone with a bright pack of Lysol and dirty doormat on the floor. Sighing, you felt relieved, finally staying all by yourself in the grim silence of the room. It wasn’t that bad. You weren’t stuck together somewhere in the desert with no food and shelter. Tomorrow morning you’d be able to return home from that little improvised vacation Bucky organized purely for you, staying in a cabin close to the beautiful lake in the woods. It wasn’t his fault you were spending your birthday like this, scrubbing the floor clean and wiping the dust from shelves and nightstands instead of celebrating somewhere in the club with April, drinking fancy cocktails.
In half an hour you finished the clean up and had a shower, changing into your funny pink pajamas - you knew your looked pathetic in it, considering how old it was, but it was one of the things that made you feel safe. Anyway, Bucky didn’t care about the way you looked, so you simply wore whatever you found comfortable, often looking like a kid who was too big to fit into their old clothes.
“Whatcha doin??” A message popped up on the screen as you checked your phone again.
“Gonna go to sleep, I guess. I didn’t sleep well yesterday again.”
“i have a gooood recipe for a nice 8-hour sleep”
“Really? What’s that?”
Instead of answering you clearly, she sent you a link. To your horror, instead of checking the name first you simply clicked on it and found out April sent you some porno. Groaning, you quickly turned it off, afraid somebody gonna hear it - the walls here were out of paper, you could swear.
“WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?” You typed furiously. “Are you mad?”
“come on, what are we, holy virgins?? Ima telling you, this thing works! Just try it, you’ll be sleeping after this in no time!”
“April, even if I’m gonna believe this crap, Bucky just went for a walk. I have no clue when he’s going to come back. Do you really think I’m ready to do this when he’s around?”
“damn girl just don’t put earphones, cover yourself with a blanket and sit facing the door.” You could literally see her rolling her eyes at you. “you’re a grown up, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. When you hear the man coming, just turn it off!”
Rubbing your eyes tiredly, you muted your phone and carefully opened the link again, trying to understand what kind of porno she sent you exactly. Apparently, it was that daddy thing she kept telling you about - you read the name of the video, and your face grew unbearably hot in a second. Damn, this girl had no shame whatsoever.
But maybe she was right: you needed to release some tension that had been building up over the last months. It was quite an innocent way to do it, really, and you’d be careful enough to do it before Bucky came back, finding anything suspicious. You were a human being, after all! There was nothing nasty in what you were going to do, you tried assuring yourself.
“I’m gonna regret it.”
“NO GIRL YOU WON’T! Treat yourself!!”
Laughing, you quickly dropped your phone on your bed, taking a tablet out of your backpack along with a pair of pink socks - you couldn’t explain it, but your feet were always getting cold while you pleasured yourself. Getting comfortable on your bed and wrapping a comforter around yourself, you opened your tablet, setting the volume level low and finding that link April sent you. You threw a quick glance to the door, prepared to switch the tablet off any second if Bucky was going to show up. Shoot, were you doing it for real? Yes, yes you were.
Opening the video, you bit down on your lower lip, a little ashamed still. Trying to get these thoughts out of your head, you concentrated on what was happening in the video, watching a girl sitting on the lap of a beefy bearded man stroking her ass. He was speaking to her softly, but in a very low, husky voice, and you realized it was getting warm in between your thighs. You closed your eyes, listening to the voice that, along with a sound of him slapping the girl, was making you aroused way more than the picture itself.
"Have you been good, princess?" The man whispered, and you could see the smug grin on his face even with your eyes closed.
Yes, you have, you thought, your hand slowly trailling down your belly and touching the elastic of your cotton panties.
Fuck, you heard the sound of one more slap and bit your lip again, imagining it was you he spanked, caressing your raw, hot skin with his calloused palm, his fingers digging in your soft flesh when you tried moving away, quietly squirming from his touch. You were a good girl for him. You'd do what your daddy told you, baring your ass in front of him and getting back on his lap, moving on top of him, making him feel you through the fabric of his pants until you ruined them. Would daddy be happy if you rode him, moaning like some dirty slut until he shut you with his mouth? Would he like you cumming on his cock with your eyes rolling inside your skull out of immense pleasure?
With your fingers on your clit, you gently stroked that bundle of nerves, getting more and more wet until you soaked your panties, listening to the voice of that man and imagining being with your own daddy, somebody who would take care of you, somebody who would never leave you alone and comfort you when you needed it the most. Oh, were you crying, thinking of it? You could feel your eyes growing wet as you softly moaned. You imagined the man touching your hair and kissing your forehead, and tears were now streaming down your cheeks.
You were pathetic, you thought. You couldn't even pleasure yourself while watching porno anymore.
Softly sobbing, you kept listening to the video, touching your sleek folds and missing the shadow that descended upon you - you couldn't see the stranger behind the window, watching you sitting there on your bed with a tablet in front of you, seeing the video clearly. Maybe Bucky couldn't hear it from the outside, but he knew it - he saw it a couple of weeks ago when he felt a little lonely.
You almost cummed when you heard the steps right outside the door, inmediately hitting the screen to stop the video and hiding your tablet beneath the comforter. You didn't figure out anything better than pretending you were already asleep, aside from the fact it was barely seven.
Covering your head, you prayed Bucky didn't see anything suspicious, mentally cursing April for sending you the link. Shit, you knew this wasn't going to end well! Why on Earth did you even tried something as reckless and stupid as this when Bucky could show up any minute?
"I know you're not sleeping."
His voice sounded so much closer than you anticipated that you almost flinched, holding your breath for a couple of seconds. Fuck, did he know? Did he hear you? Could he see the tablet beneath your blanket?
You stilled, still pretending you were sleeping when Bucky landed close to you, the bed dipping under him. When he suddenly touched your leg, making you flinch involuntarily, you clamped a hand around your mouth. Shit! What was he doing? He had never ever touched you like that before. Was he mad? Did he-
"You can stop pretending, little one." As Bucky lifted your comforter, you stared at him, terrified to the core with your eyes almost popping out of their sockets.
Immediately, you tried moving away, determined to get to the other side of the room, but he quickly held you down with his hands on your wrists, getting on top of you. Shit. Staring at his dark but calm expression, you saw a strange glint in his eyes that had never been there before. The thought made you shiver.
Something was wrong with the way he hold you, looked at you - it was not like before when he treated you like some sad kid, patting your head awkwardly when you cried and rarely giving you a hug. You were staring at the man who barely reminded you of Bucky who had been coming to your house to watch a hockey game late in the evening. This man seemed like a stranger.
"Please, Mr. Barnes-"
"Shhhh." He interrupted your pleading, leaning closer to you so his dark hair brushed against your face. "Don't be scared. It's alright."
No, no, it wasn't alright in any sense, and you kept struggling, doing your best to break free from his grasp until Bucky made you yelp from pain, grabbing your hands so hard you thought you'd have bruises. When you got silent, trembling beneath him with your eyes full of tears, he got closer, his forehead touching yours as he exhaled into your face.
“P-please, I don’t want to.”
“Don’t you? I’ve seen what you’ve been doing while I was gone.” His stormy grey eyes bore into you, and you thought Bucky was angry at you watching that filthy porno. “But I won’t punish you.”
“What do you want then?” You sobbed, then froze when he kissed your cheek, and then your nose and eyelids, his chapped lips brushing softly against your skin. His touch felt warm.
“To take care of you.”
You looked at him with your watery eyes, whimpering softly when Bucky kissed your forehead as you relaxed beneath him, shocked at his words. Take care of you? What did he mean by that? Wasn’t he taking care of you already? No, now you knew why Bucky was close, and he definitely wasn’t some good Samaritan you imagined him to be. Was it all for this? Did he pretend to be your friend just to let you lower your guard?
Crying, you closed your eyes, thinking how silly you were wanting someone to be by your side, having dreams about someone taking care of you, comforting you when even the one you thought was there for you just wanted to use a silly little girl and throw her away.
“Take what you want and go.” You managed to mumble, choking on a sob. “Just leave me alone.”
Bucky raised his brows, his gaze heavy as he stared at your face wet with tears. “Why would I? Didn’t you hear what I just said, little one?”
You gave him a sarcastic smile, avoiding looking him in the eyes. “You’re here because you want to take something from me. So, take it and go. Please!”
Bucky let out a loud breath, getting off you and rolling to the side, but holding you close and pressing your face into his chest. You could feel a subtle smell of sweat coming from him; strangely, it was almost comforting. Anyway, you had no strength left to fight him, so you just laid there, his hands on your back and in your hair. His black zipped hoodie was quickly getting wet with you still sobbing quietly.
“I’m not going anywhere, little girl.” He whispered, touching the top of your head with his lips. “You’re mine to take care off. Look at you, barely able to sleep on your own. How do you think you will manage without me?”
You didn’t answer, not knowing what to say. What Bucky told you was true - you barely existed outside of your house, facing the reality where you were always alone. April was trying her best to help you come to your senses, but she wasn’t family. You needed a family.
“Will you stay?” You whimpered, shaking lightly at the though Bucky would go, too, and you would end up all by yourself, talking to four walls until one day they would talk to you, too.
“Remember your birthday wish?” He asked instead of answering your question, and you felt like the air was sucked out of your lungs. But before you had time to said something, Bucky dropped a kiss to your forehead again, caressing your head tenderly. “I am your family, little one. You will never be alone.”
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   @helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin​ @abyssaint @heeeyitskay @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @soleil-dor @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @ninefuckingoneone @iheartsebastianstan @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters
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kisses-for-cas · 3 years
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Summary: When a witch hunt forces the Winchesters to go undercover in a suburban neighborhood, Dean finds himself fighting with his upcoming feelings for a certain angel. To be more precise: the angel, who currently pretends to be married to his brother Sam.
Ships: Dean/Castiel
Word Count: 8,200
Read on AO3
Tammy has lived in this neighborhood for almost 30 years – she raised her kids around here and now is enjoying her well-deserved retirement with her husband Harold. And if she knows one thing for certain, then it’s this: there’s something wrong with the new neighbors. It’s not because they are gay, Tammy tells herself. She believes herself to be quite open-minded, one of her nieces is actually a lesbian. It’s something else, but she can’t quite put her finger on it yet.
The men moved in today, only a few days after the last tenants died in a horrible and tragic accident involving the lawnmower and a malfunctioning electric wire. Tammy doesn’t like to admit it, but she always knew those two didn’t fit the neighborhood. Sarah brought it up several times at Sunday Brunch, and as it turned out, the entire neighborhood held a grudge against the deceased couple. At least the house still looked well enough to get sold almost immediately again.
It’s hard to catch glimpses of the movers, but she catches a few sights as she stretches out of her bedroom window. One of them has dark hair and is wearing a tan trenchcoat, the other one seems to be taller and is coated in a flannel shirt. Not really the type to be moving into this street, but they might turn out to be nice. She tries to keep an open mind, she tells herself, even though she doesn’t understand how somebody could possibly move while wearing a trenchcoat.
Shortly after dinner, the doorbell rings, and Tammy almost jumps forward to get it. Sarah told her she’d call once she had a proper talk with the new neighbors, but the phone’s been quiet so far. But to her surprise, it’s not her friend in front of the door, but two handsome men holding a basket with muffins.
“Hello, you must be Mrs. Philipps. We’re the Winchesters,” the taller of both says, as he holds his hand out. Tammy shakes them politely, as she smiles at them.
“Tammy is fine, and my husband Harold is probably already asleep in his lounge seat,” she jokes as she shakes their hands. The man in the trenchcoat seems a bit more reserved, but he still gives her a small smile when she looks at him.
“Nice to meet you, Tammy,” the other man says again. “I’m Sam, and this is my husband Cas.”
5 days earlier
“Lawnmower accident?” Dean laughs, as he re-reads the headline again. “Well, if this isn’t our kind of thing, I really don’t know what is.”
“Exactly what I thought,” Sam replies, turning his laptop back to himself. “Apparently there were several deaths within the last 10 years in this neighborhood, and all of them were classified as accidents.”
“All over the area? So less likely a spirit, and more like –“
“Witches?” Sam finishes his brother’s sentence. “Probably, the victims weren’t exactly popular in the area. One of them had a kid, but the couple wasn’t married. Another person wanted to move in with her wife, but she died before she could. Seems like they are most likely targeting people, who don’t fit the community.”
Witches and conservative suburbs sure aren’t Dean’s favorite things in the world, that much is sure. But if people are in danger, there’s no way he’d let them down. Especially, if he might get to kill some fundamentalist witch.
“Huh, so what we’re thinking? I’d say go undercover, but brothers usually don’t go buying some white picket fence house in a conservative neighborhood,” the older Winchester proposes, while settling back in his seat. He remembers how they tried to infiltrate that neighborhood so many years ago and how the salespeople kept mistaking them for a couple.
“I thought Eileen and I could maybe do it, but her leg isn’t healing as we hoped,” Sam thinks out loud, wincing at the thought of his injured girlfriend. The recent werewolf hunt was tougher than expected and left Eileen’s leg badly hurt. Cas tried his best to heal her, but she was still struggling.
“Maybe one of us could team up with Mom?” Dean suggests but cringes once the words leave his mouth. “Urgh, never mind. I’m not very strong on the Oedipus thing.”
“What about me?” Cas chimes in, all eyes turning to him. Dean didn’t even realize the angel entered the room. “Since we are not related, it might be less awkward to pretend a relationship.”
Dean is left more or less speechless, as he babbles incoherent words. He likes Cas very much; they are best friends for a reason. But pretending to be in a relationship? Heaven and Hell have been teasing them for years about their “profound bond”, so they might even get away with it. But Dean’s stomach twists uncomfortably at the mere thought of calling Cas a pet name or holding his hand in public.
“Uh-Uh, no way I’m getting fake-married to Cas!” Dean protests once he finds the ability to speak again. His reaction was apparently a bit harsh, judging by the looks both Cas and Sam give him.
“Okay…,” Sam sighs, drawing the word out in a long breath. It sounds like he wants to say more but instead turns to face the angel. “Castiel, would you like to pretend-marry me?”
Dean can feel a blush creep up his neck, as he stares at his brother. It’s the reasonable thing to do, but it just feels wrong. Nobody ever questioned their status as friends, and Dean can’t even picture the both of them acting in love. When he thought his stomach felt bad before, he’s now actually feeling sick.
He’s close to suggesting a fake relationship with their mom again when Cas simply nods to answer Sam’s question. “Of course, Sam. I mean, I do.”
The two share a hinted smile as if they are both part of a joke Dean doesn’t get. The sick feeling still doesn’t leave him, as he stands up from his seat. He must have eaten something wrong today, that’s the only logical explanation.
“Well, Mazel Tov to you guys then,” Dean mutters, more to himself than to the other men. They don’t even look at him when he leaves the room behind.
“I still think this is a stupid idea,” Dean protests, as he puts the meatloaf in the oven. Somewhere behind him, he knows Cas is preparing the salad and Sam is busy fluffing some pillows on the couch.
“We need to connect with all the neighbors, and a housewarming party is the easiest way to do so,” Sam replies annoyed. He and Cas introduced themselves to everyone in the neighborhood, but nobody seemed guilty so far. Cas tried his best to “sniff the witch out” but only found some kitchen herbs in the local gardens and a loud laugh from Dean, when he explained his plan to search for witch-like smells. So far, they had no clue who the responsible party could be.
“Dearest, could you make space in the hallway closet for the coats?” Sam calls out to Cas, and Dean almost burns his hand at the stove. He had a few days to adjust to the idea of Sam and Cas pretending a relationship, but the term of endearment still surprises the hunter.  
“What’s next? You’re gonna kiss goodbye on the porch when Cas drives to work?” Dean snaps at his brother, who seems confused by the sudden anger.
“If the situation needs it, sure…,” Sam replies, but Dean interrupts him before he can continue.
“What the hell, Sammy? Dearest? What kind of weird pet name is that even supposed to be?”
“The one Sam and I agreed to,” Cas replies drily. The look in his blue eyes leaves no space for any further discussion. “This act is completely planned out, and we can’t risk our standing because you are having trouble adjusting, Dean.”
Just as Dean wants to argue again, they are interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. They can only hope nobody heard their yelling, the last thing they need is unnecessary gossip from the neighbors. Cas and Sam waltz towards the front door, while Dean stays a few steps behind them.
“Hello Tammy, Harold. Welcome to our humble home,” Sam greets the guests, as the couple enters their hallway. Cas takes their jackets from them, hanging them in the biggest coat closet Dean’s ever seen. Well, at least the house got some perks. Before he can think more about the architectural features of the house, his brother calls for him.
“This is my brother Dean,” Sam introduces him, and Dean tries his best to give a fake smile and nod politely at the boring stories the neighbors tell him. This is going to be a long evening…
“Well Ladies, let’s begin Sunday Brunch,” Irene happily pronounces, as she raises her mimosa in the air. The other women do the same, cheering each other. It’s the first Sunday Brunch after the Winchesters moved to the area, leaving more than enough gossip material for the group.
“They seem nice enough, but I heard Sam is unemployed. He just sits around all day at home and waits for his Cassiel to come back home!” Jennifer complains with a deep sigh. It’s no secret she isn’t the biggest fan of the new couple, but even she can’t deny the quality of the served meatloaf at the housewarming.
“His name is Cassiel, dear,” Beth replies, eying the salmon pieces hungrily. “They said Sam’s working in IT and can do it from home. Clearly, an excuse, if you ask me.”
The gossip continues happily: Tammy found out they only have one toothbrush. Irene asked about Cas’s job, and apparently, he’s working in a nearby library. And all of them agree, their marriage is weird. Whenever Sam touched his husband, it felt unnatural, and they didn’t kiss once the whole evening.
“We need to address the elephant in the room,” Sarah sighs, and the group’s attention draws over to her. She’s been quiet so far, which means her news are far bigger than everyone else’s: “The brother.”
“If I were only twenty years younger…,” Beth starts, earning a peal of laughter from the women around her. “He’s very handsome, that’s true.”
“Yes, and I think Castiel would agree with you there,” Sarah speaks, before taking a long sip from her teacup. The reaction is immediate, as all the women start talking at once. The Winchester barely lived a week in the neighborhood, but they already produced the best gossip they had in a while.
“Do you think they are having an affair?” Tammy asks shocked. Of course, she had felt the tension between the family members, but she blamed it on the stress of moving. But now that Sarah suggested it, it seems like a possible explanation.
“We can’t be sure yet, but I bet something is going on. Dean surely looked rather unhappy every time he saw Sam touching his hubby. And Cas got some serious heart-eyes for his brother-in-law.”
“Besides,” Irene steps in “their marriage just seems – off? There’s more sex happening in the way Cas looks at Dean than in his marriage bed with Sam”
“Irene!” The shocked gasp from the elder women makes the other guests laugh, as they refill their mimosas.
“Oh, poor Sam,” Tammy sighs, fiddling with her wedding ring. Being cheated on must be awful on its own, but having your husband fool around with your own brother? That’s a new level of tastelessness.“
“Anyways, have you seen Mrs. Ericson’s new haircut? Just awful…”
Dean excuses himself early from the housewarming party, not knowing how much more of the charade he could have handled. He expected to get some blackmailing material for his brother, it was supposed to be a funny sight after all. What he didn’t expect was the burning sensation on his inside, as he regarded the play right in front of him.
He’s still mad about the whole thing, and how caught up both of them were. It’s one thing to hold hands and present in the couple in front of others. But Sam calling Cas by a pet name in private? That’s just unprofessional, even Dean knows that. And then Sam told him, he would even kiss Cas if the situation needs it…What the hell was that even supposed to mean? Nobody is going to force them to kiss, the party guests are all far too old to play “spin the bottle” anymore.
Would Cas even kiss back, if Sam initiated a kiss? The angel doesn’t seem the type for physical affection; hell, he only lost his virginity a few years ago! The image of Cas pressing Meg against the wall, kissing her passionately, popped back up in Dean’s mind. And then the image changed to Cas and Sam in the same manner…God, Dean’s gonna have to swallow some holy water to get rid of that mental image.
Carefully, he watched the way his brother and his friend interacted, and the sight made him feel uneasy. He thought it was a stupid idea for them to fake a relationship because it would just be weird. But now that he was watching the way Cas’s hand rested on Sam’s lower back, Dean realized it’s something entirely else: he’s jealous. It’s not a feeling he knows very well; after all, none of his relationships ever lasted long. But as he watched Cas laugh at one of Sam’s stories, their sides pressed together – it’s setting something inside of Dean loose.
If he hadn’t acted like a child, he might have been the one standing beside Cas at that moment. He would have been the one holding his hand, laughing at his jokes, and maybe even pressing soft kisses on Castiel’s cheek. Nobody would even question their act, he’s sure of that. And then his mind kept wandering, back to the memory of Cas showing off his kissing skills. Except now it wasn’t Meg, but himself getting pinned against the wall.
Dean’s not stupid; he knows he likes men the same way he likes women. It’s been a long journey to finally find self-acceptance, but he’s finally contempt with it. That doesn’t mean he’s going to buy pride stickers and tell everyone around him he’s bi. No, it’s his secret and he’s the only one who needs to know about it.
He also knows Cas’s vessel is very attractive. But those two things – his attraction to men and his profound bond with Cas – were never something he considered might be related. But thinking about Cas kissing him – it’s something Dean never knew he wanted that much. When the sight of the happy couple got too much for him to bear, Dean excused himself to get a drink. Only then he remembered they are actually on a job, and he’s supposed to be on the watch out for possible bad guys.
And he’s totally going to do that.
Once he had a proper drink.
“Please tell me your stupid charade is at least getting you somewhere,” Dean groans, once Cas is settled in his seat across from him. They decided to meet up in a close diner to discuss their next steps, while Sam is hacking the public security cameras from their house. Dean refuses to call it their “home”, hating the implication it’s setting.
“There are a few people we can surely rule out,” Cas replies, stirring some sugar into the coffee mug Dean pressed into his hands. “On my drive yesterday, the energetic waves were much stronger at the end of the street.”
“Great, so what’s next? You and Sammy going to play house for some more weeks, until we finally got our suspect?”
Dean can only hope the hunt will be over rather sooner than later. He barely slept the night after the housewarming party, his mind racing with thoughts. Not even liquor helped to drown them out and the night left him feeling not only exhausted but more upset than ever.
Castiel releases an annoyed groan. “Can you just…you’re undermining this plan at every given opportunity, and Sam and I are getting worried you might risk the entire thing.”
“I just want,” Dean starts, the words twisting in his throat. He knows exactly what he wants, ever since seeing Cas and Sam casually holding hands and snuggling on the couch. But at the same time, he knows it’s something he can’t have. Angels aren’t supposed to have emotions, he knows that. But when he catches Castiel’s blue eyes carefully watching him, Dean can’t help but feel a spark of hope.
“Do you ever think things could be, you know, different between you and me? Maybe we could be…more…or…”
“Dean,” Cas replies, his name sounding almost like a prayer from his lips. “Are you saying…”
“Well, hello you handsome fellas,” a sudden voice snaps them back to reality and when they look at its owner, Beth is smiling at them. “I thought it was you, so I just had to pop in and say hello.”
“Hello then,” Dean grumpily answers, his eyes focused on the table before him. Of all possible times, Beth had to disrupt them just now. He remembers the way those nosy neighbors had eyed him at the housewarming party, and how it made him uneasy. But then again, he only had eyes for Cas that evening.
“Aren’t you supposed to be at work, Cas?” Beth asks, an obnoxious tone hidden under her sweetly sick smile. Right, Dean remembers, they told everyone Cas works at the library. Good enough of an excuse to spend their time there.
“Uhhh – Lunch break,” Castiel answers stiffly, his eyes shortly glancing over to Dean. The hunter seems to have grown smaller by the second, as he fiddles with the menu.
“Well, tell Sam I said hi,” she comments cheerfully, as she finally leaves them alone again. Silence falls over the table, only disturbed by the noise of the diner around them. Dean can feel Castiel’s watchful eyes on him, but he’s not ready to face them yet. He might not believe in fate or destiny, but the disturbance came just at the right time. A few seconds more and he might have destroyed the best friendship he had his entire life.
“Dean…,” Cas finally breaks the silence, but Dean interrupts him before he can speak more.
“Just forget it, Cas…Let’s focus back on the case.”
They don’t pay any attention to Beth, who silently snaps a picture of them from the outside. It feels like the ultimate proof those two are actually having an affair; why else would they meet up in a diner during Castiel’s work hours? She can’t help but grin, as she sends the picture to her friends.
“Look who’s having dinner instead of working….”
“It’s Jennifer,” Cas says, once the image of Dean flashes over the laptop screen. After several neighbors pointed out how attached Dean seems to be to his brother, they decided to stick to virtual conversations for the moment.
“You sure?” Dean asks as he watches his brother and his best friend sit on their couch. He should be glad to once have an entire motel room for himself, but for some strange reason, he misses his family. Okay, he knows exactly why: he hates not knowing what’s happening between his brother and Cas. Sammy isn’t interested in Cas that way, he knows that. But the thought of them holding hands is enough to get Dean bothered.
“Absolutely,” Sam replies. “She was already one of our suspects due to some lucky incidents in the last few years, but when I was at her house, I clearly saw some witch supplies.”
“Her magic doesn’t seem too powerful, destroying her supplies and her altar should be enough to stop her,” Cas adds up, and Dean nods along.
“She’s working from home, right?” Dean asks while trying to remember everything about the suspect. Jennifer didn’t talk to him a lot; she was more of a loner. Apparently, her husband died a few years ago and left her enough money to start her own jewelry company. “How are we going to get her out of the house long enough to take care of the situation?”
“We could throw another party. Maybe celebrate a birthday or a wedding anniversary. And you and Mom could handle the house in the meantime,” Sam suggests.
“She didn’t stay long at the housewarming,” Cas throws in. “We need some more time, there might be warding at her house – maybe we could try a distraction, so she stays longer?”
“You could fake-break-up your fake marriage,” Dean huffs under his breath, knowing already they won’t agree to it. If their plan fails, the entire cover-up story would be blown up. There’s a bottle of beer in Dean’s hands and he takes a deep gulp from it. It may not be noon yet, but he stopped caring about that years ago.
Cas answers once Dean finished drinking. “No, that’s hardly enough to draw her attention.”
“We could call Jack, maybe he can help out. He could be your unknown son from a secret affair,” Dean jokes next. It sounds almost like a cheap plotline from Dr. Sexy – except Dr. Sexy’s secret son actually appeared in season 3 and needed an organ transplant, which could only be donated by his father. While Dean tries to remember how the episode ended, Sam and Cas nod in agreement.
“I’ll call Jack right away,” Cas speaks, his phone already halfway pressed to his ear. A second later, the angel disappears from the couch, leaving only Sam in his view. The younger Winchester seems to wait for Castiel to leave the room before he addresses his brother again.
“Dean, promise me you won’t act up,” Sam tries to reason. “We can’t risk the entire thing because you are getting jealous.”
“Jealous? Don’t be ridiculous, Sammy,” the older Winchester mumbles, trying his best to not sound petty. “Scout’s honor, I’ll be on my best behavior.”
Dean’s promise lasts around 20 minutes, which is already longer than he honestly would have expected. He and Mary will enter Jennifer’s house at 1800 sharp, leaving them with just enough time to trash her little altar and the supplies. Jack is going to start with his distraction around 10 minutes earlier, giving Dean enough time to slip out quietly. It’s all planned to the minute, which of course means, it’s destined to fall apart.
They invited their neighbors under the premise of Castiel’s birthday, even though the angel technically doesn’t even have a birthday. It doesn’t matter anyway, since Sam promised some BBQ and apparently that’s enough to motivate everyone to show up. Dean watches the spectacle from a distance, occasionally sipping his cold beer. He planned to handle the grill, but some bored husband hushed him away to deal with it instead.
Cas looks beautiful, Dean notices as he watches his best friend talking to his guests. He’s wearing a light blue dress shirt and a pair of dark jeans, and Dean makes a mental note to thank his brother for finally getting Cas out of his usual outfit. Then he remembers it means Sam took Cas shopping at some point, and Dean’s gratitude turns sour in his mouth.
“How long have you two been married?” one of the ladies asks Cas, and Dean tries his best to hide a snickering laugh.
“Too damn long,” Dean jokes under his breath, but loud enough for several heads to turn in his direction. Maybe he had a beer too much, but watching Sam and Cas acting in love isn’t a thing he can handle sober.
“Two years,” Cas replies shortly, shooting angry glances at Dean. A second later, he mumbles to his guests again. “May you excuse me for a moment?”
Dean steps back, ready to hide from Castiel’s anger, but it doesn’t work. Barely a moment later, Cas is already in front of him. His hand closes tightly around Dean’s arm, keeping him from turning away.
“What’s the matter with you, Dean? You’re acting like a child,” Cas hisses when he catches him in the hallway. It’s enough to make Dean angry again, as he pulls his arm away from Castiel’s tight grip.
“The matter with me?” he shoots back. “This is honestly so ridiculous, you’re acting so…”
A middle-aged man bumps into them, and Dean stops talking immediately. There are far too many people around and if he says anything about the case, it could ruin their entire plan. The guests are spread all over the house, leaving no place to talk in private. Well, almost no place…
“We need to talk,” Dean whispers, before dragging the angel into the coat closet. Some curious eyes seem to follow them, but Dean shuts the door before anyone else can spot them. The closet is surprisingly spacious, but the walls seem to suffocate him. There’s a bit of light coming in through the shutters, and he can see the concern written all over Cas’s face.  
“What’s going on? Ever since Sam and I began working this case, you’ve been acting weird,” Cas presses on and Dean knows it’s finally time to come clean about his feelings. He doesn’t want to lose Castiel’s friendship, but he can’t keep lying anymore.
“I wish it were me,” Dean rushes before he can chicken out again. “Instead of Sam. I wish it were me you’re married to. And I know it’s all fake, and you’re just pretending, but it’s driving me insane. Watching him hold you and call you those cheesy pet names. Because - because it’s something I want to do with you…not pretending, but for real.”
Once Dean starts speaking, the words don’t seem to stop rushing from his mouth. Cas just regards him with those hauntingly blue eyes, his head tilted in a way that always makes Dean’s heart melt. When all is said, Dean feels like the air was punched out of his lungs, as he awaits his friend’s answer.
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?”
“Because I was too stupid to realize it for the longest time. And then I just didn’t know how to say it,” Dean admits. He came close to confessing in the diner, but Beth interrupted them and afterward, Dean felt ashamed and stupid.
“Dean,” Cas whispers. “I want those things too.”
There’s the beginning of a bright smile on Castiel’s face, and Dean swears his heart skips a beat when the words finally dawn on him. Before Dean can overthink the situation, he presses closer to the angel and is relieved when Cas is doing the same. And then their faces meet in the middle. Kissing Cas is the easiest thing in the world, it turns out. Whatever Dean was so afraid of, is right forgotten once their lips slot together.
It starts out innocent and gentle, just like the way relationships start. But then Cas opens his mouth a little bit, letting Dean lick inside and,  oh  – now things are getting heated. Dean presses even closer to Cas, their chests flushing together and their arms holding each other close. Somewhere, Cas’s back hits a wall and Dean pins him against it. The moan that falls from Cas’s lips is almost obscene while motivating Dean only further.
It’s perfect, and amazing, and breathtaking – until the closet door opens and they stumble onto the floor. Tammy’s surprised gasp draws everyone’s attention over to the couple, still entangled on top of each other on the floor. Everyone’s, even Sam’s.
“What the hell do you two think you are doing?” he yells loud enough to attract the entire house to the hallway, where they are watching them closely. Dean and Cas are still on the floor, slowly stumbling back to their feet.
“Sammy, I can explain…,” Dean starts, but now Sam turns his attention to Cas. He steps closer to them, his pointed finger slapping against Castiel’s chest.
“You’ve been screwing my brother?!” he yells, before locking eyes with Dean. “And you! Is this why Fernando broke up with me?”
Dean is taken aback for a second. Who the hell is Fernando? It’s only then when Dean remembers their lesser-used codewords. He can still recall how he wrote it down in his own leatherbound journal:  Fernando – just play along.
“This got nothing to do with Fernando, this is about me and Cas!” Dean replies with an angry voice, before taking Castiel’s palm into his own hands. Cas gives him a quick squeeze, and Dean decides to have at least a little fun with the situation.
“I finally understand now, why I was so against your marriage. Because you two don’t belong together! Your whole marriage is a scam! You act all perfectly happy when in reality, you’re not even sleeping in the same bed anymore.”
Dean can hear the people around them gasp a little. He wouldn’t be surprised if one of the elder people would end up with a heart attack due to all the fake drama being uncovered right now. Besides him, Cas draws in a deep breath, before speaking to his (fake) husband.  
“It’s true, Sam. I’ve been having feelings for your brother for a while now, but I never knew how to address them.”
Sam just looks at them with the biggest puppy eyes Dean’s ever seen. His time in drama club surely played out. “Are you two in love?”
Dean takes a deep breath, looking over to the familiar blue eyes, and the truth slips easily over his tongue.
“I think I love Cas more than I’ve ever loved myself.”
The look on Castiel’s face is everything and without even words, Dean knows he feels the exact same about him. The room is quiet around them, and from the corner of his eye, Dean spots Jennifer amongst the watchers. At least their little distraction worked well enough for her to stay.
“As your brother, I wish you all the happiness in the world,” Sam speaks, his eyes fixed in the distance. When Dean turns his head, he spots their mother coming in through the entrance door, breathing heavily but otherwise seems okay. She gives them both a small nod, signaling them she took care of the altar.
The crowd seems satisfied for the moment, and Dean is about to lead Cas out of the house when a voice stops them midway. It’s Jack, who is shouting loud enough for everyone to hear: “Sam, I am your secret son!”
The drama is enough to make at least one elder lady faint.
Dean and Cas depart soon enough, leaving Sam to deal with the rest of the concerned neighbors. Everybody seems to be too caught up in the drama to notice their quiet leave. They end up back in the diner, this time holding hands on the table. Surprisingly, everything feels the same and yet, completely different than before. Dean can’t put it in words, but for the first time in years, he knows he’s truly happy.
It takes a bit of time for Sam to finally text him, saying his guests finally left them alone and they can come back to talk about their next steps. When the Impala roars down the road, Dean can feel the eyes of every household staring at them. They are probably wondering why he would be back so soon enough, but Dean doesn’t care. He just holds Cas’ hand on the way to the house, fully knowing he won the grand prize.
Jack and Mary greet them happily, and even Sam can’t hide his grin as he approaches his brother. “Well, if it isn’t the homewrecker himself.”
“Come on, I bet several of your neighbors would have consoled you all night long, if you had asked them,” Dean shoots back, throwing a wink at Sam. He remembers the way one of the ladies had clung to Sam’s arm, trying her best to cheer him up about his failed marriage.
They all settle in the living room: Cas and Dean on the couch, Mary and Sam seated in each of the armchairs, and Jack sitting cross-legged on the floor. It may not be much, but it’s their own little screwed-up family. While Sam gets them beers from the fridge, Dean considers putting his arm around Cas. They haven’t had time to label their relationship yet, but they’re both too old to play games. So, Dean decides to go with his gut and wraps his arm around Castiel’s shoulder. The returned smile lets him know it was a good decision.
“Sorry for the way I acted earlier, it was just for show,” Sam says when he passes the beer over to the couple. “I’m actually glad you two finally figured things out.”
“Me too,” Mary chimes in with a laugh. “Even though I was patiently waiting for your back-up at the house.”
“Bet you still did an amazing job without me,” Dean returns, an honest smile on his lips. He holds his beer towards her, and she clinks it with her own.
Sam fills them in with the details of the last hours, and how he watched Jennifer leave her home in a panicked state. She packed a few bags, before driving away with screeching tires. Well, another case successfully solved. They talk for hours while laughing about stories and eating the leftovers from the party.
“Damn, I could really use some sleep now,” Dean yawns, stretching his arms. A short glance at the clock lets him know it’s almost 2 am and they gotta hit the road early the next day.
“How about you two head to the motel, and Jack and Mom stay here?” Sam proposes. When Dean checks on Jack, the kid is curled up in his seat, snoring quietly. No way they’re going to move him somewhere else, so this plan might be for the best.
“You just want me to stay, so your neighbors see this pretty lady leave your house tomorrow,” Mary jokes, earning some quiet hollering from her elder son and a laugh from Castiel.
“Guess we’re heading back to the motel,” Dean finally decides, before clumsily standing up from the couch. If it weren’t for the awful neighbors, this place might actually be nice. The furniture for one thing is comfortable enough. And the closet sure gave him a few ideas what to do with Cas in the future. He takes a few steps towards the door until he notices something is missing. “Cas, you coming?”
“You want me to come along?” Cas asks, and Dean just nods.
“Of course, would be weird to stay with your husband now that you scored the hotter brother,” Dean replies, pressing a gentle kiss on Castiel’s cheek. He never knew angels could blush, but it’s a sight he will never get enough of.
“We’ll pick you up tomorrow at nine, better be dressed!” Sam shouts after them when Dean is already halfway out of the door.
“You’re such a buzzkill, Sammy. No wonder your husband left you”
“I’m just glad you’re finally out of the closet,” Sam shoots back with a grin. Dean already knows it’s a joke he’ll hear a thousand times in the upcoming years, but when he looks over at Cas, it sure is a price worth paying.
The drive to the motel is rather short, and soon enough, Dean unlocks the door to his room. Luckily, he had booked a room with a king-size bed. He rarely had a room for himself during hunts, so he had decided to enjoy that. Cas closes the door behind them, while Dean strips out of his flannel and his jeans. He’s still wearing a shirt and his boxers, but compared to a fully dressed Castiel, he almost looks naked.
When Dean comes near him, the angel wraps his arms around his torso and pulls him even closer. Once again, their lips meet in a kiss, growing more heated by the second. It’s with a sigh that Dean slowly pulls away again.
“Maybe we should take it slow, honey. How about we just cuddle tonight?” Dean murmurs, pressing gentle kisses along his jaw. The exhaustion of the day lies heavily on Dean’s bones, and all he wants to do is cuddle into bed, his lover beside him.
“Honey?” Cas asks with a raised eyebrow, and Dean feels himself blushing yet again.
“It’s just – every time I see a bee or something, I have to think about you,” he admits. “Remember how you collected honey yourself? Or when you showed up covered in bees?”
Cas smiles at the memory. “Of course, I remember, but why would you bring that up now?”
“It’s just a term of endearment, a pet name. I can stop if you want”
Dean was never a big fan of pet names. He usually called his partners by their names, not some silly phrase. But then again, he was the one who turned  Castiel  to  Cas,  so maybe the angel has always been the exception for him.
“No, I like it,” Cas decides, before pressing another quick peck onto Dean’s lips. “And I am fully contempt with cuddling you.”
After some discussion about clothing choices, Cas also strips down to his underwear. Cuddling in jeans and a dress shirt would have been awful, and Dean luckily managed to convince the angel of it. The bed is more than big enough for the both of them, as they lie facing each other in the dark.
“We should make you a proper Winchester someday,” Dean mutters, gently kissing Cas’s knuckles. He isn’t thinking about marriage, not yet at least. Most marriages he’s seen over the years ended in death: his parents, Bobby and his wife Karen, Ellen and her husband…The list goes on and on, including those couples they couldn’t save during their hunts. When he saw his own father stricken with grief for his lost wife, part of Dean swore he’d never marry. But then again, Dean never would have believed he’d ever live past the age of 30. It’s with a smile upon his lips that he finally falls asleep.
All his life, he expected monsters in every dark corner, and more than enough times Dean was proven right. He’s been long enough in the business to smell danger from miles away, Dean believes. Which is why he’s surprised to wake up to the sound of Castiel shouting his name.
When he opens his eyes, all he sees is purple. The room seems to be painted in the color, reflecting on every surface possible. And in the middle of it all stands Jessica, glaring at them with violet and angry eyes.
“You! You really thought destroying my altar was enough to stop me?”
Dean’s hand finds its way under his pillow but returns empty-handed. He must have forgotten to place it there, too caught up with his lover. And when he looks around, he can spot his faithful gun sitting on top of a dresser, which is inconveniently placed behind the wrathful witch in the room. Cas is already standing beside the bed, and the sight of a half-dressed angel ready to fight would be hilarious if it weren’t for the mortal danger they’re in.
“You’re an abomination,” Jessica yells again. “Dirty and sinful, and…”
The angel blade hits her right in the chest. Her purple eyes glance downwards, where the blood comes rushing out of her body. Apparently, she was so caught up in looking dangerous, she actually forgot to ward herself. And with Castiel’s heavenly aim, that could only end deadly for her. Jessica sinks to her knees; the purple flashes of lightning slowly disappearing from the room. It’s only then when Dean decides to approach her. Blood is running down her mouth, but she’s still alive, watching the hunter carefully as he kneels down in front of her.
“I’ve had a voice like you in my head my entire life, whispering awful things about myself,” Dean tells her, keeping eye contact as he pulls the angel blade out of her bleeding chest. “But now, that I’m finally happy, do you know what happens to this voice?”
Jessica doesn’t answer, and he doesn’t need her to.
He would have slit her throat either way. 
“Welcome to Sunday Brunch, Agnes,” Sarah announces, as the women settle down at her dinner table. It’s been a while since they had another brunch, but it was long-awaited. Today, a new face sits at the table with them.
“So sad Jennifer decided to move away, but we are glad we got you in the neighborhood now.”
“Thanks for having me,” Agnes replies with a shy smile, as she glances around at the other women. “It’s wonderful to have such nice and caring neighbors, my old neighborhood was so scandalous…”
“Scandalous?” Irene laughs, shaking her head in disbelief. “Oh dear, you ain’t seen nothing yet!”
“Are you referring to the Winchester?” Tammy replies while stirring her tea. It’s been weeks since those men came and went, but it’s still everyone’s favorite topic of discussion.
“Don’t be silly, of course I mean the Winchesters!”
Beth releases a deep sigh. “I’ve heard they did it right in Dean’s fancy car after the party.”
“No, they threw Sam out of the house and then had sex in the bed Sam used to sleep in. How tasteless of them,” Sarah corrects her immediately.
“That can’t be.” It’s Tammy’s turn to speak now. “I saw him the next day with a blonde woman in front of the house”
“Guess he got over it quickly then,” some other woman giggles. “Have you seen the kid too? Sam can’t have been older than maybe 25 when he was born”
Agnes just smiles quietly, as she listens to the stories. She may not know the Winchesters, but they sure are entertaining as heck.
Castiel becomes a Winchester on a sunny day in July.
It’s been months since the case that started their relationship, and they never spared another thought to those nosy neighbors. Dean suspects the rumors they started that night, but he couldn’t care less. Once the town disappeared from the Impala’s rearview mirror, none of them ever spared another thought to the neighborhood. Dean and Castiel couldn’t be happier, and that’s all that matters to them.
Jody invited all of them to her cabin at Lake Alvin, just outside of Sioux Falls. They are celebrating Claire’s graduation from college, and Dean couldn’t be prouder of the kid. He talks Cas into buying her the cheesiest greeting card they can find, paired with the most beautiful gun in the entire bunker. It’s got engravings all over and Dean even finds somebody who puts “C.N.” onto the side of it. He would rather have Claire live a normal life, but he knows it’s not going to happen.
It appears like everybody in the hunter community got the invitation: Sam and Eileen, Mary, Donna, the Banes twins, even Garth and Bess together with their kids. It’s not often hunters get to celebrate something, so everybody immediately jumped the opportunity. It’s a beautiful day, and at some point, Dean finds himself standing next to Claire.
“So, when you gonna put a ring on it?” she asks, nodding over to Castiel, who is chasing his little namesake all over the lawn in a playful game. Dean’s heart swells at the thought of this man being his husband. They hunt less and less these days, especially since Sam decided to move in with Eileen. It’s still a secret, but he and Cas recently bought a house in the same street as them. It might finally be time to leave the hunting life behind.
“There’s no rush,” Dean simply answers, trying his best not to settle on the thought. If he’d ever marry someone, it probably would be Cas. His eyes are still fixed on the laughing figure when Claire continues speaking.
“Whatever, old man. But if you ever want to tie the knot, just call me,” she says, shrugging with her shoulder. When Dean looks at her with a raised eyebrow, she continues. “I’m actually a licensed officiant, not that it would matter for you two anyways. Could marry you just like that –“
She snaps her fingers, before taking a gulp of her soda. Dean looks over to Cas again, his thoughts running in his head. What if…? The idea seems insane to him, but Claire seems to catch his thoughts. A smile breaks over her face: “Go ahead, dude. Just ask him.”
“Don’t want to steal your thunder, kid.”
“There would be no thunder without you,” she confesses, and Dean can’t help but pull her into a tight hug. He never expected to have kids, but he loves Claire just like his own blood. Her first weeks in college were rough, he remembers. But every time she came close to quitting, she’d call Dean. At this point, she’s just as much his kid as Jack, and he couldn’t be prouder of the people they’ve become.
When they step apart, Claire pulls a necklace from her neck. Two golden rings are connected on it, and Dean immediately knows who they belonged to.
“Here, this one should fit,” she says and presses the larger ring into his shaking hands. Dean mutters an honest thanks, smacking a gentle kiss on her forehead, before sprinting over the lawn.
“Hey Cas, can we talk for a moment?”
“You’re not dragging me into a closet again, are you?” Castiel laughs, but willingly follows his boyfriend a few feet away from the crowd.
“If I remember correctly, you rather enjoyed that…,” Dean counters with a grin, before kissing the angel gently. Cas is still smiling against his lips, and Dean pulls away with a deep breath.
“I have an idea…well, actually Claire had the idea, but I think it’s kinda awesome. And since everyone we love is already here, it would just be such a good opportunity and…”
“Dean,” Cas simply says, putting a stop to Dean’s blabbering.
“Will you marry me? Tonight? I know, you actually deserve a much better proposal and a wedding that doesn’t take place in flannel, but I love you so very very much”
Dean’s stammered words are silenced by a loving kiss. When they pull apart, Cas is smiling brighter than the sun.
“I’ve adored you ever since the moment I touched your soul in hell, of course, I’ll marry you”
The biggest smile flashes over Dean’s face, and Cas returns it just as much. A moment later, a loud shout draws their attention over to the cabin, where Claire is cheering in a way, that reminds them far too much of Dean. And when they tell everyone else, the mood just keeps going up.
It’s not a traditional wedding, but then again, their whole lives aren’t exactly normal. Jack insists on being the flower girl, even though Dean and Sam try their best to correct it to “flower-boy”. The music comes from a beaten-up boombox, which plays “November Rain” on repeat and the couple agrees not to exchange vows, deciding to wait with them until they can talk privately.
Dean’s hands shake when he slips the ring onto Castiel’s finger. It’s only now that he realizes they only got one ring, but before Dean can freak out, the angel pulls another golden band from his pocket.
“Where did you get that ring from?” Dean asks, and Cas casts a glance over to Jody, who is currently trying to stop crying. They barely knew her husband, and sometimes Dean still feels a pinch of guilt they couldn’t save him. The ring, he knows, is not only a final peace offering but an official invitation to the family. Dean shoots her a thankful smile, and she just nods in return.
“Speak now, or forever hold your peace,” Claire announces from the front, but the crowd remains luckily silent.
“We’ve been waiting for ages, no way we’re going to object now,” Sam shoots from the side, making everybody laugh. If Dean wasn’t close to bawling his eyes out, he’d probably throw a witty remark at his brother.
“Well then,” Claire says, clearly holding tears back herself. “I shall pronounce you officially hitched!”
Everyone cheers when Cas pulls Dean in a kiss, marking the beginning of a new chapter. The rest of the evening passes in a blur: they dance, they sing, Sam proposes to Eileen, Claire and Kaia finally get together, and Dean and Cas once again find themselves fooling around in a closet. But it’s perfect in every way.
Not every family contains of two parents and a bunch of kids. For them, family contains of two washed-up hunters, their time-traveling mom, a badass Irish huntress, a fallen angel, the devil’s son, and dozens of other people they got to know over the years. Bobby once told Dean, family don’t end in blood, but it doesn’t start there either.
And as Dean watches his happy and fucked-up family, his hand tightly holding onto his husband, he just knows truer words were never spoken.
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justfangirlthingies · 3 years
Sleepyhead (Sunday Evenings) (Dad! Draco Malfoy)
Welcome to Sundays at the Malfoy's part 3! This is the sequel to Bubbles
Here's part 1 of this little series: Morning Chase!
And here's part 4: How about another one?
Word count: 1450 words
This is once again, just pure fluff with soft Draco
I wish you all a pleasant Sunday evening
What plans did the family have for Sunday evenings though?
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Family dinner at Malfoy manor on a Sunday evening was always filled with happy and excited chatter. The family would talk about their plans for the rest of the evening and the next day. Sometimes you and your husband told stories about your time at Hogwarts. Other times, Scorpius would just babble about his favourite topic of the day. Said topic could be very flexible, it could be his favourite book, the weather, the hippogriffs, friends, you, other family members or even his toys.
Another component of Sunday evenings were the baths before bedtime. Bath time was free from any sort of stress. It was relaxing, especially since the manor had enormous bathrooms and the tubs were just as big as you'd expect them to be in such a massive house. The bathtub was actually big enough for all three of you to fit and bath together. You normally helped your son with washing himself, in return he shampooed your hair or at least he tried. Most of the time he'd form your soapy hair into different shapes or braid and style it. Draco always scrubbed your back and often traced patterns with his long, slender fingers. It was a delightful sight for you, the two dearest people to you, in complete and utter relaxation. Both of their silky platinum hair now drenched and stuck to their foreheads, eyes closed and relieving sighs leaving their pink lips almost simultaniously as they leaned back against the rim of the tub, well in your son's case it was leaning back against you. Usually, the peace and silence didn't last too long because someone would always start splashing around with the water. Whether that happened by accident or intentionally didn't matter, it always ended in a bit of a water and splashing fight.
An additional fraction of your bath time were the silly games you played with the bath foam. It happened rather often that you'd create beards and other accessories out the foam. Inevitably, those games turned, similarly to the water splashing, into foam fights. There would be bubbles floating through the warm and humid air of the room because someone threw or blew it at somebody else. This part of your Sundays, was always fun and games and only on rare occasions did it came to an immediate halt that ended the bath. On those occasions however, salty tears fell because in the middle of the foam fight or when rinsing out the shampoo from your four-year-old's hair, a bit of soapy water would make its way into one of his eyes leaving it burning. Now, for an adult this wasn't too bad, it would burn slightly and that'd be it, but for a child, well for your child to be exact, it seemed unbearable. Maybe he was a little oversensitive or dramatic at times, but let's be honest here, what else did you expect of Draco Malfoy's son.
Time after the bath would consist of drying off in front of the fireplace. Everyone dressed in their bathrobes. For a small amount of time, you would sit there alone with Scorpius, drying his hair by ruffling it with a soft towel. When you were done brushing his hair, you would press a kiss to the top of his head, making contact with his still damp white-blond hair and then continue with drying and brushing you own hair. Typically, Draco would return to you at that time, carrying steaming mugs of tea or hot chocolate that he just prepared for everyone, with him. The warmth of the fire and soothing drink soon brought drowsiness over the little one's features and a cute little yawn escaped his lips as he rubbed his eyes and crawled into his father's lap where he got comfortable. Soft smiles appeared on the faces of Draco and you when the boy's eyelids kept fluttering closed.
"Hey Scorpius" Draco would whisper softly as he lightly nudged his son "it's bedtime buddy" For the most part, the boy would stir in his father's arms at hearing those words and the feeling of being picked up. Only on seldom occasions did he not wake in the process of being carried to bed. The usual mumbles leaving his mouth in a whine "Noo, I'm not tired" followed by a yawn and more mumbles "I-I wanna stay up with you two!" A lighthearted laugh escaped your lips, it simply felt impossible to keep it in after you watched him doze off right after finishing the statement, which he had managed to form in his half-asleep state. Draco joined in on your gleeful laughter as he carried the smaller looking version of himself to his bedroom, with you always walking alongside him.
Once Scorpius was released from his father's embrace and his body made contact with the soft surface of his bed, he pried his eyes open again and muttered out a single word "story". This caused you to smile and scoot into bed next to him, your husband copying your actions on the other side of the bed. "Of course honey, you'll get your bedtime story don't you worry about it." you cooed and pressed a kiss to the side of his head, one hand caressing his silk-like hair "Is there a specific one you wanna hear sleepyhead?" Another yawn came from the child as he snuggled further against the two of you and got comfortable under the covers "the one- the one about the bowman that helps people" he barely managed to reply, voice thick with sleep. Scorpius closed his eyes, a content smile on his face. This caused Draco to arch an eyebrow in amusement, a sly smirk crossing his features. He wasn't opposed to his son hearing muggle tales, he had simply never heard his him specifically request one for bedtime before "the muggle story? I thought you don't like those stories as much as the other ones" he teased. "I like the bowman one" your four-year-old replied, forcing one eye open in order to look at his father and then continuing on with giving you a pleading look, a pout emerging on his face. You cheered "Robin Hood it is then!" Just like that, the pout vanished and the content smile reappeared. You started telling the tale about the archer who took from the rich and gave to the poor, thus taking on the role of a criminal. You continued on with the story even after Scorpius had fallen asleep, for it seemed that your husband had also taken an interest to the story line. However, you only noticed that because he seemed disappointed when you were about to stop in the middle of your recitation, so you had decided to continue and finish telling the tale of the brave and selfless archer.
"Goodnight sweetheart, I wish you only the sweetest of dreams" you whispered before pressing a kiss to your son's forehead and quietly tiptoeing out of his bedroom, Draco following closely behind you. He shut the door carefully as to prevent any loud noises and thereby waking the sleeping child.
As soon as the door was closed you fell into the man's arms and he just let out a breathless chuckle "That story actually wasn't so bad" he muttered, causing you to giggle in return "I'm glad you agree, my love."
After a few moments of comfortable silence, you decided to speak up again. "I love you, you know that, right?" you mumbled against his lips before you kissed him. "I sure hope so darling, we started going out in fourth year, have been married for six years and have a son together after all." he teased, the cocky smirk that you loved so much adorning his lips. "Wow thanks" you laughed and your laughter soon turned to a squeal when you felt him pick you up. "I love you too (Y/n), I adore you, actually" he grinned before pressing a kiss to your lips and carrying you back to the living room.
Sunday evenings consisted of family dinners, long baths and water splashing. They stood for shaping, washing, drying and brushing hair. Sunday evenings meant foam fights, cozy robes and steaming hot beverages. They were cuddling in front of the fireplace, bedtime stories and bringing a tired child to bed.
They were to put it quite simply, calm and relaxed evenings, which were followed by Sunday nights.
What did the couple do on Sunday nights when the rest of the house slept, leaving only the two of them?
Taglist: @paulina1998 @ateez-star @littlemissnoname13 @dracomalfoys-wh0re
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jadedxrealityw · 3 years
-Rush- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
  Summary: After a failed relationship you and Draco lost contact only to be reconnected when you take a job at the Ministry Of Magic. Emotions begin to resurface as you both realize that even after all the time that has passed you still both are deeply in love with each other
  Kody: The song this image is based off of. Lewis Capaldi - Rush ft. Jessie Reyez. I also changed the backstory for a couple of characters, mostly about what happened after the wizarding war.  
  Year: out of school
  House: Gryffindor (out of school)
  Possible Triggers/Warnings: fat angst, cursing, lowkey toxic Draco
   high school sweethearts, that was what you were. What you used to be.
   it was a normal day when Draco said he wanted to end things, going on a whole rant about how you weren’t safe with him and you deserved so much more than what a death eater could bring you. Despite all of your reassurances that you would take the risk his mind was made up.
   his parents were pressuring him to give you up. His father repeating that no son of his would date some Gryffindor half blood, but you were much more than that to him. You shared his passions and interests, listened to him when he needed a ear to talk off about Alchemy or offered your shoulder to cry on.
   it was the one thing he stood his ground for. You. One night while he was quietly, but with haste packing clothes into a small trunk because he was planning on apparating to your house and run away with you his aunt Bellatrix had caught him in the act.
   she, in a very threatening tone told her nephew that the dark lord knew of his little Gryffindor girlfriend and if he wanted to see you unharmed he would be a good boy and listen to orders when he’s given them. His whole world came crashing down. He could take the chance and run with you anyway. He really wanted to.
   but then you would never live a comfortable life. Being on the run constantly was not what he planned when he gave you a silver ring when you were both 15 with a promise he would replace it with a wedding band in the future. Now he would never get to see you walk down the aisle. 
   so he distanced himself from you as much as he could until the breakup, so it wouldn’t hurt as much. It still did.
    ‘The space between where our ends meet, Has grown too much for me to block it out’
   you left his dorm that day in tears. His body almost leaped forward to chase after you, but his mind knew better. If losing you meant he could protect you from the dangers his life brought as a Malfoy, then by all means. He had to let you go. Doesn’t mean it was easy.
   he never really saw you again after that. He chalked it up to his mind blocking you out if you ever were in his line of sight, like some sort of defense his brain put up to avoid any more hurt. Once the ‘final battle’ came around he decided that he wouldn’t let his father control his life anymore.
   he aided the golden trio by tossing his wand to Harry once he fell out of Hagrid’s arms and with that it was over instantly. His mother and him were charged for war crimes, but Hermione and Harry ended up speaking on their behalves and all charges were dropped.
   his father was sent to Azkaban for the rest of his days and for once Draco felt at peace with his father being so far away, no longer having the ability to control him. Harry almost immediately got a job at the ‘Ministry Of Magic’ as well as Hermione. 
   after a few months Harry had talked Draco up enough to his superiors to get him a position in the  ‘Department of Magical Law Enforcement’ as a Auror. He felt strange working with Harry Potter after all the years of bullying, but they got along really well when they cooperated.
   1 year later
   “Hey, can we talk to you for a bit?” Draco looks up from his papers that lied on his desk. Hermione Granger and Harry Potter stood at the entrance of his office, looking visibly uncomfortable. He had a feeling this wouldn’t be a pleasant conversation.
   he set the pen down on the desk before gesturing to the seats in front of said desk. Hermione put on a sweet smile as she took a seat, Harry following. “So i’m sure you heard our department is hiring another Auror since were shoftstafed” Draco nods slowly. He actually heard about it yesterday before he left.
   “Yeah so, we overheard a conversation this morning about who it was and we wanted o tell you in advance” Harry explained. Draco’s brow went up in slight confusion. Warn him? What in hell did that mean? “Warn me” he repeated and Hermione nods.
   a sympathetic smile played on her soft complexion. “It’s Y/n. Y/n L/n” Draco’s body tensed up instantly. Of course the universe would punish him like this. Waving the love of his life in his face after he broke her heart. How spiteful. “Oh” he simply said, before leaning back into his chair. 
   all business professionalism drained from his body in an instant “Fuck” he cursed under his breath “You still care about her, don’t you?” Hermione questioned. He just nodded before letting out a deep sigh and standing up from his chair “I’m quitting”
   both ex Gryffindors shot up from there seats “You can’t quit Draco, that’s a highly irrational reaction!” Hermione sputters as he collects his coat from the back of his black swivel chair. “You wouldn’t understand, Granger” he slipped his arms through both sleeves.
    “Draco!-” Harry started, but didn’t get another word in as Draco opened his office door. As soon as the door swung open he felt a head collide with his chest. He could practically hear their heartbeat race in embarrassment “Oh Merlin, i apologize!” the voice. That voice laughed nervously. 
   ‘I miss the tone of your heartbeat. It's such a warming and familiar sound’
   the person backed away and he felt as if he could collapse right then and there. “Draco?” you said. ‘No, please don’t say my name’ he thought. A smile grew on your face “What a funny coincidence. seeing you here. How’ve you been?”
   his eyes mapped your body, not in a sexual way. Just noting the small changes that occured over a year and a half. You kept your hair the same length, as well as your taste in clothing. Your face was a bit more matured, but still held it’s natural beauty.
   the way you spoke to him made his heart twinge. It was so friendly. Of course it was friendly, but he still hated it. “I’ve been quite alright. You?” he questions. “I’m great, couldn’t be better really.” you shrug your shoulders. His heart tugged violently.
   better. Couldn’t be better. In his mind when the word better came up he imagined being married to you already and living a comfortable, wealthy life. But no, he was here. He forced a half smile on his face “That’s good to hear. Now i must get going. I hope you're finding the power. To help you make it through the darker days”
   he walked past her and as soon as he was out of sight, sped walked to the nearest bathrooms. He locked the door before leaning against it. He slowly slid down until he sat down on the tile floor. It was gross, but he didn’t care at the moment.
   how was he going to work here with you around. It felt as if the air was being violently sucked from his lungs. Was this what Granger called a panic attack? or was his body finally giving up on him. He would be perfectly fine with whatever option at this stage.
   as he stared up at the ceiling, a bitter laugh left his throat “For now, I wait by the hour. If you wanna take somebody's breath away”
   It had been two weeks and Draco felt as if he was going to implode. You were so happy and cheerful and- and- joyful. he just couldn’t understand how you weren’t as broken up as he was or maybe he wanted someone to share his pain. How pathetic was that?
   now here he was. At some boring gala the Ministry was holding. Something about celebrating a new generation or along those lines. Draco couldn’t be bothered to care about details. He took another sip of wine from his glass hoping to get buzzed enough to fly through this boring affair.
   he looks up to see multiple pairs of eyes on him. Wait- not him. Behind him. He slowly turns around as it met with the most breathtaking sight he could ever see. You strolled through the entrance wearing a no strap long lace dress. He swore his heart skipped a couple beats.
   you looked like a princess ready to be whisked away, but you weren’t his to whisk anymore were you? Draco’s jaw locked in place before he looked back down at the wine in his hand. He places it down on a nearby table. “Merlin, you look absolutely stunning Ms. L/n!”
   Granger. “Are you alright?” a male voice asked. Potter. If Weasley showed up, he was going to have an aneurysm on the spot. Draco simply exhaled deeply “I suppose so. I don’t think my mind is processing the fact the she isn’t mine anymore though. So there’s that”
   Harry looked at Draco, studying his facial expressions. It was strange to see him so emotional “If you don’t mind me asking, how long were you two together?” he was treading on thin ice, he knew that. “Long enough for it to hurt this bad”
   and with that. Draco walked away from the chosen one and spent a good twenty minutes talking to random superiors and wealthy couples. It was only when he came from the bathroom he heard your voice for the first time that night.
   “Oh thank you!” you spoke in a enthusiastic voice. Draco stopped mid step and leaned against the wall. Now he was eavesdropping? How pathetic of him. “So Y/n, we heard you used to date Draco Malfoy. Is that true?” a unfamiliar voice asked.
   he inhaled sharply. “Um yes, yes i did” you spoke. You sounded uncomfortable with that question. How dare they pry on your love life? They had no right “So what was he like? Did he cheat on you? Was he a bad boyfriend? I bet he was” his fist clenched at his side.
   Draco wasn’t the nicest person. He knew that, but he showed you as much love and affection his body could produce. He loved you! Hell, he still loved you. You seem to sputter “Uh-” he couldn’t listen to this. He walked out of the small hallway, surprising you and the unfamiliar coworker.
   he needed some fresh air. Now. He pushes through a couple of people with a cold stare. He walks down a couple steps of stairs and hes out the front doors. The cold crisp air hits his face and he felt as if he could breathe again. He reaches up and slicks his platinum hair back.
   a repeated clicking noise could be heard behind him, getting closer. Shoes. No. Heels actually. “Draco” you spoke. He turns around quickly and watches as you step off the concrete and into the grass, holding your dress up from the ground.
   why did he feel so angry? Could it be because you didn’t deny his claims? or something else? “Go away L/n” he spoke harshly. He could see your face turn to one of confusion before a stern look took over “No, your clearly upset so i’m not leaving” 
   still so stubborn. “Are you upset because they asked me about us? If you don’t want anyone to know i promise i won’t tell anyone. I wouldn’t want to ruin your reputation” you said, which only angered him more. How could you be so stupid? 
   “I don’t give a damn if anyone knows about us! You didn’t deny it Y/n! They said such horrible things about me and you just stood there like they were right! Are you fucking serious?! I loved you with everything i had and you act like as if i was the monster!” Draco’s voice boomed, you look positively frightened.
   until you didn’t Then you looked angry “You broke up with me you stupid git! You left me alone and scared while the whole war was going on! So yeah Draco i’m fucking bitter! Screw you! What happened, you were so accepting of me when we first saw each other. You hoped i was well!”
   you were right, he knew that, but he wasn’t done yelling. All of this thought were just rolling off of him in the worst way. You looked disappointed in him. It reminded him of the last time he spoke to you at Hogwarts, but with less crying and more anger.
   “I hoped?! You want to know what i hope!?  I hope you're lonely, hope you're lost 'cause I've been. I'd hate to think you're better off without me  I know we tried to hold on. But where do you go. When love, it just ain't enough?” he spoke, anger leaving him and being replaced with dread and sorrow.
   but he wasn’t done. “Now does it kill you when you think about me? Were you as close to giving up as I've been? I know we kept losing touch. Got lost in the rush...” he sighed deeply, trailing off at the end of his sentence. All his worst thoughts had spilled out of him like a tidal wave.
   you looked shocked and hurt? Maybe he was reading your expression wrong. He couldn’t bare to look at your face. Gulping, he adjusted his tie and turned away to walk off in shame “I pray you don't hurt too much” he chose as his parting words.
   “I don't come close to an angel”
   he stopped. A shuffling sound of fabric heard as you made your way in front of him, jabbing a finger at his chest “You ain't never been no kind of saint” you narrowed your E/c eyes at him. He looked down at you in shame. You removed your finger and stepped back once.
   a bitter laugh forced its way out of you. “But when we both came together. Hell to heaven, you were my escape. But fires don't burn forever and all these ashes crumble when we touch. We danced to death in the fire. What can we do now that the music's done, my love?” 
   his grey eyes went wide. My love? A small feeling of hope bloomed within his chest. You did still care about him. He was your only love and would always be, but you had both been forced apart. Draco was foolish for thinking you had ever lost feelings for the Malfoy.
   now to give him a taste of his own medicine. “I hope you're lonely, hope you're lost 'cause I've been. I'd hate to think you're better off without me. I know we tried to hold on. But where do you go, When love, it just ain't enough? Now, does it kill you when you think about me?”
   you threw your hands up in the air. He could spot tears in your eyes, making him start to choke up as well. That was always his weakness, you crying. “Were you as close to giving up as I've been? I know we kept losing touch. Got lost in the rush. I pray you don't hurt too much” you look down.
   ‘Well, we had it all and we let it fall, But I hope you find whatever you were looking for’
   Draco stepped into you and reaches down to grab your hand “Y/n. During the war i packed a bag in the middle of the night. I was ready to leave my family and run away with you. I wanted nothing more then to pend the rest of my life with you” his thumb caressed the skin of your hand.
   you look up from your heels and met his gaze with teary eyes “Why didn’t you?” you spoke. He smiled sadly, using his other hand to cup your cheek. “My aunt. Bellatrix caught me. The dark lord had found out about you somehow and if i wanted to keep you safe i had to let you go.”
   “The day i broke up with you haunts me in my nightmares. I wanted so badly to reach out and grab you, but love- Y/n you weren’t safe with me.” tears finally escaped his eyes, running down his pale face. You used your hand to hit his chest “I told you i didn’t care Draco”
   he nods, sniffling “I know darling, i should have stuck by your side no matter what, but even the thought of any harm coming to you was to much for me to bare” he let go of your hand. Now he was cradling your face. “I feel as though i am too late” 
   you reach into the top part of your dress and pull out the hidden part of a silver necklace you wore. The silver ring he gave you was at the end of the chain. He felt his heart explode. “You kept it? after all this time. Why?” he asked. You roll your eyes “because i still love you, you foolish boy!”
   Draco was at a loss of words. Unable to speak, he grabbed your face and your lips collided with his in a passionate kiss. It was very sloppy, but showed how much you both missed each other. It made up the amount of time that had passed since you felt each other.
   your the first to pull away from the heated exchange “You better not leave me again Draco” you spoke in a stern tone which made him smile “I wouldn’t dream of it my love. Now, let’s get out of here. There is so much more i want to do with you” his tone became playful as a smirk played on his face.
   your face flushes slightly, but you nod slowly. He holds onto you as you both apparate away to merlin knows where. High school sweethearts, that was what you were. What you used to be. What you got to be again.
   Kody: i- i cried writing this. What a pussy am i right. By the way my inbox is like being a wack ass hoe and not telling me when i get messages so like sorry if you’ve requested something and it hasn’t been posted. (I was also in a depressed state for a bit but whatevs) Anyways, peace!
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Best Friends
Zuko x fem!reader
Summary: You stayed with Zuko in the Fire Nation and when he gets a little jealous he realizes he likes you, his best friend.
Requested?: Yes! This was inspired by a wonderful anon's request:
Love that you are taking requests, I’m so excited! Could you possibly write a jealous Zuko of Y/N, potentially best friends to lovers kind of thing, maybe when he is fire lord? Would love to see what you would do with something like that 😁
I hope you like it!
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Requests are open!!
A/n: If y’all couldn’t tell by now, I suck at thinking up titles.
  “What are you gonna do now, Y/n?” Aang asked as you looked out over the party with the rest of the group. You were the only one who was undecided about their plans after the war, but now that you'd had some time to think, you knew.
  “I’m staying here,” you announced, smiling at Zuko. He gave a small smile back as you continued, “There isn’t anything left for me back home since somebody *cough* Zuko *cough* burned it down.”
  He frowned at you. “How many times do I have to apologize for that?”
  You considered the question. “Oh, I don’t know, forever?” You chuckled. “I don’t mind though, it led to me meeting my best friend.”
  Zuko smiled again as you gave him a quick hug. “I need a new advisor if you're up for it.”
  “Challenge accepted.”
  For a while you all talked, finally enjoying yourselves. It was really nice, but eventually you were all pulled away to go and join the party. Duty called.
   As you made your way from person to person, they each congratulated you on your appointment as Zuko’s advisor. Some were less genuine than others, obviously upset that they hadn’t gotten the position.
  All of it made you a little nervous and when you finally pulled away from a not so genuine couple, you made your way to Zuko. You wanted to dance and why do it with a stranger when you could do it with your best friend?
  You were a third of the way to Zuko when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You snapped around, months of traveling with the gaang made you expect a fight, but instead you found a man a little older than you standing there.
  “You’re Y/n, right? Zuko’s advisor?” He asked.
  You nodded, giving him your default charming smile. “I am.”
  “Nice to meet you, I’m Lee.” He bowed and you quickly mimicked him. “I’m hoping to be on the council.”
  “Oh? Where are you from?” You asked, trying to make conversation as you looked for Zuko again. He had moved in the brief time you had spoken to Lee.
  “A small village that you’ve probably never heard of near another small that you’ve probably never heard of. All of the town leaders elected me to come here.”
  You nodded, finally spotting Zuko. “Maybe I’ll put in a good word for you, but for now, it was nice meeting you.”
  “Nice meeting you too, Y/n,” he said and you let out a sigh of relief as you left. It was so stressful just to talk to people now. They always wanted something and while Lee seemed kind it was hard to be sure.
  You pushed your anxieties away though as you finally found Zuko.
  “Enjoying the party?” You asked after he’d finished talking to a couple.
  “If you can call it that.”
  “Well, let’s remedy that. Come dance, it’ll be fun.”
  Zuko nodded, offering an arm to lead you out to the dance floor.
  “Iroh!” You greeted the old man with a bright smile and a hug. It had been a few months since you’d last seen him and you missed him and his cheerful energy. And not only that, having him around always made Zuko happier.
  “Y/n, it’s good to see you again. I hope you’ve been well?”
  “Of course, I love the Fire Nation, especially with what we’ve done with it. Zuko’s been great!”
  “Speaking of him, where is my nephew?”
  “I’m here, Uncle!” Zuko called, speeding down the steps and immediately hugging Iroh. “How have you been?”
  “Wonderful! The tea shop is as busy as ever.” He smiled. “How are you? I hear you’re pretty busy too.”
  “Incredibly,” you agreed with a tired smile.
  Iroh nodded understandingly. “Well, now that I’m here it’s time for some fun!”
  The three of you turned to walk back into the palace, but a servant came rushing down the steps. “Your Majesty! Lady Y/n!”
  “Yes?” Zuko asked after they had bowed.
  “There’s a problem, an emergency meeting had to be scheduled.”
  You sighed, but Iroh just chuckled. “Work never really takes a break.”
  “Would you like to join us?” You asked.
  “Will there be tea?” Iroh asked, earning a laugh from you.
  “Whatever you’d like,” Zuko confirmed as you made your way to the meeting room.
You walked inside and took your seat next to Zuko, waving at those who had already arrived. Lee, who had been appointed to the council, waved back and moved to take a seat next to you as Iroh took the seat across from you.
You leaned over to Zuko. “Do you have any clue what this is about?”
“No,” he whispered back.
You sighed. “It’s probably something bad.”
Zuko was cut off from answering as a younger general, Xu, stood to address the room. He began to speak and you listened intently as he discussed a problem with the colonies: some people didn’t want to acknowledge that Zuko was the Firelord, instead they were choosing to follow ‘Firelord Azula’.
It was a problem you’d heard of before and you wondered why Xu was bringing it up now, in an emergency meeting, on your day off.
Just as you were about to voice your question Xu answered it. “Some of the leaders of the colonies have come here and we are worried that they might try something...drastic,” Xu stated.
Zuko nodded thoughtfully and you spoke up. “What do you think about giving them a tour of all the good things that Firelord Zuko has done? Maybe then they will see that he isn’t all bad?”
“Sounds like a great idea!” Lee exclaimed from your right and Zuko nodded in agreement, though there was a frown on his face. You gave him a reassuring smile and he gave a small one back.
“And you should add some more guards to Azula’s cell,” Iroh added. “But don’t let her know about this. I know that my niece is crafty, if she has hope she will act on it.”
With those decisions made, the meeting went on smoothly and you were able to get out of it relatively fast.
As people filed out of the room you turned to Zuko and Iroh. “I’m going to run up to my office real quick. I want to send a hawk to everyone about this.”
Zuko nodded. “Meet us by the turtle duck pond?”
“Yep,” you moved to leave the room, but Lee grabbed your attention.
“You know you have such amazing ideas, why do you always look to Zuko to make sure he approves?” He asked, putting his hands on your shoulders.  
You gave him an incredulous look as you gently moved away. “He’s the Firelord, he has the final say on bigger matters and I’d prefer us to be on the same page.”
“His uncle didn’t ask for approval to move guards to Azula’s cell.”
“We would have moved guards to Azula’s cell no matter what, Iroh just so happened to be the one to say it.” Lee opened his mouth to argue more, but you continued, “Maybe we can talk about this another time,” you suggested, backing away. Though, by ‘another time’ you meant never.
Lee nodded. “How about at dinner tonight?”
You shook your head and gave him a fake smile. “I have plans.” With that final statement you turned around and quickly left the room. While Lee typically made you feel more comfortable in meetings, this time he was doing anything but.
You were halfway down the long hallway when you realized that you had forgotten your notes. You sighed turning around, you’d need them to write a letter to your friends. You wanted to give them as many facts as possible so they could decide what to do.
Your footsteps echoed ominously in the hall and you realized how uninviting and creepy they seemed. It was another thing you’d have to talk to Zuko about.
  You pushed aside your thoughts and slowed down as you heard slightly raised voices in the meeting room. Two you immediately recognized as Zuko’s and Iroh’s, but third, Lee’s, took you a little longer.
  “You were clearly making her uncomfortable,” Zuko stated and you could tell that he was irritated.
  “Maybe you were just uncomfortable thinking about Y/n and I dating?” Lee asked.
  “You don’t care about her, you just want power,” Zuko argued.
  You heard Lee scoff. “Maybe I do. I would be a better Firelord than you. I’m beginning to think it’s your family that’s the problem, you’ll just lead this country to ruin.”
  You let out a quiet huff of annoyance. The result of many late night chats with Zuko had led you to know one of his greatest fears: failing. You scowled though no one could see you. How dare Lee say that? You had half a mind to challenge him to an Agni Kai right here and now.
A few calming breaths later led you to remember that you weren’t a fire bender and neither was Lee. However, you still weren’t above fighting him after what he had just said to your best friend. You did not appreciate Lee speaking to him like that.
  Zuko was handling it though. “Leave,” he ordered and you could hear the glare in his voice.
  “W-What?” Lee asked, all of his fight gone.
  “I said, leave. If you are going to disrespect Y/n and I then you don’t have a place in this meeting room or in this palace.”
  You didn’t hear anything else as you hid in an alcove by the door. Lee walked out of the room and you could see he was seething, you’d never seen him that angry and you were glad he couldn’t see you. You did not want to talk to him.
  You moved back to the door to head inside, but Iroh spoke, “I’ll have some guards escort him out.”
“Thank you.” Zuko’s voice moved away from the door. “Do you think I was overreacting?”
“No,” Iroh stated. “You were concerned for Y/n, I can see how much you like her.”
  “What? No!” Zuko protested. “She’s my best friend.”
  “She’s not more than a friend?” Iroh asked teasingly.
  “I-I don’t know,” Zuko admitted much to your surprise.
  You couldn’t imagine Zuko liking you, it was a miracle you were friends after the way you had met. Could you even be more than friends? If you really thought about it you weren’t opposed to the idea.
  A chair creaked. “I’ll leave you to think about it,” Iroh said.
  “I’ll meet you at the turtle duck pond,” Zuko responded, his voice distant, as the door opened.
  “Hi,” You said, slightly embarrassed that you had been found listening.
  “You should talk to him,” Iroh advised, a kind smile on his face.
  You nodded, pushing open the door. “Hey Zuko.”
  “Y/n? H-how much did you hear?”
  “All of it,” you admitted feeling your face heat up.
  “Oh, um-“
  You cut him off. “Thank you for defending me.”
  “Of course.”
  You smiled at him. “About what I heard after that...”
  “Oh, that,” He repeated, flustered.
  “Mhmm,” you proded.
  “Well, I-I guess I like you then.”
  You chuckled at how spontaneous this situation was, but quickly realized it wasn’t a good idea. You moved over and sat in the chair next to Zuko. Taking his hands you beamed at him. “I like you too...even if you burned down my village.”
  He groaned. “I’d like you a lot more if you’d stop binging that up.”
  “It’s all a part of our story, the good and the bad.”
Tada!!! Thank you so.much for this request and I hope it's what you wanted! I hope y'all have a fantastic and safe day/night! I wish you all the best!
P.S. I am open to requests!!!!!
P.P.S. If you want to be on my taglist for all things Zuko, feel free to ask. I hope it works and please message me if it doesn’t.
Taglist: @duh-dobrik
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commanderserwin · 4 years
i had an idea for a fluffy erwin fic where the reader is a teacher ( preferably primary school kids ) and she brings in erwin ( maybe also levi ) to talk about their jobs but the kids start to ask what he thinks of their teacher and if they are together ect, and both of u try not to embarrass yourselves in front of the kids and levi is just smug about it cause he knew you both had a thing for each other… thank u in advance hehe :)
✧ characters. erwin smith x reader, levi ackerman
✧ notes. this was so cute so i hope i did this justice 🥺 thank u for this and i hope u like & enjoy ! ♡ ♡
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“and i am here because?”
erwin looked at levi, nervousness apparent on his face as erwin furrowed his brow. “they asked for soldiers.”
“i’m sure they only asked for you.”
erwin and levi waited outside the room, listening to your beaming voice as the children asked multiple questions for about the day. erwin peeped through the little window, smiling to himself as you coincidentally looked back— sighing hard, keeping the smile on your face to a minimum as your heart skipped a beat— when it shouldn’t have.
it was a favor— the children has just started asking questions about the jobs, carreers as they all animatedly talked about their future wants, and the most consistent answer was military. both boys and girls grew an affinity when you mistakenly mentioned about knowing someone from the survey corps.
then it went downhill from that. they all cheered and talked over your voice, hands going up as they continuously asked questions— and it left you exhausted trying to think of some other answer, aside from that you only knew someone— him, just because of a couple of lunches and dinners spent together. it was over too soon, both of you parting ways amicably over a relationship that hasn’t even started— but the feeling of just having somebody look at you differently, butterflies in your stomach, the way heat pools on to your cheeks whenever they looked made it feel that something was there.
still— no questions asked, he agreed. erwin agreed when you asked him to visit for an hour or two.
and now, you currently have a commander and a captain waiting outside your humble little classroom.
“shall we greet our visitors?” you asked, smiling widely as you opened the door where the men were waiting outside— the voices from the little children echoed as they all waved to erwin and levi.
“what do we say?” you asked once more, gently tugging on erwin’s sleeves to move him to the center as levi followed suit, “good morning, commander erwin and captain levi!”
erwin smiled the widest, even waving a little as the boys almost fell out of their chairs trying to get a glimpse of the very commander that was leading the survey corps. levi, on the other hand, shared a little staring contest to the little girl who stared a little longer but he only squinted in return, making the girl shy away.
“all right!” you loudly said, hands moving up and down to calm them dow, “settle down, please! or else we can’t start to ask them for stories and questions!”
“how many questions will they ask?”
erwin whispered on your ear, his faint hand on your back to keep you steady as you turned your head— noticing the small distance between his lips and yours from the motion. you breathed— turning your head straight, eyes following the curious ones that flashed before the children.
“it depends,” you whispered back, not looking at erwin, “you can tell me if you need to go, so we could wrap this up if you’re needed.”
“there’s no need for that,” erwin eyed you, smiling gently.
“i cleared my schedule for this.”
heat rushed to your cheeks once more, your heart thumping faster his eyes landed on yours for a second longer, making levi clear his throat, making both of you snap back into reality. 
the reality— that this was just a favor and what the both of you had was a finished story. 
“teacher is blushing!”
the smile that was plastered on your face was enough to keep the children howling, as you felt uncomfortable and confused with the unnecessary attention. 
“let’s all be quiet,” you smiled, raising a hand— as you breathed hard.
“are you two together?”
erwin slapped his chest, clearing his throat loudly as he raised his brows, his eys going crazy as he looked at you— but you only stared back with nothing but a threat to not fall for the question. 
and he failed. 
“no, we are not.”
“i think you should.”
“do you think so?” erwin asked, cocking his head at you-- his eyes full of taunt as he looked back at the giddy children.
“—so our teacher will have a lover,” niki commented quietly, putting down her hand.
“erwin—,” you whispered loudly beside him, but he was enjoying the small divergence from what they were actually here to do.
“oh,” erwin sighed loudly, smiling, “a lover.” 
you moved in closer to him, making him look down with a small smile as he cocked an eyebrow, but you only pinched his side in response with a tight lipped smile. 
“don’t feed into their questions,” you smiled through your teeth, shushing the children as they squealed, “talk about the survey corps, please.”
“they’re not asking about survey corps.”
“levi,” you called to the smaller man beside him, clearly enjoying as he flashed a smirked, “a little help? will you please talk about... maneuvering? or something else?”
“why should i?” levi scoffed, gesturing to the happy children, “they are clearly loving this.”
“much livelier subject than the military, if you ask me.”
“what he said was true,” erwin whispered as he bent down to your level, “it’s okay... right?”
erwin nodded, clasping his hands behind him as he stepped forward, making the little kids sit properly— their backs straightening as they followed the man in command before them. the very first time they have settled down, as they shut their mouths, their eyes still following his every movements.
“shall we talk about the survey corps?”
nobody spoke a word— even the boys looking unamused at the sudden change while the girls only slumped back on their chairs, their feet swinging as equally unamused. it was quiet for a minute, until somebody raised their hand. 
“tobe says yes?” you pointed at tobe, smiling softly at the usual quiet boy. 
his eyes moved back and forth to you and erwin, his lips moving but nothing audible came out. 
“tobe? darling?” you called.
“... no.”
“... we know about the survey corps.”
and all hell breaks loose. everybody started nodding their head away, smiles growing wider as tobe sat down with a smile on his face, watching his classmates erupt into louder laughter and more questions about you and erwin-- far from what you brought him and levi to do. 
“yes! titans...” they counted.
“and explorations!” babi shared. 
“outside the walls,” mica nodded.
“and ODM gear!” cassian added loudly.
“and you go whish,” scott acted out as he twirled with his arms as the blades.
“and you fly!” mia followed suit, jumping high. 
erwin turned to you, his lips turning down as he matched the expression on your face— embarrassment and regret all mixed into one because of this favor. 
“we know about survey corps,” tobe repeated from the back.
“very intelligent kids,” levi sighed from the side, leaning on the chalkboard as he  gave a little thumbs up to mia. 
erwin stepped back, falling in beside you with a horrified look on his face-- because they’re not entirely wrong at all. these kids know enough, and so he was stuck as to what to say next or more that isn’t going to dampen the good morning. 
“what should i say?” erwin asked beside you, placing a hand on your back to bring gently pull you to him, asking for a cue from you. 
after all, this was all your doing. a simple favor turned into something unexpected with questions that isn’t connected as to why you brought the visitors into your classroom. 
“i don’t...” you exasperatedly said, eyes moving to the audience as they listened intently and looked very interested as to what was happening before them, “know. say anything?”
both of you stood in shock, minds pondering as what else could erwin say, but nothing was sticking in your brain-- even from about their jobs, or titans, or gears because you were too focused on feeling the blush on your cheeks or the close proximity between you and erwin, or how his blue eyes gently soothed you even when a similar blush rests on his cheeks.
if he was embarrassed, he was doing a great job at keeping it hidden. the only give-away was how he fiddled with his hands and the way he changed his stance once in a while, eyes still buried into yours. 
as conflicted as you were, your role as a teacher flying out of the room as erwin locked his eyes with the children while you stayed rooted to the ground, head turned up as you genuinely looked at him. a small, familiar smile rests on his lips, making your willpower burst into dust as your chest moved up and down, struck with the possibility that maybe— just maybe, a date wouldn’t sound so bad, again.
his voice drifting away while you stood there... until levi moved to your side, nudging you softly. 
you jumped, looking at him while your brows furrowed, “what?”
“how long were you going to stare at him?” levi asked, pulling you away as erwin entertained the children, even perching him up on the desk as he answered questions that you were sure that wasn’t about survey corps. 
“i wasn’t staring,” you mumbled, your hands going cold as you flicker your eyes towards erwin. 
“yes, you were,” levi huffed beside you, nudging his head towards the commander. “answer him.”
“answer what?”
“his question.”
you looked away, glancing at him who was waiting for your reply to a question you didn’t even know or heard. his lips moved for a second time, but it all faded away as the kids cheered louder, clapping their hands, their own cheeks fluttering into pinks and reds. 
he shushed the children and the bickering died down, their lips closed as they listened with you. 
erwin’s breath staggered a little, but a newfound confidence sits right in his chest as he repeated the question— his voice smooth and sweet as if it was only meant for you to hear.
“should we go date again?”
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