#I heard this song for the first time watching this
azzibuckets · 2 days
want you for myself [paige bueckers]
paige bueckers x fem!reader
summary: some cute fluff where paige gets jealous of all the attention her brother is getting from you
a/n: i kinda rushed this so😭 it didn’t turn out the way i wanted
word count: 1.3k
Normally, Paige loved how good you were with Drew. How whenever he started talking about school or basketball, you always raptly paid attention, asking questions and making jokes. She loved how gentle you were with him, how when he was being too loud you always managed to bring his energy down to a more appropriate level without yelling at him.
But right now, she couldn’t help but feel annoyed at how focused you were on Drew when you were supposed to be focused on her.
“And Dad bought me three new skins for my birthday! Here, let me show you all of them.” Drew scrambled to find his iPad, and for what seemed like the millionth time, Paige leaned into you, tugging your shirt sleeve at the elbow.
“Can we go now?” she whined. “You said we would watch the wolves game together.”
“Just give me a few more minutes,” you whispered back, not even bothering to look at her. “Let me see Drew’s skins.”
Paige loudly huffed. She was bored out of her mind. “The game’s starting in five minutes, you know,” she urged, widening her eyes to show her eagerness.
“I know, you just said that two minutes ago. You go on up first, I’ll be there in a few,” you said dismissively before enthusiastically throwing yourself into yet another conversation with Drew about Fortnite.
Grumbling under her breath, Paige went up the stairs, making sure to aggressively stomp to get her impatience across. When she reached the top, she turned around, but you didn’t seem to have noticed her attitude at all, eyes totally glued to Drew’s screen.
The Timberwolves vs Mavericks game started, but Paige couldn’t enjoy it without you. Her annoyance grew as she heard you and her little brother’s raucous laughs echoing from the basement. She clenched her jaw, wondering how you were more interested childish things like Fortnite (as if she hadn’t played that game for hours every night the past month) than a basketball game with your very sexy girlfriend.
Paige was able to ignore her frustrations momentarily and get lost in the game, but when Anthony Edwards scored a buzzer-beater three to end the first quarter and she jumped up and down, instinctively going to grab you out of excitement, she realized again that you still hadn’t come up. With a groan, she headed back downstairs.
This time, you and Drew were playing on the Nintendo, both of you fully zoned in on building your Minecraft world. “Hey.” You felt a flick on your head and turned around to see a grumpy Paige. “You just missed Ant’s best moment of the season,” she declared, hoping you’d feel disappointed at having missed the highlight.
But you only said, “Oh, damn,” before turning back to the screen.
Paige sighed and decided to try again. “He shot from full court to put the wolves up at the end of first,” she prodded, hoping you’d get excited. But you merely nodded before turning to Drew and asking if he wanted to switch to creative mode.
Paige switched tactics. “Drew,” she said in a sing-song voice. “I think your screen time is up.”
Drew wrinkled his eyebrow, not tearing his gaze from the TV. “I don’t have a screen time.”
Paige stepped in front of the TV, forcing both of you to finally look at her. “Do either of you want ice cream?” she tried, smiling hopefully. “I’ll drive us to Baskin Robbin’s.”
“I’m still pretty full from lunch,” you said, “but thanks babe.”
“Yeah, me too,” Drew agreed. “Can you move now?”
Paige begrudgingly moved aside, jaw tightened as she grinded her teeth. Returning back upstairs, she watched the rest of the NBA game in a brooding silence. She felt slightly immature for being jealous of the attention her brother was receiving from you, but she’d had a long day and all she wanted was to be in your arms, watching her favorite team play.
During dinner, Paige stayed quiet as you and Drew continued your conversation about whatever new game you’d moved onto playing. You were totally oblivious to her irritation of being neglected, thinking she was just sleepy. Paige perked up after dinner, thinking Drew would fall into a food coma and escape to his room, but instead he insisted on showing you two the clothes he’d bought recently.
“I saved the best for last,” Drew announced after twenty minutes of giving you two a detailed and intricate fashion show. He ran to the bathroom, then quickly reappeared in a neat black tuxedo, with a navy pin stripe tie finished with shiny leather oxfords.
“Oh my god!” you squealed, bending down to squeeze his cheeks. “You look so adorable.”
Drew blushed at the attention as you continued to shower him with praises. Paige’s mouth dropped as she glared at the two of you. “Are you serious?” she complained. “You never react like this when I show you my shopping hauls.”
You raised an eyebrow at your girlfriend. “Maybe that’s because you buy the same grey sweatpants each time.” Drew snickered and gave you a fist bump as Paige fought back a smile, trying to mask it under feigned annoyance.
“You two are unbelievable,” she declared. “I regret letting you guys meet.”
“You’re just mad your girlfriend likes me more than she likes you,” Drew shot back, earning another high five and round of giggles between the two of you.
Paige made a show of getting up from her seat. “Well, I’ll leave you two alone since you guys hate me so bad,” she said dramatically.
It was almost 1 AM when you silently crept up to Paige’s childhood bedroom. You and Drew had stayed up gaming for hours, long after Paige had gone up to finish some homework and study. You expected the blonde to already be fast asleep, but when you opened the door, she was using her phone in bed.
“P?” You whispered, startling her.
“Dude.” Paige fixed you with an unforgiving look after recovering from her shock. “It’s literally one. What were you guys doing that took so long?”
“Sorry,” you said sheepishly, letting the door quietly shut behind you. “We were really getting into it.”
“Yeah, I can tell,” Paige said, rolling her eyes. She plugged a charger into her phone and set it on the bedside table, clearly ready to go to sleep. You shrugged and headed to the bathroom to brush your teeth and get ready for bed. But when you climbed into bed and leaned over to give the blonde a kiss, she dodged it. Ignoring your confused stare, she rolled over, turning her back on you.
“Woah.” You tapped her shoulder. “What’s up with you?”
“What’s up with me?” Paige suddenly shot up straight in bed. “You spent the entire day ignoring me. I’m starting to think you’re only dating me to become friends with my little brother,” she complained.
A small smile slowly worked its way onto your face as realization dawned on you. Paige hadn’t been tired all day. “Aw, Paige,” you teased. “Are you jealous of your 10 year old brother right now?”
Realizing how ridiculous the situation sounded, Paige avoided eye contact with you, instead concentrating on pulling the comforter around her. “No,” she said unconvincingly, her voice tiny.
“I know you’re lying, baby,” you chuckled. You reached over to cup the blonde’s face in your hands, giving her an adoring look. “You’re so cute.”
“Stop it,” Paige blushed, swatting you away. “I’m still mad at you.”
“Hey, I never see your brother!” you defended. “You can’t get mad that I’m excited to see him.”
“I know,” Paige whined. “But you don’t have to totally ignore me.”
You felt a slight pang of guilt as you thought back to how you’d completely forgotten about the Timberwolves game that Paige had been so excited to watch with you. Granted, she was excited about every wolves game, but still. “Paige Madison Bueckers,” you intonated slowly, clasping your hands together. “I am immensely sorry for the pain I have caused you today.” You planted a big and sloppy kiss smack in the middle of her forehead, causing her to groan and wipe away the slobber. “You are the light of my life,” you said solemnly. “The apple of my eye. My favorite person on earth.”
Paige pursed her mouth, trying to prevent the corners of her lips from curving upwards. “And?”
“Never again will I ignore you or miss a wolves game.” You hesitated. “Wait, can I take back that last part? You watch so many of their games it’s hard to keep up-”
Paige’s eyes narrowed and you decided to cut yourself off before you dug a deeper hole. “Nevermind!” you said brightly. “I will never again forget to watch a wolves game with my beautiful, sexy, gorgeous, incredible girlfriend.”
The blonde beamed up at you. “That’s more like it.”
You toyed at the collar of her shirt, letting your fingers brush gently across the soft skin on her neck. Looking up at her through your lashes, you said as seductively as you could, “Now can I kiss you?”
“Fuck yeah,” she muttered, grabbing your hips and pulling you in.
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kyracooneyx23 · 7 hours
Leah williamson pleaseeee🙏🙏🙏
Enchanted - Leah Williamson
Leah Williamson x singer!reader
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summary - You write a song about England's captain after meeting her briefly at an event not expecting her to share your feelings
Last night had gone by in a blur, you hardly remembered anything that happened. Everything except the short conversation you had shared with a certain blonde. You had accidentally bumped into whilst walking around causing her to spill her drink.
After the first glance, you were captivated by her. She was literally the girl you spent your spare time dreaming about after your last relationships had failed drastically. For the last 24 hours she was all you could think about your thoughts consumed by the short conversation you had shared.
Lights, camera, smile. You were walking around the large area, sipping from your third glass of champagne already and you weren't even half way through the event. You were exhausted from your recent concerts at Wembley, you would've much preferred to be at your apartment watching movies and eating junk. But instead you were being forced to smile for too many cameras.
You were contemplating pulling a sickie and getting an uber home but your mindset switched when you felt yourself collide with another body. 'Shit, I'm sorry.' You look up at the girl in front of you who's previously full glass was now all over the ground and their shoes. You were lost for words, she was hands down the most gorgeous girl you had ever laid eyes on. 'I can get you a new pair, if you'd like.' You offer but your voice is hardly a whisper, your hearts heavy beats probably more audible as nerves take over.
'It's fine, I'll probably never wear them again.' She laughs, the blondes laugh is the greatest laugh you've ever heard, you make it your goal for the night to hear it again. 'Have we met before?' She asks, a quizzical look meeting your gaze.
'I think I'd remember meeting someone as pretty as you.' You blurt out, eyes widening and hand slapping over your mouth once you realise what you just said.
She chuckled at your flustering. 'You think I'm pretty?' She teased a small smirk painting her face.
'No! Yes! I mean, please just forget I said anything.' you say shyly looking down at your feet as you went bright red. The cute blonde let out a laugh. Little did she know how cute you really thought she was.
'I'm Leah by the way.' The unfamiliar girl introduced holding her had for you to shake.
'I'm Y/N L/N.' You say back shaking the girls hand watching as her jaw drops.
'No way am I shaking the Y/N L/N's hand.' She said her voice a pitch higher from excitement. 'I feel like the worst person on earth for not recognising you sooner.' you laughed lightly before you were taken out of the moment by another voice calling Leah's name.
'Leah, I've been looking everywhere for you, let's go you have training early tomorrow.' He says drawing Leah's attention away from the you, you looked to the new man who hadn't even acknowledged your presence, but that didn't matter all that mattered was that Leah was leaving and you had no clue how you were going to find her again.
Leah began following the new man but turned around to face you again. 'It was enchanting to meet you, y/n.' Leah smiled before walking off. Yes it was very enchanting.
Her last words she spoke to you had left you in shock, almost as much shock as when you realized that Leah was in fact the Leah Williamson, you felt like an idiot for not recognizing the English footballer sooner.
But still you couldn't stop thinking about the six words that had such an affect on you that you decided to write a whole song based off them, hence why you spent 5 hours last night writing and rewriting the lyrics to your newest song. One you knew would make the fans go crazy over, but you hoped Leah wouldn't find it to weird.
yourinstagram just posted
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liked by oliviarodrigo, hallebailey and 1,930,546 others
yourinstagram last night was sparkling✨
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sadiesink prettiest girl evaaa
yourinstagram says you
madisonbeer miss you y/n/n
yourinstagram come to london mads 🙏
username the things I would let her do to me
user73 the bi panic is real
maddieziegler ugly
yourinstagram 🪞🪞🪞 username02 i want a relationship with my best friend like the one they have yourinstagram trust me you don't user23 help she's so unserious
wosofan77 did anyone else see the pictures of her and leah together
LW6 yes! leah looked like the biggest fangirl
y/n'sbiggestfan is it just me or does the caption sound like a new song lyric????
yourinstagram 😏
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During a meeting with your publisher a few days after you'd finalised your new song and recorded it so it was ready to be released, you were sitting around doing nothing when a loud ping interrupted your daydreaming.
Your jaw dropped.
leahwilliamsonn started following you!
A loud scream left your mouth and you instantly rung your best friend Maddie, who you'd already told everything to involving the Leah situation.
'What do you want now?' Maddie's grumpy voice asked but you didn't care about how pissed she sounded.
'Leah followed me!' You squealed into the phone earning a groan from your best friend.
'Woo.' The american said in the most unenthusiastic, most sarcastic tone you've ever heard.
'You should be happy for your best friend.' You say childishly pouting.
'I would be if you hadn't called me at 5:50 on a Saturday morning, you know this is the day when I have a lie in.' She complains causing you to make an 'o' shape wit your mouth, you'd forgotten about the time difference between London and America.
'Sorry!' You apologise but only momentarily sympathising with the girl before returning to, in your opinion, more important matters. 'Well now you're awake, will you atleast give me advice on what to do. I don't want to embarrass myself.'
'I couldn't care less what you do, just follow her back or something. It's not that deep.' She tells you and you can tell by the way she yawns she just wants to be back in bed.
'Ok, sorry for waking you up. I'll let you get back to your beauty sleep now.' You say waiting for her to say goodbye but instead she just hands up. You roll your eyes, before opening instagram on your phone and hovering your finger over the follow back button next to Leah's profile which you had already spent hours stalking on a fake account. You repeat the words Maddie had told you in your mind a couple of times before manning up and pressing the button. After a while when nothing explodes you let out a breath you didn't realise you'd been holding.
Your publisher then returns to the room holding a couple of papers which she hands to you. 'You know the drill Miss L/N, I love the song and can't wait for you release it. It's going to be a hit.' She smiles and you grin back.
'Thank you so much for all your help, it doesn't go unnoticed.' You tell her. You both say goodbye before you head home.
For the first time in your career, you were releasing a single that you hadn't told the fans about. You didn't really care what they thought, you just prayed that a certain blonde footballer would like the song and not find it creepy.
yourinstagram just posted
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liked by sadiesink, leahwilliamson and 3,476,891 others
yourinstagram E N C H A N T E D
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maddieziegler proud of you
yourinstagram 🫶🏽
y/n'sbiggestfan I was right!!!
liawaelti love the song!
katie_mccabe11 so does another Leah... victoriapelova she is going to kill you katie user27 help what are they on about
user43 does anyone know who this is about??
maddiezeigler 🙋
taylorswift 💜
yourinstagram no way your freaking kidding me
oliviarodrigo 🐐🐐🐐
leawilliamsonn 💙💙
upthegunners LEAH?!
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Your song was going viral, fans were going crazy over who you had written it about. But you didn't care, you were still obsessing over the fact that Leah hadn't just liked but also commented on your post. Maybe that meant she didn't find it weird, or maybe she hadn't put the pieces together it was about her.
Surely she had though.
You had made sure to let all your friends know how Leah had interacted with your post, but much to your dismay, most of them hung up mid call. So now you were left alone with a bottle of prosseco, celebrating your latest hit.
You were still wondering what Leah was thinking about the song. You were kind of stressed whether the Arsenal star was finding it creepy how you'd written a whole song about a girl you'd spoken to for the best part of ten minutes. But those worries were put to rest when you checked your instagram.
leahwilliamsonn just posted
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liked by bethmead_, stephcatley and 92,370 others
leahwilliamsonn I was enchanted to meet you too
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katiemccabe_11 Leah the simp
leahwilliamsonn piss of McCabe
keirawalsh Leah's in loveeee
leahwilliamsonn i regret posting this now
leahfanpage the way I screamed
user65 bro same, this was not what i was expecting
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leahwilliamsonn sent yourinstagram a message...
Part 2? (also sorry this is terrible)
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surielstea · 3 days
Ruined Ice
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Pairing: hockey!Azriel x figure skater!Reader (fem)
Summary: Az shows up early for practice and catches reader in the middle of her program, rutting up the fresh ice.
Warnings: cursing | name calling | fluff
A/N: Guys I know nothing about hockey or figure skating so please don’t come for me if some of this is wrong lmao 😭
2.3k words
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The blades on the bottoms of my skates could cut through steel they were so sharp. I had made the mistake of running my thumb pad across the toepick and nicked my skin, no bigger than a paper cut but I barely even touched the metal before blood began to bead at where it had made contact.
My mood, however, was improved to its full extent when I stepped onto the ice and realized it was untouched.
I beam wildly as I begin to glide on my smooth blades around the rink, beginning my warm-ups and leaving light trails with every move I make.
Warming up took a quarter of my rented time in the rink, and the next two quarters were spent practicing my program. The state tournament was close, and approaching all too fast. My coach wasn’t able to make it tonight, yet he practically ordered me to practice anyway. I wasn't complaining, well I had been, but on this fresh ice with the cold wind nipping at my cheeks in an empty rink, I had never been more at peace.
That was the case, at least until the Hockey Players began showing up for their practices. I still had fifteen minutes left of ice time but none other than the infamous Azriel Teller was lacing up his skates on the sidelines, staring at me as I went through my routine, doing my best to ignore his gaze.
It was hard though, the man was so damned observant and I swore I could feel his eyes tracking me across the ice.
I finish my routine in my final pose, heavy breaths escaping me as I let the stance fall and I go back to my phone on the side of the wall where I can restart my music.
My phone that happened to be right in front of Azriel.
I ignored his stare and kept my eyes on the wall, making sure to go slow, knowing my freshly sharpened skates would force me straight into the wall if I went any faster.
I grab my phone with cold hands but before I even get the chance to unlock it, the male in front of me speaks up.
"You're ruining the ice," He hums and I look up from my phone, glaring at him, silently asking him if he was serious.
"Your whole team ruts up the ice every chance you get, don't start," I wave him off, scrolling through my phone to find a song to cool down to since my ice time was coming to an end.
"We rut the ice? You and your fancy twirls practically make holes straight through," He defends and I wince because I knew he was right. Especially since my skates were extra sharp tonight.
"It's not my fault you can't evade them like some bad skater," I taunt, picking a song and letting it blast over the speakers to drown him out as I skate away.
Calling Azriel a bad skater was absurd, he must've been the fastest on the ice when compared to the rest of his team, not to mention his accuracy when it came to scoring goals was outmatched. I had heard from Feyre— my best friend who was dating the team captain, that Azriel was the brains for the whole team as well, always the one planning the strategic plays, but apparently, he wasn't allowed to be a captain since he got into one too many fights during his first season.
When my cooldown music ended, mostly everyone else on the Velaris Bats had shown up for practice, staring at me as I stretched my leg up beside my head like I was an animal in the zoo. I still had five minutes left of ice time, so I made sure Azriel was watching when I practiced doing my ‘fancy twirls’, the exercise had exhausted me but it was worth it to see the look of silent rage on his face.
I continued to grin, using him as my spot as I whipped around in the air and landed gracefully down onto the ice, at such an angle that it left a horrid chip in the ice I'd have to avoid for the rest of my routine.
I spot some of the other boys noticing this as well, scowls on their faces as I give them a wink before they rush off to what I assume is the locker room to get their equipment.
Again, leaving only Azriel and I. He steps onto the ice before my time is up and I glide past him with a smirk and he returns it, something in his gaze telling me he knew something I didn't.
I brush it off and continue with my spins and jumps.
I had just come out of a lutz with enough momentum to push a boulder down a hill when suddenly all the lights in the rink shut off. I freeze, my legs buckling at the sudden change, my eyes not used to the atmosphere and before I know it I'm speeding towards a wall, incapable of scrambling to a stop on my skates that were far too sharp.
I shrieked, attempting to pivot on my toepick but it only sent me tumbling forward. I blanch at the realization that I was about to slam into the ice over such an amateur move.
But before I make contact with the frozen ground, hands come to my waist and pull me away from my sudden doom. I gasped, catching my breath as a figure steadied me, gliding along the ice along with me until I managed to come to a stop.
I look up to my savior only to find Azriel standing in front of me, his hands still on my waist as if we were pair skaters. Why was he so effortlessly graceful in the rink?
"Thanks," I mutter, my skates making a crisp sound as they halt against the ice.
"Don't thank me, it was my teammates who turned off the lights," He said, looking down at me, his hands still on my waist as we stood in the center of the rink with the lights shut off.
With the absence of his pads, I could feed his abdomen pressed to my chest, I had been panting from my restless jumps but he hadn't seemed affected when he saved me, like he knew I'd panic.
"Still, I can't afford to get any more bruises," I say through heavy breaths. He cracks a smile.
"I know the feeling," He hums, making no move to let go of my waist, and I'd be lying if I said he wasn't heavily supporting my tired limbs at the moment.
"Usually I'm better at stopping, I just got my blades sharpened," I explain and he arches a brow, his gaze almost amused.
"You don't have to make excuses, Princess, you could just admit you wanted to be in my arms," He taunts and I roll my eyes, pushing him away to which he glides back.
"Quit calling me that," I toss at him as I slowly make my way off the ice, returning to the solid ground as I put on the guards over the blades of my skates. Snow Princess had been my stage name when I was younger, it was my mom's choice, and I had been happy with it at the time, Azriel liked to remind me of it every waking moment he saw me, in fact, I couldn't remember the last time he called me by my actual name.
"Not in a million years, Princess," He continues his teasing and I huff, untying my laces and shucking my blades off, favoring a pair of tennis shoes that felt like walking on clouds compared to the tightness of my skates.
The lights turn back on and I look out at the rink, seeing just how much damage I did with my turns. I smile in triumph as I watch Azriel avoid the chips in the ice as he practically soars throughout the rink.
The rest of the players came out onto the ice only a moment later while I shrugged my coat on, losing interest in the others once it wasn’t just Azriel. They had all pushed him off the rink, telling him to hurry up and change so they could start practice already.
I ignore their raucous laughter and crude words as I make my way into the locker rooms, eager to get my stuff and then go home. I could already feel my legs aching with soreness and it's barely been a few minutes off the ice.
I opened my locker just as Azriel strolled in.
I hadn't known his locker had been situated directly next to mine until he opened it and took out all his pads and equipment, then, right then and there to my utter shock he began changing right in front of me.
"You know there's changing rooms, right?" I avoid looking at him, my eyes pinned straight to my locker as I clean it out, stuffing things into my bag.
"I'm in a rush," He said and I could see him shrug from my periphery. "I was too busy saving you from the wall," He remarks and I whirl to face him, then immediately regretting it because he was still shirtless.
"You didn't have to do that," I wished my words came out a little more sour but instead they trailed off, similar to how my eyes dipped from his face to his exposed skin, the cut of his abdomen, the ripples of muscle in his arms, and the steady rise and fall of his chest.
When my eyes meet his again, I'm also met with a stupid smirk on his lips. "Seems like you wanted me too," He teases, leaning dauntingly closer. I swallow thickly. He was so damned near I could practically feel the heat from his skin. "Seems like you want a lot more from me than just my arms wrapped around you," His gaze was entirely predatory. I swallowed thickly, heat staining my cheeks and I knew that I was blushing. "Do you want to wrap around something else?" He arched a brow and I pushed him away, my hands feeling like they were burning the moment they touched his bare skin but he stumbled back and the look of surprise on his face was priceless.
"You're such an asshole," I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder.
"That wasn't a no, Princess," He crooned.
"I thought I told you to stop calling me that?" I frown. I could leave if I wanted to, I have my bag, I was ready. But he knew I'd rather sit here and argue with him than go home.
"I thought I told you no?" He retorts, taking a long stride forward and pinning me between him and the lockers. "It suits you," He surmised. "A stuck-up, prudish, princess," He leans closer with every word, and by the time he finished speaking his nose was nearly brushing mine. I maintained eye contact, holding my ground.
"I'm not stuck up, and I'm definitely not a prude," I cross my arms over my chest defensively.
"Is that right?" He tilts his head, his voice low. His eyes flick down to my lips, then so leisurely trail back up to my eyes.
"I'm not kissing you," I scoff, I hadn't meant to say it aloud, but now the bastard's smirk was wider.
"I don't remember saying anything about a kiss?" He taunts and I grit my teeth. “Is that what you fantasize about to help you sleep at night?”
"Oh, just shut up already.” I crash my lips onto his.
He immediately reacts to the movement, his arm wraps around my waist while his other cups my jaw, pulling me into him, not wasting a second before we have to pull away for air.
I melt into him, my cold body from the ice immediately heating as my fingers press against his bare abdomen, sliding my hand up his chest.
His hands find their way to my hips, slipping to the backs of my thighs and lifting me up, my back pressed against the lockers as my legs wrap around his torso. My arms wrap around the nape of his neck as I taste him deeper, every flick of his tongue over mine sending waves of pleasure down my spine. "We shouldn't be doing this in here," I whisper against his lips.
"I don't care," He confessed, his hands gripping the underside of my thighs tighter.
"Someone could walk in," I argue, but I don't bother pulling away.
"Are you nervous about being seen with me?" He taunts and I hit his shoulder playfully, kissing him deeply as a reply before pulling away a fraction to say,
"You're going to be late," I try to defend but I swear he could barely hear me with how drunk he was on my lips because as soon as I was done speaking his mouth was back on mine and any other words I could conjure were swallowed by his all-consuming kiss.
"You worry too much, Princess," He grumbled.
"Yo, Az!" A familiar voice shouts through the doorway of the locker room, and gods we were lucky that he had me pinned to the wall. "What's taking so long hurry up," Cassian calls, and Azriel slowly pulls away from my lips.
"Yeah, I'll be out in a second," He retorts and my head slumps back against the lockers while Azriel slowly puts me back down onto my feet.
"You're lucky we didn't get caught," I glare up at him but he only returns it with a smile. He grabs his equipment bag and slings it over his shoulder.
"This," He gestures between me and him. "Isn't over, alright?" He leans in close and I only nod. He pecks my lips before leaving the locker room, the door creaking as it shuts and leaves me standing there utterly speechless.
What the hell just happened? And why did I enjoy every second of it?
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xvaeii · 3 days
main mha boys finding out their s/o’s tiktok famous
↳ featuring ; midoriya, bakugou, shoto
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content warning: black reader, fluff, a lil bit of crack too, mention on y/n’s big booty and boobies 😏, profanity + slurs, not proofread (as always tbh lmao)
note: i literally just came up with this on the spot, i was so busy daydreaming, thinking about this lmao. y’all i promise a oneshot finna come out, im def a d1 procrastinator lolll
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 — izuku midoriya !
deku honestly isn’t the person to be on social media that much. really because he’s out training most of the time
but every time he gets the chance, he comes across videos of you
and when i say every time, i mean every single time lmao
edits, little clips of you from your original tiktok, even your own tiktoks you make.
baby, when he sees you in that video, in them lil black shorts and crop top
y’all his ass is DROOLING
he’s honestly a little flabbergasted but at the same time, he’s not. he knows his princess is absolutely drop dead gorgeous so it’s really no surprise that you would go viral.
he ends up following you after a while and decides to ask you about it, assuming that you didn’t know about it yourself
“hey , bunny , did you know you’ve been going viral lately ?”
“yeah , you ain’t know ? i’m surprised you didn’t know before , zuku-poo “
๋࣭ ⭑⚝ — katsuki bakugou !
i feel kats ain’t a person to have social media, so he shol don’t have no damn tiktok🧍🏽‍♀️
“wtf is tiktak ?”
“kats , it’s tiktok .”
“whatever the fuck it’s called, i ain’t gettin’ that shit .”
with some persistence and a little bit of ‘pretty girl’ charm, he puts it on his phone (he be lyin like a mug lmao)
one particular day where he’s a lil bored, he decides to go on tiktok for the one time
and the first vid on his fyp is…you?
he watches you lip sing a song wearing his color in a orange sundress, accentuating your butt and boobs
how many times he’s watched it? yes.
nigga has turned into an all out simp
after he’s looked, he goes through your comments and sees tons of guys simping for you too.
nigga’s boiling now
“how about…no .”
this man is an actual diva sometimes lmaoo
⋆⁺₊❅. — shoto todoroki !
like deku, he isn’t much of the type to have social media.
not just because of training but because he’s not really interested in those types of things. especially tiktok
but once he heard you talking about it to him the day before, he went to see what it was all about. (mans is obsessed w u like anything u talk abt he wants to know about lol)
and first thing he saw was you in a little black sundress and recording yourself in the mirror, showing off your figure
baby boy blushed (hes so cute)
he went through multiple clips and edits of you, even going through your profile and watching your videos.
during this, you were caught in the midst of it, watching his phone from behind
“babe~ , are you stalking my videos ?”
“yeah ofc , you look so gorgeous . send me the vids before you post next time . wanna be the first one to see ‘em .”
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ joost klein x singer!reader ࿐ྂ
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ ESPRESSO : fluff ; imagine ; all is fictional ; joost is such a babygirl here ; english is not my first language
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_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ WHEN JURY ANNOUNCED YOU as a representation of your country, you couldn’t be happier. since your childhood, you were a fan of eurovision, only because you loved the idea that every country could show off their culture, beautiful language etc. you weren’t the most extrovert, so the thought of being filmed almost every second, having to take part in those interviews— which most of the time wasn’t even that necessary — stressed you out.
but someone decided to send you a literal angels, every contestant were just amazing, helping you with stress before performing at pre-parties. but your main partners in crime were nemo, bambie, your two baby girls marcus & martinus and your favourite person in this world — joost klein.
they all were your shoulders to cry on. you even created a group chat for your little eurovision gang. and let me say, you cried a lot during some pre-parties, both from laughing & crying. you couldn’t believe that you met that beautiful and amazing people, you were super grateful for that.
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today was the last pre-party before semi-finals, for you personally it was also a very important event, because you wanted to create a bond with your audience, and all the music parties before real contest were a must. that’s why you wanted everything to be perfect about your performance. but then you were woke up by a sharp pain in your throat, you started to panic immediately. when you tried to sang whatever song you had in mind in that moment, all you could hear was rasp voice and in this circumstance it wasn’t this sexy type of rasp.
as you walked into cafeteria, where almost every contestant were eating breakfast before rehearsals. when you saw bambie & nemo a big smile appears on your face. even if your mood were dead today, they will always make you smile no matter what. with loud sigh you sat down at the table, saying quick ‘hello’
“hi babe, what happened to your precious voice?” bambie asked and you just hided your face in your hands.
“i guess i just screamed too much at your performances and now my voice said bye bye everyone” you joked and they just laughed, but then nemo sat down next to you and bring you to side hug.
“so you won’t be performing today?” bambie asked with worry tone, they knew how much you wanted to take part in every single evening.
“did i heard something about no performing?” you heard well known voice and second later you felt his hands on your shoulders.
“our little singer is mute for today unfortunately” bambie said, as joost sat next to you.
“i don’t even want to hear about this, of course you will perform” he said with such a lightness in his voice, and everyone else send him questionable looks.
“but i barely speak, there’s no way i can sing today” joost just laughed at your comment.
“who said anything about singing, honey?” after seeing more confused looks, he just added “you will see, now let’s eat” he clapped his hands and took some fruit out of nemo’s plate.
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right now you finally were on last pre-party, the atmosphere was fantastic as always. everyone was getting ready to show, without that much stress as at the beginning of this project. you admired how people that were shy and very formal to each other now can be a hundred per cent themselves. also watching them growing as artists was another great experience, sometimes you felt like a proud mother, especially when it comes to your safe group. at this point, you didn’t even care who would win, because in any scenario you would be extremely proud of your friends.
joost told you to get ready for the concert as usual, you didn’t even question him anymore, because you knew that he wouldn’t tell you anything, so it was pointless. you wore your stage outfit and patiently waited for your turn, right now at the stage you could see your favourite twins, even if you couldn’t sing, you still loudly supported them, but only with your applauses.
finally it was your turn to go on stage, but right before your leg touched the floor, joost showed up with his iconic blue suit, he took a microphone and started talking;
“hello everyone! i know you’re all waiting for our amazing y/n, but unfortunately she won’t be give you guys proper performance today, but good for her - i’m here” he said smiling, as the crowd just laughed, then he invited you at the stage and you were loudly welcome by audience. joost handed you microphone that was turned off and you heard the beginning of your song. a few moments later instead of your voice, you heard joost who were holding a phone with the lyrics of this song.
you couldn’t believed what was happening, all you did was laugh, when you heard how he tried to mimic your singing style. but then you realised, that you should start to lip syncing, and that’s what you did.
everyone, the audience & the contestants started laughing, but also singing along with joost. that was officially your best performance at all eurovision pre parties.
when the song ended, you turned on the microphone and said shortly “you’re crazy” shortly after you heard his response “anything for you, honey”
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 1 day
9 Days of Lancaster: First Time
It was after the fourth day of tracking that it finally rained. We’d known it was going to happen, too. After the first crack of thunder, Ruby let out a low whine. 
“No,” she just pleaded. It would still be hours before the rain came and washed most of our tracks away.
She was tired and wet and cold. And I really wanted to get her into the tent and into her sleeping bag.
I didn’t know what to do or say. We could both see the storm coming, feel the wind pick up and the humidity increase. I could do nothing but start to look for a good place to set up a tent.
Ruby and I had done some light training, but you really didn't push yourself or work out too much when you were trying to catch up to something like this. For my sake it was time to take watch and just to top my night off I had to be especially on guard tonight.
It was unusual for me to stay focused on watch, but I had to. I could feel something. It didn't feel like a person or anyone I knew so it was probably not nothing but the equivalent.
I waited until it got close enough that I was sure I could destroy it without letting my senses drift from where Ruby slept.
I was sitting out waiting for the creature to stop nagging at my range and actually enter. It was just pacing around the edge of my senses and eventually I'd had enough.
I kept my body low and my limbs out, but stealth wasn't my strong suite. It jumped through the bracket at me rather than I at it.
I moved in a burst, sweeping the long blade between us to stop its approach. It pushed me back a step and my ankle caught something.
I tripped and it fell on me. My armor held out its claws but its teeth snapped at my aura. I grunted and threw it off of me.
It was an Ursa. a different bone structure for a different part of the world but that seemed to be all the difference between those here and those in Vale.
It landed but rolled towards me quickly with a snarl but as I stood, I held my ground. I already knew how to deal with these. I swept Crocea Mors downwards over my head and cut its face diagonally and deep enough that I'd opened up large sections of its ribcage.
It fell and began to dissolve. I stepped back warily. I felt nothing.
I listened and heard no song of Grimm. The animals had gone quiet, too. Fearing a battle between two distant predators might involve them, but it was already over.
Then, distinct in the cold night distant, the zip of the tent.
I sighed.
"Jaune! Jaune, what was that." She was in thick socks that probably didn't feel good in the wet, icy, muck.
She had Crescent Rose ready though. Her biceps and triceps stood out in her shirt. She had nothing on but her simple ‘T’ and some long bottoms in the night.
I stared at her white clothes in the sleet before coming to my senses. “It was just a small Grimm. Everything’s fine.”
She breathed hard. “You're supposed to wake me up.”
You needed sleep and it was nothing I couldn't handle.
I looked her up and down. There was brisk and then there was being in PJs, in negative ten, with a wind chill, and at ninety-five percent humidity.
I walked over and dragged her into the tent. I flicked the flap open, but the inside was frigid. Just a few moments of being open had sapped whatever warmth was inside. “You can't act like this was my fault. You're supposed to wake me.”
I nodded and rubbed her hands in mine. I pulled her wet socks off too. Her feet were just chilled to the absolute bone. I was considering trying to start a fire.
“Say something!”
“Huh what? You're right. I should have woken you up. Come on get some new socks on and get warm.”
“I feel like I need a can opener with you; you’re just so it's like -ugh. Aren't you frustrated?”
“No, I am.” I assured her.
“Well why aren't you showing it?” Ruby wrapped her arms around her knees under her covers. “And your semblance too, you’re not excited at all when it activates when we train.”
“It only activates when I’m losing, doesn’t last long, and doesn’t do anything but make me glow.” I shook my head and laughed a little.
It was fitting though, if I’d had this power at Beacon I would have been just as able to help Pyrrha.
She hit me hard, enough sting. I gasped, my hand going to my chest where her hand hit my side, through some gap in all my armor she’d casually exploited to jab at just one of my ribs past a strap.
“You were thinking you were useless again. Weren’t you, Jaune?”
“I’m sure it does more than make you look good.”
I waited.
“Well?” She wondered.
“Well to what in all of that?”
“All of it!”
“I was trying to keep up the pace and find it and be on our way to Haven.”
“So, it’s because I need to get to Haven.”
“Well that is your plan.” I laughed and turned to look at her.
“Ugh.” She murmured and looked down.
“What is it? Is it something I said?”
She didn't look impressed by that. She crossed her arms confidently and set herself sideways. “Then what's it like? I forced you out here. To come with me to Haven and trek all the way across the world with me. Even though I had no idea how far that was.”
"Ruby, I did know how far it was. And I did know that if you hadn't…"
If she hadn't what, exactly? I was trying to fight but it was hard. It was a little like Weiss had rubbed off on Ruby, in some of her best ways. I'd found that confidence and authority attractive before but when it was directed at me it was hard to fight.
What could I possibly tell her? That I needed her to tell me what to do and give my life direction?
She just told me how stressed she was. I couldn't add to that. I clicked my jaw in thought.
My teeth clacked together audibly.
She looked from my eyes to my jaw. Like I'd just bit her hard. “You shouldn't do that to yourself.”
I laughed. “That's what I mean. What would I do if I didn't have you right now? If you hadn't taken me in, I don't know where I would have gone.”
“You would have found something.”
No. My family. I stole this from them. I can't go back. And Nora and Ren they got in with like a scholarship for orphan hunters-to-be or something. They were homeless again. I think they thought I'd abandon them.
“No. So, when you asked me to come it was just-it was a no-brainer. What would I have done? What alternatives would I have had? And if I hadn't gone with you, would I have found Pyrrha’s armor, even? Would I know for sure what happened? It was like destiny. And this is too.”
“You really think so?” I watched her hands fidget through her hair, somehow plucking at the red tips even out of the corner of her eye.
“Well no, it’s more like I need to make this the timeline where I succeed, but we can. You know?”
She shook her head. “You think if we're smart and hardworking enough, it'll be enough? That's not like you.”
“Ruby, this is just a setback. Even if it takes months. We have no timetable for getting to Haven. No tournament. No obvious target beyond the school and city which should be in a state of high alert.”
Supplies still got traded as far as here so we know the blackout-panic hadn't destroyed the place.
Haven was probably still there, Just waiting for her, even if it didn’t know it.
“But what about your semblance?” She pressed me. “You and me. Are we making progress there?”
“We’ll have time to figure out how to use it.” If it had a use.
“Tss” I let out as I clutched a rib. She jabbed me again.
“You and me,” she went on. “You butt.”
“Us?” I wondered stupidly.
“What are we, Jaune?” She glanced at me. “What am I to you?”
Good question.
I thought about it. It wasn't like I could just say she was my partner because that had connotations to huntsmen. If I just blurted out, she was my new partner it would hurt everyone.
Besides, she had made it clear that Weiss was her best friend. Whatever that meant to her.
"You're my oldest friend for sure." I told her. I knew that much. Who was there before Pyrrha? Family didn't count. "Things are rough for me right now but it wasn't like I didn't think about you before, too.”
“That's not fair,” she whispered. “Pyrrha was…She made it clear she liked you a lot.”
Ouch. But…
“You were so nice and sweet to me when I didn't deserve it. I could always count on you for advice and it was always good. “
“I don't know…” she trailed off. She pinched her lower lip between her index and thumb. She was listening close, her eyes intense on my every word.
“Even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear. So, it sounds dumb to say something like boyfriend, but you can if you want.”
“We're a couple.” Ruby translated listening closely. “You make things so complicated.”
“The thing about that is-“
“Do you love me?”
“Uh, yeah.”
She smiled, flushing, but she managed to roll her eyes and look right at me. For a moment I could hear nothing but the rain against the tent.
"Jaune I need you to better than 'uh yeah.'" she smiled adorably. It took me a second to realize she was teasing me. By the time I did so, my eyes flicked down to her lips and back up to her eyes. It was too late. Her smile roared across her face.
“You really want to kiss me, don't you? You can. You know. Maybe not all the time but you can kiss me.”
I did. I pushed her back against her thin mattress. I could feel her hip bone against my abdomen and the smooth curve of her sides. I put my hands around her back and pulled her in close to me and she let out a tiny sigh.
Her mouth opened in the slightest way and I couldn't help myself. My tongue went forward at the same time I rolled us more forward, pinning her more beneath me.
She groaned into it, smiling into the kiss as I sucked on her tongue, then lip, then pulled away.
Or tried to.
I drew back slightly but she had a tight grip on my shirt with her left hand. I hadn't even noticed. And her other hand became nestled in my hair.
She just… giggled at me, and, without so much as opening her eyes, dragged me down again.
She rolled her hips up into mine and wrapped her legs tightly around my waist. She pulled me into her and I could feel her pulse beat between her legs. I bit down on her bottom lip. And she moaned and through her thin pajama bottoms I felt her against me. I mean I felt her core against my own. She ground herself hard against me in a bold and inexperienced fashion and I let out a moan that she devoured. 
She whined a little up at me when I pulled back but she gave me a pleased sigh when I just took my shirt off. She reached out and ran a palm down my chest to my sides and kept her other hand buried in my hair and pulled me close to her. 
Our teeth clicked together a little as I ran my tongue against her molars. She tried to push against my tongue with hers but I overpowered the wet muscle. She drew back with my tongue in her mouth and sucked on it gently but firmly. I throbbed in my pants at that. I imagined what it would feel like to have her mouth around a different piece of my anatomy and I groaned and grew harder at the thought. I reached a hand down to cup her little breasts through her sleeping tee. She moaned into my mouth as I did. I found her nipple and started to toy with it until it grew firm and erect through her shirt.
I pulled away briefly but it was only to help her pull her pj shirt over her head. She wasn't wearing a bra. Her milky breasts plopped down to my sight with little pink nipples and areola.  I stared at her body in earnest and I felt a pulse from between my legs at the sight of her body. I wanted to be inside her so badly it hurt. I was so lonely and incomplete. 
I pushed her back down and let my mouth stray down her body. I started at her lips then kissed my way over to her left ear and down around her jaw where I sucked softly and she let out a light gasp and bucked her hips up at me helplessly. I savored the power I had over her in that moment and I tasted her aura. Flowery but sweet like cinnamon. She was so tasty as I moved my way down to her chest and sucked on her right nipple. She let out an adorable little squeak and bobbed her hips. I ran one hand down her pants, down her leg and rubbed at the inside of her thigh as I sucked. Then I twisted my hand into her pants and over her panties. My fingers splayed out over the last garment covering her little flower and I stroked easily down her slit where she was soiling the fabric of her panties. 
"Jaune!" She cried out my name in a way that made me feel like a man. 
I slipped a finger beside her panties and into the gash of her body. I rubbed my way up and down and she reached down and grabbed my face and yanked me up to kiss her while I stroked her little rose. It felt so small. My erection rubbed against her side as we kissed deeply and I rubbed her folds. 
"Don't stop," she panted breathlessly. I found a nub at the top of her flower that made her writhe and shout out. I rubbed it again hard and she bit my lip firmly. "R-right there," she breathed out.
I had no intention of slowing down or giving her any sense of quarter. I wanted her writhing and she was. She was rolling her hips into my finger desperately. She wanted so badly to finish and I had the power to give that to her. 
I rolled little circles around her clitoris. I would occasionally flick it and I would toy with her folds to tease her and build her up before she came crashing down. She tried to reciprocate and reach a hand down to my own pants but I was merciless in my attempt to distract her and make her cum. 
"I'm s-so clo-ose. Please Jaune. Oh please let me. Just let me…"
I started really rubbing her clit. I pinched it and rubbed it hard.  I made her break off into stammers and moans. 
"Oh-h I-I-I'm-m… Oh y-yes. Ah-hah-ah-ah." Then her whole body tensed up in what was almost a frightening fashion and she thrust her hips wildly into my finger. Fluid gushed out of her and got the tent wet between her legs. She lay there and just breathed hard for a long minute. She struggled desperately against the successive waves that poured down over her. I had done this to her with a single finger. Me.
She was shaking a little as I sat her up and gave her a drink of water. "I want to do that again to you so badly," I murmured close to her ear and she shuddered. 
I put my hand back between her legs and flipped my finger inside her little tunnel. She moaned and gripped me hard like a Mistrali finger trap. 
"Wait… it's too sensitive for you to-ah- for you to… for you." 
"But you're bucking your hips into my finger. Doesn't that mean you like it?" I wondered. I pressed harder against her right little walls and I ran my finger up to her clit again and gave it a rub. 
"Ah-hah. Please… I can't help it. Please…" I wasn't sure what she was begging me for. More or less. I gave her more and I ran my finger down her body and into her once more. I rubbed against those squeezing walls and made her grasp me tightly like she was scared of drifting away if she didn't latch onto me. She dug her nails into my back but I hardly registered it. "Stop… wait…"
"Why? You like it," I pointed out. I felt so powerful. I had so much control over her whole form like this. 
"I want to touch you," she pleaded. I brought my finger up to her clit and brushed it and she gasped and leaned forward. 
"Then do it. I'm not stopping you." I played with her. 
"I can't like this. You're… it's too much. Please Jaune. Oh please. I'll let you touch me again afterwards but please let me touch you."
"Fine." I drew back and relinquished the quivering power I held over her. She pushed me back and went straight for my pants after I released her. 
She wrestled with my belt for a long time with her hands brushing over me. Eventually she worked me free from my pants and once she had it in her hands she just stared at it in incredulity. It was unusual. She stared at me with my pants down the same way I looked at her without her shirt. She took me in both her hands and gave me a tentative stroke with her tiny hands. I groaned a little in the quiet of the tent with the rain splattering down around us. She crawled until her head was nearly in my lap and gave me a curious lick. My cock twitched and my hips rose up a little. 
She wrapped her little lips around my head and gave a tiny suck. I felt myself quiver with precum straight into her little mouth. She swallowed it immediately. Her throat bobbed as she took it down. Then she slowly wrapped more of her mouth around me and ran the tip of her tongue around my head. My hands went to her hair and I moaned. It was a noise and action she seemed eager for more of because she bobbed her head up and down on my shaft. 
"It tastes odd. But I can grow to like it if you want," she murmured in the dark of the tent. 
"Yes please," I managed.
"Who would have thought sucking your dick would make me so wet," she went on. Then she took me back into her mouth. She made an attempt to swallow the whole thing and pushed herself down on the base but she only got up to a mouthful. So she brought her hand up and wrapped it around the parts she couldn't swallow and when she rose up she took that hand with her and then she would lower herself back down and wrap that tiny hand around the base of me. She used her hand on what she couldn't fit into her mouth as she bobbed her head up and down. She always gave the head of my dick a little suck at the top. A tight squeeze of pleasant pressure. 
She spun her tongue around the whole of me and made my cock twitch into her mouth with yet more precum. I felt my balls tightening and a weight in the pit of my stomach which implied that an inevitability was arriving. I was going to cum in little Ruby Rose's mouth. The sheer audacity and lewdness of it could drive a man to orgasm on its own. But she kept thrusting her body down and away at me as well. Her tongue coiled around me and she applied suction to make it so deliciously tight. Her hand gripped me firmly near the base and was getting wet from her spit. She offered no complaint when I thrust my hips up into her waiting mouth in time with her bobbing head. I couldn:t help myself. 
"Ruby, I'm going to finish if you keep that up."
She attacked me with renewed vigor and let out a quiet satisfied hum in the back of her throat which vibrated me and sent me to the edge. I reached down and grabbed the fistfulls of her hair and gave three mighty thrusts that left her unsure of what to do with her hands and at my mercy. 
I groaned as I deposited my seed in her mouth and she started swallowing and tightening her lips and tongue around me and that only intensified my orgasm. 
I had just defiled her pretty lips. She got up in the tent after swallowing. She let out a satisfied little noise as she did. I couldn't be sure whether she liked the taste or she just liked what came with it. She pulled off her pants and soiled panties. It had been true. She had gotten so unbelievably wet. Her thighs were slicked a little with it. She was drop dead gorgeous in the quiet light of the moon. her breasts were modest but full and perky. And the way her pelvis ran down to her little flower was something you had to see to believe. She had a rocking hourglass figure from all the combat and training. 
She positioned my wavering cock at her apex and straddled me. I didn't dare ask something like 'are you sure?' She had my dick in her hands and was longing herself up. She was sure. 
"Is this your first time?" She asked me. She was really only asking about Pyrrha. 
"I know the basics. But I've never done anything with them."
"A first time for both of us then," she decided that that was enough and she slid my head into her. She let out a quiet squeak between pain and pleasure as she lowered herself. I felt her walls wrap around me and squeeze me tight. Their soft velvety wetness was superior to my hand by miles and even to her mouth. Dare I even think that after the heights of pleasure brought to me by her pale lips and what lies behind.
She let out the full groan and she moaned my name. "It's so big. It hurts like… like something good."
"It hurts?" I asked. 
"Fuck yeah it hurts. But it's a good stretching kind of hurt. Just give me a minute."
I could barely contain myself from moving as her tight walls hiccupped around me. It was all so tight everywhere and it felt like she was pulling me deeper in even as she didn't move. 
She put a hand down on my chest and rocked her hips so I barely moved within her. She seemed to like that motion so she kept it up. She was grinding her wetness hard against my pelvis. I reached down with one hand and thumbed that extra special nub at the top of her slit. She called out and moved her hips a little more. She was almost glaring at me for that. She hadn't expected it. I did it again.
"Hah-ha-ah. Tease me a little, Jaune."
I decided that I would. I flicked my fingers through her folds down to where I was embedded in her. Then I rotated slowly back up to her clitoris and squeezed. She let out a little squeal and she lifted her butt and brought it back down on me. Whenever I touched her clit she would squeeze my dick with her insides in a convulsive fashion. It was delectably on point. 
She rode me with lifts and rocks of her hips and I tasted her body as best as I was able until she let out a call in the night and collapsed on me with her insides pulsing almost violently around me. Lubricant flushed forward from her flower. She laid on my chest and I kissed her softly. Then I started to slowly thrust up into her insides.  They were so soft and they squeezed me but they parted around my rigidity so easily. The texture of them was like nothing I had ever felt and I kissed her deeply and drank in her sweet sugary aura. Red rose petals floated down around us as she lit up crimson. That mixed with my own blue and flecks of gold. I pushed her back until she was upright. She just looked at me dazed and confused. She was still riding out the high of her last orgasm. I wanted to keep her there always. 
I pushed her until she was chest down in the tent bedding and I was behind her. I pushed my way inside and bent over her body. She pushed back back in time with my thrusts into her from behind but it was weak and almost, dare I say it, pathetic. I slipped my body down onto her and compressed her hard into the bedding by laying on her. Then I slipped one hand between her legs and over her thigh and I started to play with her petals and nub again. 
"Fpuh-uh-gsh-oh-'' her moans became completely incoherent. The angle I thrust into her met hard with a spot two inches inside and towards the front that I could already tell that she liked when I hit and rubbed against it. Then I started to fondle her folds. First I would grace along one side then the other then I would meet at her apex and rub her clit tightly. This new angle was good for me too. She was so tight and the angle I was thrusting in would occasionally poke against something hard which I knew was her cervix. It would kiss back at me ever so gently as I really started to give it to her. I abandoned teasing her and strummed her clit like a guitar. 
"Keep going. Don't stop. Ooh-ah. Don't stop, please."
I had no intention of stopping and I bent low to nibble on the back of her ear and suckle on her neck. I ran kisses down her back and her body became confused. She wasn't sure whether to grind down onto my hand or push back against me and so she settled for a mixture of both. 
I felt her walls tighten around me and I knew that it was just a matter of time for us both. I squeezed her clit and she arrived again with loud moans and the whisper of my name. Her body went into spasms and her thighs began to quiver from all the stimulation she had received that night. A few more thrusts and I had finished as well. I launched myself as deep inside of her as I could reach and departed my seed directly into her waiting womb and love canal. 
We both lay breathing hard and sweaty in the tent. 
She rolled over to me with a little smile and kissed me on the lips. She giggled happily along and snuggled her hot naked body against mine. I was exhausted from expending myself twice. Usually alone I could only ever do it once. So this has been a lot for me. It had been a lot for her too. We drifted off to sleep together. Thoughts of clothes abandoned in the hot tent. Tomorrow will come and I may have to deal with some consequences of tonight but they could wait. 
pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq
I got down off the back of the animal before Ruby.
She was already waiting for me there.
She called its name and it came when called. She didn’t even need to pull her hair back as she rode, either, she somehow looked relaxed and focused. To be honest I was just so amazed to even watch her move above me.
She slung her legs up and over it and gently held the pommel in one of her small hands. The tips of her fingers just enough to reassure. She hardly needed it for balance; she was so graceful.
Her other hand was firmly in the mane of the stallion’s mane. After the night in the rain, we’d returned to Higanbana where they’d offered us horses. They’d already been made aware of our affairs and the local Dono was not to be out done by GaiLong, evidently.
I’d explained to them that unless they had an awakened horse, they would not be able to carry me, let alone the both of us. Mei-Chi had smiled at me and I knew I would regret it.
“Who taught you how to ride?” I wondered.
“Oh, my mother showed me how when I was young. It’s easy if you know how to care for it.” Or you’re a Nisdy Princess. I watched how easily she controlled it and made it calm. Sure, it was trained but when I’d been encouraged to take the lead on the animal it had given me nothing but contempt.
“Do you know how?” She wondered. “You’ve somehow expertly dodged climbing on the back of one.” She stroked it gently with her hands. Enjoying the sensation.
“I… know the basics,” I hedged. “I have ridden before.”
“Yikes, that bad, huh.” she teased me, and I groaned. “But not in a while and with someone else.”
I shook my head, “this’ll be a first for us.”
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> larissa weems x fem!reader
> requested? no!
> content/warnings: idk what the fuck this is so idk what warnings i should put 🤷🏻‍♀️
> a/n: literally a writer's random thought to another taylor swift song, anw here's the song. Guilty as Sin? tbh i don't know if the song connects to the story but who cares? oh, i do 😭
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Drowning in the Blue Nile
She sent me 'Downtown Lights'
I hadn't heard it in a while
My boredom's bone deep
This cage was once just fine
Am I allowed to cry?
“In what universe did she ever say that to you?” Vlad, may the universe bless his nonexistent soul, asked you.
Meeting Vlad in your first year of teaching was not part of your itinerary in Nevermore, especially befriending the vampire. Yet, things just seemed so normal when you were with him. His straightforwardness stilled you to the ground, and your imagination led him to the stars. You'd assume it was a friendship between the skies themselves. But as time went by, you couldn’t help but feel irritated, as his memory seemed to fail him once more in your latest gossip discourse.
Scratching your nape, you turned to observe the plants sitting on your windowsill. “If my memory serves me right,” you hummed and gave Vlad a glance. “The other night?”
Rolling his eyes, Vlad took a swig of his bloody Mary. “You were with Marilyn the other night.” Lowering his drink to the table, he tsked before giving you a disapproving shake of his head. “I do not like this side of you.”
“That makes the two of us.”
I dream of cracking locks
Throwing my life to the wolves
Or the ocean rocks
Crashing into her tonight
She’s a paradox
I'm seeing visions, am I bad?
Or mad? Or wise?
“How long have you had forget-me-nots in the greenhouse, Mar?”
Marilyn hummed before looking at you and then at the flowers you now hold. “I’ve had them since I moved here.”
Frowning, you set the pot down and walked towards Marilyn. “I was there when you moved here, was I not?” Sitting on a chair next to her, you watched Marilyn weed her plants and toss them in the bin next to her.
Kneeling upright, Marilyn took a quick look at you before going to her desk. She took a picture frame and gave it to you before kneeling down to continue her work. Inside the frame was a picture of the faculty, with Marilyn and Larissa in the middle, you on Larissa’s left, and Vlad on yours. You traced the picture down to the date signed below it.
Nevermore Faculty
Holding the picture tight, you frowned as you jogged your memory to remember what happened that day. Yet, after minutes of trying, the only thing you got was a migraine. You groaned and went to Marilyn’s desk to return the frame to its rightful place. “Thank you, Mar. I’m afraid I have to go now.”
Watching you leave the greenhouse, Marilyn sighed. She didn’t know how to tell you. And she’s sure as hell wasn’t going to be the one telling you. Let Vlad or whoever else tell you, just not her. No, scratch that, not Vlad. There was only one person who would tell you. It needs to be that person. Not your friends. It needs to be her.
What if she's written 'mine' on my upper thigh?
Only in my mind?
One slip and falling back into the hedge maze
Oh, what a way to die
“It is getting worse, Marilyn!”
“We can’t tell her, Vlad, not us.”
Sighing, Marilyn watched as Vlad paced vigorously in her office. Although you were their friend, it was not their story to share with you. They couldn’t tell you the whole story without the other side. They couldn't let you hate her while she resents herself for allowing what happened to you to happen.
“The school will open in a few weeks, Mar. She cannot stay in that godforsaken office until then. We need someone to boss us around!” Marilyn understood where Vlad was coming from. In three weeks, the gates of Nevermore will be opened, and the principal has yet to come out of her office. Since the incident, Larissa has chosen to hide within her office. And as the days pass, one by one, the members of the faculty start to lose their minds. They do not know how to function without Larissa, the lone similarity all of them shared.
“She is punishing herself.” Groaning, Vlad opened his bottle of whiskey and took a swig.
“Vlad!” Marilyn hissed as the coach slumped beside her. “It is the middle of the day!”
“And? What is your point, dear friend?” With that, Marilyn slapped Vlad’s arm and left the office to tend the greenhouse.
I keep recalling things we never did
Messy top lip kiss
How I long for our trysts
Kicking down her office door was not part of the plan, to Marilyn, that is. But for Vlad? It was the first plan B he thought of if Larissa didn’t open the door for them as they knocked. “Larissa! There you are!”
Feeling for the light switch, Marilyn narrowed her eyes as she turned the light on. Only to find the office devoid of any life, apart from a rather emotionless Larissa. “Principal Weems, we apologize for kicking your office door open.” She slapped Vlad on the arm, earning her a scoff from the vampire. Giving Vlad a glare, she tilted her head toward Larissa.
“Ugh, fine.” Marilyn heard Vlad whisper, “I apologize for kicking your door open.” Strolling forward, Vlad sat in front of Larissa’s desk, making Marilyn shake her head in disapproval. “Unbelievable,” she whispered.
Tapping the desk to get Larissa’s attention, Vlad observed the woman before him. This wasn’t the same woman who hired him. That woman was fierce, and the woman in front of him was weak, lifeless, and emotionless. “Larissa, speak to us.” Vlad saw Marilyn join him in his peripheral vision and nodded towards the redhead.
“Please, Principal Weems.”
Turning to look at the two teachers before her, Larissa’s eyes turned glassy. Yet she blinked them away, not wanting her colleagues to see her so sensitive. “Yes, Coach Vlad? Marilyn?”
“It wasn’t your fault.”
Letting out a chuckle, Larissa rolled her eyes. “Do not patronize me, Vlad.”
Frowning, Marilyn shook her head and took Larissa’s hand in hers. “It’s true. It wasn’t your fault, Larissa. None of it was. It was an incident beyond your control.” Marilyn tightened her hold on the blonde’s hand, desperately trying to let the blonde believe that what happened to you was not her fault.
“It was an incident only she could control,” Vlad added. This made Larissa turn her head toward him, her eyes asking what he meant.
“She,” Vlad gave Marilyn a look before continuing, “had visions of the incident happening, yet she did nothing to prevent it.”
“Visions come to her like prophecies, Larissa. Surely you know why they are called that?” Vlad asked his boss humorously. “Changing a prophecy would mean changing the course of someone’s future.” Shaking his head, Vlad stood up and went to the nearest window. Catching you teaching one of the faculty your tricks in archery, he let out a teary chuckle before turning to look at the women in the room.
“It would mean changing the course of your future, and she couldn’t do that to you. Not when she understands that in every future you have, she isn’t part of it.”
Without ever touching her skin
How can I be guilty as sin?
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Is it just me or do I feel like iv would use his jacket to mark the girl he liked. Back off cunts she’s taken sort of vibes. Maybe you could write something along those lines?
I think about this a lot myself, so I definitely understand you and genuinely agree. Also III is being a bestie in this one.
His mark
It started so innocently. The whole band was hanging behind the stage after the concert. The conversation was light with people reaching in to nibble on some food and drinks. Your stage outfit, as nice as it was to jump around on stage while the huge lights shined on your body, now that you were in the dim of the back rooms did little to keep you warm. And you so could have just excused yourself from the conversation with the girls, knowing full well that they wouldn’t mind holding the conversation off for a couple of minutes but you just didn’t want to somehow break the atmosphere.
That’s when you felt it. The weight pressing on your shoulders. The heat instantly radiated from the leather that was being so casually draped over your body. Crocking your head to the side you saw none other than IV. But you didn’t even have to look. The smell of him, so familiar and at this point engraved into your brain gave him away. “Could hear your teeth clacking together from across the room, it’s so annoying”, he grunted, clearly trying to seem more annoyed than he was. “My apologies and you shouldn’t have tasked yourself with coming to my rescue”, you sassed back, slipping your arms through the sleeves. “Sometimes my kindness surprises even me”, IV shrugged, leaning equipment boxes. “We will grab some more food”, the girls chirped, making you snap your head back at them, completely forgetting that they were there in the first place.
“Is it bad that I secretly fantasized about wearing this?”, you asked so out of the blue that you were almost convinced that you heard IV choke on his drink, “This is the coolest thing I’ve seen in a long while”. IV stayed silent for a moment before that shit-eating grin spread across his face, “See, depends on what these fantasies entail”, he muttered, clearly delighted with himself. Now it was you who gasped, pushing his chest slightly as you both giggled away.
The next time it happened was in the middle of the show. The open stage, as nice as it was for some parts of the summer, wasn’t all that friendly when the summer rains split the skies. While the first two songs in soaked clothes were kind of refreshing. Rain alsp brought a lower temperature, slowly settling the tremble into your hands. That’s when a familiar figure sauntered closer but you didn’t give it much thought. IV often found himself close to you and the girls. It was his nature, well all of theirs. That’s until IV pulled his guitar off, setting it down and shrugging out of his jacket.
With your eyes already glued on him, you watched him lifting the jacket closer to you. All you could do was shake your head, “Are you insane?”, you mouthed. It was one thing doing stuff like that around the people in the team. A whole different story when fans were involved. “Put it on or I will put it on you”, IV stated flatly. Throwing the jacket up.
The logic within you told you to ignore it. Let it drop. But you couldn’t. It was way too precious. Someone had spent hours making it and it was also his. But just because it was in your hands didn’t mean you had to put it on. You could just hold it for him. Well, wrong. Cause IV dared to cross his arms over his chest as he watched you, and knowing his stubborn ass he would stand there till you did what he had told you to. With an excessive eye roll, you threw the jacket over your shoulder, pushing some of the wet strands away and clinging to your face. “Happy?”, you mouthed, but IV only winked at you before returning to the front of the stage.
And more often than not this had turned into a norm. Going to the bus? His jacket is on your body. Right before the show while the jitters are insane? His jacket. Walking through the backstages while preparing? Band meetings? Rehearsals? The list could go on and on. But since it brought you the same sense of comfort you never voiced it out loud. Too afraid that if you pointed it out he would turn the other way and run for the hills.
“So, where’s your guard dog?”, III's voice snapped you out of your thoughts. Smiling you rolled your eyes, pushing a pack of goldfish towards him. “Maybe guarding someone else”, you shrugged, making III snort, “Nice try, I bet all of his security alarms are ringing off right this minute”. You frowned slightly at his words. “Oh come on, tell me that you don’t see a pattern?”, III tilted his head to the side in disbelief. “He’s just been sweet”, you muttered, “Plus, I had told him that I have frog hands and feet. I’m constantly cold”.
III just shook his head, “We all know that but do you see me running after you with a blanket?”. You huffed, letting your mouth drop, “Is this your way of telling me that secretly hate me”, you gave him the best version of puppy dog eyes. “Girl, I held your hair back while you threw up a bottle of tequila, I don’t do that for people I don’t care about”, he pointed out. You leaned in, warping your arms around his lean body, “And that is why I like you”, you muttered again his chest.
Someone cleared their throat and you instantly pulled back. Not far from you two stood IV. The fire in his eyes burning out of control. You expect III to pull back but instead, he casually slung his arm over your shoulders. “In need of a hug too?”, he teased, IV eyes burning holes in his bandmate's face. “Just wondering why you needed one”, IV said through gritted teeth. “Oh, come on, I hug you all good morning and goodnight, don’t start playing favorites”, you slapped III on his chest, pulling out of his hands.
IV equally didn’t waste any time stepping closer to you. And as if it had become your secret skin, the jacket pressed down onto your shoulders. III let out a laugh, shaking his head, “Loud and clear mate, loud and clear”, he saluted before turning back. “Why are you in a pissy mood?”, you crossed your arms over your chest, turning to face IV. His eyes are still on III. “I don’t like when people mess with what’s mine”, he muttered, snatching all air out of your lungs. “What is that supposed to mean”, you muttered, letting him pull you closer to him. “Don’t worry your head about it for now”, IV leaned in pressing a kiss to your temple.
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weclassybouquetfun · 2 days
Raleigh Ritchie aka Jacob Anderson drops the Louis de Pointe du Lac song of the summer "Love is Dumb".
Always great to hear Jacob release new music.
TBT one of my favourite concert experiences.
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If you're watching the current series of AMC+/AMC's INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE (its second series), you will see how bad Louis is at handling matters of the heart.
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Minor thoughts about S2 so far (spoilers)
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I love Louis and Armand as a couple! Do I know the other shoe is going to drop? Of course, but I do not care. I'm enjoying them.
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I see so many people say Assad Zaman and Jacob Anderson lack chemistry, and to each it their own, but I feel a lot of people are Sam Reid/Lestat fans and are peeved at his decrease presence this season and (to them) the lack of Louis and Lestat so they're not even interested in Louis and Armand and try to wrap this disinterest up into saying the show "is off".
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Tis nothing wrong with the series. To me it's richer. And yeah, I do miss Lestat, who wouldn't?
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Him still bewitching Louis, leaving Louis to grapple with his grief and his love for Lestat? The pain is exquisite!
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Not just visions, but Louis coming up with a remix to "Come to Me" where Lestat calls him a little whore?
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I wonder what's the next outfit Louis imagines DreamStat in?
We already got Lestat's white death outfit
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, the clean green suit that he wore to dinner with Louis' family,
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The outfit he wore when Lestat turned Louis.
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Louis needs to imagine him in the suit from this moment.
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-Next time Sam and Jacob do Zoom press, I need them to get a device with a better camera.
I need to see your face clearly, babes.
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Jacob looking at Sam like the side-eye dog.
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-When I first read the end sentence it took me two minutes to realize who Jake was. I've never heard this man referred to as Jake. It's like he's return from a gap year and declared, "Mum, dad, everyone. I'm Jake now."
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ezzyrebel413 · 3 days
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I've wanted to do an animation project for a while now, so I decided that there's no time like the present. In the first part, the part I have so far, it's zooming in on this character reading a book with the symbols for the various books appearing around them. In the next part, of which I've included the first few frames, shows this same character, a little older, cheering for their favorite characters in movies and shows. In this part, I intend to have the aforementioned characters appear around the child in much the same way as the book symbols. Then, it will shift to either a news feed or social media. I haven't decided which yet. The screen will go black and it will zoom out to show a phone in a teenager's hand and pan around to show the teen walking down a street. They will pass through various scenes representing real world equivalents to the injustices they grew up reading and watching shows about. It will end with this character, now in their early twenties, attending a protest and standing up against injustice just like the heroes of the media they grew up consuming. All of this was drawn by me using the program FireAlpaca. This piece will be called "Raised on Dystopia" and is a statement about how my generation is witnessing in real life the kinds of things we read in dystopian fiction novels and watched in our favorite cartoons and movies. I fully believe in the power of art and this is my way of making my voice heard. I will keep you guys up to date on the progress and this may take several months to complete. If any of you have song recommendations to go with this video, I'd love to check them out. I have a few in mind but haven't decided yet. If you've read this far, thank you.
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the-hype-on-tv · 3 days
vignette and addiction: my takes
(cw & tw: substance addiction, general addiction, mention of sexual themes and pornography, self destructive behavior, anxiety and depression)
vignette is one of my favorite songs on clancy (all of them are, but that's not the point), and as i was watching the livestream i heard tyler mention explicitly that the song was about addiction. and that's a theme i think it's important, and it's good that he brought it to light
while you'd read the lyrics and think the song is clearly about substance abuse, I don't think this is what tyler meant it to be about. not entirely.
the thing about addiction, is that everyone can have it, be in larger or smaller scale. it's like a tick that latches onto your skin but you can't see it or feel it because it numbs your senses.
I've dealt with addiction before (not substance, but adult entertainment on the internet, and then in real life) and i think this to be true: anything can be an addiction. be it a mania like biting your nails or maybe an eating disorder, to spending too much time on certain apps; everything that keeps us enslaved can be hurtful for our health.
we become mindless zombies, we can't see what's around us, we can't think unless it's related to that thing in specific that will bring back the feeling, the comfort. it's desperation for relief, for numbness, for a familiar pain. i see "the vignette" as a metaphor for something you can't always see, but it's there, until it swallows you completely
when i was deep in my addiction, one of the things i couldn't stop thinking about was: "can people see that I'm an addict? am i hiding it well?" the anxiety of wanting to appear normal, like I want struggling, like i wasn't under the control of something so simple and mundane, it consumed me to the point of wanting to isolate myself.
you're always clinging to the promise you won't do it again, you won't let it win, but sometimes you can't. and that's okay. it's a constant fight, a process, and it might never truly go away, but you'll get stronger each time.
the second verse messes with me the most. when you see someone who has openly struggled with addiction, the before and after may surprise you. people who were once so full of good values and confident in themselves "suddenly" let themselves rot away without realizing, or without caring.
i think "where do i go from here" represents the emptiness you feel once you're sober. you feel lost, like you're in the dark and you can't find footing. you want to feel comfortable again, but it never lasts long enough.
and of course "no not me it's for a friend" would be a controversial one. you could say that the hurtful thing you're consuming isn't for you, it's for a friend, but you could also say that about help. i personally like the help one, but i think both can be right. admitting to having a problem is the first and most difficult step in all of the process, you're always so scared of feeling judged that you'd rather pretend it's someone else who has to deal with it. heck, I'm feeling that right now as i write this! sometimes I can't use the right words at all without feeling a chill down my spine, but i believe that it's just like exposure therapy, and I'm sure it will be less and less scary to talk about it as i grow, just like tyler is talking about it now
vignette is a masterpiece, and although I don't and probably won't know for sure whether tyler has dealt with a different kind of addiction like i have, or if he actually is just referring to substance ones and I'm putting my bias into it, I don't care. this song will always have a special meaning to me and i hope it does to everyone else as well:
everyone struggles. we might be ashamed of it sometimes, but we should take pride in our recovery instead. it'll be hard to seek help, but the search party will come.
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ravilson23 · 2 days
The Full Moon ep is finally here! Warning, this post has a ton of spoilers.
I think it may be the best episode of the second season. Though i feel like its still nowhere near as good as ep 6 and 7 of the first one. I like the starting song, the contrast is good and the emotions of characters are clear. Its also a nice set up.
I especially love how everyone interacts with each other in this episode. Moxxie and Blitz seem like friends and their talk about sex is hilarious cause of Moxxies attitude. "Fuck him good, sir " was a brilliant line only because he was the one to say it. He seems too proper for this, maybe too shy. Blitzos good mood and his cackle after teasing Mox was also good to hear. Maybe cause he wasnt offensive this time. Anyway it just brought a lot of joy since its quite some time since they had a moment like this.
Then we have Blitz and his shopping trip. I liked when he went to buy candles. I think it has really shown that for Blitz sex isnt and probably never was about intimacy. He understands mood just as "horny" and honestly its very fitting. Though its not shocking i heve never thought about it . We know he is afraid of intimacy, but i thought about it strictly as an emotional closeness. I didnt think that sex could be so... one-dimensional for him in general.
Next we have cherubs. Tbh i didnt like this part mostly cause i dont think like it changed anything. If they were killed, well that would be awesome especially since i see no reason why it didnt happen already. They had been beaten and yet the I.M.P. has just send them back. Makes no sense, they are assasins and the cherubs are their enemies. Unless cherubs cant be killed without blessed weapons then well its somewhat fine. But still nothing they did was interesting or suprising. It feels like they were there to fill half of the time so the ep wouldnt be too short. Unless its more of a set up. But if so it still was somewhat weak. Maybe as i was so interested in Stolitz i just didnt have enough patience to care about cherubs. The fight was fun though, as was their reaction to Blitzos shopping. I am glad the I.M.P. got a chance to shine too. Especially Moxxie and his bitch line.
So now one last thing left. The ending. Obviously the best part. I loved how confused was Blitz and honestly i think his anger was understandable. After all he had no idea how Stolas felt and how he planned to end their arrangment. Blitz was both vulnerable and safe thanks to their deal, he was in a position of a "plaything" but also didnt have to be emotionally invested. He clearly hates himself, is insecure and generally cant imagine someone truly wanting him. So its not suprising that he reacted the way he did. In a way Stolas once again was the one to decide everything. He started the deal and then ended it. Without talking with Blitz. And to be clear, i dont think its fair to really blame Stolas. He tried his best. But well, they both lack the understanding. Stolas isnt aware that Blitz didnt believe in his love because of his own self-hatred. He now believes that Blitz simply hates Stolas. And Blitz really didnt have time to comprehend anything that happened so he acted harshly and in the end didnt even get the chance to apologise. I would like to also say sth about music in this scene. The fact that it was very emotional right from the beginnig even when Blitz was still in horny mood, it just selled it. It felt like real life when sth is wrong, but u notice it a little too late and then u just kind of crumble, get down from your high way too quickly and get a whiplash. It made it painfull to watch. I didnt cry though i heard many people did.
Anyway i am rather excited to see what will happen next and i really hope the episodes will hold some standard. Cause boy, the second season failed me a little to often.
Thanks for reading, hope u found sth interesting and sorry for any grammar mistakes and such.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 17 hours
Congratulations on the milestone! You more than deserve it, such a talented writer!
I'd like to request a fic for your event. It's been a song stuck in my head for days, "The Alcott" by The National, and the character being Hunter. It's such a beautiful song and I can't wait to see how you interpret it with his character!
Thank you in advance, keep being awesome!
Awwww @royalthunderbird that's so sweet of you!
I really hope you enjoy how I interpreted this song. It almost caught me off guard, but I was quite happy with how it turned out. Love The National and I've never heard this song before, so thank you for introducing it to me.
Love oo.
The Alcott
Warnings: Yo-yo relationship, food, declaration of feelings, angst, fluffish. I think that's it. If I miss anything please let me know.
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Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
You hadn’t planned on meeting Hunter, well… at least not this time. 
Both of you had been on again, off again so many times it was starting to give you whiplash. Yet, you couldn’t help it. He called and despite how many times you tried to argue, tried to justify not going, you still showed up. 
So there you were in the back of Dex’s Diner, waiting for him while you worked on your next article for HNE. You wrote in your golden notebook, writing out relevant dates and information that you’d need to look into later. 
“You want something honey?” 
You looked up to the waitress droid smiling, “Thanks Flo, could I get a Jamba Juice?”
“You got it, sweetheart.”
You watched her roll away as you focused back on the task at hand. 
Hunter stood outside the diner, just out of your line of sight. He leaned against the concrete building beside him, just watching you. The way you fiddled with the pen in your hand, the way it tapped against your lip, even the way you chewed on the end. A habit you’d been trying to break ever since the first time he met you. 
He let out a light sigh, Maker, you were still so beautiful. You had that smile on your lips, the one that you always wore. 
There was a time when you two first started going out, he asked why you always wore a smile on your face, you simply shrugged and said, “Why not? A lot of people are either having bad days or just haven’t had any sort of kindness in their life. If I can give them a little peace with a smile, then why not?”
He didn’t have a response to that; he just knew he fell in love with you at that moment. 
All he wanted to do was walk up to you, kiss you with all the passion his heart contained for you. To make you his once again, yet … he let out a breath shaking his head. He’d done this to you once too often, starting something only for either his job or yours to get in the way. 
The first time you two broke up, it was a misunderstanding between the two of you, both failing to recognize how you each felt about the other. 
The second time you broke up, it was because Crosshair implied you were only using Hunter to get classified information on the GAR.
The third time was because he misunderstood your relationship with an informant when he saw you holding their hand, simply because you were trying to console them.
Hopefully, this time … this time he could just be honest and tell you without regrets what he wanted. What he’s always wanted. 
He took a deep breath and righted himself, wiping off any visible dust, before he headed inside. 
You jotted down a few more names, as you were now on a roll with your research, questions that popped up that didn’t make sense, answers that were needed.
“H-hi cyare.”
You slowly lifted your head with a smile on your face as soon as you heard his voice, “Hey handsome. You’re late.”
He nodded as he sat, taking off his helmet and placing it on the table beside him, “Yeah, we ran into a little bit of trouble.”
“Oh! Anything good?” You teased as you smiled at him. 
“Hmm, yes and no. More of the fact that our aggressive negotiations took longer than expected.”
“Ahh, did they have better weaponry than you?” You wiggled your eyebrows, putting away your notebook and datapad, back into your satchel. 
“Sweetheart, you should know, no one has better weaponry than me.” He smirked as he looked at you.
You giggled as you nodded, “True. So…” you stopped fidgeting and focused solely on him, “how have you been? It’s been a minute since we actually spoke or even really saw each other.”
“Yeah,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “Sorry, about that. Things have gotten hectic the last few months.”
“Anything I should be concerned about?”
“Not that I can think of, but you still have your go-bag ready just in case, right?”
“Always.” You smiled as your head propped on your fist, “You look good.”
“So do you,” Hunter leaned forward, smiling. He was about to ask about your life and how you were doing when Flo came over and asked if they were ready to order. 
Once she was gone, Hunter just let out a contented sigh, as he looked at you. “I think I’m falling back in love with you.”
You looked startled for a moment, pulling back to sit up a little, you didn’t know what to say really. You had never stopped loving him, but … if he was falling back in love with you, then did that mean there were still trust issues between the two of you. What if you got back together and broke up for a fourth time? Could you handle that? What if you get back together and you realize this time you’re the one who’s moved on? What if there’s another misunderstanding, or if one of his other brothers says something that causes doubt in your relationship?
Hunter watched as you fidgeted with your finger against the table. 
Flo came back with your food, leaving it on the table. Even she noticed there was something odd with the intense silence that lingered between the two of you. 
He wanted to speak, but he decided against it. He didn’t want to distract you. He sat there silently, allowing you the time you needed to figure out what to do with what he said … maybe he made a mistake saying he was falling back in love, truth was he’d never fallen out of love with you. This would’ve been his fourth attempt to get back together with you, was he stupid for trying this? Maybe you wouldn’t believe him, when he said he was in love with you. Not that he blamed you.
Was he ruining this again before anything even started?
Was it over before he even got a chance to show you he changed?
He just needed you to look up at him, to smile at him. He just needed your smile. Why did he have to open his mouth?
You took a deep breath, and slowly lifted your eyes to look at him, “You’re falling back in love with me? So… you moved on and now … you’re … what, realizing you’re back in love?”
“No. Rather, I’m realizing, I’ve never stopped loving you. I …” he swallowed the nervousness that was bubbling forth from deep within. He clenched his hands. “I was an idiot. Every one of those times we broke up, it was my fault. I … I didn’t understand what it took to actually be in a relationship, and I know I’m asking a lot from you, by telling you all this, but I don’t want to run away, anymore. I don’t want to be scared. I don’t want to think I’m not good enough… I want to give us a real try.”
You looked at him and Gods, as hard as you tried, you just couldn’t stop that smile from appearing on your lips as you looked into his eyes. What do they say, fourth times a charm?
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@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal @crosshair-is-the-superior-clone @totallyunidentified @griffedeloup @leotatombs @leotawrites
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bishiglomper · 23 hours
These panels are just not long enough, man. Main guests need like 2hr slots
They were introducing Brandon Rogers as Blitzo and he comes over, takes the mic from the host's hand like "...the O is silent." 😆
He said Blitzo was just himself on steroids, seemed legit.
Someone asked the Helluva cast what's the biggest animal they thought their characters could take in a fight. Loona's said she thought she could fuck up a bear.
Alex was just like. A bigger snake. 😆
Amir said anything
I think Brandon said an octopus or somthing.
Later someone asked if their characters went to the zoo, what would they go see first.
I only heard Amir and Alex answer, but they each said.. a deer and snake, respectively. 😆
I think someone asked what they'd do with their characters if they hung out. Loona's said she would chill out with reality TV and junk food like irl. All I heard otherwise was Alex saying "and watch Dude, where's my car?" In Pentious's voice
So Amir said something interesting...
Someone asked what was something stupid their characters did that they actually found really funny
Amir was like "Taunting Adam... and then losing the fight. .....but actually it was really smart that he did."
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Also everyone's favorite lines they did:
Loona's line from Full Moon "I do it all the time"
Blitz: "Sorry I fucked your husband!"
Alastor: "haHAAA- Fuck you."
Adam: "Damn Lute- chill! Fuck"
Amir said they're really really hoping to release their audition songs. Or to just record the songs again. In character! Eeeeeee
I don't know what song anyone else had but Pentious had show me the meaning of being lonely by the backstreet boys
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writerpetals · 1 day
Hi! For the drabble game :з Dreamcatcher JiU. And I have a song suggestion Nightly - Shirt.
Thank you ❤️
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thanks for requesting jiuuu <3 my dream girl. this definitely wasn't written from someone that's totally in love with her. nope, not at all :_: (however i have seen her in person and she is, in fact, the most beautiful woman in the world ;;; and yes i told her to her face she was gorgeous because it's the first thing that came to my head and i panicked) also actual rock band lead singer jiu? yes pls!
When you tag along with a friend to a rowdy bar in the next city over, you never expected to lay eyes on the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen. With a microphone in front of her, she sings her small town band’s latest song with conviction, allowing you to also hear the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen, and God, does she sound perfect. Even as your friend nudges you with a drink in her hand in between her flirting with strangers, you can’t take your eyes off the gorgeous singer of the band you’ve never heard of. 
She jumps a little around the stage as the guitar and drums pick up behind her, silky hair bouncing around her face as the spotlight shines directly over her. The crowd chants along to the breaks in the song, clearly already loving their local band’s new hit. 
“Do you know this band?” your friend asks over the cheers once they finish. You shake your head and quickly take a sip of the drink she ordered for you. The two of you remain seated at the bar, watching the crowd begin to clap for another song. “You seem kinda into them.”
You don’t tell her you’re only kind of into the singer. And by kind of, you’re already picturing picket fences and picking out new kitchen appliances on a Saturday. You watch the smile grow on the gorgeous singer’s face as the crowd hoops and hollers for her band. You can’t help your own grin begin to grow as the band begins another song, this one a little slower. Your body begins to sway to every drum beat and guitar string strung, taking in her light and airy high notes. 
You’re in awe of this gorgeous woman and you know you need to at least try to introduce yourself to her. After all, she should know she has earned a new fan tonight.
Once their set seems to be over with, you watch her hop down from the stage, her black boots hitting the floor of the bar, before she’s making her way through the crowd. She says hello’s here and there, making it evident she’s friends, or at least acquaintances, with most of the audience. Her smile is bright, charming, as she pushes past the groups of people to head toward the bar.
Now your heart starts racing. Are you really going to be so bold? You are feeling a little braver than usual tonight, taking it as a sign you should at least attempt an introduction. Just as you slip off the barstool to step behind her, she turns toward you, bodies clashing, the feeling of an ice cold beverage falling over your chest to soak your shirt. 
“Oh, gosh!” she squeaks, meeting your eyes with the most regretful, yet adorable expression. “I am so sorry!” She hurries to reach for some napkins resting against the bar, grabbing a handful and shoving them your way.
All you can do is stare at her, jaw slacked. This is definitely not how you wanted the first impressions to go. 
“Please don’t be mad!” She’s frowning now, brows creased and a little pout on her lips. “I’m so sorry. I’m so clumsy, sometimes. I didn’t know anyone was behind me.”
You begin shaking your head, laughter beginning to spill from your lips. “It’s alright.” You see the relief flood her expression as you take the napkins to begin dabbing your shirt. “I was feeling a little hot in here, anyway. Thanks for cooling me down.”
She begins to grin, blinking a few times with a shake of her head. Then she tells you her name, as you do the same, and she repeats it with a smile. “Thanks for being cool. If you want money to replace it-”
“Oh, please.” You brush off the comment with a wave of your hand. “This is an old band tee from when I was in high school. It’s seen worse days.”
She’s giggling at the comment, and your heart absolutely melts for her. You try to ignore the butterflies in your stomach, but it’s no use. She could throw gasoline on you and light a match, yet you would still find her beautiful. You’ve never believed in love at first sight, but now maybe you’re contemplating the idea. 
“You sing so beautifully, by the way,” you admit, a shy smile on your lips. Her own smile grows ten times the size, nose scrunching and eye crinkles on display. Your heart begins to race at the sight. 
“That’s sweet, thank you.” She leans closer as you continue to stand at the bar, earning a few glances from those around, but neither of you pay them any mind. 
Before either of you can say another word, her name is being called from across the bar. One of the band members, a shorter girl with a black bob and a bubbly smile, wave to her. 
“Guess I’m being summoned!” She giggles and holds up a finger at the girl. “Thanks for watching my band play. Sorry about the shirt! Lesson learned to look behind me before twirling, I guess. Ha!” With that, she’s slipping away from the bar and away from you. Your mouth hangs open, not being able to think fast enough to find out more about her, or even her number. 
Not that you’re one hundred percent confident she would have given it, but you hate yourself for not even trying. Now, you’re left with only thoughts of the beautiful singer of a rock band, until you convince your friend to go back the following weekend.
However, there’s a new band playing, the crowd is dead, and you only wish you could have had a few more minutes with your dream girl. You leave the bar without ever ordering a drink, only asking the bartender about the band that played the previous weekend, but he was clueless to who you were talking about.
So you use the only option someone with your resources and time could use: the internet. You check the social media of the bar you went to, but it hasn’t been updated since they opened two years prior. Great. You spend an hour each night before bed searching for her band, checking local Instagrams of those that tagged the bar on that night, but no luck. Why wasn’t there a flier or something you could have taken home instead? You didn’t even think of it.
So you continue your scrolling, until one night a recommendation pops up of someone you may know. Suddenly, her face is smiling bright on your screen in a selfie she took just before her latest show. You found her. Or, the algorithm found her for you, but you couldn’t care less. 
You spend a while scrolling through her pictures, seeing her many performances with her band, gorgeous selfies, a few pictures of her dog, and a couple shots of recent meals she’s had. You can’t help but smile, getting a glimpse at the life of the girl you’ve been daydreaming about for a week. Sighing, you press the “Follow” button on her page before setting your phone down and drifting away to sleep. 
You’re surprised when you awaken the next morning to a new follower and DM request. You nearly drop the phone from your hands as you struggle to sit up between tangled bed sheets. You quickly open the app to see a message from her saying she’s been thinking about you since she ruined your shirt, and she would love it if you came to the next show. Entry is on her and she placed your name on the list for backstage access.
You check the venue of her next show, realizing it’s much bigger than the bar you met her at, and with backstage access, it seems a little more official. You quickly message her back saying you will see her there, and she responds only a few moments later with a selfie, microphone in hand next to her smiling face. 
The night of her band’s show comes quicker than you expected considering you’ve done nothing in the meantime except daydream about seeing her again. The moment she sees you heading toward her in a backstage hallway, the brightest grin shines over her expression. 
“I’m so glad you came,” she beams while racing toward you. “Hopefully the extra secret special backstage access to a band you don’t know will make up for spilling my drink on you.” There’s a cheesy grin on her face, one you can’t help but to burst out laughing at.
“Hm, it is kind of cool,” you say, completely downplaying the situation. This is more than cool, but anything would feel perfect when it involves her. “Seriously, thanks for thinking of me. The shirt is totally fine, no casualties. I’m just… excited to hear you sing again.”
Your heart flutters at the look she gives you. There’s gratitude in her eyes mixing with the gentle smile her lips fall to. For a moment, you only look at each other, coming to an understanding of a blossoming friendship that could very well be more one day. Only time will tell, and right now, you have nothing but time to spend thinking of her.
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Hi, my name is Rory, I’m going to the Eras Tour in Amsterdam on July 5th and if you guys could somehow help me get this to @taylorswift / @taylornation - it would mean so much to me
Three years ago, I went from being perfectly healthy, to watching my body and my health rapidly deteriorate. My entire world got turned upside down— I lost the ability to eat, drink, and even stand for more than a few minutes.
I don't remember much from when I first got sick. But I know I listened to Mr Perfectly Fine on a loop almost every day because it was the only song that could capture how I felt. I've known and loved Taylor's music since I was six-years-old and first heard the album Fearless. i remember the first song I ever heard (love story) like it was yesterday; but somewhere during that time, her music became like therapy for me.
Since 2021, I've been diagnosed with three incurable diseases. two of these are rare, and one is predicted to only get worse with time. I've spent countless days inpatient on the peds floor receiving treatment, tests, and surgeries. And through all of it-- I've leaned heavily on Taylor's music.
My mom bought our Era's tour tickets last summer during the Europe pre-sale. I was in the hospital at the time and immediately told all of my nurses, doctors, dietitians and basically anyone who came into my room, that a year from then, i'd be seeing taylor swift. Whenever I could get out of bed, I was in the playroom with my child life specialists, making friendship bracelets to give out to other Swifties at the show. The thought of going to the Eras Tour singlehandedly kept me going through the hardest time of my life. And it's kept me going ever since.
Months later, I was hospitalized again, right before the release of 1989 TV. I'd been admitted the day after seeing The Eras Tour Movie in theaters (I was in theater 13, row 13!!) and I remember being so relieved that I hadn't had to miss it.
I had become known by most of the nurses as "the Taylor Swift girl” and the night before another procedure, I stayed up until midnight with everyone else so I could listen to 1989 TV. Hearing those songs-- I felt the happiest I'd been in so long. I felt normal again. I was sick and I was alone but I was connected to every other person who'd stayed up with me and that feeling was indescribable.
Taylor gave that to me, and so much more.
Over the course of my journey, I've listened to Sparks Fly to keep me calm while my doctors inserted feeding tubes down my nose. Whenever I have to be put under anesthesia, I have a nurse put her music on shuffle so I can listen to it as I fall asleep. When I had my big surgery in December, the last thing I remember was Bad Blood playing in the OR and saying "this is a funny song to have surgery to".
All of this is to say, Taylor has given me strength and hope during the worst part of my life, and she continues to do so. Her music is truly everything to me and getting to go the the Era's Tour is already a dream come true on it's own. And if it's possible - being able to receive the 22 hat and give Taylor a friendship bracelet would make all of that pain feel worth it. It would mean everything to me.
if you could reblog this and tag @taylorswift and @taylornation I'd appreciate that so much!! thank you to everyone whose read this far, and everyone whose shared this <3
also if anyone is interested, I included some pics of the mentioned moments below the cut!
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seeing the eras tour movie the day before having to be admitted, and then making friendship bracelets for tour in the hospital
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the mirrorball is hung in my room for good luck
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the bracelets i’d started making in the hospital, right after getting the tickets
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and the day of the 1989 TV release - id stayed up until midnight to listen to the album, and then had my anesthesiologist play ‘Style’ for me to play while they put me out for my procedure
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