#I hope someday I will be able to pick it up again on my own
raspberrybluejeans · 2 months
The last few days I have turned my phone off for most of the day in order to focus on school stuff since the pressure is on, its basically the last week of school for this semester.
But I have spent 2 days on this one coding assignment* (over 10 hours literally just fucking with it) and I am so frustrated I am having a hard time getting started today. Even though I know it will only make it worse to wait longer.
And after I finish this one there's another assignment to do where I have to learn a whole bunch of other stuff too ;_;
AND I have one assignment left for my other class too.
*The coding assignments have like. several sub-assignments/exercises. These sub-assignments are not graded but they are necessary to learn and do in order to do the Actual assignment. I'm only talking about working on the ACTUAL assignment here, so really I've been working on all this even longer. and just going over those practice exercises over and over 😭
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celestie0 · 15 days
gojo satoru x reader | college au [18+]
kickoff drabble no3. gojo as a cat dad
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ᰔ pairing. college au - soccer player! gojo x film major! reader
ᰔ drabble summary. gojo tried to give you a little kitten as an apology, but you weren’t able to take it in, so he ends up becoming a cat dad. (note: for new readers, this is in continuation of my long fic gojo x reader series “kickoff”!! masterlist is linked below)
ᰔ main storyline summary. gojo satoru is the most popular guy on your college campus. he's tall, funny, hot, not to mention he's the most talented soccer forward the school has seen in years. but he's also a frat dude, which puts him in a world very different from your own, as he spends most of his nights partying & drinking while you spend most of yours working on your annoying film major assignments. but when he reaches out to you for a favor, you realize that helping him out might have something in it for you too.
ᰔ warnings/tags. 18+, fem reader, fluff, angst, smut, college au, fraternities, sororities, partying, drinking/alcohol, romance, jealousy, pining, slow burn, opposites to lovers, friends to lovers, she falls first he falls harder, gojo being an idiot, marijuana use, sexism, sexual harassment (verbal only)
ᰔ chapter. drabble #3
ᰔ words. 2.3k
a/n. hellooo!! this is such a silly little drabble lol, basically just gojo falling in love w a kitty. kickoff reader does make an appearance tho haha. this will be the last drabble before we move on to ch11 :) hope u enjoy!! <3
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☾·̩͙꙳ moodboard no.1 :: ♬.*゚playlist
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“Wait what? He’s gotta get his balls chopped off someday?”
Gojo holds the tuxedo kitten, which as of two seconds ago is now officially his and shall be named mr. grand theft auto (mr gta for short) up into the air as he examines him like he’s some novel beast.
“Yes,” Nanami affirms on the other line before releasing a deep exhale, “at around ten weeks old, you’ll have to get him neutered.”
“How do I know how old he is?” Gojo asks, twiddling his thumb back and forth to give mr gta something to chase with his paws in an attempt to distract.
“You’ll have to take the kitten to the vet,” Nanami tells him. “They’ll need to check for fleas, parasites, and give any relevant vaccinations.”
Gojo scratches the back of his head and sets mr gta down on his desk, which the Soot Sprite runs to the edge of and almost knocks over Gojo’s half-finished can of Red Bull. Gojo picks him up again, and he hears a tiny little mew squeak out.
“Did you check with Suguru or Hide or Sota if they would be fine with keeping a cat in the house?” Nanami asks.
“That’s the first thing you should do.”
“Ehhh I’m sure they’d be fine with it,” Gojo replies before settling mr. gta into the nook of his elbow and then grabbing his keys. He pets his pocket for his wallet, and then heads out of his room, down the stairs, and outside to the driveway to get inside his car. He plops Fluff Ball onto his dashboard, and then realizes he’s still got Nanami on the line.
“Oh, shit, sorry,” he brings his phone back up to his ear, “did you say something.”
A long pause. “I’ve been giving you instructions this entire time.”
Nanami apparently had three cats growing up, it was one of the first things Gojo learned about him during some Icebreakers for Rush. But his knowledge is wasted on Gojo, who’s more keen on winging most things in life.
“Where did you find this kitten?” Nanami asks.
“In the bushes,” Gojo says as he pulls out of the driveway, “over on Main street. Took the scenic route on my run this morning.”
“And why decide to keep it?”
Gojo pulls his phone from his ear to check the directions on his phone for a brief second, a little too lazy to connect BlueTooth to his car for a seven minute drive. “Uh. Well, I tried to give it to y/n, but she didn’t want it. Er, she couldn’t have it, so, I figured I’d keep it.” He glances between his rearview mirror and mr. gta as he turns onto the street. “The little thing’s homeless and cute, so why not. Also kinda ugly, though. His fur looks like he’s been struck by lightning.”
Nanami sighs, then catches his breath briefly. “You found a dirty flea-covered kitten in the bushes and then tried to abandon it with y/n when she can’t even have it, and then abruptly decided you’ll take care of it? I would encourage some self reflection.”
Gojo gets to the closest veterinarian office he could find, mr gta in hand when he walks through the door with the jingle of a bell at the top, which his kitten becomes instantly intrigued with as it tilts its head up to the noise.
“Hi,” Gojo says as he approaches the receptionist desk, where he sees a girl probably around his age wearing bright blue scrubs sitting there at a catastrophically messy desk cluttered with pens and clipboards and certainly not enough space for the gigantic keyboard underneath the computer.
She looks up from her computer at Gojo, and blinks a few times in surprise before addressing him. Gojo wonders if she’s new to the job. “Hello! Name for the appointment?”
“Oh, I don’t have an appointment,” Gojo says, setting mr gta up on the high raised counter, and he feels the fur of his tiny tail brush against his hand before a tiny rough tongue starts to lick at his knuckle. “I found this kitten in the bushes, so I just wanted someone to take a look at him. Or her? I’m, like, 90% sure it’s a boy, but you guys are the experts.”
Crescents form under her eyes in amusement before she flutters her eyes back to the computer screen. “Sorry, we don’t take walk-ins,” she says as she busies herself with clicking sporadically across pixels that he can’t see.
“Can’t make an exception?” Gojo asks, setting his elbow up on the counter and mr gta instantly starts scratching at his skin. He watches her expression change from business to something else before pushing away from the desk, chair springing when she gets up from it.
“I can check with the doctor for you!” she chirps and disappears into the hallway. Gojo looks down at mr gta, who’s staring off in the direction she went before he starts licking his paw.
The vet makes an exception, but not without a twenty minute wait. Gojo briefly wonders what being a veterinarian would be like, getting to hold tiny cute kittens like mr gta—who, by the way, is indeed a mister—all day. But, he figures there’s probably downsides to it too, since not all their patients are probably as sweet as mr gta is when he gets his shots. Cute thing just winces a little from the needle then chirps a drawled meow before shaking his head and wobbling right back into Gojo’s hands at the edge of the metal table. God, Gojo was attached. It hasn’t even been three hours, and he’d already jump in front of an active shooter just to protect the little Black Ball with Mittens.
Well, some of the love diminishes when he realizes just how damn expensive the vet visit cost as the receptionist from earlier adds up services on her dated calculator with punches of her index finger on worn out buttons. Gojo pulls his wallet out of his pocket and hands her his credit card, and even though it’s just the plastic equivalent of cash, he still feels like it’s much lighter somehow when she hands it back to him. She prints out the receipt, licking her thumb to separate the customer copy from the office’s copy and hands the latter to him to sign. The puff ball tied at the end of the pen intrigues mr gta who swats his paw at it while Gojo makes quick work of his signature and hands it over the counter. He’s about to turn on his heel to head out the door in no need of the customer copy, when the receptionist squeaks out a wait and scribbles something onto it before handing it to him. He glances down at the ballpoint blue ink. The total that he paid in written out words, a large circle drawn around a free future check-up coupon, and beneath it, a phone number with a heart next to it. He finally clocks in on the flirting.
His now healthy kitten is captivated by the noise of the bell above the door again when Gojo makes his way through it, and then captivated by the sound of plastic paper crumpling in his hand when he tosses the receipt into a trash can outside of receptionist desk view. It’s not like he needed it, he can’t return vaccines.
“So you’re cool with it?’ Gojo asks, Suguru on the other line since he wasn’t home and he was the last one of his housemates he had to check with if keeping mr gta was alright or not. Not that Gojo would drop the little guy off at a shelter if one of the guys did say they didn’t want a cat in the house. He’d sooner drop one of his housemates off at the shelter than get rid of mr gta.
Suguru sighs through the receiver. “I guess it’s fine as long as you take care of it…but it’s weird, you’ve never cared much for cats?”
Gojo’s eyes flicker across the ceiling of his room as he lays on his bed, swinging his knee back and forth before adjusting his hand under his neck to get more comfortable. His gaze then flits down to mr gta, who is roaming the expanse of his chest and plucking at the fabric of Gojo’s shirt with every step he takes across it. Purring like a maniac where the sound is probably loud enough to interrupt Nanami’s wim hof breathing meditation exercises three houses down from here.
Gojo pulls the phone away from his ear and tucks his chin to look mr gta straight in the eye. “Dude. Could you keep it down? I’m on the phone.”
Electrocuted Puff Ball just stares at him and mews in defiance before using its hind leg to scratch behind its ear, then settles its head down on the center of Gojo’s chest, the rumble of purrs felt on his sternum.
Gojo brings the phone back to his ear. He considers how to answer Suguru, thinking can’t let the gang know I fw cute cats all of a sudden so instead he says— “I don’t know. It’s probably the cat parasite.”
“The what?” Suguru asks.
Gojo scratches the top of mr gta’s head as he puts Suguru on speaker then peruses a WikiHow article on his phone on how to care for babies. Apparently, skin to skin contact is very important, so he shoves mr gta underneath the fabric of his shirt. “Yeah, something about a parasite from cats that can infect humans and basically make us fall in love with them as some sort of survival strategy. I read about it on the mews—er, news. Mews? What the fuck. I just said mews instead of news. See?? It’s the fuckin’ cat parasite.”
He hears Suguru sigh. “Aight. Whatever floats your boat, dude.”
Gojo’s phone pings with a text notification, and when he sees your name flash across his screen, his eyes widen. “Uh, gotta go. See ya at home. Don’t forget the cat food.” And then he hangs up. Because he can’t talk to you and concentrate on anything else at the same time.
He sits up, catching mr gta when he falls towards his lap in the motion, and then he perches himself up on an elbow to read your texts.
|| 10:24am You: hi, sorry for kicking you out earlier today
|| 10:24am You: i was just a little sad about the kitty :(
He sees you typing, before the bubble disappears. He holds his breath. And then he sees you typing again.
|| 10:26am You: i’m on my period, so im’ a little emotional
Gojo blinks at his screen. Then his thumbs move to type.
|| 10:28am Gojo Satoru: Oh
He scans his brain for the right thing to say.
|| 10:29am Gojo Satoru: Are you doing okay? Do you need Ibuprofen
He feels mr gta’s warm little body press against his torso.
|| 10:30 Gojo Satoru: Or a heating pad?
Nailed it.
|| 10:32am You: aw no i’m ok!! thanks though :))
|| 10:32am You: did you keep the kitty?
His eyes flicker down to mr gta, who has fully fallen asleep in his lap. Dumb little thing. Doesn’t even know pythagoras’s theorum, or anything about the Roman Empire. Only knows warmth and whiskers. But if anything bad ever happened to mr gta, Gojo would probably end up in jail for the revenge he wreaks havoc on the perpetrators.
|| 10:24am Gojo Satoru: I did, yeah. Victim of the cat parasite
|| 10:26am You: cat parasite??
|| 10:26am You: what’s that
|| 10:28am Gojo Satoru: Some parasite that makes people like cats
|| 10:29am Gojo Satoru: [sent an article]
|| 10:29am Gojo Satoru: Saw it on the news
|| 10:31am You: don’t you mean
|| 10:31am You: the mews
|| 10:31am You: haha get it
|| 10:31am You: because of mew
He blinks at his phone screen, and then his lips purse. The cuteness aggression he has felt today is enough to kill a grown man, and he has to set his phone down to deal with the wide grin that spreads across his face from your messages. He rubs a hand across his mouth and over his jaw, to ease the sore to the cheeks of his muscles from the way he can’t help the stupid way he’s cheesing over you, and it’s almost embarrassing if it didn’t make his heart beat fast in his chest in the same flush way he feels at the end of a good run or an exciting soccer match.
And while he tries to contain his face despite the lack of any witnesses, except for the kitten curled up in his lap, he realizes it’s been minutes since he responded to you.
He falls back onto the bed, head hitting the pillow while he sets his hand holding his phone down on his chest to read your message. Mr gta crawls up from his lap to sit in front of his phone screen, and Gojo has to tilt his head to look past the obstructing view of his wispy floofy tail.
|| 10:35am you: sorry. was that lame :(
Mr gta meows incessantly at the phone as if in response to you. “Yeahhh I know. She’s really cute, isn’t she.” And then Gojo scratches behind his pointy little ear with his index finger. Mr gta entirely leans into the sensation, purring loudly almost on command before he’s meowing again in a tiny voice.
Mr gta reaches his paw out, pressing it against the bright screen of Gojo’s phone, typing nonsensical letters because he doesn’t know the English lexicon, or any lexicon for that matter other than purr and meow and hiss.
Gojo thinks nothing of it, until his paw accidentally presses the blue send button.
|| 10:37am Gojo Satoru: sjhdfhh
|| 10:38am You: huh?
|| 10:39am Gojo Satoru: Sorry
|| 10:39am Gojo Satoru: That was the cat
[the end]
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a/n. hope u enjoyeeddd lol gojo as a cat dad was not in my plans for kickoff at all but this was fun to write alskdjdh i want a lil kitty so baaaaad </3 anywho, like i mentioned, this will be the last drabble from ch10 haha we shall move on to ch11 now 😼 but there will def be more mr gta appearances in kickoff bc that’s gojo’s lil baby now :”) thanks sm for reading!! love u guys
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taglist: @megumisdivinedogs @witchbybirth @avatarl0v3r @mwtsxri @asherheed
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note: please send me an ask if your taglist preferences change at any time!!
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serpentarius · 6 months
been trying to wrap my head around the cancellation of "Our Flag Means Death" and why it hurts so fucking much. lots of folks who are much more eloquent than I have summed it up perfectly, but I still think it’s important I add my voice to the matter. 
It really, really sucks that the hurt is being compounded on us every time another queer/minority-led show gets prematurely cancelled. and for a long while, we also had to deal with the many shows that deliberately queerbaited us, which was a shitty and traumatic experience unto its own. And even though we’ve largely surpassed that early-‘00s-flavoured brand of queerbait now, mainstream queer media is still predominantly white-led. With the cancellation of OFMD, we've lost one of the very few intersectional queer shows in the mainstream. Shouldn’t we be beyond asking for crumbs at this point? Shouldn’t we get unabashedly intersectional shows helmed by and starring queer, BIPOC, and trans folks without them being axed for no rhyme or reason?
It’s exhausting at this point, honestly. OFMD has done so well in terms of viewership and engagement and fan response—almost entirely due to word of mouth and little thanks to the Max marketing team, mind you—and even still the show got cancelled? Can they make it make sense????
For me, the thing most akin to this OFMD situation was when Sense8 got cancelled. And yes, the fandom fought, and we eventually DID get a movie that wrapped things up years later! That gives me hope for OFMD, that maybe another network will pick it up, or maybe they’ll be able to make a movie someday. But what makes me sad about cases like Sense8 is knowing that the creators still had to force the narrative around the amount of time they were given. That the corporate overlords who only care about numbers and profit dictated how much time they had to wrap up their story.
And it fucking kills me that DJ only wanted one more season. One more season to complete the vision.
I'm just so mad that queer people are constantly being jerked around and used for profit and then left high and dry. And then we're given excuses like "oh there's no budget" or "oh there's not enough viewership, that's all it is". like, sure, maybe those are contributing factors, but then I look at all the useless garbage shows that have little viewership and high budgets that keep going forever and then I think "hmmmm, the math ain't mathing." It's fucking transparent; the corporations can spew all they want with their rainbow capitalism and talks about diversity, but the evidence is clear, and they can't convince me homophobia/racism/transphobia/etc. is not a factor in these decisions.
Anyways, back to OFMD. OFMD made me fall in love with fandom again. I drifted away from fandom for a while in my 20s, and while OFMD wasn't the first fandom that drew me back into the madness, it's certainly the largest. The sheer amount of creativity both within the show and outside of it has blown me away; I've read some of the best fics, seen some of the best art, and witnessed some of the most incredible creativity from people in this fandom.
And let's not forget the role of the show's creators and how they've interacted with us fans. They made us feel seen. And made us feel loved and valid, even when we were being weird and loud and horny. It's so fucking rare to see that. But they understood; understood that the show they made was for us, for any of us who've been marginalized or made to feel Othered or different or stuck in life or unsure of our identities. And they gave us so much love for it.
The story... man. The unique combination of quirky humour and bright visuals and dark, introspective moments, the gorgeous costumes and soft, lovely, unabashed queerness, and veteran actors and new actors all getting to shine, brilliant comedic actors getting to show off their dramatic chops and vice versa. For me, seeing Rhys Darby - an actor I've loved for a long time, but who I never thought I'd see in a leading role - getting to be the romantic lead in a queer role? And seeing acclaimed director/producer/screenwriter/actor Taika Waititi play opposite Rhys, as an indigenous Blackbeard? Fucking incredible. OFMD Edward Teach you will always be famous to me.
Anyways... despite my long ramblings here, I still don’t think I've been able to get to the root of WHY exactly this show has inched its way under my skin and stayed with me in the way it has. Maybe I'll spend years trying to understand it. But I DO know that it's in part to do with seeing both older queers AND a diverse range of queerness onscreen, in a way that I've never seen in media before. I DO know that OFMD has forced me to look inwardly, and allowed me to realize some important things about myself. About my own queerness, my own identity, things I'm still figuring out. I've cherished being able to see myself in Stede, in Ed, and each of the crew members. In Roach’s love for cooking, in Oluwande’s ability to mediate; in Jim’s quick temper, in the way Izzy builds walls to guard his heart. In Buttons’ quirkiness, in Wee John’s sass, in Frenchie’s ability to turn pain into humour; in The Swede’s silliness, in Lucius’ bluntness, in Pete’s soft heart beneath the skepticism. Lastly, OFMD has inspired me. To create, to write, to draw, to devour other peoples' works and worlds while I sit in sheer, overflowing joyousness at their talent.
so yeah. the news of this cancellation is upsetting and hurtful and disappointing. And it's making us cry, and it's making us grieve, and may make us hollow and numb at times because we've lost yet another thing we love so deeply before it was meant to go. It's so much more than "just a TV show". It means more to us than any passive mindless idiotic mind-numbing bullshit - because even though there's a time and a place and a purpose for that type of media, it's the thought-provoking work, the work that creators pour their entire hearts and souls into, that hit us deep in our own souls. The work that changes our lives. The work that has the ability to save lives, as I know OFMD has done for so many. 
please know I'm sending immense amounts of love and strength to those of you who are also hurting. we'll get through this, one way or another, and I'll keep up with the hope that we'll get more someday; but in the meantime, I'm holding you tight. ❤️️🫂
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the-doomed-witch · 11 months
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Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: You rekindle with a childhood lover, now on the other end of the world. The love is still passionate, vibrant, but just far away. So you go back to meet her. // based on Supercut by Lorde
Word Count: ~4.0k
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, MINORS + MEN DNI. phone sex, masturbation, long distance lovers meet up, fluff, a littttttleeee angsty, oral (both), fingering (both), strap-on (n receiving), squirting, light bondage, mostly reminiscent
Author’s Note: i’ve written a similar drabble with wanda before, but i wanted to write a complete one shot with infinity war nat bc why not 🤭
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The room is dimly lit, almost completely dark, when you get a call from Nat at 3:00 a.m. There’s obviously nothing else she could possibly be doing right now, so a little sigh leaves your mouth as you prepare yourself to pick it up.
“Hey baby, w-” you attempt to ask her, but she moans loudly. Yes, she’s doing exactly what you thought before picking up her call.
“Y/N, I need you… your touch, your tongue… Ah-!” you listen to her closely, with a hint of redness flushing over your cheeks. You could vividly imagine the mess she would be making around her.
The sounds of her fingering herself stopped, and she asks you, “Wouldn’t you join me detka? Come along with me? Let me hear you say my name? Won’t you, Y/N?”
Your mouth was already dripping at the thought of her wanting your tongue, but a pool of slick formed on your cotton panties at the thought of touching yourself to her sounds. You’d never done anything of the sort before, but ever since Nat reconnected with you, it was hard to resist or deny the offer she just gave.
You put your phone aside, on the bedside table, as you take off your clothes. You make her listen to your own sounds of pleasure, all the way in a different country. You can hear her overflowing pussy, and her fingers. Dip, spread, and rub, and again. Every moment or so, she pleads your name, as if you were right there, next to her.
Realising that mere touching is of no use for you to get yourself off, you introduce a toy to the moment, conveniently handy inside your bedside table drawer. “God, Nat, I wish you’d be taking this right now, I’d be pounding into you. You would take me so well…” you narrate to her, fantasising her touch, as you align the toy inside of you.
On the other end of the line, Nat is already reaching her climax. Her breathing is staggered, and her hole sounds as heavenly as her chants of your name. She screams loudly as she comes, hopefully making a mess around herself.
Just listening to her has been giving you chills all over your body. And no sooner than you sense her releasing herself, you do it too.
After moments of mutual silence filled with panting and whining, the question slips out of your mouth,“Why are you so far away, Nat?”
“Why did you move away, Y/N?”
You have no answer that is satisfactory. “I almost forgot that it’s morning for you, you really wanted me to come over and take care, didn’t you?”
“Isn’t it obvious Y/N? I ache for you, crave your touch every single night, hoping you’d come back here someday. We could go on dates, kiss each other, fool around all day in my apartment…”
“Oh my sweet baby… I promise I’ll be there soon. And when we go out on dates, I’ll hold your hand, always. Okay?”
“You’re going to make me come again with all your sweet talk. But this time, I mean it. I want to be able to do everything with you, just how lovers do. I miss you. I miss you so much.” You don’t need her to explain, you become cognizant of how her fingers slipped inside of her again. “Y/N, I’m so wet for you, I wish you were here to see it, do something about it.” she says shortly before cutting the call.
You think it’s by mistake, so you ring her again. She doesn’t pick it up.
With a heart full of longing, you recall your brightest memories with her. Right from coming out to her, to stealing moments alone after the day at high school ended just to give each other a kiss. The time both of you went to prom together, despite all your classmates thinking that both of you did so because “you couldn’t get a nice guy”. But nobody except you two knew the joy of being together.
Natasha Romanoff was your whole life before you left the goddamn place. She was so sure of a future together, before a silent and apologetic breakup came along, followed by you moving out to an entirely different continent. You still remember the tears pooling up around her emerald like irises, and then you attempting to calm her down. Breathe in… 2,3,4. Breath out… 6,7,8 you taught her before leaving as a naive teenager.
A flashback of every subsided memory in your mind filled up your thoughts for the rest of the night. Your heartbeat increases as you think of what you have done for the two of you, and how it was only the most reasonable option given your circumstances. As a young love, you were wild and fluorescent.
But it’s been a few months since you found Natasha again, thanks to an exchange student in your university who turned out to be a mutual friend. And you wouldn’t commit those same mistakes this time.
— ✦ —
After three days of a monotonous routine, you call Nat several times abruptly. Of course, she is busy on the other side of the world, but there’s nothing more prime than your excitement today.
“Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up!” you repeat to yourself till she actually picks up your call. “Y/N! You’ve been calling me aggressively, care to consider I’m at uni? What’s going on, is everything okay?” She sounds impatient. Not the impatient that you are feeling, but a rather frustrated one.
“Honey! Natty! I’ve got the best news for you!”
“Get to the point quickly! I cannot hold this call for long, my professor will be breaking my neck in half.”
“Mark the date Natty!! I’m just about to scream, oh my God! I love you! So much. Tell me that you love me too when I meet you at the airport, don’t forget to pick me up. I’m sending you the details of my flight, we’ll be walking around the town hand in hand in a few days!”
“Oh my God, Y/N. This is the best news I’ve heard, like ever! Fuck, I’m so going to cry, gosh. I lo-”
“No Natty! Say it when you meet me, I want to hear it in person. I can go for a week. Oh my God, there’s so much I need to do, bye! Take care.”
“Take care moya lyubov! See you soon.”
There’s a week left for you to catch your flight, but there's too much stuff to do. After all, it’s your home country and you will inevitably have to meet your family after years of no contact. That’s a fear, yes, but having Natasha by your side seemed soothing in a way.
Over the seven days, you cause havoc in your own apartment. Random calls with Nat throughout the day, going to university for the selected number of hours, bunking a few lectures to go and relieve yourself with what only Natasha could give you the best.
Definitely, there’s financing trouble to do, calculating the amount you’ll be spending, but you balance it all through with the help of your colleagues pursuing finance related majors.
From the depths of your wardrobe, you select the best pieces of clothing you have. Some bright, some in Natasha’s favourite colours, and some just a little provocative. There are an endless bunch of other things you want to carry but obviously, there’s a restriction on the weight of your luggage.
— ✦ —
“Babe, where are you? I can’t find you here. I’m at Gate 3.” you speak to Nat on call.
“Then what the fuck am I doing at Gate 2?! Wait I’ll have to run over to the other gate, I’m so fucking dumb!”
She turns to the other side, preparing herself to run off to the supposed gateway to find you. Suddenly, two arms grab her waist from behind, kissing her neck as you hold her in a tight embrace. “I was messing with you, love. I’m right here.” You whisper while planting kisses on her whole face as she giggles through your affection.
In the fullness of time, she pulls your face closer into a long awaited, and pined for kiss. Her tongue travels places inside your mouth as soon as you let her in, her hands pulling you impossibly close to her body.
Your hands stay gripping her back, entangled in her now-blonde hair. Your lips don’t depart till you’re both completely out of breath. “Before I forget to say it; I love you too Y/N! With my whole heart.”
“Seven years. Seven fucking years and you just taste the same kind of sweet, Natalia.”
She gives you a gentle smooch before replying, “And for seven fucking years I’ve waited for this. You’re here, you’re so here malyshka, my dearest!” Her muscular arms help you carry your heavy luggage, full of stuff you want to share with her.
She drives you around the city, reminiscing about places you both used to go to. “Wait, here comes the school! Can we please go inside? I want to take a look, it feels like I’ve missed years of stories I need to catch up with.”
You meet a few teachers from your childhood, many others have either left or retired. You meet Mrs. Agatha Harkness, who taught you history. She was the first adult you ever came out to, because you had met her wife Mrs. Wanda Maximoff several times in school.
She looked just the same, as if she were immortal. Agatha greeted the two of you with a cheerful glin, “What a lovely surprise have I got here! The two ladies; the secret high school sweethearts!” Both of you tensely blush at the addressal, and she teases the two of you again, “Your cheeks still redden just the way they did about a decade ago, oh my God!” She adoringly laughs at your innocent faces.
You find your secret spots in hidden staircases, near humongous trees, and the girls’ restroom. In the light of echoing your earliest happy moments, you kiss Natasha every time you find one of those places. The school is empty, since summer holidays are around.
Among other places in the city, you visit parks, cafeterias, and other sites you’ve been to with Nat ever since your childhood. From time to time, you recreate the past photos of the both of you.
You sit in the car after yet another round of wandering, tired of all the travel you’ve done today. You let out a sigh in the sharp afternoon sunlight. You haven’t rested in the last sixteen hours, but it’s been all worth it.
“I can’t imagine I get to say this today - Take me home, baby.” you tease her, tugging on her leather vest. The jacket you don’t understand for what godforsaken reason she still has on, in this summer heat.
Her apartment is a little cosy space, with hints of boldness here and there. Though there are spots recognizable from video calls and pictures, you’re surprised at the bigger picture that you hadn’t yet seen.
You never imagined her to be someone to hang artwork, but she has a few sapphic based paintings along the entrance corridor. You comment on the decoration, “Wow, I love how these are hanging by the entrance door. Someone could walk inside and just go like, ‘Natasha Romanoff. Badass, smartass, and girlkisser.’”
She chuckles at your little quip. Her bedroom is simple, not filled with many things, just some regular personal effects including photo frames. There were mainly pictures of her and Yelena, but some of them also had you photobombing the sisters.
“How’s Yelena?” you ask her, taking a seat by the bed.
“She’s alright. Like you, she doesn’t live here anymore. She goes around the world, teaching women about vigilance. I’m proud of what she does, but I wish she were here.”
“I was hoping I could meet her, we haven’t spoken in almost a decade. What about Bucky? Or Carol? Tony? All of our friends, you know.”
“Most of them left the city, and some, like you, left the country wholly. Bucky’s still here, he’s engaged to Sam. Bruce and Tony went to a science oriented institute. Carol comes around from time to time, to meet us. And well, Steve joined the military like he always wanted to. Everyone’s still in casual contact, except we miss you so much.”
“You know, we should be having a reunion someday. Not this time though, I think I’ll just meet a few people. Mostly, I want to be with you.” Your palm rests on the top of hers, fingers interlocking.
You let out another audible sigh, pushing yourself back into the bed. “You sound really dead beat, you don’t breathe out like this often. Do you want me to get you something Y/N?”
“I think I’m just facing jet lag, I’ll be fine in a day or so. But I could really use relaxation right now.”
She straddles your waist, moving strands of hair out of your face and tucking them behind your ears. “Then let me help you, detka.” Your lips part softly, signalling her to lean in. Instead, she places her thumb on your chin, making you suck on it. You close your eyes as they flutter, enjoying the feeling of her touch.
After a few minutes, she withdraws and gets her weight off your body. “May I?” she seeks your permission before proceeding. You nod at her in response.
She doesn’t pull down your pants immediately. Instead, her hands touch you over your pair of trousers. You cannot feel it as a direct contact with your skin, but it does tingle. A light tickle-like movement of her fingers traces your body, sending literal quivers and twitches from head to toe. Impatiently, you pull up your t-shirt and throw it away into a corner of the room. She unzips her shiny leather vest, only to reveal that there was nothing underneath this whole time. However, she doesn’t take it off her shoulders.
One flick of her hand, and your bra is unhooked. She covers your tits in her saliva with her sucking, biting and licking. You turn into a whimpering mess underneath her.
If she hadn’t cupped your core by pushing her hand down your trousers, you were sure you could’ve leaked your wetness onto the bed. “Fuck Y/N, who thought you’re going to be a dripping pool for me? You want me to fuck you so that you forget how to walk? Leave your legs sore? That’s what you want?” With every question, she spreads your juices up and down. She presses down on your clitoris harshly, “Answer me Y/N.”
“Mm” You give a string of incoherent mumbles as a reply. She unbuttons your pants and helps you take them off, to meet a sight of black lace barely covering any of your pussy. Natasha groans at the view, and decides not to pull them down.
She bends down to get to work as she lets two of her fingers hold the cloth aside. Her tongue rolls up and down and side, experiencing the full taste of your cunt. Every now and then, she pauses, leaves kisses, and moans into your slit, giving you shivers.
The room is filled with your screams, and sounds of your entire body heaving. Nat could sense the walls of your pussy clenching on her tongue. With a soft graceful tug on the bud, you squirt on her face, leaving you utterly embarrassed. “Oh my God baby, I didn’t know you were a squirter!” she says, excitedly. You get flustered as you misunderstand her words and push her away from your body. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“Shh. Give me one more, I love it when you do it.” She interrupts your whole line of thought with a kiss, and simultaneously pushing her fingers inside of you, ultimately curling them. Your legs writhe against her touch, as her hand moves faster.
You separate yourself from the kiss to scream when she touches a deep spot inside of you. Your response is enough for her to do it again, and again, and once again, till you release your juices. As soon as you do, she goes down to swallow it all, licking you and your pussy clean.
Throughout the climax, you leave scars on her body in the heat of the moment. Scars on her shoulders with your tight grip, on her back, and bites on her lips till they bled. “Look at me malyshka, look me in the eye when you come. You’re so tight for me, so good.” she says as she rides you through another orgasm, staring into your eyes with nothing but adoration.
You let your panties slip down, exposing Nat to an unfiltered heat. She slaps it hard before spreading it wide with her digits, rolling her tongue inside once again.
When she’s done abusing your poor clit, she massages your sweaty body, helping you relieve all the stress you’ve been facing with the jet lag.
“Nat,” you say, rubbing fingertips on her head in circular motions, “I love you. Let me return the favour, please?”
“Tomorrow. You’re so tired dorogaya, you should sleep. We can continue anytime.”
“Now.” you demand, rolling one of her nipples between your fingers. Her grip on the bed sheet intensifies as you stimulate her gently. “Y/N…”
You shred her of all her garments till she’s left only with her panties. You rub them over her drenched core, and pull them out too. You use them to tie her hands above her head, so that you could have the space all to yourself.
Her holes expand and shrink, waiting to be fucked by you. So you dip your fingers inside her, and pull them out fully, sucking on them for a taste, a nice and loud slurp. Your eyes meet hers, fingers still in your mouth, her hooded glaucous sight connected to yours.
Carrying a string of saliva on their way back in, you penetrate her once again. Pump in, pump out. Your thrusting gets more quick with every moan she lets out with your name on the tip of her tongue.
Something sparked your mind, so you get off the bed and poke around in your luggage. Back in the bed, hands tied, Nat screams at the lack of friction, squeezing her legs together for some sort of relief.
“I’ve wanted to use this on you since so long, baby.” you say as you return with a strap adorned around your waist. “Wouldn’t you like to take my big dick? Make a mess on it?”
You don’t give her time to answer and linger on her top before deciding to fuck her throat. You shove the toy inside, practically gagging the woman beneath you. When you find it satisfactory, you align the tip against her hole, slowly inserting it till you bottom out.
“Ah… feels so full Y/N-”
You start pounding into her vehemently, evoking the loudest of noises from Natasha. “You’re so fucking pretty Nat, taking it so well.”
The words of affirmation made her come hard, almost tripping her over. Beads of sweat roll down her tummy, the dimmed lights giving them a different glow. Just the sight of her was seductive at its finest.
Your movements keep going mercilessly, till you turn her around and plunge into her even more rapidly from the back. And just before she is about to come undone, you pull out and put your mouth to work.
She keeps on grinding against your face even after coming, just to feel you in the places she always needed you the most. The panties tied around her wrists tear apart with a single attempt from her, just because she wants to push your face further inside. You moan and occasionally breathe deep inside her pussy, driving her wild. A little pressure on the clit and she’s coming again. You lick her thoroughly clean, not letting a single droplet get to waste.
“Y/N… too much… please.” she begs you to stop and so you do, with one last taste of her delicate sweetness. You lay down next to her, on bed sheets covered in the liquids of pleasure and lust. While staring at the ceiling, she utters, “That was the best experience I’ve ever had and you’re the worst tease.”
“Can you really blame me though?” You wheeze at her comment, and turn towards her, the weight of your right leg on the top of her. Fingers find their way through her blonde hair again, scratching her scalp. “When did you choose to get rid of my favourite redhead?”
“You know it’s your favourite. What would have been the point if I never saw you again? I changed it a couple of years ago.”
“Not that I’m complaining, you look really hot as a silver blonde. If I didn’t know you and you walked up to me I think I would literally do whatever you asked me to.”
“Except you know me, and still do it.”
After what almost felt like an hour of comfortable silence, she cuddles you like a big spoon, which is highly unlikely of her. But you are not whining, you love the warmth of her body, and her soul.
— ✦ —
Fast forward to the last day of your stay. The two weeks you’ve spent with Nat have already come to an end, and you find it difficult to believe. You struggle to pack your belongings, in a reluctance to leave the place. But you need to prioritise some things.
On a long session of scrutiny with Nat, you decided not to visit your parents. You’ve had your fair share of trauma already.
She smiles at you throughout the day, but her eyes clearly convey, “Please stay.” You’re convinced that the departure is going to be harder than you imagined it, but you had no choice.
Before leaving her at the airport, you don’t stop kissing her. She’s almost out of her breath, but doesn’t spare a single moment. Evidently, she’s trying to hold on to every bit of you that she could keep with her.
There are tears in her eyes, on her cheeks, as she cups your face even more close. “Don’t leave, malyshka. I can't beat this pain again. Please stay.”
“You know I can’t, honey. You know that if I could, I would.” you begin crying yourself, too scared to forget what it felt like to hold her in your arms.
“Shh. Breathe in… 2,3,4. Breathe out… 6,7,8.” you teach her again, exactly how you did years ago, when you broke up with her.
She didn’t have it in herself to let go of her grip on you, but a warning announcement for the passengers had to do it. She tastes your lips one last time before letting you go, unsure of when she will ever get to do it again.
But she doesn’t ask you about you coming back. Natasha is, in all respects, confident that you would. The ring on her finger does it for her, as she waves goodbye.
On your flight back home, you’re sure you’ll be permanently moving back someday, the ring on yours does it for you.
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supernaturalscribe67 · 10 months
Just Like Mama Used to Make
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Words: 6,178
POV: 1st & 3rd Person
Pairing: John x Son!Reader - Dean/Sam x Brother!Reader [Platonic]
Warning(s): Language, John Winchester, Fluff, Mention of Childhood Trauma, Mention of Death, I think that's it??
Summary: Taking inspiration from his father, the reader starts his very own journal. For his first entry, he recalls some of the memories that shaped him into the hunter that he has become.
Hello, hope you are having a good day/night
I was wondering if I could request John/Dean/Sam Winchester reaction to having a brother who looks like their mother and picked up hunting like breathing?
A/N: My very first request! It kind of got away from me, but I really hope that I was able to do your request justice. Hope you like it!~
Dear Diary
To be honest, I have no idea how to start something like this. I was never one for writing, nor have I been one who can easily express my emotions. I guess I got that trait from the Winchester side of my family. Still, I have thought a lot about Dad’s journal lately. The things that he wrote down. It’s not detailed. It’s nowhere near what it was like growing up with him, but it still provides Dean, Sammy, and me with some information and nostalgia from time to time.
So, I figured ‘Why the Hell not’, I might as well write down some things in my own journal. I’m going to die someday anyway, and I want people to read this and be able to see what my life was like. From the good times that I spent with my family to the bad times when I lost my family. Hell, maybe this journal will get me into a history book someday when someone else discovers the Men of Letters Bunker. Who knows. Maybe I’ll be famous after I die, or perhaps it’s just wishful thinking. 
This journal has already turned into a clusterfuck. I don’t even know what to write about. I can’t even think of things to write about. Should I say things about my life? Should I just write down random things I think of throughout the day? I don’t know how to do it. Even when I look at Dad’s journal for inspiration, there’s nothing to inspire in it. A lot of it is notes on how to kill monsters and other stuff is just a bunch of personal bullshit he was going through. 
Well, we were all going through it.
I guess I’ll start by writing down some of the memories I’ve had. If I don’t like it, then I’ll throw this journal away and start another one. I don’t want future historians to think of me as some scatterbrained moron, despite what Sammy and Dean say at times. If you’re reading this now, I’m actually the smartest Winchester brother. Don’t believe a thing Sam and Dean say. I’m the brains of the operations and our day-to-day lives. I’ve saved them more times than I could count. 
Then again, they’ve probably saved me just as much. 
Alright, I’m getting side-tracked. I guess I’ll just start writing. 
Should I introduce myself first before I do so? 
My name is (Y/N) Winchester. I’m a hunter. 
This is my story (God, that was terrible)
I remember the first time I mentioned to my father that I wanted to be a hunter, just like him. I was six years old. Dad didn’t take it very kindly. He yelled, a lot. Screamed sometimes. I never truly understood why he would always get so upset whenever I would ask him to teach me how to hunt. 
It wasn’t until I was a man that I understood why. 
I look just like my mother. 
I don’t know how I could have been so blind all those years. I have her hair. I have her face. I have her smile. All of these things have been said by my father before. Not necessarily when he was sober. I was always the one person that reminded my Dad of his wife. Of my mother. I think a part of him wanted to keep me safe, just so he could always look at me and remember what she looked like. Even when I was a child, though, I could see the hurt behind his eyes every once in a while when he would look at me. It made me feel guilty. 
Still does. 
I know that none of it is my fault, that he made himself hurt. 
For months, I would ask my Dad to teach me about hunting. To teach me about the monsters that crept through the darkness. Each time I asked, he would reject my request and I would get scolded for asking such a stupid question. 
So, one night, around the age of seven or eight (one of the two, I can’t remember exactly), I decided that school wasn’t very important. There were occasions when I snuck out of classes to go to the library of whatever town we were in at the time to search the limited amount of lore books that they had. There were times when I got caught by Dean before I was able to sneak out. Other times it was by Sammy. Sometimes, my father would get a call from the school because I had been reported missing. 
I was a problem child, as you could tell. 
It’s not that I hated school. 
It just wasn’t my favorite. 
And I wanted to hunt. 
So, anyway…from town to town, I would skip class, go to the library, and learn everything that I could learn about hunting if there was anything to learn. Sometimes, I would ask Dean questions. Sometimes he would answer, other times he told me to not worry about it and to mind my own business. It used to hurt whenever Dean would reject any of the questions that I would ask, but I know now that it was so he didn’t get in trouble with Dad. I remember giving him a hard time about it, about not answering me. Dean, if you’re reading this, I’m sorry for being a jerk. 
Then again, Dean, if you’re reading this, you shouldn’t be reading this and expect some glitter to appear in your body wash. 
No one knew about my secret research. No one knew the reason behind my skipping classes. I would constantly make up lies, most of them being about how much I hated moving around and just wanted to rebel against my father. Typical kid stuff. 
It wasn’t until August of 1991, when I was ten years old, that I was finally able to put that research to use.
(Y/N) stared down at the paper that rested on a notebook in his lap. His eyes were wide and filled with stress, fingers tangled in his short hair, his back slouched ever so slightly. Dean sat a couple of inches away from him near the end of the bed, his homework in his lap, while Sam leaned against the headboard, a book in his hands that he had gotten from the school library. Dean looked up from his work, noticing the look of despair on his brother’s face before he glanced down at his worksheet. Dean grimaced and let out a hiss. 
“Multiplying fractions?” He asked, a hint of sympathy in his tone. 
Without looking up, (Y/N) gave a short nod. Dean pressed his lips together in a thin line before he set his pencil down beside him. 
“Do you need help?” Dean offered. 
(Y/N) lifted his head and looked at his older brother, giving a small, soundless nod. Dean offered a smile as he moved closer to him so that they were sitting next to one another. Dean craned his neck to be able to look at the paper, tilting his head as he studied the equations. 
“Which one are you having problems with?” He asked. 
“All of them,” (Y/N) answered. 
Dean snorted. “Okay, so, it’s easy-” 
“Wow, Dean thinks math is easy?” Sam mumbled, a smirk playing on his lips. 
Dean lifted his head and glared at Sam. “Shut up, bitch,” 
Sam shot a bitch-face towards Dean. “You shut up, jerk,” he retorted. 
(Y/N) let out a frustrated grunt. “Will both of you assholes shut up!? I don’t understand this!” His voice was filled with annoyance and desperation. 
Dean and Sam shot their brother a look. Sam rolled his eyes as he returned to the book. Dean looked back down at the paper, mumbling an apology under his breath. He then began to help (Y/N) with his homework, walking him through all of the problems that he had. (Y/N) still felt as if Dean was speaking in a foreign language, but he could understand the homework a little easier. 
When the paper was halfway finished, the door to the motel room suddenly burst open, causing the three brothers to jump, their eyes wide as they turned and looked at the person who had just entered. John stormed into the room, slamming the door behind him. He stomped over to the couch that sat in front of the small television set and plopped down on it. He ran his hands down his face and let a small growl emit from his throat. 
Dean, Sam, and (Y/N) shared a glance, almost as if they were communicating telepathically. After a while, Dean and Sam both turned their attention toward their brother, their eyes locked on his. After looking back and forth between the two, (Y/N) let out a soundless sigh as he set his homework beside him. He moved off of the bed and padded across the aged carpet to the couch. Slowly, he walked around the sofa so that he could see his father. 
John looked tired. Dark circles were prominent underneath his eyes. One of his legs was propped up on the couch while the other lay bent in front of him. His elbow rested on the arm of the sofa, his cheek placed against his right hand as he stared at the television in front of him. Nothing played. When (Y/N) came into view, John glanced at him out of the corner of his eye for a brief moment. He said nothing. 
“Hey, Dad,” (Y/N) greeted. “Um…how were the, uh, interviews with the victims’ families?” 
John shook his head. “Not great, kid,” he grumbled. 
As (Y/N) stared at his father, he timidly moved over to the couch. John hesitantly moved his leg as (Y/N) sat down next to him. 
“Did you…learn anything?” 
“Why aren’t you boys in bed?” John grunted. 
“We’re finishing our homework.” 
“Then shouldn’t you be working on it?”
(Y/N)’s shoulders slouched. “I just…wanted to see how it went is all…” 
“You want to know how it went?” John’s voice got deeper. “You really want to know how it went? Fucking terrible. That’s how it went,” John straightened himself out on the couch before he stood up. He began to pace around the room, his tone of voice getting more and more irritable. “I thought I had a good fucking lead going. All of the victims went to the same fucking bookstore a couple of days before their deaths and got the same book. Seems like a fucking coincidence, right? Then I go to the goddamn bookstore to see what the book was and all it was was something called Aradia or some shit like that. Some type of foreign book bullshit, I don’t fucking know.” 
(Y/N) furrowed his brows as John continued to rant. He looked down and away from his father. He got lost, deep in thought, the words that John was speaking irrelevant to him now. Finally, he turned back to him, kneeling on the couch as he raised his brows. 
“Did you say Aradia?” He questioned in the middle of John’s rant. 
John stopped pacing around the room as he looked back at (Y/N). Dean and Sam’s attention immediately turned to him, their eyes wide. John’s jaw was clenched, the anger and irritation still emanating from him. “Yeah,” he replied deeply. 
“Aradia…” (Y/N) trailed before he shook his head. “That’s not a foreign book, Dad! That’s only the first half of the title. The full title is Aradia or the Gospel of the Witches. It was one of the most influential pieces of literature in the nineteenth century to witches! You’re dealing with a witch!” (Y/N)’s eyes widened as a smile appeared on his face. 
John’s expression went from furious to confusion. He narrowed his eyes. “How do you know about that book?” He questioned. 
“I read about it in a library a little bit ago.” (Y/N) answered quickly. 
John pressed his tongue into his cheek as he slowly nodded his head. He looked at Sam and Dean, who were still staring with wide eyes at their brother, and then back at (Y/N). He ran a hand down his face stressfully. 
“You boys finish your homework,” he mumbled as he walked towards the door. “I have to make a call.” 
Without allowing anyone to respond, John left the motel room, closing the door behind him a little gentler than when he entered. (Y/N)’s smile faded as he watched his father leave, his shoulders dropping. The three brothers sat in silence for a minute before they looked at one another. 
“Come on,” Dean said as he patted the spot on the bed next to him. “Let’s finish these math problems.” 
Even though Dad never told me, I knew I was right. I knew it was a witch that he had dealt with. We didn’t even get to go to school the next day. He had found and killed her before I was able to turn in that math homework. What a waste of time. 
I would like to think that Dad was proud of me in that situation, but he never said anything. He never brought it up again as far as I can remember. It was something that he had put in the past, along with all of the other hunts that we had been on. However, even if he wasn’t proud of me back then, I was proud of myself. Proud that I was able to help my Dad even if I wasn’t beside him when he took that bitch down. 
God, I hate witches. 
MAY 1993
I didn’t touch a gun until I was twelve years old. By that point, I had stopped begging Dad to teach me how to hunt, because it seemed that the only answer I was going to be getting was ‘No’. I figured that I would go to the next best person for the job. 
I had to ask Dean. 
Dean was very protective of Sammy and me when we were younger. He still is super protective of us, even in our ripe old ages. But because of how protective he could get, he was very hesitant about teaching me how to shoot a gun. However, with Dad talking about Dean going on hunts with him more and more by then, I knew that I would be left alone with Sammy. I used the excuse that I needed to learn how to shoot a gun eventually so that I could protect the two of us when we were by ourselves. I couldn’t be expected to be safe when the only two people who knew how to shoot were away. 
That reasoning caught Dean’s attention. 
After the fifth or sixth time asking him, Dean had finally agreed. A couple of days passed and, when Dad was a couple of towns away gathering information for a hunt, Dean and I skipped school. Shocking, right? I think Dean used the excuse that I hadn’t been feeling well and he had to take care of me. He even wrote out a fake doctor’s note and everything. Back then, you could get away with a handwritten note. I’m not too sure if you could now. 
Once Sammy had been dropped off at school that day, Dean and I walked to a creek a couple of miles away from the school. He had set up a couple of cans on a log, some recycled stuff that he had picked up along the way. He had brought one of Dad’s small handguns with him. When he gave it to me, it felt so surreal. So different. 
I never really understood what the big fuss was about, though. 
Shooting a gun was easy. 
“No, you can’t have your hand that low! You have it that low and the gun is going to come out of your hand when you shoot it,” Dean grumbled. 
Dean took (Y/N)’s hand in his and adjusted it so that it fits perfectly onto the grip of the handgun. He then took his other hand and placed it on top of the one that was already on the gun. (Y/N) furrowed his brows as he looked at the way his hands nestled against one another. 
“This doesn’t feel right.” He said. “Why can’t I just hold it with one hand like the cops do in the movies?” 
“Because you’re twelve, dummy. You’re not in your forties and have years of experience under your belt,” Dean rolled his eyes. “And that is exactly how you should hold it if you don’t want to get hit in the face with your weapon after you fire it.” 
(Y/N) listened intently to what his brother was saying, giving him a small nod before he straightened his back up. 
“Stop.” Dean held up a hand. 
(Y/N) shot Dean a confused look. “What?” 
“You’re standing wrong.” 
“I’m standing wrong…” 
“Yeah, here,” Dean walked over, pressing his hand against the top of (Y/N)’s back ever so slightly, leaning him forward. “If you have your back too straight, then you’re more likely to fall backward. You also,” Dean kicked (Y/N)’s feet apart. “Need to have your feet apart. Keeps you more ground.”
(Y/N) looked down at the ground for a moment, taking in the appearance and feel of his stance. The way his back leaned forward and the way his legs were spread. He nodded. 
“Okay, now I shoot?” 
“Is your safety off?” 
Dean sighed, moving back over to him. He took the gun from (Y/N)’s grasp and flashed the left side of the gun. “You see this little trigger?” When Dean received a nod from his brother, he continued. “If it’s facing side-to-side, that means the safety is on. That means the gun won’t fire. All you have to do is flick this little switch,” Dean turned the safety off. “Once it’s up and down, then that means it’s ready to fire.” He handed the gun back to (Y/N). “Now, get back into position.” 
(Y/N) glanced down at the safety mechanism on the gun for a moment before he nodded. He got back into the position that he was in, spreading his legs apart the same length Dean had and slouching his back forward ever so slightly. Once he received a nod of approval from Dean, (Y/N) lifted his arms, cocking his head to the side. He aimed at the can farthest to the left. He closed his left eye and placed his finger on the trigger. 
“Stop!” Dean said more abruptly. 
(Y/N) jumped and moved his finger off the trigger, standing up straighter to face Dean. “What!?” He asked exasperatedly. 
Dean shook his head. “You can’t have one eye closed.” 
“Why not? Snipers do it!” 
“Because snipers are far enough away from combat. They need to look through a scope to get a good shot. You, on the other hand, are feet away from whatever monster you’re dealing with. What happens when you’re facing more than one monster? You leave yourself open to being taken out on your left.” Dean’s tone was stern, yet calm. His arms were crossed over his chest. 
Slowly, (Y/N) nodded as he grasped an understanding of Dean’s thinking. “Both eyes open?” 
“Both eyes open.” Dean backed up a bit. “Back into position.” 
(Y/N) let out a shaky breath before resuming his position. Legs spread, back bent, arms up, head tilted, both eyes open. His goal was to hit the used can of peaches that sat on the outside of the log. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest from anxiousness and anticipation. He was surprised the gun wasn’t shaking in his grasp. 
His eyes were on the cartoon peaches that were etched onto the label of the can. More specifically, the pit that sat in the center of the peach. He wanted to hit the pit. He never moved his eyes from the pit as he took a deep breath, his shoulders rising. Finally, as he exhaled, his shoulders dropping, he pulled the trigger. 
The can flew into the air and seemed to dramatically and unceremoniously fall into the creek. A small splash echoed in (Y/N)’s ears, accompanied by the ringing of the gunshot. 
One thing that (Y/N) noted was that his hands ached, both from the vice grip he had on the gun and the recoil that he hadn’t expected. Sure, Dean had informed him about it before, but he wasn’t sure how it would feel. His hands would definitely bruise. 
(Y/N) lowered the gun, looking over at his brother to see that Dean wore a stunned expression on his face. Dean’s mouth hung open as his eyes were glued to the can that lay in the flowing water. (Y/N) watched in silence as Dean walked over to the can. He reached down and picked it up by the opening, wincing from the heat of the bullet hole before he swapped hands. He studied the can. It seemed like too much time had passed before he turned the can so (Y/N) could see. 
(Y/N) had gotten it on his first try. 
The bullet hole? 
Right in the pit. 
(Y/N) raised his brows, a mixture of pride and surprise coursing through him. A wide smile appeared on his face. Similarly, a smirk appeared on Dean’s lips. Dean chuckled before he tossed the can into the water. 
“Beginner’s luck,” he said, brushing his hands onto his jeans. “Let’s see if you can hit the other ones.” 
I shot through the rest of the cans, the same as I had done for that can of peaches. Not to toot my own horn, but I was a natural when it came to a pistol. I don’t mean to sound egotistic about this, but Dean can back up any statement that I’m making about this story. 
I could tell that Dean was proud of me that day. He never said he was, but the way he looked at me and the way he treated me afterward told me things that words couldn’t. It’s hard to describe, but it almost felt like he had gained some respect for me that day. It felt good. Even as I am writing about this story, I can’t keep the smile off my face. I always looked up at Dean, so it feels great to think that I had done something to bring a smile to his stupid face. 
My hands hurt like hell after it was all said and done. I had gotten a couple of bruises near the thumb on my right hand that I brushed off to my Dad as something that I had picked up when I got into a fight at school. Dean had backed me up when Dad got on my ass about it. Dad told me that I had to get along with the other kids so I didn’t give the wrong impression at the schools I went to. It wasn’t like they would remember me anyway. Of course, I didn’t tell him that. I knew when to bite my tongue. 
Dad never found out about the shooting practice. I get a feeling that he had a sneaking suspicion as soon as he took me to practice himself years later, but I never told him about it. I never told him that Dean had been the one to teach me how to stand correctly, or where to find the safety of a gun. I know that he knew it was Dean. A part of me wonders if Dean ever got in trouble for it, or if it was something that Dad even brought up. I would never ask Dean about it now, though. 
Some things are best to be left in the past.
By the time I turned eighteen, I had already been on several hunts with Dad and Dean. The majority of the time, though, I would stay back and watch Sammy. Even though he was a teenager and had the capability of taking care of himself, Dad expressed that he was still a kid and needed to be looked after. A part of me thought it was bullshit at the time, but another part of me was glad that I was able to spend time with my younger brother. 
Now, I know the real reason behind my staying with Sammy was because some of the hunts that Dad and Dean went on were ‘rough’. A little ‘too hard’ for me. 
Dad didn’t want to lose the son that reminded him of his wife. 
At least, that was what Dean told me, and I believe him. 
It was a blessing and a curse, come to think of it. There were times that I stayed behind and Dad called me up, needing me to do some research for the case that they were working on. He had said it would be faster if someone was working on the research while he and Dean were out taking interviews. In the end, it was more efficient. I would gather the necessary information and hand it off to him and they would be back at the motel a lot quicker than if they had been the ones to look up the information. 
That was the system that we worked with for a while. After a couple of months, Dad informed me that he didn’t want me to do the research anymore. He wanted Sammy to be the one to do it. I remember him saying that Sammy needed to focus more on the hunting aspect of his life. That school was just a waste of time at that point. He was old enough to get into it. 
Sammy hated the idea when I told him. He loved school. He was always such a nerd. Still is. An even bigger nerd if you can believe it. I knew how much school meant to him, and I didn’t want him to be discouraged from doing his schoolwork. He shouldn’t have been forced to do anything that he didn’t want to. So, I decided that I was going to do the research and just tell Dad that he had been the one to do it. Sammy was thankful. 
That was until Dad called. 
Dad wasn't as stupid as I took him for most of the time. He knew that Sammy hadn’t done any of the research, that I was the one that did it all. By the time he and Dean got back, he gave Sammy a verbal lashing. I tried to defend him, but nothing worked. In the end, Sammy gave in. He would do the research for the next hunt. 
Like clockwork, when the next hunt rolled around, with Sammy and I staying back at the motel, Dad had called. He had given Sammy the information that he needed to research and we headed off to the local library. Once we got the necessary books, we took them back to the motel and he began to work. 
I could tell that it wasn’t going well.
Sam sat at the small table near the motel room door, two books placed in front of him. His back was slouched as he looked from one book to another, flipping through pages frantically. He had been going at it for several hours by then, evident by the bags that were present underneath his eyes and the redness around his pupils. (Y/N) sat on the couch, watching some old western show. Now and then he would look at his little brother. He could see how tired and stressed he was about the entire situation. (Y/N) had never seen Sam that stressed out before, even when he was studying for a test in one of his AP classes. 
Eventually, Sam pressed the palms of his hands against his eyes, lowering his head, as if accepting defeat. (Y/N) studied his movements, and, after he saw that he had not moved in a while, he decided the best thing to do was to help him out. He picked up the remote and turned off the television before tossing it aside. He stood from his spot on the couch and walked over to the table. He grabbed the spare chair, pulled it beside Sam, and sat down. 
“Having some trouble?” He questioned. 
Sam’s shoulders rose and fell as a sigh escaped his lips. He removed his hands from his face and placed them into his lengthy hair. His eyes were cast down towards the table. He stayed in the same position for some time before he looked up at (Y/N). 
“No,” he answered, pulling the books towards him. “I’m fine.” 
“You don’t look fine.” 
“I said ‘I’m fine’,” Sam repeated through gritted teeth. 
(Y/N) studied him with an expressionless face. Sam kept his eyes down, looking from one book to another. (Y/N) was able to see the stress that was emitted from his brother even better with how close he was sitting. He took one look at the books before he shook his head. 
“I’m sorry Dad’s making you do this.” 
“It’s fine.” 
“No, it’s not. You shouldn’t be doing this alone the first time…” he trailed. “But if Dad found out I helped you-” 
“You’d get in trouble, and so would I. Yeah, I know.” 
(Y/N) pursed his lips. “You know, it took me a little over a year to get comfortable with translating Latin. I sometimes screw up from time to time.” 
“Yeah, still,” he chuckled. “That’s why I got something that helps me out now and again.” 
With that, (Y/N) stood from his spot on the chair and waltzed over to the bed in the far corner of the room. Beside the bed sat his black duffel bag. He picked it up and placed it on the bed. He began to rummage through it, sorting through clothes and weapons that rested at the bottom. Wedged into the corner of his bag sat a book. He picked it up and brought it over to the table. He took a seat next to Sam once more and placed the book in front of him. 
Sam furrowed his brows as he studied the cover. It was a Latin-English translation book. It looked rather similar to the one that he had picked up at the library. The only difference was the color of the cover was a little faded and, along the outside of the book, between all of the pages, were multi-colored Post-it notes. Each Post-it note had different letter combinations on it, as well as notes written on some of them. Sam opened the cover and he raised his brows when he saw that the first page was replaced by a notebook-sized piece of paper, taped to the front page. There were multiple words in English on the left side with their corresponding Latin translation on the right. 
“What’s this?” Sam asked. 
“It’s a translation book I picked up a couple of years back at a bookstore. I figured since there were going to be a lot of things that needed translating, then I was going to have to make it easier for myself to find the words. The only problem is that most of these translation books are so damn compressed that it’s hard to find certain words without getting blurry vision. So, I took the liberty to mark down all of the times when the letters change in the words. For example, when the words that start with ‘AB’ transfer to words that start with ‘AC’. It always made it easier to find. Plus, I made a page at the beginning about common words that I have found in my research so that it would be easier to translate them.” 
As (Y/N) explained, he gestured with his hand toward the book. Sam listened intently, taking in all of the information that he was given, nodding his head. Once (Y/N) was done talking, Sam looked down at the book and then back up at him. 
“You did all this?” 
“Yeah,” (Y/N) chuckled. “Crazy, right?” 
Sam snorted. “Yeah. Wish you put that much effort into your homework when you were still in school.” 
“Hey,” (Y/N) leaned back in his chair and lifted his hands in mock surrender. “School was fine and all, but this is something I enjoy, and I’m good at it. I’m good at hunting research and you’re good in school.” 
“And what’s Dean good at?” 
“Being a pain in the ass.” 
Sam smiled widely, his dimples more prominent than (Y/N) had seen in a while. After a beat or two of silence, the smile faded as he looked down.
“I wish Dad could see that I’m good at school.” 
The corner of (Y/N)’s mouth curved downward. It was his turn to look down at the table. He reached over and placed a hand on Sam’s shoulder comfortingly. “I know, kiddo,” he mumbled. “But Dean and I both see how much of a nerd you are. Don’t worry.” 
A smile returned to Sam’s face, but it wasn’t as happy as the last one. They sat in silence for a little bit before (Y/N) lowered his hand and Sam moved back to the books. 
“You got it from here?” (Y/N) questioned. 
“Yeah, I got it,” 
“Great,” (Y/N) said as he stood from his seat and patted Sam on the back. “Call me over if you need anything.” 
“Yeah, I’ll make sure to call you over when I get to the part about multiplying fractions.” 
(Y/N) glared at Sam and crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re never going to let that go, are you?” 
“No, no I’m not.” 
Sammy still teases me to this day about not knowing how to multiply fractions. Even though it was decades ago at this point, he still likes to tease me about it. Little shit. 
With my help, Sammy was able to get the translations done a lot faster than he expected. I remember seeing the relief on his face when he had finished. Poor kid was so exhausted. Dad was more than pleased when he called and asked about it. Dad never found out that I had helped him out a bit, and neither Sammy nor I were planning on telling him. I just wanted Sammy to have an easier time than I did when I was first learning about research, specifically translations. 
In the end, I would have to say that Sammy is better than me when it comes to research. He’s taken the reigns on many different hunts because of how proficient he is with technology. I’m good with old-fashioned ways of research, but Sammy’s the nerd when it comes to computers. 
Sammy has told me once or twice, though, that I was the one that helped him the most when it came to his knowledge of research. That, without my help, he wouldn’t have been as good at it as he is now. 
I call bullshit. Sammy has always been a smart kid. 
He could do anything he put his mind to. 
This is all I can write at the moment. Dean called me to the kitchen a couple of minutes ago saying that dinner was ready. I need to wrap this up before he or Sammy comes in here and sees what I’m doing. I know that I would get endlessly teased about keeping a ‘diary’. I need to make sure to hide this in a good enough place where neither of them will find it if they go snooping through my room. 
Sam, Dean, if you guys are reading this, I’ll get you back. 
But if you’re going to read it, I just want to let you know that I love you guys. 
Not that I’m into chick-flick moments or anything. 
I’m just glad that I have you guys as my brothers. No one could ask for a better family than you two. 
Okay, that was cheesy. I wish I wasn’t writing this in pen so I could erase it. 
I’m not too sure how to end this, so I guess I’ll just write again sometime when I can. Perhaps I could do like Dad did in his journal and write about all of the new monsters we have discovered over the years. Or maybe write more memories down. This journal is going to be so cluttered that no one is going to want to read it. There’s no way I’m going to get famous from this. 
Dean just called me to the kitchen again. 
Until next time. 
Happy hunting. (That was stupid, think of something better).
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vintagepresley · 1 year
Havin' My Baby…
This is a special request for my babe @ilovehobi101. I’m so happy I was able to get it done in time for your birthday. I hope I did it justice! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LOVE. 🥳
Warnings: 18+ Breeding kink, pregnancy fetish, public sex, rough sex, choking, hair pulling, spanking, multiple orgasms, typical Elvis stuff, etc.
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You had taken the liberty with Elvis' help of course to throw a baby shower for your best friend who was nearing seven months and was very pregnant. It made you so happy to be able to do something special for her and her husband. You had to admit seeing her pregnant made you have a bit of baby fever yourself, but children was not something you and Elvis had really spoken about. You knew he'd want kids someday, but he didn't seem too concerned with it yet. You were still newly married and the conversation of kids just wasn't topic you two hit on just yet. But you were happy just being able to be the godmother of some else's child until you had one of your own. You wanted to enjoy the time you and attention you got from Elvis before bringing a child into your world. You were already at the venue that the baby shower was being held and Elvis hadn't arrived yet. He was acting as if he was the guest of honor by being fashionably late.
But shortly after he and a few of the guys pulled up with a car full of gifts for the lucky couple, making a huge spectacle that prompted you to go see what was going on. You laughed softly to yourself seeing that he had went all out and the guys carried most of the stuff inside. "You're late." you say softly with smile. He came waltzing over to you in his very loud and fashionable outfit, kissing your cheek. "Sorry, baby, I had to go pick up the gifts." he grinned. "Don't you think you went a bit overboard?" you chuckled. "Nah, I figured as the godfather I'd spoil the kid." he shrugged, slipping his arm around your waist with a smirk as the two of you made your way inside as the guys finished up bringing all the gifts in and sitting it at the gift table. Your friend and her coming to thank the two of you for the amazing party that you put together. Elvis couldn't help but notice just how pregnant she really was and noticing how swollen and big her belly had gotten and the size of her breasts, he quickly glanced over at you and now he was picturing how you'd look pregnant with his child and how your body would look so swollen and big and how even the size of your breasts would change, which he couldn't stop fantasizing about.
He quickly snapped himself out of his dirty thoughts and continued to focus on the party, smiling at the happy couple as his grip on your waist tighter, he so desperately wanted to just rip your clothes off, fuck you and fill you with his seed until he got you pregnant. You glanced up at him with an eyebrow raised, smiling as you leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek before pulling away from him. "Okay, everyone it's time to open the gifts!" you shouted as everyone gathered around the glowing mother. Elvis stood off to the side trying to keep his filthy thoughts at bay as he stared at you, waiting until you were finished so he could steal you away. He decided right then and there that he was going to get you pregnant and he didn't want to wait. Once you had gotten through all of the gifts and your friend had opened them all for everyone to see she thanked you and Elvis once again and the party continued on as you watched happily and suddenly Elvis was grabbing a hold of your arm and dragging you away with him. You furrowed your brow looking up at him confused. "Elvis, what are you doing??" you asked. "I gotta talk to ya, honey." he said lowly. You tugged your arm away from him. "What's the rush?? I'm enjoying the party." you said with a huff, rubbing over your sore arm. "Can I just talk to you, please?" he says gesturing for the two of you to step out for some privacy.
You looked at him suspiciously, nodding your head slowly. He grabbed your hand now leading you out of the main party room and into a hallway, he was quickly leading you into the women's bathroom. "Elvis, what are we-" but he stopped you the moment you both stepped foot into the bathroom, his hands cupping your face and pulling you toward him as he crashed his lips against your own, kissing you passionately, pressing you up against the bathroom door. You pressed your hands against his chest to push him back a bit. "What has gotten into you?!" you say softly. "I.. I just want ya, baby. C'mon.." he hummed, guiding his hands along your tight little dress, leading his hands underneath it. "At a baby shower, Elvis?? This can't wait until we're home?" you asked with a small laugh escaping your lips, the feeling of his hands along your body turning you on. "Mm, no.. I want you now.." he mumbled, his lips hovering over your own as he kissed you once again. He gripped your hips pushing you up against him as he guided you over to one of the stalls, your arms draping around his shoulders as you giggled softly as he pushed you into the big stall, shutting door and locking it.
"Elvis!" you yelp another soft giggle escaping you. He turned you around so that your back was facing him and he pressed you up against the stall door roughly, a soft groan escaping you as he tugged you dress over your ass, licking his lips at the sight of your lacy little thong and he gave your ass a hard smack a small hiss escaping your lips from the stinging feeling and he smacked your ass hard a few more times, his rings causing such a sharp pain and you whimpered quietly and then grabbed a hold of the delicate fabric of your thong, roughly tugging it down your legs until they were around your ankles, you stepped out of them kicking them to the side. He grabbed a hold of your hands and placed them flat against the door, you chewed on your bottom lip anticipating his next move, he reached around to the front of your dress, his hands squeezing and groping you breasts as he kissed along the side of your neck soft and slow, as one of his hands move between your thighs nearing the heat between your legs that was already dripping in your slick.
"Elvis..." you purred between a soft whine. "Shhh, mama.." he whispered into your ear as he brushed his fingers between your wet folds, teasing the pad of his thumb over your clit causing your legs quivered around him. "I'm going to fuck this pretty little pussy until you're beggin' for me to stop.." he growled. The sound of his words sending a shiver down your spine, you didn't know what had gotten into him but you loved it. You brushed your ass up against him, desperately needing him. The feeling of his hard cock only turning you on more as you continued to grind your ass against him. He smirked as his fingers circled around your clit and teased your tight hole, your slick coating his fingers, causing a moan to slip past your lips, he continued to kiss along your neck, nibbling at your soft skin and slapping his hand against your pussy before he pulled it away. He moved his hands to unbuckle his belt and undoing his pants, tugging his pants down and stepping out of them and his cock springing out and hitting against your ass, you inhaled deeply at the feeling of his cock against your ass.
He forced your legs apart and then grabbed a hold of his throbbing cock as he guided it between your soaking folds and circled his swollen tip against your clit that was now so sensitive to the touch and then he lined his cock with your entrance and you waited in anticipation for him to enter you the excitement building within you. He pushed his cock inside of you and he groaned softly feeling your tight pussy sucking in his cock and it clenching around him, his hands grabbed a hold of your waist and forcing you back against him, a whimpering moan escaping your lips as you felt every inch of his cock sliding deep inside of you, causing your legs to tremble and only making you even wetter. "Goddamn, baby.. So fuckin' wet for me.." he mumbled against your ear, the feeling of your pussy around him causing a louder groan to escape him, he dragged his tongue against your neck, placing sloppy kisses against your cheek as he reached up to place a hand over one of yours that was gripping onto the bathroom door, intertwining his fingers with yours, squeezing at your hand tight.
He began to slam his hips against your ass as he plunged his cock into you deep and hard, slamming against your walls and stretching your pussy out with each rough thrust. You titled your head back against him, whimpering and moaning his name repeatedly like it was your mantra, he truly wasn't going to take it easy on you. He was fucking you so forcefully, each thrust cutting deep inside of you as his other hand reached up to squeeze and grope at your breasts, nearly tearing the front of your dress as he tried to get them out, his hard thrust were slamming you against the stall door. One of his hands resting back around your hips, his cock slamming against your cervix and curving in such a way that he was hitting all the right spots that had you practically screaming his name, your bodies moving together as one as he moaned into your ear so needly. He wrapped his right hand around your throat tight causing your moans to come out muffled and nearly silent. "Daddy's gonna put a baby inside of you, mama.” He growled into your ear. His words coming to a complete shock to you. “Elvis.. W-What.. I..” he stopped you from saying anything else by placing his other hand over your mouth. “Shhh..” he whispered.
Now he had a hand not only wrapped tight around your neck but also over your mouth keeping you from saying anything else as he plowed his cock into you banging you up against the stall door even harder that it was shaking on its hinges. You tried to scream, moan, anything. But the only sounds that left your mouth were whimpers but they came out muffled. He was so determined to get you pregnant no matter what it took. He was going to fuck you in this stall until his cum was spilling out of you. You slide your hands down the door and until they were back at your sides, reaching around to grip onto his thighs and digging your nails into him as your eyes rolled back and you shut them tight, the sound of his loud groans directly in your ear. "I-I can't wait until you're big and swollen.." he mumbled. You knew that you had no say in this whatsoever and in this moment you didn't care because he was driving you wild. His breath was shaky and hitch as he choked back a loud moan and his hips bucked against you as his entire body grew tense and he forced your body still as he reached his orgasm and his cum came shooting out deep inside of you.
You moaned out against his hand that it almost came out in a blood curdling scream that it caused you to bite at his hand as you came on his cock and he hissed loudly at the feeling as he kept his cock pumping slowly inside of you wanting to make sure that his first load of cum didn't leave you. He finally pulled out of you and grabbed your waist and turned you around to face him and you were speechless as you stared at him and completely in a daze and seeing the determination on his face. He grabbed your face and pressed his lips to yours roughly as he lifted your left thigh up around his waist as he kept you pinned to the door and then he grabbed his cock once again and shoved it back inside of you and you whimpered loudly being so sensitive from the rough fucking you just took. "Elvis.. Please.. W-We have to get back to the party.." you mewled. He playfully nibbled at your bottom lip and he shook his head. "When I'm finished we will, mama.." he mumbled.
You nodded slowly not being able to think about anything else but his pulsing cock in your bruised pussy and the feeling of his cum leaking out of you, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and clung to him and he grabbed a hold of your other leg and brought it around him and he buried his face into your neck, kissing and sucking at your supple skin as he kept his hips still and instead bounced you on his cock and forcing you down roughly to take him balls deep. Each time his cock moved in and out of you he slammed right against your cervix and stretched you wide open for him, you moaned and whimpered against his ear and suddenly someone was coming into the bathroom and he quickly covered your mouth but he continued to make you fuck him at a slow pace as you both tried your best to keep your noises quiet as to not draw attention to the last stall.
As he held his hand over your mouth his groans came out muffled against your neck as he continued to move you on his cock and the more you milked his cock the more his quiet moans came out long and low. When he heard whoever it was in the bathroom finish up and leave he removed his hand from your mouth and kissed you deeply as he picked up the quick pace again and now he was also thrusting into you as he continued to guide you on him, the both of you moaning together. "R-Ready for a second load of my cum, baby? Hm?" he hummed as he felt himself getting close to reaching his second climax. You tilted your head back against the door as you cried out his name. "Y-Yes.. Put a baby in me, daddy.." you whimpered. He grinned at your words and his hands gripped the top of the stall door tight and your legs gripped around his waist tighter as he slammed and plowed his cock into you fucking you into the door and the two of you were already so weak from your first orgasms that when your second ones hit neither you even warned the other as you both came together and you felt his cum filling you up once again and your eyes rolled back as your body collapsed onto him as your legs unwrapped from around him and he pulled his leaking cock out of you and before his cum could spill out of you he stuck two of his fingers inside of your pussy.
You let out a soft gasp and clenching yourself around his fingers as he held them there in place not wanting you to waste a drop of his seed. You heaved softly as your body trembled and you couldn't help but let out a moan. You were so overwhelmed and stimulated because he had never fucked you so harshly before. He kissed down to your breasts and nuzzled his face in between them as he placed wet kisses against them both before he kissed his way back up to your lips. "You ready for more cum, baby?" he asked with a smirk. "Elvis, I-I don't think I can.." you whined. He caressed his hand along your flushed face. "Aw, baby, just one more time.. Daddy's almost done.. You wanna give me a baby don't ya?" he mewled. You licked over your lips and nodded slowly. "O-Of course, daddy.." He kept his fingers inside of you as he moved you away from the door and he unlatched the lock and walked you slowly out of the stall with his fingers still deep in your pussy before slowly removing them. "Don't you dare let a drop of my cum leak out.." he said sternly as he went over to lock the door to the bathroom so no one else could walk inside. You held your thighs together tight as you kept his cum from leaking out of you.
He walked back over to you and cupped your face in his hands, his fingers tangling into your hair as he smiled at you and pressing some kisses to your lips and pressing you up against the sink and being so soft with you now. "Baby, we really should be getting back.." you mumbled on his lips. "We will, darlin'.." he whispered as he pulled away and slide his hands down to your waist and turned you around to face the mirror and he bent you over the sink and you watched him from the mirror with wide eyes as he slapped your bare ass causing you winced quietly, your hands gripping onto the cold marble countertop as you prepared yourself for another brutal fucking. His cock brushing up against your bruised ass as he guided it between your legs and teasing it over your sensitive pussy that he tortured. You pursed your lips together to try to stifle your noises as you felt his cock entering you once again and you watched each other's expressions in the mirror and he reached up grab a hold of your hair and wrapping it around his wrist, tugging your head back as he plunged himself into you and fucking you raw and ruthless and the two loads of cum inside you mixed with your slick practically being used as his own lube and the sounds of his hips slapping up against your ass echoed throughout the restroom along with his loud groans.
Your eyes rolled back in pleasure and your moans inaudible at this point as you tried to moan his name out and you were gripping so tight to the countertop that your hands began to hurt. He yanked at your hair roughly and you squealed loudly. "Open your eyes... I want you to watch me put a baby in ya." he barked. You slowly opened your eyes at his command and stared at him in the mirror as he rammed into you like an animal, tearing you apart inside with each rough thrust. Your body felt so tender, sore and used up from his pleasurable yet merciless way of fucking you that you could already feel your third orgasm of the day hitting hard that you had no time to warn him and you came instantaneously and that sent a shock to his body as he held you tight against him, holding you still and draining his balls inside of you for the last time, the sound of his groans came out in droves that it sounded like a loud wail and he sloppily kissed along your shoulder as he slowly let go of your hair and you fell against the sink as he laid on top of you for a moment as the two of you caught your breath.
You felt defeated and exhausted and your body trembled, your legs wobbly as you laid there whimpering softly. "Fuck baby.." he mumbled as he slowly pulled his tired cock out of you and the moment he did his cum seeped out of your pussy and slowly dripped down your right thigh. He smirked to himself as he walked back into the bathroom stall and he grabbed your panties and his pants off the floor, he set your panties on the counter. You slowly stood staring at him from the mirror completely speechless but with a lingering smile on your lips, you quietly cleared your throat as you tried to fix your hair and adjusting your dress and as he slipped his pants back on he stared at you. "I didn't hurt ya too bad I hope, baby." he said softly. You shook your head as you stared at him. "Of course not, daddy. I'll probably be a little bruised up in places, but I'm fine." you said with a small laugh. He grinned as he stepped toward you placing one of his hands against your face, tracing his fingers along your jaw. "Good.. Now let's hope I filled you up enough to maybe give me twins.." he chuckled as he gave your face a gentle tap with his hand and continued fixing himself and just the very thought of your body while pregnant with twins was doing things to him.
You smirked at his words and rolled your eyes playfully at him. "We'll see, honey." you said as you reached over for some paper towels to clean your thighs as his cum continued to slowly leak out of you and you were a bit annoyed that you had to go back out to the party knowing that his cum wouldn't stop leaking and that by the time you got home your panties would be a mess. You grabbed a hold of them and slowly slipped them back on and soothing out your dress and turning to face him. "How do I look?" you giggled wanting to make sure it wasn't obvious Elvis fucked your brains out in the bathroom. He smiled as he pulled you into his embrace, tracing his hands along your body and he pecked your lips softly. "Beautiful." he mumbled. You beamed at his words and rested your hands against his chest. "Hands off, mister. Let's get back to the party." you hummed as you wiggled out of his arms and took his hand as you walked over to unlock the bathroom door and leading the way back to the party and Elvis couldn't help but beam with pride at the possibility of not only becoming a father, but the excitement of his new found fetish.
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countrymusiclover · 4 months
2 - Doctor Nicknames
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Part 3
Feisty Coffee Girl
Izzie and I had gone to the bathroom in the gas station since we needed some groceries and the nearest grocery store was an hour away. Holding a hand over my stomach my sister ripped open the package of pregnancy tests we had just bought. “Here it should show up in five minutes after you take it.”
“I can’t be pregnant right. Mom would be furious if I were.” I gulped nervously taking the test out of her hands going into one of the stalls.
Izzie leaned her body against the wall waiting for me. “We will worry about mom after you take the test. Right now just keep calm and do the test so we’ll have an answer.”
“Okay I’m gonna do it now.” I answered her back peeing on the stick and just sitting on the toilet until the time was up. Opening my eyes I blinked through tears so emotional about what was down in front of me.
Izzie knocked on the stall door gaining my attention. “Y/n, what does it say?”
“It uh ... .it's positive.” I croaked through tears with my sister kicking open the door since I hadn’t locked it. She helps me up to my feet getting my pants up seeing me begin uncontrollably sobbing.
She wrapped her arms around my shaking body and I cling onto her for some strength. “Shhh I’m here for you. We will get through this.”
“You really think that?” I asked her.
Izzie broke the embrace holding me by my shoulders sniffing through some tears. “You and I are extremely tough and we will get through this.”
“What do you think it's going to be? Boy or girl?” Moving my hands down to my stomach I sniffed through my own tears. Closing my eyes I paused just thinking about the choice I had to make. I could get rid of it or keep it and become a teenage mother so young.
Izzie clicked her tongue with a light smile. “I'd say girl. She'll be just as badass as you are.”
“I might hope it's a girl someday too.” I gave her a weak smile. Running one of my hands over my stomach would change everything the second the baby's father said he didn’t want to be a teen parent so I ended up on my own. “I've always liked the name Everly. I'll probably name her that.”
“Everly will be an adorable name.’ My twin sister grinned hugging me again and we just held one another.
My phone had been ringing the entire time I was driving home from work. It had been almost over two weeks since I had gotten the random guy's number. Driving towards the elementary school I was on my way to pick up my daughter from school. Caroline was only able to take her during the mornings. Pulling the car to a stop in a spot I entered the school going to her classroom. “Seriously, how many times are you going to call me.” Taking out my phone I ignored the call.
“Mommy!” Lifting my head up I saw my daughter running straight to me. Her hair getting thrown in every direction until she flung herself into my waiting arms.
Wrapping my arms around her I laughed into her hair dropping myself onto my knees. “I've missed you. I miss you all the time you're not with me.”
“Can we go get pizza?” Everly asked me when we broke the embrace.
Brushing hair out of her face I chuckled. “Sure we can. Oh one second it's your aunt Izzie….hey Izzie what's up?”
“Would you be able to come to the hospital? I am stuck here for the rest of the day and I have some gossip I really need to tell you about.” She explained through the phone.
Holding the phone up to my ear with one hand I take Everly’s with my other leading her out to the car. “Izzie I don't know if that's a good idea. I have Everly with me and we want some dinner.”
“Meredith is sleeping with one of the residents in the hospital. I think that's enough of a reason to hear the whole story.” My sister declared.
Sitting my phone in the cup holder I helped Eve get into the backseat of the car getting into my driver's seat switching the phone to speaker making our way home. “Izzie, I love you. I want to spend time with you too. But it is not a good idea to bring her to the hospital.”
“I want to see aunt Izzie.” Everly said from the backseat of the car.
Izzie heard her and kept convincing me. “See, she wants to come see me. It will be fine. I can even add on that there's pizza down in the cafeteria. So please come visit me tonight.”
“Fine Isobel Stevens. We will come to the hospital. Just do your best to not get my daughter sick because then I'll have to take care of her for two weeks.” I caved running my freehand turning the steering wheel changing in the direction of the hospital. Hanging up my phone I hoped that this would just be a good visit and the next time we could hang out at my apartment or at Meredith's house that she was living in with some of her fellow interns.
Everly was already undoing her seatbelt to get out of the car by the time I had parked us outside the hospital. Leading her inside by the hand we found my sister standing at the nurse desk with her three other friends who were Alex, Christina and George. “Aunt Izzie!” Everly removed her hand away from mine jumping up into her waiting arms.
“Oh there's my favorite little niece.” Izzie twirled her around laughing until she sat her down on her feet.
Alex came around the nurse station with a smirk on his face getting close to me. “So you’re her sister huh. I gotta say you might be hotter than Izzie is.”
“Uh…Hey Eve, I think I heard somebody say they have pizza in the cafeteria. Why don’t you go wait over there for a second and then we can go get something to eat.” Bending my knees to be her level I put my hands on my knees to be eye level with her.
Everly grinned skipping over to one of the empty waiting room seats. “Deal. Be quick, mommy.”
“Okay so what gossip were you dying to tell me that we couldn’t do at home?” I focused my attention on my twin sister with her standing in front of me.
She throws her hands up beginning to ramble off with such bright and bubbly excitement that she naturally showed off to her friends and her patients at the hospital. “The doctor that I told you Meredith slept with is the head of brain surgery and is named Derek Shepherd. But he failed to mention that he was married and then his ex wife came to work here. And now for some reason the guy who also cheated on his wife is now in the hospital in that room.”
George leaned his head to the side, getting our group's attention to focus on the open room where a guy was stitching up his own face even though Meredith was standing in front of him. “Why is he suturing his own face?”
Cristina replied. “To turn me on.”
Alex explained where I parted my mouth opened hearing he was clearly impressed. “Cause he's Mark Sloan. He's like the go-to plastic surgeon on the East Coast.”
George gasped in shock. “That's the guy Addison was sleeping with?”
“Who’s Addison?” I raised a brow at the name.
Izzie filled me in. “You can't really blame her, can you? So basically it goes like this. McDreamy is apparently been best friend up until Mark slept with Addison who was McDreamy's wife till he found them sleeping together.”
“Oh wow.” I didn't know what to say about all their crazy gossip.
Cristina said back. “No, not really.”
George gagged. “Yes you can.”
Meredith finally came around the corner entering our conversation. “McSexy wants an x-ray to check for fractures and I think it's a bad idea if I take him.”
George stammered. “Why? Why?”
Alex bolted towards the opposite direction. “I'm on it.”
George asked. “Why is it a bad idea?”
Cristina quoted. “McSexy?”
Izzie responded and Meredith made a disgusted face. “McYummy.”
Meredith and Cristina said in unison. “No.”
Meredith finally spoke up again with another nickname. “McSteamy.”
Cristina awed in agreement. “Oh there it is.”
Izzie glanced down at me. “Yep. What do you think about the nickname Y/n?”
George gagged running away the second the door open and I turned my head in the direction. “Uh, just ah choking back some McVomit.”
“I don’t see what the big fuss about him is - holy shit!” I felt my mouth hang open when a guy with dark brown hair came out wearing a black tea shirt and gray pants.
Everly spoke up. “Shit?”
“You can’t say that. Only mommy says that.” Whipping my head around I warned my daughter with a finger before putting my attention to the guy in front of our group. “I….I’ve met him.”
Christina, Meredith, Izzie and George gasped all looking over at me. “How?”
“Don’t I know you from somewhere…Feisty Blonde?” The guy that looked exactly like Mark made his way over to us. His green eyes landed only on mine and they remained there with him putting almost no gap between us. “What are you doing here, Y/n?”
Running my fingers through my hair I chuckled nervously feeling my face turn red with the interns watching our interaction. “I guess I’m meeting you for the second time, Mark Sloan.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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offbrandkyoya · 10 months
67 what about us?
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cw: implied sex, alcohol, vomit
It’s been a while since 5WIRL had a tour. Now that Scaramouche joined the team, they’ve been gaining popularity again.
First day starts tomorrow and to celebrate, Venti throws a grand party. It took a lot of convincing and, for some reason, their manager has a soft spot for Scaramouche, the party was approved.
It was just the six of them having fun. Well, some of them. Scaramouche stands at a corner with his cup of alcohol. He doesn’t really drink and he kind of doesn’t want to. If you were there, you’d tell him that he shouldn’t be drinking at this time. He sighs and takes a sip regardless. Aether walks up to him with his own cup. “Missing yn still?” Scaramouche blushes but that gives Aether the hint. “I know that what happened isn’t okay and I think right now, yn just wants you to focus.”
Scaramouche frowns. “But isn’t really okay for me to ignore it? Yn-“ “You didn’t ignore it, Scaramouche. Sometimes it’s best if you step aside.” Scaramouche wanted to ask more but remained silent. Aether smiles softly. “They’ll be okay. It’s Yn after all.” Scaramouche nods then Aether smacks his back. “Enough moping around! Let’s have fun!” Scaramouche stutters as Aether links his arm around his and drags him to the rest.
Almost everyone gets drunk and tell jokes. Aether seemed to be able to handle his alcohol well since he really wasn’t drunk yet. Everyone else on the other hand was a bit tipsy. The most was Venti of course. After many drinks, Scaramouche was out of it. He took out his phone and walks out the room, swaying side to side. He close the door behind him and calls your number.
You pick up, “Scara?” “Yn! You’re awake!” He hiccups and your suspicions rise. “I am. I’m working on my project.” “Oh yeahhhhh!” He giggled. “You’re so talented. I can’t wait to see you-“ another hiccup. “Win.” “Scara, are you drunk?” He shakes his head with a laugh. “I’d never do thaaaat!” That made you giggle. “Be careful, Scara.” “Mmm you don’t have to worry about me! I’m soooo strong and brave!” “Oh my! My Prince Charming!” Scaramouche beams. “Yes! I’ll make you happy.” You blush. “Thank you.”
“I miss you.” He says, “I miss you everyday. I want to hold you so bad. I want to kiss you.” Suddenly, his voice deepens. “I even fantasize about pleasuring you.” You gasp, face burning. “Scaramouche! People can hear!” “There is no people!” You sigh a bit nervous. “I love you.” Suddenly, time stops. You blink before asking, “What did you just say?” “Umm I think I said I love you.” He hiccups and giggles. “I loveeee you! I love you! I love you! I loveeeeee you!” You stutter and cover your mouth. “I-“ “I love you so much, yn. My wonderful partner that I want to grow old with. Someday, I hope we get married and have those ten kids Venti mentioned.”
You laugh a little. “Scara, that’s a bit too much.” “But it’s true!” You smile but still think about what he said. “Scara,” “Yes baby?” Your heart jumps. “Do you really love me? After everything that’s happened? You’re not embarrassed of me?” Scaramouche goes quiet for a moment and you’re starting to think you just asked a stupid question. “Why would I be embarrassed of you again?”
You blink, “Um, well, that video-“ “What video?” ‘You’re kidding.’ “That video of me. You know, the one where you asked me about?” “Ohhhhhhhhh!” He laughs, “Yn, I don’t care about all that! I love you! Isn’t that enough?” You smile and laugh. “I’m sorry. That was silly of me.” “Mhm! Very silly.” “Hey, you’re not supposed to agree.” “I just did!” You both laugh. “I do love you, yn. A lot. I’m glad stupid Childe convinced me to join.” “Good. I’m glad you joined too.” You let out a breath before saying, “Scara, I love-“ Out of nowhere, you hear your boyfriend gag and vomit over the phone.
You jump off your bed. “Oh my god! Scara!? Are you okay?!” “Uhhhh I feel funny.” “Scara, find Aether. Find anyone!” “I’m tired. Yn, kiss me good-“ He throws up again and you scream. “Scara!” Somehow, over all the music, Aether sensed something was wrong. Xiao, who was knocked out drunk, slept on Aether shoulder as he snores and drools. Aether pulls Xiao away from him slowly and gets up from his chair for Xiao to rest his head on. He would tell the others to look after him but they were busy doing karaoke. Aether glances at Xiao then at them. ‘He’ll be fine.’
Aether opens the door, gasps, and backs away at the sight of vomit. “Scaramouche?!” Scaramouche turns to him and hands Aether his phone. “It’s broken. Fix it!” “Wha-?!” “Aether?!” “Yn?!” Aether steals his phone. “Aether, is he okay?!” “He’s fine.” He says as he wraps an arm around his waist. “Don’t worry, Yn. I’ll handle this.” “Okay…” Scaramouche groans, “Yn, I’m dying.” “You’re not dying.” Aether rolls his eyes. “Please take care of him.” “I will.” With that, you hang up and Aether goes to clean up a dizzy Scaramouche.
When the party was over, Scaramouche woke up with a headache. So did Venti and Xiao. Aether, not so much. He was just exhausted about having to take care of everyone. That leaves off with the other two.
Heizou yawns and stretches as he wakes up. He blinks a couple of times until he looks next to him. No one was there until he turned to his other side and Kazuha was putting on his pants. Heizou sits up and hugs him from behind. Kazuha was shirtless so Heizou admired his build. Heizou plants a kiss on his shoulder and Kazuha sighs.
“Heizou.” “What?” Kazuha doesn’t look at him but shakes him off. “You know the drill.” “Not my fault you’re sexy.” Kazuha rolls his eyes and puts on his shirt. Heizou lays back down and watches Kazuha look at himself on his phone camera. “I’m not that much of an idiot to give you hickeys at this moment.” Kazuha still doesn’t face him. “You get out of hand sometimes.” “Yeah and you like it.” Silence and Kazuha puts his phone away. He looks around, “Have you see my hair tie?” “No.” Kazuha gets up and looks around. He finds it under the bed and goes to put his hair in its classic ponytail.
Heizou finally sits up and continues to watch him. “Arent you going to get ready?” Kazuha asks him. “Yeah.” Theres silence and Kazuha was ready to leave. “I’m heading out.” “Wait.” Kazuha turns to him. “What is it?” Heizou quickly puts on his shirt and pants before getting off his bed. “We need to talk about this.” “Talk about what?” “You know what.” Heizou motions at the two of them. “I want to stop doing this.” Kazuha let’s out a sigh and scratches his head. “Fine. If that’s what you want.” He starts to walk again but Heizou stops him.
“That’s it? So what? I’m just used for your satisfaction?” Kazuha sighs, “Don’t start this again.” “But I am! Kazuha, I like you! I seriously like you! I don’t want to keep doing this.” Kazuha bit his lip. “I like you too, Heizou, but-“ “But what?! Is it about the media? Who gives two shits about what they think!” Kazuha shakes his head. “No, no, it’s not that.” “Then what?” Heizou walks towards him slowly and grabs his hand. “Please, Kazuha.”
Kazuha finally looks at him and his eyes water. “I can’t do this, Heizou. Im scared.” Heizou places his other hand on his cheek. “Why are you scared?” Kazuha shakes his head. “It’s stupid.” “I can listen.” Kazuha wipes his eyes and sniffles. “I…” He takes a deep breath in. “I had someone and…” Heizous eyes widen and moves his hand away. “Oh. You’re not over them..” Kazuha stays quiet. “I’m sorry.” “No, it’s okay.” Heizou let’s go of him and the two stand, avoiding each others gaze.
“I do like you, Heizou. I just… i just need time.” “How much time? I dont think i can keep waiting.” “I don’t know.” Suddenly, there’s a knock on the door. “Heizou.” It’s Venti. “Time to get up. We’re about to head out. Oh, and tell Kazuha too. I checked his room and he’s not there.” “Okay.” Heizou replies and the boy listen to Ventis footsteps fade away.
Kazuha looks back at him but Heizou turns away. “We need to get ready.” “Yeah..” Kazuha walks out and heads to his room. Once entering, he slides down his door and tears escape him. He covers his face in distraught. “Why am I such an idiot?”
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- um
- yeah
- it doesn’t get better
- :D
- I’ll proofread this later I’m tired as shit
🏷️ @sakiimeo @coquettemaiden @rmiyuki @kur44pika @theblueblub @jxxji0309 @dreamsofminnie @ohmyfinggod @redactedhimbo @kunisbeloved @akagism2 @sketcheeee @thefandomcrow @beriiov @thenightsflower @yukiipc @scaraapologist @scarletttcroww @samyayaya @crucnhice @monaypo1 @feiherp @myaaones @warcelia @hangecanweholdhands @yuminako @valiryyz @screechingxiaolover @tiddieshakeshownu @ilovechuuyaa @d4y-dr3am3r @dazaisfavgf @swivy123 @ganyusbrideee @sagegreenthinks @the-left-glove @wonderland-fan @kylexzz @kaoyamamegami @whycantscarabereal @rvoulte @eunchaeluvr @lxkeeeee @silvermah @baby-bread-in @yelleloww @magica-ren @itzblazekun @im-inlovewithy0u @featuredtofu @ynverse @anastaxiah @ask-aph-tanzania @drmyday @what-just-happened-huh
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palmtreesx3 · 5 months
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As my header states, I'm too old for this. But here I am anyway. If you're here you're gonna watch me embarrassingly lust over every version of Steve Harrington (who am I kidding, just Joe Keery in general) and while I mostly just react to other people's tremendously talented work, I occasionally dabble myself.
So if you are lurking, enjoy and leave some kisses 💋
(18+, don't be cunty, yada yada yada)
🔥 Spicy/Smutty 🚨 Cannon/Cannon Adjacent ❤️ Fluffy/Boyfriend-ism 😩 Angsty
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Get Off (Series) 🔥18+ - SexShop!Steve x Reader : SexShop!Robin x OC (7/9)
Summary: Steve and Robin have about had it with Hawkins, so on Robin's 25th birthday, the pair decides that there's nothing holding them there anymore and they start packing their bags. The friends move to Chicago and quickly find an apartment to call their own. As luck would have it, within hours of arriving to the city, Robin stumbles on a no-strings-attached job offer for both of them - what could be better?! Now just to break the news to Steve…. This multi part story will both explore their platonic relationship and their chaotic experience working at the sex shop together as well as their own paths of self discovery as they plant their roots in their new city and finally deal with the invisible baggage they drug along with them when they moved. Act 4 - Out Now :)
Prologue || V-Card || Act 1 || Act 2 || Act 3 || Act 4 || Act 5 || Act 6 || Epilogue
King of Wishful Thinking (Series) ❤️ Fluffy but eventually 🔥 18+ and marked as such because I'm a hoe - Steve Harrington x Reader (2/?)
Summary: Steve has been in love with you for his entire life. He has always wanted to express his feelings and do nice things for you, but every time he tries to come up with new and creative ways to show you how much he cares, but it seems like fate is always against him. Even though he shallowly convinces himself that you’re just meant to be friends and despite these setbacks, Steve remains determined to keep trying. He still holds onto the hope that someday he'll be able to express his feelings to you and maybe, just maybe have them reciprocated. Paused but not forgotten
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1974 || 1978 || 1980 (coming soon)
Joe Keery Photo Drop Support Group A place to gather when he sends us into a tizzy. This support group was started in response to the Behind the Blinds Photo Drops but can and will be revisited anytime this man rocks our world like that again....All are welcome. Judgement Free-zone. Cake ALWAYS served.
Birthday Cake Train 🍰 A communal space to celebrate birthdays and serve up a slice of Cake....you know which kind. Join the thread when it's your turn. There's enough to go around.
Seeing Stars 🔥18+ The crew finally decides it's time to start celebrating the 4th of July again, but Steve Harrington finds he can't stop himself from staring.
A Girl Like You (PT 2 to Seeing Stars) 🔥18+ In the aftermath of the 4th, embarrassment and emotions are flying, tables turn and shit gets figured out. Read Part 1 to see how exactly we got here.
Deeper for You 🔥18+ It's your annual beach trip with the crew from Hawkins, something you've all been doing together your whole adult life after life forced everyone to part ways. You're all close, but this year, an accidental encounter in the outdoor shower makes you get a little closer with one person in particular.
Jealous Friend One Shot 🔥18+ ask Watching your friend, Steve Harrington, go on Kamakazi Mission dates over and over again was getting kind of old. You’re always there to listen, comfort and pick up the pieces but what if this time it’s just too much? What if this time you’ve had enough and something that feels a little bit like jealousy rears its ugly head?
Firefighter!Steve One Shot
Taking Care of Steve (Road Head) Blurb 🔥18+ ask
Vampy Steve Blurb ask
Fool in Love Blurb (King of Wishful Thinking inspo) ❤️
Stevie Takes Care of You When You're Sick Blurb ❤️ ask
Joe Keery as Steve Harrington Micro expressions
Steve Harrington Smells Like head cannons
Cozy Cardigan Steve (Joe Keery Dork Mag inspo) ❤️
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Ok maybe I'm being overdramatic, but please also consider reading these fics or series I feel like I'd lay down my life for because they have become a visceral part of me and changed the fabric of my being and I think about them all the time. They are all *chefs kiss* and written by amazingly talented people who also have deep Masterlists that also deliver. So wake the fuck up and read em! Again, most (okay fine, all) are 🔥 18+ ...again, because I'm a hoe
Into Open Flames 🔥😩🚨 on AO3
Midnight City 🔥 by @superblysubpar
We'll Call it Love 🔥😩 by @superblysubpar
If Tomorrow Never Comes 🔥😩🚨 by @sweetsweetjellybean
All I Really Want is You ❤️🔥 by @loveshotzz
Whatta Man (Steve's Night) 🔥 by @loveshotzz
New Years Eve (Steve & Eddie)🔥😩 by @loveshotzz
Beyond 🔥 by @abibliophobiaa
We Tried the World 🔥😩 @upsidedownwithsteve
And I Snuck in Through the Garden Gate ❤️🔥 @upsidedownwithsteve
Don't Call Me Baby 🔥😩 by @katyswrites
Aftermath (Steve & Eddie)🔥😩🚨 by @sweetsweetjellybean
Daisy 🔥 by @thyme-in-a-bubble
PSA: Don't steal my shit. Don't repost my shit. Don't steal other peoples shit. Don't use AI. Don't feed my shit into AI. Don't feed other people's shit into AI. Just come here, read about this sweet piece of a man and live on our fantasy island together in lust and in peace.
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thecapricunt1616 · 3 months
The Bear & His Honey - Chapter 16
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♡ Chapter Inspo: Call It What You Want (Reputation - TS) ; I want to wear his initial on a chain 'round my neck. Not because he owns me, but 'cause he really knows me. Which is more than they can say, I recall late November holdin' my breath, slowly I said "You don't need to save me, but would you run away with me?"
♡ Summary: Carmy x Winnie are finally calling things what they are after 3 months of beating around the bush, YAY!!!
♡ W/C: 10,775
♡ Posted Date: 04/05/2024
♡ A/N: Here we have chapter 16 - I hope you all like it! I have been stepping back and seeing where I want things to go, & I think I have generally a good idea now, so I was able to finish up the next 2 chapters finally haha. As per usual thank you for reading, remember requests for one shots are open - or even if you want to see WxC doing something specific let me know! I am here to please hahah one shots I've already written are on my masterlist linked below! Also - no one has asked, but I usually see people will read one chapter, then go back and read all of them 1-15, so if you want to be on a tag list so you can keep up w/ the story just tell me in the comments and i'll make one!!
♡ Warnings for BTC: Swearing, Speaking of smoking, Weed, Smut!, Nervous Carmy, Mushy fluff!!!
➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡
➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ♡
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𝒲𝒾𝓃𝓃𝒾𝑒𝓈 𝒫.𝒪.𝒱. 🍯
It was a few weeks later, and the beginning of spring had well arrived. The trees were becoming green again, the flowers were blooming, and Carmy and I were still hanging out nearly every afternoon, and he was staying over nearly every night. 
That Friday evening, around 11pm, after Carmy had gotten off his shift, he came over to mine and had a shower after we ate dinner that he had made us before he came over. Tonight had been a favorite - a true garbage plate per my request. 
It was currently 1 am and we were snuggled up in bed, mostly I was watching a rerun of Criminal Minds, and Carmy was distracted by his phone, texting with someone back and forth. 
“Did y’wanna come w’me to Richie’s Sunday? We do Palm at his usually. He’s been textin’ me about comin’ over a little earlier to help with the lamb.” He said and I looked up at him from my spot snuggled up on his chest, my cheek adorned with lines from his sweatshirt since it had been mushed there while I watched the show, my hands playing with the tie of his sweats absentmindedly so I didn’t pick my nails. 
“Oh- yeah. Sure. I didn’t know you like- did that. Y’re…religious? I mean- I know the chain and everything but..” I gently play with the charm between my fingers. He smiled a bit, forefinger gently rubbing over the dark red marks in my cheek from laying. 
“I mean- nah. Not really it’s more like..tradition I guess? Palm Sunday and Easter were huge when I was growin’ up. I guess it’s just an Italian thing, but it’s like- second Christmas. The whole family gets together and has a meal” he said and I nod. 
“Well of course I’ll be your date baby. Thank you for asking, I assume we’re doing church? Like Christmas Eve if it’s a big thing right?” I ask and he nodded a bit. 
“You don’t…you don’t have to go. I mean- I don’t go unless it’s Christmas Eve or Palm or Easter Sunday. So..but I get it if y’arent comfortable” he bit his lip nervously. 
“No baby- no…I think it’s sweet. I grew up Catholic too, well- Irish Catholic. But- I was baptized, so I’m rightfully Catholic. So we can get married someday and not go to hell” I giggled and he snorts a laugh. 
“Oh thank god y’re baptized baby, how could we ever marry if you haven’t devoted yourself to our lord and savior” he teased, earning a laugh from me. 
“Does this mean I get to crack out my veil again? What do I wear? Well I know I can’t have my tits out - but like, color scheme for your church, still red?” I asked and he rubbed my back gently. 
“Yes still red baby.” He kissed my neck, gently nipping at the sensitive skin. “I didn’t know you wore a veil. You were dedicated, huh? Such a good little Catholic” he teased, pinching my bum playfully. 
I laugh a bit “mmhmm- my mom was serious about it. I used to hate it but since I stopped believing in the Catholic god- er- worshiping him, anyway, I just think it’s hot. D’you think we could sneak away to the bathroom for a quickie during the service? I’ve always fantasized about fucking in a church it sounds really hot.” I said causing him to laugh into my skin. 
“Babe. Holy fuckin blasphemy you trying to get on the big man’s ultimate shit list?” He bites my shoulder playfully. 
“Ohhhh we’re way past it Carm. Plus- since he’s so big and mighty and he’s the one that created my twisted fucked up mind- it’s really him who thinks it’s hot. So if he’s mad it’s not on me” I giggled, poking his cheek. “D’you have a bite kink I’m not aware of sir?” I teased. 
“Mmm no you just taste good, and y’so cute it just makes me wanna fuckin bite you I can’t explain it” he bites down on my neck gently, running his tongue over my skin. 
“Awwww you have cute aggression?” I gently play with his curls and he chuckled into my skin, his breath causing goosebumps to appear. 
“That’s a thing?” He questioned and I nod a bit, a wide smile adorning my features. 
“It’s super sweet. Like…when I was at college studying, I took my first round of psych credits, and I guess that uh…when we see something that’s cute, or makes us really happy we wanna like squeeze it or bite it because we’re so overwhelmed with how cute it is that we’re like…searching for an outlet almost? But yeah, so thank you I guess. I do have the urge to just” I take his forearm, gently biting down and giggling into his skin and he chuckled. 
“Y’can bite me. Maybe not in public so we don’t look like a couple’a freaks, but this is ok” he said and I released his flesh 
“Oh yeah I’m just gonna bite you in front of all the staff at work next time I see you. I’ll do it when you’re really angry” I teased, lacing our fingers together and resting our hands over my tummy. 
“Ugh no work talk right now baby today was fuckin’-” he rubs over his face with his other hand “remind me to never trust Richie with shipment ever again.” He grumbled, grabbing his phone to resume whatever he was doing. I mentally rolled my eyes. 
Really, Richie? The one time. One time, that Carmy decides to let someone else start the day- and sleep until 5 am instead of 4- he fucks it up somehow. 
“ ‘m sorry baby. You want a massage? It’s getting late. Maybe it’ll help you sleep, how’s your back?” I asked gently, rubbing his forearm. 
He sighed a bit, putting his phone on the wireless charging pad on the nightstand that had begun living there since he had been sleeping over. “Hurts..Think I pulled a muscle ‘er somethin’ in my shoulder too, fuckin bags of rice were on the lowest shelf and I didn’t use my knees at all apparently” he said and I sat up, grabbing my massage oil from the nightstand. 
“Alright roll over mister, no more work talk tonight, got it? Were Resting our brains now” I kiss his cheekbone and he nods tiredly, tugging off his sweatshirt and laying on his stomach.
“No more work talk” he agreed with an exhausted sigh. I warmed some of the oil in my hands, kissing the little freckles along his back as I did so and he hums softly. 
“Okay so where should I start on the map baby?” I asked him. I had taught him the system my mom and I used to use when she’d give my brother and I massages as kids, where you tell a state on the map so she could better gauge where it was hurting. 
“Fuckin’… Vegas to the Carolina’s. It hurts so bad babe” he said and I gently felt over his lower back, this was usually where we started, unless Wyoming and Nebraska which were more his mid back was hurting him worse, that only happened when he went too hard at the gym, though. 
“It’s probably Texas. Usually Texas, babe” I said, gently working my thumbs with light pressure from the middle of his lower back outwards and he lets out a groan. 
“Fuck Texas” he muttered into the pillow, causing me to giggle a bit. 
“I’ve never been, I hear they have great Mexican food.” I said, adding a bit of pressure as I got to his hips where he held a lot of his stress. 
“Mmm I’ve been- shit”  he hissed as I work at a knot at the back of his hip. “Fuck- keep going babe- ahhh mmhmm- yes” he grumbles. I added more pressure and he sighed gratefully. “Thank you” he said softly, resting his cheek on his forearm, eyes fluttering shut in bliss.
“You’ve been? Lucky! Did you try the Mexican food?” I asked, dragging the pressure across his lower back and he moans out quietly. 
“Mmhmm…Dallas…ACF conference- went in November. They do have great Mexican food. And the drinks are enormous, crazy strong for how cheap they were.” He said. 
“Ooo that sounds like my kinda place. We should go on a trip sometime, if I could ever afford it that is. But a road trip would be fun” I gently rub up to his mid back. 
“You don’t have t’pay anything baby, I didn’t know you wanna travel- where d’you wanna go? I just have to get the time off. That's the problem, not the money. But what’s y’dream place y’wanna go?” He asked. 
“Anywhere. Well, anywhere with you. I’ve never been on a plane before, I took the train here. Cause my Grammy wouldn’t let me take a plane, since our Grandpa died in one- she says they’re bad luck. But I’ve always wondered what it was like. It seems fun. Are airports fun like they make it look in the movies?” I smile a bit, gently massaging over his ribs. 
“No. Totally not. They don’t really put airports in tv and shit after 9/11 if you’ve noticed because now they’re a fuckin’ nightmare- but I mean…not as shit as being on a train for what- 30 hours babe? Y’not doin’ that t’go do that nanny thing right? I don’t want you sittin for 30 hours with y’hip.” He said and I shrug a bit, continuing to rub over his mid back with the pressure I knew he liked. 
“I set a timer on my phone, and get up and walk around every 20 minutes, So it doesn’t hurt so bad. Also- it’s like…50 bucks cheaper so. 50 bucks toward my next therapy session” I say simply. 
“50 bucks?! Baby. No. I’m buyin’ y’ticket and you can get there in 2 hours, so I can have you for an extra whole day. No arguing. It’s done” he said and I laugh a bit. 
“Oh so you boss me around now?” I said and he smirks, looking at me over his shoulder. 
“Hasn’t that been established? That I only make you do something when y’too stubborn to allow me to help?” He asked and I kiss his lips gently. 
“Control freak” I teased, starting on his shoulders and his eyes flutter shut in bliss. 
“Consider it payment f’r all the massages I’ll need when you get back. I dunno how I’m gonna manage babe it helps so much. Fuck ah- yes. There- there honey” he groaned as I drag my thumb with a good amount of pressure in the dip of his shoulder blade. 
“Y’know you can see a real masseuse, Bear. You don’t have to torture yourself until I’m home again” I said, adding a bit more pressure and he whimpered, burying his face in the pillow. 
“Mmm- don’t wanna” he said into the fabric as I work his other shoulder the same way. “Holy shiiiit. Baby. Fuck- fuuuuck me.” He moaned and I laughed a bit, rubbing my thumbs up to the base of his neck and back down. “Mmm shit- fuckin’ hurts soooo good” 
I laughed at his bear like grumbles “Jesus baby. Thank god I don’t have roommates they’d think we’re sex addicts with the way you moan when I give you your massages” I straddled his hips as I work from the balls of his shoulders in towards his neck. 
“Mm not my fault you have tiny magical hands” he teased and I laughed. 
“Do not make fun of my little hands. I can’t help it, and it makes my life tedious” I joked, gently using the knuckles of my thumbs to release the tension in the sides of his neck. 
“How is me calling your doll hands magical, making fun of them?” He said and I smiled, pinching his arm gently. 
“May I remind you Bear who’s mercy you’re at right now?” I bite down on his neck playfully and he chuckles. 
“My favorite girls” he counters and I smiled big, a blush creeping to my cheeks. 
“You are a big flirt” I sat up, continuing to work at the base of his neck. 
“I am being accused left and right t’night, of crimes f’which you have zero admissible evidence” he teased and I laughed, covering my mouth to not wake up the neighbors. 
“Okay- we’re watching way too much criminal minds and SVU lately, admissible evidence, babe?” I shook my head, working on rubbing his biceps in sections since they were quite large. 
“Not my fault I wake up f’work and it’s still on. That shit can’t be givin’ you good dreams babe. Y’need to turn it off” he said and I smiled a bit at his concern. 
“Oh, and you when you go home, and turn on YouTube cooking videos until you pass out, that’s not giving you bad dreams about work?” I mused and he hums. 
“No. Cause I usually don’t watch the English ones, my italian is spotty, which makes my Spanish shitty. And our French lessons have only gotten me so far. So- if my eyes are closed, nothin but noise” he countered and I roll my eyes with a smirk. 
“And how do you know how much of everything to put in?” I ask curiously, massaging over his biceps. 
“By the look” he replied as if that said anything at all. 
“So, if I right now, gave you my water bottle- you could tell me how much water was in it?” I snort 
“Depends, is there ice?” He asked and I raised my brows. 
“ Carmy you can’t just- I mean you can guess. But you’ll have no form of accuracy.” I said and he hums. 
“Think of it like Cooking is biology, and baking is science babe. 2 different sides of the same coin. I don’t need accuracy, I need flavor and balance. A good chef doesn’t solely stick to a recipe. But a good baker always sticks to a recipe. F’r cookin’ It’s about what the dish wants. F’baking it’s what it needs. So yeah I’m confident I could give you a fairly accurate measurement by look” he explained and I gently massage over his wrists, paying extra attention to them because of all the repetitive motion he did at work with all the chopping and stirring and whisking. 
“Mmm I love it when you get all sexy technical chef on me” I kiss the top of his hand lightly and he smiled a bit. 
“Well I’ll tell y’anythin y’wanna know angel” he said, covering his mouth with his hand as he yawned big. “Mmm. Y’always put me t’sleep” he mumbled. 
I giggle a bit “that was the point. Geez like a colicky baby sometimes, so overtired y’can’t sleep” I said and he snorts. 
“Mmm this is my favorite part” he rolled on his side as I took my place next to him and he lays his forearm over my tummy so I can lightly drag my nails across it for him. 
“Spoiled, spoiled little bear” I teased, obliging him and gently dragging my nail across his skin with a featherlight touch causing goosebumps to appear. 
“Mmhmm, the most spoiled” he said and kisses me sweetly I hummed softly, cupping his cheek and gently rubbing my thumb over his cheekbone. 
“Just one more day”  I said when he pulled away, alluding to his Sunday off. 
“One more.” He said softly and snuggled into my chest as I continued gently caressing his arm, my other hand tangling in his muss of damp curls and scratching his scalp as I usually did to help him fall asleep. 
This had been our routine for the last 2 weeks now, he’d come over after working out, we’d eat dinner, he’d have a shower, then we’d sit on the balcony and smoke together, then come in and get in bed, I’d give him a massage after cuddling for a while, and stroke his arm and give him scratches to help him fall asleep, since the first night I did it for him he was out in less than 10 minutes, (which was an all time record for him) - and he’d be little spoon until he fell asleep. Then when I eventually did as well- we’d wake up in the morning with me having stolen the title of little spoon once more. 
He nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck, his warm breath hitting my collar bone. I focused on the tv and continued stroking his arm gently, a few minutes went by like that before he muttered a half asleep “night honey” bringing a small smile to my lips.  “Night Bear” I said softly, brushing his curls off his forehead and gently kissing it, lingering for a moment before resting back on the pillow and continuing to stroke his arm gently.
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I was woken by the sound of Carmy’s first alarm that he’d nearly knocked his phone off the nightstand trying to silence, before groaning tiredly and plopping his arm back around me, pulling me closer to him. 
“Morning” I said softly, my eyes still closed. 
“Mornin’ babe.” He said quietly, planting a soft kiss to my jaw. He’d been setting his alarm for 4:00 instead of 4:30 for the past week or so, so we’d get a little bit of snuggle time before he had to get in the shower. 
“How’d you sleep?” I asked, lacing our fingers together and turning to face him, wrapping my leg between his and hooking them together. 
“Alright. My back feels a lot better, thanks for the massage honey. How’d you sleep?” He rubbed over his face, yawning which caused me to catch it and yawn myself. 
“Course love. I slept okay, had a really weird dream, wanna hear about it?” I ask and he smiled lazily, nuzzling his face into my neck. 
“Mm. Always” he said softly. 
“So-“ I giggle softly at the absolute bizarreness “so, Syd was there- oh I’ll have to send her a voice note about this. But Syd was there, and we were at my middle school? But it was here, in Chicago. And it wasn’t my middle school, it was a hospital? But my teachers were there. Well they weren’t my teachers they were strangers, but I like knew they were my teachers, ya’know?” He chuckled a bit into my skin. 
“Okay, and what were you and Syd doin baby?” He questioned. 
“Literally Carm- playing with a Ouija board? Like?” I laughed a bit, causing him to follow suit. 
“Who were you trying to get ahold of?” He asked. 
“I don’t know! But it was like scary lookin. I don’t even - oh! Yes! That’s how I know it was a hospital cause we were in this dingy like basement, and there was a gurney? Like. I dunno. Oh! And she was like” I laughed, shaking my head. “She was like Winnie- they’ll know the right ingredient. Like- like we’re summoning the dead for recipe advice? But she was so stressed like she was dyyying to find out what they had to say” I said and his chest vibrated with laughter. 
 “And yeah, that was it that’s the dream- dream Syd, and real Syd, both are OCD about recipes to the point of insanity” I said and he shook his head, planting a kiss on my temple. 
“Thanks f’r sharing babe. Y’know, maybe the dead could help us out with recipes- dream Syd could be onto somethin’ ” he joked and I gently play with his sleep tousled hair. 
“Mmm I think the only ghost that would give a shit about food they can’t eat- would be you and Syd baby. I can totally see that. Us hanging out in the afterlife, and you’re like ‘but honey, if I help them and tell them it needs more lemon it’ll be so good’ “ i mimicked him doing my best Carmy impression and he snorts a laugh. 
“I do not sound like that, when did I turn into a fuckin- southside chain smokin’ uncle?” He teased and I laughed, poking his cheek playfully. 
“Not too far off, you’re a north side chain smoking uncle in real life, so I guess the accent was a little off” I said and he rolls his eyes. 
“Yeah yeah. I’m down to half a pack a day now I wouldn’t call that chain smokin anymore” he mused, kissing my neck with open mouth kisses, trailing down to my collarbones. 
“Mmm Bear?” I question and felt him smile into my skin before biting down gently in the fleshy spot between my neck and shoulder. 
“Mmhmm?” He mumbled, his teeth still gently clamped around my flesh. 
“It’s 4:09” I said, gently scratching his scalp with my nails. 
“So that means we have..21 minutes, no?” He questions and I raise my brows with a smirk. 
“And what are we doing with this twenty one minutes, Bear?” I muse and he lifted the covers, crawling underneath, and getting between my thighs. 
“Don’t they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day?” he asked, kissing over my pantyline in the way that made my breath hitch. 
“Real breakfast, baby. Which you refuse most the time” I told him, gently pushing his curls back, watching as he carefully slips my panties to the side. 
He licks a stripe up my heat with the pad of his tongue, stopping at my clit and applying more pressure, open jawed, rubbing his tongue messily back and forth. I whined in pleasure, my head dropping back to the pillow. 
He hooked my knees over his shoulders, pulling me closer by my hips and gently sucks on the sensitive bud that was now getting firmer and more prominent, flicking and smoothing his tongue over it in small circles, earning hot moans of satisfaction from deep in my chest. 
“Oh-“ I breathe out, my voice coming out as more of a squeak then anything and my hips buck involuntarily as a jolt of pleasure cracks through me at his actions. 
“Mmm so fuckin sweet” he grumbled into the slick flesh, the vibrations causing my core to clench around nothing.  
“Holy fuck Carmy” I gasp as I felt his tongue lapping over my enterence, thrusting his tongue inside in one swift motion, humming in satisfaction as he felt me squeeze tightly around his tongue and I tugged his hair between my fingers. 
“Ah- shitholy-fuckingchristCarm” I moaned out as he nudged the bridge of his strong nose against my clit with a pressure that was gonna drive me right over the edge- and fast. 
“Mmhmm- mmhmm” I nod quickly, biting my lip hard as I feel that all too familiar tightening in my stomach, the pool building quickly and the dam walls getting ready to snap, all of my muscles tightening and my thighs quivering. 
“Breathe” he reminded me gently, reaching up and grabbing one of the hands that had taken grip on his hair, lacing our fingers together and squeezing my hand gently. 
I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding, “sorry” I mumble sheepishly and he continued, humming happily into my slick when I gasp in a enormous breath as he flicks his tongue wildly over my clit, pressing my hips into the bed to make me remain still with his other forearm. 
“Oh- oh- fuuuck! Ah- ahh! cumming! Yes- yes!!!” I cry out, squeezing his hand tightly, my head thrown back in bliss and spine arched off the bed. 
“mm- shit- fuck- too sensitive” I whine, as he continued the rough assault on my clit, digging my nails into the back of his hand. 
“I think I can get another one babe - cmon be good f’me, please?” he said lowly, his voice coated in thick, honey-like lust. 
“Ah- fuck-fuck- okay- mmmmillbegood” I slur, my thighs pressing against his temples and ankles locked behind his head. 
He removed his forearm from my hips. “Y’gonna be a good girl, mmm? Y’gonna stay still f’me? Er do I need t’keep holdin’ you?” He asks and I shook my head. 
“Ill be still, promise” I said quickly, squeezing his hand gently. 
“That’s my girl” he brought his mouth back to my clit, slipping two fingers in my entrance and curling them expertly into that amazing spongy spot he seemed to have memorized by now, that I could somehow never manage to get to so well on my own. 
“Holyfuck” I groaned, tugging his hair taut and he moans into me, the vibrations on my over sensitive clit dragging me to the edge and leaving me dangling there. 
“Ah- fuck mmm-d’that- keep doin’ that Bear pleeeease” I begged as I tug at his hair harder, earning a deeper moan out of him. My hips snap back into the mattress, twitching and shaking as I mewl and whine through my second orgasm, my back arched and hand leaving his hair to grip the sheets so I wouldn’t hurt him as I held them in a white knuckle grasp. 
His alarm goes off for 4:30 a few moments after my thighs stop quivering in pleasure and hips finally stilled. He messily wiped his wet chin, mouth, and the tip of his nose on my thigh, slick with my arousal, before placing a gentle kiss on my mound, and popping his head out of the sheets, casually hitting the stop button on the alarm. 
“Thanks f’breakfast honey” he joked, getting out of bed and stretching his back, before giving me a peck on the lips and heading off to the bathroom, leaving me fucked absolutely dumb. 
“Anytime” I said tiredly, feeling exhausted once again after only a few hours sleep and being feasted on so intensely, and so early in the morning. 
He left the bathroom door cracked so Persephone wouldn’t scratch the whole time trying to get in and investigate what he was doing, and I heard him start the shower before I rolled back over and fell asleep. 
I was awoken by sweet gentle kisses about 45 minutes later, feeling the icy metal of his chain brush over my chin as he pressed lingering kisses on my forehead. “Hey sleepy” he said softly, rubbing my side. 
The smell of his cologne and minty toothpaste hits my nose and my eyes flutter open. He was sat next to me, backpack and hoodie already on. 
“Already?” I whine, laying over his lap and nuzzling my face in his tummy, breathing in his scent and wrapping my arms around him. 
“Mmhmm. But 3:30 yeah? I’ll come pick y’up from the library we can have lunch in the car?” He gently runs his fingers through my hair in the way that made me sleepy, and my eyes flutter shut once again subconsciously. 
“Can’t you call out sick?” I mumble into his sweatshirt and he chuckled. This was the same conversation we had nearly every morning. 
“And do what princess? Mm? Follow you to the library and sit around while you put away books?” He joked and I huff. 
“Yes. Exactly that.” I said and look up at him, puckering my lips, knowing I wouldn’t win this battle possibly ever unless he was actually sick. 
“Mmhmm I’m sure y’boss would love to just have a chef loitering around all day waiting for her star employee” he teased, leaning down and giving me a sweet, tender goodbye kiss. 
“Be safe.” I said softly when he pulled away, cupping his cheek and rubbing over his cheekbone with my thumb. He leaned into my touch, sighing softly and eyes fluttering shut. 
“Always. We have a big catering order today, so if I don’t text back that’s why. What do you want f’r lunch in case I forget to ask?” He took my hand, gently kissing my palm. 
“Mmm- dunno. Surprise me, nothin’ spicy but you knew that” I said, covering my mouth as I yawn. 
“Surprise it’ll be then baby” he leaned in, kissing me once more before pulling away and rubbing my stomach signaling it was that dreaded time. 
I sigh, sitting up off his lap and giving him a big hug, kissing his cheek with a smooch “have a good day baby” I said softly into his damp hair, kissing his head once more before letting him go. 
“Thank you angel, lock the door behind me please” he said and I nod, following him to the door and see Persephone was sat on top of his shoes in the hallway.  
“See I think Persephone says you should stay home too” I smile and he shook his head with a grin. 
“Not t’day snowball” he picks her up, kissing her head and he licks the tip of his nose, causing him to scrunch it adorably. 
“Ugh fish breath” he mutters and I giggle. 
“She looooooves her Carmy, isn’t that right little baby?” I scratch her chin and he plops her in my arms so he can slip on his sneakers. 
“Mmhmm and I love her too but duty calls, stinky” he tells her in a sweet voice and kisses her head once more before pecking my lips once he had his shoes on and opening the door. 
“And put some panties on Winnie the Pooh” he said in my ear, spanking my bum lightly before heading down the hall. 
I laughed “Sorry- I’ll make sure to put your leftovers away sooner next time” I call after him teasingly, shutting the door behind me and clicking it locked.
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I was in the Young Adult section at the library, putting returned books back on the shelf, when I felt my phone start buzzing in my bra. I fished it out, abandoning my cart of books I’d yet to put away, quickly heading to the employee back room once I realized it was Carmy. 
I clicked green answer button. “Hey Bear! How’s the-“ he cuts me off suddenly. 
“Hey- um- hey. I need like- a huge favor baby”  
He said nervously. I put a concerned hand on my hip, nervously pacing the break room. “What is it love? Are you ok? Are you hurt?” I asked, already on edge due to the anxiety lacing his tone. 
“No- no I’m ok- it’s uh. Syd. She’s….fuck I’m sorry - her stomach? Something about her stomach. She’s in the office right now, she can like- barely move but she doesn’t want to go to the hospital and uhh.” I could see him in my mind nervously shaking his hand and pacing. 
“Okay- okay I’m coming. Is it like a girl tummy ache- or something different?” I asked, grabbing my purse and light jacket I’d worn, quickly putting it on as I held my phone pressed to my cheek and shoulder.
“No - no way honey. This is like- she can barely speak - I’ve never…I’m scared baby.” He said, his voice cracking a bit. 
“Shhh. It’s ok, it’s ok, Bear- Syd has had stomach ulcer problems in the past, I need you to get her to try and eat something, ok? Shes gonna say no, but she has to eat- the acid in her stomach is irritating her. I’m coming. I’m grabbing an Uber right now, breathe baby. It’s all gonna be fine” I said and he took a deep trembling breath. 
“Ye’…yeah. Ok. Okay, I’ll see you baby, be safe” he said and I sigh softly. 
“Always” I said softly and hung up. I shoved my phone in my coat pocket, untucking my hair and heading to my bosses office. 
I lightly knocked, waiting for her ‘come in’ before nudging the door open. 
“Hey- Family emergency, I have to head out. Could you let Jessie know I left some returns in the YA section?” I ask and she nods. 
“Hope everything’s ok, call me if you can’t make it in Monday.” She said and I nodded. 
“Thank you” I told her before shutting her office door behind me. 
The Uber ride to The Bear was torturous, I’d texted Syd thrice - to no avail. She was constantly pushing herself so hard- that she was making herself literally burn from the inside out. I’d told her time and time again, from everything I’d learned in my 3 years at college- stress can literally kill you, and that she should really take some time off before she seriously injured herself- but unfortunately she never listened. 
I got out of the car when we’d barely come to a full stop, rushing to the front door, stepping inside and seeing Sugar at the host stand. “Oh- thank god- Carmy is freaked out Winnie- he literally is convinced she’s dying- can you go cool him off? Please?” She begs and I nodded quickly, heading behind the counter and pushing the back door open to the loud kitchen. 
Everytime I was here during the day, I made it a point not to come in this way because the environment made my skin crawl. The noise, the lights, the crashing of pans and pots, the yelling, the sudden bursts of flames while various chefs flambéd dishes that would singe your hair if you weren’t paying attention. 
I swallowed thickly “uh- oops! Sorry” I squeak, quickly getting out of a foodrunners way as he briskly moved past me, shoving the door open with his hip and heading to the front of the restaurant with a large tray of food he held with one hand over his shoulder. 
“Uh- behind you? I’m behind you!” I tried to call over the noise as I pass various people. Usually if I came through the front, Carmy greeted me and people parted for us like Moses and the Red Sea- but without his presence, I was just another body in here and no one seemed to even realize I was there. 
I finally made it back to the hall where the offices were, taking a deep breath to center myself before pushing open the door. 
Carmen was knelt in front of the big comfy couch in Sugars office, offering Syd some water. 
“Winnie- if you don’t get your boyfriend the fuck away from me- I’m gonna peel off his skin and enjoy it” Syd said through gritted teeth. 
“Syd- Syd- eat. Y’have t’eat.” He pleads and I shut the door to silence out all the noise. 
“Carmy” I said softly and he looks up at me, concern and worry written all over his face. “Take a walk, yeah? Go have a cigarette ok?” I said gently and squat next to him, rubbing his shoulder that was hard as a rock with all the tension he was currently holding. 
“No- no. She’s sick Winnie. She’s just bein’ a jagoff because she hates bein’ cared for. Cmon syd” he looks at her and she glared back at me with the fire of 1000 suns, a look that if I was quite honest- scared me slightly. 
“Bear” I gently play with his curls, earning his attention once more. “What Syd needs right now, is the energy in the room to be calm, and you’re literally vibrating with anxiety. Please, f’me? Go relax. Ok?” I said and kiss his temple. 
He huffs and got up, leaving the room with a hard closing of the door, but not quite a slam. I look at Syd, and before I could start, we both hear Carmy going off 
“I’m steppin’ out f’r 5 FUCKIN MINUTES- If that GOD DAMN DIRTY BOWL I ALREADYTOLD SOMEONE TO WASH IS STILL SITTING AT THE EXPO WHEN I GET BACK HEADS WILL ROLL FUCKERS. MOVE. IM NOT FUCKIN’ AROUND T’DAYISN’T THE FUCKIN’ DAY “ he barks before we hear his heavy footsteps stomping off down the hall and a harsh slam of the back door. 
Syd rolls her eyes and I gently sit next to her. “See what I have to deal with? And you wonder why I’m - fffuuuuck oh my gooooddd” she groans, keeling over and laying on my lap as she clutches her stomach. “Fucking kill me. Oh my god- kill me please” she moaned in pain. 
I gently rub her arm, digging through my purse and taking out one of my vials of RSO I kept in there for emergencies. “Here, Y’gonna have to go home- but..it’s gonna make it stop” I told her. 
“Give it. Give it. Whatever it fucking is. I’d literally take heroin right now holy shit Winnie it feels like I’m being stabbed” she said, hands shaking from how much pain she was in. 
“Open.” I told her, tilting her face towards me. “Tongue up” I said when she opened her mouth and I squirt a decent glob of oil under her tongue. 
She closed her mouth, nose scrunching at the taste “what the fuck is that weed?!” She mumbles and I nod. 
“Mmhmm, well kinda- don’t swallow. Let it sit until the pain stops enough that you forget about it and wonder why your mouth is so full of spit” I teased, gently dabbing her sweaty forehead with a napkin from my purse. 
“Thank you” she mumbled, closing her eyes and sighing softly as she waited for it to kick in. 
“He was really worried, Syd.” I said after a few minutes of silence, when I knew the pain had started to dull since her hands had stopped shaking. 
She shook her head in annoyance, unable to speak yet because of the oil and scrunching her nose as if to say ‘he shouldn’t be.’ 
“Y’re his only friend. Other then me, and Richie. But Richie raised him. Of course he’s gonna worry for you. Especially when you’re like- near the point of vomiting blood because of how bad this is getting. You have to do the surgery, Syd.” I said and with that she swallowed, sitting up and looking at me. 
“No- no. Winnie. No! I’m- I can’t. I can’t and I won’t. It’s not even that bad and I’m not vomiting blood miss theatrics- I’m not gonna take 3 weeks off work to do a stupid surgery that isn’t even guaranteed to find anything wrong! What if they go in there and find nothing and I’m back at square one- and out of work for THREE WEEKS?! I can’t leave Tina yet, she- she’s. No. I can’t let her drown. Carmy too- a-and Richie. We can’t-“ I inturrupt her 
“Sydney.” I said in a dead serious tone. “Y’need to get it. This is literally like - this should not even be a discussion at this point! The reason the doctor wants you to have it is because before they can just give you all these medicines to fix your gut bacteria that’s all shot from fucking stress- it’ll hurt you more on the very slim chance you don’t have a stress ulcer, but it is something with your stomach, Syd. It’s an exploratory surgery they don’t do those for no reason.” I said as Carmen came in and his eyes nearly fell out of his head. 
“Surgery?!” He exclaims and slams the door shut behind him. “What? Syd- what’s going on. This isn’t a stomachache you didn’t just eat somethin’ that’s not agreeing with you. What is it, Sydney” she said and I crossed my arms, sitting back and letting her do the talking. 
A slow smile grows on her face, and she covers her mouth with her hands as she begins to giggle. Fair to say the oil has now done its trick. 
“Have I ever told you, when you get mad, there’s this vein in your forehead- and- it’s- it’s so funny” she said, causing me to start laughing with her. 
Carm’s eyes flickered to mine. “What the hell did you give her?” He asks and I shrug with a smirk. 
“Somethin’ t’make her floaty, and” I shield my mouth from Syd so only Carm could see “agreeable” I mouthed and he smiled a bit, shaking his head. 
“Syd.” He looks at her. 
“Caaarrrmeeennnn” she replied in a sing-songy voice “I need to get back to the spice mixture for my cod now- but this was a great chat guys. Winnie- you’re the best” she said and got up, heading towards the door. 
“Noooo ya’ don’t” Carmen stops her, spinning her around by the shoulders and leading her back to the couch. She groaned dramatically, sitting down next to me once more. “What is this about a surgery, Syd?” He asked, pulling up the rolling chair and sitting in front of us. 
“A stuuuuupiiiidd surgery Carmen. Stupid. Doctors wanna slice me open and prod around hoping they find something. And then when they don’t i'll be stuck at home with my dad glued to my bedside, for no fucking reason, and I’ll loose three weeks minimum of work. And that’s if they find nothing. If they do find something, I’ll have to schedule another surgery and I’ll be out for SIX weeks.” She said and Carm nods, rubbing over his face for a moment as he thinks. 
“And how long have they been buggin’ you t’get this surgery, Syd?” He asked finally, brushing his hair back and looking at her seriously. 
“Mmm….” She crossed her arms, averting his gaze “7 months” she mumbles. 
“What?!” Carmen leans forward in disbelief. “Say that- say that again? I know y’didnt just say you’ve been dealin’ w’this f’r a fuckin year” he said and she shrugged. 
“They reccomended it a year ago, they’ve just been hounding me for the past 7 months. It’s really not that bad, Carm.” She said and he shook his head, getting up and going over to the filing cabinet silently. 
“What are you doing?” Sydney sits up as he opens a drawer, thumbing through different file folders before popping out what looked to be a blank information sheet of some kind and plops back down in the chair, rolling over to the desk and beginning to fill it out with a pen. 
“Carmen - what are you” she stood up, looking at the form he was filling out “no” she said, ripping it from under his pen and crumpling it up, throwing it in the wastebasket next to the desk. “Fuck you. No” she seethed. 
“What’s going on?” I sit up. 
“Syd- there’s like 50 million copies, I really don’t want to do it like this, but I know you aren’t gonna do it unless I make you do it.” He said and got up, walking back over to the same filing cabinet. 
She followed him, holding the drawer containing the forms closed with her hand. “No! Carmen are you fucking kidding me?! You aren’t my fucking parent. Stop! We are equals here! You can’t do this” she said and he shook his head, resting his hand atop the cabinet. 
“Sydney. This isn’t a discussion, are you really gonna make me say it, you’re really gonna push me?” He asked lowly. 
She crosses her arms, “say it.” She countered chest quickly moving with rapid angry breaths. 
“As your partner. I’m ordering you, mm? It’s an order, Sydney. Y’gonna go to the back, Y’gonna empty out your locker- because y’not gonna be around here for a while, and you are going to come back to this office, Y’gonna take the short term disability form I give you, Y’gonna call them, file. it. I will be checking, and then, Y’gonna schedule whatever fuckin procedure you need, and when your doctor clears you to come back in the kitchen, then, and only then will you return to work. I’m being more then fair, considering you’re making me force you t’do this, so I’ll be paying you your full wages while you’re out. Even though, im gonna have to train 3 dumb fucks to even-“ he shook his head, sighing deeply. “T’even keep us runnin’ half as well. So there. There. You wanted me to fuckin’ play mean mentor partner there ya go.” He said before opening up the drawer, plucking out another blank form and sitting back at the desk. 
She scoffs, looking to me. “You’re just gonna let him do this?” She narrowed her eyes at me, brows furrowed with anger.  
“Syd- this..this isn’t my restaurant…you only answer to-“ Carmy cuts me off. 
“Do not. No. Sydney, out. Step the fuck out, now. Y’not doin’ this t’her. She fuckin-“ he shakes his head, rubbing his eyes before pointing to the door. 
“Fuckin- go. Go before I say shit I’ll regret. Leave. Now.” He orders her and she left the office with a loud slam of the door. 
I sighed, dropping my head back on the couch and closing my eyes, wanting to melt into a puddle on the floor. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry baby” he sighed, the soft sounds of pen on paper filling the silence. 
“Not your fault” I mumbled, crossing my arms. 
“I-it is. Babe I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be bringin’ you into this shit. It’s not fair, she’s your friend” he said. 
“Exactly- she’s my friend. I love her, Carm. She’s a hard headed fuck at times, but it’s because she loves being here. She just- has this idea that I have some semblance of control over what you do” I took off my shoes before sitting crisscrossed on the couch. 
He snorts a dry laugh, shaking his head. “Well. I mean, not full control- but I listen to you” he gives me a small smirk and I roll my eyes. 
“In our relationship of course. But I can’t honestly give you advice about that. Shes gonna cool off and apologize, to you too babe. Shes gonna realize we just want her better” I sighed softly. 
He nodded, continuing to fill out the form. “I get if you don’t wanna sit around here, want me t’drive you home?” He asked. 
I shook my head “why not? Well if I can stay back here. I don’t like being in the kitchen like at all” I said and he chuckled. 
“Why? Too busy?” He asked
“Too busy, too loud, too bright, to many stabbey things, too many people, too many smells, too much yelling.” I said, pulling my kindle out of my purse. “But back here I have a comfy couch, my books, and my bear. So, I’m ok here” i smile a bit and he rolled over, giving me a peck on the lips. 
“Thank you f’comin, honey. Really” he tucked my hair behind my ear. 
“Baby, any time. If you’re ever scared, or need to talk, or just- I dunno…need a hug? I’m here. That’s what I’m for.” I said and he kissed my nose sweetly. 
“Then I’m the luckiest guy alive” he said softly before kissing my lips in the way that gave me a feeling of a swarm of monarchs being trapped in my chest.  
“Oh you are the mushiest ever” I said and kissed the cute little moles on his cheek.
The door slammed open and Syd comes in “give it.” She snipped, outstretching her hand. 
Carm rolls back over to the desk, handing her the form and she plucks it from his hands. He sighed, crossing his arms over his chest and they look at eachother in silence, almost like 2 lions deciding if it was worth it to continue a fight over dominance. 
“Please.” She said quietly after a few moments, her big brown eyes teary. 
“Syd” he said softly, signing to her ‘I’m sorry’ over his chest and i bit my lip, looking out the window, trying to appear uninterested so that they could have some semblance of privacy. 
“Then I want you to get your back checked out. Fair is fair, Carmen.” She said shakily. 
My eyes flicker back over to him and he sits back in his chair, rubbing over his chin for a moment as he thought. “Fine. Fine. I’ll go to the doctor. Back pain is different Syd you know this. But fuckin’ whatever. I’ll go if it’ll make you get Y’r surgery” he said and she nodded once. 
“Fair is fair” she outstretched her hand for him to shake, and he rolled his eyes. 
“Really, we have to seal this with a handshake?” He asked. 
“Fair, is fair.” She replied and he shook her hand firmly. 
“And I’m sorry” she said to me. I nodded 
“It’s okay, I know this is…it’s hard, kid. I get it. But did you have to give me the near impossible task of getting him to the doctor?” I tease with a smile. 
The faintest upturn of a smile replaced her frown and she shrugs. “It’s his deal to go through on. I’ll be checking.” She repeated his words from earlier and he gave her a smug smile. 
“And how will you do that? You don’t know what doctor I see, or if I’ll just go to an urgent care and have some random ass doctor write me a pain pill prescription and that’s it.” He countered. 
“Oh- because I have eyes on you at every angle.” She told him. “I’m always watching.” She teased, closing the office door behind her when she left. 
“What- is she gettin’ daily reports from you ‘er somethin?” He asks and I laughed, shrugging a bit. 
“Mmm. Not reports. I don’t like tell her everything, but- mood reports” I giggle and Richie opens the door. 
“What the fuck are you doing?! How are we gonna run this shit without Syd?!” He shuts the door behind him and looks over to me. “Sorry sweetheart, nice t’see you” he gives me an apologetic smile before turning back to Carm. “You let her go?!” He asks and Carmen looks at him as if he had 3 heads. 
“Let her go?! No, jagoff. I told her to take short term, I’m paying her full wages as long as she needs, and she’s gonna be back when she’s fuckin’ better.” Carmy explained. 
“Short term? Short term termination? Short term what?!” Richie asked frustratedly. 
“You IDIOT. SHORT TERM DISABILITY!” He shouts at him and I flinch. 
“Carmen” I said sharply, he quickly looks over to me. 
“That scares me. Please. You don’t need to yell, Bear- also- you aren’t an idiot, Richie. He’s just…in a mood.” I said softly and Carm’s cheeks flush red.  
“ok” he muttered, turning back to Richie. “It’s-“ he takes a deep breath. “It’s fine. I have it under control. What I need you t’do, is ask Nat for the login shit for the recruiting website she used to find the runners and shit. Can you handle that f’me while I figure out how this shits gonna work while Syds out?” He asked him calmly, but I could still…feel him. His energy. He’s way too wound up. 
I wish I could just tell him to come home, talk it out with him, I knew all of this rage was just him burying his fear. He was so fucking scared. 
“I can. I can do that” Richie nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. “So- so what’re we doin’ what’s the fuckin plan?” He asked and I give him a look. 
I knew he had to get out of here or Carm was going to rip in to him just because he could. “Richie, Syd just left- like 5 minutes before you came in here? Carmy is still working that out…can you- can you do me a favor?” I asked and his brows raised in surprise. 
“Yea? Yeah. Wha’dyou need?” He asked. 
“Can you go get that stuff from Nat and then make me a grilled cheese? Eva said you make really good grilled cheese. So Carmy can have some quiet time to figure this out, and you guys can tell everyone what’s going on together.” I look at Carm. 
“Because you don’t have to do everything alone, you’re a team. Breaking difficult news is hard, but when you have the people you love with you, it can make it easier to bare the weight.” I said, looking directly at Carmen. 
Carm nodded, swallowing thickly and biting at the inside of his lip nervously. “Sure- yeah. She uh…she said that?” Richie asked and I smiled, looking over to him once again. 
“She specifically said - ‘My daddy makes the best grilled cheese in the whole wide world’ “ I told him and he smiled a bit, a light blush creeping to his cheeks. 
“Alright well the kid has quite the flare f’dramatics, but I can make a pretty good grilled cheese. Comin’ right up” he said and headed back out to the kitchen, shutting the door behind him. 
Carm got up, locking the door, before coming over to the couch and laying down with his head in my lap. I knew he didn’t have the confidence to ask, so I gently start scratching his head in the way that he liked and his eyes fluttered shut. He let out a deep sigh, like a pressure valve releasing so it wouldn’t explode. 
“So let’s make a plan, baby. I don’t think you need three. I think you know that but you’re planning for someone to drop” I said softly, gently stroking my nails through his hair. 
“Cause someone will drop babe it’s how it fuckin goes. If I hire 2 we’re gonna be left short when one quits because they aren’t as good as the other one.” He said. 
“Well why do you say that, baby?” I asked. 
“Because no one’s gonna fight to be the best when they inevitably find out they’re a temp” he said and I furrow my brows. 
“Carmen. You weren’t planning on hiring someone without telling them right?” I asked and he got quiet. “Carmen. Are you kidding me?! Absolutely not! Oh my god that is so- so mean baby!” I said and his cheeks heat. 
“Well who the fuck is gonna wanna work here when we already have a full fuckin staff?!” He asked annoyed. 
“Because you are the best fucking restaurant in Chicago, are you kidding me baby?! Just like you sent Richie to Ever to gain experience? There are fucking talented chefs Carmy, ones like Richie who don’t have the time to save and go to super nice culinary school like you did and garner that expirience. There would be a line out the door if you were honest and said ‘hey who wants a 2 month opportunity at a luxury fine dining restaurant that’s been nominated for best new restaurant by the JBF in its first year open’ “ I told him. 
He was quiet for a moment, thinking it over. “I guess” he mutters. 
“Babe cmon we can write the posting together. We don’t even have to do all this today. Don’t rush, y’know what would be a good idea?” I ask. He hums in response. “I think, that you should go back out there, work as usual, keep Syd’s stations covered best you can, and we can have a nice Sunday together, relax, recharge, and then we’ll have Palm Sunday dinner with the family, and then on Monday, you can come in fresh and rested with a great plan on what you’ll tell everyone with Richie.” I explain. 
He contemplated for a moment, looking over at the desk in thought before looks up at me, “thank you.” He said softly. I gently caress his cheek with my knuckle. 
“Nothin’ to thank me for, Bear.” I said and he took my hand, placing a gentle kiss to my knuckles. 
“There’s too much to thank you for. We’d be here forever” he mumbled against my fingers with a small smile.  
“You’re getting mushier by the day” I ruffle his hair and the doorknob jiggles. 
“D’you still want this?” Richie calls from outside. 
“Yeah! Sorry” I said getting up when Carmen got off my lap. I opened the door and Richie offers me a plate with 2 grilled cheeses. 
“He hasn’t eaten” he said so only we could hear and I nod. 
“Thank you, best cousin ever” I took the plate. 
“Course, anytime. Oh Carm” he looks to him “user is MBerzatto87 password is fuckin password234.” He said and Carm chuckled a bit. 
“I coulda guessed that shit. But I guess I was hopeful he gave more a shit about cybersecurity” he shook his head. 
“RICHIE. DID YOU TOUCH MY ORANGE ZEST?!” Tina shouts from the kitchen and Richie heads back 
“What the fuck would I need orange zest for?” He yells back as I shut the door, locking it once again. 
“How do things always go missing?” I giggle a bit, sitting next to him and placing the plate on his lap, taking one of the sandwiches and taking a bite. 
“Cause people at the same stations doin’ the same thing will think they already did their orange zest, and just take it.” He said, staring at the plate on his lap. “Also I’m not hungry” he put the plate on the desk. 
I shrugged, putting my sandwich back on the plate. “Okay” I said, brushing off my hands before grabbing my kindle again and continuing to read. 
“What- what’re you doin’ babe. Eat” he said, putting the plate on my lap. 
“I’m not hungry” I said, not looking up from the page. 
“Yes you are, you - you don’t ask for food unless you’re hungry, Winnie.” He said. 
“Mm- I like it when we eat together. I don’t wanna eat by myself so, my appetite is gone.” I lie with a shrug. 
“Y’really gonna be difficult right now?” He asked and in response, I playfully stuck out my tongue before going back to reading. 
“Oh you are a child” he huffs, picking up the untouched sandwich and taking a bite. 
“Oo! I’m hungry again!” I teased, grabbing mine as well and taking another bite. 
He snorts a laugh, rolling his eyes. “Y’re lucky y’cute” he said before taking another bite. 
I smiled, “I love winning you over. It’s my favorite game” I said teasingly. 
“Yeah yeah, I’m just saving myself, you turn into a tiny demon when you’re hungry. Especially on your cycle” he said and I laughed. 
“You’ve learned your lesson though so you don’t have to meet that demon again as long as you keep us fed.” I peel off the crust, setting it on the plate. 
“You don’t like the crust?” He asked. 
“No…well- I don’t know..really. I didn’t as a kid, but Chris did, so I always gave it to him. Never stopped” I said, staring at the crust on the plate as I got lost in memories of sitting in the school cafeteria with Chris over lunch, carefully peeling off the crust after taking my first bite and putting it on the top of the empty ziplock he’d taken his sandwich from. 
“That’s sweet. I’m sure he’s happy you still leave it for him” he said. My heart melts at the sentiment and I gently kissed his cheek before resuming eating my sandwich. 
“I don’t like pickles, so when we were kids- Mikey always picked em off for me.” He says quietly and I looked up at him. It wasn’t often that he brought up stories about Michael, so each one I safely tucked away in my mind where I’d never forget. 
“I love pickles, I could eat a whole jar if you let me. I’ll always take unwanted pickles” I smiled a bit. 
“Ahhh ok. So you’re a sour person not a spicy person. It’s usually one or the other” he said before finishing off his sandwich. 
“Yes- exactly. You like spicy stuff? We haven’t eaten a single spicy thing” I said and he nods. 
“Love spicy shit. But you don’t, so doesn’t really matter” he shrugged. 
“Wha- Carmy. No! No you can eat spicy things, I feel bad. I don’t want it to always be what I like. Just like- make mine less spicy” I said. 
“It’s fine babe, I try spicy stuff here all the time. Plus the food I like with a ton of spice in it is usually Indian and Filipino and shit where the whole profile is about the heat and the spice so-“ I inturrupt him. 
“You like Filipino food?!” I asked and he nods 
“Yeah- why, do you?” He asks and I nod happily 
“My neighbor! Ms.Mendoza! She’s from the Philippines! Before you started bringing me dinner I’d usually stop by her place because she always made too much and asked me if I wanted it, you have to talk to her babe she’s like- amazing! I’m sure you guys will have so much in common she loves cooking- and she has like all these connections back home in the Philippines and they send her spice mixes and stuff for her to try. You have to try this stew- she calls it um..” I think for a moment “inew? Inihaw? Yeah- I think that’s it. Inihaw na leimpo! “ I said excitedly. 
“Oh- the lady- the lady I met?” He asked and I nod. 
“Yeah- I…I never asked- was she there when you got there?” I asked
“She- well” he chuckled. “Almost knocked me out with her cane cause I guess she thought I was trying to break in, cause I heard you screamin’ and I was trying to pick the lock, I told her I was a friend and she didn’t really believe me, but then she saw the flowers and she nearly dropped the keys getting the door open.” He said and my cheeks go pink. 
“I’m…I’m sorry- she’s like….such a grandma. She’s been hounding me about a boyfriend since I moved in don’t mind her pushyness about it. She’s been trying to hook me up with her friends grandsons left and right” I finished off my sandwich. 
“Well, she can stop looking now right?” He asks. 
I brushed my hands off before nervously picking at my nail polish at the question. “What does that mean?” I asked and the room went eerily silent for what felt like minutes. 
“Cause’…” he trails off. “Are you…are you still seeing other people?” He asks and I look over at him. 
“No. No, Carmy. No just you..are you?” I asked and he shook his head. “So…what does that mean?” I asked biting the inside of my lip nervously. 
“I…I dunno…” he looked at the clock. “I uh- I have to get out there, you still wanna hang out here?” He asked. 
I swallowed thickly, realizing that I didn’t want to be here all day if he was just going to run away. 
“So…what Syd said. You’re- you’re my boyfriend now?” I asked and he went pale as a sheet. 
I stare at him, waiting for a response, and he opens his mouth like he was going to say something but he closes it again, nervously rubbing his lips together. 
“Well- are you?” I ask. 
“So- so Y’re like…my girlfriend now?” He asked. 
“That’s my question, am I your girlfriend?” I asked and he shrugged. 
“I guess? I dunno…I’ve never done this I just…kinda assumed?” He said rubbing his neck nervously. 
“Well- I don’t remember you ever asking me…” I nudge his knee with mine gently. 
“You didn’t ask me to be your boyfriend either!!” He said. 
“Because I knew you’d freak out! And like- Y’re a masculine guy Carm I didn’t wanna make you feel insecure!” I exclaim. 
“Okay fine! Will you be my girlfriend?” He asks, a small smile on his lips. 
“Hmmmmm….” I put my finger to my lips, pretending to contemplate. “Of course I will dummy” I pull him into a deep wanting kiss and he hums happily, gently rubbing over my hip with his palm. 
“Y’know y’mine baby I tell you like every day” he said, his breath fanning my lips. 
I look up at him, biting my lip to contain a grin. “I dunno…I thought you said it just t’like..please me when we fool around, I didn’t know you meant it.” I said softly. 
“I’d never say something I don’t mean baby, everything I tell you I really mean” he leans in, kissing me again. But this kiss was sweeter, somehow more intimate then the last. It felt…truthful. 
I gently cup his cheek, humming softly and he pulls away when the doorknob to the office starts to jiggle and someone pounds on it. 
“Chef?! We need more hands out here if we’re gonna be gettin’ this order out on time are you with us?” Tina calls through the door. 
“Duty calls” he sighs softly. “You know where to find me baby” he kissed my forehead sweetly before heading back out to the kitchen.
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➵ 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ♡♡♡
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impishtubist · 3 months
happy birthday, krabapple <3
Your fics have brought me such joy since the LiveJournal days, so here, I knocked up Remus for you. I hope you have a great rest of your day <3 @lizlemonbennet
(many thanks to the discord for doing a plot spitballing session with me many many moons ago regarding remus getting pregnant and his students being mad about it, y'all are the real mvps. also I hope someone writes the 100K version of this someday.)
At first, Harry didn’t bat an eye at the owls that swept in periodically throughout breakfast that morning, dropping off letters for Sirius before flying off again. Out of everyone in the household, Sirius got the most correspondence, and it wasn’t unusual for there to be a flurry of owls in their home for the first few hours of the morning. 
He did take notice when the pile grew to be twenty letters, and then thirty. Even more noticeable, Sirius wasn’t even opening them. 
“Er, Sirius,” he said, after the fortieth owl swept in and then out again. “You didn’t get voted Sexiest Wizard Alive again, did you?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Harry,” Sirius said, giving him a smile that was only slightly strained. “That contest isn’t until May.”
“Do you have another fan club?” Teddy asked.
“Okay,” Harry said, “then why aren’t you opening your mail?”
“I want to enjoy breakfast with my boys!” Sirius said, though the cheer in his voice sounded slightly forced. “It’s your first day home from school. I can read the mail later.” 
“Isn’t that Hermione’s handwriting?” Teddy piped up, pointing at a letter near the top of the pile. Before he could stop himself, Harry snatched it up, his Seeker’s reflexes outwitting Sirius’s. 
“Dear Lord Black,” he read out loud, fending off Sirius’s attempts to grab the letter with one hand, “I am incredibly disappointed to learn that Professor Lupin will be unable to teach for the rest of the school year--and, most importantly, will be unable to oversee our NEWTs--thanks to your actions, and I hope that you take this into consideration in the future should you decide to procreate again…”
Harry wrinkled his nose and tossed the letter at Sirius. “Gross, Sirius.” 
“I didn’t write the letter! Take it up with Hermione.”
“Are they all like that?”
“At least there aren’t any Howlers this time,” Sirius said, slumping back in his chair. “I’ve been getting them for days, ever since Remus announced his pregnancy and his intention to take a leave of absence starting at the holidays. Your classmates are very upset.”
“Your timing could have been better,” Harry said. “In more ways than one.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Come on, Sirius.” Harry rolled his eyes. “Remus is almost five months, yeah? You know what else was almost five months ago? My birthday. You two are gross and I hate you.” 
“No, you don’t.” Sirius got up for more coffee. As he passed behind Harry and Teddy, he kissed them both on top of the head. “Your friends do, though.” 
“It is your fault their favorite and most competent professor is out of commission for the rest of the year.”
“I will personally write every single OWL and NEWT student a glowing letter of recommendation. No matter what their scores are this year while Professor Lupin is on sabbatical, they will have their pick of jobs after graduation. Happy?” 
“That includes us, right?”
“Yes, of course it does.”
Harry stuck out his hand. “Deal.”
Sirius shook his hand, and then Teddy’s, and at that moment Remus came into the kitchen. He had stopped being able to fit into his own clothes, and was now stealing Sirius’s sweaters and joggers. Those wouldn’t do for much longer, Harry thought, but figured that was a battle his guardians could fight on their own.
“Oh, dear,” Remus said, spotting the pile of letters. Several had fallen to the floor. “That’s…”
“At least a quarter of the student body,” Sirius said. 
“I’m sorry, love.” 
“As your eldest has so helpfully pointed out, it is all my fault.”
“Well,” Remus said with a wink, “not all your fault.”
“Right!” Harry said, standing abruptly. “I’m off! Come on, Teds. Let’s get out of here before they get more disgusting.”
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In the vein of my previous prompt - Alec realizing early on that he can’t have Jace or Izzy under his command. They aren’t able to separate being his sibling versus being his subordinate and it’s a problem. I just want to see Alec realize that they are absolutely the type to use him and his power to do what they want. Self entitled favoritism in the worst way and that’s not okay and what kind of example would he be setting if he allowed such a thing? He could never be called a fair leader in that environment and he can’t allow it.
this is in walls of adoration, claws of desperation verse where alec is older.
i hope you enjoy!
Alec stares at his younger siblings and wonders what his parents and the clave were thinking.
Both of them have mulish, stubborn expressions on their faces and Alec can recognize pride and arrogance when he sees it.
“Both of you clean up, then report for ichor duty.” Alec tells them with a sigh. He’s not even disappointed, more annoyed that it’s really going to come to this barely a week after his arrival. For their own sake, he’d hoped his siblings what have a little more discipline.
“What?” Izzy yells and she and Jace actually look alarmed, like they didn’t expect any repercussions. “Alec ichor duty is for trainees.”
Jace nods, arms crossed as he scowls and they’re both so young, so green and so unaware of the dangers they’ll someday actually face. Maybe if he’d been raised with them, he’d feel inclined to protect them as they learned at their own rate, but Alec knows the kind of stubbornness these two have.
It would be a losing battle and unless Alec ended up sacrificing himself, they’d both end up in the same place but with worse consequences.
“The two of you are trainees.” Alec reminds them both, “insubordinate trainees. Trainees who broke the rules, their leaders’ orders and also caused significant amount of damage to mundane infrastructures. Damage that could have been avoided if you’d obeyed.”
Jace grumbles something and Alec knows Jace, he doesn’t respond well to public call outs, so Alec ignores him and focuses on the both of them.
“You’re both on ichor duty until a commander from Idris comes to pick you up.”
“A commander from Idris?” Jace asks, voice small and Alec wonders just how little stability these two have in the world, with parents like Maryse and Robert.
“You’re both going to Idris, to be evaluated. You’re overdue for it, both of you and after they’ll send you to Institutes to train.”
“Why won’t they just send us back here? With you?” Izzy asks and Alec is surprised by the fact that they think he’d want them back.
“Because it’s a conflict of interest now that you’re official trainees. Technically speaking, you’re both overdue for transfers.”
Izzy looks like she’s about to cry and Alec almost tells her that the conflict of interest is just a loophole Alec is using to get rid of them, when he reminds himself to be nice. These are his little siblings, there is no need to use psychological warfare against them… yet.
“There’s every possibility that you can transfer back, when you’re both fully fledged hunters and actually completed your training.” Alec tells them, voice low like when he’s around the horses and elk of Lake Lynn. If Alec is still in charge there is no way he’ll accept the transfers — unless the reports on them are very good and they pass his personal evaluation — but once again, it’s not something he needs to explain to them.
“But we’re already the best!” Jace protests, “Maryse says I’m her top shadowhunter.”
Izzy doesn’t look so convinced, her gaze darting over to Jace with the barest hint of envy and shame and Alec sighs, not about to try and figured out what that’s about.  That’s for their trainers to beat out of them and their medics to work through.
“You are her best trainee, perhaps.” Alec allows but then he shakes his head, “but Jace, there are a lot of trainees, all over the world. You deserves to be able to meet them and teach them and learn from them in turn. It’ll be good for you.”
Jace looks like the last thing he agrees with is the idea that it will be good for him and Alec chuckles and very gently, ruffles his hair. Jace looks both pleased and displeased, like a dog who loves playing in water but hates baths.
“I’ll help you both pack, alright? We don’t know when you’re coming back here. That means you learn to live on the go.”
“But Alec, my clothes!” Izzy protests and Alec shrugs, because this is something she’s going to have to learn to live with.
“You figure out your favorite styles and then you commission fighting gear in as close to that style as you can get, Izzy. You need proper outfitting, not the costume clothes you’re getting from mundane stores.”
Izzy flushes, but Alec knows for a fact that not a single artisan in Idris would ever make something so flashy for hunting demons, shiny white leather defeated the purposes of lingering in the shadows and no distraction was worth the element of surprise when they hunted.
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mrspockify · 7 months
First off, I LOVE your Mute Mario AU it's amazing! Especially your recent post of Mario worrying about his girl going through the same things he went through.
I had some questions about Mute Papa Mario and his daughter actually (forgot her name if she has one yet). What do you think Mario's relationship with her daughter would be like? I imagine it would be very wholesome based on Mario's supporting her and she admires and loves him so much! (I also bet Luigi's the awesome uncle she blabs about while Mario looks at her pridefully and signs something like "That's my brother all right" while Luigi is sobbing tears of joy and laughing happily.)
What would be Mario and his daughters' favorite activities to do together? Sports? Drawing? Go-karting? Or something else?
Also, if her daughter gets picked on or attempted to be kidnapped by Bowser (or any villain really), how do you think Mario will react? No doubt he'll save her obviously, but I can imagine the villains feel this chill as they see Mario's face and NO mercy is shown.
Apologies if this is too much. Feel free to limit it to one question if it's too many questions for you. LOVE your AU once again and hope you continue this AU! Hope you're doing well!
Thank you so much!! 💕
Oh, Mario adores his daughter, more than pretty much anything else. She’s his everything! He takes Mia everywhere with him, showing her the world around them and fostering an explorative nature early on (she’s just like him after all—so curious!). He’s insanely attentive to her every need, and definitely has a tendency to spoil her a bit 🤭 (a very common sign in their household is placing a finger to his chin, then moving it away while shaking his head and gesturing to Peach—“don’t tell mom.”)
But she also loves him so much too! Peach and Luigi both make sure to regale her with tales of Mario’s heroic adventures, so she learns pretty quickly just how amazing her dad is. She looks up to him a lot, and wants to be just like him. She definitely takes after him, and they love spending time doing sports and art together (he’ll maybe take her karting someday, but he’s a little worried about her getting hurt from it).
And I think a lot about what would happen if she was kidnapped! I actually have a narrative for it I’ve been turning around a lot. I think it would only ever happen once, because the result was so bad, for everyone from each side. Bowser kidnapped her (maybe when she’s around 5 or so) without thinking much of it, seeing it as a simple political move. But it makes Mario absolutely lose it. That’s his world. That’s his everything. Peach and Luigi have never seen him so violently angry over anything before. He wants Bowser to understand, and to pay. He’s so overcome with grief that he does the unthinkable.
It’s bad, but I think he’d be sent into such a panic that Mario would seek out Bowser Jr. as collateral, maybe luring him into a trap or storming into the Darklands and just bringing him as a hostage into Bowser’s throne room. Peach would tell him not to, Luigi would tell him not to, he would know it’s a bad idea. But he’s furious and terrified and he doesn’t know what else to do, because what if Bowser hurts his baby? He can’t risk it. He has to make the king understand what he’s doing.
It culminates into a standoff between the two fathers, both unbelievably angry and scared and trying to assure their own children while they have another child in their grips. Nothing would happen. Mario knows he would never actually be able to hurt a child, and it even pains him seeing how scared he’s making Bowser Jr. (and his own daughter from across the room). It becomes evident pretty quickly that Bowser feels the same, and seeing his own child in Mario’s hands makes him realize how much he fucked up.
Bowser doesn’t apologize, but they trade the children, and Mia is never kidnapped again. Mario also holds a lot of guilt and regret over the incident, but he doesn’t apologize either (except to Junior).
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subskz · 2 months
Tall girl anon back. Omg I’m not sure about the picture, it probably is but in my memory I feel like it was more visible, but then again memories can be wrong. And although being into the “masculinity” of body hair in certain places is one way of interpreting it, I don’t think it’s the masculinity part. I think it’s just the whole sort of naturalness(???) of it. Humans are animals and things like pubic and pit hair are signs of hormones and sexual maturity and the presence of it just seems very sexy in a “raw” sort of way that idk how to describe. Anyway….
So I need to get this thing off my chest somewhere and my friends probs don’t wanna hear it so imma do it here since we’re all horny on here anyway.
These memories keep coming back to me… I went to a concert at one point, not gonna say when or who, all that’s important to know is that it was a kpop boy group. And I had a sex dream immediately after. This legit never happened before. I’ve had sex dreams, but not after concerts. But anyway… I’d never noticed in videos, but onstage (I had great seats) one of the members was visibly smaller than everyone else, by a lot. I looked it up and the next shortest member was three inches taller than him (he’s 5’6”) and something about seeing this skinny, short, very attractive guy (especially in comparison to the rest of his members) snapped something in me. In the videos, you don’t really notice it but in real life…. Wow…Like, I need to have him. He is so small and for whatever reason that makes me want him even more. And I feel so weird for that very specific feeling but the memories keep coming back and I can’t get rid of it. I need to hug him, I need to pin him down, I bet I could pick up his tiny little body— he’s so skinny that I refuse to believe that he weighs more than me. And this feral urge consumes me. I want to hold his face in my hands and tell him he’s so pretty but I also want to see his face twisted in pleasure and gasping with his eyes rolling back. I want to hold his little hands in my larger ones in the most wholesome way possible and I also want to see how far my long fingers could wrap around his neck. I want to kiss him and love him and hold him and ruin him. Or even just have the most vanilla sex possible just as long as I could hear him moan with his pretty, high-pitched voice. I’m not gonna try getting myself off because tbh I don’t think that’ll be enough to fix this and as much as this feeling is frustrating, I’m not entirely sure I want it to go away. Anyways……
Sorry for the big rant. But if I don’t let this out it may consume me more than it already has.
hihi it’s good to see u again! if there really is a highqual pic of lix’s happy trail out there i hope we find it someday 🔎 i completely agree w you abt finding body hair “sexy in a raw way” that describes it perfectly! there’s nothing more attractive than humans in their most natural state, no makeup, unshaved, their natural scent etc ♡_♡ slight tangent here but when lino’s skin isnt covered w that awful pale smoothing filter and u can see his real complexion with all his little bumps n acne scars…..literally makes me drool
the way this concert awakened smth in you that u already thought had been awakened LOL it seems like it was quite the lifechanging experience 😽 he sounds so adorable 5’6” men are kinda the perfect size…plus him having an itty bitty frame on top of that so you could probably pick him up like he’s weightless and manhandle him if you wanted to…that’s the goal isn’t it <3 being able to eclipse a boy’s hands w your own and scoop him up in ur arms and hold him up against the wall, making him feel small, safe and helpless all at the same time
i hope ur brain stops tormenting you w these thoughts soon but i cant even blame u for being so hooked on it he sounds like a dream for ppl w size kinks ❤️‍🔥
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once-upon-helluvaboss · 3 months
‘Seeing Stars’ Rewrite
Stolas begins to speak, a vision of the galaxy appearing as he does, “In the great expanse of the nether there exists boundless amounts of magnificent phenomenon the great brilliance of an exploding star, the nimble dance of space dust through a nebula but once every one thousand years our corner of reality is treated to an incredible sight from the deep eldritch recesses of the cosmos the tears of a forgotten colossus begin to fall.” Stolas says with a smile describing one of his passions to his daughter, Octavia.
“Tears made of the hopes and dreams of every living thing that never came to be. Condensed and sent shooting across the night sky in a dazzling final display. We can see what appears to mortal beings as a meteor shower for what it truly is: Azathoth's Tears.” Stolas finishes ending the vision still holding his young daughter.
“Daddy, can we go see it someday?” Octavia giggled
Stolas chuckled “Yes, dear. I promise, when the day comes nothing will be able to keep me from being there with you. Good night, my Owlette.” He responded nuzzling Octavia before tucking her in and giving a peck on the forehead.
“Goodnight Daddy!” Octavia yawned as she turned in bed.
Several years into the present an older Octavia looks as happy as she did in her bed many years ago. She circled the date on her calendar that read ‘Starfall today!!’ with a doodle of her and her father on the side. 
She hopped down the hallway while tugging on her boots, “Dad, dad?” She yelled as she entered the kitchen but he wasn't there. She paused for a moment before hearing faint yelling from her father's office.
She opened the cracked open door, her face dropping when she heard what all the yelling was about.
“No, I'm not sending her things over!  She’s only staying for a few days or so!” Stolas yelled over the rotary phone, squeezing their butler like a stress toy. Octavia always felt bad when her parents did that to him, even if it wasn't often.
“No, –if Stella wants me to send her stuff over then she can tell me that! So with that being said, please get her back on the phone!” He yelled continuing to squeeze the poor imp tighter.
“Dad? What’s going on?” Octavia asked, entering the room. 
Stolas turned before sighing, “ Ugh, nothing dear, it’s just that your uncle seems to think your mother can’t exist somewhere for two minutes without everything she owns!” Stolas grumbled
“--never want’s to see you again!” Octavia’s uncle yelled through the phone, “Everyone will—” Stolas dropped the imp he was choking to press his hand over the phone's speaker, with a groan.
“Um Dad, will this be done before tonight?” Octavia asked,
Stolas sighed, “Oh I doubt it dear… Knowing your uncle I doubt he’s going to stop calling, I might just send a few things over just so he’ll shut up!” Stolas groaned, still covering the phone's speaker.
Octavia stared dejected, “But-” Before she could finish her uncle said something particularly loud over the phone, something that she couldn’t quite make out.
Stolas groaned again, “I’m really sorry dear but, can we talk later? Your uncle is being a bit of B-I-T-C-H!” Stolas spelled out.
“Excuse me, how dare—” Her uncle yelled before it became more incomprehensible screaming.
“Well, how was I supposed to know you can spell?! I've never seen you read!” Stolas responded pettily.
Octavia groaned as they continued arguing, she turned around and shut the door of her father's, still being able to hear him and her uncle arguing.   
She stomps back to kicking the door open. She slams the door and yells as she rips up the calendar page, angrily toppling her telescope over, she then grabs a bag with her things and leaves the mansion.
“Loona, honey please, I didn't mean it like tha— shit!” Blitzo curses running back as Loona charges toward him with an angry look.
She picks up an empty water cooler sending it flying toward his face, hitting him dead on, “FUCK! Uh, I mean good throw honey! I-i’m so proud of you~!” Blitzo gulps trying to calm her down, she pounces on him continuing to beat him. 
Millie walks past with her and Moxxies matching coffee cups, as Loona grabs a picture of the wall beating Blitzo with it. “Honey, what's all this about?” She asks as she joins Moxxie on the couch watching the two from afar.
“Huh, oh! Blitzo finally talked to her about her attitude with customers, or trying to at least.” Moxxie said with a sly smile as he grabbed his cup from Millie.
Blitzo runs behind the couch Moxxie and Millie are sitting as Loona growls at him, “I just think some small tweaks might help you be more of a uh, people person, y’know?” Blitzo laughed
“I am a people person!” Loona growled as she went and grabbed him by the collar, “If I’m sooo terrible then why don’t you just grow a pair and replace me?!” She growls
Blitzo stares at her for a second before gulping down the lump in his throat, “W-well maybe I- maybe I will!” Blitzo responded semi-confident.
Loona’s eyes widen before she growls again as she grips his collar tighter, “What did you say?”
Blitzo turned his head over to Moxxie and Millie who gave him a thumbs up, “ I said maybe I will, little missy! Yeah, that's right it's tough love time! So, now you can... go... to your desk!” Blitzo said pumped with confidence.
Loona growls again before dropping him and stomping back to her desk. She plops herself down incoherently mumbling to herself as Octavia walks through the door, her hair wrapped around her face as a last-minute disguise. Thankfully for her with all the commotion no one had noticed her enter.
“Sir, if I may say so; you're doing the right thing. If we don't even have a cheerful qualified receptionist, how can people trust us to massacre and mutilate their enemies for them? It's what's best for business.” Moxxie said sincerely as he helped Blitzo up.
Octavia freezes as Loona spots her sneaking in, she’s surprised when she does react but Octavia continues on her way nonetheless.
She heads into Blitzo's office and starts rummaging around at his desk to no avail. She pauses for a moment wondering if the grimoire is actually here. She had only vaguely overheard her father speaking about the agreement so she began to worry that it may just be back at the house and she came all this way for nothing. 
Just then she sees a framed picture of all the I.M.P members on the wall that looked oddly out of place from the other photos, “Maybe…” She said to herself as she moved it aside before sighing in relief at the sight of a safe with cobwebs around it.
‘Blitzo's stuff Do-Nut Steel!!’ A sticky note on the side read with horse doodles, she looked at the keypad and paused. She typed in 1-2-3-4 expecting a red light and beep but instead blinked in surprise when it opened.
“How in Mammons's name have they not been robbed yet? Whatever!” She wondered before shaking her head and flipping open the grimoire.
“Take me to the stars,” Octavia said as a pentagram began to swirl around her feet as some smoke-like darkness streamed toward the ceiling.
Outside the office, Moxxie sat on the couch behind Blitzo massaging his shoulders. Millie sitting opposite the two loops up to see the light show coming from the office.
“Uh, Blitzo?” She says pointing towards the door.
Blitzo shoots up from his massage as he and Moxxie snap their heads towards the door, “The fuck?”
He and the other imps squeeze through the door with weapons drawn just in time to see Octavia disappearing through the portal.
As Blitzo stares slack-jawed for a moment Loona suddenly yells, “Oh yeah, by the way, you have a visitor!”
Octavia slowly blinked her eyes open, “W-where am I?” She says as she looks down onto a blank Hollywood star as a hobo near her vomits onto it, causing Octavia to slide backward and yelp. 
As she does this she notices she has fallen onto someone, she then looks up realizing she has just crushed some famous comedian, Brennon Ragers, an eyeball having popped out of his head. She quickly grabs the grimoire that lies next to him. As Octavia looks up the portal closes she then runs off with the grimoire.
“Woah, s-sorry!” Octavia says as she bumps into a clown.
“This is my territory, bitch! Take your shitty costume and get the fuck off my corner!” He yells as he pushes Octavia.
Octavia grabs her things and runs across a crosswalk while cars swerve and almost hit her. She runs into a protest mob. She looks horrified seeing them holding signs that say, "Demons walk among us", "God hates you personally", and  "<- To Hell" coincidentally pointing at her.
She dodges away from them and almost runs into a gleaming golden statue of a man smiling with his hand out. Octavia falls to the ground before grabbing the grimoire and scrambling into an alleyway. 
“Take me back home, take me back home, take me back home!” She repeats yelling at the pages of the grimoire but the book does nothing as she begins to tear up.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit!” Blitzo cursed as he paced around the room, “What the fuck am I supposed to tell Stolas?!” He yelled, grabbing Moxxie.
“Well, he seems to like you, sir. Maybe he would understand—” Moxxie started before Blitzo pulled him close to his face.
“Listen, my dick is good, but it is not that good, Moxxie,” Blitzo started before shoving him away and going back to pacing.
“Sir, I don't think we really have a choice! He’s already going to lose his mind when he realizes Octavia’s  gone, what do you think he’s going to do to us if he finds out we were involved and didn't say anything?” Moxxie explained as Millie helped him up.
“Okay well, what do you suppose I say to him? You just want me to call him up and be like,” Blitzo starts grabbing his phone and dialing Stolas, “ Hey~ so, your daughter came by, took your book, and teleported off to who the fuck knows where, and we have no way of getting either of them back, okay?! Okay! Good talk, byeee!” Blitzo's voice cracked realizing he had actually called Stolas, he put the phone down before backing away slowly.
After a moment of silence Blitzo gave a small smile, “Huh, that went better than I thou—”.
Before Blitzo could finish the door blew up as Stolas burst inside in his full demon form. His large black form outlined in red caught Blitzo under his claw as if he were a lizard.
“BLITZO” His loud deep voice yelled leaving Blitzo to begin laughing nervously under his heavy talon.
After calming down for a while in the alley, Octavia knew she needed to leave before the mob saw her. She decided to try to talk to people on the street, who ignored her.
“Hey, do y- Can you help - h-how do I get ah - I - excuse me, I just need to know where I can...  see the stars?” She groans and rubs her eye, pulling her beanie over her face.
“Why do I bother? These people are all idiots anyway!” She huffed
As she says that a pamphlet flies into her face, she rips it away and reads it, the center panel reads ‘Star Struck Tourz.’
Octavia smiles, crumpling the flier close to her chest, “Yes!” She exclaims as she runs to grab a seat on the bus. However, through her excitement, she failed to notice the ‘Stalk your fave celeb!’ in the bottom left corner. 
Stolas paces around in front of Moxxie, Millie, and Blitzo after thankfully calming down.
“How could this happen?! Do you just let anyone waltz into your office and grab infinitely powerful artifacts?!” Stolas cried, pulling his hat off. “ Why would she do this? She’s not that type to run off like this!”
Loona walks into the and sniffs the air. “Mm, it reeks of urine and desperation so... Ugh... L.A.
Everyone gives Loona a look of surprise.
“What?” She asked with a growl, and before she knew it she was being pulled through a portal that the rest of IMP and Stolas walked through.
“ Alright, Loona, let's make this quick, in and out before anyone notices us!”
The sudden sounds of gunfire and screaming make Blitzo survey the alley.
“Huh, this place doesn't look too different from Hell.” He shrugged, “ Alright, now let's get to work!” 
Loona sniffs before removing an empty can from her hair “How am I supposed to smell anything in this city?!”
“Can you even do one thing right?” Moxxie mumbled,
“Can you finally do something about how fat you are?” Loona responded smugly
“I'm not –”
“Loona don’t…” Blitzo scolded
Moxxie gave an appreciative smile as Loona responded “Oh c’mon! You would’ve found that funny like a week ago!”
“Maybe but things are a little different now!” Blitzo responds with a smile as he jumps up on a dumpster and tapes a picture to the open lid. It was a simple doodle of IMP with Loona in her human disguise and Stolas with a fake mustache.
“Now, first things first we're gonna do this the old-fashioned way! We're gonna need disguises!” Blitzo said explaining his plan.
As he says so Loona and Stolas transform into their human disguises.
Millie claps in amazement while Moxxie rolls his eyes unimpressed. Blitz's eyes widen and he blushes a small bit seeing his human form.
His face quickly dropped, however, “No chance you can conjure us a couple of those, can ya?”
“Sadly, no. I'm afraid without my grimoire, my powers are just a tad limited in the human world.”
“You've had that book for years and you didn't memorize your fucking spells?” Blitzo asked annoyed.
“Pft, like your memory's so great!” Stolas laughs before gesturing to Moxxie. “What's his phone number?” He asked smugly
“Fuck you,” Blitzo responded in defeat.
Stolas laughed in triumph as the group left the alley and as they walked Stolas grabbed a pair of red-tinted sunglasses, putting on his head where his second pair of eyes would be in his normal form. As they continue Moxxie runs face-first into a human.
“Hey, little man. How about you check out this demo right here? This is some premium Grade-A fire right here! Perfect for you to crank with the little lady.” The man grabbed Millie pulling her close to her obvious displeasure.
“Oh, wow! Did you make this? Thank you!”  Moxie says before he and Millie walk away as the dude follows and stops them.
“Oh, hey, hey, hey. Hold up a sec, you just gonna grab it and go?” The man asked 
“He said, ‘Thank you’.” Millie huffed
“Twenty bucks, man.” The man said holding out his palm.
“Oh uh Millie, do you have money to pay this talented artist?” Moxie asked as Millie gave him a funny look.
Millie grumbled watching as the rest of their group walked past the corner without them. “You can just give it back, Mox,”
Moxxie quickly pulls her into a bush, “Millie! These artists put their heart and soul into their work! I can't just give it back like it's worthless!”
“It probably is,” Millie said rolling her eyes
“Well yeah probably, but in hell people just stab you for money, at least humans here are creative with trying to steal from you. I feel like I kinda owe it for the creativity, y’know?” Moxie responded with a shrug
Before Millie can respond a woman walks past and flips a coin to Moxxie.
“Sick demon costume, man!” She smiles
Moxxie and Millie both stare at the coin Moxxie received.
“It's metal as fuck!” She compliments again as she walked.
“I have an ide- Oh, woah!” Moxxie stands up attempting to flip the coin before accidentally dropping it. 
He chases after it,” Hey, hey, hey, hey, come back here!” Millie laughes as she watched Moxxie chase the coin before he finally grabbed it.
Moxxie flips it again, catching it correctly this time. “I have an idea!”
Octavia groans at the bus stop again before the tour guide comes on the speaker, “And to your left, you'll see the home of one of those influencers who think they're hot shit 'cause now they do TV shows.”
Octavia watches as a woman and her kid hop into a limo while a man lies prostrate on the ground crying and begging. However, once the limo drives away he stands up and begins kissing the man standing nearby wearing a pink bathrobe.
She groans and turns away pulling her beanie down over her eyes.
In a shop called ‘Little Costume Shop of Horrors’, Blitzo walks out the front door dressed in a pink shirt, blue jeans, and wig. His horns have been covered with frankly gigantic ears. 
“So?” Blitzo says gesturing to himself proud of his disguise.
Stolas looks up from his fidgeting fingers to see Blitzo, “I don't think that’s going to fool any—”
Before Stolas could finish a woman screams excitedly.
The girl next to her also squeals “Look, everyone! It's Holly's Wood star, Brennon Ragers!”
“Who the fuck is Brendon Rager - Oh.” Blitzo paused as he stared up at a billboard for ‘Sweetie! I'm In the House!! Guest Starring Brennon’.
Stolas also looks up to the same sight “Oh, dear.”
A crowd immediately mobs Blitzo, taking pictures and begging for things while Blitzo tries to escape.
“Moxxie, Millie, where the fuck are you?!”
 “♫ You're my lovely little monster, and I'll never say goodbye. I will kill for you, until the day we die. ♫”
As Moxxie and Millie finish singing the crowd cheers throwing roses and money Moxxie's way while he bows. He points to the money earned to Millie with an excited look, Millie is less than impressed but gives a soft smile back when Moxxie looks her way.
 Finally, Moxxie goes over to give the money, “And, here you are, my fellow Troubadour.” Moxie says with a bow.
“Whatever, man. Get the fuck outta here, you're cramping my business.” The guy responds annoyed, snatching the cup of coins away.
Millie sighed glad the ordeal was over, “Come on, babe! We have to catch up to Blitzo before–”.
She turns and runs face-first into a mural.
“Ayyy, wanna buy some art?” A shady salesman says.
“Wha? YES!” Moxie exclaimed picking up the flyer as Millie facepalms.
“I'm cutting my hospital bill out of their pay” Blitzo shouts as the crowd continues to surround him.
Suddenly a limo swerves and several agents jump out to break the commotion. A man blows his whistle with a diploma in his hands, and Blitzo is finally let go.
Another man walks up to Blitzo holding a bag of fruit snacks, “Mr. Ragers, we've been looking for you everywhere. You were supposed to be on set an hour ago!” The man says. 
“The fuck are you talking about?” Blitzo says pulling himself off the ground.
“Your guest spot on…” The man pauses to eat a fruit snack. “ ‘Sweetie! I'm in the House!!’ “ The man pulls his phone out showing an ad, the same one on the billboard.
“We're taping tonight. Now, hurry up and get in the car!” The man says shoving his phone back into his pocket
“Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no! I'm not going anywhere with you, jizz-biscuit!” Blitzo responds by flipping the man off.
“Very funny, Mr. Ragers. Now, get in the car” The man says sternly, calling the bodyguards to take him to the car.
“Get your fucking hands off me!” Blitzo yells briefly, managing to escape before being recaptured. 
“Loona! Stolas! A little help, here?!” Blitzo calls as his fake ears fall off, a man dropping his baby to catch them as the crowds begin to tear each other apart to get the ears.
Somehow through the chaos, Stolas manages to get over to Blitzo “E-excuse me, sir. I'm… ah, Mr. Ragers' agent, and I don't believe you can just—”  Suddenly an agent behind Stolas cracks his neck, and grabs him from behind.
“Oh! I didn't think you humans could be that strong!” Stolas shreik's in surprise.
Both he and Blitzo are thrown into the limo, Blitzo manages to the door, but it closes before he can escape.
“Ugh Blitzo, we don't have time for this! Via could be anywhere, she could be in even worse danger than us!” Stolas cried.
“Don't worry, I'm on it!” Blitzo exclaims before breaking a window with his horns, and spotting Loona punching the people in the crowd
“Loonie, go find Octavia! We'll catch up soon!” Blitzo yells Loona responds by flipping him off.
“Way to be a team player, sweetie!” Blitzo says sarcastically, Stolas looks at him with worry. “She's uh, in great hands!” Blitzo responded with a nervous laugh.
Octavia walks off the bus angrily ripping the pamphlet in half. She walks away from the group, not noticing a crime scene in annoyance, walking on top of a corpse. She then stops when she comes across a sign titled, "Star Owl: Souvenir Shop."
She pulls out her phone taking a picture of the sign, however as she gets ready to walk past the shop she slowly stops to see what's inside the shop itself, her eyes fixated on a box with the word ‘Starstruck, on it.
“Hey Blitzo?” Stolas said back in the limo.
“Earlier you said you cutting the hospital bill out of… the other two’s pay so, I was just wondering do you have health insurance?” Stolas asked
“Ugh barely! We only got the cheap coverage with Moxxie’s help, not sure where he got the money though… but honestly, we were going for mid-tier but then there was Mammon and his fuckin’ price gouges!” Blitzo groaned
“Eh, I wouldn't worry too much about it.” Stolas shrugged, “He does this every five years or so, sometimes longer depending on how badly the riots affect the Sins. And with prices like these, I doubt you’ll see anything costs like that for the rest of your to life!” Stolas chuckled knowing he and other Goetias often bet on how bad the property damage would be whenever .
Soon enough the limo arrived at a building entitled ‘Starstruck Studios’. An agent has Stolas slung over his shoulder while other agents carry a resisting Blitzo, doing everything in his power to try and escape, but to no avail. With the paparazzi around him, he is then thrown to a chair in a makeup room.
“Let's get him ready! He's on in five!” The producer yells to everyone in the room.
“What? "Five" what? I-I can't be on a sitcom!” Blitzo exclaimed before being smacked in the face with a powder pad, with Stolas beside him holding water bottles.
“Should've had an ego crisis before signing the contract.” The producer responds sarcastically.
“I-I-I… Whoa-, I don't even know the fucking lines!”
“That's why God invented teleprompters!” The producer smiled.
Blitzo stared at the wreck of a cast as an actress smoking a cigarette, a child actress snorting cocaine, and some guy on a teleprompter showing "GOD KILL ME PLS" before he broke down and electrocuted the guy on top of it.
“Uh, shouldn't he rehearse, or something?” Stolas said trying to get more time.
“No can do, we're live in 1-minute people!”  The producer said as he walked out the stage, and Blitzo began to hyperventilate.
“Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit! I-I... I can't do this. No, not again. I-I haven't performed since–” Blitzo starts as Stolas walks up to him.
He reaches his hand out to touch Blitzo, but he pulls away before he can. Stolas pauses before gulping a lump in his throat and holding his hands to himself.  “Blitzo, if your performance on stage is half as good as it was back in the circus, you'll leave them breathless!” Stolas smiles
Blitzo takes a deep breath before looking up at Stolas, “Y’know what? You're right I got this! Uh thanks for that!” He says with an appreciative smile and Stolas smiles back. “And I promise after all of this, we will get right back to finding Octacvia!” Blitzo says
“Good, now hurry and go wow them!” Stolas responds pushing Blitzo onto the set before the lights are turned on.
“Break a leg, Blitzo!” Stolas says as one last bit of encouragement before closing the door and heading to the audience section.
The lights come on a bit faster than Blitzo had anticipated before the director says “Action!”
The theme music plays and the scene opens with a male actor on the couch.
Well, if it isn't our neighbor, Ronnie. You feel that earthquake earlier?” The man says
Blitzo looks at the stage distressed before his eyes snap towards Stolas who gestures at the teleprompter with his lines on it.
“Oh, that was just my wife rolling out of bed!” Blitzo says.
The audience is unresponsive at first but laughs instantly. Blitzo then smiles to their reaction, not being able to see the signs indicating people to laugh with a bit of static.
Blitzo smiles enthusiastically “Yeah, and then that bitch hit her head on the way down and shattered her skull!” He says.
The signs don’t change, as they still say "Laugh", but no one is laughing, except for Stolas, who finds it lightly humorous.
“There's blood everywhere... pee in her pants…” Blitzo continues starting to lose his rhythm.
Stolas lightly chuckles as the rest of the audience stays silent. Both he and the audience look up at the signs, which say, ‘Srsly, laugh anyway’, and the audience proceeds to laugh at this as well. Blitzo, becoming less nervous, smiles at Stolas, a light blush appearing across his face as he smiles back.
Loona sips a coffee and opens up her phone to ‘Sinstagram’ She walks around the city with a song playing on her phone, she stops when she spots the ‘Star Owl: Souvenir Shop’ sign on the wall. She admires this and takes a selfie with it to post on her Sinstagram.
After posting the photo and scrolling down her feed, she notices a post from Octavia at the same location. Taken aback by this, she quickly gulps down her coffee, and takes a closer look at Octavia's profile, with some of her recent posts being pictures she took throughout the city.
One post shows a castle, with the caption reading ‘Found a cool looking castle, reminds me of home…’ Loona looked down seeing it had only been posted two minutes ago. As Loona looks around the city she sees the same castle from the post is right behind her. She crushes the coffee in her hand before throwing it down and running towards the castle. 
Loona looks around trying to find Octavia, but her phone goes off again, revealing another post from Octavia showing where she is at, but no sign of her when she looks up. In another post, where she's seen in front of the Holly's Wood sign, Loona is right in front of it.
She sighs in relief and sees someone wearing the same beanie as Octavia, only to turn her around to find a human that looks like her from behind.
Loona sighs as goes back to her phone and begins scrolling through her phone and running to multiple places that Octavia has been in, with the background changing to its exact location, but every attempt proves futile with Octavia nowhere to be found. Loona stops and pants before she approaches the observatory from Octavia’s recent post.
Back at Starstruck Studios, the audience ranges from fairly entertained to mentally scarred as Stolas looks troubled seeing the clock.
“Oh, Uggie! You've gone and done it again!” Blitzo says to a pug who seems to have urinated on the set's couch. “That's the fifth couch this week!” He continues enthusiastically.
The audience chuckles seemingly genuinely enjoying the without the prompt to laugh.
“You know, maybe it's about time I found you a new home, one that could put up with your attitude!” He says booping the dog's nose.
“I could take him, Mr. Ronnie! I'd be happy to adopt old Uggie and give him the attention he needs!” A child actress says.
The family comes together, and the spotlight centers only on them, with cute animals surrounding them. The crowd responds with an ‘Awww’.
“Yeah... yeah, maybe, you should adopt…” Blitzo pauses as he looks at Uggie, and he starts to remember a moment from several years prior, Blitzo looking in a cell with a bunch of hounds, the one in the center resembling Uggie.
“Aww, they're all so cute. And they're... Sad.” Blitzo said next to a lady at a Hellhound adoption center. 
“Maybe you could adopt this one here. Quite a strong lad, he'll be perfect for whatever work you want to use him for.” She says pointing to another hellhound.
Blitzo sets his sights on the dog he's recommended, but his look of excitement turns into disgust after seeing the hound's face.
“Ugh! No, I'm not looking for an ugly worker. I need something more uh family-friendly!
“A gift for the wife, huh? No problem. We have a nice selection of other hounds.” The woman says still deadpan as the two continue to walk, Blitzo stops for a moment at the cell in front of him.
“Hey, who's that?” Blitzo said pointing to the cell.
In the cell an angry teenage Loona was texting on her phone with a younger vicious hound holding a bat full of bloody nails, wanting Loona's phone.
“Oh, her? That's just Loona. What a nightmare.” The woman grimaces.
The younger hound is thrown against the cell bars. Loona pants furiously then crawls back in her space.
“Serious attitude problems. She'll be out of our hair next month when she ages out.” The woman tutes as Loona’s look of anger turns to sadness.
Loona scoots back over on her bench, holding herself and shedding tears. 
“Good riddance if you ask me. She'll never amount to much of anything.” The woman grimaces as Blitzo stares sympathetically before flashing back to the present.
“No. No, no, no, you can't have her! She's mine, and I love her!” Blitzo says pulling the pug close to her
The screens above the set flick "Awe?", the audience does as so as Stolas stares utterly confused.
“But, Mr. Ronnie, you gotta let me have the puppy. You just gotta!” The child actress begs before Blitzo hisses at her.
“Don't you touch her, you little anal fissure!” Blitzo yells as the audience begins to laugh, offending Blitzo “Oh, you think this is funny, assholes?!” Blitzo yells as he points to the child actor, who's trying to walk away from his outburst.
“She's not fit to be a mother! I saw her doing lines of coke in her dressing room!” Realizing how far off character he was, the producer sends his agents to try and deal with Blitzo.
“Now, uh... Ronnie. I think maybe you should–” An adult actress tries to say as she reaches for Uggie, but he smacks her off of him and the wig on her head before jumping in the crowd area.
“No! You can't have my baby, bitch!” As the agents corner Blitzo, he pulls out his pistol against them, with the screens above exclaiming "Oh, shit!"
“I'LL NEVER GET RID OF HER!” More people pile on top of Blitzo, and he shoots several of them in the head but is still trapped within the crowd.
“I'm coming, Blitzo! Excuse me! Would you mind?!” Stolas says tripping over someone 
As Stolas tries to move through the crowd to save Blitzo, he is pushed back. Quickly he becomes fed up with this, so he pauses as he begins to revert to his large demonic form, black feathers begin to pop out of his skin, and the red-tinted glasses fall off as they are replaced with his real second set of eyes. But before he finishes a stray shot from Blitzo narrowly misses him taking him out of his focus. 
It does however alert him to the several cameras surrounding making him groan. His eyes dart around the set as he tries to find an alternative way to help Blitzo before his eyes land on the water bottles in his arms.
He grabs one and punts it at an agent knocking him out, he gives a devilish grin as he begins throwing the acid-water-filled bottles at them with expert precision. However, he misses one shot and hits the producer causing the bottle to pop open. As the acid water spills all over him, burning his skin severely in turn it causes him to knock down the teleprompter, as it reads ‘Let it burn’ in red, lighting the stage on fire, and puts the lights out for a moment.
Stolas gets accidentally pushed back by the crowd, almost falling into one of the raging fires in the studio before Blitzo catches him by the arm.
“C’mon, let's go find our daughters!” He says determined, with his gun in hand, his pink shirt is ripped in half. An explosion bursts behind him highlighting his toned figure as Stolas blushes in response once again, before being dragged to the exit.
Loona is still looking around until she halts at a staircase seeing a crying Octavia by herself. Octavia looks up to see a blue hue next to her, which is Loona reverting back into her normal form.
“Oh hi…” Octavia says wiping her tears. 
“How did you find me? I don’t remember you ever getting my scent…” Octavia asks as Loons comes closer to her.
“Sinstagram. Nice pics by the way.” Loona says holding out her phone.
“Oh, thanks.” Octavia sniffles
You okay?” Loona asks sitting next to her.
“No! I just can't believe I was so stupid! I spent all day looking for a place where I could see the meteor showers. And all I get is... this!” She exclaims gesturing to the smoggy sky.
“Yeah, smog's a bitch.” Loona sighs as she attempts to light up a cigarette, but no flames come out. As she tries, Octavia snaps a flame for Loona's cigarette. Loona takes a puff before continuing.
“You know, your dad's really worried about you,” She says scooting closer to Octavia.
“Right! That's why you're here instead of him!” She scoffs.
“Octavia listen, I promise if he could be here he would be but—”.
“It's not that!” Octavia cries cutting Loona off.
They both stare at each other before Octavia turns her head in embarrassment, “Well it's not just that…  He’s promised me for years that he’d take me to see Azathoth's tears but he’s been so busy with that imp and yelling at my uncle that he doesn't even remember!” Octavia sniffles.
“I mean, my mom isn't even in the house and she still remembered to go on a ‘girl's weekend’! This is the one thing I’ve been wanting to do with me and he forgot… and on top of all that he’s not even here to come get me!” She cried stuffing her head back into her knees.
There's a pause between the two for a moment before Loona sighs “Sometimes... sometimes it's not as simple as that. This kind of shit gets messy, and everybody's got issues, especially your dad right now. And sometimes people just fuck up! And that's okay, plus it doesn't mean he doesn't care!”.
“Well if he cares, then where is he?” Octavia asks lifting her head
“He's somewhere down there,” Loona says pointing down to the city.
“He's here?”
“Looking for you. I mean... try to cut your dad some slack.” Loona says as she finally gets her lighter to work. “He may not always get it right, but... he's trying.” She says looking at the lighter and fixating on the I.M.P logo on it, and gives a smile as she looks towards Octavia.
Octavia looks at her by surprise, until she notices a light shining on her face, she looks up to see the full moon as the smog clears up. As the two stare at the moon, Loona turns off her lighter before throwing her cigarette, and stands up for a few stretches.
“You ready to go?” Loona says extending her hand to Octavia, but instead, she gives her the grimoire.
Loona gives her hand to Octavia once more, which she grabs, Loona lightly ruffling her feathers as they walk out together.
Down near the ground, the Starstruck Studios building is still burning, while police cars are heard, Blitzo and Stolas are walking away. Blitzo looks at his phone on the maps app with a location titled ‘Not Topic’.
“Now, if we could just find where…” Before he could finish his sentence a red portal appears in front of them, where Loona exits.
“Loona!” he calls as Octavia exits the portal after her.
“Oh, Loona, my sweet baby girl! I'm so sorry, I'll never replace you no matter what you–” Before he can finish his sentence, Loona furiously kicks him in the groin as he winces in pain.
“You're good,” Loona says as  Stolas painfully looks at Blitzo until he faces Octavia.
“Dad... I'm so sorry.” Stolas runs up to hug her, as he reverts to his demon form.
“Oh, I'm just relieved you're okay! But, what would possess you to do such a thing? You know I haven't taught you spells like this yet, you could have landed yourself somewhere worse than here!”
“Didn't think there was a place worse than here…” Loona said sarcastically.
“I just wanted to see the stars you promised to show me,” Octavia replied
“The stars?” Stolas gasped “Azathoth's tears! Oh, no. Oh, my dear sweet Via. I am so–” Octavia stops him as she hugs him.
“It's okay dad, I’m still a little upset but you're here now, and that's what matters!” 
Stolas returns the hug to his daughter. Loona watches happily, before noticing Blitzo trying to hug her, and she sighs and lets him hug her which he does happily. She then notices a faint glow in the sky, she looks as fireworks light up the night. As she begins to record she also notices the burning building not too far away from them.
“The fucks that about?” She asks as she turns around.
“My acting career.” Blitzo sighs with a laugh as more fireworks take off in front of them, Stolas and Octavia look up in awe.
“Oh look at that one! Did you see that one?” Octavia says happily.
“Hm, now where the fuck are M n' M?” Blitzo asks as his phone buzzes.
Millie is on her phone texting Blitzo, around the alley that she came from, the portal back to I.M.P Headquarters appears in front of her. Moxxie is carrying a heavy bag full of art paraphernalia.
“Geez, I never knew art could be so heavy! I mean, I would've never gotten around hell with a bag half the size of this!” Moxxie huffed.
Millie stepped into the portal, and before Moxxie could enter, he was stopped by another music salesman wanting to sell his CD's. Moxxie approaches to pay him for the demo, but Millie throws a knife and kills the salesman before Moxxie can pay him.
“March, mister!” She says throwing the C.D. to the ground.
Moxxie sighs as he begins walking toward the portal before Millie picks up and carries him effortlessly through, throwing the trophy bag behind her just before the portal closes. 
Okay quick rant it took me days to get this out because it wouldn't paste properly!
Anyway, I hated Loona in this ep, she is so abusive to Blitzo and I don't really get why?
Also I have a conspiracy theory that someone on the writing crew has beef with Moxxie's va or something because the ‘ha ha Moxxie fat’ jokes don't make sense. It's just not funny and I will never understand it!
Also I thought Stolas being sexual with Blitzo and him not reacting as if last season didn't happen was weird! So I hope this rewrite addresses the issues me and others had with this ep.
Also if you have anything to add or say please do! I really enjoy talking about my work with other people.
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thebakingqueen5 · 2 years
on kataang and hope
its time for another ATLAnalysis woo
so I've watched ATLA maybe 4 or 5 times now? all at various points from when I was 6 to the present, and every time I pick up on more and more stuff, which leads to this little rant on Katara, Aang, and hope.
We all love to make fun of EIP, but this rewatch, something kinda stuck out to me.
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EIP Katara loves talking about hope, but hope really is such a central theme to Katara's character, just not exactly how they put it.
Throughout the series, Katara consistently gives EVERYONE hope, so so so much hope. The most obvious example of this is, of course, when she meets Haru and helps the earthbenders on the metal rig in season 1.
"Thank you for helping me find my courage, Katara of the Water Tribe. My family and everyone here owes you much."
She does this again reassuring Aang when the Gaang finds the forest burned down in Winter Solstice Part 1 (the episode where they meet Hei Bai).
"These acorns are everywhere, Aang. That means the forest will grow back! Every one of these will be a tall oak tree someday, and all the birds and animals that lived here will come back."
And again when they're in the desert after losing Appa and it looks like all is lost.
"Ugh ... We're getting out of this desert, and we're going to do it together! Aang, get up. Everybody, hold hands. We can do this. We have to."
And again as the Painted Lady for that fishing village.
"I shouldn't have acted like someone I wasn't, and I shouldn't have tricked you. But I felt like I had to do something. It doesn't matter if the Painted Lady is real or not. Because your problems are real, and this river is real. You can't wait around for someone to help you. You have to help yourself."
And again.
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And again.
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It's such a consistent and powerful theme with her and you can't help but admire the sheer determination and drive she has to spread the hope that she somehow retains in such a war-torn world, and this is what gets me!
Who gives her that hope?
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Even when he was still in that iceberg, Aang gave Katara hope.
Aang gives her the hope that yeah, the world can be saved and the war will be over.
Aang gives her the hope that she won't always have to be the responsible person, that she'll be able to let loose and have fun when this is all over.
Aang gives her the hope that as a survivor of genocide, she isn't alone, that she has people who love her and will help her rebuild.
Katara gives everyone else their hope, but Aang is the one to give Katara her own hope.
It's so powerful that these two genocide survivors (who, for all intents and purposes, are the only two in the world who understand their shared struggle) are able to help each other like this, to make the other believe in HOPE and GOOD THINGS after all their hardships.
It's such a core of their characterizations and relationship and just aaaaa how can anyone not love them for that?
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