#I just sort of laugh and think good luck getting that and then don’t breathe for a minute
jennhoney · 2 years
Hey is anyone a medical billing genius here? I have this situation that is very weird for me and I am unsure how to navigate it, the short version is the hospital I was admitted to will not submit my bill to my insurance plan even though when I call my insurance they talk me through what the hospital billing department should do. The hospital labels me as uninsured and the billing department told me to fill out financial forms. It’s quite possible if it is ever submitted that it will be rejected because I was out of state but I’d sure like to start with it actually being submitted. The only specific for my insurance is that if I go to an emergency room and it’s not an emergency, I pay $8, no other co pays. I think if a hospital keeps me for 7 days it must have been an emergency.
When I was in the hospital and someone from billing visited my room I was like, “let’s call my insurance together. They said that you submit electronically with this # but we could call if you had questions.” And he said “just fill out the financial forms” and left.
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luveline · 20 days
there’s this scene in the office where pam falls asleep on jim during a conference at work, he doesn’t move her at all and even stays until after the meeting is over just to let her sleep!!! do u think u could write something similar for our annoyingly sweet coworker! james?? love u
love u <3 —James may not like you, but he’s a good pillow. fem, 1k
“Today we’re gonna talk about workplace satisfaction.” 
James crosses his arms over his chest. The yawn he suppresses threatens to make his jaw crack, his eyes heavy not a minute into the presentation. 
“I know all about that,” Sirius says under his breath. 
Remus needles him in the arm with his elbow. It might’ve been the best dumb luck in the world to get to work with his best friends, but not even their joking can make this meeting less mind-numbing. He covers his mouth with his hand and settles in. 
“We sent around a survey this last week and we’ve had everyone’s responses. The results are anonymous, but we do want to touch on where we, as a company, are going wrong. Our first category was day to day working.” 
You yawn. James turns his head to watch you, and with the lights dimmed, he’s not sure you notice. You cover your mouth with both hands, your eyes failing to reopen for a few long, admittedly humorous seconds. He likes how your lashes look stuck together, and the way you rub your nose afterward. It’s cute. 
What’s not cute is your shaking knees. You press them together, but you’re sitting awkwardly, and they tremble at the strange position. James wonders what it is you’re upto that’s making you so tired lately. You seem down; he stapled his fingertip earlier in a crazy mishap of which he was at no fault and you didn’t even laugh. You took his hand and pulled out the staple. 
You’ve been acting super weird. 
“So about half of you expressed that you feel like you aren’t allowed the breaks that you need. While it’s encouraged you all take a ten minute break from your screens every other hour, you feel penalised when you do, and we want to change that. Do any of you guys have anything to say? This is the time to speak your thoughts.” 
Remus raises his hand. James loves him more than anyone in the world. “Whenever I try to take a break around lunchtime, you ask me if I can wait until lunch. I don’t think needing breaks from the screen should wait, or detract from my legal break time.” 
“What we’re trying to do is encourage you guys to make the most of your working time without hurting yourselves.” 
A great non answer. You make a soft sound and James turns with a smile, expecting to find you smothering a laugh, and instead seeing a great eyeful of your neck. Your head has fallen back, your back slouching under the weight of yourself as your leg begins to drift toward his. 
Poor girl, he thinks. 
“What about the kitchen tap?” someone asks. 
Your boss sighs. “What about it?” 
James leans down to be your height. He can imagine the neck ache, the stiffness, and so when he brings his arm up to touch the shoulder closest to his, it’s with sympathy, if not fondness. 
You make another soft sound like a snuffle and rest your face on his shoulder.
James looks away. Looks back, tracing the soft roundness of your forehead, your nose, your cheeks and your lips, pouting ever so slightly in your dozing. He’s thought often that you were awarded a face too sweet for who you are. What evil demon are you, to treat him like he’s stupid and to smile at him in your way? Sometimes he gets so mad at you for it that he thinks about grabbing you, and yanking your face to his, and then he feels so guilty for wanting to grab you at all that he leaves your mug where it is in the cupboard. It’s not nice to want to kiss you with any sort of force. 
It’s not nice wanting to kiss you at all, because it isn’t a joke, he really doesn’t like you sometimes. 
But what’s not to like about you now? 
Lately he feels this weird bridge forming between you, like you could be civil, or better. You rub your nose into his shoulder and he holds his breath, worried his moving chest will jolt you. Something must be really getting to you if you’re sleeping at work. He should ask if you’re alright, when you’re awake. 
He doesn’t think he can. 
“Alright, guys. Let’s talk about customer service.” 
You’re demure. James thinks it and bites his own tongue, hard and accidental, flinching at the sudden pain. You mumble against him and he quickly stills, his heart pounding. Fuck, he hates this. Why does he feel like this? He didn’t mean to jostle you. 
Your hand curls around his arm like you’re telling him to stay still. 
He should take a photo of you for blackmail purposes. If not blackmail, mild humiliation. He can email it to everyone before you wake up, zoom in on your nose pressed rough to his arms, your deep exhales warm on his shirt. 
James rubs your elbow for reasons he can’t understand.
The meeting is torturously long, inanely boring. You rouse when your coworkers clap politely at the end of the presentation, James’ hand now returned to his leg. He looks resolutely at the front of the room, your gaze a heat on his cheek, before you look down and rub your eyes. 
“Sorry, James,” you murmur. 
“It’s okay. Don’t mention it.” 
That’s what’s best, right? You have these insane moments of togetherness and never, ever talk about them. 
“Did I miss much?” you ask. 
Pillow and minute keeper? James doesn’t think so. “Should’ve paid attention.” 
“Did he talk about the tap in the kitchen?” 
“If you were meant to know, you’d know, hm?” You yawn and blink to yourself all soft with sleep, and James debates giving in for longer than he’d care to admit. “He did talk about the tap,” he says. 
“Is he fixing it?” you ask. 
“Couldn’t hear him over your snoring, sorry.”
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moonstruckme · 2 months
May I please please with sprinkles and a cherry on top request, more protective! Sirius with reader who gets scared or startled easily?(maybe a hufflepuff reader?) Like I'm scaredy cat, I just want him to make the scary go away! Literally anything your beautiful brain thinks up will be amazing as always
Thanks for requesting lovely!
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 635 words
Sometimes walking at night can’t be avoided, but you don’t love it. Every shadow, every passerby who drifts too close, every bird taking off from a nearby perch, makes your heart race and the hairs on your neck and arms stick straight up like an army of useless soldiers standing at attention. A few blocks ago someone had swung open a gate, and you’d jumped into the street. 
You’re telling yourself you’re already halfway home, only a small ways to go, when—
“Stop there!”
Your entire body seizes up, and before you know what you’re doing you’ve hopped around on the spot, turning to face the threat with your hands held out in front of you as if to shove them away. 
Sirius only continues walking toward you from a good few meters down the sidewalk, one dark eyebrow raising amusedly. 
“Well, I was going to tell you off for walking by yourself at night,” he says, “but with reflexes like those it’s clear I’ve wasted my time. You’ve got it handled.” 
“Oh my god.” You cross the distance to him, giving your boyfriend a very heartfelt and somewhat desperate hug. “Don’t scare me like that!” 
Sirius bands an arm across your shoulders and palms the back of your head. He strokes your hair comfortingly. “See, that wouldn’t ordinarily be such an insane request, but I’ve found with you it’s actually quite difficult to avoid.” He presses his lips to the crown of your head, his teasing inlaid with fondness. “What do you think you’re doing walking around by yourself in the dark, hm?” 
You get the sense you’ve saved yourself from a much sterner tongue lashing by your fright at his arrival. You push this small advantage, pressing snugly to Sirius’ front and looking up at him with your best bambi eyes. “I’m just trying to get home,” you say. Your boyfriend looks like he knows what you’re about, but he smooths the baby hairs at your temple consolingly anyway. “Dinner at Marie’s ran long, and I didn’t want to spend money on a cab fare or anything like that.” 
“That’s what I’m for, darling.” Sirius squints his eyes at you. They glint in the low light, more playful than mean. “You’re supposed to call me when these things happen, not try your luck and hope for the best. Understand?” 
“Yeah, sorry.” You relent easily, more than happy to have him as an escort and as exceptional company. Sirius lets you go, starting in the direction of your place. “How’d you know I was here anyway?” 
“Saw you from inside the takeaway place a couple blocks back.” He casts a glance your way, mouth kicking up at one corner. “You looked like someone’s pet rabbit that had gotten loose. You’re definitely going to attract the wrong sort if you’re walking around looking all scared like that.” 
You laugh. “I don’t think I could have looked that bad.” 
“Oh, you’ve never looked bad. Just a tad flighty.” 
Sirius sets a sure hand on the small of your back and grins when you jolt. You loose a breath, shaking your head at yourself as a dizzy little giggle spurts out of you. 
“God, sorry.” 
“Who else was it going to be, sweetness?” he teases, sliding that hand to your waist and using it to tug you closer, into a rough sort of half hug. “You need to ease up. I’ve got you.” 
You lean into his side, doing an exceptionally poor job of feigning any reluctance. “And what’s going to stop someone from mugging the both of us?” 
“Oh, I’m not worried about that at all.” Sirius gives your waist an affectionate squeeze. “You’re quick as anything, baby. If someone comes for us, I know you’ll be out of here before I can even turn around.”
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miupow · 4 months
Just Like Magic! | K. TH
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“𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙝𝙖𝙨 𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩.” -Blaise Pascal
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❝You're a novice witch in love with her mentor, something frowned upon and taboo, especially when it comes to magick; but you just can't help it, Taehyun is simply too talented and handsome! you're content with admiring from afar... but when you get ahold of an ancient spellbook with a recipe for a curious potion, your curiosity takes over.❞
✦ PAIRING: warlock!kang taehyun x witch!fem!reader ✦ RATING: NSFW, MDNI! ✦ WORDS: 6.8k ✦ WARNINGS: smut, dom!taehyun, sub!reader, fantasy au, dubcon elements, aphrodisiacs, oral sex (f. and m. rec), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk, wet dreams, f2?, power imbalance, powerplay, name calling, degradation kink, rough sex ✦ A/N: this is not proofread! inspired by an ask from @napofamoon~~ your brain is so huge and i love it so much, so happy to be mooties w you :3
taglist: @wintertxt , @boba-beom , @wolfytae-exe , @takemehye , @naomiarai , @mapofthemazeinthemirror , @bunnie-hq , @doumachi , @numxra , @soobinsbuns , @taegimood , @jeniihss , @soobabby , @hhoneylix , @beargyuuzz , @fullbodyblankets , @xenkimmie, @ttaesoob , @shinyngirl , @lxnoluvr , @blxxsss , @ode2soob, @beom-gyubears, @ashiixari, @lurking-coconut , @horanghaelovr , @yyeonzi , @paegesoobin , @nightlyhyuka, @i814hue, @f4iryfever
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Taehyun had warned you that this witch was a bit of a hoarder, but nothing could have prepared you for the marvel that was her cottage; from the floor to the ceiling old and rickety bookcases flanked every possible open space, packed to the brim with every book you could have possibly thought of, accompanied by all sorts of trinkets, herbs and crystals-- your eyes scanned over the washed-out spines, fading ink hardly legible on most of them; A Hundred and One Ways To Use Fairy Dust. Potionmaking for the Hearth and Home. The Greater Area Magickal Beast Encyclopedia. Simple Charms For Everyday Life. "Hey, Taehyun, look at this!" you called over your shoulder, already anticipating your mentor's irritated sigh. "There's a book all about magical mushrooms, wouldn't that help us with this stupid assignment we're on--?"
You reach out for the battered green textbook but Taehyun's quick to slap your hand away, brow furrowed over his big brown eyes-- he was cute when he was angry, and you delighted in annoying him to his wit's end. "I said don’t touch anything; Don’t make me look like a fool when we're only here for ingredients. And we're here on the behalf of the Crown, thank you, nothing about this is stupid. You're being childish."
"He's made us travel half across the kingdom for a fancy cologne, essentially. I think it's a little silly." you retort under your breath. Taehyun turns away from you sharply with an angry huff, and you bite the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from grinning.
"It's a luck spell, not a cologne. Don't you want our Prince to succeed at his first banquet?"
"He just wants it for all of the girls that will be there," you laugh. "You and I both know this has nothing to do with his royal duties and everything to do with his flirting skills."
"And that's none of our business." Taehyun answers curtly, though the tick in his jaw shows you that you've struck a nerve-- your mentor had known the crown prince his entire life, grown up with him, and while he cared about him like a brother the Prince also never failed to irk him (and you) with the most outlandish requests. "We're just doing our jobs. Now stay here and keep your hands to yourself, understand? Don't go anywhere, don't touch anything, and I'll be back shortly. I just need to get these mushrooms from the herbalist."
“Why can’t I go with you?” You pout. “You always make me stay behind.”
“Just do as I say.” Taehyun snips, jaw clenching as he begins to walk away.
"Yes, sir." You reply, rolling your eyes at Taehyun's retreating head.
"Good girl," He replies over his shoulder, curt and clipped. An all-too-familiar heat rushes to your cheeks at his words. You used to hate it when he addressed you like that.
You hardly ever listened to what Taehyun told you anyway, so you were quick to continue browsing through the countless shelves once your mentor was out of sight-- you couldn't pass up an opportunity to surround yourselves with the things you loved most; spellbooks. After spending a childhood surrounded by those who hated the craft, your fearful family forbidding you from ever practicing the natural talents you had been born with… you couldn't get enough of reading anything you possibly could. Besides, Taehyun just adored leaving you behind like some squire, never including you in any of his duties– you had to learn for yourself one way or another.
You tip-toed your way through the winding labyrinth of bookshelves, eager fingers and eager eyes analyzing every tome, scanning any title that piqued your interest. It all seemed to be standard fare, however, things that you had read and studied before, so you left them unbothered on the shelves… except…
You had glanced right over it initially, gold title too weathered and faded to read, but its cracked leather cover kept calling to you as you continued down the shelves, making you turn around and walk back to its spot nestled in-between two much larger tomes. Dust stuck to the pad of your finger when you ran it down the book's spine, marveled at the purple cover-- most of the cottage's windows were covered up by all of the piled-on clutter inside, keeping everything veiled in comfortable shade, but cracks and beams of the bright, warm sunshine seeped through and caught the little book in the most mystifying shimmer. You'd never known leather to shine like that, like little crystals embedded into the fabric. Your curiosity gets the better of you; without much self restraint, you pull the small book down in a cloud of dust, tickling your lungs-- you resist the urge to cough the best you possibly could, lest you alert Taehyun or, Gods forbid, the owner of this cottage. You managed a strangled little wheeze instead.
You turn the book around in your hands, inspecting it's cover from all angles; there's nothing on the back, just smooth, purple-ish leather, and the writing on the spine is illegible, but the title is still bold and striking on the front. In careful, hand-written penmanship the words "Love Magick" were written, nothing else. No author's name, no description-- you should just put the book back and carry on, keep yourself out of trouble, but you just couldn’t help from cracking open the pages.
"What an interesting little spellbook you picked, that one." a withered old voice creeps from over your shoulder. "Wouldn't have been my first choice."
You yelp, fumbling, rushing to shove the book back on the shelf-- the old woman behind you laughs, bright and cheerful, and a spindly wrinkled hand comes to pat you on the shoulder.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't-- I mean, I wasn't--!"
"Oh, don't apologize now, dearie. Books were made to be read, after all." She snatches the little spellbook out of your hands, catching you off guard, and takes a hold of the small crystal bifocals that hang around her thin swan neck on a beaded chain. You gaze at her quizzically, taking in her odd appearance; several large gold rings adorn her crooked fingers, matching the gaudy bauble earrings hanging from her ears, so large they made her short, thin frame even frailer-- swathed in a shapeless, faded periwinkle dress that had leaves caught in the hem, grey hair frazzled and reaching up towards the sky, she glittered just as brightly as the spellbook did. She moves the little glasses up to perch on her hooked nose, squinting deeply at the cover of the book, and it took a few moments of perplexed investigation before her wrinkled and sun-spotted face lit up in recognition. "Ah, I remember this one! I haven't looked at these pages in quite some time."
You supposed this must be the herbalist, but you distinctly remember Taehyun describing her as much younger than the woman standing before you. "I'm sorry, madam," You apologize again, twisting your hands together nervously. "I wasn't snooping around, I promise--!"
"Don't lie, now." The old woman chuckles, tracing one long and painted red fingernail over the book's cover. "You were snooping. But that's quite alright, a little curiosity is good for the soul."
You blink owlishly.
"You know, this is one of the rarest books on these shelves," she continues, beady eyes looking upwards to regard her enormous collection. "I've been here for a very long time, and I have many, many books, but there is only one of these little books right here."
"Only one?" You ask quietly, giving the spellbook a wide-eyed stare. It twinkled back at you like it was winking. "Why is that?"
"Why, because I wrote it, of course!" She smiles, flipping quickly through the yellowed pages, regarding them like old friends-- you supposed that they were, in a way. "Many, many years ago. It's nothing fancy, darling, just some home recipes. You can take it if you'd like, I'm far too old for this kind of spellwork now. I think you'd have much more use for it anyway.”
"What, really?" Trying not to seem too eager, you take the book back when she hands it to you, run your fingertips across the title. "What do you mean? I couldn't possibly take this, ma'am--"
"I saw the way you were looking at that handsome wizard you came with, you know. You're ever so obvious." the old woman giggles, her deep set eyes twinkling with mirth. "I remember being young and in love… magick could always help with that, you know."
You squeak and flush hot, head whipping around to make sure no one else was near-- if Taehyun heard any part of this conversation, you'd never be able to look him in the eyes again. "No, it isn't like that! He's my mentor, that's all!" And that's all it will ever be, you thought sadly. Nothing more, nothing less.
"If that's what you would like to believe…" The old woman shrugs, a smile still gracing her wrinkled face. "But I insist, take it. It was calling for you, dearie… it told me itself! Now hurry along before we both get in trouble--"
"Grandma!" another unfamiliar voice calls, a pretty young witch twisting her way through the bookcases to approach you and the old woman. Taehyun followed her with a covered basket nestled in his arms; the ingredients that you had come here for, you presumed. You shove the book haphazardly into your satchel, praying neither of them had noticed anything amiss. Taehyun had irritatingly sharp eyes. "Grandma, I thought I told you to stay in the garden!"
"I was just talking to this lovely young lady here," The old woman-- the Madam's grandmother-- replied brightly, briskly hobbling over to the young witch's side. "You know old hags like me never listen."
"You're not a hag, Grandma, don't say that… I'm sorry about her, she's gotten a little wild in her old age." The Madam sighs, intertwining her arm with her grandmother's. The old woman seemed to find this entire ordeal incredibly amusing. "You're both free to leave now, thank you for your patience. I hope those mushrooms serve the Prince well."
"Thank you, Madam," Taehyun bows, always so polite. He turns and begins to walk to the cottage door, motioning with his fingers for you to follow-- you scramble after him like a lost puppy.
"I like him," You hear the old woman say as the two of you depart.
You had walked to the cottage and therefore had to walk back to your shared hut on castle grounds; you had spent the entire time getting there complaining, but now you followed Taehyun quietly and with your head down as you both trekked through the trees. "You're awfully quiet." Taehyun remarks casually, turning his head to regard you with an unreadable expression. "What are you thinking about?"
"Oh, nothing." You reply, maybe a little too quickly. Taehyun raises an eyebrow. "Just thinking is all."
It felt as though there was a hole burning through your satchel.
You waited until late that night to finally take a proper look at your new spellbook, having shoved it haphazardly under your pillow when you and Taehyun had finally returned home-- only after you had triple-checked that your mentor was sound asleep did you feel comfortable enough to pull it out and read it. Certainly you were making it a much bigger deal than it needed to be, it was just a book after all… but something about it and what lied in it's pages felt forbidden and sacred to you, something that you should keep hidden from Taehyun, his condescending smirk, and his prying eyes.
Maybe he would get the wrong idea, quite like the old woman. You had no intention of using any of these spells on him.
Holding the candle you kept by your bedside for light, you took in the spellbook's cover once again. Its deep purple color was faded and washed out, dusty and dirty and ages old, yet it was even more beautiful in the moonlight. The night sky shone through an open window near your bed, catching the cover like little stars captured and woven into the leather… You could never place it inconspicuously on Taehyun's bookshelf, amongst his boring canvas-wrapped manuals and journals. You could never place it anywhere where he could possibly find it at all; it was far too brilliant, too eye-catching. You would simply have to keep it tucked away in the safety of your bedroom.
You crack open the book, it's spine cracking from disuse. Instead of a proper book, like you had expected, your eyes met the pages of what seemed to be a journal; pages and pages of messy scribbles and notes, crammed on small pieces of twine-bound parchment, recipes and spell incantations and notes about any spellcasting ingredient you could possibly think of. There were even diary entries among the notes, meandering paragraphs about that old woman's personal life many years ago… No organization, no cohesiveness, just pretty cursive words muddled together and jumbled on top of each other in a confusing mess… It was endearing, an insight into her youth, and you adored every page.
And then you saw it. Halfway through the journal, tucked away between two uninteresting diary entries, you discovered a folded up and torn out page. With careful fingers you picked it up and peeled it open, casting the spellbook aside for now-- and to your surprise you were confronted with the recipe for a love potion.
Simple but Powerful Love Potion
-2 quarts of standard potion base; fresh moonwater charged under the full moon
-a large handful of dried rose petals and a single thorn, ground in a mortar and pestal to the consistency of a fine powder.
-a small spoonful of crushed siren scales
-one large mother of pearl
-2 small sticks of Licorice root
-a few strands of unicorn mane hair
-a single droplet of pure love
Over a burner, prepare the moonwater in a small pewter cauldron, keeping it away from sunlight. Bring the base to a boil before adding the licorice root and mother of pearl, and then lower the heat and leave the potion to simmer overnight. The next day, add the crushed rose petals and thorn, unicorn hair, and siren scales. Stir clockwise until the potion turns a bright pink, and then leave to sit for another night. Last, add the droplet of love, give one clockwise stir, and your potion is complete.
P.S. Please use sparingly, a little goes a long way! Perfect for stupid men who won't take a hint.
You stare at the paper in disbelief. Is this what the old woman meant by you making "good use" of her spellbook? Surely not! She was a woman of the craft, she knew as well as you did that any romance between apprentice and mentor was looked down upon, not to mention when it was aided by magickal intervention… The herbalist must have truly been telling the truth when she said her grandmother had started to go mad! You couldn't even fathom the consequences if you were caught doing anything of this sort-- you'd be stripped of your titles, expelled from your studies, exiled even… and Taehyun…
Taehyun would never forgive you. He'd be disgusted by you.
You shove the recipe back into the book and shut it with a dull snap, toss it away from you like it was poised to attack; you hated yourself for entertaining the thought for even a second. Taehyun wasn't just your mentor and your crush, but your friend, and you couldn't possibly do that to him! He trusted you, with his pretty dark eyes and his cocky smirk, and his big, warm, veiny hands with thick calloused fingers that rested on your lower back when you were nervous in public and needed comfort. His thick arms with muscles that bulged out of his tunic sleeves when he rolled them up, his sharp teeth that he liked to bare when he sneered. His gentle, soothing voice and his never ending generosity and politeness that were a pinnacle of him even when he was one of the most stuck up people you could think of. You couldn't ever do anything like that to him, even if you died a little bit inside every day that he never seemed to glance your way.
But… you thought, reaching back over to the discarded spellbook with a shaking hand, it wouldn't hurt to re-read the recipe, just in case.
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"Taehyunnie?" You ask sweetly, peeking your head into his study. "Can I ask you something real quick?"
Gathering most of the ingredients had been relatively easy. If anything, you were caught off guard by the ease in which you put together your secret potion, hidden and bubbling away in the safety of your bedroom, a place Taehyun never dared to enter. You snuck to and from Taehyun's packed pantries whenever he was sleeping, prepared everything exactly as the recipe had stated-- you had never made a potion before, but you had a fairly good feeling that you were doing a fine job. Most of the ingredients were common potionmaking faire anyway, things you had observed Taehyun fiddling around with in the past, things you had on hand and the basic knowledge needed to prepare… except for one small detail.
Your potion sat simmering a pretty opaque pink, which meant it was ready for that little "drop of love" the recipe called for, and then it would finally be done… but you could not for the life of you understand what that could even mean. How in the world could you possibly get your hands on a droplet of materialized love? Was that even possible?
Taehyun looked up from the book he was reading with an annoyed sigh, hooded eyes searching the room before landing onto yours with a quirked brow. You never bothered him when he was studying, and you most certainly never called him 'Taehyunnie'. Not unless you were trying to weasel something out of him, at least. "Yes?" He drawled, returning back to his reading as you tiptoed closer, took a curious look over his shoulder; you caught snippets of something about astronomy and equations, the pages mostly filled with numbers and symbols you couldn't even pretend to understand. You wondered if it had anything to do with the Prince again.
"I was doing some reading…" you begin slowly, scattered mind racing to come up with a proper preface for your question. You had practiced what you were going to say at least a dozen times, you were sure of it, but every line had fled your head the moment you called Taehyun's name.
"'Reading?' That's not like you." Taehyun retorted with a snort, turning the page. He didn’t even bother to look up when you huffed in response, but you could see his grin hidden behind the hand he rested on his cheek.
"I read plenty!" you bark, taking the bait, but regain your composure when you catch a glimpse of Taehyun's smirk widening. "It’s for my studies-- I'm to be tested by the Magickal High Court soon, you know."
"I'm well aware. I’m sure you’ll do just fine." Taehyun responds tersely, picking up his quill and scribbling a note down into his journal. He must have felt your eyes glaring daggers at the back of his head, because he waved a dismissive hand at you. "But go on."
"Well… I was reading up on potions and I came across an ingredient I haven't heard about before. I was wondering if… if you knew anything about it."
Taehyun's quill stopped moving. "I see." he says, far too cryptically for your liking. "Well, what is it? It’s getting dark— it’s about time you go to bed.”
“The recipe– I mean, the spellbook I was reading mentioned something about a ‘droplet of love.’” You stumble, fidgeting nervously. “ Do you know what that is?”
Taehyun doesn’t say anything for a moment,stares down at his spellbook long enough to make you sweat, before turning to re-dip his quill in his inkpot. “Well, that could mean many things.” he says, uninterested, continuing his notes. You let out a relieved sigh you weren’t aware you were holding.
“What do you mean?” you prod gently.
Taehyun lets out an irritated sigh. “Some spellwork can be left up to interpretation, made unique and personalized for the spellcaster. Often when instructions are not clear, it's because you're supposed to figure it out yourself.”
“Figure it out myself?” You echo, a little outraged. This explanation wasn’t helping you at all.
“When practicing magick that involves complex ideas like emotions and memories, things begin to blur between the literal and the figurative.” Taehyun elaborates. The way he was hunched over his desk made his shoulders look much broader than they were, and it was getting increasingly harder to focus on what he was saying. “More advanced spellwork sometimes requires the spellcaster to work with physical manifestations of these ideas.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.” You retort combatively, crossing your arms over your chest. Taehyun’s non-answers were only serving to piss you off. “I can’t manifest love.”
“Sure you can.” Taehyun answers vaguely, shaking his head. You wished you could see the look on his face. “A ‘droplet of love" may just refer to some sort of representation, whatever that may mean to you specifically. Though "droplet" tends to refer to some kind of liquid, so you can start there.”
“Liquified love? What would that be, though?”
"Honestly, I'm not exactly sure either. But you're a smart girl, I'm sure you can figure it out." Taehyun once again raises his hand to wave you away. “Go off to bed now, you can spend all of tomorrow thinking about it if you have to; I need to finish this before I go to bed, and you’re keeping me up.”
“Go to bed. Don’t misbehave now.” Taehyun looks up from his notes and meets your gaze– the look on his face is as unreadable and stoic as usual, plush lips stretched into a thin line, but the swirling darkness in his eyes makes your head spin; he knows something, you can feel it. A strange familiarity that panics you deeply, pisses you off; why does he love so much to keep you in the dark? Is it because he enjoys leaving you confused and ignorant? Or is it because there’s knowledge he genuinely doesn’t want you to know?
You trudge back to your room dejectedly, peel off your robes and climb into your bed like a defeated soldier– you might have just tipped off to Taehyun that you were up to something, and what did you get out of it? Absolutely nothing. Just some cryptic words.
Going to Taehyun was a bad idea; you wallowed now in your own stupidity.
Droplet of love, you repeat to yourself as you drift off to sleep. Droplet of love…
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“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Taehyun hisses venomously, eyes narrowed and wild. You’ve never seen him this angry.
“It isn’t what it looks like, I swear!” you cry desperately, try to cover your still brewing potion with your body– Taehyun is too quick, grabs you rough by your nightgown and pulls you up against him. His face is so close to your own you can feel his hot, panting breath fan across your cheeks.
“Isn’t what it looks like?” Taehyun spits. “My stupid little assistant being a little whore, making a love potion behind my back? How stupid do you think I am?!”
You open your mouth to defend yourself, but Taehyun doesn’t let you utter a single word. “Were you gonna use it on me, huh? Gonna get me to fuck you? Needed some cock so badly that you were willing to throw everything away for it? Stupid fucking whore. You could have just asked.”
Taehyun lets go of your nightgown and you crumple at his feet on the floor, groveling and sobbing for his mercy. “Please don’t tell anyone, I’m sorry!” you beg, too distraught to catch the last part of Taehyun’s rant. “I won’t ever do it again, I won’t ever go behind you back agan, please!” Big fat tears stream heavy down your hot face, chest caving as you beg for your mentor's forgiveness... yet still your thighs squeeze together at his venomous words and his nasty tone, poor pussy throbbing for attention– Taehyun notices your quivering thighs with a sneer, eyes dark and cold.
“Such a fucking slut… you like this, huh? Me yelling at you?” with his big rough hand he tugs you up to your knees, holds your chin in place as he unbuckles his belt and undoes his trousers. “Want me to put you in your place? Trying to sneak around behind my back, bad little girl… need to remind you of who’s in charge. Let me use that pretty throat and I’ll forgive you.”
Taehyun pulls his cock out, flushed and leaking, flared tip shiny and begging for your tongue— in one violent thrust he sheaths himself in your throat all the way to the hilt. You gag and splutter, tears still streaming down your face, but even with your blurry vision you can see Taehyun’s sick smile as his cockhead kisses the back of your throat. “Good girl,” he hisses, “Take it like the whore you are.”
Using the hand he has tangled in your hair as leverage, Taehyun begins thrusting his hips in earnest, heavy balls slapping against your chin— your whines come out like garbled chokes, pathetic and dizzy on your knees while your mentor uses your throat like nothing more than a toy for his own pleasure. “so fucking good at this, aren’t you?” He sneers, “Such a good little assistant you are.”
You keen around his cock, pussy fluttering around nothing and dripping slick, your poor panties soaked through and ruined completely. You feel so empty it almost hurts, gummy walls aching for the cock fucking your throat open, but you can hardly find it in you to care— you’re distracted by the warlock’s taste, the nasty wet sounds, the way your scalp burns from his grip on your hair. Your hands, previously laying limp at your sides, reach up to claw uselessly at his thighs, which only seems to spur him on, hips slamming hard against your face as he moans deep in his chest.
“No one else fucks this throat like me, huh? Think anyone else can use you like this?” His chest is heaving, cock twitching violently in your mouth— he’s about to cum, and your cunt clenches with excitement. “Should just slut you out right in front of the entire kingdom, even the Prince— fuck! show everyone who you belong to, who your master is!”
You whimper pathetically, one of your hands leaving his thigh to play with your neglected covered clit— Taehyun growls, pulls hard at your hair, snickers darkly when you rush to place your hand back on his thigh. “Don’t you dare touch that cunt, that’s my cunt, you think you deserve it?”
Your pussy is throbbing, hot tears streaming down your cheeks as Taehyun continues fucking your face, “I said, do you think you deserve it? Answer your master.”
You shake your head no, as best you can speared on his dick, sobbing snotty and broken and so desperate for his cum. “That’s what I thought.” Taehyun laughs humorlessly. “Good little witch.”
You can’t focus on anything other than making sure to breathe and hollow your cheeks and stay perfectly still so Taehyun can have his way with you– your jaw aches, but you swirl your tongue around Taehyun‘s shaft the best you could anyway. “Fuck, gonna cum!” He whimpers after a particularly harsh suck, hips stuttering, his big hands moving to cup both of your cheeks. It would be sweet in any other situation, so gentle and loving if he wasn’t bruising your throat with the force of his thrusts. “G-gonna— pretty little throat gonna make me cum, shit! ‘m cumming–!”
You wake up with a gasp, heart pounding in your chest so violently it was painful– it takes you a few moments for you to recognize your own surroundings, realize that you’re tucked safely in your bed and not caught red handed by your mentor; you can hear the soft bubbling of your potion at the foot of your bed, undisturbed and simmering away…
And between your legs was a sticky wet mess, your thin panties soaked through, arousal dribbling down the insides of your thighs— you’re humiliated but so turned on from your dream you could hardly think, fingers trailing down to dip into your panties and run along your slit… and you marvel, intoxicated, at the way thick droplets trickle down your fingertips when you pull them back.
Droplet of love…
Taehyun had fallen asleep at his desk that night, slumped over his scrolls and spellbooks, so you felt it was only right to wake him up with a treat— a steaming hot cup of perfectly brewed tea, complete with a little wooden teaspoon and a saucer full of freshly-baked cookies. Taehyun stared it down like it was staring back at him.
“You never make me tea.” he says flatly, brown eyes flickering between the cup and your face, making no moves to take the teacup from your outstretched hand. His sleepy, raspy voice and disheveled appearance would have made you swoon if you weren’t going half-mad with anxiety.
“Well, you’ve been working so hard! You know, for the Prince and all.” you chirp cheerily, voice only trembling slighrly. “I just wanted to show my appreciation!”
“Right.” he gives you an odd, side-eyed look but does eventually take the cup, takes a good long look into the amber liquid before stirring it slowly with the spoon. You were starting to sweat. “You’ve been acting odd lately. I’m a little concerned.” he says after a few moments of painful silence, making your sweating turn into full on chills. “Is there anything you aren’t telling me, ___?”
“No!” you bleat out immediately and far too quickly, making Taehyun turn his head to regard you quizzically. You didn’t have any time to process the fact that he cared for you at all. “No, nothing at all! Everything’s totally normal!”
Taehyun blinks. You give him a smile, but you’re fairly sure it turned out more like a grimace.
“If you say so…” Taehyun concedes, placing the saucer on his desk. “If you’re certain everything’s in order, would you mind running a little errand for me?”
“Of course!” you agree quickly, a genuine smile creeping onto your face. You thank the Gods above that Taehyun actually took the tea, now all that was left was to wait… and you supposed that playing errand girl was the perfect task for the meantime.
Taehyun picks up a small, parchment-wrapped parcel from among the clutter of his desk and hands it to you. “Would you be a doll and hand this to the Prince for me? And tell him to be sparing with it, for goodness’ sake, it’s not one of his perfumes.”
You take it gently, blushing— the package was much lighter than you expected it to be, and it gives a light rattle when you turn it over in your hands. “What is it?” you ask; you can never stop yourself from being nosy. Taehyun sighs, but there’s a mirthful glimmer in his eye that makes you giggle.
“The luck spell, remember? Now go on, he needs it to take effect by the evening.”
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You waltz back into the cottage as the sun was just beginning to creep behind the treetops, having made sure to take your sweet, sweet time delivering the Prince’s package– you even stayed for tea and a chat, just in case; it wasn’t really your fault that the crown royal never knew when to shut up, was it?
“Taehyun?” you call out as you step inside— everything seemed perfectly normal and nothing was out of place, and perfectly still silence met you as you continued through the front room and into your winding, rickety hallway, at the end of which was your mentor’s study. The door was left slightly ajar.
You peeked inside, tentative; back facing you, you could see Taehyun hunched over his work desk, head hung low as he gripped onto the wood with white knuckles. He was panting, shoulders heaving with the force of his breaths, his arms shaking— your heart soared with euphoria. The potion must be working, you thought with zeal.
“Taehyun?” you call again, voice barely above a whisper dripping with faux concern, trembling with excitement, and you gently push the heavy oak door farther open with an ear-ringing creek. Taehyun’s head snaps up at the noise, startling you with his expression— his eyes were wide and wild, face flaming red, and he stares at you in shock and in rapture for a deafening few moments before averting his gaze and tugging hard at the collar of his tunic. He turns back to look at the scrolls on his desk with a cough. You could still see the blush coloring the tips of his ears.
“Taehyun, are you okay?” you ask, this time not having to fake the worry. You take a few tentative steps towards the warlock— he looked almost as if he was in pain, and you anxiously wonder if maybe you should have been more faithful to ‘a little goes a long way.’
“I’m fine.” Taehyun grunts, his usually light voice gruff and strained. The sound of it hit you deep in your tummy. “Just feel a little hot, that's all.”
You take a few steps closer, slowly and cautiously, and reach out your hand to touch his shoulder. “A-are you sure?”
“Don’t come any closer.” Taehyun warns, voice flat but dark, dripping something that makes your thighs clench together.
Your fingertips just barely brushed the top of his shoulder.
As if possessed, Taehyun spins around within an instant and grabs your wrist tightly, staring you down for a long, intense moment with a primal, dangerously dark look— it frightens and excites you, leaving your head spinning.
He uses your wrist to pull you roughly to his chest, faces centimeters apart and bodies flush; within the same breath he cages you against his desk, traps you tight between his muscular arms.
You can feel his breath fan your face as he pants like a dog, lowers his head closer and closer to yours. “I’m not sure what’s wrong with me; I just need you…”
His pillowy lips crash onto yours mid-gasp, passionate and dominating— you lean into the kiss immediately, moaning high in your throat when he deepens it, tilting your head back to stake a possessive claim that leaves you dizzy and gasping for air. He moves to run his hand up your thigh and grind his hips against yours, pushing your skirt up your hips. His thick hard cock presses hard up against your dripping slit, soaking your thin cotton panties. When he pulls away, hissing, you can see a damp spot on the crotch of his pants, outlining his straining bulge obscenely.
“Tyun—“ you whimper, but he’s quick to cut you off. He lowers himself down and takes a hold of your thighs, tugs them over his shoulders and dangling in the air; he chuckles out a breath that blows icy cold against your sopping panties.
“Just need a taste of you…”
His nose bumps gently against your throbbing clit and he mouths hot and heavy against your folds through the covering fabric. You keen desperately, nearly shriek when he begins to run the flat of his tongue up your slit and towards your clit. “Lemme taste you…” Taehyun breathes against your cunt, his long finger coming to tug at the hem of your panties.
“Anything you want!” you whine, twisting your own fingers into his thick hair. Taehyun grins wickedly.
“Anything I want?” he coos, poisonously sweet. “What a good little assistant I have.”
With a rough tug he pulls your panties to your knees, leaves your legs tangled in the wet fabric and up in the air. Taehyun devours your cunt like a starved man, his thick lips sucking tight on your clit and his tongue slow and nasty around your entrance. He drinks up your arousal as if it were some type of ambrosia, only going faster and faster with his motions until you cum all over his face with a cry, until you’re tugging hard at his hair and whining for him to stop.
He pulls away from your pussy with a longing glance, his lips and chin dripping your slick, the tip of his nose shiny. “You said whatever I want,” he pants, standing up to begin unbuckling his belt. “Gotta fuck you now, gotta fuck this pretty little pussy…”
Taehyun’s cock springs out of his trousers, slaps against his belly before standing to attention, veins throbbing— he fists his shaft loosely, enough for you to catch a glimpse of pearly white pre-cum leak out the slit of his thick pink head. Your tongue ached for the taste.
“Yes, yes, please,” you beg, pulling him closer so he can grind his cock between your weeping folds, getting his shaft nice and wet with a sloppy mix of his spit and your arousal. His cockhead pushes at your hole teasingly, and Taehyun lets it slip against your rim and slides up your folds to bump your clit. You whimper and attempt to spread your legs any bit farther, restricted by your panties— Taehyun chuckles before readjusting his cock and sheathing himself entirely in your cunt in one deep stroke. His cockhead kisses your cervix, your walls stretched so suddenly and so painfully good that you cry out in surprise and ecstasy. “You’re so deep!” you gasp, your eyes rolling back into your head when Taehyun starts rolling his hips in a ruthless rhythm.
“Take it like a good girl,” he laughs, repositioning his hands to grab tight at your hips so he could thrust into you in earnest, hips slapping together loud and wet, impossibly fast. “So tight, shit! Feel so fucking good, you’re so wet— perfect cocksleeve, perfect pussy.”
He splits you in two, your gummy walls stretched past your limits, hugging tight on his throbbing cock. Your cervix gets pounded with every hard thrust, his cock so deep you could feel him in your lower belly. “I’ve wanted to fuck you so bad,” Taehyun confesses, pussy drunk. “Wanted you since I first met you— You’re mine now, pretty thing, you hear me? Perfect pussy for me, never letting you go.”
“Yes!” you wail, too fucked out to process any of what he had just said. All you could think about or focus on was how good Taehyun was fucking you, how his heavy tightening balls were slapping against your ass, how that fiery hot knot in your belly grew tighter and tighter. “I’m yours, I’m yours!”
“Fuck yeah, that’s right. All mine, baby.” Taehyun groans deeply, hips stuttering. His hand lets go of your waist to circle your clit with rough, calloused fingertips.
You’re sent barreling towards your climax, that fire in your belly all-consuming as your pussy flutters around Taehyun’s cock. “Feels so good!” you sob, gripping his thick bicep for support. “I’m gonna cum, Taehyunnie, ‘m gonna cum—!”
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum too. Beg for my cum, baby; I’m gonna cum inside you, fill you up!” Taehyun’s cock twitched and throbbed inside your cunt, his thrusts wild and desperate. “All mine…”
“Cum inside, please! I need it, I need your cum so bad!” you hiccup, big fat tears rolling down your puffy hot cheeks from overstimulation. “Want your cum in my pussy!”
Taehyun does so with a broken moan, shoving his cock as deep inside of you as he could go, up against your cervix. He paints your walls white, floods your womb with his thick hot seed. You can feel his cock twitch with every spurt— you cum yourself a second time from the sensation, pussy clenching hard around Taehyun's slowly softening cock. He grunts, winces and grits his teeth.
Your chest is heaving as you pant for air and so is Taehyun’s, both of you sweaty and spent and trying to catch your breath. He dips his head to rest his forehead against your own, something so touchingly intimate it makes your heart clench, and you’re just about to close your eyes and bask in your euphoria, you catch Taehyun’s evil sneer.
“Silly girl thought I didn’t know? how stupid do you think I am?”
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dilemmaontwolegs · 10 months
Not A Verstappen: Gridlocked {7}
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!driver!reader x Lando Norris Summary: Your mother finally gets the truth out of you regarding Max. Warnings: 18+ only, swearing, angst WC: 2k F1 Masterlist NAV: Sibling Rivalry One || Two || Three NAV: Gridlocked One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight
The double bed was definitely not made to accommodate three people, even if you were all spooning, so you found yourself sneaking out at sunrise. You hadn’t been able to sleep with the thoughts running through your head, wondering why Max couldn’t have been more like your mother. You weren’t worried about waking Lando as you climbed out from between them, since you didn’t have an air horn on you, but you were careful not to jostle Charles who was a much lighter sleeper.
After changing into a pair of leggings and a sports bra, you found your airpods and shoved the Aura ring back on your finger before taking a lap of the village. You quickly settled into a good pace, feeling the rhythmic slap of your trainers on the pavement and timing your breathing to match. It cleared your mind and gave you a focus on something other than everything else that was happening around you. For those precious minutes you didn’t think about Max.
So far you had managed to avoid talking about him with your mum, though that was mostly thanks to being blindsided by your relationship status - it had been enough to distract her for the rest of the day. You weren’t so sure that luck would last another 24 hours but you would certainly try.
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“Just leave her be, she’ll come in when she’s ready.” Your mother had been watching you all morning from her spot on the window seat, a cup of tea in hand. After Charles had woken up he had joined her and watched curiously, wondering why you were in the garden. “Avoiding me,” she said with a knowing smile. “It’s funny that the only times she would willingly do her chores were when she was trying to hide. It was a dead giveaway, but I never said anything. It was just nice to not have to ask her to do them.”
Charles chuckled as you battled to trim the agapanthus with a pair of rusted and blunt shears. “Should I offer to help?”
She wrinkled her nose and shook her head, checking the time on her watch. “She’s nearly done.”
Charles quirked an eyebrow as he looked at the progress that had barely started to make a dent in the long drive.
“Fuck,” you hissed as you the slimy residue that leaked from every cut leaf made your hand slippery and the shears fell from your grasp, narrowly missing your foot. You went to wipe a wayward hair that fell onto your nose but the sun caught the shimmer of slime and you jerked back with a groan, instead trying to blow it out of your face. You grew more irritated as the hair remained where it was tickling your nose and the urge to sneeze built up. “Fuck this shit.”
Abandoning the garden, you marched up the path and kicked your filthy shoes off before storming through the house.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” your mother greeted jovially. “Lovely day for a spot of gardening.”
“I’m calling Mr Newberry,” you grumbled on your way to the bathroom. “He can sort that mess out.”
You felt slightly calmer after washing away the slime and the chlorophyll that stained your fingers green and that feeling only grew when you found Charles waiting with a coffee made just how you liked it. “Busy morning?” he asked after handing over your elixir of life and taking his payment with a quick kiss.
“I’m just trying to help out,” you said with an innocent shrug. “I made a list of things that need fixing around here and if I don’t make the phone calls they will never get done.”
Charles tried to hide his amusement but when you narrowed your eyes at him he couldn’t stop the smile from breaking through. “Your mother knows you so well,” he laughed as he leaned in to whisper, “She knows you are avoiding her.”
“No, she doesn’t.”
“Yes, she does,” he assured you, running his hands along your sides before he kissed your forehead. “Just talk to her, amour.”
A shirtless and sleepy Lando stumbled his way into the room, rubbing his eyes and yawning as he made a beeline for the two of you. You placed your mug on the table before he reached you and let him fall into the middle of the embrace as his eyes fluttered shut again. He must have been burrowed under the blankets because the heat radiating off him was almost hotter than the blistering shower you had taken.
“Why are you awake?” he mumbled against your neck.
“Couldn’t sleep.”
“She’s being a coward and avoiding her mum.”
That made Lando battle his exhausted state and force his eyes to open as his forehead crinkled with a frown. “Why?”
“I’m not.”
“Because she wants to know why that person-we-can’t-mention-for-another-eight-days keeps calling her.”
“You can say his name,” you grumbled. “Max Verstappen, World Champion, Number One. Prodigal Son. Cunt.”
Your mother gasped as she entered the room with a fresh brew of tea. “I should wash your mouth out with soap, young lady.”
You winced at the reprimand. “Oops, turns out we can’t say his name.”
“This has gone on long enough, take a seat - family meeting,” she ordered as she pointed to the table. Lando and Charles took a step towards the door but your mum tutted. “You’re a part of this family now too, gentlemen.”
“Should I put a shirt on?” Lando asked as he looked down at himself. “Or shorts?”
“Please don’t.” “Please do.” You spoke at the same time as your mother, both of you sending each other slightly irritated looks. 
“Two Spitfires, Char, there’s two now,” he whispered under his breath as he went to get dressed. He obviously had been in a rush and blindly pulled clothes out because the tense atmosphere wasn’t enough to stop Charles from grinning at the sight of Lando in his Ferrari shirt.
Seated at one end of the table, you faced your mother while your poor boyfriends were the buffer between. Lacing her fingers together, she stared back at you and made that heavy sigh that every parent could which immediately induced waves of guilt. You didn’t even have anything to be guilty over, but it happened anyway.
“What happened with Max?”
You crossed your arms at the direct question. “This is why I don’t bring people home.”
“What happened with Max?”
“Nothing.” You dropped your head to the table with a thud as her penetrating stare became too much to look at.
“What happened with Max?”
“Fucksake,” you groaned as her persistence won over your impatience. “He called you a whore…well technically he called me one too, but it doesn’t matter. He disrespected you, mum, so instead of calling you what he can do is he can take his phone and go fuck himself with it.”
Lando covered his mouth as a quiet squeak slipped out behind his apologetic smile and you reached out with your foot, running it up and down his leg. You felt bad for subjecting him to this drama when he was as introverted as they come - not that anyone would guess after seeing him on tv. Charles seemed to just take everything on the chin and not a lot fazed him at all, but like you he was reaching out to soothe Lando under the table too. 
“I shouldn’t have come, I’m sorry,” you said as you started to push your chair out.
“Wait, please,” your mum asked quietly as her face softened. “He shouldn’t have said that, sweetheart, and I’m sorry that he did. I’m assuming it was after he found out about the three of you?”
You all nodded sullenly and she sighed. “It’s a shock, that’s no excuse, but it was a big shock. Maybe you should talk to him? It’s been a few days, he’s had time to think and reflect. You might be surprised.”
“Have you ever heard Max apologise?” you asked Lando and Charles. Both of their eyebrows furrowed in thought before they shook their heads. “See, Max doesn’t apologise, and I have no interest in hearing anything else from him.”
“As long as you’re doing it for yourself, honey, and not on my behalf. I have been called every name under the sun, but it's water off a duck's back. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to repair the relationship for some vindication for me. He’s your brother and you have missed so much of each other’s life already.” Your mother sighed again as she saw you had heard her words but they hadn’t broken the wall you had built. “Just think about it.”
She rose from the table, walking around it to rest her hand on your shoulder. “Just think about it,” she repeated before she left the room as you sagged in your chair like a puppet whose string had been cut.
Your phone vibrated in your pocket and you pulled it out to see your reflection broken on the screen. It still hadn’t been repaired from the last argument you had with Max when you accidentally cracked it. Perhaps it was a good reminder to keep.
Unlocking the device, you saw the notification from family share - alerting you that your location services were in use. 
“Fucking cunt,” you groaned before hearing your name from the other end of the house. “Sorry! Can I call him a prick?”
Lando laughed and this time Charles joined in as your mother ranted to herself about your language. You couldn’t help that you grew up around mechanics and drivers, they were the most foul mouthed bunch of people. 
Reaching across, Charles took a look at your phone before updating Lando. “He tracked her.”
“What do you want to do?”
Five minutes ago you would have ditched the phone and packed the car. Five minutes ago you might have threatened harassment. Five minutes of talking with your mother changed everything. 
“I don’t know,” you admitted as you dropped your head in your hands until they were pulled away. You could wear a blindfold and still know exactly who was holding your hand, recognising their touch and feel with the familiarity of intimacy. “What do you think I should do?”
“I’m not ready to forgive him for how he spoke to you, amour,” Charles shrugged. “If he was my brother, I honestly don’t know if that would change anything.”
“I’ll follow your lead, baby,” Lando said as he lifted your hand to his lips. “Whatever you decide. What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking you look really good in that shirt,” you said as you looked at Charles for confirmation, his smirk evident. “Really, really good.”
“I always look good. Stay focused.”
“I am focused. I am going to call the gardener, and someone to fix that bloody pavement. Then, maybe, I’ll think about what to do next, it’s not like he’s going to be knocking down the door right this minute.”
Both of them turned to the door expecting to hear it knock and you rolled your eyes. “He’s not the bogeyman. He just likes to think he is.”
You took your phone back and opened the family share app, selecting Max’s phone and watched as it zeroed in on the pin drop. “Shit,” you sighed as the blue dot moved along the street. Leaning back in the chair, you craned your neck to see out the window and caught sight of an Audi SUV pulling in the driveway. “I take that back. Can we run?”
Click here for chapter eight.
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jawabear · 1 year
Don't disobey
Captain John Price x Reader
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Not my GIF
A/N: i'm sorry that apparently i can only write smut for this man. but i a smutty for this man. i don't think i'm very good at writing dark fics but here you go. enjoy!
Genre: Smut, angst (i guess?), Fluff at the end
Warnings: AFAB!Reader, rough!price, Dark!posessive!price, boot humping, oral (m.receiving), hair pulling, name calling, edging, daddy price is angry, sir kink (but not really as a kink??), squirting, unprotected sex
Summary: A risky move on the field leaves the captain less than happy with you...
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You knew it was a risky move to pull out on the field in the middle of a fire fight. You knew you would get it in the neck for going against Price’s order. But saving an innocent person’s life form certain death at the hands of cartel scum was well worth the bollocking you were bound to get from John. 
When Gaz peeped his head through the door to your room with a grim looking expression you knew what you were in for. “He must be really angry if you’ve got a face like that” you muttered to your friend. 
“He’s pretty fuckin’ pissed, yeah” Gaz held the door open for you as you left the room and fell into step beside him. “I just wanted to say, its been an honour serving with you” he gave you a mock salute that only filled you with more dread. 
“Don’t do that” you swatted his hand away and he laughed. 
“No but seriously, Price is going to kill you” the smile on his face and the humour in his voice didn’t match the seriousness of his words as you now stood outside Price’s office door. “Good luck” Gaz sang before practically skipping away. 
“Bastard” you muttered as you shot him a death glare. You drew in a breath and knocked on the door. 
There was a beat of silence before his low and gruff voice vibrated through you. 
“Come in, (Y/N)” you swallowed before opening the door and stepping into the office. You were staring at the floor, not quite ready to face him just yet. 
“You wanted to see me…sir” you don’t know why you hesitated in your words. But you wished you hesitated longer in lifting your head. For what you saw before you damn near made you flood your underwear. 
John sat beside his desk. Shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, those deliciously hairy and strong forearms on display, his left resting on his desk, fist clenched. His legs spread but firmly on the ground. You wanted to jump into his lap, or at least kneel between his legs and use your mouth to show him how sorry you were. His other hand stroking over his mutton chops as he looked at you. 
Stared at you. A darkness in his eyes you had never seen before. He wasn’t just angry. He was enraged. 
He sized you up as you stood before him. Hands claps in front of you, thighs pressed together for more reasons than one, trying your best not to look into his dark eyes. But it was so hard to look away. Like he was hypnotising you. Using some sort of invisible power to keep your eyes locked on his as he assessed your worth. 
“Sir, I know what happened-“
“I will do the talking Sergeant” he barked. You backed down, shrinking into yourself. He had never raised his voice at you, only when it was too loud for you to hear him in his normal voice. You nodded. 
“You disobeyed my orders” he stated. “You put your self in immediate danger. You nearly got fuckin’ killed” he slammed his fist on his desk making it and you jump. He stood and stormed over to you so quickly you found yourself back up until you hit the door. 
He slammed his arm over your head and pinned you to the door with his body. Your face heated at the distance, or lack there of, between you. You could feel his rage pouring out of his as he seethed, his teeth hard together. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” His voice was low, dangerous. Dark. It made your blood run cold. 
“I-I…”you didn’t know what to say. Would could you say in order to earn yourself a smidge of leeway with him? “I’m s-sorry. Sir” 
He let out a laugh. A mocking laugh that sent chills down your spine. “You’re sorry” he said. He pushed his body harder against your, flattening you against the door. “And what is it you’re sorry for? Disobeying me? Putting yourself in danger? Almost getting shot?”
“A-All of it” you said meekly. He made you feel so small. Not just form his height, but his size. The bulk of his stature. He would crush you if he really wanted, and he wouldn’t break a sweat. “Sorry sir. I’m so sorry. I won’t do it again. I promise”
“No, I know” his tone changed. A mocking, condescending sweetness as he ran a hand down your cheek. “I know you won’t” he grabbed your face between his thumb and fingers, pushing them together until your mouth open for him “because I’m going to teach you how to be an obedient little slut for me. I’m going to teach you to follow my orders. And after I’m done with you,” his voice dropped again as he pressed his lips to your ear, “you will never even think about disobeying me again” 
You could only let out a breath and nod. “Good,” he purred. He reached for the door and locked it. You shivered. He stepped back from you and returned to his chair, sitting in the same position as he was when you entered the office. Only this time the look in his eyes wasn’t just anger, but hunger. Starvation almost. He wanted you just as much as you wanted him, but in a different way. In a darker way. 
“Take off your clothes” he told you. You blinked at him but knew better than to make him repeat himself. You pulled yourself off the door and began to unzip your jacket. John leaned back in his chair and folded his arms over his chest. His legs still spread as he watch you. 
It wasn’t long until you had undressed yourself down to your bra and panties. Price scowled at you,“Take. Off. Your. Clothes.” Each word was laced with a darkness you didn’t want to entertain further. 
You felt so embarrassed you wanted to cry. You had been naked in front of the captain many times. But those times were different. Then, it was to pleasure you. Here, it was to humiliate you. And it was certainly working. You silently thanked every god that he had the curtsy to lock the door and draw the blinds so no one could see in. See you. John wouldn’t allow it anyways. You were for his eyes only. Everyone knew that. 
With shaky hands you unclasped your bra and slid off your panties. Now completely naked in front of him. In the middle of his office. It had never felt so big and so empty. You felt so vulnerable. Felt so naked under his gaze. More than just without clothes, but without a shield. Price could see every inch of you. Inside and out. 
John noticed the way you eyes watered and he called you over to him. “Get on your knees” you dropped to the floor immediately. As if someone had kicked out your knees. “So you do know how to follow orders” he smirked as he tapped your chin with the back of his index finger. “You’re doing well for me,” you had to hold back a whimper. He knew praise was your weakness. “Such a good, obedient, little slut for her captain” 
You nodded vigorously “I-I promised I would be…” you hope the innocent tone you put on would be enough to start the path to forgiveness. But it was never that easy with John. Pretty words would never cut it with him. No. You would have to prove it. Good thing you were hoping for that when you entered the room. 
 John moved to undo his belt, watching you watch him with hungry eyes. But he stopped. He rested a hand on your head “undo my belt” he ordered. 
You whimpered a little and struggled with undoing the leather belt. You didn’t slide it out of the loops but your fingers hesitated over the zipper to his trousers. You flicked your eyes up to him and he gave a subtle nod. You pulled down the zip and spread out the flaps a little. You could clearly see his bulge in his dark grey boxers. You couldn’t stop your mouth from watering at the anticipation of having that fat cock in your mouth, your pussy, where ever he wanted to put it. 
“Pull out my cock, sergeant” you didn’t hesitate. Fishing it out of his boxers. It was already hard. Hard and red. The head gleaming with pre-come. You swallowed. You eyed the vein that ran from the base to the tip. You shock at the memory of how it felt pressing against your walls as fucked toy senseless. 
His grasp tightened in your hair. Tugging at the strands. “Put it in your mouth. Suck my cock like a good little soldier” you nodded your head and quickly pulled him into your mouth. 
Bobbing your head up and down his thick cock had him moaning and pulling at your hair. “That’s it. Good girl” you pressed your thighs together. The nickname making your pussy throb. You so badly wanted to rub your clit. To relieve some of the pressure but you didn’t want to be bad for him. Not again. 
You couldn’t help but close your eyes as you pulled him further into your mouth. The head of his cock hitting the back of your throat “oh fuck” he swore lowly. The noise vibrating through you. He grabbed the sides of your head and held you there. His dick buried in your throat. Your eyes filling with tears as you struggled to breathe through your nose. Your nails dug into his clothed thighs. But you didn’t pull back. You wanted to please him. “Swallow around me” you did. Constricting your throat around his cock. He flung his head back and bucked his hips into your mouth making you gag. He pulled out of your mouth and looked at you. His hands still holding your face. A hint of worry behind those dark eyes. You gave him a gently smile, silently telling him you were okay to continue. 
He grunted and guided your mouth back on him, not as deep this time. You took the rest of him in your hand and pumped his shaft while you sucked the head of his cock. “That’s it. That’s it Sergeant. So good at sucking cock. ‘Bout all your good for it seems” 
You shook your head. “No?” He chuckled. “Well what else are you good for? You can’t follow orders in the field, but you can for sucking my fat cock in that pretty little mouth of yours” You muffled your words as you sucked him. “It’s rude to talk with your mouth full” he smirked and pulled you off him by your hair. 
You swallows and drew in a breath “good for you to fuck” you admitted to him. Face heated, chin covered in drool. You were a mess. But he loved it. 
“Now that is a thought” he said. He pushed your mouth back onto his cock. Encouraging you to take him a bit deeper this time. Your hand still pumping what you couldn’t fit it. 
Your breathing became laboured when you felt his boot stroke up your thigh. Your head spun as you tried not to come right there. “S-Sir” you spluttered around him. He slipped his boot between your legs and dragged it over your soaked pussy. “Captain…please” 
“I’m the one giving orders” he reminded you “ride it. Like the filthy slut you are. Get yourself off on my boot” 
You didn’t bother to hide your excitement and enthusiasm. You adjusted your position and gripped hold of his leg with your free hand and began grinding your pussy onto his boot. You moaned loudly around his cock when you made contact, the friction you desperately needed. 
“Such a pathetic little soldier” he somewhat cooed at you. Tilting his head as he examined you. Examined the way you humped his foot while sucking his cock. Looking at you heated face, you heavy eyes that were filled with tears and pupils blow black with lust. You looked pathetic. You looked like a slut. You looked like his. 
“Desperate, hm?” John smiled a dark smile at you. “Must be. Soaking my boot with that little pussy. Bet you wish it was my cock. My cock inside that tight little kitty. Fucking your brains out like the disobedient little whore you are” 
You shivered. Trembled at the tone. That dark, hungry, possessive tone. You nearly sobbed. Your pussy fluttering around nothing. So close to coming. He pulled you off his cock by your hair again. “Edge yourself” he told you “keep fucking yourself like a bitch in heat. Keep humping my leg, but don’t you dare fuckin’ come” 
You nodded your head “yes sir. Yes sir. I will” you panted. You wrapped your arms around his leg, grinding yourself on him. Moving yourself so you could feel the rough fabric of his combat trousers against your clit. It was mind numbing. 
He didn’t stop you. You edged yourself on his leg for nearly twenty minuets. When you felt yourself getting close you would stop, starting again when it died down a little. But you were crying on the nineteenth minuet. 
“C-Captain” you sobbed laying your head in his lap. “P-Please. W-want t-to…” you moaned loudly as your edge rose up inside you again. 
“Want to what? Come? And disobey my orders again?”
“No! No. Want to be good. Don’t want to disobey!” You cried. 
“Good girl” he moved his foot an inch. But that inch was enough to have you tumbling unexpectedly over the edge of pleasure. Squirting over his boot. 
“Fuck! Fuck! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” But you kept riding it out. Riding his leg as you soaked him. 
He glared at you. He stood. You fell backwards, twitching and writhing with pleasure. “Get up and bend your arse over my desk” you struggled to you feet but did as he said. You eyes still streaming with tears as you bent yourself over his desk. Your ass on full view for him. Thighs soaked with your juices. 
“Did I or did I not tell you not to fucking come?” He grabbed your ass in his hands. Gripping the flesh. You hands gripped at the edge of his desk. 
“Y-You d-did” you whimpered. 
“And did you or did you not come?”
“I-I…” you sucked in a breath “I did!” 
“So what does that make you?” You didn’t answer. You couldn’t answer. You didn’t want to admit it. But he wanted you to answer him. He made that clear by slapping your ass. You couldn’t tell if it was his hand or his belt. Either way it stung in the most delicious way. 
“Disobedient…” you said. 
“Well done” he praised “for having the courage to admit it to me. But now we need to fix it. So I’ll take you up on your earlier offer. Make use of you the only other way you’re good for” he shoved his cock inside you so quickly you could barely register the stretch “fucking. This. Tight. Little. Pussy” he punctuated each word with a thrust of his hips and a slap to your ass. 
“S-Sir” you whined. He ignored you and kept ramming himself into you. Your knuckles turned white at the force of your grip on the edge of his desk. 
“Such a good little pussy. So wet for my. You like getting punished? Like being a bad girl?” 
“N-No Captain. Want to be good” you screams a little when he hit a particularly good spot inside you. 
“Seems you do like it” he retorted. “You do like it when I punish you. When I’m tough with you. When I fuck your little hole like this” 
John moved his hands to your hips. His fingers digging into your skin, your flesh, bound to leave marks if not bruises. “This pussy is mine. Your body is mine. You are mine. No one will take you away from me” his voice shook for a split second. Clearly he was replaying the day in his mind. “Say it. Tell me you’re mine. I want to hear you say it when I fill you up with my come” 
You swallowed and tried to catch your breath but he knocked it out of with with every thrust of his hips inside you. “I-“ you tried by your voice got caught in your throat. “Yours” you panted. Your voice quiet and muffled due to your face being shoved against the desk. 
You knew John wouldn’t stand for it. He wrapped your hair around his fist and yanked your head up “speak clearly, sergeant” he ordered “tell me your mine or I won’t let you come with me” you let out a few desperate pants as you tried to formulate your words. You could feel his hot breath beating over your ear. He was waiting. Literally breathing down your neck. 
“I’m yours! Only yours, John! Always yours! I’ll never leave you! I promise!” You cried. Tears flooding down your face. 
“Thats it. Good girl. Good fuckin’ girl. Now come. Come for me. Come with me” he didn’t need to repeat him self before you came around him. Soaking and strangling his cock as he shot his load into you with a low grunt that only made you pussy clench tighter around him. Your legs were like jelly. John wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you up so you could rest your weight on him. You rolled you hips against him as he continued to come inside you. “So good. So good” he whispered into your ear “I love you. I love you” 
“Love you too” you whimpered. “‘M so sorry, John. I’m so sorry. I won’t…I won’t do it again” you turned in his arms, his cock slipping out of you as you did. You buried yourself into his chest, still shaking both from pleasure and the sob that tore through you when he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your head.
“I know sweetheart. I know. I’m sorry too” he soothed “I just can’t loose you. You mean to much to me” You only nuzzled further into his chest and let him slowly begin to sway you side to side. “Are you okay?” You hummed a yes and he kissed your head again. 
“Tired” you mumbled. 
“Go rest. You need it” he tried to push you away but you clung to him like a koala. 
“Want to stay with you” you whined. He chuckled and lifted you up, your legs wrapping around his waist. 
“Needy thing” he carried you over to the sofa on the side wall of his office. He sat down with a groan and held you close against his chest. “there. Now rest”
“But I’m naked” 
“Stop being difficult” he warned. 
“Sorry” you let out a small sigh and felt your eyes getting heavy “I really am sorry John. I didn’t mean to make you worry or angry” 
“I know. You did a good thing. I just don’t like how you did it. We’ll discuss it when you wake up. So go to sleep” 
“Yes sir” 
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sweetnsour1 · 2 months
Angsty Fluff, Bakugou x fem reader
Part 9 of the Broken Collection
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“You probably still have time to order something online.” You laughed at the immediate soft snarl you received as a reply. “Not every gift purchase has to be a contest, ya know?” 
“Not a contest if I always give the best shit.” He continued to frown at the display in front of him, seemingly assigning blame to the assortment of objects not meeting his standards. 
“If you say so...” You walked past him, making sure to skirt around the bubble of personal space you had imagined to be there, to examine the wall of glass blown wind chimes. He clicked his tongue before diving into his reply.
“You fuckin’ love my gifts.” 
You didn’t turn back around, letting the statement fall without confirmation or denial. Instead, you let the silence build up a small wall between you. You ignored the way your shoulders tensed as you resisted the immediate catalog of presents now attempting to push their way through any other thoughts. He, of course, wasn’t wrong. Katsuki was an amazing chooser of gifts. Even the small random finds for no occasion at all were still some of your favorite things. Presents so perfect they had remained in your home even when Bakugou hadn’t. You weren’t able to move them, much less get rid of them. You never would. You really did ‘fuckin’ love’ his gifts. You swiped your finger against the paper laden strings in front of you, sending a wave of jingles throughout the store.  
“Excuse me, ma’am. Please don’t do that.” 
You snatched your hand back, now noticing a small sign with bold red letters reminding customers to restrain themselves from what you were getting scolded for now. Your face warmed as you apologized, but you still managed to direct a small kick to the shin of the snickering hero behind you. You spun around as soon as the clerk moved out of sight again. 
“It’s not that funny.” 
“It sure as hell is. You always get into some sort of trouble when we go out.” Your eyebrow arched at the phrasing. He coughed before adding, “uh, out shopping.” 
“So am I just here for comedic relief then? Thought you needed help picking out a gift for your mom.” 
He laughed again, stretching his arm over your shoulder and leaning toward the wall behind you. Too close. You turned your head as if to scan the back of the store for any missed items, ignoring the quickly changing proximity. His breath, which you definitely didn’t notice was cinnamon scented from the mints that were still apparently his favorite, brushed against your neck. You froze at the sound of a jingle and met the glare of the same clerk that had just reminded you of the rules.  
“Excuse me, sir. Please-” 
“Yea, yea. I know. We’ll take these.” He had already disentangled himself from your personal space, now holding two glass blown bell wind chimes. “That rule isn’t logical by the way. Unless you don’t actually want people to buy shit.”
“Of course, I can get those wrapped up.” The change in tone was obvious now that a purchase was eminent. Although the clerk ignored the advice, still moving with a swiftness to take the bells as if there really was some looming threat hiding behind the hands-off policy.  
“Are you sure?” The choice just seemed so random.
“Course. She’ll love ‘em.”  
“Um no offense, but why?” Your head tilted as he hesitated.
“I think they’ll be a sort of good luck charm for her.” His words came out slow and measured, the same way you had all been trained to talk to citizens you wanted to stay calm.
“I see.” You didn’t, but you chose to trust him and ignore how fucking weird he was being. “And you’re sure about the colors?” 
“Obviously. They wouldn’t work if they were different.” 
“I see.” You definitely didn’t, but at least he had dropped the crisis management voice.
You caught one more glimpse of glass as the clerk began closing the small wooden boxes. The first one, now hidden from view, had been a translucent grey, spotted with orange and black and a few green specks. The second...you frowned at the familiar colors. They were the same ones you were now expected to only wear five days a week. Your color palette.  
Your feet did not follow the path set by the hero you had been trailing all morning. They stayed firmly rooted as you blinked at the transaction’s completion. Why? Why was he doing this? Why was he like this? Why had so many small things stayed meaningful? Why did you have any meaning for him? For his family?  
Katsuki Never-Picks-The-Wrong-Gift Bakugou had chosen good luck tokens to give to his mother...one that clearly represented Dynamight and the other that suspiciously reflected your costume that his mother had helped design the last time you upgraded. His mother, who, yes had always loved and welcomed you, but shouldn’t care less about your safety after how you’d hurt her son.
You took a moment to berate yourself for questioning the character of a Bakugou. She would never wish for anything but safety for any hero. What was truly upsetting was you had never really let yourself stop to think how he had to tell them months ago. He had to explain to them what you had hardly been able to communicate to him when you left. What had he told them? The truth? That you were detrimental to each other. That it was your fault. That you chose this. That you hurt him. You had a horrible and quickly growing urge to cry. 
The pressure of the door handle against your back jolted you back into the space you were filling. You must’ve been slowly backing away towards the exit. Red eyes turned at the noise of the bell you brushed against as you gripped the means of escape. And, of course, you did what had become so natural when those eyes met yours. The motion came even more easily now that you risked tears visbily falling with every slow second that crawled by. The same action you took nearly a year ago. 
You fucking ran. 
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Next part
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ghouljams · 10 months
I’m BEGGING can we meet Luck???
I need to see the dynamic between them and Gaz. I’m also desperate to see what being Price’s second entails.
Luck is a tricky thing. In a single lifetime a human may have a few truly lucky breaks, things they'd call miracles, but it's limited to one or two crucial moments. Luck is something the higher ups dole out sparingly, weighing their miracles against the greater order of things. Skill is what keeps soldiers alive long enough to earn a demon, not luck. So it's not luck that soldiers need. 
Still you always get assignments, soldiers to keep track of, just in case they do something of note. You watch Kyle Garrick fall out of a helicopter and witness a truly spectacular moment of luck. The sort of luck that's only reserved for soul mates and cancer survivors. You watch him survive the fall and not miss a beat in finishing his mission, and you feel your black heart beat a little faster. The powers that be must think whatever he's doing is important. Important enough to spend his luck on. 
You push another dose of luck his way, just to make sure he doesn't get shot while he's hanging from the helo. When he's finally safe and upright again your heart is pounding, fingers dug into the shadows as you listen to his breathing and decide this can't be his only lucky break. It just can't be. He deserves better than just survival. Protocol dictates that once the extraordinary luck is gone you’re not supposed to keep tabs anymore, but you can’t help hanging around Gaz.
Something in his smile when he tells the story, the bells in his laughter, the sun that shines from him, you can’t leave him. Every word from his lips is kindling on your fire. His dedication to the cause, the firm conviction in his heart, color every tone and action. 
You feed your luck to him in bite sized pieces: guessing passwords on the first try, finding safe combinations when he searches for them, an extra bullet in his chamber when he needs it. He laughs with his captain about a lucky streak and you glow with pride. That’s me, you think, your heart beating fast and eager against your ribs.
He’s not in the running for demonic intervention, maybe angelic if he does something truly magnificently good, but he doesn’t tick any of the boxes. Still holding onto his humanity too tightly, years away from the number of kills he’d need, and not a true enough believer to try summoning anything. That doesn’t stop you from looking for ways to get to him. Generally demons tend to do as they like, but you can’t just attach yourself to someone without intervention. Someone has to sign off on it. Especially when you’re giving out unapproved stores of luck to a soldier that hasn’t captured any demon’s heart but yours. 
Your stomach drops watching Gaz push his captain out of the way as an IED goes off next to them. He’s blown across the room, hitting a wall and collapsing on the ground. He still has plenty of luck, you can’t- he shouldn’t have. Your fingers shake, thinking of your higher ups catching on to your affections. Fuck.
You direct the blood that pours from his wound to trace into the sigils you need. As close to a miracle as you can provide him. The circle closes and rips you into the physical plane. You crouch next to him, hands hovering over a man you’d only been watching until this point. What do you do? How do you help?
Gaz groans, coming back to consciousness. “Don’t move,” You whisper to him, pushing the ringing from his ears. “Don’t move,” You repeat it like a prayer, for your own benefit. You move to examine the source of the blood, the shrapnel embedded in his back and leg. Nasty jagged pieces of metal and debris. You hear the pained grunts of his captain nearby, but they do nothing to draw your attention. You swallow thickly, and place a hand on Gaz’s back to hold him still. Your other hand grips the metal in his back. 
It’s lucky, you tell yourself pulling the metal free, that it missed his spine and anything vital. You toss the metal sharp and press your hands against the wound. It’s lucky it isn’t bleeding too much. You reach into one of the pockets on Gaz’s tac vest and pull a tourniquet free. 
You shift your attention to his leg, slip the tourniquet around his thigh and tighten it. Your fingers working fast to give the debris in his leg the same treatment, Lucky it missed a major artery, lucky he won’t lose the leg, lucky you got the bleeding under control in time. You’re shaking like a leaf when you finally feel like your soldier isn’t going to die.
He’s watching you when you finally, actually, look at him, his chest heaving and his eyes wide. “Who-” He starts, before the pain of his injuries stops him and he gives a wincing grunt. You don’t look like a soldier, you know you don’t. You feel as out of place as you’re sure you look, but you’ve come too far now. 
“I want to make a deal,” you tell him quickly, scooting to sit closer to him. You lean close so he can see you, and because talking is hard with holes in you.
Price groans, pushing himself up from the rubble. He’s getting too old for this shit. Everything hurts, but nothing seems to be broken. He’ll thank Gaz for getting him out of the way later. Gaz.
He looks around the settling dust, and spots him laying still on the ground, blood pooling around him. His stomach drops. Is he moving? Did he take the brunt of that blast? Price dusts himself off, grunts at the ache in his bones, and stops.
He watches some pretty little thing lean over his sergeant. Their lips move silently, a hand pressed to Gaz’s chest. Gaz says something and they smile.
“I need medical now,” Price tells his comms, “Gaz is down, we need an evac.” The demon over Gaz turns to look at him, their eyes searing red, before they melt into shadow.
“That’s going to be a problem,” A soft voice whispers in his ear.
You perch on the edge of Gaz’s cot in the medical tent. A miracle the doctor had said. Your miracle. You don’t regret it for a second, you have your deal, you have your soldier, and you have all the luck in the world to spend on him. You broke the rules for personal gain like any good demon would and you can see no way this could possibly backfire for you.
Gaz is positively covered in bandages. All things considered he looks good, a few blood transfusions really brought his color back. You’ll do proper introductions when he’s feeling better, but for now you’re happy just to sit and talk to him. The tent flap is pulled back quick enough you don’t have time to slip back into the shadows.
“Captain,” Gaz tries to push himself up, Price raises a hand. Gaz sighs and lays back. Price is silent as he makes his way into the tent. You pull your feet up to avoid his shadow as he walks past you. Something about it makes you nervous.
“Sergeant,” Price pulls up a chair next to the cot, “We need to talk.��� He waves a hand and your heart stops watching a demon step from the shadows behind him.
You are in so much trouble.
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spideystevie · 1 year
💘 and hangman with "can... can you hold me? please?"
hi ended up turning this into a little roommates situation because i simply couldn’t resist and i can’t be stopped! also v excited with how this one turned out hehehe enjoy my love <3 - [1k] | join the party!
There were perks to having a roommate, though you’re not sure Jake would’ve been your first choice. On paper, he’s the ideal choice. He cleans up after himself. He cooks dinner for you, helps you clean. He kills the spiders. 
Despite all of that, he could be unbelievably insufferable. He was cocky and almost too sure of himself. Full of snark and the offhanded, borderline flirtatious comment. He drove you insane, in ways you couldn’t tell were good or just plain irritating.
It’s cheaper rent, you have to remind yourself when his stubbornness causes a minor spat. It’s only temporary, you say under your breath when he catches you staring at his chest for a second too long one morning and makes a stupid comment about it. 
As much as he drove you insane, you had to admit–to yourself, of course–that it was nice to have him around. He was easy to talk to and he made you laugh. He always makes you call him to pick you up just so he knows you get home safe. Plus, it was nice knowing he was across the hall at night when you go to sleep in case something were to go wrong.
You wonder if tonight is one of those cases. 
It’s not like you were in any sort of trouble. Not physically at least. You’d had a nightmare, one that left you a little breathless when you woke up. Your mind hadn’t stopped reeling, your thoughts on a downward anxious spiral. 
You feel a little silly as you stare at your ceiling, wondering if he’d let you sleep with him tonight. Just so you felt safe. You chew on your lower lip for a beat, letting your mind debate the idea for a while hoping that alone will put you back to sleep. Luck isn’t on your side. 
With a quiet huff, you slip out of bed and pad across your room to your door. His bedroom door is only five steps across the hall from yours. You feel like a little kid again telling your mom you couldn't sleep as you raise your hand to knock. 
Your knuckles rap against the wood twice and you wrap your arms around yourself as you wait. The seconds stretch together and just when you’re about to say fuck it and go back to your own room, his door swings open. Your eyes blink up at him a little wide, part of you surprised he opened the door. 
“You okay?” he asks, his voice gravelly from sleep. His slight accent seems to come through that much more too. You swallow, his voice combined with his messy hair and the black t-shirt he’s wearing along with those pajama pants makes you feel a little flustered. 
You realize he’s waiting for an answer and clear your throat. He takes in the way you’re shifting on your feet, the way you’re almost hunched in on yourself. 
“I, um…I couldn’t sleep,” you say. Your gaze drops to the floor, voice coming out timid and quiet when you say, “Had a bad nightmare.”
You hear him sigh and you fully anticipate him to send you back to your room. Instead, he wraps a hand around one of your arms and tugs you inside his room. “C’mere.”
There’s a burning spot on your arm in the shape of his hand when he lets go once you’re inside. He closes the door and makes his way back to the side of his bed he’d been sleeping on. Jake looks at you and furrows his eyebrows when he notices you haven’t moved. 
“You gonna get in bed? I don’t bite,” he hesitates like he’s going to add something to it, something that would definitely make you want to scoff but he decides against it. You make your way over to the other side of the bed and pull back the covers. 
The first thing you notice is how warm his bed is. You sink into the sheets easily, holding back a sigh from how cozy it feels beneath his sheets. All of it smells like him, not too overwhelming but enough to make you aware of it. You find that you think you like it.
There’s a shuffling of bedsheets as he gets comfortable again. You lie on your back, staring up at the ceiling and willing yourself to fall asleep. His breathing has started to even out and you wonder if he’s fallen back asleep. Must be nice.
“Jake?” you’re not sure if he can hear you with how quiet you sound. You hear the sheets rustle like he’s turning over to look at you through the dark. 
“Yeah?” his voice sounds deeper in a whisper. You swallow, pushing down nerves though they just keep rising to the top. 
“Can…can you hold me?” you whisper, shifting against the sheets. “Please?”
For a second, there’s no response and a trail of curses makes its way across your mind. You almost open your mouth to tell him to forget you said anything when you feel his chest against your arm. His arm comes around your middle and you adjust so you’re on your side, your chests almost touching. 
Your head finds a home beneath his chin, your lips against the collar of his shirt. His other arm slides beneath your body and you worry it might fall asleep sometime in the night. The thought gets snuffed out when his hand rubs against the length of your back. 
“This okay?” he asks. You let out a breath, nodding once. 
“Yeah,” you breathe out. “Thank you.”
He hums in response. His hand continues to rub your back, the action soothing you until your body feels limp with relaxation. Your blinks get heavier, longer with each stroke of his hand. You let your body sink against his the most it can, your eyes finally fluttering shut and your breath evening out. 
It’s your little secret that that’s the best sleep you’ve gotten in months when you wake up in the morning, legs tangled with his and your chin tucked against his chest.
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yuyusuyu · 9 months
blurred lines and lies — 08. a lie that breaks the line
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synopsis. you were always with yeosang, hips stuck together and hands glued to each other. he was all you knew and you were all he knew too for a while, but then you both grew up, one moving at a faster pace than the other. yeosang left you behind to awkwardly navigate the rest of an adventure—high school—without him while he embarked on a new one—college—by himself. the line of being best friends blurred somewhere along the way, and you find yourself crying on the night he promises to be someone else's because you love him. you've always loved kang yeosang ever since the days where he was trying to figure out who he was (an awkward and painful era for any teenager in middle school), loved him ever since his voice began cracking as it's tone deepened, loved him ever since he took you to that stupid and overpriced school dance in middle school despite not liking being in a huge crowd, you loved him ever since he began to become a quiet and reserved man. you hoped to be on the other side of things for once, on the other side of the line of being just best friends with kang yeosang; you realize now that it was stupid of you to ever have that sort of hope. and while you began to calm down, you wonder about what it's like being on the other side of a friendship. you don't know, but you hope to find out as you embark an adventure without him. but you didn't realize what it would it do to you and yeosang, and what it would do to you and choi jongho, your other best friend.
warnings. cheating. if there's anything i should add, let me know!
wc. 1k
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JONGHO snorts, grabbing your hand and holding it up in the air. “c’mon,” he says, grinning. “give me a twirl.”
you stick your tongue out at him before complying, twirling around. your lilac dress flutters around you, dying down when you stop. “it’s pretty, right?”
your best friend nods, eyes smiling along with his lips. “yeah,” he says. “really pretty.”
you grow embarrassed at the way he stares at you, so you clear your throat and reach out, grabbing his tie and fixing it for him. “gosh,” you tease, straightening his tie out. “your tie is all crooked. aand better!” you take a step back to admire your work, but stop when jongho’s hand wraps around your waist.
the door opens and you tilt your head to look over at… younghee. you purse your lips.
“it’s time for everyone to go get in their place.” she says, her voice quiet.
jongho squeezes your waist once before he pulls away, leaving you feeling cold. “i’ll see you in a bit,” he says, smiling at you. he gives younghee a polite nod and walks out of the room, leaving the two of you alone.
you take a deep breath, straighten your dress and try walking past younghee only for her to stop you.
“i’m going to tell him,” she says, fiddling with her fingers. “you’re right. i thought about it these last two days, and i don’t want to lose him. i want to fix our marriage.”
“i don’t think there’s any fixing what you’ve done,” you say, voice so blunt that it makes younghee flinch. “but good luck, younghee.”
“i love him,” she calls out. “i really do.”
you look over your shoulder. younghee’s looking back at you.
“you wouldn’t have cheated on yeosang if that was the case,” you finally say.
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you stand on the other side of the room, across from jongho. the other bridesmaids stand to your left, younghee being the last one in the line. jongho keeps pulling silly faces as everyone waits for sarang to walk in, and you have to keep puffing your cheeks out so you don’t laugh out loud. yeosang glances between you and jongho, and your gaze coincidentally lands on him while he thinks. when yeosang looks at you, you wiggle your eyebrows at him. he chuckles softly, shaking his head. you’re about to look back at jongho before you blink in surprise, watching yeosang suddenly stick his tongue out at you while looking at his nose. jongho also decides to strike, pulling another silly face that has you laughing, your hand flying up to your mouth as you try to muffle the sound behind your palm.
both of them are just so silly.
when your laughter subsides to giggles, you sigh, seeing jongho grin at you. he turns to talk to san, who looks like he’s about to pass out. your eyes trail over to yeosang, whose ears are a bright shade of pink.
no one saw, you mouth at him, giving him a thumbs up. don’t worry.
he nods, smiling at you.
the sound of a piano fills the air, and everyone turns to look at the door just as sarang walks into the room. out of the corner of your eye, you see san smile bright before his knees buck and jongho quickly reaches out to grab a hold of his arm. before you look back at sarang, you grin brightly while yeosang mirrors the look on your face.
he mouthed to you that you look pretty.
the ceremony doesn’t take long and soon you find yourself dancing with jongho after san and sarang have their first dance together as a married couple. you had to drag jongho out to the dance floor the whole time because he didn’t feel like dancing, but you know he’s lying since he didn’t put up much of a fight. and you have fun, dancing with jongho as you two giggle and twirl around, missing the way yeosang stares at the two of you from across the room while he dances with younghee a more somber tune compared to the bright and lighthearted one you dance with jongho.
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“guess what younghee told me the other day when we got back home from the wedding?”
you glance at yeosang, blinking at him as you wait for him to continue. you two push past people as you walk down the street, trying to get to the cafe.
“she told me that she wants to start a family.”
“what?” your head snaps to look at him so fast that you get whiplash. rubbing your neck, you stop in the middle of the street. “she said that to you?”
yeosang nods.
“and she didn’t say anything else?” you prod, tilting your head.
he shakes his head. “no… why?”
you clear your throat. “oh, i was just…” you stop, jaw going slack as you spot younghee walking on the sidewalk across the street, heading into the bar.
in broad daylight! you think, eyebrows twitching. 
“yn?” yeosang gently shakes you. “is everything okay?”
“oh, yeah!” you respond, grabbing his hand and tugging him across the street and to the bar. “follow me real quick, yeo.”
yeosang doesn’t resist, following you obediently. “yn,” he says, looking at you as you open the door to the bar. “why are we in a bar?”
“we are here,” you mumble, looking to the back corner of the bar to find younghee sitting at a table. “to look at your wife.”
“what?” he looks at you, confused. you point across the room at something, and yeosang looks over to see his wife greet— “oh.”
he doesn’t know what he feels at the moment as he stares at younghee kiss a face that yeosang could never forget even if he wanted to. and he doesn’t know what he feels as younghee smiles sweetly at the man, grabbing his hand and accidentally looking over his shoulder.
yeosang has no idea what he feels as he watches the smile fall from his wife’s lips as she stares into his emotionless eyes with her wide ones and a pale face.
kang yeosang has no idea what he feels right now at the sudden revelation that younghee has cheated on him.
just as she had done seven years ago in their second year of college.
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BLURRED LINES AND LIES | yuyusuyu 2023
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littleredwing89 · 1 year
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CEO!Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings – Language. NSFW. Smut.
A/N: Hope you all enjoy the next chapter! :) apologies for no tag list, still trying to get it working and get back into the swing of things xoxo
Jason looked up as you wandered into the kitchen with three bags of popcorn under your arms. He chuckled and put down the newspaper he had, “What are these for?”.
“Movie night, duh!”, you grinned and grabbed some bowls out from one of the kitchen cupboards. You emptied the salt popcorn into the plastic tub, ignoring the small frown on his face.
“Which movie?”, he sounded suspicious and rightly so. The last film you’d both tried to watch ended with you under him on your couch. Not that you were complaining about that too much.
“It's a good movie, I swear”, you winked and slipped a piece of popcorn into your mouth.
Jason made his way across to you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, “It better not be like the last one”.
You scoffed, ignoring the blush covering the bridge of your nose, “I think you enjoyed the last one thoroughly”.
“Hmmmm”, he pretended to think, his voice dropped low, “I don't believe we ever finished that”, he dipped his head and trailed kisses up your neck.
You bit back a moan working it’s way up your throat, “We could try again if you want?”.
“Is that a smart move?”, he breathed against your flesh, enjoying the way your skin prickled against his stubble.
Sliding your hand down his front you sighed in bliss, “Mmhmm”.
Just as your fingers hit the waistband of his joggers, everything in the apartment went pitch black.
“What the-”.
You laughed and pressed your forehead into his chest, “I’m guessing that's a no from the universe then”.
Jason grumbled under his breath, tearing himself away from you and wandering across to the fuse box. He growled irritated and started flicking the red switches on and off repeatedly with no luck.
“Oh for fucks sake!”.
“It’s just a power cut”, you chuckled to yourself and stroked your hand down his spine delicately, “Relax, don’t you have any candles?”.
He sank into your touches and closed his eyes, enjoying the waves of calm you radiated into his stiff body, “I do”.
“And you never thought to use them to set the mood?”.
Jason grunted, “That’s a fire hazard…plus I don’t need candles to get you in the mood”.
You grinned, “You’re such a buzz kill!”.
He rolled his eyes and moved across the kitchen, “I think I have them here somewhere…”.
“Why don’t you go light the fireplace”, you moved him out of the way, “And I’ll sort out the candles”. You opened the cupboard next to the oven and found the candles easily. You’d spent so much time here now you knew your way around his kitchen, often finding things quicker than Jason.
He couldn’t remember the last time he’d actually used the fireplace. Maybe he hadn’t. He watched you potter around the living room, dotting the candles around sporadically creating a soft romantic glow.
“Maybe I should use these candles more often”, he mused, unable to take his eyes off your beautiful smile.
“I thought it was a fire hazard”, you teased.
Jason huffed out a puff of air. He didn't want to admit that seeing you smile was all he needed. Regardless of the impending fire risk.
“As long as they’re under control it’s fine”.
You giggled more and finished lighting the last few candles around the living room before heading over to the fire, “There goes our movie marathon”.
“I can think of a way to pass the time”, he winked across at you, patting the space in front of him.
“You’re insatiable”.
“Only for you”.
You sat down on the soft fur rug facing into the blazing logs, with your arms wrapped around your legs and clasped in front of your shins. Jason pulled you between his open legs and you relaxed, leaning back onto his chest. You let your head relax against his shoulder, eyes fluttering shut at the gentleness of his actions.
Jason folded his arms alongside the outside of yours, to match their bend and bring a little extra warmth to them. It was a moment of sheer bliss. His senses were filled with the citrus scent of your hair. Your shampoo bottle pressed up against his in the bathroom. His head leaned down to inhale the fragrance of your skin, and his lips kissed the intersection of your neck. Jason smiled and smoothed his touches along your shoulder. You released a long and rather languorous sigh, with just the hint of a moan floating on it. The first kiss led itself to a long, slow series replicating the first wherever his lips could reach.
You let your head and shoulders droop forward, and in doing so let the shirt's right shoulder slide slowly down your arm, bringing the neckline along. Jason leaned forward again and gently kissed the back of your neck enjoying the way you shivered, his stubble scratching you perfectly. He saw that the shirt’s; his shirt; other shoulder had fallen as well. The elegant silk cloth was now loose and slowly uncovering your strapless bra, along with the perfect curves of your breasts.
Jason’s hands still covered yours, and he lifted them up to touch your supple flesh, pulling you into him tighter. He felt a tremor somewhere inside you when both of your paired hands reached the soft skin left exposed by your lace bra.
The thrill of your hands touching your soft breasts together made him groan into the nape of your neck, hot breath fanning over your skin. You purred at the sensations. You slipped your hands out of his and pulled the bra down, letting his hands envelop your bare breasts.
Jason forgot to breathe momentarily. You melted into his touch. His hands alternated between palming your breasts and teasing your nipples with his thumb and fingers. You moaned, arching further into his hands, the sensual delights sending tremors across your whole body.
Slowly you twisted round to kneel between his legs, rising up on your knees in front of Jason. Your breasts bounced tantalisingly in front of him, tongue darting out to wet his lips. He reached around behind your back, now warm and damp from the heat of the fire, and pulled you towards him.
Gentle kisses brushed over each of your nipples before his tongue traced over the tips. You gasped, hands tugging his hair sending sparks of desire down his spine. His teeth grazed them, tugging them to hardened peaks. Jason looked up and fell under the spell of your smouldering eyes, radiant again with their own light in silhouette from the fire burning next to you. 
Rising to your feet, you reached down and quickly pulled his shirt straight over your head, tossing it aside leaving you in nothing but a pair of black lace pants. His hands had slipped up the velvet softness of the back of your thighs to pass over the lush curves of your ass, tracing the edge of the lacy fabric. Your teeth sunk into your lower lip, suppressing the obscene moan. He pressed his face forward and kissed the front of your pants, his hot mouth working over your clit.
“Jay…”, you whined low, legs shivering with pleasure.
He slid his fingers into the waistband of your panties before dragging them tortuously slow down your legs. The lace created a delicious friction against your heated skin. They dropped to your feet leaving you completely bare in front of him. The amber glow of the fire lighting your body perfectly to Jason. He knew you were stunning but this was completely different. The way the flames highlighted every inch of your curves, making you look like a goddess emerging from the flames.
Your fingers bunches in the material of his T-shirt, tugging lightly. You didn’t say anything. Jason’s arms bent behind his head as he lifted it off revealing the expanse of his solid chest.
“Lie down princess”, he kissed the insides of your thighs.
You sat down gently, Jason guiding you slowly back onto the rug. The fur felt like silk under your skin. He hovered over you, nose tracing yours before he kissed your lips. Your legs fell open, letting him settle between them perfectly. His lips curved at your reaction.
He let his hands travel the lushness of your body, followed closely with hot, opened mouthed kisses. You writhed under him, the coil tightening in the pit of your stomach. You needed him impossibly closer.
Jason’s tongue dipped into your navel before dragging down your body, settling between your wide open legs. You murmured his name repeatedly, fingers twisting into his dark locks, trying to guide him where you needed him most.
His tongue ran along your dripping slit and your thighs clamped around his head. He groaned against your pussy and pushed your legs back open, holding them there. The vibrations of his moans sent waves of pleasure through you. 
He swept his tongue through your folds several times, before wrapping his lips around your clit. You cried out and gripped his hair, tugging harshly. He smirked and flicked it, earning more beautiful whimpers.
Your hips thrashed against his mouth, aching to tip over the edge. Jason followed the spasms of your body, allowing you to chase your high. He slipped two fingers into your gushing core, feeling the wet heat instantly wrap around him. The thought of sinking his cock into you and feeling you cling desperately to him made his shaft twitch with excitement.
You released his hair when you felt the first wave of your orgasm crash. You gripped the rug behind your head and sobbed his name, your desire soaking his face. Jason didn’t let you go, coaxing you into another earth shattering climax with his tongue. Shuddering spasms wracking over you.
When he pulled his face away from your dripping core, he looked up at your slick body covered with a thin sheen. Damp from the sweat of the fire and your orgasms. Your chest heaved as you took in greedy gulps of oxygen, steadying yourself. Jason couldn’t tear his gaze away. The glare of the fire bathing you in a mystical orange glow. You looked serene.
When he made his way back up your body and kissed you deeply, it took you by surprise to feel the length of his naked body pressed into yours. He’d rid the rest of his clothes. Your hands rubbed down his back, nails dragging down his spine when you felt his cock stroke through your sopping folds. His muscles flexed and he groaned into your mouth. You could taste your arousal on his tongue as it caressed yours with a softness you weren’t used to with him. The kiss shook you.
One of his hands inched down your side, feather-light before hooking your leg around his waist. You sighed happily into the kiss, nails scraping against his scalp. Jason pushed his hips forward and sunk into you slowly, groaning huskily as your tight wet walls wrapped around his cock perfectly. 
Hearing your muffled cries against his lips encouraged him to thrust deeper, the drag of his shaft eliciting ripples of pleasure across your body.
“Fuck”, he muttered against your kiss swollen lips, his stubble prickled your cheek when he rubbed his to yours, “You feel perfect”.
Every sensation heightened the want coiling inside you. Ripping through your core and up your spine. Every touch was euphoric with hidden sensuality.
“Jason-oh!”, your voice threaded through his mind. Your desire made his cock pulse inside you.
He propped himself up with his elbow next to your face twisting with delirious passion. The silken fur brushed against his skin, it was a nice sensation, but nowhere close to how you felt under him. You lifted your hips to meet his thrusts, aching to feel him deeper. The way he caged you with his arm made your pussy flutter around him. He growled in your ear, his thumb stroking over the dip of your hip bone.
You tilted your head back, murmuring delicate praises. Without thought his lips traced the line of your throat, littering it with kisses as he drove harder into you. The moans escaping your mouth vibrated deep from your chest and Jason felt it as he kissed along your collarbone, nipping occasionally.
Like the surf crashing against the shore, your climax washed over you with the force of a tidal wave. You saw a blinding white light behind your eyelids as you sobbed his name. Nails clutching the back of his neck as you rode your high, thighs quivering around his waist.
The intensity of your orgasm and the way your core clenched around him, Jason followed you off the cliff edge falling into his own powerful end. He groaned your name deeply, his damp forehead pressed against your chest. His cock pulsed as he emptied thick, ropes of cum inside your pussy.
You stayed like that. Entwined together as the flames of the fire danced away, licking over your bodies. Occasionally kissing, fingertips stroking over one another. A type of intimacy one would share only with their lover. Nothing was said. You didn’t need to. You both felt it. It was obvious. Something had shifted. 
Jason carried you to bed that night. His strong arms lifting you into his king sized bed. When he placed you onto the luxury linen, it was the only time you were out of his embrace. The second he slipped under the sheets, he pulled you back into his chest, moulding his body around yours. You hummed happily, your hand squeezing his forearm draped over your waist. The weight of it made you feel comforted. Secure.
“G’night princess”, his voice rasped, tickling your ear before he kissed the spot behind it.
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yoimix · 2 years
genshin men + first kiss
ft. albedo, gorou, itto
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[ tw: language (itto) ]
✽ albedo needs to first grasp the concept of love to understand why you stare at his lips so often, why you lean into his touch with that look in your eyes. it is not inherently human to feel love; he’s sure the snow foxes and emerald finches understand the warmth of affection just as well. he believes it is human, however, to feel the way he does for you. from your comforting smile to the lingering touch of your fingers against his cheek, he wonders if he should give in. he’s in quite the stalemate between his head and, as they say, his heart. despite reading up on the mystery of love, albedo cannot quite fathom what it would mean to you, what he would see in your eyes if he simply pressed his lips to yours on a snowy evening against a mondstadt sunset. no, it would require experimentation and perfect execution.
“it’s so cold,” you breathe out, your leg bouncing up and down as you sit down by the fountain in mondstadt city. there are a myriad of decorations up, lighting up the winter as homely as the city and man you fell in love with.
“would you like me to get you a coat?” albedo asks. “i’m sure i could fetch one from the headquarters.”
“no, it’s alright.” you gulp, a bit of heat surging into your face at his concerned eyes.
regardless of your attempted nonchalance, albedo brings your hands to his mouth and blows onto them, warming up not just your hands but your whole chest.
“al-albedo! you don’t have to.” the truth is, you didn’t expect that sort of warmth to exude from his breath. but then again, you believe he is made to reflect sunlight. even if he repeats it often that you are his sunlight.
“but i want to,” he whispers. “i want to stay like this longer. and that implies, i don’t want you getting cold.”
your poor heart. he shouldn’t do this to you when you haven’t even had your first kiss with him. 
“i wish- i wish you’d...” you look away, unable to bear his gaze. is this too much to ask for?
“well, i’ve wanted to know for a while now,” he responds, a small chuckle leaving him when his hands leave yours abruptly to hold your face. you can barely breathe when he inches in.
chalk and stardust and snow—what difference does it make? there is nothing so wondrous as the touch of his lips against yours, as his hands cupping your cheeks that glow with your very own warmth.
“is this alright?” he asks, pulling away.
“shouldn’t you do it more times to confirm an answer?” your heart might just dissolve into your bloodstream. boldness isn’t your strong suit but it makes him laugh softly.
and how could he say no to your appeal? it is scientific practice, after all, to understand phenomena through repeated observations.
✽ gorou, ever the celebrated war general, admits he knows not much beyond the battlefield. so he does not understand why his face turns red at your teasing, why he gasps when you press your lips to his forehead for good luck, why—god forbid—his tail starts wagging when you lean in close. he didn’t even like you at first. you’re the bane of his existence. there is not a single day without you popping up at the encampment with your bothersome smile and refusals to leave him alone. every alarm in his body goes off around you and yet still, he draws in closer with each teasing word of yours, with each cheer of encouragement and with each sigh following your goodbyes.
your voice is too cheerful for an early morning. the dew hasn’t trickled down the grass yet, but you’re always here before training begins. he’s hopeful, in a way, that you’re here for him. it gives him strange pangs of the heart to think otherwise.
“(name).” he tries not to sound too excited. hold still, tail.
“and what is my favorite fluffy boy doing?” you embrace him before he can even complain. seriously, is it so ordinary for you to express affection? and if so, are there others who get to experience it? gorou doesn’t like the idea of that.
“you have other fluffy boys?” gorou coughs as soon as he says that, face blaring crimson. 
you respond with a surprised snort, followed by laughter—the sound of it easing any anxiety of the heart.
“no, gorou,” you say, calming down. “you’re the only one i have.”
gorou breathes out, a short laugh following. it’s not so bad making a fool himself in front of you. “is that so?”
“would you like me to prove it to you?”
uh oh. your tone is teasing. gorou cannot bring himself to imagine what horrors you have in store for him.
“huh? what do y—“
you press your lips to gorou’s and he swears he can hear heaven sigh. it is short, much like a parting kiss, and he can’t help but chase after your lips before composing himself. oh, how miserable he feels now to never have experienced this earlier.
“(name).” his call is almost sorrowful. gorou does not do so well with partings.
“can you- could you please..?”
he doesn’t have to finish his request for you to oblige him again. your favorite general deserves at least as much. 
✽ itto thinks of himself far too highly to admit he knows jack shit about kissing. it’s not like anyone was willing to kiss an oni when he was growing up. so he was deprived of that experience; that is, of course, till he met you. all of a sudden, all he wants to know and understand is the human experience of kissing. it’s like instinct, the way he leans in every time you talk about your day or giggle at his exaggerated stories. he always restrains himself though. it shouldn’t be too surprising, considering that the oni race have the will of a rock. however, he does want you to see him the way he looks at you—like you put the stars in his sky, wound the rivers in their places, weaved the flowers into the ground. for all its worth, your view of the world matters to him more than any god’s. itto may not know of or even understand romance novels, but if anyone were to see him look at you, they’d have inspiration to write yae publishing house’s next bestseller.
“oh my! itto,” you gasp, your eyes looking up from the book you’re reading, eyes sparkling like no tomorrow. “do you know what happens next? i anticipated it but i still have butterflies in my stomach.”
you’ve been reading your new books to him every free afternoon you get and he’s displayed patience unheard of. in fact, he listens carefully to each story with follow-up questions and his idea of what the main character should have done (it mainly involves beating people up). his gang was sure he was possessed but then they saw you and accepted itto’s fate on his behalf.
“huh?” he furrows his eyebrows. “you ate what now? you should’ve just told me if you were hungry! i made yakisoba just this morning.”
you shake your head, bursting into laughter. “no, silly. it’s an expression. it’s feeling excitement strong enough to send a tingly feeling in your stomach.”
“oh.” itto breaks into a warm grin. “like i’m feeling now!”
you blink. “e-eh?”
“you make me feel that way.” he explains laughing, like it’s no big deal. “excited. and like i ate some butterflies. with some onikabuto too.”
you press your book to your lips, holding in your laugh. the atmosphere quietens when itto speaks up again.
“is that- is that the kind of man you like?” he pretends to not care about your answer, so painfully obvious even you catch on to it.
“no,” you say, smiling behind your book. “i like men like you, itto. or rather... it’s only you i like.”
itto stutters, words not quite coming out right as he frantically opens his mouth and closes it.
“then will you kiss me? as they do?” you speak for him, paralyzing his muscles then and there.
you set aside your book on the little rock you were sitting on. itto looks up from his seat on the grass, a squawk of surprise leaving him when you push your lips onto his, your hands nearly burning against his searing cheeks. where’s that confidence he’s so proud of? 
you pull away to find itto looking lightning-struck. however, demon blood makes for quick reflexes. he pulls you by the waist, you falling onto him with a surprised squeak.
“oh no,” you say, noticing the glint in his garnet eyes.
“you brought this upon yourself,” he warns, his arms around your waist far too strong for you to break free. as if his silly, boyish grin doesn’t make your heart flutter enough.
“will this exhaust me?” you brace yourself. it’s far too exhilarating for you, to go from just friends into an intimate embrace.
“you bet.”
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hollowwrites · 11 months
Welcome to Slytherin
Summary - Sort of a prequel to Scriptorium! As someone who pretty much only plays as a Slytherin, I always love how sweet Ominis is at the beginning. Thought I’d write a little extension for it!
I’m thinking of doing the Undercroft Quest next? Writing angy Omi might be fun!
Warnings - possibly bullying(?) very slight
Word Count - 1431
Just keep your head down. Don’t draw anymore unnecessary attention to yourself.
Evelyn slumped down the stairs into the main lobby of the Slytherin Common Room. It was huge. In any other circumstance, she’d have loved nothing more than to walk through it’s many oddities and learn what she could about her new home. But right now, she already had half of the school talking about her behind her back, and the other half were doing it to her face.
Immediately she noticed, no one wore their school cloak. A gaggle of pretty sixth year girls turned to eye her up, before gathering back around and giggling.
“It’s like she’s a first year”
“She basically is. Just missing the stupid hat”
“How tragic”
Just breathe. The whole day can’t be like this.
She pulled the lapels of her cloak around her, hoping it would swallow her up, or at least maybe make her invisible. Puffing her cheeks out, exasperated already, she rounded the corner by a fireplace, making her way towards one of the plush chairs in front. Keeping her head down meant she wasn’t fully paying attention to her surroundings and she almost careened straight into a tall pacing boy.
“Can I help you?” He said not looking up from his book.
That was it. Her patience had run out. The next person who makes a snarky comment was going to be on the receiving end of her wand.
He looked up, finally, and was greeted with a rather unpleasant expression across the new students face.
“Ah, you’re the new fifth year! I’m Sebastian Sallow. Welcome to Slytherin!” He beamed, clapping his book shut and throwing it on the chair she was hoping to crawl into.
He seemed…pleasant.
Her features softened at his tone, the background chatter of the other students falling upon deaf ears.
“Thank you. I’m Evelyn Hollow”
“Charmed” he laughed as though that was a joke. She didn’t understand “Charmed? Charms. The class?”
“I’m afraid I don’t follow” she shrugged.
“You really are new to magic!” He chuckled again and she couldn’t help but smile back “Well that still doesn’t explain the Ministry escort” it wasn’t a question but the tilt of his head suggested he wanted an answer.
“Oh, he was a friend of Professor Figs. He was merely joining us for the ride”
“Hmmm…dreadful way to go. I’m glad you and Fig are alright.” His eyebrows bunched together with concern.
“Thank you, we were lucky with our escape” Evelyn shifted on her feet, reliving George’s final moments in her mind again “It’s all…a bit of a blur”
“Didn’t mean to press. You just get yourself settled. We can talk more later” he smiled before his eyes widened “Oh, you should speak with Ominis. He’s the one leaning by the window. We’re in your Defence Against the Dark Arts class…at least I assume you are. Professor Hecat has her hands full with the Gryffindors in the other class” he rolled his eyes leaning to retrieve his book again.
“Defends Against the Dark Arts? Sorry, I don’t know very much about this world it’s all… extremely new to me” she stumbled over her words, not wanting to add ‘Naive’ to the long list of the words people were using for her
“Ah but that piqued your interest? Seems I have found a Kindred Spirit. You best get going before I talk your ear off. It was nice meeting you. Good luck today” he smiled warmly before plonking himself down in the seat beside her, continuing to study the old pages intently.
“Oh I think I heard one” the student tugged at their friends cloak pointing off into the distant depths of the lake.
Ominis laughed breathily. He’d been listening purposefully for the last few minutes. No such noise had occurred.
His holstered wand, sitting comfortably in his back pocket, alerted him to the presence of someone approaching. No doubt Sebastian, no one else dare speak to the macabre and scary Heir of Salazar Slytherin.
“Hmph, doubt mermaids find us that interesting” he said to him, tilting his head slightly in Sebastian’s direction.
“Sorry did you say mermaids?” A startled female voice sang out from the figure.
Oh. Not Sebastian then.
“Apologies I…thought you were someone else” he listened more carefully to her. Her heartbeat was elevated. She was fiddling with her cloak and the sea of gossip behind her all pointed to who she was “Ah…based on the chatter I’m guessing you’re the new fifth year. I’m Ominis. Ominis Gaunt”
“Nice to meet you, Ominis. I’m Evelyn. Hollow.”
Hmmm. No flinching, or gasping. She hasn’t thrown anything at him. Was it possible she had no idea who he was?
“Pleasure. You certainly had a memorable arrival”
“Yes it was…less than ideal I should say” he heard her shuffle about. Was she nervous?
“Did you see the way they just waltzed on in at the end of the sorting ceremony last night”
She sighed, listening to the gossip behind her.
“Ignore them. You’re the most interesting thing to happen in a long time” he shook his head. Some people just have no class.
“Thank you. Although ‘interesting’ is a bit of a stretch.”
“Oh yes. The girl who survived a dragon attack. Not interesting at all” he remarked sarcastically.
“Well, when you put it like that I sound positively heroic” she giggled
“Ha, you’re definitely in the right House” he found himself laughing along with her, easily.
“You’ll have to forgive me, I don’t really understand what that means”
“You’re muggleborn?” He asked rather surprised. From what he had heard, she’d managed to handle herself well enough against a dragon attack. He assumed she was born into magic
“Sorry, born to non magical parents”
“Ah then yes” he heard the smile in her voice and couldn’t help but reciprocate. That must be why she’s talking to him so easily.
“I see. Well then…We Slytherins are known for our Ambition, Cunning and Determination”
“How lovely” she said dryly, raising an eyebrow. Where did she fit in on that spectrum?
“It’s also known for Dark Magic, Pure-blood mania and general Doom and Gloom” he smirked
“Ah. The Doom and Gloom will be why I am here. I can be rather miserable.” She laughed gleefully, the juxtaposition of her statement and laugh, causing a tiny chuckle to escape Ominis “Why were you sorted into Slytherin do you think?”
“I’m, rather unfortunately, a direct descendant of the Founder. Salazar Slytherin. On my fathers side.”
“Unfortunately?” She found herself leaning into him. This was the most normal she had felt in a long time. And considering this was a conversation with a relative of the founder of a magical castle, under water, about dragons and magic, spoke volumes for the strange direction her life had turned to.
“Yes. He was obsessed with blood status. A pure blood maniac. It’s not something I’m especially proud of, mind you, considering the majority of his descendants do not fall far from that tree. I don’t believe in any of that, don’t worry” he offered her a vacant smile
“And here I was fearing for my life” she jabbed
“Is the new fifth-year Slytherin in here? Professor Weasleys waiting for you, just by the stairs” a girl called out
“Hmph, that’s me! Pleasure to meet you, Ominis”
“Pleasure was all mine. Do let me know if I can be of any help as you navigate your first days here. Though I doubt you’ll need it. Don’t be a stranger”
“I appreciate it. I believe we share some classes together so I may just take you up on that offer.” And with that she turned and left the room, the idle gossip followed her as she did.
“That new fifth years been talking to Gaunt for a while now. No doubt he’ll try to stick his claws in her”
Just before she could leave, Ominis pointed his wand in her direction, trying to gather as much information about her as possible.
Unfortunately, all he gained was that she was shorter than him, with an aggressive walk.
“Distracted Ominis?” Ominis clutched his heart, jumping out of his skin.
“Merlin’s Beard, Sebastian. Why?”
“Unlike you to not hear someone sneak up on you. Something must have really caught your attention” Ominis could hear the wiggle of his eyebrows through his voice.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” he retorted, pocketing his wand quickly.
“You’re bright red, Ominis” Sebastian poked his cheek before being slapped away
“It’s warm…” he mumbled
“She’s quite something though. Isn’t she?”
“She is…rather lovely”
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itsthewritergal · 2 years
Not until I see her - F.W. x reader
Summary: Y/N isn’t who Fred thought she was.. 
TW: Bullying, shouting, a few swears (I think that’s it) Not proof read I’m sorry!! 
Enjoy :) xxx 
The sound of typing filled the small office, Fred knew instantly that it was the new shop manager, Y/N, she had only just been hired but seemed to spend every single waking minute working tirelessly on the books or ordering. 
“Morning” Fred said quietly attempting not to startle her, she lifted her head up and gave Fred an award winning smile. Fred felt his breath get taken away each time she grinned at him, there was something so perfect about her energy that just made Fred want to spend every single waking moment with her. 
“Hey Fred, how are you?” She beamed, running a hand through her perfectly curled hair,
“I’m good, you’re looking well” he commented
“Thank you! I thought I’m trying out a new mascara so it must be working” She chuckled, looking up at Fred as he took a few steps closer to her, there was a flash of something behind her eyes something Fred couldn’t put his finger on. 
“You’re in early” He said trying to pull his attention back to work, it was far to easy to forget that Y/N was his employee 
“Sorry, I should have mentioned it’s just that I knew we had to make another order of Pygmy Puff food, couldn’t let them starve” she chuckled
“I didn’t even notice that” Fred said scratching the back of his neck, suddenly filled with embarrassment that Y/N was doing his job for him 
“That’s why you hired me!” She grinned “You shouldn’t have to worry about things like that”
“Still, I’m sorry” Fred said 
“You don’t need to be, you’re the boss you’re not supposed to be doing anything” She said 
“Not sure that’s totally true” Fred said 
“Pretty sure that’s why all managers get hired” she said, 
“Look at you two early birds” George stepped into the office and made his way straight to the coffee machine “You know I never will understand why we keep the good coffee in here and not in our flat” He said to Fred, 
“Because we like to give our employees a reason to keep working” 
“Yeah the coffee’s the only reason” Y/N grinned, hoping Fred didn’t notice the way her gaze lingered on him for a second too long 
“Well Georgie we better get opening up the shop” Fred said 
“You go, I need at least another coffee before I have to face anyone yet” George said 
“I’ll be down as soon as I’m done” Y/N said with a gentle smile 
— — — 
“Sorry I was so long, the delivery date said they couldn’t deliver before next month, so I had to call up the company - well long story short they’re delivering it tomorrow but before 9 so I’m happy to come in early as I sorted it?” She said 
“I couldn’t ask you to come in early, I’ll make sure George is up!” Fred grinned 
“I’m sure he’ll be thrilled” Y/N said quietly Fred let out a hearty laugh, Y/N felt as though her heart grew three times as big just from the sound. 
“Hey Freddie!” Angelina called as she stepped into the shop, Y/N instantly turned her back to her and busied herself with tidying up the shelf which Fred had already tidied just a few minutes before 
“Hey Angie, we don’t usually see you this way, what’s up?” 
“Just thought I’d check up on you, I heard you hired a manager” She commented “I wanted to check them out!” 
“Well you’re in luck, Y/N?” Fred said tapping Y/N on the shoulder, she turned so Angelina couldn’t see her face but Fred could, her smile had been wiped away and she attempted to beg Fred to not introduce them, but he didn’t quite get her signals, “This is Y/N, Y/N this is Angelina” 
“It’s wonderful to meet— Merlin, You’re Y/N!” She said a wicked smile crossing her face 
“You two know each other?” Fred asked 
They spoke at the same time, Y/N silently wishing the ground would swallow her whole 
“Freddie you don’t remember do you?” Angelina laughed, “Uncurl the hair and take off the makeup and you’ve got the Y/N I know” She grinned 
“What are you talking about” 
“Fugly Y/N” Angelina said 
“Angie!” Fred stopped her instantly 
“Come on Freddie you were the one that came up with the nickname” Angelina laughed 
“Y/N, oh Merlin you’re right I do remember now!” Fred laughed, Y/N pushed the tears away from falling,
“You’ve really changed Y/N” Angelina said “Make up really can do wonders, but sadly it can’t change you that much, I can’t believe Fred hired you” 
“I’ve uhh got a thing to do” Y/N said turning away from Angelina 
“Hang on a second” Angelna said and suddenly Y/N was transported back to fourth year when Angelina made it her goal to ruin Y/N’s life “Freddie, can I ask you something?” 
“What?” Fred said, his voice seemed strained but Y/N didn’t pick up on it 
“Would you have hired her if you had known this Y/N was Gryffindor’s resident freak?” Angelina asked, Fred hesitated for a second “I guess that’s a no then” 
“I have to go” Y/N said hurrying off in the direction of the office 
— — — 
“You ok Y/N?” George asked kicking his feet off of the desk as she walked in, 
“I need to go home” She said, George looked shocked he was never the one who Y/N went to when there was an issue, that was always Fred
“Uh I guess that’s fine, is everything ok?” 
“I need to go George” She repeated
“Yeah go, go, just let me know if I can help with anything” George said quietly 
Within the second Y/N had disapperated out the room, 
“Where is she?” Fred asked bursting into the room 
“Who?” George said 
“Y/N, where is she?” Fred said hurriedly 
“She went home” George said simply “What is going on?” He asked “It’s Y/N, from school” Fred said 
“Y/N?” George asked 
“Yeah, Fugly Y/N. You know that poor girl we terrorised for fun? Yeah that’s Y/N” 
“Shit” George said as the pieces fell into place 
“Angie came and made the connection and it just started again and I need to find her and apologise” 
“Fred please tell me you didn’t call her that again?” George asked, his brother didn’t even need to reply George already knew the answer from the way Fred looked at him, “How didn’t we make that connection?” “Because she’s different now” 
“You’ve got a lot of apologising to do, you were the one who made that nickname up” 
“Yeah but I didn’t do it because she was ugly” Fred snapped
“Why did you do it then?”
“Because, because” 
“Because you liked her and didn’t want anyone else to” George said putting the pieces together “Look I was young and stupid and didn’t know what else to do” Fred said frustratedly 
“You’re an idiot” 
“Yes I know, but I need to go and apologise, so just cover me okay?!” 
“Yeah fine” 
— — — — — 
Fred knocked on the door, he straightened his back as the door swung open. He was met with a rather angry looking Draco, 
“Go” He said simply 
“Malfoy what the hell? Where’s Y/N?” 
“We’re roommates, and she doesn’t want to see you so go” he said standing in the centre of the doorway so Fred couldn’t even push through if he wanted to 
“How do you even know each other?” 
“Well after you ruined her life she came to me, old family friends. You’re not about to hurt her again” “I’m not leaving, not until I see her” 
“Then you’re going to be here a bloody long time” Draco said bluntly 
“Here” Y/N’s voice called from further into the house, a letter floated delicately towards Fred
“What is this?” Fred asked as the letter dropped into his hand, 
“Her resignation, see it wouldn’t have come to this if you had proved you’ve changed but your hesitation suggests you haven’t so off you go” Draco said 
“Y/N please, I need to apologise” Fred raised his voice “I was stupid and young and didn’t know what to do” 
“Go” Draco said, 
“it’s ok Draco, he’s not going to go” Y/N said coming to the door 
“Y/N please just let me explain everything” 
“Come in” She said bluntly leading him to what looked like a lounge area, she sat on one sofa and Fred took the seat next to her
“I screwed up, really badly” Fred said 
“Why did you hesitate?” She asked 
“When Angelina asked you if you would hired me when you knew you hesitated” 
“No no no, I didn’t hesitate I was still taking everything in, I swear I didn’t hesitate” He said grabbing Y/N’s hands 
“I thought we could move past it, but I don’t think I can now. You were the one who made my life miserable because of that stupid nickname” 
“Look I’ll admit that I made it up but it’s not what you think” 
“What is it then? You were bored and wanted a bit of fun? You were secretly in love with me and didn’t want anyone else to like me? You were—“
“Okay it is what you think, I’m not sure I’d call it love but I liked you back then and Oliver was going around saying he was going to ask you out and it was the first thing that came to mind” 
“Please tell me you’re joking” Y/N said “You ruined my entire school life because you liked me?” 
“It was stupid and reckless and immature but I’m not that guy anymore” 
“Fred I can’t do this, I’ve heard you out so please can you just go now?” 
“Please Y/N” 
“No Fred just go” 
@whitewineandpizzapuffs @planet-naptune @thefandomplace @sebby-staan   @witch-and-a-half @nojamsonmytoast   @wanniiieeee @louweasleymalfoy   @barnestatic @devilsbooksworld @lovesanimals0000 @navs-bhat @saayanaaa @cjand10 @canthebest1
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paintingraves · 2 years
wilson’s new obsession is bad puns. when he’s not busy with pressing hospital matters he makes a game out of cornering house at every turn and hitting him with the worst, stupidest, lamest puns he can think of. he looks them up at night before bed and memorizes a dozen of them for the next day, giggling to himself under the covers. 
the first few days, house ponders what wilson is up to. if this is to distract him from some bigger, elaborate prank. but he quickly understands that it’s nothing of the sort, just wilson having some fun and sharing some particularly bad humor with his friend, so he indulges him. 
wilson delights in the tired yet expectant look on house’s face when he barges into his office at all hours of the day. he plays the game and tries to find the answer to wilson’s puns before he says the punchline, but he can’t guess them all and wilson always has the last word. he leaves house’s office laughing and their little game carries him through the day, when he has to take care of the dying and announce news to patients. 
it goes on and one day they’re at the cafeteria, eating together. well, wilson eating and house stealing half his food. wilson hasn’t made a pun all day and house wonders if the game is over, or if wilson just isn’t up for it. knowing he’ll regret this, he asks, “cat got your tongue?” and wilson looks up. he knows immediately what house is asking for and he beams at him. 
“oh, god, forget I asked,” house quips, ready to bolt at a moment’s notice. 
“no, wait, i’ve got a few good ones.” 
house groans and sits back down and has to listen and answer to some more terrible puns. one of them is so silly it makes wilson cry from laughter - he can’t even say the punchline before he starts breaking into peals of laughter again - and it’s contagious and house laughs too. they must look weird, sitting there barely able to catch their breath as they laugh - and house hears wilson calm down as he tries to catch his own breath, and he giggles again, and looks up and - 
and wilson is looking at him with the softest smile he’s ever seen, cheeks pink, his gaze unbelievably fond. and house feels his heart skip a beat, and thinks - oh. oh. 
because how could anyone look at him like this, with so much love? how has he not noticed before how much wilson cares? 
“you...” he breathes, and wilson ducks his head. 
“your fries are going cold,” he says, and eats one. 
“you love me,” house says, still struck dumb. 
“of course i do, house,” wilson replies without skipping a beat. “god help me, you’re my best friend.” 
“no, no,” house insists, leaning over the table and peering at wilson’s face. “i mean, you love love me.” 
wilson says nothing. he seems to pause, looking for words. he abandons his food and crosses his arms, and softly, he says, “yes. of course i do.” 
and house can’t believe what he’s hearing. 
“it’s okay,” says wilson, getting up, with another infuriatingly soft smile on his face. “i know you don’t feel the same way, house. i don’t expect you to. i thought you knew, though, had known for a long time. i didn’t exactly hide it.” 
“you thought i knew? how could i have known?!” 
“well. everything, really.” wilson waves a hand vaguely. “anyway, i have to go back to work. this doesn’t have to change anything. i’m still gonna make terrible puns tomorrow, and i hope you’re here to hear them. good luck with your patient.” 
and just like that, he’s gone, and house is left alone with that revelation, his mind reeling, his heart beating in his chest like he’s just run a marathon. 
holy fuck. 
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15minlatewithbatbucks · 6 months
untitled janet/talia, Bruce's bio kid Tim AU pt. 3
AO3 Link (a little behind, but better edited)
“Well, he’s not Jack’s and I only slept with him and you that one night,” she said, struggling to keep her voice level and not snap. Her pride was fighting with her sense, hating that she had to bare her soul and be looked at with so much distrust. “And a lovely woman named Carmen, but I thought I could probably rule her out for not having a penis.”
Bruce huffed, half sigh and half laugh.
“Okay,” he said slowly. “Assuming this is true… why now? What do you want?”
It was a valid question. She had no doubt that from the surface she looked like a gold-digger at best, a home wrecker at worst.
“Right now because… Jack and I have been fighting,” she said and almost got away with appeared unaffected until her chest hitched with a caught breath. She wasn’t going to cry here, she reminded herself. She’d put in all that work to seem normal. She was. Not. Going. To. Cry.
She cleared her throat and Bruce did her the kindness of ignoring her little slip.
“He wanted another kid, so I went off my birth control. We’ve- We had been trying with no luck, so Jack went to his doctor for tests. And then ordered a paternity test.”
Bruce grimaced.
“He didn’t take it very well,” Janet finished tactfully. “I think we both knew deep down that Tim wasn’t his, but all of this made him confront the fact that he likely won’t have a biological child of his own. It’s just – We were fighting again and when I had Tim things got better and I know you’re happy with Talia, but-”
Janet cut herself off, hand going to cover her eyes. She knew she was rambling and had no idea where she was even going with it. All the practice she’d put in and she still forgot her script when it mattered most.
She felt alone. She felt like the lowest kind of person despite knowing that she wasn’t out to exploit Bruce.
She wanted all of this to be over, one way or another.
Bruce surprised her by asking, “Are you safe?”
Janet laughed. “What?”
“I know that tensions can run high in these kinds of situations,” he explained awkwardly, eyes bright and watchful as they roved over her face. Looking for… what, bruises? Sweet man. Foolish man. But still sweet.
“I’m safe,” she confirmed. “Tim’s safe- Well, he’s been upset lately from hearing us fighting, but he’s physically safe. I’m doing this for him, Bruce.”
Janet’s eyes dropped from his to look at her phone, still sitting between them on the desk. Tim’s little face, sticky and smiling still lit the screen.
“He deserves a parent that actually wants him,” she said quietly. Loathing and self recrimination bubbled up in the back of her throat and she had to swallow it back like bile. “He’s a good boy, Bruce, but I wasn’t made to be a mother.”
Bruce seemed to soften at that, if only a little. He slid her phone back towards her.
“I want a test,” he said. “But even if it’s negative, I’ll help you figure out your next steps.”
“I’m not a Gotham orphan boy,” Janet laughed. “You don’t have to sweep in and try to fix my life. If it’s somehow negative, I’ll sort out my own feelings on human parthenogenesis on my own.”
Bruce crooked a smile at that. For all that they’d only had that one night together, it was nice to see that they still had a sort of rapport. It was a relief, Janet had to admit to herself. Even though she wouldn’t be taking Bruce’s offer of charity, it was nice to know it was offered at all.
“I have some samples,” she said and pulled out a baggie with Tim’s tooth and hair brushes. “Given that I’m sure you get half a dozen paternity claims a month, I’m sure you know a good lab.”
“The best lab, in fact,” Bruce said. He gestured broadly at the floor to indicate the whole of Wayne Enterprises. “I’m sure I can find a lab to do the test. We have so many of them, after all.”
Janet laughed, surprising herself. “Okay, that makes sense.”
“I’ll get the samples to them right after you leave and I’ll call when the results come back. We can set up another meeting then.”
“I’m free whenever,” she said with a rueful smile. “As you can imagine, I don’t have much going on right now except for watching Tim.”
“Right,” Bruce nodded. “But to be absolutely clear: If I am Tim’s father, are you looking to give me custody? As in, primary physical custody?”
“I still want to see him and be in his life,” she said immediately. “I do love him. I know I’m a terrible excuse for a mother, but-”
“Janet, I can tell that you love him,” he interrupted. “I know you’re a proud person and you wouldn’t be doing this if you didn’t want the best for your son. I’m honored that you think I might be that.”
“Well, you seem to know what you’re doing,” she said. “You have two boys already and they both seem reasonably happy and well adjusted.”
“I’d like to think so even if they’ve nearly driven my butler into an early retirement.”
“And I don’t want to make an enemy of your partner,” Janet added. “I just want Tim to be safe and loved.
“Let me worry about Talia,” Bruce said and Janet smiled sardonically. Not worrying about the fierce Talia al Ghul wasn’t something she was capable of, but it was a nice sentiment.
With that, Janet let Bruce wrap their conversation up and usher her from his office. She knew he had to be eager to get his people to work on the paternity test, so she didn’t take offense to her dismissal. She said her goodbyes to Emma on her way out, feeling lighter than she had in weeks.
The weather was nice when she stepped outside. The sun was almost shining and Janet thought that maybe Tim might like to go to the park or something a little later in the day.
Despite her earlier intentions, Janet stopped at a corner store on her way home. There wasn’t much of a toothbrush selection, but she reasoned that Tim wouldn’t deal well with too much activity. It was the store or the park and he would probably rather go to the park.
She picked out a Superman toothbrush (the Batman ones were sold out and they didn’t seem to sell Robin ones) and swore to herself that she would go home for a short nap before taking Tim to the park.
Bruce’s call woke her up shortly before dinner. He asked if she could come in tomorrow morning at the same time and she told him of course. Then, he tentatively asked if she could bring Tim and she said naturally.
After the call, she hauled herself out of bed to figure out dinner. She had no idea what Tim had done for lunch and tried not to hate herself for the fact.
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