#I know this is some random train tho
erineas · 8 months
Being in a relationship with more than one version of the same skeleton should be a bit clashing sometimes. Especially if their personalities go different ways.
Imagine your sleep schedule is a mess and you just go to bed awfully late one night. You know you're bound to wake up past noon the next day, but you're too tired to care. There's nothing important to worry about tomorrow, anyways.
Hopefully, the one that finds you first is someone like Classic Sans, probably sent by Papyrus to pick you up for breakfast since he would be sleeping too if given the opportunity. He would see you there, hiding behind a comfy cocoon of your sheets, and would climb next to you to resume his napping in your company.
You two would happily nap the hours away if it wasn't for your next skeleton to appear.
Someone like Swapfell Sans would burst the door open (careful enough to not be too loud to startle you or to snap it from it's hinges, for that matter), probably thinking you were already awake. It's a surprise he didn't check on you earlier since he's the type of guy to be up and about at the very same hour you went to sleep, but he still didn't wait until noon to give you your 'good morning' kiss before going on his day.
He would wake you right then and there, complaining about how you shouldn't waste a productive day. He actually doesn't care if you use it to be productive or not, that's just his way to help you fix your schedule. And after all this time dating him, you know he means well.
From then on, your tired mind would have two options: leave the bed and fight the grogginess until you're functional again (and wait for him to sleep together at a decent hour) or fall right back into dreamland with the still sleeping skeleton in your arms.
Whatever you choose, if they're not to fight each other, you know someone will try to convince you to change your mind.
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randomwriteronline · 2 years
It’s no secret that Warden Gaeric is not keen on outsiders.
Communities as sheltered as the Hisuian clans tend to produce two types of people, after all - those who long for openings on the world, suffocated by monotony, and those who want nothing but to preserve the frail jewel of their heritage by hiding it from outside threats. Gaeric belongs to the latter, or at the very least has been taught to think as such: he can see the improvements contact between people can bring, but he fears the sound of the vastness he doesn’t know might drown out the voice of his native dialect.
Nobody batted an eye when he did not trust the Freak Of The Mountain when he was first brought to the settlement.
It’s also no secret that Warden Gaeric broadened his shoulders and chest so that it could better hold his heart, and no surprise at all that he did not hesitate to jump into the ice cave where the Alpha Froslass had near frozen the poor thing to death for her Snorunts to feed upon, his Glalie almost snapping her in half with his jaws as he rushed the delirious man to his home.
By the time the Freak was all warmed up, full of Aspear berries, and no longer at risk of losing his life, the warden had given himself no choice but to grow fond of him. Maybe in part helped by how the foreigner had curled around him in his fever, calling out for his uncle almost in tears.
Gaeric had even insisted he be allowed to keep his old clothes once he was welcomed as part of the Clan; although he too had been piqued by the man’s stubborn opposition at the request of getting rid of them, he understood the comfort they could bring him as mementos - reminders of a place, a home, somewhere and someone to belong in even when the memory of it all failed to reach him, like the unsteady whistling of a melody from childhood.
It’s no secret that Ingo - Warden Ingo, now - thinks very positively of Gaeric, too.
For saving his life, certainly, for understanding his melancholy - but for simpler reasons too, like being polite, and being quite the wrestling partner, and returning his greetings every time they meet. It sounds a bit silly that he would count something like that on almost the same grounds of nursing him back to health, but he is instistent that even such seemingly unimportant things are part of what he appreciates about the other warden.
Then again, he’s a loud, peculiar man; so it’s quite normal that he thinks in strange ways.
It’s not that well-known, however, that yesterday Gaeric pulled Ingo to the back of his hut by the hand, and pressed his lips to his cheek with a smile, muttering something sweet while holding his fingers. And it’s not that well-known that Ingo held his gaze down and buried his stoic face between his hat and the collar of his coat, as if he were as red as a Magby, and murmured something back.
And if somebody did see that (and if the two were to find out that they were seen they would be so very awfully embarassed) - well, they know whoever the wardens kiss is not their business, and they shouldn’t tell.
At least, not to Irida.
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fishareglorious · 8 months
damn my entire body hurts. shoulder pain came back full force and my upper arms do to. i sit on a hard surface and I have to find the most optimal position to sit and don’t apple pressure on my tailbone and my ass bones. also i stepped on a sharp rock barefoot so both my heels hurt when i lean on them. damn man
at least the event yesterday was really fun, barring me having a raw egg running down my pants for two hours
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peapod20001 · 1 year
Gbavag not knowing enough about/ how to draw your oc is such a curse...
Like you draw them, but it’s not THEM y’know? And the you’re stuck in a loop of “I’m not drawing them because I don’t know how to” and “I won’t know how to draw them unless I practice”
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uitzinnigmp3 · 7 months
#the harder i swim the faster i fucking sink#i actually tried my best to like. do something today. went to my sport practice that ive been skipping for weeks#and it sucked and i didnt like it and the girls there all ignored me (obviously because im never fucking there)#and i had to train with this tiny fucking annoying kid who kept walking away and leaving me alone#so i couldnt fucking do anything#and now im home and my entire body hurts and my mum told me to go away and im just. fuck !!#i KNOW its late and im just tired but dude im tired of my entire fucking life#i tried to pick out nice clothes today to help me feel better (bc i had been scrolling pinterest and was feeling so inspired)#but that just made me miserable <3 because im not a fucking pinterest girl and my closet is just random shit#not some fucking. aesthetic . and i never own the clothes that i wanna wear at that moment but i also can never find things i love in stores#and i cant believe im complaining about something as mundane as this i just. feel like shit rn#tried to do some painting and it didnt work bc i had zero inspiration and everything i made looked ugly as hell! so that was fun#i fucking. need to change something up. cut my hair weed out my closet change my room. because i am feeling sooo stuck in this life#first tho. i will go to bed#because of course i have fucking work tomorrow. i cant WAIT until april when i can finally stop at this fucking job#(well i say can. they fired me <3 but who cares i wanted to quit anyway)#this has been. a long rant. oops#i just hate that so often when i try to make a positive change it just . fucking sucks#but what can i do about it. not much!#goodnight anyone who read all this i'm sorry#sas.txt
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toast-on-dandelioms · 8 months
What if m/c had been accepted for a scholarship abroad and just ended up stayinv there becoming the resident hero ? They did keep in regular contact with Alfred tho, seeing as he was the only family member who didnt ignore them.
Ok that is interesting and for this (which is not in the storyline in part 4) I will add another hero or two instead of Superman since he's not THAT special.
Small disclaimer: I am not sure if Green Arrow lives in Central City and where I searched told me he lives there so don't come at me that it's wrong please (I changed it to Star City so if you see it changed here is the answer)
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This is based two years before you entered highschool so when you were 13 and already in Bruce's Manor.
You were there for a year and after suffering so much from Damian's tormenting you and everyone just ignoring you made you so tired and you wanted, no, needed to leave the manor and city.
You knew it was drastic but you couldn't do it anymore, you missed your mother and being sent to a home where people detest you just for existing made you feel so bad you couldn't even leave your room without a panic attack at the thought of being hurt by Damian's words or weapons or being ignored by everyone when you tried to say anything.
You applied to a few scholarship far away from Gotham to enter some prestigious schools in different cities so you could spread your choices if you got accepted.
You didn't say anything to Alfred until you received many scholarships and you chose the one in Star City, wanting to be as far away as possible from Gotham and the Waynes.
The only problem was getting Alfred to accept to send you there since he was the boss in the house, not Bruce.
You knew Bruce wouldn't care if he sent you somewhere else but you didn't want him to know where you would be going but still needed his money since you were a thirteen year old with no job or an allowance.
Thankfully Bruce just signed it without looking when Alfred showed him some random papers and off you went to your new life in Star City.
As years passed you became more social since you weren't held down by the neglect of the Waynes and you were around people who actually sought you out and didn't completely ignore you.
You kept dancing and sent all of yours training practices, plus all your small and big dance recitals to Alfred so he could see you dance since he couldn't come to every single one of them and you didn't blame him.
When you turned 15 you found a part-time job at a science company where they allowed you to work on your experiments with the supervision of an another scientist.
Unfortunately (or fortunately) you got bit by a radioactive spider that escaped from the same scientist who was supposed to supervise you and gave you the spider abilities.
Which did worry you but you learned to control your newfound superhuman strenght and also your weird sticking to surfaces and walking on walls.
Did it take a while? Yes, but it was worth it.
You also decided to become a vigilante because why not? Why not put your life in danger every night just to not receive any money compensation from it?
You're not as active as your alterego in Gotham since you actually have friends here and you're not held down by years of neglect which pushed you to help people.
You helped people whenever you could and one night, during a patrol you accidentally bumped into Green Arrow and fought with him for a while before both of you realised neither of you two were villains.
You did apologise and after a few more encounters and you pulling some pranks on Oliver because he was an easy target to prank, like come on. The man wears green and has an arrow. You can't not prank that man and call him Robin Hood.
You became his little helper, got his phone number and helped him with some villains whenever you could and especially if he let you.
You also trained your fighting with him, which got you beat up and with so many black eyes that you had to beg him to not hit your face since you couldn't keep worrying your friends and dance instructor since they were starting to ask questions and you couldn't fool them forever.
You also met Roy, aka Speedy, while on a mission with Oliver and also got along with him despite his hatred for Oliver and gained a new older brother.
After a year of helping Oliver around and training to fight decently and not only use your superhuman strenght, he finally let you come to a Justice League meeting.
You met Batman and Damian there, along with Superman and Jon to which you tried to get along with but the two of them were extremely clingy and knew a bit too much about you which creeped you out.
During the meeting you stayed very close to Oliver to avoid the two teens and also hide from Batman and Superman since they kept staring at you even while talking.
After the meeting Batman did try to approach you and you avoided him, but while walking away he just said "(Y/N)", which made you stop before walking off.
You immediately knew that he knew who you were under the mask but you didn't care that he knew.
You just ignored him and his calls, plus his sons calls. You refused to even give him a bit of attention, especially since he didn't bother you for years but now they wanted your attention?
God no, you still had dignity and self respect. Giving them attention would be like forgiving them for all those years of not even knowing you existed.
Finally the calls stopped but they started to appear everywhere you went in Central City.
You went to school? You were called in the principal office where Bruce was and scolded you lightly about putting your mother's last name when it should have been his.
Your hand started to bleed from how hard you were gripping it so you wouldn't yell at the man in front of the principal.
What you hated more was the look of love Bruce had when he scolded you, gently patting your head as he talked.
You showered at least three times before you finally felt clean after feeling Bruce touch you so lovingly.
Everywhere you went as you or as Spider, you would be met by either Bruce or one of his kids, which got even more frustrating when they would try to coax you to come back home to Gotham.
Dick would try to coax you, too into his delusional idea that you were being forced to stay here with Green Arrow even though you told him many times that it wasn't true.
He would also manipulate you by fake crying whenever you yelled at him or ignored him, making you even more frustrated because he kept on caring about himself and didn't see how you were happy in Star City.
Jason would just follow you and talk like you never left, complaining about Bruce or Damian and offered to go to a café or restaurant to catch up and see what you were up to.
Even yelling at him that he didn't care when you left didn't budge him and made him give up. No, it made him even more persistent on trying to act like you two were close and a happy family.
You also had to slam the door in Tim's face so many times whenever he would knock at the door of your apartment, you had to replace the doorknob and locks too many times to count from Tim picking the locks and you destroying the doorknob from your strenght.
Plus, arriving home to relax and seeing both Tim and Bruce in your apartment with dinner made you sick but you had to endure since you couldn't afford to change apartments since it was in the best position in the city.
Oh but Damian was the worst. He would act like he never hurt you sometimes or other times used his own past as a way to show that he had it worse than you.
Did you throw him off a building when he said that? Yes but unfortunately for you, Jon was there to catch him which made you even more frustrated.
Clark? He was decent sometimes, you met him before when he talked with Oliver and you were around but you always got a creepy vibe from him.
Especially when he kept on staring at you or gave you things like small trinkets you saw but never bought. It was so creepy that he knew what you liked, plus he kept on calling you nicknames like a father would do to his child.
Jon wasn't that bad. He did leave you alone when you asked but he also helped you. The only problem was that he acted like you were his older brother/sister and talked about times you two were together when you distinctly remember being alone when you did those things.
You did call Alfred once, he was the only one you told that you were Spider since he kept on asking why you were always full of bruises on your face and arms and you couldn't lie to him.
The call did not go well, with you yelling at Alfred that he ruined it since now Bruce knew who you were and he ruined your once happy life just because he wanted you back home.
After a while of seeing Bruce and his kids and them trying to manipulate you into going back home, plus Clark and Jon, you decided to go to the only person you trusted the most in Star City.
You went to Green Arrow and confessed to everything, you told him about your mother's death and how you were suddenly sent to a family who couldn't care less about you.
You didn't hide that you were Bruce's biological child and also showed him your scars that Damian made in the year he tormented you.
At the end of the confession you were crying, the memories of Damian hurting you with all the neglect and blatant hatred towards you made you breakdown in an ugly cry.
You kept crying even when Oliver hugged you, hugging him back with all your might as you didn't want him to leave you.
You did admit that you thought many times on going back since they kept on insisting and you weren't that strong, you couldn't resist forever with all that pressure.
By saying that, you felt Oliver freeze for a second before hugging you back and holding you close, like you hugging him with your super strength didn't faze him one bit.
What you didn't feel was the tiny prick of a needle being inserted in your neck, the only thing you last heard before collapsing in Oliver's arms were "sorry kid, can't let you leave me"
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norrizzandpia · 10 months
okay so you know how oscar sleeps like anywhere, can we have some thing about how they claim they are friends but theres all these photos that lando has (or anyone really) of them two sleeping in the most random places and lando posts them as a joke (sorry if it doesnt make sense!!)
This request is 💋
Sleeping Buddies or Dating? (OP81)
Summary: Oscar and Y/n love to sleep next to each other. They don’t love each other. That’s it.
Warnings: Lando and the other drivers being menaces, language
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y/nnn this is payback for making me think you have pics of me and oscar asleep together
- oscarpiastri lando….
- Mclarensgirly LEAK THEM LANDO
- ln4op81 plz. my bday is in a few days. that would be the best bday present.
- landonorris happy bday then
- y/nnn you actually don’t stop being delulu
- oscarpiastri YOURE SPURRING HIM ON
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landonorris this is for not shutting up 🫶🏻
oscarpiastri THIS MANY????? EXIST??????
- landonorris yes.
- danielricciardo yes.
- logansargeant yes.
- alexalbon yes.
- charlesleclerc yes.
- y/nnn oh!
y/nnn were you silent or silenced?
- mclarensgirly in my heart they are 😥
F1gossip they have to be dating no way you fall asleep like that in the second pic and are just friends
- f1fan2023 idk man they’ve done some questionable things in the past and stayed friends
- papayafan481 TRUEEEE like that one time Oscar said in an interview he spends nights at y/n’s all the time and they “get up to some fun” BROS GOTTA KNOWN WHAT THAT MEANS
- f1fan2023 that moment is fs my roman empire. i think abt the logistics of that moment every day
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logansargeant thought I’d hop on the train ;)
- logansargeant i am SICK AND TIRED of hiding
- mclarensgirly sorry… HIDING WHAT????
- mclarennnnn HE KISSED HER ON LIVE TV.
oscarpiastri you got the audacity from where?
- logansargeant you.
- f1fan81 BYEEEEEE
- ln4andop81 WTF IS A KILOMETERRRRR??????
mclaren are we sensing a soft launch?
- oscarpiastri ADMIN.
- mclarensgirly WHAT.
- f1fan2023 i can die happy now (i am going to live out the rest of my days living for their relationship)
- landonorris oh shit.
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oscarpiastri yes, i did kiss her on live tv and tried to gaslight everyone into thinking i kissed her cheek (it worked on all you bitches don’t lie)
F1fan2023 WE WON YALL
- oscarpiastri your comments were concerning me ngl
- y/nnn yea he thought you were going to expose us
landonorris this hard launch took way too fucking long omg
- y/nnn shut tf up bitch
mclaren we can die happily now 🥹
- mclarensgirly mclarens just like us fr
- oscarpiastri y/n and i no longer wish you death after you outed us
- mclaren NO LONGER?????? YOU DID AT ONE POINT???????
- y/nnn shhh, admin. “no longer”, that’s what you need to pay attention to
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y/nnn he’s mine now bitches 👹
oscarpiastri idk what your obsession is with these two pics
landonorris happy for you ig
- y/nnn I know the heartbreak must be painful
mclaren we would like to take the credit for dressing Oscar in the second pic
- y/nnn you deserve the world for putting him in that jacket.
mclarensgirly im rlly kicking and screaming tho
F1fan2023 i know i said i would die happy bc of this news but suddenly i hate the fact this man is off the market
- landonorris well that sucks bc pastry is sickeningly in love
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jade-jini · 7 months
“My Ex’s Best Friend”
Kim Chaewon x Reader
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Prompt: Your best friend NingNing is excited to introduce you to her new girlfriend (who turns out to be someone from your past) and to her best friend (who you expect to see more often in your future).
Genre: smut. Fluff. A little angst maybe?
TW: Public sex. Some dirty talking why not. Idk what else to put her I’m bad at this.
Also this has kinda a continuation (plot twist tho), go read it if you want I mean 👀👉🏼👈🏼.
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You haven’t seen NingNing this excited about a girl in such a long time. It was such a change. A cute one, you thought. From not giving a fvck who she took to her bed to calling this mysterious girl “my girl” whenever she talked about her to you.
She explained to you how they met at the company she was currently training at, they became close in there but sadly the girl moved to another company. However, they kept in contact and eventually ended up becoming something more serious. She didn’t mention her before because she wanted to make sure it was actually serious before introducing her to somebody as important as you. When she said this you couldn’t help but to hit her shoulder ‘cause this girl was really turning her into a softie apparently. You were genuinely excited to meet this Yunjin girl already. The name bringing you some bittersweet memories of your own, but regardless of this, you were still so happy for your best friend.
At least until you actually met the girl. Wtf.
“Yunjin, this is Y/n, my best friend. Y/n, this is Yunjin. The girl I’ve been telling you about.” Your best friend said with an excited smile while holding your ex closer to her. Both you and the tall girl tried your best to hide the shock in your faces when you looked at each other for the first time in such a long time.
Yunjin and you have known each other for a looong time. After spending years as an exchange student in Korea, you traveled to New York during a summer. You wanted to simply relax. To let go, to not think too much about anything. It was your summer to be free. Of work. Of school. Of everything. That’s how you met Yunjin, a local girl who was born her own free spirit, and for whom you instantly fell. “New York days” you called it when you talked about it with NingNing. The thing is, you never really gave too much details about it to your friend. You played it as if it was just some adventures you’d have with some girl, nothing too important. In reality tho, it was, in the words of your heart, the best relationship you’ve ever had. A relationship that officially lasted just a summer, but the best experience both of you ever had. From random late night dates, going to the convenience store to buy snacks and eat it together in your back seat, looking at the stars and talking about everything. Going to the beach early in the morning, enjoying the cold water and the warmth of each other’s bodies. Sneaking in her room to give her the best sex she could get, and also the best cuddles. Dates to vintage music stores, listening to her sharing her dream of being a musician, and even listening to her songs as she played the guitar.
You didn’t know why you never really told NingNing the truth. Maybe you just didn’t wanna look too emotional when you first mentioned the girl. You and NingNing weren’t that close back then. And eventually, you just didn’t think it would make any difference since you weren’t expecting to see Yunjin ever again. But Yeah. She was important. And more than just some “girl you hooked up with from time to time in your summer in New York”. She was the first girl who made you cry when you had to of course breakup and say your goodbyes ‘cause you had to go back to Korea. ‘Cause you never thought there was a chance she’d be here too.
And she was also your best friend’s new girlfriend. Fuck.
But c’mon! You were over her! You’ve been over her for a long time already. God it was shocking to see her with NingNing, but nonetheless she was your friend’s happiness now. What could you do? Ning was happy, so you were happy. And they look nice together! You felt incredibly awkward as the third wheel, and even a little jealous. Not in a weird way tho, you just wished you too could have a pretty girl next to you at the moment, somebody who could distract your mind and heart from whatever that was starting to form in there, somebody who-
“Oh! Chaewonie is here!” Yunjin said after checking her phone, interrupting your train of thought as she opened the door and let in some girl who-
Some girl.
Nah that wasn’t just some girl. That was THE girl. That was a beautiful and so Fuckin hot girl and - who was this girl?!!!
“Ok guys, let me introduce you. Unnie this is Yi Zhuo, my girlfriend. And y/n, she is... she’s her best friend..” the tall girl said and thankfully the awkwardness was overshadowed by your best friend excitedly saying hi while hugging the short- haired girl, who mirrored the excitement. They seemed really happy to meet such an important person in Yunjin’s life. But again, who was this girl? And how could you get her number in your phone right now?! “guys, this is chaewon. My bestest best friend”.
“Nice to meet you, y/n” the girl said as she gave you a sweet smile.
Best friend? Uh oh.
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I mean c’mon. Was it really that bad? Yunjin moved on. And with your own best friend! Was it that bad that you were looking at her best friend and the only thing you could think about was how perfect her clothes would look on your bedroom floor…
Ok calm down, y/n. You almost sound desperate you thought. Weren’t you tho
You all were currently hanging out at night around the city, enjoying the privacy 2:00 am gives. You guys were driving around chatting, sharing drinks (you Ofc, as the designated driver, were doing your best not to drink too much) and enjoying the music. NingNing Ofc wanted to sit with her girl so Chaewon ended up being your passenger. After driving around for a little bit you guys decided to stop at an empty little playground. If anybody saw the view there they’d either laugh at 4 clearly drunk dumbasses playing like kids, or they’d call the cops. NingNing and Yunjin couldn’t be more closer and playful with each other. Playing tag you’re it and holding each other while laughing. The view was so confusing for you.
You knew you were happy that your best friend found somebody who makes her feel like this. But it was.. uneasy to see it being with your ex, with the only person that made you feel special and understood once. What were you exactly sad about? You didn’t miss Yunjin, right?
You shook your head as you sat down on a bench. Sighing, you looked at the beautiful sky, getting lost counting stars.
“Hi there.” You heard a voice you were still not used to. “What you doing?” Chaewon asked while hitting your thigh in a friendly matter and sitting next to you, imitating how you looked so focused on the sky.
“I got tired, I’m just waiting for those two little toddlers to get tired too i guess” you joked, making her laugh. The cute sound of it made you look at her, already getting your heartbeat a little accelerated.
“Right? The adoption center didn’t tell me they were gonna be so hyped” she joked along making you laugh as well. You saw her shivered a bit. “Are you cold?” You asked her, already removing your jacket.
“Ah! You don’t have to..” she said softly, but you insisted, already placing them over her shoulders and she smiled at you “thank you”. (What you didn’t know is that was her plan actually).
You always had a thing for people using your clothes. You didn’t know if it was a possessive side of you or what, but it always had an effect on you if you were attracted to that person. For some reason your clothes always looked better. Chaewon probably noticed your eyes on her, ‘cause she was smiling at her mischievously.
“I’m sorry I-“ you started but she just laughed.
“It’s ok, you’re cute” she interrupted you, now with a little more flirtatious tone. You gulped, her eyes for some reason getting a shy side of you. She seemed to enjoy the effect she had on you. Licking her lips, she sat closer to you, her eyes hypnotizing you.
Chaewon and you talked for a bit about how long you’ve known your best friends. You learned her and Yunjin were training to debut together in a new group, but they had met before at a survival show, so they go a long way back. They only got close after starting training together at their new company. Yunjin clearly never mentioned you before, and you didn’t know exactly how to feel about it. For one side, it was sad that she never mentioned you to such important people in her life, but on the other side, the less people who knew about you guys, the best, you guess.
“How long do you think it’ll take until one of them throws up?” Chaewon said, getting you out of your head.
“If they do, I ain’t cleaning shit.” You said with a worried expression and a raise eyebrow. Your face making her laugh, once again the sound of it just giving you a warm feeling in your chest.
Surprisingly sooner than you’d think tho, the couple ran out of energy, and sat next to you two as they tried to catch their breath.
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You went back to NingNing’s house ‘cause the two other best friends were gonna get their bags. The plan was to do that, get them home, and then come back to spend the rest of the night at NingNing’s. But of course, her gf had something else in mind.
“Hmmm I wanna stay with you babe~” she’d say to Ning, hiding her face against her neck. She was clearly drunk, and so was your friend, who looked at you with an apologetic smile. You simply rolled your eyes and shook your head, knowing what it meant.
“Let’s go, Chaewon. I’ll take you home. I think our best friends want the night alone.” You said while opening the front door. The short-haired girl said her goodbyes to her best friend and yours and got in the car with giggles after probably teasing Yunjin about whatever was gonna happen once the couple were alone. Great.
“Here, put your address please.” You asked her and she did, although a little hesitant at first. As you started driving, she was resting her head against the seat while looking through the window quietly. You assumed the alcohol was already making her sleepy, but it was more than that. Wonie didn’t want the night to end. Not yet. She didn’t feel like going home. She didn’t feel like ending the night away from you.
“You know “ she started, catching your attention after a few seconds of comfortable silence “Sometimes I wish I could find something like that. Like what they have. Doesn’t have to be a relationship ‘cause I don’t think I want that at the moment but, I guess it would be nice to have I don’t know, a person. You know what I mean?” Chaewon explained to you, who were listening mindfully to her words. Taking advantage of a red light, you looked at her, and she was already looking at you. “I don’t really wanna go home tonight, y/n. do you?”
You gulped, and simply shook your head. She signaled with her head the empty parking lot of the park you were at earlier that night with your friends and without having to think about it twice you parked there. You looked at Chaewon again, and she was carefully analyzing your reaction to her next words, feeling brave but mostly impossibly dragged to you.
“Then what should we do now?” she whispered, her face getting closer to yours until you could almost taste her mint breath mixed with whatever sweet drink she had. Fuck. It. (As in, the expression, not her face- anywayyyy).
Chaewon in one quick movement was already straddling you, making your heart beat so fast. You felt like a teenager sneaking out. You were having a little rush of adrenaline again after so long. And you liked it. I mean, who wouldn’t die to have such a pretty girl on your lap like that. Seeing your expression, Chaewon couldn’t help but giggle a bit before taking your lips in a deep kiss. Both of you moaned on each other’s mouths, the taste of your tongue on hers driving her insane already, making her so sensitive that every subtle move you did under her was making a sweet noise escape from her lips. You grabbed her waist, keeping her as close as possible.
Once you separated a bit to catch your breath, you looked into her eyes and could see the reflection of your lust in them.
“I swear your lips were made to kiss mine” she said in between a little giggle, leaving more kisses on your lips. You smiled at her, wondering how could someone be so cute in this situation, and making the mistake of remembering there was a person who once made you wonder the same thing.
You shook your head a little bit in order to get that thought out of your head, and went back to focusing on the girl in your arms at the moment. As Chaewon starting eagerly kissing your neck while undoing your shirt, your hands went under her skirt to her ass, grabbing it and leaving some spanks from time to time, making the girl whimper against your skin.
“Harder, please…” she begged, and that turned you on so much that you couldn’t help but to make her get on all fours. The sudden change of position and how easy it was for you to handle her like that made her squeal in excitement, knowing she was gonna have a lot of fun with you. Your hand once again impacted against the pale skin, harder than before this time. Chaewon cried, but you saw her pushing her ass closer to you, in a way of asking for more you assumed.
“You like it rough, princess?” You asked teasingly, your hips against her ass as your hands felt it and went up and down her back. She didn’t answer, instead just left out a little whimper as you saw her head softly nod. You just clicked your tongue at that “Use your words, I don’t read minds” you told her, your tone still the same. She whimpered again before murmuring something “what was that?”
“I said yes.. i like it rough, ma’am.”
“That’s a good girl.” You said as you pulled her hair to make her look at you and steal another deep kiss from her. Your hands traveled to her panties, removing them quickly and throwing them somewhere in your car. Fixing her position, putting her ass up a bit, you saw her glistening pussy and you could feel your mouth drool. Suddenly you felt like you haven’t had a single drop of water in your whole life. Not losing any time, you started eating her out, moaning at the perfect taste the girl had. “God that’s such a good pussy” you groaned while spanking her once again. “Come here, open your mouth.” You told her, pulling her hair to get her up, and making her suck on two of your fingers. Chaewon made sure to give a show for you, sucking and licking on them like she was giving you a blowjob. So sensual as she looked into your eyes with a look that was begging for something, and both of you knew you’d give her that and more.
You were biting your lip as you looked at her, the feeling of her tongue around your fingers was turning you on so much that you almost couldn’t wait to feel it on the rest of your body. “That’s.. that’s good, turn around for me” you asked her, and you saw her smile mischievously as she obeyed, returning to her previous position. You sighed at the view of her bare ass up like that for you. Slowly putting your fingers inside and hearing her long soft cry, you decided to tease her other hole with your other hand, slightly brushing with your thumb to see if she was ok with it.
Chaewon was a little surprised at the feeling but didn’t reject it as she pushed closer to your hands, enjoying the stimulations. Therefore, you decided to add your mouth to the game, teasing her asshole with the tip of your tongue.
“A-Ahh, y/n…” you heard her moan. You looked up, to make sure she was ok “more, please…”
Oh. Oh.
“Whatever you say, princess” you answered with a soft giggle before going back to your job. Your fingers moved at a decent pace, following your tongue as you ate the girl out. The sweet sounds coming out of her, slowly become more desperate, multiple “more”, “faster, please” only motivated you to keep going until your roughness had her grabbing the seat hard to steady herself.
“Fuck, y/n, so good, please…” she said in between loud whimpers. “Close..” you heard her say.
“Close? You wanna cum already, pretty girl?” You asked her, looking at her as she looked back, and receiving eager nods and soft pleads while she pouted “Aww you’re so cute, how to say no to you?” You cooed, her pretty eyes melting your heart. Picking up your pace, you fingered her fast and deep, your other hand now back to spanking her ass to then softly caress the zone, and your mouth now attached to her clit for more stimulation.
It didn’t take long for Chaewon to finish hard with a long loud moan, leaving her breathless. The sensation of her pussy tightening around your fingers and the taste of her orgasm leaving you addicted. After cleaning her up with your mouth (more for you than for her), you cleaned your own fingers. As the girl lied there for a bit, you were ready to just take care of her and take her home so she could rest if that’s what she needed.
But surprisingly, Chaewon had other plans.
“You’re so fucking good, you know?” She cutely giggled while slowly going back to your lap, hugging you by your shoulders. You smiled at her, your eyes almost looking like little crescents. “Ready to go home?” You asked her while passing your hands across her back. The girl looked confused “home? But, we’re not done yet though, are we?” She said while kissing your neck, her hands going to your zipper.
“I-I mean, I thought maybe you were tired already and just wanted me to take you home you know” you tried talking, but the way she moved on top of you and the little bites she was leaving on your skin were taking your breath away.
“What, you think I’m just a pillow princess?” She whispered in your ear, making you gulped. “Lay down for me baby, let me make you feel good too.” She said and didn’t have to repeat herself.
“Yes ma’am” you told her as you rested on the seat, your arms under your head. Chaewon quickly removed your pants and underwear, and put your shirt up so she could play with your chest.
“Hmm this is bothering me.” She said while taking your bra off without taking your shirt off too, just ‘cause she thought the view of you with your shirt up was hot. You were impressed at how fast she did that, but couldn’t process anything as her mouth went directly to play with your nipple.
“Holy fuck..” you sighed while receiving stimulation in such a sensitive zone for you. Chaewon switched from one nipple to the other, taking her sweet taking enjoying the feeling and taste of your tits in her mouth and hands. “They’re so fucking pretty” she whispered against your skin, leaving a soft bite in one of them that made you jump. Chaewon giggled at your reaction, and brought a finger to your mouth so you could do what she did earlier and make it wet. Her mouth continued her job while she looked up at you. After you made sure to lick it nice and wet, her hand traveled down your body, playing with your clit.
Soft groans and moans escaped your mouth as you fought to keep your eyes open, the sensation being too good, but so was the view of her sucking on your tits. You stroked her hair softly while she was there, but felt her go down your body too, leaving a trail of kisses everywhere. The anticipation turning you on more and more (if that was even possible).
Once the girl was between your legs, she left a slowly and long lick all over your pussy. “Fuuuck… Wonie..” you moaned at the contact. She did this a few more times, each time loving the reaction you had. “Please stop playing with me, please” you begged her and her smirk made you scared for a moment, thinking that maybe she was into torturing you like this.
“Aww but you have such cute reactions, baby” she cooed, and you decided you could play the same game as her. If she wanted cute.
“Please Wonie, please…” you asked her with the cutest pout you could do, almost looking like you were gonna cry. You saw her as she whispered a little “fuck..” and rolled her eyes, giving up.
“Fine, fine! Such an impatient one, aren’t we” she teased before finally giving you what you wanted, messily eating your pussy out. You squealed, while grabbing her hair to make sure she stayed right there. The way she looked up to you, pure lust in her eyes, was just extra stimulation for you. The feeling of her lips and tongue traveling all over your pussy, and the vibrations that her moans caused, they were building up your orgasm rather quick. You didn’t know if it was because of the alcohol you had earlier (even though you barely had any) or just how amazing chaewon was with her tongue, not slowing down even for a second to let you catch your breath.
“Your pussy tastes so good, y/n” she said while replacing her mouth with her finger on your clit for just a second.
“Oh my god, Wonie…” you moaned loudly.
“Mhm that’s it, keep saying my name baby” the girl said and you obeyed.
Her mouth attached to your cunt, reaching every sensitive spot making it hard to stay still. Your hands kept moving, from her hair, to your nails on her back, to even scratching your own chest because of how insanely good she was making you feel. The view she was getting only pushing her to eat you out more eagerly, moaning against your pussy and that just made everything feel even better if that was possible.
Coming in her mouth and she took it all so well her eyes were rolling ‘cause god didn’t you taste amazing. Seeing you lying down on that backseat, trying to catch your breath just made her want you more and more. She needed to have you all night and that was her plan.
“Hey, should we maybe you know, take this to my place?” She asked, looking at you with those sparkling eyes and how could you say no to chaewon? When you wanted her just as much?
Such a cold night in Seoul, but neither of you felt anything else than the warmth of each other’s bodies as you learn every centimeter of that beautiful girl. And the fact that your ex and your best friend were probably in the same situation? Didn’t cross your mind once.
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courtofparrots · 1 month
Luis is the only motherfucker in the whole cult that knows how to store chemicals
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I'm being so serious right now, thanks to @geddy-leesbian and her screenshots I've learned the hazardous waste management in the Los Illuminados labs is ABYSMAL.
Now the game doesn't put a ton of variety into the chemicals that can be found in the lab, it's most often two different things: Iron chloride and hydrochloric acid. You shouldn’t leave random chemicals out anywhere, but especially hydrochloric acid is DANGEROUS and these bitches leave bottles EVERYWHERE!!! Look! Out in the open! On the concrete floor tipped over! RAWDOGGING IT
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But Luis Serra Navarro knows better. He's an Umbrella-trained scientist. He keeps his shit locked up correctly AND he stores his hazardous waste collections in a proper containment area (in the states at least it's required that we have them in a bin so we don't risk it falling off the counter, and then all dangerous chemicals currently in use get locked into cabinets.) Look at Luis's chemical storage area:
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Gorgeous. Immaculate. All chemicals in a cabinet and waste collection bottles in the yellow tub. He does lose some points for the castle lab tho where he has some HCl sitting on the shelf
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But all in all Luis's lab is a breath of fresh air after seeing the rest of the island facilities, and I thought it would be fun to draw attention to.
Also for extra funsies here is the waste containment corner in my own lab as a comparison. Note how similar our chemical bottles are to the ones in game UGH I love the detail it's so cool. The little side handles and everything!
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(The bottles in front of the bins don’t have anything hazardous in them it’s just ethanol)
all RE4R screenshots by geddy-leesbian!
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base0h · 1 month
a/n - I’m alive I swear 💀 I just rewatched some of haikyuu so I’m more familiar with that rn 😂😂
warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, fluff/crack, pre-timeskip characters btw, I don’t feel like making picture banners for all of them like I do with one piece forgive me for just putting text 🥲
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- yeah you just broke your bro’s heart into a billion pieces
- remember that time when he got nailed in the crotch by a ball in S4? Yeah that’s what it felt like
- “Isn’t he so cool Shoyo?!” -you
- but he’s also torn because he also thinks they’re awesome af 😭 so he can’t decide if he’s more saddened by the fact that you’re not saying that about him or if he’s excited that you also like one of his idols
- “…Yes he’s— very cool.” -him
- “…You do know my fav player’s always gonna be you though right?”
- oh you don’t even KNOW. How happy you just made him. You just turned his life around with just a single sentence
- bro could burst through the ceiling now
- he basically smothered you with a hug after that and did one of those koala hugs where he was basically just clinging onto you with pure adoration and affection
- it’s one thing if some random other student or little kid came up to him saying he was cool— like don’t get me wrong he’d probably freak out in a good way about that too
- but when it comes from you? He could have all haters but if he still had you? He’s totally fine. All bro needs is your support
- but do be careful because he might actually suffocate you one day if you compliment him too much
- each time you say something good about him his hugs get stronger?? If that’s even possible idk 😭
- you’ll have a great free chiropractor tho so woo hoo😁👍
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- bro has a thing for getting compliments or getting praise. I saw it VERY clearly when Hinata gave him that compliment about his spikes during the shiratorizawa training camp
- and then when Tendo said his bangs were cool bro was so happy 😭 (he’s so sweet oml)
- but of course when you watch his matches— I mean— you’re gonna be impressed by ushijima
- who wouldn’t be? Bros a literal nuclear bomb ahh spiker 💀
- after one of his matches you went up to him and started talking about ushijima and how cool his spikes and serves were
- “I feel like he’s gonna literally pop the ball everytime he hits it! It’s awesome!” -you
- he agrees wholeheartedly with you! But— man. He wanted you to say that about him 😭
- “Yeah— he’s amazing right..?” -him
- “He’s a third year right?”
- Goshiki nodded and scratched the back of his head sheepishly, looking a bit down
- “Oh so he’s just clearing the way for you then! There can only be one ace so he’s gotta move out of the way for you.”
(I couldn’t find the proper meme to put here so here’s the actual screenshot of him)
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- bro could ascend
- he could die right then and there
- but then he remembered he has to show off for you still so he stayed on earth
- ushijima heard you say that btw
- it looked like he wanted to murder you but in reality he thought it was very nice of you to say that to lift goshiki’s spirits
- he just— looks like he wants to crush you and send you to mars 💀
- also Tendo makes fun of him for being so happy about being praised
- “HAHAHAHAH— you LOVE it when y/n ever tells you something positive about you huh~??” -tendo
- yeah no he’s not gonna leave your poor bowl cut boy alone about it now
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- like the other two, he’s big on praise
- I mean before every match the manager tells him someone in the audience said he looks cool so he plays better 😭😭
- having you supporting him at his matches is like having an entire stadium full of people cheering his name
- you make Akaashi’s life less stressful. Good job y/n, Akaashi loves you for that and will legit pay you money to keep coming even though he knows he doesn’t have to. He’s that grateful for you
- I ain’t kidding one time Akaashi just started tearing up thanking you for being his fail safe plan if his 2000000 other plans to get Bokuto out of his emo mode don’t work
- he knows just like one compliment from you will cure Bokuto
- yeah so guess what you had to go and say right before a match started?
- “I just saw itachiyama play and wow that Sakusa guy who’s one of the top 3 spikers was just as good as they said he was!” -you
- akaashi might just do a backflip off of the stadium roof at this point 🙂 hardcore parkour
- the way you could literally see Bokuto’s hair droop down is insane
- konoha and sarukui were like: holy shit we’re absolutely cooked 😀
- this wasn’t an emo mode this was an avant garde mode
- but right as Akaashi was about to seriously jump off the roof, you saved everyone from the disaster you created
- “I don’t know why you’re not in the top three though, imo you’re a lot better than that guy, and a lot cooler looking too.” -you
- Akaashi looked like he was gonna live again
- Bokuto’s hair flipped back upwards and he excitedly smiled at you, giving you a big hug before going onto the court with an ecstatic air about him
- Akaashi is genuinely terrified of how you can simultaneously destroy their team and bring it back together with singular sentences
- you’re Bokuto’s weakness number 38 which akaashi does not have a solution for 💀
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- Akaashi is honestly happy you’re just with him
- he doesn’t really mind it if you can’t come to see him play, of course he’d love for you to be there but he totally understands if you can’t, and won’t be destroyed about it
- he loves your support and will always appreciate you for cheering him on (and being his mental support because taking care of Bokuto is life draining and he probably gets about a month taken off of his life everytime Bokuto goes into his emo mode)
- during the match with nekoma, you noticed how the setter on their team was also quite an intelligent and skilled player despite seeming so bored and uninterested in the sport entirely
- he had a hold on Bokuto for a good while and it was impressive how he managed to put Bokuto in a slump so smoothly and discreetly
- after the match, you congratulated fukurodani on their victory, and akaashi thanked you for coming like the gentleman bro is
- “That setter on nekoma was really good— he was so calculating and calm about his strategy to make Bokuto go into a slump!” -you
- Akaashi was still a bit traumatized by Bokuto literally forgetting how to do cross shots entirely so uh— 😀
- yeah it didn’t really sound great to him
- bro had to pull out a whole ass speech plus hinata to get Bokuto back on his feet and then you say that 🥲
- he isn’t mad or anything but he isn’t very overjoyed either
- “Yes, he was a really tough opponent. Kuroo-san was too.” -him
- Akaashi was good at hiding his displeasure, so it just sounded like he was saying something normal like he usually would, in a straight steady tone
- “No match for you and the team though, you guys definitely deserved the win. And you actually look interested and not like you want to die on the court unlike that setter on nekoma— he looked like he wanted to collapse and sleep forever after the first set.”
- he wasn’t expecting you to say that, and he looked pleasantly surprised
- Bokuto grinned and put his arm around the setter
- “Y/n’s right as always, Kenma’s no match for akaashi!” -Bokuto
- the rest of the team wholeheartedly agreed, and akaashi felt glad, happy to know that his team, and especially you thought so highly of him
- no one else could handle Bokuto like he could, and no one could be as cool in your eyes as he was
- you could probably tell him his glasses looked nice and he would never take them off again—
- he’s the type of guy to listen to whatever you say a bit too much sometimes 😭
- he legit remembers the outfit you wore the day he first met you
- kinda creepy but sweet ig? 🤷
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- bro has a billion fans and only really cares abt you cheering him on
- like ofc he needs other people to be cheering him on too because he’s extra like that but it’s 80% you
- don’t ask abt the 20%
- yk how all those girls were asking for his picture and stuff? Ever since he got together with you, he’s been avoiding them a lot more
- he knows it’s probably especially annoying for you to see a bunch of random people asking your boyfriend for pictures and giving him handmade things
- just know that he thinks you’re better than any girl combined and if you ever like start walking away before he’s finished trying to get the girls away form him he will legit sprint after you while screaming
- my dude is running, and I mean running like a mf track star. You piss off his fangirls so much bro it’s so funny how they look at you like they want to poison you in your sleep💀💀💀
- he reassures you on the daily that you’re beautiful and amazing, but still it’s annoying to see all the girls fawn over him
- so you decided to give him a similar taste of his own medicine
- at the next matches, you were watching with him a match with karasuno and shiratorizawa. You know VERY well that he does not like karasuno or shiratorizawa
- ushijima is probably the one who’s the worst…
- perfect.
- “Whoa Ushijima’s serves are so cool!! And he uses his left hand too damn that’s unique! I’ve never seen a left handed player like him before, and those spikes look like they’re about to tear karasuno’s blocker’s arms off!” -you
- I don’t think he’s ever been more simultaneously heart broken, and pissed at ushijima at the same time before
- he’s such a baby about it too
- he’ll cross his arms and act like he doesn’t care when obviously he does, and with the way he’s pouting about it like a little kid was proof that your little plan worked very well
- “Hmph, I guess so.” -him
- “What, you salty since you lost?” -you
- “Would you mind not rubbing salt in it? It’s only been like two days!”
- you couldn’t help but burst out into laughing because of how upset he was by this— it was ridiculous
- if you had your phone out you would’ve taken a picture of his face and sent it to iwaizumi for shits and giggles
- “I’m joking Oikawa, I think you’re much cooler than ushijima. You have a lot more personality than him.” -you
- “That’s damn right I do!” -him
- “…I didn’t say a good personality or anything.”
- “Pardon me?! I’m very demure and cute thank you very much.”
- “You saying that just proves you’re anything but that.”
- “Y/N BE NICE TO ME :(“
- “No. :)”
- “I knew I shouldn’t have let you hang out with Iwa-chan, he’s turned you against me!”
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- you’re the carbon to his dioxide
- the hydrogen to his peroxide
- the deoxyribose to his phosphate group (I paid attention in science kuroo, yw)
- even if he doesn’t get to be interviewed by some reporter, and even if he doesn’t get to go to nationals
- if you’re there and supporting him he feels better
- talking to you and hearing you say how cool he plays is more than an interview could ever mean to him
- seriously you make him chemically insane
- like he does not understand how just being around you releases endorphins somehow (you’re magical)
- you had heard of their opponents nohebi from eavesdropping on a couple of random people’s conversations in the lobby
- they were a strong team, and you were intrigued by how a lot of people seemed to dislike them a lot for the way they played.. which was very underhanded
- but even with their underhanded tactics, they were a solid team with good technique and teamwork
- “Whoa the captain of nohebi is actually pretty good!” -you
- “Ugh I know right? Come on nekoma!” -Akans
- I feel like kuroo has horrible eyesight but then absolutely amazing hearing? Idk 💀 but whatever the case was, he heard that
- loud and clear
- mhm he’s ready to kill nohebi now
- bro is legit a one man Great Wall of china now
- he’s “powered up” as Kenma would say
- Kenma took note that you were kuroo’s power up skill, and would remember to use you in the future as well
- I’m serious bro is flexing so hard on you rn 😭
- yaku hasn’t needed to save the ball because kuroo’s trying so hard to impress you 💀
- honestly it’s kind of amazing— seeing him sprinting left and right and slamming balls down like it was no one’s business but his
- he checks like every five seconds to see if you’re watching his amazing skills
- and after the match— Kenma went up to you first and thanked you bc Kuroo did like 70% of the work for him 😭
- Kenma legit gave you a Nintendo gift card he’s had in his back pocket since 2019 as a thank you gift and as a “please continue making kuroo do all the work” gift
- god knows how it’s stayed in his pants that have probably been through countless wash cycles 💀
- “Oh kuroo! Fukunaga’s last spike was so cool! He totally hit that line shot perfectly!”
- way to stab kuroo in the back 🥲 he’s legit about to collapse from emotionally throwing out his back
- old man down over here
- he was so destroyed— you left no piece of him intact he’s in literal shambles
- “But kuroo you were so cool! You kept blocking and repelling the balls like you were oppositely charged from the ball!”
- and he’s alive again, you’re a magician
- complimenting him using a science reference?
- oh just marry him already 😭
- he knew you must just be dopamine bc he smiles like an idiot whenever you’re around
- somehow his smile gets even dorkier when you compliment him
- if it’s a science compliment he could quite literally ascend to the moon
- “Hehe thanks y/n.” -him
- “Were you tryna show off in the last set?” -you
- “…Why? Did it work?”
- “…Hm. Perhaps hypothetically, yes.”
- “How does one go about making that hypothesis a true statement? 😏”
- kuroo is so smooth but he’s so nerdy and his pickup lines are so bad that it just takes his smooth factor away 😭😭😭
- like pls when he first met you when yall were paired up to do a science project about magnetism— bro said
- “Even Neodymium would lose if it were to compete against your magnetic personality 😏🌹” -him
- “…What? 💀” -you
- you weren’t really sure if you should love bro for his effort or be scared of how bad his pickup lines were
- the answer is both
- it all ended up ok anyways— you’re bonded to him together since yall are oppositely charged ✌️
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a/n - no I don’t know how to make pickup lines 💀
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soobnny · 1 year
classmate au | park jay
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❝ come with me to the canteen, i’ll pay for whatever you want ❞
heeseung | JAY | jake | sunghoon | sunoo | jungwon | ni-ki
honestly, jay usually just keeps to himself
sooooooo campus crush.
someone play message in a bottle by taylor swift
he only goes crazy when he’s with his friends but like tbh i don’t see him going around and socializing in the classroom 😭
he usually waits for his classmates to come to him ykwim
he’s also def a morning person
arrives to school like a whole HOUR before class starts
his parents probably drive him to school and drop him off on the way to work
he’ll just be sitting in his seat in the middle
minding his own business .. doing last minute homework .. on his phone
jay is annoying bc he’s the natural smart type
like he’ll just know random shit
he’s the type to mumble the answers under his breath during oral recitation
TO HELP !!!! TO HELP !!!!
you only have a few memories with the boy and the most prominent is just so silly
you had one of those by-three quiz bee type of activity in school where u had to write ur answers on a small whiteboard and raise them
jay’s group was seated in front of you
and he’d just notice you leaning forward and trying to copy off them bc ur team is hopeless 😭😭😭😭
SO he angles his whiteboard while answering so you can see better
to the point where when the teacher looks back he just shoves it in ur face right away
ur teams laughed so hard
but yah !!!! just a funny memory to remember him by
you don’t realize you live in the same neighborhood until you commute back home together once
insert spider-man meme here
“you also live here?”
“yeah, i do”
so, on the occasion that his parents pick him up from school in their fancy car, he lets you ride with them back home
and when commuting, he always makes sure to guarantee you a seat if that’s like a train or bus
also stands in front of you so strangers can’t be weird and creepy
since then, you always ride with him home whether that’s in their family car or commuting
it’s a silent agreement
and he gets so used to it to the point that he WAITS for you sometimes…
you’d be caught up in your club meeting and just see jay hovering outside the classroom???
he’s on his phone, totally unaware of you heading towards his direction
“hey, you done?,” he’ll say, backpack swung behind him as he reaches to take yours
“you didn’t have to wait for me,” you’d reply shyly
“but we always go home together, don’t we? besides, it’s getting late and it’s not safe for you to commute back home at night”
JAYYYYYYY… the man that you are
when he gets comfortable, he starts talking to u in class too
like not just casual conversation
he’d full on sit next to you and gossip
which surprises u bc you’ve never seen him willingly get off his seat to gossip with someone
NOW important thing to note is that your canteen is like three buildings away from your classroom so it’s a long walk
this mf always asks you to come to the canteen with him during free period or when the teacher doesn’t show up to class
“let’s go to the canteen”
“no, it’s tiringgg”
“i’ll get you whatever you want”
“ok let’s go!”
he’s balling 😭😭😭😭
jay just lets you get whatever you want in the canteen
true to his word, he pays for all of it
it’s kind of being his secret tactic to manipulating you to come with him to things
but who’s rly winning??? you get FREE things and u hang out with THE pretty jay
he thinks he wins tho😕😕 bc he likes u and loves spending time with u
so when that “no” forms on ur lips, he knows exactly what to do to force you to come with him
THO u do pay for his food sometimes or the fare for commuting back home bc u feel bad for taking his money
oh jay also gives me the one who offers to have practice over at their house
you are a frequent visitor in his house
his parents know u… the housekeepers… everyone just knows you at this point
you even go to some of their family dinners together when u hang out and his dad suddenly wants to eat out
“bring (name)” PLSSSSSS
they’d be interrogating u and getting to know u and ur family lots
jay’s the one that gets embarrassed and tells them to stop !!!!!!!
sometimes his mom would let him bring food for u in school
“this is (name)’s favorite, right??”
his parents LOVE you
u just become part of their family 😭
to the point that they say “about time” when jay finally asks you to be his girlfriend
“finally!!! she was basically already my daughter anyway!!!” his parents would say
How does he ask u to be his gf
i have a story for U !!!!!!!!
it’s one of ur school events and u’re one of the people going around taking photos for the paper or so u could post it on the school page
you would stumble upon him during his contest
he would give you a quick smile before going back to Concentration Mode
THEN u kind of get tired walking around the whole campus so u hang by ur room where all ur other classmates with no contests are
you don’t know how to play the guitar
you jokingly get it and put it on your lap just as jay walks into the room
his eyes light up and he’s stumbling to sit next to you, asking if you know how to play
you don’t 💔💔💔💔💔
so he teaches you BYE
he helps you learn some basic chords and some strumming patterns
would whisper a few words of praise even at the smallest things that you get right
jay is SOOOOO encouraging that it’s painful
would make so much accidental eye contacts at ur close proximity
anyways this school event lasts a few days
SO at the last day .. during awarding .. he asks if you’re busy and if you could meet him at ur classroom
it’s empty obv bc everyone is at the court for the awarding
Yes just like that. jay confesses to u.
it’s so clear he’s nervous bc of his foot tapping and his fumbling hands and how he can’t make eye contact all of a sudden
ofc u say YES
when you go to upload the photos for the school event .. u find some pictures of u taken by him 🥹
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muikitoo · 9 months
Their favourite physical part of you!
Rottmnt x gn! reader
Includes both sfw and nsfw(not direct action) the nsfw only goes for the future versions of the turtles!
I finally posted! Shocker i know. I didnt have any ideas but this js popped up cuz i used to love hc like these. I've never written for gn reader so pls give some tips, ty!
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- This dude likes your hands. He likes when you hold hands and how they fit perfectly in his.
- he LOVES to play with them too, especially when he has nothing to do or when hes stressed.
- Even tho he isnt big on physical touch, he LOVES when u hold his face. But i feel like he would actually enjoy it as long as it isnt unexpected or when hes irritated!
- he would probably try and sneakily hold ur hand around family without anyone noticing bc he will not hear the end of it (*cough cough* Leo.)
- probably zones out while watching u do anything with ur hands (paint, write, even fiddle with random stuff)
- you probably have him melting if u ever try and give his shoulders a gentle massage with your hands
- in short, he loves ur hands and holds them any chance he gets cuz hes touch starved af.
Bonus: you guys probably have some morse code and he taps his fingers a certain way if he feels uncomfortable and wants you to leave the room with him.
- i think its obvious he would like your hair.
- He loves playing with your hair when you guys are cuddling.
- will style your hair. Maybe even ask Mikey to join in too. Youll probably end up with atleast 50 hair clips by the end of it.
- if u have long pretty hair u bet he WILL DRAMATICALLY SOB once u cut it off, but he loves it regardless.
- melts and grins like an idiot if u dye it blue. Brags to his brothers about it.
- "guys look! See? See? They love me so much they dyed their hair blue!"
- low-key jealous u have hair..
- I also hc that he loves ur arms too!
- oh lord dont get me started on the arms. If you're a bit muscular and u start flexing/training he would be dead. Gone. In the grave.
- even so he would love to have you wrap your arms around him
- dude wants to be babied so badly
- ADORES your smile and your eyes.
- he loves how your eyes lit up when youre excited. Or the way a smile keeps up on your lips when you talk about something your passionate about.
- your sweet giggles are heavenly atp.
- loves loves loves loves the way u praise him when he creates something.
- you have this boy head over heels.
- the way you look at him with complete love in your eyes makes him want to sob on the SPOT.
- you're so adorable he just wants to kiss u on the spot (cuteness aggression atp)
- he js wants to see you happy :(
- i feel like he would also like your hands. Theyre so small compared to his.
- Loves everything atp, tho he does get scared. Especially if you're smaller than him. Hes so scared that he'll crush you!
- probably likes your cheeks.
- bro would squish and cup them then just slightly nuzzle your noses.
- gets flustered when you cup his cheeks too
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NSFW‼️ Aged up!
If you do not wish to see any of this, please exit!
Thighs, chest or ass?
F! Donnie
- if i have to be completely 100% honest? He doesnt care about any. At all. Just loves you.
- but if i had to give an answer for sake of these hc? thighs. No words. Just thighs.
- loves it when you crush his head between them.
- will grip your thighs, leaving slight marks but not enough to actually hurt you. He doesnt want that.
- loves leaving marks and kisses on them.
- if hes stressed because of a failed project, he'll just lay between your thighs in your shared bed. Occasionally giving a small nibble here and there.
- If you're wearing short shorts, good luck.☠️ Do not expect slow and passionate Donnie.
F! Leo
- all of the above.
- mostly an ass and chest guy.
- He would probably slap your ass occasionally, but not hard enough to hurt you. Again, he hates that.
- but if you beg him to do that? He'll be hesitant but if you beg hard enough he might.
- leaves bite marks.
- I did say he loves your arms and when you flex them, but he also loves your chest.
- your gender doesnt matter. He notices you panting and your chest rising up and down?
- Lord. This man does not know is he wants to dominate you or be dominated.
- Loves trailing teasing kisses and slight bites up and down your chest.
- Loves to cum on your chest and ass. He thinks you look so pretty.
- still wants to shove his face in your thighs tho
F! Mikey
- Again, he probably doesnt care either. He loves you regardless of your body.
- He just wants to make you feel loved.
- But again, for the sake of this - i think he'd be a chest and thighs guy.
- Loves laying on your chest, loves leaving kisses and bites.
- nuzzles his face either on your chest or on the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent.
- hes so sweet, but will shamelessly cum on your chest. Especially when youre giving him head.
- he loves your thighs, doesnt care if theyre small or big.
- he thinks theyre so soft<3
F! Raph
- Waist. And belly. Forget everything above, just waist.
- Again, bros scared he will crush you. Especially since hes much much much larger now.
- He really doesn't want to hurt you :(
- He loves to grab your waist. Its so tiny compared to his giant hands.
- Dont get me started with the belly. Chubby or not he loves squishing the soft flesh on your belly.
- covers it with his cum.
- He loves it.
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I just wanted to say these are not meant to be accurate, these are js what i think the rise turtles would like physically! I struggled a LOT with mikey and raph.
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John Price headcanons sfw & nsfw
I don’t usually do headcannons so please bear with me 👉👈
I hope you enjoy them tho :3 Will I use many of these in my writing? Yes, yes I will. These are both in general as well as him with you ;3
Part 2
He has an entire routine for his beard. Keeps it trimmed regularly and takes very good care of it, which causes it to feel very nice and soft to the touch.
Absolutely LOVES when you’re the one doing it though. It’s a small act of love that he can never get enough of. Whether you’re the one trimming it or just putting some products in. It’s a moment where he can sit on the bath rim and have you stand between his legs - or the other way around where he props you up on the sink and stands in between your legs. He just places his hands on your hips and closes his eyes, trusting you with something so important to him. It’s a very intimate thing that he treasures.
He has reading glasses. I won’t budge on this. Square(rectangle) ones with a very thin frame. Tends to forget whenever he puts them on his head and proceeds to go searching for them for five minutes.
He is very warm blooded. Always runs hot like a furnace. A blessing in the winter, a curse in the summer. Especially because he loves to cuddle.
Has a little trinket on his desk representing each of the 141 (+ Nik, Laswell and Farah). Be it a gift they gave to him or something that reminds him of them. There’s something for everyone. It clutters the edge of his desk a bit but it’s worth it because whenever the paperwork gets too much, he can just look at the little shrine he built and smile.
His love language is physical touch and quality time. While he loves giving you gifts and being romantic too, nothing beats holding you in his arms while you cuddle on the couch or in bed.
Speaking of- this man absolutely adores you. He doesn’t think he deserves the love you give him because of the things he’s done in his life. But every day he sees you, you prove that you do love him and he wants to return that love twice over.
His biggest fear is coming home after deployment to an empty house. Finding a letter on the table stating you can’t wait for him any longer. He’d understand, of course. But it would crush him.
While we’re on the sad train already- he suffers frequent nightmares due to PTSD. Feels really guilty for waking you up but also can’t stop himself from seeking your comfort after one of them - craving it. If you allow him to (he wouldn’t bring it up unless you suggested it), he’ll call you if he’s out on deployment or at base. Give him that privilege to phone you awake just to comfort him? There is nothing that man won’t do for you anymore.
He is terrified of being the one to leave you too though. He knows that if he’s ever faced with the option to sacrifice himself for one of the 141, he would. But it also breaks his heart because it would mean he’d leave you for them. He tries not to think about it like that, but it’s a constant conflict in his mind.
While he’s probably more likely to be a dog person, I can also really see him with cats just curled up on his chest. Once again, this man is always warm. The little felines will search him out like a bloodhound, preferring him over laying by the radiator.
And he loves to do it too. His idea of a hobby is either reading, building models or cooking. You can often find him in the kitchen with a cook book, making a five star meal. Loves to see your reaction to the taste of it, makes him proud of himself.
Also, yeah, he likes building models :3. Miniatures. In his spare time you can find him on the couch, bent over the coffee table with his reading glasses perched on his nose while he’s building a ww2 bomber plane out of matchsticks from some random pattern he found online. He has very steady hands and it causes the models to always look fantastic. His best and biggest work is a ship in a bottle from a kit you gave him for an anniversary between you two. He only works on that in short increments to make sure he doesn’t screw it up - it’s about 2/3 done. You’ve repeatedly tried to get him to share his work online but he always gets bashful and refuses.
If he ever got the chance to do it together with the team though?? He’s gonna be beaming about that single evening for a week straight.
His favourite colour is dark green, like the forests :)
This is less of a headcannon and more just snippets of canon proof that I found. But he can speak English, Russian, Arabic and Spanish. Maybe even more.
He’s a tea person. Can’t stand coffee. It’s not about the taste, simply that every time he tried it, it gave him a headache.
When he first introduced you to the team, he was very nervous. Really wanted them to like you. So when Soap immediately took you into a hug and thanked you for ‘taking care of the old man’, followed by Gaz introducing himself with a warm smile and a praising regalia of the things he’d heard from Price, he couldn’t be happier. And when he at one point saw you at the kitchen table with Ghost, talking calmly and laughing with the hulking man who’s tension had dropped from his shoulders? He knew you were the one.
Loves going on double dates with Laswell and her wife too. You’re all good friends and it’s a chance to truly unwind and just catch up with Kate outside of work.
Please for the love of all that is holy, take a bath or shower with him. He ADORES them. Really wants so bad to take care of you. Will do your whole cleaning routine for you if you let him. If it’s something he’s not used to? Teach him, he’s very eager to learn.
All in all, this man just loves you so much. He finds himself so so lucky that you chose him of all people as your partner. Whether you’re civilian or military, he’ll protect you with life and limb. Literally.
So, those were the sfw thoughts bouncing in my head. I hope you liked them. Now we’re moving onto the spicy stuff. Please respect the banner, thank you and more stuff for this man is coming! ^^
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He is an ass man. All the way. Don’t get me wrong, he LOVES your thighs, seeing the way his fingers indent the flesh when he squeezes, being buried between them - it’s heavenly. But there is just something about your ass that he can’t get enough of. If his eyes aren’t on it, then his hands are.
He won’t randomly smack your ass - doesn’t really sit right with him, doesn’t find it proper (except for certain situations ;3). But dear god does he always have a hand on your ass to squeeze if he gets the chance. Walking somewhere together? If he can, he’ll slide his hand from your back/waist down to your ass and hold there. Sitting on his lap? You already know it, his hand is on your ass, keeping you in place. Brushing past you? One hand on your waist, one hand on your ass while he apologises and squeezes past.
A gentle over a rough lover. While he can go both ways, he prefers to go slow and deep. Watching your face contort in pleasure as he fucks you, hearing every noise you make.
This man is an absolute pleasure dom. He gets off on seeing you get off. There’s plenty of nights where he solely focuses on you and doesn’t cum himself.
Doesn’t like the word daddy but for the love of god PLEASE use honorifics. Call him captain and sir and you’ll have an entirely different man on your hands.
Prefers giving over receiving oral. There’s just something about working his tongue and mouth on you that never fails to make him groan against you - even if his mouth is otherwise occupied.
Will always properly prepare you. He doesn’t like hurting you. He’s big and he knows it so he doesn’t want to take any chances.
While he doesn’t mind quickies (in his office is a favourite), he prefers the actual thing. Like stated before, he wants to focus on you and give you all the pleasure he can and a quicky just doesn’t allow for that.
For those instances where you rile him up enough to forego his gentler side however? He knows how to work you. He can push every button you have and have you seeing stars while he fucks the life out of you. Don’t expect to be standing on strong legs the day after.
Man has stamina for DAYS. Prefers to make you cum multiple times before he cums himself. Need a moment in between orgasms to recover before you can go again? That’s okay, you can cockwarm him while he waits.
Speaking of cum. It’s thick, potent and by god he cums a lot. Properly stuffs you if you let him.
Big on marking you. Loves leaving bites, hickeys and handprints. Give him the same too. Scratch marks, bite marks, hickeys. He loves checking his body over in he morning to see what you left.
He has quite the libido on him. He can’t help it, you’re the most inviting and enticing thing in his eyes. Bend over to pick something up and his cock can already be hardening in his pants.
He’s very considerate of your wants and needs though. If you don’t want to have sex, he’ll cuddle you and hold you instead. If you’re not into a certain thing, he’ll refrain on doing it next time. Very much wants to make it a time of pure pleasure and love for you, because that’s what it is for him too.
Very into kisses. Sloppy, long kisses where you moan and whine into his mouth. Better yet if you muffle your moans in his mouth while he fucks you.
Favourite positions are missionary, mating press, doggy style, lotus and spooning sex. He loves them for different reasons.
Missionary because of how close he can be, feeling your legs wrap around his waist while all of him touches all of you.
Mating press because of how deep he can hit and keep such control. He can see your face contort in pleasure while folding your legs up and holding you down.
Doggy style is obvious as to why. But he also really loves watching the way your back arches with this one. He can hold onto your hips and just let his eyes rove your body.
Lotus he loves a lot when cuddles on the couch evolve into more, or when he’s in his office and the need arrises for you both. Just having you seated on his lap, your legs around him, body pressed so closely into his while he gently fucks up into you? Heaven.
Spooning sex? You mean cuddles + sex? Hit. Him. Up. He absolutely loves fucking you like this in the morning. Lazy, tired, properly waking each other up with pleasure.
If you’re into it and allow him to, he’d even actually wake you up like that. Big on somnophelia like that for the thought of pulling you out of your dreams and your sleep with pleasure. If he gets to the stage where he’s opened you up and his cock is filling you without you waking up until then, he’s oh so proud of himself. Would only do it if you’re comfortable though.
Very big on cockwarming. Watch a movie together on the couch and let him rest his cock in you from behind. Can evolve into spooning sex on the couch while making you try to keep your attention on the movie. His hand on your chin, keeping your face pointed to the screen while he whispers against your ear.
I said it before, he’s big. Long and thick and knows how to use it well. He’s a very hairy man all over but he keeps it neatly trimmed down there.
The h a p p y t r a i l of this man. Run your nails over it and it instantly sends blood rushing into his cock.
Overall, John will fuck you whenever he gets the chance. And by the gods he will show you what it’s like to be truly worshipped.
Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to interact or send me any asks, I’d love to chat ^^
Part 2
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splataii · 1 year
so uh @b1ueprinc3 made a post and i was inspired to make this drabble.
pervert manager dabi x male reader
cw: sub/bottom male reader, top/dom character, dacryphilia, degradation, minor exhibitionism, groping
anyway dabi first meets you an just thinks ur so fucking cute. he just loves your enegry and attitude, and becomes a lil too eager to train you, always being a lil touchy. hes down horrendous, always grabbing ur ass to congratulate you for a job well done at the end of the day or whatever.
insists he a “hands on learning” typa guy. always grabbing you by the waist so he can grind his obvious boner against your ass as he scoots behind you. always grabs u by the back of the neck, rubbing a thumb up its side as he leans over your shoulder to look at whatever work has you occupied. grabs you by the beltloop when youre passing him so he can spin you around and tell you about this “important work related thing” while he keeps his fingers pressed into your hips.
he already thinks you look pretty good in the assigned uniform, but one day, he has the genius idea to spill some water or something over you so you're forced to change into a top that's a couple sizes too small (which he insists is the only available uniform, yes it's mandatory, no you can't go home and change).
he promises it was an accident, and that he’ll wash it for you (despite the fact you insist you can clean it yourself) but instead spends his time dropping random shit on the ground so he can see your pants strain against ur ass and the way your shirt rides up your back.
the liar also takes your old shirt to the backroom to fist his cock with, pretending it's ur fucked out face he's cumming on. you ain't never getting that shit back
speaking of jerking off, this bitch does it all the time. specifically does it when youre getting off break and heading to the break rooms, so you can hear the sound of him shamelessly moaning your name as he finishes to another one of his gross fantasies of you laying spread out for him in his bed. he exits the stall and smiles when he sees your face like its no big. always makes sure to give ur ass a nice slap and some half assed “work hard” crap before he leaves you totally embarrassed.
nyway he also a bit overprotective, never stepping more than a couple feet away from you while you're working with a customer, and even other coworkers. he knows people know how cute you are. why would he leave his sweet boy to deal with those random mofos? he just stands behind you glaring when he feels someone is getting too close. you get a little confused, when they eventually leave, terrified, but he's always there to comfort you. your ass is his, you don't need no one else baby<3
he can have a bit of a mean streak sometimes tho, stretching you thin. whenever you (expectedly) fail to meet his impossible deadlines, he’s teasing you. talking about what a dumb little boy you are. he could probably fire you, if he wanted to. but he wont. if you could do this one little thing for him.. he pulls you into an old storage closet, freeing his cock from the confines of his pants so he can slap it on your face and spread his pre all over your cheek and nose. he can't help it, you just look a lot cuter this way. besides, he knows you can take it. dumb little boys like you are only made for one thing. since you're such a bad employee, show him what a damn good whore you are.
dabi claims he's only mean cause he cares. boys like you need to be taught a lesson so no one can take advantage of you. but sometimes, he plays like he's gonna make you answer calls while hes spearing you on his dick, just so he can see your pretty tears as you shake ur head no.
once again, he can have complete one eighty's, giving you all these bonuses and gifts at work saying “you deserve it” and all that shit, but everybody at work knows the reason you get all this special treatment is cause he slutting you out behind closed doors.
at the end of the day, you’re really just dabi’s personal whore. and everyone knows it.
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winterarmyy · 29 days
Just a passing thought but what if dark!stalker!bucky is infatuated with this lovely girl who he often sees at the local library…
He never approached her, of course. God, no. How can he? He was literally dripped with the vibe of a ‘serial killer’, dark and brood and dangerous and she was just everything soft and sweet. She’d be running scared if he approached her first. So he decided to be patient, to wait for the bunny to walk into the wolf’s den on her own. Though, that didn’t stop Bucky from watching her in the shadows, or sending death threats to all the men she went on dates with, or setting up hidden cameras all over her apartment. 
Bucky made himself comfortable on his bed, fingers lazily tapping on his phone, checking each camera to make sure none of them were out of order. “Perfect. Now, where’s my sweet bunny?”
Honestly, Bucky never expected anything from this, oh who was he kidding? He was kinda expecting to see her curled up in her comfy chair, buried behind a book like how he often sees her in the library and maybe see her spend hours on rubbing her skin with those perfumed moisturizer because she always smelled so fucking good.
I mean, he did see those things, but more. So much more. And he was not ready for it. He didn’t know why it never came across his mind, maybe because of how soft and sweet she was acting with other people but…. there she was; doing the weirdest, silliest, quirkiest, stupid things when she's alone.
Bucky is so baffled and confused at first; like how did this shy and quiet girl just change completely? Oh, but he loves it. He can’t remember the last time he laughed this loud, this genuine. Not since he fell off that train, not when he reunited with Steve just to be left alone again. 
Now? God damn, he laughs every day. Now, he is rolling on his bed, tears threaten to spill out from the corners of his eyes.
He just witnessed how she abruptly threw the knife and carrot in her hands at the sound of the Samsung washing machine going off from a distance. She glided and slid her way to the laundry room, as if drawn to the rhythmic beep. Her face was set with utmost seriousness, but her body began to sway, moving with the same well-choreographed dance that she always performed when lost in her own little world of domestic rhythms.
Her movements were both precise and fluid, a blend of graceful steps and playful spins while maintaining the same laser-focused expression on her face. She twirled in time with the washing machine’s vibrations, as if the appliance had its own secret beat that only she could hear. When the song ended, she straightened up and walked back to the kitchen. 
She picked up the knife and carrot with the same efficiency as before, seamlessly returning to the task of prepping her veggies as if the dance had never happened at all. 
Yeah, sure. Bucky jerked off to her some nights; of course he would . Especially when she was moaning and whimpering so sweetly as she played with her clit. But this? The random crazy shit she does? He loves to see it.
Fuck, he loves her.
“Oh, bunny. Looks like I’m gonna need to chase you now that you refuse to come to me.”
Just a thought tho...
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cvnt4him · 4 months
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Katsuki has a crush<33
Hey babe, quick pow-wow, so I don't really give warnings like I should especially when writing smut i js get lazy 💀, however this is mainly a self insert and will have a black reader n chubby reader so if that isnt you, or if you don't like it leave quietly or loudly idc. Anyways kisses to all, enjoy<3🎗️
You had always had a love hate relationship with bakugou katsuki.
He would be mean asf, pinching your thighs, poking fun at your tummy and the way it looked in your school uniforms.
But when he'd seen you for the first time in your pyjamas, pink crop top covering your braless bossom, short shorts riding up your ass in such a delicious way, he couldn't take his eyes off of you.
You were just coming down for a snack as he was in the common area with kirishima, sero, denki, and iida, they all glanced over to you being caught off guard by your yawn.
You walked to the fridge grabbing something random and a soda, before stopping to look at the group of boys who hadn't taken their eyes off of you.
"...what?" You asked with an attitude laced in your honey-like voice.
You walked back up the stairs heading to your dorm, as the boys ended up snickering and saying random things falling into deaf ears.
Bakugou just couldn't take his eyes off of you, he didn't want to admit it, but he hated seeing you go yet loved to watch you leave, your ass looking so appetizing in those fluffy pink shorts, the way you seemed annoyed by their stares only made him want to watch you more.
And boy did he, it's like he couldn't take his eyes off of you that night, during school hours he'd watch you from across the room, you sat far away from him, next to the door as he sat next to the windows, he literally was looking at you from across the whole entire damn room, blocking out the numerous of heads that blocked your pretty little face.
Your pretty glossed lips in such a pouty look, you finally glanced over to him with a raised brow and a slight buck of your head, signaling for 'what the fuck are you looking at bro?'
He knew it, he instantly looked away with a growl and a flushed expression. Shit he got caught staring at you.. you'd never let him live this down. You were just as petty as him.
After catching him stare at you, a smile grew onto your face, how long had he been watching you?
For a long time. Like 'every second of every day' long time.
Some time passed since you caught him staring at you that day, his remarks toward you had become less.. mean? He kept that loser nickname he gave you tho, "chubs" it didn't really hurt your feelings about def made you feel some type of way.
Like mf are you fr? But anyways you hadn't taken it to heart, bakugou wasn't a nice guy, you knew that. So why has he been treating you rather differently?
You two were paired together for a training group, you had tucked your long UA jacket into your bra making it look like a crop top, the stretch marks showed in your belly as you were reading yourself for the training you two were about to do, bakugou trains hard, real hard his punches hurt like shit n he doesn't go easy on anyone. His hands are fr rated E for everyone.
So as you got into your fighting stance he just looked at you. Like w a dumb face fr, you looked around confused seeing as everyone else had started fighting, so why the hell hadn't he hit you, bakugou always hit first he thought it was better. So why wasn't he fighting you?
Hell even he didn't know his damn self, why didn't he move? Lunge at you? Throw explosions your way, anything?
"are you gonna hit me or...??" You say trailing off at the end of your sentence looking around still confused asf.
"what, afraid to throw the first punch, chubs?" He scoffed and barked back at you quickly before, finally, lunging at you at full force.
It had caught you off guard but despite your weight, you were a good fighter, and damn good with your quirk.
After training you grabbed your bag and left instantly not waiting on him or anyone else bc why would you?
Bakugou just watched you leave, his eyes rolling then glancing down to his bag before instantly finding themselves right back in you and your figure, his volcanic red eye slowly trailing down to your ass, he hadn't even noticed it but he bit his lip as a smirk found it's way onto his face.
Damn you really did look good, but just as he was about to admit it to himself, izuku got in his way and it looked like he was looking at his dick, bakugou instantly looked up looking at the freckled boys face with disgust as he scoffed and grabbed his back before walking past the guy.
"hi!- uh-.. KACCHAN?!!!"
Katsuki was just in bed, scrolling through his phone at ab 6:30 pm, getting ready for bedtime (yk this mf got one) when he came across a poll online, his birthday had just passed a few months ago n still his fans are posting him happy birthdays n shit n one specific post caught his eye, it was a popularity poll which he had won, again.
Katsuki plugged his phone up w a smile, genuinely laughing to himself at how he keeps winning these things, he sighs one last time before his thoughts randomly crossed to you.
Damn, you looked good covered in sweat, he thought.
Wait what?!
No, ew.. where did THAT come from??? He does NOT, think of you like that. He thinks you're weird, gross.. ugly.. well. Not ugly persè, just slightly unattractive, well, noo.. just. Barely attractive. Yeah. That works.
But damn did your ass look good when you walked away.
Wait the fuck? Why had he been having such a weird thoughts about.. you?? You weren't all that great?
I mean you looked good kinda, you had nice eyes... He guesses, your hair always managed to look nice even when it looked bad, it still looked somewhat nice.
Bakugou sighed in frustration, just why couldn't he get you out of his head???
Then it dawned on him like a train crash.
Fuck.., he liked you.
N not js like 'ah, yeah, your cool.' type shit. no, he like ACTUALLY dead ass liked you.
Fuck. This was gonna make things complicated, someone as emotionally constipated as him liking someone couldn't end well, even he himself knew that. He never truly had enough love in his heart for anyone, he had a dream, a goal, and that was to become the number one hero and that's it.
He didn't have time for useless things like love or relationships. Especially not with the likes of you.
At least that's what he kept telling himself whenever he actually managed to hold a good, non arguing, unjudgemental, genuine conversation.
God, the way you actually spoke to him like he was a human being and not some pest you couldn't get rid of, like before. The way you held great eye contact and stared directly at him with no hatred filling them, the way you smiled and he felt the urge to smile back. And he did, that's what took you both by surprise, he actually smiled warmly at you, it left a warm feeling in you.
His smile was actually quite good looking on him, you never had a problem with admitting bakugou katsuki was an attractive man, it's just his attitude that was ugly. With you being pretty chubby or js blatantly fat in other people's eyes you never had a lot of options due to people judging you by your body and not your personality, believe it or not, katsuki was one of the only people to never actually talk about your body besides calling you chubs, and whenever mineta called you ome of the ugliest girls there, die to your weight, he quickly shut that shit down.
Given how people treat you, that truly is the way you treat others, you try to see people for more than just a pretty face, so whenever anyone talked to you, given everyone in your class is at least a little bit attractive, whether you had a bird head and a sexy body, (tokoyami) or had the cutest little freckles, you'd never let that get into your head, being pretty will only get people so far, so you always tried to look inward with people who considered themselves your friend in any way.
You had admiration for katsuki, sure, but you never liked him, you thought he was annoying, brass, hella obnoxious, and conceited.
So when he came to you, holding a good genuine conversation, not looking away from you, never once glancing down at your boobs or body in general, and actually smiled at you, you were genuinely in utter complete shock.
Had he always been this pretty?
"..so.. do you, I don't know... Maybe wanna come to my dorm..? Or, whatever.."
You assumed he had a hard time saying that given the amounts of pauses in his sentence and the way he looked down, hands finding themself in his pockets so they didn't absentmindedly fiddle with themselves and he ended up looking like a dork, like some green haired freckled face loser he knew.
You scoffed at this thinking he was teasing you or trying to make a joke in some way.
"Yeah, because you want to actually hang out with me, sure, when pigs fly, bakugou katsuki."
You snort, as you argued back to a confused, wide eyed, flushed faced bakugou and put your bag on your shoulder. What? Had you really just rejected him? He wasn't even asking you out on like.. a 'date', date. He just wanted to spend time with you.. and, do face masks and play Roblox and bully people and binge watch your fav show and fall asleep in each other's arms as he kissed your forehead?
Was that really too much to ask?
He was pissed, not because you rejected him, not really, more so because he knows you think he's being a dick right now but he's not, hes being genuine and honest. He wants to hang out with you, willingly with no strings up his sleeves to find a way and poke fun at you.
That couldn't be so hard to believe, could it?
"I'm serious, why would I joke about something like that? You make it sound like I'm gonna push you out the nearest window if we just so happened to walk by one together."
He barked back, quick to defend himself and grill you.
You roll your way trying to walk past him as he pushes you by the shoulder making you bounce back, you scoff and try again as he then pushes you against your desk closing you in so now you were basically sitting atop of it.
"what the hell."
Was that left your mouth before he gently captured your lips taking you completely by surprise, not just by the kiss, but by the fact of how gentle he was with you, the way his hand moves up to your shoulder then finding it's way in the back of your neck, pushing you deeper into the kiss.
He pulled away slowly as he just stared down at you saying nothing with a blank face. You were still in shock, your eyes never closed during the previous kiss, but when he kissed you again you felt the random urge to actually kiss him back, and you did, you kissed him, hard.
Grabbing him by his broad shoulders, causing him to pick you up by your thighs, you squeak in intentionally, the way he held you with no problem got to you, it made you feel some kind of way.
He held you with a firm grip, the grip so tight it might've bruised you thighs as they wrapped around his tiny waist, he smirked in the kiss, swiping his tongue at you bottom lip asking for entry to your mouth, and once you granted him access there was no stopping him, he was like an animal that had been held back the entire time.
He slammed you hard against a wall and shoved his tongue in your mouth, licking and dancing with your own muscle as he groaned into the kiss, he pulled away from the sloppy spit filled kiss to attack your neck and put hickeys all over it, nipping lightly at your skin causing you to bite your lip with a smile.
Damn, he wanted you bad and you could tell. He was acting like a damn animal waiting to be met loose.
One of his hands eventually started wandering up and down your body, grabbing and squeezing every bit of your skin he could, nails digging deeply into the flesh of your thighs causing crescent moons to form from how hard they were gripped into you, you winced lightly as he never let up on what he was doing it's like he was solely focused on doing one thing and that was getting you undressed.
He quickly unbuttoned your top before throwing it off of you, your black lacey bra looking so good on your brown skin, the way it held your boobs up made you look so damn sexy to him, he couldn't stop grinding his hard on right against you, a deep moan leaving your bitten lips, that went straight to his ego.
Your hands scratched and pulled at his hair in the most delicious, mind numbing way, the way you edged him on, telling him to keep going and keep touching you like that really got him going, all he wanted to do was fuck you right then and there, but unfortunately you were interrupted.
By nine other than the freckled dufus himself. oh and that four-eyed dork.
You both instantly shit your eyes in the direction of the door opening, neither you tried hiding the both of you just simply looking annoyed, bakugou more than you.
"and I- whUAH!! K- KACCHAN?!"
The room was now unfortunately filled with iida yelling at the two of you on how you should respect school property, and shouldn't be fondling each other and attempting to do sexual things outside of your bedrooms, and deku was shoving out a ramble if 'im sorry's and shit. It was all annoying you so you simply buttoned your shirt back and walked away
Bakugou groaned at watching you leave, iida yelling at you questioning where you were going, you rolled your eyes and offered bakugou a slight smile, winking and telling him to text you before walking out.
Everything that was still being said by the two boys that had crashed you party had again falken on deaf ears, he was too focused on you and the way you winked at him, the fact you'd actually let him do whatever he wanted to you while you were against the wall.
He scoffed before grabbing his bag, you'd better believe you were getting that text tonight.
" ---, at least tell me you two degenerates are being safe, we cannot have a baby popping out, it'll be bad for your reputation, the schools, and everyone's around you both!"
Was the last thing bakugou heard before groaning and walking out, still being followed by an overly obsessed iida and a still profusely apologizing deku.
God the things you get him roped into.
AN: I love him sm
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