#I like taking the piss out of Fabian way too much. the thing is he makes it so easy. he reacts to everything
dullgecko · 3 days
I think that if Riz were to like actually sleep on his own, and like actually sleep *well*, he'd need like a whole set up. Like he needs a white noise machine at a specific volume to block out his thoughts, but not so loud he can't still hear the world around him. He needs a sleepytime tea, it needs to be dark, possibly enclosed. Bonus points if there's someone else there. He makes due with four hours of passible sleep because I don't think he has ever put that much thought into sleeping.
The person with the next neediest sleep needs is probably Fabian, who can sleep in adventurer standard places, but he's so much more used to sleeping on expensive sheets. After Sophmore year you know it's cream sheets all the way. He has a white noise that plays mostly ocean sounds, and an entire skin care routine that he does at home. Kristen is probably the laxest sleeper, and could sleep anywhere, honestly. She can actually get rested from how Riz sleeps normally.
Goblins prefer sleeping around other people, it helps them maintain body heat and makes them feel more secure. They also need just a baseline level of noise from other people so they know there's someone on watch. If the entire horde is asleep at the same time things are liable to get in and eat them.
Riz's moms not home at the same time he is very much, and if they are home at the same time she's usually exhausted from work and sleeping so Riz just stays awake and works on stuff so she can get a good nights rest. His mom and dad would go to bed at different times when he was little so they could swap off who would keep watch, but its just the two of them now and Riz is a self-sacrificing idiot for the people he loves.
If he's by himself and exhausted and actually has the energy to get ready and go to bed rather than passing out at his desk or on the couch its a whole ordeal. He'll have something hot to drink that's not coffee, have some melatonin tablets (his circadian rhythm is completely shot from being a nocternal creature going to school during the day), he'll have a hot shower and get changed, and he'll smoosh up into the tiniest ball possible in one corner of his bed. He still doesnt sleep super well like that though.
He's actually better rested now that he's in highschool because he has friends who are so much larger than he is with comfortable bags. He'll usually at least get a solid nap in two to three times a week because the background noise of his friends classes, combined with the knowledge that they're awake and 'keeping watch' makes him fall asleep easier.
Fabian can sleep practically anywhere if need be. Sitting upright against a tree, on an uncomfortable sleeping mat, straight up on the ground, on a rocking ship. ANYWHERE. He is, however, a man with refined tastes and if he's given the option of luxury he will grab it with both hands. His party was actually a little shocked because they thought he would be the most precious about how he sleeps but if they're on an adventure he doesn't really give a shit. This is how adventurers do it. If he's at home though it takes him a whole hour to get ready for bed.
Fabian is Riz's favorite party member to nap on partly because he doesn't move around very much in his sleep too. Gorgug tends to toss and turn a little and the first time Riz crashed next to him he nearly got squished. Kristen is straight up a menace in her sleep and kicks so she's also a no-go and Adaine wakes up too easily if he lies down near her and he doesnt want to disturb her. Fig is a close second to Fabian but only in winter or if he's pissed off at their fighter for some reason (he considers her basically his sister by this point so she gets all the cuddles when he's in a cranky mood. its not weird they're family their parents are dating).
Kristen is one of those infuriating people who, even if they only got three hours of sleep, is super chipper and loud most mornings. Noone is sure how she does it given that she should be exhausted all the time from the gymnastics she does in her sleep. Her party is convinced its some weird cleric thing.
Fig is fairly normal about her sleep arangements. She just needs somewhere comfortable and horizontal preferably with a pillow. She is a hugger though and if you get too close while she's half-asleep you'll get trapped. Before the whole archdevil thing she also needed a decent sleeping bag but now she's totally fine until it gets to the point there's snow on the ground.
Gorgug like Fabian can sleep in the most uncomfortable positions if need be. He sleeps better if his party is close by though, preferable touching, otherwise his heart rate spikes in his sleep sometimes and he'll rage. If his friends are close they keep him calm and he gets a better nights sleep, even if he's in a weird position that will leave him sore in the morning.
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void-botanist · 7 months
@vacantgodling in the Bakery Bitches AU (which hinges solely on the premise that Isabel, Rodney, and Hatt were somehow raised as siblings/if Fay and Lou got divorced the kids stayed with Lou) contact ERS has probably been banned. Possibly multiple times. Isabel and Hatt are like chill and normal petty siblings until it's contact ERS time and then they are possessed by what Fay can only describe as "the allure of the goddamn emergency room". Have they had to go to the emergency room? No. Have they beat each other into a pulp over a handful of cards? Repeatedly. Does Rodney play with them anymore? Absolutely not lmao but you know he lost several baby teeth to these shenanigans.
I think in Undermonster AU (where the whole premise is that there is a monster that lives under their childhood basement stairs, with Hatt as an optional sibling) they would fall prey to the classic childhood horror plot where they attempt to play contact ERS with the monster and end up with otherworldly injuries and a locked basement door.
In an AU I'm calling Scholarshipping Up to Salles (where the premise is that Isabel and Rodney got private school scholarships and Isabel becomes BFFs with Fabian instead of Spinder) I think Fabian has scars from Isabel taking this way too seriously (though he's probably managed to give her one right back), and he's so envious of Darnell, who doesn't get tackled nearly so hard. Literally he's sitting in the corner with a nosebleed thinking that she would be nicer to him if he were bi (and he's not entirely wrong).
In actual canon Isabel would still love contact ERS but who would play it with her (well except Tatya, which would probably make her not want to play)?
I was gonna leave it there but then I realized there are three other siblings who would play with less intensity but absolute tenacity: the Labissarns. And Vikedr, too. I kinda want to have Sheri witness them playing it because he definitely thinks that Gannet is not the kind of guy who would wrestle for cards - and play just as dirty as Eely, for that matter - but he totally is.
Sheri taglist: @kk7-rbs
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halevren · 7 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 7
this may take me longer than usual because I have hurt my hand so it's wrapped up rn and it makes it hard to type 🫡
I miss ayda aguefort i hope she shows up in this episode.
pitch perfect 2 mention! I used to be so into music related movies
So much happened last episode, this recap is so long
I am not a fan of Grix.
Two Kristen's again
"Pretty fun to commit fraud"
"That was sophomore year, I'm cool now"
Body rolling I love body rolling it's so fun to just vibe
Mandatory drug test????
Bard class cool as hell
Rip Gorgug he fell on the stairs
"Did she cast a spell on you " "I mean, in a sense..."
Littledoggy Girlcollar
they should investigate definitely
"If we all do drugs, they can't expell all of us."
Riz trying so hard to keep Fig from being expelles
shrimp burrito
Gorgug not being a fan of Mary Ann is very interesting to me and very reasonable.
"I think it's a really good thing you're thinking."
kipperlitty is subliminally messaging people with the food?!?!?!?!?
I can't wait to see the fan art that comes out of this episode
"Hey.... Girlie"
"Did you hear? She passed." KRISTEN EHEHEJWKEHBEE
"Hey do we need to lock it in" yeah probably
Max Durden is probably my second favorite npc
"Everyone has to have a least favorite friend, it's fine" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Fabian running a study hall is so cool
This downtime sounds fun
Riz "The Ball" Gukgak
Aewlyn mention 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
"Nice new shirt, did you buy it underground?"
The stress tokens are actually making me real life stressed
GORGUG NAT 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"It might be more stable than mine"
i miss Cassandra I hope she's okay
The shrimp jump. WAS a miracle
let's go Cassandra!
Fig paladin of Cassandra??????????????
Oh my god is Fig Multiclassing
oh my god wait craig he's still around
"it's like animal piss but in a good way"
"Kristen, your adult man is being weird"
"You'd be a nasty as paladin?"
"I don't want to harsh your vibe"
"Everyone has to lick me"
oh no he's a noodler
gorgug has tunnel vision
Gorgug is literally so stressed
the rage!
Fabian is such a loser when it comes to talking with girls
This is so painful, Fabian needs something. I don't know what but God he need something
Fabian stress token
Walking store Adaine
ya hoo
av class 🔥🔥🔥
i need art of fishing club Riz just goin' fishing
Gorgug & Riz joint birthday party!!!!
17 having a ice cream party sounds absolutely lit
Gorbag and Roz!!!
goodbye lucilla she's gone to the skies
"I think you're being weird here"
oh my god fig
Fig is having a strange day
"Why can't I tell him he's weird"
"Haha! Counterspell! ♪"
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me."
oh my god Brennan said teenage rebellion.... just like... just like the song teenage rebellion... T-T-T-TAKING OVER TEENAGE REBELLION IT'S OUT TIME IT'S OUR YEAR—
"Can I take a stress for Kristen"
Riz is the only character allowed to take a stress for another person
popular kid Kristen!!!!
"Anyone who think he's cool" me too I fall in love with everyone who thinks I'm cool
alter emo hauntings a kid's dreams
"Not All Who Wanda Are Lost" single released on all listening platforms. 1 mil listens in a week
oh no...... this is going to be awful and awkward.
ohhhhhh....... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... Fabian.......... This is painful........
Ivy is catching these hands, leave my girl Mazey alone
"You missed your shot, playboy" no he has a call with his bank
Riz is at his conspiracy board
Something does feel off about grix
Everyone has a stress token
"Go roll me a corrupted bardic"
Even I'm grieving Lucy, she sounds lovely...
oh there's something deep going on with lucy
"It's the boss, baby"
Murph has figured it OUT
The epic music
This stress system is making me STRESSED
I relate to the stress causing antisocial things
ohhhhhh goodness.....
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diaryofme98 · 4 months
Journal Entry #2
The power was out yesterday and I used the time to read through some of the texts I sent Fabian last year to the fake number. Honestly, now that I know he for sure read all of these, because of Finch (thanks Fabian) it gives me a different perspective on them. We really did bond in a fucked up way in June.
I told him about all my psychosis, every single problem I ever had with my family, my insecurities, etc. I showed him a gross picture of my room, I sent him a picture of my boob, and I sent him a thousand gifs of couples kissing when I was going through the worst of my psychosis and needed something happy to focus on.
The most fucked up part about June is I used texting Fabian as a coping mechanism. I used it to help me with the worst of my schizophrenia. So for him to just... Take everything I said and use it to scare me. Man. It's uncool. It is totally uncool. I thought we had something going with each other. Yeah he never responded through the fake number, but we had a bond going. We were repairing the damage between us.
So for him to fucking go all American Psycho on my ass, get an honest to God bald cap, and scare the shit out of me when he knew how poorly I was doing... It's just fucking disappointing. Like I expected better of him.
I trusted him with the most vulnerable parts of me and once again he fucking disappointed me and betrayed me. He keeps doing this. I don't know how he can drive to my freaking house and scare me then text me telling me he wants nothing to do with me. It's a far distance between Texas and California! It isn't an easy trip to make! He put so much effort into scaring me! He's such a jerk.
I know in his defense I said some pretty not okay things on my texts last year. I mean. I WAS in psychosis. I wouldn't have said those things in my right mind. I certainly wouldn't have sent a photo of my boob either. So it's like. Cut me a break. I just talked about family incest and being molested as a kid. And thank God none of that really happened but ... I fucking thought it did? I genuinely thought my dad raped me? I was paranoid and psychotic. He didn't need to make it worse by scaring me. Fabian could have used the most vulnerable time of my life to be there for me. He could have helped me! Instead he made it worse.
I don't know what to think of Fabian anymore. I know he knows too much about me. The mess that occurred last year... I told him everything. And maybe it is a good thing we aren't in each other's lives anymore. I don't know. I don't even know if I have feelings for him anymore. I don't know if I see him as a best friend anymore. I'd like to. But I probably just need to choose myself for once. I need to protect myself.
I know he's probably reading my blog. He'll probably keep reading this to see if I figure out anymore about him stalking me on a motorcycle. Or he'll just read it in general to stalk me.
If you are reading this Fabian:
I wish we could put aside the bullshit and talk. I won't tell anyone you stalked me last year if you are honest about it. I think you'll find I'm a pretty accepting person. I just want to talk to you. Yeah you did something weird and fucked up, but clearly my texts from last year pissed you off. It's not an excuse but like... I get you are a human. I get you have emotions. I get you have reasons for doing what you do. I'd rather not just be a girl you stalk quietly. I'd rather be in your life in some capacity. I'd be your friend again, if you ever wanted that. I don't know why you are willing to stalk me but you aren't willing to talk to me. Am I that freaking scary? You scared me! I'm not that intimidating. I'm 5'3, I have schizophrenia, and I'm kind of probably just the same nerd you remember dating. I'm not that different honestly. My medicine manages my mental illness. I'm really just- I'm really just okay.
I go to Baylor next year for college. Maybe you'll be more willing to talk to me when I'm away from my family. I don't know why I get that vibe. I guess cause you stalked me. So maybe when I'm alone you'll talk to me. I don't know. I'll move on with my life, I'll do other things, but I'll probably always be curious about talking to you. Not only cause you were my first love, but I think you are mentally fucked up in the same way as me, we are both weirdos as you once told me. And I never did meet another person like you.
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acciojaeyun · 3 years
for what it's worth | george weasley smut
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pairing: george weasley x fem!reader warnings: it’s smut. it’s nsfw. it has voyeurism, innocence kink, and george weasley. prompts: "do i look like i'm messing around?" "no. but soon we'll be,"
a/n: all characters here are 18+ for me. in this fic, hogwarts education started at 14.
summary: george fabian weasley was the epitome of annoyance. true to its connotation, it was one of the things that y/n despised when it came to the [in]famous ginger twin.
"Weasley, I don't understand what you think of an assigned pair project is, but for the love of Merlin, please just help me on this!" Y/N whisper-yelled, pleading at the Gryffindor who was pushing her on the edge just by simply ignoring her at dinner in the Great Hall.
Fred looked at Y/N then at George, clearly amused at the never ending spite and tension between his twin and the [Y/H] lady. He never knew how it exactly started. Or maybe Fred did. He would never hear the end of how George thought Y/N was a stuck-up brat in Charms, and Fred guesses it was that bad considering how George said that Hermione couldn't even compare.
"Bloody mad that lass is, I'm telling you," George muttered as he played with a box in his hand, subconsciously thinking of a possible prank that he could muster with the box.
Fred chuckled, waving his hand in revision for Charms one Saturday afternoon since he was amused at George and Y/N's excessive bickering in the class last Thursday. "Do remind me why you hold such prejudice against Y/N?"
"Ah," George tutted, moving his legs out of its position on the couch to face Fred who was perpendicular to him. "No, no, you've got it wrong, dear brother." He started
His twin hummed, urging him to continue. "I don't hold 'such prejudice'," he air-quoted, "I actually despise her, everything she does is basically a disdain to my set of virtues and principles."
"Why do you have a set of virtues and principles?"
"I don't exactly have them," George retorted. "I just exaggerated for the sake of putting how much I hate her in wordings."
All George received was a side-eye and an amused chuckle, it was as if George knew what Fred was thinking as his eyes widened in response, and immediately went defensive over the possibility.
"Piss off, Fred."
"Oi! I wasn't even saying anything!"
"No, no, your body language says everything."
"Well, yours do too whenever Y/N is near. I say, shag it out. See a possible romance, now you could talk Y/N's ear off about Y/N herself."
Y/N turned to look at Fred with her eyes squinted and brows furrowed. Fred made a mocking face of defence while raising both of his hands up, leaving the matter to Y/N who was sure she could rip George's hair out of his head.
"Bloody hell, George Weasley!" Y/N slammed her hands on the table, infuriated. At this point, her action may have been successful since George had already spared her a glance, and of course, a grin.
Y/N groaned, moving slightly at George's line of focus. "George Weasley, I know you care less about Charms because you'll do amazing at it with little to no effort, but will you please just help me on the assigned work?!"
"You flatter me too much, Y/L/N," he smirked, leaning his head on the palm of his hand, eyeing the frustrated [Y/H] right in front of him. "Whatever way I could help you, madame?" he taunted, his playful persona never leaving him.
Best believe Y/N had to contain her anger in a way she knows how to – taking a deep breath. "Just show up in the library for once and I might reconsider giving you points for collaboration. If you don't show up tonight, I'll tell Professor Flitwick and I'll be making sure you'll receive the bid of my sympathy since you won't be able to do O.W.Ls."
"Oh, but I don't need O.W.Ls for my future profession, Y/N. Thank you for the concern, though. Well appreciated."
"Weasley," Y/N warned, making George laugh in response. "Alright, fine. I'm going after eating these mushy peas, is that alright with you? Or am I not allowed to eat these mushy peas with my remaining fish and chips?"
Y/N groaned and rolled her eyes. "No, take your bloody time," she sent him a tight-lipped smile, but faltering in her annoyance as she may or may not have received a wink from George, who now turned to his plate of mushy peas and returned to his conversation with Fred and Lee.
She was sure she was winked at. But of course, Y/N couldn't dwell on the thought. Instead of thinking of it, she shook her head and made her way to the library with doubts whether George'll be coming and help her. Nonetheless, Y/N had already been rehearsing her line to Professor Flitwick. That was, until, after moments of stalling and deciding not to bail on her already and just this once, George had already found her in the farthest table at the library with her head tucked behind her behind her folded arms. He rolled his eyes and made his way to her, poking her arm with the tip of his wand.
Y/N grumbled in response and hoisted her head, eyes squinting from a quick snooze. She was met with the towering figure of George Weasley. And while most of the times she didn’t care how she looked like, she became self-conscious on how she may be having drooling in her sleep.
“George -“
“And here I was thinking you’d be ninety-nine percent finished.”
George took the seat opposite her. His eyes glued to the parchment after parchment which was partially filled with her handwriting. The ginger Gryffindor might have felt tad bit guilty, but he wouldn’t dare apologise to her, no, not to Y/N.
It may have been completely done, if it weren’t for George’s intermittent attention span that always seemed to stall work since he always had to rise up from the table to find a book that just popped randomly in his thoughts.
Also, he may have been doing this on purpose. From time to time, he would take a glance at Y/N and take note on how her aura expresses stress and frustration over the assigned work. George can’t help but feel sorry, now more then ever, to the [Y/H] that he had left alone for the majority of the project.
Though, in his defence, he could just fail Charms just because of this than be paired with her; however, he wouldn’t like the thought of also bringing her down just because of his pride that never seem to falter whenever it was Y/N he was being dealt with.
So, when Y/N had pushed the parchment to him in a sheepish manner, somehow telling him to answer the sections she had left blank because she was unable to answer it, George have not hesitated in grabbing the sheet, his train of thought regarding Y/N halting to focus on each question Y/N knew he deemed easy. George was skilled at Charms, anyway.
Now, it was Y/N’s turn to look at George while he was preoccupied. Y/N couldn’t help herself but admit that while George annoys her to an infinite extent, he was an attractive lad - a hot one, at that. Specifically, her type.
If only George had been nicer to her like his twin brother, Fred, she would’ve made a move on him. Not that she would do, though. However, she couldn’t even tell of the probability.
“You got a question wrong,” George said, snapping her out of her thoughts that, with only a few more seconds of staring, would have been tainted with impurity.
“What?” she whispered, she furrowed her eyebrows and leaned forward to George, making him swoon almost instantly to the faint scent of oak and bergamot, a scent that confirmed to George that it was indeed Y/N whom he smelt of in his Amortentia.
She leaned back, meeting George at eye level, and she couldn’t help but notice how his eyes had increasingly darkened the longer they stared at each other’s eyes.
“There’s nothing wrong in what I’ve wrote!”
“Yeah, there is. You’ve wronged the arm motion description for Entrancing Enchantment. It should be should be clockwise, not counterclockwise.”
“Well, you’re already on it, aren’t you?”
“I’m just pointing it out so that you’ll never get it wrong next time.”
“Yeah, I won’t be needing it anyway. Besides, this isn’t even in the O.W.Ls.”
“You might be needing it in case you like someone and they don’t like you back. However, we might be brewing love potions.”
“Love potions? From you, Weasleys? I’d rather die alone.”
George chuckled, “Your hand isn’t enough to suffice everything you need, you know.”
Y/N met his gaze and shuffled slightly on her seat. Heart beating loudly at the sudden suffocating tension in the rather spacious section in the library.
“Do I look like messing around with you?”
“No,” he smirked, head ducking down to turn his gaze on the parchment, writing over Y/N’s handwriting to correct the mistake. “But soon, we’ll be.” He looked up at Y/N to wink, quickly looking back at the parchment yet again as quickly as he could.
Y/N muttered a cuss word towards George. Trying to alleviate any change of atmosphere that she couldn’t decide whether she likes it or - well, she likes it. She just got caught herself in a situation she knew she wasn’t well-experienced. Considering how she had never been in a relationship before, though she had her first kiss already, she doesn’t even know if that counts considering it was just a peck.
Nonetheless, all Y/N could think of was the augmenting dampness between her thighs. As much as she wants to just not mind it, her constant fidgeting was one key teller and she prays to each existing deity for George to be unable to notice her sudden silence and stiff stature.
As if her prayers were answered given the continued silence, and as George answered the last question in such drawl, it had given Y/N the opportunity to daydream of obscene scenarios with George inside her head.
And it nearly kills Y/N on the spot as George placed his quill down to look at Y/N with his chin on his hand, finger drumming on it. “Am I wrong for assuming that I am consuming your thoughts at the moment?”
“I - uh, what?”
“You’ve been staring at me for quite a long time now, Y/N. If I had been quite the smug one, I would’ve said you’ve been thinking of me fucking you.”
Y/N blushed as she timidly shifted in her seat, and even though she wants to strip away her gaze from the intense scare she’s receiving from George, she couldn’t do it no matter how much every fibre in her body’s been dying to do so.
They’ve stayed like that, really. George testing the waters and Y/N holding herself back from jumping on George. That, or maybe Y/N just wants George to take the lead since she was new to all these things.
"Oh, darling," George drawled. "Tell me to stop and I will."
That was all she got from George, to which she nodded to. And when she met the stern look from George, she had muttered a soft 'yes.' George, on the other hand, had already ducked under the table [rather swiftly] after purposefully dropping his quill on the floor.
He shrugged and made his way to Y/N's tightly clamped legs to which George had eased in loosening from tension by rubbing his hands on it in such a delicate manner. He peeked up to see Y/N already staring down at him.
George swears his cock had already started growing in size as he looked up at Y/N's lustful and anticipating look. "Tell me, love," he said as he kissed her knee, smirking at the slight jerk of her right leg. "How do you want it? Slow?" he asked, pushing her legs slowly apart, kissing the inside of her thighs as he enjoys each squirm.
"Rough?" he continued, biting then on the skin, Y/N lightly squealing which made him squeeze her thighs. "Hush, now, love." he winked at her. "We wouldn't want anyone to know your enemy is going down on you right?"
"Though," George smirked. "I do like me some audience."
Y/N let out a shaky breath. Frustrated over the idea that George has only done very little and yet she was already very putty in his caress. "George, I –" she started as George switched from biting to sucking, kissing to licking the inside of her thighs, as if he was anticipating for an answer to his previous question.
At this point Y/N was already pooling in her underlinen, and even though she just wants to shove her throbbing pussy towards George's face, she had to answer his question truthfully.
"George," she whispered, meeting his eyes. "I - I haven't done this before."
"You mean, you haven't -"
"Not even touch yourself?"
"I don't know what pleases me."
George groaned at the thought of him having to teach Y/N about the world of intimacy - if she'll have him, of course. His thoughts were running wild at the thought of just being between her thighs which he may have imagined coming on every once so often.
"Do you want to know how?"
"For what it's worth, Georgie, please just -" she managed to cut herself off as she leaned down a bit to cup his left cheek in such frustration and anticipation, "Just do whatever you like, just touch me."
Y/N was desperate. And George was, too. That's why when he heard the words of approval from her, he had tried not to take her in the table right there at the moment.
Instead, with new information in such intimate manner, George decides not to push things farther from what he thinks Y/N should know of the moment. He continued with kissing the insides of her thighs, with his hands creeping at her arse to take a hold of it as his mouth neared her core.
George took his time, much to Y/N's dismay at some point. But she knew less than George, so she let him be.
His fingers played with her underwear as he kissed her clothed cunt, lapping as though the piece of fabric was the appetiser to the main meal. Y/N gasped, unfamiliar to the sensation that was happening on her dripping pussy.
"Oh, fuck," she managed to choke out, bringing her hand to clasp over her mouth. Extremely lost in the bliss, George had managed to slip down her underwear down to her ankles without Y/N knowing much.
Sensually, George placed a light kiss on her clit [as Y/N assumes], making her audibly gasp and close her eyes. George smirked, knowing he had found in such instant where to pleasure her.
He pushed her legs farther, licking ever so intimately the slit of her dripping core. Tongue flat and warm, Y/N was sure that with such tension and such sinful, minimal act from George, she could be coming within seconds.
"Taste so fucking good, flower," he winked, using his left hand to spread his cunt widely and his right wrangling over her right thigh to keep her still. "Be a good girl for Georgie and keep quiet, yeah?"
Y/N hadn't even got the chance to answer before George had decided to lap on her pussy in an instant. With the lips being spread open by his left hand, George had been hitting the spots Y/N have never dared to let herself travel to.
Kissing, sucking, and licking, Y/N was trying her very hard not to make a noise, resorting to tightly-closed eyes and hardly-bitten fist. She had been giving out slight squeals, making her squeal higher and slightly louder when George warned her about her volume through sucking or biting her labia.
"Oh, my - fuck, George!" she whispered. Her hands moving faster than her mind, as she took a hold of George's ginger hair and pulled him to her pussy closer, to which George groaned in response.
George's right hand reached for Y/N's left hand that was holding on to the edge of her seat for dear life. He intertwined their hands while staring at the beauty that was Y/N, subconsciously not believing how he was the one making her feel good - the first, at that.
His left hand which was opening Y/N had left from its stagnant position, only to push the first two fingers inside of her, with Y/N drawling out a moan and almost sliding off her chair from pleasure.
From two fingers to three, Y/N was positive that she had been feeling rather tingly at the pit of her stomach. And George, having felt her walls clench around his fingers, went to full feral mode.
He instantly quickened his fingering while simultaneously lapping over her clit, as he locked his half-lidded eyes with that of her's who resembled such lust and pleasure.
"That's right, love, come for me." He managed to groan out, spitting on her cunt only to eat out with much more determination than before. "George, ah! What the fuck!" Y/N cried out, hips rolling to George's mouth out of instinct.
"Don't think too much, let your body take control, darling."
"George, please, let me -" she cut herself as she opened her mouth without any moans coming out, eyes closing in the process. Her vocabulary and usually formal composure at the intense euphoria George had been giving her.
"Keep your eyes open and look at me when you cum, baby."
And that was it really, it was if something had snapped in her and she could hear George's string of cuss words as he gawked at the cum dripping on hands.
After Y/N had relieved from her high, George had already lunged himself forward to lick her cum off from her, as Y/N winced from overstimulation.
"Georgie -"
"Just cleaning you out, love."
George wiped his mouth using the back of his hand, and when he brought his fingers for him to suck on, he met Y/N's curious eyes and he moans at the thought of corrupting her innocence.
"You taste so good, Y/N," he whispered. "So," he started kissing her thighs as he bit her underwear playfully as he pulled it upwards using his teeth.
"Fucking," he said as he intertwined his right hand yet again with Y/N's, left hand reaching over to her chest to squeeze one breast. "Good." he winked as he retracted from his position, taking a hold of his quill to sit back where he first sat before the situation.
"Y - you," Y/N started, panting heavily still, "We still have another task to work on." she blushed at her statement, harder when George laughed at what she said.
George ruffled his hair a bit. "Oh, darling," he smiled, fixing his uniform and getting a hold of the parchment. "We still haven't answered the next part, though it's more on practicals." He smirked.
He went over to Y/N and leaned over just beside her ear. "I'll be in my dorm." Winking afterwards.
It was definitely worth it.
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spiltscribbles · 3 years
Prompt: Pro Athlete Sirius because that my and Remus' kink
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~Notes: OMFG VICTOrIA!!!! I FUCKING SCREECHED!!!! lkadfjlaksdgjoiaejfalskdgjioeugisfkldshg Yes tis my kink as well!!! And then I saw this from Nonny and worlds collided and BOOM! I hope you like this my love<3<3 You incredibly talented sugarplum!!! TBH I want to write a thousand more things in this AU XD
When Remus was young— surrounded by the light breeze of the Welsh coast and the harmony of birds chirping in the distance— he would follow his mother to their small garden behind their cottage  at the cusp of twilight as his father cooked their supper, and he’d watch as she laid flat all sorts of newspapers written in French and Arabic and English, watch as she brought her red pen against the ink and marked the articles with underlines and shorthand he wouldn’t understand for years still.
He asked her once, when he was barely eight years old, why she bothered to keep up with so many different publications, why she read the same story penned by countless perspectives when all the facts stayed the same at the end of the day. And he remembers how she had let out a quick, shrill of a laugh, tossing back her golden head while sucking in a puff from the bubbling hookah she had set up besides her— a habit she acquired from her Algerian, refugee parents, and one that became synonymous to those late nights in Remus’s eyes.
“Facts can be wielded to someone’s personal vendettas, Remus John,” she had crooned in that adoring way of hers whenever she spoke to him— honey eyes that were the same color and shape to Remus’s own flashing alight and their matching smiles going crooked in her stunningly beautiful face. 
“Oh.” Remus had replied, still confused as all get out but was perfectly fine with just holding his small vigil, watching her beneath moonlight and the soft glow of their outdoors lamps, as he listened to the shuffling of papers while she commenced this odd quirk. 
It’s a decade and a half later—  as his editor for the Phoenix, a small, but bustling online editorial that plans on dethroning the likes of Politico and Vox in only a matter of years, scans his latest findings on the corrupt boosters linked to MP Avery from Leeds— when Remus thinks he suddenly understands what his mother, with her keen eyes and pixelated air, had meant by facts in how they can be colored differently simply by the words surrounding them. And he wonders if one day soon, one of his bylines will join her little stack of stories, if she’ll be proud of him even if she says as much even now, when he’s a lost twenty-something stumbling through life in the capitol and barely making it as is, between his actual job and the gig he has at the coffee shop nearest his dingy flat he shares with three other blokes.
“Mmm, this is good, Lupin,” Dorcas declares after what feels like an eon, dropping her long, dark legs from where they were lounging leisurely on her desk and scuffs out her cigarette in a pretty, glass ashtray. “Send it over to Flores to look into deeper, maybe it’ll corroborate the info she’s already gotten from her sources.”
Remus feels himself bristle, hopes that it doesn’t show, that his face stays passive as he contends, “I think I should at least help her write the expose, I’m the one who got this bombshell.”
“That’s not how it works, sweets,” Dorcas toots, tossing back her dark head of curls as she rises, perching on the corner of her desk delicately and looking down, straight into his gaze. “I know it’s frustrating, but you’re fresh blood. barely six months here, but Alice has been with us for years. This is her baby, and we’re just here to nurture it.”
“So I’ll have to wait another ten months, at least,  to get the same treatment?” He argues in an admittedly petulant way, making Dorcas laugh endearingly, and Remus is suddenly,  searingly reminded of his age, and how he’s the youngest staffer that this London based news outlet has on hand. 
“C’mon, love, it won’t be that long for someone as sharp as you, just be patient, and don’t try to pull a Zoe Barnes on us, yeah? You’re far too pretty to clean up on the rails of  the tube.” Dorcas tousles a hand into his dark tawny curls, and Remus holds back the roll to his eyes that he feels willing up inside of him as he stands fully.
“Thanks Cas.”
She smiles beatifically, and throws him a wink. “You’re joining Emmy for the report tomorrow on those United footballers and their fundraiser for the hospital, yeah?”
“Bright and early,” Remus replies, still feels a bit miffed that he was chosen to write up the charity function, considering he doesn’t know a lick about football and doesn’t really get on with anyone who does. But Caradoc— their typical sports reporter— is out sick with the flew, so it’s on him. “I’ll have it on your desk early enough so it’ll be published by tea time.”
“Good man,” Dorcas says in thanks, picking up her crowing cellphone before waving him off.
Remus isn’t all that surprised when he strides out of the office only to find Benjy Fenwick sitting against the opposite wall, knees pressed to his chest and quickly scrambling up when he catches sight of Remus. Sometimes it’s impossible to believe that the bespectacled man in front of him is one of the top editors for the Phoenix, that he’s a regular corespondent for places like the BBC or CNN— that his rebukes against the piss poor inquiries waged during PMQs have become more anticipated than the sessions themselves. Remus tends to forget all of that when he sees him like this, messy haired and wearing a graphic T-shirt with some marvel superhero embossed on the front. “Wotcher Remus.”
“Hiya Remus says, smiling softly and rocking back on his heels. “You wanted to talk to the sergeant then?”
“Huh? Oh, no, no. I didn’t want to talk to Dorcas, I just— Erm, I know you were showing her that stuff you got from that intern, Pettigrew, and i know you were chafed about not getting any opportunity here so—“ He trails off, scratching the back of his head and studying a point over Remus’s shoulder, and it’s all too endearing, and Remus is so beyond thankful he’s made such a good friend here.
“No cigar,” he says in answer to the unspoken question, shrugging noncommittally even if he feels like shit over it.
Benjy nods, face contrite in a way that tells Remus he never thought it would’ve went otherwise. “I’m sorry, that’s bollocks.”
“’S whatever,” Remus shrugs off the apology, begins walking down the hall and straightening his report to hand over to Alice. 
“Ah,, erm. We can get a drink, yeah? In commiseration,” Benjy offers, and Remus stilts only for a beat before continuing the twisting trail to where Alice is set up with the more senior members on staff. And he feels only sorta bad about wanting to refuse. He knows that if he says yes, it’ll mean something different to Benjy than it does him, that he’ll probably take it as Remus finally giving into his pestering and deciding to actually go out with him, even if he’s refuted the other four times he’s asked as much. Remus’s simply just too busy trying to get a footing in this city, and trying to figure out where he’s suppose to go from here, and what he’s suppose to do. And yes, Benjy is cute— a complete Seth Cohen archetype. And he’s sweet and smart and funny enough. But Remus is really not in the mood for doing the whole flowers and wine and candle lit dinners shtick, had gotten enough of that while still with his university boyfriend. And yeah, he’s only just turned 24, but he already feels too old and too jaded for that sort of puppy love— even if Benjy’s got a good decade and some change on him.
Probably sensing his hesitation, Benjy is quick to rectify the offer. “I’ll ask Mary, and Fabian too, and a few others. We can make a night of it, just some drinks on a Friday after work.”
Stalling by the last turn to Alice’s desk, Remus looks at him from over his shoulder, and sort of hates himself for being such a soft hearted fuck sometimes. “Yeah Benj, sounds nice. Just let me know on the group chat, yeah?”
Benjy grins, much more genuine than his awkward quirk of the lips from earlier. “Yeah, good call, I’ll let the others know pronto.”
“Aces,” Remus says, tosses him a obligatory thumbs-up before finding an expectant looking Alice who’s tapping her foot impatiently.
Yeah, today is so bloody shit.
Surprisingly, the round of drinks turns to another and then a third and fourth and Remus is currently nursing his fifth mango margarita on Benjy’s tab, and he actually feels lighter than he has since taking the job at Phoenix, feels bright and bubbling and like absolutely nothing could be wrong as long as he’s got this drink in his grasp and he’s sitting with the handful of reporters and photographers from the office that don’t all have sticks up their asses. It’s fun, it’s good. So obviously it couldn’t have lasted.
Mary is currently cackling about her Uber driver from last night who asked her all sorts of well meaning, but incredibly dense questions about her hijab— a freshly poured glass of coke in one hand, while the other is tangled into her girlfriend Emmy’s. And From his left Remus can hear Fabian ribbing Frank on his crush on Alice, while Benjy scoots intermittently closer as they watch Kingsley and Marlene sparring over something to do with a Kardashian or TikTok trend or whatever the fuck else— The guy has resilience, Remus has to give Benjy that.
“Right, who’s buying next?” Marlene asks, abrasive as ever while scrolling through her phone, ostensively finding something to prove her point against the managing editor.
“Reckon it’s my turn,” Benjy crows, standing up smoothly and glancing down at Remus with a nervous sort of half grin.
“Just a water for me, ta. I need to sober up,” Remus tells him, feels proud that he didn’t even slur slightly. Benjy bobs his head understandingly, and Remus turns to ask Marlene about her latest tinder hookup which always is a good laugh, but then he catches on it. On the sound of the pub’s doors flinging open, followed by a raucous crowd of athletic looking guys probably only a bit older than he is, clambering indoors. 
They’re all so very sixth-form, broad grins and slapping each other’s shoulders with jeers, topped off with loud, bark like laughter that makes it obvious to Remus that these wankers think that they’re some sort of group of gods amongst men, roaming around like everyone should fall to their feet and offer everything they have. It makes Remus roll his eyes so far back that it feels like he might’ve sprained them. They just give off this exhausting aura that reminds him of a past boyfriend in tenth year who was on the footie team and who’s favorite activity was either making Remus feel lucky enough to go out with someone so popular, or dragging him around like some sort of bloody trophy.
To put it nicely, Remus sorta hates them on sight. So when he sees one of the tossers— regrettably the brightest of the lot who’s all pearly teeth, and glittering eyes and incredibly impressive shoulders that tape off to a narrow waste in an objectively infuriating matter— swivels up to the barkeep and jostles Benjy on his way, well Remus doesn’t hesitate to dart forwards to tell him off.
“Oi, watch where you’re going, yeah?”
Benjy and the bloke who looks like he might moonlight as a model for Calvin briefs for when he’s not lounging in a yacht off the Tuscany coast, both turn to him at the same time. Benjy looking abashed, and the aforementioned tosser preening like the cat who’s just caught a canary.
“Sorry, love. Didn’t see you there,” he says in a delightfully deep tenner, giving Remus an appreciative once over, and Remus absolutely despises how the action makes him feel both thrilled and irritated. “Trust and believe, I wouldn’t have looked away if I saw you.”
“Not me, arse.” Remus spits back, refuses to pay any credence to how his cheeks have begun to flush. “You bumped into my mate right there, the one with the tray of loggers.”
The tosser darts his almost molten gray eyes over to Benjy for a sparing second before he laser focusses back onto Remus, the most phony expression of contrition all over his face. “Sorry to your friend,” he says the descriptor like a joke that no one else is in on. “Let me buy you a drink in sorry for the one I made slim here spill.”
Remus is officially unimpressed, hopes that his flat tone gets it across. “You’re an arse.”
“You’re mouthy,” he retorts, looks like it’s something he greatly appreciates— delights over even. 
“Ah, ’s fine Remus, really. I’ll just bring these back and get us a new glass.”
“Listen to slim, Remus, he’s got the right idea.” The tosser hurriedly interjects, strutting close enough to him that he makes it so Remus has to tip his head back just slightly so not to drop his gaze. “I’m Black, Sirius Black, just to get the pleasantries out of the way.” His leer tells Remus that the name should probably evoke some response of aw into Remus, but all it does is make him sound so egregiously pretentious that Remus wants to smack his own bloody head against a dry wall and stay in the hole until this ruddy Sirius bloke leaves him the hell alone.
“Good for you,” he says instead of all of that, and spots Sirius’s friends from behind Sirius chuckling and elbowing one another. Evidently this is a line the tosser uses frequently, and Remus is pleased that he might be one of the first who aren’t at all impressed by the grandiose way he introduced himself.
“Hah, you know I’m use to the pretty ones playing hard to get, but I’m really feeling here that you’re not exactly liking my company, love.”
Remus sucks in a frustrated breath through his nose, shouldering past Sirius and taking the tray of drinks from Benjy before storming back to their table where the others have begun openly gawping at the scene— Marlene outright squawking with Fabian just as Remus takes his seat.
“Don’t,” Remus warns them all as he silently says fuck off to the water and instead gargles down one of the loggers. And if he has to steadfastly not turn around for the rest of the night towards where he can feel Sirius’s gaze burning into his back— well then so be it.
The next morning, Remus has to puke twice into the toilet, and gulps down three aspirins just to stave off his bloody hangover from the night before where he decided that getting properly sloshed would prove as a good technique to not end up making out with Sirius in some dark corner— or regrettably the backseat of his car. And if he does still remember flashes of ranting to him about how insufferable preppy, rich boys actually are while Sirius gazed at him endeared— well Remus just decides to purge it out along with the stomach acid. It’s not like he’ll ever see the douche again.
He meets Arthur— one of the accountants who also helps out by taking photos for more low key news stories— outside the hospital where the conference will be taking place with the Manchester United team. There was a scrimmage that they all played with some of the kids in the cancer ward that occurred at around eight in the ruddy morning, but thankfully Remus didn’t have to show up until an hour later when the team presented their big shiny check, to the big, shiny hospital. 
However, Arthur has been here for hours, so he’s beyond chirpy and looks like he’s downed three cups of espresso as he chatters on about his son Percy starting secondary school, and his eldest, Bill, getting an award for his reading prowess, and all the strange craving his wife has been having throughout her pregnancy with the twins they’re expecting any week now. And Remus loves Arthur, he does— one of the sweetest folks he’s ever met— but God, his head is still thrumming from those misguided tequila shots and he really just wants to get his three quotes, and write up the story so he can find refuge back in his sheets.
While Arthur has moved to talking about his wife, Molly’s, plans to open up a daycare in their refurnished garage, Remus scans his eyes over the familiar face of reporters from other outlets who look just as bored as him, and then to the stage where a woman in a sharply pressed suit is ushering for the group of football stars to join her, so that the conference can finally fucking begin. 
And Remus thinks that their faces are sorta familiar, probably from all the publicity they get on the telly— but then he freezes as he stops at one of them with dark brown skin, and thick rimmed spectacles— and he suddenly can hear him chatting about his redheaded girlfriend and drunkenly declaring that she’ll be the mother of his children some day soon. So he completely expects it when his stomach drops as he moves his glance just a bit to the right, being struck by pearly teeth, and glittering eyes and incredibly impressive shoulders that tape off to a narrow waste, made all the more infuriating by the tight kit he’s got on and the blazing number twelve splayed against his chest.
And fuck.
Remus runs through about a dozen scenarios in which he can make a discrete, or not so discrete exit before he notices him, but in tandem to his spiraling thoughts, the wanker actually looks forwards, and like a creepy metal detector, his quick silver gaze pinpoints onto Remus.
They stare at one another for a beat before his smirk goes wolfish, and he runs a hand through his artfully tousled hair in a way that practically screams, fancy meeting you here. And holy fuck he looks so mouth watteringly attractive with that faint film of sweat running down his neck, and how his smile pulls slightly more to the left, and how he’s looking at Remus like he’s his birthday and Christmas presents all rolled into one.
Remus suddenly hates everything— but most of all hates Sirius, and how bloody fit he is.
“Oh, you’re a fan then?” 
Starting, Remus shifts around slightly so that he’s facing Arthur completely. “Pardon?”
“Sirius Black I mean, you’re a fan?” Arthur asks in that abrasively congenial and intensely scrutinizing way that he treats everything. “I mean he’s a great player, but I know you don’t really watch. So I bet it’s all that charity work he does, yeah?”
“Charity work?” Remus echos, feeling like a floundering fish.
“Truly some amazing stuff.” Arthur pontificates, rubbing a hand against his jaw as he tips his head back. “I mean obviously I’m partial to the fundraising for Reporters Without Borders, but of course the things he does with the more impoverished kids is great. And I know Molly likes his very outspoken posts about being anti war and his annual live streams to earn money for refugees in those war torn nations, like the last one he did for Syria?”
“Oh—“ Remus says, feeling like his head is being overrun by a fountain of new information.
“Yes well, you don’t usually see athletes get into the thick of it with political issues, but I reckon he never really minded. I mean the fact he’s the first football star from United to have come out without any fanfare really proved that. Oh, I think they’re starting, I should probably get some photos before Dorcas gives me a tongue lashing.”
And as quick as the flash of his camera’s lends, Arthur is using his considerable height to get to a more advantageous spot towards the front, and leaves Remus in the dust, as if he hasn’t just obliterated his every assumption of Sirius from after that initial meeting.
And unbidden, the words his mother had told him so many years ago, about facts and how they can color a situation just simply based off the person who’s speaking them— flood to the forefront of his mind.
“Fucking hell,” Remus mutters lowly, gets jostled by Greengrass, a hawkish reporter from a rivaling publication who always has on the most wickedly sharp acrylic nails, and perfectly quaffed curls— as she waves around her certification to speak her inquiry.
“My question is for Potter,” she announces when the woman leading the event, McGonagall, points her way. “And I was wondering how early you boys have to rise for training during the season? And how intense the sessions are that Coach Hooch puts you guys through?”
Potter, the one with the redheaded girlfriend that Remus heard so much about last night between his ranting at Sirius, parts his lips, but it’s not his voice that ends up reverberating through the outdoors space. Instead, it’s Sirius, who’s shouldering him with a goading air, obviously expecting his comment to have only ended up in Potter’s ear and not caught by the mike.
“I wonder if Lupin will let me wake up with’m so he can let me get some real training done before practices, eh?”
And just as soon as his words pitter off, the entire crowd drops to a hush— quiet enough so that they could probably hear it if a pen dropped. 
Sirius’s handsome face— strong jawline, and broad but sharp cheekbones, and a long, narrow nose— goes suddenly ashen, and he flashes over to Remus as if he’s terrified that he’ll bite his face off.
God, what an idiot.
With a long suffering sigh, Remus plucks out the microphone from a slack faced Greengrass’s hand. “We can discuss the regimen afterwards, Black. Just meet me by the front doors and let your mate answer the bloody question.”
Everyone around them falls into laughter that’s caught between uncomfortable chuckles and amazingly amused cackling, but the only person Remus is paying any mind is Sirius, and how he seems to have gone absolutely incandescent, nodding electrically before miming the zip of his lips and gesturing for Potter to carry on.
Jesus help him, Remus has no idea what he’s gotten himself into.
~My Wolfstar FIC Masterlist
~Buy Me A Coffee 
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yackers · 2 years
okay so I've been rewatching some of s3 and I'm unsure how to feel. Like in many cases Patricia's jealousy is way overdramatic but in some cases (esp when eddie was checking out the same woman that his dad was 🤢) its kinda justified?? ugh idk these two really needed to work on their communication
see what I’ve said before that’s always made sense to me is that patricia’s over the top jealousy towards kt and eddie is, at first especially, a result of eddie using mara to make her jealous when he was mad at her the previous year. like you said about their frankly insane problems with communication, they tend to convey how they’re feeling towards each other exclusively through actions like just being randomly rude to each other or ignoring each other or using someone else to make the other jealous. so like in s3 when kt first arrives, patricia is unaware of eddie’s visions about her and knows that he’s mad at her about what happened over the summer so she assumes that lines like “you’re the girl from my dream” are like bad attempts at flirting with another girl in front of her to piss her off. he then proceeds to literally follow kt around everywhere and stuff and without context it just looks like he’s coming on way too strong. especially considering the fact she still liked him and could’ve wanted to make up with him when they got back to school. like she’s wayyy too mean to kt and I’m not saying that she was right for that but it’s not uncharacteristic of patricia because she’s always been mean to and wary of new people due to her trust issues and fear of like change within her home. and I’m not saying her reactions to everything aren’t rooted in jealousy because like they are but she also got mad at how much time nina and fabian spent together in s1 because she didn’t trust her and was mad that fabian did like she’s just overly protective of the house I think. she’s also just scared of losing him to girl that you can tell she secretly thinks is pretty cool.
and then her jealousy within her relationship with eddie once they’re back together is like you said a result of them being really shit at communicating. they never really have conversations about their relationship and tell each other when they’re mad so like when she sees him hug kt around a time when things had been a little rocky between them she retaliates by spending time with ben because they’re still barely able to be vulnerable enough with each other (especially her) to be able to say when things bother them. the whole talk they finally have where they actually say to each other that they only have feelings for each other only actually happens once patricia’s soul is gone ffs. (which is part of why a lot of her sinner behaviour feels so off because she’s never usually that open with her feelings).
and yea like that yucky yuck yuck scene you mentioned (that was sooo unnecessary bc yea 🤮) like I don’t even necessarily think that’s jealousy because to have the audacity to check out a random woman in front of your girlfriend does just mean you should get whacked. I think that’s just the show setting her up for the tricks denby plays on her later on. it builds a foundation for her distrust of eddie’s fidelity which is then built upon by denby mentioning his wandering eyes (I think that might have been right before this scene actually), the love letter and then eventually the messages.
so I don’t even think she’s necessarily ever crazily jealous for like just the sake of drama like a lot of people suggest about s3. her insecurity and trust issues become her arc that leads to her downfall and sinner capture because for three seasons she’s barely been able to trust anyone to consistently care about her and look out for her and I actually think that in a show that relies so much on teamwork and camaraderie it’s pretty cool for that to be a fatal flaw.
I will say that in tor it’s just kinda weird like you could argue that it’s because she’s upset about them taking her place in the house and stuff but like the show was just weird for implying that there could ever have been any romance between supposedly 14 year old sophia and 18 year old eddie and it wasted the last time the audience had with the show’s fan favourite couple for the sake of like the pink dress gag. tor was just written really badly in general though like I love it but I never take it too seriously.
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Can u do a fic where like James is currently dating lily and then Sirius starts dating some random guy from whatever house and James gets like super jealous and possessive trying to keep Sirius to himself (I’d write it myself but I can’t write for shit lol)
((A/N: In keeping with the prompt, there is brief James/Lily in the beginning))
James frowned. "Who's Sirius with?"
"Hm?" Lily looked up, then followed James's stare over to where his best mate was. "That's Fabian, you know that. You're on the Quidditch team together, for Merlin's sake. What's up with you?"
James opened his mouth to say that nothing was wrong with him and bugger you, Lily, for even suggesting it, then he paused. He was bothered by this. There was no reason to be bothered by this. Sirius and Fabian weren't mates, so James hadn't seen them chatting before. Gideon and Fabian were the year above them, and they were busy with Quidditch and all their NEWT classes. Neither of them exactly had time to socialize with random-arse people in the year below them. James's frown deepened. Sirius wasn't a random person, and he was perfectly capable of talking to anyone in Hogwarts, especially someone as cool as Fabian. So why was he upset? "I dunno," he said to Lily, but his mind was reeling, trying to figure it out.
Normally, James was only bothered by people talking to his friends if they were dangerous. All the Slytherins in their year had plenty of reason to hold a grudge, so that would've made sense. But Fabian was a Gryffindor, and perfectly trustworthy besides, so it couldn't be that.
"Look," Lily said with a small smile, "I get that you're used to Sirius always being around, but you wanted to spend time just the two of us, so he has time to branch out."
"He is not replacing me," James said indignantly. He was Sirius's best friend and he always would be. Getting a girlfriend hardly changed that.
"I wasn't saying that. But be realistic, for a second. He wants to spend his time with you, but you're busy. Remus and Peter took all the time you spent off doing your own thing to study, so he can't hang out with them. He had to find someone else."
"Fabian's not drowning in spare time."
"Maybe they have free time at the same time," Lily said with a shrug. "I dunno, do I look like a seer to you? C'mon, stop worrying about what Sirius is up to and let's enjoy our time alone for the next hour, yeah?"
James dredged up a smile for her because he was happy that they had some time alone in Hogsmeade before they met back up with their friends. He should enjoy this. Besides, he'd see Sirius then, and he'd be able to ask him about what was going on between him and Fabian. Because that glimpse that he'd gotten hadn't been two friends talking; it had been more than that.
He might be reading too much into it, but there had been something in the way that Sirius was standing-- or maybe it had been in his smile?-- that made James think they were flirting. If they had been flirting, James would have to caution Sirius to knock it off before he got hurt. Fabian was a good guy, yeah, but getting involved with somebody a year above them was asking for trouble. Everyone knew that they were supposed to date within their year. Less heartache that way, and Sirius was rather sensitive, even if he liked to pretend that he wasn't.
"Hey," James said, pulling Sirius off to the side. He waited until the rest of the group was too far away to hear them before continuing, "I saw you with Fabian earlier. What's going on with that?"
"Oh," Sirius said. He sounded a little surprised but not horribly shocked at being seen. He seemed pleased, judging by the small smile that spread across his face. "We were, er- on a date. He asked when he saw that I was alone, and I figured why not?"
"Why would you go on a date with him?" James asked, sounding ridiculously rude.
Sirius blinked, smile giving way to confusion. "Because he's nice to me? And funny?"
"No, I mean why would you date him?"
"The same reasons I just said, tosser. What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing's wrong with me," James said defensively.
"Then stop acting like there is," Sirius replied, brushing past him. They were both heading to Gryffindor Tower though, so James fell into step next to him like he always did. "I had a nice day before you got your wand in a knot. The first nice day I've had since you decided to abandon me for Lily, I might add."
"I did not abandon you for Lily."
Sirius snorted, clearly not believing him.
"We still see each other all the time!" James insisted.
"Yeah, because we take all the same classes and sleep in the same dormitory, not because you make time for me anymore."
"I never had to make time for you because you never had anything else to do; that's different," James said, and then immediately regretted it. "I didn't mean that how it sounded. I just mean that there was never someone I wanted to see other than you! Wormtail and Moony always crop up when they wanted to see us, so I didn't have to make time to see them. Lily's different."
"Tell your bloody girlfriend that she can see you when we're hanging out then."
"She already does. Or have you somehow missed her and Marlene sitting next to us in the Great Hall and in the common room? I know, of course, that you haven't. You just ignore them."
"I always ignore Marlene," Sirius said, rolling his eyes. "If I look at her, she thinks it means I'm interested. Look, I don't know what's crawled up your arse today, but I'm allowed to date someone. You made time for Lily by spending less time with me. I am now spending that free time by hanging out with Fabian."
James grit his teeth together. What Sirius said made sense, but something about it was bugging him. He couldn't put his finger on what it was, but it didn't feel right. Something was wrong with the situation. He knew that he couldn't say anything to Sirius about it right now; he'd only get more upset with James. "Fine," he gritted out.
Sirius narrowed his eyes, daring him to object again, but James stayed stubbornly silent.
Sirius's relationship with Fabian was short-lived; he said that while Fabian was a good bloke and all, it didn't really feel like they were dating when they spent time together. James was unreasonably happy about that, and things went back to normal for them. He didn't realise that he'd been ignoring everything else in his life to spend more time with Sirius though, not until Lily confronted him.
"You're spending more time stalking your best mate than you do sat in class, James," she said, arms crossed over her chest. "Look, I knew going into this that you and Sirius were close, but this is obsessive."
He blinked, doing a quick run-through of the last week. He had spent a good portion of his time hanging onto Sirius-- literally, since he hadn't wanted for him to wander off if he looked the other direction-- but he wouldn't call it obsessive. "We're mates," he defended. "Of course we spend time together."
"Yeah, you're mates, but I didn't say yes to a date just to fight for your time. You used to know that you couldn't spend your every waking moment with him, and now you're regressing."
"I'm not regressing," James said. The idea was insulting, and he kind of couldn't believe she said it. He needed to make things clear to her, and there was no time like the present. "Sirius is the most important person in my life, and if you can't handle that, maybe we shouldn't be dating."
"You're a tosser," Lily said, expression stony. "But you're right. We shouldn't be dating." With that, she turned on her heel, hair tossed over her shoulder, and stalked away.
James was pretty sure he should feel something other than annoyed that she'd dragged him away from Sirius just so she could get jealous. He made his way back to their table and sat down without saying a word.
"Hey," Sirius said, scooting over to make room for him.
James had the urge to wrap an arm around Sirius's shoulders and pull him back to where he'd been before.
"What did Lily want to talk about?"
"Nothing," James grumbled, and it was obvious that he was lying, so he didn't feel bad about it.
Sirius frowned. "You alright?"
Sensing that Sirius wasn't about to drop it, he sighed. "We broke up. She said I was spending too much time with you, and I told her to get over it." He shrugged. "It's a good thing I'm not a prefect, or meetings would be awkward as hell."
"You broke up with Lily?"
James nodded.
"Over me?"
"Pretty sure Lily has a problem with me, not you, if it helps."
"You've been talking my ear off over her for three years, and then you break up after a few months?" Sirius asked incredulously. "Over me?"
"Are you going somewhere with this?"
Sirius continued to stare at him like he didn't have a clue what was going on, then shook his head. "Guess not."
As much as James wanted to forget what Lily had said, he couldn't. It kept repeating through his head as he laid down to sleep and ignoring it didn't do him any good.
He had been spending a lot of time with Sirius lately. They normally only did this over the summer, when there was nobody else around that they could hang out with. James would be less inclined to do it if he ever got annoyed with Sirius, but that didn't happen. No matter how much time he spent with Sirius, he was always willing to see him more. He never wanted a break. He'd liked Lily, but he hadn't wanted to spend half that much time with her. More than two dates a week and he started to get annoyed. Not with her, necessarily, but with the fact that he couldn't relax. He was always relaxed around Sirius.
When he'd imagined falling in love, he hadn't thought that he'd want to spend more time with his friends than his girlfriend; he'd imagined it at about fifty-fifty. It was probably what Lily had been thinking would happen too, and she'd been good with that. She hadn't been okay with the split being ninetyeight-two though, which was fair. If Lily had been the one ignoring him, he would've been a lot more pissed off than she'd been. Although, now that he thought about it, she'd been plenty angry when she first asked him to talk, and he'd tried to brush her off. He definitely owed her an apology for that.
With a sigh, he rolled onto his other side. He was hoping that he'd be able to get to sleep now, but instead of thinking about Lily, he was thinking about Sirius.
He'd been really upset when Sirius started dating Fabian. It didn't make any sense. Like Sirius had said, he was mostly spending time with him whenever James was with Lily, so it wasn't cutting into what little time they had, or summat. And on the flip side, he'd been really happy when Sirius and Fabian split. He hadn't had a reaction that extreme to his own breakup-- even though the emotion he should've felt was sadness, but his point still stood. He should've been upset about him and Lily breaking up, but he kind of... hadn't cared. He was more upset about the fact that he didn't care than that they'd broken up.
Or maybe, he thought as he rolled onto his back restlessly, he'd gotten upset with Lily for suggesting that he spend slightly less time with Sirius. Because she'd wanted her boyfriend to spend time with her, and he'd said no. If nothing else, it showed that he wasn't ready to date someone, because he didn't think his response wouldn't have been different if he'd been dating anyone else. Well, except for Sirius, because then there wouldn't be an issue. Hanging out with Sirius would be the same as hanging out with his boyfriend.
Whatever, he'd apologise to Lily tomorrow, and hopefully she wouldn't be too pissed at him. He'd be honest, and that would probably be enough.
"Lily, can I talk to you for a second?" he asked, going up to her in the common room as she was working on an essay-- History of Magic, by the look of it.
It was obvious that she was still mad at him by the way the corners of her mouth tightened, but she still nodded and set down her quill to follow him outside the portrait hole so they had a bit of privacy.
"I wanted to apologise for yesterday. I acted like a berk, and you didn't deserve that. You were right; I shouldn't date someone unless I'm actually going to make time for them, and I should've realised that before I ever tried to ask you out. I'm sorry."
"...Thank you," Lily said, scuffing her shoe against the floor. "Since we're not getting back together, can I say something?"
"You might want to warn the next person you date that you and Sirius aren't just close; you're a package deal."
James frowned at her. Not because he was angry, thank Merlin, but because he didn't understand what she meant. Weren't all friends like that?
"Like, you don't care for Marlene, and that's fine because we could still spend time together without it getting in the way. But if I didn't like Sirius? Forget about it. We wouldn't have made it a week. I doubt that's going to change, so a little warning might be good for you."
James blinked. "Right. Erm, thanks."
Lily rolled her eyes, sensing his insincerity. Which, in his defense, he hadn't meant to be insincere, but he didn't exactly understand what she meant by that. He'd heard every word, but it still wasn't any different than what he'd been thinking before-- Lily and Marlene were friends, yes, but no one described them as being close, certainly not the way that Sirius and James were described as close. "Whatever, mate, it's your life." With that, she walked past him and back into the common room.
James was beginning to hate these late night revelations he was having. Last night had been that he wasn't ready for a girlfriend when he spent so much time with Sirius, and tonight was- well, that maybe he wanted to date Sirius instead of some bird. He'd been horribly jealous when Sirius started spending time with Fabian-- and yes, he realised the irony of having accused Lily of getting jealous of him and Sirius when he was the one who was guilty.
Oh, who was he kidding? He wanted to date Sirius. There was no 'maybe' about it. He'd only had his realisation ten minutes ago, but he didn't know how he was going to see him tomorrow morning without throwing himself at him. Face first. He wanted to kiss Sirius. He wanted to snog his face off.
In his defense, he'd always known that Sirius was fit as hell, but he hadn't known that his appreciation of his best mate's looks was crossing a line from platonic to romantic. He wasn't sure, for a moment, if romantic inclinations were exactly what he was feeling, but when he compared it to how he felt about his other mates, it solidified his suspicions: he fancied Sirius.
And he had no idea what to do about it. He had a feeling that grabbing and kissing him the next time he saw him wouldn't go over too well.
Naturally, James dealt with the situation by kissing Sirius the first time he saw him that morning. It wasn't exactly pleasant, because Sirius had been brushing his teeth, but he didn't immediately shove James away so he was going to count it as a success.
Sirius blinked at him. He held up a finger, spit in the sink, then said, "What the hell is going on with you?" He didn't sound upset, which was another point to this being a success for James.
That being said, James really should've waited until he was more awake. He didn't have his glasses on, so everything was blurry. Except for Sirius when he had kissed him because he'd been right in front of James's face. Also it was harder to form a coherent sentence before he'd been awake for an hour. "You know Fabian?"
"I'm familiar with him, yes," Sirius said dryly. He reached for a cup and rinsed out his mouth, then wiped so it got rid of the little white specks dotting his lips.
Absently, James rubbed at his own mouth and was unsurprised that a bit of toothpaste came off. "I was erm, really jealous when you were seeing him."
"I know."
"If you know, then why are you confused?"
"You're weirdly possessive of me. I know that. Kissing me is a bit much, even for you."
James rolled his eyes. "Turns out that the weird possessive rubbish is me wanting to date you."
"What do you mean it 'turns out'?" he asked. At least he wasn't grossed out or summat.
"Well I was thinking last night, and I realised-"
"Last night? You figured out that you fancied me last night?"
"Erm," James said, very eloquently. "Yes. Is that a problem?"
Sirius snorted. "You don't waste any time."
"Well I realised it last night, but it's not like I started to fancy you last night. I think it's been going on for a while."
"You're-" Sirius started to say, then he pressed his lips together, trying not to laugh.
"You are easily the most ridiculous person I know."
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
"It's you; of course it's a good thing," Sirius said, leaning against the counter. Thoughtfully, he folded his arms over his chest. "So we're dating now?"
"You never said yes, or how you felt, or anything," James pointed out.
"The answer was obviously yes."
"Was it obvious?"
"Was it not?" Sirius asked, brow furrowing.
James shook his head.
"Oh. Well, when Fabian asked me out, I figured that I couldn't feel worse about seeing you with Lily if I was also dating someone. And I've been pining after since like, third year, so it's probably a good thing that you didn't notice. It would've been really awkward. You're a bit of a dumbarse, but it always works out in my favour," Sirius said with a grin.
"Rude," James said idly. "Be nice to your boyfriend. I'm sensitive."
"Sure you are, mate. Sure you are."
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(cw: night yorb possession, brief descriptions of hospitals/doctors)
“I’m scared, The Ball.”
Riz’s breath catches in his throat as he leans against the wall below Fabian’s window. It’s spring and a flowery breeze drifts over Fabian’s sprawling lawn, swirling around Riz and kicking up his curls. It’s dark, too, which is why Riz is here. Starlight catches on the grass and the white roses of the garden. Riz breathes it in and presses himself closer to the wall, further away from the silvery light and into the shadows.
“I know you said you’re fine but I just... This is so stupid, what am I, a twelve year old girl?” Fabian’s on his balcony, the metal bottom of which is providing Riz his shield from the stars.
Riz doesn’t picture the way Fabian probably looks, leaning on the railing, hair ruffled by wind and eye a little sad and tired. Riz doesn’t picture it just like he doesn’t hide from his own best friend.
“You’re literally right across town,” Fabian mutters, and Riz has to strain himself to hear. “I could just go see you. I should just go see you. I don’t know why I’m doing this.”
Technically, Riz should be in bed right now. The doctor was very stern about the wonders a full eight hours could do for a sticky possession, and his friends had seemed hopeful when he told them about potential easy cures, that there might be a way out of this one that avoids death and gods and pain. It was a doctor who told him this, though, and Riz had never been particularly fond of them, so he’d politely nodded his head, because his mom was in the room, and then proceeded to do everything but change his piss poor sleep schedule, even though he knew Kristen could sense the levels of exhaustion building up and Adaine could see the rings under his eyes.
He spends most of his nights in his office, trying and failing not to think or say the two words that make him nauseous, that make his bones ache and his eyes feel like they’re going to pop out of his head. Most nights, however, are not all of them, and the others he spends here, at Seacaster Manor. Which is why he’s so surprised to hear Fabian talking to him, or, rather, talking to the wind that bears his name. Because Fabian is always so careful, when there is a chance at being overheard.
Fabian heaves a sigh and the metal above Riz shifts. “I don’t know how to help you, The Ball. You won’t... you won’t let me help you.”
Riz bites his tongue and closes his eyes and lets the breeze and the words whip over his face, ignores the burning of the tattoo across his chest in favor of the sting of claws in his palms.
“I wish you would just fucking take care of yourself for once. God, it shouldn’t be too hard. It shouldn’t be... these things are supposed to be easy for people like you.”
People like me? Riz thinks, before he reminds himself that he isn’t allowed to think anymore.
“You’re basically being given a mandatory vacation. That sounds,” Fabian blows out a breath and it adds a new tone to the whistling in Riz’s ears. “That sounds so nice.”
Riz chews the inside of his mouth—it’s already a raw and bloody mess from weeks of this and he isn’t sure what it could possibly hurt to keep going.
“But you don’t, you don’t get to rest, ever, even when you need it. You don’t let yourself. I don’t understand you.”
Riz gets that a lot, even from the people, the creatures who cohabit his body. Riz is used to that. It hurts, a little, anyway.
And then Fabian says something truly surprising, something that finally pulls the back part of Riz’s brain from where it’s sinking deeper and deeper into a pit of night yorb night yorb night yorb night and back into himself, the part that he can still allow to be himself, that he can still trust to be himself.
“You’re my best friend. I love you. I wish you’d let me help.”
Fabian never says those things. Never. Not even when Riz is cold and dead in the dirt of a forest. Not even when Riz is shaking and trying not to cry in bed after bed in hospital after hospital, as surgeons and clerics and wizards attempt to remove his tattoo. Fabian never says those words, no matter how many times Riz does.
He immediately follows it up with another, “This is so stupid.” And then the metal creaks and Fabian’s sliding glass doors drag on the floor and Riz hears footsteps pause, directly over his head, on the threshold of his bedroom and balcony. “I’ll make sure you’re okay, The Ball. I’m going to make sure you’re okay.”
The stars twinkle overhead. The breeze is much more like wind now than it was before. Riz presses his head against the wall and breathes.
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
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♡ starting prompt: based off a tweet i saw that said ‘we always kinda shipped them together. he kept scoffing that he didn’t like her and yet he always look at her first when someone made a joke to see if she was laughing too’.  
♡ pairing: walter hahn (WWE / NXT) x fem reader
♡ lyric inspiration: “come with me and you’ll be in a world of pure imagination. take a look and you’ll see into your imagination. i’ll be begin with a spin....”
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes
"who’s that?” Walter asked his blond friend. Marcel looked up to see you, headphones in and blaring music so loud that everyone was able to hear. “oh, that’s ( your name ). she’s Timothy’s-,” before he could finish the sentence, Timothy came up to you and gave you a quick hug, “that’s his manager. she also works in the front office,” he continued. 
Walter’s eyebrows went down in confusion. never in the time that they were together in RingKampf had he ever took interest in having a manager and from the looks of it, you were the exact opposite of Tim. from afar, you were bubbly, excitable, and cute. 
Tim was nothing of the sort. polar opposites one might say. 
you were sitting in your seat as Tim was eating lunch. dancing to whatever you were listening, Walter couldn’t help but laugh at your antics. he knew Tim like the back of his hand so the decision to make you his manager was either his doing or something that was out of his hand. 
“she’s....interesting,” he said under his breath, making Marcel look at him for a moment, “any particular reason why you’re so interested in her? she’s been his manager for a while now,” Marcel put in. Walter shook his head, deciding not to respond. 
you were Tim, watching as he scarfed down his dinner while you finished up a few papers that needed to get done for next weeks taping. you were supposed to be dressed and ready to go by six but because of Tim’s new storyline with the boys from Imperium, you had to figure out a few things before the match. 
Timothy was a bit hard headed at first, stating that he didn’t need a manager but after a while, he got used to having you around. you were almost like a pest that he cared about like a sister. 
“hey, your friends are over there! why don’t you say hi!” you exclaimed, seeing Walter, Fabian, and Marcel in a corner, speaking to each other, “no. we’re not supposed to be speaking with each other,” was all he said before continuing to eat. 
you huffed before scooting out of your chair, “well, I’m going to say hello. since we’re going to be working with each other, I guess it’s only right to get formalities out of the way,” you stated, making Tim’s eyes go wide in panic. 
he instantly tried to get you to come back but by the time he tried to reach for you to come back, you were already prancing over to them. 
“hi!” you exclaimed happily. Fabian, the friendliest of the bunch gave you a smile, “i’m ( your name )! Tim’s manager. it’s nice to meet all of you!” you introduced yourself, giving them your hand to shake. 
Fabian introduced himself, giving you a hug instead. Marcel on the other hand just took the handshake and murmured his name to you. Walter remained looking at you, not bothering to say anything outside of giving you a simple head nod. 
to the untrained eye, like yourself and others, Walter’s reaction was a given. he was never a man of many words yet to the boys and Tim, they could see that Walter was holding himself back. almost like he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words. 
you giving Walter a smile, one that would’ve made anyone fall for you but he just turned his head to another direction and started to speak to Marcel in German. you gave Fabian a confused look, wondering why he didn’t tell you much but you felt a hand clasp onto your shoulder a second after. 
“evening boys,” Tim’s voice spoke from behind you. you gave him another look, wondering why he went back on his word from earlier, “they’re looking for you in makeup and they’re pissed,” he whispered into your ear.
your eyes widened, realizing you were beyond late to get your makeup done. you gave them a quick goodbye, shoving your work into Tim’s hands and screaming at him to put it into your office before basically darting off to the makeup station. 
Tim, Fabian, Marcel, and now Alex who had shown up looked at Walter with suspecting eyes. no one said a word but Tim could sense Walter had taken an infatuation with you. 
a few weeks passed since your encounter with Walter and the rest of Imperium. since you were working 'against’ them now, outside of the ring, you got a bit close to Marcel and Alex. they would invite you to sit next to them when Tim wasn’t with you. 
you tried to get closer with Walter but he always closed you off. he would say absolutely nothing to you and when had too, it wasn’t anything besides a few words. at first you thought that maybe you just annoyed him to the point where he didn’t like you but eventually, Tim told you that he was just that way with anyone that didn’t know him. 
“good morning to my favorite Germans!” you said, running up to Marcel and Alex, engulfing them into a forced hug. they stood stiff, basically embracing the forced hug, “and Walter!” you added on, giving him a brief wave. 
“where’s your boyfriend?” Alex asked, looking around. you fluttered your eyebrows in confusion, “boyfriend? wanna tell me who that is?” you asked. Marcel gave you a hearty laugh, “Tim. he’s asking for Timothy,” he stated. 
you let out a laugh, louder than you intended as you sat down next to Walter and Alex, “Tim? my boyfriend? that’s like saying it’s gonna snow in Florida. never going to happen,” you joked, trying to calm down your giggles. “very defensive about it, aren’t ya?” Alex added on. 
“people love the idea that we’re secretly together but Timothy is like an annoying brother. I love him but I wanna kick his ass 90% of the time. the other 10 is caring that he doesn’t get killed by you guys.” 
before you could continue, you heard a producer call your name, telling you that you were needed to clear up a few things for Hunter. you told them goodbye and went over to the producer. 
“so she’s single, huh?” Alex said, tapping his chin. Marcel looked at him, “why do you care?” he asked. Alex shrugged, “now that we know maybe this idiot will ask her out,” he mentioned. 
Marcel let out a laugh as Walter stared at him annoyed, “yeah right. he actually has to make conversation first and he can’t even do that with her. I’ve been hearing a few people have been interested in asking her out. not that she knows or anything,” Marcel said quietly. 
he actually had no idea if anyone was interested in you or not. personally, he could have cared less but he knew his best friend better than anyone else. Walter liked you, he was just too much of a chicken shit to actually admit to it. 
“who?” Walter asked almost immediately. Marcel closed the circle in, “for starters, in the NXT roster is Jordan Devlin and Sami Zayn from Smackdown has been rumored to have gotten her number,” Marcel lied. Alex perked at the names, “and how did you find out?” he asked, a bit suspicious that he knew. 
Marcel shrugged, not bothering to say anything for a moment, “oh, just heard a few of the girls talking yesterday while I was working out,” Walter stared at the table, his mind racing with thoughts. he never knew others actually had taken an interest in you, not that it was wrong to do as such but he was taken back that it was more than one person. 
“what has you so quiet all of a sudden?” Walter shook his head, not responding as he got up, taking his jacket with him and leaving the table. “I wonder what his problem is,” Alex murmured. Marcel laughed, “he’s finally going to grow a pair and ask her out,” Marcel stated. 
you were working in your office, sorting through a few different files you needed for a storyline in the women’s division. it was already late into the night as you filed the sheets away and started to get your things ready to leave.
“of course this week had to be my busiest week, now I have to call an Uber home,” you groaned. you had put your car in the shop because of a few issues it had and it wasn’t expected to get finished until at least Monday, “god damn it Tim, you just had to leave,” you huffed. 
just as you pulled your phone out, you saw Walter walking out of the locker room, “hey Walter! what are you doing here so late?” you asked, trying not to make it awkward, “I stayed working out late,” he said. 
you nodded, “ah, don’t overwork yourself now,” you mentioned, “but give me a second? I need to call an Uber home. my car is stuck at the mechanics until Monday and Tim already left,” Walter’s eyes widened, realizing this was his chance. 
“I have a car, I can take you home?” he asked, trying not to come off as intimidating. you perked up in relief, “really? that would be so amazing!” you said happily. he grabbed his keys and jiggled them, “my cars on the other side of the building,” he said.
you followed behind, trying to make conversation and interestingly enough, he was actually responding to you like a normal person would. not those snippets of conversations he would say around the others. 
the entire ride home, you were trying to crack jokes, seemingly trying to make him laugh which ended in you making an idiot out of yourself and making him laugh that way instead. Walter had never realized he actually liked you as much as the others would joke he did but now that it was just the two of you, he could sense the feelings were there. 
the ride to your house was a bit on the shorter side. you lived in a small two bedroom house, closer to Full-Sail than he thought. just as he put the car into park to let you get out, you turned around and gave him a smile, making Walter glad that it dark outside and you weren’t able to see his sudden red face. 
“I know this is weird but would you like to come in? I have food I made for myself this morning after I came from work and I’m sure there’s enough for you.” 
Walter sighed in relief. 
“I would love too.” 
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dullgecko · 1 month
Riz obviously suffers the most from racism, often needing to be disguised when they travel or just straight up murdering the assholes that can’t keep their mouths shut. Obviously the bad kids made a Riz Protection Squad… Wait, why is Riz the president of his own protection squad? “Riz, wait, put down the knife. We’re supposed to protect you.- WHO GAVE HIM A MISSILE LAUNCHER!?”(Missile launcher was a joint effort of Fig, Adaine, and Gorgug. Made to specifically target racists.)
It wasn’t very surprising that Fig also had to deal with racists, mostly from religious humans and elves. She didn’t know what to do the first time a Helio follower berated her for existing, it was one of her old friends in middle school too, she ended up crying in her room and wouldn’t let Sandra Lynn comfort her. After the second time she just started hissing exaggeratedly to scare them off, as well as threatening to set them on fire, it still hurt though.(After sophomore year she started expressing how much it actually effected her, mostly with the bad kids but she did open up to her parents too…Eventually.)
Gorgug was mostly left alone, simply because the racist were scared of him, but the times he does face discrimination he sorta just stares at the person until they walk away or until one of the bad kids just suddenly appears and beats up the person insulting him. (Adaine and Ayda made a spell that signals them if someone is being mean to Gorgug, since Adaine canonically believes that if someone is mean to him then they’re automatically evil. Ayda fully agrees.) The first time it happened was unfortunately in elementary school with his teacher and it continued the whole school year, he didn’t tell anyone until he brought it up during a family dinner in between sophomore year and junior year. No one had ever seen Digby and Wilma look so pissed before, not even Gorgug.
Fabian got a lot of shit for not being a “pure blood” of a human or an elf, but he never actually cared about it. It confused him the first time, like yeah, of course he’s not fully a human or fully an elf, that’s how genetics works. Fig and Ragh had to explain it to him for about two hours before he realized what they meant(Power-points had to be made), which resulted in a very long overdue murder trip to the assholes house. (He’s very proud of himself for finding the address without Riz’s help.)
Adaine never really had to deal with it, at least not towards her. She would get the odd comment of being uptight because she’s a high elf, but they would already be on the ground before they could say anything else. One of the few things her and Aelwyn agreed on while growing up was how horribly racist their parents are and how they would never be like that. After getting adopted she would speak up more openly for her friends and new family, gladly standing in the line of fire to lessen what the others had to hear. She also verbally abused Arthur until he made a system in the school that would make someone unable to speak if they try to be racist, sexist, or homophobic.
Kristen faced racism towards humans maybe two times, and each time she just laughed and screamed “So this is what I was missing out on!”. The others were not impressed, in fact they’re all very pissed and on the hunt for the asshole who insulted her.… “Riz…Get the missile launcher.” (Kristen got a little emotional and hugged them all after they got back. No, she doesn’t care about the amount of blood they’re all covered in. And no, she won’t ask about the weird bag or why they’re taking it to the basement…Or why it’s still moving.)
BONUS! Ayda makes them all write down the names and descriptions of people who hurt them(There’s no way out of it, they have to.), then goes to each person’s home and either makes sure they can’t say anything hurtful again or, if they’re already taken care of, just burns down the place and curses their blood line. Good pirates don’t discriminate in any way, and she will see to it that everyone will pay for hurting her paramour and her friends.
Riz has to deal with it a lot, but most of the time he just ignores it because it isnt worth getting into a fight over. ESPECIALLY when he was younger, and infinitely more puntable (its how he got so good at sneaking, he had to deal with it less if people didnt even notice he was there). It became less of an issue when he started packing heat, and EVEN LESS of an issue once he became a multiple confirmed dragon slayer. Sure, he still encountered the assholes sometimes but absoloutly /ruining their lives/ is just a fun little side hobby now. Oh you called me a slur? Oh no how did your wife find out you were cheating and where did she get that folder full of proof?
Outside of Solace its a bit rougher but he humors his friends desire to protect him, he even accepts a souped up arcubus from them that he keeps as a backup weapon just in case (but he's too attached to his own to use it). Anyone that gets past his friends to attack him though is leaving with more holes than they came with initially.
Fig just laughs off anyones attempts at being racist these days. Fig is an archdevil, if anyone is racist towards her she simply makes a note of it for later. She might not do anything to hurt them in the moment but there are receipts, and she will be collecting her dues when they finally kick the bucket.
The generally racist opinion of half-orcs is that they're dumb, slow and violent. Gorgug is none of these things, he's just quiet and actually thinks things through before replying (which might make it seem like he's a bit slow but its more that he's thoughtful). One of his teachers in middle school constantly made him the butt of jokes, and propped him up as an example that none of the other kids would want to be. He was careful to never loose his temper around that teacher just so he wouldnt fit the stereotype the way they wanted.
When his parents find out about it years after the fact, the teachers car is found dismantled in their driveway the very next morning. Every single piece that could be taken apart done so, and most of the metal pieces were left in a bucket of salt water. No one saw who did it and there was no evidence at the scene.
While Adaine doesnt have to deal with much by way of racism she /does/ have to deal with a lot of gross race-based fetishisation. Especially since she fits the idealised archetype of thin, blonde, kind elven wizard woman. More than one person has tried to flirt with her in a very gross way and been absoloutly /laid out/ by whichever of the bad kids was with her at the time (she's once witnessed Riz notice her getting harrased after coming around a corner, climb a chair, table then partially onto a display shelf to knock a guy out once. Very funny because it was one the only time she's seen him strike someone with a closed fist, rather than claws.).
Kristen laughs it off at first but she's a little more upset about it than she thought she would be later. She just doesnt have the same experiance with it as the others so she doesnt have the same coping mechanisms.
Ayda is a force to be reckoned with and is /usually/ the reason why Figs racist-punishment-wing is receiving their guests early. If they sincerely apologise and make amends she will let them off with a warning, but since she herself is not of the same race as the ones she enacts firery revenge on the ofen double down on the assholery and seal their fate.
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domesticblisss · 3 years
Näher | PT.07
Walter x Axel Dieter Jr x Fabian Aichner x Female Reader (Nicknamed ‘Hase’) Mob AU! Rating: Mature (Minors DNI) Word Count: 1848 Warnings: Very tiny bit of angst and a whole lot of smut. It’s a foursome my dudes, oral (female and male receiving), fingering, PiV, cum play. Summary: Walter has some secretive business and Hase is not happy. A/N: Well, blame this lmao. Pt.01 | Pt.02 | Pt.03 | Pt.04 | Pt.05 | Pt.06
Things with Walter has been going great after he came to Miami to be with us. The business is once again thriving and my counselling work with them was downgraded to a two day of the week thing. Walter says it is better for me to focus on the record store and that he worries about me after the whole Bobby Gunns incident, which, very reluctantly, I agree with him and decided to not argue about it.
The record store was going great, to my surprise. With the resurgence of vinyls and cassette tapes, the store became a hit with the locals and a must go to for the tourists. I am lucky to have built a trusty team to work with me and to have Shotzi as my manager, best friend and confident.
Today was another busy day at the store until Walter FaceTimed me.
“Hi, honey.” I greeted him, he smiled at me but had a serious face on. I knew something was happening. “Is everything ok? Why are you in your car?”
“Hi, love. Everything is fine, I’ve got some business to make and I need you to close the store.”
“Walter! The store is full,” I changed the camera for him to see, “I can’t just close it like this.”
“Yes you can. Ask Shotzi for help.”
“Walter, is this another Bobby thing?”
“Hase...” He sighed, running his free hand through his face, “No, I don’t think so. It’s just a precaution thing. Close the store, tell everyone to go home. Go home. Axel and Fabian are there. I love you.”
He turned the call off before I could even say goodbye.
I made some lame excuse about urgent family matters but Shotzi got right away what was happening, and helped me with the customers, who were understanding enough.
Getting home was nerve wrecking. I found Axel and Fabian arguing in german in the living room, about how stupid Walter was to go where he went alone. I couldn’t help myself and barged in on their conversation.
“What do you mean with Walter going alone? Where are Tim and Alex?”
“In the office.” Fabian blurted out getting a slap on the head from Axel and a “Dude”.
“Where did he go?”
“Who is he making business with?”
“Why did he make me close the store?”
“Fine, since you want to treat me like a child, I’ll just throw a tantrum like one until I get my answers.”
Three crystal vases, one guitar, a Matisse painting, Axel and Fabian shouting, asking me to stop as I made my way to Walter’s Farbegé eggs collection, and grabbed one. Raising my hand, I asked “Are you telling me where he is?”.
When they were about to open their mouths to answer, I felt a presence behind me, his hand softly engulfing mine, taking the egg away from me.
“Hase, was ist das?”
“Where were you?” I asked as I turned to face him.
“You need to calm down, Hase.” Walter said and gave me the look. The look he would always give me when he knew I wanted to hook up with Tim. “She needs to relax, boys.” with that, I felt Fabian’s and Axel’s presence circle behind me.
“Yeah, I need to relax.” I said smiling. See, Walter and I have talked about this several times before but never made a move to invite them over. I guess he was saving it for a special moment, i.e., when he fucked up like he just did.
Walter kissed me, and I felt a new pair of lips on my neck. Fabian’s. Just as soft as I always imagined it would be. Axel was getting eager behind me, squeezing my ass and nudging Fabian so he could get a little bit of me for himself. Laughing at his antics, I disentangled myself from Walter’s hold on me and turned around to meet the blonde man.
“Always so needy, huh Axel?”
“The only needy hure here is you, babe.” he got back at me as I took his lips in mine.
A few minutes later and Walter instructed us to take it to our bedroom, making a show of carrying me bride style as the boys followed behind. He helped me take off my sundress and took his shirt off, lying in bed and positioned me between his legs, making me use him as a pillow. Axel didn’t waste any time, took his clothes off and laid between my legs, eating me out. Fabian was shy, having only taken off his shirt and was fumbling with his belt.
“Come here, don’t be nervous.” I tried to calm him down.
“Are you sure it’s ok?” he asked, his hands holding my hair into a ponytail as I took his pants and underwear down in one swift move. His cock was beautiful. Average length, thick and girthy. I let him have his way with me. He was slow, too careful, as if I were some sort of porcelain doll that would break if not handled well. Walter noticed his hesitation and pushed my head forward. “She likes it rough, fuck her face.” I smiled as wide as I could with Fabian’s thick meat buried in my mouth. Walter’s words awakened something inside of him and his actions took a 180 turn. His hips started pistoning, fast and rough, hitting the back of my throat each time. Axel got faster too, sucking my clit and fingering me like there was no tomorrow. All of this combined with Walter’s big figure behind me, holding me, caressing my breasts, and kissing my neck while he sang his praises to me was enough to make me cum in no time. I had to push Fabian away so I wouldn’t choke on his dick as my orgasm took over my body.
“Are you ok?” Fabian asked worried.
“FUCK! Yeah, I’m good.” all I could do was nod and laugh, asking them to wait a little.
Walter noticed that Axel was grabbing a condom, and quickly intervened. “Axel, up here. Let Fabian do it.”
“But? Why? I want-“ Axel started to protest but Walter was fast to dismiss his complaints.
“This is about her, about what she wants, not you. You already made her cum once, let Fabian do it. Besides, Tim is not going to be happy if he finds out Fabian touched her, let him have this one, Ax, he probably won’t have another chance.” Fabian tensed and I laughed, murmuring “I’m sorry” to him.
“Fine” said a very reluctant Axel, throwing the closed condom to Fabian.
“Don’t be a piss baby, Axel. I’ll let you cum in my face.” I told him and got a very excited smiled in return.
Meanwhile, Fabian was lining himself in my entrance, slowly inserting his cock in my pussy, getting used to it.
“She’s really tight, isn’t she?” Walter asked behind me and Fabian eagerly nodded back.
His thrusts got faster quickly and his thumb never left my clit.
“Come ‘ere” I asked Axel, taking his cock into my mouth. Walter took it in his hands to help me, moving my head up and down Ax’s dick, the motion and sensations making him cum in record time. Following what I had promised him, he was quick enough to pull out and come on my face and tits. Fabian and I didn’t last much longer, the way he filled me up and how he thrust in me sent me into over drive, the second orgasm stronger than the first, my walls squeezing him so hard that he came too.
I was too weak to say anything and Walter knowing how I usually get, told the boys to leave us alone.
He kept holding me, shushing me and rubbing random shapes on my stomach until my breathing evened out.
“Are you ok?”
“Mhm” was all I could say, blissed out.
“Did you enjoy it?” he kissed my forehead.
“Yeah, I loved it. But there’s just one thing missing.”
“What is it?”
“Hase, you’re worn out. We can do it later.”
“No, now.” I whined. “I can feel how hard you are on my back.”
“Fine, get up.” I did as he told me, lying stomach down as soon as he was off the bed. Walter grabbed a pillow and put it under my stomach to make it more comfortable for the both of us.
As always, he started slow, kissing the whole expanse of my back, my ass and slapped it, kneading it as he made his way inside me. He was relentless, fast, and rough, making me cum even faster. He kept fucking me through my orgasm, the way my walls squeezed around him made him slow down a bit, the sensation so out of this world that a fourth wave came, bringing Walter to the edge with me this time.
His knees gave in and he fell on top me, laughing. We stayed like that for a few minutes, until he asked if I wanted him to run us a bath, to which I agreed to. He was gentle when he took me off the bed, helping me walk slowly to our suite’s bathroom. He made sure to clean my face of Axel’s remains before we got in on the tub, with him behind me once again.
“Are you happy?” he asked
“I am. Will be even more if you tell me where you went alone today that made me close the shop.” I pressed on. He sighed in defeat and answered me.
“I had a meeting with Malcolm Bivens.”
“You had a meeting with Malcolm Bivens?! Alone?! Walter, what the fuck?!” I shouted.
“Hase, calm down. It’s fine. I’m here in one piece, aren’t I?”
“Well, but you couldn’t be. You were worried enough to call me and asked me to close the store! What do you want with him anyway?”
“Did you know he’s like, this really tiny guy? I thought I was going to meet this huge man that was stronger than me but no, very tiny guy. Looks like a little ant.” “Walter...” I sighed “He’s still dangerous.”
“Yeah, but don’t worry. I found out him and Tim worked together before Tim went to Germany and they ended things in good terms. I offered him an alliance. That Karrion Kross guy is trying to expand his business and thinks he is a threat to us. With Malcolm’s support, we are bigger and stronger than ever, Kross will think twice before trying anything.”
I looked up at him, his eyes were closed and a relaxed smile on his face. I kissed him and laid my head back down on his chest.
“Next time just tell me where you’re going, ok?”
“Why? So you are worried about me?”
“I was worried today and you saw what happened. Next time, you will tell me, ok?”
“Yeah, ok.” he gave in.
“Good. I need to clean the mess I made in the living room.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll help you, liebe. Now relax.”
Hase, was ist das? - Hase, what is this?
Hure - Whore
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bywhatilove · 3 years
“The Friend Trap” Chapter Five
“Actually,” Fabian began as he stood up, “I’ll go talk to her.”
Before either Eddie or KT could interject by reminding him of the headspace Nina was in at the moment and that maybe it would be best to send either of them out there, he was out the door.
“Oh boy,” KT gulped as she laid her head onto her palms. “Why did I let you talk me into this?”
Eddie’s eyes widened with shock. “Me? Talk you into this? K.T, may I care to remind you that this was all your idea!”
“I was hoping you would forget about that…” she muttered under her breath. “We are screwed, Eddie. Nina is never going to forgive me for keeping all of this a secret from her. Fabian is going to be pissed at you for ambushing him.”
“Oh my god. Would you relax?” Eddie leaned back into his chair like he did not have a care in the world. “Nina and Fabian will thank us for this one day. Probably not today…. but someday.”
“Yeah. Okay. Sure.” KT stated out loud, mostly for her own benefit. She gestured towards an empty spot by the window, which would give the two a front seat for the Nina and Fabian reunite show. “I guess we should give them their privacy.”
Eddie nodded his head in agreement. Yet, not even a moment later, the two found themselves racing for the empty chair that would provide them with the best view.
“No fair!” K.T whisper-screamed as Eddie pounced down onto it first.
“As Nina’s Osarian and sworn protector, Fabian’s roommate and best friend AND the one who has known them longer, I think that I rightfully deserve the front row seat for their reunion.” Eddie replied as his eyes took focus on two of his best friends.
K.T rolled her eyes, but all of those were factual statements, and, well, you can’t argue with the facts. So, she begrudgingly took the seat behind him and strained her neck to get a view of what was going on.
Outside, Nina and Fabian had their backs turned away from the coffee shop facing towards the street, which meant that all KT and Eddie could see was their backside as Nina sat on a bench and Fabian stood behind her.
“Oh what I would give to be a fly on that bench,” K.T blurted.
“That’s a good sign,” Eddie noted as the pair watched as Fabian took the empty seat beside Nina.
A few moments of silence passed, with only the occasional hand gesture or body movement to understand what was being said. But that didn’t stop Eddie from providing his own commentary.
“Right now they are both professing their undying, unconditional love for their other. Nina is apologizing for leaving the way she did. Fabian is accepting it. They are making an oath to never break up again. Next, they are going to come in here holding hands being all adorable again and live happily ever after.”
K.T snickered. “Is that your osarian senses tingling or just your own Eddie Miller instincts.”
“That is just common sense,” he replied straight faced. “They are Nina and Fabian. They have survived much, much worse than this.”
Suddenly, Fabian stood up from the bench. He began walking back towards the shop before he stopped in his tracks. K.T and Eddie watched him tell Nina something without even allowing a glance back in her direction. His face was stone cold, nothing like the shy smile K.T and Eddie knew and loved. Whatever he said (K.T and Eddie had never wished they could read lips more than in this moment), must have delivered a final punch to Nina. She let her elbows fall onto her knees and her head collapsed into her palms.
“Hate to break it to you bud, but I think common sense failed ya.” K.T declared unwillingly.
“Go, go, go,” Eddie ushered K.T back away from the window and to their original table. The two barely made it back as the door opened and Fabian entered the room- looking absolutely pissed.
“I’m heading out,” he grunted, “going for a walk. I just need to clear my head. Text me your address, K.T, and I’ll be there later this evening.” He started to walk away towards the back door to ensure he wouldn’t have an awkward encounter with Nina on the way out. Just before he walked through the door, he turned his head almost as if he was about to say something more. Yet, he decided against it and left with a simple shake of the head.
K.T and Eddie glanced at one another.
“Well, with all considering, that wasn’t too bad.” K.T shrugged. The two had accepted a much worse blow up from their meddling. It wouldn’t have shocked them too much if Nina or Fabian refused to speak to them for a couple days. Or if Fabian had bought a ticket straight back to England on the earliest flight available. Or if Nina decided to escape the city by taking a spontaneous trip to see her gran.
Eddie gently shook his head. “Don’t get too relieved. Fabian has always been the more level headed and calm of those two. I love Nina, but she is known for acting impulsively and not the most level headed. It’s usually because of her love for her friends and determination to keep them safe, even if that means she has to brave all of problems on her own. Hence her leaving without a trace senior year….I’m rambling, aren’t I?”
K.T nodded her head. “You do that when you get nervous.”
An uncomfortable silence fell over the two as they sat and waited for the tidal wave that could be Nina Martin’s anger. They didn’t have to wait long, though, as Nina soon entered back into the shop. She didn’t look mad… but rather just upset. And somehow, that was all the much worse. Her eyes gave away that tears had recently escaped them and her red tinted face was proof of her distress.
“I’m just gonna head back to the apartment,” she gestured back towards the door. “I guess I’ll see you guys tonight.”
Neither K.T or Eddie had the chance to respond before she was out the door.
“She wasn’t mad at us, which is a lot better than I expected.” K.T began to nervously play with her nails.
Eddie let out a deep sigh before responding. “No, she wasn’t. But she looked so…”
“Broken.” K.T interjected.
“Yeah. They both did. Which honestly makes me feel a lot worse than I would have if they came back here guns-a-blazing and screaming at us.”
“What do you think is going to happen between the two of them? And I don’t want any of your fairytale happy ending b.s.”
Eddie took a moment to sit with this. He did want to give her his honest answer. “Honestly? I’ve heard stories from Amber and Patricia about infamous Fabian and Nina fights. Apparently they can be brutal sometimes. Yet, what neither realizes is that they are usually fighting over the same thing. Nina wants to keep Fabian safe by keeping him far away from any of her chosen one craziness and Fabian wants to keep Nina safe by being right by her side every time something happens. So eventually they erupt into some huge massive argument because they are both so darn stubborn. I mean...that is what this is all about, right?”
K.T looked puzzled like she wasn't quite following.
“Oh, yeah, I forget, I have known them longer and do know them better.” Eddie playfully nudged K.T with his shoulder before continuing. “Fabian is mad at Nina for leaving like she did and she left like she did because she was trying to protect Fabian and the rest of us. Obviously, it didn’t work because she didn’t take into account that egyptain gods and curses love to torture us with or without Nina around. So we just have to make both of them see that they were trying to achieve the same thing and ba-bang. They’re back together!”
“You make that sound a lot easier than it is going to be…” K.T huffed.
Eddie flicked his hand jokingly. “Pfff, no way Rush. My osarian senses are ah tingling and I can promise that everything is going to work out. Nina and Fabian are obviously meant for one another. Anyone can see it. Well, anyone but themselves that is.”
“Like you and Patricia are meant for one another?” She winked at Eddie. “How are you two, actually? With all the Fabian and Nina drama, I completely forgot to ask.”
“Amazing. I mean, long distance sucks butt. But, her university is only two hours drive from mine and Fabian’s. We’ll make it work. I know we will.” Eddie suddenly became fidgety, like he was nervous to say what came next. “She’s the one, ya know? I can’t see myself with anyone else.”
K.T responded by looking at him with adoration and a hint of something else. Something Eddie couldn’t put his finger one. “What is it?”
“Oh...it’s nothing,” K.T gently shook his head. “It’s just that, who knew Anubis House was such a place for matchmaking. You and Patricia. Nina and Fabian. Heck, even Willow and Alfie are still going strong. Sometimes I just feel like I missed out, that’s all.”
Eddie playfully hit her on the shoulder. “Hey now, I don’t want to hear any of that self-deprecation. You are a total catch, K.T Rush, and you are going to make one very, very lucky girl extremely happy one day.”
K.T jokingly rolled her eyes, but Eddie continued speaking. “Now, where is that tacky tourist New York City experience I was promised? I didn’t fly all the way here just to sit in a coffee shop all day and worry over Fabian and Nina. Let's go!” He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the door. Eddie Miller was promised a tour of NYC, and a tour of it he shall receive.
A couple hours later, hours full of buying extremely tacky NYC decor from touristy shops, taking even more tacky selfies from NYC tourist staples and plenty of food pit stops. K.T and Eddie's phones dinged simultaneously. It was a text from Nina.
"Could y'all come back to the apartment? We need to talk."
"Oh boy," K.T breathed.
"Oh, boy, indeed," Eddie agreed. "Be there in 15." He responded to Nina's text as the two made their way towards the newest Subway stop and made their way back to K.T and Nina's apartment.
When the two walked in, Nina was sitting on the couch.
"Nins, hey there girl!" K.T called out nervously, trying desperately to hide her nerves and caution the blow.
Nina turned her head and her expression was all but the smiling girl K.T had grown to love. "K.T...Eddie...."
"We can explain," Eddie began.
"I'm all ears," Nina gestured to the open seats beside her. Eddie and K.T sat beside her, looking like a couple deers who were caught in headlights. As much as they loved Nina, she could be pretty terrifying. Even without her ability to call on the Egyptian Gods whenever she pleased, an unhappy Nina Martin was a Nina you wanted to steer clear from.
“Where do we start? Why don't you go ahead, Eddie?" K.T shot her glance over towards the boy sitting next to her. "After all, what were you saying earlier, you have known Nina and Fabian the longest and you do know them better..as her osarian and all that fun stuff."
Eddie grimaced at the way K.T used his previous words against him like a weapon. "Yeah...where do we start?"
Nina interrupted him before he had the chance to begin, though. "How about how the two of you know one another? And what happened senior year?”
Eddie and K.T chuckled nervously. “That’s a really funny story, actually,” Eddie began.
“Eddie,” Nina pleaded, “I stayed away to try and protect you all from any more curses and danger craziness. You said something about a great evil? And, K.T, you know about Sibuna?”
No longer did Nina sound angry about Eddie and K.T messing around in her relationship with her and Fabian’s relationship nor was she sad about what Fabian had told her, but rather she sounded like a friend who was desperate to protect those whom she loved. So, K.T and Eddie told her everything. They told her of keys and visions, of crypts and frozen men, of secret sisters, of sinners and tricks and, as they told her, Nina’s heart broke with every word.
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justtoarguewithyou · 4 years
9/26: Solitude
my contribution to the @swottypotter comfort minifest. :)
Sirius had broken out his uncle’s bottle of Old Midleton Irish whiskey. It was nearly time for a new bottle, as the refilling charm only worked so many times before whatever you were refilling tasted slightly of vinegar.
This whiskey was nothing like vinegar, though. It still tasted like vanilla, and fruit and the way the sun had shone on the golden grain the day it was harvested.
Sirius was in an artificially good mood, thanks to the whiskey. He listened to “Corcovado” for the third time in a row. The Getz/Gilberto record was one of many incredible things he had inherited from Uncle Alphard. Alphard had left him the whiskey, the records, his flat, an embarrassingly large fortune.
This record was calming. He needed it, as he was waiting for Remus to come home. Remus was overdue.
About a month before, after an interminably long and boring Order meeting, Albus had pulled Remus aside to give him his orders while Sirius was talking James and Lily into going out.
Sirius had just wanted to go out and get pissed with his friends. The Prewetts were always game for a laugh. Alice and Frank were going home to “have an early evening,” Frank had said, but they all knew what that meant. There was a lot of winking, and Fabian had teased Frank as Alice stepped into the fireplace. Frank had shot Fabian a vee, and floo’ed after her, saying Fabian was just jealous that he wasn’t getting any.
Fabian had shrugged. He certainly wasn’t.
Later, after they’d gone out, had laughed as much as they could, and were drunkenly undressing each other, Remus told Sirius that Albus had given him instructions regarding his werewolf liaison missions. He was leaving for a month, and that he was under strict instructions not to disclose any of it.
And Remus hadn’t. Not really. He told Sirius, because of course he told Sirius. Their reasoning was, if they shared everything with each other, they would know who had blabbed if it was information that only the other person was supposed to know.
“It’s a kind of insurance, isn’t it,” Sirius had said, kissing Remus, languidly, “I won’t have us ruining a perfectly good friendship and our truly spectacular sex life,” Sirius had added, divesting Remus of his sweater vest and unbuttoning his shirt another night after another interminably long Order meeting, “over a megalomaniacal You Know Who and a bunch of power-hungry, pretentious and pompous Slytherins.”
Remus had laughed at his alliteration, and then they had very intense, and incredibly sloppy…
Absolutely not thinking about that, Sirius thought, as Side B finished playing, and the arm lifted the needle off the record. He got up and turned the record over, and vocalized along to the opening bars of “The Girl from Ipanema.”
It had been their first moon apart in however many months. And for one month, Sirius had been very steadfast, and brave, and very patient. He’d run errands for the Order. He had eaten regularly (he knew Remus would get after him if he didn’t). He’d seen James and Lily, gone to Order meetings when they were called.
But he’d begun to unravel on the 31st day, and now, on the 32nd day, he’d been up since 6 a.m., and was drinking his second glass of whiskey at 10 a.m., and rifling through Uncle Alphard’s albums.
Sirius put on “Jazz at Massey Hall” for a few minutes, then let out a deep breath and put on Kate Bush’s “The Kick Inside,” but he decided he couldn’t listen to any of Remus’s albums.
He took it off and put on The Scream by Siouxie and the Banshees. He tapped along impatiently to “Pure.” But when, “Jigsaw” came on.
“This sounds like something the bartenders play when it was closing time at the pub, and they want everyone to leave immediately,” Remus had said.
Sirius had punched him playfully, and they’d kissed their way through the rest of the album and had very sloppy and incredibly intense… Sirius laughed to himself. There was no getting away from thinking about a naked Remus. It distracted him from thinking about a post-transformation Remus, who most likely needed him very much.
Sirius lay down near the stereo speakers, and thought about the several quiet conversations that he and James had had over the past several months since joining the Order. He and James were never quite sure what they thought of Albus Dumbledore. He was brilliant, yes, but there was something so very sly about him, too.
“He plays his cards very close to his chest,” James had said. “And I don’t understand the need for secrecy amongst our own.”
“I’m not sure I like it, either,” Sirius had replied.
Sirius sighed, and put on The Clash, and even broke out The Stooges for old time’s sake. Gideon had invited him to a pub that night. He needed to eat and stop drinking if he was going out later. If he was going to get through another day of waiting for Remus.
He left the flat and went to get some apples, peanut butter, the chocolate biscuits that Remus was partial to. He bought bacon and eggs and bread. He even bought a few vegetables. He remembered to get more tea for Remus: Earl Grey, jasmine, oolong, Darjeeling, Ceylon. Anything that struck Sirius’ fancy. They’d run out before Remus left. He also needed feverfew, lavender and chamomile from the apothecary.
He ran his errands, and picked up some take away he barely wanted. He went home to the (still) empty flat. He went out with Gideon.
He came home to the (still) empty flat and slept alone. He hated sleeping alone.
He waited.
The 33rd day was much like the 32nd day, except James and Lily came to feed him dinner, and he didn’t go to a pub. Instead, they finished what was left of a bottle of vodka together, and told stories, and gossiped about Order members.
“Did you know that Marlene McKinnon was seeing Dorcas Meadows?” Lily asked.
Sirius did know. “I saw them at the Moonlight Club earlier this summer, snogging while Adam Ant was onstage,” he said. “Marlene’s leather-clad swagger rivals my own. Dorcas had painted her eyes in heavy liner, and she’d teased her hair.”
Lily was absolutely chuffed.
“What about Peter and Mary MacDonald? Is Peter really interested, or do you think it’s going to be another Hestia Jones situation?”
James and Sirius just shrugged. Neither was sure they would ever understand Peter’s love life.
“I really do feel that Peter has not, might never, get over Amelia Bones…” Lily said, opening one of Remus’s chocolate bars. Sirius frowned, but said nothing. He’d get Remus more chocolate tomorrow. It would get him out of the house.
All evening, while talking with his friends, he waited. His skin crackled with the waiting.
Sirius slept alone. He hated it.
On the 34th day, Sirius finally finished the Old Midleton and went around to three liquor stores looking for a replacement. He blessed Uncle Alphard and his bank account when the shop owner rung him up for two bottles of the stuff. The shop owner had looked like Christmas had come early.
He went to Diagon Alley. He ate something. Probably.
Later, he felt very maudlin, and broke out his secret copy of The Carpenters’ The Singles 1969-1973, which he hid in the sleeve of a recording of Beethoven piano sonatas. He thought of Remus, and how they’d only just begun to live…
He fell asleep after listening to songs off at least 30 different albums.
The 35th day, he woke up, hid his Carpenters album, and went to brush his teeth. He almost choked on his toothpaste when he heard a key turn in the front door.
“Sirius?” Remus called.
Sirius practically apparated out of the bathroom, and held Remus so so close, almost as if he could hide Remus inside himself.
“Moony, Moony, Moony,” he cooed, his hands in Remus’s hair, pressing desperate kisses to his mouth, feeling Remus relax, melting against Sirius’s chest. “I’ve been so miserable without you.”
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isaac-d-buchanan · 4 years
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where: right outside WWN who: Isaac Buchanan and Aila Johnson ( @ailajohnson​ ) why: ( x )
(tw: attempted murder)
Isaac Buchanan
For the past couple of weeks, Isaac had watched Aila from afar, silently observing her routine when he could. By the third day, he had already memorized what time she leaves her house to get to work, the times she goes on breaks, whether she leaves her building or not, and the times she usually leaves the WWN to go home. By then, Isaac could already plan his attack on the broadcaster. Where and when he could strike... what could he do to take her out... It could be so easy. Still, Isaac struggled.
He didn't want to do this at all. But Isaac already stalled as much as he could, incurring another visit from Noah who reminded him just what was at stake if he failed to do his task. This time, he was no longer subtle regarding the consequences that would fall on him should he fail. It was Rosalind's life, his love, at stake. As well as the lives of his father and his father's girlfriend.
After two weeks of keeping himself close to Aila, Isaac decided that it was now or never. He had to act now or else he'll never do it. And that would mean there's going to be a lot more blood in his hands.
On that night, Isaac wore the signature mask of a Death Eater. It hid his identity but he was sure it didn't hide his shame and guilt. Bile threatened to rise from his stomach as he waited in the alley near the Wizarding Wireless Network. What he was supposed to do next was the complete opposite of what Hit-Wizards swore to do. But Isaac was suffocating between a rock and a hard place. And three souls of loved ones felt far heavier than one stranger's. That's exactly why he's waiting for Aila to be alone and off guard.
When she finally appeared, all Isaac had to do was bring his wand up. He'll utter the Unforgivable Spell, causing a bright green light to erupt from the tip of his wand and hit the unsuspecting witch, and all of Noah's threats would go away.
But he didn't. He couldn't. Instead, Isaac just stood there without a sound until finally the witch saw him and the chance to catch her unawares was gone forever.
Aila Johnson
She had heard rumors that Rodolphus was looking for a co-host for her show.  It might have been bullshit.  She hoped it was bullshit, because if the message of her show changed she was out.  Maybe Fabian could help her find a nice job in print.  Or maybe she'd say fuck it all and go work with Rosmerta.  She could make a damn good vodka soda.  A dash of soda and a whole lot of vodka -- it was easy.  Fuck, now she wanted a drink.
She turned to walk in the other direction, but she hesitated when her eyes caught sight of something in the alley.  It took a moment for them to adjust, but as soon as she caught sight of the familiar mask, peering out at her from the darkness, she immediately reached for her wand. This sucked -- dueling had never been her strength.  Sure, she could fire a thousand hexes off at this... man... judging by the figure under the robes.  But unless he was a real idiot he could probably take her.  Was he a Pureblood?  Probably -- sometimes that meant they weren't ready for a fistfight... maybe she could take him by surprise.
"What the fuck do you want?" She  called, far too loudly.  Hopefully she could catch the attention of someone who was still inside.
Isaac Buchanan
Isaac gripped his wand tighter. It was already half raised, ready to take aim at Aila at any second if she chooses to cast the first spell. A part of him did want her to do so. At least then, Isaac would only be defending himself.
Maybe Aila could even injure herself with her own magic. That was some foolish thinking but Isaac couldn't help himself. Panic rose from his chest when she called out. "Keep your voice down," he hissed. The urgency in his voice made up for Isaac's hesitation to sound more intimidating. "Or else," he added as he took a step forward. "I wouldn't do anything stupid, if I were you..." Talking to his victim wasn't making it any easier for him to do the deed but Isaac can't get himself to do it. Not just yet.
As for her question, what did he want? He didn't want to kill Aila. He didn't want to kill anyone. But he wanted Rosalind and his father to be safe above all. "I just want to talk," he lied. Even if he sounded convincing, surely Aila wouldn't believe that, but he didn't know what else to say and he wanted to stall.
Aila Johnson
She had seen a death eater before.  Maybe two or three, even.  But it had been from a distance and there had been other people to back her up.  But from what she remembered they hadn't seemed quite as jumpy as this fucker.  Maybe he was a new one?  Or just bad at his job -- he had to be bad at his job if they sent him after her. She wasn't anyone important.
When he told her to quiet down she laughed outloud.  "What?" She shouted, speaking far louder than necessary.  "What are you saying?  Talk louder?"  She wasn't stupid -- she knew she'd lose in a fight.  Her best chance was to piss him off so he acted stupidly or to get the attention of somewhere else.
“Oh?"  She shifted her tone into a false politeness.  "Oh, is that all?  Well, why didn't you say so?  Lovely weather we're having, isn't it?  Don't be a fucking moron.  If you want to talk take the mask off -- if you don't want to talk then get on with whatever it was you were sent here to do."  Her wand was raised, but she didn't toss any of the hexes that were racing through her mind in his direction.  What was the point?
Isaac Buchanan
"Stop shouting," he hissed, raising his wand even higher and pointing it directly at the broadcaster. He was the one who said that they should talk but immediately, he was already regretting his decision. Her voice was so loud that he was sure that she would attract someone's attention any moment now. And if she did... Isaac would be fucked.
Talking, Isaac realized, was the wrong thing to do. Given that it's precisely why she was being targeted in the first place, Aila could run her mouth as if her life depended on it. And it did. Plus, her voice grated on him, making it harder for him to think. Maybe if she just shut her mouth, things will start to make sense. Maybe if he can finally hear himself think, he'll know what he had to do.
Without any warning, he flicked his wand and aimed a Silencing Charm directly at her.
Aila Johnson
Did he think she was just going to take this silently?  Let him pull a wand out on her without a word spoken in protest?  That made no sense.  "I know you and all your mates are a bit dim, but even you have to be smart enough to see that I'm not going to let you pull a wand out on me and not respond?  Come off it."  She had a big mouth, but she made sure to speak louder than necessary.
It wasn't hard to dodge the first spell.  She had been looking at him, waiting for him to move.  She stepped aside, the flash of light barely missing her.  Without really even bothering to aim she shot a nonverbal stunning spell back at him.  This was going to go however he wanted it to go.  "There a few choices here, far as I'm concerned.  You can walk the fuck away and I don't say a word.  Or I can scream my head off before you manage to do whatever it is you think you're going to do and you can walk away hoping I didn't attract enough attention.  Up to you, mate."
Isaac Buchanan
Did he really expect that Aila wasn't going to fight back? No. But he at least thought that maybe fear and uncertainty would be on his side. Her insults rolled off of him like they were nothing. His focus wasn't exactly on what she was saying rather on the unthinkable task that he had to do.
Muscle memory from years of training allowed him to counter the spell that she threw on his own. In the process of dodging, Isaac managed to step closer to Aila. "I can't. I can't walk away." Even with his voice muffled behind the mask, his desperation, panic, and despair were palpable. He had no doubt that Aila heard it too. But he can't have her screaming too. He'll have to find another way to silence her.
In just a few seconds, Aila's loud voice did manage to attract someone. From behind he could hear urgent footsteps, In a few moments, they wouldn't be alone and Isaac wouldn't be able to do what he's been sent out to do. Or worse... He'll have to make sure that the newcomer wouldn't be able to talk too.
Curse the newcomer... or curse Aila. Given that Aila hasn't thrown more spells, Isaac assumed that she would be easier to handle. But the person turning towards them now? Isaac wouldn't know how good they were at dueling. It was probably best to use the element of surprise on his side and stop the stranger now before he saw anything.
Isaac took a step back. His eyes kept shifting from Aila and the corner of the alley where a shadow on the ground was steadily growing. When the figure finally emerged from the corner, Isaac turned to cause a bright explosion somewhere towards the stranger, supposedly blinding them temporarily.
Aila Johnson
She was hardly the most sensitive person, and she wouldn't try to pretend otherwise.  But the emotion in his voice had her pausing.  He didn't sound like the murder-happy Death Eaters of her imagination.  But rather, he sounded upset.  "Don't know who you've been talking to, but you don't have to do anything you don't want to do."  Her voice was quieter as she said that.
She hadn't realized another person had joined them, had been attracted to the sound of her yelling, until he set a spell over her shoulder.  She wanted to turn, to check that they were okay, but in the split second the Death Eater's eyes were off of her she flicked her wand in his direction.  She had always liked to yell her spells.  The dramatic flair tricking herself at least into feeling more confident.  But silence was important here.  Accio mask she thought to herself, shocked as it worked and the mask flew off his head and into her hand.
"I know you..." she trailed off searching for his name as she took in his face.  "You were a few years above me, right?  Isaac..."
Isaac Buchanan
For a brief moment, Aila almost sounded sympathetic. She dropped her usual bravado for something more cautious. Placating even. Maybe if he had responded with words, things would have turned out differently. Better. But it was too late. Someone was coming and Isaac acted in a way he thought he should have. The spell he cast to create a small explosion turned out to be successful. However, the distraction created an opportunity for Aila to summon his mask to her hand, causing it to fly away and reveal exactly who he was.
When she mentioned his name he knew that it was all over. There was no chance that he could kill her now. Not when she knew who he was. Not when she knew that this wasn't him. Isaac was far from perfect and never in his life did he ever think of himself as a saint. But Merlin knows that he would never even think of ending someone's life under his own volition.
He opened his mouth to speak without knowing what to say. Should he apologize? Attempt to explain? Warn her that people might be after her? Even if he did manage to choose what to say, his throat wouldn't cooperate with him. Isaac felt like he was choking on air. He already knew that both of them were walking out alive in this situation. Which meant that soon, he and his loved ones won't be. His only chance was to get them before they can. And then flee. Somewhere where they will never find them. They have to leave everything and everyone they ever knew and never look back.
With a wave of his wand, Isaac began his attempt to disapparate. There was one thing - and only one thing - left on his mind. Rosalind. For the first time in months, Isaac's head was clear. He knew exactly what to do. He needed to get to her and save her as soon as he could. Nothing else mattered.
Isaac's mind was already conditioned to brace for the push and the pull of apparating into a whole different place. What he didn't expect was for the stranger to tag along. While he was stunned after Aila summoned his mask and revealed his identity, the man managed to sneak up behind him and wrap his arms around his neck. Isaac tried to wriggle himself free but it was already too late. His apparition had already begun. They struggled in the alley for the briefest of moments before they disappeared into the air, leaving Aila alone.
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amelia-pinches · 5 years
Days at Anubis
So here is the first one-shot
Majority of the ones I will write will be based off of @ron-stepupable‘s post (but also I will take requests. )
Warning: I’m not the best writer, and I haven’t written fanfiction since I was 13... so uhhhh take that as you want. 
based off of ron-stepupable: "Fabian having an efing backstory. Maybe some daddy issues so he can relate to the other boys (wow just realizing all the boys have daddy problems to some extent) like maybe just a distant father figure who's not really invested in his sons life. Idk but I want SOMETHING" Its set right after everyone finds out about Eddie being Sweetie's son, and Fabian tries to comfort him.
link to the post here: post/611405919847415808/things-i-wouldve-done-differently-in-hoa
Fabian stared at his roommate as he entered their shared room. Eddie was staring blankly at his computer with earbuds in his ears. He looked like he was crying heavily. There was a small frown on his lips; his hair was a dirty mess, and his eyes were bloodshot. 'He looks like hell' Fabian thought.
"Uh, mate...are you going to plug those in?" Fabian asked, breaking the silence.
Eddie, having been broken from his trance, looked up and stared at him in confusion. Fabian pointed to the end of the cord of his earbuds, which was laying on Eddie's lap.
"Oh. Uh...I, erm, don't need to... I have the music memorized, and, erm, can listen without actually listening.."
Fabian raised his brows at Eddie. Eddie sighed and bowed his head. He looked back up at Fabian, and mumbled, "Go ahead. Have your fun. Everyone else has."
Fabian chuckled and shook his head.
"I am not Jerome or Alfie. I'm not going to make fun of you for being sad...or for being 's son."
Eddie looked at Fabian in bewilderment. He just got him in such a vulnerable state, perfect for blackmail. All of his friends back home would have jumped at the chance to make fun of him. How come Fabian wasn't? Fabian offered him a weak smile. He understood what Eddie was going through as of late. .
"I'm serious. I know what it's like."
Eddie scowled, "Sure you do."
"I do," Fabian retorted, "and even if I didn't, I wouldn't make fun of you for being Sweetie's son. I have too many daddy issues of my own to make fun of someone else's."
Eddie furrowed his brows. He gave a low chuckle and tried to imagine exactly what daddy issues Fabian could have. Fabian was his father's dream kid. He was convinced that if Eric had the chance, he would trade Eddie for Fabian. Eddie rolled his eyes and whispered, "Sure, you do."
Fabian noticed the shift into the tense atmosphere. He knew that if he wanted to comfort Eddie, he would have to prove that he wasn't pitying him or playing him. Fabian shyly spoke up as he sat on his bed, "My dad hates how nerdy I am. He says it's too feminine. All he has ever wanted was a son that could kick a football without falling or getting nervous"
This caught Eddie's attention. He took out his earbuds, despite no sound coming through them at all, and looked at his roommate. Fabian was biting his cheek, hoping he didn't say the wrong thing. Eddie gave a low chuckle.
"Sounds like a dick."
"Aren't all dads? Sometimes they despise their sons because they aren't athletic enough, and sometimes they are the headmasters of prestigious British boarding schools."
"Bro…," Eddie snorted, "did you just make a joke?"
"It's been known to happen," replied Fabian in a monotone voice, "But, erm, bro...if you do need anyone to talk to, I am always here. After all, it's not like I can go anywhere."
Eddie smirked. He considered talking to Fabian; right now, he needed someone to talk to. However, could he really talk to Fabian? Would Fabian really care, or is he just saying it to be a good roommate.
"Thanks. I'll take you up on that offer after 10 and before you go on your little midnight adventure, so that way I can assure you won't leave. Just promise me you won't say 'bro' again."
Fabian rolled his eyes. Eddie was so much like Patricia in the sense they both wouldn't open up for the life of them. He turned to look at Eddie. Eddie looked less hopeless as before, but he definitely looked like he needed someone.
"The teasing will stop soon. You're cool, so most people will forget about this in a week. If not, they will be too scared of Patricia to continue."
Eddie tensed at the mention of Patricia. It was her fault he was in this position. Well, it was an accident, but she should have been more careful. Eddie mumbled in a low voice, hoping Fabian wouldn't hear.
"Patricia is the reason I'm in this situation. She'll probably egg them on."
Fabian gazed at Eddie. He felt bad for him. He knew Patricia never meant for this to happen, and she would have kept Eddie's secrets to her grave. But he also knew how it felt to be a target.
"You know…," started Fabian, "When I first came to this school, I was bullied a lot…"
Fabian sighed as he lowered his head and ran his fingers through his hair. Was he really about to tell his roommate about his traumatic early school days? He didn't think he had a choice.
"They used to call me names, and I would get pushed around a lot. Once, I was walking to the library, and these kids came up behind me. They shoved me in a locker, and I was there all night...I thought that if I tried sports, they would stop, and well, my dad would be proud of me. So that's what I did. I went to the football tryouts, and I did horribly. The bullying got worse, and my dad was pissed at me-"
"Shit, dude, I-I-I'm sorry-"
"I'm not finished...I thought I was done for, but my old roommate, Mick, found out about what was going on, and he was so angry. He couldn't believe that his teammates would be so cruel, and he couldn't believe none of the teachers did anything. To their defense, I don't think they noticed. Therefore, he wanted to take revenge in his own hands, and consequently, everyone in the school found out. I was so embarrassed, and I was terrified everyone was going to think I was a pussy or something-"
Fabian put his finger up to shut Eddie up before he could interrupt again. Eddie laughed quietly, and muttered, "Sorry, It's just weird to hear you say 'pussy'. It's weird to hear you cuss in general."
Fabian rolled his eyes, "Will you let me finish? After Mick's rampage, nobody bothered me again. Eventually, I started to make friends, and people respected me. I know how it feels when the whole school is against you. You feel like you can't trust anyone, and you feel so alone. You retreat into your head and anxiety takes over. You hate waking up in the morning, and you wish something would just save you. All you want is a shoulder to cry on, but you can't allow yourself to ask for help because you don't know their intentions… I don't want you to pity me because I was a loser. But I do want you to come to me. You obviously need someone to talk to right now…"
Fabian trailed off as he looked down. Eddie glanced over to Fabian as he digested what his roommate just told him. There was a pregnant pause between the two teenage boys. Neither knew what to say as the uncomfortable silence dragged on. Eddie spoke up in a quiet voice.
"I'm kinda glad everyone knows, ya feel? I wish it wasn't like this. But I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I don't have this nervous feeling of people finding out or saying the wrong thing. I guess I just wish people didn't...care as much. I like my dad as much as they do. That's why I did all those pranks against him. Well, one of the reasons, but that's not the point. I just wanted him to notice me. I wanted him to care about me. Hell, they know more about my father than I do. Sure, he is my biological father, but in no way is he my..actual father. He has been more of a father to the kids here than he has to me."
Fabian glared at the floor after Eddie's confession. "They care because it makes them feel better," comforted Fabian.
"Well yeah, who can miss the chance of fucking with the principals son?"
"No, I mean, when they pick on you, they deflect from their own issues. Look at Alfie. Last year, Alfie had to lie to his father and act like an entitled jackass just so he could get his father's approval. When he makes fun of you, he makes him feel better about his own asshole father. Everyone who goes to this school has some sort of issues with their parents. Even if their parents are straight out of a parenting textbook, they hold resentment towards them for sending them here. Nobody likes to talk about it, but we all know it."
"The UK is fucked up, man."
Fabian gave Eddie a confused look as Eddie silently laughed.
"The UK is fucked up? A-A-And America isn't?"
Eddie burst out laughing, and soon Fabian joined in. The two boys laughed loudly before dying down into a lull.
"Yeah, I guess you're right. America is pretty fucked up, but the UK is just as bad.. but you were wrong about one thing. You aren't a loser, dude. To be fair, you aren't as cool as me, but who can be as cool as me? Regardless, you are still kinda cool."
"Oi, fuck off, Eddie!"
Fabian threw his pillow at Eddie's head as Eddie was roaring. Both boys looked at each other for a moment before being interrupted by Victor's voice, "It is 10 o'clock! You have 5 minutes precisely, and then I want to hear a pin drop!"
Eddie looked over to Fabian. "Well, night. Try not to wake me up when you go off to play your midnight game of hopscotch," he said, emphasizing hopscotch with a faux English accent.
Fabian mumbled him a goodnight and laid down. His mind drifted to sibuna. He didn't know how they were going to finish these tasks, but he knew they would. They would have to; there was no choice. As he got up to leave, he looked towards Eddie, who was now sound asleep in his bed. 'Patricia has good taste," thought Fabian before he left his room and headed upstairs.
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