#I love watching mh with friends who get it.
lakeinstillness · 2 years
mh has so many characters with mental illness but also disorders with psychosis as a symptom. ok thats not entirely in the text but we can extrapolate for everyone who isnt tim or jay.
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southern--downpour · 10 months
doing my marble hornets rewatch at the same time im going through emh for the first time is great for the brainrot but HORRENDOUS for my anxiety and paranoia. im fine.
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mvybanks · 4 months
THE COMEBACK — jj maybank
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a/n: i don’t like this but i saw an old post of mine based on this idea and i couldn’t get it out of my head so i had to write it down😭(+ lots of domestic jj bc i couldn’t stop myself). i missed dad!jj so much ughhhh
warnings: luke maybank, allusions to past abuse
word count: 2k
pairing: dad!jj x wife!reader
add yourself to my taglist <3
“J!” You screech as your husband comes up behind you to kiss your neck. “The kids are in the other room!” You remind him, although he doesn’t seem to stop his actions. You’re cooking dinner for your family and for your friends, John B and Sarah, that are coming over for dinner. However, it is difficult to do so when your husband’s hands have become insatiable from the moment he came back from work, always finding an excuse to touch you. His fingers dance along your torso as his lips trail down your neck, a couple of responsive mh’s falling out of his mouth, but you know he’s not listening at all. You’re becoming putty in his hands when a thought stops all of your motions, “Who’s watching the baby?!”
JJ barely moves as he mumbles against your skin, “Mh, I told Noah to watch Ella.” He calms you down, coming to the realization that your older son is making sure that his little sister is okay. Nonetheless, JJ continues his attack and begins to lower one of his hands down your short sundress. “Just wanted to show my wife some lovin’.”
You chuckle at his antics until his hands start approaching your most sensitive parts, causing you to instinctively throw the ladle you were stirring dinner with back inside the pan while your husband smirks against your skin. “Baby!” You squeal. Your own hands come up to hold his in place, but he takes this as an opportunity to kiss up your neck and trap your earlobe between his teeth. You’re about to say something when the sweet voice of your son makes you snap out of it and push JJ away.
“Mommy!” Your six-year-old calls out for you as he enters the kitchen, “When is uncle B coming?”
“Uhm…,” You try to find words after what just happened, clearing your throat as you resume your cooking, “he should be here any second, sweetheart.” You smile at him and hope that he won’t comment on how forced it looks for your thoughts have been completely thrown off by the smirking man beside you. However, as you look at the little version of your husband in front of you, you’re reminded of the other blue-eyed baby in the next room. “J, Ella!”
JJ is fast to run in the living room, “I got her, I got her!” He reassures you as his quick feet take him to your baby girl. Once he comes back inside the kitchen, you see him carrying Ella on his hip as she relaxes against her dad. “Here she is.” He whispers, not noticing the grin on your lips.
JJ turns towards your son, currently sitting on a kitchen stool, “Noah, I told you to watch her. Babies can’t be alone for too long.” He reprimands him.
“But she was fine, daddy.” The little boy tells him, confused as to why it was such a big deal.
Your husband nods, “I know, buddy, and I know that you wouldn’t want her to get hurt but this is for when we ask you to watch her in the future, okay? She could really get hurt if you don’t watch her all the time, alright?”
You almost tear up at the gentleness in his voice, the way he speaks with so much love laced in his voice, choosing his words carefully, it just makes you fall in love with him all over again every time.
“I’m sorry, daddy.” Noah apologizes sincerely and causes his dad to softly smile down at him.
“It’s okay. C’mere.” JJ lowers his head to kiss his son’s forehead.
Noah takes advantage of the closeness to leave a gentle kiss on his sister’s cheek. “Love you, Ella.” And just as he says those sweet words, the front door bell rings, making your son jump down his sit and run towards the door. “Uncle B!”
“God, he’s like an earthquake.” JJ chuckles.
Biting down on your bottom lip to stop the incoming laugh, “Reminds me of someone,” You tell him. Your husband looks at you with that mischievous smile of his, that reminds you all too well of your son’s.
Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the both of you, the person that your child has opened the door to doesn’t resemble John B at all. The grey-haired man looks down at the blond little boy, blue eyes like the sky, and he could tell who he’s related to from a mile away. Bending down to his height, he asks “Hello, where are your parents?”
Noah knows better than to let strangers inside the house, which is why he immediately shouts “Mommy, who is this?”
To say that you sprint towards your son is an understatement. “What is it, honey?” You try to keep your composure in order to not scare the little guy, although you don’t know what’s going on yet — and you wish to have never found out. Luke Maybank. “What — I —“ You choke on your words, but your actions are cautious, instinctively putting space between him and Noah.
“Oh.” The man in front of you lets out as he straightens up. It’s obvious that he’s recognized you and you don’t know wether it’s a good or a bad thing. “Is my son here?”
As he speaks he seems to take a step closer inside your house, and in a panic state, you yell out, “J, baby, can you come here for a second?” Luckily, your words stop Luke, who’s waiting now for his son.
JJ runs to you, Ella still in his protective embrace as he approaches you. “What’s going on?” He asks before his eyes can fall on the man that’s standing at the entrance of your home. His hold automatically tightens on his daughter and he throws a protective arm in front of you. “What are you doing here?” Venom spits from his lips, and he almost can’t believe his eyes.
Chuckling humorlessly, Luke speaks up again “That’s a great way to greet your father, huh?”
“Take the kids and stay inside.” JJ tells you as he hands you Ella and pushes you further inside the protected walls of your loving home.
“J, I don’t like this.” You whisper as you grab the wrist of the arm that’s moving you away from the entrance. You’ve known your husband since what feels like forever; you’ve always been there for him and you know what Luke Maybank is capable of. If there’s one person that you would ever tell JJ not to see anymore is his father: that’s how terrible the situation is.
He takes your hand in his and places a gentle kiss on the back of it, before a smile etches on his features, attempting at reassuring you. “Look at me, princess. It’s okay.” Although it isn’t, but he won’t tell you that.
You nod, unsure, and do as he tells you.
JJ closes the door behind him and faces his father, after years and years of complete silence. “What do you want?”
He shrugs his shoulders, as if his presence at his son’s house is the most natural thing in the world. But that’s not how it works for the Maybank’s. “I didn’t know I had grandkids.”
JJ shakes his head in disbelief and points an accusing finger at him. “Stay away from my family.”
“We’re family.”
The words alone make an unsettling feeling form in his stomach and bile rise up his throat. He doesn’t remember a moment in his life where his father has referred to him as family — except when he needed money from his own son. “No, we aren’t. Leave my wife and my kids alone.”
Luke ignores him, because that’s what he’s always been good at. “I see you have a son. What if he ends up treating you the same way you are treating your old man right now?”
He can’t be serious.
He cannot be serious.
Years and years of disappointments and constant battling, of a loveless father-son relationship, leading to this. “You see, that’s the difference between you and I. I would never lay a finger on my children.” He affirms as his fists close on their own. “Don’t ever talk about my kids again. Get out of here right now.”
“You’re being unfair.”
JJ is about to rebut but the sound of the door behind him opening stops the both of them. “Leave or I will call the police.” You warn Luke while your hand reaches for your husband’s.
He turns to you, hiding the thankful grin that wants to grow on his lips. “Get back inside, baby.”
“No.” You answer firmly. “You come back inside now.”
It is Luke that now interrupts. “We’re talking.”
“And I say you’re done.”
He huffs, an annoyed look upon his features as he takes a step closer. “Control your woman over—“
However, JJ puts his free hand on his father’s chest, stopping him from coming any closer. “Don’t you dare talk about my wife like that.” He squeezes your hand, then continues “You better leave.”
You don’t even give him a moment to answer when you pull your husband inside with you and lead him in your bedroom where you can have a private conversation from your children. As soon as you go to close the wooden door, JJ sits on the bed, his head in his hands as he covers his face.
“Oh, J…” You whisper, heartbroken for him. You lie on the bed behind his sitting figure and bring his attention to you as you pull his arm. “Come here.” And he obliges. Your husband lays his head on your chest and you immediately begin to run your fingers through his hair, just like you know he loves. He hides his face in your neck and holds your body as close to his as possible.
“How can he do that?” He asks softly, and you can hear the pain in his voice, wishing to take it all away. “I feel like I’m sixteen again and all I want to do is run away and hope to never turn out like him.”
Your arms wrap tightly around him as your neck twists to let your lips linger on the side of his head, bringing him as much comfort as possible. “But you did run away, baby, and you’re nothing like him. You’re the best father I could’ve asked for my children and I feel so blessed to share all of this with you. And don’t even let me start on how you’re the perfect husband.” Finally, you cradle his face in your hands, forcing him to look up at you, and notice the tears that are threatening to spill out of his eyes. But you’re not done. “You turned out to be the most sensitive, funny, caring, loving man I’ve ever met.”
“I love you so much, you know that, right?” He whispers against your lips, brushing them together and feeling your breath on his mouth.
“I know, baby. And I love you, too.”
Raising his head further, he goes to rest his forehead on yours, completely hovering above you. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
You grin up at him. “I don’t know, did you wish really hard?”
Your words make a chuckle escape from his lips and you swear it’s the sweetest sound. “I can’t believe the way you talked to him. If you weren’t my wife already, I would’ve asked you to marry me.”
You peck his lips, “And I would’ve said yes again.” Your mouths touch once again, coming in for a prolonged kiss this time. “I would say yes a thousand times.”
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@jjmaybankisbae @notslay-norcleor @poppet05 @solargazes @cindersnightmare @fairlymax @chaostudee @goldenroutledge @harleyharlot @taintedxkisses @uhcallmemommy @babypoguelife @screan @voguesir @vigilanteshitposting @kliness @gemofthenight @magnificantmermaid @f4ll-for-you @marzipaanz @sweetestdesire @guililove @freyawhitexxx1 @mistalli @shady-the-simp @fangirl-madz @one-sweet-gubler @camelliaflow3r @emery-333 @hallecarey1 @lovelornanonymity @rafetopia @maybankslover @jjgaybanklover @lyndys @futurecorps3 @bxrbie1 @maybanksbabe @moremaybank @jjsbank444 @vivian-555 @jjfordays @highpope @livsters @starkeylover @peachpitlover @instabull @fishingirl12 @outerbankszn @congratsloserr @loveu-always @rentaldarling @embersfae @bee6r @savagemickey03 @lunalovegood156 @idli-dosa @madelynie @riveramour + in the comments!
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dilfprayers · 3 months
real!dad leon kennedy x afab!reader
tw: incest
short yip yap, 100% filth // related to: My, Penitence
an: i felt like yapping about just some sex between leon and the reader in the tl of my last story in between working on the actual second part of the story & some other stuff >_<;;; it isnt much but hehe
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"Somedays I'm convinced your dad is more of a boyfriend than this 'mysterious' guy. You're always with him but I assume it's cause you're such a daddy's girl. He can't let you go, huh?"
Your friend jokes while blowing out the smoke from her cigarette.
"Probably just as overprotective now since his only child is having a kid. Must be a big thing for him."
You chuckle in response but you knew the truth. You knew all of what truly was happening. The sexual relationship with your father had went on for a while now. But she'd think you're insane, right?
"— I really wish I could meet the guy who got MY best friend pregnant!"
"My dad."
You respond softly, hearing a light cough. She choked on the smoke from your response.
"What?- You're fucking with me. Right?"
You gaze over, that warm smile remained on your face.
"Of course I'm fucking with you."
You lied, gently ghosting your fingertips over your belly. You felt the gentle kicks in response as your smile widened more. You were having his child. Your father's child.
You couldn't be any happier.
What was normal? You don't exactly remember what it's like to be a normal person like everyone else around you was. You adapted back to your roots and all the shit your father dragged you into.
Your first time, second time and yeah.. Whatever time by now wasn't as ideal. But you slowly but surely gotten back into that headspace you had a while back and enjoyed when he came up from behind to touch you or fuck you. You loved your daddy in a sick way all over again. You made the most sense out of it though even when he had spiraled from drinking and would smack you around, beat you till you saw nothing but darkness but you enjoyed finally being intertwined with him. You finally were close with him like the way you wanted it to be.
If anything, he molded you into what you originally wanted to be in the first place.
You're obviously mentally gone in the head, busy nuzzling against him like a needy dog while he has his arm wrapped around you, watching television with you. He glances over, a warm smile etched on his face - seeing you all up on him. He found it cute and amusing.
"Yeah sweetheart?"
"Need you.."
You thought you'd be past this when you were in your so called "healing" phase but that was short lived after he had you all to himself after the divorce — he seemed to have forgotten all about that, didn't even speak about your mother ever again and only spoke about you or ranted about work. The usual.
"Huh, alright. My pretty angel wants her daddy, yeah?"
"Mh.." You shift around, crawling right onto his lap while staring into his eyes lovingly. He enjoyed the sight of you, all bubbly and needy. It's exactly what he wanted out of you.
So with that, he didn't waste anytime in pulling his pajama pants off and his boxers, letting his cock fling out. You notice it and bite your lower lip with excitement; glancing towards him again with an ecstatic look on your face. This night was gonna be a long one.
You two were at it for a while, loud moans and begging filled the room. The scent of sex pooling throughout as you felt yourself in a new state of bliss. For the longest, you tried to get him to stop whenever he stopped by your bedroom at night. After he had taken your virginity, he couldn't get enough of you. Kept mentioning how you were like your mother but better.
At first it was weird then it turned out to make you smile when he said that. You craved for those compliments, hence why you started doing the things you did when you felt him slightly straying away from doing things with you. Changed your attire, purposely did the cliché thing of bending over with skirts or short dresses on so he could see your panties. All of those had brought him further into this taboo relationship. It never was meant to get out of hand but you both couldn't help it. If he was sick in the head, then you were too.
"Daddy's cock feels so- Good!!~"
You cry out, grazing your nails along his back. Your breasts brushed along his chest as he groans, gazing up at you. He was happy himself even if somedays he sat there with a concerned expression whenever he was laying there in bed with you.
He replies, gripping to your hips before he decided it was time to take charge. He moves his hands up in a better position before grabbing you and pinning you down to the couch, slamming his cock back into you. Your moans are strained out while he stares down at you with a smile. He enjoyed seeing you like this regardless of the doubt in the back of his head that was faintly there.
"I'm gonna cum soon.."
He grasps your hip with one hand while his other hand was in yours, intertwining the both of your fingers together. It was bittersweet and you squeezed at his hand while looking up at him. His movements progressively gotten rougher and faster — nothing but the sound of skin slapping against each other and the loud squelching noises were heard through the room.
"I-inside?..Please.. Please inside!"
To his surprise, this was the first time you begged for him to cum inside. Surely, you expected him to do this on his own but he always pulled out of you each time in the past but this day was different. His cock throbbed from your pleads — only moving rougher than before as a low growl left his throat.
"Inside? You want daddy's cum inside, huh? Dirty girl.."
He wasn't gonna turn down your plea, if anything he was all for it. He tensed up, quickening his pace while you both made eye contact with eachother. The way you stared at eachother made butterflies go crazy in your stomach. Before you knew it, you both had leaned closer to eachother, sharing a passionate kiss that a father and a daughter shouldn't share, but you two were different.
It felt good, so it didn't matter if it was wrong or right.
You muffle moans into the kiss, slipping your hands away and wrapped your arms around his neck. Your legs naturally remain wrapped around his back as his thrusts gotten rougher and deeper while time passed.
Seconds later? You both are crying out moans into the long-lasting kiss, you made a mess all over the sheets and his cock that was twitching inside of you — filling you to the brim. This might've been the most he's ever come..
You both laid there, out of breath while you felt his weight ontop of you. His embrace was warm and it kept you at ease after the session you both shared.
"Ah.....I..I love you, angel."
He rasps out, nuzzling into your neck. You could feel his stubble scrape at your skin as you gazed at him with a faint smile.
"I love you too, daddy.."
You truly did replace your mother. You weren't his daughter anymore.
You were his wife.
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devieuls · 11 months
ˋ Love Lessons .
Neteyam Sully x Omatikaya Reader ( ONE SHOT )
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Synopsis : After years of friendship, you realize that you have fallen in love with your best friend Neteyam, but you decide to keep your crush to yourself, afraid of ruining your relationship. The only thing that gave you any comfort was the fact that Neteyam was not interested in any woman, until one day he asks you for advice to make his crush understand that he is interested in her.
Warning : SMUT MDNI - Bites, oral sex, canines, hickeys, unprotected sex, outdoor sex, light dirty talk, foreplay…
Lenght : 5k
Notes : I don’t know, I feel like I could have done better. There are some smut parts that I liked more than others, but I don’t know. I think I’ll do it again later, I also tried to contain myself in detail (as a test, but I think I will continue to write with many details)
NETEYAM: 22 y.o / Y/N: 20 y.o
NA'VI WORDS : TANHI: Star / Bioluminescent freckles; KARYU: Teacher
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As long as you can remember, Neteyam Sully has always been the person closest to you, covering your back every time you created trouble in the Omatikaya clan or got into trouble with your own family. Fortunately your parents trusted Neteyam blindly, after all he was the son of the Olo'eykte and as he grew up, his reputation grew with him, making him worthy of the trust of the whole clan. You could consider him your best friend, who understood and appreciated your rebellious spirit and so contrasted with his, creating a perfect balance in your relationship, as one gave the other what one lacked.
When you were younger it seemed easier to see you only as friends, but when you came of age you found it difficult to see Neteyam only as a friend. You had to admit that he had become a handsome Na'vi, an excellent warrior and probably the definition of perfection in the flesh, always teasing him about things like "You are Eywa’s favorite" and similar phrases. It was a fact that Neteyam excelled at everything he experimented with, so much so that he was the first Na'vi of his group to complete his Iknimaya on the first try, so you assumed he was perfect at everything. You never tried to make him understand your true feelings, intimidated by the fact that he would probably reject you and drive you away, ruining a friendship that lasted for years. So you arrived at the age of twenty with a huge crush on your best friend, watching in silence as the young Na'vi attached to him and flirted to become his companion and one day Tsahìk. You were heartened that he never told you about a particular girl, so you weren’t afraid to lose him yet, not wanting to realize that one day it’ll be too late to come out.
"Yn? Why are you so thoughtful?" Neteyam asked you as you walked through the forest, to reach your secret place where you two spent most of your time. "Mh? A-Ah, nothing, I was just seeing if there were fruits around to collect and take with us" You replied, smiling at the Na'vi near you, trying to drive away all the thoughts that haunted your mind. "Are you sure? If you need to talk to me about something, here I am, you know ma Tanhì" His sweet and caring voice was just one of many curses that didn't help your arduous feat of not thinking of him as a possible partner, but only as a childhood friend. "Yes" you hissed, forcing a smile and then turning away from him, bringing it back on the path before you. You kept walking for a few minutes and then you stopped because of Neteyam who got stuck in his footsteps. You looked at him worried, thinking that he had stepped on a poisonous animal that created paralysis or something like this, but then he turned to you with an embarrassed and shy look. "Ma Tanhì… can I ask you something?" he asked nervously, while scratching the back of his neck, noticing a slight veil of redness on his cheeks. "Umh… yes, tell me" you answered, approaching him, trying to figure out what question might embarrass him this way. "How do you get a girl?" The question hit you directly where it would hurt you most. "I-I mean, I’m asking you because you’re my only female friend, and I know asking Kiri would be the same as being mocked by all my siblings, and my mom isn’t the type to make that clear, saying things like 'follow your heart' or 'be yourself', so… I was hoping to hear it from you," he continued shyly.
At that moment all your beliefs collapsed like a house of cards, realizing that it was now too late even to mention that you had a crush on him. You didn’t react right away, your heart weighed so much that it crushed your lungs, taking away your ability to speak. After a few seconds you began to laugh, hiding your pain behind this action, hoping that Neteyam would not notice from your eyes that you were hurt. "The mighty warrior Neteyam, son of the Olo'eyktan and golden boy of the Omatikaya clan does not know how to get a girl? Really?" You asked ironically, knowing perfectly well that every girl in the clan would fall at his feet with a simple smile or greeting. "Neteyam, knowing you, you’ll just need to introduce yourself to this girl and she’ll be at your feet." your voice was a little tougher but sincere. You started walking in the forest followed by Neteyam who was trying to keep your quick step. "Let’s say she’s not like the other girls, this girl probably doesn’t even see me… Or if she does, she doesn’t do it the way I would" Unknowingly Neteyam was stabbing your heart repeatedly with those words. "Neteyam, c'mon. All the village women have a crush on you, you are the ideal type of all, so I doubt that 'this girl' doesn't see you as you would like" You snort while moving the plants to walk, feeling the look of Neteyam burn on your back and then sigh. "I’m telling you, that’s it. Y/n, you’re my…best friend, help me. Please, I promise I’ll cover you with your parents when you run off in the middle of the night, whatever you want" his desperate voice made you laugh, having never heard he beg like this.
"And you’ll have to take Tuk and my little sister Popiti out whenever they want. Plus, you will accompany me and Kiri to collect beads and objects in the forest" You turned to him suddenly, finding him a few inches away from your body. backing up because of the short distance between your bodies. "All right, will you help me?" he lowered his voice quietly, looking you in the eye while waiting for your answer. "Yes… Tell me about this girl." You back off before you start walking again, trying to calm your heart that was starting to run in your chest. Your tone was slightly cold, you didn’t really want to hear him talk about his crush, but as his friend you couldn’t even back out, not after he was always there for you. "Well, she’s… you know…" he began in a dreamy, excited tone, following the direction you were taking. "Perfect. There’s not much else to describe her with. She’s different from all the girls I’ve ever met, she’s kind, caring, and she loves being with kids. I know she’s a rebellious spirit and she likes to make things. is perfect, then her hair-" you stopped him before he could continue to describe her and go into pseudo-romantic details like the smell of her hair or the sound of her laughing. "That’s enough, I could throw up if you started listing the physical characteristics too" Neteyam laughed embarrassedly, remaining behind you. "Have you already come out? Or have you at least made her think you’re interested?" Your voice became slightly gloomy, and then stopped once you arrived at your secret place.
The place was lovely, you had found it as children and from that day had become your place, there was a small waterfall that created a kind of crystalline lake that connected to a small river hidden by high plains and thick nature. You and Neteyam sat on the grass to talk more comfortably. "No, I don’t know how to tell her or make her understand… I thought it would be easier, but every time I try, she doesn’t understand it or she starts laughing thinking that maybe I’m joking" he sighed heavily, and then he looks up to the sky. "And how did you 'try'?" Your eyes met his, trying to help him in some way, even if you would have preferred to do the opposite. You still had to realize that Neteyam could fail in something as easy as courtship. "Lo'ak told me to show interest, to be empathetic and to be myself, but all this I already did. My mother said that showing myself confident would be attractive, but I’m confident and direct in words, and showing respect." Neteyam dropped on his back and snorted, clearly frustrated by the situation, which you also noticed from the nervous oscillation of his tail "'Teyam, I know no one more respectful than you, as I said, you would be the perfect mate for any girl in the village." You admitted looking at the guy who was now lying next to you, unable to look away from his sculpted body, following every line of his body, enchanted by how his chest rose and lowered with every breath.
"Then what do I do… Why doesn’t she understand? It’s obvious that I’m doing something wrong in the courtship, ma Tanhì" his head turned towards you, looking at you while you were sitting and watching him, making him blush slightly. "Maybe start complimenting her, girls love that. Put your hand in her hair when you talk to her, like moving a strand behind her ear, looking for physical contact makes understand your intentions, especially by the way you do it. Oh! Make her laugh, if you can make her laugh, surely you have done most of the work" your voice was bitter in your throat, you were hating giving that kind of advice knowing that he would use them with who knows who. Neteyam as he watched you listening attentively and taking mental notes of what you advised him. " And be attentive to the details, what interests her etc… if you remember important events in her life or what she loves to do, it is a clear sign of interest. Plus if you have common interests, could you do it together, for example, she likes hunting?" he looked at you enchanted for a few seconds, then nodded and said "Yeah, she likes it" his voice lowered slightly, as he looked at you, hoping that you would understand. "Well, you can ask her to hunt with you. You’re a great hunter, you’ll definitely impress her. And then… umh, I don’t know, maybe be present in her days, even with a greeting, maybe looking for her look or bringing her something you know she might like. And be direct, let her know that you like her, maybe you take her and tell her, you create the right atmosphere… yeah, you know… things like that" You looked away from Neteyam’s, feeling a strong twinge in your heart that made it hard to speak again, feeling as if I had helped him get away from you. "What if she doesn’t understand it? she’s a good friend, and I don’t know if she’ll reciprocate" You clenched your jaw, maybe understanding who that girl was. Your mutual friend had been acting weird with you for weeks, and Neteyam was acting strangely the same way. Now all the dots were connecting in your mind. " He will understand, if you will be directed with there is another way. If it is not a skxawng. In case you make yourself heard and give her special attentions." You said with clenched teeth, unable to hide the annoyance anymore.
"Ma Tanhì," he whispered, approaching you, sitting again just to lay two fingers under your chin, turning your face towards him. Your noses brushed lightly as his eyes rolled down your lips. "And as actions?… what should I do?" his hoarse voice struck you in a strange way the back and the lower abdomen. "U-umh… Maybe you should… w-well" The breath died in your throat, going to create a knot that pushed down all the words that were going to come out of your lips. " Hmm? I should what, ma Tanhi?" your noses rubbed against each other again, and for a few seconds you deluded yourself that he wanted to kiss you, perhaps failing to realize what was happening. His eyes returned to yours, making you feel a flock of Sturmbeest in your belly. "L-like… kissing her" You whispered with a thread of voice, while his free hand went to move behind your ear some strands of hair, then caress your cheek with his thumb. You swallowed loudly, noticing how Neteyam’s eyes seemed so concentrated in yours, leaving you amazed. "Should I?" His words made you take a deep breath, feeling suddenly weak. "You should…" Neteyam’s smile caught your eyes, staring at his opened lips, which received a mischievous smirk. "Yes, I should."
Suddenly a strong heat hit your body, causing your heart to pump as much blood as possible into your veins as your cheeks burned. Neteyam’s lips met yours, his hands moved from your face to hold the sides of your neck, pressing the thumbs on your jaw. You stood by that unexpected approach, and then only realized it when Neteyam’s tongue pounded against your lips and welcomed it into your mouth. You felt his sweet taste because of the fruit that you both had eaten just before walking into the forest, you moaning in his lips trying to break away from the passionate kiss to catch your breath. Neteyam bit your lip, pulling it with his fangs, now moving his hands between your hair and around your waist, pressing your head against his lips making you groan as your flickering fingers grazed the hard skin of his abdomen. His warm skin contracting under your fingers, as if you were made of pure fire, so much so that when you felt more confident of yourself and your body, you sat on top of him. Your legs tied to his pelvis, squeezing him to you as he did to your body, shuddering when his hand that was once on his waist was now climbing up your bare back, making you arch your body like a cat. You trembled when he came off your lips with a snap that accompanied the sound of the waterfall shattering against the surface of the water, making you pant and gasp to regain the air you had lost. Your red face and half-closed eyes while Neteyam pressed your fingertips on your body.
You feared, for a second, that everything would be over after that kiss and that the embarrassment would lead you two to stay away, but your fears were swept away when you tried to get up from his legs and Neteyam prevented you, starting to kiss your jaw. In silence your bodies were calling each other, you felt the pressure of his whole being against you and new electric shocks hit your back. His soft, moist lips drew wet kisses on your jaw, starting to bite and suck down your neck as your head bent backwards, keeping your eyes half closed. His tongue was even more raw with your already sensitive neck, rough and greedy explored every inch of your skin, occasionally pressing his canines, panting raucously as he savored you. Letting sweet moans come out of your throat in despair as your fingers crawled into his braids, seeking comfort. The curious and hungry eyes of Neteyam studied your skin, feeling contentment in feeling the trembling and shivers he caused you, enjoying your heavy breaths and the noises you made to contain the moans, as if you could be ashamed of something he was trying to hear with such desperation. Your back gently collided against the grass when Neteyam stretched you under him, sliding his lips down your body, as his fingers gently removed the braided top that covered your breasts, as if to give you time to stop him if you wanted. Your eyes rolled backwards as his rough tongue collided against your nipple, and his hand crept in agonizing slowly between your legs, caressing it. You bit your lip violently when you felt the gentle and circular movements of his thumb on your clitoris, feeling the chills come down and hit right where Neteyam was playing with his fingers.
The red cheeks began to burn on your face, as you carried a hand to your mouth to force you not to let him hear your stifled moans, even if your hot body betrayed you. A smothered scream of pleasure instinctively came out of your lips when Neteyam’s fingers slid very easily into you. You suddenly felt airless, your eyes wide open and your body trembling, eager to hear what else he had in store for you. Neteyam’s hoarse laugh made your tail stand on end behind you, while the tip of your head swelled because of excitation, making you blush even more. "No need to be embarrassed, it’s normal that you like this, ma Tanhì" he whispered against your skin, making you arch your back again because of his rough pumping on your breasts. "Shh, baby, just… enjoy the moment and let me hear how much you like it" Neteyam’s voice was getting lower and slower, more sensual, knowing that you would like this. Swallow loudly when Neteyam made his way up to your thighs, leaving behind a trail of burning wet kisses, accompanying his movements with his fingers firmly inside you, which continued to move as if they were waves, making your legs tremble. Your sensitive breasts made you shudder because of the light breeze and saliva that the boy had left on the tip, and when you lowered your head to look for his eyes, you found him blowing against the bundle of nerves that yearned to be satisfied. You once again felt his tongue but this time he was working through your needy folds, loving the way one of his muscles could make you feel all that ecstasy. You whined as your hands went to clench the soft grass to find a foothold to release the frustration of too much pleasure, dropping your head backwards, hoping to muffle as much as possible your desperate moans. Neteyam looked for your face, eager to notice the impatience of your eyes and watch your face become a mess just for him, with the aim of giving you as much pleasure as possible, wanting to feel you up to bring you orgasm. He started savoring your intimacy, tickling your folds with the tip of your tongue, making you grunt as you clenched your teeth. When he started sucking, you felt something break in you, you couldn’t even cover your mouth as you groaned his name without shame, watching as he was focused on feeding on your excitement. Your hand again found place in his hair, pulling them and accompanying his movements as he gave you pleasure. "Look how wet you are for me, you wanted me so badly?" Neteyam said with sensual voice, between a lick and a lukewarm breath to make you shiver and whimping.
Your legs began to feel tired and heavy around his cheeks, trying to close together to stop feeling that tingling and flickering caused by too much pleasure. Neteyam wrapped his big hands around your thighs, opening them wider, locking them as much as possible against the ground below as his fingers sank into your soft flesh. His jaw continued to move between your legs with a heartbreaking rhythm that went from slow and gentle to rude and fast, making your walls tighten around his wet muscle. Neteyam broke away from you when he felt that your intimacy was wet enough not to make you feel pain when he slips inside you. His eyes peered at your body beneath him, still trembling and sensitive, touching your already sweaty skin, worshipping how you writhed and gasped under him. You could only take courage later, drawing him to your lips after your fingers hooked to the necklace on his neck. You tasted your own intrinsic moods in your best friend’s saliva as you embraced his body between your legs, rubbing his covered intimacy with your naked, feeling him grunting in your mouth. You smiled as you felt him vulnerable above you, taking advantage of that moment to put yourself on top of him, your back arched toward him to allow you to continue the kiss that was giving relief to both of you. You began to rub yourself on his still-covered sex, feeling pleasure when his throbbing muscle found space in your heat, moaning with pleasure, as your hands on his chest could feel the contractions and chills running through his body as well.
"Hmhm, I know something you’d like to try." Neteyam said as he wrapped his hands around your bare hips, observing the red and purple spots that covered your body. "What?" you whispered in response, as you detached yourself from his lips, observing him with ardent desire. One of his hands came up on your face, placing three fingers on your jaw and thumb on your lips, caressing your soft mouth, and then gently tapping on it. "Open." he ordered. His eyes following your every move, worshipping the way you obeyed him by opening your mouth and taking his thumb in your mouth, without breaking eye contact. You instinctively began to lick and suck his finger greedily, whining as you felt the slightly salty taste against your tongue. "Good girl, you already understood" Neteyam continued, as his hand on his side began to explore every inch of your body with desire. The Na'vi lowered you to the height of his loincloth and you smiled before taking your face away from where Neteyam was leading you, back on his face, sliding his salivated thumb out of his mouth. "Hmhm, here I decide, 'Teyam" you whispered to his ear, noticing with the corner of your eye his jaw contracted as your fingers find their way under his loincloth, just after picking up some of your moods still dripping from your intimacy, wrapping your phalanges around his needy manhood. You heard him growl after panting because of your touch, his chest rising and the frustrated breath of his nostrils against your neck, making you smile for the effect you had on him. Your hand began to slide up and down his erection with gradual speed, you felt his hoarse and rough groans against your skin, his hands clasping your thighs and his breathless breaths. Your lips went to tease the shell of his ear, leaving some magnate kisses or slight licks. When you felt quite satisfied with how he was also pining under you, you lowered yourself making sure you kept eye contact. Your hand went to move and later rip off his loincloth; Neteyam bit his lip and then groaned deeply when your mouth wrapped around his glans, starting to tease the tip with your tongue. Your head slid along his entire length to completely conceal it, immediately moving the head with greed, making him hiss and wince under you. The vein of his penis pulsed incessantly against the inside of your cheek, as he bit his lip and carried a hand to collect your hair in a tight vise.You felt his erection collide several times against the deepest point of your throat, letting you fuck your mouth by Neteyam, before breaking off with tears of pleasure sliding on your face. Your lips swollen and reddened, covered with drool as you tried to start breathing regularly sent him into ecstasy.
The pre-cum that came out of Neteyam’s sex illuminated your lips, making him turn on more to the vision of you with swollen and dirty lips of him. He took you by the hair and carried you back under him, and then he opened your legs and slid inside you with a facility that you would not have expected. You moaned breathlessly as his hips collided with yours in that way, carrying your hands against his back, beginning to scratch and tighten his skin with need. Your cheeks reddened that welcomed other lukewarm tears, your legs tight around his pelvis and the strong heat that at each push accumulated inside you. His tail wrapped around your heel, holding you still due to spasms of pleasure. Neteyam’s hoarse groans did not delay in striking your ears, as he held you by the hips, caressing your trembling thighs and twitching at each of his lunges. Your sweaty bodies colliding with every little movement, making you more hot and eager to consume you. Your lips met once again, growling at each other every time Neteyam pushed against your G-spot, your willows stirring each other’s hormones still stuck in your mouths. You bit his lips when he began to push and grind inside you shamelessly, growling at him before whining, making him excite even more as he purposely struck where your walls held him tighter due to sensitivity. You felt Neteyam’s body stiffen and twitching above you just before reaching orgasm and pouring out of you in time, then carrying two fingers inside you and starting to pump until you reach your peak shortly after him.
You whimpered loudly after the strong orgasm that mercilessly hit you; your heavy, sore thighs as your orgasm crashed into him and hot splashes of your cum poured over his hand. He gasped entranced, stunned by the lust and how your body looked so soft and relaxed after cumming. You took long deep breaths, looking at the green leaves so far away from you because of the trees too high, the sun that lightly struck the place where you were made you return to reality. You blush when Neteyam lays next to you, looking up at him too.
"Well, then…" He started, while you recovered with your hand the pieces of clothes to cover yourself again, hoping that you both would turn a blind eye. "Hmm…" You whine while avoiding his gaze with all your heart. "Do you think after all this, you realize I have a crush on you? If even this way you don’t understand that I like you, I don’t know what other kind of attention to give you to make it clear" he said casually. You shuddered and looked at him in shock. "Excuse you?" you whispered not really wanting to understand the meaning of his words. "I say, did you understand that you are the girl I was trying to conquer?" Your eyes met and you swallowed. "I don’t know how to ask you more directly than that, and don’t think I’m not afraid to ruin our friendship. But I like you, not just aesthetically, i love every part of you. I’ve been trying to make you understand this for six years, not that I didn’t like you as a child…" His voice was slightly shaky, as you watched him in silence, trying to figure out how to respond. "You never let me know…" you whispered as you blushed. Neteyam laughed and led you to lean on his chest, wrapping your body with arms "You really are a skxawng, ma Tanhì. I’m supposed to be teaching you. But how to figure out that someone has a crush on you." You hit him blushing while hiding your face on his chest. "Yeah, yeah, lessons from a guy who doesn’t even know how to come out and only does it after having sex with his crush. The great Karyu, Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan" You teased him and then got pinched on the hips by his hands. "Not that you ever noticed I’ve had a crush on you for ages." Neteyam looked at you perplexed, and you couldn’t contain the laughter.
"See? Other than 'lessons'. You’re more Skxawng than I am, ma 'Teyam."
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆. ࿐࿔   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚  
TAG LIST : @riatesullironalite @shadowmoonlight0604
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mavnagerie · 3 months
hi! i never done this before but i saw your requests were open!!
I wanted to request zoro?
basically you were in love with zoro and he knew but he thought you were annoying to him and he rejects you. you grow distant from him mainly and then someone else (your choice, idm!) helps you through it and you start exhibiting the behavior you did with him and he gets jealous or upset? and he realizes he messed up and he wants to win you back? can end any way you want :3
if not, its fine! thank you! ∩^ω^∩
we can’t be friends
* jealousy is a bad habit
roronoa zoro x reader
part 1, part 2
summary: mihawk tells zoro “no girls” and when zoro comes back home to the strawhats, is blinded by the fact that mihawks training trumps how much he misses you.
warnings: straw hat! reader. no smut! slight angst + fluff, past relationship ish (close flirty friendship, possible fwb) brief luffy x reader (x zoro). totally a set up to a poly ship but whatever, what’s new with me. no proof read we die like men.
*authors note: requests are open
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your bed was coziest on the early mornings you couldn’t sleep, staring at the window to the room as nami and robin quietly snored in their own beds and you practically shivered as you sat up, getting out of bed and finding yourself freezing from the early morning at sea.
you grabbed a jacket and threw it on before walking out onto the deck. you knew zoro was up for lookout in the past night so you expected to find him somewhere on the deck. you padded around in the cold grass of the sunny while the sun peaked over the horizon. you were shocked robin hadn’t even stirred awake yet.
your thick jacket covered your arms and the fluff of the hood cuddled around your neck. hearing footsteps, the obvious footsteps of the man who’s lookout shift was almost over. heavy and loud from his boots.
“whatre you doing up so early” he asked you with an annoyed look, not wanting to be bothered so early in the morning.
“uh i don’t know.. i woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep” he gave you a once over, watching as the giant jacket held your frame like a warm hug.
“mh” he grunted before walking past you. he had gotten yelled at last time he fell asleep while on lookout so now when he gets super tired he walks around the ship, especially when it’s early in the morning so there’s no reason for him to be in his training room.
“zoro..” you looked at him, following him. he ignored you. he tried to ignore the pink that flushed his cheeks when he saw your in your small pajama set and thinking to himself ‘no wonder you were so cold.’
“what..” he groans, turning around, looming over you.
“nothing. i- i don’t understand the cold shoulder you always give me! we used to be so close before you went to train with mihawk. did i do something?” your words almost stabbed through him like your thoughts had been stabbing through your heart like knives for months.
your words struck a chord with him. a chord he didn’t really know how to handle, something that stirred up anger in him but not anger he wanted to take out on you, although, that didn’t stop him.
“yknow what, princess? if you really wanna know how i feel?? you’re annoying and you always get on my nerves, im tired of you parading around here in your cute little outfits trying to get my attention! i don’t want it. just leave me alone!” he snapped. he snapped at you. you of all people, he snapped at you. his words fell from his mouth like a babbling water fall.
he turns away from you and walks away, leaving you standing there with a shaky hand and a tear in your eye. with a soft sigh you just walk away, no other words to be said as you find your way back into bed, tears landing on your pillow with your jacket scattered on the floor. hours passed while you fell back asleep, but as it reared noon , someone came back into the bedroom looking for you. with all of your heart you hoped it was zoro but as namis soft voice filled your ears you were sorely disappointed.
“hey, y/n…you gotta wake up at some point, sanji is getting worried but we won’t let him come in here..” she lets out a small giggle between words as you feel your bed dip at the end as she sits on it. she gently grabs your leg through the blanket. “you feeling okay?”
you turn to her, tears in your eyes again. nodding your head. she sees your tears and while feeling a little uncomfortable, she leans forward and pulls you into a hug. “you’re not, but that’s okay. cmon get up and get dressed so we can go eat something” she smiles as you pushed your face into her shoulder.
as you pulls away, she stands up and picks out some clothes for you before getting out of the room so you can change. you standup, get undressed and pull the clothes on, watching your self in the mirror. once you pull your shoes on, you step out of the room and are met by a loud luffy and the sound of the strawhats somewhere on the ship.
you walked to the kitchen and found sanji there, waiting for you. “you missed breakfast, my love” he spoke softly, seeing the look on your face. “what’s wrong?”
“i’m fine sanji.. can i just have my food?” he understands immediately and grabs your lunch and breakfast. “do you want one or both? i saved your breakfast so luffy wouldn’t eat it.”
“i just want my lunch. luffy can have my leftovers from breakfast” your smile to him was gentle but he knew something was wrong.
“whatever you want, beautiful girl” he smiles before sitting the plates down. he walks to the door of the kitchen and shouts for luffy and sooner or later you head the bumbling idiot come prancing to the kitchen. sitting down in front of you like an obedient dog.
“hi luffy” you smile at him from across the table, he just stares at you. “what’s wrong?” you ask.
“whats wrong with you?” he tilts his head to the side, seeing you’d been crying with puffy eyes.
“um nothing!” you try to shrug it off but soon he’s slipping under the table and onto the seat next to you, he grabs your face and is staring at it.
“you’re lying to your captain.” he says with a small smile on his face, his rough hands lovingly holding your cheeks.
“mh..” you hum as he wipes your tears away that were stuck in your waterline. “eat your food luffy, im okay” you smile into his hand as he pulls away, reaching over the table to bring his plate closer to him so he could eat sitting next to you. he stuffed his face full, watching you eat your lunch from the corner of his eye. luffy had noticed weird behavior with his crew recently but more specifically with you and zoro.
which hurt him, he was zoros best friend and you were someone special to zoro. the three of you all had been close before running off on your breaks to train and get stronger.
it was almost like you were zoros and zoro shared you with luffy but that bond had broken after zoro trained. although luffy and zoro still got along, luffy had noticed the cold shoulder zoro seemed to always give you now. he knew this had something to do with his green haired swordsman rather than your behavior as you’ve done nothing to change the way you treat zoro.
time passed in the day and while you and luffy hung out on the grass deck, the two of you were practically alone, sitting under the tree laying with each other. this was nothing new, you’d be doing before and after, just missing one person.
you laid with luffy, his arm wrapped around your back while your head rested on his chest. the two of you didn’t have anything engaging to talk about but were talking about stupid things like the shapes the clouds made in the sky. but all you really could think about was how you hadn’t seen zoro since dawn. the two of you had eventually drifted off into a sleep, basking in the sunlight until it fell over the horizon. sleeping almost until dinner call. everyone had walked past the two of you at least once by now, everyone except zoro.
but as dinner was called, who was better to ask to go wake you to up other than zoro??? nami had ordered him to go out and wake yall up, blissfully unaware of the behavior he had shown you before, not knowing this was why you had been sleeping and crying in bed till 12 and sleeping and cuddling with luffy all day.
zoro found himself walking up on the two of you, kicking the bottom of luffys foot, hoping to shake him awake. so it did, and he grumbled about dinner being ready before walking back inside. clearly his mood hadn’t changed up, but seeing you cuddled up onto luffy hadn’t changed his mood for the better.
watching you stir awake, luffy began to stand up, helping you up as well. the night proceeded as usual, dinner being eaten, dishes being washed and nightly activities being enjoyed. the light up in the lookout was on as zoro worked out for the night before patrol and lookout started. tonight was luffys turn, allowing zoro to get a good nights sleep, unbeknownst to him that you’d be sitting in the crows nest talking to luffy almost the entire night… whining about zoro.
you had gotten a little booze in you, just enough to loosen you up about what zoro had said to you and to talk about the way you had been made to feel in the last month or so.
luffy didn’t mind. sometimes he wasn’t a good listener but when it came to you, he liked hearing you talk, so hearing you talk about something he worried about was even more important to him. he hadn’t really noticed the way zoro had suddenly changed until after you explained it to him and suddenly it was all very clear. luffy missed the way you were with him when you and zoro were so close. it was just different.
luffy knew that zoro at one point had feelings for you but he assumed with how little you hung out as a trio these days that those feelings just dwindled but now luffy was just confused.
the night slowly turned into day, though you had fallen asleep a long time ago on the couch of the nest. the moment luffy saw the one of his crewmayes on the deck he was down for the count, asleep right next to you his head finding a cushion on your thighs. the two of you slept soundly until the sound of the crows nest opening filled your ears, causing you to shake awake, looking down to see luffy on your legs, a pool of drool forming on your skin. you fake gagged before looking at the door, seeing zoros head poke through, the two of you staring at each other like a deer in the headlights while luffy was still cluelessly snoring.
“sorry.. i didn’t mean-“ hie cheeks were red, flustered and embarrassed to not only find you here but to see luffy intimately using you for such a mundane thing.
“it’s not what it-“ you sputtered before the door was shut again, the sound of the rope creaking below as he clamored his way back down.
you sighed loudly as you pushed luffy off of you, waking him up. he shook awake and realized it was late in the morning, watching as you put your shoes on to leave the nest. “good morning” he mumbled tiredly.
“good morning luffy” you said, almost sounding discouraged as you opened the door, stepping out of the nest to go down to the deck once more. this day almost felt like a repeat with yesterday, with just a different embarrassing scenario with the big green haired swordsman.
although the day passed awkwardly, you spent time with nami and robin that day, wanting to participate in whatever book reading or tanning either of them were doing rather than involving yourself in whatever the captain and the second in command had formed with you. although you had suspected that luffy was with zoro, talking to him most of the day as you hadn’t spotted zoro napping anywhere at any point in the day.
though as the day turned into night, all of you sat at dinner and chowed down. dinner proceeded as usual and everyone was getting ready to possibly find land tomorrow and dock for a day or two.
it was a late night for most but most of the ship had finished up everything but of course, you were this nights lookout.
the lights above in the crows nest were still on at the time you assumed you needed to begin lookout, knowing zoro was still in the top, working out. you sighed dramatically, knowing the only way to go up there was to confront him or just wait. so you decided to just wait.
standing on the deck near the hull of the ship, you stared off at the ocean, leaning against the railing. it was chilly but you hadn’t expected to stay outside in the wind this long. it felt like an hour had passed that you had been on the deck, just waiting for the swordsman to come down.
you sat there, staring at the ocean cluelessly as a pair of rough hands wrapped around your waist as a warm body pressed against your back. his voice was recognizable, feeling your heart drop to your ass as his face pressed against your cold skin.
“i’m sorry, princess..” he mumbles, his voice muffled by his cheeks smooshed against his face. “i’m sorry for how badly i’d treated you since we got back” he pressed a kiss to your shoulder, his fingers rubbing along your stomach. you shuttered against his touch, although his warmth was so comforting.
“i couldn’t stand seeing you all over that straw hat.. i want you to be mine. i need you to be mine.” his voice is so raspy but needy, almost begging for you.
“zoro..” your words were weak, feeling tears prick in your eyes. knowing this was all you had wanted from him in the last two months. for even longer than that. the last two years that you had been without him. you turned yourself around in his arms, finding his face in the darkness. you grabbed his cheeks into your palms, rubbing your thumbs over his skin, feeling his scar underneath the pad of your finger.
“i’m sorry..” he looked defeated. clearly luffy had told him something today that broke him. he saw the tears in your eyes and brought his strong hand up to your face, tenderly wiping them away. “i know what i said hurt you. i didn’t mean it.” he has a small smile on his face, a smile of comfort.
“i know…” your smile was just as forgiving, pulling him in closer. “zoro can i please kiss you..” your face was close to his, your lips practically ghosting over his own. though he could see the way your lidded eyes looked up at him through those thick lashes. he hummed an approval and your lips were suddenly against his.
he pulled you by the waist, bringing you in close to him, his jacket that rested over his shoulders was soft against your arms. his hands found the dip above your ass, holding you close to him as you kissed him once and again and again. you hadn’t kissed him in so long but no other time had any passion or drive to it like this one did. they had all been while drunk, jokingly flirting or in passing without a second thought. they all lingered with emotions deeper than either of you ever thought to process. now leaving you with your tongue pressed against his lips, feeling the roughness of his chapped lips against yours, becoming softer with your exchanged spit.
slowly you pulled away, your eyes meeting his again.
“i love you just like i did two years ago, princess.” his voice was gentle as he pushed his face down into the crook of your neck. he just wanted to love on you like a needy cat.
“i love you too zoro..” your fingers found their way to his hair, gently pulling at the soft strands of mossy green hair. he gently placed kisses up your neck, biting down on the connection from your shoulder to your neck. when a soft moan left your mouth, he almost smirked against your skin. he was claiming you as his, although everyone knew this. sanji knew this.
it’s just taken time to grow back close to each other again, and zoro needed that push away from the behavior mihawk instilled in him for the girl he loved so much.
*authors note: i hope you enjoyed! i will write a part two plus smut for this if yall would like! just make sure to suggest in my inbox :))
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izzy2210 · 2 months
written for @steddiemicrofic‘s April prompt ‘Fool’ wc: 454 | rated: T | cw: Alcohol use, bad friends
I don't really do these anymore, which is a bummer, cus the prompts are really good! I had an idea for this one, so I wrote it! (also the person who gets the reference to a song in thos one gets a cookie)
“God, you’re a fool!” 
If Eddie could have a table to stand on, he would. He’s yelling at Steve, who’s staring at him, tears in his eyes. He thought this party would go well. Now he’s sitting behind the house with his heart broken, and Eddie Munson is giving him life advice.
“You think these people really care for you?” Eddie tsks at him. “You really think they will be there for you?” Steve tries to stand, but sways, catching himself on the wall. Okay, maybe he drank a bit too much. “I didn’t think..” 
Eddie’s calmed down now. “I just.. I can’t watch you destroy yourself with those people and not do anything.” Eddie’s grabbing his hand now, pulling him along. “Where are you taking me?” “To my car, then to my trailer. Let you sober up. Make sure you don’t puke all over yourself. Show you what real friends are like.”
Steve ends up laying on Eddie’s couch, his head supported by a couple pillows. Eddie’s sat on the floor next to him, eating his pizza. 
“This could be a party too, you know. Parties don’t need to be alcohol and loud music and whatever. Could just be this.” He leans his head back, bumping against Steve’s knee. It’s quiet for a while.
“I think I like parties like this better.” Steve says, and Eddie smiles at the ceiling. “That’s good. I hope we can do this another time when you’re not drunk out of your mind.” Steve giggles at that, and Eddie loves the sound of that, wants to record it and play it over and over again until the tape breaks. “Smoke some, watch a movie. Eat pizza that isn’t fucking cold..” He throws his slice back in the box. 
“Almost sounds like a date.”
Eddie stops breathing. 
“I- mh. Yeah,” he whispers. 
“Could be. If you wanna,” Steve says, groaning as he turns on the couch. 
“Steve.. Don’t say shit like that. You’ll kill me.” Eddie stands, suddenly. “You’re drunk.” “I’m sobering up.” “You really are not Steve, look at you.” He gestures vaguely at Steve, splayed over his couch, looking up at Eddie with squinted eyes. “I’m gonna have a headache tomorrow.” He whispers. Eddie sighs, sits back down. 
“Can I stay here? My.. My house is so empty. Just a house, really. Not really mine.” Steve reaches out, a small voice in his head telling him to. It’s the same voice that told him to stare at Tommy H. Or Devin from calc. Or George Michael.
Eddie sighs again, grabbing Steve’s hand, giving it a little squeeze.
“Sure, man. Of course. Know the feeling.”
“No. Staying in a place that doesn’t feel like home.”
this was really fun to write and hopefully there's more to come for this prompt to make up for the fact that i abandoned this shit in October 🥲
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sillyunknownkitkat · 6 months
Undertale, Underswap, and underfell brothers react to a reader (platonic or not) that is hyper sexual
Mind that you're responsible for your own consumption, vague nsfw under the cut and sentive topics
No dni banner because there's nothing really explicit but it's implied
Undertale :
He noticed slight changes in your attitude before your crisis started. You were getting more and more bold, which is quite unusual for you.
Sans was worried for the few day you disappeared but understood that you may not want him to know about your problems. It didn't make him any less curious though.
It was a week after your first "symptoms" that he really got worried. So he went to your hiding place to confront you about it.
"Knock knock" Sans said, standing right in front of the bedroom's door.
"Sans?" You asked surprised and a bit panicked.
"S'not how the joke goes, kid. Knock knock." His tone wasn't particularly harsh, but he made it clear that he wasn't leaving. He used a tone that you had learned to interpret since knowing him.
"Who's there?" You said recluantly, you didn't want anyone to know about your bad habits
"Will." You thought for a bit, trying to guess the end of the joke but couldn't figure it out with your head still full of what's currently going on
"Will who?" Sans smiles a bit. Even in bad times, he still likes his jokes. It helps him relax a little.
"Will you open the door so we can talk face to face?"
So after putting on a sweatshirt and pyjama's pants, you get up and open the door.
"Hey.." You look down at his slippers.
"Hey, how 'bout we sit down and talk a bit, mh? M'not upset with you, just worried."
After you both settle down on the bed, you bring your knees to your chest and wait for him to start talking.
"Soooo, what's up, kiddo?"
Yeah... This is awkward for the both of you
So after you explained the things you were doing and how you felt while he patiently listened, he just asked you one thing.
"Is it because of a traumatic event you've been through?"
Now I let you decide what happened or not because everyone is different, but let's just say that if a person did something to make you feel that way, they're going to have a not so friendly chat with Sans.
Now, this cutie definitely didn't wait to ask you what was going on. I imagine him being autistic
So, while our pretty boy is definitely not stupid, I like to think he still struggles a bit with social clues. This means that he did ask you as soon as he noticed, but it might have taken quite a while.
Now, we all now Sans almost canonically struggles with depression so Paps can definitely help you a bit.
So, since no one can resist that cool face, you explained what was going on and let me tell you... That man was upset! Not at you but at the fact that you felt that way and he couldn't do anything about it. Not that it was his fault, but yk (* ̄∇ ̄)ノ
Now he spent days telling you how amazing you were, how he loved you (platonically or not *wink wink*), and trying to get you attention on something else than your problem so you'd feel better.
Because you do. Not "maybe", you do 😭🔫😾
The cat is me, obviously 🙄
Underswap :
Blue (sans)
Might get hate on this one, but I think he struggles with hypersexuality too. I don't remember who's Au's it is, but there is one where he's popular on Instagram and where he's close friend with Viper (sf sans from that au which I use). So he knew what was going on before you told him.
Bb explained that he was like that, too, so you guys took care of each other :3
Like getting in comfy clothes, cooking a bit, cuddling, watching a movie, ... whatever you want!
And like spa treatments to echother too!
I'll probably write a part two for him in the future because, like this scenario + him, it's just ✨️perfect✨️
Stretch (us papyrus)
Even tho he's younger than blue, he still took care of his brother and therefore knew what was going on too. So when he sees you, he just picks you up with his magic, drags you to the couch, and pretty much instantly falls asleep on you. Well, he's not really sleeping, but you don't know that.
After a while, you start to cry silently because you feel kind of disgusting. Stretch cling to you a tiny bit harder and starts to purr "in his sleep" to try and console you.
Yes, skeletons purr, don't ask me why or how.
Anyway, after a while of being soothed, you fall asleep, and Stretch is smiling like an idiot because he managed to help you even the tiniest bit.
After both of you wake up, he goes to ask Blue what he can do to help you and apply with the wtv he tells him.
Blue might even join to talk to you a bit :)
Underfell :
Red (uf sans)
He knew what was going on but didn't want to bother you with it. The man already knows how hard it is when you're going through tough times.
So he kinda let you be but sometimes he comes buy and offer you to do some things.
It's not in a really nice way but not rude either, just a bit rough, I guess
He was like, "How 'bout you do something instead of just lying there, huh?"
He is not an asshole. He just grew up in a difficult world and therefore kinda has a stick stuck up in his non-existent ass.
If you don't move, he'll literally drag you out of bed and sit you on the couch with a movie already picked paused on the TV.
If you talk about it, he'll listen and suggest things that might help you, but if you don't, he'll do whatever he can while being "subtle."
Edge (uf papyrus)
He catched you crying when he opened the door of your bedroom to ask you to come downstairs since dinner was ready. Now Edge is by no means a cruel person, but he had to do things to survive in the underground. I like to think that when they all got out, he and Red cut links with most of the other monsters.
So now he got quite a lot softer, but it's still Edge, so don't expect too much.
He sat down next to you and brung a hand to your back (a bit awkwardly, but the man is learning people)
"I'M HERE IF YOU NEED TO TALK." he told you in the softest voice he could manage to get out (it wasn't soft, but since you know him and how he talked you understood that he was trying)
Same as his brother, if you talk, he'll listen, but he might be a bit more insistant with his advice. Again, not in a rude way, just in his way of saying thing.
If you don't, he'll probably get a little offended that you don't trust him even after he tried his best to be soft but still understands why you may not want to talk about your problems.
Not verified afterwards, sorry ;^;
So this is it :) it's a bit shitty ngl but I tried my best.
Kinda self indulge, honestly, but I'm better now so dw
If you have a similar problem or even another one, my dm's are opened, don't stay alone in your misery.
I might not answer right away (I live in Western Europe), but I will as soon as I can
Have a good day/night, and be safe, everyone. <3
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wing-ed-thing · 2 months
Stay the Night (Smoker x Reader)
Synopsis: Smoker is surprisingly, bafflingly competent at taking care of you while you're drunk.
Word Count: 2.4k
Tags/Warnings: Alcohol, Intoxication, Alcohol Sickness, Vomiting, Fluff, No Reader Pronouns Explicitly Mentioned (Reader Wears Heels, Makeup, and a Wig), Language, Mildly Suggestive, Two Longtime Friends and Peers who are Clearly in Love with Each Other
Notes: I felt like Smoker was the kind of guy to reluctantly hold your hair back while you're throwing up.
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Unlike the rest of his present company, Smoker usually avoided overindulging in elaborately planned social events, especially those with an open bar. It was best to stay out of the way. 
The Marines rarely allocated funds to such frivolous occasions, and so most officers and honored guests took it upon themselves to find the bottom of the generously offered bottomless champagne. While the hangovers were never worth it, that didn’t stop even the highest leadership from stumbling out of the ballroom doors with hair tousled and neckties hanging across their shoulders. 
Smoker preferred to sit at a table out of the way: a sanctuary among the chaos, away from the main path of foot traffic, with a clear view of the door. That’s where he nursed his single glass of whisky. If he were feeling especially celebratory, he would have two. 
You, on the other hand… were already standing on top of a table. Your stilettos were positioned on either side of the floral centerpiece in the middle, and the tiny point of your heels barely allowed you to balance as the bottle in your hands exploded in a loud, crisp pop. 
Smoker watched how the sea of Marines that gathered around you in disheveled formalwear cheered, and your hypnotized face admired the bubbles pouring from the bottle's neck. 
A group of newly trained officers jumped up and down together in time with the music on the opposite side of the circular table in celebration, knocking some tall glasses over onto the white cloth below. Smoker nearly leaped out of his chair as your knees began to buckle. But even despite your tiny shoes and even tinier dress, you managed to catch yourself. Your laughter resounded loudly among the voices around you.
Smoker heaved a deep sigh, sitting back down, swirling his drink with a flick of his wrist. 
He didn’t even need to see that stunt to predict what would come later that night. 
The streets were utterly empty. Aside from the glow of the street lamps, the only light that shone was from the venue as the staff hurried their clean up. Smoker strolled out of the double doors, tie loosened around his neck and suit jacket draped neatly over his arm.
He barely had to make it outside before he saw you. Hell, he’d be able to spot that glittery ass anywhere, even without your blinding choice of attire. 
You were bent over on your weak knees as you hurled your guts out into a bush. Smoker let out a low, resigned grumble, swiping a hand over his fatigued face as he approached you. You barely registered the large shadow that overtook you, let alone the hands that gingerly and neatly gathered your hair away from your face. 
You sputtered, coughing as a few tears streamed from your eyes. The insides of your cheeks were wet and bitter, and your throat burned. You spat onto the ground to get more foul-tasting mucus out of your mouth. 
You were a Marine, dammit, and a few too many took you out quicker than any pirate ever did. 
“Koby?” you whined. Tears continued to stream from your eyes at the pressure in your sinuses. You spat again. God, something was in your nose.
“Sorry to disappoint, Lieutenant Commander,” Smoker gruffed from where he squatted next to you. 
“Don’t call me that,” you whimpered, not wanting to be reminded of your rank during such a state of weakness. Your stomach convulsed, causing your sickness to start again. Smoker’s gaze drifted to the still street like another weekday night. “I’m never gonna drink again.”
“Mh-hmm” was about the only noise you got out of Smoker. He sat patiently and wordless, not one to croon words of assurance at you as you paid for your night of over-indulgence. But for his silence, he continued to pull your hair back, meticulously smoothing the bundle back as best as he could so as not to knot or tug at your stands. 
In a moment of relief, you finally turned over to sit on the curb. Despite the extra alcohol emptied from your stomach, you were far from sober. Smoker knelt on one knee in front of you. You could hardly get his face to focus, let alone register the warm jacket he hung across your shoulders. 
He took the pocket square from the left breast pocket and unfurled it with a snap of his wrist. Smoker swiped the fabric over your mouth, clearing away saliva and slime. The backs of your fingers knocked against his wrist belatedly as you shook your head.
“‘M gonna fuck up your hankie, Smokey,” you sighed, even though he had already wiped your mouth. He shoved the square roughly into his pocket, paying no mind to you as he heaved you onto your feet. “‘M alright. I can make it home.”
“Like hell, you can.” You stumbled as you tried to step forward, but Smoker caught you around the waist. “These, too. You know the whole street’s cobblestone, right?.” His movements felt incredibly fast to you as he bent down again to slide your shoes off, and with two large fingers hooked around the pinch of your stilettos, Smoker moved to throw you over his shoulder. 
“Whoa, whoa, wait…” Your hand flew over your mouth, and the other splayed across Smoker’s right shoulder. He held you at length, studying your face and movements carefully. 
“What’s goin’ on?”
You shook your head in small but rapid swivels.
“Can’t do that.” You heaved a deep breath, slowly removing your hand from your mouth. 
Smoker grumbled a hum of acknowledgment, pulling his jacket closed over your chest before shepherding you down the street toward your apartment. 
You barely remembered the walk, although you were sure your drunken meandering was more than a test of Smoker’s patience. Even so, he hardly said a word, only breaking his silence to ask you where your keys were when you reached your doorstep. 
They were in your clutch, which Smoker was holding with your shoes, of course. 
As soon as the door opened, you nearly collapsed into your apartment. With Smoker's help, you fell neatly onto the couch by the entrance. He slipped off his boots— no matter how formal the event, Smoker was wearing his combat boots— and disappeared somewhere into your apartment. 
You didn’t even care. Your head was so heavy that all you wanted to do was sleep as you slowly sank into your couch cushions. 
“Sit back up.” You heard Smoker call sternly from the other room. You didn’t think you could obey him if you wanted to. 
In a second, you were being repositioned. The light from the lamp in the corner of the room was sobering and borderline upsetting, but it allowed you to see the small trashcan Smoker brought for you on the floor to your right and the bottle of make-up remover on the coffee table in front of you. Smoker sat beside you, tilting your chin to delicately rub your make-up away with a prepped, textured cotton pad. 
It caught you off guard, to say the least. Even in your drunken haze, Smoker still didn’t seem like the type to have patience for tender acts of service. Hell, you didn’t even know he knew what make-up remover looked like. 
But despite your judgments, Smoker sat on the couch next to you, one elbow resting against the back cushion as he held your chin while his other hand swiped away your perfect contour. 
“Who taught you this?” you giggled. Smoker, make sure to get the creases around your nose. 
“Doesn’t matter,” he muttered. “Where do you want your lashes?”
Smoker had already pulled your left eyelash off, the entire strip. 
“I’ll put ‘em back in the book I saw.” Before you could protest, Smoker had already pulled off your right lash. He stood quickly, stuffing the solution-soaked pad into your hand as he pivoted to carry your lashes to the other room. “Work on the rest of the glue.”
He turned back to you slightly, leaning over you just a bit to grasp your wrist and manipulate your hand to move in a circular motion on your face before you slapped him away. Smoker disappeared once again into your apartment. 
You finally noticed the plastic cup of water on your coffee table and mustered up the energy to take it. The outside was wet with condensation. It was cold. You couldn’t remember the last time you drank water. 
“What do you wanna do with your unit?” Smoker appeared from around the corner again; some linens balled in a wad under his arm. He held a pillow in his opposite grip as if he were holding a stray dog by the scruff. 
His white collared shirt had been pulled from the waistband of his dress pants sometime during the night. The black tie that was already draped over his shoulders drooped to one side, making one side longer than the other. The first three buttons of his shirt sat on his chest untethered. A dampened towel rested over his shoulder.
You blinked at him between sips of water. Your stomach was handling rehydration so far, but you were about to push it.
“You’re not touching my hair, Smokey.”
“Though I’d offer.” He set the pillow down to take the towel off his shoulder. Smoker wadded it in a ball before throwing it your way. You somehow still had the dexterity to catch it out of the air. A generous amount of adhesive remover had already been applied to it. 
Smoker pulled the coffee table out of the way, and as you stared at the towel he threw to you, Smoker began arranging blankets and pillows around you. You supposed he was trying to get you to sleep somewhere you could sit up. He draped a fuzzy throw blanket on your lap and moved two large decorative pillows to your right and left.
As your eyes moved from the remover-soaked towel to Smoker and back, you couldn’t help but laugh. The sensation moved through you before tearing out of your chest. Unrestrained by the liquor, it probably came out louder and more shrill than it would have usually, but if Smoker had any comments, he kept them to himself. 
He knelt before you, both his wrists resting on his bent knee. He shook his head as if regretting the question he was about to ask in advance.
“What’s so funny?” he asked.
You swayed forward, racked with trembles, as you continued to laugh. The back of your heels knocked against the bottom of the couch. Smoker didn’t move, even as your face inched gradually towards his. Your cheek settled into your palm, allowing you to sit folded over to meet his eye. He waited as your laughter gradually subsided.
“What are you doing here, Smoker?” 
He stared directly into your irises, and you didn’t know if his expressionlessness or the intensity of his gaze made your smug smile waver. Intending to tease him, Smoker didn’t humor you with an expression. Nothing you had done that night—nor anything you would do—could sober you up faster than the sharp and sudden twinge in your chest that came with simply meeting Smoker’s dark brown eyes. 
What the hell?
“Your girlfriend’ll be pissed.” You sharply recoiled, kicking your legs over Smoker’s bent knee to swiftly stand. You made a beeline deeper into the apartment. 
Smoker only wavered a moment, his eyebrows creasing for a second in confusion before he stood and followed you.
“What girlfriend?” he shouted. He nearly ran into you as you closed a small cabinet by the bathroom. The side of your lip drooped downward in an acute pout. Smoker, never one to enjoy feeling left out of the loop, hovered over you expectantly. You entered the bathroom without a second thought. Smoker found himself in the doorway.
“Weren’t you with that…” You snapped your fingers as you tried to recall her name. You didn’t have to wait.
“Six months ago… and we only went on a few dates,” Smoker defended, although he wasn’t quite sure why he felt the need to defend himself to you in the first place. The two of you had known each other for longer than he recalled knowing anyone else, and more prominently, the two of you were peers. Why should it matter if he took some petty officer out for a few drinks a few months back? His eyes narrowed at the back of your head. “Why?”
You shrugged. You seemed far less worried about the whole thing; your face practically pressed against the mirror to remove the remaining patches of product Smoker missed. He did a more than adequate job. He hardly missed anything regarding your makeup, but the pointed glance you stole in the mirror escaped him. 
“Now I know I’m pretty wasted—” You met his gaze through the mirror. You cocked your head, and your hands gripped the side of the sink in pure bafflement. “But you said ‘lash book’—?”
“Got it. Got it.” Smoker crossed his arms as he tore his attention away. Steam filled the air. He hardly noticed the shower running, and he most definitely didn’t realize that you were standing in front of him, presenting your back, until you started speaking again.
“So, you’re just kind of a—" You glanced over your shoulder at him, and for as off as your judgment was, you knew you probably shouldn’t finish your sentence—even if his reaction would have been hilarious. You turned back around. “Get my dress for me?”  
You could have noticed Smoker’s single beat of hesitation if you were any less intoxicated. But for yet another instance that night, Smoker went quiet as he slowly tugged down the back zipper of your dress. The invisible zipper was thin and difficult to grip, but it slid down your spine like butter regardless, revealing the soft skin underneath.
“I have a pair of your shorts in the bottom left drawer of my dresser. The couch is yours.” You pivoted again on your heel, one hand holding your dress up on your chest and the other pushing Smoker back through the doorway. “Now get out.” 
You shut the door. Smoker sighed and resigned himself to rifle through your dresser, wondering why he had clothes at your place at all. 
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: Based off my personal headcanon that Smoker has a surprisingly extensive dating history and an equally surprising library of knowledge about girly stuff because he's an extremely involved boyfriend. I'd say most of his previous relationships had amicable break ups. Reader was also going to say "so you're kind of a whore" but decided against it.
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byizoyas · 1 year
© byizoyas. [ art credit to: liann1009 ]
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love & hate as a pair. scaramouche x gn!reader [ sfw. modern + roommates au; enemies to lovers. hurt/comfort ]
⤻ back to: event masterlist | word count: 4,1k.
⤻ a/n. thank you all, once again for 350!! this account is growing everyday and i rlly crave for more interactions with y’all. i hope you will enjoy this fic. childe next ehe
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‘i’m hosting a little party at the apartment tonight.’
the expression of disgust slowly forming on his face mixed to the way he directly crossed his arms spoke for him.
he hated the idea, and he was pretty quick to say it too. but as you were about to argue back, saying how it was a shared apartment and not his, he spoke up again, cutting you off.
‘it’d better be clean by tomorrow.’
you frowned at his words. you had made an entire conversation in your mind the whole day before you told him. you planned any arguments he’d have to say and what to reply. you truly expected his reaction to be more hostile, but in the end he simply.. agreed ? no requests nor remarks ?
it was so unlike him, who always seemed to have something to reproach you. the way you sometimes let the door of your room opened, the way you brought friends without warning. yeah he definitely hated living with you, and he usually didn’t mind making it clear to you. but not this time, and well you weren’t going to complain about the sudden change of behavior.
it was probably exceptional you thought. just as he got up, ready to leave the library he had been studying in before you arrived and you couldn’t help but ask.
‘why did you agree so easily ? to reproach me something else later mh ?’
you weren’t that arrogant usually, but he had this vibe around him and the look in his eyes, as if he was barely listening to you that made it too hard to handle without saying anything.
you definitely despised his attitude. there could be worse roommates in the world you thought, but you’d exchange them all against that one guy if anyone suggested it to you, because he knew exactly how to piss you off and sometimes you even asked yourself whether he didn’t enjoy it.
‘what ? i don’t care about you’ he giggled. he didn’t seem to find the situation funny, so you easily deduced he was mocking your sudden confidence. indeed, you made it all about yourself right now but you didn’t really think before you spoke.
‘i’m not home tonight. do as you please, but i don’t want anyone in my room.’
‘of course.’
‘good. bye stupid.’ he walked away, throwing his backpack over his shoulder and had turned his back on you when you raised your middle finger at him.
you sure despised him. but you were still well educated, and it was an evidence that you weren’t going to let anyone enter his privacy without his consent.
the rest of the day passed by quite fast and you didn’t see him again. you didn’t even ask where he went. not that you cared, but well, perhaps he found it a bit impolite of you.
or perhaps he already forgot your existence.
but these thoughts quickly faded away when your phone lightened. you had a few notifications; all from lumine. she looked stunning for the party tonight, and she asked what time she was supposed to be coming.
you didn’t host parties really often so you didn’t even know what to tell her, instead letting her the choice. she sent a bunch of emoticons when announcing she was leaving her place to join yours right now.
you confirmed it was okay, while walking towards the elevator only to find a paper sticked on the doors that made you heave a long, deep sigh.
not working. please use the stairs
you were living on the tenth floor, and it honestly tired you only to think of the amount of stairs you’d have to climb to get home.
you took a look at your watch.
you finished classes late today, and all you craved right now was a warm shower, and finding back your bed after the long day. but since you had several guests, you wouldn’t be able to go to sleep before late in the night and you knew it.
you didn’t even remember the reason you invited so many people at your place to party because you didn’t know most of them since you told your friends to bring their friends.
but the reason of that party was still fresh and clear in your mind.
he would be there, the guy you’ve been having a slight crush on had confirmed his presence a few days ago and it genuinely made you happy. however, now that it was in a few hours and depriving you from sleeping, you hated your own idea.
but it was way too late to cancel, especially since your friend had gotten herself so fancy to spend the night at your place.
you stopped thinking about this when arriving on the tenth floor, in front of your apartment. you slid your key in the lock of the door but since it couldn’t fit entirely, scaramouche probably got home before you.
‘ugh, you did it again ! open the door asshole.’ you shouted while hitting on the door repeatedly.
you didn’t care whether he was busy or not, he sometimes had his earphones on and couldn’t hear you knocking like crazy and it did happen once or twice where you were stuck out of your apartment because of this. so naturally, you didn’t have the patience to deal with this anymore.
‘what are you doing ?’ his voice spoke from behind you, making you jump.
his eyes fixed on your face were clearly judging you and the way you probably seemed insane from another perspective than yours.
‘w-what are you..? who’s inside ?’ you whispered, quite confused after you insulted him who was actually innocent all this time…
just as you asked, a woman opened the door, and crossed her arms against her chest.
‘good evening y/n.’
mrs ningguang, the owner of the apartment you both were renting was standing in front of you, a bit confused as to what just happened. she crossed her arms and greeted scaramouche with a nod, to which he responded the same way.
‘my apologies for this incident y/n. i had something to see with scaramouche about his contract, so he allowed me to come in with my own keys.’
she did seem genuinely sorry about her mistake, but the way she looked at you two as if suspecting something quickly made you uncomfortable.
it only happened a few seconds before she spoke up again, interrupting the heavy era surrounding the three of you that quite started to become suffocating at this point.
‘please come in, i wouldn’t want to bother.’
after that scaramouche was the first one to do so. you were staying unmoving, overthinking about everything and didn’t even notice her silhouette fading away inside your apartment, leaving both of you on the corridor.
scaramouche turned around, facing you, his brows pinched together and his face wearing that usual playful, mocking look you hated.
‘idiot. is making a fool of yourself the only thing you’ve mastered in your life ?’ his arrogant smile and giggles pissed you off, but before you got the chance to add anything, he had joined ningguang already.
they were both talking in the kitchen when you joined your room, throwing your stuff on your bed before laying down on it. god you hated him. he despised you and it was reciprocal. your hate towards each other was evident but you couldn’t help that strange feeling overwhelming you.
ningguang said they had something to check about his contract. was he leaving ? no way. his year in college wasn’t over yet and since he was studying just before, you knew he was not going to drop school.
did he hate living with you that much ? of course you despised it too. but to leave your place only because of him seemed quite impossible to you. and in all honesty you wished it was the same to him because it became a part of your routine by now, and imagining not having his mockery everyday seemed impossible to you.
‘why am i even worrying, i should be satisfied.’ you said to yourself. and if you were honest with yourself, a part of you was indeed satisfied but you couldn’t help but wonder : why did he hate you that much ?
because as much as he, was mean to you; you, had always been kind to him from the very beginning only starting to stop your little attentions and efforts to get to know him after he pushed you away several times.
you already lived in the apartment when he joined and since there was only two rooms, he had been your only roommate for a few months now.
you remembered the day he joined was sunny, a great day in perspective and he had somehow managed to ruin it to you. you had knocked on his door as he was organizing his room and his stuff.
‘do you want some ? i always drink some when it’s hot outside’ probably were the first words you’ve addressed him, handing out a glass of your personal favorite drink.
‘no thanks. close the door behind you please.’ he had said back then. he definitely made it clear from the very beginning, how he had no intention of dealing with you.
and even today, he never changed his mind over the past months of living together. but you got used to it, and in the end, you showed him the same appreciation he showed you.
after a bit of overthinking and plunging back into your memories, you finished dressing up. you looked super good, as if overthinking while preparing yourself was a necessary step in your beauty routine.
you could hear ningguang about to take her leave, and as much as you hated to do this you couldn’t help but eavesdropping after hearing her question.
‘is the cohabitation not going well ?’
you couldn’t reproach it to her the way she asked it, with a bit of worry in her voice as she spoke to him after she heard you acting crazy while throwing insults at him earlier.
but if only she knew he was the one who was super mean with you.
‘no. everything’s fine.’ he only said and they exchanged last goodbyes. you left your room right after she left.
‘why did you lie ?!’
‘i didn’t, leave me al-‘ he started to say before suddenly stopping himself with little to no explication about it.
‘so you’re leaving ? as if i was the insufferable one out here.’ you stated before giggling, you were obviously a bit offended but you were certainly off topic judging by the expression on his face.
‘i’m not leaving ?’ he said right away.
he was unmoving, his brows furrowed and his eyes not able to detach themselves of you.
‘what ? you thought you’d be getting rid of me ?’ you weren’t sure, but pretty much caught a hint of hurt in the way he asked this.
‘hell if i care’
he approached slowly.
‘you would miss me ?’ he asked. his voice was low and softer than the usual, yet his eyes reflected the same playfulness than before.
he was pretty close to you now and grabbed your chin, turning your face to the left. you had absolutely no idea what he was up too because he was not often —not to say never— initiating physical contact with you.
‘don’t wear this. it’s ugly.’ he said, grabbing your earring and putting it right into your hand.
‘what are you-‘ you started to say. your eyes were looking right into his, desperately trying to find the meaning of this but the aggressive sound of the doorbell cut the moment you were sharing.
lumine was there. and since she was on her way up to the tenth floor you were located in, scaramouche left with no answers to your questions. he only grabbed his jacket and walked past the door, waving goodbye.
‘have fun, ugly.’
he did say this, but the way his eyes couldn’t stop staring at you just before, said otherwise.
you sure would confront him later about this. acting so weird and then leaving was definitely not going to be left unquestioned. but for now, you had to organize your living-room for it to be able to welcome all of your invites.
your room was cleaned and tidied already. you were not planning to lend it to anyone though, but we never know.
‘you’re gorgeous y/n !’ lumine shouted, taking her phone off her pocket suggesting you’d take a photo before everyone arrives.
you ended up taking plenty of them and you looked so good in every single picture.
you finally managed to chose one and posted it on your social media. you weren’t posting lots of stuff, but you looked really good on this one and wanted to share it.
surprisingly, your instagram story had already several views despite your account not being followed by lots of people. and you couldn’t help but widen your eyes when seeing the first account commenting in your dms.
sc4ramouchh_ : followed my orders i see. i like it better.
there was obvious rudeness in his message, as if he didn’t try to hide it. yet, it still brought a slight smile to your face that you quickly hid before your friend asked more questions. perhaps because, for once, his interaction wasn’t punctuated by an insult.
sc4ramouchh_ : still ugly tho.
yeah you found it weird too, rolling your eyes and only sending him a middle finger emote as a response. you ended up turning off your phone for the rest of the night. you definitely wouldn’t let that hateful guy ruin it to you in any way.
‘shall we put on some music ?’’ lumine asked, showing off her phone and her playlist entitled ‘lumine’
‘you have a playlist named after yourself ?’ you only found to ask. and she giggled ‘i’m sharing my account with my dumb twin brother.’ she replied. ‘and he listens to shitty old rock songs.’
in the end you played a random playlist from a stranger, waiting for people to come. and they weren’t so long to join y’all.
your friends finally made their way and you could definitely say the party was a great success; if it was not for your crush who had not arrived yet. at this point you even asked yourself if he would, but you were too busy dancing, drinking and chatting to really think about it.
‘drinking games ?’ a voice spoke up over the crowd.
you looked around you. the lights were shut down so you didn’t see where the suggestion came from. you knew some of the people and didn’t know the other half so you had to admit you weren’t particularly comfortable with the idea of sharing a drinking game with strangers.
but lumine took your hand in hers, interlocking your fingers. ‘let’s play together mh ?’
she definitely wasn’t one of your best friends for no reason. she knew you by heart and obviously she realized you were stressed out by both the idea of the game and the idea of refusing to participate which is why she flew to your help immediately.
‘which game ?’ someone asked, and the music volume had been put down a bit.
everyone gathered in the living-room, pushing some objects here and there to find a seat after you told them it was okay.
you were now all sitting down on the floor, some on the sofa, in a circle and finally you got to see the face of the person who suggested the game. she was super pretty, and drawing lots of attention to her but now in a bad way at all, she was simply super charismatic.
‘we’ll be playing never have i ever.’
the loud reactions were betraying everyone’s expectations for it. you knew the game, never played it before but it surely wasn’t so hard to get; right ?
several turns passed before it got to be yours, so you got to see how it was played. players were announcing something they never done, and if you did it, you had to drink.
you were asked to stand up to speak which didn’t make you feel good already, but since it was dark most of people —not to say all of them— had drank, you figured out it’d be okay for you to be honest, because people would not remember it anyway.
and as much as you’ve always been called a loser for this, you felt confident enough to admit it out loud today. because the night was great, and the several people you talked with were super cool.
‘never have i ever.. kissed another person.’
this was it.
the silence that fell upon you after you said this, was more brutal than anything.
they were all keeping silent for a while, looking at you. only the music could barely be heard since the volume had been turned lower.
some took a sip from their drink while staring at you, a judgmental smile on their faces. others simply kept their eyes fixed on you before speaking up their surprise.
‘nah stop your nonsense, say an actual thing.’
‘y/n you’re no fun.’
‘of course they’re not lying, i mean..’ the giggles after that pained you.
it meant nothing and everything at the same time and it fucking hurt to feel so rejected in your own party. these people were no friends of yours, but you sincerely thought they appreciated you and in the end, they came only to have some fun, free alcohol and music and didn’t give a single fuck about you.
of course you weren’t going to expect making dozens of new friends in one night. but you expected some respect, and minimum appreciation because they were in your house and what just happened, made it feel like you were excluded. as if you weren’t in your home anymore.
‘that game is lame.’ someone only said, turning the volume back up and everyone suddenly moved on. but your brain replayed the scene over and over again.
you had lost lumine by now, had no idea where she was so you went to text her, but couldn’t find your phone. surely you had put it somewhere safe because you weren’t naive to the point of trusting every single person that stepped past the front door tonight.
you opened the door to your room, but it was occupied by a random person who was drunk and sleeping and you didn’t have the heart to throw them away.
you closed the door and looked around the room, observing each of them. some were drinking again, their eyes slowly drifting into the void. some were dancing as if energy was never missing. and there was you. alone. at your own party.
your apartment was full and your room busy. you indeed had nowhere to go; and in the end you found yourself forced to go to the only unoccupied place of the apartment; scaramouche’s bedroom.
it was dark.
you had never entered in here before. the decoration was quite basic. a guitar on the right side of his desk, multiple clothes pending, all dark obviously. you stopped looking at everything and only went to sit on the floor, in the corner of the room.
you brought your two hands to your face, hiding it. you felt ashamed. not that you had any reasons to, but you couldn’t help but feeling that way.
the emotional rollercoaster you’ve been experimenting was playing with you in a way you despised.
you heard the door of the room opening slowly, and someone grumbling right after.
‘so you’re here y/n. you could check out your fucking phone sometimes. i was locked outside ! stupid you let your key in the door and i couldn’t enter my own apartment.’
and he kept on complaining over and over again. the idea of him being stuck outside the apartment sounded fun to you because he did it to you several times before. but you weren’t really in a mood for joking.
‘are you even listening to me ?’ scaramouche shouted at you and you heard him kneeling in front of you but you still had your hands hiding your face.
‘mhh’ you didn’t find the strength to speak actual words.
‘hey are you drunk ?’ scaramouche took your wrist, to allow himself to see your face, and his eyes widen to the sight. your eyes were swollen and your gaze empty.
‘have you been crying ? did one of them hurt you ? y/n ?’
you weren’t replying. how could you possibly tell him your true feelings and what had happened when you were so ashamed of it still.
the tears were starting to seriously threaten to fall down. but you weren’t alone anymore in this room that wasn’t yours and there’d be no way you would cry in front of a man, who literally adored to make fun of you for quite anything he could find.
meanwhile they were all partying outside, and that is when you realized; whether you were here or not didn’t count to these people, they simply wanted to get drunk, but they didn’t like you. they obviously didn’t because no one would do this to someone they like.
‘pathetic.’ he grumbled, pushing onto his right hand to help himself getting up from the floor.
that wasn’t the first and certainly not last time scaramouche would call you something mean you thought, so you didn’t even bother replying and since he left the room right after this, you didn’t have time to do so anyway.
few minutes had passed and as if you realized what happened all of a sudden, you allowed yourself to cry, letting some tears fall down on their own. you were staring at the ceiling when you heard the music stop.
it was sudden and brutal.
judging by the various complaining voices you heard, that wasn’t part of their party. yes their, because you weren’t a part of it anymore, not after you decided to lock yourself into your roommate’s room.
after a pretty long moment where you even asked yourself if he would, scaramouche got back.
‘they’re all gone.’
he approached you slowly but didn’t get down at your level this time. he even commanded you to get up, which you did because after all, it was still his room and even though he wasn’t supposed to be there tonight, he had all the rights to throw you away.
‘stop crying y/n, it doesn’t suit you.’
his words were harsh. and yeah he certainly never won the award of the best comforting person ever; but there was something about the way his gaze softened and his voice changed.
his whole being turned out much sweeter than usually.
‘never have i ever felt so humiliated before’ you finally said.
you didn’t know what was with you so that you felt comfortable enough to vent to him. but you definitely needed to talk now. and since lumine had disappeared who knows where, you only had him.
he listened.
and he wiped your tears away. his fingers were soft, and caressing your cheeks gently.
‘never have i ever seen a person like you.’
‘which is.. ?’
his choice of words did confuse you, especially after you thought of earlier on the entry when you were getting ready to welcome lumine and he was about to take his leave.
‘lots of things… everything.’
his voice helped calming yourself down a bit. his words were sometimes messy and also wrongly chosen but the sincerity going with it was saving it all.
the rest of the night passed by, scaramouche offered his bed if you wanted to sleep multiple times but you said you didn’t want him to lose his bed over you only because of the failure that party was.
so instead you spent the night talking and confessing to him about lots of things and it was as if you had a brand new scaramouche with you.
as if it was the same person, but things had changed about him.
his purple eyes were full of tender and barely closing themselves as if wanting to keep looking at you for hours. you were just too beautiful and he was fond of it.
the playfulness and mockery had faded away from his face tonight.
just for tonight, you’d make an effort, you thought. just like he made one probably only after he saw how bad you were feeling.
tomorrow the insufferable roommate would be back.
or perhaps,
scaramouche cared about you enough to stop with all this comedy he played for himself. it was obvious that he did care more than he let it show.
because he listened to you rambling over again on the same subject. because he stayed up all night with the only thought of making you feel better.
and because the way his hand caressed yours the whole night, was everything but friendly.
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silverameco · 2 months
Travel AU - @wolfstarmicrofic - 698 words
CW : suicide joke, implied past abuse
It was a normal friday night. They had a marauders' gathering, but Prongs and Wormy left quite early, like they tended to do these days. So it was just him and Moony. Sirius couldn't be bothered. They were smoking weed on the windowsill. Sirius always loved Remus' apartment because it was close to the train station, and you could hear and see the trains. Sirius found it soothing.
"Do you ever just watch a train about to leave and think 'what if I get into it' ?" he asked randomly.
They were always having weirdly deep conversations when they smoked together. Sirius loved it.
"Err- not really ?" Remus answered, but it was more a question than anything.
"I used to think that all the time when I was still living with my parents. Anywhere better than there, y'know ?"
Remus nodded and gave him a comforting smile. Just enough to make him know he was listening, not enough to make him feel pressured to say more, or weird for oversharing. Just perfect, like it always was with Remus.
"Well, I mean, it was either that or the urge to jump under the train." he joked.
"Oh my god, Sirius !" Remus said with a startled kind of laugh and wide eyes like he didn't know if he was supposed to laugh or not.
But Sirius chuckled so Remus visibly relaxed and huffed, before turning his gaze out the window. Sirius kept looking at him. The night breeze was softly messing up his curls, and the moonlight made his features look softer than usual. He was even more soothing to look at than the trains.
"Where would you even go?"
"Mh ?" Sirius didn't listen, too enraptured by his observation.
Remus looked at him once again and suddendly, Sirius realized how close they were. Their legs were touching because the windowsill wasn't designed for two grown men to sit on it.
"If you took a train. Where would you go ?"
"Anywhere. That's the good thing. The adventure." he spoke the last part with a wild kind of grin which made Remus smile back. So he felt positively adventurous and didn't stop there.
"You know what ? We should do it. Take a train."
"What ?" Remus asked in disbelief.
But Sirius was on a ride that couldn't be stopped. "Yes ! Just, any train, as soon as there is one."
Remus just laughed. "You're mad. You're actually mad. I don't even know if there's any train leaving London we could take. It's literally two o'clock."
"So ? I don't see what the issue is." And then, making sure to look Remus in the eyes and to pout just a little. "Come on, Moony. Don't you want to go on an adventure with me ? It'd be just you and me."
He saw a furtive glint in Remus' eyes at the last part and knew he won. In fact, his friend took out his phone and seemed to be looking for something on it for a few seconds. Sirius was hooked on whatever he was going to say next.
"There is only one train with seats available. It takes off at 6 and goes to some random ass village in Scotland."
Sirius leaned forward, closer to Remus, and whispered, "Let's take it". Remus smiled and whispered back, "Okay, Pads. Let's do it."
After that, Sirius' smile couldn't be larger. He took a drag and blowed the smoke in Remus' face, who swatted at him. That was going to be a good trip.
That's how, four hours later, they found themselves on an old train, ready to leave for Scotland. The seats were rather small so their thighs were touching. Neither were making any effort to keep them apart. They hadn't slept so Sirius was dozing off on Remus' shoulder. In his sleepy and drug clouded mind, everything was perfect.
"Dear travelers, welcome aboard this train to Hogsmeade station, Scotland."
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emerald-taur · 1 month
More Than a Friend
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You're in love with your friend, and she makes you crazy with her behavior .
~Parings: wanda × reader
~Warnings: drinking 🍸
~Word count: 2.3K
~A/n: This was inspired by a song 🎵✨️
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DO NOT COPY ANY MY WORK | MINORS DIN 18+ ONLY Disclamer: Englisch is not my first language. Fell free to comment and like
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You caught sight of her among all these people ,standing near the bar, talking to someone.
She wears a red dress, it's laying gracefully around her form, reminiscent is the vibrant color of deep crimson red. It's adorned with delicate gold accessories, and each piece glistens softly against her honeyed skin.
As she turned your way, a smile graced her lips, a sight that always meqns so much to you. You couldn't help but remember the times when her expression was clouded with tears instead with her heartwarming smile, following the loss of her twin.
You stood by her side through every tear and heartache. However, as time passed, you weren't as close anymore.
No midnight talks, no movie night, no girls' nights anymore.
Maybe it's for the better. Now, you can at least overcome this stupid feeling you get every time you look into her eyes.
Feeling a tap on your shoulder, you shifted your gaze away, turning to face the person standing behind you.
It was Natasha, as stunning as ever in her impeccably tailored dark blue pantsuit. She handed you a drink with a gentle smile, the glass filled with a red cherry swimming in perfectly clear vodka.
This drink was exactly what you needed in this moment, still felt the lingering presence of those emerald green eyes. As the comforting warmth of the liquid coursed through you, you finally could shake the memory of this green.
"Feeling better ?"
"Yeah , thanks, Tascha. Please tell me, will it ever go away ?"
"You ask the wrong person , you the only one who I let come this close , still don't know how that happened. "
" I'm just that charming am I."
"Funny but no, not really, you're just you."
"Just so you know, she's on her way to you."
She already left, that b-tch.
Not even a few seconds later, you knew tascha was right. The tap on your arm confirmed it.
Looking down at your , now emty glass, you took a gulp, then turned to Wanda with a slightly awkward smile.
"Hey wands, y-you doing ok ?"
"Yeah, everything is okay. Are you this is your fourth drink tonight."
"Yeah, yeah, no worries, I'm fine, and tascha looks out for me, so no troubles."
"Oh, ok"
Now, both of you stood there awkwardly, your gazes locked, unsure of what to say or do next.
Then, she excused herself and hurriedly left to catch up with Vision, you assume . Their bond had been strong since the day he came. You think it's because of the Mind Stone, but it also was the day she began to distance herself.
Turning back to the bar, you signaled for another drink, hoping to make a stop to the swirling thoughts in your mind.
The rest of the night blurred , you just awoke the next morning in a friend's bed but not the one you wished you would have. She, too, possessed green eyes, but they were not the ones that haunted you.
Before Natasha awoke, you quietly slipped away to your own room.
Breakfast was an awkward affair; all eyes seemed to turn toward you as you walked in. Even Tony couldn't resist his playful jab, sending his regards for a "very fun night".
You want the floor to swallow you and never let you return.
What you didn't expect was Wanda settling beside you, her smile melting my heart and igniting a warmth within you.
Now, smiling foolishly idiot at your plate, you couldn't help but wonder what had happened yesterday night.
"Y/n we're both of duty want to watch a movie, I know there is some new movie that just came out you would like."
"Ah-h real-ly, I mean yeah, sure."
"Good I will come to your room after training."
You nodded with a big smile that reached your dark blue eyes.
Continuing to avoid Natasha, you took charge of planning the evening, gathering snacks and drinks, securing Tony's Beamer, and grabbing a few extra pillows for added comfort for both of you.
Natasha was puzzled, wondering why you had left before her. Knowing you weren't a morning person, it was unusual for you to be up before her, and she couldn't help but notice your attempts to avoid her.
Knowing Natasha's direct nature, she wasted no time and headed straight to your room,wanting an explanation, coincidentally crossing paths with Wanda along the way.
You opened the door with a smile that quickly faded when you saw Natasha standing there, her expression confused and determined.
"Sorry, wanda, I will steal her for a few minutes."
She nodded, looking at both concerned.
Natasha walked inside. She closed the door behind her and took a seat on your bed, her presence filling the room with an air of tension.
"What your problem ?"
"Mh no, no problem."
"Bullsh-t. I won't ask again."
With Wanda standing just outside, your nerves were on edge, uncertain if she was listening in on your conversation.
But with Natasha determined to talk things out, you knew she wouldn't leave until you had a conversation. So, despite your nerves, you began to talk.
"Look last night , what we did I-I was-/."
"Wait, what do you think we did ?"
"You know ."
"Yeah, no, we didn't, but this let's me know you don't remember anything, do you ?"
"Uh, you don't know how happy it makes me , I mean your coll and all, but .."
"I know you're madly in love with the one waiting outside your door."
She laughed: "No, you don't remember."
"Remeber what ?"
"What you did."
"Why, what did I do ?"
"Talk to wanda."
With that, Natasha left, allowing Wanda to enter your room.
You were afraid to ask her, so you simply started the movie, hoping to distract yourself from the unresolved mystery.
That's when you began to grow close again, rekindling your movie nights and midnight talks and more. Despite the lingering tension, it felt like old times were finally returning.
Like today, she came over, and you talked about what had been happening with the others. Although you still didn't know what had transpired at that party you think you don't need ro know.
She shared her excitement about the new coffee shop she visited with Natasha, expressing her love for the cozy atmosphere and delicious drinks.
Seeing her talk so passionately once more made you yearn to hear her voice all the time. The way she becomrd excited over the smallest things reminded you to appreciate the little joys in your life.
She paused mid-sentence, her gaze shifting to me with a smile playing on her lips.
"What ?" You asked her.
"Nothing, I just like how you look at me like that. "
Your cheeks flushed with warmth, a definite hint of red coloring them in response to her.
Then she laughed sweetly and reached for your book from the bedside table, her laughter filling the room with a sense of lightness and warmth.
That night, you tossed and turned, unable to sleep, the memory of that moment and her words replaying incessantly in your mind. Making you smile the whole night.
Tony barged in in the morning, disrupting the peace and quiet, as he rallied everyone to go to his ridiculous party.
Despite any reluctance, it seemed obligatory for all of you to participate. After all, it was his birthday, and Tony wouldn't let you forget it, making sure the day was one to remember for "centuries."
"Y/n, I will trop by to get ready with you, alright."
"Yeah, no problem, wands.
That's how you found yourselves getting ready together right now. You were lying on the bed while Wanda worked her magic, giving your makeup a makeover.
What was decently needed, her world not yours.
She was so focused on your makeup that you couldn't help but watch her, taking in every detail of her concentration and skill.
You noticed her mouth; she had a habit of biting her lips when she was concentrated, a subtle gesture that added to your sinking heart.
Just as if she could sense the moment Natasha barged in, questioning why it was taking so long. Wanda and you quickly pulled apart, distancing yourselves faster than you could even process the situation.
Natasha led both of you to the party, discussing her time to relax after her hard work. However, your attention was elsewhere as you found myself watching Wanda instead of listening to her.
And as usual at all parties, you drank, perhaps a little more than usual. Oh, the last party was far more than usual , so just you now.
As the night progressed, you couldn't help but wonder if Wanda felt the same way you did.
Your hands wrapped around her body as you danced together, her gaze meeting yours with a hint of something more, and she was bitting her lip in a way that sent shivers down your spine.
You decently want to be more then friends.
After that party, confusion consumed you. The mixed signals from Wanda left you questioning everything.
So fucking confusing the way that she texts you ,keeps saying I love you. Does she really mean it ?
Especially when she bites her lips and looks at you like that.
Then, one night, on the team's get-together, you had only one drink, but that was enoth .
She came over , called it a girls' night, she took her clothes, you knew she was your type.
So you keep in this in touch because you want to touch each other.
Those nights were the worst and simultaneously the best you can have. Beacuse you had her, but it felt like you didn't. So, you truly have didnt had her at all.
This girls has you all messed up.
Natasha was the first to notice the change in your relationship. Wanda's shift in attention toward you instead of Vision didn't go unnoticed, and you weren't as sad as before, but also nit as happy as you should have been.
Lastly, she saw the two of you together in the middle of the night, a sight that confirmed her suspicions about the changing dynamics between Wanda and you.
As she noticed your lack of genuine happiness, she sat you down to talk, wanting to understand what was wrong now that you were finally with Wanda. But learning that Wanda and you weren't in a relationship and were just having fun took her by surprise ,cause she knew that both of us loved each other, which made the situation even more perplexing for her.
"Why don't you tell her ?"
"I can't, Tascha."
"Why not ? You two are basically made for each. "
"I remember Tascha."
"What ?"
"The night at the party."
"But that good then you should know ? I mean, you two were so into each other, and wanda was .."-/-?
"I tolled her I liked her."
"Wait you did ?"
"She said you're the best...."
"Yeah, oh , so I want to destroy what I have now."
Natasha didn't understand. Wanda had mentioned she was considering telling you, so why did she respond this way to your confessing?
She remembered overhearing Wanda and Vision talk about you. It waz Wanda wondering if you wanted to be more than just friends.
"Vision, I want to more than a friend .Do you think she feels the same ? Does she want me back ?" Wanda was wondering.
With Natasha's confusion, she concluded that the reason only could be miscommunication. So what could she do to help you ?
Sometimes, the stupidest ideas are the most effective. So yeah It sounds like a plan.
The next morning, both of you found a letter at the doorstep instructing you to meet Natasha in the training room.
Both of you went, uncertain of what Natasha wants and feeling nervous and unsure of each other's intentions (wanda and yours).
What they didn't know was that Natasha was waiting behind the door, instructing Friday to close it the moment both of us entered. She was determined to let you two have a private conversation and would fight anyone who thought now would be the perfect time to train.
Now, there you were, alone in a room with no escape, the awkwardness hanging heavily between you two.
And in that moment, amidst the palpable tension and uncertainty, you knew that whatever happened next would change everything.
Sitting on the bank, five meters apart, a comfortable and not so complex silence enveloped you. You started fidgeting with your fingers, and Wanda absentmindedly twirled her necklace.
"Y/n do you remember now ? Is that why Natacha locked us up."
"Yeah, look, I'm sorry we don't have to talk about it. o know we're we're just having fun, nothing new ."
"If you want it just to be fun, thats ok"
"If you want to."
Then, she turned to you and asked if you would be upset if she didn't want our relationship to be just fun anymore.
At first, you misunderstood, thinking she meant she didn't want to be with you in any sense anymore. But ypu soon realized you were strongly mistaken.
Wanda closed the distance between you two. Your lips met in a kiss filled with all the pent-up emotions, expressing all the longing, confusion, and love that had been building between you two. And in that moment, everything else faded away.
With your hearts racing and your breaths synced, you pulled back slightly, gazing into each other's eyes. "I've been wanting to tell you for so long," Wanda whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I love you, more than words can express."
tears welled up in your eyes as you reached out to cup her cheek. "I love you too, Wanda," you confessed, your voice filled with emotion. "I've never felt this way about anyone before."
With both of your heartfelt confessions, the fog of confusion that had clouded your relationship finally lifted, and everything became clear.
You were sure a bright future awaited you, and Wanda will be by my side, ready to face whatever challenges came your way.
In the end, it was clear that both of you wanted more than friends.
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legendofmorons · 8 months
Hi i was wonder if i could request a platonic headcannon or oneshot where the reader is a dragon that adopts the chain. Beacuase it could be very adorable!!! ^-^
-a shy annon
Honestly, that's amazing, and I'm very excited to write this!
Dragon's hoard (chain)
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Pairing: Chain & reader
Rating: G
Summary: You are a dragon who adopts the chain. The catch is that you don't know this at first. Somehow, the chain realizes before you, but they think it's sweet. (Even if Legend refuses to admit it.)
Warnings: cursing, implied injury
Other: If I missed anything please let me know
This is written in sections, the scenes are in order of who was collected first. There is a final realization scene
A few quick headcanoms for refrence too
You're a dragon shifter based off of fairytale dragons.
You are capable of half shifting to access fire breathing and wings. You get scales like freckles during these times
You slowly add to your hoard, it's not all at once. You "mark people" as part of your hoard by gifting them shiny things.
You don't realize you have a hoard of heroes until after.
1- Wind
You are on watch with Wind when you feel the urge to gift him the old tarnished spy glass you keep in your bag. You aren't sure now is the tume but you are sure he'd love it.
You've kept the spy glass polished, it's just wethered and about fourth years old. But it works great and you can already see Wind running around with it.
The idea of your gift keeping him safe makes your heart warm. He's such a good kid, you want him to be safe.
And he could use a cheer up after the ankle sprain a few days ago.
So what's the real harm? You have more than one spy glass.
And this way, Wind knows you, care!
How else do friends show affection? You've always exchanged shiny gifts with loved ones. (That probably isn't just a Dragon thing ^TM.)
"Hey, (Y/n)?" Wind calls. "You okay? You look lost."
"Hm? Oh! I was just thinking."
"That's dangerous buissness."
You laugh, shaking your head. "For you maybe."
"Hey now!" Wind protests lightly.
"What do you mean 'hey now'?"
He just gives you a look. Deadpan and unimpressed. He seems to be impersonating Time's 'done with it' stare.
How adorable! He might as well just declare being the youngest sibling of your group.
"How’s your ankle feeling?"
"It's fine, the potion did most the work."
"That's good. I actually have something for you!" You say, deciding then and there to give Wind the spyglass.
"Of course!" You say, "Stay here I have to grab it."
You stand up, walking to your bedroll and bag.
You crouch down and rifle through your bag, thankful as always for the bottomless and weightless charms you have on it. It weighs no more than the materials it's made of, and it fits anything insode of it.
You take a minute to find it- but your hand closes around the spyglass. You pull it out with a triumphant grin.
You close your bag and make your way back to Wind, sitting back on the log beside him.
"Here you go!" You say, holding out the spyglass. "It could probably use a polish, but it's in working condition!"
"Whoah- this looks old! Where's you get it?"
"I found it on a ship wreck at the beach when I went a few years back."
"It has an inscription!"
"Mh- oh yeah! It's stretched up, but it says, 'may you always find a lighthouse'."
Wind nods, "That's so cool!"
You watch the boy take the spyglass with revrence, unlike what you're used to him showing.
"I'm glad you like it!"
The smile he gives you is enough to cement your promise to yourself. You promise that you'll keep him as safe and happy as you can. Forever.
2- Hyrule
Hyrule isn't the best cook. He's not the worst, but if you were home, you wouldn't let him do much more than box recipies.
But the chili he's pulled together is pretty okay. It's not necessarily great, but you don't hate it either.
So after you've eaten lunch and done your turn of dishes, you find yourself sent to forage with Hurule.
Bag on your person. You and Hyrule set out to find some more edible plants.
Thankfully, this is close enough to his time that Hyrule knows the plants.
You let him show you the poisonous plants that you should never pick. You also let him show you the edible plants that taste amazing!
Amazingly enough, you find something that looks a lot like present-day strawberries! Unfortunately, you seem to need sharp nails or a knife to properly pick them.
You have both.
"Hang on, I have a knife for you." You say, reaching into your bag of holding.
"Oh- thanks! I'll clean it before I give it back."
"Don't worry about that, I've been meaning to give it to you anyways."
You manage to find the knife quickly. It's a pocket knife, folded into the handle securely.
You pull it out and pass it to Hyrule.
The knife isn't super huge, about a three inch blade with the handle a little longer. But it's well maintained and has a locking blade.
The handle is wood plated metal. The blade and body are both made of steel.
"This is- really shiny." He manages, taking the knife, "Thank you!"
"Anytime. I have knife sharpeners too if you need them."
"I don't think I do, but thank you."
You just smile.
You turn back to the task of picking the almost-strawberries. You choose to shift into your half dragon half human form, using your claw like nails to easily pick the berries.
Thankfully, this isn't the first time Hyrule has seen you shift between forms, so he just gives a surprised "Oh!'. He keeps his attention on the task, though.
You should probably slip the knife sharpener into his bag later. He's not always great at taking care of himself, and if you can help, you definitely will.
3- Sky
You don't have any grand reason for wanting to gift Sky the shining chain bracelet. You just saw it earlier and thought of him.
It's a delicate chain but it seems sturdy enough.
You've pulled Sky away from the group, standing by the fireplace of the inn you're all staying at.
He just watches you rifle through your bag. "Really, (Y/n), if you can't find it right now we can do this kater."
"Hush now, I just need a minuete."
You find the bracelet after a minute, fingers closing around the silver chains as you pull it out.
You hold it out to him, the silver shining in the firelight. "Ta-da!"
"That's- beautiful." Sky says, reaching out to touch the metal gently.
He takes the braclet then, trying to fasten it on his left wrist. As the only right-handed Link he figures it'll be safer on his shield arm.
"Let me help." You say.
You reach out and manage to fasten the clasp quickly. You drop your hands once you're done, flashing a smile.
"Thanks for the help. And thank you very much for the bracelet. It's beautiful." He says, and Sky is absolutely beaming.
It's good to know you were right. That he does like it.
"Of course. Now come on, I think Wild's done with dinner."
"Good, I'm starving."
You laugh, shaking your head as you lead Sky back to the group.
You sit down between Sky and Wind, gratefully taking the food Wild gives you.
"Nice braclet." Legend says as he nods to Sky, "What's it for?"
"Nothing?" He asks, glancing to you.
"I think the lady I got it from said it's a 'protection ' bracelet. Whatever that means." You explain, still not sure what it does.
"Cool." Legend says.
"That's really interesting." Four says, already getting a look in his eyes that probably means he wants to experiment.
"It is!" Sky beams happily.
4- Wild
You enjoy getting to spend time with Wild. He's fairly down to earth despite his love of shenanigans. And he's all too happy to teach your recipes.
He's helping you search the farmer's market when you see it.
A gleaming gold handled dagger. Wild would love that.
"How much for the dagger?" You ask, turning your attention from the blade to the woman running the shop.
"Two hundred rupees. "
"I'll take it." You say, fishing out the coinage to pay.
The lady takes your payment before wrapping the dagger in its sheath and handing it to you.
You thank her before setting the dagger in your bag for now. You still need to find Wild, you've gotten separated since you came over.
Wild is easy to find. He's haggling with a rather round older man about the price of flour.
You make your way to him easily. Weaving in and out of the crowd until you're standing at his side.
"Hey." You greet.
"Hey." He says. "I just finished here. Did you want to look at anything else?"
"Not really. I got you something though!"
"Oh. Thanks!" He says, flashing a smile.
"Come on, let's get out of the way. Then I can give you the thing."
Wild leads you away from the booth to a bench. He sits down and pats the spot beside him
You sit down as you pull out the cloth wrapped dagger.
"Here you go!" You smile, holding it towards him.
"Thanks, (Y/n)." Wild says, his voice softer than usual.
You watch Wild open it up. You watch him pull the glinting gold dagger from the sheath.
Wild inspects it, and then turns his eyes to you. "It's perfect, thanks (Y/n)."
"I'm just glad you like it!"
You decide then and there that you'll have to make sure he's more used to being loved. Because the way he looks shocked and pleased means he isn't used to it. And he deserves to be.
5- four
You really need the boys to stop being such magnets for monsters. Patching them up is not fun.
But you do prefer patching Four up to patching the others up. The blacksmith has always been good at following directions, and he won't hide injuries like some people. (Couch cough, Time, Warriors, and Twi, cough cough.)
It's nearly lunch when you're almost finished cleaning and bandaging Four. He sits patiently, though, handing you supplies from your bag.
"Can you grab another bandage?" You ask, barley glancing at his face as you frown at the gauze you hold in place.
Four isn't as used to your bottomless bag and instead pulls something else out - a silver hair stick with a mouse like creature on the top. "Oh! You know the picori?"
"Hm?" You manage, looking up to see what he's talking about. You smile when you see the hair stick. "No, the lady I got it from said it was a mythical creature. You can keep it if you like."
"Oh- but I don't need a hair stick."
"You don't have to keep it."
"Can- Can I? Even if I probably won't use it?"
"Of course you can, Four. I'd honestly forgotten it existed it'll be much better off with you."
"Thank you, (Y/n)." Four says.
He sets the hair sticks down before reaching back into your bag to grab a bandage like you had asked. When his hands close around it he smiles softly to himself.
You take the item when he hands it to you, starting to bandage the gauze in place.
"And.... Done!" You declare as soon as you're finished patching him up.
"Thanks, (Y/n), I really appreciate the help."
"Anytume, Four. If I can ever help you out, let me know. Okay?"
6- legend
Legend is a particularly stubborn ass sometimes, and while usually you at least admire that trait, today it's a pain the ass.
Since he decided he can go two days without sleep and lied to people about it. He didn't wake anybody up for watch the last two nights like he was supposed to either.
All of this is why you are put on babysitting duty while Legend is effectively in timeout.
Thankfully, Legend is happy to sit with his arms crossed on the stump you're standing near. He's got his back to the others right now.
You however have an idea.
You've got a ring that helps with sleep, according to the inscription at least. Maybe it will help Legend? He probably has an underlying reason for not sleeping.
You might as well offer it. He can always say no.
"Hey.... Ledgend?" You call, already reaching into your bag in search of the sleep aiding item.
Your hand closes around the ring quickly so you pull it out.
"What?" He asks, sulking as if he's paid to.
"I have something for you."
"It might help you sleep more? I know you're probably exhausted. You're still hylian."
"Yeah. So?" He asks, finally turning to face you.
"Just take this, you grump." You say, stopping in front of him and holding the rin out to him.
"What's it do?"
"It's supposed to help you sleep."
"Does it?"
"I've never actually tried it."
He tilts his head, eyes narrowing as he observes the jewlry. He's not exactly the most trusting, but he does seem to be considering this.
If you can help him take better care of himself, you're happy to do it.
Legend takes the ring, "Thanks."
"If this dosen’t work I'm selling it."
"That's fine." You say.
And really, it is. You had all hut forgotten you had the thing, it might as well go to someone who wants it.
Though you really do hope it helps Legend sleep. The stubborn man needs it.
7- Twilight
You're oddly used to Twi and his extended stints of disappearing. It's not as concerning as it used to be, at least.
Although you've got half a mind to stick him with one of your many shiny objects so everyone knows he has a dragon looking out for him. He could use it, the trouble magnets.
Actually- that's a hell of an idea. You think you'll do that! But it has to be something useful. You don't want to burden him with a useless knick knack.
What do you have that he could use? Maybe a ring that grants unnatural luck? Or an old compass that leads you home? Oh! Or maybe Twilight wants a letter opener?
Those all sound useful on occasion but not like something Twi would actually use.
Oh! You know exactly what you should give him.
You're already searching your bag for it when it comes to mind. You'll gift Twilight a gold-plated mirror that allows him to talk to whoever has the other. That way, if he needs help, he can ask!
This way, everyone knows not to mess with him, AND he can ask for help if he needs it. This is perfect!
Now you just have to find him.
Easier said than done sometimes.
However, you think Twilight said he was going to be back before night, and it's nearly dysk now. So he should be back real soon.
So you pull one of the two mirrors in the set out and begin polishing it. It's got to he very shiny. How else will he know you care?
Enough time passes that the mirror is practically shimmering. You've definitely shined it enough.
"What are you doing?" Four asks, asks you curiously.
"Cleaning this mirror up before I give it to Twim"
Four laughs, "Adding to your hoard again?"
"No?" You say, confused enough that it comes out as a question.
You aren't adding to your hoard. You're removing things from it.
"Okay." Four says, amusement evident in his expression.
You raise a brow, but allow it all to pass. There's nothing worth dwelling on.
You hear more footsteps entering the area. You aren't sure who it is, though, so you turn to see.
Twilight is back, a bag of supplies in hand.
"Twi!" You cheer happily.
"Hey, (Y/n)."
"Come here! I have something for you."
Twilight shares a look with four, biting his lip and trying not to laugh. It's not mean he just thinks it's sweet that you like all of them enough to add them to your hoard.
He's also pretty sure you don't know.
"What are you thinking about?" You ask, tilting your head to watch him.
"Nothing much. What did you want to show me?"
"This!" You say, holding the mirror out to him, "It's for you!"
"It is? Why, thank you!"
Twilight takes the mirror gently. He squints as he examines it.
"It's enchanted so you can talk to whoever has the other mirror in the set!"
"Oh- that's amazing! I didn't know you could do such a thing."
"You can. I know a sorceress back home. She loves things like this."
"Well, I love this. Thank you, (Y/n)."
"Now you'll use it if you need help. Got it?" You ask, watching him intently.
He laughs and nods. "Of course I will."
"I mean it."
He nods. He does believe you. He's just not used to having someone go out of their way to make sure he has a way to ask for help.
Because of how much he does back home, most people assume he doesn't ever need help unless he asks. Though they are usually right about that.
"I know. I- really appreciate this."
"Now we should go eat. I know you're hungry."
"Yeah, I am. Let's go eat."
8- warriors
You should know how you ended up here. Really, you should. But it doesn't matter because you're in the middle of a festival dancing with friends.
You and Twilight are doing a mangled box step side by side, laughing the whole time.
"Have you figured out what you want to do for Warriors?" Twilight asks.
You blink, surprised he knows that you want to do something nice for the captain. But then again, you weren't hiding it.
"Yeah I do actually!"
"What is it?"
"I thought he'd like a set of earrings."
"He woukd."
"They protect from people talking badly about you."
"He'd love that for sure." Twilight says with a playful shake of his head and a stumble in his box step.
"Oh be nice."
"I am!"
"Liar." You laugh. "Stay here I'm going to grab a drink."
"If you see Wind tell him to come see me."
"I will!"
You go off to get a drink, passing sacral friendly locals, two goats, and like ten kids.
You don't see the others until you take your drink to go sit on a bench.
Warriors comes over and sits next to you. He flashes you a smile.
"Hey, (Y/n)."
"Hey, wars."
"Twi said you had something for me? Should I be worried?" He asks, cracking a playful smile so you know he's not being serious.
You roll your eyes and shake your head. "No, I just had some earrings I thought you'd like."
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah. I can show you of you like?"
"I'd love that!"
9- time
You can't be bothered to make some polite attempt at giving Time the compass you have. You just slide it into his bag when he's off doing something.
You aren't scared of him, but you've been nervous about it so this is your solution.
Although you really didn't expect to have him pull you aside while holding said compass in hand.
"What's up, Time?"
"Did you put this in my bag?" He asks.
He dosen’t sound upset at all. He just sounds curious.
The compass glints as sunlight hits it.
"Yeah. Why?"
"Just curious. What's it do?" He asks, biting back a smile.
Why does he look like he knows something you don't?
Probably the adventures.
"It points you home." You explain, "It always points towards wherever you consider home."
"Thank you. This is- very thoughtful. "
"I try."
"I appreciate it."
He smiles at you, putting the compass into his pouch of items. He seems so thrilled.
"I hope I wasn't out of line when I slipped it into your bag."
"It's fine. I don't mind."
You are in your full dragon form, curled around all of the boys when you realize something.
There's nothing profound to start the realization. The stars are out, and there are fire flies all around. But that's normal here. The boys are bickering, but that's all in play.
What makes you realize something is actually Warriors.
The boys are talking about things that surprised them on this adventure. If you weren't so content you might have joined their conversation.
But you are happy, warm as the fore crackles in front of your pile of heroes.
"I mean, I didn't expect to meet you guys." Sky admits, "I'm used to being- the only hylian."
"That does fall in line with your stories." Warriors says, "But I was more surprised to become part of a dragon's hoard."
The others all chime in their agreement, and thoughts on that. You don't register them though- too caught up on Warrior's words.
Is Warriors part of a dragon hoard? Which dragon is he part of a hoardwith?
Why does that thought make you so upset?
Oh- he's part of your hoard.
They all are.
That makes some of the comments about hoards make more sense.
You should have recognized the signs. Or at least the official actions.
This definitely explains your protectiveness over them.
How did they figure it out before you did?
You'll have to ask later.
But you decide you like this. They're part of your hoard, and their family. They don't seem to have an issue with it either.
You should talk about this later. For sure.
But for now, you are happy just to exist in the moment with your friends.
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tomkaulitzssgirl · 9 months
can u do jealous dom!Tom smut with female reader? (Have a wonderful day and thank youu!)
Jealousy, Jealousy | Tom Kaulitz
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“don’t fucking play with me, y/n.” your boyfriend tom said, placing his hands above his hips.
you rolled your eyes, again, the same thing over and over again. it was always the same argument.
he was jealous of your friend that went to college with you, his name was samuel. it started off just as a simple not liking him, but now it had become a torture.
tom would always ask pictures when you were at college, wanting to see where and who you were with. he always wanted to pick you up and of course drop you off. he didn’t let you go to your lessons dressed as you wanted, because if it was “too much” it was a problem.
every time you received a text, he wanted to see who it was and checked your phone.
he had never been like this, it was too much, it was becoming unhealthy. he was always the jealous type but now it was becoming possession and obsession.
“tom, for the last time, i don’t know why he texted me! he just wanted to talk i guess!” your guys was full of exasperation as you threw your hands in the air.
“can’t he talk to someone else? why the fuck would he text you? that’s because you give him a reason to do that!” he raised his voice before taking off his shirt.
he had just came back from the practice, he was ready to take a shower but no, your little friend wanted to text you right at that moment. not that he wanted him to text you at any moment.
“can you stop with this? why do you get so mad, he’s just a friend!” you defended yourself, but somehow, him being angry and half naked made you blush.
it wasn’t the first time you liked when he got mad, but every time you felt sick when it happened.
“i don’t care if he’s just a friend, i don’t like him. i don’t want him around you.” he huffed and walked to the bathroom. you sighed, falling with your back on the bed.
some minutes after of you just laying there, on your side staring at the wall, tom came back in. he had just taken a shower, water was falling down his chest and he only had his boxers on.
you knew you were in the middle of a fight but you couldn’t help feeling a little bit turned on by him.
you squeezed your legs together and bit down your lip trying to avoid it, but tom seemed to notice.
his serious and angry face turned into a smirk as he saw what you did and he began to walk towards you. you felt ashamed.
“what?” you tried to sound angry but your voice betrayed you since it trembled.
he flipped you over on your back before placing himself on top of you, knees at your sides.
“you’ve been a bad girl.” he whispered in your ear before biting the lobe gently.
“no, i-i am always good for daddy.” you hissed at the feeling of him sucking on your neck, knowing exactly why he was doing that. he wanted to show samuel you were his.
“mh and you’re a liar too.” tom chuckled darkly, his hands going under one of his big shirts you were wearing. he slowly massaged your breast, playing with your nipple as his other hand found it’s way to your core.
“no panties? you’re such a whore.” you moaned, loving how he degraded you, moving his fingers inside you slowly, before starting to rub circles around your clit, “tell me who you belong to.”
“to you d-daddy…” you exhaled, thrusting your hips against his fingers, something that always made him go crazy. the way your body wanted more, that craved his touch, it was something he desired.
he took you almost to your climax, but then decided to take his fingers away just when you were about to come.
“tom? w-why?”
he stayed silent for a moment before taking his member out of his boxers.
“you’re gonna watch me jerk off without touching me. that’s your punishment.” he rubbed his length slowly, watching your half naked body.
“what?! that’s not fair!” you protested not wanting to put up with it. you did nothing wrong.
tom quickly slapped you across your cheek before grabbing your jaw, making you look at him in his eyes. “i decide what’s fair or not, now shut the fuck up and watch.”
your chest went up and down heavily, your cheeks red and your lips slowly parted as you observed him move his hand fast.
tom didn’t make much noise, beside groaning and swearing some times, but his expression said it all and you loved it.
he began playing with his lower piercing, making eye contact with you. you couldn’t hold it anymore, you were getting wetter and wetter, so you decided to carefully bring your hand between your legs to get some relief, but tom noticed immediately and slapped it away.
“you’re really testing me right now.” he said before he got up, stopping his movements on his member. you watched him as he took a belt in his wardrobe before coming to you again.
he grabbed your wrists harshly, you tried to fight him off but he was much stronger than you, so he easily stopped you and held them together, “you asked for it.”
“i don’t care. i don’t want to touch you anyway.” you lied, turning your head to the other side.
tom gripped your hair with his strong hand, making you yelp and look at him again. “why are you being such a brat, huh?” he tilted his head to the side as he stared into your eyes.
you smirked a bit, opening your legs more, “because i like it.”
he noticed the movement of your legs and almost wanted to give in and give you what you wanted, but he held back from it. “you’re doing it just because you want my cock so bad. you wanna feel me inside your pussy as i fuck you hard, huh?”
you found yourself lost in his words as your eyes examined every little details of his handsome face, and you nodded, almost under a spell. what was he doing to you?
tom smirked seeing how enamoured you were. he could read it in your eyes. he got closer to your face as his hand began to slowly being pleasure to himself.
“well, you won’t get it.” was all he whispered in your ear, getting faster and faster with his movement.
a pout formed on your face, and your body ached so bad to just be touched with a finger of his.
your eyes were fixed on his hand, how he gripped himself so well, and they went to his face, how his expression was almost a painful one as he watched your body for help.
all you could do was watch him and suddenly, it was something that was giving you pleasure. you had never experienced this before.
you noticed when he was about to cum, his eyes closing as his orgasm was ready to be freed. his head was thrown back before he looked at you again.
you found yourself whimpering just by seeing that scene. that specific sensation formed in your lower belly and before you knew, you arched your back, climaxing at the same time tom did.
his juices splattered on your belly as he let out a series of curse words. he fell right beside you, noticing your trembling legs.
tom stayed quiet for a bit before letting out a low chuckle, “did you just come untouched?”
you bit down your lip, slowly nodding, you had lost all the confidence you had before.
tom laughed at your embarrassed behaviour, removing the belt from your wrists before wrapping one arm around your body and bringing you closer to his chest.
“you know i love you right?” he looks down at you as he said that.
“yes. i love you too.” you answered, looking up at him with a confused face.
“that’s why i don’t want to lose you and i don’t like that guy. i simply don’t trust him and i’m scared he will make you change your idea of me. and let’s be real, he’s a bit like me as well. he plays guitar, dresses like me, has long hair. i don’t know, i’m just scared.” he revealed his insecurities and you waited until he finished so you could speak, not wanting to ruin this moment. it was rare that tom opened up this way.
you sighed, going up to his level a bit, so you could give him a sweet kiss on his soft lips. “i understand but you don’t need to be scared. i only love you tom and even if he dresses like you it doesn’t mean anything because he isn’t you. i don’t love you just because your appearance. i love you as a person and that’s not something you can replace.”
you reassured him, stroking his cheek as he took in your words. “but can i ask you to stop talking to him? i know it sounds toxic but i don’t feel comfortable with it.”
you smiled a bit, he sounded cute as he said that and you actually appreciated how he was explaining this in a calm and collected way.
“of course i can. i respect your boundaries. i just wanted you to talk to me about it the way we’re doing it now, instead of making a scene.”
tom breathed out heavily almost as if he took a weight off of his chest. “thank you for understanding, i know i’m a dick sometimes. it’s just the way i react to things.”
you giggled giving him another kiss, this time deepening it. he started to sit up a bit as he continued to kiss you, placing his hand at the sight of your head, getting on top of you again.
“wanna fuck?” he asked when you guys broke away, making you laugh out loud as you nodded, spending the rest of the night showing you who owned you.
a/n: hope you like it 🖤
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a-certain-romance · 9 months
housewife anon without house wofe content for once shocking fr!!
so ill write multiple women cuz…multiple women and im horny and ugh i lvoe women
kay so…ahahahaem let us begin
fuck buddies to lovers senario with streamer!hu tao
hu tao was an amazing streamer to say the very least so you had to send her gifts and chats daily you were there from the very beginning so there was no surprise as to why hu tao contacted you and gave a breif smile and you guys started talking online only to then realise you guys live nearby eachother
so instead of being upfront with your feelings hu tao suggested one thing.
“hey so-“
“Dont worry lets do..ah thats right porn together! you and i wont have to show pur faces!”
well that was up front…you thought but you went for it after all anything for your favourite!! and so from then on you guys fucked yet you were still friends only till a drunken stream where she fucked you senseless with a giant strap letting your cum gush onto hu taos dick did you say the words “i love you.” hu tao wont forget..Sadly you will due to the hangover and nearly passing out moment.
public shaming w yae
i lovebeb her
yae would make you cockwarm her infront of all the attendees at the shrine in all honesty you couldnt belive it when she asked you to do so…but who are you to refuse your loving girlfriend afterall this you get praised and kissed as onlookers watch you stomach buldge and all taking yae getting getting praised for it. some would kill to be in your spot
After all she is the wise and beautiful miko who wouldnt want to be dick filled by her or praised or degraded by her just for a second.
“Seems like your stomach looks like it needs a break dear..”
“mh..im fine.”
“suit yourself.” she chuckles back leaving soft bite marks on your neck and now fondling your chest…is she gonna do it now? atleast you wont have your stomach churrning and yearning no longer
shenhe and finger sucking w cryo!!
shenhe covering her fingers with cryo while your getting pounded is so hard to divulge in after all the sweat is getting you yet shenhe is here to rescue you by shoving her cold cold fingers down your throat letting you suck and bite them as another hand grasps on what little clothing shenhe is wearing too
“hm. Your tempature is getting better maybe i can go-“
well suit yourself now shes going slow and wont stop going slow afterall your body was weakening under her touch
and finally breeding with ei
when ei is finally annoyed at your antics and bratty behaviour her shogun side comes along to help her fuck you sensless and all slutty for her
“Your quite tight, You better stop being bratty or it will be worse next time.”
Honestly you liked those odds since she didnt care about taking it slow she wanted to pound you and dominate you till your body fell apart. You had to take all her cum or she would plow 10 times more you leaked out till her balls dropped
honestly it was fun she put you in diffrent posistions atleast!!
-housewife anon
These hearts adore
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A/N: Omg loving streamer!hu Tao?? I wrote some little drabbles for each. Apologies for the lack of updates school recently started for me.
Characters/Ships: Hu Tao, Yae Miko, Shenhe, & Ei x reader (separate)
Warnings: Smut & Suggestive content written by a minor, exhibition (Hu Tao & Yae Miko, toys (Hu Tao), Strap ons (Hu Tao) Characters with cocks (Yae Miko & Ei), temperature play (Shenhe), finger sucking (Shenhe), brat taming (Ei), breeding (Ei)
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It’s safe to say the first time you tuned in on Deceased_Walnut you fell in love. Maybe not head-over heels in love, but you were most definitely intrigued by the morbidly energetic brunette behind the screen. Gifting her chats and subs for the past few weeks was how she noticed and reached out to you. Hu Tao is a small streamer. But even so, the majority of your talks were through private messages. Until you realized the lack of distance, and nowadays you’re almost inseparable!
But there was also something off about her. Hu Tao tends to be flaky with her plans. Sometimes when you set up a meeting, she might text you an apology about not being able to make it. She uses different excuses each time
You sighed as your phone lit up with a paragraph of a message. Without much else to do, you took this as a night to scroll through nsfw livestreams on a separate site. It was there that you came across a familiar face.
Hu Tao’s regular channel pales in comparison to what she was streaming on this platform. Who knew someone like her uploads porn in her free time? When you found her other channel you remained a lurker at first. She wasn’t so different from how you already saw her, same teasing attitude and all. Despite wearing a special type of mask, you can tell who she without a second glance.
After a few days of watching in stunned silence did you make your appearance known. Hu Tao was doing a special where her subscribers ordered her around. She was fucking herself dumb with a wand while members in the chat were competing to choose the modes. Seeing those glossy eyes cross in pleasure finally convinced you to step out of the shadows: and so you gifted her a bit of money to demand she turn it up to the highest setting. And lucky for you, she zeroed in on your username. Hu Tao would laugh, wink at the screen, and say something along the lines of “this one’s for you!” before making a complete mess on the toy.
She was the first to contact you after stream. Surprisingly, there aren’t many who find her from her regular channel because of how she hides her face. When you met up in person for the first time after that, you guys still got along great. She became more flirty with you, giving you the cheesiest compliments and pick up lines her brain can conceive at any given moment.
The first time you two fucked was after one of her streams. It was a stressful day for her, and she needed a way to destress. She joked about you taking her to bed but then you made that a reality by eating her out. It became the start of your friends-with-benefits situation.
After some time, she proposed the idea of you joining her on stream. The chat only knows you by your username and how hot you look next to Hu Tao.
“Aiya, squirming away makes it less fun! Back me up, chat?” Messages flood through with all types of lewd responses.
“Tie her up so she can’t escape”
“50 bucks she squirts before you bottom out”
“What a whore she is for getting off from this”.
You’re too fucked out to notice the rest. But you’re close enough to Hu Tao to see her face light up at one of the responses. Your head falls to her shoulder. All it takes is that devilish look in her eye before you know what happens next.
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Most would not associate the word “night life” following by a shrine. But to the residents of Inazuma, Yae Miko has rebirthed an old tradition with a new face. Aka yours. As dirty as it seems, you’re held in high regard for being showcased as Yae Miko’s newest plaything.
The guji is very particular with who she picks for this “special role”. So much so that most people considered the practice to have to have died out entirely. So for you to be hand plucked from a sea of admirers was an honor. And you happened to be the first in a very long time.
Miko cared for you as a true lover did. Your relationship outside of this role is as thriving as most couples are. She is always one to dote on you for for no particular reason (when she’s with you, does she even need one?). But being with her involves a catch: Showing off your body to the eyes of others.
In addition to the entrance fee, others pay good money to catch a glimpse at the finest Inazuma has to offer. Most times, they can tip off donations to the shrine if they’re watching something they like. It was its own business venture. And Yae Miko, ever the entrepreneur, wanted to reap its benefits now that she has such a willing participant.
“Dearest, it’s important that you put on a good show for our audience. There’s a lot of influential people who came to see you up close”
As is the majority of the crowd, Miko is entirely infatuated with you. At the start of the night, her hands delicately untied your silk robe and watched your breasts fall free with glazed eyes. Her back is almost always turned to the audience. Every time she thrusted her pale shaft into you, your eyes would lock with a stranger in the crowd. And if you tried to look away, Miko would force your chin over her shoulder to stay watch for a second longer.
“Look at her whine, isn’t she cute?” She coos, “Now, be a perfect doll for me and spread those legs of yours wider”
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Temperature play is something that always gets a rise out of Shenhe.
After some time of dating, your amazement with her ability to weird both her polearm and Cryo vision led you to observing her adepti training. You’d sit to watch her practice all sorts of skillful maneuvers with the ease and precision of someone twice her age. For someone who isn’t very experienced in combat, her skills fascinated you.
Shenhe offers to teach you some of the things she’s learned. “For your protection” she argues. But maybe she wants another excuse to keep her hands on you more often. It’s hard not to focus on the coldness of her hands as she moves your hips into the correct form. No matter the reason, you’ve taken to sparing with Shenhe once you have the basics down.
It’s times like these under the hot Liyuan sun that would always have you working up a sweat. And your loving, thoughtful girlfriend wants to help you cool down in the best way she knows how. Your body is hot; she controls ice. It’s not rocket science. The solution lies in those cold hands of hers as she shoves 3 fingers down your throat while 3 more are seconds away from making you cum for the nth time. Between your legs is a wet mess dripping down your thighs.
So as Shenhe finger fucks into your core she shoves her Cryo-coated fingers down your throat, she kisses your stuffed cheek. You were thirsty after all. Maybe this should suffice? Shenhe knows that water is necessary when preforming under harsh conditions. But she doesn’t know why she prefers having your mouth on her instead.
Shenhe can second guess herself sometimes. She doesn’t know how long to do this for before you’ve had enough. How is she supposed to decipher those gagging noises you make when she’s knuckle deep in you? Perhaps she could summon her Cryo Spirit to help her out.
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It’s rare for anyone to go against the Shogun and live to tell their tale. Every citizen in Inazuma fears the infliction of her wrath. And yet, you were still none the wiser, thinking that being her lover grants some kind of immunity. Ei would undoubtedly never hurt you unless you asked by any means unless for punishment but there are some actions that need to be punished. Actions, that need to tame a brat such as yourself.
Ei takes you to the plane of Euthimiya and it’s there when you know went too far. She could punish you in her personal quarters, her throne room even. But no. In the plane of Euthimiya, Ei holds all the cards. And this time, she won’t stop until you’ve milked her down to the very last drop.
Her godhood only adds to her stamina. The positions are the best part! Of all the ways she can fill you up, Ei likes having you on your side with your leg lifted up. That way, she can perfectly see both your expression and her cum leaking out of you. Seeing your eyes screw shut makes her wanna pump you full.
Though her goal was to reprimand your behavior, Ei couldn’t help but get addicted to the sight of your slick making a mess on the sheets. “So tight, see how your body stretches to accommodate my size~”
With every thrust you take her all the way to the hilt. Her balls slap against your thighs every time she pushed in. Ei bends over your body to kiss and suckle at your neck, “I could stay like this for an eternity…”
It does make her wonder, how many loads can you take until you’re carrying her child? Everything in this dimension is at her disposal, and she happens to have plenty of time to find out. The only limit is how much it takes before you beg her to stop.
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damiansgoodgirll · 10 months
Heyy! Could you do Damian Priest x fem!reader who takes care of him after an injury
Love your work <3
damian priest x reader
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different prospective
you always knew that your boyfriend’s job was dangerous, but you always thought in the back of your mind that at least he was being careful, that he had a friend that would look out for him, and it was exactly like that, he had so many friends in the wrestling business that cared for him, but as you knew his job wasn’t very usual and that an injury soon or later would come.
you always thought that later would be best, maybe when he was too old for wrestling, so he would agree to settle down with you and start a family.
he knew you weren’t a wrestling fan, and no matter what he did, you never changed your mind. you weren’t much for violence and even though it was all entertainment you couldn’t stop but worry for him, that’s why you hardly watched his matches. you followed him on tour.
of course he wanted you there because he always said that you were his lucky charm but you wouldn’t attend too many shows also because you were pretty impressionable and he knew our overwhelmed you would get. he preferred to know that you were safe in your hotel room, instead of being in a large and loud crowd.
while he was fighting against sami and kevin he injured his shoulder. he didn’t say nothing at first, thinking that he could fight again, but he felt the pain becoming unbearable.
rhea and finn noticed it too and when the match was over they helped him getting backstage.
“how you’re gonna tell her?” rhea teased him and even if he wanted to laugh, he couldn’t, because he knew how worried you could get, especially if damian was injured.
“don’t know…don’t wanna know” he said while he was sat in the medical bay.
you knew that the match was over, and it was kind of weird that damian hadn’t texted you yet.
you were too lost in your mind to ear the hotel door opening and seeing rhea helping damian sitting on the bed.
“what the! what happened?” you almost shouted when you saw he couldn’t walk straight and had to sit down. you also saw the bandage on his shoulder and you almost had an heart attack.
“it’s nothing i assure you” he smiled at you kicking his shoes off, while he got more comfortable on the bed.
“yes, he will be fine” rhea added but your eyes looked like could kill so she saw that as an opportunity to leave you two alone.
you were too focused on his arm and leg that you didn’t even noticed the scratches on his face.
“dam you’re face…” your hand gently touched his cheek “you’re bleeding” you said.
“it’s nothing i promise you…i’m fine” he kept smiling. you were the one who was supposed to take care of him and instead he was the one keeping you calm.
“let me get something for your face…” you whispered.
you moved to the bathroom and got some alcohol to clean his wounds. you gently did that and even if you were scared as hell you wanted to show him that you were there for him.
“come here…” you softly smiled at him, making more space on the bed so he could lay next to you “ does your shoulder hurt?”
“not much…it did before but now it’s better”
“and your leg?” you asked him again.
“a little when i walk” he said.
“well luckily for you tomorrow we can stay in bed all day so i can take care of you” you snuggled closer to him and he let his head rest on your shoulder.
“take care as…” he teased.
“nope, no sex, you’re injured” you said.
“no but, you’re injured so you’re gonna stay in bed while eating and watching some shows and movies until we have to take off again” you said looking at him.
“fine by me…as long as you’re here” he kissed your cheek.
“why wrestling? you know you could have been a professor or a doctor or whatever normal jobs that’s out here, why the heck did you choose wrestling?” you asked laughing.
he was laughing too, he knew you weren’t serious and the tone you used confirmed him that “i guess i had a different prospective, i mean i wasn’t a normal kid so why would i choose a normal job?”
“fair…” you said smiling “just don’t die the next time, otherwise i’ll kill you”
“i promise you” he kissed your cheek again and before you could both lay in bed you gently helped him changed him from those jeans to a pair of shorts and helped him remove his t-shirt as you knew he loved sleeping shirtless.
you brushed his hair and let it go loose over his back and you helped him back in bed.
“do you need anything? water? painkillers?” you asked him.
“just you…” he opened his not injured arm for you to snuggle close to him and he let you rest your head on his chest as you both fell asleep in each other’s arms.
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