#I loved all his looks from this arc sm!!
purpleneutrino · 7 months
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some wano arc sanji sketches
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Thinking about a Twilight AU where Bella's reasons for wanting to become a vampire have very little to do with romantic love for Edward and everything to do with finding the family she's always wanted. Renee made Bella parent her, so Bella didn't get much of a childhood. And Charlie's great but it's just them. The Cullens imitate the cheesy family sit-com that Bella's probably idealized her whole childhood. So she wants to be with them forever and ever.
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anonymouscheeses · 4 months
Even more and more of obvious shit I point out because I want an excuse to rant while not interacting with actual people in real life who also like this show because I'm masking 😍💜💜
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*grabs pen*
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The people writing fanfics where she gets FURIOUS. Omg. That was something I read. I LOVE MY FELLOW FANFIC WRITERS BUT OH MY- YALL REALLY HAD CHARLIE M A D.
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I love his reaction lmao look at his goofy face.
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HER BOW BECAME HORNS (my "redesign" is now 100% worse)
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Oh and the angel dust fellow back there 🤯
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No explanation needed. <3
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That's it.
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I thought this song was gonna be a Charlie and Vaggie duet- tbh I still preferred that BUT I LOVE CARMILLA SO I KINDA DONT CARE.
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Is that. Like. How she thinks actually 😰
I know there's been a lot of the lack of Vaggie's self-worth, which I wish was explored into more. I just think the Vaggie(3rd) episode just wasn't needed at all if it didn't even have an impact. Don't get me started on that episode, it was rushed, too early to have character arcs already, and overall not needed or even should have existed periodt.
I hope they explore it next season because GOD this woman needs TO LOVE HERSELF. OR ATLEAST CARE ABOUT HERSELF LIKE????
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Charlie, sharing is caring <3
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Out of all the people I thought Charlie would vent to I didn't think it would be ROSIE. It's a nice surprise tho I love her <3
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That's it.
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Season 2 is going to be Charlie in her villain era and Alastor's reputation era 😍
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I can't say how much I love them. It's too much. I cant- yay the teaser image before the show came out <3 they are so fucking adorable. UGH SOME1 END ME
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Charlie loves the wings hehehe. Vaggie looks nervous about it. It's probably a reminder to her about when she used to be an exterminator. The healing from everything will take a long time but hopefully Charlie will be there for her the entire time. And vice versa
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Ayo- 😰
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Uh next one tomorrow cuz yeah 🤯
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ravixen · 11 months
hi hope ur doing well! i wanted to ask if you could write a reaction of when the boys forget about a date and leave you waiting for a while for them? i'd like the members to be joshua, mingyu, seungkwan, vernon, and dino if possible! thank u sm in advance!
svt + forgetting your date
➔ reaction || requested
➔ warnings: none || 1167 words ➔ notes: fluff ; i'm doing pretty well! getting a lot of things done these days :) i wish i could spend a little more writing and drawing, but it is what it is. if you enjoyed this, please reblog! also if you're interested in any writing/art commissions, check out my carrd. or visit my ko-fi just cuz!
JOSHUA: you know that this guy never checks his messages, so whenever you need him for emergencies, you always call instead. that's why, when your signal is only strong enough for a flurry of texts, he doesn't see them until an hour later. your last message reads i'll just go home. confused, he scrolls up to find a bunch of emojis and ? are you standing me up lol and ...are you seriously standing me up, and it takes a second before he finally realizes what today is. fuck. fuck. he's the one who scheduled this date, going on a spiel about how you haven't seen each other in a while, so you went out of your way to free up your schedule. and now he looks like a grade-a asshole for forgetting. scratch that, he is a grade-a asshole. he makes a few stops around town to pick up your favorite things for a night in before going to your place. it won't make up for the missed date, that much is obvious from your unimpressed stare as you open the door, but he's going to try his best to earn your forgiveness. in fact, as soon as he sees you, he gets on his knees on your steps with a dramatic declaration of, "love, i'm so, so sorry," and you have to drag him to his feet, saying that he's embarrassing you in front of your neighbors. but hey, at least you cracked a smile.
MINGYU: when seungcheol asks if he wants to continue their biking excursion to hit up a cool restaurant, mingyu says yes, even though he feels like he should have declined for some reason. that feeling continues tickling the back of his mind, up until they pay for the meal and cheol asks if they should get dessert. that's when you text him, informing your boyfriend that there's about ten minutes of trailers if he's running late, and his heart drops. he completely forgot about your movie date today. he tells you to go in first. i'll be there later, he types, i have my ticket on my phone. then he tells seungcheol what happened, and seungcheol asks how the hell he'll make it in time when they still have to bike back to their car. spoiler alert: he doesn't. by the time he makes it to the theater and pathetically slinks into his seat next to you, the movie is already in its final arc, and you're aggressively eating your snacks, ignoring his presence. he trails after you once the movie ends, waiting for your verdict and hoping that you'll take pity on his bedraggled state. you pause by your car and sigh. "well, c'mon," you say, opening the trunk for his bike rack. "i'm not so angry that i'll make you cycle all the way home." he decides during that tense car ride that he'll make the best dinner of his life tonight.
SEUNGKWAN: it's late, and you're still not home. after a while of worrying by himself, he calls and asks where you are. he almost thinks that the call dropped because you're silent for a full minute before asking him, incredulously, if he's serious. of course he's serious. he just finished an episode of a new drama, and he never makes it through one. "i've been waiting at the restaurant for the past twenty minutes," you say slowly. "and you're chilling in the living room?" no way. isn't that tomorrow? he flicks open his calendar and gasps when he realizes his mistake. "wait there for a bit, okay? i'm on my way," he says, scrambling to his feet, but you quickly stop him with a scoff. "you still need to get dressed and then get all the way here. they can't wait that long. i'll just leave." he feels awful. he slaps himself on the cheeks to get sense back into him. seungkwan, he scolds himself mentally. how could you do this? how could he forget this date? and it's not like you didn't try to reach him—he sees all the texts and phone calls now, blocked by the do not disturb that he forgot to turn off. "will they let you in by yourself? why don't you eat whatever you want and charge it to my card, hm? i'm so sorry."
VERNON: he doesn't know what he did wrong, but apparently he did something because you just went radio silent yesterday afternoon, even though you're still posting on your story. when he wakes up in the morning, he sees that even his good night texts are ignored. he sends you a good morning text anyway and asks how you slept, asks what your plans are for the day. by the time he gets to work, there's still no reply. "hey!" seungkwan yells out, rushing to his side. vernon automatically reaches for the coffee that he knows is around somewhere—seungkwan is nothing but predictable—and hums when he finds it. "so what'd you end up getting y/n yesterday? i thought you'd ask me for gift ideas, but since you were so secretive this year, i figured it was big." vernon blinks at him. "what was yesterday?" seungkwan blinks back. "you're kidding...their birthday dinner? you wanted to celebrate a week early? hello?" he snatches back his coffee. "you're the one who insisted on it. did you forget?" seungkwan's withering look bounces off the absolute dread that vernon feels. no wonder you were ignoring him. he pushes past seungkwan, already pulling out his phone. "i need to make a call really quick. can you tell the others i'll be late?"
CHAN: this is the lamest excuse in the book, but his phone died, and while he could've borrowed a charger...what was the point? if there was an emergency, people knew to call the other members. that's why he doesn't bother plugging it in until after practice, and when it finally charges up, the belated alert for your date appears, and he swears loud enough for the others to send him a look. "sorry!" he says, throwing all of his things into his bag. "you guys eat without me. i have somewhere to be!" he flies down the stairs and books it out of the building. something about his expression makes everyone jump out of his way, wondering what the heck has him so harried. somehow, he makes it to the place in record time and scans the crowd for your face, lighting up when he sees you under an awning. then his smile falls when he sees your expression. he feels so, so bad for leaving you waiting out here. he shrugs off his jacket and puts it around your shoulders, ignoring the fact that you don't look happy to see him. "why don't we get something warm to drink?" he murmurs, clasping your cold hands. at least he didn't miss the main event—if he missed that, he doesn't know if you'll forgive him.
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milaisreading · 1 year
hi! Ok, what about fic where manager have to wear something like mascot costume (like ears and tail) or something like maid dress (you can choose anything you want) all day because of JFU and fan service for BLLK TV during the NEO egoists league arc. And when boy see her in this costume, they are frustrated, freaks out and try their best to cover her and get away from the cameras.
Author: I hope you like this and thank you sm for the request🩷 stay safe and healthy.
PS: I really hope people feel included in these stories, that's why I mostly avoid giving any physical descriptions of the reader. Also, English is like my 3rd language and I hope you all aren't too annoyed if I am repetitive with some words. Mostly when I use the words blush or turn red I don't want to allude to the skin tone, but I try to describe the situation in a way that would make sense to me as well. Sorry for that and I will try to work on my vocabulary a little bit more. I am so sorry if smn felt left out bcs of my wording 🙇🏻‍♀️🩷
Warnings ⚠️ : Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
When (Y/n) signed up for the Blue Lock project to help out, she knew there would be hard and easy times. She knew she will be a lot bussier with taking care of not just the team, but also running errands for Anri and Ego from time to time. But with all the exhausting and draining tasks she had, she was greatful for the friends she made at the project, all the connections and fun times that came with it. But and a big but, (Y/n) didn't know that Blue Lock would turn into a reality show with... certain demands from the JFU.
"Respectfully, no way in hell am I wearing that!" (Y/n) shrieked at the clothing item Anri was holding. Ego kept quiet, pitying the girl a little.
"Come on (Y/n)! The JFU did that fanservice polls and the fans really want to see you in this dress... it's not even revealing." Anri tried to argue. And true, the maid dress wasn't anything too extreme. A normal maid dress that went to her knees, nothing revealing and a simple black color, with a white apron and some head decoration.
"Still! I never agreed to this! I don't want anyone to see me in that! And why aren't the boys wearing it as well, seems unfair!" (Y/n) said, feeling embarrassed to be wearing such a dress. Anri shook her head and walked closer to the girl, pressing the item into her hands.
"You came in first place when asked who should wear it. Rin was second by like a 400 votes difference."
"400?!" (Y/n) cried out, feeling betrayed by the audience.
"Just wear it for half a day. I tried to negotiate with the JFU and we came to a agreement for just half a day." Ego said.
'I hate it here!! The others will just make fun of me!' (Y/n) thought, wanting to cry.
"It looks adorable!!" Anri cheered as she finally got the dress on the girl.
"Can't we just get Rin to wear this?" (Y/n) asked for the 10th time as Anri pulled her out of the changing room.
"No, no we can't." The woman said back.
"Get Rin to do what?!" Isagi asked as he walked out of a room. The boy looked at (Y/n) for a few moments, blinking as he finally started realizing what she was wearing.
"(Y/n), why are you wearing that?!" Isagi exclaimed as his face turned a bright red, catching Bachira and Baro's attention.
"I-I didn't want to, I was forced!" (Y/n) said back, causing Anri to roll her eyes.
"Don't you love the fans?"
"Not this much!"
'She looks so adorable in that! What a great day to be alive and witness this!' Isagi thought as he covered up his cheeks.
"What happened with (Y/n)?! Do I have to beat someone up-" Bachira's grin soon faded and his jaw dropped a little when he saw the girl, face flushing to match Isagi's.
'So... so adorable!'
Baro peeked outside too only to freeze up at the sight of the manager.
'I... this is a dream? Or maybe not?' Baro pinched his cheeks to make sure everything was real.
"Wh-what?! I told you this was rediculous!" (Y/n) yelled, expecting them to tease her.
'Adorable!' Baro thought, suddenly getting shy as Bachira ran to hug her.
"You look so cute, (Y/n)! I could just eat you!"
"Bachira, you are making it worse!" (Y/n) yelled, startled by his sudden hug as Nari cheered.
"Told you it looks fine."
"Bachir, let her go!"
"You little piece of shit!" Isagi and Baro yelled as they went in to grab to separate the two.
'I want a hug too...' The two thought, jealous that Bachira got it first.
Otoya fell to the ground and covered up his nosebleed.
'Thank you God. Thank you for making me witness this!' The green/white-haired boy thought, feeling tears of joy cloud his eyes.
"Otoya! Are you alright?!" (Y/n) panicked as she tried to walk to him, but was stopped by Yukimiya standing in the way.
"He is just being weird, don't worry. So when will you be wearing this again?" The brown-haired boy asked as (Y/n) shook her head at that thought.
"Hopefully never. Also can you stop touching my hair, Karasu?" The girl wondered as the said boy kept patting her head.
"But you look so adorable! We need to give you headpats." The boy declared as Yukimiya nodded his head.
"Wait, I want to do it too!" Otoya added as he finally composed himself. Meanwhile Kurona and Hiori were standing off to the side, faces red as they admired the girl's costume.
'So adorable! She looks better than any model!' Kurona thought.
'Ahh~ I live being in Blue Lock~' Hiori sighed dreamily.
She was just doing some pick ups for the medic room when Gagamaru, Niko and Rin walked by, and seeing her in the costume really flustered them.
"I-I... you look pretty (Y/n). Like a princess!" Gagamaru had exclaimed nervously as (Y/n) thanked him, clearly just as flustered as he was.
"You look..." Rin started and then looked away, clearly unsure how to say it in a smooth way.
'She is so adorable! Just like she always is, but now she is even cuter! Thank you God for not sending me off to Spain too.' Rin thought, too shy to look her back in the eyes. And in that moment Niko started stuttering something out, but the more he looked at (Y/n), the blurrier her form was getting.
'So cute!'
"Niko! Gagamaru, can you bring me some water?!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she caught the black-haired boy before he could fall to the ground. The boy quickly nodded his head, forcing himself to look away and get the water.
'Lucky bastard!' Rin tsked as (Y/n) held the boy's figure.
"So.... how long do you have to wear that?" Kunigami asked, covering up his cheeks.
"For like an hour more... then I am free." (Y/n) explained as she fixed up Chigiri's hair, the said boy enjoying the attention he was getting from her.
'My manager taking care of me while dressed in a cute costume... I won at life!' The redhead sighed as Reo kept staring at her intensely.
'Ahh~~ what a day to be alive! Blue Lock is the best place on earth!' Reo thought with a silly grin as Nagi stood to the side with his phone.
'Sorry (Y/n), but God knows when I will see you like this again.' Nagi thought as he snapped some pics of the girl.
"Why are you even taking pictures?" The girl asked as she turned to the albino.
"Blackmail." He blinked and nervously answered.
'Idiot!' Reo and Kunigami thought.
"Blackmail? Literally anyone who follows Blue Lock will see me like this! What's the use of the Blackmail?"
"Hold up! Rewind that, what do you mean everyone will see you?!" Aryu spoke up, deciding to finally stop staring.
"It's like fanservice for the next episode or something." The girl explained, causing them to go into panic mode.
"So... so other dudes will see you like that?!" Chigiri questioned, turning around to face her.
"Absolutely not! Take this!" Kunigami said as he handed her his jacket.
"Take mine too." Aryu added, dropping it over her.
"I will just be the wall then." Nagi said in annoyance as he stood in front of (Y/n), shielding her from the camera Ego had put up.
"Reo, can you somehow buy this episode out or something?" Chigiri whispered to the purple-haired boy.
"I could try. Nobody outside of Blue Lock should see our manager like this."
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distorted59 · 6 months
please elaborate on the dracula monster rp you mentioned in your kirk headcanons…PLEASE!!
this idea has been FEEDING my vampire kirk brain rot so well, esp those fanarts on insta👹👹 really check out @ fuzzsux on insta CAUSE THE ART IS SO GOOD!!!
anyways..... HERE'S MY IDEA FOR IT (any era works tbh)
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Bite me please
summary: Kirk wants to play dracula and he wants you to play his bride...
pairing: '93!kirk x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw/smut, biting, roleplay, use of safe words,
word count: 1158
A/N: i was debating wether to make this really kinky or nah.
you'd always known Kirk's favorite monster were vampires. especially Dracula and it's whole story arc. he's a hopeless romantic with a dark kinky side. which you don't mind at all, of course.
he loves the idea of him being a powerful, mind infiltrating, seductive, blood sucking creature. who would stalk you, love you, claim you, and mark you as his bride.
it would start with him biting your neck for fun, not real harshly or anything. just some playful bites. and you seem to like them. he would get all excited and wanted to ask you right away, because this has been on his mind for a while now.
but, he still sorta backs out. you see he wants to ask you something, so you do it first.
"baby? what's wrong?" you slide your hand over his back. "Something on your mind?"
"yeah, actually." he has a wide smile on his face, which slowly turns into a smirk. "would you be interested in... uhh... roleplay?"
your eyes widen a bit and your breath hitches. you have a puzzled look on your face and let out a short giggle.
"what'd you have in mind?" you grin back.
"what do you think?" he leans down and bites your neck again, harder this time.
"do you want to drain me from my blood, Count Dracula?" you say in a bad, sensual transylvanian accent.
"oh..." Kirk groans and lets out a breathy chuckle against your neck. "i'd like to drain you from something else too."
you moan softly as he places more sloppy kisses on your neck, going up to your jaw and eventually kisses your lips.
"i'll take that as a yes, hm?" his eyes show a dark gaze, you can see the passion and lust in them.
you're walking around the house, wearing some leathery outfit. which Kirk had picked out for you. along with a tight, blood red corset that is hugging your figure.
"so much for classic." you mumble to yourself. the house is dark and to be honest, you feel a little.... scared.
you don't know if it's the excitement bubbling in your lower belly or the actual thought of being haunted by your boyfriend...
"Kirk?" you call out faintly, looking around for him. "are you gonna jump out and attack me or something?" you say jokingly.
"that all depends, my love." Kirk's dark voice whispers to you, you can feel his breath against your neck.
you turn around and he immediately grabs you and slams you against the wall. he starts kissing your neck and leaving a few bites here and there. he moves down and starts biting on your collarbone, he looks up at you through his eyelashes.
he's wearing a ruffled blouse and a pair of black dress pants you've never seen him wear before. His chest glistens through the low cut shirt, a few faint love bites visible.
"color?" he whispers.
"green..." you breathe out.
"I'm going to drain you and make you mine." he growls. then, he drags you by your arm and pulls you into your shared bedroom. he pushes you on the bed and you scramble back against the headboard.
"w-what are you going to do to me?" you try to sound scared and get into your role as the 'victim'.
"look at you, scared little thing." he tuts and crawls over to you. "you're going to be my bride." his eyes shine with passion and power. you actually feel thrilled.
"are you going to hurt me?" you look into his eyes.
"just for a bit, darling." he tugs on the laces of your corset. "i'll make you think of something else."
Kirk nuzzles his face in your neck and drags his nose slowly down your collar bone and towards your breasts.
"you smell so fucking good." he groans.
you can only respond with a moan and your hands make way through his hair.
"hmm, are you ready, my love?" he kisses your jaw.
"please." you nod.
he pulls down your pants along with your panties and he's taking his sweet time with it too. he grins teasingly at you and slowly slides his hands up your legs and thighs.
"Kirk..." you whine.
"gonna mark you, my love"
he pulls down his pants and boxers and pumps his throbbing cock slowly, he slides it between your pussy lips and the both of you moan and shiver with pleasure.
"you're already wet enough for me, love." he decides to pull back and slide his fingers inside of your dripping cunt first. "and i didn't even really touch you yet..."
"k-kirk!" you moan as he stretches you out by adding a second finger. he curls them up and you gasp, letting your head fall back.
"there, all ready for me." he groans and lines himself up with your cunt.
he slides in and starts biting your neck harshly, you let out a moan that's mixed with pain and pleasure. you're positive you'll have a bruised neck with bite marks in the morning.
normally he's quite the one to talk, but he's too busy fucking and sinking his teeth into you. too pussy drunk to function.
Kirk's hips slam against yours, his moans muffled by your skin as yours are the only ones that fills the room. your whines drive him insane and he bites you harder.
"color?" he growls, his sweet intention gives you butterflies. but his cock pumping into you make them flutter away.
"nghh- gr-green!" the biting hurts but you like it. you swear if he keeps going, he might draw blood.
he bites different spots and sucks on them too, it drives you fucking insane and pushes you over the edge.
he keeps up a steady rhythm and feels you squeeze around him, he stops biting you and kisses you passionately.
"are you going to cum?" he grins, his lips red from marking you up.
you nod as tears stream down your face, the pleasure becoming too much for you.
"cum for me, my love."
you moan his name as your orgasm washes over you, Kirk keeps pumping into you like a wild dog in rut. he moans and grits his teeth, needing to bite on something.
"use me, bite me." you whine.
he bites down on the other side of your neck and cums inside of you, you can feel it shooting up inside you and he twitches like crazy.
he lets go of your neck and falls on top of you. he takes a few breaths and rolls over on his back, pulling you on top of him.
the two of you lay in each others arms and try to calm down.
"that was fucking amazing." he breathes out. "i love you so much, baby." he kisses your temple.
"was.. so good.." you murmur, feeling absolutely exhausted.
"it was." he grins.
he slides his fingers over the bite marks carefully, and smirks proudly.
you feel yourself drifting off, feeling safe in the arms of your monster-loving boyfriend.
"i want to really taste you next time."
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creaman · 9 months
Hello! Just want to say that I absolutely adore your designs for Jon, Edward, and Jervis! They're so detailed and extra. I love them sm. Up in the top two favorite designs. My favorite is definitely Jervis. Which is funny, because in just about every version he's my least favorite of the three. His design is just so fun and goofy and him. It's amazing. They all are.
Anyways that's it. Byeeee<33
Oh? Do you now? Well I’m glad you think so because now you’re getting
Design Notes — Riddler | Scarecrow | Hatter
I drafted up some rogue designs last year, actually. They’ve mostly evolved from those. Content warning for horrific old art.
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The McGriddler — Ah, a grown man with the strength of a baby! I’ve actually had this… horrendous peacock concept in my brain since 2022, back when my Riddler design was a dirty blonde/brunette. I hated him. He had the costume, but not the flair. Not to mention the generic facial structure.
Luckily, New Riddler is now an ostentatiously dressed vain attention whore! Highly fashionable, extensive wardrobe (def designing more outfits for him) and a possible mid-life crisis arc where he just wears a bathrobe and wifebeater for a month straight.
And listen, I’m not much of a writer, but there are notes on his personality.
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Not great ones, though.
And rather than his ambiguous forensics/science job, he now works in I.T. Or rather, worked in I.T. (fired for patronising tech support customers)
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For Jon — He’s always had black eyes with orange ringed pupils (initially blue) from the fear toxins. Drafted him up in high school because I was coping.
I’ve always intended to give him multiple costume designs. With narrative purposes. He redesigns himself. Ofc he couldn’t be satisfied with one thing, no, he has winter, summer, Witch Doctor, stealth etc. costumes on the way.
The initial design was trying to do too much — Patches, stitches, belt straps, arm warmers, utility belts, boots. Clutter. (Does NOT help that I can hardly decipher my old sketches.)
So, we just remove the overtly slutty components from the main design—
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—And put them in a seperate campier Scarecrow design that I use as a Halloween-sona.
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Silly Crazy Zonka Wonka — I think I was looking at pics of the Depp Hatter for the old design, which. May explain some things.
Acute observation! They look nothing alike. So I’ve kept absolutely nothing from the initial design except for the choppy wavy hairstyle.
Completely different colour scheme. Subbed out the TF2 Ghastly Gibus for the Towering Pillar of Hats. (Because ofc The Hatter would have something from the funny Hat FPS, no?) Shorter. Feebler. Every sickness on the planet. Congratulations! Mercury poisoning.
The initial concept for the redesign was to have a sort of reversible coat with his Arkham outfit on one side, and Rogue outfit on the other. You can see I just opted for him to wear a combination of both.
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the-solar-system52 · 3 months
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Also look at Hero putting his hat back on! I really hope these two get more time to bond in this chapter! Plus I noticed a little star shape beside him on the first panel? Like an emote or something? I wonder what that's supposed to mean.
PLUS WE GOT A SPEECH BUBBLE! Albeit it's empty, but the fact that it exists may hint at him getting some dialogue in the future??
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HE LOOKS SO CALM AND CHILL ABOUT EVERYTHING?? No wonder he's just ignoring Anxiety. Make sense since he's the opposite of RGB, but I wonder how long this collectivness will last. (AND HERO LOOKS ADORABLE HERE)
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He's definitely taking advantage of his static electricity, but to do what? Charge his cane with LIGHTNING? (that'd be so cool) But wouldn't that decapitate his hand or something?
In the first panel, he seems to notice that the glass from the mirror maze is stuck inside his suit. And in this one, the shards of glass seem to be falling out from his sleeve. Was this just a side effect of whatever he's doing with his cane or is it the goal? Trying to get all the pointy shards that may hurt him out so he can fight better? Or maybe use them for something?
Also, this is another instance of Negative being associated with RGB's gaps, which mentioned in another theory.
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As for big lore stuff, it's revealed in this page that the Butterfly doesn't seen to know who Negative is. This does disprove some stuff that I said in my earlier theories, but that's ok because I think it works well with the reveal that the Butterfly is a personification of Anxiety.
The reason the Butterfly showed up in a lot of scenes associated with Negative was because Negative causes anxiety. Hero is afriad of him and RGB is afriad of water (plus his weird human memories) so it causes Anxiety to pop up. But Anxiety doesn't need to know who Negative is to make that work.
And now that Hero is less scared of Negative, Anxiety is finding it harder to get two's attention, because Anxiety can't hurt you unless you are afriad of something. Negative is so insanely calm about everything that he doesn't even seem to hear Anxiety.
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But this is going to make for a really interesting dynamic between Hero, Negative and Anxiety. Hero originally said they should turn RGB into Negative to fight the Butterfly because Negative is more scary than the Butterfly.
But now it seems to be the exact opposite. The Butterfly is having a hard time affecting them because Negative is chill, and Hero is only a little nervous around him now. His calm nature seem to make Hero calm as well, so Anxiety can't influence her.
BUT! The reason Negative isn't attacking right now is because he doesn't view the Butterfly as a threat. However, if the Butterfly or the doubts were to do something to make Negative attack, then wouldn't that make Hero scared of him? Like she was the other times he showed off how scarily good he was at killing stuff?
And if Hero was scared, then Anxiety would be able to easily affect her! So Negative attacking the Butterfly may actually make the situation WORSE. Negative will have to find some way to balance keeping Hero calm while also defending himself.
But will he succeed? I mean, this is only their third time meeting eachother, there's still time for more character development. It could be possible for Anxiety to exploit Hero's fear and end up escaping, but maybe show up again later in the comic! It will take awhile for Hero to fully trust Negative, but I wonder what direction Modmad will take that character arc.
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I also remember someone mentioning in Modmad's comments that Negative was caused by HAPPY tears this time, whereas the other two times we saw him he was caused by SAD tears.
This could explain his more calm and mellow attitude in this page. He doesn't seem to possess the "fight or flight" instinct we see him have in his earlier appearances.
Maybe his personality changes based on what kind of tears get into RGB's air vents! If someone is crying sad tears, it usually means something bad is going on, which is why Negative quickly jumps into battle the first time we see him. But now he is calmed down because he didn't wake up with the predisposition that something bad is happening.
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He also doesn't have that black goo rising above his eye, which seems to be caused by strong emotions, similar to RGB's mouth blood. I think this means that he will be less confrontational in this chapter since he is in a better mood.
Which is good, because I like seeing my favourite characters happy, and it may give Hero and Negative more time to interact if they are both less on edge.
Overall, Sunday is the best day of the week and I'm so happy Negative is back!
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aetherdoesthings · 5 months
Hi, can I request hurt/comfort and love confession Robin x Reader after Enies Lobby? That arc broke my heart sm 😭
(Also love your work, ty in advance)
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hello anon! thanks for the compliment! apologies this took so long, life's a bitch.
forethoughts: this is my first time writing angst ever. be nice 😔. i tried 😭.
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It was a tiring day, and you desperately needed rest. You fought with the Straw Hats to save Nico Robin from the World Government’s claps, and you witnessed the passing of the Merry, the Straw Hat’s beloved ship. You stood there on the boat aside Robin, watching the ship break apart and sink into the depths of the sea’s dark abyss. You should feel bad; You know you should. Chopper was sobbing, Nami was on the ground. Usopp (or Sogeking you didn’t really care about whatever name Usopp wanted to call himself) had tears streaming down his face, it could drown the boat all the Straw Hats was on. But despite the head of the beloved lamb sinking into the ocean, your mind was set on one thing, your heart beating out of your chest.
Holy shit Nico Robin is standing right next to me. She’s right next to me. Is she crying? Oh my god she is. Holy shit. She’s right next to me. Should I do something? No, I'll ruin the moment. Your mind was racing, fingers fiddling with the hem of your shirt as you resisted from turning your head to your right, to stare at the beauty next to you.
After the goodbye, all the Straw Hats got on board the Galley-La ship, everyone getting their well deserved rest. Except for you. You tried to sleep, you really did. But you just couldn’t. Not with Nico Robin on your mind. Ever since you joined the Straw Hats, you immediately felt a connection between you and the archaeologist. Nami always (if not everyday) teased you about the way you looked at her, the way you were willing to throw yourself in danger for her. When you heard Robin had sacrificed her freedom for your safety, it broke your heart into a million pieces, it felt like it could never be fixed. So when the Puffing Tom pulled up to Eneis Lobby, you fought like a wild animal, almost on the same level as Zoro and Sanji, fighting Marines left and right until you could see Robin with your own two eyes alright and unharmed.
You argued with your brain for a while, before finally sitting up from the hammock, quietly exiting the room without waking up the other Straw Hats. You snuck around the hallways of the ship, trying to find the room Robin was in. 
Taking a deep breath, you knocked on the door. When you heard a soft, ‘come in’ from a familiar voice, butterflies flew around in your stomach, a shot of serotonin flooding your brain. 
“Robin?” You quietly called out, opening the door. Your heart pounded at the sight in front of you, as you desperately tried to maintain your composure. Robin was sitting on a bed, wearing nothing but an old shirt, perhaps not even any pants from the look of it, making your cheeks flush bright red. Thank God it was night. She had a tired look on her face (of course she had a tired look on her face, you idiot), but regardless had a faint smile.
“Yes, Y/N? Did you need something?” She asked, her ever elegant voice making your legs wobbly.
“O-Oh, uh, no, not really. I just wanted to see if you were okay.” You responded.
Robin smiled warmly at you. “That’s so kind of you, Y/N. Thank you. I’m okay, just.. having a hard time falling asleep. After everything, it feels hard to just… fall asleep and not wake up in danger.”
“Oh.” It made your stomach churn to hear that she was struggling to sleep, but it made your heart flutter since she trusted you with that information. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Talking to you, perhaps. You always seem to know how to make me feel better.” Robin smiled at you, welcoming you to sit next to her. You swallowed. Oh my god. Okay. Holy shit. You walked over to Robin, creating a dip in the mattress.
“Why did you want to see if I was okay, Y/N? It doesn’t fit your character.” Robin casually asked. 
So maybe you were avoiding her a lot before the Merry found its way to Water Seven. You were trying to get over Robin, forget everything she had made you feel inside and how red you got whenever she complimented you. You should’ve expected the ever observant Robin to immediately notice your sudden disappearance whenever she entered the room.
“Well…um…” You tried to form coherent sentences to explain your reasoning, without the words ‘I have a crush on you’ coming out of your mouth. 
“I was busy at that time…and didn’t really have the time to stick around to talk.” You nodded your head, approving of your own reasoning that didn’t raise too many red flags.
“I see.” That was all Robin said.
There was a wave of silence that plagued the room, until you mustered up the courage to speak again. “Nami told me… the reason you decided to turn yourself in was for our safety to leave Water Seven… right?”
Even in the darkness, you could see Robin’s smile drop, her head pointing down.
“You don’t need to answer if-”
“Yes. I wanted to make sure all of you were safe and unharmed by CP9 and the World Government. I wanted to make sure you would escape their wrath.” Robin answered.
“But… to turn yourself in after running for two decades… just for us?”
“You all were the first group of people who were willing to wage war against the World Government for me. Even though you knew I was Miss All Sunday, even though Aojiki threatened you to turn me in, none of you let that affect our friendship, and well, we’re all here, aren’t we?”
You wanted to smile at that last sentence, but you frowned instead. “No threats would ever purge our friendship.”
Friendship. That word pained you to say. Friendship was the relationship you and Robin had, but that was not what you wanted.
“Indeed.” Robin murmured, looking back at you with a small smile. You tried to return it, but you just couldn’t. Not after being friendzoned. 
She doesn’t even like you. Get over it. Move on. You told yourself. That was the only option you had, wasn’t it? The two of you were friends. Just friends. Nothing more, nothing less.
It’s now or never. Ask and just move on. That’s all. 
“Robin…” You muttered quietly.
“Yes, Y/N?”
“Have you…ever thought of…being more than friends with someone?”
“You mean have a romantic interest?”
Your brain short circuited at her sudden bluntness. “Y-Yeah, that.”
“It hasn’t crossed my mind for a while. I wouldn’t think it would be a good idea to find one, since the World Government is out for my head. That would endanger the other person’s life, wouldn’t you agree?”
“You wouldn’t endanger my life…” You mumbled softly, expecting Robin not to pick up on it.
Robin paused after your mumble. Did she hear me? 
“Still,” she sighed. “I can’t seem to find it in me to want to find someone that would love me for who I am. I’m afraid I’ll ruin another life.”
“No you won’t.” You blurted out against your mind’s protest. “You’re not going to ruin some random person’s life just for being you. If they walk away, they just don’t know you well enough to appreciate who you are.”
Robin raised an eyebrow, a smirk growing on her face. “And do you think you know me well enough to appreciate who I am?”
Yep. Your entire face was definitely red, and your skin was definitely hot. You opened your mouth to say something, anything really, but something came out. It didn’t help when Robin moved closer to you, to the point you could feel her breath brushing against your ear. 
“I… do.” You finally say.
“You do? What makes you think you do?”
“Because I would sacrifice my life for you in a heartbeat. I would kill myself if it meant you were safe. I… I…” You look down, summoning all the courage, all the heartache you had bottled for months. “I love you. I love you more than a friend, more than best friends. I love you as if you are my soulmate. I want you to be my soulmate. I love you so much. W-When I heard you left… it broke my heart. I didn’t want you to go.. I didn’t want you to leave because of us. I love it when you’re here. You bring so much joy to the Straw Hats, to me. You mean the world to me, Robin.”
All the while you were ranting about your feelings, Robin was calmly looking at you, a small smile on your face. Even as your mouth continued to move, she didn’t interrupt you. She sat there, watching you pour your heart out to her, watch you express your love. As you kept talking, Robin placed a gentle finger on your chin, tilting your head towards her. Before you could react even, she leaned in, placing a soft kiss on your lips. With her free hand, she pushed you onto the bed, taking her place next to you. Robin caressed your face with her hand, running the back of her fingers against your cheek.
“You’re cute when you ramble.” She smiled. “Thank you for telling me that. I never knew you were that… enthusiastic about me.”
You laid there, no thoughts in your head. All your muscles were concentrated on trying to remember what her lips felt like. What her lips felt like on yours. It was as if you got a kiss from an angel from heaven, blessing you with infinite serotonin. 
“You kissed me.” You stated matter-of-factly after a while.
“I did.” Robin responded with the same manner.
“Because, my sweet Y/N,” she moved closer to you, placing an arm around your chest. “I love you more than a friend too. I wanted to see you live, even if it means I will die. Nothing matters to me more than your wellbeing, and seeing your smile.”
“You… you do?” 
“Yes. I’ve been feeling it for a while… I just never knew or wanted to ask you since I wasn’t sure you would return the same feeling. But after everything that you’ve said tonight… I think I’ve made my decision. I’m not leaving anytime soon. I want to stay with you. Live my life with you, my dear sweet Y/N.”
When you didn’t respond, Robin let out a small chuckle. “Your heartbeat is enough for me to know your response.” 
Robin cuddled next to you, placing her head on your arm as she closed her eyes. You laid there on her bed, staring at the ceiling. 
“I’ll always stay with you.” You finally say, before closing down for the night, your body relaxing against Robin’s. The sound of the ocean waves finally brought you to sleep, the whole world snuggling in your arms.
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cuephrase · 13 days
Are there any individual issues/short sections of the Tom Taylor Nightwing run you'd say are still worth checking out as little standalone/self contained things? I've read and enjoyed the 2021 annual (blood brothers) after seeing enough about it on tumblr but don't know much about the rest, and you've mention individual issues in other rec posts so it got me curious (and it's completely fine if you don't think you can recommend any).
asking me to be nice about TT?! *sighs* turns out i can be, actually, but um. only a little.
i'll preface all of this by saying, if you're interested in reading his run, you should. other people disliking a run is like...idk if this is going to make sense, but it's kind of like knowing the weather. you'll be like "hey, there's rain" and then you can either a) choose not to go outside, b) grab a coat and umbrella, or c) pull on a swimsuit and go dance. no wrong choices! maybe you get outside and it's more of alight drizzle, or maybe it's basically a tropical storm and you book it back inside and start batting down the hatches.
i could present you with people who's overall taste in comics i agree with who hate and love this run- actually, i was super hyped to read this run bc most of the people i'd talked to were like "OMG ITS SOOOO GOOD!!" and i was like "OKAY!!!" and then i was like 😗👉👈 maybe idk what good comics are?? (baby comic-reading cue felt wayyyy to new to the genre to trust their own opinions lmao. we're mostly past that now.)
but okay!! to answer your question: so post issue #91 is where my overall enjoyment of the run went like *imitates plane falling and crashing noises*. which. upon skimming from 78 to 91, i don't think i can say i was loving it that whole time, more like my tolerance threshold maxed out around there. bc uh. skimming i was like...yikes. i've also read way more Nightwing comics since, so like that could be factor.
ANYWAYS. me being nice:
#80 has some decent dick and tim!
#89 opens with a nice batman/superman/nightwing story, honestly can't remember if i liked the two-issue mini, but i'm going to guess i didn't bc even though i just looked i recall ✨nothing✨
#90-91 is a fun dick and wally adventure, if i remember correctly???? wally stans don't shoot me, i haven't read a whole lot of him idk if he's written well here i'm sorry
#111-112 is decent. it's not like. groundbreaking. but yk. maybe i just liked it more than the stupid pirate arc and maybe my standards are low and Good Dad Bruce is a weak spot, IDK
ummmm past that?
i like this page from #79
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this panel is from #83 if you want to like see it with your own eyes on page.
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the Hug is in issue #100, which is a bigger to celebrate 100 issues, and it happens later, i think it's the third story? some people love that scene, others can't stand it, i am a whore for soft batfam moments so it's very precious to me, and also nice moments make bad ones hurt more what?
if you like dickbabs you might enjoy more issues too, i was neutral about dickbabs and this run made me...not neutral. but i've heard from people that do like dickbabs that they don't like how they're written here so also, maybe you won't like it even if you like dickbabs??
but yeah!! these are my not-hated TT nightwing issues. i think there are a decent amount where i liked a line or panel here or there, but like overall most of it is just...not my fave. but you could like it!! which, i feel like it's worth saying that it's totally valid if you end up engaging with the run more and liking it. you wouldn't be the only person in the world to like it. but it's also ending in 4 issues thank god, so um don't get too attached if you end up digging it lmao
the red hood annual is also the annual i've liked for this run, i actually love that issue sm lol. the second annual is all about the Lamest Most Scariest Villain Ever, boring, and then the most recent was all about bea, dick's love interest in his ric era, which i was excited for...and hated. that one isn't even on TT, tho. travis moore your gorgeous dick is not enough to redeem you on that one. WAIT I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT-
thanks for the ask anon!! always good to practice loving your enemies i mean, i hope this helps, have fun <3
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tbgkaru-woh · 1 month
hi hi hi!!! since last time u asked for hcs or ideas, and i couldn't come up with any in the moment, I AM HERE TO SHARE (mine) AND ASK UR OPINIONS ON XIANXUAN (WWX X JZX) NOW... 😩
dont even get me started, personally for me, its HARD TO NOT ship two men who have punched each other for at least once in their life. AND WHEN THEY BOTH ACTUALLY HV CONSIDERATION FOR EO DEEP DOWN LIKE from hating each other's guts to punching each other's face to competing to an extent (over one girl literally) to actually having no hard feelings for each other to having consideration deep down for each other to believing in each other (to love the girl genuinely) to wwx accidentally and unintentionally killing jzx to mourning over his death and blaming himself for all of it to living again and taking care of his child...😩 i...ok half of the grief came bcs of shijie but ONE CAN IMAGINE AAAAH.
im sorry for making this long, help. (honestly ure the first ever acc i have found shipping them in one of ur arts so i HAVE to rant omg)
i love their dynamic sm, somehow i want wwx to top jzx at any fucking cost. WHY ?! because he wanna prove he's better and better and BETTER than this fucking peacock and he wanna crush his attitude so bad like...and jzx just tryna keep up with him and this fucker is back with new tricks to put him where he belongs. then ends up putting him under himself. oMG. help. im crazy. bye.
SJSHSKSK MY GOD. looks like im gonna go on a brainrot.
They were some of the most obvious to me too only to find no one talking about them, I guess the whole WangXian tunnel-vision and Jin Zixuan not having a fandom will do that to a dynamic.
I just hoped in canon they'd have...more. I wanted to see their arc, I wanted them to fight side by side, wanted to see Zixuan defend Wei Wuxian in front of the gossipy pricks and his word mattering to them, wanted to see Wei Wuxian punch someone for Jin Zixuan, instead of punching him for Yanli.
Straight Zixuan is also extremely boring to me and him secretly crushing on the brothers, maybe even popping a boner while wwx gets REAL CLOSE to him during a fight and needing to leave RIGHT NOW... He'll be a good bridge between the two, he's quiet, arrogant and loyal to duty as Jiang Cheng is, but wwx is what he wished he could be like in certain aspects, not to say that with their constant teasing and play-fights, some truths will come out sooner rather than later.
And when it comes to smut I love to imagine that something that starts as a hate fuck with neither backing down but both their inexperience starts showing but unlike jzx who's more honestly embarrassed about it, wwx has this fake confidence and "need-to-take-cate-of" impulse that turn it into something a bit clumsy but respectful and with a genuine goal of the other enjoying it. Maybe wwx can keep it as their secret,as jzx parades himself around like the straight guy people think he is afterwards.
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poorlittleyaoyao · 5 months
is jgy different in the books than in the untamed? sorry if u haven’t read them im kind of just assuming u have even tho i haven’t lol but i was wondering if his characterization has any major differences like how wwx in novel vs untamed they sort of sanitize him and take away any culpability and honestly some of his edge. just curious if there’s any major differences in his characterization between the two
I'm not the best person to answer because I've only read the first two volumes of MDZS. Short answer: Yes, he is different, and in fact gets the reverse of WWX's treatment: Drama JGY is more overtly villainous than Novel JGY. However, IMO it's a little more complicated than that!
(Novel enjoyers, please chime in if I'm forgetting or misrepresenting anything.)
A lot of JGY fans greatly prefer the novel and feel that The Untamed did him dirty, because a lot of the show's plot changes that make WWX look better make JGY look worse. Jin Zixuan's death is the most glaring one: in the novel, WWX really does lose control of WN because he overestimates his abilities, and it's a tragic accident. JGY and SMS's implied involvement in the Massacre at Nightless City also doesn't happen in the novel; that, too, was a devastated WWX wreaking havoc and/or losing control. The novel also establishes that JGY is subject to abuse within Jinlintai, so there's an element of duress that one can read into his actions under JGS. Novel NMJ behaves more aggressively towards JGY than he does in the show, so his murder doesn't have the same tinge of malice. (The novel timeline also has JGY and LXC meeting before JGY and NMJ, all during Sunshot, so there's that.) Additionally, the novel tells us that JGY is genuinely a very good leader once he's Chief Cultivator and has implemented policies that have improved the lives of regular people and contributed to political stability. We're also told more about his childhood and his love for his mother, and we learn that his relationship with QS is a tragic love story (he doesn't know they're related until after she's pregnant) rather than something he went through with anyway. So in the novel, he's got a lot of positive things going for him that censorship didn't allow to carry over into the show for fear of having too much moral ambiguity.
The thing about the novel (and why I don't vibe with it as much) is that it's very much WWX's story, whereas The Untamed spends wayyyyy more time with its supporting cast. You might've noticed that I said the word "told" a lot in the above paragraph, because... well, that's what happens. We're told things about JGY, but we don't see him as much, especially since the novel is focused on the post-timeskip era with the stuff in the past coming through non-linear flashbacks. You don't get to see Meng Yao being Just A Little Guy very much before he becomes the Kitten Thinks About Nothing But Murder All Day meme. Now, you also don't hear dramatic music telegraphing HEY!!! HEY!! VILLAINY IS AFOOT!! HEY!!! every time JGY does literally anything, but you do have everything filtered through WWX's unreliable narrator monologue, and he is out there saying some truly wild shit. (You also get less Xiyao. Like, it's there if you want it to be, but The Untamed really went all-in on that.)
For me, the show works better, because I am a sucker for corruption arcs where you see glimpses of the character before they start the atrocities. Seeing him be Just A Little Guy making the saddest meow meow faces when people were mean to him kept me from totally losing sympathy for/interest in him once things start getting squicky, because I had evidence that he wasn't always like that. Meanwhile, JGY's first big scene in the novel is the confrontation with QS (which already makes my skin crawl and is somehow WORSE in novel form), and I was just like "wow, this guy sucks" even though I knew the story and all the extenuating circumstances already. For others, the novel works better, because "first impressions and society's opinion are unreliable" is a major theme, so the reverse reveal combined with the fact that he demonstrably tries to improve people's lives as a leader is less expected and more satisfying.
So yeah! JGY is different, but the ways in which he is different are due to storytelling methods as well as to plot changes!
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shewolf-sinclair · 28 days
OKAY this post is gonna be long, bear with me.
Wednesday s2 is in production. here are my thoughts + what we know so far. -> anything in bold is my personal opinions and annectdotes. regular text is confirmed information. I will color code this by character and list in order of appearance in post. (percy hynes white/xavier addressed in italics. it is its own thing kinda)
Addams Family
Ajax - also listed eugene and pugsley (related information)
New Sheriff - Enid - Divina&Kent - Barry Dort - Dr. Fairburn (i am running out of colors so they don’t get one/each only has one mention/not much information.)
New headmaster - who???
Stalker arc - so excited, is it someone old or new? (see yoko)
New mayor? -> What’s the deal with lucas? I hope to see him return as he became really interesting towards the end, in his interactions with Bianca and suggested past with tyler. His actor is not listed on any casting announcements, he (iman) is however interacting with the announcements on social media.
New Sheriff! Donovan Galpin’s actor is only listed as gueststarring, yet the deputy from last season is listed as recurring and in the cast picture with all the regulars for the season. This suggests donovan is stepping down or something and we will have a new sheriff for Wednesday to butt heads with during her investigation. however donovan isn’t entirely gone, suggesting he still has some part to play in story progression — likely involved with Tylers S2 story.
TYLER!! if you follow my blog for a while you’ll know I’m the tyler apologist ever. I wholeheartedly believe he was innocent (yes he did the crimes but like. mind control. i’ll link the thread here and bottom of post) personally I’m hoping we get a redemption arc. We know that hunter doohan is a season regular and major player based on his spot on the cast list. He broke out last season.. but how/why? I’m excited to see more of tyler. i love him sm you guys. -> thornhill is not coming back, as christina ricci is not listed and is seemingly univolved. the general consensus is thornhill died in her last few minutes of screentime though nothing on that was ever confirmed. I am looking foward to confirmation and what that means for Tyler, not having a master to force him to kill and all (again, ties into my previous point and I have evidence for why this in particular is important) (see bottom of this post)
Moving on: Bianca. Joy Sunday is listed as a series regular and a major player. After last seasons ending, I am excited to (hopefully) see the continuation of her growth and development away from being a bully and also hear more of her backstory with her mom and ‘morning song’.
That being said, nightshades. Percy Hynes White is confirmed to be not returning, neither percy nor netflix has made a statement, and we are unsure if this decision was percy’s or netfix’s. We do not know if Xavier is to be written out or was recast. -> Naomi (yoko) is also not returning. Naomi made a statement on instagram as to why. However, she was in last season’s promotional materials which suggests she was intended to be important. there were many theories she was the stalker. Here’s to hoping for a S3 return!-> the dias-watson twins (divina and kent) are not listed on any casting announcements nor have the twins posted anything regarding the production announcements. However, nothing has been confirmed regarding their return and no statements have been made. -> we don’t know what this means for the nightshades but I hope to see more of them this season, including inducting ajax and enid. maybe pugsley and eugene, who are both set to be series regulars - as is ajax. Personally ajax is one of my favorite characters and I am excited for him to play a bigger part in the story. enjax truthers unite!
Addams family members are also set to return. Morticia and Gomez are now considered series regulars according to the production announcements. Additionally, we will be seeing Grandmamma and Fester (Fred Armisen) as guest starring characters. The 90’s actor of fester is also confirmed to be making an appearance, though no character name has been announced.
STEVE BUSCEMI?! WHAT IS HE DOING HERE HELLO??? (I love him guys he’s so silly) -> Several other new cast members has been announced. Steve Buscemi is confirmed to be playing someone named Barry Dort, we have no further information on the character. Thandiwe Newton is confirmed to be playing someone named Dr. Fairburn, we have no other information on the character. Based on the gueststar status and Dr. in the name, there are many theories that they will be the new therapist, but nothing is confirmed. We also have Billie Piper as Capri. no further official information. I am so excited to meet this capri!! All I can say is that I doubt they will be the new headmaster because what headmaster has only a first name?? However, they also likely won’t be a new student because it’s Billie Piper, who is the same age as the other adult characters’ actors in the show whereas the students’ actors are in their 20’s/early 30’s. I think there’s a good chance they’re a siren as Capri is an tropical island. (please be morning song pleaseeee I’m desperate) -> three members of our new cast have no character names (Evie Templeton, Noah B. Taylor, Owen Painter) There are RUMORS (nothing confirmed) That Taylor or Painter may be Xavier recasts. -> All of these new cast members (besides Newton who is a gueststar I think probably a new therapist to replace kinbott) are listed as reoccurring, with Steve Buscemi listed directly under Jenna Ortega and above Emma Myers on the cast list, suggesting he has a major role. Earlier this year there were rumors or Buscemi’s casting, with people suggesting he may play the new headmaster. THIS IS JUST A RUMOR at this time. There was speculation that Weems (Gwendoline Christie) may still be alive, but with Christie being seemingly uninvolved it is likely to be false speculation. There are more new cast members plying unnamed characters, listed as gueststars.
They will not be filming in Romania again. The majority of the show was not done on soundstage. and was filmed in and around real buildings in romania. This means they have to duplicate everything as a soundstage, possibly limiting some filming capabilities. They are, instead, filming in Ireland.
Lastly, we have the title for Episode 1: Here we woe again.
This is all for now!! Please let me know if you have more CONFIRMED information (i will add it to this post and tag you!) or have questions on anything mentioned. I will be sharing more as things come out.
My sources include: Season 1 references, Netflix’s official instagram, The cast’s official instagrams, and these articles.
if you want my comments on tyler: (be prepared it is literally a thought dump and not organized and composed like this post. i may properly write it out at a later date idk yet)
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bunniklino · 3 months
what a gooooood episode, man, there's so much i have to say about it
i'm so happy that sam thornbury has switched tpot back to being more character focused since tpot 7 and not challenge focused, which is part of why i don't like episode 6
now about the episode itself, the challenge was to escape your teammate's nightmare, which is a really good gateway to more character development, and most of them are very well excecuted (except for one which i'll get to later). i'm not gonna talk about all of them, but i will mention the most notable ones
just not's dream was in the style of early BFB, but no one except for JN is around. book however, unlike the rest of the team, is trapped inside a jawbreaker, and no one can hear her from inside it. meanwhile, the rest of JN try to look for where she is, and when they find out she's in the jawbreaker and get her out, price tag tells her more about themself
book's nightmare was being left behind and having no more friends after her conflict with taco occured. even when she was freed from the jawbreaker, she still felt very lonely, having been forgotten, or abandoned, by all her old friends. that is until price tag starts talking to her, which creates a very sweet dynamic between the two that i adore, and when ice cube goes "hmmm :[" while looking at book and price tag at the end opens up the door for some icy-book interaction at some point?? that would be cool
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SPEAKING OF THE S!!!! let's talk about them huh?? the S (and clock) are transported to winner's nightmare: past memories of loser, and how loser took what the two did together and ran off to become famous by himself, and winner learns to let go of him with the help of clock, which not only saves the S from elimination, but it also ends the winner-clock conflict
i am so happy they finally ended this arc, it's something that made me interested in the S in the first place, and it's so satisfying to see that it's finally over!! also, i hate loser even more now. at first he was just a gary sue but now he's just a straight up asshole for ruining what he had with winner. i hate loser sm i never actually liked him
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every nightmare was great, except for Are You Okay (which was still good but it's my least favorite)
they were in pen's nightmare, and it was that he'd be arrested for not paying his debt of i think 200 vigintillion dollars?? and they had to get him out of that
pen's debt was never something i thought twice about, so i wasnt entirely interested in this one. it was still funny though!! so i don't mind it all that much
this episode was really good!! i love the direction tpot is going in!! there was a lot more i couldnt explain in this review since i wanted to keep it short (like death pact again's plot) so watch the episode for yourself!!!
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dalekofchaos · 5 months
I think if I had any issues with GOW:Ragnarok is 5 things.
No mention that Thor killed his mother. In GOW 2018, Mimir tells the tale of Fjörgyn, Thor's mother and one of Odin's great loves. It is implied that Thor killed her. It would give depth to why Odin is abusive towards Thor, his hatred of Atreus, self-loathing(aside from failing his sons) and explain why Faye went nuclear against Thor. Also? This would give context to why Thor is the way he is.
Odin doesn't use Kratos actions of murdering his family in turning Atreus against Kratos. I'm sure Kratos tells Atreus off screen, but does he? You'd think he would've told Atreus in the last game's ending or somewhere in Ragnarok. As far as we know all he told Atreus is killing Zeus and "I've killed many who were deserving and many who were not" implied, but never said. Kratos telling Freya was an important moment for them to understand each other. I don't think Kratos told him and considering how much of an abusive manipulative gaslighting prick that Odin is, it just felt like a missed opportunity not to have Odin use that to turn Atreus against his father and also a missed opportunity to have Kratos struggle to tell Atreus from his perspective on what he did.
Atreus darker personality never returned. I had this theory that Atreus "We're gods, we can do anything we want" phase would return as his Loki personality. Atreus quest to prevent Kratos' death would lead him down a dark path and lead his Loki personality to return. He would play both sides only to let Asgard burn in Ragnarok. There would be a boss battle between Atreus and his Loki side and Atreus personality would win and remain dominant. What we got was great, but I feel like Atreus' darker personality returning was a missed opportunity.
Kratos and Thor's final fight seemed tame. When I envisioned Kratos and Thor's final battle. I imagined this bombastic battle that would realm shift throughout the Nine Realms and would be the climax of Ragnarok. What we got was great. but I strongly feel like their final fight was underwhelming and it could've been more. I get the game was trying to show Thor is more than what the lore of the Norse saga and Ragnarok as a whole is showing us, but Kratos and Thor's final fight SHOULD HAVE been more.
Killing off Thor and Odin too soon. To me it's unsatisfying that Odin and Thor are killed off so soon. Thor has this great character arc and Odin was built up as this master manipulator and schemer and they die in the second game in this trilogy. Imagine how unsatisfying it would be if Luke Skywalker killed Darth Vader in Empire Strikes Back and the Rebels killed the Emperor in the second act of the trilogy. Yeah that would've been so disappointing, wouldn't it? The story they told was great and I trust SMS. But it still feels like to me that they should have done a sort of cliffhanger ending. After Brok is killed, Kratos follows Odin, Thor and Odin kills Kratos. Kratos is sent into the realm into the tear, basically the realm where the dead gods go who cannot come back. He'd see Magni and Modi and Baulder and finally Faye and Faye sends Kratos back. Then it ends with Kratos pledging to lead Ragnarok and burn Asgard. For more in depth to this idea, watch the video down below. Point is I strongly feel like it was a mistake to kill off Odin and Thor in the second act of the Norse trilogy.
Bonus 1:Atreus not even looking into the tear with the mask was just bad. All they had to do was Atreus sees into the void, one minute later he takes the mask off, breaks it and tosses it into the void
Bonus 2. Odin's design. Thor's design is perfect, but part of me feels like he should have had armor
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Compared to the stories Mimir told, I imagined Odin looking something like this down below. The story for Odin is great, but imo the final fight should have been more. Like, King of the Aesir should have been more. The contrast between him and Zeus is he is the master manipulator, but Odin in Norse Mythology is the strongest of the gods and this game didn't show it. He had powerful magic to display but it didn't feel like this grand final boss of the Norse saga, like Thor it could have been more.
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Bonus 3. The Ragnarok itself is disappointing. Ragnarok was so built up to, but it honestly felt like the mission to actually get Surtr on-side was longer than the mission for Ragnarok. We saw nothing of the actual battle, Fenrir wasn’t there, and we didn’t even see the Army of the Dead! We could've gotten the Elves, army of the dead, the Dwarves lead by Sindri & Durlin, Vanir and even an army of Vikings/Raiders to represent Midgard. But we didn't. Plus in myth, Ragnarok was largely a battle between the Gods and the Jotnar - and yet the latter weren’t even present. I was fully expecting after heading to Muspel that Atreus would tell Kratos about the secret giants with Angrboda; that would have been an element of surprise that Odin didn’t know about! I’d been hoping to fight Thor on the back of Jormungandr or something, and for Fenrir to be involved in fighting Odin. So yeah. The Ragnarok in the game called God Of War:Ragnarok is disappointing.
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shima-draws · 3 months
Hi Shima! You have a lot of Pokemon content on your page and I’m sorta curious about the like, world of Pokemon, so would you have any recommendations on what like game I should start with or what I should watch first? Thanks!
!!! YOOOOO OKAY I GOTCHU ANON. Buckle up bc my 20 years of being a Pokemon fan is about to kick in
As for where to start with the games--this is all really depending on how your own personal playstyle! Do you like games that are more easy going and light on plot? Or do you like ones with heavy amounts of story? Or do you prefer games that are a perfect blend of the two? Pokemon's got a mixed bag of all of the above so you really can't go wrong
If you're into that really nostalgia feel I'd recommend starting out with the first Pokemon game I ever played as a kid, which was Pokemon Emerald! You can actually play this for free by downloading a Gameboy Advance emulator and the Emerald ROM. I have a lot of fond memories of Emerald and it's still one of my favorite games to date. I actually even prefer Emerald over its remakes (Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire) bc it just doesn't quite hit the same lol. I think even without having played Emerald as a kid it'll just spark that nostalgic feeling? It's that kind of game, at least to me :")
Going off of that if you REALLY want to hit nostalgia central and start where it all began, Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen is also a good game to start out with. It's a remake of Pokemon Red/Blue, which were the first ever Pokemon games that were made. Personally I'm not a super huge Gen 1 fan bc I feel like it's been WAY overdone at this point (it's had two remakes already) but if you've never played a Pokemon game again it's definitely a good starting point. It's barely got any plot so it's really a game you can just dive into and enjoy without focusing too hard on the story. AND as an added bonus, Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver is the direct sequel to Gen 1 (and a remake of the original Gold/Silver/Crystal) so I'd definitely play that one as well, it's lots of fun!
Of course I will also recommend Pokemon Black/White and Black 2/White 2, which is generation 5 and my FAVORITE mainline Pokemon games of all time. BW released right before the transition to the 3D games so it still has sprite art. It's a GORGEOUS game honestly and I think it's really well balanced with story VS gameplay. It's got great characters and fantastic design elements (with everything honestly like the Pokemon designs are great, the character designs are great, the city/town designs are great, etc) and the most KICKASS soundtrack ever (looking at you Driftveil City AKA Toothless dancing meme music). I could go on and on and on about Gen 5 for hours lmao I really hold it near and dear to my heart. Also it's one of the very few games that actually has a sequel which I LOVE. BW2 takes place two years after BW and I love the story and character progression 🥰
Shouting out Pokemon Platinum as well, I know it's a huge fan favorite and honestly I also love it very much!! Platinum came out before BW did so it's got that early DS era feel to it. It's got a decent plot and classic fun gameplay elements. Also Pokemon Legends Arceus which ties directly into Platinum as its prequel (but you should play Platinum first? I know it's confusing lol). PLA is SUPER fucking fun, it's got a completely different gameplay style and mechanic than regular Pokemon games, and it ties in with Platinum so well.
And to my last few recommendations -
Pokemon Sun and Moon!! There's mixed feelings about this one from a lot of people but it's one of my personal favorites...I think people dislike that it's so plot heavy, there's a LOT of dialogue even when starting the game so if you're not into that I wouldn't go with SM. But I LOVE games that are heavy with plot and SM just does it so well. The characterization is really well done and I love watching Lillie go through her development arc 🤧 But yeah it's SM NOT Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon which are like. The same games but Worse. USUM took SM's plot and stomped all over it so I would not go for those lol
And, of courseeee. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet! These are the most recent mainline games to release and ohhh my god. Is the game laggy and bugged out as hell? Yes. Is it also fucking FANTASTIC and has made me cry multiple times? ALSO yes. If you don't mind occasional shitty graphics then please please PLEASE play SV. The open world aspect is a ton of fun, the new Pokemon designs are so charming, the characters are wonderful, and the STORY??? The plot literally blew my socks off the first time I played it. SV endgame you will always be the king of my heart. It's definitely heavier than any previous Pokemon game and it had me reeling for DAYS after. The story is just. So so so good. And we get a continuation of the story kicking ass in the DLC. I love SV to death it really redeemed Pokemon after the disaster that was gen 8 for me (and it's REALLY fun to shiny hunt in).
And LAST but certainly not least. My favorite Pokemon game of all time period ever in the history of Pokemon. Not a mainline game but a side/spinoff game--Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky!! If you want the classic Pokemon experience I probably wouldn't start with this since it's so different from the mainline games but I'd 10000% play it after finishing your first Pokemon game. It's a dungeon crawler, you get to BE a Pokemon, the music is phenomenal, the gameplay is phenomenal, the story is PHENOMENAL, everything about it is incredible and I will love this game until the day I die. I CANNOT recommend it enough. It's so so SO good and it means so much to me I can't even. Please play PMD Sky this goes to everyone who hasn't played it I prommy it's worth it
So basically:
Easy games with no/light plot: FRLG, Emerald, HGSS
Games with a perfect blend of actual gameplay and plot: BW/B2W2, Platinum, PLA
Games that hit HEAVY with plot/storyline: SM, SV, PMD Sky
Honestly you really cannot go wrong no matter where you start out. Even if it's with one of the games I DIDN'T personally recommend, all the mainline games have their own unique charm and each generation has its die hard fans (UNOVA GANG RISE). I've played all of them and they're all enjoyable!
As for the anime, my personal recommendations are the XY saga and the SM saga! The SM saga is my ultimate favorite, it's really cute and charming and fun, with some heavier plot arcs sprinkled in so it's a good blend between lighthearted stuff and more serious story. XY is VERY plot-heavy especially in the latter part, there's a lot of character development and crazy stuff going on, so I'd go for that one if you want to get hit hard with Feels. I haven't watched as much of the anime so I'm sure other people would recommend other seasons (I know the original saga, the Hoenn saga and the DP saga are fan favorites).
I'd also recommend watching the sub instead of the dub,, especially if you haven't grown up watching the Pokemon anime like me the dub is VERY hit or miss. I prefer subs as well bc the dub actually cuts out a LOT of stuff? I know for SM they had fun extra little bits at the beginning and ending of each episode that the dub just. Didn't include. For some reason? Like they'd cut out entire scenes. Idk. It's up to you either way tho ^^
And that is my introduction to Pokemon list.........if anybody has anything to add feel free! These are just my personal recommendations based off of what I like so naturally not everyone will agree lol. If you have any questions anon don't hesitate to ask, I'm always down to talk Pokemon. And I hope you have lots of fun playing whichever game you decide to go with!!
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