#I mean even war of hearts I can get distractes my secret soulmates if I don't focus on malec!!! and malec has had a hold on that one for
I've been considering making a playlist with one song for each of the ships I love, which I think is a great idea and all (as long as I made a code for what song means which ship in case I forgot), but I ran into an problem.
For ships without a canon song to relate them to I could just pick a song that makes me think of them, which was the original intention anyway (it's just that for several the main song is one in canon), but here is where the issue lies: I thought of too many.
So now I have to decide between several songs for each ship lol. It's the main reason I haven't made the playlist yet xd. Help :').
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sokkagatekeeper · 3 years
bestie did i read that right you CANNOT just say “haru had a brief fling with zuko” in the tags and leave it at THAT-
no but i WOULD like to hear about haru x zuko🤔🤔 (@i-hate-mayo)
yeah well maybe i need to stop talking so much in the tags. that said! me and @/zukkot crafted this scenario (about an 80% of a joke. give or take) in which haru has a brief fling with zuko at the western air temple, most importantly at the same time he has a fling with katara. now i know this sounds batshit but there’s a big comedic value to it.
reasons why haru should hook up with zuko and katara at the same time: it would be further proof of the fact that katara and zuko share the same taste in men (see: jet, who is also sokka-esque); it would mean katara and zuko share not only one, but two ex-boyfriends/boyfriend-adjacents; it would mean dumb teen romantic drama, and i think they deserve it; it would definitely strengthen their friendship. somehow!
people this fling would piss off: katara, for letting another tall boy with nice hair break her heart and for zuko of all people nonetheless; sokka, for being foced to remember the fact that katara and zuko have the same (SHITTY) taste in men; aang, who is deep down a twelve-year old in puppy love; ty lee, who is honestly a little tired of people breaking zuko’s little heart, even if it was kinda funny at one point
people this fling would be a fun little adventure to: haru! and do not misunderstand him, he might’ve made a mistake, but in his defense, he thought katara... knew. zuko knew he was having a fling with katara as well, why wouldn’t katara? overall this was a fun experience that served haru to understand he is, in fact, straight. now “why would haru experiment with zuko, fugitive prince of the fire nation, of all people?” the answer is that haru has no impulse control, next question; toph, who loves teen drama when it’s merely outside of her person but inside her social circle, and whose feet are very aware of everything that went down at the western air temple, is very amused as well.
people this fling would not piss off: zuko, whose heart was not, in fact, broken by haru. he might’ve been hooking up with haru but deep down he was pining after sokka the entire time, the poor thing. which also brings me to my next statement;
zuko can uh... forgive the mustache, when they’re at it. katara thinks it’s hot, sokka thinks it’s hideous, zuko thinks it’s... fine. whatever. five out of ten. but it’s definitely not a plus. zuko likes haru enough, and nothing more — he’s not a sokka, y’know. not even a jet. but that’s fine, because zuko is not looking for romance! he’s looking to distract himself from his embarassing crush on sokka, the crushing weight of uncertainity of not knowing if his uncle hates his guts or not, his imminent defeat and death and general mortality upon joining a 12 year-old’s rebel gang of child soldiers, etc. you know, typical teen boy stuff. so when haru off-handedly mentions katara, zuko is just like “huh. ok?” he simply doesn’t give a shit. good for him! katara on the other hand is not looking for romance on principle, not because haru wasn’t a good candidate, but because you know, the War. girl has her priorities. but haru is so sweet to her she has got to admit she sort of got a crush. now there’s two possible scenarios in which katara finds out;
first, during their last days at ember island, when sharing grief over jet, looking to lighten up the mood a little, zuko says “isn’t it crazy we share two entire ex-boyfriends” and katara is like “what.” and then zuko gets drenched instantly. there’s no witnesses; who’s to say what happened really. maybe a very big wave or something
OR, when toph says, “i knew you had a secret thing with haru!” at the same time katara and zuko, aka the exact same person defensively say, “NO I DID NOT—” and it goes downhill from there
either way. internally, katara is like, “haru wouldn’t do that” but then she concludes she actually doesn’t care that much about haru, and she thinks “i can’t believe ZUKO would do that!!!” and she gets back on her zuko-is-evil mindset the entire day — “you just had to colonize my love life as well, didn’t you???” they are back to being ride-or-die besties by the next morning tho.
upon these very public, very hilarous revelations, sokka sincerely believes it is his right to punch that dude. fuckboying it up not only with his bro, his boy bestie, his pal, his totally absolutely entirely platonic lohl (love of his life) etc etc, but also with his sister!! that is of course until zuko tells him no, haru did not break his heart (jet did tho. poor thing p2. good thing zuko broke his heart right back! but that’s for another post). zuko insists it was a meaningless fling for him, even if it angered katara to no end, and then it angered zuko because it angered katara, because they are both Like That. since then, sokka finds the situation... kinda funny.
so a year after the war has ended, aang and katara inevitably break up. the first thing sokka does upon hearing the news is go directly to zuko like, “if you go after aang i swear to god” and then zuko almost pukes a little. not about to make out with a twelve year old, y’know? (and actually, aang is fourteen at the time, but once you know someone at twelve at sixteen you always know them at twelve at sixteen. privately, aang thinks zuko is kinda ugly, anyway.) during the years aang and katara spend as just friends, katara and haru light up their little flame again for a little while. it’s fun, but it doesn’t last. there’s too much history there, y’know? sometimes zuko will visit and give haru the bad eye, and haru thinks it’s because he kinda broke zuko’s heart, but in reality it’s because he broke katara’s heart and made her angry, and zuko can hold a grudge. eventually tho aang and katara get back together because they go really hard on fate and soulmates. zuko thinks it’s perfectly reasonable, and sokka & toph don’t want to ruin their beautiful love story just yet, so they keep quiet. when sokka and zuko get together, katara looks at zuko straight in the eye and says “no.” and zuko points at aang, and says “no.” so their shared type in men comes to an amiable end.
that is, until one night at a sleepover. zuko takes a sip of his tea (alcohol) and says, “jet was kinda like sokka, though” and katara says “No.” but zuko keeps going, also pretty horrified, “and haru is kinda like aang” and katara says “STOP.” and they happily agree to never speak of any of it ever again.
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aerialflight · 4 years
Fic Recs (mostly Naruto cause I read too many good fics in the fandom and now I'm in hell)
Spirit-Touched by phooykazooi
Once upon a time, the Haruno clan were priests. It was said that they were spirit-touched, and that they walked among the downtrodden and the poor, and did not bow to royalty.
Or, an AU in which Sakura can see spirits.
Part 1 of The Realms Between
(Really, and I mean REALLY fantastic Shikamaru & Sakura friendship! Fantastic, beautiful writing, and such good worldbuilding, god, and the Haruno family is so badass!! Sakura and everything she does makes me want to scream!! Please read!)
Final Evaluation by Do_the_Cool_Whip
Progress evaluations are one-on-one consultation meetings between academy students and their teacher. Their purpose is to inform academy students of their strengths and weaknesses and guide them down their ideal path to becoming a strong shinobi. Upon graduating the academy and passing their jounin-sensei test, new genin return to the academy for one final consultation. (Or: The story of what happens when Umino Iruka uses his final meetings with his students as way to send them off to become the best shinobi they can possibly be.)
(Iruka! Is! The! Best! Teacher! Ever! End of story!!! Great interpretation of all the characters and their capabilities and I am so so excited for the sequel that will undoubtedly come! XD)
Celestial Bodies by Oceanbreeze7
Sasuke looked at the fire, eyes glowing red as the mutated corrupted seal on his throat. "Amaterasu blessed me. I see things. Like you with two normal eyes and the Hokage. And Sakura with a seal on her forehead. And I run Chidori through Naruto's heart. I keep trying to kill him. Over and over. And that knuckleheaded idiot never gives up.”
(Don't you get it? I saw it. The moon will bleed, the nations will die. The world is going to end.)
Part 1 of Celestial Bodies and Anomalies
(I swear, this fic freaking elevated my expectations on Sasuke-centric fics in general holy hell. Also, read the fucking sequel after this cause EVERYTHING GOES NUTS AND THE PLOT GOES OFF AND I'M HERE FOR THIS SHIT. Fucking Uchihas man. Also, you wouldn't think this series is funny, but it is, and it's amazing.)
A step to the left (and right off the cliff) by weavingBlue
Team Seven starts off on a different foot and Sasuke's canonical journey to get stronger goes off the rails a bit. It all works out though. Probably.
(This fic went in a direction I didn't expect and it's GLORIOUS. SO FUNNY, I honestly was dying while I was reading this. Please give this a chance!!)
promises by BombsAreForBabies
It's her first kiss and Naruto's last. She promises him that she will bring Sasuke home. It's his dying wish, after all.
(Naruto bleeds out faster than the kyuubi can heal him.
Sakura learns that being a ninja is more than fancy jutsu and fun.
Sasuke does not know that he just killed his best friend and turned his most loyal comrade into his worst enemy.)
(Listen LISTEN I know this sounds depressing but the relationship developments and slow healing is EVERYTHING and I think it's absolutely worth it to read this. Sakura's characterization is so good and Kakashi makes me want to hug him. A lot.)
Fang Under Fang by Vroomian
"Are we sure he's really an Inuzuka?"
(The answer is no.)
Someone reborn as Inuzuka Kiba not only has to deal with bullshit ninja magic, but soulmates being A Thing.
(Really good self-insert fic and its platonic soulmates, not romantic! I am always here for a good Kiba-centric fic and I won't say who the soulmate is. It's unexpected but so, so good! Trust me!)
Haunt The Lonely by Tht0neGal666
(Series where Sakura can see ghosts and the Things she gets up to due to this ability. The fics are short but man, you can already see the shifting differences in Team 7's dynamics, it's great!)
Perception by Ellie_Enchanted
Naruto can sense auras, which throws everything off it's balance. Because really, with someone as open as Naruto running around and peering into the depths of people's souls, something is bound to change. In other words, sometimes all that's needed is a push. Also, Sasuke apparently glows.
(Naruto the empath changing the plot and making it Better and I am loving it!)
Crossfire by DejaVu22
Following the events of Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke never makes it to Orochimaru's hideout. Instead, he is waylaid by a one-eyed man named Tobi, a man possessing a Sharingan, a terrifying dual personality, a penchant for always being late, and a single-minded mission to stop the Akatsuki in their tracks. When Sasuke runs into Naruto again years later, he must ally with his old teammate in order to protect him from the Akatsuki, while keeping him out of the two man war Tobi and Sasuke have started against the dangerous organization.
(I honest to god can't stop cackling when I read this, the Sasuke & Obito dynamic is so freaking chaotic and Sasuke's characterization is the best thing I've ever read. This boi is a mEsS and I'm fucking rooting for him. He cares so much! There's secret identity shenanigans happening on sasuke's end and it's HILARIOUS! This is the duo I never thought I needed but here it is! *cackles insanely*)
[Diamond no Ace]
Echo in His Hands by SportRayne (rayningnight)
Ship: Miyuki/Sawamura
What does it mean, when you remember snapshots of your own future?
Is it your future at all, if you change it?
Would you even want to change it?
(Look I am WEAK for BAMF Eijun and time travel fics and Miyuki being a tanuki bastard, okay? Time travel fic where Eijun gets feelings of people he knew before in the future. Really good so far and am so excited over this fic!)
The path we walk by WindsOfTime
Ship: Miyuki/Sawamura
Eijun goggles at the magazine she just shoved into his hands. "W-Wakana!" "I know!" she says, beaming. "That's my soulmate!!" "I know!!" "My soulmate plays baseball!!"
(Became such an instant fave so fast it's unbelievable. I LOVE THESE IDIOTS SO MUCH! Best soulmate fic in this fandom, hands down!)
[One Piece]
switching places by fireflywitch
Zoro is 21 and wakes up in a desert they already saved, on a ship that they burned two years ago, and standing next to a man who is supposed to be dead. Except, that can’t be right, can it?
Zoro is 19 and wakes up on a ship that’s too big, next to a robot wearing a swimsuit, and he’s supposed to fight something called a Kaido. Also, he’s missing an eye, and no one’s even a little worried about it?
Time travel is a shitshow, and Zoro didn't sign up for this.
No Time To Crank The Sun by VIKAN
He’s surrounded by strangers, but they’re all trying to convince him otherwise. Or, Zoro faces a mysterious and relentless challenge that he just can’t wrap his head around.
(This ripped my heart open, I cried reading this my god. Please read this, the pain is so worth it and Zoro and his relationship with his crew is so good here. This reminded me why I love the Straw Hats so much!)
[Fairy Tail]
to learn about a lucy (with a look into the future.) by るる凪 - nagi (arurun)
A watching the future fanfic.
It's currently X781, three years before canon. A group of Fairy Tail mages find themselves in a large building, with no known way out.
They sit down, and they watch the future.
(This is so much more fun than I thought it would be and I'm so happy I found this fic. This fic reignited my old love for this fandom and I hope it does for you too!)
[Harry Potter]
sunflowers by Marnie27
One day, a young girl sits on the edge of a well. On this day, she falls in. Then the next, she’s not even a ‘she’ anymore. He’s Peter Pettigrew — doomed to die at the hands of his (betrayed) friend’s son.
Peter is selfish, bitter and brash. He’s not some fairy tale hero, he doesn’t care if everyone around him dies, as long as he lives. The marauders are annoying and childish. Survival is his priority, and he can’t afford to face distractions.
This just makes the fact that soulmates are now apparently a thing all the more godawful.
(And then another day years later he falls into an entirely new impossibility, Remus Lupin in tow, right into the third book of Harry Potter. Smack bang on the other Peter Pettigrew’s grave).
It’s confusing and graceless, and entirely something that would happen to him of all people.
(Self-insert fic where a girl reincarnates into Peter Pettigrew! And there are soulmates! And it's angsty and hilarious and Peter is an Asshole (somewhat unintentionally lol). Always a fan of biased pov fics and characters slowly improving themselves and their mental health! Cause dying! Is! Traumatic! *smiley face* Please read!)
he's a killer queen, sunflower, guillotine by hoye
Fandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist, Harry Potter
He has to be the weirdest Hufflepuff Harry’s ever seen. Scratch that, he’s the weirdest Hufflepuff Hogwarts has ever seen.
(One thing everyone could agree on: NEVER call Edward Elric short.)
(This is peak Edward Elric and all the best things about him and I'm just having a Good Time. Friendships! Logical solutions! Marauder screentime! And so much More! *bright grin* It's a fun place here!)
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koo-zy · 4 years
hello! do you have any fantasy/historical jungkook x reader fic recs ?
hello lovely!! i’m so sorry i missed this yesterday :( i was actually planning on reorganizing my tumblr because i feel like no fics are ever going to be able to be found my blog LOL so hopefully that’ll be done soon!!
as for the fantasy/historical fics.. i’m honestly not too sure what “fantasy” (do demons count..? soulmates..? werewolves????) typically includes so i’m just going to include a bunch of fics that hopefully fit in :”) here are the first ones that i thought of + summaries included in their main posts!
also.. i’m sure i missed a lot of amazing fics (mainly because i’m dumb as hell and don’t really know what can be included in “fantasy”) and would like to apologize in advance!! 
@inktae ’s entire masterlist (they have a lot of fantasy fics!)
while this isn’t just jungkook recs, @ficswithluv had a fantasy category a few weeks ago!
@kpopfanfictrash ‘s jungkook masterlist
@fortunexkookie ‘s jungkook masterlist
one shots!
énouement - @littlemisskookie Mulan!AU
War is Hell, but it’s what you had to do to take your brother’s place. Of course, between the days of Hell are little slices of Heaven you’d call your Captain, Jeon Jungkook.
midas - @gukyi 
jeon jungkook was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and the power to turn whatever he wants into pure gold. you were born with healing and invisibility powers but without a cent to your name. so when you’re plucked off of the streets for pickpocketing and assigned to be his minder as punishment, you realize you’re going to have to overcome a lot more than class differences if either of you are going to get what you want.
i will not lose! - @jimlingss Magic!AU
A single bet - use every means to make Jeon Jungkook fall in love with you.
a piece of the moonlight - @/jimlingss Mulan!AU
For your loved ones, the people who are waiting at home, the people who have died - you will fight. And sometimes to fight means to sacrifice: who you really are and the person you really love.
dynasty - @/jimlingss Historical!AU
It’s no secret that the Emperor is infertile. But even so, a girl is selected every three months and brought to become his concubine in hopes of conceiving the next heir. This time, it’s you. And in order to prevent execution, Jeon Jungkook might just aid you in conception.
game of temptation ft. knj, myg, kth - @/jimlingss Succubus!AU 
As a succubus, your beauty is unrivaled and shaped to tempt mortals. But it’s still hard to resist Taehyung, and there’s little you can do once you’ve been coerced to do his bidding for him. This time, you find yourself entering the affluent Kim Household as a housemaid. And these poor humans don’t know your intentions are far from being angelic.
knot today - @kinktae
When your first heat approaches and you are left partnerless, who better to turn to than your alpha roommate that you’ve spent the better half of your life hiding your feelings for?
ego - @luxekook Harry Potter!AU
(..i also don’t know if HP counts LOL)
in which jeongguk is a cocky lil shit and the reader has to take him down a few pegs
stumbling - @hayjeon Prince!AU
an ask in their inbox regarding the prompt: hii! so the royal wedding of prince harry and meghan is today, and since my bias is JK and since i’m such a sucker for royal stuff, can i reuest a fic of bts all being royal of 7 different kingdom, and all of them being invited to jin’s wedding and the girl (oc) is also invited and kookie met her there, and eventually took an interest at her? the girl is also royalty from other kingdom. thanks!
werewolf!jungkook - @/hayjeon
an ask in their inbox regarding the prompt: Werewolf!jk? (im sorry ik it’s overused and unoriginal) where he and his mate have pups to take care of and they’re quite a mischievous bunch!
there for you - @cupofteaguk Hogwarts!AU
Jungkook is always known for doing things unapologetically, and it makes sense given how almost nothing gets under his skin—almost nothing, but maybe there’s an exception that takes a form of a muggleborn with the shy smile and quirky spells.
say you won’t let go - @/cupofteaguk Soulmates!AU
You’ve been eighteen years old for ten years when Jungkook first moves in 
new romantics - @/cupofteaguk Hogwarts!AU
Jeon Jungkook will go down in history as one of the best Quidditch players that ever graced the Hogwarts scene. It seems like he always gets what he wants—his life is very predictable in that sense. What he cannot predict, however, is the newest weekend employee wiping down the tables at the Three Broomsticks.
a cinderella story - @suhdays Modern Cinderella!AU
you are forced to work multiple jobs as you live under your stepmothers roof. unable to move out and strive for complete independence, you do what you can in order save enough. turns out, as a college student that is harder than you thought. so, you distract yourself by joining online chat groups in which you meet a boy that goes to your school. that boy? none other than the rugby star himself, jeon jeongguk. it doesn’t prove to be an issue until he asks to meet you at an upcoming halloween party. he’s never noticed you before so why not hide yourself in order to live your dreams, if only for a moment?
explorer - @1kook Alien!AU
Jungkook does not want to impress the frankly tyrannical ways of his planet on you. He just wants to stay here and keep your couch warm for you, hold your hair back when you wash your face in the morning.
rottenfolk - @junqkook Faerie!AU
a look was as hazardous as chemicals, a kiss as perilous as poison; his eyes and lips felt akin to a cure, but he was purely venom.
the young wolf - @/junqkook Game of Thrones!AU
he was promised to another, meant for another to hold and to love and to kiss. but when his hand lingered on yours for a moment too long to be proper, and when his eyes held yours for a beat too long to be a passing glance, you allowed desire to creep into your veins, to take root inside your heart. perhaps before you might have been permitted to love him freely. perhaps he might have even been promised to you instead. but war was no place for the wants and desires of two people, no matter how much they yearned for it to be.
the lighthouse - @rubycoast S2L!AU
(im not too sure if this is considered fantasy but its one of my favs!)
you and jungkook had one thing in common: you were both lost souls stagnant in the search of some fulfillment. the one of many differences was that your story had been written on your sleeves, while jungkook’s was a story needed to be unriddled.
black magic - @hansolmates​ Magic Uni!AU
a witch with an ambition for learning, you stumble across a crushing spell in the middle of the forbidden section. of course you have to try it out! what happens when the crushing spell not only has jeon jungkook crushing on you, but you crushing on him?
the sea & the storm - @jamaisjoons Fantasy!AU
the sea is a powerful mistress. she is calm and beautiful. she is mysterious and alluring. she is a force to be reckoned with. above all, however, she is lonely. until she meets him. fantasy au.
the lionheart’s oath - @sugaxjpg Knight & Princess!AU
There was no happy ending, no dragon slayer to save the kingdom and get the princess — there was only him: Jungkook. A simple orphan that was lucky enough to be invited into the castle, a former homeless thief that had found shelter in the form of an elysian heir. Now, after twelve years by your side, he was about to lose you to the world you sought to explore.
ghosts just wanna have fun - @/sugaxjpg Psychic & MedSchool!AU
When Jungkook discovered that he could communicate with dead people, the last thing he expected was that they would be there to give him romantic advice.
wartime child - @ktheist Wizard!AU
raising a baby in wartime isn’t easy. but when your baby starts showing signs of magical abilities, you’re forced to ring up the only other person you know he takes after: jeon jungkook.
birth of an empress - @/ktheist Dragon Slayer!AU
partners for three years and friends for longer, jungkook thought you’d remain so until he saw you with the knight at the merchant’s trade.
alternatively, the friendly neighborhood wizard trying to propose to the infamous dragon slayer in the middle of slaying a dragon? now, that’s classic.
series/two shots!
fear in your eyes - @/gukyi Werewolf!AU
(again, idk if werewolves count but hifksdjcx !!!!)
there’s a werewolf in that forest behind your house, they told you, and he’ll eat you before you can even beg for mercy. 
the worshiper series - @/jimlingss 
Long ago, there were gods who resided in Heaven -- existing to watch over and protect the universe. Each of them had their own flaws, trials and tribulations; some which were more sparing than others, but these are their stories...
a promise of freedom - @/jimlingss Wartime!AU
War is cruel and its inhumanity has not spared you. Captured by the enemy, you were brought to the front lines to heal their wounded. But after one night of saving a particular man’s life, he swears to fulfill any wish of yours.
one year, my love - @/hayjeon Historical!AU
You forge a marriage contract with the strangely speaking man who suddenly stumbled into your town with memory loss, but little do you know that he’s actually the lost Crown Prince, and a lot can happen between a married man and woman in one year.
demigod!au drabbles - @/hayjeon
an ask in their inbox regarding the prompt: i have a supernatural au prompt! how bout daughter of hades/loner!reader and son of zeus/bully! jungkook?
into the woods - @/junqkook Goblin!AU
getting hurt and stumbling upon a goblin in the forest leaves you completely at his mercy, though you aren’t sure if that’s necessarily a bad thing.
lionheart - @/junqkook Magic!AU
as a sorcerer, it is of the utmost importance that you keep your magic a secret from everyone. when you become prince jungkook’s servant, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep your identity hidden; especially when you fall in love with him.
a royal exchange - @/hansolmates
she’s the man!au where the princess impersonates her brother yoongi in order to finish his degree on time while yoongi is thrusted into princely duties. jeongguk is in the mess purely through room arrangement
knight!jungkook x princess!reader - @/ktheist
a series with 27 parts!
that’s all i can think of off the top of my head right now :(( not gonna lie, half of these probably don’t even fit into either of those categories and i know there are so so so many amazing fantasy/historical fics out there!! i wish i knew them all but i hope this helped a little bit! if anyone has any fic they’d like to rec, feel free to send it to meee :)
and finallyyyyy i leave my following page open for viewing as well so you can check out all of the authors i follow!! please show all of these authors (and many more) some love! <3
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(My Very Own) Top 20 Sterek Fics
Here is my very own Top 20 Sterek Fics (out of order)
For me, these fanfictions are a “MUST READ NOW!!!” kind of deal. These authors have so much talent, it’s incredible. These stories are just marvelous and deserve LOVE ! So, I decided to share them with you.
I’ve read most of these fics several times and some of them are even my bedside table books (with Harry Potter and the Prisonner of Azcaban and Jane Eyre)
So here we go!
1:  Enemy Lines by @qhuinn -  150k - Explicit - Dystopia - Enemies to friends to lovers - Action/adventure
This is the story of werewolf Derek Hale and human Stiles Stilinski: two people who grew up in the same town but completely different worlds, their realities split by the war between men and wolves.
Years later when Derek returns to Beacon Hills, he does it as Alpha of a military pack on a mission to capture those responsible for the region’s resistance. With his main objective, Sheriff Stilinski, out of sight, he settles for the next best thing: his son, Stiles.
Neither of them suspects they’ll need to trust each other if they want to make it out this alive.
2:  Actions Speak Louder than Words by @isthatbloodonhisshirt - 435k - Explicit - The BEST and slowest burn there is - Spark Stiles/Mute Derek - Friends to Lovers
“I apologize.” The cop finally looked back up at his face, seeming thrilled. “It’s just—it’s been so long. And we finally have you.”
That was a bad word. Not found.
Stiles wrenched his hand free and took a step back, but before he could even think up a gameplan, he felt a prick in his neck and jerked away, reaching up to slap one hand against it and twisting in the same moment.
One of the others had come up behind him while he hadn’t been paying attention, and his vision began to swim even as his eyes caught sight of the half-empty syringe the guy was holding.
3: Radio Tower by @hyperlittlenori - 130k - Explicit - Dystopia - Hope - Slow Burn/Build 
Everything was different. The world he knew was gone. It’d been a long time since he’d started thinking he was probably one of the last humans on earth, that out there the only sentient beings were those that would devour him whole. He wasn’t sure why he continued with the radio broadcasts, continued to talk into nothingness. The only explanation was that there was a spark of hope in him yet that he wasn’t alone. The lonely safety Stiles has built around an old radio tower in the middle of nowhere is about to be broken. Stiles isn’t sure if Derek is a harbinger of chaos or hope at the end of the world. 
4:  The Hollow Moon by @thepsychicclam - 180k - Explicit - Fix-It - Memory Loss - Slow Burn/Build
It's the summer after Stiles' first year of college, and he's working a crappy job and dealing with nightmares and anxiety - but he's okay, he swears. He makes it through most days without too much trouble. Then, a certain werewolf comes back into town. Which Stiles doesn't care about, nope, not at all.
After two and a half years, Derek returns to Beacon Hills with his small Pack. Though he tried to move on, something just kept drawing him back to Beacon Hills, he's just not sure what. Now, he figures he can start building something like a life - but he keeps getting distracted by Stiles Stilinski of all people.
5 :  Amor Fati by @alocalband  - 43k - Explicit - Consent is sexy - First Time - Fluff & Angst
When Stiles gets thrown into the bank vault about twenty minutes after him, Derek isn’t even surprised.As it turns out, neither is Stiles.
6 :  (not so) Pure Imagination by theroguesgambit - 33k - Explicit - Shared fantasies - Angst with a happy ending - hotdamn! 
"There is a world where whenever someone fantasizes about you, you can physically feel it, but you have no idea who is thinking it about you."
Stiles knows it's wrong, but he's been Fantasizing about Derek and he can't bring himself to stop. Derek doesn't know who's taken an interest in him, but he's enjoying it way more than he probably should.
7: What I Did On My Summer Vacation by grimm - 119k - Explicit - Wolf!Derek - Slow Burn/Build - Friends to Lovers
There's something weird about Beacon Hills that Stiles can't quite put his finger on. The way everyone in town knows his name the day he arrives. The way they insist the melancholic howling that echoes through the forest every night is just a dog. The way his dad denies getting a dog, even though Stiles comes home to find one sprawled across his bed, some big black thing whose eyes gleam red in the right light. The way that massive oak tree out in the woods vibrates under his touch, pulsing with sickly life.
There's something weird going on in this town, and Stiles is determined to get to the bottom of it.
8:  Stand Fast in Your Enchantments by @devildoll - 77k - Explicit - Captivity - Feral!Derek - Angst with a happy ending
"Stiles knew damn well what a pissed-off wolf sounded like, and every hair on the back of his neck was telling him that somewhere in this room was a very pissed-off werewolf." An AU in which Derek is feral, Stiles is magical, and they eat a lot of fast food.
9 :  What Fresh Twilight Bullshit Is This? by @isthatbloodonhisshirt - 196k - Explicit - Soulmate - Slow Burn - Misunderstandings 
“I am not Bella!” he insisted, shaking his fist angrily at Jackson, as if he’d been the one to suggest he was. “I am not Bella! I am, like, a Jacob, at least!”
Lydia made a noise of debate from his right and he whipped around to look at her.
“What?! What was that sound?!”
“You’re more of a Mike,” she insisted, shrugging neatly and flipping some curls over her shoulder.
“Wha—” Stiles had never been so offended in his life! “I am not! No way! I am a solid Jacob!”
“Mike,” she argued.
“Who’s Mike?” Scott asked.
“Shut up, Scott!” Stiles insisted, pointing a finger at him but still glaring at Lydia.
10 :  taste your beating heart by @cinematicnomad​ - 112k - Mature - Pack Dynamics - Slow Burn/Build - Stilinski Family Feels
Something was wrong in Beacon Hills. Derek was halfway across the country when he felt a call to return to his hometown, and somehow Stiles had been talked into letting the werewolf stay in his guest bedroom. This could lead to nothing good.
11 :  between the click of the light and the start of the dream by @thepsychicclam 105k - Explicit - Pack Dynamics - Getting Togheter - Fluff & Angst
A twig snaps, and then Stiles hears breathing and the rustle of leaves. He strains to get a better glimpse into the darkness, but it’s pointless. There’s nothing but a black void.
It's Stiles' senior year, and he's trying to concentrate on normal things - like the lacrosse championship, spring break, prom, graduation (and definitely not Derek) - when he starts having nightmares and waking up in the middle of nowhere. Oh yeah, and he's being haunted by a hag. Great.
12:  And You Say You're Alone by taelynhawker - 30k - Explicit - Pack Dynamincs - Bad Friend Scott - Romance
Between the kanima, the Argents, and Peter's untimely return from the dead, everything has fallen apart. Stiles and Derek try to put their lives back together once the crisis has passed. Stiles deals with the aftermath of being tortured, and the distance growing between he and Scott. Derek attempts to become a stronger alpha and keep his pack safe, and that includes Stiles.
13:  Trust Fall by Stoney - 144k - Explicit - Body Swap - Hurt/Confort - Slow Burn/Build
Stiles is fairly certain that a case could be made for every bad thing in his life coming back to Peter Hale. This time it's pissing off a powerful witch, who retaliated by swapping Stiles and Derek a la Freaky Friday, because sure. That makes sense. Um, there are GPAs on the line, not to mention the whole thing where his dad wants to shoot Derek on sight. Except who he sees as Derek is actually Stiles, and Stiles did not sign up for filicide.
Great. Wait...does this mean he's the Alpha until they figure this out? Holy. Shit.
Derek had stood in front of the bathroom mirror for a few minutes trying to control the panic as he saw himself as Stiles. As the loud mouthed human friend of the pack. He was going to kill Peter. He was going to kill the witch, then he was going to kill Peter. Maybe even resurrect him again just to kill him all over.
They were going to have to play this cool. They would have to stay calm and focused. Which is of course why the universe threw him into this situation with someone who physically couldn't be calm and focused.
Of course.
14:  Gravity's Got Nothing on You by @zosofi - 84k - Explicit - Fake/Pretend Boyfriends - Humor - Romance
“Three weeks,” Derek says.
“Still don’t want to,” Stiles says.
“I’ll pay you,” Derek says, and that… that has Stiles interested. Alf’s Antique’s may be a great job, but it’s not a high-paying job, and half of Stiles’s tuition is coming from financial aid, so…
“How much,” Stiles asks, “are we talking here? Because I know your family, dude. And it’ll be kind of awkward after.“
“My family thinks you’re some sort of fucking gift to the world,” Derek seethes, like he’s jealous, “they’ll probably be pissed at me when we break it off, so don’t worry about that. Five hundred bucks.”
“A thousand,” Stiles says, because screw ethics. Also, the Hale family is loaded. Derek can deal.
15:  Every Step You Take by @nokomiss - 49k - Mature - Magic - UST - Secret Feelings
Stiles accidentally ends up magically bound to Derek. It’s super.
16:  Baking My Way Into Your Heart by theSilence - 179k - Mature - College AU/Coffee Shop AU - Slow Burn/Build - Friends to Lovers
Derek is an uptight college student, all work and no play. His carefully scheduled life is thrown kilter when his regular barista is replaced with someone new.
17:  Windows by @drgrlfriend - 83k - Explicit - Blind!Stiles - Friends to Lovers - Found Families 
Derek has a new neighbor who won't stop looking.
“You’re blind,” Derek said flatly, the anger draining from him so suddenly he felt almost woozy. His vision cleared, his claws sliding back into blunt fingernails.
“Thanks for the memo, genius,” the kid said acidly. “I can still fucking defend myself, so don’t take another damn step.”
“Fuck, I...I’m sorry,” Derek stuttered.
“What?!” The kid’s brow crinkled. “I mean — what?! You’re fucking sorry!?” His lips thinned into a harsh line. “What, is this some kinda Hallmark movie where you’re discovering the error of your ways because you don’t want to rob a blind person?! That’s fucking condescending, man. I’ll have you know that —”
“Just, wait.” Derek interrupted what was apparently the start of a convincing argument as to why he should rob the kid after all, feeling his head start to spin. “This is — it’s a misunderstanding. I’m — I’m not robbing you. You’re — you’re safe, okay? I’m taking three steps back. Just — just let me explain.”
“Explain why you came busting into my apartment? Yeah, go right ahead, man, I can’t wait to hear this epic tale.”
18 :  Just to See You Again by MellytheHun (@loserchildhotpants​) - 15k - Explicit - Love Letters - Getting Together - College AU 
A sterek college!AU where writing student Stiles specializes in love letters, runs a blog about it and can be commissioned to write love letters on behalf of lovers who are at a loss for words.
He makes some cash, he’s good at what he does (especially when he gets to be a little more explicit in his letters), it pays for his textbooks and that’s all he’s really looking for and life is fine. That is, until someone anonymously commissions him to write a love letter to mathematics student, Derek Hale.
19:  Chasing Slumber by @hyperlittlenori - 21k - Explicit - Post-Nogitsune - Porn With Feelings - Fix it
Stiles finds solitude and a glimpse at recovering from his ordeal with the Nogitsune in a dingy motel far from Beacon Hills. Inhuman blue eyes follow his silent struggles in the darkness of the room and he can no longer pretend to sleep, pretend he hasn’t been profoundly changed by all that has happened. He can only let his fingers stretch out across threadbare but clean sheets and clench around them, in a failed attempt at not reaching for Derek.
20 :  the thread is ripping by @thepsychicclam - 36k - Explicit - Pinning - Angst with a happy ending - Flashbacks
Stiles is 27 now, with a master’s degree and a career and a house and a serious boyfriend and a life in San Francisco that doesn't include Derek. But then Stiles unexpectedly shows back up in Beacon Hills, and Derek would recognize that scent anywhere.
If you are interested, feel free to check out my Sterek Fic Recs Collections on A03.
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On this lovely note, happy reading guys!
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amiramorozova · 3 years
Dual Summoner x The Darkling pt. 32
Pairing: Dual Summoner Amira Silina x General Kirigan/Aleksander Morozova
Word count: 2297
We laid like that for a bit falling asleep but I felt him stir and leave the bed as I opened my eyes. I couldn't sleep so when we went to look over his war plans I left the room without him seeing. Walking I walked the halls wondering just what was bothering me as I kept walking till I made it to our church connected to the little palace. No one was supposed to be here but I needed to clear my head, I'd never really been here because no saint had been in front of all of us and yet now they thought I was.
The Sun Queen, that's what people call me but it's not true. I'm not just a Sun Summoner, I'm a tidemaker too so what does that make me? I thought 
The fact I came from a bloodline of sun summoners was the secret that no one was wanting to talk about. I was born in a mixed bloodline of summoners, my grandfather was Inferni and my grandmother was Sun Summoner, between those two my dad had inherited the Sun Summoner from his mother and I'd inherited both of my abilities from my parents. 
As I looked at the tapestries I stopped at one, a man with chains on his wrist with the amplifiers on it. Sankt Ilya Morozova, Aleksander's grandfather that people said was dead but then again I didn't completely think that was true. My senses knew dead was never dead as the black Heretic was supposed to be dead and Aleksander was very much alive. I was so focused I didn't even hear the sound of footsteps walking in there until he spoke. 
"Having trouble sleeping, Milaya?" Aleksander said 
I couldn't help but blush at his words as I felt his hand on my shoulder while he saw what I was looking at. I was never really that big of a believer but this power the people had to worship and believe was clear to see. Aleksander didn't say anything right away as I just stared at the tapestries and I questioned if this was right. Was I rushing into marriage because of obligation, because of finding what fate decided was my soulmate?
"Are you having second thoughts?" Aleksander asked and I sighed, "Would you be upset if I thought we were rushing into this?" I asked without looking at him.
He made me turn around to look at him and I saw in his eyes a bit of anger with our arrangement. I was to be his wife and if Dual Summoners were found I was to lead them and here I was second-guessing myself. I knew he was the only person I'd been interested in, there had been no one else.
"I think Nico is a bad influence on you, he'll be sent back to the first army." Aleksander said as I looked at him shocked. "Nico risked his life to keep me safe, to lead me to the stag." I said in a defensive tone.
I'd lost so much already and I was having a debate but I knew my powers were still my own. He wanted to bridge us together someday but it was on my terms because I wasn't a foolish girl he could manipulate. "You can't send him back to the first army; they will kill him! I need allies and he is one of my allies." I said 
Aleksander seemed threatened by Nico just being here because of him being a man, I didn't look at Nico the same way but I knew there was a lot already. I went to walk away as Aleksander grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I felt the cool of the altar in the church against my back as I looked at him.
"Aleksander, why'd you do that?" I asked, he just walked over as he kissed me, I kissed him back as I put my arms around his neck feeling him lifting me up to where I was sitting on the altar. I pulled away as I started realizing he was getting ideas and I tried to push him back.
"Why are you scared?" Aleksander asked as I looked at him, I knew there was so much going through my head but I was scared of making mistakes. If I was going to be looked at like a saint I thought I needed to act the part and yet he tempted me from those. He made me look him eye to eye as if questioning me "Are you afraid what they'll think if they find out the truth about me? That you will be the Black Heretic's wife?" 
I had no plans to expose him as the Black Heretic because I was partially swayed by his cause but I had my morals with Baghra's training to know right from wrong. "I just think maybe our first should be when we're both ready. You tumbled with others, I'm sure Zoya was one of them." I said, looking away from him. I just wanted to get away from him before I said the wrong thing to him as he had me look at him. "Yes, you're right but you're not her. She was just to distract myself from waiting for my sun summoner, my Sol Koroleva to have by my side. Zoya doesn't mean anything to me, Moye Serdtse." 
He just called me the Sun Queen and his heart...maybe I was wrong. I thought
"When do the nobles need to cross the fold?" I asked, knowing that if I couldn't make the bridge through the fold on my own he would put the stag antler necklace on me. "In the morning, Zoya is to man the sails but I believe you can give us safe passage." Aleksander said and I nod in understanding knowing he gave me the option to the Stag necklace. I was refusing because I thought I could use the part of it that was a part of me already without him knowing.
"Answer one question and I believe it I won't ask again. Are you planning to weaponize the fold if I do this?" I asked 
I saw his expression change as he let me off the church altar and I waited for an answer as we stood there. "I'd love to throw Zlatan into the fold, he planned an attack on your life." Aleksander said as he knew there was a lot I could do possibly on my own. "That doesn't answer my question Aleksander. Lives will be at stake if you send the fold towards West Ravka knowing General Zlatan is the cause of the trouble on the night of the Winter Fete." I said 
He didn't seem to have an answer but I couldn't help but consider all of our 2nd army soldiers that might have family on the other side of the fold. People they wanted to see the moment they got off, Zoya regardless of how I felt with her probably had family members in west Ravka. I heard from people she went through the fold many times to visit family while making the sails.
"Where are you going?" Aleksander asked and I just kept walking "I'm going back to sleep" 
I didn't know if I could lay in his bed without worrying he'd use the fold as a weapon on west Ravka. The General deserved so much in fact if I got my hands on him I might hurt him for killing my fellow tidemaker but then again my thoughts went to the people who helped me get out of here. Mr. Brekker and his crew were probably going to be on the skiff.
I hope they hide from him they don't deserve to die but this will be hard. I thought
I walked into my room and laid down as I fell back asleep, when morning came I yawned but I got myself together. Genya came in and she helped me with a few things making sure I looked good and then she brought me over a dress. 
"What is this for?" I asked
"For the trip on the Skiff." Genya said 
I let her help me change into it and I looked at it seeing it was more sun summoner but my tidemaker side was represented too. Genya also put my hair together as I looked at the hairpin in my hair knowing that a lot was going on.
"Genya tells my family I want them on the skiff, if anything goes wrong with me I need their assistance." I said 
Genya nodded as she finished and I wore a cloak to cover myself not wanting to feel so out of place, I questioned if this was right. Why did he suddenly want me to help those through the skiff? Would Zlatan try to harm us if we do this? I heard a lot of noise coming outside so I went to check it out when I heard someone yell "Watch out!", Immediately I put my hands together and used the light to surround me as the air was cut in half.
"Who did that?!" I asked 
"I did." A male voice said 
I saw a boy who had dark hair as I did with my dad's eye color that I would have considered he was my brother. I didn't have a brother as far as I knew, at least dad never talked about his past relationships so I crossed my arms while looking at him. This boy was a squaller that was easy to tell as he had the same power as Zoya.
"And you are?" I asked
"Aidan Nikitin, and you're the Dual Summoner Amira Silina." Aidan said 
"Yes, I am." I said 
I heard the sound of footsteps coming out and I knew who it was as I knew Aleksander's movements compared to my family's movements and the people coming were my family. Father reached me first but I looked over at him, seeing him surprised. "Dad, what is it?" I asked, seeing his shocked face, but then Aidan spoke "Hi Dad, I see you have a new family and my half-sister is the Dual Summoner." Aidan said 
I think most of us, the other summoners, and I were in shock to hear that this squaller was my older brother. I adjusted my cloak so my hands could be free. Aidan noticed the ring and he looked curious that I couldn't help but smile. "General Kirigan asked me to marry him and I accepted." I said calmly, Aidan just seemed to be looking before asking "So when is the wedding?" I didn't have a response for a few reasons one there were a few things more important than me at the time.
"Once her dress is ready, the materialeki are in the middle of making it." Aleksander said as I looked back seeing him walking over and I didn't even hear him come out. He walked over putting an arm around me securely. I didn't forget last night what he was implying and what he was considering. "We need to go lapushka." Aleksander said leaving with me, I nodded but I still insisted on my family going so he allowed it, having two carriages as we headed out. I noticed David was in the carriage with us and Ivan as I sighed until I saw what was in Ivan's hands.
Maybe I should just wear it...I can get the antlers and so what if he could control how far I could push the light father could just back me up. I thought 
The trip wasn't long but it was boring as I looked out the window wondering if this was a good idea. Once we arrived at the tent David now had the two items and I looked at Aleksander knowing what he was offering. Power, joined power to show our union of what was going on.
"Will I still have control of my light?" I asked
"Of course Amira, I have no intention of taking that from you just showing we're doing this together." Aleksander said 
No, I will absorb the antlers once you put them on me. We will be connected but they won't be showing outside of my body. I thought 
I nod as we stood across from the other as David put the necklace around my neck and then I saw the other piece go on Aleksander's hand as He started. I'd never had something infused into me so it was weird but I waited till it was over. I saw him smirk but I knew that he had some claim on the amplifier for killing the stag yet I put my hands together as I felt it slowly go within my body as he looked shocked. 
"How did you do that?" Aleksander asked, "I absorbed some of the power already Aleksander, besides I don't want to look like a freak." I said but didn't even try to remove his part as I put the cloak on and started to walk out freely. Aleksander took me for a naive girl when he offered this but I knew I was cunning like him. 
Baghra taught me well but we are connected, the antlers though I may have absorbed it to not look like a captive he does have the other piece. I thought 
We walked towards the skiff where I was ready, I could feel it more than I had before as we walked on the boat. I was a bit scared as I saw my family there too for support and Zoya was at the sails.  I was scared of going into the fold for the first time.
Is this such a good idea? I thought 
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strangerobin · 3 years
Rue: Chapter 5 (Jasper Hale x OC Imagine)
Just some familial bonding and a new discovery.
**Note: Introducing Adeline's little makeshift family :D The problem with thinking too much is that the more you think, the longer the story gets, and you try to give more backstory to each side character until you get totally distracted by them lol So expect more appearances from Adeline's little family ;) wink And expect this to be a slow slow burn Also I hope I've done justice to Alice's and Jasper's relationship (which obviously deviates heavily from the book but whatever); it's as said before, it's always sad to see a relationship dissolve, especially when it's not because of the lack of love for each other But not every relationship works till the very end, and it's alright It's still a precious part of life**
When she was warm and fed, Adeline retreated with Loreen into the latter’s room. The raging storm in her chest was finally calming by the child’s careless humming as she laid in Loreen’s double bed, guarded by plushies and dolls of all sort. While Loreen was parked next to her enormous hand crafted dollhouse, deftly placing each doll into their designated place. There was something she had noticed that was nagging at her.
“Why are you wearing gloves indoors?”
Loreen started and whipped her head towards Adeline, clearly made uncomfortable by the question. “Um… well you see…” The child spluttered, momentarily staring at her hands before finally shrugging nonchalantly and tugging the pair of gloves off. “You’re right, I suppose they are ridiculous, aren’t they?”
She threw the pair of gloves over her dresser before stooping to stuff the rest of her miniature dolls into the dollhouse and diving into bed. Her attention already distracted by something else like any child would do.
“Ohhh! What’s this Addie? I never saw this on you before.” She pointed to the little silver locket around her neck. Clearly fascinated by the intricate carvings on the locket. “It’s absolutely gorgeous!”
“Oh this old thing?” Adeline fingered the trinket, felt the grooves and the carving underneath her thumb. It was funny how she could look at it now with a sterilised sense of calm but god forbid lose control so easily faced with the man in the woods.“It was from a friend.”
“Pretty.” Loreen murmured. Leaning closer to check out the trinket, she touched it gingerly with a finger and was immediately absorbed by it. “Must be very important if you’re still holding onto it after all these years.”
That struck a nerve and Adeline quickly tucked the locket beneath her bathrobe and shot Loreen a smile, abruptly changing the subject. “Well aren’t you chatty tonight, Lorie.”
“Well you know what I’m down to chat about?” Loreen shifted her little body so that she was on her stomach, cheeks in her hands, sizing Adeline up with her brown eyes. “Your absence.”
“You sure you want to talk about this, young lady?” Adeline laughed, amused by the child’s antics.
“I do.” Was the child’s serious reply.
“Well you have Anakin. And Teddy. I think you hardly need me around.”
“Anakin’s a tyrant, he never takes no for an answer. And he’s surprisingly very persuasive when he wants. And Teddy… Teddy’s fine, he’s a good a soul. But he’s a bit of a bore.”
Adeline snorts. “Good soul? Good lord Loreen where did you learn to talk like this?”
Loreen pouted cutely. “See this is all Anakin’s work. He’s just no fun really. I miss having you around, I need another girl to talk to!”
“Oh sweetheart I’m sure some of the neighbour’s kids would play with you.”
“They’re such children! I couldn’t possibly play with them! I’m surrounded by goldfish everywhere!”
“You’re a child yourself. And you’re not in an aquarium, Loreen.”
“Yes I am, so I really need you here with me. Besides Father never comes. I mean you’d actually be pretty undisturbed here. He calls us disappointments anyways. He only ever has time for the elites!”
Adeline smiled ruefully and reached a hand pat the little one’s head. Here she was, worrying even her little sister. “He will be around more, if he knew I was here.”
“Ahhh to be a favourite child.” Loreen sighed dramatically.
“Seriously, where did you learn to speak like this?”
“What? Because it is unbecoming of a child?”
The pair stared the other down until finally Loreen cracked.
“I might have been rifling through Netflix a bit…”
“And I do so adore those British period pieces.”
“There we have it! I think I might need to talk to Anakin about you-“
“Oh you are odious!” Loreen pouted again, before latching onto Adeline’s arm. “Please, please, pretty please! Don’t rob me of my only joys in life! Anakin’s barely even bothers with me half the time and have you seen Teddy? No! Because he’s always out to do some boring stuff and I’m always alone! I’m bored out of my mind! I'll read anything in this house, I even read the dictionary to pass time!”
Adeline laughed again. “Alright, little lady. I’ll let you be, so long as you go to sleep right now.”
Still grumbling, Loreen got under the quilt but nonetheless snuggled close to Adeline.
“Sweet dreams dear.”
She watched the child close her eyes. Lucky child, she wished she was back in that little cottage, snuggling up to her sister, a fire roaring in the hearth. When sleep was easy and her dreams were not tainted by her demons and shadows of regret.
But just as she felt the tendrils of an oncoming nightmare, she felt a small hand reaching up to her forehead. Adeline soon felt a warmth enveloping her body, her head was on a pillow of cloud. And just before she fell into a dreamless slumber, she thought she heard a whisper.
“Sleep well, Adeline.”
“Jasper are you sure?” Alice asked worried, hurrying after the man as he strode with purpose.
“I’m sure.” They were at a car dealership in Minnesota. Alice had been stumped trying to scour for possible leads for Adeline, but something had changed for Jasper. Instead of the usual moroseness that clung to him, he seemed to have been rejuvenated by some unknown spark, there was a new found confidence in him of sorts. It mystified her, he was acting like a child who had been let on a secret that he only knew.
“I’ll drive you to the closest airport and you can take the next flight home.” Jasper said as he led her to the car he had bought. “Then I’ll continue on from there.”
“And how exactly are you going to find her, Jasper?” She quizzed. “If a seer can’t even find her. And she leaves practically no scent for anyone to follow if she wants.”
Jasper turned to look at her then, really looked at her; she scrutinised him equally hard on her part. Searching for an answer.
And it hit her like a bullet to the chest.
She understood then.
“She’s your mate, isn’t she?”
Jasper looked away guiltily before giving her an affirmative nod. “I think so… yes.” His eyes clouded over then, reminiscing. “It took seeing her again to confirm it. But I… I feel her in my heart, this small tugging… incessantly. Even now I can feel it, pulling at me, urging me to move, to be closer.”
“Oh Jasper. That’s wonderful news.” She had to congratulate him, despite still reeling from the shock and the ever-growing pain inside her heart. She really shouldn’t be selfish now.
“Alice.” Her hand was clasped into his large ones, and she eyed their intertwined hands before gently letting them fall. One look at him and she saw the heartbreak and sorrow in him. How torn he must be feeling right now, the dilemma he was in. “I’ve hurt you, Alice.” He finally murmured. “And it wasn’t even my intention.”
But how could she forget that for every little emotion she had, Jasper felt it tenfold more. So intense was his sense that if her heartbreak was already eating at him, it must have been excruciating when he had seen Adeline the night before.
“Perhaps I really shouldn’t..." Deliberating internally with his own doubts and concerns, Jasper struggled to find the right words to express himself. "She doesn’t want to see me... not anymore anyways. Why throw away everything we’ve built...”
Alice watched on as she was reminded of her times with Jasper then. The Quileute tribe may deem him dangerous for his skill and experience in the army, he might have had a hand in the Southern Vampire wars; but the Jasper she knew, the man she had loved was always a sweet and gentle man. Sentimental yes, empathetic even more so. All the years he had spent shielding her, simply being there for her. Alice knew that if she took away this chance from him, it would always be a regret on his part. And this wound would continue to fester like cancer, eat at him, until it ultimately killed him from the inside. Until there was nothing left but a shell of a man.
He deserved more than anyone, to love and be loved.
And if all he needed was a push, she would gladly give it to him.
“Go.” She beamed at him through her unshed tears. “Go find her and make it up to her.”
“I’m not even sure if there’s anything that needs my making up to her.” Jasper whispered in exasperation, but his caress betrayed a gentleness that was almost innate in him. She leaned into his palm one last time.
“Bring her back will you, I have a hunch we’ll be the best of friends.” She breathed. Watched as a new resolve hardened in his eyes.
“Yes ma’am” The same reply he had given when she first greeted him in that little diner in Philadelphia.
Her heart might break just a little bit more.
Jasper was driving his new car, not quite sure where his destination was yet. Simply letting the pull at his heart guide him.
Though to be honest, his mind wasn’t particularly on the scenery or the drive. He needed the time to think, to sort out the mess that was in his mind.
A soulmate bond.
When Carlisle had mentioned to him all those years ago; he had struggled not to be cynical about it. Because yes, it was rude; but also because he didn’t quite believe in all that bullshit after his time with Adeline and then his affair with Maria. Maria had simply manipulated and ensnared him into a web of lies and then proceeded to use him and mould and knead him into whatever she needed him to be then. There was no deeper emotion other than the feeling of being exploited by the woman.
But Adeline. Adeline, she had straight up ripped out a wide gapping hole in his heart. Do people ever get over a heartbreak like that? He had wondered.
It was really Alice who had calmed him down over the years, shed new light on his existence as a vampire, provided the companionship he so desperately needed. Helped him control the bloodlust.
If Adeline had never reappeared in his life, if she had never passed through Washington for whatever reasons, if she had not stopped to find Renesmee. Why, he thought, they might never chance to meet. He would continue his peaceful and contented life with the Cullens and Alice; and she would have continue on her merry way.
But nothing in life ever goes as planned.
The moment his eyes finally beheld her form again after centuries, he knew then. He knew then that she was the one he had been waiting for all along. Perhaps it was the way how the world seemed to have changed; how it brightened like never before. Or how alive he felt in that moment, how his dead heart almost, almost started beating again. Or how when she had left, the pain in his heart, how excruciating it had been, as if it were ready to tear itself apart. Maybe it was just the way that when she was around, every feeling that he had was intensified.
And when he felt that unknown tugging at his heart, it had all but cemented his belief.
But now that his sentiments were all but confirmed, there were other concerns that warranted his attention.
He thought back to the night they had met, rewinding and examining every little detail that he may have missed. Sure it was excruciating, but he needed more facts to pursue. He needed a plan of action to lure Adeline out of her shell, to make her at least talk to him. He didn’t think that a reconciliation was possible after her rejection, but surely some answers were long overdue.
He recalled how she had trembled at the mention of her father, how desperate she had wanted to escape from him.
Her grandmother Henriette had once told him that: there are things that are out of their control, things that are better left in the dark. Her father had needed her and what could a single unwed woman do but to comply to her parent’s wish. He had been young and rash then, had dismissed it all in a fit of fury and anguish, had chalked it up to his lack of wealth and class. But now that he thought of it, perhaps they were half truths mingled with white lies, told to protect him from a greater evil for his own sake. A tyrannical patriarch figure who was also probably a very ancient vampire.
He briefly considered just what he was getting himself into.
As he cut the line to leave the highway at the next exit, he felt another strong tug at his heart as if it were a signal that he was on the right track.
He had just passed a giant billboard that said.
Welcome to Colorado.
When Theodore, or simply Teddy, returned from his ‘dull and tedious tryst with his insipid chess-loving company’ as Loreen quoted, or as the man himself reiterated impatiently ‘a simple chess meeting in Denver’, he was met with a chaotic household gone rogue.
“Well aren’t you dapper, young man?” Adeline drawled from her couch she had claimed for herself, parked right in front of the TV. Sizing up the man, she took note of his wind swept black curls, the tweed blazer and the crisp silk shirt and the shiny black dress shoes. In turn, Teddy was also eyeing his sister intently.
“Is that my bathrobe?” The finely-dressed man asked incredulous, one hand on his hips, the other pointing accusingly at the former.
“What?!” Adeline defended, refusing to budge from her position. “You have grand taste. And it’s comfy.”
“And is that my Rockies t-shirt?”
“So it seems to be.” Adeline shrugged nonchalantly.
“Anakin! She’s even drinking my wine now! And she’s gone through my entire chocolate stash!”
“Oh go bother someone else won’t you!” Was Anakin’s annoyed reply.
But as Loreen had put it, Teddy was a good soul and all was forgiven soon enough with peace restored within the makeshift family.
Yet underneath the calm lurked a quiet unease.
The family was quick to notice, the listlessness and jitteriness Adeline was emanating. The more they tried to press her, the more withdrawn she grew, refusing to divulge in whatever she had hidden.
For Adeline, she had thought she was seeking safety and shelter among her half-siblings, but in confinement she was growing evermore restless. She stubbornly ignored the void in her heart, a strong reminder that an essential part of her was missing from her life. One she had all but forgotten until the fateful run in. Instead she paced the halls all through the nights, had taken to drinking coffee at night and wine in the morning. And when she rested, sleep was always fitful, plagued by strange dreams and nightmares and long-forgotten memories.
Her intuition was never wrong, it was the only gift she could fall back on in times of crises. And right now, she could taste it in the air, hear it in the wind. Something was about to happen, a reckoning of sorts she was sure, and here she was waiting for a sign.
Adeline downed another flask of coffee as she sat in the chill with a simple blanket to keep herself warm. The stars were out and she was studying them as they moved across the late evening sky.
She desperately needed a sign. This state of limbo was slowing driving her insane. She needed a way out, an escape.
“Hey you.” She didn’t need to turn, she knew only one person who would be brave enough to disturb her in her reverie.
Teddy gently sat down beside her. “You’re not sleeping.”
“I can’t.” Adeline frowned and rubbed her face, exhaustion evident in her system.
“Well all that caffeine isn’t helping.” Her half brother smile and pointed at the flask in her lap.
“Well, I don’t want to sleep.” Adeline retorted with more bite than was needed.
“Adeline.” Theo admonished softly.
She shot him a warning look, though the corners of lips were slightly upturned good-naturedly. “Teddy.”
Teddy bless his soul, always the same kindhearted and gentle soul that he was. Loreen might call his person boring, but Adeline liked how he was always constant and steadfast… like an evergreen. There was a reason why he had always been her favourite out of all her siblings, not even her history with Anakin could beat this. For him, she would shield him from every hurt, every danger; and sometimes she wondered if she had done all that was good for him. If she had done right by him while raising him to be the man he was today.
“Well? What is it that you want to ask then?” Adeline rested her head on her knees and gestured for Teddy to voice his concerns.
He studied her intently for a second, as if finding the right word to begin with. “Something’s happened. Anakin tells me you were in a pretty bad state when you came but he wouldn’t divulge further said you didn’t tell him as well.”
“So I didn’t.”
“Well you can tell me. You know I’m your most trusted confidant.”
Adeline had to laugh at that. “Yes you are, my beloved brother.”
An easy silence enveloped the two as they sat shoulders touching, head tilted towards the open galaxy. This was the only thing she ever missed, in between running around the country, and hiding away from her father. This heartfelt connection with the only few people with whom she could be herself; a permanent residence, a pillow under her head at night. She had given up something similar, years ago when she was still young and naive, and very much in love, desperately so.
Now, she didn’t let herself dream on.
“Do you... do you remember New York?” Adeline dug her fingers into the wet earth, the dampness of the earth filling her nostrils immediately. “Do you remember Harlem, 1921?”
“That night when you drunk the entire club under the table?” Teddy turned to eye her carefully, even after all these years, he was still sensitive about that little fiasco she had pulled to spite their father, and probably to spite herself too. “Yeah I remember that night.”
Adeline kept her head down, her hand playing absentmindedly with the loose soil. “Do you remember when you asked me don’t you have any regrets in life?”
“And you had said yes, more than you will ever know.”
“Well…” There was a catch in her throat now and she swallowed hard to speak. “Do you have any regrets yourself Ted? Just something… anything.”
Teddy frowned as he contemplated the question Adeline had raised. But then she didn't think he had any; moralistic Teddy, gentle Teddy, worry-wart Teddy, he had too much foresight to let himself make grave mistakes like she did. “Nothing major really. Although… there is a place my mind always goes back to…”
“Which is?”
“The little diner in Philly, 1948.” The brunette hesitated, stealing a sidelong glance at his sister before continuing. “The one you were adamant we left immediately. I always thought that there was something… someone waiting for me there… and I always wonder what I would’ve find there if we had gone in.”
“Our ultimate demise probably.” Adeline shrugged.
“And why are we talking about regrets now?”
She hummed in response, turning to give her brother a tired smile. “Because, it seems my biggest regret has decided to return now to haunt me, out of vengeance.”
Jasper pulled into the local inn parking lot, killing the ignition as he did.
Georgetown Mountain Inn.
The modest sign glowed in the dark night.
He had circled round the interstate for a day and a half, and then into Denver city, letting his newfound instinct guide him on his search. And it had ultimately lead him to this quaint historical mining town just west of Denver.
He breathed in the fresh alpine air.
This felt just about right.
Or so he thought.
“Ruelle? Never heard the name young man if I might say so myself. You looking for someone?”
The innkeeper shook his head at his inquiries the next day. Georgetown was only a small town after all. If it’s residents had never heard of the name, then the chances of finding a Ruelle in the town was close to slim. Distracted, the man had then turned back to the phone call he was on, entirely unaware of the subtle shift in emotion of his customer.
“Marie. You got the van out? I phoned up the Emersons last night. Anakin says he’ll be round before 11 to take a look at it. Afterwards he’s got business with Ted down in Denver that’ll keep him there for a week. Ask Jim to hurry over will ya?”
The innkeeper was still on the phone when Jasper turned to leave.
“Who’s looking after Loreen? Heard they got family staying over for a while to look after the kiddo. Beats me Marie... I’m sure they’ve still got good folks in the family.”
Without a plan or even a clue, Jasper decided to cruise round town and then up the lake to take his mind off Adeline. Even if the disappointment was slowly eating at him; he had been so sure of himself, but now doubt was settling in. Perhaps he had been mistaken indeed, everything was only a figment of his imagination, wishful thinking on his part. But then again, no sane person on the run would think to use their real name, no? He reasoned with himself. He knew he wouldn’t, and he didn’t think Adeline was stupid enough to do the same. So not all hope was lost yet.
Up ahead, his line of sight fell on a quaint little house nestled within the mountainous terrain overlooking the lake.
Casually pulling into the drive; he was just able to catch a pair of brothers heading out. One was much tanner than the other and though neither looked quite related to the other, but there was a little something that made him believed that they were related. The elder was fixing up the jeep parked on the driveway while the younger one was lingering at the door, taking to someone inside the house.
He recalled the phone call his innkeeper had made that morning.
Jasper strained his ears to listen to their conversation while pretending to make a u-turn at the end of the drive.
“You sure you don’t want one of us to stay with you Ad?”
“I’ll be fine Teddy, just go. Don’t let your students down. They’ll be waiting for you.”
“Grandmaster.” A little girl, one he had missed before, chimed cheekily.
But the man, Teddy, was still unconvinced. “You still haven’t told me what’s troubling you Ad.”
“I’ll think about it.” The woman in the house replied.
“You’re still jittery.”
“It’s the caffeine.”
“Bruh you coming or what?” The elder by the car shouted back towards the house.
“This isn’t over.” The younger man muttered before scrambling down the terrace towards the jeep.
There was a ringing in Jasper’s ears as he leaned forward in his seat to catch a glimpse of the woman who turned to usher the child back into the house before closing the front door.
And just as the door closed, he thought he glimpsed a pale face framed by brown curls and a pair of blue eyes.
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sparklyfairymira · 4 years
Prompt & Fic Updates (Updated 5/9)
Because I have a lot of fics and prompts upcoming, here is a list so you can see what's in queue and when my WIPs are set to update. Generally speaking, I will stick to this schedule as much as a I can, though it might change from time to time.
Chapter 3 (Final): 6/23/21
Chapter 3 (Final): 6/30/21
BELLARKE/MINTY/HARPHY Chapter 3: 7/7/21 Chapter 4: 7/21/21 Chapter 5: 8/18/21 Chapter 6: 9/1/21 Chapter 7: 9/13/21
Chapter 2: 7/14/21 Chapter 3: 8/9/21 Chapter 4: 8/25/21
Chapter 7: 6/25/21 Updating every Friday
See below the cut for my upcoming prompts
Expected publication date: 6/26/21
Seelie Princess Clarke is set to marry Unseelie Prince Wells, her childhood friend as has been arranged since their birth, but there is nothing less in the world that she wants to do. So she decides to run from the court but somehow ends up in the Shadow Court—somewhere that no Seelie should ever be. But then she meets the King of the Shadow Court Bellamy and something is drawing her to him. Bellamy can’t believe his luck with one of his subjects shows up at his door with a Seelie Fae and not just any Seelie, it turns out, but the Seelie Princess. He thinks that he’ll be able to use her to finally have his court recognized by the other two. He wasn’t expecting her to be his soulmate but as soon as their eyes lock, he knows. And he knows that he can never let her leave him.
Expected publication date: 7/3/21
Clarke is a nurse who works hella late nights in the ER and walks home. She’s attacked one night while walking home — nothing happened because a (tall, muscular) stranger happened to be nearby and pulled the guy off her. But the man in question, Roan she learns, tells her that if she’s going to walking home in the city at night she should learn how to protect herself. So she signs up for a self-defense class...and Roan ends up being the instructor. He teaches her how to defend herself, and she starts growing more confident in herself in general. Confident enough to ask him out after class one day. Let’s just say they never make it to their dinner reservation.
Expected publication date: 7/10/21
Clarke falls in love with Bellamy the moment she lays eyes on him. He's smart and handsome and has a fire inside of him that she finds mesmerizing. Sure, he's always been secretive, but his secrets are a small price to pay for his love. But then she learns what those secrets are, and suddenly the price doesn't seem so small. He's not what she thought he was, and even though she loves him, she plots to take him down
Expected publication date: 7/17/21
Their group consists of six. Bellamy, a convict with a thirst for revenge. Miller, a sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager. Monty, a runaway with a privileged past. Raven, a spy known as the Wraith. Clarke, a Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums. Murphy, a thief with a gift for unlikely escapes. Somehow they managed the impossible heist only to be backstabbed and Raven to be kidnapped. They get Raven back and they get their revenge but nothing ever comes for free. "We were all supposed to make it, " Monty says softly. Maybe they'd been naive but they had never questioned their survival—no matter how dicey the situation seemed. But Bellamy is dying in Clarke's arms—the only place he wants to be—and Raven is telling her that she has to accept it. Only Clarke knows that she doesn't have to. She may not have the jurda parem but it's already changed her powers. She can do this. She knows she can. She pulls on all of the power that she can and forces it into Bellamy's body as the last breath leaves his lips. Or a Six of Crows AU that picks up at the end of Crooked Kingdom with slightly different results.
Expected publication date: 7/19/21
Emori isn't the sentimental type. When you grow up the way she did, you tend to learn to not get attached to things. When you get attached, that opens you up to loss. And she's had about all the loss she can handle. But then she meets Bellamy. He's a grad student at NYU, this hot book nerd whose hair is always a mess and who comes to her bar to do homework like some sort of weird. Says he grew up basically in a bar, and the background noise helps him focus when his apartment gets too quiet. And he's...not her type. He's got kind eyes and his hair is always a mess and he's getting a master's so he can teach history and he wants to travel the world to see all of the places he's going to teach students about in person. He wears his heart on his sleeve and makes stupid jokes and chats with everyone he sees. Meanwhile, she's got hard edges and a rough exterior no one's ever gotten close enough to even try to crack. Well, no one until Bellamy. And the closer he gets, the more she starts to think maybe the risk of opening up is worth the reward...
Expected publication date: 7/24/21
Riot Night changed Clarke’s life forever. A gang war between the Grounders and the Reapers had reached a head that night. The first riot began at the abandoned amusement park where Clarke and Raven were attending an underground MMA fight. Clarke makes sure that Raven gets away but finds herself in danger only to be rescued by three extremely attractive mystery men. Three mystery men that framed her as the ringleader of Riot Night. It’s eleven months later and she is coming back to Arkadia for the first time in the eight months since she was acquitted of all charges. As she arrives at her mother’s house she discovers that the three mystery men are her new housemates and they have no intentions of leaving. Now all that she desires to revenge—no matter the cost. When she finds herself in danger it is her new housemates that vow to keep her safe. Can Clarke learn to trust Bellamy, Murphy, and Roan? Does she need to trust them to sleep with them? Because it has been a long eleven months of celibacy and they are all stupidly hot. Based on the Madison Kate series, a reverse harem enemies-to-lovers story involving lots of sex and lots of violence.
Will be added to WIP list w/ expected publication dates after the first chapter is posted.
Expected Publication date: 7/31/21
Murphy is married to Clarke Griffin, a hotshot doctor who's on her way to becoming the youngest chief of surgery ever at Arkadia Memorial. But their marriage is more show than anything these days, and neither of them is in love anymore. She's constantly at work, and he's left to his own devices. That is until he meets Emori at one of Clarke's hospital galas. The affair they startup is supposed to be fun, a bit of distraction from Murphy's otherwise mundane life. But then real feelings develop, and he isn't sure how he's supposed to tell Clarke that he thinks he's found the one...and it's not her.
Expected publication date: August
Clarke, Princess of the Arkadian ocean, and Bellamy, Prince of the Mecha sea, were not supposed to ever meet—let alone fall in love. There were engagements to uphold, treaties to sign, and wars to win. But they do meet and they fall in love—deciding to leave it all behind. Before they can run away together their two kingdoms unite to banish the princess and the prince to separate oceans, to separate their souls, despite the sea witch's warnings. But soulmates always find a way back to one another. Can Bellamy and Clarke find each other and right a wrong from centuries ago?
Will be added to WIP list w/ expected publication dates after the first chapter is posted.
Expected publication date: August
Growing up Octavia never understood why the foxes would follow her around. It wasn't until she hit her teen years that she learned that she was a Kitsune—the Queen of the Kitsune. In a world where the supernatural is viewed as evil, she has to learn how to rule her people but also how to live in the world into which she was born. Lincoln is a dragon shifter—a warrior with one purpose: wipe out the Kitsunes. He doesn't know why their two people are at war but he has never approved. When he meets Octavia it is easy to forget that their people are enemies. Can true love overcome everything for these natural enemies?
Expected publication date: August
Octavia's father left when she was just six years old, leaving her feeling unloved. It is her big brother Bellamy that picks her up and helps her put herself back together again. He is the first man to show her that they don't always leave and that she isn't unlovable. Octavia begins modeling in her teens and her father shows up under the guise of catching up and getting to know one another—but really all he wants is money. Luckily her stepdad Marcus is there to help her put herself back together again. He's the second man to show her that they don't always leave and that she isn't unlovable. When Octavia meets actor Lincoln she is cautious, afraid to put herself out there but he wins her over. And then they're married and starting a family. When she gives birth to their daughter she vows that she will never be like her father and it is Lincoln that shows her what it truly means to be a father. Inspired by "Piece by Piece" by Kelly Clarkson
Expected publication date: August
Clarke and Murphy grew up together and they caused a lot of trouble together in their teens. They left Arkadia as soon as they were both eighteen and set out to make lives for themselves. They turned to robbery for an easy way to get some cash, but then a job goes wrong and Clarke gets caught and Murphy just runs. She’s spent the last six years in jail and he’s never once come to see her. Now she’s out and she wants revenge. But as soon as her eyes land on him, all those old feelings come back and she can’t decide which is stronger—her love for him or her need for revenge.
Expected publication date: August
When Octavia discovered her powers to control the weather she had been excited but a little overwhelmed. She tried to teach herself how to use them since there were no sorcerers or sorceresses in her village. Unfortunately, she’d lost control and massacred her entire village—her mother and brother included. When she was found out they tried to kill her, spewing hate and telling her that she is a monster. So she became the monster that they accused her of being. Years later when she meets a soldier named Lincoln who has been injured, something happens that she never expected—the ice around her heart begins to melt. Lincoln isn’t afraid of her and he is kind to her. She doesn’t understand it but she finds herself falling hard.
Expected publication date: September
Bellamy and Clarke have been married for five years and they're just as happy as the date they got married. They love their jobs, their dog, their friends, their life. When Clarke's childhood friend Roan begs Clarke to be his date to his mom's wedding, she and Bellamy decide what's the harm—especially with Roan willing to foot the bill and pay her for her time. Bellamy's only condition is that he goes to. Roan agrees which should be the end of it—until the couple realizes that they're falling for Roan.
Expected publication date: September
Clarke found the staircase in the middle of the woods—a place she’s been a million times before and it had never been there. Something was drawing her to them and as she climbed and climbed, clouds began to appear around her. When she pushes through the door she finds herself in a whole new world. Bellamy welcomes her to the City of Clouds and explains that the only way she could have found her way there is if she was looking for an escape. Clarke doesn’t want to admit it but she was looking for an escape from the pressures of her life—her mother’s expectations and pressure to marry Finn. It was all just too much. The City of Clouds is beautiful and she’s never known a place like it. And she’s never known a man like Bellamy before. And now she’s not sure that she ever wants to go home.
Expected publication date: September
Clarke, the Winter Queen, has only ever known cold and logic. Bellamy, the Summer King, has only ever known warmth and emotions. When their two realms suddenly start bleeding into one another they have to figure out how to stop it. If they happen to fall for one another in the process, who can blame them? Can he teach her how to feel? Can she teach him how to use his head and his heart?
Expected publication date: September
Bellamy Blake was seven years old when his mother was murdered and he and his sister were stolen away to live in the treacherous High Court of Faerie. Ten years later, and Bellamy desires nothing more than to belong there but many of the fey despise humans. Especially Princess Clarke, the youngest and wickedest daughter of the High Queen. To win a place at the Court, Bellamy must defy her and face the consequences. Consequences deep down he's not ready to face—like falling in love with Clarke even though he can't stand the mere sight of her. A Cruel Prince AU
Expected publication date: October
The sorceress of Arkadia, Raven, has only one job—to keep Prince Murphy alive until his coronation. There have been multiple attempts against his life and it has been decided that she is best equipped to protect him. She takes him far from the palace so that she can protect him. What she wasn’t expecting was to fall into bed and then in love with him.
Expected publication date: October
Clarke is the beloved queen of Arkadia and when Azgeda declares war on Arkadia, she is right there beside her soldiers fighting. During a battle, she is wounded and she’s not sure that she will survive but a man rescues her and nurses her back to health. Bellamy tells her of the chaos that the world has become since she went missing—water turning to blood & crops dying. It seems that there is some kind of curse on the land. Clarke immediately tries to drag herself from bed but she can’t even stand. Eventually, he agrees to see her home so that she can right their lands. And if he’s a little bit in love with her, who can blame him?
Expected publication date: October
A continuation of chapter 39 of "We are all caught in the in between (Of what's real and what's a dream?)"
Expected publication date: October
A continuation/epilogue for my fic A waking dream of life and light (hath left me broken-hearted)
Expected publication date: October
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century AU — Clarke grew up on the Ark with her parents and loves everything about her life in space. But after getting into trouble one too many times, her parents are sending her to spend some time on Earth with her Aunt Diyoza. To say Earth is a huge culture shock would be an understatement. But things begin to look up once she manages to make some friends, especially Bellamy, the cute boy who is fully fascinated by her life living among the stars. Everything is actually going great until Clarke discovers something that puts life on her beloved space station in jeopardy.
Expected publication date: November
Arkadia, once a prosperous land filled with magic is slowly crumbling beneath the darkness that spreads from the forest that borders their lands—the magic all but lost and forgotten. As the darkness spreads, Arkadians begin to sicken and die. Following his mother's death and his sister falling ill, Bellamy decides that he shall brave the darkness and destroy Wanheda. Wanheda, the Commander of Death, used to have another name—Princess Clarke of Arkadia. In order to keep her people and her lands from being overwhelmed by evil, she took it upon herself to keep the darkness at bay. Into the forest, she went and made her home in a tower far from anyone and everyone that she has ever known. For centuries she has taken the darkness into herself to save her people and it has slowly been seeping into her soul until she has forgotten her former self. Now all she knows is the darkness. Can Bellamy save Arkadia and Clarke?
Expected publication date: November
Clarke bought a little cabin in the woods so that she could get out of the city. She just can’t do all of the people and all of the constant going anymore. Everything is going well until she gets bit by a wolf and then on the next full moon, she turns into a wolf herself. She’s scared and confused—not to mention lost—when the black wolf finds her. She immediately knows that he’s like her—a werewolf. He helps her through the night until they fall asleep under the stars. When they wake up naked, she finds out that the black wolf is a very hot guy named Bellamy who has a proposition for her. Bellamy was born a werewolf, a gene passed down by his mom. He was raised as part of the pack and Marcus, the pack leader, was training him to take over when the time came. But then another pack came and killed most of their pack. Those that they didn’t kill they took prisoner—his sister being one of them. The only reason he’s alive is that Marcus had sent him out of state to meet with another pack. He knows that the wolf that bit Clarke is in this pack because he’d been watching her when she got bit—he just hadn’t been fast enough to stop it. Bellamy tells Clarke that he can help her get revenge on the man that turned her into a werewolf as long as she helps him get his people back. She doesn’t hesitate, her thirst for revenge and blood running too deep.
Expected Publication Date: November
Lincoln sets sail one week following his wedding to Octavia, promising to return in six months, leaving her with nothing but a paper boat. It's been two years and everyone thinks he's dead. But then rumors reach her of a man who looks likes her dead husband, swimming in the sea—with a tail instead of legs. So she steals her brother's boat and sets off to find her husband.
Expected publication date: November
Clarke finds herself in love with two people: Bellamy and Lexa. Neither of them can stand one another and it's probably at least in part due to the fact that she refuses to choose between them. Tired of the pair's fighting she tricks them both into coming over at the same time and tells them that she will not choose. If they cannot get along then they can both leave. It's either both or neither of them. Reluctantly they get to know one another and realize that maybe the other isn't so bad.
Holidate AU. FWB. June holiday. Expected Publication Date: 6/28/21
Holidate AU. FWB. July holiday. Expected publication date: 7/12/21
Holidate AU. FWB. August holiday. Expected publication date: 8/23/21
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acdeaky · 4 years
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i officially have over 1,000 followers and i never thought i’d make it this far and it’s all thanks to you all! i love you all so so much and i’m excited for my celebration! i’ve decided to do another week of blurbs (which i also did for my 500 followers celebration) which you all loved and so did i.
this is being posted on monday 2nd november. requests are open from now until sunday 8th november at 11:59pm GMT
when requesting, please include the person/character of choice, then the number of which blurb/s you want and from which category they are from. a maximum of three is politely asked, but they can be from different categories if you wish.
i do not write:
serious mental health issues
who i will write for:
joe mazzello
and characters: eugene sledge, gardner langway, pat murray and adult!tim murphy
ben hardy
gwilym lee
john deacon
roger taylor
taron egerton
and character: gary ‘eggsy’ unwin
pedro pascal
and characters: javier peña, the mandalorian/din djarin and frankie ‘catfish’ morales
david budd, steve murphy, diego hargreeves
prompts you can request!
“i’m in love with you.”
“i want to marry you.”
“you make me the happiest person alive.”
“i'm following my heart.”
“i want to do this with you.” 
“you'll never lose me.”
“did you miss me?”
“how'd i get so lucky?”
“just hug me.”
“i think i could fall for you.” 
“so, we’re just going to ignore the fact that you drunk-dialed me to tell me you love me?”
“i want you. only you.”
“you're the most beautiful thing i've ever seen.”
“i’m better when i’m with you.”
“you owe me a kiss.”
“what did you do now?”
“i love you.”
“i got these so you'd fix me.”
“you mean the world to me.”
“i always miss you.”
“i will always honestly, truly, completely love you.”
“please just kiss me already.”
“why'd you have to be so cute?”
“it’s not in my nature to give you up.”
“you make me feel less lonely.”
“i cant keep living like this.”
“you're a heartbreaker.”
“i hate that you made me fall in love with you when you didn't even jump.”
“i can't do the anymore.”
“i didn’twant to be with you in the first place!” 
“i don't want to marry you.”
“you made me give up everything.”
“i knew every bad and terrible thing about you and it dint stop me falling in love!”
“i don't want to do this anymore.” 
“this isn't what friends do!”
“i know exactly how this ends.”
“you can't fix this.”
“i can't afford to fall in love with you again.”
“do you ever think of me?”
“i thought i was going to lose you.”
“i hate the way you make me feel.”
“no! you don't get to give up!”
“you don't get to say goodbye this time.”
“i can't keep kissing strangers and pretending they're you.”
“i hate that i miss you.”
“i shouldn't have fallen in love with you.” 
“i never really got over you, and i don't know if i ever will.”
“i can't lose you, too.”
“why do you keep letting assholes like them screw you over?”
“we’re not just friends and you know it!” 
kiss on the neck
“good morning” kiss
giggly kiss
kiss on the cheek
first kiss 
kiss on the nose 
soft kiss 
‘spin the bottle’ kiss 
kiss on the forehead
last kiss 
kiss on the ear
“goodbye” kiss 
kiss on the back 
quick kiss 
kiss on the shoulder 
“i miss you” kiss 
kiss on the hand
kiss on the temple 
in secret kiss 
kiss all over the face 
breaking the kiss to say something, staying so close that you're murmuring into each other’s mouths 
when one stops the kiss to whisper “i’m sorry, are you sure you-” and they answer by kissing them more 
being unable to open their eyes for a few moments afterwards 
kisses where one person is sitting in the other’s lap 
kisses meant to distract the other person from whatever they were intently doing 
dad! (x partner!reader)
at work 
before a mission 
after a mission 
on set 
at a game
before war 
after war 
before tour
soulmate au:
greyscale turn colour
their first words to you
song prompts:
“please don’t leave.” flicker, niall horan
“i can't tell you how miss i wish i didn't want to stay” wish you were gay, billie eilish 
“why does God keep bringing me back to you?” everytime, ariana grande
“darling, you look perfect tonight.” perfect, ed sheeran 
“i promise that i’ll love you for the rest of my life.” black and white, niall horan
“i’m missing half of me.” half a heart, one direction 
“any excuse to stay awake with you.” goodnight n’ go, ariana grande
“i can't take my eyes off of you.” the blower’s daughter, damien rice
“darling, you don't have to hold it.” fire away, niall horan
“how would you feel if i told you i love you.” how would you feel (paean), ed sheeran
“can't stop staring at those ocean eyes.” ocean eyes, billie eilish
“i know you’re still the one.” still the one, one direction 
“maybe i came on too strong.” dive, ed sheeran
“i’m still in love with you.” still, niall horan
“i thought my heart had learned it’s lesson.” i won't say (i’m in love), susan egan
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Not Horny
You can find the Halloween request post  here :3
Thank you for the request @heyitsmeee2​ , I hope you enjoy this idiocy 🥺 Request; “ seokjin is a demon and he's supposed to haunt like the reader or a member or smth but they woke up and he got scared and got scared into being human and he doesn't know how to get back to demon hood again “
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Kim Seokjin focused leading to 2seok, I guess. (SeokjinxHoseok) Genre; Crack. Demon au Warnings; Profanity. Sexual references and jokes but no sex acts, implied or explicit.  Word count; 2.2k
Summary; Seokjin is a dumbass demon and Hoseok is a dumbass human. This is how they wound up stuck together thanks tot heir own idiocy.
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If you were to look up the term "boneheaded" in a dictionary, you would find a picture of Seokjin pasted there- though you probably shouldn't tell him that because the terror triplets enjoy their tails and wouldn't like damage to come to them if the elder demon were to find out their joke. Regardless of how exactly Seokjin's picture from decades ago wound up in the dictionary, the fact of the matter is, it's pretty fucking accurate. As much as he liked to act like he knew what he was doing at any given time, Seokjin did in fact, not have the slightest fucking clue what he was doing at any given time. Which is as good a place as any to start this story.
You see, the thing about demons is they aren't as willing to venture into the human realm as much as human history likes to claim. Humans, in a word, suck and no demon likes to deal with humanity's shit for longer than absolutely necessary. So it's never exactly been unusual for demons to play games to palm the work off to the loser. Now usually, Seokjin somehow manages to pull the age and superiority card to get out of human duty but for some reason on this night, he forgot that particular ace up his sleeve and got dragged into the game. And of course, he lost due to pure idiocy.
"We've been playing this exact game for millennia now, how do you still get caught two steps in?" Yoongi sighed, looking relieved at not losing for the first time in at least a century and a half while also looking as if he didn't understand exactly what made up the elder entity before him- it's idiocy and lame jokes, in case you were wondering.
"You're all cheaters!" Was the elder demon's retort, standing from his space on the balcony overlooking the arena- where their damned soul playing pieces were suffering for their sins- to point accusingly at his friends.
"We're demons," Namjoon deadpanned.
"And I am your hyung! Respect me!"
"No," The terror triplets replied in sync and Seokjin flopped back into his seat with a resigned sigh.
"Here's the information, go scare the life out of a human!" Jimin cheered, smiling serenely from the bottom of the pile he and his two troublemaker soulmates (ha, get it, because they deal with souls) had made by Yoongi's feet where they were wrestling in a way that would not stay family-friendly for long. He had one clawed hand extended to the eldest with a slip of almost ripped paper in between two of the well kept, and currently painted deep blue, talons.
"If humans got one thing right, it's technology," Seokjin huffed, getting up to snatch the paper away and read the information provided. Just a name, an address and a summary of the contract the human signed.
"Carrying paper is such an inconvenience, oh no, who cares about trees anyways?" Namjoon replied in a sing-song sarcastic voice. If he had paid attention to the expression on the younger three demons faces, he would've realised he still hadn't quite grasped sarcasm for the art form it is. He should really take more private tutoring with Yoongi.
"As you pointed out earlier, Joon-ah, we're demons," Seokjin replied and then in a flash of smoke he was gone, or as least using the distraction to sprint away towards the portals.
"One day, he'll accept that we don't believe he can just dis-" Yoongi started to speak but Jeongguk spoke up in an awe-filled voice.
"Whoa! Did you see that?!" The youngest exclaimed, staring wide-eyed at the spot the eldest was only moments before. "He was there and then just- poof! Whoa," He flopped down over his fellow trouble makers laps.
"I really worry about the influence Jin-hyung is on the kids," Yoongi said to Namjoon while the terror triplets spoke excitedly and dramatically to one another about how cool Seokjin was for knowing how to use smoke portals, a feat only achieved by the most intelligent of demons...so Seokjin would never learn honestly, but the kids didn't seem to realise that obvious fact.
"Ew," Was the first sound out of Seokjin's mouth when he stepped through the portal and into the human realm, he had stepped out into the brightly lit apartment of his victim. It was tidy and clean and smelled like burned toast. "Even Joon-ah doesn't burn toast." He grumbled traipsing through the apartment towards where he heard a male voice scatting along to a song that was most certainly not designed for scatting.
Dancing around his bedroom was Jung Hoseok, 26-year-old performing arts student and all 'round good guy. Except for the fact he signed away his soul two years ago for a pair of the ugliest shoes Seokjin has ever seen, which lived pride of place in protective packaging on a shelf in the living room. “Shoes that expensive and rare aren't for wearing” was what Hoseok had stressed to his friends many times over when they arrived in the mail- let's not dwell on the fact Hoseok knew he hadn't ordered them as he simply would never be able to afford them and genuinely believed he had a secret sugar daddy for two straight weeks.
Hoseok shimmied into his bathroom and flung his shirt blindly back towards the dirty washing hamper.
"Should I follow?" Seokjin mumbled to himself while crossing the room to drop down onto the soft bed. "It would certainly be a good story to tell the guys, I bet he'd flail spectacularly in the shower-" But a high pitched scream cut him off followed by another that came from Seokjin's own mouth as he tumbled off the bed in shock and hit his head on the hardwood flooring.
Bare chest heaving and hand clutched over his heart, Hoseok shuffled a little further into his bedroom to grab some form of weapon in hopes of protecting himself from the intruder. He waited, whole body tensed with his fight or flight instinct rampaging through his veins but the lump on the floor didn't move. "Uh, hello?" He called out shakily. No answer. "Excuse me, mister burglar? Are you dead?" With cautious, terrified steps, Hoseok edged closer to peer down at the unconscious male. "Hello?" He reached out with his foot to nudge the other's leg.
"I'm not playing hide the sausage with you, Tae, leave me alone," Seokjin mumbled.
"Uh, I'm not Tae, whoever that is."
After a handful of tense seconds, Seokjin was suddenly scrambling to his feet and turning to stare at the human before him with wide eyes.
"Why the fuck did you scream like that?!" He demanded.
"You were laid on my bed! I don't know you! How did you get in here?!"
"Stop shrieking, you made me hit my head and now I've got a headache," Seokjin complained while lifting a hand to rub at the impact site at the top of his forehead just before his hairline. And then, he noticed something, or more specifically, the concerning lack of something. "Horns!" He bolted past Hoseok to enter the bathroom and stare despairingly at the perfectly clear and flat expanse of his forehead, not even a single hint of his shined to perfection smoky grey horns. "I'm not horny!" He wailed, collapsing to his knees dramatically while his hands gripped the edge of the sink.
"Does that mean you'll leave now? I don't want to be caught up in whatever depravity you're into."
"What did you do to me!?" Seokjin screamed, turning a glare onto the human who yelped and stumbled back a few steps but that wasn't what Seokjin wanted. "No! My heat vision!"
"Your what?"  
"Heat vision! I know you humans have it in your fantasy books and little people plays, the ones on the glass screens."
"Do you mean movies?"
"Yes! That one!" Seokjin pointed at Hoseok.
"Right...you need an ambulance. Seems kind of messed up to call an ambulance for my potential attacker though so I'm not sure where to go from here." The human admitted, twisting his hands around the trophy he still gripped tightly, just in case.
"I can't attack you, silly human, your soul wouldn't belong to us then. I was only going to scare you or indirectly cause your death, not physically touch you."
"That does not settle my mind at all," Hoseok mumbled.
"It doesn't matter anymore. Even if I did still manage to cause your demise, I couldn't claim your soul, my powers no longer work."
"Right, hm, okay. Right." The human backed up until his bed hit the back of his legs and then he dropped down to sit.
For a while, they both stayed in their respective rooms, in their respective minds, caught up in their respective woes. Seokjin about somehow losing his demon identity- a feat only Seokjin and his boneheadedness could achieve honestly. Hoseok about the stranger having a minor breakdown in his bathroom while weeping about being "not horny anymore", which Hoseok was glad for because he didn't want to have the mental war with himself about the morals of falling into bed with an inhumanly attractive burglar; while also wondering which emergency service would be best suited to deal with the situation.
"It's decided." Hoseok jolted back, almost falling from his bed in surprise at the sudden close voice. Seokjin was only a metre away and standing with his hands on his hips. "Seeing as you somehow turned me human, you will provide food and lodge for me throughout the duration of my stay in the human realm until we find out how to return me to my demonic state. When that happens I will finish what I came him for and drag you back to hell with me where I will personally oversee your torture for all eternity for doing this to me."
"Uh, hang on, what?"
"How hard did you hit your head? Demonic state? Hell? Human realm?"
"Yes? I don't see your point." The pair stared at each other for a moment before Seokjin understood where the human's confusion stemmed from and he let out a hearty and entirely out of place laugh that honestly only concerned Hoseok further. "Right, I always forget, you humans don't believe in our existence, except where religion is concerned. Silly humans, we've been around long before the concept of religion was thought up by your ancestors."
"My family isn't religious," Was the only thing Hoseok had to respond with so that's all he said.
"I meant humanity in general, not you specifically," Hoseok grunted in response, not that it particularly meant anything, it was just a noise to fill the gap Seokjin's sentence left. "I am a demon and I came to claim your soul that you signed away for those hideous shoes in the other room. Honestly, of all the things, those?" Seokjin shuddered. "I am disgusted but not surprised by what humans find beautiful."
"I won those in a competition," Hoseok replied, feeling twice the amount of offence as required by Seokjin's honesty for the sake of the shoes themselves; they didn't have the ability to be offended so obviously it was down to Hoseok to be it for them. Obviously. Maybe Hoseok's picture could make a special appearance next to Seokjin's in the dictionary, something small and comparable to fine print in comparison to Seokjin's loud and glaringly obvious.
"A competition?" The demon- or not demon, whatever he may be- replied blankly. "And answer me this, little human, what competition was that exactly?"
"I don't remember, I must've been drunk when I applied."
"Oh you were drunk, for sure but it wasn't a competition you applied for. You signed a contract to promise us your soul so long as you got your ugly ass shoes."
"Wait, hold on a second. I was drunk and you still let me sign away my soul?"
"Hoseok, sweetie, we're demons, it's not like your intoxication level matters to us. We thrive on chaos and trickery."
"You know my name." The human mumbled, shocked at the fact for some reason. As if everything else so far was perfectly normal and every day.
"Well, yeah." Seokjin looked a little bewildered and concerned and for a moment wondered if Hoseok had been the one to hit his head and not himself. "I can't take a portal to a claim if I don't have their name and address."
"Oh, right, yeah, cool, right. Portal."
"Yes, portal."
Silence stretched on between the pair and Seokjin could practically see the sanity oozing out of Hoseok's ears and dripping down his bare, lithe chest. And oh, that's a thing. Hoseok's only in his boxers. Cool. Nice.
"Nice," Seokjin repeated his thoughts aloud without even realising. The human looked up at the sudden sound. "What's your stance on boning a demon recently turned human?"
"Purely hypothetical, unless your stance is very down to bone a demon recently turned human, in that case, I require a live chicken, two gallons of goats milk and the screams of the innocent on loop."
And somehow, somehow despite all that, Hoseok didn't kick the elder man out- he didn't state his stance on boning a demon recently turned human either- but instead, he pointed to the pull-out couch and spent the following months learning to live with another being as the pair searched high and low for a way to return the boneheaded former demon back to the fiery depths from whence he came.
(If you listen carefully, you can hear the cackling of the terror triplets as they watch on from Namjoon's viewing crystal but that’s another story entirely.)
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Just A Date
Summary: You are best friends with Fred and George Weasley, and you agree to go on a date with Fred as to not ruin you friendship, but you don’t want to like him in that way. 
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1700+
 It was one date. Only a trip to Hogsmeade. Just a butterbeer.  How much could one date hurt? You tried to convince yourself. 
   It didn’t work. 
   This was the end of your friendship with Fred. After being best friends for years with him and George, it was coming to an end. 
   You knew that everyone thought you and Fred were soulmates, and your mother made it abundantly clear that she agreed. But you knew that Fred was only your best friend. It was all he would ever be in your mind, no matter how madly in love with you he was. He might try to hide it, but it was extremely obvious sometimes. 
   You thought about this in detention, which you had since you were reading in Potions.
   So now you sat on the floor of his classroom, organizing files from way back when. It could be worse, you weren’t a newbie to detention. Not after being friends with the Weasley twins for as long as you had. But they hadn’t done this prank with you, so you took the fall alone. 
   Detention took forever, as it always did with Snape, so you headed back to the Ravenclaw common room late. Of course, Professor McGonagall stopped you. 
   “Why are you out so late, Y/L/N?” She asked. 
   “I had detention with Snape,” you answer. 
   “What, may I ask, did you do this time?” 
   “Reading in class.” 
   “Hurry on to your common room, Y/L/N. You wouldn’t want to be caught out of bed.” 
   “Yes, ma’am.” You said, taking a set of stairs up to Ravenclaw tower. 
   You were in the corridor where the door to the common room when someone whispered, “Boo!” In your ear from behind you. You immediately send your elbow backwards, hitting your target even without seeing them. “Ow!” said the same voice. Weasley. 
   “I told you doing that was a bad idea,” the person to your left laughed. George. 
   That meant Fred was behind you. Merlin, what were they doing here? 
   “What are you two doing up here?” You ask angrily. 
   “We just wanted to ask how detention was. That hurt, Y/N.” Fred said from behind you. 
   You spun around to face him, “That’s your own fault.” 
   “Yeah, yeah. We’ll leave.” 
   “You better, McGonagall stopped me on the way up here for being out of bed.” 
   “Excuse me, young lady, who are you talking to?” Another professor walked up to you, a different one this time. 
   You quickly pushed Fred back into the shadows of the corridor, so that he wouldn’t be seen. George was already hidden since you hadn’t seen his face, just heard his voice. 
   “Hello, Professor Lupin, I was just talking to myself trying to figure out this riddle so I can go inside the common room.” 
   “Well it’s quite late, might I help you?” 
   “Uh, sure.” You paused as you heard the twins go back down the stairs. “Can you please repeat the riddle for me?” You asked the door knocker. 
   “Imagine you are in a room with no windows and no doors. It’s quickly filling with water, and you don’t know how to swim. How do you escape?” The door knockers says, thankfully not bringing up the fact that it hadn’t said the riddle a first time in order to repeat it. 
   “Oh, I was overthinking it. Obviously, all you have to do is stop imagining.” You said. The door became open, and you said, “Thanks for your help, Professor.” 
   “Yes. See you in class, Y/N.” Lupin said, walking away. 
   You shut the door, and went to find a spot on the couch to read your newest book. You had thirty pages left, and the still unresolved plot line was driving you crazy. Not as crazy as your date tomorrow, but it was still taking space in your brain. 
   The couch was full, so you found a nice corner to curl up in. Before finding the book in your bag, you find your notebook. It was full of pranks you had pulled with the twins, and sometimes you’d find messages in there from then since they’d jinxed a few pens to relay messages from your notebook to theirs and vice versa. 
   The newest message read: Thanks for helping us not get caught by Lupin, Y/N. Owe you one. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow, if we’re still on for Hogsmeade. Hope we are. It’d be so much more fun with you there. -Fred
   You were glad he wasn’t there to see you blush. Oh Merlin’s Pants, you couldn’t be falling for Fred Weasley, could you? No, no. You couldn’t. He was just your best friend. Just your friend. That was all he was, and all he’d ever be. 
   You didn’t sleep a lot that night. First, you finished your book only to learn the next in the series wasn’t coming out for at least five months, according to one of the Ravenclaw Prefects. That meant five months for wondering what the heck was going to happen to your favorite characters. Then, you realized you might have a slight crush on Fred Weasley. You tried to deny it, but it wasn’t working. You knew that whenever people tried not to do certain things, they had more and more of an urge to do it. In your case, it was true. And you would deny it until you couldn’t anymore. 
   You got up early, which was five in the morning, to do something to distract yourself. You ended up attempting a puzzle someone had left on one of the common room tables with a sign that said, “Help me finish this. PLEASE!” 
   You only got a small section done, and you didn’t know how it attached to the border of the puzzle, but you left it alone to go get ready for Hogsmeade after others started to get up. And the kids that had stayed up all night, started to go to bed. 
   You got a little bit for breakfast, and got in line for the trip to Hogsmeade. Your notebook was open and with you, since you hadn’t seen either Weasley twin to find out where Fred was. He was supposed to meet you in the Great Hall, but you hadn’t spotted him and didn’t want to miss the chance to go in case he was going to meet you there. 
   You wrote your message a little while ago. It said: Thought we were meeting in the Great Hall? Didn’t see you, about to go to Hogsmeade. 
   You were all the way into Zonko’s before his message appeared. Got detention this morning. Don’t worry, Georgie’s going for me. Meet me inside Honeydukes in a few minutes. -Fred
   What did he do this time? You wondered, paying for some fireworks you wanted to set off when O.W.L.s were over. They were still a month away, but some kids were already studying non-stop. You’d probably wait until the night before, yourself, but you still wanted a good excuse to use fireworks. 
   Honeydukes was crowded, as normal, but you felt an arm pull you into somewhere you’d never seen before. You heard a familiar voice whisper, “Lumos!” And saw the smiling face of Fred Weasley. It made your heart jump, but you tried to hide it. 
   “Where in Merlin’s name are we?” You asked. 
   “You mean we never brought you into the secret tunnels?” he said. 
   “So that’s where we are?” 
   “Yeah. It’s also how I got here.” 
   “So how’d you wind up with detention?” 
   “Well, somehow the headboy ended up with pink hair, and my hands just coincidentally had a stain the same color on them.” 
   “You’d think it wouldn’t look too different than the red.” You laughed. 
   “That’s what I said.” 
   “You know, you’d look great with pink hair.” 
   “You mean even better?” 
   “No I mean it’d make the Easter Bunny jealous.” 
   He made a confused face, “The what?” 
   Realization dawned on you, “Oh, right. It’s a muggle thing. The Easter Bunny comes to visit kids on Easter and bring them colored eggs and stuff.” 
   “That’s weird.” Fred said. 
   “Oh, like Wizard traditions aren’t.” 
   The rest of the day was a blast. It didn’t feel like a date to you, and you thought you were just hanging out with your best friend. But when Fred asked, “Do you wanna go on a second date?” It felt all too real. 
   You said no. It didn’t matter if he was nice, and funny, and super cute, and you had a crush on him. You wanted to be his best friend, not his girlfriend. So you said no. Then regretted it for the rest of your life. 
   The next few days you avoided any Weasley and as many Gryffindors as possible. George and Fred tried to approach you multiple times, but you went down a different corridor, or left for class quickly. You put your notebook in the bottom of your trunk and left it there. 
   Days turned into weeks. You read more and more to make up for the loss of your two best friends. Then it was suddenly time for O.W.L.s and you studied for real in an effort to distract yourself. Then it was the end of the year, and you didn’t speak to Fred Weasley the entire summer. Not in person, not in letters. You cut off all communication, and moved on with your life. 
   Then it was seventh year, and you watched the twins fly out of the school on broomsticks, and you didn’t say anything. You didn’t visit Weasley Wizard Wheezes, no matter how cool the products were, or how much you wanted to check it out. 
   And when you cleaned out your trunk at the end of seventh year, you found your old notebook, and threw it away. Then you got a job in the muggle world, since the war with Voldemort had become all too real, and you were a muggle born wizard/witch. 
   But one day an owl from George Weasley came, saying Fred had died in the war. 
   No matter how much you tried to forget, or how much you told yourself he was just a friend from school, it hurt so much worse than that. The pain never seemed to go away.
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complcatedfreak · 5 years
we’re soulmates.
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in which y/n and peter's class go to MOMA and they discover a big secret.
part one part two
A/N: this is a soulmate au series, which will contain both endgame and infinity war spoilers. however, this part is when they begin. Parts after this will ignore the canon.
Mj: ice cream date tonight??
Ned: I’ll ask but I don’t think it’ll be a problem
Peter: what time? it depends bc of the stark internship
Y/N: i can go :)
 Peter’s smile faltered a bit when Y/N said she could go. Something inside of Peter just wanted to be around her. For the first time since he’d discovered his powers, he considered taking a day off. It was only for a brief moment before he remembered the entire city of New York is probably more important than getting ice cream with a girl he met two days ago. Just probably. Plus, he still got to see her in school and would be able to text all weekend without it being weird, you know, because of the whole groupchat thing. Peter had come to really enjoy texting Y/N. She was funny and always had an appropriate meme for whatever they were discussing. She fit right in with himself, Ned and Mj. It was nice to have her around.
Y/N was happy when Mj sent the ice cream date text to the entire groupchat, rather than the individual message Y/N had woken up to. It was originally supposed to be a ‘get to know you’ hangout session so that the girls of the group could bond, but both ladies quickly agreed it would be more fun if everyone was there. It’d be a nice way for all four of them to relax into a dynamic that worked outside of school. Plus, it would allow for Y/N to get comfortable enough for her to ask to join their group for the class field trip to MOMA that was coming up in a next week. It had only been about a week since she met them, but there was something interesting about each one of them, and it only made Y/N want to continue being around them.
The school day was about as easy as it gets for Peter. It being a Friday meant the teachers wanted to relax just as much as the students did. Maybe even more, considering it was a long weekend. Most of his day was spent trying to catch up on the novel they were reading in English and trying to keep up with the mass flood of text messages from the groupchat. Peter kept thinking about how well Y/N seemed to easily filter into their little nerd group. He was happy to have her there, but something seemed off. A pretty girl like her who’s also funny would never usually pick the three least cool kids in school to hang out with, but here she was. He was grateful she chose them. “What’cha thinking about?” Mj cheerfully interrupted his thought process, while also pulling his eyes away from the pages of the book he was supposed to be reading. “I don’t know how to explain it,” Peter answered, shocking himself. He has never been this open with Mj. “Well, Parker, I’ll listen to whatever first-world problem you have going on for a little bit,” Mj said with a fake smile plastered on her face. Honestly, Peter wanted to tell someone about it, even if it was Mj’s ridiculously sarcastic self. “Mj,” Peter started, wondering how to approach this subject, “my initials match someone’s name, they even had a line through them.” Mj’s face lit up, “PETER WHAT?” She exclaimed, drawing the eyes of everyone in his last period class. “Shut up!” Peter shushed, “It’s not a definite thing, I don’t know her middle name, but the first and last names work out and I’m scared because I kinda like her already, but I’m scared.” Peter was talking way too fast, but it seemed as though Mj understood. “Is it Y/N?” she whispered. Peter’s face immediately went red, “n-no,” Mj smirked as the bell rang, “Whatever, Parker.” “This is the last time I’m telling you anything!” Peter called as she disappeared out of the classroom door.
MJ: y/n you’re joining our MOMA group right
Y/N: is that okay? i don’t wanna intrude
MJ: i mean ur name is already on the sign-up list with is
MJ: *us
Ned: I did that :)
MJ: oh okay im excited for you to join
Why wasn’t Peter answering? After waiting for two hours after MJ’s last text, Y/N began to get insecure about joining the group because she didn’t have his approval. What if he didn’t want her around? What if he didn’t like her? Suddenly feeling very small, Y/n tossed her phone to the other side of her bed, deciding to catch up on her reading for English. She had been lost for the rest of the last unit with the whole transferring schools thing, so she didn’t want to fall behind this time. A few hours passed and she hopped between reading her novel and digging through food in the fridge. She knew she was eating out of nerves and boredom, but hey, what’s a few calories when your potential soulmate may hate you?
Peter quietly closed his bedroom window and quickly pulled off his mask. He didn’t necessarily have to be secretive anymore but walking through the front door in his spidey suit wasn’t something he wanted to risk. Stripping out of the rest of the suit, he made his way to the bathroom. He pulled out his phone to connect to the speaker in the bathroom and noticed the missed texts from the “peter “i drop chemicals because i cant do math” parker” groupchat. Y/N’s joining their MOMA group. Y/N’s joining their MOMA group! Y/N’S JOINING THEIR MOMA GROUP! He fist bumped the air, instantly feeling ten times more excited for the field trip next week. Maybe this would be his chance to find out if her middle name started with the second letter on his wrist. Peter hopes it does. Truthfully, Peter really hopes Y/N is his soulmate. He really likes her.
The weekend flew by for Y/N. Peter finally answered in the groupchat and was equally as excited that she was joining as everyone else. Besides that, it was full of homework and studying. The group did meet up for ice cream on Monday, since they were off, but Peter had to leave early, due to an internship he had with Tony Stark. Y/N liked that he was dedicated to things, as well as the fact that he was intelligent enough to be working for THE Tony Stark. Y/N has decided she really, really likes him. He’s funny, cute and smart? How could she not? He’s also really kind, which Y/N learned while they were out getting ice cream and she dropped hers. Peter instantly offered her his, as well as offered to pay for a new for her. Y/N was too shy to ever let either of those things happen, so she bought herself a new one, but even just the small gesture had her heart fluttering. So, once they got back in school on Tuesday, Y/N felt very comfortable with Peter. They hung out during homeroom, walked to classes together, and hung out at lunch. Y/N thinks Peter even tried to hold her hand because she felt his hand brush hers when they were standing together in the lunch line. She wasn’t sure, though.
To say Peter was distracted when he went out as Spider-Man after school would be an understatement. Of course, he still did his job and did it right, he just did it while recalling every moment he spent with Y/N. He knew it was becoming redundant, but he couldn’t help but to give Happy the run-down about his new updates with his potential soulmate. Happy was annoyed, but Peter thought he detected a small hint of fondness behind his tone. When he got home, Peter had the best sleep of his life. The next morning, he got up, got dressed and ran to Del-Mar’s to make sure he had something to eat on the trip. Then, he made his way to the school to check-in and find his group.
“PARKERRRR,” Ned yelled down the hallway, making both Y/N and Mj jump. Mj turned towards Peter, waved and then flipped him off. Y/N laughed, shooting him a little wave with a smile. “Aren’t you two gonna get hot?” Mj asked, gesturing to Peter’s jacket and the flannel Y/N had thrown over her shirt. “No!” Peter said very defensively. “It makes my outfit cuter,” Y/N pouted. Ned laughed, rolling his eyes at his friends.
Soon, they were all sat in their seats on the bus. Y/N and Mj were across the aisle from Peter and Ned, due to the ‘boys can’t sit with girls’ the bus-driver had instilled. Y/N happily shared her headphones with Mj, showing her new songs as her head rested against the bus window. It was a very short, comfortable bus ride and before they knew it, they were inside of New York’s Museum of Modern Art. Each group broke off, allowing the teenagers to see what they wanted to. Mj and Ned were very adamant about Elle Pérez’s Diablo exhibit, so the group headed there first. Due to their enthusiasm, Ned and Mj strayed ahead of Y/N and Peter, giving them a chance to chat. It was mindless chatter; pointing out pieces they liked along the way, pointing at some creature in the works and saying “it’s you” to each other, things like that. Nothing important.
Until they got to their final exhibit. Peter mindlessly rolled up his sleeve. Mj was right, he was getting hot, and he was too comfortable to remember he was supposed to be hiding his wrist. It was fine for about five minutes, before Y/N let out a gasp. Mj, Ned and Peter turned around to face her. Peter cocked his head, “Are you okay?” Y/N answered quickly: “Can I talk to you?”. Before Peter could even answer she was grabbing the wrist that had her initials across them and dragging him away from their friends, leaving Ned and Mj with confused stares.
“What’s going on?” Peter asked once Y/N freed him from her grip. “Peter,” Y/N’s eyes were wide, as if she was putting on a puppy-face, “my initials are on your wrist. I think yours are on mine.” She tugged the sleeve of her flannel up, showing Peter the crossed-off “PBP” that went across it. Peter broke out into a huge smile, reaching up to run his fingers across the letters. He stared at her wrist for a second before looking her in her eyes, “We’re soulmates.” Y/N nodded at his statement, pulling him in for a hug.
It was time for the ride home. Peter let go of Y/N’s hand for the first time since they had their revelation when it was time to get on the bus. They texted through most of the ride, until Y/N’s phone died. Peter sat and played games on his for a while.
Peter felt the hairs on his arm stand up (the one with Y/N’s initials on it), and immediately looked away from his phone. His eyes landed on the spiral ship behind the bus. He was immediately grateful that he brought his suit, scanning over the bus full of his classmates. His eyes lingered on his soulmate, who met his gaze. She flashed him a smile of reassurance before turning to look back out of the window. Peter tapped Ned, “I need you to cause a distraction.” Ned was panicked before his eyes landed on the ship, “oh shit. WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!” Everyone on the bus began to panic, causing the chaos Peter needed to escape. He waited until Y/N had moved from the seat across the aisle to join the crowd in the back of the bus to web out of it, prepared to help the city, and the avengers, with whatever it needed.
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Love me, love me not ~ pt.8
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08: When Grayson learns she has a heart
Summary: A surprising twist shakes Y/N up as Grayson refuses to let her go.
Warnings: ANGST, swearing
Word count: 3.3 k
Love me, love me not ~ Series Masterlist
Neither of them got a good night's sleep nor any peace of mind. While Grayson scrolled through his phone mindlessly, Y/N spent her time in burrito mode – not the eating kind, rather the roll-into-a-blanket-and-eat-ice-cream kind. Grayson genuinely had no idea where he went wrong, other than it had to do with him speaking out about Henry. Perhaps she loved him all along and Grayson was a distraction? Whatever it was, it remained a mystery to the younger twin, leaving him racking his mind for answers to questions he was afraid to ask out loud.
“You’ve been sitting in the same spot for five hours straight.” Ethan deadpanned, no longer interested in keeping quiet while Grayson sulked around the house like a ghost in need of a meat-suit.
“So?” Grayson rolled his eyes, trying to get Ethan off his back because even if he loves his brother, the man could be relentless when he wanted to and that stubborn streak was palpable.
“So, why are you skulking around like a bag of bones? Didn’t your audition go well? Didn’t you say you’ll be over at Mercy’s?” Ethan pestered him already, his hands restless as the annoyance of his brother’s lingering gaze on his screen instead of him grew. He slapped the phone out of his hold, nearly flinching with the intensity of Grayson’s glare.
“Her name is Y/N, not Mercy. Don’t call her that, she hates it.” Grayson snapped, his teeth gritting as his jaw clenched.
“Fine. Why aren’t you with her, huh? Aren’t you two all lovey-dovey now?” Ethan held onto Grayson’s phone for good measure, knowing the only way to get answers is to push his brother into confessions. It’s a dangerous feat, but someone has to do it and Ethan had appointed himself as the first in line. Anything to help his little bro.
“We were. She said she wanted me to break up with her during the dinner.” Grayson huffed, placing a hand on his forehead before running it through his hair, leaving it tangled within for a while longer.
“Tomorrow? As in the dinner with her former castmates that involve Henry, aka her ex, aka the cheating asshole?” Ethan didn’t hide his shock, mostly because he expected Y/N to be excited to rub Grayson in Henry’s face, because, bias aside, Grayson was worthy of it.
“Yeah….” Grayson began, but only then did it register with him. “Did you just call Henry a cheating asshole?!” His voice went higher, yet it kept its raspiness from being so quiet for so long.
“Duh. I mean, it’s obvious. Dude flipped the story on her. I have no doubt in my mind.” Ethan shrugged his shoulders, not even questioning it while Grayson began to panic, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head once he realized his mistake. He had never once judged a book by its covers, always giving people the benefit of the doubt and the one time he needed to be who he is and have faith, he fucked up.
“Bro, I fucked up so royally.” Grayson leaned forward, gripping his head with both hands as he rocked himself back and forth, like a child in need of a lullaby.
“I know what I did that made her kick me out of bed.” He spoke quietly, in a rushed manner, his breathing speeding up, turning ragged as he remembered the look in her eye as he spoke…she was hurt. She was so hurt, deeply wounded by his assumptions and he understood everything. A little too late to repent and make a difference on this particular night, but he wasn’t gonna let it go. He wasn’t gonna let her go.
“She kicked you out of bed? Dudeee.” Ethan shook his head, already seeing where this goes.
“Did you actually ask her if she cheated? Or something? Cause…it’s Y/N. Like, we don’t know her long, but you saw the trust issues on that girl. No girl with so many issues would be a cheater. I mean, I can pick a cheater out in five minutes of knowing them and I’m telling you she never did anything. She’s the victim and if you told her you think she did…she has every right to be hurt. She deserved an open-minded partner, not someone who assumes the worst of her.” Ethan only added onto the raging fire within Ethan, making it grow, consuming him. He already knew he messed up. He was already beating himself up about it. There wasn’t much more he could say that Grayson didn’t already know.
“I know! Fuck, I know! But I’ll fix it. I will. I love her. God help me, I do. I will be damned if I’m why we fall apart before we get a chance to be something real.”
And he meant it.
After that, all he had to do is find a way to stop Y/N from ending things when the contract is up, tomorrow at seven to the dot.
So, he spent the night thinking of a plan.
The next day, he had managed to take a power nap before getting dressed up, knowing his lifeline – his fate, was hanging by a threat. He was never so sure about anything nor anyone as he was with Y/N. He always says he’s found the one, his soulmate, but this time he was certain it wasn’t a mistake. Not again.
“You look beautiful.” He exclaimed the very moment she opened her door, finding a smart-looking Grayson who had shaved his scruff to seem more presentable and adult. While the age difference between the two was much smaller than the one between her and Henry, it was still there, despite his mature
“Thank you.” She replied politely, avoiding the hand he had opened for her to take. Graceful, she moved like an angel, rather fast on her high heels. Usually, she’d hold onto him, admitting she was afraid to fall and make a fool out of herself, but she seemed to detest him more than public humiliation.
Grayson rushed after her, opening her door for her, getting a hesitant nod in gratitude, no words of any kind. The ride was quiet, painfully so.
Y/N kept her eyes on the window, watching the people blur while Grayson kept stealing glances at her. She truly looked like a goddess among mortals, her eyes shining and while Grayson wanted to believe it was part of her mystery, the truth was a little different. Her eyes had a sparkle of hurt, of tears always being held inside, gathering in a core of a supermassive black hole she created instead of her heart. Swallowing tears was like fuel for the hole to keep going, growing daily.
“We’re here.” Grayson pulled her from her troublesome thoughts. He noticed she didn’t even flinch, simply pushed the door open for herself, leaving the safety of his car without even looking back. He had to toss his keys to the valet, rushing after her.
“You know what to do.” It’s all she said as she walked into the restaurant, her fake, stiff smile wide as the people inside turned to look at their fallen angel raising from the hell they pushed into.
She went around, kissing each person seated at the table, pausing before doing the same with Henry who had come with a dazzling beauty himself. A Victoria Secret model, if Grayson could tell, although he was far from an expert. Models weren’t usually his thing.
“What a wonderful couple!” Tracy exclaimed, not caught up on anything from the night before. All she knew was that her Mercy told her to void the contract because she felt herself grow attached to Grayson.
Y/N nearly choked on her water, making Grayson tap her back gently, rubbing circles onto her naked skin – the dress being revealing but tasty. Something he noticed off the bat.
“Thank you.” Grayson smiled, responding to the compliment himself. He glanced at Henry who smirked, a rather forced reaction and Grayson wished nothing more than to punch his straight in his perfect teeth and hinder him at least a fraction of a way he had done with his sweet Y/N.
“So…how have you two met? We’re dying to know.” Henry questioned, tapping his chin lightly with his index finger in false curiosity and charm.
“She stole my heart the moment I first saw her on TV. When I got the chance to contact her, I did. It took some convincing, but she agreed to meet and I’ve never been happier about being stubborn as much as I am now.” Grayson responded with a genuine smile, the acid in his heart unable to drip when he’s speaking about her. She’s the antidote to his poison.
“I’m sure. She’s a very charming woman.” Henry noted, making Grayson clench his fist under the desk, itching to cause a scene. But he wouldn’t. Not while she needed him to remain a calm sea. Not when she slid her hand over his fist as if she could sense he needed her a little as well.
“Yeah. Only a fool would let her go.” Grayson wasn’t fooling anyone with the tone he used, clearly marking his territory – drawing a line he refused to let Henry pass.
“That’s enough.” She hissed through a smile, pressing her nails into his skin. She didn’t go deep, but enough to make him pull himself out of the verbal war he wanted to start. But then she whispered in his ear and instead of words of encouragement, he got something entirely different.
“Do it. Now.” She didn’t stutter. She didn’t even reconsider as he hoped she would. She didn’t even blink as she prepared herself for a scene that was supposed to play out.
Oh, what a scene that would be, for Grayson decided on a different route. Instead of breaking up with her, he had pushed his chair back, tossing his napkin on the ground onto which he kneeled.
“And I never want to let her go. So, while I didn’t plan to do this here and now, I feel if I don’t I might risk losing you. And while it would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you, I’d much rather we avoid that. Y/N Y/L/N, will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?” He had stunned everyone into silence, mostly Y/N who was on the verge of flipping the table and cussing him out. But he was on his knees, the paparazzi were taking photos through the window – she could see the flashes. And while he didn’t have a ring per se, he slid his father’s ring off his finger, which he never does. He decided to give her that ring, his most prized possession, in front of everyone.
How could she say no?
She couldn’t.
“YES!” She exclaimed, crashing down on top of him as their lips connected – her teeth sinking into his bottom one, a warning of sorts. Grayson knew he’d be in trouble, but he found this closeness worthy of her wrath.
It didn’t take long for them to excuse themselves from the table, getting into the car with wide smiles on their mouths as the paparazzi followed them all the way in.
“Y/N.” Grayson tried, getting a definitive response through gritted teeth.
“When we get to mine.”
Grayson dreaded the moment when he’d actually talk to her. He dreaded hearing what she might throw his way, terrified she would break his heart. It may be a privilege, but it wouldn’t lessen the hurt.
“Look! I know I was wrong, okay?” Grayson grabbed her by the elbow, as gently as possible, but it didn’t make her wrath dwindle down. In fact, he believed it grew.
“I made assumptions based on articles instead of my time spent with you and I know there’s no way you’d have done it. You’re the…good. And he ruined you. His darkness touched you and you were lost for a while, but I think you know I’m not trying to hurt you. I’m not trying to make this harder on you.” Grayson stepped closer, feeling her arm relax ever so slightly, finding it encouraging.
“They say the loveliest angels make the cruelest demons. You were the kindest, most beautiful soul, before they dragged you to hell. I’m not your savior, I know that. You’re your own hero and that’s why I care so deeply for you. You don’t need me. But I hope you’ll let me be there anyway. I’ll be your silent lover, cheering from the sidelines. Just say the word and you’ll never have to be alone.” His words are sweet, just as his intentions are. He’s too nice, yet too naïve. How does he not see that while he’s saying the right things, he’s not following his words with proper actions?
Y/N swallowed thickly, her eyes watering once more as she pressed her pink lips together before licking them.
“Do you know what I see when I look at a man? Chains. I see a cage; sometimes it’s gilded, other times rusty, but it’s still a cage - a trap. It takes your ability to fly, holds you inside until you forget that you have wings even when you’re let out for a while. And you…Are you a cage, Grayson? Will you put me on a leash and make false promises before cutting me down?” She questioned, leaning closer into him, close enough to feel his intoxicating scent. She kept his caramel eyes on her own, reminding herself just why she should be on a diet. People get hooked on caramel way too fast and the withdrawal symptoms last too long for her to be so comfortable with her addiction.
“I’m not your cage. I’ll be your sky. Okay? I’ll be a tree where you can rest your tired wings and the sky you can soar into and the wind beneath your wings. All of it. I’ll never take you for granted and I’ll never be the one to lock you in. The only cage I have is the one in my arms and it’s not meant to keep you trapped, but to keep the bad things out. I promise you.” Grayson sighed when she chuckled dryly.
“So, if you’re not my cage, why did you do this?” She asks, lifting her left hand with his father’s ring on her thumb, too big to fit on her ring finger.
“Because doing something so drastic so publically without even consulting me…that’s a cage. You took advantage of me and while you’ll get all you want from this world…you won’t get me. I don’t let anyone lock me in anymore. I let one man in and he nearly destroyed me. For a while, I let myself believe you wouldn’t. Now I know you’d be worse…not intentionally. Not ever.” She smiled genuinely, looking at him once more because he was a real-life fantasy and she couldn’t indulge herself to live so dangerously anymore.
“Y/N, please don’t do something you’ll regret. Don’t push me away. Don’t push away a chance at love because you’re scared.” He pleaded, his voice gentle and cracking with the raw intensity of his emotions.
“I am. I am scared. But I’m also smart. Let me give you one advice about Hollywood Grayson. Never trust anyone but yourself. Love is nothing but a publicity stunt. It’s a sham. Perhaps if we met earlier…or as normal people, we’d have a fighting chance. But I can’t do this right now and it’s breaking my heart. But I need to be me  before I can be with someone else.” She wavered, her eyes brimming with tears, spilling over for the first time in forever. She wasn’t able to contain her pain any longer.
And he saw it. He saw she wouldn’t change her mind now. And she was right. He understood her perfectly. He went through a similar thing barely a year ago and while Grayson wasn’t a patient man, he would learn to be…for her.
She may seem like a heartless queen of indifference, an ice queen as Ethan once referred to her. That’s not what Grayson saw…She had a heart, a big one at that. It’s why she was such a mess right now. She was too strong for too long and for all the wrong reasons. This was her time to heal.
She slipped the ring off her finger, but Grayson was quicker. He placed the ring back on her finger, his hand remaining on hers.
“Keep it. We’ll cross paths again and when we do, I’ll woo you. You and I are meant to be. I truly believe so. We’ll find our way back to each other before you know it. I’ll wait for you. This ring is my most prized possession, I’m sure you know it. Which is why I’m trusting you with it. That ring is my heart and soul and I’m leaving both with you to help heal yours. Treat them well, my love.” Grayson leaned in, pressing a deep kiss onto her forehead, wiping away the tears off her beautiful face in the process.
It took all he had to let her go and walk away. But as he did, he felt her eyes on him. He turned back, giving her one last look as she began to sob, enough for him to hear as he exited her building, crying too.
For some reason, all he saw in his mind wasn’t Y/N crying before him moments ago. He saw her character, the amazing, bold Rose Hathaway who dyed her hair pink and cut it to her shoulders in the version she tried to push to the directors but failed miserably as they wanted the role to remain canon. But he saw her – his Y/N with shorter, pink hair, driving a convertible while the tears slipped down her cheeks…it felt like a Lana del Rey song, but he saw it so clearly and he decided he like her version of Rose much better.
He hoped he’d get cast as Dimitri and get his chance to be with her, slowly build trust up until she saw his promises weren’t empty and his love for her was real. Until then, he’d have to learn to live with her decision.
She rushed to her window, looking at his hunched form with her bloodshot eyes as he stopped in front of his Porsche and leaned onto the hood before gathering strength to get inside and drive off.
The ring on her finger never felt heavier, but it carried significance. A part of her hoped he was right and they would cross paths once again. She smiled at the thought, realizing he had reminded her of something she long forgot she had…her heart.
Tags: @xalayx @dolandolll @godlydolans @dolanstwintuesday @anything-dolan @peacedolantwins @maybgrayson @nowheredolan @graydolan12 @beautorigin @justordinaryjen @starrydolan @pitreshawn @grays-laugh   @adventureswithmell
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sometimesrosy · 5 years
Hey Rosy! Have you heard Marie’s comments about s7 at Dutch Comicon? She said Octavia “finds her peace in a place you’ve never seen her before.” And “you guys are going to see a bunch of different planets.” She also said “I can’t tell you who’s where or what’s what or where’s where, but it’s ugly and it’s crazy because it’s the 100 and no one ever smiles. There’s challenges and there’s wars and there’s stuff. Different circumstances this year.” What do you think is going to happen in s7’s plot?
It’s hard to guess what will happen in the plot because they like their plot twists, so the only thing I can do is think about the storylines that are still open, the narratives that are already being told and need to be finished, and the clues they’ve been dropping.
Becuse, this is, like, the LAST season, so they need to wrap up the storylines they’ve left open. It’s kind of a big challenge because they’ve been working on a LOT of long term storylines, so if they manage to get them all wrapped up next season I will be VERY impressed. I don’t think most tv shows DO manage to tie up all the loose ends. Most shows just kind of drop them over the years? Or don’t present them at all. So let’s see. I think they’re going to do it because they’ve started to resolve things I thought they had dropped.
Bellarke is going to get together romantically. It’s a big narrative, and has been relentlessly getting closer and closer. I know people call me delusional or a clown for still seeing it, but if they weren’t still moving it forward, I’d say they weren’t. They ARE. Season 6 leaves it clear without a doubt. No they don’t go quickly. That’s the way they’re telling it. And that is okay, even if it frustrates the impatient. BUT one of the requirements, every season of The 100, is that Clarke and Bellamy come together in order to reach victory, and every season, what brings them together is a deepening level of love. Actually it’s the most easily predicted outcome for any long term narrative. The others are less certain. 
For Clarke herself, she’s been through the ringer. She started out the golden girl, the heroine who was idealistic and determined and full of love for humanity and her people, and as time went on, we found out she was ruthless, sneaky, and determined, and you really wanted her on your side. HOWEVER her heart was broken many times over, she was terribly betrayed, she bore the burden of terrible acts, she lost her belief in humanity and in herself and that there even WAS a right choice or a good guy. But in the last season, she’s recovered some of her belief in humanity, mostly through Bellamy, actually, and has come to learn that love is a strength, not a weakness, so I expect to see her fully coming into her heroic powers as she saves and redeems humanity in season 7. 
For Bellamy, he started out at the bottom of the hero pile, being an actual villain in season 1a, and rising, expanding the circle of who he would protect out from Octavia, to his delinquents, to arkers to all of humanity. I believe Bellamy actually completed his hero’s journey in season 5, when he came back from space and did the right thing, saving everyone, spacekru, wonkru, eligius, and thus restoring Clarke’s faith in humanity because HE was good. Right? So that meant for him s6 and 7 need to have a different story, and I speculate that Bellamy has moved on to fulfill his archetypal character trait of “The Heart.” I think the end of the 100 for Bellamy is going to be a romance. He needs to search out that good life lived in love. And we saw it in season 6, as his goal, what/who he needed to save was his soulmate. And it was a dedicated mission that had ONLY Bellamy doing the saving and he used HIS HEART to save her. No guns. No diplomacy. No wars. No distractions. No make it go boom. No delinquents. JUST bellamy, and his hands and heart, because he needed her and couldn’t lose her. See? Bellamy was already the epic hero, now he’s the romantic hero. So that brings me back to Bellarke, because that means getting CLARKE is his goal now for s7. That’s his story. Because in romance stories, the goal is the romance. Clarke’s story may still be to save humanity, but I’m guessing that this is part of the overall story. Clarke saves humanity, Bellamy saves Clarke. Just like Bellamy inspires the masses but Clarke inspires Bellamy. See they trade off who supports whom, and that’s why they are the best.
Octavia will be redeemed. She has to be, because she’s symbolic of humanity itself. That she became evil for a while also fits because humanity is what destroyed the earth. I do not think that JR is writing a grimdark show that says humanity is evil at its root though, because the redemption of Octavia is happening. That was in doubt for me for a while. I thought they’d switched the humanity symbolism to Madi maybe? Or were cheaping out on a martyr sacrifice instead of real redemption. Not after they took away her martyrdom, though. ALSO a slow narrative. It seems like a war is brewing with whoever is in the anomaly, and she may use her warrior skills...BUT it might be important that she DOESN’T??? not sure. She might actually need to use them to better the world. This story DOESN’T say that violence is always the wrong choice, so being peaceful MIGHT not be the answer. Being peaceful has sometimes been the wrong choice in this show. But also, just because you HAVE the power to kill people doesn’t mean you should. So I’m not sure HOW she’s going to manage saving people. But she’s going to care about THEM, not her own power. 
Raven will find a way to save everyone with technology. We’ve been talking a bit about her roll on my blog, and it’s highly likely that she might redeem BECCA, as a mirror of Becca’s tech destroying the world and leading to all of this, Raven has learned that it’s not jus getting to the goal that matters, but also HOW you get there. She’s learned ethics and morals. So if Octavia serves as a kind of symbolic salvation of humanity, Raven might be the redemption of technology, cleverness and advancement, as we see her no longer making it go boom, but rather unlocking secrets or creating tools or defense or who knows what? Not sure how this is going to work out. I also think that Raven and Clarke will reconcile, again, not sure how it’s going to work out because I thought it was going to happen through a spacekru story but Raven’s reckoning came through Abby instead, and therefore a kind of symbolic siblinghood with Clarke. I don’t think spacekru will be against Clarke anylonger though, because she was the last holdout and a lot of it was personal issues which she worked through with Abby.
Murphy... now Murphy is a question. We were talking and thinking that maybe HIS growth might be SPIRITUAL in direction. Which would be quite a twist for that s1 villain. But it might be true that he always wanted to be a part of something bigger, he always wanted to belong, to be loved, he also, until s6, was actually able to understand morality the most clearly of anyone, even if he chose to be bad sometimes. Then he had his spiritual reckoning when he died and thought he was going to hell... so we’ve got these questions coming up for him. Now he’s “immortal” and I hear tell that in s7 he’ll be living in the castle and that some of the sanctumites might still worship him. So that’s interesting. If his journey on the show has been a spiritual one, and now he’s being worshipped... he might decide to scam them be, well, leading them as “a god.” Of a type. Which might actually help to settle everything in the village. Oh, yeah. This is an interesting concept. I’ve actually had a long term theory that the 100 is actually a kind of origin story of the “gods” who redeemed humanity. And if we consider that Murphy is (for now) immortal, and he’s such a scammer, and he’s been a witness to Clarke and Bellamy from the beginning...oh holy heck, what if MURPHY is really the narrator of this tale? Oh holy heck. Murphy has taken part in all the storylines except for Mount Weather and Pike. AND he played the role of fleimkepa for a while. Holy Heck. Murphy as religious leader. Possibly god. Religion founder? s1 no god. s2. searching for god (literally on a quest for the city of light.) s3. fake(?) prophet/priest. s4. clarke’s morality (while you were saving them I was saving you,) and his own. s5. needs to be a hero/to be good/sacrifices himself. s6. dies/goes to hell/becomes immortal.  s7. holy heck murphy’s found god??? is god??? leads the people to god???
Echo. Echo is Ash. This is important. She also needs to be her own person, who she is. She can’t be the good spy anymore. This is a plot point, not my wishful bellarke thinking. Echo’s story is about independence and identity and finding herself again. This is not a romance story. This is a feminist story of breaking free of the dictates of the past and choosing her own path. She needs to stand on her own two feet and not follow her leader anymore, who is now Bellamy, her boyfriend. Having your boyfriend be your king is already a suspicious dynamic. Ditch him, Echo. First off, you can make your own decisions. Secondly, you need someone you can share your soul with and for some reason it’s not him. (oh right because he’s already given it away and she’s standing right there.) Thirdly, you need to figure out who you are.  I think Echo needs to make a choice for herself and it might not be the choice that Bellamy makes. Last season I said she’d choose to stand with the slaves of sanctum over her own people. This might be how it works out in the end, but it would look different because they’ll integrate at least some of the sanctumites into their people. IDK we’ll see.
Madi. IDK. I think that’s part of her story. What is her role now that she’s no longer heda? Child? She’s not just a simple child either.
Emori. Mostly Murphy’s storyline. She steadies him and gives him love. His early redemption started with “I don’t want to die alone.” and she gives him that. (Oh no. What if that means they are going to die... but not alone, together. a possibility.)
Jordan. Not actually my favorite character, but he’s a main, so that says his role will be bigger next season. He’s been brainwashed. So we’ll either have to get him out of it, or he’ll end up being kind of a villain. :(
Biggest mystery. The anomaly, Hope, Diyoza. 
The anomaly is a gateway. It leads us to multiple planets. We already knew about those planets, so that makes sense. There are five, I think, of which Alpha is the first. There’s a guy there who made Hope bring Octavia back? Hope is a grown up now but Octavia is still her own age. The anomaly not only messes with space but also with time. I have not given up on our heroes going back in time and back to earth (they have been filming in and around a yellow farmhouse which I have speculated might be Diyoza’s father’s farmhouse where she went to hide from being captured but eventually WAS found in.) 
We also know there will be upheaval in Sanctum, not all of the sancumites accepting what happened, Jordan being brainwashed and Murphy and Emori being worshipped as gods. lol. Wonkru is awake unless they put them back to bed and we have some Eligius prisoners awake because we saw the casting. Why wake them? Marie said a war. Are they going to war against whoever stole Octavia? They need them for a war. 
I still think it’s about the redemption and salvation of humanity and maybe making up for destroying the earth, either by fixing what they did on earth, or creating a new, non toxic society in the colonies. I am not keen on colonies being the answer, because I think that’s not the answer to redeeming humanity for what they did to earth, but I also wonder if our delinquents might separate and choose different paths. Maybe some go back to earth. 200 years later it might be habitable again. I could see most of the delinquents going to different planets but Clarke and Bellamy going back to earth to see if they can fix it and living in peace, their own adam and eve. It’s a theme we’ve seen used before so it could happen. Also it would give them a The 100 style happy ending like Marper got. idk. I predicted marper’s ending as a possible bellarke ending a while ago... in other words, got the right story but the wrong couple. but marper is a mirror of bellarke so it could still happen.
I have a hard time saying what the plot of s7 will be. They’ve given us less than they ever have before. I got quite a bit from s5 hiatus, and I’m actually still going on things we found out then. I feel like it’s all one story, not two separate stories each season.
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orionwhispers · 6 years
Dating Alfie Solomons would include... 🐻
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(a/n just a lil summin summin until i have time for a full imagine, just how i picture the loml Alf xxx ask is always open. Love u)
- he’s a huge hopeless romantic, big believer in soulmates and love at first sight but was under the impression that cupid would skip over him for everything he’s done.
- but then, in a bustling bar in Camden, your eyes met from across the room - like something in a fairytale. 
- (in reality it was a hot and sticky night in a pub filled with dangerous gangsters and dirty money, shattered glasses and drunken women but he’s convinced it was much more beautiful than that)
- his breath got hitched in his throat and he almost choked on his rum and it felt like he had been sucker punched, he knew nothing about you only that he had to have you. 
- you were visiting friends in town for a week and had only heard of the ‘wandering jew’ through rumours and whispers, you hadn’t wanted to get involved in any bad business so thought a night on the town with the girls would be perfect - little did you know whose attention you would grab. 
- he was internally freaking out which is so rare for him that he thought he might be having a heart attack
- sent you over a drink 
- your friends literally went silent when they realised who sent it and you were taken aback that the gorgeous stranger was a feared gangster
- smiled graciously at him and he almost fainted
- then he managed to collect himself and came over to introduce himself
- by the end of the week he had you hook, line and sinker and was already calling you ‘my girl’
- the kind of love that happens so suddenly and hits you like a truck
- like you could be married for 30 years and it would still feel like the honeymoon phase
- he literally praises the ground you walk on
- respects your opinion more than anyone’s 
- personal space??? don’t know her.
- big spoon af
- the kind of bear hugs that engulf your whole body
- literally picks you up and spins you around
- hands hands hands 
- always touching you
- starts off slow
- fingers grazing yours, then an arm next to you, then an arm wrapped around your shoulder, then he gets bored and puts it on your thigh, then he’s too far gone and pulls you onto his lap
- even in a business meeting 
- he dares someone to say something
- i totally see him as the kind of guy who gets your name tatted on his chest over his heart 
- also has a ring with your initial engraved on it 
- it’s his favourite ring that he never takes off, also its on the perfect position on his fingers so that when he makes a fist, its in the prime place to connect with a face - he thinks of it as his secret little weapon and loves the indent it makes on people. 
- he’s secure in your relationship and knows how much you love one another, but if someone looks at you the wrong way or says something even a little but out of line - they’re losing a fucking eye 
- this leads to arguments because “Alf! You can’t scalpel anyone who talks to me!” 
- he’s stubborn as fuck and lectures you about keeping you safe and the dangers of people around you and yada yada so obviously you take the high road and ignore him
- he hates!! being ignored by you
- tries everything to get you to talk but you stay quiet 
- eventually apologies by getting you a puppy
- this leads to another argument about how puppies can’t solve everything 
- but eventually you give in because he and your new puppy are so adorable and you can’t stay mad at him even though now you have like 6 dogs
- at work he’s a big scary gangster man but around you he just crumbles 
- you literally make him weak at the knees... this man giggles, giggles! around you
- you have him wrapped around your little finger 
- he physically cannot say no to you (so people always try to use you to sweeten him up... it works) 
- you hate him spending money on you but if you even say you like something in passing or make an offhand comment the next day it’s laid out on your bed for you
- he loves to show you off
- he used to hate fancy events with pompous pricks but now he adores them because he loves that the most gorgeous girl in the world is hanging off his arm
- literally can’t control himself around you and halfway through the party he pulls you into the bathroom to fuck you against the wall
- buys you abundances of dresses and shawls and necklaces and shoes just because he feels like it 
- but mainly so you can give him a fashion show and he can take them off
- you are both protective as fuck of each other
- obviously he’s more physically threatening  terrifying, like the man is bloody massive so he uses that to his advantage, so that and his job basically means he can make anyone cower in fear with just a look 
- has his men watching you 24/7 
- when you go out with friends you always spot one of his workers tailing you
- sometimes if you’re out he’ll be hidden in the shadows
- “Alfie! You can’t follow me here!” 
- “What? I’m not following you - bloody cheek, I’m just ‘aving a drink, love. Nothing to do with you.” 
- “Alf.. this is Susie’s baby shower. They aren’t even serving drinks??” 
- he can also be gentle and soft though 
- like if he comes home and you’re crying in an armchair... boy... at first he’ll freak and unholster his gun and demand a name and get ready to fuck someones shit up but you calm him down and ask him to stay with you and he’ll turn into soft mode
- pull you onto his lap and stroke your hair and wipe your tears, he’ll listen to you intently and offer advice and make you laugh... then he’ll run you a bath and make a cup of tea and wash your hair 
- but when you’re relaxing he’ll slip downstairs and ring Olly and tell him to find information on someone so he can go and ‘have a little chat’  
- you get protective when he thinks he’s invincible 
- arguing about his recklessness and the people he gets involved with
- one time you yelled at Tommy for being a bad influence 
- Alfie died with laughter at seeing you so mad but his heart swelled at how much you cared
- other times its the simpler things 
- like when he comes home battered and bruised and covered in blood
- and you’re too exhausted and emotional to even cry, and you know he needs comfort more than you even though he’s to proud to admit it
- so you’ll clean him and bandage him up, disinfect his wounds and stitch him back together again
- you’re the only person he completely calms and relaxes around, and you distract him from the bad thoughts and make him feel something other than the sadness and pain 
- Olly has also ran through the streets at midnight multiple times and banged on your door to get you to come to the bakery, Alf’ll be fuming and covered in crimson because he’s been shot or someone fucked him over and the only thing that’ll make him somewhat rational is seeing you 
- age!! gap!!
- you’re a lot younger and that fuels most of his protectiveness 
- he also knows exactly how to get under your skin and wind you up when he doesn’t want you involved because he thinks it’s too dangerous 
- “Sweetie, the adults are talking.” 
- literally throwing your shoe at his head 
- he secretly loves being older because he has more experience and gets to show you and do things for the first time
- again he’s super secure with your love but that doesn’t mean he isn’t possessive
- will literally mumble ‘mine’ into your hair and skin
- worships your body!! if you ever feel insecure or a little down about how you look he can change that in one second 
- wet kisses all over that make you giggle and squirm
- but also can be rough and dominating and dark
- ass or boob man? how about anything he can get his hands on
- literally doesn’t matter - if its attached to you it’s getting kisses 
- has a thing for lingerie 
- he’s so used to calloused hands and blood and guns that seeing you in pink lace and white ribbons winds him the same as a bullet in his gut
- but his personal favourite is when you wear one of his shirts 
- slow and soft in the morning but also bending you over his desk at lunch
- sucking on his thumb when it gets too rough 
- actually convinced you might be an angel sometimes he just stares at you because he’s dumfounded that you’re with him 
- pet names
- angel, doll, baby girl, little one, kitten 
- one time he called you princess in front of Tommy and bitch was shook 
- bakes you bread and buys you flowers just because
- domestic af and sleeps in on Sundays and drinks cups of tea from tiny mugs
- this man is brilliant with families and makes your mum love him the first time they meet
- late at night as you trace his tattoos he opens up about the war and tells you stories from his childhood 
- teaches you about his religion 
- ride or die type of love
- “you’re mine”
-  “i’m yours”
- inside jokes and so much gossip like whenever he has a meeting with the Shelby’s he comes home and rants to you about those dumb bitches 
- keeps a photo of you in his wallet, “for good luck”
- weekends spent driving down to the coast with the dogs
- a match made in heaven, both constantly wondering how you got so lucky 
in conclusion i love (1) man 
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lassluna · 6 years
CSJJ Day 27: Because of the Cat Part 2
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We’re sleeping together but you got kidnapped? Guess I gotta save you.
AN:  My second contribution to @csjanuaryjoy this year, it's been an absolute blast taking part in this event once again. Thank you so much @ultraluckycatnd for taking a look at this in my time of need.
Ao3 FFn
“Are you alright Emma?” Elsa says, gently pushing the door open.
Her quarters are neat and grand, bright blue bedding; a perfect image of the horizon from her bedroom. It even feels cool despite the horrible heatwave.
But she isn’t alright. Not even a bit. How can she be when her heart is actually breaking?
“Did they hurt you?” Elsa asks. She can tell her friend is worried. Emma has barely spoken since she arrived. She just said the bare minimum, and refused to let go of Henry. She can’t bear to lose the cat right now, not after already losing something so important to her.
“No.” she says eventually, but that’s a lie. Her wrists had been red and swollen from the ropes, and her head had had a deep cut on it. The people who took her had hurt her, taken her to Oz, stuck her in a dungeon and when they thought she was ‘desperate’ enough, brought her to Walsh.
Walsh who wanted to make a deal with her, who wanted to marry her, wanted to try to bully her into it. Make her seem like a slut for abandoning her people so that no one would ever respect her rule or marry him; those were her choices.
Emma was glad she got those hits in to the sniveling little man. Emma was glad someone else was there, someone who knew her enough to know that was never like her.
“Did the pirates hurt you? Did Captain Hook hurt you?” Elsa repeated, touching her still healing wrists, making her flinch slightly.
No, he saved me.
“No,” she repeats, trying to regain her composure, trying to heal her heart break. She wasn’t supposed to be broken hearted about the man that had supposedly kidnapped her. Emma gives Henry a small pat on the head. He mews happily rubbing against her, settled happily in her lap. “I just want to go home,” she says slowly. “I need to go home as soon as possible.”
‘She’s been through a trauma’ they say. ‘She’s gone mad’ others whisper.
It hurts to know they speak about her, think her mad to be turning down Walsh’s marriage proposal time and time again. But it makes sense. That’s what Emma needs: something that makes sense.
Her mother gives her all the time she needs, and promises that it doesn’t matter what happened. As long as she’s safe and happy Oz can be as annoyed as they want.
“You never explained about the cat,” her mother says one evening during tea, Henry rubbing against her legs. He’s grown quite comfortable in the palace, keeping the kitchen free of mice, and her bedroom free of loneliness.
He introduced me to Captain Hook one evening when I thought he was too skinny. I kept visiting him and his captain any chance I could. I feel in love with Captain Hook; Killian. When I had to say good bye, he gave me Henry so I could believe I would see him again.
“He helped me escape,” she says simply, reading her book. “Is Dad still trying to find him?”
“You mean the pirates who kidnapped you sweetie?” Snow asks. She nods. Her father has been in an outrage since she returned. He’s been mad about her ‘secret love’ and about the kidnapping.
“Of course. Your father is devastated that this happened right under his nose, possibly ruined your love, which I wish you told me about might I add.” Emma nods. “But I did have my suspicion.”
That catches Emma’s attention. “Your suspicion?” Emma repeats.
“You were always disappearing, coming back looking happier than I’ve ever seen you. I tried inviting anyone visiting anywhere close to the ball and your father told me you danced with Walsh and after the ball you seemed so happy…and then when he left, you got very sad…” she trails off.
It wasn’t Walsh, it was Killian she wants to scream. But she doesn’t. That would just make everything worse.
“I could never hide anything from you Mom.” she says, but her voice sounds hollow to her ears.
Emma is having a really bad day. Like seriously, she was a mess. She’d messed up at the war meeting, not that they actually were in a war; her father just likes to be prepared.
She’d called one of the advisor’s plans dumb, because it was dumb. It was a stupid use of resources and it showed how much they didn’t care about their people. Her father had been so proud of her. For once, Emma thought she could do this. For once, Emma didn’t think she would screw up the entire kingdom when she became queen. But then the advisor had pushed back at her, asking for a better idea which she fumbled at. Apparently it was rude to shoot down someone’s plan without having a better idea.
To make matters worse, she overheard them talking after the meeting, calling her a foolish child. They thought she was reckless and loose. They thought she would never ever amount to anything more than a frigid royal. They laughed at the idea of her ever marrying anyone.
Emma doesn’t care about their opinions, really she doesn’t. Her father always calls them old fuddy-duddies, always so behind on the times, but it still hurt. Hearing the words still hurt.
So maybe she doesn’t have the best head space going down to the docks, she feels like she ruins everything she touches. She always feels inferior and she can never figure out why.
She was never as graceful as her mother, never as noble as her father. So what if she’s had flings with some of the castle guards. She is human and shouldn’t be judged like that by her own court.
Emma isn’t frigid, she isn’t loose. She’s a princess. Emma’s more than a princess. She knows that really. Her parents always tell her so. She was supposed to be The Savior if the Queen had cast her curse. She was supposed to save everyone.
So why can’t she do any of this right?
Then she hears a small sound. It grabs her attention away from the horizon, and her problems. It takes Emma a moment to realize what it is.
It’s a cat. It’s a small, skinny grey cat. It looked hungry and sad. It wasn’t one of the ships she recognized, so she didn’t directly board and tend to it. She knew ship captains didn’t treat their animals right. Emma wanted to fix that. Usually she wasn’t a big animal lover, but seeing that pitiful thing made her want to help it. More than wanting to, she needed to. It was one thing she could fix; maybe she just wanted to fix one damn thing.
Then she saw the captain, disguised as a deckhand for some odd reason, but she knew instantly with those piercing blue eyes and curious smile that he was a man in charge.
Emma did board the ship to help the cat. She did, truly, but she did get a little distracted along the way.
“You have a letter,” Ruby announces, walking right into her room without knocking. Usually she appreciates her Godmother’s actions, not treating her like she’s damaged.
“If it’s from Walsh, just chuck it into the fire with the others,” she says sharply. It’s been months since she’s seen Killian and it hurts. She hears of all the places he’s going, running from the Misthaven and the Oz navies.
He’s in danger because he’s trying to protect her. Emma’s tried to fix it, tried to convince her father that she doesn’t want vengeance or justice; she wants to move past it. It doesn’t work.
“It’s from Prince Charles,” Ruby says, raising her brows into a wolfish grin.
Emma practically drops the book. “What?” she exclaims. Ruby’s grin widens.
“I knew it! This was the guy you danced with at least three times! Why in the world did you want to marry Walsh then?” she exclaims.
“Give me the letter Ruby,” she demands. She hands over the letter, leaving the room with a smirk that screams that it wasn’t over.
Dear Princess,
Having met you at the ball, I couldn’t stop thinking about you darling.
I hope I made an impression. I hope you have fond memories of that night.
I heard about your ordeal, I wish you a swift recovery.
Currently, I am traveling the realm, versing myself on the world before I settle down.
I hope to you see you soon.
Prince Charles.
Emma nearly broke into tears seeing his fancy script. She’d seen his writing on corners of books or on random scraps of papers. She never realized how soothing it could be until now.
Emma turns to Henry, who was fast asleep on her pillow. She presses a kiss into his sleek fur, causing him to roll onto his back and purr.
“It’s all going to be ok Henry.” For once she actually believes it.
It felt amazing to know he was ok. Better yet, it gave her a chance to write back to him.
I think of you fondly Prince. Perhaps you can come back to Misthaven someday. Currently, we have a pirate problem my father is trying hard to eradicate. I hear he suspects the scourge to be in Camelot. Is that close to where you are?
Camelot is a fascinating place. Full of rich history and even richer people, definitely a place a dashing pirate would hide. I, however, am residing with the fishes, or at least chatting up some mermaids. However, beautiful as they may be, none are as beautiful as you.
You’re such a charmer; I’m sure at least one mermaid caught your eye.
Only when they disguised themselves as you darling. I did manage to pick up a knickknack for you, though; a seashell. It’s supposed to let you communicate with your True Love every full moon.
Didn’t think you were one to believe in such things. Did you pick up one for yourself, hoping you’ll get lucky? Perhaps hoping little ol’ me will be on the other end? Maybe a handsome prince will be on the other end. You’ll just be introducing me to my soulmate.
I don’t think any prince could handle you, love. There’s a little pirate in you that’s for sure.
The letters come like clockwork and Ruby becomes more insistent with what was going on with her.
“Ever since the letters started, you’ve become more and more like your old self,” she presses, holding the next letter away from her reach. “But the funny thing is that Prince Charles had his invitation stolen for the ball.” Emma groans.
“It doesn’t matter, I know what I’m doing Ruby!” she exclaims impatiently, snatching the note away from her.
“Do you?” she responds. “You never even mentioned Walsh, and then I find out you ran away causing an international incident? How do I know you won’t do it again?”
Emma levels Ruby a glare. “Because I’m not a child Ruby; I learn from my mistakes,” she snaps.
“You’re lying about something,” Ruby scolds. “And I’m going to get to the bottom of it,” she declares, marching away seconds before Emma can slam the door on her face.
I’m on my way to Agrabah, currently, so I’ll be unable to get any messages from you for a bit darling. Messenger birds tend to get distracted by the smells of spices and herbs around these parts, but I’ll be thinking of you.
She smiles at it, and formulates her response.
“Emma!” her father announces at breakfast. He seems livelier than ever, and she smiles at his excitement. She hopes it means he’s found something better to occupy his time than catching Killian. Really, she’s just waiting for him to lose interest to just let it go.
She’s told him over and over again that she wants it dropped, that she wants to move on with her life.
With Killian.
She has no idea how to go about doing that, but getting her dad to drop the grudge would be a fantastic start.
“They caught him!” he exclaims. “The pirate, Captain Hook. Oz’s navy caught him leaving Agrabah!”
Emma swears she’s stopped breathing.
“You don’t have to say anything Emma,” her father says, his hands on her shoulders. “But we’ve got him. I promised you I’d get justice for you for him ruining your wedding.”
Emma is not someone who breaks easily. She’s tough as nails, her mother’s daughter. But just hearing her father say this, this lie? She just can’t.
Emma absolutely breaks into a sob. Her father pulls her into his embrace and she feels safe for a minute; in her father’s arms she feels safe and protected. “They’re hanging him for his crimes Emma. You’re safe. I promise. You’re safe.
She breaks away from her father with eyes wide. “E-Executing?” she realizes. She absolutely can’t breathe.
“He kidnapped you on top of all his other crimes of piracy,” her father explains, wiping away her tears, just like he always does. But he can’t.
“No!” she shouts. “Father, please you can’t let them do this.” It catches him completely off guard.
“Sweetie…I know executing is not how we do things in Misthaven, but in Oz it’s a just punishment, especially after-” she doesn’t let him finish, she can’t. She can’t hear it.
“Daddy please, tell them to stop this, to wait. Don’t let this happen. If you love me, you won’t let this happen!” she practically yells. By then her mother moves, trying to comfort her.
“Sweetie-” But Emma can’t. She doesn’t want comforting, she wants to fix this. She wants everything to stop spiraling out of control.
“I can’t do this!” she says, brushing off both their attempts to help and rushes out of the room.
She doesn’t let her parents in, nor Hopper with his claims that she was having an emotional connection with her kidnapper. Emma didn’t want to hear it. She wasn’t a basket case, she wasn’t a victim, but Emma couldn’t tell them that. She didn’t know what to tell them.
The only thing she wants to do is be here with Henry. He’s calmly sitting on her bed, playing with her as she taps her fingers on the bed.
“Emma let me in,” Ruby demands outside her door. “I’m not above breaking this door down, you know,” she adds.
Emma doesn’t care. Let her Emma thinks.
“I have a letter Emma,” she says softly. “Let me in.”
That gets her attention. She moves from her bed and from her position by Henry. He mews in displeasure from having her stop playing. She goes to the door opening it a bit.
“A letter?” she repeats dumbfounded.
“Oh honey,” Ruby says, but she holds out the parchment.  It causes Emma to gasp. “I heard what happened.” she says as she hands it over. Emma can’t believe what she’s holding. She walks back into the room. Her name’s on it, but the ink looks older than they usually seem.
I instructed Smee to send this to you in the event that I got captured. I’m sorry Swan, so sorry I couldn’t keep my promise to you. But it’s worth it knowing you’re safe and happy. You should know our time together has meant the world to me.
Before you, I was obsessed with what I lost, with avenging those I loved. I didn’t care if that meant my death. You saved me darling. You brought me back.
Don’t worry about me Swan. Don’t come for me Swan. I have no regrets, not a bloody one. Find someone worthy love, find someone who thinks you’re beautiful, and admires your fire. Never settle for anything less.
I love you Swan.
And not because of the cat.
Quickly Emma folds up the note, desperate to get it away from her before her tears ruin the ink, and blurs his words.
Emma needs to fix this and she has no idea how. Ruby’s behind her and pulls her into a hug and she lets her. She holds onto her friend.
“It’s him isn’t it?” Ruby says as she strokes her hair. “The pirate, he’s the guy you’ve been seeing for all these months.”
She nods. It doesn’t matter anymore.
“He never took me Ruby, never. He would never hurt me. Walsh. He took me. I snubbed him at my party. He was rude and so he had his people grab me.”
She hears Ruby intake a sharp breath.
“He was trying to trap me, trying to ruin my reputation. But Killian came to get me. We came up with this plan to avoid a war. You know Dad, he would have demanded Walsh be punished. It was the only way Ruby. It was the only way.”
She feels Ruby nod against her.
“But I don’t want him to die. I-I can’t be responsible for k-killing him.” Ruby pulls away from her, hands on her shoulders.
“I get it Emma. Trust me, if anyone understands it’s me. But it’s not over yet. Your father already wrote to the King. He’s asking them not to execute him. It might buy us some time.”
“So Emma, I think it’s time you met my girlfriend.”
It’s not that Emma never knew about Ruby’s girlfriend it was just that Mulan was busy. She was a free spirit, a true soldier.  She came and went wherever she was needed, from small towns being overrun by outlaws, to infiltrating corrupt kingdoms and exposing their evil.
She is a warrior, which is why they had to go all the way down to the docks to meet with her. She was in one of the pubs that even Killian avoided. It was too full of drunks egging for a fight.
“Mulan’s been in town for these last few days,” Ruby introduces, placing a kiss on her cheek. “And I think she’s the one thing that can help fix this.”
Emma smiles at her. “Hi, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” she says and Mulan smiles back, but Emma could tell she was uncomfortable. She was dressed to a T in armor, a blade at her hip.
“Ruby tells me you need to save a prisoner?” she asks, getting right down to business. That was perfectly fine with Emma.
“Yes. His name is Killian Jones,” she says. “He’s been captured by the Oz Navy.”
Mulan hesitates. “Do you mean the pirate?” she asks. “I heard they captured a ruthless pirate.” Now it’s Emma’s turn to hesitate.
“He’s changed,” she admits. “He’s a pirate, but he also saved my life; risked his own to help me protect my people, and avoid a needless war,” she expresses. “I can’t let him die.”
Mulan nods. “I understand. Now what exactly do you want me to do?” She asks simply.
What did Emma want her to do Emma thinks. She wants to fix this, she wants to save Killian; she wants things to go back to normal. No. Emma wants more than just normal.
“I want you to get me into Oz, and help me take down anyone in my way to save my pirate.”
Mulan, true to her word, gets her to Oz in the back of a supply ship. It was far less comfortable than the Jolly Roger.
She doesn’t tell Mulan that.
Ruby stays behind and pretends to be her, locking her door and refusing entrance as she’s done. It’s just a little bit of time. That’s all she needs.
The castle is massive; she knows this, plated in emerald with many heartless guards ensuring no one enters. Emma can tell that it’s far more secure this time around.
But Mulan is a professional. When she can’t sneak or fight her way inside, she buys her way with a stack of gold. She tells a guard a simple story about wanting to catch her cheating husband at work with a maid. It takes a bit of convincing but it works and they’re inside.
From there, it’s easy to get down to the dungeon. After all, she knows the way.
She finds him eventually, in the depth of the dungeon with barely any light to see. She uses the sound of his voice to find him. Emma can hear him muttering in between rasps. Complaining really about anything he could think of.
She nearly gasps in relief when she nears his cell.
When she finds him, the first thing Emma realizes is he’s immobilized. His arm is shackled above his head, forcing him into a kneeling V position. His blunted arm is shackled in a way that he can’t maneuver out of and his head is hanging limply, yet he’s still making low sounds.
“Hook?” she calls softly. It makes him stir, but he isn’t able to lift his head to look at her. She falls to her knees in front of him, talking in a mere whisper as she places a hand on his cheek lifting him up to look at her. “Killian?”
The whole right side of his face is badly bruised, eye swelled shut, the other looking glazed over and distant. “Swan?” he says, his good eye narrowed in question. He looks like he doesn’t believe she was actually there.
“We have got to stop meeting like this,” she teases, giving him a peck on the cheek. “First me, now you.” Killian rolls his eye.
“The lengths I’ll go to for a second date.”
“That was not a first date.” she insists. Mulan quickly unshackles his arm, causing his entire side to drop and Killian to groan.
“Let me guess, Henry missed me?” he teases as Emma goes to support him.
“Yeah, I’m totally here for the cat,” she says sarcastically.
“Knew it.”
“Will you two stop it? We need to get out of here,” Mulan snaps, undoing the final chain releasing Killian. But he’s obviously too sore to move.
“You really shouldn’t have come here,” he says seriously as she struggles to carry his body weight. He’s trying to stand, but she can feel his muscles strain and see his eyes skew shut.
“I have to agree with you there.” says a voice. Mulan moves instantly, getting in between them and the presence, drawing her blade.
Walsh steps into the light, guards at either side of him. “Emma darling, here I was trying to avenge you; trying to get justice on this menace for ruining our wedding,” he sneers.
Emma glares back.
“Don’t you want that darling?” he insists, getting closer. Mulan steps in front, glaring at him.
“Not another step,” she demands. He does stop, not even looking at the warrior in front of him.
“You don’t do you?” he says confidently. “I thought he looked rather familiar that day in my room, when he took you from me.” Emma feels Killian tense in her grasp. “All it took me was a while to realize, a while down here for him to admit where I knew him from,” he says with a laugh.
“Sadist,” Killian spits out. Walsh ignores him.
“He’s that prince who ruined our dance don’t you remember darling?” Emma doesn’t say a thing. She tries to hide how everything was unraveling and she was helpless to stop it. “Prince Charles I recall, except I know the real prince and he assured me he was nowhere near the palace that day. He masqueraded as a prince to deceive you darling.” Emma doesn’t even blink.
“And you think if he hadn’t I’d ever want to dance with you?” she asks. “Seriously? You are a piece of work Walsh. An egotistical fool that thinks being royal means you’re entitled to anything. News flash, but that’s not how things work in the real world.”
His grin widens. “You already knew that he wasn’t a prince.” He laughs. “This keeps getting better and better. You are going to marry me, or you’ll be ruined, Princess. Ruined. Screwing a pirate? No one will ever touch you.”
Killian jolts in her grip. “You leave her alone,” he snarls going for him despite his weakened state. “I swear I’ll bloody kill you if you even think about slandering her name.”
Walsh is laughing, cackling with glee. “Did you hear that guards? The prisoner is threatening me. Kill him and the warrior. Keep the princess alive.”
Emma doesn’t wait for the guards to move, grabbing Killian as Mulan deals with the approaching guards. “Run!” the warrior orders.
They do exactly that. She takes Killian, him staggering next to her, towards the back of the dungeon, the same way they entered. It leads to an exit that is supposed to be unguarded for a little while longer.
“Swan-” Killian starts, but she shakes her head.
“She’ll be fine,” Emma insists.
“We can’t let him tarnish you love,” he says. “Leave me here, get to safety, they’ll never know you were even here.”
Emma blinks at his insistence. She doesn’t understand. “If I die here Swan, it’ll be his word against yours. No one will believe him. Your reputation-”
“I don’t care!” she snaps. “I don’t care about any of that. Not if you’re dead. I don’t care about any other man wanting me as long as I have you.” Emma hesitates. “You do want me right?”
He kisses her, a gentle thing, his hand coming up to her cheek. His forehead presses against hers.
“Til the ends of the earth Emma, my love.” he vows with a grin. “Now, let’s get out of this bloody place.”
“Emma?!” Emma turns suddenly, forcing Killian behind her. Her eyes widen.
“Bloody hell,” Killian curses and he’s entirely right, because her parents were staring back at her, wide eyed and in shock.
“I can explain?”
She does explain, but not fully until after the death of Captain Hook; he dies in that Oz dungeon from his injuries sustained in captivity.
On their way back home, they do come across a sailor escaped from Neverland. Long thought dead Lieutenant Killian Jones returns from the dead, and to Misthaven of course.
He brings with him news of The King of Oz’s long sought cure to actually be a deadly poison. They all agree it was just a tragic mistake of course.
She does explain of course, that while treating the brave Lieutenant’s injuries she falls hard and fast for him.
It’s only a coincidence of course that he spills a good deal of wine on Prince Walsh at Ruby and Mulan’s wedding.
It’s not a coincidence at all that Walsh doesn’t even show up for their wedding; nor that they name their first child Henry because of the cat.
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