#I notice a lot of ND people collect things
my-autism-adhd-blog · 1 month
Embracing Neurodiversity: Autism and Collections
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The Autistic Teacher
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15 questions for friends
@hobbitwrangler tagged me (ty!!), and so I'm letting myself be known. questions + replies under the read more
tagging @mirkwood @gondolindon @realmofautumn and @adanethorn 🫀
Are you named after someone? Not on purpose. I picked my names because they resonated with me, and then I realised they were both thinly veiled Percy Shelley references.
"Jules" as a name has a life of its own, though. Which amazing, showstopping, may it be an omen of my own.
When was the last time you cried? Yesterday, out of sheer anger at people's audacity.
Do you have kids? If my cats count, then sure.
What sports do you play/have played? Used to play volleyball and do equestrians. Did bouldering for a while because, are they y'know, and am of the intention of picking it up again.
Do you use sarcasm? Yes but 60% of the time I end up explaining it's sarcasm before anyone asks me, so I don't know if it counts.
What the first thing you notice about people? What jumps up to me from individual to individual changes. I am not good at registering first impressions v consciously. So I couldn't say if I tried
What's your eye colour? Brown-black. Darkest brown eyes you'll ever find. Came with my "I'm right, tho" permit.
Scary movies or happy endings? SENSE-MAKING ENDINGS. My favourite endings are the hopeful ones, regardless of genre, but if movies flub the ending I will be so mad, I will be so angry.
Example: As Above So Below butchered its themes with that fucking ending it had, and I do not care how hopeful it is, I hate it. It makes no sense from a storytelling perspective, and I will be forever bitter because its a horror movie about alchemy that borrows heavily from hauntings and Dante's inferno, they took all of my favourite themes and KILLED THEM WITH THAT ENDING
Any talents? Talking a lot, saying hauntingly poetic things, personal pep talking team on the go.
Where were you born? Not doxxing myself on tumblr, so iykyk, but I'm a child from from the global south
What are your hobbies? Writing, reading, dancing, learning things, collecting books, gaming, dissecting language structures and then not learning the languages, worldbuilding. oh man, I love worldbuilding. The disease is terminal and the ND levels catastrophic
Do you have any pet? Two babycats, both boys. A tabby called Findecáno and an orange creamsicle called Finrod Felagund
How tall are you? 158 cm/159 cm roughly. Have been told I give vibes of being taller
Favourite subject in school? Highschool ages? History and english. I also liked trig despite being shit with numbers. Uni? the International Law ones.
Dream job? Eccentric travelling girlboy boygirl they/them you never forget. Alucard cosplayer. And world-building consultant and book editor. Oh, and. My actual job I am lucky enough to work in my dream job, even if its time to upgrade the dreams and find what can I see on the horizon
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how DO alternates get attached, anyway? what does it even do other than make you not wanna kill people?
wish i knew bro it would make shit so much easier on me
but fr. its hard 2 really give a concrete answer bcuz us alts see attachment as like. taboo basically. if gabe catches you getting attached to a human it uh. its not pretty. other than the torture you get for disobeying Him you get like... exiled almost, or... whats the word He used once?
excommunicated. yeah  that one.
there have been studies on attachment though, i think the u.s... uh... well idr the exact name but it was some fancy shmancy government dept thats done a couple . havent read em though LOL
anyways. ig i can try to explain as best i can from my experience w attachment . n atlas can chime in if he wants too idk and uh . ill try to make it make sense (spoilers it probably still wont lmao). this isnt a definitive like... guide or anything im basically just posting general rambles abt what ive learned over my days lol
so. i think all alternates want to be loved, no matter how far down theyve buried that want. were conditioned from creation to think that gabriel is the only one who can love us, but He wont unless we follow His command to the letter. and what that translates to is killing humans senselessly . and not only that but like. us alts... we like violence. we want to kill. its integral to our beings. none of us can really be "nice" or "good" 24/7 and that uh ... tends to sound scary to the average person . so even if we did all collectively decide to turn against gabe and humans like... magically forgave us for killing and kidnapping thousands of people, its not like we could ever be "normal" members of society. its not like we could ever be loved. so no one really bothers trying.
anyways, from what i can tell, alternate attachment happens when that kinda barrier between humans and alts gets broken (at least from the alt's perspective), and it typically happens when an alt is in close proximity to its assigned victim for a long period of time. that time varies from alt to alt too, like it deffo took a lot longer for atlas to get attached to cesar than it did for me to get attached to mark. nd i could be wrong abt this but i also noticed like. the more a victim interacts w their alternate, even if theyre doing it in a threatened or scared way, the more likely it is for the alt to get attached. "taking an interest" in a specific human is the most telltale sign of attachment, to the point that the phrase is pretty much "slang" for it among alts .
also just to clear this up: while alternate attachment can be romantic, it absolutely doesnt have to be. not at all. id describe my attachment to mark as like. familial honestly. and sometimes there arent even human words to describe an alts attacemt. its a spectrum yk? so dont think any of this is inheritly romantic or some shit cuz ill beat you up
as for what it does. well .
you dont know when u first meet a human that youre gonna get attached. i certainly didnt  . so u just kinda do ur thing n shit, but sometimes it doesnt work and the human lives so ur like. okay ill try again . or maybe youre just doing a long job and ur learning all of ur victims habits n shit. and thats where it kinda begins
the first thing you notice is that like. even though its ur job to kill your human its like. its fun to keep them alive . yk  . you grow to like the sound of em screaming in terror , or them freezing up when they see you . whcih. yeah that sounds kinda fucked to you guys but . just bear w me okay  .
anyways. eventually it gets to the point where, even if youve been given several opportunities to kill your human, you dont take them cuz its just that fun to mess w em. this is kinda where the "taking an interest" thing comes in  too . and then THAT goes into "ok wait . do i rlly have to kill them eventually  ?? i dont want to do that theyre funny :(((("
eventually you realize that like. shit . i dont want this human to die at all. like. at ALL. to the point you'd fight off other threats just to keep them safe. and you get this just- rush of an emotion youve never felt before whenever youre around them. aand you realize. thats love. you feel love towards them, no matter what kind of love that is. its. it feels so wrong at first and- and you hate it, but it just feels so right to the point where you cant imagine feeling any other way about them.
and as you may have guessed. you start to see the human as your own. its kinda hard to really describe but,, it makes sense if you experience it. you need to protect them and love them and hold them so so close or else they might get away from you. and you change yourself so that you can be worthy of being loved back. its. ough its a crazy ass feeling for sure
this, uh,, doesnt come without problems thouugh. for one just cuz an alternates attached to a human doesnt mean the human necessarily likes them back. in fact its honestly really lucky that both me and atlas got attached to humans that actually didnt hate us. (for a while at least.) theres a fuck ton of rumors that get spread around of those who got attached and excommunicated, only for the human they were attached to kill themself because they couldnt live with an alt constantly following them around and trying to talk to them.
...i cant describe how lucky i am that mark came back.
not to mention you hafta constantly live in fear all the damn time cuz you could get discovered n tortured at any moment. its. its really shit but damn it if your human doesnt make it all worth it. damn it if you wouldnt endure any kind of danger just to stick with them. damn it if you dont want to comfort them and feel murderous rage whenever theyre sad and.
damn it if they arent yours.
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souryogurt64 · 1 year
Hi. It's really late where I'm at(it's one of Europe's capital cities, hence all the mistakes that's going to happen) and I just finished reading your essay on Gray and there is no coherent though left in my head, except reading it was such a blast. It also hurt me very badly and I cried at one point or two, but that's fine, that's how I know it's good stuff. I'd love nothing more than to have like an hour long conversation about all that you wrote, it's so interesting Nd thought-out. But it's late, my brain has been scorched completely and I had to bring out alcohol for section about mother. So I'll just let you know it's one of the cleveres, eloquent things I've ever read. This is my equivalent of that 6-hour long yt video on Victorious, only catering exactly to my needs. Also, bless your heart, I love knowing about this book but I couldn't bring myself to read it even at the gunpoint.
Thank you for reading it, I really appreciate it! I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about it lol
That book blows my mind, I know that everyone thinks that it's this like terrible whiny rockstar sex misogyny book but the amount of effort and skill that went into writing something that looked like it was that but wasnt but you only noticed if you managed to figure out like the insane 4D chess happening is just genuinely so insane it blows my mind.
i always knew there was something about it cuz on. on the first reading i was only like 14 but i picked up on the freud stuff which made me positive it was satire, and i thought a few other things about it were strange.
but i think in college when i started reading the sun also rises and tender is the night very closely the gears started to turn, i had severely lapsed in my fall out boy obsession for about four years while i was in college but i took this class called "americans in paris" where we read a lot of hemingway and fitzgerald and some other stuff and all i could think about was the book, and i remember reading tender is the night and it felt like i was reading petes book again even though i dont think pete cares about fitzgerald at all
and then i didnt really talk about this in the dissertation i just alluded to it because i didnt particularly want to include a 3 page accusation of a violation of journalistic ethics but i kind of blindly stumbled backwards into some of the stuff with his cowriter while writing the peteryan thing (and then more after the brent wilson thing). and i started to understand how the unreliable narration in the book worked because the articles were written the same way. and i was like ohhh okay and then i noticed the allusions and parentheses and it snowballed from there like that old Playstation game where you roll a ball around collecting garbage until it gets big enough to become a planet
I also know it was excessively niche and very excessively and intricately detailed to the point of being a bit ridiculous but i kind of wanted to respect the fact that its supposed to be a secret and hide the explanation of the book under a bunch of drivel about the drafting process that maybe 3 people on planet earth care about. i probably would have gotten 10-20x more clicks if i had just written about the roman a clef part but alas i have ethics
anyway i have a big dramatic work thing next week and then i am going to finish my cross stitch and listen to the beautiful and the damned on audiobook and try not to think about pete wentz. like at all. because im sick of him believe it or not. and id like to write an essay not about pete wentz. but then i will probably end up writing the verlaine/rimbaud thing
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moppynoko · 11 months
i used to have an obsession with online artists nd i would collect art in a big folder and sort it with multiple categories.. i know hundreds of artists by style and name- i loved doing it for years.. at some point i stopped & that huge file is gone bc i don’t want to look at socials a lot anymore. one of the only things i check up on now is i really like being a little familiar with all who’s following me, maybe just by name and icon, so that is one of the only opportunities i have to see/notice new artists. it is very cool and surreal to get that same feeling of admiration but it is people that already know me a little, it feels like living in a small town where everyone is nice
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ko-eko-ev-go-ms · 3 years
Thinking abt how when I was younger Abed was my favorite character (along with Annie) mostly because they were so relatable and made the most sense a lot of the time (not all the time but still) and specifically in regards to how they learned all their social stuff from TV/media bc literally did the same and I don’t think I even completely realized that that’s what I was doing?? And then later finding out they were supposed to be coded and based on an autistic person and the creator later found out they were autistic too even though they didn’t outright go with that is extra weird.
#thoughts#oni talks#oni vents#like he’s the big mood like he might be one of the most relatable characters in terms of expression and reading for me#I also liked Annie and Lowkey theory that that character would also be autistic and also specifically#I remember when I first watched community they were my first actual ship of any series & 1 too Bc they fit!!#I still remember that one simulation episode where it was shown how they basically operate with the same but different thing and almost of a#admit it you’re just like me! type energy plus they both did the same roles thing if you didn’t notice!!#which I do too!!! also they were a good couple and I’m getting off topic#tbh community is weird in tht I’ve revisited it and honestly it’s awful in a LOT of ways lmao#and even in terms of autistic/ND it’s definitely not what I’d consider ideal representation considering how they treat Abed#he’s never given anything official but it’s like constantly coded and implied but it’s always in a negative way also as an aside I think#community itself was one of those shows i mimicked lmao and I think oddly like#the tie from Abed I think weirdly improved my social ability since it sort of gave me communication examples?? idk if that makes sensebutya#idk sometimes I remember certain cha’s I liked or was most drawn to and realize how heavily coded they were or even like for example#with She-Ra iirc Entrapta is canonically autistic but even before that I was 100% here for her and was like mood#i feel weird sometiems bc I feel like I learned a lot of NT stuff enough to sometimes know more than NDs except a lot of the time it’s like#I’ve been in the position they WERE in where they didn’t know too??#I think I just sort of turned my over analyzing onto people and their behaviors and feelings and how they work#and then collected a fuck ton of info about it that I can sail off of in a general sense#but that core non knowledge and non intuitiveness or non ability for social stuff is still there at the core#so in practice that social collection often doesn’t hold up or falls apart quickly etc#and some things I just will never be able to wrap my head around tbh like so much of my social anxiety is fuck I don’t know what I’m doing#worst when comforting someone or they talk bc I have no idea how to respond or what to do or what’s correct#friend was venting to me earlier today and I was both honored Bc they trusted me and wanted to vent to me while also being like#ahhhhhhhh how do I receive and respond correctly?? plus I had questions but I didn’t know if I could ask?? and I don’t know what’s applicabl#Bc sometiems I like things and no one else does?? and some things vents are like you need to respond to some parts and some don’t and ahhh
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streaming-yn · 3 years
HIIII it's 3 am and i'm trying to sleep but brain went brr with ideas n shit and oh well- thing is ; i was wondering if i could make my first request? (smth simple if u want to, no need to be very long or anything + pls don't rush nd take ur time AND don't feel pressured to actually do my request :] ! ) maybe smth ab faceless art streamer! y/n [they/them]?? (if u could add that the reader is like an indie game dev or works for smth like that u'd be sosososososo cool omg) with maybe quackity, tommy, dream, ranboo, niki and/or jack?? idk brain did the storming and its all messy hsdnshhfjsjz (btw! i know it's a lot of CCs so feel free to remove some or do the ones ur only comfy with !!! take care nd stay safe !!! luv ya <3 (/p))
AS SOMEONE WHO LIKES TO GAME DESIGN, CHARACTER, AND PLOT DESIGN YOU BET I CAN MAKE THE READER AND INDIE GAME DEV (and aaaa ty for adding jack!!! I think he's really neat and not enough people acknowledge him :))!!)
Multiple x indie game dev!artist!y/n
pairings: quackity, tommy, dream, ranboo, niki, jack manifold (separate) x indie game dev!artist!y/n
pronouns: they/them
other information on the reader:
. faceless
. knows how to code
. artist
. streams them drawing video game characters
. minor
. makes indie / horror games
form: headcanons
genre: platonic, fluff(??)
warnings: horror games / horror mods, ranboo enderwalk lore in his section
abbreviations: y/n -> your name
okay let's get the obvious out of the way; definitely going to be the type of person that's like "I'm going to play this game first after you're finished" yk? playfully ofc, n playfully fight with anyone who says the same thing (*cough* Wilbur, tommy, dream *cough*)
he probably wouldn't be on your art streams often – he doesn't really enjoy watching people draw, but he would want to see the finished pics
he would happily be on voice chat with you while you're drawing though!! :D
would be proud to answer any questions you have about character / scene / etc designs!!
"quackity!! so for this character – check your dms for a current picture – would red or purple antenna be better? also, two or four antenna?"
"*gasp* you're asking me?? 🥺" /j
"y'know what, nevermind, chat wh-"
"so what do you think?"
also, if you do end up sending him the finished pics of the art he will hype you tf up !!!!
would try to get you make joke games – not like actually, it's just an ongoing bit between you two!
if you make a game for him – or give him a sneak peek of a game before anyone else he's going to freak out!! and he won't really know what to say bc putting feelings into words is hard
if y'all ever meet up and you're fine w hugs he's gonna give you a huge hug, hoping that makes up for the lack of words to describe how just,, proud of you he is bc he really really is!!
you're not even in your 20s yet and you can make video games, or help with them?? not to mention how creative you are with the characters and story line??? he's amazed by you
might actually cry /pos if you base a character off of him
like let's say a part of a puzzle is to get a rubber duck and place it into a pond to get the next hint or thing you need – only when he plays it on stream, he doesn't know anything about the game, so you're watching and waiting for him to get there
when he does get there – he finds out the duck has a beanie and has a white ring appear around it that flashes to life before fading out after picking it up, signifying it was the right thing to get
at first he doesn't really notice the ring, "oh! that animation is different than normal" he notes, but mainly focuses on the beanie, comparing it to himself before he glances at chat to see them freaking out over the planet duck reference
then he's just talking about it, shocked of course but flattered, and then you type in chat "you helped me a ton with things I couldn't decide during this game, I couldn't not add you! :)" everyone's just :(((( !!! /pos
overall supportive n proud, maybe a bit loud about games in progress, but just a really nice guy in general :)
he is ABSOLUTELY loud about your games in progress!! if you don't want something said you have to tell that to him before telling him or else he's going to brag about how cool it is the next time he streams
"chat!! chat, y/n is making this new game and they told me that one of the outfits you can collect for the player is going to be based off me!- right!! that sounds pog!!"
if he ever accidentally let's anything slip on stream that he was supposed to say, everyone who's a fan of you is just like "wow! suddenly! I cannot hear anymore!", sometimes they're like that even if it was okay to say
the just like being surprised :)
as for art streams, he'll try his best to tune in but obviously won't be there all the time! he's usually very active in chat too! likes being on call with you while you do art streams if you let him!
he once convinced you to make a texture pack and a shader (meant for both to be active at the same time), the fans loved it and a lot of them use it more often than the original!!
tommy however, not to much, proud of you bc that must've been a ton of work!! but at some time it slipped his mind that you make indie and horror games; I think we all know he doesn't do well with horror games
so you liking horror and such made the textures look more ominous and just make it look like and area you don't want to be in, and the spook goes up even more with the shader!! it's darker than usual, there's unusual fog, the portals look too dangerous now, so on and so forth yk
so,, tommy didn't use the texture pack for long;;
if you ever raid him after you're done streaming and he has a question, he's literally just gonna ask you on stream
"y/n raid? oh! are they still here?" when you confirm you're in chat, he continues "great! okay I had a question about your new game that's going to be available soon and how to download it-"
fans love how casual you guys are about game information, like you had to teach him how to export a game character he made on the website you usually make yours on (it was for a fun stream) and it was just a simple back and forth but everyone's like omg :((( omg them :((
also if you're the type of person to go insane over tiny details in other games, he will absolutely tease you for it
like you can just be going on and on about how this game had a sentence at the start that had a backhanded meaning by the end and he's just gonna call you a nerd (genuinely thinks is cool how much of the small things you notice in games though)
and if you took other coding classes hoping that I'd help with video game coding he'd just listen to you talk about it
"I actually took robotics for a while before because the school didn't have any video game coding classes and I was hoping it'd help either way" "oh?" "it,, it didn't help, it's so hard to code robots and considering how fast I caught onto video game code you think it'd be easier to understand the robot code" "yeah, that sounds reasonable" "NOPE,, WHY R THEY SO DIFFERENT I ALMOST FAILED" "D:"
fanartists like those moments, if one of those talks happen expect a bit of fanart of just dream and you chilling while you talk and he listens, the art always gives off comfy vibes n it's just cute :)
offering him to play a semi-rough draft of the demo so that he could see if it's good or what you needed to do to make it more enticing for the player
power duo fr fr o/
people like comparing y'all to hackers sometimes bc y'all know how to code???
you play into the bit with the fans though and honestly it's so fun !!!
fans: omg,, hackers (affectionate),,,
you next time you stream: hacker voice; I'm in
wouldn't be able to watch your art streams for long because he would get side tracked, the streams are just too under stimulating for his brain to focus on, but he'd hang around as long as he could though :)
would be glad to be on call with you while you're doing an art stream – though if he has is game sounds on you may occasionally have to repeat a question that was aimed at him
you're also in his streams when you can :)
also, you like sending donations to communicate rather than chat
one stream dream turned off his donos because you wouldn't stop giving him money 💀
being friends with such a popular creator and being a game creator yourself has it's downs as well
nothing thats too hard to deal with – the most common one is actually kinda funny – some people will slide in your dms acting like they're dream and just got locked out of his account, trying to get you to make them a game
like ??? do they think that dream would mssg you over Twitter or insta?? he has your phone number bro ,😭
also!!! when dream plays through new games you made he complements the small things and complements how hard something must've been to code :)
and I'm ngl, he kinda sucks with every game he plays at first but he's a quick learner so dw :)
would be glad to help if you're having a difficult time choosing between things too! except he'll answer right away without any teasing
"dreammm" "y/nnnn" "for this area should I do like shattered stone walls or mossy stone walls like with vines n stuff?" "depends on the vibe you want, shattered stone would give it a dangerous and uneasy undertone and mossy stone would be more of ominous, if that makes sense?" "oh! okay, thank youuu!!"
ofc if you didn't have a specific vibe or couldn't choose which was better he would just give a straight up answer so you didn't stress out trying to choose one \o/
would absolutely like being a guest in a drawing stream, he isn't the best at art or character design but it's fun to see him try
maybe you both plus some friends do a "drawing Minecraft mobs from memory" stream? ,, with that the thing is; his would mostly be relatively accurate if you could understand wtf he was drawing 😭
dream may or may or have some of your art as his phone homescreen, he loves your style so much :(( /pos
first off; he's incredibly impressed!! like!!! you made this game?? this playable game, completely from scratch??? how??
also you may or may not have made a small Minecraft mod for him to tryout on stream,, little gift from you to both chat n ranboo 🤲
its literally all based off his lore,, if you get close to obsidian and crying obsidian fallen down from Undertale starts playing, if you splash water on yourself 1) you get hurt 2) your screen blacks out and when it comes back, your in a different place than before, some things art taken, maybe a few extra things are added
and there's a 50% chance that when you go into your "enderwalk" state (the blackout) you blow something up, so there may or may not be an explosion somewhere nearby, you also have a 20% chance of building something small in you enderwalk state :)
he found it so incredibly cool!!! chat was crying while complementing you while ranboo thanked you and complemented you over n over again
he won't shut up about how cool the mod is for several weeks, maybe even a few months, it's just so cool!!
will absolutely use it as a comeback if you let him; "oh? you got first place? well y/n made me a really really cool mod, so who's the actual winner here?"
will absolutely play every single game you come out with – it doesn't matter if it's his style or not – and he thoroughly enjoys all of the games as well
as for art streams, he will absolutely try to tune in every time he can!! active in chat and donos!!
doesn't really like being in art streams – like in call is fine but actually drawing? not really, he just doesn't love drawing in front of a ton of people
but will join an art stream if you ask
will listen to you rant about whatever, even if he doesn't understand it! like will listen to you go on and on about how well a game set up the atmosphere or maybe talking about how difficult coding is, and he'll converse back with you but won't really understand yk?
"ranboo I just played a really cool game do you wanna hear about it?" "yeah yeah- of course!!" "ok so like, the atmosphere was so well put together- like it was a horror game and I didn't even see the monster but the vibe was so well put together that it was still unnerving!!" "that's awesome! how did the atmosphere get set up the best and when you saw the monster, was it scarier?"
yk what I mean? like engages in convo so you don't feel bad about talking so much, plus shows his interest without the constant "hm?" "cool" etc a lot of people do and even though he does talk more than the acknowledgment sounds many people make he also manages to almost never sidetrack you and when he does it's on accident :)
if your way of learning is teaching then he'll gladly be the person you teach it to if you want! most likely won't use the information therefore his brain won't retain it but that's not on you, and the whole reason is so you can learn, not him, so! ^^
will make sure to take care of yourself, and he has a through way of telling if you have or not bc he's known you for long enough to know that even if you try to hide it a little bit of your tired voice shows so he knows if you've been sleeping like you should
also friends with you on discord, where you have your Spotify attached,, you like listening to music while you work on things that aren't sound related and if it's active later than it should be he's going to confront you
overall wholesome mixed in with a little pain bc both of you are like "ah yes, lore <3" and like to see fans cry /lh
I feel like this is expected but if you need to get extra motivation she would probably be your go-to
she hypes you up but like, in a sweet and quiet kinda way, where as everyone else here would probably be relatively loud ;;
honored to be on an art stream if you invite her :')
and would absolutely watch your art streams when she can :D hypes you up in chat
also compliments, tons of compliments!
might call you a prodigy? bc you're so young but can already make games?? and make income off of them?? and do really good art??? and so much more??? like tell me that's not prodigy energy,
if you make a video game character based off her she might cry,, like in a positive way obviously but like at the same time :(( no don't cry!!
I say might bc it's dependant on how she feels that day yk? like she might just have the almost-cry wobble to her voice or she might actually, if that makes sense?
she genuinely loves your art style!! even if it's pointy and kinda creepy she really likes it!!
yk the "awww (name) :(" /pos she does sometimes? 100% does that with you
there are a few compilations of just "aww y/nnn" on YouTube and all the comments on those videos are just crying over y'all /pos
would be happy to help if you're stuck between some options in a game, but would feel kinda bad bc it's your game, you're supposed to be the one choosing the stuff
assure her that it's okay n stuff n she'll be ok tho !
I can't decide if she would play your games or not
bc on one hand she's a huge supporter of you and your work and would like to experience it first hand
but on the other hand she isn't the best with scry games,,
so maybe she'd do both? maybe she'd react on stream to a playthrough, maybe your playthrough? or maybe she would only play some of your games? I haven't decided so up to you I suppose!
jack manifold
genuinely amazed by your talent and will make it quite clear!!
can and will go on tangents about you on stream if someone brings it up
everyone is so :(( <333 /pos bc of it
will play the games you've made as soon as he can
if there are different games that line up in a story he'll make sure to play them in order :)
people also sometimes compare you two to hackers bc you code a ton and he kinda looks like a hacker
difference here is that both of you play into the bit, it's tons of fun!!
listen, I know he doesn't draw much but I am a firm believer that he will doodle his favorite character(s) from your games after he's done playing them
like after he plays a game of yours then expect a small doodle in your texts :)
you compiled a bunch of these doodles into one picture and made it you phone background and he only found out after y'all met irl and it caught the corner of his eye and he registered "oh hey wait that looks familiar"
he found out while recording the vlog n when editing, the editor was like "hey let's leave this in, it'd be funny if the fans knew right?" ,, the fans were crying for two weeks,, /pos
and speaking of drawings; he would like to be on a drawing stream with you, thinks it's be tons of fun!! :D
and he's usually free to call while your streaming and doesn't mind so if you wanna talk to him while drawing just call :)
and he will watch the streams he can make it to!! he may leave a bit early but he stays for the majority of it
if you make a character based off of him he's going to constantly thank you and brag about how cool you are anywhere he can
"hello manifolders, if you haven't done it already go download (game name)! I'm there!" with a ss of his character from the game and he'll reply to the tweet on his alt to talk more about the game and how much he really liked it :)
another that'll help you were you need it! he'll make it into a joke before anything else, but he'll get to the point
taglist (sorry i forgot to do it on the past two): @cvsmixplant // @l0ver0fj0y // @youngstarfishdinosaur
656 notes · View notes
kimnjss · 3 years
signature sparkle | knj
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⤑  series: plot twist
⤑ pairing: rapper!namjoon x rich girl!reader
⤑ genre: let’s just call it angst, lmao.
⤑ rating: PG13
⤑ word count: 6.7K // unedited.
⤑ warnings: there aren’t any... 
⤑ chapter song: lonely eyes - lauv.
⤑ A/N: hiii! don’t have a lot to say expect thank you so much for everyone who’s enjoying this story!! this part came out later in the day than i planned, but thank you soo much for being patient!! hope you like it nd of course ., let me know what you think x
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APRIL 24TH, 2020 | 22:47
Namjoon spots you first. Through the crowd of smartly dressed mid-twenty-year-olds. The dress you wear hugs the subtle curves of your body nicely, very obviously outlining your figure. He pretends not to notice, but it's hard to ignore the look on your face when you laugh. Head tilted back, features contorting as you lean on the man beside you. His arm wrapped around your waist, a bit low if anyone cared to ask.
His breath catches when you're turning to face in his direction as if you've sensed his arrival. A pretty smile breaks onto your features as you lift your hand up to wave, and he can't help but think you had been waiting for him to show up. Obviously.
The man beside you nods, accepting the kiss you showily place on his cheek. Grinning wide up at him before you're turning to make your way over. It's subconscious, the way he shifts to straighten himself beside his friends. Letting his mind wonder what you'd compliment him about first. Probably a lame joke about his glasses, or maybe you'd annoyingly poke at his dimples.
He doesn't miss the switch in your hips as you approach, drink seemingly appearing in your hand as a waiter passes. You really did have everything handed to you. Your smile only grows as you get closer and just as he's fixing himself to derail one of your blatant flirting attempts, you're being engulfed in Yoongi's embrace.
Bent backward as he hugs you, laughing loudly and your drink sloshes. Falling in dark droplets on to the carefully polished floor. As soon as you stood straight up again, you're setting your sights on the other three people stood in front of you. Brow arching as your gaze zeros in on Taehyung. 
Outstretching your hand to set your drink in his palm, a sly smile spreads across your carefully glossed lips. “You're cute,” The remark is quick, thoughtless. But it still has Joon's stomach flipping, it only gets worse when while watching a flustered Taehyung fumble through a 'thanks'.
“Yn. This is Taehyung and that's Jimin,” Yoongi is pointing either of them out, all while moving to stand beside Taehyung an arm slung over his shoulder. Both of them are granted a short wave before you're turning your attention to Namjoon. Seemingly for the first time tonight.
His face is quickly shifting in a glare, hastily trying to cover up the fact that he had been watching you since you had walked over. Lips shifting into that flirty smirk of yours the moment your eyes lock, moving toward him with this bone-chilling slowness. “Hi, Joonie.” An instant shiver runs down his spine following the sweet tone of your voice.
The tips of your long fingers curl around the skinny fabric of his tie, tugging him down to eye level. “You look especially appetizing in your stuffy little monkey suit,” So close that your noses are barely touching, he can see the subtle sparkle detail in your eye shadow, fading into the sharp line of eyeliner. Lashes looking much longer than he remembers, probably stuck some on like he's seen some girls do from time to time. 
You smell nice too. Sweet. Like vanilla, but there's a bit of tang from the alcohol you've been sipping. “What, Joon? Aren't you gonna repay the compliment?” Brows furrowing slightly, lip jutting out to create a pout. You're leaning back, taking in the flustered look on his face.
“Don't you think I look good in my dress?” His eyes are huge, stammering for a response. There's a cute blush rising on his cheeks, paired with the pop of one of his deep dimples. “Oh!” Giggling, the tip of your finger pokes at the indent causing his cheeks to darken. He was so cute.
Jimin is quickly coming to his rescue, an arm looping around yours and pulling the two of you apart. “Alright, alright. Down, temptress. Let our poor Joonie collect his bearings. I think it's time you introduce me to some cute boys,” The last bit of his sentence is emphasized, thrown over his shoulder to the two boys cooing back and forth.
He's pulling you away, leaving no room for argument. Quickly falling into his rapid chatter about his plans for tonight of getting drunk and hooking up. Maybe even meet up with someone that'll make him swoon, so like the perfect little wing woman, you're walking him right to the man of the hour.
Jungkook is sat in the middle of a long leather couch, arms outstretched over the back of it. Jin and Hoseok are sat on either side of him, both with scarcely clothed girls perched on their laps. You've seen the girl with Jin many times before a model of some sort who feeds on the undivided attention from Mister Kim Seokjin.
The girl with Hoseok is different, though. They always were. A pretty girl with hair dyed red a pointed nose and dark painted lips. Her body shakes as she giggles, twirling a piece of hair around her manicured finger. She gives an obvious wiggle of her hips and Hobi eats it up, pulling her closer to him by her hips.
“Jhope and Jin? They're both cute, Yn. But I'm not exactly sure I'm their type.” Jimin is making a board gesture toward the two of them and you're quick to roll your eyes, tilting your head to look over at him. “Duh. Not them. Jungkook,”
You watch as his gaze shifts to the middle, landing on Jungkook. Who looks extremely handsome with his drink in his hand and a smile on his face. “That's Jeon Jungkook... you're going to hook me up with Jeon Jungkook?” 
If you had been any closer, you'd be sure he heard you with the way his head snaps up in your direction. Wide eyes focusing on the guy hanging off your arm. He's quick to stand as you approach, rattling the two men on his side. So wrapped up in their girls, they don't even notice his little outburst.
“Jungkookie, this is Jimin. His friends ditched him, isn't that so sad?” Pausing to show off your signature pout, paired with gently nudging Jimin forward. “Do you think you could entertain him for a bit?” 
Jungkook is nodding almost instantly, “Y-yeah. I can do that,”
“Great!” With a quick pat on Jimin's shoulder and a wide smile sent up to your friend, you're quickly turning to leave the two of them alone. Making a quick beeline straight to the bar.
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APRIL 24TH, 2020 | 22:59
Namjoon watches you walk away. Every dip and sway of your hips until you're disappearing out of sight. And even then he can't tear his eyes from that direction. 
You've invaded his space countless times before, he was beginning to wonder if you even knew what personal space was. But this time was different. This time had a stronger hammering rising in his chest, this incessant urge to revel in the fact that you're so close rather than push you away.
He nearly lost it when you laughed, breath brushing against his lips. Nearly lost his mind at the sound, although he's sure his mind was already gone. Blame it on the alcohol he intended to drink tonight, must've got a head start in his system. There's no other explanation for why he's feeling this way.
Yoongi lets out a snort, moving to stand in front of his friend, cutting off his view just as you're reaching the rest of your friends. He's got this shit-eating grin on his face, hands set on his hips. “You like her, huh?” He's not sure if it's the teasing tone in his friend's voice or the knowing look on his face, but Joon is filled with annoyance.
“Even if it's just a little bit,” He rushes, lifting his hands up in defense.
Namjoon is instantly rolling his eyes, arms crossing over his chest as he arches a brow down at his friend. “What are you even talking about?” Because there was no way he could be talking about what he thought. Suggesting that he might see you differently than he's seen you after all this time. That was insane.
“Come on, we all see how you get when we talk about her. And the way you look at her?” Taehyung is quickly jumping to his lover's side, dropping an arm around Joon's shoulder. His face shifting into a mock lovey-dovey expression, before he's bursting into a fit of giggles.
Joon is quick to shrug his arm off of him, pushing him away slightly. “I look at her like she's annoying the shit out of me,” They're both laughing this time, loud and obnoxious. Catching the attention of a few people nearby. 
Wheezing breaths leave their lips, chest heaving as their laughs calm down. “Yeah, okay,” Yoongi speaks through fainting laughter, straightening his back while shoving his fingers through his hair. He shares a silent look with Taehyung before he's shifting his gaze back on to Joon.
“Don't you think she looks cute in magenta?” Yoongi grins, the words barely leaving his mouth before Namjoon is speaking up. Almost automatically. “It's baby pink, actually. She wears it because she thinks it makes her nose look smaller,”
His response has the both of them breaking into fits of laughter again, hunching forward as their backs shake. “And how do you know that!?” Taehyung is managing through his laughs, only causing Joon's cheeks to flush pink.
Why did he know that? No doubt something you uttered to him mindlessly while the two of you were alone, but why did he remember? And why was it the first thing he noticed the moment you were making your way over to him? With another roll of his eyes, he's brushing past his friends with a mumble of going to meet up with some people.
“I'll go get us drinks, baby. Wait here,” Yoongi says with a short laugh, setting his hand on Taehyung's shoulder before he's turning around, walking in the direction of the bar.
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APRIL 24TH, 2020 | 23:19
Joon was so cute. You couldn't wrap your head around exactly what it was about him that made it so hard to not think of him, but it was like every free moment you had was filled with thoughts of him. He was so closed off and distant when it came to you, the dramatic show of annoyance he'd put on whenever you'd get close.
Yet, he wasn't as ambiguous as he liked to let on. You saw the little peaks in characters he'd have when the two of you were together. The lingering stare he'd give you while you'd look over his work or the spouts of jealously when you weren't given him your undivided attention.
Not sure exactly what it was Joon felt for you, but there had to be something there. He wanted you in some type of way and what were you supposed to do? Ignore it? Go to work every day and see him and just what?.. Do your job? 
That was what was expected of you. Getting your job done. Every single day. No more fucking up, no more fucking around. Just doing everything the exact way it should be done. Or else...
“Do you want me to get you a drink?” Yoongi's voice sounds from behind you, breaking through the raging thoughts clouding your mind. He shoots a large grin in your direction, lifting his body onto the stool beside you.
Tipping back your glass, you're sucking back the last bits of drink you had left. Face souring from the bitter taste. “It's fine. I'll get you one,” You're lifting your hand to flag the bartender over. “Each glass is at least sixty dollars,” The tip of your manicured nail taps the menu where the prices are listed.
His eyes go wide. “Why!?”
“We're celebrating!” A laugh falls from your lips at his surprise. In a room full of filthy rich artists and their even richer team, of course, the drinks would be expensive. Dropping a hundred or two was equivalent to shopping at the dollar store among the lot of you. “I'll just open a tab, you and your friends can get whatever. On me.”
Chasing your words with your drink order to the bartender, Yoongi does the same after you. Swiveling around in his chair to check out the crowd of party-goers quickly filling up the room. His eyes catch the man stood a few feet away from you, leaning over the back of a chair. 
Dark eyes squinted behind his thing rimmed glasses, glaring in your direction. One hand shoved in his pocket, the other holding a drink. It's obvious that he's watching every one of your movements, more than likely trying to read your lips. Yoongi is quick to avert his gaze, turning his attention back on to you.
“Is that your boyfriend?” He's subtle with the way he points him out, tipping his head in the direction of where he stood. You're not as discreet, whipping your body around to see where he's pointing. And then full-on lifting your hand to wave over at him.
Pure shock takes over his features, cheeks darkening as he waves back. Obviously caught in his staring. “One of them. Have you heard of him? His soundcloud name is IM,” Your drinks are brought out at that moment, set down on a pair of coasters.
“Wait. You're dating a soundcloud rapper?” You're familiar with the stigma and preconceived notions that come with soundcloud rappers and while most of them were true, Changkyun was different. Not only was he talented, but he was sweet, generous and he cared a lot.
About you especially. “Stop it. He's sweet. And he's a lot better than you'd think.” You're gearing up to further defend your man, but Yoongi is quick to lift his hand, shaking his head slightly at your protest.
“No, I mean. You literally own this place. Why don't you just sign him?” Pfft. Like you haven't thought of that before. “He says he wants to do it himself...” You're lifting your glass to your lips, taking a few sour sips before setting it back down. Leaning in close to whisper in his ear.
He's instantly engulfed in the sweet smell of you, cool breath tickling his flaming ears. “But sometimes, I think it's because of me.” Yoongi's getting a good look at your face when you're pulling back, the flash of sadness hidden deep in your eyes. It's gone before he can place it, masked with their normal pretty sparkle.
“What do you mean?”
Your fingers push through your hair as you lean back, letting a soft sigh fall past your lips. “I'm not dumb. I know how a lot of people view me and how it affects the company. If he were to sign and be dating me, it wouldn't be good for him.” The two of you never fully talked about it, but it didn't take a genius to put two and two together.
“You sound like you've thought about this before,” He's taking his first sip of whiskey, corners of his mouth lifting in a small smile. Obviously impressed by the taste. You're nodding at his words, gaze shifting from him over to where Changkyun had been standing before. “I used to feel really bad about it. I mean... I still do, I just...”
What were you supposed to do? It's not like he's ever even said that was the real reason behind his reluctance, so how were you supposed to know? “Why don't you change then? Actually, clean up your act and be serious.” He sounds exactly like Hoseok and your father.
“I don't want to,” It's like you're constantly being surrounded by people telling you what to do. “Why not?” Truthfully, you didn't know yourself. If you were to start listening and following the rules, what's the worse that could happen? There was just this insistent tug in the other direction, clutching to the bit of control that you had.
You don't get a chance to answer, though. Changkyun is walking straight up to you. An arm circling around your waist and stare closing in on Yoongi. He's shooting him one hard glare that has him instinctively backing away. Gaze shifting back onto you, he's hitting you with one of his sweet smiles. “Come sit, baby. Kookie is about to go up and talk,”
Allowing him to help you from your stool, you're sending a wave over your shoulder as he leads you toward the couches where you had first left Jungkook and Jimin. Only now, Jimin was sat by himself – Jungkook making his way up toward the speakers. Namjoon and Taehyung have found their way over, sat with Hoseok and Jin.
Changkyun is slouching onto the couch, pulling your body down onto his lap. With your legs on either side of his thigh and his arm secured around your waist. His chin finds home on your shoulder, lips placing soft kisses to your cheek.
You can feel a pair of eyes burning holes into the side of your face, but you can't be bothered to look as Jungkook reaches to click the button, releasing his new single. Cheers instantly wash over the crowd as purchases of the song begin to flood in, the number of plays following.
With a large grin, Jungkook's moving to the mic to speak.
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APRIL 25TH, 2020 | 00:12
Conversation bubbles between the lot of you. Mainly centered around Jungkook and his mixtape and it's projected success. Changkyun laughs along with everyone else, with both of his arms secured around your waist. Joon has moved from his spot beside you, disappearing somewhere within the crowd.
He had watched every one of you and Changkyun's movements, trying to hide his staring with large gulps of his beer. It wasn't annoyed glares that he had been shooting your way, those were obvious and really easy to read. But the way he was looking at you now, was something you hadn't seen before.
Something you couldn't easily place.
No time is given for you to decipher it because he's standing from his spot with a quick mumble to Yoongi about his whereabouts. And since he's walked away you can't seem to focus on the conversation happening around you. Can't help but wonder what he's up to and if he was having a good time.
And all at once, you're being hit with this urge to get something to drink. With a few taps to Changchun's arms, you're wiggling from his grip. Bending at your waist, you're planting a soft kiss on his cheek. “I'll be right back, baby.” 
You're heading straight to the bar, at least that's what you tell yourself when you're walking away from your friends. But you find yourself looking through the heads of the crowd for those familiar pair of glasses and deeply dimpled cheeks. Through your search, you find yourself in the record room.
Hidden from the rest of the building, a room filled with the highest-ranking records to ever come from this place. All hanging in glass frames, disks shiny gold, and the artists' names etched into the frame. Plush red carpet covering the floors, so soft you don't hear the footsteps approaching.
Not until you're feeling the brush against your shoulder, his tall presence makes you feel smaller, but at the same time secure beside him. Instantly. It's an odd feeling that you're not quite used to. “Hey.” For some reason your voice is caught, the only thing you can muster is a smile and a simple nod of your head.
“Why are you here away from anyone else?” You're not used to Namjoon actively trying to keep up a conversation with you, let alone starting them. You're not sure how to react, so your words come out awkward and your body language follows. “I came to get a drink... but, uhm. I got distracted... did you come to see the records?”
That had to be the reason why he was in here, right? Nothing else in here for him other than the history within these walls. You had planned to show him... and the other new signs, this room next week. Everyone got a kick out of seeing the records of their favorite artists hanging up on the walls, dreaming that their own would make it up there too. 
So, of course, you're surprised with the shake of his head. The shy smile he tries to hide with the drop of his head. “I was actually looking for you.” He mumbles out, avoiding your eyes as he speaks. It's like he can tell how his words affect you because he's quick to buffer them. “Not for any particular reason,” Wide eyes finally find yours, his cheeks blushed pink. “I just wanted to ask you...”
He's shuffling the beer bottle between his hands, eyes dancing along the walls as he tries to put the words together. He doesn't look up at you until he's properly fixed his sentence in his head. “What happened with your dad? I heard he came down to talk to you.” You didn't have to guess that Yoongi was the one that told him.
Not like it was some big secret. “Nothing. He just told me to get my act together.” Punctuating your words with a quick shrug of your shoulder, extending your hand to reach for his bottle. Slipping it from his grasp and bringing it to your lips to take a few gulps of the liquor. “Ugh, that's nasty.” Never really liked the taste of beer.
“Or else?” Joon urges, reaching for his bottle again. He's taking a sip and your middle school heart flutters, thoughts of an indirect kiss flooding your thoughts. Sure not to get too ahead of yourself. “Or else, none of your business. I'm getting my work done now. You should tell Hoseok that,”
“Do you want me to?” In just a few days, you really did change at work. Had started taking the job a bit more seriously and it only had him wondering what type of trouble you could've gotten into for a change so drastic. “It'll get them off my back,” You're saying through a sigh.
Joon sees something hidden in your eyes that he's easily recognizing. Has seen the same look in his own eyes countless times before. And the way you're quick to blink it away as if you're hiding it away. So quick, like it's something that you've trained yourself to do in the past. He knew what that was like too.
“Do you like working here?” He's asking as if you hadn't made it obvious. “No, I hate it.” Your words filter through a laugh, but it doesn't quite meet your eyes.
“Why don't you go and do something else?” It takes everything in you not to laugh right in his face. As if you didn't think of the most obvious solution to your issue. Why don't you go and something else? Gee, wish you thought of that one. “You don't think I'd like that?” Not once in your entire life did you show any type of interest in music.
It wasn't for you, sure you liked to listen to it – but you didn't? All the ins and out of creating and signing artists, that part just wasn't for you. And no matter how hard you were pushed, it wouldn't ward off your resistance. “My entire life has revolved around preparing for this company. I don't know how to do anything else. You know what I'd really like to do?”
“Yeah, tell me.” He's giving you this look, you can't quite place. Like he's hanging on to your every word, actually listening to you. It has a fuzzy feeling rising in your chest. “I wanted to be an actress. Had some small roles too, but then my dad was putting a stop to it. Said it was time for me to quit playing and get serious, so naturally I didn't listen. Tried to keep doing my thing, little did I know he had planned for that, made sure that nobody would hire me.”
You could still remember the sting when you were no longer getting callbacks and agencies turning you away, all because of one phone call. No means to live on your own, so you were packing your bags and heading home to daddy. How could someone do that to their own daughter? Just to follow along with some stupid dream that wasn't even hers.
It was fucked up. As if you weren't able to control your own life, he never even let you try. “He thinks I'll grow into liking this place, but I won't! It's not what I want, I'm not good at it. Every day I want to quit. And nobody cares,” No matter how hard you tried, how much you fought. It was no use.
“I care,” The words are falling from his lips before he has a chance to stop them, but you hardly believe him. You're scoffing out a laugh, eyes rolling at his words. “I'm serious. I also wanted to apologize,”
Without thinking, you're reaching for his bottle again. “Okay,” You shrug, bringing the bottle to your lips and taking long gulps. “So, uhm. Are you close? With your dad?” He's asking softly, reaching to pull his body from your grasp.
He has way too many questions and you're not sure how you feel about it. Why was he trying to meddle into your business when he's shown no interest in talking to you before this? And why did you feel so inclined to talk to him? As if you could trust him enough to confide in him.
It's weird, but you're not in the mood to fight it. “Not at all. Hoseok's his poster child, I just happened to come along for the ride.” You're finishing up the last few sips of his beer, setting the empty bottle down onto the table. “What do you mean?”
“When he was planning to have kids, he wanted one perfect boy to follow in his footsteps... and then when he heard his wife was pregnant with twins... he thought 'great two perfect boys to follow in my footsteps,'. Not a part of him wanted a little girl,”
A hand lifts to gesture at your figure, a hushed laugh leaving your lips. “But as you can see, I am not a boy.” Joon is nodding his head, giving you this pitiful look that you want so badly to wipe off his face.
You didn't need to be pitied. “So what? He was mad because you weren't a boy?” Was it really that bad? It was easy to see that Hoseok was treated differently in terms of your father, but was that not because of how you acted? Maybe you acted the way you did for a deeper reason? There was so much he didn't know about you.
“You ask a whole lot of questions,” All done sharing, not too keen on the look on his face. You weren't some poor girl that needed sympathy, you had everything under control. Could figure it all out on your own.
Joon is moving to stand a bit closer to you, his shoulder pressed against yours. There's this unexplainable warmth to him, that closes around your entire body just from him being close. It's weird. “Why?”
“Why what?”
Letting out a huff, you're moving back to create some distance between the two of you. “Why are you curious? You've shown zero desire to talk to me, so why now?” He's moving too close the space that you've created, the corners of his mouth lifting into a smile. It's the first time you've seen the slightest resemblance of one on his face.
“I don't know... you just seem different tonight. I feel like I might've missed something.” You wonder how long it took him to come to that conclusion, always so cautious and calculated with his thought. Never really forgetting his initial impression of someone. 
But it's like now he's looking past what you've worked so hard to obtain. You didn't like it one bit. “You didn't. What you see is what you get,” Body straightening, nose pointed toward the ceiling. He's letting out a laugh, obviously amused by your childish stance.
“I don't know if I believe you,” Your head lowers to look at him, eyes rolling dramatically as you lift your hand to toss your hair over your shoulder. “Well, that's your choice,” You reply, in the snobbiest tone you've ever used. “I'm going to get a drink,”
You're leaving him without another word, taking long strides down the hall. Actually, heading for the bar this time.
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APIRL 25TH, 2020 | 01:23
Namjoon knows he should probably give you some space. Not that you were pissed at him or anything, but the meddling was something he knew you weren't the biggest fan of. If your sudden departure was any proof of that. He should leave you alone, let you enjoy yourself with your friends... and your boyfriend.
He should really stop thinking about you.
That's easier said than done, though. All he can do is think about you. Only half-listening to Taehyung's words, eyes scanning the crowd for you. Any sign of you and he's certain he'd be rushing to follow behind you.
There really was something different about you tonight. Something underneath the facade you kept up with. The reckless behavior, the spoiled brat act. He hadn't been able to see it before, but now he was getting peaks of your personality he failed to notice before. Bits that reminded him a lot of himself.
Stood on the other side of the room, your arms are looped in Changkyun's. You've tied your hair up into a ponytail at the top of your head, long enough that the ends are tickling your elbows. He watches as you say something to him, flashing a cute smile up in his direction before you're turning to walk out of the room.
A few minutes pass before Changkyun is making his way over to where Namjoon is seated, plopping down in the vacant spot beside Jungkook. Who has been pretty much under Jimin's spell since the start of this whole night. “Where's Yn?” Yoongi's asking as if he can read his best friend's mind.
He really had no other reason to ask.
“She's in her office. Wanted to look over a few things,” For some reason, Joon is taking that as an invitation to go to you. Standing quickly, he's catching the attention of his friends seated beside him, “I'm gonna go, uh... go to the bathroom.”
He's earning an uninterested nod just before he's able to slip away, hurried steps taken out of the room and down the hallway leading straight to your office. The door's open when he approaches, you're sat at your desk scrolling through your laptop.
Soft knocks tap against the door, catching your attention. You're surprised to see Joon standing on the other side, that awkward smile playing on his lips. He's lifting his hand up to a wave, pushing his fingers through his hair as he steps past the threshold, shutting the door behind him. “Hey. I came to see if you were okay,”
Why wouldn't you be okay? “I'm fine,” A smile that doesn't quite meet your eyes, but still lights up your whole face. “Come here, listen to this.”
He was sure that when you had left you were sad, or at least a bit unhappy. But you were fine? And you looked fine too, completely focused on locating whatever song you planned to show him. Joon moves to take a seat beside you, in the same spot he sits each and every time he's in here with you. Thighs just barely touching.
“Can I ask you another question?” Humming out your response, head tilting toward him. The suit looked good on him, it really did. Different from the baggy jeans and t-shirts he normally wears, which are just the same amount of cute. This was just different, gave a different vibe to him. You just barely miss the way he was staring back at you. It has a heat rising in your cheeks. “W-what's your question?”
His eyes flicker from your lips to your eyes, teeth cutting into his lower lip gently. It's embarrassing, he's forgotten his question. Wrapped up in his thoughts of you, the things that he had failed to notice before. “What's so fun? You know about being impulsive and doing what you want?” He finds himself asking.
Never could he imagine himself doing it, just jumping at any chance without thinking everything through. Weighing out all of the possible outcomes, yet you were doing it all of the time without a second thought.
That's not what you were expecting him to ask. Not much thought was put into the decisions you made, which was why you found yourself getting into so much trouble. You just did what you felt like and dealt with the consequences later. Sometimes not at all. “I don't know, I just do what I want.” You're saying with a shrug.
“You're so calm. And calculating. I'd love to see you do one thing without thinking...” He's looking at you in that weird way again, moving closer until your knees are touching. Dark eyes scanning over your features gaze slowly dropping to your lips. “Just one thing. Completely on impulse, first thing that pops into your-”
His lips taste like the beer he's been sipping, a delicious mix to your shots of liquor. One large hand pressed onto the back of your neck, the other clutching the fabric of your dress. You can feel your heart hammering in your chest as he pulls back from your lips, your eyes wide as you look up at him.
“Did you just kiss me?” Your entire face is on fire and it's hard to hide the grin that threatens to split your face in half. “Yeah, I have no idea why.” He looks so cute and dazed, just from kissing you.
His lips were so soft too, could be addicting if you got enough of it. “Do it again.” A pretty smile brightens his face, cheeks lifting to show off his dimples. His fingers tangling in the loose hairs at the nape of your neck, grip tightening around your waist to pull you closer.
“You want me to?”
There's not a bit of hesitation from you, lower lip jutting out into a pout. “Please,” A soft laugh leaves his lips before he's leaning forward to capture yours with his.
He kisses you as if you're made of glass, cautious in the shift of his lips. Unsure of himself, worried if he's gone too far. And you're quickly deciding, he hasn't gone far enough. Moving closer, you reach up to bury your fingers in his hair. A bold swipe of your tongue has his jaw falling slack, allowing your tongue to sliver into his mouth.
A soft groan erupts from the back of his throat as your tongue twists and pushes against his. Even the way he kisses is calculated, timed movements of his tongue the mouth. The complete opposite of your unrhythmic advances. But, still, he moans.
Out loud for your greedy ears to soak up, it's the moment you're sinking your teeth into his lower lip. All at once, his hands are dropping onto your hips, easily lifting your body up and onto his lap. Legs on either side of his hips, you can feel the bulge of his cock through the fabric of his dress pants. And the thought of getting a peek at it has your body buzzing.
He's effortlessly positioning you, slowing the movements of your lips with his own. Fingers tracing down the sides of your body, dragging over the hem of your dress. Just as he's about to inch it up, the doorknob of your office jiggles. It's barely audible, but Namjoon has this type of supersonic hearing, his body reacting instantly to the sound.
A single line of saliva connects your lips as he tears away from you, your tongue slips out to break it. His head whips around to stare at the door, turned away so fast he missed the pout of protest that from on your lips.
“Someone's trying to get in,” He's whispering, eyes going wide when he sees how close your faces are. You shrug, reaching up to knit your fingers n the hair at the nape of his neck, holding his head still before he can move too far from you. “That's fine, it's locked. They'll just go away. I want another kiss,”
Your lips are swollen from his, shiny with your shared spit. Puckered cutely, waiting for him to satisfy your request. But reality has sunk in for Namjoon, the gravity of what he was just done hitting him like a ton of bricks.
He couldn't kiss you. There were so many reasons why it's wrong, starting with the incessant knock of whoever is on the other side of the door. He could only guess it's the man you showed up with your date. Your boyfriend. Cheating was something he took very seriously and the fact you'd just do it, without a second thought. No, he couldn't kiss you. Couldn't even be involved with you aside from a professional relationship.
Your eyes flutter open with the gentle nudge on your thigh, frowning as he shoos you off his lap. He's quick to stand, just in case you've got any ideas of climbing back on. “What's wrong?” He's avoiding your gaze, fingers shoving through his hair as he searches your office for something. Positive he brought a jacket along with him. Maybe he had a hat?
No matter how hard he looked, he could feel your stare burning in the side of his face. Forcing him to answer. “Nothing's wrong. I just shouldn't have kissed you.” It bothers you to hear him say that so easily, but you're not sure why.
“You didn't want to?” He's not sure he's heard you sound any sadder. He can't help but take a peak at your face, instantly looking it away when he catches the sad pout of your lips. He couldn't feel bad for you. Your feelings weren't his responsibility. You were an adult and his boss, he shouldn't have to coddle you.
Even still, he can't bring himself to lie. Because he had wanted to kiss you, wouldn't have done it if he didn't. “I did... I'm just. I gotta go,” He's turning from you, all at once forgetting what he had been looking for. Shaking off any thoughts of looking back and checking on you, instead, he's heading straight for the door. Tugging it open and stepping back into the crowd of the party.
Changkyun is just a few feet away from the door, had given up on knocking after a few minutes. He watches as Namjoon makes a beeline from your door to the crowd, the back of his hand wiping at his lips.
You're sat slouched in front of your computer when he walks in. Fingers typing away at the screen of your phone. He's not sure what to expect from you, knowing you had just been in here with Namjoon. If you had changed your mind and decided that you'd be going home with him instead, but he still tries.
“People are starting to leave. Are you ready to go?” You're hitting him with the brightest, prettiest smile he's ever seen. Sparkly eyes dancing over his features as you stand, taking long strides over to him. It's only when you're closer does he had mistaken the wetness as your signature sparkle. Your smile doesn't quite reach them either.
He doesn't say anything, though. Allows you to pull his hand around your waist, tucking yourself into his side. Shooting him another fake smile before you're nodding, leaning up on your toes to press a soft kiss to his cheek.
“Yeah. Let's get out of here,” 
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— daughter of the ceo of the biggest record label, it’s obvious she’d get whatever and whoever she wants. but what happens when she’s meeting the one person that refuses to play into her spoiled brat act?
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daverygalskisbff · 3 years
could we get some allura & lance friendship prompts? i LOVED your other ones btw 💖💖💖💖
HI I'm sorry this took forever I have honestly no idea why bc I adore these two and I ADORE this prompt so my brain should not have shut down the way it did. anywayz to make up for the wait i tried to make this a bit longer than my usual posts :) I hope you like it!
(also, as usual, everything here I came up with myself, and if there's any similarity to someone elses post I apologise and promise it wasn't intentional)
now without further ado,
Lance and Allura!
similar to lance and pidge, the two are decidedly Not close in the beginning 
i had an entire thing about how i imagine they became friends at first written out, but it was a tad too long and i didn't want to clog up the post with too much exposition. so instead, let's just skip forward and get into their dynamic after they become buddies :) (however, if anyone wants to see the backstory I would not be opposed) 
although he no longer has a crush on her, lance makes it a point to hype her up as much as he possibly can 
at first allura was confused, because she thought it was him trying to flirt with her still, but once she understood what was going on she was more than willing to join in 
lance when allura completely destroys the training droid: WOWZA ladies and gentlemen of the jury may I present to you the icon the legend the moment herself her royal highness princess allura of altea!!!!! if you thought that was impressive just WAIT till she gets warmed up because this is just the beginning!!! she can even do it in heels- 
shiro: lance, please focus, this is really important that we- 
allura: no no, shiro, please. let him finish. 
they both show their friendship in slightly different ways. lance's way is that he is physically incapable of not humouring the princess
allura when lance shows her his cartwheel: incredible!!!!!!! i have never been more impressed in my life!!! do you think you could do it in heels?? 
lance: uhhh. y'know princess I'm really loving the faith, but- 
allura: :)? 
lance:.... what if you don't have my size? 
lance fractured his ankle. allura has yet to stop apologising. 
allura's way is definitely safer, but it's also a lot more... cluttered. to say the least.
allura, returning from a recon mission with a tiny bag filled with what looks like tiny, glittery dinosaur figurines made of glass: lance! look at what i bought for you! 
lance, taking one look at the contents of the bag: wow, 'lurra, this is… so nice of you
allura: lance, are you. are you crying? 
lance (definitely crying): what? NO! of course not!! I'm just. allergic, to. uh. oxygen. 
allura: what. 
allura never had any siblings back on altea, but she always wanted them
this, paired with how much lance misses his own family, means that the two of them kind of gravitate towards each other in terms of siblinghood. 
as a child allura would imagine what it would be like to have siblings, but especially a twin. she would fall asleep to dreams of secret handshakes, finishing each other's sentences, and swapping places to trick people
she doesn't realise the brother she has found in lance until a long time after they've become close (how would she recognise a dynamic she has never been privy to?) 
this realisation happens on just a random day in the castleship lounge. she is talking to hunk, when suddenly lance, who she didn't even realise was listening to their conversation, butts in and finishes her sentence. 
she's annoyed at being interrupted at first, but then what happened sinks in, and suddenly she's fighting off tears. lance doesn't know why she's crying, but he hugs her anyway. 
the two of them match accessories a lot 
with allura's love of pretty things (and the abundance of stuff in her closet) paired with lance's natural dramatics, nobody else on the team is entirely sure of whether this is intentional or not. 
it started off as intentional. it is now second nature. 
one decision, however, was completely planned and thought out for exactly twenty minutes, and then deeply regretted by both parties for the next 48 hours
allura pierced lance's ears 
now before you get judgemental, you try making a smart decision at two am space-time while very giddy and slightly buzzing on some weird old alien candy that not even your resident alien is sure the ingredients of. then talk to me. 
pidge: okay so you're gonna need a needle, ice, and… yeah I'm pretty sure that's it 
lance: don't we need a potato too
pidge: … why the fuck would you need a potato 
lance: I dunno!!! my sister pierced her friend's ears one time and she mentioned a potato!!! I'm just trying to make sure everything goes well, pidge! 
allura: I love these earth customs you two are showing me!! when I got my ears pierced it was done with some kind of laser, but your way sounds much more fun :). 
allura: also, what is a "potato" and where can we find one? 
it goes about as well as you would expect 
the excited buzz on lance lasts about three ticks into the process, and then the screaming starts
pidge (the genius who came up with the idea) gives him some altean taffy to chew on to stop him from making too much noise, and allura, the angel, is babbling right along with him 
allura, with tears in her eyes: how was I supposed to know it was going to hurt mine didn't hurt well it was 10,000 years ago and I was very young altean children don't have very strong pain receptors you know, maybe that's why my parents had it done at that age, or maybe your people are just completely barbaric, who thought this would be a good idea?? pidge why did you suggest this poor lonce is in tears lonce I'm so sorry but if it's any consolation at all at least now your ears won't be nearly as hideous as before and you can borrow as many of my earrings as you want except for the sparkly green ones that dangle those are my favourite well they're actually my second favourite I'm wearing my favourite - you can't borrow those either, by the way, but you can have any of the others I promise 
lance, also crying and still chewing the altean taffy: hhb, llura yub domf hoff do bologuys, ss long'ss yub sanstsd thu niddle frst 
allura (who did not remember to sanitize the needle), now crying freely: I don't understand what you're saying 
(pidge records the entire thing)
the next day lance wakes up with ears that are very sore and slightly green, and allura faints
they spend the entire morning avoiding shiro in case they get in trouble and trying to figure out how to get the healing pods to work
lance: what do you mean you don't know allura you literally lived in one of these 
allura: I was asleep the whole time!!! don't put this on me!! 
lance: don't put- you are the one that pierced my ears, allura, of course it's on you!
coran, who has been watching this entire interaction in silence: oh, I thought i noticed something different about you, number three! 
lance and allura: [screaming] 
coran helps them set up the healing pod 
unfortunately lance has to take the earrings out, so the holes close back up, but fortunately coran just so happens to know how to pierce ears the correct way that they did on altea 
lance, after half a day in the healing pod, watching coran advance upon him with a literal handheld flamethrower that shoots lasers: is it too late to go back to the ear infection 
coran is surprisingly very adept at the skill of altean beautification (an activity that has a surprisingly long and rich backstory, which lance and allura get an in-depth lesson on for the hour that it takes to do lance's ears properly) 
they're exhausted afterwards, but lance looks great, so they're in good moods regardless 
they like to teach each other about things from their respective planets - both for fun, and because it helps them feel less homesick 
whenever allura is particularly down about the loss of altea, lance will visit her in her room, and the two of them will just lie together on her bed. 
they don't say much, most of the time, just link their pinkies together and stare at the ceiling 
when they do talk, it's quiet, and always allura who starts it - she might share something she remembers about altea, and lance listens quietly and then responds with something he misses about cuba 
it isn't always sad tho - sometimes they just talk about things they remember that pop into their heads, or explain things to each other that they wouldn't otherwise know 
at the space mall, they make a game out of pointing things out to each other and trying to guess what it is (allura can only guess when they're in the earth shop, but it's okay because she more than makes up for it in enthusiasm) 
lance, holding a my little pony collectible: okay princess. what is this.
allura, completely serious: a weapon
lance: ... close
allura, holding up a set of magnetic heart necklaces to the light: what does… "biffs" mean? 
lance: it's "bffs," princess, it means "best friends forever" 
allura: oh! you mean like me and you? 
lance: 'lurra what did we say about making me cry in public, we've talked about this- 
(they buy the necklaces. obviously.)
they mess with each other's hair a lot
once allura learns that lance's hair is naturally curly, and that he just straightens it all of the time, she makes it her god-given mission to convince him to wear it naturally more often
this mission includes plans such as stealing his hair straightener, "donating" a bunch of curly hair products to him because she "doesn't have the space", and getting keith to say he thinks curly hair is cool one day in the rec room
she still thinks it's the funniest thing ever that that actually worked
other than week-long sabotage plots, they both think it's fun to have lance braid allura's hair
he used to braid his sister's and niece's hairs all of the time, so he has a knack for it that allura did not expect at all but is obsessed with anyway
allura, coming to lance's room a few hours before another diplomatic party: hey..... how yall doin.....
lance, already prepared with a million different brushes and bands: oh my god just get in already
lance and allura have a lot in common 
one of these things, they learn very early into their relationship, is that they are both disasters when it comes to pretty girls (and boys, but that's a lance-exclusive situation)
so they become each other's wingmen
they both tend to get… a little too into it 
the team: [at a diplomatic ball]
lance, seeing a pretty alien girl looking allura's way and "politely" speedwalking over to her: alluralluraalluraalluraalluralluraalluraalluraalluralluraalluraallura pretty girl look over there eleven o'clock LOOK she's gonna walk away looklooklook
allura: lance darling thank you so much for your help but I am in the middle of talking to the president 
and alternatively: 
allura tries to set lance and keith up all the time. at first she was worried she would be overstepping boundaries, but after one particular sleepover where lance spent an entire hour lamenting his "bad luck" she decided to take things into her own hands 
this includes, but is not limited to; sending them on supply missions alone together (often), mentioning particular things lance has done to his appearance to keith every time she can, and talking about specific paladin bonds more than she maybe should 
lance hates it
keith, walking into the lounge: h-
allura, immediately: hello keith!! help settle an argument, will you :)? 
keith: um… okay 
allura: lovely! now, tell me, do you think lance looks cuter today than he did yesterday? we can't seem to agree on whether or by he's stunning or simply handsome. what do you think? 
keith: uh-
allura: oh, and while I have you, have you noticed that his ears are pierced? 
lance, beet red: allu-
allura: what :(?? can't i be proud of my handiwork?? 
lance, to keith: I am not associated with her
after a week of this keith literally sets up a system where if allura is in a room he walks into he just does a complete 180 and walks back out
one time, at a diplomatic meeting, an alien politician mistook them for a couple and they both choked on their drinks at the same time, and then got offended that the other one agreed that the concept was insane 
allura: what happened to being the princess of your dreams, lance?? I thought I MEANT something to you. obviously! i was wrong! 
lance: oh yeah?? then why did you GIGGLE, allura. what's so funny, huh?? my good looks??? my charming charisma?? how far out of your league I am??? 
lance: okay maybe that last one was a bit of a stretch 
another thing lance and allura do is pronounce each other's names wrong
they call each other lonce and allora 
it started as lance kind of making fun of allura's accent, but turned into just one of their Things 
allura honestly didn't know it was a bit until the habit had been long constructed
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lovee-infected · 4 years
I enjoy reading character analysis to understand them more and I've also noticed that some insert fics are like too exagerated and their personalities are far from the canon twst. I think some writers are just basing their fics to others and and makes conclusion about it and ignore important details or text on their cards?* And as a reader, I do sometimes think that "this" character are like that. Like Vil, being portrayed as narcisstic and beauty obssessed charac, I think he isnt like that and theres more to him than we think. Sorry for the long ask✌️
You're totally valid anon and I see your point, you know while I agree that each idea and interpretation on characters is worthy on its own and no one is bound to having a specific opinion or belief, getting too wild with personal fantasies and ignoring the originals can totally ruin the writing. Characters are often mischaracterized especially in reader insert fics and the most annoying part is that almost everyone is making the same mistakes about him-! Like some of the noticable mistakes would be:
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(1) Femininely has nothing to do with Vil's terms of beauty
Oh lord what can I say- It's even against what Vil himself directly said through chapter five and how he cleared his point on male and female equal, and you can tell he is pretty strict about it.
Like did you just forget what he told Epel when he complained that he doesn't want to act like a girl: “a boy getting embarrassed about ‘acting like a girl,’ -- what year is your head stuck in??? did you take a time machine from 100 years ago??”
He doesn't seem to be one to appreciate the concept of labeling beauty as a female-only thing and on the other hand, he doesn't really seem to like the way women can be looked down on while being compared to men either. He seeks equality, and beauty wasn't ever defined as a feminine act in his dictionary; while there are tons of requests asking for: Vil forcing their trans s/o to wear more feminine clothes/ Vil asking their fem! s/o to wear more feminine stuff an look cuter/Vil complimenting s/o's appearance for not being feminine enough/... And literally TONS of requests like this. Please, you're forgetting one the most important parts of his personality, he considers male and female to be equal and it's so hecking important to show that he holds respect for all genders nonetheless.
(2) Vil's maturity is often ignored
Honestly, within all twst characters Vil's maturity on its own really impresses me. From the way he speaks to how serious and sincere he is all I gotta say is this man is waaay different from the way he's charactetized in most of the fics. Idk why but, he's sometimes charactetized as a guy who's ready to boil you alive if you dare touch any of his expensive make up pallettes or eyeshadows. Oh please, Vil isn't an angry child.
Also he often decides to keep his anger in, though you can tell when he's mad by just looking at his face. Clinching fists, trying not to talk and most likely, walking off or asking people to leave him alone until he calms down a bit is most likely his usual way of expressing his anger, but I've seen him being described as a loud, feral figure like Riddle is! Oh god no- Are you just ignoring how calm and collected Vil often tends to be?
(3) What's with the potato fetish?
While it's canon that Vil can sometimes call people around him potato. You may like to know that in some languages, potato is translated as "Apple of the ground", which can be an interesting reason of him using this nickname for people.
Watching Vil call students potatoes can be as entertaining as watching Malleus play with his tamagotchi, but again, it's important to realize that you don't have to only use potato when you're thinking of what Vil might say in a reader insert/situation!
Come on there are hundreds of different statements and sentences you can use other than just 'potatoes' and it'll get boring to read him saying the same nick name over and over in a fic. Good lord of course this isn't the only word he uses in communication so please try to avoid using it too much. This, is NOT the only word that he knows to use! (Seriously though I've seen being used like 6 times in a 500-word drabble)
(4) Please avoid spreading false information about him and his personality
Funny how I'm saying it here, but don't forget that you do not own him! Vil Schoenheit is a property of Disney/ Aniplex and all, which means that no one can certainly decide on his sexuality/ background/ unexplained character details unless it's officially announced.
Why am I saying this? Because some people are seriously going to far! I've seen people attacking others saying that Vil's pronouns are She/Her and not He/ Him like: EXCUSE ME...???
I don't want to get into details explaining how this drama is going but I've got to say something anyway, YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO DECIDE ON HIS PRONOUNS! None of us do!
It's totally okay to have your personal preferences on his pronouns or anything else, but you must avoid spreading such information and forcing them on others as long as they aren't confirmed! Please keep your headcanons for yourself and don't confuse the fandom with them. Everyone's free to have their own headcanons but it's never okay to force them on others!
(5) Vil has a LOT to talk about other than just beauty!
Man... sometimes I feel like the fandom is just doing him dirty. Most of the reader inserts, fics , and even Vil memes have something to do with beauty while it's important to try and look through his personality as well instead of just sticking with the beauty aspect.
For example, through the Halloween event, I couldn't be any more surprised when Vil found the crying child who had lost their parents through the crowd and instead of just leaving them to headmaster or asking someone to take care of them he actually started to play with the child and entertrain and confront them on his own! That was probably one of his sweetest moments through the whole game and it really changed my mind about him! It was great to know that Vil as well can have a softer side when it comes to children, just imagine how good this can be used while writing a father AU for him!
His talents on the other hand need to be recognized, for example: his acting skills back in the ghost marriage proved how much of a great actor he can be and this can also give us lots of ideas to use in writings. On the other hand he's much of a celebrity on his own ( Woop- he's also got 2m followers on magicam) which gives us another great plot to write for him.
The way he is around close friends, how he compliments them and gets complimented by them in return, the way he manages Pomefiore and tries to put the students into doing their best in using their skills and lots of more interesting details that can be found through his stories are there to tell you that he's a lot more than just a beautiful Queen. A considerable part of his background as well is going to be released at he end of chapter 5 (Yes baby after the overblot Vil) and I hope that gives us all the opportunity to come up with stronger personalities and plots next time that we're describing or even, characterizing Vil!
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Lmao I kind of rushed to finish this so I didn't get to talk about him as much as I wanted to, but hope that this is useful anyway.
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: May 15th Part 1
It’s been longer than usual since our last answer session, so I’m answering a ton of questions today! It’s so big I split it into two parts. Thank you for the patience on getting a response to these.
Thanks for reaching out to us with your questions and kind words ^^!
Sorry if this has been asked before or isn't something you can say but is there anyway for Cove to confess in step 4? I wanted him to confess in step 3 and followed all the steps to make him do it but ended up texting my family instead of Cove at the end.
Yeah, Cove can confess in Step 4!
Hello! I heard that Cove is on the spectrum, albeit undiagnosed. As someone who is ND, this makes me UNBELIEVABLY happy. I literally was brought to tears! Thank you for that!
Out of curiosity, will Cove be diagnosed in Step 4? I have a strong feeling y’all won’t make it a HUGE deal/make it out to be negative, so I’m not worried about that whatsoever! I’m just curious just he’ll off handedly mention it? Or will it just not be touched upon at all (which is ok!)?
Either way is ok, I’m just curious!
I’m happy it made you happy! Admittedly, Cove simply being someone with autism that grew up not being diagnosed was something I included for myself. I didn’t really think anyone would notice or ask about it, aha. But players did start to have questions about his traits, so I started to talk about it outside of the game. It’s great to see it get such a positive response and now I do feel like having it be a non-topic may have been the wrong choice and bringing it up would’ve been good in terms of having positive representation for that. I don’t know if I’ll find a way to mention it in Step 4 now, with how far along the game is, but I am at least thinking about it when originally it wasn’t something I really even considered.
Hey!  Just wanted to say thank you for Our Life.  It's been a bright spot and a needed escape in what's otherwise been a crummy year.  I know you just did a Q&A post but I figured I'd ask anyway.  Was just curious about Step 4.  Will it be similar to the other Steps in that it consists of several different moments or will it just be one long sequence?
Step 4 is shorter than the prior Steps because it’s just an epilogue rather than a full arc of a story. It’ll consist of scenes that all happen in a set row one after the other. There won’t be a collection of Moments to choose from. But it’ll still be very sweet and fun.
¡hola!, you see, first I want to say that I love Our Life! (°◡°♡) and I have 2 important questions, would Cove cry watching titanic? and what is the saddest part according to him? (sorry for my english) 
Titanic would make him cry. He’d probably think the parts showing people who aren’t able to make it to the life boats/are choosing to stay and go down with the ship were the saddest.
Hello, I wanted to ask how much you earn with creating games? Like is it possible to make a living? Thank you >< <3 
How much I earn varies a lot month to month based on Steam sales, Patreon backers, and how many projects are in full production at the time. It’s also hard to say how much I make historically, since that also changes dramatically year by year. But I do earn enough to work on these games full time! I really appreciate all the support that allows me to do that.
Hey!! I was wondering for the 18+ Our Life moment, will there be an emphasis on safety/comfort for all involved? I feel like there  would be just going off of what the rest of the game is like, but I wanted to ask 
Yes! Cove is a nervous boy himself and also super cautious about doing anything the MC doesn’t like, so clear consent from both is absolutely needed for anything to happen. It’s a conversational sexy times Moment with stops/starts so the two can talk about how they’re feeling, rather than a heat of the moment just going for it kind of thing.
Hey!! I was wondering how long the wedding dlc would be? Will it be broken up into moments, or just one big event? 
It’s one long series of scenes all in a row rather than a collection of Moments to pick from. It’s the shortest and the least expensive of all the DLCs. It’s not super crucial to get and those who aren’t into big weddings can totally skip it without worry.
HELLO AMAZING DEVS 👋 i am hopelessly in love with the worst guy ever (jeremy king) and because of this i have a really stupid question: does he really hate people who are nice to him? TvT he’s too cute to be mean to istg it’s a miracle JB held the urge to be consistently nice to him bc just look at his FACE he is so cute! thank you for jeremy’s route it’s so lovely (and awful bc he’s scum 11/10) it gave me so much laughs LMAO i hope you guys have a good day!! 
Haha, thank you. He doesn’t hate them but he’s certainly not pleased with them. Jeremy is either uncomfortable with or annoyed by people being sweet on him, depending on how they approach it. He’s far more comfortable with jerkiness. It lets him relax and he can be himself without it being a problem, since he’s also a jerk. He feels a level of guilt being such a little punk to kind people, not enough to be a better person but still.
Has Cove dated or been interested in someone other than MC? 
Nope! He stays single over the course of the game if he’s not with the MC.
Is Step 4 more mature? Or it's gonna be set in similar atmosphere as Step 3? 
Step 4 is a similar atmosphere as Step 3. Though, it’s actually kind of less mature-topic heavy than Step 3 since it’s just a ‘hey, let’s check in on the gang to see what they’re up to’ style epilogue rather than a story arc with serious issues.
will there be new music for now and forever?? or will the old our life music be reused? 
It’s gonna be a brand new soundtrack. We’ll be opening up a job position for that soon.
Hi, is it okay if we use the assets in Our Life (like the sprites) for fanworks or fan content content, like edits? 
Sure! Just as long as you don’t use the assets made by those artists to make money.
Quick clarification on Step 3 choices: I hope I didn't come off rude (because I LOVE the game, really!!), I was just curious because the intro threw me off at times. For example, you could choose how you felt about Elizabeth in Step 2 (Dinner), but during the Step 3 intro, it says that you got closer to Liz and I didn't get a choice in it. 
For the example, it can’t be helped that you’re closer to Liz in Step 3 than you were in Step 2 because she’s inherently closer to the MC regardless of whether you liked her or not in Step 2. Her feelings are out of your control and the game isn’t so dramatic that you can push her affection away and not let her bond with you, haha. But ‘being closer’ can still be relative. For some people maybe that means you’re best buds now and for others it might just mean you’re not fighting all the time any more. If there’s other parts you want to mention, feel free to let us know.
Did the illustrator for Our Life change? 
We have many OL artists! The main artists who set the game’s style haven’t changed, but there’s multiple other artists who help finish assets.
So Miranda's type is confident and outgoing, huh? So...does that mean Terri's her type?? 👀 
Haha, sorry for the late reply on this. As you might’ve seen in our post yesterday- yeah that is her type.
Hey! First, I just want to say I've really enjoyed how detailed OL got with gender identity and sexuality and how respectful the topics were handled! It's been so wonderful to play since the experiences could be close to my own (I'd be lying if I said I didn't tear up at parts). Second, I was wondering, would future games explore the topic of polyamory? I'd love to see more visual novels allow room for that and I saw you've explored the topic before.
Keep up the amazing work! ♡
Thank you! We do want to include polyamory in at least some of our future projects. Floret Bond, which might be what you’re referring to when mentioning how we’ve explored the topic before, is on hold unfortunately. So right now I’m not sure when something might release or what will be the first game of ours to come out with poly relationships (we might do something else before FB is done). We’ll have see how things ends up coming together.
Hey um. I feel like im not allowed to ask this on the private discord cuz people will yell at me but why is there so much focus on OL2 and not finishing OL1 stuff? I like the new people but i kind of want to finish cove's story and get derek and baxter stuff first. didn't people pay for it? 
I’m sorry, I don’t understand entirely what’s making that situation a concern. There’s a channel in the discord for critique where no one is allowed to comment back. People can voice things they’re worried about without any way for others to push back on it. And the two teams working on the OL games are different. We try to post pretty often about how we’re hiring brand new people to start on Our Life: Now & Forever. The OL1 team is all still working on OL1 like normal. There’s only more updates on the Patreon for OL2 because the expansions to the first game are mostly script-based at this point while OL2 is just starting to get all its art, which means there’s a lot more to show off as previews.
Also, there was a Kickstarter for the first Our Life, if that’s what you mean by people paying for it. But one of the stretch goals was to start Our Life 2 early, before fully completing Our Life 1, so that the new game could be out sooner. It wouldn’t make sense to stop doing OL2 work because that would be going against what backers were promised. Maybe you didn’t get the full story before and hopefully this clears it up!
Hello! I know it's up to every player but.. What is your recommendation for playing order? Did you ever had any timeline  events planned? 
I didn’t make the events with a planned timeline. The events got made simply as I had ideas for them and then I just kind of organized them from left to right on the screen in an order to space out more dramatic ones between more lighthearted ones. Any order the player wants to go with is totally valid!
Hi! It's Step 4 a paid dlc or update? And how long it's planned to be? Ps. Love the game! 
The Step 4 epilogue is free! The Cove Wedding DLC does cost money, though. Those are planned to be shorter than the usual Steps/DLCs.
Will we have options for what sort of job the MC might have by the time step 4 takes place? 
Yeah, you can. It’s not super exact or detailed, but there are options about it.
Is there a pandemic in Our Life world, or is it just in a better timeline with no pestilence? 
Our Life is pandemic-free! That didn’t exist when we began working on the project and it’s not something we’d like to feature in this story now that it has unfortunately come along, aha.
Hi, you said that you can play tic-tac-toe or hangman with Cove in Boating if you're sick/scared but I keep getting tic-tac-toe. Am I doing something wrong?
After being sick/scared you have to continue to be upset/unwell. If you calm down and decide to just chill you’ll end up playing tic-tac-toe.
Hi, GB Patch! Since Lee was initially commissioned to only appear in two Steps does this mean she won't appear in the Wedding DLC? I really like her character so it'll be a little weird to not have our cousin at our wedding, aha.
She is gonna be in Step 4/the wedding DLC after all! We’re still working with her creator to make sure it fits with what they wanted.
Is Sunset Bird based on a real place? Asking for a friend, not trying to move there or anything. 👀
It’s based on small beach towns in So-Cal, but not one specific town you could go see in real life, I’m afraid. It’d be nice if it was real, though.
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We released a new FAQ! It answers common questions and we’ll keep adding more to it. Please check there before sending an ask. FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
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vivildicno · 2 years
Can you maybe spitball more about Cedar x Sparrow? It's a very curious ship (it sounds like eventually it could be fun).
Ok im so gald you asked, im going to explain a little more how everything goes:
in a wonderfuladiful world by shannon hale it is stated that people make a lot of comments about Cedar not being a human, and her desire to be one, and i really think Sparrow is the kind to make "funny" comments about that topic, for example "Cedar might have won but since she isn't really human it does not count, so the actual winner is x" and many things like that, kinda mean but not to the type of actually saying directly mean things or being physically abusive, just what i would call the small tortuous comments.
she would get very upset by those comments but she would never actually show it, until one day at a party he makes a comment and she runs to the bathroom. Practically every girl goes after her, bc who doesn't love Cedar, and the party would die after that
The next days every girl would give him bad looks nd he is confused at the beggining but then he starts to find it annoying so he would go to Duchess to ask her what is going on. She tells him that he made Cedar cry and he did not apologize or act as if he had done something bad, and he replies that he hasn't, but duchess explains him that for some people their destinies imply some suffering wether it is physical or mental, and that Cedar not being a human yet was a huge complex of her. He thinks about it a lot and eventually realized he fked up, bc his intentions are to bother some people, not to actually hurt.
A few days later he pops up at the art studio and finds cedar there, working alone and he apologizes. Cedar was very touched bc he had never apologized to anyone. ever. so she forgives him, and he promises he would never do it again, and not only that, but he also ask him if there is anything he can do to enmend the mistake. Cedar really wanted to say that it was not needed but as she always tells the truth, she blurped out that she needed some help collecting some materials for her paintings from the forest, and even though he does not love going into the forest he accepts bc he feels actually bad. They go, and chat a lot and cedar at the end says that he isn't as annoying as averyone thinks he is.
They start greeting each other at the hallways of the school and sometimes when he sees her carrying a lot of stuff he helps her and a few times he helps her again to pick material from the forest, and sparrow feels very good about this.
One day Cedar goes to him and ask him if he could help her bc she was having problems with inspiration, and asks him to play something for her. No one ever asks him that and that seals it for him, he's got a crush. That becomes rapidly into a rutine of them, every tuesday after class instead of practicing in his room, he goes to the art room and plays while she paints. Duchess realizes he has a crush inmediatly and teases him soooo much. On the other hand, cedars friends finsdit so odd but respect it.
Briar throws a party and it requires everyone to have a partner, and sparrow usually skips those but duchess insists so much for him to invite cedar, but he doesn't know how to do it, so duchess proposes him to help him to write a song. They write it and sparrow cannot wait for the next tuesday.
When the day comes he is very nervous, something so not him and Cedar notices inmediatly and asks him what is going on, he replies that he wrote a song he wanted her to hear. He plays and sings for her and as soon as he ends she replies a bit too loudly that she will go to the party with him.
Ok so this became a sort of fic but yeah, i really think she would pull out his sweetest side and that they would have fun conversations. it also feeds into my trauma a lot :)
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mistabullets · 4 years
Okay! Imagine! Mista with a S/o that IS Bruno's little sister
> As Bruno’s sister, you respect and appreciate your fratellone.
> He made sure to give you plenty attention when the two of you were younger and in a way, he’s very protective of you. When your father became disabled from the gunshot wounds, Bruno basically raised you and made sure you continue your education. Growing up, it eventually clicked that your older brother was working for the mafia. How else can such a young man his age able to afford your schooling, the nice apartment complex, and your father’s hefty medical bills?
> It made you worried. What if Bruno accidentally cross the wrong people? What if he never came home? You offered to find work, drop out of school, or just do something to ease the burden. You even offered to join Passione but your brother particularly seethed at the idea. “Under absolutely no circumstances will you be doing that, rella. Do me a favor - promise me you will not associate with anyone else in Passione. Am I clear?”
> Swallowing nervously, you promised. He even made you pinky promise.
> Life moved on. Your father passed and Bruno became more committed to his work as he rose through the ranks. Eventually, Bruno found you a nice place in town and paid for your tuition for school. Your essentials were covered. He even made you change your last name so you weren’t associate with him in anyway or form. Bruno always made sure to call you once in day and check in - he was such a mother hen. But you wanted to try to live independently! So you picked up a part time job, perhaps at some cafe, bakery, or restaurant. You didn’t tell your brother about it, since he would throw a fit and tell you to focus on your studies.
> That’s how you met him.
> He was a frequent customer and was quite the looker. A toned body, sun kissed skin, warm dark eyes, and curls peaking out of his hat. He always bought a lot of food - like he had a whole family to feed. But you never questioned it because he was so friendly, maybe a bit too eccentric but endearingly so - sometimes you would sneak him an extra of his favorites. You eventually became aware of his phobia of four and made sure not to give him four of anything. Weeks later, you were bold enough to write your number on a napkin when he made a passing comment how it sucked being single.
> He gave a lopsided smile and asked for your name. You kindly gave it to him and he told you his name. “Guido Mista. I’ll call ya later tonight, Y/N! Maybe we can set up a date or somethin’?”
> When you arrived him, you were eager to receive his call and was pleased when your heard your phone ringing. Eventually, you did set up the date. That date became multiple dates. He started coming over to your apartment and staying the night. It was safe to say the two of you were an item now. There were some questions you would like to ask; why did he have a gun? Why did he talk to himself a lot? How come sometimes he would smell like... iron and death? And god, how much could this man eat? But you assured yourself that it was nothing too serious to fret over. You were just over analyzing.
> Bruno figures out pretty quickly you had a boyfriend and wanted to meet him. But you were quite worried about introducing each other. Your brother was essentially your father figure; he will make it obvious if he approves of your boyfriend or not. You kept postponing dates to meet up - it’s not like you didn’t want Mista to meet Bruno but your brother could be nitpicky about if your lover was good enough for you or not. You didn’t want Guido to feel any pressure from your brother. He was already good enough for you and that’s what matters.
> However Mista is more than eager to introduce you to his familigia. “Well, it’s more like, me and five of dudes but they’re particularly like bros to me!”
> After hearing nothing but praise from your boyfriend, you were looking forward to meeting them as well. When approaching the villa, you wondered how six men in their late teens and early twenties can afford to board such an estate. You were greeted by four other men - a pretty blonde with curls and a braid greeted you, a studious young man in green teaching a messy haired with purple eyes, and a brooding man with long silver hair tuning out the world with his headphones.
> “Finally we can have dinner!” Narancia shouts.
> “Narancia, you dumbass, we have a guest here! And we need to finish this problem here!” Fugo exclaims, looking like he wants to stab the boy.
> “Will the two of you shut up? I can hear you through my headphones and our capo is still doing paperwork upstairs!” Abbacchio takes a glance up at you, “You look quite familiar...” he murmurs.
> Giorno leads you to the kitchen and it smells like your mother’s home meals. You settle in a seat right next to Mista and you can hear your stomach growl. “Our capo was expecting ya and took the time out of his day to make this dish! He’s honestly a really good cook when he wants to be. He’s honestly like, the big brother of this group, aside from Abba over there—“
> “Don’t call me that,” Abbacchio sighs, popping open a bottle of red wine. You giggle - despite the chaos and the energy strumming through the air, you can appreciate how homely it is. You’re growing comfortable already, Mista already has a hold of your hand under the table, happy that everyone so far has been welcoming in their own unique way. You’re growing used the all the noises and clattering of plates, you don’t hear the footsteps approaching. You raise your head up to greet the new presence, only to find a familiar face that looks much like your own. The rest of the gang noticed and perks up, wondering why the two of you look so taken aback.
> “B-Bruno?” you ask in disbelief
> “Huh? Ya know Bucciarati or somethin’, bambina?” your boyfriend ask, swallowing nervously.
> “We do. She’s my sister, after all,” Bruno responds, collecting his composure despite Narancia in the background saying “holy shit that’s your sister?” Even Abbacchio lets out a surprised gasp. Mista is glancing at the two of you, back and forth, the similarities of facial structures and eyes now dawning on the gunslinger. What a small world. And you, on the other hand, are now coming to realization that this must be Bruno’s team. So that means... you’ve been dating a mafioso for the past months now - the gun and the smell of iron (no, blood) made a sense now. And you inadvertently broke Bruno’s promise: to not associate with a gangster.
Perhaps after dinner, we can talk about this.” Oh no. Was he angry? Upset? There was something laced with his words. Dinner passed by with awkward silence, despite how delicious the food was. No wonder it smelled so much like home... You held onto to Mista’s hand, as if to reassure him. And while he couldn’t grasp the entirety of the situation, he tried to sympathize with his capo. He understood why you may have been kept a secret - Passione’s underbelly screamed dangerous and someone would definitely try to use you as bait for Bucciarati. After all, Polpo’s suicide was still being investigated and there have been rumors flying around about how suspicious it was that one of Bruno’s subordinates last saw him alive. This double your risk. Not only was your brother a capo for Passione but your boyfriend was gunslinger for mafia as well.
> After dinner, Bruno wants to talk to Mista alone. You dread whatever his verdict will be and wait outside silently, hoping your brother doesn’t force Mista to cut things off with you. To be frank, you didn’t mind Guido being part of the mafia - sure, it was scary to ponder if your loved one was okay and wonder if they’ll come home alive. But Bruno had survived for this long. Guido definitely had the will to do the same. And you doubt this man would wanna put you in active harm’s way! He cried one time for accidentally hitting your face during a tickle fight once so you knew his motives weren’t ulterior.
> Bruno questioned Mista like it was an interrogation. While he knew his underling was a good man at heart, Bruno couldn’t help but worry for his baby sister - that was his only family left. He was surprised to learn the two of you met at your part time job. Bruno specifically told you not to worry about finances! “Listen Bucciarati, ya sis loves ya. She talks ‘bout what a great guy ya are ‘nd how much you’ve done for her. But... you also been makin’ her feel sheltered. She was so nervous ‘bout us meeting. I... I know ya wanna protect her and so do I! But ya can’t be babyin’ her forever. Ya gotta let her make her own choices. So I ain’t gonna break up with her. That’s up to her, for her to decide, ya know?”
> After reflecting on the younger man’s words, he reluctantly agrees with him. Sure, you are his baby sister but you’re an adult and can make your own decision. You can distinguish what is and isn’t safe. Obviously, you’re not that naive. And perhaps with the gang knowing about your existence, that would grant you extra protection if anything were to happen. He sighs, “Fair enough. But if you break my sister’s heart, I will lock you up in Sticky Finger’s dimension. And make sure you protect her. Understood, Mista?”
> Mista particularly beams. “Understood, capo! Thank ya for blessin’, I promise I’ll take care of her.”
> In the end, you continue to date Mista. It definitely takes awhile to adjust - while your brother is understanding your relationship and respects it, he’ll glare daggers at Mista if he’s being a little too touchy during dinners and outings. You thank Bruno for allowing this relationship and apologize for accidentally breaking that one promise.
> He smiles at you softly, finding it endearing how you kept that to heart. “Well, promise me not to do anything stupid and keep up with your studies, alright?” he offers his pinky to you.
> “Alright, I promise!”
> “Oh, I don’t even think about marriage and kids until you’re done with your studies—“
> “Bruno, hush!”
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If its okay to ask, is stimming an exclusively autistic thing, or do people with adhd stim too? And what exactly counts as a stim?
i would say that stimming is exclusively a neurodivergent thing (for NT people it’s just fidgeting), but not exclusive to autism, because yes, sometimes adhders stim too, though it’s not quite as much A Thing. 
whenever someone with adhd is fidgeting as a form of self-regulation (eg bouncing your leg to cope with your anxiety or boredom or hyperactivity), that’s stimming. i think it tends to be a bit smaller for adhders, like foot tapping or using a fidget spinner, while for many autistics it’s bigger and more noticeable, like hand flapping or rocking back and forth, but it all serves the same purpose of emotion- and/or sensory-regulation. 
which is why it’s so important that ND people be allowed to stim, because it’s not simply random movement, it’s a coping skill. taking it away can have disastrous results on one’s psychological well-being.
as for what exactly counts as a stim, it’s really anything that stimulates one or more of your senses and in the process regulates your emotions or helps to balance out the overstimulation of another sense. so if you rock back and forth to calm your anxiety, that’s a form of stimming. if you flap your hands when you’re excited, that’s a stim. 
but stimming can also be listening to music or asmr, chewing on something, watching visually interesting videos (you’ve probably seen paint mixing, soap cutting, and slime type videos), sniffing essential oils, touching different textures, squeezing stress balls, rubbing beads or rings between your fingers, using a weighted blanket or being hugged really tight, and so on and so on. it can be as simple as stroking a piece of velvet, or as complicated as having sex. 
some personal examples that i can give: i shake my hands from side to side to “get out” a physically unpleasant feeling like a shiver or half-choking on one of my pills, and listening to a certain type of hard rock music helps me to compensate for the stress of the loud, chaotic noise of a grocery store or a dentist’s tools. 
years before i discovered i’m autistic i had figured out that blasting hard rock music that has a pleasant melody (that’s really important, it has to have a melody, it can’t just be cacophonous sound) would actually induce a feeling of calm in the middle of a stressful experience. and like i said, it especially helps when my sensitive ears are inundated with chaotic sounds like children screaming and people talking, or the squeal and whir of a dental drill. if i don’t have that aggressive melody to counteract the chaos, i can get really overwhelmed and start to shut down or panic.
so while there are lots of common stims, everyone has a different collection of them, and the main thing is not what you do but what serves the purpose of regulating your emotions and counterbalancing overstimulation. 
and while we can discuss these things intellectually, in the end, if it helps you to use a stim toy or follow the advice of something about stimming that’s written for autistics, it’s totally okay for you to do that. even if you’re not officially diagnosed with anything, there are no limits or rules about who can or can’t stim, as long as you’re socially considerate about doing it. if flapping your hands or rocking back and forth or watching stim videos makes you feel better, then that’s great, you should do that. if you don’t think you’re autistic but you want to buy some slime or a squishy ball or some spinner rings from a website for autistics, you’re allowed to do that. 
it’s important that we don’t water down the definition of stimming so it includes just any sort of fidgeting, but it’s also great that we normalize stimming! if more people understand what it is and why it helps ND folks, i think that will be a positive thing. 
check out my stimming tag for more information.
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tiramisiyu · 3 years
【未定事件簿】 Tears of Themis: A Love Poem to Skadi - Manor of Hermes, Xia Yan Route
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Translation Masterlist | Themis Event Masterlist
Routes: Xia Yan | Zuo Ran | Mo Yi | Lu Jinghe
The “Manor of Hermes” portion of this event requires you to search an abandoned mansion, rumoured to be haunted, to discover its various secrets with each of the male leads. 
Please note that there are some subject matters discussed in the “Manor of Hermes” as the player progresses that may make some uncomfortable - please exercise discretion and know your limits. Feel free to ask me for details to check!
General Items (Not specific to any ML)
1st Floor - Front Foyer
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MC: Xia Yan, look, there are a lot of envelopes here!
Xia Yan: Let me see… written on the front of the envelopes is…
Xia Yan: … “To Mr. Laste Modero”… was he the owner of this mansion?
MC: Maybe – I remember seeing this surname at the front door.
Xia Yan: Although looking at the style of the mansion, I’m afraid that, since it’s a hundred-year-old structure…
Xia Yan: It’s hard to make out the words on these envelopes because they’re from so long ago…
Xia Yan: We can’t get more useful information for now.
MC: No problem, we’ve only just started. With such a large mansion, there’ll definitely be a lot of things for us to notice.
Xia Yan: You’re right. Then let’s continue in.
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Notebook on the Ground
Xia Yan: Eh, wait, there’s a book here.
MC: It’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”… there’s even a signature on the title page.
Xia Yan: “Allie, the one daughter I had…”
MC: This must mean that Mr. Laste also had a daughter.
Xia Yan: Plus, this Miss Allie must have quite liked this book.
Xia Yan: Look – though it’s from so long ago, we can still clearly see the marks of the book being flipped through.
MC: Mm… some places look like they’ve been flipped through a lot of times.
Xia Yan: …
MC: What’s the matter?
Xia Yan: Nothing, I just remembered a statement that I’ve heard before.
MC: ???
Xia Yan: “Those who enjoy reading “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” have no freedom, and instead desire to have freedom.”
MC: !!!
1st Floor - Maid’s Bedroom
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Xia Yan: What’s this?
Xia Yan approached the items spread on the table.
Xia Yan: A notebook... the owner was Anville.
MC: The maid whose nametag we just saw on the door?
Xia Yan: Yep.
MC: Then what did she write?
Xia Yan: Let me see...
Xia Yan quickly flipped through the notebook. As he continued his movements, his expression gradually became... quite off...
MC: What’s the matter? Is there something weird written in the notebook?
Xia Yan: Nothing major - just some big family drama about ethics. 
Xia Yan: If it were broadcasted on TV, they could probably make several tens of episodes...
[Get: Anville’s Notebook]
2nd Floor - Prep Room [enter after finishing Jolena’s requests]
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MC: Eh? ... Why’s there a rope on the floor?
Xia Yan: Let me see.
Xia Yan crouched, picked up the rope on the ground, and looked it over carefully. 
MC: Did you see anything about it? What was this rope used for? 
Xia Yan: Remember how we saw some weird marks on Allie’s windowsill wall?
MC: Are you saying that those marks were left by this rope?
Xia Yan: It should be, based on the sizes of the wall marks and this rope’s shape and length. 
MC: But that doesn’t explain what the rope was used for...
Xia Yan: Have you heard of the story of Rapunzel?
MC: Are you talking about the story where “the imprisoned Rapunzel used her hair to pull the prince into the tower”?
Xia Yan: Yep, but I’m afraid that what happened in this mansion was...
Xia Yan: “The prince pulled at a rope beside the window to help Rapunzel escape from the prison temporarily.”
[Get: Rope]
3nd Floor - Book Materials Room [enter after finishing Muller’s requests]
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MC: ...
Xia Yan: What’s the matter?
MC: Xia Yan, look at the book with the black cover on the bookshelf.
MC: Isn’t it very weird?
Xia Yan: We’ll know after taking it out to see. 
Xia Yan took out that weird book from the bookshelf and quickly flipped through it.
Xia Yan: ...
MC: What’s the matter? Why did your expression become so serious?
Xia Yan: This is a missionary book. It’s passed on by a heretical evil cult called “Cult of Rebirth”. 
Xia Yan: As for the book’s contents... you’ll know after taking a look.
[Get: Missionary Book]
Xia Yan-specific Items
­1st Floor – Dining Room
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MC: There are some cracked wood chunks and panels here.
MC: Seeing how they look, they seem to be the same as the chairs in the house.
Xia Yan: But looking at the shapes of the cracks on the wood chunks, they received external force.
MC: External force… so someone smashed the chair?
Xia Yan: Or maybe someone fell on the chair and broke it into pieces.
Xia Yan: Plus, look at these wood chunks. These dark circles seem to be congealed blood.
MC: So an argument or fight broke out here?
Xia Yan: Probably.
Xia Yan: Hm?
MC: What’s the matter?
Xia Yan: There seems to be something else in this pile of wood chunks?
After he spoke, Xia Yan crouched down and started to search through the pile in front of him.
Xia Yan: Found it!
MC: What is it?
Xia Yan: Look.
MC: Yellow gem shards…
MC: They’re the shards from “Allie’s Winter”!
Xia Yan: That’s right!
[Get: Bloodied Wood Chunks & Yellow Gem Pieces]
1st Floor – Kitchen
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Xia Yan: !!!
MC: What’s the matter? Why is your expression so strange?
Xia Yan: Look here – these residues seem to be charcoal.
MC: Charcoal? But isn’t that something that will be produced after wood is burned?
MC: Did someone set something on fire in the kitchen?
Xia Yan: I think so. Look at the cabinet on the side.
Xia Yan: Its placement isn’t consistent with the positions of year-round furniture placed on the ground.
Xia Yan: And these old marks surrounding the charcoal on the ground…
Xia Yan: I think that after the original cabinet placed here was burned down, someone brought over a new one.
Xia Yan: And it’s not just here. As we came in, I observed this place.
Xia Yan: Most of the walls on the first floor all have the black residues from after a fire.
Xia Yan: Several important forks in the path also show post-fire results.
MC: So this mansion…
Xia Yan: That’s right, a massive fire might’ve occurred at this mansion.
MC: … Then should we take another look to see if there are any other clues around here?
Xia Yan: Good idea.
Xia Yan shifted his gaze back at the residue on the ground, then reached out to brush some aside.
Suddenly, following his movements, a yellow object revealed itself from the ash.
MC: This is!
Xia Yan: Looking at its shape, it should be a gem piece from “Allie’s Winter”!
[Get: Ash Residue & Yellow Gem Pieces]
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MC: Hung on the wall is… a frying pan?
Xia Yan: …
MC: I don’t know why, but I feel like it’s weird that the pan is hung here…
MC: Especially compared to the pans that have been knocked on the floor.
MC: Though they all look dirty and old…
Xia Yan: The frying pan on the wall is clearly somewhat newer. Plus, there are the marks of someone putting it in order.
Xia Yan: While the accumulated dust and dirt on the pots and pans on the floor are thicker than on the wall.
Xia Yan: They also bear clear marks of damage on them.
Xia Yan: They probably were never used ever since someone knocked them down.
MC: But they’re all in one kitchen, so why is there such a major difference?
Xia Yan: One fairly strong possibility is that the pans were knocked down because of some sort of unexpected event.
Xia Yan: And after the unexpected event, someone returned to the mansion again and settled down here.
Xia Yan: The pan hung on the wall should be the one he used.
Xia Yan: Although, these are only my guesses – we still need more proof.
After he finished speaking, Xia Yan extended his head out, looking over the things on the wall.
He carefully stuck out his hand, trying to take off the pan.
The same moment that the pan left the wall, something fell down from the gap.
Xia Yan: A yellow gem… it’s a piece from “Allie’s Winter”!
[Get: Pans that have been organized & Yellow Gem Pieces]
 2nd Floor – Laste’s Book Room
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MC: Why’s there a clean sheet of paper here?
Xia Yan: Paper?
Xia Yan stood beside me, carefully looking over that sheet of paper, then leaned close to it to give it a sniff.
Xia Yan: This isn’t a clean sheet of paper – there’s stuff written on it.
MC: ???
Xia Yan took the paper from my hands, then look a lighter from his pocket.
He pressed down on the lighter, simultaneously holding the sheet above the flame. A while later, words started to appear, one by one, on the sheet.
MC: !!!
Xia Yan: As expected… the words written on here were written with diluted acid.
Xia Yan: They’ve almost all appeared – want to see what it says?
MC: Mhmm.
I took the paper from Xia Yan, inspecting the contents on it.
MC: … “Commission received. In three days at 19:30, I will bring the police force to your place.”
MC: “Please relax. We will definitely capture your daughter, lost in her delusions, and the hoodlum Winter, who destroyed your house with fire, and bring them to justice.”
MC: “Police Director Chuck.”
MC: Xia Yan, this…
Xia Yan: …
Xia Yan: Let’s look around the surroundings again and see if there are other clues.
MC: Sure.
Xia Yan and I split up and got to work, going around and carefully examining the book table again.
But what was regretful was how, aside from this sheet of paper and the occasional gem pieces we noticed in the corner…
Xia Yan and I got nothing.
[Get: Police Director’s Return Letter & Yellow Gem Pieces]
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Statue Password: 1930
MC: This is…
MC: Case files for a lot of people…
MC: (Were they collected by Mr. Laste?)
I flipped through the files I was holding, reading as I thought rapidly.
MC: (A portion of these people were doctors treating mental illnesses. The other portion is those who have already been cured from their mental illnesses.)
MC: (The parts on the case files that have to do with mental illnesses have all been circled.)
MC: (Looks like Mr. Laste paid a lot of attention to this bit.)
MC: Doctors… healed patients… could Mr. Laste have wanted to know about ways to treat mental illness?
MC: (But on the last case file here, there’s an annotation…)
MC: “All… useless”?!
[Get: Many Case Files]
 3rd Floor – Storage Room (1)
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There were lots of brightly-coloured toys in the wooden boxes beside the walls.
MC: Xia Yan, look, don’t they look like the woolen dolls we bought when we were little?
I pointed at a woolen rabbit as I spoke to Xia Yan.
Xia Yan: Haha, they do look a lot alike. Plus, did you notice how these toys are just like we were when we were little…
Xia Yan: Each one is paired up.
Xia Yan: Look through them – maybe a name is stitched on these toys.
MC: …
I took the woolen rabbit out of the box and carefully inspected it.
MC: Xia Yan, there really are some!
Xia Yan: Ah?!
MC: Names are stitched behind the ear of the rabbit. This one has “Allie” on it…
I scooped out the other rabbit.
MC: There’s “Winter” on this one!
Xia Yan: …
MC: Xia Yan, the relations between “Allie” and “Winter” must have been very good.
Xia Yan: Mhmm, I also feel that way – they must have been like us…
Xia Yan: They used these toys as testament to that.
Xia Yan: After all, all else aside, it’s not easy to collect the pairs in this box of toys.
MC: Why?
Xia Yan: Based on the time when this mansion was built, Skadi Island had been completely closed off from foreign economies at that time.
Xia Yan: Their commercial dealings with other nations were basically “zero”.
Xia Yan: Back then, woolen toys like this were all shipped goods – they needed to be imported from other countries.
Xia Yan: It was difficult enough to get one – getting two would be even harder than that.
Xia Yan: Based on this, they really did see each other as important.
MC: Is that so…
I looked at the toy box in front of me again. Suddenly, a fleeting sparkle deep in the box caught my attention.
MC: Seems like there’s something there?
I felt towards the sparkle.
MC: It’s one of the gem pieces we’re searching for!
[Get: Pair of Woolen Rabbits & Yellow Gem Pieces]
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MC: Xia Yan, look – what is this?
I pointed at the objects in the corner.
Xia Yan: I think they’re buckets that contain some sort of liquid – I’ll take a careful look.
Xia Yan stepped up to the oil buckets.
He took out his carry-on collapsible dagger, nicking a tiny hole into the bottom of the bucket.
The moment the hole appeared, a dark, partly-solidified substance came out from the cylinder.
MC: This is?
Xia Yan: It’s the colloidal precipitate that formed after thermal oxidation was performed on gasoline.
Xia Yan inspected the stuff that had appeared in front of us and quietly responded to me.
Xia Yan: But… why are there gasoline buckets here? Plus, there’s no opening.
MC: They’re probably needed for some of the installations in the mansion, so they’re here as backup reserves.
Xia Yan: That can’t be. I specially took a look before – the fireplaces and the kitchen all use wood to light fires in the mansion.
Xia Yan: The lighting in the mansion is also mostly candles and fire lanterns – they basically have no need to buy gasoline.
Xia Yan: Exactly why did they buy these?
MC: Xia Yan, look here, there’s purchase information stuck on the bottom of the gasoline buckets.
I pointed out what I’d noticed for Xia Yan to see.
Xia Yan: Let me see… the purchaser was… Winter?
MC: Mhmm. Aside from that, some of the gem pieces we’re searching for are hidden in the crevice behind the gasoline buckets!
[Get: Gasoline Buckets & Yellow Gem Pieces]
B1 Level
MC: (We’ve already collected all the gems.)
MC: (Johnny said before that the four gems could open four main doors…)
MC: (The notch above this door’s lock is similar to the notch on the fire portion. How about I try putting in the collected yellow gems.)
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MC: Xia Yan, look at the thing hung on the wall!
MC: A white coat and scattered long hair…
MC: And the ghost mask on the table… isn’t this like…
Xia Yan: That’s right, it looks the same as the “Lord of Evil Thoughts” that appears in the polar nights, according to legend.
Xia Yan: With the cleared-up pans that we noticed before in the first-floor kitchen…
Xia Yan: It’s very clear that someone settled down in the mansion and pretended to be the evil ghost.
MC: Who is that person? And why did he do this?
Xia Yan: I don’t know who it is, but as for why…
Xia Yan: Do you still remember what those people who encountered the “Lord of Evil Thoughts” did, right after encountering him?
MC: They fled, and never went back to the mansion…
MC: Could it be that the person who pretended to be the ghost did this to scare away adventure-seekers at the mansion?
Xia Yan: I feel like this is possible.
Xia Yan: Based on the marks in the kitchen and the rooms, this person clearly lived here for a very long time.
Xia Yan: To be able to guard this abandoned mansion for so long, not to mention thinking up of ways to scare off the people here…
Xia Yan: Could he be protecting something?
[Get: White clothes and fake hair]
 MC: This mirror on the wall over here is shattered.
Xia Yan: Looking at the shatter marks, it probably received external damaging force.
MC: You mean… someone smashed the mirror?
MC: But why would he do this?
Xia Yan: Let me ask you, what’s a mirror typically used for?
MC: A reference for you to clean up your appearance?
Xia Yan: What else?
MC: We can use the mirror to see ourselves?
Xia Yan: Then, what if someone doesn’t want to look at themselves?
MC: So he smashed the mirror?
Xia Yan: That’s right. I’m guessing that the person who broke the mirror didn’t want to see himself for some reason, particularly not his own face.
Xia Yan: Plus, do you remember the bloodied wood chunks we noticed on the first floor?
MC: At that time, you speculated that maybe there were people who got into conflict there.
Xia Yan: Yes. If we link that to this mirror…
Xia Yan: Maybe this person injured their face in the conflict?
[Get: Shattered Mirror]
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nancydrew428 · 3 years
Game 34
As of yet, there’s no proof that there’s going to be a 34th game. Her Interactive has answered a few fans and said that they were working on a game, but who knows what that really means? To get a semblance of an idea, let’s do a deep dive.
Starting with the past couple of weeks, HeR is selling all of the physical copies of their games, as well as some other products (like their physical puzzles). I watched a YouTube video that said that while this may seem like a bad sign, it might not be. For starters, many of the physical games have been sold out for literal years because they only make a set amount of physical copies. When they run out, that’s it. So this isn’t a completely new thing. However, they are doing a mass sale. On the one hand, it could be a last ditch effort to get whatever money they can before calling it quits. But on the other, it could mean that they are trying to make the best financial decision that they can think of. Story Retold (LJ), on YouTube, works for Her Interactive and commented on that video in early April.
The most accurate explanation is that we at HeR Interactive wanted to celebrate the month of April as Nancy Drew’s anniversary. 💜 We made it themed as collectibles but yes, once the physical units sell out, we don’t make anymore. :(
I personally don’t believe that that is the only reason. It makes sense that they want to honor Nancy Drew’s anniversary (the first book came out in April 1930), so maybe that’s why they chose this month? But I feel like that can’t be the only reason.
I agree with Nancy Drew Walkthroughs on YouTube that Her Interactive probably has to pay for storage to keep physical items, so by selling the games, they won’t have to pay for the storage. They’ll also be making money off the games that they otherwise would not be making money from. As we have learned with the pandemic, and as marketers have known for decades, having people panic is a really effective way to sell something out. It’s why so many websites will have flash sales, the biggest words will be “for a limited time only,” and sometimes they’ll tell you how many copies of the product there are left, how many people have it in their carts, or they’ll say “hurry now, less than 50 left!” Even if you realistically had a long time to buy that product or the company actually has a lot of the product left, they create artificial scarcity and manufacture panic so that you’ll make impulse purchases. While it feels kind of slimy, it is effective when done right. And, correct me if I’m wrong but, I don’t think that Her Interactive has really done this before. So it seems like they might be stepping up their marketing which could be a good sign for the company.
I think this could be the company taking a step in the right direction to make everything digital. Although I absolutely love having physical copies of the games and other memorabilia, I also think that we are living in an increasingly digital world, and it only makes sense for them to get with the times. Go digital, spend less money on making physical games, etc. So many laptops these days don’t have CD/DVD drive, so many of their older games (and their newest game) have issues which can be especially hard with a disc, and so many stores don’t sell the physical games anymore. With a smaller, probably not very wealthy, company, it makes no sense for them to waste money on this. Like I said, I love collecting the physical copies, but I don’t really use them, and younger people coming across the games will probably go for the digital version, probably even buying it directly from Steam. (Which kind of a side note, kind of related, this article on Her Interactive is really interesting. It mentions that HeR kind of fought putting their games on Steam, because Steam took too big of a cut of their money. But I do think that that’s better than not having any of your games sell. And if they’re going completely digital, and almost all of their games are on Steam now, it seems like maybe they’re modernizing and progressing.)
While this could be a bad sign and I don’t want to get my hopes up too high, I do have some hope that it might actually be a good sign that they are finally getting smart.
Another thing that could either be worrisome or a good sign is that they changed offices. In another video from that same YouTuber, he talks about how Her Interactive still has the address that they’ve had for years on their contact page, but on their privacy policy page, they changed their address to a PO box. Plus, there’s a listing for their old office.
Obviously, this could be a bad thing, because they no longer have an office, and that just doesn’t sound good? But this also means that they’ll be saving money by doing so. During the pandemic, they’ve probably had to work at home anyway, so why pay for an office that no one is going to be in? It also makes sense, because at this point, they probably are not the ones making the games. They’re a marketing team who gives the Nancy Drew name to other companies to make the games. All of this can be done from home. LJ also commented on this video in early April, saying:
As far as I know, we are NOT going out of business. 😋 We are all remote working now, since our team (including a male) is all over the U.S. Our work is digital, so it’s an easy change.
Something else that he talks about in that video is that they changed the layout of their website. He points out that it costs money to pay someone to change a website, especially where it seems like multiple details have changed. Hate it or love it, you have to admit that the website is more sleek, modern, and just a different vibe to what it was before. Why would they put in the money for a website and company that’s going to be dead soon?
Lastly, he discusses the company’s change in advertising. I hadn’t even noticed the change (mostly because I don’t look at what they post; I only come across it if it’s posted by someone on here), but when he pointed it out, I did see the difference. The picture advertisements that they post are better quality (not necessarily in content, but in size and resolution). They’ve also changed the font that they use, they’ve ditched the logo, and they use random pictures as well. Regardless of whether it’s good or effective or not, it is a change. Here are two examples (one, two) from the past two years, and here are two examples from the past two weeks (one, two).
This change in marketing is also in line with their Facebook posts. Facebook is the social media that they are most active on when it comes to engaging with fans, at least from what I have seen in the past. But at least since January, they didn’t respond to any comments until they announced that they were selling out all of their physical copies. They didn’t respond to too many questions, but they responded to a few, for the first time in literal months. If they were shutting down, why would they start caring about answering fans’ questions now?
I also found information about some of the stuff that HeR has been doing in the past 2 weeks. I don’t have an account on the website so I can’t see all the information, so I don’t know what was blurred out. I also can’t see any other “scoops” about them, so I don’t know what they’ve done in the past, and I don’t know if this amount of activity is normal or more or less than they usually have. But the company has been doing a few things here and there, so as I keep saying, maybe this is a good sign.
With all of this being said, it seems like Her Interactive might not actually be going under. We can’t be sure, but we can have a little bit of hope. But even if that is true, just because they’ll still be a company, does that mean that they are going to make any more games?
I honestly don’t know. There isn’t much information out there about game 34,  but I will still compile the information that I’ve found here. Unfortunately, it gives us nothing other than them maintaining that there will eventually be another game.
(Timeline) TL;DR: I think that the key points are that they started saying that they were working on the game in December 2019 (as far as I can tell), but since then they’ve also said that they were planning the game. To this day, they are saying that they can’t give out any information regarding the new game yet and can’t make guarantees as to when they can release any information, let alone the game itself. The only thing LJ has seemed to say with certainty is that the next game will be made on Unity. They also have confirmed that there will be some improvements from MID, but it will be similar.
Some other tidbits from this that sound promising but probably don’t mean much: they have said that it shouldn’t take as long for future games as it did for them to make MID, they’ve mentioned that there are plans for multiple more games, that we should subscribe to their newsletter to stay up to date with any new information regarding anything (game 34 or otherwise), and LJ hopes to share news in the near future.
And other things that they’ve said that I’m 99.99% sure don’t mean anything at all: Nancy might potentially someday go on a boat in the future, LJ likes jump scares too “😉,” and Bess and George might appear in future games. (The first two are probably just jokes and fun, but the last one seems like it could be true, just because they’re in most of the games in some way or another.)
Lastly, some speculations: the next game might take place in Austria, and they might address the drama between Nancy and Ned.
Now here is the timeline.
On May 8, 2017, someone from Her Interactive said: "Yes we plan on making a 34th ND game. No is hasn’t been designed yet. Yes there will be a teaser at the end of MID, but no, we haven’t decided on what that teaser will look like yet." Obviously, it’s been years and plans can change (proven by the fact that there was no trailer at the end of MID, lol).
In December 2017, Her Interactive posted a letter about why MID was taking so long to come out. Here was the most important part:
As you may recall, we are moving to a new engine to be able to develop a game not only for PC/Mac but also for tablets, consoles, and now for the increasing popularity of augmented or virtual reality. Very exciting!  Part of us going down this path was to ensure that we have multiple platform options for future Nancy Drew titles so that all Nancy Drew game fans and those new to our games could play these amazing games no matter what their preferred device or platform.
This versatility means that the design and development of our games are even more complex than in the past. Our PC/Mac game design will work for players on the go with tablets and possibly for players that may want to immerse themselves in the mixed reality world. We are also constantly evaluating new technologies and trends in the game industry. Consequently, this is why it is taking much longer to develop this title than previous ones. This thoroughness will put HeR Interactive in a better position for the future while providing us with the tools necessary to continue to deliver amazing experiences for our fans.
On January 2, 2018, LJ responded to a comment on the blog saying, “Hello Carmen! South America is always a possibility for future game locations. However, we haven’t planned that yet. MID will be available for PC as well.”
On July 21, 2019, a Reddit fan posted a response they got from Her Interactive. They explained that they lost trust in the company and would not be preordering the game. They responded with their reasoning for the game taking so long and how it won’t happen in the future.
We are moving to a new engine to be able to develop a game not only for PC/Mac but also for tablets, consoles, and now for the increasing popularity of augmented or virtual reality. Very exciting! Part of us going down this path was to ensure that we have multiple platform options for future Nancy Drew titles so that all Nancy Drew game fans and those new to our games could play these amazing games no matter what their preferred device or platform. This versatility means that the design and development of our games are even more complex than in the past. Our PC/Mac game design will work for players on the go with tablets and possibly for players that may want to immerse themselves in the mixed reality world. We are also constantly evaluating new technologies and trends in the game industry. Consequently, this is why it is taking much longer to develop this title than previous ones. This thoroughness will put HeR Interactive in a better position for the future while providing us with the tools necessary to continue to deliver amazing experiences for our fans.
On October 1, 2019, they responded to a fan on Twitter saying, “Hello Grace, the consistent schedule back then was on a system that never changed or upgraded with the times. Once we get the structure of this upgraded game done, the future games will not take 4 years to make.”
On October 2, 2019, they responded to a fan on Twitter saying, “The frustration is understood. We hope to be more accurate in the future, and to regain our players' faith in the next game release.”
On October 4, 2019, they responded to a fan on Twitter saying, “Hello Lisa, we understand the frustration and loss of trust in us. Since this game was designed from the ground up, we have certainly learned a lot and will be applying our lessons to the future games.”
On October 4, 2019, they responded to another fan on Twitter saying, “Hi highly doubt the next game will take this long - since we had re-designed from the ground up in a new system this time. We apologize for lengthy delay. :(”
On November 6, 2019, two users on Gameboomers made comments:
One said that LJ said there wouldn’t be a trailer for the next game after MID, but “she did say that there were some ‘early ideas’ floating around for the next game.”
The other got an email from Her Interactive that said, “We will absolutely be releasing more games after Midnight in Salem. We cannot commit to a release schedule as of right now since all of our focus is on MID. It will definitely not take us as long for the next title to release. Four years is not the new normal.”
On December 3, 2019, Midnight in Salem was released. The end of the game didn’t have a trailer for the next as is the tradition for Nancy Drew games, but there seemed to be some drama between Nancy and Ned, and she mentioned wanting to go to Austria. A user on the Her Interactive message boards pointed out that the game was outsourced to an Austrian company so that might be the reasoning. But maybe it could be the plan for the next game.
On December 3, 2019, an article came out about the company that said, “Her Interactive has already developed a Nancy Drew VR proposal based on one of the books with a Spanish director, but it's more likely an AR project would come to market first.”
On December 17, 2019, a user on the Her Interactive message boards said that they emailed Nancy’s new voice actress who confirmed that there will be more games where she will play Nancy.
On December 29, 2019, they responded to a fan’s DM on Instagram asking if they were going to make another game to which they said. “Absolutely!  We’ve already begun!”
On January 7, 2020, LJ responded to a comment on the blog saying, “Hello Oona! Yes, we are planning on more Nancy Drew games. Can’t say when the next one will be released, yet. 🙂”
On January 8, 2020, LJ responded to a comment on the blog saying, “Hi again Jillian! I’m not sure on the release month or year just yet, but I do know it will not take 4 years to make. 😉”
On January 10, 2020, LJ responded to a comment on the blog saying, “Hello SWhite5052! I’m not sure what the intent from our designers is for poor Ned. I’m a big fan of Nancy’s boyfriend, and I do hope we get to have him in-game someday, be Nancy’s hero and also take her out on a romantic date. 😉” I don’t think this really means anything, but I hope it means that she has hope that there will be future games.
On January 28, 2020, they responded to a fan on Twitter saying, “Yes, there are plans for more Nancy Drew games. :)” Plural?
On February 3, 2020, LJ responded to a comment on the blog saying, “Hi Jam5022! We do not have any news to share yet, but we are working on the game. 🙂”
On February 11, 2020, LJ responded to two comments on the blog:
“Hello felicity18! Glad to hear you enjoyed Midnight in Salem! The leads didn’t add a teaser to the end of the game per tradition since we are secretly working on the next one, and haven’t put together footage to share or tease on it yet. Stay tuned for future updates!”
“Hi Madi! Ship of Shadows was shelved, meaning we stopped working on it. At this time, we are only focusing on the main mystery adventure line.”
On February 20, 2020, LJ responded to two comments on the blog:
“Hi Sarah! Yes, the next game will be made on Unity. 🙂”
“I hope so, Nicole! I always like having Nancy’s best friends on the case with her! No promises just yet, but it’s likely for a future game. 🙂”
On February 25, 2020, they responded to a fan’s DM on Instagram saying, “New game info coming shortly. Stay tuned!” This didn’t happen.
On April 13, 2020, they responded to a fan on Twitter saying, “Hi Anna! When we have news on the next Nancy Drew game, we will be sure to share it! #NancyDrew”
On May 22, 2020, they responded to a fan on Twitter saying, “No news to share yet, but we are working on it!”
On September 13, 2020, someone on Reddit said that there was an untitled 34th game on Wikipedia. As they pointed out, anyone can edit entries on Wikipedia. But almost 7 months later, it hasn’t been taken down.
On November 29, 2020, someone on Reddit posted LJ’s response to a YouTube comment. “Game 34 is in the works. That’s all I can say for now. :)”
On December 1, 2020, LJ responded to some comments from October 2020 on a blog post:
“Hello! Game 34 is in the works. Stay tuned for future updates and be sure to subscribe to the newsletter for when we announce news. Glad you liked the graphic!”
“Hello! No news yet to share at this time, but that we are working on it. Keep an eye out in future newsletters for future bits of information. 😀”
“Sadly, I do not have anything to share about the next game. 🙁 I hope to be able to tease out clues in the future, though!”
On December 4, 2020, LJ responded to some comments from October/November 2020 on a blog post:
“Hello, beka! Sadly, I do not have any new info to share about the future game at this time. 🙁 I hope to share news with you in the future!”
“Hi Stephanie! It has been a while, hasn’t it? Sadly, I do not have any news to share at this time. As soon as I have some that I can share, I will!”
“Hi Natalina! It has been a while since we have had a Twitch stream. Sadly, we do not have any news to share yet about the next Nancy Drew game. Stay tuned!”
“Hello Foundation2430, things have certainly changed since Sea of Darkness. I am limited to what we can share behind the scenes, but once I have things I can share with you about the current and future games, I will. I don’t think the next game will take 4 years. 🙂”
On December 11, 2020, LJ responded to a comment from a blog post saying, “Hi ali! We are working on the next game, but we do not have a release date for it just yet.”
On January 6, 2021, LJ responded to a comment from a blog post saying, “Hello Natalina! Sorry, I do not have any news to share about new Nancy Drew games or projects. 🙁”
On January 8, 2021, LJ responded to two comments on the blog:
“Hi Aly! The next game is indeed in the works. Sadly, I cannot share anything about it at this time. 🙁 But I do hope you have a great new year as well! I hope to share more secrets with you in the future!”
“Hello Sanjeet! Happy New Year! We do have game 34 in the works, but I cannot share anything with you at this time. 🙁”
On January 28, 2021, LJ responded to a comment on a blog post saying, “Hi Cleanna! I think Nancy spending time on a ship is a great idea, too. Hopefully, she will get to do that in the future!” I doubt that this will happen, but she didn’t have to answer it this way. I guess it was probably to create some hope.
On February 2, 2021, LJ responded to two comments on the blog:
The first response was to a fan who talked about VR where she said, “Hello Madi! Thanks for sharing your concern. We have seen others comment their worry about the graphics since they get easily sick from motion as well. We are keeping this in mind for our future games. 🙂” I don’t think that they ever really planned to do VR, but she didn’t have to add that last part. Again, I’m guessing it was to create some hope.
The second response was to a fan who asked a question on January 15th where she said, “Hi Jessica! I do not know when the next game will be released, but once I have info, I will be sure to share it!” She answered this a few days after she answered the first question, when this was the first comment on the post. I wonder if she didn’t skip it, but rather waited until she could say the right thing.
On February 15, 2021, LJ responded to a few comments on a blog post:
The first comment asked if they’ll share any information on the game this year to which she responded, “Hi Rach! I do not know when news will become available to share. Sorry!” I understand this because MID was a hot mess where they kept giving dates and time frames that they couldn’t keep. But if they’ve been supposedly working on this since November, a year should be plenty of time for them to give some information, right? That they’ll keep the same voice actress for Nancy, part of the plot, who a phone character will be, the state or country it will be set in, or something super simple. Yet she couldn’t even say that she’d give any information this year.
She also responded to someone saying, “Hi Sarah! I cannot say exactly, since the behind-the-scenes work is top secret. I hope to share news in the near future when I’m able to!” One minute she couldn’t say whether they’d give out any information this year at all, the (literal) next minute she said she hopes to share news soon.
On March 3, 2021, LJ responded to a few comments on a blog post:
“Hi Lindsay! There are plans for the future. Stay tuned for news when I am allowed to share it!”
“Aw thanks for sharing! We are indeed working hard behind the scenes here. 😉”
On March 10, 2021, LJ responded to a comment on a blog post saying, “Hello Rishi! I would love to share information about our next game, but sadly, I cannot at this time. All I can say is that we are indeed planning another game. 🙂” So they’re still in the planning stage for the next game?
On March 30, 2021, LJ responded to a few comments on a blog post:
“Hi Becca! Jump scares are my favorites, too. 😉 Sadly, I do not have any news or even a date when we will share news about the next game. 🙁” (I kept the first part, because she didn’t need to put a winky face. I’m sure this is just wishful thinking, but maybe there will be a jump scare in the new game? Lol. But she doesn’t even have a date for when she can even share news about the game.)
“Hi Grace! We are indeed working on another game. I do not have any idea when we will be sharing news about it, though.” Pretty much the same, generic response.
On April 5, 2021, Her Interactive responded to a Reddit fan on Instagram about the future game saying: “Hello lorichelter! The next game will have some improvements but will be similar to MID. We’re glad to hear you enjoyed the game! Also, future games will be Mac compatible, but unfortunately we do not have plans to remaster the old games at this time. :( If we ever find a workaround for the Apple restriction of 32-bit games, we will quick to share that trick.”
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