#I really don’t know how or when Aiden will die yet
writerfae · 5 months
See, I really want to ask about Aiden's morality, but I'm scared of the answer 🙈
Will all his friends and Henry outlive him?
Is he more vulnerable than the others?
Am I making the same mistake Ákos did, and will I pay for my curiosity?
(Also, I hope I am not overwhelming you with how much I speak. Please, never feel pressured to answer!)
Are you sure you are ready to hear the answer to that? 🙈
Truth is, I don’t really have an “end” set for Aiden, I don’t know how he will die.
But be it of old age, sickness or a hero’s death, the bad news is that yes, Aiden’s friends and Henry will outlive him either way.
After all, they are very long-lived. And though Aiden is half fae, that doesn’t mean he inherited their longevity. He is still mortal.
The good news however is that due to his power and him spending much time in the faerie realm, his lifespan is a little more stretched than that of a normal person, so he might get to live a few years longer (given he dies of old age).
Yet for a fae, the life of a mortal feels way too short, especially if you care about that person. Aiden isn’t scared of dying, but he feels bad for the people he will leave behind.
I think you might really feel like Ákos after I told you this. Sorry for that!
(Also I’m not overwhelmed in the slightest! I don’t think you talk too much, either, I’m glad to have you around ^^)
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stinkypeanutbutter · 1 month
‘ Tick
Tick ‘
The light sound of ticking from the clock could be heard from Aiden’s bed , which Aiden has been laying on for the past 40 minutes , or so . His parents had gotten him it quite a while ago . He wasn’t sure why , because he knew he wouldn’t be able to figure it out or have enough focus to remember , but it was something along the lines of “ Not having to use a phone or digital clock when it’s around . “ ‘ Tick
Tick ‘
He didn’t like that clock . It felt loud , felt repulsive and it bothered him so . Yes , it felt loud , he could feel it . Each time it ticked it felt like it slowly crept into his ears like a bug and started chewing at his brain .
. What time was it ?
He couldn’t remember . Maybe he should , it seems like something he should know of but he doesn’t . Not right now . .
Aiden didn’t really feel loved . Wow ! That was random , gotta be all edgy don’t we . .
Well , it was true . But of course he’s wrong , he has to be . His parents were there , sometimes , and showered him with gifts whenever they came back from traveling for work . .
Annoying . It’s all so irritating . His parents love him , he’ll keep telling himself that to make sure it sounds true enough to believe , even if the truth may hurt more then the lies .
. . Lies ? No no , there weren’t any lies . They never said anything to lie , did they ? He couldn’t remember . Hungry . He was hungry . or bored ? One of the two fit .
Maybe he’s lying to himself just as much as he believed they were . But he wasn’t , he was sure his friends cared for him . I thought this was about his parents ? He’s sure it was , that’s what got him thinking more in the first place , since around 2 : 33 pm . .
It was 2 : 33 . Was it ? Maybe it’s a minute before , maybe after but he couldn’t check the clock if he wanted .
‘ Tick ‘
He wanted to die . No , no he didn’t . Maybe . He hadn’t put much thought into that in a while . Maybe he does , or he’s sure he just doesn’t care if he dies or not . Risk is fun . The risk or the thrill ? The risk is what gives him the thrill . What does he like more ? Hm .
Parents , family , yada yada . He wished they had bothered to call him back once , just once anytime they were away to check in on him , make sure he’s fine . He’s always fine , he’ll always be fine , what ELSE is there to be ? Not sad , he can’t be that it would worry everyone . Would it ? He wished his parents worried more . Called more , appreciated him more , cared about him more he doesn’t care if they love him or not anymore all he wanted was they’re stupid attention , not coming back every few months with a ton of pricey , dumb gifts to make up for lost time . Lost time they barley bother to recover because it’s all just gifts he never asked , never wanted once , and yet he never bothered to speak up about it . He felt tired . Hungry ? Bored ? He went over this already .
They loved him , but he has a feeling they at least love him for being a family member more then their son .
But he can’t help but wonder what they truly cared most for . Himself , or the fortune that was brought upon them .
. Caring . They were caring , his friends were so caring to him . He brang them up again . How many times has he did that ?
2 ?
It was 2 : 33 . No , he’s wrong , several minutes passed already . Several hours ? No , it’s still light out . He feels cold . Deathly cold . But the fans not on . Is it ? He doesn’t want to turn his head to check , he’s tired . He feels too under - stimulated . He wants to move , draw , run , jump , dance , but he can’t . He wants to . Will he ? He doesn’t care right now . Care ? If he asked that to anyone , everyone , how many answers will he receive . . Or how many will differ from the rest . Everyone has different feelings , different reactions , different expectations towards whatever . What would his friends say ? His parents ?
‘ tick ‘
What time was it again ?
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girlscoutbrownies · 7 months
Fandom: School Bus Graveyard
Word Count: 1241
What do people say again? Time flies when you’re having fun? They’d be right, except he’s not really having fun right now.
He’s not really having much of anything. He’s just… there.
Additional Notes + Content Warnings: Descriptions of disassociation, mild forest horror. Aiden is very much an unreliable narrator here.
This is not posted on ao3.
Aiden Clark does this thing where time flies sometimes.
That’s not really the right word for it, though, because saying that time is flying implies that he knows that it’s moving. He really doesn’t.
He blinks and he’s lost hours. He loses time. Yes, yeah, yeah - losing time. That’s the term.
( Actually, he’s been told that it’s disassociation. He doesn’t really care for those big words, though. )
Something’s off, he thinks, the first time.
His room is dark. It’s always dark in his room. Very, very dark. Dark, so that he doesn’t have to see the empty cans on his table and the stacks of cup ramen.
It gives off, automatically, the sense of someone is sleeping here, but they’re not living.
And maybe that’s corny, but is he alive?
He doesn’t feel alive right now. Alive people feel the mattress under their feet and the blanket over their legs.
God, his inner monologue is always kind of depressing. Seasonal depression, maybe? It is winter.
It’s always winter, though.
Maybe the seasons are changing, and he doesn’t know, because the sky outside of his window is dreary and sad and depressing and he’s not quite sure when the cold stops and the warm begins, because he doesn’t know what warm is like.
The monitor is dark, too. He thinks that sometimes, all he does is watch himself lay in bed, from inside some inner world where nothing can hurt him, the childhood monsters-in-his-closet latching onto him like some fucked up koala. No, koalas aren’t the ones that latch. Those are sloths.
He’s alive, actually. That’s kind of sad. Wait, no, it’s not. No, no, no, Aiden. Being alive is good.
( Sometimes he wonders what it’s like to die. It’s not in a suicidal way, though. Not really. )
He wonders if dead people still need to eat and live and breathe and order things at restaurants, except he’s seen enough movies and read enough books to know that the only dead people that do that are the zombies.
He wonders if zombies have to make eye contact and ask for consent before they bite people. But only alive people do that, because alive people know what it’s like to feel bad. Corpses don’t make eye contact.
Corpses don’t feel anything at all.
( If he thinks ahead, outside of this memory, he wonders if all of his intentional eye contact is just a weird way of him scrounging up whatever sense of identity he has left, a way of saying I am here and alive and you will have to look at me, or if it’s just another byproduct of never interacting with other people his age, not until Ben. Maybe it’s both, actually. )
He is alive. He feels his heart beating sometimes, a steady familiar song that he knows the exact tune to. You’re not supposed to hear your heartbeat, though, are you? Not unless you’re in a hospital, strapped to wires and stripped to the bone like a weird fucking mannequin on display.
That’s funny.
Well, it’d be funny, except he’s not laughing. That’s typically the baseline for something considered humorous.
He’s not doing much of anything. Right, what was he doing again? The blanket. It’s there. He feels the blanket, bunching it up in his hands. It feels fake, but he knows it’s real. The world isn’t advanced enough for something like that, not yet at least. It feels like something sheared too quickly and never processed and rough and it’s a disgusting horrible shade of gray and—
Right, what was he doing again?
Five senses. He can feel his veins twisting underneath his skin and blood flowing in an unending path to his heart to keep him alive. That’s not quite how you phrase it, he thinks.
He turns his hand. It’s pale and the blue lines stand out prominently, not faintly like a normal person’s would be. They snake under his bones like vines in a forest, grabbing hold of his bones and muscle because he can’t have anything, he’s surrendered it to rot in this room and he’s suddenly sharply thrusted out of this shitty memory—
( He doesn’t really like the forest. Maybe he did, once before, but a long, long time ago, he’d been told that bad parents send their children to the woods to die and that really, he should be grateful he has a house and a place to stay in.
The forest swallows up everything. It’s a wonder humanity hasn’t burned it all to the ground, honestly. Setting ablaze to his nightmares, the ones he has when it’s getting particularly bad and he sits in a dark clearing and watches nature reclaim its score. This was never their place to live.
It gets worse after the phantom dimension. Pillars of rock soaring into the sky, something that shouldn’t be possible because of the “laws of nature,” but nature follows its own set of rules, doesn’t it? It doesn’t care about us. He’d envisioned, the night after, when he’d finally managed to drift off, the forest grabbing onto Tyler and never letting go. Sinking into mud and dirt and decaying to the bone.
He doesn’t really like the forest. )
Right, he was doing… something…
Oh, he’s in bed. He’s in bed and the shutters have been pulled wide open, bright sunlight filtering through the glass. Wasn’t it just dark out?
His eyes snap towards the voice blocking the doorway. No, that’s not right. The voice near the doorway. His therapist told him to stop treating everyone like video game obstacles. Oh, well. Who was she kidding? It’s not like he told her anything, anyways.
Ashlyn is standing there, looking worried enough that he almost feels warmed by the concern. Almost.
They make eye contact, too prolonged and too vivid. He thinks he’s making her uncomfortable. That’s a shame.
Five senses. He can’t feel the blanket. It’s soft, isn’t it? He combs through his memories, knowing what it’s supposed to feel like. It’s silk or something, or maybe it’s fleece. He doesn’t know which one this is; they’re all the same colour, and he can’t feel. The texture is wrong.
It doesn’t feel like anything. He’s supposed to feel things. That’s his whole—pardon his redundancy—but that’s his whole thing. He’s the bouncy one, up and alive and too many feelings, to compensate for when the others are down.
Off topic. He’s getting off topic again. This isn’t a lecture, though; he’s not following a lesson plan. He’s just here.
“Um… are you… okay?”
“Yeah, of course,” he says with little hesitation. He thinks to himself that he really doesn’t care for speaking right now, but the familiar words roll off his tongue like…
He’s not that great with analogies. Similes. Whatever.
“You’re still in bed. It’s nearly two in the afternoon.”
Is it? He hadn’t realized time passed so quickly. Or, flew. Disappeared.
“Ben said that you were probably sleeping in, but, well…” She looks over, rather confusedly, at his unmoving form. He’s been sitting here for a while, hasn’t he?
“I’m hungry,” Aiden announces, pushing himself off the mattress. He feels it under his hands, which is good. It’s not the same softness as it should be, but it’s still there. It’s there, and this is real. He’s real.
“Do we have anything to eat?” The wood paneling is hard and cold under his feet. He wishes he’d gotten carpet.
It’s still cold in here.
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metamorphosisff · 1 year
|Chapter 10| Do Perfect Days Exist?
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“Damnnnn, did you even try to duck?” Aiden winced dramatically as he took in the sight of my left eye. 
“I was more concerned with making sure he didn’t fall down the stairs,” I said, snatching the bag of ice from his hands to place on my face. My day had already been long enough without him adding onto my annoyance. With all that had occurred, I forgot I made plans to hang out tonight but I was quickly reminded once I bumped into him in the lobby of my building.
“My bad but I did not expect you to look like a battered housewife when you pulled up,” he said, as we moved into my living room.
“You got one more crack before I kick your ass out,” I huffed, plopping down onto the couch.
Holding up his hands in retreat, he sat across from me in one of the arm chairs. “Aight I’m done. What happened over at the house?”
I took a deep breath before recounting my day. “Me and Pops were there all morning cutting the grass and tending to GiGi’s garden. We had just come in for lunch when Granddad lost it over us coming inside. Not being able to recognize us, he thought we were intruders, and attacked. In the midst of trying to get him to calm down, I caught a right hook to the eye. Then Pops and I got into it because I pointed out that these physical outbursts are becoming more frequent. Grandad is losing the present and getting stuck in 1967 but everyone is adamant about denying what’s happening.”
“Damn, that really sucks bro. I know they are not trying to hear it but he could seriously hurt someone. He is not old and fragile, he be moving,” Aiden said with a shake of his head.
Till this day, Granddad worked out religiously as it was a part of his routine, doctors advised we let him continue on with it as long as he had a partner to make sure he was safe. “This is what I’m saying. Like we don’t even know what his triggers are because he never talked about the war or anything he saw. It’s all so random.”
“Most Vets don’t. A lot of the guys I train are like that. They just burn themselves out until they are too tired to remember,” Aiden said.
“Which is terrible and another reason why I do what I do. People should have resources to deal with that and I wish my family would utilize the resources we have to make this less…everything shit,” I said, laying back onto the couch.
“You know how old Black folks are man. They live and die by that ‘keep it in the family’ mess unfortunately,” Aiden said.
“It’s literally the most frustrating shit to deal with,” I sighed, shaking my head. The ice might be helping my eye but the pain I felt ran deeper. Touched parts of me that I had yet to address with myself or anyone else for that matter. While everyone else got to run off of emotions, I had to lock mine away to be the logistic one. It was exhausting to say the least.
“Look I know we were supposed to hang but my mood is not the best right now.”
“Yeah I already told Rah to stay his ass at home. I’m gon’ head out and I’ll see you at the gym on Monday,” Aiden said, standing on his feet to get ready to let himself out.
While he joked and played around all day, Aiden never pushed when he knew I did not have the mental space for it. I was appreciative of that in more ways than one.
“I will be there, same time as always,” I confirmed, as he slapped my knee.
“Aight bro, stay up.”
Within a few seconds the sound of the front door clicking shut caused me to close my eyes. Taking a deep breath I tried to release the anger that still hummed underneath my skin. It was making me sweat through my clothes and giving me a headache. After a few moments, I pulled myself off of the couch so that I could lock the door. Then to the bathroom to strip down and wash the day from me. By the time I was settled, fed, and lying in bed, I still felt out of sorts. Being hit in the face wasn’t even the source of my discomfort. It was the look in my father’s eyes when he told me that if I couldn’t be man enough to handle this then I should not come around as often. That shit hurt more than Granddad’s fist. So much so that I did not say anything back though a few choice words were on the tip of my tongue. 
Right when I was contemplating on going for a walk, my phone began to vibrate beside me. On the screen was a picture I took of Mila the first time we hung out. Her head is tipped back as sunlight washes over her smile. I answer immediately.
“Hey Mi-
“What happened to your face?” she said, cutting me off.
She was lying down initially but she props herself up quickly and brings the phone close to her face so that she can inspect mine as best as she can through Facetime.
“Granddad, it was an accident. Please tell me your day went better than mine,” I chuckled softly.
She peered into my eyes before a slow sigh escaped her lips. She knows I’m trying to switch the subject and gives me the respite I desperately need. 
“It did, got this cute picture out of it,” she says, sharing her screen with me. In seconds, I see a picture of Papi knocked out on her couch with his copy of The Amazing Spiderman on his chest. 
“That is a pretty cute pic and it looks like he’s almost done. I’ll have to get him another next time I go,” I said, as the screen returns to normal.
“He would like that,” she said with a small smile and I’m relieved she’s learning not to fight me on such matters. “Thank you.”
“It’s nothing. What were y’all up to?” I ask.
“Nothing really, spent the morning cleaning and shopping like usual. Then Mari had to work. Papi was out with his little friends and I started the WandaVision show while applying to some more jobs. It was actually very productive now that I’m saying all of that out loud,” she said. 
“It sounds like it. I’m surprised you decided to watch the show though. You didn’t seem too sold on it when I tried to explain what it was about,” I said, causing both of us to chuckle.
She playfully rolled her eyes, tossing braids over her shoulder while saying, “Well you do that puppy dog eyed thing when you get excited and that swayed me more than your description.”
I snorted. “Puppy dog eyed thing?”
“Yeah, like your eyes get huge and all of your emotions are on display, making what you're feeling so…tangible. Like I could reach out and grab it if I wanted to,” she explained.
Hearing that I was so open visually didn’t make me uncomfortable because it further proved what I already knew to be true. Mila and I were supposed to be doing this, building the friendship we were so that when we are ready for the relationship aspect it would bloom fruitfully. 
“I’ve never been good at hiding my emotions so I guess that tracks,” I said.
She hummed in agreement. “Puppy dog eye thing aside, I like learning about what you’re into. Your interests are a part of you.”
I know it was wrong to compare Mila to Mariah but I only did so when I realized how much was lacking with the latter. After a while I found myself changing into the person she wanted me to be over being myself and that still didn’t meet her expectations. Here Mila was accepting me at face value. It meant everything. 
“Same, I like doing that too. That is why you are going to let me take you out this week. When are you free?” I asked.
“Thursday is my only day off but I know you have the meeting,” she said.
“I won’t be going into work this week due to this,” I said pointing to my eye which she winced at since the swelling had gotten progressively worse since we’ve been on the phone. “We can do something before then. What do you say?”
“I say…Issa date,” she said.
“And you call me corny,” I grinned.
“What can I say, you're rubbing off on me,” she said with a shrug before looking away from the camera as a blush crept into her cheeks.
“That’s not a bad thing,” I said, as I sank into the bed. The weight of today was finally bearing down on me. There was something about her presence that had soothed the tension that had been in my body ever since I got home. 
“Perhaps…are you about to fall asleep on me?” she asked, switching the subject, amusement laced in her tone. Normally, I was the one teasing her about being the first one to knock out.
“Nah, I’m just resting my eyes a bit baby,” I said, propping the phone against another pillow so that my hands were free to position themselves on my side. 
“Ha,” she chuckled, as she peered at me. “That is the oldest excuse in the book. It’s okay if you're tired X, you’ve had quite the day.”
“That is one way to describe it,” I say as our eyes lock. 
Her expression softens as she bites down on her lips, mulling over her thoughts before saying, “Well the best part of each day is that they all come to an end no matter how great or shitty. Today’s over, put it behind you.”
She was right, today did not need to be carried into any of my tomorrows. The raw feelings I had towards my father would scab over with time but until then? I was not carrying a weight that wasn’t mine to bear any more. 
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So far, today was one of those days that I wanted to carry into a million tomorrows. Taking time off from work allowed me to wake up and hit the gym early which put me in a great mood before I met up with Mila at her place. Together we dropped Papi at his summer camp where he made me promise to treat his auntie right via pinky swear. Once our business deal was sealed, I got to work making good on my end of the agreement. We had breakfast at this french bistro downtown called Café Paulette where the crepes we had melted on our tongues. Then I got to surprise her with a day at the BAM theater which made her eyes light up. 
From all of our late night conversations I learned the reason Mila wasn’t up on the latest shows is because she loved old movies. When she got a significant amount of free time that is what she would be doing. Today’s double feature was centered around Dorothy Dandridge with a showing of both Carmen and Porgy and Bess. The best part of stepping into her world today was seeing the joy on her face. The snarky Mila was tucked away for the better part of five hours. The movies put her in such a soft place that I was able to convince her to come with me to the meeting over our late lunch at Shake Shack. Now here we were sitting side by side as the last of the group settled in around us.
She’s fiddling with our friendship bracelet on her wrist, tracing the letter bead over and over, which lets me know she is nervous. Reaching over, I grasp one of her hands and give it a squeeze. “Chill out, you aren’t under interrogation. You don’t have to speak if you don’t want to,” I joked, causing her to playfully roll her eyes.
“I know that but the thing is I think that I do and before you ask, no we are not about to talk about this or else I won’t do it,” she rushed out causing me to smile and squeeze her hand again.
I totally get where she is coming from. What I thought were signs of nerves was actually her building up the courage to do the one thing she previously claimed she wouldn’t. This was a big step and the last thing I wanted to do was accidentally talk her out of it.
“Okay, we are not pre-talking about this,” I said.
“Thank you.”
I squeezed her hand one last time before I got up to check the halls for any more people. After ushering in the stragglers it was time to get this started. I walked to the middle of the circle and everyone quieted down on their own so I didn't have to do my signature two claps.
“Hey everyone, we're going to get started now. I want to welcome anyone who’s new here tonight, thanks for coming out,” I said as I tossed a friendly wave to a few new faces. “We don’t exchange names here unless you want to. Please refrain from dropping any other name but your own. Other than that, who wants to kick off ‘That Bullshit’?”
One of the regulars, a middle aged man named Hector raised his hand and I nodded my head to signal that he could begin.
“Y’all wouldn’t believe the week I’ve had,” he begins animatedly causing the group to laugh which I appreciate. 
It breaks the tension and intimidation some might have when being in such an intimate space with practical strangers. I watch as shoulders ease and people become more relaxed in their seats. For the next forty minutes I listen as most of the group shares struggles that range from petty to downright egregious. Right when I was about to close out the meeting Mila found her voice. 
“Hey y’all I’m new to this sharing thing so excuse me if I stutter,” Mila jokes, causing a few chuckles.
“That’s alright chile,” Brenda, another regular added, sending her a wink of support. 
“I uh, had one of the best days in a really long time today,” Mila started, tucking a braid behind her ear before flashing me a quick glance. “I got to watch classic movies with someone whose company I truly cherish and I’m grateful because for so long I’ve been lonely. I couldn’t truly bask in the happiness though because watching classic Hollywood movies is something my mom and I used to do. So I’m sitting there and it hits me right in the middle of Carmen, you know the scene where she has him all hot and bothered?”
A few chuckles echo around the room and Hector says, “I know it well.”
“Well yeah it’s then that I realize my mom really left me out in this world alone. Both her and my father don’t think I’m more important than their addiction. That I’m not worth more than their addiction. I know that’s a selfish way to feel but I can’t help it. I hate that in the middle of such a high that my reality can bring me to such a low. Will their absence always haunt my happiness? It's just-,” she stops before taking a sharp inhale. I reach over and grasp her hand at the same moment it searches for mine. Taking another breath, she rights herself, and continues. “It’s just unfair and that is that bullshit.”
“Thank you for sharing,” I said, tossing her a small smile as she sent me a watery one back. I wanted nothing more than to pull her in my arms but that would have to wait until we were alone. 
“Time is drawing to a close but before we get out of here you know we have to each share one thing that made us smile this week. I’ll kick it off and say that a ten year old made me smile when he made me pinky promise to treat his aunt right but I was going to do that anyway because that’s how I am,” I said, quoting a popular video and making everyone laugh.
Round and round it went until everyone got a chance to share for the last time. With that the meeting had officially come to a close. Mila and a few others stayed behind to help me clean up before we headed out into the night air. Once we were alone, I tucked her underneath my arm and she instantly wrapped her arm around my waist as I placed a kiss on her forehead.
“I know it wasn’t easy but I’m glad you got some of that off of your chest,” I said.
“Thanks. I don’t know quite what to do with all of the feelings I have regarding my parents but I must admit it felt good to get out,” she said dramatically causing me to chuckle. Looking up at me she used her free hand to point in my direction. “But under no circumstances does that mean my sharing with the group will become a regular occurrence.” 
“Of course not, I told you it’s not an obligation, it’s an option. That’s all,” I said, as we approached the F train station. “I know we’ve been together all day but I’m not ready for it to end.”
“It doesn’t feel like enough for me either,” she says, gazing ahead on the train station with noticeable disdain.
“Then can I suggest you come home with me?” I asked, tipping her chin so that her eyes aligned with mine once more.  The setting sun amplifies the flecks of honey in the brown orbs that makes her seem majestic. Carefree Mila is by far the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
“Yes, you can because I am inclined to agree after seeing the size of the TV in your living room,” she said.
“MCU marathon in chronological order until we fall asleep?” I questioned, causing her to groan but nod her head nonetheless.
“Lead the way Iron Man.”
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The fort was Mila’s idea.
After we both showered and changed into lounging clothes it was she who decided we transform my living room into a fort while we waited for DoorDash to bring us our dinner. We grabbed sheets from the guest bedroom and using my Swiffer as a base point, we erected a tent over the couch. On the floor was a makeshift pallet made out of the couch cushions and in front of us were the bag of snacks we had yet to get into after eating the Chinese we ordered. Currently, my back was resting against the couch while Mila laid in my lap. My fingers twirled the ends of her braids as we watched our second movie of the night, The Incredible Hulk.
Turning on her back suddenly, she pivoted her body so that she was facing me entirely. I cupped my hands around her waist to help hold her upright and to bring her closer. “You supposed to be watching the movie,” I chuckled.
“I know but I was thinking about your Granddad. How is he doing?” she asked.
“From what I’ve heard from my cousins, he’s fine. Hasn’t had an outburst yet this week so that’s good. My grandma was asking when I was going to make my way out there but I think I need some more time away. Not from him per se but the situation itself,” I sighed out.
Reaching up, her fingers softly brushed the small sliver that remained of the bruise that had been underneath my eye. “That’s reasonable, burn out can happen in our personal lives too. Especially when we feel like we’re screaming into the void.”
“Exactly and I think I’m tired of screaming. Which makes me feel guilty,” I sighed.
“That guilt isn’t yours to claim. It’s a byproduct of an incredibly sticky situation that is unfortunately out of your control,” she said, her fingers dropping from under my eye to softly trail against the underside of my jaw.
“I know but I guess knowing doesn’t make it easier,” I said.
“No it doesn’t,” she said, offering me a small smile. “But you will be able to stand taller knowing that you served your grandfather well.”
Her words unlocked the tightness that had been in my chest since last Saturday. All I wanted was some acknowledgement that I was doing the right thing. It was getting harder for me to believe when everyone else thought I was being careless or impatient with my reasoning of wanting Granddad in a facility. 
“Thank you, that means a lot to me coming from you. You mean a lot to me,” I said, leaning down to place my lips on hers.
She kissed me back before nuzzling her nose with mine, “You sort’ve, kinda, maybe, mean a lot to me too.”
I snorted before breaking out into full laughter. The type that makes the sides of your stomach hurt and her laughter formed a symphony with mine. Flipping us over, I began to tickle her causing her to squeal, as her braids were splayed out over her face from the sudden movement.
“You get on my nerves,” I chuckled, as she laughed underneath me.
“But you like it so it’s okay,” she giggled, pushing her hair out of her eyes. 
Leaning down I captured her lips in another kiss because for the umpteenth time today Mila was right. Her arms wrap around my shoulders the same time her legs wrap around my waist. My hands find themselves in her braids as our kiss goes from playful to heated. Our kiss is exploratory as we indulge in the taste of each other. I’m about to split the seam of her lips with my tongue when my phone begins to ring. I groan, pulling away with one last kiss.
“I’m sorry but that’s my sister’s ringtone,” I said, as I separated myself from Mila to grab my phone.
“No worries, I’m going to take this trash to the kitchen,” she says, grabbing up the bags from dinner. 
When I answer, all I hear is sirens in the background that immediately put me on high alert. “Ava what’s wrong?”
“It’s Dad!”
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hazellevessque · 1 year
Basically, You’re Gonna Die | Aiden Acharya
You ask for more Aiden content, I shall give more Aiden content (also because Aiden is my child). This is in CoG, right after they hear the prophecy for the first time and stopped falling.
This was just wonderful, wasn’t it?
Well, actually, parts of this were good. Kara was conscious, and they had made it to Kubera’s courtyard. Also, they were all alive.
But not for long.
That was what Aiden had learned in the last ten minutes because of a prophecy Chaya had shown them. The girl you love will be the death of you.
Death. He was going to die. But he couldn’t, right?
Aiden touched his wrist, where Shadowfax was in watch form. Touching Shadowfax made him feel a little bit better. A small sense of relief washed over him, before the thoughts quickly rushed back in. Maybe they haven’t fully processed it yet. The first stage of grief was denial, right? Did people grieve themselves? Is that what happened when people get diagnosed with life-threatening diseases?
Maybe prophecies were their own diseases. Diseases could get rid of someone quickly. Or it could take years. How long would it be before Aiden died? Would it be 15 years, gone like that? Or would he make it to 16?
Would he make it through this battle?
Their thoughts got abruptly interrupted by Aru’s voice saying their name. Aiden looked up.
Aru took a step toward him. “You okay?” she asked.
No. How could he even be remotely okay? Aiden knew she wasn’t.
“I’m fine, Shah.” they responded, taking a step back.
Guilt flashed through him as Aru dropped her arm to her side with a wounded look on her face.
Brynne shook his shoulder. “Hey, stop that.”
“I’m not—”
“Prophecies are weird, and they’ll eat up at your brain. For all we know, you could die by eating some weird flower called the Girl You Love.” Brynne started, fingertips still on their shoulder.
Another way prophecies were like diseases. They ate you up from the inside. Well, some did. Others just spread on your skin.
Aiden pushed off Brynne’s hand. He knew she was just trying to help, but it wasn’t working. “Super reassuring, thanks.” He responded, biting the inside of his cheek.
Mini piped up. “If it helps, I am the daughter of the god of death. We’re not going to let anything happen to you, Wifey.”
None of them were really helping. None of them were really blocking the millions of thoughts racing through his head. Still, he smiled. Maybe that smile would be enough to convince them. Aiden looked at Aru. She wasn’t buying it. “I know.” he said quietly.
“What prophecy?” That was Kara. Aiden suddenly remembered she wasn’t awake when they all heard it.
“It’s nothing.” Aiden said quickly, disregarding the sinking feeling in their stomach.
“Yeah, it’s nothing.” Brynne added, clapping him on the back. He jerked forward a little. Brynne was strong. “Just the end of all his romantic aspirations.”
Oh, and his life.
A strange look crossed Aru’s face. “I didn’t know you had any.”
Aiden quickly looked at her, but then averted their eyes. “I don’t,” they lied. “Let’s go.”
He walked away, and that was that.
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noxspost · 6 months
true north
“wait Vese—” she was cut off by him yelling running out of his room to the great hall “Letho get you fucking horse ready wake the other up Jaskeir is going after the bone Hydra!”
Yennifer followed with panic in her bones “what are taking about Vesemir?” asked a very annoyed and slightly panicked Viper as the others with him were walking up “there was a paper about the bone hydra back down the mountain when you came up right!?”
“yes?” he stated as he helped up Triss and Aiden looked at Vesemir “well Jaskier is sumac and he is going after it!” he was yelling now as he was trying to the armory which he was stopped by Letho looks him down and held him by his shoulders. “okay thanks for telling me that our friend is safe,” he narrowed his eyes “I need you to breath or you are going to pass out!” he was louder as Vesemir was making panicked sounds as the others came down. Ciri looked the most sleepy and in Geralt’s arms. Yen looked at Lambert who was mad but scared
“okay Vesemir sumac will be fine he has faced that beast a lot and I am sure he will get the ambrosia and nectar medicine cubes and vials,” he had Vesemir on the ground kneeing and Letho was going to the same “he is a tough bitch who has more beast hunting experience than us since he dealt with more than us. Breath Vesemir, you are okay and he is safe.” Geralt could smell the fear from his dad and he looked to his brothers who look to him. “yeah-h.” Vesemir gulped and nodded “I am so scared, he could be rusty and could die now.” He was hugged by the viper “listen there is a reason why he is named sumac for it is a poison and he is a demigod who parent is the god of madness.”
Then Coen spoke up “who are you talking about was there a man we didn’t was here?” Lambert looked at his friend with confused and disbelief “really we would know if that was the case.”
“well where is Jaskier and who is this Sumac?” asked Ciri and yen nodded Aiden spoke “oh he is a lynx Witcher.” Triss and Yen glazed at the cat and then Letho hums in agreement and then Eskel asked “is Jaskeir sumac the same sumac who taught us?” this makes Geralt and Lambert turned to their brother and then Geralt nods “yeah it can’t be Jaskeir is only 43? How can he be Sumac?”
This makes Vesemir laugh and then starting to cry “Geralt he cares for his skin and also he is older than me.”
He was held closer to the viper and then Yen asked “so we are just ignore the fact that he is a Bacchus child or Bacchus and he is going after a monster in winter and the pass was closed how did he get down there?”
Vesemir got up and walked up to the wall and felt for something on the wall and then his hand stopped and he pressed the stone now and it moved to the left showing a hole big for a good sized box “oh simple Lynx witchers go to hunt for coin more in winter since it is needed and pays more and they are built for the cold so the pass means nothing for Jaskier.” He grabbed the box and blew off the dust on the box and opened it once he put it on the table and they all gathered around the table and they saw the box and it held so much.
Yet they were drawn to the small trinket in the mess and it was made with care and it was a flat disc with a clear dome over the small thin sticks pointing to numbers the short and wider one was slower and the other was faster and thinner. There was a ticking sound as they saw gears and metal moving in a window inside the glass clear dome it was made of copper, gold and white stone.
It looked so pretty and care for. “what is that?” asked Triss who was trying to hold the object when Vesemir grabbed it before her and bark “don’t touch that! It is a gift from Jaskier he got this from one of the tinkering in his caravan of demigods and non-humans. He said it was a pocket watch to tell time.”
He gently held it up with both his hands and then Eskel looked at the back and saw the Engravings on the back and it said time just eats and eats till death comes saving the soul from its maw time does not heal wounds merely numb you to the pain but confrontation and self-growth heals the bones not time.
Ciri saw the engravings and asked “what’s with the engravings on the back?”
 Vesemir turned the thing round and went “I think one of the elders of his school had explained that people off the news the same time heals all wounds as a weak cop out and they’d explained that it merely numbs you to the wrongs and the hurt and the pain which makes sense he was also a child of Hecate a goddess of witchcraft and ghosts he’s a real cool dude from what I remember about him.”
Eskel nodded and then Lambert spoke “let’s go find Jaskier!” he yelled and then Letho looked at him and bark “no just no the pass is too covered and it cold in the morning. Let’s eat and gets some chores done and then we can go.” he got up and went to the kitchen with Aiden and Coen following.
Geralt sighed and spoke “well I think Jaskeir will be fine, he will get back. He has too much self-preservation for his own good.”
this caused Vesemir to burst out laughing which also caused yen to burst out laughing “no he doesn’t and he getting more coin and he will come back later.” the former teacher spoke “he doesn’t he got torture by firefucker. He doesn’t have much.”
Ciri nodded and then she looked at the boxes’ contents and you saw a piece of something shining she reached out for it grabbed it held it above her to see it in the light and it sparkled like a diamond but it was in the shape of a scale she turned over to look at the others and asked “what’s this?”
 Vesemir looked over sighed and said “that’s a hydra scale a hydra scale is actually a diamond compressed and a lot stronger than normal diamonds about roughly same as iron. you get that from bone hydras.” He explained.
yen then remarked “so that explains why you get to keep a dime in death do you kill such a monster after you’re given somewhere between 4000 coin and 15,000 coin.” This makes Lambert looked at Yen “why must it so costly?”
“because the bone hydra is more dangerous than a dragon since it is undead and has four heads next to the normal standard head each one has its own attacks and features I have seen some bear witchers dying to the Magma Spittle. When you weaken it enough the first head which you attacked two other type of the heads will go on the attack same when one third is left.” There was fear in Eskel’s voice who was looking at his brother.
“oh great…”
Well after Jaskier had killed the monster he was breathing heavy and his clothing had blood and gold staining. The gold made him looked gaudy and creepy, he was holding the now the bag of bones and diamonds of the monster. He was in the cave where the beast had taken the father.
There was some blood and he looked down at the freaking out man who was shaking and Jaskier smiles “hey I am sumac I was send by your daughter and I am no threat.” He knees down to seem safe and the man spoke “I am john and thanks.” He was careful to hold Jaskier’s hand and then they walked out to daffodil. “don’t worry I will be fine sir I just worried for you.” Jaskeir spoke when saw the worry in John’s eyes.
 Jaskeir smiled at him who was helping him carry the proof and when they got to daffodil Jaskier was quick to the medic supplies and he gave himself his ambrosia meds and then turned to John and went “okay so I am going to clean the wounds and put cool water on the burns on your arms.” He washed the burns in cool running water and then used the rest to the clean off the blood and then wrapped up the wounds “thank you Sumac.” He nodded and placed john on daffodil who snorted and Jaskier looked at him “play nice daffodil.”
Once he was healed by the ambrosia meds he got on the ram and then they were off to the town and back to his family. there was much Excitement and the little girl gladly was rewarding him with compliments and words.
After about 6 hours of worrying since the pass was too frozen they were in the training yard near the stables when the witchers smell this faint scent of grapes and the sound of a match being lit they turned to where the sound came from and they for moment thought it was just Yen and Triss doing something.
It wasn’t but only Jaskeir dressed in warm clothing on a ram the size of his horse and Jaskier covered in gold and blood with some being from his own body.
His face was bruised and had some blood on his face near his mouth and nose.
There was purple fire behind Jaskier which swiftly was gone. He was on a ram which was grey and white and had a saddle was made of dark leather and near the back was the saddle bags which stored a lot of Jaskeir things. It also was on top of a lynx skin and the head near to the tail and there was a holding for his axe and the other side was a piece of leather made for holding some scrolls, arrows and a crossbow.
there was also some new things like some daggers, an ice spike and some feathers and a stone.
“oh okay I haven’t done that in years.” he cough a bit and wiped away some spit he was holding the reins to his companion. He looked like a Witcher. Yennifer was right there as Jaskier got off the animal “what the fuck don’t you know that was dumb we couldn’t do shit.”
He looked at her and laughed “you could do shit yen.” The sound of coin came from his bag which was on his animal which he undid and smiled as Yen was spitting out words which made no sense as Geralt spoke “why Jaskier just why you could have died!”
Eskel had stopped training with Ciri who was cheering with Jaskier’s return as the ram belting out a cry of distress which made the other stop thanks to Letho call out “leave the poor demigod alone he just got back.” He was soon in the arms of Jaskeir in a hug which lifted him off the ground.
“Hello again dears.” Jaskeir said as daffodil was walking to Letho and Vesemir waiting near the doors. “You still are very strong Sumac. I missed these hugs.” He hugged back and lifted Jaskeir off the ground.
Vesemir went to check Jaskeir when he was let go “I hope you had Nectar and Ambrosia meds right? And did you get the money you are going to get?” Lambert and Coen looked at Jaskier’s outfit which was like a bear’s but also a wolf.
“Yes, Vesemir I did I got about half of it and then the big diamond and the rest when I got back.” He turned to Lambert and Coen who swiftly asked “so you do contacts in winter?”
“Yeah, it is fun and reminds me of home.” Then Eskel asked, “what was fire and you getting back?” he got a confused looked from Ciri who nodded with Eskel’s statement and Yen nodded too and asked, “yeah why?”
“oh right I forgot to tell Geralt and Yen. I am a demigod to the god Bacchus.” He smiles “which one of the powers I have is teleporting in a burst of purple fire and it followed by a faint scent of grapes. It drains me more than the other powers, so I have to be careful.”
“Okay all the powers drain you?” asked Eskel and then Jaskier smiles "yeah so i don't try to use too much. please be careful around Daffodil he isn't used to teleportation because we haven't done it in a while." he said as they were going to the stables to untacked the ram and put him back in the stables.
"I thought your horse's name was Pegasus?" spoke Aiden Jaskeir turn to him "of course it does that's his middle name it's also his code name anyway what's for food?" as they get back to the doors they see Letho just glaring at Jaskier "fucker." Letho spoke to Jaskier before getting a kiss on the back of the hand from Jaskier "i know, we will have money for spring and there is a reason why i go out during winter."
Geralt sighed and Eskel smiles and making a aww sound which get Coen to Jab him in the side with his elbow. which get Lambert to laugh. "oh please. calm down you two." spoke Vesemir as Triss then spoke "well i was thinking some stew and some rolls."
this makes Jaskeir smile She told smile as warm as the sun and he goes "I remember that was a common staple on the caravan travels really spoke one of the other witchers yeah we called it monsters too because we often used the meat and organs from some types of creatures in our stew combining with shrimp and cow or pig the rolls often had a meat or vegetable inside and cooked hard on the outside but be very chewy and doughy on the inside so we called them turtle rolls because they were often shaped like a turtle as well."
he explained as they went inside then Aiden asked, "so we know somewhat about the schools on this side of the continent what are some notable trials for your school?" everyone looked at the cat Witcher confused and a little bit scared.
they all sighed  when their friend explained "well there is the trial of the iceberg the trial of the night escape and the trial of Half Moon half Moon was testing your abilities with everything to do with an apothecary," he explained they walked to the Great Hall they were intently listening "the trial of the night escape was how to survive in... it's been a while since I've had that trial but most the time it was going on a quest for a powerful being and how to escape most of time we did at night the trial of the iceberg was a lot like the trial of the grass is for you guys but ours is much worse or equally as worse depending how you see it that's all I'm going to say."
he was sitting down as he was carrying the bag with the Reward but also a couple other things most of the time the items that he was putting on the table were from his own pouches and bags around his waist and hips thanks to his belts he looked tired in a way they saw a couple other scars specifically one that was peeking out on his neck. It looked like an ice burn.
They see his cloak which around the collar area where the wolf fur was had animal and human skulls on it but the rest of the cloak was made of bear hide the outside had the bear fur and the inside was while the inside of the bear fur it looked terrifying when Yennifer had asked what's with the human skulls?"
Eskel nodded and then Jaskier turned his head and spoke "simple they're from mages who tried to kill me don't worry I didn't kill them too brutally only after they died I cut off their heads ripped off their skin, hair and eyeballs only having their skulls remaining fix the skulls so they don't leak everywhere," they all were Shocked and uncomfortable looking at him as if he was dangerous except for Vesemir and Letho. "I buried their hearts as a sign of respect have acknowledging the life that I have taken I do that with beasts that I kill. i am not completely heartless."
Coen then asked "why burying the heart? it sounds like you leave the rest of the body out for the wild to take."
the  Witcher reaches down to his water skin drinks it and thinks for a moment obviously still sitting down but everyone waited with faded breath Geralt specifically same with his surprise child Ciri who was watching patiently "well in my school specifically," Jaskier states his tone now turning serious "we learn that no matter what you do for coin may that be assassinating Or doing anything that involves taking a life you're supposed to bury their heart in the ground decent way down you're supposed to wait 10 minute is the common number, then you walk on it symbolizes you understanding the life you have taken we did that with everyone May they be really terrible May they be not but with a really terrible people and the people we just don't like we're very passive aggressive about it well we do the bare minimum by digging a shallow grave and lightly covering up with our heart and then when you leave the elements and the animals to deal with it." 
he smiles "our teachers and elders were very strict about it and Chiron would take a bottle of white gull a cloth and the lights the cloth which is half way in the bottle and throw it on the ground near us when training when We're disrespecting the dead because in In the Lynx School there was an abundance of non-humans demigods specifically who had ties to all the different underworlds not just the Slavic or Greek underworlds and we don't like accidentally piss off the wrong underworld deity."
he chuckles "i never got it but Leo taught me the alcohol bomb after he got the treatment as well." then Aiden sits down next to him as Triss and Yen were off to make food. Ciri asked Jaskeir "what is the trial of the Iceberg?"
Geralt and then Eskel went "yeah what is it? it sounds intriguing." Jaskeir rubbed his chin a little bit and rubbed his mouth from the excess water that he drank and he said It is a trial that involves you being on an iceberg at 10:30 35 ish at night during winter you brought a thick bed mat a thick blanket a slow flower lantern which does not burn like normal fire you're supposed to survive till 2:00 AM in the morning and then they come to you with a nice pike a very thick and long rope two nails that are twice as long as the ice Pike and a hammer and you're supposed to climb up to halfway up the iceberg," he saw the disbelieving looks from Lambert before he went on to explain how tall the icebergs usually were "and by the way these things are way taller than you think so the above ground is tall and just seems to get halfway up there and you're supposed to do that before sunrise usually people if they survive the crime get up there around 4:00 AM and they're supposed to climb it down without breaking their chunks on the way down and they're supposed to do that before 6:00 AM we only lose like 6 students every two years to that trial before the school went under heavy revision we lost more." 
And they all knew how I got cold how cold it got during the night it was terrifying they were all stunned then Vesemir walked over holding Jaskier's pocket watch "thanks i thought i told you that was your now?" Vesemir smiles and then put it around his neck "thanks also i would check on Letho he is speaking in that one tongue of elder what is it called?" they all listen to the sound of someone speaking in another tongue it was really yelling but quieter.
"oh my goodness he is speaking and oh my goodness he is speaking in Spanish again oh no. yeah i am on it." Jaskier takes off his cloak and then his boots and walks back into the kitchen where Triss is talking "yeah i don't know what he is saying help Yen."
"well i don’t--" she was quiet when Jaskeir was yelling in the same language "¿¡Te callarás por el amor de los dioses!? ¿Por qué estás gritando?" this makes Letho glare and then place down the dish and points to it "Jodieron el guiso poniendo primero la carne del conejo y sin esperar a que hirviera el agua y el aceite así me enseñaste." he had stopped yelling.
Jaskeir spoke "yeah but it is still going to work Even though the vegetables and the seasonings supposed to go in first but let them do it and stop yelling."
and then he walked straight back out and Letho turned to both women and apologized obviously explaining that he had been taught how to make this specific stew a couple other times and usually the vegetables and seasoning oil and water goes in first then the meat. they nodded and understanding. Letho was following Jaskeir when Letho picked up Jaskeir and So my you've gotten heavier."
 he turned Jaskeir's body to face him Jaskier looked down at him slightly and said of course I have I've been eating healthier and more gotta make sure that I stay Insulated he joked as he leaned closer to nuzzled his nose with his own which got Letho to kiss him on the nose a couple times "I missed you." he said sweetly.
Jaskier smiles. as he heard Ciri asking Vesemir about how he knew Jaskier and why his Witcher name was Sumac "do you want to sing True north?" asked Vesemir when they both got back.
"sure." he smiles as he got his Lute and then Letho sat down next to the cloak and then resting his bones. as Jaskier was singing and Eskel was happy to hear this for he had only heard his father Vesemir singing the tone.
"They say it's a cold place Icy and grey With a wind that cuts through Marrow and bone I've heard the earth cracks open wide Before your eyes and might." he sang as he was Strumming along on his loot as lethal provided the drums by tapping his foot to the rhythm.
"Swallow you whole They say you can get lost for days In landscapes of big emotions In the endless night when the sun doesn't care To crawl out of bed behind the oceans." he sang low and soft but they were Intrigued to listen all their eyes including the two mages that were making dinner we're all listening and had their eyes on him as he was enjoying preforming for his family in the winter.
"We never learned to use a compass We never learned to read these maps We always yearned for far-off kingdoms We never found a straight way back And it's a miracle A miracle." his voice was higher now as His magic which was showing small coffee cup size spectacles of what he was talking about, and they were seeing on how they travel not relying on compasses maps or anything like that but pure instinct in far off kingdoms.
"We found true north True north." he sang with Letho as they saw the moose and siren hunts same with the trials of flesh and bone. they saw the demigod wars mixing with Elven wars. they were seeing the caravan which would put the cat school to shame.
"They say it's an old place With ancient tales Of violence and war Passion and soul But I've seen the West Bleed into the East." they saw the monster hunts and then the bone hydra hunts and such they were amazed as they saw the Place called Coldora which was filled with wars, blood and death yet life hidden in snow and winds.
"Like a slow breeze Blowing ripples of hope And I know I could get lost for life Inside these stories I've heard 'Cause it all just shows that what we know Is just the tip, the tip, the tip of the iceberg." then they see the trial of the iceberg. he was smiling as they see eyes around his head which looked around and Ciri was laughing as they saw the witchers were chasing around each other’s.
"We never learned to use a compass We never learned to read these maps We always yearned for far-off countries We never found a straight way back And it's a miracle A miracle We found true north True north." then he smiles as he ends his singing and then Aiden asked "so how bad is being a lynx?"
Jaskeir sits and then drinks some more from his water skin and then he laughed "a lot more than you think for demigods leave a scent behind demigods often leave a strong scent for monsters and beasts and creatures to find them oh woo," he chuckles as he drinks more "also the ones that don't have the sin but still are demigods their souls are tracked by their monsters relating to their pantheons challenge yourselves lucky at least you ain't constantly being hunted by creatures and beasts trust me it's much worse than you think."
they nodded and the Yen asked "is it worth it?"
"yeah of course you just have to more vigilant when it comes to where monsters can be commonly found so a lot of demigods have this ability hard wired into their genetics when they're born that makes them vigilant and have easier time fighting so we more prepared for battle but at least all of us can walk on the snow only and only sink two inches to three inches into the snow which is very useful."
"really any stories?" asked Vesemir and Jaskier laughs "yeah there is this game called capture the flag where all the demigods who share the same godly parent or immortal parent team up with others and then they go up Popular team which is made up of different groups of demagogues that share the same godly or immortal parents like we had Demeter Kids Apollo kids Ares kids and one team and then we got Leshy kids hades and Poseidon kids on a other team and then we fight to take the other team's flag.
But what are my favorite stories is about the one time Perseus the second and I got in a fight he couldn't leave the infirmary for weeks because I actually caused him to go mad because he was saying some really nasty things about me and my family and they can fund the fact that my godly parent was a washed up god his quote not mine I got really mad I punched him in the face and then I caused him to go mad okay unconscious with nightmares for about a week because we had to go get Poux from camp aka the other school building we have."
He was laughing "but there's also another time where Zeus Jupiter and Hera Juno all got cursed out by Letho we were in one of the camps and Vesemir was hiding in the corner panicked behind me as Zeus phase got more and more twisted as if he sucked three-week-old lemons it was so funny we finally got a slight cut to the head as the four gods went away after being humiliated."
Letho was laughing and then spoke "right there was the one time All three of us got in a town fight and Vesemir looked like he just walked out of a war demigod kids blood fight fest. there was so much blood everywhere and you were laughing like a maniac." the others were stun as they were about to eat when they heard these stories and Yen was trying to cover Ciri's ears.
and then Vesemir spoke "ohh my goodness I missed I missed those days well we didn't have to worry about leading our respective schools we could just be absolutely chaotic but we did have to hide it occasionally because of the other masters of the schools holy crap they never liked you they absolutely hated you."
he slapped his knee as they were laughing Vesemir accepted some food from one of the mages and said "of course I couldn't have my gremlin ears I had to be mature and I had to be Mature before i could raise those four." then  Jaskeir laughed and then spoke "remember when i was on a quest for Celtic goddess and it landed me here and then I crashed through the ceiling that was a very confusing time because me and Letho were running after a chicken that just was been mutated really badly and it had the item we wanted but we had to go get it for like a deity who had another item we needed for the Celtic deity we terrified so many young butchers in training ohh I didn't explain to them but no we did not just mutate this chicken to chase it around the place ohh my goodness and some visiting bear witchers we even screaming like young girls and it wasn't even a spider."
the three nodded as the others were quiet and Lambert was just standing there holding his cup of white gold and it plate of food stunned because of what he just heard "wait remember that bathhouse quest oh was so uncomfortable so many nymphs so few missed it would be really useful to just like block that out of my memory why did you have to drag us along on that quest?"
"I told you guys not to follow me interjected Jaskier "but of course you did because you guys are like no you can't go on a super dangerous quest for Poseidon we have to come with you and they got traumatized we had to fight against a yokai it was terrifying so weird ohh the smell of that guy was disgusting." the Geralt turned to the bard and asked "do you get paid for the quests?"
"well Yeah but we didn't get paid for the requests besides having our own lives till like 500 years ago yeah." the Grimace really told the rest what and why that was really sad till: "really why?" asked Coen "because the gods and immortal beings giving us those quests and give us money or payment that actually was worth crap till 500 years ago because of Percy Jackson and sally Jackson who is the grandmaster of the school."
they nodded and then Triss spoke "well i am glad you guys are getting paid." she got smiles from Jaskier who went to the food and ate. he swore he saw a Wolf Witcher smiling waving in the window and Jaskier nodded to the window. the smell of family was thick and welcomed.
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dedkake · 2 years
Tumblr media
5 fictober 5+1 october 2022 challenge drabble sets + 1 extra drabble
iii. october 13-18 | fictober | angstober | who we once were, t, .6k
“I don’t want you to do that,” Sumner says, as if John needs to be told he’s worthless to know it. He’s not about to forget a single one of his failures, not even out here in the unknown.
below or on ao3: five au teams that messed up and one that got it just right
“I don’t want you to do that,” Sumner says, as if John needs to be told he’s worthless to know it. He’s not about to forget a single one of his failures, not even out here in the unknown.
“Don’t do that,” Elizabeth says. Rodney knows he’s useless in all the ways that matter out here. His brain’s only going to get them so far when they abandon the city.
“Stop it,” Bates says. Aiden understands that he isn’t experienced enough for this, not yet. Out here in Pegasus, he’s never going to have the chance to prove himself, either.
- -
Ronon puts his hand on his blaster. It’s been years, but he still remembers how Teyla had been so still, lifeless on the floor of Michael’s lab when they’d found her.
But here she is again, beautiful, confused, cautious, alive where she sits.
Sheppard’s as far back from the replicator bed as possible when he says, “Teyla.”
“Colonel,” Teyla says. She sounds like herself. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes,” Sheppard says, but shakes his head, scrubbing a hand through his hair. “No. I don’t know.”
This mistake is going to bite them in the ass, and Ronon bets it’ll be soon.
- - -
“What are you doing?” Sheppard asks, his head rolling to track Rodney.
“It’s okay,” Rodney says, his throat tight.
There’s a Marine at the door, Lieutenant Forbes maybe, but Rodney isn’t about to leave.
Sheppard winces as his blood is drawn. “What’s happening?”
“You have unique genes, Mr. Sheppard,” Carson says, but Sheppard’s still looking at Rodney.
“The President just needed to ensure your cooperation,” Rodney says, stepping forward. He places a hand on Sheppard’s shoulder. A month ago they’d been sharing a bed, but here he is, party to Sheppard’s detainment.
Ford raises his gun. “Hands off the prisoner.”
- - - -
Teyla’s in the infirmary and despite Lorne’s assurances, John knows it’s his fault. He shouldn’t be on missions. He should never have left Earth at all.
McKay pulls him closer, but it makes John’s stomach turn.
“You’re looking, but you don’t see,” John says.
“I told you not to talk to the Wraith,” McKay murmurs, kissing him too gently.
John closes his eyes, imagines the Wraith sliding between his thoughts, imagines how it would feel to have his life drained, imagines lying in the desert, waiting to die. The Wraith is the only one who knows exactly what John’s worth.
- - - - -
“Are you serious? Twelve percent?” Rodney shoves the ZPM unceremoniously into his case. They all know that won’t be nearly enough, not with the Enemy on the doorstep.
John has his gun on the priest by the door. Once, they might have bartered for the ZPM, worked with the people of this planet to reach a mutual accord. Maybe, someday, they’ll be able to afford such niceties again.
“We are not who we once were,” Teyla says, switching positions with John, letting him take point for their retreat.
Ronon pushes Rodney past her. “Yeah, well, we ran out of time.”
Rather than the peace and quiet she’s looking for, Elizabeth finds Sheppard in the lab.
“I don’t know how they did it,” Sheppard says, glaring at the whiteboard.
“John,” Elizabeth says. “I don’t think this is your problem. Not anymore.”
Sheppard doesn’t look at her, keeps staring at the board. “He should’ve died,” he says, like he’s angry at Rod for returning.
He’s not really angry, of course. Elizabeth isn’t either. She doesn’t know how they would’ve survived the gap Rod left behind.
“Go to the party,” Elizabeth says, steering Sheppard toward the door. “Maybe you’ll find some answers there.”
also on ao3
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waatched · 10 months
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Aiden's face dropped. Aiden’s father? The only one who he really really admired, even if he couldn’t really remember him? But from Aiden’s view... his father was a freedom fighter. Until the end.. He fought for what he had. No. His father was something he’d dream to achieve. Aiden knew he was good. But he could never reach his father’s level.
His name was Edward. Aiden had always idolized him. He couldn’t remember everything about Edward.. but what he did remember were some of the beatings he had receive. They were harsh. But to Aiden.. that meant sucking it up. Fessing up.
How dare this man even try to talk to or about Edward?
He finally replied,
"I'm sorry?"
Aiden stood dumbfounded. Edward meant a lot to Aiden, regardless of the actions he did back in the day.
“Exactly what you think, Pearce. Your father, Edward. He served me well. Until he had to die. And you knew when he passed away, didn’t you? You already had started your career in vigilantism… taking after him. Like father, like son, they say. ”
Quinn knew it all. He knew the vigilante. He knew the old Aiden.
He couldn’t remember one single time where he actually saw Quinn face to face in his whole childhood. In fact, he couldn’t remember his childhood in entirety. It was all a blur. He remembered the lessons he used to pay for himself, but not instances with his father. Nothing. A haze. A long-lasting fog. He never thought about it because he always focused on other jobs. He never had time to reflect on things. Aiden took a deep breath, thinking carefully what to reply to Quinn.
“Whatever my family does — is none of your business. You go out of your way to put this play for Chicagoans to believe, but I see right through the bullshit you spill on radio,”
Aiden was pissed. It showed. He gritted his teeth. Anger showed through his eyes. Shattered glass in his heart. He continued.
“I also know you grew as an orphan, but that’s nothing new. Everyone knows that. You made sure they knew. What they don’t know — is you use this façade to your advantage. Nobody knows your plans. And if they do? — They stay quiet. They know you dominate them.”
That was right. Quinn toyed people. Easily. He had a massive impact on everyone with his tragic, sad story. Yet Aiden didn’t believe it. Not one bit.
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meraki24601 · 10 months
I am too engaged in mountain vacation not to have a part 5
Sorry for the delay! Between health and work and a minor writing block, I haven't been able to write much. I hope you enjoy it! Also, I hope to get part 3 of Muted out asap!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Mountain Vacation Part 5
It really is amazing the girl is still alive. Fresh bandages cover her from head to toe. Her breathing is shallow but steady.
She’s a flight risk. We’ve been taking care of her for less than 24 hours, and she’s already gotten away from us twice. Now that she has a deep stab wound and a broken leg, it can’t happen again. Not that we blame her for trying. We don’t know what all happened to her before we found her, but her broken body gives her good reason to fear random strangers. 
On the way back into the house, Alex had laid out the plan. Take her to the table, wash, bandage, and clothe her, then lay her on the pull-out bed in the living room. Levi and the twins had argued for a moment that the girl needed privacy, but one sentence from Alex was all it took to change their minds. “If she panics and runs away again, she’ll die.”
The girl slept through all of it. While he kept a brave face, I could tell it worried Alex. He wrapped her up in silence, only speaking when asked a question. Once he finished, he had given the others orders to move her and let her rest, then he slipped outside with a weak excuse I can’t even remember. 
I make sure the guys are careful and respectful as they redress the girl and move her to the pull-out bed. For a moment, I can’t help but smile as they turn on Avatar: The Last Airbender and settle in around the sleeping girl, ready to keep watch. That smile drops as I follow Alex outside. 
Alex and I were friends long before the others came into the picture. I don’t even bother looking around to see where he went. The moment the door closes behind me, I head straight for the cliff where the rope has been thrown back over the edge. As I thought, Alex was kneeling next to the bloody stain where the girl had laid. 
Soft sniffles reach my ears as I lower myself down the side of the cliff. Without turning to look, Alex sighs, “I’m not a doctor, Evan. I’ve never given someone stitches before. The others are asking me for answers, asking me to save her, but I don’t know how.” He turns slowly to look at me with red eyes and tear streaks on his cheeks. “If she had died, it would have been my fault.”
“She didn’t die, Alex. You saved her.” I sigh, kneeling next to my friend.
“Not yet…”
“She’s still alive, thanks to you.”
“But if she had died,”
“She’s still alive.”
I cuff my overwhelmed friend upside his head, “She’s still alive, Alex. She’s alive and safe, protected by Antony, Levi, Caiden, and Aiden. You might not be an official doctor yet, but you are officially a hero. No matter what could have happened or will happen next, she’s still alive thanks to you, you idiot.”
Alex laughs quietly, “Thanks, dude.”
“Yeah.” I shuffle back up to my feet and offer Alex my hand, “Race you back up the cliff?”
Complaining the whole way back about how I cheated, Alex leads the way through the front door, taking only a moment to switch back into doctor mode before he walked to the couch to check on the sleeping girl. She seems to be resting relatively peacefully, despite the tv blasting at full volume. Alex takes her pulse and makes a few other observations before turning to Levi, “Hey, do you think you could grab a water? I don’t know how dehydrated she was when we first found her, and I know she hasn’t had much since we did.”
Once he leaves, I take his place, scooting a little further onto the couch than Levi had, and lifting the girl’s head so she rests in my lap. She can’t drink laying down. A quick glance at Alex’s relieved face shows he’s just grateful he didn’t have to take the lead. Levi tosses the girl’s water and a few more to Aiden who passes them out. 
I slip my hand under the girl’s neck, lifting her carefully like I would a baby. Alex opens her mouth and pours a few drops of water into her mouth. The girl flinches the moment the liquid touches her tongue, but she doesn’t wake up. She also doesn’t swallow.
“Come on.” Alex whispers, “You drank for me before. Please, you have to swallow the water.” Hands shaking slightly, he closes her mouth and watches. 
The girl twitches and swallows hard. Her mouth opens again without prompting. Her whole body lifts slightly, searching for more water. Alex’s grin lights up his face as he helps her drink more.
Letting the girl drink is a slow process. The guys turn away and restart their show once they know she’s safe. A couple times we give her a bit too much and she starts to cough. All together, Alex encourages the girl to drink a quarter of the bottle before he sits back to rest. I lean back with him but keep the girl in my lap. She seems to be breathing better this way. 
Maybe 30 minutes later, Caiden and Aiden leave to go hunting. Antony and Alex didn’t get to finish hunting yesterday, and we didn’t have much left over from our meager catch on day 1. Antony had fallen asleep, Alex was preoccupied, and the twins seemed like they were starting to get restless. The moment I suggested getting food, the two were up and dressing to go out into the snow. 
Around 10 minutes after that, Levi and Alex both follow Antony to sleep. I’m considering joining them when the girl moves.
“Hey there,” I whisper, “Try to stay calm. You’re safe.”
The girl looks confused. Every so often her eyes widen as if she understands, then they fall back into a searching, half-lidded, glance at the space she’s in. As her eyes land on me, she pauses. I’m careful to move slowly as I glance between the show and the girl in my lap. I don’t want to overwhelm her by staring.
Her face screws up as pain washes over. The girl’s eyes open wide and her hands reach for the new bandage on her stomach. Alex, having woken when I spoke, takes the girl’s hands and shifts them away from the injury. “Leave that alone, please.”
I can feel the girl’s heartbeat rise, but she doesn’t struggle. Instead of struggling, the girl opens her mouth to speak.
(To be continued…)
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black survival characters as no-context d&d quotes
Adela: “I want to steal something from this shop. I rolled 37 total.” “You black out and suddenly you’re sitting behind the balcony holding a set of keys. You stole the something, the store, the wife, the house and the shopkeep’s identity.”
Adriana: Yes, you remember the mayor. You were there when you killed him.
Aiden: I AM THE STORM THAT IS going back into the ocean and dissipating.
Alex: I wanted to find my sister, and you’re the most competent group I’ve met. Not a compliment.
Arda: I can sense centuries of tax fraud emanating from this sarcophagus.
Aya: Hello. I would like to acquire drugs, that of the illicit kind. I am not a cop.
Barbara:I don’t know how, but my skeletons unionized and started a strike.
Bernice: Basically you’re gonna turn on Nitro into your horse.
Bianca: This whole this is basically Home Alone but with vampires.
Camilo: No, DM, seducing the door is always an option.
Cathy: I obviously ran a hemodialysis and canceled out the blood pact.
Celine: I just pressed a button, what the C-4 did afterwards has nothing to do with me.
Chiara: This family tree looks like a spider web.
Chloe: I don’t objectify women, i womanify objects.
Daniel: It counts as discreet if no one was alive after witnessing it.
Echion: I cast Heat Metal in his genital piercing.
Elena: This elevator works, idiot. It works better than everyone else here.
Eleven: Does it really say in the group that you can put over 50 cubes of cheese in your mouth?
Eva: “If a cop didn’t see it, it didn’t happen.” “.....” “Oh fuck, a cop see it.”
Emma: “You find a mythic sword, it deals 1d12+1.” “Holy shit, 1d13!”
Felix: This is Star Wars, physics exist when I need them to.
Fiora: Guys, what’s the most honorable way to hit a seven year old?
Hart: “And when you say you took care of it, you mean...” “We did fuck all.”
Hyejin:How dare you not die after I shot you?
Hyunwoo: Dude’s never seen armed concrete and thinks it’s sorcery.
Isol: “I said we needed miners as in from a mine, who mine gold, not people from Minas!” “Uai....”
Jackie: I’m genocidal, but I’m not a traitor!
Jan:I have 25 strength. Locks are merely decorative to me.
Jenny: I don’t know if I can keep going now that I know this goblin has bigger tits than me.
Johann: I don’t understand. They were death cultists yet they were afraid to die.
JP: “You spent the DM’s inspiration, bardic inspiration, the cleric blessing, and the druid’s orientation to try and hold in a fart?” “And i failed.”
Laura: In our defense, it was just a little bit of conning.
Lenox: “They told me you were an alchemist, but what are you really?” “An alchemist.” “I don’t know what I was expecting.”
Leon:It was theorized that he was a slut in an armor, but I find it unlikely.
Li Dailin: It works like this:Sorcerer is the guy who never studies but always gets a passable grade, Wizard spends his entire life studying and gets the best grades, Warlock sucks the teacher off and gets test answers.
Luke: I’m a dungeon master too, I know your tricks, Satan.
Magnus: It’ll work, but with a penalty since the Bard counts as an improvised weapon.
Mai: I don’t have any biases. I hate everyone equally.
Nadine: The odds of being assaulted by a parrot here are low, but never zero.
Nathapon: “What side are you on?” “I don’t even know anymore!”
Nicky: I’m back, drunk, and filled with anger!
Priya: I spent an hour with this shiny sword. Either it synthetized with me, or I’ll die of cancer.
Rio: All this discussion just to piss in a jar and we don’t even know if that’s gonna work....
Rosalio: “Did you really sell your soul to medieval Jeff Bezos?!” “Well, yeah, it’s a Greataxe +1!”
Rozzi: Making carrot cake usually doesn’t require this much homicide.
Shoichi:You ever noticed that all of Allison’s characters are just Allison but with money?
Silvia: I can stick around and annoy you or leave and fuck up. Your choice.
Sissela: Three sessions and we already traumatized a child. Great work, gang.
Sua: I just want to note we fell for the medieval equivalent of the nigerian prince scam.
Tia: I’m gonna take a long rest, hug a pillow, and pretend somebody loves me for twenty minutes.
William:He’s 22, so he’ll roll hormones with a disadvantage.
Xiukai:Can we discuss my fetishes when I’m not DYING?!
Yuki: Now gentlemen, if you’ll allow me, I’ll go cry in that closet over there.
Zahir:So we’re looking for clues to be racist, is that it?
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writerfae · 2 years
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Aiden and Talon (aka the unofficial ship)
(Some basics about my favorite ship that won't happen in the story unfortunately but they will still most likely end up together some day I think. My answers in this one might change cause I didn't plan out what exactly happens with them after the story yet, but these are the ideas I have in mind for them rn)
First Meeting:
The two meet when Aiden follows Halea to the other world. Talon and his friend Maya were looking for Halea as they stumbled over each other. Talon didn’t even notice him at first but when he sees him, he’s not really thrilled. Their first meeting is everything but romantic
First Impression:
Talon – His first impression of Aiden is pretty much overshadowed by his prejudices towards him. He doesn’t trust Aiden because he’s a mortal that wished his way into their world and Talon is always weary of strangers anyway. He needs a good while to warm up to Aiden.
Aiden – Because of the way Talon treats him, Aiden’s first impression of him is that he’s arrogant. He notices that Talon is weary of him even though he didn’t do anything to him so Aiden is careful at first (and a bit skeptical). He doesn’t quite know what to think of that guy.
Their relationship starts off pretty bumpy, but over time they warm up to each other.
Through their (involuntary) shared adventure, their banter and Talon teaching Aiden to swordfight they learn to get along better and eventually start seeing each other as friends.
Their friendship grows stronger when after the happenings of the story Talon gets assigned as Aiden’s personal guard at court and they spend some more time together, getting along quite well.
I think they developed feelings for each other almost at the same time. Talon noticed it earlier and tried his best to deny his growing feelings, while Aiden took a while longer to understand his, but was quicker to act on them.
It takes them some time to actually get together (cause they are both stupid when it comes to feelings). When they end up together eventually though, their relationship grows carefully but steadily.
They end up surprising everyone (even themselves) with how persistent their love actually is.
First Kiss:
Talon is the one to first kiss Aiden. Aiden is kind of drunk on fae wine as he does so, and Talon just saved him from a fae trying to seduce him.
He kisses Aiden to shut him up as he keeps going on about how “just because you don’t want me, doesn’t mean no one else does” and when Aiden keeps smugly grinning after Talon kissed him like he just outsmarted him, Talon kisses him again (only to wipe that grin from his face, of course)
He thinks Aiden won’t remember the next morning but he does.
Aiden confessed first. Very clumsily so, because he’s not that good with wording his feelings sometimes.
I didn’t plan out exactly how that confession went but Aiden probably does address that night Talon kissed him and that he wants Talon to kiss him again.
Talon is hesitant at first, but then he’s more than happy to give this idiot the kiss he asked for. He’s just glad that Aiden did confess, because Talon never would’ve dared to.
In some matters, Talon and Aiden are pretty much opposites of each other. That means they complement each other quite well. The better they got to know each other though, the more similarities they discovered, too.
The two are pretty much the ride or die kind of couple that would do everything for each other (Talon might complain, but in the end he’d always drag Aiden out of trouble). They are affectionate with each other in their own kind of way and mostly when it’s just the two of them.
They aren’t a sappy couple, but they both are way more relaxed when they are near each other (Talon especially). They are a pretty good team, even though they disagree sometimes. The two are not the type of couple that was chosen for each other by fate, but they chose each other, which is far more important.
They bring out the best in each other by being just what the other needs to stay grounded. And the two enjoy just being next to each other, no talking necessary. Just existing in the same space is enough for them sometimes.
Talon is very attentive, it is his way to show his love. Meanwhile Aiden’s love shows in his steady presence and his affectionate nature (he likes giving warmth and hugs, but only if Talon wants him to).
All in all their love for each other is more quiet, yet it is strong.
wip intro / masterpost
they may not be a ship in the main story but in my heart they're very much meant for each other
@gr3y-heron @soupopoireau @harinawa @vibinwiththehomies @elisabethrosewrites @charleeyy @violetcancerian @that-one-potato-blep @imstillherebitch @stardustspiral @thewalkingnerdx @abalonetea @andifthestarsweretodie @myhusbandsasemni @contes-de-rheio @rhikasa @phantasticdomains @thegirlwithnonickname @marewriteblr @kimblewrites @writingbyjillian @write-for-your-life2 @deadlycupid @nora-theteawriter @ladywithalamp @the-writing-avocado @writing-is-a-martial-art @bloodlessheirbyjacques @sleepy-night-child
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heliads · 3 years
One Moves On Chapter Four: Crow Rock
Stiles Stilinski doesn’t know what to think when he’s taken by the Ghost Riders. He’s grateful to be joined by Y/N L/N, although when he finally escapes, no one seems to remember her at all.
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Now that he’s finished his research, Stiles isn’t sure what to do next. Does he drive over in a fit of glory and bad decision making, hope to find Y/N and pray she hasn’t left before he gets there? Does he risk traveling without a pack to one of the areas with the most supernatural activity other than Beacon Hills? 
In the end, Stiles decides to just go. Deliberating and hesitating won’t do him any good, not when Y/N is still out there, weaponless and with no idea where she is. Stiles spends a haphazard half hour running about his house, trying to put together supplies he might need for the trip, before finally stumbling over to his Jeep.
When he finally makes it out, keys clutched in his hand, Scott is waiting for him.
His best friend is leaning up against the driver’s side door, arms folded across his chest. Stiles’ steps falter. “You knew I was going?” Scott lifts a shoulder. “Your dad called me, said he was worried. We knew you’ve been concerned about Y/N, but we didn’t know that you would go this far. Where are you going, Stiles?”
Stiles holds up a hastily printed map. “Actually, I’m going to a town called Crow Rock. Good supernatural activity, and I followed the law of triangles-” Stiles’ voice dies off as he takes in the look on Scott’s face. “The law of triangles, which is a very reputable law from a very reputable manuscript which we all know about. Right. Well, I know how it sounds but trust me, it’s going to be alright.”
Scott sighs. “I want to believe you. Honestly, I do. But Y/N died months ago. You have to know that. I didn’t even know you cared this much about her. I’d call it grief, but you watched her die some time ago. She’s already buried.” Stiles frowns at him. “Is she? Where?” Scott fumbles for a moment. “Uh, in some cemetery.” Stiles presses his advantage. “Which cemetery? If we saw her buried, where is she?”
Scott’s brow furrows, and he stares at Stiles in bewilderment. “I can’t remember. I know where Allison and Aiden and all the others are buried, but I don’t know where she is.” Stiles throws his hands in the air. “This is exactly what I’m talking about. You don’t know because she isn’t dead. We never buried her so of course we can’t remember the cemetery. Scott, you have to believe me. She’s out there somewhere and I have to bring her back.”
Scott’s face softens. “You’re sure this will work? You know where to find her?” Stiles nods fervently. “I’ve done my research. Sometimes, people are pulled away from rifts by something called etheria. I was able to make it back safely from the Wild Hunt, but she wouldn’t. She’s not the first either- these victims, they call them etherials or something, have been disappearing for centuries. I’ve managed to track down another hotspot where she might be located and I think it’s my best shot at finding her.”
Scott nods once, then claps him on the shoulder. “I think you can do it.” Stiles looks up at him. “Really?” Scott smiles trustingly. “From what I’ve heard, you’ve put in a considerable amount of time for research. I think if anyone could track down an etherial who everyone else thinks is dead, it would be you.” Stiles grins. For some reason, hearing his best friend’s belief in him is enough to give Stiles a boost in confidence.
Scott steps away from the door of the Jeep, allowing Stiles access at last. “I just wanted to check with you before you go. To make sure you knew what you were doing.” He glances at the map, taking in the location of the hotspot. “There’s going to be a lot of supernatural trouble there. You sure you don’t want a backup group?” Stiles shakes his head, smiling. “I’m good, thank you. I think this is something I have to do by myself.”
Stiles climbs into the Jeep, giving himself a moment to think. This is it, the last moment before he sets off on his journey. He’s spent so much time preparing that it’s strange to think that this is his stepping off point, the last opportunity he has to back down and say that this is too dangerous, or that the chances are too great that he will fail.
Stiles turns on the ignition in a roar. Scott waves goodbye as the Jeep disappears down the road.
Stiles has only been driving for an hour or so before he notices a shift in the air. It’s not much, barely there, but yet something is not right. It’s like the atmosphere of the car has become quieter, even more silent than before. No one has entered or left the vehicle to warrant this silence, but it’s still enough to make Stiles feel slightly uneasy. He’d felt it a little when he was crossing over the boundary to Beacon Hills, a slight change in the energy as if by leaving he was passing through a barrier of some sort.
Stiles supposes it makes sense- you leave a hotspot, you might notice some change. Stiles doubts he would have noticed it had he not just been taken by the Wild Hunt or even gone without his temporary possession by the Nogitsune. He has a feeling that sensing this change in supernatural activity is an ability usually attributed to the supernatural, and the fact that he, a supposedly ordinary human, can sense it sets Stiles’ teeth on edge.
Stiles becomes aware of another change about fifteen minutes later. He sits up straighter in his seat, trying and failing to figure out what exactly is filling him with unease, and then he sees the sign. It’s faded, paint crumbling off of a metal backing. Even with the weathering of the sign, Stiles can still read the derelict letters: Welcome to Crow Rock. Stiles has made it at last.
The Jeep rumbles on, past the sign and onto the twisting roads. Scott, Lydia, and Malia had told him about visiting Canaan while he was still in the thrall of the Wild Hunt, and how the entire town had given off the uncanny, almost sinister energy of a ghost town. Stiles has no idea what it must have been like to walk those streets, but he has a suspicion that it would be pretty similar to how he feels right now, driving down the blocks and avenues in his truck.
Stiles has looked at images of Crow Rock from larger topographical maps, and realized that the town itself isn’t actually that big. He’d been happy then, thinking that maybe this was one instance of luck for himself and that it might not take as long to search the town for Y/N, but that hope is starting to wither away from him now. The town may be small, yes, with fewer hiding spots, but it also means fewer people to watch him. With fewer bystanders, the chance of supernaturals backing down from a public attack grows slimmer and slimmer with each mile Stiles travels within the town.
Stiles intended to drive to the center of town, where the hotspot of supernatural activity would most likely be the highest. However, as he goes he finds that certain roads are blocked off or congested with traffic that miraculously vanishes a few blocks down. He’s forced to take alternate routes, driving him on a convoluted path away from the entrance. It gives Stiles a sneaking suspicion that he’s being intentionally misrouted, that something is drawing him close.
Stiles has just taken a turn into a new street when he’s forced to come to an abrupt stop. A construction barricade has been laid across the road, orange and white paint signaling that he can travel no further. Stiles checks his rearview mirrors, ready to make a U-turn and get onto another road, when he freezes in place. A group of people is slowly spilling out into the road behind him, and they come to a stop at the main road, blocking off any chance of escape. They all consider Stiles with identical glares. This is not good.
Seeing as he can’t drive anywhere without mowing down this group of people, Stiles turns off the ignition and starts to climb down out of the Jeep. All of his instincts are screaming at him to stay in the car, to not give up the one piece of shelter he still has left, but it’s not like he has much of a choice. At least he’d be able to run on foot- if he remains in the Jeep, he’d just be a sitting duck.
Stiles walks away from the car, coming to a stop a few yards away from the group. One man steps forward, glaring at Stiles with an almost animal rage. “You should not have come here, human. You reek of enemy packs.” Most people would be smart and hold their tongues, choosing to live instead of delivering a supposedly witty retort. Stiles prefers to save his academic success for the tests in school.
“I think it’s kind of mean to go up to people and tell them they smell. I mean, I showered this morning, I can’t be that bad.” The man raises an eyebrow. “You are a human with a death wish, I see. It is not wise to pick a fight that you cannot win.” Stiles shrugs. “I’m just a tourist, man. I can see why your driving tours got such low reviews on Yelp.”
The man scoffs, the sound skidding deep in his throat like the roar of an engine. “I am quickly tiring of you. I will give you one minute to leave this town. If you are not gone by then, you will be dead.” Stiles shakes his head slowly. “I can’t do that. I’m here for someone.” The man roars at him, the sound echoing off of the buildings around them to culminate in a low din of noise. “Then you will die here instead.”
The man charges towards Stiles, claws already starting to extend from his fingers. Stiles takes one look at him and decides to do what he does best: run. He spins on his heels, dashing towards his Jeep with every ounce of energy still left in him. He’s almost there, one hand flung out towards the door, when a werewolf skids to a stop in front of him. It lets out a piercing howl, the sound of an animal about to attack.
Suddenly, a knife slams into its throat, and the wolf slumps sideways. Stiles’ head jerks up as he looks for his savior. A blur of flashing knives and running limbs appears out of nowhere, and a figure grabs the knife from the werewolf’s throat to throw it at another approaching wolf. Then the figure turns to Stiles, and he feels like he could dance with joy.
“Y/N?” She flashes him a grin. “Great to see you. Get in the Jeep.” Stiles doesn’t think twice, diving for the door and throwing himself in. Y/N climbs into the passenger seat, slamming the door closed just before a werewolf can slash her to ribbons. Stiles turns on the ignition, thanking everything holy and then some that the engine doesn’t fail him. He begins the turn to direct his car back towards the road, and then hesitates.
Y/N stares at him. “What are you waiting for? Do you enjoy being killed by enemy packs?” Stiles gestures towards the road. “The werewolves are blocking all the lanes!” Y/N’s eyes widen in something like incredulity. “Then run them over!” Stiles returns her startled gaze. “They’ll wreck my car!” Y/N grabs his hand, forcing it back onto the wheel. “If you stay here, they’ll wreck your car by dragging your dead body out of it and tearing it to shreds. Drive!”
A wolf howls nearby, raising his hand to slash at the metal body of the car. This is enough to motivate him, and Stiles slams a foot on the gas. The Jeep lurches forward, and the werewolves are forced to dive out of the way lest they get flattened by the wheels. The Jeep races around corners and through straightaways before they finally lose the enemy pack and the roads become deserted once more.
Stiles stares at the windshield unseeingly. His hands still shake from the close call. “You know, I don’t think I used my turn signal once during all of this.” There’s a quiet sound next to him, and for a second Stiles thinks that Y/N has started sobbing. Then he looks over and realizes that she’s doubled over in silent laughter. She manages to choke out two words. “Turn signal?”
Stiles stares at her for a second, then starts laughing too. Maybe it’s the thrill of yet another near death experience, or the rush of gratitude that he’s managed to find her at last, but all of a sudden every single thing in the world seems funny. He has to divert his attention back to the road in a jolt lest he run over a suicidal squirrel, which just makes them laugh even harder.
At last, they approach the sign announcing that they will shortly be leaving Crow Rock. Y/N’s laughter dies on her lips as she stares at the sign, then speaks abruptly. “Stop the car.” Stiles stares at her as she jumps out before the wheels have even stopped moving. He puts the car in park just a little bit beyond the sign, then leaps out after her. “What are you doing? Do you like the idea of being slashed to bits by the enemy packs?”
Y/N shakes her head, staring at him with quiet grief. “I can’t leave the town.” Stiles walks back over to her. “What are you talking about?” Y/N looks at him, and Stiles realizes that she doesn’t look afraid or even disappointed. Her face only holds a calm acceptance of a depressing fact. “I can’t leave. I’ve tried before, but the town won’t let me. Look.” She moves to step forward, past the ‘Leaving Crow Rock’ sign, but her feet refuse to budge. It’s as if she’s trying to walk into an invisible wall.
“I’ve tried to leave, ever since I showed up here, but I can’t. It’s like the same magic that brought me here intends on trapping me here forever.” Stiles’ eyes widen. “It’s the etheria. All those manuscripts talked about how people would be yanked away to other hotspots and never return. I thought they just meant that it was the olden days or whatever and that long of a distance was too far to travel without cars or something, but they literally meant that they couldn’t leave.”
Stiles shakes his head, unable to accept this. “I’m not giving up, not now. I’m not losing you again.” Y/N laughs quietly at that. The sound is bittersweet and tears at his heart. “I don’t think you have a choice, Stiles. There’s no way around this.” Stiles’ pulse is thundering in his veins. “No, I’m going to make a choice. Even if I have to do it all myself. No one is supposed to remember the etherials, but I remember you. We’re the exception, Y/N. I am not leaving you again.”
Out of some impulse, Stiles steps forward, wrapping his arms around Y/N and pulling her close. She stiffens for a second, then returns his embrace. After so many days of hearing everyone tell him that she was dead, that she didn’t exist, having her so close is like a dream or an impossibility. They stumble slightly as a strong wind hits them, shifting slightly but not letting go. Y/N gasps quietly, the sound torn away from her chest. Stiles looks at her. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
Y/N shakes her head slightly. “I don’t know. I feel like-” Her eyes widen as she stares at the sign to Crow Rock, the sign that is now behind them. In that brief moment, when they’d moved to avoid the wind, they’d moved over the town barrier. It had just been mere inches, but it was enough. Y/N stares at him in awe. “How did that happen? It’s never happened before.”
Stiles can just smile at her, feeling relief crest over him like a wave. “I told you, didn’t I? We’re the exception. Now, I don’t know about you, but I think I’d like to go home.” She beams at him. “I think I’d like that a lot.” Stiles reaches out, wrapping his hand around hers to guide her back to the car. They’re together at last, and they can finally make their way back to where they belong.
one moves on tag list: @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch​, @blahhhhhhhaaa​
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Request: A Child’s Imagination (Female!Reader x Aro Volturi)
WARNING: Character death mentions!
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"What do you think? A boy or a girl?" You asked, trailing your fingers over the small bump that was your stomach, leaning back in your seat for better access. Aro leaned against the arm of the seat, smiling fondly at your stomach. "I can't say I know, Cara Mia." "Come on!" You pressed with a playful smile. "Pick one. You'll love them just as much either way." "I am inclined to say a son for reasons I was raised with that are significantly unnecessary and outdated as of this time. Although a daughter would be just as lovely." You smiled lovingly at Aro. "You'd spoil her rotten, you spoiled the twins after all." Aro smirked. "Isn't every child spoiled after several centuries of gifts?" You paused. "That's true. Although you know exactly what I'm talking about. I think that if our baby were to be a girl or a boy. You'd spoil them just as you did the twins." You said. "It's not always a bad thing." Aro smiled slightly. "And your answer, my dear?" You hummed. "A girl. I can only imagine all the battles i’d lose if it were you and our son against me. The men of our large family." You grinned and Aro chuckled. "We only do what's best." He responded before kissing the top of his head. "What would you name them?" You asked him, in sudden deep thought. "Aro, please don't tell me you're going to insist we name our baby some name that's older than dinosaurs." Your eyes widened in dread. "I need to be able to say the name!" Aro chuckled. "Well why don't you give me a name and we'll compare?" You paused. "Nate for a boy? Aiden?" "No, it looks like I'll be naming our son because those names are terrible. For a girl?" You hummed. "Charlotte? Evelyn? I'm trying to go a bit more classic for you." You giggled. "Those two are...decent." Aro said with no enthusiasm. "Meaning you aren't too fond of those either." You laughed. "Alright, what about you then? Girl and boy names." "Cleisthenes-" "I'm sorry, what?" Your tracing stopped as an incredulous look moved across your face. "I don't even know how to say what you just said never mind spell that." "It means Glory and Strength. See names in my era actually had meaning." Aro smiled slyly. "So does my era." You laughed. "We just care less about the meaning and more about if we can spell it and if we can say it. Pick again." You continued to giggle as Aro rolled his eyes. "Heliodoros." You said nothing but pressed him further. "Two girl names?" "Artemisia or... Eumelia." Aro responded. "...It appears we'll be having a lot of discussions for baby names." You giggled to yourself. 
Somehow the two of you made a deal. If a girl, you'd choose two baby names that the two of you would pick which was preferred. The same going if the baby was a boy. Then Aro would pick two names for you both to reach a decision on. When the birth arrived, the baby was a boy and Aro made the decision alone on the boys name. However it wasn't the two names he had first said. "Archelaus." Aro had told his brothers. "The people's ruler'." Caius responded with an eyebrow raised. He seemed almost impressed. "How fitting." Marcus drawled.
"Aro, it's time. You need to decide." Caius said as he hovered over you. Aro tore his eyes away from the baby, yet to be cleaned, but bundled in a towel. He looked at his son momentarily, a flash of doubt in his eyes. Yet he said nothing. Caius stared Aro down as Aro looked at you. You were seconds away from your heart stopping altogether. 
Finally Aro shook his head. Caius nodded and Aro left the room, with his newborn son in his arms. There was a sickening crack as Caius mumbled to a guard about ensuring you wouldn't suffer any longer. It was as of Caius considered that a gift. Your heart stopped and perhaps by coincidence, your son began to cry in Aro's arms. "Mio figlio." Aro cooed in a soft voice. "Everything is alright." 
Aro moved into the next room, Renata already waiting for Aro's next instruction, as always. She had always been the most rigid of the Volturi and in a constant state of internal stress whilst her face appeared void of emotion. Then again, that's what made her a good guard and one Aro trusted with his life. She was constantly on the look out for danger. "Might I ask you get him cleaned up, my dear?" Aro asked lightly and Renata nodded immediately moving forward to take the baby from Aro as gently as she could. 
When Renata moved into the closest bathroom, Aro left the room and returned to the room you had given birth in. "They didn't feel it." Caius assured Aro, who nodded in thanks. Caius stepped back, giving Aro some more room with you. Aro ran his fingers through your hair. "Thank you, my dear. Our son will be remarkable, I assure you. I have no doubt you would have been wonderful." Aro leaned in closer towards you, his head hovering over yours. "I'm sorry, my dear." Aro kissed your forehead and closed your eyes with his hand. This hadn't been the first time he had decided to sacrifice those he loved for his goals and no one really knew if it could have been the last. 
Your son didn't seem very affected by your passing. Aro figured it was that he really didn't know you when it came down to it. Although that thought was sad, you had loved your son in the end of the universe. 
Aro saw you curled up in a blanket, running your fingers along your stomach. You had always got little nudges in return. Your stomach softly nudging back at you. You had looked at your bump adoringly the whole time you were showing and when alone, always telling your unborn son how much you loved him. "I'll always love you." 
You did it more so when there was chances you wouldn't survive. So therefore it was no longer just bonding with your unborn child, it was telling him and loving him for every moment you had, in case any of those would be the last. You had hoped he'd remember you if the worst came to be- if you didn't survive the birth. 
There was a pang of sorrow in Aro’s chest. Sorrow for you and sorrow for his son. Aro had really loved you. He had no doubt and he loved his son too, appreciated the gift you had given him. The greatest gift he had ever received. Although he had planned that gift for himself. He had plans for himself, the Volturi and his son. Gaining more power, it was always the plan. Your son was a part of that plan. However you were not and in the end, whilst his love for you was strong, it wasn't enough to discard centuries of plans, reputation and centuries of work. So he let you die, but he made you were comfortable. He had Alec numb your senses, you wouldn't have known when you slipped away and you wouldn't have felt a thing. A peaceful end. Your legacy beginning as you departed from the world with Aro's love and gratitude. 
 Aro kneeled down to Klaus' level faced with answering his son just where his mother had gone. "Such matters are very difficult to tell children- to relay in words that they understand." Aro said softly as he held his son's hands in his own. "Your mother passed away and she's not coming back. She left this world with so much love for you, little one. The last thing she wanted was to say goodbye to you. However these things happen sometimes." Aro paused, searching his son's thoughts, trying to piece together if perhaps Klaus understood even a little bit. "Archelaus..." Aro said quieter, looking into his son's eyes. "Your mother isn't coming home." Aro let go of his son's hands. "She'll always be in here, with you." Aro patted his son's chest lightly, just where his heart sat beating a little faster than before. Klaus, barely looking two years old, looked away from Aro putting his thumb near his mouth as he looked around the room. Although Aro's heart would have shattered if it hadn't already stopped so very long ago. Tears ran down his son's face, his eyes moving back to his father. There was no sound, nothing. Aro couldn't bring himself to say anything, simply watching his son. He wasn't sure what exactly made his son think about you but he seemed to be growing aware of his surroundings, so much so that he is noticing people who are missing from what he remembered. Vampires couldn't cry. No tears could ever fall but to see tears run down his son's face reminded him that his son wasn't just half vampire. He was half human, half you. The human in him cried for the loss of his mother. Aro couldn't help but wonder if you'd have cried too, seeing your son try to understand why he couldn't hear his mother's voice anymore. The moment was brief and ended as quickly as it had began. He had never wondered about his mother before that day and he didn't after that day either. Almost as though Archelaus had forgotten and Aro figured that perhaps it would have been better that way. 
Aro was hoping that Archelaus would meet Renesmee Cullen and when the opportunity arose, he jumped on it. It worked well, checking in on Renesmee's progress, effort to rekindle his friendship with Carlisle and his son meets someone like him who's close to his age.  "Some friends of ours are coming for a brief visit since they're passing by." Aro said fixing Klaus' collar. "They have a little girl who is like you, half human and half vampire." Klaus looked up at his father before nodding. "Would you be willing to keep her company while she's here? I believe she'd be a wonderful friend." Aro asked. Klaus nodded. "Yes, father." 
The two children had ended up in Klaus' room. Klaus having his toy train in hand whilst Renesmee flicked a switch repeatedly to change the lanes. Whilst Klaus knew Renesmee's name, he had yet to introduce himself, giving off the impression he was a rather quiet boy who more than likely kept to himself. Then again, Aro couldn't help but consider perhaps it was due to being around someone who was close to his age. Renesmee was older but it wasn't noticeable in the childrens appearance. "When I get older, I want to travel on a train just like this one!" Renesmee said brightly. "Like the ones in Europe!" "Where would you go?" Klaus asked almost absentmindedly. "I don't know. I just like the thought of getting on a train to anywhere, going wherever I want at the time. So I promised myself that one day I would." "By yourself?" "Yeah!" She grinned. "Unless Jacob says he has to go too. He doesn't like the thought of me going anywhere alone." She looked almost disheartened and Klaus picked up on it. "I know the feeling. I overheard my father and uncles saying I may never get to leave here. At least not alone.” "Would you want to?" Renesmee tilted her head in curiosity. Klaus shrugged. "Maybe. I'd like to see what's out there, I think." Renesmee gasped. "You should come with me! When we're older! We should go together! Wherever we like!" Klaus was surprised. "Really?" "Yeah!" She grinned. "You should tell me your name if we're going to be friends!" "Friends?" Klaus repeated, surprised at how quickly the conversation had escalated. "Of course!" "My name is...a little strange." Klaus admitted. Even he knew his name was a mouthful bit then again, so was 'Renesmee'. "They like to give us strange names, don't they?" Renesmee cracked a smile. "My name was two names mashed together." She said almost bashfully. "Although, I'm mostly called Nessie." "Nessie? As in...?" Klaus tilted his head, trailing off and Renesmee nodded. "...like the monster. Although it wasn't intend as an insult." "My name is Archelaus. It means 'the people's ruler'...but in the human world and some call me Klaus for short." He responded. "What would you prefer I called you?" Renesmee asked. He lightly shrugged. "Klaus is fine." "Nice to meet you Klaus." "Likewise...Renesmee." "I don't mind if you call me Nessie." She smiled and Klaus' mouth twisted. "I'm sorry but I really can't call you that." Renesmee giggled. "That's okay."  "Can I ask you something?" Klaus asked. "Sure!" Renesmee smiled brightly. "Do your parents call you that? " She giggled at the thought. "No! My mum hates it, my dad doesn't like it but my uncle's think it's pretty funny." She paused momentarily. "Does your dad call you by your full name?" Klaus nodded. "Yes. As do my uncle's. Most of the guard call me Klaus though...unless my father and uncles are around." 
After another moment of silence, Klaus spoke up. "My father says you're gifted." Renesmee nodded. "Wanna see?" "How?" He asked. "Like this!" Renesmee cupped a hand to his cheek and he went rigid, startled by her sudden movement. 
Flashes of images rushed through his mind and he began to realise that this was Renesmee's story, showing others her abilities before himself. "Woah..." He said quietly. "Do you have a gift?" She asked. Klaus shrugged looking down. "Don't you ask your mum and dad?" "I think my father would have told me if I did but...my mother died when I was born. I can't ask her." "Oh...I'm sorry." Renesmee said sadly with a sympathetic expression. "It's okay. You know the feeling. I saw it. Your mother nearly died too." Renesmee nodded. "Yes. She was lucky. At least that's what my dad says." Klaus lightly shrugged but nodded. "Do you miss her?" Renesmee asked. "No...I mean, sometimes I do but I just think about how much I love her and that she loves me the same." 
Klaus looked up hearing the door open to be met with Jane. Klaus simply looked back down at his toy train absentmindedly. “Hello, I heard you talking about your mother.” Jane moved to stand in front of him.Klaus paused.  “Would you tell me about her?” Jane asked. "I think I see her sometimes." Klaus quietly and Jane joined him on the floor. Klaus continued to play with his toy train. "Not all the time, only when I miss her the most." Klaus added with a small smile. However Jane could see his sad eyes and understood it. Children like Klaus, children like herself and her brother, they should never have such sad eyes. Yet they did. "Would you tell me about it?" She asked. "Well, I think it's her. I look her at her and somehow I just know that it's my mother. She's always happy to see me. She has a pretty smile." Klaus added, quickly glancing at Jane who smiled slightly in response. "She does?" Klaus nodded. "I talk to her sometimes. She doesn't say much back but that's okay. I asked her once, if I could keep her." "Oh? Did she answer?" Jane asked softly. "She said I could. That she'd always be with me, even when I can't see her." Klaus was completely unaware of the sadness Jane had begun to feel. When Jane's mother died, she wasn't able to face it, being a newborn and learning to trust Aro. After a couple of years, Jane began to think about her mothers death. It reinforced how alone she was and how alone she had always been. Although now she had lost someone, making her life even more empty than it had ever been before. 
It had been Athenodora who comforted Jane and Alec as best as she could. Although all she could say was that their mother would have been relieved to know her children had survived and were safe. Klaus didn't get this same conversation, yet it seemed as though he didn't need it. He had found a way to cope on his own. Or at least, that's all Jane could hope. She couldn't help but wonder if Klaus didn't hear you say much was because he didn't really know you. It was clear ghosts didn't exist. Yet he had created someone in his head that he assumed was you and would respond in his interpretation of what you would have said rather than what you actually would have said. Perhaps that silence he received by his imaginary friend was Klaus not knowing what his mother would say and so no response would be given. "Does it make you sad sometimes?" She asked. "Not really." Klaus looked up at Jane again with a slight smile. "I know my mother loves me and that's all that matters really." 
When Caius entered the room, he entered a war zone. For once, Marcus was mentally and physically present in the room. He was angry. Not only that, angry and arguing with Aro. Both Marcus, and Aro had pitch black eyes and it didn't take long to recognise just what they were arguing about. "I don't need to sympathize to you!" Marcus snapped. "You chose this! You did this to yourself, you did it to her and you did it to your son! You decided she wouldn't be changed so I won't have any sympathy for you because I know I sure as hell did not choose my loss!" "Everything I have ever done, was for this coven!" Aro seethed through a clenched jaw. "(Y/N) would have been apart of that. Spare me your words Aro. You let her die because she didn't fit your goals. You never even consulted us, this decision, and rightly so, was on you. You knew for months where this was going and you made your choice!" Aro scoffed. "You make it sound so easy. Then again, when have you ever made a difficult decision in your life Marcus?" Aro responded icily. "I loved (Y/N) with everything I had and my decision to let her go was not easy. If you cared so much then you wouldn't have sat there for all those months knowing she'd die!" Marcus was immediately on his feet, standing feet away from Aro. "I watched that girl die. You should have been where I was standing. I told her she had a healthy son and my face was the last thing she saw and it should have been you! Furthermore, I was by her side as she gave birth because you weren't there!" Aro snarled before Caius intervened. "Enough!" Caius snapped, stepping in between the two men. "We all knew this would happen. What we didn't know was that Aro would grow attached. Now let me make myself quite clear." Caius began coldly. "(Y/N) died loved and appreciated by Aro and held many of the guards hearts. She was wonderful and she died. We all know that many women have died in childbirth in our time. She brought Archelaus into this world and passed away. Before she could suffer, I killed her. She felt nothing and wasn't alone! We cannot and will not destroy ourselves with the 'what ifs'. We all did what we did and now we live with it because that boy needs it. He is what matters now!" The situation de-escalated greatly after this but Caius continued. "Aro, I understand you are in pain and Marcus is the only one here that knows that pain. So why don't you be help one another with that pain and not use it to tear each other apart?" Marcus and Aro stared at each other before they both back down in unison. "Make me the mediator one more time and I kill you both." Caius growled. "Honestly...see the gift (Y/N) gave you both. Memories, a son and a nephew. Could you even fathom what she'd be thinking right now seeing you both like this!?" 
When night had fallen, Archelaus was taken to bed with his usual nightly routine. Renata was the one who took him to bed this particular night. The guard took turns and later Aro himself would check in on him. As usual Aro received a good report that Archelaus was in bed which left Aro a couple of free hours before he checked in. He spent those hours properly patching things up with Marcus, the two understanding each other by the time he was done. Thankfully the two were able and willing to overlook the incident. 
Aro couldn't help but frown slightly. It was in the middle of the night, the lights were off in many of the rooms down the wing where Klaus stayed. It was to help him sleep, even the lights for the hall were off. It helped the illusion that everyone was asleep at the same time he was. Even though it wasn't necessary, Aro figured it may appeal to his human side. 
However, instead of sleeping he wasn't even in that wing. Aro found his son on the floor below his room in one of the many rooms that had a TV in it. Aro figured his son was sneaking in some TV time or playing when regardless he should have been asleep in bed. However Aro stopped, before reaching the doorway, hiding in the shadows and out of sight. 
His son giggled again, arms stretched out at nothing and grinning up at something Aro couldn't see.  A excited squeal escaped his son and Aro blinked. Suddenly, his son was no longer alone. Someone lifted him into the air, spinning him before setting him down before spinning with him. That someone looking an awful lot like you. "I'll always love you." Aro heard your voice whisper with an echo. Aro blinked again and suddenly you were gone, his sons giggling dying down. It seemed he could no longer see you either, hands dropping to his sides. 
Aro moved closer unable to really pinpoint an emotion, many swirling and battling for the spotlight. His son turned to look at Aro and fully expected to get a scolding at the very least, however it never came. Aro slowly entered the room, barely making a sound and sparing a glance to the empty space you were previously in. Aro looked down at him with a soft expression. "Was that your mother?" He asked quietly. Klaus looked nervous, looking down at his hands. "It's alright Archelaus, I saw it too." Aro explained. "I miss her sometimes." Klaus finally spoke. "When I think of her, after a while, she comes to see me." "Oh?" Aro tilted his head. Klaus continued. "I mean, I know it's not really her. I like to pretend she's here and if I'm patient, she's comes to see me." "Can you show me?" Aro asked holding out his hand. 
Klaus slowly put his hand in Aro's. He was right, this wasn't the first time. He remembered what you looked like, his imagination doing the rest of the work. Whenever he found himself thinking of her, longing for her presence. She'd come to see her son. Of course it became very apparent this was simply his impression of her, Klaus' imagination building the pieces to replicate his mother as best as he could along with what he hoped she'd be like. 
"I'm sorry I got out of bed, father." Klaus said quietly. "That's alright little one." Aro said, unable to punish his son after discovering his son's gift. "We'll take you back to bed." Before leading his son away, he pulled his son into him, bending ever so slightly to hold his son closer. 
Aro had always wondered how his son dealt with topic of his mother although could never bring himself to venture into his son's thoughts for you. However, he held comfort in knowing that his son had found peace and comfort to cope with your passing. He had no doubt that his son would have questions about why you weren't saved when he grew up but he could live with that. He could live with the spare time, your son had unknowingly given him.
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thearvariblues · 3 years
A Valentine’s Day Non-Date (AKA Lambert Was Fucking Right)
Because it’s Valentine’s Day and even though I definitely don’t celebrate it, I still got this funny little idea that simply refused to go away until I write it down. So... Yeah. Enjoy the Witcher boys and their Valentine’s Day non-date!
“It’s just… So unfair!” Jaskier whines, downing his glass of wine and holding it out to be refilled.
“Yeah, I know. I know,” Geralt murmurs, turns the bottle upside down and frowns confusedly when only a drop falls out. “Fuck. Are we out again?”
“Looks like it,” Jaskier nods solemnly. “Ugh, it’s probably for the best. I think I’m a little drunk, Geralt.”
“No shit,” Geralt chuckles.
“You don’t understand. I’m just… I’m a very romantic person, you know?”
“I wouldn’t exactly call it romantic–”
“But I am! And it’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow and I’m not gonna have a date for the first time in years!”
“Good. Valentine’s Day is bullshit, anyway,” Geralt mutters. “That’s your biggest problem?”
“Is it not enough?!”
“Boo fucking hoo. Look at me. I’m single too, you know?”
“Trust me, I know.”
“Good. Because I am! I’m almost forty, I got a divorce last year, and I’m so fucking broke I can’t even get my own apartment and have to have a thirty-year-old–”
“Excuse me? I’m twenty-nine, you asshole, I’m nowhere near being a coffin dodger like you, thank you very much!”
“Yeah, whatever. When’s your birthday again? I’ll buy you a cane.”
“See? I’m single and old! I’ll spend the rest of my life all alone, die alone and then I’m gonna be eaten by my cats.”
“You don’t have a cat.”
“I will. Because I’m gonna turn into a little old cat lady!”
“I wouldn’t worry about it, because I won’t be able to afford an apartment on my own anytime soon,” Geralt laughs. “I’m just gonna keep living with a twenty-nine-year-old roommate who plays in a semi-famous local band, fucks everything that moves, steals my gaming laptop to play Sims and serenades my ass when he’s bored.”
“It’s a gorgeous ass,” Jaskier smiles dreamily. “So perfectly round and firm…”
“Oh, fuck off, Jask,” Geralt chuckles.
“You know what we should do tomorrow?” Jaskier frowns, thinking. “We should go on a non-date together!”
“Non-date! Like a date, but like… as friends. Because we are. Friends.”
“You wanna go on a date that’s not a date… On Valentine’s Day.”
“You said it was bullshit, didn’t you? So what’s a bigger fuck you to the day than going for a friendly dinner with your roommate slash friend?”
Geralt sighs, closing his eyes. The world is beginning to spin a little.
“Just for the record, if I refuse to go,” he mutters, “are you gonna spend the whole evening drinking, crying, listening to terrible pop love songs and, well, being all miserable?”
“Probably, yeah.”
“Oh, whatever. I’m in.”
Geralt opens is eyes just in time to see Jaskier grinning at him.
“Are you? Oh, Geralt! I promise it’s gonna be the best non-date you’ve ever been on!”
And then Jaskier wraps his arms around Geralt and kisses him on the cheek and Geralt knows he’s just made a horrible mistake.
“You,” Lambert says when he finally stops laughing, “are a fucking idiot, Wolf.”
“I know,” Geralt sighs, hiding his face in his hands. “It’s a horrible idea.”
“What, to go on a date–”
“A non-date.”
“Even worse. To go on a non-date with a roommate you’ve been madly in love with for the past eight months, on a fucking Valentine’s, knowing he’s not even gonna fuck you when you get back home – because, let’s face it, getting laid is the reason why people really go to those pretentious dinners… That’s incredibly stupid even for you!”
“You’re right. I’ll just cancel it.”
“What? Why?”
“Because it’s stupid!”
“It is, but you can’t do that to poor Jaskier, can you? And who knows, maybe you will get laid in the end.”
“That’s bullshit, Lambert,” Geralt sighs.
“Is it? I don’t know. He likes sex, doesn’t he?”
“Yes, but he’s my roommate, for fuck’s sake!” Geralt shakes his head. “What about you? How are you spending Valentine’s Day?”
“Oh, we’re gonna stay at home. Aiden’s bought a new strap and he refuses to show me, so there’s no way in hell I’m gonna wait for a whole fucking dinner.”
“Patience is a virtue, you know?” Geralt chuckles just as Lambert’s boyfriend places two cups of coffee on the coffee table in front of them. “Thanks, Aiden.”
“You’re welcome,” Aiden smiles. “And don’t listen to the asshole. He’s the one who started it. He said he bought me something special for Valentine’s Day and then he refused to tell me what it was. This is just a little revenge.”
“What did you buy?” Geralt asks, turning to Lambert.
“An engagement ring,” Lambert shrugs, smiling.
“See?” Aiden smirks. “Every time I ask him, he just thinks of another stupid thing he could give me. I’ve heard like fifty of those already, from lace lingerie to a puppy. This one’s probably the best yet, though. As if you’d ever propose, you bitch.”
He slaps Lambert on the head playfully and returns to the kitchen.
Geralt raises an eyebrow questioningly and taps his left ring finger.
Lambert smiles and nods.
For real? Geralt mouths silently.
Lambert just nods again.
“Well, fuck,” Geralt chuckles.
“Yeah, well. At least one of us is gonna get laid tonight, right?” Lambert laughs.
“What are you wearing, anyway?” Aiden asks, coming back with his own cup of coffee.
“Oh, you know, the usual. It’s not a date, remember?” Geralt shrugs.
“So, black jeans, black shirt, that wolf medallion of yours… Poor Jaskier,” Aiden nods.
“More like poor me,” Geralt sighs. “I don’t even want to know what he is going to wear…”
The answer is purple jeans, white shirt, a dark grey waistcoat, an excessive amount of silver rings… and dark red lipstick.
Geralt nearly faints when he sees Jaskier for the first time, and then every single time he looks at him.
Jaskier looks simply beautiful, more beautiful than Geralt has ever seen him, and Geralt simply cannot take it. It wasn’t just a stupid idea, it was a completely idiotic idea, and the only thing that keeps him from running away is the fact that he’s doing it to keep Jaskier from being sad.
He’s near oblivious to everything that happens during the dinner except the parts which directly involve Jaskier. That’s why he, when asked later, has no idea what he was even eating but can easily describe the way a stray drop of red wine stained Jaskier’s lower lip.
No matter what he tries to tell himself, it’s not a dinner between two friends – at least for him it isn’t. It’s a date. The only date he will ever have with Jaskier, probably.
And perhaps that’s the reason why, when the door of their apartment closes behind them and Jaskier smiles at him and thanks him for the dinner and says that it was the loveliest evening he’s had in months, Geralt does the one unthinkable thing he just can’t stop thinking of – he grabs the back of Jaskier neck to bring him closer and then simply kisses him.
He feels Jaskier hesitate and he’s nearly sure he’s royally fucked up just now, but then Jaskier sighs and wraps his arms around Geralt and kisses him back…
And that’s the point when Geralt stops thinking at all.
“Well, that was… unexpected,” Jaskier chuckles into Geralt’s hair.
“Mhm,” Geralt smiles and snuggles up closer to him. He feels light-headed, perfectly fucked out, content… happy.
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to do this?” Jaskier continues, his fingers drawing lazy circles on Geralt’s skin. “Melitele’s tits, it was even better than I imagined.”
That makes Geralt lift his head and look into Jaskier’s eyes.
“You imagined it?” he asks.
“You really have no idea how hot you are, do you?” Jaskier laughs. “Oh, Geralt. The serenades to your ass were no joke. I just never thought you’d be interested.”
“Interested? Jaskier, I’ve been in love with you since… Fuck,” Geralt whines and buries his head in Jaskier’s shoulder. “Forget I said that. Please, forget I said that.”
“Never,” Jaskier says, wrapping his arms around Geralt. “I love you too, you big moron.”
“Oh, indeed,” Jaskier murmurs as Geralt lifts his head again.
“So…” Geralt says, licking his lips. “I guess it’s safe to say the non-date didn’t go very well, did it?”
“Quite the opposite, dear heart,” Jaskier grins. “I’d say it went splendidly.”
“I thought the point of a non-date was to have a nice dinner and stay… friends.”
“But you are still my friend, Geralt. My best friend,” Jaskier smiles and runs his fingers through Geralt’s white hair. “You just happen to be my lover now, too.”
“Does that mean you’re gonna be serenading me much more often from now on?”
Geralt chuckles, pressing his lips against Jaskier’s.
“All right. I guess I can live with that…”
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hepaidattention · 3 years
hi I’m going to list off my favorite emotional scenes in Teen Wolf that made me stop and think “oh my god - I thought this was just a campy teen drama.” Don’t mind me. (Not in a particular order.)
1) When Stiles thinks he has the same type of dementia that his mom had, and him and Scott hug each other before he has his CAT scan, and he just sobs as he holds his best friend. That scene WRECKED me and I will never get over it. It, in my opinion, was the most emotional scene in the entire show because it wasn’t about anything supernatural or mystical. It was a real issue that people have to face every single day. 
2) In s3, again when Stiles is mentally fighting the nogitsune and hasn’t slept in weeks. He goes to Scott’s mom for help, because that’s who he has for a mother figure. He needs someone to take care of him and he knows she always will. He breaks down in front of her, terrified over what’s happening to him, and she makes him sleep with a sedative (in a loving, caring way). He calls her mom as he goes under, and that scene might never leave my heart. Ever.
3) When Aiden dies in his twin brother, Ethan’s, arms. The fact that his last thoughts were that he still was going to die as the villain, even though everyone knew he was redeemed as a hero. Ethan and Aiden were never my favorite characters, but his death was so immensely sad and it was too much for me. He was just a kid.
4) The entire episode of Motel California. Isaac literally having to relive his childhood trauma - like what the actual heck? And of course, the scene when Stiles not only tries to talk Scott out of suicide, but then tells him if he’s going to kill himself then Stiles is going to die with him. AND THEN HE STEPS INTO THE GASOLINE. I literally ... I can’t. The relationship between Stiles and Scott might be the most wholesome friendship in any show I’ve ever seen.
5) When the Sherriff refused to let Stiles admit himself into Eichen House and uses the excuse that Stiles needed his pillow because he couldn’t sleep without it. Then, as he’s near tears fighting his son, telling him he couldn’t live with himself if he left him there without his pillow because he wouldn’t ever sleep, Stiles just looks at him and says, “Dad, I haven’t slept in days.” I think Stiles and his dad are my second favorite relationship in that show. There’s nothing compared to their father/son bond. 
6) When no one will believe Lydia that Stiles is real in s6 and she breaks down outside of where his door should be. What hurts me the most from this was that Stiles ALWAYS believed in her. It didn’t matter if she had zero proof, he always believed her and always convinced everyone else to believe her. If no one went along with it, Stiles always did. But when he was gone, she had no one to believe her, and no one to help her find him. Lydia always went to Stiles when she needed his help, and in many scenes she’s at his door for his help. This scene killed me because it reflected how she needed him, she came to his door, but it wasn’t there anymore and the way she broke down against the wall made ME break down. 
7) When the Sherriff remembers Stiles in s6 and his wife has to “die” in order for him to fully remember. Just. That’s it. There’s no other words to say. It was a BEAUTIFUL scene and I... I can’t. 
8) In s3b when Stiles has the nightmare within a nightmare within a nightmare, and when he finally wakes up he’s screaming and panicking and his dad has to come in and hold him down like this wasn’t a new thing. That’s called PTSD guys, and it’s real. This scene killed me. 
9) s3b again, but when Stiles can’t read in class and runs out and has a panic attack in the bathroom. Scott follows him and Stiles is insisting that its a dream, and Scott has to talk him through that panic attack as well as showing him he’s really awake. The realness in this scene just... all of s3b had me crying tbh. 
10) When Stiles has a panic attack in s3a. I swear this show got so real sometimes. They dealt with panic attack's a lot in the show and I appreciated it so much because YES. Teenagers going through this crap WOULD have panic attacks. I mean heck I have panic attacks without my friends and family all almost dying on a regular basis. It was so so sad and it just broke my heart for him.
11) in s6, when Stiles is being erased and he runs to his dad. He goes to him terrified of what’s happening and he hugs him and is frantically explaining and his dad asks him what his name is. That scene hurts. Stiles not being remembered by his dad is crushing, and it really hit me that he was really being taken. Seeing the realization on Stiles’ face is heartbreaking. 
12) When Stiles is about to be taken in s6 and tells Lydia she’s going to forget him and she says “I won’t” and he just says, “Lydia, you will,” but she still refuses to believe it. Then once he’s taken, she sits there and says “remember, remember” and the next scene Scott and Malia ask her what she’s forgetting and she says she can’t remember. 
13) When Lydia walks to and waits by Stiles locker in s6a after he’s been taken, and she doesn’t know who’s she’s waiting for, she just knows she’s supposed to meet someone there.
14) When Lydia realizes/remembers she never once told Stiles she loved him.
15) When Lydia stays with Stiles even though she knows Allison is about to die, and then can sense her death and sobs as she lays on an unconscious Stiles for comfort. Lydia goes through hell in s3b and I don’t think we realize it enough. She not only was emotionally tied to Stiles and had to not only watch but feel the pain he was going through with the nogitsune, but she knew Allison was going to die and knew there was nothing she could do about it. 
16) s3a when Lydia can feel what’s happening to Stiles but she can’t do anything about it so she just cries and banshee screams in her car. 
17) When Isaac has a breakdown in Argent’s arms after Allison’s death.
18) The entire backstory of Isaac. Like. Guys he was so abused that poor boy deserved so much better. His goodbye made me mad - we got so attached to him and then he just left and never came back. 
19) in s5 when they save Lydia from Eichen House but they think she’s dead, and Stiles begs her to open her eyes. I literally hold my breath every time I watch that scene. The tears in Stiles’ eyes, his broken expression, Scott and Deaton looking at Stiles like they don’t know how to handle Stiles if she’s dead, it’s... it’s so much emotion. And the relief on everyone’s face when she finally breathes. Just... damn. 
20) The entirety of Stiles dealing with the death of Donovan. I can hardly get through s5 because I can’t stand to watch the pain Stiles go through the entire season. He is emotionally tortured the whole time, and it’s not like is s3 when its a supernatural force - it’s his own darkness being used against him. He almost loses his dad, he almost loses Lydia countless of times, Scott (his BEST FRIEND, the guy he calls BROTHER) loses trust in him, and he has to live with the death of Donovan on his conscience with literally no support. Stiles was always, like Lydia, right about just about everything. Yet, no one ever picked his side - which left him having to fight his demons, AGAIN, alone. 
I’m gonna leave it there at 20. However, I could go on for hours. This show man - how is it one of the campiest, yet funniest, yet most emotional shows I’ve watched in a really long time? 
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on-a-lucky-tide · 4 years
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The vets’ take Jaskier on a skydive. He gets an unexpected surprise...
It all started with a conversation while watching Rugby in the flat.  Lambert came out with it randomly. “You know, I was one away from my hundredth jump,” he murmured as he watched the Wasps run in yet another fucking try. He was never going to hear the end of this one. 
“Huh,” Eskel was grinning like a mad thing around his beer, practically bouncing in his seat and Geralt blinked awake from his doze. “That’s a shame. We usually throw a party in the barracks for your hundredth.”
“Yeah, and then chuck me in the lake on base, I heard,” Lambert smirked, but the mirth didn’t reach his eyes. “Shame the last one we did together was so, uh… hm, yeah.” 
Jaskier, who’d lost interest in his book about an hour ago anyway, chirped up. “Well, why don’t we do one together?”
“What?” Said in unison by three perplexed voices.
“Well, I know Aiden doesn’t like heights, but I don’t mind them, and maybe we could all, you know, do a skydive? There are loads of places. I saw an advert in a shop window the other day, randomly.”
So there it was. Jaskier talked himself into yet another hair-brained scheme that he really didn’t think through properly. He was correct in assuming Aiden would not be joining them. At the mere mention of jumping out of a plane at several thousand feet, he turned very grey. 
They booked it for four—the kids were all still too young—and before he knew it, Jaskier was ascending in a very old plane strapped to Eskel’s chest and feeling like a complete moron for even opening his idiot mouth. Who did he think he was? Eddie the Eagle? Wait—wasn’t he the skiing guy? What on Earth—oh, dear lord, do not look down, do not look down.
The green plains of the Great Sceptred Isle shrunk beneath him as his ears popped and his stomach lurched. The moment he cleared his throat crackled through the headset. “Can you—how many times have you done this—?”
“This will be one hundred and eighty-three, I think,” Eskel replied through the comms, and Jaskier felt the comforting weight of a big arm wrap around him. “It’s alright, Jaskier. We did this for a living.”
“Y—yes, I know, but I don’t have wings, Eskel, so I’m rather reliant on a bit of string and a parachute to stop me from becoming—,” he trailed off. Didn’t want to think about it. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He was too young to die.
“Chill out, buttercup,” Lambert chirped, giving him a little wave from near the door. “This isn’t even that high. Not a lot of free falling before you yank the cord.”
“The AAD’s on, Jaskier,” Geralt stepped up to him now, one gloved hand slipping below his chin to tilt his head up. “So even if Eskel falls unconscious, the parachute will still deploy automatically at a minimum altitude.”
“Unconscious?” Jaskier squeaked. Oh—this was just getting better and better. Geralt wandered off to the instructor to discuss something called the ‘uppers’. Based on what he heard, Jaskier assumed this was… the wind? Could the wind be wrong?
“Don’t forget to shout Geronimo,” Eskel was fiddling with some straps and Jaskier felt completely weightless when he stood up; they’d decided Eskel was the safest bet because there was plenty for Jaskier to hold onto. He was also the most experienced with carrying heavy weight during a dive because of his communications specialism. Jaskier didn’t relish being hauled around like a giant radio receiver.
“Why Geronimo?”
“It’s tradition,” Lambert’s hand was resting on the door handle—it was resting on the door handle and Jaskier felt his heart leap into his throat. “Originated with the yankees in the forties. There are like three different stories about it. Dunno’ why we started doing it though.”
“Joint operations in Iraq,” Geralt murmured, and then the jumpmaster stepped by Lambert and yanked the side door open. The cold air rushed in and knocked the breath out of Jaskier’s chest. There were clouds below them. He was going to fall through clouds. Were they fluff—? No, of course they weren’t! And neither was the ground, which was definitely very, very hard. He didn’t hear the instruction from the jumpmaster, but he did see Lambert do a backflip out of the door and disappear below the plane. Then Eskel stepped up…
“No, no, Eskel, I’ve changed my mind, I’m—can we stay in the plane?” Jaskier shook in the harness as he gazed down at the expanse of Kentish countryside below. Endless ground for him to splatter over.
Eskel and Geralt exchanged a look, and then he could feel Eskel’s lips against his ear. He nudged the headset out of the way, and his low voice rumbled to Jaskier’s heart. “Do you trust me?”
“Yes,” Jaskier squeaked without hesitation, but his feet were currently dangling over the abyss.
“You know I won’t let you go.”
“So, we’re going to jump together, aren’t we?”
“Right,” Eskel replaced the headset then, checked a strap and fell out of the plane. Jaskier might’ve screamed. It certainly wasn’t the most dignified sound he’d ever made in his life. But the wind swallowed it, and suddenly he was… falling. No. It didn’t feel like falling. It felt like floating. He opened his eyes and could see Lambert cartwheeling through the air; he’d stretched out to slow his descent and allow them to catch up, and was now messing around with backflips and twirls. Jaskier could hear his whoops and cheers through the wind noise.
Jaskier’s body relaxed in the harness, and he felt Eskel nuzzle into his hair, his broad chest Jaskier’s anchor even though they were thousands of feet above the Earth. 
Geralt joined them. Jaskier chuckled when his wolf grabbed Lambert by the ankle and flung him into a spiral; Lambert growled as he snagged on Gerat’s arm after several forced twirls—”Asshole!” 
“Mm,” Geralt grinned and spread his limbs. The wind resistance carried him above Eskel, and he arched until he was upside down, hands hooking through the straps of the parachute on Eskel’s shoulders. Jaskier watched them kiss as the wind howled by. Geralt’s hair was tied back, but Eskel’s hair was loose and tickled over Geralt’s angular jaw as their mouths worked together. Then it was Jaskier’s turn. Have you ever kissed someone at thirty million feet*, dear reader? It’s quite something. He gasped, but the wind snatched it. 
*an exaggeration; stressed.
There was an ethereal quality to Geralt’s lips; they were cold on the surface, but held the residual warmth of Eskel’s mouth. The brush of his tongue slowed time, and suddenly all that existed in Jaskier’s mind were the two men wrapped around him. His beautiful, strapping Bear kept him tucked safely against his chest and his wondrous, gorgeous Wolf removed the fear. Jaskier’s eyes were watering when Geralt pulled away, but not because of the wind. 
Geralt adjusted again, pulling himself down until they were facing each other at the same angle. They span around in the air; untethered, but bound together. Geralt reached into his flight suit, fiddling a little with the press of the strap, and pulled out a small velvet box. His legs braced against Eskel’s, he carefully opened the lid before Jaskier’s eyes to reveal a platinum ring with three gems in the surface, two blue sapphires on either side of a rich, honey coloured stone Jaskier couldn’t identify. He couldn’t breathe again. This time it wasn’t the wind, or the falling, or the fear.
His heart had a stranglehold on his throat, and he couldn’t believe it until Geralt adjusted his microphone. “Jaskier, will you marry us?”
Hot tears spilled from his eyes, whipped away immediately by the rush of air by their faces and probably ending up in Eskel’s mouth. This wasn’t how he’d imagined being proposed to, or in fact, had he expected to be doing the proposing? Perhaps a nice dinner, with fine wine and a violin playing in the background, but he realised instantly that this was perfect. Because being with Eskel and Geralt wasn’t a standard romance. Nothing about them fit the definition at all. And that’s what Jaskier loved about them. About everything they shared. They were uniquely beautiful in every way.
“Jaskier?” Eskel crackled through the comms, because they were getting dangerously close to having to pull the ‘chute and Eskel clearly thought he’d fallen unconscious.
“Yes,” Jaskier blurted out. “Yes, I want to—I want to marry you. Both of you.”
He could see the smile split Geralt’s face in half as he tugged Jaskier’s glove free long enough to slide the ring into place. With a final kiss placed on Jaskier’s nose, Geralt pushed away and met Lambert’s waiting hand. Jaskier heard the muffled ‘congratulations’ seconds before a loud rustle crowded everything else. They were jerked upwards violently; Eskel had deployed the parachute. 
As their descent slowed and the ground approached at a much slower rate, Jaskier could finally breathe. He looked out over the pathwork of green and brown dotted with buildings, and tilted his head back against Eskel’s chest with a grateful sigh. This. This was better. “I can’t believe you used to do this willingly. “
“Hmm, you get used to it,” Eskel replied; they were crabbing due to a crosswind and he was having to wrestle with the parachute to keep their trajectory relatively stable. “When we land, ask Lambert about the time he had a Vindaloo the night before. I couldn’t eat curry for at least a year after.”
“You know, Eskel, this was romantic until that exact moment.”
“Oh, sorry, hmm. How about some poetry?” he paused. “When you are old and grey and full of sleep, and nodding by the fire, take down this book, and slowly read, and dream of the soft look your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep. How many loved your moments of glad grace, and loved your beauty with love false or true, but one man loved the pilgrim soul in you.”
“Hang on, hang on, don’t tell me,” Jaskier squinted at the horizon. “It’s on the tip of my tongue…” Eskel was practically vibrating with the desire to tell him. “Oh, go on then.”
“Yeats,” Eskel was steering them into an empty field. “Brace yourself. Sorry if I fall over, I haven’t done this in years.” Considering he was holding up a whole other person, Eskel did quite well with the landing. He ended up running several metres to use up the momentum, and detached the parachute as it continued to billow and tug in the wind. Once Jaskier was free of the harness, he turned to gather up the loose cord and canvas, with Lambert and Geralt touching down softly around them.
“Wooh!” Lambert bounced. “Fuck yeah. One hundred.”
“Does it really count if it’s not operational?” Geralt wrapped his arm around Jaskier’s shoulders as he undid his flight suit in search of his phone.
“Geralt, there was airtime, a plane, look at this parachute, it counts, don’t take this from me,” Lambert growled.
“We’ll have to find a lake on the way home,” Eskel smirked. The jumpmaster landed next and waved at a van waiting for them at the edge of the field. It’d take them ‘back to base’ for debrief. But Geralt wasn’t ready to leave yet. He was ringing someone on FaceTime…
“Dad!” Ciri’s face popped up on the screen, with Yen just behind, nursing a cup of something warm. “Mum and I’ve been waiting for ages. How’d it go? What did he say?” 
Jaskier, who was currently offscreen, grinned, tugged his glove off with his teeth and proffered his left hand for Ciri’s inspection.
“Eeeee! Yes! Congratulations; mum, mum, look, he said yes,” Ciri bounced in her chair and angled the screen towards Yen, who smiled.
“Congratulations. I suppose this means a trip across to Europe for the wedding, hm?”
“We’ll figure it out. We need to pack up,  so I’ll call you later. Wanted to let you know straight away though.” Geralt nodded, his face alight with the softest smile. His two main girls each blew him a kiss and the line went dead. With a final kiss pressed into Jaskier’s hair, Geralt strolled over to Eskel and grabbed his chin. “Did I do well?”
Eskel grinned, head resting against Geralt’s as he was drawn forward. “Perfectly.”
“Hm,” Geralt pecked his nose, then turned to help pack away the equipment into the van now it’d arrived.
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