#I really hate that they choose to promote season two in that way
andrromedas · 26 days
I need to stay on Twitter to keep up to date with all the news, but how much I sometimes hate this platform and the people who’s there... this hate towards Freya and Owen because of their "team ape/team people" comments is simply disgusting. People are such narcissists. Can't they have their own opinions? They didn’t say anything problematic, but everyone laughed at them, saying “that’s what happens when actors talk about something other than their work” GO AWAY FROM THEM, GET A JOB!!!
Don’t you hate people? I do. As Freya said: sometimes we get together that’s cool and seems optimistic, but in the end we ruin everything. The worsts living creatures on Earth I’m not kidding, LOOK AT THE OCEANS, WARS, FORESTS, ANIMAL TESTS, POACHERS, etc.
I stand with my children!!!
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bbbuckaroo · 20 days
Do you feeling the network, actors or crew members should speak up about the hate between the two ships?
More specifically like Ryan and Oliver? Since they are constantly posting about the Eddie ship. How Oliver only mention the buck/tommy relationship in interviews but never posts about them unlike how he posted Eddie content at least once a week.
The cast and crew are constantly tagged in things so at this point they kinda should have an idea about what is going on.
I personally don’t think they should have to speak up about it, maybe that’s an unpopular opinion but I honestly think they already do so much working their asses off to give us this show. I don’t think they have any obligation to diffuse this kind of drama because it’s just that - drama. I’m not saying what we’re saying isn’t important but at the end of the day, what matters most is them being able to do the job they love and do it well enough to keep it on the air.
I’ve mentioned it before but I don’t think Oliver is doing it to necessarily incite a fandom war. I think he knows how important and pivotal the Buddie FRIENDSHIP is but at the end of the day, he doesn’t want to alienate any fans regardless of their views. I think being on a show like this for so long and having said show be his/their main focus they want to make sure it continues to be the success it is.
Is this queer baiting? I’m personally not queer but I think it’s Oliver promoting a friendship that has been consistent and very accepted throughout the previous seasons. It’s been a successful plot point BUT any of his romantic relationships haven’t been. So he’s not going to be putting all of his effort into any relationship that may not last. I think we all anticipate it will BUT who knows if they’ve even written season eight so who the hell knows what will happen? So as much as he and Lou may want it to, it’s never guaranteed.
Now if we look at Tarlos and how much Ronen and Rafa have done PR for that, that has always been marketed as endgame. I mean when they (SPOILER ALERT) broke up we all knew they were getting back together. Breathe breathe breathe. I think Oliver and Lou could both promote their relationship that way if it lasts at least a season or two.
I definitely believe that at least some of the cast/crew know what’s going on here and other social media accounts. But it could honestly be career suicide to align themselves with one side or the other at this point. I think they are definitely influenced by it to the point of a comfort level promoting things. I may be talking out my ass but I definitely think the overwhelmingly positive comments on the award show reel had something to do with Lou reposting it. Obviously he’s going to promote himself but he had to see the comments and see the positivity vs. it getting taken over by those who shall not be named.
I’m sure the cast have their own opinions and desires and, call me crazy, I think we can mostly tell what they are or have some idea. They can hint and nudge but they really can’t say one way or the other or condemn one side. It sucks but it’s show business and it’s their livelihood which I think is overlooked sometimes. Ryan and Oliver honestly do have the right idea keeping their posts neutral and unbiased. Their friendship is awesome, a true show of healthy male companionship where they can be themselves and not hide their emotions.
Hit you know, god forbid that be a thing without it being a romance. The world needs to see more healthy male friendships and automatically making it romantic (and very sexual) does a disservice to it. But you didn’t hear me from me.
I’m a few margaritas deep, I need to behave myself. Thank you for the ask, I feel like all I do is ramble so I apologize. In closing, I don’t think they owe anyone a statement/choosing a side. We forget this is their JOB and their livelihood. And if we want to keep seeing their beautiful faces online, we need to understand that even though they may feel one way and essentially hint to the point of almost saying it, they have to stay neutral to keep the show going. Most we can do is support them and tell them what we love (not what we hate).
Thank you for the ask, sorry for the book. I think I need to start using bullet points. Y’all are awesome though, I love this discussion. It’s been so positive (thus far). And if it’s not you’re not gonna see it because that shit ain’t worth my time or anyone else’s. Rock on BuckTommy nation.
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rebeccalouisaferguson · 4 months
When I pick up the phone and actress Rebecca Ferguson greets me with a cheery “hello,” she sounds completely at ease. She doesn’t sound at all like a woman who’s been flying across the world to promote her new blockbuster film, Dune: Part Two, all the while spending six days a week shooting the second season of her critically-acclaimed Apple TV+ dystopian drama, Silo. Of course, I realize not too long into our conversation that this is in part because Ferguson is quite amiable. I also learn that there's also a small part of her that chooses to embrace the chaos.
While discussing her look for the final Dune: Part Two premiere in New York, she recounts the story of when she arrived in the Big Apple, much of the outfit was thrown together last minute. While talking about her hair (courtesy of hairstylist Blake Eric) Ferguson says, “We were running late, so he was running after me with the scissors whilst clapping and chopping into it. I love all of the chaos.”
It’s hard to imagine this comically haphazard image when you take a look at the killer result. For the red carpet, Ferguson and her stylist, Tom Eerebout, chose a gothic ensemble from Olivier Theyskens that featured a black bodysuit layered under a sheer cape gown with alternating panels of frilly lace and fishnets. Ferguson accessorized with a pair of glossy black thigh-high boots and stacks of dog chains, which her husband, Rory St. Clair Gainer, actually picked up at a local pet store. Meanwhile, her ombré locks, which extended all the way to her hips, added a dramatic final touch, as did her bright red lip and dark eye makeup. The ensemble screamed ’80s dark glamour, and Ferguson herself jokingly referred to it as “Madonna on crack.”
The Dune star was full of jokes during our chat, which helped paint a clearer picture as to how such a playful look came together. “I'm more Gothic. I'm edgy. I'm Scandi,” she says. “I'm not fluffy and, you know, bride-like. That’s just not me.”
The Dune: Part Two press tour has been full of bold showings, from Zendaya’s Stéphane Rolland dress with the pointed-pronged cutout to Florence Pugh’s side boob moment in her backless Valentino gown. However, none of the looks have been quite like this, and you can sense how free Ferguson felt in the ensemble.
“I think for me it was quite nice at the end here to be able to just break loose and think, No, f*ck it,” Ferguson says. “I'm going to go completely rogue and communicate something completely different. You know, [having the] freedom and the platform to do so.”
The stars of Dune: Part Two have certainly been breaking free with their red carpet choices, and it’s been a sight to behold. Ferguson notes that she’s surrounded by fashion showstoppers who shine just as bright even when they’re on their own. “You know, [you] can take everyone individually out, and they would [still] absolutely rocket,” she says.
But Ferguson, who plays Lady Jessica in the Dune series, certainly stands out on her own as well—and the New York premiere look was one of her most personal outfits yet. It’s clear that spur of the moment decisions can sometimes turn out for the best. “We literally just have fun, and sometimes you mess it up,” she tells me. “You know, everything isn't perfect.”
When I tell her that I did in fact love the look, she says that she's happy to hear it. But she adds, “It doesn't really matter as well because some people will like it. Some people won't like it. Some people will think it looks absolutely crazy and masquerades...but that's what's fun. The times that I kind of didn't really see myself because I was a little bit of a beige hideaway. That's not interesting. We're selling a movie...We're making fun for people to talk about and gossip about and hate and love. And, you know, that's what fashion is.”
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loveislandthegame · 30 days
Is it possible to choose whether we want to have a rivals to lovers relationship with Liam or with Sienna. Is it possible to kiss Hazel? Where are Felicity and Rachel? The writers came up with the stupid podcast concept to give hetero players a new male LI but sapphics only get two options to pick from? From what I have heard MC is forced to kiss a man no matter what answers we give. 
There are ten male LIs. Sapphics aren't even an afterthought. I will burst into flames if the company makes a Pride post on their socials to promote their game. I want the Fusebox superfans who keep saying that the writers can't find a way to add more female LIs during the season because the show is heteronormative to explain to me why they can't add new female LIs once the show is over and everyone is hooking up with everyone. 
Please don't tell me that one kiss with Hazel would have been a disastrous waste of money. Het players get to romance every trashy man under the sun but sapphics can't choose which character we want to romance. Liam has a threesome with Bea and Hazel. Why would any woman with an ounce of self respect throw herself at the man who took advantage of her trust. Sapphics can't even have one kiss with the girl that we find the most attractive once the season is over? This has to be some sick incel revenge fantasy. The writers must really hate women to turn all the female characters into delusional playthings for the boys. There's no other explanation. There was not a single real female friendship. Everything about this reunion volume was disgusting. I'm surprised the story doesn't end up with polar bear jumping out of the bushes and mauling all the female characters. It'd have made just as much sense as Bea and Hazel fulfilling all of Liam's white boy fantasies. Because women of color are once again written to be toys for the sexist white man to entertain himself with before he confesses his feelings for the main character
we have the exact same thoughts ! this season bothered me for so many different reasons, i was gonna make a final thoughts post but i couldn't articulate it right (and rlly just didn't want to waste time on overthinking this shit lol) the main thing is i'm getting the vibe that someone involved with litg is ... idk, an incel with some sort of fetish for women being humiliated. genuinely wtf is up with all the season 5 islander sexcapades being shoehorned into the plot ??? 🙃
(and for real, there could've easily been a scene where liam & sienna both approach MC, the player chooses one to have a platonic convo with, & then get the "enemies to lovers" proposition if you choose to flirt with them first. i personally wouldn't have picked sienna over clauds, but it would've been nice to actually have choices in an interactive story game. unfortunately that's too much to ask for, since FB fired everyone that actually knew how to code) one could argue it'd make no sense for sienna to be an LI since she had no character development, but shit, neither did liam
and i have no idea why felicity wasn't there, in fact, i don't think she was even mentioned ? not bothering to create sprites for the other off-screen islanders is one thing, but she has a sprite. the two casa guys who didn't make it to the villa still showed up, so there's no reason why she couldn't have . it's just one of those things that further show that FB put zero thought into this reunion. the plot was all over the place and there's so many problems that it'd be impossible to list them all in one post. if bella's sprite wasn't in the files ahead of time i would've been convinced FB created this pile of shit the literal day before it was released
indeed, you're forced to kiss a guy during the game (it's already ridiculous enough that we were forced to play that, but if i had to kiss anybody i would've rather kissed hazel than any of the dudes...) i've read some people say that wlw players were "lucky" that we didn't get the liam conversation where you're forced to pick a guy (it's because bea is automatically the secondary LI) but we really aren't ... there was a point where i considered just sticking with jin so i could play the game without bursting a blood vessel. i know that loyal OG LI romancers had a miserable time as well, but on a claudia route your relationship is constantly belittled, disrespected, & worst of all centered around the guys you both used to be with. even at the damn reunion
i believe the threesome was with sienna? but i'd rather eat gravel than do a replay to confirm that. either way, your point about hazel and bea being reduced to objects for a white dude is 100% correct, it's so horrible
not to mention if both sienna and hazel are canonically interested in women in some capacity, why the hell were they not LIs? genuinely the only thing this showed me is that FB thinks straight men sexualising sapphic women is acceptable. i will also be bursting into flames if they have the audacity to make a pride post after this (they really didn't learn from the backlash they got from seduction games, that story on the matchmaker app where the canonically hetero MC considers pretending to be bi to "excite" a man 🙄)
i really miss when FB actually wrote multi-faceted characters, literally every single woman this season except (romanced) claudia & bea was "no thoughts head empty," just delusional, mean, goofy as hell, one dimensional, victims of plot induced stupidity, lacking common sense, lacking an understanding of consent. bombastic side eye, criminal offensive side eye
it doesn't help that the game makes it very clear you're "meant to" follow a certain path, and when you don't, it ruins the girls even more. in my playthrough i saved emel because she was sweet and i liked her personality...only for her to immediately become a clone of sophie, to the point that game literally acted like the things that happened to sophie before she was dumped (e.g. getting voted for all the bad categories in that couple challenge) happened to emel . i would say "idk how FB could possibly screw up this badly," but i already know it's because they're creating these seasons in a maximum of four months. hell, i wouldn't be surprised if it was just one singular month. absolutely zero proofreading or quality assurance testing in sight luv
gonna wrap it up here before i start writing a whole novel, but i will say: as a black queer player i'm honestly just sad about how FB continuously fucks up lgbt & poc representation 😪 at the end of the day "it's just a game," and all, but i'm still disappointed. we really deserve better😭
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rainbowsky · 2 years
Hi!!! While I'm really happy with the successful completion of season 5 of SDC, but I came across the clips of 🐢 and 🏍️ fighting with each other & there were staffs removing the red lights from the crowd which kinda made me upset. I know that it's completely fair for the staffs to promote wyb & his team in a show where bjyx related stuff is irrelevant. Anyway I know I should stay away from Twitter it's just bloodbath out there.
A lot of people have written me about this incident, and @accio-victuuri did a post about it as well, which you can find here. I just have a few things to add on this topic.
The question that keeps coming up is, "Should BXG be showing up at GG and DD's events with BXG banners and fan materials?"
To me the question isn't, "Should BXG be there?" the question is, "How should we conduct ourselves in public?"
We have every right to go wherever we want, online or off. We have the right to show our support for GG and DD. What I don't think we have the right to do is make a big spectacle of ourselves, or escalate tense situations in public places or in online spaces.
Here's the thing that I think we always need to keep in mind: we are the fringe group. We are the group that is going to be targeted for bullying and hate. In the eyes of the world at large, we are pervs who ship together real people using crazy theories and tinfoil hat clues. The myths about who we are and what we are about are far more widespread than the realities.
It is the fact that GG and DD are real people that makes our fandom fall under greater scrutiny, and it is why we have to be extra careful about how we behave. These aren't a couple of fictional characters. Everything that we say and do reflects on and has a potential to impact two very real people.
And if we believe they are in a real relationship, that makes it doubly important that we conduct ourselves with extra caution.
Going to an event - even an event that only one of them is present at - with turtle light banners and cute little dolls is totally fine, what isn't fine in my view is to cross over into behavior that might be disruptive. I have said it a thousand times, we should always stay in our own lane.
Solos are going to attack, bully and harass us. It's just the way things are. You've heard me say this a lot in the past - we don't have any control over what other people say, do or think. The only thing we have any control over is how we respond to what other people say, do or think. And if we care about GGDD and the turtle fandom we should always be choosing the response that will lead to peace.
When solos attack us, it is better to take the high road and do what we can to de-escalate the situation. This goes for online or offline.
The friendlier someone is to somebody who is being cruel to them, the nastier the cruel person looks. But as soon as we start behaving nasty back, we start looking just as nasty as the person attacking us.
And let me guarantee you, this is one area where appearances do matter. As I stated before, we are a fringe group. We are going to be targeted. If we look like we are asking for it, we're only making matters worse for ourselves. We are only jeopardizing our own existence as turtles.
If our behavior escalates rather than de-escalates fan wars, then we are generating fan wars that can harm GG and DD, and can jeopardize the turtle fandom.
It's likely that some solos are fully aware of that, and try to actively bait us. Be well aware and simply block and ignore.
As for the claims being made about what happened, and who said what and who did what, and which light banners were removed and which were not - and why, none of it matters. What matters is putting a stop to the fan wars. Or, at the very least, putting a stop to our contribution to the fan wars.
It doesn't matter whether turtles or solos, they were all there representing DD and they embarrassed him, at an event that he was not even supposed to be the focus of. They should all be ashamed of themselves.
Let's not lose sight of the fact that both solos and turtles made a negative spectacle of themselves. No one here comes away with a clean face.
Everybody from both fandoms should be deeply ashamed and humbled right now, not trying to justify themselves.
I see a lot of hand-wringing from people about what so-and-so said or did, or what so-and-so posted on Twitter. We shouldn't be fooling ourselves. Anything posted on Twitter is going to have a high chance of generating conflict. Conflict is a core feature of the culture of Twitter.
Nothing posted about GGDD or about turtles, no matter how benign or even positive, ever fails to draw solo hate and personal attacks toward BXG. Anyone who thinks that kind of BS can be avoided is fooling themselves.
I've been on Twitter, I see the kind of things that solos flock to and attack. They are just as likely to freak out over a cute piece of fan art as they are to freak out over a video showing fans arguing.
As I said before, it doesn't matter what solos do, what matters is how we respond to what they do. We should be blocking, ignoring, and reporting where appropriate.
Their behavior is their own responsibility. Our only focus should be on our own behavior.
I will never understand why people freak out over the fact that solos are saying hateful things about us on Twitter. Their opinions simply don't matter.
Edit: Follow-up post here.
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year
I have never been interested in any kind of managerial position; I'm very happy to just do what I enjoy and know that I'm doing my part to improve projects. Unfortunately, I know that bigger salaries generally only happen alongside promotions. I also know that a resume without a history of promotion/increased responsibility is considered a red flag by employers, and that trying to explain my 'high-visibility positions=high anxiety levels' stance won't exactly do me any favors. (For context, I'm an editor; manager status means choosing content for the whole journal, which means directly impacting the perceived quality/standard of said journal, which is just...so much pressure. It also means more overseer duties and less actual editing, the latter of which is what I really enjoy.)
Any tips on how to reconcile these two things? How do I keep from torpedoing my own salary growth/career while also not "um, sure, thrilled by the opportunity"-ing myself into positions I'm fairly sure would negatively affect my happiness and stress levels? Any advice from the Internet Aunts(TM) would be greatly appreciated.
Hail, fellow editor! I feel your pain re: management tasks taking away from time spent ACTUALLY editing.
I wonder if freelancing or consulting might be more appealing to you given your attitude towards promotions. It's a way to keep your daily tasks limited to what you want to do, AND a way to set your own schedule, workload, and (most importantly) compensation.
I would also suggest having a frank conversation with your supervisor or career mentor about this. This no law against customizing job responsibilities. I have a friend who told me she was up for promotion and actually ended up splitting the job with another internal candidate: one was stronger in project management, the other in development, so they divided and conquered according to their skills.
There are also (to my knowledge, unless the journal you work for is run by the government) not necessarily salary caps for the jobs you're qualified for. Keep asking for raises regularly, even if you're not going out for promotions.
Publishing is such an antiquated business in so many ways (hence why I fucking left), and this might be a place where you can innovate to both your benefit and the company's. If you're ever offered a promotion, speak your honest concerns instead of automatically accepting!
I Hate My Job and I Don't Know How To Leave It: A Confession
Season 2, Episode 4: “Does My Career Have to Define Me? Or Can I Just Clock Out?”
Season 3, Episode 5: “I Really Hate One of My Tasks at Work. Is There a Way To Escape It Without Quitting My Job?” 
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mdhwrites · 1 year
Why I Think The Owl House Got Shortened
I have three theories and literally none of them of them have jack shit to do with the representation. I think people who think The Owl House got cancelled for that haven’t been paying attention to Disney at all, want a reason to hate a corporation that hates them (because this is by no means calling Disney an ally. They’re evil) and ignores that Disney has been using representation as a marketing and distraction tool for YEARS now. Besides, Disney has to approve everything TOH does and they still let the Lumity kiss happen. They still allowed Luz to do her bi presentation at the start of season three. Moscha is blatantly non-binary. These are all good things and all things Disney let through. If Disney hated the show as much as people claim, at least for the representation, NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED. Moving on. These will be in order of what I think is most plausible btw and these are all just theories. Theory 1: Dana pisses some people off with her treatment of S1. The fandom knew REALLY early on that Dana didn’t like the first of Season 1 and that she blamed changes enforced by Disney for it. Mind you, I joined the fandom when S1 was ALL WE HAD. As far as a content creator’s job to promote that which they make, let alone the DIRECTOR of the show, saying “Hey, half of what is out, the first half, is not great,” is kind of a dick move to your own creation. Say that once there’s five seasons, a dedicated fandom, etc. like that? Go right the the fuck ahead. That’s not going to stop most people who are watching the show and half a season in return for nine times that amount in good content is a trade some will make. I would not be surprised if this ended up really annoying some of the people at Disney and eroded trust they had in Dana. That would have made the budget cuts made during Covid easier to choose because you have a show where the creator itself is causing problems in its numbers. Theory 2: Disney decided they’d been lied to and that the show wasn’t what it was pitched as and they didn’t want the new version. So if we go off of the pilot, and the unreleased pilot for that matter, what would be a good description of the thesis of the show? What is the elevator pitch that gets a network to start producing it? For TOH it’s actually pretty simple and you can see why current Disney wanted it. “We want to do a fantasy comedy show where a young girl goes to another world where she learns life lessons and magic. The comedy is predicated mostly on subversion of fantasy tropes.” As Disney has been loving itself some subversion of its own tropes, that’s pretty appealing since it also works well as a kid’s show and Amphibia was also approved. But... How true is that of TOH? Season 1 at least tries to do lessons about morality but more often than not, Luz learns nothing. Or the lessons get muddled because Eda is a terrible person in S1. The comedy also isn’t clever in any way with its subversions and there’s also plenty of fantasy in TOH that is reliant on the excuses and the like of fantasy. It’s really nothing special in that regard even while it mocks fantasy. But the worst part is the magic for Luz. The Intruder and Adventure in the Elements aren’t bad but one DOESN’T have a lesson for Luz and if it does, the other uses similar mistakes she made in The Intruder to cause the problems that happen. Also nothing really comes of “There’s magic everywhere” in that episode so there are two glyphs that don’t really have any meaning behind them. But then it doubles down in Grom where Luz just gets the plant glyph at the beginning because *shrug* and then Winging it Like Witches gives her the fire glyph. You CAN make a case that this gives her an arsenal so she can do more with the adventure aspect (I would argue this is not a good thing because it means she needs to be less clever with her magic, which happens in the season finale and opener for S2) so they can brush that off. Maybe. But then Escaping Expulsion happens. Not only is it exceptionally anti-parents for Amity without proper build up or the like ON DISNEY but it nukes Luz’s arc with magic without Luz even interacting properly with the B plot of the episode. She is not involved in the ending of her own journey in becoming a witch. And for anyone who wants to say “The glyph combos could that...” Dana would have had to show that the script and boards for the very next episode included “Here is barely an explanation for how I now have INVISIBILITY. The bigger explanation is ‘It’s magic, I don’t have to explain it’“ Which is usually the number 1 complaint about fantasy writing. And your subversive comedy just used it over and over again for the main character’s arc with magic, especially for why it’s as strong as it is. At that point, you ask for a meeting to discuss just what you’re actually getting as a company and how much more of it you want. Theory 3: TOH is expensive to make, even for an animated cartoon, and Covid hit so it was decided to be made shorter for long term budget cuts, especially since S2 looked even more expensive. So... This has a lot to just do with the fact that TOH’s magic especially is very budget unfriendly. Gus, Willow and Amity all practice forms of magic that cause secondary entities to appear with them and can continue to move after the initial cast. So now you have a far more complex scene because you need to track Gus’ illusions, Amity’s abominations, Willow’s plants and those are just those three covens. Pretty much all of the coven magics have this issue. The only ones that kind of avoid this are potions and power glyphs. Also, quick side note: Power GLYPHS. Not going into it here but there’s a reminder that TOH’s magic sucks and does not feel planned out. Speaking of glyphs: Those don’t really help. Yes, those are at least static but Luz also demonstrates that they allow for quick casting so that’s a lot of new elements and half of her glyphs still leave behind debris that the animator and artists have to keep in mind as the fight goes on. This is why a lot of times, even in a show with a lot of magic, you might have the dude who specializes in artifacts or weaponry or goes into a special mode where he just glows a bit and gets buff. All of that is WAY simpler than literally anytime the witches in TOH cast magic, let alone for the big set pieces TOH likes to do. Dana’s penchant for outfit swaps doesn’t help either. After all, you work with a TEAM of animators. You have to make the notes for them of how the new outfit works on the character. Works in specific lighting. What if it gets wet? Etc. like that. That stuff takes time and money to hammer out but if you don’t do it then the character looks off model and shifts more between artists because there’s unifying document. HOW MANY OUTFIT SWAPS ARE IN SEASON 2? And how many of them are permanent, or at least for a good number of episodes, so this work is more required than a one off outfit? In general, there’s a lot about TOH honestly, from how populated it is, how it handles magic, how it handles outfits, etc. like that makes it feel honestly expensive. It’s a GOOD looking show after all but that effort, and especially those high quality set pieces that are obviously made with a high frame rate essentially (drawn on 2s or 1s instead of 3s I think is what one would say? I’m not an animator)? It could just be that it stressed its budget, Disney looked at that, looked at Covid and decided that in the long term, they didn’t want to keep spending this type of money on this show so they shortened because they had a contract with Dana that demanded 3 seasons and the specials were the closest way to ending that contract early. Those are my thoughts. My theories with what little business knowledge I have and putting myself in Disney’s shoes. One thing you might notice is that I didn’t do a quality call on it because quality very rarely matters to corporations. What matters is views, costs and profit. If quality mattered, Teen Titans Go would be dead because it is THE WORST. Like it literally teaches bad morals which is about as bad as a kid’s show can get. So why would it matter for TOH?
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jewpacabruhs · 1 year
ok well. i didnt post til now cuz i wanted to rewatch and try to understand better. turns out a rewatch didnt help. 
im seeing a lot of people say that was a rlly good episode... i thought it was very sloppily written and subpar. south park’s always been so good with satire, especially when they’re calling out something/someone shitty by exaggerating them into something so ridiculous that nobody can take it seriously. with this kanye ‘satire’, they didnt do that, at least not effectively, and if they were trying to do it, it didn’t turn out well. at all. this is a personal belief, but i find parodies of kanye now that we know he’s legitimately mentally unwell to be very cruel. it’s hard for me to condemn him fully when i don’t know what’s his actual beliefs versus what his unmedicated mental disorder is resulting in him spouting (and ive seen people say ‘ive had manic/psychotic episodes and it never turned me into a bigot’, well that’s you, psychosis can result in all kinds of beliefs and, fact of the matter is, it can result in bigoted beliefs brought on by paranoia and delusions. psychosis can have you believing anything. and ofc mania can also result in acting like a person you’re not.) however we can condemn him for not choosing to take time during lucid periods to denounce the things he says. but i can’t definitively say if that’s indicative of him actually believing those things, and his episodes simply result in him lacking a filter and airing that information to everyone. so overall i just sorta pity him and find the situation regretful.
now, trey and matt could’ve fully come for the more extreme sect of the black hebrew israelite movement (though i think that’d be a very very very slippery slope), or, alternatively, for people/celebrities who believe and promote antisemitic conspiracies in general. but they focused on kanye, and i just felt it was too narrowly focused and unsuitable for effective satire. 
they could’ve put more focus on cartman as a white kid trying to stir shit between a jewish kid and a black kid, as jewish and black relations have always been very layered and complex. and it seems like it’s a relevant topic, too, as a handful of high-profile black celebrities have recently been in the news for antisemitism. (although as i highlight that, it’s important to also admit there is a fair amount of anti-black sentiment among some jews too.) there’s a lot to be said about the unfortunate reality of minority groups resenting each other rather than unifying with each other. more so to be said about white people encouraging that divide. they could’ve also focused on the utter irony and peculiarity of kanye as a black man praising nazism, a ideology which hated people of color as much as jews. i think the whole topic’s rough, really, but hell, they coulda gone after farrakhan! i think farrakhan’s worthy of getting satirized; he’s a big figure representative of all those beliefs. he’s been promoting violently anti-jewish ideology since the 80s, and similar pro-hitler stances. or they could’ve done something more in line with ‘with apologies to jesse jackson’ from season 11 (which i just went back to rewatch and the satire in that one is sooo good). but whatever they were going for just... missed. there wasn’t even truly commentary. it was disappointing. 
although, i also think it’d be rather hard for two white guys who value honesty and acerbity but who are also conscious of staying in their lane to comfortably parody hypocritical ignorance out of anybody who’s not a dumb white person. you know? like it’s trickier, for sure. because it’s jarring, honestly, the way white people calling people of color out on things almost always gets racial, or can be read that way, even if that’s not the intent. and i think that could happen with a south park ep that tried that, considering how that fairly recent episode about trans people in sports went down. like, they couldn’t satirize a trans issue without being transphobic - could they parody a race issue without being racist? i personally don’t think anything should be off limits for satire, i have an interest in the history of comedy and especially jewish comedians and one of the leading ways jews in comedy in the 1940s-50s coped with the shoah was by parodying the nazis - but in the case of satirizing current events or prevalent concepts, it’s hard to parody something when you’re not in it, or when you don’t get it. because there could very very easily be a misstep that paints YOU as the asshole.
anyway. but i know a lot of people just value the boys interacting and if thts what ur here for, more power to u and im glad the ep fed you well in that regard. 
considering the lack of well-written satire and social commentary, the other thing i’d be interested in would be cartman, who definitely... was going through something in this ep. but the cupid me arc was also sloppy as fuck. i was so confused by the end. for a while i was theorizing and trying to understand what it all means for cartman’s character and his mental health, but at this point (a couple hours of brainstorming and a few rewatches later) i can’t even settle on a conclusion to draw. so idek.
legit like a 3/10 ep. here’s hoping next week’s ep is better
if anyone has thoughts, either on the topic of satire or on cartman and what’s going on with him, please feel free to send me an ask or a DM, or to reblog or reply. i’d love to hear what you think.
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rikeijo · 2 years
I'm a little lost with the part of "You like/promote Yurio? Fu*k you, then" What's going on with his character in the jp fandom?
Thank you for the question~ It's a very interesting issue...
It's mainly one specific subset of Jp YoI fandom, rather than the whole fandom. That subset is VicYuu (Victor seme Yuuri uke) I-won't-accept-it-the-other-way-around fujos.
(In all my posts, when I rant about fujos, I talk about fujos = classic fujos, who believe in ukes and semes, but not necessary that homosexuality is valid outside their fantasies, and not "BL fans" in general.)
You see, fujos in general very often are ✨obsessed✨ with their uke character (if you ask me, they simply self-insert a little bit too hard...) and because of that they treat very seriously, like very seriously and very personally any perceived ""insult"" to their uke.
It's not only YoI, more of a general trend, but fujos often choose the main character as their uke, because if you do that then you have much more material to have fun with, than when your fave is a side character.
So in YoI, Yuuri is the main character, but there really was that very easy to notice trend to promote Yurio quite a lot. In Mitsurou's interviews for example, she often talks a lot about Yurio, that he's such a cool character, that she likes scenes with him and so on... In a lot of interviews with other staff members (the producer Otsuka M. is an example of this), they talk about how Yurio is their fave, too. Another thing is that in official art Yurio is almost always there with Y&V, and sometimes even between them.... (Do I think that the purpose was to lesser the gay vibes? Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised, if that is the case.)
So important staff members, like Mitsurou or the main producer, mentioned a few times that Yurio is more like a classic protagonist of a sport anime, that they knew he's going to be popular for sure... Because of this, long story short, fujos started to be worried that the next season's protagonist will be Yurio. (In my personal opinion, they were right. This was exactly the feeling that I've got looking at what was going on back then.) This made them incredibly triggered every time Yurio was in some way "treated like a main character". Examples: Yuri!!! on life guidebook illustration, where Yurio is in the middle and in the brightest spot, Mitsurou's Welcome to the madness manga, and the fact that Yurio EX program was animated so nicely, and Yuuri's wasn't...
In addition to that, Mitsurou, who those fujos call "Yurio's mother", doesn't treat Yuuri in the same way... She sometimes even likes to say things that can be read as quite mean, so this also adds in to the grudge they hold "because Yuuri isn't treated as the protagonist he is, and Mitsurou mistreats him on purpose, because she wants to make Yurio, her fave, the protagonist!!1!". The result is that since early 2017, fujos hate both Yurio and Mitsurou. (I personally don't think that she hates Yuuri or anything. Imo, Mitsurou's version of Yuuri and fujo version of Yuuri are simply like two different characters.)
Plus, there's also this thing people in Jp fandom call "settings thief". If you look at any VicYuu fanart, it's not hard to notice that fujos like Yuuri to be like really feminine... They like to think that he's naturally very girl-like and very tiny (easier to self-insert, I suppose?). Also, that he, of course, is the best skater there is! But, actually in canon the one character often described as looking a lot like a girl, or having a small built is Yurio. And the one who won gold is also Yurio... So, fujos are simply salty that there is a char with these traits in the canon, but that's not their fave.
Whoaa... That's got long! But this is still a very simplified version 😂
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pippin-katz · 2 years
not sure how to take you, are you for the gay side of Merlin and Arthur or not. I am not, but it is fascinating the things I read about it. I thought these pages were for fans of Merlin, but everyone makes them gay, and to me, that is not a true fan. Where do you stand?
What would you do if you could watch a 6th season? ? Would you be for it and help to get it done? Yes, it is Kingdom Come not written by fans or the original writers. But brilliant none the less. Have you read the script?
First of all, I strongly disagree that interpreting the subtext of the show to see the characters as part of the LGBT+ community makes you “not a real fan”. People see different things when they watch the same show. Unless they’re promoting something problematic, (like racism, pedophilia, etc), there’s no wrong interpretation.
I believe that there are huge amounts of subtext and analogies included in the show. The creators themselves in the DVD commentary have said things to support this, such as looking at the final episode as “a love story between two men”.
Many LGBT+ fans feel represented by the show in one way or another. Magic in the show is presented is an analogy to being gay. Morgana’s lines about it in particular resonate very strongly.
“What if magic isn’t something you choose? What if it chooses you?” - being LGBT+ isn’t a choice, it’s part of you
“I don’t want to be brave. I just want to be myself.” - this is something that we struggle with all the time, we don’t want to have to be brave for just being who we are
“I know who I really am. And it isn’t something to be scared of.” - dealing with internalized homophobia and self hatred is a constant struggle, it takes many years for most of us to become completely comfortable with ourselves
“You don’t know what’s it like to be an outsider, to be ashamed of how you were born, to have to hide who you are. Do you think I deserve to be executed because of who I am?” - LGBT+ people are ostracized from society for centuries, abused and killed by ignorant and hateful people, just like Uther does to magic users
As for your comment about “making everyone gay”, it’s never stated in the show that they’re straight. No one is “making” anyone anything because there’s no concrete answer to their sexuality in the canon content. Just because Merlin and Arthur have female love interests doesn’t mean that they couldn’t be attracted to men. The same goes for the women; Gwen and Morgana have male love interests, but nothing says that can’t be attracted to women as well. It’s a fictional show. It’s not historically accurate to medieval times.
The only thing that I think makes someone a fake fan of a show is if they are hateful and offensive to the people in the show, around the show, or other fans. People who use the show to spew racism, homophobia, antisemitism, Islamophobia, etc, etc, etc, don’t belong in a community.
Merlin and Arthur have tons a subtext to them that they have admitted to be there. My personal opinion on the canon is that they love each other, but never act on it. They are not together in the show, but I think that if they had ever addressed it, they could’ve been.
Bradley confirmed that in the final episode, he actually said “I love you” to Merlin, not “thank you”, but the corporation executives made them dub it.
I definitely see them as being in love with each other but never acting on it. Arthur’s also in love with Gwen (you can be in love with more than one person at the same time). There’s nothing wrong with having your own interpretation of the show, and there’s nothing wrong with fans making content that changes things, so long as the changes aren’t harmful like I said earlier.
For the season 6 script Kingdom Come, I started it and had to stop because it felt so out of character. I wouldn’t be against a season 6 happening, but I definitely wouldn’t want it to follow that script.
Personally, I haven’t put much thought into how I would do a season 6. There’s a lot of questions that need be raised when thinking about it.
Is Arthur the only one to come back from the dead?
Does everyone come back? Even those who died prior to the end, like Elyan or Morgause?
Who’s the villain if only Arthur returns? Is there a villain at all, or is it more of an emotional conflict of his adjustment to the new world?
How does magic play into this? Is it even used outside of Merlin himself?
Aithusa was alive at the end of the show, and dragons live a long time; is she and other magic creatures out there?
There are too many questions that needed to be answered before I could write a plot for it to follow. I hope all that answered all your questions.
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cocochannel00 · 3 years
Things that Husband!Harry would definitely do (a thread)
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(If you don’t think that Tiny Desk Harry doesn’t give off mad husband!harry vibes - he looks so fluffy- then we can’t be friends)
- He’d sneak into your room the night before the wedding because he missed you even though he knows its bad luck and when you’re mad at him for it he would just smile and place a kiss on your forehead and say “I don’t need any luck, I just need you”
- At your wedding reception he would walk around the room introducing you to everyone as “my wife” as if they didn’t already know who you were 
- During your wedding dinner he’d spend the whole night whispering dirty jokes in your ear trying to make you laugh because he knew that even though it was your wedding day you were still spooked by all of the attention
- On your first year anniversary Harry wanted to surprise you by making you breakfast in bed so he started making pancakes as you slept. You woke up to the sound of your fire alarm going off and Harry blowing the smoke off a pan with a pillow. He’d give you a sheepish smile before mumbling a “maybe we get takeout this year?”
- During the holidays he’d hang mistletoe all around your house and force you to kiss him at every one. “Look love it’s mistletoe, you know what that means” he’d state with a grin. “Harry I just kissed you literally 2 minutes ago in the other room” you’d grumble “Doesn’t matter love, it’s mistletoe and those are the rules. Now come here and kiss your husband”
- Anytime the two of you would get into any sort of major fight where you would say “I hate you” he would shoot back “Well I love you so I guess you’re stuck with me” before going to sulk on the couch
- Whenever you went to his shows or stayed with him on tour he would force you to sit back stage and watch him from the wings so he could watch your reaction to his corny jokes and steal a kiss from you in between sets and on his bathroom breaks
- You agreed to be the designated drive for your group for a night out so Harry gets drunk and becomes extra clingy. He spends the entire night stuck to your side, shoving his face in your neck whispering “I’m going to marry you one day” to which you’d remind him quietly that you were already married. He’d then nod thoughtfully and mumbled “Well then I’m going to marry you again just in case” 
- One night you would be tossing and turning in bed unable to sleep and you would accidentally wake up Harry. You’d apologies because you knew he had to wake up early the next day, but he would just shush you with a quick peck before repositioning you so that you could lay your head on his chest. He’d then softly start humming the tune to one of the new songs he was working on until you’d fall asleep
- Harry would convince you that he was capable of building the Ikea coat rack the two of you had bought for your new home on his own so you’d go into the room next door to take a nap. When you woke up and hour later you found him laying on the floor facetiming Mitch as he tried to figure out why the last piece wasn’t fitting properly only for you to look at it and realize he had built half of it backwards
- Harry would come home late from one his movie shoots and would mumble a quick hello as he walked in through the door. You’d be sitting on the couch watching and episode of Dateline and he would throw himself next to you and lay his head on your lap. You’d start running your hands through his hair as you finished watching the last couple of minutes of the episode before asking Harry how his day was only to realize he had passed out on your lap and was now quietly snoring, a small trail of drool slowly coming out of his mouth
- The next season of your favorite show Handmaid’s Tale had come out so you and Harry started watching it. Every five minutes Harry would ask you a question about the show until mid way through you looked at him and bursted out “Harry if you ask me one more question about the show I’m sending you to our room”. Harry would pout at you and sink into the couch, grumbling about how it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t remember what happened last season before he shoved some popcorn into his mouth
- You’d need to go shopping at Target one day to get some decorations for your niece's birthday party and Harry would decide to come along. “This is our list Harry, we’re not buying anything that’s not on the list” you’d say in the car before getting out, but it would be hopeless because every other aisle Harry would pick something up and say “babe we need to get this” and you would stare at him and say “is it on the list?” and he would grumble a no before sulking back down the aisle to put it back
- On road trips when he let you pick the music he would grumble when you would change the song every 30 seconds. “Love just choose a song, it’s not that difficult, gave you the bloody playlist” he’d state as you would continue to skip through the songs mumbling “I’m tired of that song though, just wanted to hear the chorus”. “Is that what you do with my songs too, just skip all the good parts to get to the bloody chorus?” he’d ask mockingly as you gave him a sheepish smile and mumbled a “sometimes” before finally picking a song
- It would be nearly 4 am and you would still be awake reading your book in bed as Harry slept soundly next to you. You could feel the tears running down your face as the main character just had their heartbroken and a soft sniffle left your nose which caused Harry to startle awake. “Babe what time is it?” he’d mumble as you continue reading, paying him no mind. He’d turn on his phone and groan as he saw the 4 flash at him before turning to see the tears on your face. “Oh no love did she get her heartbroken again? Sure they’ll get back together by the end” he’d state, knowing this was your third rom-com book of the month. You’d mumble a yes as Harry gently dog eared the page before you could protest. He turned off your lamp before tucking you into his side, pulling the covers up to your chin, letting you crying into his chest over your fictional characters
- You and Harry going to your 15th high school reunion together and he gets jealous when he sees you talking to your ex-boyfriend from when you were 16. He’d come up behind you and wrap an arm around your waist while placing a kiss to the side of your temple before reaching out his free hand to introduce himself. “Hello I’m Harry. The Husband” he’d say as he shook your ex’s hand just a little tighter then necessary
- Harry would be overly invested in your work place gossip so when the two of you would have dinner together he would constantly ask questions about what happened with your coworkers that day. “So did Stacy and Justin get caught yet or does Janet still have no idea? Did Kathleen ever get that promotion? If I ever see Garrett I’m going to punch him”
-  He’d force you to wake up early with him so the two of you could workout together in your home gym, but you’d just sit on the floor against the mirror in your workout clothes staring at him. After several attempts at trying to get you to stretch with him he’d give up and say “If you’re not gonna workout at least give me some motivation babe” so he’d do his abs workout in front of you and every time he came up from a sit-up you’d give him a kiss
- Harry would come down with a cold and he would turn into a 5 year old boy and try to milk it for everything it’s worth. “Think the doctor mentioned that cuddles would really help with my headache, love.” “Harry I don’t think that’s what the doctor said” you’d reply as you placed a cold wash cloth on his forehead. “Don’t think I would have forgotten such an important order from her. Now, come here I want to cuddle my wife” 
- He’d come home from the studio fidgeting with his beat-up blue iPod in his hand as you were finishing up a quick dinner for the two of you. He would gently place the iPod on the counter next to you as he poured himself a drink to calm his nerves. You’d stare at it for a minute before asking “Is it finished? Can I listen?”. He’d nod before you gave him a quick kiss and took the device to the living room, leaving him there with his thoughts. An hour later you came back into the kitchen, tears streaming down your face as you ran up to hug him. “Liked it?” he’d ask nervously, this being the first time you’d heard the finished album. “Absolutely loved it” you’d whisper back causing Harry to release a deep breath before taking your face in his hands and kissing you roughly
- He’d start every award acceptance speech with “I’d like to first thank my wife for always supporting me” and then try to catch your eye in the crowd, giving you a soft smile that was only meant for you before going on to thank everyone else
- “We need an intervention Harry. Why are your suits in my side of the closet?” you asked as you came down stairs with one of Harry’s Gucci suits. “I was running out of space and I didn’t think you would notice” he replied with a blush. “Well I did so either you move them or I’m throwing them out” “Love but they’re Gucci you can’t just-” “Ah ah ah I don’t care. My side of the closet” you’d state before dropping the suit in his lap and walking back upstairs
So many others come to mind but these are just a couple that came to mind. I’ll probably do a Dad!Harry version at some point as well 
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ascalonianpicnic · 3 years
Hey! Y’all want a salty essay about the bullshit treatment Caithe gets from the fandom at large that compares Rytlock and Caithe’s characters? Cause I wrote one!
Warning: this essay is incredibly bitter and salty, and that bitterness and salt is directed at people who hate Caithe. I swear in it. I’m mean to Rytlock in it. I heavily imply people who hate Caithe are sexist in it. This was written in the middle of the champions releases, but doesn’t focus on s5 or past pof in general.
A morally grey assassin, jaded from a traumatic past who thinks they have to do everything themself to ensure it's done right. They had to kill someone close to them for the greater good, were deeply hurt by a former partner, no longer work with their old crew due to a tragedy they could not prevent and blame themself for. The two people they care about are their brother whom they love and understand despite his quirks and oddities, and their new young mentee who they have mixed feelings about and who they don't want to admit they care for for fear of losing them. They have a blood soaked past and make mistakes, but they're learning and growing thanks to their young mentee and the hard work they're putting in at reflecting on their past actions and accepting they don't have to bear the weight of the world alone.
Y'all would like Caithe if she was a man. She's built on several tropes so commonly seen in male protagonists and mentor figures. Mistakes she's made that people claim are unforgivable are made by other, less apologetic, male characters who are forgiven and still held in high regard. And I know these archetypes are popular among the guild wars 2 fandom, considering the high crossover with dragon age fans, and how many dragon age fans love Zevran the assassin who regularly hides his true feelings and bears so much guilt, and Duncan the former thief who sees little crime in what he views as rightful murders and views death as an acceptable cost to protect some secrets for the safety of the world. The guild wars 2 fandom in general would love Caithe so much more if she wasn't a woman. 
But because she's a woman, killing Wynne, killing a few courtiers during personal story, keeping the secret of the sylvari to protect her people from a massacre at the hands of the other races, and taking the egg to ensure it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands are all seen as unforgivable sins. She's learning and growing every step of the way. She's taken the time to look back on what she's done. She's apologized for not trusting and betraying the commander (who she has a complicated relationship with regardless of race, that person stole her wyld hunt because she was somehow not good enough to kill a dragon alone), she's learned she can rely on others to have her back and doesn't have to do everything alone, she's realized bloodshed isn't always the answer. She's come a long way, learned to let herself trust again, and is working so hard to grow. Yet loads of y'all still hate her for her past mistakes, and some of y'all think it's okay to wish death on her fucking openly with no warning. 
And yet, so many people who hate Caithe and wish death on her, citing her actions during Living World Season 2 and Heart of Thorns as the reason why, will in the same breath mention that Rytlock is one of their favorite characters in the game. As I said, y'all would like Caithe if she was a man. 
Rytlock has made the exact same mistakes as Caithe during the story. Alright maybe not exactly the same, but his mistakes parallel hers very cleanly. He isn't an assassin, but he is a born and raised soldier who has killed countless people in his rise to the rank of Tribune. He didn't steal an egg, but he did jump into the mists and free a clearly powerful and dangerous figure for the sake of getting his sword back. He didn't keep the secret of the sylvari, but he did, in fact, keep the secret of Balthazar. And he had his own mentee who he had a fraught relationship with. Let's take this one by one. 
If you play through the blood legion story on a charr, you probably remember overthrowing the legionnaire of your warband and taking over. In this segment, Rytlock not only encourages you to challenge your Legionnaire, he forces Urvan Steelbane to fight you. Then, at the end of the fight, he gives you the option to kill your superior. Rising through the ranks in charr society is a mixture of proving yourself a reliable soldier and proving yourself superior to your superiors through combat so you can take their place. As a tribune, Rytlock has risen high through the legion, spilling lots of blood and putting those around him at risk. It is noted that prior to his promotion to tribune, Rytlock got in serious trouble more than once for risking missions and endangering his own warband for the sake of his own fame and glory. While not an assassin, much like Caithe he has a very bloody history and a habit of trying to do everything himself  
One of the biggest events held against Caithe is when she steals Aurene's egg from the dying Master of Peace as he tries to give it to the commander. While especially true for the sylvari commander, Caithe has a lot of her own reasons for not trusting this incredibly important egg in the hands of the commander. At the same time, her calling as one of Aurene's guardians, her wyld hunt to protect this egg, and the poundings at her mind of mordremoth are all overwhelming her and leaving her confused. Feeling she has to do everything herself, as she often struggles with, Caithe takes the egg to protect it from falling in the wrong hands. She later admits this was the wrong move that put people around her in grave danger and risked the world and apologizes for it. The way Caithe acts about Aurene's egg is pretty similar to how Rytlock acts towards the sword Sohothin. The first time he sees it, he jeopardizes the mission he and Crecia are on to steal it, putting her in extreme danger and blaming her when she has to act to protect herself. Later on, when he loses the sword through a mists portal during a ritual to try and cleanse the foefire ghosts from Ascalon, he abandons the ritual, ensuring it fails, so he can pursue his sword, leaving the commander and the iron legion imperator to face the danger of Barridin's ghost army alone, much like how Caithe left the commander to face the Shadow of the Dragon while she fled with Aurene's egg. While in the mists, seeking his lost sword, Rytlock frees a very clearly powerful and dangerous figure (who we'll come back to) in order to reclaim Sohothin. Like how Caithe put the world at risk by trying to protect the egg alone, Rytlock puts the world at risk trying to reclaim his sword. 
Let's take a brief moment to talk about Caithe and Rytlock's mentees, before we get on to the biggest similarity the two share. Caithe's mentee, if she has one as it depends on the player, is the sylvari commander. The sylvari commander is a decently young sylvari, who only a few years earlier emerged with a parallel wyld hunt to Caithe herself. Caithe is a loner in general following the pains of Wynne's death, Faolain's abuse, and the breaking of Destiny's Edge. Now she's handed a youth who was created to help her with her Hunt that she was always told she had to do alone, basically saying she is no longer trusted to perform her hunt alone and now she has to train her replacement. She does seem to care for the commander, but the relationship there is always going to start off complicated, and it leads to her betraying the commander, leaving them to fight the Shadow of the Dragon, and taking the egg she doesn't trust them to handle. Later on, once she realizes her mistakes, she reaches out to the commander to apologize, and repeatedly puts her trust very clearly in them, acknowledging that she does need them and she did in the past. How that relationship ends is of course up to the player, but she makes an attempt at reconciliation after the fallout. Rytlock's mentee of note here is Rox. He takes her own as a promising young woman who he thinks would fit well in his warband and takes a hand in helping her train and find her place again in the legions. In order to join the Stone warband, Rox is given the incredibly difficult and definitely not soloable task of killing Scarlet Briar. Rox, when it comes down to it, chooses to put Braham's life and safety over dealing the killing blow to Scarlet herself, trusting the commander, whoever they are, and Kasmeer to get the job done while she stays back with Braham and Marjory. Following the victory over Scarlet, Rox is too afraid to face Rytlock. She didn't kill Scarlet herself, meaning she failed, and she's afraid Rytlock will kill her for it. This is itself a sign of a deeply unhealthy relationship between Rytlock and Rox. On top of that, Rytlock has as of yet never tried to reach out to Rox, to check up on her or apologize or do anything to repair the relationship between the two of them. (A note from replaying s2, Rox does join for the barradin keep mission with Rytlock there, but Rytlock doesn't really check up on her, and he sure as hell doesn't offer her the more than earned position on his warband despite everything.)
The last point is the one I believe I've seen held against Caithe the most. During Living World Season 2, Caithe keeps secret from the commander and from her own brother Trahearne that the Sylvari are purified minions of Mordremoth, leading to Trahearne's attack against the dragon ending in a massacre. Caithe, when she was incredibly young and impressionable, learned the truth from Wynne before having to kill her to keep Faolain from learning the truth as well. She has, for years now, been the only one to know this secret, and she believes that if it were to get out, the world would turn against the still young and fairly defenseless sylvari and slaughter them. As she sees it, she has to bear the burden of this secret alone, as she has to do everything alone. While dealing with her duties tied to Aurene's egg and struggling with the growing voice of Mordremoth as well, she may not even know of Trahearne's plans to fly an army into the jungle. She has every reason to keep this secret still, it's for the good of her own people. Yes it is a mistake, but she didn't know this at the time. She believes, as she keeps this secret, that it is the only way to prevent the sylvari from dying off as they're just coming into the world. She regrets the loss of life, but she can't go back and change it now. 
Now Rytlock also keeps a very important secret, from the commander and everyone else. He refuses to share details of what he saw and did in the mists during his hunt for Sohothin. While in the mists, Rytlock meets an old man in chains. The man, recognizing Sohothin in Rytlock's hands, unlit, says he can reignite the sword if Rytlock frees him. Rytlock accepts the deal and frees the man, returning Sohothin to its original glory and gaining access to a portal out of the mists that the old man makes. Now, Rytlock grew up while the war between humanity and the charr was still growing strong. He spent a lot of his early years in Ascalon, exploring the ruins, likely fighting humans trying to reclaim their land, and definitely fighting the ghosts of humans. That alone should have been enough for him to recognize the human god his enemies worshipped while waging war against him and his people. Beyond that, after Rytlock came into possession of Sohothin, he researched the sword's history. The sword, originally crafted and wielded by Balthazar, is one Rytlock is familiar with. It stands to reason Balthazar himself is at the very least a familiar figure to Rytlock. So when Rytlock encounters a large, powerful figure in the mists who recognizes Sohothin in a state very few have ever seen it in, and has the power to relight the flames that the god Balthazar had originally created, Rytlock has to know who he is talking to. He knows who he freed in exchange for Sohothin's flames. He may say otherwise, but there is no way he doesn't know who he freed in the mists. Even if we give him the benefit of the doubt and say he didn't know who exactly he freed, he still should have told the commander about the man with very powerful fire magic and the ability to make portals who he followed out of the mists. Rytlock caused the tragedy that is Path of Fire and almost caused the end of the world, because he decided to keep the fact that he freed Balthazar a secret from everyone until it was far too late and Elona was already burning. Caithe's secret may have resulted in the failure of the Maguuma campaign and the loss of lives of many soldiers, but Rytlock's secret resulted in the near destruction of an entire civilization and the deaths of countless innocents. 
Yet Caithe is still hated deeply for keeping a secret that she thought was for the good of the world, while Rytlock is quickly forgiven for keeping a secret to protect his pride. Rytlock has made all the same mistakes Caithe has and has arguably handled all of them worse, yet he is still a fandom favorite while she is hated by the community. It's pretty clear that Caithe isn't hated for her actions and mistakes. That's just an excuse. 
You would like her if she was a man. 
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my-random-fandoms · 3 years
Baby Sitters Club was my first experience in fandom. In the mid-aughts, I could be found on the BSC Proboards, reading long-form blogs about BSC, and of course hanging out with other BSC fans on Live Journal and reading fic on FFN. 
It was a really active (but very small) fandom. And it was a great first fandom to have because it was so supportive. And, as though we learned very important lessons from the source material, the fandom was devoted to diversity and openness. It was very much a slash-friendly playground with the two main ships being Kristy/Mary Anne and Byron/Jeff. 
The fandom has died off quite a bit in the last....oh...eight years or so. Stupidly, I joined some BSC Facebook groups. It’s not the same as fandom - there are a lot more casual fans for one thing, and for another thing, many of the people there don’t interact with the material in a fandom sort of way, if that makes any sense. 
That’s why with the release of Season 2 on the Netflix series, it SUCKS to see fans posting shit like this. 
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That last one cuts off, but it literally says “Too Many shows promote New Age and the Occult. I avoid those two things, but they’re being constantly shoved in my face!” (All that because one character reads Tarot cards, LMAO. 
And listen, the lady whose name I cut off in red is definitely getting pushback and is being called out. But I really hate that the series, based on these books that even in the 80s and 90s promoted diversity and inclusion (in that sort of well meaning but kind of sloppy nineties way) are getting ANY of this. Especially books written by a lesbian. 
And she says she’s OK with LGBTQ characters, but after season one came out, she was absolutely NOT OK with the trans character. And she couches her terrible view points with “bUt tHaT’s nOt hOW tEh bOoKS wEnT.” Like, no shit sherlock. Books aren’t going to be the same as TV and movies? Things are going to be updated when they take place three decades after the source material? Because she wasn’t choosing to complain about some of the changes. She didn’t complain about cell phones. She didn’t complain about how the heights of the characters are different than in the book. Nope. She’s complaining that one formerly blond character is now Latina, that one babysitting charge is now a trans girl instead of a cis girl, the one character’s parents got divorced because the dad is gay, that one babysitting charge has two mommies. 
Anyway. this is a long stupid ramble and I don’t know what my point is. Just that I’m a huge fan of the BSC, both the books and the Netflix show, and that the fandom deserves better than some asshole like the people above. 
Everyone should watch the show on Netflix. It’s such a tenderhearted love letter to the book series. And if you want fanfic recs, I got ‘em. 
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quinntamsin · 3 years
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*Raises her her hands as her warder, Delphine, blocks the Fade’s attack. A weave of fire wraps around the creature burning the Myrddraal.*
“I like Oddities.” - Loial son of Arent
Episode 5 “Blood Calls Blood”, continues the major shake up for the first season of Wheel of Time. Alright, in Eye of the World, everyone is still in Andor and comes to its capital, Camelyn. It’s here where we meet Elayne Trakand Daughter-Heir of Andor, Gawyn and their half-brother Galad. It seems that they decided to introduce Andor later, which makes more sense for Season 2 honestly since Tar Valon is central to A LOT of character development for Books 2-3. Tar Valon, is a definite dream for the eye, a little low end for the VFX, but that’s understandable .Its easily on par with the Witcher, and I think by season two we’ll be on GoT level of VFX. Alright, introducing Loil, our Ogier, I’m not sold on the make up, but they nail the nose, and the beard. His deep voice FITS hard, and yet I really didn’t see any tufted ears. I think they decided to forgo the ears and make things a bit less animated. The ears would likely have ben hard to do with all the set pieces they are already creating. Once again we jump back to the Tuatha’an where Egwene and Perrin are now dealing with the Whitecloaks. Fuck, I hate these fuckers, and Galad is the only one I ever liked remotely. More nuances on the Way of the Leaf, good to see Valda getting some serious resistance.
One big thing in this story I forgot to mention, in the books Kerene dies off set in a river killed by Darkfriends. HER death in this series emphasizes not only the sorrow of her loss, but honestly gave her more agency. Especially, since in the books she is the “Captain-General” aka she was -the defacto leader of the Green Ajah! Stepin’s actor nails the grieving, and his warder friends while a little stiff in their acting convey the emotion right for the scene.
Rafe made the whitecloak abuse of Egwene reminescent of Witch Investigations from England and the New World. Honestly, it was disgusting, but luckily the scene wasn’t too overgenerous. Game of Thrones failed this aspect hardcore especially in the White Wedding and their treatment of Sansa. Eamon again is a fucking piece of shit, and the actor is…insidiously good at his job. The fact they are torturing Perrrin and it activates his wolfbrother abilities is interesting. Their options are plainly given, but I mean it is just blunt that Eamon is a plainly evil man. 
The story eluding to Egwene’s strength (future Amyrlin material right there bitches) does a good job as they segue into her escape fro the White Cloaks with Perrin. Marcus Rutherford, does an okay job in his confession to Egwene in how Perrin killed his wife. I think that the scene itself was one of the weaker ones in today’s episode, but it doesn’t marr the totality of their collective acting. Perrin to me was always either a boring or fascinating. The escape itself solid shows the dangers of the Wolfbrothers and honestly Egwene’s subterfuge was well played.
Tar Valon’s internal politics are small now, but we learn more and more about the backstory of the world. Stepin and Lan show off figures representing the Forsaken, the Aes Sedai of legend who turned on the Light. The gay energy in the Tower and the platonic energy between the Aes Sedai is palatable. I like how Liandrin tries to get to Nynaeve, and how Alanna tries to warn Moiraine. There are ears everwhere in the Tower, the Black Ajah watches, and perhaps Mogdien has already draped her control of the Red for the future.
“The Wheel of Time weaves as it wills.”
1. More Nynaeve choosing Yellow Ajah with her Tar Valon clothing doing some nice foreshadowing.
2. Loial is strange, the slight blonde ginger hair they gave him looks better upclose than in some of the promotional images they dropped.
3. I just wanna give Nynaeve and Egwene a hug! Two Rivers sisters unite!
4. Logain Ablar laughing at the “boys” as they watch him is an interesting twist. Is he seeing Rand rising as the Dragon and Mat’s leadership of the Band? Who knows?!
5. Liandrin you Black Ajah bitch, stay away from Nyn!
6. Rand getting flustered when Loial calls him an Aielman, fucking finally! Give me some Aiel soon! Far Dareis Mai preferrably!
7. The fact that there appears to be different funeral rites for Stepin versus those out in the field is interesting. Is this cultural, or is it because Stepin took his life.
8. Lan’s grieving cry is pretty fucking Klingon if you ask me.
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illuminatedquill · 3 years
Nevertheless, The Finale (Review)
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(We could have had this. We could have had it. God, this hurts to write.) 
Crash landing. 
That’s what comes to mind as I watched the final scene in episode 10 of Nevertheless. We’re here. We made it. 
But not for the better. At some point, the engines burst into flame, the wings fell off, the pilots jumped out and we, the viewers, were forced to put our heads between our knees and endure the worst kdrama ending I have ever seen with my own two eyes in recent history. 
If you’re reading this and haven’t seen the finale yet, I am warning you now: SPOILERS AHEAD. 
For the last time, let’s get into it. 
This is immensely painful to write. I don’t know what happened in the writers room between episode 9 and episode 10, because, how we came to this ending makes no sense. None at all. I spoke at length about it another post a couple days ago regarding the spoilers photos that were leaked; the writers, after having established so much growth in episode 9 for Na Bi, surely weren’t going to just throw it all out the window for episode 10, right? 
Yet, here we are. That’s exactly what happened. 
First off, I want to talk about the visual elements in this episode: it sucked. Normally, Nevertheless cinematography is top tier and always praise worthy and, here, it felt off to me. I wasn’t drawn is as I usually was. Also the pacing dragged for the first thirty minutes as we see Na Bi and Jae Eon deal with aftermath of their “breakup”. It’s not until almost halfway through the episode that it finally picks up with the destruction of her sculpture. 
Jae Eon finds out and vows to help her rebuild it and then leave her alone afterwards. He makes a comment on how she’s at her prettiest when working on her art. Once it’s finished, he leaves her alone, as promised. 
Okay. Good. So far, so good. 
And then, we hit the café scene with Do Hyeok. And my stomach dropped. All that nice, comfortable, affectionate energy that was building between them vanished. Na Bi speaks about her sculpture and how her assistants really helped her (speaking clearly about Jae Eon). 
And I knew. I knew how it was going to end. And so did Do Hyeok. He doesn’t know that Jae Eon is one of her assistants, but I think he guesses by the way Na Bi talks. Na Bi thinks the whole experience was terrible but from the way she talks about it, Do Hyeok points out “maybe you were actually enjoying it the whole time.” Seeing his cheerful smile drop was just crushing. 
Oh, Do Hyeok. They did you so bad in this episode. 
(And WTF do you mean she was actually enjoying it the whole time, writers?! She was freaking miserable for FIVE WHOLE EPISODES. What toxic BS is this? Sweet Jesus, I wanted to punch something so bad.) 
And my outrage at how off the chemistry was between Na Bi and Do Hyeok; it was just so wrong. It felt so forced. 
And then hits just kept on coming. Na Bi brings out the butterfly pendant and puts it on. God, please, no. 
And then. Do Hyeok returns for his second confession scene. And, hoo boy, what Na Bi said made me almost have a stroke: 
Do Hyeok: “Do you still like Jae Eon?” 
Na Bi: “Yes, I think I do. I know he’s not someone who will make me happy. But, I was really happy with the moments I spent with you, Do Hyeok.” 
Na Bi knows that Jae Eon will not make her happy. She was really happy with the moments she spent with Do Hyeok. But she still chooses Jae Eon. 
Does not compute. 
No tears from Na Bi and Do Hyeok as they say goodbye to each other. A simple thank you from Do Hyeok and he walks out, flowers in hand. 
Your childhood best friend who has been loving you unconditionally just confessed and you can’t even muster some tears as you part ways. Like I said, something is wrong here. Seriously wrong. 
(I had to pause the episode and go for a walk around the house to clear my head when I saw this. Like, writers, how the hell does that make sense!)
Na Bi even admits in her confession to Jae Eon that she hates him. But then proceeds to ask him out. 
And that’s it. They go on a date, wearing their respective colors (gag me, please), and that’s it. 
Or, is it? 
Because this show is always good with details. And I noticed something interesting at the end, when they’re walking along, holding hands. 
Na Bi and Jae Eon walk by a restaurant and Na Bi spots Do Hyeok sitting inside. He’s clearly talking to someone, but we don’t see who. 
And, interestingly, Na Bi’s hand almost slips out of Jae Eon’s. There’s a curious expression on her face as she cranes her neck to see who Do Hyeok is speaking with. It’s just a brief moment before Jae Eon pulls her away to continue their walk, and she resumes her hand holding. 
So. There’s that. A potential set up for a second season. I don’t know, don’t ask; nothing’s been confirmed. We’ll see. 
I have to say something - this episode was utter BS. Something weird was going on behind the scenes here, and I can prove it. 
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If you watched the preview, like I did, you might have been mistaken in the belief that Na Bi and Do Hyeok were clearly endgame. Why? 
Because she accepted his flowers. The preview shows her walking inside the art gallery holding them, resulting in the lovely photos of them smiling brightly at each other in the above screenshots (the first two). But in the actual episode itself, Na Bi doesn’t accept the flowers and we don’t see the scenes I just talked about. It just cuts straight to her reunion with Jae Eon. 
Do you see what I’m getting at? This isn’t some conspiracy theory. What was shown in the preview and what was shown in the actual episode was completely different. 
They changed the ending. It’s the only thing that makes sense. Do Hyeok and Na Bi were going to be the endgame, and someone forced them to change it to Jae Eon and Na Bi instead. Perhaps for a setup for Season 2 or someone important really, really wanted Song Kang to get the girl this time. 
If it’s setup for season 2, especially coupled with the last scene that suggests that Na Bi’s and Jae Eon’s relationship isn’t going to last (and it’s not, especially if the Fanfic writers have anything to say about it), I’m all for it. Because that means Na Bi and Do Hyeok are endgame. I’ll suffer through another ten episodes if it means that, long as the same cast and team return. 
If not, then, this is the ending. And it’s terrible. 
I know it hurts. But, I just want to remind everyone that this is just one chapter in Na Bi’s life and nothing between her and Jae Eon are guaranteed to last. I wrote a post some weeks ago how, if they really wanted to make these two endgame, then the writers needed to do the work. Show the characters working through their issues to become healthier, happier people and convince me that they could be a solid couple in the long run. 
None of that happened in this episode. Or any of the other episodes proceeding it. Na Bi and Jae Eon spent five episodes just staring at each other and not talking, and then suddenly, a last minute redemption. If there is not going to be a second season, then this is the cheapest, most cop out ending for a kdrama ever. And it really hurts because they really set a high standard for themselves.
Nevertheless promoted itself as a hyper realistic show that wanted to be different from any other kdrama and instead ended up with the most cliche, disappointing finale I have seen in recent memory. What a failure. There needs to be a second season to redeem this dumpster fire of an ending. 
Well, that’s all for now. I’m going to watching some other stuff to cleanse this from my memory. 
I have two more posts planned for this show and then I’m out for good or until they announce a second season. First post - as promised, my character analysis for our “heroine” Yu Na Bi. I wanted to wait until the series finished to really get a take on her character and, well, I don’t think I’m going to be nice. 
And the second post will be an overall review/analysis for the entire drama. All of it; the themes, the acting, the direction, the music, the plot, the writing; the good, the bad, the ugly. 
My condolences to everyone who stuck it through from beginning to end. I’m really sorry you wasted your time. 
As always, I welcome any discussion. Reply here or message me! I always love to hear your thoughts. 
Until next time, everyone. 
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tar-oh · 3 years
Pick a Pile: What do you need to hear right now?
Good news, folks! My semester is over! So, hopefully, this means my stress levels will not be as high and I'll have more energy to do more pick-a-piles! Today we're going to look at what you need to hear. Gonna be honest, all the piles seem related. It could be that they all hold a message for one person, or they're continuations of the others? Or they could be messages for people in situations that are related to one another? I'm not sure, but there's some connection between all three tbh. However, only read what you're feeling called to read. That means you can have more than one pile. I also have to put my normal disclaimer here: This is a general reading. Not all of it is going to apply to you. In addition to this, this is current energy and it can change by tomorrow. There is such a thing as free will, and we all need to remember that. If you do find that you resonate heavily with one (or two or all) of these piles and you want to know more, I am available for readings. Just DM me about it and I'll get back to you ASAP. I also have my cashapp and Paypal listed in my bio if you feel the need to tip (but it's not required) So, for the piles, pick an outfit worn by Fran Fine in season 1 of The Nanny!
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Pile 1:
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Cards: Cat, Eclipse, Saturday morning cartoons, Picollus, Alastor, Voices, Flying Without Wings, 7 of Cups, 6 of Wands, Wheel of Fortune, Full Moon in Scorpio, Friendliness, Joy, Page of Wands, The Emperor, The Hierophant
Oof I just got REALLY warm. I'm not sure what that means, but I think some are you are furious at someone. Well, you're asked to release the negativity (Full Moon in Scorpio), and also the bottom of the deck of the Moonology cards was Bring Love Into the Situation. The song on currently is Are You on Your Way by Middle Class Rut, and I take this to mean...are you coming home? Like, to yourself. I think some of you have allowed others to influence who you are, losing sight of who you are. There's something coming, or maybe this has already happened, but it's good. Possibly an achievement? However, there are underlying issues within this or around you. I take this more as outside voices, that part about being influenced by others again. I think the Voices card is one thing to look at about this. From this, I get two things. The first being that you need to listen to your own voice, your own judgment. The second is that you should ignore any voices on the outside. By this I mean, like family or friends. I really get that some of you have family or friends around you that are giving you their advice, but that it's no good. The Picollus card talks about long-standing feuds (specifically family feuds) and the Alastor card talks about not being vengeful. So I think maybe there are some not-so-kind things that are being said, either about you or others and you're being asked to not listen to them.
But, with the 6 of wands, wheel of fortune and Flying without wings, I see that there's something you're about to achieve or have just done. The bottom of the deck for the tarot was the tower, so for some, this is sudden. Maybe a promotion? Or, graduation, so a culmination of things leading up to something. But, I'm seeing that this can only be good if you're careful with where you get advice from and how you act. I'm not saying to ignore all advice, but I think when you hear advice, you're aware of what's good for you/will work for you and what won't. With the eclipse card, I can see that there are some things that may be unknown to you right now, and maybe this tower card on the bottom is coming energy (or past, depending on where you are at). The energy of this pile is NOT bad. It's more cautionary. There's a lot here about your shadow side, and I really want to stress that your shadow side isn't something to hate. It's a part of you. So I think you're being asked to be mindful of your actions towards others but also other's actions towards you, while also being kind to yourself?
Moving Along by 5sos came on. I was going to say that it feels like some of you are moving on from something, and maybe it's a breakup or a past failure, but now you're moving into better times like you're succeeding with something else. Moving on. But, I think there's a bit of fear here. For a few, there's resentment. I'm not saying you don't have the right to be resentful, but in the cards, there is a warning to be careful not to allow that to overtake you. The bottom of the Witches Oracle is Greet the Darkness, and this tells me that if you are feeling that resentment, you're being called to feel it. I don't think you can just ignore it, because it will eat away at you. However, you're being asked to feel it and then let it pass. So, again, kind of goes back to moving along, right? You also are being asked to find your voice and not use other's voices to dominate your thoughts/actions.
You know, it's not even a song that came on, but I was thinking about Harry Styles' song, Treat People with Kindness and I kind of am getting that message here? Like, I think overall, this is just a call to be good. Like, to discern what you hear, but also to be the best you can be. Do not to give in to the temptation of being a less than stellar person. I think it's a warning to be careful. Like, an ego thing?
I feel like there's something missing though? Like, I'm at the edge of what the overall message of this pile is, and they all seem to connect, but it's on the tip of my tongue and it won't come out? So, I wonder if there's also a need to speak up? We did get Voices. Also 7 of Cups can be about having too many choices that you're stuck trying to decide. It can also be about being stuck in the clouds. So, maybe there's a need to figure out what you want to say and say it? As concise as possible, but not too blunt? I had to go back and pull a couple more cards from some other decks (so, the Moonology cards are part of that). The other two cards I pulled from my Affirmators! deck and they were Joy and Friendliness. So!!! Yes, please treat people with kindness! But I also think this is kind of a treat people the way you'd want to be treated, so like, greeting meanness with a smile? Don't Take the Money came on, and I'm really noticing the line: "Buy back the secrets". This song is ultimately about not giving in to greed. Like, not choosing greed over love, and I think that's part of this message. I can see this resentment bubbling under the surface and I sound like a broken record by now, but? I think you're not really meant to allow it to bubble.
Also, I think you guys are my music group because I got SO many songs for you? I also was all ready to wrap this up, thinking "Well, there's that, I think I'm done." But again, I was still feeling like I was missing something and then a song called Something Left To Give by The Starting Line came on, so here I am pulling more cards. We got Page of Wands, The Emperor, and The Hierophant. But then...the bottom of the deck was The Tower again? So, first off. I think a lot of you are definitely ignoring something, like a lesson you're meant to be learning? And I think it has a lot to do with surrounding your ego and maybe reaching into the shadows. But I also think it has to do with holding grudges while also holding onto toxic things, such as thoughts or people? I think, with the Emperor and the Hierophant here, you have the ability to be kind while also upholding your boundaries, but I think this is less about how you are and more about how you need to be. And sometimes...that's about upholding boundaries with yourself, whether it be letting go of certain behaviors or thoughts, or making sure other people do not cross those boundaries. Another thing I'm getting is that there may be certain beliefs you hold about yourself or others, or even the world, that need to be changed. I get this "My way or the high-way" feeling from the Hierophant and the emperor, and I think that if you have this attitude, you're being asked to really rethink that. It's okay to not be right all the time, and it's also okay to make mistakes. It's also okay to change your mind. To find that what you once believe doesn't really hold up anymore. I just think it's SOMETHING to get the tower on the bottom of two different decks, and I think this is about well, I'm getting shipwreck imagery in my mind. Crashing those beliefs? Wrecking them? Burning them down and starting over. Saying to yourself: "Hey, I don't really need this anymore. It doesn't match who I am now and where I want to go. I can let this go now." And, this can apply to more than just beliefs. I am using the Daemon tarot and the bottom deck energy was brooms which has the same meaning as the Witches Oracle Brooms card: Cleaning. It can mean physical cleaning (and it IS spring. I know I need to clean lol), but it also can talk about purification. So, purging those beliefs that do not fit anymore and getting rid of what does not serve you. What is not working for you anymore? What isn't helping you be the best person you can be? It's not about quitting things cold turkey one morning. It's about slowly allowing those things to fall away. So I'm not saying you need to get up and both physically and metaphorically clean your life. I'm just saying, to start that process. Ya know? Getting a garbage bag ready and filling it as you go.
I really think there is something good happening for you but I think you need to keep yourself grounded in reality and to be the best you can be while this is happening. I also think you need to not allow others (or your own self) to get to you. I don't see anything in here saying you are a bad person, I just see that there's a reminder being made to be good and be the best you can be, which also includes making sure that what you have in your life is good for you. Nothing drastic has to happen (if you don't want that), but mindfulness is needed.
YIKES, that was long lol Also, side note, the bottom card for my Dreams deck was Animals, and I think if you've been having a lot of dreams involving animals, this was meant for you especially. I could barely fit all the cards in this picture, so I didn't take a pic of the animal card, but if you're dying to see it lmk lol The bottom of the Affirmators! deck as Trust. It just talks about how you know you'll be okay. Personally, when I'm having really bad days, I usually write in my journal "I am okay. I will be okay." Idk, just something I do that helps me. It's small, but it gives me hope. Songs: Kamikaze - WALK THE MOON Moving Along - 5 Seconds of Summer (the bass in this song is honestly top-tier :) ) Are you on your way - Middle Class Rut Treat People With Kindness - Harry Styles Don't Take the Money - Bleachers (Specifically the version Ft Lorde) Funny Business - Alice Merton The Abyss - DBMK
Pile 2:
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Cards: Full moon in Gemini, Beauty, 5 of Cups, 9 of Cups, 6 of Cups, Murder, Pineapple, Confetti Rainbow, Money Green, Passing Notes, Nature Spirits reversed, Lamia, Astaroth, Cali, Knight of Pentacles reversed, 4 of Wands, King of pentacles
This group has a very specific message that comes out. It took a bit to get there, but I wanted to say that this is a specific situation. If you were called to it, then by all means carry on reading. However, if you find that you do not vibe with what this is saying, then this might not be your pile. However, I think there also might be a few bits here and there for some people, and not the whole message, so maybe try it out first.
First off, I get similar vibes to pile 1, but this pile seems more to be in a victim mentality. I'm not saying you don't have a right to feel that way, but I'm getting that there's a line and that you're either already past it, or you're near it. That line draws a boundary between feeling sorry for yourself and on the other side: feeling sorry for yourself that you play victim, never taking responsibility for yourself/actions. Get a defensive energy (I wouldn't be surprised if you were reading this and thinking that it may not be your pile because you're denying it? Hey, I do that all the time. I'm pretty guilty of this). I think a lot of you have had a tough time recently, or are still in the thick of it. I'm here to say that it will pass, but that you can't allow this to turn you bitter. Nor can you use this to take it out on other people. There's a strong message about making sure you don't do that. Also, not to manipulate others? I think there's a possibility of falling into this mentality that you're the victim and may be manipulating people into feeling sorry for you. I just get a weird manipulative vibe and I think maybe some of you can have the tendency of doing this, possibly even without being aware of it.
There's also a message of lightening up, allowing yourself to have fun. To stop focusing on the negative aspects of a situation, and find the humor in it. It may be something hard to do right now, but I think you'll find that maybe one day soon, you'll be able to do so.
Also, there's another side note about someone else? This can be a father figure, a boss/ceo figure? This could just be someone who embodies the King of Pentacles (he's the CEO type, has his shit together, is stable, more on the materialistic side of things, etc.). Whether this is you (could be!) or someone else you know/will know, I don't get bad vibes. I mean, I pulled the 4 of wands with that card, so I think it's kind of this stable energy whoever this is. However, there also is the Knight of Pentacles reversed, which can represent carelessness. The Full Moon in Gemini talks about being careful with one's words, like that whole "Less is more" idea when communicating. I think these two go together, and I think it just is someone who is a little too direct and blunt. I get work vibes tbh, so I think this could involve your workplace, so possibly a boss? Passing Notes talks about gossip/rumors, so I think this is like...A warning not to gossip or even to not believe everything you hear? I don't get any romance vibes but I think this could involve something that never took off? Oh, I was going to delete that, but I actually listened to what the song I was hearing was saying, Contagious by Boys Like Girls. This has sent me down a whole other path for another message lol
So, this might apply to some of you, but I think you may be involved with someone (or want to be?) who is the King of Pentacles, but they're kind of horrible at communication (or one of you is). I think they're more money-focused, and maybe they hear shit about you that has shaped their opinion about you (or vice-versa). But despite this, they like you. I think they don't quite know how to express themselves, and maybe you're feeling down about this because maybe you don't think they're into you? I still think this is work-related though. That, or this is someone who is just super focused on their work. But, I have 9 of cups and 6 of cups, so I think you're kind of what they're looking for and maybe they feel at home with you.
For some, you're being warned about this person. They can be manipulative/play the victim. For others, maybe they do that, but I think it's something being worked on. Either way, someone in this situation is having a lot of trouble expressing themselves. There is anxiety surrounding this situation. I get it on both sides. But I think for some there is some communication coming. Or at least an action that will communicate things. It seems like something practical if it is an action, but friendly. OMG what kind of relationship is this? Like what kind of a dynamic do you have? Because Drug by Simple Creatures came on after and it just feels like the song Contagious. Like this idea of being addicted to the way someone makes them feel? I think this is someone that can compartmentalize their feelings...but I think with you...it's harder? Okay, now I'm just getting nosey...I want to explore whatever the fuck THIS is further, so I'm going to pull some more cards.
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SHHH Don't tell the other piles I got really fucking nosey and pulled more cards. :/ So, what I get about this King of Pentacles person is that they may already be pretty established in their life? I got Ten of Pentacles, which talks about that happy family, but like. More-so, the material aspect, like needs being met. This could just mean someone who's got their own place and a good position in their job. With the Knight and Page showing up, I think that if this is work-related, you're under them in terms of position? I get this message a lot actually, about a boss/employer relationship? So, I think this is an ongoing thing. Who is this for? Lemme know if this is you lol bc this comes up so much and like. I don't think it's me because I don't have a love life to speak about. Just crushes on unavailable men. Anyway, I think that whoever this is, they can't express their emotions. This could be because of someone else in the picture. There are a lot of court cards here, also, bottom of the deck for this is The Empress. So a mother, either there is or the mother of their kids if they have kids? Or someone who they see/saw as the mother of their future kids? Could be roles reversed, and that this is the father. Take whatever resonates doesn't have to be a woman and the king does not have to be a man. But, I think this burdens them. Like, they have a lot of responsibilities that rest on them, and they're unable to express what they want to express to you because they're "chained" to these feelings. You know, I almost get like...Less another relationship and more a social standard, or company issue because in both the Page of Hazards (pentacles) and the Empress, there are kids being chained to something (They ARE zombies but...interesting that two cards that have chains are pulled...). Even more interesting is that the kid in the page of hazards is chained to a mailbox with cobwebs, so I get communication issues with that. I think it's both hard to express their feelings because they're not someone who does so openly or easily. But also, they just cannot because of external circumstances. So, like If you came here because of some work/love situation...Then. There ya go...The feelings are there, but cannot be expressed. At least, not at this time. And maybe that's where that victim mentality comes in? Like, a "Why me?" or "Why can't it be easier?" Because I kind of relate to this pile, and I get how fucking annoying it is to hear "The feelings are there but can't be expressed". It hurts, I know.
But. Here I am to remind you that you got that Beauty card, right? I wasn't sure how it really factored into all of it, and was just going to use it as a reminder of your beauty, and I guess I am doing that now. But I'm also going to tell you something someone once told me: You deserve someone that will give you their time. By that, you deserve someone who feels for you and can openly express how they feel for you. I'm not saying this King of Pentacles person is a bad person, or that they're not for you, but it just seems like right now is not the time for this to work out. I don't see anything that says it won't work out, but on the other hand, I don't see anything that says it will. I think its just one of those things where you're going to have to be patient with. The song I ended your reading on is Space Travel by Yellowcard. It's about getting lost in someone and loosing who your are within this other person. Like, loosing your personality. I'm not sure where you are with this person, but I think this is reminding you to take care of yourself first. Whoever this person is, they have other things they need to take care of first, too. I also think they're putting themselves first. I don't want to say move on entirely, because that can be hard. It can seem impossible some days. I do want to say, however, that you need to make sure you're not waiting around on this person. There are so many other people in this world, and I find it impossible that you only find "it" (whatever "it" is that you found within this person) with this one person. Which, again, sounds like an impossible thing to say. Like that saying "there's other fish in the sea". I personally hate when people tell me that. But, one day you're going to have a memory of this situation and it's not going to ache as much. I can't guarantee there won't be a sting, but I can guarantee that with time, it feels better. Songs:
Slow Burn - Kacey Musgraves Contagious - Boys Like Girls Drug - Simple Creatures Space Travel - Yellowcard
Pile 3:
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Cards: 4 of Pentacles, the Empress, the Emperor, Hanging at the Mall, Clouds, Gel Pens, Lamia, Andras, Pumpkin, Being Lost/Losing Something, Ideal Partnership, New Moon in Sagittarius, New Moon in Libra, King of Wands, 9 of Wands, Wheel of Fortune This pile seems related to the other two? I'm not sure why but all the piles had this weird "Spring cleaning" theme, about clearing what isn't working. But this pile seems to specifically be about love. So, I think if you're trying to move on from something/someone, this is a sign that things will be turning in your favor. Firstly, we pulled the emperor AND the empress. However, similar to how in Pile 2, where I felt the King of Pentacles in that pile was someone unable to express their emotions (its so odd that I got that, because I also got an emperor vibe but didn't pull it, but here it is in this pile?), I get that...this could be you? Because the New Moon in Libra suggests that someone is coming into your life that CAN express their emotions, but in one of the songs that came on, Headphones by WALK THE MOON, there's a line where he sings: "I wanna open my heart, but you won't open the door." Similarly, there's a part in Eyes are Red (Don't be Afraid) by Deep Sea Diver, where she sings "Don't be afraid". I kind of read into this song is about expressing one's feelings. But, we have the 4 of pentacles here, and it can be about hoarding. And in this sense, I'm getting...hoarding feelings? Like, keeping them in. But, they're there, at the tip of your tongue, they just can't get out. I think for some of you, this comes from past hurt. You closed your heart and you're afraid to express yourself, but I think you're being asked to allow yourself to heal while being open about your feelings. I think there is someone coming in (King of Wands), who is going to want to know about you and you're going to be a little worried to open up? But, these cards say it's okay to open up. You have two cards that indicate luck, and also you have a card indicating that you're protected (Pumpkin talks about being protected). I think this "Spring cleaning" is more about clearing out your emotions...letting them out? I think once you open up more, you're going to find that there are a lot of opportunities for you, you just need to be open to them. I think you're getting there, though, and with the Empress, I can see that you're healing from something. I always get that "nurturing" vibe from that card, but I definitely am reading this as you nurturing yourself, but maybe this involves you keeping things inside? Nevertheless, we got a pair, the Empress and the Emperor, so I could also read this as counterparts. I'm reading them as mostly you but I also can see this as you and someone else. One interesting thing is that I see the guy on the 9 of wands following the King of Wands. Not sure if that makes you feel of anything, but I read 9 of wands as persistence. This makes me think of the song Ends of the Earth by Lord Huron (which came on during this reading). The idea of following someone to the ends of the earth (let's hope they're not a flat earther...). I think this is someone really dedicated to you if you let them be. This song is also really beautiful and gives off this certain vibe that I can't really explain. It's like...One you need to experience? But I think this person could give off that vibe to be honest. I don't even know how to word this. Omg, there's a part in this song where he sings "I was a-ready to die for you baby, doesn't mean I was ready to stay." A SAGITTARIUS VIBE THAT WAS WHAT I WAS SEARCHING FOR! I've read that people with prominent Sagittarius placements need to have room. So, I wonder if this is someone (or even you) that needs to have that space? That's what that song feels like to me, though! I also kind of am thinking about that Ideal Partnership card and how it says that what your looking for is looking for you. There's a song that came on called First Grade by Max Leone, and he sings "I think about working out something with someone like you. I've looked
around, never found something or someone like you." I think that this is a person that definitely wants to pursue something and I think that this is telling you that you need to be open to it if you want something like this to happen. I think this song also highlights the need for action but being afraid to take action. I don't really see too many action-oriented things, but I see that being social is kind of something that needs to happen? I do get a Fool vibe from this, though. Like, taking a leap/risk? I don't know what kind of a risk, but I can see that you're being called to action in some way. In Pile 2, one of the messages was this need to not allow a victim mentality to take over. I could see that in here as well. I think it's like, whatever you went through in the past to make it hard for you to open up, happened. You have the right to feel that pain. But, then, you also have to move on at some point and heal? The Couds card talks about shifting and adapting. I don't have too many other cards about adaption, outside of maybe the 9 of wands being about persistence (and by this, I mean persisting change within?). I could take the 4 of pentacles, though, and say that this idea about not budging and "hoarding" your feelings definitely needs to be gone. I think this also is more than just about love. This can also be about making friends, in general. I think there's a sense of loneliness in this group that I didn't really feel for the last two groups. I almost wonder if this group is...the other end of group 2? Because there was someone else within that energy, and I could see you being that other person lol Whatever the case is, the big message of this group is to open up and not hold your emotions in. Songs: The Scientist - Coldplay (this has nothing to do with this reading, but I found out today that Chris Martin had to learn how to sing this song backward so that they could film the video in reverse so now it's extra weird watching it) No News is Good News - New Found Glory Ends of the Earth - Lord Huron First Grade - Max Leone
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