#I started writing the prologue this morning
arcanusarchieves-if · 3 months
Does anyone have any magical sounding songs (or just songs that you think would suit the characters/world)?
I’m on a writing streak (just started two of the routes for chapter one!!!) and need to update my playlist for some more ~inspiration~.
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zetaphobia · 11 months
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good morning!! :3
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tookthe-405 · 29 days
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Farmer!ellie x richmans!daughter!reader
Ages: 19 (both)
summary: It's the 1970s, your father is the owner of the local bank and you basically have everything you want. But there is one thing you want, need, but can't have. Ellie, daughter of neighbor farmer Joel Miller, brings you fresh eggs, milk and violets(?) every morning.
c/w: smut!!, internalised homophobia
a/n: very similar to the whole Haley and farmer ship thingy in stardew valley which i noticed way too late :)
Also inspired by Chappell roan songs (good luck, babe! , hot to go!, casual …)
I’ll start writing it after VBS, sorry but I don’t have the motivation for on our way rn :,(
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laughing-with-god · 8 months
Unsaid Vow I
(This is the first 1.7k of the 10k chapter that is available right now on my Patreon. Please join for early access plus beta content!)
Synopsis: You always knew when you weren't wanted. And the way things are going in your marriage with Jungkook, a divorce is looking more and more likely. While he's getting closer to a woman at work that you're certain he's having an affair with, you're planning your escape with your four-year-old son. However, five years of marriage did not expose you to a certain side of your husband. A side of Jungkook that only gets triggered when you try to leave and break apart your perfect 'family'.
Warnings: Yandere behavior, graphic language, violence/murder, women bashing on other women, heavily implied infidelity, bad parenting, absent father, broken family vibes, very slow buildup bc Jungkook doesn't really snap until you leave him so just give him a min lol, inexperienced author writing for a five-year-old.
Also looking for new fic art for this if anyone's interested!!
Read first: Prologue
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“I’m a grown man.”
These were the words that greeted you and effectively pulled you out of your weary slumber.  
You drowsily rubbed your eyes and rolled over, yawning as you took in the sight of your son staring at you bemusedly from beside your bed.  
If you weren’t used to this behavior from Hugo already, you perhaps would've screamed at the sudden creepy sight of a child with a solemn expression saying odd things to you before the sun has even risen.  Yet, you have grown accustomed to the old man your toddler was.  
“Good morning to you too, bud.”  You groaned tiredly, already searching your thick bedding for your phone in order to check the time.  Your alarm hadn’t even gone off yet, which told you it was earlier than you had originally planned to wake up.  But what was the point of having plans when you had a child?  They had a talent for ruining them.  
“I’m five today.”  Hugo ignored your greeting, getting right into the point with furrowed brows as he held up all five fingers, each one representing a year of his life.  
“Yup, I know dumpling.”  You chuckled, finally pulling out your phone and opening it to see  ‘6:03 am” staring back at you.  “Believe it or not, the day you were born was quite memorable for me too.”  
You cringed as you thought of the 20 hour labor that preceded Hugo’s birth.   How could you ever forget that hellish day?  
“Mom, it’s my birthday.”  Hugo told you, tone serious as a heart attack.  
“Yes, happy birthday love.”  You smiled at your son, trying not to let him see the exhaustion you secretly felt.  “I suppose there’s no way I can talk you into going back to bed for another hour or so?”  
“No. You always say ‘the day starts when I first open my eyes in the morning”.  Your son parroted the saying back to you with a proud grin.  
Hugo once went through a phase where he wouldn’t want to leave the bed after waking up, simply wanting to stay in pj’s all day long and watch cartoons amongst his stuffies. 
It took a while to get your little homebody to actually stop this habit and begin getting up to ready himself for the day whenever he woke up.  You used to tell him that the day starts whenever he opens his eyes in the morning, however on days like these where he wakes up super early, he now does not see the point in lying in.  
“Right, that is a good point.”  You softly relented, mentally scolding yourself for yet another parenting tactic backfired.  “How does some breakfast sound?”
“Mom, I have a prop-pre-preposaa-”  
“Proposal?”  You offered, swinging your legs off the side of your bed.  
“Yeah, that.”  Hugo nodded to himself, most likely taking note of the proper pronunciation of the word so he can use it again in conversation.  “I think it’s time we talk about coffee.”
“You and daddy are always saying that coffee is for grownups.  Today I’m five, which means I’m older, which means I should be able to have coffee.”  Hugo reasoned this to you while twiddling his thumbs, a nervous habit he does when he wants you to say yes to something he knows is unrealistic.  
“Mmm...”  You hummed, pretending to think hard about the offer.  “What if I gave you a very light coffee?  A beginner version to get you ready for the real thing when you’re older?”  
Hugo looked conflicted, but after reading your face and correctly assuming that’s the best he was going to get, he nodded solemnly in reluctant agreement.  
With one final huff you shoved yourself off the king sized bed, standing to your full height and throwing your arms up in a stretch.  “Why don’t you wait in the living room for me bud?  I’ll be right out.”  
The freshly turned five year old happily nodded up at you before exiting your bedroom, leaving you alone once again.  
You turned your attention back to the bed in which you just rose out of.  More particularly, you stared at the other side of the bed, the side in which your husband was supposed to sleep on. 
It was a direct opposite of your messy side, crisp and neatly made; the fluffy pillows, pressed sheets and silk duvet being perfectly in place.  Yet, this wasn’t an ode to Jungkook’s neatness and attention to detail.  
Jungkook hasn’t been sleeping in the same bed as you for a while now.  
Your husband always preferred to rise early, given he was a man who liked to follow a strict morning regime which could easily be thrown off if he slept in even a minute later.  Up at 5:30. teeth brushed and face shaved by 5:40.  Breakfast, coffee and newspaper consumed by 6:00.  
Then right before taking his leave, Jungkook would pack himself a bag of work clothes and make a quick protein shake, given he would then head to the gym where he would get his morning workout and shower from.  Then from the gym, he would head straight to work.  
A few months ago, he suggested sleeping in the guest room.
You had asked why, bewildered at the request.  
Sure, you two didn’t really cuddle anymore. Sex was also rare. But you figured that the least you could do as husband and wife was sleep in the same bed amicably. Had you started kicking him in your sleep or something?
“I’d notice you begin to kinda stir when I first get up and go about my routine.  I don’t want to wake you up or be a bother.”  He had said.  
That didn’t really make sense to you.  
You have always been a deep sleeper. And even if you did wake up for a second, you’d clearly see your husband getting ready for the day, roll over and go back to sleep.  
It was such a lame excuse, you just shrugged and bitterly told him that he hogged the blankets anyway.  
It wasn’t true, but Jungkook didn’t comment.  
You trudged over to the ensuite bathroom and quickly did your morning routine.  
When you came out of your room and into the living space, you saw Hugo glued to the giant flat screen in a trance-like state as he watched his usual morning cartoons.  The sight tugged a small smile out of you, although the mother in you didn’t like how close he was.
“Hugo, back up from the screen! Bluey isn’t going anywhere. Your eyes will go bad.”  Your son wordlessly obliged and scooted back, not breaking eye contact with his favorite family of puppies.  “What would you like for breakfast ‘Mr. grown man’?”  
“Blueberry pancakes…and don’t forget my coffee!”  
“You got it, birthday boy.” 
The kitchen, dining and living room were open concept, so you multi-tasked watching Hugo while whipping up his breakfast.  You never were much of a cook and you still aren’t even after motherhood, but you did commit to learning your son’s favorite dishes.
The process was over quickly, you having made this recipe countless times and knowing it like the back of your hand.  
You set a plate on the island table, calling Hugo over while you secretly mixed some instant hot chocolate in a mug.  
The five year old jumped up and grinned at the meal, saying a quick “thank you” before digging in with all the grace a five year old could possibly have.  
“And of course, your coffee.”  You tried not to smile as you handed him the cup.
“Thanks mama.”  
The mini-Jungkook took a gulp, then stared seriously at the contents of the mug, swishing it around in some faux detective work.  
“Something wrong, dumpling?”
“It tastes…fa-fam-”
“Yes. Is coffee always this sweet?”  
You laughed, now moving to the real coffee maker to make your own cup.  “No, this is the kid version.  It might taste like chocolate because chocolate has caffeine in it too.”  
Your little old man huffed to himself but nodded in agreement, simply not knowing enough to dispute your logic.  
Your old coffeemaker grumbled awake, croaking and hissing as you pressed the worn-out buttons for your usual morning brew.  Jungkook always made fun of you for the ancient machine, but even after he had bought a much more expensive and up-to-date one, you stubbornly remained loyal to yours.  
“So buddy, what do you want to do today?  We can go get new books, hit up the toy store, maybe even visit the aquarium?”  
“I wanna help set up for my party, mommy.” 
Well, “party” wasn’t quite the right word for it.  
Hugo had no friends.  It was tough for a kid like him to make any.  At this age and as a boy, most of his peers would meet and form relationships in little league or rough housing at the local park. 
Your son was different.  He preferred reading to sports, hated the outdoors and was generally a shy kid who tended to tear up when anyone other than his family tried speaking to him.  
So this year, his birthday party was an intimate circle of family and family friends.  You hoped that by next year you could host an actual kid birthday party, as Hugo would be in school and have classmates by then. 
“That’s very sweet of you, but there’s time to do both.”  The boy looked at you skeptically.  “We can go to the bookstore across the street after breakfast and I’ll let you pick out some new bedtime stories.  Then we can go to the aquarium and have lunch there. And on our way home I’ll stop by the store to get some stuff for the party, and you can get a toy.  Sounds good?”  
Hugo frowned, then peeled back his pajama sleeve to look at his submarine-themed watch.  The act seemed a little pretentious to you, given he didn’t yet know how to read clocks.  
“Fine mommy, but we should be quick.  Also you need to ask our guests if they have any food aler-alergeez-”
“Allergies?  Yes bud, I’ll be sure to send them a text.”  You rolled your eyes.
With that, Hugo quietly finished his breakfast as you sipped your coffee.  
When you two were done, you both got dressed and ready for the day’s activities. 
Before leaving the apartment, you were sure to send a text to your husband.  
‘Be home by 6 please.  Hugo’s birthday party starts at 6:30 and he needs you there.’
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look-at-the-soul · 3 months
Every little thing you do- Prologue
Tommy Shelby x reader (Mini series)
Summary: Y/N has been Tommy’s best friend since childhood. She had always been there for him when he needed her the most. Now as the Shelby family are in a better position, Y/N will need Tommy’s support when something she didn’t expect happens.
A/N welcome to this little new adventure! This story started as an idea @lyarr24 shared a while ago and I just stared at it for a few minutes until the ideas started “appearing” in my mind. This particular part turned somehow into a comedy show on its own 😂🤭 it was fun and light to write, but it’s going to get angsty… thank you for sharing your unique ideas as usual! It took me some time but I’m always into giving each story it’s own time. And of course @justrainandcoffee thank you for creating this beautiful moodboard for this story! You totally nailed it!
Word count: 2,196
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Arriving at the Garrison, Y/N headed straight towards the private booth where the Shelby’s were reunited.
“You should’ve seen the look in Polly’s eyes when she found out we were buying the stallion.” John cracked and threw his head back with a loud laugh.
Arthur winked at Y/N and decided to mess with his brother.
“Erm John boy.” He cleared his throat, just as Tommy gave Y/N a smirk, they were both sitting facing the door unlike John who had his back at it.
Tommy used the chance to kick his youngest brother in the shin, as a warning.
“So you think it’s fucking hilarious John Michael Shelby.” Y/N imitated Polly’s voice and mannerisms perfectly.
John’s face paled as the smile left his face and he straightened his back.
Arthur snorted and then started laughing uncontrollably as John turned around to find Y/N standing by the door.
“Shit! Y/N you scared the fuck out of me.”
“Get in here sweetheart.” Arthur called for her, making room next to him. “That was brilliant, you’ve got a talent.”
“You sound just like her.” Ada praised, leaning over the table to kiss her cheek.
“You’re late.” Tommy offered her a glass of whiskey.
Taking a sip, she nodded. “The lady I work for had a terrible day, didn’t want me to leave.” She replied titling her head to the side because Arthur was right in the middle, sandwiched between her and Tommy.
“And how did it go?” He asked over the laughs of his siblings.
“My feet are killing me, I had to walk all the way back… but I really needed a drink tonight.
“Why? Scott didn’t pick you up?” He raised an eyebrow in disbelief.
Against his best judgment, he agreed to give Y/N’s boyfriend a place among the peaky men. He didn’t like or trusted him but he was doing it for Y/N and the friendship they’ve always had. Over time, he even gave Scott a car under the condition to drop and pick up Y/N from her work every day.
“We had an argument this morning, he got pissed and I asked him to not.” She lied.
She knew how protective Tommy could get, specially around Scott. They were already past the phase where Tommy would’ve to intervene and put her boyfriend in his place, then Scott would come for her arguing that she let that gangster say and do whatever he pleased.
But Tommy knew Y/N better than that, and this wasn’t the first time she lied to cover for her boyfriend’s attitude.
“What’s so funny?” Polly demanded to know as she joined them in the booth. Staring at Arthur and John’s faces she knew, so she shot Y/N a long look. “You’re imitating me again?!”
The Shelby brothers tried to hide their amusement but all of them failed.
“We wanted to mess up with John, Pol. Sorry.” Y/N looked down embarrassed for being caught.
Polly smiled down at her, it was impossible to stay angry with someone as Y/N.
“Well I hope it was a good one.” The smile grew bigger.
Ada laughed and stood for her aunt to take her place. “You should’ve seen John’s face, he went pale.” Waving at them, she left.
“Hey you need to talk to Finn, he’s getting out of hand these days” Polly warned her nephews. “I asked him to deliver a few letters and he had the audacity to answer he wasn’t a mail boy anymore.”
Tommy shook his head and after a long puff to his cigarette, he answered; “I’ll talk to him.”
Y/N’s chuckle made him look at her. “What? Are you really going to lecture the poor boy? Tom, if I remember correctly, you answered your father something similar back in the day but worse and that caused your first fight.”
Tommy shuddered at the memory. He was so done with his father demanding favors from him and his brother Arthur, so one day he told him he was done with his bullshit and Arthur Sr answered with a curse, threw a glass against the wall and pushed him, Tommy pushed him back. Luckily Arthur Jr and Y/N were close and could intervene to stop them from getting any further.
That night, Y/N stayed with him outside until Tommy had calmed, then she asked her parents, who were neighbors to the Shelby’s if he could sleep on the couch. Y/N’s mother made him some tea and offered him the comfort he wasn’t able to find next door.
They started as neighbors, then Tommy and Y/N became friends until Tommy trusted her blindly. After the war she was the only one who could understand him.
Tommy took a swing of his drink. “You’re not going to tell him that, are you? I’ve a reputation to keep.” He finally added.
“Leave him Pol, the poor boy is probably frustrated because he haven’t had a woman yet.” Arthur chuckled at his own joke.
“Hey,” Y/N called everyone in the room, “leave Finn out, you’re nothing but a bad influence.”
John shook his head and raised his hands as if saying he wasn’t part of it.
“Oh please Mr.-I-want-to-marry-Lizzie-Stark, really?” Y/N raised her eyebrow at him.
“Tommy! Why the hell did you tell her?!” John exploded against his brother, who was already laughing out loud, head thrown back.
Polly had to look twice at her nephew, his guard was down he seemed to be relaxed for once. Since the war he had changed a lot, the weight of the world on his shoulders.
“And besides, I corrected my path, married to Esme didn’t I?” John mumbled chewing on his toothpick.
Y/N nodded, deciding to leave that conversation, it’s was funny to tease John. “I better go now, it’s getting late.”
Tommy was on his feet the second she announced her plans.
“C’mon I’ll drive you.” Tommy offered his best friend.
Giving Polly a hug, she waved at the Shelby brothers goodbye.
After driving for a while, Y/N noticed Tommy took another route.
“Before you ask me,” Tommy spoke softly, “I’m going to show you something.”
She opened and closed her mouth. “You’re so mysterious.”
Tilting his head, Tommy clicked his tongue. “When you see it, you’ll understand.”
“Is it the new horse?” Y/N asked impatiently.
Tommy shook his head and passed her the cigarettes and matches to light it. “Why don’t you tell me what happened with Scott?”
“Something really stupid, he got pissed over nothing.”
“Really? Tell me something I don’t know already.”
Y/N sighed and took her time to exhale the smoke out of the window. “He asked me to ask you for some money, when I told him that he still owed you from the last time he got furious at me.”
“But you gave me the money for that loan.” Tommy’s eyebrows knitted in confusion.
“I did, but it wasn’t his money.” Y/N explained embarrassed after confessing Tommy the truth.
It was now time for Tommy for sigh. Eyes focused on the road, he didn’t want to be a pain and say I told you, Y/N was the only person he could trust and he wanted her to trust him the same way.
“Look this happens all the time, your Mum used to pay your dad’s bills behind his back, I just couldn’t take another one yet, he’s trying to find a better job and I think he’s going to propose soon.”
Tommy’s breath got caught up in his throat, he was trying to process the possibilities.
“So… is he the one?” He finally asked.
“Well he’s my boyfriend.” Y/N rushed to answer. “I just don’t know if he will let me keep working for Lady Winchester.”
“If you need a job, you know there’s always a spot for you at the Shelby Company Limited.” Tommy took the last puff of his cigarette and threw it outside the vehicle.
“Maybe I’ll need it later. Thank you.” Y/N felt more than grateful to have someone like Tommy around, he had always been there for her and her siblings specially after his business took off and he started to earn more money than anyone around. In her eyes, that didn’t make him change, if anything he became more generous.
But Scott on the other hand, was tender and good to her, he was fun to be around, always brought flowers to her. He wanted to have his own business one day, unfortunately life had been hard and it was taking him longer to make it.
Taking a turn, Tommy stopped in front of a huge gate, the property guarded by the gate wasn’t a house, it was a freaking mansion!
And her best friend was opening the gate as if he owned the property.
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“Wha-what are you doing?” Y/N asked looking out the window.
“Drive over here!” Encouraged Tommy with a huge smile.
Her heart started beating faster, he showed her how to drive and even let her do it when she wasn’t allowed to. But this was wrong, it felt like they were trespassing, she could feel her heart pounding as Tommy shouted for her to hurry up.
Following his instructions, Y/N parked the car next to the fountain.
“I wanted you to see this first…” His smile couldn’t get any bigger as he opened his arms wide and looked around proudly. “I bought this place.”
Her jaw dropped, she was lost for words.
“What do you think? I’ll build a place for the horses in the back.” Tommy explained, eyes shining.
“Woah… I don’t know what to say Tom.” A hand covered her mouth, still shocked to form anything coherent. This house looked bigger than Lady Winchester’s and that was a bloody mansion too! “You always said you’d get yourself a decent place and a big house, and look at how far you’ve come!” She felt genuinely happy for him, Tommy had always worked so hard, always found a way to help his people and those around him. If anyone deserved this, it was him.
“I’ll even have my fucking office here, and there’s a grand salon for parties.” He explained as he waited for her to step inside.
“Parties?!” She laughed nervously.
“A ball dance and shit.” He took a look around.
“You’ll need loads of furniture to fill this place.”
Tommy chuckled. This was unthinkable a few months ago, now it was a reality, he’d had the big place he dreamed of when he was a kid.
“You got a fireplace! In the tea room!”
He followed Y/N’s voice, she was now standing in the middle of the dining room.
“This looks like it belongs to a Lord.”
“You can call me Lord Shelby then.” He winked at her and they both laughed at how ridiculous it sounded.
“Downstairs it’s the wine cellar.” He added hiding his hands inside the pockets of his pants. “Do you like it?”
“Are you kidding me?” She nodded. “This is a dream! I’m so happy for you!” Y/N then went to give him a hug.
A bold movement for the rest of the world, but to her it was just natural, they’ve been friends since forever. She was the one comforting him when his mother passed away, the one to help him hold it together after the war.
“You’ll love the kitchen, it’s huge but they’re doing some renovations already, I’ll show you once it’s done.”
“Looks like I’ll need to make an appointment from now on.” Y/N teased him.
Tommy shook his head with a shy smile. “Of course not, specially not you.”
She knew he was busier now days that the Peaky Blinders owned the races and licenses. It was just a matter of time before he found a woman and got married, then this house would be filled with kids. Or perhaps he already had someone therefore the plans to get the big house.
Once the realization hit her, she pretended to look towards the window. A sudden lump installed in her throat and something indescribable pressed her heart.
“Should we go? It’s going to be dark soon.” Y/N asked, looking him in the eyes for a mere second.
Time flew on their way back and soon Tommy stopped his car in front of Y/N’s door.
Even before he could say goodnight, an angry voice called for her.
“I’ve been waiting hours for you, Y/N nobody knew where the heck did you go.”
“Slow down mate, that’s no way to treat her.” Tommy intervened, holding Scott’s death stare.
“Stay the fuck out of this.” Scott raised his voice.
Tommy felt his blood boiling, one stride and he’d finish the prick, but before he could move, a pair of soft hands stopped him.
“Tommy please, let me handle this.” She pleaded.
His jaw clenched as he saw the smirk of satisfaction Scott gave him. The bastard had Y/N charmed and there was nothing he could do about it.
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✨ Thank you for your support! You already know it, but the way to a writer’s heart is through your feedback xx
Part 1
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1for5 · 19 days
paige bueckers x uconn student!reader
with caitlin clark, aubrey griffin, nika muhl, and emily engstler
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CHAPTER 2: Games and Feelings
prologue ch 1
a/n: not my best writing 🥲 will improve this further soon!
It has been a month of Paige and Y/n’s arrangement, and to say the least, Y/n’s whole college life has changed. Y/n gained friends, and her weekdays did not revolve only on her major and writing activities, Y/n started to have fun. Y/n realized that she’s got time; she’s got time to have fun, do leisure activities, and rest.
Y/n did not want to admit it, but it was all because of Paige. Paige introduced her to many opportunities where she can create fun memories that she will truly cherish. Y/n’s got people who are willing to accompany her whether it’s a morning jog or a drive around the area when she is not feeling her best.
KK and Ice are part of her closest friends now, and they are always with Y/n through the fun and not-so-fun times.
It was a Friday, and a game day. The UCONN wbb will be playing against Maryland. Luckily it was a home game, and Y/n did not have a long to-do list. Y/n prepared for the game, wearing Paige’s jersey and did braids on her hair, just like how Paige does it whenever she has a game.
When Y/n arrived at the UCONN stadium, she went to her courtside seat. She was enjoying the loud roars of excitement from all sides of the stadium. Y/n was entertaining herself by people watching (not in a weird way, of course), observing the referee reviewing a list, the thousands of people taking pictures of themselves, and professors coming inside the stadium together. However, her peaceful thoughts were taken away when she saw Mia sit down a few seats behind her.
Mia was also wearing the #5 jersey with confidence. When Mia saw Y/n, she went up to her. “Hey Y/n! Hope you enjoy the game. Girlfriend duties!” Mia says and gave a weak laugh. It wasn’t not-normal whenever Mia talks to Y/n about Paige, but even so, this time, Y/n did not feel good. She was reminded again of the fact that her and Paige’s arrangement is not real, and may end in the near future.
Y/n was then flooded with negative thoughts, but it was cut-off when it was announced that the game would start, along with the players coming out to the stadium. KK and Ice saw Y/n, and knew immediately that Y/n was not feeling good. They both waved to her, giving a smile, which Y/n reciprocated.
Ice approached Paige, telling her to give her note to Y/n. Paige smiled and ran to the girl on the courtside seats, and gave her a note. “Glad you’re here pretty” Paige said and gave a wink to Y/n running back to her teammates, which left Y/n confused.
Y/n opened the note stating:
Hi! I already know that you will look so pretty in my jersey. Hope you enjoy my hoops. Meet me after and hang with the team? <3 Paige
Y/n smiled while reading the note, and behind her was an annoyed Mia. Not once did Paige have given her a note, which was an action she had been requesting for Paige to do during their relationship. Mia scoffed at the sight of Y/n, giving her annoyance.
When the game had started, and Y/n’s phone was getting multiple notifications buzzes.
Hey Y/n! I am confused.
Please answer me soon? Just give me a sign that you are okay.
I do not want to lose my friend.
Y/n shrugged it off, not ready to talk to her just yet.
As the game was going on, she could see Paige looking at her area, just not sure if the player was looking for her or for Mia. And it bugged her like it was the end of the world.
Paige was playing skillfully, from giving many assists, to shooting many 3s, and Y/n felt starstruck with Paige. Shifting from Y/n’s focus to the court, her thoughts began running.
Playing: Feelings by Lauv.
Y/n’s never felt this way towards Paige. Paige was undeniably attractive, Y/n will admit to that, even both men and women wanting to grab a date with her. Y/n always felt proud and happy when she watched a game, but this time felt different. She’s always seen Paige as someone with good skills and looks, but at that moment, Paige had an aura that was driving Y/n insane.
Y/n then started to think about how she would approach Paige after the game. Should she wait for Paige to come to her or should she do the first move? Should she wear a cuter outfit for the hangout later? Would Mia approach Paige? Why is she even thinking about Paige?
At first, Y/n never thought that she would be into the blonde. This was just rather an arrangement for Emily to stop messaging Y/n and for Mia to be interested in Paige. However, as time passed, Y/n saw another side of Paige. She saw how Paige loves, she saw how Paige was hardworking and determined, and she saw how Paige was willing to make her feel comfortable and liked, even if it was all fake.
Y/n finally admitted to herself. She has feelings for Paige, and its growing. She wants to make time for Paige, and make Paige notice her.
Real feelings are hard to find, but Paige made it so easy.
But.. How is she supposed to tell others? KK and Ice would feel betrayed when they learn that her and Paige’s relationship was fake in the first place, the reason why they started to actually hang out with each other. She can’t even tell them, she and Paige had a proper agreement.. But she needed advice. She was willing to tell Paige that she wants to share their arrangement to the duo.
And just like that, Paige shooted a 3, a buzzer beater. The Uconn team won against the Maryland! The game finished, and Y/n didn’t even realize it at first.
It’s now time for that party hangout.
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animexts · 5 months
10 STEPS TO WIN OVER A GIRL | Megumi Fushiguro
Summary: Itadori discovers Megumi's passion for Y/n, and decides to help his friend by creating a list of 10 steps to win over a girl."
Paring: Megumi Fushiguro X Fem!Reader | WC: 1.161
A/N: I found these gifs on Pinterest guys, In the next chapters we will see our beloved Inumaki too, please tell me what you think of this, and if you want to be on the taglist for this series!
彡 masterlist
Number one: Make her feel special
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"Is this a good idea Itadori?" Megumi says feeling your cheeks hot.
"Obviously, you don't want someone else to get to it before you do, right?" Itadori says with his mouth full.
Fushiguro doesn't know if he's sickened by this, or by what he said, someone else? No, it couldn't happen.
"Alright, what's number one on your list?"
"Number one: make her feel special." Itadori says proudly and Fushigurou raises his eyebrows.
"What do you mean? I already do that!"
"No, you treat her the same way you treat all your other friends."
"If I don't treat her any different, how did you know I liked her?" Megumi says seriously, and Yuji's smile fell.
"Well, I..." Itadori scratches the back of his head, looking down.
"Say it!"
"Okay, I read your diary!" When Itadori says this, Megumi widens her eyes in disbelief.
Yes, he had a diary, but that was for those anxious moments when he couldn't talk to anyone.
"I'm going to kill you!" He says trying to pull Itadori who defends himself with a pillow.
"I'm sorry, I swear it wasn't because of taste, I thought it was just any book, but you have a great way with words, you know? Have you ever thought about writing a fanfic, a book or something?" Yuji says, smiling proudly and Megumi sighs, giving up on hitting him.
Yes, it looked like any other book just to try to avoid attracting the attention of onlookers.
Megumi sits on the bed, looking at the floor embarrassed.
"If it's any consolation, I didn't read it all." Itadori says, putting his hand on Megumi's shoulder, who slaps her.
"Fuck you!"
"Ah, come on Fushigurou, if I hadn't read it, I wouldn't be able to help you with this."
"You don't even know if it's going to work." Megumi says softly, closing her eyes.
"That's why you have to try, look, I'll be close all the time."
And he really was, that morning Itadori and Megumi were hands closer than ever, but Megumi decided to start her plan right after breakfast, during the training with Gojo sensei.
"Okay, this is your chance, tell her something." Itadori says pushing Megumi a little towards Y/n who is drinking water from a bottle.
Okay, let's go.
"Hey Y/n."
He says getting closer and feeling his heart speed up just seeing the girl of his dreams look at him and smile.
"I hope you don't do too bad in training today."
Okay, that was terrible, and he's sure of it when he sees Y/n's smile diminish. Itadori, who is a little far away, hits his hand on his forehead in frustration.
My God, this will be harder than it looks.
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"Second attempt Fushigurou, try to get something else for her at lunch."
It was lunch time and Itadori and Megumi were in charge of getting lunch for everyone.
"Like what?"
"Look girls like Chocolate, bring her something sweet!"
And that's what he did, in addition to buying lunch, Megumi bought a very pretty little sweet that he saw made of walnuts.
"Do you think she'll like it?" Megumi says, analyzing the sweet in her hand.
"If she doesn't like it, you can give it to me." Itadori says jokingly.
Well, maybe Itadori shouldn't have said that, but I'll let you analyze the situation.
"Hey Y/n I brought it for you." Megumi says, handing the cupcake over to Y/n who takes it and smiles.
"Thanks, but I happen to be allergic to nuts-" Before she can finish this, Megumi snatches the cupcake out of her hand and shoves it into Itadori's hands, who He looks at him in disbelief.
"It's okay, Itadori wanted it anyway." He says and at that moment, Itadori just wanted to punch Fushigurou in the face.
Sukuna also wanted that when he saw this situation.
"Fushigurou, shall we go there quickly?" Itadori says, pulling hard on Megumi's arm.
"What happened?"
"What happened? You're treating her like she's your worst enemy, what's your problem?"
"I'm following your advice!"
"No no, you're distorting everything, even Sukuna is disgusted by it."
"Young people of this generation, if it were in my time, we would already be having children-" Itadori slaps Sukuna's mouth, which is on his cheek.
Oh shit, can the situation get any worse?
The answer is YES, it can get worse.
Like that same day while the first years had just exorcised some curses and Y/n said:
"Wow I'm so thirsty."
Itadori's eyes widen when he sees Fushigurou THROWING the water bottle at Y/n.
"Thank you?" She says looking at him who shrugs.
Or maybe while they were getting back in the car and Fushigurou just...
"Kugisaki, you can sit in the front." Itadori says with the intention of making Fushigurou and Y/n sit together in the back.
"No, I sit in the front." Fushigurou says seriously, leaving Yuji completely incredulous.
"No, you sit in the back." Yuji says through his teeth trying to pull Fushigurou.
"I don't want to sit in the back!"
Everyone stays silent watching HOW MUCH FUSHIGUROU DOESN'T WANT TO SIT BEHIND.
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"Alright Fushigurou, maybe you'll have a chance during dinner-"
"Come on Y/n, girls' night!" Nobara says, grabbing Y/n's wrist and pulling her to her room.
"No, you don't have any more chances today, but it's okay there are still nine numbers on my list, there's no way you can fail them all, right?" Itadori says, laughing nervously.
"Ah, what's my problem?" Fushigurou says with his hands on his face.
"I think you get a little nervous around her, but don't worry, anything we can ask Gojo sensei for help!" Itadori says excitedly and Megumi looks at him terrified.
"Anything but that, do you think she hates me Itadori?"
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"Do you think he hates me, Kugisaki?" Y/n asks sitting on the bed.
"What? Who?" Nobara says, paying attention to her friend.
"Well, he's a bit strange, but I don't think he hates you, who could hate you?" Nobara says getting irritated at the idea of someone hating Y/n.
"I don't know, I just... It seems like he doesn't like being around me." Y/n says laying down on the bed and looking at the ceiling.
"Well if he hates you, then I'll have to hate him too!"
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bellaxgiornata · 4 months
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Neighbors [Chapter 1]
Pairing: Frank Castle x Fem!Reader Word Count: 4.6k
[Series Chapter List and Summary]
Warnings/tags: 18+; contains friends to lovers, violence, fluff, eventual smut, angst
a/n: Finally chapter one is here after that initial prologue! And so is Frank in this part! Feedback is always appreciated!
Tag list: @danzer8705 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @mycobrakai1972 @stilllivindue2spite @luvr-bunnyy @pone21
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Keeping your hand steady, you continued to write out the new seasonal menu on the chalkboard hanging by the coffee shop's register. Every beginning of the month you'd change the specialty lattes over to some different flavor combinations that you'd come up with which you felt were fitting for that time of year, and this morning it was time for that list to change.
You had been focused on what you were doing for the past fifteen minutes now, teeth biting down on your lip in concentration, until a noise coming from the back of the coffee shop caught your ear. Your hand momentarily paused on the ‘B’ you'd been trying to write as you attempted to decipher the sound, beginning to feel slightly on edge. Despite the fact that your shop was bright and airy inside, full of natural light from the large shop windows that allowed for the varying plants you had everywhere to thrive, you always found yourself a little nervous when you were here alone. It was always a fear of yours that something would happen–even if this was generally a friendly small town.
Turning your head, you focused on the door that led to the backroom as the sound of approaching footsteps grew louder. Your hand tightened around the bit of chalk you were holding, your body tensing. Seconds later you spotted Allison making her way through the doorway. Quickly relaxing at the sight of her, you felt ridiculous for having been on edge thinking it could've been anyone else.
Of course it was just Allison, you told yourself. She was on the schedule to open today.   
She sent you a smile when she saw you standing in front of the chalkboard. “Good morning, boss!” she greeted you.
“Morning, Aly,” you replied, attention returning back to the chalkboard. “Do you mind unlocking the front door so I can finish working on this?”
“Already on it!” she replied.
She made her way around the counter, grabbing your keyring from off of the top of it as she passed by. You heard her make her way over to the front door and stick the key into the lock as you finished up the second line on the seasonal menu. You lowered your hand, taking a step back and eyeing your handiwork, trying to see if the lettering looked even enough by your perfectionist standards. 
“So I went on that date last night,” Allison told you.
“Oh yeah?” you asked, head turning to the side as your eyes narrowed at the spacing of a few words. “How'd the second date go?”
Allison placed the keys back onto the counter near you before she made her way back around it. With a sigh you finally figured the second line looked perfect enough and you began to focus on starting the third line.
“Awful,” she told you. “I don't think I've endured so many awkward silences in my life. I mean, it's like he lost the ability to make small talk entirely this time!”
“Maybe he was just nervous?” you told her, focused on the ‘L’ you had begun writing. “You are a big personality after all.”
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Allison grab an apron from off the back wall and throw it on. Chewing on your bottom lip again, you tried to perfectly space out the next letter with the lines already written above this one. If anything was just slightly off, you knew it would bother you all month long. 
“Yeah, maybe,” Allison said with a sigh, coming to rest her forearms onto the countertop near you. “But I like my men bold and outgoing, you know that.”
You laughed lightly, nodding your head. “That I certainly do,” you agreed. “But maybe someone more subdued could ground you sometimes. Never hurts to give people a chance.”
“Speaking of giving people a chance,” Allison began, the tone of her voice causing you to stop writing and shoot her a side-eye, “when are you going to let someone take you out on a date?”
“Never,” you told her, focusing back on the chalkboard. “I like my men nonexistent. I don't have time to date, you know that, Aly. Besides, there's not a decent option in this town near my age who's still single and doesn't slog it up at The Crooked Antler most nights.”
“You do know there's a thing called the internet, right?” she asked. “That's what dating apps are for.”
“Dating apps are mostly for hook-ups, Aly,” you pointed out, focused on spelling out the word ‘lavender.’ “I'm not looking for that. Or anything. I'm busy enough with the shop and Lily right now.”
“Okay,” Allison said, drawing the word out suspiciously. “But what if you happened to meet a guy in person? Could there be someone who might change your mind?”
“Considering I don't leave this town hardly ever and I've already said there's not many prospects here,” you replied, “I find that highly unlikely.”
Out of your peripheral you saw Allison shrug, her attention fixed on the front of the shop. You continued to work on the third line of the chalkboard, knowing full well Lily would want to decorate it this morning when you finished with it.
“Well what if a really hot guy just walked into Common Grounds looking like a tree that needed to be climbed?” Allison asked casually. “Like a really, really hot guy?”
Your eyes narrowed at her, your hand hovering over the ‘E’ you'd just written. “I'd say that'd never happen and sounds like its bordering on inappropriate work talk.”
Aly rolled her eyes at you. “Only because you don't like to talk about your love life,” she said.
“Because it's not up for discussion,” you stated, turning back to the chalkboard. 
“If you say so,” she sing-songed under her breath.
Beginning to draw out the ‘R’, you heard the door to the shop open behind you. You half-expected to hear Lily’s excited voice greet you along with the cold blast of wind from the early spring morning, but instead you heard heavy footsteps making their way over to the register.
“Good morning and welcome to Common Grounds!” Aly cheerfully greeted the customer. “What can I get you today?”
“Just a large coffee,” a deep voice rumbled out. “Black.”
Finishing the letter you were working on, you couldn’t resist glancing over your shoulder at the man standing in front of the register. He was broad-shouldered under the black jacket he was wearing, his presence easily commanding the space he was in. He stood with almost perfect posture as he focused on swiping his card through the reader once Aly had read off his total. 
The slight head gesture Aly was making at the man when he wasn't looking caught your eye and your attention shifted over at her. She mouthed out ‘he's hot, get his number’ to you and you immediately shot her a pointed glare in return, shaking your head. Aly abruptly straightened back up, plastering a smile onto her face as if nothing had happened when the man looked up at her, sliding his card back into his wallet.
“Your coffee will be ready in just a minute,” she told him.
You watched as Aly turned around, beginning to work on making the man's black coffee. For a moment you stood there, silently eyeing him as he waited patiently for his drink. You had to admit, Aly was right. He was attractive. He had a chiseled profile with a prominent nose, and thick dark hair on his head that you wouldn't mind running your fingers through. A bit of dark stubble covered his jaw, accentuating his cheekbones. He even looked well-built beneath his jacket as he stood with his hands clasped at his waist in front of himself. But the more you observed him, the more you were positive that you'd never seen him in town before. Before you could stop yourself, the question was already leaving your mouth. 
“I haven't seen you in here before, are you just passing through or visiting?” you asked.
The man's full attention shifted to you at the sound of your voice. There was a faint scowl on his lips, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly as he briefly looked you over. A sudden self-consciousness washed over you under his gaze and the surly, unfriendly expression on his face.
“Neither,” he answered gruffly.
“I just say that because I'm usually great with remembering faces and coffee orders,” you continued, hoping to ease the awkwardness with a friendly smile, “and I don't recognize either with you.”
“Look, I'll be honest ma'am,” the man said, that dour expression never changing, “I’m not one for small talk. It's been a long week and I got a long day ahead of me. I just want some coffee.”
He took a couple of steps farther down to the end of the counter, turning his back slightly towards you and abruptly ending the conversation. Your eyes widened in disbelief at his rudeness, your eyebrows rising up onto your forehead. That wasn't common in this small town. 
Shaking your head at his back, you were about to return to your chalkboard menu when the door to your left once again opened. The sight of Lily beaming at you as she dragged your brother into the coffee shop had a smile instantly returning to your face.
“Good morning, Nini!” Lily happily greeted you. 
“Morning, coffee bean,” you greeted her back. “You ready to help me here this morning?”
Her index finger landed on her chin, tapping it lightly as she glanced up towards the ceiling as she often did when pretending to be in thought. A smile tugged at your lips as you exchanged a look with your brother. You both knew what was coming next–a pastry request.
“If I help, can I get a cinnamon sugar scone?” she asked, her eyes going wide and doe-eyed as they landed back on you.
“Of course, coffee bean,” you answered, taking a step forward and reaching a hand out to ruffle her hair. 
She giggled, beaming back up at you. Just as you were about to say something more to her, the man who'd been rude to you made his way towards the three of you congregating near the door, his large coffee in his hand. Your mouth closed again, your lips instantly thinning into a straight line along your face at the sight of him and that still grumpy expression.
“‘S'cuse me,” he muttered, head ducking down.
He slipped past the three of you, accidentally bumping into your shoulder as he headed towards the door. Your eyes narrowed at his back, watching as he made his way out of the shop and down the sidewalk. 
“Who was that?” Jaime asked curiously, a thumb gesturing over his shoulder. “He doesn't look like one of your usuals. Never seen him around here before.”
Your attention returned to your brother as you shook your head. “Don't know,” you answered. “But he sure was grumpy. Anyway,” you continued, not wishing to spend anymore thought on the stranger's rudeness, “I'll drop her back home at half-past five tonight? As usual?”
Your brother's eyes darted down to his feet, his hands slipping into his jacket pockets. He suddenly looked almost nervous.
“Is it possible you could watch her until eight?” he asked. “I've uh, pulled some strings and got some extra time at work tonight.”
Your head tilted to the side, brows knitting together. “At the Antler?”
“No uh, at work,” he answered, his eyes still avoiding yours as a hand slipped out of his pocket, awkwardly running over the back of his neck. “There's a project that is being rushed and my boss was accepting a few volunteers to work more hours to help speed things up.”
“Yeah, sure,” you replied, curious as to why he was acting so strange about this. “I can drop her off by eight. Maybe we can order pizza for dinner,” you said, glancing down and shooting Lily a wink.
At the mention of pizza, Lily instantly perked up. She began bouncing up and down as she clutched her stuffed husky to her chest. You smiled, your mood instantly lifted by her presence.
“Thanks, sis,” Jamie murmured. “You don't know how much I appreciate your help.”
You waved him off with a dismissive hand. “Don't worry about it, we're family,” you told him. “And I love having my little coffee bean helping me keep things running smoothly here.”
Jaime nodded, shooting you an almost sheepish smile before he turned and knelt down towards your niece. The pair of them exchanged their usual goodbyes along with a hug before Jaime made his way out of the coffee shop without another word. You watched him leave for a moment as he headed back towards his car, still curious as to why he’d seemed so off this morning. 
“So, Lily,” you began, eventually tearing your eyes away from your brother and focusing back on your niece, “why don’t you go fill that watering can in my office while I finish this sign? And then after you’ve finished watering the plants I can grab you that scone to enjoy. By the time you’re done with that I should have this month’s menu written out and you can decorate it. Does that sound good?”
“Yes, yes!” she exclaimed, excitement shining in her eyes. “I’m going to draw butterflies and bunnies and flowers on it!”
Grinning, you gestured your head towards the back door of the coffee shop. “Sounds perfect, coffee bean. Why don’t you get started with that watering can?”
Without being told twice, she darted off through the coffee shop and around the counter, disappearing through the doorway and down the hall towards the back office. Allison was smiling after her, pointing a finger in the direction she’d disappeared.
“If only someone could bottle up that energy and brew it into a coffee,” Allison joked. “I’d like five of those.”
“You and me both,” you agreed.
Heading back to the chalkboard, you tried to focus on finishing it, but you could feel Allison’s eyes on you. With a sigh you turned towards her, an eyebrow shooting up questioningly.
“What?” you asked her.
“That guy might’ve been hot, but his attitude?” she said, shaking her head and making a face. “Wow. I was not expecting that. Definitely no longer Allison-approved for you.”
You shot her a cheeky smile as you teased, “Especially because he despises small talk so much?”
Allison laughed, shaking her head. “Yes, that too. I guess it’s true when they say looks aren’t everything.”
“No, they certainly are not,” you agreed with a sigh.
Once more focusing back on the chalkboard, you began to start on the final line. You wanted it finished before the usual morning rush appeared in a few minutes. But as you were drawing an ‘R’ on the board, you heard Allison speak again and the comment she made had you botching the letter.
“Bet he’s still good in bed, though,” she said, just loud enough for you to hear.
Your face heated as a brief mental image of that man in a more intimate setting flashed through your mind, but you quickly tried to push it away. It had been far too long since you’d last been with someone and you didn’t need to start thinking about that right now.
“Alright, Aly,” you lightly scolded her. “Lily is just down the hall. Let’s keep it PG for now, alright?”
“You got it, boss,” she answered.
But you didn’t miss the tone of her voice that told you she’d noticed your reaction to her comment. Clearing your throat, you focused twice as hard on your chalkboard in silence.
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Hanging up the call on your cell phone, you set it down on the small kitchen island. “So Lily,” you called out, turning around and making your way out of the kitchen and back towards the living room. “I just finished ordering us a large pepperoni pizza from Francisco’s and–”
You stopped dead in your tracks as you entered the living room at the sight before you. Both Lily and your dog Penny were perched at the front window, faces pressed to the glass and looking out of it. Presumably the pair of them were once again staring at the neighbor’s driveway–something you'd scolded her for doing a few times already now. 
“Lily, what do you think you’re doing?” you asked her, arms crossing over your chest.
Both her and Penny looked back at you simultaneously. The sight was almost laughable with how much of a pair they always made together, especially with the matching looks of guilt on their faces. You fought to keep a fairly stern expression on your own face at the sight because she’d been trying to watch the neighbor all evening ever since his truck had pulled up and she had told you that he'd been unloading it. The only way you managed to pull her away from the window for any length of time earlier was when you told her she could plate the cookies she’d made for him. Which of course turned into her picking out a leftover plate from Valentine’s Day, one that you’d used when the pair of you had baked heart cookies and handed them out to neighbors and friends the other month. You'd reluctantly helped her plate them, your embarrassment at the prospect of dropping the cookies off only growing with her plating choice. But at least she was coming with you, because there was absolutely no way in hell you’d have delivered them yourself.
“Seeing if he’s done unpacking,” Lily answered guilty. “So that we can go give him the cookies.”
“Lily, you can’t be staring at people outside,” you told her. “It’s rude and people don’t like that. Don’t be a nosey Nancy.”
“But he just grabbed the last box!” she whined, turning around towards you. “Can’t we go give him the cookies now, please ?”
Sighing, you glanced down at the watch on your wrist. It was getting late now that it was nearing six. Any later and it would be incredibly rude to go knocking on his door to drop off cookies. And if it was the last box that he’d taken out from his truck, you hopefully wouldn’t be interrupting him too much, but maybe you’d have an excuse to hand him the cookies, welcome him to the neighborhood, and then run away back to your place and hide from his reaction since he’d need to finish unpacking.
 “Alright,” you relented with a sigh. “We can go drop off the cookies.”
Lily let out a shriek of excitement before she bolted past you, tossing her stuffed husky onto the coffee table as she raced to the kitchen. Penny darted excitedly after her, her nails clacking across the wood laminate floors as she went. You rolled your eyes, shaking your head as you made your way over to the entry closet, pulling out shoes for you and Lily. 
When you turned around, you saw her carefully carrying the plate of cookies in both of her hands out of the kitchen, the vibrant pink and red heart pattern on the plate impossible to miss even with the plastic wrap holding the very pink and sprinkle-covered cookies in place. Internally you cringed, but the look of pride on your niece’s face had you smiling back at her instead. Because admittedly it was a very sweet gesture she’d thought of all on her own. Even if you still wished she’d just wanted to make regular chocolate chip cookies for the man instead.
It took the pair of you a couple of minutes to get your shoes on before you stepped outside onto the small front porch you shared with your neighbor. Lily walked a step ahead of you, proudly carrying the plate of cookies in her hands down the short distance between you and your neighbor’s front doors as the light waned outside. The sun was near setting behind the row of houses across the street now and it wouldn't be long before it was completely dark outside.
Inhaling a deep breath in as the pair of you came to a stop in front of the neighbor’s front door, you reached a hand out and knocked firmly three times against it. You kept internally hoping this man wasn’t about to make some sort of asshole-ish comment to your niece about the cookies, desperately hoping he was as polite and gentlemanly as Cora had made him sound. But a few moments later when the door unlocked and swung open, your eyes grew wide and the smile completely fell from your face. It felt like the air had been knocked out of your lungs at the sight of the rude man from Common Grounds this morning standing before you. The very same one who’d refused to make small talk and then bumped into you on his way out. All your hopes of him being friendly and polite to your niece immediately disappeared, leaving you with nothing but a sinking feeling of dread.
The scowl you remembered from this morning was still on his face as his gaze landed on you first, his eyes narrowing just a fraction in something like suspicion as he scanned your face. You were still trying to figure out what the hell to say to him when Lily finally spoke up.
“Look, Nini!” she exclaimed, finally catching the man’s attention, “it’s the grumpy man from the coffee shop!”
You swore your heart stopped beating in your chest, embarrassment flooding you completely. Slowly the man’s eyes returned to you, one of his dark brows raising up onto his forehead. Swallowing hard, you’d never wished you could disappear into thin air more in your life than right now.
“Grumpy man, huh?” he asked.
An awkward laugh slipped out of you, a nervous smile sliding onto your face. “I suppose we’re all a little grumpy before our caffeine,” you awkwardly replied. Clearing your throat as his hardened stare only grew your discomfort, you quickly pressed on. “Look, we didn’t mean to disturb you, we just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood.” Pointing to yourself, you gave him your name in a rush before gently placing a hand atop Lily’s head. “And this is my niece, Lily. She’s often with me and she was the one who wanted to bake you cookies when she heard I was getting a new neighbor. So we just–just came by to drop those off real quick.”
The man’s expression shifted slightly as he focused back down on Lily at your side. An emotion crossed his face so fast that you almost didn’t catch it, but you had. Curiously you noted he'd briefly looked pained, but then the unthinkable happened–he smiled .
“Well is that right?” he asked, crouching down to your niece’s height. “You made me cookies, sweetheart?”
“Yes, they’re heart cookies,” she told him, holding the plate out towards him. “Because heart cookies make me happy, so I thought they’d make you happy. Nini and I made them yesterday.”
He reached out, accepting the plate of cookies from her little hands so gently while the smile only widened on his mouth. As you watched the surprising interaction play out, you had to actively make sure your jaw hadn’t dropped onto the front porch floor. Because whatever you’d been expecting him to do or say in reaction to receiving those cookies had most certainly not been this.
“Did you pick out the pink frosting?” he asked her, examining the cookies.
“Yep!” Lily answered proudly. “Pink is my favorite color! And so is purple and green.”
The man glanced up from the plate in his hands at your niece, a genuine smile still on his face as he nodded. “Well those are good colors, but I think you chose well with the pink,” he told her. “And I like the sprinkles.”
“Thank you!” Lily said, beaming and twirling a little back and forth in excitement before him. “So what’s your name?”
He chuckled lightly at her enthusiasm, his focus solely on her. The unexpected and pleasant deep sound of it warmed you, especially with the sweet way he continued interacting with your niece.
“My name is Frank,” he told her. 
Lily nodded her head, still smiling her heartwarming smile at the man. The look on his face had you realizing maybe you’d completely misjudged him this morning, though you worried he wasn’t going to like you much after Lily’s initial comment about his grumpiness. Hopefully that wouldn’t make things strained between the pair of you, especially with being neighbors.
“It’s nice to meet you, Frank!” she chirped.
“Well it’s nice to meet you, too, Lily,” he told her. Gesturing his head towards the plate of cookies in his hands he added, “Thank you for these. Been awhile since anyone’s brought me baked goods.”
Lily’s eyes lit up at his words, a surprised gasp leaving her. “Well in that case,” she began, her excitement somehow increasing further, “maybe we can make you brownies next! And Nini makes the best cinnamon rolls!”
“Hey, coffee bean?” you said, quickly cutting in. 
She looked up at you, all innocent eyes and bright smiles. You sent her a tense smile in return, ignoring the way Frank’s gaze falling back on you was beginning to make you feel multiple confusing things all at once.
“Maybe we should let Frank get back to unpacking and settling in, yeah?” you suggested. “He just moved in, remember?”
The expression on her face slightly fell at your words, but she nodded slowly. In the doorway, Frank began to rise back up to his full, intimidating height. Swallowing nervously, you focused back on him, sending the tense smile on your face his way.
“Sorry to have bothered you this evening, I'm sure you're busy,” you told him. “But welcome to the neighborhood. I’m uh, just next door if you ever need anything.”
He nodded his head curtly in reply, muttering out a quiet ‘thank you.’ You gently nudged Lily’s shoulder with a hand, attempting to direct her back towards your duplex with you. But as you turned and began to make your way back home, you overheard Lily speak up one last time.
“You know,” her little voice said, “you really aren’t so grumpy after all.”
Your eyes snapped shut as you sucked in a sharp breath, momentarily pausing mid-step. Why did kids always have to say whatever was on their mind?
“No,” he agreed with a soft chuckle, “no, sweetheart, I’m not. Thank you again for the cookies and I hope you ladies have a good night now.”
Cheeks straining from the awkward smile you plastered back onto your face, you glanced at him over your shoulder, sending him a partial wave. He shook his head, laughing softly to himself before he turned and closed his front door. Lily skipped happily over to your side as the pair of you made your way back to your front door, entirely unaware of your current embarrassment.
“How much longer until the pizza gets here?” she asked.
“Soon, coffee bean,” you answered, opening your front door.
Hopefully soon enough for me to bury my face in it and forget about that awkward encounter, you thought, hurrying back into your place. Because that was uncomfortable. Hopefully we don’t run into each other all that often.
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glassartpeasants · 3 months
How to Love .02
Eustass Kid/Trafalgar Law x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, self-esteem issues, fluff, semi slow-burn, author writing this at 4am in the morning
A/N: here ya'll go. Sorry if i missed some @ there's just a lot of ya'll
prologue pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
Laying on the couch in Law’s apartment, you couldn’t help but constantly stare at the clock. Watching time go by slowly felt like hell, but there was nothing else you could do. Nothing you had the energy to do. With it being 2:03 am, the whole city was dead, and everyone snuggled in their beds. Dreaming peacefully. Yet here you were, awake and unable to have anything other than nightmares.
Every single night since you caught your boyfriend cheating on you with your best friend, the same nightmare happens. A replay of what you walked into when you went to confront them. You’d wake up from the nightmare, and when you’d go back to sleep, you would be right back into the nightmare. It was almost mentally easier to just stay awake than go to sleep.
But the times when you wanted to sleep, you just couldn’t. You’ve gotten so used to Eustass’s heartbeat as a lullaby to help you sleep that now it's almost impossible to sleep without it. Or how sometimes he’d run his fingers through your hair when he thought you were asleep. Just the small things had such an effect on you that even after knowing what he’d done, it infuriated you.
How dare your heart demand his presence despite it being broken?
You don’t know if Eustass has tried to call or text you. As soon as you entered Law’s car, you blocked him on everything you could think of. It took everything inside you not to leave him unblocked on one thing, just to see what he had to say. Being so in love with him that even seeing the color red reminds you of him. His lipstick and the stains it’d leave behind when he kissed you.  His beautiful red hair and how it was soft to the touch haunted your fingertips. The image of him laying his head on your chest, sleeping as you combed through his hair after a long day.
Your vision grew blurry as tears started to slip from your eyes. Pain and heartbreak fill each tear as it burns along your skin. Curling up in a ball the nest you could, you try your best to provide yourself comfort. You had no one’s shoulder to cry on. The two most influential people in your life betrayed you and left you all alone. You didn’t want to bother Law since he was suffering, too, and you didn’t want to overwhelm him. He already has so much on his plate, working nonstop, the initial betrayal of (.....), and no doubt other things he hasn’t expressed or that you’ve observed. He’s already been kind enough to let you stay at his apartment for a bit until you find someplace. You didn’t want to be even more of a burden by asking him to listen to you sob.
The whole situation was a mess. Never in your life have you felt more alone than you do now. You lay on a friend's couch, trying not to sob and wake them up. You couldn’t turn on the TV to watch something because Law was sleeping, and from what (.....) told you before all this happened, he was a light sleeper. Probably, even closing the refrigerator door would wake him up.
A memory from when you and Eustass would get midnight snacks before watching some sort of show. When grabbing a drink of water, you’d only come back and see him pouting like a child when he awoke to see you not in his arms. You used to love times like those. He was always so cuddly during those times.
“Why the long face, babe?” Setting a foot back into your room after grabbing some water, you return to see your lover with his arms crossed as he sits up to look at you.
“You're not in bed.”
“Yeah, 'cause I was getting water. Am I not allowed to be thirsty?” Giggles leave your lips as you make your way over to your side of the bed. Placing the water glass on your nightstand, you snuggled back under the covers. Not even seconds pass before you feel two hands grab your waist and pull you closer to the man beside you. Your body is wholly trapped as Eustass wraps his arms around you. Burying his face on the top of your head, you hear him let out a contempt sigh.
“I love it when you're all cuddly. It makes me feel so safe when you're next to me.” You feel him placing kisses on your head before making you face up so he can kiss your lips. You can still see the pink on his pale, freckled skin even in the dark. Placing your hands on his cheeks, you rub his cheekbones and look into his eyes. 
“So glad you never gave up, and I’m so glad I said yes.  I’ve never been happier.” As he groans in embarrassment, you begin to plant kisses all over Eustass's face.
“What are you doing?”
“Kissing the places the angels missed. You need to be covered in kisses 'cause I said so.” Eustass hides his face in your neck before kissing it. 
“I love you.” While quiet, you can still hear his confession as he whispers against your skin. 
“Love you more.” You heard him say no before repeating your words. Fake scoffing, you smile as you play his game.
The sound of your sniffling broke through your flashback as reality came back with a punch. Instead of laying in bed with two strong arms wrapped around you, you were sleeping on a couch with your pillow drenched in tears. The roll of toilet paper you stole in place of tissues was almost gone, as the garbage was filled to the brim. Suddenly, the familiar jingle of Bepo’s collar rang through your ears.
“Meow…” Through the darkness, you can see his beautiful while fur rubbing against the couch. You watch him lift his body so his paws are on the cushions before fully jumping onto the couch. The feeling of him lying by your chest made you sniffle yet smile. Moving your arm, you go to pet the animal lying peacefully beside you.
“Guess you know exactly when someone needs you, huh?” The sound of his purring made a shaky sigh leave your lips. The vibrations against your chest calmed you down slightly. But while the harsh tears subsided, the burning pain in your heart stayed the same.
“Why wasn’t I good enough? I did everything right. Is there something wrong with me?” Racking your brain, you struggle to think about Eustass without having the gnawing urge to sob into your pillow.
“Am I ugly? Did he just get sick of me? I don’t understand.” Swallowing the lump in your throat, you feel your fingers twitch. 
“I wanted to marry him Bepo. I imagined the rest of my life with him. I’ve never loved someone as much as I loved him.” As the confession left your lips, the sound of Law’s bedroom door opening made you shut up altogether. Looking at the clock, you see that it’s precisely 4:30am. How time went by so quickly from your sobbing is unknown to you. Quick to rub your eyes, you listen carefully to Law’s footsteps approaching the living room. Despite your heart telling you to stay down and keep quiet, you ignored it and carefully moved your body up to see Law staring at you.
“Jesus Law! I heard you coming, and you still scared the shit outta me!” You hear him let out a small chuckle in the darkness.
“Why are you awake?” Pulling yourself up more, you try to sit up without kicking Bepo off the couch.
When you finally get a better look at Law, your heart skips a beat. There was Law, standing in front of an open window. The moonlight gave him a slight glow. Almost as if he were an angel. You could see a ‘Sora: Warrior of the Sea’ themed shirt hugging his frame along with grey sweatpants. The sound of your heart beating faster made you come back to the present.
“Oh! Well, I guess I’m just so used to sleeping beside someone that sleeping alone is hard. That and some other things.”
“Also, I didn’t know you liked ‘Sora: Warrior of the Sea’!” Law’s face goes into shock as he looks down and remembers the shirt he wore to bed. A light pink dusted his cheeks, but he was thankful it was just dark enough for you not to see it.
“What’s your favorite comic they’ve made? Mines volume 106.”
“You read the comics?”
“Of course! I have the whole collection in that storage garage down the street. It’s in there along with everything else I’ve gathered from my old apartment.”
“I guess my favorite is Volume 200. It’s been a while since I’ve read it, though.”
While you and Law hung out a lot during that semester in college, he wouldn’t have called you a close friend. A friend but not close enough for him to let you stay on his couch. So when he said that you could stay at his apartment the day everything happened, it shocked him when it slipped from his mouth. But now here, a week later, he’s glad he did. While neither of you spoke about the whole situation that had you sleeping on his couch in the first place, knowing he wasn’t totally alone was nice.
Especially when the person liked Sora just as much as he did.
“Do you work today? Is that why you're up so early?”
“Just couldn’t sleep.”
“Ah. Well, do you want to watch a movie? Like a Sora movie? I’m sure we can find one on Netflix or Hulu. We can even make popcorn so we can take our mind off, you know what.” Law stayed silent as he pondered your offer. Even though he’s not really a movie guy, he’s seen every Sora movie at least twice.
“Okay. But I don’t have any popcorn. I don’t like how it gets stuck in my teeth.”
“That’s fine! I think I bought some trail mix if that’s more to your liking. So which movie did you wanna watch? From what I remember, there's Sora: Warrior of the Sea vs. The Dark Depths. Sora-” Law fades out your voice as he feels a spark of joy when he hears you name off all the movies without missing a beat. A smile on your face the entire time you talked about it.
Somehow, even after catching Eustass cheating on you with your best friend, you still had a smile on your face. Yet, he could see the pain behind your eyes if he looked hard enough.
“The third one sounds fine.” Smiling at him, you pat the spot next to you on the couch.
“You need to tell me where you got that shirt. I want one.” Law watches you log into your Hulu account before searching for the movie. 
Sitting down, Law relaxes on the cushion next to you. You grab one of the many blankets you have and hand him one. The warmth of the blanket held from being so close to you slightly soothes Law’s aching heart, if only for a bit.
“Alright! Movie on!” Law catches you, placing the remote between you before you turn your back to him.
“Can’t forget about my little marshmallow Bepo!” Law watched you grab Bepo and hold him close before giving him a little kiss.
“Since when did you two become so close?”
“Since he let me bawl into his fur. What? Jealous?” Law rolled his eyes, seeing you smirk.
“Not long ago, you said he needed a diet.”
“I still stand by that. Now, let’s appreciate the beauty of our favorite hero!” The situation Law found himself in was something he could’ve never foreseen. (.....) wasn’t interested much in Sora, so he never watched them with her or asked her to. But now, here you were with a big smile on your face as you watched his favorite movie with him, an obvious excitement coursing through your body as you hyped up the movie to the cat in your arms.
While Law wasn’t a movie guy, he thought a movie every now and then wouldn’t be so bad as long as it was with you.
“Thanks for coming to Skypeia Cafe! Have a good day!” Handing the freshly made latte to the lady on the other side of the counter, you receive a wave and a smile before she leaves. As soon as the door closes, you let out a heavy breath. The rush has finally gone down, and it feels like you can finally think straight.
“Don’t pass out on us now (Y/N). We still have the after-school rush.” Rubbing your eyes, you lean against the counter before turning your head to see who’s talking to you.
“Oh. It’s you, Killer. Haha, don’t remind me of it. The worst rush of the day.”
While it was awkward, you managed to get past the unease of working with your ex-boyfriend's best friend. It wasn’t fair to be mean to a man who had nothing to do with your ex-boyfriend's infidelity. Plus, he was pretty funny when he wanted to be.
You’ve known him for much longer before dating Eustass. The two of you have been co-workers from the start of college till now. While this was your only job, Killer worked at the cafe for some extra cash, but his real job was working at the mechanic’s shop about half a mile from your old place. He worked there with Eustass when he wasn’t at the cafe.
He didn’t talk much before Eustass properly introduced the two of you, but he got more talkative as time went on. It was nice talking to him despite everything that’s been going on outside of work—a breath of fresh air.
“How you holding up?”
“Best as I can. Thankful I have a place to stay until I can find another place to live that I can afford.”
“Well, that’s good to hear. Have you heard from Eustass?”
“No. I have him blocked on everything. Have for awhile now.”
“That’s good. You should keep it that way.” An itch formed in your head because of the way Killer responded to you. While it could just be normal advice, you felt like there was more to it.
“Hmm? Is he doing something stupid?”
“You're coping much better than he is, let’s just say.” Killer's words made your brows furrow as you became more dedicated to figuring out what he meant. 
“What? What is he doing?” You hear him suck air through his teeth from behind his mask, and it has unease filling your gut.
“I’m guessing you’ve blocked him on snap too?”
“What is he doing, Killer?” Killer sighs before grabbing his phone from his pocket. You watch him tap on the screen before letting you see the photos on Eustass’s snap story. Looking down at it, you feel your mouth drop as you stare at it closely. 
While you’ve been crying out your soul, that bastard was out partying. It was obvious by the way the picture showed him sucking on a random girl’s face. And another one of him with a girl on his lap. Squinting your eyes, your disturbed to see (.....) being the one sitting on his lap. Only then is when you feel a tear drop onto your hand.
“That bastard, I can’t believe him. It hasn’t even been a full month, and he’s acting like I was some fling. Did I really mean that little to him?” Standing up from the counter, you excuse yourself to the backroom so you can calm down.
“Sorry (Y/N), are you okay?”
“I guess it’s my own fault. I wanted to see the pictures, and I took the risk. It just still hurts—hurts a lot.” You laugh pathetically at your final words, trying to cheer yourself up. 
“You know what? Let’s just continue working and pretend this never happened. Please?” Seeing Killer give you a nod, you let out a relieved sigh. Rubbing the tears from your eyes, you get ready to go back and do your job—just on time, too, as a familiar face walks through the door.
“Law! What a surprise! What brings you here? I thought you worked today.” Seeing your roommate’s face immediately brightened up your mood. You’d never seen him at the cafe before while you were working.
“They were Overstaffed, so they sent me home. I thought I’d come say hi.” Walking up to the counter, you see him looking at the board.
“Well, I appreciate your coming to see me. I just finished with the rush, so take your time.”
“Never been here before. Got any suggestions?”
“My favorite personally is (----), but the refresher Citrus Sunrise is a popular one. I’ve also noticed a lot of doctors like the Vanilla Cloud Cold Brew.”
“Cold brew? And what’s with all the sky names?”
“Well, the theme at the cafe is basically the multiple phases of the sky. But the cold brew is coffee that makes you see doubles. It keeps a person awake for much longer.”
“I’ll get that then.” You couldn’t help the laugh that escapes your throat when he orders.
“Should’ve bet money on it. Might have been a dollar richer.” The chuckle that left Law’s lips made a bigger smile appear on your face. You were thankful that there was a little mercy in the world.
“Ah, Law, haven’t seen you since college, it feels like.”
“Probably. I’ve been busy. How’s life going for you?”
“Good. What about you? How’s doctor life?”
“As good as it can be when the person sleeping on your couch snores.” Killer watches you whip your head around with an offended look on your face.
“I do not snore! Never have I in my life!” A content chuckle comes out from behind Killer's mask as he watches you and Law playfully bicker. It hits him that his place must be where you're staying. He supposes it makes sense. If what Eustass told him was true, then you both would be struggling with your partner's affair.
Before Law came through the cafe doors, he worried about how you were taking the breakout behind closed doors. But watching you and Law interact with one another let him know that you’ll be doing just fine, which might leave a bad taste in someone else's mouth.
“She’s still staying with Law?! That fucking-AH!” Killer watched as Eustass kicked a lone tire on the ground. It bounced away from them before hitting another tire and stopping. He ran his fingers through his red hair before hitting the wall with the side of his fist. The concrete bricks that made up the mechanic shop's wall stayed put even with how much force Eustass put into the hit.
“Eustass, you have to understand how you sound right now-”
“I know how I sound! Alright?!... I know how I sound.” His voice trails off as he stares at the ground. The burning in his heart feels wrong, as he knows he has no one to blame but himself.
He flew too close to the sun and let his ego get the best of him. Everything he could ever want was in his hands, and yet he still wasn’t satisfied, so he threw it all on the line simply for a circumstantial thrill. And the consequences came crashing all around him like an earthquake.
When you busted open that door, Eustass knew that no amount of bargaining would have you staying to talk to him that day. The heartbroken look on your face continues to haunt him every night. Not a day goes by where he didn’t feel disgust for himself after being the reason tears ran down your face. 
If he could take it back just to have you in his arms again, he’d crawl out from hell itself.
“She’s also seen those party pictures from last Saturday.”
“What?! How’d she see them?!”
“A co-worker showed her. Apparently, she was at the party.” Eustass puts his face in his hands.
“Can’t even drink away my problems without having new ones show up.” Rubbing his face, Eustass lets out a sigh.
“I had it all. Had the girl, the job, all the works, and I managed to fuck it up. Now, no matter what I do, I’ll never get to wake up next to her.”
“If you even want her to look at you in a way that’s not disgust, I suggest you block (.....) if you haven’t already.” Killer watches Eustass sit down on some stacked tires before putting his head in his hands.
“I did that the day (Y/N) found out. Yet somehow, she keeps coming back into my life no matter where I go!”
“There’s always a retraining order?”
“It’s not that bad. It's just extremely aggravating.” The two men remained silent before Killer spoke.
“The best advice I can offer you is get your shit together before even making an attempt on contacting or acting civil with (Y/N).”
“Alright, I’ll keep that in mind.”
When you got home from work, you took a nap and a shower, then decided to go for a walk around Law’s neighborhood. You wanted to get some fresh air and check out some new places. There was a thrift store nearby that you really wanted to check out, so you grabbed your wallet/purse and put on your shoes. Yet before you walked out the door, you called out to Law.
“Hey, Law?” A few sounds of movement come from his bedroom direction before he pops out from behind the wall.
“Something wrong?”
“Oh, nothing’s wrong! I just wondered if you wanted to go thrift shopping with me. We could just hang out, ya know?”
Hearing your offer, Law originally wanted to say no. He wasn’t much of a people person, and going out willingly, which didn’t involve working or getting groceries, was usually a no-go for him. But he supposed it’d be fine. Just for today, to go out.
“Okay.” As soon as the words left his lips, he watched your smile grow and couldn’t help but smile slightly himself. Walking over to the door, he grabs his shoes and coat.
“Meow!” The sound of Bepo’s meow makes the two of you turn your heads.
“Bepo!” Law watched as you picked up his cat and started kissing him. Bepo’s loud purring had you holding him even closer. 
“I’m sorry, baby, but I can’t take you with us. Your dad and I are going out, and we can’t take you with us. I promise to get you something, though!” Giving Bepo one final kiss to his head, you carefully put him down before making movements to leave.
“Say goodbye, Law! Don’t make him sad!” Your teasing made him roll his eyes before he scratched Bepo’s ears and said goodbye as well.
“Hmm. What do you think about this? I think it’s kinda cute!”
“Do you want my honest opinion?”
“Yes, I do! I think it’d look cute at the apartment!”
“It’s ridiculous. We have a perfectly good honey container at home, which is the bottle it came in.”
“But it’s so cute! I’m trying to liven up the place! Give it a woman’s touch.”
“Our place is fine.” Law’s eyes widen when he realizes what he said. Looking over to see if you caught his slip-up, he is grateful when he sees you looking at another knickknack on the shelf. His heart feels like it is going to jump from his chest. Despite all the chatter the thrift store holds, all he can hear is his own heart.
“Oh my gosh, Law, look! It’s a Sora: Warrior of the Sea mug! We have to get it!” Grabbing the mug, you hold it by its handle and pretend to drink out of it.
“Okay, I found my perfect find. Let’s go.” Just as you turn around, your face to face with a woman with a slight scowl on her face.
“Jeez! You scared me! Can I help you, ma’am?”
“Yes, actually. You see, my son loves Sora. So I was gonna buy him that mug for his tenth birthday. I just needed cash to buy it.”
“But this place takes cards?-”
“So I need you to hand it over so I can give my son his birthday present.” The lady reaches out to grab the mug from your hand, but you pull it away before she can.
“Woah, hey! Sorry, lady, but it’s mine now. It was on the shelf, so that means it’s up for grabs. You could’ve asked them to hold it. Finders keepers.” Was it mean? Perhaps, but you already had your mind set on this mug, and you couldn’t go home without it.
“You're really gonna ruin a child’s birthday over some stupid cup?!”
“First of all, it’s a mug. Second, yes, I am. It’s for someone I care about. And if it’s so stupid, go buy it on Amazon or buy him that Spider-Man cup behind us.” Too busy trying to leave the store and pay, you encase your hand in Law’s and start to drag him away from the lady.
“You really think there’s a child? I don’t think so. I think she wants it for herself.” You start ranting and ignore how your hand is still holding Law’s. Yet Law was overheating with how fast his heart was beating. The warmth of of your hand against his cold one felt unfamiliar, but it was more than welcomed. 
“2.99, please.” The sound of the cash register opening brought Law out of his trance. Once he was back to reality, he also noticed that your hand was no longer in his. Even though it was only in there for a second, the warmth was addicting. While his own hands were freezing, the calming feeling of your fingers intertwined with his own made a light pink spread across his face.
“Thanks, and have a good day.”
“You too! Okay, we can go now.” Motioning Law to fall you, you both head out of the thrift shop. The sun shone down on the two of you as you admired the Sora cup.
“Are you happy with your purchase?” Lay playfully comments when he sees you smile.
“Very, Now here!” Turning your body, you face Law and hold out the mug to him. Your whole face felt like it was on fire, but you pushed through it.
“Here! I bought it for you…” With wide eyes, Law looks at you before looking down at the mug. Carefully, he grabs it from your hands and examines it. His heart pounded against his ribs and felt as if it was going to break free.
“For me?”
“Yeah. You’ve been so kind to me during this rough patch that I need to repay you. I know you're probably tired of me thanking you so much, but you really are my knight in shining armor at this time. Expect more gifts in the future, haha.” Putting your hands to your sides, you begin to fiddle with the bottom of your shirt. You watch Law look at the mug in shock before going back to his usual stoic demeanor.
“Thank you. And it’s fine.” There was a seconds silence before you spoke up.
“Well, where should we go next?”
“Going home sounds nice.” Law couldn’t help but roll his eyes at your pout.
“I promised Bepo I’d get him something! I can’t go home empty-handed!”
“I thought you said he needed a diet.”
“He does! I was gonna give him a little toy or perhaps a cat bed!”
“Cats never sleep in cat beds. They rather sleep on top of the fridge than in a bed.”
“Fine! Maybe some clothes.”
“You're not dressing up my cat.”
“I don’t know. Better keep an eye out, Law.” You nudge Law with a smile on your face. Hanging out with him made all the pain disappear, as his presence was calming and gave you hope that you’d be able to get through it all—perhaps even together. 
@yuki190 @stachelrose @loraleiii @axcel-lucci @st4rfevrr @rexspersonalhell @nanapurinpurin @elen-alambil @starlightkitten19 @bby-deerling @queenofthekill @chaes-tea @emmaiscool22 @shuujin @augustanna @likeliterallywtf @iraaiitz @cherrybomb5000 @lavenderkaye106 @jabean @wrennyx @jamaicaa-blakee @ashortdork @kat2tired @nerdgeekandeverysweet-blog @getsue @kaptain-rebekah @reigenmagnet @rebeccawinters @keenzinemugstudent @mydearlybeloathed @firefistussy @throne-inmyside @littleleelee @thepurpleempath @yuji4lierrr @whodissbitj @slut-for-buck @ihatespidersdie @bluebunny002 @gabi-moureira @blairbellerose @luciledreamz @mrstraffy @yukiyury @lunalovesthe-moon @kenqki
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back2bluesidex · 1 month
Where Do Broken Hearts Go - Chapter 6 (18+)
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Pairing: Model, ex-boyfriend!Jungkook X Child psychologist, Fem!Reader X Lawyer, Single Dad!Hoseok. 
Summary: Jungkook stripped your emotions naked, left you bare in the chilly wind of despair and self-doubt with an unending heartache. You tried your hardest to move on from him, to live for yourself but failed miserably. Each night you had to come back to your empty home where memories and broken dreams were scattered all around the floor, until one day a little angel and her unbelievably beautiful father came into your life. Finally, when you find yourself healing, maybe falling too, Jungkook had to show up! Again!
Theme: Angst, pining, heartbreak, break-up, smut
Warnings: SMUT AHEAD!! Explicit sex, hair pulling, tit slapping, nipple play, body worshipping, doggy style, protected sex, Hoseok is just so whipped for her, confessions, mina makes an appearance, multiple orgasms, argument, drama!!! NSFW!!!
Word count: 4.1k+
Taglist requests are closed.
Minors and karens are not allowed in this blog
A/N: This chapter was so fun to write. I hope it's fun to read for you too. Please let me know what you think of it.
Main Masterlist
Prologue/Masterpost || Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 - Finale
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It’s been long since you had any physical action. 
Jungkook was far too unattached for the last couple of months of your relationship that he couldn't offer more than a few kisses and touches. 
And then when he left, you were far too drained to give yourself a moment of release. 
So, this can be a reason why you currently feel that you are being touched for the first time ever. This can be a reason why your skin is ablaze, your heart is pounding so hard that you can hear it in your ears and your panties getting soaked at the speed of light. 
Hoseok groans in your mouth when you manage to slide your tongue inside of his. He tastes like the red wine you two just had. But he feels like everything you have been missing in your life. 
“Stay the night.” Hoseok whispers in your mouth, parting for a second. A string of saliva connecting both of you. 
“Should I?” you reply breathlessly. 
And then you are kissing him again. His hands hold you steadily by your hip, squeezing your ass occasionally. 
“But first, let’s keep these away.” you murmur in his mouth and he groans in affirmation. 
Parting from your lips again, Hoseok places a quick peck on your mouth and takes the wine glass from your hand. When he exits the balcony to keep the glasses on the dishwasher, you follow him. 
Calling Hoseok only handsome would never be justified. 
You stare at him thirstily as he puts the glasses inside the dishwasher. His forearm veins flexing with every movement he makes. The black turtleneck is tight around his well-built chest. His dark styled hair has come loose around his forehead so a few strands are covering his eyes. 
You start blushing but not because you are horny. It’s more than that. 
No matter how independent you are, you have always wished to have a small family. Some people, who you would always come back to. Someone of your very own. 
And you have always pictured Jungkook with you in those moments. 
But now, when you have a glimpse of what you could have in future (only if Hoseok feels the very same way), you feel greedy. 
You want to wake up in the morning beside Hoseok, kiss him good morning, take Sua out of her bed, kiss her too, and at night you want to tuck her to her bed, kiss her good night and end your day in Hoseok’s arms. 
You don’t know if it’s right for you to ask all these and you don’t even want to think of that. For now, you know you are in love with the man in front of you.
You know he is attracted to you too, and it probably doesn’t match the intensity you possess for him. But for now, you want to live in this feeling. It’s been long since you have felt anything akin to butterflies and you want to enjoy it all as long as it lasts. 
“Do you know how beautiful you are?” It's Hoseok who speaks. He takes a step towards you. 
“Am I?” you mirror his actions. 
“Yes. very much.” he takes a hold of your hand and places a kiss on top of it, “so much so that I want to make you mine… only mine.” 
Hoseok intertwines his fingers with yours, making your heart go even wilder. You can’t remember the last time when you felt this loved, this cherished, this much adored.
His eyes stay on yours. You can’t find the least bit of mockery in those. His words are sincere, he is sincere and right now, you can read him like an open book. 
Placing your other hand on his cheek, you whisper, “then.. What’s stopping you from doing so?” 
His skin is smooth much like his words. 
Hoseok halts his movements at your question. His eyes flood with emotions that are not quite positive. You know what he might be thinking. And you want to dismiss his thoughts as soon as possible. 
“I- I don’t see why you would want someone like me? I am in my thirties, a single father on top of that. You can have hotter younger guys swooning over you, offering you the world and what not. And me? I can only offer you myself, my love and Sua as a bonus. That’s all.” 
You smile at his admission. He probably thought his words would discourage you from stepping towards him. But in reality you fall for him even more. 
Encircling your hands around his neck, you reply, “and what if that’s more than enough for me? What if that’s all I want? You, your love and Sua as a bonus? Will you make me yours then?” 
“I have been alone for far too long, Y/N. and… and I might not let you go if we step into this. I might never let you slip away from me. Will you be okay with that?” 
“I will love that, Hoseok. I.. I have come to like you a lot in the past few weeks. And would love to fall for you in the near future.” you connect your forehead with his. 
“Too bad, because it took me only the first glance to fall head over heels for you.”  as soon as his confession ends, his lips find yours. 
This time the kiss is slow. 
Hoseok takes his time to explore every corner of your mouth while caging you between himself and the kitchen counter. 
You kiss him with utmost sincerity as well. 
Hoseok bites down on your lower lip, making you release a low moan. His kisses shift to your jaw, then to the column of your throat, painting bruises all over your skin. 
His hands find their way to your thigh. And within a moment he lifts you up and sits you on the counter.
Slotting himself perfectly in between your legs, Hoseok nips on your throat. 
“Hoseok” you moan breathily. 
Hoseok’s hands venture underneath your dress, discovering your bare thigh. Your breath hitches when his fingers reach closer to your leaking core. 
Just when he is about to touch you there, the door lock chimes in. 
Hoseok detaches his mouth from your skin. You can see all the color from his face start draining as he whips his head to look towards the main entrance. 
“Hoseok” a high pitched voice comes out of the narrow passage that leads to the door. And at once you know who it can be. 
Her stilettos clink against the marble floor as she invites herself inside. 
You don’t make any effort to demount the kitchen counter or shoving Hoseok away from your body. You stay still, holding him by his arm and so does he. 
“Hoseok, why didn’t you-” the woman comes into your sight wearing a tight bodycon dress that certainly emphasizes her curves a lot.
You gotta admit the fact that she is indeed pretty. And if you’re a tiny bit jealous then it’s a discussion for another day.  
“Mina! What the hell? How do you know my passcode?” Hoseok screams at her. But she is too busy scanning the position that you and Hoseok are in. 
“That’s not important now, Hoseok. Who is she?” she points her finger towards you. 
“Why are you here?” the man asks calmly now. 
“Because you won’t reply to my texts or receive my calls! And I suppose she is the reason why?” 
“Mina. Let’s talk about it later. I need you to leave now, you can see I am busy.” 
“Who is she, Hoseok?” Mina asks again, determined to know your identity. 
Hoseok looks at you. 
Maybe he is hesitant to name your relationship and it’s natural. You are definitely not only in a professional relationship with him anymore but you are nothing more than a person he just kissed. 
So you decide to answer on behalf of him, “I am Su-” 
“She is my girlfriend.” Hoseok cuts you off. 
Damn! Did he just call you his girlfriend? 
When you look up at him, he is already smiling at you, “she is my permanent.” 
You two are too busy staring into each other’s eyes that you don’t see the third figure bolting out of the door and banging it way too loudly. Before you can register it and say something, Hoseok is picking up where he left off earlier. 
His hands work faster this time, undoing the knot of your dress and pulling the cloth away from your body. Your dress falls limp on his feet. 
Your hands grab Hoseok’s turtle neck as if they are on auto-pilot and tug it out of his slacks. He helps you in undressing himself. 
As soon as his honeyed skin comes into view, you start salivating. 
“Fuck! Is it really legal for you to be this sexy?” you speak the words out loud. Your hands explore the expanse of his chest, his stomach, his torso. 
“Why? Are you going to report me?” Hoseok chuckles, trying to tear your hands away from himself so that he can see you properly. 
“I might… report you to my bedroom.” You place a kiss on his throat. 
He groans, finally grabbing your wrist, he pins those on your back and says, “I’m one hell of an attorney. I know how to win cases.” 
He swiftly unclips your bra and takes the article off your body.  
“Holy shit! Y/N! You are so fucking gorgeous!” Hissing at the sight of your bare chest, Hoseok garbs your right tit with his free hand.
“So big! Damn! I bet your nipples will taste heavenly on my tongue!” 
His praises turn you on beyond repair, so you whine. 
He takes your left nipple inside his mouth. At first he rolls his tongue on the bud and then he starts sucking it. His sucks are so powerful that the action produces loud wet sounds. You bite back a moan even though it’s tough to do so. 
“Come on, baby! Let me hear you.” Hoseok speaks into your tit. His saliva runs down your bosom. 
“B-but Sua is-”
“Her room is upstairs, remember?” 
“O-Oh. I completely forgot you fucked Mina neumerous tim- Ah” a bite of sharp teeth on the sensitive skin of your nipple restricts you from completing the sentence. 
Hoseok slaps on your other tit harshly and bites on your nipple again. 
“Hoseok!” you let out a thunderous moan. 
When he finally leaves you tits, those are covered in red, purple bruises. 
Hoseok winds a hand around your naked waist and picks you up easily. You wrap your legs around his torso, letting him take you to his bedroom. 
On other times you would take a look at the decoration of someone’s bedroom as that tells a lot about a person. But right now you can only think of Hoseok’s body, his mouth and those damned set of fingers. 
He drops you onto his plush bed and hooks his fingers around the waistband of your underwear. Once those are discarded, he takes off his own slacks. 
His strong thighs make you wanna ride him till you come undone. But then your eyes fall on his bulge. The anticipation of his rock hard cock filling you up makes your head spin. 
“Let me see you, baby!” Hoseok cooes at you and only then you realize, you have been clenching your thighs and blocking the views. 
Hoseok urges your legs open. Hungrily staring at your leaking core, he licks his lips. 
“Fuck! The most beautiful cunt of the most woman I have ever seen. You are a fucking goddess! I will worship the ground that you walk on.” Hoseok groans briefly before he dives down into your heat. 
As soon as his mouth comes in contact with your cunt, you start seeing stars. 
He kisses your mound, then your folds and then your clit. He takes it into his mouth and sucks the bundle of nerves as his life depends on it. 
And when he enters a finger into your core, you feel your heat building. 
His tongue plays with your clit as two of his fingers plunge into your hole at a rhythmic pace. It’s too much to take, so you voice, “Ho-Hoseok! I’m gonna c-cum.” 
“Yes darling. Cum on my mouth.” he takes out his fingers from your hole and replaces those with his tongue. His fingers do the job of drawing tight eight figures on your clit in the meantime. And as a result, he rips out one of the best orgasms you have ever had. Your scream accompanies your release as you cum in Hoseok’s mouth. 
“So sweet. So fucking sweet.” Hoseok stands on his feets. 
You are so fucked out already that you miss the moment when he releases his cock from its confinement and strokes it twice.
When your eyes finally fall on his naked body, you start getting wet again. 
“Oh god, Hoseok!” you try to sit up and take a hold of his meat. 
Wrapping your fingers around the base of his cock, you give a kitten lick and wipe away his pre-cum. Hoseok shudders with your touch. 
But he takes his cock away from your hand and murmurs, “You can suck me dry later baby. I really really want to be inside you now. Will you let me?” 
Sitting on your knees, you place a kiss on his lips, “Do whatever you want, Hoseok. I am all yours.” 
Hoseok grabs you by your neck and smashes his lips on yours, “You drive me crazy!” His words vibrate into your mouth. 
He tactfully lays you down and snatches a packet of condom from the drawer of his night stand before climbing on the bed. Rolling down the same around his girthy length and lines his cock on your entrance.  
“Can I?” He asks briefly before pushing himself inside your greedy hole slowly. 
He gives you a few moments to adjust first and when you are done he starts moving. 
“Fuck! So tight! Fuck!!!” Hoseok growls as he holds you in your place by your waist. 
The first few thrusts are slow, he takes his time with preparing you. But then you whine, “Hoseok! Faster!” 
“Whatever you say, baby.” Hoseok mutters briefly as he urges you to sit up and change position. He pulls himself out of you. 
Within a moment you are on your fours. 
He grabs you by your waist and slams himself inside again, pulling out an earth shattering moan from your mouth.
His other hand reaches for your neck and then ventures into your hair. He grabs and pulls your hair gently as he thrust into you harshly again. 
The thrusts are so powerful that your words morph into nothingness and come out as gibberish. You start clenching around him sooner than you would like to admit and you know you are gonna cum again. 
“I- c-cu” and you cum on his cock even before Hoseok could offer you a reply. 
“Shit!” He growls as he cums in the condom. 
Your body falls on the bed, you are too exhausted to even get up and clean yourself. 
But soon enough you feel one strong arm sliding underneath your stomach and flipping you over. Hoseok lays you down on your back and then places a damp cloth in between your legs. He cleans you thoroughly. 
Honestly, you want to cry. When you peek at his face, you see nothing but admiration. He gives you a small smile and continues. 
Once he is done, he lays down beside you. Greets you a small good night, wraps his arms around you and kisses on your crown as you slowly melt into a dreamless sleep. 
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He still can’t believe it. 
Hoseok still can’t believe that you are now his. His to hold, his to kiss, his to love and do all the things he wants to do to you, with you. 
Without any doubt, last night was one of the best nights of his life until now. And now that he knows how it is to fall asleep beside you and wake up with you sleeping in his arms, he doesn’t want a life without this.
He traces the contour of your face with his thumb as if to make it into a muscle memory. Your eyes, your nose, your lips.. He wants to remember everything, he wants to engrave it into his brain.
Your alarm goes off, breaking your sleep. 
You stir awake and then look for your phone on the nightstand. Turning it off, you look at him and give him one of your most beautiful smiles. 
“Good morning.” gosh! Your sleepy voice is perfect. 
“Good morning, darling.” If hoseok isn’t wrong then he can clearly see you blushing at the nickname. 
“How did it come here? I definitely left it at your dining place.” You ask him, pointing at your phone. 
“I brought it. Thought you might have an alarm set and see I was right.” he reaches down and places a kiss on top of your nose. 
“Umm. so considerate.” you mirror his actions. He giggles at that. 
“I need to get up now. Do you have an extra toothbrush?” you ask, starting to get up from the bed. 
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“Y/N! I could drop you. It’s not a big deal.” Hoseok whines. He wants to spend as much time with you as possible. Or better he doesn’t want to let you go. But he knows you have work to attend and he values that. 
“I know, Hoseok. But I don’t want you to wake Sua up and drop her to your sisters’ this early. And on top of that the cab is almost here.” you take your purse and follow Hoseok outside his mansion. 
Hoseok intertwines his fingers with yours and pulls you closer once you are at the porch, “I don’t want to let you go.” 
“Neither do I want to, handsome. But Namjoon will kill me if I take another day off. I slacked off for two entire weeks after my break up.” The mention of your break up somewhat dims the light in your eyes but Hoseok knows he can make it better. He can heal you. 
He puts a hand on your cheek and places a chaste kiss on your lips, “So, today is our day 1?” 
He knows he has successfully diverted your mind when your cheeks turn darker and a sheepish smile takes over your lips. 
“If you say so.” you murmur. 
Just right then the cab pulls in outside Hoseok’s mansion. You hug him and bid him goodbye. 
“Y/N” he stops you when you are about to tear apart from him, “what are you doing this weekend?” 
“Nothing. Nothing at all.” 
“Great then.” 
And with that you leave. Even though it upsets him, it also fills him with a new excitement of seeing you in two days. 
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Saturday comes painfully slowly. 
But the prospect of seeing Hoseok not as your counselee’s guardian but as your boyfriend has kept you filled with an incredible amusement. 
You two pondered on what to do and where to go for your first official date. But no options satiated you. You kept making excuses for whatever he came up with and there is a reason why. 
You wanted to spend time with him inside the comfort of your home. And when you presented the idea to him, he agreed in a heartbeat. 
The preparations have kept you busy since morning and it’s almost the time of his arrival. 
So you change your clothes, slip into a fresh pair of tee and shorts, wash your face and apply some lip balm. 
As always, Hoseok is right on time. He rings the doorbell right at 7 pm, just as you two decided.
“Hey, come in.” you open the door wide open, welcoming him inside. 
He has arrived with a large bouquet of red roses and a plastic bag full of soju bottles. 
“Flowers for a flower.” He offers you the bouquet and you can’t help but tsk. 
“So cheesy, Mr. Jung.” 
“I’m sorry.” he laughs out loud. 
Once you are done putting away his presents, you take a good look at him. 
He has his hair down today, unlike the other times you have seen him. His fluffy hair covers his forehead, making him look younger. His lips, as always, are inviting. And he has chosen to dress himself in an oversized white hoodie and baggy jeans. 
“You.. are looking so beautiful, baby.” It’s hoseok who compliments you first. Wrapping his arms around you, he takes you in his embrace. 
“I was about to say the same. You look so handsome, so domestic.” letting your lips capture his in a kiss, you show him how much you have missed him for two days. 
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“Is it okay for you to stay the night?” You ask Hoseok in between your ragged breaths. His mouth sucks on that one spot on your neck, that gets you all weak. 
“Sua is with her grandparents and she likes them more than me.” He replies, pulling his mouth away from your skin for a second. 
“I doubt that. She loves her daddy the most.” You giggle as Hoseok’s hands slide inside your t-shirt. 
He shuts his eyes as soon as you emphasize you on “daddy.” 
“Can you call me that again?” his voice trembles a bit. 
“What? Daddy?” It's such a pleasure to tease him like that. 
“Don’t tease me, Y/N!”  his nails dig into the flesh of your waist. 
“I’m not teasing you. I am asking. Is that what you liked to be called? Daddy?”  
“Fuck it!” Hoseok growls as he captures your lips in a hungry, rough kiss. His hands reach up to your tits, groping the flesh to snatch a moan out of your lips. 
And just then the doorbell rings. 
You whine into his mouth before breaking the kiss. 
“Who is it now!” clearly being very annoyed, you charge up to the door. 
“Hello, who is it?” asking through the door dash cam, you wait for an answer. 
Whoever is outside, is wearing a helmet and from the angle of the camera, it’s impossible to tell if it’s someone you know or not. 
“Courier service.” the muffled voice of the person replies. 
You don’t think much. You usually receive a lot of mail for seminars and stuff that has become a common feat. 
So you open the door. 
But to your dismay, the person wearing that damned helmet and bikers’ jacket is none other than your ex-boyfriend. 
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The scene slowly unfolds in front of Hoseok.
He sees your good mood turning sour as soon as you see the person standing at your door. 
“What is it again?” you grit through your teeth. 
This is the first time Hoseok is seeing you losing your cool and if he is not wrong then the person on the other side is your ex-boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook. 
Even though your body is blocking the view, Hoseok can see the man taking off his helmet.  
“I need to talk to you, Y/N. please.” he speaks in a calm voice as if it’s no big deal to knock on your ex’s door at 9 on a saturday. 
Hoseok’s hands ball into fists. His blood boils at the thought of your ex-boyfriend trying to win you back even after he left you for someone else.  
“I don’t understand what the fuck is left to talk about?” you scream at his face.
“Y/N, Please. I know you can’t forgive me for what I have done to you but I understood it. I- I realized my mistakes. I thought I fell out of love with you but-” the man sighs, his voice trembles constantly, “but I was wrong. I broke up. I- I ended things with her as soon as I realized I still love you. I never stopped loving you. I never-” 
For a moment, Hoseok is afraid. What if you take him back? What if you accept his apologies and take him back into your life. What will be left for Hoseok then? 
But, “It’s too late, Jungkook.” you cut him off. 
“Y/N, please.” 
“I don’t feel anything for you anymore. And I will appreciate it if you leave now.” 
“Y/N, listen to me-”
“Didn’t you hear what she said? She asked you to leave, Mr. Jeon.” Hoseok intervenes. Even though he knows he should not butt in, but you are now his, and it’s his responsibility to protect you. 
You turn your head to meet his eyes. Your face is apologetic as if you are ashamed of whatever is happening right now. He assures you a small “it’s okay”. 
Then he looks at the man standing at your door, only to find him glaring already. 
“And who are you to come between us?” Jungkook’s voice is now laced with venom. 
“I am her boyfriend.” Hoseok replies as he walks up to you and stands between you and Jungkook as if protecting you from an impending danger. 
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writers-potion · 3 months
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Idea Generation Exercises for the Writer
"Right now it's a notion, but I think I can get money to turn it into a concept..and later turn it into an idea."
Take a Good Look Inside Yourself Before Your Start
Your story comes from you. Evaluate your ideas and modify them using a "personality filter". Does it hit a nerve in your soul? Do you resonate, personally, with what the story is aimed at?
What do you care most about in the world?
If you were to write your own obituary, how would you want it to read?
What is your physical appearance? How do you feel about it? How does it affect you?
What do you fear the most?
What are our major strengths? What do youwish you were good at?
What are your major faults?
If you could do one thing and know that you would be successful, what would you do?
What are three events from your childhood that helped shape you into the person you are today?
What are some of your annoying habits?
What secret in your life do you hope is never revealed?
Some Rules:
Schedule a regular idea time. At least once a week, for more than 30 minutes
Select an idea-generation exercise below
Let your imagination run wilde
Record everything without cutting anything. Do NOT xensor yourself in any way
After 2-3 sessions, assess you ideas
The What-If Game: read the newspaper/watch TV, asking "What If" at the end of each article.
Titles: come up with a good title, then craft a story that would go with it
The List: Make a list of nouns that bring back some memory to you with one- or two- word reminders. (e.g. the hill: that I accidentally set fire to when I was 5)
Issues: make a list of this world's problems that push your buttons. What make you angry? (e.g. abortion, gun control, talk shows)
See It: Sit down and close your eyes. List the first three things that comes to your mind, picking the ones that get your juices flowing the most. Sit back and "watch" as the random story unspools in your mind.
Hear It: Listen to music that moves you. Close your eyes and see what pictures, scenes or characters develop.
Character First: Develop a dynamic character, then see where he leads. Recreating characters from popular TV/books/movies or going through obituaries can be helpful.
Stealing From the Best: Take the germ of another plot, then add your own twist to it. Originality is the key to plagiarism.
Flipping a Genre: Turn genre/trope expectations upside down and see what happens.
Predict a Trend: Novels can be "hot" because of the subject matter alone. Read the news and see what people are killing each other over nowadays - and hop on the topical wave!
Noodling the Newspaper: Scan the newspaper for interesting stories, something you can use later. Capture interesting pieces of info and store it away for later.
Research: Choose a nonfiction book on some subject you wanted to know about. Skim the book for an overview, then jot down the ideas that come to you. Read the book in more detail, and flesh out the ideas you have.
"What I Really Want to Write About Is...": Get up in the morning and start typing on a blank document: what i reallt want to write about is.... Just write for ten minutes without stopping to loosen up your senses.
Obsession: Create a character and give her an obsession. By its nature, an obsession controls the deepest emotions of a character and thus prompts her to action. Ego? Lust? Looks? Careers? Revenge?
Opening Lines: Write just the opening lines. Then, write a story that goes with it.
Write a Prologue: Gripping openings are farily easy to write. The trick is putting a book after it. The ideas you generate with a good proglogue may lead to a full story.
The Mind Map: (1) choose a word or concept. (2) allow you mind to jot down connections to the word. Fill the paper. (3) Look for a pattern. Can you link these items into a story?
Socko Ending: Ending often make or break a story. Visualize a climactic scene in the theater of your mind. Play around with the characters, heighten the conflict and emotion until something unforgettable happens. Then ask: (1) who are the characters? (2) what circumstance brought them there? (3) how can I trace back the story to its logical starting point?
Occupations: What we do is inherent to our ways of thinking, the kind of culture we live in, etc. Refer to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles and see which occupations spark an idea.
Desperation: You're sitting before a blank screen and there's nothing in your head. You're down to your last two brain cells and slowly losing one of them. Good. You are a desperate writer. The answer:
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee! ☕
Reference: <Write Great Fiction: Plot and Structure (techniques and exercises for craftin a plot that grips readers from start to finish)> by James Scott Bell
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merrybloomwrites · 5 months
I Hear Them Calling (Chapter 2)
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Story Summary: Alpha Harry Styles and omega Y/N Y/L/N meet under less than ideal circumstances. Overtime their paths will cross and they will be drawn to one another in ways they never expected.
Chapter Summary: Y/N & Harry separately reflect on the event that brought them together and cope with the feelings it raised.
AN: It's a bit of a shorter chapter than I originally planned, guess I'm still getting back in the swing of writing after a very crazy week. This chapter is very introspective I would say. Less action than I normally include, but I thought all this was important to set up future chapters, if that makes sense.
Previous Chapters: Prologue ; Chapter 1
CW: Mentions of a previous attempted assault
Word Count: 3.2k
On Sunday morning you wake up in a cold sweat. You certainly hadn’t had a peaceful night of sleep. You’d been plagued with nightmares of the alpha and what he had done.
It’s early, the sun is just starting to rise, but you give up on sleep. You know that if you close your eyes, you’re just going to keep seeing that man and the paralyzing fear will come back. Distractions are the way to go.
As always, you make yourself a cup of tea to start the day. But it doesn’t sooth you the way it normally does. In fact, you’re feeling even more anxious. You’re confused why a scent you now associate with Sarah, one of the nicest alphas you’ve ever met, is causing such a negative reaction in your body.
You start to run through everything that happened the night before. It all comes back in vivid detail. Up until one point when it suddenly went dark, and your memories become fuzzy and confusing.
What the hell had even happened there? Because it wasn’t a drop. You had dropped twice before, and this was different. You’re completely unaware during a drop and have no memories after. Instead, you’re just left feeling dizzy, and so, so alone.
But this time wasn’t like that. It was hazy, sure, but you were still somewhat aware of your surroundings. You were aware that even after you practically lost consciousness, he still moved closer to your neck and tried to forcibly scent you. You remember falling, knowing you wouldn’t be able to catch yourself. But someone was there to break your fall and help you sit.
That’s when you were surrounded by the tea scent. At the time you had no idea it belonged to such a kind and gentle person. You just knew there was still an alpha touching you, and you had no clue what their intentions might be. But then you became aware of the calming pheromones they were releasing. This immediately helped you relax and made you start to trust this unknown alpha.
You had picked up on the presence of another alpha nearby. One who was releasing a bitter, angry scent before quickly switching to a calming one as well. Now you know that it was Harry, though his scent at the time was nothing like the wonderful one that permeated his dressing room.
The next memories are quite embarrassing to remember. You’re happy that Rachel had taught you about Harry’s band before the show. Because at least you could identify that the man who’s lap you were in was his guitarist, Mitch.
And then you think about how wonderful they all were. How they took care of you and made sure you were okay. Especially Harry.
You still can’t figure out what that was about. He was so protective, so worried. That alone had your omega trying to stake claim on the man. Never before had someone cared that much about you and your wellbeing. And then his scent. God, it was amazing. You’re eternally grateful you didn’t see him again after the show. You know you would have said or done something stupid. His smell would probably be more prominent after a show, sweat washing off the extra scent blockers he obviously wore in public.
Your mind starts to wander thinking about how delicious his scent probably is when it’s direct and unmasked. It’s a good thing your phone dings, pulling you back to the present before your thoughts can turn into inappropriate territory.
It’s Jada, sending you the videos she took the night before and informing you that Harry will set aside up to 6 tickets for whichever day you choose. You thank her for the videos and let her know you’ll get back to her after talking to your friends.
You’re not ready yet to talk about what happened at the show, so you hold off texting your friends for the moment. You know you’ll need to explain what happened, since you don’t want to lie about why you’re getting these tickets, but it can wait a few days.
Getting back to your distractions you spend the day deep cleaning your apartment and running errands. Anything to keep your mind busy.
You send the videos to Rachel and make plans for her to come over for lunch Saturday. You’ll tell her the truth about the concert then. Violet reaches out in the group chat, checking that you and Ameila will still be coming over for your usual Friday night hangout that week. That somehow leads to a discussion about favorite types of soup and by the time you’re all done debating broccoli cheddar versus tomato basil, it’s time for bed.
You’re exhausted from the sleepless night prior and you hope that you’re so tired you won’t have any dreams. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen. Of course not. No, you once again have nightmares of the alpha. Unlike the night before, when it had just been repeats of what happened, now it was what could have happened. All the worst-case scenarios.
Monday morning rolls around, and you might actually be more tired than you were before bed. You go to make your cup of tea and see hot chocolate mix on the shelf. For a moment you hesitate and then grab the container, making a mug of cocoa. It’s a bit of an odd choice, since it has zero caffeine and it’s August, but it feels like the right thing to do.
The smell of the chocolate immediately settles you, and you feel more at ease than you have in days. You have a theory why, but you try not to think too deeply about it as you continue your morning routine.
You sit at your desk to begin working for the day. You normally love that you have a completely remote job as a data analyst. But it’s a rough morning for you. You’re restless, completely unable to sit still, like there’s ants crawling under your skin.
Nothing gets done, so when it hits 1PM and you still haven’t crossed a single thing off your to-do list you decide to leave the apartment to get lunch. You pack up your laptop, thinking maybe your afternoon will be more productive with a change of scenery.
You grab a sandwich from the local deli and walk to the nearby park. You sit at a table next to some rose bushes. Their fragrance is strong, and it settles you. You sit for hours, completing all the work you wanted to accomplish that day.
It’s obvious why the roses helped you feel better. For the same reason the chocolate smell calmed you that morning. You’re embarrassed that Harry’s scent, even just reminders of it, has such an effect on you, but you lean into it.
There’s a boutique by the park that you know sells candles and other scented things, so you go in with one goal in mind. After smelling way more candles than is probably socially acceptable you find one that you think will work. It’s woodsy, and just a little floral. It’s missing the chocolate component, but you figure it’s as close to Harry’s scent as you’ll get. It also comes as a reed diffuser and a room spray, so you purchase all three.
That night before bed you set up the diffuser and have another cup of hot chocolate. You finally sleep peacefully through the night and wake up refreshed.
You follow this routine all week, switching your normal tea to hot chocolate, working outside by the rose bushes, and ensuring your home smells like Harry.
On Friday night you head over to Violet’s house.  The night starts off as usual, take out and a movie that you barely watch as you catch up and talk about your weeks.
“So, how was the concert?” Amelia asks.
For a second you nearly lie. Almost say, oh it was great and show the videos Jada took for you. But they’re your best friends, the people you can tell anything. You take a deep breath and say, “He definitely puts on a good show. But unfortunately, I didn’t really see it.”
“What do you mean?” Violet asks.
“There was this alpha in the audience,” you begin, and your friends immediately tense up, knowing where the story is likely to go.
“I noticed him the second I got there and moved to blend in with the crowd. I thought I had lost him, but I went with some girls to the bathroom and apparently he’d followed me and waited outside. When I walked out of the bathroom he used his alpha voice and made me follow him to a secluded area.”
“What a bastard!” Amelia interjects and Violet nods her head in agreement.
They see the tears welling in your eyes and move closer, each wrapping an arm around you before you continue.
“Once he got me alone he used his alpha voice again. I couldn’t move or say anything. He tried to scent me, and honestly was probably going to do a lot worse things. But I went into a half-drop or something.” You pause, taking a deep breath and they hold you even tighter to comfort you.
After calming down again you say, “And then things got weird.”
“I’m sorry, they weren’t weird already?” Amelia asks.
“Honestly, no. They were awful, but as an omega, not unexpected. What was weird, was waking up literally sitting in Mitch Rowlands lap with Sarah Jones and Harry Styles watching me from across the hall.”
“Harry Styles?” Violet says incredulously.
“Yes,” you reply.
“The Harry Styles?” Ameila adds.
“Yes, guys. The real Harry Styles.”
“Why was he there? Wouldn’t security be taking care of the situation? Not the performer?”
You realize Amelia makes a good point. Why did Harry and his band members respond to this incident? Wouldn’t it make more sense that they stay far away from potentially dangerous situations?
After thinking for a moment, you say, “He and Sarah are alphas. They probably sensed something was wrong and came to help. I wasn’t able to say anything, but I was able to send out some distress signals, so I guess they responded to that.”
“And this all happened before the show?” Violet asks.
“It was while the opener was on. And then they took me to Harry’s dressing room to talk to a police officer and have a medic check that I was ok. I was planning to go back to the crowd once they finished but Harry wouldn’t let me.”
“Wouldn’t let you? Sounds like another controlling alpha,” Violet says.
“No, no, that was bad wording. I mean, yea, he didn’t want me going back to the crowd again but not in a controlling way. He wanted to protect me. He said his alpha was still worried about me and he wouldn’t be able to perform if he didn’t know that I was safe.”
“Wow, that’s kind of intense,” Amelia says. “Are you okay?”
“I’m okay. Mostly. I think.”
They both give you a look and you explain, “I mean, it sucked, obviously. I hate that alphas have that kind of control over me. And I keep thinking about how much worse it could have been. But nothing too bad ended up happening. Plus, I got to meet Harry Styles so that’s a win.”
“What was he really like?” Violet questions.
“Well, he’s just as kind as everyone says. Most of the time he gave me space since he’s also an alpha, but at one point he held my hand for like, a second, and it felt like it’d been burned. I literally couldn’t believe his skin had touched mine. And the way his alpha was still on edge even when the danger was gone, I still don’t know how to explain that. Plus, his scent, God-” you cut yourself off before you can embarrass yourself about your obsession.
“Oh no, you can’t stop there!” Amelia says. “What is it like?”
For some reason you want to keep the specifics to yourself, so you reply, “I dunno, but it has this warmth to it, and like, a fresh outdoorsy smell. Anyway, uhm, I watched the concert on a TV in his dressing room. He’s giving me some tickets for any of the other New York shows, and I want you two and Rachel to come so we need to pick a date.”
You guys start to look at your calendars and write down a few of the shows that will work.
“When I see Rachel tomorrow I’ll see if any of these days work for her too,” you say once you have a short list.
“Does she know what happened?” Violet asks.
“Not yet. She doesn’t even know I’m an omega. I’m going to tell her everything tomorrow.”
“Are you comfortable with that?”
“Yea, I mean I trust her. She’s a good friend. She’s just a newer friend and it takes me awhile to open up about my, you know, status.”
“If you need us, for anything at all, you call or text and we’re there okay?”
You nod and smile, knowing that you have the two best friends in the world and that everything will be alright. You guys finish the night with some ice cream, and if your friends are curious about you picking chocolate when strawberry has always been your favorite, they don’t comment on it.
Lunch with Rachel the next day is a little more nerve wracking, but by the end you feel so much better. You explain everything about yourself and what happened at the concert the week before. She’s more knowledgeable about omegas than you expected, and she explains her favorite cousin is an omega.
“Y/N, I’m sorry I encouraged you to go alone. I know how dangerous outings like that are. Seriously I think a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders when my cousin officially bonded her alpha and had protection from him.”
“Rach, I’m a big girl, I chose to go alone. I thought my suppressants and scent blockers would have hidden my secret, but sometime alphas can still literally sniff us out.”
“Do you think the medicines are losing their effectiveness? Like you’ve built an immunity cause you’ve been on them so long?”
“They’re supposed to last a decade before that happens, I’ve only been on these eight years.”
“Probably couldn’t hurt to check though, right?”
You agree with her and make a mental note to at least put a call out to your doctor soon.
“And no concerts alone, got it?” You smile at her protectiveness and nod in agreement.
“Definitely not alone, but I am being given tickets for us to go to another show since I basically missed the first one.”
“Seriously? When?”
“I invited Violet and Amelia, and we have some dates that work for us. Can you do any of them too?”
You settle on September 10th and you text Jada later that day to let her know. She responds almost immediately which surprises you because you assume they’re getting ready for his show that night.
After talking to all your friends you’re feeling much better than you have all week. Plus, knowing you get to see Harry’s show soon has you excited. You don’t think you’ll get to see him again, but maybe just being in the same room will be enough to settle your omega.  And hopefully it can show your omega how truly unattainable the alpha is, and you can stop obsessing over him.
Harry’s pacing in his dressing room. It’s Saturday, night five of his NYC residency, and exactly one week since he met Y/N. And it’s been one week since he’s seen Y/N. And his alpha is restless.
“Harry, I’m sure she’s fine,” Mitch says firmly, ever the voice of reason.
“Then why hasn’t she texted Jada back? It’s been days!”
“She probably just hasn’t been able to coordinate with her friends yet,” Sarah says as she tries to soothe him.
Harry sits on the couch and sighs. “I’m sorry,” he says. “I don’t know why I’m like this right now. Why I’m so worried about her.”
“Well, it’s probably because she’s an omega. And you are a good alpha. Your instinct is to take care of her. And she nearly got hurt. Here. At your show. And I’m thinking you feel like you are at least partially responsible, which is dumb, because you’re not. But you’re a good person, and you care deeply, which makes you maybe a bit emotional about things like this?”
Harry takes in Sarah’s words. She’s right. He didn’t want to admit it out loud, but he feels guilty. He’s devastated that this happened at his show, a place that he always thought was safe for his fans.
“What if it’s more than that?” Harry asks quietly.
“What do you mean?” Mitch questions.
“What if she’s not just an omega?”
Sarah and Mitch expect him to continue, so when he just sits there silently they share a confused look.
“Care to explain?” Mitch says, encouraging him to open up to them.
“I feel like maybe she’s special. I mean, my alpha has definitely taken a liking to her. I was ready to rip that other alphas throat out when I saw his hands on her. And the only way I was able to do the concert was because I knew she was basically locked away from everyone else with security outside the door. I had to know she was safe. And I hate not knowing if she’s okay now. Plus, there was a moment.”
“A moment?” Sarah presses.
 “Yea I uhm, we were alone in the room right before the show. And I held her hand. Just to like, reassure her I guess. It was only a second, but I swear to God there were sparks. I’ve never felt anything like it, especially not from just holding hands.”
“Do you feel connected to her, or is your alpha connected to her omega?” Sarah asks to clarify.
“I honestly don’t know. Normally I can separate the two, but the situation brought my alpha out more than usual.”
Before anyone can ask more questions there’s a knock at the door.
“Come in!” Harry calls out and Jada enters the room.
“Hey Harry. Y/N just texted, she and three friends are planning to come to the show on September 10th if that still works.”
“Yes, of course! Please send her four VIP tickets. In a box or somewhere sectioned off if possible. And passes to come backstage before the show, okay?”
“Got it, I’ll send her everything they’ll need.”
“Wonderful. Thank you, Jada.”
She smiles, waving to Mitch and Sarah as she walks out of the room.
“Well, there you go,” Sarah says. “She is obviously fine if she’s texting and making plans. And you’ll see her again on the 10th!”
“If your alpha can last three weeks,” Mitch says teasingly.
“Shut up,” Harry drawls out, smiling at his best friend.
Mitch may think it’s a joke, but Harry truly doesn’t know if he can go three more weeks without seeing Y/N. Maybe three weeks will be enough to calm down his alpha, and shake this obsession he has with the lovely omega.
AN: Thanks again for reading this story! Chapter 3 is already in the works, and I am very excited for the Harry & Y/N reunion.
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septembercfawkes · 7 months
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Breaking Writing Rules: "Never Start with a Character Waking Up"
There are so many wrong ways to start a story, or even just a scene, and one of the common "wrong" ways is to open with a character waking up. It's even more "wrong" if the character then goes about his or her ordinary routine--shower, clothes, breakfast, commute. And yet, we've all seen and read stories, or scenes, that start, more or less, this way. So what gives? Why is it a "don't"? And when and how can we make it a "do"? In today's post, I want to go through just that.
What's the Rule?
Don't open a story or scene with a character waking up. Furthermore, don't then have the character go about her ordinary day.
Why it's a Rule
There are several reasons why this is a rule:
1. It can be lazy and weak.
For many writers, it's difficult to know when and how to start the story, or a scene, on the page. While it would often be ridiculous to start with the character's starting--his birth (though there are some exceptions where this works), usually the next natural starting we think of, is the start of the character's day.
Waking up is a natural "start" of something, so many writers will grab it without thinking. So in a sense, one could argue it's grabbed out of laziness. Or at least a lack of preparation. The writer didn't take the time to really consider what should be on the page.
Unfortunately, it can also be a weak starting.
It's unlikely the character waking up and beginning his ordinary routine, is important for the audience to sit through--important for the audience to know--for the story. It often ends up just being filler that needs to be scrapped later.
Now if you want to open that way in a rough draft and scrap it later once you've "found" or discovered the story, then please, follow the creative process that works best for you.
But starting with a character waking up and going about a typical routine is usually a weak choice for an opening. It often isn't interesting.
2. It can be cliche.
Because writers often grab this starting without thinking, it gets grabbed a lot. This can make the opening cliche. The audience--and especially the agents and editors--have seen this opening dozens (or hundreds) of times. So it's not going to hook or impress them.
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When to Break the Rule
Let's talk about when starting with a character waking up, can work well . . . 
1. It's not an ordinary day (or routine) for the character.
Sometimes you can justify starting with a character waking up, when it's a special or unusual day, such as a birthday, wedding day, or Christmas Day. Or maybe it's the day of a first job or a critical deadline . . . or the morning after a first-ever one-night stand.
The Hunger Games literally starts with Katniss waking up in bed, but it's the morning of the reaping, and Prim isn't near her, which is unusual. This can help grab the audience right away.
2. It's not an ordinary way to wake up.
Maybe the character wakes up in or from unusual circumstances. This may better grab the audience's attention. Maybe he's tied up. Maybe he's just time-traveled. Maybe he's been in cryo-sleep. Maybe he's waking up alone for the first time in decades.
Do be mindful, though, that even things such as waking up from cryo-sleep can be overused and cliche, so you’ll still want to find ways to make it interesting . . . which I'll get to in a bit.
3. It's an ordinary day (or routine) for the character, but not for the audience.
If your story takes place in an unusual setting, you may be able to get away with the character waking up on an ordinary day and then doing ordinary things--because they aren't ordinary to the audience.
Barbie is a great example of this. While the film starts with a prologue (which we may liken to Barbie's "birth"), the main story opens with Barbie waking up and going through her typical morning routine. It's familiar, but the world she inhabits is different. Her shower has no water. Her cup has no drink. She magically floats out of her house.
4. The inciting incident hits quick.
The beginning of the story should help establish a sense of what's normal. Or at least, the current normal. This is sometimes relative to the story. It's normal compared to what will come later. In any case, that normalcy will be disrupted by the inciting incident.
If the inciting incident hits very early, you may justify starting the story with your character waking up and going about his ordinary routine. This will quickly establish the norm just before you upend it.
5. It begins with a dream.
Starting a story, or even a scene, with a dream is often considered a big no-no. This is because dreams lack immediacy and tension (or work off false tension). But like anything, there are exceptions where dreams can work well, such as if the dream is actually a premonition or vision. (But dreams themselves will be for another post.)
If you start with a dream, then obviously you will also likely have the character waking up as well. It sounds like common sense, but sometimes we writers overthink things and need to hear it from someone else.
In the Harry Potter series, Harry has dreams that turn out to not be ordinary dreams at all, so naturally, we have scenes with him waking up.
Now with all this said, these aren't necessarily automatic excuses to have a character wake up on the page. Ask yourself: Do you really need the character waking up and doing ordinary things on page? Or can you start the scene later? Is this the best way to open the scene, or story? Is it truly important for the audience to know how the character woke up?
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How to Break the Rule
Let's say you've decided that, yes, the character needs to wake up on page. This means you have some things working against you: It's been done a lot, so can be cliche. And it's usually not interesting. How do we work around those issues and still keep readers invested?
For one, what happens needs to be tied to the story, and not just filler. Typically, that means it's pertinent to the plot. But it could also be used to speak to character. Or relate to theme.
Just because you've decided to start with a character waking up doesn't mean you get a pass to be lazy in handling your scene opening. It should still (usually) have these four key elements: a hook, setup (aka "grounding"), a goal, and stakes. So say your character wakes up on his anniversary day (setup), but alone (hook), because his wife has recently moved out. Nonetheless, he intends to make it the best anniversary ever for her (goal), in the hopes he can win her back (stakes). That scene opening is plot-relevant.
Sometimes how someone wakes up and starts his routine can be used to show off character. In A Man Called Otto, we see Otto wake up just before his alarm goes off. This is someone who is predictable and punctual--and even though he wakes before his alarm every day, he still sets his alarm. That alone conveys a lot. But it doesn't stop there. We see how precise he is in taking care of his house, and what a rule-stickler he is in the neighborhood. We learn plenty from an ordinary man waking up on an ordinary day, doing ordinary things.
Or perhaps the scene opening speaks to theme, such as Scrooge waking up Christmas Day and demanding to know what day it is, and then setting about to be more charitable than he's ever been.
And of course, often plot, character, and theme overlap in places.
Every rule can be broken, but it needs to be done for the right reasons and in the right way.
More Articles in this Series:
Breaking Writing Rules Right: "Show, don't Tell"
Breaking Writing Rules Right: "Don't Use 'Was'"
Breaking Writing Rules Right: "Don't Use Adverbs, Adjectives"
Breaking Writing Rules Right: "Only Use 'Said'"Breaking Writing Rules Right: "Don't Use Filter Words" Breaking Writing Rules Right: "Don't Use Passive Voice"  Breaking Writing Rules Right: "Don't Use Flashbacks"Breaking Writing Rules Right: "Write What You Know"Breaking Writing Rules Right: "Only One Impossibility" 
Breaking Writing Rules Right: "Never Open with Introspection."
Breaking Writing Rules Right: "Don't Write Direct Dialogue"Breaking Writing Rules: "Never Edit During Your First Draft"
Read What Others Are Writing on the Topic:
Candice Jarrett
Writing Cooperative
Janice Hardy
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onyourhyuck · 1 year
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— Prologue: He hushes your series of whines. “Be quiet and just take what i give you alright?” He was beyond cruel to you and you couldn’t help it but shut up as he told you to.
— Summary: Where your childhood enemy found your diary one day where you wrote all your dirty thoughts about Lee fucking Haechan.
— Genre: Just pure filth here. Smut Smut Smut minors dni. Manipulative Haechan here he’s just so bad to Y/n. Everything is consensual but it can get pretty dark. Y/n enjoys being humiliated (humiliation kink) and a threesome is involved here with nomin. Recording a sex tape. Exhibitionist. Being watched when having sex. Pure brain rot. Body worshipping (male receiving). Blindfold temporarily on. Ice play female receiving. Giving head to y/n and using ice at the same time. Neck grabbing. Y/n fucking humps thighs. Donghyuck makes Y/n fuck herself on his thighs.
— Notes: Since you guys liked the first part so much here is a part 2 <3 enjoy loves.
It’s only been a week since the day you were caught with your diary and Donghyuck hasn’t let it go since then keeping you on a tight leash with his name on it figuratively. It’s gotten to the point where there wasn’t a space and time when he was bored and needed some ‘entertainment’ so he would call you up. As much as you’re happy with him being more interactive.
You can’t help but think that you’re growing more feelings towards him than you could imagine. Something darker and more sinister. You can’t help your lewd thoughts and it’s not like you can write it in your diary like you’d per usual do because now he’s got in and he hasn’t given it back since.
You are too embarrassed to voice your opinions to him because not only is this not a friends with benefits — because he’s not your friend and none of you are benefitting from this it’s more like he’s benefiting from your humiliation. It’s much more complex than that.
You’re not sure what to call it honestly and it didn’t matter what label you’ve decided this was, at the end of the day Donghyuck is a lowlife who’s been around your life fucking it over and upside down until you’re a crying fucking mess on the screen and now you’re not sure what more could happen?
You forgot half of the things you’ve wrote in that diary of yours that’s how much you’ve wrote. Endless information he could end you with in a matter of a bullet second from shooting your heart. Donghyuck has been reading your massive diary daily and found himself preparing the next thing you guys could do.
One thing he’s came across was something he couldn’t imagine doing but then he started reading more from your point of view he happens to found himself becoming more interested with the idea of what he’s about to do.
It’s more like multiple things he’s about to do with you.
You were told to come to his house and when you do you’re meant to ring the door bell and wait for him patiently to come down and get the door. You asked what if his parents answer the door but he claims that his parents won’t be home that day until later evening time so you were told to come early morning. When you did the door swung open revealing the devil who looks a little too good in just a basic white shirt with short sleeves revealing the perfectly tan forearms and his wet hair spiked down.
You couldn’t take your eyes off him for the longest minute staying mesmerised at how good he looks. He was in black shorts and a white basic plain shirt only revealing slight bit of his skin which left a feral feeling on the bottom pit of your stomach.
God you sometimes wonder if you can stop being so fucking down bad for him but you can’t.
Donghyuck saw your very obvious staring in which he snaps a finger in front of your glasses glaring at you for standing there. It’s cold outside why would you stand there looking like you’ve seen an angel? “Earth to specs mind coming in or will you stand there like an idiot.”
“Because I can certainly fuck you right here and give my neighbours a hot show.” He darkly throws watching your face go from a light complexion to a very warm bright red. Your gaze breaks down and you take a step inside taking off the shoes and your jacket. Donghyuck smirks ear to ear closing the door.
Shame he wouldn’t mind fucking you in the open right there.
“What’s got you so dazed out airhead?” He crows behind you enough to cause a bunch of goosebumps to pop on your skin like a running disease. You hate how much everything turns you on about him and it’s not even lust at this point.
It’s like you’re drugged by him and he’s the only reason you can feel something to feel so alive.
You wanted to reply but you weren’t sure how to say it casually without seeming like you’ve been eye-fucking him right now.
Donghyuck finds your silence very amusing as he leads you upstairs to the bedroom. You’ve never been to his bedroom but the only time you were inside his house was when your parents let you both play mario kart when you guys were younger. Back then you guys were inseparable best friends but soon enough that changed and now it’s been years since you’ve seen his home again.
“No answer hm?” Donghyuck closed the door as you hear him speak again this time you awkwardly sit on the end of the bed.
You’re quite literally screaming inside your head so many things but many occurrences were that you’re sitting on the bedsheets that smell like him. You could figure out the scent round the room belongs to him and you know it well — he has a distinctive smell that you grew to love and even a simple whiff of it from school if he walks past you or even after sports practice he comes out sweaty with a little bit of spray on his body.
You found yourself loving his cologne.
Donghyuck wanted more of an interaction between you and him but you were completely out of it as if you were too distracted by his bedroom now. He had a bunch of Michael Jackson posters and loads of music albums from him and some were Ariana grande. The other times it was maybe some actors and gaming consoles on the shelves. He happens to have a book shelf full of comics and mangas he grew to love reading.
Maybe you felt like you were seeing a side of him you never knew he had. After all he probably changed a little right?
“What’s got you so shy now, before you couldn’t keep your mouth shut around me.” He told pointing out as he approached you on the bed and you crawl back the minute he moves towards you. He was trapping you on the bed with him now closing in like a wall ready to squish you alive.
“Sorry I’m a bit overwhelmed.” Your response was quietly hidden by the hitch to your breathe when his face closed in stopping just a little leaving only an inch between you and him.
He wasn’t grasping what could make this so overwhelming, is the oxygen in his house becoming too much for you?
When in reality he was too much for you. You were still in disbelief that he was fucking you, heck, last week felt like a freaking fever dream you couldn’t quite believe it was true that your enemy and your obsessive crush was actually speaking to you for more than five seconds — he was doing a lot more than speaking to you too…
“What’s overwhelming you specs?” Knitting eyebrows at you was enough reason for you to sit up slightly letting the oversized zip up hoodie fall on the left shoulder leaving a bit of your skin and short sleeve shirt revealing your arm.
You trail shyly. You can’t believe you’re here about to tell him why you’re so shocked to this moment. “You’re overwhelming me.” Donghyuck pulls away for a bit but not enough that leaves a big gap between you both. He stayed close enough to have you holding your breathe.
But now he was watching you completely out yourself to him. “You look very… good right now and this is— the first time I’ve ever been to your bedroom. I feel very…” you pause trying to find the correct words without trying to seem like you’re losing your shit — because you are very much losing your mind. “I feel very surprised you asked me to come here.”
In all honesty he found your slight minor confession to be very cute but he knew deep down you were thinking he most dirty and sinking things out of this world and if everyone knew they would view you to be the most sinful person ever to love. As much as it was sweet to the ears, Donghyuck wasn’t here for the sweetness and lovey-doveyness from you. It’s never been like that with you and him it’s always been a tug of war with you both. You were enemies not freaking lovers. As much as he’s aware of your deep deep infatuation of him he found that much more important than your feelings for him.
It was an one sided love but a double sided attraction that lead him to you. It’s not a first where you discover a bunch of things you want to do to a person and that person being your enemy. It’s not something you come across everyday.
“Oh Y/n never took you for a romanticist.” He mockingly adds grabbing your jawline with his hands smirking down at you. “What looks good on me right now hm? Why don’t you elaborate on that instead. Save your love confession for someone else specs.”
Your eyes widen as he was grabbing onto your jawline so tight you could feel the compacting strength between his fingers and you jerk your head forcefully at his way being forced to look him in his devilish black eyes filling nothing but the longing abyss.
“Your- your arms… the shirt it suits you.” Donghyuck hums hearing you speak out very slowly as his head moved closer to your neck giving it many layers of kisses. It caused you to become ticklish as he suddenly lays you down unlocking your jawline away and your head lands on the pillowcases sinking like you were on a cloud.
He mutters slow words on your neck to let you know what he wanted from you and Lord knew you were ready to oblige. ‘And what else?’ He wanted you to keep saying the things your filthy mind was telling you about yourself.
“Mmh…and your thighs… your thighs are so hot.”
The many kisses on your neck travel upstairs to your jawline eventually going back down to your very sensitive area leaving your skin to grow pinkish and reddish. Each tickle response has caused you to jolt underneath the boy above you leaving a trail of bruises on the skin marking it as his own. Letting you know that this was only the beginning.
He lets out casually ‘oh yeah?’s at you wanting to hear you rumble more and more what stunned you so much to look at him like he was an angel landing on earth right in front of you. His voice was doing magic to you, you loved it when it went deeper octaves but at the same time it was a breathtaking light tone that leaves you wondering if he could ever become a musician.
His voice was honey and you’re at this point a bee wanting his voice injected into your veins. It’s not enough to hear him speak to you.
“I have a surprise for you later on then.” He seethes keeping you now on your toes because you can’t help but wonder what surprise is it and if it was even a good one or an absolute horrific one leading to more of your embarrassment to the list.
The word surprise can mean two different things to you and Donghyuck’s vocabulary. He was cruel you don’t know if you can trust his worst at all.
Pulling away from your body leaves you left stranded and alone like you were on an island awaiting the next move from the sea level to completely hit you. To your surprise he pulls out a blindfold and soon covers your eyes going blackout with the same moment you felt your lower clothing brand strap slip off and a shivering cold breeze comes against your skin.
You never realised how cold his room was until he stripped your lower clothing first down, throwing it somewhere in the room being list of his worries. You felt now more exposed than ever and you weren’t sure what he was doing being you could only see blackness and he was there in front of you doing anything, absolutely anything.
He can see your confused and panic expression from a mile away as you were jolting your head around trying to take senses of your hearing wanting to know where to the boy was shifting space to space, wanting to make a guess what’s going to happen.
But your mind was taken by surprise when a sudden cold snap to your warm clit makes you jolt up helping out your hands forward and a little shout from your pretty lips. Donghyuck laughs and warningly pushed your wrists down to stay down and if they don’t, there would be consequences.
You knew better to cross Donghyuck but the cold sensation of what felt like an ice cube rolling down its wetness on your clit could make you squirm and twist in your own skin. He found this to amuse him a lot more when anytime the ice cube came back to touch your pussy you were frantically moving around unable to stay still.
He hushes your series of whines. “Be quiet and just take what i give you alright?” He was beyond cruel to you and you couldn’t help it but shut up as he told you to.
You murmur faintly when he slid the freezing ice cube between your slippery folds. Even though it was infuriatingly cold and torturous even to you you grew to becoming aroused by the unknowing blindfold on and not know when he was going to let the ice cube touch you.
It leaves a second guessing hand on you.
And then when you were hoping for more and better wider availability to a pleasure on your swollen clit growing feverishly arouse you start to grind out on the ice. Whining at the sensation and he simple watches you suck in the ice cube inside your walls that eventually spit it back out. He was loving your body reacting to it more and more.
It started off as a displeasing affair and now it’s becoming something you’ve grown to enjoy the more cold the ice cube is the better it gave you a significantly new high you’re chasing.
He remembers when he read your diary and found temperature play written down he somehow knew you meant ice play. You wouldn’t want a super hot water pouring down your skin but you’ve always dreamed about trying someone cold and seeing where it goes.
He made it reality all thanks to your endless exposing thoughts in your diary that he reads daily to see what to do with you next.
You were a grinding mess but now you’re becoming a whole new level of mess when a pair of two lips land on your wet and extremely cold surface pussy sucking you dry. The cold melting water that’s been on your inner thighs drooling down your breathing entrance and your clit specially you were a mess. Now Donghyuck’s mouth was devouring you as if he was waiting to eat you out at a very specific moment in time.
He didn’t want to give it to you yet. The main course hasn’t came yet and the appetiser is meant to be savoured carefully with each flavour, so he couldn’t rush this process of carefully edging you with a bunch of ice cubes he brought upstairs for you. He was planning this very carefully.
And you have no idea what to expect next.
Your hands were trying to reach for his hair and push him further and further but without any permission you stood your ground aching to touch him. Aching to grind his face in between your legs like it’s the last time he will ever go down on you again.
Your moans were cracking one by one, like an egg ready to catch because of your orgasm coming by the thread. You were so close that you started shakily speaking out in tongues.
“D-Donghyuck I’m..! Please I’m so close don’t stop.”
He couldn’t help but take a note of your melodic progression to your moans and somehow he couldn’t bring himself to make you orgasm just yet.
You were so frustrated that you gripped the bedsheets when the anticipation of your orgasm wasn’t there and he pulls away.
He took your blindfold off seeing how your eyes were watering and you were unable to adjust to the light until you saw a wide smirking boy above you. You look at him confused murmuring. “W-why did you stop I was so close to orgasming.” And all you could think about was his devilish face.
Donghyuck retorts darkly sliding back motion out the thighs. “Last time I checked I don’t take orders from you, and I can decide when you can have your precious orgasm and when you can’t.”
God he’s so cruel, even now he has an image to keep up with.
Your eyebrows fell as he motions you to crawl to him and you did on all fours coming closer and he positions his left thigh for you in the open view. You shakily look down wondering what he meant but his eyes when you’ve looked into them said you knew what to do.
He whispers to your ears. “If you really want to have your orgasm why don’t you fuck yourself on my thigh, you stupid whore.”
‘So that’s what he meant by a surprise later.’ You couldn’t believe it when you thought about it.
Your love for his thighs was coming true and he pats the area on the surface awaiting for you to move on it and when you did your wet lubricant spew all over him. Your clit brushes on his soft skin and he could gnaw at how wet you are it’s like a living water park watching you become so wet. He’s never seen something like this before and you could see the fire burning behind his eyes.
Your hands gently grab on the shoulders and you stuttering out your moans when your hips were rocking back and forth on the thigh of your enemy who watches you with a keen addictive eye.
Seeing you fuck yourself while he doesn’t do anything. Doesn’t touch you, Doesn’t speak to you, he just watches you chase your freaking high like the horny slut you are.
It turns you on, so much. You won’t ever live this down however. Your enemy won’t let you forget this moment when you make yourself come on his thigh and moan like a rabid dog.
You’re nothing but rabid when it comes to him.
You shakily exhale. “Hyuck it feels so— good. So so…” you bite down your bottom lip closing your eyes letting your head fling back constantly as your hips continue strutting forward and backwards.
He smirks chasing you down with his eyes, condescending speaking at you knowing how much you have been dreaming of this for a very long time.
Your body jolts at a sudden rate when you feel a literal electric pulse shocking you as you release on his thigh making an immense swirling and squelching sound as your liquid floods on his leg completely ruining the shorts but nonetheless you hear a very powerful but low voice taunting you.
“Atta girl, make a mess on my thigh because that’s all you’re fucking good at.”
He was cooing at you using a very baby voice that belittled every moral compass you have inside you. He’s so condescending towards you and only you.
You’re so fucked out he thought you might doze off in a bit as you were taking a huge hit from the massive orgasm you just had on his freaking leg he grabs on your face pulling you to face him.
He taunts. “You with me still?”
You knew he doesn’t care if you’re having too much trouble focusing back to the activity but it felt slightly nice to hear those words even though he meant it in such a cruel tone.
It wasn’t a nice or caring tone at all, but least he asked you if you’re still alive in the present moment.
“Mhm only a little tired.” You’ve mention and he runs the fingertips across your stomach humming checking you down and the wetness growing between your legs again.
He looks away for a moment. “If you’re tired go home.” He simply said without a hint of care in them and your eyes widen.
‘He’s going to let me go home just like that?’ You couldn’t believe it at first as you thought it through and you blink shocked.
“W-wait I can just go home now?” You blurt suddenly out and he can sense your presence becoming suspicious of this.
No after care. No cuddles. Nothing of that sort just leave when you’re tired and you can go back to your very own bed. As much as you wanted more you wanted him to tell you to stay for dinner or rest here until then you can go home but nope.
He’s your enemy. He isn’t your boyfriend and never will be it’s never even crossed his flipping mind no matter how much he would try to make sense of it. He’s never had feelings for you and the only feelings he has to this day is the word ‘Hate’ loosely.
Donghyuck raised an eyebrow going to look back at you again. “Yeah I have no use for you if you’re tired. We can’t continue what I was planning next but don’t worry.” He smirks pausing.
“I’ve got a better idea for us next time.”
The next day you forgot your pencil case at home as well as your gym clothes for today’s lesson. You told yourself specifically not to forget it because today was the day you had to bring your separate clothes, but on the days you don’t have p.e lessons you’re bringing your gym bag thinking it’s that day when it’s not. At this point you’re thinking you set yourself up by trying so hard to remember to bring it.
‘Just my luck.’ You thought deeply heading into the classroom where everyone was focusing on their work.
You came back from using the restroom but the minute you returned making your way back to your representative desk you always sat at you trip over a long leg nearly face planting but thankfully you grabbed on to another student’s desk to support your body weight flung over thank’s to someone’s long legs purposely tripping you over.
Your eyes face the desk you managed to grab onto to and slowly apologise facing the student glaring at you for even pushing their desk slightly back. It’s not like you wanted to do that purposely, but they glare at you anyways giving you a dirty look.
Your attention goes back onto who could possibly trip you up so cruelly? And to none of your surprise it was your freaking enemy.
Gazing at you already laughing at your dumb expression that was so bluntly folding between the classroom lightning finding this so much more amusing than you right now.
He leans closer seeing you standing there still like an statue. He can’t help himself every minute he found in his day to ruin yours. He loves being so cruel to you until it leaves you having a rotten day or a sour taste inside your mouth that you couldn’t get rid off. It’s like he purposely makes it a goal to make every day less brighter and more gloomy. Like you’d never see sunshine in your life.
You don’t understand him at all. One minute he’s cruel and cold the next minute he’s speaking to you wanting to absolutely fuck the shit out of you.
“What are you looking at idiot?” Donghyuck fumed at you with widen eyes glaring into your soul you could sense it seeping out of your body that’s trembling like a lost lamb out of its flock.
You look away not even a murmur coming past your lips you simply walk to your seat turning your back to the boy and sitting back down having your head hung low. You don’t have the courage to speak up against Donghyuck in front of everyone, heck, in front of anyone. You can’t even speak against him when you’re alone with him for godsake.
You’re both afraid, but you seem to get in your feels of the conflicting infatuation obsessing over him at the same time you try to be more tolerant of anything he gets up to with you considering you know him for so long.
Donghyuck’s friends were smirking eyeing down you like you’re a show piece for them and to whatever fantasy they could do with you. Donghyuck wont protect you from anything he’s not your boyfriend you have to remind yourself of that. He’s your bully, your enemy and he is your ex childhood friend.
“She didn’t even utter a word at you.” Jeno said lowly watching the way you were avoiding the grim boy who was so rude to you. A normal person would’ve said something at least.
You however didn’t.
Jaemin pities you at the same time he found it weirdly adorable watching you go back to your seat shaking like a lost dumb kid. “Poor thing she was literally trembling. You’re one cruel bastard.” He vows to Donghyuck causing him to laugh out loud.
“I’m cruel than what are you? We both know we are the same person but different font.” It’s true the boys knew each other like it’s a clean design of a house they created of their own fantasies.
They were all fucked up, soon you’re about to find out how fucked up they are.
The next class was gym class however it was outside where the sunshine was so bright it could blind people. The students female and male were separated the men went downstairs to change however the female took the classroom changing into the p.e attire on their bodies. Your gym teacher was hesitant when you explained your situation in which they didn’t give you detention (you were so thankful for this) but they said you cannot play as punishment today so you were sent into the empty classroom, to revise and study for your other subjects now instead.
It was a shame because today it was soccer and the girls were against the boys. You love playing outside too it’s rare when your class can go outside into the field to play in the bright sunshine. Your skin really need some vitamin D to make your melanin shine through however, you didn’t complain because you didn’t get a detention to save your life. Now you’re sitting in an empty classroom that holds gym bags on the tables some clothing belonging to the female students were out in the open until the class ends they will all come back to change into the uniform once more. You’re the only one left with your notebook open reading through your previous notes and many textbooks on the side. You decided to look through your geography lesson from today since you did score a few correct answers but you happened to have some wrongs too.
You tend to have a perfectionist mindset when it comes to your subjects and the minor tests at every start of the class because you want to at least fix the wrongs before it can cause a bigger consequences on your mock exams next year. Thankfully you can rest assure no one will be bothering you up here right? Since everyone is outside no one would dare to find you and speak to you.
But how wrong you are.
The door swung open revealing three boys coming inside the classroom closing it shut right your face was raised up staring with your eyes widen wondering what brings three boys like them together to come up when they should be downstairs? They were clearly meant to be in the gym session class because of the boy’s uniform used for soccers plays but instead their attention was on something much more entertaining than soccer.
Donghyuck urges clapping hands forward. “Y/n there you are, say hi to my friends, don’t be so rude.” He cowers over to you with a hand on your shoulder pulling you up from your seat and pushing you forward in front of the two intimidating boys. Slightly taller than Donghyuck not by many inches. One’s with super blonde hair making his sharp face stand out so much more, certainly making his eyes colder when staring at you. While the other boy had lighter brown hair facing you with the intent of a warm smile but definitely creepy behind it.
They both had such different aura and vibes but both of them scared you and now Donghyuck was the most terrifying of them all. Just what on earth was he planning? No… what were THEY planning to do with you is the real question now.
Jeno saw your silence incoherently rude sighing. “She isn’t very good at obeying is she?” You we’re meant to say hello but you were too stunned facing the two handsome boys.
Donghyuck replies glaring your way. “I’m still training her. I guess I haven’t been training her hard enough though.”
‘He’s treating me like I’m his pet or somethin’.’
You shiver as the boys were scolding your behaviour until a hand pulls you back to the table pushing your textbooks and notes on the ground as you’re pushed against it by their hands Jaemin was the first one to whisper sweetly in your ears, something you’re not used to. “Princess you’re quite cute up close.” These words you found hard to believe, it’s your self esteem that’s been lower and lower since you and Donghyuck have been interacting more. He never once compliments your way.
But Jaemin was different with you he was very much full on praising you which leaves an uncanny impression deep down in your stomach.
Donghyuck leers conceding. “Specs you’re still my toy understood? My friends got curious and want to use you too though.” You weren’t sure what he meant by using you, until your body was taken by surprise with Donghyuck grabbing your neck forcing you to look at him as Jaemin’s hands roam your thighs up and down. You lost your sight off the other boy but he reappears behind you slipping under your school shirt to untuck your bra. Donghyuck saw the life In your eyes shake your earth and he found love in seeing your eyes tremble.
You finally got the idea of what they’re going to do. They’re going to fuck you in the classroom where anyone could walk in on you getting your shit ruined by three popular guys in the school, the boys who everyone wants and not that it matters in this situation because anyone could have been here to see you on the desk spread like the whore you are. Donghyuck wanted to test his limits with you, he really did. He wants to try everything against you and he knows that you are down to do anything for him because you’re nothing but a toy he owns. And his friends are allowed to use you as long as the have his permission.
You retort when your upper clothing came off leaving your bra to fall off and your chest was in the boy’s eyes as they turn heart eyes on them. Finding your chest to be impressive to their tests they found it entertaining to hear you squirm when a mouth latches on your sensitive nipples causing it to grow hard with a slur to their tongues on it warming it up with their scorching saliva sending down shivers on your skin. Jaemin didn’t leave your chest unattended as he looks up at you to see your adorable reactions your face would make. If he bites down on your nipple for a second or two you moan loudly trying to keep it as quiet as possible. You really don’t want a teacher to come from next door and catch you all doing this stuff. You wouldn’t be able to live that down. If he rolls his tongue fast enough it left you flinging your head back as Jaemin pushed your hips against his crotch smirking.
Unattaching his mouth from your breasts he came up to your lips kissing you hungrily and you were so lost on the pleasure he provided that these two boys were stuck on watching Jaemin getting it on with you. His fingers twist and turn your nipples he could sense the vibration from your voice in the kiss moaning. Your eyes were closed shut leaving Jaemin to pull away inhaling oxygen as you gasp out. You were so lost in the moment that you turn around seeing a phone recording you both. The whole scenario.
Donghyuck the cruel man he was recording this whole thing with his phone and Jeno on the side was watching for an opening to partake. At first you stare at the camera shifting your focus away from Jaemin who follows your eyes.
You open your mouth. “You’re recor-“ but a finger place under your chin pulls you around Jaemin making sure you face him as he cuts you off. “Shh Honey pay attention to Nana alright? It’s my turn. Your sweet little crush on Donghyuck can wait.”
‘They know about my diary.’ You want to scream as you face Jaemin without much choice as he reconnects his lips against yours this time letting the fingertips sneak around your panties underneath your school skirt letting you gasp when your clothed clit was rubbed very slowly and sensually as if you were a doll with any haste movement you’d break so the boy was careful treating you like you’re an antique to be cherished. But the way he was kissing you so roughly led you to believe he was just like the other two boys — a fucked up guy wanting a fucked up girl like you to try things out and experiment.
Your pussy was soaking enough through your lace black panties with a soft fabric ease to the skin made up of the finest cotton. Jaemin couldn’t resist but to smirk down as he pushed your skirt fully into a roll where it reveals your thighs spread and his thumb brushing on the swollen clit begging to be pleasured more and more by the moment grows. He awes looking down at your wet panties dripping. “Princess I’ve barely touched you. Tell me who are you this wet for, me or Donghyuck?”
Your body was somehow aroused by Jaemin but your head and heart were yelling out Donghyuck’s name like it’s your home. As if he was the only word you were able to remember on top of that lousy head of yours you were so compiled by lust that even the thought of Donghyuck watching you getting fucked by another guy was arousing you between your legs leaving a tear. You were so down bad beyond anyone’s help.
He whispers. “Come on you can tell us, what’s your answer?”
Your eyes warily look over at Donghyuck watching you intensely as he’s still keeping his phone camera on you and Jaemin recording. The other boy Jeno was enjoying your conflict as much as you were hating it so badly.
You either completely reject Jaemin, or, you completely embarrass yourself and say Donghyuck knowing damn well it’s the truth but it’s the very potential truth that will leave them mocking you.
“The answer is right here.” Donghyuck darkly said your way watching you and Jaemin turn around to look at him. He already knew your answer.
You murmur to Jaemin looking away shyly. “D-Donghyuck.” The brunette boy grins ear to ear watching you answer with a stutter as he coos.
“So loyal to such a cruel owner hm?” Jaemin pets back your hair as he unbuckled the black formal school trousers dropping it to the ankles you could see the giant bulge. He was confident and not offended? It leaves you wondering if he was even effected by your strong feelings for his friend.
But instead he was petting your head as he slides your panties to the side lining up his hard rock tip on your entrance and you nervously bite down your lip. You’re deep down afraid by how thick Jaemin actually was, he was much thicker than Donghyuck but he wasn’t that long. He was a surprisingly average size but definitely thicker meat wise. Seeing your contrasting face only grows their lust thicker and endlessly watching you struggle take in Jaemin was a heavenly sight to see beholding in front of them. You moaning out into your palm as your one arm supporting your back behind on the desk. Their friend was fighting for his own life too when entering you. You were a tight place to enter all of him.
You weren’t aware in the beginning that Jeno was casually in the corner jacking off his cock as he watches his best friend rail you off your rocker. Shaking the desk holding you on it as with each thrust leaves you breaking in half.
Who breaks their toys when other people use them?
Only Lee Donghyuck could say he does. He enjoys seeing his dolls break and then he mends them back to normal just so he could break them himself. He was always wondering how far your deep obsession would go?
He wonders things like: Are you imagining it’s him fucking you right now? Are you thinking of him even now? Who’s name will you be screaming?
“F-fuck please… please…” you weren’t sure what you’re pleading anyone for when you’re aware that the biggest lowlife Lee Donghyuck won’t care and his two friends would pity you enough to not show mercy upon your fate.
They all want to see you break.
Donghyuck walking closer as he pushed his camera phone on to your face letting the view take a long lasting picture of your tears rolling down your cheeks like the river of your life coming out. Your hair became a bit messy and you were overstimulated by Jeno’s loud moans telling Jaemin to go faster into you and he did oblige to his friends command fucking your body against him faster letting you be squished with every powerful hit in between your bodies.
But you’re here pleading for Donghyuck to take you instead because you could only think of him in the same breath length he stood there being the most important person in your eyes. You’ve never once faced Jaemin you were facing the camera, specifically Donghyuck who was holding up his phone while recording you taking pleasure from watching you suffer.
“What are you pleading for?” Donghyuck said in a callus tone that you can’t forget about. You try to reach for his school shirt but when your arm was coming to his way he pulls backwards.
Your arm missed his body and he watches you coldly in a stern look behind those eyes. You shakily choke out with your hips stuttering at Jaemin’s body who grabbed you so roughly.
“Please fuck me Donghyuck.” You cannot believe you’re begging to take him and you are being fucked out already.
‘Can you even take two people?’ Donghyuck thought.
You clench your eyes as Jaemin chuckles in front of you seeing you become a flinching figure force when you finally orgasm on his cock all this time you were holding out from coming on someone’s cock that wasn’t Donghyuck, but you snapped finally the last thread took you off and you released a gushing liquid down his cock. Jaemin’s body was giving up soon after too and he looks at his friend panting heavily. “Where do i release Haechan?”
You murmur against your palms. “Out, please say out Hyuck!”
You don’t want anyone else to fill you up. Only Donghyuck.
Jaemin wasn’t unable to hear properly he was this close to blacking out as he was soon to releasing his load but waiting for a permission from his friend over the side Donghyuck darkly gazed into your eyes something within him turning his mind inside out into a new brain and a stomach releasing a new side of him he never knew he had.
You do such things to him and you don’t even know.
“Make a mess on her school uniform. So when everyone returns they know how much of a whore she is.”
Your eyes widen in slight relief but at the same time the humiliation of that happening was going to be the death of you. Jaemin barely could make it out but thankfully he pulls his cock out of your hole that sucked him so perfectly releasing a large amount of his come on your clothing. Your skirt messed up and rolling to your stomach becoming a white stain. Your eyes were wet from all those years that were streaming for ages.
Your teeth flatter your soft expression when Donghyuck croaks out coming closer to you now closing the space between your bodies. You’re laying on the table so perfectly waiting to take him but he made you wait. For him you’re being so patient because if you weren’t you’d be yelling and sending him begging pleas to take you right here on this table and that you’d not care if someone saw you. You would want them to know how much he loves taking you in as much as you do for him.
You whisper to him holding on his clothing. “Please…please hyuck I’ve been so good to you wasnt I?” You we’re really good to him he knows it himself but the way you’re acting isn’t the usual way you would be like. The normal you would’ve been already wanting this to finish and pretending you have zero intention of fucking him but you’ve never once begged him so much like this, sure you do if you’re on the edge, but now you’re under the edge. You’ve already fallen and now you’re so dumb out that you are begging him in front of two people you’re aware are watching but you blocked them out.
“God you weren’t lying when you said she’s the biggest slut You can find.” Jeno slips out holding haechan’s camera as he films with one hand jerking his erected cock. He hasn’t came yet he’s been edging himself for the real moment that’s about to begin.
Donghyuck trails looking down at you. “You’re such a whore with no shame and dignity left in your tiny body Y/n.”
He’s mocking you but to you it sounds like a love letter in disguise.
You nod repeatedly. “Yes, yes just for you hyuck. Please I’ve been thinking of your cock all this time, I can’t take it anymore.” You we’re panting as if it’s your last wish in this world and he grabs your legs dropping the trousers down.
Jaemin was lounging back fixing his own clothing as he watches you completely lose your mind the minute the longing thing you’ve been waiting for all this time in the moment you’re finally receiving your prize gift — Donghyuck. Your one and only thing in this world you would want to keep for yourself no matter what. The way his cock stretched you out was so special to you even though it was just him you loved the way his body has you exposed to this new brand pleasure no one else would give you. Jaemin couldn’t compare to him, at all. This pleasure had you doing laps even though you weren’t doing gym today.
You were doing a lot better gym in your opinion.
Your head going back as he starts to ram into your sloppy hole that’s been so wet and slimy all because of your orgasm despite that he loves how easily he could slip inside you so you’re adjusting to his long shape in your body. He loves how much he could go on and on fucking you until he leaves series imprints of his shape in your stomach leaving you second guessing where he could land next. You’re fully claiming the title of becoming his cum bucket, you’d love that to be your fullest job at this point. You’re obsessed with how he’s looking at you so intense with his beautiful melanin skin shining and glossed with sweat running down.
He was speaking so mean to you but you loved this and the boys never expected you to fall in love with such degrading terms. He can say the most outrageous things and words about you and you’d come back wanting to hear him repeat it.
His mouth connects to yours finding them to be looking empty handed kissing you with tongue leaving you breathlessly fucked out struggling to even kiss him back because of how much he’s thrusting in you. Your body was jolting with every thrust and your head was struggling to stay still to even connect your lips again. Donghyuck groans out. “You’re so useless, you can’t even kiss me back.” You whimper out after him. “S-Sorry i’ll try better…”
He sighs out into your neck. “You’re so fucking tight no matter who fucks you. At this point you’re made for me. My silly fucked out toy.” Grabbing on your thighs squeezing them he quicker with his pace. You bite your bottom lip. You don’t hate that he calls you his toy sometimes you enjoy it a lot more than you should be.
You know he means it. Sometimes you wonder if he ever treated you as a human but somehow behind his words you find yourself believing that he treats you human when you’re actually fucking. He kisses you with passion and not something that he dislikes, he grabs your body from ways you would never imagine he’d ever do that to you.
“I’m starting to believe you like being treated like this.” He darkly retorts against your shoulder skin kissing down on it with sucking on the precious areas leaving your sweet spot exposed. He hears you inhale deeply pushing deeper into your abused hole. “You like me fucking you like you’re nothing but worthless trash right?”
He’s right, you thought. He’s never wrong about you. He laughs he didn’t even knew a verbal response from you until your body was doing the speaking for you giving him a good enough answer as you orgasm on his cock shaking under him and he saw you trembling so much you weren’t able to stop your arms from falling apart and your thighs from keeping still anymore.
You shattered into pieces.
“You broke her Haechan take a look at her!” The two boys said in unison. Jeno seeing you breaking down only make him cum into his hand faster as he took a mental image of your body literally going under revamping to the pleasure you’re receiving.
In the end you were lifted and suddenly twisted round pushing your body around on the table where your head pressed on the desk now face flat as Donghyuck croaks out. “You enjoy being handled like this don’t you? You love me being fucking terrible treating you like you’re nothing but trash.” He was right and you would agree with him if you could even voice out your opinions but you’re too busy muffling your groans on the table being fucked from behind by Donghyuck now. Against your neck he croaks out inhaling your scent. “I’m starting to think you like this lot more than me.”
Maybe you were enjoying this more than him because now he’s about to giving you the best deal you’ve been waiting for — Donghyuck filling your useless hole. You can tell the moment has arrived when his hips stutter deep inside you making your ass cheeks move back and forward. His handprints on them slack your skin and squeeze your ass groping it as he was taking the last final rough thrust into you coming finally releasing a series of groans from his beautiful heart shape lips.
“Take it all you stupid bitch.” He said grabbing a handful of your hair pushing your head up in the air letting you watch Jaemin and Jeno awing at how fucked out and delirious you look right now. “Take it all. Don’t let a single thing come out.”
“You still love a lowlife like me?” Donghyuck said whispering to your quiet expression and you turn to him muffling a faint ‘yes’ as much as you’re trying not to pass out from the amount of things that’s been done from you.
“Unbelievable.” He mutters finding your answer to be difficult to believe after all he treats you like you’re less than a human.
Jaemin smiles. “She’s a keeper Haechan.” Jeno hums in agreement. “Oh yeah she definitely is. If you don’t want her I’ll take her.”
You murmur back to Jeno. “I don’t want you though.” You look back at Haechan with watery eyes from adjusting to the overstimulation given. You can’t believe you took two different guys at once right now. “I want Donghyuck, the biggest lowlife I’ve ever known.”
Haechan might not like you, but he must admit your feelings are starting to touch his cold undead heart just a little.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating and copyrighting my work thank youu! Reblog and follow me for more updates.
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siilvan · 10 months
bloodsport – II
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prologue | part one | next
characters: vladimir makarov
summary: you never realized how boring captivity could be. you hate to admit it, but makarov is the only interesting thing around, and perhaps the closest thing you have to an ally in this place.
genre: angst, slowburn, enemies to ?, fem!reader (callsign: petra, no desc.)
warnings: semi-proofread, cursing, canon-typical violence, descriptions of blood/injuries, inaccurate medical procedures, reader gets harassed :/, reader kills a dude, russian written by a non-russian speaker (please correct me if it's wrong!!)
word count: 3.7k
note: the temptation to write the filthiest makarov/reader/yuri fic is slowly taking over my brain. i'm begging activision to reveal my ex-war-criminal husband already bc i have two hands for a reason
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true to his word, you don't see makarov for the rest of the day. after you're brought back to your cell and locked away, you take the time to rest and gather your thoughts. the lumpy bed provides little comfort as you try to sleep, but it's better than the cold floor. you manage to drift off eventually, even with every voice and sound in the corridor stirring you awake.
when you finally drag yourself out of bed the next morning, blinking away any lingering exhaustion and gently stretching your sore muscles, the sky is still dark. the storm that was raging all night had subsided for now, and through the single barred window on the back wall, you can see groups of soldiers outside. running drills, training in marksmanship, transporting supplies, patrolling the grounds - it reminds you of the bases you've visited with the team.
the team. you trudge over to the only other furniture in the room, the metal chair that you moved to sit near the window, and plop down onto the seat unceremoniously. with how muddled your mind has been since the conversation with makarov, you've hardly had time to think about them.
they're alive. you just need to keep telling yourself that. they'll come for you as soon as they can. all you can do until then is keep faith and survive.
as a pair of boots stomps down the hall towards your cell, you begin to ponder if taking matters into your own hands is the only way you'll escape. you're just as capable as the rest of your team, surely you can find a way out of this crumbling prison.
you turn your head at the sound of keys jingling. a guard is standing at your door, unlocking it, before looking at you. "let's go," he says, thick accent lacing every word. "you're on a schedule."
with a small wince, you rise from the chair and cross the room. the guard starts down the corridor, heading in the opposite direction that you went yesterday. you follow close behind, clammy palms wringing together. it almost feels like you're restrained again, with metal cuffs digging into your wrists and binding you, keeping you from struggling or defending yourself.
after descending a staircase and passing a few corners, you reach wherever the guard was taking you. he pushes a door open and ushers you inside, revealing a sizeable shower facility. you send him a cursory glance, confused as he motions for you to step further into the space.
"shower." he mutters, standing by the door. you wordlessly turn to the showers, then back to him.
"do you mind?" you ask, nodding towards the door. "i'd like a little privacy. it's not like i can tunnel my way out."
he shakes his head at first, refusing your request, until you decide to do the same, silently staring at him. a beat passes between you until he spins around, grumbling something along the lines of "hurry up," and exits the room. once the door slams shut behind him, you let out a relieved breath and walk over to one of the many stalls.
you scan the area before carefully undressing, paying close attention so as to not mess up your bandages or strain any of your healing injuries. you quickly dive past the thin curtain and toss your clothes over the curtain rod.
a string of curses fall from your lips when you twist the knob and cold water pours out of the shower head, prickling like ice against your skin. cleaning yourself up whilst protecting your bandages is a difficult task, but you manage to keep them relatively dry. you were in need of a fresh set, anyway. grains of sand and dust leftover from al-mazrah is washed down the drain, and as you start to adjust to the freezing temperature, some of your muscle aches follow suit.
a few minutes of relief pass by as you try to relax, though the bliss is short-lived when you remember your conversation from yesterday. you hate the thought of listening to makarov of all people, but did he have a point? are you truly just as bad as him, even with good intentions being your motivation?
you're well aware of what your job entails. as captain price so bluntly puts it: we get dirty, and the world stays clean. you know that some missions leave a sour taste in your mouth and a doubt in your mind. are you truly doing the right thing? can you do better? is there a way to save everyone?
as you shut off the water and attempt to dry off with a clean towel left on a small bench nearby, you realize that you're giving makarov exactly what he wants. he brought up the topic with the intent of messing with your head. he's trying to break you - for whatever reason, you're not sure. all you know is that you can't give up. you have to stay strong for the team.
you pull your clothes back on, nose scrunching at the uncomfortable feeling of damp gauze sticking to your skin. the guards seemed to bounce between civility and cruelty depending on the moment; perhaps you can catch someone in a good mood and request a replacement.
the door swings open and you jolt, spinning around to face the intruder. the man from earlier is standing in the doorway, a look of disinterest evident even through his balaclava. "you are done, yes?"
clearly he isn't the person to ask, you think, following him into the corridor. he leads you back down the same path as earlier, through winding halls and up a set of stairs, stopping once you arrive at the cell you call home. you keep an eye out for anyone along the way who looks to be doing well, searching for a person to seek help from.
no one catches your attention, leaving you only one option: the guard currently locking the door behind you.
"uh– can i ask you a question?" you turn around to look at him, wrapping your hands around the iron bars. he sends a small glare in your direction, but pauses nonetheless.
"what?" he murmurs, standing up straight.
you lift your arms, showing off the damp and gradually loosening bandages. "any chance i can get these changed?"
his eyes flit down to your arms, then back to your face. he sighs, heavy and deep, and grumbles out a reply. "i will get the doctor."
with that, he leaves your sight, lifting a hand to his radio and saying something that you can't understand. "should've agreed to those fucking russian lessons from price," you mumble, staggering across the room and sitting on the bed while picking at your loose gauze.
it feels like an hour passes by before you hear someone coming down the hall again. by this point, you were assuming that the guard had forgotten about you.
you sit up from your slumped position against the metal frame and are immediately greeted by a new person on the other side of the door. an older man, nicely dressed and carrying a heavy bag that you fear will topple him over, regarding you with a grin that feels out of place in this shithole.
"you must be petra," he starts, pushing the door open and letting himself inside. he keeps his distance, both hands visible and wrapped around the handle of the bag in front of his body. "doctor tarkovsky." he continues, introducing himself. you nod, watching closely as he approaches you and places his bag on the bed next to you. the chair is dragged over, much like the other day, and he sits.
"the work you did... you saved my life, doctor." you mutter, allowing him to take one of your arms into his gentle hold. he hums in reply, taking great care in undoing the dressings.
"спасибо, but it was not me that saved you." he chuckles softly, eyes briefly lifting from your arm to meet your gaze. "the commander was responsible for that. by the time you arrived here and into my care, he had managed to stabilize you."
he mumbles something to himself about "his military days" while dropping his gaze back down to your newly exposed skin. your eyes follow his, and you wince at the sight of burn marks and stitched lacerations. a cold breeze enters into the room through the window and stings as it sweeps over you, making you clench your hand into a tight fist.
"the commander? you mean makarov?" you ask, forcing yourself to look away and stare at the wall behind the doctor. the same man that put you here is the one that kept you alive. go figure. you glare holes into a random brick, trying to make sense of it. based on the few interactions that you've had with him, as well as the many things that price had to say, that kindness seems out of character.
the fact that he hasn't tortured you to the brink of insanity is odd enough.
"yes, he demanded that i give you the best treatment. said he wanted you alive and in good condition." the doctor rummages through the bag next to you and begins to clean your wounds and apply new dressings, deft hands making quick work of the process. you remain silent as he wraps your arm in a new set of bandages, waiting for him to finish.
you finally speak once he's halfway through rewrapping your other arm. "is he always so... touchy?" you murmur, almost a whisper.
"touchy?" he repeats the word.
"i think i pissed him off yesterday," you say, tongue darting out to wet your chapped lips. "ended up slammed against a wall. is he always so quick to anger?"
after securing the bandages on your arm, the doctor leans back and shakes his head. "commander makarov is usually the calmest person in a conversation," he replies with a surprised huff. "whatever you said or did must have struck a nerve, made him lose his temper. even the soldiers working under him struggle to do such a thing."
you furrow your brow at him. he waves off your befuddlement and gets started on treating your other injuries - namely, the large gash on your side and the burns on your back. as he's loosely wrapping your back in gauze, he makes another comment.
"it could be that you angered him, rather than what you did."
"i angered him?" you parrot back to him, craning your neck to look at him over your shoulder. the doctor nudges you forward again and hums affirmatively.
yet another thing that doesn't make any sense, you think. besides your affiliation with the one-four-one, there's nothing about you that should stand out to a man like makarov. you don't possess any top secret intel or really hold any importance to anyone outside of your team; so, why is he treating you so strangely? is it a game he's playing, trying to mess with his real enemy, the captain?
are you merely a pawn, a bargaining chip between two forces much bigger than yourself? makarov is dangling your life like bait, hoping to catch a better prize. you squeeze your eyes shut and take in a deep breath, considering your options.
makarov would only hold onto you for one reason. drawing out captain price. that means price is alive, at least to makarov. if you stay here, you might be able to confirm this plan for yourself. however, if you can escape and deliver all the intel you've collected so far, you could prevent the plan from advancing any further. no matter which option you choose, rotting away in this prison cell won't help.
as kind as the doctor is, he's still one of makarov's men. you can't trust him. you're on your own.
"so, is it going to scar?" you inquire with a smile, fixing your shirt after he pulls away. he moves to gather his things, reaching into his bag and handing you a dose of painkillers.
he sighs and sends you another smile of his own. "the burns aren't deep enough, thankfully, and the lacerations shouldn't scar so long as they're properly cared for. you are very lucky."
"guess i am. thank you, again."
you swallow down the pills - dry, much to your chagrin - and give him a small wave as he exits the room, the iron door closing behind him with a soft clunk. the guard from earlier reappears to lock it moments later, leaving you trapped in the cell once more.
another five days pass by, and you mentally curse whatever higher power put you here. your routine remains largely unchanged: at roughly seven o' clock, one of the guards stops by to take you to the showers. by seven-thirty, the doctor arrives to change your bandages. you're given your only meal around noon and left to your own devices until eight in the evening, when the doctor arrives to change your bandages again.
you are slowly beginning to heal, at least. the lack of nutrition was stunting the process, but according to the doctor, you were still on the mend. it won't be long until you can get the stitches taken out.
you've spent several of these past one-hundred-and-twenty hours wondering if that's what makarov is waiting for. he wants you alive to torture, to indulge in breaking something fixed by his own hand. maybe the doctor is in on the plan. you wouldn't be surprised to discover that he's reporting your healing process to makarov, giving him a countdown of sorts.
as you rest on the cold, hard stone floor, with your back propped up against the side of the bed, tossing a rubber ball that you pocketed at the wall, you question if your paranoia is getting the better of you.
the rubber ball rolls across the ground after you throw it at the wall. it starts to come back to you, before bouncing off the edge of your boot and heading towards the door. you lazily follow it with your eyes, until you notice a person standing at the other side of the bars, their gaze transfixed on you.
it's a man wearing an outfit similar to the doctor's, though you can easily tell that he's substantially younger. in his late thirties to early forties, you estimate. he carefully kicks the ball out of his way after entering the room. you watch him like a hawk, an uneasy feeling washing over you.
"i'll be handling your care today." he announces, plopping his similarly-designed supply bag on the mattress. you pull yourself up to stand and dust yourself off, taking a healthy step back from him.
"something happen with doctor tarkovsky?" you ask as the younger man rummages through his bag and slips on a pair of latex gloves. he shakes his head, not even bothering to look at you, and continues searching through his supplies.
"tarkovsky is busy," he responds, motioning for you to sit. you hesitate for a second, but ultimately decide to shake off the nerves and follow his orders. "i'm going to start with your back today." he adds. you nod, moving to face away from him and lift your shirt up.
he's silent while replacing the gauze, and you're not sure whether you prefer that or talking. his touch is slightly less gentle, which you chalk it up to less experience. eventually, he moves on to the gash on your side, settling in the normal chair with an expression that you find hard to decipher.
your unease is suddenly validated as he cleans the stitches. his unoccupied hand comes to rest on your thigh, just above your knee, catching your attention. your eyes fall from the wall to his hand, then to the open bag at your side. laying near the top of it is a scalpel - small, but lethal in the right hands. you clear your throat and shift, bouncing your knee under his hold, testing the waters.
instead of removing his hand, he slips it just barely higher. you squint, gnawing at the inside of your cheek, debating on acting now or waiting a little longer. maybe he doesn't realize it.
as his hand slides higher, though, gloved fingertips digging into the plush of your thigh, that notion goes out the window. you slowly lower your hand closest to the bag and place it on the mattress next to it. the younger doctor pulls back, examining his work, his thumb rubbing languid circles into your skin. you act while he's distracted.
with trained proficiency, you grab the scalpel from the top of the pile and shove the man forward, slicing across his neck in one swift motion. he stumbles backwards, reaching up to desperately grasp at his throat as he chokes on the blood pouring from the open wound.
"don't fucking touch me again," you seethe, fixing your shirt and holding the scalpel in a white-knuckled grip. the sounds of him tripping over the chair and falling to the ground alerts the guards stationed in the corridor, who immediately rush through the door with their guns drawn and pointed at you.
they're shouting at you, but you can't make out what they're saying over the blood pounding in your ears. you turn away from the dying man and stare them down, unmoving from your spot in the middle of the room.
after a brief standoff, the guards suddenly look over their shoulders and shuffle away from each other, revealing a familiar face. one you haven't seen in almost a week, and assumed you wouldn't see for a while longer.
makarov steps to the front of the small group as the ringing in your ears begins to subside. his eyes dart from you to the man lying on the ground, having choked to death shortly before he arrived at the scene. he chuckles, low and controlled, and turns to the guards.
"убрать этот беспорядок," he mutters, waving towards the corpse. the men holster their guns and move past him, lifting the body up and carrying it out. as the group disappears down the hall, you find yourself alone with makarov. the scalpel slips from your fingers and clatters against the floor, pulling his focus back to you.
"well? are you going to punish me for that?" you ask plainly, the pool of red still visible in your peripheral vision.
"should i?" he counters, casually sauntering across the room. his gaze flits from yours to your cheek, which you soon realize is wet with the man's blood.
you shrug, shoulders drooping. "i killed one of your men. most people would punish a prisoner for less."
he wipes the blood off your cheek with his forefinger and huffs softly, seemingly pleased with the situation. it's only now that you notice his slightly disheveled appearance; his white dress shirt is untucked and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing off his forearms that are covered in a light layer of dirt. minor cuts and bruises bloom on his skin, resembling self-defense wounds.
"i could never expect a member of the one-four-one to accept capture quietly," makarov remarks, picking the chair up off the floor. "i'm surprised it took you this long, if anything. i was expecting to receive reports by the second day."
he raps his knuckles against the seat twice, urging you to sit. you end up mirroring your first interaction after he sits on the bed across from you, elbows resting on top of his knees.
you grab a set of cleaning wipes from the bag forgotten at the foot of the bed and offer them to him. "so, i'm assuming you're not here to share the fun story behind those obvious self-defense wounds?" you tilt your head to the side, regarding him with a sarcastic smile.
"like i said in our prior conversation," he takes the pack from your outstretched hand and haphazardly wipes his arms clean, the lack of care enough to make you inwardly flinch at the potential pain. "once traitors are found, they are dealt with."
"seems like they got to you first," you snort.
besides a pointed glare, he doesn't dignify your comment with a response. instead, he takes your arm into his hold, removing the old bandages with almost the same level of indifference that he treated his own injuries with.
"ow." you grunt, a bit overdramatic. in truth, his touch isn’t any less gentle than the doctor you just killed.
"stop complaining." he responds bluntly.
"maybe be more careful, then." you snap, tugging your arm back. you're being intentionally difficult, pushing his buttons, but you deserve to be a little shitty to the man holding you hostage.
makarov grabs your elbow, one of the few relatively uninjured parts of your arm, and yanks you forward, until your free hand slams down onto the space next to him to catch yourself from falling. he leans in, your noses nearly touching, and sneers.
"this is the extent of my kindness, petra." he tightens his hold when you try to create some distance, locking you in place. "do not tempt me to withdraw it." he whispers, dark eyes boring into yours.
you swallow back a whimper as his grip tightens again, blunt nails digging into healing skin, nodding in reply. he releases you a moment later and resumes his previous actions, quickly yet effectively rewrapping your arm. you grudgingly decide to cooperate for the other set, making it go by much faster than the last.
"tarkovsky said you're usually pretty calm," you mumble as he secures the bandages in place. "is it the one-four-one that frustrates you so easily? or, am i just a special case, hm?"
makarov, clearly interested in continuing the running theme since your first meeting, does not respond. you really should get used to it. you say nothing more as he stands up and grabs the discarded supply bag, walking towards the door. he pauses, holding the door open, and you nearly miss the words said to you over his shoulder.
"anyone else would be dead already."
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спасибо (spasibo) - thank you
убрать этот беспорядок (ubrat' etot besporyadok) - clean up this mess
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taglist: @sofasoap, @roosterr, @rohansregret, @lonesome-doves, @thorrsexual, @miss-nob0dy, @woodeelf, @fbs-fc-ur-mommy, @soap-mactavish, @itsyellow
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