#I still don't understand what captivated attention
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So this happened the other day
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theinnerunderrain · 5 months
Bound by Moonlight [Yan!Long-distance boyfriend x Fem!Reader]
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Warnings: Yandere themes, manipulative behaviors, the yapping goes crazy, slightly suggestive themes towards the end, victimization, gaslighting, etc.
"I think we should break up."
Yujin's eyes flickered open, awakening at the sound of your words. Slowly, his orbs focused on your face, and in a swift motion, he sat up from your lap. The warmth of your embrace briefly withdrew, leaving him staring into your eyes. He resembled a deer caught in the gaze of headlights—frozen, with a palpable sense of confusion enveloping him.
His lips could only muster that simple word, as though the syllables you had uttered before were alien, like an unexpected symphony he never fathomed hearing.
"I think...I think we should break up."
You summoned your courage and spoke once more, aiming for bluntness to conceal the cracks of fear hinting at your vulnerabilities. Inhaling deeply, you braced yourself, allowing your gaze to momentarily dance away from his hazel eyes, as if an invisible force compelled you to divert your attention, perhaps to shield yourself from the intensity within them.
"I just think...this long distance relationship isn't working out...."
"But, why?"
Yunjin's voice, a gentle inquiry, reached out to you, his fingers delicately intertwining with yours. The warmth of his palm brushed against your cold skin, creating a subtle contrast that sent shivers down your spine. His eyes flickered, teetering on the brink of tears, evoking a momentary pang of sympathy within you.
"I... I've done everything you told me to...I don't understand, [First Name]".
He spoke once more, drawing near until his face hovered just inches from yours, his breath gently caressing your cheeks. In that intimate proximity, the subtle fragrance of his cologne and the hint of peppermint gum enveloped you, creating an alluring blend that lingered in the air like a captivating spell.
"It's not you, Yujin. You're a great person and a wonderful boyfriend.. It's just that...."
In a brief pause, you step away, a fleeting attempt to distance yourself and reclaim mental clarity from Yujin's unsettling presence. However, he remains oblivious to the subtle cues of your discomfort, persistently closing the gap until your shoulder meets the unyielding warmth of his chest.
"It's just... it's just what?"
"I don't think I can live like this. I can't live to see my significant other only once a year, I can't live to talk to you through a phone."
In a rare display of vulnerability, your confession spilled forth, your voice delicately meek, a stark contrast to the depth of your emotions. A suspended hush enveloped the bedroom, the sole symphony being the distant echo of passing trains and the gentle hum of cars traversing the street. In the hush that followed, several minutes wrapped themselves around the scene before Yunjin's voice pierced the stillness. Astonishingly clear, his words resonated despite the recent brink of tears that had gripped him just moments before.
"Yes, you can."
His words shocked you for a moment, for its bluntness and coldness, contrasting the usual warm-hearted and kind Yujin.
"I've worked so hard for you. Worked so hard for us. Yet, you still want to walk away? After everything I've done for you?"
Your gaze remains locked on the wall opposite, your heart quickening its pace. It's a dance between fear and anxiety, the rhythmic thud resonating within you. You sense his gaze, a piercing intensity, as if it could solidify into a tangible force on the side of your face.
"[First Name]."
His words cut through the air, and you couldn't help but flinch visibly. Your name, once a melody on his lips, now escaped in a cold manner, a cadence foreign to your ears. It was a stark departure from the usual warmth that usually accompanied the utterance of your name, a departure from the loving tones and heartfelt renditions.
"Please look at me while I am talking to you."
With a momentary hesitation, you succumb to curiosity, your gaze slowly finding its way to him. Eyes meet in an unspoken exchange beneath the enchanting moonlight. Its gentle dance against his skin paints a paradox – a cold expression softened by the lunar glow, rendering him unexpectedly youthful and almost innocent in appearance.
"I did everything for you. I make sure we have enough money to meet up, I take such good care of you. I cooked for you, I showered and washed you, I take care of you."
With every uttered sentence, his words sharpened, each syllable a dagger cutting through the air. Simultaneously, his grasp on your wrist tightened, the pressure escalating with the cadence of his spoken disdain.
"So I don't understand why you're being so cruel to me? Why you're breaking up with me over such a petty matter? You haven't lost anything, [First Name]. You never did anything to contribute to this relationship, it was all me. But now you're leaving me?"
Continuing with relentless determination, his other hand pressed firmly against your chest, orchestrating a forceful retreat onto the plush expanse of the bed. Your back met the yielding mattress, and despite your instinct to squirm away, he skillfully straddled you, asserting dominance.
In a calculated move, he corralled both your wrists to the sides of your head with his own, rendering any resistance futile. Despite your valiant effort to defy his control, the palpable strength gap between you two became an insurmountable force, leaving you entangled in a struggle where every ounce of resistance seemed to dissipate against his unwavering authority.
Words escaped your trembling lips as you contorted beneath him, his weight bearing down, leaving scant room for escape.
Fear clung to you.
Yujin, known to you for over two years as a soft-spoken and cheerful soul, now morphed into an unsettling entity. His transformation invoked a visceral sense of terror, as though a stranger had replaced the person you thought you knew.
"You don't get a say in this relationship, [First Name]. You don't have the right to decide if we break up or not."
As your wrist gracefully ascended to the crown of your head, delicately supporting itself with a single hand, his deft touch traced a daring path beneath your shirt. A momentary stillness gripped you, an electric pause as his other hand stealthily ventured into the realm beneath fabric, enticing an involuntary pause in the cadence of time.
"Yujin....What are you doing?"
His hands ventured, exploring the contours of your form, causing a shiver to cascade through you as his touch ignited a delicate dance on your most sensitive terrain. In that fleeting moment, his gaze locked onto yours, revealing a hesitant flicker within his eyes, akin to a wavering candle casting uncertain shadows in the cold embrace of the night. Amidst this charged atmosphere, his hand remained suspended, a tantalizing pause in the symphony of sensations.
"Making you stay. Don't worry about catching the flight home tomorrow, I'll contact your family and tell them that you're going to be staying with me for a while."
Without a chance to voice your protest, he leaned in, planting a tender kiss on your lips. Your defenses crumbled, and your lips parted almost on autopilot, surrendering to the rhythmic dance of his tongue against yours. He momentarily withdraws, his eyes glazed and cheeks ablaze with a rosy hue. In the next heartbeat, he leans back in, not for a kiss, but to gently press his forehead against yours, as if sharing an intimate moment. Once more, he spoke, and this time, his voice cradled a returning tenderness, resurrecting the familiar cadence of Yujin that you both knew and held close to your heart.
"So please," he breathed the words, his nose gently brushing against yours in an affectionate caress. Despite the tenderness in his voice, the firmness of his grip on your wrist created a striking contrast. His fingers clamped down with such intensity that his nails seemed to embed themselves into your skin, as though afraid you might take flight like a liberated bird should he dare to release his hold.
"Be good, and stay with me. Forever."
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moonydustx · 1 month
how they would react to F!Reader saying she's pregnant but with Shanks, Rayleigh and Law?
Oi oi! Turu bem? Vou deixar até o comecinho da resposta em português porque sim hahahahah primeiro, obrigada pelo pedido e segundo, eu acho que me empolguei escrevendo de novo, sou inimiga do resumo. O do Ray acho que pode ter ficado um pouco confuso porque tentei usar as duas eras (como pode ele ser tãão saborosíssimo toda vez que aparece, af). Mas é isso, obrigadão e espero que goste <3
And here’s the translation of the day: Hey Hey! How are you? I'll even leave the beginning of the answer in portuguese because yes hahahahah (for those who don't understand PT-BR, I discovered that the requester is brazilian like me) firstly, thank you for the request and secondly, I think I got carried away writing again. I think Ray's might have been a little confusing because I tried to use both eras (how can he be so delicious every time he appears, haha). But that's it, thank you and I hope you like it <3
Oh, and hello @badlandsx! I'm tagging you here because I saw your request about Law, but don't worry, I'll soon write the other part that you also requested. Thank you <3
requests open | one piece masterlist (other pregnancy stories are here)
Warnings are place individually in each story.
Warnings: mentions of new and old Ray, like I said I love them both. Buggy and Shanks kids are one of my favorite things about Roger's era, so we have them here. Mention to F!Reader being an herbalist. Brief not-so-canonical mention of Sabaody's arc.
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Acid temperament, answers on the tip of the tongue, a captivating smile. Rayleigh didn't have much of an option but to fall in love at first sight when you two bumped into each other in a random bar on a random island. It didn't matter anymore when he managed to convince you to be part of the crew. Your knowledge of herbs and medicines was just an excuse he used to get the captain to accept - and Roger knew Silvers Rayleigh enough to know it was just a pretext for you to get on board.
It didn't take long for the glances exchanged and toasts proposed to turn into hidden moments at Oro Jackson, kisses stolen when others weren't looking, that turned into a golden ring around your finger. Now, such moments had turned into a new life being generated in you.
"You should stay less agitated for now, please." Crocus asked. You had come up with a lame excuse for him to stay on the ship with you while the others had disembarked. "By my reckoning, these are still the first few months, it's the most sensitive period. Any more aggressive activity can bring risks."
"You will die?" Buggy's squeaky voice caught the two of you's attention. When you found the spot where the boy was hiding, you saw Shanks cover his companion's mouth.
"Nothing like that, come here." you leaned on the counter, calling out to the two who soon stopped in front of you. "How much of our conversation did you hear?"
"That you don't really know what to do, and that you need to be less agitated and that you're sensitive." Shanks took the lead, listing, Buggy came further behind, eyes attentive to your every movement.
The two boys already saw you almost as a motherly figure, always trying to hide and lean on you whenever they got into trouble, of course they would be scared to hear such loose information.
"I'll trust you two, but I want you both to keep your mouth shut." you bent down to his level. "I'm pregnant, but it's too early for anyone to know, okay?"
"Pregnant?" they both screamed and you covered their mouths. Further behind you, Crocus was deliberately laughing at the two boys' reactions. "Does that mean it's the baby that's hurting you?" Buggy completed.
"No one was hurt." the doctor took the lead, explaining to both of them. "A pregnant woman requires more care and is also more sensitive. Well, you knowing this can be of great help."
"What do you mean by that?" Just like you, the boys seemed to have doubt written all over their faces.
"Someone here loves to get into trouble, until Rayleigh finds out and can keep an eye on you, you two are responsible for it. No fights, no crazy adventures, no almost anything." the man laughed when he saw your indignant expression.
"I promise to keep her and the baby safe." Shanks puffed out his chest, taking pride in what he had said.
"What? I promise more than him." Buggy grumbled.
"As long as you both promise to keep quiet, that's fine with me."
When the two youngest saluted, you knew you were screwed.
It was difficult to disguise such a situation when in the following days the two of them became your shadow. The only time you could see yourself alone was going to the bathroom. If you went to your little corner to work, one of the two would be sitting next to you, following everything you explained to them - since they were there, they would learn something. In day-to-day tasks, one of them always set out to do his part. Rayleigh was already finding their little movement strange, but he knew how attached you were to both of them, so it wasn't something that bothered him.
"I'm going to take advantage of the fact that it's our last day here and I'm going to go down to the village, I need to get some materials." you announced. "Does anyone need anything?"
"Everything's fine here." Gaban warned and one by one, the other companions agreed.
"Wait!" a panting Buggy ran across the boat. "I'll go with you."
"Get out you fool, I'll go." Shanks shouted from the other side.
"Come on, the three of you, what do you think?" you suggested, before his little fight escalated.
"You two don't think you're stealing much of my wife's attention, do you?" Rayleigh proposed, seeing the two swallow hard and deny it. "Alright, enjoy the little walk."
It was supposed to be a quick visit to the island, if the boys didn't decide to start trouble with one of the sellers, you got in the middle and now you were lying on your ass on the floor - in the pushing and shoving, there ended up being a push for you while arguing with the seller . Before you could calm the boys down, you saw them running towards the ship, shit.
Rayleigh's attention was stolen when he saw the two crew members rushing into the Oro Jackson. Buggy burst into tears and insults directed at his friend, while Shanks seemed to be looking for someone specific. You, however, were not with them. It didn't take much to connect the facts.
"Where is she?" He approached the kids, completely ignoring them. "What happened?"
"A tragedy." Buggy, dramatically, started crying even more.
"You idiot! We can't tell them anything." Shanks poked Buggy, who immediately retaliated with a push.
"Crocus said we should keep an eye on her and now she's fallen and is going to die!"
"She fell?" Rayleigh was already impatient with their drama, unable to find any connection in their grumbling. "Explain this properly."
"It was just a fall, nothing big." the redhead tried to alleviate the situation.
"Boys, it was just a fall, she's definitely gotten herself into bigger trouble." Roger laughed, watching the two boys pushing each other.
"I don't want to know. Where's Crocus?" Buggy grumbled, ignoring the captain's own laughter and his friend's false calm temperament.
"What kind of fall was that for you two to be so worried about?" Rayleigh held out his hands, pushing the two boys apart by their foreheads.
"This idiot went looking for a fight." Shanks tried to reach the clown, stopped by the first mate's hand.
"And this idiot who doesn't know how to keep his tongue in his mouth." Buggy fought back, only hitting the air.
"First she said we were supposed to be quiet."
"You knock down a pregnant woman and I'm the one who has to stay quiet!" The words that came out of Buggy were able to provoke silence among the other pirates. "Shit!"
"She's going to kill us man."
"Where is she?" Crocus appeared, stopping in front of the boys and an astonished Rayleigh. "How did she fall? What's all that crying, Buggy?"
"Is she the pregnant woman?" Rayleigh asked in a much calmer tone than usual.
The hands were now no longer used to separate the boys, they just hung beside his body. Seeing the two kids swallow hard and look at each other, Rayleigh no longer needed any more answers.
"Rayleigh, Crocus go to her, now." Even with Roger's orders, Rayleigh was already heading in the direction of leaving the boat, not worrying about who would follow him.
Upon entering the village, it didn't take many steps for them to find you - only then did Rayleigh notice the doctor's presence. What was strange was finding you still lying on the floor, your elbows propped up to keep your face up while you were still arguing with the man in front of you. You didn't look hurt, you just looked mad at the man.
"It was just some herbs!" you shouted, excited.
"You idiot! If it was just some herbs, you should pay." the man shouted back.
Before you could respond, a body appeared in front of you and you didn't need much to recognize that it was your husband.
"What is happening?" his patient voice asked, looking at you over his shoulder. "I see that you seem to have problems with my wife."
"You see, she allowed two boys to steal herbs from my store."
"That is true?" he turned to you, finding a wry smile. Your permissiveness with the boys would still kill him. "How much does she owe you?"
The man spoke and almost as if predicting the problem, Crocus threw some coins to Rayleigh, who handed them to the man. A few seconds later, they were both around you.
"Did you get hurt?" the doctor asked, seeing your eyes dart from his to your husband's. "Buggy accidentally told him that little secret."
"Shit." your grumble was low, in a way you avoided looking at Rayleigh. "Maybe I spent my money buying some sweets for the three of us, but I needed those herbs too." you list, feeling your face burn with guilt and shame.
"Do you feel any pain?" Rayleigh asked, his voice almost forcing you to face him. Without finding words, you just denied it. "Great. Let's go back to the ship."
Crocus supported you by the waist and as soon as you stood up, you bitterly regretted having denied the question your husband had asked. The excruciating pain that shot up from your foot made you scream and fall forward, being held by Rayleigh.
"I was wrong, so wrong, what the hell." you grumbled, taking your aching foot off the ground. "It fucking hurts, it really hurts, Ray, do something." your teary eyes searched for his, who looked attentively in your direction.
"First I need you to calm down, sweetheart." he asked, wrapping his arm around you and providing even more support. "Crocus, what do we have?"
"Let me see." he bent down again, finding a swollen ankle. "It could just be a sprain or it could be broken, let's go back and that way I can see calmly."
"Go ahead, I'll take her."
The doctor took a few steps away and the two of you remained there for a few seconds, until Rayleigh took you in his arms and took you back to the ship. You knew he wanted to tell you something, but you also knew that that wasn't the appropriate place.
Before you could receive the necessary medical attention, you needed to calm both boys down. Maybe the explanation you and Crocus gave the two of them earlier had been too much for them to think that a little fight would bring you down. Rayleigh ushered them both out and closed the door behind him.
"When were you thinking of telling me?" he asked, still distant.
"To be honest, I still don't know." a light laugh escaped your lips. "They both found out by accident, hearing me talk to Crocus."
"I still can't believe those little idiots found out before me." his expression softened as he approached you.
"Are you mad at me?" His hands circled your waist, pulling you to the middle of the bed.
He gently created space for himself between your legs, taking care to place your bandaged ankle to the side. The fierce kisses this time were replaced by some caresses along your lap, some quick kisses on your lips.
"Furious?" His smile floated to your forehead, turning into a small kiss. "I just found out that the woman I love most is about to bear me a child. How can I be furious with such good news?"
His mouth once again met yours and despite the softness in which your tongues tangled, the gentle touch of his hand sliding down your side - curious fingers floating over the fabric on your belly - before your dress found a different path than your body, a small external noise caught the attention of both of you.
"Sure." Rayleigh pulled away just enough, allowing you to still feel his breath against yours. "You know it's Roger who's waiting, don't you?"
"Yeah." you laughed, seeing him groan as he let go of you.
"And that he's about to come out screaming with joy" he asked again and you nodded, trying to adjust yourself in bed and hide any evidence of what was about to happen.
Rayleigh barely opened the wooden door and Roger followed by other companions entered, a smile from ear to ear.
"A child!" He pulled you from the bed, hugging you tightly. "Another crewmate for us! This is incredible, get ready today we're going to drink, we're going to celebrate."
"Oi! She can't drink." Rayleigh pointed out and saw Roger let go of you a little and then hug you tightly again.
"Then let's eat, eat a lot. I'm going to order an incredible feast!"
If before your concern was to escape the needy and attentive claws of Buggy and Shanks, now the two boys seemed to have found company. Your other companions - being practically led by Rayleigh made you feel adorable all the time. Even with your hormones screaming at the top of your skin, even with all the strange desires and the constant need to be attached to your husband, everyone seemed to be ready and happy to see you pregnant. Rayleigh felt proud and a little overprotective of you, no wonder, since you had already returned to the boat covered in blood that didn't belong to you just because someone had tried to rob you or when you almost convinced Roger to loot a village because you wanted cakes from a bakery that was closed when you docked. You still preferred to stick to your herbs, but that didn't mean you were harmless.
Little Arthur came into the world calmly and quickly, as if everything was meticulously planned for him to arrive on that peaceful afternoon. Even though you were still uncomfortable and tired after giving birth, you couldn't contain your laughter when you saw the two youngest members of the crew fighting over who would pick up the little one first. Knowing the affection and care attached to you, you proudly allowed the two of you to carry the title of little Arth's uncles - provoking yet another argument over who was the favorite.
The bonds between you and Rayleigh became even tighter after the birth of Arth and, shortly after, little Dalia. A few years after the gang broke up and Roger was executed and on that day, you and your husband stepped back from the role of parents and allowed yourselves to cry on each other's shoulders. The tears of pain at the loss of Roger soon turned to missing your eldest son, a fruit doesn't fall far from the tree and of course, Arth never let you two tell him everything you knew, he would find a crew so that together they could find the One Piece.
The door to your house opened and you saw a familiar face enter. A mother knows very well what each child's traits could bring and when you saw an almost identical copy of Rayleigh rush through the door, you knew it was your boy back. He had finally found a crew - one that carried a straw hat familiar to the one you knew.
"What?" the voice of his companions shouted in unison as Rayleigh properly introduced the two of you.
"You mean you know everything?" Usopp turned to Arth, who just shook his head. "Oh, that's a lot of information at once."
"We never told him anything." you explained, holding your third child in your arms, a girl who had just turned four years old.
"You said your parents were pirates, but you never specified which ones." Luffy pointed out, his mouth full of food.
"My parents already had their time, now they have other priorities." Arth took little Lure from you, the girl's laugh echoed throughout the room. "Just like this little one here."
"You only have these two children?" Nami asked, interested in the difference between you and Rayleigh to the white-haired child.
"In fact, only Dalia and Arth were born to me. Ray saved our little Lure from being sold to those damn nobles. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to save her family, but we took it upon ourselves to take care of her."
"And Dalia is also a pirate?"
"Not for now, but she's on an island with some of our friends, training." you simply informed, seeing that Arth had understood the message.
That same day, you saw your son disappear before your eyes, into the hands of the tyrant Kuma. Luffy looked desolate and you followed suit, both screams echoing through the damp Sabaody forest. Only when Rayleigh managed to drag you back home did you understand that your boy would be far away, safer and according to Kuma himself, with someone you both would trust with your eyes closed.
Almost two years have passed since Rayleigh took on a mission and left you alone on the island, taking care of what was left behind.
"Father?" Lure's voice caught your attention. At the door, Rayleigh crouched down, waiting for the white-haired girl to jump towards him.
"My sweetie you are so huge!" he let the girl hang onto him, filling the top of her head with kisses. "If I took a little longer, you'd be bigger than me."
"I missed you so much." she clung to Rayleigh, who was walking towards you. "Mommy too."
"I bet she felt it too." With one of his free hands, he circled your waist, lightly kissing your lips. "I hope two of my favorite girls are okay."
"Dad, did you know that Uncle Duval asked Mom to stay with him?" The girl laughed at the little gossip told, earning a reprimanding look from you, even if it was a joke.
"Uncle Duval, hm? I'll have a little talk with him." Rayleigh placed her on the floor, yet the girl remained there beside you, paying attention to everything.
"Just a friend of the Straw Hats, we took care of Sunny while you were gone. I even tried to start the plating, but I'd rather focus on my teas." You explained, allowing yourself to hug him completely. "How are things over there?"
"By things, do you talk about our Dalia?"
"Perhaps." the passive tone in your voice became even calmer when your face was buried in his chest. "I miss my little girl."
"She promised to come soon and she's doing great, she's been one of Kikyo's right-hand men. She's so strong, you'll be proud." he felt you nod against his skin, the distance of two years seemed too far for a quick hug to satisfy. "Want to know about Arth?"
"Have you heard from him?"
"Is little brother Arth coming?" Lure clung to Rayleigh's leg, watching her father. Even without the blood connection, the black king found it comical to say the least how similar you two had become.
"Not yet, my dear. And I haven't heard from him exactly, but rather where he is." Rayleigh began to explain, meeting your curious eyes. "I only received a small note."
He took it out and handed you the small crumpled paper. The tranquility that had been missing for two years invaded you as you read each word.
I hope this reaches you and your wife, Rayleigh-san. Knowing her, I believe she is distraught over Arth's disappearance. He has been training with me and I promise that I will keep that old promise to keep him safe. No clumsy clowns this time.
warnings: F!Reader and Shanks don't have a fixed relationship at the beginning of the story, F!Reader has a restaurant. Maybe wrong use of haki, brief spicier section and brief mentions of childbirth. Shanks is an adorable girl dad here. Emony, in some language that I don't remember, is a name related to treasure.
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"When are you going to go to sea with me?"
That question had already been repeated countless times every day that Shanks decided to stop at your restaurant. He always made up a little excuse that his crew was hungry and that no other place in that city would be able to fulfill his orders. He repeated every time you served dishes wearing the apron he said made you look amazing, every time he convinced you to stop working for a bit and share a dish with him, every time he was on top of you. you on the bed, as you asked for more and more.
However, every time the answer was the same.
"Give me a good reason red-haired, one other than me ending up in your bed, and I will."
You had already lost track of the times he did this, that he asked and you refused, that you shared hours together and the next morning he left you to return a few months later. This time however, it was difficult to lose track of time, as with each passing day, you discovered a change in your body. It started with irritability, then the aching body, nausea and finally, the positive test on your hand and your shocked family right behind you.
The whole city already knew that you were the redhead's favorite person and at that point, no one dared to mess with you or insinuate anything. Knowing how quickly rumors could spread, you chose to keep it a secret until it became impossible. The secret only lasted four months before his jolly roger appears on the horizon. Already knowing the routine he used to have on the island, you prepared yourself to soon find him entering the door.
"Finally, my favorite cook." his voice hit you before you even saw him. "Long time no see you."
"Yeah, it's been a while." out of habit, you allowed his hand to hug your waist, but you tried not to tighten yourself too much in his embrace.
"Everything is fine?" he asked, noticing your more distant behavior.
"Yeah, it's just been a busy day. What can I get you guys?"
"What's good on the menu today?" Lucky Roux asked, his typical piece of meat at hand had already reached its end.
"A fish stew, we also have some pies. Did you bring any new recipes for me?" You reached out to him.
Since the first time you met the red-haired pirates, you and him had gotten along well and the little deal was that he would always bring new recipes and in return, he was the only one who didn't pay at your family's restaurant.
"Spicy noodles and oysters with honey." he stretched out the two papers in his hand. "Two recipes, two dishes."
"Okay, you win. Anyone else want some stew?" the men piled in, affirming yes. Before you could leave, you felt Shanks' hand grab yours.
"Wait a second." a chill passed through your body as his eyes analyzed you. "You look different, I don't know. It's like you're even more beautiful."
"Don't give me those cheap lines, redhead." you warned in your playful tone. "A stew for you too?"
"The day I deny this could rip my other arm off."
Like the other times they appeared there, Shanks and the others stayed almost the entire day. Much of the food at that point had already been replaced by drinks, which forced you to practically dodge the glasses that were offered to you.
The restaurant was already empty, even your brothers who used to help you had already left, leaving you alone with the leftover dishes and tables to organize for the next day.
"It doesn't seem very gentlemanly to me to leave a lady alone." Again, just like that afternoon, you saw Shanks enter the door, ignoring the "closed" sign.
"You don't need to worry about me, I'll sort it out in a few minutes." You gave your best smile, seeing that he wasn't convinced.
"Then I can help you solve something else."
Not giving you much room to deny it or to at least try to address the issue that was hovering between the two of you, Shanks revoked his right over your mouth. Amidst the scattered tables and trying to turn off the light in the room so as not to attract so much attention, you went unnoticed by his hands taking off your apron and immediately undoing the buttons on your t-shirt. When the piece became a small puddle of fabric on the floor next to your apron and Shanks slid his hand down your torso, you realized that he had indeed noticed.
"What is that?" his voice was low, even though there were just the two of you there.
"I think you're smarter than that, redhead." you tried to alleviate the situation, seeing that it had been in vain.
"It's mine?" His eyes met yours, his serious expression made chills run up your body. Shanks was adorable, one of the kindest people you'd ever served at your restaurant, but he was still a pirate. "Hey, look at me, is it mine?"
"What do you think?" you responded immediately, seeing him take a few steps back. "I found out a few weeks after you left here last time, so far it's been easy to hide with dresses and aprons, but it looks like it won't last long."
"So it's mine?" he insisted, making you huff in frustration.
"The last time you came here, I remember you making me scream a few times that I was yours. I am a woman of my word, there is no one else who is the father of this baby but you."
His expression soon contorted from something serious to a slight smile that turned into a loud laugh. His hand found your face, stroking it with some delicacy.
"You told me you needed a good reason to leave with me." he started, seeing you already look disbelieved. "And no, I don't want you just in my bed. I want you by my side, forever. I want you to leave with me so I can make you my wife. To make you the mother of all my children." his hand reached down and caressed the bump on your belly. "This explains so much."
"So much, tomato head?" You let your hand rest on top of his, enjoying the affection.
"Your bad mood when you saw my face or you refusing to drink with me." He approached, pressing his face to yours. "You look even more beautiful than the last time I saw you."
"Please say yes."
He used that entire night to convince you to go on board with him and the next morning to help you pack your bags and head to his ship. When the other companions saw your face, they were in disbelief for a while until the true reason for your presence was explained, to everyone's delight.
For a moment, it was too much information for your head, learning a little about the life of a pirate, understanding what Shanks was like as a captain and the changes in your body seemed too much for you. It wasn't surprising that you had practically hijacked the ship's kitchen all to yourself and it was very common to find you in the early hours of the morning, up to something.
"What's the recipe for today, mummy?" Shanks appeared, his face still crumpled indicating that he had just woken up from a good sleep.
"A cake, that's all." you just responded, feeling him press himself behind you and slide his hand over your big eight-month-old belly.
"And what's the name of the cake?" He leaned over your shoulder, still caressing you. "Is it "I'm worried about my baby's future." or "The baby woke me up by kicking me in the ribs"?
"How do you know that?" you laughed, taking some of the still raw dough for him to taste.
"Delicious." he muttered before he could follow up on any thoughts. "Daddy's Haki. I always know what's going on with my baby."
"Oh, of course." you laughed and immediately felt the same pain that had gotten you out of bed a few hours ago and had been recurring in the last few moments. You knew what it was, you just wanted to enjoy the time you still had with your baby inside.
"Honey?" Shanks asked as he saw you lean your body against his and groan in pain. "My love, what is it?"
"Didn't daddy's haki help you this time?" you tried to laugh but the pain hit you again. Before you could continue your sequence of laments, you felt your dress and as a result of the proximity, Shanks got wet.
"No, it didn't help, it's happening now, isn't it? Hongo!" he started screaming, trying to pick you up.
"Shanks, what if…" your eyes moistened with anxiety and accumulated tears. "What if I'm a terrible mother? What if nothing works? What if I can't bring our baby into the world?"
"There's no what if." he pointed out, gently pulling your chin. "Look at me, we're going to bring our first child into the world and everything will be fine. Come on, it's time to meet our baby."
Emony was born after long hours of labor. The small tuft of red hair was identical to Shanks's and her cry was celebrated by the entire ship who had woken up with your screams of pain and with Shanks running back and forth behind Hongo.
The girl was a little copy of her father, from her red hair to her attitude, which made you constantly laugh - after all, at the age of five she had already declared that she was going after One Piece alone when you two gave her a little scolding for her coming out of hiding during a fight you were involved in. You should also anticipate that the girl's strength would be derived from her father and not hers. A break on an island meant having the two of you spotted by enemy pirates while you were taking a walk with little Emony. After trying to escape and fight, you both ended up surrendering, you were on your knees, a gun against your head and little Emony was lifted by the collar of her dress.
"My daddy is going to finish you off, your shit" she declared, trying to kick the man, completely in vain.
"Will he really do that?" the man teased her, seeing the girl become even more nervous. "I'll be waiting for."
"You know this is his territory, what do you want on this island?" you asked and felt the gun being pressed even more against your head.
"Take it away from my mommy!!" Emony screamed and you felt something different in the air.
The man who was pointing the gun at you fell, fainted, as did the other men who accompanied the pirate. Their captain let out a loud laugh, pressing his hand even tighter against Emony's dress.
"Haki? At such a young age?"
"Mommy!" the girl jolted towards you, seeing you get up and walk towards her.
"I suggest you take your rotten hands off my daughter." Shanks' voice came from behind the man.
By dodging a little, you can see the crew approaching. Benn was already pointing a gun, almost glued to the head of the tyrant who had his hands on your little Emony.
"This here?" he shook the girl dismissively, turning to face Shanks. "You know, lately the navy has been investing a lot of money in Yonko's children." the man threatened, a stupid smile adorning his lips. "What's your offer for the brat?"
"Lucky, Yassop?" Shanks just signed. "You guys take my girls inside."
Without waiting for the man to respond, the redhead punched him in the face and before Emony could reach the ground, Lucky caught her. The two of you were taken inside a small store, where some vendors offered water and a place to calm down.
"Where are my girls?" Shanks' voice reached the two of you, but your daughter ran to him, hugging her father's legs, who picked her up. "Are you hurt, my little one?"
"No daddy." she smiled, victoriously. "You see, I'm ready to be a pirate." the joy in her voice brought some peace of mind to both of you.
"I thought you were already a pirate." Benn, who accompanied Shanks, commented and got the girl's response by sticking her tongue out at him.
"I'm going to be the greatest pirate! Just like dad." she replied, shaking herself off Shanks' lap. "Come on Uncle Benn, I bet I beat you."
"Bet? Let's see." The first mate let the girl hit him a few times, laughing at her effort.
"And you, love, were you hurt?" Shanks stood next to you, holding your shaking hand.
"I just got scared. Shanks, she…"
"I felt it. That's how I knew she was in danger." he replied before the question even left your thoughts. "She's barely trained and can already do this? She's really going to be a great pirate."
"Babe…" your warning tone made it clear that this was not the time for him to encourage such ideas.
"Imagine, she's a captain? Our daughter has a big future. In fact, we know who she takes after." the man boasted, earning a shove in response. "I think she needs companions."
"She can arrange it over time."
"Or we can help." the mischievous tone was already almost inert to the way he spoke to you. "Just a few more babies, a first mate, a cook." He started to list, seeing you deny it. "But you look so beautiful pregnant."
"Forget it Shanks."
"Daddy, mummy!" Emony's voice drew you both in. You watched the girl pose as victorious, on top of a Benn Beckman, Lucky, Yasopp and Limejuice piled on the floor, pretending to be defeated. "I won!"
"Now I challenge you, my little fire hair." Shanks joined in the game, going over to the girl.
Maybe some brothers for Emony would be nice - and maybe Shanks would have given you a good reason to accompany him every time you saw him love your little daughter.
Part 2 here
warnings: angst, more angst, arguments with a fluff and happy ending. I mean, do I really need to inform you that our boy is going to freak out about the possibility of amber lead in his baby? Perhaps not very common uses of his DF, Law freaks out for a while, but then becomes the best dad in the world (we saw so little of Law with Lammy, but I bet he was an amazing brother and that he would be such a great girl's dad). And of course, Rosi comes from Rosinante. This text here is huge, sorry.
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Being subordinate and companion to a captain who happened to be a doctor was one of the most practical things in your life. Did you catch the flu? He would solve it. Were you injured in battle? Just call the captain.
This meant not having any problems, especially after you decided to start dating. Law became even more attentive to every detail of your health, which made you realize that you didn't have much time to deal with the situation in your hands - more precisely, the situation in your womb.
The tests remained hidden in Ikkaku's drawer, with her being his only confidant at that moment. You wanted to know how many months it was, to be able to share such news, but you knew that as soon as Law found out, he would freak out and that's why you were avoiding him.
Avoiding, in the past verb, after all, he had already noticed something wrong between the two of you. Two knocks on your bedroom door startled you and your roommate.
"Hey." he looked dejected when the door opened, his attention automatically turned to Ikkaku. "Mind leaving us alone for a few minutes?"
"Of course captain." a pious look came from her towards you, before the woman disappeared from your field of vision.
Law, not knowing what to say, sat next to you. As you tried to grab his hand, you felt him move away. Damn it.
"How long have you known?" his cold tone dictated that he was probably not happy at all with the news.
"How do you know?" you answered his question with another, trying to buy time before the approaching storm.
"Today marks two months since you haven't asked me for help with any colic or complained about being sinking in a red river." he laughed, even though he didn't look happy. "By my reckoning, it's also been two months since that day in the kitchen."
Of course, the day in the kitchen. You and Law were always careful, even if you already used your contraceptive method, you preferred to use other types of protection. Except when you arrived at Polar Tang drunk and alone, which resulted in a unprotected sex session on the shared kitchen table.
"Quite a recipe we made." You tried to make fun of him.
"What do we do?" For the first time at that moment, you saw Law's eyes actually find you, worried and afraid.
"What do we do?" you repeated. "I'm pregnant Law, I don't know if there's much to do other than wait for the baby to be born."
"You know what worries me." his harsh response cut through any kind of excitement you held back. "You know very well what will happen to this child."
"What can happen." you corrected him.
"Would you rather risk waiting the nine months, giving birth and seeing your child die some time later? Sounds like a great idea to me." Cynicism echoed in his words just as your two voices were already much louder, taking your hatred to levels you didn't yet know.
"Would you rather I have an abortion and then spend the rest of my life wondering what if my baby had been born healthy?" his silence was the answer you needed at that moment. "You know what? Leave me on the next island, I'd rather take a risk and have my baby happy than have to abort it or even worse, my baby has to live with a parent who hates its existence."
"You don't understand what this could entail." He stood up too, trying to put something that looked like sense into your head. "You stay here until this is resolved."
"This has already been resolved and you don't need to have any involvement in my baby's life." you were sure the entire submarine was already listening to that argument between the two of you. "Get out of here, Law."
"Get out of here!" you screamed even louder, seeing the man give up and leave. It only took a few seconds for Ikkaku to appear and allow you to cry for hours on her shoulder.
Anyone looking from the outside could see that you two were in pain. Law had become a shadow of the captain he was, only having small appearances to issue orders or to follow you - even without saying many words - every time you approached an island, fearing that you would leave the crew. Even though the two of you didn't talk anymore, you knew that his disappearance was related to studying everything he could about the disease that ravaged his country and was also present in him.
In the two months that had passed, Law had stopped being your boyfriend and practically become your doctor. Without exchanging many words, you only met when he decided to do some examination on you. To break the mood, you always took one of your friends along. The little information you had about Law came from Bepo, Shachi or Penguin, the only ones who were still able to invade his room and talk to him. Like that afternoon, when they insisted that you convince him to leave the room and have dinner with all his companions.
"Law?" two knocks on the door accompanied your voice. His tired look hit you immediately.
"How can I help you?"
"I wanted you to come have dinner with us." you tried to appeal to what you want. Many times, before pregnancy, that had worked.
"I am a little busy."
"I can bring something here." You suggested, approaching him. On the table, you saw accumulated papers, the vast majority of which titles were not related to Amber Lead.
"No need to worry, I'm fine." he simply replied, seeing that you were reading the papers on his desk. "I found some new studies."
"Law, I told you that you don't need to worry about that right now, we don't know yet…"
"When would you rather I worry?" the cynicism was once again there in his voice and he knew how much you hated it. "When you die on the table because for some reason this shit got to you? Or when I watch our baby die?"
"Now is he our baby?" you used the same resource as him. "From what I remember, I had made it very clear that I didn't want you to be involved in this."
"But it's my obligation."
"Your obligation as a father? I think you lost that right when you made it very clear that I had to take my baby away." you started to walk away from his desk. "Or your obligation as captain? As a boyfriend that isn't, I don't know what it's like to have a boyfriend for a good few months."
"I was busy, trying to find a cure for you two."
"We're both not sick." you sounded offended by what he had proposed. "But keep it up, sink into your books, don't worry when I disappear from this fucking submarine."
You left slamming the door, stressed. The looks that reached you seemed full of pity and concern. You only managed to get as far as the kitchen before a pang hit your head and stomach. Being supported by your colleagues, the only request you made was that no one tell Law about it. You wouldn't give him reason in his incessant search for something he didn't yet know.
Alleviating your worries, the diagnosis arrived quickly: just a spike in high blood pressure. A few hours of rest and an IV should do the trick. When you saw Bepo murmur an apology, you knew exactly what he was going to do and so did your friends, as little by little they left you alone. You remained turned away, even though you heard the door open. Something in the air had changed, it was as if you immediately felt more tense and prepared for another argument.
"Babe, can we talk?" Law's voice sounded much lower than normal, definitely attracting your attention. His affectionate way of calling you was an easy way to make you fall for his words. You turned around, facing him and started to adjust yourself to sit on the stretcher. "No, please, stay still there."
"I'm just going to sit down." You did so, your movement being followed to the millimeter by his eyes. "Just to be clear, I don't want to fight."
"I didn't come here for that reason." he approached, hesitating with every step he took. "Actually, I know you didn't want me to come here for any reason."
"I just don't want to have to hear from my doctor that I'd better have given up on the idea." you turned around, allowing your legs to dangle. "I understand your concerns Law and I would be lying if I said I haven't been terrified of the idea since I saw the first positive test."
"I know." He finally stopped a short distance away, but he still didn't touch you. "I… I-I, damn, why is it so hard?"
"Just let the words come, don't think about them." you suggested, figuring it was just pride keeping you from apologizing for all the previous argument.
"I-I feel like shit." a sigh came out along with the words. "You're right, as a boyfriend I've been terrible, as a doctor then, just look at the fact that you're in a hospital bed and the last person to be informed is me." his fists clenched and then loosened, his tattooed hands rubbed against his face, perhaps in an attempt to get the words out of him.
"Law?" your heart broke when you heard a sniffle come from him, it was the last gesture you expected after everything, it was difficult to connect the information like this.
"I can't lose you and I know it doesn't seem like it, I know I've been a terrible person, but I love this child. I can't lose this too." For the first time after so long together, you saw tears run down your loved one's face. His hands stuck to his hat, pulling in a failed attempt to hide his face. "I can't stop regretting saying that to you, what if our baby hates me for it? What if our baby knows that for a moment, even a small moment, I didn't want him or her to exist."
"My love?" You extended your hand, being accepted by him. Law fit between your legs and buried his face in your neck, even with the muffled sound, you only heard his murmurs and sobs.
"I'm sorry, please. For yelling and being an idiot." he asked, still not letting go of you. "I just can't deal with the thought of losing either of you."
"My dear, look at me." his irises remained almost hidden by the tears that accumulated at his waterline. Your hands dried his face and you didn't know how you weren't crying together. "We still don't know if our child will have amber lead disease, we don't know the scope of your fruit in the cure."
"What should we do in the meantime?"
"As I told you, wait. Make the best of this little time we have until the baby is born." you suggested while your hands traced caresses on his face. "And I just want, I need, my boyfriend back. I don't know how far I can go without you by my side."
"I promise to get better, I promise to take care of you." he replied, taking a deep breath and composing himself. With his hands rubbing his face, Law looked much more centered. "What happened today? When Bepo called me, he just told me it was a blood pressure problem and that you were resting."
"I said I want my boyfriend." you insisted with a smile on your face and saw a small ghost of what would be a smile on Law too.
Law first checked the serum that was being applied to you and then took off the hat he was wearing, placing it on your hair. With his face millimeters away from yours, he placed a quick kiss on your lips, followed by one more and another, until finally you gave way to him. The skin of his face was still damp against your face and your fingers caressed his scalp, the gesture he loved so much and god, how he had missed it. When Law pulled away, you almost pulled him back. Two months were too long apart - even under the same roof.
"I missed you so much." You confessed, not wanting to let go of his hand.
"I missed you too my love, I'm sorry for being such an idiot for so long." He sank against your skin again, this time stealing a few kisses along the way. "What do you think we make up for lost time?"
"That sounds interesting to me."
"No, no sex." he cut you off as soon as he saw you smile mischievously. "Room."
You were back in his room, now lying on the soft bed with gray sheets. Along with the two of you, only the serum and support tied to your skin had come. Law adjusted himself, sitting with his back against the wall and adjusting your body to be against his skin. You saw from the corner of your eye his hand go towards you and retreat, ignoring any complaint he would make, you pulled it back and placed it flat against your belly.
"I don't think you can feel it yet, but I've already started to feel some small movements. In fact, I thought I had stomach gas, until Ikkaku and I found a book explaining that it was the baby." You explained and looking over your shoulder, you could see bright gray eyes staring at you. "Right now, from what I feel, the baby is here." you slid his hand away, stopping next to your side.
"Can I tell you something?" he asked, using his other arm to hug you even tighter. You nodded and saw him smile at the likely thought that crossed his mind before the words came out. "The other day, I accidentally spied on you in your room. I think you had just gotten out of the shower and were in front of the mirror."
"Oh no Law, I don't believe it." you laughed, already knowing what day it was.
"I think you spent about fifteen minutes posing in front of the mirror, caressing our child in your womb. God, you looked so beautiful, so radiant." he allowed himself to almost melt against the wall behind him. "I'm sorry I wasted so much time, so much stuff."
"Can I tell you something too? I actually need to update you on a few things." you asked and felt his face move against your skin, nodding. "Did you know that our baby is already just like you? I can't even see a piece of bread before I'm ready to spill my stomach."
That night, the two of you spent a lot of time there. You telling him about the little news that Law had missed in the time you didn't talk and him explaining little curiosities to you, things that seemed incredible to him because they were happening in the body of the woman he loved and he didn't have the courage to tell you before.
In the fifth month - now with a new version of Law, one much more adept at the idea of ​​being a father and much more attached to you. You were dragged by him to a small room, finding Ikkaku, Shachi and Penguin sitting at the table waiting for you.
"What is that?" You sat down in the chair that Law arranged for you, he soon took the place next to you.
"You said you didn't want me as a doctor, so if you want and you have time to think about it, they will be your doctor."
"And you?" your voice was almost cornered, trying to connect the pieces of the situation that was presented. "Aren't you going to be at the birth?"
"I'll be there all the time and any problem, I'll take care of it. But I want to be there for you, for our baby. Instead of scalpels and speculums, I just want to hold your hand." Law chuckled as he saw your little pout that you made start to tremble. "Sound like a good idea to you?"
"T-This is in-amazing." despite Law seeing you get emotional, the loudest crying came from the other side of the table.
"Man, that was beautiful." Shachi was struggling, leaning on Penguin.
"It's so good that you guys are back."
"Idiots." the woman commented, turning to you. "Come on, tell me everything you expect from the birth of our little baby."
After spending the remaining months buried in books next to him, this time looking for good information and not just a cure for an illness, you learned that the stretcher was not a good place to give birth and that sensations were an important part of the process, in other words, goodbye Ope Ope no Mi's anesthesia powers. Law seemed to want to make up for the distance by always staying close to you and always reminding you how special you were to him, like when you looked adorable when the jumpsuit stopped fitting around your belly or when you and Bepo joined in complaining about the heat.
With the help of your own nature, the chosen doctors and Law behind you in that hot tub, your girl arrived into the world quickly and much less painfully than you thought. In the first few hours, little Rosi didn't let go of you and only when the water around the bathtub became cold did Law manage to take his focus off the little baby to take you two to a more cozy place.
In the early days, Law's hands seemed tied to Rosi. When the girl with eyes as gray as her father's wasn't on his lap, Law was following you like a shadow to ensure the health of both of you. Sometimes looking sideways, you could see Law observing every inch of the girl, in a constant search for signs of the cursed disease that had once taken his family from him. He would never allow that to happen to his little girl.
The worry lasted for years and there was never a sign of the disease or any other illness. Before, if everyone at Polar Tang had a strict health care schedule, with the arrival of the girl, attention redoubled.
Rosi was like seeing a mini-version of Law walking around, especially because of the copy of his hat that he had gotten for her. All the love that Law took to give you and her, when it was just a fetus inside you, the doctor seemed to make up for it with the girl, there wasn't something she wanted or asked for that he wasn't ready to do.
Rosi seemed to love accompanying her father in laboratories and studies, this seemed to change when she was once injured in an attack, in fact Rosi lost her balance with the Polar Tang speeding into the sea and ended up getting a cut on her forehead, patched by Ikkaku since Law was busy fending off enemies. That had been enough trauma for little Rosi to not want to know more about medical things.
"Please, my sweetie, it's just a small remedy." you tried to pull the girl out of the closet.
"No, no, no." she grumbled. The little gray eyes full of water. "It's going to hurt a lot."
"It won't hurt, my love." you insisted, seeing her deny it.
"My princess?" Law bent down, reaching her height. "Come on, this is to make you okay."
"Daddy, it's going to hurt a lot, I don't want it." she grumbled even more, knowing that Law was much easier to convince.
"Doesn't your throat hurt too?" he asked and the little girl nodded. "I promise it won't hurt anymore."
"But what about the injection?"
"Daddy also promises it won't hurt at all." he reaffirmed and saw the girl come out of hiding, heading straight into his arms. "Babe, she's a little feverish." he murmured to you, almost despair forming on his face.
"Law, it's just a cold." you warned him, following him as your daughter rested against his shoulder. You knew that when it came to Rosi's health, Law was the most concerned of all.
"Daddy, it's because I was lying on the ice with Bepo." the girl confessed the information, adjusting herself to reach Law's field of vision. "I'm just a little sick, that's it." she created a small space between her fingers.
"That's great, my love." He placed the girl sitting on the stretcher. "It means it'll only take that long for you to get better." he repeated the gesture she had made with her fingers. "Ready?" he saw her deny it, laughing. "Do you want mommy to hold your hand?"
"Yes!" She reached out her little hand to you. "Mommy, what is this?"
"It's dad's way of taking care of us." You tried to sum it up the best way. Maybe she was too young to understand how akuma no mis works.
"Ready? First take a deep breath…" Law imitated, holding the air for a while and making her laugh when she saw him puffed up. "And now…" he applied the injection to her arm. He knew it hadn't hurt at all, but the girl automatically started to pout. "My little princess, what happened? Did it hurt?"
"No." she said, her voice breaking. You both had to laugh when you saw her asking you to hold her without even moving the arm that Law had given the injection to.
"My love, what do you think…" Law bent down to look into her eyes as he spoke. "We can go to the kitchen and steal…"
"Bepo!" the girl stretched her arm towards the bear that appeared in the field of vision. "I want to be with Bepo."
"With Bepo?" Law pretended to be frustrated.
"He's warm and I'm cold." you passed the girl to Bepo, who was her favorite company. Law insisted that it was because the mental age was identical, but you always laughed at the accusations while the bear grumbled.
"What do you say we read a little?" Bepo suggested, letting Rosi climb onto his shoulder.
The two of you accompanied him to the living room, giving Bepo information about the girl being feverish. It only took a few words from the bear who started reading one of her favorite stories for Rosi to fall asleep. Law carefully took his daughter from him and started walking alongside you to the girl's room.
"I can't believe she chose to go with him."
"Well, you had just given her an injection, she harbored some resentment." you joked and saw him frown. "Maybe the next one will like us more than a huge, cuddly bear."
"Next, huh?" he spoke in a low tone, not wanting to wake the girl in his arms.
"Exactly. Or have you forgotten about the ten minutes hiding in your living room when Ikkaku was having a girls' night out with Rosi?" You saw his expression light up, a smile that you hadn't seen the first time you had this kind of conversation and that was one of your favorite things in the world.
"How long, is a month half?" he tried to hold back his louder, surprised voice.
"Yes, I took the test last week." you watched him open the door and place little Rosi on the pink bed. Before you could return to the subject, you felt him take you in his arms and lift you up, filling your face with kisses.
"I love you so much, I love you both." he put you down. "To be more exact, the three of you."
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just-cofffee · 3 months
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The annoyance was evident through that peaceful and dull face that always seemed to have, alluding to how tedious the conversation they were having seemed.
"Just tell her," Suguru repeated for the fourteenth time.
A disheartened sigh escaped Satoru's lips. "You don't understand, it's not that easy."
"Why?" Suguru's voice already had a hint of frustration.
"You still ask why? Do you think I can go there and say, 'Hey Y/n, what I want to say is that I've never seen you simply as a friend. From the moment I saw you, I knew you were the only thing I wanted in my life. Your beauty has captivated my eyes and made me ignore all other women. The softness of your skin is my deepest longing, and the light in your eyes and the grace with which you move completely envelop me. My life has taken on an absolute meaning from the moment your presence blessed my eyes. For me, your mere existence is like a balm that calms my soul and ignites a fire in my heart. Every time I see your sweet smile and receive your attention, I feel like the whole world fades away and only you and I exist. It infuriates me to the core when some idiot approaches you, because I know none of them are worthy of your brilliant sense of humor, your infinite kindness, and your captivating charisma. Although I feel selfish desiring that only I can be the one you give your love and attention to, I can't help it, because you are the most valuable and precious thing in my life. I don't know if I'm worthy of you, but I'm willing to fight and show you every day that I'm capable of loving you with an unwavering passion. These words are just a desperate attempt to describe the magnitude of what I feel for you, but I know in the deepest part of my being that my love for you transcends words and is eternal.'". His chest rose and fell rapidly as if he hadn't breathed while talking about Y/n.
"Satoru…," Suguru murmured with a slightly mocking tone.
"She doesn't like me, she's going to tell me she likes Nanami. She's always been very close to him, and one day Shoko told me that Y/n had a crush on him and-"
In the midst of his despair, Suguru interrupted with a mocking tone, mentioning Satoru's name. This made Satoru stop and look at him confusedly. Suguru nodded behind Satoru with his chin, and at that moment, Satoru paled even more. A feeling of frost traveled down his back and settled in his stomach, causing a deep discomfort. She had heard everything.
"You also like me, Toru."
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lovelykhaleesiii · 8 months
hi there! would you be up to writing smut
Dark!Aemond? something for example with age difference, daddy kink, corruption kink, degradation and breeding? If you are comfortable then Reader could be a Targaryen what would be great but if you aren't comfortable then Stark is perfect too
Twisted, Beautiful Minds.
PAIRING: Dark!Aemond Targaryen x fem!Niece!Reader
WORDS: 2,677.
WARNINGS: mentions of warfare/murder, mentions of death-threats, swearing, degradation kink, choking, Daddy kink, corruption kink, breeding kink, manipulation, narcissistic tendencies, male oral receiving [cock sucking], mentions of p in v sexual intercourse.
A/N - you know I'm always down for some dark!Aemond... I want to also dedicate this piece, as a small bday gift to my wonderful friend Mar @aemondsmoon you have been an absolute light for me on this hellsite, and one of my dearest friends... thank you for always being there for me, and thank you for being you. you are an absolute gem, don't ever change. ilysm! 🤍
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The turmoil and toils of war had finally come to an end, when Aegon the Elder, your Uncle, had commanded Sunfyre to set your beloved mother, Rhaenyra, and younger brother, Aegon III, to death by dragonfire. Your heart shattered, and mind numb, you were certain your own death was imminent in the moments after: at the very least, your Uncle would punish you with a dragonrider's death... Yet that would not be the case at all.
It seemed other plans had been set in stone. Chained and escorted by the Kingsguard to return to King's Landing once more, where you had only days previous, fled in fear, were you welcomed by the cold stares of the "Green" Council. Your chains removed, as neither the King nor his Mother, had seen you as a threat, you felt no purpose to resist nor to fight back... Your family dead, your will had died along with them.
"Fetch for Aemond. Tell my younger brother that his betrothed has returned."
His stern words felt incomprehensible in your thoughtless mind, lagging to understand the notion. You felt a cool, chill course through your weak body, rigid as though you had turned to stone, and yet, you were still breathing, still ever so present. No one had consulted you on such plans or schemes. And you were certain that Aemond himself would definitively refuse to marry the daughter of a traitor [as you presumed he would justify]. Your Uncle, Aemond, was a formidable man, fought against your late father, and had emerged the victor... And as the war, and the recent imprisoned days had taken its toll on you, your eyes darkened with the lack of sleep, unable to eat a crumb of bread, you did not look as you once had in your frivolous court, as he had once remembered you.
Although, as he sauntered into the room with such poise and stature, a certain charisma of that of a victor oozing about him, with not a single word exchanged, other than a devious smirk supplanted across his once serious face...It seemed there was more to the union than meets the eye.
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Since your captive return to King's Landing, a place in which you had once considered your home, felt nothing more foreign. The stone sand walls that you had walked and run through as a child, now looked strange, the unfamiliar symbols of the Seven proudly hung around every available wall and space, gave an ominous feel. The halls seemed less brighter, even during the break of day, with the sunlight blatant in the sky, you instinctively felt as though a shadow lurked around every corner, attentive to your every move.
Dragonless, and defenceless, you were less of a threat than the younger Princess, Jahaera. The King and his Council had deemed you stable enough to roam the castle grounds freely, with a close knight in pursuit, only to ensure your own "protection" [as Aegon would admit that Aemond insisted], although you saw it more as means to deter you from being tempted to run away.
Regardless, Aemond had not spoken a word to you since hearing of the betrothal. He attended dinners with you in sight, although you rarely spoke yourself, mostly pleading and bickering with Alicent to remain in the desolate confines of your chambers. She was incessant about you joining the family, as the union was to be set in a moon's turn.
He dared not even to sit beside you: constantly at opposing ends. Although, there were rare occasions you had caught the younger Prince, brazenly staring at you with his one good eye. Unapologetically, his full attention spanned towards you, even if he had noticed you had become aware, he did not cease gawking.
Something about his looming gaze made you feel uneasy, very much on edge: a dark tinge to his violet eye, his pupils darkened as they seemed dilated. It inevitably made your stomach churn, only forcing you to resign in defeat, often excusing yourself to bed.
And often you were left undisturbed to recluse in your chambers... Although tonight, it seemed you were not alone in your ventures.
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Retracing the exact steps you would take most nights, often on your lonesome return to your quarters: this time there was an accompanying sound in the distance, echoing down the hallway behind you. Heavy footsteps that caught your immediate attention. Slowly panning around, the shimmer of his lengthy, silver hair against the pale moonlight that peaked through the open crescents of the corridor, was alluring to your eye. Halting in your tracks, your breath hitched against your throat, all in trepidation, as Aemond effortlessly caught up with you in a few short strides. This was the closest he had ever truly come up to you, his towering height against you, made him even more daunting face to face.
"Running off to bed again, I see. And why is that?"
The sudden eruption of his deep, low voice breaking the stillness of the castle passage, startled you uneasily. You had exchanged many words and conversations with your elder Uncle before, during an ancient time long before the Dance had spurred. Although, the dynamics had inevitably changed, blood had been shed viciously and cruel words spat. Despite the same Valyrian blood coursing through your veins as of your betrothed, you felt solitary in their surrounding presence.
"I-I lost my appetite, U-Uncle. I wish to retire for the night," You aimlessly stutter, too weak to hold eye contact with Aemond, whose gaze remained fixated on you. His vibrant lilac orb luring over every inch of your timid body.
"Do you think it wise to roam the castle your lonesome self? Has the war not taught you otherwise? Is my niece still that same stupid, little whore I have known?"
His harsh remarks shadowed by that familiar, sly grin struck across his slim face, was plenty to furnace an incoming reaction from you, your blood boiling beneath your tender skin.
"Ah- tongue tied now, princess? Have I struck a chord with you, hmm? Mayhaps you are as weak as your father was... Now, how would he feel knowing you are to marry me? That I'll fuck his little girl, like the common whores he saw."
Your mind had no correlation to your hand, and yet the simmering rage that blistered through your body sent your mind to abyss. The small palm of your hand, strikingly latched across Aemond's face furiously. And yet, although a sharp stinging sensation poured across your hand, Aemond remained unfazed and sturdy. It seemed you had smacked the grin across his face, and in its stead, that familiar, unnerving dark tinge in his eyes scorned across at you.
Before you knew it, Aemond gripped your sides firmly, forcing your body forward, as he harshly shoved you against the cold, stone wall.
"You think that wise, whore? After the mercy I fucking showed you. I could have your fucking hand for that, or worse your head. My pretty wife's head on a spike, I'll have it right outside my window."
The cruelty that oozed from his precise lips was relentless. You wanted to burst into tears or more, burst into flames there and then...
"Do you know how long I have waited to have you under my very touch? All the sacrifices I made, the arguments I fought against my own Council to keep you alive? Ungrateful fucking bitch. Did your Daddy not teach you to be a good, obedient girl?"
One of Aemond's calloused, rough hands reached up hastily, his long fingers wrapping just so lightly around your throat, as his thumb gently stroked at your lips. His viable eye ogling tentatively over your mouth, smacking his lips innately.
"I'm your fucking Daddy now. Teach you how to be a proper lady, and a good fucking wife. I'm going to fuck that pretty pussy of yours, till you are dripping of me. I'll have you begging like a pathetic, stupid whore. I'll fuck you till I have heirs of my own, till I see fit that you have disgraced your extinct, traitorous bloodline."
"A-Aem, U-Uncle-" You breathlessly whimper in fear: freshly, swelled tears glaze your vision, as they begin to clear with each shedding streak.
"What did I just fucking say? I'm not your Uncle anymore, bitch. I'm your fucking Daddy. You would be helpless without me. Probably dead without my doing. You fucking owe me."
"Y-Yes-" Another breathless whimper, although Aemond's grip loosened, his other hand began to slowly move its way over towards your breast. His uninjured eye moving in motion with his hand, eagerly wandering over your bust. That same, very hand, began to keenly grope at your plush side, kneading at your breast tenderly, it felt foreign and sensitive under his strange touch.
"All fucking mine... Finally. Did you really think, I would let some insolent lord have you to himself? I'd start a war for you, I won the war for you. And now you're going to repay me, just so-"
A mindless moan flew out of your wet lips, catching you abruptly by surprise, and by the looks of it Aemond, as his blackened pupil dilated with a ravenous hunger, his ears pricking and leaning forward in delight.
"I'll have you moaning for more, precious. Now on your fucking knees-"
Even with the hatred that roared deep within your belly, you felt reluctant to retaliate, as you knew Aemond would effortlessly overpower you. As he had in your youth, when you were caught in a brawl with him, often ending with him wrestling you to the ground. And after his detailed spill of such vile threats, you dared not to risk the second chance of life, you had been granted.
Your knees hit the concrete floor with some brutality, although you regained from the ache. As you steadied your propped position, your hands gripping tightly at Aemond's slim waist, he began to undo his grey, washed out trousers.
The sheer sight of his cock, was intense enough to have you questioning whether you could even take him. Although slim in girth, his length was extraordinary. A reddened tip just oozing lusciously with a white, clear film glistening over the crown.
"Suck Daddy real good, bitch. Show me that, that mouth has other good uses than for talking back."
Your attention lurking from below, dropping from Aemond's face to his cock and back up once more to his face: the sudden change in his mood shifting was palpable. The momentary, light-hearted look of ecstasy dismantled as a cold, unsettling gaze resumed across his handsome face, lingering over your kneeled state.
"Make me fucking repeat myself one more time, whore and I'll treat you worse than a whore. I'll have you forget that you are a Targaryen princess."
Aemond's large hands found their way at the base of your skull, teasingly stroking your loose strands away from your face, within a few seconds the sudden shove towards him, left you physically speechless. Your mouth slightly agape, was enough for Aemond's stiffened, pulsating tip to propel its way into your tight mouth. The friction of his hard cock against your silky, warm flesh inside, was enough to set Aemond's breathing into a speedy pace. Lean chest heaving, the mindless groaning on his behalf was somewhat alluring. You had never seen nor heard such sounds or vulnerability in Aemond before.
"F-Fuck, that feels so fucking good- Just as I prayed to the Gods. I'm going to make your mouth so numb, so fucking filthy of me, you'll be tasting me still in the months to come."
No coherent words exchanged from below his waist, only muffled moans and breath hitches, as you sulked with crave. As much as it infuriated you, pained you to admit, the feeling of Aemond's rigid, throbbing cock in your mouth, was elevating. You had to admit, in your youth, previous to the blood that had been shed, you had a childhood feverish crush on your elder Uncle, although thought it unlikely that anything would flourish from it.
"Seven Hells. Such a pretty whore, with a pretty mouth. J-Just the p-prettiest whore in the Seven Kingdoms."
With each plunge, rhythmically bobbing backwards and forwards, the raw taste of Aemond's cum, tastefully filling your mouth to capacity, as a mixture of his reside and your own saliva oozed from your crevices. The dreading thought of being caught in such a contentiously vulnerable position, especially before being wedded, was disturbing enough, for you were not yet widely favoured by the Council...
"Ughh- Swallow and get up, whore."
Self-disgust stirred nauseatingly in the pit of your gut, as you reluctantly devoured small mouthfuls of Aemond's load, almost convincing yourself you would retch it all up in a matter of seconds. Much to your relief, you remained poised, meekly wiping away the mess across your lips, shying away from Aemond's unmoving regard. As you regained your normal pace of breathing, Aemond lent a hand over, grasping your undivided attention. With such ease, Aemond aided you, lifting you up to stand, before confining you closely between the wall and his heated body once more, closing whatever space was made between.
"Now let's see what that cunt has to offer."
His skilful hands hiking your layered gown up, making way for his arms to snake around your bare thighs, lifting you idly off the ground.
"Can't wait till the wedding to tarnish you, I've waited long enough."
A sudden bolt of lightening pain shot from within your inner thighs, as your tight walls stretched out ceaselessly to accommodate, as Aemond shoved his rigid cock inside. Your back flattened against the sandstone wall, its texture rough against the delicate silk of your gown. Burying his length deeper and deeper with each harsh thrust, his heavy balls collided with your silky folds as he vigorously pumped himself back and forth. His pace, although rough, remained steady. His raw, sensitive tip pummelling at your cervix, felt scorching inside your lower belly.
"And if I fuck you so good, that you begin to swell with my child... What would your dead family think of their precious daughter then, huh? These tits belong to me now, and the mother's milk that comes with it. Your entire being belongs to me now. That babe in your belly will be all because of me, and you'll fucking love every bit of it."
"I-I owe you my l-life, D-Daddy-"
The words mindlessly slipped from you lips, and yet it felt instinctual to say. As Aemond's mouth lapped at the sensitive crook of your neck, you felt the smirk of his grin against your skin, his sharp teeth faintly biting at your soft flesh.
"That's right, baby. That's so right my needy, little slut. You have a Daddy now that can really take care of you, protect you... Love you."
The epitome of his words, the calm depth in his voice, had reached its glorifying peak, as Aemond's hot load shot up directly into you, reverently coating your insides. Like some royal orchestra in unison to his final thrust, did a growling moan escape his lips, followed by an whisper of a swear. Leaning his exhausted, heavier mass over you, as he safely guided your legs back down to the surface, his breath densely hot against your ear, his outstretched palms cladded against the wall for support.
"Clean yourself up, Y/N... Wouldn't want anyone else to see you as the whore that you are, and get any ideas-"
His heavy breathing made his voice less formidable and more husky. Eyeing over your form, as you once more scoured and polished up the mess he made between your thighs, with the inner layer of your gown. You simply nodded in response to his demand, before hastily attempting to rush back to the confines of your quarters.
Yet, a firm pull tugged at your elbow, causing you to halt in your tracks, unavoidably.
"I will seek you out again tonight... Be ready for me."
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general taglist - @chompchompluke @fan-goddess @malfoytargaryen @hightowhxre @bibli0thecary @m1ndbrand @connorsui @elegantsplendour @randomdragonfires @sylasthegrim @arcielee @s-we-e-t-t-ea @sahvlren @aemondtargaryensrider @watercolorskyy @hypnos-daughter-certified @urmomsgirlfriend1 @backyardfolklore @snowprincesa1 @aegonslawyer
Aemond taglist - @megatardisbaby @harrypotteranna23-blog
credit for divider - @/itbmojojoejo
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heizours · 1 year
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summary. he overhears a conversation about who was your first favourite character in the game, and they grow jealous about it
tags. gn! reader, grammatical mistakes may occur
cw. none as far as i have check
feat. scaramouche, thoma, childe, xiao, dottore
< back to event m.list
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"Who was my first favourite character during the early days I was playing it?" You repeated the same question that your friend was asking you.
"Precisely! C'mon, I'm sure there is someone who had really caught your attention the moment they entered a quest you were playing or something like that."
They responded back, as they waited eagerly yet patiently for you to tell them, while you were busy thinking and reflecting back on who it was.
Little do you know, that they are not only one who's itching to know your big revelation.
If the doors have eyes, then the walls or perhaps the screens have ears as well.
"Well, I'd say that the first character who caught my attention and became my favourite in a short span of time is-"
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Scaramouche acts like he is not deeply affected by it and acts like it wasn't a big deal to him, but the expressions that were painted on his face betrayed the best of him.
Why are you smiling when Childe's the topic?
What did he do to make you joyous like this?
But... if he is the first character you like, is it now a liked?
There is this some sort of uneasy feeling that continues to brew and swirl inside of him the very moment your face had brighten up at the mention of the harbinger's name, and he has no idea how to stop it and why was he feeling it in the first place.
Is this another emotion that a heart can experience and learn, from time to time? What was it called again?
Ah yes, jealousy.
Scaramouche suddenly scoffs at the realization, finding it hard to believe that he would feel the bitterness of what enviousness is like sooner than he had anticipated, and the primary cause that triggered it was none other than that side character.
Childe? Cool and Captivating? Please, you haven't even seen how he could be a million times better than him.
"You mean to tell me that I'm simply getting worked up all for this? Why should I be bothered over it, when I could be a whole lot better than him? Heh"
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Thoma rarely taste the medicine of jealousy but seeing that look on your face when you rambled on about the oni, somehow snapped him into his senses. He felt the need to grab your attention from the screen to tell you that he is here too, and maybe - just maybe you could switch your favours around. 
I'm not jealous...being one is simply irrational
Maybe — I am a little bit jealous
Alright, I am jealous...
While he would be in denial at first with the jealousy he is dealing with, he would still come to the generalization that he is indeed jealous, and if he will have to cope up with it, he would put back on his smiley facade, only this time something about his smile is a little unpleasing, that even Itto himself will not dare to breathe around him.
But, instead of continuing to bottle up his jealousy and act petty like the others, he would understand why you favour the oni and would put that first before his feelings.
Don't be fooled though, compliment him too while you're at it!
“Oh...I didn’t know they like him. It sounds very surprising coming from them, but who am I to judge? Well then, has anyone seen Itto? I bet he will be delighted to hear the news!”
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Childe laughs it off - Yes, it’s the laugh that you are thinking right now where he is this close from committing another arson. He is definitely not a second away from taking a trip to Inazuma and is on the go to plan a competition with the housekeeper, because he’s too cool to even to something like that.
I see, another challenger perhaps?
Hmph, what’s the point of challenging him if I know that I am the strongest?
Clear skies Ajax, clear skies
At this point, it is quite clear that he is turning into the embodiment of jealousy due to the amount of assurance that he is telling to himself, not because he is threatened by Thoma but because he is threatened that your favouritism about him will be the reason for his downfall.
He is threatened by the fact that you could easily evict him from your main team and replace him with someone else from another region who is just newly released and is almost a carbon copy as him, if not for the differences of their physical appearances.
It is indeed true that jealousy is a disease, that not even Ajax himself could flee from it.
“Thoma? I have heard of that name, but I also heard that I can excel ten times better at the things he could do. No- I’m not showing off, I am simply describing that I am a way better option than him, that’s it.”
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Xiao stays the same as he is, or -  that’s what he thinks. Truth to be told, he doesn’t even realize that he is jealous, but as they say - actions speaks louder than words, and the way he is acting right now shows how he is envied by this favouritism topic.
Did I expect too much?
I don’t like this feeling...
Is this what those mortals call as jealousy?
It takes a while for him to accept that he is jealous, but after that whole feeling finally sinks in, well let’s say he is displeased by this realization because by every second, that feeling continues to sink deeper and deeper as if it’s attempting to land in the deepest depth of the ocean. 
But, like Thoma, he is another who tries to get over with it and respects why you favour that character the most. Maybe it’s because you see them in a different light that others can’t, and he understands that.
Everyone has favourites, and he can’t blame you for that because even him has one which is you but he would rather not say it.
"Hm, while I do not fawn over him, I suppose I understand why you like him in the first place. Whatever makes you happy, is simply enough for me to know why."
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- Alhaitam!
Dottore remains indifferent or so what he assures to himself, because if anyone where to see right through him, displeased is not even used enough to describe how disturb he is by that revelation.  
The Akademiya scribe is what they fawn over the most, hm?
How interesting....
Though, irritating would be the right word for it
His pride is wounded, and what makes it even more worse for him is he is a man of intelligence. So naturally, he is intimidated and threatened that the scribe who is also intelligent but not as him, could be the reason why he can’t turn the favour of you to him.
To get rid of the jealousy that he is feeling, he will dedicate most of his time (like he isn’t in the first place) inside his lab, doing things where only he knows what it is. He is one of the upper rank harbingers and dictated as the doctor for a reason, and the only way he could could get off the steam he is feeling, is to be busy.
While he is ordering around his clones and agents at the same time, any step or news that he gets from them and will be deemed as a failure, will have to face some serious issues from him, especially that Dottore is not in the mood to be in a dilly dally manner.
“Anything I need? Perhaps you can give me a little information about the scribe - take it or leave it. Either way, leaving it is not even an option in the first place.”
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soulofapatrick · 11 months
I See You - Theodore Nott x Reader
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Summary: Theodore steps in when Draco corners you Words: 1.8k Warnings: fluff really Notes: I blanked while writing this as I've had Theodore Nott brainrot recently so don't mind me if I post a few Theodore stories
Today was meant to be a peaceful day with Harry still at Hogwarts with Remus and Ron and Hermione off giggling like a lovesick couple. Hogsmead is ever so pretty covered in a blanket of snow and the bustles of students here to have fun and buy each other last minute Christmas gifts. But, of course, I can’t have anything nice as I round the corner from where I left Ron and Hermione in The Three Broomsticks I bump into a familiar blond. 
The sneer ever present on Draco’s face as he shoves me away from him, causing me to stumble and before I know it I’m on my ass in the not so pretty snow. I just shake my head, pushing myself up from the snowy ground, brushing the cold flakes clinging to my jeans. Draco’s mocking laughter fills the air, eyes narrow with distain as he looks down at me like I’m dirt under his shoe.
“Well, well, if it isn’t the Weasley girl,” He sneers, tone dropping with derision, “As expected, stumbling through life like your family stumbles through poverty.” 
I take a deep breath, refusing to let Draco’s words bring me down, his little jabs always hurting but I’m never gonna let him see it so instead I meet his gaze with a defiant glare, sneering back, “Does your mother always look at you like she’s stepped in shit?” 
A flicker of something flashes across his face, but before I can decipher it he quickly regains his composure, “Watch your tongue, Weasley. You may think you're clever, but you'll always be just another insignificant blood traitor," he spits. 
I stand my ground, refusing to back down. "Oh, Draco, I would rather be a blood traitor than a heartless coward who hides behind his family name and pure-blood arrogance," I shoot back, my voice filled with determination. "At least I know the value of true friendship and the strength that comes from standing up for what's right. Something you'll never understand.” 
It all sounds so cliche and stupid but the surrounding students watching the exchange have mixed expressions, some wearing smirks of satisfaction at my words while others hold their breath, waiting to see how Draco will respond. But before he can retort, a tall figure steps forward, silently wedging himself between Draco and me. It's Theodore Nott, his typically enigmatic expression softened with a touch of resolve. Without saying a word, he calmly places a hand on Draco's shoulder and pushes him away, creating a safe space for me to stand. However, he may have pushed a little too hard as Draco stumbles backwards, momentarily taken aback by one his best friends apposing him let alone standing up to him. 
Draco is tall but Theodore stands taller, an undeniable air of quiet confidence surrounding him. His raven black hair, somehow perfect tousled, frames his striking features, drawing attention to his piercing blue eyes that hold a depth of mysteries. There’s an intriguing allure about him, an enigma that seems to follow his every move. 
With a subtle gesture, Theodore motions for Draco to dare take another step closer, the weight of his actions speaking volumes. The surrounding students, captivated by the unfolding scene, exchange whispers and glances filled with admiration and surprise. 
Draco, shaken by the unexpected opposition from one of his closest friends, regains his composure. His pride wounded, he attempts to mask his disbelief with a haughty glare. However, the cracks in his facade are evident. It's a rare sight to witness someone challenge Draco, and the students relish in the spectacle, some fighting back grins of satisfaction and with one final sneer Draco turns on his heels and struts away. 
There’s a flicker of concern behind Theodore’s piercing blue eyes as they shift their focus to me, a genuine care that sets my heart at ease. With a gentle smile, he takes a step closer, his voice resonating with a warmth that catches me off guard. 
“Are you alright?” Theodore’s voice, smooth and velvety, reaches my ears like a soothing melody. I think it’s the first time I’ve truly heard him speak, and there’s a captivating timbre to his words - a perfect harmony of confidence and tenderness. I find myself momentarily entranced by his presence, the way he effortlessly brushes a bit of snow out of my hair, his touch sending a gentle shiver down my spine. 
With a grateful smile, I reply, “Thank you Teddy, let me buy you a drink to make up?” The air around us seems to hold a certain electricity, a shared moment that lingers in the wintry atmosphere.
Theodore’s eyes widen slightly and I’m not sure if it’s at my offer or the fact I called him ‘Teddy’ without thinking about it, but either way, surprise mingles with the lingering warmth in his gaze. A hint of a smile plays at the corners of his lips as he considers my proposition and after a moment of silent contemplation he’s nodding and accepting my invitation. 
“Teddy?” He asks quietly, almost shyly, as we turn back and head towards The Three Broomsticks, the thoughts of Butterbeer already warming the chill working its way into my bones. A soft blush creeps up my cheeks as I meet his gaze, finding comfort int he genuine warmth radiating from him. 
“Yes, Teddy,” I respond with a gentle nod, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips, “If that’s okay with you? It feels right.” The admission carries a sense of vulnerability, as if I’m opening a door to something new, embracing the familiarity that seems to have effortlessly blossomed between us. 
A genuine smile spreads across Theodore’s face, eyes crinkling at the corners as he mumbles, “I like it.” There’s a softness in his expression as he speaks, a subtle shift in demeanour that draws me closer both physically and emotionally. I’m bumping shoulders with him lightly as he pushes open the door to The Three Broomsticks for me. 
The air is thick with the aroma of freshly brewed Butterbeer, mingling with the comforting scent of wood and fireplaces. The low ceiling is adorned with an array of floating lanterns, casting a soft, golden glow that dances upon the polished wooden floors. The walls are adorned with aging tapestries and moving portraits that I still can’t get used to, having been introduced to the magical world when the Weasley’s adopted me just after my 9th birthday. 
The tavern is filled with a harmonious blend of laughter and chatter, the clinking of glasses and the occasional burst of magical fireworks, probably from some new toy Fred and George have created, punctuating the joyful atmosphere. The patrons, a mix of Hogwarts students and locals, gather in small groups at the wooden tables, engaged in animated conversations or enjoying a game of Wizarding chess. 
Madam Rosmerta moves with grace behind the bar, effortlessly serving Butterbeer and other magical drinks. Her warm smile and friendly banter create an inviting atmosphere, making everyone feel right at home. 
We make our way to the small table indicated by Madam Rosmerta, and as we settle down, Theodore takes the seat beside me. His presence is comforting, his arm casually draped over the back of my chair. It's a subtle gesture, yet it carries an intimacy that sends a thrill of anticipation coursing through my veins. As he lean in closer to hear me other over the lively ambiance of the pub, Theodore's head ducks down, his voice a soft murmur that tickles my ear. The proximity between us feels both exhilarating and comforting, like a secret shared between kindred spirits. In the midst of the bustling crowd, we create our own little world, cocooned in the warmth of our connection. The laughter and conversations of the other patrons blend into the background, fading away as our focus rests solely on each other. 
“You’re so beautiful.” The pads of his fingers brush lightly over my jaw, sending my face aflame as it’s something so unexpected and something so right. His voice is deep and full of genuinely which isn’t expected from Slytherins. Before either of us can say or do anything else Madam Rosmerta approaches with our drinks, a tray of steaming Butterbeer and a mischievous twinkle in her eye, Theodore’s hand moving away from me, his touch fleeting, but it sends a jolt of electricity through my fingertips, leaving me craving more. With a grateful smile, we accept our drinks, the frothy liquid adding a touch of sweetness to the atmosphere. The taste of the warm Butterbeer dances on my tongue, mirroring the warmth that spreads within me whenever Theodore's eyes meet mine. 
With Madam Rosmerta’s retreating figure a sense of anticipation lingers in the air. I feel Theodore’s gaze intensify, his eyes fixed on mine with a mixture of tenderness and desire. Without a word, he captures my jaw between his thumb and forefinger, guiding me gently toward him. 
Time seeming to stand still as our lips meet in a surprising yet delicate kiss. The world around us fading away, leaving only the soft press of his lips against mine, the warmth of his breath mingling with mine. It’s a kiss filled with unspoken promises and raw vulnerability. It has me melting into his strong presence, my body instinctively leaning closer. His touch both electrifying and gentle, as if he’s holding me with the utmost care. The taste of butterbeer lingering on his tongue adds to the intensity of the kiss, drawing an embarrassing sound from me. 
As the kiss comes to an end, both of us breathless and wide-eyes, a hint of surprise flickers across Theodore’s features. He stammers, voice laced with a touch of flustered apology, “I’m sorry, I… I didn’t mean to…” 
But, before he can finish his sentence, I’m silencing him with another kiss, my lips pressing against his with a mixture of urgency and tenderness. It’s my way of telling him that he doesn’t need to apologise, a soft sigh escaping me when he brings a hand up to cup my jaw as the kiss ends just as sweetly. I’m whispering softly, voice a blend of relief and affection, “I’m glad you like me Teddy. I’m surprised you even see me.” 
“Oh sweetheart,” His vice is low, eyes searching mine, a myriad of emotions swirling within them, thumb caressing my cheek as he leans closer, lips barely brushing mine and he murmurs four words that leave me speechless: 
“I’ve always seen you.” 
Harry Potter Universe Masterlist
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cherryredstars · 1 month
gosh cherry i love you and your blog sm it makes my day😭
could i please have a college or highschool au where reader studies subjects like social science and business and literature and he does stem subjects and he at first has like a superiority complex, he doesn’t intend to, but he can’t help it, until he sees the reader like talk about social issues or how she can remember 17 step procedures and shit and he’s like…wow. maybe they can be together and he sees her pretend to teach people to learn and he’s learning stuff from her and it’s wholesome asf
god i don’t know i’m sorry im rambling😭😭 you don’t have to ofc but thank you anyway
and again, love you!!
Thank you, love!!!
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He's the smartest person he knows.
It's not narcissistic if it's a fact. He's the top of his major program, already has offers for Ph.D programs nationwide mailed to his door. He's sure to get into any genetics department he wants for grad school. He's the star of the industry-path students. He's just that good, and what's the harm in taking pride in your accomplishments?
But he's never met someone like you before.
Usually he wouldn't care for people like you, with their abstract liberal art degrees in nonsense majors that'll just collect dust in a box in an attic somewhere. But there is something so enduring about you, about everything you do. The way you just know what people are thinking based on the twitch of their fingers and why they think it. The way you're so open to everything in a way that would make his lab buddies laugh with their one-way minds. It amazes him, the way your view is so wide in a way that something like genetics or STEM can't comprehend. In a way they don't allow. There is something so breath-taking about the way your mind has this endless freedom that he can't even grasp. Like a kaleidoscope of colors that are simultaneously beautiful and overwhelming to the senses. Something his factual mind craves.
The first time he had seen you, he was in the library. It isn't a place he would usually go to, but he had to collect some textbooks for his professor in the storage closet. He had gotten in a bit of trouble that day for taking so long, but how could he resist when he had heard the sweet cadence of your voice through the open door of a mini-lecture room. Very few students were in the room, it looked like a side presentation; one of those assignments that forced students to present their ideas on a topic to a group of people to try to captivate them into agreeing with your findings. There was a sort of fiery passion in the way you spoke, a hardened steel in your eyes that showed your resistance to back down. It was... enchanting, siren-like. So much so that he had been forced to sit in one of the empty seats in the back of the room, eyes stuck on you as you paced the front of class and rebutted comments from your peers.
He had no idea what you were talking about, but it still had that overwhelming effect on him. One that had him pressing the surface of his stomach against the hard edge of the lecture tables, his senses honing in to hear every last syllable that departed from your lips. There was this dream-like quality to you, something that consumed the mind and made them listen. A sort of intelligence that he would never know or understand. One that he would spend hours trying to learn if you were the one explaining it. He can't remember how long it took for him to start breathing again when your eyes scanned the room and locked onto him, clear confusion on your face at the random presence of college's most-awarded student. He could feel his heart bursting against his ribs, mouth parting slightly from the honor to be the center of your attention for even a few seconds before you looked away and carried on.
Suddenly, he didn't feel like the smartest person in the world. Not when you left him absolutely stupefied.
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savannahsdeath · 5 months
a part3 of -this- which im actually proud of ❈ dealer!ellie and reader in love but nothing's perfect . finally a rough part . got carried away but enjoy:3
warnings: ANGST mention of sex, language
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the spring season brought the first warming breeze and blooming flowers to the land after the cold winter. the air was filled with the aroma of new blossoms and fresh grass. the sky was typically clear and blue with the occasional fluffy white clouds covering the bright sun. the days often got warmer, but some areas still experienced frosty nights. small animals such as bees and birds returned and chirped their familiar tunes.
spring was the time of rebirth and new beginnings.
you and your father met regularly over the past month. as time went on, your meetings became more and more enjoyable. you began to fill in the blanks and learn about each other, sharing memories and experiences. soon, these meetings became a regular part of your schedules. your relationship began to deepen as you got to know each other better. you started to share more intimate conversations and found comfort in that. your meetings became more than just catching up on life events - they became a source of strength and support for both of you. yet, you were rarely serious, since you started to notice your father’s playful sense of humor and found it endearing — how could ellie describe him as harsh?
right, ellie. she was just as captivating as your new-old parent's funny bone. she had a way of holding your attention and making you feel like nothing else mattered but her. you shared a connection that ran deeper than words could describe. your friendship grew as you bonded over your shared interests and passions — it turned out that she can be a nerd when it comes to dinosaurs. the more you learned about ellie, the more you were filled with a warm, tingling sensation that grew into something more.
until that one day — morning, to be exact. i won't beat around the bush — you fucked this night, and a few nights before, and a few more nights before that... but you didn't regret a thing. ellie could be more romantic than you guessed she is, but it was more than the physical connection between you that made these moments so special. there was a deep sense of intimacy and shared understanding between them - when your skin touched, it felt like you both are an unfinished sculpture, which melted into the other's undried clay limbs.
the gentle warmth of the sheets beneath you beckoned you up from your deep sleep, as if a stroke from the sun itself was caressing your skin. the warmth of your peaceful slumber was greeted with the golden glow of a new day. the embrace of the bed was like a sweet escape as you peered through your sleepy eyes at the sun rising outside your window. your eyes flickered. you noticed the lack of ellie's spirit and your hand ran over the empty part of bed to make sure she's not there, since your sense of sight wasn't trustworthy yet.
you heard her voice from the kitchen, and once you rubbed your eyes and squinted you identified her arm sticking out from around the corner. "tell her the truth," her voice was subdued and had a nervous, disbelieving undertone, "so that she would look at me through tears instead of seeing me as the love of her life?" a pause, during which the other person on the phone talked and you had time to memorize every word. "of course i do, but what choice would she have?"
"truth?" you whispered to yourself. your nerves were on edge as you strained to listen more closely to the dialogue. every sound of the voices became a point of intense focus, your anxiety grew with the realization that they may know something you don't. "choice?..." you tried to keep a steady breathing pace but every word was like a brick added to the wall of tension around your heart, threatening to crush you with the weight of the unknown.
you stretched, purposely making the bed creak, and loudly yawned.
"i have to go" ellie murmured and put her phone on the table. you heard her footsteps, figuring out she walked over to another countertop, probably to make her morning coffee.
you sat up on the bed, staring at the doorway to see her once she's on the view. "what was that, ellie?" you yelled.
she appeared in the hallway, already dressed up in a flannel shirt with a black tank top underneath and her usual torn jeans. "what?"
"who were you talking with?" you pinched the sheet's button and nervously played with the hem of the seam. "and what about?"
"oh, eavesdropping? not nice." she smirked and clicked her tongue, slowly turning around and making her way back to the kitchen. "if i tell you, i'd have to kill you!" she chuckled.
you whined. "don't laugh it off."
the playful laugh that danced upon her lips slowly faded away as an intense realisation washed over her. the mask she has been wearing for so long has slipped off, exposing the truth beneath it all. there was no more trying to cover up the truth with jokes. she was vulnerable and exposed, and all she could do now was accept that you know that something's off.
she licked her lips. "your father—" she cut off and slowly sat down on the bed next to you. she bent her knees and placed her hands on them, letting out a defeated sigh. she stared into the hallway, just like you before, though you had a reason to and her eyes seemed to be blind, not hoping to see anything in particular. hopeless. "i will betray him."
your confusion was palpable as your mind raced to catch up with the changing dynamic of the situation. the laughter and joking suddenly fall away like a veil dropped, revealing an atmosphere tinged with unease and uncertainty. your gaze remained on ellie, studying her expressions in search of a deeper meaning, wondering why the shift in mood suddenly occurred. you were unable to grasp the truth lurking beneath the surface and the other girl could see the wheels turning in your head as you searched for the missing puzzle piece to make sense of it all. whatever it meant, it wasn't predicting anything good. "if you do you will betray me."
"i'm sorry" she mumbled, cocking her head back, leaning it on the bed frame.
you frowned, knitting your eyebrows together in one line, creating a wrinkle on your forehead. "what are you talking about? what the fuck is going on?"
a sharp click echoed through the room, as the sound of a lighter being sparked filled the air. ellie always plays with it when she's nervous, making the momentary flash of light illuminate her face. the bright flame flickered as it was held carefully in the girl's hands, its warm glow emitting its own palpable warmth. "he's in trouble." the fire danced with a mesmeric grace, drawing all of the attention as emotions threatened to boil over.
"can't be that bad." your voice was begging, pleading for her to reassure you that it's nothing. you weren't sure what your father's job was, and you hoped it would stay that way, but now you knew you can't be out of it.
"but it is." she shrugged. "it's not like i have a choice anyway."
you huffed. "you do—"
"don't act like you know everything." she bitterly chuckled. "if i could be on his side, i promise you, i would."
"so there's more of you. you are just a pawn in their treacherous game." the rush of anger swelled within you as you rose from the bed, the truth finally setting in and filling your brain with a rush of emotions. the confusion melted away into wrath and hatred, the heat of your burning anger replacing the cold chill of uncertainty. "so what was your job? making me fall in love? did they force you to?" every word ringed in your head with the intensity of a thunderclap, stirring your fury and disappointment. your body felt heavy with the strength of your emotions as you began to realize everything that has been happening. "that's clever." you stopped pacing back and forth to accusingly point your finger at her. "you used me. i bet it was your own idea too, huh?"
"you can't be serious." she twirled a cigarette on the palm of her hand. "can i?..."
"you can do whatever you please, ellie." you proudly raised your chin and crossed your arms. "just not in my house."
"are you kicking me out?" she asked in disbelief, so strong she almost smiled. she stuck the unlit cigarette between her dry lips and put her hands in the air, like a surrendering thief. "whatever, i understand. but remember, it was me or him. it still is." she stood up and, without taking her eyes off you, walked up to the door.
taglist: @bellaramslover @gold-dustwomxn @loverg1rlll @juliluvsu @timmy-27 @marianeski @kuromicoree @inf3ct3dd @mikellie @elliewilliamsonlygirlfriend @syrenada @drunkzuko @florencepughismybae @weridcattty @kanksaint @villainousbear @coff1nn @emst4rr @thehungrygayterpillar-blog @skylerwhitwyo @macaroni676 @cupid1ink @xen222 @onlinelesbo @crxmxnzl-c0rpzes @elliew-illiamsmissingfingers @mochiivqi @lilylynne11 @sevvenspit @williamsblogxx @707bnnyy @poopypeen @agajahan @kali-1014 @lullsss @corpsebridenightamare @planetloverr @lil-elliesgf @littlegingerperson
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doumadono · 3 months
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Requested by: @leven-and-ashley on my discord
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Dabi first notices you in a crowded market. The contrast of your unique appearance against the mundane surroundings catches his attention. He observes you from a distance, intrigued by the way you navigate the world with confidence despite your distinctive albinism.
Intrigued, he discreetly follows you, observing from the shadows, his interest growing with each passing day. Dabi is drawn to the way you carry yourself despite standing out, a feeling he intimately understands.
He overhears snippets of your conversations, noting your insecurities about your appearance. Dabi finds himself silently empathizing with your struggles, seeing a reflection of his own societal challenges.
One day, as you navigate through a dark alley while getting back home from work, you notice a faint scent of smoke and an eerie, blueish glow nearby. Before you can react, a voice cuts through the shadows, "You look lost, sweetheart." It's Dabi, leaning against a wall, his blue flames flickering at the tips of his fingers.
Startled, you eye him cautiously, but Dabi's smirk and casual demeanor somehow put you at ease. "Couldn't help but notice you've got that unique look. I appreciate uniqueness."
The guy suggests walking you home, considering it's not safe to be alone in your neighborhood at this late hour. You agree, and during your casual chat, he brings up the challenges of looking unconventional. You're surprised a stranger would delve into such personal topics.
Dabi starts engaging in casual conversations, appearing randomly wherever you go. He subtly drops compliments, making you blush with his unexpected flattery. "You seem to be everywhere I am. Are you following me?" you ask openly. "Nah, it's just a coincidence. But who wouldn't want to be around someone as interesting as you?"
You're still blissfully unaware that you're dealing with a dangerous villain.
Discovering common interests, you find yourselves having longer conversations every time you fall on him while minding your businesses in the city.
Dabi opens up about his own struggles with societal expectations, creating a connection between your unique experiences. He expresses admiration for your resilience. "People judge us based on appearances, yeah? But I see you, and I appreciate what I see."
After encountering him once more, you release a sigh. "Hey, Dabi, chatting with you is cool and all, but… Maybe I'm crazy, but do you fancy grabbing coffee at my place? It'd a bit more relaxed for a chat," you propose.
He agrees, and shortly afterward, he takes a seat at the small table in your minimalistic kitchen while you prepare coffee.
As you sit and chat with him, he's captivated by your incredibly pale face, white hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes. Delicate freckles adorn the base of your nose and cheeks, and your pinkish irises draw him in. You're stunning, and he can't help but be entranced, unable to take his eyes off you.
"Are you okay, Dabi?" you ask, tilting your head to the side.
He nods, "Yeah, you're just really pretty," he compliments, "and I gotta be honest with you. I respect you, and you deserve the whole truth."
You frown and nod, awaiting his confession.
"Did you hear about the big fire in the convoy taking a villain to Tartarus?"
You nod.
"That was me, I caused the fire and helped him flee. I'm a villain too, and I work for the League of Villains."
You blink, your blood running cold. After a moment, you simply nod. "I had a feeling you might be something else. You never liked crowds in the city, always trying to keep a low profile. Just so you know, I'm not wealthy, and I don't have much, but you can have…"
He frowns. "I ain't here to steal from you or cause harm, Y/N. Just thought you should know who you're dealing with."
You nod slowly, "Even as a villain, you were one of the few who didn't bully me because of my looks," you tell him. "Thanks for not being scared or disgusted by me."
His scarred hand gently reaches out, caressing your cheek, causing another blush to tint your cheeks. "I've mentioned it before, haven't I? I find you beautiful," Dabi says, smirking shortly after. "And I appreciate you not being disgusted by my scars as well."
Since that day, you started seeing Dabi regularly. You even let him crash at your place whenever he needed to lay low or had enough of the League of Villains' shit. And you didn't regret it. With him, you felt like the most beautiful princess. He constantly reminded you that, despite your unique appearance, you were beautiful just the way you were.
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sunniskyies · 5 months
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𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 || 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐎𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛
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𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: - 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: In a moment of domestic bliss, you let slip something that’s been on your mind. Oops! 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Finnick Odair x fem!reader 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: - 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬: Fluff, fluff and fluff 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 600 𝐀/𝐍: I seriously need to branch out from Finnick, but it’s hard when the only media you’ve consumed in the last month and a half is THG (• ᴖ •。)
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"Five more minutes," Finnick grumbles, tan arms wrapping tightly around your waist.
"Finn, it's already mid-morning. I've gotta get up." His heart flutters when you call him that, there's no way he's letting you go now. He abruptly pulls you down onto the bed next to him.
"Finnick," you whine, but you're not really mad. The sheets are warm and comforting, and sunlight filters through the curtains, making your bedroom glow with a soft golden haze.
"You're impossible," You mutter, trying to sound stern but failing. You're torn between wanting to stay here in his arms, and all the things you really ought to get done today. But Finnick knows exactly how to play you, and he begins trailing kisses down your neck. Melting at his touch, the decision is made for you.
You prop yourself up on an elbow and stare down at him. He's grinning up at you, dimples on full show. His flaxen hair is mussed and his sea-green eyes are sparkling smugly. You find yourself giving in, a soft smile spilling onto your face.
"What are you grinning at?" He teases, hand reaching up to brush a lock of hair behind your ear.
You hum vaguely. You trace his features with a finger, dotting every freckle and toying with every loose lock of hair. His eyes watch you, captivated.
"That's not an answer," He murmurs. Butterflies erupt in your stomach as warm hands cup your face, and the boy pulls you down for a kiss.
'Ring ring, ring ring'
Just as your lips are about to meet, a persistent ringing interrupts the moment. With a frustrated groan, Finnick releases you and sits up to answer the phone. You flop down into the warm spot his body was, gazing up at him.
"Hello?" he answers, his voice still frayed from sleep. The sunlight is catching the edges of his golden hair, lighting him up like a halo. This must be heaven, you think to yourself.
"Yes, yes I understand." Finnick's conversation hums away in the background of your thoughts. Sounds important, you mumble to yourself distractedly. You're transfixed by the way the muscles in his arm moves as he runs his fingers through his hair.
"So what you mean is..." Finnick's still talking on the phone, his face laced with concentration. Must be pretty important, you sigh. You watch, infatuated, as his blond curls move when he leans over to grab a notebook.
"I wish you'd marry me," You murmur absent-mindedly.
You only realise you've said this thought out loud when Finnick's eyes clap onto yours, mouth agape. You feel heat rising to your cheeks, but you don't say anything to take it back.
"Uh- Yes, Simon, I'll... be there next week..." Finnick stammers as he struggles to focus on the conversation, his wide eyes resting on you. He can feel his heart racing as your confession really sinks in.
"Yep. Yep, bye. I know, bye." Finnick fumbles the phone as he quickly sets it back into the wall, finally able to give you his full attention.
"I-I didn't mean to say that out loud," You try to say, but are interrupted by his lips crashing onto yours.
His arms wrap around your back, lifting you up slightly out of the bed. He tastes like sea salt and apples, his mouth fervent and eager.
He pulls away slightly so he can look at you.
"Will you marry me?" Finnick breathes, out of breath and cheeks slightly flushed.
In response, you tighten your arms around his neck, kissing him all over. Somewhere in between them, you mumble a keen "Yes."
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© sunniskyies 2024, do not repost or translate my work
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crusty-chronicles · 6 months
Hiei Courting Headcannons
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In honor of the Live Action series (Even though I don't Have High Hopes For It)
Now, we all know Hiei is a very stubborn demon. Especially when it comes to his feelings. When he realized he liked you and didn't just tolerate your presence, he fought hard to deny it.
So what if he spent most of his time with you? Who cares that the first place he goes to after coming back from the demon world is your house? It didn't matter that his eyes seemed to soften whenever you were around.
No not one bit.
But the second Kurama threatened to court you himself, well Hiei couldn't just sit down and let that happen. Didn't that fox understand he shouldn't touch what wasn't his.
1. Showing off to see if you're interested
Hiei may be a demon, but he has some semblance of manners. His pride wouldn't allow him to claim you until you accepted his advances. Any creature who dared force themselves onto another was the lowest of the lowest.
So, his first step is showing off during fights.
Letting the enemy bloody him up more to show that injury didn't affect him.
Using more spirit energy than was needed to end another demon with just one blow
Stopping you from fighting because he'll "take care of it. You humans are too fragile."
He'll also use his Jagan more frequently.
You lost something?
Well look no further, he can track it down precisely and easily.
Praise him even once or say in passing he's really strong, and he'll take that as you being interested.
Even if you're just trying to be nice.
2. Wearing Richer Colors
I firmly believe Hiei courts more like a crow than the usual beast. He's sleek like one anyways.
Now if you didn't know, most birds attract mates with their bright feathers.
In Hiei's case, he'll start to wear dark, yet rich colors to get your attention.
Strength is one thing. Any low-class demon can demonstrate strength and be happy about it.
What Hiei is looking for is to see if you're attracted to him. If you find him visually appealing.
Though he's not a vain creature, he still yearns for the confirmation that him and him alone captivates you.
He'll start with darker blues. Maybe change up his cloak a little.
And when that doesn't work, he moves onto purples. Getting teased by Kurama for 'changing up his style.' But he stays determined.
Eventually moving onto a burgundy. And the way you were immediately drawn to him then made it worth it.
Relishing in your compliments on how 'the color really suits him' and 'it matches his eyes perfectly.'
Letting you grab at the fabric and inspect it until he asks why you like it so much.
"Well I always thought your eyes were pretty. It's nice to see something that reminds me of them."
He's a prideful smug bastard after that. Not even comments from Yusuke can tick him off that day.
3. Bringing You Shiny Objects
Once again, he courts like a crow.
Now that you've shown interest in him, it's time to properly start showing his affections.
Hiei isn't one for flirting or compliments. He's more prone to showing rather than telling. And in this case the way to do that is to bring you little trinkets that catch his eye.
Usually, it'll be small gems he stumbles across in demon world.
Rubies, diamonds, and emeralds. All things he knows where to find thanks to his prior occupation as a thief.
He's not trying to buy your affection. He knows you're not that vain judging by the pushback you always give when he presents you with a jewel.
No, rather he's trying to show that he can provide for you. That you'd never have to worry about scrounging around to survive as long as he was with you.
A protector and a provider.
He also notices how you treasure the less valuable items with as much fondness and care as the others.
He had asked you why you slept with a chunk of pyrite on your bedside one time. And your response let him know he wouldn't give up on pursuing you anytime soon.
"Because it was one of the first things you gave me. Don't you remember? You said something along the lines of fool's gold for a fool's heart. I think it's sweet you even got me something at all."
You didn't care about what he brought you. All that mattered was that it came from him.
If that didn't mean you accepted his advances, then he didn't know what would.
4. Scenting
Ah, yes. Back to the classics
Once you've accepted the gifts he's continuously given you, Hiei takes it as you liking him back.
He's aware human and demon courting processes are very different from one another.
But he's exactly not human, is he?
When it comes to demons, once you've accepted their advances, your mates.
In a sense, it's like dating. Only except a dissatisfied partner will kill the other in most cases.
With this in mind, Hiei happily accepts the fact you're his and immediately moves onto the final stage of courting.
Scenting you so that other demons know to back off.
Think of it as your last out if you realize what's happening and actually don't have feelings for him.
The scenting process will start with Hiei showing up to your place of residence and staying with you.
Not yet following you around, but making sure to spend time in each room.
If he has to leave somewhere, he'll leave either an article of clothing or his sword.
It confuses you at first and you think maybe he just trusts you.
But you start to think otherwise when he starts getting touchy.
Laying in your lap and ordering you to stay still, only to find out he's fallen asleep on you.
Or letting his face rest against the crook of your neck. Which you didn't mind all that much.
It was quite funny to see someone as tough as Hiei become completely docile around you.
You weren't too worried until he followed you out when you went to buy groceries.
"You don't like being around people. Don't you wanna stay home until I get back?" You asked him.
"I've already shown you that you're a very fragile creature compared to me. It's best I accompany you so you don't hurt yourself."
Usually you would have argued back, but it was clear something was off with him.
These past few months had been strange with him either trying to get your attention or trying to stay directly next to you.
You wouldn't figure out what it was until your other three friends showed up.
Kuwabara wanting to have a movie night and you offering your home to do it.
When the three of them arrived, you noticed Kurama and Yusuke hesitate by the entrance.
"Something wrong?" You questioned.
" I can't put my finger on it, but something's telling me I shouldn't go in." Yusuke responded.
Unawares it was Hiei's scent warding him off.
But Kurama knew. He'd known since you opened the door.
It seems Hiei had staked his claim on you.
Yet judging by your calm demeanor, you didn't know that yet.
"Have you noticed Hiei acting strange lately?" Kurama asked.
"Yes! I thought I was the only one. He's been really clingy. I mean at first it was odd he kept bringing me stuff like gems, but then he started following me around like a house cat. It's endearing, but honestly what's going on with him?" You ranted. Prompting a laugh from the redhead.
"I see. Good luck on your new relationship."
Before you could question him about what he meant, a gentle grip around your waist stopped you.
"What're you doing inviting these fools to our home. You know how long it took me to get rid of their scent the first time? It's like you want me to start the whole courting process all over again."
You couldn't say you minded now that you knew what was actually going on.
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personwhowrites · 11 months
König x f!reader x Ghost, some f!reader x Price.
Slight intension of.. smut. MDNI!!!!
His hazel eyes are locked onto you, following your every step and gesture with keen interest. They trail along the contours of your enchanting figure, lingering on your captivating face. He's completely absorbed, unable to get his fill. The reason behind his fascination is a mystery to him, but he's not bothered by it in the slightest.
"Ghost!" you exclaim, waving at him from across the field. "Hey!"
He simply nods and averts his gaze. A hint of disappointment creeps into your heart, preparing you to run towards him. Just as you're about to take off, a gentle hand grabs your arm.
"Y/n..." someone says, smiling. "Surprise!"
"König?" you say, a wide smile spreading across your face. "Oh my god! What are you doing here?"
You embrace him tightly, and he returns the hug, casting a glance towards Ghost. There's an intensity in his stare, a simmering tension. Ghost clenches his fists and curses under his breath. You're within his sights now, within his personal space... not König's.
"How have you been, mein Schatz?" König asks, holding your hand, your fingers intertwined. "Have you been good?"
"I should be asking you that..." you reply, a giggle escaping your lips. "But I have been. How was your three-month mission?"
Ghost watches with anger as König engages in conversation with you. He understands the meaning of "mein Schatz" - "my treasure." It infuriates him how oblivious you are to the endearment, how effortlessly you respond when König uses it. Do you not know its implications? Are you okay with being referred to that way? Lost in his thoughts, Ghost fails to notice you approaching with König. He only realizes you're there when you tug on his knife.
"Ghost?" you say softly, concern in your voice. "Hey, are you alright?"
"I'm fine," Ghost replies, his gaze shifting to König. "Was..."
"What?" König interjects, his glare now fixed on Ghost. "I'll talk to you later, Y/n. I need to catch up with Ghost."
"But I don't have to go anywhere?" you say, puzzled and unaware of the mounting tension. "I mean, I was hoping we could hang out and work on our sniper skills."
"Later, mein Schatz," König says softly to you. "I know Soap was looking for you."
You glance at the two men and bid them farewell before turning to leave. König's eyes darken as they meet Ghost's, an intense exchange of gazes. It's a sight to behold - a tall, menacing masked man locking eyes with another masked figure. It feels as though a confrontation is imminent.
"...You and Y/n seem to have gotten close while I was gone," König hisses, his gaze still fixed on you as you walk away. "How funny..."
"Funny?" Ghost retorts, his annoyance evident in his voice due to König's presence. "What are you doing here?"
"Easy now..." König responds, his eyes still on Ghost. "I outrank you."
Ghost remains silent, releasing a frustrated sigh. König moves to Ghost's left, leaning against the tires, creating a symbolic barrier. König always exploits his rank, using it to his advantage in any situation. It stirs Ghost's anger, knowing he can't say much without crossing a line, given König's tactic.
"Stay away from her," Ghost asserts, his attention now fixed on a pair of rookies training. "She's mine..."
"She isn't an object," König retorts, a hidden smirk beneath his mask. "She chooses who she wants to hang out with..."
"I never said she was an object," Ghost hisses, his response causing König to side-eye him. "She... she just needs to be with me."
"Why? Is it because she's replacing all the trauma you've endured?" König says, a sharpness in his tone, causing Ghost to snap his head towards him. "..Isn't that right, Simon?"
"You're one to talk... hiding your face because of some high school bullies," Ghost fires back, his fists colliding with the tire beside him. "You don't know anything about me."
"And you don't know anything about her," König replies, now focusing his gaze on Ghost. "...You know nothing. Not her favorite food, not her favorite animal and color..."
"Those are just minor details," Ghost asserts, standing tall. "I know her more than you think..."
Ghost storms off, determined to find you. König watches as Ghost departs, and then he, too, sets out to seek your presence.
"Soap?" you say, entering his room. "Hey, König said you were lo—"
You pause, noticing Price rummaging through Soap's belongings. Price freezes, his eyes meeting yours. He looks like a deer caught in headlights, clutching a letter in his hand. Glancing around the hallway, you swiftly close the door and turn your attention back to Price.
"...What are you doing?" you whisper-yell, a sense of urgency in your voice. "Price!"
"I don't have to explain myself," Price responds, locking eyes with you. "Why are you here?"
"König told me Soap was looking for me," you reply, snatching the letter from his grasp. "What is this?"
"Give it back," Price says urgently, attempting to reclaim the letter. "Y/n, I'm serious."
As you try to open the letter to read it, Price inches closer, attempting to grab it from your hands. Unbeknownst to both of you, Soap opens the door, causing you to stumble backward and fall gracefully. In the process, Price loses his balance and lands on top of you, with his face buried in your neck.
Soap's bewildered voice fills the room as he gazes at the unexpected scene, "What the hell... What were you two doing?"
Ghost swiftly helps Price up, and König takes the chance to lift you in his arms, carrying you protectively. You quickly hide the letter and glance at König. Meanwhile, Price clears his throat, seemingly embarrassed.
"I was looking for you," Price stammers, rubbing his hands together. "Seems like I found you."
Soap directs his attention to you, asking, "Y/n, why were you in my room?"
"König told me you were looking for me, so I came to see you," you reply as König sets you down. "I just didn't expect Price to be there."
"I wasn't looking for you," Soap says, giving König a questioning look.
You turn your head towards König, gasping dramatically, "You lied to me!" You exaggerate your disappointment and then turn to Ghost. "He lied! How could he?"
König nervously rubs his neck, unable to come up with an excuse this time. Ghost smirks under his mask, glad that König has finally been caught in a lie. Price grabs your arm, shooting you a glare.
"My office now," Price orders, leading you away. "You three can talk to her later."
You don't have a chance to bid farewell to the others as Price pushes through the crowd, making a beeline for his office. Once inside, he snatches the letter from your pocket, leaving you confused and sighing.
"What's the letter about?" you ask, amused by Price's behavior. "Is it some sort of love letter?"
"No... uh, it's just..." Price stumbles over his words, rubbing his eyes. "Nothing, you're dismissed."
"Whatever you say, Captain!" you respond with a chuckle before leaving Price's office. As you step out, you accidentally bump into Ghost, who swiftly grabs hold of you. "Not even a 'what happened'? How rude."
Ghost scans the area and notices König approaching. He starts walking with you, drawing attention from onlookers. While Ghost remains unaware, you can't help but notice. Your hands are intertwined, fingers touching and entwining with each other. A warm sensation spreads through your heart as you gaze at your joined hands. It feels like König's touch, yet somehow even better. Eventually, you come to a stop and realize you're in Ghost's room.
"Don't choose him," Ghost pleads, looking at you with desperation in his eyes. "Please..."
"What?" you reply, growing more confused. "Wait, don't choose who?"
"König... you... and him... please," Ghost says, removing his mask. "Choose me..."
"Ghost, I..." you begin to speak but pause, captivated by his face. "Ghost..."
Even in the simulated room, his eyes seem to shimmer. You watch as he gently places his hands on your face, his thumbs tenderly stroking your cheeks. Your face warms up as he leans closer.
"...Choose me... please," Ghost whispers, his voice soft as honey. "...Choose me... over König..."
You remain silent, caught in the moment, when suddenly the door opens, and König pulls you away from Ghost. König glares at Ghost, and you shift your gaze to König as he removes his own mask. The tension is palpable. Ghost reaches out, grabbing your hand and trying to pull you towards him.
"Choose me," König repeats, echoing much of what Ghost said. "You have to... mein Schatz..."
"Guys... uh..." you stammer, trying to extricate yourself from their grasp. "I don't know what's happening. Why do I have to choose between my friends?"
"Friends?" they both say simultaneously.
"I mean, we are friends, right?" you inquire, utterly clueless. "Right?"
"Y/n, I love you," König declares, clutching your right hand. "...I love you, mein Schatz..."
"Y/n," Ghost's voice trembles with vulnerability as he takes hold of your right hand, his eyes filled with sincerity. "I can't keep it inside any longer. I love you... beyond the boundaries of friendship, beyond any words I can find. You mean everything to me. You're the moon that casts its gentle glow upon my darkest nights, and the sun that brightens my every day."
Stunned into silence, your mind races to make sense of the situation. Love? Is it possible that these two incredibly attractive men hold such deep affection for you? How and why did this come to be? Did you unknowingly impact their lives in some profound way, or is this an elaborate joke designed to mock your emotions?
"Wait, wait... what?" you stammer, your mind racing to comprehend the situation. "You two... love me?"
"Yes," Ghost replies, looking deeply into your eyes. "Pick one of us, so we don't have to keep suffering."
"It doesn't matter who you pick... we just want you to please pick," König adds, his gaze soft yet intense. "We can't keep pretending to hide our feelings for you."
Feeling overwhelmed, you take a moment to collect your thoughts. "Listen... you guys are both incredible," you say, trying to find the right words. "Any girl would be lucky to have either of you."
"But... I can't pick," you finally admit, your heart aching at the thought of hurting either of them. "I'm sorry... I hope we can still be friends and maybe..."
Before you can finish your sentence, Ghost's lips gently meet yours in a passionate kiss, taking you by surprise. The intensity of the moment sends shivers down your spine, and your eyes widen in shock. Just as you start to process what's happening, König leans in and captures your lips in another tender kiss, leaving you breathless.
The emotions swirling inside you are a whirlwind—confusion, desire, and affection all tangled together. You feel the softness of their lips, the warmth of their embrace, and the sincerity of their affections.
Finally pulling away, they both gaze at you with a mix of hope and uncertainty. Your cheeks flush red and you take a moment to catch your breath, trying to make sense of the whirlwind of feelings that now consume you.
But before you can utter another word, they nod to each other with a silent understanding. Ghost reaches out and switches off the lights, enveloping the room in darkness.
In the darkness, the sensations intensify, every touch by them makes your body burn with passion. Ghost's lips meet with yours, his kiss desperate with a passionate. The taste of him, mingled with a hint of urgency, lingers on your tongue, leaving you yearning for more.
As Ghost pulls away, König steps forward, his hands finding their way to your waist, pulling you closer to him. His kiss is a tender exploration, a delicate fight of lips and tongues that speaks volumes of his adoration. You can feel the softness of his mouth, the gentle pressure of his embrace, as he deepens the kiss, his desire mingling with yours.
The room becomes an intimate sanctuary, the darkness providing a cloak of intimacy that allows you to fully immerse yourself in the moment. Time loses all meaning as their kisses become an intricate symphony, a passionate exchange that transcends words and captivates your senses.
With each kiss, the intensity builds, the longing and desire intertwining with every brush of their lips against yours. The taste of Ghost and König becomes an intoxicating elixir, their essence seeping into your very being, leaving an indelible mark upon your soul.
Their hands continue their exploration, tracing trails of warmth along your body, leaving a trail of goosebumps. Every touch, every caress, is a testament to their love, their desire to please and ignite the same fervor within you. They take turns kissing your tender skin, slowly removing a piece of clothing, gently whispering sweet words into your ears.
“..Be good for us..” König mumbles while gently kissing your neck. “..be a good.. girl..”
“You will be good for us.. won’t you.. mien Schatz?” Ghost hums in your ear while pulling you to the bed. “Right..?”
Your face burns up as you feel their hands trail all over your body. The darkness.. being your friend that long.. long afternoon.
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pitinthelanepages · 11 months
Interwined Fates
summary: oscar and you, two best friends, stumble upon a future you never anticipated, leading you to discover something. that something involving little ones that eerily resembles the two of you.
pairing: oscar piastri x reader
word count: 5.5k
genre: time travel!, fluff, romance
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gif credit to @acrosstobear. do make sure to like, reblog the gif!
As you sat together in Oscar's cozy living room, the two of you found yourselves engrossed in a conversation about the plot of a book.
Oscar rested his head on your lap, finding comfort in your presence as you gently caressed his hair, your fingers gliding through the strands with a soothing touch.
"Can you believe the protagonist fell into the same trap for the third time?" you chuckled, your voice filled with amusement. "I mean, come on, haven't they learned anything from the previous encounters?"
Oscar let out a soft laugh, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "I guess they have a knack for making questionable life choices," he replied, his voice carrying a playful tone. "But hey, it wouldn't be much of a story if they suddenly became the poster child for common sense, right?"
You grinned. "True, true. But seriously, who walks alone into a dark, creepy forest at midnight? That's just asking for trouble."
Oscar tilted his head slightly, looking up at you with a glint in his eyes. "Well, maybe they have an adventurous spirit that we can't fully understand," he suggested with a smirk. "Or maybe they just have a severe case of bad decision-making skills."
You swatted his arm, your laughter filling the air. "Oh please, I think they're just in desperate need of a good friend who can talk some sense into them."
He chuckled, his head still resting comfortably on your lap. A soft silence settled between you, the only sound being the gentle rustle of pages as you turned the book over, examining the cover.
Oscar's curious eyes soon landed on the pendant dangling from your neck. It glimmered softly in the warm glow of the lamp, catching his attention. He reached out, his fingertips lightly grazing the pendant, his brow furrowed in curiosity.
"What's this?" Oscar asked, his voice filled with genuine intrigue. "I don't remember seeing this pendant before. Is it new?"
You smiled, the pendant's weight resting comfortably against your chest. "Oh, this?" you replied, gently holding the pendant between your fingers. "No, it's not exactly new. I've had it for a while, but I don't always wear it."
Oscar's eyes widened with curiosity. "Is there a story behind it? You know I'm a sucker for stories," he said, his voice laced with a growing enthusiasm.
You chuckled, feeling a twinge of nostalgia. "Well, I do have a story to tell i guess," you began, your voice taking on a storytelling tone. "This pendant belonged to my grandmother. She was a woman of incredible strength and resilience. Whenever I wear it, I feel a connection to her, as if her spirit is still with me."
Oscar leaned in, captivated by your words. "That's beautiful," he murmured, his gaze fixed on the pendant. "It's amazing how objects can hold so much meaning, isn't it?"
You nodded, a soft smile gracing your lips. "Absolutely. It's like a reminder of the love and wisdom passed down through generations. And you know what? It's said that this pendant brings good luck to its wearer."
Oscar raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. "Good luck, huh?" he teased. "Well, I hope some of that luck rubs off on me. Lord knows I could use it."
You laughed, playfully rolling your eyes. "Oh, come on, Oscar. You're doing just fine."
He chuckled, leaning his head back onto your lap, his eyes twinkling with fondness. "I suppose you're right," he admitted, his voice filled with warmth. "But still, that pendant is something special. It's like a piece of your history that I never knew about until now."
The air around you grew quiet, a comfortable silence settling between you until Oscar's mischievous nature sparked an idea in his mind, and a playful glint danced in his eyes as he proposed, "What if this pendant is actually magical?"
You chuckled, shaking your head at his ridiculous suggestion. "Seriously, Oscar. Magic? Don't be ridiculous," you replied, a hint of amusement in your voice. "It's just a sentimental piece of jewellery."
He grinned, undeterred by your skepticism. "But think about it. What harm is there in giving it a try? We could have a little fun, see if anything magical happens," Oscar persisted, his voice laced with harmless insistence.
You found yourself unable to resist his contagious enthusiasm, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Alright, alright. Just for the sake of curiosity," you gave in, your voice filled with playful surrender. "What do you have in mind?"
Oscar's eyes gleamed with excitement as he sat up, his gaze fixed on the pendant. "Let's make a wish," he suggested, his voice barely containing his excitement. "Hold the pendant tight and think of something you'd like to happen. Who knows? Maybe the pendant will surprise us."
You couldn't help but giggle at his childlike enthusiasm, a spark of curiosity ignited within you. "Alright, fine," you agreed, humor lacing your voice. "But don't get upset if nothing magical happens."
You clasped the pendant in your palm, your fingers curling around it, and closed your eyes, allowing yourself to get caught up in the whimsical moment. Thoughts flickered through your mind as you pondered what you should wish for. And then, with a flicker of mischief, you settled on your wish, something that seemed too far-fetched to come true.
"Okay, I'm done," you announced, opening your eyes and sharing a playful glance with Oscar. "Now, what about you?"
Oscar's grin widened, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Well, since we're being ridiculous anyways, let's wish for an extraordinary adventure. Something that takes us to places we've never been before, filled with wonder and excitement."
The air crackled with a sense of possibility as you both sat there, wishing for the improbable, hoping for a hint of magic. Whether it was the pendant or simply the power of imagination, a thrilling energy filled the room, ready to propel you both into the unknown.
A brilliant flash of light erupted behind your closed eyes, momentarily blinding you both. As you cautiously opened your eyes, expecting to see the familiar surroundings of Oscar's living room, you were met with a surprising sight. Instead of the cozy confines of the living room, you found yourselves standing in the midst of a vibrant and bustling children's playground.
Confusion painted your features as you took in the realistic setting around you. The playground was alive with the sounds of laughter and playful chatter, a symphony of youthful energy. A colorful array of swings, slides, and climbing frames adorned the area, each piece of equipment carefully designed for the amusement and delight of children.
Children of various ages scampered about, their excited squeals filling the air. Some played tag, their giggles echoing, while others engaged in imaginative games, their animated expressions painting their faces with joy. Parents sat on benches, watching over their little ones with tender smiles and occasional words of encouragement.
You and Oscar exchanged bewildered glances, attempting to make sense of this inexplicable shift in reality. The atmosphere was anything but fantastical or otherworldly. Instead, it felt grounded and familiar, as if you had been transported to a vivid snapshot of everyday life.
"What just happened?" you questioned, your voice laced with both awe and confusion. "How did we end up here?"
Oscar's brows furrowed, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "I have no idea," he replied, his voice filled with genuine bewilderment. "But one thing's for sure, we're definitely not in my living room anymore."
A mixture of curiosity and trepidation swirled within you both. The unexpected turn of events had brought you to this lively playground, and the possibilities that lay ahead were both intriguing and uncertain.
Before you realize, Oscar dashed off somewhere behind you. Peering out from behind a bush, Oscar's eyes widened in surprise as he noticed a young girl, no older than five, making her way towards you. Her innocent gaze held a hint of familiarity, and it was as if she carried a secret that only you were meant to discover. Oscar urged you to interact with her, his voice barely audible as he whispered from his hiding spot.
Meanwhile, the little girl, with her petite frame and rosy cheeks, exuded an undeniable charm. She wore a simple, pastel-colored dress adorned with tiny floral patterns, the fabric swaying gently with each step. Her dark curls cascaded down in bouncy ringlets, framing her sweet little face. The innocence in her wide, doe-like eyes was paired with a mischievous spark, as if she knew more than she let on.
As she approached you, her tiny hand reaching out, she uttered a single word that pierced the air and left you momentarily stunned. "Mommy."
You gasped, taken aback by her words, and instinctively replied, "You're mistaken, little buddy. I'm not your mommy." But the little girl shook her head, her curls bouncing with the motion. Her voice, sweet and unwavering, insisted, "Yes, you are. You're my mommy."
Confusion swept over you, mingling with a mix of emotions that were difficult to untangle. Before you could gather your thoughts, another woman approached, her features mirroring a sense of familiarity. She wore a warm smile on her face, tinged with a touch of relief.
"Angele's mommy, you're back?" the woman exclaimed, her voice filled with both surprise and joy. You found yourself at a loss for words, your mind struggling to make sense of this inexplicable situation. "I... I guess?" you stammered, your response betraying your confusion.
The woman's eyes lingered on you, taking in your appearance, and she couldn't help but make a remark. "You look different, Angele's mommy," she commented, her tone a mix of astonishment and admiration. "You seem like you aged ten years backward, despite your hectic job."
A jolt of realization coursed through you at her words, an unsettling truth dawning upon you. You couldn't help but ask, your voice trembling with a mix of disbelief and curiosity, "My job...?" The question hung in the air, awaiting the woman's response.
She met your gaze, her eyes filled with understanding. "Yes, aren't you a journalist?" she replied, her voice gentle yet certain. "You travel almost all the time, leaving this sweet angel behind."
Your mind grappled with the realization that you had somehow traveled through time. The innocence and conviction in the little girl's eyes, coupled with the woman's recognition, painted a picture that defied all logic.
"Oh, I see. I should probably take her home," you responded, your voice filled with a mix of uncertainty and responsibility. The woman nodded in agreement. She then posed a question that struck a chord of confusion within you.
"Is he back?" she inquired, her voice carrying a hopeful tone. You hesitated, caught off guard by the mention of a husband whose identity remained a mystery to you. "Is he...? Erm..." you mumbled, your thoughts trailing off into a perplexing haze.
The woman's assumption about the busy nature of your relationship triggered a twinge of annoyance deep within you. How could she make such presumptions without knowing the intricacies of your life? Yet, before you could voice your frustration, you reminded yourself of the bigger puzzle at hand.
"Aww, you both are such a busy couple, barely have time for each other, let alone your child. I'm assuming he is abroad," the woman continued, her words rubbing against your raw nerves. An involuntary twitch of annoyance danced in your eye, momentarily distracting you from the enigma surrounding your husband's whereabouts.
Bidding the woman a hasty farewell, you turned to leave the playground with the child holding your hand, determined to sort out the mess you found yourself in. Oscar, who had been observing the interaction from a distance, swiftly caught up to you, his footsteps echoing your own.
As you walked away, a joyful squeal filled the air, capturing your attention. The little girl had noticed Oscar's presence and excitement erupted within her. "Daddy? You're back?" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with delight and hope.
You paused, a mix of emotions swirling within you. The puzzle pieces were falling into place, revealing a glimpse of the relationships that had been lost in this peculiar time-shift.
Oscar's bewildered gaze met yours, both of you frozen in a state of shock and disbelief. You shared a silent exchange of wide-eyed bewilderment, your jaws hanging open in unison. Oscar mustered a whisper, his voice filled with astonishment, "What...?"
As your attention shifted back to the little girl, you couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance she bore to both you and Oscar. Her plump lips mirrored yours, while her sharp brows and the combination of Oscar's nose and eyes adorned her face. She was a living proof of your shared features.
In a burst of excitement, the little girl leaped towards Oscar, her tiny arms outstretched, gesturing for him to pick her up. Oscar obliged, his heart swelling with warmth as he cradled the child in his arms. The surge of fatherly affection overwhelmed him, mirroring the surge of motherly emotions that welled up within you.
The little girl wrapped her arms around Oscar's neck, her embrace a proof to the depth of their connection. Her voice, filled with longing, reached your ears as she whispered, "Daddy, I missed you so much." Oscar's gaze flickered towards you, a mix of surprise and uncertainty in his eyes, before he composed himself with a fake cough.
"Oh, did you? Have I been really busy?" he inquired, a hint of anticipation in his voice. The little girl nodded emphatically, confirming the void his absence had left in her life. Despite his curiosity about his own occupation and the reasons for his busyness, he refrained from asking the child, instead focusing on their relationship.
"Have I not been giving you enough time? Are you upset with Daddy for that?" he whispered into her ear, his hand gently patting her small back. The little girl's voice, filled with a childlike innocence, responded, "Mommy says you always try your best to make time for us when you can, so it's okay." Oscar's gaze turned to you, his expression unreadable, as if the weight of this unexpected bond settled between you.
Feeling slightly out of place, you cleared your throat to regain their attention. As the little girl shifted her focus towards you, a newfound maternal instinct took hold, guiding your words. "My angel, can you show us where our house is? Do you know where it is?" you cooed, your voice instinctively morphing into that of a mother.
Thankfully, the child nodded, her eyes brimming with confidence. "Yes, it's near," she replied, her small finger pointing in a direction that beckoned you to follow.
As you walked alongside Oscar, the weight of uncertainty still hung in the air, yet the undeniable connection between him, the little girl, and yourself brought a sense of purpose.
When you and Oscar reached the grand house, an air of opulence surrounded its exterior, betraying a life of wealth and prosperity. As your eyes scanned the impressive structure, Oscar couldn't help but whisper, "We must be making banks to own this." Your agreement came in a playful tone, responding with, "We surely have to be..."
Stepping into the house, the sight that greeted you was unexpected. The floor was scattered with small toy cars and an array of other toys, indicating the presence of a child. As you took in the scene, a young woman in her twenties approached you, her eyes filled with relief.
"Mrs. Piastri, you're back. Thank God. Aaron was crying for you," she expressed, her voice tinged with gratitude. Confusion etched itself onto both yours and Oscar's faces until a toddler-like boy, approximately three years old, darted toward you. This time, the child's resemblance to Oscar was striking, a reflection of his features.
For a fleeting moment, the weight of your unexpected journey and the realization that you had time-traveled from a time when your relationship with Oscar was solely platonic faded away. In its place, a touch of annoyance crossed your face, and you turned to Oscar, wearing an expression of playful annoyance.
"You only gave me a year to rest before another one...?" you teased, your tone holding a mix of incredulity and humour. The humour in your remark served as a reminder of the shared history you and Oscar had, even if the circumstances had taken an unforeseen turn.
As Aaron, the young boy who bore an uncanny resemblance to Oscar, stood before you, a genuine smile spread across your face. Crouching down, you extended your arms and scooped up the young boy into a warm embrace. His little frame nestled against your chest, and you marvelled at the familiarity of his features, the reflection of Oscar's unmistakable traits. The connection between you and this child felt surprisingly natural, as if it were meant to be.
As you held him close, you turned your attention to the young woman who had greeted you. With a gentle smile, you deduced that she must be his nanny, entrusted with caring for him during your absence. Gratitude swelled within you for the love and attention she had provided in your stead.
"Thank you for taking care of him," you expressed sincerely, your voice laced with appreciation. "I can see how much he means to you. It's reassuring to know he's been in good hands." The young woman's eyes softened, a mixture of relief and fondness evident in her gaze.
"He's an incredible little boy," she replied warmly. "Full of energy and curiosity. But he's missed having his mommy around. It's good to have you back."
You nodded, a mixture of emotions swirling within you. The pull of this new life, this altered reality, was undeniably strong. The warmth of Aaron's presence and the genuine affection that radiated between you and Oscar tugged at your heartstrings, enticing you to fully immerse yourself in the role of a mother and wife.
As Oscar inquired about his daughter's hunger, the young girl, Angele, nodded eagerly. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation, mirroring the excitement that danced within Oscar's own gaze. It was a beautiful sight to witness, the unspoken bond between father and daughter.
Taking a moment to reflect, you realized that Aaron, too, must be in need of food. After all, it was late in the afternoon. Concerned about his well-being, you turned to the young woman who had been caring for him in your absence. With a gentle smile, you inquired, "Has Aaron had his meal?"
The woman nodded, her face glowing with a sense of reassurance. "Yes, he had his food a little while ago. He's been well taken care of." Her words offered solace, allowing you to focus on the immediate task at hand: feeding your daughter.
With a nurturing instinct taking over, you turned your attention to preparing a meal for your daughter. The kitchen became a haven of comforting aromas as you skillfully concocted a dish that would satiate her hunger. The sound of sizzling pans and the tantalizing scent of home-cooked food filled the air.
Oscar, in the meantime, kept her entertained with stories and playful banter, his infectious laughter ringing through the room. It was heartwarming to witness their bond, a testament to the love and care they had shared in your absence.
As the meal came together, you plated the food, arranging it with care and attention. Angele's eyes widened with anticipation as you presented her with the delicious feast. She dug into the food, her little hands grasping the utensils, a joyful messiness enveloping her.
As the evening progressed, the passing of time brought forth a gentle reminder that bedtime was drawing near. The warmth of the day began to mellow into a tranquil evening, and the soft whispers of fatigue whispered through the air.
Angele, her belly satisfied and eyelids growing heavy, leaned against Oscar, her little body nestled comfortably in his embrace. The playful energy that had filled the room gradually waned, replaced by a soothing calmness as the hour for slumber approached. Oscar gently guided his daughter towards the routine of preparing for bed.
Watching the scene unfold, a sense of tranquility washed over you. It was a testament to the bond you shared, a testament to the loving environment you had created. The roles you now found yourself immersed in, that of a mother and a wife, brought a deep sense of fulfillment. The love that radiated within the walls of this home, built on the foundation of shared experiences and cherished moments, resonated within your soul.
As the time came to settle Aaron into his crib, you cradled him in your arms, allowing the serenity of the moment to envelop you both. The rhythmic rise and fall of his tiny chest mirrored the peace that settled within your own being. Gently, you placed him down, his soft breaths filling the room.
With the children tucked in, sleep beckoning them to dreamland, you found yourself pausing at the threshold of the door. In this moment of stillness, with the soft glow of night casting its gentle embrace, you couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions.
On one hand, the joy and contentment of this newfound life tugged at your heartstrings, whispering of the love and connection that enveloped you. The familiarity and the profound bond you shared with Oscar and the children sparked a profound sense of belonging.
As you stood at the threshold of the children's room, a flicker of movement caught your eye, drawing your attention to the wall adorned with a series of framed photographs. A gasp escaped your lips, like a breath catching in your throat, as your gaze fixated on the images captured within those frames.
Oscar, sensing your surprise, turned to you with concern etched on his face. "What happened?" he inquired, his voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and worry. You couldn't bring yourself to articulate the profound realization that had swept over you, so instead, you simply tilted your head, gesturing for him to direct his gaze towards the wall.
Together, your eyes traced the lines and contours of the photographs, each frame capturing a milestone in Oscar's journey as an accomplished Formula 1 driver. The vibrant colors and frozen moments of triumph adorned the wall, each image depicting him on the podium, a testament to his skill, determination, and hard-earned victories.
As the weight of the revelation settled upon you both, the realization blossomed in your minds: both of you had achieved your dreams. The photographs were a tangible reminder of the aspirations you had pursued and conquered, the paths that had led you to this very moment.
In the midst of this profound realization, Oscar's hand gently landed upon your shoulder, a comforting touch that spoke volumes without the need for words. It was a gesture that conveyed his support, his pride in your own accomplishments as a journalist, and the shared journey that had brought you to this point.
Silent understanding passed between you, a connection forged not only through friendship but also through the intertwining of dreams fulfilled. At that moment, you knew that despite the lingering mysteries of your past, the present held its own magic: a symphony of love, success, and shared aspirations.
"What do we do now?" you turn to ask Oscar, your voice filled with a mixture of uncertainty and determination. Before he can respond, a subtle noise interrupts the air, sending both of you into a state of alertness. It's the sound of the main door being unlocked.
Wide-eyed, you exchange a quick glance with Oscar, silently agreeing on the need to hide yourselves. In unison, you move swiftly, finding refuge in a concealed spot within the living room. Your breaths become shallow, heartbeats pounding in your ears as the door opens with deliberate caution.
There they are: the older versions of yourselves, stepping into the space you once called home. Their features etched with the weight of experiences yet to come, they move with a sense of purpose. You stole a glance at Oscar beside you, and he whispered urgently, "We must go back to our time."
As the future versions of you and Oscar move through the house, checking on the children's bedrooms and eventually reaching their own, you nodded in agreement with Oscar's suggestion. "I know," you replied, your voice carrying a hint of determination. "Let's do what we did before and see if we can return."
Closing your eyes, you clasped the pendant tightly in your hands, willing the familiar flash of light to transport you back to where you belong. But the first attempt proved unsuccessful, followed by the second and third. Frustration and fatigue started to gnaw at your resolve, casting doubt upon the possibility of going back to your own timeline.
Yet, as you closed your eyes for the fourth time, holding the pendant with a renewed sense of hope, something shifted. Behind your closed eyes, a brilliant burst of light illuminates the darkness, engulfing your senses in a swirling vortex. Time and space converge, carrying you and Oscar along a torrent of energy.
When you finally opened your eyes, you found yourselves back in the familiar living room—the same room where you once mocked the plot of a book, where Oscar rested his head upon your lap as you caressed his hair. Relief coursed through your veins, mingling with a lingering curiosity about the future versions of yourselves you encountered.
"Oh my god, I can't believe this," you gasped, your voice trembling with a mix of astonishment and disbelief. The familiar surroundings of the living room suddenly took on a whole new significance, and your heart races with the weight of the realisation.
Oscar, his eyes searching yours, sensed the depth of your emotions. A flicker of concern crossed his face, but there's also a hint of something else: something vulnerable. He took a step closer and responded, "Is marrying me really that unbelievable?" His voice carried a touch of mild offence, but his eyes betrayed the hope that you understood what he was trying to convey.
Caught off guard by his reaction, you paused, your mind racing to make sense of it all. The pieces started to fall into place, and you realised that his response held a deeper meaning. The unspoken tension between you suddenly became palpable, and you found yourself drawn to his gaze, searching for the truth hidden within.
A surge of realisation flooded through you, mingling with your own suppressed feelings. Memories of shared moments, stolen glances, and unspoken desires rush to the forefront of your mind. It's as if you've been dancing around the truth for years, and now, finally, everything became clear.
Breathlessly, you managed to utter, "Oscar, I... I didn't realise." Your voice wavered, filled with a mixture of surprise and realisation, as you confronted the truth that has been waiting to be acknowledged.
Oscar's expression softened, his eyes brimming with vulnerability and affection. He took another step closer, closing the distance between you, and reached out to gently touch your arm. "I've liked you, more than just a friend, for so long," he admitted, his voice filled with sincerity. "Seeing you here, in this moment, has only made those feelings stronger. I never thought I'd have the chance to tell you."
Your heart raced, the weight of unspoken emotions now laid bare before you. You found the courage to meet his gaze, and you confessed, "Oscar, I... I've liked you too. More than I've ever admitted. I've been pining over you all these years, and I never thought you felt the same way."
A mixture of relief and joy spread across Oscar's face, mirroring the emotions that surge within you. "We've been fools, hiding our feelings for fear of losing what we had," he confessed, his voice filled with regret. "But now, with this glimpse of our potential future, I can't hold back any longer."
As the weight of your shared emotions filled the room, you found yourself irresistibly drawn to Oscar. Step by step, you closed the distance between you until you were standing mere inches apart. The air crackled with anticipation, the atmosphere thick with the unspoken desires that have lingered for far too long.
Without a word, you reached out and gently cupped Oscar's face in your hands, your fingers trembling with a mix of nerves and excitement. His eyes locked onto yours, their depths reflecting the intensity of the moment. And in that fleeting second, the world around you faded into insignificance, leaving only the two of you suspended in time.
A tender smile played at the corners of your lips as you leaned in, closing the final gap between you. Your heart raced with anticipation, every fibre of your being yearning for the connection that has eluded you for so long. And then, finally, your lips met in a soft, passionate kiss.
In that single moment, the world around you ceased to exist. Time stood still as you lost yourselves in the depth of your kiss, the electricity between you intensifying with each passing second.
Wrapped in each other's arms, you experienced an intense sense of belonging. The doubts and uncertainties that once plagued your minds melted away, replaced by a certainty that you've found your soulmate. The taste of this stolen moment lingered on your lips, a promise of a future filled with passion, love, and fulfilled dreams.
When you finally pulled away, a soft glow illuminated both your faces. With a smile that spoke volumes, Oscar brushed a strand of hair behind your ear and whispered, "I've dreamt of this moment for so long, and now it's finally real." His voice was filled with a mixture of tenderness and awe.
With a mischievous glimmer in your eyes, you playfully nudged Oscar's side. "You know what, let's not get all mushy right now. I still want to be able to beat you up and bully you. Best friend privileges are too good to let go."
Oscar grinned, his confusion fading into a knowing smile. "You're right. But how about we add a little extra something to our friendship?"
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his suggestion. "Oh really? And what might that be?"
He leaned in, his voice laced with playful intent. "How about we stay best friends, but with the added benefits of making out and cuddling whenever we want? Taking it slow, you know?"
"Sounds like a plan. Count me in."
And just like that, the weight of romantic expectations lifted, and you both fell back into the comfort of your deep friendship.
Oscar grinned and nudged you playfully. "Hey, how about we hit the gym together? Future formula 1 champions should stay fit, you know."
You rolled your eyes. "Oh, come on. Don't drag me into this, I have studying to do."
Oscar shook his head, a determined smile on his face. "Nuh uh. No more excuses. I'm not taking no for an answer. Time to get those endorphins flowing."
Before you could protest further, Oscar swiftly scooped you up into his arms, effortlessly carrying you. You let out a surprised yelp, your protests drowned out by laughter.
"Oscar, put me down!" you exclaimed, playfully swatting at him.
He chuckled and kept walking towards the gym. "No way. I'm going to the gym, and you're coming with me."
You resigned yourself to the inevitable, knowing there's no escaping Oscar's determination. Besides, a part of you secretly enjoyed his antics. With a playful sigh, you settled into his arms, enjoying the closeness.
Oscar gently set you down, a triumphant grin on his face. "See? That wasn't so bad, was it?"
You playfully pouted and crossed your arms. "Fine, you win. But only this once. Don't expect me to become a gym enthusiast overnight."
Oscar chuckled. "Oh, I won't push you too hard."
As you and Oscar caught your breath after a particularly intense workout, a comfortable silence settled between you. The air was filled with a mix of contentment and unspoken words, and you could feel the shift in the atmosphere.
Oscar's eyes met yours, a glimmer of affection shining through. Without warning, he leaned in, pressing a soft, lingering kiss against your lips. The unexpected gesture left you momentarily breathless, a blush spreading across your cheeks.
"Oscar," you whispered, your cheeks tinged red. "What was that for?"
He grinned, his gaze filled with warmth. "Well, we have babies in the future, remember?"
You playfully tugged at a strand of his hair, a familiar spark of mischief in your eyes. "Oh, is that how you're going to convince me? Using our future children against me?"
Oscar laughed, the sound that filled the air around you. "Hey, whatever works, right?"
You let out a mock sigh, shaking your head. "Fine, I guess I'll let you off the hook this time. But don't make a habit out of it."
He chuckled and pulled you into a warm embrace, his arms enveloping you. "No promises, sorry baby."
You scrunched your brows, turning to face him in his embrace. "Didn't we literally promise to take it slow like an hour ago?"
"Oops." There wasn't a hint of guilt in his eyes.
You narrowed your eyes. "Oscar… aren't you having too much fun?"
He shrugged. "Can't blame me."
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pix3lplays · 3 months
Yandere! Aventurine Implications of kidnapping, illegality, erasing memory, negligence, abuse of power mentioned, and I don't know what else, it's not family friendly, poorly written, it's 2:34 am
Aventurine is traumatized to the max, he needs your attention as if your hands were the oxygen of his body
Touch his head, shower him with compliments and promise that you will not leave his side, swear by everything existing and unimaginable and then kiss him
Aventurine doesn't understand why you're going to need your friends now if he's your everything, you can't help him that easy, but you can still try
But it's no use, and the day doesn't come late when you realize that Aventurine can't be helped that way, you have to run away
But you don't have a house, you don't have money, you don't have a job, you don't have friends, you don't have family... And you don't have the keys to the house either
At what point did Aventurine do all that? Before you can think about it anymore, you return to the same moment of your relationship beginning. Take him in your arms, promise that you will not leave him and console his worries
Can't you see how much Aventurine suffers from being separated from his beloved for weeks while having to work? Ah, but don't worry, he will pull all the strings to make you a useless IPC worker who needs supervision and curiously piqued his attention
There are strange flavors in the drink, and you always feel like you forget even more of your life before you met him... But his loving words are captivating towards anyone
How sweet it is to have Aventurine with you, don't worry about anything other than following him around like a lapdog... Wasn't that always Aventurine's plan? And he's already been through too much, there's no need to fight with someone who's already suffered unjustly.
He must have his reasons, he promised, right?
But you no longer remember that promise
Oh, don't worry, you can go ask Aventurine, he has no problem, the only cost is a chaste kiss on his forehead to revive his memory
What would he do wrong? Maybe being his docile wife waiting for him at home isn't such a bad idea...
"I'm forgetting something... Aventurine, do you know if I forgot something to do?"
"If you forget it's not important darling!"
"Haha, you're right Darling♪"
Aventurine knows, you don't need to remember what happened before. Burn the unpleasant photo of your ex-husband, how nice it is to have good connections
He is your only and first love, not even memories can get in the way of his purposes.
He never fails, because he has set his mind to it and he will never fall.
He will preserve you in the beautiful box of fine silver, covered with gold ornaments carved by the most talented of artisans, no one will set his eyes on his beloved, no one will use their tongue to insult your name, no one will use their hands to rest on your body.
But no matter how hard you close the box with all your might, the dust keeps coming in and burying everything in the thinnest layer of abandonment, when will the oxygen to breathe run out?
And when the inevitable moment comes, how can he look back and not consider himself the same slander that sentenced him?
How long will it take for the oxygen to become scarce and the dust to flood your blood crimson with filth?
So the implication is that he keeps you locked up, makes you a prisoner? How ironic…I know he’d see it. The irony. He’s aware but…he can’t help himself.
Not fair not fair not fair but when has life EVER been fair?
I think he’d be a pretty self-aware yandere, but that doesn’t stop him from the horrible things he does. He knows better, knows it’s wrong but…he can’t help it.
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cool-fancier · 5 months
A Fiery Reunion
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Synopsis: Bada's arrival ignites a fire within you, leading to an intense time filled with passion and exploration of our deepest desires.
Requested by anonymous
a/n: This story contains explicit sexual content . The characters and especially Bada and events in this story are entirely fictional. Any resemblance to real-life individuals or situations is purely coincidental. This story is a work of fiction and should not be interpreted as a reflection of real-life relationships or situations.
Word count:2.2K
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The first time you laid eyes on Bada, it was at a crowded art gallery opening. Her presence was magnetic, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. Her confidence exuded from every pore, and her striking features commanded attention.
You found yourself unable to tear your gaze away from her as she moved through the crowd, effortlessly captivating those around her with her infectious smile. It was as if time stood still, and the world faded into the background, leaving only her in sharp focus.
Summoning all the courage you could muster, you made our way towards her, hoping to strike up a conversation. As you approached, your nerves threatened to consume you, but you pushed through, determined to make a connection.
"Hi," you greeted, your voice betraying a hint of nervousness. "I couldn't help but notice your presence in the room. The way you carry yourself is simply captivating."
Bada's eyes locked onto yours, a mischievous glint dancing within them. She smirked, her gaze sweeping over you with an intensity that made your heart race. "Well, aren't you charming? I do have a way of leaving an impression, don't I?"
Her playful response set the tone for our conversation, easing the tension that had gripped you moments before. You both exchanged pleasantries and delved into discussions about art, philosophy, and life itself. It was as if you were two souls hungry for intellectual stimulation, craving the connection that only like-minded individuals could provide.
As the night wore on, your conversation flowed effortlessly, each word deepening the bond you were forming. You both laughed, challenged each other's beliefs, and found solace in the comfort of shared understanding.
Days turned into weeks, and your conversations extended beyond the art gallery. The two of you exchanged numbers, and your messages became a lifeline, connecting your thoughts and desires across the digital realm. You discovered a profound connection that transcended the surface level, delving into the depths of your souls.
Late-night conversations turned into early morning confessions, as you bared your vulnerabilities and shared your deepest dreams. You both found solace in one another's words, a refuge from the chaos of the world outside.
It was during one of these late-night conversations that Bada finally broke the barrier of friendship, her words laced with a newfound boldness. "You know, Y/N, I can't help but feel this undeniable chemistry between us," she confessed. "I want to explore what lies beyond friendship with you. Are you open to the possibility?"
Your heart skipped a beat, your mind racing with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The connection you had formed was undeniably powerful, and the thought of taking it to the next level both thrilled and frightened you.
But in that moment, you trusted your instincts, your heart yearning to delve deeper into the unknown. "Yes," you replied, my voice filled with conviction. "I want to explore this connection with you, to see where it leads."
And so, you took the leap, venturing into the realm of romance with equal parts excitement and trepidation. Your dates were filled with adventure and exploration, each experience deepening your bond. You both discovered shared passions, indulging in the pleasures of life together.
Your connection extended beyond the physical realm, as you nurtured each other's dreams and supported one another's growth. Bada became your confidante, your partner in crime, and the one who pushed you to embrace your desires and embrace the fullness of life.
With every passing day, your love blossomed, defying societal norms and expectations. You revelled in the uniqueness of your connection, cherishing the unconventional path we had chosen.
As you embarked on this journey of love and self-discovery, you knew deep in your heart that your story would forever be etched in the annals of passion and desire. Together, you embraced the uncharted territories of your hearts, discovering a love that was both extraordinary and unparalleled.
In the end, your love was not a cliché tale of love at first sight, but a story of two souls finding solace and passion in one another's arms. And as you continued to write your own narrative, the two of you reveled in the beauty of your unconventional love story, embracing the magic that unfolded between the two of you.
— — — — —
You had been eagerly anticipating Bada's arrival all day, your heart fluttering with excitement. It had been too long since you last saw her, and you missed her presence, her touch, her intoxicating energy.
As the doorbell rang, you rushed to open it, a smile spreading across your face as you laid eyes on Bada. She stood before you, radiating confidence and allure, her eyes locked on yours.
"Y/N," she said, her voice filled with warmth and longing. "I've missed you."
You reached out to pull her into a tight embrace, savoring the familiar scent of her as your bodies pressed against each other. The world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in this moment of reunion.
"I missed you too, Bada," you whispered, your voice filled with genuine affection. "It feels like forever since we were last together."
Bada leaned in, her lips brushing against your ear as she spoke. "I couldn't stand being away from you any longer," she murmured, her words sending shivers down your spine. "I needed to see you, to feel your touch."
The desire in her voice ignited a fire within you, your longing for her intensifying with every passing second. You knew that this reunion would be more than just a simple embrace. It would be a passionate exploration of your desires, a celebration of the connection you both shared.
Without a word, Bada took your hand and led you to the bedroom, where the air crackled with anticipation. The room was adorned with soft candlelight, casting a warm and intimate glow across the space.
As you watched Bada undress, her movements slow and deliberate, your heart raced with desire. The sight of her naked body, her curves and contours, made your pulse quicken. You couldn't help but admire her, the way her confidence radiated from her every pore.
She turned to face you, her eyes locked with yours, and a seductive smile played on her lips. "Undress for me, Y/N," she commanded, her voice filled with a mix of dominance and desire.
With trembling hands, you shed your clothes, feeling a mixture of vulnerability and excitement. Bada's gaze never wavered, her eyes devouring every inch of your exposed skin. You could feel the heat between the two of you intensify as your naked bodies stood before each other, the air heavy with anticipation.
Without hesitation, Bada closed the distance between us, her hands exploring every curve and crevice of your body. Her touch was electric, sending waves of pleasure coursing through you. You surrendered to her completely, allowing her to guide you into a world of exquisite pleasure.
As your bodies intertwined, both your moans and gasps filled the room, harmonizing with the rhythm of your passion. Time seemed to lose all meaning as you lost yourselves in each other, your desires merging and intertwining.
Every touch, every kiss, every whispered word fueled the fire within you, propelling you towards the edge of ecstasy. Your bodies moved in perfect synchrony, a dance of passion and desire.
You lay tangled in Bada's embrace, your body still humming with the remnants of pleasure. Her words fueled a mix of desire and uncertainty within you, your mind grappling with the idea of pushing yourself further, of surrendering to the depths of pleasure she so effortlessly commanded.
Your voice quivered as you responded, your breath catching in my throat. "I...I don't know if I can," you confessed, your voice laced with a mixture of longing and apprehension. The sensations coursing through your body made it difficult to focus, to think clearly.
Bada's eyes held a hunger that matched your own, her lips curving into a wicked smile as she brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. "Oh, Y/N," she murmured, her voice a seductive purr. "I believe in you. I know you can push yourself further, explore new heights of pleasure."
Her words stirred a dormant fire within you, reigniting the embers of your desire. With her hand teasing your nipples, your body responded involuntarily, your breath hitching at the sensation. The thought of being pushed to your limits excited you, even as fear mingled with desire.
"Do you want me to...?" You trailed off, my voice filled with both anticipation and trepidation. The idea of Bada fulfilling her every desire, even if it meant pushing your boundaries, enticed you in ways you never thought possible. But the idea of your roommate coming home soon, added a layer of caution to your thoughts.
Bada's response was immediate, her voice filled with an intoxicating mix of need and anticipation. "I want everything from you," she assured you, her words spoken with a sense of urgency. "But we need to be mindful of your roommate. We wouldn't want any unexpected interruptions, would we?"
The reality of your situation sank in, and you nodded, your mind reeling with a mix of disappointment and excitement. You understood the need for caution, the desire to keep your encounters hidden from prying eyes. But your body, still buzzing with need, ached for release, for the next level of pleasure that only Bada could provide.
As Bada's fingers lingered on your nipples, teasing and coaxing, you couldn't help but wonder what lay beyond the boundaries of your comfort zone. The thought of Bada's touch, sent a surge of excitement through me. It was a forbidden desire, one that you had only dared to explore in the darkest corners of my fantasies.
Her lips, soft and demanding, claimed yours in a fervent kiss, igniting a fire that consumed you both. Both your tongues danced in a passionate embrace, exploring the depths of each other's mouths, as your bodies pressed closer, seeking the ultimate connection.
Bada's hand trailed down your torso, her fingertips leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. A shiver of anticipation coursed through you as her touch brushed against your inner thighs, teasingly close to the source of your pleasure.
With a deft movement, she spread your legs apart, exposing the wetness that had pooled between your thighs. The cool air caressed your heated flesh, intensifying the ache of need that pulsed within you.
Her fingers traced a path along your slick folds, teasingly circling your clit before dipping lower. A gasp escaped your lips as she plunged two fingers deep inside you, filling you with a delicious stretch. You arched your back, your body craving more, even though you were quite sensitive as she set a rhythm that matched the pounding of your heart.
"Good girl," Bada purred, her voice a sultry melody. "You're so wet and ready for me. Just relax and let go."
Her words, laced with dominance and desire, sent a surge of electricity through you. You surrendered to her touch, your body becoming a vessel for her pleasure. Each thrust of her fingers brought you closer to the edge, pushing you towards the precipice of ecstasy.
Your hips bucked in time with her movements, your moans of pleasure filling the room. Bada's free hand reached up to cup your breast, her thumb expertly flicking your hardened nipple, sending shockwaves of pleasure straight to your core.
Sensation overwhelmed you as you teetered on the edge of release, your body tensing with anticipation. Bada's fingers quickened their pace, driving you closer to the brink, until the dam finally broke.
An explosion of pleasure ripped through you, waves of ecstasy crashing over your body. Your back arched off the bed, your fingers clawing at the sheets as you cried out in ecstasy. Bada held you through the intensity of your orgasm, riding the waves of pleasure with you.
As the aftershocks subsided, you lay breathless and sated, your body tingling with the remnants of pleasure. Bada's fingers slowly withdrew from your depths, leaving you feeling both empty and fulfilled.
She kissed you tenderly, her lips conveying a mixture of tenderness and satisfaction. "You were amazing," she whispered against your lips. "I love the way you respond to me, the way you surrender to pleasure."
As the aftershocks subsided, you lay spent and satisfied in Bada's arms, your bodies still entwined. The air was thick with the scent of sex and the palpable energy that lingered between us.
Bada's voice, a gentle whisper, broke the silence. "You were incredible," she murmured, her fingers tenderly caressing your cheek. "So beautiful and responsive. I can't wait to explore more with you, to take you to places you've never been before."
"Thank you for coming to see me, Bada," you whispered, your voice filled with gratitude and affection.
Bada smiled, her eyes sparkling with adoration. "I would go to the ends of the earth for you, Y/N," she replied, her voice filled with sincerity. "You mean everything to me."
In that moment, you knew that your connection was something truly special. It was a love that transcended physical pleasure, a love that encompassed trust, understanding, and an unwavering desire to explore the depths of your desires together. And as you drifted off to sleep, your bodies entwined, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the adventures that awaited you in the days to come.
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