#I still need to do a raid!! I haven't done one yet
fashion-runways · 3 months
hi!! new pinned post, because the last one had gotten long again-- if you want to read previous posts, here's the first one, here's the second one. the tl;dr from those is that my dad got wrongfully imprisoned abruptly, our place was raided, the cops broke a bunch of shit and took a bunch of our things and still haven't returned them, they left all the broken things for us to spend money in repairing, we had to spend money on a lawyer, trips to visit him, new clothes, medicine and food for him in jail, etc. it was a mess, way more details in both posts. he's back home now, with an ankle monitor because technically his case isn't being investigated yet, they haven't done anything about it at all, the case hasn't moved one ounce lmao it's great, always trust the judicial system and cops!! ugh, anyway!
we found a therapist for my dad who can help her deal with all the stuff he had to deal with while in prison, all the bullying, the depression, the starving, the separation, etc. he needs to get a bunch of other medical appointments, has to get surgery, among other things, but for now things are much better on that front. that being said, he did lose his job and my old redbubble account got suspended without a warning months ago, plus argentina's economy is... really bad right now. food prices rise every day, public transportation prices went up like a 200% in a couple of weeks, salaries are low and stuck there, subsidies are gone, the local peso keeps falling, we have an absolute psychopath as a president who spends more time insulting or threatening anyone who oppose him than caring about people. it's a disaster. for updates on argentina in english, this person on twitter makes very good informative threads if you're interested.
anyway, i used to make around 30/40 dollars a month in redbubble, and that used to help adding up to the donations i got here, and it got suspended, so now i make like 1/2 dollars on teepublic monthly. so... it's a huge loss. there's a lot of things me and my mom are in charge of paying-- groceries, power and water and gas, medicine (she's diabetic, i have some sort of chronic sinusitis), our dog and cat's food and medicines, wifi, phone bills, public transportation, healthcare, my dad's new therapist... so, you know, i really need anything people can donate. even if it's just a single dollar, literally any amount helps. i love fashion so much and i love this blog, i work really hard on it even when my brain says no, and i really appreciate how much you guys love it too. i love seeing people discover new styles, new designers, new things to be inspired by. so, yeah... i'm never going anywhere, but i do need help to basically stay afloat.
as usual, my kofi link is this one: https://ko-fi.com/fashionrunways and my teepublic link is this one: https://www.teepublic.com/user/dinah-lance. thanks for being around and sharing and reblogging my posts, thanks for asking questions about fashion, and of course thanks for helping to the ones who can, and thanks to the ones who can't too, i know how that feels like, don't worry about it. love you 💖
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flamingpudding · 9 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 2 - "Don't worry, I got you."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: Mentions of death, implied mentions of panic attacks handling, Jason typical profanity
"Don't worry, I got you."
These were the first words Jason could finally hear after what felt like forever. His head was pounding and his vision was still tinted green but slowly he felt like he was gaining control over the rage that had taken over.
He couldn't remember what triggered it, nor what he had done when his vision turned green. All he remembers was that he had been out on Patrol before he heard a scream. But now he could feel two hands resting on his shoulder. A young voice resounded in his ears, telling him to breathe in deeply, hold it and then breathe out. He remembers this exercise, B had made sure they all knew this one, so that they could help anyone that was working themselves into a panic attack. But he wasn't suffering through one, was he?
Unconsciously his eyes closed, blocking his vision of the still tinted green world.
"That's it. Try to redirect that power, don't let the Mania take hold. Can you feel your core? Try listening for its humming."
What core? What do they mean? Yet despite not knowing what they were talking about Jason tried to follow the direction the voice gave him. He wasn't sure why he was even listening to them, but something in him made the vigilante want to trust them. Redirect the power, they had said. Maybe they meant the Pit Rage? But how? Feeling for his core? Did they mean his heart? Jason could do that, he focused on his heart beat, tried to sense how it beat rhythmically in his chest and heard the blood rushing in his veins. Now that he listened there was a humming next to his heartbeat. Was this what they meant? Probably.
"Great you found your core, focus on it. Store that power in there for now."
Nodding slightly Jason tried to do what they said. Whatever this core was, he imaged it like a box and then mentally stuffed all that Pit Rage into it. Every bit of rage and madness the Pit made him feel, everything. He pushed it all into the box he imagined as that core and once it was all in there he decided to go a step further. His eyebrows furrowed as he imagined closing the lit of the box and putting a big fat lock on it. Like the one B put on his weapon storage after he raided it 5 times in a row when he had run out of grenades to throw at drug dealers and other scum lurking in his territory.
"Hey! Hey! Don't overdo it! Your core is still tiny! To much power und you will be in big trouble if it bursts the next time!"
His eyes snapped open. The first thing he noticed was his version was no longer tinted green. The second thing he noticed was the kid floating with no legs before him. Lazarus Green eyes coupled with snow white hair stared concerned yet relieved back at him.
"What the fuck-"
"Great! You're back to your senses!" The kid cut him of grinning at him and Jason was just confused and also surprised at himself. He did not feel anymore rage or a need for violence but instead his mind for once felt calm and a whole lot Pit free. Though there was the confusion of WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT KID?
"I honestly didn't expect to find another Halfa when I was contacted by Pandora to look into something. But Clockwork did mention something before, that I should look out for his Granddaughters fan that lives in Gotham and wears a red helmet. Didn't think I would meet you this soon though or like that. I haven't even greeted Lady Gotham yet. I was just on my way to the center of her haunt when I got these real disturbing feelings and bam you appeared out of nowhere attacking and I was forced-"
He cut the kids rambling off by rudely shoving his hand over the kids mouth to make the boy stop talking. "Shut up for a second there kid and let me catch up. You just dumped a lot of info there."
The kid had the nerve to sheepishly rub the back of his neck as he floated backwards a little, away from his hand that was covering his mouth. "Sorry, I got excited there. I think this must have been how the fruitloop had felt at first before things went to shit, when he found out I was a Halfa too. It's just kind of exciting, you know? There aren't a lot of us."
"The fuck you mean Halfa?" He questioned and mentally thanked his self from a couple hours ago for choosing to go on patrol with his trusted helmet instead of listening to his brother to use just a mask because of the head. This way the kid was not able to see his facial expression escaping him with all the info bombs the kid kept dropping.
"Half death, half alive. Well more like Half Ghost, Half human but details." The kid shrugged and Jason really wanted to pinch the bridge of his nose right now through his helmet.
"Last I checked I appear to be pretty alive, kid." He would know if he weren't or at least he hoped he would know, somehow.
"Well duh. That's the half alive part. The half death part is your second form, have you not managed to transform yet? I mean your core is tiny but that shouldn't matter to much. You did die and then come back alive with the balance sort of regulated by a big amount of ectoplasm, right? Though I have to say that the ectoplasm in your system is very unusual. It's so different from what I feel from Dani, Dan or even the fruitloop. I probably should drag you to Frostbite as soon as possible but there are no portals here so I would have to drag you either to my home or Wisconsin first, or maybe find a natural portal but that's harder than just taking you to one of the permanent open ones. Speaking of Dani and Dan, they gotta be excited to hear that there is another Halfa in our age range that's not related via cloning or time shenanigans! That's gotta be so fun and we can show-"
"Kid, you're rambling again." Jason cut in suppressing a sigh. Cloning? Time shenanigans? What the fuck was he getting into by associating with this kid? "Did anyone ever tell you that you are bad at explaining?"
"My friends and older sister." The kid answered with no delay, like he had been asked that same question before. "Also I am 20."
Jason wished the kid could see how he arched an eyebrow under his helmet. He could have tricked him if he didn't look like a 14 years old. The kid appeared to sense it anyway as they huffed and pouted his way. "I swear I am! My Ghost form is just stuck at looking like the age I died at! I haven't figured out how to manipulate my ectoplasm to make my ghost self look older yet! I swear Dan has been holding this over me for years now!"
"Sure kid, let's just get back to that Halfa thing and what that means for me." Jason didn't know what exactly the kid was nor what the kid meant by Jason apparently being also an Halfa -was it?-, which meant the kid was one in the first place. "By the way, who are you?"
"Oh right! I am Danny Phantom! Nice to meet you Red Hood! And pleases stop calling me a kid! I swear I am not anymore!" Well that was at least a step forward. Now Jason just had to figure out how to get the information he really needed from the kid, Danny, without listening to excessive rambling as well as how to explain just all of this to Bruce and the rest of his siblings. He can already hear them freaking out about it.
No wait, he actually could hear them freak out right now. Oh shit! His coms were on, weren't they? Wait did Dickwing just say ETA 5? And B just said ETA 3! Shit, fuck, damit! His family were on the way and he was not sure if the Halfa Kid, or whatever, would run at the site of them. B would probably scare the shit out of the kid just to get answers.
Well at least, the good thing so far was that the Pit was quiet now and the kid could apparently help him control it and the Pit Rage better.
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theflyindutchwoman · 2 months
Hey! How are you holding up? Just finished the episode and I haven't really recovered. I am sad, I am frustrated, I don't really know what's happening? I thought they were mature and Tim is so dumb right now, I can't even.
And Lucy? I can't even start to imagine what she's going through. She has been so badass for the 5 seasons and this season she just gets fail after fail and loss after loss and doesn't even get a good job storyline.
So sorry I didn't reply sooner but I first wanted to take a little step back in order to fully digest the episode. As much as the waiting is killing me, I actually appreciate the hiatus for that. I imagine your feelings may have changed a bit as well since then… or that was the impression I got from our different conversations here and there. How are you feeling now? A bit better or still frustrated?
I'm going to start with Lucy. I was rewatching the beginning of season 5 and this is hitting even harder now. Not because of the pining era. But because the narrative was already showing her isolation back then. I couldn't quite put my finger on why her storyline in season 6 felt so familiar but now I get it. This is merely the continuation.
As we all noticed, the scene of Tim breaking up with her had a very similar vibe to the one at the end of 5.02. But think back of when she went to Nyla for advice about going to UC school, when she was trying to confide to Aaron who was too caught up in his own drama to hear her… or when she spent hours locked in a freezer because no one realised she was missing - besides Tim, that is. And then, there was the whole Rosalind thing where Lucy had to push through her own trauma to help Chris deal with his and help Bailey stay calm. But no one ever took the time to ask her how she was doing with all of this (on screen). They all had good reasons, by the way, this isn't me trying to paint them as the bad guys. But this still has an eerie similarity to what is happening right now. Only there has been no payoff for any of this. Yet. It didn't seem to go anywhere. Until now. Same with her career : she nailed UC Academy, something that was supposed to help her standout come promotion time… She helped the FBI on a raid, she was asked to be the acting Watch Commander, she was told that the whole station had her back… And yet, none of this paid off either. Yet. So this is a great opportunity to finally connect all the dots that have been dropped for the past two seasons and give Lucy the amazing arc she deserves. I sincerely hope this will be the case.
As for Tim… Look, the reason why I didn't want a breakup (besides the fact that I dislike this trope so much), is that I was afraid that it would cheapen the whole "worth the effort / worth the risk" speech. You can't say that and leave at the first difficulty without downplaying the whole story. So I'm glad that the writers were able to find a way to circumvent that issue by showing Tim completely unravelling. Because this isn't about him thinking Lucy is not worth the effort or the risk… This is about him thinking HE is not worthy of her. And that changes everything. For me, at least. I still get the frustration. I still wish this storyline would have been done with them sticking together and trying to work through it. But I can understand his perspective, why he thought this would be better for her. And I can see how that could make them stronger in the end. So, just like with Lucy, I hope Tim's arc will be treated properly and carefully. I need to see the payoff, the progress… I need to see them heal. Separately and then, together. It's always hard to see where a story is going when it is still unfolding… But for now, I choose to remain optimistic and hopeful. Does that help you even a tiny bit?
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seth-shitposts · 5 months
For you? Always friend 🫂💙💙💙 😘😘😘🥰
(Stars, I badly need to organize our docs for Defectors. I'm scrapping together to see what im pretty certain I haven't shared or gone into detail of yet.)
The main story of defectors will be split into two or three main parts, I think. (All of it will be in the same fic, though. The chapters will just be grouped into the parts.) Probs 3.
[I have a feeling I'm going to ramble a lot in this one so I'm going to go ahead and place a cut here😅]
The Bridgers//part i
There's going to be the first 5 years, from the night of the Bridger Raid, when Ezra is 7 in 12bby through to 7bby. This is the time span in which Kallus is taking care of Ezra, slowly losing his loyalty over the span of 4 or 5 years.
Year I
Kallus is loyal during the first year, and is conflicted about the exceptions he makes for the bridgers. For Ezra. It does and doesn't go against what he was trained for. To him, the situation is much more complex than the empire would view it and he wasn't prepared for that. His training hadn't included young children and he himself being young at this point doesnt know what intitive to take. So he's figuring things out. And he reasons it with himself, convinces himself that while he's crossing into a grey area in the eyes of the empire, that the goal of this is to establish order, therefore he is still carrying out his duty.
This first year is him trying his best to learn how to take care of a child and gain that child's trust. (Because if Ezra can't trust him, Kallus won't be able to take care of his needs. Lack of trust will mean lack of desire to communicate needs.)
Through the year, Kallus also works on some of the cases Mira and Ephraim give him while they do as promised and integrate into the rehabilitation program. He quickly realizes that they aren't the type of people he had thought they'd be, but more similar to the person who had taken him in when he was young. He isn't sure if he's taking back some of his judgment from objective observations he makes about them or because of how much they're hitting one of his soft spots and he's becoming bias.
So he turns his focus to the work they give him. Which is releasing civilians who were arrested due to a misunderstanding or without any real proper cause. Ones whose cases would have sat in some officer's desk for months, or even years, before being gone through properly. All while the civilians in question would have still been in detainment. Busy work, but Kallus is helping them and it's motivating Mira and Ephraim so he doesn't mind doing a few extra hours of work every other day.
•Before the Bridger Raid, he had done quick work of climbing ranks within the ISB branch. Having finished top of his class already put him farther ahead. By night of the Bridger Raid, he is either ranked 101 or 100. So not to double digits yet, and him being there on the cusp is the end of being able to quickly climb ranks because of how further more ruthless the shark competition is.
•Kallus enlisted to the academy when he was 14 in 21bby. He lied about his age to get in because the bare minimum requirements is that you had to be at least 18. The recruiter knew he was full of shit about his age but still allowed him to join because Kallus was eager [desprate].
[The idea of Kallus enlisting at such a young age is inspired from a conversation we had awhile back with @heart-of-a-rebel16 💙🫂]
•Jovan had been a major help to him in the academy, and because of his help in finding footing, Kallus was able to qualify for the new ISB training program that became available a year later. Kallus graduated sometime around 18 or 17bby, still top of his class. It would be very soon after that that he was on Onderon, when he was around 18.]
•Kallus’s parents had died when he was very young. He barely even remembers them. For a few years he was treated as a feral alley cat; a sewer rat. When he was around eight or nine, a miralukan chef from a restaurant a few levels up slowly worked on trying to gain Kallus’s trust. And they eventually did. They took Kallus in as their own and looked after him. Kallus had slowly built trust with them, and even looked up to them. However both Kallus and the chef became sick when an virus swept through the lower levels- Kallus had just turned 14 and barely survived. Most who were sick didn't, the person who took him in among them. So when recruiters swept their way through the lower levels, Kallus seized his chance immediately, was willing to do anything to ensure his basic needs would be met and that he could dedicate himself toward a worthy cause.
Year II
The second year Kallus has grown more confident in his ability to take care of Ezra and unknowingly more attached. There isn't anything anyone can't adore about this sweet kid. By this point, Ezra has started coming out of his shell and Kallus has visibly become much more relaxed and gentle.
During the second year, Kallus works on trying to build good relationships with Tseebo and Morad. They have vital roles in Kallus’s ability to make the deal with the empire/the warden feasibly work. And for that to be done smoothly, it would be best if he also has their trust. It's hard for him to try and be friendly or personal; the loss of the squadron he had been a part of still unpatched.
He's opened up more to Mira and Ephraim, has seen how similar Ezra truly is to them. He decides to start negotiating with the Warden on shortening the sentence. He does manage to get it cut down, but he isn't satisfied so it's something that he goes back and forth with him on.
He's also realized a pattern between the behavior of imperial officers and wrongfully arrested civilians and has been working on correcting that behavior. Try and fix the problem at where he thinks the source is.
He learns more about lothal and some of it's traditions. Mira loves to talk about it and some of the ways she would suggest the empire change in order to best change and support lothal. Kallus takes notes of that and in his down time does research on that.
Kallus learns that Ephraim had also lost his parents at a young age, but the town he lived in endlessly supported him. And that's the type of community he wants to help build and maintain for Ezra to have and be a part of when he's older, for Ezra and for the future of Lothal. Kallus includes that in his notes and has a moment of curiosity- if the lower levels of coruscant had the resources to take care of themselves, would they have had the same compassion that lothalites had for each other?
Mira and Ephraim add in cases in which citizens were arrested simply because of not having resources. Of those who aren't able to take care of themselves. Or those who have people they needed to take care of. Kallus begins on helping them as well.
Year III
Kallus has taken initiative of helping establish systems of support on lothal by giving ideas and leeway to Governor Azadi and Minister Tua. They're both thrilled, and with Kallus helping back them to the other branches of the empire by advocating that if these changes are made, rebel activity will be lowered. They've been implementing these systems in short bursts, but without approval of the empire, the programs will die off or be reported since it isnt official imperial regulation.
He keeps getting ineffectual and half-arsed responses on the situation concerning the bridger's hearings. Mira and Ephraim have been exceptionally patient. Far more than he is. He was able to lessen their time, but by the time they're to be released, Ezra will nearly be an adult himself. It's not soon enough. Not for how compliant the two have been to everything asked of them.
Kallus has also been getting draw back from his superiors, been met with resistance for the changes he'd been trying to implement. That he can do as much extra altruistic work in his time, but not to bleed that over and confuse it with enforcing the regulations and mandates. They don't want to allow Kallus to reason with them on it. And many of the officers have been more and more distasteful and unaware. He hates that he's starting to feel seeds of resentment, so he carefully keeps attempting to get his reasoning across that this produces the best results. There's so much back and forth and near the end of the year, he sees how Ryder is also getting pressed into a similar corner. He starts to wonder if the empire is simply making mistakes that they're choosing to stick to or if they might actually not have what's best in mind.
Year IV
Kallus still has some hope at the beginning of the year, but as the year goes on its harder and harder to believe it. Near the beginning of the year, Ryder was accused of treason. His replacement seemed to have been aware of it before either of them were. Kallus met her months before and she's worked around on operations with him. He doesn't trust her and starts to lose trust in Tua when she seems to attempt to get into Pryce’s good graces. Kallus is much more careful about what he says around either of them, especially the months following azadi's arrest.
His impatience and anger toward his fellow officers has increased as they continue to ignore his corrections, saying that it's not protocol or not their job to take into account.
Kallus wishes to speak to Mira and Ephraim about it, but he worries that he could put them in harm's way since none of them can speak freely. He's been fighting harder to get Mira and Ephraim released as soon as possible. But he's run out of strings to pull. Over the past few years, he'd accepted several promotions in hopes that having a higher standing will give him more influence over their case. But now, instead of being met with weak responses or excuses, he's being downright denied.
At one point he was offered that if he stops fighting the front of keeping Ezra from being enlisted into the academy, that Mira and Ephraim could be released on probation. Kallus shoots that down immediately. He is not even going to entertain that notion. Ezra is too young. And he isn't even going to bring it up to the kid, because Ezra will feel that it's his responsibility to give his parents the chance for their freedom. Kallus will have to be dead for that to happen. He isn't going to allow it.
He's not out of options yet. So he's going to keep trying.
Things on lothal have been getting worse. He can't keep up with the cases of citizens being arrested and detained. The empire is choking lothal and its people. This isn't what he thought the empire stood for. When did this happen. [It's been like this and slowly getting worse, he realizes.]
Year V
By this point the only thing keeping Kallus in the empire is the fight for the Bridger’s freedom and the fact that if he simply walks away, he's putting not just Mira and Ephraim indanger, but also Ezra and Tseebo and Marida and Morad. Anyone he's grown close to. The empire would not just detain him, but go after them as well. He isn't sure what he's going to do, but he can figure that out once he's freed Mira and Ephraim. Near the end of the year he realizes that he'll just have to free them himself. He'll talk things out with the Sumars once he return from a mandatory operation across the galaxy. Once he returns, they'll make a plan of action.
-But Lasan happens. And in the same point as does Mira & Ephraim being rerouted to a prison off lothal. He tries to act quickly, if he doesn't persue Mira and Ephraim now they'll be lost but he can't bring Ezra with him deeper into the Empire.
Tseebo disappears, and Ezra refuses to be found, Morad tries to reassure him that he and Marida will find him. Kallus tries to work as quickly as possible to find Mira & Ephraim and bring them home. Stars, let him find them within a couple months.
^^^^^ [this is an organization of thoughts I've been trying to figure out and finalize for months now. ]
The Search for Mira&Ephraim//part ii
The next section will pick up right after that and through to s2e11, the era of Kallus searching for Mira & Ephraim, becoming more and more desperate as time goes on.
He helps any rebel cells when he has the chance and smuggles imperial captives away. He works with Morad and Marida when he has the chances.
Over the course of this arc, he grows closer to Marida. She's still very reluctant. Morad has helped Kallus from completely neglecting himself. He tells Kallus how they have been able to find ways to make sure Ezra is getting food and proper clothing, but any time they even see him, Ezra disappears. Steadily avoiding them.
Kallus makes himself blend back into the empire. Figures out how to produce results by framing imperial supports who actively commit crimes themselves. This aids him in gaining ranks, the higher his rank, the more classified information he's given access to.
Though, he's moved up to ISB-051 and still can't find the Mira & Ephraim.
I'm thinking of having Kallus fake Tua's death. Passes her more information to give to the rebels in addition to what she has.
Fulcrum//part iii
This would be everything from after Mira&Ephraim's deaths up to the liberation of lothal.
And then the epilogue was originally just going to be maybe a couple additional lengthy chapters of afterwards.
But I thank @mystical-salamander for going back and forth with me so much in the comments of this post because Defectors will be getting an entire spinoff as an epilogue.
So there will be
-The Concept Dump of Defectors AU
-The Fic Itself
-The Epilogue Spinoff
-and then collection one-shots that aren't part of the main story or that explore possibilities that didn't make it to the 'canon' of the au.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 9 months
I swear I'm still writing away, but things have been a bit busier lately. However I do have this crumb of one of the smut prompts I've decided to place in the Mishap universe, enjoy!
Pairing: Shigadabi (Shigadabihawks mentioned)
Warnings: Discussions of CNC, Fear Play, and Primal Play, feminization, BDSM, Dom/Sub, light Pain Play, impiled Quirk Kink
His lover isn't hiding, in the living room, two hands in his webs, one drumming his fingers absently against the table, one tapping a pen, two more occupying themselves with the papers spread out in front of him. Pretty sure he's looking at the different patrol schedules that Hawks has gotten for them lately. Planning on doing some raids, on having Compress and Toga steal some other gear and things they can use while the heroes are distracted by them elsewhere. Doesn't give a shit about any of that as he comes right up to the table and puts his hand on the papers and presses them back against the surface, pulling his attention forcibly to him. 
"Can I help you, firefly?" Duster is more subtle about smug than Hawks is, but Dabi still knows what to look for. Sees the flicker of mirth in his eyes. 
"Why the fuck is everyone else out on a job except for me? Why the fuck didn't you tell me that everyone was leaving?" 
Duster abandons what he was working on, rises from his chair as he hooks a hand around his waist, one against the small of his back, another rubbing his thumb over the patch of Decay on his hip. Pulls him close and lets out a low chitter that has his skin going a little hotter for a reason other than his annoyance. "Been so cranky, kitten. Thought maybe you needed some time off." 
Really, really wants to keep being annoyed but Duster's got two fingers trailing up his thigh and his lips brushing over his cheek as he murmurs the words. Hasn't touched him like this all week. Barely done anything other than talk about work whenever they've been in a room together. "Duster," Hates that the promise in his voice is making the unpleasant anxiety turn into a more tolerable anticipation. "Didn't send everyone away just to make me calm down." But he's not sure even as he says it. 
"No, sent everyone away because I have a new way I want to rile you up, baby girl." 
No one home. Wouldn't normally let him call him that outside of his room. No one to overhear him now. Has a blush on his face and a whine in his throat immediately as Duster pins him against the edge of the table and nips at his throat. Tilts his head back to give him more room, shivering as he waits for the pain of his fangs sinking in, his acid burning over his skin. But Tomura doesn't give him either of them.
"Focus, precious." 
"Stop distracting me then." He snaps weakly, regrets it immediately when he gets a very short distinctive click out of his lover. 
"Already misbehaving, kitten?" 
"...I'm sorry, sir." 
"Better." But he does ease up, lightens the touches, leaves his throat alone. Feels like a punishment and they haven't even really started yet. "Do you want to be forced tonight, kitten?" 
His temperature goes a little hotter at the suggestion. "Yes, sir." 
Gets a satisfied little click out of his lover, hands still on him and moving over his body so slowly. "Would you let me hunt you, baby?" He nods but Duster holds onto him as he tries to pull away. Wants to start. Wants his lover's hands so much rougher on him. "Want to use my quirks. Want you to use yours. When I catch you," Dabi's shivering,  the heat in Tomura's voice is so black with his want, with the edge of violence. Never heard it like that before. Making his skin so hot, nearly distracting him with how much he wants it that he's not sure he wants to wait to play. "I want you so scared that I'll be able to taste it on your blood." 
"Tomura," nearly a whine, breath thin and voice so needy. His lover indulges him. Wraps a hand tight around the back of his neck, fingers tangled in his hair, and yanks. Sends pain dancing like starbursts across his nerves before he's claiming his mouth with his tongue and sharp teeth. Lets Dabi tangle his hands in his hair and keep him there until his breath has been stolen and his head is spinning a little. Already a little foggy when he pulls away. 
"You want that, baby girl?" 
"Yes, sir." 
"That's my good girl." Another little peck, so much lighter than the kiss before. Somehow feels more dangerous than that one though. "Going to give you a head start, precious." Dabi starts to pull out of his grip. Want to start so that he can have his lover pinning him down and using him. The hands tighten enough to bruise and he can't help the little moan that the ache pulls from his throat. "If I catch you early I'm going to have to punish you for being a desperate, easy whore." Fuck. 
"...yes, sir." 
Gets and amused click out of his lover. "Go on." 
Hard to walk away when his limbs are already jelly, but Dabi goes.
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dudee you write for Hide from TG 👀👀 can we get a fluff/angst for when he has to go to the raid ty 🙏🙏
Sorrows and Kisses {Hide}
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A/n: I haven't read the Tokyo Ghoul manga in like ages so if this took long know that I was just refreshing my memory 😅 anyways Hide deserves the world and also more people need to write about him (myself included) so if you have any requests, send them. Hope you like it 😘 also I made some changes here and there but it's okay because I can't fuck it up more than the anime did. Hopefully you wanted the Raid of Kanou's Lab and not the Third Cochlea Raid but if you didn't, I can gladly make it a two parter.
Pairing: Hideyoshi Nagachika x reader
Summary: Hide has been hiding things from you and when he actually comes to reveal them, you're not sure you can let him go
Trigger warnings: mentions of death
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Something was wrong with Hide. It wasn't obvious but you knew him well and you were pretty sure that he knew that too. He had gotten a new job at the CCG as a part-time staff assistant. What that meant you didn't know but all of a sudden the dates between the two of you were not as frequent, no more sleep overs and most definitely no hanging out at his place.
If you didn't know Hide, you would have thought he was cheating on you but there was simply no way this ball of sunshine would ever do something like that. So you did nothing other than making sure that he was eating and sleeping properly. Not spending time with him made you feel bad for sure but you assumed he was getting accustomed to this new life without Kaneki so you just wanted to give him time and space, confident that he would confide in you if he wasn't doing well.
With you being a history major and him studying Foreign Languaged Studies there had often been times when he would help you with a few classes here and there, mostly when it came to translation of a few passages. And tonight had been no different. You had asked him a week prior to arrange this small study date just to be sure that it would not overlap with his part-time job.
But here you were, watching the news, books scattered all over the place and Hide was still not there. Two hours. He was supposed to be there two hours ago. You had called him almost ten times and sent countless of texts yet he hadn't answered to any of them even though you could see he was active.
And then there was a knock on your door. Lowering the volume of the television, you stood up before heading to open. Hide pulled you in a tight hug before you could even say anything.
"Sorry I'm late." He walked inside with his usual smile even though this time you could see it was somewhat forced.
"What is this bag for?" You pointed at the black backpack he set on the floor before removing his shoes.
His first instinct was to raise his hand to his chin and that was when he gave himself away. You saw him looking behind your shoulder, at the television. "Ah it's all over the news..." He mumbled and took your hand.
It didn't take you long enough to understand what he meant, where he was going or what he had come to your place for. It took you mere seconds.
"No..." You stared at him, eyes starting to water. "Don't do this to me."
"Shhh..." He hugged you again, his left hand rubbing circles on your back as his right one held your head in place against his chest. "Nothing will happen. Marude told me that people in the position I will be in rarely die." He laughed. "And you know me... nothing bad is going to happen."
"You don't know that." By that time you were full on crying and Hide was trying his best to calm you down by placing soft kisses on the top of your head.
"But I do." He chuckled. He was glad that your face was buried in his chest and you couldn't see the tears rolling down on his cheeks. "I might be a little late but I'll come here after the whole thing is done. We haven't slept together in a long time."
"Do I even need to say it? Of course I promise. I will come back here and we'll spend the entire night together, or day it depends on when I will return." He giggled.
Hide returned two years later.
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titanicfreija · 2 months
Freija knew the tone of her Warlock roommate making a request. "Yeah?"
"Think you and Sunny can help me out? Rex has always been a bastard about it, but I think with you and Sunny, we can look into who I was."
Sunny flew off her shelf with a whirl of her shell. "That sounds fun! Do we have any leads?"
Thomas shook his head, and Sunny wheeled even wider. "Ooh! Then I think I have a starting point! Are you okay with flying into a Dark Zone for a little bit?"
"Do you think we can find it?" Freija asked. "We didn't exactly have a map."
"I think I can!" Sunny declared. "I did my best to keep the travel times and speeds calculated for most likely locations! So I think I can do it!"
"Yeah?" Thomas asked. "What do you need of me?"
"Nothing, yet," Sunny said quickly. "Except that you come with us, just in case."
Thomas checked Freija, who lifted her chin to nod and smiled at him. "You have no idea what you've just unleashed," she teased. "She loves being nosy."
They ventured into the Dark Zone, flying low and close to one another. It took them a few hours to find the airport terminal in the valley, but Freija recognized it from the air. The bird shape could still be picked out with the Lobby 'head' and the wings and tail fanning out and individual terminals coming off those.
They landed in the parking lot and ventured to the ruin, rifles under arms and Ghosts over shoulders. The vast space gave them a good view of the trees surrounding them and nothing else.
"You're not going to find any databases actually in the facility," Thomas pointed out. "If it was that easy, I would have done it. All the systems were connected to a single network, across every port from here to the South Pole. The network has been down centuries.
"Yes," Sunny agreed. "Unlike you, however, I can hack my way through and find something like coordinates of a database in the network logs."
Thomas paused midstep, then continued with an easier pace and relaxed shoulders. "Thank you for being the kind of people I could ask," he sighed. "I have no idea how to hug Sunny or I would."
"I grasp between hands," Freija offered, letting Sunny drift forth.
They looked at one another awkwardly and Sunny finally nudged his shoulder. He patted her back, and the Ghost returned to her Guardian's side. "The gratitude is enough," she promised. "And please help me get Freija back to the Light when she gets herself killed."
"Think we might get lucky with the power again?" Freija suggested hopefully.
"If that collapse didn't ruin the scraps we worked with, I'll grow teeth," Sunny sighed. "We got lucky last time, there was barely enough lingering, and that was a closed, private, local system with a solar power source that failed centuries ago."
"So I'm looking for batteries?" Freija asked.
"Or a generator," Sunny confirmed. "I can't decide if starting at the bottom and getting landed on is worse than falling in with the top floor."
"I'm staying outside because I'm not suicidal and I've already seen enough damage," Thomas said. "I'll search the ships out here for anything useful."
The Guardian worried about another collapse, but the lack of thundering space rhino reassured her for the structural integrity.
She made her way inside while Thomas ventured around the outside, examining ships and checking for threats. 
The empty spaceport looked much the same as last time, smelling like metal and dust, boot steps echoing in the cavernous lobby.
"There's all kinds of ships out here," Thomas said over comms. "Amanda would have loved this hangar."
"We said that, too. See if Rex can break down that wall of tools. I'm pretty sure backwards-engineered schematics would be good to have if they can't get anything else."
"We were trying to figure out why the Eliksni haven't raided the hell out of it. Is something wrong with it?"
"Not that we can detect," Sunny said. "We guessed between age and the port's structure, they would want to wait for a real collapse, rather than risk causing it. Patient when they want to be. Especially now that both Guardian and Cabal came by already and left."
"Your blood is still out here."
Freija had to remind herself that getting violent would bring a lot of arching ceiling on her head. "Good to know," she lied thickly. 
"Never seen so little Guardian blood at once. Normally it's all or nothing. Can't believe you survived."
Freija had to count breaths to stop herself from snapping. "Do you have to make fun of me? I know it was stupid."
"I'm genuinely impressed. More impressed that you navigated this pile of wreck down here, this is just concrete dust and rusted steel. Impressed with the Cabal or Shadow Legion or those ones that ran off with the Psions, maybe? Either way, they lived after having this shit fall on them, I'm similarly impressed with them as with you for surviving that ass-kicking."
"Is anything useful?"
"You keep bringing home these crazy stories, it just feels like you should be exaggerating at the least," he continued, ignoring her.
"Thank you, Thomas, I'm sure Sunny appreciates the validation but you're pissing me off and if you think I won't haul you over my fucking shoulder to carry you back to the Light--"
"Generator!" Sunny interrupted with an indicator on Freija's visual feed. 
A pile of framed motors stood stacked in a single room, wires connected in batches and wrapped together leading into the ceiling. It took no effort at all to disconnect them. Carrying it, however, proved to be trouble. While it wasn't exactly heavy, it was unwieldy for its size. Regardless, Freija hauled it to her back and lumbered to the central info desk.
The Database
Something Else
Campfire Stories
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godsgamefreak · 11 months
I'm ready to yell about FFXIV again I'm so excited for the new expansion and I mean look at this god damn title art it's so pretty.
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The trailer had so many amazing colours and vibes like the oceans and waters were beautiful and had these dense gorgeous jungles ahhhh
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And this plot setup is like??? Yes! I'm ready to go on a fun adventure again just for the hell of it, let's go discover shit and have some FRIENDLY RIVALRY with our 10 year old friends. I'm ready to KICK THEIR SHIT IN after helping each other so much. But like. In a friendly way.
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ALSO WORLD MAP UPDATE. THERE IT IS IN THE LOWER CORNER. I get unreasonably excited whenever the map is like I'M REMOVING SOME CLOUDS COME GET NEW ADVENTURES. Cuz I'm always 1000% down to go check it out let's fucking go.
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AND THE NEW HUB CITY? LOOKS SO NICE??? I mean this is just art but STILL the art is gorgeous let me taste it I will put it in my mouth.
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Om nom nom mountains pretty taste good.
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The graphics update is also delicious look at this vibe, you might not see it like I do but there is some GOOD SHIT in this shot that's new to XIV and I'm so ready to see it all.
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Seriously LOOK at this shit it's LITERALLY GLOWING. It used to look so PALLID AND DEPRESSING at least now that you compare it to the SHINING GOLD they put in. It's so much brighter and wonderful AHHHHH.
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Okay it's not a pretty picture but the updates also mean DOUBLE DYES??? HELLO? I CAN USE ORANGE AND BLUE OR BLUE AND WHITE OR ORANGE AND WHITE OR ORANGE AND BLACK OR-OR-OR YAAAAAAAAAAAAAS glamour end game just got a whole new level of serious I'm ready.
And this isn't even talking about the new content they're adding, all the same good stuff like dungeons and raids and more of those Variant dungeons I haven't done yet but need to cuz there's gonna be MORE but they DID tease the new jobs, which is a Melee and Caster DPS, and while I'm not usually one for DPS jobs, especially casters, one of them MIGHT BE A PIRATE??
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Our precious Meteor is 100% in his Edward Kenway/Will Turner era regardless and I am NOT complaining.
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Also Urianger is still being as slutty as possible since Shadowbringers, happy for him.
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WHAT THE FUCK I bet you're wondering going from that hot elf man to THIS. And honestly yeah I'm kinda the same but I mean it looks like fun? They really just decided to back pocket slap us with something entirely unexpected just cuz.
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BUT THE XIV SIDE LOOKS LIKE IT'LL BE SOME STUPID FUN??? I can't wait to have my Warrior of Light go running around in a pastel nightmare with 23 other Warriors of Light just trying to do our best I bet it'll be a blast.
And right at the end, the most unexpected, never thought it would happen... they announced an Xbox version of the game. 10 years people ask "is it coming to Xbox?" and it's always a flat no, it's too hard, it's too much, it'll never happen.
It's not on Game Pass, which would've been truly wild anyway, but my god I can't believe it happened, what an absolute W. So yeah I'm excited for more FFXIV and I hope my excitement rubs off on you :)
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buckysmith · 1 year
You always meet twice in life
Recom Miles Quaritch × fem. Human. reader (Story not one shot)
„You always meet twice in life" but how could you meet someone who was already dead?
Well, let's see...
Part 1 here
Part 2: Who would I be without you
So the humans are back, stronger than before, and all we can do is raid their supply routes, destroy their machines and kill them. Your gaze is fixed on the images of the already destroyed machines, while you only half-heartedly listen to Jake and the others. The humans had learned from their mistakes and even if they suffered setbacks again and again through the targeted and well thought attacks, you were aware that at some point the tide would turn. The tide would turn for you, not in the positive way of course.
"We can destroy their roads, tracks, steal their weapons and goods. Kill the men and women who bring the goods from one place to another, but new ships come almost every month bringing more soldiers, more weapons, more destruction. It's an endless loop of violence and death, on both sides. " Your gaze lifts to look Jake, who, like everyone else present, has now turned his gaze to you. "And what do you think we should do about it? Sit around and do nothing? Wait for them to overrun us all?" His voice is annoyed, while he looks at you just as disappointed as one of his children when they don't follow his orders. "I don't know what to do, I just know that at a certain point the tide will turn for us and we will become the hunted and they the hunters." You cross your arms as Jake groans more annoyed than before before you speak up again. "Eywa protects us, her immune defenses against humans is as good as it were fifteen years ago, however the humans will find a way around this, a way to not allert her immune system if they not haven't already. They also know where we are, not exactly where, but they know we are somewhere in the Hallelujah Mountains." You let out a sigh as you run your fingers through your hair and let your gaze slide over the map. "They've built more in a year than they have in the past thirty and this time we have no one to give Intel." "Damn it, tell us what we don't know yet y/n! " Jake interrupts you, turning away from you to face Norman. "You'd better go if you can't bring anything useful to the table kid." You see him glance at you in the corner of his eye and heaves a sigh, only to nod and head for the door. "We all have a target on our backs, you in particular Jake, so you should all be thinking about what we need to do should people find us. I can only say it again, the children should not leave the village again, at least not without an adult." With that you leave the meeting room and head home to your barracks.
Your gaze is directed at your book while the food is quietly cooking in the background and your attention keeps wavering back and forth between the two things. After a while, however, your gaze turns to the clock, the eclipse has already taken place and it has become quite quiet in the village, and yet there is still no trace of your son. With a sigh you stand up, put the book aside and turn off the stove, take the food off it and put a lid on the pot. It's not the first time that spider doesn't show up on time, but in a time that is so dangerous, his late appearance leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. But no matter how many times you asked him to come home on time, he was always late and the excuses were always the same. You shake your head slightly at his behavior while running your fingers through your hair and closing your eyes for a moment. He was already sixteen, but he still acted like a little boy, especially when he was with Lo'ak. You shake your head again at the thought of what your son and Jake's might have done again while no adult was paying attention to the two idiots. Your attention turns to the door as you hear it open and look into the face of Spider, who looks at you as if you were a ghost.
"Where have we been for so long young man?" You raise an eyebrow as you put your hands on your hips and watch him try to come up with an excuse. "I probably don't even want to know." You grumble, waving it off and crossing your arms in front of your chest while not breaking eye contact with Spider. "I understand that you like to spend time with your friends but I don't know how many times I have to tell you to be home before the eclipse. I'm not doing this to annoy you but because I'm worried about you, please try to be home earlier next time." You see him avoid your gaze and sigh slightly. If only he would finally understand that it's for his and the other kids' safety, maybe he would manage to get home on time. You hear a soft sorry before he wants to disappear into his room, but you stop him with your voice. " You look hungry Spider, you should eat something and if you want you can tell me about your day, what do you think?" His eyes turn to you as his eyes start to sparkle. "Go ahead and sit down, I'll give you something in a minute" You turn away from him, stand up and take a bowl, fill it with the stew, put it on the table along with a spoon and sit yourself down next to him. "Thanks mom, thanks for the food and for putting it out for me. " He smiles gently at you before he starts to eat, or rather starts to almost gulp down the food and tell you about his day.
"Mom, can I ask you something, but you promise not to be mad at me?". In your head you run through all the scenarios of what he might have done once again, but it's only early morning so it couldn't be much. "Of course, just ask."
"Am I like my father?" His voice is almost a whisper and yet you understand him. You know what he's trying to say, which is why you gently place your hand on his and he looks at you because of it. "You are not your father Spider, you are you and he is him." You smile softly at him before standing up and sitting down next to him to give him a hug. "You're not to blame for what he did and you're not like him, you love the Na'vi and you do it even though you get so much rejection." You sigh as he averts his gaze, squirming out of your arms and looking to one of the pictures where he was just a little kid. "You don't feel like you belong with the humans, nor are you considered by the humans or Na'vi to be one of their own. Yet you are so incredibly kind, helping where you can and showing everyone, human and Na'vi alike, that you are not to be underestimated. Your will is strong and you are loyal to the principles you swore allegiance to, that may be the only thing that unites you and your father." His gaze settles on you again and you can't help but gently place your hand against his cheek to stroke over one of his blue stripes. "You do share that trait with your father but you are not him Spider. This trait is something so incredibly valuable when used properly and YOU use it properly. So don't be ashamed of it, wear it with pride because I don't know anyone who is like you, no one is as loyal and fights for the right cause as you do and that's despite everyone putting obstacles in your way. Remember that you are not to blame for what your father did, because you did not choose to be his son. But I am incredibly grateful to him for that, because without him I wouldn't have such a great son today, and who would I be without you. " He closes his eyes for a moment, puts his hand on yours and then opens his eyes again before hugging you. "Thanks mom...""That's what I'm here for honey." You hear a knock on the window of your bungalow, look out and see the grimace of lo'ak, who must be mimicking spider, and roll your eyes as spider breaks away from you, gives you a kiss on the cheek and runs to the door. "Have fun, don't do anything stupid and please, be home before the eclipse.... Oh and Spider, please don't leave the village." You look at your son who just rolls his eyes and gives an annoyed "yeah mom" before walking out to his friends and leaving you behind.
Quaritch is in the next part, I promise :))
Tag list: @perseny @kacchasu
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theloganator101 · 9 months
Hi, I love your blog and I TOTALLY agree with you. I think bnha works well in theory but the author just can’t make anything complex, it’s always so one-sided and boring. Izuku as a mc has potential, but he’s shafted halfway through for the villains and sits around doing nothing, besides giving Naruto speeches from time to time. He doesn’t do anything, it isn’t even him fighting Shigaraki, now All Might is doing it for him. Why is the supposed main character so useless to his overall story? Like, yes, they’re kids, but they’re heroes, why is he not more involved? First arcs author remembered he existed, but recently he’s just been thrown aside. Izuku really should have been a side character, the author seems to barely remember he exists most of the time, he lets him get his bones broken, but nothing else happens. Now, my biggest conflict with the series is that no one dies. This is a WAR they are fighting, yet no big, major characters besides a few teachers die. Even Bakugou is going to get to come back. Why haven’t the Todorokis died? Plot armor. Why haven’t the main characters’ classmates died, to bring a sense of urgency or terribleness about war to the story? Plot armor. The author is too afraid to do anything too “real”, so he avoids any characters who are mains dying, they get injured and miraculously heal. If Hawks, Uraraka, any of them actually died, it would bring more tragedy and more conflict to the story, like Izuku would have to struggle with losing friends, and feeling powerless. Naruto and One Piece do this in their narrative, people die throughout it regardless of what the protagonist does. The author doesn’t believe in letting characters naturally die, so he creates implausible contrivances so they survive for no reason. Letting Endeavor or Dabi die would have been a great way to show the tragedy of the character and their fate from anger and hatred, except…bam, he’s magically alive but not dead. Lolwut. HK is incapable of even killing off any character or letting anything realistic happen to them, that’s why no one suffers realistic consequences, or actions. It’s a war that affects no one but civilians. All the major heroes are still alive because plot. Izuku is unrealistic because he’s not only never given a chance to grow and fight, he’s never even allowed to suffer death and loss. If All Might dies, at least it will help him grow, but this is a little too late for that. Izuku has been held back this whole entire time, and the rest of his classmates as well…because plot armor is used to ridiculous extremes in this series. Fucking hell. It’s that way for other characters, too, like Togata. He magically has his quirk back because we say so. What.
Nice to meet a fan!
And you DO bring up a good point. Other than the big fights he partook in (The Yakuza Raid, saving Kota from Muscular, and Stain) What has he truly done in the plot? Because even if he wins, there's always some drawback to it that he might as well lost.
And other than seeing him again after how many chapters have been put out, what presence or impact does he bring other than being the main character to move the plot along?
Izuku has the building blocks for the main character, but he doesn't do anything significant nor is he allowed to have a victory that sticks. So it all undermines his actions and what he contributes to the plot, making him a set piece for other characters to get where they need to go in their arcs at the cost of his in the process.
Now for the second part of your ask. The War arc is where things started to go downhill, and I will die standing on that hill. But as you said before, people die in wars. So why haven't there been any major deaths to really raise the stakes and get through how serious things gotten.
Sure there WAS some pro heroes who met their deaths, but they were off screen and only mentioned through dialogue. The only major loss we had during that was Midnight, but that was ruined by the fact that we barely got to spend any time with her to really get to know her character.
And considering the narrative wants to convince us that she was a good person and establish a connection between her and Mina, when have we seen the two talk or hang out to prove it? Where are the scenes of Midnight being a good teacher and not making lewd comments about them?
Show me Horikoshi! FUCKING SHOW ME!!
He WANTS the illusion of raising the stakes but doesn't want to get rid of anyone cause he feels they might be useful later on, but we hardly got to see any of that being utilized because he's so busy on making Bakugou, Aizawa, and Endeavor look good that the other characters get shelved in the process.
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
My guy, my dude, my man
What do you think would've happened if Roach actually fell in love with Makarov like actually betray the 141, I've been thinking about it and the absolute *angst* it would cause.
Sorry if the grammars bad, English isn't my first language
Okay, initially I was gonna answer this as a drabble, but then I realized you were asking specifically about the fall out of that and not for a genuine Makarov x Roach drabble 😭 and writing something about the fall out would definitely be way longer than a drabble lol, so we'll do this instead:
So I'm assuming we're talking like he goes to Makarov with the same plan in mind (Price isn't actually dead and all that) and ends up falling for Makarov and switching sides while he's there.
First off, I think he wouldn't tell Makarov about his feelings or the tracker. I think, at first, he would still be wrestling with himself on his feelings and if he actually wanted to betray the 141. Because, no matter his feelings for Makarov, I still couldn't see him wanting to hurt the members of the team?
So I think the raid starts, he kills Petrov and is rushing to the airfield. He forgoes communication with the 141 so they have no idea where he is outside of the tracker. He gets to the airfield, see's the chopper get shot down, Makarov approaches him the same.
Roach tells him what he did, Makarov responds the same way he does in the fic. But this time, when Makarov tells Roach, "Take the knife from your belt and cut the tracker from your wrist," Roach does it without hesitation.
Obviously Makarov is a little surprised because he definitely expected a fight out of Roach, but he's not one to look at his sudden compliance too harshly, so he orders Roach to come with him to a vehicle near by and they leave and go to an underground safe house to wait out the raid.
As for the team. The raid comes to a close, they're all exhausted but they haven't found Roach yet. They follow Laswell's directions with the tracker to the airfield and realize that Roach isn't there. I imagine they would assume that Makarov found out about the tracker, cut it from Roach, and essentially kidnapped him again. So now their new goal is to find Makarov and "rescue" Roach.
Meanwhile, once Roach and Makarov move to a more permanent new base, Roach gets his punishment (similar torture to before probably) and somewhere along the line of healing and being helped around by Makarov, he kinda just lets his feelings slip and kisses the guy (it helps that he can see how bad Makarov wants him).
I think I've mentioned on a previous post, but once Roach has fully given in to Makarov, the guys obsession and love grows like extremely rapidly and turns into a very "I need to protect him. No one else needs to see him. He's mine and mine alone." Type of thing. So I imagine he slowly starts letting Roach out less and less until eventually Roach is just confined to either his room (when people are visiting) or the house (when no one else is there).
So what you would probably get, is the 141 who are searching for Roach and can't find him, and they would inevitably have a run in with Makarov who takes the opportunity to taunt them:
"Looking for your Insect friend? I could tell you where he is, but you might not like it."
"What have you done with Roach!"
"Nothing that he didn't let me. He makes such a happy little bed warmer, I must thank you for delivering him to me, Captain Price."
Of course, the team naturally assume that he's forcing Roach and double their efforts to find Roach and Kill Makarov.
Meanwhile, Makarov and Roach are just kinda...happily doing their thing? Like Roach doesn't ask about the 141 or what Makarov is doing outside of the house he's been confined to, because he knows he probably won't like it. And Makarov doesn't tell him any of that, because he knows that Roach won't like it.
I imagine Makarov doesn't tell any of the ultranationalists that Roach is the reason the raid happened. If he did, no doubt a lot of people would be demanding Roach's head. So Roach really just chills in a house/room under 24 hour surveillance.
Obviously it isn't a healthy relationship and there is very clearly some stolkholme syndrome going on, but no one is going to say shit to Makarov or Roach about it.
I think it would take a long time for the team to actually catch up with Makarov/corner him. Like a few years at least. So like maybe three years later they finally kill Makarov and are able to pinpoint where Roach is being held.
Assuming that, at this point, Makarov no longer had the poison trackers on them because he could trust Roach. The team would get there and Roach would be freaking the fuck out and one of them would try to calm him with a:
"Its okay Roach, Makarov is dead, he isn't going to hurt you!"
And Roach just fully like loses it and either collapses from stress or has to be knocked out. The team, rightfully so, assume that Roach is dealing with some major stolkholme syndrome.
Roach would probably get discharged from the military and placed in a care facility to help with the healing process and ensure that he doesn't hurt himself/others. The team still come to visit him.
And, because I'm a sucker and this fic will and would always be angst with a happy ending 😠, he eventually starts coming back to himself and recognizing how fucked up what he was put through was.
He's seeing more of Soap and Ghost and he's being reminded of their love and their relationship from before everything happened. He's falling back in with the 141 as his family. He really just starts making good progress and everything.
Eventually he gets released from the facility once they think he's stable enough. He's still going to therapy and still struggling, but he's able to really start living again. Which includes himself, Soap, and Ghost giving things another shot.
And yeah, he just kinda becomes like Jackson where he's dating guys in the military, visiting base a lot, and has a lot of friends there. He's the 141's little guy and they just protect him even around still doing missions and he, Soap, and Ghost get to live happily ever after.
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dreamcatcher-roulette · 3 months
Anonymous asked:
Really awesome post! 🙇‍♀️ Some of what you shared is beyond my understanding 😅 but that also makes it educational (thank you for the links to sources, that HEVC haunted link!) Also the bit about upscaling decisions 🥲 I don't think we can make assumptions about how long things last on the "internet" (harder to find 🥲, removed/made private, etc.), so I definitely appreciate your effort to archive/back up stuff 🫰🙇‍♀️
This is a fake ask because I wanted to remove the links at the bottom (I appreciate them, just nervous about re-sharing) but did want to respond to the rest of it. Specifically, if you are even moderately interested in my nerd tangents, I cannot pass up the opportunity to gush about how cool RAID is as a concept.
You’re right that everything on the internet either lasts forever or just not long enough for you to save it, depending on what is most inconvenient at the time. It is both an access and a preservation problem. The YouTubes of the world aren’t likely to lose data accidentally (just deliberately stop you from seeing it) but as soon as you start trying to make personal backups you have to factor hardware failure into the equation. Disks fail. Backblaze publish some cool statistics on exactly how often. Keeping a backup of anything critical on a single hard drive is playing with fire, it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when if you have plans to keep it for more than a decade (although they do show warning signs, so if you're regularly monitoring S.M.A.R.T test results its less likely to happen completely out of the blue).
My backups are currently stored in a RAID 5 configuration (specifically, a ZFS RAIDZ1 pool). That means I can yank any of the four disks out at random and everything will continue operating completely normally. In the event of a drive failure, inserting a new empty drive of equal or greater capacity will allow the system to rebuild the content the old one was holding onto the new one, resulting, upon completion, of a configuration that once again allows any disk at random to be pulled without data loss. The main vulnerability here is that two failures in quick succession are completely unrecoverable (the contents of 2/4 drives are utter gibberish and cannot be deciphered without at least one more from the original pool). My drives are purchased from different batches but from the same manufacturer, so there is still potential for common cause failures (one of the risk factors also just being that they are of similar ages). When I originally built this system I was happy with the level of risk involved with a rebuild event, but recently I've been thinking recently of moving it over to a RAIDZ2 (two disks of redundancy) instead. It isn't possible to "upgrade" an existing pool like that you have to do a complete rebuild, but my friend has an external backup server on my local network (well, its not, it's currently in a separate VLAN, but that can be changed) I can use to temporarily shift my stuff over to before moving it back. The new pool would be 6 wide with 2 disks of redundancy as there's no point in RAIDZ2 with 4 disks (that's just a mirrored pool) so I would also gain a disk's worth of capacity in the progress, but lose two disks worth of money from my bank account, which is why I haven't done it yet.
Oh also, as a final note, computers are not as infallible as they are made out to be. While the chance is very low, it is never zero that a cosmic ray causes a bit flip somewhere critical and unrecoverable to the program which needed it. Ever had a completely random crash that you've never been able to reproduce? Well, it probably wasn't a cosmic ray. But it could have been! This is the kind of stuff I think about for a living ;)
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mrslittletall · 5 months
Now that I played FF14 for almost a year, let's see what I like better in it and what I liked better in WoW: Things I miss from WoW: The open worldness of the areas. You could just mount and fly from one area to the other without having to go through loading zones and you could even see things in the distance if your graphic card was good enough. Also, I will forever remember the massive flight from Stranglehold to the Eastern Plaguelands. In FF14 every zone is more of a self contained level. I miss the open worldness of WoW in it. Second thing that I miss are the little things and easter eggs you could find EVERYWHERe in WoW. FF14 is a bit missing of them. At least I haven't found too much outside of story or optional quests. In WoW I found an underwater bar that had no purpose but just to be... there. FF14 needs stuff like that too. Just stuff for you to discover to be "Woah". Underwater combat as well as just being able to dive anywhere. It is clear as day that FF14 only started underwater content in Stormblood and that means underwater there is lacking. I think there is a little underwater combat, but very often you are forded in caves and on land to do your underwater quests and you can only go underwater at designated places. Alright, now the things I like better in FF14. The story. Hands down, that is the best part of FF14. It is really good, even the stories of the less good content like ARR or Stormblood are still fantastic. Endwalker is sadly a bit rushed, but I still had so many feelings during it. MUSIC! Sorry WoW, FF14 just blows you out of the park there. Every zone has a day and a night theme (starting in Heavensward), there is music for the different mounts, EVERY dungeon has its unique theme and they even remix the hard modes, there are battle themes for the dungeons and different one for mid-boss and final boss, every trial has its unique theme, the raids have their own themes, the raid bosses have their own themes, there are dozens of music pieces for the cutscenes which also CHANGE in the different add-ons. The OST is one of the best OSTs I've ever heard in a Final Fantasy and those OSTs are already very high quality. The trials. It is just genius to put dedicated story boss battles into a group activity without having to do a dungeon beforehand. And those are good boss battles! The trials are so much fun! I like them so much that I even sometimes queue up for random trials even though I already got the payment for the day. The hard mode versions of the dungeons. They are completely remixed! That is amazing! Sadly, they kinda vanished after Stormblood, apparently being replaced with something else that I haven't tried yet, but I am very satisfied with the ones we got. How you unlock flying. You play through the story of a zone, do some optional quests, find some aether currents and once the story is done, flying is unlocked. There is no reason to gatekeep flying like WoW does and I am happy for it. The community has been a lot nicer than in WoW, though I have to admit, WoW was pretty nice during the parts where a lot of players first left. Of course I met some bad apples, but most of the time, if there is a wipe, we just try again. When I once failed a boss mechanic badly, the other DPS took the lead to show me where to stand and what to do. That is really nice ^^ I sadly heard the fandom is a toxic cesspool which is a shame. Where are the people who are not frothing at their mouth when I don't agree with their headcanons or like to see darkfic of Zenos/WoL? If you exist, I want to be part of it! That is all I can think of so far. I had my fun with WoW, I played it 15 years after all, but it is over. Sorry WoW, but... when there is one thing that can commit me to a game, it is a good OST and FF14 delivers.
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blackjackkent · 5 months
Aight, I've only got a couple hours before GW2 raids tonight but I THINK that I am pretty much done with exploring the Rivington area, at least for now. Which is good, because the last chunk was just a lot of wandering around that didn't give me a lot to hang character stuff/drabbles off of (although I tried).
Looking at my quest journal, everything still on hand seems like it needs to be followed up on inside the city proper. So onwards we go! (Although for some reason, the "Steal a Githyanki Egg" quest from the creche didn't get closed with all the other Act 1 stuff. :P Odd.)
A few last exploration things crop up as we start heading towards the gate to the city, starting with this:
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This pinged a perception check from someone (Karlach, I think), so I guess we're supposed to climb down. This leads us to what would be a rather pretty little area if it weren't for the dead refugee.
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I wandered around here but there didn't seem to be anything to find except more dead refugees, most of whom were carrying pot lids for no immediately obvious reason. There was also a stone door at the far end but I couldn't figure out how to open it.
Back above ground, we overhear a town crier shouting about Duke Stelmane being killed. The Emperor chimed in, hearing about the death of his old business partner: "Stelmane is dead? This does not bode well."
"With Stelmane murdered," Jaheira comments, "the Council has an open seat. How timely."
We actually heard about this earlier but I guess the Emperor wasn't paying attention at the time.
Everyone is shouting in this area - mostly Baldurians arguing with refugees and being real dicks about it. There's also a poster up for Gortash:
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Uh oh.
"Gortash is being named Archduke?" Hector says, sounding very worried. "Time to pay Wyrm's Rock a visit."
Before that, though, a quick peek inside the last building in Rivington that we haven't explored, "Sword Coast Couriers".
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"Welcome to Sword Coast Couriers - to Send and to Serve," the man at the desk says brightly. "Delivery not guaranteed."
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"Wait, delivery not guaranteed?" Hector asks, befuddled yet again by the strangeness of city life.
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"Well, we've had to change the policy. Hard to send letters by road when there's a rampaging army of fanatics bearing down on you. I'll tell you - it's left me in a right pickle. I've sent what I can by pigeon, but now something's attacking them and all! 'Become a postmaster, Danzo. It'll be easy.' Nobody mentions having to spend your evenings hunting for pigeon carcasses, do they?"
Aha. This explains those letters we picked up from the tressym's nest on the roof of the monastery. Hector puts a hand on them in his pack, but squints at the postmaster uncertainly. The content of those letters was not entirely savory - one was harmless enough, but one was about starting a war, and one was about the Zhentarim black market.
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"I'd be happy to take a look," he finally says slowly.
The postmaster looks pleased. "Well, er... if it's not too much trouble, I'd be much obliged. Any letters you find, bring them back to me - unopened, of course - and there's some gold in it for you."
Well, the ship has definitely already sailed on the "unopened" part. Hector sighs. No point in trying to be subtle about it - not that he's any good at hiding things anyway. "I found the letter intended for the Zhentarim," he says pointedly. "It made for very interesting reading."
The dwarf pales. "You-- you read it?" Then he swells with indignation.
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"Technically that's interfering with someone else's property! I should report you to the nearest manip!"
Hector just looks at him steadily. It only takes a moment for him to back down. The contents of the letter are far more illegal than Hector's behavior, and he knows it. "Tell you what," he goes on, more ingratiatingly. "Give it here, and we'll say no more about it. I'll give you a nice little bonus as well. A finder's fee. What do you say?"
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Hector shrugs, withdrawing his hand from his pack - without the letter. His earlier conversation with Karlach - about not letting himself get swept up in the criminal machinations of the city, not compromising his morals - is still fresh in his head, and while reporting this man is not high on his to-do list, he's not going to facilitate whatever business he's trying to pull off under the table.
"No, thanks," he says, deliberately mild. "I'm keeping the letter."
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"You bloody arse-rat!" For a moment, Hector thinks the shorter man might take a swing at him - but the postmaster looks him up and down, then looks at Karlach and the others, and seems to think better of it. "Fine," he spits. "Keep it. Much good it'll do you. Go on - get out of my post house. We're closed."
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goldenteaset · 10 months
You know, on the matter of Granblue's Dearest Friend event, since you wrote about it
I did like it a lot, but I think I liked the concept much more than the execution. It felt a bit dragged out at times and the ending by contrast felt extremely rushed and was overall a bit confusing.
But I'll be the first person to admit that I lost my mind when they told us "Yeah, it's gonna be a high school event and Belial and Lucilius will be there"
Just. Unforgettable. Iconic. Incredible.
Also it was fun to look into the meanings of their name and go full insane conspiracy theorist, I remember going a bit off the deep end back then
I'll also freely admit that I'm a bit deranged and deep in withdrawal, so whatever crumb of Belial they're willing to throw me, I'll eat it up, but he was undoubtedly the high point of the event
He and Lucilius, who fits surprisingly well into a high school setting, his entire "I'm gonna kill God because life sucks" mentality is peak 14 year old
But the one moment that elevated the event for me, is etched forever into the inside of my skull and permanently altered my brain chemistry is the Oribe raid battle where he pulled out his belt to beat you with
It was so unexpected and yet so fitting and perfect and to this day I think about Belial proper using the many, many belts he wears with every outfit for things other than keeping his pants just barely on his hips
Not necessarily just for hitting people, but also tying them up, I could even see him using them as a makeshift leash to drag his hapless victims around with. The sky is truly the limit
I'm sorry for bringing that into your inbox, but I felt the need to confess my sins
Anyway, big fan of your work <3
It's more than okay, nightmarenoise!! I'm really hyped, in fact. :D
From the top: I fully admit I'm that weirdo who loves when a story ambles along, but that aside I agree with you about the ending! The writers didn't need to use Lyria and Vyrn as apologetic mouthpieces "not going to Auguste this year". The ending would've worked a lot better if they hadn't done that, I think.
...Though speaking of that ending, if it turns out that Dearest Friend was written out of chronological order with "something else" (read: whatever's planned for Belial), I'd believe it.
The names! God I wanted Oribe to be a "shining prince" ("Akihiko") so badly, but it works on an ironic level. Maybe he's like that with his girls?
At this point I'm also in withdrawal but cooking frantically, so I understand. ^^; The crumbs are quite enjoyable but am excited for something more filling. (And it'll happen! They gave us Adam and Caro almost back to back...)
"I'm gonna kill God because life sucks" mentality is peak 14 year old I've been clapping like a seal at this for the past few minutes, thank you for the joy~
THE BELT. It was truly a life-changing moment! I always wondered why, besides accessories, he had so many, and then suddenly we knew! He could even try to pick a belt that matched the lover's taste... *v*
The entirety of that "All three of us, together~" combo still turns me into a squeeing mess (and the times he's been around Lyria after that haven't helped), but The Belt absolutely did leave a strong impression! "You need a spanking and I'm the man to do it", and then lo, he did...
Thank you again! Both for the ask and being a fan~ :D
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shadowonwater · 1 year
Pokemon Scarlet Playthrough part 14: capturing ancient cursed objects, taking a long time debating team composition, steamrolling the league but taking surprise psychic damage from someone unexpected, and battling an amazing rival [victory road complete]
Playthrough Masterlist
So I ended up deciding to capture the Pokemon from the fairytale Raifort told me about. I already found a lot of the stakes but I didn't want to go wondering aimlessly around so I looked up where to find the stakes for the shrines.
So far I've fought and captured 3 out of the 4 of them. I'm saving the 4th for tomorrow because I should go to bed, it's late. I'm going to keep them in my pc, so no I'm not adding them to me team, unless I change my mind, but I probably won't. If I did though I'd probably replace my Kilowattrel. I've have him long enough though to get attached. (Nevermind all that, I am going to replace him)
First I went after the gate that only had one more stake left to find (the green one). But it was a bitch to find because the website I was just wasn't real clear about it's location, so now I have two guides opened up at the same time incase one is unclear. So basically I thought I was at the point the guide was showing but I wasn't it, was a very similar looking area nearby where I actually was supposed to be.
Next I went to the purple gate, I didn't have as much trouble finding the stakes this time. With both the Vessel and the Tablets I had a pretty easy time catching them, it only took the 2nd try for both of them. So that's how I got a weird mouse and a weird slug.
The blue gate happened after that. Again I had a not too bad time finding the rest of the blue stakes. But I had a lot of difficulty capturing the weird fish, aka, the Beads. It just wouldn't get.in.the.ball. But now I have it. Next and last gate after I get some shut eye.
The last one, the ice ferret was also a bitch to catch. I had a hard still whittling down it's health without getting it to faint and starting over. In the end Rocky Helmet was very useful. If do replace someone on my team I'm either adding this ice ferret or the ice/dragon. But the ice/dragon is further behind on levels. On the other hand ice ferret is 4x weak to fighting.
Raifort story line is now complete, she gave me Nasty Plot, not really all that useful to me but whatever. Maybe I'll do some more Tera raids so I can get more exp candy and stuff.
Man, I don't know. I really do need some more ways to cover fighting a Dragon type. I have no dragon moves, I have no ice moves, and I have two Pokemon who know a single Fairy move but neither of them are fairies. I have two Pokemon on my team that I don't really need, and one of them is a bit of a glass cannon.
I've considered putting Tinkerton back on my team but the other two Pokemon I'm looking at have just really good stats. Like one's a legendary and the other is pseudo legendary. I think I'm going to try to get ice/dragon's level up more then compare stats again. So I'm doing a lot of Tera raids to get candies as well as feathers to boost stats. One thing the ice weasel has going for it is that it's kind of cute looking, and also the attack Ruination is very powerful, it also has a great ability. I'm just really concerned about its typing.
Finally came to a decision, I've moved Watt the Kilowattrel off my team and instead put on Chien-Pao the ice-ferret-sword on my team. While I think that the ice/dragon was better logistically. I just wanted to have the ice ferret more.
So I was doing a bunch of Tera raids, including 4 star raids. Something really annoying that's happened in at least 3 of my 4 star raids is that the Pokemon used confuse ray. It sucks because my Pokemon keep hitting themselves instead of doing moves. And then the opposing Pokemon does the shield thing and I can't Tera yet because I haven't done enough moves. A couple of these raids almost ended in failure because of this sort of thing, but also because in those two my Pokemon fainted and the timer went down a bunch.
During these raids I've also caught a few Pokemon. Like hey, why evolve my Pokemon when I catch the evolution for free? Don't have to go through the trouble of leveling them up.
So talking about these ruinous legends...
The weird snail one had it's start as a writer writing about how terrible their king is. The writer was punished for trying to spread knowledge of the king's dastardliness. The writer's feelings of hatred towards the king seem to have caused the Tablets they wrote to come to life and combine with leaves to become a Pokemon.
My ice ferret doesn't have a given backstory. Somehow a broken sword combined with ice and snow to become a Pokemon. I imagine it also involves hatred or a curse of some sort that made it come to life, it's kind of a mystery.
The weird mouse also has a bit of backstory given. It looks like it was some sort of bowl for a ritual, Raifort says she thought the bowl resembled a Pokemon perhaps a deity, I'm not sure what it resembles though. But people "poured fear" into the bowl. I suppose they were scared of something this ritual was supposed to avoid whatever that something was? It seems that all that negative emotion caused the bowl to come to life as a dark type Pokemon.
I think it's interesting that the fish one is a fire type. I mean it swims through lava instead of water but it's still funny. Makes me think of Sandile because it swims through sand instead of water, too, I know there are some other Pokemon like that. This fire fish is also mysterious, no backstory. According to Raifort those beads are usually used for blessing something not cursing, so how did they come to life as a dark type? Who knows.
After eating dinner I'm heading to the Pokemon league. I'm eating chicken and waffles.
Okay I've beat Greeta but I haven't battled Nemona yet, I'll that after getting my current thoughts out, I guess I'll try to go in order.
So first I went to where the league area was via climbing up the cliff with Kori I then realized that the was a gate I could take there. I completely forgot about the gate but I did notice it when I was first exploring Mesagoza. I then spent a bit of time catching a bunch of Tandommouse because I'm trying to get the single child version of the evo. Looking at thechances right now... I'm probably going to want to catch even more...
Anyway I went into the building and Rika interviewed me. I forgot there was an interview, I was a bit nervous, but I wonder if the game will even let you lose the interview. I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't. Well she asked me about what gym I had the hardest time at and I was like uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh..... [dial up noises]. But from what I can remember it was the Psychic gym, but what she was asking for was the town, and I'm not great at remembering the town names, but I did remember this one. Then Rika asked me the name of the gym leader [dial up noise intensifies] It was honestly a bit of a guess between two names but I got the right one. Then she asked me the type and I'm like "Why are you grilling me on this?!" I mean it was the Psychic type I knew that but I was getting sick of this line of questioning.
Rika also asked me about why I was there and both "to be a champion" and "for fun" were true to me. She also asked what I was going to do once I got the title and immediately I'm like "fight Nemona". Because hell yeah!
So I passed and I could finally move on. But let me say this, when I walked into that office it sure was a little jarring to see a random office space and not a battlefield and the Rika suddenly looking like a business woman with her classes.
So the battlefield itself is boring it's just a blank blue room pretty much and all the battles happen there. I liked it when the Elite Four all have their own room themed around them and their type, it helped made the whole experience more big and epic. But here they just walk into the room. I guess you could say the lack of theming meant I didn't know what type they used but I don't that'd be a good enough reason for scrubbing the cool rooms. The same could be said about the gym buildings, I wish they weren't so cut-and-paste. I'd be nice if the gym building matched the type theme.
So, as I figured, since Rika was the one to interview me she battled me first. I didn't expect her to be a ground type trainer so that caught me a bit off guard but I did fine. Her Clodsire gave me a bit of trouble. Let me lay it out: She has Clodsire and I used my Cludsire. She Teras, I don't. If I did I would be at a disadvantage as my Clodsire is Tera poison. I tried to use Earthquake first, but she does protect. I try to use surf, her Clodsire has the Water Absorb ability and negates my attack. I use Earthquake again, she protects again. My Clodsire faints because her powered up Earthquakes hurt my poison boy. THen I used my grass cat and knock it out in one hit. It's just I really struggled to actually get a hit in.
Then the baby comes in, the child, the why-aren't-you-in-school-right-now?. Again I don't what her typeing is but I guessed ghost because her pendant kinda looked like the ghost icon. Nope! She uses steel types! I must say, it is funny though seeing thise tiny little child send out big strong guys. Same happened with Sabi, little girl with big strong Pokemon. She gave me some trouble yes, but nothing in particular worth bringing up. It wasn't that bad.
So... I had been wondering who the other elite four member was. I knew three of them so I was kinda expecting Hassel next but he came 4th. But instead I got slapped in the face with surprise. I knew a lot of people were wild about Larry but I didn't know why, sure it was kinda funny to have this businessman as a gym leader but I didn't really get the hype. I accidentally saw in one tag something along the lines of "I can't believe I didn't notice the foreshadowing" or something like that on a Tumblr post of someone posting art of him. I decided to ignore it as best as I could but I'll be honest I didn't expect this!
This is why people are wild about him, I think I get it now. When I first talked about him I thought he was an accountant or something who just did gym battles as a side gig. But no, this guy is fully a Pokemon battler who just happens to look like a depressed accountant. The boss he talked about was Greeta all along! Makes me want to look up what he says in the initial interactions with him.
So when he showed up I assumed he was using normal types again. Nope! It's flying types, but just as I figured, he did have his Staraptor on his team still. I guess something that could be considered forshadowing was the fact that he used his Staraptor as his final Pokemon in the first place. He was the only gym leader who's final Pokemon had a Tera type that matched one of it's already existing types. And I did find that kinda odd. Well all the Elite Four's Tera Pokemon tera types match their typing. So it fits in with that.
So I was caught off guard that he was using flying but only initially. I used my ice-sword-ferret and absolutely swept him. Just one hit KO after another, all from holding never-melt-ice and using ice spinner. The guy was demolished.
Finally we get to Hassel, the first of the Elite Four that I met, and also my art teacher. I assumed correctly that he used Dragon Types. He does come from a dragon tamer family after all, he even had a Gible in class with him. I also absolutely swept him with my ice ferret. Went the same exact way Larry did. Didn't stand a chance. Hassel crying because of being proud of me was cute. It was also cute that Poppy called him grandpa.
So I faced Greeta after that. The fight went mostly ok but I did have tough spots. An example of that being her... samurai bug. I've never seen that Pokemon before so I had no idea what to use angst it. I still don't know what typing it was but I'm guessing steel/dark? or steel/bug? I guess it could also be a fighting type? I really don't know.
Anyway about Greeta herself... or was it Geeta? Oh yeah it was Geeta woops, was saying her name wrong. Anyway I'm pretty meh about her as the champion. There's just nothing about her character that sticks out to me, she's a real nothing burger. Her eyes are pretty though, I like how they match the colors of her hair.
So I passed the test and am ready to face my rival, my true opponent, and the true champion in my heart, Nemona! I wanted to do the battle in her backyard but the game said no. It would have been more sentimental to me to have our final battle in the same place we had our first, but whatever game.
Anyway I've been kinda low-key shipping main character and Nemona. And I'm still doing it. Nemona calling me her treasure really seals the deal there. Well she said that having an equal was her treasure, but that does make me her treasure. And her excitement whenever she saw me was contagious. So yeah, battle time.
Well, one more thing before that, I noticed that the types the Elite Four uses matches up with the titans. Rika uses ground, that matches Great Tusks. Poppy uses steel, that matches Orthworm. Larry uses flying, that matches Bombirdier. Hassel uses dragon, that matches Tatsugiri. And while Geeta has a mixed team, her final Pokemon is a rock type, which matches Klawf. I just think it's neat that they match.
The battle with Nemona was so much fun! It felt a lot more epic then the elite four did. I still didn't have too much trouble my Pokemon are all late 60's early 70s. And I have switch mode on, switch mode really does help things be a breeze.
The music was great, I loved the location and having the big crowd watching along with the elite four, as well as Clavell and Geeta. I loved how Nemona started laughing after she lost and wanted to go for a round two. While my character's face looked overwhelmed, I was totally up for a round two. A very good ending, I loved it.
Afterwards I wake up in my dorm and Arven calls me. I guess I've gotten a real good reputation and Arven used that reputation to get a couple people to join our mission. Honestly, I thought I'd be recruiting my friends, but I guess not. I wonder if Arven knows I'm even friends with them? Well I suppose he should know about Nemona at least, but I don't know about Penny.
So he told me where on the map to go. It took me secound to find the location on the map. But I'll be going there. I'm real excited to finally go inside the crater. I just know there will be cool shit in there! So... I'll see you next time! Hasta la vistar!
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