#I think Shadow fans can agree too
tailshastwotails · 1 year
Shadow is so real for being tired of Sonic. I would be annoyed with him too
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ak319 · 16 days
Yan Socialite Brother x reader x Yan?Hubby
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YOUR LITTLE EZZY'S BACK! So I couldn't help but write more about him. I will also write a version with the reader's wife. Enjoy reading ♡ Ezra Headcanon
In the dark hours, the Alvarez estate was shrouded in a thick silence, broken only by the occasional crackle of the fire that danced in the hearth. Shadows stretched across the grand, dimly lit room, adding to the air of peculiar mystery that seemed to cloak the entire estate. Ezra sat motionless, his gaze fixed on the flames that flickered with a restless energy, mirroring the turmoil within him. The news you had shared with him still echoed in his mind, fanning the fire of his emotions, making it burn hotter, fiercer.
"Amir?.." his eyes were fixed on your back as you scrummaged through the bookshelf. You replied back gently. "Yes, Amir. The boy who works on one of the farms."
So a slave huh?
And then you explained everything to Ezra, from how you saw Amir, appreciated his gentle nature, and were now thinking of bringing him here as your groom. Ezra’s rage simmered beneath the surface, though his fake smile and curious eyes never left your face. But your tone didn’t match the word "thinking", it clearly said, "I am bringing him as my groom." He was happy… happy for you. But on the other hand, he wasn’t happy for himself.
This was the day he had dreaded. For his own peace of mind, he sent one of his attendants, Rowan, to inquire about this so-called Amir. The report? Amir was a poor servant with three siblings and parents who also worked on the farm. Amir was the oldest. Hm. Poor, innocent, loyal, and not too bad-looking, though in Ezra's eyes, everyone pales in comparison to Alvarez's. Nobody can ever be good enough for you. He just didn't want his sister to marry a dirt-face. After all, their family has a certain dignity in society. There was something he relished in this situation, Amir’s meekness, bred by his lower status, was something Ezra could use and if his sister were to marry, it should be to someone who knows their place.
Amir couldn’t shake the memory of the way you approached him that day.
“M-my lady-”
“It’s okay, relax. Just came to greet you and see how the work is going.” His hand continued to glide through the horse’s mane, though his gaze, filled with shyness and respect, lingered on you. You loved that. “What’s your name, boy?”
“A-Amir…ma’am.” You asked him more questions, and with each one, his initial fear of you began to fade. Eventually, he even dared to ask some of his own. He didn’t realize that he had backed away to the fence, cornered by your every step forward.
“I don’t think a…” You gently removed a leaf from his silky hair. “A pretty thing like you belongs on a farm.” His quick breaths brushed your face before he turned away. Did you just compliment him?! How could you not? He was so unique with that snowy hair and those pale green eyes. “U-um, but I have to-w-work to earn-for-”
“What if I say, not anymore?”
On that very day, you boldly asked his parents for his hand in marriage, right there on the farm, while Amir stood paralyzed in disbelief. His parents, naturally, agreed without a moment's pause, and his heart raced as he caught your final glance over your shoulder before you rode off with your men. How could a humble servant like him ever be worthy of becoming your husband? The idea felt impossible, undeserved. But as the reality settled in, he came to see it not as a blessing but as a test---a daunting trial between love, loyalty, hate… and obsession.
'Time to play some games' Ezra smirked in the mirror as he gave himself a once-over. "Nobody can outshine you Ezra or take your place, nobody."
The grand staircase of the mansion, lavishly adorned for his sister's wedding, became the stage for Ezra's entrance. As he descended, everyone’s eyes were drawn to him. His gaze landed on you seated beside Amir on the sofa, and his smirk widened at the sight of Amir’s expression. Those doe eyes that have seduced his sister were now filled with embarrassment, as they should be.
Amir was at a loss. His brother-in-law, dressed in an outfit nearly identical to his own--albeit more glamorous and in a different color--had just exposed Ezra's facade. All the sweet words and actions before the wedding had been an act. Ezra settled onto the cushion next to you, casually nibbling on some food from the table, savoring the revelation of his little game.
"Ezra, you should have rested," you said, your tone carrying a hint of concern. Amir was taken aback, noticing your relaxed demeanour. It seemed you hadn’t caught onto Ezra’s stunt. It wasn’t your fault, after all. Maybe you are too tired to notice or don't want to scold your brother, whom you cherish deeply, especially in front of guests—many of whom were now eyeing Ezra with a mix of admiration and curiosity. His display was a calculated reminder that he would always eclipse Amir. Ezra had even missed the official ceremony, claiming illness as his excuse and retreating to his room.
"Nonsense!. How could I have missed my own sister's wedding? And did you forget that I managed all these preparations?. I would never miss it."
'Oh, but you missed the vow ceremony, how convenient and now he's here to remind everyone how he managed all of this and such a good brother-in-law he is by being sweet to me and my family.'
"Do I look good, sister?"
"Of course you do. When have you ever looked bad?" You reached out to pat his head affectionately before pulling a small pouch from your pocket. "This is for you Ezra, a token of appreciation for your efforts, as tradition dictates."
Ezra’s eyes sparkled with delight as he accepted the pouch of gold. "It was nothing. Thank you so much. I just did my duty."
He got up soon to cater to guests including Amir's family probably to show off how humble he is.
The only thing keeping Amir sane and easing his worries was you. Your hand held his gently, and he felt comforted by the ring you put on his finger. He placed his other hand on yours, needing the reassurance that you were there for him.
‘As long as you’re here,’ he kept praying silently.
However, as days passed since the marriage, Ezra's facade toward his brother-in-law began to crumble in your absence. Amir couldn’t understand why Ezra, who had been nothing but nice to him, now seemed to act cold and distant.
The taunts, the disgusted glances, and the deliberate ignoring of Amir had become a painful routine. What troubled him the most was Ezra’s ability to put on a friendly front when you were around. He wondered how a person could even do that? Can he be this deceitful too? His parents always taught him to be kind and true to people. That is why he bared himself to you, he opened his heart to you and gave himself completely. By now he had come to terms with it that Ezra won't ever see him as part of the family much less as an equal. But he remained focused on making sure you were happy with him, that he never made you upset with him because that is what Ezra wants but with Amir's modest and docile nature, it was nearly impossible,
"You know, Amir, since my sister is away on a business trip, you might as well stay with your parents for a while." Amir looked up from his untouched breakfast, confusion and concern etched on his face.
"U-um... why?"
"Why?" Ezra's lips curled into a dismissive smirk. "Well, your duty is to her, and since she’s not here, you might as well go. It’s not like you’re doing anything important around here."
"I’ll have the carriage prepared." And just like that he got up and left, Rowan tailing behind him. And so, Amir found himself spending days with his family. His spirits lifted somewhat in their comforting presence, but his thoughts were always clouded by how much he longed to be in your arms. However...
"You don’t just get up and leave like this. Did you even realize how badly this reflects on me? My spouse just vanished after a few days of marriage. I expected you to be waiting for me at the door, but instead, you were here." Your words felt like sharp needles piercing his heart, making him clutch the carriage’s cushion tighter. His mind was filled with images of Ezra welcoming you back, whispering deceitful tales of how he had left.
'He was bored.'
'He doesn’t like it here. I think he doesn't even want to make an effort to adjust.'
'He didn’t even bother to greet you. What kind of husband is he, sister?'
"(Y/N), I d-didn’t mean to leave. It’s just--" What could he say to avoid further anger? Should he blame Ezra? The thought of making excuses or casting blame only added to his distress.
"I don’t care. Next time, don’t leave like that. And if you feel the need to, ask me first. Got it? Also, you can just call your family to visit there. That’s your home now, you don’t have to keep coming back here." He nodded, biting his lip. 'As if your brother would ever let my family feel welcome there. I would never subject them to that mansion of thorns, to be insulted. That’s something I won’t tolerate.'
"Forgive me?" he asked softly, leaning closer to you. "Please, I missed you with every breath." A tired sigh and a gentle caress on his face were all he received, but even that was more than enough for him.
Time seemed to pass slowly for Amir, each day filled with torment and venomous words from Ezra. He hid his tears, letting them out in some corner of the mansion , so that when you returned, he could greet you with a smile. He didn’t know what to do. He didn't want to stress you by complaining about your brother or involving you in this petty game. He felt like he was going mad as he dwelled on his thoughts. The books offered some solace, but he wished his life were more like a fairytale.
“Well, I thought you should take care of the household budget now, but I think it’s too soon for you to handle this. There are a number of reasons for my distrust, which... I would prefer not to share.”
“It’s alright... I just joined the family, so I think it’s inappropriate for me to take on that responsibility. And brother Ezra is handling it well anyway.”
“Thank you for understanding.” You gently played with his hair as his head rested on your lap. “I love how understanding you are.” He melted under your compliment, the magical touch adding to his contentment.
“Anything for you, wife. You know better than me. Whatever decision you make, I’ll always accept it.” He kissed your finger, his heart swelling with happiness at the sight of the ring you wore. The ring his family had bought with whatever they could afford, and yet you wore it. You were the only one who hadn’t looked down on him because of his status. You even cared for his family, sending them provisions and gifts.
Actually, there was another person who hadn't looked down on Amir--your mother, Ms. Grace. She was a woman who preferred solitude, keeping herself busy with her hobbies after her husband's death. Whenever Amir felt alone, he made sure to check on her, offering company and conversation.
“You’re a really good boy. My daughter found a gem.” Amir smiled, but his eyes told a different story. They were seated in Grace’s study, having tea. “Something troubles you, and I know what it is. It’s Ezra, isn’t it?” Damn it, is it that obvious?
“N-no, no, he’s nice. I’m just--”
“Oh, save it. He’s my son, I can smell his shenanigans from miles away. And that daughter of mine—utterly stupid!. She’s the reason he’s like this. Either she’s too aloof or just chooses to ignore it.”
“No, no! She has a lot on her plate. I just don’t want to burden her with such petty problems. She brought me here so that she could find peace, not for me to disrupt it.” Grace’s heart swelled with pity and love at his words. “You are my son too, okay? And I’m just trying to help you understand that you’re the only one who can help yourself.”
“W-what does that mean?”
"It means you have to be strong. You’re not some piece of garbage my daughter picked up. She brought you here, gave you a title, and bestowed you with respect--so honor it, and don’t let anyone take it away just because they think you don’t deserve it. My in-laws were a piece of work too. May their souls rest in peace, but I went through some tough times with them. What kept me firm was my husband. Do you get my point?"
Her in-laws--oh, what a tragedy that befell them on that ferry. The whole town was shaken. Perhaps it was their karma.
"You love her, right?" His head snapped up to meet her eyes. Was that even a question?
"More than anything! Always."
"Then don’t beat yourself up like this. Just do your part and leave the rest to God. Everything will be alright one day." Amir nodded and took a sip of his remaining tea, feeling a bit lighter and more hopeful. She was right. Being depressed and crying wouldn’t get him anywhere. Worse, you might even leave him because of his sulky behavior. His fingers tightened around the saucer.
"Sir Ezra has called for you," Rowan informed him as he was putting on his shoes. The two of you were getting ready for dinner. "Me?"
"Yes, you, sir. In his room."
"I'll be there." He glanced at you as you were fastening your coat. "Yeah, go ahead, I'll be waiting downstairs." He nodded and left, but not before helping you with your sleeve buttons and giving you a quick peck.
"You called for me?" His smooth voice reverberated in the quiet room, his eyes finding Ezra nestled in his giant bed.
"Oh yes, you two are going out, right? Could you tell (Y/N) to bring back those pastries that I love?" Something felt off.
Amir swallowed the uneasiness and glanced between Ezra and Rowan. "Sure. Anything else?"
"No. That would be all, thank you."
As always, you had chosen a high-end restaurant, and your presence and attention made him forget all his worries. This was what he cherished the most, his time with you. Your care, your love. He felt, no, believed that he was the luckiest man alive. Contrary to Grace's words, you did pick him from the trash and made him your treasure.
When you both entered the mansion hand in hand, your smile immediately faded into a worried frown.
"EZRA!" Amir barely had time to react as he saw you rush up the stairs where Ezra was now slumped against the railing. The bag of pastries had been thrown from your hands and lay at his feet.
"ROWAN! CALL THE DOCTOR! What happened, Ezra?!"
"Di-did you bring the med...?" Ezra's one hand gripped your collar as the other his stomach.
"What medicine?!"
"The one I asked for..." Ezra's weary, hollow gaze turned to Amir, sending a chill through his very core. "Rowan, help me carry him." You shot a sharp glance over your shoulder at Amir as you hurried up the stairs.
'He did it again... God,' Thought Amir as he bent down to collect the crumbles scattered on the carpet. They mirrored his own shattered emotions and the fractured state of his new life.
"I swear he asked for pastries... you believe me, don't you!? Please!"
"I said, let it go. Just shut up." You settled onto the bed, sighing as you saw him standing in the corner, emotionless.
"Amir, come here. There is something you should know." Your tone was soft, almost apologetic.
He sat beside the bed, his eyes cast on the floor. "Listen, I feel like you both don't get along, but that needs to change, okay? He is my brother, and you are my husband. Both of you are important to me. And I wanted to tell you that soon after having a talk with him, I will ask Mother to find a suitable bride for him. This family needs an heir."
"Yes, an heir. Even though, as you know, I'm not a fan of children in any shape or form, the line needs to continue. That is Ezra's duty, so he is essential to me. This whole tedious business of having children...ugh." You rubbed your forehead in frustration. "Whatever. But we will also treat them like our own, okay?" You loathed the idea of carrying a child yourself, and Amir was just as opposed to the thought of you experiencing any discomfort. The thought of losing you over that made him shiver. The business was more important to you than anything, and you made that very clear before marriage. Your word was law. Still, he couldn’t help but ask.
"C-can't we both... adopt, though?"
"That's for another day and why adopt now when we can have our own? Ezra has to marry someday. It’s completely fair. He needs to grow up now."
Your tone and earlier outburst made him nod frantically, but a new emotion stirred within him , something close to amusement. Oh, how will Ezra react when you make him marry someone. Maybe it’s for the best, 'At least he’ll get off my back, hopefully.'
Yet, he also felt pity for the woman who would be bound to that two-faced bastard. Is your only goal to use your brother as a breeder? That’s even more amusing.
As you lay down, he went to the bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror. If Ezra were to provide you with a child one day, wouldn’t that make him more honorable in your eyes?
'No, after today’s stunt, I’ve had enough of this.'
You want a child, an heir--that’s clear, that's fine. But he won’t let Ezra exploit this situation.
"I--I mean--" Ezra stammered, his usual confidence wavering as he tried to find the right words.
You held his face in your hands, your grip firm yet gentle, your eyes searching his. "It's not like I am asking for something outrageous here," you said, your tone soft but laced with expectation.
Ezra's eyes darted away for a moment, then back to you. "I get you, but isn’t it too soon? I mean-"
"You're of age," you cut him off, your tone now tinged with a bit of annoyance. "You’ve never rejected anything I’ve asked of you before, and now you are?"
"NO! No, absolutely not, sister!" Ezra's voice was a mix of desperation and determination. "How can you even think that? I will do it. I will." Inside, though, his mind rebelled. It’s not the marriage that Ezra hates, it’s the idea of spending his life with some annoying woman. What if she turns out to be a snake too?! Oh, he won't forgive that, ever. His eyes betrayed a flicker of dread before he quickly masked it with a forced smile.
"Great, then. Mother will surely find the most amazing match for you," you said with finality, turning to leave. "Just make sure to tell her what your type is. Remember, she shouldn’t just be a good wife but a perfect mother for my heir too."
Without another word, you exited the room, leaving Ezra alone with his spiraling thoughts. Did Amir put this idea in your head? Sometimes, Ezra just wanted to kill that son of a-
"Deep breaths, Ezra, deep breaths," he muttered to himself, trying to quell the surge of frustration. Yeah, his sister wouldn’t be happy if her husband was torn to pieces. 'This is your life now', seeing Amir’s face in this mansion every single day, and soon enough, a wife’s too. Ugh! He threw a vase at the wall in a fit of irritation. He won't ever be in peace until you divorce Amir.
He couldn’t afford to dwell on that for now. He had to carry out your order, even if he despised the thought of dealing with an annoying woman and whining babies. You had given him a task, a job, and he couldn’t let you down. He would never let you down.
Ezra's bride, Jean Aston, had been chosen--an arrangement made with a family friend. While Ezra couldn't have cared less about the choice, he at least appreciated that Jean stood out with her striking red hair and green eyes. His wife needed to be of some caliber, though in his view, only one person could be the true beauty of the marriage, and that person was unquestionably him. However, he also acknowledged the importance of passing on good genes to the heir you desired.
What he hadn’t expected was Jean’s bubbly demeanor. Wasn't she the one who had been too shy to meet him before the wedding?
"Can you be quiet? Can you be a bit more demure?" Ezra snapped, his patience wearing thin as she chattered incessantly, sitting beside him after their vows. "Look at me--am I being so chattery? Bride and groom are supposed to be graceful, woman."
Jean’s expression soured beneath her veil. "Wow, I was just trying to make small talk. I’ve been quiet since our engagement, so I’m going to talk now that we’re married. Also when is the food going to served?I am starving, how can-"
'God, just let this ceremony end already.'
Meanwhile, in the far corner of the room, Amir sighed, silently wishing Jean the best. Poor girl didn’t know what she was in for. His mind wandered back to his own wedding, the memory leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. It was hard not to compare the two experiences and feel a twinge of sympathy for her. At least you are way better than Ezra. A lot...no, perfect in his eyes. Always.
Once they retreated to their room, Ezra lifted Jean's veil with a cold, expressionless face, cutting her off before she could utter a word.
"There are some things you need to engrain in that skull of yours. First, always show respect for my sister. Always. You know that, don’t you? Secondly, try talking less and listening more."
"Got it! Now, where’s my wedding gift?" Jean’s cheerful interruption made Ezra’s jaw tighten, but he quickly masked his irritation with a smooth composure.
"No, you tell me first--who advised you to wear a harvest gold veil with such questionable embroidery? Huh? Such a poor fashion choice. I’ve explicitly told your family that gold is my color, I wear it. I don’t want to see you in it again." His fingers traced the material with a disdainful touch. "This abomination definitely needs fixing ." Though the veil was actually quite pretty, he couldn’t accept the fact that she looked good in it-- perhaps more than he did which is a big no.
Months later, the mansion, once quiet and dull, now echoed with the cries of a baby boy whom you named, Joseph. Ezra handed you the baby first which you were hesitant to hold but did anyway, after all you asked for this. It only lasted for a few minutes before he dozed off in Jean's arms.
"Jean," you said, gently patting her head. She looked up at you with a mix of nervousness and curiosity, her eyes brightening with anticipation. You took the papers from Amir and handed them to her. "Here's a gift. A plot, in your name and another in dear Joseph's. You’ve earned it."
Jean’s eyes widened with surprise and gratitude. "Y-you didn’t have to, (Y/N)-"
"Jean," Ezra scolded gently, his tone surprising you. It seemed that your brother had softened a bit since Joseph’s birth.
"Don’t refuse (Y/N)'s gift. Accept it," he added. Jean nodded, her shyness evident, but her gratitude clear as she met your gaze. "Thank you, (Y/N)."
"Good, now rest. The nanny will arrive soon," you instructed, leaving with Amir in tow. Ezra shot a disapproving look at Amir as they exited.
"Don’t be rude to Brother Amir like that," Jean reprimanded.
"It’s none of your concern. Stop being his defender, anyway. Focus on the child, his upbringing must be perfect. And take care of yourself too--I don’t want you fainting while feeding him." With that, Ezra stormed out. Jean sighed, finding him as unpredictable as ever--hot one moment, cold the next.
The tragedy that struck when Joseph was just six months old was unexpected. The poor child fell gravely ill, and even the doctors couldn't pinpoint what was wrong with his stomach. But by some blessing, everyone's prayers were answered when Amir's remedy worked, one his mother used to give when they were sick as children and Joseph was saved. Had it been a moment later, who knows what could have happened. Even though Ezra didn't bother to thank Amir, it didn’t matter. Amir did it for you, for your child.
"You know, I think it's been a while since I married you," you murmured, lost in thought.
Amir looked up from his book and chuckled, "Oh, you realized it now? I think it's been more than a while, my dearest."
"I know, I know." You now stood where he was seated, gently caressing his cheek. "I think it's time you start doing your duty here." You handed him the seal, "You're in charge of the household's budget now." Amir's eyes widened in surprise. "B-but brother Ezra--"
"Shush," you interrupted. "I decide how things are run here. And I’m giving you this responsibility. Don’t disappoint me."
He nodded, a grateful smile spreading across his face as he kissed your knuckles. "Never, I won’t ever dream of it."
From within, his heart was bursting with happiness. At last, he had something--something he wanted, something he could use as leverage against Ezra. His plan had worked flawlessly. His hidden knowledge of botany had made it all possible; plants to make poison, plants to make antidote. A soft giggle escaped him and so did some tears, as you left the room, the seal twirling between his fingers.
Deep inside, he couldn’t ignore the guilt gnawing at him as he saw the pain etched on everyone’s faces over Joseph. His own tears stung with remorse, but he believed it was a good plan--a necessary one to win your trust, your love. He hadn’t wanted to be so heartless, to poison his own child, but he felt he had no choice. Being Ezra’s doormat for so long had worn him down. And for once, watching Ezra in distress was so worth it. Amir couldn’t help but relish every moment.
(AN: OmG, Amir really turned dark, the poor innocent boi. Look how Ezra massacred my boy)
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robin374 · 8 months
𝕺𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖆 𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖑 𝖜𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝖉𝖗𝖔𝖕 𝖆 𝖌𝖎𝖗𝖑 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯; Alastor x reader, romatic
𝔑𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔰: I think we all agree that Alastor would say this phrase. Maybe I got too carried away, sorry if it's too long. Unedited
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Carmilla waited for all the overlords to arrive and take their respective seats. Her silver eyes serenely observed the situation, while she prepared her probable monologue in her mind. A war would be one of the worst options to choose. They had already lost many souls since the last extermination, and losing even more would serve no purpose, except to amuse the angels. All the powerful demons sat down and Carmilla waited a few seconds for the various conversations between them to end, seeing that she got nothing waiting she coughed to get the attention of her companions. "I have gathered you here today to discuss this year's brutal extermination..." She began to explain, her eyes full of determination with a subtle light of hatred, which was directed towards the cruel exterminators up there. 
Suddenly, the door opened with a loud bang and two shadows appeared; one taller than the other. The little fashionista Velvette, a member of the Vees, appeared first with a superior smile on her face. With her back stretched and chin held high, she pulled the metal chain around her hand, causing the other shadow to walk involuntarily. However, the big difference between the two demons was that one of them was walking with her head down, as if she had been defeated and humiliated in front of all Hell, as if she was going to be sacrificed. Carmilla scowled at Velvette which diverted the attention of the other overlords and they looked towards the fashionista. Y/N didn't look up, she had already felt too ridiculed on the way there to feel even more so under the gaze of the other overlords. Especially under his gaze, under that smile that conveyed no feelings at all. 
"Speaking of the exterminators..." Velvette's distinctive accent echoed through the room, no overlord daring to speak. Anyone could cut the tension in that room with a butter knife. Y/N didn't even flinch at the confident sound of the voice, she was now as vulnerable as a puppy just abandoned on a highway. A few thumps accompanied the fashionista's small laugh, thumps that sounded too soft to be a blow from a fist but too hard to be a single piece of flesh. A golden drop landed on Y/N's slipper, she swallowed dryly, feeling closer and closer to the permanent presence of eternal death. Ironic, isn't it? A dead girl being afraid to die. She didn't hear the next sentences of the argument between the two overlords, she was too focused on the pain of the silver chains around her wrists behind her back. Never in eternity had she thought that being in hell she would burn, let's just say those holy chains silenced those thoughts for her. 
Velvette needed only a single tug on the chain to smash Y/N's face into the long table in the living room. Her hand pressed her face against the hard material, it looked like she wanted to put her face through the table. Y/N's gaze jumped from overlord to overlord, she knew full well that none of them would help her. "She was the one who killed that flying rat." Velvette began. "If those...Things can die, we're in a whole different situation." She paused for a moment, "we could start a war..." She turned to look at Y/N, her gaze as callous as her actions. "Not without killing this bitch first, it wouldn't suit us well for a girl as normal as you to get all the fame, what would my fans say?" His voice became a bit sharper, clearly seeking more attention than he already had.
Y/N looked away, her eyes fell on a spot between the ceiling and the window of the room, she didn't want to see how the overlords looked at her as if she was a mere bug, which they had no intention of keeping alive. She noticed her vision blurring, she knew these would be her last moments, as Velvette kept her word whenever it would do her good. "Who's for killing her and dropping her body in the nearest trash? Right where she deserves." The room was filled with murmurs and different conversations, some agreed with the fashionista, while others did not. Y/N had stopped listening long ago, she had accepted her permanent death since Velvette found her near the angel's body. She hadn't done it, she was just being more noisy than she normally was, not everyone gets the chance to see a dead exterminator, no? It was just bad luck, she wasn't the culprit, "It wasn't me..." She whispered in an attempt to get someone to listen to her, but these were overlords we're talking about, they wouldn't hesitate to kill someone. That's how ambitious they could be to have more power in their hands.
The sound of radio static came on, which was getting closer and closer. The pressure on Y/N's head disappeared in less than a second, and for a moment she thought she had finally been killed and her thoughts were slowly leaving her head as she completely lost consciousness. However, one hand helped her up, and even with her hands still tied she met those red eyes she loved to stare into so often in the hotel. With the other hand, Alastor pushed Velvette away from her, "I'll take care of it." 
The last thing to go. That demon Y/N thought she loved was going to betray her as soon as she left the building. She felt his hand brush against her back as he silently guided her through the halls of the building until he was outside. Once there he began to walk towards a particular direction. Y/N stopped in her tracks, confused. Maybe what she was about to say would be a big mistake, maybe she shouldn't say anything to stay alive, though curiosity killed the cat, right?
"You're not going to kill me? Kill me and then drop me in the middle of the street?" She watched as the Radio Demon's back tensed, and so did his ears. As much as she didn't see his face, she knew that smile twisted into an irritated one. He turned around slowly, and that annoyed smile softened the moment their eyes connected. He laughed softly and moved closer to the girl, his free hand coming to her cheek. "Only a fool would drop a girl like you." He smiled. That sentence made Y/N ironically feel like she was in heaven, a strange warmth rose to her cheeks. She heard the laughter of the overlord who was now offering his arm to walk beside him, "Alastor, my hands are chained." Y/N began, "I can't hold your arm."
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persicipen · 19 days
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ꕤ ₊ ˙ ⊹ . jiaoqiu . gn reader — 0.5k ノ flirting . bantering . teasing ノ either early in the relationship or dating phase ノ lighthearted fluff with little annoyances :3
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He’s so mean when flirting with you. You’re sure of it — that it must be flirting. Because what else for would he cling to your shadow, following step after step like a lost puppy, not an adult foxian with great responsibilities?
Pulling by your hair a mere inch whilst he could’ve simply tapped your shoulder or call your name. Fanning you on a hot day, but suddenly the air gets even hotter as he lets the red feathers blaze little sparks of fire into your face. He giggles at your complaints and curses thrown at him as you wipe the sweat off your forehead. Him giving you a special dish, your favourite, but as soon as the familiar taste melts on your tongue, you’re struck with a pang of spiciness beyond what you could endure.
But these mischievous games are far from how it would look if he were but an annoying little boy picking on you at the playground. Never crossing that invisible boundary where you would get frustrated beyond repair with saccharine compliments and kisses blown in the air, and, sometimes, a glass of milk to soothe the burn on your palate. You don’t think about cutting off that complicated relationship. In that, you must agree, however hesitantly, he’s respectful.
To a degree. You just think he needs a gentle reminder every now and then. A firm talk, with careful words.
So, when you find him slacking off, alone, in the shadows of a bamboo grove by the alchemical quarters, you waste no time dragging him by the sleeve to a more private place. A storage room, which isn’t empty of wooden boxes, but is certainly unused by other people who do not want to be forced to clean the space once found near the doors. The foxian seems completely unbothered by the change of location, only smirking at you and wondering if you’re that eager to dally with someone who’s supposedly making your blood boil.
You can always convince him with a real kiss, the one that later will sizzle on your lips because he had that damned chili sauce for lunch earlier that day.
“You’re insufferable…” You sigh after a defeated whine of feeling the glints of spice dancing on the tip of your tongue.
“Hah, but you wouldn’t want it if I was any different, or am I wrong?”
You wrap your arms around his neck, unable to answer. That doesn’t mean you dislike how he behaves, though, as exasperating as it might be. But that’s simply how he is expressing what he can’t do openly. Yet. You really hope it’s only ‘yet’ and not his definite way of displaying affection.
Another kiss forced upon his lips, so that the brat in him wouldn’t laugh at your flustered expression. He is only slightly taken aback by this gesture.
“Be honest with me…” You run your hands down his back and the pleasant purr rising in his throat reassures you to continue. “Will this teasing ever end?”
“Hmm… I’m afraid not.” He pouts, his ears flopping gently in an act. “Not when the outcome is getting to hold you like that in secret because you’re too embarrassed to admit that me pulling on your nerves is working.”
Your heart skips a beat and it takes all your willpower to avoid smiling like an idiot in love. In fact, you pretend to be angry. Angry at the heat rising to your cheeks. “Shameless…”
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teojira · 4 months
Really enjoyed your headcanons on Caeser and Proximus, do you mind doing the same with Noa?? 😊🙏
[Noa and day to day life with him!] [Headcanons!]
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Summary: Noa takes you back with him to his home, and the clan accepts you as one of them. Even if you're concerned otherwise.
Word count: 1k (Jesus christ)
Warnings: None that I can think of! Can be read as Platonic or Romantic! You and Noa are attached to one another. (Yes, this is me projecting.)
A/N: Noa is so near and dear to me, I literally did not mean for this to be so long, and I STILL cut myself off. This is 1k words worth of headcanons for him, and it is not enough. I'm Noa's #1 fan, I am sorry to all my friends and family who have to hear me talk about him constantly.. Ask me for Noa anything, and I will give you the world.
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Do me a favor and strap the fuck in for this it's alot.
I am so glad someone asked about Noa bc I got ALOT to say.
Noa has had it with humans, Mae put him, his clan, and countless others at risk, he should not trust humans, really he shouldn't, but he can't help it. She also betrayed you in the process, and now you're alone.
You agreed to help him and Mae against Proximus, you're the only one who actively goes up against Proximus as well.
Swinging and trying your best to try and get Proximus off of Noa, yelling and crying while the other apes just stare in fear. (Later on they apologize, but you don't hold it against them.)
It's a huge risk to invite a human with them again, but then he remembers Rakas words, Caesars words, and decides he can't told another's decisions over you.
So when he gently grabs your hand in his, looking down at you with a strained smile, blood seeping from his lips, you follow, back to his clans land.
Now on to the good stuff, it's kinda awkward finding your place among the eagle clan, the elders are gone, his father Koro is gone, there really is no guidance as to where to place you.
You drift mostly, either helping Dar or helping with the young ones, teaching them how to read and write, helping fish, farm, the basic tasks.
Dar loves you by the way, doting on you and making sure no one messes with you in a harmful way. She teaches you their customs and traditions, all the while playfully teasing you about Noa. She's a mom, she knows.
You're happy with your work, happy with your place among the clan. It's genuinely shocking how much they were willing to forgive and to not hold any grudges against humans after one ruined everything.
It helps that Noa takes accountability for you, somehow so trusting that you will not cause harm. His faith in you speaks volumes and you remind him everyday that it won't go to waste.
All he does is send you a sweet smile and ruffles your hair.
You find yourself helping Noa alot with crafting new tools and contraptions, being a second pair of eyes that can catch onto things he can't.
"Very smart." "Thank yo-" "For an Echo." and he does that stupid cute little sniff afterwards and it makes it tremendously hard to hit him.
He's such a little shit I fucking hate him.
You're his shadow when his duties permit, he's taken on a higher role of the clan, sometimes going out for days at a time but you're always at the edge of the Village waiting for his return, anxiously working your bottom lip until you see him in view.
You're both extremely attached to one another, Soona and Anaya become attached to you too, dragging you along in everyone's free time to go climbing, to eat, to hunt, just about any group outing has you as their fourth member.
Noa was worried about them accepting you, but they love you just as much as he does.
It makes his heart swell when he sees you and Soona together, giggling about something surely only you both understand while Anaya groans and complains about being left out.
It's like you've always been meant to be with them, to round out their group.
Soona and Anaya will offer to be the one to carry you this time, they do want to, genuinely, but Noa won't let them 99.9% of the time, He's used to your weight, he trusts that he can keep you safe the best. (Says the ape that literally almost died multiple times doing stupid shit)
"Noa worries too much, they will be fine." "Anaya is clumsy. Can't trust you to carry yourself, much less echo."
He tries not to carry you everywhere, but it is so much more convenient than waiting for you, so he scoops you up often enough that the stares don't bother you anymore.
Remember how in the movie, all the apes sleep together communally? Well you're at first extremely nervous about that, not wanting to ask what exactly are your accommodations because surely they don't want you there with them.
Actually, Noa does, so jot that down.
When you shyly move away, he raises his palm up at you, nodding to the space besides him.
When you don't move, he gently tugs you down, laying on his back and shutting his eyes. The clan hasn't really fully rebuilt and started to gather things needed for shawls and coverings, so it's not strange to him that you cuddle up to him to steal his warmth, peeking an eye open to see your face squished into his side, knocked out.
He wraps an arm around you, incasing you in more warmth.
This is a nightly routine until you finally take it upon yourself to throw yourself on him, he chokes out a breath as you make yourself comfortable.
Soona and Anaya usually join in, he cannot fucking breathe but he's so happy that it outweighs it.
When Mae inevitably shows back up, she sees you out in the distance, you look so genuine happy, so at peace with where you are. You even have some eagle feathers in your hair, integrated into their life that it shocks her.
It's enough to make her put the gun away, grasping at Rakas necklace like a lifeline, sucking in a deep breath to stop her from crying.
Maybe apes and humans can live at peace with one another after all. She hopes you prove her wrong.
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ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏᴏɴ!
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e-vay · 3 months
See, with this newly revealed information for Sage and Aurora's friendship, love it btw, how did Shadow and Aurora's first date go? Who asked who? Where did they go?
I'm so happy to hear you're a fan of the Luminescent Ladies! 🤩 The first date was very casual, but a hit! Shadow is the one who asks Aurora out and they go to a café and end up spending hours together.
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Since I've never fully written out the full Shadora story, bits and pieces of it exist here on my blog but sometimes the details change. But here's a very rough version of how I envision their first date going:
(If you're familiar with my story, you can skip the text in blue)
Shadow has spent the last several decades taking odd merc jobs in deep space in the hopes that he'll run into the woman he fell for years ago, but he never finds her. Rouge eventually convinces him to head back "home," and since he's never failed a goal before he decides he has to replace it with a new one: Get to know and enjoy the planet Maria always wanted to visit. So he heads back and that's where he meets Aurora (she does not know him yet, as she meets him later in her life via time travel). He's pretty certain Aurora is the woman who saved him years ago, but since she doesn't seem to know him he thinks maybe she's been reincarnated or something, he isn't sure. He wants to know her better and find out.
Since Shadow's new goal is to better acquaint himself with the planet he abandoned decades ago and since Aurora knows her hometown like the back of her hand, the two decide that she will be his guide (his 'guiding light' if you will 😉 ) around town. (Shadow doesn't need one. He's the ultimate life form; he's plenty fine exploring on his own. But he considers this an opportunity to do some recon to get to know her better). It mostly starts fairly professional even though Aurora does flirt with him a lot (she can't help it, just look at him!) but Shadow quickly becomes fond of her, and he decides he wants to pursue her romantically.
As they are going to bid each other goodbye after one of their tours, Shadow asks "You have a recommendation for every kind of activity in this town, correct?"
A: "Yeah! What is it you're looking for next?"
Sh: "Something... romantic, but humble. Where one might go for a first date."
And at first Aurora is internally thinking "Dang, so he is interested in somebody." But she dismisses that thought because it's none of her business who Shadow spends his time with.
She's gotten to know him a bit by now so as she's pondering ideas she's taking into consideration that he doesn't like loud, busy scenes and would likely enjoy somewhere more intimate, and she remembers him mentioning that he likes coffee. So she suggests this quaint little café that's on the edge of town.
He says "Very well" and surprises her by taking her hand and asking "Would you accompany me there tomorrow afternoon?"
She's shocked but enthusiastically agrees. He offers to "pick her up" at her house so they can go together, but since even as an adult Aurora still lives at home with her parents, she knows that if Sonic answers the door he will be very wary and likely follow them to see what's going on. She doesn't want the date to go awry before it's even happened lol So she convinces Shadow that she'll just meet him at the café.
Aurora is VERY nervous as she has basically no experience dating. She's only had a "boyfriend" once when she was a very little kid and that was really more of just a crush when she was too young to be dating anyway. She also has no idea why Shadow would be interested in her because she thinks she's pretty boring compared to him. (She even briefly thinks "Oh no, what if this is a prank!?")
But upon meeting him at the café he makes it very clear this is a date, bringing her flowers and being a real gentleman by getting her chair for her and all that jazz. Initially she is super self-conscious but Shadow quickly makes her feel really giddy (Ex: SH: "Wow, you look-" A: "Too bright?! I can tone it down! I just have to bend the light to make my clothes darker-" SH: "I was going to say 'lovely'. Please, don't dull your light for me." A: *Can't help but glow more*)
She very quickly gets swept off her feet haha.
They end up losing track of time and even continue to hang out on the outdoor patio after the place has closed and enjoy the sunset together. Before he gets the chance, Aurora over-enthusiastically asks if Shadow would like to have a second date with her and he warmly says yes.
For the record, I'm always open to y'all's ideas of how Shadow and Aurora's first date would go down. If you want to write your own version of their date and it's completely different, I'd still love to read it :)
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 9 months
Hello may I request a Platonic! Dazai x Mother! Reader.
Basically, Reader is Dazai’s biological mother, but of course he doesn’t know and grew up thinking he had no mother for the majority of his life, and Reader watched over him during his Mafia days, watching and protecting him in the shadows while putting up a front and working besides Hirotsu, who along with Mori knew they were related. So before and during the Dark Era, reader and Mori made a deal that if Dazai left the Mafia, she would be forced into isolation with no contact with the outside world, but if Dazai stayed, the reader would finally be able to speak with her son as a mother instead of a stranger. Obviously, Dazai left, and it wasn’t until the whole fiasco with Fyodor and the vampire outbreak that during the scene with Chuuya “shooting” Dazai in the head, he finally heard his mother’s voice of sorrow and anger shouting to Fyodor, “What have you done to my son?!”
(The ending is up to you and how Dazai reacts and if you write this as Yandere or not. P.S. I love your works and I am an absolute fan of your Zhongli/Albedo! Reader, Yandere BSD fic❤️)
𝙰:𝚗- 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚘 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝... 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙸 𝚍𝚘 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝙸 𝚠𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙸 𝚖𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎 𝚜𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚋𝚞𝚝.
𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢.
𝙱𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚏𝚎𝚖!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝙳𝚊𝚣𝚊𝚒. (𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚌).
𝙵𝚎𝚖!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚒 𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚊𝚒
𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚎𝚖! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝙵𝚞𝚔𝚞𝚣𝚊𝚠𝚊 𝚈𝚞𝚔𝚒𝚌𝚑i
Part 2
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What was a mother like for him...? Dazai does not know.
He doesn't remember his parents much either... Perhaps abandoned him? Perhaps he is worth nothing in the eyes of his parents... Even his mother must be ashamed to birth him... Right?
Dazai always felt incomplete as he Stared the happy families which he... Wish he had too.
That was until, Mori brought him to Port mafia.
Perhaps he truly belongs to... Bloodshed?
Perhaps not...
But his heart melt when you came to his life.
You were apart of Black Lizards... Well not that much but some... Connected mission you does so.
You were about 35 or perhaps more then that?.
To be honest... You yourself was shocked to see your son in port mafia.
Even if you want to approach him... Ask how the father was... You knew somehow he... The father must have past away leaving... Dazai alone.
Don't get y/n wrong... She was a victim of Teenage pregnancy... The father offered her money to birth a boy for him to inherit his property as a refine man
As your parents left a huge debt onto your life you agreed.
But somehow... Dangle yourself with Hirotsu your... Friend... Perhaps? You can say that way even If he is older then you but.
He was the one offered you to join Port mafia.
Unaware of the fact Dazai have no one with him... To call a family...
Only through Him appeared with Mori had you realise your guilt.
You blame yourself not trying to find the fact if your son was okay.
Perhaps money does blinded your motherly nature.
But... All you can do was smile warmly at him.
Despite Kouyou who take upon you too... She respect you like an older sister and watch over Dazai for you too when you are out.
But... Perhaps that was a fault on your part to be attach with your son... Who doesn't realise your his mother.
Honestly you were very much concern when he ask you to suicide with him.
It was... Heartwrenching on your part.
But slow it was yet, you stay with Dazai... Like a mother... No to ease your guilt for leaving him almost 13 years of his life.
He was an just a baby a year old when you left him... You can't blame him if he forget you... As you are the fault here.
"L/n-san! Did you know what happen today?" Asked Dazai who happily sat beside you and side hug you as you gently smile at him.
"What happen today? Dazai?"
"Today I burn a farm! It was accident but thankfully those people which we need to kill are dead now"
"So you completed your mission?"
"Yep! And I eventually hurt my head!"
"Are you fine now? Shall we go to Boss?"
"Nope! Just kiss my forehead and it will be better!" Said Dazai as you chuckle slightly yet does so.
He oftens stays beside you laying his head on your lap as you let him sleep.
He felt close to you... Perhaps if he had a mother... If she is alive maybe... Will she care like you do? He often thought that way while letting himself cuddle to you.
As much as he hate sharing your warmness you also care for Akutgawa... Well leading him to take some... Steps which concern you.
Akutagawa start avoiding you afraid he will disappoint Dazai.
Your ability was not for fighting more likely telepathy. You can talk to people afar through telepathy if you wanted to and... The fact you read mind because of it.
𝙿𝚢𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚗: your ability name.
Perhaps that is the reason why 𝙼ori was fond of you... Short of way.
He knows Dazai is your son and you care a lot.
Despite him should not value much but for an tiny bit he kind of find peace been with you.
"Did you know, Y/n-chan"
"Hmm?" Your gentle e/c eyes side glance at Mori who hold onto Elise hands who on the other hand holds yours.
Afar it might look like a family but you aren't far from that thought.
"Some colleagues were wondering if we were married of sort before I... even became the boss you often stay around for me" said Mori as your gentle smile never wavered.
"Oh? But I do say, Boss you should get married unless you plan on dying single"
"Your indeed correct but I cannot find a women who is kind or tolerable for me"
"Are you searching for one?"
"Not really... Perhaps I already have someone on my mind" said Mori who stopped and faced you.
You blink slightly confused as Mori gently hold your left hand.
"There are women's that come and go even if I trust my ability as a sole... You have also become an important piece on my life, Y/n"
"...what... are-" his other hand gently stroke your face as your eyes widen staring up at him.
'I know you will read my thoughts... But I guess it will better this way...' Thought Mori to you as your eyes widen by his confession.
'Will you marry me y/n? And solely be apart of my life?'
"...but what if, I betray you?"
"Will you?" Said Mori who let out a chuckle as he stepped away abit as your mind race with thought of confusion as the only word came to your mind.
'Reject him'
"Well I will give you time to think..." Said Mori leaving with Elise who chuckle and walk away with your mind been blank of what to think.
Your heart was forever close for anyone except your son whom you love dearly as a mother should.
But... Loving another man? Yes Mori have been kind to you and you knew him when he was just an underground doctor.
You even met Fukuzawa too who told you to leave Mafia.
But you couldn't.
You can't leave your son.
And before that you couldn't.
You cared about Hirotsu.
Who is only friend of yours that was with you when your parents sucided themself.
Time past by as you were more likely ignore the question of that day.
As One day Dazai left.
He left without a word.
As much as it hurted you.
You knew it was better perhaps that friend of his have really change Dazai for better.
You could only wish to see your son been in good well.
Even if Akutagawa was hesistant he still stay with you as you cared for him as he was indeed your son student.
Both the siblings admit your like a mother for them and you even encouraged them to call you their mother of sort.
When Dazai left you knew your fate was sealed.
"What do you think, Y/n-chan? Do you like white or red dress as a wedding dress?" Asked Mori while selecting dresses with Elise looking in choosing some accessories.
"Anything... Will be fine Mori-san..."
"Now now, You should call Ougai now no?" Said Mori who smile and gently hold your face sway away strand of hairs of yours from your face.
"After all, We will be together and you will be my wife soon, Isn't it lovely and honour for you to be my wife?"
He squeeze your face tighter as you try your best to smile a bit.
"Ye-yeah... Ougai-san..."
"Good very good... It is a shame Dazai will be unaware that I will be his soon step dad... Ah the irony but don't worry Y/n-chan I really like you... But more likely your ability is something which I cannot let you leave Mafia again" as Mori lean to your ear as you could feel his warm breath to yours.
"Never are you... Going to leave me, understood?"
"Y-yes Ougai-san"
But perhaps fate will bring the truth to your son... Well... More likely Ada told him the truth.
"...what do you mean?" Muttered Dazai as he side glance at Ranpo who told him the truth with Fukuzawa nodding with a frown present.
"Y/n l/n... Is your biological mother"
"...why did she left me then? And why did she come to my life again instead... Why?" Asked Dazai as he couldn't care if he is over showing his emotions.
As gentle as you are Fukuzawa frown that not a bit of Dazai resemble you perhaps the father infected him more.
Though some part he is slightly glad you never married anyone else after The birth of Dazai.
Either way, Dazai was asking what they meant truly.
"Your mother gave birth to you when she was only... 16 perhaps yeah... Been force to pay debt of her late parents she was offered money to birth a son by your father... Your mother was tossed away and given money when you were just a year old. Unaware of your life that your father passed away soon after and... Your Uncle took away your inheritance leaving you... Somewhere either way... Yeah it is y/n l/n your mother"
"...all this time... She was so close to me... Yet I never knew... I have to meet her and ask her about it.. If she know it too or even-"
"That's not the reason why we told you" said Ranpo as Dazai was abit confused as he quickly composed himself with a stiff smile.
"What do you mean?"
Fukuzawa handed Dazai a card who was confused with Fukuzawa frown present on his lips.
"Y/n was a close one even for me too... But perhaps in time she choose.... The port mafia boss Mori"
"...what kind of joke is this" muttered dazai as Fukuzawa nod.
"Either she is forc-"
"She have to be forced! Y/n- no mother never love Mori-san... And Mori-san value her for her ability.... We have to save Mother!" Said Dazai as he glance at Ranpo then Fukuzawa.
"Please... Since mother was close to you too, Save her from the marriage!"
"..." Fukuzawa let out a sighed as Ranpo side glance at the president and let out a chuckle.
"Seems... Like president gonna get another son beside me and I am getting a mother!" said Ranpo leading Fukuzawa to side glare at Ranpo with slightly flustered face as Dazai blink twice as his eyes widen in realisation.
"Even if... we save mother that doesn't mean I'm letting mother marry you!"
"...shut it concentrate on saving her from marriage first"
"Listen to your father, Dazai! And even Your older brother, me!"
"Ranpo/- San shut it"
"Now... you both are aiming me for nothing!"
𝙰:𝚗- 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝'𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚍𝚊𝚢/𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚕𝚕! 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚢/𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚕𝚕!
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lila-lou · 2 months
✨Paris - Pt. 1✨
Summary: The season 5 premiere of The Boys in Paris, which you were so excited about, became a dreaded event when you found out your difficult co-star Jensen Ackles would be there. Despite your best efforts to avoid him, Jensen's presence was present even at the post-premiere celebration. A few drinks too many led to a troubled night in your hotel room that left you torn and doubtful about your feelings.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: 18+ only! Smut, language, "cheating", Jensen being a dick
Word Count: 5703
A/N: No hate towards anybody. It's just fiction.
English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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You groaned annoyed, mumbling about how you so don’t wanna go there. Today was the premiere of The Boys Season 5 in Paris and while you were so excited for it a few weeks ago, it changed when your co-star Jensen Ackles was also announced to be there. Ever since you got the role as a love interest of Soldier Boy and attended the set for the first time, he had been giving you a hard time.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, trying to muster up the enthusiasm you once had for the event. The glittering gown and perfectly styled hair felt like a costume rather than a celebration. With a deep sigh, you grabbed your clutch and headed out the door, knowing there was no way you could avoid the premiere.
As you arrived at the venue, the flashing cameras and cheering fans were overwhelming. You plastered on your best smile and made your way down the red carpet, feeling a mix of excitement and dread. Just as you expected, there he was—Jensen Ackles, looking annoyingly handsome in his tailored suit, chatting effortlessly with the press.
You tried to steer clear of him, but as you approached the interview area, you were ushered to stand next to him. His smile widened when he saw you, but there was a mischievous glint in his eyes that made you uneasy.
“Y/N, great to see you”, he said smoothly, his voice dripping with charm.
“Jensen”, you replied curtly, hoping your discomfort wasn’t too obvious.
The interviewer asked a few generic questions about the season, and you answered politely, keeping your responses as professional as possible. Jensen, on the other hand, seemed to relish in making subtle jabs, his teasing comments slipping through his charming facade.
After the interview, you tried to escape into the crowd, but Jensen followed, his presence like a shadow you couldn’t shake.
“Come on, Y/N, lighten up a bit”, he grinned.
“Lighten up? Yeah, fuck off”, you snapped.
You knew you didn’t have to see him for over six months after that premiere, so you couldn’t hold back your dislike anymore. But then there was the next press worker, wanting to have an interview with the two of you.
“Excuse me, Y/N, Jensen, can we get a quick interview?”, the journalist asked, a hopeful look in her eyes.
You sighed inwardly, forcing a smile. “Of course”.
Jensen stepped closer, his demeanor suddenly more serious. “Yeah, let’s do it”.
The journalist began with a few standard questions about the upcoming season, and you answered them with practiced ease, focusing on the storylines and your character’s development. Jensen, to his credit, kept his comments professional and respectful, avoiding any of his usual teasing.
Then, the journalist asked, “So, how has it been working together, especially considering the intense dynamic between your characters this season?”.
You glanced at Jensen, who met your gaze steadily. “It’s been… challenging”, you admitted, choosing your words carefully. “But I think those challenges have helped us bring more authenticity to our roles”.
Jensen nodded, his expression thoughtful. “I agree. It’s definitely been a unique experience, and I think it adds a lot of depth to the on-screen relationship”.
The journalist seemed satisfied with the answer and wrapped up the interview with a few more questions before thanking you both.
The evening wore on, and after the premiere, you joined your colleagues at a nearby bar to unwind. The atmosphere was lively, with everyone celebrating the successful event. You were starting to relax and enjoy yourself when, to your disappointment, Jensen walked in. He greeted everyone warmly and, despite your best efforts to ignore him, his gaze seemed to linger on you.
You tried to focus on your conversation with another co-star, laughing at a shared joke, but you could feel Jensen’s eyes on you. It was starting to grate on your nerves. Why couldn’t he just leave you alone?
As the night went on, you found yourself at the bar, ordering another drink. Jensen approached, standing beside you as he waited for his own drink. You could feel the tension in the air as he leaned in slightly closer.
“You and Antony seem awfully close tonight”, he mumbled, his tone laced with a hint of something you couldn’t quite place.
You rolled your eyes, taking a sip of your drink before responding. “We’re friends, Jensen. Not that it’s any of your business”.
He looked down at his glass, swirling the liquid inside. “I wasn’t implying anything. Just an observation”.
“Well, keep your observations to yourself”, you retorted, your frustration bubbling to the surface. “Why do you care anyway?”.
He looked up from his drink, a sly smile playing on his lips. “Maybe I care because I don’t like seeing you getting too close to other guys”.
You scoffed, shaking your head. “Oh, please. You don’t get to act possessive now. We’ve barely managed to be civil to each other”.
He leaned in a bit closer, his voice dropping to a more intimate tone. “Maybe I like a challenge. Keeps things interesting”.
You arched an eyebrow, not entirely sure if he was serious or just messing with you. “You really are full of yourself, aren’t you?”.
His smile widened, that familiar cocky glint in his eyes. “Only when I’m around people who make me want to be better”.
You rolled your eyes again, but this time there was a hint of a smile on your lips. “Is that your attempt at a compliment?”.
“Did it work?”, he asked, his tone teasing but his gaze sincere.
You tried to hide your smile, forcing your expression to remain serious. “No, it didn’t work. And clearly, you’ve had too much to drink”.
With that, you turned on your heel and walked away, leaving him standing at the bar. You could feel his eyes on you as you made your way back to the group, but you didn’t look back. Joining your colleagues, you tried to immerse yourself in their conversation, but a part of you was still acutely aware of Jensen’s presence across the room.
Antony noticed your return and immediately pulled you into a lively discussion about an upcoming scene, his animated gestures and infectious energy helping to distract you. You laughed and chatted with the group, trying to shake off the lingering effects of your encounter with Jensen.
Every so often, you glanced over at the bar, catching glimpses of Jensen talking to others, his eyes occasionally flicking in your direction. It was irritating how he seemed to occupy your thoughts despite your efforts to ignore him.
As the night wore on, you found yourself loosening up, the tension from earlier slowly dissipating. The camaraderie with your colleagues was comforting, and you enjoyed the lighthearted banter and shared stories.
Eventually, you called it a night. After saying your goodbyes to your colleagues, you made your way back to the hotel. The alcohol had definitely taken its toll, and your vision was slightly blurred as you fumbled with your room key.
Once inside, you kicked off your heels and began to change into something more comfortable. You opted for lace panties and a small, snug top, enjoying the feel of the soft fabric against your skin. The room spun slightly as you moved, a clear sign that you’d had too much to drink.
Just as you were about to lay down, a knock echoed through the room, startling you. You frowned, wondering who it could be at this hour. Carefully, you made your way to the door and peered through the peephole, your breath catching when you saw who it was.
“Jensen”, you muttered, unsure whether to be annoyed or curious.
You opened the door just enough to peer out at him. He looked a little unsteady himself, though his expression was serious.
“What are you doing here?”, you asked, trying to keep your voice steady despite the alcohol muddling your thoughts.
“I just wanted to make sure you got back okay”, he said, his tone surprisingly gentle. “Can I come in for a minute?”.
You hesitated, your instincts telling you to send him away, but there was something in his eyes that made you pause. With a sigh, you stepped aside and let him in, closing the door behind him.
Even though he had already seen you wearing less, you pulled on the your matching lace rope, crossing your arms as you looked at him. He was clearly way too drunk too. He watched you with a little smirk, his eyes lingering a bit longer than they should.
“You look pretty hot right now”, he said, his voice low and slightly slurred.
You rolled your eyes, trying to ignore the warmth that spread through your cheeks. “You’re drunk, Jensen. And so am I. This isn’t the time for compliments”.
He shrugged, leaning against the wall for support. “Maybe not, but it’s the truth”.
You sighed, feeling the exhaustion from the night catch up with you. “Why did you really come here, Jensen?”.
He ran a hand through his hair, his expression turning more serious. “I told you, I wanted to make sure you got back okay. And… I guess I just didn’t want the night to end on a bad note”.
You shook your head, trying to make sense of his mixed signals. “You’ve already apologized, Jensen. I get it. But this—” you gestured between the two of you “—this isn’t helping”.
He took a step closer, his eyes softening. “I know. I just—”.
You held up a hand, stopping him. “No, Jensen. We’re both drunk and—”.
Before you could finish, Jensen stepped closer, closing the distance between you in an instant. Your back hit the wall, and before you could react, his lips were on yours. The kiss was urgent, fueled by the alcohol and the tension that had been building between you two for months.
For a moment, you were too stunned to respond. His hands were warm on your waist, and his lips moved against yours with a fervor that made your head spin even more than the alcohol. Despite everything, you found yourself kissing him back, your hands gripping the front of his shirt as you poured all your mixed emotions into the kiss.
It felt like a dam breaking, all the frustration, anger, and confusing attraction you’d been feeling rushing out at once. But then reality crashed.
“Jensen, we can’t do this”, you said, breathless, your heart pounding in your chest.
“Fuck yes we can”, his voice husky with determination. With that, he pressed his lips back on yours, his body pressing against yours. His kiss was even more intense this time, filled with a raw, desperate need that matched your own.
You tried to push him away, your mind battling with your emotions, but your body betrayed you. You melted into his embrace, the heat of his body against yours igniting a fire you hadn’t realized you were capable of feeling. His hands roamed your sides, pulling you closer, and you found yourself responding with equal fervor, your fingers tangling in his hair.
For a few moments, nothing else mattered. The room spun around you, but the only thing you were aware of was Jensen—his touch, his scent, the way his lips moved against yours. It was intoxicating, overwhelming, and all-consuming.
But then, a sliver of clarity broke through the haze again. You pulled back, panting, your eyes wide as you looked at him. “Jensen, we’re making a mistake. We’re drunk and—”.
He leaned his forehead against yours, his breath hot and ragged. “Maybe. But right now I don’t care”.
With that, he pressed his lips back on yours, his hands gripping your thighs as he lifted you effortlessly, pulling you up onto his hips. You gasped against his mouth, feeling the hard press of his erection through your thin panties, the sensation sending a jolt of electricity through your body.
You wrapped your legs around his waist instinctively, the friction and heat between you both intensifying with every passing second. His hands roamed your back, his touch firm and demanding, while his lips and tongue explored yours with a hunger that seemed to consume you both.
Jensen moved you to the bed, lowering you onto the soft mattress without breaking the kiss. You could feel the full weight of his body pressing down on you, the urgency in his movements mirroring your own. Despite everything, you found yourself craving his touch, needing more of the connection that had been denied for so long.
His hands slipped under your top, sliding up your sides and making you shiver at the sensation. He pulled back just enough to look into your eyes, his own filled with a mix of lust and something else you couldn’t quite define. “Why do you have to make everything so complicated?”, he murmured, his voice rough with desire.
His lips pressed against your neck, trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses along your skin. “You’re such a pain in the ass”, he mumbled against your neck, his breath hot and sending shivers down your spine.
You moaned softly, your hands gripping his shoulders. “And you’re an insufferable dick”, you shot back, your voice breathless and tinged with a mixture of annoyance and desire.
Jensen chuckled, the sound vibrating against your skin, making you gasp. “Guess that makes us even”, he murmured, his lips moving lower, grazing the sensitive spot just below your ear.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him even closer, your body arching into his touch. Despite the alcohol and the confusion, you couldn’t deny the raw, primal attraction between you. It was maddening, infuriating, and utterly intoxicating.
His hands roamed your body with a sense of urgency, his touch igniting a fire wherever it landed. As his lips continued their exploration of your neck and collarbone, you couldn’t help but respond to him, your body moving instinctively to meet his.
Every kiss, every touch, was a battle, each of you pushing and pulling, testing the boundaries. It was a clash of wills as much as it was an act of passion, both of you trying to dominate and submit all at once.
Jensen’s hands slid under your top, pushing it up and over your head, discarding it carelessly to the side. His eyes raked over your body, dark with desire.
His lips crashed against yours again, and you lost yourself in the intensity of the moment.
Jensen groaned, the sound low and guttural. “You know, you drove me crazy on set, grinding on my dick during that scene. You did it on purpose, didn’t you?”. His voice was a mix of accusation and desire, the memory clearly affecting him as much as it had affected you.
You let out a breathless laugh, your nails digging into his back. “Oh, please. You think I did that on purpose? You were the one who couldn’t keep your hands to yourself”.
Jensen’s eyes darkened, his lips curving into a smirk. “Is that so? You really think I’m the one who couldn’t keep my hands to myself?”. His hands tightened on your hips, pulling you even closer against him, making you gasp at the sensation.
“Yeah”, you managed to breathe out, trying to maintain some semblance of control. “You were all over me”.
He chuckled darkly, his lips grazing your ear. “Maybe because you were practically begging for it. The way you looked at me, the way you moved… You wanted me just as much”.
You hissed, “I’m just a fucking amazing actress”.
“Is that what you tell yourself?”, he murmured, his voice dripping with arrogance. “That all of this is just an act?”.
He leaned in, his breath hot against your ear. “Well, if that’s the case, you deserve an award for how real you make it seem”.
You shivered, torn between anger and undeniable attraction. “You’re so full of yourself, Jensen”, you shot back, trying to regain some control over the situation.
“And you”, he countered, his voice low and rough, “are full of contradictions. You say one thing, but your body tells me another”.
You gasped as his lips found your neck again, sucking and nipping at your sensitive skin. Despite your best efforts to stay composed, a moan escaped your lips, betraying your true feelings.
“See?”, he whispered against your skin, his tone triumphant. “Your body can’t lie”.
You clenched your fists, struggling to suppress the overwhelming sensations he was eliciting. “This doesn’t mean anything”, you insisted, even as your body responded eagerly to his touch.
Jensen pulled back slightly, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that took your breath away. “Keep telling yourself that, sweetheart. But we both know the truth”.
With that, he captured your lips in another searing kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth with a hunger that sent shivers down your spine. His hand roamed over your body, fingertips grazing your skin with a touch that was both tender and demanding.
As his lips moved to your jawline, planting soft kisses that trailed down to your neck, you felt his hand slip lower, teasing the edge of your panties. Each touch was electric, igniting a fire within you that you couldn’t ignore, no matter how much you tried to resist.
Jensen’s breath was hot against your skin as his fingers traced a path along the waistband of your panties, his touch light and teasing. He paused, lifting his head to meet your eyes, his gaze filled with an intensity that made your heart race.
“Tell me to stop”, he whispered, his voice low and rough. “If you really don’t want this, tell me to stop”.
Your breath hitched, your mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. But your body was already making the decision for you, responding to his touch with a need that you couldn’t deny.
Jensen’s fingers slipped beneath the fabric of your panties, the touch sending a shockwave of pleasure through your body. His hand was warm and confident, exploring you with a skill that left you breathless. He found your most sensitive spot, his fingers moving with a rhythm that made your hips buck involuntarily.
“You’re so wet”, he murmured against your neck, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and desire. “Is this what you don’t want?”.
You moaned softly, your hands gripping his shoulders as his touch sent waves of pleasure through you. “Jensen”, you gasped, unable to form a coherent response as his fingers continued their relentless assault.
He smiled against your skin, his movements becoming more deliberate, each stroke designed to drive you closer to the edge. “That’s what I thought”.
With that, he dipped not one but two of his thick fingers inside you, their size enough to stretch you, eliciting a sharp gasp from your lips. His eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of awe and satisfaction crossing his features.
“Shit, you’re tight”, he whispered, his voice rough with desire. His fingers moved slowly at first, letting you adjust to the sensation, but soon they began to thrust deeper, each movement sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
You bit your lip, your eyes squeezing shut as the intensity of his touch overwhelmed you. “Jensen”, you moaned, your voice breathless and needy, your body arching into his touch.
Jensen smirked, his breath hot against your ear as he continued his relentless assault on your senses. “Jensen what?”, he murmured, his voice low and teasing.
You could barely form a coherent thought, let alone a response, as waves of pleasure crashed over you. Desperate for more, you tugged impatiently on his shirt, your fingers fumbling with the buttons.
“Jensen, please”, you managed to gasp, your need evident in your voice.
He chuckled softly, the sound vibrating through your body. “That’s better”, he said, his tone both commanding and tender. “Tell me what you want, Y/N”.
Your fingers finally succeeded in undoing the buttons, and you pushed his shirt off his shoulders, revealing the sculpted muscles beneath. Your hands roamed his chest, feeling the heat of his skin, the strength of his body.
“I want you”, you whispered, your voice trembling with desire. “I need you”.
Jensen’s eyes darkened with lust, and he captured your lips in a searing kiss, his fingers still working their magic inside you. The intensity of his touch, combined with the heat of his kiss, was almost too much to bear.
He pulled back slightly, his forehead resting against yours as he looked into your eyes. “You’re so beautiful”, he whispered, his voice raw with emotion. “And you’re mine tonight”.
With that, he withdrew his fingers, eliciting a whimper of protest from you. But before you could say anything, he was pulling down his pants, his movements hurried and eager. You watched, your breath catching in your throat at the sight of him, his erection hard and ready.
Jensen's gaze was intense as he ordered, "Get those panties off, now". His voice was firm, leaving no room for hesitation.
Your hands moved quickly, discarding the remaining fabric that clung to your body. Once you were completely bare, Jensen climbed back onto the bed, positioning himself between your legs. His eyes roamed over you, taking in every inch of your exposed skin.
Without hesitation or warning, Jensen guided himself inside you, thrusting forward with one hard, deliberate motion. The sudden fullness made you whimper, your nails digging hard into his back, marking his skin with the intensity of your reaction.
Jensen groaned deeply, the sound vibrating through your chest as he buried his face in your neck for a moment, overwhelmed by the sensation. Without pausing, he moved his mouth to your breast, capturing your nipple between his lips. He sucked hard, his tongue flicking over the sensitive peak, quieting his own groans as he reveled in how good you felt around him.
The combination of his thrusts and the stimulation from his mouth sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body. You arched into him, your hands clutching at his shoulders, your hips meeting his rhythm eagerly.
“Jensen”, you gasped, the intensity of the sensations almost too much to bear. “Please, don’t stop”.
Jensen smirked against your skin, his confidence evident in the way he moved. “Oh, you like that, don’t you?”, he murmured, his voice dripping with arrogance. “Tell me how good it feels, Y/N”.
“Feels so good”, you gasped, your voice breathless with need.
His lips curved into a satisfied grin as he continued his relentless rhythm, each movement calculated to drive you wild. “That’s right”, he whispered, his mouth moving back to your breast, sucking and nibbling on your nipple. “I want to hear you beg for it”.
Your nails dug deeper into his back, your hips bucking against his in desperate need. “Please, Jensen”, you whimpered, your voice trembling. “I need more”.
He chuckled, the sound low and teasing, sending shivers down your spine. “More? You want more?”, he taunted, his thrusts becoming slower, more deliberate, dragging out the pleasure.
“Yes”, you cried out, your body arching into his, craving the intensity he was withholding. “Please, Jensen, don’t tease me”.
His eyes darkened with lust as he looked down at you, enjoying the sight of you writhing beneath him. “You look so beautiful when you’re desperate”, he murmured, his voice a mix of admiration and desire.
You hissed, “Fuck you”, your voice edged with both frustration and desperation. Jensen’s smirk deepened, clearly enjoying the power he held over you.
“Oh, I plan to”, he murmured. He rolled his hips slowly, deliberately, making sure each movement was a tantalizing tease. The slow, torturous rhythm sent you spiraling, each measured thrust driving you to the brink of madness.
Your body ached for more, every nerve ending on fire with need. You tried to push your hips up to meet his, but his hands held you firmly in place, dictating the pace with a dominance that made your pulse race.
Eventually, your nerves wearing thin, you decided you had enough of his teasing. With a burst of determination, you pushed him roughly onto the bed, his dick slipping out of you as he landed on his back. Before he could react, you straddled his lap, your legs on either side of his hips. You grabbed his erection, positioning it at your entrance, and then sank down onto him with a loud gasp, the sensation of fullness making you shudder.
Jensen’s eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of delight and admiration flashing across his face. He let out a low, appreciative groan, his hands instinctively gripping your hips to steady you.
“Taking control, are we?”, he teased. “I think I like it when you’re on top”.
You ignored his comment, focusing instead on the feeling of him inside you. You began to move, rocking your hips back and forth, finding a rhythm that sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body. The power of being in control, of setting the pace, was intoxicating.
Jensen’s hands slid up your sides, his thumbs brushing over your nipples, adding another layer of sensation to your already heightened arousal. “You look so fucking sexy”, he murmured, his voice rough with desire. “I could watch you ride me all night”.
You quickened your pace, your movements becoming more urgent, more demanding. “Then stop talking and enjoy the ride”, you shot back, your voice breathless with the effort and pleasure.
He chuckled, his eyes dark with lust. “Oh, I’m enjoying it, alright. But are you?”. He thrust his hips upward, meeting your movements with a force that made you gasp.
You threw your head back, your hands splayed on his chest for balance. “Fuck", you moaned, the pleasure building with each thrust, the friction and heat between you both becoming almost unbearable.
Jensen’s hands tightened on your hips, his smirk widening as he felt your body responding to him. “You sound so desperate”, he murmured, his voice a low growl.
"Shut up”, you moaned, your voice laced with a mix of frustration and pleasure. Finally, you shifted your hips just right, the angle hitting your sweet spot perfectly. The sensation was almost overwhelming, sending waves of pleasure through your body.
Jensen started to say something, his smirk evident even through his heavy breaths, but you quickly placed a palm over his mouth to silence him. His eyes widened in surprise, but the teasing glint in them remained. He groaned against your hand, the vibrations adding another layer of sensation to your already heightened arousal.
With one hand still over his mouth, you used your other hand to steady yourself on his chest, increasing your pace as you rode him with a newfound intensity. Each movement sent shockwaves through your body, the pleasure building rapidly as you neared your climax.
Jensen’s hands gripped your hips tightly, his fingers digging into your skin as he tried to control his own responses. He thrust his hips upward to meet your movements, the combined effort driving you both closer to the edge.
You looked down at him, your breath coming in ragged gasps, the intensity of the moment written all over his face. Despite your best efforts to silence him, you could still feel his muffled groans against your palm, each sound sending a thrill through you.
“I’m so close”, you gasped, your voice barely more than a whisper as you felt yourself teetering on the brink.
His eyes locked onto yours, the connection between you almost palpable. He removed your hand from his mouth, capturing it in his own and pressing a kiss to your palm before whispering, “Come for me, Y/N. I want to feel you”.
His words, combined with the relentless rhythm of your movements, pushed you over the edge. The orgasm tore through you, your body convulsing with the intensity of it as you cried out his name. The pleasure was almost too much to bear, leaving you breathless and trembling.
Jensen followed moments later, his release powerful and all-consuming. He groaned your name, his body shuddering beneath you as he found his own climax.
For a moment, you both remained there, tangled together, your bodies still shaking from the aftershocks of your passion. Slowly, Jensen pulled you down onto his chest, wrapping his arms around you as you both caught your breath. His heartbeat was strong and steady beneath your ear.
But as the euphoria began to fade, the reality of the situation set in. You rolled off him, lying on your back next to him, the cool air hitting your sweat-slicked skin. You turned your head to look at him, the lingering tension between you two palpable.
“Don’t think this changes anything”, you said, your voice still breathless but firm.
Jensen turned his head to meet your gaze, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Wouldn’t dream of it”, he replied, his tone laced with mockery.
You scoffed, pushing yourself up and grabbing a nearby blanket to cover yourself.
Jensen stood up, his drunken haze clearing as he began to get dressed. You pulled on your top, trying to ignore the lingering tension between you. As he picked up his dress shirt, he found your panties on the floor. With a teasing smirk, he held them up.
“Maybe I should keep these as a reminder of how nice you can be with a dick deep down inside you”, he said, his voice dripping with mockery.
You rolled your eyes, snatching your panties from his hand. “Shouldn’t you be more worried about your wife finding these?”, you retorted, your tone laced with annoyance.
Jensen chuckled, an unsettling nonchalance in his eyes. “She knows how things are”, he replied, his voice cold as he zipped up his pants and closed his belt. “We have an understanding”.
You felt a pang of something—disgust, perhaps, or maybe just a deeper disappointment. “An understanding”, you echoed, your voice flat. “Must be nice”.
He shrugged, slipping his arms into his dress shirt. “It’s practical”, he said, buttoning up. “We both know the score”.
As you stood up to clean yourself, feeling the residual heat and stickiness where Jensen had come inside you, you felt his hand grab your wrist. With a sudden, forceful pull, he yanked you flush against his chest.
His eyes bore into yours, the intensity almost overwhelming. “You need to remember how this feels”, he murmured, his voice low and rough. “I want you to keep this in mind, every time you look at me”.
You opened your mouth to retort, but he silenced you with a deep, possessive kiss. His lips moved against yours with a desperate hunger, as if trying to imprint the memory of this moment onto your very soul. His hands roamed your back, pulling you even closer, deepening the kiss.
You couldn’t help but respond, your body betraying your resolve once again as you melted into him. The kiss was fierce and demanding, a tangible reminder of the intensity between you. His tongue explored your mouth, coaxing soft moans from you, making your head spin with the sheer force of his passion.
When he finally pulled back, his breathing was heavy, his forehead resting against yours. “Don’t forget this, Sweetheart”, he whispered, his voice rough with desire. “No matter what happens, remember how you feel right now”.
With that, Jensen left your hotel room, the door clicking softly behind him. You stood there for a moment, heart pounding, your mind a whirlwind of emotions. You felt a mix of anger, confusion, and an undeniable pull toward him that left you reeling.
You shook your head, trying to clear the fog of the intense encounter, and made your way to the bathroom to clean yourself. The warm water helped to soothe your frazzled nerves, but it couldn't wash away the lingering sensation of Jensen's touch.
Just as you were drying off, your phone buzzed on the counter. You glanced at the screen and saw a message from Antony: "Hey, are you still awake? Should I come over?".
You bit your lip, a pang of guilt twisting in your gut. You had been meeting Antony outside of set for a few weeks now. Although neither of you had put a label on whatever was happening between you, it felt like you had cheated on him by sleeping with Jensen. The thought made your chest tighten with regret.
Ignoring the message for a moment, you sat down on the edge of the bathtub, taking a deep breath. You needed to figure out what you were going to do. The emotions from your encounter with Jensen were still raw, and you couldn't ignore the fact that you felt something for Antony, too.
After a few moments of contemplation, you picked up your phone and typed out a response: "Sorry, Antony. I'm really tired and just need some rest tonight. Can we talk tomorrow?".
You hit send and set the phone down, feeling a mixture of relief and sadness. You knew you needed to have an honest conversation with him, but tonight wasn't the night for it. Your emotions were too tangled, and you needed time to sort them out.
As you crawled into bed, you couldn't help but replay the events of the night in your mind. Jensen's touch, his words, the undeniable connection between you—it all felt like a storm you couldn't escape. But there was also Antony, steady and kind, someone you had started to develop feelings for.
You sighed, closing your eyes and willing sleep to come.
A/N: Please let me know what you think.🥰
Part 2
Taglist: @suckitands33 @jackles010378 @spnfamily-j2
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gilbirda · 4 months
Personal coach Red Hood
Here have this as I turn off my computer to go the fuck to sleep.
Part 1 | Part 3
Ever since that weirdo jumped at him a few days ago, Jason couldn’t shake the feeling he was being watched. He didn’t believe the woman was working for a major villain or was out to get him — she proved she could hold her ground in a fight, so she could have attacked him any time if that was her objective — but he was starting to think something more sinister was going on.
Glimpses of her long red hair on the corner of his vision, always just out of sight, but close enough to make him paranoid to check every shadow and every corner, waiting to see her jump at him with that stupid smile.
What was her deal, anyway?
Personal trainer? Mentor?
What does that even mean?
Whatever, he was going to ignore her until she gave up. It didn’t matter the reason she thought it was a good idea to follow a vigilante, and former crime lord, around the worst parts of Gotham; but he was going to make sure she abandoned the fixation on him and went back to her life.
She did not give up.
That woman — Jazz, she said — was relentless and inserted herself in the wildest situation just for a chance to talk to him. Was she trying to prove she could take it? That she was strong? That she was worthy?
In any case, Jazz ended up as the most consistent hostage, kidnapped, mugged person in Crime Alley. Always there, with a giant smile and her stupid notepad, like a crazy woman.
He was starting to think she was actually insane.
“But it’s fun!” Stephanie insisted one time. “It's like you have your own number one fan!”
Jason groaned. 
The others learned about the stalker and of course twisted the whole thing like it was anything other than annoying and inconvenient. Dick said it was romantic, but Damian was the only one sane and agreed that her stalking tendencies could prove dangerous.
Then… Then that’s when he started finding food.
He knew where it came from, because the woman always waited nearby and watched him investigate the containers, holding her breath, and groaning when he threw the containers away or left them abandoned.
One day he was too weak and tried one. It was pasta. He was very hungry, coming back from a long campaign to rip apart a new drug ring forming under his nose. He was injured and was positive that everything at his apartment was not edible, so he risked it. He was immune to a lot of poisons, so he was positive he wouldn’t die from this.
It was the worst plate of pasta he had ever tried.
Who fucks up pasta?
Overcooked and undercooked at the same time, and you can tell she tried making bolognese sauce from scratch, but it just wasn’t working. Also it needed salt.
He didn’t finish it and looked at the woman — Jazz — in the eye as he threw away the rest.
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vettelsdarling · 1 year
Pleaseeeeee do a Lando x normal!reader ig au I really need this🧡
𝐈 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬
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Lissie note… I’m honestly surprised that nobody has requested this until you did! Sorry for the delay, by the way!!! I go in order of who requested first, so it took a little while to get to yours. I love this idea though, thank youuu xx
Few things to note:
Reader is a senior college student.
Lando and reader have been dating for almost a year (since 2020) and are soft launching
There will be time skips from post to post
Time spans from late 2021 to late 2022 (meaning they’ve been dating for 2 yrs over the span of the fic)
Pairing: Lando Norris x Normal!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Slight cursing(?), bunch of fluff
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Liked by maxverstappen1, carlossainz55, danielricciardo and 863,921 others
landonorris Took a picture of me, so I took a picture of you… sorta.
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maxverstappen1 So this is why you didn’t have time for some sim…
Liked by landonorris
user2 The two shadows😭😭😭
user3 Have you guys ever wondered that he might have friends?
user2 There’s no way that’s a case of “oh this is my best friend”
user4 Tbh I agree💀 It looks like he’s soft launching
user5 Not Lando soft launching rn😭
user6 Is this the first mention of her?
user5 Yeah it is
user7 wdym “her” it might not be his girlfriend…
user8 um it definitely is.
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Liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo, mclaren and 648,221 others
landonorris On my way back to you✈️
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danielricciardo She’s going to love it when the flowers are all withered from the trip
landonorris She’ll appreciate the sentiment
user1 The roses…
user2 the caption…
user3 I know who it is. If anyone wants the proof dm me
user4 Can you drop it plsss
user5 Oh my goooosh whoever she is, she’s so lucky😭😭😭
user6 I love Danny in the comments💀
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wagsf1 News!!! Lando’s girlfriend is on Instagram! Sadly private though…
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user1 But there’s no @???
user2 you can just search her name and her account appears but she’s private so she probably won’t accept it if you request
user3 omg new wag alert!!!
user4 I can’t wait to see her paddock outfitssss
user5 I’ve never seen her on the paddock before though? Either they JUST started dating or she doesn’t go…
user6 Yeah, agreed. Based off her acc, I think she’s too busy with college anyway..?
user5 Oh yeah that too
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Liked by landonorris, francisca.cgomes, charlottesiine and 1,389 others
yourusername Never expected the huge influx of follow requests after being outed, but the fan base is appreciated xx
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yourusername Okay, wow, I did not expect so many likes… am I famous now or something?
landonorris Yes
yourusername Oh wow! I’m so famous that THE Lando Norris commented?
francisca.cgomes Finally public gorgeoussss❤️
yourusername ❤️❤️❤️
user1 That sarcasm? I love her already😭
user2 Agreed😭😭
user3 Wtaf she’s actually so pretty
user4 Honestly would LOVE to see her at the races
user5 Based off her wit, I’d say Lando is pretty lucky
user6 WHAT !! You’re literally SO gorgeous?!
user7 What kind of voodoo did Lando perform to find her😭
user8 idk but he has to teach me
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Liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1, carlossainz55 and 836,228 others
landonorris Had the audacity to still be asleep when I arrived at her dorm. Made it up to me with cinnamon rolls though. She loves late night walks… kind of like a cat?
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yourusername Did you just call me… a cat?
landonorris How else would I describe you
yourusername A very hard working college student
landonorris I think I’ll stick to “little kid who loves running into the road”
yourusername In my defense, those roads are empty at night.
user1 I love the banter between them😭😭😭
user2 They really remind me of an old married couple💀😭
user3 Okay but she actually seems so sweet
user4 I go to nyu and can confirm that she’s an angel
user3 ???
user4 She takes part in a lot of volunteer projects to help animals and stuff
user3 omgggg Lando got himself a literal saint😭
user5 If she doesn’t appear in the paddock soon, I don’t want it
user6 I second thissss
user7 Honestly I don’t care about all the young tweens screaming and crying over a parasocial relationship. These two were literally MADE FOR EACH OTHER
user8 Lando pls invite her to the paddock
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Liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1, mclaren and 34,893 others
Tagged: landonorris
yourusername In the third picture, I asked him to pose and this is what came out. Thoroughly disappointed with this model. 2/10 would not book again.
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landonorris You put me on the spot.
yourusername Untrue
maxverstappen1 He should delete his jpg account and leave the photography to you
yourusername right?
user1 I love her wtf😭😭
user2 Hey girlie when are you leaving him for me🙏
user3 Relatable
user4 The caption💀
user5 If this isn’t my future relationship, I don’t want it
user6 so real
user7 The second pic??? So she was at the race?
user8 It was probably on a weekday and not the actual weekend
user7 but why would she go during the week and not on the weekend?
user8 She was probably too busy otherwise?
user9 I love their dynamic so much ughhh
user10 They literally have so much chemistry
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Liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and 836,227 others
Tagged: yourusername
landonorris She finally graduated🎉 Had to celebrate accordingly. Congratulations, babe❤️
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yourusername Why thank you very much, good sir
landonorris Anything for you, my fair lady
maxverstappen1 This means we’ll see you in the paddock @ yourusername
yourusername You bet
user2 I can’t wait for the pics of her with the other wags
user3 She’ll look amazing in papaya colours🧡
user4 NYU GRAD?? Lando really got someone smart AND gorgeous
user5 I can’t wait for her to join the weekendsss
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Liked by landonorris, lilymhe, mclaren and 187,378 others
Tagged: landonorris, lilymhe
yourusername Finally got the opportunity to stay for the actual races. These last few ones have been amazing. Also got to be with my favourite person more often❤️
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landonorris I’m happy I get to be with you more often too❤️
yourusername ???
landonorris ?
lilymhe @ landonorris By favourite person, she meant me
yourusername Exactly
landonorris can’t believe this
Liked by yourusername
user2 She’s an actual goddess wtaf
user3 Why do I love her paddock fits so much?!
user4 Well, I know who my new fav wag is!!!
user5 I’m actually still kinda curious how long they’ve been dating for
user6 Probably a couple of months before the first soft launch?
user7 Lily and her against Lando in the comments😭😭😭
user8 Pleaseee😭
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Liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and 736,923 others
Tagged: yourusername
landonorris For two years, I have had the incredible pleasure of being yours. You’ve shown me how to enjoy all the simple things in life, and I couldn’t be more grateful. You’ve truly captured my heart and I will be yours so long as I breathe. Happy 2 years. I love you.
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yourusername I love you too❤️
Liked by landonorris
mclaren Our favourite paddock couple!
maxverstappen1 congrats guys!
danielricciardo Congrats!!!
lewishamilton You guys are great together, congrats on the 2 years
francisca.cgomes AMAZING❤️ Congrats you two💕💕
yourusername ❤️❤️
lilymhe You guys are so incredibly cute together, congratulationsssss🫶
yourusername 🫶🫶
user1 wait… TWO WHOLE YEARS?!
user2 This was so unexpected😭
user3 Aww this is so sweet🥹
user4 Istg if they don’t get married😭😭😭
user5 Literally. They better.
user6 fav couple on the grid🧡
user7 The fact that they can be best friends and be in love? I want it so bad😭❤️
user8 Never would’ve thought they managed to date for a whole year without anyone noticing, but that just makes this so much sweeter❤️
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𝗤𝘂𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁!
𝗜 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗴𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗮 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗲, 𝘀𝗼 𝗜'𝘃𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗲!
𝗜𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝗱 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗮 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁, 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗿 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗺𝘆 𝗮𝘀𝗸𝘀: 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵 𝗱𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗳𝗶𝗰. 𝗜𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝗱 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗴𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗻𝗲!
𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗯𝗲 𝗮𝗳𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝘀𝗸. 𝗜'𝗺 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝗱𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂! :)
𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻...
𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚!
𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
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𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗽𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝘆, 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗲, 𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺— 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻.
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judesmoonbeauty · 6 months
2024 Villain's Festival - Team Villain's Story ♛
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. Also, feel free to ignore my random commentary.
Translation notes are marked with *** Alternate translation is marked with///
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The condition for receiving the entire bonus from Her Majesty, is to steal Kate’s heart.
When the battle begins, three shadows with villainous expressions appear in Crown Castle.
Alfons: Such rowdy party. Let’s enjoy it to the fullest!
Roger: If I collect the full bonus, I can use it toward research and alcohol expenses. I’ll have to go all in.
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Alfons & Roger: Ah! 
Alfons: Oh, Roger. What a coincidence to run into you here, please move aside.
Roger: I've got business up ahead, too. You get out of my way.
Jude: Don’t block the way. Your both huge and your in the way.
Jude: Oh?
Jude: What do ya guys have there? 
Roger: A sack.
Alfons: Does it look like anything other than a rope?
Jude: So, you'll bag her, tie her up and kidnap her....
Alfons & Roger: Please don't ask if you already know.
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Alfons: You're so evil, Jude, to immediately notice what we're trying to do, aren't you?
Jude: Thanks.
Alfons: This game is about capturing Kate’s heart.
Alfons: In short, the winner is the one who takes the necklace that Kate has!
Alfons: In that case, any means are fine.
Jude: These guys are bastards.
Roger: I think you were the one who was going to kidnap Kate, weren't you?
Jude: You'll know it when you see it.
Roger: That's surprising. I thought you'd just say it's rubbish and not get involved.
Jude: You know the rules, you just take the woman’s necklace and the money rolls in.
Jude: It's rags to riches business in terms of cost-effectiveness.
Roger: You're pretty much a bastard yourself. Well, I guess fighting the good fight doesn't suit us.
Alfons: Let's fight fair and square until there's only one left standing!
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Alfons: That's what I was thinking until just now, but when I thought about it, aren’t we at a disadvantage?
Roger & Jude: Disadvantage?
Alfons: Each of us cursed ones has our own special abilities….
Alfons: Isn’t our self-righteous king William, a bit of a cheat?
Roger: The "do as I say" is definitely a cheat.
Roger: If he uses that, it's game over in an instant.
Jude: It's hard to tell what he’s thinking. It’s really creepy.
Alfons: Therefore. The clever Alphonse came up with an idea.
Alfons: Why don't the three of us join forces?
Alfons: It's what we call a joint front.
Roger: Certainly, the three of us working together would be more efficient than working alone.
Roger: Fine, I'm in.
Alfons: You are indeed an efficiency-oriented muscle man. How about you, Jude?
Jude: Yeah. I'm in. “While we're on the same side.”
Roger: Wow, I'm surprised you agreed so readily. I wonder what's going through your mind.
Jude: How dare the treacherous cursed man put himself on a pedestal.
Alfons: Yes, yes, now that we have formed a joint front, let's get along.
Alfons: So, the most wicked team is now complete.
Alfons: Let's go and kidnap Kate quickly!
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Harrison: Kate, you are being targeted from all sides.
Harrison: But we'll protect you.
Liam: Yeah, all we want to see is your  smile, Kate.
Ellis: Kate, leave it to us.
Kate: Thank you, Harrison, Liam and Ellis. 
Kate: Behind you!
Harrison: When did you guys!
Alfons: “Kate, is invisible to you.”
Harrison: …….
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Jude: Ellis, you're not getting enough sleep. Why don’t you sleep a little. 
Liam: Jude….ah.
Liam: Harry, Ellis! Damn it, disappear.
Roger: Liam. Your abilities are not the best match for mine. 
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Roger: Even when you disappear, my ears are still picking up your heartbeat. …..Right here?
Liam: Oh! 
Jude: You should sleep too.
Roger: Ok, everyone’s sound asleep like good boys.
Alfons: Normally, we don't get along well with each other, but when it comes to deviousness, we are united, which is a strange thing.
Roger: Because bad people can understand how bad people think.
Jude: If we have time for idle chit-chat,  then let’s get out of here before the nobles launch a surprise attack.
Alfons: Yes, yes. Well, Kate, please let us kidnap you.
Kate: What? Oh, hey! 
Jude: You'd be smarter to stay quiet, princess.
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Jude: I hope you locked the door properly.
Alfons: Yes, of course.
Alfons: This is the perfect guest room. Whatever happens here, only the four of us will know the truth.
Alfons: A secret only for us. Hehe, I'm so excited, Kate.
Roger: Sorry to tie you to the chair, missy. It would have been troublesome if you'd escaped again.
Kate: So the three of you formed a joint front.
Kate: But still, of all people, these three?
Alfons: What do you mean?
Kate: No, nothing. 
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Roger: You're trying to say that three people without a shred of conscience got together.
Alfons: I'm honored that you appreciate my reputation for lack of conscience.
Alfons: Now, as planned, Kate belongs to one of the three of us.
Alfons: Let's start the finals here.
Jude: Oh?
Jude: Why are you trying to touch the nape of someone's neck, you talking piece of shit?
Alfons: Jude, you're the one who tried to poke me in the forehead with your finger.
Roger: I thought it was funny how easily you agreed to a joint front.
Roger: Your plan is to make it look like a joint front so that you could outflank us at the end, right?
Jude: It's a matter of course. It is a basic business practice to decide whether to use or not to use a contract based on who you are signing it with.
Jude: That fighting pose is proof of that. You traitorous quack.
Alfons: The lowest! Are you planning on hitting us even though you are a former doctor?
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Roger: Don't make false accusations. I just thought I'd let you guys have a good night's sleep, since you usually don't get enough.
Jude: I’ll put you to sleep. I’ll comeback and bury you accidentally in a graveyard. 
Kate: This is a picture-perfect clash of friends! 
Alfons: Oh dear, the joint front is destroyed. It's no wonder it's come to this.
Alfons: Let's play it out in a no-holds-barred match.
Roger: That’s great, I won't complain even if I lose.
Jude: If there’s any mouth left to complain about it, sure.
Roger: What's the matter, missy? You’re being loud. 
Kate: As you can imagine, we can't afford to a situation where any of the crown is missing!
Kate: Violence. No. Absolutely not. Anyone who touches me will be considered disqualified and will not be given the necklace!
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Jude: Wow, you've become quite the big talker haven’t you?
Jude: Isn't it okay if I take it away by force, princess?
Kate: If you try to take it away from me, I will run away as fast as I can, even if I have to drag a chair with me!
Jude: Ha, she's still as stubborn and obnoxious as ever.
Alfons: Kate has a point. If we were to die accidentally, it would be a national disaster.
Roger: But then, how do you settle the matter?
Roger: Kate, any good ideas?
Kate: Oh, I've decided! Just now!
Kate: The "best and kindest" of the three will receive this necklace.
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Alfons & Roger: - The best.
Jude: That's a lukewarm criterion, isn't it? It's the kind of thing you would think of as a child.
Kate: If I don't give it to someone nice, that's when I’ll get in trouble again, right?
Kate: I think it's a good idea and a peaceful solution.
Alfons: That's a very Kate-esque, typical suggestion...shall we try it?
Alfons: Kate, Kate, you must be cramped tied to that chair. 
Alfons: I'll let you go. Here you go.
Kate: Oh, thank you very much, Alfons!
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Alfons: I'm a gentleman, kind, and handsome, a national treasure, right?
Roger: Hey, back off, you frivolous man. I guess I'm the one who's kind.
Roger: Kate, there's no one as sweet and loving on you as I am, right? Leave it to me.
Jude: There's no way this masochistic pervert would be satisfied with you just being nice.
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Jude: I'll be nice to you after I torture you a lot. You like this kind of thing, don't you?
Alfons: I don't think Jude is being nice. He is a villain, this president.
Alfons: I actually saw it…. the other day.
Alfons: Jude threw the fatty part of his steak onto Ellis' plate!
Jude: What's wrong with sharing something you don't like with others? I'm just giving them a hand out. 
Roger: It's not nice to force something you don't like on people, is it, Jude?
Jude: How dare you put yourself in someone else's shoes?
Jude: The other day you guys worked together to put Elbert to sleep with a drug that you don't understand, right?
Alfons: There are various things that I would like to clear up without Elle knowing about it, so I have no choice.
Roger: I just want to be able to experiment with new drugs.
Alfons: It's just that my interests coincided with these muscular glasses.
Roger: That’s right.
Jude: All of them are a bunch of bastards.
Alfons: Oh…
Jude: Yeah?
Alfons: Where is Kate going?
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Jude & Roger: ………
Roger: When did you do this, missy?
Jude: How fast are you running away?
Alfons: Aha! 
Alfons: Disappointing. Now the game is back to square one.
Roger: Haha, that's good. It's more fun when you don't know what the game is. Hey, Jude?
Jude: Stupid.
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[Master List]
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witchybitchycrybaby · 2 months
Fuck me yourself, you coward
Davos Blackwood x Aeron Bracken
Warnings: none I can think of
Summary: you know how one person says "fuck you" and the other responds with "fuck me yourself, you coward"? Yep, that's it.
Words: 1k
I feel so normal about them
The sun was beginning to set over the meadow at the boundary of House Blackwood and House Bracken lands, its golden rays casting shadows over the trees.
Some time ago, Davos Blackwood and Aeron Bracken had agreed to a truce. They thought it a good idea, especially since they wanted to practice their swordsmanship together before they both were knighted. These moments of peace never lasted for long, however.
The boys stood facing each other, swords drawn, the practice long forgotten as it turned into one of their usual arguments.
"We're better hunters, Blackwood," Aeron snapped, his eyes blazing with fury. "If your traps are empty, it’s because you don’t know how to set them right."
"Better hunters, my ass," Davos retorted, gripping the hilt of his sword harder until his knuckles turned white. "I’ve seen your men stumble around the woods like blind fools. Probably can’t tell a deer from a tree."
They circled each other, their words as sharp as the blades they wielded. This wasn't the first time the sword practice had turned into a verbal sparring match, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. Of this they were sure.
"At least we don't come here at night to move the boundary stones. You lot must really like our Blackwood land." Davos was fuming, his voice rising dangerously.
"Your Blackwood land?" Aeron repeated in disbelief. "The stones are exactly where they should be. Maybe on top of not knowing how to set traps, you don't know how to measure properly. How you manage to keep your land is a big mystery to me." Aaron rolled his eyes and Davos saw red.
"You arrogant piece of- fuck you, Bracken!" He yelled.
Aeron, not really thinking about what he was saying, blurted out, "Fuck me yourself, you coward!"
Both boys instantly froze, the deafening silence settling between them. They could only stare and blink at each other helplessly, wide-eyed and speechless. Aeron's face drained of color for a split second before a furious crimson blush crept up his neck, spreading like wildfire. He could feel the heat even on the tips of his ears. His anger quickly drained out of him, giving place to embarrassment.
Davos, on the other hand, looked like he had just gotten the biggest treat of his existence. His lips slowly stretched into a smirk, and a mischievous glint lit up his eyes. "What was that, Bracken?"
"I-I didn't mean it like that," Aeron stammered, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. He was almost sure that the other boy could hear it too. "It was just-"
He stopped abruptly when Davos started to step closer and closer. "Oh really? Because it sure as hell sounded like an invitation to me."
Aeron took a step back, and another, somewhere along the way he dropped his sword into the grass. His breath hitched in his throat as he put his hands in front of him in a miserable attempt to stop the other boy. "I was angry! I wasn't thinking!"
But Davos only continued to close the distance between them, acting as if he didn't hear Aeron's pleas.
"No need to explain. I'm happy to oblige."
Finally, Aeron's back hit the tree, and he was trapped, unable to put some distance between him and Davos. Something in the brunet's eyes told him, that even if he ran, he would be right behind him, not letting him off the hook.
"Stop it, Blackwood. This isn't funny."
But Davos reached out, placing his hand on the tree right beside Aeron's face, trapping him in a cage. He leaned in some more, so that their faces were mere inches apart, and said in low, teasing voice, "Who's laughing?"
Aeron's heart raced. He could feel the heat radiating from the other boy's body, and his warm breath fanning his face. Aaron squeezed the bark behind his back as hard as he could. If it weren't for the support of the tree, his knees would have given out long ago.
"D-Davos, I..."
"Yes, Aeron?" He whispered.
Aeron wanted to push Davos away. He wanted to grip his hands on his tunic and just shove him off. He would storm off, not even once glancing back at the Blackwood. But his body refused to leave; worse even, he found himself leaning in slightly, drawn to the dark-haired boy. There was this pull that no matter how much he tried, he couldn't explain.
The smirk on Davos' face turned into a satisfied smile. "That's what I thought," he said and, without a second to lose, he captured Aeron's soft lips with his own.
Aeron's eyes widened in pure shock. Instead of pulling away, he found himself responding to the kiss. He moved his lips tentatively against Davos', and the boy hummed in contentment.
The kiss was a collision of teeth more than a loving embrace. It was raw and unrefined, their tongues tangling in a wild dance. They both were sure that it would leave them bruised and wanting even more of the fiery burn.
When Davos finally pulled back, his lips red, Aeron was breathless and blushing even more furiously than earlier. "That... That wasn't what I meant," he whispered weakly, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Sure thing," Davos said with a wink. "Whatever you need to tell yourself, Bracken."
His hand moved to gently cup Aeron's cheek, his skin almost burning him. Aeron shuddered under his touch, accepting the fact that there was a part of him that wanted this and so much more. That despite the animosity between their families, he had been yearning for this one Blackwood.
"You know," started Davos, his eyes following his fingers caressing Aeron's cheek. "I have a feeling that this is just the beginning."
And Aeron could feel it too. His Blackwood would make sure of it.
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wanderingblindly · 8 days
i can only agree with the other anon, your prompt fills are giving me LIFE <3 and if you have the time, could we maybe get a landoscar + 22 or 31 pls? have a lovely evening!
YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD GET RID OF ME!!! YOU REALLY THOUGHT!! UNFORTUNATELY FOR YOUR ALL I CAN'T WORK ON ANY OF MY WIPS BECAUSE MY BRAIN IS IN HELL!!! anyways here's landoscar for "a kiss after a small rejection", looooooosely inspired by Hungary 2024! prompt list here :))
What Can I Say?
The lift is deathly silent, almost like it's frozen. If he couldn't feel it moving under his feet, if he wasn't intently watching the numbers tick upwards towards their end, he would think it was the universe punishing him further – giving him more chances to fail at biting his tongue.
Oscar's standing next to him so stilly that, similarly, Lando wonders if he's turned to stone.
He doesn't even know what to say to him. Clearly he's meant to say something if Oscar chose to sneak into the same lift, if he waited in hospitality for so long that the bulk of the crowd had died down.
The lift ticks by the fifth floor.
He's meant to say congratulations, probably. Definitely. He's definitely meant to say congratulations, meant to drown out the caustic words building on the back of his tongue. It's not that he doesn't want to, but it's hard. Not because it came at the expense of Lando's win – he can get his own wins, those not handed to him by strategy and team orders. But it's the fact that it came after his own public lambasting, a public verbal crucifixion as the team drove nail after nail into his bleeding wrists.
How is he meant to say congratulations when it was written in his own blood?
Oscar doesn't even know that it was, not really. He didn't hear each strike of the hammer unto iron, like it's some tightly kept secret between Lando, the team, and every single fan. But not Oscar.
It hangs in the stagnant air between them: a secret the other doesn't know exists and the looming feeling that they'd both simultaneously played the villain and the victim.
They pass the tenth.
"You could come to mine," Oscar finally mumbles, voice so quiet that Lando nearly misses it. It's not quite an invitation, definitely not a question. Certainly it's not a declaration of want, of desire. It's something more fragile than that.
"I'm not sure that's a good idea," Lando says; from the corner of his eye, he sees Oscar move – leaning against the wall like speaking took it out of him.
"It's not…" Lando trails off, finally giving up with a sigh; he joins Oscar against the wall, both of them still staring at the ticking numbers. It's a countdown to something.
"A good idea." Oscar repeats for him, tone harsh in it's neutrality.
"What do you really want?"
Oscar crosses his ankles. He uncrosses his ankles. "I dunno, just to like…" He rubs his hand across his face, the way that makes his delicate skin turn pink. "Go back to normal."
Part of Lando's glad that it's not just him, that he isn't alone in the feeling that the air has gone too thin.
"It will," He says, finally turning to look at Oscar – his eyes are a little red, blinking like he's trying to keep more unsavory emotions at bay. "But not right now."
"I won't apologize," Oscar answers, though Lando never asked. He never asked because he never expected it, because he – honestly – never needed it. He doesn't need Oscar's apology just like he doesn't need Oscar's forgiveness, because, at the end of the day, they knew this was a risk.
And it was a risk they took, last year in in Singapore.
"Me neither." Lando says.
The lift hits fifteen. Lando's on twenty, Oscar somewhere above.
"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Lando continues, standing back up and straightening out his polo. Oscar follows him like a shadow, hands shoved in his pockets.
"We'll be ok." He, again, answers something Lando hadn't asked – something Lando knows.
"I know," Lando agrees, voice soft. Before the doors can open, pulling them apart to go ask what ifs into the dark of their hotel rooms, Lando leans towards Oscar. "Soon." Gently, so gentle it may as well have never happened, Lando presses his lips to Oscar's – as if sealing a promise, a deal.
Oscar doesn't move, just takes what Lando gives him and offers lightly closed eyes in return – as if he wishes it could be more.
They separate just before the door opens.
Lando leaves without a goodnight.
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inaflashimagine · 3 months
You’ve never seen this man before in your life. He’s quite large, a towering figure with shadows that threaten to swallow the two of you whole. These facts make for a deadly combo and provide more than sufficient material to create a nightmare even a grown adult would struggle to escape from. But you’ve seen that smile. You know that smile. It’s a hard one to forget. Clearly.
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pairing: nagumo yoichi x reader
wc: 9.4k
tags & warnings: (kinda) friends with benefits, suggestive themes, manga spoilers (sakamoto's past arc & assassination exhibition arc), light angst, reader was Nagumo's former spy classmate, no use of pronouns, instance of harassment/inappropriate behavior
notes: can be read as a standalone fic or the second part of a series found here. crossposted on ao3.
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“Those are pretty!”
You can’t help but agree with the excited six-year-old holding your hand, though choosing the right words to voice your thoughts proves difficult. 
Your eyes survey the rest of your apartment. They seem to move quicker than your stiff tongue, less focused on the bouquet of roses on the dining table and more worried about locating the trespasser who put them there in the first place. 
The walk from the school back to the apartment didn’t take more than ten minutes. The television was still left on before you headed out. You didn’t realize how it was still programmed to the assassin channel until the JAA News anchors resumed their discussion of three wanted terrorists, their names when you first heard them a week ago as unexpected as the bloodred flowers currently staring at you.
In hindsight, wondering if you’d be able to find the culprit was a silly thing to fret over. Especially when the type of person to make such a grand gesture rarely decides to remain hidden. 
“I know, right?” exclaims a deep, jubilant voice from behind. “The florist freshly cut them from his garden, too! But how do we feel about the vase? Are the polka dots too flashy?”
The door shuts with a firm click, a sound you had already heard a few seconds ago. Because you closed the door yourself. 
You’ve never seen this man before in your life. He’s quite large, a towering figure with shadows that threaten to swallow the two of you whole. These facts make for a deadly combo and provide more than sufficient material to create a nightmare even a grown adult would struggle to escape from.
But you’ve seen that smile. You know that smile. 
It’s a hard one to forget. Clearly.
The hand enveloped by yours feels smaller than ever as you turn the curious girl around and shield her from the smiling man leaning forward to wave at her. The action gets her to peek behind your protective stance, her giggles growing louder the more your frown widens. 
“Yumiko,” you say softly, refusing to show the hint of panic beginning to seize your chest. “How about you do your drills first? I’ll review them with you in a bit.” It’s already that time of the school year when her class learns basic kanji. However, you secretly fear all those hours of practice still won’t correct her sloppy penmanship.
“But you said we’d watch Sugar’s Sweet Adventures first!” she whines, the rare protest paired with her doe-like eyes close enough to make you cave in. 
Yet your gaze remains on the smiling man in front of you. 
“We’ll do that after you finish your homework. I promise.” You give her hand two tight squeezes, your voice reedier by the second. “Please.”
“I’d listen if I were you,” he unhelpfully adds as he shoves his hands into the pockets of his white baggy pants, “because the one time I hadn’t was sooo close to being my last day on this planet!”
Yumiko laughs, a melody so light that you can feel your resolve chipping away. “You’re funny, mister!”
“Aw, you think so? Well, at least I have one fan in this household!”
“Wait, if you brought flowers, does that mean you’re staying for dinner, too?” Her black pigtails bounce with the rocking of her feet before she takes a step forward. She tugs on the strap of her limited edition Sugar backpack while you pull her behind you again. “We’re having Chinese tonight.”
“Oh, from that one place around the corner? Their pork dumplings are so delicious!”
As if to prove his point, he pats his stomach a few times and lists a few other of his favorite meals from the restaurant with a satisfied smile, leaving you stunned and Yumiko giggling once again.
“Yes! Please join us, mister!” Her gaze flits back to you, catching your mortified expression reflected in those excited dark brown eyes. “Can he join us, please?”
“Not if you don’t finish those assignments,” you cut in, the anxiety gnawing at you so intensely that you’re able to snap out of your bewilderment. Desperate for any solution that gets her far away from all this. 
But you’re not sure what shocks you more: Yumiko’s disappointed sigh or the ease with which she proceeds to simultaneously slip out her shiny black shoes and shrug off her bag. 
“Fine, I’ll do them. But only after I go to the bathroom.”
The moment you hear the pitter-patter of feet being muffled by the closing of a bathroom door is the instant you push the intruder against the apartment’s front door. The one he somehow managed to picklock without so much as uttering a sound.
“Nice to see you haven’t lost your touch,” Nagumo says cheerfully, his disguise gone within a blink. 
Though that smile hasn’t faltered one bit. If anything, you swear it’s gotten bigger.
“Seems like you’ve lost yours.” The grooves of your apartment key dig deeper into his neck, a tiny bead of red coloring the black spiral inked onto him. It’s a once-in-a-blue-moon achievement that would’ve made you insufferable to be around had it happened during your sparring classes at the JCC.
But when you see his pinned shoulders relax instead of resist, you remember how deftly he can flip himself out of this situation.
And how swiftly he can end yours. 
You snort derisively, trying your best to ignore the way his large eyes only seem interested in taking in the face that’s a hair’s breadth away from his. As much as his talkative nature drives you mad, you’d rather deal with his constantly running mouth over his silent one. “You call yourself a master of disguise but can’t change that obnoxious cologne you wear?”
He seems unfazed, the lazy stretch of his lips as he watches you with mild amusement infuriating you even more. “Obnoxious? How hurtful! And here I was worried that time made you softer.”
“The only thing you need to worry about is that target over your head.” Your eyes glance at the flat screen before returning to a slowly blinking Nagumo.
The tip of your tongue feels heavy with the number of questions you want to ask him. Why is he pictured in between an assassin who has long since retired and another who he swore he would kill? 
And why is he here, of all places? You already have enough on your plate to worry about. Are there others currently on his tail? The idea that more assassins may burst through this door while Yumiko is here terrifies you. 
You want to strangle him. 
“A target?” The confusion that tinges his voice is also seen in the exaggerated tilt of his head, the assassin uncaring that the action causes the key to poke further into his neck. “While I am flattered to be compared to that objectively attractive ‘Wanted’ guy, you’re confusing me for another Nagumo Yoichi. After all, I’m an upstanding JAA employee and obedient member of the Order, thank you very much.”
“Oh, cut the act,” you hiss, the flush of the toilet in the background proving how little time you have left. Leaning forward, you glimpse the silver key between your fingers beginning to turn crimson. “Or I’ll let the JAA know where their Special Class-A Extermination Target is…”
He dares to feign a pained gasp while mirth dances in his eyes. “You’d rat me out, even after I brought you these flowers? You have to admit that they’re an upgrade from last time.”
Despite it being the most inopportune time, his words bring back a rush of memories that you have no shot at ever blocking out.
The faint surprise your face undeniably showed upon opening the apartment door that one night over seven years ago–a shock that wasn’t caused by the all-too-familiar sight of long limbs occupying every corner of your couch but had rather stemmed from the bouquet of bright white roses he tossed between his hands.
White roses speckled with dark red splotches.
His thank-you gift, no doubt. 
At least his suit was clean. 
What remained uncertain was whether the present was for a favor in the past, or for a current one in his unlucky deck of cards.
You had grabbed it from him anyway, heading straight to the kitchen and swallowing a pleased sigh that threatened to leave you when soft lips grazed your neck and long arms wrapped around your waist. Ignoring the warmth in your constricted chest as fingers toyed with the hem of your shirt and strands of silky hair tickled your cheek, instead attempting to focus on the scissors in your hands to cut the flower stems at a sharp angle. “But please don’t tell me those dots are bloo–”
“Nah, of course it’s not my blood!” he immediately clarified with a chuckle, the deep sound vibrating through your skin and going straight through your bones. “How was I supposed to know the dude would bleed like some stuck pig?”
“Nagumo!” You hoped he’d surmise your gasp as one of horror over his indifference, but saying his name like that the minute his hand dipped below your pants is not something even the most naive could chalk up to coincidence.
“Now, don’t act all innocent on me,” he whispered into your ear, planting a lingering kiss on your shoulder. “Not when you’re the only spy who knows the whereabouts of one of my next targets.”
After placing the stained roses in a black vase, you managed to wiggle in his grasp, turning to pull on his tie before linking your arms around his neck. Unsure why the knot in your stomach seemed to tighten from his admission, one that you already saw coming the moment you opened the door. 
The more you thought about it, Nagumo rarely offered gifts of appreciation for services completed in the past. Perhaps a present of that magnitude could only be received for accomplishing a wish not even a god could grant.
If that was the case, that wouldn’t be happening anytime soon. The latest trail you caught wind of went cold months ago. At the very least, it was likely she was still alive, but providing him any further details would be pure speculation or straight-up lies. Despite all the classes Nagumo skipped when you two were in high school, one particular lesson always stuck with each student in the intelligence-gathering and assassin programs: a stiff body is easier to find than a constantly moving one. 
But if she wasn’t dead, then it was also very likely that she didn’t want to be found. 
Neither of you had ever discussed that last scenario—such hypotheticals were pointless in this profession, after all—but you’re sure he already knew. Even then, he still acted like a stubborn dog that refused to let go of the worn bone, as if hopeful that, maybe, just maybe, he could eventually trade it in for something of higher value. 
Hope was the last thing assassins should hold onto. Civilians who did so were often seen as optimistic or naive. But for those in your field, it got you killed.
Shaking your head, you sent him an unimpressed look. “Contaminated roses in exchange for valuable intel? Talk about unfair exchange.”
He merely blinked, blank eyes staring evenly at you before giving you a boyish smile. “Ah, of course, my bad! So would you prefer red ones next time?”
“You’re ridiculous!” And like last time, you laughed against his lips, closing the distance to push away the sinking feeling that this transaction, along with the previous ones, would never extend beyond that. Perhaps if he squeezed his eyes just as hard as you were then he’d be able to picture the one target that’s never been able to leave his mind.
Upset at Nagumo for evoking such unwelcome thoughts, you tighten your grip against him and repeat those two words.
What favor does he want now? Wasn’t last time enough?
Does he know how much you’ve risked for him? How much is at stake just because he stepped foot into your haven?
“You know, it’s quite rude to treat a friend like this!” he chides, grabbing your wrist with the key before wagging a finger from his other–now free–hand. “Especially one who saw their best friend fake-resurrect from the dead before nearly getting sliced to pieces by a senile man with a sword.”
The key clatters to the floor as your jaw goes slack, attempting to piece together the bomb he so casually dropped.
Akao Rion?
“She’s alive?” you ask, dumbfounded. Even saying it now is a foreign sensation. How? “And that’s made you a wanted man?”
And if Akao Rion is alive, then why is he here?
“Mister, how did you lose so much weight?”
Hearing Yumiko makes you recognize what else you missed amidst the chaos: the creaky sound of the bathroom faucet turning on and off; the echo of the bar soap she always drops into the sink when washing her hands; the shuffling of her feet when she opens the door.
Maybe you are losing your touch.
It doesn’t matter that for the length he was gone, you carried on normally. And it doesn’t matter that in those years you almost forgot how important he was to you. Because it makes no difference now. The time and distance apart lulled you into a false sense of security, and created an illusion that is so painstakingly obvious now– 
Everything is thrown out of orbit whenever he inserts himself into your life.
“That’s a good question! Well, you know how 70% of our bodies are made up of water? Mine is stored in all these mini balloons and your mom just happened to pop a few by accident. Crazy, right?”
“Just because I’m six doesn’t mean I’m dumb.” Standing beside you once again, she reaches for a scratched-up MP3 player and a pair of oversized headphones that are all neatly tucked in her bag before peering at you instead of the bleeding man in your apartment. “Can I go to my bedroom instead of the guest room? I forgot that I left my drill book there.”
Your mouth drops momentarily before you come to your senses. The fact that she might be safer alone than with you is pathetically insulting, although that might speak more to her capabilities than yours. Oddly enough, she’s probably the wisest child you know. Not that you run across many children with your career. “Uh, sure. Do you have the spare key?”
She nods wordlessly, opting for a cursory thanks before she excuses herself, puts on her shoes, and politely asks a perplexed Nagumo to step aside. As she opens the door, the small girl cranes her head upward to spare him a plain look before she leaves.
“And my mom won’t be here until dinner. But I’ll be done with homework before then.”
You think it’s one of the few times you’ve seen someone steal Nagumo’s last words. And based on how wide his bemused eyes are, it might be his first as well.
But the pride that swells in your chest is quickly deflated with another realization.
“Wait…you thought Yumiko was my daughter?”
“Not just your daughter,” he mutters as he loosens his hold around your wrist, the action–or rather, the absence of it–reminding you how warm his touch is. 
It’s your turn to be rendered speechless, taking a step back as you fix an incredulous stare at the former-spy-apprentice-turned-rogue-assassin whose blood continues to drip onto your typically spotless floor.
“Oh, don’t look at me like that!” he teases with the corners of his lips tugging into a knowing expression. He looks way too happy at the possibility of being a deadbeat. “You can’t deny that we look alike. Plus, you can do the math. She’s six years old, has my humor and intellect…”
You wonder if he realizes that comparing his intelligence to that of a first-grader isn’t the best demonstration of his mind at ‘its brightest’. Then again, his childish frivolity might also explain why kids seem to cling to him like a magnet.
Despite the roll of your eyes, you grab his hand and direct him to put it over his wounded neck, uncaring for how he winces at your rough treatment. As melodramatic as ever. You swore you had just nicked him, in spite of the mess he’s made with your clothes and apartment. “Just shut up and stay there.” 
“–And then you disappeared a few days after our little spat. I also remember the condom break–”
“What a spot-on analysis, Sherlock,” you spit out, picking up your dirty key before making your way to the kitchen drawers. “But you were the one who disappeared, after that night”–you falter, shaking your head furiously while grabbing a clean rag–“anyway, it’s not my fault I was assigned a two-year mission in Singapore. And you could’ve reached out anytime, especially for work matters. Other Order members have.”
Yet that number seems to be dwindling more with each passing day. You feel your fist slightly curl around the cloth when Hyo pops up in your mind. He always provided updates on how Nagumo was doing, no matter how reluctant he was to deliver them and no matter how awkward you felt receiving them. You think you would happily endure a thousand more of those embarrassing moments if it meant he could still be alive.
You guess that’s why it’s called wishful thinking.
Nagumo takes the rag from you, immediately offering a good-natured grin when he catches your eyes narrowing at how long his fingers linger on yours. “Ah, you’re no fun anymore. I was just kidding about all that!”
Your huff of disbelief is less than flattering. “Well forgive me for not being able to tell the difference between the truth and your shitty jokes after seven years of radio silence.”
His whistle rings far and low. “Wow, seven years? Has it been that long?”
“I don’t know, you tell me.” Folding your arms, you fling his words right back at him. “You can do the math, right? After all, I’m the one who doesn’t ‘know anything’.”
Nagumo sighs upon seeing your air quotes, scratching the back of his head with one hand while staunching the slower trickle of blood from his neck using the other. “So you are still upset over what happened that night.”
And for every subsequent night that he seemed to forget you exist.
“No, I’m upset that you show up at my home while you’re being hunted by every single assassin and spy in Japan.”
At least it’s not a total lie.
“Well, not every single member.” You can only scoff at the direction of his pointed finger.
“And what makes you think I won’t alert them of your whereabouts?”
“Because you already would’ve done so.” It’s a fact that seems to please him, based on that smirk plastered on his face. “Guess I can still call you a friend, even if you won’t formally invite me into your place.” 
There he goes with that word again. 
“No, don’t think about taking another step. I refuse to be an accomplice to whatever mess you dragged Sakamoto into.”
“Immediately taking his side? I see how it is.” For someone who sounds offended, his carefree laughter indicates otherwise. “I’ll have you know that I was the one trying to stop Sakamoto-kun. Not to mention he was the one with the billion-yen bounty! But you always did have a soft spot for him.”
“That doesn’t explain why you partnered with Uzuki. And after everything he’s done?” Though with Akao allegedly being alive, you’re still not sure what to make of any of this. It feels like you’re trying to solve a puzzle with lost pieces and several wrong ones. 
The smile on his face immediately hardens into a straight line, and like last time, that’s when you know you asked the wrong question.
“You’re missing the full story.”
Aware that you’ll fail, you futilely try to see anything past the void he expertly maintains in those eyes. Eyes that are cleverly hidden by long strands of hair. 
Against your better judgment, you take back the rag from his hand and nod, unable to suppress the tired sigh that leaves you. Or the splitting headache that follows. “I know. So tell me.” 
Once Nagumo reassures you that no one followed him (“Please, I’m a wanted man, not some half-baked assassin!”), you leave him in the living room area, make a pit stop at the laundry basket, and head to the apartment next door after letting him know that you’ll be back in a few.
“Hey there, I’m checking in.” You wonder why you bothered knocking on her bedroom door, considering Yumiko only responds after you remove her headphones, the young girl accepting your greeting with a bored expression on her face. “Are you done with your drills?”
“Hmmm, not yet. Is your strange friend still in your home?” 
You do your best to hide the twitch in your eye with an enthusiastic nod. “He is. We’ll be catching up on a few things but shouldn’t take long. I’ll come back here to review your book when we’re done.”
“And then Sugar’s Sweet Adventures?”
“Only if we have time.”
Shockingly, she doesn’t look too disappointed. “Okay. I also think you should get him a new shirt.”
That makes you pause. “Why do you say that?”
“Because of the stain,” she answers plainly, like you asked her what color the sky was. She must mistake your furrowed brows for bafflement because she elaborates with a small, uncertain smile. “It’s probably more difficult to scrub out blood on a black shirt than a white shirt because it’s harder to see where it ends and begins.”
Her mother is going to kill you.
“Right, thank you, that’s a kind suggestion for you to make. I’ll follow it.” 
“And is…he…coming for dinner?”
Pursing your lips, you search for any signs of anxiety or fear on her face. When her calm expression betrays neither, you sigh wearily. “Honestly, I’m not sure. He hasn’t told me. But I can see if he will.”
“If he does?”
“Then we’ll have to order some more dumplings.”
Yumiko smiles widely at that, her delighted laugh contagious. Her adult front tooth has started to fill in the gap of the baby tooth that preceded it, and you briefly wonder if you’ll live long enough to see when they all come in.
“Can some of them be fried then?”
“Sure thing, kid,” you say without hesitation, lightly tugging on one of her pigtails before ruffling the top of her head. “So long as you come up with a story on why we couldn’t get the steamed ones. And it better not involve me or so much mention my name.”
“Deal,” she says just as seriously, throwing in a solemn nod to demonstrate her commitment. But her toothy grin shows no sign of leaving. 
Standing up from your kneeling position you ask her one more question. “Also, can we make sure this conversation just stays between the two of us?”
But she’s already slipped her headphones back on, pop music blaring out as she resumes her writing.
As you return to your living room, you catch him holding a certain photo frame. He wiggles it in front of you with gusto, as if you don’t know what picture you placed there yourself. 
“Wow, you didn’t tell me Yumiko’s mom was a total bab–”
“I mean, a totally responsible-looking and contributing adult to society!”
“So I’m just going to ignore everything you just said,” is your surprisingly measured response, tossing him a large white shirt that you grab from the pile of clean clothes you thankfully laundered a day ago. “Yumiko thought you might want something cleaner. I’m not washing that black one for you though.”
He catches it with ease, already peeling off his baggy shirt as he puts on the new one. “So she did see the blood. Man, I bet she and Hana would get along swimmingly.”
Who? Your face scrunches in confusion, attempting to ignore the sharp stab you suddenly feel on the side. “Hana?”
“And a non-squeamish six-year-old sounds like the kind of promising candidate the JCC loves. You’re sure she’s not yours?”
You hum absent-mindedly, finding your gaze set on the new ink that accompanies numerous bruises on pale skin. He looks more banged up than normal, a strange sight to behold and one that makes you so unusually queasy that you try to brush the thought aside. Parts of the quote on his torso are blocked by thick bandages, some of which turn redder the more he moves around.
The number of assassins and spies you know with tattoos is so few that you can count them on a single hand. You always wondered why such a mysterious person whose life and career depend on the utmost discretion would willingly paint his body with such permanent identifiers. When you had first seen them–starting with seemingly random numbers on dainty fingers–you figured it would be best to stray away from such an arrogant spy apprentice. If a rookie did the same thing, they wouldn’t last longer than a month past graduation. Yet such concerns always fell on deaf ears–even during the JCC days, professors from the intelligence gathering program would chew him out whenever he walked into class with new ink. (“Oh, this? I must’ve forgotten to wash it off this morning! What a drag. Mind if I go to the bathroom to get it off? I swear I’ll be back in a few!”) 
Maybe that’s why he also transferred to another department.
“You know, you didn’t have to use the bloody shirt as an excuse to see me half naked,” he chirps with a close-eyed smile, a statement that is mortifying to hear alone, much less have it directed at you. Particularly when the new shirt hugs him tighter than you’d like. “If you politely asked, I might’ve even let you take it off me.”
Your face blooms with heat and for some unknown reason, you feel like a clueless teenager again. “Yumiko is not mine,” you reply through gritted teeth, trying to remember his original question before he nearly made your spiral. “But she is my neighbor. Her mom's a nurse with long shifts at the hospital, so I pick Yumiko up after school to make sure she’s not alone.”
“Helping your neighbors, for free?” he asks, unsure how to interpret the slight tilt of his head as he sends you a small smirk. “Maybe you have gone soft.”
“I have not ‘gone soft’,” you say defensively, shoulders taut. “Contrary to what you think, I like to help people.”
Besides, you’ve been told that you’re a nice person. You like to think you’re affable than most. Or at the very least, as approachable as a spy can be in this world. 
“Is that so? Tell me, does helping people also include killing innocent assassins on the run?”
But it doesn’t help that you always feel like you’re teetering on the edge of a cliff whenever you’re around him.
If there were a way to weaponize your glares toward assigned targets you’d be the richest person in the assassin world. And the man cheekily smiling across from you would be dead a million times over.
Because if that’s an innocent assassin, you don’t want to see a guilty one.
“Hey Nagumo, has anyone ever told you that you’re a living oxymoron?”
The loud laugh he barks out sounds so nice that it grates your nerves. “As funny as ever! But on second thought, since the grannies at your last place made quite the snoopy bunch, I so get why you were reluctant to help them out.”
The mention of your previous neighbors gets a begrudging eye roll out of you. Nagumo had become such a frequent visitor at your last apartment that he, unsurprisingly, won the hearts of the two nosy, old ladies sandwiched between your unit. If he wasn’t at your place but you still heard rowdy laughter permeating the walls, you instantly assumed that he was gossiping with them over who knew what. Based on the frequent–and unsolicited–reports those two women provided you, he occasionally felt charitable enough to sort their trash and cross off a few items from their grocery lists. They had promised to not snitch on you for breaking the lease terms of authorized occupants despite your insistence that Nagumo–or as they liked to call him, the pretty boy with way too many tattoos–was not living with you nor was he your boyfriend.
“And after seeing this picture”–he, once again, waves the picture frame you repeatedly told him to return to the end table–“I completely understand your newfound passion for community service. She really is a total babe–”
You wack him in the head, which he smartly knows not to block.
“Anyway,” Nagumo says while nursing the newly formed bump on his head, “speaking of being neighborly, mind if I treat myself to some snacks in your pantry?” 
Squinting, you suspiciously eye the gleam of aluminum poking out of his pant pockets. “Good to know you still follow the values of ‘ask for forgiveness, not permission’.”
That youthful grin on his face never leaves, his simple shrug providing a sufficient answer when he pairs it with a familiar can of white peaches that he whips out. “Actually, I wanted to ask for a can opener. Couldn’t find it in your drawers. I’d use my handy weapon, but a juvenile delinquent ruined it the other day.”
“Oh no,” you draw out slowly once you make your way to the kitchen, deciding to hurl a chef's knife toward him despite fully knowing where the can opener is. “How will you entertain the masses without your party trick?”
Like a thrown dart, it sticks to the white wall next to him, taking some jet-black strands of hair for company. He sends you a flat look before he uses the heel of the knife to pry open the can. “At least sound a bit more devastated, will you? I doubt I can get my usual weapons maker to make another one for me right now. It truly is a tragedy.”
“The real tragedy is the little remaining time you have to tell me why your face is not only here inhaling all my food but also currently on my TV.” Pointedly peering at the clock hand that gets closer to six with each passing second, your fingers impatiently tap the kitchen island you’re leaning against. 
“So I’m taking the roses didn’t win you over? Was it the vase?”
You can only stare.
Changing into a clean shirt, being fed, and fulfilling the hasty catch-up have all been done. He’s run out of distractions and excuses, a fact he resigns to with an annoyed sigh.
“Fine.” Or at least that’s what you think he says, mouth still stuffed with food. He jumps onto the couch, patting the seat next to him. “But trust me that you’ll want to be sitting down for this.”
It’s a suggestion you’re glad you heed, unable to mask your shock as he spares no detail in his account of fighting a formidable member of X’s group; of thinking he finally killed Uzuki, only to hear the voice of his deceased friend come out the body of her executioner; of learning that Sakamoto knew about this ‘copy’ Akao since Thailand and deciding to not tell Nagumo about it; of losing his status as an Order member the moment Chairman Asaki placed a hit on the inadvertent trio; and of nearly dying from Takamura’s blade until X copied the old man as well.
It’s too much to take in. This might be the only time you wish that everything the trickster just told you was fabricated lies rather than the cold truth. And there’s no way he’s lied to you about this or even embellished a detail or two. Not when you can’t recall the last time he’s ever looked this grim.
You’re not sure how much time has passed, with you just sitting there, staring at an empty aluminum can on the coffee table. Watching how the mouths of the JAA news anchors on the TV screen move soundlessly, having muted the channel long ago. 
You don’t even know where to start. Everything feels too convoluted to begin to process.
And you can tell Nagumo is feeling the same. This is the most expressive you’ve ever seen him–the way his brow knits furiously as he provides a recap of his conversation with Uzuki’s Rion, almost as if committing each word to memory lest he forgets or misses a major clue. How his eyes harden and knuckles turn paperwhite when mentioning Asaki, who claimed to have seen Rion’s death. How his face seems to lose its tension when he relays some dumb joke that Uzuki’s Rion made about Sakamoto’s weight, only to regain it when he recounts his morning encounter with Oki and the two newest members of the Order.
Meeting X was supposed to solve the biggest question that’s plagued Nagumo’s every waking moment. Yet none of this makes sense. Now, it’s only introduced more cryptic puzzles and an increasingly higher risk of death.
“I fear you’ve told all this to the wrong person,” you admit with a sardonic smile. 
Nagumo’s gaze on you is steady, unwavering. “Why do you think that?”
“Because I don’t know how I can help you with any of this.” Pinching the bridge of your nose, you exhale deeply and try to ignore the mind-numbing panic that begins to trickle its way into your chest. “I don’t know anything about Uzuki or X or Slur or whatever the fuck his name is other than what you’ve told me. And I have no idea where he and his lame posse currently are. I don’t even know what you should do next.”
For the amount of stress he’s under, Nagumo sure doesn’t show it with his easygoing smile. “I’m not asking you to do any of that.”
“Then what do you want from me?”
It comes off more petulant than you’d like, and perhaps if he strained his ears, he might be able to hear the concern tinting your voice. Yet one thing is certain–you’re far from the professionally composed person you typically are during work meetings.
But when has anything ever stayed professional between you two?
He leans forward, eyes locked onto yours so that you can’t avert your gaze.
You don’t.
“The only people who know where Sakamoto and I are hiding include his ragtag group of wannabe pacifists, sweet ol’ Granny Miya, and you.”
“Me?” It comes out as a whisper, and in its meekness, you’re relying on him to understand the implicit message.
“Yup!” he exclaims with an eager nod. “And hopefully, it stays that way!” Which roughly translates to ‘don’t snitch’. You’ve seen that threatening glint before. You’ve heard the hint of finality in that trademark sprightly tone of his before, his sunny disposition softening the blow that targets would undoubtedly feel just a brief moment later. However, none of that has ever been meant for you.
Until now. 
“But I will say, I’m surprised no one else from the Order has paid you a visit.”
“Well, they have, but no one’s asked for you. Oki-san needed the contacts for the two new members he recruited.” You bite your lip, mulling over your next choice of words. “Unless you’ve blabbered to Shishiba or Osaragi, I think only Hyo knew that we were…acquaintances.”
His lips quirk ever so slightly. “Hah! Not the acquaintance card. What will it take for you to say ‘friends’? Do you know how to say it? I can spell it for you.”
Your grimace is far from subtle. “Too bad I don’t have pen and paper,” you weakly joke, trying your best to not roll your eyes for the umpteenth time today.
He licks his lips, lidded eyes refusing to leave yours when he lets out a low, contemplative hum. “That’s for amateurs, which we are not. There’s other ways to teach you.”
Blood rushes to your face, and you blow out an indignant puff of air to focus on anywhere but that coy smile.
“Switching the subject once again,” you say with a dry laugh, relieved that the only stuttering that’s present is tucked away in the staccato notes of your heartbeat. “That’s when I know you’re hiding something.”
He bows slightly, eyes smoothly blocked by unruly hair. Yet his smile only grows. “Is that so?”
“What’s the other reason you’ve told me all this?” A hesitant pause before your voice lowers. “The real reason.”
You’ve always hated how he can quickly school his expression into a blank canvas when it’s impossible for you to do the same to him. It’s a skill that might be even more frustrating than your inability to read him, to break past the wall he effortlessly puts up. 
And you’re a good spy; deep down, you know this. But when your usually astute perception is impervious to his shield at every single angle, the only viable course of action is to take his next words at face value.
“Because who else will tell the truth once the JAA silences everyone?”
It’s the last thing you’re expecting him to say. Words said so breezily as if inquiring what day of the week it was.
And all you can picture is his lifeless body.
Another sharp inhale, followed by a shaky breath. Your stomach continues to drop, and you’re uncertain when you’ll be fully sunk. Every fiber in your being knows this is the wrong reaction, a sign of weakness that goes against all the training that’s been ingrained into your body since your family explained what they do for a living.
But the idea of a life without Nagumo in it feels worse than death itself.
“Hey. Hey, look at me.”
Anything that reaches your ears sounds muffled, trapped underwater until two hands grab your face and pull you back to the surface.
His thumb strokes your cheek gently as he softly repeats your name. One. Two. Three times.
“You can’t die,” you finally say. Slowly, quietly. Almost as if you’re reassuring yourself. Your face hardens, a sharp edge to your voice. “You won’t die.”
He meets your stare unabashedly, an amused smile making its way back to his lips. “Who said anything about dying?”
“Nagumo, I’m serious.” You find your breath steadying, only for it to quicken the moment your fingers lock around his wrists. “You can’t leave…leave me.”
“I never left,” he says decisively, and right before you can get a retort in, he won’t stop talking.
“Your mission in Singapore was not only two years but two years, seven months, and twenty-nine nights. You went back to your old place but immediately found and moved into this one. Maybe because you wanted to get away from those annoying grannies, or maybe because you were afraid of me breaking in again–which I didn’t, by the way!–but I think it’s because you wanted to be closer to that used bookstore, which you visit every Saturday and only after ordering your tea latte and a chocolate croissant from the cafe next door. 
“You say you only pick up Yumiko after school, but I’ve seen you take her to each of her soccer games and sometimes to the Science Museum in Ueno whenever it’s rainy. Assassins and spies of all levels seek your intel, but you only let Order members and the Chairman into your place. Not that you have much say in that, I guess. Though what you do have control over is who you go on dates with and boy, do you go on a lot more shitty dates than good ones. That Ren was a character.”
You can’t tell if the urge to slap him is stronger than your desire to smash his lips with yours.
“Are you done?” is all you can muster. Yet in the time between you find yourself inching closer toward him, noses brushing as you take in his overwhelming presence. The smell of Granny Miya’s arnica tincture with the heady scent of smoky amber makes your head feel light and your clammy hands all tingly. 
But you can’t stop smiling.
“Hmmm, that depends,” he muses, a glance to your lips causing your stomach to flutter. “How much more time do I have before you kick me out?”
“You’re ridiculous.” More like insane.
You kiss him anyway. 
It starts slowly, hesitantly. Like you’re back to being clumsy teenagers, curious to explore what it means to carry out a mission of seduction.
Then his tongue swipes over your lips before parting them, and hunger takes over.
His mouth tastes sweet, and addicting, a warmth wholly inviting and so easy to get lost in that you can’t stop your content sigh. It’s all-consuming, and you pull him down with you, grabbing onto the front of his shirt as you sink into the couch together. 
His arms keep you trapped, though you don’t think you mind, legs wrapped around him as you indulge in a stolen moment.
Until a flash of bright blue hair pops into your mind.
You open your eyes, unclenching your fist from his shirt and recoiling like you’ve touched a hot stove. And all of sudden something that felt good feels so incredibly off.
“What?” He’s as breathless as you are, though his body still hovers over you, long hair tickling your forehead while you’re surprised to see the worried crease form on his. “What’s wrong?”
“Us,” you blurt out, cheeks hot from shame. “I can’t be her. I never will be.”
Dark eyes study your face as you feel his hands drift to your back. He lifts you with him until you’re back to sitting across from one another, and for a second you think he might leave right then and there.
And then he captures your lips again.
This kiss is fleeting, but softer, a tenderness that you didn’t think he had. A gentleness you don’t deserve.
He parts to look at you once more, a lone finger tracing your cheek with the caress of a lover.
“You don’t need to be her,” he murmurs against your lips, feeling the flutter of his eyelashes and his unyielding gaze. “I don’t want you to be her.”   There’s a gradual levity in your chest, a foreign sensation that makes you realize how weighed down you were.
You want to bask in it, drink in more of the giddiness he seems to get out of you so easily. And when he leans in to gently nip at your bottom lip, you find yourself caving in.
A feeling short-lived when the timer in your phone goes off. 
Nagumo doesn’t take the interruption to heart, a breathy laugh fanning your neck as you reluctantly peel away from him to stop the alarm. “So you did set a time limit.”
The grin you send as consolation is half sheepish, half nervous. “Didn’t think we would go past it if I’m being honest.”
He raises a brow, hands back to sliding all over you. “Ouch! Sounds like I’ll have to prove you wrong.”
Your thighs press uncomfortably when feather-like touches brush over your hip.
“As much as I’d love to, we’ll have to take a rain check,” you mutter, quite begrudgingly. Struggling out of his iron-clad grip is a challenge enough, legs wobbly as you stand abruptly. When you lick your swollen lips you can instantly taste the faint sweetness of white peaches. “I have to stop by the restaurant with Yumiko before her mother arrives.”
Yet your attention keeps finding itself on the clock, the incessant ticking of the big hand seeming to mock you as you realize how little time you have left.
“So what’s actually rushing you?”
Your shoulders tense, but you shoot him a casual smile that you’re confident could rival his. “What do you mean?”
He tilts his head, his scrutiny intense as he stands up to observe you. “I don’t know, you tell me. I thought we were done with giving each other the cold shoulder.”
Your eyes narrow. “Maybe lay off? Sorry if I don’t want Yumiko’s mother walking in on us going at it like some horny teenagers.”
Based on the way he purses his lips, he doesn’t seem convinced. You feel like you’re being examined under a magnifying glass, an unpleasant sensation that makes your body itch all over.
And then all your ears can hear is his boisterous laughter. 
Nagumo slaps your back, hard, right before he doubles over. Pretending to wipe a fake tear, he airily says, “Civilians see us killing from left to right every day without fuss, and you think she’s gonna bat an eye at two consenting adults kissing? Gee, maybe you’re more of a prude than Sakamoto-kun!”
“Oh, shut up!” You shove him near the edge of the step to the genkan, wondering if your chuckling sounds as nervous at you think it does. “I think you’ve overstayed your welcome, don’t you think?”
“Ah shoot–did I just fumble my shot at a date?”
You open the door for him, trying to ignore your embarrassment with how your stomach flips from that question. Your small smile will have to be enough for him. “Yes. Yet if you focus on staying alive then maybe we’ll talk.”
“Good to see you’re still a terrible liar. But sounds like we have a deal,” says a larger man who bears no resemblance to one of JAA’s most wanted men. His voice is gruffer, but the lips that chastely brush yours hold a softness you already find yourself craving.
Then he’s gone in a blink. 
After making sure Nagumo didn’t swipe your phone or other valuables as he sped off, you take a few extra minutes to regain your composure before visiting Yumiko. Resting your head against her bedroom door doesn’t subside your pounding headache, and when Yumiko’s stomach begins to grumble in the middle of reviewing her homework, you finally think it’s time to eat.
“But why are we going back to your place?” she inquires, exasperation evident.
“Because I forgot my wallet,” you reply with a weary sigh. Your hands feel aimless, afraid that Nagumo’s one-liner on repaying Sakamoto for eating Hana’s ruined birthday cake was more than just a foolish joke. 
“Forgot, or lost?” 
You look up from your bent position near the coffee table. “I don’t appreciate the sass, kid.”  
“You seemed to like it when your friend acted that way.”
Mouth agape, you’re ready to rescind your offer of fried dumplings when you hear a familiar voice.
“Didn’t anyone teach you ladies how to close the front door?”
“Mother!” Yumiko calls out as she hugs the older woman’s leg. “You’re home early!”
“Wanted to make sure I made it in time for dinner. Chinese, right? Were you two about to head there?”
“Yes!” you answer with a triumphant smile as you shake the wallet in your hands. “And tonight’s on me!”
“That’s not necessary, I don’t mind paying our share…”
“I know, which is why I insist.” Just as you make your way toward the front entrance, the door still ajar, Yumiko drags her mother to the vibrant roses on the table. “Wait, what are you–?”
“I want mother to see the flowers!” The child looks at you before gazing back at the woman beside her. “Don’t you think they’re pretty?”
“They’re beautiful,” she agrees, smoothing Yumiko’s hair as she sends you a wink. “A gift from your boyfriend?”
Your heart nervously skips a beat. A white lie wouldn’t hurt anyone, right?
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you open your mouth and begin to speak.
“–while the red roses are a classic option, that vase is too garish for my taste. Should I have to worry about a secret admirer?”
A shiver wracks through your spine the moment you feel his hand on the small of your back. Cold fingers linger around your waist, and it takes all your strength to look up at him and not suffocate under his bloodlust. There’s so much of it that you wonder how fast he can masterfully hide it without raising any alarms.
“Of course not,” you quickly assure with a shaky smile, your cheeks hurting from how wide your lips stretch.
“The flowers are from my secret admirer, Asaki-san,” Yumiko pipes up, her voice tiny among the adults. “They were too heavy to carry back home so I had some help. He told me that the florist freshly cut them from the garden, too.”
“Your what now?” gasps her mother, though Yumiko’s innocent gaze remains on you.
Is…he…coming for dinner?
You wish your eyes could convey how apologetic you are. How guilty you are for involving two completely innocent civilians into this.
Yet only adrenaline and fear course through your veins, preventing any other flood of emotions from rushing in.
“Being outdone by a child? That won’t do,” Asaki says after an impatient click of his tongue, his long earrings dangling with a slight shake of his head. He offers you a smile, but it appears more like a grimace. “I’ll have Watarai deliver a fresh bouquet of my preferred arrangement to both this apartment and my office tomorrow.”
You should change the door lock sometime soon.
You blink instead, opening your mouth before shutting it promptly. “Sure. Thank you.” Entirely cognizant of the arm snaked around you, you look at the bag in his other hand and do your best to not think about the cage you’re currently in. “What do you have there?”
“Ah, yes! I know you mentioned Chinese, but that place you go to looks pretty dismal, not to mention dirty. So I got tapas from a restaurant that just so happens to have a Michelin-star. Their food is exquisite. Watarai, you can prepare the table now, thank you.” 
The smug smile Asaki boasts seems more genuine this time, especially as his assistant–who, to no one’s surprise, materializes out of nowhere–carefully grabs the bag from his boss and begins to set the table. 
The roses are nowhere to be found. 
“You’re too kind, Asaki-san,” Yumiko’s mother says after an uncomfortable silence, the overt wringing of her hands making you wince. “But perhaps this dinner is best left to the couple?”
“Nonsense! The more the merrier!” are words he’s probably never uttered until now. 
Despite her appreciative bow, she exchanges a wary look with you before grabbing her daughter’s hand. “Well, thank you very much for thinking to include us. If you may excuse us, Yumiko and I will wash our hands.”
“But I wanted dumplings…”
“Yumiko, hurry along now!”
Once that door closes you pry his hands off you, uncaring for the disgruntled frown that tugs his thin lips downward.
“I’ve grown quite wearisome of your antics.”
“How did you know we were getting Chinese?” you focus instead, distress churning in your stomach. 
Asaki gives you an unimpressed look, like you’re roadkill that the tires of his car had the misfortune of running over. “Now, we’ve gone over this before,” he sighs despondently, already trying some of the cured meat on the plate Watarai had placed. “Don’t ask questions you know the answer to.”
Your mouth feels like sandpaper, finding it harder to breathe while he appraises you chillingly.
Two times a day. That’s how often you check each corner and room of your apartment for anything amiss, how often you look through each gap and crevice for a camera, and how often you run your finger along each smooth surface for any hidden microphone that might’ve been placed in the time between those two moments you check daily.
The first time you removed the small mics placed in your rooms was his last attempt at bugging your house. Or at least, to your knowledge. 
Your phone rests in the back pocket of your jeans, the device feeling particularly heavy. You take it out and think of all the conversations he’s heard. All the messages he’s read. 
How silly of you.
Despite the urge to chuck it against a wall you remain frozen, save for the slight tremble of your fingers that can also be heard in your voice.
“I don’t know anything.”
Asaki walks, the click-clack from his Italian leather derby shoes reminiscent of a clock ticking away the last precious seconds of a bomb about to go off. You watch him through the mirror that faces him, but his eyes only look forward. He adjusts his black tie and wrangles a loose dark streak of his hair back into place. 
“Now might serve as a perfect reminder that lying to the Chairman is a JAA violation punishable by death.”
Clearing your throat makes the dryness in your mouth worse. “And what if I’m speaking to my…boyfriend?”
Black eyes shift to meet yours, examining you with a coldness that makes winter seem like summer. 
“Then perhaps I’ve far overestimated your abilities, and your use to me.”
You’re fine with dying. Ever since you were a student, all the training you’ve received was concentrated on preventing it. But you’ve experienced far too many brushes with death to sincerely believe that the job you love won’t be what kills you. If anything, the JCC only taught you how to delay death, not avoid it entirely. 
And so you’re fine with dying. With each close call, you update your will. Yumiko and her mother will receive the majority of your assets because you don’t really have other friends and family to give it to. Maybe some assassins and spies you’ve worked with will take a second to say your name when they hear the news in some passing conversation. Have it linger on their tongue as they maybe recall a foggy memory of you before they continue with their day. Death is simply a sped-up inevitability for you all, so you’ve long accepted that it can happen today. Tomorrow. Or now.
But he can’t die. Losing him once was enough.
“Is everything alright?”
You want to tell Yumiko it will be but as he continues to stare at you with an unreadable expression, you figure it might be best to stop lying to the child.
“Sir,” Watarai interrupts, standing behind Asaki and bowing curtly, “I apologize for the interruption, but your presence is requested by the executive board.”
A sigh of instantaneous relief bubbles up in your throat until you glance down at your phone and spot the alert that appears on the screen.
Your heart drops.
A lax smile rests on Asaki’s passive face. “I see. Then I’m afraid I’ll have to cut our visit short.”
“You won’t be taking the food with you, right?”
He tilts his head toward the young girl and her scandalized mother, his closed-eye smile an off-kilter sight to see. “Well, aren’t you…precocious. Treat yourself to whatever! You’ll find the taste is much better than those greasy dumplings. Watarai, let’s hurry along now.”
“Yes, sir.”
Yet his smooth strides don’t betray any urgency, eyes focused on the prey he approaches.
He kisses your cheek, your skin burning from the contact. It’s a clever position he’s placed himself in, the tall man blocking your figure and preventing others from seeing the exchange. Mere seconds feel like an eternity as a horrible combination of shame and cold dread wash over you.
“Next time, tell our friend to stop wearing that obnoxious cologne,” he whispers into your ear, his disgust ringing loud and clear. “I can smell him all over you.”
You can’t breathe.
He straightens and pats your tense shoulder. And then he leaves, the door finally locking with a short click.
Your head is spinning, panicked and scattered thoughts leaking out the tiny box you thought you could contain. You think you hear your name being called but your body seems to have lost all function, knees striking the floor. And that’s when you see it, just an arm’s distance away. 
A fallen rose petal.
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end notes: me struggling to come up with a name for this fic: [insert preposition here] + last time. and you can bet i'll do it for the next one
i was rereading the manga and nagumo's comment about the chairman–"he does whatever he wants. and he'll do whatever it takes to achieve his goals"–inspired me to include that horrible man here. idk it just felt fitting :)
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
Can you do Joel Miller x Reader - like them chilling watching a sunset that turns to Joel getting head scratches from reader that turns into a make out sesh
so sweet, so lovely
Favorite Part
joel miller x f!reader
joel miller masterlist
warnings | 18+ allusions to smut, tommy is a little shit, fluff overall
She’s still not used to life in Jackson, but that’s not to say that she isn’t enjoying it. She didn’t think that she’d ever live in a world where promises could be kept again, but now, it seems that this world is full of them. The promise of safety, of being able to call one place home, and knowing you can always return to it. The promise of community, of exchanging smiles with strangers rather than wary glances. The promise of health, of three square meals a day, and access to medicine without having to trade away a piece of yourself for it. And the promise of family, of coming home to the same people every night. Her man, and her kid. Joel had mentioned the other night what a relief it’s been, to get to see Ellie not have to be an adult, and she has to agree. It’s been her favorite part of this new life, getting to sit down to dinner with them every night, and hear about Ellie’s day, the tentative friends she’s been finding and what she’s getting to learn about in the community school, a far cry from FEDRA mandated education. Yeah, that’s her favorite part. But how she currently finds herself is a close second.
“You have tomorrow off, right?” 
“Mmhmm.” Joel practically purrs his answer to her, and she reckons that nobody else gets to have him like this, all but melted into her side, his legs kicked out as he slumps down on the bench seat on their front porch. His one arm is slung over her shoulders, fingers lightly trailing up and down her forearm, his head tilted onto his shoulder as he noses at her jaw. 
“Good, because Maria invited us over for an early dinner before the town dance, and I told her that she could expect us at both.” He grumbles, the low thrum of it vibrating through his chest and into her side, and she can already hear the protest he’s about to let out. But, after traveling with Joel Miller for so long, she knows exactly how to get what she wants out of him. She slips her hand that had been slung over his shoulder into his hair, nails lightly scratching through his thick waves. He sighs, warm breath fanning over her neck, and she knows she’s got him. She continues her ministrations, and muses to herself that his hair is going to be all kinds of mussed up by the time she’s done with him, but judging by the content little murmurs he’s letting out, she doesn’t think he’ll mind. 
“You gonna dance with me tomorrow night, cowboy?” 
“Keep doing that, and I’ll do whatever you want, darlin.” She breathes out a quiet laugh at his rumbled-out response, and can feel the curl of his smile against her neck. They stay just like that, her fingers running continuous circles through his hair, his face pressed into the juncture of her neck, long enough for the sun to start to tuck away behind the mountains, the light going hazy and thick in warmth and shadows. She only stops when he lifts his head with a sigh, and she cranes her neck to look into his droopy eyes.
“Good?” He nods.
“Good. But if I have to go, the kid does too.” She snorts at that, tugging lightly at the spare curls at the nape of his neck.
“Oh, that won’t be a problem. She’s been asking me for pointers all week on how to ask someone to dance.” Joel quirks an eyebrow at her, and she grins.
“Mmhmm, don’t tell her I told you this, but I’m pretty sure she has her eye on that girl– Dina, I think is her name?” He chuckles, shaking his head lightly as he looks at her.
“Well, suppose that’s better than having to worry about some punk boy coming around here.” She rolls her eyes, earning her a squeeze to the swell of her thigh that makes her yelp, Joel grinning smugly at her reaction. He ducks his head down, trying to steal a kiss that she dodges, his lips instead brushing along the arc of her cheek. 
“Don’t be like that, darlin, c’mon now.” She huffs in his hold, trying and failing to squirm out of his arms.
“Have some manners, Miller, geez. You’re manhandling me.” His grin goes crooked at that, pulling her tighter against him.
“Don’t recall you having any complaints about that last night.” 
“You’re being impossible.” “Gimme a kiss.” “Say please, and I’ll think about it.” 
“Now, please.” She has to laugh at that.
“I guess I’ll let that slide.” His impatience finally spills over, and this time, she doesn’t duck away when his lips find hers, swallowing one another’s sighs as they open up to each other. They’re an awkward tangle of limbs, her neck craning around while his tilts forward, but neither of them seem to care, all gentle coaxing until she’s turned and half-seated over his thighs. The only sounds are the soft clicks of spit and the sharp inhales they take through their noses, breathy exhales between kisses that get lapped up by stubborn tongues. It could have been minutes or hours for all she knows, when they’re suddenly, rudely, interrupted.
“Hey, you two! Get a room! This is a family community, perverts!” She pulls away from Joel with a start, her head whipping around to see Tommy standing by their mailbox, shaking his head and grinning wide. Joel grumbles, lifting his hand that isn’t holding her by her waist and flipping off his brother, who just laughs before shuffling off across the street to his own house. 
“I’m gonna kill him one of these days, I swear.” She scoffs, turning back in his hold to look at him.
“No you aren’t.” He sighs, a begrudging smile quirking the corners of his mouth as he shakes his head.
“No, I’m not. Maybe just a well-timed smack across that dumb mustache of his.” It’s no use, trying to hold back the giggle that bubbles up at his gruff words. She scratches lightly at the scruff along his jaw, her smile broadening big when he presses his cheek into her palm.
“You wear it better, baby.” She punctuates her words with a swipe of her fingers over the whiskered top of his lip, following the quick curve of his grin before he tilts his chin to kiss at the pads of her fingertips.  “Damn right I do. C’mon, darlin, let’s go get a room.”
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barrenclan · 3 months
Chonny Jash's cover of The Moss seems very patfw-core to me. I think someone's brought it up before but I'd like to specifically point out some of the new/changed lyrics that I think fit
But everything you see isn't everything that is
Every thing you think to be, every thought you can't dismiss
The lives we try to lead and the time we try to give
Well it's all a fallacy, we continue to relive
^ Cats like Pinepaw and Rainhaze's curiosity about what's beyond Barrenclan territory, how cats like Cootstorm try to discourage that type of thinking and how their actions unintentionally lead them to their fates. Also very cyclecore
And every thing will live, just as every thing will die
Every foe that you forgive, and every friend that you deny
Every single first hello, and every single last goodbye
Every smile that you show, every tear that you hide
^ In my head I'm picturing an amv/pmv and for this part I'm very much imagining a sort of slideshow section about contrasts and various events: Barrenclan/Defiance, Rainhaze and Ranger/Rainhaze and Asphodelpaw, Pinepaw and Saturn/Pinepaw and Wild Rose, Slugpelt and Cashew/Slugpelt and Dustfeather. Idk if that makes sense
Well, legend has it that we're all just doomed
And we've ruined our society
Well, legend has it that we dug our tomb
Which we'll lie in for all eternity
^ Barrenclan's whole staying as punishment for their cowardice ideology
Well legend has it that, the world once knew a whole palette of lovely blues and greens
Well legend has it that, our corpses lie a foundation of insincerity
^ what Barrenclan's territory used to be - blue and green - and what it is now - on a foundation of corpses
*Attempts to Jashify Raz* *Attempts to Jashify Raz* *Attempts to Jashify Raz—
I've seen a lot of people in the server talking about Chonny Jash, he seems pretty fun. But if I'm honest, I'm more of a Johnny Cash fan. :P
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Ooh, yes! You've targeted me with a TMBG suggestion, I actually went ahead and added "Don't Let's Start" to the playlist but I love this song too.
Even when you're out of work you still have a job to do Even when you don't know what it is Your job knows what it is What it is is it's coming to get you
And when you wake up you can feel your hair grow Crawl out of your cave and you can watch your shadow Creep across the ground until the day is done All the while the planet circles 'round the sun
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Haha, that is funny irony. But I agree with you! Isn't it interesting how despite being named that way, "Defiance" doesn't allow any of its members to defy Deepdark?
Compliance We just need your compliance You will feel no pain anymore No more defiance
Fall into line, you will do as you're told No choice fatigue, your blood is running cold We lose control, the world will fall apart Love of your life will mend your broken heart
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Will Wood is ever-popular, of course, though I never got really into him. I can see this is as a Pinepaw song!
All nightmares start as dreams and I hear my subconscious screaming They say that beauty's just skin deep So naturally, please show me your
Bones, bones, bones, let me see your bones Well, I don't wanna know if the feeling follows home Bones, bones, bones, hell, we're all alone If I come home, baby, will you show your bones?
They say that beauty's just skin deep So Ana stands and rends the rancid meat from her
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Oh... Rainhaze and Slugpelt song.
Are you dead or are you sleepin'? Are you dead or are you sleepin'? God, I sure hope you are dead
Well, you disappeared so often like you dissolved into coffee Are you here right now, or are there probably fossils under your meat?
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Defiance song! Spefically, I could see it as from Ranger/broader Defiance's perspective as he navigates the group.
We're at a revolution And we're baying for your blood We're laying down the law And your name's mud
Cause you say you fight for us Cross your heart and hope to die You're the bully in the playground and we'll hang you out to dry
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Oh yeah, I remember this song from the IncuriousCat PMV. I like it! "Nowhere King" is also a Deepdark song, so that creepy children's song-esque music does fit with the series. If anyone wanted to edit together a trailer it'd be cool!
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Perfect. No notes.
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Actually, someone's already made a PMV to the comic with the song! You can check it out here.
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I don't think it's been suggested yet! It's a Pinepaw song, of course.
I'll cut my hair (Ooh) to make you stare (Ooh) I'll hide my chest And I'll figure out a way to get us out of here
I can't really think right now and this place Has too many colors, enough to drive all of us insane Are you dead? Sometimes I think I'm dead 'Cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head But I don't wanna fall asleep just yet
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