#I think the thing I may have figured out as to why I’m feeling panicky about this is that (at least currently) it doesn’t feel intense at
sailforvalinor · 11 months
In other news, my church sign has been hit by a car for the *checks notes* fourth time
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gaitwae · 3 years
Could you write a fic where Loki and female reader switch bodies and have to stay like that until someone figures how to turn them back?
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Tag List: @make-me-imagine @bwemph @myraiswack @rorybutnotgilmore @loki-snape-our-hero @wolfish-trickster @lucywrites02 @mostly-marvel-musings @winterfrostsarmy @superheroesandstardust @castiels-majestic-wings @geekns @natandersonnla @cozy-the-overlord @megthemewlingquim @whatafuckingdumbass @thebookbakery @delightfulheartdream @twhiddlestonsstuff @lokistan @the-emo-asgardian @itscomplicatedx @sophlubbwriting @darkacademicfrom2021 @lilyofthesword @xlehukax @electroma89 @joucebox @high-functioning-lokipath @lokislittlesigyn @kingix-the-confused-earthling @nilavey @superfangirl-romanogers @funsized-mimi
Warnings: A disgusting amount of fluff.
“Oh, for the last time, darling! You shouldn’t be messing with spells you don’t know the first thing of,” Loki scoffed behind you, making you jump and snap his spellbook shut. It was an odd thing to remember that Loki even had a spellbook, but you had to learn new spells somewhere, right? You were just a simple mortal, and you had no use for things like magic on Midgard.
Or so he told you.
“I mean, yeah, but what’s it to you?” you mumbled, turning around to face him. “I wanted to go over a new spell with you, if that was okay.” You put your hands together in front of you and smiled up at your friend. You tried for your best smile, which ultimately caused him to cave.
“Fine,” he sighed. “Alright. But is it within the range we spoke of? What we just went over? I don’t want you to overwhelm yourself so soon in your learning. Some messes just don’t clean as well as the others do.” He put his nose in the air as if he was remembering just how uncleanable past messes had been. He took your hands. “Let’s do the spell. Hurry. I haven’t got all day and I truly don’t want to be stuck in some kind of situation we can’t sort out ourselves.”
“It sounds like you’re noncommittal,” you teased, reciting the spell you had just read out of the spellbook not even seconds before Loki opened the door and walked in on you.
“I can be plenty committed. Just not to your self-destructive need to be a sorcerer,” he said airily, speaking through the incantation; he didn’t even comment on it. 
If he had even heard it.
When you finished the rest of your incantation, the spell started to take hold. You became woozy, and so did Loki. You crashed into his arms, and he collapsed on the floor with you in his embrace. He smelled like mint and some kind of harsh cologne, but it fitted him. It was the last piece of consciousness you could hold onto before you awoke...
“Hey, Lokes, are you awake? Hellloooo?” Tony’s voice came. It sounded far away. You stretched, and you could still pick up that cologne from where you laid. It was less intense than you thought it would be from hardly smelling it at all. You opened your eyes.
“Where am I?” you asked, and funnily enough, so did Loki. Odd choice of words.
“Stark!” someone called. You sat up to see who the person was, but your blood ran cold at the sight. “Stark, what happened? What has been done to me!? Where is—?” 
They stopped as well. There you were, your face, your voice, but... not you. You looked down at your hands. They weren’t yours. Your heart dropped significantly.
“How’s this even possible?” you asked, hearing Loki’s voice once again. “Am I—? Did we—?”
“Don’t do anything!” your voice came again, but littered with Loki’s speech pattern. “If you stain that Asgardian leather, I’ll—I’ll—”
“Oh, you’ll what?” you scoffed, standing. “I don’t even know how this happened! I’m surprised you haven’t started running your hands all over me!”
“Oh, please, we’re friends first,” you—Loki—mocked. Tony was staring at the two of you like you were talking about the finest boots to eat. He lifted a finger, but Loki raised a hand to stop him from even trying to speak. “It appears you’ve gotten us into a mess we cannot fix, haven’t you?”
“Will someone else have to change us back?” you asked. You stood, managed to walk over to Loki, and sat down. “I didn’t mean for us to... to...”
“Swapped,” Loki sighed. “We’re swapped. Either it’ll go away on its own or we’ll have to go to Asgard to convince my father to reverse us. How in the Nine did you find such a spell? It shouldn’t even be in the books!”
“Should I leave you two alone, then?” Tony asked. “Since, uh, you’re both acting extremely weird?”
“Yes,” you and Loki chorused. You crossed your arms and Loki mimicked you. Stark left quickly, leaving you two alone in the medical room, where only a blink ago you had been in a completely different room with Loki in his own body and you in yours.
Once he had shut the door, you watched your own body twist with Loki’s mannerisms and expressions. They turned to you and pushed your chest. You scoffed, gasping. “How could you even experiment with such a spell?!” they shouted. “We might be stuck like this forever! You made me mortal!”
“I wanted to swap our perspectives,” you admitted, gulping, “but I didn’t think it would lead to this!”
“What else could it have meant?!” Loki scolded. They put their hands in the air, then dropped them. They began pacing. “I’m stuck in your body! I may have wanted to hold it, but I certainly didn’t want to have it!” 
You bit your lip. “I didn’t want to have your body, either,” you mumbled. “I just wanted you to see how I look at you... I had thought...”
“Thought what? That suddenly I would fall for you? You’re out of luck there, mortal. It wouldn’t have gone the way you wanted it to,” Loki sighed, shaking their head. They sat on the cot where they had awakened from the spell. 
“I didn’t know you knew,” you said meekly. You looked down at your hands. Your heart was racing. It didn’t usually race when you spoke to Loki. The hands that had become yours, hopefully for a short period of time, were long and pale and so different from yours.
“How could I not, little mort—Y/N?” they asked. “It’s almost like watching someone sink into a depression; everyone can see it, but no one talks about it. I know you have feelings for me. I don’t blame you, though.”
“You don’t feel the same, do you?” you asked, sitting down on your cot. Loki shrugged. 
“I didn’t say that. I said I wouldn’t fall for you by seeing myself the way you do.” Loki picked at your nails. “Y/N, we shouldn’t be talking about this now, we should be finding a way to get out of each other’s bodies.”
You huffed a sigh. “We should ask Strange. He knows insane magic, and I doubt if I use your powers anything will change. I already botched this spell.” You laughed but stopped when you heard what it was. It wasn’t your laugh. It was odd. Laughter was determined by one’s body, so it made sense that it wouldn’t have been yours... 
“Oh! Brilliant idea!” Loki praised falsely. Clearly, they must have still been upset about the swapping bodies thing. 
You were disappointed in yourself for it, too. “Can we just go and see him? It’ll take no time at all.”
“He isn’t even home," they sighed, wiping their face with your hand. It was hard to watch. "Why must you be so perfect? Being so adorably shy that you cannot even ask me if I love you back?"
Your heart thumped. No, no. Loki's heart thumped for you. "...Don't mock me while you're in my body. I can still hurt you."
Loki narrowed their eyes. "You wouldn't."
"I so would!" you announced, crossing your arms and jutting your hip out.
"Hurting me goes against loving me, doesn't it?" Loki asked, slightly panicky. "You couldn't draw my blood, could you?"
"I won't draw blood," you promised. "I just have your daggers on my person, and I've never really cared for this stupid Asgardian leather..."
"This is going to be a long time waiting for Strange to be back, isn't it?" Loki groaned. You nodded happily. You scooped your own body to his body's chest.
"Oh, yeah. Swapped, for better or for worse."
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venusiangguk · 3 years
may we see the fight tae oc scene pls pls please!!! u can delete later🤔🤔🤔🤔😳😳😳😳 i’m really curious. i mean ofc u don’t have to. still 😧🙃
idealizations concerning real life relations: deleted scene
>>pairing: jungkook x reader / icrlr!couple
>>genre: fwb, angst, rated PG
>>word count: 2.5k
>>warnings: alcohol, implied smut
>>notes: this is a deleted scene from icrlr, that i omitted simply because of the length of the final fic!! feel free to skip or ignore, it doesn't change anything, but since u guys are curious about it, i'll post it as a lil ty for helping me hit that milestone <3 it takes place after the tattoo party scene, and before the lecture scene.
this does NOT provide an alternative ending.
>>summary: taehyung tries to make you see things for what they really are, but it's hard to see through the rose colored glasses.
Winter break has been long awaited and it is finally, finally here. The snow has coated the ground thick, making the town look like a winter wonderland. The air is sharp and cold but not to a miserable extent. Just chilly enough to bundle up, to hold a hand a little tighter and soak up their warmth.
Your favorite season is fall, but the later months are a close second. You love seeing the way everyone’s faces get red when snow flurries come down to kiss their nose and cheeks. Love the way pom poms bounce atop little hats as children play and have snowball fights. Winter is surprisingly one of the warmest, sweetest times of the year. Like the hot coco Jeongguk has been swapping your regular macchiato with lately.
There’s a greatly anticipated party tonight- a mashup of Taehyung’s birthday and New Year’s Eve. Anticipated for the simple fact that said birthday boy has steadily been ignoring you for weeks, and tonight was a night where he couldn’t evade your attempts of reconciliation. He hasn’t returned a single call or even sent a text back. You can’t even be mad at him really, you know it’s justified. You know you fucked up. The coffee date you had with Yoongi last week let you know what you did.
Over an iced coffee, you learned that you had unintentionally skipped out on your best friend's Winter Showcase. The important one that he mentioned multiple times. The one you promised to attend no matter what.
It wasn’t on purpose; you wanted to go, to support him. But you just got caught up. In life, in school, in Jeongguk. It happens.
When Yoongi asked you why you had missed it, when he told you how hurt Taehyung was by your absence, your heart dropped, sank deep within your chest as your mouth fell open before closing, a small pursed frown on your lips. You didn’t have a good excuse. You went to get tattoos with Jeongguk and then to a party where you fucked him, and then home after that? You were too tired to make it? You just simply forgot? Those excuses weren’t good enough for you and you knew they wouldn’t be good enough for Taehyung.
Whereas Yoongi was okay with distance, long periods in between hanging out and talking, Taehyung wasn’t. He was the kind of friend that needed support, reassurance that you cared. He liked quality time and hangs outs that were planned ahead so he could look forward to them. He was looking forward to you being at his showcase.
The party is packed, even more so than usual. Students, drop-outs, alumni, and randoms alike, all congregate to bring in the new year, to celebrate the end of finals, and a certain art majors birthday. Bodies are on bodies, music is loud and deafening. Cups, bottles, and small baggies litter the floor and the smell of weed is nauseating.
Jeongguk’s hand in yours is sweet, though. Enough to ebb the distaste in your mouth as you watch the stereotypical disaster that is a college party.
“I’m going to go find the drinks, okay?” you lie, squeezing Jeongguk’s hand lightly.
He squeezes back, kisses the side of your head as he says, “Bring me one back too?”
You nod, and slip out of his view. Scanning the crowd until you see a familiar face.
Jimin is laughing, red cup in his hand, eyes curled and happy. He’s sitting on the arm of a couch, legs swinging as he laughs with a group of people. He takes a drink from his cup and let’s his eyes roam the room like he’s looking for someone.
The way his face changes when he sees you approaching is like a punch in the gut. It goes from happy, and carefree to stony- only a small, irritated, close-lipped smile on his face. Eyes harsh and cold, no longer holding the mirth they were just seconds ago. He says nothing when you step in front of him, he just looks you over like he’s bored and waiting for you to get on with it so he can be done with it.
You shift on your feet under his scrutiny. “Where’s Tae?” you ask.
Jimin narrows his eyes at you and tilts his head. “Now you want to know where he is? Haven’t been concerned with his whereabouts for months. Definitely weren’t worried about it last week.”
You wince but carry on swiftly. “Listen, I know I fucked up. I’m here to apologize.” You look at him expectantly, but he holds his ground. When he doesn’t falter, you resort to begging, “Please, Jimin. He’s my best friend… I miss him.”
You must look pitiful, because Jimin’s indifferent facade fades, and he clicks his tongue like he’s annoyed at himself for giving into you. “He’s getting us drinks in the kitchen.”
A smile takes over your face as you rush out a ‘thank you’, quickly turning on your heel to head in the opposite direction, before Jimin calls after you.
“Yeah?” you ask, looking over your shoulder at him.
“If he’s your best friend, maybe treat him like it, yeah?”
You continue to the kitchen without replying, and you can’t help the little simmer of annoyance that bubbles in your chest. Taehyung has been your best friend for years. And even though Jimin had a point, who was he to tell you anything about yours and Taehyung’s friendship?
Before the thought can fester, however, you see the boy you came looking for, two bottles of vodka in his hand like he’s trying to decide which to use. You see the little party hat atop his shaggy hair before anything else and your heart aches a little. You really did miss him. He lets out a small annoyed sound, and knowing him, he’s probably trying to figure out which has the highest alcohol percentage. You come up next to him, and say his name gently. He jumps, but when he realizes it’s you, the ghost of a smile curls on his lips like he’s happy to see you.
Until it’s replaced with resentment just as quickly. His sharp eyes squint at you before turning back to the bottles in his hands, scowl still in place.
“So you decided you could pencil me in between getting your heart toyed with and your back blown out?” He gives you a side glance and sees how your jaw drops in surprise. He carries on, unbothered. “Or did this just work out because it coincides with New Year’s and because he was invited? Only because he’s Jimin’s friend might I add.”
“Tae-” you try, doing your best to keep the hurt whine out of your tone.
“Save it, __. I don’t want to hear the excuses you have. Just-” he looks at you again, and you think that maybe he softens when he sees your crestfallen features. He sighs like he’s tired. “Just leave me alone. Just for a bit, okay? I’ll get over it eventually,” he finishes, finally deciding on the vodka he wants.
You know his request isn't unreasonable. But it’s already been so long that the distance in your friendship has been eating away at it, that you’re scared ‘eventually’ might take too long and by the time he comes around, there won’t be much of a friendship left. That the damage done, will be irreparable.
“Tae… It’s already been months, can’t we-”
Like night and day, the softness that you were able to pull out of him is immediately replaced with that resentment and anger you were met with when you first stepped into the kitchen.
“Yeah,” he seethes, strong brows furrowed. “And whose fault is that?”
His words are sharp and the sting from them makes you take a step back. That is, until you feel anger of your own creep up your throat like venom. “You’re one to talk, Taehyung. You could have reached out to me, too. You’re no better than me when you’re in a relationship.”
He groans, gives an exasperated laugh before shrugging. “You know what? Maybe I am just as bad as you, but at least I’m actually in a relationship,” he spits, “You’re just fucking someone that doesn’t give a fuck about you.”
You know he’s hurt because of the distance. That he doesn’t intend to be so mean. But that doesn’t make it hurt any less, and it doesn’t stop the angry tears from pooling in your eyes.
And although you’re angry, almost shaking with rage at the feeling of being cornered and blamed, your heart aches at hearing his words.
Jimin, who started seeing Taehyung after you started seeing Jeongguk, had already made your friend official. Had given him the title, the commitment, the relationship that you had been patiently and understandingly waiting for with Jeongguk. The bitterness that bleeds into your heart makes you feel gross and ugly.
You know what they say; that labels are superficial and don’t mean that much. But when you don’t have them? It makes you wonder. If a label really isn’t that important, like everyone says, why is Jeongguk so reluctant to give one to you?
“Jimin’s your boyfriend?” you whisper.
Taehyung gives you a short nod. “Month and half ago. You would’ve known if you got your head out of Jeongguk’s ass.”
Almost like he was summoned, the topic of debate waltz into the room, coming up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. He nuzzles into your neck.
It’s instinctual now, the way your body responds to him. The way you melt into his chest like second-nature, how your hands settle over his like they are keeping them in place. How immediately in his presence you feel calmer; the panicky, hurt feeling you were experiencing moments ago vanishing as if it were just a fleeting thought and not something that’s always in the back of your head.
Not in a possessive, ‘I need him to be mine’ kind of way, though.
More like, ‘Why won’t he be mine?’
“Hi,” he murmurs into your neck.
“Hi, baby,” you respond softly, out of habit. The room shirks around you whenever he’s near. Makes you feel like you’re in your own bubble with him.
Jeongguk’s about to reply, ask where the drinks are, but then he hears an annoyed scoff sound in front of you both. Jeongguk bristles as he looks up and sees Taehyung taking a big swig from his cup.
“Uh- am I interrupting? Should I go?” he asks hesitantly, looking between you and your friend.
“No-” you say at the same time that Taehyung says, “Yes.”
You cringe, and turn in Jeongguk’s arms, hands resting on his chest. “Just give me a couple more minutes okay? I’ll bring the drinks.”
Jeongguk searches your eyes, before looking at Taehyung one last time before giving you a stern nod and a quick kiss.
You turn back to Taehyung, ready to apologize for Jeongguk’s interruption, when he talks over you.
“You’re pathetic,” he starts, and you roll your eyes with an irritated sigh before he continues, “but I know you love him. And that you can’t help it,” he shrugs. “But as your friend, I have to tell you that it’s not going to end well. You probably don’t even need me to tell you that. You probably already know and are choosing to ignore it for the sake of the delusions you’ve made up in your ‘pretty little head’.”
You pout at him quoting you, and your brows furrow. “He cares about me. And he’s Jimin’s best friend. He’s a good person, you don’t even know him,” you argue defensively. Though you know your arguments make little sense and are flimsy at best.
Taehyung frowns. Pauses like he’s thinking.
“I didn’t say he was a bad person, and maybe he does care about you in his own messed up way. But he doesn’t care about you in the way that you want him to.” His lips are still down turned when he speaks again.
“And the difference between him with you and him with Jimin is astronomical; it shouldn’t even be a comparison, but I will humor you,” he rubs a hand up and down his face like he’s tired. “The dynamic is completely different, for obvious reasons. For one, Jimin is a safe relationship. You are not. Jimin isn’t in love with him, Jimin isn’t sucking his dick, and Jimin doesn’t want things from Jeongguk that Jeongguk cannot give, or does not want to give,” he says with a raised brow as he takes a sip of his drink.
It seems that the anger has died down some between you both, a semi-civil conversation finally being had. You wrinkle your brows in confusion at him. “What are you talking about?”
He rolls his eyes. “Cmon __. Why do you think he hasn’t made you his girlfriend? Why do you think he literally has not been in a serious relationship since high school? Why do you think he never agrees to anything more than 2 months out?” He waits for you to answer but you just purse your lips stubbornly. “He’s scared. Dare I say terrified of commitment, and that’s exactly what you want from him right?”
You stay headstrong and quiet for a moment longer, ignoring his question in favor of asking one of your own when you finally do speak up. “If I’m so scary, why hasn’t he left?”
Taehyung shrugs. “Fuck if I know? Maybe he does care about you like you say he does. I don’t think so, but hey,” He raises his hands in mock surrender, like he is throwing in the figurative towel. “Maybe you’re right and maybe I‘m wrong. Or maybe there’s some fucked up codependency fermenting between you both when you copulate. I genuinely have no clue, and frankly, I don’t care to find out. Don’t text me until you come to your senses. And don’t get mad when I tell you ‘I told you so’.”
And with that, he turns and leaves you to make your own drinks. You hope the smile you give Jeongguk when you find him is believable.
That night when you go back to his place, you voice your concerns to him in between sweet, heated kisses that taste like hot cider. You tell him hesitantly how Taehyung voiced his concerns about Jeongguk not caring about you and Jeongguk got a little irritated, a little miffed as he unlatched his lips from your neck. He asked what Taehyung knew, how he even came to that conclusion when he’s not around you both.
He assured you with gentle touches and tender words that of course he cares about you. He reminded you that he always makes time for you, he always answers your calls and your texts, he takes you out every now and then, too. He asks you what you think and when you contemplate your answer, going over what he said, you can’t really argue with him. Even if an uneasy, dismal feeling settles in the pit of your tummy.
hellooo!! again, this is just a scene and part of the plot that i chose not to use because i felt like the fic was already so long. i wish that i had ended up including it tho, so i hope you enjoyed even though its nothing special <3 feel free to do the things if you liked it: like, comment, reblog, send an ask~~ love u, ty again for helping me reach that milestone <3
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misteria247 · 3 years
Night Raven College was a lot different from what you'd remembered. Then again after six years of not seeing it, it was bound to change in some way. While the buildings remained the same it was quite clear that the Ramshackle Dorm had changed. Following closely behind Grimm with Elliott trailing behind you, you couldn't help but stare at your old dorm in awe. The once somewhat decrypted building was now somewhat restored, the grass area was kept clean and the garden by the graveyard in the back was in full bloom. As you looked at your old home in stunned silence, your beloved son Elliott peeked his face from behind you to get a better look. His bright green eyes seemed to sparkle as they landed on the graveyard and with it it's massive gargoyles that sat on display.
"What is this place mama.....?"
Elliott asked his tone curious and full of wonder. Grimm was the one who answered his question.
"This is Ramshackle, me and your mom's old dorm. Back in the day she was my minion, helping me become the greatest mage within our school!"
Grimm said with a large smirk. You rolled your eyes at the feline's words but didn't bother to correct him. Elliott's eyes seemed to widen even more, making your heart twist slightly as the expression made him look so much more like his father. Even though he had your luscious (H/C) locks, everything else was completely his father's. Grimm seemed to do a double take at Elliott his ears flickering.
"Wow.....he really does look like him doesn't he?"
Grimm asked sounding slightly dazed. You gave him a small smile feeling a sense of pride hit you.
"He definitely has his looks doesn't he?"
You mused much to your son's confusion. Grimm just gave you a small look and led the two of you into the dormitory. As soon as you stepped inside you were ambushed, three familiar ghostly figures coming at you, Grimm and Elliott. Your son let out a startled shout as he clung to you while you jumped before smiling brightly.
"Is that anyway to greet me?"
You asked somewhat teasingly. The ghosts froze before their faces broke out into large grins.
They cried in joy quickly surrounding you to welcome you back. Elliott clung to you tightly obviously uneasy and you were quick to break it up. Three confused faces glanced at you before catching sight of your little one. Bringing Elliott gently in front of you, you gave them a smile.
"This is my son Elliott. Elliott these are the ghosts that me and Grimm roomed with while I stayed here."
You introduced them. Elliott shyly clung to your hand feeling suddenly put on display. The ghosts took a good look at your child their eyes widening.
"He looks like your one friend!"
The first ghost exclaimed in shock.
"Is he....?"
The second one asked tilting his head towards you. You gave him a nod to confirm his question and were met with startled looks. Before anymore questions could be asked Grimm stepped in.
"Speaking of Elliott, would you three keep an eye on him? I need to speak to my minion here."
Grimm said his tone surprisingly mature sounding. The ghosts were quick to agree and with an encouraging push from you for Elliott along with a thinly veiled threat to your old roommates regarding your son's safety, the trio left dragging Elliott along with them to show him around the Ramshackle Dorm. Once you were completely alone Grimm all but turned to you his gaze serious.
"(Y/N) how are you going to keep him a secret?? Just from one look alone anyone can tell that he's Tsunotarou's!"
The monster feline exclaimed startling you slightly. You couldn't help but feel a sudden sinking feeling hit you. You knew that in reality it wasn't possible to keep Elliott's existence a secret like you'd wanted to. It was nearly impossible to given that much like his father, Elliott had a tendency to disappear and explore different places. Anyone in Twisted Wonderland could see him and quickly connect the dots of who exactly his biological father was, given how famous Malleus was in this world what with him being the literal king of the Valley of Thorns. But the illogical side of you wanted to try. You wanted to keep Elliott's existence quiet, you wanted to keep him safe from the possible dangers that he could face should he be discovered. Not only that but you were afraid.
You had no idea how Malleus would react to the knowledge of having a son. While in your heart you wanted to believe that he'd love Elliott you knew that logically it might not be the case as much as the thought crushed you. What would he even say? Would he even accept Elliott as his son? What would those of his kingdom think? That their beloved king technically had a bastard child, who wasn't only part dragon fae but part human as well? What if......Malleus had already moved on? It'd been six years after all and a lot could happen in six years. For all you knew Malleus could already be married and have several children, having completely forgotten all about you and the feelings you both shared (the thought nearly made your heart shatter into pieces and your throat tighten). As if sensing your thoughts Grimm put a paw on your cheek. You blinked back the sudden sting in your eyes and sniffled.
"I.....I know I can't keep him a secret but Grimm it's.....it's been six years. What me and Malleus had.....is probably long gone. I can't just barge back into his life and tell him. It wouldn't be fair to him....."
You said sounding somewhat desperate. Grimm gave you a small saddened look before turning away, biting his lip.
"Well.....you may have to....and rather soon....."
Grimm said trailing off. You stiffened slightly at his tone, the sinking feeling you'd been feeling getting bigger.
"Grimm......what do you mean soon....?"
You asked nervous and slightly on edge. Your companion gave you a somewhat guilt filled expression.
"Well there's a reason why I'm here......the Headmaster Crowley has invited everyone from our old classes back for a reunion. So......Tsunotarou might be here sometime soon....."
Grimm mumbled ears flickering nervously. You on the other hand had seemed to stop functioning, barely able to process what Grimm just revealed to you.
'Malleus was coming back......Malleus was going to be here......he's going to see Elliott.....!'
The thought made you snap out of your terrified stupor and with an almost panicky response you grabbed Grimm and shook him slightly.
"Why didn't you say anything sooner?!?! For hell's sake Grimm!!! I've got to get Elliott and we need to leave now-!"
You were cut off mid panicked rambling by one of the ghosts.
"(Y/N)!!! We're so sorry!!! We only turned around for a moment-!!!"
The ghost exclaimed sounding extremely upset. You turned towards him, the world seemingly tilting as you realized that Elliott wasn't with them.
"Where's Elliott....?!? Where's my son?!?"
You asked fear creeping into your voice. The ghost flinched guilty before finally answering your question.
"We....we lost him."
That one sentence threw your world into chaos.
Being a magical being had it's perks, especially when you wanted to go off and explore. For Elliott it'd been an easy task for the six year old. Now said child was currently walking around what was considered a courtyard, taking in the sights and sounds. Despite being nervous and on edge from this whole endeavor, the fae child couldn't help but want to explore the place. It was rather large and vast and had many things a young boy his age wanted to see. Walking past the fountain he caught a glimpse of a pathway that was lined with statues. Curious he changed his course to explore the pathway, taking in the strange statues that decorated the trail. The first statute was that of a woman. Her stature was short and somewhat stout, a large, strange dress covered her. The gown was covered in hearts and in her hand was a small wand with the same pattern. A strange dark spot covered one of its corners, almost as if it'd been burned at one point. The second statute was that of a lion, its fangs pulled up into a sinister grin and a lone eye was covered in a jagged scar.
The third statute was that of a woman whose lower half was of that of an octopus, a piece of paper held in her grip. The fourth statue was a man dressed in robes and a turban, a staff shaped in the likeness of a snake held in his boney grip. The fifth statute was of a beautiful woman who carried an apple in her hand. The sixth was of a man covered in robes and flames, a sharp toothed smile on his boney face. The last one was of that of a woman, a large staff held in her grasp. A long robe like gown covered her but there was something else about her that made Elliott stop in his tracks to look at her. With wide shocked eyes Elliott sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of her head.
She had horns, just like him. Without thinking about it Elliott removed his bangs from his face, revealing the small horns that grew from his forehead. Touching them he looked at the statue, a sudden feeling of confusion and awe hitting him. Elliott wasn't the only one who had horns. There was someone out there who had them too. It blew his mind, questions racing about in his head.
Was there anymore like her? What was she? Was she someone his mother knew? Did......did his father know her?
Elliott didn't know much about his father. His mother rarely talked about him, getting upset whenever the subject was brought up. All Elliott knew about his mysterious father was that he was someone who his mama loved more than anything in the world and that he could use magic just like him. Everything else was a mystery for the small child. Elliott felt his heart sink as he recalled all the nights he'd hear his mother's quiet sobs when she'd thought he was asleep. The lingering sorrow that always seemed to surround her no matter how hard she tried to hide it from him.
'And now mama's gonna be even more upset because you brought her back here. You don't even know if your papa is even here.'
The nasty thought made his chest hurt. He'd only wanted to make her smile, and while she'd been smiling quite a bit since they'd gotten here, his mother had also looked uneasy. Like she was expecting something bad to happen. Seeing his mother like that made him want to protect her even more, especially from this mysterious Tsunotarou the cat Grimm had mentioned. Getting lost in his thoughts the child hadn't noticed the sudden shadow that covered his form until a voice spoke up.
"Oi what's a kid doing here??"
The voice made him jump, the boy whirling around to see who had spoken. Having moved so fast he'd accidentally tripped over his own two feet causing him to fall into the statue and scrape his elbow against it. Pain shot through it and the scent of copper filled his nose. Elliott felt himself start to tear up and before he knew it he'd begun to sniffle. The owner of the voice, a young man quickly grew panicked at the sudden tears.
"O-oi! Are you alright?! I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you!"
He said panicked as he bent down to help Elliott up. As he reached out to grab him Elliott took notice of the man through his tears. The man looked to be at least a few years younger than his mother, large reddish brown eyes gazed at him with concern and guilt. Over one of his eyes was a heart that decorated his cheek, and his head was covered in unruly red hair. Elliott let out a loud hiccup as he tried to get his crying down, however given the stress and sudden injury he'd received it was rather difficult to. The man meanwhile watched him, uncomfortable and lost when another voice called out.
"Oi Ace! What are you doing-is that a kid!?! What did you do to him???!!"
The second man asked sounding instantly protective and scolding. The first man Ace sent a panicked look at the other man gesturing towards Elliott in an lost manner.
"I didn't mean to! I startled him and he got hurt and I have no idea what to do!"
Ace said panicked. The second man let out an exasperated sigh and with a practiced ease took over for Ace.
"It's okay little guy, we're not going to hurt you. My name is Deuce. Deuce Spades and this is Ace Trappola."
The man Deuce introduced himself. Elliott sniffled gazing at him before muttering back in a shaky manner.
"Elliott.....my name is Elliott."
Elliott said. Deuce gave him a small smile, helping him up the rest of the way to his feet.
"Elliott that's a cool name. Tell me Elliott are you lost? Do you know where your parents are?"
Deuce asked somewhat concerned. Elliott froze when he realized that he was indeed lost making him get upset again. At the small cry Deuce gave him a small hug, picking him up and holding him close.
"Hey, hey it's okay! No need to cry! It'll be alright we'll help you find your parents okay?"
Deuce said soothingly. Ace gave him a baffled look.
"We will???"
Ace asked only to be met with a dark teal gaze. Realizing that Deuce was serious he bit back his groan of frustration.
"Yes we will. Elliott do you know the name of your parents? Maybe me and Ace can help you find them quicker."
Deuce asked rubbing his back. Elliott gave a rattling breath and nodded.
"I.....I know my mama's name....."
He said in a watery way.
"That's great! Can you tell me her name?"
Deuce asked. The duo listened carefully as Elliott pulled himself together somewhat, unaware of the chaos that they'd be met with.
"Her name is (Y/N)."
*I know I'm supposed to be on hiatus but after doing the Thirteenth chapter for the Princess and her Dragon I was struck with inspiration for our lovely little family of two. I can't help but treasure my twst children sgdgdgdgg. Anyways sorry it's so short and crummy, but I hope it'll bring y'all some entertainment!! Anyways if any y'all read this I hope you enjoyed it!!!! Now back to my hiatus. But first!!! Tagging list!!!! @genshin-idiot @ditsy-anime-thot @ctannth @reaperfeels.*
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fruitcoops · 3 years
could we see coops first big fight when they’re married? (essentially pure angst)
Yes, we can! Don’t worry, I got your follow-up ask about a happy ending as well--there are no sad endings on this blog, just some bittersweet ones, and this is very soft and fluffy. Hope you enjoy!
Combined with prompts for...
1. Another of Coops’ serious talks
2. Remus overworking himself to keep up
3. From @colored-rain: Sirius sleeping at Dumo’s for a night
4. Slow dancing in the kitchen
TW for couples fighting, suppression, and marriage issues
“Do you think we got married too fast?” a quiet voice asked in the darkness.
Remus paused for several heartbeats before opening his eyes and turning over; Sirius was staring at the ceiling, wide awake. “What?”
“Do you think we got married too fast?” Sirius repeated without looking at him.
“Do you?” Remus countered. Something panicky was starting to buzz in the back of his brain and he tried to keep his breaths steady. Sirius wasn’t breaking up with him. They had only been married for a few months. Things were really, really good—as far as he knew, they were both happier than they had ever been.
Sirius sighed through his nose. “I don’t know.”
“What?” Remus sat up against the headboard, wide awake. “What do you mean, you don’t know?”
“I—” Sirius shifted to sit up as well and crossed his legs. “I don’t know! People usually date for a lot longer than a year and a half before getting married, right?”
“We’ve known each other for seven years, Sirius.”
“Yes, and I love you, and you’re wonderful, but everything happened so fast.”
Remus wasn’t sure if his heart was trying to crawl out of his chest or dissolve into a puddle of pain. “Are you—Sirius, are you breaking up with me?”
“No!” Sirius said immediately. “I just said I love you, what the hell?”
“People can love each other and still break up!”
Sirius grabbed his hands, holding tight even when Remus tried to pull back and let his panic overtake him. Grey eyes locked on his, as solemn as he had ever seen them. “I’m not breaking up with you, Remus.” The clock on the nightstand beeped midnight and Sirius pressed his lips together. “We have early practice.”
“We need to talk.”
“We need to sleep.”
“Promise we’ll talk tomorrow, then.” We need to talk right now, actually.
Sirius squeezed his hands and kissed his cheek. His cheek. “I promise.”
Remus didn’t sleep much that night. His cheek burned with the memory of Sirius’ lips.
Their morning routine was stilted and quiet. Practice was awkward, and though neither of them let the previous night’s events influence their performance, he knew the tension was palpable. “Y’all good?” Leo asked under his breath as Remus filled his waterbottle up.
“We’re fine,” he answered, exhausted.
“Stay in your lane, Knut.” He regretted the words as soon as they escaped his mouth—the kicked-puppy look on Leo’s face was more than enough to make guilt spike up—but he kept on moving down the hall and tried to wash the bitter taste from his mouth.
The ride home was worlds worse than he could have expected. Sirius turned the radio off the moment it started to play and kept his eyes firmly on the windshield the entire time, tapping his thumb against the wheel in the tic that always appeared when he was nervous. “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry doesn’t help us fix whatever’s going on.” Remus wasn’t angry, per say, but he was really fucking frustrated with Sirius’ sudden inability to communicate. “Talk to me. What happened?”
Sirius chewed the edge of his lip. “I was just thinking.”
There was a long stretch of silence between them. “Wow, thank you for that incredibly helpful information,” Remus said sarcastically when it became clear he wasn’t going to continue.
“You don’t have to be mean about it,” Sirius muttered.
“I’m not trying to be mean—”
“Well, you kind of were—”
“Then maybe you should talk about your problems for once!” Remus snapped before he could shove it back down. Sirius’ jaw clenched. “If we’re going to work through this, then you have to tell me what the hell happened to make you so worried and upset. Do you regret getting married to me?”
The response was immediate. “No.”
“Thank you.” He leaned his head back against the seat rest and closed his eyes. “Thank you, that was what I needed to hear.”
“Do you think we moved too fast?”
Remus scrubbed a hand over his face. “I used to. I don’t, anymore. There’s no rulebook for any of this. How long have you been thinking about that?”
Sirius started tapping the wheel again. “A couple weeks.”
He may as well have opened the passenger door and booted Remus from the car. A breath punched out of his lungs. “A couple weeks?” he whispered. The world was spinning, the floor was open, hell itself was coming to swallow him up. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I figured it was normal marriage stuff. That it would pass.”
“Oh my god.”
“I don’t have a clue what I’m doing.”
“And I do?” Remus said incredulously. “News flash: this is the first time I’ve ever been married, too!”
“Please don’t be angry.”
“Being married means you share things, Sirius, not keep them bottled up for two weeks! Especially when they concern the other person!”
Something stormy came over his face. “Oh, really? So when were you planning on talking to me about the fact that you haven’t slept in six days?”
“I literally sleep next to you!”
“You toss and turn all night, and then you get up and run drills for an hour before coming back to bed. Every time I ask how you slept, you lie to my face, Remus. That’s not okay.”
Remus was speechless. He had done everything he could think of to be quiet and careful so Sirius wouldn’t know. “I…”
Sirius glanced over at him, eyebrows raised. “Yeah, I noticed.”
Be an adult. Be an adult. You’re married. Be an adult. “I’m still worried about catching up to the team.”
“I figured. We’ve talked about this before, Re, it’s not safe for you to do that to yourself—”
“You don’t get it!” Sirius pulled into their driveway and turned the car off. “You have no idea how it feels to constantly be catching up to people! I’m fine, it’s not like I’m doing any damage!”
“I’m sorry, did you forget who you’re talking to?”
Remus clenched his teeth and got out of the car, grabbing his duffel from the backseat before slamming the door. He felt a little guilty—the rising memories of hushed confessions of hours of exercise to his father’s whistle meant Sirius understood better than anyone. Then the front door closed behind them both and the indignance on Sirius’ face sent his temper flaring up again. “You never bother to talk to me about anything that’s going on with you, so why should I even try?”
“What happened to ‘marriage is a partnership’?” Sirius followed him into the kitchen. “Have we moved on to the hypocrite stage yet or are we still clearing the air where nothing ever gets solved?”
Remus reeled back like he’d been slapped. “Fucking excuse me?”
“Every time we fight, you start all sarcastic and defensive, and then you get preachy like you’re reading something out of a fucking self-help book!” Sirius ran a hand through his hair. “Christ, Remus, it feels like I’m talking to a therapist instead of my partner!”
“Husband!” The ring on his finger had always been a comfort instead of a lead weight. “You can’t even say it?”
“I don’t regret marrying you!
“Then why are you so upset about us being married young?!”
“Because it’ll fall apart!” Sirius shouted back. “We’re going to be insufferably happy for a while, and then somewhere along the line we’re going to hate each other, and then it’ll be cold looks when we pass and different beds and all our friends will have to pick sides because we can’t stand to be in the same room together!”
“If you’re so sure about that, then why are you trying to fucking hard to keep us together?” Remus’ heart pounded like he’d run a marathon. Hearing his own fears thrown in his face was the most terrifying thing he had ever experienced.
“Because I love you.” Sirius’ voice broke. They were on opposite sides of the kitchen island, but Remus could see the pain on his face. “I love you, and I don’t want some—some impulsive decision to ruin that forever.”
“I love you, too.” Tears clogged the back of Remus’ throat. So stop pushing me away.
“Then I’ll be at Dumo’s.”
Remus nodded silently as Sirius walked past him toward the stairs; the moment he was out of sight, he headed into the downstairs bathroom and sat down with his back to the closed door, burying his face in his forearms. There was a rustle outside, and the front door closed with a click.
It wasn’t until his face itched with drying tears that he remembered Hattie. Guilt and panic stabbed through him and he scrambled back out, sprinting to her bed and then to the backyard. “Hattie?” he called, frantic with worry. “Hattie, c’mere!”
He closed his eyes and thought back to the events of the day. They had left her in the house for practice, and he vaguely remembered hearing her in the other room while they were fighting, and when Sirius left—
“Oh, you bastard,” he said aloud. The rustling of Sirius grabbing his duffel and whatever else he packed had been accompanied by the pattering of Hattie’s paws. “You took our fucking dog.”
Part of him was grateful that at least somebody had remembered their baby. The other part was absolutely furious. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and took a few deep breaths as the tone played. “Hello?”
“Can you pick me up?”
“Re, are you okay?”
“Not really. Can you pick me up?”
Concern dripped from Lily’s voice. “Where are you?”
“At home.”
“…where’s Sirius?”
“At Dumo’s.”
“I’m on my way.”
Harry Potter had been alive for less than two years, and he had been cried on by about half the Lions. Finn had started referring to him as ‘therapy baby’, and Remus was inclined to agree—it was hard to feel anything extreme when he was holding the pudgy little angel to his chest.
“So you fought?” Lily asked gently from the armchair across from him. Remus nodded. The whole story had spilled out in a gross mess of sobbing and baby snuggles until he laid down on his back, holding Harry to his chest as he dozed.
“I feel like an idiot,” he said miserably.
“It was awful.”
“I bet.”
Remus sniffled and kissed the top of Harry’s head. “Thank you for getting me. I didn’t want to be there alone.”
“I’m glad you called.” She took a sip of tea and gave him a look that he never liked. “Re, can I be honest with you?”
“I was kind of waiting for this to happen.” At his stricken expression, she folded her hands around the sides of her mug. “I don’t think you got married too early, because neither of you do big things like that on impulse and you love each other so much. However, I do think that you have a habit of trying to protect each other from the shit you carry with you. James did the same thing to me, and it sucked.”
“It does suck,” Remus agreed. “I hate the thought that he can’t trust me.”
Lily held her finger up and shook her head. “Nope. It’s not an issue of trust, is it? Why didn’t you tell Sirius that you were having trouble sleeping?”
“Because I didn’t want to worry h—oh.” Harry wiggled around for a moment and Remus adjusted himself so he was leaning on the armrest. “I think I get it now.”
“You guys need to talk about that at some point or it’s going to keep coming up.”
“Is that what you and James did?”
“No, we let it fester for, like, a year and then broke up for two weeks.”
Remus made a sympathetic face. “I forgot about that part. I should call him, huh?”
Lily shrugged. “It’s up to you.”
“I want to apologize,” he said carefully. The sore spot in his heart and chest still twinged. “But I’m still really upset. And hurt. And a little angry? Mostly worried. There’s so much happening, I just want to hold your baby.”
“Go for it, he’s having a blast. Lover?”
There was a shuffling sound from the other room before James appeared in the doorway. “Yes?”
Remus snorted. “Simp.”
“Yes, and? What’s up, darling?”
“Can I have some more tea?” She batted her eyelashes at him with a dimpled smile and he sighed, then took her mug with him into the kitchen.
“You only love me for my kettle!” he called over his shoulder with a grin.
Remus turned his head to look at Lily while he ran a hand over Harry’s back. “Lils?”
“Am I preachy when I’m upset?”
She frowned. “What?”
“Preachy. Like—like I’m reading out of a self-help book.”
With a heavy sigh, she stood up and walked to the couch, leaning over the armrest to kiss his forehead. “No, Re, you’re not preachy. You like being right, but you’re not preachy.”
“Sirius thinks we’ll end up like his parents.”
“I’m not surprised about that, either.” She brushed his messy hair off his forehead and braided a small strand along the front, then gave it a little tug. “Guest bedroom’s yours for as long as you need it, okay?”
“That might be a while.”
She shook her head and patted his shoulder. “It won’t.”
“Could be.”
“Sorry. Sleep well, Lils.” He sat up slightly and covered Harry’s ears. “And you, eavesdropper!”
“Love you!” James laughed from the other room. Lily picked the sleepy baby up and ushered Remus into the guest room with a final ‘goodnight’.
“Am I an idiot?” Sirius asked.
The bed creaked as Dumo readjusted his legs. “No, mon fils, you’re not an idiot. You are a young man going through his first marriage spat.”
“I hate it. I hate it. I said horrible things to him.”
“It sounds like you’re both to blame.”
“No, I brought it up first.” Dumo huffed, and he let out a slow exhale into the pillow. “Okay, maybe—maybe we were both in the wrong.”
“Fights are rarely one-sided. You have a visitor.”
Something cold prodded Sirius’ ear and he groaned, then curled on his side to let Hattie onto the covers next to him. “Bonjour, sweet girl. Thank you for the cuddles.”
She licked his nose and he smiled, petting the velvety top of her head. “Are you staying here tonight?”
“I was thinking about it. Re’s got the house to himself for a bit, then, and he knows I’m here.”
“I’m glad you’re taking the time to calm down a bit,” Dumo said as he stood with a final ruffle of Sirius’ hair. “That’s a wise decision. Bonne nuit.”
Sirius mumbled a response and made more room for Hattie, then settled in for a restless night. He never wanted to sleep alone again.
By some miracle, practice was more bearable the second day. Remus still ached somewhere deep inside, but it wasn’t like he had anything else left to suppress. Seeing Sirius was a relief; it surprised him at first, considering the explosive nature of the previous evening, before sliding into something that soothed him. If he could still find peace in Sirius after all that, they would be okay.
He knocked lightly on the side of Sirius’ stall after he returned from the shower. “Knock, knock. Ca—”
“Who’s there?”
Remus’ heart stuttered as Sirius looked up at him from the bench with an apologetic tilt to his mouth. Something clicked into place. “Can I get a ride?”
“ ‘course you can.” Sirius stood up just as Remus stepped forward, and they met in the middle for a tight hug. He tucked his face into the dip of Sirius’ collarbone and breathed in his shower-fresh smell, as well as the trace of laundry detergent from his shirt.
“Love you,” he murmured.
“Let’s go, mon loup.” Sirius pressed a kiss to his hair and they headed out toward the parking lot together; Remus caught Leo’s eye and saw him smile.
“How’s Dumo doing?” Remus asked as they turned out of the parking lot. Start slow, start easy. “Did you drop Hattie off at home before you came to practice?”
“Yeah, I did. He’s good, and Celeste sent me back with some brownies.”
Remus tentatively reached over and rested his hand on the side of Sirius’ thigh—his chest visibly caught before he relaxed into it and reached down to put his own overtop. “Harry’s doing well. Lily says he’s almost started running.”
“Did you go see them?”
“Stayed at their place last night.” He shrugged one shoulder. “It felt weird being there by myself.”
“I’m so sorry.” The words spilled out in a rush, despite his best efforts to keep it in until they reached home. “I’m sorry for everything I said to you, and especially for how I said it. I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you about how I was feeling, too. It should never have gotten to that point.”
“Apology accepted.” Sirius sounded a little choked up. “I don’t think we got married too soon, if that means anything.”
“Of course it means something,” Remus half-laughed as he wiped the dampness from the corners of his eyes. “It means everything.”
“I thought it might be too late.”
“Can you pull over for a second?” Sirius obliged, and as soon as he turned the car off, Remus turned to face him. He linked their hands, making sure Sirius was looking into his eyes. “It is never too late to talk to me, okay? I’m sorry if I ever made you think that it was.”
Sirius unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned over for a brief kiss that sent bubbling warmth throughout Remus’ entire body. “I’m so, so sorry for yelling at you. And for keeping everything in, even though we both promised to stop doing that. All that shit I said, it—it wasn’t true, Re, and I wasn’t thinking.”
Remus rested their foreheads together and wound his fingers in the short curls fanning Sirius’ face. “Honey, we’re not your parents.”
Sirius swallowed hard. “I know.”
“So you don’t have to be afraid that we’re going to hate each other out of the blue, yeah?”
“If—” His mouth went a little dry and he faltered. “If you want to take a break, or take things slower, I totally respect—”
“Nope, no, no, no,” Sirius interrupted, grabbing his cheeks and pulling him in for another fervent kiss. “I love you. I’m happy with you. I let my head get away from me, and I’m sorry.”
“All’s forgiven, love.” They sat in silence for a minute longer as Sirius traced his jawline. “Let’s go home.”
Sirius woke up in bed alone, which would have scared him if he didn’t know exactly where his husband was. He smiled to himself and got out of bed, grabbing a hoodie off their dresser before heading downstairs.
The kitchen light was on and music played quietly from Remus’ phone over the sound of running water. “You’re up late,” he said casually from the doorway.
Remus almost dropped a pot. “Jesus Christ!”
“Just me.” Sirius wrapped his arms around his waist as he set the pot on the drying rack. “Stressed?”
“A little. I forgot to do these earlier and didn’t want to leave them overnight again.” Sirius hummed his agreement and rocked back and forth, then took Remus’ hand and spun him in a slow circle. “Oh, are we slow dancing to the Billboard Top 100 now?”
“Very romantic, I know,” Sirius laughed.
Remus shook his head with a wide grin as they swayed, much too slow for the actual song but absolutely perfect. He was beautiful in the low light of their kitchen, puffy eyes from and all. “You are ridiculous.”
I’m the luckiest person alive. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Sirius leaned down for a series of quick kisses, pulling him in until their chests pressed together. Remus let go of his hand and draped both arms over his shoulders, tangling his hands in his hair. “I know we can’t exactly control it,” Sirius said against his lips. “But let’s never fight like that again.”
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emeralddaydream · 3 years
𝙸𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝙸𝚜 𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝙾𝚏?
Kit x GN!Reader
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Rating: General
Word Count: 2848
Warnings: None, just lots of fluff✨
Requested by Anon: Mayhaps prompt 84 (“No, Mom, don’t tell him/her I said that about him/her!”) with Kit Walker, but instead he's talking to Jude, Thomas, and Julia. Kit had been dating you for a while and he accidentally had let it slip that he loves you to his family (they all tease him about it constantly). You were planning on visiting later (so everyone could go to the park together or do some other adorable activity) and Kit just knows that someone is going to tell you, and he is trying desperately to avoid that
A/N: Okay, firstly, anon, thank you so much for your lovely message. I haven't been too kind to myself lately (workin' on it), so I really appreciate you being so understanding💜
I kind of went off the rails with this one, and it doesn't actually include the prompt sentence, and the prompt itself is a lil different, but same basic idea, I think... I really hope you like it!!
Also, Jude is healthy bc I refuse to make this angsty.
The title comes from 'I Think I Love You' by The Partridge Family, and on that note, I'm also dedicating this to one of my favorite humans. She's not really into AHS, but David Cassidy is her mans, so Sierra, this one's for you!! Thank you for always being a wonderful friend💜💕
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“Jude, I need your help.”
In general, Kit Walker considers himself to be a pretty easy-going guy; usually, there isn't much that gets to him. But today’s different. There’s something that he’s simultaneously ecstatic about and dreading.
Today's the day you’ll be meeting his family for the first time.
“With?” Jude’s smirking amusedly where she sits across from him at the kitchen table sorting dish ware and arranging it carefully in the picnic basket in front of her. Kit glances at the clock on the wall and sighs; he's got just over an hour before he, Jude and the kids are supposed to meet you at the park, and he couldn’t be much more anxious about it if he tried... Not for nothing, though.
“I just wanna make sure today goes well.” He finishes wrapping the sandwich in his hand, placing it in the basket to join the plates.
“And you don’t think it will?” Jude raises an eyebrow; she may be a particularly perceptive woman, but it isn't very difficult to see that there's something Kit isn't saying.
His mind drifts for a moment to the other night, when he and Jude sat in the living room, chatting quietly after the kids had gone to sleep. She’d asked about you, and before Kit knew it, he was spilling his guts to her, finally speaking the words he’s been unable to say to you. It’d felt amazing to finally get them out... until he noticed Julia peaking around the door frame, brown eyes trained on he and Jude She scurried off, giggling quietly down the hall, and when he asked her about it the next day, it was clear to Kit that his daughter had heard the entire conversation. And it didn’t need to be said that she had told Thomas; the two of them have never kept anything from each other in their lives…
“I hope it does.” Kit replies after several moments of silence. He’s not at all concerned about whether or not you’ll get along with his family. There’s no doubt in his mind that Jude will be taken, and the kids are going to adore you. “I just need help makin’ sure they don’t say anything.” He glances toward the two small figures in the next room where they lie on the floor, markers in hand as they draw colorful pictures and fill out puzzles from the day-old newspaper Jude had provided to keep them occupied.
“About?” Jude's smirk grows into a playful grin. She’s having fun with this; a little too much, in Kit’s opinion. He scowls and she laughs quietly.
“About... y’know?”
“About how you love them?” Jude’s voice carries into the next room a bit too loudly for Kit’s liking, and his eyes go wide. He places a finger to his lips, eyes darting to the children to make sure they’re still distracted; so far, so good.
“Well, when are you going to tell her? You’re not getting any younger, y’know.” Kit's unable to stop the smile that breaks across his face.
“Soon. I just… need to find the right moment.”
“There’s no such thing as the right moment, Walker," she chortles, rolling a bundle of silverware into a napkin. “But…I’ll do my best.” Kit smiles gratefully, but she shakes her head continuing. “But they’re kids. Kids'll say whatever they want to.” Knowing she's right, Kit groans, running a hand through his hair before feeling around in the pocket of his jeans for his pack of cigarettes.
He's in for an interesting day.
The worn wood of the bench feels rough under your fingers as you tap against it anxiously. You take a quick peak to your right again, in search of the vehicle you’re waiting for. It’s a big day. In just- you glance down at your watch for the fifth time – two and a half minutes, your boyfriend is supposed to arrive with his family.
It terrifies you.
It’s not that you have any issues with kids. You love them. Becoming a parent has always been a part of the plan for you. However, you don’t have much experience with them and, this is the first time you’ve ever been with someone with children of their own. It’s... intimidating.
Kit, however, has been nothing but reassuring. A small smile crosses your face, thinking of the last thing he’d said to you when he'd called last night. Don’t worry, babe. They’re gonna love you.
God, you hope he’s right.
Kit’s told you so much about his kids over the last several months the two of you have been together, and you can tell by the warmth in his voice, by the way his eyes light up when he tells you something funny one of them did, that they are his world. As they should be. You wouldn’t want it any other way.
There's absolutely no doubt in your mind that you've fallen head over heels for this man... That’s what's so frightening; you don’t want to screw anything up. For anyone's sake.
You’re in the middle of reciting some of the things Kit had told you about the kids- ‘Julia’s really into football right now, a little chatterbox, and Thomas loves readin’, but he’s pretty shy’- when you hear tires making their way along the narrow dirt road. Turning your head again, your stomach flips when you see the familiar station wagon- much fuller with people than normal- pull into the small parking lot. You smile, raising your hand in a wave when Kit sees you, and swallow hard.
The driver’s door quickly opens, and Kit makes his way over, basket in hand. The passenger, Jude, stays behind to help the kids out of their seats.
“Hey, you.” Kit murmurs, a smile on his face as he leans down to press a tender kiss to your cheek.
“Hi.” With a shaky breath, you take your bottom lip between your teeth when he pulls back. With a sympathetic smile, Kit takes your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“They’re gonna love you,” he reminds, and you huff a laugh. Julia begins speaking excitedly as she hops out of the car; you can’t make out what she’s saying, but she sounds enthusiastic, so you’re taking that as a good sign.
“If you say so.” You grip his hand more tightly and he chuckles as the two of you make your way toward the sound of the animated voice.
Now or never.
“Y/N!” You jump at the sound, completely taken off guard- even more so when something barrels into you, wrapping around your waist. You look down to see the small girl- the one that you recognize from the many pictures Kit has shown you -beaming up at you. Kit laughs, scooping her up into his arms as Jude moves to stand in front of the three of you. Thomas hangs onto her hand, hiding behind her dress.
“Y/N, this is Jude, Thomas, and you’ve already met Julia.” He shakes his head, tickling his daughter’s ribs until she’s leaning into him, in a fit of giggles.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you all,” you say, hoping the smile on your face doesn’t come across as uneasy.
“We could say the same to you. This one,”- she gestures to Kit- “is talking about you constantly.” You smile widely at this, eyes moving to Kit to find his cheeks turning rosy.
“Oh, really?”
“Uh-huh!” Julia chimes in, Thomas slowly nodding his agreement.
“Oh, you.” You nudge Kit’s arm gently, and his eyes shift quickly back and forth between the children. Jude lets out a trill of laughter then, taking Julia’s hand in hers.
“Why don’t we find somewhere to sit? I’m sure we’re all getting hungry.” The kids agree enthusiastically, taking off in a sprint toward a nearby gazebo where several tables sit. “Hey, slow it down, you two!” Jude calls, following them.
You turn to Kit, who brings your hand to his lips, placing a kiss there; there’s something about his expression that you can’t quite place, but he seems happy, so you’re happy. “I’m glad you’re here,” he says, letting your hands fall and dangle together as the two of you slowly make your way to the table where the children sit, awaiting their lunch. Julia laughs beckoning the two of you over, and there’s a shy little smile on Thomas’ face. Your nerves are slowly fading, and you let out a breathy sigh, smiling up at him.
“I’m glad I’m here, too.”
The meal is fantastic, and by the time you’re wiping your mouth on your napkin and placing it down on the empty plate in front of you, you can hardly remember why you were so panicky about this meeting in the first place. The food is delicious, Jude accepting your compliments on her potato salad graciously. The two of to you discuss your job, her asking about the intricacies of what you do. Not in a prying way, though; she seems genuinely interested.
It’s not long before the kids take to you, either. Julia already has, it seems, as she insists on sitting across from you while you eat. She tells lots of stories; everything from the science project she and Kit have been working on for school, to the time that Jude took her and Thomas to the zoo.; you find out that hippos are her favorite animal. “Isn’t it so cute when they wiggle their ears??” she asks.
Thomas takes a bit more coaxing, but not much; not when you decide to ask him what his favorite book is. His eyes light up and he brings up several, speaking excitedly about a chapter from the one he's currently in the middle of.
“Daddy, can we play now?” Julia asks, setting her fork down; she bounces around like she’s ready to jump out of her seat, and you can’t help but giggle.
“Sure,” Kit chuckles, placing his empty glass of iced tea on the table. I’m just gonna use the bathroom real quick, but go onnahead.” He stands, patting your shoulder. Shooting what he hopes is a discreet glance Jude's way, he moves toward the small bathroom stalls a few yards away.
Jude laughs, a soft smile on her face, watching as Julia moves to cling to your arm. “Alright, Thomas, it. looks like it’s you and me. What do you wanna do first?” She takes the small boy’s hand, and he leads them in the direction of the sandbox.
Julia glances around, and when she sees that everyone’s out of earshot, she leans into you, bringing a hand to her mouth to ask, “Y/N, can I tell you a secret?”
Her over-exaggerated whisper and enthusiasm make you giggle, and you nod. “Sure.”
She climbs into the seat beside you, leaning in closer to speak into your ear. “My daddy loves you.”
You’re quiet for several seconds, having absolutely no idea how to respond. You look down at her, eventually stuttering out, “O-oh… really? How do you know that?” You're half expecting a nonsensical answer, but when she opens her mouth, the young girl is serious.
“I heard him and Nana talking about it the a couple'a nights ago when I got out of bed for a drink of water.” She grins up at you. “…But I can just tell.”
“H-how can you tell?”
She shrugs. "He smiles when he talks about you." Her answer is so simple, so pure, and it holds so much meaning; you're sure there's a dopey grin growing on your face right now.
“Well, your dad’s pretty great. And I think you’re pretty great, Julia.” Her smile grows impossibly wider as she wraps her arms around your neck, pulling you into a tight hug. You hold her tiny frame and are on cloud nine when you spot Kit closing the door to the restroom behind him; when he sees the two of you still sitting there, he makes his way over.
Kit chuckles to himself, overcome with joy when he walks out of the bathroom to see you holding Julia in an embrace, smiles on both of your faces. He walks slowly toward you, silently praying that his daughter hasn’t said anything she shouldn’t have. So much for Jude’s help… Should'a known better. He glances at his friend, sitting on the edge of the sandbox with his son. Jude looks up, smirking, and he rolls his eyes at her.
Nevertheless, he’s decided. It has to be now.
“What’re you two doin’ over here?” He places a warm hand on your arm as he stands behind you, appraising his daughter. “Jules, I thought you wanted to play? You’ve been sayin’ how excited you were for the jungle gym all week.” Julia’s small legs swing back and forth as she watches her father, with a shrug.
“I wanted to talk to Y/N first.”
“Well, we can keep talking while we play, then,” you decide, standing quickly, but Kit grabs your hand, stilling you.
“Actually, I wanna talk to you about somethin’ real quick.” His voice is low in your ear, and he watches his daughter tensely.
“Oh, o-okay.” Your eyes move to Julia and you smile. “Why don’t you go down the slide a few times, and I’ll be over there in a minute?”
“Okay!” The little girl jumps from her spot, sprinting toward concrete of the playground.
“Be careful!” Kit shouts after her. With a chuckle, he takes his previous seat and pats the one beside him. You smile happily, leaning your head on his shoulder when you move next to him.
“They’re really great, Kit. All of them.”
Kit smiles proudly, watching as Jude helps Thomas make some sort of sculpture in the sand. “They are,” he agrees with a nod. “Jude likes you. The kids really like you.”
“I’m so glad.” You sigh in relief, turning to meet his gaze. “I was so worried they’d all hate me.”
“How could they?” he asks, leaning in to place a sweet peck to your lips. You smile against his mouth, your own tingling as he pulls back. You can’t help but glimpse toward playground to see if the kids have noticed. They’re still preoccupied, but Jude’s noticed; she sends you a wink and your cheeks grow warm. Seeing the exchange, Kit scowls playfully, waving a hand at her. She laughs, turning back to the sandy masterpiece Thomas is working diligently on.
“So,” Kit begins... Deep breath. “There’s somethin’ I’ve been wantin’ to talk to you about.”
“Okay.” Your heartbeat pounds in your ears. “What’s up?” …Could it be?
“It’s something I’ve wanted to say for a while, actually. He’s looking at his hands as he says this, biting down on his bottom lip when his gaze finally meets yours. “I haven’t felt this way about anyone in… a long time. Not since...” He trails off, but you know he’s thinking of the kid’s mothers, so you nod in understanding. “Honestly it’s a little scary, but I think I- I mean, I know I-“ He cuts himself off, and takes a deep breath, shaking his head slowly. “Christ. I dunno why this is so hard, I just…” He sighs deeply.
“…I love you, too.”
“You… you love m- wait, what?” His eyes grow wide, and he groans after a moment, knowing exactly who the culprit is. “Julia told you?” You can't help but laugh quietly, nodding your confirmation. “I shoulda known. My little blabbermouth.” A wistful smile grows on his face, and the amount of adoration you feel for this man in this moment is staggering.
“So… it’s true, then?” you ask, taking one of his hands in both of yours.
He nods, smiling as he leans in to press his forehead to yours. “I love you, Y/N. I do.” His voice is hardly above a whisper, but it feels like a shout; a declaration. Your returning smile is bright, certainly one of the best Kit’s ever seen- one he’s sure he’ll remember for the rest of his life -and when you wrap your arms around his neck, his own widens further, the muscles in his face beginning to ache, but he couldn't care less.
“I love you, Kit Walker. So much.” You move in for a kiss of your own; it’s short, but full of more meaning than any you’ve ever had.
Pulling back, you pat his knee gently. You stand from your seat, offering a hand out to him. “C’mon. Earlier, I promised Julia I’d watch her on the monkey bars.” Kit laughs, taking your hand and slinging an arm around your waist once he’s standing. You make your way to where the girl is currently whizzing down the largest slide in the park, squealing with laughter. Glancing at the sandbox, you see Jude eyeing you, a knowing smirk on her face; you blush, but smile back.
Right here, right now, moving toward the laughter of Kit’s loving family, there isn’t a sliver of doubt in your mind that this is meant to be.
This is where you belong.
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taglist: @therenlover, @tatestripedsweater, @kitwalker02, @ladyfogg, @mossybank, @undeadcortez, @sallyscigarettes, @xmaximoffic, @samsassinparvismagna, @liandav, @kitwalkerangel, @elaineygrace, @milly-louise @americxn (please feel free to fill out this form to be added/removed for future fics)
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marvelsbetch · 3 years
Peter Parker’s betrayal
Warning: Depressed Peter, Betrayed Peter, Dick head Stark.
-Peter POV-
I was so excited for this weekend, I had finally convinced Aunt May to let me stay the night at Stark towers. Mr. Stark and had been begging for weeks for me to stay the weekend so we could geek-out about nuclear physics and new suit upgrades to our heats content. After quite a bad Friday, Ned and MJ has been acting weird and Flash seems to have gotten more violent and cocky. Plus, when Happy drove me back to my apartment he never spoke to me, not even his dry hello, he just gave me sympathetic glances as if he knew something I didn't. Saturday was the day, the day I had been waiting for since I first heard of Mr. Stark and his work. Since I read the first news article on Iron Man. Since I was 6 years old.
It started great, the sun was shining unusually bright for a March morning, Aunt May had made me her world famous pancakes worthy of Mr. Stark himself. My bag was already packed and ready, all I had to do was wait. Wait for Happy to come and pick me up and take me to what would've been the best weekend of my life.
How I wish I could go back. I wish I could go back to being this happy and content with my life. I wish.
"Peter! Happy's here!" Aunt May yelled at me from the living room, I was waiting on my bed.
"Okay, I'm coming." I told her grabbing my bag and walking to the door to meet Happy.
All he did was give me a sympathetic look and lead me outside to the car. The last time I'll ever see this car. The drive to Stark Tower was similar to the drive home last night. Awkward and eerily silent. The thirty minute drive felt like two hours as a sense of impending doom washed over me. I should've listened to my senses and asked Happy to turn back.
Soon we pulled into the Stark tower garage and started walking towards the elevator, Happy following close behind. We rode up to the penthouse again, in silence and walked into the living room.
My heart shattered.
Mr. Stark was sat on the couch watching a movie with popcorn and Ice cream while talking to someone. A teenage boy I recognised. The teenage boy who tormented me since freshman year. The teenage boy names Eugene 'Flash' Thompson. Sat on Mr. Starks couch, watching a movie. What is going on.
"Hey Mr Stark." I spoke waving at him and walking further into the living room.
"Oh Peter. What're you doing here?" He asked.
"Come on. It's the sleepover we've been planning for months. The one we begged my Aunt to let us have, you've got to be joking right?" I asked scared of the answer.
"Oh, no I don't. I was busy with Flash, he's such a cool guy you know." Mr. Stark told me. "Why don't you go work on something in the lab while I finish this movie with Flash. Then we can all do something together." He suggested.
"Sounds great." I mumbled as I slowly moved back to the elevator to go to my lab.
Hours passed in the lab and there was no sign of Mr. Stark anywhere. It's as if he forgot me. I had finished upgrading my suit, multiple times, tested it and managed to build new web shooters from scratch. He never came.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y show me Mr. Stark." I requested.
"Of course Peter." She responded, even she sounded like she had sympathy for me.
The image she showed me broke my heart. Mr. Stark and Flash were sat on the couch, likely not even left since I last saw them, laughing with each other. Laughing at me.
"And then he just fell, like out of no where. Didn't trip over anything, just fell. The whole cafeteria laughed at him while I got up and ran away crying like a little baby." Flash told the traitor. Lies. He had tripped me while I was getting my lunch and it split all over my clothes and the floor.
"Oh my God, how pathetic." Mr. Stark said through tears of laughter.
Speaking of tears, I felt my own eyes welling up. How could he? After all we had been through with the Thanos snap, how hard he tried to get me back. How could he do this to me? He even called me son a few times, I sometimes called him Dad by accident but he never let me live it down.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y stop." I requested through sobs.
"I'm sorry Peter. Should I inform Mr. Stark of your distress?" F.R.I.D.A.Y asked with as much sympathy as a robot could as the image disappeared.
"No, he probably wouldn't care anyway." I told her as I heard footsteps coming towards the lab.
"What's up Penis? Upset that I'm closer to Tony?" Flash taunted as he entered my lab, something only Mr. Stark is allowed to do without my permission.
"No. Just overwhelmed." I told him wiping my tears away and getting angry.
"Well, Tony told me to come down and let you know that we may have to reschedule the whole sleepover thing." He told me smirking.
“Why?" I asked.
"We've just made plans, more important than any of yours." He told me leaving the room.
I broke down crying, what's happening. Just a few days ago everything was normal, what changed? Soon heavy crying turned into a full blown panic attack. Great.
"Mr. Parker Mr. Stark has been notified of your current state. He said he'll be here when he can." F.R.I.D.A.Y informed me making it worse.
There was a time when he would drop everything to make sure I was okay. He walked out of numerous meetings, one was with the president, because I was the slightest bit panicky. Now, having a panic attack on the floor below him he's all of a sudden too busy. Too busy with Flash.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y call Nat please." I requested through sobs.
"Peter? What's going on are you okay?" Nat's voice rung out immediately, she picks up fast.
"No. Can you come to my lab please?" I requested calming down slightly.
"Of course. Where's Stark?" She asked as I heard her moving around and a door slam.
“He's, uh, with someone. Too busy to come down and help me." I told her making it worse again at the thought of it. He's basically abandoned me for Flash.
"Okay I'm 5 minutes away. Stay calm." She instructed.
Less than five minutes later Nat came bursting through the doors Mr. Stark in tow. He was holding his ear making me feel like she'd dragged him down here aggressively.
"What's this for?! Me and Flash just got the crucial plot point of the movie!" Mr. Stark yelled at Nat.
"This is more important! You left him down here to have a panic attack on his own! He had to call me to come and help! What's wrong with you?!" Nat yelled back and she walked over to comfort me.
"I told him I would be there when I could, a.k.a, not at the crucial plot point of the movie!" Mr. Stark responded making Nat send daggers at him.
"That's not as important as the welfare of your intern, the person you call your son. What's going on and who's that person in the living room anyway?" Nat growled at him.
"My names Eugene 'Flash' Thompson. I'm Tony's new intern." Flash introduced himself sticking his hand out for Nat to shake it. Strange, I didn't even know he was here.
"Leave. Peter's Tony's intern." Nat growled at him pushing his hand away.
"Not anymore. I decided to hire Flash instead, sorry Peter." Mr. Stark informed me with very little sympathy in his voice. "You can still intern, just not for me."
"Stop talking before I throw you out of this window." Nat warned. "Why all of a sudden do you think Peter's not good enough? You were calling him your son not even two days ago!" Nat yelled.
"Realisation I guess. I realised that the future of my company should be left with someone strong and willing. Not someone who trips over noting in the middle of his school cafeteria." Mr. Stark told her, her eyes went red.
"I didn't trip over nothing, Eugene shook his foot out for me trip over. He's been tormenting me for years." I explained hoping to make Mr. Stark see his fault.
"Now you're lying to me?" He accused glaring at me. "If that's true then why didn't you tell me before hand? Convenient it only comes up now."
"I never told you because I could handle it. Didn't know it would lead to you being the ultimate back stabbing traitor." I growled at him finally standing my ground.
"Don't call me a traitor when you've just lied to my face. I want you out of my building and out of my life." Mr. Stark told me making Nat, once again, glare daggers at him.
"You're utterly delusional. You kick him out you loose me, no more black widow." Nat threatened standing right infront of Mr. Stark, challenging him.
"Fine, I've got everyone else on my side. Wish I could say you'll be missed." He told her smirking.
Next thing I know Nat grabbed my arm and bags before leading me out of the building. We walked passed Happy and Pepper who both stopped us to say sorry and promise that they'll speak to Tony. Nat told them not to bother as he won't change. Happy offered to drive us home but Mr. Stark called him to say that if he did he'd be fired. He still offered but I couldn't let him loose his job over me.
"I'm so sorry for this Peter. I tried to tell but he won't listen, I'll try and fix this I promise. You have my word and my number should you need it. He won't realise what he had until he lost it. You'll both be missed." Pepper sobbed as she hugged me tight, my surrogate mother.
"The offer of a ride still stands, he'll die without me and he knows it. If he fires me it's his loss." Happy told me placing a hand on my shoulder.
"No it's fine, you shouldn't be getting roped into this, this is my mess." I told me making everyone sigh.
"This is not your mess, it's Tony's and soon enough I'll make him clean it up. You have my word." Pepper promised before Mr. Stark walked up to us all.
"If you don't leave now I'll have security kick you out." He growled at me only making me want to cry in a corner somewhere. I've truly been abandoned by my only father figure.
"Fine, we're leaving." Happy said grabbing my shoulder and leading me and Nat out of the building. Did he just quit?
"Did you just quit?" I asked him.
"Yep." Was his short response. Dear God, what has this turned into?
"You'll never be hired again if you walk out those doors." Mr. Stark threatened.
"I'd rather live on the streets than work for you and that brat upstairs." Happy told him before we all walked out of the building.
"This is real. I've been abandoned." I spoke finally admitting it before breaking down into tears.
Nat quickly comforted me and we started to make our way back to my apartment. This is going to be fun to explain to Aunt May.
-2 months later-
It's been two months since Mr. Stark abandoned me and my life has taken an interesting turn. After a day or two everyone had found out about what had happened and boycotted anything to do with Mr. Stark. They never went to meetings, either towers, training sessions and even missions. Pepper left him the night he abandoned me. Mr Stark was truly alone except for Flash, many employees quit and his sales took a hard hit once word got out to the media. My name wasn't mentioned but Flash's was, this made my school life so much harder as Flash now believed he was some sort of celebrity.
Happy drove me to and from school everyday in his own car. He and my aunt had become really close over the past two months and I've started to have the suspicion that they may be dating. Probably. Nat barley left my side if it was necessary, she even sneaks around school sometimes just to make sure I'm okay, I'm far from it. School has become even more of a nightmare than it already was. Flash's taunting became worse and physical, most teachers turned a blind eye in fear of Mr. Stark. Ned and MJ left me after claiming that I was just pathetic, hard to disagree if I'm honest, and everyone of my teachers has become so much harder on me. Life just isn't good right now.
-Two years later-
Two years. Two years since the faithful night and life has become good. I graduated with great grades, despite me not having the best time in school in the past few years and teachers becoming extra tough on me. I passed with mostly As and A+s. after graduation I got a scholarship to Cal tech and started my courses. I plan to open my own business, not to spite Stark, as fun as that would be, but to help those in need. I want to start a company that focuses on helping to poor and improving their living conditions.
-Ten years later-
My company was a massive success. I make cheap but reliable electronics that not only help the poor improve their lives but most of the profits go to improving their lives in other ways. Just last month I traveled to Cambodia to a town full of people so poor they had to buy their houses on rivers because they couldn't afford land. It was eye opening and we helped so much, buying land for them, helping them build stable homes and facilities, building toilets and other necessities. I feel great with myself if I'm being honest.
I've also recently come out at Bisexual with the announcement of me and my boyfriends engagement, Wade Wilson also known as Deadpool. Life's good.
Also, Flash took over Stark industries but it's not been going well. He can't run a business or build a piece of tech to save his life, the sales have plummeted and they've had to lay of hundreds of people in the past month. Most of which, came to me. Now, let me make this clear, I did not start my company to spite Stark and try and beat him. I started it because people like him and Flash don't care about the people who have less of a say, I look out for the little guy. Always have and always will.
I still continue with my spider man work and have received countless awards for my work helping the little guy. Weather that be a common mugging or helping people escape war torn countries. I found a way to build more houses and have more land while also expanding the rain forest and saving the environment. I have dedicated my life to helping others, I made the decision when I was fifteen and ten years later I still stand my it.
-Five years later-
Stark Industries went bankrupt. Flash had run it into the ground with failed experiments and an attempt to bring back the weapons department but with my work, it wasn't necessary. There were no more wars to fight and weapons were seen as a thing of the past.
"Peter please I'm sorry. Flash manipulated me to believe that you were less of a person. Please, I've lost everything because of him." Stark begged, tears brimming his eyes as he as me for a job in my offices.
First he asked for CEO but me and Pepper handles those duties. Then it was Public Relations but Steve and Clint have those conceded. He went through all jobs only to find them to be taken by those he once called his friends. Currently he's begging for a low-level position but I was willing to give him a second chance. He's suffered enough over the past fifteen years.
"Okay, here's a deal. I'll invest back into Stark Industries but you have to promise to help people. No more Eugene or decisions made by yourself. I'll try and convince Pepper to work with you again but I can't promise anything. It's not completely your fault Eugene ran your company into the ground and I'm willing to help but you have to work with me. You have to promise to help people and the environment, look at what I've achieved." I said gesturing to the office building on the 40th floor of our main headquarters.
Over the past five years Pepper and I had made some excellent business decisions and our profits sky rocketed, we have buildings all over the world and I became one of the richest men in the world. I still give back and if anything, I've given more back in the past few years.
More money. More resources. More output. More help to those who need it. World poverty has dropped to less than 10%, an immaculate improvement to the 80% of fifteen years ago.
"I promise. I don't think I can tell you how happy I am Peter." Stark told him smiling like an idiot.
-Another ten years later-
We did it. The rainforests were saved. No animals were near extinction. Both my company and Stark Industries were on the map helping those who need it, not many now though. World Poverty was less than 0.5% of the population and soon to be eradicated. We saved the planet and the people on it but most importantly, we made a flying car. Life was good.
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ak47stylegirl · 3 years
Okay before I go to bed, here’s the next part of that snippet I shared the other day. first snippet 
Just a reminder that this is a older fic of mine that hasn’t been edited, so the finished fic I post on AO3 may be slightly different as I give it a little clean up. (Or not, I haven’t figured what I’m doing yet 😅 I’m just winging it honestly)
This is also the last whole ish part of said fic, so I gotta get fixing those fic holes I guess 😂😅
Scott pov
He was relaxing outside near the pool, enjoying the feeling of the sun’s rays on his skin.
Why didn’t he do this more often? He wondered as he stretched his arms out with a yawn, the heat making him sleepy. No paperwork, no rescues, brothers accounted for…
He could get used to this...
Gordon was swimming in the pool, the fish taking the break in recuses to get some swimming practice in. Virgil was in his art studio, completely engrossed in his art.
John was up in five, as was usual, though he really should try to convince him to come down and join them while things were quiet, he thought with a smile as he relaxed on the pool chair.
Brains was down in his lab with max, both equally engrossed in whatever project they were working on right now. Grandma and Kayo had gone for a trip to visit Lady Penelope, a girls day out was all that they told him, and he wasn’t gain to ask anymore.
There were things he just didn’t need to know...
The only person he didn’t actually know the exact whereabouts of was Alan, he thought as he glanced down at the path that led down to the beach and jungle part of the island.
The last he saw of Alan was the kid wandering off into the jungle, to explore most likely...
He shouldn’t worry, he thought with a yawn as he relaxed back against the pool chair with a content smile, closing his eyes. The kid was smart, he couldn’t get into too much trouble-
A faint high pitch noise reached his ears, making him sit up in concern. That was unusual, that didn't sound like any bird or animal that he recognised, he thought with a concerned look to the direction it had come from.
He glanced at Gordon to see if he had heard it but Gordon was swimming as if nothing had happened. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that something...that something was wrong but…
But there was no reason for anything to be wrong, so…
Maybe he was just overthinking things? He thought as he forced himself to relax back down on the pool chair. There were no rescues, no life-threatening or earth-shattering disaster happening, so…
Then why did he feel like something was wrong? He thought, watching Gordon swim laps in the pool; debating what he should do. There wasn’t really anything he could do, he didn’t even know why he was so worried in the first place.
It was probably nothing...All his brothers were home, so he really didn’t have a need to worry…
The quiet must be getting to him, he thought with a chuckle as he leaned his head against a throw pillow. Hmmm, a midday nap sounded nice, he thought as another yawn sneaked up upon him.
The sun felt so nice against his skin...
His comm beeped just as he was about to drift off into a light sleep, Alan’s call icon popping up.
“Hey Allie, you’re having fun exploring the island?” He asked casually as he answered his comm, not taking much notice that it was just an audio call.
They didn’t always use holograms to communicate with each other after all.
“It’s almost lunchtime, why don’t you-“
“Scott!I'm-stuck-up-a-tree-and-I-don't-know-how-much-longer-I-can-hold-on-for-and-I-think-the-branch-is-breaking-Ahhh help!” Words exploded out of his comm at lightning speed, sounding terribly panicked and scared.
He was instantly on high alert as he sat up straight, giving his commwatch(and Alan) his absolute attention. “Whoa, Whoa, whoa, slow down kiddo…” he spoke as he stood up, concern painted all over his face. “What’s wrong? Where are you?”
He could hear Alan’s panicky breathing over the comm, a very clear sign that something was wrong…
Shit, he should have trusted his instincts!
“I’m...I’m stuck up a t-tree and...and I don’t know- I can’t hold on for much longer!” Alan’s voice was trembling with fear. “Scotty…”
He grimaced as he heard the tremble in Alan’s voice, “Shhh, it’s going to be okay, I’m going to come get you...” He comforted as he speed-walked down to where they stored their spare equipment for emergencies like this. “now where are you?”
“N-Near the beach, on-on the other side of the island...the tallest tree there...you can't miss it...” Alan answered, still sounding terribly scared. “Please hurry…”
“Don’t worry Allie, I’m on my way…” he said as he transferred the commlink to his earpiece, get John to give him Alan exact location. “Just hold tight…”
Alan groaned in embarrassment, “Not much else I can do..”
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bpdanakins · 4 years
i just infodumped to my friends about bpd anakin and i have No Regrets snakjdkajfsk
anyway, doth thee have any more bpd anakin (or just anakin in general) headcanons becuase i am living for this
I am So Sorry this took so long, but hopefully the length makes up for it. Thank you so much for sending this to me bc BPD!Anakin is my entire life. I could talk about it all day, every day.
I’d like to thank @apple-grass-and-smiles for helping me organize my Thoughts on all of this, prompting me to focus on certain things and giving me feedback in general too. 
Okay, here goes:
Anakin fidgets!! I’m not even sure if this is a headcanon but if it is I will die on this hill. He can’t stay still for the life of him and doubly so when he’s anxious, nervous or Ready To Do Something Already. 
We know Anakin can’t hold eye contact to save his life when he’s upset or insecure, but I can also see him having issues with touch when he’s upset, unless it’s from certain people only (Padmé always gets a pass, for example).
Anakin’s quick to let some small stuff go, but larger things people do that hurt him (whether intentionally or not) aren’t really ever forgotten, and he just kind of takes that in and suppresses it, until random moments when it pops up, he remembers, and it just hurts like it’s happening all over again. The people around him often have no idea what fully sets him off, bc to them, his reaction now seems out of nowhere while his mind’s still stuck on this other thing.     - His reactions also seem sometimes like they’re Over The Top, but even just remembering past hurts can feel almost disabling at times. It’s worse when he ends up ruminating on it, because the hurt and feelings of betrayal just keep building up over and over until it almost blots everything else out.
When he’s happy or surrounded by those he loves, everyone kind of can feel it too, bc he’s just fuckoff powerful in the Force and esp other Force sensitives kind of gather around his space and just… his affection and excitement are literally infectious. 
This probably runs closer to ADHD than BPD for sure, but get him talking about anything mechanical (robotics, engineering, racing, etc) and he will go from 0 to 100 so fast you’d get whiplash. No one minds though bc, as I said, his excitement is infectious and honestly those around him just adore listening to him go off even though half of it goes over their head.     - Ahsoka may not ever get Gotta Go Fast, but she definitely loves it when he really talks her ear off about all this stuff, bc it makes her excited to learn and she picks up on all of it easily. (There’s a part of her that wants to emulate him and she does def look up to him obviously.)     - We see it with Obi-Wan, but people love to use his love of all things mechanical as a way to distract him from things that upset him. It doesn’t always work but they try.
With Obi-Wan, he ends up on the side of Anakin’s splitting like, all the time. And unfortunately sometimes Obi-Wan can’t tell that Anakin’s lashing out not because of something Obi-Wan’s actually done, but bc Anakin’s young and Obi-Wan’s the figure he can project a lot of his frustrations on.     - It can lead Obi-Wan to being confused and hurt sometimes, bc he doesn’t always understand Anakin’s thought processes when this happens, and it definitely sometimes cuts him to the core. On the reverse side, though Anakin might not always say it to his face, Obi-Wan definitely can overhear him at times when Anakin’s ready to 1v1 anyone who even so much as makes a frowny face about Obi-Wan, which helps Obi-Wan remember that Anakin does love him too, actually.     - It ends up being one of the points of frisson between Anakin and Mace, bc Anakin can’t read body language perfectly, especially when it comes to feelings of abandonment or someone seemingly not loving who Anakin loves to the same degree. Mace has a drier sense of humor at times and defs has a more resting frowny face, and this rankles Anakin at times bc he can’t always tell when Mace is just chilling vs being disappointed, and while Anakin will take it all personally, he ALSO takes any perceived criticism to those he loves personally too.     - Both Mace and Obi-Wan don’t get this bc they have a perfectly fine relationship. Anakin’s just Like That.     - (And super overprotective of people’s perceptions of Obi-Wan. Anakin will go off about Obi-Wan being mean and all that, but fuck you and your entire family tree if you ever even think Obi-Wan’s anything short as the most amazing Jedi to ever Jedi.)
Everybody and their mother can see the pedestal Anakin puts Padmé on, and surprisingly she rarely is on the end of his splitting. When he does, he just internalizes it bc he can’t stand the idea that he’s somehow seen her in a wrong light, or he feels guilty for getting angry with her.     - He also defines a huge chunk of his life around loving her, making her his center for a lot of his decisions and reactions, so when they’re off, his whole world seems backwards. It makes him Really uncomfortable and unsure. He gets panicky and upset and often people have no idea what the cause is so they just end up a lil panicky in return.     - He tends to take it out on others, by doing an exercise or by disappearing to fiddle with something.     - Pads has an easier time recognizing Anakin’s emotional needs, bc in some ways they’re the same as hers. She’s good at reaching out to him, comforting him and reassuring him of her love. And in turn, he like, never fucking shuts up about how much he loves her, and those moments are what make her feel so special around him. Being loved by Anakin makes someone feel important and even get tingly, bubbly happy feelings, because it’s hard to doubt it sometimes.     - There’s a part of her that sometimes worries about how Intense he is, but, like I said, when his positive intense emotions are focused on you, it feels wonderful. And he’s genuinely super sweet and gentle, and she appreciates that, when she tells him to back off about something, he’ll listen to her wishes. (I’m using movie Anakin as my base here bc TCW!Anakin in this regard is just…. bad y’all lmao)
Anakin’s anxious about Ahsoka All The Time. He’s afraid he’s a bad teacher, he’s afraid he’ll mess her up somehow, he’s afraid he’ll hurt her or she’ll get hurt, and that’s why he can’t stand the idea sometimes of her being on her own. It’s not a lack of trust in her abilities, but because he feels responsible for her, and that’s why he’s always ready to put himself between her and literally anything that could potentially hurt her. (Even if it’s not a physical threat.)     - There are times she finds this amusing and times this makes her angry, but mostly she is long suffering. There are times she appreciates it though, bc she’s still a kid and isn’t always sure which way is up, especially when in a war. Anakin is often a cornerstone for her, and though she’d literally NEVER admit it, his overprotectiveness can sometimes be a reassurance. She knows she can handle herself just fine, but when she has an inkling of doubt, she’ll remind herself that Anakin will be there, and then go and take care of the problem herself.     - She doesn’t always get his moments where he’s not always falling over himself to talk Obi-Wan up or go out of his way to sass at him. To her, they have a wonderful relationship and she rarely notices when Obi-Wan might say something that pokes at Anakin wrong, so she often just winds up ???? when Anakin is huffy or annoyed with her grandmaster.     - She sees Anakin’s anger issues a little more easily than others, and she worries about it but always brushes it off or downplays it, bc she always sees why he’s angry, and also always just assumes (like everyone else) that he can Handle It.     - Anakin’s recklessness and impulsivity are some of her favourite things about being his padawan. He’s literally never boring to be around, and Ahsoka needs that sort of excitement to sometimes push aside the knowledge that she’s literally in a warzone. Anakin’s also really good at doing this intentionally; he’s literally always worrying after her, and all he wants to do is take care of those he loves and make them happy, so sometimes he’ll be Extra just to get under her skin or distract her and honestly this is the basis of where their playful competitions always come from.
If Ahsoka is long suffering, Rex is doubly so. Sometimes it’s all he can do to keep up with Anakin and Ahsoka, but he appreciates Anakin “thinking outside the box”. He also appreciates knowing that Anakin is just as loyal to him and his men as he himself is (well… Anakin is until he isn’t lmao)     - Rex, like Pads, is really good at picking up Anakin’s moods and even trains of thought, so he’s always able to work around that, or even see where Anakin’s mind is going when coming up with a plan. They make a really good team bc while Anakin can jump from one idea to another without them seemingly correlated, Rex immediately follows Anakin’s leaps and they just end up in sync.     - That being said, Anakin can be really confusing at times. His moods are often so all over the place, that Rex generally has no idea what tf is going on. He deals with it by learning to be calm when Anakin’s unable to, and just ride out Anakin’s worst moods until they pass by, learning not to let it all phase him. Anakin lowkey hates it when he’s upset, but once the worst of it passes, he really appreciates that Rex will just… not press like Obi-Wan, or balances out the moments Anakin’s mind is so cluttered by instead just keeping a good focus on things.
Probably everyone’s most baffling symptom of Anakin’s is his paranoia. Obi-Wan kind of sees it the most, because Anakin is always testy with the Council and often feels put on the spot, dismissed and looked down upon. To everyone else, they don’t get where Anakin’s ideas come from, bc everything seems chill on their end. His fretting about others’ well-being is straightforward enough, but his instant panic-turned-anger shift when he receives any criticism (especially the perceived type) always gives people whiplash. It’s hard to keep up with, hard to see what it was that got to him so much, and hard to know how to help (particularly when they’re worried that trying to help him will feel like “taking sides”).     - Ahsoka takes Anakin’s POV of the Council pretty easily, at least when it comes to him. This is mostly bc she’s not there when there’s a meeting or tension around them, nor was she there when Anakin first arrived, so she just assumes they must genuinely often have issues with him too. She doesn’t see it to the extent Anakin does though, but she recognizes that sometimes he seems to blow things out of proportion when he’s upset, and figures it’ll just blow over once he’s calmed down.     - Pads, on the other hand, is always kind of aware of Anakin’s fears of losing her. He often not-so-subtly looks for reassurances that she loves him and won’t leave him, that she’s feeling alright or not angry/annoyed with him. She chalks it up to his trauma with his mother (and she’s partially right), so even when sometimes it gets on her nerves that he seems to doubt her so much, she tries to remind herself of that and let it go. 
Those closest to him can pick up that Anakin tends to see the negative in things, and is generally really hard on himself. They try to help out by giving praise where it’s due and just overall Being There, but it’s Rough to know they often don’t get through. (Palps, on the other hand, knows how to weaponize this.) 
The saddest part is that I don’t think anyone once thought Anakin was Seriously Ill, partly out of ignorance, partly bc they assumed it had to do with his age/upbringing, and partly bc, eventually, everyone was dealing with trauma and even if someone wanted to send Anakin back to the Temple to have a nap or something, they legit couldn’t bc there was a war going on and he also would never have tolerated it at that point in time.     - Obi-Wan’s the one who worries about all of this the most, because he’s always felt such a huge responsibility for Anakin and loves him a lot, he’s just never fully been able to understand how to get on the same wavelength as Anakin.     - Anakin, too, actually never fully figures out that there is something Going On. Everything’s always overwhelming him and even though he prefers doing things at 100mph, sometimes it seems like there is Too Much going on, and even during peace times it just felt like he couldn’t keep up with everything. He hates internal reflection but also can’t stop overthinking about everything, and so he just ruminates and goes in circles and often just ends up going nowhere when it comes to dealing with things. He tries his hardest all the time, he is ALWAYS trying, but doing stupid stunts, fighting droids, making robots and speeding everywhere all the time is truthfully only a bandaid.     - Being surrounded by those he adores and receiving affection from them/seeing them happy boosts his mood a lot but he doesn’t have enough self-awareness to guess at why his happier moods just won’t last.     - Sometimes he can figure out when he’s being irrational and then just takes it out on himself, which only exacerbates his bad episodes. 
Palpatine doesn’t help. He’s abusive, manipulates Anakin all the time and is the Worst and definitely makes everything Anakin is struggling with harder and I think we should all just punt him into a sun thank you this isn’t a headcanon I just want everyone to know how much I hate him
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sunseteyes · 4 years
Hi! May I send you request? Could you write about MC being Saeyoung’s and Saeran’s childhood friend? Like she knew that they were abused and she was bringing them food and taking care of they wounds and they both end up having major crush in her. Then after years they all reunited and...? How would it look like?
ohh i love this request! i love the twins so much and their characters give me life. i’ve made it as a scenario+headcanon so we’d be more in-depth on how the twins would react by the end. i hope it won’t disappoint!
Warning: spoilers ahead for 707’s route
Saeyoung was the very first one who met you, seeing as he was the ony one allowed to go out, after all.
He was coming home from his “errands” that time, his mind getting cautious the more steps he took back to his home. Just when Saeyoung came by the gate, there was a small figure standing there, a handbag on hand as you were about to press the doorbell. Saeyoung didn’t know why he stopped you, immediately pulling you by the wrist to the side, preventing from being on sight from anyone who might peek from the house.
“Oh,” you reacted, your eyes finding his golden ones. “You must be one of the twins! I saw you and your brother play outside once.”
“Who are you?” Saeyoung was careful and wary as he would narrow his gaze at your form.
“I’m from the house over there.” you sensed his uncomfortableness but gave him an assuring smile as you pointed at your residence that was right in front of theirs, “We’re your new neighbor.”
Saeyoug would relax then, glancing at the handbag you had been holding since earlier and is now handing it to him.
“Here. It’s my birthday today and we already gave our other leftovers to the other neighbors. I packed an extra piece of cake sice I knew about you and your brother.” he’d feel warm at the face you weregiving him, not just about the food. And for he first time ever, he’d feel butterflies flutter on his stomach as he continued to stare at you.
He’d reluctantly take the bag and tuck it inside his jacket. For some reason, he’d feel like he wanted to explain.
“I... our mother shouldn’t know about this. You can’t ring that doorbell.” his tone would remain monotone but he’d feel nervous on the inside. Even his small hands would be sweating.
You’d tilt your head in confusion but he’d most likely explain and you’d sooner agree on giving them food from now on. “It’s alright! My mother really cooks a lot and we’d hate to just throw the leftovers.”
As for Saeran, he’d meet you without talking to you verbally, at least. He’d catch you looking at your window, just the same as he did. You’d bring out a piece of whiteboard and him with the notebooks he urged Saeyoung to buy him. With those, you’d converse with each other like it was the most normal thing to do.
It was like fate for him, and your face would always brighten up his day even if his mother would beat him up. And especially whenever he’d taste the food that Saeyoung would bring home, he’d be really excited when he learns that it’s from you.
The two sooner developed unknown feelings with you. And it was one of the reasons why Saeyoung would hesitate to leave. So when he did, his feelings burdened him despite hiding it within the depths of his heart. Saeran on the other hand, would see it as a hope, that even when Saeyoung vanished, when he talks to you, he’d always think of a miracle that Saeyoung would come back to him.
Unil he leaves, that is.
The two wouldn’t have a single clue where you were because apparently, when the two hackers would decide to try to find you, you were not living on the same house anymore.
Well, that’s until you stumbled upon RFA.
he’d be surprised. he’s the one assigned to search about the new member and when he sees your profile from the cctv outside of the apartment and also your information, he’d be utterly shocked
i mean, why didn’t he realized the moment he saw your name??
he’d be ecstatic but panicky at the same time
although he wouldn’t tell you blatantly about the past
because if he did, you’d be in danger
he’d also try to push you away, despite trying to flirt with you at first
but then everything unravels and he’d have to meet you even if he tried so many times to stall the meeting
and when the three of you reunite, with saeran there, his walls would come crumbling down
for him, his focus would be on his brother, since that would surprise him the most
and he’d be even more shocked when you talk to saeran like you new him a lot
“you two know each other? how come? i never introduced her to you.”
but he might probably add, “did you know it was her? why would you pull her into this? saeran, please, let’s talk.”
he wouldn’t have an idea he pulled you into this mess
and when he did, he’d be surprised too
despite being drugged so many times, he’d remember your face
it’s probably the only thing keeping him sane and grounded
so when he saw you there, his mind would wrestle with him and eventually decide that bringing you with him was indeed the best option
“come with me, (mc). i’ll take you to paradise, you’d be happy there. you don’t deserve to be stuck here, all alone. there, we could be with each other. the savior will take care of you. i ll take care of you.” yES
but the moment he sees his brother’s face, he’d pull you close, beside him, smirking up at his brother mockingly
“yes, we know each other, saeyoung. you dare even keep that she’s the one sending us food. you’re selfish even before.”
“why don’t we ask (mc)? what do you think (mc)? who would you choose between the two of us?”
honestly speaking? i’d choose saeran, don’t judge me he’s my bby >,< anyway, feel free to send more requests! i might not accept anything that has to do with another story because i haven’t been there yet i’m so sorry :’<
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obx-adventures · 4 years
The Introverted Twin
Summary - Being John B’s bookish twin isn’t easy. Especially with my best friend, Pope, being weird about me getting closer with JJ.
Catch up here: Ch 1, Ch 2
A/N: In my head, the reader has the INTJ personality type which makes her a bit of a mess with emotions. You can read more about this type here.
Chapter 3
It’s been three days since I’ve seen Pope. I gave him the first day to cool down but started getting angry when he wouldn’t answer my calls or texts on the second day.
Today, I’m determined to find him. We’ve fought before, all friends do. But it’s not like him to completely ignore me. Kie said she went to Heyward’s this morning and his dad told her that he was already out doing deliveries. So, I go to Heyward’s to wait him out.
After a couple hours, I hear a boat in the distance. I put my book back in my bag and stand up. Once he’s closer and can see that I’m waiting for him, his face hardens, and I prepare for a blowout. I follow him when he goes to check in with his dad but don’t try to talk to him yet. He doesn’t even acknowledge I’m there.
But he can’t ignore me forever. I stick close to him and get into the car when he prepares to go home. He still doesn’t look or speak to me as he starts driving but I know he’s driving us to our spot. While he’s driving, I study his face to try to discern what’s wrong. His normally soft features are set in a look of determination. I can see his clenched jaw and can practically hear his teeth grinding in frustration. His eyes are clouded over, a mixture of emotions that I can’t tease out.
We pull into a small area of beach we found last year that is usually deserted. It has a picnic table that we use when we need to study. The Chateau and his house can be a little too chaotic, so we spend hours together alone there when we need quiet. When he parks, we both silently get out, walk over to our table, and sit down in our usual spots. I know that he will start talking when he’s ready, so I pull my book out and read for a little bit as he collects his thoughts.
“What’s going on with you and JJ?” I sigh and put my book away while I think how to answer his question.
“Nothing, Pope, why?” I feel a twinge of guilt as I say this. It does feel like something is different between me and JJ but I’m too worried that I’m reading too much into to tell my best friend.
“Come on, Y/N,” Pope says angrily. “You know why.”
“I really don’t,” I take a deep breath before continuing. “You know I need to have things spelled out for me.”
Pope looks down at his hands and thinks about my answer. He knows it’s true. I have terrible social skills and usually need people to be blunt with me. Unfortunately, not everyone is willing to be as direct and clear as I need. But Pope isn’t typically one of those people. He knows that I need everything laid out for me, so I’m frustrated that he isn’t doing that now.
“Y/N, what are we?”
“Best friends,” I answer immediately. From Pope’s reaction, I can tell this isn’t what he wanted to hear so I try again. “Pope, you are so important to me. Sometimes I feel like I’m a different species than everyone else here. I don’t surf. I don’t party. And I definitely don’t see the appeal of hooking up with Tourons. But when I’m with you, I don’t feel so alone.”
“But what does that mean?”
When I look confused, Pope stands up and starts pacing. I decide not to say anything else because he has the look he gets while he’s trying to solve a complicated math problem. After a few minutes, he comes to sit on my side of the table, and I turn to face him. But instead of speaking, he grabs my shoulders and pulls me into a kiss. At first, I’m frozen in surprise but then I pull back. His eyes search my face as I move backwards.
“Pope, please don’t do this,” I whisper. I feel like everything is about to change and I desperately want to stop it from happening.
“Y/N, I have to,” Pope says as he shakes his head. “I have to tell you how much you mean to me. I can’t let you slip through my fingers.”
“Pope…” He cuts me off before I can go any further.
“No, you need to listen to me,” Pope says desperately. His face softens as he continues. “I can spend hours just watching you study. You scrunch up your nose in the cutest way when you get stumped on a question. I love watching your lips move as you silently talk yourself through a problem. I love that you tap your pencil against your temple as you think. I love watching you relax on the boat while everyone else swims. You look so peaceful with your eyes closed while you sunbathe. I love watching you laugh as someone tells a story. God, Y/N, you care so much about all of us. When JB fell apart after your dad went missing, you pushed down your own grief to take care of him. You’re just so amazing and I am so head over heels in love with you.”
I’m stunned at his speech and don’t know how to respond. Now I’m the one pacing as I collect my thoughts. Pope gives me a moment, knowing that I need to think before I respond to something important. After a few minutes, I go back to sit next to him, prepared for what will likely be the hardest conversation of my life.
“Pope, I’m sorry. But I don’t feel the same way.”
“No, Y/N,” he says as he shakes his head. “I know there is something there. We’re too close. This can’t just be friendship.”
“But it is...” I reach out to grab his hands, but he pulls away from me.
“No!” Pope stands and is starting to get agitated. “You’re just scared. But you don’t need to be. I would never hurt you. I could never.”
“Pope, that’s not it,” I plead for him to understand. “I’m not scared. I know I struggle with expressing emotions, but I know exactly how I feel. I love you, but not the way you want me to. You’re my best friend.”
“Don’t do that.” He shakes his head as tears start to run down his cheeks. I stand and reach out to him. This time he lets me take his hands. “Don’t call me that. I don’t want to be just your best friend. I want to be more than that.” Pope’s voice cracks at the end.
“I… damnit, Pope. I don’t…” I’m starting to get panicky and trying to hold back tears.
“Please, Y/N…” My heart is breaking at pain in his voice. He’s holding my hands tightly, trying to convey all of his emotion.
“I’m so so sorry, Pope…” Now I’m openly crying, trying to soothe my best friend but not knowing how to make this better.
He looks down, releases my hands, and walks away from me. I call out to him as he’s getting in the car, but he won’t answer me. I sit back down alone at our table and finally let myself break down.
I wrap my arms around myself and sob. All I can think of is the pained look on his face. I never meant for this to happen and I don’t know how to make this right. Did I just lose the one person who really understands me?
I hear my phone ring a few times but ignore it. It feels like my world is crumbling around me. I’ve lost my dad and probably just lost my best friend. I curl into myself on the picnic table bench and allow the grief to swallow me whole.
At some point, I feel a familiar set of arms lift me from the bench. I’m too lost in my mind to figure out who it is but I curl into them and latch onto the person’s shirt as they carry me to the car. Sometime later, I realize John B is holding me in the back of the van. He’s talking to someone and sounds worried. When we get back to the Chateau, he passes me over to the other person and goes to get me something from inside.
“Shhh, Sunshine, it’s gonna be ok.” The nickname gets me to look up at the face of the person currently comforting me.
“JJ, how did you guys know where I was?” My voice sounds hoarse and I’m starting to get a headache from all the crying.
“Pope called John B.” At the mention of my best friend, I start crying again and JJ tightens his arms around me.
Of course, Pope would call my brother to get me. He may have left me, but he would never want me to be stranded. I wonder how much he told John B. When I ask JJ, he tells me that Pope wouldn’t say what happened, only that I was upset and needed to be picked up from our spot. JJ tries to get me to tell him, but I decide that keeping this private is the only thing I can do now for Pope. If he wants to tell the other Pogues, he can. But I won’t.
I’m finally able to move on my own and JB and JJ follow me inside. I’m so exhausted from crying that I collapse onto my bed without changing and instantly fall asleep.
Ch 4
Taglist: @agirlwholovescoffee @obxlife @meaganjm @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @velyssaraptor @lunaposey
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themonkeycabal · 4 years
WandaVision Ep 3 Spoilers
Yes, there are spoilers below:
Wherein I watch and have some comments. Please let's make some story progress this week. More Weird!
Why can't I skip the previously on? Disney! Oh well, it doesn't matter, Buddrick Meowbert is demanding pets and he's standing in front of my ipad not letting me watch, until I give the chin scratches.nn.n.m,,,,m. . . . . . . . .  ?""" (he walked across the keyboard)
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Again, loving the opening credits. Though, oh lord, the colors. Late 60s, early 70s, so so so tacky. And, oh dear, Vision's hair. Is it the hair by itself? Or the hair, giant glasses combo? I can't decide.
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Blah blah blah, comic wackiness with suddenness of baby, and slightly chauvinistic doctor (wow, where did they find that suit? there's just so much *pattern* going on there). I can't tell if the neighbor chainsawing the cinderblock fence is qualifying as Weirdness? His vacant smile suggests proper Weird.
"Billy? Well, I was thinking Tommy." @hurricanekelsea​ called it. I award you one fabulous, classic Marvel no-prize. Excelsior!
The whole bit with the braxton-hicks contractions was weird, but not in the proper weird way, but in a 'did we have to' sort of way.
"It seems the people of Westview are always on the verge of discovering our secret." "Yes, I know what you mean. But, it's more than that, isn't it?[…] I think something's wrong here, Wanda."
*gasp* Is Vision figuring it out? Props to Bettany, it's very clear when he makes that momentary transition from sitcom!Vision to real!Vision (for values of 'real' where he may still be a creation of Wanda's powers). And before he gets too far he's reset to the second before he starts to figure it out. I can't tell if Wanda did that or not, though she was looking panicky.
Calgon commercial. I mean, Hydra Soak commercial. So, who are the two people who are always in the commercials? It's the same pair, yes? And now two Hydra commercials. Oh, though, I guess Wanda was kind of part of Hydra for a while. Forgot about that.
Also, a Buddy break.
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Wanda's water broke and it's raining inside their house, so they're huddled under the table. Because wacky hijinks. Come on, guys, move this thing along already, will you.
"Well, in fairness, darling, the baby is approximately nine months early." Heh. Vision dashes off to get the doctor.
Weird animal noise in the nursery.
But, first we must take a wacky aside where Wanda tries to hide her very obvious pregnancy from Geraldine who just showed up. I'm glad I don't live in a sitcom, because the thing were people just turn up on your doorstep constantly, would drive me insane. You have a phone, Geraldine! Call ahead! Though, alternately, you could just not answer the door, Wanda. These are a few of the many reasons I can't stand sitcoms. … Anyway
Geraldine makes herself at home after a 'comedic' search for a bucket while Wanda's going into labor and every contraction makes her coat change into a different one. And also a random large bird appears. Is it a Weird Bird or just a weird bird? Oh, it's a stork. I get it. Oh, actual Weirdness! The bird makes a sound and Geraldine snaps out of it. But, then Wanda makes up a story about an ice maker and she goes back to sitcom!Geraldine and the stork attempts to eat the fish pattern off Geraldine's super-fly bellbottoms (actually, her outfit is really great, looks fantastic on her. A+ wardrobe department).
Vision acquires the doctor before he can leave on vacation. Then gives him a piggy-back ride back to the WandaVision household. As you do.
Geraldine discovers the secret as Wanda's labor accelerates. Everything goes haywire and Geraldine prepares to deliver the baby. Wanda is having a "i can't do this" meltdown that feels real and not sitcom.
And the fastest birth ever. Just in time for Vision and the doctor to show up.  But wait, little Tommy isn't the only baby on the way. And lo, there is Billy.
The doctor and Geraldine roll with it. Oh, but then the doctor goes a little Weird as he's leaving, despite the laugh track. "Small towns, you know, so hard to escape."
Agnes and Herb are conspiring by the mangled cinderblock fence. Seems sus. "Is Geraldine inside with Wanda?"
"Can you believe it? Twins." "I'm a twin. I had a brother. His name was Pietro." Seems like a real moment. Geraldine is snapping out of it again, as Wanda sings to the babies in Sokovian(?). Ohhh, Geraldine, good job, shake it off,  "He was killed by Ultron, wasn't he?"
Herb and Agnes are trying to convince Vision that Geraldine is untrustworthy. "She's new to town, brand new." "No family, no husband. No home."
Wanda doesn't seem pleased with Geraldine. "What did you say about Pietro?" Nice, good, progress. Except now Wanda seems scary and I'm worried for Geraldine.
The Weirdness is escalating! Yay! Herb is trying to tell Vision something but doesn't seem to be able to get it out. Inside Wanda notices Geraldine's necklace, which, you know, looks like that SWORD logo we keep seeing. And Wanda's scariness factor is increasing loads.
Outside, Agnes cuts off Herb before he can say whatever it is he's trying to say "Because, we're all …". And she looks scared. Good guys or bad guys? I can't tell. Since we've determined Geraldine is Monica Rambeau, that says she's the good guy, but Agnes seemed scared by Herb maybe saying the wrong thing to Vision. Which, doesn't scream bad guy to me. Unless she's scared of a big bad. A Hydra big bad? Two Hydra commercials and all. Though, also a Stark toaster one, but that's just funny.
Run Geraldine! Run! Agnes and Herb try to pretend things are normal. Vision goes inside, and Geraldine has vanished and Wanda's being super creepy. Hope you're okay, Geraldine! This is why you don't drop by people's houses unannounced.
Oh, she got expelled from the sitcom world into the real world, looks like. *phew* Also, yay, the real world! She was puked out into a field next to what looks like some sort of military encampment, and yet they still converged her on with multiple black SUVS and a helicopter. lol. Overkill, guys, she was like 50 yards away from your front door.
And we end with, oh lol, "Daydream Believer". A+ music choice. And, I think that answers that. It's not WandaVision, it's Wandavision.
Okay, I liked this episode MUCH better. Solid progress, good creepy, tolerable sitcom bits because they felt better blended with the Weird. *This* is the show I was hoping for from the trailers. Good job, everybody. And great job Olsen for making me remember how scary Scarlet Witch could be.
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So a Karen had a crying breakdown, after (not?) trying to hit black woman.
Ideally I just wouldn't have to experience this discourse, let alone ever need to talk about it, but if this preempts even on unpleasant-for-me take on this recent event, it's worth it. So here's why (almost) everyone is wrong somehow about this latest thing:
Your immediate reaction, in every situation ever, should be to consider the possibility that before the start of the footage, the seemingly obviously in-the-right party was doing something awful which justified what the seemingly obviously in-the-wrong party did. Ideally you readily think of at least one such situation, put yourself in the shoes of the superficially in-the-wrong party, and go on in alert for evidence of that possibility.
Similarly, you do not get to instead jump to the conclusion that the party most superficially in-the-right, was just looking to game how it looked and turn social outrage against the person. Same requirement: you should be able to think of at least one scenario where the party actually is really in-the-right, but for some reason feels legitimately worried and looking for evidence, put yourself in their shoes, and go in alert for evidence of that possibility.
In almost every situation where something bad happens, more than one person can be at fault or bad in some way, and that is almost always the case. Finding one person in the wrong in a situation is for immature children - you should be expecting that each person did something that was bad in itself, or made the situation worse than it should have been.
In this specific situation, the facial expression at the start of the footage is clearly pleading, possibly escalating to panicky, not one of the looks people tend to have on their faces when deliberately assaulting someone.
In this specific situation, the movements at the start of the footage look most like a reflexive panicky movement of instinctively wanting to grab or push down the recording phone. Given the facial features in the split second prior, this is the more likely interpretation. Given everything that happens after, this is the even more likely interpretation. Less likely in the unfavorable direction, the hand was being raised in a wind-up for hitting. Less likely in the favorable direction, the hand was being raised as emphasis/communication. More than one of of these could have been true, either at various moments, or even at the same time if the person was conflicted or still figuring out what they wanted to do.
In this specific situation, the recording person maybe had very good reason to want to record the interaction for their own safety, and the good reason may have included race-related stuff.
In general in the current social reality, a person in a confrontation often enough has good reason to want to record the interaction for their own safety, and a black person confronting a white person often enough has extra good reason on top of the race-independent good reasons.
We do not have good enough resolution on the face in a lot of frames to easily judge facial expressions, and this increases the danger of people reading in whatever they want into her facial expressions. I already see this. People seeing smiles in pixelated frames where I would say a more experienced gaze sees no likely smile, and where even if there is a smile there is not enough detail to distinguish a nervous or supplicating or reassurance-seeking smile from the smiles that would suggest malice or duplicity.
The person being recorded exhibits what is both entirely consistent with a genuine meltdown of an emotionally sensitive person being severely upset and panicking because they don't know how to handle the situation they are in, and which is consistent with a deliberately played-up reaction.
The repeated insistence of "no I didn't" with no elaboration could be true and the person is having a hard time figuring out how to say what they actually were doing, or could be false and the person is having a hard time coming up with a cover. Personally I find it much easier to come up with a believable lie which fits people's impressions on the spot, than to come up with a believable way of getting the truth around people's already-formed/forming wrong impressions.
The slow sink to the floor, especially with a sudden reduction in crying volume around the same time, is extremely consistent with people having a really bad upset. People freak out while crying badly enough, until they get light-headed and weak and it's like a half-involuntary thing which looks exactly like that - the involuntary part being that the person recognized that if they don't do a controlled descent, they're gonna have a worse uncontrolled collapse instead. On the other hand, any emotion is consistent with this - it's the crying and degree of physical activation that does it, not the nature or legitimacy of the emotion. But of course a skilled-enough faker can probably either fake it or work themselves up to a real one.
The person recording the interaction repeatedly exhibits signs of callousness, and a couple of instances of what sounds like cruel glee. If you have a person who's having a crying fit or is lying on the ground, what the fuck compels you to make snide comments or laughs at or about them, especially within hearing range? I understand that you might want to keep the camera on just in case something bad or new suddenly happens, but I'm sure if you tried to think really hard you could find a way to maybe not keep your camera persistently trained on a person actively begging you not to record their breakdown, or to least be less of an agitating, escalating dick about it.
But if we're being maximally charitable, the person recording it was probably in a very confrontational state, the kind where all sorts of social monkey politics instincts and emotions sway how we act. She might have also been trying to communicate with her TicTok friends live, giving them an update, and maybe her friends were genuinely worried.
The person doing the recording is also persistently managing to interpret and spin everything towards the bad-faith interpretation. I think this should be understandable and sympathetic and ideally you find a way to relate, but it also should be recognized as uncritically presenting some possible explanations as certain while omitting roughly-as-likely less-bad explanations.
We should also consider that as a black woman, the person recording was almost certainly acting from substantial pain history - who knows how many other experiences with people, and with white people or white women in particular, she was really cumulatively reacting to in that moment? Like when I finally physically fought back and won against my dad in my teens, in that situation I was needlessly escalating and if you looked at that situation by itself I was overly vicious, but I was lashing out against my entire history of his physical discipline and growing up in fear of angering him, and it felt very righteous at the time. (Of course, white people and Karens are not all one entity the way my dad is, so one overkill victory doesn't cash out the same way, but our brains and instincts aren't really built to handle that - in a small tribe where everyone knows each other, if you were routinely abused or oppressed or coerced by tribe members, one over-retaliation against one person would be very adaptive.)
Anyway, when the person being recorded eventually gets up and starts actively charing the person still recording them, that's obviously the same kind of thing psychologically going on as when you have a cornered animal in pain and you keep poking it with a fucking stick. If the recording person had been less of a persistent ass after basically "winning" the whole interaction, that would not have happened. It is not proof of violent or hostile nature, and it does not suggest any greater odds that the person had violent or hostile intent in any prior situation unless they were already persistently and severely harassed by then as well.
In fact, that was still communication - it was physical bodily communication implying that the recording person was hurting the recorded person enough that it's getting desperate enough for physical retaliation to be tempting, but actually attempted violence is usually silent. When people get serious about doing bodily harm, they tend to shut up. If she wanted that to get violent she wouldn't have been yelling "get her away from me" the entire time. That was a plea for help to the other humans so that the situation could still be resolved non-violently.
When the cops and security finally got there, the recording woman has some legitimate critiques/complaints/grievances. For example, if the two women's races were reversed, there is a real chance that the cops would've handled the situation very differently.
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misteria247 · 4 years
"No.....it can't be......!"
You breathed stunned as you took in the familiar face of a friend you thought you'd never see again. Standing in front of you in all of his short glory was none other than Grimm. The feline monster was staring at you in disbelief, his big blue eyes wide with hope. After a small stare down between the two of you, Grimm finally blinked, his eyes suddenly filled with tears.
He cried as he literally flung himself at you. You were quick to shield Elliott from anymore damage and catch Grimm in your embrace as the two of you hugged one another tightly.
"Oh my God! Grimm! I never thought I'd see you again-!"
You said in a watery manner. Grimm just let out a wet huff as he clung to you tightly.
"I can't believe that you're really here! I missed you so much-"
Grimm started to say before stopping as his wide eyed stare landed on the small form of your son. You felt yourself stiffen a bit as you realized what Grimm was staring at and couldn't help but pull Elliott closer to you. The cat looked at Elliott before looking at you to see the somewhat protective expression on your face. Taking a deep breath you gave Grimm a somewhat tight smile.
"Grimm, I'd like you to meet my son Elliott. Elliott this is my best friend, Grimm."
You spoke introducing the two. Elliott blinked away his tears and with a small hesitant hand offered it to Grimm.
He mumbled shyly and nervously. Grimm who had been staring at him seemed to snap out of it and shook his hand with a paw.
"Nice to meet you Elliott. I didn't realize that (Y/N) was a mom now. In fact you almost look like...."
Grimm said surprisingly calm before trailing off which made you nervous beyond belief. You knew that Grimm was realizing who exactly Elliott reminded him of as the small monster snapped his head back towards you with a dumbfounded expression. All it took was one look to confirm what he was thinking.
Grimm squawked motioning frantically with his paws towards you and Elliott. Your son shrunk back into your side startled by the sudden volume from Grimm. You gave him a small squeeze on his arm knowing that he was getting overwhelmed by everything. It was no surprise considering that you two had just been thrown into another world in a rather terrifying manner. Hell you were currently processing everything yourself and having Grimm yell at you made you slightly nervous and incredibly embarrassed.
You scrambled out trying to figure out what to say.
Grimm was quickly cut off by you.
"No he doesn't. He has no idea...."
You explained before freezing in place as it hit you. You were back in Twisted Wonderland, a place you'd left six years ago leaving behind the love of your life behind and unknowingly taking someone with you. You were back in the place where you'd left him behind to rule his future kingdom. The man who owned your heart. The man who was the father to your son.
The man who had no idea of Elliott's existence.
Your face grew incredibly pale as the realization hit you like a ton of bricks and nearly sent you into a full fledged panic attack. You must have scared your friend and son because a sudden grip on your arm snapped you out of it.
"Mama! Are you okay???"
Elliott said in a panicky manner, his big green eyes wide and terrified by your reaction. Grimm was also looking at you with a spooked look, his tail flickering nervously.
"(Y/N) are you alright??? You're extremely pale."
Grimm stated in his blunt way. You mentally shook yourself and pulled yourself together. You couldn't freak out now, not while you were here with your already terrified son. Giving Elliott a reassuring smile you slowly but surely got up from the ground pulling him up with you.
"I'm alright my little one. Mama's just a little bit spooked is all. I'll be okay."
You reassured him, running your fingers through his hair. Elliott relaxed at the comforting gesture. Grimm watched the two of you, a bit touched by the display. While he had no clue what exactly was going on, he couldn't help but smile a bit at you and your son. The way you held him and comforted him and the way he clung to you and kept a close eye on you reminded him of the times back when the two of you were still attending Night Raven College together. It was clear to see that Elliott meant the world to you and you meant the world to Elliott.
"I think we should get you guys out of here. I'm sure you're tired from your trip. Plus we don't want to run into any of the students."
Grimm said in a drawl. You looked away from Elliott confused before you took not of your surroundings. The place where you and Elliott had landed was none other than in the Chamber of Mirrors. The place that started it all. You couldn't help but feel your heart twist in nostalgia and slight longing before nodding towards Grimm.
"Yes of course. Lead the way."
You said with a small smile. Grimm just huffed at you before leading the way out of the chamber disappearing from view. You pulled yourself away from your son and quickly grabbed his hand. Giving Elliott a small look you offered him a small smile.
"It'll be okay baby. I know you're scared and I am too but we'll be okay. Mama will keep you safe."
You said softly in a promise. Elliott blinked at you before his own expression seemed to fill with a shaky resolve.
"I'll protect you too Mama! I promise! You can count on me!"
Elliott said in a serious way making you stunned before another brighter smile lit your face.
"But of course. You're my strong little man."
You cooed making Elliott blush slightly in embarrassment.
"Mama I'm a big kid now! You don't need to baby me!"
Elliott groaned making you giggle before pulling him along side you after Grimm. While inside you were freaking out you couldn't help but feel lighter as well. You were back in a place you sorely missed and having Elliott with you put you at ease. Though it was a temporary type of ease you'd take it.
'I'll figure everything out later. Right now I just have to focus on my son and what we're going to do next. Just gotta take it one step at a time.'
With that thought in mind you and your son followed after Grimm, towards the world of an unknown future.
Elliott didn't know what to think as he'd followed behind you out of the chamber. The strange cat creature while friendly looking seemed to be too much for the poor boy. To be quite honest Elliott was feeling uneasy. He had no idea what had happened with that mirror but it'd somehow taken you and him to a place that you'd been to before. The small child couldn't help but be thankful that it wasn't someplace bad. Elliott kept a tight grip on your hand, refusing to let you out of his sight. While nervous about this whole situation he wanted to be a big boy just like he'd claimed to be. He wanted to be strong for you and protect you from any possible danger.
Especially from this Tsunotarou person.
Elliott had noticed how you'd went incredibly pale at the name. You had looked scared and downright panicked and that alone put this Tsunotarou on Elliott's hit list. Small as he may be Elliott wasn't afraid to fight this Tsunotarou if it meant keeping you safe. Sneaking a look at you, your son quickly took note of the lingering nervousness on your face. While you looked more at ease it was quite clear that you were still on edge. You were currently talking to Grimm, your voices hushed amongst yourselves.
"So he really doesn't know?"
Grimm's whisper hit Elliott's ears. He found himself listening closer to you and Grimm's conversation, despite feeling a bit guilty for doing so.
"Nope he doesn't."
You responded back, not looking at the feline. Grimm's mouth thinned out a bit in a concerned way.
"Do you plan on telling him?"
Grimm asked you softly. The only response he got was your silence. Elliott frowned puzzled. Tell who what? Was there some sort of secret? Did it have something to do with this Tsunotarou person? Is this why you were so upset? Elliott didn't have any answers but he now had a goal. He'd figure out who this Tsunotarou person was and protect you to the best of his abilities. Elliott wouldn't let anything happen to you, you were his mother after all. It was his fault that you both were here in the first place and even though he was afraid he'd do his best to keep you safe and happy.
Even if it meant beating up Tsunotarou.
*Short chapter is short. Anyways our little friend was none other than Grimm hurray! A happy reunion between you and him! And it seems our boy Elliott has mistakened a few things, but can ya blame him? He just wants his mama to be safe, he's a very good boy. Next chapter we'll get a more detailed explanation on why Grimm is at NRC. Anyways if any y'all read this I hope you enjoyed it!
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dumbdotcomm · 4 years
a little luck and some frogs
(a/n) the iconic @pricklydapper​ drew this amazing piece for me of Mikey and Raph and I just had to write a angst/fluff one-shot for it!!!
There’s a still and a quiet that comes with rain, gentle and slow and lulling. They haven’t had quiet in so long, it seems; it feels like days blend into one another, new paths unlocked in their destinies or whatever.
Sometimes Raph would just like to stop. Go back to being that 15 year old kid living below Queens, having nothing but his tight knit family and a lair game tournament to worry about.
They’ve been firing on all cylinders for days, and god he’s just tired, overstimulated and definitely in need of, like, a detox or something- Leo and April go on about those kinds of things. Maybe he’ll give that a try.
But even as the days pass, long long after they’ve settled back into home and dealing with low-level crime, Raph still can’t really relax. Not in the way that lasts. He’s always looking, anticipating the moment their relative peace will elude them, and the next thing he’ll know is they’ll be miles high, falling from a building, pushing and pushing to catch one another- or at the docks watching his brother get torn apart.
Raph feels like he’s gonna hurl and he does, nothing but last night’s dinner and severe anxiety spilling out from him.
It’s gross and embarrassing and Raph knows it’s nothing he can control; the little helpful part of his brain is reassuring that way. But it was easier to feel so panicky when everyone else was still reeling from the fight.
Leo’s got his detoxing with April, Mikey’s gone off and found Draxum to rehabilitate for god knows what reason, and Donnie’s regulated his sleeping cycle again and he’s gone back to shittalking and watching gophers on Youtube so- he’s okay.
Everyone’s okay…. except for Raph.
But maybe what Raph doesn’t know is that the somewhat okay thing about it, the silver-ish lining in all of it is- even if he’s feeling alone… he’s not. He never is. And Raph has always hated his panic-stink but maybe it’s doing him some good, because he brothers are attentive, and Mikey’s especially perceptive.
It’s why, on this languid, rainy ass day, Mikey barges into Raph’s room with a shopping bag from Old Navy. How he got to, and inside, and outside of Old Navy, Raph doesn’t really have to wonder (humans were so funny in ignoring obvious things, it made raph wonder why mutants stayed hidden anyway).
But Mikey’s got a grin that stretches a mile wide and is pretty contagious, as he struts into the room after having stood in the entrance in that weird ‘younger sibling is now here to bother you’ stance.
“Whaaat are we doing…?” Raph asks cautiously, but can’t hide his own growing smile the longer Mikey beams.
He says ‘we’ because there’s always a ‘we’ in these types of situations, and he’d rather just include himself now off the bat.
“Glad’ja asked,” Mikey says, and dumps the Old Navy bag out of Raph’s bed, “Behold….the best freakin’ things ever.”
And woah- they kinda are the best freaking things ever. Practically see-through jackets with-
“No way! Mikey!” Raph clutches his- he already knows it’s his by the size, extra huge and all, “Bro this-? Is pretty sick. How’d you even get it this big?!”
The thing about them and clothes is: Leo, Donnie and Mikey are all, at least, human people sizes. It’s easy for them to snag just about anything, even some of April’s old stuff fits them. Hell, Leo could fit into Dad’s old suit. And that luxury was kinda foreign to Raph.
Humans barely even made enough fashionable clothes for all of their people- and Raph was kind of outside of that caliber.
He’s kinda getting teary eyed, but, like, who wouldn’t, and Mikey’s already slipping into his own coat, see-through and speckled with little oranges.
“Eh, it’s no biggie,” he sniffs, shrugging the jacket on the rest of the way (it’s totally a biggie), “I kinda...customized ‘em. They were havin’ this special, and I thought ‘screw it baby, we need raincoats’!”
And, careful of his strength, Raph goes for a hug that he knows Mikey was anticipating anyway, with the force that he hugs back and all. Raph doesn’t really need to say anything, but his warbly thank you to Mikey is just a fraction of the depth of emotion he feels now.
It’s funny, silly maybe, because this doesn’t erase the threat of a bigger fight, a worse enemy lurking in the shadows to trip them up- it’s just a custom made see-through raincoat with Raph’s favorite fruit, adorable little strawberries, on it.
And yet he feels indescribably lighter than he’s felt in weeks.
“I figured we could do some adventuring, and I gotta cooks tonight so…”
Mikey wriggles his brow ridge, and Raph can’t help but, like, wanna combust from this surge of excitement and normalcy that he hasn’t felt in too long.
“Trip to Katagiri, hell yes!”
The nice thing about rain in the city is, even though traffic is all the same, and people are still moving around, the sky gets dark enough from the clouds that the lights kinda shine prematurely. The streetlamps come on with a dim, orangey light, and with the autumn leaves mixed with green ones still clinging on, it was just so peaceful.
No one, again, seems to care that two turtles are walking down Lexington, and one couple briskly compliments their jackets and so that’s a plus.
Mikey compliments the one girl’s hair, shaved with hearts dyed into her scalp, and Raph can only appreciate that his brother is so well-spoken- that he just is so natural and confident out here.
That he doesn’t worry.
Raph remembers his first time topside, and how his fear led him into the state of consciousness that he hates to be in- where he’s on all instinct and fear and nothing else.
It’s gotten better since then, but the unease still lingers all these years. Raph wonders if he’ll get rid of it all the way.
Donnie realistically told him he might not, but that all he has to do is count to ten and back again, look around, find something to focus on- something ordinary or something great, and cling to it till he can convince his body and mind that he’s safe- that things will return to normal in a sec.
And right now, Raph keeps his eyes locked on his brother’s feet, as they pound the sidewalk, making little splashes in rain water.
As he’s watching, a frog of all things, just hops along the sidewalk, right at Raph’s feet. It makes him halt, because....maybe it’s coincidental or maybe Raph’s reading too into it, but Mikey turns around too, sees the frog that Raph stoops beside, and smiles in soft understanding.
It’s an omen of some sorts, Dad always said so. Of good luck, and of things returning.
Raph breathes out a laugh, shaking his head.
Just as quickly as the frog comes, it hops away, and Raph stands, still a bit speechless, still kinda processing the meaning behind what just happened, desperately wanting to cling to it meaning good fortune.
He doesn’t wanna worry his brother though, and so he thinks of something to joke or talk about as they start to walk again, only for Mikey to beat him to it.
“I never told you thanks,” he says, gently, like he’s been reading Raph’s aura. Maybe he has.
And somehow Raph already knows what he’s thanking him for, but decides within himself that Mikey really, really shouldn’t. He was just doing his job. He tells Mikey this breezily, with a soft smile.
“Bullshit,” Mikey snaps back, but only because he knows Raphael so well, “We’re kids- we don’t got jobs- except for Donnie occasionally….suspiciously-” he shakes off the trailing thought, “Anyway- it’s not ‘your job’. It was just a shitty...long fight and ya really held us down, Raph.”
They cross the street, momentarily separating with the influx of people but find their way back in a second, the neon ‘Gonbei’ sign now visible to them.
And it’s not that Raph is all that surprised by Mikey. He knows his brother’s always had a knack for speaking in a way that just...made so much sense and was so profound without any complexity. But maybe it’s his brother being 14 now, that makes him even wiser.
“I know we don’t got jobs,” Raph concedes, as they pass the Lexington Flowers shop, “But, you know, I’m big...bigger than you guys, an’ I might not be as smart but when it comes to protecting, an’ planning….it’s what a leader’s s’posed ta do, y’know?”
They don’t often talk about the leadership thing- not that it’s touchy, it’s just not really relevant with how they function. But Mikey knows Raph’s internalized the role a bit more recently. And that Leo getting dropped from a building may have been the catalyst.
He knows his brother’s technically got a job to do. Mikey resents that, and their Dad a little bit, for not making Raph ready for all of what happened weeks ago.
Though he knows that’s not all fair. His father was only protecting them.
Still….it sucks.
“Well, if it means anything, I think you’re smart. And ‘m not sure if I can promise this, but I’m gonna do it anyway...” Mikey says, stopping in his tracks and turning to Raph, who also stops walking and gets called a ‘fuckin asshat’ for blocking a chunk of the sidewalk but- hey.
Mikey politely tells the guy to go fuck himself and when the guy turns to get a good enough look- not at Raph’s size, but at his little gremlin brother with a chain that’s starting to flame up- he decides this whole situation is not something he wants any parts of.
Mikey rolls his eyes and turns back to Raph, face all sincere and kind for someone who just...did that, “I promise we’re okay, and we’re always gonna be stuck together, Raph. I know that won’t magically make you feel better but...just thought I’d say it.”
And Raph tries to say something, but has to clear his throat, and it’s definitely the rain on his cheeks and beak.
“No,” he croaks, and laughs at his voice, happy that Mikey laughs too, “Nah, it- it really helps a lot Mikey….thank you- thanks, man.”
Satisfied, Mikey turns to keep on walking, patting Raph’s shell, “Anytime bud.”
Katagiri’s never disappoints. Mikey leaves with milk tea, shrimp tempura and shiso, more milk tea and a couple boxes of mochi ice. It’s one of those days.
He swings his groceries as they walk.
Raph doesn’t wonder about the frog and its meaning, and doesn’t doubt its luck and why it appeared to him.
He’s kinda figured it out. Because he still has moments like this, watching his brother merrily skip a few steps ahead of him, chatting breezily about pineapple upside down pancakes- and Mikey made a promise, after all, that they’re gonna be together, no matter what.
If that’s not lucky, being with his family, leaning on them when it counts, then Raph’s got no clue what is.
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onlytaylor · 4 years
Drarry + Facing Demons and Finding Family
Tw: mentions of symptoms of depression, anxiety, ptsd, and child abuse. All are resolved with a happy ending.
Draco Malfoy walks the cobblestone streets of Diagon Alley, and it’s different now. The way it had bustled with a vibrant vivacity in his younger years is long gone now, replaced by the mediocrities that come with running errands and making stops for work. It had been repaired, for the most part, after the war, but something about the shadows of buildings that used to be constructed just a little bit different haunts Malfoy in his steps.
He turns to glance over his shoulder when the sound of a child laughing fills the spaces between bustling bodies and adult feet. A familiar tuft of blue hair comes dashing forward, and Draco feels a momentary reprieve from his own hollow dissonance. His face lights up as the boy throws his arms around his neck, crying “Cousin Draco! What are you doing here?”
And behind the vivacious grin is the humble one of Harry Potter, the boy who really did end up saving the world. Draco doesn’t hate him; how could he? If it weren’t for the testimony of the man standing there now casually in his Muggle plaid shirt and ripped-up jeans, Draco wouldn’t be walking these streets.
“Malfoy,” he puts his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth a bit on his feet. “What sort of business are you up to these days?”
“Oh, just... dropping off a package for the boss. You know.” He shrugs, suddenly vacant. His momentary reprieve shrinks into a daunting reality.
“Wanna come get ice cream with us?” Teddy’s toothy grin eats at the edges of his impending monotony.
“Oh, well, I wasn’t-“ he starts, but Harry Potter has stepped his foot forward.
“No, please. If you’re not too busy, we’d love to catch up. Teddy misses you.” And, allowing the package to feel a bit lighter in his coat pocket, Draco turns on one heel and heads to the parlor with them both.
Having Teddy Lupin run through his life is like chasing a tiny piece of dynamite. You never know just when it will explode, and when you’ve got it in your fingers it seems to roll invariably to the floor. Draco’s been waiting now for quite some time for his own destruction, but his regularly timed meetings with Harry (wow- really on a first name basis now) and his cousin had brightened his steps countably.
It seemed that the sparking fire may just never come.
Draco Malfoy doesn’t visit Malfoy manor, and its empty rooms are surely hung with cob webs and dust mites and other small creatures that have made it home. The stone exterior is beginning to succumb to a green vine that twists its way up the foundation, and apparently small children dare each other to knock on the door of the “Death Eater House.”
Draco doesn’t have to visit Malfoy Manor to know which ghosts roam its halls, apparitions of tortured souls and the results of his own mistakes. If only he’d stood up to his father. If only he’d run. If only...
Draco swallows, once, then twice, before straightening his stare ahead. Harry’s coming over soon, and this time Teddy is at the Burrow. They’ve never hung out like this, quite alone and unsupervised by Teddy’s string of home-made knock knock jokes. He’s not sure why, but he’s nervous.
After the war, Draco had considered himself a work-in-progress. He’d ventured through the stages of grief, mourning his losses and wishing he could change the past. He’d also picked himself up off of the floor, vowing to start new. None of this was easy. Panic followed him around every corner, but around every corner was the reassuring laugh of Teddy; smile of Harry. If he’s honest with himself, he’ll admit their great assistance in his own healing.
But that doesn’t stop the nightmares. Or the constant feeling of dread. And when Draco Malfoy is alone, his guilt consumes him. Why hadn’t he done the right thing? Why hadn’t he stood up to his father?
When Draco was eight, he’d drawn a portrait of his family. It was an assignment by his private tutor, a sort of busy-work while she prepared more practice for magical theory. He’d drawn them, stoic and cold, using shades of gray and black to fill in the spaces between them. They didn’t touch, didn’t love. Lucius told him that artists didn’t make any money in the Wizarding World. Draco ripped up the drawing and threw it in the rubbish bin.
When Draco’s lease on his London apartment is near its end, Harry finds him with a nervous twitch of his lips.
“You know, Draco, you don’t have to move into another building. I know you hate your neighbors because they remind you of your family. Our flat is large enough for a third member.”
Draco had almost immediately rejected- his first instinct was to scoff at any such attempts at pity. But Teddy’s eyes had met his, bright and foretelling- and his pleas almost melted Draco’s shoes to the asphalt.
“If you really want me to,” Draco smiles, “I’m sure that can be arranged.”
Draco hadn’t realized that his ghosts would follow him here. But as he watches the shadows dance upon the walls of his very own room, he knows he’s not dreaming. It’s his father, reminding him that he will never be good enough.
It’s his mother, watching with irrefutable silence.
It’s himself, pointing a wand at Dumbledore. Leaving with Snape. And abandoning his dreams to follow in his father’s foot steps.
It’s a portrait of Draco’s family, stone cold and frozen against the frosted window pane.
He doesn’t realize he’s screaming.
Not until the door is thrown open, and Harry’s there, sporting nothing but a pair of boxer shorts and a concerned purse of his lips.
He’s on the bed, and now Draco is crying. Yelling. Laughing hysterically. Because he’s fucking insane, sitting in a bed half-naked with Harry Potter and telling himself to shut his fucking mouth before Teddy wakes up.
But Harry is gentle. He wraps his arms around his shoulders and whispers “I know. But it’s not true. None of it is real.”
And Draco sobs, without really knowing how to stop, and Harry’s skin is warm against his own. It’s the first time he’s ever really felt whole.
Hours pass, though the clock reads otherwise. And Draco tells him that he needs to go back to bed. That they’ve both got work in the morning, and Teddy is visiting Andromeda...
But, no, Harry whispers, this is more important. You are more important. When had their relationship morphed into this... whatever this is?
Draco Malfoy allows himself to be held, and it is surprisingly wonderful.
Working for the ministry is like working in one of those Muggle cubicles. He should be grateful for the opportunity, but Draco hates his job. His boss is monstrous, a poised figure that reminds him far too much of his father.
He gets a bit panicky when requests are made, unable to say no. Draco Malfoy never thought he’d become a push over, but his inherent desire to please, to win, to have a second chance is tumultuous.
He doesn’t know how to live without it.
Teddy is spending the night at the Burrow, and Draco and Harry are doing their usual dance of washing and putting away the dishes.
“Fancy a movie?” Harry asks, and something soft flutters in Draco’s chest.
It’s midnight when Draco feels the gentle presence of Harry slumped against his shoulder, his quiet snores a rhythm that he begins to memorize.
He doesn’t move, and the stillness is what allows him to feel the sporadic twitches that begin to ripple through Harry’s body.
“No, no,” he murmurs, “Please, no. Hermione... Cruciatus...”
Draco freezes, and he immediately understands the inner workings of Harry’s psyche.
He was there when his aunt Bella inflicted near irreparable damage to Hermione Granger. He didn’t stand up. He didn’t stop her.
There’s a tightness in his chest, and it fluctuates with his heart rate. Harry is having a nightmare, and it’s all his fault.
“You’ll never make up for what you’ve done,” he hears his father say, and the words are a gun to his head.
“Harry,” he whispers, desperately running his fingers along the side of his arm to calm him. If he couldn’t go back, the least he could do is aid his sleep.
Harry settles, and Draco breathes a sigh of relief. His father is laughing at him.
Ghostly shadows dance along the walls, flickering in the dim light of the TV. The world seems to grow around him, and he is infintismal.
His palms are sweaty as the guilt settles, rotting a hole in his stomach. And then there’s a whisper, a subtle word that shifts everything: “Draco.”
He glances at Harry’s face twice to make sure he’s not imagining the slight tug at the corner of his mouth. He said Draco’s name. And, from the depths of his slumber, he’s smiling.
Draco’s eyes are prickly, and he’s not sure why there are tears surfacing at such an inopportune moment. Perhaps he’s gone completely insane... or maybe...
“Not your father, Draco... amazing... need you... love you...”
A light seems to dissipate the shadows, which morph and expand into unidentifiable shapes before they slowly vanish. Draco’s hands are still clammy, but his mind is on overdrive.
The Savior of the Wizarding World is dreaming about him. Believes in him. Maybe, even...loves him?
And the remaining shadows come crashing down, spirits that find rest in redemption. If Harry Potter, with his stupid scar, and his stupid broomstick, could think highly of Draco Malfoy, the ex-death eater... maybe he could forgive himself.
Maybe... and then there are images flashing through his mind. Of stone family drawings and cruel and unjust punishment.
Of the desire to please, so much, that if his father pointed a wand at his throat he’d beg for forgiveness. Of pretending to have dignity for so long that he’d lost his own along the way.
And then, another sleepy rasp from Potter: “not your fault...”
And something snaps inside him.
“Not my fault,” he repeats, barely audible, yet it rattles an earthquake that cracks the floor. The ground faults, and everything he’s ever know crumbles before him.
“You are pathetic.” The voice of his father shakes the walls, breaks the foundation. Rips open the fortress of his solitude, jagged lines coursing through his very being and down to his core.
There’s a wand at his throat.
Harry isn’t here. Here, it’s a Malfoy’s paradise, and Draco’s skin crawls at the realistic image of his father before him. He’s so fucking life-like, the drawl of his criticism dripping with the poison of a basilisk. He’s smiling, and that hurts. It’s malicious.
But then, another whisper. A distant proclamation that rings through the periphery of his hearing. “Draco... always... good enough...”
Fuck. Harry?
“Good enough,” he repeats, the syllables a solid reality, just like the man before him. And, in a sudden fit of realization, Draco realizes the epitome of his salvation.
“You’re not real,” he says, and the words are a bit shaky as they permeate the air. His father’s face twists into something unreadable, a cross between a scowl and utter shock.
“You’re not real.” The wand lowers. His brow narrows.
“You were never real. My father is in Azkaban. You are just the ghost of what he did to me.”
His hands are drifting into the atmosphere, like grains of sand dissipating toward the floor. His expression morphs into utter fear, and, for once, Draco feels powerful.
It was never about defeating him. He could have dualed his fractured subconscious for years, constantly bettering himself, only to fall again. And the wand would always be pointed at his throat
But Harry, Harry said he was good enough. And he can hear the distant titter of Teddy’s amusement, the padding of his socks as they bounce along the hardwood floor of their flat. Of their home.
Harry cares. Loves. And so Draco must love himself.
“You could never kill me,” he says to the air, as the whisp of Lucius Malfoy’s presence fades into nothing. “It was just me, all along. Hurting myself because you trained me to. It wasn’t my fault. It wasn’t my fucking fault.”
There’s a sudden whoosh, and the room is spinning. And then it’s not. And Draco Malfoy is sitting next to a blissfully sleeping Harry Potter in a London flat.
The movie is over, and all that remains of the last few minutes is a line of scrolling credits.
The shadows, they’re gone. And somehow, Draco is no longer haunted. The house is peaceful, and a serenity seems to fill it’s every crevice, binding the cracks that once cleaved the walls. He pulls Harry closer, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. Taking a risk he’d never had the confidence to execute.
Harry smiles, stirring a bit before turning his green gaze upward. “That’s nice,” he says, and Draco chuckles.
“Yeah, it is, hm?”
“Hey Draco?”
He doesn’t reply, but meets that vibrant stare of his with irrefutable honesty.
“Thanks for being a part of our family.”
“Family?” The word nervously slips his lips. He’s never done this before.
Harry nods. “You, me, and Teddy.”
His eyes are prickly again, and he swallows a hard lump in the back of his throat. “I love the sound of that. Of family.”
“Good. Because I’ll hex you if you go anywhere. Old habits do die hard, you know.”
Draco laughs, hearty. Whole. Harry snuggles into his shoulder, falling asleep lightly as he thoughtfully plans his next project.
The next day, Teddy enters to find Draco drawing a picture of his family at the kitchen table.
“Whatcha doin’?” He asks curiously, hopping onto Draco’s lap as he sketches.
The picture before them is a family, a blonde, a brunette, and a tuft or blue hair between them. There are no spaces, no empty holes between their bodies, and the sky is a vibrant array of purples and oranges.
“Let’s hang it on the fridge!” Teddy exclaims, grasping it and running to attach it to the front of the surface.
Draco eyes the picture smiling, and it is the best he’s ever felt.
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