#I wanna break all of his bones one by one šŸ„°šŸ„°
mactavishwritings Ā· 8 months
Hi hello. Charming day for a request, love. I read the millionaire!Ghost and his darling trophy wife and honestly, such a good read.
It was really interesting that they have a parallel of getting what they want so my request is simple:
Ghost finds out his wife wanted to be a writer and comes across one of her drafts that includes rather spicy scenes.
So when she comes home from a day of shopping and what not, she catches him reading the draft and he just chuckles before going
ā€œWe should recreate this, darling.ā€
(And itā€™s a subtle way of him showing his support to her writing šŸ„°)
Cheers love, happy writing <3
millionaire!simon x trophy wife!reader is my roman empire. I love doing stuff about this pairing.
You typed away at your computer, not having a specific plan for where you wanted to take your newest storyline. You let the ideas come to you and wrote down general ideas so that you could come back to them later.
You hummed to yourself quietly, happy to finally get everything out on the page. After a while, you decided that you needed a break. You stood from your desk, stretching until your sore and achy bones popped. You walked towards the kitchen, accepting a water bottle from one of the hired help Simon insisted on. You sighed as you looked out the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the backyard. You took your time going back to your study, not wanting to go back to your story.
Groaning as you approached your study, you opened the door with a light shove and gasped quietly when you saw your husband standing behind your desk, eyes scanning the laptop screen. "Can I help you, sir?" You perked your eyebrow at Simon who just smiled, shaking his head.
"Quite the interesting story you got cookin' over here, baby." He tilted his eyes up at you and straightened up. "It's not a thing yet...just putting down what's in my head." You shrugged and Simon nodded, slowly walking towards you. He leaned back against your desk and pulled you towards his chest. Your eyes fluttered shut as he rubbed your back. "Oh yeah? Got a lot in your head?" He placed a soft, loving kiss on your forehead. Nodding to his words, You lifted your head to sip your water bottle.
Simon chuckled at you and slowly flipped you around so that you were now leaning on your desk, pushing his thighs against yours to pin you in place. "Wanna tell me what else is in your pretty little head?" Simon pushed your shirt up slightly as he placed kisses all over your neck. "Tell you what?" You pouted, embarrassed at the thought of telling him what fantasies your mind was conjuring up.
Simon shook his head as he slowly knelt down, kissing your thighs lightly. "Tell me what fantasies you make your characters enact...what you want to do." He rested his chin on your thigh as he spoke and your face flushed.
"Tell me my love."
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newkatzkafe2023 Ā· 6 days
i dont know if u did this already...!
Btw hi <33 its me ander :3 giving wholesome asks sometimes ā™”
What about an Madoka!reader and Wukong being homura type of relationship? I just wanna read your troughts (troughs? Trought? How is it spelled hellnmdmsj) about it :3
Can even do an mini story about it i dont mind <33
You can ignore this if you did it already :3
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(Lmk Wukong) Next to Mk, you are his Priority, his queen, his love, his reason to continue on. He wants nothing but to please you and protect you because you bought him a brand new view of life. He couldn't admire you enough to be in your presence, to take care of you. To have you with him forever. He doesn't care who he has to sacrifice or disregard as long as he has you and Mk. Everything in his little world was finešŸ„°
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(HIB Wukong) Safety of his family is his top priority, both yours and the children. You're very powerful in your own right, but your husband would usually quickly and brutally take care of the threat. So you don't ever have to step in. Of course, you tried to argue with him about this, but he would distract you with his affection and make sure you don't have to do anything. In his private time, he'll make you forget about everything bad , and he will take good care of you and everything.
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(MKR Wukong) He's cares very much about two things in his life Fruity and you, He spends all his private time with you. You became a source of genuine joy, and he would do anything for you to make you proud of him. His biggest fear was losing you to the world who made him so miserable, I mean, he almost lost fruity to the demon king, so imagine what would happen if he lost you. That would be terrifying because that would be like losing his mid and sanity. Everyone will suffer, it doesn't matter, friend or foe, he's gonna burn the realms to the ground, just like he did to heaven.
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(NR Wukong) His obsession with you makes everyone look concerned. You are his first and only love, and he would do anything for you. I really think he would fall into madness if he lost you somehow either in death or to someone else, the Scarier part is what he is willing to do to get you back even if it's gonna turn him into a monster. Just as long as he got you back, all is right with your little worlds.
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(Netflix Wukong) He would break bones and cry blood for you. Your approval is his number one priority and goal, and his insecurities would kinda be his downfall because of that. Wukong would do anything to protect and have you by his side, which is why the quest for immortality was very important. So he can spend the rest of his existence with you, and nothing gonna matter. Nobody's gonna matter.
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potatobugxo Ā· 2 years
Ink demon alphabet SFW šŸ„°
warnings: mentions of trauma, mentions of eating things alive
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
at first, bendy is not affectionate at all. heā€™s rather distant and hesitant to commit any form of physical affection. however, once he realized he wasnā€™t too good at displaying affection through words, he decided on rubbing his head against you like a cat, and then it grew to him wanting to hold you more often!Ā 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
the ink demon has... never had a friend before. youā€™re the first, and he does not know how to deal with it at first. he has no idea how to even be a friend in return, aside from doing favors for you at first and talking with you. just know you can confide in him at any time!!
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
bendy is a big cuddle monkey. he loves holding you in his arms in whatever position youā€™re comfortable in, and will rest his head in your lap so you can give him head and horn pets as often as possible. though he doesnā€™t want to admit it, heā€™s an absolute cuddle menace!
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
he is the almighty ink demon. do you expect him to be able to cook food or clean anything? his idea ofĀ ā€œcookingā€ is eating an ink creature while theyā€™re still alive. not the most domestic thing to do. he doesnā€™t entirely understand the concept of even beingĀ ā€œdomesticā€.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
heā€™d eat you lmao. if he ever deemed you untrustworthy, or if you hurt him in any way, heā€™d see no reason to keep you around. thatā€™s the only way anything would end, at least
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
bendy has absolutely no idea what marriage even is. he knows the mere idea of it, but doesnā€™t understand it whatsoever. his idea ofĀ ā€œmarryingā€ you would be just to keep you by his side forever as long as youā€™re willing to have him. and if you wanna put a ring on it, hey, he doesnā€™t understand human customs but sure.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
ā€œgentleā€ is the last word anyone would use to describe the ink demon. however, for you, heā€™s exceptionally soft. no one has ever been gentle with him in his cursed lifetime, so he doesnā€™t know how to be soft with you at first. it takes a lot of teaching and a lot of trust for him to warm up and be vulnerable with you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
bendyā€™s hugs are like being tugged into a giant cave. heā€™s this huge mass of ink and bones so he isnā€™t the softest hugger, so he can come across as a bit aggressive when showing affection, though he doesnā€™t mean to, he just canā€™t control his strength at times and forgets how fragile you are compared to him
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
it takes him a long, long, long time before he says it. its another thing added onto the pile of things he doesnā€™t understand. no one has ever shown him love, so he has no perception of what it is or how it should be. he only learns it through you and if lots of affection, words of affirmation, and quality time is what love is, then yes, heā€™ll end up sayingĀ ā€œi love youā€ eventually.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when theyā€™re jealous?)
oh boy... the ink demon has no filter when heā€™s jealous. usually he sees you as doing no wrong, if youā€™re spending time with helpless lost ones, or being openly affectionate with other ink creatures, he doesnā€™t mind all that much. but if one starts getting a bit too close with you, heā€™ll rip their head off, unless you can calm him down. as much as he hates to admit it, heā€™s extremely possessive and just wants to protect you. he canā€™t risk losing his only source of love.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
this man has no lips so he canā€™t exactly kiss you. heā€™ll boop you with his teeth and lick your face with his inky tongue, but thatā€™s about all he can do when it comes to smooching you. your kisses however, are so soft and adorable it makes him purr wherever you decide to kiss him!
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
bendy has no idea how to deal with anyone, let alone children. he sees them as bite sized snacks, to be honest. unless you convince him otherwise, kids are frankly a waste of time and/or edible in his eyes djksgs
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
mornings donā€™t really exist in the alternate dimension, so whenever you wake up he just goes about hisĀ ā€œdayā€ with you like normal. tho heā€™ll probably bring you food aka body parts because he knows youā€™re probably hungry when you wake up djsgddf
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
same as for mornings, nights donā€™t exist, itā€™s just always dark. however, he counts you going to sleep asĀ ā€œnightā€, so heā€™ll make sure youā€™ve got lots of plushies and pillows and whatever else you need thatā€™s comfortable for you to sleep on
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
itā€™s a very long time before bendy starts opening up about his traumatic past. no one has ever cared about him, listened to him, or taken him into consideration. it takes a long time for him to trust you because of this, so he wonā€™tĀ ā€œopen upā€ until further along into your relationship.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
the ink demon gets pissed off very easily, itā€™s frightening. though youā€™re the last person to make him mad, most others will irritate him if anything by their mere presence alone.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
bendy remembers everything about everyone. he can get inside someoneā€™s mind and know each of their secrets. so everything youā€™ve ever told him about yourself, he has retained in his memory.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
the ink demonā€™s favorite moment was when you showed genuine kindness to him. it was before anything romantic ever happened, you just genuinely wanted to be his friend and to get along with him, and that moment means the most to him out of all of them. it was the foundation of your love for him and his love for you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
the ink demon will protect you against ANY harm that comes your way. all threats will be eliminated one way or another. as for him, he doesnā€™t need any protection at all. heā€™s the ink demon. though of course, he appreciates you protecting him against any negative remarks that come his way. thatā€™s always sweet and he never stops you from doing so
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
bendy tries his best to make sure youā€™re happy and cared for. he wants to make sure heā€™s doing a good job at being a friend, significant other, etc, even if he has no idea what heā€™s doing at times. this goes for no matter what he does, whether it be his idea of aĀ ā€œdateā€ or giving you gifts that he thinks would mean something to you!
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
the fact that he enjoys ripping lost ones to shreds, probably. i mean, mans has to eat, what else is he gonna do? but he also does it just because he wants to so dkjghsj
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
bendy could not give two hecks about what he looks like. he already knows heā€™s terrifying no matter what form he takes, so why bother doing anything else?
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
it isnā€™t that he would feel incomplete without you, heā€™d just feel empty again like he did before if you werenā€™t there (so yes i guess, he would feel incomplete without you...?) . you fill a hole no one else could fill. he wants to protect you and love you for the rest of his life just as you do him
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
bendy purrs like a giant cat when you pet him, thank you
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldnā€™t like, either in general or in a partner?)
he doesnā€™t like anyone who despises him and who actively seeks to hurt him.Ā 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
the ink demon doesnā€™t have the need for sleep, however if he so chooses heā€™ll cuddle with you while you sleep in his arms, and has his own way of drifting off, forgetting about the world around him without actually needing to sleep.
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sachiko1309 Ā· 9 months
I will protect you - Part 1
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Summary: After the kidnapping and rape of Lucy, the relationship between Spock and her strained, causing a big fight between the two. Both interpreting the actions of the other wrong.
Word count: 3699
Warnings: fight, overwhelmed Spock, confronting her rapist, mentioning of rape, emotional break down Minors DNI! this contains adult content
In honor of a good friend of mine: @mystery-star thanks for poking my brain to produce happy chemicals and therefore continuing to write šŸ„°
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The longer my condition lasted, the colder Spock became. He never took his hardness out on me, but I could see it in the way he talked to Jim or Bones, the way his hands shook when he tried to forcefully maintain control. Maybe that was exactly what made me pull myself together and get out of bed. One day, I didn't know exactly which one, I had the urge to do something. Spock had just been called to the bridge to join Jim, so I had my cabin to myself. I got in the shower, brushed my teeth and put on a uniform. This time I decided on a version with trousers, tying my hair back in a bun.
Before I left my room, I checked again to make sure the hallway was clear. Then I set off quickly and quietly towards the prisoner track. I stalked the halls like a leper. Always careful not to be seen by anyone. My absence on the bridge had certainly been noticed by now and the additional absence of Spock had probably started some rumors.
Only when I reached my destination did I breathe a sigh of relief. Luckily, the cell hallway was empty. A single camera monitored the hallway, but I knew it would only be checked if an alarm went off. I locked the door behind me and pulled a chair in front of the only inhabited cell in this area.
When I raised my head, Hanesh was already looking at me expectantly: "Brave." Was all he said as he looked me over. "Why?" Was all I asked, not taking my eyes off the man in front of me. He just tilted his head. ā€œWhy what?ā€ There was a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth, but I wasnā€™t sure. I crossed my legs and continued to look at him: ā€œWhy all this? Whereā€™s the logic?ā€
My question seemed to appeal to him because he got up from his bed and slowly stalked towards the invisible barrier that separated us. ā€œThe better question would be, why not?ā€ Was his answer. ā€œWhy not take what you can? What's the point of putting a chastity belt on yourself when everything is at your feet? It is the logic of nature. The right of the strongest. And you, my love, are unfortunately one of the weak ones.ā€
"I'm not weak." The defiance was clear in my voice, causing Hanesh to laugh out loud. "But of course. That's why it was so incredibly difficult to get my hands on you. The strong, untouchable Lieutenant Lucy Esteban. If so, how come your own captain would trade you for a relic? Even your race draws a line. Determines which people should be protected and which should not. And the man you call your partner... The pathetic bastard of a Vulcan, born of a lowly human woman... Guided by his feelings, like his father, he falls for the next human woman who spreads her legs only to lose to me.ā€
Hanesh threw his head back and cackled maliciously. He laughed so loudly that my words were almost lost in the echo: ā€œThe only one who lost is you. Youā€™re sitting in a cell. You will be prosecuted. And if Spock was so weak, how come you lost to him? According to your logic, this should never have happened. And yet here we are.ā€ Slowly, a small smile crept onto my lips as I saw how much my words affected my tormentor.
ā€œDonā€™t you dareā€¦ā€ He tried to threaten me, but I sat up in my chair. ā€œWhat?ā€ I cocked my chin arrogantly, looking at him with my undisguised hatred. "What you wanna do? You have failed. Lost to a human and a halfling.ā€
ā€œDid I?ā€ Hanesh quickly regained his stillness. His eyes dripped with mockery as he spoke, ā€œYou will never be able to forget me. I will always be a part of you. Your constant shadow that makes you look over your shoulder. Who makes you see every man as an enemy. Makes every corner a danger. You will never be completely at peace. And it will eat you up. Letting you go to waste. To the point where even a Vulcan can no longer bear what his k'diwa has become. Tell me, do you let Spock touch you or can't you stand being close to him? How long do you think he will take it before he turns away? Weeks? Months if youā€™re lucky?ā€
His words brought tears to my eyes, I desperately tried to blink them down, but I couldn't. The first rolled down my cheek and dripped onto my arm. ā€œI won't let this happen. Spock won't go. We will make it."
ā€œIf you say so, love. But I don't think you believe a single word you say." Hanseh's voice was quiet but full of hatred. He knew exactly what his words were doing. How deeply they affected me.
He voiced my worst fears. Would Spock endure what he had seen? Would he, no could he still love me after all this? He was barely able to look me in the eyes now. Every time I shied away from him, he disappeared for a while, leaving me behind. Was it his way to get away from me?
"Cam you see it now? Your decline has already begun.ā€ Hanesh ā€™s last words finally made me jump. I ran, no raced, down the hall and unlocked the door with shaking fingers. His laughter echoing through the halls, following me all the way to my cabin, and continued even as I pressed my hands over my ears and fell to the floor screaming.
The door opened behind me and someone sank to their knees next to me. ā€œT'hy'la. No. Don't let him win. I'm not going anywhere. I promise.ā€ Spock. I blindly reached for his hands, letting his feelings completely overwhelm me in order to forget my own. He stiffened, perplexed, but I didn't care. I needed him and the conversation with Hanesh had shown me exactly that. Sobbing, I climbed into his lap and began to cling to him.
Spock snapped out of his trance and pulled me into a tight hug. He slowly got up from the floor and carried me towards the bed, then buried me under himself and the blanket. As if he wanted to banish the world around me from my mind. I just continued to hold onto him. Arms and legs wrapped tightly around his torso, head buried in his chest, as I listened to his heartbeat. He said nothing. Just held me tight. One arm supported his body weight while the other held my head to his chest. Only when I pressed my head against his hand did he let go of me and leaned on both arms. I wasn't sure what made me do it, but I pulled his head down again and pressed my lips to his.
As soon as he felt my kiss, Spock gave in. Sighing, he sank onto his forearms and deepened the kiss. It was beautiful and terrible at the same time. Spock's soft lips, the closeness that I finally felt with him again. But there was something else. Fear and panic spread through me and I tried obsessively to suppress them. But Spock had already sensed them.
He suddenly let go of me, sitting back on his knees as he moved away from me. ā€œI'm sorry, t'hy'la . Please forgive me.ā€ I was confused. What should I forgive him for? He must have misinterpreted my expression because Spock got up from the bed. He stood rigidly still in the middle of the room, unsure whether he should go or stay. He chose the former.
That finally triggered the panic in me. ā€œDonā€™t!ā€ I almost screamed, my voice cracking, as I jumped up and held him tight. "Do not go. Don't leave me alone.ā€ Even though Spock hugged me back, I could sense how uncomfortable he felt. His voice was now as emotionless as if he were speaking to colleagues. ā€œIā€™m scaring you. You don't have to suppress your fear because of me. It's only logical that you shy away from physical contact after everything that's happened.ā€
ā€œI donā€™t shy away from your physical contact.ā€ I contradicted him and took his hands in mine as if to prove it. "Do you see? You don't scare me. I know you would never harm me.ā€
"And yet I felt your panic when I kissed you." Spock continued to resist.
ā€œBut that has nothing to do with you. Iā€¦ā€ I looked around the room, struggling for words. "I... Hanesh ... When you knelt over me like that, I was back on his ship for a moment... I don't know why..."
ā€œYour brain processes the experience by reliving memories in similar situations to evaluate how to deal with it.ā€ Spock rattled off and released his hands from mine again. ā€œI wonā€™t pressure you into anything. You need time to process everything.ā€ He wanted to leave again, but I held him again. "Time." I spat. ā€œIt's been weeks. You sat by my bed for almost four weeks, enduring everything with me. I don't need any more time. I need you. Your hugs, your love, your touches.ā€
"It wouldn't be right..." Spock didn't look at me. His face was impassive. Eyes fixed firmly on the door. ā€œNot right?ā€ Now I got angry. "Give me one reason why it's not right for my boyfriend... husband by Vulcan law, to sleep with me?" That's when Spock turned around. ā€œYou are emotionally upset. It would be better if we talked about it another time.ā€ His voice was cold and calculating, his eyes fixed on me without any expression.
His rejection stung me and I reflexively pulled the walls up around me again. ā€œSo itā€™s because of my emotionality. An emotionality that is to be expected with such a topic. And all you can think of is 'we'll talk later'?" I flippantly lifted my chin and looked at him challengingly. But my reaction didn't seem to have any effect on him. Quite the opposite. Nodding stiffly, he replied, ā€œThatā€™s correct.ā€
At those three words, everything inside me broke. My heart shattered in the depths of my grief as my body was pierced by searing arrows of anger. Somehow I managed to keep my anger in check and not yell at him, even though everything in me wanted to slap him. Spock, on the other hand, seemed to either not notice my anger or deliberately ignore it. ā€œI donā€™t think itā€™s a good idea. Intimacy too soon could further affect you and cause long-term damage. It would be better if we took it slower so as not to overwhelm you.ā€
ā€œNot to overwhelm me?ā€ I practically screamed. The dam inside me had burst. Tears ran down my cheeks, my hands were shaking and I felt nauseous. But I pulled myself together. I took a deep breath before continuing: ā€œI think I know better what is right for me and what isnā€™t. I am grateful for your consideration. Really. Because I know you only want the best for me. But I need this. Need you.ā€ My words seemed to soften him because he visibly relaxed. But what he said next was the opposite of what I expected: ā€œYour assessment that I only want the best for you is entirely correct. But I think your statement that you know better what is good for you in your current state is wrong. You are emotionally upset, which means your ability to make decisions is negatively affected. So it would definitely be better to listen to my advice.ā€
My jaw literally dropped to my feet. Did he really justā€¦? Without thinking about it, I rushed towards him and tried to slap him. Unfortunately he was significantly faster than me. He deftly caught my hand and looked at me confused, but I was no longer able, let alone willing, to explain to him what he had done wrong. ā€œGet out!ā€ I yelled at him. ā€œJust leave. And I swear to God, if you so much as set foot in my cabin, I will kill you.ā€
"K'diwa ..." Spock tried to calm me down, but I had had enough: "NO! I don't care what you want to say. Your presumption to think that you can decide for me... Telling me through the grape wine that I am not capable of taking responsibility for my decisions... Patronizing me so much... Enough is enough. Just leave!ā€ I pushed against his body with all my strength, trying to force him out of my cabin, but I couldn't. Like a tree, he stood firmly rooted without moving an inch.
"T'hy'la ...I'm sorry. I didn't mean toā€¦ It was never my intention to patronize youā€¦ā€ But I didn't let him explain any further. I grabbed the first object I could find and threw it at Spock. ā€œGet out now!ā€ My voice had now reached a height where I was sure it wasn't far until I could burst glasses. My whole body was shaking, as my heartbeat was pounding in my ears and I was on the verge of losing consciousness.
Spock also seemed to notice that it would be better to leave at this moment, because he walked backwards towards the door with his hands raised. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me, tā€™hyā€™la.ā€ But I studiously ignored his words and waited until the door closed before locking it.
I collapsed on the floor crying. I curled up in a ball and just sobbed to myself. It felt like all my strength had gone from my limbs, like the control of my body had left the room with Spock. I slowly rolled onto my back and remained motionless. With my eyes fixed on the ceiling above me, focused on the feeling of wet tears running from my eyes and into my hairline. I was cold. Not in an actual perceived temperature, it was more of an emotional coldness that slowly ate through my body, devouring me body part by body part, leaving me completely numb.
In the corner of my eye I saw the clock on my wall. 10:34 am. That meant, in theory, I still had almost seven hours of work ahead of me. I sat up abruptly and walked into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, I took off my clothes, got in the shower and started getting ready for the day. I looked as if my body had been turned into a mindless shell, but I couldn't care less. I needed a distraction. A distraction from Spock, Hanesh, and my own mind. And what could be better than work?
With the PADD tucked under my arm, I made my way towards the bridge. As I went, I noticed people staring at me, but I ignored them. I was completely focused on the path in front of me and the feeling of the uniform pants slapping against my legs. With every step the fabric seemed to get stiffer, as if my clothes themselves were trying to keep me from working. Taking one last deep breath, I walked through the door of the bridge.
Within a split second, all eyes were on me. Spock and Jim looked as if they had seen a ghost, while the rest looked at me with looks varying from joy to confusion to concern. Without even explaining my appearance to anyone, I went to my seat and stuck the communicator in my ear. I then connected my PADD to the computer and began translating various captured messages. Apparently some messages had been intercepted while I was away and either couldn't be translated or were marked as unimportant.
Nobody spoke to me. Not even Spock, although he sat down next to me and went about his own work. After a while, the feeling that I was being watched disappeared and I heard the hustle and bustle behind me start again.
I didn't quite realize how much time had passed, but as the bridge emptied around midday, Spock cleared his throat for the first time. He stood next to me, stiff as ever, holding a plate of food in his outstretched hand. ā€œI have come to apologize for my previous behavior and hope that after work we can find a solution to our problem together.ā€
My eyes darted back and forth between his face and the plate. ā€œYou brought me food? Why?ā€ Was all I could come up with, still completely confused by the situation. Spock, however, seemed like he was doing the most logical thing in the world. ā€œI have discovered over the weeks of our relationship that food contributes to your emotional upliftment. Since my last action left you upset, it was only logical that I contribute something to your well-being.ā€
"So, you're bribing me?" I asked, reaching for the plate in his hand. Apparently, Spock was still wary of any further outbursts on my part, so he stopped and looked at me. ā€œPlease forgive, t'hy'la. I don't quite understand how providing basic needs can be an attempt at bribery." His helplessness forced a small smile on my lips and I couldn't help but reach for his hand.
"It was a joke." I replied as I linked our fingers together. ā€œOf course, I will talk to you later. Sorry I freaked out so much. I don't know why, and I really hope you can forgive me." Ashamed, I looked down and tried to hide the blush on my face.
"K'diwa." Spock's fingers under my chin forced me to look at him again. ā€œThere is nothing to apologize for. Even though I don't fully understand how you feel, I do understand why you reacted the way you did. I also had a very insightful conversation with my father and he made me understand what my mistake was.ā€ I shook my head. "You didn't do anything wrong." But Spock interrupted me before I could launch into another tirade: "I tried to answer your emotions with my logic. That was wrong. Please forgive me, from now on I will try to respond to you better and make you feel like I am there for you. Because it seems that you humans value emotional support far more than a logical approach to solving a problem.ā€
I couldn't help but laugh at that. I placed the plate on the counter and ignored the reproachful look Spock passed between me and the plate. Then, I stood up and took his face in my hands and this time he didn't back away from me. Quite the opposite. He rested his hands on my waist and just looked at me.
"I love you." Was all I said before I pulled him down and kissed him, knowing that everyone on the bridge was probably staring at us right now. But Spock didn't seem to care either, because he wrapped an arm around my body and pulled me closer to him. Out of reflex, I relaxed and let him guide me. His lips were gentle yet firm on mine while his free hand rested on mine at the back of his neck. I immediately felt the relief rolling through his body and mixing with his love for me. Unlike usual, he barely suppressed the strength of his emotions and I clung to his uniform as my knees threatened to buckle under the force.
Only a loud clearing of a throat behind him caused us to break apart. He immediately pushed me behind him and puffed up protectively. But when he saw it was Jim and his father, he visibly relaxed and loosened the arm holding me behind him. ā€œCaptain. Father.ā€ Was all he replied with a nod before turning to his desk. Jim looked at me with a questioning look, while Sarek just raised a knowing eyebrow.
I just shrugged and took the plate in my hand. As I ate, I went back to my work and tried not to pay too much attention to the whispers behind me. But I didn't succeed. Sighing, I almost slammed the plate on my desk and turned around in my chair: "Does anyone have a problem or a question that would otherwise burn through the seat of their pants?"
With a raised eyebrow, I surveyed the people in the room and looked everyone in the eye for a few seconds. Many looked down in shame, but a few held their ground. Sulu was the first to speak, "Not that it's any of our business, but we're all curious as to why you and Commander Spock haven't shown up for work for the last few weeks. Well not precisely, the Commander was on the bridge every now and then, but still. Some of us are worried. That's all."
I nodded and looked at him. ā€œI understand and Iā€™m really grateful for it. But I can't talk about it yet. And maybe I never will be able to. What I can say is that I'm fine. At least given the circumstances.ā€
ā€œSo, you're not pregnant?ā€ Chekov blurted out, causing me to barely suppress a giggle. "No. I'm not. My absence is more of a psychological nature and Spock was there to support me.ā€ Chekov nodded, his ears turning red.
ā€œItā€™s a shame actually. It would have been the first Enterprise baby.ā€ Sulu looked at me with a grin, whereupon I just showed him the middle finger. But he ignored me and turned to Chekov instead. With his hand outstretched, he said, ā€œLooks like you owe me 50 bucks, Pavel.ā€
My jaw literally dropped to the floor. "You haven't seriously bet on whether I'm pregnant, have you?" Sulu just tilted his head. ā€œWell actually, we bet on pretty much anything when it comes to you and the Commander. Itā€™s not every day that a Vulcan is so human.ā€ Shaking my head, I turned back. ā€œHonestly, those who have you as friends no longer need enemiesā€¦ā€
ā€œPffff, you would be missing something if it were any other way.ā€ I responded to Suluā€™s objection with another middle finger and got a few laughs in the process.
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truefaithmp3 Ā· 2 years
Myztify Euphoria Fic Masterpost šŸ¤
šŸ’” Angst:
- all i need in this life of sin (is me & my girlfriend) ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA Lexi and Fezco reunite years later
- you had a long time, to think who you are ā€” Cassie-centric, Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA Fezco and Lexiā€™s relationship through Cassieā€™s eyes
- all your secret wishes (could right now be coming true) ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated M, multi-chapter AKA Lexi struggles to get pregnant, Fezco struggles to cope with his grief
- a certain kind of light ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated M, multi-chapter AKA teacher!Lexi moves to Chicago and runs into Fezco
- lost in the lie of us ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter āš ļø minor Cassie/Fezco AKA the early-2000s angsty teen drama
- canā€™t get used to losing you ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA Fezco has an affair with married Lexi
- (oh, honey) a heart that never breaks ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA best friends Lexi and Fezco decide to have a baby
- (i donā€™t want to be your friend) i just want to be your lover ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA non-linear Fezco and Lexi can never quite make it work
- there ainā€™t no romance around there ā€” Fezco/Lexi, Maddy/Rue, rated M, multi-chapter AKA Fezco, Rue and Lexi are roommates in LA
- my sisterā€™s boyfriend ā€” Fezco/Lexi, minor Fezco/Cassie, rated E, two part series AKA Lexi fucks her sisterā€™s boyfriend, Fezco
- my bright is too slight (to hold back all my dark) ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA a soulmates AU
- (youā€™ve got) skeletons in the closet, my dear ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated M, one shot AKA Lexi observes how her husband has changed
- just some lover ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated M, one shot AKA Lexi and Fezco marry young and divorce
- maybe iā€™m too young (to keep good love from going wrong) ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated M, multi-chapter AKA Fezco and Lexi are broken up when she finds out sheā€™s pregnant
- whenever iā€™m alone with you ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA formerly incarcerated Fezco stalks married Lexi
šŸ’• Coming of Age:
- a strangers heart without a home ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA foster kid!Fezco moves into the Howard home
- love, i get so lost sometimes ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated M, multi-chapter AKA a Say Anything AU
- (i want more) impossible to ignore ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA the video store kids
- are you wild like me? ā€” Fezco/Lexi, Rue/Jules, rated M, multi-chapter AKA a Booksmart AU
- (what i need is a good defense) ā€˜cause iā€™m feeling like a criminal ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA cheerleader!Lexi falls for stoner!Fezco
- we can make it so divine ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated M, multi-chapter AKA Lexi has always had a crush on her best friendā€™s older brother (5+1)
- (my, oh my) what a girl ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA Fezco hooks up with dream girl Lexi on the last day of high school
šŸ„° Fluff:
- (please) be my baby ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA journalist!Lexi meets farmer!Fezco
- i wanna kiss you (until i lose my breath) ā€” Cassie/Maddy, rated E, multi-chapter AKA Cassie gets over Nate and falls for her best friend
- iā€™d take care of you (if you asked me to) ā€” Fezco/Lexi, minor Ash/Cassie, minor Rue/Jules, rated M, multi-chapter AKA a New Girl AU
- now iā€™m older, iā€™m tattooed all over ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA tattoo artist!Fezco gives Lexi her first tattoo (5+1)
- cradle me (iā€™ll cradle you) ā€” Fezco/Lexi, Ash/Cassie, rated M, multi-chapter AKA Fezcoā€™s brother knocks up Lexiā€™s sister
- donā€™t be alarmed if i fall (head over feet) ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA a friends with benefits AU
- (last christmas) i gave you my heart ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA christmas fic AKA the gang goes to a cabin in colorado
šŸ† Smutty:
- heaven holds a place for those who pray ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA older!Lexi starts fucking her weed dealer
- young adult friction ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA Fezco wants to bone librarian!Lexi
- gonna set my soul on fire ā€” Fezco/Lexi, minor Ash/Maddy, multi-chapter AKA Fezco and Lexi go to Vegas for a bachelor/bachelorette weekend
- my body is the canvas (you could be the pen) ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA tattooed!Lexi begins working at Fezcoā€™s bar
- you know i need your love ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA good catholic boy Fezco wants Lexi
- letā€™s talk about sex, baby ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, two part series AKA the sexual histories of Fezco and Lexi
- girls need love ā€” Ash/Cassie, minor Fezco/Lexi, rated E, five part series AKA the Ash/Cassie extended universe
- pour some sugar on me ā€” Fezco/Lexi, Ash/Cassie, rated E, two part series AKA the 80s groupies AU
- the animal instinct in me ā€” Fezco/Lexi, minor Ash/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA an A/B/O AU
- too busy being yours ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA Lexi determines whether cocky!Fezco really does have a dick piercing
- feeling too good to me ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated M, one shot AKA the breeding kink AU
- youā€™ve already got me right where you want me ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA older!Lexi is Paulieā€™s girlfriend
- (if you want a lover) iā€™ll do anything you ask me to ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA a Secretary AU
- lost in the heat of it all ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA Fezco gives Lexi just the tip
- (i think you should know) i think this will work ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA Lexi and Fezco have an eight year age gap
šŸ¤Ŗ Stretching the AU Limits:
- iā€™m a fool to do your dirty work ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA Lexi is a ā€˜fixerā€™ who cleans up crime scenes
- fall fast, fall free, fall for me ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA boxer!Fezco pisses off Lexiā€™s gangster father
- (nobody stands between) me & my man ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA Fezco chooses a life of crime and Lexi becomes a gangsterā€™s moll
- i made a lot of mistakes (in my mind) ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated M, one shot AKA a The Bear AU
- got a blue moon in your eyes ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA a The Sopranos AU
- canā€™t nobody love you (like iā€™m loving you) ā€” Fezco/Lexi, minor Ash/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA Lexi is arranged to be married to Ash
- into my arms ā€” Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA Fezco and Ash are prohibition bootleggers
šŸ‘» Spooky:
- wolf like me ā€” Cassie & Lexi-centric, minor Fezco/Lexi, rated M, multi-chapter AKA a Ginger Snaps AU
- ambitiously vicious ā€” Lexi, Cassie, Maddy & Jules-centric, Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA a The Craft AU
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itzsana-kiddingmenow Ā· 23 days
[squealing happily as i plop down on your lap, sharing my armloads of snacks and yummy fizzy drinks] OKAYOKAYOKAY , listen listenlistenlistenā€”
aside from the brainrot i've alr shared in dms , my frontal lobe has amplified the hyperfixation i have on + in this community right now so just imagine it with me.
like..... maybe it's just me , but there's something just so tantalizing about lee!changbin. right? just him being given all the love he could ever be given, all while being forced to see how adored he is , not only by his lovely members , but by stay as well!!~
idk if you know this but i'm an absolute sucker for the angstā€”hurt/comfort trope. šŸ„¹ just the idea of one of the boys being comforted & reassured when they're going through a rough time heals me subconsciously , i think that's why i love it sm.
likeeee i was thinking of binnie & u take care of him so well in all your fics already they just :(( they make me so soft !! albeit , a certain puppy is catching my attention heavily these days. i was rly just thinking abt seungmin bro + how amazing he is?? like ,, his depth of character is smth i can ponder on and really marvel at. it baffles me cuz....
yk how seungminnie is one of the more misunderstood members?? he's known for being strong and disciplined and super dee duper smart , with cloud-soft features and the sweetest smile and a voice that lulls our stay nation into peace.... he's ofc our savage lil puppy šŸ˜†šŸ„°. he's lovely and silly and entirely undermined. i want him to be caught in a vulnerable moment(s) , a moment(s) where he lets his walls down and allows himself to shed his composure and just feel the motions in all of its entirety and rawness. & his members are there for him every step of the way; they turn his bitter tears to joy and mirth , and suddenly the sky becomes one with the sun (that smile we love sm šŸ˜­šŸ©µ).
i dunno man, i just have a thing for the unflappable becoming.... flapped. (šŸ˜­šŸ’€?) i have a thing for the cracks of humanity showing through what was previously thought impenetrable. in this case, the first members that come to mind are minho, seungmongmong... [ imagine a little hurt/comfort number with those two !! :(( our divorced-but-not-really couple. they may show to the cameras a tom-and-jerry esk relationship, but if anyone looks deeply, it's easy to see how their adoration for one another goes to the bones. aughhh imagine a small misunderstanding between them ā€” maybe some staff/managers tell them to amp up their little love-hate concept, but it actually leads to an argument or something that goes beyond the cameras. tears are shed, words are exchanged, the works. they make up of course, and what better way to make up wounded plots other than sweet persuasive tickles and snuggles? šŸ¤­šŸ„¹ ]
....... and our sweetpea wolf pup channie ofc.
gosh, that man works entirely too hard. every so often i remember the story from 2kr that he started crying from frustration and exhaustion, straight up in the middle of a meal, in a public restaurant, in front of seungmin, bc he trusted seungmin ā€” solid as a rock seungmin ā€” with his emotions in that moment and it's very much a whole thing to me. personally, i just want to pull him into an entirely too tight (but just-enough-ly comforting) hug that would last for hours, listen to any and all of his worries. from all the work and greatness he's been doing for years.... golly, i wouldn't mind if he went on a break that lasted a year or more. he deserves it, all of them do. they all work so hard :((
speaking of channie, imagine him breaking down in front of the members , or even worse , in secret (which i'm p sure happens irl too and i just MADE MHYSELF SADDER KJDJKSJH ITS NOT BC I BIAS HIM SHUDDUP šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’”šŸ’”) from a reallyyyy bad stress pileup & maybe he even let it build up and slip to a point where he accidentally snaps a lil at his members :(( & ofc they go to look for him , either for confrontation or concern -> comfort (tho it would've led to that in any and all cases) just to find a sobbing and very regretful wolf pup licking at his wounds in painful silence and solitude <//3 :((
said member(s) would then take him into their lap , hold his hands in theirs and gently but firmly coax his worries out of him , hereby forcing him to say exactly what caused him to boil over and how to prevent it from happening in the near future bc they're there. he doesn't have to face his demons alone. & ofc , bc channie is channie , they get a slurred apology through his anguished tears , and he just lets himself be held as said member rocks him back and forth in their arms & channie cries it all out until he's drained.
+ once he's coaxed back into the land of the living with soft head scritches and readjusting of positions into a tighter hug, maaaaybe the hand(s) that had slipped into his hoodie [ skin-to-skin contact is very comforting + scientifically proven to bring such a sense , just like it's used to calm a crying baby :')) ] to rub small circles into his back rubbed down into his sides and , without rlly meaning to , he flinches and giggles bubble up from his tired throat. you can imagine how the rest goes šŸ„²šŸ« šŸ˜š & what a thing it'd be if seungmongie was this mystery member !! either him or minho ,,, and where one skz member is, the rest follow. it's just clockwork. or fate. šŸ„°
aghhhh i just,, love them. sm. sssssssoo much. they make me:
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BUT LEE! MINHO AND LER! SEUNGMIN?!?! eating through my brain like termites to wood GRAHHHh šŸ« šŸ« šŸ’—šŸ’—
i love these love them love you love skz hadhwfnerifhenge
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alexcutecolly Ā· 10 months
I saw you also got the ask game! So I wanna know
Hi Rosey! Thank you for the ask! šŸ’•
Here's what I think about:
šŸ‘…: Tongues
They're genuinely such a good part of vore. Through the tongue(s) the very first contact between pred and prey takes place, and thanks to that the former learns plenty of info about the latter. For example, what they taste like, and how they react to being licked and what not.
Also in a scenario with a very willing prey, some mouthplay where the pred makes use of their tongue(s) to slosh them around inside, moving them from cheek to cheek and gently pressing them against the palate is my jam ā¤ļø
Anyway, more kudos to tongues! They're fun and add more interesting dynamics to the very early phases of a vore sequence xD
šŸ‘„: Communication
Regardless of context, communication is important! Like telling your Best Pred/Prey (ā„¢ļø) you're not in the mood for noms, or setting boundaries, or discussing if something is wrong or one of you is uncomfortable in any way.
Also, in the very context of vore, communication between prey and pred can get confusing and more difficult once the former has been eaten, for unnecessary physics reasons. Personally, my favorite version of this scenario is when they can still hear each other despite the layers of muscles, flesh and bones, the only difference is the prey's voice being a little muffled. But a pred being either unable to hear them at all, or too uncaring to be bothered by it, can be interesting as well imo, since it creates a sort of gap that needs to be resolved sooner or later. Or an issue that needs to be addressed :o
šŸ„°: Willing vore
It's so awesome! And amazing!! And aaaaaaaaa
The very want of being swallowed and kept safe inside someone you really love and/or care about? Being able to say "I'm actually scared about this, but I trust you?" To allow them to see the vulnerable you, and let them take you somewhere nobody can hurt you so that you can rest and be comfortable? Or to just placate their hunger for a bit? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
šŸ’˜: Personal meaning
So uhm, vore is pretty much a comfort thing to me. I hate how it's heavily sexualized on other platforms, as if only that specific side is the only one that exists, and how some people truly believe it's inherently a kink. But it's not.
Although I like to experiment in my stories (and sometimes write about the worst bastard characters ever), daydreaming about being eaten safely and in the most comforting way brings peace to my core. Like, especially if the pred is someone I really really enjoy the company of ā¤ļø
A stomach can also be a place for snoozing and taking a break from the mundane irl stuff, and it's so nice to see so many other people relate to this.
Love is stored in the belly, basically ā¤ļø (and intestines too at times)
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josephseedismyfather Ā· 1 year
(WIP) Music Monday
I was tagged by @inafieldofdaisies for today's post! Thank you friend! šŸ„°
The rules: Post a song that is relevant to your WIP or inspires it. Iā€™m also including the lyrics.
Got a big plan, this mindset maybe its right At the right place and right time, maybe tonight And the whisper or handshake sending a sign Wanna make out and kiss hard, wait never mind
Late night, and passing, mention it flipped her Best friend, who knows saying maybe it slipped But the slip turns to terror and a crush to light When she walked in, he froze up, believe its the fright
Its cute in a way, till you cannot speak And you leave to have a cigarette, your knees get weak An escape is just a nod and a casual wave Obsessed about it, heavy for the next two days
It's only just a crush, it'll go away It's just like all the others it'll go away Or maybe this is danger and he just don't know You pray it all away but it continues to grow
I want to hold you close Skin pressed against me tight Lie still, and close your eyes girl So lovely, it feels so right
I want to hold you close Soft breasts, beating heart As I whisper in your ear I want to fucking tear you apart
Then he walked up and told her, thinking that he'd passed And they talked and looked away a lot, doing the dance Her hand brushed up against his, she left it there Told him how she felt and then they locked in a stare
They took a step back, thought about it, what should they do 'Cause there's always repercussions when you're dating in school But their lips met, and reservations started to pass Whether this was just an evening or a thing that would last
Either way he wanted her and this was bad He wanted to do things to her it was making him crazy Now a little crush turned into a like And now he wants to grab her by the hair and tell her
I want to hold you close Skin pressed against me tight Lie still, and close your eyes girl So lovely, it feels so right
I want to hold you close Soft breasts, beating heart As I whisper in your ear I want to fucking tear you apart
Lay where you're laying Don't make a sound I know they're watching They're watching
All the commotion The kiddie-like play Has people talking They're talking
You Your sex is on fire
The dark of the alley The breaking of day Head while I'm driving I'm driving
Soft lips are open Them knuckles are pale Feels like you're dying You're dying
You Your sex is on fire
Consumed With what's just transpired
Hot as a fever Rattling bones I could just taste it Chased it
But it's not forever But it's just tonight Oh, we're still the greatest The greatest The greatest
Untitled John WIP.
Come down to my house Stick a stone in your mouth You can always pull outIf you like it too much
Make a whole new religion A falling star that you cannot live without And I'll feed your obsessions Now there'll be nothing but this thing That you'll never doubt
A hit is hard to resist And I never have missed I can take you outWith just a flick of my wrist
Make a whole new religion A falling star that you cannot live without And I'll feed your obsessions There is nothing but this thing That you'll never doubt This thing you'll never doubt
It'll feed your obsessions The falling star that you cannot live without I will be your religion This thing you'll never doubt You're not the only one You're not the only one
Bow down to me Bow down to me Bow down to me Bow down to me Bow down to me Bow down to me Bow down to me
Tagging, with apologies for doubles and no pressure as always: @wrathfulrook, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @trench-rot, @cassietrn, @redreart, @hotmessteaparty, @g0dspeeed, @v0idbuggy, @insanityofvaas, @simplegenius042, @malefiquinn, @strangefable, @noodlecupcakes, @neverthesameneveranother, @chazz-anova, @aristomal, @villageofshadow, and whoever else wants to share. Tag me! šŸ˜˜
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cable-knit-sweater Ā· 2 years
Hello, may I request Evanstan + 47? šŸ™ƒ
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Hi lovely tejodore šŸ’•šŸ’• Thank you so much!!
#47 is Skate by Silk Sonic (which, fun fact, Chris mentioned during Lightyear press as a song that instantly puts him in a good mood) šŸ„°
And I especially liked these lyrics for our boys: I never fall, but tonight you got me fallin' for you // And only you, you // I'm reaching out in hopes that you reach for me too
Clearly Iā€™m incapable of making these short. But here it is, a little TFA era fun, especially for you šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜
This wasnā€™t the first time theyā€™d gone out with a bunch of the cast and crew. Not even the first time Sebastian had joined them, although heā€™d needed some prompting. But it was definitely a little wilder than most of the other times. Maybe it was because they were so close to wrapping, and they had a long weekend break, so people felt free to let loose a little, maybe have a couple of drinks too many.
Theyā€™d started out at a pub, had a few (more than a few) beers, and at some point, someone - Chris doesnā€™t even remember who - suggested theyā€™d go to a club, for some more drinks and dance. Chris had immediately said yes, always in for a good time, but to his surprise - delight, actually - Sebastian had said he was in too.
Which brings them here, to a club Chris doesnā€™t even know the name of, a song playing he doesnā€™t recognize, and a drink in his hand he doesnā€™t remember ordering. Not because heā€™s so drunk. He can hold his liquor pretty well. Heā€™s justā€¦entranced. By the way Sebastian is moving around the club, dancing so freely, so smoothly, soā€¦soā€¦He exudes pure sex. Sebastian. His soft spoken, shy, friendly, adorably nerdy costar. That Sebastian. And itā€™s doing things to Chris.
Itā€™s not like he hasnā€™t noticed how good Sebastian looks before. Theyā€™ve spent so much time - both on and off set - together these past few months. Heā€™s gotten to know Seb pretty well, after he broke through the initial shyness. Theyā€™d had dinners and drinks together, watched movies in each otherā€™s hotel rooms, roamed the streets of London together on their days off.
Heā€™s gotten to know Sebastian, with all his little quirks, his smirks and self-deprecating humor. He figured out how much they have in common, interests wise - space, books, their appreciation for their craft - and heā€™d gotten to love listening to Seb talk about the ones they donā€™t, the way heā€™d light up talking about his passions.
Chris isnā€™t blind. Heā€™s always known heā€™s attracted to men just as much as he is to women, and Seb is objectively an attractive guy, with his lean built, his blue grey eyes, ridiculous bone structure and shiny brown hair that will curl a little no matter how much Sebastian tells it not to. Chris just hasnā€™t feltā€¦this kind of attraction, bordering on lust, until tonight. Okay, so maybe it crossed that border a couple of hours ago when Sebastian winked at him coyly before taking to the dance floor. He isnā€™t sure where that came from.
Chris isnā€™t sure how long heā€™s been sitting here, staring at Sebastian, whoā€™s clearly having the time of his life. Sebastian is laughing, throwing his head back in reaction to something the guy heā€™s dancing with told him, and Chris is helpless but to follow the line of his neck with his eyes, feeling a sort of hunger and jealousy and want build up in him. That feeling gets a 100 times more intense when Sebastianā€™s gaze slips over to him, lingering there just for a moment, biting his lip. Chris doesnā€™t want go imagine how red it is. He wants to see for himself.
He throws back the last of his drink - vodka with something, heā€™s finally figured out - and gets up out of the booth. He makes his way over to Sebastian in a couple of quick strides. Sebastian looks up at him, as does the man that currently has his hands on Sebastianā€™s hips, but Chris pays him no mind, holding out his hand instead. ā€œYou wanna dance?ā€ He asks, and Sebastian nods, eyes glittering under the club lights. They both ignore the protests of the other man saying that they were dancing already.
Chris places Sebastianā€™s hand on his back, shivering a little when Sebastian lets it slide down a little. ā€œIs this okay,ā€ Seb asks, as he leans in a little.
ā€œYeah, yeah- is this?ā€ Chris asks in return, as he puts his own hands on Sebastianā€™s waist. Sebastian just smirks, and soon enough, theyā€™re gliding around the dance floor together, pressing themselves closer and closer to each other. Sebastianā€™s a much better dancer than Chris is, and he has some difficulty keeping up at first, but at some point it devolves into something that canā€™t even be described as dancing anymore.
Theyā€™re grinding against each other, and Chris can feel his own heartbeat speed up as he hears Sebastianā€™s breath hitch. It makes him look up, first at Sebastianā€™s lips, then his eyes, then his lips again. He wants to ask, wants to ask if itā€™s okay if he kisses him. He feels like heā€™s gonna burn up from the inside if he doesnā€™t. But he doesnā€™t have to ask. Not a moment later, those red bitten lips press against his, and he canā€™t hold back the gasp of surprise he lets out, before kissing back just as fiercely.
As he closes his eyes and the rest of the club falls away around them, his entire focus on where theyā€™re pressed against each other and the feeling of Sebastianā€™s tongue warring for dominance with his and losing, he thinks that maybe, maybe heā€™s an idiot. Heā€™s probably been falling for Sebastian for a long time, maybe even since the day they met, and he didnā€™t even realize. But now? Now he knows. He sighs into Sebastianā€™s mouth, feeling more content than he has in months, which soon turns into excitement, about whatā€™s possibly to come next. Both tonight, and maybe, maybe even far beyond that.
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thatpunkmaximoff Ā· 1 year
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Story: 4 out of 5 ā­ļøā€™s Smut: 2 out of 5 šŸŒ¶ļø
So, this book was pretty cool. Not so cool as to spend hundreds of dollars on it (seriously people, just wait for the restock), but it was definitely a good read.
Violet "Violence" Sorrengail is probably my new favorite character. And the dragons. I loved that they could talk to each other after the dragon chose its rider.
Anyway, read this book. Read. It.
There are characters you'll love, you'll hate, and you'll be suspicious of. You don't know who you can trust and by the end, you'll be thinking, "Oh shit."
It does end on a cliffhanger, so be ready for that.
Now enjoy my chaotic thoughts if you don't mind spoilers.
* Ohhhh. Family drama right off the bat.
* Wow. The mom is a total bitch.
* First chapter in and Iā€™m getting Divergent vibes.
* Oh no. Poor Dylan šŸ˜¬
* Xaden is scary, but Iā€™m kind of into it.
* Fuck Jack. Pls let a dragon eat him early on.
* So Dain.. youā€™re annoying. Fuck off and leave Violet be. She doesnā€™t need you dictating her life.
* Ugh. Jack. What the fuck is his deal with Violet?
* Iā€™m getting really tired of Dainā€™s shit. Stop trying to send Violet to the Scribes!
* Lol.. what is Xaden playing at. He says he gets the honor of murdering Violet.. but his one on one time with her seemed almost flirtatious?
* Lmao. She poisoned her opponent! šŸ˜‚
* ā€œYou are not attracted to toxic men.ā€ ā€” This is every booktoker after they done fell for the most toxic men of all šŸ˜‚
* Ugh.. DAIN! Iā€™m so fucking annoyed with this dude.
* Aww. Poor Aurelie.
* Okay, so Iā€™m starting to like Xaden šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
* Atta girl, Violet. Donā€™t let Dain sway your decision. Get your ass up that Gauntlet.
* She made it! And who the fuck is this Mavis chick thatā€™s whining about Violet cheating? Gtfo of here!
* The dragons were sniffing her and everyone was scared out of their minds šŸ˜‚ I want a pet dragon now.
* These dumbfucks wanna kill a dragon?!
* OH MY GOD! Xaden and Sgaeyl are there too!! Get fucked, Jack!
* So Jack ran like a little bitch and Tynan got roasted šŸ˜‚
* Also, which dragon spoke to Violet?! Holy shit.
* Holy fuck?! The big scary dragon that Jack was hoping to bond fucking chose Violet! Iā€™m so fucking happy. And whatā€™s the deal with the tiny golden one? Lmao.
* Tairn is a dick. I love it šŸ„°
* Two dragons bonded to her!!!!!!!!! Oh my fucking god!!
* ā€¦and Xaden just got Dain to show his true colors. Drop his ass, Vi!
* Fuck you, Dain! First you say you wonā€™t break rules to save your best friend and now youā€™re kissing her because she has 2 dragons?! Ugh.
* Now everyoneā€™s kissing her ass because Xaden needs her protected šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
* Lol at Tairn teasing Violet about Xaden.
* Fucking finally! I was waiting for Violet to buck the fuck up and tell off Dain.
* Oh shit. They attacked Violet in her room. Thank fuck for Tairn and whoever he sent. And Andarna for lending her power.
* Goddamn, Xaden. You werenā€™t fucking around! šŸ˜‚ Thank god. Oren was a dick.
* Holy shit. Andarna can stop time and lend that power briefly to Violet šŸ˜Ø People are really gonna wanna kill her.
* Fucking Amber.
* Aww. I love Liam haha.
* Lol Violet and Xaden have to feel when their dragons are mating šŸ˜‚
* Damn, Xaden šŸ˜ I was loving the out of control makeout, but Iā€™m glad he stopped it before it got any further.
* Oranges..? Lmao. Serves you right, dick.
* They stole the map from her motherā€™s office and all hell broke loose šŸ˜‚
* They can mentally talk to each other!
* And Dainā€™s jealous ass needs to settle down.
* Lightning wielder. Fuck yes. And fuck you, Jack. Serves you right.
* Donā€™t tell her ā€œdonā€™t fall for meā€ because you just jinxed it. Sheā€™s gonna fall for you.
* Lol I canā€™t believe she lost control every time she came šŸ˜‚ and then Xaden fed her memories of when they boned so she could unleash her lightning.
* Aww. Liam is such a good friend šŸ„¹
* Lmao. Violet fucked up his room šŸ˜‚
* Aww shit. Nothing like being under attack to ruin orgasms.
* Fucking War Games?! Ugh, Iā€™d be so pissed!
* What. The. Fuck, Xaden šŸ˜Ø
* Fuck you, Dain!! How dare you read her without consent.
* Liam šŸ„ŗšŸ˜­ How fucking dare you do this me.
* Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me! How dare you leave me on that cliffhanger!
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starrysnowdrop Ā· 2 years
šŸŒ§ļø rain if it hasn't been asked yet! And if it has... I wanna read more from your WIPs! :D
šŸŒ§ļø rain: share a sad or emotional scene from your wip!
Ohhhh yay, another WIP I get to share!!! šŸ„°
Now I warn everyone, this one is EXTREMELY bare bones, and I had jotted down a few lines weeks ago but I have yet to have the time to come back to it. This is in need of much love and attention, and hopefully I can get back to this after my vacation.
With that, hope everyone enjoys!
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((Note: Canon dialogue lines will be fit in around my dialogue later as necessary.))
[ Gā€™raha looks to Yume, with tear filled eyes, almost about to weep, but he is able to smile. ]
ā€œYumeā€¦ Forgive me, but I must break our promiseā€¦ā€
ā€œNo, ā€˜tis alright. Iā€™m proud of you, Raha. Do as you must. Do your duty.ā€
ā€œI will never forget you, Yume, mea amataā€¦ā€
[ Doors begin to close, and Yume can see that Gā€™raha is trying to say something to her, but she canā€™t hear his words. ]
ā€œFarewell Yume, I love you, my inspiration.ā€
[ The Doors slam shut and are sealed, with Gā€™raha inside. Yume falls to the ground, openly sobbing. ]
ā€œRahaā€¦ noā€¦ā€
Thatā€™s all Iā€™ve got for now! Thank you so much for the ask @porta-decumana, and itā€™s great to see you back my friend!!! šŸ„°šŸ’–
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ruminate88 Ā· 4 months
What Music Did You Grow Up With?
I wanna take a break from talking about the healing journey and talk about music cuz thatā€™s my passion in life šŸŽ¶šŸ‘šŸ»
Thereā€™s musicians and song writers on both sides of my family. I have a HUGE family. 100 cousins on both sides of my family but Iā€™m closer to my dadā€™s side. My aunt Becky use to be on local radio in the 80ā€™s for gospel music. I grew up listening to an Uncle sing never knowing he wrote most of the songs he sang šŸ˜³ He just doesnā€™t brag about it but heā€™s so talented!! (I always thought the songs he sang came from gospel radio)
My dad can mess around for fun on the piano and guitar but doesnā€™t actually play. He can sing a little too but also doesnā€™t do it seriouslyā€¦ My MOM on the other hand though, she can chord on piano and guitar PLUS sheā€™s the BEST singer Iā€™ve ever heard in the whole world. Sheā€™s got soul and range but sheā€™ll never ever brag about it šŸ„ŗšŸ„° and she never thinks sheā€™s as good as she is. Iā€™ve heard her sing all of my life and it has always intimated me LOL People always ask do I sing like my mom and itā€™s like ā€œHAH, I wishā€¦ā€ šŸ˜… My brother and my nieces also sing really well.
My dad always played pop music at home, soft rock and smooth jazz. My mom played gospel music and blue grass. My older brother always played heavy metal privately when I would ride in his mustang with him but played country music in front of our parents to cover up what he was actually listening toā€¦. Hah I heard a range of music styles growing up.
For me, I listened to pop and r&b. My favorite was Craig David but I also loved Brian McKnight, Boyz ll Men and Ne-yo. I loved ā€œThe Year of a Gentlemanā€ album. At 17, I thought I was a rapper LOL I use to listen to Bone, thugs and harmony plus DMX lol By the time Iā€™m in my 20s, I fell in love with trance and EDM. I was depressed for 3 and a half years and trance music such as Jax Jones, Above & Beyond, got me through. By the time Iā€™m 26, Iā€™m in love with indie pop-rock music such as: The 1975, Bad Suns, Atlas, The Bleachers, etcā€¦ In my darkest moments, I leaned on Bad Suns the most. There songs just got me through where I was.
I have listened to music my whole life. Music is the only language I truly speak and relate to others and life situations. When I canā€™t get people to understand me, I put a song in its place šŸŽ¶šŸ‘šŸ» I have never sang in front of family seriously or sang them a song Iā€™ve written šŸ˜³ Iā€™m shy haha but Iā€™ve written songs on the piano Iā€™ve playedā€¦. Maybe one day Iā€™ll sing for my family. Iā€™ve played in a few bands over the years but only playing the piano. Iā€™ve also played the organ and the violin. Gospel music has mostly shaped my abilities but pop music drives my lyrics šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»
Iā€™ve been noticed before by Jesse McCartney, Gareth Emery, Tritonal and a few othersā€¦ Jesse McCartney actually in 2010 said my song ā€œBe With Youā€ was notable on his MySpace blogā€¦ Nothing came of it though. Was like my 10 seconds of fame LOL šŸ˜‚. I had a lot of Jesse fan haters after thatā€¦. Itā€™s all good though. I did not write the song for his fans to love me. It was a song I wrote for him out of love for him. (I donā€™t like to talk about Jesse anymore like I use to but I have mentioned him a couple times)
Concerts: My 1st real concert was in 2000, it was *NSYNCā€™s no strings attached Haha Got to sit in the nose bleed section. It made the band look like little stick figures hehe Funny stuffā€¦ but my favorite concert Iā€™ve EVER been to believe it or not was in 2011, a Christmas band called ā€œMannheim Steamrollerā€ Wow they are amaaaaaazing. If you love Christmas music, which I dooooooo, they bring nostalgia but have a whole orchestra behind them combined with synthasizers which incorporates my love for pop music too! Sooo good!!!! Another concert I loved was in 2019, Colton Dixon. Heā€™s a Christian rock singer and he has a moment on the piano just of him singing solo and it was beautiful and intimate! Itā€™s moments in music like those that you never forget ā¤ļøšŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸŽ¶
When I make music, itā€™s always from my heart. I only write about what I canā€™t say out loud in a normal conversation. I always say the truth, even when itā€™s hurting me. Music is my escape and always has been. I remember when Jesse McCartney said that one time in like 2009 or something and that resonated with me beyond words. Music has the power to link people together!!!!
You can hear my music on the following platforms: Spotify, SoundCloud and Bandlab. My usernames are songwriter88 and songwriter1988 I was on TikTok but thatā€™s currently a private account for obvious reasons. If youā€™re a musician like me, share your music with me below šŸ‘šŸ» Iā€™m always looking for new songs to add to my faves list!!
A very personal song I wrote in 2021:
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whump-queen Ā· 2 years
shoutout to shiki my little sadomasochistic meow meow
i wanna bash his face in šŸ’–
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hhoneyribbons Ā· 2 years
Would you write again? I really wanna see it šŸ„ŗ A multi characters headcanons for Patrick, William and Casanova kissing reader šŸ„° (some neck kisses too if you want šŸ‘€)
How the heaths would kiss you / where they like to kiss you
Ahh yay!! Thank you so much for the request Iā€™m still new at doing headcannons but I hope you like it and it pleases ur request sorry if itā€™s a bit long I had a LOT of fun but yep enjoy, luv yā€™a . Also if you wanted the three you requested with the reader just let me know and Iā€™ll do that as well <3
ā‚’ Ėš Ā° š’šš Ā° Ėš ā‚’ āˆž Ā° šŖš‘‚ ā‚’ ā‚’ Ėš Ā° š’šš Ā° Ėš ā‚’ āˆž Ā° šŖš‘‚ ā‚’ā‚’ Ėš Ā° š’šš Ā° Ėš ā‚’ āˆž Ā°
Patrick Verona
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-on ur cheeks, a whole lot, and I mean a lot and uses kisses as a show of love always just abruptly kissing you in a fight or when ur rambling
-" How is that even fair Patrick !! you cant just do whatever you- hmm~ " you ramble and hum out as Patrick shuts you up with a kiss and an " oh but I just did girlie " he'd grin and you'd stomp off only for him to follow and give more kisses
-ur favorite place to kiss him is his hand like while ur holding hands and you hold his hand to ur lips kissing them.
William thatcher
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-on ur shoulders or collarbone, most of he loved just to kiss u but ur shoulders being bare would put the knight in a puddle.
-here you sat in the grass enjoying a break from the games William played to please his dreams, him next to you rubbing ur arms happy to see you in a sleeveless gown and placing his warm lips upon ur sunkissed skin " mm my flower ur skin is the best thing my lips have touched so far " he would be in actual bliss, you would roll ur eyes but smile " oh, William so easily falling ~ "
-ur favorite place to kiss him is his forehead you adore the way his soft blond hair tickles ur face making his giving you the most heart-warming smile
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-one word . n e c k, this playful mystery of a man loves kissing ur neck especially when ur in public loving when ur cheeks turn a rose color.
-you and casanova were walking through the ball with ur mask on and started to dance case all so loved to sway into the night with you, casanova pulls you closer by ur waist giving a wide grin and leans in his lips next to ur ear " darling ur quiet the dancer if I must say mm could barely notice ur feet stepping on my toes with the distraction of ur most wonderful breast" he would kiss below ur ear making a line over ur neck, you in complete shock with a " w-what! c-cassmm" and slap at his chest blushing.. you know where that took you all.
-ur favorite place to kiss casanova is his neck as well and lips, the thought of lips on boned and veiny necks makes you both melt .
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-chest, basically.. boobies ( you asked for it you nasties jk ) he loves seeing his red lipstick stains on ur chest and neck its like branding for him
-you sat at your house waiting for the joker ur friend " ben" just left after you two played cards for almost 4 hours, it was smart to be at ur house no one would think the big bad joker would visit an unnoticed girl in some apartments. 3 more hours passed you were laying on the bed hugging j's pillow as the window balcony opened and the room was filled with a scent of gun powder . " ta-da !! I'm..well home " he knew you had a guy friend over and didn't like that one bit so he moved onto the bed and attacked ur chest and neck biting here and there branding his doll " mm think I wouldn't know? thought daddy was dumb tsk tsk wrong-oo~ " you whined and the night went on.
-ur favorite place to kiss joker are his scars on his lips of course he'll give a growl here and there but deep down he loves it madly .
Also these are just my opinion nothing set in stone just a reminder ;) thanks for reading !! and yes I had to add joker heā€™s NEEDED and loved ā€¦ what can you do when you love a madman hm?
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collinskitt Ā· 3 years
*click *
Hear that? Thatā€™s me turning off the radio silence.
First off, I want to say hello to you all and I hope you are living your best life!Ā 
Itā€™s been awhile since I posted anything, and I blame that in my incapability of focusing on one project at a time.Ā 
Recently been juggling between work and personal priorities that I ended up putting In Stasis And In Space in the backburner.
Which leads me to my second point of this post: I wanna say Iā€™m so fcking sorry for not reaching back to your lovely messages in my inboxĀ šŸ˜­ I hear you, and Iā€™m doing okay, and ISAIS continues on as a visual novel from here on out.
Hereā€™s a direct link on the itch.io page!
Iā€™m taking a risk of doing my own art despite me not having a single artistic bone in my body, Thereā€™s still a lot more room for improvement, and weā€™ll get there one day. Just gotta keep practicing and drink more coffee and drain more energy drinks and ql;jkdjfaopidfl;k
Look, I made a naked alien man...
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Some of you were asking why I emptied my Tumblr page. A couple of reasons had led me in that decision.Ā 
Mainly, porting the title as a text-adventure game into a visual novel granted me opportunities I couldnā€™t do as a purely narrative CYOA game. That results to a drastic change in the plot, which is why I hid the contents of this blog so no one will get confused about it.
Some (but not all) changes I made so far:
Chapter reconstruction. The visual novel version ends differently from the choicescript version.
Characters. It breaks my heart to announce that Iā€™m cutting down some ROs we originally talked about during its choicescript days due to my inability to fcking draw them. Apparently, I suck at drawing long, majestic beards that I canā€™t do justice to them at all.
Species. I donā€™t know why, but Iā€™m having a hard time drawing tentacles, so I had to change the octopus-headed humanoid race into something more human-like. If I can get it right, maybe one day I can bring them back.
Species name. I came to realize thatĀ ā€˜tresteriansā€™ andĀ ā€˜terrestrialsā€™ are tongue twisters. Iā€™ve changed it toĀ ā€˜tusseriansā€™.
Spoilers. After rereading the past questions in this blog, plenty of them inspired me to put it in the VN version. Iā€™m sending out a big thank you to those who sent me those asks, and I hope you get to see it in the later chaptersĀ  ā¤ļø
Additionally, I wanted to put this VN with a clean start. I might have driven some expectations to things that werenā€™t a hundred percent guaranteed to be seen in the plot, and so to avoid confusion Iā€™ve set them all to private.
Someone also asked what would happen to the choicescript version of the game. Sadly, the CS version will be discontinued. I do not plan to continue ISAIS anymore as a CS, but maybe in the future Iā€™ll be writing other CYOA games under the Hosted Game label if given the opportunity. Just gotta do one project at a time~!
To wrap things up, I want to repeatedly say thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for telling me that youā€™ve been replaying my game during the months I was gone. Whoever you guys are, please continue showing your support to your favorite authors, artists, and developers šŸ„° Itā€™s truly a wonderful feeling to be on the receiving end, and most people who would think theyā€™ve hit rock bottom can slowly rise back to the surface with your simple act of kindness. It does wonders, believe me!
And so, am I really back on Tumblr? Meh. Iā€™ll be on and off like flicking a switch, much like how Rex Reynolds would flick MCā€™s nipple with his tongue while heā€™s asleep and asdfl;kjqwepoingds
Take care, you beautiful person, you. Stay happy~!
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indianariesolive Ā· 3 years
Things I desperately need for S2 of Shadow & Bone Netflix show
* The Crows working together as a team (all 6 of them) šŸ¤¤šŸ¤©
*More Malina scenes šŸ§”šŸ¤Œ
*More screen time for Zoya (I want all the badass moments)
* The Darkling aka General Kirigan being more cruel & ruthless & intimidating as a proper villain should be (Fr stop humanizing & romanticizing him šŸ˜¤āœ‹)
* Kaz whacking the Darkling with his cane (its not a want, it's a need šŸ™)
* Kaz's backstory (hopefully šŸ¤ž)
* Angsty and cute Helnik moments ā¤( even better if they stick closer to those that were in the books with some improv here and there{I want more Helnik I'm so crazy for them})
* Matthias fighting wolves in Hellgate
(& the whole prison break{More of Matthias period. šŸ˜Œāœ‹})
*Alina & Nikolai's friendship šŸ„ŗšŸ’•
*Matthias calling Kaz 'demjin' (also hopefully him calling Nina 'little red bird') šŸ¤©
*Baghra pulling the strings behind the scenes (I need her to be a genuine pain in the Darkling's ass)
*Jesper & Milo reunion šŸ«‚ šŸ šŸ’•
*Jesper & Wylan bonding over cuddling Milo maybe šŸ˜—šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ
*Wylan being underestimated by others at first & then him shocking their pants off with his intelligence and bomb making skills.
*Wylan & David interaction (even better if its with something science related)
*Alina being more badass & standing up for herself. šŸ’Ŗ
*CREEPY šŸ‘MEGALOMANIACšŸ‘ VILLAIN šŸ‘DARKLING šŸ‘WITHšŸ‘NONEšŸ‘OFšŸ‘THATšŸ‘EMOšŸ‘PRINCEšŸ‘CHARMINGšŸ‘SH!TšŸ‘. He's the villain so let him be bad (despicable bad not cool bad).
*Mal being Alina's no.1 hype man along with Tolya & Tamar. šŸ„°
*Sturmhond's shocking identity reveal & Alina punching him on the face šŸ¤­
*More of Inej's backstory (portray Tante Heleen's cruelty)
*Also Jesper's backstory if possible šŸ˜¬šŸ¤ž (ik I'm demanding too much)
*Nikolai's iconic 'Improbable not Impossible' line šŸ¤Œ
*More fight scenes involving Matthias šŸ’™šŸ¤Œ(Just wanna see him punch somebody's face. Think of all the cool & savage edits one could make out of them šŸ˜Œ)
* More Fedyor Ɨ Ivan
*More screen time for Genya Ɨ David. Also please highlight Genya & Alina's friendship, like what happens next.
*Jesper referring to Wylan as 'merchling' / 'Our demo man'. šŸ„°
*Also some scenes of Jarl Brum being a bigoted douche if possible. He's such an underrated villain he needs more hate. Needs to be more infamous among the fandom. šŸ˜ŒšŸ—”
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