#I want to eat his scarf so badly
satoruxx · 9 months
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✧ PAIRING: gojo satoru x reader | 2.3k words
✧ SUMMARY: tooth rotting fluff, meet cute, battles with inanimate objects, reader's got exams bc i have exams, satoru's whipped af (as usual), sorry i love writing him as a simp, reader is also whipped bc this is gojo satoru, bonding over snacks !!
✧ RHEYA'S NOTE: if you saw me tryna post this yesterday no you didn’t. this was supposed to be a quick drabble oops. but it's finals week so i'm offering this piece of fluff to maintain sanity and gush over the meet cute i will never have. if y’all are also dealing with finals, i'm wishing you the best !!
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satoru strolls down the bustling streets with a quiet hum, hands shoved deep into his jacket pockets to keep them away from the bite of the cold breeze. his boots crunch against the thin layer of melting ice that has formed overnight, now warming under the cold afternoon sun that coyly hides behind gray clouds.
honestly, he wasn't the biggest fan of weather like this, and he wouldn't have stepped out on any other day. but one meeting with the higher ups had his mood souring, and shoko had suggested he take a walk, maybe grab something to eat.
he knew better than to argue with her, especially since she could somehow read him better than most people could—scary.
so here he was, trudging down the streets of tokyo with his hat pulled over his ears, cheeks pink from the frosty air as it dances across his skin. despite the weather, satoru thinks there's something oddly peaceful about the city, the quiet chatter and sounds of boots scuffing against pavement as he turns a corner to head to the nearby vending machines he's frequented so many times.
the peace is broken by an annoyed grunt, and satoru looks up.
"are you serious?" another irritated groan. "of all the days…"
he takes in the scene with interest.
even with all the anger that he's not quite understanding, he thinks you're so undeniably pretty—puffy jacket hugging your body and the warm scarf resting around your neck. your brows are furrowed, exasperation tugging your features into expressions that shouldn't look so endearing.
you groan again, slamming your curled fist against the glass of the vending machine—frustration ticks at your brow.
and why wouldn't it?
nothing was going your way today. it had already started off badly, the atmosphere filled with gloom that made it impossible to want to leave bed. but you had to force yourself to miserably extract your body from the warm cocoon of blankets and pillows that urged you back with a siren's call—a promise of comfort that looked all too enticing.
and then, when you finally did manage to drag yourself to the library to sit down and study, nothing was sticking. you read through paragraphs over and over until your head was spinning, dizzy with information that wouldn't absorb, and that fact is nothing if not disheartening. the impending quickness with which your final exams were approaching made you feel even sicker, so you decided to take a twenty minute break to grab a drink from the nearby vending machines.
but of course, even that couldn't just work out.
satoru watches you stand in front of the machine with a glare, before you're shoving your weight against it, huffing as it remains in place and hoping that at least one of your efforts will prove to be fruitful. he's talking before he can help himself.
"hey, you need some help?"
you turn to face the owner of the voice, finding cerulean eyes behind black shades that so directly contrast the white of his snowy hair. he's tall—abnormally so as he peers down at you with curiosity and a bit of mirth.
you think you've never seen a man so handsome in your life.
then you remember he's asked you a question, and you attempt to swallow down the unnecessary nerves that have taken root in the pit of your stomach. "oh, my uh…my drink got stuck," you reply somewhat lamely, cheeks heating up under his gaze as you think about how utterly ridiculous you must've looked to passersby.
satoru's eyes travel from your face to the machine, noticing the way your drink of choice is stuck in a frozen free fall against the glass and the rack. he sighs in exasperation. "tried hitting it?" he asks, walking closer to stand next to you and take a closer look, even though he knows the answer already.
you're not sure what it is, but this man exudes a certain energy—confidence that leaks through his very skin. it makes you feel like you have no right to be standing this close to him, but all he does is smile at you patiently, waiting for an answer.
so you nod, brows ticking again as the dull throbbing in your fist reminds you of how you had lost the battle with the greedy machine. "yeah, i've been hitting it for the last ten minutes. didn't budge," you sigh, checking your phone to see that there are only a little over five minutes remaining for your quick break. "what a waste of time and money."
satoru watches you shrug helplessly, smiling up at him. "oh well—"
he takes two long strides until he stands right in front of the machine, grips the edges, and shakes it hard.
satoru can feel you gape at him, at the unfiltered display of strength, and the unbothered expression on his face that tells you it didn't faze him. you hadn't been able to move the machine even an inch.
his powerful movements earn you a tell tale thunk, and your heart leaps in excitement as he bends down to push his hand through the slot and pull out your drink. he returns to his full height, an easy smile on his face as he turns around and hands it to you.
"thank you." your voice comes out breathless, a weird kind of excitement thrumming through your veins because it feels like you aren't supposed to know this man.
satoru's smile stretches further when your fingers graze his, taking the drink and popping it open eagerly. he watches you take a sip, oddly pleased with himself at the sheer joy on your face. he doesn't quite understand why this drink looks like it's made your day, but he doesn't ask because you look so sweet drinking it.
"how did you do that anyway?" you ask after you drink a little, curiosity so obvious in your tone. "i tried so hard to move it and it didn't budge at all."
satoru smothers a smile, fighting back the urge to say something stupid. instead he grins, cheeks warming a little under your eager stare. "guess i'm just strong."
you make a face, raising a brow with a playfully disbelieving expression as you cross your arms—to which satoru just laughs. "what's your name?" he asks.
you purse your lips, hiding a smile as you tuck your nose behind your scarf. you give him your name, almost shyly, and satoru tests it on his tongue. he decides he likes the flow, cocking his head as he replies with his own.
for once, the pressure of his last name doesn't permeate the air, and he's all too grateful for it. he turns around to approach the machine again, and he can feel your somewhat confused gaze on his back.
you watch as he stands there for a good minute, his back to you as he ponders the choices in the vending machine like they'll lead to life or death. then he shoves in a bill and clicks a few buttons, and within a couple of seconds, you hear the thud of two things falling.
he remains facing away from you for a few more seconds and then turns around, and you see that he's bought a chocolate bar and the same drink that you have in your hands. you raise a brow.
"well you did almost just lose your life trying to fight a vending machine for it," he says, shrugging his shoulder nonchalantly. "figured it'd be good to try."
you sputter over your words, embarrassment crawling up your neck, but satoru laughs good-naturedly. his eyes shine with mirth as his shoulders relax. "i'm kidding." he stresses, smiling into the collar of his jacket. "but it does look good so…"
he opens the drink and takes a sip, eyes squeezing shut dramatically as he hums at the sweet flavors washing over his tongue. you suddenly feel like getting revenge for his unfiltered teasing.
"well?" you hum cheekily, taking a sip of your own and raising a playful brow. "taste good?"
satoru laughs—a full, pristine sound that makes him throw his head back. "yeah," he agrees easily, feeling oddly fond of the way your voice curls around your words. "it's sweet, i like it. you've got great taste."
somehow the words of this man you've met not five minutes ago cause the muscles of your heart to trip over themselves. you watch him peel open the candy bar, a brand that's unfamiliar to you.
"what'd you get?" you ask, unsure of where the confidence to speak up is coming from. a man like satoru—so unflinchingly ethereal—would normally have your lips zipping and throat muted.
he holds up the bar with a grin. "my favorite."
there's a pause, followed by your sheepish smile, and satoru gapes at you, cerulean widening so clearly behind a backdrop of white. he takes in your innocently confused expression and his ribcage shakes with thuds. "what, you've never tried it?!"
before you can even shake your head no, he's breaking off a piece and handing it to you.
"no, oh my goodness, it's yours—"
"take it." he pushes his hand closer to you, eyes staring imploringly, and you sigh, reaching up to take the piece from between his fingers. a graze of skin—he's warm.
"thank you." you slip the piece past your lips, not at all surprised by its sweetness and yet a little taken aback by its underlying comfort—a rush of warmth.
"good." you're nodding, smiling between chews as satoru's stomach flips. "really good."
he chuckles, all too triumphant for something so menial. "told ya."
you laugh, a quiet subdued sound that satoru wishes he could hear more of. "thanks for getting my drink out," you say. "i really needed it today."
"oh yeah?" he finds himself asking. "how come?"
you sigh, smile dropping as a bit of fatigue makes itself comfortable on your face. "ah well, i've got final exams this week. i've been studying like crazy. nothing's really sticking, and the closer i get to the exams, the more annoyed and stressed i get."
satoru hums, not envying you for a minute.
"so it kinda felt like a kick in the butt from the universe when the drink decided to not just…"
he laughs again, taking another piece of chocolate and chewing on it soundlessly. "i gotcha."
you grin, curling your fingers around each other to diffuse some warmth back into them. "yeah."
there's a silence that follows—not uncomfortable, not unwelcome. you take quiet sips of your drink, and satoru breaks off little pieces of the chocolate bar to chew on. his eyes linger on you, watching the way your lips curl around the bottle, the way your fingers rub against each other, the way the cold has settled into your nose and cheeks and made a home amongst your skin.
when you look up at him, he looks away, throat oddly parched. his fingers flex.
"here, the rest is for you," he says, pushing the half finished candy bar into your hands.
you shake your head immediately. "no way! you paid for it! besides isn't this your favorite snack?"
satoru shrugs, shoving his hands into his pockets with a grin that looks too happy. "you liked it, didn't you?"
you nod, slowly, like you're confused at what he's getting at. "well then, enjoy the rest of it. i buy them all the time—i don't mind sharing this one."
you can't help the soft smile that graces your lips, looking up at him with an odd sense of gratitude and surprise—touched that someone could be so casually kind.
"then thank you," you laugh quietly, eyes fluttering against the gust of cool wind that tickles your skin. "i'll enjoy it."
satoru grins, uncharacteristically pleased—he won't ever admit it, but he's glad shoko told him to take a walk. he'll have to thank her when he gets back.
he clears his throat, offering you a small wave as he turns on his heel to head back to the school. "well then, see you around. good luck with your studies, yeah?"
you smile with a gentle nod, oddly rejuvenated after seeing bright blue eyes and snowy hair. "thank you."
and then he's disappeared into the crowds. you laugh to yourself quietly, looking down at your drink and the half-eaten candy bar nestled between your fingers. a part of you feels strangely forlorn, wishing that you had the guts or confidence to talk to him a little longer—ask a little more.
but you've never been good at that, so even just this small happiness you'll take in stride. you grin to yourself, shoving the drink into your bag and slinging it over your shoulders.
you begin walking back to the library, fingers breaking off pieces of the chocolate and savoring the sweetness on your tongue. somehow you didn't expect a man with such an imposing presence to enjoy simple sweet things like this, but that just makes you all the more fond of him.
by the time you've reached the entrance of the library, you're shoving the last piece of chocolate into your mouth, sighing as the doors of reality swing open once more. the meager slice of giddiness that enveloped your very being dissolves, and all the reminders of what's left to do come back to suffocate you.
you bite back a groan, about to throw the empty wrapper in the trash when something catches your eye. you double-take, peering down at it with wide eyes and rapidly heating skin. there are a set of numbers scrawled there, along with a haphazardly written message:
in case you need someone to fight another vending machine for you -satoru <3
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thebeesareback · 6 months
I just finished the audio book for Donna Tartt's novel The Secret History, so naturally I had to have a lil scroll to see what everyone thought on Tumblr. To add to the discourse: (spoilers, obviously)
Also trigger warning: incest, abuse, murder, alcoholism
Why is Tumblr so in love with Henry Winter?! He murders the farmer, Bunny, and possibly tries to kill Charles. He's manipulative and may well try to make Richard take the fall (har har) for Bunny's death. In the garden scene, he admits to being a psychopath/sociopath. Oh, and he's unbelievably pretentious
Also, why are there so many cute pictures of the twins hanging out? Their relationship was strained, incestuous, co-dependent, abusive. The whole uwu thing baffles me
Richard has a very obvious foot fetish and nobody is talking about it
The novel is quite funny, and I wish more people picked up on that. Most of the humour comes from Francis - the pinz nez stays ON during sex; no, Bunny's parents weren't very upset when one of their grandchildren ruined Francis' scarf, they were preoccupied by their missing son; and there's a throwaway line where the art students eat sushi with paintbrushes instead of chopsticks. I also liked when the twins panicked after Bunny's murder and decided to start repotting tulips
The farmer is referred to by name twice. Once in a newspaper, once by Bunny. Strange to think that he's the person in the squad who might actually have a conscience. Incidentally, Milo, the golden retriever who finds Bunny's body, has his name mentioned more frequently.
Richard is a smelly, badly dressed misanthrope. As is Henry, and Charles towards the end. Francis, Camilla and Hampden itself provide the (admittedly gorgeous) dark academia aesthetic, but if you want to end that dream, remember how terrible everything would have smelled. I guess the difference between appearance and reality is a pretty big theme
Julian is very creepy, obviously, but I was surprised that he wasn't more involved in the plot. He seems like exactly the sort of person to start a cult. I'd also like to know if he and Henry were in a sexual relationship, because we see them kiss once and then it's never mentioned again
Foreshadowing is done EXCELLENTLY through the book. There were a few characters who were described as ghostly at the start, and I THINK they're the ones who survive. Also, Tartt loves her pathetic fallacy (not phallusy).
Time is very strange. If you bothered to plot out all of the events, I don't think it quite makes sense. Term starts in September, say Richard joins Julian's classes in early October? That means all the picnics, the Sunday walks with Bunny, the trips to Francis' house, all happen over about five weeks, leading to the 12th November when Charles, Henry and Francis kill the farmer. Unreliable narrator, I guess
A lot of things about Richard's character make more sense when you realise the abuse he grew up experiencing and witnessing. Poor Ms Papen. Odd that Richard's parents don't visit him when he's in hospital
Funny that everyone is surprised when the twins' incest comes out. Like, they had an orgy at the start of the baccanal. Call me a prude, but I wouldn't attend an orgy with a family member
I would go for girls' night with Judy Poovey
Also, the book was published in 1992. Does anyone know when Prince Charles and Camila Parker Bowles went public with their relationship? Seems like an unbelievable coincidence otherwise
If anyone has an actual criteria for identifying alcohol abuse/alcoholism, please lmk if any of the main six characters AREN'T alcoholics. I'm pretty sure I got liver cirrhosis and lung cancer just from reading this book
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somanyratsinthewalls · 8 months
The Crew's Whore Part 7 (+18)
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The Crew's Whore Part 7 (+18)
Summary: You are the former owner of the Grand Line’s most popular brothel. Your powerful fighting abilities got the attention of the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. He had asked you to join their crew but what would you bring to the team? Your battle skills were hardly comparable to many of the other Straw Hats… but you actually had a great skill. Your years working as a high end escort had prepared you to become the private plaything for this pirate crew. You joined the Straw Hats as their personal sex toy.
Pairing: Zoro x Female Reader x Luffy
WC: 2300
TW: threesome, body use, p in v sex, no protection (don't do that), creampie (also don't do that), Luffy isn't asexual (ah), Zoro like has the biggest gay crush on his captain, facefucking, cum eating, no aftercare, being walked in on.
— — 
You roll over in your bed lazily and stretch your arms over your head. It wasn’t often that you got your bed to yourself all night so you truly enjoyed the occasion. You had over 10 hours uninterrupted on your own due to your callers' schedules conflicting and you could have sworn you slept like the dead. 
You slide out of bed and throw on some shorts and a sweatshirt, readying yourself for the quest to find breakfast. After sliding on your slippers, you creep quietly towards the galley and open the door. The galley smelled of coffee, melting butter, and the faint stale smell of cigarettes. You see the fresh carafe of coffee on the kitchen island and pour yourself a cup. You grab your mug of hot coffee and head towards the fridge and open it up to find something to eat. 
 “Y/n? My darling angel what can I get for you? Perhaps a late lunch?” Sanji comes in through the back door of the galley, snuffing out his cigarette. 
“Hi Sanji- wait, late lunch? What time is it?” You cock your head as you let your body lean into Sanji’s extended arms. Sanji wraps his arms around you as you nuzzle into his chest. 
“Almost 4:30, darling. You’ve been asleep, you needed the rest.” Sanji leaned down and kissed the crown of your head. 
“Ah shit, I promised Zoro I’d train today. Could you whip up something now before I head up there? If I show up to a training match with Zoro on an empty stomach I’ll be spending the night in the med bay with Chopper.” You pull away from Sanji to start wrapping up your wrists for your training session. 
Sanji sighed. 
“Of course, my love. I’ll make you something with lots of carbs and protein. Selfishly, I must have you coming home to me, no matter how badly that brute treats you.” Sanji smirks and begins cooking. 
You bring your blades into the galley and begin to sharpen them. At the counter, your eyes oscillate from your swords to Sanji preparing your meal. The way he smiled at you every time he turned around from stove to ask you your preference on something… he was such a dream. He asked you about what was going on in your life while he cooked you a pre training snack. 
“Did Franky tell you about his latest project?” Sanji asks you from across the counter. You didn’t have time to respond before Sanji swiftly slides his slim body to the stove. “Do you want butter on your croissant?” Sanji changes gears as he begins to plate your meal. 
“Yes please.” You respond. 
Before you had time to process Sanji’s previous question, the most beautiful presentation of scrambled eggs on a French pastry was being placed in front of you. 
“Jeez Sanji, if I knew I’d get this type of treatment, I’d snooze the day away more often.” Your eyebrows raise and you grab your fork. 
Sanji smiles as he sprinkles a few chives on your dish before you dig in. 
“Bon appetit, mon ange.” 
— — 
You scarfed your early dinner down and headed up to the crows nest, knowing Zoro would be waiting for you to train. You ascended the ladder and opened up the hatch to let yourself into the circular crows nest. Upon arriving to Zoro’s makeshift dojo, you find him bench pressing an impossibly heavy weight over his chest. 
“You’re late.” Zoro scolds you without looking in your direction. 
“Hello to you too, swordsman.” You shed your sweatshirt, leaving you in a sports bra and bike shorts. 
“I told Luffy I’d practice with him later, so I’m not sparring with you tonight. We’re doing weights. Grab those over there.” Zoro nods towards a pair 40 lb dumbbells and you grabbed them. You weren’t brought onto the crew as a fighter, but as a Straw Hat you were obviously able to physically hold your own. You grab the weights and begin your routine.
“You smell like that shitty waiter.” Zoro eventually remarks after you spent nearly 30 minutes working out in silence. 
“I slept late, I needed food. Leave it alone, Zoro.” You roll your eyes at him while you continued your workout. 
“You were the one who said you wanted to spend time with me, and now you’re here smelling like cigarettes and male loneliness.” 
You chuckle and almost lose pace in your weight lifting. 
“Now that you’ve seen each other naked I figured you might be getting along better.” You smirk, purposely riling your swordsman up. 
“Don’t be gross, y/n. I didn’t need to see that to know I have the bigger dick.” Zoro continues pushing the heavy weight away from his chest. Endorphins were pumping through your veins from your workout so you decide to change up your routine. 
“Are you jealous, Mr Roronoa?” You pick up new weights and begin a rep of squats, making sure Zoro could see your ass flex in the tight spandex. 
Zoro scoffs. 
“I don’t get jealous. I just like having my girl to myself. And I know you enjoy our time together too…”
“Like last week when you had me bent over the aquarium bar?” You recall a particularly filthy instance where Zoro had taken you roughly after a tipsy night filled with sake bottles and inappropriate touches. 
“Yeah…” Zoro huffs out, continuing his reps. “Just like that…” 
You could feel his eyes on your body as you tried to maintain focus on your exercise. After several more minutes, Zoro puts the weighted bar back onto the rack and he breaks the silence. 
“Come sit on my cock.” 
You smile and set your weights down. You begin to saunter over to Zoro laying on his back on the weight bench, his pants tented. 
“No romance today, swordsman?” You lift your sports bra over your head, letting your breasts bounce freely. Zoro groans at the sight of your naked tits. You slip your bike shorts down your legs and step out of them as you reach your green haired lover. “Needy, hmm?” You stroke his growing bulge over his pants and smile down at him. 
“The only thing I need is for you to ride this dick and be good. Now hop up.” Zoro unfastens his pants and pushes them down his legs, freeing his now hard cock that bobbed towards his abdomen. You begin to straddle him before Zoro stops you with his powerful, scarred hands on your hips. 
“Nah uh. Turn around. Wanna see that ass bounce.” Zoro swings your body around so you’re facing away from him and towards the hatch to the crows nest in the center of the room. He lifts your hips again and settles your entrance over his erection. He spits into one of his hands and smears it over the head of his cock. He sinks you onto him without any prep and you whine out. 
One fully seated on Zoro’s lap, you wiggle your hips to get used to the full sensation. Zoro kneads at your ass cheeks to encourage you. 
“I know it’s a lot baby, take your time.” Zoro flexes his thighs and bounces you softly, feeling your walls become slicker and accept his intrusion easier and easier by the moment. 
“Fuck you’re so big, Zoro… shit…” You sigh as you feel the stretch of his cock inside of you turn into white hot pleasure. You firmly plant your feet on the floor and begin grinding on Zoro at your own pace. You find the perfect angle for Zoro to hit your sweet spot and continue your movements on top of him. You moan and throw your head back. 
“How are you this tight? Fuck-“ Zoro grunts and grips your hips tighter. “Am I the only one on this ship that fucks you properly?” 
Your body was alight with endorphins from the intense workout and the feeling of your lover inside of you, you couldn’t help but grin brainlessly as you bounce faster on Zoro’s cock. 
“You always fuck me so good, Zoro. Love your cock so much…” You were dick drunk so fast, you hardly knew what was coming out of your mouth. You hear your lover growl from behind you at your filthy words. He grabs your arms and pulls them behind you. He uses them as leverage to pound up into you from below. 
“Zoro, fuck, Zoro!” His name poured from your lips like a powerful waterfall as he held you completely powerless in his strong hands. Your body leans forward lifelessly as Zoro holds your arms from behind you. Your head bobs pathetically as he drills into your wet pussy from underneath you. 
Zoro’s eyes are drawn away from your jiggling ass cheeks slamming onto his pelvis. Was that last ‘Zoro’ from you? It sounded different. 
The hatch to the crows nest slams open. 
“Zoro! We’re supposed to train tonight! Sanji just barbecued half of a whole sea king for me so I hope you’re ready to get your ass kicked haha!” Luffy hops up excitedly into the crows nest. 
You gasp. 
“Luffy!” You instinctively yell out in surprise. 
“Oh, seems like you guys are still busy, huh!” Luffy chuckles out at your shocked expression. 
“Oh hey Captain.” Zoro peers around your naked body atop his dick as he looks towards Luffy. “Sorry, training with y/n went a little long.” Zoro bucks his hips up again into yours and you moan. “Hope you don’t mind.” 
“Thats okay!” Luffy grins and walks towards you two on the weight bench. “Wow, y/n you’re really sweaty haha!” Your captain gets close enough to your to push your damp bangs off of your forehead. You had never been propositioned by Luffy, you hadn’t questioned it, just assuming he’d rather fight or eat than fuck. 
“You know, Luffy…” Zoro begins. “You could take her mouth, I’m sure she’s more than willing. Right, y/n?" Zoro punctuates his last sentence with a hard thrust into your sweet spot. 
“AH! Fuck, yes!” Your mouth hangs open and your tongue lolls out. “Oh yeah?” Luffy giggles. “She is already drooling everywhere. You’d share her with me, Zoro?” Luffy asks, getting closer to your face. 
“Whatever my captain wants.” Zoro smirks devilishly. Luffy smiles back and begins undoing his demin shorts in front of your face. Zoro moves his hold from your arms to your wrists behind your back so you could lean down further to be at Luffy’s crotch level, all while pounding into your soaking cunt. Luffy releases himself from the confines of his clothes and his cock bobs in your face. 
“Ok baby girl, time to suck off your captain. Open wide…” Zoro goads you from behind. Without having use of your hands, you clumsily take Luffy’s red, uncut tip into your mouth. You hungrily slurp down Luffy’s cock as you moan out from the powerful fucking you were getting from Zoro. 
“You’re really good at that, y/n!” Luffy praises you and pets your hair gently. “Mmm, move your tongue more… mm yeah just like that!” 
“Hnnmmpphh!” You groan around your captain’s thick length. 
“Oooh, that’s good too! Zoro do whatever that was again, she feels so good when she moans!” 
“Aye aye, Captain.” Zoro obliges and pounds into your g-spot again and again while leaving bruising fingerprints on your hips. 
You try to keep your throat open as your feel your body being hurtled over the edge of orgasm. 
“She’s cumming. I can feel it- oh fuck!” Zoro feels himself being wrapped up in the pleasure of your tight pussy milking him while you rode out your orgasm. Tears begin to fall from your lash line as you start to become overstimulated. So many hands on you, you didn’t know whose belonged to who… in your hair, on your breasts, squeezing your neck… you were in a world of pleasure. You whine. 
“I’ll fill you up baby, don’t worry.. shit-” Zoro finished inside of you with one final thrust of his hips upward into your soft cunt. 
“Me too, y/n.” Luffy remarks at you as he fucks your face. “Now don’t waste, it, okay? It’s good for you!” Before you could respond, Luffy shoots an impossibly large load down your waiting throat. You sputter and the rest of the cum you couldn’t swallow spills out around the sides of your mouth. Luffy pulls away from your face and wipes your lips with his pointer finger. He pushes it back inside of your mouth. 
“All of it.” Your captain has a sinister glint in his eye as he smiles down at you. 
You grin up at him stupidly, still coming down from your orgasm. Luffy quickly tucks himself back into his shorts and chuckles at you. 
“Okay y/n, I’ve gotta train with Zoro. Maybe you should take a shower or something! Hah!” Luffy grabs your clothes by extending his rubbery arms and helps you off of Zoro’s dick and back into your garments. You had felt well rested earlier, but now you’re totally wiped. 
“Maybe I should take it easy tonight, thanks Cap.” You pull your hair up into a messy bun and head over to the hatch of the crows nest to return to your bedroom. 
“Hey, don’t fall asleep. I’m coming by after training.” Zoro calls at you. 
“Oh? Maybe I’ll come too, hehe!” Luffy laughs. 
“I certainly look forward to it, gentlemen.” You smirk as you lower yourself out of the hatch and go to freshen yourself… just in case round 2 was in your future. 
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angel-of-the-moons · 1 year
hi!! i’ve recently been struggling with my eating disorder, and i was wondering if you could do a hobie x gf!reader where reader is having a really hard time eating and he comforts her and helps her eat? lots of physical touch and words of affirmation if possible - and if this req is uncomfy i get it !!
Awww hon I hope this helps you feel a bit better!
Let Them Eat Cake (Or Something)
Soft!Hobie x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: Eating Disorders/Anorexia, hints of depression, bullying, some mental trauma, back at it again with the fluffy bullshit (Hobie also makes an inappropriate promise but nothing is detailed lol)
A/N: I myself struggle with eating disorders brought on by financial strains and mental issues (still do) so I totally understand this kinda thing!
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It was the little things Hobie did to take care of you that most people probably couldn't imagine someone of his niche to do.
Things like peeling off the nutrition labels to things you'd buy at the grocery store so you couldn't stress over the calories (or lack thereof), buying those meal replacer shakes for you to try when you didn't want to eat; hovering over (respectfully) when you prepared your meals, saying little things to encourage you to fill your plate more.
"Ay, you should try this. Saw it online and heard it tastes pretty good with that, yeah?"
"Jus' a bit more, I can still see some on ya plate there. Almost done and it's less stuff wasted, right?"
He would even call or text you to eat one of the little snack baggies he'd prepped you full of healthy snacks. Even if it wasn't a full meal, helping you eat throughout the day brought him peace of mind so he wouldn't worry about you wasting away.
He'd read up on eating disorders and didn't like it one bit, so he devoted half his time with you around meals more focusing on you, even while he scarfed down his own portions.
Hobie had an insane metabolism, it was like he was constantly eating something in some way or another to keep himself going, and at some point you'd joked he had a black hole for a gullet.
But still, he would watch you out of the corner of his eye, taking your little mouse nibbles here and there, sipping your drink...
He knew that bringing it up front would only upset you, so he'd do little things to distract you from your thoughts of your food. He'd play little games with you. Like 20 questions. If you got one wrong, you'd have to eat another bite of your food. It would continue like that until your food was gone and you didn't realize it.
A punk with a heart of gold, Hobie Brown was. Though he'd never admit it out loud, even the members of his band would snort and laugh at how soft he was with you; though they understood completely why.
Today, you and Hobie went out for lunch, and you two attracted more than a few curious glances at your contrast in styles when you sat down to order. People just loved to stare, didn't they?
You idly played with your chips, pushing them around on your plate, your chicken sandwich sitting with just a few bites taken out of it.
"Ay, luv. Eyes bigger than your stomach, again?" Hobie asked, sipping his pop.
"Yeah... I just didn't think there'd be so much of it. I just..." You sigh, feeling defeated.
You'd had this problem since you were barely a teenager, and it only got worse after time. At least you stopped making yourself vomit up all your food.
You remember how badly it went when your mother caught you doing that.
In truth, you only started starving because... well. In school you were always insulted by the "prettier" girls. You'd always assumed you were pretty too, that's what your parents and relatives would always say. But being in the face of a gaggle of obnoxiously made-up girls rag on you in the lavatory, in gym class, or lunch... the pressure to be "thin" was hammered into you. If you looked like them, they would leave you alone.
And from there it went. You'd tried dating before, but none of your partners ever took care of you. Hell, one of them practically encouraged it and showed you diet pills online. You broke it off pretty quick after that.
Hobie was honestly the first to not automatically suggest you get locked in a mental ward, or just force yourself to scarf portions that were too much for your shrunken stomach to handle. Hobie was gentle and sweet, understanding with you.
Like he was right now.
"Well we can box it up and you can toast it up for later, alright?" He suggested.
His own plate was empty and your still practically full one wasn't lost on him. But he knew that directly pointing at the elephant in the room would only upset you.
His boot nudged your foot under the table and he gave you a smile, his eyes lighting up.
"Yeah.... yeah I can do that." You smile back sheepishly, letting Hobie flag down the server so he could pay (his treat, after all) and get you a to-go box.
Later that night, Hobie had reheated some leftovers from the night previous and toasted your chips and sandwich for you to finish off again; because ugh, nobody enjoyed soggy microwaved chicken and chips. And if they did they were a complete loon.
You sat snuggled up on the sofa, your food in your lap as Hobie's characteristically empty plate lay on the coffee table next to his propped up feet as the program droned on the television in front of you.
His hand rubbed your arm lazily up and down in a soothing motion as his eyes flicked down to your plate.
"You gon'a finish that, luv?" He hummed softly, kissing the top of your head.
"I..." You sighed down at the plate in your hands.
"'S all right." He mumbled into your hair. "But ya do worry me, baby. How about this... if you finish your food.... hm."
He looked at the ceiling and you could tell that he was faking thinking of something serious.
You knew it especially when he gave you a cocky smirk.
"If you finish your food, I'll do that thing you really like, for you, eh?"
"Hobie!" You snort, rolling your eyes at him.
"Oh? Not what you want, hm? How about..." He tapped his chin with his free hand, once again making a grand gesture of "deep" thought.
"Fine fine... how about we go to that li'le art museum you've been goin' on about?"
Your eyes light up and you look at him.
"Yep! Really. But only if you finish your food." He put a finger under your chin and kissed your nose.
"And eat breakfast tomorrow."
Hobie smiled to himself as you tore into your food with motivation.
Being Spider-Man didn't always mean fighting the oppressive regime they were stuck with. It wasn't always about thwarting criminals in the streets.
Sometimes it was about coming home and making sure his girlfriend had enough to eat.
And that was plenty for him.
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sstormyskyess · 10 months
Hi there! I love your holiday prompts!! Could I please request 24 with Ghost and a female (or GN!) reader? 🫶❄️ thank you so much!!
Slippery Surface
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author's note: yes you may anon! this was a cute one, i’m glad someone requested it! i hope everyone enjoys the first winter prompt request 💜 [side note: this is meant to be read as fem!reader but it honestly could be gn! as well]
cw: just fluff!
word count: 1100+
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
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You grumble to yourself, shifting a few of the bags you’re holding to your other arm. In hindsight, it might’ve been a good idea to do your mall shopping over two different trips. It also would’ve been nice if you had been able to anticipate the freshly frozen puddles of ice littering the parking lot and sidewalks, but so be it.
Your arms were starting to burn the longer you struggled with the hefty bags. You walked slowly, carefully, to ensure you wouldn’t slip on the ice; you’ve already had a few close calls, and the last thing you needed to cap off this hectic day was to break your damn tailbone right before you made it to the safety of your car. Not to mention all your items would collapse with you, some of them fragile and expensive.
Finally, you see the glorious sight of the car and you sigh in relief. One of your arms was shaking from exertion at this point, begging to be freed from the weight it bore. You make it to your destination and put everything in the trunk, stretching out your arms with a little wince. You take a moment to sit in your front seat and check to see if you got everything you came for.
Your shoulders drop as you make it halfway down your list. You missed one thing. You curse under your breath, leaning back in your seat and rubbing your hands over your face in an attempt to stop yourself from tossing your phone out of your window or some other such act of rageful aggression.
Then, you realize something. The one store you could get that last, pesky item was going to close soon. That has you shooting up and clambering out of your car to rush back inside and buy it before you missed your chance. All of the caution you had before was thrown to the wind as you dashed across the parking lot and back to the doors of the mall.
It was just your luck that there would be a sneaky patch of ice right on the edge of the sidewalk. You catch your foot on it and slip, falling forward and failing to catch yourself, landing on your shoulder with a rough ‘thud!’ You yelp in pain, squeezing your eyes shut to hold back the tears welling up in your eyes. “Ow, ow, ow…” You whimper, shakily turning over to try and get up.
A looming shadow approaches you while you’re in the process of standing up and you glance up. You’re met with the sight of an absolutely hulking man, dressed in a black layered leather jacket, the hood pulled up over his head. He has a black face mask covering the lower half of his face, only his piercing brown eyes revealed to you.
You blink, staring at him dumbly before acknowledging the fact he was holding his gloved hand out for you to pick up. You hesitantly take his hand and you squeak when he pulls you up with no struggle whatsoever. He lets you smooth your sweater down and fix your scarf before taking a good look over you. Didn’t seem like you were too badly hurt, luckily.
The air is awkwardly silent for a few moments before you clear your throat. “Thank you for the help, sir.” You scratch at the back of your neck, the embarrassment finally hitting you. He nods. “Of course.”
You glance between him and the doors to the mall, wringing your hands together. “Um—do you want to, uh… get something to eat at the food court—? Oh! Y’know, to apologize for making you help me up?” The man just stares at you for a few moments, a slight tilt to his head and a raised brow. Eventually he nods, allowing you to lead the way. He follows you inside and lets you take him to the food court.
It takes a lot of fussing, but you convince him to let you pay for his food and you walk with him to a free table, one of the very few available. He sits across from you and you start to eat your food, glancing up at him occasionally.
“So, what’s your name?” He suddenly asks, making your eyes shoot up to him. “Oh! Right, we never introduced ourselves…” You laugh bashfully, your face heating up. You tell him your name and he tells you his, ‘Simon.’ You smile. That was a nice name, you think to yourself.
Conversation flows well from then on, with you both getting to know each other better. You learn that he’s military, and that he’s on a short leave for the holiday season. You also learn he was spending his time alone, a fact that made you a bit sad.
“Do you want to do this again sometime before you leave again?” You blurt out, only fully registering your words after they’ve left your mouth. “I-I mean, only if you want to! No pressure—”
“Sure. What’s your number?” He says in that deep timbre, pulling his phone out and opening up his contacts.
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You look back fondly on that fun little day, a nice distraction from the current stinging pain in your hip. “God dammit…” You groan, putting pressure on it in an attempt to ease the pain just a bit. Simon looked you over, a little chuckle puffing out from behind his mask. “Shut up, Si!” You frown, taking his hand when he reaches out to you to pull you to your feet.
He brushes some snow off your clothes, ruffling your hair and smiling at the cute little pout on your face. “You okay?” He wraps his arms around you, rubbing some soft circles into the hip you fell on. You huff, looking away from him. “I’m fine…” You mumble. He leans down to kiss you on the forehead, a silent apology for teasing you. You accept it, tucking your head against his shoulder.
“Gettin’ a sense of deja vu here, love.” He takes a glance over at the mall where you first met a couple years ago, where you were now going to do your holiday shopping again. “Yeah. Must be something about this terrible parking lot.” You pull away and instead take his hand, walking beside him through the sliding doors of the mall.
Simon squeezes your hand. “It’s not all bad. We met in that parking lot.” He chuckles, following beside you as you walk to the clothing store you frequent during this time of year. “Part of me is glad you fell on your arse,” he sees the offended look you give him and is sure to clarify, “a small part of me, promise.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever, Si.” You grumble, taking your hand from his and crossing your arms. He has a sympathetic look in his eyes when he wraps his arm around your shoulders, pulling you to his side. “Here, let me buy you something pretty. To apologize, y’know?” He smiles under his mask when you nod, pulling your scarf up to hide your smile. “It’s a plan then.”
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𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
jason todd gets beaten up in a mission so he comes back home to his partner who takes care of his wounds. some comfort and lots of showing love through physical touch 😖❤️
Jason Todd x GN!reader
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● it wasn't uncommon for Jason to come home to you injured and wounded
● but tonight he came home so badly beaten he could barely stand on his own
● he comes stumbling through the door and you hurry to his side to help him to the couch
● "Holy shit Jay what the hell happened?"
● "deathstroke happened"
● you get him out of his suit and he's bleeding everywhere
● Dick had given you plenty of training on how to properly treat these types of severe injuries so you grab the first aid kit and start cleaning and disinfecting all of the gashes along his body
● he's wincing in pain as it takes nearly an hour just to get the bleeding under control
● "I'm sorry baby I know it hurts"
● every chance you get you kiss his cheek just to show him a little comfort
● his hand is on your back, rubbing back and forth partially to comfort himself but also because he knows you get freaked out when he comes home in this bad of shape and wants you to know he's okay
● you're stitching up the last of his wounds when his stomach growls so loud
● "you want me to cook you something?"
● "Please do, I could really use some food to refuel"
● "let me finish this last stitch and I'll see what we have"
● neither you or Jason are the best at keeping up with groceries being that you mostly eat take out but you scramble something together
● he's scarfing down the food and you're sitting next to him gently play with his hair
● "you feeling better?" You ask when the plate is empty
● "so much better"
● "Alright let's get you to bed, you need to rest"
● you help Jason to your bedroom, putting him in some sweats to sleep in and ease him into bed
● "I don't know what I'd do without you" he teases as you get into bed next to him
● "well let's hope you never have to find out," you smile kissing him goodnight
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barbarianbookhoe · 1 year
Chapter 1
As the years passed, Y/N learned how to blend in with the workers of the club, trying her best to hide her need to shapeshift, keeping her gift to herself and her partner as they both climbed the rankings of the Dregs. (If you didn't count her brother, who seemed annoyed anytime he had to join her for their weekly training, and would rather eat his hair than admit he liked it.)
She didn't want to draw attention to her magic, especially in a place where people would kill for her head, if they knew how much she was worth. The arrest warrant came seven years later, while she was on a job and had to use her powers to help her friends escape the stadwatch.
She found out about the bounty while she was looking for a gift for her nephew's birthday, and as she rounded the corner, on the brick wall studded with multiple job requests and wanted papers, there was one, which stood out to her.
"Wanted dead or alive! Shapeshifter woman, aged 19, seen mostly around the East Stave and the Crow Club. Look for: burn scars on neck, green belt scarf. Reward: 100 000 kruge!"
Y/N stopped in her tracks as she read it, then let out a small laugh as she took off the paper and hid it in her coat's pocket. You're trying to find someone who changes looks faster, than you can blink. Ha! Idiots!
That green scarf she usually put around her waist, was one of the only things anyone gave her while she worked at the Crow Club. The boy was far more ruthless and cold than his age required, never laughing or smiling, or even seeming to enjoy anything. One day when Y/N was fourteen and came back from her first mission with the Dregs, all bruised and cut, the boy stood next to her and gave her that emerald green scarf. He told her that he noticed when she was stuffing it in her jacket, only for the scarf to fall out from her pocket while running, so he went back and retrieved it. When she asked why, the boy answered with something, that replayed in her mind for the next few days: "I saw how badly you wanted it. It was just a stupid piece of fabric, but it seemed you loved it. Yet, when you saw it fell on the ground you didn't stop to get it back. You ran with the others, and when you thought the danger was gone, you tried to go and find it. But when the stadwatch saw you, you dropped it, and ran again. You're a greedy person, but you didn't let greed take over your life. And that's something you won't see often in the Barrel." Suddenly the soft fabric felt heavy in Y/N's hands, as she slowly realized what he meant by his action and words. She decided she'd rather eat dirt, than lose the scarf that reminded her of him.
Y/N made her way to the West Stave, where she thought she might find something unique the little boy would definitely like. Her nephew was a curious kid, therefore anything that seemed new or foreign to him, he took interest in it, and played with it until he passed out. For a 2 year old he was quite full of energy, a trait that no side of his family had.
Y/N had been looking at multiple handmade toys, stuffed animals and even a kitchen supply stand. She started to forget what gift she wanted to give in the first place, when she came face to face with a stand that sold blankets, carpets, curtains and even tapestries. The woman who was shouting numerous prices about numerous fabrics, saw Y/N eyeing one of the blankets and quickly came over to her.
"Good morning! Can I help you with something Miss?" She asked on a cheerful voice.
"About that knitted blanket over there," she pointed at said item, just on top of the multiple piles. The woman held it up for Y/N to see it. "Do you sell smaller ones?"
"Yes. Do you want a knitted one?" The woman asked and Y/N nodded, before she reached into one of the piles and pulled out another knitted blanket. It was way smaller than the other ones, and some strands were hanging out of it, like it had been pulled by someone.
"Perfect," Y/N whispered as she took it in her hands to take a better look at it. The woman apologized for the state of it, offering to find one in a better condition, but Y/N just waved her off. "Don't worry about it, it's for a kid. He's going to rip it to shreds in a few days, anyway." She smiled at the woman and gave her the money, thanking her.
She folded the blanket and tugged it to her chest as she made her way towards her small shop. Her father teaching her the basics of making weapons came in handy, after she got a job offering at the Dregs' private gunsmith. After three years of kindness and a little forgery, she got to keep the place, the workshop basically becoming her second home. After a while, Y/N and Raffiel decided it would be more practical for her to buy the apartment above the workshop and live there, instead of walking back and forth between their aunt's house and the workplace two-three times a day, not to mention the visits she had to make to the Crow Club and the Slat, delivering the finished knives and guns.
She was about to open the front door of the shop, when she felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up. It felt like someone was watching her and she took a glance around the area, finding nothing. When she finally stepped inside the shop, she heard the faint sound of boots clicking and a very familiar voice whispering, "That was my foot!". Y/N put the blanket on the counter before going outside again, checking her surroundings. This time she saw the figure of a certain sharpshooter walking closer and greeting her with one of his famous smiles.
"Morning beautiful! How are you on this lovely day?" Jesper asked on a suspiciously giddy voice as he leaned on the wall next to Y/N. She just rolled her eyes as she let him inside the shop. "I gave you my address for emergencies only. What do you want now?"
"What? I can't visit one of my dearest friends to see how they're doing? You hurt me sweetheart," He said exaggerating almost every word, earning a knowing look from Y/N. Jesper took a sharp inhale before he spoke up. "I need a favor," Jesper began explaining his problem with his revolvers, how it happened, and how it was none of his fault, which Y/N knew was a big fat lie, but she listened to his reason anyway.
"So you want me to fix your revolvers by tonight?" Y/N asked and saw Jesper shift uncomfortably from one leg to another. "Look, I would've got here sooner if it weren't for Kaz, and his firm belief that my duty is to guard a door," he told her which made Y/N look at him with lifted eyebrows. "That's your job, Jesper," The boy shook his head at her words.
"No, no, no. My job is to shoot things and look good while doing it," He smiled and Y/N let out a quiet laugh as she shook her head. "How you managed to not die yet is beyond me." She let out a sigh as she motioned for Jesper to give her the guns. "Look, I never had to do anything with your guns, not even cleaning them, so I don't exactly know how they look when they're in pieces. I can't promise they'll be done by tonight, but I'll try what I can. I know how much they mean to you," she told him and saw the boy almost ready to say a prayer at her words. Jesper thanked her multiple times as she walked him to the door, so she could start working.
The workshop, along with her, was loyal to the Dregs, which meant she always started with their requests and orders. The orders usually consisted of simple knives and guns, all of which had no mark or sign as to where it came from, making them untraceable for anyone who found them. Then after lunch, she'd take a look at other orders, to keep up the image that the workshop belonged to no gang, inviting in more customers.
After the gunsmith's death, Y/N practically became her own boss in the shop, so her work hours were quite flexible. Some days she refused to even lift a finger after five bells in the afternoon, some weeks she didn't sleep for days, trying to get the orders done as soon as possible for the extra money.
This week was one of those weeks, and Y/N could already feel how exhausted she was going to be by this weekend, just by looking at the requested items the gang needed. She cursed them for not taking care of their weapons enough (not like Inej and Jesper did at least), as she got to work. She let her mind wander elsewhere as she grabbed a box and began gathering some weapons listed on one of the orders, to see how much she'll have to make. The morning turned into afternoon, and later into night, but Y/N only left the workshop for a very quick lunchtime at her brother's, to give her nephew his gift. (Which he started to chew not long after she gave it to him.)
Meanwhile, a few blocks away in a club filled with rich merchants, unlucky tourists and the smell of cheap alcohol, Kaz Brekker was scheming once again. After telling Jesper, Inej, Nina, Matthias and Wylan about the Ice Court job and the fact that Wylan's not only Van Eck's son but their demolition expert, they begin to argue. It only goes on for a few minutes before Kaz settles it in his usual way, making Matthias tell Wylan everything he knows about the Ice Court, so Wylan can draw a map for them. After they get it done, and Matthias reluctantly explains every detail of the security protocol, Kaz turns to their group.
"We're going to need weapons that are easy to hide, but no one's going to recognize. We'll need a gunsmith," he told them.
"There's at least a dozen gunsmiths in Ketterdam," Jesper said casually.
"We need someone we can trust with this. Someone, who doesn't ask questions, someone who..." Kaz didn't finish his sentence as he stared into space, his mind moving a hundred miles per each second he stayed silent.
"Scheming face?" Jesper smirked at Inej as she looked back at him. "Definitely"
All of a sudden Kaz moved to the door as he called out for them. "I know who we need. Follow me," he said and walked out the door without looking at them.
They shared confused glances, before quickly going after him. The darkness of the night was in favor of them, for the citizens didn't take one glance at their strange group, led by none other than Dirtyhands himself.
When they reached a gunsmith's shop, Kaz didn't stop at the front door as expected, but instead went around the corner and walked to the backdoor. Jesper and Inej shared a curious look as Kaz picked the lock and went inside.
The lights in the workshop were turned off and the fireplace was dead too. The only thing that indicated someone was here, was the warmth that still radiated from the fireplace, and the half-done knife sitting on the working table. As they slowly glanced around the room, Jesper's brows furrowed.
"Wait, this place seems awfully familiar," he whispered, looking at Inej next to him, but she just shrugged her shoulders.
"They must've went upstairs, come on," Kaz whispered firmly and made his way to the staircase that was hidden behind the wall, next to the fireplace. Not knowing what else to do, the others followed him.
"Looks like no one's here, so why are why whispering?" Nina asked and Kaz harshly shushed her, which made her open her mouth in surprise. Before she could respond, Jesper put his hand on her mouth, muffling her words. She looked at him with raised brows but Jesper just shook his head. Don't piss him off right now, his eyes said and Nina huffed, but stayed silent.
Kaz knocked on the door twice, but he was met with silence. He knocked again, this time using a pattern that made the other five person behind him look at each other with even more confusion than before. When there was still no answer, he grabbed the lockpicks from his pocket and just as he put them in the lock, the door flew open, revealing a woman in dirty clothes, numerous knifes and tools attached to her belt, with a rifle pointing at Kaz's head.
"You're not supposed to be here Brekker," she said calmly, slightly lowering the rifle to his throat as he smirked.
"I have a job for you, Orlova." Kaz said on a sweet voice, but his gentle voice went unnoticed, because the five members behind him were too surprised to notice. Wylan, Nina and Matthias was surprised to see a woman in general, Inej and Jesper was surprised that it was Y/N, their most trusted friend.
Y/N tilted her head slightly to the side as she spoke. "What's the prize?"
"Four million kruge. And the bounty gone from your head."
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salternateunreality2 · 6 months
Miscellaneous Neurodivergent (ND) AGSZC Headcanons/Alternate Universe
Disclaimer: not an expert
AU setup: all the boys are neuro-spicy except Angeal, who has depression/anxiety. I HC that GZ are more ADHD-leaning and SC are more Autism (ASD)-leaning
From: the archives of my convos with @strayheartless
Everyone has a fondness for really dense, tiny objects. Cloud has a heavy, cold wolf charm that has tiny shards of ice-type materia for eyes. It's always cold and reminds him of home.
Zack definitely has a slap bracelet that doubles as one of those reversible sequin thingies. It has a frog head. He either violently slaps it on things when he's wound up, or meticulously makes all the sequins go the same direction when he's hyper focusing on it, or roughly pets it up and down to change colors rapidly, or digs the sequins under his fingernails. He also fiddles with the felt tongue and makes it go floopfloopfloop and lick his friends.
Sephiroth doesn't understand at first, and Zack's the one who buys him a plethora of toys. Some of them he hates, some he loves, and most of them he keeps in a basket for his friends at his flat. There are a couple noisy ones he hides from Zack, or "accidentally" lets Zack steal. I think his favorite would have to be something that goes with his uniform, probably the ornate belt buckle he has in canon. He can trace the design with his fingers or fiddle with the tassels. I'm mostly thinking of the round one, but it could be other parts of his uniform too.
Genesis has puzzles of all sorts around him at all times. He prefers quieter ones made of wood and string that he can carry around, but has loud metal ones, large boxes, etc. He sadly broke the water ring puzzle Zack gave him in a fit of rage and never solved it. It's just as well, the thing was tacky. (It is not just as well, he still gets angry thinking about it and wants to beat it SO BADLY, feels guilty for breaking it, and feels ashamed for letting it best him).
Angeal enjoys solving Gen's puzzles from time to time.
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Angeal: is bewildered, but bought extra to keep on hand
Genesis: LOVES THEM, and won't say so in those exact words; rather, he has a myriad of scientific evidence to back his opinion up
Sephiroth: every spoon is a tiny spoon to the lorg boi
Zack: likes them, but also needs normal and big spoons to shovel food in
Cloud: secretly really likes them, but also likes comically large, inappropriate spoons, like wooden stirring spoons
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Living Spaces
Filled to overflowing, but mostly tastefully arranged: Genesis
Spartan by choice: Sephiroth
Spartan by necessity: Cloud
Neurotypical: Angeal
Messiest apartment: Zack
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One of Seph's subtle stims is swishing his hair. Idk if you've ever done that with like a high ponytail or something, but you just very subtly move your body and all the hair goes whoosh whoosh.
Zack starts squatting subconsciously.
Cloud likes ducking his head into his shirt/scarf.
Genesis is very rhythmic, he likes tapping, humming, whistling, and reciting certain poems.
Angeal will find himself tapping along to Gen sometimes.
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Angeal makes an absurd amount of buttered noodles with milk for Cloud when he's suffering with mako, and figures out how to make bland enough noodles from scratch because he's a legend.
(yeah, this is a bit of a stereotype, but have you HAD buttered noodles when you can't eat anything else?!)
Meanwhile, sensory-seeking Genesis and Zack bring home the weirdest, most flavorful things they can find.
Zack: Cloud! Look at this! I have crawdad claw fingers now!!! RAWWRRR!!!!
Cloud: ...enjoy your creek bug.
Not that Cloud can't eat almost anything; growing up poor forced him into many sensory experiences with food he Did Not Enjoy, but now that he has more of a choice, he saves the DEMON SPAWN FIRE SAUCE HOT WINGS foods for Zack.
Genesis pretends to be a snob, so his weird food has fancy names and costs a pretty penny, like escargot.
Sephiroth, much like Cloud, can choke down almost anything in the name of ingesting calories, but he likes simple, tasty things that aren't mushy.
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Angeal will try most things and is a member of the clean plate club.
Deep Pressure
All the boys love hugs from their partners, and these 5 gentlemen give the best deep pressure hugs ever. The strength in their arms makes the pressure so strong, satisfying, and secure. They can also be found laying on each other just to get smooshed and feel grounded.
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Meow (Echolalia)
Zack wanders around meowing, setting off Cloud and Sephiroth.
Angeal joins in because he thinks he hears a cat, and he's a good sport.
Genesis: Angeal. Why are you meowing.
Angeal: just talking to the cat, don't mind me 🙂
Genesis: ....YOU DON'T HAVE A CAT
Angeal: ...I don't have a cat, what the heck?
Zack, Cloud, Sephiroth: meow
Sephiroth is very good at imitating sounds; it makes sense though with his alien shapeshifter genes. He also chirps, like, a LOT, like a cat luring in his prey
See also: why he quotes Loveless.
Genesis: *spiraling about something, overstimulated, self esteem in the toilet, pacing, babbling*
Sephiroth: My friend, do you fly away now?
Genesis: *instantly snaps out of it, comes over for snuggles*
Sephiroth: *purrs*
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thespiritssaidso · 2 months
Food Is Life, and Life Hates Juliet
Summary: Juliet hasn’t been able to shake this on and off nausea for what feels like years. She usually avoids food whenever she feels particularly icky, but this time tries eating something anyways. Big mistake.
Notes: yeah I moved day 22 to day 8 what are you gonna do about it?
Based on my own current nausea (I didn’t want to wait and I couldn’t think of anything for the migraine prompt)
Whumperless Whump event day 22 8: Better Out Than In
⚠️ if talk of eating and puking makes you uncomfortable, do not read ⚠️
Juliet and Shawn sat at their couch, takeout boxes from the Jamaican food truck on each others lap.
Shawn was scarfing his food down like it was the last day he would eat. Juliet, however… she pushed her food around. The nausea hadn’t gotten better like it usually did when she got hungry. It just stayed. She was still hungry — she could practically feel her stomach clawing at her throat, begging for food.
But simply looking at the curry chicken in front of her made her want to vomit. She could feel the tingly sensation in her lips as she stared at her food.
“Are you alright, Jules?”
She looked up from her box and saw Shawn observing her in concern. “Oh, yeah, I’m good.” He didn’t look convinced, so she scooped a bit of chicken onto her fork and took a bite. She wanted to gag, so so badly. The feeling of the food she normally loved felt revolting in her mouth. The sensation felt wrong on so many levels she couldn’t even begin explaining. But she smiled instead, chewing and swallowing.
Shawn didn’t seem too reassured by that. But after giving her another concerned look, he turned back to his food.
Juliet tried to as well, forcing herself to eat because it was good for her. It had to be good for her. Food gave nutrients her body needed. Nutrients to keep her energized. So why was it rejecting it so violently?
She ignored every instinct inside her body telling her to stop eating please for the love of god stop eating stop eating stop stop stop stop stop-
Her stomach bubbled, and she let out a small burp. There was a small amount of upchuck that followed it. She just shoved it back down. And she went back to eating.
It only worked for a minute before it happened again, this time more harshly, and more in quantity.
She tried swallowing it back but ended up slightly choking on her own vomit. Coughs forced their way out, racking her body. The box of curry chicken fell from her lap and spilled on the floor.
“Jules!” Shawn reached out and gently grabbed her hand, resting another on her back.
Juliet gasped for air once her airways were clear again. As she did, an ominous feeling rose from the pit of her stomach.
“Shawn, I need to-” a gag stopped her from saying anything else. She got up and ran as fast as she could. No time for the bathroom, it was too far away. She settled for the trash can in the kitchen.
The second she had kneeled down next to the bin, the gates to her stomach broke wide open. Her eyes watered as it came out not only her mouth but from her nose as well. She tried her best to hold her hair back as the contents of her insides emptied themselves.
Juliet felt Shawn’s hands moved hers away, delicately pulling her hair back. “I got your hair, it’s fine. Better out than in.”
So she did. She sat there for what felt like an eternity, hugging the trash can as she puked her guts out. Juliet couldn’t remember the last time she’d thrown up. Years ago, it must have been.
It felt awful. The burning sensation of stomach acid in her throat and mouth and nostrils. The uncontrollable shakes that came with it. The tears blurring her vision. It was horrible, and it reminded her why she never ate when she had The Bad Feeling.
“Okay, Jules. Let’s- let’s get you to the sink, yeah? We can wash you off there.”
She nodded, and weakly stood. She almost tripped, but Shawn caught her in time for her to regain her balance. They shuffled their way to the kitchen sink.
Juliet wetted a rag and began washing the upchuck from her face, Shawn keeping her upright all the while. As she did, the trembling subsided somewhat, and her energy began to return. Breathing came easier, so in between each wipe she took deep, filling breaths.
Once her face was clean, she rinsed her mouth out with the tap water, gargling and spitting out any vomit that tried to stay behind.
The shaking had finally subsided, and Juliet could fully stand on her own now. She sighed deeply. “I think I’m going to brush my teeth.”
Notes: I couldn’t figure out how to end it ahhhhh
Anyways, thanks for reading
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heeseung-min · 2 years
Christmas with yandere enha? s/o and enha do fun stuff at christmas
fluff :)
oh my god this is cute😆😆😆
Yandere Enhypen Reaction: christmas with their s/o☃️🎄
"Heeseung!!! Let's make ginger bread. I watched some recipe on youtube."
You pulled your boyfriend's hand to the kitchen before stared preparing the ingredients. The man looked a bit confused because he didn't know what to do and waiting for your instruction.
"Baby, I think we should just buy from bakery instead. It's too much work."
"No, it's not! I mean- well this is our first time doing it but that's okay. Who knows maybe the first try is better."
You wiggling your eyebrows to him while confidently put the ingredients inside a big bowl.
However, Heeseung is right.
Both of you were staring at the gingerbreads in front of you. It was hard as rock and burnt. You giggled embarassingly when you realised you had mistaken the time to put it in oven.
"Hehe well...people make mistakes, you know? Maybe we should buy it from bakery."
Heeseung shook his head after let out a sigh. He can't be mad at what you did even though you nearly burn the kitchen. You are precious after all. He hugged you closer and kissed your forehead making you blushed badly at the sudden affection.
"How about we stay here and eat ramen together?"
"What the fuck Heeseung...it's literally christmas and you wanted to eat ramen??"
"It's better than burnt desserts."
You were excited to open the prizes you guys bought for each other. You told Jay to buy anything that he think you would like because you want it to be surprise.
However, you forgot to tell your rich boyfriend the amount of gift he should buy.
Now, in front of you there were 10 presents and most of them are in huge size. Meanwhile you on the other hand had prepared only two gifts for him.
"Wow, so many presents."
Jay laughed and handled you one of it for you to open.
"You can open it first, honey."
When you had opened half of the prizes, you became slowly disappointed on yourself because everything that Jay bought for you are literally expensive and branded while you only knitted a sweater and scarf for him.
You looked at him worriedly when he tear the wrap paper apart and examining the sweater and scarf you made by yourself.
"I'm- I'm sorry I should buy something expensive for you. I thought you wouldn't buy me expensive thing for this christmas so I decided to knit the sweater and the scarf. I'm sorry if you hate the- aackk"
A sudden hug from him stopping you to talk. He giggled and left some kisses on your skin.
"Hate? Honey, I will accept anything you did for me."
You were sulking.
And obviously it's Jake's fault.
Both of you had went to stores to buy decoration for christmas. It was fun at first with Jake trying the fake white beard and act as Santa but that's changed when there were three boys you assumed there were middle school students complimenting you. You were so glad and thanked them but Jake being mad at them and caused a small argument.
You knew your boyfriend is posessive but this time is not grown adult but a boy that talked to you. Nothing wrong with that and he's too stubborn to admit his wrong thus making you giving him silent treatment.
Now, it's been hours and you still didn't talk to him. It made your boyfriend felt lonely because he always cling to you and do the decorating together.
He sighed when he realised you will not talk to him until he apologises. He lowkeyly admitted it was childish of him to get mad at the boys but he is jealous okay?
"I'm sorry. Are you still admit at me?"
No response. Jake whined when you decided to leave him alone at the couch. He ran after you and stopping in front of you making you glare at him.
"You need to kiss me."
Jake lifting his finger up to make you see what was the above of you.
A mistletoe.
You rolled your eyes when the man in front of you smiled brightly and puckered his lips for you to kiss.
You can't be mad at him for too long when you love him too much so you hold his cheeks and kissed him. He made you squealed when he pulled you closer to his body.
"Merry christmas, y/n."
"Merry christmas, Jake."
"Make sure to balance yourself and slowly try to walk."
You guys were skating on frozen lake near the house. You asked Sunghoon to teach you how to skate since he is pro on it. But, after few times trying to teach you, you still couldn't balance yourself and keep falling.
Sunghoon also not giving any help instead laughing when that happened. You gave up on the skating and slowly walked out of the lake and sat on the ground that covered by snow.
"Are you giving up already? Come on, I didn't know you are that weak."
"I don't want to skate anymore. You keep laughing on me."
You took a handful of snow and shaped it to round. Sunghoon giggled at your acts then doing few rounds skating on the ice. After 15 minutes, he went to look for you but frowned when he didn't see you playing with snow like earlier instead he only saw a snowman.
"What the? Did she-?"
He nearly ran wanted to find you but stopped when he felt snow behind his head. He became relief when he turned back to see you were laughing at his confused and shocked face.
"Do you think I'm running away, Hoon?"
"Woman, you make me scared."
"Catch me if you can!"
It is definitely the best christmas ever you spent with Sunghoon.
Sunoo and you were playing snowball fight. You woke him up this early morning to build snowman and when it was nearly done, you threw a handful of snowball to his face. That's how the fight started.
Sunoo looking at you running from him while giggling uncontrollably. Seeing you with that bright smile and happiness on your face made him flustered and proud at the same time.
It's been a year and this is the first time he spent christmas together with you. He swear this moment is magical and hoping there will be many memories he can create-
"Why are you stopping? I thought we were fighting snowball here."
You pouted when Sunoo stop fighting and looking at him confusely. You slowly back away when he ran to you and shouted a little when both of you fell to the ground.
It didn't hurt since the ground covered with snow but you were flustered at the sudden close distance between him and you.
"What- what are you doing..Sunoo?"
"Are you blushing right now, baby?"
"I- I'm not! I just asked why are you suddenly do this?"
Instead of answering you, he kissed your lips while both of you still on the ground with him being on top of you. He parted away when he felt you pushing him away slowly.
"Christmas with you is definitely the best."
Jungwon woke up from the bed when he felt no one beside him. He groaned a little because it's cold and he wanted to sleep more with you in his arms.
He went to the living room when he heard you cute giggles. Looks like you were decorating the christmas tree. Damn it, why are you so cute? Not only that, his grandmother also helping you doing it together. What a lovely sight.
"Jungwon! Look at Injang and Garden. I made them a beanie."
The boy laughed when he looked at the succulents. The beanie is really cute and he pulled you closer to him.
"You make them feel warm. I want it too."
"You rascal, why are you so needy this morning?"
"Grandma! I'm not like that."
You and his grandmother laughed when Jungwon started to blush. His grandmother went to the kitchen to make breakfast leaving both of you. You hold his cheeks and stare straight to his eyes.
"Oh, baby. You are still sleepy, hmm?"
"Why did you wake so early? I still want to cuddle with you."
"You can do it later. It's christmas today. Go wash yourself."
You pecked him on the cheek before walked to the kitchen to help his grandmother but got pulled back so he can kiss you on the forehead.
"Merry christmas, baby."
Nishimura Riki
"Riki, where are you?"
"I have some matters to do. Can you wait for me?"
"Okay. Be careful, riki."
"Sure, babygirl."
He waited for you to hang up before turned to the person in front of him.
"Hyung, I don't know what to buy for y/n! Please help me. Please!"
Heeseung and Jay shake their head at his agitated state. Earlier on this month, the boy flexed himself to them that he will give you th best present in the world. However, looking at Riki right now seems like very different with what he said.
"You said you don't need our help."
"I was kidding. I'm sorry. I didn't know it can be this hard."
The guys keep suggesting to Riki things that he can buy for you but your boyfriend declined it all and stated reason that you don't like expensive thing or their suggestions are too cliche.
The boy came back to home sadly with a plastic full of bungeoppang. He cursed himself for crictising his friends suggestion but he too is cliche for buying that pastry as gift.
"What took you so long? I feel bored sitting here alone."
"I'm sorry. I was finding something."
"Ohhh. Come here, let's open the present. I'm curious what did you get for me."
Riki felt guilty so bad that he nearly wanted to cry. He gave the warm plastic bag to you while shutting his eyes. He was afraid of your disappointed face. He felt a bit weird when you suddenly laughed.
"Riki! We bought same thing."
He quickly opened his eyes and looked to you show a bag of his favourite desserts too and your laughing state made him relief and a bit tears came out from his eyes.
"Hey, why are you crying?"
"I- oh god I thought I am such a bad boyfriend for buying this as your present. I don't know what to buy for you and all of the suggestions from hyung are expensive and too cliche. But here I am bought this street food-"
"Riki, relax. I don't care about the gifts. What I only want is celebrating the christmas with you."
Nishimura Riki swear that you are the best part of his life and no one can change that.
AHHHH ITS DONE😆😆🥺🥺 it's been so long doing the yandere reaction. Sorry if some of them were too short or too long☹️😭 Hope you guys enjoy thiss
Andddd merry christmas and happy holiday to everyone😁😁 Make sure to stay healthy!
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount
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oogieswife67 · 4 months
Been having fun with Fellow Honest as a God idea with @twistedtummies2 and I had a random idea for Fellow last night SO
The bedroom of the Fox God was bigger than what any citizen could imagine, but he wasn't done growing. There was blue and green fabrics that draped between the stone columns, blocking anyone's view of the room, while the spacious floor space was covered in blue and orange throw pillows and blue blankets, all of which were from various offerings Fellow got from the people of the land who came to worship and plead for their desires.
Of course, it wasn't just pillows and blankets that he would get. From what one can see just by looking at him- he was getting fed quite well, by both his servants and offerings. His belly was always so big, round, and soft when he'd take the time to rub and make it jiggle. His hips and thighs had got thick too, though a bit harder to see thanks to how his toga would hug his body. Each step he took one could get hypnotized with how his ass would bounce, if one could see it when his tail swayed from side to side.
Now there was this fox God in his bedroom, over two times the height of a man from when he first came to the land from some time ago, quite thick in the belly and hips, and surrounded by a dozen men and women. Were they worshippers? Servants? Even... offerings? One couldn't tell from a glance, but it didn't matter to Fellow. He looked to all the mortals before him, smiling warmly at all of them as he lifted their chins to take a better look at them.
But this wasn't for love... Oh no.
This was for hunger.
The human he was examining first would begin his feast. His mouth opened widely and began to eat them up. The humans around him watched, almost... envious, that it wasn't them that were first eaten by the God. The two mortals that were hugging Fellow's waist would watch and feel that soft belly expand with its first offering. They watched in fascination, and watched the belly move and distort with the mortal trying to get comfortable within the immortal stomach.
Fellow looked satisfied with the start of his dinner, licking his lips and taking this moment to feel the movements within him. His hands felt over his middle gently, then he sees one of the other humans that weren't hugging his waist take his hand, almost like they were begging to be eaten next.
And the God would allow it.
He opened his mouth widely and scarfed down the human, expanding his belly further and making it come even more alive. The humans within him try to get comfortable, but little did they know that they wouldn't be the only ones in the stomach.
The other humans wanted to be eaten so badly! It was like they were under a spell, or hoped that them or their families and friends would be blessed. Fellow found it so amusing...
And oh so tasty.
Fellow would gulp down these humans one-by-one. His belly would expand and strain with the lives that once worshipped or served him. This feeling felt so good. His toga managed to stay together through all this. The humans hugging his waist found their faces smothered with his swollen, active belly.
They didn't realized they were the last to be eaten.
Fellow first went for the human to his left, giving them a loving gaze as he got them to stand on their feet by lifting them up by their under chin. He opened his mouth widely and swallowed them right up.
The last person watched the God's belly grow and move with the 11 mortals trying to either get comfortable or out. It took them a moment to realize that they were the last one standing.
And didn't get a chance to run.
Fellow looks into the eyes of the last mortal, giving an almost loving look while he licked his lips slowly. The mortal was simply entranced by what they saw...
Even as the God's hungry maw opened wide and swallowed them whole.
Fellow laid back in his throw pillows and blankets, moaning and sighing as he felt his dinner struggling within him. His toga still stayed intact, even with the swift movements from within the swollen mass. Suddenly, Fellow's cheeks puffed up-
Fellow sighed in content after such a belch, patting his belly happily as the movements slowed down a little. He dug himself further into his pillows, getting more comfortable before he closed his eyes to sleep.
He had more wishes to grant tomorrow, after all... perhaps the mortals will throw themselves at him to be eaten like today...
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Transman Jack Krauser x Transmasculine Reader
I usually write far more detailed things than this, but I'm currently in the ER and thought this would be a fun thing to brainstorm. I hope y'all enjoy. This is my poetry/writing blog but you can find more of my content on @toadwarts and @boipussybiohazard I definitely plan to write more of this along with Krauser dating hcs!
First Meeting
• Krauser comes back to consciousness after being stabbed by Leon. He is injured and not particularly able to move, but Albert Wesker has been keeping an eye on him. Agents are sent to retrieve his body and are shocked when Krauser is in fact alive, if barely.
• Wesker dedicates time and resources to healing Krauser, with the written contract that Krauser will now become one of his agents. Krauser is a BOW now, and Wesker has enabled it so that he may mutate at will. The Plagas could not be removed without killing Krauser, but it could be modified. When not mutated, Krauser's arm and face are still disabled--leading to difficulty with facial expressions and motor impairment.
• Krauser knows how to do one thing well, and that's following orders. Him guiding Leon to finish him off was the first decision he had made completely on his own and it failed. He is empty, a shell of a person, and has nothing to live for. He does work for Wesker and he does it well.
• Krauser has to forcibly de-mutate after a heavy skirmish. Going in and out of mutating is incredibly painful, but it was neccessary this time. He is badly hurt and finds you cutting through some allies to get home--he demands medical items, food, water. He is extremely intimidating. You look at him and his arm bleeding profusely while dangled at his side, and think of your own disabilities. You struggle with walking and have an exceptionally weak constitution. You understand the pain in his eyes that he tries to hide behind a biting tone, though you have no idea who these mysterious man in military fatigues is. You speak to him softly and get him some first aid. His cruel manner of speaking goes silent, but he is cold. He mutters something about being too far away from his rendezvous point.
• You offer him to take it easy in your apartment. He is incredulous. You suspect there is more to him than meets the eye. You tell him gently that you lost your parents to an operation by Umbrella...looking at the sudden widening of his eyes, you realize your hunch was right. You let him know that you tend to keep your head down and just work your 9-5, so he should be safe at your studio apartment. He reluctantly agrees and walks with you, insisting on carrying the groceries you had had in his uninjured arm. You get a feeling he is showing off his machismo, but for who? It's clearly hurting him. You fret, though you get the feeling that if you showed him pity you'd likely get some knuckles to the face.
• You go to give him the bed, but he refuses. Not in a chivalrous sort of way, but instead claims that he isn't soft and he'll do just fine with a sleeping bag. He keeps muttering how he shouldn't even be here. How he has no idea of what to do with civilians like you. Too normal and complacent, people like you are. He seems lost. You smile and start making something simple for you both to eat. You figure a big guy like him eats a lot.
• He's an army guy, obviously, so you want to try and find something familiar. All American. As he tends more to his arm, you fry up some hot dogs and warm the buns. You grab each of you a beer from the fridge. You bring it to him and he blinks. Doesn't say thank you, just starts to eat. The way he scarfs it down is more than enough for you. He asks for seconds, then thirds.
• "Who are you?" You ask.
• "Not important." He says. He takes his time with the beer. Looks like this guy is a locked chest, and you won't be getting anything from him soon. After he's fed and you give him some of your pain medication, you crawl into bed. You wonder if you're safe--he's an older man with bloodstains on his clothes and has hardly said more than a few sentences. He doesn't exactly scream safe... After all, he IS taking advantage of you, isn't he? Or at least he tried, before you led him right to your home like a lost puppy.
• Still. You remember what happened to your parents, and the flash of recognition in his eyes when you mentioned Umbrella. Umbrella is why you had been disabled and silenced...why your parents were dead. Maybe they had hurt him too. Maybe the world itself had. He looked like a guy carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, hiding it behind snarky remarks and a deep scowl.
• You didn't believe in fate, but when you fell asleep with him sitting straight up and staring at the wall, you felt like this was something meant to be. You wanted to help him, but you also knew...that was his choice. Not yours.
Getting to Know Each Other
• Krauser stays with you for a few days. All he says is that he cannot reach his contact. He is abrasive and mostly silent. His eyes are empty and he stares out into space often.
• Over the next three days, you slowly get him to open up. You ask him what his favorite movies are, and he flatly says he doesn't watch movies. Board games? No. Books? No. Video games? No. Hobbies? Nu-uh. You are shocked. Irritated by you, he finally tells you he hasn't bothered with anything like that since he was a child--he was too busy with his military career.
• You invite him to watch a movie with you. It's some military flick, not something you're particularly interested in. He is reluctant, but sits on the couch. He clearly doesn't know what to do when out of action.
• You watch the movie together and have to take frequent pauses for him to make some sort of commentary or get up and pace restlessly. A two hour long movie turns into four hours. You don't mind, because he's finally talking, and he's finally passionate about something. He has a sneer that most would find nasty, but you think is cute. You're receptive to his infodumps and understanding of his needing to pause, and he notices this.
• You watch more movies with him--he loves Highlander and Braveheart, movies like that. You show him sci-fi and fantasty, move on to some comedies. The Princess Bride actually makes him laugh. The two of you start talking more. He isn't sweet, but he's a great verbal sparring partner, especially when he's passionate about something.
• He shows you one of his knives and the tricks he can do with it. He seems to glow from the way you're impressed, but just acts like he deserves it. He tells you about his favorite knife, one he...gave away to a friend. You don't ask questions.
• One day, he is just gone. It was only five days, but it felt like forever, and you wanted to get to know him more. It felt like this mysterious stranger had left an imprint on your life forever.
• Three months pass. Nothing. You grieve that you never learned his name.
• You come home from work one day, struggling with your cane. Your back and leg are killing you. You almost scream when your front door swings open as you approach, and your Mysterious Stranger is standing there. He grins at you, seemingly pleased to have given you a fright, then has the decency to look sheepish. He says he remembered the spare key. He tells you that he needed a place to stay again. You're incredulous, but let it slip. Not without bitching at him for eating your food and leaving without a word. He bites right back, your home feels more alive again.
• This cycle continues. He finally tells you his name. Jack Theodore Krauser. You love it. You spend a lot of time inside, showing him different kinds of media, but slowly get him to venture outside. He almost seems agoraphobic when it comes to anything other than a battlefield or room with four walls, and it's a long process. He's not used to eating things much more than MREs and chicken breasts and veggies. You get him to try new things, to venture out to the park, to find some new clothes at the mall. Specifically at the big and tall store.
• You two have fun together. You become good friends, and still you don't know a lot about each other. It doesn't matter.
• He gets the mail one day. He's a nosy bastard and opens it...it's your testosterone subscription. You see him holding it and nearly have a panic attack! You have no idea how this army guy is going to react to the fact that you've been hiding something so big and--
• Krauser stares at the prescription for a moment, lips pursed. He shrugs and tugs up his shirt. Barely there, extremely faded, are keyhole top surgery scars. You would have to know what you're looking for to see them, especially with all the muscle he's built.
• You both kind of stand there in shock, before he tells you about his experiences as a gay trans man in the American military. How much he had to hide, the papers he had to forge... It was a hard life. He finally tells you about Operation Javier. His face is stone cold, but his hands tremble. The military discovered he was transgender then. Between that, the failure and his disability, it got him discharged.
• You put a hand to his. He's so much bigger than you, different than you, and yet...there is a thread that ties you together. Many threads. He looks at you, his glassy blue eyes hiding any trace of emotion.
• And then he leans down and kisses you. He is a sloppy, wet kisser, and you can tell he doesn't have much experience, though his passion is like a brightly lit flame.
• You make out with him and curl up in bed together, the first time he has ever deigned to touch your sheets. He tells you about Las Plagas. He tells you what he is. What he has done.
• You smile at him. You let him know that you would love him no matter what.
• He says nothing.
• He is gone in the morning.
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themimsyborogove · 9 months
idk if ur still taking requests/ideas or not, but if so, do you think you could write a little something about Magnus taking in a young warlock and teaching them magic, like how Ragnor did all those years ago with him?
I’m sorry this took so long, anon. I hope you’re still around✨
Crickets chirped loudly from their hiding places, and a breeze blew across the crowded alley holding the Kyoto Shadow Market, raining bright fall leaves onto the stalls. Magnus generally preferred to come to Kyoto in spring time, when it was the cherry blossoms shedding their petals like a warm pink blizzard, but fall certainly had its charms as well.
He stopped to examine a stall selling fruit and flowers gathered from the parts of Faerie more easily accessed from gateways in Japan, and harder to find in New York. He was contemplating the flowers, trying to determine which he might need for potions in the near future, when he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye.
Magnus grabbed the hand before it could reach out and snatch one of the fruits. “I wouldn’t do that,” he murmured, soft enough that only the would-be-thief could hear. “Stolen faerie food isn’t safe to eat.”
“Let go of me, asshole!” the girl he had grabbed said in the kind of stilted English that had likely never been used outside of a classroom full of kids giggling over swear words they had learned to fluster the teacher. She was wearing a school uniform track suit with a huge scarf wound around her neck.
Magnus steered the girl away from the faerie stall before she could draw more attention to herself.
“Is this your first time in a Shadow Market,” he asked, switching to Japanese.
The girl looked relieved and stopped trying to struggle out of his grip. “I didn’t know where to go. I saw lights I had never seen before, and I followed them here.” Her free hand reached up to touch the scarf around her neck, bulkier than the material should have been, and Magnus had an inkling of what the answers to the rest of his questions were going to be.
They had broken out of the thickest part of the crowd, and Magnus spotted a stall selling noodles, the stools around the bar-like table shielded by a half curtain.
The girl watched him warily as he ordered two bowls of noodles and gestured for her to sit down. “I don’t have any money,” she said.
“I know,” Magnus replied. “It’s obvious that you’ve never tried to steal anything before. If you’d had money, you would have used it. Sit down, you must be hungry.”
The girl sat and looked between her bowl of noodles, topped with a thin slice of fried tofu, and the fox-like faerie who had served them to her. “Kitsune udon,” she muttered under her breath, with the air of someone still astonished to find out how much of their folklore was based on truth. “I never thought about why it was called that.”
“Do you have a name?” Magnus asked. She might not yet, depending on how long it had been since she found out what she was. Magnus hadn’t for a long time in the gap between the normal child he thought he had been and the person he had found himself to be.
“Aoi,” the girl mumbled, swallowing a mouthful of soup. She ate slowly, Magnus noticed, taking a long time between one bite of food and the next. He also noticed that she hadn’t removed her scarf, despite the warmth of the noodle stall.
“I’m going to make a guess, and I want you to tell me how close I am,” Magnus said. “Something about you changed suddenly, and frightened you so badly, you ran away. Kyoto is filled with foxfire lights, which you were suddenly able to see. You followed them here and found yourself surrounded by all manor of things you thought only existed in stories.”
Aoi nodded, something about the movement awkward and uncoordinated. “I turned into a monster,” she whispered.
“Not a monster,” Magnus said gently. “A warlock, a magic user, like I am. Warlocks bear marks showing what they are,” he gestured at his own cat eyes, “but sometimes the marks and the ability to use magic don’t come until a child is older.” Aoi look like she was thirteen or fourteen. Old for a warlock mark to manifest, but not unheard of.
“It was my school trip. Everything was normal, and then suddenly it wasn’t,” she said. “They all screamed when they saw me,” she added in a strained whisper.
“No one here will scream,” Magnus said.
Aoi unwound her scarf, revealing an elongated neck, coiled around itself like a snake, that she had done her best to hide under the fabric. She watched Magnus warily, like she still expected him to scream and run for the hills. When he didn’t, she relaxed a little.
“How did this happen to me?” she asked.
Magnus sighed. “Warlocks are children of humans and demons. The demonic blood is what marks us and gives us the ability to use magic, but it doesn’t make us monstrous or evil. No more than any other person at least. Some demons can shapeshift. It’s likely your mother never knew what had happened.”
Aoi scrubbed a hand over her eyes, wiping away the tears before they could fall. “I can’t ever go home.”
“Do you know that for sure?” Magnus said gently. “You said your warlock mark appeared during a school trip. There’s a chance your family will still welcome you home.” It happened, sometimes, to warlocks who were lucky.
“Did your family welcome you?”
“No,” Magnus said. “But I have friends who grew up loved, despite what they are. The choice is yours. If you want to return home, I’ll go with you and help explain your situation. If you would rather stay here, I’ll teach you how to navigate the Market and how to glamor yourself so normal humans won’t notice your warlock mark.”
“I want my mom,” Aoi said in the kind of small plaintive voice that made her sound very, very young.
Magnus waved his hands, a Portal forming right inside the curtain of the stall. The kitsune behind the counter glared at him. Most Downworlders considered it rude to open Portals in the middle of the Market. Magnus ignored him and stood up.
“Then let’s go and hope for the best,” Magnus said. “Think of home and this will take us straight there.”
Aoi’s eyes went wide with awe. She looked down at her own hands. “Will I be able to do this kind of magic?”
“With enough time and training,” Magnus said. “Being a warlock isn’t all bad,” he added with a wink. “Now think about home.”
Aoi wound her scarf back around her coiled neck, took a deep breath, and led the way through the Portal.
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hanakihan · 2 months
(non full and not complete) ultimate EdSali headcanon and brainrot list (because apparently I have poor self control and have those men in a chokehold just like they have me)
- constantly claims he’s not Salieri, but he IS an actual Salieri; the funny thing is that since his existence is a mixed result of actual person and rumors, Innocent Monster’s reluctance to respond to Salieri’s olive branch is what leads to their collective suffering (eventually they do find a form of an inner piece and due to Salieri’s acceptance of his innocent monster aspect it results in much more stable mixed spirit origin)
- due to unstable nature of his spirit origin and as such much faster mana exhaustion even outside combat it’s not an unusual sight for Chaldea inhabitants to find him passed out in corridors or sleeping in most random places; some were even (un)fortunate enough to see poor man pass out from exhaustion and mana deficiency in middle of conversation or doing anything; da vicni links it to what people call narcolepsy
- under normal circumstances initially a ruler but forced to be an avenger, salieri himself feels close to rulers too, hence why he’s probably the only one to peacefully coexist with them despite classes differences as well as being the most non-avenger behavior wise unless it concerns Mozart or rare cases of innocent monster going out control. as a result of ruler-avenger alignment, salieri’s music and voice can have either pacifying or exciting effect based on desirable result and salieri’s own mood
- despite being an avenger, his class’ passive skills work extremely poorly with him, especially in self healing department. hence why after battles he needs extra more time to sleep and food to eat as well as visiting medical room. his exterior can negate this problem but makes mana issue even worse hence why eventually he’s forced to learn to wear it partly on damaged body parts to speed up healing which gives his appearance even more artificial feeling to the point of it looking like prosthetics.
- manifesting in avenger class made salieri actually a fully albino, which means he shouldn’t spend too much time under sun (and he actually doesn’t want to himself because he handles it badly). considering that with proper ruler summon he would’ve had his black hair and golden eyes at least in one of ascension stages, sometimes at calmest moments his eyes can turn golden, after finding peace within himself his eyes turn into red-golden gradient.
- since he’s able to transform his blood into strings, he’s also able to manipulate said blood in general to certain extent, but such experiments mostly leave him anemic and make things worse, so he rarely goes beyond strings
- finds the fact that he’s manifested with a pair of misericordia absolutely hilarious in dark humor way, wondering if one of them is for mercy kill on Mozart and other is for his own suicide after it
- his neck scar is forever raw and fresh and ugly - it’s a proof of his existence in a way, and if it heals/disappears it means his existence stop as well. it hurts from time to time and actively bleeds after battles so his red neck scarf helps to cover such fact. aside from that his neck scar also behaves like a growing pattern that goes beyond his neck in cases of overexertion - going as far as reaching half of his face and fingers, which leaves him covered in bloody red alive pattern he absolutely hates and thinks it’s extremely disgusting.
- tends to avoid musical instruments or singing at all since it’s what salieri loved and did in life (despite itching to do so because he is salieri and is just in active denial within himself), but that doesn’t mean he isn’t appreciating other music at all - in fact, since master introduced him to headphones and modern music that’s one of his favorite pastimes simply because it fascinates him.
- salieri sleepwalks. since he’s one of few servants who require sleep as necessity like humans do, it’s not rare to see him aimlessly sleepwalk across Chaldea at nights either ending up asleep in random locations or in local music room since that suppressed craving of playing music is realized in his sleepwalking.
- despite his attitude he’s extremely good and patient with children or young servants/people due to his life experience of being a father as well as a music tutor and a leading kapellmeister. he keeps things organized and strict where it’s needed but not to the extremes, if anything he’s so good at it he’s consistently sought after. Children servants especially adore him since he not only participates in their tea parties (he can’t say no to them), likes sweets like them, but also plays music for them and tutors them on music or singing. he still continues to claim he’s bad with children and doesn’t know how to handle them.
- the moment any of his students manage to get summoned in Chaldea he becomes extremely happy, eventually it evolves into them all asking if they all can perform under his conducting as a sign of gratitude in a way, and mostly to fill in salieri’s kapellmeister title.
- he himself doesn’t know what exactly are his minions. it’s not like they’re able to explain themselves but he kinda rolls with it because they’re nice to him. he can’t keep them manifested long enough so they keep to be a complete mystery even to him. after some time with better mana resources he starts to have some suspicions that are confirmed the moment minions gain enough mana supply to have proper manifestation - apparently those are his 8 children who became a part of his spirit origin but only as ‘placeholders’ because not much known about them and they’re mostly a basic fact on his biography that’s known well enough. because nothing that much is known about his children, his minions lack many emotions, feelings and ability to speak as well as names, so for time being he goes with calling them after notes (as well as two most similar ones going by Ut-Do duo to make it 8) and because all they can do is to chirp in their respective notes. eventually it becomes better and they all start to have distinctive behavior and preferences but aren’t able to start to properly talk aside from simple words despite salieri’s teaching attempts. in long run they also become emergency mana supply by simply being near salieri but after that they fall into hibernation for some time. sometimes everyone wonders who’s watching after whom.
- he avoids any event like a plague especially if it involves change of clothes because he doesn’t feel comfortable in any other outfit. hence why he visits madame crane’s dress making room only because of his children minions and even that is at their curious demand (he’s eventually dragged into some gala related event which means crane got a time of her life)
- behaves like an edgelord and laughs maniacally to keep himself sane enough. since he’s relatively fresh from château d’if, his ptsd kicks in more than he would’ve liked to, so being assertive with his attitude makes him feel more in control as opposed to feeling of his own life going out of his control one again. in especially bad cases he prefers to find secluded place and have his breakdown that involves thinking he’s still back in that hell and mostly hallucinating about abbe faria. it isn’t healthy at all but he doesn’t know any better way.
- he’s extremely numb to pain thanks to not only different pain levels experience but also due to some of his nerves being damaged as a result of that. which is why he always ends up with extremely nasty injuries he barely notices until someone points it out to him. the only pain he feels to full extent is phantom pains from his engraved scars.
- lives on coffee and cigarettes to the point that’s his coping mechanism. he sees so much shit on his assignments he sometimes just stares into distance while smoking he actually considers visiting a psychiatrist
- he knows social etiquette of high society and is actually capable of proper interactions but isn’t fond of it because he is a man of common origin after all, but that doesn’t mean he can’t use his knowledge is low key roasting
- despite not yet reaching point of facing consequences of his revenge, he does have knowledge of what will happen and that’s why he avoids children at best of his ability. not only he doesn’t know how to handle them, he also feels guilty about what happened to young Edouard which was partly what snapped him out of his revenge frenzy. also avoids them due to youthful naivety that is still present in them, something that was brutally torn from him.
- sometimes hums sea shanties when doing something. also as a result of potential of being summoned as a rider class is also extremely good with ships and that’s what sometimes makes him end up in argument with ship related rider class servants.
- despite everything he is pretty much the dad of the avenger bunch even if others aren’t listening to him most of the time they do acknowledge his authority as the mostly known origin of said class. he bickers with other avengers but he’s also the one to stand on their side if need arises because he is rather protective of his own kin
- after master offhandedly mentions how his story became a basis for whole ass genre of revenge stories in east, he decided to check couple of them only to realize what a burning dumpster most of them are. reading them becomes his favorite past time just because it’s absolute trash and cringe he can laugh about.
- freckles. he has freckles and those became apparent after his imprisonment for decades and not being under sun as a result of that. his unnatural paleness makes them more prominent which is partly the reason he needed to wear makeup as a count
- he has subtle case of claustrophobia, where closed dark space without anyone in sight awakens visions of his cell and that can trigger further ptsd chain if he doesn’t deal with it on time
- despite his abilities and outfit, he is cold to touch and is freezing from time to time. chateau d’if wasn’t warmest place as well as that dive in a body sack.
- it’s hard to say from his looks, but he really likes to eat. mostly no matter what as long as it’s edible since he does know what (self inflicted) starvation feels like and he doesn’t like it. on top of that he prefers commoner’s dishes as opposed to ones of rich society. only exceptions are tobacco and coffee because if he’s gonna fuck up his ‘health’ he’s gonna do it expensive way
- isn’t a fan of fancy outfits but that was during his revenge time, as of now absolutely rolls with whatever the fuck master has in mind this time because it’s both fun and he knows that he’s got the looks for it
EdSali exclusive (we’re entering ultimate delulu territory which is also filled with jp headcanons bless pixiv)
- they had absolutely nothing in common but apparently master’s remark about keeping an eye on unstable salieri is what kicked their interactions into actions. from then on dantes was observing salieri’s state and only stepping in to make sure man won’t disappear from lack of mana.
- from then on dantes became salieri’s main mana supplier through hand holding for small period of times. it was mostly done in complete silence but eventually they started to have small talks during whole procedure.
- what probably really kicked their relationship to even start in some way than ‘supplier-supplied’ is edmond having beginnings of his ptsd in most unconventional time. upon hearing suspiciously quiet edmond mutter faria’s name, salieri puts two and two and starts to carefully say things in italian just to see how it will play out. it does work even if dantes mistakes him for abbe faria in his delusional state. that’s also where salieri’s innate ruler skills for pacifying shine.
- as a result of better mana supply and control of it salieri’s minions were able to take proper appearances that salieri has to keep manifested most of the time since he doesn’t have a heart to dematerialize them. as a result of that mana consumption once again overweights its renovation. it returned him to starting point but even worse so minions started to seek out dantes because mana they use has his traces.
- dantes is high key terrified being pursued by so many children who can’t even speak and only proceed to chirp and tug at his cape. he does feel a certain familiarity from them but can’t pinpoint it until they lead him to unconscious salieri. that’s where first ‘kiss’ happens and dantes starts to have suspicions about minions’ appearances. eventually it results in dantes spending more time around salieri which also turned into weird high key married domesticity that they don’t notice but bystanders see. dantes also becomes the one to mostly drag salieri’s sleeping or sleepwalking body back to his room since dantes himself doesn’t usually sleep.
- no one really knows how dantes looked in his childhood years, so no one really connects the dots, but first time he saw salieri’s properly manifested minions he choked on his coffee because he’ll recognize that same face everywhere because all of them look suspiciously like him but also not. salieri on other hand doesn’t understand why his minions pester dantes and tries to stop them from doing that. it’s not rare for salieri losing them only for dantes to arrive later with a bunch of squirming chirping children that either have him in a death grip or he has them in a (choke) hold. ironically enough dantes is the one to better understand what minions want to convey.
- salieri with all seriousness without any other meaning thinks that count is really beautiful and aesthetically appealing. because of that a huge misunderstanding is born that salieri is secretly in love with dantes. dantes on other hand likes salieri’s music and overall character since it bounces off nicely with his own personality. everyone around logically misunderstands it as mutual pining and eventually start to make bet polls.
- since their more frequent interactions, their personal rooms started to change in appearance too. dantes now has more sugar and sweets stored, tea and even a violin, as well as more comfortable set of pillows and blanket in case he drags salieri’s unconscious body to his room or salieri himself simply out of nowhere will fall asleep. salieri’s room is not only stocked with bunch of stuff for his minions, but now also hosts coffee and books, as well as some expensive tobacco and alcohol. there’s also something to snack on since salieri did caught on count’s unconscious habit of snacking.
- salieri doesn’t think he’s a proper avenger hence why he’s so lacking compared to others. dantes does think he’s a strong avenger in his own right but also acknowledges that salieri’s position among them was pretty much forced. when salieri has episodes of doubt in himself dantes usually drags him into a sparring match, and in process of distraction and emptying his mind salieri does prove he’s more than capable avenger being able to keep up with dantes but exhausting himself relatively quickly.
- eventually dantes is the one to roll along with minions’ disaster ideas because it’s fun and chaotic and he’s all here for it (but also to keep an eye on them). it’s a result of dantes being their primal supplier and caretaker in times when salieri exhausts himself and needs rest.
- dantes and salieri eventually spend more time together just because they find each other’s company pleasant (and also because little gremlins try to set them up for some reason). they can be seen together in cafeteria, playing chess in one of rooms, once salieri heard count hum one of shanties and accompanied him on piano.
- during one of gala events they somehow end up dancing with each other and by the end of it things became much awkward because both felt how intimate and awkward it was. master from sideline watching whole performance and agreeing that it’s some real unresolved tension but also entire dance was rather sensual and personal, as if them talking through body language than actual words.
- things became even more awkward after both of them unintentionally fell asleep after gremlins exhausted too much mana from both of them. they woke up with tangled limbs and after initial internal screaming stage passed salieri tries his best not to laugh from grumpy sleepy count who clearly struggles waking up at mornings (and his wild bed hair). it’s also first time salieri realizes dantes has freckles since they woke up too close to each other.
- in battles salieri will prioritize stronger servants, which means in question arises he’ll take damage so better servants can have an advantage. couple of times it happened with dantes ended up in dantes’ loud and aggressive yelling. salieri’s counterargument that if stronger servant is out of commission it seriously complicates things. salieri has issues with his own worth which results in such high key suicidal behavior while dantes acts same way but out of fact that he can’t feel that much pain anyway, and salieri’s whole thing was kicked into action after dantes nearly lost an arm for him and didn’t even flinch. they’re both idiots.
- it once started as a joke about how dantes’ own theme would’ve sounded so salieri took it seriously and legitimately composed a piece for him. dantes was so moved he dropped his usual attitude and genuinely thanked him. since he doesn’t forget kindness but also doesn’t have any actual talent (cough) he just gives salieri some really expensive chocolate.
- salieri is the one to ‘kiss’ dantes in middle of a battle because his mana is close to none and master is busy supplying other offensive front, so without really thinking salieri just grabs dantes and kisses him (which is more about clashing teeth and awkward angle) only to jump back into action while ruffled dantes kinda freezes on spot from such sudden act.
- both of them can swordplay but while dantes has an actual knowledge on how to wield a smallsword, salieri’s style is pretty much self taught mess which dantes finds fun to go against because salieri’s unpredictable misericordia swings give a good challenge.
- jalter is few of ones to interact with both and after it just dying of cringe and complaining how these two are too fucking dumb to exist and seriously need a room, she’s clearly not paid enough for this.
- while dantes is cold to touch, salieri is usually feverishly warm. when they touch hands they become pleasantly warm. furthermore, their touch can soothe phantom pains of their scars. salieri laments dantes’ countless scars but admits they add to his looks, dantes on other hand thinks salieri’s scar is beautiful despite its nature and appearance. when salieri’s scar roots further dantes actually calls him beautiful despite salieri saying it’s ugly.
- both of them have extreme episodes of delusions, where salieri tries to stab or cut his own neck and dantes tries to gradually starve himself. while it wont have lasting effects or any serious impact, they both do intervene when it happens, with dantes apprehending salieri and taking misericordia away from him, and salieri forcefully feeding dantes.
- salieri doesn’t understand appeal of smoking and doesn’t like smoke smell. dantes once jokingly puffed it out into salieri’s face only to hear that it’s awful and smoke will damage vocal chords so later on dantes tries not to smoke around salieri.
- both of them are aware of their looks, and while dantes isn’t ashamed of his body and looks and casually can show it and all it’s scars (which is his summer outfit), salieri is actually really conscious about his (non) existent physique. once at beach dantes comments how salieri looks as staved as dantes back in château d’if but with salieri it creates a weird sickly aesthetic and appeal which dantes can appreciate.
- while with their appearances it’s not uncommon to see dantes sometimes carrying salieri around when man himself is out cold or too beaten up, the sight of salieri princess carrying beaten up dantes made several witnesses double take. salieri may appeal frail but he’s more than capable of carrying heavy things which is a must when he has 8 chaotic bodies to somehow carry around.
- when trying to speaks other’s language they find accents hilarious and rather endearing.
- when chance arises (or more like another inconvenience) they manage to visit their birthplaces. dantes calls château d’if his birthplace but salieri asks him to show him marseille.
- they seamlessly started to call each other by their first names. before that they went by ‘count’ and ‘kapellmeister’ in their interactions, but at one point it switched to first names. it doesn’t bother them as they thought it would considering identity issues.
- edmond’s palms are bigger but salieri’s longer and despite that they’re a perfect fit. skin to skin contact still feels awkward for them and such moments are one of few where dantes is clearly awkward in his own actions.
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princessgaia · 5 days
Havent ate all day until my boyfriend had me eat half of his maple donut. Ive been eating far too many donuts lately. I'm going to eat a banana now. I want to take selfies but . I may wait. I'm excited for my new clothes come october. But I had to put the dark green scarf and white winter hat on hold for a later time. I really love dark deep green and want da scarf badly lol. I will get it! Jus gotta wait. I almost wonder if I should go elegant gothic lolita instead of coquette. But my bf thinks egl fashion silly. It's in my roots tho since highschool. I decided not to get any chokers. But I am getting four neck scarf things. Pink and black all four lmao. I am also ordering two cardigans. I've loved cardigans ever since I lived w Jackie n alix. They make me feel like ballerina esque or atleast sophisticated. Ordered one dark brown one and one pale pink. So excited lol. Moms addicted to shopping. Now that I have a bf I'm more into my appearance. When i was single I jus wore baggy gym shorts , baggy shirts and leggings. Being a female is weird.
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silvercaptain24 · 2 years
Not My Dad Yet (but only because of my fear)
@shyrule @socialc1imb @arsonisticscholar @pokegeek151
I wrote this in like an hour and have no idea how.
He was done.
What time…
Wars looked at the clock on his computer- 2 AM.
Oh. Wonderful. He had to get up for school in four hours. 
Okay. Double check the planner, cross off the essay-
He’d forgotten his history reading.
No! He couldn’t have! He’d done-
The English reading earlier.
Warriors groaned, blinking back exhausted tears. It was fine. It would be fine. Really.
It’s not like he needed the sleep anyways. Mask always came first, and for him to come first now meant getting good grades in school and not slacking off so Fierce wouldn’t get mad at him and by extension Mask and it would be fine. Really.
It wasn’t like this was the third time this week he’d gone to bed after midnight. Nevermind the fact that it was Wednesday… today, actually, and he always ended up working a longer shift Wednesday. Nevermind the fact that he hadn’t had the stomach to eat dinner, even though he loved lasagna. It would be fine.
It had to be fine, he told himself as he opened his history book.
It had to be.
When Fierce got up and noticed Wars’ door open and the light still on, he peeked in. The boy was asleep at his desk, head pillowed on his arm and history textbook. Fierce couldn’t help but note how tired he looked, and he hated to wake him up.
Against his better judgment, he did so anyways, placing a hand on Warriors’ shoulder. He let out a sleepy moan and burrowed further into his arm.
“I know, but it’s already six thirty, you have to get up or we’ll be late, “ Fierce said gently, shaking his shoulder a little bit. Wars turned his head and blinked, then shot up immediately in his seat. 
“I’m so sorry I swear I set my alarm I don’t know why it didn’t go off-”
“Warriors. It’s okay,” Fierce said gently. “I just didn’t want you to be late.”
Wars looked at him, nodded jerkily, and moved towards his dresser.
“Breakfast is ready downstairs!” Fierce called as he left the room.
Mr. Lon (“For the last time, Warriors, please, call me Time.”) taught his history class just before his lunch in fourth period, and Wars had never been happier to slide into a seat. P.E. had been absolute torture, but Time’s class always kept his interest.
Or, usually kept his interest. Today it was taking everything he had in him to even focus on the board, much less the words.
The bell startled him badly when it rang, everyone else quickly packing up and heading out. Warriors pulled on his straps and stood, suddenly feeling lightheaded. White specks danced across his vision, and he buried his face in his scarf, trying to ground himself.
“Warriors? Is there something you needed?” Time asked.
Warriors tried to say something. “I need to sit down” or “I need to go back to my guardian’s house”, anything.
“I-” was all he could get out.
His backpack felt like it was pulling him down, and it was all he could do to not letting his vision go black, letting his knees buckle instead. There was a shout, and a sound of clattering, and then, suddenly, something warm around him and pressing against his side.
When had he ended up on the f     l        o            o           r   .    .     .
Time hummed under his breath, content. It had been a good class, with a couple of very interesting questions that he’d make sure to remember to tell Malon and Four about later. He placed the papers his students had turned in inside his bag, but looked up when a flash of blue caught his eye.
Ah, Warriors. 
Who admittedly didn’t look like he was doing too well…
Fierce’s words from their weekly phone call last night flashed into his mind, “Would you keep an eye on him for me? I keep trying to reach out to him, but he doesn’t want to talk to me, and I’m worried about him.”
“Just the one eye?” Time had asked then.
Now though…
“Warriors? Is there something you needed?” He asked, making sure to keep his voice gentle.
Warriors began shaking. His mouth opened as if to say something-
Time jumped his desk, and then a chair, just barely making it before Warriors hit the ground. He held him close, worry flaring higher and higher each moment. His phone was in his hand on instinct, thumb hitting the first number on his favorited contacts.
“Time?” Fierce asked, sounding confused.
“You need to come pick up Warriors,” Time gasped, “He just fainted in my classroom, I’m taking him to the nurse.”
“I’ll be right there,” Fierce said, anxiety cutting through his normally steady voice, and hung up.
Time looked down at the boy in his arms. He couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like if this was Twilight. They were around the same age, and his mind filled in the missing pieces automatically.
He shook his head to clear the images. Now was not the time.
“Oh, son, what did you do to yourself?” He muttered under his breath.
Fierce knew for a fact that he broke the speed limit the entire way to the school. He couldn’t find it in himself to care. His son was in trouble.
Time was at the door of the school, looking worried.
“What’s the news?” Fierce asked.
“Temp of 102. Severe dehydration and exhaustion. They think he just has the flu but that stress made it worse.” Time reported.
“How did I let it get this bad?” Fierce muttered.
“Hey. This isn’t your fault. You did the right thing and let him have space,” Time protested. 
“And now he’s in the school’s infirmary with a temperature of a hundred and two,” Fierce said. 
“Which is not. Your. Fault. Nor is it your fault that he hasn’t been able to bring himself to trust anyone other than Mask. It takes-”“Time. I know,” Fierce said, cracking a grin at the unintended pun. Time chuckled.
Everything felt fuzzy.
Veeeeeerrrrryyyy fuuuzzzy. And then there were bright color-
Oh he knew that face!
“Fi’rce?” He slurred, getting annoyed when his tongue wouldn’t work like he wanted it to.
“Yeah, it’s me. Come on kiddo, let’s get you home so you can rest.”
Hm. He was moving. That was kind of fun, actually. Then what Fierce had said clicked.
“N’p soun’s n’ce,” he got out.
“Yeah, you can take a nap as soon as we get home and get some meds in you, okay?”“Mmmhmm,” Wars said, resting his head on the warm thing again. It felt nice.
Fierce shook Wars’ shoulder, and the boy moaned sleepily.
“I know, but we need to get you inside and have you take some meds, then you can sleep,” Fierce said, gently carrying Wars inside the house. A few minutes of searching revealed some generic flu and cold medicine, and it took all of twenty seconds for Wars to swallow it down, grimacing sleepily at the taste.
“There we go,” Fierce praised softly, “Let’s get you to your room so you can sleep, okay?”“M’k,” Wars voiced, but only barely, sleep beginning to take him. Fierce smiled, then picked him up once again. 
The stairs up to the bedrooms weren’t too hard to navigate, the only difficulty being the stairway railing pressing against Fierce’s hip in an effort to keep Warriors’ feet from hitting the wall. It was even easier to slip back the blankets on Wars’ bed, slip off his boots, and tuck him in. His phone pinged- it was Malon, asking if he needed anything from the store. He sent her a couple items, then looked back at Warriors, looking more at peace then he ever had before.
“Get some rest, Wars,” He whispered, “I’ll take care of you.”
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