#I wanted to put the chorus but I have no idea what they're saying for half of it
crastlefolke · 2 years
Saint Sebastian - the rosemaries
we all know all roads lead there/ back to Rome or home or nowhere/tie me to an electric tree/a streetlamp crucifix for me
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optimist-pine · 4 months
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warnings: people are naked, but it's barely even borderline suggestive
Summary: You need a bath, but there's no way you're going alone
Era: Season 1, the Quarry
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Your skin practically crawls from the buildup of dirt, sweat, and who knows what else that's managed to accumulate over the past three days. You still haven't quite adjusted to the reality of not having on-demand access to a hot shower and your scalp is all oily, and itchy, and eugh - gross. A little shiver runs down your spine at the thought - well, maybe that's just more sweat...
The bold shades of the sunset are beginning to fade as you make your way to the Dixon brothers' camp. Currently they're the closest thing you have to neighbors, your tent being between theirs and the rest of the group. You're dying for a quick dip and rinse in the pond, but you don't actually want to die for a bath, and you know it's a dumb idea to go alone. Everyone else seems busy though and you've come to the conclusion that Daryl seems to be your only option.
Most of the others actively avoid the brothers, and you can't say you blame them. Merle's constantly stirring up trouble and being a general annoyance, and Daryl's quick to jump to his defense. But, on the rare occasion when Daryl isn't being held under Merle's thumb, you catch glimpses of a very different person than what he usually puts out.
He's sitting in an old lawn chair by the side of a fire when you approach, poking a stick around in the coals. Little sparks shoot off where the fresh evening air hits them, and the smell of woodsmoke fills your lungs.
"Hey." You greet. A spot of doubt begins to arise within you, but you quickly stamp it out. With recent events you were beginning to discover that there wasn't much room left for second guessing or overthinking anymore.
"Need somethin'?" He asks, eyes flicking up to you for a moment before returning to the flames.
You hang your thumbs in your belt loops, fingers tapping against your hips. "If you're not busy, I was hoping maybe you could go down to the water with me? I'd ask someone else but they all seem rather occupied at the moment... and I don't think Shane'd let me go alone." You say.
He looks up, jaw set awfully close to a scowl. "I ain't gonna be yer damn bodyguard." He huffs.
"No- I don't want you to watch me or anything like that- I guess I'm just asking for companionship?" You reply. "You could do whatever you're gonna do here, but just do it down there?" You hike your thumb over your shoulder in the direction of the pond.
He stays silent, but a sudden chorus of laughter flows out from the direction of the rest of the group. You study the way the firelight smooths out his rough edges, and you can't help but wonder if the look in his eyes is just boredom or if it's really loneliness.
"Unless you prefer Merle's company, then by all means I'll leave ya to it." You continue, trying your best to ignore Merle sawing logs in the tent, and erase the image of his hand too close to his crotch from your mind.
He jams the stick into the dirt hard enough that it remains standing when he lets go. "A'ight. Lemme get 'mah stuff."
"Awesome, I'll be over at my tent when you're ready." You smile, pleased and a little surprised that you'd managed to get him to say yes. Admittedly, Merle wasn't so bad when he was passed out, but it was reassuring to know that you were at least preferred company over an unconscious jerk.
Dirt and gravel crunch under your boots as the two of you walk, your knapsack bouncing steadily against your back with each step. "Thanks for coming with me. I'm not necessarily afraid of the dark or anything, but there's a lot worse things in the woods now than just coyotes." You explain. "And it's just nice not to be alone."
He simply grunts in response.
Good thing you didn't ask him along for his conversational skills.
When you reach the edge of the water you find a rock close to the shore to set out clean clothes and a towel. You see Daryl settle down, back propped against a boulder as he starts rummaging around in his own bag. "Whatcha gonna work on?" You ask.
He pulls out a whetstone and a couple large hunting knives. "Cleanin' mah tools." He replies.
You begin to undress, but a feeling of uncertainty causes you to pause. "Man, I wish I didn't feel like he's sitting up there right now with those binoculars..."
"Who? Shane?" He asks sounding surprised.
"Yeah." You shudder. "Guy gives me the creeps."
You hear scrape of the knife grinding against the sharpener. "Well, hurry up an'ere won' be anythin' ta see." He says.
"Yeah..." You keep your eye on Daryl while you finish, but he doesn't lift his gaze even once beyond sharpening his knife. "I won't be long." You assure him as the cool water rises around you.
As soon as you're far enough in you dive forward, the rush of water instantly reviving and refreshing your whole body as it flows past. You rise upwards as giddiness fills you and you break the surface with a laugh. "This is heavenly!" You gasp. You continue diving and twirling, every sore muscle and painful bruise easing away.
You pause to catch your breath and a small splash has you immediately alert. You left your knife up on the shore with Daryl, but you hadn't heard any sounds of alarm from him so surely it's not a walker. But when you look to the shore the sight has you almost equally as shocked. Daryl is chest deep in the water - bare chested that is - ripples being sent out across the still expanse as he sinks further in.
"Hey!" You yell. "I asked you out here because I thought you weren't some sorta pervert!" You hope it's dark enough that nothing in the water is visible because he's only getting closer.
The moon is full and bright, and the way it reflects off the water makes him look almost ethereal. "Can't protect ya if I'm up'ere an' yer alla'way out 'ere." He reasons.
"I don't need protecting." You roll your eyes. "And all the weapons are up there, Dixon!" You send a splash of water directly into his face.
He returns the splash. "Looked like I was missin' out on alla fun." He shrugs. "'Sides, ya never know when somethin' might jus'-" he disappears under the surface of the water and barely a second later something wraps around your ankle, tugging you under the surface.
When you're released you bob back up to the top wanting to be stern, but you're too busy giggling and swallowing mouthfuls of water to do so. When he surfaces behind you, you turn and splash him again sputtering, "Daryl you- that's not- I can't-" and end up full on belly laughing while trying to stay afloat.
You think you catch the shadow of a smile on his lips before he turns and floats away, like he's done nothing worthy of retaliation. 'Oho boy is he gonna get it.' As quietly as possible you lower yourself in the water, and using shadows from the moonlight, you swim under his head. Reaching up with both hands you use all your strength to grab his shoulders and pull yourself above the surface while pushing him down as hard as you can. Then you make a break for it.
You hear him gasp for air, coughing and sputtering as you swim as fast as you can in the opposite direction.
"Get back 'ere, woman!" He shouts, his tone highly amused. "Yer gonna hafta pay 'fer that!"
You don't realize how loudly you're laughing until the beam of a flashlight is suddenly shining directly in your face.
"Everything alright here?" Shane questions, standing on the shore not far from your and Daryl's discarded clothes. A few of the others are with him; Dale, Andrea, T-Dog, and Morales.
Even in the chilly water you can feel your skin begin to flush all the way down your neck. "Yes! All good!" You squeak out, squinting in the harsh brightness.
"We heard yelling." Andrea chimes in.
You're confident that in all your life you've never been more embarrassed. "That was laughing, guys. I wanted a bath and I asked Daryl to be my bodyguard. We were just, uh, blowing off some steam and I guess we got a little loud... Sorry if we worried anyone." You glance at Daryl who appears to be doing his best impression of the invisible man.
You can make out Dale's hat exceptionally well even in the darkness. "Are you sure you're okay?"
Their hesitation to leave sparks frustration within you - do they really think so lowly of Daryl? Is that what this is all about? Sure, nobody really knows him all that well, but you're all practically strangers and he's done alright by you. The desire to defend him takes over and you snap at the group, "Ah, what're y'all, the fun police? Go ruin somebody else's night and leave us be."
You don't take a good breath until they're all headed back to camp, and it's once again quiet and dark. You sigh, tilting your head back to watch the stars so high above as you float. "Dead people walking around eatin' living people - ya think they'd have bigger problems to deal with than a couple'a skinny dippers." You remark.
A quick exhale of a laugh, not quite a snort, echoes across the pond. "People're always jealous of'a good time if they ain't havin' one." He says quietly.
You pull your fingers through the water, feeling the tension push against them. "So... are ya feeling jealous, or did ya have a good time?" You ask.
"S'pose it wasn't too bad." He says. "But I ain't yer damn bodyguard."
And you grin.
Yeah, maybe it's a little awkward getting dried off, getting dressed, and walking back to camp but you sleep more soundly than you have since you arrived. And maybe you're a little annoyed with the way everyone seems to have nothing better to do than gossip, but that new gleam in Daryl's eye when he looks at you wipes it all from your mind. And maybe a lot of things suck, but at the end of the day there's someone who actually likes you, and maybe that's enough.
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steventhusiast · 4 months
STWG prompt 11/2/24
prompt: date night
pairing/character(s): steddie, hellfire club
it's valentine's week!! hopefully i can do all the prompts this week :)
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"And with that, the barkeep..."
Eddie pauses in his storytelling to glance away from the notes hidden by his DM screen and over to the clock. His eyes widen at the time. Is it really 7:53pm already? Shit.
"With that, this session is over. You'll find out what happens with the angry barkeep next week!"
Everyone in the room groans at that, a chorus of 'seriously's and 'what the hell, Eddie's starting up even as he hurries to put his notes back into his DnD folder, and dumps all his dice into his bag haphazardly.
No one seems to notice for a moment, too busy complaining about the cliffhanger, when Gareth suddenly pauses and examines Eddie with a curious look on his face.
"Hold on, you promised we'd finally find out more about the temple this session? Where was that?"
Eddie huffs in response, and doesn't even look up as he starts folding his DM screen.
"Yeah, that was before you guys decided to talk to every single person at the tavern for an hour and start a barfight."
"That's never stopped you from getting us to where you want us before!"
"Yeah!" "Exactly!" "Please, Eddie. What happens with the barkeep."
Eddie waves a hand at everyone, and looks up to see the younger kids complaining quietly to each other, and his closer friends still seeming to inspect him carefully. He supposes they're valid in that; he's not one to back down from his plans, and has never cut off a session like this before.
But. Today is special. Today he has...
"Oh my god, you have a date." Jeff suddenly says, his eyes a little wider than usual as he grabs at Freak's arm.
"What?! Who the fuck would he have a date with?" Freak scoffs.
Eddie ignores the blush fighting to appear on his cheeks and starts collecting all of his figurines scattered around the table.
"Eddie has a date?" Mike suddenly joins in from across the room.
And, great, now the baby sheep are involved too.
"It is none of you guys's business what plans I have after this session. But, really, I gotta go." Eddie tries, but now Dustin's attention is on him as well.
"That's so funny! Steve has a date tonight too- that's why we had to ask Nancy to pick us up tonight." He says with a laugh.
Eddie laughs along with him, a little strained now because Gareth, Jeff and Freak are now squinting at him.
"Yes.. What a coincidence." Gareth says slowly as Eddie continues to pointedly avoid eye contact.
"Anyway! Got a lot to, uh. Do. Running a bit behind schedule actually, so if you could.." Eddie says as he finally finishes shoving everything back into his backpack and throws it over his shoulder, gesturing toward the drama room's door.
The younger kids leave without much complaint, but Gareth, Jeff and Freak hang back and walk slowly alongside Eddie.
"So... Steve Harrington?" Jeff asks once the kids are out of earshot, his tone a little disbelieving.
"Don't say it like it's a bad thing!" Freak slaps him on the shoulder disapprovingly as he speaks.
"It's not a bad thing! Just.. unexpected!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Eddie tries.
"Sure, sure. Enjoy your totally not a date night that's totally not with Steve 'the hair' Harrington." As Gareth says that, they've finally reached the doors and Eddie can well and truly escape.
He's going to have to break a few road laws if he wants to get to Steve's on time. It's only their third date, so sue him if he wants to try to make a good impression.
Even if Steve's been his friend for a few months now, and already knows about his horrible time-keeping skills.... It's still worth a try. Anything to woo Steve Harrington.
part two
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luveline · 10 months
Omg Jade, I’ve been LOVING the asf resurgence ☺️☺️ It hits my heart in all the right ways!!
I was wondering if would please write something showing more of the burrow from asf? Would love to see Molly (alongside Fred ofc!) doting on the reader. Maybe she feels poorly during a gathering? Just an idea - no pressure ofc to respond or to go in this direction. Thank you either way!!! 😊
tysm for ur request!! sorry this took me a whole month ♡ fem!reader, 1.5k
cw mental health issues/ poor eating habits
The popcorn is greasy between your fingers. You look down at a slightly burned kernel without much feeling, giving it a squeeze to listen to the styro-foamy groan as it breaks. 
The crumbs fall down the front of your hoodie. The mess is enough to make you feel something other than tired, blinking to attention while you pick tiny bits from your tummy. 
Fred's hand reaches over to help. "Whoops," he says, flicking them off of the sofa onto the rug. 
"Don't do that," you chastise without any heat, nudging his knee with yours. "Your poor mum will have to clean it up." 
"No she won't." 
"Are you going to hoover before we go?" you ask. 
Fred puts his hand on your thigh for an unapologetic feel. "No. She'd be offended." 
It's hard to describe how something as simple and as normal as Fred's hand on your leg can make you feel. Suddenly, you aren't alone in your head, feeling all sorts of awful. There's someone with you. 
Fred often laments (with sympathy) that you live in the past. He's not wrong. There are things that haunt you without pulling punches, stuff that makes you feel sick even though you can't remember how it all went anymore. It's like your body has caught hold of the way you felt at the time and is now throwing you into the deep end, no warnings. 
George takes the popcorn bowl from your lap, a lazy heist from his positioning on the floor. He, Ron, and Harry play a game of exploding snap that smells like no one's winning by your shoes. 
Bill and Fleur sit on bean bags by the fire, their legs interlocked, and the baby (who isn't a baby anymore, actually, a brand new toddler) waddles around the room in footie pyjamas. Every time you see Victoire, you wonder if she's an easy baby, and if you'd be a good mom. If you're even capable. 
Things tend to twist from there. Capable in any capacity? You're sure there are a hundred different things that Fred wants from you that he will never be able to have. A girlfriend who doesn't shut down when she's worried. A partner who pulls their weight. You let him down pretty much every day though he doesn't say, in your uselessness. You're awful. He deserves better than someone who's clinging to the bad things that happened to her (though you don't want to cling, you can't seem to make yourself stop). 
Fred's hand abandons your thigh. He sits up in his seat on the sofa to wrap his arm behind your neck instead, encouraging your head under his. With the side of his chin pressed to your temple, he doesn't say a word. 
Molly appears from the garden with a handful of fresh lemon balm. "Who wants a cup of tea?" she asks. 
Her eyes flicker straight for you. Fred told you once that Harry used to be her favourite child. It confused you —family is much more than blood, but still, there's so many to choose from and they're all brilliant, so why Harry? 
He was the one who needed the favouritism most, Fred says. Mum has a built-in pain detector. She knows when people need love. 
"We'll have a cup of tea," Fred says, rubbing your shoulder. 
"Obviously," Molly says, though what's obvious about it escapes you. "Anyone else?" 
There's a chorus of requests, most of which you can't keep straight. Molly's brilliant, she doesn't miss a beat. "Lovely," she says with a smile. 
"I'll come help you, mum," George says, using your legs as a brace to get up. 
You kick him without force in the leg. He turns to you, shooting you an adoring, saccharine smile with hands at his chest curved into a heart shape. 
"He's in a mood today," Fred says. 
Your sleeves bunch under his hands with every upward swipe. You sit there for a while feeling off. Something is wrong, some pit sucking you in, but nothing's happened. It's been a while since you felt this suddenly sick —you're better than you were, but you aren't better. 
"It's okay," Fred says, like he can read your mind. His reassurance kisses warm over your cheek. "Do you want to go home?" 
He doesn't seem upset with you. If anything, he's chipper, like he'd love to go home with you. It's a charade for your benefit to erase the guilt that comes with yanking him out of family time, and you don't fall for it. 
Yet you can't make yourself smile. You aren't as good of an actor as he is. "No," you mumble, pulling away from his loving embrace to meet his eyes. 
He inches closer, hand sliding down your arm. 
"I love you," he says very quietly. He's at risk of being heard by three different brothers, each of which might rip him to shreds for being as whipped as he sounds. 
You don't not want to say it back. Sometimes it's hard. Fred isn't telling you for a parroting, anyhow, and he doesn't care when you fail to answer. 
"Let's go help make tea," he says, standing up. You don't want to move, but you'd rather not stay by yourself. You've no choice but to follow him through the living room and into the kitchen. 
"Hi, dearie," Molly says. You realise she's talking to you, not Fred. "You look like you need something to eat. I'll make you something sweet, how does that sound?" 
It sounds like a bad idea. "That sounds great." 
She nudges George off with his tray of tea to stand in front of you. "There's a good girl," she says, squeezing your elbow. "Fred says you're not eating, but you were fine at breakfast. Feeling better?"
"Mum," Fred says, sending you an apologetic look. "Sorry, I don't mean to gossip about you–" 
"No, it's okay. It's nice, it's… a privilege to be worried about," you say, though you wish he wouldn't. 
Molly shakes her head, ginger kinks swishing over her shoulders. "It's not a privilege, lovely. That's just what family does, mm? You worry about Freddie, he worries about you, and I'll worry about both of you." 
"You don't have to worry about us, mum." 
"I know. It's a privilege, though, to be the one worrying," Molly says, offering you a gentle smile. 
"Right," you say. 
"So stop pretending you're okay and have a seat. Freddie, you better go and get her one of your blankets, I think." 
Fred grins and exits the kitchen quickly to avoid giving you time to protest. Ever a people pleaser, you sit down at the table in one of the chairs with a tall back. Molly puts down a cup of tea in front of you, swiftly followed by a plate of biscuits, a toasted, buttered currant scone, and a blueberry muffin sliced down the middle. 
That's what gets you. The muffin cut in half, paper peeled away. Molly has no reason to like you; you make Fred happy, but you know you've made him so, so sad, sometimes. You've weighed him down. You're not the best he could've had, but his family don't care. He doesn't care. He loves you enough to breeze into the kitchen with a throw blanket, wrap it around your shoulders, and nestle a kiss behind your ear. 
You scramble to grab his arms rather than let him stand again. He startles at first, but he recovers, and his arms curl around your front with enthusiasm that can't be faked. 
"I love you," he murmurs. Words slid together like he's tipped them out, impossible to deny. "Try not to wind yourself up, alright? It's a normal day. The only people who matter are you and me, yeah?"
"Yeah," you say through a lump. 
"I'll be just in the living room if you need me," Molly says. 
"Thanks, mum," Fred says, perching his chin atop your head. 
He waits for her to leave and plants a kiss on the highest point of your cheek. When you smile, he tracks them all over. Kiss to your head, your ear, the soft line of your jaw.
"Do you want to talk about something? Or should we think about other things?" he asks. 
It's a strange, coddling way to ask if there's something in particular that's upset you, but it's nice to be coddled. Truthfully, there's nothing concrete that hurts. A little bit of everything. The world is busy and life is hard and people aren't always kind, and you'll always be unbalanced by that. Luckily, Fred's there to hold you up, together, whatever you need. 
"Do you want half of my muffin?" you ask. 
"I'm eyeing up your scone, honestly." 
"You can have it if you want it." 
Fred hugs you tightly. "And deprive you? No way. I'll settle for the muffin if you feed it to me," he says hopefully. 
You twist in your chair, holding a bit of the muffin up for him to eat.
"I love you," you say. In a horror story, a nightmare, your nearly constant thoughts, he scoffs in your face. 
Fred swallows roughly. "I know. S'why you're gonna let me have half the scone, too." 
It's awfully cheesy, but you'd give him much more than a scone. You'd give him anything he asked you to give.
"Greedy," you say. 
"I resent that, ghost."
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erospandemos · 6 months
What is your ideal date with each of them?
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If you have a fixed amount of time (4 days). Would you rather have a date with all of them at the same time? Or spend each day with only 1 of the girls?
And if you only get to hang out with 1 of them in LA. Who would it be?
I finally got the ideas needed to answer this ask!
I would rather spend each day with them because I'm not going to become the boyfriend of any of them so I might as well use the opportunity to experience four girlfriends. Greedy? Very much.
Chaewon 🐯
Chaewon is the typical girlfriend. Any 'traditional' date location could work with her but I don't know why, I'd really like to take her to a cat café. I'm talking about those cafés full of cats that you can play around with and pet.
Seeing a cute girl like her playing with small kitties would be very therapeutic. It's like her natural habitat.
After that, she'll probably take the lead and drag me to shop for couple-matching outfits and similar. Attention! You must absolutely compliment her on every outfit she tries! It can't not fit her, it's just that there are clothes that look better on her. If you don't compliment Chaewon, she gets insecure, you must always keep your girlfriend happy and cheerful.
At the end of the day, go home and drink. Yes, I wanna hear her drunk rambles because they're adorable.
"Oh, I'm seeing double..." Chaewon mumbles and hiccups. You look at her with worry, it might have been too much for today. She had already downed two bottles and was on the third.
"I think it's enough, Chae, I'm going to put everything away and then we can go to sleep."
"No!" she hiccups again. "This is pretty cool... there's two of you! Mmmh," she laughs and smirks, "You can give me double the amount of hugs this way, right? Come here!"
You can't resist and let her have your way, hugging her tightly.
Sakura 🌸
Sakura is more fit for home dates. Comfy dates in her or your bedroom are the way to go. You could watch movies, animes, shows, or even play games. Seeing her so passionate about playing games would make my heart flutter and also seeing her rage would be pretty funny.
Good luck to her if she wants to teach me how to play with her because I'm not good at all.
"Honey, you have to press R1," she hurriedly tells you, completely focused on the screen in front of her. It was a very critical situation.
"Uhm, this one?"
"NO! That's R2, wait—"
"Not again..." she sighs with desperation and launches herself onto the bed, with open arms and open legs, completely lifeless and desperate.
"S-sorry about that."
"It's just a game, Sakura, it's just a game..." she continues to whisper to herself and then suddenly turns to you: "You're not leaving this house until you beat this level!"
If she feels like going out, we could surely go to the garage sells or thrift shops and look for old video games, mangas and action figures. Sakura seems like a person that likes collecting stuff and hunting for rare objects would be pretty cool.
Yunjin 🐍
I think she'd really enjoy going to a music club or a music shop. We could go to a guitar store and I'd spend all evening hearing her rambling about how a very specific Stratocaster has a superspecific tone that she wants to get. I'm also a musician myself so I'd really like to talk about these kinds of things with her.
Or we could go to her home and listen to her old songs. You know, her old archives of songs—look at her cringe at her old lyrics. Or maybe some unreleased songs...
"Listen to this," Yunjin says, clicking the play button on her laptop. You nod and posture yourself up, paying attention to every word and every note that comes out of the studio monitors.
But after the first verse and chorus, you turn around to Yunjin: "Oh, who were you talking about here? It sounds like me."
"Really?" she says, smirking sweetly. "Maybe it is you after all."
"This... this is a love song."
"I know."
Kazuha 🩰
She's the opposite of Yunjin. She isn't really talkative from what I've seen. Sure, if you get her to open up to you, she might start to say some silly stuff—getting comfortable enough to say stupid jokes. But normally, she's more reserved.
We could go on a book date, going around the city and visiting every bookstore. I don't know if she's a good reader but she certainly looks like one. I'd like to hear what genres she likes and tell her about mine.
And if she's more of a movie person, we could go to the cinema and watch a movie, while holding hands...
Go to the café perhaps. Get her a nice hot cup of coffee and then the park as the final destination.
"Look, look," Kazuha says, pulling your sleeve. You turn around wondering what caught her attention. Your date is pointing with excitement at the white bunny on the other side of the park, munching on some grass.
"Look at that rabbit. It's so white and round. Isn't it so cute?" she asks, with glittering eyes.
"Yeah, it looks kinda chunky."
"Are you saying that it's fat???" Kazuha retorts, furrowing her eyes in an adorable angry frown.
"I'm saying it's very cute." You quickly answer, rubbing the back of your head.
"Mmh. That's more like it."
Now, who would I hang out with in LA? I think the answer is pretty obvious: Yunjin. She looks like she knows already where to go so I won't have to prepare anything. She is also very fun to hang out with so it's perfect!
Thank you for the ask, frisky. It took long because I had no idea how to answer.
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heroictoonz · 16 days
Thoughts on season 17?
So I talked briefly about s17 last night in a 2am haze here are those rambles but I'll try to give a whole debriefing on my opinions here (spoilers ahead obvi)
So, honestly, going into s17 I was very skeptical. I hate s16 with a passion even rewatching it last night to do this little 'finally finishing the show' thing I'm currently doing. I also have heard a lot of people talk about how Tucker was done dirty in these ending seasons. And I'm the kinda guy that does his best to hold of on having opinions on stuff I haven't personally watched cause I just don't think anyone can realistically have a strong opinion just based on other peoples thoughts and words. Buuuut it still didn't put much hope in me that was for sure lol
Going in though I was, admittedly, pleasantly surprised. It wasn't, like, amazing but it didn't suck! And it was FAR better than s16 and at this point that's all I can ask for lmao. The first thing I wanna talk about is, obviously, Tucker (lol) and his whole thing in s17.
So, like most RVB seasons, s17 is the continuation and end of of the time travel arc thing so it's coming off of s15 and s16 but mostly s16. Now, I'm actually gonna go ahead an preface all this with saying I fucking HATE time travel in media it almost always gives me a headache and I will talk about that at some point but I wanted to get that out of the way here.
SO Tucker. My guy of all time the dude of always and forever. He got probably ones of my favorite arcs of all time for a character especially in RvB seconded only to like the Freelancers. And I've talked about how much s16 basically turned me off the show for a LONG while and most of that was because of how they were writing Tucker.
S17 is not nearly as bad here. So they actually give a reason to his weird ass behavior in s16 and where I don't think it was perfectly executed it made it a lot more bearable for me, honestly. It put more context as to why his personality did almost a complete 180. It also gave me the time to really pick apart what they were clearly trying to do with him. Like having him work through his masking he does for his insecurities and still processing the whole hero arc he got a few seasons back. That's all super interesting I just do wish they'd have done it better.
But I will say; TUCKER IN THE LABYRINTH? TUCKER IN THE LABYRINTH??? FUCKING HELLO???? Like. No one said anything in the episode really. But like. My brother in christ he had a panic attack and then passed out on the fucking floor cause he watched his friends disappear and didn't know what to do or how to get them back. LIKE OH MY GOD??? Like Chorus we saw him get pretty frantic about the others being 'taken' by the Federation. So he gets pretty obsessive when someone is missing it seems but for his greatest fear that the Labyrinth used to try and get him to kill himself was juts? A fear of being alone??? That's insane. Like lots of people fear being alone! Lots of people fear their friends and family leaving them! That's normal ish enough. But for Tuckers fear to be so fucking strong that the AI believed it was enough to kill him?! DUDE WHAT? THATS INSANE! IT MAKES ME ACTIVLLY CRAZY WHAT THE HELL! I think blowing up is the only way I can cope with this thanks
So, uh, yeah they made up for s16 at least for me :)
ANYWAYS. Other parts I loved: so like, fr? The time travel in this season wasn't as bad as other shows. It was p easy to grasp and the whole "reliving events to fix those points in time" actually made more since than most bullshitted time travel plots (I'M LOOKING AT YOU NINJAGO SEASON 2 EPISODE 6 WRONG PLACE, WRONG TIME. IM LOOKING DIRECTLY AT YOU) so I did really appreciate that. Also them jumping through time like they were doing especially when Donut was with Wash? FUCKING AMAZING. It was like genuinely hysterical them continuously going back to the point where he shoots Donut and Donuts like WHY DO I KEEP DOING THIS??? It's great peek comedy especially when its Wash that brings them back to that moment n hes like oh fuck im so sorry its GREAT
ALSO MORE OF THE FREELANCERS !!!! I LOVE THEM!!!! I love seeing our silly guy Wash interacting with the other Freelancers. Wash and Donut in this season were literally perfect. I loved them befriending each other and being silly together. Donut and Wash adventures are honestly the best part of this season actually.
Also WASH AND CAROLINA THIS WHOLE SEASON OH MY GOD. OHHH MY GOD. They make me so insane this season watching both how they started and then how they had like their mini breakup but came back together CAROLINA CALLING HIM HER BROTHER FUUUUCKKKK ITS SO EVERYTHING TO ME MAN THEY ARE FUCKING FAMILY DAMNIT
Speaking of family DONUT FINALLY GETTING RESPECT FROM THE REDS N BLUES! HOLY SHIT!! I've always hated how sidelined Donut got cause I love him I think he's great. But like, they pretend like he's so forgettable or not even there. And having TUCKER learn his character development in this season from DONUT and him and Wash telling ppl like no assholes listen to Donut he knows what he's talking about he can lead us THAT FUCKED ME UP THAT WAS SO GOOD ILL BLOW UP
I do, however, wish that Donut had more self respect. The whole "they may hate me but theyre till my friends!" bit was kinda not great LIKE if it had come in AFTER some of the stuff between him and Wash or him n Tucker then that would be fine but idk it felt weird that Donut chose the reds n blues over Chronos in s16 finale to me like it would make more sense if he was like nah fuck BOTH yall but we still gotta save the planet for me at least and then coming around like woah wait yall do care about me? n the apologies n shit
Speaking of apologies fucking Wash being like "you are all going after him and saying youre sorry" was so funny hes such a dad
HMMMM ALSO CAROLINA'S BIT IN THE LABYRINTH!! THAT WAS ALSO SOOO GOOD not to be insane but when she talks about having people in her life and that makes her stronger the camera is specifically showing Tucker and Wash behind her and this is where I blow up I just explode I cannot cope WAH
There's like just so many good character moments like with Grif and Kai in her Labyrinth god that was so so so good. And Huggins and Grif was also the perfect of all time as always. Huggins and Grif are so good I love them.
I will say another negative admittedly was how hard Kai had it out for Tucker like when they were trying to snap him out of the time thing and out of the Labyrinth idk like I'm sure it was all for laughs but it felt like when they had their talk that things were gonna be better for them like as friends obvi not as an item since she shut that down. But then like idk it felt kinda off to me but also the whole s16 thing just made me SUPER put off on any Kai and Tucker stuff in canon material. I LOVE the idea of them being friends I used to hc Tucker being super super close w both Grif sibs and I personally still do! But the show eh idk hard to explain ig lol
the TLDR is i liked it! it wasnt perfect but it was waaaay better than s16 and i had a good time either way !
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acesofspadess · 5 months
And We're Live!
Worth The Risk Masterlist
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You still couldn't believe that you had all made it to the live shows. You were excited to see Beverly and Bentley again as you hadn't spoken to them in a while.
"Making their debut performance, and the last of the groups, Simon." Dermot briefly introduced giving the floor to Simon. 
"Last act up tonight. Get ready. Its One Direction." The cheers were loud as your video played. 
“Being through to the live shows is absolutely incredible.” Harry started and you all agreed. 
“Im Louis. Im 18 and I'm from doncaster.”
“Im Harry, Im 16 and I'm from Cheshire.”
“Im Niall. Im 17 and I'm from Mullingar in Ireland”
“Im Liam. Im 17 and I'm from Wolverhapmton.”
“Im Zayn. Im 17 and I'm from Bradford.”
“Im Autumn. Im 15 and I'm from Hazel Grove.”
“You wouldn't connect this band with song normally… but it works.” 
As the screens opened you were standing next to Louis and Liam as the song started and Liam took his solo.
All of your solos, and choreo ran as best as they could. The chorus was the best as you all got to sing with each other. And you got the last line for your solo which you nailed if you say so yourself.
The cheers were loud as you all hugged shakily, the adrenaline still rushing through you. “When I heard you were gonna do Coldplay I thought it was a big big risk, but I love what you did with the song. You totally did it your own and I love that the band is working cause even though Simon is gonna say he put this band together, it was my idea originally Simon. It was. It was my idea and it worked.” Louis and Simon argued as you stood next to Louis who rubbed your shoulder happily. “I believe you could be the next big boy band… with a girl.” You laughed at that knowing you were in fact a boy band with one girl. “You have a lot of work to do with- Simon do you have a stylist? Or is it you?” the audience booed as you guys looked at each other slightly off put.
“I dont know who put you together because I wasn't there but you guys fit together so well.” You all jumped around at her words. “The song was great. You truly did make it your own. I wasn’t thinking of Cold Play then. Perfect pop band performance.”
The audience cheered and Danii’s words. “I have to agree with Danii, you look like you were meant to be together and in a group. You look fantastic. You've got all the ingredients for the perfect pop band. The girls and boys at home are going crazy for you, but you've got to take a little bit more time to develop as a group. That's all, just a little bit.” You grabbed Nialls hand after that and he squeezed it tightly. 
“As far you go in creating the group Louis lets rewind the tapes.” Simon fired back and everyone laughed. “Essentially you guys came together because your bootcamp auditions were not good enough, but you were too good to throw away. We took a risk. I’ve got to tell you what was so impressive about that- because its a big leap going on that stage- is when one of you started to screw up at the end Autumn and Liam stepped in and you brought it back together. Thats what bands do.” You and Liam- who was behind you- looked at each other and smiled as you rested your head against him briefly in gratitude. 
“And regarding the whole style issue, Louis… I don't want to style this band because I don't know how to style a band like this. We want the band to do whatever they wanted to do. I'm not gonna interfere, they're gonna do it their way. It was brilliant guys.” 
As Dermot came on stage you all got closer and saw Harry wink at someone in the crowd and you giggled at him making him look toward you and smile. You still held Niall's hand in yours and you let go of it only to wave as you walked off stage before everyone was wrapped in a giant hug by Louis. “Tommo!” you screamed laughing as it was your back he jumped on in the hug. Everyone laughed as you pulled apart and you saw Bev and Bentely. 
You ran to them giving them both hugs. “You did so well!” they cheered you on and you laughed anxiously. “We’re so proud of you, you know? We might not be able to make it to any more shows, but we want you to know that.” Bev told you and you shook your head knowingly. “Yeah I know. School and the drive must be really hard to balance. But I'm so glad you came when you could.” Bentely handed you a box without saying anything. “Man of many words.” you joked as open the box to see a new Blackberry. “No way you didnt.” you gasped as you jumped at him and he hugged you laughing. “First performance gift.” you laughed knowing how he would spoil you whenever he could. “Thank you Meadow.” he hugged you again. “Always Fall. Your Nan and Pap would kill me if I forgot but they said they'll try to get her soon. With the bakery being busy and the distance.” You understood and knew they wouldn't want you to think they didnt care. “I'll call them later and tell them its all alright.”
“Hey Autumn! We're going out to eat.” Harry called from a little ways back. “You gonna join?�� you faced back to them. “Gotta get miss studious back to school. Sorry Fall.” you laughed it off because Beverly was the least studious person you knew, but school came easy to her. “Autumn!” Louis called.
“Okay I'll see you guys later.” You gave them another hug before running off and jumping on Zayn's back. “Ride like the wind.” you spoke mockingly until he actually started running and you couldn't help but laugh hysterically as all the boys chased you both through the stadium and to the car park. “Where are we eating?”
Worth The Risk Masterlist
@youcan-nolonger-run @ravenclawdirectioner
@luxiorchive @maeflowers653  @purple9950 @forkmeniall @nathalielovesonedirection @hopsydaisy @shortie-niya 
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smolwritingchick · 4 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 86- WINGS 8
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Chapter Summary: After 3 years, Jennie finally dyes her hair for a BTS comeback and films her WINGS 8 Concept video.
Words: 9,000+
Author's Note: Some smol angst regarding Jimin's diet during the BST era. And mentions of anxiety. I apologize in advance :(
I'm going to create a smol chapter when it's around that time for the love yourself videos. I'd like to put my spin on it, not going too much into the crazy theories. I'm hoping to write more of Jen's story for it. And I wonder if I made it obvious who found Jennie for her WINGS video at the end of the chapter. I'll write about all that when it's around 2017 in the story. Some ideas sparked in my head when those videos were released years ago and I kept them in my old documents. I gotta revisit them and check out everything. 
 I had thought of this idea for her concept video and decided to just stick with it and have fun with it instead of stressing about making her fit "perfectly" in this comeback. Supernatural type of shiz. And I did some research on using a Damien quote from the book to add to it. I think it fits quite well imo.
I lost count of how many times I changed Jennie's WINGS song. It's getting ridiculous at this point. But for this, I decided to go a different route. Jennie has said that she wants to be a versatile artist, especially as she looked up to Rihanna as an inspiration for that, singing in different genres. 
I LOVE PVRIS! One of my favorite groups. I'm not too big on their new music and the direction they're going musically these days but am always vibing to their old stuff. I truly miss their old sound tbh.
I decided to choose a song called I Don't Wanna Do This Anymore from PVRIS' latest album, for Jen's song. I really like the vibe as it would showcase her skills on the launchpad and I love the lyrics. I'll probably switch it up a little bit. I wanted her song for WINGS to be blunt and a bit sad. Like literally she is telling people she does not want to do this anymore. She does not want to perform, she does not want to be famous, she wants out, which was how she felt during the situation of her sister's play and getting mobbed by all those people. So, she'll express those negative feelings in the song. And I thought of her changing the lyrics to be more optimistic as the song goes on. Maybe for the chorus. I even thought of the fan chant ARMY would do. She would sing negatively, and they'd respond positively. For instance, when RM sang "I wish I could love myself." for Reflection and ARMY shouted, "WE LOVE YOU!"
So yeah, I think that's it. I'm rambling but I'm not going to overthink it too much when it comes to her song for this album. I had a vision for her WINGS video and I kind of hope it makes sense. So I'm just going to go with the flow :) Happy reading!!
Jennie made it back to America safely and Facetimed the boys to let them know. She was lying on her bed, feeling the jetlag as the boys expressed how much they were already missing her. After speaking to them, she finally had one on one time with Yoongi.
"And thanks again for the cookies. I tried to make them stretch but it was too good," he said. "Now I have to impatiently wait for you to return to make me some more,"
She giggled at that. "Sounds like a plan. I'm happy the mixtape is being well received,"
"Me too. So many streams on SoundCloud. Thank you again for your help,"
"Always. I knew it would do well,"
Once July 31/August 1 hit, How's This was finally released and Jennie got to watch the two Music Videos as well as the jacket shooting. She and Hyuna looked fun and the visuals were astounding. Now, of course, there were those kinds of fans that would complain that Jennie was acting 'too grown'. She already saw tweets about it with fans babying her and saying that she shouldn't act too sexy. But she chose to ignore it and just enjoy what she and Hyuna created.
She thought about the filming as she watched the jacket shooting video.
Dressed in one of many outfits for the video, Jennie and Hyuna awaited instructions while they stood on the set that resembled a club different from the first music video.
"I'm getting more comfortable with this sexy vibe because of you. Doing this with you, I feel at ease. So, I am so stoked to be here with you today," Jennie told her with a smile.
Hyuna looked relieved. "I'm happy. I was a little nervous asking you if you wanted to do this. I sighed out of relief when I got confirmation that this collab was a go,"
When they saw that Cube wanted to film a documentary on this music video, they waved at the camera.
"Today Jennie is with me to film! I am so happy that she is a part of this fun song," Hyuna said, clapping her hands.
"Hi~!" Jennie hugged her from behind, waving to the camera. "We are ready to shoot~!"
"This is going to be fun! Stay tuned!"
Jennie let go of her and cheered, "Fighting!"
"Fighting!" she high fived her.
Jennie was filmed first and they started with shots of her being sexy and having fun inside the club while lip-syncing the song. Walking through the club, she met up with Hyuna who danced along with her. For How's This with the version with Jennie in it, the choreography was different and looked more fluid instead of all the body shaking. In Jen's opinion, this choreography fit better for the song after working on new moves with Hyuna. They performed the choreography in the crowd and then did some twerking shots.
As the crew prepared for the next take, the camera showed Jen and Hyuna talking again.
"How was the first music video shoot?" Jennie asked.
"It was fun! It went well. I kissed one of the guys on camera," Hyuna felt flustered about the mature kiss.
"OOP!" Jen covered her mouth, making her giggle and hold onto her. She turned to the camera and repeated herself, "OOP!"
For another shot, after an outfit change, Hyuna and Jennie danced together behind a background. It reminded them of a honeycomb as they lip-synced.
Before Jen knew it, she was in the area she wanted to film at the most. The DJ booth.
"My happy place. Look at it. I am in love," she pointed over to the DJ booth. "Errbody throw yo hands up, we getting' hot, hot, hot, hotter!" she sang her verse from fire cutely before giggling.
When filming commenced, she approached the DJ and asked if she could take over. Winking at him, she placed the headset on and began mixing for the party while dancing around. The party got more lively once she began to DJ while Hyuna joined her as they lip-synced the chorus.
eottae igeon eottae
eottae chumchuja
Up dwae igeon Up dwae
Up dwae chumchuja
Jen was filmed all over the place for her shots. Hyuna had a lot of shots already from the previous music video and Cube just needed more Jen and then her together with Hyuna. Shots consisted of her lying across a table while lip-syncing, dancing on the table, then filmed against the wall as she flipped her hair and swayed her hips around.
"Is this too much?" Jen giggled as she watched her shots with Hyuna.
'As if looks could kill. Her piercing gaze against the screen flusters Jennie'
"Oh no, I bit my lip," she laughed. "I didn't even notice. Pure instinct. We look good, though,"
The last shot consisted of a dance battle. Jennie had a group of black dancers with her against Hyuna and her dancers.
Jennie smiled at the memory and was excited to perform it live near award season. After watching the videos, she scrolled through Twitter and saw what was going on. BlackPink had recently debuted and she loved their debut music videos. Although she was still hurt about 2NE1, she loved seeing new groups debut.
But because one of the BlackPink members was also named Jennie, it started some fan wars, which made no sense at all.
'Netizens compare BTS' Jennie to BlackPink's Jennie. Who is better?' read the latest controversial ALLKPOP article.
It didn't sit right with BlackPink and BTS fans as the comment section was filled with mixed reactions. It was drama waiting to explode.
'So we have a Black Jennie and a Korean Jennie'
'There can only be ONE Jennie and I choose BTS' Jennie'
'BP's Jennie is what BTS' Jennie wishes she was'
'Ugh STOP already'
'I think BTS' Jennie is better.'
'BP's Jennie has more charisma. BTS' Jennie still hasn't shown what she is all about. Her part in fire was cute but I wish she did more. I kinda gave up on her as my bias and moved on to Jimin'
'LOL I bet BTS' Jennie is threatened by BP's Jennie'
'BlackPink's Jennie showed more effort and energy in her debut than BTS' Jennie. Just stating facts. I'd take BlackPink's debut over BTS' any day'
'Jennie and Jennie. I love it. I hope they meet'
'Are you serious?!'
'Ew wtf is this article?'
'BlackPink's Jennie is still a rookie. She has a long way to go before getting up to BTS' Jennie's level'
'Can you not? This is disrespectful to both girls. They both are doing great'
'I'm tired of people comparing groups. Just love and support both'
'I hope they become friends'
'Eh...BP's Jennie is better and prettier. She wears better outfits too. BTS' Jennie has been looking rough for a while. She gained a few pounds too. I miss her debut look'
'Who cares? They both flop'
'BlackPink's Jennie ain't even all that.'
'The difference is BlackPink's Jennie knows how to rap. BTS' Jennie's little Full Moon cover wasn't that great. She annoying af'
'BTS' Jennie just doesn't have that IT factor like BP's Jennie does.'
'I like Blackpink's Jennie more'
''Stop pitting women against women. It's disgusting'
'Delete this article. They're both great'
Jennie frowned and rolled her eyes at the name of the article and scrolled past to look at something more positive. It seemed like they were trying to get her to reply and react but she refused. First, they did this with Alex Reid, and now BlackPink's Jennie. It needed to stop. She was not going to be the "mean girl" that the media wanted her to be and make people think that she hated or was jealous of other female idols like Alex and Jennie Kim.
The last thing she was going to do was let the media try to make her think negatively about someone whom she hadn't met. She refused to be sucked into this jealous and petty scenario with BlackPink's Jennie. She was excited about what BlackPink would be doing and wished the best for them.
Suddenly she received a notification from V-Live about Hobi going live and began to watch it.
"Oh, that's right. Bangtan is in Japan for their concerts," she murmured.
"We had our concert, tonight. It didn't feel the same without Munchkin with us. Jennie, if you are watching, I hope you are doing well," Hobi said on camera in his hotel room.
"Doing good, missing you guys," she sighed.
But then something weird happened on the live. The comments started bringing up other members. Fans then began to ask for Jungkook, V, Jimin, and Yoongi.
"No, they didn't..." Jennie looked on in disbelief at the comments.
All Hobi wanted was to spend time with Armies and now this happened. It made her upset and then she watched as he went to Jimin's room and then left abruptly after a few minutes. Jimin was also stunned because it was Hobi's phone on the live so what in the world?
Unable to keep her thoughts to herself, she went to Twitter to tweet about it.
'Are you KIDDING me? Did you REALLY just ask for other members while J-Hope was trying to talk to you? #Jen'
'No, like really the amount of disrespect is completely unacceptable. The hell is wrong with some of y'all? #Jen'
'You got me ALL the way f'ed up! Don't ever do that to Hobi #Jen'
'We take time out of our day to talk to you one on one but you ask for the others? You need to consider our feelings and how bad it makes us feel. #Jen'
Her tweets blew up and spread like wildfire as fans were commenting sorry and tweeted sad emojis. A lot agreed with her tweets while some others began to complain that she was overreacting.
'I know right!? Like how dare them?!'
'Ennie, we're sorry'
'These fans are so disrespectful. Please don't think all ARMY are like this.'
'I am so bothered by them doing that crap.'
'omg shut up,'
'You must be one of them asking for other members if you're telling her to shut up. YOU shut up! Jennie is speaking facts!'
'What are you so extra for? Calm down,'
'Here she goes always sticking her nose in everyone's business. All the way in America. Just stay in America and go away,'
'I cannot believe they did that. Ugh'
'GO OFF SIS! This infuriates me! Hobi don't deserve this'
'I'm so sad...'
'We don't deserve him'
'I cannot believe this. And they call themselves an Army?'
'Yeah...my heart is broken'
'The sweetest sunshine ever and gets treated like this. I want to cry'
Jen then tweeted one final tweet before going on a social media break.
'ARMY, don't apologize to me. Apologize to Hobi...#Jen'
Later that evening after Jimin ended the live that was supposed to be him and Hobi, she facetimed him after he got his phone back.
"Hey, Jennie," J-Hope greeted with a fake smile but she saw right through it.
"Nah uh. Don't do that. Screw them for making you feel like that,"
"It's okay. Don't worry about it," he shook his head. "They just want to see the other members,"
"No. I will worry about it. You're upset and bummed out. I understand. I wish I was there to take you out and treat you to food or something. That was so rude of them and they are so ungrateful. Those aren't real fans. Don't let them get to you, okay? You have real fans who love and appreciate you. Love and respect you. Love and support you," she went on as he listened.
"Hobi, they can call me annoying or whatever for my tweets, I don't care. What just happened was wrong and unfair," she declared. "And if you don't want to be vocal about it, then I will because I refuse to sit here and let people do this to you. You don't deserve that. You should get just as much love and affection as the rest of us. I love and cherish you. Always. Don't ever forget that. I'm going to always have your back,"
Hobi broke out into a huge smile at her words and began to feel better. "Thank you, Jennie. I appreciate you cheering me up,"
While being home, Jen spent the majority of her time in her room which was also her mini studio. Although she wasn't physically there with the group to work on their upcoming album, she still did her part and sent in her vocals and instrumentals.
For the WINGS album, she was going to be more involved in the music. For now, everyone is focused on their solo songs. She was first involved in working on Jungkook's song, Begin. Since she had been home, Jungkook had sent her his vocals and asked if he sounded OK. Every time was better than the last which boosted his confidence as he recorded. Jennie's role in his song was to play the guitar.
With her headphones on her ears, she played the guitar smoothly under his angelic vocals. Begin was about his journey to Seoul and meeting Bangtan. It was beautiful. The lyrics did not mention her but talked more about the rest of the boys. His brothers. Jungkook kept apologizing to her about it and said he had something planned for her in the future. She was not bothered by it at all and understood. If anything, her curiosity towards what he had planned for her rose as she thought about what he was going to do.
After sending the music back to Big Hit, she got confirmation that it was great and continued working on the rest of her assigned songs. Next up was Jimin's song called Lie. She worked on the background vocals and guitar for his song. Out of every solo song by the guys, this one was her favorite and she was so proud of him for his efforts. She couldn't help but smile as she listened to the demo track after putting her recorded guitar chords in it.
Closing her eyes, she began to focus on the emotion of the song and pondered on her background vocals. This song was about lying and the conflict due to lies and temptation. So, she wanted to try to have some emotion and desperation in her vocals to fit the tone. She recorded her light breathy 'yeahs' in the beginning and sang 'Naega malhae' under his voice.
Be smooth like a like a snake
beoseonago sipeunde
Hearing an opening instrumental part after his voice, she hummed but shook her head, stopping the song.
"Nah...maybe it should be better. Humming is too common. I should do something different," she pondered, taking off her headphones.
She spent the next hour working on what would fit during that part. Her notebook with crossed out words and random lyrics was all over her papers as she worked on thinking what would work for his song. She wanted something to pop and to be memorable.
"Ah...woo...woo." she wrote down. 
She began to sing it out several times in diverse ways until she found a tone that fit with the song. 
"I should make it a little haunting when I edit it. A tad bit of autotune or something..."
Putting her headphones back on, she stood by her microphone and pressed record as it played Jimin's song. The first opening notes were clear enough to give listeners one hell of an eargasm. The producers that put the violin and other string instruments were geniuses.
"Yeah," she said in a high, breathy tone while looking at her notebook in her hands.
As soon as Jimin's voice filled her ears, she sang softly under his vocals, "Naege malhae..."
Neoui dalkomhan misoro naege
"Naege malhae..."
soksagideut nae gwitgae malhae
"Yeah. Don't be like a prey, be smooth like a like a snake,"
beoseonago sipeunde
Finding that inner strength in her voice, she belted out, "Ah woo woo~"
naegeseo tteona tteona tteonajwo
naegeseo tteona tteonajwo
"Ah woo woo~"
mworado nareul nareul guhaejwo
nareul guhaejwo
This song was such a bop as she swayed around to the song, focused.
gyesokdwae domangchyeobwado
geojit soge ppajyeoisseo
Caught in a lie!
"I'm drowning, I'm losing myself. I can't disobey, I can't break away..." she sang emotionally under his vocals.
nae useumeul dollyeonwajwo
Caught in a lie!
"This torment gets worse every day."
i gotongeseo heeonal su eobseo
beolbanneun nareul guhaejwo
After recording everything multiple times, she went on to edit and made sure her vocals fit nicely under his. Things were coming together as that bright smile appeared on her face. She was so satisfied with this. She hoped he and the producers like it when they did their final touches.
Her phone buzzed and she sat back in her seat to read a text from Jimin.
Jimin: Ennie, I know you're awake! Don't stress over it too much. Get some sleep, okay? We can work on the song tomorrow.
Jen: Facetime me. I just sent you what I created :D
It didn't take long for them to be on Facetime together as Jimin was thrilled to see her face.
"Ennie! What time is it over there?"
"Late but it's okay," she said and yawned.
"You should really go to bed. You look so sleepy," he looked concerned for her when he noticed her tired eyes.
"I know, I know. I will."
"I miss you," he pouted.
"And I miss you, too. Don't worry, I'll be back in Korea before you know it,"
"Well, I hope it's soon! It's not the same without you here," the 95 Liner shook his head. "The guys...I...we're kind of all over the place without our Bangtan Girl to keep us in order. We're a bit of a mess. It's weird without you. We just want you to come home,"
His words made her heart leap as she felt emotional, yet again. But then the word 'home' struck her. She was already 'home' in America. But the fact that he said 'home' as in living with them in Korea made tears appear in her eyes.
"Jimin..." she smiled sadly. "It won't be much longer, I hope. Being away from you and everyone else in Korea is a struggle. As soon as I come back, I will nap this jetlag off and we can all go out to eat,"
"I would like that very much, Ennie. So, you wanted me to call you?"
"Yes. Check the email. I sent my work for your song. I hope it sounds okay."
"Wait, you finished it?! All of it? Your background vocals and all?"
"Yeah! I just gotta finish up Stigma and the others,"
"You worked on it so quickly."
"Well, you are a priority," she smiled softly, earning an adorable eye smile from him.
Him a priority? That made his heart leap.
"I played around with it and I like how it sounds. Play it. If you like it, I will send it to the producers to see if they give it the OK. And if you want me to change something, let me know."
Opening up the file, Jimin played it for both of them. The look in his eyes when he heard her guitar was priceless.
"Oh-my-God," he blurted out in English, causing her to laugh. "They have to accept this! This is-this is so good! Thank you for doing this for me. I hope this version makes it on the album after they do their final touches. And if they reject it, let us release it on SoundCloud. Army should hear this,"
"Sounds like a plan,"
After shutting down her computer and ending her call, Jen sat on her bed and tuned in to Jin's Eat Jin V-Live on her laptop. There he was with Jungkook and Jimin rambling about various things. And they had her cracking up with their bickering when they playfully fought over snacks.
But once fans brought up Jennie in the comments, her heart ached as she realized how much she missed the guys. Especially Jungkook. She missed his hugs. How he would hold her firmly and gaze down at her with that adorable smile of his. This visa needed to hurry up and go through. She wanted to wrap her arms around her man again.
"How is Jennie?" Jin read the comment. "My sweetie is doing fine. She has been working very hard. Please look forward to her return. Jennie, you are missed dearly,"
She let out a chuckle, "I miss you, too..."
"I miss your baking, too," he added, making her laugh at the screen. "Bake for me when you come back. Just don't tell the others,"
"We're sitting right here, Hyung!" Jimin called out. "Bake for me, not him!"
"Hush!" Jin playfully smacked him while Jungkook laughed. Turning back to the camera like he knew she was watching, he continued. "The dorm doesn't smell that great without your bath and body works items. You know, the ones you always buy for us. Please return soon and get the visa straightened out. I look at your picture in my wallet every day," he showed Armies the photo of him and her back in 2015.
"He still has that picture?" Jen murmured as she smiled.
"Jungkookie misses her the most," Jimin teased, making the Golden Maknae blush and look down shyly.
"Of course, she's my best friend. I bet she misses me more than you two," Jungkook added.
"Lies! I am Jennie's favorite," Jin stated.
Laughing, Jennie went on to text Jungkook.
Jen: Awwww this live is too cute. I miss you guys, more. I'll be back soon. P.S: I miss you the most, Kookie. I love you. Can't wait to hug and kiss you again
The sound of bells was heard as Jungkook looked down at his phone. He read her text with a big smile and looked up at the camera like he felt her looking back at him. It made her heart flip and her face warm up with the way he stared at the camera. Meanwhile, Armies were gushing over the loving gaze Jungkook was showing out of nowhere.
'Why tf is he staring so hard like that?! He looks so hot!'
'Omg Jungkook is showing so much boyfriend material right now.'
'That stare! He's making me blush!'
'Jungkook a warning would have been nice!'
"Who was that?" Jin asked.
"Jennie. She's watching the live," Jungkook smiled brightly.
"She texted YOU and not me!?" he complained.
"Hey, that ringtone sounded familiar. Like a bell. Why a bell?" Jimin teased.
"No reason, Hyung. I thought it sounded nice," Jungkook shrugged.
The next day, Jennie started to work on her solo song. Bangtan's solos were supposed to go by age. The plan was for her song to be the first but Big Hit switched it and made her song last. The boys had begun filming for their WINGS films while she hadn't yet. A lot of big things will be happening for this comeback. One of them was her hair was finally going to get dyed. She was nervous because everyone had anticipated her having a new hair color since debut and she wanted it to be worth the wait.
With her solo song, she thought the lyrics and instrumentals were fine. But every time she sent it to the producers, they told her something was missing and it frustrated her. How come everyone else's song was fine but her song was getting the most criticism? Her song was different. Experimental even. This wasn't a sound that is usually in BTS. She'd showcase her DJ skills on the launch pad and guitar.
"Do you feel like singing today?" Pdogg asked as she sat on a video call with him and Slow Rabbit.
Jennie furrowed her eyebrows. "Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?"
"Because to me, it seems like you don't feel like singing,"
She sighed sharply, trying to not let her annoyance get to her. "I'm doing the best I can,"
"It's missing something, Jennie. It's almost there but something is missing," Slow Rabbit added.
"Look, this is the best I can do," she exclaimed.
"No, it isn't," he shook his head. "I know you can do better to make this song even more enhanced. Shout it out. Scream it,"
"I'm trying to shout it,"
"Well, you aren't shouting it," Pdogg said. "You need to dig down deep and sing out what you're feeling for this song,"
"Here, take a break from working on your song, today. Work on the guitar for 2! 3! and Lost. Send it when you're finished," Slow Rabbit said.
"Fine," she nodded and ended the call. 
She sighed loudly out of annoyance and ran her hair back with her hands.
"Fuck my life..." she complained.
She didn't want to work on anything at this point, she was so bothered by what they told her. After a moment of getting herself together, she did what she was told, playing the guitar for Lost and 2! 3! 
After she sent it in, she was praised for her efforts and had the rest of the day off from working on music. But her song continued to be on her mind. How much better can she do for this song? What else did they want? What was missing? She did want to sing. She sang as passionately as she could.
"What do you want me to do...?" she complained softly.
She went back to the document for her song and stripped all her vocals to start over. She listened to the instrumental of her song and sighed, understanding what she had to do.
'You want me to go back to that dark place...' she thought.
She didn't want to. She didn't want to think about it. She even had second thoughts about picking this song for this album but it was way too late to change now. This song was to express how she felt the day she got mobbed during her sister's play. Sure, it happened last year but that anxiety she felt and the whole experience still traumatized her. All those hate comments, the pressure, the high expectations, and the growing fame, began to overwhelm her as she realized that she was not a normal teenager anymore.
She'd always appear to have a smile on her face but deep down she was scared and in the back of her mind would always wonder when this would all come crashing down. 
That dreaded day of Vienna's play made Jen want to stop performing entirely and just go back home and deal with school, no longer being in the spotlight. To try to grasp what normality she had left. But after the support from everyone after that incident, she wanted to try to face all that negativity and destroy it with positive thoughts once and for all. This would be a start to that. To sing about it and twist it to optimism.
As she sat by her desk, she put her headphones on.
"Okay...let's go back to that nightmare..."
After crying, belting out high notes, and singing out her pain, she made the producers happy with her new and improved vocals and took a break from singing to dance.
Jen continued practicing the choreography for Blood, Sweat, and Tears, which will be BTS' comeback song in October. She was in the living room, performing a demo version of the song while Vienna and Alani were on their phones chilling nearby. Mr. Son and J-Hope sent her videos of where she will be and her choreography for the comeback.
It was...very sexy. This seemed like it was going to be a sexy comeback.
As she worked on perfecting her movements, she sent them recordings of her craft to get feedback.
After dancing for a few hours, she took a break and watched Family Guy with her sisters on the couch.
Buzz Buzz Buzz
A video from Jimin? What was he up to now? Since she left, the boys had sent her funny videos and photos. This was probably one of them.
"Ooo another video? Let's watch it! They crack me up!" Alani said.
"Yeah, why not?" Jennie pressed play while her sisters joined her in to watch.
The video showed Jimin, V, and Jungkook goofing around and practicing BST in the practice room.
"Jungkook! Imagine the floor is Jennie!" Jimin called out.
Out of nowhere, Jungkook did his signature handstand for the song, slowly lowering himself on the floor to grind against it.
"Jennie..." he said in a low voice, smirking at the camera.
"AHHHHHHH~!" her sisters screamed around her while Jen dropped her phone and shrieked.
"He did NOT just do that!" Alani shouted.
"And said your name like that! Are you two-"
"No!" Jen exclaimed, cutting Vienna off with her face flushed.
"You sure!?"
"I dunno man, that sounded like that's not the first time he said your name like that~!" Alani added.
"Oh my God! Stop!" Jennie covered her face.
Vienna grabbed the phone and replayed it so they could watch the entire video. Her sisters continued to freak out around her from his floor grind.
Jennie was NOT expecting a video like this. She thought it would be meme faces. Not him grinding against the floor.
'Wow, I wish I was under him...' she thought before shaking the dirty thoughts away.
My gosh, what was he doing to her? Everything he was doing made her squirm.
After he finished grinding on the floor, Jin was heard yelling to stay professional while Jimin and V laughed.
Her sisters kept replaying the video, expressing how surprised they were.
"Is this really your boyfriend? Because whew, the duality...girl..." Vienna fanned herself.
"I'm a little nervous about how he can turn into such a cute boy to something like this," Alani added.
"Right? He is so adorable and then he ends up popping out like this. No wonder so many girls swoon over him. Jen, watch out for all them female idols after your man," she teased.
"You know, you were staring kind of hard at the screen," Alani called Jennie out.
"I was not!" Jennie exclaimed as she grabbed her phone.
"She's so flustered," Vienna laughed with Alani.
Alani snatched the phone from her hands and ran to their mom who walked out of the kitchen to see what the ruckus was about.
"Mom! Get a load of this!" Alani laughed.
"Stop it! Give it! Mom, it's not what it looks like! Get off me, V!" Jen shouted as Vienna held her down while Alani showed the video.
"Um...what is he doing to my youngest?" their mom asked, wondering what the heck was happening.
"Nothing! Nothing at all! He was just messing around!" Jen said and got let go.
"You think he was? He looked pretty serious," Vienna teased.
He was just joking...right?
Or perhaps he wasn't. Because her head began to go crazy with the way he said her name so low like that. It'll be something that wouldn't be out of her mind for a while as she plotted a way to get him back for making her so flustered in front of her family.
With Jimin and V, they waited for her to reply. Curious as to why she had not responded yet, they looked back at the message and saw that she had read it. The two burst out into laughter.
"Jungkook, I think you killed your girlfriend," Jimin giggled.
"I did?" he asked, surprised. "What happened?"
"She hasn't responded to the video and left us on read this entire time," V laughed.
"I-I didn't make her uncomfortable, did I?" Jungkook asked with worry.
"Nah, don't worry, it's the other way around, Jungkookie! Hehe, you'll see. Just give her a moment to pull herself together. I'm sure she's quite flustered as we speak because of you," Jimin smiled confidently.
Back with Jennie, she continued to pull herself together. This man may just be the death of her. She then thought about the time she and Jungkook performed the coming of age ceremony in the practice room and recorded themselves. Man, those lyrics...
Jen: Jimin wtf!?
Jen: Wtf is he grinding on the floor so hard for!?
Jimin: kekekeke it took you a while to reply. You liked it, didn't you!?
Yes. Yes, she did.
Very much actually. To the point, she wanted to be the floor.
Jen: Okay yes but he needs to calm tf down! He can't be doing stuff like that when I'm not there! I'm suffering here!
Jen: omfg wait don't tell him I said that!
Jimin: Tell Jungkook. Okay. Got it
Jen: Jimin! NO!
"She liked it," Jimin laughed and showed Jungkook the messages.
Jungkook laughed, feeling his cheeks warm up. A large part of him felt relieved that she liked it. 
Maybe they could make it a reality soon.
As the days went by she continued to finish up working on the choreography, and went to Facetime with Jimin. Things were beginning to appear...off about him. And the sad part about it was that she knew.
She knew all too well what was going on.
She didn't want to believe it. She thought that her mind was playing tricks on her but his face was slimming down at a rapid rate and it began to worry her.
"Jimin?" she called out his name softly after he stopped laughing at his story about pranking Hobi.
"Yes, Ennie?"
"Did you eat today?"
Jimin's stomach dropped at her question. Of all days she had to be so observant. He would only eat once a day and tried not to eat a lot to lose as much weight as possible for their next comeback. It was an intense choice and he had already been feeling the side effects such as dizziness and fainting as he tried to work hard on his dancing.
"Yeah, why?" he lied, feeling his heart ache.
He hated lying to her. He knew she would do anything to get him to stop if she had known what he was doing in Korea.
Jennie narrowed her eyes slightly, watching his body language.
'You're lying to me...' she thought sadly.
"I dunno, to me you just look a little smaller in the face," she admitted.
"I'm eating, don't you worry, Ennie," he flashed her an eye smile
"I really hope you are..." she murmured. "Just take care of yourself, please. Promise me that?"
"...I promise."
"Okay...I have to go. I'll talk to you later,"
"A-all right. Bye Ennie,"
"Bye, Chim Chim," she ended the call and exhaled.
"I truly hope you're okay..." she murmured, fearing for the worst.
After her conversation with him, she scrolled on Twitter to check out what Armies had been saying about her while she was away. She was pleased to see how much she was missed.
'I'm so upset Jennie isn't in the ISAC this time because of her visa.'
That made her realize that today was the day everyone would be filming for ISAC. She was bummed she couldn't play volleyball this year. Instead, she would be cheering Bangtan on miles away whenever they sent her videos and photos.
'Whatever team she was supposed to be in volleyball would have won'
'ISAC probably made sure to schedule it when she couldn't attend since they know the other girl idols can't beat her in volleyball. Their loss'
'ISAC knows damn well Jennie will beat every single female idol in volleyball. They just don't want her to shine. They did that for The Boss Is Watching. We didn't forget!'
Snickering at the comment and agreeing, Jennie went on and liked it on BTS' Twitter which quickly got a reaction from fans.
'She liked!!'
'Who else would like it from their page? Jennie knows what's up!'
'Ooooo she's watching us'
'Lmaooooo she knows!'
'She soooo petty. The shade!'
'This confirms it!'
With Jungkook, after filming for the show, he went to visit Namjoon in his studio. He had a lot on his mind regarding his relationship with Jennie. And he felt like Namjoon was the best person to talk to.
"Hyung," Jungkook spoke up.
"Jungkook," he greeted with a smile and gestured for him to come in. "What brings you here?"
"I uh...can I talk to you? I figured you were the best one to talk to about something like this,"
"Yeah, of course. Shut the door and take a seat,"
As soon as Jungkook plopped down on the seat next to him, he sighed. "It's about Jennie,"
"Is everything all right between you two? I know you've been feeling down because of the distance,"
"I'm fine. And yeah, things are great. It's just that...well she...she's just...on my mind a lot lately and I can't stop thinking about her in that way."
Namjoon immediately knew what he meant and nodded. 
So, it was about that time, huh? 
He had a feeling this was going to be happening sooner or later with how touchy he's been with her, lately. And with that floor grinding video, it didn't just look like a simple video to mess with her.
"I had a feeling this was going to happen sooner or later. Have you told her any of this?"
"No, I...I want to but part of me chickens out,"
"You two talk about everything. Why do you think this conversation will be different?"
"I just don't want to turn her off or scare her away, I guess. Or make things awkward if she's not ready like I am,"
"Communication is key and Nini is extremely understanding. You're overthinking it. She loves you and is not going to be scared away that easily. When you feel ready, speak to her about this. And make sure you two are alone for this conversation. Not when the boys are around and acting loud,"
After spinning around in her seat, Jennie played what she had worked on for Taehyung's solo song, Stigma. She helped with the background vocals with jazzy oohs and ahs. She smiled at how his voice sounded. His high note was astonishing to hear and she couldn't wait to hear it live when they go on tour.
For Suga's solo, First Love, she played the guitar for it and noticed the hidden melody of So Far Away which had gotten her emotional.
"Take a break!" a loud voice startled her. Jennie turned her head to see Alani by her door, arms crossed. "You've been on that thing all day. A break won't hurt. The album ain't going nowhere. And you finished everything so just chill for once,"
"Nooooo, I feel like there is still work to be done," Jen complained.
Alani simply rolled her eyes and left.
"Well, that was easy to get her to leave me alone," she murmured.
While she continued working, she suddenly heard music blasting which happened to be Rihanna's Pon De Replay. Before she knew it, Vienna and Alani came in with a large speaker, dancing.
Come, Mr. DJ, song pon de replay
Come, Mr. DJ, won't you turn the music up?
"Oh my God..." Jennie covered her face with her hands, laughing softly. "Really?"
"Come on~! Living room, let's go!" Alani said over the music, holding the speaker.
"Rihanna dance party! Take a break! No more album work, today!" Vienna grabbed Jennie and dragged her downstairs with them.
After Alani set the speaker on the floor, she continued to dance around Jennie with Vienna.
"No more thinking about work today. Loosen up and dance with us. It's Rihanna! Come on~!" Alani exclaimed, earning a sigh from her youngest sister. "If you ready to move say,'"
"Yeah, yeah!" Jen sang with a smile.
"One time for your mind say it,"
"Yeah, yeah!" her smile got wider and she joined in to dance with them. "Well, I'm ready for ya, come let me show ya. You want to groove, I'ma show you how to move. Come, come,"
"There you go~!" Vienna cheered.
It was good to take a break and Jen was thankful for her sisters. She did feel overwhelmed with this album dropping in October. There were high expectations and she wanted to make sure she did everything she could to make the songs great with the small role she was given.
Where Have You Been came on as Vienna tried to remember the choreography.
Where have you been?
'Cause I never see you out
Are you hiding from me, yeah?
Somewhere in the crowd
"I learned it in a dance class a while back. Hold on," Vienna began to think as she stood in the middle of her sisters.
Once the beat dropped, she executed the dance break with no errors while her sisters followed her.
"Oh~! I remember! From the music video!" Alani added.
"When Rihanna and the dancers did that pose that looked like an eye? Top tier!" Jen praised.
"Yeah, that was the coolest thing," Vienna beamed.
As songs like What's My Name, Hard, and Umbrella came on, the trio sang their hearts out while bouncing around the living room and on the couch. Once Breakin' Dishes blasted on the speaker, they became excited since it was one of their favorite Rihanna songs.
"I was waiting for this one!" Vienna yelled happily.
"Are we singing it like we usually do?" Jennie asked with anticipation.
"Let's switch it up!" Alani suggested.
"All right, I'll go," Vienna offered.
He been gone since 3:30
"3:30!" Jen shouted.
Been coming home lately at 3:30
As the chorus came on, the trio danced around, pretending to be angry while shouting out the lyrics.
I'm breakin' dishes up in here, all night
I ain't gon' stop until I see police lights
"I'm still waiting, come through the door. I'm killing time, you know, bleaching your clothes!" Jennie sang the second verse like she was tired of a man's BS. "I'm roasting marshmallows on the fire. And what I'm burning is your attire. I'm getting restless,"
"Uh!" Alani shouted.
"I'm getting tested!"
"Let him know!"
"And I can't believe he's always out every night and never checks in!"
"He cheating?"
"Is he cheating? Man, I don't know. I'm looking 'round for something else to throw!" Jennie grabbed a pillow and threw it.
After spending the next hour partying to Rihanna's songs, Jennie went to plug in her music and pressed shuffle. Fall Out Boy's Irresistible came on which made her smile.
"Hey, didn't you make a cover of this song recently?" Vienna asked.
"Uh huh!" she beamed, thinking about the series of covers she had done and posted on BTS' SoundCloud for ARMY.
"Did Fall Out Boy notice you, yet?"
"Yeah! I met them! They're so cool! I hope we can collaborate, soon!"
With Matt Rife, he continued to search on social media about Jennie, getting to understand who she was and what she did. He even checked out some fan accounts about her and thought she was even cuter than he anticipated. What surprised him the most was that she was taking self-defense classes. Her teacher had posted a recent video of her throwing him over her hip for a quick takedown after grappling him. Matt was astonished by how strong she was.
What a beauty.
He scrolled through the comments as fans geeked out that she was doing fine in America and raved about how strong she was.
'Omg she really did that!'
'I feel bad for the members if they try to mess with her now, lol'
'RIP Jin! She's preparing for their wrestling match!'
'Can she throw me like that on the ground?'
'If she throws me like that, I would say thank you'
'She can punch me in the face anytime!'
'Wow, she's so strong'
'I love that she's taking self-defense classes. I want to take them now.'
Soon after, he couldn't help himself and wrote a comment too.
'@JJennie_JW you can throw me like that anytime ;)'
And of course, he was told by Armies to back off.
For a while, ARMY began to notice a shift in Jungkook's demeanor. He did not seem as happy as he usually was and his jokes weren't common like they used to be. Sure he'd smile and laugh whenever he was with the members but the truth was that this distance between him and Jennie was difficult to adjust to. It did make him ponder about this being a preview for when he goes off to the military.
Twitter noticed his attitude change and made threads about him being unhappy. Along with that, people were asking about Jennie and her future with BTS because it seemed like she wasn't doing anything or being involved anymore.
'Okay WHERE is Jennie? Thread'
'Guys Jennie has not been active with BTS in a while. She has not been with them for their recent concerts or V-Lives and I am worried something bad happened'
The thread went on to come up with various theories on the matter while armies were quick to put in their two cents.
'I hope she isn't leaving BTS.'
'Yeah, where tf is she? And she hasn't posted anything in a while! That's unusual! BTS stay posting but there is nothing about her these days'
'They talk about her on vlive so that's a good sign things are fine, right?'
'You think she fought with a member or something?'
'Come to think of it, maybe that's why Jungkook has been looking off these days. They may have fought and aren't on speaking terms'
'Like you see the body language of Jungkook lately? They had a bad argument and aren't friends anymore'
'What? What kind of mess is that? That's a dumb theory'
'You guys are dumb. It's her VISA'
'A visa doesn't take that long to go through. She should be back by now'
'Come to think of it, yeah, you may be right. I'm sure things are finished by now and she could come back to Korea'
'I think her visa is taking longer than usual and that's why. Relax,'
'Maybe Big Hit is just letting her spend more time with her family like the perfect company they are!'
'Nah, Big Hit is sabotaging her. She should be back with Bangtan'
'No, they're probably letting her spend more time in America before coming back. They're a great company and allowing her to spend time with her family. Calm down'
'No, they're not a great company! They are ruining her! She needs to get out of there. I hate seeing her inactive'
'All y'all need to just trust that things with Jennie are going to be fine. Stop making everyone anxious about this. Jennie is still with BTS'
Since Jennie still couldn't go back to Korea yet, the staff decided to fly to America to film her Wings 8 video. They rented a big space to make sure they had all they needed for the short film. The company decided to have her video and song be the last ones out of the group. The solo videos were going to begin getting released around September 4th and her video was scheduled for September 19th before they changed plans and made her show up last.
Despite working on the album, Big Hit still wanted her to remain off social media. It had been hard since she wanted to engage with fans and shout out other idol groups for their comebacks like Monsta X and Got7 but she did what she was told.
'Short Film Making Story'
With the camera filming her getting ready, she happily waved to it and began to speak.
"Hey, it's your girl Jennie and today I am here to film my Wings short film! And look! My hair is finally dyed! Frickin red! Ahhh~!" she cutely jumped up and down and showed it off before letting the stylist continue their work. "Now y'all can stop asking me every single comeback! I mean look at this! Look! This hair is amazing! I look so good! I'm glad I went through with it. Red looks great on me! Rihanna vibes!"
"She cried," the stylist put her on blast.
'Miss Bangtan Is Put On Blast'
Jennie stared at the stylist, astounded. "I-I didn't cry!"
"Yes, you did. You were like, 'Oh God please let my hair be okay. Please don't let it fall out or get damaged,'" the stylist teased.
"Shut it!"
Jen went over to the set that looked similar to an airport as she wore jeans and a black and white hoodie with a messy bun.
"I have no idea what the guys are doing for their short films," she added. "But since I'm here in America, the staff came here so we can film. Even though I'm having some visa issues, that doesn't mean I'm stopping my bag. We're making this work. I want you to see a different side of me for this comeback. I hope you look forward to it and keep cheering me on,"
She was given a bag to carry as the stylists did the finishing touches to her hair and makeup. 
"I'm supposed to be playing three people today," she announced to the camera with a nervous expression. "My regular self as you see now and then my dark and good personas. Kind of like an angel and a devil on your shoulders. It's going to be cool how the video is going to be created."
"Action!" the director announced.
Jen went on with the role, walking through the airport, clutching her bag. She looked around frantically before rushing into the women's bathroom. 
After recording her walking a couple of times to get all the right angles, she was then filmed in front of a bathroom sink. She placed her palms on it with a troubled facial expression as she stared at herself in the mirror. Before she knew it, she backed away, startled, and began to look confused.
For the scene with her back in the home she was in for the I Need U MV, she did a costume change, wearing a black suit with a black lace bodysuit under it. This time she was playing her evil persona with her hair down.
"I lowkey always wanted to play an evil person. I wonder how long it'll take for me to get into character. My sister helped me practice for the role. I hope she likes my acting and doesn't roast me for it. My acting lessons will pay off too!" she laughed. "I'm supposed to be speaking to myself. It'll be weird speaking to air but in the video, it'll have all three of me in the shot. So, you'll see how it all develops,"
Once she heard action, Jennie leaned her back against the counter and glanced over nonchalantly at her dead ex who was on the floor.
"Welp..." she murmured coldly and turned to where her other self would be leaning over the counter. "Hey. Pull yourself together."
'Jennie channels her inner evil self with charisma'
"Come on, let me take over. I'm tired of this 50/50 fight," she said smugly like she was looking at the good persona of herself.
For the last shot, Jennie sat in the waiting room of the airport, playing some notes from her solo song on the guitar. While she played, someone walked over to her which caused her to stop and acknowledge the person. The camera remained on her, only showing the person's footsteps to keep viewers guessing who had found her.
Once the director announced that the shot was finished, everyone cheered while Jennie happily jumped out of her seat and bowed politely.
"Thank you! Woo! I'm done~! Yay! I can't wait for the video to drop! Look forward to it ARMY!" she waved goodbye to the camera.
Wings 8: Evermore
"I wanted only to live in accord with the promptings which came from my true self. Why was that so very difficult?" Jennie narrated from Demain before the screen faded in to reveal her feet running through the airport.
It panned up to her back as footsteps and her heavy breathing were heard. She had been running and slowed down the pace to speed walk. There was hardly anyone in the airport as she looked around, clutching her bag tightly with her guitar on her back. She appeared troubled as several thoughts went through her mind like she did something regretful and thought someone was going to find her.
All that was on her mind was that she had to leave. Asap. She could not stay here. Not after what happened.
Finding the women's bathroom, she rushed into it and set her bag and guitar down against the wall. Jen exhaled sharply, and approached a sink, placing her palms on it. Slowly, she looked up to meet her reflection in the mirror.
"You're okay..." she whispered to herself.
She looked fine but on the inside, she felt like hell. Upon looking at herself, she was startled when a woman that looked exactly like her, stared at her from behind. Only not in a bun but with her hair down and black clothing.
This dark figure she stared at smirked softly, which caused Jennie to look confused.
What was going on? Why was she staring at herself wearing different clothes and hair? The dark figure even had the same white butterfly necklace in contrast with the dark clothes.
Jen tilted her head to the side and watched as the figure copied her movements. She then tilted her head to the other side and watched as the figure did the same. Swiftly turning around, she was met with nothing. The woman was gone.
She took a few steps forward. Okay, maybe she was imagining things.
But little did she know, the dark figure was behind her. When Jennie turned around, her face was cupped into the dark figure's hands, and her forehead pressed against hers, ending the shot as the screen went black.
For the next shot, Jennie was back at home where she was in for the I Need U MV. She had on the same white dress from the MV with the messy bun still intact.
She stood against the kitchen counter with her forearms on it. Her face remained emotionless as she thought about what had just happened.
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The camera panned over to the feet on the floor that belonged to her ex. To ease her nerves, she tapped her shaky fingers against the glass of water she had in her hands. Her mind began to fog up with negative thoughts about her fate.
Abruptly, the dark persona of hers leaned her back against the counter, crossing her arms. She glanced at the body nonchalantly.
"Welp..." her dark persona spoke coldly. She had no remorse for the man. She turned to Jennie and watched as she was still in a state of shock. "Hey. Pull yourself together..."
A loud sigh was heard as Jennie's good persona stood on the other side, facing the counter. She wore a white suit and her red hair was straightened. A black butterfly necklace was placed around her neck as she stared at the body sympathetically. She placed a hand on Jennie's shoulder.
"Are you all right?" her good persona asked.
"Of course, she is. He got what he deserved," her dark persona answered, earning a frown in return.
"It was an accident,"
"An accident? Please...if he's dead, he deserved it," her dark persona bluntly replied.
"She is not a bad person," her good persona denied and removed her hand from Jennie.
"That's where you're wrong. There's a bit of evil in all of us and you know it," her dark persona turned to Jennie who continued to look forward. A wicked smile crept on her lips. "I bet that felt good...tempting..."
"It was a scary situation she was put in. It didn't feel good at all. She's full of remorse,"
"To you. She's more like me now and soon she will become all of me,"
"She will never become what you are. Not while I'm here,"
"Look around you," the dark persona gestured, briefly looking around. "Look at what happened. This is her true self,"
"This is not her,"
"Yes, it is. She won't be needing you, anymore. Come on, let me take over, I'm tired of this 50/50 fight,"
"She'll atone. I'm not giving up on her," 
"Well, it certainly wasn't you that she channeled to do what she did. You're too soft. Enough was enough."
The good persona ignored her and leaned toward Jennie's ear. "You are still a good person. You defended yourself. It was self defense."
Having enough, the dark persona grabbed Jen by the chin and turned her head slightly, speaking in her ear as she glared at his body. "Look at what you've done. Look at him suffer! He deserved every bit of it! This was what you wanted to do for a very long time. This was building for weeks!" she began to shout angrily. "These men think they can do whatever they want to us, say whatever they want, disrespect us, and hurt us?! No. They did it to the wrong one this time,"
Jennie seemed to have slowly gotten out of her shocked state when she heard a loud groan from the floor.
So he was still alive...
That calmed her nerves a bit as Jennie managed to walk across the counter to stand and look at his weakened state. He faintly called out her name in anger, uttering out curses.
"Huh. So, the piece of shit is still alive," her dark persona said with a scowl as she stood next to Jennie with her arms crossed.
"Good. There's still time," her good persona said, standing on her other side.
"No..." her dark persona turned to Jennie. "You know exactly what to do...end it,"
"No. Don't throw it all away. You're better than this. You are not alone and you know which route to take," her good persona said as the trio looked at the man on the floor.
Back to reality, Jennie had awakened in the waiting area of her flight thanks to her phone notifications going off. She also noticed that it was getting close to her flight arrival and more people were showing up at the airport.
Curious about the messages, she went through them and noticed it was all about whether she was all right which made her tear up. Everyone was asking for her whereabouts. But she had to ignore it and keep moving forward. She needed to leave.
Before she could turn her phone off, the person she wanted to avoid the most began to call. She hesitated to answer as she stared at the caller ID while the camera didn't show who was calling. 
Placing her phone back into her bag, she grabbed her guitar out of the case and began to play the opening notes of her song to distract herself.
The camera panned to the floor to show footsteps approaching her and they stopped near the row she sat at. As Jen stopped playing, the instrumental of her song continued to play in the background.
Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she let out a breath and acknowledged the hand. She then slowly turned her head to look up in the direction of the individual she predicted to find her as the screen faded to black.
"Looks like you found me..."
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veeeffvee · 1 month
Not really a question on anything big, but just wanted to stop by and say hello. How are things? :P
Hello! Things are good! I'm about to graduate from college in two days! :D
And gog I can't believe it. I'll never have to do schoolwork again (hopefully, I mean my parents are pushing me to go to grad school but I REALLY don't wanna). 90% of my life has been schoolwork, and now I never have to do it again. I literally can't wait for all the free time I'll have to do draw and write and do all the stuff that college has hindered me from doing. Like COLOR-TV!
I mean I still have my animatic of course, but my professor said that she'll let me work on it until September, which is DOABLE. I'm almost to the second chorus! And gog I can't wait to show it to you all, I really hope y'all like it because I'm putting SO MUCH EFFORT into this!!!
Oh yeah and lookie! Remember how I said that I submitted my art to be showcased alongside fellow artists at my college? Well here's a picture of that lmao
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My silly cartoony art of Christopher, alongside people's actually good photography and paintings, as well as several complicated research projects ;v;
I'm even in the first few pages too, ughhh lmao
I also made collages of the many many drawings I made for the animatic that I had to put together for the exhibition, and I would show you all them if they weren't unfortunately a spoiler lmao. I want the animatic to be a surprise, at least as well as I can keep this secret!
Hmm, what else... I guess I'm worried about getting a job after college? Because it's gotta be labwork, that was the whole point of getting my bio degree lmao. Hopefully I can score a job working at that national laboratory I visited, because they had positions that seemed interesting. Plus that would be a state job, which is fantastic?? But I'm gonna try not to get my hopes up lmao
Although I'm gonna be honest. If I do get that national lab job, I have no idea what will happen to my activity on this blog. Because I'll have to move there since it's three hours away from where I live, and live on the lab campus. Which wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't a federal facility using a federal network. Apparently they're very strict about what websites you go to. I'm not even allowed to play video games on their network, can you believe that? So what are the chances I can use social media???
So yeah. I want the job, but also I kinda. Don't want the job. Lmao
I care so much about my blog and my online presence man. This stuff keeps me sane, as awful as that is. I need to make things and share them online for people to enjoy, it's just so much more natural to me than working in some sterile lab somewhere. *sigh*
Uhhh have I rambled enough? I think I've rambled enough. If I somehow haven't, feel free to ask any specific questions and I'll be happy to answer them lmao
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Idia Shroud Masquerade Dress Personal Story: Part 1
"Even if you say you believe in me..."
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Ortho: Nii-san, isn't it about time for you to head towards the Lecture Hall?
Idia: Yeah… I got a message from Malleus-shi and Azul-shi just a bit ago, something about a meeting?
Idia: Why're they suddenly wanting to gather everyone heading to the cultural exchange…?
Idia: Meh, they're probably just gonna adjust the groupings 'cause Malleus-shi was randomly added to the group.
Idia: There's no point in me going all the way there in person. I'll just remote in, easy-peasy!
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[Lecture Hall]
Malleus: I shall begin the meeting now. I have gathered you all here today in order to impart some important news.
Malleus: Frankly… I am thinking I'd like to gift Noble Bell College a song at this upcoming masquerade.
Everybody: A song?
Idia: Huh? …A song!?
Malleus: Correct. I thought this would be a proper gift of thanks for being invited to this cultural exchange.
Azul: As Malleus-san and his cohorts were anguishing over what to present as a thank-you gift, I just happened to pass by, and recommended a song.
Azul: It is a traditional song in the City of Flowers, titled "Let My Wish Resound." I learned of it from Lilia-san, and it is quite lovely.
Sebek: This is Malleus-sama's wish to return the gift of thanks…
Sebek: And you all have the pleasure of assisting him!! There should be no higher honor for all you humans!!
Riddle: As always, there's that condescending manner of speech…
Riddle: But I do concur that a gift is a splendid idea. Bringing something when visiting others is considered good manners, after all.
Jamil: I can appreciate it being a song from the City of Flowers, too. I'm sure those from Noble Bell College will be pleased if we respect their hometown in this manner.
Ruggie: Yeah. I guess I can do this for free, 'specially since we'd be able to make connections with all the rich kids from those other schools!
Rook: It's a superb idea! I implore you to allow me to be of assistance.
Malleus: I'm glad to hear everyone's whole-hearted determination.
Malleus: I intend on selecting three people for the main vocals, and the rest will be the backup chorus.
Malleus: First, we'll begin with the selection of the main vocals…
Idia: WAIT A MO'!!!
Idia: You guys are all just carrying on all on your own, but you gotta be kidding.
Idia: You want to perform a song? At the masquerade? I already can't even deal with having to head to the cultural exchange, and you want to throw a song on top of that? No way, no way, no way.
Idia: How about just letting those who want to perform, perform!
Malleus: Hm… So, there are those against the idea, after all...
Silver: True, there may be some who may not be skilled at singing.
Silver: But if we take the time to practice together, then I'm sure we will be able to overcome this.
Silver: Everyone, I implore you to lend us your cooperation.
Deuce: Ah, please don't bow your head! C'mon, we're all part of the same team here.
Epel: That's right. I'll totally help out, yeah!
Ruggie: Whatever the reason, looks like we're all on the same page. Except… for one person.
Everybody: [staaaaaaaare]
Idia: Eeeh… What's with this pressure that I can feel even through the tablet…? Wait, am I the only one who objects to doing a song here?
Azul: Idia-san. If you do have any objections to my proposal of a song, then do you have an alternative?
Azul: Something less cumbersome, as moving, and above all, as inexpensive as a song!?!
Azul: …If you thought that far ahead, that is.
Idia: …Sigh.
Idia: The back chorus folks only need to stand behind the main vocals, right?
Idia: Then fine, I guess I'll do that… I'll just mouth along in the back and not stand out.
Malleus: Thank you for understanding, Shroud.
Idia: Yeah, yeah. Glad you guys are all happy. …Not that I get why anyone would want to put themselves on display, tho.
Idia: I'll just be watching from over here, so just volunteer or select the main vocalists already.
Malleus: I'll proceed. As for the selection method… I thought we would select the members impartially.
Idia: …Hm? Impartially?
Idia: Why do I feel like I've heard that same phrase recently…?
Malleus: I have here the magical lottery box that the Headmaster used to select those going to the cultural exchange.
Malleus: I aim to use this box once more to select the three main vocalists from the 11 people present here today.
Azul: What a splendid idea! This would make sure that this is a fair selection.
Azul: Whether one is a Dorm Leader or not, everyone will have an equal chance at being selected. Yes, an equal chance for all.
Malleus: Of course. I shall vow on my honor that I will draw these selections without any bias.
Idia: I got a bad feeling about this… I def got a bad feeling about this!
Malleus: Now, our randomly chosen participants are…
Idia: WAIT―――!!
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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Requested by Anonymous.
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finalmemes · 1 year
TWIN PEAKS. roleplay sentence starters of episode 1x01. feel free to edit according to scenario / pronouns. tw: death, death of a minor, horror, eating, mild language.
gone fishing.
the lonesome foghorn blows.
put [ name ] on the horn.
she's dead. wrapped in plastic.
you stay right there. i'm on my way.
[ name ], not a word about this to anyone until you hear from me.
we'd better take some pictures.
is this gonna happen every damn time?
[ name ], now means now.
we're gonna be able to get it for a song. one verse, no chorus.
honey, what's wrong? what's this all about?
why didn't she leave me a note?
what? who? what did you say?
i couldn't get my car started.
i can drop you by your place on the way if you want.
i'll see you in my dreams.
i think she knows about us.
come on, cowboy, light your fire.
i'll call you later.
let's get out of here.
hey, man, something's up.
thank you for your time.
something troubling you, [ name ]? you wanna tell us about it?
you think i killed her?
[ name ], we're gonna talk about this later.
i can tell from the sounds that it isn't her.
do you know where the key to this is?
don't walk away from me like that.
what's your name?
she was the one.
buy you a coffee?
i've never seen so many trees in my life.
as w.c. fields would say, "i'd rather be here than philadelphia."
if you could get paid that kind of money for being wrong 60 percent of the time, it'd beat working.
damn good food.
that's what i need. a clean place, reasonably priced.
i've got to find out what kind of trees these are.
have any trouble finding the place?
whole town's really badly shaken up.
there's a few things we gotta get straight right off the bat.
well, like i said, we're glad to have you here.
well, the autopsy hasn't been done yet.
Is there any connection to the dead girl?
what exactly are you saying?
terrible, terrible tragedy.
you're on your way to the morgue now, do you mind if i join you?
there it is. oh, my god, here it is.
i've got to find something to grab onto this with.
we need to bag and tag this.
you gonna let me in on whatever the hell is going on here?
[ name ], we got a lot to talk about.
what the hell are you doing?
i've been looking all over for you.
look, don't tell me where i ought to be.
boy, i sure know how to pick 'em, huh?
i hate asparagus. does this mean i'll never grow up?
that's something to get started on.
you ever been surprised before?
you two had a big fight last week, didn't you?
if i had a fight with her, if i sang songs with her, if i went skipping rope with her, what difference does it make?
[ name ], here's how this works. we ask the questions, and you answer the questions that we ask. briefly and to the point.
she wouldn't do that to me.
you didn't love her, anyway.
did they scarf that whole damn smorgasbord?
i'll be at home this evening, if you need a sympathetic ear.
you know, dear, i have no idea what's going on here.
you've been through a lot today.
you don't keep records?
i'm sorry, i know i promised not to call you there, but i have to see you.
i think i saw a cottontail rabbit.
who's the babe?
is this thing on?
now, there is a chance that the person who committed these crimes is someone from this town, possibly even someone you know.
they're not releasing many details, wisely, i suppose.
i'm going out the window in a few minutes and i need you to cover for me.
the best-laid plans of mice and men.
what do you mean? she snuck out?
i don't know where she's gone.
don't do it for me, do it for yourself.
you know why i'm whittling?
because that's what you do in a town where a yellow light still means slow down, not speed up.
why don't you whistle for a little backup?
what are you sneaking around for?
i suppose you want me to follow them at a discreet distance.
do you think they spotted us?
give me a donut.
man, smell those trees.
[ name ], what happened last night?
it's not your fault, [ name ].
i don't have an alibi.
what goes around comes around.
can you recommend to me a good inexpensive hotel or motel?
tomorrow comes early.
it must have happened about this time 24 hours ago.
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froggymarsh · 8 months
have i posted this ??? no idea !! have some regressor!grian and cg!scar in third life <3 (formatted weird because it's copy-pasted from discord and i dont feel like fixing it atm :thumbsup:)
That wasn't supposed to happen. The smell of gunpowder lingers in the air, still hot, and everyone is shouting. He didn't mean to do that. His heart hammers in his chest, his face hot as the chorus of despair continues to erupt through their little gathering in the village. He grips his axe, shrinks back behind his shield. "I didn't think he would actually die!" The chorus continues, some clearer than the rest- "Oooooh-" "First death!" "Brutal!" "Grian, you are in so much trouble!" The disappointed tone of Cleo's voice hits harder than he was expecting it to. His breath catches as the chorus continues- "You let it happen?!" "You dirty…" Tears well in his eyes- "Dirty-" "It was a prank," he tries, nearly a whine, but mostly a plea- don't hate him, don't fear him- he didn't mean to- "I feel terrible-" Just a prank, they echo, exasperated, surprised, mocking, as the tears come streaming down his face. They're- they're bigger, towering over him, why are they- why are they bigger? "I'm sorry," he whimpers, hiding fully behind his shield now- his voice is higher, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't- I'm sorry-" The chorus quiets some after that. He still hides behind his shield, wings wrapped tight around himself. He listens as they move, building a grave, a marker, a monument to the first death- Then there's a careful hand on his wing. "Hey, little bird," says a familiar voice, and Grian shrinks further into his feathered cocoon, "How'd you get so small?" "I didn't mean to," he mumbles, breath hitching, "I was- I was just being a goof- I just- wanted to scare people-" "Hey, shh," they carefully stroke his wings, smoothing out each green feather, "No worries, little G, I'm still alive and kicking with two whole lives." Grian peeks out of his feathers. Scar is smiling down at him, yellow eyes glittering warmly. “You peekin’ out a bit, there?” Scar asks. Grian sniffles, wiping his eyes on an oversized sleeve. ”C’mere, you.”
Scar pulls Grian up, and suddenly he’s aware of just how small he is, from the way his sweater now falls past his knees and when he stands he’s not as tall as a sitting Scar. Scar gently puts the axe and shield aside and pulls Grian into his lap. ”There we go,” Scar says, letting Grian adjust, until eventually he wraps his arms around his neck in an apologetic hug, “Aww, G-Man, you’re okay." Scar's hand moves from his wings to his hair, gently petting, ever so careful and ever-so-soft "I'm sorry," Grian whispers. "No harm done, little bird." "Lot's of harm done!" Grian protests, pressing closer, "You're- you're all yellow now!" His voice cracks on the last word-he's- he's sorry! He needs Scar to understand, to know that he's sorry- "And up we go-" Scar grunts, and then Grian is off the ground, still holding tight to Scar- "Is he okay?" that sounds like Tango. Grian hides his face in Scar's shoulder. "No, but I've got him," Scar answers, "He'll be okay." "If you're sure." Tango leaves, and the group seems to calm down as Scar assures them he's alright. Grian should walk by himself- should get started on preparations and plans, on a base, on farms- But he's- Scar's warm. Grian is tired, and he's completely cried himself out. He closes his eyes for only a second and when he opens them again, the sky is dark, and Scar is closing the door to an abandoned village house. Grian rubs his eyes, "Scar?" "Oh! G-Man! Sorry, didn't mean to wake you," Scar says. He pads across the room, carefully setting Grian on the bed, "We're alright in here, you can go back to sleep." "What happened?" Scar starts untying Grian's shoes, "There are a couple o' Phantoms out there, so I figured some sleep might be a good idea." He sets Grian's shoes aside and pulls back the blankets. "I gotta work on my base," Grian says.
"Tomorrow, G," Scar says, "It's bedtime now." Grian pouts, "Not bedtime." "Yes, bedtime," Scar answers. There's an amused sort of smile on his face, "Come on, lay down." "No." "Yes," says Scar, gently pushing him down, "You'll thank me later." Grian's head hits the pillow. "Fine," Grian mumbles, "Bedtime." Scar smiles, carefully tucking him in, blanket bumblebee yellow and pulled up to his chin. Scar leans down to kiss his forehead. When Grian wakes up again, his head is much clearer than before. He doesn't really remember last night, just- just the creeper. Scar. He's up after that, rushing to the door and pulling it open- "Oh, hello, Grian!" "Scar," Grian answers, breathless. "You're all big again," Scar carefully sidles past him, the bucket in hand sloshing around as he tucks himself into the room.
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inkedobsidian · 2 years
~ Cute Kids - H.Z ~
prompt: #24 "The kids, they ambushed me."
summary: After Zemo talks to the kids and gives them candy, Y/N goes out to get some more candy for them. Zemo finds her buried under a pile of hyperactive kids.
pairing: Helmut Zemo! x Reader
warnings: None
word count: 1,029
a/n: Requests are open! Prompt list is there if you guys want extra ideas!
Master-List - Prompts
Y/N had spent the whole day walking around the small village with Bucky, Sam, and Zemo. The trio didn't really know Zemo's true intentions, only that being with them was better than being in a prison cell. They'd already been through a lot as a group, with everything in Madripoor to then dealing with John Walker professing himself as the new Captain America. Sometimes it became easy to forget the history the whole team had with each other. The distrust still hung in the air but after saving each other's lives multiple times it became easy to trust each other on a primal level.
Y/N and Bucky hung back as Zemo made his way towards the group of kids that had gathered in the small courtyard. Bucky and Y/N shared a quick look of confusion as they watched Zemo emptied the bag of Turkish delights onto the stool and began talking to the kids that had huddled around him. Soon enough Sam had joined the trio watching Zemo.
"What the hell is he doing?" Sam spoke quietly to not disturb any of the vendors around him, who already didn't trust the trio. Y/N and Bucky just shrugged their shoulders. Meanwhile, Zemo was trying to get the kids to trust him enough to tell him where Mama Donya's funeral was being held. Kids were easy to bait into trust, all it took was a nursery rhyme and some candy. He spoke to them in a whisper just in case any of them heard him, he had to keep some leverage.
"You see those two men there? They're a very bad man, not to be trusted." Zemo whispered putting his finger over his lips to signal to keep it a secret. Just as he did the girl leaned to see over his shoulder to where Bucky and Sam were standing and met Y/N's eye line who then raised her hand to give the girl a wave.
"What about her?" The girl whispered. Zemo turned around to see Y/N leaned against the wall next to Bucky with a smile plastered on her face towards them. Zemo returned her smile before turning back to the girl with the smile still on his face.
"She can definitely be trusted," Zemo whispered towards the girl. Afterward, the girl and others scurried off, leaving Zemo to rejoin the group. As he walked up to them he smiled at Y/N before looking back at the men dropping his smile.
"Cute kids." He said continuing to walk past the group to the streets behind them. Y/N couldn't stop thinking about the smile the little girl gave her and how excited they were to see some candy. Y/N decided to break away from the group as they were walking back to the apartment they were staying in. It didn't take long for Y/N to find a small sweet shop next to where the kids were, it also didn't take Zemo long to notice that Y/N had been gone for an alarming amount of time. He used Bucky and Sam having a nap as a cover to sneak out to try and find her, hoping she wasn't in trouble.
Y/N however was already back at the group of kids that she'd seen earlier with the guys. The minute the kids seen her their heads poked up considering Zemo said she could be trusted. Y/N slowed her pace to not spook the kids, and to give them time to say she can approach. The kids nodded and beckoned her over with curiosity. Y/N sat cross-legged on the floor so she was at the kid's height.
"Don't tell anyone, but I have a present for you guys," Y/N says in a hushed voice like it was a secret occasion no one could overhear. The kids all immediately gathered around her sat on the floor just like she was. Once they were all sat in a circle, Y/N turned the bag upside down and let all the candy fall onto the floor. A chorus of oohs erupted from the kids and then it immediately turned into laughter as Y/N scooped the candy and pushed it towards the children. Immediately they all started opening bags and sharing candy while making chit-chat with Y/N the best they could in English.
It took Zemo about 30 minutes to find Y/N and as time continued he got increasingly more worried that something had happened to her, that was until he walked into the same courtyard they'd been in an hour prior, he hadn't even rounded the corner before he heard a chorus of laughing and children trying to teach Y/N their language. Zemo slowly peeked around to see various kids from before piling on top of Y/N giving her hugs in various directions. He stopped his approach and just leaned against the wall watching the chaos with a smile on his face. He thought he hadn't been seen until the girl he spoke to earlier noticed him and ran to him grabbing his hand pulling him towards the group. Once he reached the group he was sat next to Y/N by the girl and she took a seat too.
"The kids, they ambushed me," Y/N whispered in Zemos ear as she leaned in.
Bucky and Sam had a minor panic when they woke up to both Zemo and Y/N missing, so much so that they began sprinting through the streets looking for them until they went to the last location they were all at and see Zemo and Y/N still sat side by side, too close for Sam and Buckys liking. Bucky and Sam decided to stay back and see what was going on, then all of the kids stood up and started holding hands. Y/N and Zemo were dragged to stand up and join in, but then they realized they'd have to hold hands too. They both looked at the kids than each other then slowly held hands and joined in with the game.
That was until the moment got ruined by John Walker and Lemar came bounding into the courtyard and the kids scattered leaving Y/N and Zemo surrounded by candy wrappers… still holding hands.
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thesugarclubs-blog · 2 months
Put A Little Love on Me - Sam Wilson x OC
warnings: hurt/comfort, friends to lovers, air force friends, soft smut, 18+
word count: 8.4k
WP: https://www.wattpad.com/1437355323-put-a-little-love-on-me-lane
vibe: "That's not fair, Sam," she whispered, hugging her arms around her middle, her fingers gripping into the fabric of her dress.
Sam shook his head and stepped closer to her, chewing on the inside of his cheek, "No it's not, but it's all I had. We promised we'd always have each other no matter what happened. After everything you helped me through when Riley -" his words cut off and her let out a breath, keeping his dark eyes on hers, "I just wanted to be able to help you the way you helped me," he finished
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A few raps sounded at his bedroom door as he changed his tie once more. 
“Mr. Wilson, sir?” Sam smiled  at Peter’s voice coming from the other side. “I don’t mean to rush you but Barnes-”
“Completely means to!” 
Bucky’s exasperated voice boomed through the first floor of the compound interrupting him causing Sam to snort out a laugh as he tightened his tie and looked over himself quickly in the mirror. The soft pink tie he had finally landed on looked great  against the crisp navy suit he had chosen for tonight. 
They had been invited to a spring gala in honor of the Armed Forces tonight and they’d asked him, as Captain America and former Air Force, to say a few words. 
“Looking good Wilson, looking good.” He winked at himself before pocketing his phone and wallet to head out the door. 
Sam made his way over to where Bucky was sitting alongside Peter in the common room, looking like he was going to burst into flames as the youngest showed him something on his phone excitedly. 
“Don’t scare him off Parker, he might bail on us.”  
His partner rolled his eyes and cleared his throat before standing and running a hand through his hair. 
Sam whistled, “You know for a person who didn’t wanna go you clean up real nice Buckaroo.” 
“Don’t push your luck Sam,” he replied pointedly. 
“But where’s the fun in that?” Sam grinned as he grabbed his coat and headed for the door. “Are you guys coming?” He asked innocently, just catching the way Bucky glowered, unimpressed, as he followed with a heavy trudge. 
The car waited outside, tinted windows and a security detail that felt entirely unnecessary and did little to ease Sam’s nerves. It’s not that he hated public speaking, it was a given now, but the cause for tonight was important. It sat close to his heart, in both pride and heartbreak, and he just hoped the small speech he had prepared did it justice.
As the cavalcade approached the Plaza, Bucky looked through the tinted glass and whistled. "Very fancy Sammy boy." The car pulled up in front of the huge double doors, the red carpet lined with press and reporters. "And they're all here for you." As the door opened Bucky held his arm out, "After you, I insist," he smirked to Sam, "Me and the boy will just hang here until the heat dies down." 
"So much for moral support, " Sam complained, over his shoulder as he stepped out of the car. The camera flashes and the cacophony of voices that greeted him confirmed that Bucky had the right idea.
He took a breath and transformed his face into the friendly, all-American grin that he knew the public loved and stepped forward. He held his arms out slightly, as if he were about to give the crowd a hug, and then waved. Here, there, up to the right, wherever he heard his name called as he slowly but resolutely made his way towards the doors of the building.
His right hand went to the watch on his left wrist and he surreptitiously fingered the tiny control panel. Gasps of delight came from the crowd as Redwing swooped down and performed some aerial acrobatics, guiding Sam the rest of the way to the doors through a chorus of cheers and applause.
Once inside, he took a moment to steel himself with a breath as everyone in attendance bustled around the room; taking pictures, grabbing glasses of champagne from trays. He took his phone out quickly typing out a text to Bucky and Peter letting them know he’d find their table. As soon as Bucky responded, he pocketed his phone and made sure his speech paper was still  safely tucked inside his jacket pocket before making his way through the crowd of attendees.
He scanned the room until he found the seating chart by the bar — open, he hoped — and found their names under table number one, right front and centre. 
The table was still empty when he arrived, eight exquisitely laid places and a beautifully crafted centrepiece. Sam wandered around the table, searching out his name and slid into his seat, just taking a moment of calm before he would inevitably be thrown into the fray. 
Bucky and Peter’s voices mingled with the music as they bustled over behind him. 
“I was waiting for a text so we could sneak in, Wilson. Do you know how many hands I had to shake tryin’ to find you?” Bucky grumbled, slumping into the chair beside him.
Sam cocked an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at his lips, "Poor little super soldier, having to mingle and get appreciated"
The small stifled laugh from Peter caused a chuckle to bubble from his lips as Bucky rolled his eyes. Sam knew the spotlight was something Bucky was still getting used to and for the most part he always supported his friend's decision to hide in the shadows but with their recent successes and their new team growing, he'd have to accept the supportive attention, even if it was just for one night.
"To be fair Bucky, you were the one who insisted every man for himself," Peter started to explain, before seeing the look Bucky was sending him and pulling himself short. "I know, shut up kid, " he finished, pushing his chair backwards, he stood and suggested, "should I to go see if they have any Asgardian Mead?"
"Good idea, kid," Bucky replied, "I've a feeling I'm going to need it."
"You need to go easy tonight Buck," Sam advised.
"I know how to behave in polite society," Bucky shook his head at Sam, "I was brought up by a lady and know how to treat the dames."
“Rule number one,” Sam countered, “don’t call ‘em dames. They don’t like that anymore.” 
“Aw, shucks! That’s why I can’t get a date.” 
Sam rolled his eyes and turned his attention to the rest of the room. It was probably time to get this show on the road, be the man of the people and shake some hands. 
“I’m gonna go mingle, hold down the fort and don’t let Parker drink.” He pointed a finger at Bucky as he stood. Brushing his hands down his suit, he took a deep breath and headed towards Rhodey, the first face he’d recognised since he walked in.
Clapping his friend on the back, Sam grinned his signature grin and extended his hand to the two council members that Rhodey was talking too, "Gentleman, I hope my friend here isn't boring you with his tank story, again," 
"That story is a classic and always kills," Rhodey defended as the men with him laughed, shaking their heads. 
"Only to people who haven't heard it ten times," one of them retorted with a booming laugh. 
Sam nudged his shoulder into his friends with a smirk as the conversation moved on to the recent PR that was needed for their growing team and how it was going to be handled. They wanted Kate and Yelena to make appearance's at schools and Peter needed to do tech presentations, stepping into the shoes that Tony had left for him. But something caught Sam's attention, and the councilman's words drifted out to a dull whisper. 
A girl with soft brunette waves stood by the bar in a navy blue satin gown, her deep chocolate brown eyes trained on his with a soft smile playing on her lips as she took a sip from her wine glass. Sam's chest squeezed as his mind jolted to the last time he'd laid eyes on the girl in front of him. The soft goodbye she'd whispered into his ear, and the press of her lips to his cheek before she'd walked out for her last mission. The day she'd walked out the door, taking his heart with her. 
"Yeah, yeah that sounds good, we'll talk about it Monday," Sam mumbled, squeezing Rhodey's shoulder, "Will you excuse me?" He didn't wait for an answer before he walked away, his tunnel vision setting in as the rest of the room faded.
His heart rate picked up with each step he took towards her. Sam slowed to a stop in front of her, those eyes he'd fallen into time and time again trail up and down the navy suit he wore. "Lanie?" Sam breathed out her name like an unanswered prayer and her smile only grew. 
"I'm a little disappointed you didn't wear the wings." She quipped, taking a sip of her drink. 
He was too busy admiring just how much more beautiful she had gotten since the last time he saw her for her words to register and when they did he couldn't help but chuckle. "Shoot, I left them in the car." 
Lane laughed and the sound hit deep in his core. The feelings he had bottled up and tucked away started to bubble in his chest as her laughter slowed and it was just the two of them. 
"You look good, Sam," Lane said softly.
"This old thing," he gulped, trying to get his racing heart under control.
 Lane had always had this effect on him, even before the feeling was mutual. Just a look from her in his direction or a parting of her lips sent his pulse through the roof. Lane had been so weary of the guys in their squadron, conscious that they were a bunch of entitled A-holes, who made a female pilot work twice as hard for the privilege of wearing the wings.
 She'd finished in the top 5%  of their class, proving herself and nabbing a commission most of the other flyers could only dream of. When Sam had transferred to Dulles Air Force base a year after graduating he'd been delighted to discover not only was Lane still there but had blossomed into a confident, pack up your shit and take a hike, no-nonsense lady. Well-liked and respected by her squad, she had remembered Sam fondly and had been happy to show him the ropes and eventually allowed him to take her out for a drink.
“You, uh… you look good too, Lanie,” Sam murmured softly, taking her in properly. She’d always been beautiful, even with her hair in the regulation bun, slicked back and shining with gel and a fresh face. Now though, he wasn’t sure he could be in her vicinity much longer without a drink in his hand. 
“Thanks, big shot,” she smiled, that heart-stopping, flirty thing that always sent his heart a flutter. “How is that going? Being Cap?” 
Sam sucked in a breath. “Big shoes to fill,” he chuckled as Lane caught his elbow gently, leading him towards the bar. 
“And yet they fit you so well, Sam,” she replied, “I certainly had no doubt they would.”
A familiar fluttering filled his chest as Sam felt a blush creeping up his neck, “Thanks Lanie, that uh, means a lot coming from you” 
She smiled again, that smile that was seared into his brain from the first moment they met at training camp. A smile that brightened the room and dulled away all the worries that plagued his heart since taking up the mantle. 
“And you,” Sam cleared his throat, as his tongue darted out to wet his suddenly dry lips, “I hear you’re basically running the program now, but not flying anymore what’s that about?” 
A flash of a pained expression crossed her face, before she covered it with a soft smirk and shook her head, “you keeping tabs on me, Wilson?” She questioned, teasingly.
His heart flipped at the question. He had been keeping tabs on her, a small obsession and mainly just to make sure she was still kicking. "You know how airmen and women are." 
Lane raised a brow, "and what about you? Any new aliens I should know about." 
Sam chuckled and shook his head thankful for the change of subject. If she knew just how much he had been following her career on his own it would open that can of worms they decided to close a long time ago. "Androids maybe, aliens..." he shook his head, "not as of late."
"Good to know the world's in safe hands." She turned to the bartender. "Can I get an Old Fashioned and...?"
"Just a beer for me," Sam ordered. The area around the bar was getting crazy busy, with other attendees pressing against them trying to get served. 
Lane passed him his beer and stepped away from the bar, taking a gulp of her drink, she then motioned her glass towards the balcony doors. "I need to get some air, it's a little warm in here." She turned away from him and took another couple of steps. "It really is lovely to see you Sam," she smiled, a shy smile which reminded him so much of their first time together. "Maybe we don't leave it so long next  time."
He wanted to say something else, to follow after her. To continue the conversation that he craved so desperately but he could see she needed out. She had never quite fit in events like these. She was beautiful and good at pretending she was social but Sam could see the obligatory scowl flicker to her face when the important people weren't looking. Same old Lane. Wanted to be anywhere else than where she had to be. 
Sam spent the night fielding questions from politicians, and making sure his overgrown, chaotic dates, Bucky and Peter, stayed out of the mead. It wasn't until he was sitting alone with his third beer in the wind and the band started to play the after dinner music that he realized his mind had been on Lane all night. She floated around the room, avoiding the big crowds and speaking directly to a few important people but it never lasted long and she disappeared as quickly as she appeared. 
"Why don't you ask her to dance?" Peter slumped down into the chair beside Sam. "I've been watching you, watching her all night." 
"I haven't been watching no-one, Squirt." Sam brushed him off but his eyes found her again, slender curves and bright, fake smile as she awkwardly shook hands with another man. 
"She looks like she needs saving," Peter shrugged. 
But Lane had never needed saving, not really. 
"Chicken," Peter resorted to name calling and as soon as he turned on him the squawking stopped.
“I will put you on mission laundry duty,” Sam threatened, “and I know for a fact Barnes leaves his go-bag far longer than he should between washes. Every. Single. Time.”
Peter shuddered and Sam cackled as the younger man scurried away to the bar. 
“No mead!” Sam called after him before his gaze fell back to Lane. She was holding her own against the man, a Sergeant in full dress who was pushing his luck with how close he was standing. It wasn’t until his hand skimmed across the small of Lane’s back and she stepped out of his reach that Sam chugged back the rest of his beer and heaved himself up. 
“Not saving her, just deterring the creep,” he muttered to himself as he headed in their direction.
"Sergeant, I think it's important to remember we are in the company of many of our superiors." Lane reminded the man with that sickly sweet smile that to others seemed just polite, but Sam knew the venom around it. 
The man was just about to part his lips to counter when Sam stepped to her side, "Sir I believe Rhodey was looking for you." 
He frowned and shook his head walking away from them. 
"I didn't need saving Cap." Lane said after a moment when the man was out of earshot.
"No you didn't, but he did. I remember when you almost roundhoused a guy who thought touching you was a god given right." Sam responded, "And as you say, we're surrounded by superiors."
"That was a lifetime ago Sam, the new me doesn't get violent, I just get even. Unfinished business and all that." She bit her lower lip and looked like she wanted to say more, but took another sip of her drink instead.
Sam watched as another uniform approached her from behind and instead of leaving her to the dogs like she so clearly wanted to be Sam extended his hand. 
"How about a dance?" He asked. 
Lane eyed his hand, thoughts swirled around behind those pretty eyes and then she downed her drink and set it aside and slid her hand into his. 
"You still step on toes?" She teased and Sam huffed. "I'll take that as a yes."
“Hasn’t stopped you before,” Sam quipped, leading her onto the dance floor and Lane laughed lightly. 
“I’m a risk taker, Wilson. It’s like you don’t know me at all.” 
The music grew louder the closer they got to the band, big brass swelling around the crooning of the singer they’d hired. Sam pulled Lane closer, holding her slender frame against his body as they began to sway gently. 
“Now, I don’t know about that, Lanie. You’ve never hidden yourself from me.”
"That you know of." Lane smirked up at him, her long hair cascading down her back as her chin lifted to look up at him. Those dark eyes finding his, "I'm pretty good at keeping secrets." 
Sam raised a brow, "you can't keep a secret for the life of you." 
She grinned up at him again, a mischievous look behind her eyes, "that you know of."
Sam led Lane around the dance floor, the two of them in comfortable silence, but he was sure she could see the words brewing in his eyes, something he had been dying to offload ever since they parted ways. 
He cleared his throat, pulling her closer to him so that their cheeks met, entwining their fingers so that there was no escaping his nearness. "Before, when you mentioned unfinished business, did you mean us? Is that what we are?"
"What do you think, Sam?" she asked softly, "Are we unfinished or was this over a long time ago?"
Sam felt his breath catch in his throat before speaking, "You tell me, Lane. I wasn't the one who took a mission and didn't come home."
"That's unfair Sam," She said, "you know what it's like on those missions..." She trailed off. Her hands tight in Sam's as they spun in a lazy circle. 
"Out there, sure," Sam answered, "but you came home, all I expected was a phone call." 
"Phone calls can still be hard when you don't know what to say," She hummed and let him spin her out and away from him, before gently bringing her back against his chest. Her back molded to his front as their cheeks pressed together as they silently worked through all those hard unspoken emotions. 
"We were never very good at talking anyways, Lanie."
Sam felt the reverberation of her hum through his chest and he turned his head, letting his lips graze lightly over her jaw. 
“Sam,” she said softly, her breath hitching. 
“Tell me you didn’t want it to be over,” he whispered lowly, “because I know I didn’t.” 
Lane tensed in his arms and Sam sighed. He should have known. 
“Sam, you have a speech to make soon. Let’s not do this now, please? Just dance with me a little longer.”
"Give me something, Lane," he was battling to keep his voice neutral. He was sure that once he left her to make his speech, she'd take off again. 
"I can't do this here, tonight Sam. Just for now let's pretend that we're a couple," she rested her head against his shoulder and Sam tightened his hold on her slightly as she turned her face and rubbed her nose up and down his neck. If Sam  closed her eyes, he could imagine that he was her wingman, murmuring sweet nothings in her ear, making her shudder with want. 
When she spun away this time, her fingers slipped from his and just like before she slipped into the crowd and away from him. 
He made to go after her when the crowd parted and the mic screeched over the heads of everyone, "everyone please welcome to the stage our very own Captain America, Sam Wilson!" 
Sam nodded, turning on his heal and painting a smile on his face and raised his hand in the air making his way to the stage to do his speech but his mind wandered to his Lanie, where she would have run off to and how far he'd have to go to chase her down this time.
Jogging up the steps to the microphone, Sam squinted against the lights and gathered his wit, feeling a little out of sorts now. 
Under the attention of literally everyone in the room, he cleared his throat and patted down his pocket for his speech as his eyes settled on Bucky and Peter, the two of them lounging at their table with tumblers that were definitely filled with the Agardian mead he told them to steer clear of. Bucky grinned up at him and flashed two over-enthusiastic thumbs up and Peter cupped his hands around his mouth, whooping and cheering far too loudly for such a dignified gala. 
Still, it settled something within him and he dragged his eyes across the room, telling himself he wasn’t searching for her as he unfolded the piece of paper in his hand.
His entire speech felt distant, like he was on autopilot as he said the words and the crowd laughed from time to time. When the applause started and he folded the paper back up his heart raced with one last scan of the crowd. It wasn't until he caught a glimpse of navy satin disappearing out onto one of the balconies that he finally took a breath and followed her outside.
As he tried to make his way through the crowd, people clapped him on the back and stepped in front of him to comment on his speech. His eyes stayed trained on the balcony door, politely and professionally stepping around everyone who got in his way. He'd fight his way through an alien battlefield if it meant Lane was waiting for him on the other side. The glimmer of hope that clung to his chest drew him forward, through everything. 
Stepping out into the fresh spring breeze, Sam felt his breath catch in his throat once more as the moonlight shimmered on across her gown and illuminated her eyes, "Leaving me again so soon, Lanie?" he commented. 
"That's not fair, Sam," she whispered, hugging her arms around her middle, her fingers gripping into the fabric of her dress. 
Sam shook his head and stepped closer to her, chewing on the inside of his cheek, "No it's not, but it's all I had. We promised we'd always have each other no matter what happened. After everything you helped me through when Riley -" his words cut off and her let out a breath, keeping his dark eyes on hers, "I just wanted to be able to help you the way you helped me," he finished.
She stood there, throat bobbing. 
"Listen, I don't want to spend anymore time here and I don't think you do either. I did my speech, I paid my dues," Sam stepped forward, "why don't we go home?" 
Sam watched as her whole body tensed at his use of the word. He knew what he was doing, they had never lived together but home was less of a place for the two of them, more of a feeling. "You can talk," Sam said quietly but firmly as he reached out to her, "I can listen."
He watched the tears pool in her eyes as they darted softly across his face, almost like she was looking for the man he was all those years ago. Trying so hard to ground herself before putting her hand in his. Lane never did like showing her feelings, she always felt like she couldn’t and he could only hope to make her feel as safe as she did for him.
"Damn you, Sam Wilson," she muttered, but there was a soft, tentative smile on her face as she threaded her fingers with his. "If we're gonna do this, I need the greasiest, cheesiest burger you can get around here."
"I'll do you one better. You come back to the compound with me and I'll cook you up somethin' special, maybe somethin' from my Mama's secret recipe stash." 
"You mean Sarah finally shared them with you?" Lane chuckled, her eyes still glistening. "God, I used to love going home with you for that cooking." 
"Just for the cooking?" Sam replied, flashing her his best smile as Lane rolled her eyes. "What do you say, Lanie? We're both here, now, and if this is the only chance we get..."
"Take me home, bird boy," Lane smirked playfully, squeezing his hand gently. 
Another swarm of butterflies fluttered against Sam's rib cage at the familiar nickname he'd earned from his friends back on base. He let out a loud laugh, throwing his head back, "Oh that's what we're doing now?" 
Smiling brightly, Lane hummed and nodded once, bumping her shoulder into his as she dragged him back towards the door. Sam shook his head once more as he followed, tucking the two of them close to the wall as they snuck through the crowded room. Only a few people tried to catch his attention but there was nothing that was going to take him away from escaping with his girl.
The car was waiting out front and when he finally had her in the back seat it was like a tidal wave of relief had washed over him. He always knew how much he missed her, but seeing her here, ready and finally willing to just talk to him. It was different. He couldn't explain how real it all felt. So he kept his hand tucked in hers, craving the sensation of her skin until he could get her alone. 
Lane was nervous, he could feel it in her touch when she squeezed his hand with worry. He couldn't even remember the last time she had gone home with him. 
God he had missed her. "We're almost there," he rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand.
Lane smiled, small and tight, when the car pulled in through the security gate and she peered out the window at the sprawling compound. Once parked up, Sam helped her out, tucking her under his arm as they headed through the front door and through to the common room. 
The place was in relative darkness, the soft lighting usually set for night time, and Sam caught the way Lane’s shoulders fell, tension physically oozing out of her. 
“Take a seat,” he murmured softly, “I’ll open a bottle of red.”
He wandered over to the small wine storage, searching for the bottle of Lane’s favourite he knew he kept for memory’s sake, when his phone buzzed in his pocket. Sliding it out, he was met with a selfie of Bucky the idiot took when Sam wasn’t looking — Peter’s doing really, he’s sure — and he brushed his thumb across the screen to quickly take the call. 
“Are you allowed to bail on your own gala?”Bucky asked immediately, “at least tell me you’re alive.”
Sam breathed out a short laugh, "Alive and well, Buck. Just something I need to take care of," he smiled softly, grabbing the wine bottle off the shelf and turning it over in his hands. 
"Something or someone?" Bucky pressed, the hint of a joke in his grumpy voice, "If I have to stay here, I don't think it's fair that you got to leave, even the kid is leaving with Kate and Yelena, something about playing Kings" he grumbled, "but there's no royalty visiting the city,"
With a shake of his head, Sam couldn't help the roll of his eyes, "It's just a game Buck and you can leave too, just give the kitchen and common floor some space, I'll talk to you later" 
Letting out another laugh as he hung up his phone, Sam sauntered back into the living room presenting the wine bottle to Lane, with a proud smile, "Rippon Pinot Noir, just the way you like it,"
"Almost like you kept that sitting around in case I showed up," Lane teased but her voice was tight. 
"Better to be prepared than empty handed," Sam uncorked the wine. 
"Don't," Lane covered her glass with her hand, "straight out of the bottle or not at all," she smiled.
"Just like the good old days?" Sam nodded. 
"I wouldn't call them good, but they were days, and there was wine." Lane added, "and you."
"Then we got all we need," Sam replied softly as he took a seat beside her on the couch. Lane had kicked off her heels  and made herself comfortable, and something about that made him smile. That she could be so comfortable in his space again after so long apart. 
"So," she started, making grabby hands for the bottle and sipping it delicately. "Are you ready to listen?" 
"I'm all ears, sweetheart," he breathed, pressing his body against hers as offered him both the bottle of wine and her hand. He squeezed her fingers gently as Lane took a deep breath.
Lane turned her eyes down to their intertwined hands and swiped her tongue over her lips. Using two of his fingers, Sam lifted her gaze back up to meet his with a soft nod of his head, ensuring she knew that he was right there, whatever happened, he was with her. With a gentle smile ghosting her lips as her dark eyes skated over his face, Lane cleared her throat and began the story of her last mission. The amount of people they'd lost, and how she did everything to save as many as she could, but even the ones who came home didn't really. The emotion in her voice as she talked about her troops, the soft voice cracks and the small tear that escaped down her cheek made Sam's whole body ache. It was supposed to be a track and report mission, but it turned into a search and rescue. He'd been on difficult missions himself but this was something else all together. 
Sam wanted to gather her up in his arms and never let her go. To remind her that she was home and safe back in his arms. To tell her that he was never going to let anything bad happen to her again. 
"... I was shot out of the sky, just like Riley," she whispered, taking a small sip from the wine bottle in front of her, "My wings wrapped the wrong way and I just... fell. Shrapnel from the shot was lodged in my back with bits from my pack, if I hadn't been over water, I would've -" her voice broke again and Sam traced his thumb over her cheek, catching another tear. 
"There's a reason I didn't wear an open back dress tonight," Lane tried to joke, "The scars from surgery after surgery, it's not pretty Sam... and the - mental scars that I carry, it was too much to put on you. You were working with Steve Rogers when I got back, I wasn't about to swoop in and take that away just because I'm broken."
The words caught in Sam's throat, broken. He'd never once thought of Lane as anything but strong and fierce. Like a tidal wave. To hear her talk about herself in a way that was anything less than that, it broke down a wall inside of him.
"Show me, Lanie," He urged, knowing the chances of her saying no were high but he also knew that telling her that she was beautiful, unmarked and flawless. Those words would mean nothing to her, he needed to show her. "I'll show you mine," he added with a soft smile. 
"I've seen all your scars, Sam." She whispered, her fingers tighter around the bottle now. 
"I have some new ones," he returned the tease, trying to make her comfortable enough to give in and trust him just one more time.
"I don't know, Sam." Her voice was hushed, a quiet murmur in their little corner of the common room. 
"How about I go first?" He responded, and with the slight nod of Lane's head, Sam hopped to his feet and shrugged off his jacket, chucking it across the arm of the couch. She looked up then, her sad eyes fixed on his fingers as he worked quickly to undo his tie. Sam flashed her a grin, wiggling his eyebrows as if he were undressing for any other reason but to show off the jagged lines and mottled skin he carried with him now. And he'd do it a million times over if it meant Lane could see the beauty in the scars she carried herself. 
Once he reached the last button of his shirt, he let it hang open before he moved onto his belt, ridding himself of his clothes until he stood in nothing but his boxers and his socks and he began to point out his most recent scar, a long, freshly pink line that was a deep slit in his thigh just a few months ago. 
"Sam," Lane breathed, her breath hitching. 
"One for one?" Sam replied as he held his hand out, waiting patiently for her to take it, to trust him with her hurt like he had with her all those years ago.
Hesitantly, Lane placed her hand in his and stood, leaving a few inches between them as she spun slowly and paused with her back to him, looking over her shoulder, "could you help me?" She whispered. 
Sam trailed his fingers softly up her back until he reached the zipper of her dress, pulling it down agonizingly slowly. A long line of raised, discolored flesh ran along her spine, growing the lower he got. He stopped his fingers when he reached the end and Sam swallowed thickly, tracing his thumb over the scar that ran the entire length between her shoulder blades. 
 "Surgery number one," Lane breathed, leaning into his touch and meeting his gaze once more.
His breath caught in his throat as she let the dress slip from her hips and stepped out of it, turning around to face him. Her face was tight and every agonizing motion she felt was on display as she arched her neck and closed her eyes. "Number two," she whispered, showing him a fleshy twisted scar that spiraled over her bicep and cut into her shoulder. Sam couldn't believe the pain she must have endured from the fall. Not knowing if she was going to survive it, even worse the agony she must have felt waking up alone, completely transformed by the accident.
The strength she must have held, still held, to get through that. Sam would never know what it was like to come out the other side of something as intense as what Lane had been through, but he knew a little something about grief, about the loss of something and the heaviness you live with after as you rebuild your life. 
"I think you might be the strongest woman I know," he murmured, taking a small step closer. "but then, you always have been." 
Lane's mouth curved into a soft smile, not quite meeting her eyes as she reached for Sam's hand and brought his fingers to her stomach and around to the side of her waist. 
"Scar number three," she murmured, as she pressed the pads of Sam's fingers along the thick, raised line that stretched around to her back. "This one's from a piece of my pack that decided to embed itself in my side on impact."
"Lanie," her name came out as a breath as his fingers traced over her skin. 
Scar after scar, each and every little one a small reminder of everything she'd been through. Every moment he wasn't by her side to remind her how amazing she was to him. He didn't see the ugliness that she did, all Sam saw was a strong, incredible woman who had been through hell and stood taller because of it. He saw her. 
He used his free hand to place two fingers under her chin and bring her eyes up to meet his, "You're beautiful, Lane. Every piece of you. Inside and out. And I will show you that as many times as you need me too and more, if you'll let me," he spoke quietly, drawing her closer, pressing their bodies together.
Sam felt her tremble when he dipped his head and his lips pressed to the scar on her shoulder. Her entire body giving into the soft, slow praises in the form of kisses. A tiny moan slipped from her tired lips as Sam began to show her just how beautiful each scar was. 
"I missed you," he said, so quietly it might have been missed over the sound of their breathing but it was out there and it was true. "More than anything."
"I missed you too, Sam," she breathed, as she tilted her head back and to the side as Sam's lips trailed up her neck to her earlobe. 
His fingertips dug gently into her skin as he moved up and pressed his forehead to hers. He needed her. He needed her to understand just how much he missed her. Just how beautiful she was in his eyes. Sam swooped down, and lifted Lane into his arms, pulling a giggled from her perfect lips as she pulled back a little to look at him. 
Sam shook his head once, and rounded the couch, heading straight down the hallway to his bedroom. There was no way his first time with her was going to be on a couch or the floor of the living room. Those pesky butterflies tickled his chest once more the closer they got and he let the feeling of them wash over him just like her warm citrus scent. 
"Sam," Lane practically whined as she dipped her head and kissed a small scar he had on his collarbone.
Electricity shot down from his head to his toes as her lips touched his skin. He’d been waiting, dreaming of her back in his arms for so long and here she was, finally. His Lanie. 
He held her tighter reaching a hand out to open his door as quickly as possible, once inside he kicked the door shut and walked them over to his bed. Lane kissed a line up his neck as she ran her fingers delicately through his scalp. A shiver ran up his spine as she reached his jaw and pulled back to meet his eyes. He propped his knee on the mattress before softly laying Lanie against it. He stared at her, looking just like the angel she was to him with her hair spread out along the mattress. Her throat bobbed under his gaze, and her breaths picked up, Sam smiled at her soft and full of all the love he’d been holding onto for her. 
He pushed her legs open a bit with his leg before he settled into a hover atop her body, holding onto his weight he dipped his head and touched his nose to hers eliciting a gasp from her lips. 
“Can I kiss you Lanie, please?” He whispered, his heart pounding in his chest. 
“If you don’t I’m definitely gonna kiss you,” she said with a soft chuckle.
Sam didn't hesitate, dipping into her soft laughter and consuming it whole. He wanted everything. Her lips felt like heaven dancing against his as he cupped her face and tangled his fingers into her hair. He missed her so much that nothing else mattered, he barely remembered to breathe. Her mouth parted and he swiped his tongue against hers, deepening their connection as her hands roamed his chest and back. 
Her fingers dragged over his shoulder blades, tickling his skin and drawing a throaty laugh from him as he broke away. 
"I'm glad we haven't forgotten everything," he winked at her as he pulled away and started to work down her throat with his teeth and lips.
Her soft laugh turned into a breathy moan as he moved over her skin, paying attention to the little scars that littered it like a story of everything she'd overcome. "My strong," he dragged his lips across her collarbone, "incredible," a soft kiss to the scar on her shoulder, "beautiful, girl" he moved down to press his lips to the large scar on her side. 
Her breath picked up pace as her fingers trailed, "Baby please," Lane whispered, as her eyes followed him down her body, "Come back to me," 
Sam obeyed, stretching his body back up and capturing her lips with his with more passion than he knew what to do with. Everything he'd ever dreamed of was laying beneath him and it was his new mission to make her understand how much she meant to him.
Sam pulled his lips from hers with a soft tug of her bottom lip, pulling a whine from her with the action. He kissed along her jaw and down her neck the soft mewls coming from her pushing him forward. He reached the curve of her breasts and breathed in her scent, smiling against her skin. 
“Sam please,” Lane whispered. 
He pressed wet  kisses along her clothed breasts, flicking his tongue lightly along her pebbled nipples. He pulled back, smiling at her and moved a hand under her lifting her gently, pressing her chest flush against his. 
“I’m taking this off now, yes?” 
Lane nodded and took his lips in his in a feverish kiss.
Sam smiled against her skin as his fingers worked deftly at her bra, unhooking it with ease and tossing it aside. He palmed her breast and brought her exposed nipple between his lips, sucking gently until her hips arched into his touch. Her hands raked over his scalp as he massaged her chest. 
"What do you want?" He asked her, not knowing where to start himself. His touch was fuzzy against her warm skin and all he wanted to do was kiss her until she begged him to stop.
"You... just you," Lane breathed, moving her hips up into his, "touch me, baby, please" 
Sam groaned into her skin at her words, kissing his way down her body and stopping at the edge of her panties, "Can I take these off, beautiful?" he hummed. 
It still felt surreal to him that she was here, allowing him to explore her body and take in each and every sound she made for him. He wanted to savour the moment, remember every movement but his own body betrayed him. It ached to touch her and drink her in, to keep her skin pressed against his and make her whine his name over and over. 
With a nod of her head, Sam hooked his fingers into the sides and pulled them down her legs, pressing soft kisses along the way until he flung her panties across his room, landing them over a picture of him and Steve, making Lane giggle softly.
He sat back and admired her taking his time to commit every single inch of her body to memory. He wrapped his fingers delicately around her ankle lifting her leg up and pressing his lips to her calf with a teasing smile as she writhed under his touch. 
“Really, all this time and you wanna tease me now?” 
Sam breathed a laugh against her skin, pressing more kisses along her leg, inching closer to her center painfully slow even for himself. 
“I’m savoring you,” he hummed. “Two very different things, your cute little scowl is just a bonus.”
"This cute little scowl is impatient," Lane cooed at him but her words were swallowed by a sharp gasp. 
Sam's tongue flickered out over Lane, already so wet and sweet. He couldn't stop himself as his hand roamed over her hip and pressed against her stomach. He peered up at her, drinking in how euphoric she had become under his touch. He worked in slow circles that drew the sweetest sounds from her lips as he quickened in pace, chasing the sounds of her pleasure.
Lane’s hands ground him in place, soft but firm as her hips moved in sync with his tongue. Her moans filling the room as she whispered his name over and over like a prayer as she chased her high. Sam felt her tense up beneath him before he fingers reached for his cheek, calling his attention to her. 
“Sam please, I need to feel you,” She panted and he smiled pressing a kiss to her thigh, “Come here handsome.”
Despite wanting to please her, Sam took his time, kissing his way back up her body, paying specific attention to each scar that littered her torso. A soft whine escaped her lips and her soft hands found his cheeks as she gently tried to pull him back to her. 
"So impatient," Sam whispered, ghosting his lips up her throat and capturing her with his before she could say anything, tangling their tongues together and letting her taste her sweetness. 
He settled himself between her legs and teased her entrance with the head of his cock, ignoring his own throbbing to take in more of her beautiful pleading sounds. He hoped to any god listening that they would have many more moments like this, just the two of them enjoying each other, but he also knew that life could be reckless and unpredictable, their scars telling that exact story to one another. It just made this moment with his girl all that more important to him. 
Lane's hand travelled down and cupped his ass, urging him forward, "Sammy," she breathed against his lips.
Nothing else mattered in that moment as he slipped into her entrance with a soft, silky thrust that melted their bodies together. She was so tight that it took him an moment to adjust, gently rocking his hips back and forth until she was a puddle of breathless moans and tiny huffs. His lips found hers again, needy and hungry for more. He wanted to be closer than ever before and he accomplished that mission with each thrust forward. 
"You're so beautiful," he hummed when he parted, cupping her face with his hand and admiring the soft freckles that danced across the bridge of her nose. Her lips partially open and her eyes searching his as they rocked together at a delicious pace chasing their high in unison.
His fingers danced along her skin trailing from her cheek down her side. Her scarred skin was soft and smooth under his touch while he mapped a constellation of scars on her side. Lane wriggled beneath him, her moans bringing a smile to his face. There were so many times that he felt an incredible pang in his chest with every moment he ached for her and now having her so close feeling the way her body molds to his, Sam wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to let her go after this. 
“Lanie,” he breathed, dipping his head and pressing soft chaste kisses along her collar bone to the spot on her neck that always makes her squirm. His hands traveled down her sides to the outside of her thighs, pulled her even closer and hiked her hips off of the bed in a new angle, one that dragged a delicious moan from her lips.
Lane's head lifted as she pressed a kiss to the scar on his collarbone, gasping into his skin as he thrust forward and hit her sensitive spot. A shiver of pleasure shot down his spine as she gripped his length tighter and fluttered around him, her orgasm growing within her. They're soft sounds echoed through his room as his pace became quick and needy, chasing their highs together. 
"Sammy," she whined, moving her hips in tandem with his, craving the same closeness that he was as her head fell back into his pillow and pressed backwards. 
The pressure grew deep within his stomach but Sam needed her to reach her climax first. He needed to give that to her, to feel her pleasure erupt around him.
Her nails dug into his skin as her breathing became ragged and her body tensed in his arms. He felt the cord snap within her as his name danced off her lips in a series of breathless moans that made him heavy dizzy with pride. 
"That's my girl, keeping going," he praised both verbally and physically as he picked up the pace, his rhythm growing sloppy as he chased her orgasm in search of his own.  Her lips on his skin was enough to drive him crazy as her cunt fluttered around him, dragging him inch for inch closer to the edge.
She felt like heaven around him, gripping his length and still fluttering. Warmth spread through his veins and pleasure curled around his lower back the further he pushed himself. Lane’s moans turned into soft whimpers as he buried his face into the crook of her neck, whispering soft praises as his hips snapped against hers, out of rhythm until it was too much. He felt her nails dig into his back, her legs hooked around his waist as he came. 
His hips slowed, rocking lazily as he trailed kisses along the inside of her neck.
Her fingers trailed up his spine and scraped into his scalp as she did her best to catch her breath. The overwhelming sense of comfort drifted over Sam as he kept his lips pressing into her skin, relishing in the moment of their bodies together. The sound of a hitch in her breath made him sit up slightly, catching her soft brown eyes with his own as he furrowed his brow. 
"Lanie, what's wrong? Did I hurt you?" He asked, his hand coming up to cup her cheek gently. 
She shook her head with a ghost of a smile and placed her hand over his, "I just - I missed you so much, Sam" 
With a small breath of relief, Sam returned the smile, leaning his forehead down against hers and brushing their noses together, "I missed you too, Lanie. More than you know"
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apureniallsource · 1 year
Niall Horan is ready to put on a Show.
The former One Direction member and current Voice coach's third studio album, The Show, was born in lockdown following the release of its predecessor, Heartbreak Weather, in March 2020. After getting the chance to "sit still for the first time in probably 10 years," Horan wrote the title track, which he says "kickstarted" the rest of the record.
"The chorus is basically saying we should be grateful for what we have," Horan tells EW. "I think during the pandemic, we lost a little bit of that control we like to have as humans — then that just provoked so many bigger thoughts in my head. It opened a stream of ideas."
None of which, fans might be surprised to learn, entail emotional agony. "There's no heartbreak on this one," Horan says. "If you're coming for a heartbreak love song, I don't think you'll get it here." This, he explains, is the major difference between his latest, "more mature" outing and his previous work.
EW caught up with Horan to find out what else we can expect from The Show and his upcoming tour.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: I read that track 6, "You Should Start a Cult," was inspired by you and your girlfriend watching true-crime shows. Was there a specific show that gave you the idea?
NIALL HORAN: That's all we watch — true crime — so I couldn't even tell you what the show was, but I just thought that would be a great title for a love song, and to flip it on its head. I just got to writing a love song that sounded so extravagant, and the lyrics were gonna be huge. It's quite a small song, but some of the statements are quite large. And I love the irony of having a title like that — it sounding very angry, but it's not. It's a love song, at the end of the day.
What makes The Show different from your previous albums, Flicker and Heartbreak Weather?
It's probably the progression over the last seven years — you know, from my first album through to the second one. I think they were all good albums for where I was at that time in my life, and I think this is perfect for [where I am now]. I would say this is probably the more mature-sounding album. There's no heartbreak on this one, which allows you to write different types of songs. That's probably the biggest difference.
Do you find it more fun to write love songs versus heartbreak songs? Or did you miss writing heartbreak songs on this album?
I think they're two completely different concepts. Writing is all about where you're at and "saying what you see," to use a cliché. It's very easy to write a heartbreak song when you're heartbroken, and easy to write a love song when you're in love.
Do you have a favorite song on the album?
I struggle with this. I made it a 10-track album on purpose — to make sure that, hopefully, when people get to 10 they want to go back to the top and listen to the first one again. You know, instead of having a 16-track album and hoping that it's nearly finished. I've got a few favorites. They've all got a different vibe and a different concept and a different musical element that makes 'em good. If I was to pick one now, I'd probably say "You Could Start a Cult." That or "The Show." Probably "The Show," actually.
Are there songs that didn't make the album that might see the light of day on something in the future?
I definitely had some tough decisions to make. I wanted to love every song. I don't know. I'll start writing again at some point, and if I can outdo what I have left over, then fair enough. There are a couple lying around that could be made into something, but as of now they're not going anywhere but my emails or my drafts.
It's been so long since you've been able to tour. What are you most looking forward to?
Just seeing the fans. I spent so much of my career seeing them every night. I'm ready to get back out and play the album I never got to play live, and play this new one, and just create a show — a really good one. I'm already trying to put plans together for how the set would look. I'm just excited to feel that buzz again. It's strange for me that I haven't been on a proper stage in, like, nearly five years. When you think about it like that, it's like, "Oh God, I need to get back on the road."
You mentioned you'll be playing some of Heartbreak Weather on the tour as well. Any chance you might bring some guests on stage?
Oh, yes, for sure. Any city I go to, if I'm friends with an artist from that city and they happen to be there, I'll always see if I can get them to come up and sing one of theirs or one of mine with me. I think about shows like in L.A., with my collaboration with Julia [Michaels]. It could make for a really good gig. Don't want to say too much, 'cause Julia might say no. So that could change, but that would be my ideal: maybe someone I know from Chicago, or someone I know from San Fran, or whatever...
Who would be your No. 1 pick to perform with?
Springsteen would be pretty sick. Imagine being up in Asbury Park and playing with Bruce Springsteen. I performed with Taylor [Swift] before at Wembley Stadium, and that was magic. Obviously, I would love to do it again. She's a busy lady at the moment.
I mean, she's been bringing people out on her Eras Tour, so you never know.
She knows where I am.
The Show is out June 9.
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dootznbootz · 4 months
Water Wife™ questions >:D 4, 5, 14 and 25!
HELL YEAH!! Thank you, Niko!!! The Water Wife™!!!
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? She's already a book and already technically a musical but I SO badly want just the whole Epic Cycle like an anime or simply animated, possibly like Castlevania or Blood of Zeus or something. Not as a children's cartoon. Those are fun but...I want real shit! >:D With the fight scenes! That's more with the Iliad but still!!!!
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them? Quite a few, and some I've mentioned before but yeah! The Chain by Ingrid Michaelson as it talks about waiting for your love to come back, (it's a song that can mean anything but it works). And I like imagining it's her unweaving the shroud and getting more frustrated that she has to do this in the first place and with the big round of the chorus at the end, I like imagining it's her, stopping for a bit as tears well up. The Round quiets down, and she wipes her face before continuing to unravel the shroud.
It's a cover song of Davy Jones lullaby thing, and it talks about waiting 10 years for your lover to return and talking about how "You're kind of insane...That's hot." basically 😂 (It does get loud though!)
For MY OWN STUFF??? This is more in her youth but "Just Around the Riverbend" from Pocahontas (Yeah, I know it's a messed up and inaccurate movie but the songs, especially this one, are great), as the vibes and "I'm going to go fuck around in the rapids." is definitely what I'm going for with her. She's sneakier about stuff though.
And "When He Sees Me" from Waitress, when she first meets Odysseus. As she does not trust him and doesn't think he "really means it" and she's kind of making excuses until she can't and it's a confrontation between.
There are not many songs about sneaky women other than ones about having an affair which is so NOT Penelope :'D There's most that are about sneaky couples but never about one person that's still saying "that makes you cool af" you know??
14.) Fashion aesthetic!!! The nice thing about being a naiad is that if her clothes get dirty, a quick flick of her wrist means she can clean herself up really quick. And because of this, she does like looking nice and prefers clothing and jewelry that she can move freely in and won't "drag her down" while swimming. With Jewelry, that's probably smaller but intricate earrings, broaches, necklaces, rings, headpieces, etc. (she has a habit of breaking bracelets, idk why she just does.) And ofc, will often have items to honor Athena :D
I'd like to think it'd be partially why she is so into weaving (as from what I've researched Noble Spartan women didn't do that, the slaves did. Granted that was in later periods but I'm going with what we've got and even though I'm going with the idea of everybody just doing what they're good at, no gender roles are really considered.) While sewing wasn't something done in Ancient Greece, I do love the thought of Penelope basically folding the fabric in ways that cause a lil pocket for her to sneak shit. >:D Lapis Lazuli is her favorite stone to wear.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Okay, so! Since I first into the Epic Cycle stuff with Epic, I had basically gone with what everyone else kind of thought of her as. Quiet, sad, sneaky...sad, 🙃 as... most depictions of her are basically her being a wife and mother, her crying while unweaving the shroud, Odysseus thinking of her which yes!!! All true!!! But then I read the Odyssey and holy shit, she's so fucking cool and I wish more people talked in depth about her own silliness and personality outside of those things!!!
The "Sneeze of Death", her staring down that one suitor who was all like "What??!?! Kill your son?!!? NOOOOOO" and just refusing to take his bullshit, How she grabs Odysseus by the scruff because "Uh, I love you and we'll get to smooching but what did you say about a prophecy???", not only because she WILL get the answers she needs from you no matter what but also because she KNOWS her husband will tell her. How she absolutely KNEW the beggar was her husband, (Ima write an analysis on that soon...along with Odysseus' "rules"....and how "You can have Penelope be a fighter in your fics... but don't you DARE make her fight the suitors without Odysseus there." essay thing...I have a lot :'D ) There's so many other little moments that shine through as remember, girly is STRESSED TF OUT!!! She's just been found out with her unraveling, she's trying to keep her son, herself, and her palace/authority safe. She is going through so much!!! She's so incredibly cautious!!! She's so silly!!! ioh;isdjk I really love exploring her and her character so much!!!
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I love her so much 🥺 She could rob everything I own and I'd be fine with that
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