#I was just so excited to write this part of the Superhero/villain AU
btsmosphere · 6 months
Supercharged | JJK (Teaser)
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Get hyped!!!!!! Posting date chapter 1: 14th April
Chapter 1 is now here!
It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens?
🗲pairing: jungkook x f!reader 🗲teaser word count: 365 🗲full fic wc: you do nOt want to know (79k...) 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, slow burn, enemies to lovers, superheroes/villains au, found family (imagine a mafia au with superpowers) 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: in the teaser: none, just some tension. general fic warnings: violence with superpowers, weapons, swearing, arguing, injury, past trauma, mentions of death
>Updates every week!!
Supercharged Masterlist
a/n: guys. it's TIIIIIME!!! how many years have you heard me talk about how I was working on a superpowered jungkook story?? I started this thing four years ago so I can't believe the moment's finally come! it's been a long ride, and most of those four years was spent not writing this, but I just couldn't stay away either! I really wanted to tell this story, and now here it is and I am so happy to be able to share it💜 Let me know in a reblog, comment or ask if you want to join my taglist for this series! Over the next week before chapter 1 is released, check back as I introduce our characters👀I'm so excited for you to meet them!
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As a smile was just blooming on your face, it was halted by Namjoon's next words.
“But. You aren’t ready just yet. I want you out there with us, so I’m willing to send you out sooner than I have with others before. These are unusual times, and you have to understand this will be more dangerous than I normally send rookies to. There’s work to do, with your powers, but also…
“As much as I appreciate your trust in us, I know it doesn’t extend fully. I need my team to be able to trust each other. Every single one.”
Fixing you with a hard stare to accompany his last words, he was effective in making you shrink in your seat. You knew exactly who he was talking about.
And that person was waiting for you right outside.
On leaving the office, you found Jungkook leaning up against the wall. Jin and Namjoon had hung back, leaving you alone as you emerged, and you instantly rolled your eyes. Determined not to be deterred, you kept walking down the corridor, trying to fix your eyes ahead – firmly away from the infuriating man that watched your approach.
“Scared yet?” his smirk bled through his words. You were almost upon him at this point, and he pushed away from the wall, blocking the way with his black-clad body.
Eyes flicking up to him, unimpressed, you tapped your foot.
“Why would I be scared?”
One corner of his mouth curved up, looking you in the eye as he leaned a little closer.
“We aren’t heroes, honey.”
“Thanks for spelling that out, Jungkook,” you drawled, making to step past him.
His laughter followed you while you started walking away.
“Need help packing?” he called.
“Hey, Jungkook,” Jin’s stern voice joined him, “no need. She’s not going anywhere.”
Jungkook’s silence spoke volumes.
Glancing back as you reached the end of the corridor, you were met with the livid expression that seemed so familiar. Jungkook’s eyes bulged with shock. You were sure that Jin’s hand on his shoulder was all that was holding him back.
Making the most of his eyes on you, you flashed a serene smile and walked away.
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Thank you for reading!! Part 1 is coming on April 14th, and I will update every week (that's a promise, since it's already written in full!)💜
Contact me to get yourself on the tag list!
Taglist: @aianloveseven @preciouschimine @written-in-flowers @taegularities
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camenxi · 5 months
AU/FIC idea where instead of Bruce becoming Batman, it was Alfred instead and young Bruce becoming inspired of his father he tries to be like him too (aka the robin to Bat!Alfred)
the story is the same but with Alfred, Martha & Thomas. Bruce is still a baby in this timeline, Alfred was decided to stroll Bruce’s stroller because Martha was tired. same story they both got shot, Alfred immediately went to hide Bruce away taking him away holding him to his chest taking him away from the stroller, he watched as the guy shot both Martha & Thomas, he covered Bruce’s mouth so they won’t be heard. Alfred was close, best friends even, to Thomas & Martha and the grief hit him hard as well he became Bruce’s guardian now taking care of him ever since he was a baby. not sure how to write this part yet but Alfred eventually becomes Batman, aka the 19’s Batman. (people in gotham of course, still calls him Batman what else?)
when Bruce became 6 or 7 years old, he eventually found out Alfred is Batman, his dad is THE batman! Bruce looked up to Batman because he always saw him in tv’s, new’s, etc and wanted to be like him because he was a cool superhero who did justice to people. Alfred would come back home to the manor after a rough night fighting some punks who think they’re tough, Alfred enters Bruce’s room to see him trying to make himself a batman costume, and dear god, it warmed Alfred’s heart so much. eventually, Alfred would let Bruce come along with him in a disguise of course he can’t risk him getting hurt, so he only lets Bruce tag along with him in special occasions bringing his son, happy to see him so excited.
and when Bruce got older, around 10-13 yo Alfred would start training him, eventually becoming the ‘Robin’ in this universe. i don’t got much planned down for this, i just thought it’d would be a silly concept because i yearn for more AU/Fic centered around Alfred & Bruce being the absolute Father&Son relationship ever <3
(the rogues that not this au Bruce/Batman would usually fight, like Joker, are of course kids/teens as well in this au same as Bruce. im thinking maybe the rogues in this au would be like some old villains from old comics that were barely brought up anymore these present times or parents of the rogues themselves?)
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flamedraco · 6 months
So I don't really post a lot on this site. I reblog shit but the amount of times I've actually "posted" in the sense of using my words is a lot smaller than my reblogs. I write a lot of fanfiction though. So in celebration of the fact that my tumblr is now apparently a year old??? I think? Like hell do I know how this site works but I got a notification this morning about it? But in celebration of that I'm going to talk about "You Were Never Meant to be a Hero", my most popular, completed, TNT Duo superhero fanfiction. You'd expect me to talk about my fics more often so if you want to see more of this let me know I guess? And feel free to ask me questions. I enjoy getting them.
So YWNMTBAH started as an urge, as most fics do. I was reading through a lot of TNT Duo fics while working on my first project, Arsonist's Waltz, and I encountered one or two TNT Duo Superhero AUs. Now, I had just come to DSMP directly after two years worth of being in the BNHA fandom. Which if you didn't know is a superhero based Shonen anime. I love superheroes. I always have and probably always will, despite not being able to grow up with too much traditional "superhero" media. So of course I was excited seeing superhero AUs in my favorite ship. I had seen it a lot in SBI stories but not TNT Duo yet. However: I couldn't find the kind of story I wanted to read. The stories I read honestly just...didn't hit the right buttons for me. I'm not saying any of them were bad, gods no. They just didn't have my favorite trope involved or the type of pairing I was looking for. I saw hero/hero, I saw hero/vigilante. I saw a lot of "good" pairings. But I also saw a lot of characters being dumb idiots and while I do love some fun identity shenanigans it gets dull after a while. I have a thing with dense protagonists and 'will they won't they'. I hate miscommunication and a lot of tropes that were being used at the time. There's more to "superhero" than just secret identities. There's a lot of creativity to be had. Creativity and ideas that I just...wasn't seeing. I wanted hero/villain. And I wanted fallen hero, my favorite trope. The antithesis of the redeemed villain. YWNMTBAH started as a oneshot idea. Because I knew how I was. I knew that if I didn't cap it as a oneshot I would spiral when I already had a massive project I was working on. But after giving it more thought...I realized that I really wanted to do more with this idea. I wanted to write a multichaptered superhero fic for my favorite pairing. Self indulgent? Yeah. I didn't expect many people to read it at the time. Little did I know. Which brings me to what I really wanted to talk about: The first chapter.
Anyone who's read YWNMTBAH knows that the first chapter is very unique. I showed you the future before showing you the events that lead up to it. (This is the part where you should abandon ship if you don't want spoilers for the fic btw, link will be down below). From day one I knew what I wanted for the fic. I knew what its themes were going to be. I know precisely what the endgame of the fic was going to be. And for any other authors out there? Here's the best advice I can give you: Know what you want out of the story. Know your ending before you even think of the rest. The job of a first chapter is to ALWAYS- 1: Establish your main characters. 2: Establish your plot. 3: Establish your story concepts. The first chapter is always going to be the hardest in my opinion because it's your first chapter that you, as the author, use to introduce your world to your readers. Think of it like your hook sentence in a professional essay. You need to draw your readers attention and get them to want to keep reading. I was impatient and wanted to write Wilbur's fall immediately. I wanted to write his break down as opposed to the build up. So...I wrote it first. And then realized: I could make it the first chapter. I could make it the first chapter...and then the next few chapters could be flashbacks. Showing the events that lead up to it. Not only was it a clever way to establish the world, the characters, and my plot and concepts, it was a good way to hook the readers' interest! The first chapter's objectives were to make it obvious what the fic was. It should've been a clear sign as to what the fic is. In the first chapter it's present from the start that Quackity is a manipulative bastard and that Wilbur, despite that, and despite knowing what Q is trying to do, he's still a hopeless fool in love. There is manipulation, but there is real love too. (And anyone who got mad over Quackity, the villain, who is tagged as a villain, manipulating Wilbur clearly didn't read the tags. Just because I gave him a sympathetic backstory and the fact that he does LOVE Wilbur doesn't change the fact that he manipulated him and would do it again. Quackity is written as a villain. Thinking he was anything other than a villain was a fool's decision. I could go on an entire separate rant over this aspect of my story). YWNMTBAH is a dark fic. It's been a dark fic from the very beginning. They are a villain and a hero. They are on opposite sides of the war. They are enemies, each other's nemesis. It was the perfect way to introduce people to my world. I knew from the beginning what I wanted for YWNMTBAH. I knew what I wanted it to be. "Fallen Hero" is the trope that refers to a hero who falls into villainy. It's the opposite of the redeemed villain, a trope that I feel is so overdone and overused. It was self indulgent, and I never expected it to blow up like it did. I didn't expect people to latch onto it despite everything. I knew it was different from other things I had seen, it was like that by design. I didn't want to emulate fics like Clinic (that I didn't know existed by the time I was writing it, otherwise I probably would've picked a different villain name for Wilbur other than Siren XD), I didn't want it to be the same hero/hero, hero/civilian, hero/vigilante pairs I had seen, and because of how common Wilbur was written as a villain in the fandom I wanted to write Quackity as the villain. In the same lane: In future superhero fics you'll be seeing Karl as a villain more often too. But by design I made YWNMTBAH to be different from what I was reading. I wanted it to be unique because I wanted it to be EXACTLY what I wanted to read. And apparently? A lot of people got behind that self indulgent idea of mine.
"You Were Never Meant to be a Hero" is my baby. It's my magnum opus. It has an entire multiverse surrounding it now with alternate timelines and AUs for this AU. It's helped me build an amazing community and I feel absolutely FLOORED with the beautiful artwork I've received for the fic over the years of it being uploaded.
So from one author to others: Write the things you want to see in the world. Be the change you want to see. I've seen a lot more hero/villain pairings since I posted YWNMTBAH and I couldn't be happier to see them. Write things inspired by other author's works. Just make sure to credit them and tell them about it. We love it when you guys do things like that. Enjoy creating what you want to create and don't worry about what other people might think of it. Because you should write for yourself, first and foremost. So what if someone would've enjoyed YWNMTBAH if Quackity got redeemed? That was never the intention of the story. That was never the point. So what if someone didn't like that Wilbur ended up with Q in the end because of how Q manipulated him at first? It's a dark fic, read the tags. Write for yourself. Write what you want to see. Inspire others to create. And if you see my fic and think you want to write a version of it in your vision? Fucking do it. I dare you >:) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37319827/chapters/93120913
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
Disclaimer: If nothing I say makes sense, it's probably because I'm so stressed I almost set the microwave on fire.
I'm glad to see that the Warriors knits headcanon is alive and well. In fact, it is thriving. This brings me immense joy because I've been losing my mind over it for the past several months, and it looks like it's here to stay. :) The best part is when someone writes a scene where Legend is embroidering/sewing and Warriors is knitting, and they're BONDING OVER THEIR CRAFTS.
In other news, I am seriously considering making glowing Warriors' power and having it be kind of like those glow-in-the-dark stickers people put on the ceilings of their kids' bedrooms. Hear me out. He can be powered by the sun, like a solar panel, and store the extra energy to do Cool Superhero Stuff with. The unfortunate side effect being that he tends to burn off excess energy by glowing in the dark. This means he has been explicitly banned from working night shifts because his cover would be blown.
It also means that he's the perfect nightlight for kids with nightmares.
I'm really looking forward to writing up more of the first meeting stories now that I've gotten the one about Legend & Wild posted, but since I'm making myself wait until I get the next chapter of Hyrule's fic up I'm just going to ramble at you about it instead.
I haven't decided which one to do next, but I have thought about the one for the trio (I also need a better name to refer to them). Anyway, I'm thinking that Twilight and Warriors actually grew up knowing each other, but sort of lost touch for a little while. Twilight was busy with the Twili stuff and getting used to his new abilities, while Warriors was in the middle of the mess with Cia. Sometime after that, they get back in touch, and they've both decided that they want to move out. Twilight wants to leave Ordon because he feels uncomfortable there now, and Warriors wants to move to a different district in Castletown to avoid anything related to Cia. Right around the same time, Sky is looking for roommates because he doesn't want to go to college in Skyloft or something. Ghirahim probably has something to do with it because I kind of doubt that he'd be very chill about Sky killing his master... Regardless, they get introduced to each other and the rest is history.
Slightly related to that, Sky is going to be an interesting combination of ideas here and is quickly becoming a favorite of mine for this project. He's kind of similar to Time because he's an incredibly powerful individual that dropped off the radar. He showed up, kicked villain butt, and then vanished (curtesy of Sun). I'm poking him because I have a lot of ideas about that. Maybe he doesn't like thinking about it? Maybe he doesn't remember what he did? Maybe it wasn't actually him and he was just possessed or something? Could he maybe be the source material for the experiment that made Wild? Is he just like this or is it trauma or his power(s) or did someone else do this to him?
Gnawing on all these questions as if I don't have things due tonight.
IM SO SORRY DUDE. they call me the kitchen appliance killer, i think the only thing safe from me is the stove and the blender- but i’m also afraid of fire so like, i don’t go near the stove anyway lmao 🕺 but fr I really hope you feel less stressed :(
YES YES YES. I love the wars knits headcanon it’s everything to me, i’ve been tryin to find a good place to throw it in a fic. AND WARS AND LEGEND BONDING OVER CRAFTS IS JUST PEAK
ooooooh okay okay, i like it >:)
istg the ‘hero/vigilante’ type au turning sky into peoples favorites is a real thing, it happened to me writing FH9. He’s my FAVORITE character in that ENTIRE au 😭 im so excited to see what you do with him in this 👁️👁️
remember to take care of yourself 🫶 get some water and snacks if you need em
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Gestation 1.6 Live Reactions
(This is me, writing reactions as I read, because why the fuck not. They're not complete, mature thoughts taken after I sit back and evaluate what I've read. Consider them as such)
I didn’t want to be seen fleeing the scene of a fight, and risk being labeled one of the bad guys by yet another person,
Ooof. Again I say. Oof.
All this girl wants is a purpose. She tries for that to be hero, and it ends up not working out for her.
If you’d asked me just a few hours ago about how I thought I would feel meeting a big name superhero, I would have used words like excited and giddy.  The reality was that I was almost too exhausted to care.
I do like this touch, both for the character, and because of how it sets the tone for this universe. Who cares who you're meeting? The world's falling apart, and you're fucking tired. Taylor is about to get virtually no rest in the next two years.
When the core group of the top Protectorate members from around Canada and the States assembled in that classic ‘v’ formation for the photo shoots, Armsmaster was one of the guys in the wings.  This was a guy who had his own action figures.  Poseable Armsmaster with interchangeable Halberd parts.
I like how... practical, Worm worldbuilds the existence of superheroes? Like, yes, it's not as if Wildbow invented the superheroes in-universe being commodified like this, but there's something about this phrasing of it here that really works for me in painting the picture.
Stepping closer to me, he tilted his head, “You don’t look like one.” That stung, especially coming from him.  It was like Michael Jordan saying you sucked at basketball.  “That’s… not intentional,” I responded, not a little defensively, “I was more than halfway done putting the costume together when I realized it was already looking more edgy than I’d intended, and I couldn’t do anything about it by then.”
Ooof, Armsmaster. Man. Foot. Mouth.
On the other hand, I think Taylor is just overreacting a bit. It's less 'Michael Jordan saying you suck at basketball' and more 'Michael jordan saying your uniform sucks'. And Armsy isn't exactly wrong, is he?
 I had considered applying to join, but the notion of escaping the stresses of high school by flinging myself into a mess of teenage drama, adult oversight and schedules seemed self-defeating.
You know, one thing I see in the fandom is to what extent Taylor going the villain/Independent route was actually essential. Some people think it was vital, some people seem to think not so much, in the end the same effect could be achieved if she'd joined the Wards...
We'll see what I think when we get that far.
But I do understand the impulse for some fanfics that want to explore some what-ifs to feel like Scion is actually an inhibitor to storytelling freedom. Because whatever AU they write, no matter the changes they explore, sooner or later, the golden idiot is gonna try to destroy the world.
Then again, what happened in canon wasn't the only way to beat him, and yet... no one else was coming up with anything that worked by the time Taylor pulled a Khepri, so... who knows.
“I’ll try to look at it that way,” I said, struck by how he easily he was able to employ the whole ‘take a negative and turn it into a positive’ mindset I’d been trying to maintain.  I envied that.
Easy to do from his position. I don't know what his trigger was, or if it's ever given, but it was presumably some time ago. I gather from some commentary that there's at least some notion one never moves entirely past their trigger event, but age and distance has to play some role in it.
Taylor is 15. Everything seems like the end of the world at that age.
Really, who the fuck authorized teenagers to be given this sort of power? :P
“Lung has an extensive gang throughout Brockton Bay and neighboring cities.
Really? That's never come up in fics, though it's always made sense. But then, it did make sense that something like E88 wouldn't only be in Brockton Bay, and yet, it never seems to have figured into things.
Granted, everything I know about superhero media is that it does tend to make 'the city' where the action happens seem both incredibly small and incredibly large, and weirdly isolated from the rest of the world.
I gather Worm averts some of that, but probably not all of that. It is still trapped by certain conventions of the genre.
“You’re saying I shouldn’t take the credit,” I said. “I’m saying you have two options.  Option one is to join the Wards, where you’ll have support and protection in the event of an altercation.  Option two is to keep your head down.  Don’t take the credit.  Fly under the radar.”
The wikipedia summary (and large chunks of the fandom) presents this as Armsmaster stealing credit out of being like, a glory-hound, and he's sure being... not ideal in how he presents this whole thing, but equally, again, he's not wrong.
And he's not being that bad. Doesn't come off as glory hound. But I suppose this, paired with some of the other stuff coming down the pipeline for him really colors his perception.
“Please keep my involvement in Lung’s capture secret,” I told him, painfully disappointed to have to say it, even as I knew it made the most sense.
Again, I think Armsmaster has a point, but honestly, I think he forgot what it was like to be a teenage hero, assuming he was one. He really should have considered how much the recognition would have mattered to her.
It could have gone worse.  Strange as it sounds, those words were a  security blanket I wrapped around myself to keep myself from dwelling on the fact that tomorrow was a school day.
In this scene alone, Armsmaster doesn't come off that bad. Yet. We'll see how he comes off when Taylor calls him about trying to go undercover. I've heard he's a bigger ass then. But then, he was supposed to be a huge ass here, and he's just not.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hi! Is there any chance you could write a fic with lesso and reader being married in real world without magic and running together a business where they create some sort of fantasy scenarios like for parties etc just for lil kids and the school for good and evil is just one of the scenarios they do for them? Oh and it would be nice if they had a kid or kids of their own and maybe include them in brainstorming about ideas for different scenarios like what they would like to see? Idk if it's something you would like to write since it's way different than what you normally do but please consider this 🥺 I am shit at writing but got ideas and it would be really something if I could see one of them in action 😅
Our inspirations
*Authors note~ au Drabble? Love this idea so much though so I hope I've done it some justice*
Trigger warnings~ none??
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
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You and Leo threw the best birthday parties for your two daughters and your son. Delilah Faye absolutely loves the magical scenes such as fairy kingdoms, Dahlia Mae was more into Mythology now she was old enough to understand it. Pegasus and unicorns being some of her favourites. And of course there is your boy, Emerson James who absolutely adored superheroes and villains, in fact his favourite seemed to be the villains that transformed into a superhero. He could list all the powers they could possibly have and loved his comics. With all this inspiration from them and the fact your parties always go down a treat you embarked on a business adventure together.
Your business was taking off extremely well, you had a fair few options to choose from and with yours and your wife's imaginations plus your different skill sets, it was no surprise how popular you became. Your children loved helping you come up with new designs, and giving you opinions from your target market. The most popular scene you have for parties currently was something you called the school for good and evil. A perfect mix of all three children, and happened to let you run wild in the design aspects.
The way the parties work is your wife plays the Dean of Evil, her authoritative nature shining through as she adorned the outfit that fit her well. The chains on her outfit were your favourite part, something you would happily have her wear in every day life. Yours was the biggest puffiest princess dress that had Delilah screaming for joy. The back drop was where Dahlia came in, she made sure to help with the mythical magical points and then Emer would help you give students powers. So the children at the parties would have their own gift that they could use. 
It was one of your favourite scenes to do and one the whole family loved so you always became excited to work it. Leonora and yourself had gone through some hard hips to get here. But now you were, a successful business, 3 beautiful children and the house of your dreams. Maybe you could even work on a book for the school for good and evil scene. Maybe in the future but for now you would always cherish how it summed your family up perfectly.
Word count~ 557
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sledgefuweek · 1 year
More Information About Our Prompts
It's time to take a closer look at our prompts for this year. They're truly delicious and are a treasure trove of possibility. But with open-ended prompts, the possibilities can seem overwhelming to some. Richie and I are here to help!
A couple things to remember: your submissions can be canonverse or AU and they can be SFW or NSFW. Feel free to age Gene and Snafu up or down or swap their genders for any of these prompts. Your pieces can be as literally or metaphorically related to the prompt as you like. Don't stress: even if it's vaguely related to the prompt, we'll take it! If you're unsure, you can always send a message to ask for help or clarification.
Please have a look under the cut for more fuel for your creative fire :)
**We've included some reminders about mindful writing for a few of the prompts; please be sure to read them as well.
This prompt gives you a lot of wiggle room. It's got lots of crossover potential with popular franchises (like "X-Men", "Percy Jackson" or "Star Wars"). Of course, you can also create your own fantastic world, and give the characters totally unique abilities! Some words and tropes that come to mind with this prompt are: secret identity, superhero, strength, might, heroism, bravery, sacrifice, legacy, hereditary powers, mission, quest, hero and "damsel in distress", team, hero vs. villain (with bonus enemies to lovers potential!), witchcraft, supernatural, transformation The works for this prompt can be fluffy (the boys training/working together or just showing off to impress each other, or maybe one helping the other in a low-stakes accident - think a kitten stuck in a tree), angsty (fighting against a powerful foe, one trying to save the other against all odds, hiding a secret identity), or more adventure-based (embarking on a quest, discovering new powers, origin story). As mentioned before, you can also write crossover fic - feel free to recreate certain scenes or plots with our boys in starring roles!
A very exciting prompt, because I’m thinking about gay knights mostly; however, there is so much more you could do with this prompt. In general, royalty can make you think about things like wealth, power, jewels, estates/castles, the aforementioned knights, family, lineage, war. But ideas about romance, courting, chivalry, codes and honor are big parts of many stories, art, etc. involving royalty. Perhaps you can reimagine The Pacific set in the time of a medieval war. Or it could be a fantasy AU with wizards, dragons, etc. (King Arthur AU anyone?) Or you could make an AU of another story involving royalty; think of fairy tales, books, poems, movies or plays. Like, I wouldn’t hate a Romeo & Juliet AU, just saying.  Or maybe you want a modern take. They could be royals of today, they could be homecoming royalty, they could be Mardi Gras royalty, they could be drag queen royalty. Or maybe their families are considered royalty in their hometowns.  A mindful suggestion: Gene and Snafu are presented as being from different classes in The Pacific. If you include this in your work, please be mindful of the power dynamics between royalty and non-royalty, royalty of equal rank or royalty of non-equal rank. Also, if you headcanon Snafu as mixed race, Black, or non-white, please also be mindful of how you portray him in a position of power, a position of “lower status,” or something in between.
Scars can be either physical or mental. When it comes to the former, you can write about scars earned during combat, during accidents, due to medical issues and surgery or anything else. Mental scars may be a more difficult subject to tackle - please be mindful when writing about mental health, and tag any possibly triggering content. Some words and tropes for this prompt are: surgery, wound, memory, combat, trauma, care, medicine, hospital, medic This prompt would work well with canon compliant fic, as it can involve hurt/comfort, angst, and sickfic elements.
Leaving is a great prompt with very high angst potential. For Sledgefu, there is a very obvious way one could go with this prompt [tries not to make eye contact with The Train Scene]. But just in case you don’t want to be depressed about The Scene for the next 2 months while you work on this prompt, here are some other things to think about. Gene and Snafu both do a lot of leaving as Marines - leaving home, leaving boot camp, leaving for the Pacific Islands, leaving each island, leaving their foxholes, leaving for China, leaving for home. Also think about the circumstances of the leaving - was it planned? Is it temporary? How many people are leaving? Did they leave voluntarily? Are they leaving in the night or the day? And always most importantly, why are they leaving? Also, don’t just think about what they are leaving but what are they moving toward - a new job? A new place to live? A place of safety? A place of danger?  If you want to go with a happier piece, you could think about things like vacations/holidays, new homes, new jobs, new opportunities. Some other miscellaneous ideas - maybe one of them is retiring (because who doesn’t love old men Sledgefu).  Leaving can also mean “a leftover thing.” Do either or both of them have remnants of the war (physical or otherwise)? Do they have scraps, fragments or pieces of things (once again, physical or otherwise) that remind them of each other or their relationship?  Some synonyms for “leaving” that are very helpful/intriguing - parting, abandonment, forsake, reject, quit, give up, escape, retreat, withdrawal, relocate, march, voyage, journey, division, removal
This one has tons of potential! Reminiscing about falling in love, their first official date, moving in together, and other milestones are all good ideas for a fluffy, lovey-dovey fic. For an angstier fic, you can write a canon compliant work about one of them reminiscing about the time they spent with the other during the war, lamenting lost chances, or even recalling memories of their loved one after their passing. You can also choose a more neutral route, for example having the boys talk about their childhoods, hometowns, families, and friends. Some words and phrases for this prompt are: remembrance, forgetting, happiness, regret, past, loss, growth This prompt may also involve objects like souvenirs, photos, diaries, and letters.
Social Media
This is a pretty self-explanatory one, but just in case you’re stuck or want to try something “out of the box,” you can think about some of these things. Social media is used for communication, so when the boys are on social media, what are they communicating to each other and how? Pictures, videos, DMs, comments section, etc. What type of social media is it (dating app, blog, instagram, discord, etc.)? Maybe your piece is set in the ‘90s or early 2000s and all the social media to choose from was AOL Instant Messenger, MySpace or LiveJournal. You can also think about things related to social media: phones, computers, texting, activism, competition, hacking, memories, being a part of a fandom/community, etc. Or maybe we can finally get The Social Network AU we’ve all been waiting for.  This prompt lends itself to some great art and edits like envisioning what their instagrams or WhatsApp conversations might look like. This prompt is definitely a fun way place Sledgefu in a modern setting. 
Free Choice
We know you all know what this one is, but sometimes having infinite choices can be overwhelming. Here are some ideas to narrow it down: look at prompts from past Sledgefu Weeks that you didn’t get a chance to do, or want to redo. Or pick a prompt you liked from this year that didn’t make the final 7. Or find a random word generator and see what prompts sound promising. All we ask is that the prompt be SFW (of course, your piece can be NSFW).
We hope this was helpful. If you think of something for these prompts that we didn't mention, go for it!
Happy creating and keep an eye on the blog for more details about submission guidelines.
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megaerakles · 1 year
Are you going to eventually go back to the DCEU au with Tim interacting with the other Leaguers? Bc lemme tell you, I hyena laughed when Tim opened his door and asks “What in the goddamn fucking hell are you doing here?” to Bruce, then makes sure to tack on an “asshole” at the end. I LOVE how bother Bruce is by Tim and his situation (it’s hilarious how Bruce starts by making him sound down right villainous and then you find out it’s really that his dad senses are screaming).
I am simply dying to see how this would play out!! Who would be the next one to interact with him? Superman bc he was curious about what has Bruce’s panties in a twist about the kid next door? Arthur going for a swim in the lake and spotting the kid on the shore? I can’t even think how Diana would run into Tim but I sure do hope to find out!
Also what’s the importance of the Drake coat of arms? I think that’s such an interesting anecdote to include in the story , and such a funny thing for Bruce to also clock when he confronts Tim.
Please please please tell me this will eventually be picked back up😩
😅 glad you enjoy that au! It’s a really fun one for sure. I’ll definitely be back to it as some point. Maybe soon maybe in six months, I literally can never predict my writing whims, sorry 🫣 for this first fic, I have the general plot/how and why each hero introduces themselves to Tim figured out and am excited to share them, as soon as I can make myself write them lol. Chapter Two will actually be Victor, who will quickly earn himself the spot as Tim’s New Very Favoritest Superhero Ever, Suck On That, Batman for the purposes of this au. And even after this fic finishes, I have a really fun idea about how to incorporate the Shazam movie, so I’ll probably get another fic out of it as well. Plus I have a few hundred words hanging out in a doc that’s basically a post-Resurrection Jason being like “Talia says Bruce replaced me but those appear to be grown ass adults with superpowers not scrawny preteens in tights so this does not compute???”. I’d eventually like to publish that as part of a longer fic but if I never figure out how I’d be open to posting it as a ficlet. So. Fun things to come! In time.
The original purpose of the Drake dragon coat of arms (soon to be officially christened Pebbles in the story!) is that I got a little carried away trying to come up with the most obnoxious things his parents could have done with their remodel and paying someone to create your family a coat of arms but then deciding you didn’t like it and getting it redone seemed to be just that sort of thing. The reason I spent a significant portion of time on it narratively is that I decided it was the perfect Emotional Support Inanimate Object for Tim to grow attached to and have conversations with. That way, when he has scenes where he’s hanging out in his house, I can still reasonably work in dialogue, which is absolutely my strongest area of writing and is the thing I have the most fun with. Picture Tim and the Dragon crest as the meme from The Good Place with Jason and his Ariana Grande poster; “Oh, Pebbles, we’re really in it now.”
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maskspurpose · 11 months
for superhero fic: 2, 8 (besides wtei), 9 for fine reunion: 7 for tori, 20, 22 and 13, 21 in general
Oh my god hiiii who are you <3 Putting these under a cut bc of how much I wrote LMAO
Superhero AU
2: How did you get the idea to write this?
WataEi week on twitter had a list of prompts and one of them included hero/villain au which made me think about how those are like... complicated and interesting roles for wataru and eichi respectively since theyve both played the protagonist and antagonist and how this could be an AU where you can explore that and another theme (masks) in a really fun way. It kinda like. appeared in my head fully formed especially bc superhero comics are a past special interest i've come back to a couple of times now.
8: Which character is gonna have the biggest storyline?
I meant to follow the broad strokes of ES1 main story and just retell it in this new framing device or rather like... see where it goes from there, so it would probably end up being Tori or Hokuto depending on where the dice of my focus falls. In a version of the story I was thinking about doing a type of monster of the week format similar to how many magical girl shows do it where the monster in question is like... the manifestation of the Mental Issues someone is having so I think in that version a lot of them have the potential to get a day in the spotlight.
Thinking about it some more though I really enjoy the worldbuilding I did for Yuzuru so. Honestly he's also a big candidate. It just feeds really well into a lot of the stuff that's happening.
9: Is there anything in the fic you're not so excited about writing?
I got extremely stuck on the worldbuilding and overarching plot and how to make it work without it being boring (bc of how much of it is retelling the main story) and also just... making the kinda complex morality stuff I wanna highlight work in a kinda cartoony setting?
The other thing is smaller but Wataru alternates pronouns depending on their identity in this story (at least in Eichi's POV) and keeping that straight is a headache and a half for me tbh.
fine reunion
7: What are your plans for Tori?
Okay so the setup of this fic is, essentially, what if EP:Link bad end where fine ends up disbanding, which means... you kind of have to imagine Tori's development re: the rest of fine as being stuck in that specific point in time? The last selfish thing he asked for didn't come true, so what does that mean... in this case it means he's suspicious of Wataru and passively pissed despite being aware that it's not fully justified.
I think at the same time he's grown more independent. He's grown up in a lot of ways that we can also see in ES2 and I think has become a lot more savvy and aware of unsavory business practices both by his own family and others. I think out of fine he's the one who seems like he's changed the most simply by virtue of being the one who had the most growing up to do. I think he's both become a bit more like Eichi in the roles he fills and a lot less like Eichi in how he does it? And where it all goes... we shall see!
20: Give a vague description of something that will happen without revealing too much
fine reunion album tour. four people with pent up emotional issues. in one bus and/or hotel room.
22: Will this fic include more angst or more fluff?
The reason I'm like willing to write it is because ultimately I want to lean towards fluff? I think there's ways to do this that get angsty really quickly and my original concept for it was leaning into that but ultimately I wanna focus on like... the fact that yes if fine split up these characters would stay the same in some ways but just how much personal growth is up to you as a person and imo one of the now most important things abt fine which is that they are together as a unit because they like each other and want to be.
There's still gonna be some angst and some topics are unavoidable just bc it will touch on like. idk a large part of the premise is that Eichi is doing the whole reunion bc he's doing an early retirement as an idol because of his health (no acute reasons and more of a precaution but it's still. yknow) and that Wataru left after EP:Link to become an actor. So there's issues.
General Questions:
13: Is there any unwritten/unpublished fics you haven't mentioned you're gonna do?
No promises but I still want to write something about Wataru and Keito working together on a script for Dramatica and what that would entail. I also wanna do a 5+1-ish (4+1?) thing/series about Wataru kissing the other eccentrics or something.
Part of me wants to one day do a collaboration on something with my boyfriend but we'd have to figure out the mechanics and I haven't brought it up to him yet, soooo 🤫🤫🤫
21: Is there any unwritten fic that you don't know if you ever will write?
Originally I was going to do a proper sequel to the Watareichi fic I wrote that's been shrinking in scope for a variety of reasons (less interest in writing wtrei as anything but exes, dissatisfaction with the fic it'd be a sequel to). There's a longer version of the Wataru & HiMERU drabble I wrote that'll never be done because uuuuuuh I really don't care for HiMERU anymore.
I have this whole AU i plotted out at some point where Wataru and Mama have a unit together bc I thought it'd be funny for a unit swap prompt but ultimately that's probably never going to happen.
IDK I have WIPs from fandoms I'm no longer in does that count?
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thelastspeecher · 5 years
Undercover superheroes au danny or daisy
🕶️ - Undercover
Uhhhh I went a little bit overboard with this because I wanted to use both of them.  So I’m putting the part with Danny under a read more.  Hope you like it, Anon!
Send an emoji and one or more characters!
              Daisypulled on her last golden glove.
              “Ready?”Stan asked.  Daisy looked over at herdad.  She nodded.  “Good.”
              “I stilldon’t know about this,” Angie said quietly. She stepped closer and tucked a loose strand of hair behind Daisy’sear.  “Yer only sixteen.”
              “Ang, weagreed to let the kids make their own decisions,” Stan said.  Angie nodded.
              “Daisywants to follow in her dad’s footsteps,” Stan continued, clapping a proud handon Daisy’s shoulder.  “That’s a goodthing.  I’ve heard her dad is prettygreat.”  Angie pursed her lips.  “Babe, let it go.”
              “It’s dangerousto be a hero.  And at sixteen, no less!”
              “I’mgonna be with her the entire time,” Stan said firmly.  “She won’t leave my sight.”  Angie sighed.
              “Fine.  Fine. Leave ‘fore I change my mind and use my powers to keep ya both here,”she said.  Daisy kissed her ma on thecheek.
              “Bye,Ma!” she said cheerfully.  Angie smiledweakly at her.
              “Bye,babe,” Stan said, kissing Angie on the forehead.  “Don’t worry. Like I said, I’ll watch her.” Angie nodded silently.
              “I’mholdin’ ya to that.”
              “Want meto bring home dinner?”
              “I’mgonna let Daisy choose, since it’s her night.”
              “Okay.”  Angie swatted him playfully.  “Get goin’! Yer daughter is goin’ to get frustrated with ya.”  Stan snuck one more kiss before exiting thehouse.  Angie let out a wistfulsigh.  The pager clipped to her beltchirped at her.  She unclipped her pagerand read the alert.  A small smile spreadacross her face.
              “This isboring,” Daisy whined.  Stan sighed.
              “Yes,patrol is sometimes boring,” he said.  Theother hero assigned to today’s patrol, someone whose name Stan could neverremember, frowned at Daisy.
              “Seriously,Flamethrower, who is this kid?” he asked. Stan put an arm around Daisy’s shoulders.
              “Myprotégé.  Ignition.”
              “Ignition,”the coworker said flatly.  He rolled hiseyes.  “Lemme guess, you’re a pyro.”
              “Yep!”Daisy chirped.
              “Uh-huh.”  The coworker crossed his arms.  “If you couldn’t leave your kid alone athome, the proper response is to call a babysitter, not take her to work,” hesaid to Stan.
              “She’s ateenager.  She doesn’t need ababysitter,” Stan said.  “I brought heralong so she could learn the tricks of the trade.  She wants to be a hero, like her old man.”
              “So you’rejust dropping all pretense that she’s not your daughter.”
              “Eh.  Might as well.  You figured it out,” Stan said with ashrug.  Daisy grinned at him.  “Now, like I was saying, kid, patrolsometimes isn’t that exciting.  Which isa good thing.  Means that villains aren’tstealing stuff.”
              “Yeah,but I wanted to do stuff,” Daisy said. She punched the air like she was fighting an invisible enemy.  “Wanted to use those boxing lessons you gaveme.  Otherwise, I shoulda just stayedhome.  Did homework or somethin’.”
              “Really?  Homework is better than time with me?” Stanasked.  Daisy shrugged.
              “Ouch,”Stan mumbled.  The coworker laughed.
              “Yep,your kid is a pyro all right.  No oneelse could burn you that bad.”  An alarmsuddenly sounded from the building across the street.  “Saved by the bell.”
              “Yaddayadda yadda, whatever,” Stan scoffed. Someone ran out of the building, into the middle of the street.  Stan squinted at the figure.  “All right, Ignition, hit her with a warningshot.”  Daisy swallowed.
              “Are- areyou sure that I should-”
              “You’vegot better aim than I do, kid.  You’ll befine,” Stan said dismissively. “C’mon.  Shoot!”
              “O-okay.”  Daisy steadied her stance before firing off aquick ball of fire from her hands.  Thefire hit the person in the square of the chest.
              “Oof!”the person grunted, falling to the ground. Stan’s heart leapt to his throat.
              Oh, shit.  The person slowly got up and saidsomething.  Stan couldn’t make out thewords, but he could easily recognize the voice. Fuck.
              “Oh, no!”Daisy whispered.  She tugged at herhair.  “I didn’t- I hurt- I shouldn’thave- I’m so sorry, I-”  Stan’s coworkerinterrupted Daisy’s panicked stammers.
              “See,this is why we don’t invite kids to patrol,” he said, glaring at Daisy.  “They freak out when they have to get theirhands dirty.  They’re just not-”  Stan whacked him upside the head.  The coworker passed out cold on the rooftop.  Stan cupped his hands around his mouth.
              “Get uphere!” he called.  The person in thestreet nodded silently, then flew up to the rooftop Stan and Daisy werewatching from.  Once the person landed,Stan crossed his arms.  “Angie!”  Angie smiled sheepishly.
              “Howdy,”she said.  Daisy crossed her arms aswell.
              “Ma, whatare you doin’ here?” she asked.
              “I gotcalled in.”
              “Bull.  Shit,” Stan said flatly.  Angie scowled.  “Okay, maybe you did get called in.  But you didn’t have to take it.  I know you didn’t, ‘cause you told me thatyou worked it out with your crew.  Sinceyou have kids, you don’t have to take calls unless they happen during a timeyou were scheduled to do villain stuff.” Angie looked away.  “You only tookthis call ‘cause you wanted to keep an eye on Daisy.”
              “So whatif I did?” Angie burst out.  “She’s mydaughter, too!”
              “Yeah,and she made her decision,” Stan snapped. “She wants to look into being a hero. And we agreed we’d let the kids decide on their own what they wanted tobe.”
              “Bein’ ahero is so dangerous.”
              “So isbeing a villain.  And you wouldn’t befreaking out if she wanted to intern with your crew,” Stan said.  Angie’s shoulders drooped.  “You have to make your peace with what Daisychose.”
              “Iguess.”  Angie ran her hands through herhair.  “I also- sixteen is so young tostart this!  I’ve never met anyone whostarted this young.”
              “Heroesstart young, Ma,” Daisy said.  “GrandmaPines told us she got started when she was fourteen.  The head start is to make sure ya don’t breakany of the laws yer tryin’ to uphold.” Angie pursed her lips.
              “My momstarted when she was fourteen,” Stan said. Angie stared at him.  Stan shrugged.  “It’s true.”
              “I just-I didn’t mean to intervene, I swear.  I’mjust worried about my baby girl.”
              “I’mworried, too.  The second things lookdicey, I send her outta there, okay?” Stan said.  “I can take care of our daughter.”
              “Let metry this, Ma,” Daisy said.  “Let me spendsome time learning from Dad.”
              “…Okay,”Angie said begrudgingly.  “I still- Istill don’t like it, but…fine.  I’ll tellmy crew that somethin’ popped up and I couldn’t come.  They’ll send someone else fer you two topractice with.”  She wagged her finger atStan.  “Our daughter better not come homewith a single scratch on her, you hear me?”
              “Loud andclear.”
              “Good.”  Angie kissed Daisy on the top of her head andStan on the cheek before flying away. Daisy looked over at Stan’s coworker.
              “Whatshould we do with him?”
              “Eh.  Leave him be. He was kinda a dick anyways.  I’lljust tell him that your ma had backup that took him out.  That’s usually what I say when I have toknock someone out.”
              Thesecurity guard wrung his hands anxiously.
              “NormallyI wouldn’t get help from a hero,” he said as he led Stan through a narrow,dimly lit hallway.  “We’re good athandling things ourselves.  But it was amask that broke in, and with it being a high-security research facility-”
              “I get it,”Stan said dismissively, waving away the guard’s concerns.  “You gotta have a mask to take care of amask, especially with the weird shit the scientists who work here get up to.”
              “You knowabout it?”               “A bit,” Stan said with ashrug.  “I’ve got some scientists in myfamily, and they went hog wild when this place was first built.  Do you know who broke in?”
              “No.  She was clearly a mask, but she seems rather young,so she’s probably new.  And she took outthe security cameras right away, so I couldn’t get a better look.”
              “Got it.”
              “This isthe lab she broke into,” the guard said, coming to a stop outside a door.  Stan tested the handle.  It turned, but the door wouldn’t open.  “She froze it shut.  I saw that right before she cut the camerafeed.”  Stan then saw ice wedged in thecracks between the door and the doorjamb.
              “Frozeit,” Stan said quietly.
              Cryokinesis is rare.  That’s what Angie said.  It only ever gets passed down throughfamilies, and there’s only a handful of families that have that power.  A sinking feeling settled in hisstomach.  It better not be her.  Theguard cleared his throat.  Stan realizedhe had been quiet for too long.
              “It’s noproblem,” he said, blustering up some bravado. “I’m a pyro.  Ice doesn’t phase me.  You should probably head back to your officeor whatever while I take care of this. Don’t want any collateral.”
              “Okay.  Good luck.”
              “Don’tneed it.”  Stan waited for the guard toleave before carefully melting the ice built around the edges of the door.  He entered the room and closed the door assoftly as he could.  The intruder hadn’tnoticed his arrival.  He could hearclanging and clattering as the intruder dug through lab equipment.
              “Sufferingsuccotash,” the intruder muttered.  Stangrimaced.
              Yep. It’s her.  He made his waythrough the lab.  Once he was closeenough, he stepped into view.  He put hishands on his hips.
              “DanicaViola Pines.”  The intruder spun aroundand instinctively shot a blast of ice towards him.  Stan burst into flames, melting the icebefore it could hit him.  Hescowled.  “You know better than to attackyour dad, princess.”  The intruder, hisoldest child, Danny, gasped and covered her mouth.
              “I’msorry, Dad!  I didn’t know it was you, Iwas just-”
              “What thehell are you doing?” Stan interrupted. Danny rubbed the back of her neck.
              “Sabotagingmy competitor’s research.  There’s thiscompetition I really wanna win, and there’s this guy in this lab that I can’tbeat clean.”
              “Uh-huh.  Why didn’t you tell me or your ma about this?”
              “UncleLute told me not to,” Danny mumbled.  “Hesaid you guys would be upset.”
              “Geez,” Stansaid, pinching the bridge of his nose.  “Youactually believed that?  Your ma would bethrilled to find out you decided to be a villain.”
              “Yeah, butMa would tell you ‘cause she doesn’t like keeping secrets from you.  And I didn’t think you’d be happy that yourprincess wanted to go into villainy.”
              “Afterthe whole thing with your ma freaking out when Daisy started heroing, I did mybest to prepare for this,” Stan said.  “Imean, I wish you’d be a hero, but as long as you’re smart about being avillain, it’s fine.”  Danny smiled.  “But you weren’t smart.”  Her smile vanished.
              “C’mon,kid.  Breaking into a high-security labfor your first villain job?  In themiddle of a security guard’s shift? Hell, do you even have a codename yet?”
              “Yes.  Graupel.”
              “Whohelped you come up with that?”
              “Figures.”  Stan sighed. “You shoulda had your Uncle Lute help you with the codename.  He’s better at that stuff.”  He looked Danny up and down.  Her outfit resembled a white ski suit.  “Your villaining duds aren’t too bad, though.”
              “Yeah,can we talk about this at home?  I wanna getthis sabotaged and get outta here.”
              “You’renot gonna sabotage squat.”
              “What?  Why?” Danny whined.  “I thought you weren’t gonna be upset aboutme breaking the law.”
              “I’mnot.  You know I’m all for going around therules a bit to win.”
              “Thenwhy?  I woulda had it done by now if youhadn’t caught me!”
              “Exactly.  If I didn’tcatch you.  But I did.  And you know the rules your Grammie andGrampie Gucket have,” Stan said firmly. Danny pouted and looked away.  “Ifyou get caught before you can finish a job, you don’t get to finish, no matterwho catches you.  It teaches you to besmarter about committing crimes.”
              “Fine,”Danny muttered.
              “Put thebeaker down.”
              “It’s anErlenmeyer flask, Dad.”
              “Don’tcare.  Put it down.  Put everything back.”
              “Theyhave really nice equipment, though!  Ican’t take even a couple stirring rods?”
              “Nope.  You got caught.  So you don’t get to steal anything.”
              “Ugh!”  Danny emptied her pockets, dumping variouslab equipment into a nearby sink.  “Thisis so stupid.”
              “Yep.  Think ahead next time.”  Stan looked over at the door he had enteredthrough.  “Is there a window you can jumpoutta?  We aren’t too high up.”
              “Yeah,”Danny mumbled.
              “Good.  Do that. I’ll tell the security guy that you made a break for it, but I stoppedyou from taking anything.”  Stan narrowedhis eyes at his daughter.  “Take that thingout of your boot.”  Danny scowled, but removeda metal spatula from her boot.  “I’llhandle security, you get outta here, and when I get home we’re gonna have aconversation about breaking the law smart.”
              “Fine.”  Danny started to leave.  Stan raised an eyebrow.  “Do you really want me to give you a kiss onthe cheek after you crushed my dreams?”
              “Yes,”Stan said flatly.  Danny rolled her eyes,but walked over and gave him a peck on the cheek.  “Thanks, sweetie.  Now, get outta here.”
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btsmosphere · 2 years
2022 Writing Roundup
Tagged by @here4theheartbreak forever ago!! I’ve had this sitting in my drafts for a bit but only getting it up now because I just couldn’t come up with answers for some sections, but since I have some I wanted to post it anyway! It’s always nice to look back on the year😊
Fandom: bts
Total fics: 11
Total words: 43,143 note: I only included word counts of what I published because I am lazy :)) I have written some wips this year that have yet to see the light of day, but some of them have been going since 2021 and I cba to try and figure it all out
~Favourite Things~
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest. Why? This has got to be Still Waters Run Deep, written for the ghibli collab this year. It’s a only fic I really got my teeth into this year, while a lot of my other work was quite short. Not that that’s a bad thing, but Still Waters felt like much more a labour of love for the fact I pushed it longer than I intended, and it’s still something I enjoy reading!
Top 4 current WIPs - if anyone’s been paying attention to my blog, you’ll have heard a lot about certain wips, which still haven’t made it out and I’m sorry! Here they are:
Supercharged is the big one - and by big I mean it!! This is the longest thing I’ve ever written as it stands and it’s still not finished! Started in 2021 and still persevering, this is a Jungkook x reader enemies to lovers with superheroes, villains and all the trimmings! Highway to You drabbles (I’m grouping this into one here) - I have more in the works for my Highway to You universe (2 stories are already out), which I’m very excited for. It’s a Yoongi x reader mafia au, childhood friends to lovers and stuffed with my fave hurt/comfort Sunken Heart - another story that’s been kicking around since the dawn of time, demigod!Namjoon x royalty!reader mythology au set in atlantis. I promise I haven’t forgotten this one! Autumn drabbles - I had a great time writing 3 bullet fics for 3 hyungs this autumn, and I planned one for every member, so maybe you’ll see those this fall!
Favorite Line - I have a few lines that make me smile this year, but I’m gonna pick the most dramatic one haha: Lightning washed the nightmare in white. - from Still Waters Run Deep. I liked it when I wrote it, but I appreciated it even more when I was reading this part to my bf and he paused at that sentence to tell me how effective he thought it was!
~Question and Answer Time~
Top 2 Resolutions for 2023
Hmm, actually write? I’ve had big chunks away from writing in 2022 and while that’s okay, and breaks can be helpful, mostly these were not. I wanted to write, just never got down to it. When I took part in a november writing goal event, I loved it! just getting myself motivated without that is a challenge Start daydreaming again! In line with my first resolution, I think this is a way to get me motivated. I still daydream of course, but it has shifted to some other fandoms, and while I still love bts, I don’t have their stories on my mind all the time, even though they are stories I like. When I start dreaming up scenes, the need to write them follows, and it’s fun besides :)
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than, or about what was expected? Why? I can’t say I really had any expectations, but I have to say less than what I expected. I had been tailing off but I thought I might naturally swing back up again in terms of writing, but alas.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year? How was it? I haven’t really done anything on this blog that I couldn’t have predicted.. maybe the bullet fic series? I usually am a bit of a completionist but I found the bullet fics gave me some freedom when working from just a concept/aesthetic, as I did in my autumn drabbles. It was a refreshing change to write! Oh, and they were all in present tense? took a while to get used to and a while to switch back, but it fit the ~vibe~ in terms of other differences, I’ve written a few things behind the scenes for new fandoms, but that’s just for my personal enjoyment at the moment :)
What’s your most popular story with readers?
Heaven’s Open - 534 Number 45 - 178 Won’t Tell - 170 Ride or Die - 139 Still Waters Run Deep - 124 The Web part 6 - 121 Say it with Flour - 94 Autumn with Namjoon - 78 Autumn with Hobi - 58 Autumn with Jin - 36 Trade my Life - 10 (at time of writing, notes are probably a bit different as of posting date)
The magic of Jungkook wins out this year with 534 notes on Heaven’s Open!
What was your most productive days/day of the week/month, etc in terms of writing? October and November! In October I got inspired again by the season and I was buzzing to create again, I started with the seasonal drabbles and then in November I took part in the BTS Writers’ Club’s wrimo challenge, where I wrote something every day! I only posted one fic off the back of that but I wrote over 10k words that month, mostly behind the scenes with longer wips :))
~ Fics Written in 2022~
In chronological order of posting
The Web (part 6) - Jimin x reader You made it out of the web, mostly whole. But will you be able to overcome the damage done to you and your family?
Say it with Flour - Namjoon x reader This had always been a bad idea. You, notorious for kitchen disasters, attending a cooking class. Maybe it could be what you needed to fix your terrible cooking skills - or maybe you could meet someone who makes it so much worse!
Won’t Tell - Jin x reader You aren’t the only one sneaking out at night at hogwarts. In fact, it appears to be a popular pastime - shame it also happens to be extremely banned. Oh well, he won’t tell if you won’t…
Number 45 - Namjoon x reader The man at number 45 becomes the highlight of your shift… Five times you delivered something to Namjoon, and one time he gave something back to you!
Still Waters Run Deep - Taehyung x reader down at the riverbank is a boy whose eyes hold each swell of the waves, whose hair ruffles like the reeds. but the peaceful magic of the river may become your only sanctuary when wilder forces come into play
Heaven’s Open - Jungkook x reader it’s never a good time for the heavens to open, trapping you to wait out the storm. but your own piece of heaven is stuck right there with you - maybe the rainclouds will shed some light on the cold front that has formed between you and Jungkook
autumn with: hobi - “are you cold?” - college au ft. apple picking, chasing leaves, wearing each other’s clothes
autumn with: namjoon -  “you kept this?” - established relationship ft. a carnival, getting lost in a good book, a kiss for good luck
autumn with: jin -  “I hate you - I love you too” - childhood friends au ft. a graveyard, a thunderstorm and seokjin’s sweater paws
Ride or Die - Yoongi x reader yoongi isn’t sure when he became so accustomed to your ineffably cheery presence. until he sees that innocence crack, he hadn’t realised how far he would go to keep it there.
Trade my Life - Jin x reader once, you were just two children giggling in the corner of the dojang, trading equally in punches and hugs, everything a game. but that was long ago, and now that man stands day after day outside the door which separates your two worlds. is the throne really worth leaving the barrier unbroken?
0 notes
aurumacadicus · 2 years
You know, the scene in my Incredibles AU that I’m most excited to write is when Steve and Tony and Kiddos are gonna go fight the Big Bad and Steve tries to stop them and he’s got Tony by the shoulders and Tony is so angry already because Steve was going off being a Super and putting himself and their kids in danger so he asks why, why isn’t he allowed to help, and Steve tells him, “Because I’m not strong enough.”
“What, is this some macho bullshit, I am not a damsel in distress, you’ve seen me disarm a nuclear bomb,” Tony begins, incensed.
And Steve screams back, “I’m not strong enough to lose you all again, Tony! I lost everything, and you gave me a home, and I can’t—I can’t start over again if I lose you, Tony. I won’t.”
And Tony’s angry all over again even as his heart breaks at how Steve is visibly falling to pieces in his arms. There’s a villain to fight and the city is in danger and here Steve is telling him he would rather die than live without him so why couldn’t he just tell him that before he went off and played superhero again and got them into this mess. Why couldn’t Tony and their kids be enough before all this happened? Why did Steve have to hide this part of him so long?
“I wouldn’t be the man you loved if I obeyed you and stayed behind,” Tony finally says, voice cracking.
Steve manages a broken smile, even though there are tears in his eyes. “I know.”
47 notes · View notes
viastro · 3 years
let’s go home (but you’re my home) | ju haknyeon
ミ★ synopsis: the world’s greatest villain, icarus, was once on humanity’s side. also known as eclipse, he saved lives whenever he was needed, risking his own in an attempt to make the world a better place even when humanity was turning their backs against him. he was always selfless, up until the moment that he decided to reach for the sun, thus paying the ultimate price. 
ミ★ genre: superhero turned villain!au, angst, some fluff, some humor 
ミ★ warnings: major character death, mild violence, mentions of blood and weapons
ミ★ word count: 11,723
ミ★ pairings: juhaknyeon x gender neutral reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys ! long time no oneshot omg... this actually took me a month to write ? i think ?? this oneshot is part of @junjungsunwoo​ collab, what it takes to make a villain, which i will tag the masterlist down below ! there are currently three slots that are still open (sangyeon, jacob + kevin) so if you’d like to join, make sure to check out the collab call and message yena ^^ 
what it takes to make a villain masterlist
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“P-Please… have mercy. You were Eclipse, the protector of mankind!” The police chief on the ground pleads, battered and bruised from the villain’s endless beatings. Icarus remains silent, no remorse or forgiveness in his gaze as he stares down at the man coldly.
“You say this now, but you still tried to shoot me that day.” Icarus states, and the man slowly closes his mouth.
Haknyeon once saw the beauty in the world, believing that good can overcome evil, that he can help prevent the corruption of society. 
He was wrong. 
Haknyeon was the superhero that the world relied on, Eclipse. The most powerful being known to man, capable of flight, telekinesis, telepathy, and magic. He believed in fighting for the people, for the greater good. Even when he was in a brawl against someone who tried to pursue their own selfish needs, he still tried to see the good in them. 
He was taken advantage of, spat on, lied to, and almost killed. Even after everything he did for mankind, people still wanted more, they always wanted him to do more, and he always did just that. No matter how life-threatening, dangerous, or painful it was, he always came and saved the day. 
Haknyeon was selfless, and the world knew that. 
But the one time Haknyeon wanted to be selfish, he paid the worst price imaginable. And now? 
“Eclipse… please—” Haknyeon’s eyes glow a deep red as he raises his hand up towards the chief’s face. He lets out a dark laugh, a tingle of excitement travelling down his spine at the fear in his eyes. “There is no more Eclipse to protect you.” 
Haknyeon is known as Icarus, the darkest villain the world has come to know. 
three years before
“You are very lucky to have survived the fire in the building.” The news reporter says, holding out the microphone towards the woman. 
She lets out a small smile, “Eclipse saved my life, I’m forever indebted to him.” 
“Ah…” The reporter trails off at the mention of him, snapping out of their previous thought as they nod their head at the woman. “Of course, what would we do without Eclipse, hm?” 
Haknyeon watches his television, lips pressed together in a thin line, when suddenly the screen turns black. He opens his mouth in protest, only to stop when he locks eyes with a stern looking Hyunjun. 
“What did I tell you about watching the news?” Hyunjun asks as he places the remote down onto the coffee table, and Haknyeon rests his head in his hands as he awaits for his friend to start scolding him. 
“Don’t watch it.”
“And what were you doing?” 
Haknyeon just sighs, looking down at the floor as he mumbles, “Watching television.” 
Hyunjun stares at the superhero, hating that he has to act like the mom friend, but knowing that it’s hard on Haknyeon whenever he watches the news. Even after everything his friend has done for the world, all of the sacrifices he’s made, the pain he’s been put through, society never thanks him. 
Tabloids call him an alien who will bring doom to us all, news outlets say he’s a danger to the world and that humans shouldn’t be so accepting of him, social media attempts to find his true identity, and others try to find the superhero’s weakness. 
But Haknyeon still smiles brightly and saves the day whenever he’s needed. 
Hyunjun purses his lips, gently patting the brunette’s head, causing him to look up. He smiles softly, “Come on, let’s go buy groceries.” 
Haknyeon just nods his head, standing up from the couch and putting a bucket hat over his fluffy hair. He follows after his friend, but the thought of the reporter’s grimace when the victim mentioned his name lingers in his brain. 
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“We need green onions.” Haknyeon says as he stares down at the grocery list. Since Hyunjun and him typically hate going to the grocery, they made it a routine to split up and grab whatever they need on their halves of the store. 
It’s lessened their time spent at the grocery store by at least 15 minutes. Hyunjun swears that it’s an hour, but Haknyeon knows that it is quite literally 15 minutes. 
The brunette grabs the best looking green onions in the produce section and places it into the bag, putting it into his basket as he walks over towards the fruits. When he’s about to throw a bag of cuties into the basket, the sound of shouting coming from the front of the store captures his attention. 
He glances around, seeing that no one else is able to hear the commotion since they’re so far from the entrance. Letting out a breath, he calmly walks over towards the direction of the shouting, trying to blend into the crowd to the best of his ability. 
Once he makes it to the entrance, he squints his eyes when he sees an unruly customer yelling at you, the poor cashier who was just trying to do their job. 
“I’m sorry, sir, but I can’t do anything about your card being declined. Do you have another form of payment that you can use?” You suggest, even giving him a small smile to try and appease him, but you watch as a vein almost pops out of his forehead in anger from your words. 
“Are you looking down on me right now? Do you really think I believe that my card was declined?” You bite the inside of your cheek when you watch the man lean closer to you, and you feel an inkling of fear flood your system when your eyes trail down to see his hand clenching into a fist. 
“Sir, I’m so sorry, that wasn’t my intention—”
“Shut up.” The man hisses, and you flinch back when you see him raise his fist, only to feel nothing at all. You slowly open your eyes to find a guy around your age holding back the older man’s fist. 
“Who the fuck are you?” The angry customer spits out, and the guy just shrugs his shoulders, looking like the epitome of ease as the older man struggles against his hold. “What the fuck? Let go of me!”
“I’ll let you go when we leave the store.” He responds, before dragging him out of the store. You just stand there in shock as you watch the man struggle, but the younger guy just pulls him out with no signs of fatigue. 
You blink, still trying to muster up your thoughts as you stare out the automatic doors, wondering if he’s okay.
Your attention is grabbed when you hear a sigh come from beside you, and you turn your head to see another guy around your age staring out the door as well, looking unsurprised. “Can’t take Haknyeon anywhere.” 
You raise an eyebrow as you start ringing up the pretty man’s items, wondering who he must be talking about when the younger guy walks back in. You stare at him as you blindly scan the items, watching him walk up to your register as he gives you a smile. 
“Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, right?” He asks, only to let out a whine when the guy you were ringing up slaps his shoulder. “Hyunjun!”
“Haknyeon, did you not finish your side of the list?” The man named Hyunjun asks, and you watch as Haknyeon looks down at his shoes, the memory of the basket he just left by the section of tangerines coming to mind. 
Hyunjun sighs, shaking his head as he pulls out his credit card to pay. You give him a small smile, finishing the transaction by handing him his receipt. He grins at you, before turning towards Haknyeon and gesturing over towards the produce aisle. 
“Go finish your half of the groceries, I’m gonna go buy us drinks.” Hyunjun tells the brunette, who just nods his head. You watch as the pretty man walks out the doors, leaving you and Haknyeon alone. 
“Thank you for helping me.” You say quietly, and he gives you a bright smile that makes your cheeks flood with warmth. 
“Of course! I was worried he was going to hit you, but he shouldn’t be bothering you anymore.” You nod your head, and he bids you goodbye before walking off. Biting the inside of your cheek, you turn back towards the register to see another customer putting their items onto the conveyor belt, and you let out a breath. 
Unbeknownst to you, Haknyeon is standing close by, only leaving to the produce section when he sees the pretty smile grace your features again as you converse with the elderly customer. 
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“Give up.” Haknyeon hisses at the man below him, holding him down to the ground. The man chuckles darkly, “Never.”
The superhero feels himself getting thrown towards the wall, only managing to stop himself right before he slams onto the surface. He shoots a death glare towards the man through his mask, breathing heavily as he throws the garbage can in the guy’s direction. 
Haknyeon was having a lovely day before this. He was inside his shared apartment with Hyunjun, eating cereal and talking about coding since the latter has developed a deep interest in the subject. He even watched Hyunjun code a bit for a video game his friend was creating, that was until the sound of an emergency alert was heard from their television. 
Hyunjun didn’t even get the chance to tell Haknyeon to come home safely because his best friend was already out of the apartment and flying through the air. 
And now here Haknyeon is, fighting a villain from outer space that had heard of the powerful hero defending Earth and its inhabitants instead of enjoying his cereal like he wanted to. 
The reason the villain came to Earth? To defeat Eclipse.
Haknyeon isn’t using all of his strength, he still has yet to use all of his power when fighting against villains. He’s never killed anyone, and he doesn’t ever want to, and the man must know this, as he’s trying to provoke the hero to the best of his abilities. 
“You’re weak. How come everyone is talking about you as if you’re some God?” The man asks with a dry laugh, and Haknyeon just clenches his jaw. Without hesitation, he knocks his opponent out with a single punch, watching as he slumps to the ground. 
Haknyeon lets out a breath, resting his hands on his knees as he stares at the villain below him. Pursing his lips, he drags the unconscious man towards the ship that he arrived in and throws him into the seat, binding him to it. He quickly types in the coordinates of the planet that handles those who try to cause destruction to other inhabited planets, before pressing start and stepping off the ship. 
He watches as it departs from the street and flies up into the sky until it’s out of sight, and he sighs. Glancing around at his surroundings, he takes in some of the damage to the convenience stores and cars, and he winces when one of the car alarms starts to blare. 
“At least the damage isn’t as bad as last time.” Haknyeon mutters to himself, looking up at the sky when he starts to hear the cheers from those who live in the apartment complexes that line the street. He smiles softly behind his mask, feeling a sense of relief from the fact that no one was harmed as he looks at the people shouting his alias outside of their windows.
“Thank you, Eclipse!”
Haknyeon does a full bow, before standing back up at his height and flying into the sky, now out of sight from the citizens. He stares down at the city lights beneath him as he flies through the clouds, worried about what they’re possibly going to say about him in the news outlets tomorrow morning. 
“Ah, Hyunjun wouldn’t want me to think like this.” Haknyeon says, but the thoughts still flood his mind the closer he gets to their apartment building. Biting the inside of his cheek, he slowly descends to the top of a different building, deciding that he should stay out and clear his thoughts before going home. 
Haknyeon snaps his fingers so that his Eclipse outfit changes into his normal clothes and walks over to the ledge, sitting down so that his legs dangle off the edge. He remembers when he first got his powers, how each of them awakened, and how afraid he was when he was younger. However, the ability to help those who needed it was able to soothe those fears he had felt. 
Except new fears have developed with each article, each press conference discussing whether or not his intentions are good, the growing number of those who want to find out his true identity and his weaknesses. 
Haknyeon’s afraid.
All he’s done is try to help people, everything he does is for the greater good, but the media makes him out to be a villain. He’s constantly in fear of people finding out about Hyunjun, or discovering who he is behind the mask. 
“Is this really what I want to do?” Haknyeon asks himself quietly, having finally spoken the question he’s been wondering for months now. 
“Haknyeon?” The brunette’s eyes widen at the voice, and he turns his head to find you standing by the door, eyebrows furrowed as you stare at him. His jaw drops, recognition appearing across his features when the memory of your first meeting pops into his mind. 
“Grocery store person!” Haknyeon exclaims, and you cringe at the nickname he’s given you as you walk over so that you’re standing beside him. He chuckles softly at the grimace on your face, “Sorry, I just never got your name that day.” 
You shrug your shoulders, climbing onto the ledge and sitting down next to him. You let out a content sigh, looking out at the apartment building across from you, “My name is yn.” 
Haknyeon nods his head, before he frowns, “How did you know my name?” 
“Your friend said it when you threw out that unruly customer. Thank you again for that, by the way. I thought he was gonna hit me.” You say, and the brunette waves his hand at you as if to say, “No biggie.” 
The two of you turn back towards the view, and you let out another sigh, the smallest of smiles on your faces as you take in the night sky. Haknyeon glances at you, “So, yn, what are you doing up on the roof at 10 pm?” 
You chuckle at the question, looking around at your surroundings as you try to think of your answer. Haknyeon watches as your eyes wander around, taking notice of the sparkle to them when you finally turn towards him with a smile on your face. 
“I like coming up here at night, looking out at the city and the stars brings me a lot of peace. The emergency broadcast system gave us the thumbs up to go outside again since Eclipse defeated that villain, so I came up here.” You explain, and Haknyeon bites the inside of his cheek at the mention of his alias. A thought comes to mind, and he knows Hyunjun would never let him ask this question, but he’s curious about what you think. 
“Mm, what do you think of that guy?” Haknyeon asks, trying his best to keep his voice from wavering. You glance at him with an indecipherable expression on your face, and he already regrets asking the question. 
He knows what’s coming. You’re gonna ridicule him, say that he’s a menace like what the news outlets report about him. He doesn’t understand why he asked you, he should’ve listened to what Hyunjun told him before. He should’ve never asked—
“I think Eclipse is misunderstood.” You answer with a slight furrow to your brow, and Haknyeon pauses, looking at you with a shocked expression on his face. Pursing your lips, you recall what all the news outlets say about the hero, how they misconstrue everything he does and make him out to look like the villain. 
“He’s done nothing but protect us from all the bad in the world, which he isn’t even obligated to do. Us humans are the ones that fuck shit up and he comes to save us from our own demise, yet the news outlets make him out to be like some alien that’s gonna destroy us all.” You rant, and Haknyeon swallows the lump in his throat. Rubbing the back of your neck, you suck in a deep breath to calm down. 
“I just, I just think that Eclipse is so good. He is so inherently good, too good for the world. We should be able to thank him for saving the day and risking his life without much else, but we always want more, and that’s our problem. He’s saved mankind, how many times? I can’t even count it on my fingers, but everyone’s such an ass to him. I just think he deserves better.” You finish, glancing at Haknyeon right as a tear falls from his left eye. Your jaw drops at the sight, and he quickly moves to wipe it away, but you’re already reaching out and cupping his face in your hands. 
“Why are you crying? Are you okay?” You ask in worry, and the brunette just stares at you in a stunned silence. 
No one but Hyunjun has comforted him or shown that they cared.
You wipe away the tears that fall from his eyes with the pads of your thumbs, worry etched across your features as more tears continue to flow out. Jutting your bottom lip out, you rest your hand on the back of Haknyeon’s head and pull him forward until his forehead rests on your shoulder. 
“It’ll be okay, don’t worry.” You say softly, patting his back as his slow tears turn into sobs. 
You don’t know Haknyeon, and Haknyeon doesn’t know you. But underneath the night sky, you offer comfort to the complete stranger as if you’ve known him for years. 
And it gives Haknyeon a sliver of hope.
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“Hyunjun, I’m going out to see yn!” Haknyeon calls out as he rests his hand on the doorknob, a smile gracing his features when he hears his best friend telling him to be safe through a mouthful of food. He steps out of the apartment and closes the door behind him, walking down the hallway with a small skip to his step. 
Since the night you had comforted Haknyeon a couple weeks ago, the two of you exchanged numbers and quickly became friends. Almost texting each other everyday, and even creating a groupchat with Hyunjun, you easily made your way into Haknyeon’s life. 
Now here Haknyeon is, on his way to meet you for the day the two of you planned. It’s your day off and you just finished your classes, while Haknyeon was just sitting at home, so you decided to meet in the middle. 
“Haknyeon!” You shout through the crowd of people, making the brunette look up in your direction, a bright smile forming on his face when he sees you wave at him excitedly. He quickly walks over to you, and you reach out and hook your arm with his so that you won’t lose him in the mass of people. 
“Why is it so busy today?” Haknyeon asks as the two of you begin to walk towards the pho restaurant you wanted to try. You shrug your shoulders, looking around the park to see if there might be an event going on. You squint when your eyes catch onto a sign, and your mouth forms an ‘o’ shape. 
“There’s a mini carnival going on!” You exclaim, pulling him towards the sign so that you both can read it. Turning your head, you watch as his eyes widen with wonder, and you grin at the sight. 
“You wanna go play some carnival games before we go get food? It’ll be fun!” Haknyeon almost immediately nods his head at your offer, and you squeal in excitement. The two of you quickly make your way into the park, and Haknyeon watches as your features brighten when you see the numerous game booths to play from. 
“Oh! Haknyeon, they have pig plushies we can win.” You point out, letting out a loud laugh when he does a quick u-turn and pulls you over to the game stand without a second thought. 
When the two of you make it to the booth, you point towards the biggest pig plushie and ask the employee how to win it. As they begin to explain, you glance at Haknyeon to see him listening very intently to the instructions, making you bite your lip from bursting into laughter. 
“Okay, are you ready to win the pig?” You ask, and the brunette nods with a determined look on his face. Handing him the rings for the bottles, you smile excitedly, “Win that pig!” 
While cheering for Haknyeon as he tosses the rings, he has to bite his lip to stop from grinning like a fool at how happy he feels, even if he’s completely missing the bottles. 
Yeah, he has telekinesis, but he’s not going to use it unless absolutely necessary.
“Ah, you didn’t win the big pig. However, you did win the medium sized one!” The employee says, and you raise your arms up in victory when they hand the burnette the cute pig plushie. Haknyeon grins, bowing his head in thanks before turning to you with a chuckle. 
“What are you gonna name them?” You ask as the two of you move to the next booth, cooing at the cute pig as you walk. Haknyeon thinks to himself for a moment, watching the way the sunlight illuminates your features, making you shine even brighter than you usually do. 
He smiles softly, turning back towards the pig plushie as a name finally comes to mind. “Sunny. I’ll name them Sunny.” 
“Why not Sunshine?” You ask, genuine curiosity displayed over your face as you look at the brunette. He lets out a warm smile, nudging you with his shoulder shyly as he quietly answers, “Because that’s your nickname.”
You stare at him in silence for a moment, warmth slowly flooding your cheeks as the genuineness to his statement. Turning away, you nudge his shoulder out of shyness, eliciting a giggle out of him as he promptly changes the subject. 
The two of you make your way up to the booth with the darts game. He takes note of the way your eyes sparkle when you see the large panda plushie, watching intently when you turn to the employee and ask how many balloons you need to pop to get the panda. 
“You’ll have to pop all ten balloons to get the large panda plushie.” You nod your head, looking determined when he hands you the ten darts. Glancing back at Haknyeon, he raises his fists up and smiles at you, “Fighting!” 
You grin, turning back towards the balloons as you pick up the dart from the table. Haknyeon’s eyes shine as he stares at the dart, flicking it towards the balloon as soon as it leaves your hand. You let out a squeal when the balloon pops, surprised that you were able to do it before picking up another one.
Poking your tongue past your lips, you carefully aim the dart and throw it towards the balloon, smiling in excitement when it hits another balloon. You turn towards Haknyeon, who claps his hands for you, making you chuckle as you grab another dart. 
When all ten darts pop a balloon, you walk away happily while holding the large panda plushie in both of your arms. Haknyeon listens intently as you go off on a tangent about how you never expected to have hit ten balloons, saying “I honestly just left it up to God, and suddenly I discover I have a talent for dart throwing? This is amazing!” 
While Haknyeon just smiles softly to himself, feeling content just from the sight of the pure joy radiating off your features as you hug the panda close to your chest.
Yes, Haknyeon thought that using his telekinesis was absolutely necessary to see you happy.
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“You’ve been a lot happier recently.” Hyunjun points out while he and Haknyeon eat their lunch. The brunette glances up at his best friend, seeing him pointing at him with his chopsticks. 
Haknyeon chuckles, “I have been.” 
Hyunjun grins, taking a piece of kimbap and placing it in his mouth as he stares at his friend across from him. The dullness to Haknyeon’s eyes have faded, now bright and full of excitement like when he had first met the superhero. 
“Do you like yn? It seems like you guys are already a couple, to be honest.” Hyunjun asks, and Haknyeon purses his lips at the question, making the black haired beauty raise an eyebrow in interest. “I guess we do, huh?”
When Haknyeon was losing hope in mankind, he met you, the epitome of all that is good in the world. You’re kind, generous, selfless, if there was a person with all the admirable traits, then it would be you. You reminded him that people do care, that the work he does isn’t in vain even if you didn’t know it. 
You gave him hope. 
Haknyeon smiles softly, opening his mouth to respond when the sound of his phone beeping calls his attention. Placing the chopsticks down, he picks up his phone to see what the disturbance is, frowning when he reads the message.
“What is it?” 
“Bank robbery, they’re holding people hostage. I have to go.” Haknyeon mutters in a hurry, already standing up from the table and heading towards the balcony, his civilian clothes turning into his suit by the time he pushes open the doors.
“Be safe!” Hyunjun shouts out, feeling more worried than usual when he sees the brunette fly off into the sky. Biting his bottom lip, he walks over into the living room and grabs the remote, turning on the TV to the news channel. 
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You sit in the corner of the room, holding your knees to your chest as you stare down at the floor. You try to clench your fists to make your hands stop shaking, but to no avail. 
“Just sit there tightly, no one will be leaving until we get that money.” 
You hear a sniffle come from beside you, and you turn your head to find a woman sitting next to you, silent tears falling from her eyes as she looks at the floor. Biting the inside of your cheek, with your shaky hand you reach out and rest it over hers. She slowly glances up at you, and you give her a weak smile, “We’ll be okay.” 
She nods her head, returning your smile as she turns her focus back to the floor. The two of you continue to hold hands, trying to offer comfort to each other even though you’re in a tragic situation. 
You just wanted to go to the bank to make a deposit, it was supposed to be a quick transaction. You never expected to enter right when a robbery was about to occur, but with your horrid luck, that’s exactly how you ended up being held hostage with ten other people. 
“Just hurry up and get them to unlock the safe, the cops are gonna be here soon.” The leader commands, growing more agitated by the minute. 
“Sir, what if Eclipse comes?” Your head pops up at the mention of the superhero, watching as the leader simply glares at the guy who asked the question. He reaches out and slaps the back of his head, “That guy isn’t going to come and stop a goddamn bank robbery, he deals with alien shit.” 
“I actually just deal with pieces of shit, alien or human.” A voice cuts in, and everyone turns to see Eclipse standing there in all of his glory. The leader’s mouth drops open, and before he can shout out a command, Eclipse is already moving to disarm all of his men. 
You and the woman flinch back at the sounds of screaming, keeping a close eye out for a chance to escape when suddenly you catch sight of the leader staring at the woman sitting beside you. His eyes are ablaze with anger as he walks over to you and the other hostage, Eclipse being too busy fighting the other men to notice this.
“You.” He snarls, reaching out and grabbing the woman’s arm, making her scream. Your eyes widen in panic, and without thinking, you stand up and push him away from her, blocking her with your body as you stare him down. 
“Get away from her.” You hiss, feeling the eyes of the other hostages on you as you stand your ground. Your hands shake at your sides, and you turn them into fists, feeling nothing but fear at what could happen to you as you stare at him.
“You’ll work just fine then.” The leader states, and before you can question him, he reaches out and pulls you forward, turning you around so your back is pressed to his front. You start to struggle against his hold, about to scream out when suddenly you feel a cool blade press against your throat, and you feel your blood run cold. 
“Hurt any of my other men and they get killed!” The leader shouts, gaining the superhero’s attention as he turns in your guys’ direction. 
Haknyeon’s heart stops when he sees you clawing at the man’s arm, pure fear in your eyes as you stare at him. Numerous thoughts run through his head, ranging from what the fuck you’re doing here, to the murderous rage he feels when he catches sight of the single tear that falls past your eye. 
“Don’t touch them.” Haknyeon states, glaring at the man behind his mask. The grip around your throat tightens and you let out a cry of protest, watching as the superhero takes a step forward. 
“Just let us get the money, and no one gets hurt.” The leader tries to reason, and Haknyeon clenches his fist at his side. When he attempts to take another step forward, the leader backs the two of you up and presses the blade harder into your neck, making sure that it breaks the skin as you bite back a sob.
Haknyeon loses all sense of his morals as soon as he sees the blood drip from your neck. 
He never tries to use his powers against humans in fear that he may hurt them severely, but right now, at this moment, all he cares about is getting you away from that man. 
Using his telekinesis, the blade falls from the leader’s hand and onto the floor, getting thrown far away into the corner. You watch in wonder as all the weapons the robbers had were thrown against the farthest wall, the sound of bullets and metal clanging to the floor mixed with shouts of protest. 
“What the fuck—”
Within the next minute, the front doors fly open, the FBI and police bursting in with their guns in the air. The arm that was holding you suddenly disappears, and you collapse to the floor, breathing heavily as you try to get a grip on yourself. 
With the shouts of expletives being thrown around from the robbers, and the cries of relief from the hostages, you stay down on the floor. It’s only when a hand rests on your back that you turn your head to see Eclipse kneeling down beside you. You give him a small smile to reassure him that you’re fine, but he just continues to stare at you in silence.
“Eclipse, hands in the air!” You hear, and you turn your head to find the police with their weapons drawn towards him. Your eyes widen in confusion, wondering why they’re acting like he’s the one who held innocent people hostage. 
Haknyeon lets out a breath as he stands up, not surprised at their reactions as he prepares to just teleport somewhere else.
“Eclipse, we’ll shoot! Hands in the air!” He hears, and he just clenches his fist at his side, wondering what he did wrong. Your breath hitches in panic when you see an officer out of the corner of your eye staring at the superhero with his finger about to press the trigger. 
“No!” You scream, standing up from the floor with your arms up in the air, blocking Eclipse from view. Haknyeon’s eyes widen in panic and he reaches out towards you, “YN NO—” 
The loud bang from a gunshot rings around the room right after you hear your name, but it’s soon replaced by the sound of an automatic fan blowing. You open your eyes to find yourself wrapped in a strong pair of arms, no longer inside the bank, but in the middle of Hyunjun and Haknyeon’s apartment. 
Pulling back, you let out a gasp when you see those familiar brown eyes boring into yours. “Haknyeon!?”
“Hi, Sunshine.” Haknyeon murmurs, and before you can question him any further, he slumps forward onto your shoulder. Your eyes widen, reaching out and wrapping your arms around him. Panic floods you when you feel something warm against your hand, and you lift it up, a scream falling past your lips when you see his blood.
“Who the fuck is in my apartment—Yn? Haknyeon?!” You turn your head to find Hyunjun walking over from his room, eyes filled with worry and fear as he helps take hold of Haknyeon. Tears pooling in your eyes as Hyunjun brings the brunette to the kitchen table.
“Yn, clear the table.” Hyunjun commands, and you nod your head, quickly removing the table mats and center pieces from the surface. You help Hyunjun lay Haknyeon onto his stomach, and you bite back a scream when you see the blood soaking the back of his t-shirt. 
“I’m gonna go get my supplies.” You turn to Hyunjun when he walks off, “Are you qualified to take a fucking bullet out of someone?! You’re just about to start your residency!” 
Hyunjun just gives you a serious look, “We can’t take Haknyeon to the hospital, I’m assuming you know that now.” 
Biting your bottom lip, you turn back towards the brunette, tears falling past your eyes as you step over and sit down in the seat scooted into the table. You reach out and grasp his hand, resting your forehead onto the back of it as you close your eyes.
“Please. Please be okay.”
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The first time Haknyeon realized he wasn’t like his other friends, he was four.
He was playing in a park with his friends while his mom spoke to the other parents. He was running around the playground when he saw that there was a cat stuck in the tree. Panicking, he tried to get help, but no one paid him any attention. 
He started crying and wishing for the cat to get back onto the ground, covering his face with his hands as he cried loudly for the helpless creature. 
When he opened his eyes, the cat was levitating down onto the grass, as if someone was carrying them onto the ground. 
He told his mother and she didn’t believe him until he lifted a glass of water with his eyes. In turn, his mother passed out from shock.
One by one his powers were revealed to him, and he was told not to tell anyone, to keep to himself in school. It would be safer for him not to have anyone he loved dearly, and for everyone else to not remember him. 
His mother always told him that it would just be them against the universe because he was special, too precious for the world to know about him. And Haknyeon believed every word his mom told him. 
When his mother died by the time he had turned 16, Haknyeon realized it was only him against the world. 
After her death, he became even more closed off than before. He spent lunches alone, did group projects by himself, and lived in isolation in a house that was once a home. That all changed when he went to university and met Hyunjun, the cold, but warm dancer that wanted to get to know the guy that kept to himself. The two quickly became friends, and have been ever since. 
Haknyeon realized he wanted to save the world when he had first rescued Hyunjun from a fire that broke out during his lab, which just so happened to be the time his best friend discovered his powers. 
Hyunjun helped design a costume to protect his identity, and created a system to alert Haknyeon whenever there was an emergency. It all went smoothly at first, with the public wondering who was the hidden figure that was doing a better job than the emergency services, and the brunette being able to help those who needed it. He felt like he was fulfilling his purpose, making the world a better place little by little.
Then aliens from space had learned about the superhero and started infiltrating Earth to attack him. News outlets and gossip channels wanted to expose who he was behind the mask. The special forces wanted to capture and run tests on him. 
Hyunjun stopped turning on the TV whenever Haknyeon was around, and the brunette stopped checking social media as often. 
Haknyeon started losing sight of his purpose, he thought that the world was too far from being saved. He was slowly coming to the conclusion that humans were their own worst enemies, it was an endless spiral of dark thoughts and feelings that consumed him. 
That all stopped when he met you, the person who showed him nothing but kindness and warmth without even knowing him. Whenever Haknyeon heard you laugh or saw your bright smile, he was reminded that there is still good in the world. 
And he promised to protect you, whatever it takes. 
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Haknyeon gasps awake, feeling like the room is spinning as he stares up at the white ceiling, breathing heavily. Moving to sit up, he lets out a groan when he registers a slight pain in his back, and he reaches back, feeling a large bandage beneath his shirt. Biting his bottom lip, he finally manages to sit up, remembering everything that led up to this moment. 
“Damn, getting shot hurts.” Haknyeon mumbles to himself, only to jump up slightly when he hears a loud gasp come from the doorway. He looks up, finding you standing there with your hand covering your mouth, tears flooding your eyes as you stare at him. 
A small smile comes across his features, “Sunshine, why are you crying?” 
You blink at him, tears falling down your face when you see the warmth in his gaze. Without a word, you walk over and wrap your arms around him, nuzzling your face into his neck as you breathe in his scent. 
Haknyeon’s eyes widen at the contact, before he slowly wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you onto his lap to hold you better. He listens to your rugged breathing as you cry, and he softly pats your back.
“Shh, it’s okay. I’m okay, yn. It’s okay.” Haknyeon mutters, biting back a laugh when he hears you sniffle rather loudly in response. He must’ve not hidden the laugh very well, considering the fact that you pinch his shoulder in retaliation. 
Pulling back, you bite your bottom lip when you see the small smile on Haknyeon’s face as he coos at you. He raises his hands up to cup your face, wiping away the tears with the pads of his thumbs. You shut your eyes, reaching out and blindly hitting his shoulder lightly. 
“Mm, should you be doing this to someone who’s injured?” 
“Don’t risk your life for me like that.” You say, opening your eyes to find Haknyeon just staring at you with a serious expression on his face. You lower your head, “I’ve been so worried, I thought you died.”
“I couldn’t have been asleep for that long—”
“You’ve been asleep for three days, Haknyeon.” You cut off, and the brunette’s jaw drops slightly at the new information. You grip onto his t-shirt, not wanting to let him go ever again, “Do you know how scared I was? Each time I came into your room, you weren’t awake. Every time Hyunjun would come in to check on you, he would come out looking so empty.” 
Haknyeon glances downward, almost feeling guilty the more you explain how you and Hyunjun have been handling his injury. Your bottom lip quivers as you stare at him, and you slowly lower your head until it rests against his forehead. 
“Why would you risk your life for me? You have so much to live for... so much to protect.” You ask quietly, and Haknyeon just lets out a breath at your question. His arms that are wrapped around your waist hold you a bit tighter as he murmurs, “Too many questions.” 
You purse your lips, “Haknyeon…”
“Can you just stay here with me? Like this?” Haknyeon asks, pulling back to look into your eyes. You can’t help but feel relieved as you stare into those deep brown eyes of his, even more grateful that they’re open. Giving him a small smile, you nod your head, leaning in and tucking your face into the crook of his neck again. 
Haknyeon lets out a sigh of content, closing his eyes to focus on the feeling of holding you. The weight that’s built up on his shoulders over the years seemingly melts away as he breathes in your scent, wanting nothing more than to just stay like this. 
“So I’m just chopped liver, huh?” You and Haknyeon pull away from each other and turn towards the door, finding Hyunjun standing there, arms crossed as he glares at the two of you. The brunette lets out a smile when he sees his best friend and gestures for him to come join you, to which he just squints. 
“I don’t want your pity cuddle invite.” 
“Do you want to cuddle or not?” You ask, opening your arms for him to come join you both as well. The black haired beauty lets out a sigh, before finally walking over and climbing onto the bed with you guys. 
He reaches out and wraps his arms around both you and Haknyeon, closing his eyes as relief washes over him when he feels Haknyeon’s heartbeat against his hand. He’s always been worried about his best friend, and this was the closest he’s been to losing him. 
Hyunjun nudges his head softly against the brunette’s, and the latter lets out a small smile, knowing exactly what his best friend must be feeling. He returns the nudge, signifying that he’s okay. 
The three of you just sit on the bed cuddling for the rest of the evening, ultimately deciding not to talk about Haknyeon’s abilities until the next day. For now, Haknyeon just wants to be with the people he cares about most in the world.
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“I want to help.” 
“Absolutely not.” Haknyeon and Hyunjun cut in, and you let out a whine at the fact that they didn’t even let you finish. 
“Can you at least look at my resume?” 
“You don’t have a resume, and even if you did, we wouldn’t look at it because it’s too dangerous.” Hyunjun explains with a stern expression on his face, and you jut your bottom lip out. You turn and glance at Haknyeon, but he just shakes his head at you. 
“I’ve known Hyunjun for years, and I have never let him join in or help me on any of Eclipse’s shit. It’s dangerous.” Haknyeon tells you pointedly, and you scowl at the pretty man. “Come on!” 
“Yn.” Haknyeon says, voice lower and much more serious than it was previously. Staring into his eyes, you see no traces of the usual joy that you’re used to, only seeing something dark and sorrowful behind his gaze. Biting your bottom lip, you look away and nod your head. 
“Okay, I’ll stop.” 
Hyunjun gives you a reassuring smile as he places a piece of seaweed into your bowl, and you nod your head in gratitude. Taking a bite of it, you listen as the black haired beauty seemingly changes the subject to talk about how his residency in the hospital is going. 
Haknyeon sneaks a peek at you as he bites a piece of pork belly, seeing the brightness to your eyes that he loves so much. When he hears you giggle softly, he looks away, realizing just how precious you are to him. 
And he’s going to protect you no matter what. 
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“So you can like, hear my thoughts?” 
A moment of silence passes between you two, and the superhero is about to let out a breath of relief. 
“What am I thinking of right now?” 
Haknyeon lowers his phone to give you a look, just to find you laying on the floor on the other side of the room. You lift up your head to glance at him when you don’t hear a response, finding him staring at you with a bored expression on his face. 
“... Well?” Haknyeon sighs and turns away, hearing you let out a loud laugh from behind him. Sitting up from the carpet, you crawl over and rest your head on the arm of the couch, watching him scroll through an online store for clothes. 
“Are you ignoring me?” You ask when the brunette doesn’t acknowledge your presence, and you let out a squeak when you hear his voice in your head say, “Yes.”
“You just spoke to me!” You exclaim, clearly taken aback as he turns to glance at you with a chuckle. He lowers his phone as he flashes you that warm smile of his, “Did I?”
It’s been a month since you’ve learned of Haknyeon’s true identity, and it’s been pretty smooth sailing. You practically live at their shared apartment considering that you come over almost everyday after your classes or your shifts. Since he wouldn’t let you go with him when he had to fight, you decided to help out in the background the same way Hyunjun did. You re-coded the emergency alert to make it cover areas more broadly, and you also cook dinner for Haknyeon whenever he comes back from saving the world. 
You didn’t consider the last part as being helpful, but both Haknyeon and Hyunjun had called you a lifesaver when they smelled the stew you were cooking. Which you personally thought was quite a compliment considering the real lifesaver among the three of you.
“You spoke to me in my head! Does that mean you can really read my thoughts?” You ask, eyes widening as you reach up and rest your fingers onto your temples. Haknyeon just rolls his eyes and sets his phone down beside him. He leans forward and gently grabs your wrists, pulling your hands away from your head, causing you to look into his eyes.
“I can speak to people through telekinesis, and I can also read their thoughts if I choose to. However, I hardly ever use that ability because of how tiring it is.” Haknyeon explains, and you nod your head in understanding even though you could never actually know what he means by that. 
“Is it physically draining?” You ask when Haknyeon lets go of your wrists, and you climb up onto the couch and sit beside him. He purses his lips and shrugs his shoulders, “Depending on the stuff I hear, it can be physically draining. It’s more mentally exhausting though, people are scary.”
You rest your head on the palm of your hand, taking notice of the faraway look in Haknyeon's eyes after he mutters the sentence. Knowing better than to press him for what he means by that, you simply reach out and fix some strands of his brown hair. He smiles at the fond gesture, looking up at you with the sparkle back in his eyes. 
“Thank you.” Haknyeon says softly, and you grin. Right as you open your mouth to ask him what movie you want to watch, the apartment door bursts open, and the two of you turn your heads to find Hyunjun standing there. 
“Hey.” You greet, and the black haired beauty just sends you both a wicked grin. Haknyeon raises an eyebrow in question, just for it to get answered when Hyunjun holds up the bag he was hiding behind his back. 
“Tteokbokki?!” You exclaim, standing up from the couch in excitement as your friend nods his head happily. Haknyeon’s mouth practically waters from the mention of spicy rice cakes, quickly following after you and walking towards the kitchen. 
“What’s the special occasion?” Haknyeon asks as he grabs the bowls from the cupboard, turning around to find you helping Hyunjun open up the containers of take out. The black haired beauty just shrugs his shoulders, giving Haknyeon a smile, “I was just in a mood for spicy rice cakes after my shift.” 
You clap your hands in agreement, making Hyunjun chuckle as he sits in the seat beside you. Haknyeon walks over and sets a bowl in front of you and Hyunjun, before sitting down in the seat across from you. The three of you quickly dig into the food, talking about the pretty boy’s shift at the hospital and laughing when he starts complaining about a few patients. 
“This one patient was so angry that we needed to take their vitals that they threatened to pee on me! And I was the one standing off to the side!” Hyunjun exclaims, and you practically inhale a rice cake, making the two guffaw when you start coughing. 
“I can’t believe the two of you just laughed when I was fighting for my life just now.” You say after having gulped down a whole glass of water. Haknyeon comes out of the kitchen with a refilled cup, and he just sends you an apologetic smile as he sets it down in front of you. “Sorry, yn. It’s just that Hyunjun started laughing so I lost my mind.” 
You squint at the brunette, and he just sends you one of his eye smiles that make your legs turn into jelly. Pursing your lips, you sigh and pet his head, making him grin happily at your forgiveness. When you lean back into your chair, you turn your head to glare at Hyunjun, who is just calmly chewing on some tteokbokki. 
Registering the silence, Hyunjun slowly turns his head towards you, seeing the fire behind your eyes as you stare at him. “What?” 
“Are you gonna apologize?” You ask, and he just blinks at you. You’re about to smile in victory, only for your mouth to drop open when he snorts and shakes his head. “No, it was hilarious.” 
“Why you little—” And with that, a war erupts in the apartment between you and Hyunjun. The sounds of shrieks and laughter flood the atmosphere as you chase after him with your skewer, while the black haired beauty continues to dodge your attacks while sprinting. 
Haknyeon’s eyes just follow after the two of you, fondness dripping from his features when your bright smile comes into view as you and Hyunjun run past him. He reaches out and takes a rice cake, placing it into his mouth as his heart warms from the sound of your laughter. 
On this rare peaceful night, Haknyeon finds solace in your smile. 
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You and Haknyeon lay side by side on the floor, debating on whether or not to go and bother Hyunjun at the hospital just for the sake of being a pure menace.
“I just think that deep down, he’d be happy to see us.” You say, and the brunette snorts. “You just want to bother him cause you like seeing him annoyed.” 
“True.” Haknyeon laughs at how quickly you admitted the real reason you wanted to go, and you grin at the sound. Rolling over on the floor, you rest your arm over Haknyeon’s stomach, making the latter turn to you with a raised eyebrow. “Mm?” 
“If you won’t let me bother Hyunjun, then I’ll bother you instead.” You murmur, and he chuckles at your thought process. Rolling over, your guy's legs become tangled as he wraps his arm around you, pressing a light kiss to your temple when he closes his eyes. You smile softly, the rate of your heartbeat increasing slightly from the fond gesture. 
“Even though we’re cuddling while laying on this uncomfortable floor,” You start, stirring Haknyeon from his impending nap. He nods, and you take it as a sign to continue. “You feel like home.” 
Haknyeon moves to pull away so he can get a good look at your face, but you simply burrow your face into his chest so that he can’t see how shy you feel at your confession. He smiles softly, letting you hide as he decides to stroke your hair. 
“I found a home in you too, yn.” He mutters, and you feel your face burn with warmth. Settling to just close your eyes and pretend the mutual confession didn’t occur, you try to fall asleep. Haknyeon continues to pat your head softly, lulling you to sleep as he keeps his eyes closed as well. 
“Let’s stay like this forever.” Haknyeon says quietly, feeling nothing but peace as he holds you within his arms. You grin, opening your mouth to respond when a loud ring shoots through the apartment, causing the two of you to bolt upwards. A feeling of dread pools in your stomach when the brunette stands up from the floor and walks over into the other room to read the system alert. 
You slowly stand up and follow after him, only for your eyes to widen when he walks right past you, already suited up as Eclipse. “Haknyeon?” 
“There’s a guy downtown who’s making bomb threats and he’s loaded as well, I have to go.” He explains quickly, preparing to get out of the window when he suddenly feels your warm hand wrapped around his wrist. 
Haknyeon glances back at you, seeing an almost desperate look on your face as you beg, “Please don’t go. I have a bad feeling about this.” 
He bites his bottom lip, gently removing his hand from your grip as he gives you a reassuring smile. “I’ll be okay, Sunshine. I’ll be back with you before you know it.” 
And without another word, Haknyeon hops out the window and soars through the air. Leaving you alone in his apartment, numerous thoughts and possibilities running rampantly through your mind. 
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“Run! Run for your life!” The deranged man screams out, maniacal laughter pouring from his lips soon after as he stares up at the sky. He turns his head and smiles at the number of people fleeing the scene, feeling a rush of power flow through him.
Haknyeon floats down from the sky, landing softly behind the man so that his arrival isn’t heard. He watches as the man looks around, before he takes notice of a presence behind him. Turning his head, the guy’s eyes widen slightly when he finds Eclipse standing not too far from him. 
“Eclipse.” He breathes out, hand reaching for the gun strapped to his waist. Haknyeon just tilts his head at the action, “Why are you causing such a ruckus?” 
The man pauses, having not expected such a question. He looks up towards the superhero, finding him staring right back at him, unmoving as he waits for his response. Clearing his throat, he just gives Eclipse an evil smile. 
“I wanted to bring chaos to the city that ruined my life.” He answers calmly, the tone of his voice sending an eerie feeling through the superhero. Haknyeon places his hands behind his back, “Can I ask what happened?” 
The man just stares at Eclipse, before looking away, a flicker of pain flashing right past his eyes. Before Haknyeon can utter another word, the man pulls out his gun and aims it at the superhero. He quickly dodges the bullet and flies over to the man, disarming him and throwing the gun far from reach. 
“Where are the bombs? Where’d you put them?” Haknyeon asks as he holds the man against the ground, and he bites his bottom lip when he just receives a laugh in response. “You’ll never get to them all in time, at least one will detonate and create a domino effect across the city.” 
Haknyeon quickly creates a pair of handcuffs out of thin air, connecting the man to a pole before standing up and looking around. He closes his eyes as he tries to sense where the bombs could be when he’s by one of the buildings, and he immediately teleports to the next street when he hears the sound of ticking. 
Quickly defusing the bomb, he travels to the next few streets and finds the rest of the explosives. After making sure they’re no longer going to explode, he flies back over to the perpetrator of the attack, finding him sitting against the pole. 
“It’s over. The authorities will be here soon.” Haknyeon announces once he lands softly onto the ground. The older man just stares at the superhero, before letting out a chuckle and turning his head away. “For me or for you?”
Haknyeon blinks, “What?” 
“Come on, you and I both know the authorities and the media have it out for you. They don’t like the idea of you, never have.” He explains, a hint of bitterness to his tone as he glances back at Eclipse. He may not like the fact that the superhero intervened with his plans, but he could never agree with how the media and the government portrays him.
Haknyeon just looks away, seeing the red and blue flashing lights heading towards the two of them rather quickly. Biting his bottom lip, he glances back at the man, seeing the blank look in his eyes. Sucking in a breath, he asks, “What’s your name?” 
The question makes the man visibly pause, and he turns to look at Haknyeon, a slight raise to his eyebrow as he stares at the superhero. He lets out a small smile after a moment, “My name is Haru.” 
“Why’d you place bombs across the city?” Haknyeon asks afterwards, and Haru just shrugs his shoulders. He looks past the superhero, seeing the police cars line up the block as they prepare to step out of their vehicles. 
“Humans are the greediest creatures of them all.” Haru mutters, and just like that, the shouts of policemen come from the streets. Haknyeon turns towards the voices, seeing the special forces come forward to arrest Haru. 
He promptly releases the perpetrator from the pole as soon as the FBI have him in their hold, and they bring him towards their vehicle to arrest him. Haknyeon lets out a sigh, preparing to fly back to the apartment, only to pause when he hears the sound of guns drawing. 
He looks up to find the police holding their weapons up towards him, and he lets out a sad smile at the sight. “Hands up in the air, Eclipse. We won’t let you get away this time.” 
Haru glances back at the police, scoffing so loudly that a few turn to look at him. The FBI holding him stops dragging him when he halts his movement, and he gestures towards all the officers, “I’m the real villain here, and you’re all pointing your guns at Eclipse?” 
“This doesn’t concern you.” 
“I’m the one that caused this whole mess! Of course it concerns me!” Haru shouts back, and the FBI agent jolts him rather violently at the snarkiness to his tone. He scowls at her, before turning back to the officers, “You’re all fucked up. We’re all fucked up!” 
“Get rid of him.” The police chief orders, still holding his own gun up in the superhero’s direction.
Chaos erupts when Haru starts fighting back against the FBI, shouts of anger and pain filling the cold air as the police hurry over to try and restrain the man. Haknyeon’s eyes widen and he runs over to stop them from hurting Haru, but right as he grabs one of the officers, a gunshot rings through the air. 
“Haru!” Hakyneon shouts. He begins to frantically push through the crowd of officers, thinking that they’ve shot the man who was ultimately defenseless due to the superhero disarming him earlier.
“Haknyeon?” Only for the brunette to freeze at the familiar voice, blood running cold as he slowly turns his head. 
You’re standing not too far from him, clutching your stomach with a confused expression on your face as the police chief in front of you watches in horror. The gun he had shot from slowly falls from his hands, and the man quickly backs away from the scene.
Haknyeon immediately runs over and wraps his arms around you, searching your face as you stare into his eyes through his mask. “Yn? What happened? What are you doing here?”
“Something happened. I-I don’t know what happened. Am I okay?” You ask, feeling lightheaded as the clouds darken above the two of you. Removing your hand from your stomach, your eyes widen when all you can see is red. Panic seizes Haknyeon’s heart when he looks down at your hand, and the all too familiar feeling of warmth seeps onto his stomach as he keeps you from falling.
“You’re okay, Sunshine. You’re okay.” Haknyeon reassures you, slowly lowering the two of you onto the ground so that you’re resting on his lap. The superhero turns towards the officers and FBI agents who are just watching you and him in silence, shock written across their faces. “P-Please get help! Please! Call for help!” 
“Haknyeon.” You mutter, tears flooding your eyes as your hand rests against his, feeling warmth flow through your fingers as you stare up at him. He looks back down at you, heartbeat running a mile a minute within his chest, “Yeah, yn?” 
“I want to go home. Let’s go home.” You murmur, fighting back the oncoming fatigue as you stare at the man you love. Your memories start flashing before your eyes, all the laughter and joy you and Haknyeon had shared in the few months you’ve known each other. He nods his head, “I’ll take you home, yn. We’ll go home, I promise.” 
“Please, I wanna go home.” You cry, and Haknyeon bites back a sob as he just tries to appease you. He glances around at the officers, seeing some talking through their walkie-talkies and others just watching you and the superhero.
“I-I’m scared.” Haknyeon’s heart breaks within his chest at your soft voice. He quickly mutters, “It’s okay. It’ll be okay, yn. Hold on a bit longer for me, please.” and closes his eyes as he tries to channel his power into teleporting the two of you to the hospital. He bites back a scream of frustration when he opens his eyes to find the two of you still sitting on the concrete in the middle of the city, wondering why his powers aren’t working when he needs them to.
“When we get home,” You suddenly cough, and Haknyeon feels the blood drain from his face when he sees the red splatter on your lips. He frantically shakes his head, tears falling past his eyes as he holds you tighter, turning towards the officers again, “PLEASE! CALL FOR HELP!” 
“W-When we get home, can we stay in bed forever? Like you said?” You ask, the light in your eyes fading as you stare up at him. Haknyeon nods his head, desperately trying to get himself to teleport, to fly, anything.
But nothing is working as he holds you, and he lets out a cry of pain when you struggle to keep your eyes open. 
“Yn. Yn, please. Don’t close your eyes, okay? Look at me, Sunshine. Look at me.” Haknyeon begs, and you blink slowly. He bites his bottom lip harshly, trying to focus so that he can teleport the two of you to the hospital, but his heart stops when you suddenly reach up and rest your hand on his cheek. 
You stare up into his eyes for a moment in silence, feeling yourself get lost in those deep brown orbs that hold so much love and hope whenever he looks at you. A heartbreaking smile forms on your face, focusing on his embrace that brings you so much warmth.
“We’re home.” You say softly, and before Haknyeon can utter another word, your hand falls limp. He’s stunned into silence when your eyes shut, and he blinks when he no longer sees the rise and fall to your chest. 
“Y-Yn. Yn. Yn, wake up.” Haknyeon mutters, gently shaking you to try and get you to open your eyes. 
You’re just sleeping. You’re going to wake up just like you always do whenever I go to wake you in the mornings. It’s just a deep sleep. He repeatedly tells himself, tears blurring his vision as more time passes and you still don’t awake.
“S-Sunshine? Please, I’m begging you to open your eyes.” Haknyeon urges, refusing to accept the truth that’s laid out before him. That he failed. He broke his promise. 
He didn’t protect you.
Haknyeon slowly rests his ear over your chest, clutching onto you tightly when the familiar sound of your heart doesn’t softly beat against his ear. He shuts his eyes, a sob finally escaping him as he shows his weakness to the world. All of his senses are honed in on you, focusing on the fact that you’re still warm as he cries and screams in despair.
Lifting his head up, Haknyeon lets out a blood curdling sob that makes the officers flinch backwards. The light cloudy sky above them turns dark, the sound of thunder filling the air as heavy rain begins to descend from the sky and fall onto the city. They all quickly begin to head into their vehicles and drive away due to the hard rain pelting them, leaving Eclipse alone in the middle of Seoul.
But the superhero continues to hold you, darkness finally consuming him whole now that he’s lost the only ray of light that brought him hope. 
present time
Haknyeon stands before your locker, staring at the photo that displays your bright smile that once brought him so much warmth. 
Now he’s just filled with regret.
Letting out a breath, the villain reaches out and presses a single white orchid against the glass. He places his hand back into his pocket, “I finally got the man that killed you three years ago.” 
Haknyeon looks down at the floor, the grief in his chest still so prominent even after all these years. He shuts his eyes, trying to fight back the memory of the last smile you had shown him that fateful day. 
“We’re home.”
Biting his bottom lip, Haknyeon’s eyes slowly trail back up until they land on your photo again. He remembers when this picture was taken. You, Hyunjun, and Haknyeon practically sprinted to the park when it was sunset so that Hyunjun could have photos to post for Instagram. 
“Hyunjun! I’ve taken like... ten million photos!” You exclaim with a frown, and Haknyeon laughs from beside you when he sees the offended look on his best friend’s face. “Take more!” 
Rolling your eyes playfully, you take more photos of the beauty without another noise of complaint. Haknyeon stands to the side, calling out poses and shouts of encouragement that make you and Hyunjun laugh.
“Hyunjun should be a model instead of a surgeon.” You mutter, and Haknyeon nods his head in agreement. He turns to look at you to respond, only to pause when he lays eyes on the art before him. 
The sky is painted in different pinks and purples above you, casting a glow over your features as you concentrate on taking photos for the black haired beauty. A smile forms on your face when Hyunjun lets out a shriek due to a bug, and Haknyeon slowly raises his phone up towards you.
“Yn!” You turn your head towards the brunette, a bright smile on your face right as he takes the photo. Your eyes widen slightly when you hear the sound of a camera shutter go off, and you lower the phone in your hands. “Did you just take a photo of me?” 
“Yeah.” He answers with a grin, and you raise an eyebrow at him. “Why?” 
Haknyeon just smiles fondly at you, and with a shrug of his shoulders he replies, 
“You looked pretty, Sunshine.”
Sucking in a shaky breath at the vivid memory, he tentatively reaches up to gently rest his hand against the glass in hopes to feel closer to you. But he stops, remembering exactly who he’s become as he stares into your eyes that held so much life to them.
A villain. He’s no longer the man you knew when you were still alive. Haknyeon hasn’t even seen Hyunjun since you passed, because if he couldn’t even protect you, how could he protect Hyunjun? 
He lets out a breath, realizing that his mother was right. It’s safer for him to be alone.
And so, his hand slowly falls back down to his side, and he takes a step back from your locker. Haknyeon blinks back the tears that flood his eyes the longer he stares at your smiling face, and he quickly wipes away the tear that manages to escape his left eye. He swallows the lump in his throat and gives you one last heartbreaking smile, before turning and walking away. 
But he stops right as he’s about to pass the threshold, glancing back at you to softly mutter,
“I was never as good as you thought I was.” 
235 notes · View notes
crystalninjaphoenix · 3 years
Origin Story
A JSE Fanfic
SepticHeroes AU: Part 1
The superhero AU is here! I know “SepticHeroes” probably isn’t the most creative name, but I don’t care, I’m just really excited for this ^w^  Jackie is a superhero known as Windstorm, living in and protecting the city of Daindover. His ultimate goal? To join the League of Heroes, the top organization for superheroes worldwide. Aaaand also to make a good impression on his roommate, Chase. I’ve been sitting on it for months, and I’m FINALLY writing something for it! Whoo! Join me on this super adventure! :D
Jackie could never get tired of this view.
The cityscape did look better at night, when the lights of the windows and neon signs let off a stunning glow. But even now, in the daytime, there was just something magical about it. Who could have ever thought buildings could be this tall? Maybe he’ll get used to it, eventually. But that day seemed a long way away.
He was pretty sure he was the only one who could see this current view. After all, it wasn’t easy to get up here. Not to mention the obvious dangers of sitting on a tiny ledge by the needle at the top of a skyscraper. But Jackie had an advantage. He never had to worry about heights.
The same could not be said for his radio, though.
A voice came over the speaker: “—hase in progress. Repeat, car chase in progress. Suspects are in two unmarked gray vans, fleeing from an armed robbery at the First Bank of Daindover. Suspected super activity—”
“Oh shit!” Jackie quickly sat up straight, unfolding his legs. In the process, he accidentally kicked the radio, and it went flying into thin air. “No!”
Jackie lunged forward, shoving himself off the small ledge he was sitting on. He fell quickly, quicker than should have been normal, and grabbed the radio. That didn’t change the fact that he was hurtling to the ground, fifty stories below. Instinctively, Jackie flipped over, now falling feet-first. As he did so, the air pushed back at him, and his fall slowed...and stopped. Now he was hovering in midair. The sensation was somewhat similar to treading water, if the water wasn’t quite as heavy. Unusual. For anyone else. But Jackie was familiar with this. After all, he was a superhero.
Or...well, he wasn’t an official Hero yet. Just another super trying to help out. There were a lot of those. Almost as many as the supers who decided to be power-hungry assholes about their abilities.
Jackie looked over the radio. Undamaged. Good. He would hate to lose or break this. He wasn’t sure how to get another one. The dispatcher was still talking. “Suspects driving down Fleetway Street. Three black-and-whites in pursuit. Confirmed super activity, requesting backup.”
“Backup, you say?” Jackie muttered, laughing to himself. He pulled his mask down over his eyes, grabbing his backpack from the ledge and shoving the radio inside to drop off later. “On the case!”
And with a gust of wind, he was off, flying towards the chase.
It wasn’t hard to find. The two unmarked gray vans mentioned in the police dispatch were zooming down Fleetway Street, quite careless of anyone or anything in their way. Jackie saw them in the distance, took a moment to drop off his backpack on the roof of a nearby building, and then hurried to catch up with them.
There were now about five police cars in pursuit, and no doubt even more arriving. But they were having a bit of trouble. The back of one of the gray vans was open, and occasionally a ball of yellow light—crackling with energy—would fire from the doors. Cars would serve to avoid it, and the lightball would explode into a wave of energy the moment it hit something, causing a VWOOM! sound that was strangely satisfying. The asphalt of the street flew away in pieces, leaving behind smoking holes.
Yep, that was super activity. 
Jackie knew the villains in the vans would see him soon. He wasn’t exactly being subtle, flying in the air. So he had to act quick. He picked up the pace a bit, then as soon as he was able, landed on the hood of the van in front.
Immediately, the van started to swerve. Jackie grabbed onto the seam where the hood opened up to steady himself. Behind the windshield were a man and woman, wearing identical red ski masks that hid everything except their eyes. And both their eyes were wide with surprise. Jackie smiled, and gave the two of them a jaunty wave.
The woman driving jerked the steering wheel to the side, steering the van into a different street. Jackie’s boots skidded for purchase on the shiny hood of the van, but they couldn’t quite grab. And since he’d let go of his tenuous grip on the van to wave at the villains, Jackie ended up flying off to the side.
“Oof!” He landed hard on the street asphalt, tumbling for a bit before managing to steady himself. The moment he did, he launched himself back into the air, building up to his top flying speed to catch up with the pursuit.
The vans had managed to pull ahead of him in the few seconds he’d been tumbling, but the police cars were still behind him. Jackie could now see into the open doors of the van in back. There were three more people there, all wearing red ski masks. One of them pointed at him. Their hand started to glow.
Jackie dodged to the side just in time to avoid the explosive lightball that followed. Unfortunately, the lightball hit the street in front of one of the pursuing police cars. When it exploded, the car went flying into the air, almost flipping over.
“Shit!” Jackie shifted focus, flying back towards the flipping car. He landed on the ground and raised his hands, focusing. The air around him picked up into a wind, pushing against the momentum of the car. It slowed its wild course and set it back down on its tires. Perhaps a bit more roughly than necessary, but Jackie counted it as a win. He glanced through the cracked windshield at the police officer inside. “Are you okay?”
The officer waved for him to go, indicating the car chase that was getting farther away. “Right.” Jackie nodded, backing up before turning and once again launching into the air.
Up ahead, the vans took another sharp turn as a police car appeared from the opposite end of the street. Jackie followed, his speed in the air causing wind that ruffled onlookers’ hair and clothes. Why weren’t they running away?! Why were there always people who stayed to watch?! One of these guys was throwing bombs made of light, you’d think that would cue some urgency!
Speaking of which—
Jackie gasped, and darted to the side to avoid another lightball, which hit a lamppost and caused it to short out. Then the onlookers started to run. About time.
He passed the pursuing police cars, waving at the officers inside as he did and laughing at their expressions of shock. Another lightball came flying at him, and he rolled to avoid it. “Do a barrel roll,” he said to himself, glancing behind him to make sure the lightball didn’t hit anything bad. Luckily, that one was flying on a straight course into the sky. But sooner or later, one of these lightballs would hurt someone.
With that in mind, Jackie pushed himself to go faster. He zoomed forward, heading right for the second van. The three villains standing in the open doors barely had time to get out of the way before he crashed into the open back.
“Fuck,” he muttered, getting to his feet and glancing around. Aside from the three villains, the van was full of brown canvas bags. His impact had caused one of them to tip over, where it spilled stacks of wrapped bills onto the metal van floor. “Come on guys, really? The bags of money? Do you think you’re in a cartoon or something?”
The villains seemed unsure what to do. After a moment, one turned back to face the outside, once again taking aim and firing one of those lightballs from her hand. The other two reached to their belts and drew a handgun in unison.
“Uh—no thanks!” Jackie flung his hands outward. A gust of powerful wind knocked the guns out of the villains’ hands. “That’s not really fair, I haven’t got around to bulletproofing this costume yet.” He let out a small breath. “Anyway, can we, like, hurry this up? I actually have a thing to get to soon.”
The two villains glanced at each other. They nodded slightly. Jackie braced himself just in time for the two of them to lunge forward.
“Whoa!” Jackie leaped into the air, hovering around the top of the van ceiling. The villains missed him as they lunged. One fell over into the money bags, but the other recovered and grabbed his ankle. “Hey! Personal space!” Jackie kicked at the man with his free foot, landing a solid hit on the side of his head. The villain instinctively let go. “Alright, sorry, gotta go!” Jackie flew back out of the van. As he passed through the doors, he grabbed the edge of the van roof and, with the help of the wind, flipped himself over so he was now crouching on top of the van.
Okay, now how to stop this thing?
Jackie inched across the roof of the van until he was in the front, just above the windshield. He was about to duck down and look through, but instead stopped. If those guys back there had guns...
After a moment of thought, he reached down and unbuckled his belt from around his waist. He crept up closer to the windshield, sitting on the driver’s side. Then, he waved his belt in front of the windshield.
There was a loud BANG! and a hole shattered in the front of the windshield. A split second after hearing that, Jackie leaned over the side of the roof so he was hanging over the side next to the driver’s door. Quickly, he punched through the glass of the door’s window.
Just like the other van, there were two villains in ski masks sitting in the front seat. The driver shrieked at the sudden breaking of the window next to him. Jackie felt around until he found the lock button on the side of the door and pressed it, unlocking the door. He flung it open.
But the driver recovered. He turned the wheel sharply, starting to swerve back and forth across the street. Jackie grabbed the edge of the roof with one hand, keeping the car door open with the other. There was another gunshot, but Jackie didn’t even see the bullet.
“Don’t shoot when I’m turning, you idiot!” The driver turned to glare at his companion in the passenger seat.
“Don’t shoot in the car at all!” Jackie added, grabbing the driver by the arm and pulling him out of the van. He tried to drop him safely, but there was no gentle way to get pulled out of a moving vehicle, and Jackie winced as he watched the driver tumble away. 
He could see the man in the passenger seat grab the steering wheel with both hands. Including the one he was holding the gun in. Jackie lunged, half-climbing and half-falling into the driver’s seat as he grabbed for the villain’s gun. Luckily, the man was too startled—and too concerned with not crashing the car—to put up much of a fight as Jackie wrenched the gun out of his hand and threw it back through the open driver’s door. No time to waste! Jackie slammed his foot down on the van’s brake.
The tires squealed. The van shifted, and drifted across the street until it slammed into the side of a traffic light. Jackie was flung forward against the steering wheel, crying out as it dug into his chest. The villain in the passenger side fared worse. His head slammed against the van dashboard, dazing him. “That’s what you guys get for not wearing seatbelts,” Jackie groaned. He straightened, wincing as he pressed a hand to his chest. Hopefully that wouldn’t cause damage. Then he jumped out of the van.
Half of the following police cars pulled to a stop next to the van that had stopped. The other half continued to pursue the first one. Great, the police could handle this stopped one, now Jackie just had to chase after the first van—
“You bitch!”
The air was filled with a powerful humming. Jackie instinctively ducked, and one of the lightballs flew over his head, crashing into the side of a building where it exploded, wrecking the brick. Hopefully those guys had super-damage insurance. But as for the more pressing concern. Jackie spun around to see—of course. The super who was in the back of the van. She’d climbed out when it stopped and was pointing at him, ready to fire another energy bomb—
Jackie ducked around the side of the van, bracing himself for another explosion. But it never came. Instead, the super yelped. Jackie glanced back to see her pulling a small dart out of her arm. There were police officers climbing out of the stopped cars, aiming at her and her two companions, who were now standing in the open back of the van.
One of the officers looked at Jackie. “We can take it from here,” she said. “Go help the others.”
Jackie nodded. He started to run down the street. “Good luck!” he shouted back over his shoulder. Then his feet lifted off the ground and his speed picked up as he flew after the first van.
More police cars had joined the chase. The van continued to twist and turn wildly down the streets, ignoring all possible traffic laws. Jackie kept an eye on the sidewalks, making sure no onlookers were in danger. Luckily, the van was going too fast. It zoomed right through a block in seconds, with no time to harm pedestrians. Drivers in cars, however, were a different story. Jackie caught glimpses of several collisions as cars slammed on their brakes to avoid getting caught up in the van’s wild ride. Nothing looked too bad, though...Still, the guilt was welling up inside him. But Jackie gritted his teeth and kept flying after the van. If he managed to stop it, then there would be no more accidents.
He flew faster, buildings and street signs turning into dashes of color, and almost went right past the van. He had to grab onto the driver’s side rear-view mirror to stop.
As he took a second to recollect himself, the driver’s window actually rolled down. “Why don’t you give it up, Red?!” the driver shouted.
“Red? Who’s the one wearing the bright cherry ski mask?!” Jackie pretended to be offended.
The driver rolled her eyes. “Have it your way.” And she held up a handgun.
Jackie looked at it, then looked at the street ahead. He grinned. “Fine! Just try to shoot me!” He let go of the rear view mirror, letting the van pull ahead of him, but still flying alongside it.
The driver screamed in frustration, and leaned out of the open window, taking aim at Jackie.
Then her companion in the passenger’s side shouted, “Rosalyn, the road!”
But it was too late. She’d taken her eyes off the road, and failed to notice the sharp turn ahead of them. The van drove right off the road, barreling through a park, hitting every bit of tree, grass, and bench until it eventually rolled to a stop. The police cars parked by the side of the road, and more officers stepped out.
Jackie hovered nearby, about six feet off the ground. He floated over towards the van. That...wouldn’t have killed them, right? They hadn’t hit anything head-on, just glanced off a bunch of stuff. He waited, watching the police move in. And he didn’t relax until they pulled out the driver, the passenger, and three other villains in the back. They were all injured at least a little bit, with cuts and bruises and the driver holding her arm weird. But alive. Good. If he’d gotten them killed, he...he didn’t know what he would have done.
One of the police officers, an older man with streaks of gray in his dark hair, caught sight of him. “Hey, kid!”
Jackie waved. “Hi, Ace.” He briefly landed on the ground.
Ace looked at him. He nodded stoically. “Nice job.”
“Thanks!” Jackie beamed.
“The radio works, then, I’m guessing?”
“Yeah. Again, thanks. It’s really helpful.” 
Jackie recalled the last time he’d seen Ace, about a month ago. He’d shown up late to a jewelry robbery, following the news. Ace had been there, and discreetly handed him a custom police radio. “Ya gotta keep up with this stuff if you’re trying to do this,” he’d muttered. “Here. We have a stock of these for newbie heroes like you.”
“Are you allowed to just...give this to me?” Jackie had asked.
“Look, do you want it or not?” Ace had replied, not answering the question.
And, of course, Jackie did.
“Good.” Ace nodded. “We can book these guys no problem. You go home now. Go watch TwitchTock or something.”
Jackie laughed. “I think you’re mixing up some stuff there. But sure. Maybe I’ll see you again?”
Ace nodded noncommittally. Jackie gave him a salute, then jumped into the air and sped off.
The car chase had taken him a fair distance away from the building where he’d left his backpack. It took him a few minutes to find it, but once he recognized the rooftop, he landed and immediately made for the corner where he’d stashed his backpack. Great, it was still there. He crouched down and unzipped the flap, taking out his phone and powering on the screen so he could check the time.
“Shit!” It was 2:50! His meeting was at 3! Jackie straightened up, looking wildly around the city until he found the right direction. There. His possible new apartment was somewhere over there. But he couldn’t even see the building from here. He groaned, quickly putting his phone back into his backpack and shouldering it, already working out the next course of action.
He could fly there, of course, but he always felt weird about flying towards home. What if someone was watching? He couldn’t afford to have his secret identity leaked. But that car chase was bound to slow down traffic, so he couldn’t call a cab, and he was pretty sure the nearest train didn’t leave anytime soon. He could decide to just call the whole thing a bust. Try to arrange a meeting with his possible new roommate another time. But someone else might show up first, and move in, and then he’d be stuck without an apartment again and he felt really bad about taking up space in his mom’s house for much longer—
“Is this a bad time?”
“Ohsweetholyfuck!” Jackie jumped, shooting six feet in the air before he realized he wasn’t under attack. He looked back down at the roof and saw...a woman. Standing on the roof. Had she just shown up, or was he that distracted? “Um...sorry, who are you?” he asked, slowly floating back down to the ground.
The woman was wearing a suit, yellow with a green tie. Her blonde hair was thick and wavy, down to her waist. And there was a green mask covering the top half of her face. All in all, a strange getup. “You can call me Leapfrog,” she said calmly. “And you’re Windstorm.”
“Uh…y-yes! That’s me! The hero of the city!” Jackie straightened up, trying to look heroic.
Leapfrog chuckled. “A hero of the city, true. Though not officially yet. That’s why I’m here, actually.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out something shiny. Jackie couldn’t quite see it from here, so he walked a bit closer. It was…a badge. A copper shield, with a stylized LoH on it in white. Beneath the large letters was the name ‘Leapfrog,’ followed by ‘Recruitment Liaison.’
Jackie’s eyes went wide. “Wait...you’re from the League?!”
“Yes.” Leapfrog smiled a bit as she tucked the badge back into her pocket. “We’ve finished reviewing your application, and we think you could be a good fit for us, Windstorm. Or do you prefer to be called by your civilian name?”
“I-I—either’s good, really,” Jackie laughed. “Wow. So, wait. Am I like...in? Is there training or something?”
“Well, the League of Heroes is a bit cautious about who they accept. We’ve been infiltrated by villains in the past. So, you’re not exactly a full-fledged member yet,” Leapfrog explained. “Think of this as a test run. We’ll be watching the news for your activity, and occasionally we’ll send you tasks to complete. If all goes well, you can be an official Hero by the end of the year!”
“Oh my god.” Jackie was speechless. He’d applied to join the League online, but that had been a couple weeks ago, and without getting any notice yet, he’d been afraid it hadn’t gone through. Or even worse, he’d been rejected.
There was nothing technically wrong with being rejected by the League. Supers could still be heroes outside of them, but being an official Hero meant they had access to resources like better costume materials and villain databases. Not to mention, law enforcement and journalists tended to take supers more seriously if they were backed by the League of Heroes. It meant they were the best of the best. Jackie had always wanted to join the League, ever since he was a little kid who could barely hover an inch off the ground. Just imagine! The style, the respect, the chance to meet other supers and help that many more people! Not to mention the extra money, honestly. He might eventually be able to buy his own apartment, instead of moving in with someone else.
Speaking of which—“This is all super great a-and I’m so honored, l-like really, I don’t have the words. But...I do actually have to be somewhere in less than ten minutes,” Jackie said apologetically.
“Ah, of course.” Leapfrog nodded. “In that case, let me just hand you your new work phone and you can be on your way.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a smartphone in a red case. “The passcode is 0616.”
Now curious, Jackie took the phone. “0616,” he repeated, pulling off his glove to put the number into the touchscreen. When the phone unlocked, it was the most basic of basic setups. The only available apps were Settings, Calls, Messaging, Video Chat, Contacts, Camera, and Photos. Not even the weather app or anything.
“We call this the Red Line. As you advance in your trial period, we’ll send you software updates that’ll give you access to more of the League’s systems. For now, my phone number is in the contacts. Feel free to call or text me about any questions you might have, and I’ll do the same when we have a task for you to complete.”
“Got it.” Jackie nodded, taking his backpack off to put the Red Line inside. He couldn’t help but notice that the clock on the phone now read 2:53. “Again, thank you so, so much. I won’t let the League down!”
Leapfrog chuckled. “With that enthusiasm, you’ll be a Hero in no time. Oh, by the way, I caught a glimpse of that van chase. Good job. You need any medical treatment or anything?”
“No, no, I’m fine. Thanks.” In truth, Jackie did have a few aches and pains. Mostly his hand hurt from punching that window, and his chest was still aching from slamming into the steering wheel. Not to mention the tumble along the rough asphalt he took early on...okay, maybe he wasn’t fine, but it was manageable, and he really, really needed to head out. “Anyway, I-I’ll be going now. Uh, see you later?”
“Count on it.”
Jackie waved, backing up and gradually lifting off the ground with every step he took. Eventually, he was once again flying, and he headed off into the sky, leaving Leapfrog behind on the rooftop.
He really hoped he knew how to get to the apartment building from here.
Jackie arrived at the address, panting from running through the streets. He could’ve taken the sky route, but he’d decided against it. It wouldn’t be good to be seen flying to his possible new apartment, so he ended up touching down a few streets away and changing into his normal clothes, running the rest of the way. Though now he was starting to regret that choice, with a stitch in his sides and an ache in his ribs. And since the advertisement had listed an apartment on the tenth floor, and he walked in to see the only elevator in the building with an ‘Out of Order’ sign blocking the doors, that regret deepened.
Despite the time on his phone now reading twenty full minutes past the meeting time they’d agreed upon, Jackie stuck to his decision and climbed up the ten flights of stairs to the top. By the time he’d found Room 1020, he was forty full minutes past the meeting time and thoroughly out of breath. Taking a moment to recover, he knocked on the door, and hoped that he wasn’t too late.
Luckily, the door was opened almost immediately. “Hey man, sorry I’m late,” Jackie launched into his excuses. “I just—on the way here, there was this big commotion and stuff, I had to get out of the cab, it was a whole mess—”
“Oh, no worries, bro.” The man who’d opened the door looked...well, actually a bit like Jackie himself, if an inch or so taller. Brown hair, though it was cut short in comparison to Jackie’s own style, and bright blue eyes. His facial hair was also much thicker, and could actually be called a beard. The man wore a gray and orange snapback cap, as well as a gray shirt made up of a pattern of overlapping triangles. A black jacket was tied around his waist. “So, you’re Jackie then?”
“Yeah.” Jackie nodded, relieved. “Jackie Skye. You’re, uh...Chase? Should I call you Mr. Brody?”
Chase laughed. “Nah, it’s fine. C’mon in.” He stood aside and Jackie walked through the door.
Shockingly, the apartment looked exactly like it did in the pictures on the website. A wide open area, with half of the floor devoted to a living room and half being a dining room. There was a kitchen tucked off to the side, through an open archway. Pretty average looking, but there was a wide window on the far wall that had an amazing view of the cityscape. “Oh wow,” Jackie whistled. “I thought that was photoshopped, but no. That’s actually what it looks li—dog?!”
Chase laughed. “Yep. I warned you on the ad, right?” He reached down and patted the head of a big dog, one of the ones that was absolutely fluffy and pure white. A samoyed, right? The dog seemed to smile smugly as Chase patted it. “This is Frosty, he’s my boy. Absolutely non-negotiable for the roommate stuff, so if you’re allergic...uh, good luck I guess. Maybe not move into this particular place.”
“Oh my god, what a good boy,” Jackie whispered in awe. “Can I pet him?”
“Yeah, sure. Uh, you want to always ask, though, sometimes you can’t.”
“Right.” Jackie leaned over and immediately started to pet Frosty’s thick coat. The dog seemed to smile wider.
Chase closed the front door. “So, uh. You are here about the Roommate.com ad, right?”
“Uh, yeah?” Jackie looked up, confused. “Why, do you get people who show up and aren’t there to talk about it?”
“Well, no, but thought I’d ask anyway.” Chase shrugged.”Anyway, do you want a tour? It’ll take like five seconds, and that is not an exaggeration.”
Jackie laughed. “Sure.”
“Right.” Chase beamed. “So as you can see, this is the living room slash dining room slash kitchen.” He gestured vaguely at everything. Jackie straightened, scanning the surroundings in greater detail. The furniture was nice, not fancy or anything but looked taken-care-of. A few mugs sat out on the coffee table. There was a to-do list stuck on the fridge with a magnet, as well as a grocery list and a couple reminders, one of which read ‘Meet new roommate: Jackie Skye. Thursday the 15th, 3:00pm.’ Or at least, Jackie was pretty sure that’s what it read. Chase’s handwriting was quite messy.
 “And if we go down this tiny hallway here...” Chase walked to the left, Frosty at his side, and Jackie followed him. “We have the bedrooms, the closet, and the bathroom. This one will be yours, if you decide to stay.” Opening the door on the left side, he revealed a pretty bland bedroom, with white walls, a single ceiling light fixture, and a bed and dresser. Two windows led out to the same view from the living room. “You can change it up, if you want. Paint the walls, change the lights, get new furniture, whatever. I don’t care.”
“Okay.” Jackie nodded. “What about the living room? Can I put decorations up in there?”
Chase looked surprised. “Oh, nobody’s asked that yet. Um...sure. As long as it’s not anything that could offend people coming over.”
“Nice.” Jackie walked inside, heading straight towards the windows and testing them. They slid open, with barely enough space for a person to get through if they wanted. He could fly out of that easily enough. “Looks good.”
“It’s really the better room,” Chase laughed. “Mine only has one window and I keep forgetting to replace the lightbulbs.”
Jackie closed the window. “Anything I need to know about this place? Noisy neighbors? Things like that?”
“Nah, the walls are pretty solid. As long as you’re not having some sort of live band playing or anything crazy like that, you won’t hear anything.” Chase shrugged. “Honestly, I haven’t been here that long myself, so I’m not that familiar with the neighbors. Oh!” His expression brightened. “There’s a family in 1018, actually! You might run into their son, he’s six years old and fucking adorable.”
Jackie laughed. “You like kids, huh?”
“Yeah, bro. I’m pretty good with them, too. Oh, you ever been to, uhh Wonder Entertainment Center? On the edge of town?”
“Um.” Jackie’s face scrunched up as he tried to remember. “Give me more details?”
“The place with the roller rink,” Chase explained. “And an arcade, some laser tag, this huge jungle gym thing—”
“Oh! And the waterslides in the summer?!” Jackie adds.
“Yeah yeah!” Chase nodded excitedly.
“I went there with my mom all the time!” Jackie said, excitedly clapping his hands. “When I was a kid! We just called it the Fun Center, but I remember that jungle gym, with the rope course and the monkey bars and the miniature zipline—god, I loved that place.”
Chase laughed. “Well, I work there. Part-time.”
“No way.”
“Yeah, totally! Hang on.” Chase untied the jacket from around his waist, turning it around to show the center’s logo on the back. “See?”
“Dude that’s so cool!” Jackie shouted. “Do you get, like, season passes or something? Employee benefits?”
“Technically, yeah, but I don’t really have that many people to go with.” For a moment, Chase sounded more than a little sad. But he soon cheered up again. “The point is, I really like working with the kids who come there. They always put me on party helping duty because I’m able to entertain everyone under the age of fourteen.”
“So cool,” Jackie repeated. “Part-time, huh? So that’s why you need a roommate for rent?”
“Yeah, I can’t really do much there, honestly.” Chase rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “I can’t uhhhh...do the more intense stuff like cleaning or moving equipment, so I’m mostly the party-and-cash-register guy. It’s cool, though. I’ve been doing some YouTube stuff in my spare time.”
Jackie raised an eyebrow. “Oh? An…influencer?” He pressed his hand to his chest, pretending to be in awe. “I had no idea I was moving in with a celebrity.”
Chase laughed. “God, no. I just record videos. Talk about my life. Try to do trickshots and stuff that I think is cool. I mean...if you wanna check it out, my channel is called BroAverage. Maybe you could use it to suss out if I’m a good roommate.”
“BroAverage. I’ll try to remember that, but my memory kinda sucks,” Jackie admitted.
“Oh, same, bro. It’s like...an actual problem.” Chase sighed.
“Well, at least your life is so much more exciting than mine,” Jackie said jokingly. “I just work at a call center.”
“A what?”
“You know all the spam calls you get on your phone?”
“Oh my god, you’re a telemarketer?!” Chase gasped.
“Basically, yeah. Except for services you already signed up for and you’re not paying the bills,” Jackie explained. “My hours can be pretty weird, I get called in irregularly.” That was technically true. He did work at a call center, but his hours were pretty regular. Well, he had to have some excuse why he was going out all the time, didn’t he? He couldn’t exactly tell Chase how exciting his life really was.
“Hey, as long as you can pay your half of the rent on time, it’s all good,” Chase said casually.
“Don’t worry, man, I’m not gonna leave you hanging,” Jackie reassured him. “Is it on the first of the month?”
“Last of the month. This go around I can cover 75% if you help pay for a new showerhead with better pressure control.”
“New showerhead, alright.” Jackie nodded. “So...you already have my number, can you call me after you’re done with all the roommate interviews?”
“Bro, are you kidding me? You can move in as soon as you want!”
“Really?” Jackie asked, eyebrows raising in surprise. Chase sounded pretty eager.
“Yeah, you’re the best guy I’ve talked to so far, and I’ve had at least a dozen people stop by,” Chase said cheerfully. “I mean, you’re not a slob and you aren’t creepy, so that’s better than all the rest.”
“Man. Roommate.com needs a better vetting process.”
“True. But, uh, I didn’t really have that many options for roommate listing,” Chase said awkwardly. “My only regret is putting my phone number up there, but that site doesn’t have an internal messaging process, so...yeah. But if you’re good to move in, then I can take the ad down, and we can figure out logistics and stuff.”
“Yeah, sure.” Jackie walked back out into the hallway, Chase following. “We can—god, your dog is like, really good at following you.”
Chase grinned. “I told you, he’s my boy. Always right by me. Right, Frosty?” Frosty accepted Chase’s pats with another smug smile. Or maybe that was just his face. Still, Jackie got the feeling that the dog was proud of staying by his owner’s side all the time, so quietly.
“So the building allows pets, then?” Jackie asked. “What if I want to get, like, another dog?”
“Oh, no, I’m pretty sure there’s a limit for how many there are per apartment. I think. Like I said, my memory is shit.” Chase bit his lip. “You can probably ask the...building manager, or whatever. I remember there’s a noise limit, though. Frosty doesn’t bark that much, but if you get a dog or a bird or whatever that’s loud, you’ll probably get complaints.”
“Got it.” Jackie nodded.
“Anyway.” Chase clapped his hands together. “You’ve been officially approved to move in whenever. By me, the owner.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, of course. You’re cool.”
Jackie smiled. “Hey, thanks, Chase. I really needed a new place. Well, it’s your place, but thanks for letting me stay.”
“It’s no problem,” Chase assured him. “Where are you staying now?”
“Ah, just with my mom. She lives in the suburbs and it’s a hell of a commute to work.” Really inconvenient to be a city superhero and not...live in...the city. “She’s great, but I can’t stay forever, you know?”
“Right. Yeah.” For a moment, a strange expression crossed Chase’s face. Like he was sad, but also trying to focus on something. It passed quickly, and Jackie wondered if he’d made it up. “So what’s a good day for you to move, then?”
The shadows were growing long by the time Jackie headed home. After the meeting with Chase, he’d decided to do a few more flights around the city, just in case any more car chases happened. But nothing had, so he soon landed, changed back into normal clothes, and took the train back to his mom’s house.
He entered the house through the front door, unconsciously catching the handle as it closed so the door wouldn’t slam.
“Is that my darling son?” his mom’s voice called from the living room. “My beautiful boy?”
“Maaaam,” Jackie groaned, though he did so with a smile.
His mom laughed. Jackie walked down the hall to the living room entrance, poking his head inside. There she was, sitting on the sofa with a book in hand. She actually looked quite a bit like Jackie; he’d inherited her brown hair, blue eyes, and smattering of freckles. And ever since he’d started growing his hair out again (it was now mid-back length, same as hers but without the gray streaks), they resembled each other even more. “So how’d it go?” his mom asked. “Was he cool?”
“Yeah, he was cool. Uh...actually said I could move in next week, if I wanted.”
“Oh that’s great, sweets.” His mom brightened. “But always remember, you can call me or come visit whenever you want.”
“Yeah, I know, Mam.” Jackie yawned. “I’m kinda tired, so I’m gonna take a nap, okay?”
“Alright, Jackie. I’m going to make dinner at 6:30, if you want any just pop in. We can talk more about your day! Oh, did you see the news? There was this police chase earlier.” His mom winked.
Jackie laughed awkwardly. “Yeah. I heard. Anyway, I’m just gonna...go sleep now. See you later.”
“See you later!”
Jackie left, heading down the hall and up the stairs until he found his room. Even though he’d been living there for a couple months now, it still looked more like a teenager lived there than a twenty-eight-year-old man. Probably because most of his stuff was still in boxes in the garage, where he’d put it after getting kicked out of his last apartment. Which he was still bitter about. He hadn’t even done anything, his roommates had pinned all the noise complaints they got onto him. Ugh. Looking back on it, probably not the best idea to move in with those assholes. Hopefully Chase would be a better roommate. He seemed nice. Friendly, at least.
Closing the door to his room behind him, Jackie threw his backpack onto the bed. It missed, toppling off the side. He winced at the clunk it made as it hit the hardwood floor. “My one weakness: terrible aim,” he muttered as he walked over.
He unzipped the backpack and began unloading the contents onto the bed. The radio. His supersuit: red hooded suit with blue highlights, belt, blue boots, gloves, and the blue eyemask with white lenses to protect his eyes while flying. Then his phone. And finally, that other phone in the red case. The Red Line. From the League of Heroes.
For a moment, Jackie just held it. The weight was a bit heavier than the average smartphone. There was no doubt it was more durable, too. He unlocked the screen and looked through the contacts and settings. It looked like his only contact was that Leapfrog woman. For now. There was room for more. Maybe he could contact other heroes through the Red Line! They could team up!
A huge grin spread across Jackie’s face. He bounced on his feet, unable to contain his excitement. The actual League of Heroes! They wanted him to join them! That was—it was just so unbelievable! There were probably a million other flying supers in the country, but they’d chosen him. It was incredible!
Well, he was still in the trial period, apparently. But who cared? It was the League! 
After a while, Jackie realized he’d started to float. He laughed, stretching out on his side as if he was lying in bed. Okay, but he had to really get down to business if he wanted to be a Hero. No doubt the League had high standards he had to meet, not to mention tons of other supers in their trial periods. He’d have to work hard to stand out and impress them. How would he go about doing that? Should he go out on patrol more? That would be easier once he was back in the city itself, after moving in with Chase. Maybe be a little more showy in stopping crimes? No, maybe not. Maybe they’d want him to be serious about hero business.
Jackie yawned again. He hadn’t been lying when he said he was tired. It had been a day filled with activity. Stopping a car chase, running across the city to get to the meeting, general flying around...now that he was home, it was starting to catch up with him.
He dropped out of the air, landing perfectly on the bed. Well, on his costume, actually. After a bit of adjustment, he grabbed his backpack, folded the costume, and put it all back in there, adding the radio afterwards. He then set his phone and the Red Line on his dresser and lied back against the pillows. The ceiling was plastered with glow-in-the-dark stars he’d gotten as a kid and never taken down. Surprised they were still stuck there, considering all the flying around he used to do in this room.
A few moments passed before he fell asleep with a smile on his face. Getting contacted by the League of Heroes and getting a new apartment? It had been a good day indeed.
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True Master List, Fandom List, And Rules
Hello my sexy readers! You all know Marie my stunning co author. She made her own archives of her own account with her oc which is basically her (aka Marie) she has a very good story for hazbin hotel when Alastor was alive check it out!
This idea and writing is all her own and man is it really good new concept even I did not think about! So excited for more!
[Hello My Sexy Readers, this has the master reading list which is a work in progress and the fandoms I will do list and the rules for requests and so on. Enjoy!]
Now there is no way with My Anxiety and such I be able to create a master list the normal way. but I can send links to wattpad and Quotev where you can read ALL The one shots which are organized in different ones. I hope you all enjoy that.
Yandere DC And Yandere Marvel
now here is a bonus the lists on wattpad of almost every single story I have ever made over 750 stories 
EPICNESSQUEEN/Co Author: Oneshots, Headcanons, Scenarios series
And lastly the completed list of stories on wattpad 
.No Sex Scene with any characters 16 or younger
.No World Leaders or Real People such as youtubers or Celebrities
.Keep It At Least DUB CON or less
-What You Can Request Supporting Hints-
1: Genders and Genderbents
.You may have the reader be, (Male, Female, No Binary Or Transgender) (If Transgender say born as (Fill in birth gender) Identifies (Fill in Gender they identify as)
.Genderbents you make take a character from the list of fandoms bellow and ask if you want them to be the rule 63 aka genderbent version of themselves (Like with Superman Clark Kent being genderbent to Superwoman Claire Kent and anything else)
2: Sexuality
.You can Have Reader be Any sexuality there is (Straight, Bisexual, Pansexual, Gay, Lesbian, Asexual, and so on)
.Same with Characters from Fandoms. Since they are fiction you may make them any sexuality you want (Kinda obvious a yandere is yandere for whatever gender)
3: Roles and AU's
.You can make reader be anything (From Superhero to royalty, from homeless to Villain anything really may it be headcanons or scenarios I even had one story I made reader a chess champion so anything and everything (Except racist and pedo and rapist Obviously)
.Same with the characters from fandoms (Like I have Made priest characters, Dad characters, professors, serial killers and more, anything excpet those three things is good to go)
.You can do au request of like a fandom in a fantasy world or au's with soulmates and so on.
4: OCS
.Yes yes there is OCS and we do better me and my co author writing smut for them here they are
.Marie (My co author as her oc based off of her)
.Mark (My co author with Rule 63 genderbent of her based of her if she was a man)
.Michelle (My Oc based off of me EpicnessQueen)
5: Poly Relationships AKA Sharing
.Yes you can be in a poly relationship where two or more yanderes are dating each other and have the same darling
.Sharing where to yandere decide to share the same darling
.You all know how this goes by now but for anyone new. You can ask for headcanons in many different ways with the rules above and also how they deal with any type of reader like even suicidal or yandere from sharing to single it all works.
.You can ask for a scenario like (Darling finds out (List of yanderes you want) is yandere for them or anything really.
-Questions aka Q AND A-
.How would (Insert yandere or yanderes) Be like as yandere, propose what pet names they have for darling and any other questions you have in mind for the yanderes
-Animes Cartoons-
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Bleach (Seen all the anime almost)
Naruto (Seen all the anime)
Naruto Shippudin (Seen a good amount of it)
Tokyo Ghoul (Only in season 1 right now)
Black Butler (Seen most of it)
Ouran High School Host Club (Seen all the anime and manga)
Attack On Titan (Seen First two seasons)
Death Note (Seen Most Of The Anime)
One Piece (Seen a LOT OF IT)
One Punch-Man (Got The Gist Of It)
Fruit Basket (Read all the manga got to watch the new anime)
Rosario Vampire (Seen season 1)
Vampire Knight (Seen all the anime)
Cells at Work (Watching Season 1 now)
Fullmetal Alchemist (Know The Gist of it)
Future Diary (Seen most of it)
Kamigami No Asobi (Seen all of it)
-Horror Themed Ones-
Movies (TV Series will be after)
A Nightmare On Elm Street (Seen Most Of these movies)
Alien (Seen All Of Them)
Alien VS Predator
The Boy
Carrie (Only the Original )
Child's Play (Seen the original one in 1988 not the sequels and will now do the remake)
Children Of The Corn
Deep Blue Sea (both)
Evil Dead (2013 Remake)
The Exorcist
Final Detestation (Only The Third One)
Freddy VS Jason (GO JASON!!!!)
Friday The 13th (All of Them)
Get Out
The Grudge
Halloween (Seen Them All)
Hannibal Rising
Harry Potter (All Eight movies)
Hellraiser (All of them but cannot remember most of them)
I know What You Did Last Summer (Seen it once)
IT (Original 2 parts and part 1 of the 2017 remake)
Jeepers Creepers (1 and 2)
Meat Train
Orphan (Seen once)
Pet Sematary
The Phantom Of The Opera
Predator (All Of Them)
Prom Night
Psycho (The first and second one)
The Purge (first one)
The Ring (2002)
Saw (All Of Them)
Scream (Just first one)
The Shining
The Silence Of The Lambs
Silent Hill (First One)
Silent Hill (1999)
Split (Yes it is under Horror)
Sweeney Todd: The Demon On Fleet Street (Can't remember which one)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (All Of Them)
Village of The Damned
When A stranger Calls
The Wolf Man
Wrong Turn (Some of them I cannot remember )
Next the tv shows which is shorter for reasons (Dont question me)
Bates Motel
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
The Walking Dead
Horror Games as I now a lot of you will want that :D
Alice The Madness Returns
Baldi's Basics
Bendy and The Ink Machine (Half of it so far)
Corpse Party (The First One)
Danganropa (all of 1 and some of 2 and 3)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Emily Wants To Play
Five Nights at Freddy (ALL OF THEM)
Hello Neighbor
Little Nightmares
Lucius (The First One)
Mad Father
Resident Evil 2 (The Remake)
Resident Evil 7
Resident Evil 8 (Currently watching it)
Ride With Strangers
Silent Hill (A Couple of Them)
Unforgiving The Northern Hymen
Until Dawn
We Happy Few
Welcome To The Game (1 and 2)
-Various Other Fandoms-
Dream Daddy
(TV Shows)
Avatar The Last Air Bender (Not The Legend Or Korra)
Grey's Anatomy
Law and Order SVU
Prodigal Son
The Blacklist
Breaking Bad
Criminal Minds
A Series Of Unfortunate Events
DR. Who
Good Omens
Once Upon A Time
South Park
How To Train Your Dragon (Both Movies and TV and Netflix series)
Rise Of The Guardians
-Dead By Daylight-
all killers most survivors
-Outlast, Outlast Whistlerblower Outlast 2-
all characters
all characters playable or not
all characters will not do the live action remakes
-Star Wars-
Most characters so far
-Degrees Of Lewdity-
All important non playable characters
-Greek Gods, Tales and Mythology-
everything even fucking Greek monsters as long as age is met
all 1ps all 2ps and all their nyotalia and cattalia
most of them
-DC And Marvel-
Most of the characters
-Team Fortress 2-
All characters.
Well I think that is it for this year master list I may add to it but this is it right now. Please Enjoy and stay sexy!]
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
Jeno saves the world | Lee Jeno (TEASER)
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Lee Jeno x Female!Reader
▸ Smut, Fluff, Angst, Hero au ▸ Part of no capes. collaboration hosted by @kabira​ ▸ High school sweet hearts, strangers to lovers?, lovers to enemies, enemies to lovers. HAHAHA  Summary: The Lee Jeno has always been head over heels for you ever since you missed the bus and he had to fly you home. With maximum effort and incredible patience, Jeno finally won your heart and did not care even though you don’t have superpowers yet. But because of social pressure and your constant want to be worthy for Jeno, you made a deal with a super villain but ended up being the villain of the story and Jeno is the only superhero that can stop you.   Warnings: Smut, self doubt, swearing, protected sex, unplanned rough sex because Jeno has super strength, fingering, making out, mentions of bruises, using sex to forget problems, oral sex, discrimination between strong and weak powers, mentions of other idols (more warnings when the fic is posted)  A/N: Pure fiction. Inspired by my all time favorite super hero movie, Sky High. I swear that movie is a masterpiece. If you love my Lee Jeno fic, Vampire Play, you’re gonna love this too. I hope my readers don’t mind that I’m trying and writing something new. Yay for new things!
Release date: March 2021
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‘Effort comes a long way’
And tonight, you do a different kind of effort for yourself and your boyfriend. Although you’ve been nervous since this morning and have been thinking of different scenarios upon meeting Jeno’s superhero parents. You hope with all your heart that they’re okay with letting their son date a late bloomer. It may be humiliating to admit that you don’t have your superpowers yet, but you’re not planning to lie or fool Jeno’s parents just because you have your own imperfections.
“Still nervous? Stop fidgeting you look lovely” Jeno stopped your hands from fixing your dress and hold them tightly, giving your knuckles a few kisses before he opens the front door and introduce you to his parents.
“Jeno-“ you stopped him from opening the door and brought out your birthday gift to him. You see your boyfriend’s eyes sparkle when he saw that red bow wrapped around that oblong-shaped gift and wonder what’s inside. “To the second guy that accepted me for who I am- well, my dad is the first one obviously. Happy birthday,” you giggle hand the gift to him with shaky hands. He smiled sincerely at you, grabbed the gift, and gave you a very tight hug.
“I was so busy getting nervous today that I forgot to greet you. I’m sorry,”
“No no, it’s okay. I forgot that it’s my birthday too because I’m excited to introduce you to my parents” he kissed you on the lips one last time, told you that you’re beautiful and that his parents will definitely love you and finally opened the door. It’s not your first time in his house, but it is your first time being in his house while his parents are home.
Hand in hand you walked towards the dining area with a nervous heart. His mother greeted you first and gave you a hug, followed by his dad who did the same and invited you to take a sit. It’s Jeno’s birthday but you feel like you’re the start of the night rather than your boyfriend.
The dinner started wonderfully, giggles here and there, stories kept on coming, not to mention the food was incredibly delicious. For a second there, all the happy scenarios that ran through your mind earlier today were happening and you felt stupid for even thinking that something wrong will happen.
Everything was fine.
But not until his father brought up school and asked about your power placement.
“Dad, let’s not talk about school on my birthday, please. You know I hate school,” Jeno tried his best to avoid the ‘powers’ topic because he knew it will make you uncomfortable. But his dad was very eager to know more about you.
And that’s the part where everything went downhill.
You cleared your throat before answering the question will all honesty and bravery. And of course, your boyfriend was quick to hold your hand under the table just so you know that he’s right beside you. “Uhm, I don’t have any powers. Yet,” and right then and there you see their genuine smiles fade and were replaced by fake ones.
Your heart broke. But you can’t blame them, of course, they want Jeno to be in a relationship with someone amazing, someone who can match his greatness.
“How're your parents dear? Are they okay with it? Are they superheroes too?”
“They are very much patient with me, Mrs. Lee. Thank you for asking. Actually, Jeno is patient with me too. I'm starting to think that being patient has become one is his superpowers now” you tried so much to avoid talking about your parents but Mrs. Lee repeated the question again.
“Are your parents superheroes too?” you can see it in her eyes. You can see that she’s starting to hate you and she will hate you even more if you say that your parents are human, but good thing they’re not.
“They are both superheroes” you answer quietly, like your confidence is slowly fading and you feel very small even though Jeno is holding your hand.
“I have a friend that has a son, he’s a late bloomer like you too” she explains with fake giggles, it’s annoying but you have to stay nice. “She and her husband decided to throw their son into a vat of toxic waste and now he has powers”
“Mom!” Jeno shouted but you stopped him.
“I’m sorry Mrs. Lee but, how can your friend do that to her own son?”
“Y/n, darling I don’t know. That’s something I will never understand because as you can see my son here has powers. Multiple powers”
“Alright, that’s enough” Jeno exclaimed and got up from his seat and told them you guys are leaving. You didn’t want any problem between you and his parents so you thanked them still for a wonderful night and delicious dinner even though they’re not looking into your eyes directly anymore.
If only you could be someone worthy for Jeno this shitty dinner wouldn’t have happened in the first place.  
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