#I will forever stand by the conspiracy theory
fromtheseventhhell · 5 months
Arya and Dany stans: *discuss the likelihood that they'll have a positive relationship given their parallels, foreshadowing, status as key characters, and being two of George's favorite characters*
Stansas: Is this Sansa shade?
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I think it's hilarious that Stansas got mad at me for (accurately) pointing out that they accuse Arya and Dany stans of being motivated by Sansa hate simply because...we get along and like both of them lol. The idea of them getting along is about their characters and has nothing to do with Sansa. Just because they pit Dany and Arya against each other for Sansa's sake doesn't mean we're motivated by the same thing. Are there some conversations that bring up Sansa + Arya's strained relationship? Absolutely, that isn't baseless in the books considering they're written as foils and George has already said they have issues they need to work out. The "Stark sisters 4ever" fantasy they have is just that, and it's funny we never see this same energy for Arya being turned into a prop for her sister 🤔. Sisterhood didn't stop Sansa from siding with Joffrey, telling Cersei that Arya was a traitor (even though she had no idea where Arya was), or calling Arya unsatisfactory when she thought that she was dead so why are we supposed to pretend it's an all-important factor when discussing Arya's potential relationships with other characters?
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frozenjokes · 2 months
can not draw or function but someone on one of the mumbo mermaid fic chapters said oohh I bet Etho is a secret mermaid that has a human form somehow! And that was not the plan. That was not even a little bit the plan. But the idea is so fucking good the plan has changed.
Etho is a mermaid who strayed too close to the surface during a fierce storm, getting caught up in the currents and unable to escape before he was thrown against an outcrop of spiked rocks off the coast of a small island. These rocks would have super killed him, but luckily, Joel is there to curse him forever save his life! In this AU most everyone is human and there were no planned magical elements (mermaids are just one of many other species that be chilling on earth) but I’ve made an exception for Joel, who is a silly little witch guy. Complete recluse. Prays of the downfall of others. Stands out in thunderstorms wondering if any boats are going to crash into his Island Of Doom so he can laugh at them.
So Joel finds Etho and goes whoa! sick! a mermaid and not a dead one this time! Better make sure he stays that way! And hauls him back to his little swamp cottage somehow (yeah) and with the help of magic saves Etho’s life, only leaving a scar that starts at his forehead and goes basically alllll the way down his tail like snowtuft from warrior cats. however. Before saving his life Joel has Etho, delirious from blood loss, make a pact with him, one that is just basically like. Heyyyyy what if I bound our souls together after you’re all fixed up so *I* can also be a mermaid because that’s sick as fuck!!
and basically at the end of this all, Joel creates some sort of pendant that allows the two of them to switch forms, except Etho gets zero say on whether he’s mermaid or human, and it is entirely up to Joel’s whims. Despite the Everything, they manage to get along well enough, and Joel (with the help of some magic) helps to teach Etho English and other important things that will help him out if he ever decides to leave the island. Which he does! Humans are kinda sick and Etho wants to know more about the world!
However, given that mermaids are Extremely Rare and humans are Assholes, Etho can’t just tell people what he actually because they’re probably trying to kill his ass and sell his parts for shitloads of money.
Fast forward.. Bdubs gets an eccentric roommate!
I haven’t worked out exactly how they meet but Bdubs definitely peels Etho up off the street or something because Joel, being who he is, doesn’t know jack shit about how to prepare a Not Human for human culture, but that’s okay because Etho gets lucky!
Etho and Joel have a system of sending each other detailed schedules so Etho can be ready when Joel needs his legs, but Often Enough, Joel will decided to switch with VERY LITTLE WARNING, and Etho will have thirty minutes (the change is not instant) to find a body of water or a bathtub to Park himself until Joel finishes whatever it is he needed to do.
Bdubs found out very quickly that he and Etho could not have one shared bathroom. Etho refuses to tell him why he has locked himself in and when asked how long he’s going to be, the answer ranges from an hour to multiple days. Bdubs has stopped asking questions. Cleo and Scar, on the other hand, are extremely fucking baffled by Etho all of the time. They make up conspiracy theories about him. None of them are ‘Etho is a secret mermaid.’
anyway I love the clockers‼️
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eluminium · 3 months
SKIZZLEMAN WEEK LETS GOO!!!! May not have actually written and finished something for like two years BUT SKIZZLEMAN WEEK IS MORE POWERFUL THAN PROCRASTINATION!!!!
Thank you @skizzlemanweek for organizing and creating these prompts!
Prompt 1: Silent/Shout
It had been a weirdly silent few weeks on Magic Mountain.
Well, kind of. Of course, with seven hermits nearby and many more in horse riding distance, real silence is quite a rare phenomenon. But for the residents around Magic Mountain, an uncomfortable stillness louder than expected had settled into their hearts lately. As she cleans out the bones of her latest catch, Gem remembers mentioning it to Impulse recently.
"I didn't realize how much the man talks until he was gone. And now I'm like: Oh, this is what it's like for there to be silence, actually!"
The man in question? None other than Skizzleman, of course! Who isn't dead, just on some off-server business of some kind. At least that's what he told Gem and the others before leaving.
She rolls her eyes fondly at how Scar started talking about some conspiracy theory of his where Skizz is some heaven-sent spy barely a tick after Skizz took his leave. A rant that resulted in poor Mumbo explaining to a confused Joel that Scar's comic-book hero phase last season had some lasting side effects.
She unceremoniously drops the fish bones into the river outside her new anglerfish-shaped fish shop. They hit the water with a small splash before sinking into the murkiness below. Gotta give back to the river! Otherwise, it'll get mad. That's basic fisherwoman knowledge.
When she turns to head back inside so she can put the fish on the cutting boards away, her eyes catch the faint silhouette of Skizz's pyramid in the distance. The sight of it makes the silence around her somehow more prevalent. A sigh leaves her. She misses him. She never thought that the silence he leaves behind would suck this much.
But as she heads back inside, Gem reminds herself that she won't need to miss him for long. He said he'd only be gone for a few weeks, so he's due to be back pretty soon. Then she can go back to poking him for being old or something. In fact, she can almost hear him shout an overdramatic "HEYYY!" already as she points out that-
She quickly drops the floppy boneless salmon in the chilled chest and rushes out the door. She may have a good imagination, but it's not THAT good! She looks around rapidly until her eyes catch something. Two figures in the distance. She squints, but it doesn't really help, so she pulls out a spyglass instead.
She can't help but gasp in surprised happiness when she spots familiar feathery wings and a bright spinning halo. It's Skizz! He's back!
Of course, Impulse stands next to him, his demonic tail flapping wildly in excitement. They seem to already be caught up in a conversation. Typical them, can't leave each other alone for five seconds. Seems like the perfect time for her to come and deliver some made-with-love Gem Punches!
But just as she's about to put the spyglass down and run over, she spots a shocking change in Impulse's facial expression. The happy smile decorating his face melts in a tick into something unreadable. (Fear? Annoyance? Teasing? A mix of that and more?) Confused, Gem stops and pans the spyglass over to Skizz's face. Is he…Is he making kissy faces at Impulse-?
Before she can even process what's going on, Impulse looks in her general direction and RUNS. Full-on sprints at top speed in a manner Gem would be impressed he could do if she wasn't so caught off guard. The spyglass quickly disappears into her inventory as she watches him approach with Skizz hot on his heels.
"GEM!!! HELP!!!" Impulse shouts in a clearly overdramatic tone.
"You can't run forever Dipple Dop!!!" Skizz cackles manically.
"What are you idiots doing?!" She tries to put on a tone of playful annoyance, but her amusement leaks through like water through a hole in a boat.
"He's gonna kiss me on the cheek, Gem!!! You gotta help me!!!" Impulse squeals as he runs around in circles on the shore, skillfully dodging Skizz's attempts to grab him.
Gem can't help it. She bursts out laughing so hard it almost hurts her throat. These dudes, she swears. Obviously, if Impulse was actually uncomfortable with the situation he'd tell Skizz, and they wouldn't have a silly goose chase on her front lawn, so she feels rather justified in cackling at his supposed misfortune. And she only laughs harder when Impulse lets out various desperate noises of desperation, which are comical enough that Skizz has to stop his chase because he's laughing too hard. His hands land on his knees as he completely loses it together with Gem. Impulse giggles and stops in his tracks instead of running further, all but confirming that they're just messing around.
"Wow, Gem! I beg for your help, and you laugh at me? I thought we were friends!" He says in an overly hurt tone while crossing his arms and sniffling dramatically.
Gem opens her mouth to respond, but before a single syllable leaves her, Skizz pounces on Impulse and finally scores his victory by snagging a smooch on the man's cheek. He even manages to catch Impulse in a hug. Gem lets out something between a cheer and an "awwwwwww!" as Impulse wiggles in his best friend's grasp.
"I missed you, Dipple Dop!" Skizz says with happy sincerity as he squeezes said Dipple Dop.
"Missed ya too buddy" Impulse responds, sounding like he's getting all air wrung out of him. He pats Skizz on the back. Skizz, in turn, lets him go and turns his eyes to Gem, still standing in the mouth of her anglerfish. He wastes no time jumping into the river, splashing water everywhere, and then swimming over to her.
"And I missed you too, Gemstone!" He cheers as she helps him up onto the solid (?) ground.
Gem can't help but smile as she tackles him for a hug of her own. As his sturdy and comfy arms wrap around her she feels, more than hears, how the hush around Magic Mountain fades away as one of its seven lively mountaineers has come home once again.
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carefulfears · 1 year
Top 5 msr hand holds <3
below the cut because you know i'm gonna TALK.
1. closure
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the two of them sitting in that coffee shop, both cups in front of them untouched, filled to the brim, reading samantha’s journal. bearing witness to the suffering of this little girl. they are in this moment together. they have been in this moment together since he looked at her and told her “nothing else matters” to him, seven years ago in that motel room.
for the past seven years, scully’s job has been to play the skeptic, to argue against the paranormal theories that his grief leads him to. later that night, she stands outside the door of the last person to see samantha alive, and prays for aliens.
they’ve been in this together for the better part of a decade and they’re sitting in a coffee shop reading the truth they’ve been looking for, how devastatingly human the evil of it was, and she looks at him with tears in her eyes and squeezes his hand.
2. redux ii
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one of the few moments in the series where you see scully break…scully defines herself so completely in loyalty. in following him, in being ahab’s starbuck, in being her captain father’s first mate.
in this moment, mulder is heading off to a hearing where he will be testifying to details of the conspiracy and against members of the FBI. this is It. this is The Truth. this is The Quest that they’ve been working on for five years. the dutiful first mate would send him on his way.
scully clings to his hand. she doesn’t want to lose any more time (nine minutes in bellefleur was enough). she can’t believe either of them are going to go through the next few hours, the last few hours, without each other.
she might not be there when he returns, she’ll be the next on the list of people to have disappeared behind his back, and he’s kissing her cheek and casually cracking jokes, and she‘s desperate to hold on for just a moment longer.
3. tithonus thumb war
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one, two, three, four…we die next to each other or never at all. what’s immortality next to a mindless game with your best friend?
scully asked fellig, “how can you have too much life? what about love?”
he answered, “love lasts 75 years, if you’re lucky. you don’t want to be around when it’s gone.”
in a story about the grief of eternal life, waking up in that hospital, i don’t see scully taking on the quest to give it up.
4. dreamland
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the central question of this episode, becomes the central question of the rest of the series: don't you ever want to get out of the car?
while they may be years from stepping away from the car long enough for that house and "normal life" that scully laments driving past, for a moment they stand in front of it.
they gaze up at lights in the sky the way they did on their second case together, the way they did in antarctica, and he reaches wordlessly for her. half "scully, you gotta see this" and half "stay here on the ground," it's an instinct that doesn't disappear with their memories.
it's like that thing DD said once, "there is no such thing as that story ever ending. those characters are forever searching. that’s what they do. even if we’re not watching them, they’re out there."
they'll get back in the car and they'll "just keep driving," for years and for decades and for the rest of their lives, because they'll forever be searching. and when there's something to see, they'll reach for each other.
5. pusher
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"smile, scully."
kneeling down before her to surrender his weapons, he meets her worried eyes with a calm smile.
this episode is all about palpable tension and anxiety, about walking into a losing battle without control of the stakes, and it's most visceral in scully from the moment they decide to send mulder in alone.
but before she nervously watches a surveillance screen, before she jumps up the moment the feed cuts out, before she runs in after him, before she screams at a serial killer and cries out to him in fear...she quietly looks down at him, the way she has so many times before, and keeps his hand still. steadies them both, holds them both in this moment.
the emotional arc of this episode is bookended with touch, and more than the absolution in the way she reaches for his hand in the final scene, it's this moment that simplifies it to me. it's the calm before the storm, and the time that's taken in the midst of it all, to pause outside influence while they still can.
(BONUS: Fight The Future)
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reaching out to him as she recommits, parroting back his own words to him. she has memorized everything that he has ever said and it is the two of them in this work, in this fight.
if they quit on each other now, they lose.
+ ghouli
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roboticonography · 5 months
it's getting really upsetting to see certain corners of the fandom demonize peggy. do you have any thoughts on the matter?
Oh, if only this were a new thing, anon!
I’ve been in the MCU fandom since before there was an MCU to speak of. Shitting on women characters and the actors who play them has been going on forever. People posted about how they hated Pepper Potts, saying she wasn’t a good partner to Tony because she didn’t constantly enable his erratic behaviour, or sacrifice her safety to accommodate his trauma. They posted about how Pepper should have died in Iron Man 2, for the good of Tony’s story, and when Iron Man 3 came out, they said the same thing. It was fucking exhausting.
People also posted about how they hated Natasha Romanoff, how they hated Jane Foster, how they hated Wanda Maximoff, how they hated Sharon Carter. 
And yes, there were Peggy-haters then too. They called her a “karate-kicking fucktoy” and a “vengeful feminazi” and those are the most polite terms I can recall. They complained that she was too powerful, they complained that she was too feminine, they complained that she was pointless without Steve, they complained that she talked about Steve too much. And so on, and so forth, ad infinitum.
Now, to be clear, I am not talking about some of the very valid criticisms people had about the Agent Carter series - its writing, its casting, etc. I am also not talking about the very valid criticisms people have about the larger MCU related to representation, or lack thereof, across multiple fronts. I believe it’s possible to enjoy a piece of media and still have issues with some (or even many) aspects of it, and I enjoy reading posts that grapple with those issues. I’m not even talking about venting about a popular character you can’t stand: that has its place, though I’d argue that the place is probably not in the tag for that character. (I guarantee you, your “unpopular opinion” is never as unpopular as you think.)
I’m talking about misogyny. The same tired, rehashed, played out bullshit woman-hating that has existed in fandoms, so many fandoms, for at least the 25+ years that I’ve been active in them.
And that’s still what’s happening.
Many of the posts I’ve seen that fall under this category are expressing anger that one character or relationship or storyline or interpretation of canon is getting airtime, while another one, one they like better, is not. I’m not going to argue with anyone about that. You like what you like, and you're entitled to be annoyed if you don't get it. But if your argument is sound, you should be able to make your point effectively without calling the character the grossest euphemism for vagina you can find, or speculating on the exact sex acts an actor had to do to keep her character popular.
Other posts I’ve seen are just absolute buckwild conspiracy theory nonsense. The only thing I have to say about that is, yikes. Get well soon.
Tumblr, like other social media platforms, recognizes that they get more engagement if people are forced to play in the same sandbox, which is why it probably feels like you're seeing a disproportionate number of hate posts. And anyone who writes for money on the internet knows that hate clicks are often the juiciest clicks, and so they will write articles and listicles and polls with titles and subjects designed to get your blood up. It’s become increasingly difficult to avoid seeing other people’s ridiculous opinions. But that’s still the strategy that I find best helps me enjoy fandom. 
So if “certain corners” of the fandom are not to your taste, anon, then my advice is this: block, blacklist, and just don’t engage. Don’t feed the trolls. Instead, put that energy into positive interactions. Make art. Comment on things you liked. Find your friends, and have conversations that inspire you and amuse you, instead of ones that make you angry and tired.
Thanks for the ask! Take care.
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thesightstoshowyou · 2 months
I just imagine that when Asa dies (either in jail or free), he will have the Cricket necklace with him (the ring is on Cricket's body, where it belongs).
Maybe he's wering on his neck or tightly holding it in his hand when he goes.
The people investigating and studying The Collector are gonna go apeshit trying to figure out who the C in the necklace stands for
Omg what a poetic end 😭
Can you imagine the conspiracy theories lol. Dudes on true crime podcasts forever speculating about who “C” could be.
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turvi · 1 year
Beauty and The Beast-3
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Sirius started to behave a little bit for the following week. He was determined to prove to Y/n that he can be good. He is not just the mischievous and flirty Sirius everyone thinks he is. There is a sad boy in him that just needs a hug.
He honestly has no idea why he was making so much effort for her but she had captivated him. He would sit with Audrey and Ralph and just pick up random facts about Y/n and slowly he was falling for her more. He was getting to know a different side of this girl. If only she would talk to him. It seems like he has an idea of how he could make that possible
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Y/n was in Transfiguration class taking notes when suddenly a flash of light distracted her. She looked out of the window to see Sirius Black holding a bouquet and a gift in his hand. He gestured to Y/n to meet outside of the class.
Y/n noticed Regulus Black was sitting in front of her. His jaw clenched as he saw his brother's antics. Y/n cleared her throat. "I see you two have quite opposite personalities". Regulus rolled his eyes "he is fine, he is just....Sirius". Y/n chuckled, she enjoyed Regulus' company a lot. They would often solve puzzles together and discuss conspiracy theories. She never thought that Regulus would be the kind of person who would be interested in conspiracy theories. He would say to her "they may not be true, but it doesn't hurt a soul to think that they might be."
"So why has your brother taken a sudden interest in me?" she asked Regulus who paused before replying "honestly y/nn? He is also one of the mysteries I have not been able to solve." Y/n simply nodded at his words when he turned around and added "he is not bad. Once he starts to care for someone, then he truly cares." With that, he went back to his work.
Y/n knew that the younger Black is a man of fewer words. He only speaks when he feels necessary. She didn't mind it gave her time to process what he said.
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After the class was over Y/n spotted Sirius standing up smiling at her. Y/n was surprised that he waited for her patiently.
"I got to know you don't like going outside much. So if you don't mind I have planned a special date for us at Hogsmeade. Oh I also got a bouquet for you"
Y/n tried to bite back her smile. She couldn't help it, it felt like he had made a lot of effort for this.
"You didn't have to do all this"
"I didn't but I wanted to. You don't have to feel the same for me I just want to treat you with a nice date."
"Alright I will"
Sirius was ecstatic "great. You won't be disappointed darling. You know how to keep me on my toes."
Y/n shook her head as he winked at her and ran away but not before handing her the gifts he brought for her.
She opened the gift to find a camera. It wasn't just any camera, it was a movie camera. The kind her father used to own when she was a child but it was stolen when a burger broke into their home. She used to love to record videos even as a young child. Her eyes teared up looking at the camera. She felt like 8-year-old Y/n again, recording shaky videos of her parents.
She didn't know that Sirius was hiding in the corner looking at her reaction, watching her smile. For him, this is his greatest achievement to make his girl smile. She is not his girl yet but he knows she will be......soon hopefully.
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Sirius walked through the Hufflepuff common room wearing a tuxedo. The students couldn't take their eyes off him, they were seeing him in that attire for the first time. Even Sirius couldn't remember when was the last time he wore a tuxedo but this occasion was so special he wanted to dress up nice. He was treating his girl.
Y/n came out of her dorm wearing a purple dress that she made sure hid her body well. Sirus watched in awe as she stood in front of him. Sirius had a flash of imagination of him waiting for her like this at the wedding altar ready to be hers forever. Sirius shook his head. He barely managed to get one date and he is already thinking of marriage. Maybe Remus was not wrong to assume that Sirius is whipped for her
"You will not regret this. This day will become your core memory." Sirius looked at Y/n with determination and love. She couldn't help but smile a bit. She couldn't believe her childhood crush dressed up and planned a date just for her.
Sirius extended his hand "shall we go my love?" Y/n placed her hand in his. He looked into her eyes and kissed her hand. Sirius looked down where his hand met hers. He smiled when she didn't let go of his hand. He squeezed her hand gently. Their night had just started and Sirius didn't want to end it.
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As they walked Sirius led her to Hogsmeade. It was quite late and the crowd was sparse. Y/n looked at him and finally asked.
"How did you do this?"
Sirius teased "you have to be a bit specific doll"
"The camera. How did you know about that"
Sirius shrugged with pride "I have been talking with your best friend. Convinced her I have no intention of hurting you. In fact, if you don't want to see me after this night I will still be ok because this night is just so special no one can take this from me."
Y/n smirked, "not even me?"
He shook his head, and his smile got wider "not even you doll"
Held kissed the back of her hand. He felt like he won a prize when he saw her smile and blush. He thinks maybe he does have a chance.
Sirius looked around and Hogsmeade was now empty. He took Y/n towards the empty street in the Hogsmeade that he had decorated with the help of the marauders. He knew that Hogsmeade will be empty by this time and it would be just him and Y/n. Before they reached the spot he stopped Y/n.
"Ok close your eyes no peeking"
Y/n closed her eyes. Sirius waved his hand in front of her. She smiled "you will have to lead me wherever this spot is I can't see."
Sirius smirked, "how many fingers am I holding?"
"uh...ten thousand and 1"
"hardy har really funny Y/n " he looked at her he could feel himself blushing. He shook his head and gently took her forward to a secluded street where he had set up a table that was surrounded by fake candles and flowers.
"Ok you can open your eyes now"
Y/n opened her eyes. It looked so beautiful under the moonlight. She noticed a picnic basket on the table.
"Yeah I was going to put real candles around here but Remus told me it could be a dangerous idea."
"I love it"
Sirius' heart was beating fast. He kissed Y/n's hand again and led her to the table. He made a mental note to thank his best friends again for helping him set up this lovely date.
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Sirius decided to open up a bit with Y/n. The more he is truthful with her the more she will trust him.
He didn't go into much detail just his likes and dislikes and noticed how Y/n was listening to him carefully. He tried not to giggle when whenever he caught her smiling at him.
"So I am guessing someone broke your heart?" he said breaking a comfortable silence.
"How did you know?"
"Well you would not have been so insecure if someone showered you with compliments regularly"
She nodded "well you are right, I loved someone for a long time, and he gave me a lot of missed signals, and there were rumors of him dating someone else, I approached that girl she said oh it's nothing like that you can go ahead and tell him your real feelings, the next day his friend come up to me and tells me that my crush wants me to stay away and the girl started dating my crush" she said not knowing if it made sense or not but Sirius immediately held her hand.
"You didn't deserve that"
"I didn't mind her dating him of course I was heartbroken because I have had feelings for him for a long time but still she could have told me this instead of embarrassing me like this. I was not even angry at them just disappointed."
After a few seconds, she spoke again "thank you for the camera I loved it. It was very thoughtful of you"
Sirius smirked "I just want to see my girl smile"
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After their dinner, Sirius took her hand. He pulled her closer to him and started to dance.
"Sirius there is no music playing" Y/n giggled
"So what we have the moonlight, the empty Hogsmeade street and I have you so what else do I need?"
She shook her head "You are going to need help to clean up after our date. The table is in the middle of the road"
"oh don't worry about that you enjoy this night"
"Still if you need help, I will help"
Sirius smirked at her and brought her closer "I know you are scared to love me. But give me a chance and I will be the best lover you had"
Y/n nodded "Ok"
Sirius' grip tightened around her waist "Say it. Say you are mine and I will be yours"
Y/n blushed "I am yours"
Sirius smiled and kissed her like there is no tomorrow. Y/n was surprised but she kissed him back. He held her tightly not wanting to let go of her.
Sirius had made another mental note. To love this girl like she has never been loved before. As they parted his smile got wider and he kissed her again. He finally backed away when he made sure she got breathless.
"Just wanted to remind you what my love looks like for you. Like I said y/n you will not regret your decision."
A/N: I am late. This is probably shit but eh. REBLOGS AND FEEDBACKS APPRECIATED
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Chapter 3: Iris Elegy
Narrated by Perlin.
Narrator: "Following Yunikina's rebellion, the Snow Eagle Revolutionary Force officially assembled under the Sword of Legend..."
Choose "Morning."
You: Good morning. How far along are you?
Narrator: From how the rebels started in Cangyu City to how they finally ended the tyranny in White Rock City.
You: I've heard that part before.
Narrator: Ah, I expected as much. Do you know what happened after the end of the war?
You: I'm all ears.
Narrator: After the final battle was over, Yunikina went off alone to mourn the dead soldiers.
Narrator: When she returned, someone noticed that she no longer had the Sword of Legend at her side. No one knows where she left it.
Narrator: Thanks to the effort of White Rock City's citizens, a free and fair government slowly rose. Yunikina, however, didn't stay with them. Based on the accounts at the time, it was her decision.
Narrator: "An excellent commander does not necessarily make a great queen. North Kingdom remains at war. There are still many things I must tend to."
Narrator: That was the message she left, before leading the Snow Eagle Revolutionary Force to the city's borders to stand watch over White Rock City.
Narrator: After all, her desires never had anything to do with power. She understood very well what she wanted to protect.
You: The video on your computer is done buffering.
Narrator; Oh, it's a documentary on Yunikina. It will get to her... Actually, the video didn't get stuck. I just needed a moment to collect myself.
Narrator: Phew. Okay, I'm good now.
Video: Yunikina passed away much too soon at the age of 32. She succumbed to an illness in the morning. She was calm and content, as if the tundra had called her home.
Choose either "32 years old..." or "How could that be?"
If "years," ...
You: At 32 years old? That's young...
Narrator: Stop, or you're going to make me cry for real.
If "how," ...
You: I thought she would always be watching over White Rock City...
Narrator: That's how I felt when I was little. I mean, wasn't Yunikina supposed to be the city's eternal guardian?
Narrator: She has a place in many people's hearts. A lot of them couldn't accept her death, so there are conspiracy theories, even to this day.
Narrator: Some said the lapdogs of the former ruler of White Rock City took revenge on her, some claimed it was because the new regime feared her leadership and influence...
Narrator: With pressure from the people, the army and the government both launched official investigations, even uncovering many brutal truths behind the story.
Narrator: Most people in White Rock City were born under tyranny and became accustomed to it, so they criticized the Snow Eagle Revolutionary Force's rebellion.
Narrator: Even within the Snow Eagle Revolutionary Force, there were different agendas behind the united goal of overthrowing the White Rock regime.
Narrator: The schisms resurfaced when their common goal was achieved, freedom letting these desires take root.
Narrator: However, all of that had nothing to do with Yunikina's death.
Narrator: No matter how many prayers were offered or how many suspects were investigated, nothing could ignore the fact that the general was dead.
Narrator: More and more people finally accepted that Yunikina was never coming back.
Narrator: Let's continue watching.
Video: The warrior goddess was buried on the tundra, in her armor of ice. Countless citizens joined the procession on their own, showering her casket with fleurs-de-lis.
Video: The poets sang elegies, and the people of the North lent them their voices, their tears freezing in the winter wind.
"Sleep soundly, beautiful girl. We have brought you flowers. May your long slumber be as warm as the spring."
"Sleep soundly, leader of the Snow Eagles. We shall continue to protect our home, and we will pass down a hero's will for generations to come."
"Sleep soundly, daughter of the North. To the blizzard, we raise our voices in prayer. May freedom forever fly with your noble soul."
You: Perhaps her spirit really did return to her home.
Narrator: Thank you for saying that.
Narrator: Anyway, every hero's story comes to an end. History waits for no one.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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moosefeels · 1 year
like two years ago i pitched and sold an article about how Five Nights at Freddy’s encourages and is explicitly about validating a worldview in which the Satanic Panic was reali and happened, but I hated writing it so much and it needed three rounds of revisions and on the third i just gave up on it because it was making me insane and sad. five nights at freddy’s is a media franchise so unpleasant and, imho, evil that spending extended periods of time researching and studying it made me so depressed i gave up like $300 when i was still unemployed. some information you may not know: - scott cawthon, the creator of five nights at freddy’s, donated to various Republican candidates and said he would “not apologize” for supporting donald trump, saying “...I felt he was the best man to fuel a strong economy and stand up to America's enemies abroad” [source]
-scott cawthon, as of october of 2021, is an avowed evangelical and as early as 2014, was interviewing at evangelical gaming websites about the significance of his faith [source]
-the same year that scott cawthon released FNAF, he released The Desolate Hope, which is a pro-life scifi RPG adventure in which a coffee pot attempts to save a human embryo. the game is on steam. 
- the overarching narrative of the Five Nights at Freddy’s games, of which there are like a fucking dozen, is that an evil robotics engineer is feeding terrified, innocent children to berserk robots in the hope that they are full of a substance that will make him immortal. if you are unfamiliar with the violent, ludicrous, dangerous, and false QANON conspiracy theory, one of its largest and most vocal contingents believes the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world are attempting to live forever by ingesting a hormone made by terrified children. 
there’s also an enormous fandom and storytelling emphasis on “research” and “evidence” that is hideously familiar if you spend anytime considering or researching abusive belief/conspiracy belief. this came to a head when,  in August of 2021, Dead by Daylight teased the next playable antagonist with a 16 second video that obviously and clearly referred to Hellraiser, to an iconic and obvious scene in fucking Hellraiser, and dozens of extremely online FNAF fans swarmed the twitter to assert that this was actually for FNAF. when DBD confirmed it was for Pinhead (hellraiser), the reaction from the FNAF fanbase was fucking delusional.  anyway i hate five nights at freddy’s, i think it’s the pinnacle of paranoid conservative art, i think it sucks IMMEASURABLY that it’s so popular with children, i think scott cawthon is going to hell for being a evangelical conservative shitbird, and i think engaging with FNAF media is as bad as engaging with harry potter
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shadamyheadcanons · 2 years
So I've had this idea in my head for a while. You know that Shadow and Amy have very few interactions in the games, right? What if the reason for this was that Shadow really likes Amy, but since he doesn't age, he's afraid of getting too fond of her? Like, because he doesn't age, at some point he's going to see pretty much all of his friends age and die, (Okay, maybe not Omega, since he's a robot, but still). I wonder if he doesn't get too close to many people because he's afraid of losing them, like he lost Maria. (Also, and I'm sorry if there are some grammatical errors here, I'm Brazilian, I can read English without problems, but writing is another thing) (Sorry if the text is too big, that's my first Ask, or Headcanon, i don't know)
Oh, that’s absolutely a possibility. I’ve wondered that myself. Her being similar to Maria would only compound the problem. But that only makes Shadamy more compelling to me. Like...no one--no one--can shut out Amy Rose forever. If she wants to be your friend, it’s only a matter of time until she finds a way in. Cautious Blaze? One of her best friends. Socially awkward Silver? Swiftly demolished his walls with a hug and had him questioning his purpose in less than a day. Skittish Flickies? Naturally flock to her like she’s a Disney princess. Even Sonic’s relaxed around her now. And I don’t think I need to remind anyone of the way she is very often the only one who can get through to Shadow. They apparently barely know each other, but she’s the one to turn him around in SA2, in the “Miracle of Love” and “Black Hero’s Rebirth” routes in ShTH, and in Archie’s Treasure Team Tango arc, all after everyone else had given up on him. If she ever decides to pursue him, he won’t stand a chance, mark my words.
Okay, conspiracy theory time.
This is based on nothing apart from a hunch and personal bias, but I sometimes wonder if Sega considered that themselves and have largely kept them separate because they feel it could threaten s0namy’s impact and popularity. By the end of *one game* where Shadow and Amy spent time together, a ton of people had already fallen in love with them. Those people form a sizable chunk of Shadamy fans to this day, even twenty years later! The ending of ShTH gives off the distinct impression that if Shadow were the protagonist of this series, Amy would be in love with him, not Sonic.
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(I still love this image.)
Big things tend to happen when the two of them are onscreen together, and I’m sure Sega knows that. A small part of me sincerely believes that Sega’s afraid to give Shadamy more than a handful of breadcrumbs for fear that it could be a serious contender. They just work WAY too well together.
I’m probably off the mark with this. Lord knows I could never be objective about it, lol...but on the off-chance that I AM right...there could be fantastic news ahead.
Frontiers doesn’t have Shadow in it, but the plot and characterization look great so far. Ian Flynn really gets these characters.
You know what else Ian Flynn wrote? That entire shippy Treasure Team Tango arc I mentioned before.
He *gets* them. He values their dynamic. And he knows how to show it off while still acknowledging s0namy’s role in the narrative, something Sega would appreciate. If Sega lets him keep writing games as many people think they will, there is a very real chance that he’ll let these two shine together again the way they should, platonic or not. The optimist in me is very excited for that possibility.
Don’t worry about your writing, by the way! The text looks just fine to me, and your grammar is great. I had assumed you were a native speaker until you said that. Great job! :)
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connisk · 9 months
למידת מילים לפסיכומטרי דרך כתיבה
It was a very weird reason indeed for assembling a bunch of very different people in one place. A great bulk from them wanted to kill each other.
It was a hazardous plan, and if they still had their quirks someone would have probably died.
Nighteye wanted to boast himself like his onscreen self did. He knew he had the prone for the dramatics but when it came to all might, nothing seemed too much.
He felt more lucid then he felt in years.
Hawks knew mastermind had some great pain tolerance but the fact the he could move even after braking 3/4 of his limbs was incredible and showd his remarkable endurance. this was on a new whole level. "How can you even move with so much broken bones?"
Nighteye couldn't stand how mastermind kept tarnishing allmight's name. He came to a halt when the very next moment he saw on screen how midoriya praised all might's name. And to think this was ones how mastermind used to behave.
Mastermind used to have his soul Abundant in pureness and good intentions. Gran couldn't take this.
"it was society's fault."
Yes, the villainy path is very lucrative, money wise. But being a hero was paying no small amounts either. Even d listers or sidekics, being on the bottom of the list ,got nice amount of cash for their work.
The screen tuned on and light emitted from it. The audience were shocked that this was actually happening. Izuku didn't like it. He had this terrible feeling that what they were about to watch was going to be something terrible.
The screen showd young izuku crying.
"I knew it!" He thought
"Wait until I gave the omen." Said the mysterious voice.
Mastermind killing all might was something that was embedded in the memory or the class forever. They could never forget the look of pain on allmight's face when he died.
"We'll give you the rest of your fare one hour after the robbery."
He knew his reputation was too powerful for them not to follow their promise. After all everyone who tried to avoid paying him was killed by his hand Marley a month later.
Heros were living a very ostentatiously lives. The villains could see it well from the way UA looked and their expensive costumes.
The problem is not monetary. If anything he has too much money.
"the garments of the hero outfits are so expensive, where they're even getting the money to afford all of this." Dabi asked no one.
Mastermind had reached to the very summit of villainy hierarchy in less then three years.
Mastermind has a very distinctive way of thinking. Instead of valuing the quirk and it's possibilities, he analyze how the quirk effects it's person and surrounding and take advantage of it.
"I don't get what it's trying to do with this watching thing." Dabi commented. "What would it yield for him?"
"Maybe he's trying to make us all befriend each other." Shoto had this look on his face. it was most likely the beginning of a new conspiracy theory.
"Well even if they would yield to us I wouldn't consider it. They're too much of a hero hopefuls."
Izuku had worn an expression he seldom did. It was beautiful. It didn't matter that for shoto every face izuku did was beautiful. The point still stands.
Quirkless discrimination was a phenomenon that grew more and more in the past few years. It took the once normal, and turned them to the new abnormal. And people were scared of the abnormal.
Aizawa hid his face in his hands. It was all their fault.
There was an uproar in the theater when students realized THE mastermind was among them.
Hero worship was the staple of modern society in Japan.
Mastermind's career as a criminal was spanned on barely two years. Where the criminal activity always fluctuated before and was on the low side constantly, allmight's death had led to a sharp rise in the amount of villains roaming the streets.
It delineated the new face of society.
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adomoda · 10 months
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@ihhfhonao3 tried to "call me out" by reposting my page to their blog, calling me a bigot etc. yet when I responded to their post with logic and explained that as a gay man I do not accept an ideology created by pe do John Money, they deleted my comments and responded with infantile and massochistic messages. This is so typical of the left, their hypocrisy, and their love of censorship.
I do not intend to harm any individual, however I will not hesitate to call bullshit on an ideology that is absolutely harming people. Its harming children and young people, its harming women, its harming LGB people. I have been "radicalized" by my first hand experience of narcissistic trans individuals, and my observation of the interesting correlation between governments, and corporations promotion of the "progressive" pride flag and all things trans. I absolutely believe there is a nefarious agenda.
Have there been "gender non confirming" people forever!? Absolutely. But they havent used drugs and surgery to ruin their bodies. It was only ever a very small number of people that were so non conforming as to be "cross dressing." Someone told me the other day in all seriousness that they didnt think men should wear shorts. Peoples ideas about conformity and gender are all over the map. You can wear whatever the f you want to now... just dont tell children that they need to become sterile to "be their true selves."
Yes gender separate from sex is a construct. Its a normative set of traits. However these things are not at all concrete. To conflate ones biology with the clothes one likes to wear is NORMATIVE CAPITULATION! So why are the supposed rebels perpetuating NORMATIVE STEREOTYPES!?
Its ludicrous and is evidence that these people are actually weak minded victims of a massive psychological operation fomented many decades ago. These same people will say thats just a "conspiracy theory" and yet believe that "THE PATRIARCHY MUST BE SMASHED," yet want to give children's bodies and minds over to Pharma Corp and Rockefeller medicine!?
It is a psy op.
There are autogynaphilics, and there are gay men with internalized homophobia. These are mental states of confusion. They are not lifestyles to be celebrated or something to take pride in.
These people are not part of the LGB. They are hostile to everything that LGB is. Drag queens and transvestites are not transexual. You are not born in the wrong body. You are not too "butch" to be a woman, or to "femme" to be a man. Gender separate from sex is just a concept, a lens, a made up thing like unicorns. We can talk about them, but it doesnt make them real.
This is a nuanced conversation that must occur before its all out war and were literally murdering each other in the street. Thats what the puppet masters want. They want chaos. They want us hating each other. I dont hate people, but I do hate lies. And I will stand up to lies and liars till my very last breath.
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hyperfigations · 2 years
No One Escapes From Life Alive
Chapter 1
Summary: Dylan Lenivy survived North Kill's only tragedy, coming out of it with a lifetime of trauma. Luckily, his imaginary friend, Silas, is there to help him through the pain. Attached at the hip for years in his childhood, Dylan thought that he couldn't live without Silas. Until an accident forced him to leave his imaginary friend behind. After a teenhood filled with nonstop therapy sessions, Dylan is finally ready to leave North Kill behind to go to college with his bestfriend, Kaitlyn. College is messy... to say the least. Good thing, a grown Silas comes back to help. Help with college, help to win the heart of the broody loner guy in his photography class, and help him become as blasé as he possibly can. But with the resurrection of the old imaginary pal, Dylan must face the dark, bloody past that comes with Silas.
A/N: Pretty slow chapter, but one nonetheless LMAO. Not a lot of action but we'll get there! I hope you all enjoy. I'm excited for this fic and I really would appreciate some feedback! BYEEEEEE
Word Count: 2,124
TW: Not any.
Read on AO3 or Read More
Dylan was never really into classical music.
 Maybe in another lifetime but in this one he just couldn’t stand the eerie feeling he got when listening to the dramatics of a symphony. Drumming up scenarios in his head was easier when he heard this music. And they were never pretty scenarios. Even if it started out well, it would always end in a bloody, tragic finale. 
His dark eyes drifted to the vinyl player in the corner of the room, watching the black circle spin round and round. Dylan has heard Tchaikovsky’s work in every session since he was 9-years old, and honestly he was so exhausted from hearing it. When he was younger, he found the music interesting.
 It was pretty at first. 
Now he wanted to run over to that gray box that sat upon that dumb oak table and throw it against the wall in a pit of rage. He would’ve thought he would be able to block it out by now. 
His line of vision broke when a hand waved in front of him, forcing Dylan to look at the old woman sitting across from him. In her hand she held a notebook as she leaned forward, as if in waiting. 
“Uh… sorry… I don’t um…” Dylan’s eyes kept drifting over to the music. But quickly he forced himself to look back at the lady. “Sorry Ms.Von… can you repeat that question?”
It was weird, but he never realized until this moment that Ms.Von aged. Maybe he noticed because today was their last session together. After tomorrow, he swore they would never see each other again. He still imagined her when she was younger, like the day he met her. Her smooth brown skin now had small wrinkles, and her light brown eyes were darker than they were the first time they met. Ms.Von sucked in a breath of air through her teeth, adjusting herself to where she’s leaning against the gray armchair behind her. Her eyes narrowed, the lines underneath being revealed. The young boy was now looking at her nervously. Dylan shifted uncomfortably under her gaze, avoiding eye contact at all cost.
“I asked if you’re sure you’re ready for tomorrow? It’s going to be a big change, moving to a big city.” Ms.Von asked cautiously. 
‘Trust me, I’m ready to leave this hellhole forever’
That’s what he wanted to say. He was tired of people asking him if he was ready to move away from this shit town. Of course he was ready. He was ready to leave the small-minded people behind. To finally have people not stare at him when he walked down the school hallway with sympathy, conspiracy theories, pity being exchanged between each other, yet never to him. The only person who never once treated him differently was his best friend, Kaitlyn. That's exactly why Kaitlyn was the only person he would drop everything for to move away with. 
They always talked about moving and never looking back, especially on the nights that Dylan needed her the most. Night filled with nightmares and panic attacks, but those episodes would cease once Kaitlyn showed up with a thermos of hot chocolate in hand. They would sneak off to trespass on the Hackett’s property and watch the lake’s tranquil surface be corrupted by the cool wind, creating ripples. Then Kaitlyn would crack a stupid joke and they would talk until the sun rose about nothing but their future. A future away from North Kill.
Dylan’s right hand runs over the cold metal of his prosthetic hand apprehensively. He stared at it for a moment, then looked up at his therapist. “Yeah,” He mumbled. “I think I’m ready.”
The music seemed to get louder in the silence, bringing a bitter taste to his mouth. Dylan looked up at Ms.Von and the look on her face was the same look his mother got when he mentioned anything about his new home. Her eyes were judging him, as if this idea of moving was the worst thing to ever happen in the town of North Kill. 
Dylan knew from experience that this was not the worst thing to ever happen in the town of North Kill. 
In fact, he was pretty sure the town wouldn’t miss him.
“I see,” Ms.Von begins to write something down in her notebook. “And you’re moving in with Ms.Ka, is that right?”
“That’s what the lease says,” Dylan grumbled sarcastically, earning an unamused look from the woman. He exhaled with a small nod. “Kaitlyn and I are moving in together, yeah.”
“Remind me what your relationship is again,”
Dylan blinked at the lady. Unsure, if she was being serious or not. The thinning of her lips made him realize that she definitely was.
“Oh, we eloped, she’s pregnant with my baby. We knew we wouldn’t be accepted in this town, so we had to get out of dodge before the mob killed us for having a kid out of wedlock,”
“Dylan.” The stern voice made him cringe with anger. He told her everything freshman year. Why the hell was she still questioning his sexuality even though he never tried to hide it?
“She’s just my friend, Ms.Von. She isn’t exactly my type,”
“Aw yes… That’s right.”
“Why am I here again?” Dylan groaned impatiently, glaring at her.
“Your mother is worried you aren’t making the right decision, Dylan.”
“It’s not exactly her choice. Besides, even if it isn’t the right decision, I’m the only one who has to deal with the consequences. Why should it even matter to her?”
“She’s worried about you,”
“Fuck that,” Dylan snapped, his eyes flicking over to finally look at his therapist in the eye. “She just wants me to stay here because she’s too fucking afraid to stay alone.”
Silence again… He groaned and ran his right hand down his face as if to squeeze the stress out. 
“Look, I have to do this for me,” He finally said, breaking the silence. “I just have to get out of here." 
That was all that needed to be said. The rest of the session was pretty much just a bunch of bullshit filler questions like ‘have you had any nightmares lately’ or ‘are the panic attacks worse.’ Dylan’s answers were always the same automated “yes, there just more of the same ones” and “They’re the same as ever.” 
After some time of just more of the same shit, Ms.Von shook her head, gently throwing her notebook on the coffee table that separated her and her client. “Alright, I believe we’re done here then?” She said, the ghost of a smile on her face that Dylan could see was almost… sad? “This move is going to be hard, Dylan. All of your problems aren’t going to go away because you changed your scenery,”
“Way to be optimistic…” Dylan mumbled quietly to himself but she cleared her throat getting his attention.
Ms.Von took a quick breath inward before continuing, “But I truly think this will be good for you, and I really hope everything works out. You’ve always been just a great kid. You deserve nothing but the best Dylan and I hope you can find that in Albany.”
Oh. He was not expecting that, but there it was. Sincerity gleamed in her light eyes. And in that moment, she was just as he remembered when she had first become his therapist when he was 9 years old. Once those words had settled in he gave her a small, sad smile.  “Thank you,” 
This session ended in record time, and once Dylan gave a quick side hug to Ms.Von and small thanks for everything she’s done for him, he bolted out of the office. Not even once glancing back. He would miss his therapist, in an odd way. He knew she was paid to listen to him, but she really did listen. She comforted him better than his own mother ever would. Though… that bar was incredibly low. Even a loaf of bread could comfort him better than his own mother. But still, Ms.Von did care about him. In her own way.
The rest of Dylan’s last night in North Kill went by so slowly after his appointment. It mostly consisted of packing. He only had one small carry-on bag that he could fill, but somehow he liked the fact that he had to limit what belongings came with him. The less things meant less memories of this town. But luckily, he didn’t have to deal with his mother’s not-so-subtle begging for him to stay since she was working the night shift at the hospital. For that, he was thankful.
Dylan groaned, throwing himself onto his bed once he finally zipped up his now full suitcase. He stared out the window on the other side of the room. His eyes caught a glance of the moon that peered inside… Dylan’s dark eyes narrowed at it, and he propped himself up with his elbows to get a better view. He didn’t know if it was just him but the moon in this mountain town always seemed too big. Way bigger than it should be. He didn’t know if the moon wasn’t always that size but something about it here felt unnatural. Along with its abnormal size, it always had a weird vibe to it. As if it was watching. Dylan hated the feeling of being watched and he knew it was weird to claim that the round disc in the dark sky was the one doing said watching. Sometimes, he could almost make out a face... Really taking the man in the moon to a whole new level. He quickly got on his feet, strutting over to the window. 
Dylan gripped the curtain tightly. He closed the curtains as quickly as possible, making sure no moonlight found its way in. A small smirk came across his lips in victory. Haha, moon, try to get through the blackout curtains, his smug look said.
A loud buzz snaps him out of the little victory celebration in his mind. His head turns to his bed where his phone laid downward. A light outlines the phone, telling him to come look. 
When he picked it up, a grin grew large on his face.
Kaitlyn 10:45
Hey nerd. You finished packing?
Dylan 10:45
Uh, yeah. You?
Kaitlyn 10:46
LMAO. Yeah..
Kaitlyn 10:46
…okay, not at all. 
Dylan 10:46
jesus christ Kaitlyn. 
Kaitlyn 10:47
I know. I know. I’m gonna finish, promise. I just gotta like force myself to stop watching the tube’.
Dylan 10:47
The tube? -_-
Kaitlyn 10:47
(: The (: tube’ (:
Dylan rolls his eyes with a tiny chuckle. He hated Kaitlyn in a way that can only be described as love.
Dylan 10:49
Well… You better be well rested tomorrow. Cuz there is no way I’m driving.
Kaitlyn 10:50
Uh, yeah. No one wants that.
Dylan 10:50
I’m not that bad.
Kaitlyn 10:50
Yes. You are. But it’s okay. I still love you, I guess.
Dylan 10:51
I still love you too, I guess. Now go pack.
Kaitlyn 10:51
Who made you boss?
Dylan 10:51
Ur mom.
Kaitlyn 10:52
Dylan 10:52
Seriously Kaitlyn, if you aren’t done packing by tonight, imma be so pissed.
Kaitlyn 10:53
Yeah, I know <3 I promise, I’ll be ready. I won’t make you wait.
Kaitlyn 10:53
….. Ur mom still on ur ass???
A breath sizzles through Dylan. Annoyance flooded his body making his typing a little more harshly than he had meant it to be. 
Dylan 10:54
She made me see Ms.Von one last time. I think Mom thought she would convince me to stay. Didn’t go the way she planned.
Kaitlyn 10:54
…Ur mom sucks. 
Dylan 10:55
Yep. I’d rather be out of town before she gets home from work. If I have to hear how much of a “bad idea” this move is one more time, I’m gonna jump outta window. 
Kaitlyn 10:56
I’m sorry bae ): I promise we’ll be out of here before 8:00. Fuck ur mom and fuck this town.
Relief spreads through him, bringing back a smile to his lips. He loved Kaitlyn so much. She was the bestest friend in the world. Like seriously, no one could beat her. And just as she would do anything in the world for him, he would do anything in the world for her. 
Kaitlyn 10:57
Okay, okay. I’m going to go pack. See you in 9 hours, stinky &lt;;3 
Dylan 10:57
See ya, buttface <3
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geeksauruse · 1 year
hello ! if you're still taking requests for matchups, i'd love to participate ! i'm a 5'2' stoner girlie with she/any pronouns. my personality type is infp, but i do have quite the handful of hotheaded moments. my aesthetic is a nice hybrid between pastel, y2k and alternative influences. lover of all things pop culture, true crime, and the peculiar!
  I would pair you up with our wonderful Mikey!
 Yall met in an abandoned building, you were just smoking some weed, reading up on an old article you found about Jeffery Dahmer.
All of a sudden there were several large bangs above you followed by creaking of old wooden floors, almost as if someone was jumping onto it.
You being about half in your own world and half in reality, you practically sprinted up the stairs, as quietly as you could( it wasn't very quiet)
All of a sudden you ran face first right into something hard.
Or someone
It took you a hot minute to realize that they did not look like average people, let alone people who hung out in abandoned buildings
You thought you were higher than you were because the person standing in front of you was for some reason Green,  and was BUILT.
You stumbled back right on your ass and passed out 
When you woke up in the lair you had a headache and was so confused, especially with the bright orange masked creature talking to you about how he liked your dark gray pink floyd shirt and your sleek black, 2 inch, heel boots.
And that was the beginning, of how yall started becoming close
Once things were cleared up and you agreed to keep the family's secret,  you and Mikey became practically inseparable. 
He loved how compassionate you are when it came to your interests especially when it came to true crime.
He didn't care too much for it at first but it grew on him after a while and he became the conspiracy theory master, yall would be working on unsolved crimes hours into the night   drinking orange crush and having a ball laughing at each other's bad jokes.
And he has A LOT of bad jokes.   
Ngl this man loves the way you laugh
You may hate it but he will physically adore it.
Didn't know you had a temper, until a fateful day where Raph was coming at you poking fun at your high and then you went off on him.
Swearing,cursing, you name it girl
My dude was speechless, everyone was.
Offered video games and pizza to try to chill you out.
Yall played mario kart all day nonstop( it's so common that y'all have those gaming beinges that y'all know every power move in super smash bros)
You introduced him to weed and he was pretty chill about it
Actually started doing it with you( in my opinion, he has ADHD so i think it would help him out)
You really were one of the coolest people he knew, you took him seriously when no one else did, you listened, not to mention in his eyes you were smoking hot.
Soooooooooooooooo many insecurities one he realized he liked you and yet he just decided to flirt more to see if it got across to you.
Do I look okay? Do I smell nice? Was that joke stupid? What does she think of me right now?
Dude definitely tried to teach you to skateboard(ngl he just wanted to hold your hands and be close to you)
And that's the day he accidentally told you he liked you.
You were wobbling on the skateboard and he was holding your hand just staring at it then he kinda spoke his thoughts out loud.
“You're pretty good looking on my skateboard,ya know babe?I wanna keep teaching you if it means I get to hold your hands like this forever.”
Dude died that day, thought you were going to reject him on the spot.
You didn't of course but he immediately became ecstatic when you gave him a little kiss on the cheek and hopped off to go get a drink
Just standing there beaming and in shock he brought his and to the place you kissed him, than turned around sprinting to the kitchen
“ Hey,Can I get another one of those?
 or maybe a couple more for later?”
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jayjaymorgan · 2 years
I noticed that most of the fics I post are angsty and sad, but lately I have been struggling with writing anything, also I’ve been busy with school. So I created this prompt list. You can request a short, fluffy story by choosing a couple of these dialogue starters, just enter the numbers and letters in the asks, you can choose up to five of them per fic. The story will be ranging from 500 words up to 3000, all depending on my motivation. You can also request for it to be a modern day au or normal, Star Wars au. If it’s not specified, I will choose which one suits the story. Once a prompt is used, I will cross it out. If you have any ideas for the list which you want me to ad, feel free to message me. There’s no limit, so you can request as many stories as you want.
A) Fluff prompts :
1. “you’re staring again.” 2. “you can’t banish me! this is my bed too!” 3. “you look really good in my sweater.” 4 “can you stop playing connect the dots with my freckles?” 5. “soulmate shit. it’s hardcore as hell.” 6. “if you poke me one more time, you won’t get a kiss for a week... TWO!” 7. “can i hold your hand?” 8. “i don’t want to be alone.” 9. “put me down! i can walk you buffoon!” 10. “you’re mine. i don’t share.” 11. “you’re lucky you’re cute.” 12. “are you warm enough?” 13. “god, you’re so pretty.” 14. “i love your voice.” 15. “well i think it’s beautiful.” “you think everything’s beautiful.” 16. “the moon is high tonight. it frames you well.” “that makes no sense.” 17. “i would trade the world to see you smile for the first time again.” 18. “my life missed yours forever.” 19. “everything about you is amazing.” 20. “i promised to love you forever.”
B) Random Prompts :
1. “it’s six o’clock in the morning. you are not having vodka.” 2. “could you not suck for five minutes, please?” 3. “i’m too sober for this.” 4. “welcome back, now fucking help me.” 5. “i think you’re actually satan.” 6. “is there a human boy/girl/person in there? or are you just a robot?” 7. “not to toot my own horn or anything, but the dog obviously likes me more.” 8. “define normal.” 9. “sorry, i don’t speak skank.” 10. “excuse me, i have to go make a scene.” 11. “wow, somebody needs a happy meal.” 12. “come on. you can help me come up with conspiracy theories. if you come up with a good one, i’ll pay for dinner.” 13. “would you reconsider if i was sober?” 14. “please, never have children.” 15. “don’t take this the wrong way, but please die.” 16. “this is weird.” “life is weird. get used to it.” 17. “you killed me!” “don’t take it personally, i killed everyone!” 18. “this is hell. this is actual hell.” “well, there’s no place like home.”
  C) Romantic Confession Prompts : 
1. "i can't pretend anymore." 2. "you need to know that i have grown to care for you. deeply." 3. "i've loved you since the moment i first laid my eyes on you." 4. "you deserve to know." 5. "it's you. it's always been you." 6. "are you really so oblivious?" 7. "there isn't anything that i wouldn't do for you." 8. "i was made to love you." 9. "i cannot bare to be apart from you anymore." 10. "please. please just listen to me." 11. "don't make me say it. i can't say the words." 12. "you are all i can think about." 13. "i can't fathom the idea of my life without you in it." 14. "i dream of you. all i do, is dream of you." 15. "i am so very in love with you." 16. "is it so obvious how infatuated i am?" 17. "for years i have yearned for you, in secrecy and silence." 18. "we have just met and yet it feels like i have known you for a lifetime." 19. "you are everything. everything." 20. "it hurts me, just how much i ache for you." 21. "i don't know if i can't bring myself to speak it." 22. "i know that this is not what you want to hear..." 23. "after everything you've done, i still love you. with all i am." 24. "it's true." 25. "i cannot stand you, and yet i also cannot stand to be away from you." 26. "please...say something." 27. "i feel your absence in everything that i do alone, in every place i go without you." 28. "your smile brings me so much joy." 29. "i'm falling for you." 30. "i am sorry that you found out this way."
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hopeymchope · 2 years
From Michael Jackson to J.K. Rowling and Activision: Handling shitty creators and companies
This is going to be a long-winded bit of text considering how/whether I choose to stand up against problematic creators/content, how other people say it should be done, and basically providing warning that these issues aren’t so black and white as you might think. 
So, y’know. You can probably skip this if you’re just here to think about or see Danganronpa art and theories and fanfic and all that. :P 
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Since Michael Jackson wound up inspiring this post, I’ll open with him.
I was hearing his music in my parents’ rotation long before I ever knew he was accused of some despicable shit, y’know? So I got hooked on that stuff before I had a reason to be (potentially?) disgusted. And when I got old enough to be aware of those accusations, I couldn’t get a good personal gauge on whether I believed him guilty of what he was accused. Pre-2019, I felt there were reasons to both believe and disbelieve the whole thing, so I just chose not to have any opinion on the matter. Which I guess is easier to do once you’ve already gotten attached to the music, right? Nobody wants to abandon something they’ve long enjoyed.
I specified “pre-2019″ because 2019 is when Leaving Neverland came around. I’ve admittedly never watched that documentary — the one that convinced many people of his guilt posthumously. And that’s probably chickenshit of me. It probably sounds like I’m just wimping out and burying my head in the sand. But shit, life is so full of despair and misery, and like I said: It’s hard to WANT to abandon something you’ve always taken pleasure from. I got old enough to where I decided to just... stop following every detail of every negative development around the things I enjoy. I’d rather hold onto some modicum of escapist pleasure than constantly have those works make me think about shitty, shitty people and their poor, forever-tormented victims. Is that selfish of me? ......... Uh, probably! If I’m going to keep on consuming that music, do I then owe it to society to fully immerse myself in every terrible thing that may be linked to it so I can be 100% informed of any implicit undercurrents? .... I’d say “obviously not,” but there are definitely those who’ve argued the opposite. 
In truth, so many people involved in so many creative works turn out to be sketch-ass fucks. I suppose that’s a natural consequence of how many people it takes to get a book published (tens), or to make an album (hundreds), or to complete a movie/video game (thousands). At a certain point, if you’re going to consume all your media responsibly so that you never watch or hear or see anything that was made by anybody problematic and so you never financially support bad behavior... well, fuck, you might as well give up the entire video game industry, then. And all movies. Because look at those corporations and their bullshit! Look at those thousands of people involved, which almost definitely includes some very bad individuals!
But I can still defy these things in small ways. If I know for a fact that there’s accusations/hard evidence out there against someone or something, I can at least avoid giving them my money directly. I no longer see movies at Cinemark theaters ever since the head of the company decided to start putting money towards supporting Trumpist and QAnon conspiracy theories. I haven’t given any money to Michael Jackson’s estate in a very long time; I can get that music through plenty of other channels than directly buying it. 
And if I know a game company is definitely being awful to its workers or has a culture of sexism and harassment? The bare minimum I can do is refuse to give them any direct money and just buy physical copies used so that they don’t get a cent of my cash trickled back to them. So, y’know — no direct purchases of anything published by UbiSoft or Activision. Clearly. 
All of the above applies to Harry Potter media at this point — I’m going to do what it takes to avoid giving it any more direct cash, but I’m not going to totally abandon the whole universe either. And to many people, that means I’m a bad member of the LGBTQ+ or a bad ally for trans rights or WHATEVER. But let’s not forget that virtually every talent involved with the series beyond Rowling has spoken out AGAINST her and FOR trans rights — all the actors from the films, the developers of the Hogwart’s Legacy game, and so on. So... do we boycott something that might give money to Rowling if it’ll ALSO give money to all these evident allies, then? Am I wrong to avoid giving money to this franchise if that means I’m denying money to all of THOSE people? For that matter: Is it bad that I’m going out of my way to NOT financially supporting the dev teams at Activision who are getting victimized by management? And... I don’t know. It’s tough.
Besides, You-Know-Who created a story that....... well, let’s just put this right here.
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YEAH. The message is right there. It’s baked in. For fuck’s sake, Harry was even forced to live in a CLOSET. It’s too bad the author can’t even fucking see how perfectly her own stories apply to the trans experience. Fuck you, JKR. *sigh*
As I already referenced, LOADS of people would argue (and have argued) that all of the above people and companies should be 100% boycotted, and anything less makes you a person who is failing at promoting equality — a bad person. I don’t think it’s so black-and-white as all that, though. As I said: Who wants to give up things we enjoy in this miserable world? And for that matter, who wants to abandon all the innocent people in a company pipeline who are being diminished and/or abused by the powerful few? Ultimately, what’s the best way to deal with these kind of issues? Fuck if I know. 
We can all only do what’s right for us, and what feels like it’s the best/kindest thing overall.
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