#I won't be able to buy as many pens this year probably
splatterscrawl · 2 years
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One of my 2023 pen purchases. London Pen Co Christopher 13 Jr Labyrinth Koi.
Paired with Diamine Inkvent 2022 Flame ink.
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ellowynthenotking · 8 months
Feb 7
Dear Dad, 
The town is fine. It's not huge, but also not so small as to be able to walk the entire place in one day. I think the others are hoping to move on quicker. We did have a plan, a plan that kind of went out the window with winter and with some of the other things that happened. But we're just moving on. We're going to keep moving on. It's all we can do, I think. I mean, there's no telling how far or how long it's really going to take us to get from point A to point B. Half the maps in this place aren't even accurate. They're, at best, rough estimates. At worst, and most likely, they're borderline completely made up. It's pretty much impossible to tell which is which if we don't buy the map cause no one wants to let us look at the maps for very long without buying them.
But in some good news, I found a library, and they have a couple maps that we can look at. 
It’s okay. All of it is just okay. It doesn't sound like any of us have found work while we were here, which isn't great cause we're just burning through the little bit of money we did have. 
We’re going to leave soon. This place doesn't have anything new for us or anything new that'll help us. But there's nothing at the library that's obviously going to help us. No work means we can only stay here for so long before we have to leave cause we won't be able to stay in the in, and I doubt that there will be anyone nice enough to just let us stay with them. 
There's just too many of us for that. If it were just me or just two of us, maybe we'd be able to convince someone to let us crash on their couch for a day or two. But no one wants to take in six teens. Definitely, no one wants to when we're all hungry with no money, no jobs, and no skills. 
Hopefully, we'll find work in the next place. Which is just insane to me. What 15-year-old wants a job? We should need jobs! We should be home safe and sound, working on school stuff or getting ready for Valentine's Day or something. Learning about things in school that we're probably never going to use again. Where's the homework? 
Well, I mean, for me, the homework is practicing spells, trying over and over again to get them right. But that's not regular homework. People aren't typically trying to shape the world with the stroke of a pen. Which is exactly what I'm attempting to do. It's craziness. It's nonsense. But it's what I'm doing.
We keep working, we keep trying. I think we've traveled further in this world, across all of this, than I have in literally the entire rest of my life. 
If we're not traveling on horseback, walking, riding in a cart, then I'm walking from place to place in towns trying to get to people, trying to talk to people that might hired more for work. It's insane, is what it is, impossible at best. The only good thing about all of this is I'm waking up when I want to, for the most part. 
Occasionally, suppose we're outside of a town. In that case, I'll get woken up by one of the others to help keep watch in the middle of the night, but really, I'm sleeping so much most of the time, and it's fantastic. 
But there's something else that happened that I should tell you about. And it doesn't have to do with the dragon, I promise. 
When we were in that crazy kid's place. And he made Grace and I get married. He gave us these rings. Our wedding rings. I've been wearing mine. It's mine. It's a tie to my friends and Grace but also to everything we've been through while here. If I get home and I still have it, I'll know it was all real, you know? 
Well, some guy saw it and asked me a bunch of questions about it. He said it was a signet ring for the little lord's household. That it was important somehow. 
He offered me good money, he offered me a lot of good money for it. Like, enough that I don't think we'd have to work for a while, and we'd still be able to afford food and housing and stuff, for a while, actually. 
Like a long while. 
But I can’t lose it. It's mine, but it's more than just mine. It's more than just a ring to me. To that guy, it was a status symbol. To me, it's. Well, it's important. And I don't want to sell it. Or lose it. Or just give it away. 
It's a tie to Grace for me. It's a connection from a shared event. The ring is important to me. Even if she doesn't feel the same, I know she's been wearing hers. 
I know that as soon as we get home, the "wedding" won't mean anything cause there weren't any witnesses who would be able to vouch for us. There wasn't a priest or anything there to bless the union. It wasn't even really done willingly cause, technically, neither of us wanted to get married. 
But I'm still wearing my ring, 'cause even if I don't know if I want to be married to Grace, I still like that there's this connection, and even if she doesn't actually care about me that way. Maybe the fact she's still wearing her ring, too, is a sign that she likes the connection, too?
I should probably talk to her about it, about all of this. We haven't spoken much in the last little bit. I mean, we talked when we were celebrating her birthday, but not really before. And not so much after. And not at all today.
I hope she's not mad at me.
But also, there’s going to be a chance to talk to her more. Hopefully, after we get home, we can talk and maybe-
I don't know. 
We’re going to a bigger place nearby to work, I'm hoping I might be able to find somewhere to work and maybe learn more spells, but I should probably focus on food money first. Then, the fancy flippy stuff.
It might be a few days until I can write you. I think about you a lot and hope you're doing okay. 
We'll get home sooner or later. It's just a matter of time. Then, I can introduce you to Grace. I think she'll like you're cooking, and maybe we can all have some big event where we all just get to meet each other's families, catch up, and hear about what's been going on while we've been gone. 
I'd really like that. 
Love Jack
Read the rest of the series here: 
Or read more by this author here: 
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Intro to Criminal Minds: Why They Did It
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Criminal Minds x Mindhunter AU
Spencer Reid x Peggy Carr (OC) Part 2: The Case
Summary: Spencer is teaching a 7-week seminar on the most interesting criminal cases, explaining their actions to understand why they took place. Only, not everyone in the audience is a student.
warnings: strangers to lovers, mutual pining, slow burn! flirting, fluff, eventual smut, idiots in love, OC is Wendy Carr and Jason Gideon's biological daughter. mentions of rape and murder (typical canon violence)
word count: 2.2K
He’s not expecting her to roll out a full map after the waitress clears the food from their table. They’ve been in the booth for barely 20 minutes. Having mindless conversations about their day and small get to know each other questions while they ate.
“So, I brought all this to my dad,” she explained, dropping 33 files on the table as well as 2 spiral notebooks and a handful of pens. “He thinks I have a case, but he’s refusing to look at the evidence because he’s still triggered by it, which I get, but he said you’d be the best at helping me because I really just need a geo-profile consult.”
“How is he doing?”
She’s been waiting for him to ask but she still didn’t know how to answer, no matter how much time she had to prep, “uh, he’s good. He talks about you every time I see him, how often do you talk?”
“We haven’t talked since he almost died, 6 years ago now… yes, it was in 2015,” Spencer says it like it’s nothing serious.
“Oh,” she’s confused about it all. Her father talks about him more than anyone else, always remembering a case or a conversation that he just had to tell her about.
Spencer was his buddy in her eyes. “Here I was thinking he liked you more than me like you’re his favourite kid.”
“I’m not his kid,” his eyes widen at the insinuation that they’re somehow siblings in any sense.
It makes her laugh, she knows he’s interested in her a small amount. She was hoping he would, she’s heard so many wonderful things about him and she remembers just how cute he was back in 2005. Now he’s a man and a mighty fine one at that…
“I take it you’re an only child?” He changes the subject, “you can’t handle the idea of your father having relationships with people your age when you hardly know him?”
“How about you tell me who you think I am and I’ll tell you where you went wrong?” She challenges him rather than answering, she knows he’s good but she wants to see it in action.
Spencer raised his brow, “if I get it right, you’re paying for lunch.”
He opens her notebook and takes a look at her notes, flipping through the pages reading the words just as fast as her father said he could. It was incomprehensible, but he didn’t read far… he keeps going back to her drawings, studying the pressure and how her mind worked.
“Your mom travelled a lot when you were a kid, and you always went with her. I’m thinking you have a few degrees, at least 3…” he pauses to watch her microexpressions, trailing her skin with his eyes as he looks for anything out of the ordinary. “There’s a doctorate in there but you hate being called Dr. Carr because that’s your mother’s name and it reminds you too much of people asking about her instead of how you’re doing.”
It cuts deep, but he hits the nail on the head and she just blinks. The simplest microexpression that shows him he got it right, his smile is awkward and he’s sorry for it.
“You were homeschooled so you don’t trust people very easily. You have issues with your father that you can’t place because you still don’t think you know him well enough to really have an opinion, and you’re jealous of me because you wish you knew how he brags about you when you’re not around, but he doesn’t talk about you because you told him not to.”
“I specifically told him I wanted to be left out of his life to stay safe, so it’s really my fault that he can’t brag about me. But I still wish someone would,” she admits with a soft smile. “And I think it’s not really jealousy. I’m not jealous of how he brags about his time with you. If anything, I really admire you now.”
He blushes a little, “alright, your turn.”
“You’ve never had a girlfriend before have you?” She calls him out right away. “You can’t take a compliment seriously because no one has loved you deep enough yet for you to believe them. I already know about your parents, I know that you’re scared of forgetting and that’s why you won't stop learning. I think you probably have a bucket list, you’re desperate for something exciting to happen and that’s why you like me already.”
He blinks right back, “touché.”
“I’ll still buy your lunch,” she smiled, and he smiled right back. “And I do have 3 degrees.”
“I do too.”
“I know,” she reminded him. “You’ve been working on that 4th one for the last 16 years.”
“I haven’t had the time.”
She shakes her head as she laughs, teasing him as if she’s better than him because she knows he finds her interesting already, “I had my Ph.D. by 17, as well 2 masters by the time I was 21.”
“3 Ph.D.’s by 22,” he bragged right back.
It had suddenly become a staring contest, “when exactly did your dad walk out on you?”
“I was 10.” Spencer answers. “When was the last time your mom said she was proud of you?”
“Oh, we're going that far, I see,” she laughed, hurt just a little that he dug that deep, “what happened to yours recently?”
“I’m really sorry, I knew about the schizophrenia already because of the fisher king case, that one is the one that still has my dad all fucked up,” she can’t help but rant as she apologizes, placing her hands on his in the centre of the table and he interlocks their fingers like they’ve known each other for years.
“Boston?” He asks her, changing the topic back to getting to know each other without letting go of her hands.
She nods, “Vegas?”
“You knew that already,” he catches her.
“Maybe so,” she blushes at the embarrassment of him picking up on her crush.
“How’d he describe me at chess?” There’s a cockiness behind it that she admires, smiling in response she just shakes her head.
“I don’t play chess, but he says that other than Agent Prentiss, you’re the only person who has come close to beating him.”
“Prentiss?” He looks almost offended at the fact he didn’t know that story.
“You were asleep on the jet, it was right after the trip to Azkaban,” she reminds him.
“Azkaban?” He repeats. “You mean Guantanamo?”
She’s only slightly embarrassed by the slip-up, blushing a deep red as she presses her lips together and squeezes his hand. “My mom calls it Azkaban, she hates it. If it wasn’t for the BAU, she would have never joined the bureau or the government in any way, she’s against the criminal justice system too, so…”
“She’s a woman of science and empathy, I’ve never met her, but I’ve read all her work.”
“So have I,” she’s full of butterflies for some reason as she thinks about him knowing everything that she does, she’s suddenly excited at the prospect of future conversations with him like this isn’t a one-time thing.
He’s still holding her hands over the map, both of them leaning in slightly as they kept talking, it felt overly intimate for a discussion of a case— and they haven’t even started yet.
She takes her hands out of his grip and flattens them over the map, “so I found a pattern, I was asked to look into the rape and murder of a friends sister, and now I’ve found 32 matching cases all over America going in alphabetical order by state, 2 a year since 2005.”
“Are you serious?”
She nods softly, “I’m a private investigator. I hated the academy and simply being in the BAU almost killed both of my parents so I’m not really fond of it, but I need help.”
“How did VICAP not pick this up?” Spencer’s still caught up on the fact this has been happening during his entire career and he had no way of helping. It was very clear by the look on his face.
“Because they’re college-age women getting raped in their dorms, 1 in each state, and men don’t care enough to dig a little deeper when it’s just a little girl who was probably asking for it anyway, right?”
He looks furious, but with her… not at her.
Not like most men, that’s actually exactly what any other guy would have said to her. ‘Not most men,’ they only said that if they were offended; when they knew that they were the exact type of man she was referring to.
He started opening case files then, flipping through everything as she watched carefully, “he always does it the exact same way. It’s every March and November between the 6th and 12th, he’s gotten to the O’s, which means the next hit should be in Oklahoma in exactly 2 months' time.”
“Has there been evidence?” Spencer asks, avoiding eye contact as he both listens and absorbs.
“1 footprint and some random fingerprints at the first few, other than that it’s like he was never there,” she sighs. “This is where I need your help; I’m unsure if he’s attacking randomly or if it’s planned ahead of time, so I brought the map to see if you can make any connection.”
“Alright,” he closes the folder and hands them to her so he can get a better look at everything. “I’m going to need the exact address of each one.”
“I have 32 mini maps,” she says, opening her book bag and handing him yet another folder.
“I’ve noticed they’re in every capital, and it’s always on the east side of the city,” she adds as he spreads them out on the table.
He takes his phone out of his pocket and turns on the flash, turning it face down and holding the sheets of paper over it, “If you look at them over each other, there might be a pattern. We should call my friend Penelope, she’ll be able to digitally do this and find something.”
“Okay,” Peggy nods along, “I really need to know within the week because I’m moving to Oklahoma.”
“What?” He looks overly worried.
“He’s interested in college-age brunettes,” she points at herself. “I’m going to rent an apartment with a sliding door in the kill zone, and I’m going to wait it out. I’ll make sure everyone knows I live alone, I won't make friends, I’ll keep the windows open when I go to the store, I’ll make myself a victim.”
“No, we can get the bureau to send in a team, you don’t need to be in harm's way,” he protests, “I won’t help if I know you’re throwing yourself in the middle of all this. I refuse.”
There’s an underlying panic that she doesn’t quite understand. He’s almost shaking as he thinks about her playing the victim, they stare back and forth at each other softly, eyes flickering over the other’s expression as he also reads her.
“Fine,” she agrees, finally. “But if you’re getting the team involved, I want to be able to have some say in the investigation. I don’t want to be kicked out for just being a PI.”
“On one condition,” Spencer smirks. “You have to teach the BTK seminar with me.”
“Deal,” she smiled. “But I have some conditions too.”
He was going to regret that.
“We can’t sleep together until we catch the guy— don’t look at me like that!” she catches the way his jaw drops and his eyes glisten.
He’s in complete shock, trying to say words and failing miserably as she stares at him knowingly. “I only said that because I need rules for myself too. We can’t care more about each other than the victims. Solve the case with me and then I’ll have a crush on you, okay?”
“Okay,” he finally finds the words to agree. “Was it that obvious?”
“We held hands for 5 minutes, I’ve thought you were cute since you were 23 and that seminar was a; 'my horse is bigger than your horse' flirting match,” she calls it all out, “I’m just as into you as you are into me already, if not more so because I know way too much about you thanks to my dad and uncle Rossi.”
“Dave knew about you too?” He’s more upset than she expected.
She nods, “yeah, so that I’d be taken care of if anything happened to my dad.”
He is a little upset and she can’t figure out why from what she knows already, “why?”
“You’re so interesting, you and I could have been friends for the last 15 years and things could have been so interesting but you were a secret,” he whispers.
“I was right wasn’t I?”
He nods again, “Gideon doesn’t know about Maeve, but I had a girlfriend who died in front of me before I could tell her I loved her and it broke me.”
Everything makes sense now. The stares, the stuttering, the defensiveness at the idea of her being in harm's way after only knowing her for a few hours. He was desperately looking for someone like himself to prove that he wasn’t going to be alone forever, and he wanted that to be found in her.
“Solve the case with me, then you can learn what it’s like to love someone who loves you back.”
@g0lden-cth @doctorspenceryeet @samuel-de-champagne-problems @reiding-recs @ssavanessa22 @spookyspence @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria@reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor @blanchardsbk
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tiphprince · 3 years
I have many thoughts and feelings about snape leaving Hogwarts. (I would write it but one I am well lazy and I have this weird internal conflict but yes anyways) I will be signing of as 🤺 (this is so long I am so sorry)
So for scene + background purposes : both the mud blood incident and the werewolf prank happens at the 5th year and I guess eileen leaves him. And snape is in this absolute bedroom depression because rn he can't stand himself, there is no scope and like he knows what possibilities lies in both sides but rn he's craving for fimilarity and the only person who he hates that he's connected to is his father right. They both have this anger that eileen leaves them in spinners end and one of them is free. So he does something he hasn't done ever since he met Lilly : he takes a chance and applies to ilvermony he knows he won't get in he's so sure (until he gets proven wrong). And when he gets that letter that says ACCEPTANCE he somehow empathizes with the women who first introduces magic and the same women who ran away from this horrid place and figures that eileen is a clever witch and she's probably okay of not she'd be back or they would find out that she's dead.
He knows that he's meant to be alone (he does the paper work for a transfer alone, he packs alone and he celebrates alone on his departure by allowing himself to feel something when he buys himself a small plum cake) and he feels incredibly small when he enters the ministry where he meets the headmistress but he's hopeful.
And ilvermony is big and it's grand and it's so much more accepting. On his first day he meets a brown eyed girl who's made him feel absolute concern and exasperation in 14 minutes of meeting her (why do you think that England is a sad place he asks her and she simply looks at him dumbly saying your two weather's are rain and heatstroke, and he can't help but agree with her) but he can't help but feel light. There is no Potter, no black no werewolf and maybe his life is worth something. And he's less alone (he doesn't ever say it out loud because he's scared after all he is someone who's great at ruining friendships) because he makes friends some who understand the guilt and the shame and the anger he is carrying while others (and some really good adults) just know that it's not fair that you should treat your own life like this and now he's able to speak about his regrets his guilt to those closest to him 'what you did was wrong but I also think it's wrong that you have been told that holding on to the guilt is the only way you can forgive yourself, I think you have hurt yourself enough' she says to him and there is an absolute pin drop silence until severus takes all the courage to say i think I need help.
Flash forward it's 2 years later in Hogwarts and a ripple effect occurs.
Regulus black feels at first a great deal of anger towards snape because he managed to escape this. Narcissa and lucius understand but they will never admit it. But snape left their snape this tiny greasy kid from coke worth felt his life was worth more or if not he believed in enough spite to take some direct action. That spite is what drove them to stay effectively neutral and hint on supporting dumbledore despite a war that there in the horizon. James and Lilly are together, the loss of friendship leads to a kinship which lead to a romance while Sirius and Remus are okay but they aren't. And Peter well he's shifty ( some days if not most days they all find it liberating to pretend that snape doesn't exist)
And now they all in this campaign to promote unity are in advanced muggle studies class, regulus black is the only slytherin and its painfully obvious on what's to come. And charity Burbage who is this cheery hufflepuff decides to do her video essay on schools but she has this pen pal who is in ilvermony and who's willing to help to show off her school and the people she loves (do you fucking see where I am going with this?????)
And BAM it's this heartfelt Supercut of her favorite places and the people she loves and meets there are snippets of their endearing conversations. And everything is okay until severus snape the boy who left at 15 is smiling at the one recording the video and is sitting casually at a sofa 'hey sev what do you gotta say about Americans' your tea sucks, and to think you would learn from the Boston tea party incident. And the rest of the video shows more people but it's severus who makes the video so much better and so much worse. Because she records his laughter, his joy but it's them who have this weird gut feeling and Lilly cant help but hold James hand tightly and James can't stop staring at the same boy he hurt.
And Lilly comes into this horrible but truthful realization that she's feeling what her ex best friend feels (the disbelief when she can't understand why can't she see him like this, the same way snape felt when he couldn't understand what Lilly saw in James) because there is so much betrayal she feels when he watches him smile at other people and can't understand why couldn't the snape that they are seeing in this video be the one who went at Hogwarts with them??? and James has to see this version of snape he hasn't seen before and thinks maybe they could be friends. And Lilly at that moment doesn't want to answer the question : he's happier because he's away from this place, the same place you love. Would you ask him to leave earlier knowing he could be happy like this?
The video is over and its regulus black who looks so pensive and has this look of hope that maybe goods thing can happen says in a too quite class because everyone knows : I haven't seen him smile like that at all. The bell rings and they just go on and walk a little bit more heavier because all they can think of Severus snape, the boy who escaped and the one who isn't coming back .
Okay so... this was a completely unsolicited surprise in my inbox the other day, but damn if I didn’t love every single part of it!
For the the other characters it doesn’t change that much, Lily still ends up with James, the Marauders are sad that their favorite target is gone but they get over it quickly, the other Slytherins don’t give a fuck about the poor and dirty halfblood, and the teachers... well, they’re as useless as usual.
But our baby! It’s awful for him at first, the fact that he suddenly finds himself so far away, and so alone, from everything he’d ever known, even the bad. Because at least he knew what to expect at Hogwarts and at home, it was all about the evil you know, and adventure is definitely not his thing.
I’ve always been in love with the “was gone for several years, and came back a changed man” (must be the Naruto fan in me), it’s a bit like anon’s video here, a way to show everyone what they missed, the huge mistake they made in hurting this kid who just wanted to be left alone
I want to see the Marauders praising this dude from America before learning that it’s Snape because he doesn’t look anything like what he used to (meaning he actually looks like a functioning human being).
I want to see Lily, high and mighty with her perfect husband and her son on the way, frown when she recognizes her former best friend laughing and smiling with another girl, looking happier than he’d ever been with her.
I want to see Slughorn in shock when the best potions master of his generation is revealed to be the weird ass teen he’d dismissed on the first day because he didn’t have a powerful family name.
Basically, I want every character who ever underestimated Snape, who ever hurt him, to, if not regret their actions, then at least realize that there was something more to him even back then, that if only he’d been given a chance he could have become that amazing person right here in the UK and not halfway around the world.
Also, I want Snape to not forgive them. Maybe he has to work with them for one reason or another, and he acts just civil enough to not outright provoke and insult them, but he’ll never forgive and he’ll never forget.
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acadimia · 5 years
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After making a grand total of 11 cheatsheets since starting university less than a year ago (I know, my uni is weird), I wanted to share some of my tips and tricks for making the most effective cheatsheet for your needs! They're a hassle to make, but depending on how you make yours, it could either be an incredibly useful resource or just an extra sheet of paper on your desk.
(By "cheatsheet", I mean a typically printer paper-sized memory aid, usually handwritten, that is allowed to be brought into an exam.)
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1. You don’t need to write small, nor do you need to write a lot.
Some people go out of their way to buy 0.1mm pens to cram everything they can onto a cheatsheet. But okay, hear me out: unless you plan on using your cheatsheet to study (more on this later), what is the point of writing as much as you can? It is super difficult to find the exact piece of information that you need in the stressful environment of an exam, especially when you’ve written in the equivalent of size 4 font and your page is cluttered with information you definitely know . And honestly, for most exams, it’s a waste of time trying to look at your cheatsheet. Just put down whatever you’ll definitely need; the rest will only slow you down or overwhelm you.
2. Use colours, or at least find some way to keep it organized.
Once again, you need to spend as little time as possible looking at your cheatsheet in an exam. If the exam allows cheatsheets, the class probably has something else to up the difficulty level of exams. In my experience, it’s usually either application questions or a time crunch, sometimes both. So, make your cheatsheet efficient. Colour-code it so you know what to look for in order to find any given piece of information. Find some sort of format, so that you also know where exactly to look.
3. Don’t wait until last minute to make it. If it comes to that point, just put down the major points and sleep.
There are so many reasons why you shouldn’t do this. Just trust me, my lowest exam marks are from exams where I made a cheatsheet the night before. You shouldn’t be staying up the night before your exam. Copying the textbook onto a sheet of printer paper isn’t effective studying. Most importantly, your cheatsheet becomes so much more effective when you’ve actually done practice exams with it. Or else, how would you know how well it actually functions and what else you should add?
4. It doesn't need to be perfect.
Please don’t spend too much time on your cheatsheet. Obviously, interpret this advice based on practice exams and the scope of whatever course you're taking, but don't get to a point where you're relying on your "perfect" cheatsheet to pass the exam. Instead, spend your time studying the material and question formats so that you almost don't need your cheatsheet. No matter how informative or detailed your cheatsheet is, it won't matter if you don't have time to use it during the exam, or if you haven't done enough practice so you don't know how to format the cheatsheet's information.
5. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing.
I think this goes without saying for practically anything, really. Just do you. If the prof says you’re allowed a single piece of printer paper, front and back, it doesn’t mean that you need to fill that. Nor does it mean that you should be intimidated when you walk into the exam and see that you’re the only person who hasn’t filled up your cheatsheet completely. Do whatever you need to succeed. If spending a few extra hours cramming information onto your cheatsheet won’t help you, then don’t do that. If it will, then don’t let me and my opinions stop you.
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1. For the stuff that you actually don’t know and isn’t worthwhile to memorize
This is pretty obvious, but you should prioritize the stuff that you actually don’t know and is too difficult to memorize. For example, the 20 amino acids for Biology. 
2. Diagram compilation
Personally, I think that the most useful thing you can do with your cheatsheet is to add diagrams and charts. They are the easiest thing to find on your cheatsheet. Also, diagrams are able to sum up a whole list of details, so you don’t need to worry about missing something. It is always useful to refer to your diagrams for inspiration!
3. Checklist
What are the three points you need to include to describe a histogram? What steps does the prof want you to do to show autosomal dominance? If you are someone who often loses marks because of missing details or the way you format your answers, your cheatsheet can function as a checklist. Write down exactly what you need to address to get full marks on certain types of questions.
4. Personalized formula sheet
If you are anything like me (ie. I am so afraid of Math that I chose not to major in Biochemistry just so I don't have to do Calc III), then writing out some formulas in the way that you like them written might be useful, even if you are given a formula sheet. It's a comfort thing.
5. Study guide
As a heads up, this is the only situation where I would condone writing as much as possible on your formula sheet. If you're the type of person who studies by copying out your notes (ie. you memorize things by writing them out), then you might as well kill two birds with one stone and just copy your notes onto your cheatsheet. But, then again, your cheatsheet will probably be less functional during the exam, so do this at your own discretion.
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Here are two of my own cheatsheets, to illustrate some of my points. The first one is for Biology, the second one is for Statistics. 
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I don’t keep a consistent colour code, but generally, red is for categories or units, blue is for definitions or important terms, and blue underline is for things I commonly forget or refer to (ie. the 4 factors affecting membrane fluidity). The units follow the order that we learned them in class. Although I tend to write small and there is a lot more information than strictly necessary, I can easily find anything I’m looking for.
Here’s the bottom line: do whatever is the most useful for you!! These are just a few things that have worked for me and some people around me, but do whatever will help you succeed.
Happy studying, everyone!
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
Part 8 bitch.
Y’all know. Mentions of pills. I take those prescribed little things that cost 80 each visit just to help
Josuke, Koichi and me were walking from school. “-And Anyways, after I didn’t accept his love letter out of me literal dozens in my locker he came at me and was like : ‘You’re a bitch? You might as well go out with me and be one with taste.’ And I come at him with ‘Such a big talk from someone with such small dick energy. I’m not taking shit from someone who only has actions with videos. Ciao,boo boo .’ And that’s why you saw me crowd surfing-“ Tamami appears. “Boss! Ma’am!” “Sup,Shawty(I genuinely apologize if I offend anyone. I’m Latina raised in a mixed neighborhood and I was surrounded by poc so I’ve been saying it all my life. If you have any issues, I’ll stop. I can’t do anything about what happens in my dreams though.)How’s life?” “What are you doing here? What evil deeds are you cooking up now?” He gets offended and explains how he’s turned over a new leaf. Of course, it’s the mafia.
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(This translation was the one I grew up with and it aged like a very fine wine.)
Yadayadaya. Tohikazu Hamazada and get explains he’s in 3-C “Wait, I heard that name before... While I was crowd surfing after obliterating the guy with my SSS tier insults, he threw me a little too high in the air! Lemme just say, he’s strong.” “This guy... has reasons to use his stand?” “Boss! Well asked!” He then explain to us how psychopathic he is. “Wait, was the argument at 3pm outside the school parking lot?” “How does that matter?” “Where I come from, if you say: ‘A las 3 en el parking. Tu y yo y nuestros puños’ which translates roughly to Your, me and our fists at the schools parking lot at 3.’ That makes the fight by default scheduled, therefore no one interferes.” “Damn,Sky, that’s rough-” “Ma’am, that’s good logic!” He finishes explaining. Then leaves. *I’m like TT! Just like TT* “Hey Jotaro!” “Josuke, you’re in charge of Sky, she has a list of her allergies, her pills and her literal only pair of PJ’s” “Hey Jotaro!! I lived alone from ages 10-14 alone!! I can take care of myself!... You know what, don’t say anything, I heard myself and I heard how wrong I was. I’ll stay put...” Josuke decides to investigate Hazamada. “Fuck, I guess I’ll come with... You know, today I wanted to hang out with you JoJo but now that I’m being forced, I kinda lost a little interest. Will you join us Koi?” Blush, don’t ask why, apparently I had this little character sheet I forgot?? And turns out it’s a curse?? Anyways, he joins. “Guys, should I lock pick this shit or you can do this by the good ol’ stand way?” “Stand.” “How did you guys coordinated that? It was beautiful..” We get to Hazamada’s locker. We check “Sky?” “No,now OR arrow here.Koichi?” “Nope.” “Hey, there’s a mannequin!” “Don’t touch it Josuke-... And he touched it.” Then fake Josuke appears “You know, this town tells me to go fuck myself every day.” And he mimicks Josuke exactly “Koichi?” “Yeah?” “If they do a switcheroo, can you help me find the real one?” “Why?” “I don’t want to go with the fake one.” The fake Josuke references the "Perman" series, but it goes over Josuke's head, he doesn’t get it. It begins to belittle Josuke over this, which of course, he gets mad, and then the fake Josuke raises his arm and so does the real Josuke. The mannequin reveals that its power is to manipulate whoever it copies when their eyes meet. He elbows Koichi violently using the real Josuke’s arm. My man Koichi flies, I also get elbowed, and I also fly. “This town hates me...” Yadayadaya “Splosh, really?” “I healed Koichi with Crazy Diamond at the same time I elbowed him, and Sky got elbowed in her chest, it probably didn’t hurt. “IT DID BUT SINCE I SAW IT COMING MY HAND SOFTENED THE BLOW!” After healing him and fixing the door, Josuke and Koichi go out of the school to look for Hazamada. “JoJo, my good ol’ communicator is dead, you need to call Jotaro with a public phone until I find a source of electricity.” He tries “He’s probably with the fake Josuke. And I don’t think we can look for Hazamada, there are too many phones in this town to get there in time.” Meanwhile, Surface lies and tells Jotaro to go to the train station. “AHAHAH!! I CHARGED IT!!PleaseWorkPleaseWorkPleaseWorkPleaseWoOoOrk!!!”It doesn’t “DAMMIT!!” While I’m trying to talk to Jotaro, Josuke is already with the receptionist. Then I manage to call Tamami who is already with the fake Josuke “TAMAMI!!” “Ma’am!” “THE REAL JOSUKE IS WITH ME!!!” “Good observation ma’am!” “K, bye.” We go outside “Oh Josuke, why are you leaving school? We thought you went back home?” Then I slide and scrape my stockings. “SAFE!!” “Where were you Sky?” “Ah, I was calling my dad, who took all of my money after coming back from the store buying milk. I’m legally my own guardian now. Anyways, WHERE DID JOSUKE G O !” “Where did I go?” And we’re running. “WHERE ARE WE RUNNING TO?!!” “THE STATION DUMBASS!!” Yadayadaya, we find him “DAMMIT!! I’M NOT USUALLY THIS AGRESSIVE BUT I’VE BEEN CHEWING A PIECE OF GUM WITHOUT FLAVOUR ALL THIS TIME AND IT’S GROSS!!! I HATE THIS TASTE!!!
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(I’m often told I look cute when mad, I don’t know why, I look like this.)
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(I am aware I’m very pale, also, Face reveal? My face is my profile picture but that was 2 years ago. The white part of me is that when my hair gets wet, half of it is white and the other is black. And when I have a flash in my eye, one eye shows up as blue and the other as red.)
Anyways, I guess that also applied here “Girlie, don’t kid me. You’re too adorable to be threatening.” I throw the piece of glass along with Josuke, yadayadaya, we escape. Now Hazamada has to accept that surface doesn’t have a right hand.
Now, Jotaro is waiting near the Morioh train station, we Hazamada and Surface running toward the plaza by the shortest path,“We won't be able to catch him” I said, huffing, I’m not good running when I need to. Hazamada checks if Josuke’s not pursuing him. “We’ll take care of them pretty soon, Tohikazu, just relax!” I come here “I,I got lost.” Huffing, he prepares to attack “Chill, my stand is still in an egg, as you can see I don’t have stamina, I’m kinda weak. And I lack good looks.” I take a gasp of air “The only thing I have is that I’m a psychic-” huff “ I saw the outcome of this future and-” I have a cough fit. “Oh God- You win, you just need to-” I finally catch my breath. “look out for the train” the siren sounds. “Tohikazu, the train is here!” He looks, it’s echoes, I’m gone. We find Jotaro, I feel like a dying animal. “Next-Jesus-Next time you need me to go somewhere far, get me a bicycle.I don’t care I don’t know how to ride it, I’ll learn just to get there.” Josuke tells Jotaro about Surface but he suddenly pulls a pen out of Jotaro's jacket.Fuck, Surface is now controlling him from afar through one of the gallery's windows. “FUCK!!” Fuck indeed We turn our heads away and Surface tries to stab Jotaro with Josuke’s limb, when I see the motorcycle dudes Yadayadaya ya it’s over.
Part 9, here we come!
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a-knightinsourarmor · 5 years
Small Trouble | SPN Fanfic
This is old @castiellover20. It's been long since I wrote a fic. I hope I am back.
| Archive On Our Own Link | Wattpad Link |
Words: 4,257
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Deaged!Castiel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Summary: Castiel got cursed and he turned into a child. Things were supposed to be easy for him, but he is the one to suffer the most.
Notes: I wanna thank @experimentzero for editing this fic. Thanks a lot!
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Castiel was a really serious child. A damn serious child. When the angel turned to this small five-year old kid, Dean thought, or hoped, that Cas would be a cheerful, excited, energetic child that would make their lives difficult. But that just wasn't the case. Cas was the most serious, quiet, and calm child that Dean had ever seen. Yes, the hunter knew that Cas remembered everything about his past, which was quite unpleasant, but a kid should have no worries right? Enjoy the present. Jump around, yell and scream, play games. Cas wasn't like that. Cas was ever normal.
It was a witch hunt that Dean and Sam had planned, and Castiel decided to join them. The witch was too damn powerful. Some would say almost as powerful as Rowena was, not that he wanted to find out for sure. The witch had them coughing blood on the ground in seconds, with only Cas being able to escape from her spell and run after her. All Dean knew was that, according to Cas, he managed to cut her deeply-that was also why he and Sam weren't under her spell anymore- and then she said something in Latin, a spell of some kind that seemingly removed his grace. A spell to make him a small kid, a human kid.
Dean had found Cas, almost an hour later, curled up into a ball, into his now large shirt, crying, scared. If Dean hadn't seen the trench coat thrown close to Cas and the blue tie loose around him, he would think he was a random lost child. Cas was crying so hard that he couldn't even talk to him. “Cas?” Dean had asked, only to get a loud whimper and the kid to look into Dean's eyes.Yup, it was him. He recognized those bright, blue eyes anywhere. Dean picked him up carefully, only to notice that Cas' shirt was wet, and not only by his tears. The embarrassment in his eyes said it all. The hunter just kissed his forehead and reassured him everything would be fine as they returned to the car to make their way to the bunker. Sam was driving this time.
Cas later told them everything and how scared he was they wouldn't ever find him. How he didn't remember their phone numbers and how he wouldn't find them with their fake names even if he managed to find a grown up. He told them how he felt scared for the first time. How dark the night was, how big the bugs suddenly seemed, and how cold he felt.
Dean could understand the small angel's feelings. After all, he was a kid once. However, Cas hadn't. According to him, Castiel was a grown up angel in less than three days. He had told him that before the world was corrupted, the angels had some kind of physical form and that he was a kid for three days. Not that it mattered. Cas wasn't an angel kid, he was human now. And no matter how hard he and Sam would try and find the witch, she had gotten away. There was no way to reverse the spell. Not even Rowena knew how to reverse it. The deaging spell was older than she could remember.
And here they were, stuck with the most serious kid in creation. Dean felt like he was going to lose it. He knew that kids like Cas existed. Kids that seemed all thoughtful and worried. But these kids were mostly coming from a family with strict parents. Parents that didn't seem to even want to have kids. Parents that yelled and screamed. Sam could have been that kid if he hadn't Dean. But Dean was a GREAT parent. He was always good with kids. Always up to make them laugh, always up to make up games and fairytales. Always up to make everyone have the time of their lives. But nothing worked with Cas.
“What is he? Depressed? He can't be. He is a kid, he shouldn't feel any worry. It's not natural. I tell him to play, to buy some ice cream, and he tells me he wants to sleep! Freaking sleep!” Dean said, frustrated, one day. He couldn't take it anymore. “I know he's still Cas, but I can't make him happy even in that form?” Dean said obviously hurt.
“You need to calm down, Dean. I know it's hard but you have to accept that he is who he is. Be thankful he has a toy that he's attached to,” Sam said staring at his laptop.
“Yeah, thank God. I took him to the damn store and he didn't want any toy. Not anyone at all, until we found this bee plushie. At least we know he likes something. Bees”
“Yeah, and you bought him all the stupid stuff you found that had bees on it. Clothes, sheets, even pens that had bees. Suddenly the bunker has turned to black and yellow," Sam chuckled.
Dean couldn't help but laugh. “Well yeah, I am worried for the guy. He has been through a lot lately and now this?” he shrugged.
“Dean, you stuck bee stickers all over the place! That's too much, even for him!” Sam laughed and Dean rolled his eyes.
After some time being quiet, Dean sighed. “At least, he follows rules and we won't have to worry for his safety. But dude... I gotta tell you something. Promise not to laugh, and don't tell him I told you”. Sam nodded and Dean just took a deep breath, thinking about how to say it. “I want you to look on the internet about why he may be wetting his bed. He does it every night.” Dean said with a sad sigh.
Sam seemed confused. “Isn't that normal?” he asked.
“No dude! He's not three, he's five. And surely every night is not a good sign,” Dean mumbled as he stretched his hands. “Look for it and tell me later. I am taking him for a walk” he said as he stood up. “I don't think his mood is that bad. He doesn't seem to enjoy things that much, but he doesn't cry either. He hasn't cried since we found him, even when he fell off the furniture," he said worriedly as he left the room.
Dean knocked on Cas' door as he walked in, only to see the tiny angel rushing back to his bed, as if he was hiding something. Castiel held his bee tight and returned his attention back on the TV, acting like he hasn't seen Dean. “What are you planning to do, little guy?” Dean smirked.
Castiel blushed darkly and bowed his head, moving his small legs anxiously. “I wanted t-to take the chocolate from the fridge” he lied as he gave the hunter a small, innocent smile.
Dean seemed confused. Castiel never tried to sneak out to get some chocolate when he was told not to. The fact he wanted to do something... So normal for a kid, made him feel a little relieved. “Since when you do things behind my back, little guy?” Dean said with a giggle as he sat next to him. Cas was watching Scooby Doo again. “How many times will you watch all the episodes all over?” he teased.
Castiel smiled and made space for Dean. Castiel smiled. That was... Impressive. “I am sorry, I just really wanted to eat some chocolate, after this ep-pisode that Scooby Doo eat-ed the many many chocolates,” Castiel said with a big giggle. “I like these,” he mumbled, holding his bee plushie more tight.
Castiel giggled. Another surprise. Except the fact he wanted to steal some candy from the kitchen. “Next time, just ask me.” he said petting his head and the small kid just nodded. “Wanna go for a walk?” he softly asked.
“Yes,” replied Cas. He sighed and forced his biggest smile.
Cas had said "yes," just like that. Without complaining. Another shocking thing. “Alright, let's take your bee and go? Wanna go get some burgers and ice cream?" Dean asked. "Damn Cas, I am too good with you, but it's good you like something healthy at least, like honey.” he teased.
“Ice cream is healthy too. It's milk...” he whispered as he held his bee. “Bzz likes the idea. And he wants e-tra honey in his ice cream, please,” he said with a begging look.
Okay. Something was wrong. The little angel had named the bee? And with such a stupid name? ‘Bzz’? Until now, he was calling it just bee? And he was asking freely about extra ice cream without questioning if he was too demanding? Dean was worried, yet happy to think that Cas might have started getting used to be a kid and let himself enjoy it for as long as it lasted. “Extra honey for Bzz,” said dean, laughing, as he carried Cas with a big spin to the car. “My little super-angel, going to get some honey,” he said softly, only to get more laughs from Cas.
The drive was also weird. Cas was mumbling a stupid kid's song Dean had on the radio for him to listen. He smiled to himself as he relaxed. Maybe the wet nights meant nothing. Maybe Cas was starting to accept the situation.
As he got with the angel to the restaurant, he helped him sit on his lap. He always loved to sit on his lap, no matter how ashamed he felt about it. He ordered for them two burgers with potatoes at first as he played with Castiel's small fingers, just to get another laugh. That was when Castiel looked up at him with these big, blue eyes. “Can I go play?” he asked as he stared at the very few kids playing to a corner of the store, probably hide and seek. Dean opened his eyes widely and nodded. He set him on the ground and watched him rush to the place the kids were. He swallowed anxiously. This was starting to get too much, and honestly too fast. Could Cas... Lose his identity to the spell? Turn to a normal five year old kid and forget what it was like to be the dorky, serious angel he was? He sighed as he texted Sam to keep searching for the cure, because something was starting to feel wrong.
He watched Cas carefully as he stood between those kids. The food arrived but he kept standing there, trying to figure out what was happening. Cas wasn't playing obviously. He was standing there, keeping some distance from the kids as the kids seemed to talk to him. Then one of them, the bigger one, walked closer to Cas and grabbed Castiel's bee, dragging it away from him. Dean knew this wasn't good. Instinctively he jumped from his seat, wanting to get it back for him. But it wasn't right. Not now. The angel should have the right to have some independence.
He knew Castiel wouldn't give it to him, no matter what. Cas wasn't letting that bee free from his hands. Dean had really struggled to convince him to let it go even when he was taking a bath, because ‘the bee didn't know how to hold its breath underwater’. So it was a big deal someone took it from him.
Cas said something that Dean couldn't hear, and then the kids started laughing. He kept talking, and suddenly, all of them stopped. Then he moved to take back his bee from the boy's hands, but the other pushed him and Cas fell. Castiel groaned in pain, since he had recently hit his knee. He just stood up, and he returned to Dean's lap. Without his bee. Having the most sad look on his face.
“What happened?” Dean said, trying to hide his anger.
“They said I am too big to have a bee, and laughed... Called me a baby.” Castiel said with a sad tone.
“And why didn't you take it back?” Dean asked.
“I don't hit humans. Not small kids, at least.” Castiel simply said. Well, that was his Cas. That was his angel. “Dean, is my name stupid?” Castiel asked with the same sad look as he looked into Dean's eyes.
“No, Cas, you have a beautiful name. Why?”
“They said it's weird like me.”
“And what did you say?”
“That I like it. And they said my p-parents must be stupid to name me that.”
“And what did you say?”
“That I don't have parents. I tried to take it back, but no violence” he sighed, bowing his head. Feeling humiliated. "Then the mean one pushed me," he continued.
Dean stared at the kids, as they used Castiel's adorable bee as a ball, kicking it around. Dean felt anger boiling inside him. Now he understood all the mothers that were screaming to protect their kids. He placed Cas on the seat, as he went where the boys were and he grabbed the bee immediately. The poor thing had gotten dirty. “If you dare bother him again, I will have a talk with your parents.” he only said as he returned to Castiel with the bee. He held it out for Cas to grab, and Cas took it quickly. Castiel hugged it tightly, and even if Dean was slightly disgusted, he smiled that the angel seemed to be happy again.
“Thank you, Dean” Castiel whispered.
Then, Dean cut the burger in small pieces for him, and fed it to him, knowing that Cas enjoyed it more than he would admit. He still was worried for Castiel's mood before. This childish mood the angel didn't normally have. “Cas, why did you want to go play?” Dean asked, only to get the boy to shrug and stare away. He should probably ask later. And that's what he did. He bought him some ice cream, he carried him to the car and drove home. Cas had returned to his normal mood. Not talking much. Seem to be thinking most of the time, and not showing much emotion. Dean was relieved.
Dean walked into the bunker, carrying the small angel in his hands. He loved to hear Cas giggle. He laid to the bed with him on his arms, laughing. “You liked the walk we had?” he asked, Castiel nodding with a big smile on his face. Now was the time to ask.
“Cas... What happened today? I know you. I know that something was weird today...” he said. He didn't have the time to finish his sentence and he saw the angel cry. He didn't know what was wrong. “Cas? Cas? Hey, buddy, please, what's wrong?” he worriedly said.
Castiel buried his face in his hands as he kept crying. “You ssssaid I am not n-nowmaw” Castiel stuttered and Dean just held him close, not understanding.
“Normal? When?”
“I heawd you! You talked to Sam! You said I am weiwd” Castiel mumbled as he kept crying. Dean started to understand. Was it when he talked to Sam? Did he listen to them? That was why he rushed back to his bed when Dean walked into his room?
“Were you eavesdropping?”
Castiel just nodded. He felt ashamed but he had heard everything. “I make you sad”
“You don't Cas. I was just worried... Because even as a kid, you were too much like... You... That's all... I prefer you as you are Cas. I love you the way you are... You scared the hell out of me... Was this all an act? Because I started getting worried you were becoming... Too much of a kid” he said, rubbing Castiel's back.
Castiel looked up, with his red eyes from crying. “I... wanted you not to worry... Be a kid...” he sniffed.
Dean sighed relieved and kept holding him close. “Cas, I didn't want that. I was just worried... But it's you, and I love you as who you are... You don't have to act like a kid... You don't have to steal candy, or give stupid names to your bee, or play with kids... My serious baby angel is already perfect” Dean chuckled only to get another whimper from the boy. “What's wrong?”
“I liked the name Bzz... This was not an act...” Castiel whimpered and Dean couldn't help but laugh. That was a big mistake. Castiel looked up confused and offended, he gave a small push at Dean's shoulder and then smiled softly, feeling much better. “Bzz is a cute name”
“Yeah, Cas,” Dean softly said as he kissed the top of his head.
“And for telling Sam for my bed a-accidents, you owe me a big, big ice cream”
“I sure do. Now brush your teeth and tell me when you go to bed,” Dean sighed as he left the room, with a small smile on his face.
Dean walked into the library, looking to find Sam. “Have you slept at all?” Dean said,raising an eyebrow. Sam was in the same position he had left him. Sam just rolled his eyes and looked at his brother.
“I searched what you told me... I didn't find anything interesting” he admitted. “Kids usually wet their beds when they move to a new place, or they are in a stressful situation...”
“So its psychological?” Dean asked and Sam nodded. “Or he is drinking too much water before going to sleep,” Sam said as he shrugged.
“Don't be stupid!” Dean groaned as he gave a pat at the others shoulder. He wasn't pleased with the answer. He just returned to the little angel's room, to find Cas laying and waiting for him. “Did you brush your teeth?” he asked.
The angel gave a nod. Dean would never doubt Cas' words. Even as a kid. He sat at the edge of the bed giving a kiss at the kid's forehead. “Goodnight,” Castiel whispered. Dean nodded and walked out, leaving the door cracked open. He usually closed it, but since Castiel's lamp had broken, he thought Cas would want some light getting into his room.
A few hours had past, Dean had a few beers in the kitchen, while searching to a book of spells for any reaging spell. There was nothing. And that was it. He went to return to his room, but on his way past Castiel's room, he heard him crying.
He didn't enter. Not to grab the angel and tell him everything was alright or ask if he had a nightmare. He just stayed at the door, peeking inside at the angel, curled into a ball, crying with his eyes closed. A few minutes later the crying stopped. That was when Dean entered and checked Castiel's bed. It was wet. So that was it? Was Castiel having nightmares? How didn't he know that? Was it because he always had the door closed, and couldn't hear him? He sighed softly, as he kissed the small angel's head and carefully placed him to his bed, while he changed the sheets. Next time he would leave the door open, or sleep in the room with him. Try to see what was wrong and why he had never asked for help in the middle of the night.
Castiel woke up the next morning, staring at his bed. He was sure he had wet his bed again. He thought he must have been dreaming and let it go. He joined Dean in the kitchen, giving him a small forced smile as Dean made him breakfast. “Hey,” he whispered. Dean placed a plate full of eggs and bacon in front of him. Sam walked in too with a sleepy face.
“You are going to kill him, with all this fat,” Sam sighed.
“Said the most responsible parent in the world,” Dean grumbled as he served Sam and himself the same. “I had a strange dream last night,” Dean said. “It was a horrible one... It seemed too real... It was like I was in hell again” Dean said, giving Castiel a weird look.
Sam seemed confused. “Since when do you talk about things like this?” he asked.
“I am just saying. It has been a long time since I had this nightmare," Dean said. Castiel didn't react at all. He just heard them, and he kept eating. “Do you have any weird dreams Cas? Since you are human now?” the hunter asked.
Castiel had his mouth full and just shook his head. “No” he said after he swallowed. “I don't dream at all”
“That's weird. Don't you dream about unicorns and stuff?” Dean chuckled, while Sam looks confused.
“No, I don't. And unicorns don't exist anymore,” Castiel said, still focused on his food. Dean and Sam stared at each other after hearing the word ‘anymore’, not knowing how to respond.
“So, do you see like... Happy stuff? About us, or villages made of chocolate or whatever? You are a human kid, Cas, you should be having dreams,” Dean said.
“I don't!” Castiel said with a loud voice, his eyes getting wet suddenly. He dropped the spoon, held his bee tight and left the kitchen, heading back to his bedroom.
“That was weird,” Sam sighed.
“You're telling me,” Dean said. He decided to leave the angel alone for now.
A few hours later, after both of the brothers finished their food and Dean washed the dishes, the older brother knocked on Castiel's door. The small angel was watching TV. “This is going to rot your brain,” Dean chuckled.
“You watched a lot too when you were small” Castiel said with a shrug, as he kept his eyes on tv.
Dean jumped to Cas' bed, and held him close, making Cas sit on his lap. “Wanna watch Frozen? You'll loooove Olaf!” Dean smiled. “I am into Elsa, so you know,” he smirked and Castiel nodded.
“I want popcorn too” the angel said shyly.
“It's a deal!” Dean laughed as he grabbed the boy in his arms and carried him to the kitchen to make lots of popcorn with him.
After the movie was over, Castiel was peacefully sleeping on Dean's arms. Dean couldn't help but smile. They had already watched 'Frozen', and all of the 'Toy Story' movies. So he was happy to see Cas that relaxed again. He laid him in his bed and for the first time, he decided to sleep with him, and try to see what's wrong.
He closed his eyes too, and after a few minutes, he was fast asleep. They were both tired and it was really late. But Dean suddenly felt a small hand holding him tight and that was when he opened his eyes. Castiel was crying again. He was crying hard. He had his eyes closed and he was clinging to him, wanting to be held. Dean hugged his small body, immediately, not understanding what was actually wrong. “Cas, hey, what you saw, it wasn't real. I am here. You had a nightmare buddy” Dean said and could already feel how wet the sheets were. “Hey, you don't have to be so scared. I'm right here, right next to you,” Dean said softly. But Castiel kept crying, holding Dean's index finger tight, as he was hiccuping and trying to calm down.
“I d-don't w-want them to h-huwt you!” Castiel managed to stutter.
“Hey, no one is going to hurt us, Cas. What do you mean? What did you see?” Dean calmly said, giving small kisses to the boy's forehead.
It took a few minutes of Castiel was panting and sweating, but slowly started to calm down. When he could talk again, he looked up at Dean, feeling so ashamed. “She will hurt you... I see her... The times she... Was in my head... And I am small and have no... No powers or wings... And can't protect you... And she... She is mean...” Castiel said, stuttering.
Dean immediately understood it was about Naomi. That bitch had hurt Cas more than Dean imagined. And if she wasn't dead, he would have made her pay for this. “We are safe Cas. We know how to protect ourselves and how to protect you. You don't need to protect us. Let us protect you and keep you safe for once.”
Castiel shook his head with a small whimper and Dean sighed. “What do you see… in your nightmares?” Dean asked.
“The stuff... She makes me forget... And the stuff I did” Castiel said, ready to cry again.
“Hey buddy, calm down, okay? It wasn't you that did all these things. The real you is nice, and soft. The real you is amazing. You are kind and caring, and emotional and always ready to help, no matter the cost. You are selfless, and generous. More than you think. Cas, what she made you do, it doesn't matter. What matters is how many times you saved us, how much you care and what relationships you built here,” Dean said, just feeling uncomfortable to talk about all these but knowing how much Castiel needed to hear that. Especially in the mind of a kid. “Everything is going to be alright, okay?” he smiled, and Castiel nodded. “Is that alright for me to sleep with you, from now on? Help you with your nightmares?” and Castiel nodded again. Dean couldn't help but smile and held the boy close to him, as Cas buried his face to Dean's shirt. Castiel whispered a small “Thank you”not sure if saying “I love you” would mean the same thing, and that was when he fell asleep.
If you liked this shit, please like or reblog :)
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thetiedyedwitch · 5 years
I want to reiterate something important. Any of my followers that have seen/will see posts about my continuing experiments on arts and witchcrafts, and see that I have what any of you might happen to feel are "better" supplies, I am temporarily privileged with extra money in my budget that I have been able to buy Witch supplies and tools with. Some things, like tarot cards, I've wanted for years. I've been a broke/frugal/hidden Witch for years, and will be probably for the rest of my life, starting sometime soonish. Current reasons are disabilities making it impossible to work. My expenses are currently not as much as my income. I'm buying whatever I can that I've wanted or feel would be useful in the future (that isn't super cheap). The point to this post is that even though your situation may suck, it's 100% valid to be a broke/frugal, hidden, can't-do-much-mental-or-physical-effort Witch and/or Pagan. It's ok to have "basic" supplies like a notebook that you can buy cheap when school is starting, and a plain pen or pencil for your BOS or Grimoire, etc. Or 100% on-line! You can do reblogable emoji spells, have a virtual alter, make a virtual BOS or Grimoire if that's an easier way to witch, for whatever reason. Heck, I'm still mostly a hidden Witch. I'm extremely lucky to havey own cper with a locking door to live in, on my parent's property, instead in the spare bedroom or living room of the house, without a locking door. I'm extremely lucky that two of my friends are not judgmental or have wrong ideas when it comes to Witches, and that I don't have to hide with them. I'm extremely lucky to be able to use tumblr and Pinterest on my phone without parental control. But if I didn't have any of those freedoms, I'd still be a 100% valid Witch. There are many posts for budget/broke/frugal and hidden witchcraft supplies and workings so I won't try to muddle through explaining that, too. I'll just keep rebloging any I find.
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playeroneplayertwo · 4 years
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I like the pictures for these two posts, but neither HORRIFIED nor WINGSPAN will appear on this two-part list. I would, however, fully endorse Horrified as an excellent gateway--and superior (!!) alternative to Pandemic.
NOTE: Part 1 can be found here--and apologies this took a lifetime to complete.
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Harbour (2015) WTF is this OOP?; Complexity 2.09/5; BGG; Mechanisms: Worker Placement, Set Collection, Variable Player Powers
I already said that, for many, worker placement is the evergreen mechanic, so I figured I'd turn two entries on this list over to it. Where Coal Baron was a slight subversion of the genre, Harbour is not. This is the prototypical game in that you place a worker, do an action, and block a space. In Harbour, believe it or not, you're working in a... harbor. You, as a small gremlin-looking fellow visiting buildings to take actions, selling goods (cows, stone, wood, fish) in order to parlay those sales into purchasing new buildings in the harbor, thereby giving you new action spaces to do new cool stuff.
Harbour is a great entry into the inherently meaner side of worker placement because you only have one worker, so it's not quite as overwhelming as games where you start with a heap o' workers, but you can most certainly block action spaces. Not only that, but the market of the game is a simple system of fluctuating prices that are affected each time a player sells something. For a small box game, Harbour includes the idea of supply/demand, so things that aren't being sold to market are worth more, while things being sold constantly tank in value. Buildings have varied and interesting special abilities, and there are a lot of buildings that will come out into play during any given game, as well as a huge host of special abilities that players will start with, making the game play slightly asymmetrical.
With its worker placement, fluctuating market prices, buying/selling, and special abilities, Harbour is an excellent small box introduction to a plethora of Euro mechanics, and the fact that all of these interesting aspects are encapsulated in such a cleap, small box is remarkable. I will say, however, that of the six games on this list, Harbour is the game I'm least likely to play because I've grown past it as a gamer. I've seen this jokingly referred to as Tiny Epic Le Havre, which feels very on the nose. That being said, it does a remarkable job of introducing a handful of popular Euro mechanics, so if this game piques your interests, it has plenty of bigger, meatier siblings out there.
For a game that I haven't touched in a long while, Harbour is probably one of the best single small box game introductions to Euro mechanics I've played.
For those meat and potato worker placement fans (light to heavy): Lords of Waterdeep, Viticulture: Essential Edition, The Gallerist
If you enjoyed the market-based buying/selling/producing bits: Clans of Caledonia
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Valley of the Kings (2014) Try it and get the deluxe edition; Complexity 2.19/5; BGG; Mechanisms: Card Drafting, Deck Building, Hand Management, Set Collection
It was inevitable that I include deck building on here. For me, deck building is like the junk food of mechanics. When I first encountered deck building, it was all I wanted to do. There is something driving and compulsive about it. You have the feeling that all you have are options, with infinite combos laid out at your feet. I wanted to try every theme and variation possible. For a little bit, the hobby seemed to be exploding with deck builders of all stripes, with variations popping up everywhere.
Things have cooled now, and it seems deck building has found a more comfortable passenger seat behind (or partnered alongside) other mechanics in mid+ weight Euros, and I think that pairing it with additional mechanics in bigger games actually brings the mechanic to life. Deck building is the idea that all players will start with a small deck of very basic and underpowered cards--generally consisting of cards of different currencies, like attack and some kind of purchasing currency--that you'll use to either buy or defeat other cards, adding them to your deck and thereby increasing the strength of purchasing or fighting, as well as the abilities available to you.
It's a simple idea, but boy is it like Pringles when you first play it. We have a lot of deck builders, and a bunch more that we've since parted ways with. The problem is that many feel a bit themeless and similar, begging the question: If you've played one deck builder, have you played them all?
I would argue no. That being said, if you've played one, you've played... most. Dominion, Marvel: Legendary, Star Realms, Aeon's End, Hero Realms, Nightfall, Paperback, Eminent Domain, Core Worlds, Ascension, Marvel Dicemasters (not deck but dice pool builder), Shadowrun: Crossfire/Dragonfire, and Thunderstone all feel pretty sorta similar. Granted, they each bring a little teeny bit of something different, but if you didn't like one of these, you probably won't like most/any of them.
Valley of the kings subverts a lot of the classic expectations of a deck builder. First of all, the market is spatially interesting. Not just a flat row of cards that randomly come out, these cards form a pyramid, and you're only able to purchase cards on the bottom row. For the first time, maybe it would behoove you not to buy a decent card on the bottom, because once you do, the card above it will "fall" down and become available to the next player. But maybe you should do it anyway, because there are plenty of cards that let you slightly manipulate the arrangement of the pyramid, anyway. More interesting than the pyramid, however, is the end game scoring. Most cards are not worth flat rate points, but rather points based on how many you were able to squirrel away. And by "squirrel away," I mean you'll literally need to start removing them from your deck, one at a time, and adding them to your "tomb" (errr, thematically-named scoring pile) in order to score. Great cards in your deck or hand at the end of the game are worth nothin'. Timing is everything. If you realize that the other player is burying way more cards than you and accelerating the speed of the game, you really need to get on your horse and get those cards into your tomb, otherwise you're going to be out a lot of points. But by removing the cards from your deck, you will become less powerful. So... when do you do it?
Tough choices are the queen in great games, and for a tiny box that is not expensive, this game packs a lot of difficult, interesting decisions.
For excellent straight-up deck builders to get you shufflin' everyday: Legendary Encounters: Alien and Arctic Scavengers
If you want a little bit of deck building in your slightly heavier Euros: Great Western Trail (most Alexander Pfister, really), Orléans (not deck, but pool building), Time of Crisis, Newton, Concordia, Founders of Gloomhaven, Undaunted: Normandy/North Africa
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Welcome To... $20ish depending on the day; Complexity 1.82/5; BGG; Mechanisms: Roll & Write, Bingo, Pattern Building
Roll and write games are like the little subgenre that could. So small, so simple, and so popular. For the past few years, roll and writes have fought for a place at the table, and at this point, I think they've done it. Heck, they even have entries that are skewing heavier in weight (Welcome to Dino World). That being said, lightness permeates most roll and writes, and that's not a bad thing. Light doesn't necessarily translate to SLIGHT.
Roll and writes are games where players begin with the same, or very similar, starting sheets of paper, at which point some randomizing thingy like dice (see: roll and write) or cards are used to present variable restrictions or requirements that players must work on accomplishing. As you draw or write or fill-in boxes on your little paper, your sheet will begin to look quite different from everyone else's. At the end of the game, you'll calculate scores and the highest wins. Yay.
Roll and writes have a great tactile nature, which for some reason is easier to teach than more abstract ideas you'd find in an equally light game. Being able to draw routes or write down numbers or shade specific areas feels oddly familiar, which makes roll and write games very family friendly. They also generally have a small footprint, small box, and low price tag, without sacrificing replayability. We have a few roll and writes, and I can say that they all seem to have high replayability--if roll and writes are your thing. I've read plenty from people who don't seem to like roll and writes, but the myriad options that clever designers have managed to get into these tiny games are remarkable. In Railroad Ink, you will roll dice that show sections of track, and slowly you will draw tracks on tiny dry erase boards, working to score specific features before your turns run out. In the aforementioned Welcome to Dino World, you'll be building dinosaur pens, powering electric fences, building features for your park, and trying to prevent the dinos from busting out and devouring people your score.
But what about Welcome To...? This game is a small, card-driven roll and write where you flip three double-sided cards so you'll be showing a trio of pairs baring number on one side and a feature on the back of another card, forcing you to choose one and add it to your map of a minute subdivision. Your working to meet end game objectives for points, as well as build specific features, like parks, to make sure you have the best neighborhood around.
Welcome To... brings the simple gameplay and high replayability along with a charming theme and low price tag. I could always play Welcome To..., and it does everything without falling into a roll and write pitfall of being too vaguely mathy or themeless. We've played with family who have not moved beyond Scrabble, and they loved it. And we've played it more than our fair share at the end of the night with a cool adult beverage in hand.
Roll more and write more, too: The Cartographers, Railroad Ink, Silver & Gold, On Tour, Imperial Settlers: Roll and Write
I want something a smidge heavier than that Welcome To... game: Welcome to New Las Vegas!
If you just want a taste of this because it sounds a little juvenile: Get the app for Ganz Schon Clever, which technically may be my most played game ever considering how you just want to get a higher score. You can do better. No, you can do better! Play again! No, now!
SORRY this took so long to complete. The problem with taking a long time to write about some games is that now a handful are hard to get. Go figure. Check your local store, older games have plenty of life.
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anthrat · 3 years
The Akatsuki members as high-school students
Has this been done before? Probably! Do I care? No, because these are my terrible headcanons and nobody can take them from me.
A/N: This has been in my drafts for a long time, probably since early February. I’ve been lacking motivation to do anything at all for months and lo and behold, I find this basically finished piece bar one character. I really, really want to start writing again but I’m struggling to think of ideas, so if you have any requests for future headcanons/one shots/etc feel free to slide me a message or something :)
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He's definitely the generic super intelligent kid who gets straight A's in pretty much every subject. All of his notes are really well organised, he keeps bullet journals and everything is colour coded - mans notes are literal art. His handwriting is definitely beautiful, we're talking professional calligrapher here.
All of his equipment is immaculate, he cries if one of his books gets a crease or something on it somehow. If you accidentally nudge him or ruin his notes he will silently hold a grudge against you forever - he probably won't act on his grudge though, he just wants to blend in and he dislikes conflict in general.
Despite being fully aware of his intelligence he hardly ever speaks up in classes. He only really speaks when spoken to and so is renown as the token quiet kid. I also envision him as being super pretentious, although he doesn't show it he definitely thinks he's better than everyone else.
His favourite subject would be English because he enjoys analysing anything and everything. If you're friends with him he will make comments on how random pieces of media etc. are a representation of -insert important world issue or theory.- He'd also like art despite it being the only subject he's not very good at. All his art is abstract, he will draw a pink square and claim it represents a patriarchal society.
Doesn't have many friends because he isn't very talkative, spends most of his time at school alone doing schoolwork. Sees school purely as an educational setting and so doesn't see the point in making an attempt to be social.
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All of his school equipment looks like it's been mauled by 300 dogs because its all second/third/fourth+ hand. Man would never pay full price for a textbook. He definitely steals all the faculty equipment too. You could fill an entire room with the amount of stationary this man has but he will NEVER lend it to anyone else. If he does lend you something it's because its either A) broken B) barely functional (so like pens which can write 2 letters before running out) or C) you're giving him something better in return/paying for it (even then he'll probably take whatever he lent you back without you realising)
He also definitely runs mini-shops in school where he'll sell stolen equipment and things like sweets/chewing gum/trendy items (he made bank when fidget spinners were a thing) for like triple what they're actually worth.
His favourite subject is definitely history (He's a crusty dusty old man so of course) but he will never admit this. He takes business and economics but hates them, he's already done all of his own research into the subjects and is only doing them to get the qualification. Definitely complains about how he already knows it all already and it's a waste of time for him to learn it again. His only conversation topic is him talking about how he's going to set up his own business as soon as he leaves school.
Is very intelligent but only gets average grades in most subjects because he refuses to try if he dislikes the subject or sees it as a waste of time.
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Watched DeathNote once and now thinks he's an actual real life version of Light Yagame. Carries around his own DeathNote and threatens to write people's name in it.
Convinced that he's been bestowed with supernatural powers, whenever he speaks he does lots of flashy hand gestures, - think generic cool-dude protagonist poses - these change depending on what piece of media he's currently obsessed with. His personality also changes alongside the poses.
Basically what I'm trying to say is he's the over-saturated 'weird anime kid' with a touch of superiority complex. Although, he's super confident and has absolutely 0 shame in this fact.
Bless his little heart, he loves writing but is the definition of 'uses complicated words without knowing what they mean'. He's still decently smart though. His grades would probably be pretty average because he struggles to apply himself properly. His favourite subject would definitely be something like sociology where he can freely express his profound ideas, even if some of them are completely god awful. He'd also enjoy any subject which gives him creative freedom such as art or English.
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Cannot see this lad as anything but a jock. He loves sports, lives and breathes them. He's probably a member of practically every single sports team and is surviving on the basis he has a sports scholarship of some kind.
Despite him being a jock he'd be the most approachable out of all the Akatsuki members. He's the kind of guy who no matter who you are he'd always be happy to crack jokes and talk with you. He definitely brings in way too much food, he's that dude who brings a whole mini banquet to school every day for no discernible reason. He's always happy to share though, he's definitely the kind of guy who if he saw someone sat by themselves at lunch he'd sit with them and offer them food.
His grades would be a little on the lower side because most of his free time is taken up with all his sports, however, he'd still work hard at his academics regardless. If anything this man is probably the most dedicated, he would hate the fact that he's falling behind all his classmates but at the same time would rather die than give up any of his extracurricular activities.
He'd be fairly popular because of his naturally easygoing and humorous nature, but people would rarely ever invite him to events as they'd just assume he was busy.
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Konan is an absolute babe, the kindest and most caring person in the whole school. Forgotten your lunch? She'll buy you some or give you her own. Didn't do your homework? Bitch will give you hers to copy, if it's an essay or something she'll sit with you and help you write it. Looking a little upset? Konan's right there to try and cheer you up even if you aren't friends.
Despite how wonderful and 100/10 a person she is she probably won't have many close friends. She'll get used a lot by others who take advantage of her good nature. She's smart enough to know what they're doing but she doesn't care, she's happy to be of help to anyone even if they don't appreciate it.
She's a bit of a teachers pet though, she's on super good terms with every teacher in the school even if she doesn't take the subjects they teach. Most of her breaks/lunches would be taken up by her helping with display boards or whatever.
Her favourite subject would be geography, she'd really enjoy learning about different cultures and societies. I can see her just really enjoying learning about how rivers are formed and stuff like that as well. Her least favourite would be something like math which is only fact based, she enjoys being able to look at things from different perspectives.
Also bitch would bake all the time, literally every lesson she'd whip out a box of cakes/cookies/anything else she'd baked the night before to share with the whole class.
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Carries knives around with him because he thinks they make him look cool. He can and will whip one out at any given opportunity so he can flex a knife trick on you. His knife tricks suck though, he always drops them or cuts himself, if you try and walk away he'll beg you to stay claiming that fortieth time's the charm or something.
He never shows up to lessons, he doesn't even know what one is. If you ever ask him what subjects he takes he'll look at you blankly and ask what you mean. If he ever is in a lesson it's because he was dragged there by a member of staff. Honestly, the few lessons he's actually present for are so chaotic teachers find themselves praying he doesn't show up. Being as he never willingly shows up he'll never know what subject it is, and he'll ask insanely bizarre questions un-ironically because he gives no fucks and has no idea what is happening. For example, you'll be learning about arteries in biology and he'll ask something like "What ingredients do we need?" because he'll have confused arteries with artichoke and think he's in a home economics lesson.
Despite being the weird knife kid he's pretty popular, he's so completely brain dead and unaware of his surroundings that its impossible not to get along with him. He doesn't have the critical thought to bully anyone and so even if he tries to be horrible it always comes off as though he's just trying to be funny.
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Oh dear oh lord what can I say about Zetsu? Zetsu is an absolute shit show of a student. Black Zetsu I can see as being very academic focussed, with their favourite subjects being religion, politics and some form of economics. I imagine they’d be very active within school politics/religious scenes, probably the head of some sort of group for both.
Black Zetsu would also be interested in applying for positions such as Head of Year, Class Representative and anything similar. They’re a big control freak and as a result have basically 0 friends. People would find them overbearing and awful to be around. They’re the incredibly opinionated kid who dismisses anything which they don’t personally agree with.
White Zetsu on the over hand, hoo boy. Class clown obviously. The living bane of Black Zetsu. If Black Zetsu wants class representative then you know people will vote for white Zetsu instead because he’s infinitely more popular. He’s incredibly weird but in such an innocent and goofy way they’d have a large group of friends. They wouldn’t be popular per say, but they’d be friends with practically everyone.
Their favourite subject would probably be biology because sex jokes, but I also think they’d enjoy English because uhh… Sex jokes. I just can’t see White Zetsu taking school even slightly seriously.
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He basically lives in the art department. If you walk near him he will tag along and start talking to you about art, it doesn’t matter who you are you will be forced to listen to his speech.
Incredibly confident and has no issue starting a conversation with anyone. He's definitely the type of person who every time you see him he'd be with a completely different group of people, whether they want him there or not.
Despite his weird constant art rants he'd be the life and soul of the party. He's always fun to be around purely because of how much energy he has. He'd be the kid who makes everyone laugh completely on accident, although people would probably be laughing more at him than with him.
He'd probably get invited to lots of places by other kids just so he could be the butt of every joke. He wouldn't mind though, he'd brush it off and probably enjoy the attention he gets from it.
Most of his friends would end up being people who know nothing about art though, all the students who participated in any artistic subjects would stay far away in fear of him starting another argument about art.
If the art class ever does clay his has to be put in the kiln separately because it always blows up. He also has a habit of 'accidentally' damaging other people's art if he dislikes it. Eventually he would mellow out and start appreciating other forms.
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Nobody knows who he is, people will have sat next to him for years and won't even know his name. The amount of times his name is called in the register and people will pipe up with "who's that?" or "didn't he move to another school?" is genuinely concerning. He doesn't care though, he'd rather go through school completely unnoticed.
Excels at all subjects (besides sports, he's never showed up to a PE lesson because of 'health reasons') despite putting very little effort into academics. His favourite subjects would be biology and math. He'd absolutely hate art as a subject, preferring to do art in his free time rather than make it into a chore at school. He'd have been put in Deidara's class at least once and it would have completely ruined all enjoyment of art as a subject for him. He'd also hate any subjects which prompt discussion such as English or sociology, he doesn't have any opinions on them and he doesn't care to listen to anyone else's.
Honestly, dude is the definition of a background character at school. He just simply does not exist, and I have mad respect for him. On the off chance anyone even tried to speak to him he'd probably completely ignore them, the only communication he has at school is through emails with teachers. He has 0 interest in making friends when they have nothing in common with him.
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Another character sort of hard to pinpoint. He’d probably be somewhat similar to White Zetsu, but not quite as popular. He’d be a right teachers pet, with few friends his own age. He’d probably spend spend all his breaks and lunches with teachers in their classrooms, offering to help them with display boards etc.
Despite being a teachers pet he wouldn’t be academic whatsoever. He’d always try his best but bless him, he’s terrible at every subject and ends up constantly making a fool of himself. He’s definitely the sort to raise his hand to make a really great point, but his really great point is basically repeating the lesson objective. When studying of mice of men he definitely asked “what’s the name of Curly’s wife’s husband?”
His favourite subject, regardless of his ineptitude would be drama. He’d always be the most melodramatic and over the top in every character he played, not really caring what other people thought of him. In fact, that’s probably his best feature. Despite his lack of popularity he’d always unapologetically be himself, his goofy and over the top self.
If we’re thinking more about Obito, I’d like to imagine for the sake of this headcanon Tobi is what he’s like during lower school years and then suddenly one summer he comes back and he’s completely matured into this foreign character unrecognisable to nobody.
He’d become incredibly serious, forgoing the role of energetic teachers pet to a much more muted one. He’d still be just as terrible at all his lessons, and still spend most of his time around teachers rather than others his age but he’d no longer have that fun spark. He’d probably start caring greatly about what people thought of him so his latter years would be trying to stay under the radar completely.
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