alecsalamander · 10 months
feeling absolutely unwell about how wendy’s love language is acts of service and cat’s love language is physical touch and how wendy is always making physical contact with cat and cat is always taking care of wendy and
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rowany · 1 year
Warmth on a winter's night~
(R.A.B x Y/N) 2.8K Words.
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-Summary: trying to get some fresh air from a ball, Regulus and Y/N have a deep conversation far into the snow covered garden of the Black Mansion.
-Contains: dark academia/royalty romance, fluff, kissing, implied queer Sirius, slight angst, She/Her pronouns, longing stares,
-Song: Beving: Ala, Joep Beving
3rd Person POV.
The chandeliers hung high above the dancing crowd. People moved in sync as they glided across the room while classical music rang out from the acentric vinyl player. Couples spun and looked upon one another while the lights gave the room a faint, white hue creating an elegant atmosphere. Candles floated far above the crowd slowly swaying as if they were mimicking the guests who were waltzing below them. The tall, and exquisite windows gave only a faint light from the full moon; the stars ghosted behind the gloomy snow clouds soon to pour upon the Black residency.
A large mural of a Roman painting was the background of Regulus Black as he gently pressed his back to the wall. Regulus was never exactly the social type, at least not at this large of an event. It was the winter solstice and the Black Family was known for their Winterfest Ball. Regulus was enjoying the music and simply observing the guests gliding across the smooth marble floor, a small part of him wished to have a partner to dance with but tried to deny his longings when Sirius was pestering him to dance earlier in the night.
Sirius was the center of attention at balls, at least among the youthful ladies who wished to snog him. Sirius would tempt them with his lush black hair and chivalrous personality but he never dared to actually go through with the snogging. Regulus watched as Sirius moved from a fair blonde girl to a more beautiful, and warm girl who looked at Sirius as if she saw a familiar sight before her.
“Good evening Sirius, how is the night treating you?” The girl spoke with a soft demeanor and danced with such grace Regulus couldn’t help but be enthralled by her.
“A good evening to you too, Y/N. The night is treating me oh so well I’ve almost been whisked away by many fair maidens.” Sirius could hardly contain his laughter at his posh language, Y/N always loved to act like they were royalty at balls to keep the mood light. Balls usually were fun for everyone except the Black children, if they made any mistake their parents would reprimand them for making a fool of their families name. Sirius used to be on edge every time he was at a ball but since he met Y/N he began to enjoy them.
“You always have fair maidens wanting to snog you!” A cheeky smile spread across her face as Sirius twirled her towards Regulus and quickly pulled her back in. Regulus recognized her but not exactly sure how. At first he just assumed it was one of Sirius flings but she seemed to stay longer than any of his previous girls, she seemed to actually enjoy being around Sirius not just for his pretty face.
Regulus watched as they continued to dance together so in sync it was almost hard to watch without wishing to be Sirius.
Regulus POV.
Sirius had spun the girl towards me and without even thinking about it I began to move towards the tall arch way opening into the hallway. I didn’t want to loiter here anymore wishing I was with a beautiful girl or anyone for that matter.
I dodged and weaved through the tides of couples dancing and slid past my parents undetected. I just needed some fresh air and a moment of silence. The music, the talking, and the stuffy air all became too much for me. I always get overwhelmed when I’m at balls, it’s just too much.
Getting to the arch way I took a sharp right, almost speed walking through the hallway and out the back patio doors. I continued to walk down the stairs off the dark patio, the ground felt cold under me. I stuffed my hands in my trouser pockets as the frost tried to nip at them. I always loved the winter, it was so quiet outside with most animals migrating or hiding in their homes. The sun usually wasn't bright, giving the outside world a dull look but I liked the “dull” look, I found it almost comforting. I just continued walking, lost in thought not listening to the footsteps that followed my own. I slowed down when I came to a willow tree with branches stretching wide with long strings of leaves hanging down.
“Regulus?” Someone touched my shoulder lightly, I turned towards them to realize who it was.
“Y/N? What are you doing out here?”
Sirius had been dancing with me for what seemed like ages, I could barely feel my feet in my heels I decided to wear. The ball had been quite exhausting so far, I enjoyed the people but after dancing for so long and constantly being surrounded by people in the stuffy ballroom I just wanted some fresh air honestly.
“SIRIUS! I'M GOING TO GO GET SOME AIR!” I had to yell over the music as it had somehow become louder and louder throughout the night. Sirius just gave me a nod and pointed towards the archway, then gestured to the right. I'd only been in the main part of the Black mansion for balls but I spent most of my summer sneaking into Sirius’ bedroom during the night when he needed someone to talk to. His parents were royally strict and hated their children having fun it seemed. They only cared for their children to uphold their family name and after that they neglected them without even another glance.
I followed where Sirius pointed and saw two tall, smudgeless, dark glass patio doors. When I walked up to the doors my eyes caught a glimpse of what looked like a dark figure, it must be a shadow from the ballroom. As I pulled open the door the cold hit my face quickly with a gust of freezing air. I wrapped my arms around me and walked down the patio stairs, through the garden. I could see fresh footprints in the snow as I walked, following them. The strides they took were large, hard to keep up with. In the garden there were lowly lit lamp posts illuminating the dark foliage of the Black’s garden. It had wilted roses with many dark boxwood bushes forming a twisty pathway. A ghastly tall viburnum bush had dark crimson berries growing, oddly tempting.
I continued my stroll through the garden at a quicker pace, I felt as if I was being pulled through the garden by twine tied around my waist. The snow made a soft squeak when I walked. I glanced forward trying to not become distracted by the greenery surrounding me, a large willow tree came into my view towards what seemed like the end of the pathway I had been following. A figure soon came into view as they moved in front of the tree’s droopy leaves. They had a slim build with incredibly dark hair that laid just below their chin, soft curls forming throughout their hair. The dark suit they wore had caught some snow as they walked, the small white flakes now decorated their suit and shoes while the majority of the flakes adorned their hair. They hadn’t noticed me as I walked closer, I reached my hand out to touch their shoulder. I didn’t want to scare them.
Regulus POV.
I turned quickly around towards who I now know to be Y/N, my brother’s best friend. I looked at her gown, realizing she was who Sirius was last dancing with before I left. All of my questions, well almost all had been answered. Sirius danced with her the longest because she wasn’t flirting with him, they were just messing around. I felt relieved in a way that my jealousy was over his best friend, not a new hook up. I always liked Y/N, she was fun and never seemed to care about anyone's opinions about her, I wish to be that carefree some day. Her face held a happy smile, a real smile. Her face was flushed from the cold I assume and her hair contained a snow globe worth of snow flakes. She was always very pretty but now she looked so naturally gorgeous it was hard to tear my eyes away from the masterpiece before me known as Y/N L/N.
“Y/N? What are you doing out here?” I realized how long I had been staring so I knew I had to speak before I made things awkward like I always do.
“I could ask you the same question Regulus, I just needed some air and I’m guessing you did too?” She always could see through me, even from how little we spoke she knew what I was thinking better than I did most of the time.
“Yeah, the ballroom always gets too warm for me, much prefer the cold.”
“It’s always so hot in there isn’t it?” Y/N’s face shifted into an understanding smile as she lightly laughed, she was such a fluid, expressional person I always enjoyed her presence.
“I don’t know how Sirius does it.” I let the words slip past my lips before even realizing what I said or who would hear.
“Does what? Dance for hours or get every girl to swoon for him.” She had begun to walk towards the tree and sit down on one of the large roots growing out of the tree, she seemed content with her seat.
“Precisely.” I answered her but I stayed still, I didn’t know if I should sit with her or if I’d make her uncomfortable with the proximity.
“You know I sat here so you would sit with me, I just look lonely now.” She let out a small huff as if disappointed by the lack of me next to her.
“S-Sorry, I just assumed you didn’t want me near you.” I quickly moved to sit by her, I could smell her soft vanilla perfume and feel the warmth radiate off of her.
“What? Why would I even think that Regulus, you’re not that terrible to be around, might even say I enjoy your presence.” Y/N let out the most gorgeous laugh, I just wanted to tape the sound and listen to it over and over again.
“I don’t know, I'm sorry for assuming, I won’t do it again.” My head fell slightly not wanting to see her face, I always apologize for my actions no matter how small, it’s what you must to do to survive as a Black child.
“You don’t have to talk to me like I’m your mother, I’m not going to get upset at you Regulus, you’re safe with me.” I felt like I wanted to tear up, no one has told me anything so comforting before. I looked at her and just smiled.
A real smile graced Regulus’ lips, I couldn’t contain my own smile.
“I didn’t know you had dimples-” Regulus’ eyes seemed glazed over, I couldn’t tell with what. “they fit you well.” I wished to just capture a photo of Regulus right now, curls tousled from the wind, flushed cheeks and nose, soft eyes, he just looked so perfect. Regulus didn’t answer, he just looked towards the ground. He wore classy black Oxfords while I wore my black heeled mary janes. They oddly matched but in their own way sorta like me and Regulus. Regulus was so form fitting whilst I was in some ways rambunctious, I never apologize for being a free spirit but it’s hard not to be self conscious compared to all the proper young ladies who attend the balls. Sometimes I wish I was more classy or proper so I wouldn’t be looked down upon.
“Are you okay?” I turned to look at Regulus just to be met with his deep gray eyes, they reminded me of storm clouds with the different shades of grays and blacks. He wore a worried expression, I hoped he wasn’t overthinking again.
“Yeah, just lost in thought. It’s so quiet it’s hard to not just be in your own world.”
“I think that’s why I must like the quiet.” Regulus smiled and looked back down at our shoes, I wondered if he was thinking about me like I was thinking of him.
“What are you thinking about?” His question caught me off guard, I didn’t know if I should tell him what I was really hung up on or not.
“Um, it’s kinda hard to explain I guess.”
“Just say something and I’ll try and piece it together, I know how hard it is to convey what’s going through your head sometimes.”
“You know how you don’t know how Sirius does what he does?-“ Regulus gave a small nod, fully looking at me, his full attention on me. I could feel myself warm up under his gaze, even with how cold it was outside. “I feel that way about most girls my age, I don’t know how they can be so modest and forgiving. I feel like I’m too human sometimes, too unapologetically myself.” A small sigh left my lips and I watched as it changed into a mist like smoke.
“I like how you are, I don’t think you should apologize for being you, you’re lovely.” Regulus’ words made me want to melt right then and there. He had a confused look on his face, like a puppy learning what being sad was but not understanding.
“I’m not too much? I know Sirius can keep up with me but I feel like everyone else just wants me to be quiet.”
“You’re the only person I don’t want to be quiet, Y/N.” I looked at Regulus who was already looking at me, I felt my heart beat a little quicker and my face get warmer. I looked back down at our shoes, smiling. I felt Regulus shift next to me but just looked forward now, admiring the plants surrounding us.
A plush jacket fell onto my shoulders as Regulus readjusted it, “Y-You were shaking, didn’t want you to get cold.” His lips were slightly curled into a smile, his gray eyes seemed even more gorgeous than minutes ago. His soft curls fell perfectly onto his forehead, his nose and cheeks pinker now.
“You’re so gorgeous Regulus.” He looked deep into my eyes as I looked into his, I never wanted this moment to end. His small smile turned into a sweet, loving smirk. Regulus seemed much closer to me now than when he first sat down. His jacket lay comfortably around me, his cologne faintly on his jacket collar just enough to get a small hint of it occasionally. I felt very safe around him, a different type of feeling from being around Sirius. It had stopped snowing by now so the moon light shone onto Regulus’ face making his features look ethereal.
“Can I kiss you?” The words uttered so quietly out my mouth I didn’t even think he heard me till I was met with his lips gently pressing onto mine. His lips were soft and plush. He tasted like champagne and a small hint of sweets Sirius had stolen early in the night. I put one of my hands in his hair and the other rested on his chest just above his heart. The kiss was gentle yet longing as if it had been long time coming. Regulus hands were cupping my cheeks as he leaned into the kiss.
We slowly pulled away to catch our breaths, our eyes never leaving each other.
“You’re gorgeous too, Y/N.” Regulus complimented a smile plastered on his face like he had won the lottery.
Regulus POV
She kissed me, the most beautiful and courageous girl I’ve ever met kissed me, Regulus Black. I could barely speak. I just wanted to kiss her over and over again till I couldn’t anymore. She looked amazing wrapped up in my jacket and her lips plump from me kissing her. I could die right here and die the happiest man to live.
“I love being out here with you but It’s really getting cold.” She stood up gracefully and reached a hand out for me to take. I grabbed her hand and began to walk with her through the garden, hand in hand. Her hands were just as soft as her lips and felt warm somehow.
“Your hands are so warm, how?” She gave me a puzzled look and then a smile worth melting for.
“I’ve always just been a warm person.” A small laugh left her lips and I couldn’t help but smile.
“I’ve always been cold, we match in a way.”
“We do match.” We both were smiling like love sick teenagers which we in fact were. I couldn’t help it, she was holding my hand and it felt so right.
She was the warmth I had always longed for.
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mytragedyperson · 1 year
Thoughts I had while reading TCF chapter 10
The idea of little 5 year old Raon Miru being so desperate to escape his tormentors that he cuts into his own life force still makes me so incredibly sad. The idea that in canon there’s a world where Raon Miru not only died, but was killed by Choi Han. Can you imagine if Choi Han found out that this could’ve happened. I don’t think he’d ever forgive himself even if Raon 100% would. God this book has some sad moments, but even the novel within the novel is so sad. I know that’s a doomed world but this is actually insane. I also feel like this book does a really good job of exploring the butterfly effect or something similar. Literally one person changed, was transmigrated into the world, but because this Cale was different he made different choices, and each small choice he made, caused another change, some smaller than others, but all ultimately leading to their victory. Let’s talk about how him saving Raon changed a lot. For one thing, I don’t think, without him, he would’ve known Alberu was a dark elf. He might’ve been told or found out, but it would’ve taken longer, and he might’ve reacted differently. Because he had Raon, he knew Alberu was using magic to change his appearance, and had an aura or something that was different to the rest of his family. Then, in the forbidden forest, Raon recognised the dead mana or something, so when he next met Choi Han, he told Cale or something. Sorry, I’ve not gotten to that point in my reread yet so I might be misremembering but that was the gist. But his lack of a bad reaction to Dark Elves, allowed him to meet and form some sort of alliance and bond with them, while also improving the bond he had with Alberu. And there are so many other times where Raon or one of the kids were helpful, and The Birth of A Hero world didn’t have them. In fact, that could’ve been the start of the world being doomed, those kids, and Taylor, and Paseton dying. Just by bringing Kim Rok Soo to this world, things changed, but he had no real way of knowing, when he saved these people, the impact it would have, the knowledge it would give them. He just didn’t want to see kids, or anyone else, suffer. And just by refusing to let people suffer or die if he could help them, he gained allies, and resources, and information that they didn’t have in The Birth of a Hero, or if they did, they learned it too late. The fact that having one person change, the fate of the world changed. Each small choice, each small change, each time he does the thing he decides to do, it leads to a much bigger change and a much bigger impact later on, even if just because now all these people he’s helped have a common ally that they trust and respect. God I could and probably will go into more detail about this later on, but yeah. Moving on for now.
Also Choi Han was right that the dragon’s eyes being full of pain and sorrow but its mouth still smiling is sad. This is his first time being outside the cave he was kept on, he’s seeing the world for the first time, but he’s lost his rationality. He’s happy to be free but he hurt and lost himself in the process. And then you imagine Raon Miru (that means happy dragon, right?) the same adorable little dragon that threatens to kill everyone and destroy everything if anything happens to Cale. It’s heartbreaking, that’s heart breaking. Cale needs to hug Raon extra tight for me because he deserves all the love and affection, plus extra for the version of him that never got any.
I’m so happy Cale went out of his way to save Raon. Like, he didn’t have to do that, he chose to and it was the right thing to do, but so many other people would’ve probably not cared. This is another example of Cale being a good person and refusing to admit it. Let’s keep note of that, misunderstandings, every time someone just doesn’t question something, honestly everything, let’s just keep a note of everything. It’s not even like he can say this is selfish because he doesn’t plan to keep him, he literally gains nothing from this if everything goes according to plan, and he doesn’t care, he does it anyway. Also him saying that he can use the kids to justify adopting them will never not be funny, adorable and kinda sad, because he can’t admit, even to himself, that he just wants to keep them around.
I forgot this was still the interview scene. Damn, a lot of shit is mentioned in this scene, like from the scene with Hans before the interview to the end, we get a lot of information.
Also, the interview being about whether Choi Han can protect people and then the job actually not requiring him to. Beautiful. That thing I said yesterday about the interview scene being good for Choi Han because it gives him someone who believes in him and respects him still stands. But his first job more or less being an escort mission of find and bring these two people to me, with the two people being capable of protecting themselves? It takes the pressure off Choi Han to have to protect them and builds his confidence and belief in himself, while also providing him with a support system of some sort. And Cale doesn’t intend for this but it happens. And the fact that Choi Han, not only succeeds in the job, but also helps save the other wolf children? That probably did wonders for his confidence, for his belief in himself. Ugh, it’s so good.
Also, Cale claiming in his thoughts, to himself that he’s just gonna let Choi Han, Lock, and Rosalyn deal with the terror incident, only to make a whole plan to stop the attack. He’s so good at scamming people he even scams himself. That’s beautiful.
And then he makes it a secret between just them. He’s essentially telling Choi Han he trusts him with this more than anyone else. No wonder he can never get rid of Choi Han after this. And the best part is he doesn’t even realise he’s doing it, he doesn’t know the impact it has on Choi Han.
Also Choi Han is just kinda precious in a way I can’t explain. Like he seems like he needs a hug, but specifically a hug from Cale and his kids and Rosalyn and Lock. Tbf the entire Calefam kinda needs a hug.
Also for some reason I just got the image of early days!Hans hearing from Deruth he has to give Cale more money and just cursing in his head the entire time he goes because what is he even doing with all this money? He’s not spending it all on alcohol, he’s not drunk enough for that? He hasn’t been back to Billos’ shop and then remembering hearing from someone that Beacrox saw him buying a fuckton of bread and medicinal herbs and going into the slums and being like did he really spaen that much money on bread? How much bread did he buy to be spending that much money? Also why does Deruth give him his allowance in gold coins and cheques exclusively? No wonder he doesn’t wait for change and just says keep it, that would be a bitch to figure out for everyone involved. Also I’ll be honest I don’t get how cheques work in general but, like, he goes to three different bakeries for bread, and I know he paid for that with coins, was that first gold coin for the rest of the week? It was, right? Because otherwise my question was gonna be how does using a cheque at 3 different places work but the answer to that is it doesn’t, right?
God I love Ron just tormenting Cale with lemon things. And then he gets Beacrox and I believe later recruits Hans to help keep it going even when he’s not there? Or maybe Choi Han? I can’t remember who but I know he told someone to do it while he was looking for information on Arm. Maybe one of the kids? That would explain why he didn’t just say he doesn’t like lemon things. I don’t know. I’ll revisit this when I rearead that bit and remember who it was. Ron’s already admitted he knows something’s up. I feel like this is an attempt to figure out why he’s changed at first and then it just becomes their thing.
Also his plan to foist everyone off on Choi Han has already failed because Choi Han already knows he’s not leaving Cale, not if he can help it. So, sucks for Cale but, sorry, you’re already stuck with the troublesome people. But in all seriousness that’s probably for the best because they all need each other.
I’ve finally finished this chapter. I’ll be back with my thoughts with my thoughts during chapter 11, if I have any.
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shinymisty-blog · 4 months
Who wants a Sonic Underground Swapped AU
I’ve been a huge fan of Undertale for a pretty long time. And one of my favorite things about it was the concept of “different timelines/universes” that so many fans started to make. I know AUs have been around for a long time, longer than Undertale, but it was because of Undertale that I started thinking of AU ideas. 
Case in point: A Sonic Underground AU where all the characters' roles and personalities are swapped. 
A…Sonic Underswap, if you will. (I am going to hell)
The idea smacked me last night when I thought “...hmm. Wouldn’t it be funny to imagine a Manic who grew up in Sonia’s shoes?” It then formed into wondering “Who would switch with who?” So… I will jot down what I think a Sonic Underground Swap would be like.
And, while I would pull the whole “the triplets are evil” idea…but where’s the fun in that?! (...aside from a lot of fun to begin with). This is playing with the idea that MOST of the characters are still the same when it comes to their placement in the story. 
There is one HUGE exception:
Obviously, Aleena and Robotnik would HAVE to swap places. This would mean Aleena becomes the “tyrant ruining Mobius” while Robotnik is hiding away, hoping to one day take Aleena down. 
So the story would go like this:
Fearful over the thought that her newborn children could overthrow her, Aleena abandons them shortly after birth in hopes of ruling. Even if she is a really bad leader. Brushing off the struggles of her people as she feels they aren’t worth her time. Only those who pay the outrageous tax have her attention, and they never really have any struggles, to begin with.
Robotnik, being an outsider notices just how horrible she is running Mobius and plots to take her down. With the help of Athair’s future visions and elderly wisdom, he realizes that her children are alive and are destined to fix what their mother has caused.
However, Aleena didn’t deal with her children as well as she had expected, and they were raised by three different families.
As mentioned, Manic would be raised in the higher class, with Sir Farrell as his father. Raised to use and abuse the lower class and how much they need to rely on the upper class to stay safe, and he isn’t afraid to admit that. But, hey, at least he has a close friendship with [_____], though even that is stripped away when he was exiled due to Aleena realizing her children were a risk. Now he feels like an outcast when he joins up with Sonia and Sonic, both lower class and slightly spiteful over Manic’s upbringing. 
But he does know how the upper class works, and what makes them tick.
Sonia, meanwhile, takes Sonic’s role. 
After all, if she didn’t fill this tier, Sonic wouldn’t have changed. And, honestly, I feel the idea that Manic being raised high class and Sonia fighting with the Rebels (the Resistance) gives better story ideas over Sonic being raised high class and Sonia being poor.
Anywho, Sonia was raised by Windemere, a high-status member of the Anti-Royal Movement, better known as the Rebels. She was adopted by Windermere after her “original” family was killed during a raid. Since then she has been fighting for what she felt was right. She is heartbroken during a raid when she finds out that Windermere was caught and, later, was found out to have been hiding one of Aleena’s children. 
She is well known by the Rebels. 
Sonic was found by Chuck, who’s been struggling hard since Aleena’s rules made it harder and harder for the lower class to survive. Everything has gotten so expensive (mood), and he wasn’t going to rescue the infant, but he couldn’t abandon a life in need. Sonic grew up knowing that life is harsh and mean. Don’t trust anyone but yourself, ESPECIALLY the higher class. That makes him and Manic not get along really…at all. 
Sonic is still the fastest, and his speed helps with snatching up food and money. But mostly food. 
Aleena is warned by Athiar about her eventual demise, causing her to stress out and hire Dingo and Sleet, famous mercenaries who can easily find and…silence almost any targets. For the right price, of course.  (...I think you are seeing where this is going)
Though he relies more on his brawn than his brain, Dingo is still the leader of the duo, always more focused on his work, and less focused on anything else. However, he has to always remind himself to keep a close eye on his absent-minded partner, Sleet, and he is starting to wonder if the wolf would even notice if he left him mesmerized by something. It doesn’t help that Aleena’s influence is beginning to rub off on him. Why worry about a mobian that causes him more trouble than he’s worth?
Sleet’s mind’s in the right place. He’s smart, and when he’s able to focus on the job, he can be a real threat. Too bad he’s easily distracted and is amazed by everything and anything and will often leave Dingo to do most of the heavy lifting. It doesn’t help that Sleet thinks that Manic is super cool and admires being JUST like him one day. He never realizes that his constant admiring is getting on Dingo’s nerves, though. It’s always work work work with that canine. Can’t he stop and enjoy the moment once in a while?
All his life, Cyrus was raised to believe that everything Queen Aleena said was law and that those below him were just obstacles in his way. But when his long-time friend, Manic, was found to be the Queen’s son and she wanted him gone before he and his siblings could overthrow her, Cyrus finds himself in a pickle. Maybe, if Manic accepts that Aleena is the true Queen and promises to not try and defy her, he’d get his friend back. Why even worry about the others when he had everything he needed if he just behaved? 
Knowing Sonia from the Rebels Group made Bartleby a target for manipulation for Aleena, trying to trick the mink into luring the Rebels out and punishing them for all their wrongdoings, all to protect what remains of his family’s history. But once he realizes that the lives of innocent mobians would be at stake, he quickly breaks away from her control and vows to help the Rebels in any way he can. His love for the arts helps him create things, though they seem to be more dangerous than helpful. It’s the thought that counts, right?
The other prevalent member of the Rebels is Knuckles. Cunning and decently strong to boot, he makes good support for the group. He also knows a bit about nature, so that’s a plus. Early on, he was captured by Aleena, who attempted to learn a thing or two about the growing Rebels, but the triplets quickly saved him when Sonia realized he was in danger, as the two knew each other from childhood. 
Under the watchful eyes of “Delphius” (The Oracle isn’t “the Oracle”, but is replacing Athiar), Trevor is destined to watch over the Chaos Emerald resting within the Floating Islands. Good with the few mechanical items he can find littering the Island, he became quite a handyman, making small weapons and other things to keep the Emerald, and the Island, safe.
If it isn’t obvious, Cyrus and Bartleby swap while Knuckles and Trevor swap. 
It was…hard trying to figure out who would take Knuckles’ place, as he is kind of…REALLY strongly tied to the Emeralds. But, Trevor has as much character as Knuckles does in the show, so it fits. 
I also find it funny that the two characters that have some sort of relationship with Sonia…STILL have relations with Sonia, just differently. (Seeing as Bartleby and Knuckles take Cyrus and Trevor’s place, who were friends of Sonic originally).
The Oracle (or just “Delphius”) and Athiar also switch places. The Oracle was a strong contender for the one switching with Robotnik, but…Athiar makes more sense in the long term. Both are old. Most likely DEAD already. One is cryptic while the other is a bit of a fearful hermit. 
So, yeah. There we go. There are other characters in Underground, and they’d all switch around as well, but I’m gonna leave this here for now with the more important characters.
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violet-shadows · 2 years
Missing Piece (Part Nine)
Series Index | Masterlist
Summary: Cassian and Nesta are happily mated and in love, so why do they feel like something is missing? When a newcomer arrives in the City of Starlight, they learn that their bond is not yet complete. 
Pairing: Cassian x Nesta x Reader (She/Her) (Poly Relationship)
Word Count: 3.0k
⊱ —————— ❈ —————— ⊰
I didn’t see Nesta again for three days after we kissed, and I was growing more nervous by the hour. Cassian walked me home each day, assuring me that Nesta was just working some things out in her mind, but my confidence diminished each day I walked outside to find him alone. He insisted that it was Nesta’s own demons rearing their head, but it was hard not to take it as a rejection. On the third day of walking me home alone, Cassian diverted us to a cafe on the Sidra for dinner. Whether he could sense my anxiety regarding Nesta or simply had impeccable timing, I wasn’t sure, but once we were seated in an isolated corner of the pavilion, he began to speak. “I wanted to talk to you… about Nesta.” I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat as my mind began to spin up possibilities. 
“It took me a long time to understand her,” he said, looking out over the water, “longer than it should have. She closes off when she gets scared… puts up walls to keep people at arm's length. I thought it was about me, at first, that she pushed me away because I was a bastard and a brute, but it’s not...” 
“She doesn’t want to get hurt,” I surmised, so familiar with the feeling that it made my eyes sting with tears. 
“In part, yes,” Cassian nodded, eyes boring into mine. “But she also doesn’t want to hurt anyone. I think that’s what scares her the most: letting someone get close and then hurting them, by accident.”
“She wouldn’t—” I began, feeling defensive of my mate. 
“I know,” he assured, giving a small, sad smile. “She doesn’t, though. It’s hard, once you’ve seen yourself as a monster, to ever see anything else.” 
“Have you?” I asked, keeping my voice low. “Seen yourself as a monster?” 
“I was raised to be one. I’ve been one before,” he replied, drawing a deep breath. He folded his hands in front of him on the table, a distant look in his eyes. “In the camps, you’re the hunter or you’re the prey, especially without a title or bloodline to back you up. If Rhys’s mother hadn’t taken me under her wing... if I hadn’t known family through them… I don’t know what I might have been.”
“You’re the furthest things from a monster,” I whispered, reaching out to grab his hand. 
“I can be, though,” he rebutted, “but I’m not… not always. Nesta helps me remember that.”
“You two understand each other,” I murmured. I thought back to the long, shared looks I had witnessed between them, of the way they moved and breathed in sync, and I couldn’t but feel a bit like an outsider. Could I ever grow to know them the way that they knew each other? 
“I got lucky, in that sense,” he replied. “When we found you… when it clicked, we were both afraid you’d outright reject us. I think, perhaps, Nesta still is. Perhaps we both are…” He said the last bit quietly, as if he were speaking to himself, and seemed to regret it almost immediately. “I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have said that. We agreed not to pressure you.”
“Pressure me?” I inquired.
“About accepting the bond,” he clarified. “We didn’t want you to feel obligated… like you had no choice. We still don’t.”
“And here I was afraid you two would reject me,” I replied.
“Reject you?” Cassian seemed surprised at the notion, his eyebrows shooting up. “Why would we reject you?” He said it as if the concept were preposterous and my heart squeezed, hope blooming within me. 
“You really can’t see it? The most legendary General Prythian has ever seen and the Made Valkyrie who beheaded the King of Hybern are mates to a random healer from the Winter Court. I can’t exactly… measure up to that. Comparatively, I’m nobody.”
“Don’t say that. You’re not a nobody,” Cassian gave my hand a gentle squeeze, his eyes burning with intensity. “Regardless, Nesta and I don’t care about status or power. You’re good, through and through. That’s what matters.”
“The two of you seem so well matched… so in love… I’m afraid there won’t be a place for me,” I cringed as I said it, looking down at our intertwined hand. I wasn’t sure what had prompted this vulnerability, but once I was spilling truths to him, I didn’t want to stop. 
“There is a place for you. I can feel it. We can feel it. We’ve known since long before we met you, that there was something else, someone else for us,” he leaned forward across the table, brushing his hand across my chin to make me look at him. “I need you to know that any hesitation you might have picked up on has nothing to do with you. I think it’s just… different with you. You’re kind… and good… it’s frightening to think that we might wreck that.”
“You’re kind and good too, Cassian. You both are,” I said quietly, swallowing a lump in my throat, “I can feel it.” 
“Thank you, Y/N,” he said, breathing out a deep sigh. “If you can give Nesta a bit more time, I think she’ll come to agree with you.” 
“I can wait for her. For both of you.” 
⊱ —————— ❈ —————— ⊰
Upon dropping me off at home, Cassian informed me that he had a meeting the following afternoon, but offered to send someone else to walk me home. I already made plans to have dinner with Elise and Ezran, so I declined, assuring him that one or both of them would walk me home afterward. He had hugged me again before we parted, placing a gentle kiss on the top of my head, and I could swear that stepping out of his embrace drew physical pain. As I lay in bed that night, wide awake with Cassian’s scent still lingering on my clothes, I thought of my mates unendingly. Keeping them at arm's length, and not getting emotionally invested, was a moot point by now, and I hoped beyond hope that Cassian was correct in his assessment of our dynamic. I couldn’t stomach the thought of rejection, not now that I had bared so much of my soul to them both. 
The next day came and went without incident, my thoughts far away as I went about my duties. My final patient of the evening was a young Fae with a tricky laceration to his hand, and I stayed nearly an hour later than anticipated ensuring the sutures were perfect. Ezran and Elise were long gone by the time I finishes, so I rushed to get to Elise’s house by myself. Upon arriving, I knocked on her front door, waited a few moments, then knocked again. When she didn’t answer, I decided to let myself in, figuring she and Ezran were probably upstairs in the kitchen, unable to hear me. 
When I reached the top of the steps, I gave a yelp of surprise and quickly shut my eyes and smacked my hand over my face. Elise and Ezran were indeed in the kitchen, but their state was entirely unexpected. They were locked in an embrace, lips pressed together, with Elise’s dress halfway unlaced in the back. I could hear them scrambling to jump apart, but kept my hand firmly over my eyes, not wanting to see my friends in states of undress.
“Oh Cauldron! Sorry, Y/N, we… uh… got caught up. Forgot you were coming.” I could picture Elise’s face as she spoke, blushing crimson with embarrassment. “Just give us a minute and…”
“That’s okay!” I squeaked, “I’ll leave you two be, I don’t want to interrupt.” 
“Really, it’s fine,” Ezran began, but I shook my head, feeling for the stair rail so I could retreat. The idea of spending the evening as a third wheel, pretending I hadn’t walked in on them, was less than appealing.
“I had a long day, you just… enjoy your night,” I stifled my laughter until I was all the way out of Elise’s apartment, already making note of how I would tease the two later. I had suspected some chemistry between them since we first arrived in Velaris, but I certainly hadn’t expected things to progress so quickly. They were a good match, though, both healers of similar social classes, with uncomplicated pasts and bright futures. In contrast to my own situation, it seemed rather simple for them to get together. I tried not to get hung up on childish envy.
I was halfway home by the time the sun began to set, the streets emptying as people went inside for dinner. As I rounded the corner to a particularly empty corridor, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. A few meters ahead was a group of males having a rowdy conversation on a pub stoop. I could see drinks in their hands, and from the way they were swaying, I knew these weren’t their first of the night. I ducked my head as I passed, hoping to go unnoticed, but just as I thought I was free of them, a hand hooked onto my upper arm. I gasped and whirled around to see a grinning, glassy-eyed stranger clutching my arm. “Why don’t you stop and have a drink with us?” he slurred. I tried to pull away, but his grip remained firm. Behind him, another male, one of his friends, was approaching us. For a moment I thought he might mean to come to my defense, but when I saw his face, my heart dropped.
Even years later, I recognized him immediately. Blonde hair, a long straight nose, and a predatory glint in his eyes, as if he was amused at the sight of fear. The first time I saw him was when Amarantha’s soldiers arrived in Winter to declare the new law of the land. The last time I saw him was several years later, when he ran my father through with a broadsword and then dragged my mother away in shackles. I didn’t know his name, but I had memorized his features, revisiting them in my nightmares where I watched him rip my family to pieces, a sick smirk on his face. I would recognize him anywhere. “C’mon, doll. Come have a good time with us.” 
“You,” I gasped and I ripped my arm free of the other male, stumbling backward as the world seemed to tilt on its axis. I had fantasized many times about what I would do if I ever saw him again, imagining how I might leap upon him and pluck out his eyes, fueled by rage and grief. Now, with the male I hated most in the world standing before me, I instead wanted nothing more than to run. Despite my mounting fear, I remained frozen, as if shackled to the ground by his mere presence. Something shifted in his expression as he looked at me, displaying vague recognition that made my stomach roll.
“I know you from somewhere,” he said, stepping towards me. My heart thundered in my chest, my plans for vengeance forgotten as the reality of the situation set in. I was gravely outmatched by him, let alone with his friends nearby. I picked up my skirt, preparing to turn heel and run when a large, dark shape appeared in front of me. The males before me were blocked from view by a pair of large, leathery wings. For a moment, I thought Cassian might have come to my aid, but the dark whisps of shadow swirling around the person’s hands gave away their identity. 
Azriel. The Shadowsinger. 
I had never been so relieved to see someone with such a terrifying reputation. “Is there a problem here?” he asked the males, his voice low and deadly. I peeked around his wing to see the group had gone still, all traces of merriment extinguished. The other males on the stoop began to retreat while the other two remained rooted in place.
“We were just inviting the lady for a drink,” the first male explained, a slight waver in his voice. It was a far cry from his earlier demeanor. 
“Didn’t look like she was interested,” Azriel replied, his voice unnervingly steady. He turned around, looking me up and down in a clinical manner before asking, “Did they hurt you at all?” I shook my head, shock stealing my voice, nd Azriel looked me over one more time before he turned back to the males. I was too distracted to hear the rest of the conversation, my mind stuck in a loop of grisly memories and unbridled fear. I didn’t notice the males leave or Azriel turn to me again until a gentle hand rested on my shoulder. “Y/N?”
“What?”, I looked up, struggling to focus on anything when the world felt like it was spinning.
“I said ‘are you alright?' You’re shaking,” Azriel asked again, his demeanor softening slightly. I opened my mouth to respond, to assure him I was physically unharmed, but my throat tightened and I was cut off by a choked sob. I buried my face in my hands, embarrassed to cry in front of a near stranger but unable to stop myself. “I’ll get you home,” Azriel murmured, sweeping me into his arms. I kept my eyes closed during the short flight, determined to catch my breath and calm down so I could explain myself. We landed in front of my building and Azriel gently herded me up the steps, taking the key from my trembling hands to unlock the door. “
“What happened? What did those males do?” he asked urgently once we were in private. I fought to catch my breath, the tears seemingly endless, and he crouched in front of me. “It’s okay, you’re safe. Take deep breaths.” 
I never would have imagined being comforted by the Spymaster of the Night Court, but the male was surprisingly good at calming me down. After a minute, I drew a steadying breath, finally able to speak.
“That male,” I began, wrapping my arms around myself, “the blonde one. I know him. H-he worked for Amarantha. He k-killed my father.” My voice broke on the last syllable and I shuttered, the image of my father’s bloodless corpse flashing behind my eyelids. 
“Are you sure?” he asked. “Most of Amarantha’s people have been hunted down.” I knew the odds of one of her captains making his way to Velaris were slim, and the more I thought about it, the more I questioned myself. The lighting was poor and the memories old, and I was hesitant to condemn the wrong male, lecherous as he and his ilk were. 
“I’m… almost certain,” I replied. Azriel nodded, moving to stand. 
“I’ll look into it, you have my word. If he is the same male, there will be consequences. I’ll be having a longer… conversation with all of them, regardless, about harassing females in the streets.” Something told me he intended to do more than talk with the group, but I didn’t have it in me to ask. “Do you want me to bring you to the House?” 
I shook my head, wanting to be alone while I processed my grief. Just as he was moving to leave, I remembered to ask about one key detail of the evening’s events. “Azriel? How did you find me?” 
“Nesta asked me to make sure you got home safe. You left your friend's house earlier than I expected, so I was out looking,” he said with a shrug.
“Oh… Nesta did?” I asked, somewhat surprised. Seeing as it was Cassian who made it his mission to walk me home each day, I figured it would be him to make the request. 
“Nesta is… protective of the people she cares about,” he explained, the corner of his mouth twitching. 
“Well, thank you, for coming to the rescue,” I replied, replaying his words in my mind.
“Anytime,” he nodded, moving towards the door. “Lock this behind me and stay in tonight, okay? I’ll send Cassian and Nesta your way.”
I considered telling him not to bother them, that I could sort out my emotions on my own, but I found myself wanting nothing more than my mates at my side. So instead, I thanked him and deadbolted the door behind him. 
I lay in bed after Azriel left, replaying the moment of my father’s death and comparing his executioner to the man I had just encountered. In my mind’s eye, the two were nearly identical, but I knew the brain could play tricks on you, especially where trauma was involved. I wondered what Azriel would find in his investigation, and felt embarrassed at the thought that I might have lost my cool over a mere doppelganger. 
After an hour or so of wallowing, there was a knock at my door. I all but leapt from bed at the sound of it, anticipating Cassian or Nesta or, preferably, both on the other side. Perhaps it was because I was tired, or maybe it was the ache in my heart drowning out all reason, but I didn’t check the peephole before I swung the door open. The figure on the other side was tall and broad-shouldered, but he lacked the exceptional height and trademark wings of my mate. I froze, squinting to see his face in the low firelight, and then my blood ran cold.
“Remember me?” asked the male who killed my father. 
⊱ —————— ❈ —————— ⊰
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haee-elia · 1 year
1x04 - plain sight
pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader (reader is non-bau agent)
summary: in which spencer reid gets some advice to ask out his best friend as a gift on his birthday
warnings: mentions of tommy killer (he r*ped and killed) although no mention directly of his crimes. no gore or descriptive language
a/n: wow! i’ve written so much in these past few weeks, wowee! i’ve planned the next few episodes and i’m really excited to get started on a few of them. i am currently rewatching criminal minds and planning as i watch each episode again (this is my third time going through the entire series)
i just wanna say, thanks for so much of the support whether you’re a lurker, you’ve liked, reblogged, or commented. i very much appreciate just overall any love on my writing!
here’s the masterlist of the rest of the one shots
and here’s the premise of what i’m doing
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You had a very large smile on your face as you stood behind Spencer, standing next to Elle, JJ, and Morgan singing the BAU’s resident genius a very, very happy birthday.
Although you weren’t part of the BAU team, you were extremely close to all the younger members of the team. So much so that Agent Gideon and Agent Hotchner didn’t even blink twice if they saw you in the bullpen, accompanying one of the team members. You had first met the BAU team members through one of your best friends at the bureau, Penelope Garcia.
Outside of the office, you enjoyed baking pastries, desserts, and other goods and you would often bring them to work and drop them off in the various break rooms around the buildings. You didn’t realize that Penelope enjoyed your cupcakes enough to devise a hunt on who was leaving the baked goods and to say you were mildly surprised that random Tuesday morning bringing in brownies after baking them the night before.
It was safe to say you became fast friends with eclectic and funky technical analyst. Penelope then introduced you to the BAU and you found that you fit right in. You and Morgan often reminisced about both of your fathers that died on duty to their respective police departments. You and JJ enjoyed organizing a 1 on 1 game of soccer to get a quick workout in. You and Elle, the newest addition to the BAU team, traded family recipes, both coming from Spanish households.
However, there was one member of the team that the moment you met, you just clicked with, even more than Penelope. That member was Dr. Spencer Reid, the young 23, now 24, year old genius who was a better expert in anything than anyone you had ever met.
On weekends when the BAU didn’t have a case, you and Spencer would get a coffee and walk around bookshops in the D.C. area. If you saw a documentary or play being held nearby, you would check with Spencer if he wanted to join you. When he found out you couldn’t ride a bike, he offered to teach you and took you to the park where you spent the day laughing and bonding over scrapped knees. Sometimes, you would walk into the bullpen and Spencer would have a new factoid about baking and others, he would have a whole new recipe that he thought you might like. You two just meshed together really well.
Spencer, who seemed more awkward and shy at first, quickly opened up to you once you made it known that you didn’t care if he rambled on about something new he learned or that you didn’t find it weird how he could read quickly yet didn’t fully trust new technology.
You, who struggled with people pleasing and perfectionism, weren’t afraid to show flaws and mistakes in front of Spencer who encouraged you that your slightly lopsided souffle still tasted great and that the neighbor at your apartment complex who you had spent a year and a half to befriend wasn’t worth your time or effort anymore.
Unfortunately, being so close with Spencer meant you knew all of him and it was impossible to squash the blazing crush your heart and mind had set on him. Both of you were single and it technically wasn’t prohibited to date within the bureau if you were on different teams, like you and Spencer are, but after knowing the man for about a year and a half and spending so much time with him, you were almost sure he wasn’t interested in you.
He hadn’t made any move to ask you out or turn any of your regular outings into a date and you were being incredibly not subtle about your affections on the young genius to the point that you would definitely question his ability as a profiler if he wasn’t able to pinpoint your adoration and crush on him.
The smartest thing for you to do would be to distance yourself from Spencer and maybe try and get over him by going on dates, but everytime you thought about doing so, you would get a call from Spencer and it was like your heart couldn’t tell him no.
Which brought you to present day, singing happy birthday and celebrating Spencer’s 24th birthday with the rest of the BAU team. Spencer, dressed in a checkerboard light blue shirt with a ridiculous birthday hat shaped like a cartoon birthday cake that Derek had bought for him, was sitting at his desk in front of a cake you had made him.
As you ended the celebratory happy birthday song, you watched as Spencer went to blow out the candles and they kept relighting.
Derek was jokingly mocking him, telling him he was full of hot air, and JJ and Elle were laughing quietly as Spencer kept blowing at the candles.
You decide to take some pity on the situation and tell him, “Spence,” You address, not noting the way Spencer immediately looked towards you when you called him, “They’re trick candles that Derek bought. No matter how much blowing they’ll never go out.”
Derek awed now that his prank was done and JJ left briefly to go get a cup of water to be able to put the still lit candles out. You just came up closer to Spencer.
“Happy birthday, Spence!” You wish him as you wrap your arms around his shoulders and hug him from behind. It was a bit awkward since he was sitting down and you were standing up, but his height made it easier.
As JJ came back and took off the candles, Elle was ready with the cake knife that you had brought along with the cake, paper plates, and utensils.
“Aw, come on,” Derek playfully complained as he saw the inside of the cake, “Vanilla? Really, that’s so boring!” He said even though his eyes told a different story.
You chuckled and patted Spencer’s shoulders with your hands before moving to help Elle get slices cut for everyone, “Alright, Derek. When it’s your birthday, you get to choose the flavor.” You reprimand him, equally as playful in tone.
“And,” You add, “Vanilla isn’t boring. A good vanilla is the best flavor there it.” You hand off one of the paper plates to Spencer who looked ready to dig into his favorite flavor of cake.
He nodded along to what you were saying as well, “Did you know that when vanilla first left Mexico in the early 1500s, it was thought to only have value as an ingredient and aromatic in perfumes? It wasn’t until 1519 that it was discovered to the Spaniards to be useful as a flavoring.”
You smiled, “No, I didn’t know. That’s really cool. Vanilla is one of my favorite flavors to bake with.” You say, “Did you know that vanilla is still the most popular ice cream flavor in the U.S?”
Spencer nodded, his mouth chewing the moist vanilla cake that you had made the night before in preparation of his birthday.
In fact, he was actually over at your apartment as you baked his cake. You at first argued against him being there, wanting his cake to be a surprise, but he convinced you that you were only baking the cakes that night and you were going to wait to frost it in the morning. And of course, you couldn’t say no to Spencer so he sat on one of your barstools as you mixed up ingredients for the vanilla cake batter. He also licked the spatula and bowl clean afterwards and you allowed it because he was the birthday boy (you also couldn’t say no to Spence).
“Oh my god,” You heard Elle say, “This is the best cake I’ve ever had.”
JJ and Derek chuckled and you beamed under the praise, “Just wait until your birthday, Elle. I’ll make you that Caramel Flan recipe you gave me.”
“I would literally kiss you.” She stated, her eyes widened just with the thought of the delicious Cuban dessert.
“Pucker up,” You joked and turned your cheek to Elle, leaning your cheek closer and tapping on it. All of you laughed and JJ and Derek broke off in conversation with Elle about the other cakes and desserts you had made them for their birthdays.
“I don’t think I’ve told you thank you,” Spencer says to you while picking at his cake slice, “Thanks for making my cake and for doing all this,” He gestures to the small birthday decorations around his desk.
You shrugged it off, “Spence, you are my best friend, of course I would do all this. Plus, it was my treat.”
Spencer blushed, an easy and common occurrence, “Don’t let Penelope hear you call me your best friend.” He playfully warned, pointing the end of his fork at you jokingly.
You both chuckled, “I would never hear the end of it, that’s for sure.” You stand up straighter and exclaim, “Oh!”
You move around Spencer’s desk and he watches as you bend down and reveal a bag, being grasped in your hand.
Spencer once again pointed his fork at you, “We agreed on no gifts.” He stated, eyeing the bag you were holding that had a big happy birthday text on the front surrounded by glitter.
“You agreed on no gifts.” You replied, handing the bag off to your best friend, “I said no such thing.”
He pulled the first thing out of the bag, it was a pack of socks. Funky socks that you had found at different thriftstores.
“That’s just to add to your sock collection.” You say as he inspects them, you point down at his own socks that he’s wearing right now, “You can mix and match them all you like.”
He grins and compliments your taste, looking at the cool patterns, before reaching again into the bag and pulling out a navy blue neck pillow.
“For the long plane rides. So your neck doesn’t ache as badly.” You explain.
He thanks you and places it on his desk, pulling out the next gift. It was just a simple Barnes & Noble gift card. You made sure you didn’t pick a card that would show the price because you knew Spencer would scold you for giving him $100 to spend on books.
“You’ve mentioned some new books coming out soon.” You simply state. “There’s one more thing in there.”
The last thing in the gift bag was a special item, something that you would never dare tell Spencer what you paid for it. It was a book light, one that could be wrapped around his neck and then beamed warmer light, not fluorescent brightness.
You smile, “You told me about how you had to get reading glasses the other day because your eyes were straining a lot when reading. I saw this and thought the warmer light could help with the eye straining and you could read better.”
He returned your smile, looking down at the light and checking it out.
“It’s some new technology or something, but I swear it’s super simple. All you have to do is press the button on the side and it uses batteries. I think you can dim it too.” You explain.
“I-I don’t know what to say,” He stutters, “This has to be the most thoughtful gift I’ve gotten in a long time.” He says.
You don’t say anything, knowing he was probably thinking about his mother and how she is living in the care facility all the way back in Las Vegas.
You kiss the top of his head, “Happy Birthday, Spence.” You say.
The birthday celebration is shortly lived when Agent Gideon and Agent Hotchner walk over to your group gathered at Spencer’s desk.
“Sorry, guys, the party’s over.” Agent Hotchner says, “We’re going to San Diego.”
The team sulks and wishes Spencer once more, a happy birthday and then splits off, going to get ready to fly out. You clean up the mess from the cake left behind and smile at Spencer as he also debates on leaving you here, alone.
“I’ll see you when you get back, Spence.” You say, gathering used plates and utensils, “We can go grab some takeout or something.”
“I-I’d love that.” He says as he grabs his gifts and his satchel bag, “I’ll, um, call you when we’re landing.”
You nod and wave to him as he leaves the bullpen area, leaving your aching heart behind as well.
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Later, Spencer sits with Elle waiting for the unsub to call into the San Diego Police Department tip line after claiming they made an arrest to the Tommy Killer. An arrest that the BAU team knew they could orchestrate to lure out the real Tommy Killer.
Spencer ponders outloud, “Do you think it’s weird that I knew the ballad?” He asks Elle.
Derek had made a comment that Spencer knew was supposed to be a joke, but it still made him wonder. Is his vast database of knowledge a factor in why he doesn’t date or get dates? Does it make him unattractive or undesirable? Is it an annoyance? Do people just tolerate him?
Elle shakes her head, “I don’t know how it is that you know half the things you know but I’m glad you do.” She replies.
“Do you think it’s why I can’t get a date?” He prods again, wanting her opinion on the subject since she is a woman.
“You ever ask anyone out?” She prods back.
Spencer shakes his head, “No.” He responds.
Elle points at him, “That’s why you can’t get a date.” She states.
Spencer furrows his eyebrows, “How would one go about that?” He inquires, “Asking one out on, uh, on a date.” He shyly implores.
Elle seems a little shocked before she looks at him questioningly and sees him fiddle with his hands and then look down at his feet and smile. She follows his line of vision to see that Spencer had changed socks, specifically into the ones you had just given him for his birthday.
“Oh my god,” She says, realizing what Spencer was inherently asking, “You wanna ask out-”
She nearly points it verbally and Spencer sits up straighter and tenses up knowing what she is going to say, but he is saved by the bell, or at least by the ringing of a phone.
“Detective Martin.” He hears the man introduce himself to hopefully would be the real Tommy Killer. Spencer moves out of his seat quickly and towards the detective on call, leaving Elle speechless and a little bit flabbergasted by the deduction she made. His heart slowly calms down and he wipes his hands on his pants before gladly moving focus to the case.
God, he’s never been so thankful for a rageful unsub.
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And finally, at the end of the Tommy Killer case on the plane with the rest of the team in bound for Quantico once again, Spencer sat against one of the comfortable BAU jet seats. It was a longer flight back home, from San Diego, California to Quantico, Virginia, but it sure did helped that they rode in style and comfortably.
He looked out one of the small airplane windows to see the night sky. He was putting your gifts to good use as well. The neck pillow was around his neck in a bulky manner, his socks that he wore were from the variety pack you had gotten him, and as Spencer rifled through his satchel bag to grab a book to read for the rest of the flight, he also gingerly took your gift in hand.
Spencer took the neck pillow off of the back of his head and stuffed it into his bag before taking out his latest book and the book light you had gotten him.
He was just setting it up to read his book when he heard a mix between a chuckle and a scoff from somewhere else on the plane. He turned to see Derek.
“Sorry, pretty boy,” Derek said, although his tone wasn’t sorry at all, “It’s just-” He gestured around his own neck and pointed at Spencer’s.
“This whole thing? C’mon boy genius, what even is that?” He asks while stifling a laugh.
Spencer can feel his face turn beet red and he quickly goes to defend his new gift, a gift that you gave him, “I-it helps reduce eye strain when reading!”
JJ pipes in and playfully shoves Derek’s shoulder, “Oh come on, Derek, lay off him. You know who gave it to him.”
Then Elle interjects, “Could this be the same person who Spencer wants to ask out?” She asks the group.
“Ask out?” JJ reiterates before getting a confirmation in the form of Elle nodding, “Oh my gosh, Spencer, you should totally ask her out!” She encourages.
“Do you even know how to ask someone out, pretty boy?” Derek teases. Spencer’s face, if possible, turns even more red as he goes to avoid the question.
The group took Spencer’s silence as a cry for help apparently, because next thing Spencer knows, all three are giving him advice on how to ask out someone. Advice that Spencer really didn’t need solicited to him.
“He should invite her over to his place!”
“No, no, no! Take her to a classy dinner!”
“What about a movie date?”
He sighs and puts his book and his new book light (which doesn’t fail to bring a smile to his face everytime he sees it) back in his satchel bag and gets up from his seat. The group of three don’t even notice Spencer walking to the other half of the plane, the more quiet end housing Hotch doing paperwork and Gideon sitting in front of a chess board.
He takes a seat in front of Gideon and inspects the chess board and the current state of both sides. Chess with Gideon made sense. He didn’t have people in his ear telling him what to do or nervousness creep up on him every time he saw a board. He knew chess. Chess was much more simple.
Gideon looks at Spencer for a bit and the two interchange pieces quickly and it isn’t long until half the board is gone and the game slows down a bit.
“Oh,” Gideon says before reaching into his pocket, “I almost forgot. I have something for you.”
“Oh, yeah?” Spencer acknowledges, mostly focusing on the chess game at hand.
Gideon hands Spencer an envelope, “Forgot to give it to you at the party.” He simply explains.
Spencer is a bit confused, “But you don’t give birthday presents.” He states as a fact.
He opens the envelope and finds two tickets and he reads the header text on them out loud, “Sir Law Table?” He says. It only makes him more confused.
Gideon corrects his pronunciation with a smile, “Sur La Table.”
Spencer’s eyebrows furrow as he tries to make sense of the gift, “Thank you so much.”
“It’s a 6-week cooking course.” Gideon explains, “For two.” He adds. “Do you cook a lot?”
“I can’t say that I do.” Spencer responds.
Gideon waves off his confusion, “You’re gonna love it.”
“Sure,” Spencer replies, “Are you a good cook?”
“Yes, I like to think I am.” Giden chuckles, “But those tickets are not for you and me.” He points out.
Now this leaves Spencer even more confused, “They’re not?”
“Who for then?” He inquires.
There’s a glimmer in his eye, a youthful and playful one that Spencer doesn’t quite recognize in Gideon, “For the only person in the world that calls you Spence.”
It leaves Spencer speechless, still holding the two tickets in his hand. Just at the mere mention of you, his hands start to clam up a bit and he can feel his heart starting to beat a little faster.
Gideon smirks, “It’s a perfect way to ask a girl out on a first date.”
“W-wh-what?” Spencer stutters. “B-b-but how do I-- what do I--,” He clears his throat and tries to verbally put together his racing thoughts, “What if she says no?”
“She won’t.” Gideon simply states. He leaves Spencer to the rest of his thoughts as he moves a pawn on the board.
It seems that Spencer has calmed his mind and thoughts as he glances at the tickets again, rubbing his fingers between the paper of the two raffle style tickets.
Gideon can see the cogs turning in the boy genius’s mind slowly start working at a normal speed again and it seems like Spencer has made up his own mind when he turns his attention back to the board, but only for a small second.
Spencer moves his bishop across the board and pauses to look up at Gideon with his own playful sparkle now in his eye, “Checkmate.” He says and then leaves Gideon to the thoughts of the game before returning to his own seat where his bag still stays.
Gideon watches as Spencer waves off the three younger BAU members and whatever they were wanting to say to the youngest member of the team.
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It’s only a few hours later and after the BAU jet lands that Hotch, JJ, Elle, Derek, and Gideon gather around waiting for the elevator to arrive that they all turn around to now face the glass doors that enter into the bullpen to watch a very happy sight.
Spencer approaches you and says something that the group can’t quite make out so far away with some type of paper or papers in his hand, but its clear what the reaction is when you nod your head and gleefully respond to something that looks like a large yes and launch into Spencer with a gigantic hug.
You and Spencer are still intertwined in your hug when Spencer spots the rest of his team outside, watching through the glass doors. He gives Gideon a nod and mouths a thank you just as the elevator arrives to bring everyone home.
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brendathedoodler · 1 year
A short one today for my out of season whumptober
Day 6: Ransom video / “I’ve got a pulse” / Screams from across the hall
Warnings: presumed off screen torture but nothing is shown
Time had lived most of his life as the close friend of Captain Sheik. He knew them well, and being kidnapped by them had become routine. It was almost weekly that they would snatch him up from his home and shove him in the brig, always with a new trick up their sleeve.
The two of them liked to joke it was enrichment. As much as Time loved his life on the farm with Malon, he was a pirate and adventurer through and through. Sheik’s weekly kidnappings were, admittedly, enjoyable. Escaping was like a puzzle he had to solve.
It was also fun because he knew they’d never hurt him. He knew that if he shouted for them to release him, they would. It was a game, with no real danger behind it. It was their own strange little escape room, set up by a close, trusted friend.
Sheik also always said they did it to prepare him, just in case someone else got their hands on him. Time was a slippery bastard, and they’d helped him hone his skills over the years. Hardly anything could hold him for long.
Just because he could escape from practically any restraints and bust out of any cage he found himself in didn’t mean he could do it fast.
Now, if anyone had seen how quickly Time had gotten free from the ropes he’d been tied in, they’d probably say he’d managed it with lightning speed. No matter how fast any outsider might say it was, Time himself couldn’t help but feel it was too slow.
Finding the bobby-pin in his hair had taken far, far too long, and he was struggling with the lock of the cell he was trapped in. Perhaps it was panic making him fumble, or perhaps this unfamiliar era just made locks differently than his own. Whatever the case, it was taking far too long.
Another scream from a distant cell was the clock’s chime to tell him he needed to go faster. He took a deep breath, trying to convince himself not to rush despite how badly he wanted to just get out. If he rushed, he would mess up, and it would take even longer.
It was agonizing. He knew that someone, someone he’d come to view as family, was suffering. He tried not to think too hard about who it was or what could be happening to make them scream like that, but deep down he’d known from the moment he first heard the screaming from across the hall that it was Twilight.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the lock clicked. Time shoved the door open as another scream rang out, and he ran as fast as he could to the source, silently praying it wasn’t too late.
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thewatercolours · 7 months
King's Quest Fic: "Pixilation"
More freewriting from the story of the siege.
“I won’t have anything to do with this,” King Graham’s words were firm as the earth, low and dangerous. He stepped protectively in front of his wife and daughter, and for all he was a few steps down from the dais, he stared down the hooded figure that stood by his empty throne. “Neither will my family. If I had known what you meant to do when you first came to my door, I would have forbid anyone in my land from so much as looking at you!”
“But you all looked. You’ve all spoken to me,” said the blightworm. “I could never have spoken to you if you had not given me words. No sight would come to my eyes if you had not looked first. This is a ball you set rolling yourselves. You must go on.” It reached into the folds of its raiment, and produced three knives. The handles of the first two were spun of rough black metal, but the third was as coldly white as its blade. It looked up at them, faceless. “Come – carve your marks into my throne. You need not lose your power completely, sir. Nor you, ladies.”
Graham’s fury when the thing spoke to Valanice and Rosella was even keener than last time. He practically spat his next words. “This is between you and me, blightworm, and I can think of a better use for those knives. I’ve got a nice open courtyard just through that door.”
Valanice squeezed his shoulder warningly. “No, Graham!” she whispered. “Just keep him - ”
He knew it was unwise, but he couldn’t contain himself. “What, keep him talking?” he burst out. “That’s how we got here in the first place!”
“If we’re going to take this outside,” Rosella said, stepping out from behind her father’s arm, “you should know you’re gonna be facing two, Mister.”
“Rosella,” said Valanice sternly, but she made no move to stop her.
The blightworm scoffed. “These knives were made only for my purpose – that you might graft your royalty to mine. They would melt before they were taken up to fight.”
“Neese, Rosie, stand back,” muttered Graham. He climbed the stone steps, slowly and deliberately, till he stood level with the creature.
 Equally slowly, it closed the gap, till they stood inches from each other. “Come now.” it said. It proffered the white knife, handle forward. “You didn’t know until now, and you can only go on from where you are.”
Graham didn’t move. “But if I had known -”
Suddenly the blightworm threw up its arms in frustration. The knives clattered to the floor. Rosella dove to grab the nearest one, then yelped as it evaporated into hissing steam in her hand.
“Yes, yes, if you’d known! If you’d known! We get it! Stop harping on about that, why don’t you!” the thing said through gritted teeth. “Yes, how much easier if you’d never… known.” As suddenly as it had lost its composure, it seemed to regain it. It hummed meditatively. “Hm. Two marks would be enough,” it said carefully. “No need for yours, sir, if you’re in no condition to rule, to parlay. And you are the aggravating factor in the room just now. Hm.”
“Shut up!” cried Valanice suddenly, starting forward. She went from caution to a full blaze in a moment. Whatever intensity Rosella had, Valanice outstripped it with two words. “Don’t. You. Touch. Him. Or I will end you myself.”
The blightworm clicked its tongue sympathetically, “My good woman, I wouldn’t stoop to dirtying my hands by touching your kind. Henceforth, sir,” it said, moving its gaze from queen to king, “rest easy. As you yourself said, you have nothing to do with this. Unburden your mind. You know nothing of it. Be empty now.”
Graham vaguely felt his family grabbing him, pulling him back, and even more vaguely realized he no longer had a sense of balance, and perhaps had fallen. But with nowhere to land.  There was no crash to the floor, no tangle of arms round him. All these sensations seemed to be running away from him, toward some horizon. And sometime, somewhere, the words went on, but they had became song. A song of buckets poured out, of puddles turning dry in the beating sun, of eyes closing after long being deprived of sleep. Of being lost without caring you were lost. It was a weary song, and a long one, but without words. Only meaning. And gradually even that meaning seemed to made of smoke, gradually dissipating.
His eyes felt as though they might be open, and that they saw reds and greys, and something swirling purple from the corner of his eye, but he couldn’t resolve the shapes into any kind of sense. There were sounds besides the song, but they all drifted into the distance.
The song was all.
It was very warm, but there was something cool pressing against his brow. His chest was rising up and down. For a long time he couldn’t discern more than that. It occurred to him that his eyes were closed, and he would understand more if he opened them, but he couldn’t remember how.
Something was making dark, sharp noises without a pattern. There was a hand that sometimes came and went. The coolness turned warm, then it was gone, then back and cool again. A voice spoke without clarity, and another voice answered.
The second voice was a voice he knew. He didn’t know what to listen for to narrow down how he knew it. But it was a comfort.
He rested.
Sometime later, in the dark, the first voice spoke again – a thin tenor voice - and there were words in it this time. “Oh, a little awake now, I think? Don’t fear, sire, even if you can. Your family’s here, and we’ve all got away safe.” The voice coughed. “That’s probably too much for him to take in just now. The confusion will eventually lift, but it may be slow going.”
Graham only followed about half the words, and they seemed as though they were falling out of the sky like rain. Like he had to catch them in his cupped hands, and be careful not to spread his fingers even a bit, or they would dribble away. The words turned about in his mind, reordering, looking for some kind of order to them. But he had already forgotten them by the time he had finished looking each one over.
“Can he hear us too?” A lighter voice, the familiar one, with the words said a funny way.
“At my best guess, yes. But hearing and listening are not quite the same.”
Graham seemed to follow the hills and dips of the words in his mind. Outlines of a sound, hints of meaning. But it took so much concentration, and he was weary, so weary. For now he just the sounds flow over him, like he was lying on the bed of a stream with the current hurrying past.
“Graham!” The familiar voice. “I love you, my dear! You’ll be well again soon, and we won’t leave you for a moment.” A pause. “If he’s awake, is there any chance he’ll come out of this coma tonight, or tomorrow?”
“It’s not so much a coma. It’s a kind of fairy touch, you might say. A deep oblivion has filled his head. Like water where his mind should be. But it’s not possible for a human to know nothing and think nothing. I assume he still has all his natural processes of knowledge and understanding. But the blightworm will have conditioned him to a sort of bewilderment at everything, if he tries hard to think. That’s why it’s best not to press him for now. We’ll keep him down here, where it’s dark, and calm, and not too stimulating, and I’ll put the puzzle pieces of his head back together as he becomes ready.” “How will you do that?” Another person. What was that, the third, the fourth, the fifth voice? Too many. Too much.
“Princess, I am an elf. Your blightworm is a cousin of our kind. Back in the old dangerous days, pixilation was our main defense against human discovery. We’re all born with a natural sense of how to scramble a man’s mind, even if we live in a more civilized age now. And those that can do can also undo.”
“Can he take food? Drink?”
“I’ll make sure he receives all he needs, but by your leave, it’s best if we try and talk as little as possible now. I already told you he can probably hear it, and he’s unready for it. Besides, if this tunnel is the one I think it is, we’re not so far from the besiegers’ camp. They might even be right over our heads. And tunnelling and sounding are both things besiegers try eventually. The quieter we are the better. Now, madam, if you will douse this cloth in cold water and bathe his face again, I will see about getting him some nourishment, and we’ll leave the talk at that.”
Those last words – had sunk in a little. Cold water. Food. His mind felt a sudden alarm at the concept of cold water. Cold and water were different things how could one thing – cold – be another thing – water? And why? How? What? “What?” the word escaped his lips.
“Doctor, he said ‘what!’” the third, fourth, or fifth voice cried. “Dad, Dad! You’re awake?”
What? How? Every question resounded in his mind, a panic attack unto itself. He opened his eyes. Gold and black flooded his vision, unshaped, uncertain, terrifying. He clenched his eyes shut again.
“He opened his –“
“Yes, yes, I know,” said the first voice hurriedly. It turned to soothing. “Sh. Sh. No need for that yet. No need for anything. Plenty of time to make sense of it all. Just dream a while. Let yourself drift. Sh. No more talking, please.”
Some of this Graham understood, the rest not at all. But gradually the panic calmed, and he understood at least one thing. It was safe for now just to let it all pass him by, and to sleep for real. The presence of the known voice was comforting, and the cold did feel good. He let himself sink down, and he realized for the first time that he was on the ground. Through the blanket, he could feel roots and uneven earth.
“Sh. Sh. Sh.”
His hand closed around something. It at least had a shape. A hand, a hand he knew. A hand that went with the voice. He breathed out, and let himself sleep again.
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randomwriteronline · 2 years
Ingo raised his head to see Arezu treating him to a look oozing nothing short of pure disbelief: “Good morning,” he greeted without getting up from the bench outside of the dojo.
She pointed at the large, content, long-haired beast resting its front paws and head on his legs: “That’s Melli’s, isn’t it!”
“You are correct,” he nodded. “I’ve been entrusted him for a while as Warden Melli is off to the Coastlands to help Mr. Iscan with something he did not specify, though it might have to do with Miss Palina. If you could indulge my curiosity, how did you recognize him?”
“No Skuntank smells that good unless Melli has put his hands on it,” Arezu laughed. “All my lessons on hair care, and he uses them on him!”
Ingo’s hand flattened the tip of the enormous tail under her wide eyes: “He’s using them rather well if I may say so,” he noted: “I don’t think Skuntanks are normally this soft either. You’re a very lucky fellow, aren’t you,” he then continued as he spoke directly to the smug poisonous predator, “Getting this pampered all the time. You’re quite spoiled, you know. Truly quite spoiled.”
Skuntank made a rumbling ‘gneh’.
Lilligant’s warden shook her head, still flabbergasted: “How are you doing that?”
“Doing what?”
“That!” and she gestured to the area of Skuntank’s head.
The other checked puzzled for what she meant: “... Scratching him?”
“Yes! He never lets anyone except Melli so much as touch him!” Arezu told him. “When I would try to pet him he would turn around and bite me, even!”
Ingo blinked.
He grasped the chubby snout between both hands.
“Well that’s just rude,” he reprimanded Skuntank calmly, “Why would you do that? That seems counter-productive. You’re smart, you are aware that if you did not attack people who want to give you scritches, you would get more scritches. Why is it then that you’re so mean to everybody else, hm? Why do you allow me but not Miss Arezu? That’s awfully rude of you, she’s known you for much longer than me and she’s never gotten to enjoy petting you. And she says you’ve bitten her on top of that. For shame.”
The pokémon replied with purring gibberish, looking more smug than ever.
“Honestly I don’t believe you should take any advice from Melli on this topic. He’s quite terrible.”
An indignated protest.
“I know he is good at other things, of course! But this is not one of them.”
Arezu huffed, amused, and tilted her head: “You understand him?”
“I’m not fluent, but I manage,” Ingo shrugged lightly, pale nails digging vigurously behind a small ear. The poisonous creature’s hind paw thumped at the ground as he tried to join in and scratch that sweet spot as well.
The girl giggled.
“Maybe that’s why he doesn’t bite you,” she proposed.
“Because we converse?”
“Because you get him!”
“Ah! I suppose that would certainly help, yes. Though I’m not very sure - like his trainer he can be quite inscrutable when he wants to.”
“Melli, inscrutable? Are you sure?” Arezu laughed: “I’d say he likes to make himself obnoxiously clear!”
The other warden hummed thoughtfully: “Then you’ll figure out why he’s entrusted me his most favored Pokémon although he barely tollerates me,” he sighed in the end, “Because I find it quite strange.”
She twisted her mouth once or twice: “Well,” she concluded, “You’re probably the best person for the job, no? With how fond you are of all of them...”
“As well as a member of the Pearl Clan.”
“And the best wielder-”
“-That’s what I said, of all of Hisui - save maybe from the kid.”
“I do believe he would feel more comfortable knowing Skuntank is the hands of family than a coworker he’s not particularly fond of, don’t you think?”
Skuntank took the opportunity to interrupt them right then with a long purred sentence, making all sorts of raucous incomprehensible mewls and kneading it claws gently into Ingo’s leg.
The man stared for a moment at him, seemingly flabbergasted.
Then he lowered his head closer to the Pokémon’s to murmur: “I don’t think it’s very wise to divulge such information like that.”
Arezu’s eyebrows shot upwards like the ears of an intrigued Glameow.
“What did he say?” she demanded to know.
But Ingo shook his head solemnly: “I’m afraid I cannot repeat that.”
“Is it vulgar? I’ve heard more than enough crude gossip cutting and combing, I can handle that!”
“No, it’s not vulgar, and as I said I shall not repeat it.”
“Oh come on, please!”
“Warden Melli would kill for much less.”
A loud gasp, and as her eyes shined with mischief her whisper turned conspiratorial: “Is it dirt on Melli that I don’t know already?”
Ingo made the motion of shutting his mouth and closing it with three turns of an imaginary key; then, just as he was about to toss it away, he paused for a moment of thought and hid it instead deep within the dense luscious fur of Skuntank’s back.
“Not a word,” he sentenced triumphantly.
Arezu opened her mouth in a joking rage as if to protest before giving him an overly exaggerated pout.
Narrow gaze shifted onto the large predator, she lowered herself slightly towards the ground, hand raised incospicuously to creep closer and closer to the soft purple body, reaching for the invisible key’s hiding spot - and she yipped when those sharp teeth turned to snapped at her with a sharp clack! and a growl that sounded like a dark chuckle.
“That’s not fair!” she whined.
The older warden’s face twisted ever so slightly into a smug smile that strikingly resembled Skuntank’s and he buried his face in the clean-smelling purple tail, scritching the Pokémon’s side satisfied.
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damnedrainbows · 5 months
second day in a row for a bad autistic melt down
and I mean I should be grateful really, it’s been so long since I’ve had a really bad melt down. Been a month maybe, which shows significant improvement. You’d never have known it happened yesterday, I was acting the same as always huh? just left for a couple hours
it’d be nice if I knew what caused them but I don’t. which I learned is an autism thing too. when I have them I have to ask myself ‘did I eat, did I drink, sleep, and go to the bathroom’ to at least check that off. I don’t even know when I’m overstimulated until I have the melt down or the headache
I went into my sensory swing to have it, the safest place to be since mine get…physical. best place to thrash and kick, but I hit the wall.
I just…wanted to draw and watch tv. once upon a time I could have the tv on as background noise and I could bear to listen to my computer fan. I miss the days when I didn’t get exhausted trying to listen to a conversation. was it really only two years ago that I managed to do forty commissions in a single summer? I haven’t been able to finish a page of fucking doodles in three days. now? the person I was literally feels like a fantasy. it feels like when I was functional that was a fever dream.
i don’t even feel like the melt down is done. i just feel like I’m suppressing it, as I have all my life. I knew it was coming. my breathing was tighter and I was more irritated and snapping at everyone, but I don’t know where it came from. I just…want to draw and watch tv. I want to play with my new craft kit my best friend got me.
and yet I went downstairs and even wearing my migraine glasses I felt the need to rip my fucjing face off because of the bright nightlight. I don’t know what to do, and my life falling apart isn’t for lack of trying for fucks sake
I had to leave college every year I attempted it. Three years of failure and it is wild to think how I even managed to complete anything when I have to put my head down after fifteen minutes of doing anything now. my only actual job outside art I was fired after a month because i kept freezing and getting disoriented at the cash!
it’s not lack of trying. my family thinks I’m lazy but jesus I try more than anyone! I never asked for this, I don’t know where my life went. and come to find out, it could be years until I get the official diagnosis because of this wait period? my grandmother is almost ninety, what am I supposed to do when…I have nowhere to go? i can!t support myself. i can’t even go in stores now without getting disoriented. my physical health is worsening as well. I can’t stand for long anymore with how deformed my knees have gotten
sometimes i think i’m not going to live much longer and i’m okay with that.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
I just wanted to say how thankful I I that there are still people loving KHR and writing about it!!!! Wish you good luck for more than 10 years hehe. I love your depictions of the characters but I couldn't find much written works about Tsuna on Tumblr and just wanted to ask what you think are the pros and cons of dating him?
Oh my god! You are just the best, dear! That is incredibly sweet of you to say, and I really appreciate it! As for the luck on more than 10 years….I hate admitting I’ve been a KHR fan and creator for a bit longer than that as is, and it’s never really faded in terms of something I enjoy! I just hope there continues to be a small but fantastic fandom who feel the same as I do about the characters and the show! And you are right – I’ve never gotten a lot of requests for Tsuna ever and I don’t find a lot of attention gets focused on him so I am more than happy to give him some love and I hope you’ll enjoy!
Tsuna will be such an incredibly trustworthy romantic partner. He’d never so much as flirt with another person while in a relationship and he’ll be transparent in his dealings with anyone. His partner will have access to his phone, his emails, anything they need to feel secure and comfortable but honestly, the thought of Tsuna cheating on his partner isn’t one that would naturally come up because all of his actions will prove otherwise.
While I also list it as a con down below, Tsuna’s family is also a huge pro to dating him. It’s a new built-in group of friends, a new surrogate family, who will genuinely want to like this person because they are important to Tsuna. His family, should his partner prove to be on the level and okay and good to Tsuna, will always have his partner’s back, will protect them, and will support them right alongside Tsuna.
While he can be a bit of an idiot at times, Tsuna is surprisingly observant towards his partner. He’ll often be able to read their moods well and will offer support if anything is up or will offer to do something with them to distract them. He’ll remember every special occasion because those things will be equally important to him. His partner changed their hair? Got a new outfit? Did anything slightly different? Tsuna notices and is always quick to compliment it, albeit while being shy and clumsy about it.
I think I point this out for every Mafioso in the fandom, but especially so for bosses like Tsuna. While there is bonuses to his family, it’s very rare for Tsuna and his partner to ever get just alone time for the two of them or any true privacy. His family means so much to him; they’re all his precious friends and while he does deeply love his partner, his family will always be around and will always be demanding his attention. Tsuna will try harder than some of the other Mafia bosses to really make time for his partner but at the end of the day, he does have responsibilities to his family that may take up more of his time than his partner would prefer.
Okay, but no matter how long the relationship goes on or how comfortable things will get between Tsuna and his partner, he’s always going to be that flustered, awkward teenage boy in some ways. He’s actually very much a romantic at heart, but his feelings are very hard for him to outright say or show for him. He tries but it can be clumsy and awkward and he’ll get easily flustered when his partner does cute things or shows a lot of affection to him, which can be cute sometimes but can seriously put a strain on a partner who needs a lot of verbal cues of love or a lot of physical affection to feel loved because, while Tsuna will try, those things are hard for him and might not be present right away.
Any serious partner of Tsuna’s will be thoroughly checked out, especially by Reborn, who will always remain slightly protective of Tsuna. They can have no secrets, no real privacy, no life outside of Tsuna that won’t be known about completely. For any more private, reserved people, this can be an incredibly hard pill to swallow and honestly, could be very dangerous for anyone hiding anything major or who just doesn’t live up to the expectations Reborn has.
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parasiticjustice · 1 year
[RGG Online Translation] Character Story · Kazuki
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Summary: Ichiban runs into Kazuki while the latter is having an argument about Stardust with a real estate agent. Upon overhearing that the host is connected to the Tojo Clan somehow, Ichiban decides to prod him for answers. Featured Characters: Ichiban Kasuga (RGGO version), Kazuki, Yuya Spoilers?: This follows up on events from Yakuza 6. It doesn’t actually mention what happened in the game, but you still might be confused about why Kazuki is in the predicament that he is.
On this episode, Kazuki acquires another himbo for his arsenal.
Kazuki and Yuya were launch characters, and most of the stories from back then are a “where are they now?” sort of deal where RGGO Ichiban will run into some of the old guard in modern day Kamurocho. This made me curious about these two, considering where Y6 left them. Having gone through both stories, I was pleasantly surprised to find that they’re tied into each other. Yuya’s story happens first, and I’ve already posted it here, but they can be enjoyed in either order.
Disclaimer: I'm coming at this with little more than crude Japanese knowledge, a machine translation cocktail, and an insatiable desire for more RGG content. This will by no means be a decent translation, but it should at least be serviceable.
This is RGGO Ichiban, which means this story is set in 2018 when he’s fighting against the Omi in Kamurocho instead of getting hustled over to Yokohama like in Y7. Which isn’t to say that this can’t be canon to post-Y6 Kazuki: later character stories would start phasing out Ichiban so they could more neatly fit into the mainline LAD canon.
------------------ CHAPTER #1 ------------------
Scene #1: Kamurocho · Outside Stardust
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Real Estate Agent: Give me a break! Kazuki, I can't wait any longer.
Ichiban: ...Hm?
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Kazuki: [frown] I’m truly sorry. But for this one time, I must ask you to understand my selfishness.
Real Estate Agent: Even so, this isn’t a charity. If you don’t have the money, I’ll have to sell it to someone else.
Kazuki: Please, I’ll do anything! I must buy back this building, no matter what!
Real Estate Agent: Haah... I give up.
Ichiban: (That guy, he wants to buy the building? He’s begging so desperately... He must have a lot of feelings for it.)
Kazuki: I’ll collect all the money properly, so-
Real Estate Agent: Guess it can’t be helped. We’ve known each other for a long time, so I can make a special allowance.
Kazuki: [surprised] Really? Thank you so much!
Real Estate Agent: You haven’t changed at all, Kazuki. You have this way of taking in and enchanting those around you. With that sort of character, it’s not hard to see why the Tojo Clan boss liked you.
Ichiban: (Wait, Tojo Clan? That guy’s connected to the Tojo Clan?)
Real Estate Agent: Well then, let me know when you’re ready to pay. Thanks in advance.
[he leaves]
Ichiban: (What does that guy have to do with the Tojo Clan? Should I ask him...?)
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Ichiban: Hey there. Are you gonna buy this building?
Kazuki: [neutral] ...Hm? You are...?
Ichiban: [smile] Don’t worry, I’m not anyone suspicious. See, that guy mentioned the Tojo Clan earlier, right? I used to be a part of them, so I’m a little curious.
Kazuki: [smile] Ahh, I see, so that’s what it was.
Scene #2: Kamurocho · Café Alps
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Ichiban: [surprised] ...No protection?
Kazuki: Yes, I am truly indebted to the Kazama group. It’s thanks to them that I can sleep peacefully at night. To tell the truth, there was only one thing I had in mind when I started a host club. [frown] I would never pay protection fees to the yakuza. Because if I did so even once, they would devour us like a parasite. [smile] That’s what the head of the Kazama family understood. He was a very generous man...
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Kazuki: That’s why I vowed to cooperate with the Tojo Clan and Kazama family if anything happened. It allowed us to run our business with peace of mind. We all loved this city when it was governed by the Tojo Clan. [scowl] However, Kamurocho is now controlled by the Omi, and everything has changed. I’d be so happy if we could return to the city that I used to know...
Ichiban: ...
Kazuki: [neutral] What’s wrong?
Ichiban: ...Kazuki, was it?
Kazuki: Y-yes...
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Ichiban: [smile] Kazuki, you’re damn right! I feel the same way!!
Kazuki: [surprised] Eh?!
Ichiban: I want to run the Omi out of here, and I’ve been looking for people like you who feel the same way. Still, I had no idea there was such a strong connection between the Tojo Clan and the host clubs of this city...
Scene #3: Kamurocho · Tenkaichi Street
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Kazuki: [frown] My apologies. I feel like I’ve just been complaining.
Ichiban: [smile] Nah, don’t worry about it. I heard what I wanted to hear. Anyway, good luck with that building you want to buy. I can’t offer anything besides encouragement, but I’m rooting for you. When you become the owner again, I’ll come have some fun.
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Thug A: Hey, you guys! I just hear you talk about buying a building?
Ichiban: Hah? What about it?
Thug A: If that’s the case, you’ve gotta have a lot of cash.
Thug B: I lost all of mine at pachinko! Leave your cash with me and I’ll let you go.
Ichiban: [fists up] And why do I have to pay for that? Idiots!
Thug B: The hell?! Guess I’ll have to mess you up to make you understand!
Thug A: Let’s do it!
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Thug A: Fuck... Let’s get out of here!
Ichiban: [neutral] Sorry about the interruption, Kazuki.
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Kazuki: You’re pretty strong, aren’t you? You’re just like him... 
Kasuga: “Him”...?
Kazuki: [smile] No, it’s nothing.
Ichiban: More importantly, Kazuki. Have you got the money prepared?
Kazuki: [frown] No, not yet...
Ichiban: Damn. Well, I can’t lend you the cash, but I’ll let you know if I find someone who can.
Kazuki: [surprised] Really?
Ichiban: [smile] Don’t get your hopes up too much. You’ll need to do your best too, Kazuki!
Kazuki: [smile] Yes, if you’ll excuse me then.
[he leaves]
Ichiban: It’s a place with strong ties to the Tojo Clan... I can’t give up on it so easily. And if the club manages to reopen, they’ll be on our side-
Ichiban: [scratches head] But there’s no way there’s anyone who’ll lend that much money so easily...
------------------ CHAPTER #2 ------------------
Scene #4: Kamurocho · Outside Stardust
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Kazuki: That’s not what you promised last time!
Ichiban: ...Hm?
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Real Estate Agent: Sorry, Kazuki... it’s already decided.
Kazuki: [frown] I-It can’t be...
Real Estate Agent: Well, until the end of the month. Best regards.
[he leaves]
Kazuki: [scowl] Ugh... damn it!
Ichiban: (Man, he looks upset. What did the guy say to him? Should I ask...?)
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Ichiban: Kazuki! What’s wrong?
Kazuki: [frown] K-Kasuga...
Ichiban: Things aren’t too good, from the looks of it?
Scene #5: Kamurocho · Tenkaichi Street
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Kazuki: My apologies. I showed you my ugly side back there.
Ichiban: So, what’s going on? That real estate guy said something about the end of the month...
Kazuki: A deadline has been set for me to purchase the building. It’s the end of this month...
Ichiban: [surprised] This month? Uh, let’s see, today is... Ahhh?! There’s only a few days left?!
Kazuki: Yes, that’s right. I don’t know why he suddenly decided on such a deadline. He was so generous to me the other day... Why!?
Ichiban: [neutral] Well, just hating on the guy won’t do us much good. How much cash are you missing?
Kazuki: [frown] T-That’s... 30 million yen.
Ichiban: [surprised] 30 million yen?!
Kazuki: Yes, I worked hard and scraped together millions of yen, but at the end of the day, I’m out of ideas...
Ichiban: [neutral] 30 million in just a few days...
Kazuki: [neutral] Come to think of it, Kasuga, did you find anyone I could borrow money from?
Ichiban: That’s... I-I’m sorry! I wasn’t good enough!
Kazuki: [frown] Is that so...
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Omi Yakuza: Oh myyy, you look so gloomy, what’s the matter?
Ichiban: [angry] What are you doing here, Omi?!
Omi Yakuza: We’re inspecting the building that’s gonna be ours from next month. Well, ain’t this a pretty little place!
Ichiban: [neutral] This building...
Kazuki: [scowl] I see, so that’s what’s going on... I was wondering why the real estate agent suddenly changed his mind.
Omi Yakuza: Ahh, that old geezer. He was stubborn at first, but... he was pretty easy to deal with. Once we started piling on the big money, he changed his tune. Hahaha, the world is all about money, money! Oi, Kasuga. Why don’t you come over to our side and we’ll pile the cash on you too?
Ichiban: [smile] Hahaha, heh, you’ll give me money? Great, then bring it! Bring me the cash.
Kazuki: [surprised] Kasuga...?
Ichiban: But you know, I’m not gonna be won over with chump change. If you’re gonna buy me off-
Ichiban: [fists up] Bring me the national budget of Japan!
Omi Yakuza: Damn brat... Blabbering on like some cocky asshole. I was only gonna give a warning today, but now I’m pissed off. Hey, guys, we’re gonna fuck these two up!
Scene #6: Kamurocho · Outside Stardust
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Omi Yakuza: Ugh... don’t think this is over. This building’s contract is a done deal. If you can’t raise the money, we’ll end up taking it... Don’t you forget, asshole.
[he runs off]
Ichiban: Which one of us is the asshole?! ...Hey, Kazuki?
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Kazuki: [frown] ...
Ichiban: [neutral] What’s up?
Kazuki: I think that man was right. In the end, it’s all about collecting money. I used to be able to earn 30 million in a single night... I had no idea how hard it could end up being. I apologize for the inconvenience I’ve caused. But, it’s all right now. I’ll try to get the rest on my own. If you’ll excuse me...
[he leaves]
Ichiban: ...Is that guy really gonna be okay...? Tsk, better to move than stand around worrying. Where can I get money...
------------------ CHAPTER #3 ------------------
Scene #7: Kamurocho · Outside Stardust
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Kazuki: [frown] ...
Ichiban: What’s with the scowl, Kazuki?
Kazuki: Oh, Kasuga... Even though today is the last day, I couldn’t collect the money. This shop belongs to the Omi now... I’ve exhausted all means, and now I’m defeated.
Ichiban: [angry] Idiot! You still have one more day! Don’t give up!
Kazuki: But... as expected, my time is already up.
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Omi Yakuza: From the looks of it, you don’t have the cash ready. Kehehe, sorry to hear it.
Kazuki: Kuh...
Omi Yakuza: Alright, get on with it!
Contractors: Understood!
Ichiban: [surprised] Wait a minute! Who the hell are those guys?
Omi Yakuza: Construction workers. See, there’s a lot we have to decide on, like the interior and décor and stuff.
Ichiban: [angry] But we still have one more day! If you want to change the place, wait till tomorrow.
Omi Yakuza: Shut it, Kasuga! You don’t have the money, right? Then it doesn’t matter if we do it today or tomorrow!
Ichiban: [neutral] Shit...
Kazuki: [smile] Thank you for everything you’ve done, Kasuga. But it’s okay now...
Ichiban: [angry] Hey! Don’t give up. This is your castle, isn’t it? You should defend it even if it costs your life!
Kazuki: [frown] But... there’s nothing more I can do.
Omi Yakuza: You done? Then let’s get the show on the road!
Ichiban: Dammit, wait!!
???: Oi, that’s enough!
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Omi Yakuza: Huh? Who the fuck are you?
Kazuki: [surprised] Yuya!
Yuya: [angry] Sorry, but could you move? Get your filthy feet out of the way!
Omi Yakuza: What the hell? You stupid brat... Stop talking shit!
Yuya: Hey, all you need is some cash, right?
Omi Yakuza: Yeah, I’d take the cash. Or even gold...
Yuya: [smile] Hahaha, then, you guys have no reason to be here anymore. Check this out!
Omi Yakuza: What...? No way?! How’d you get so much...
Ichiban: [smile] That’s what I’m talking about! Now there’s no reason for you Omi to be here. Go on, go home!
Omi Yakuza: Hehe... that’s not happening.
Ichiban: [neutral] Yeah? You still need something?
Omi Yakuza: If I killed you here and took your cash, then that’d be the best of both worlds.
Ichiban: [scratches head] Ehh? You guys never learn, do you...
Omi Yakuza: Let’s go boys! Kill Kasuga! Graaaaah!
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Ichiban: [angry] Oi, don’t ever try messing with this building again! You hear me?!
Omi Yakuza: Ugh...Fuck!
[he runs off]
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Yuya: [smile] Alright! Now we can finally reopen Stardust!
Kazuki: [scowl] Yuya, what’s with the money? How did you raise such a large amount? I’m not going to spend it if I don’t know where it came from. [frown] It’s probably the money you saved for when you planned to go independent, correct? You know I can’t use such precious savings...
Yuya: [neutral] Nope. This money was made from the trust, respect, and love for Stardust’s owner.
Kazuki: [surprised] What do you mean?
Yuya: [smile] I contacted some of the old Stardust employees, and they were all happy to pitch in, and wanted to help us out if it meant Stardust would reopen, and everyone wanted to work for the owner again...
Kazuki: [surprised] E-Everyone?
Yuya: [neutral] So this is an investment. You’ll have to pay us back with our salaries when we reopen.
Kazuki: [frown] ...
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Ichiban: [smile] If everyone’s expecting this much, then you’ve got no choice but to serve them. Right, Kazuki?
Kazuki: [smile] Hmph... those guys are ridiculous. [neutral] Raising so much money for such a pathetic boss... But...
Kazuki: [smile] I love those idiots!!
Yuya: Kazuki...
Kazuki: [neutral] Come on, Yuya, we’re going to be busy from now on! Are you prepared for the reopening?
Yuya: [smile] Of course!
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Kasuga: [smile] Kasuga, thank you so much for all your help. Please come visit us when the club opens.
Ichiban: Yeah, looking forward to it!
------END------ ------------------
There’s a fun bit of irony here, regardless of what timeline this is supposed to be. In RGGO, Ichiban is friends with Akiyama, but Aki shut down Sky Finance in response to the Omi takeover, so Ichi probably doesn’t think that he’s loaded. In LAD, meanwhile, our last word on Aki is that he was starting up Sky Finance again... but Ichi and/or Kazuki wouldn’t be acquainted with him, meaning Kazuki was desperately hunting for cash while the solution was probably right across the street. Whomp whomp.
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Propaganda for “Team MARC or something like that…” for @group-oc-tournament
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Who are they?
A group of friends since they were around 11/12. All met through school, when Mia, Xander and Ricky all moved to the same smallish town Carol lives in. Totally coincidental. But hey, you can make some great friends through moving schools.
They’ve been friends for 10 years now, even though all are on very different path trajectories. And no matter what, they’ll be friends for life. They promise. No matter what…
Richard Samuel Keyes
Also known as Ricky, he’s the oldest of the group. You’d think that would make him the de-facto leader but he’d prefer to stay in the background. He’s the most studious of the group, and the only one actively seeking further education, specifically in literature. He’s one to never mince his words, which while favourable in some circumstances is less so in others. Would do better to learn tact, but he’s not going to directly hurt your feelings. (He’d describe you being happy rather than him being displeased.) The most open book of the group, yet still somewhat unknowable. Birthday is November 3rd, and he is aroace.
Caroline Elizabeth Godliman
Also known as Carol, she’s the free-spirited creative of the group. The token “rich kid”. An only child who is always looking forward in life and never looking back, mostly because she doesn’t want to be stuck in the past and waste her life worrying. Which worries her. Very much aware of her catch-22, Carol is currently fundraising for a local band she works for with loading and transportation. Her favourite holiday is Christmas, mostly because she likes to pretend everyone is celebrating her birthday, which is December 24th. She is an asexual heteroromantic.
Mia Jolene Holmes
They’re not known by anything else. She’s short and to the point. Loyal with a fierce temper. The most extroverted and social of the group by far, and despite boasting that she can flirt with anyone she’s absolutely terrible at it. Doesn’t matter tho, they love corny one-liners. Used to have a different name and different life but she’s not one for over sharing. What you see isn’t always what you get but Mia tries hardest to make others solely see Mia and nobody else. If you’re in a pinch, they’re the one to call for affection and fun. Birthday is April 22nd, she is a pansexual demigirl.
Alexander Michael Stone
Alex to his family, but Xander to you. Makes an effort to go-with-the-flow and not cause a disruption. The self-nominated jokester and seemingly the easiest going… but he’s got a lot under the surface that he’s trying to hide. Everyone’s sussed out he’s not fully honest and honestly it makes them happier about their own secrets, but Xander himself isn’t generally thrilled. Still, why dwell on that when you’ve got a down-to-earth pal of the world who will teach you to drive and go on wild tangents with no meaning? Birthday is July 18th, he is a demirose bisexual (and also autistic. And dyslexic. Those aren’t the issues btw, there’s more).
Is there a story to these four outside of just friends and stuff?
Yes! I’ve gone into details on my own blog if you’re super curious but I’m planning on making it into a webcomic so I won’t go into huge amounts of detail (though the main spoilers can be seen fairly easily through the tags and art both I and others have made). But the basic gist is these four are bored one day and decide to go into a part of town they’ve never been before. Specifically to a different section easily passed through under a bridge. It’s not too long but it can leave you in darkness for a while.
Whilst walking through and joking with each other, they start seeing some odd movements in the shadows. Thinking they’re about to be attacked, they turn and leave, only to find the tunnel is a lot longer than they thought. Then one of them feels an unfamiliar hand on their shoulder… and a strange yet oddly familiar figure greets them before disappearing and the tunnel returns to normal. Slowly though, everyone feels the presence of something subtly messing with their lives, up to and including threats, violence and dragging up the past and the things they wish to remain hidden.
They call this entity Vanta. He’s almost like a fifth main character, but he’s the villain and doesn’t want to be a part of “Team MARC or something like that…”
What’s with the name? Why MARC?
Doylist reason: the forms said a name and I didn’t have one planned. I could’ve called them the Encroaching Darkness Quartet or the Vantaverse Quartet or even just The Gang, but I had to be extra.
Watsonian reason: Carol came up with it on a whim. They had to use Xander’s full first name because nobody knew how to combine together their first initial without it sounding cringe. It still sounded cringe to her, hence the trailing off… but hey! It’s nice to have a name!
Why should I vote these guys?
A vote for “Team MARC or something like that…” is a win for long lasting friendship, being queer and proud of it, autism, modern day antics and getting over your fears and being free.
Is there anything else to note?
Obviously this is all for fun, and even if my guys don’t make it past round 1, I’m happy I got to share my brain dwellers with the world. They lived for too long rent free up there, it’s time to pay tax /j
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Yo’ can I nag and theorize about Beauty & the Beast (1991+2017) for a second???
You’re still here??? OKAY COOL CAUSE I AM NOT HOLDING BACK ANY LONGER, HOLD ON CAUSE ITS A LONG ONE SO while I can admit I did like a few things from the Live-Action remake version of Beauty & the Beast, mostly how stunning the cinematography and animation was as well as the music (I AM A SLUT FOR EVERMORE) the thing that was breaking my head was how obvious the movie was trying to justify the plot holes of the first movie like a ‘wink wink nudge nudge’ while accidentally making it seem worse???   and even more when I don’t think it was necessary cause kids either never realized or came up with their own little HCs on how that happened (And yes I will mention what my childhood interpretation was cause darn it I am actually proud of this many-year-in-the-making-theory that I keep adding on to and I refuse to be embarrassed about it any longer, heck maybe others thought the exact same thing too so I shall bite the bullet and be cringe as hell!) btw I divided this shit in case you just wanted to know why I thing the new enchantress was an asshat with her curse (The Nagging) or read the interpretation/theorizing I’ve been doing since I was a child (The Theory)
The Nagging half-
okay so first things first the new movie says that the beast would become a monster and the rest of staff living in the castle would also suffer the spell’s magic until the beast learned how to love and be loved by another, all before the last petal fell if not they would be stuck like this forever (except the staff, they’d become actual furniture and leave a mad beast all alone) mind you, ALL OF THIS was also taking into account that NO ONE would ever remember anyone that was inside this castle, including family members like spouses or siblings (heck even children or parents would forget)
Meanwhile the OG Disney movie said that the beast and those in the castle would fall for her spell until the beast learned how to love and be loved by another (same as always) BUT the last petal would fall on his 21st birthday, if he didn’t get his shit together by 21 he a monster forever.... and that was about it
Now that that’s out of the way, how is the 2017 movie’s enchantress nOT CONSIDERED A BIGGER ASSHOLE THAN THE OTHER ONE?! 
“Ah, yes! I will make you learn your lesson of compassion by making everyone that’s ever known of you forget y’all ever even existed even tho most of those villagers are your loved ones. I shall give you this magic rose whose petals will sporadically fall and you will NEVER KNOW which year will be your last of sentience. I will make you also stop aging while those outside (again, most are family members and friends) may age and die!”
and they DO outright state that MANY years passed with them waiting yet never aging, and judging by the villagers all living their life normally and having memories of time passing by I am guessing they didn’t get affected by that same magic (unless they are all trapped in a loop which is horrifying) 
“But wait!”
you may say
“Maybe that much time didn’t actually pass! all their family is there after all!”
My friend that means either the Enchantress gave the poor guy like 2 years to stop being an asshole and get himself a girlfriend somehow OR that those inside the castle felt time pass much much faster and both does scenarios sound hellish, actual faerie shit. 
How was this man suppose to do this??? Also the lady just sat there in the village waiting just for fun? to see if something did happen? Woman legit let a riot of scared villagers storm the castle of the guy she enchanted and let possibly kill/destroy a family member or friends THAT THEY DIDN’T EVEN KNOW EXISTED and did nothing until belle finally confessed her love for beast so she could walk in all casual and lift the spell. What if it was too late huh? just take the dead rose, tip your hat to the mourning woman and dead monster you cursed and walk away never letting go of the amnesia spell? MR POTTS COULD HAVE HIS GOD DAMN CHILD AND WIFE TURN INTO EXTREMELY BREAKABLE AND INANIMATE OBJECTS AND HE’D NEVER FUCKING KNOW
She is somehow making the OG enchantress seem reasonable and that one turned a poor 11 year old who called her ugly once into a monster!
The Theory half- 
“okay smartypants, do YOU have a better idea?”
I DON’T KNOW BUT I CAN TRY!! I’ve had this cooking in my head since I was a kid so let me tell you what OG enchantress was doing and what was going on!
First point, yes I am a firm believer that the “Ten years we’ve been rusting” was not an exaggeration cause, at least in my kiddy mind, it made absolute sense cause it would explain why the beast was so nasty with Belle and acting like an animal, he’s lived like a beast since he was a kid! His table manners are absolutely the result of 10 years without needing hold a spoon to eat. The other thing that made me think he was actually a kid when he got cursed was the fact that he couldn’t read that well, he even admits that he knew little and that it was a long time ago since he had done so! Imagine being 11 and turning into a monster with your only guardians all becoming talking objects, don’t think anyone could really sit him down to help him read!  That and I remember watching a Beauty and the Beast Christmas movie years ago and believe me that prince does NOT look or behave a day older than 13 year old but that's mostly extra It could also explain why no one pay any mind to that weird castle on the hills. Admittedly I also thought as a child that the only logical conclusion was that the spell made everyone forget there was a castle with a prince nearby but after more thought (and falling out of love for the idea after considering the implications and how little that would actually help towards the beast since the curse was so he’d learn a lesson) it really doesn’t need such a specific or convoluted explanation like, if you see a big big castle that has no one going in and out for years you would assume it was abandoned and/or haunted right? most people would have stirred away from the clearly abandoned and creepy place! They were a tiny peasant village at the other side of the woods that was a day or so away from a cross road that either led to a main road towards more villages and the capitol or more woods and the lonely palace (judging by Belle’s dad’s navigating scene), and its also royal property so its not far fetched that most villagers wouldn’t be going anywhere near their so it makes sense the weren’t really up to date with the prince, do you know what your president, their brother or youngest son is doing right now and where they are living without using your phone, TV or newspaper? “okay but then the Enchantress was just legit evil, she saw some rude kid and cursed him! That was a kid!” Oh I am with you on that one but I can kind of think of her (fairy?) logic as to why she’d decide to curse such a young child. An old lady knocks at your door, it is a cold dark night, wolves are known to roam nearby, you know its about a day’s travel to the nearest village by horse how well would an old frail lady fair on such journey by foot? It’s a miracle she’s made it here and all she asks of you is a place to sleep for the night and in exchange she will give you her only possession: 1 single rose. Now imagine how self-centered and cruel the person must be to take a look at that person, scoff in disgust at how ‘ugly and old’ they are “how dare you ruin my evening!” and slam the door to her face. And somehow a child did that. Cared so little that they didn’t even let her sleep in the stables, didn’t even offer a scrap of food or a blanket, not even a “sorry but I cannot”, he scoffed, mocked her and closed the door, dooming the old lady to die in the cold or be eaten by wolves. How can a child this young already be this rotten? If this is his behavior as a child, what would happen once he’s an adult? No, he still has time to change and so she sets the curse, a curse that can only be broken once someone who’s never known love or been unconditionally loved must learn now before its to late, he’d have plenty of time to learn and reflect but if by the time he’s an adult he’s still the same cruel boy, then so be it. “okay but the staff! They also had nothing to do with this and she still turned them into objects, curse them by no fault of their own!” Yet they let the child grow ever more vain and cruel, fear his step and bend to his demands, he was a prince after all and a bratty one at that, obviously he doesn’t need adult supervision or help or love or guidance or sOMETHING. In the 2017 remake I felt bad for those in the castle who ended up turned into objects, their only sin was being at the wrong place at the wrong time while in the 1991 (and this realization started coming to me in middle school) they were put to serve and look after this young prince and somehow they let him become so badly behave that a literal magical being had to step up to stop this brat from becoming a monster, they were merely acting as tools, furniture, accessories to the prince’s palace. They were so afraid of a child they dare not anger him and let his temper go as wild as he pleased, so the kid less as an 11year old and more as just some prince that payed for their wage. The kid viewed them as nothing more than objects for HIS domain since that’s all they were good for in his eyes. And what if that was just the spell? To look exactly as how prince/the palace perceives you? The prince saw nothing but objects that’d always serve him so they became ageless objects while the palace saw nothing but a future monster so he became a beast (honestly the idea that everyone just saw this kid as a monster is pretty fucking sad) And it would make sense right? It makes sense the enchantress not only saw the child as a problem but also the servants, so she would cast a spell to show them all, now their lives are at the princes’ heart’s mercy, now they really had to step up and discipline the child if they wished to be saved from an eternal life as tools under the eyes of a monster
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godesssiri · 1 year
Thrifting Philosophies 4
Cheap is good - free is better
My Grandad gave me the 1 non-ugly furniture piece I had when I left home, the one thing I haven’t replaced with something better in the years since. The drawers from my childhood bedroom were too big for the tiny place I was moving into, so I asked around my family for a small set and Grandad came through with a set that had been shoved into his garage when he downsized and no longer had space for them, I was told over a decade later that they were the drawers my mother and aunt shared in their childhood bedroom – those drawers could have been sent to a thrift store when Grandad went into a rest home but because I asked for them they’re still in the family and my mother and aunty get to see them and reminisce about sharing a bedroom.
If you need a [object] ask around if anyone has a [object] that would serve. Family, friends, neighbours are all great resources for free/cheap furniture. My dining chairs came out of my stepdad’s mother’s garage, my bedside table came from a forgotten corner in my mother’s porch, I have a gorgeous Art Nouveau console table that my aunt didn’t have space for anymore, I always loved my great aunt’s hope chest, so she gave it to me before she went into care. Just ask if you need/want something that someone you know no longer has use for. Volunteer to help when people are downsizing or having a clear out because there’ll be stuff they don’t want to take with them, and it’ll often give them impetus to make the decision to get rid of a piece if they know you want it and will value it. And like the drawers from my Grandad’s garage, they’ll carry memories, and you’ll feel that you’ve saved those memories from being lost.
I have several lovely family heirlooms that came to me rather than anyone else in the family simply because I put my hand up and said, ‘Can I have that one day please?’. I didn’t get those things straight away but when the owner was ready to let them go, they already knew I would value them so they were happy for them to come to me. The cool thing about loving and valuing second hand is that you become known as The One Who Can Be Trusted With Heirlooms and people give you all sorts of lovely old things because they know you’ll look after them. I’ve had older relatives quietly pass me things, bypassing their own children, because they know that their heirloom would just be shoved into storage in their kid’s houses but in my house it will be displayed and/or used and loved. I even get passed things by acquaintances and even strangers because they want something treasured to go to someone who will appreciate it, my real estate agent gave me a mirror that belonged to her mother, my mother’s friend’s daughter’s Tae Kwon Do instructor gave me her mother’s crystal rose-bowl (yeah read that chain again, I had never met the woman but she had been told about me).  
You can also keep and eagle eye out for things left on the side of the road. Things in dumpsters, if the dumpster is outside someone’s house then please ask them before you take stuff. Watch Marketplace and/or community free stuff pages online. Some thrift stores will put a free box outside filled with bits that they don't think are worth anything and you can take any treasure you find in there, sometimes people having garage sales will do the same. There's a huge amount of stuff out there that people no longer want and they don't think it's worth it to try and sell and often it just needs a little TLC to make it into the perfect thing for your home.
My previous thrift post
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kyofsonder · 2 years
Find the Word 3
I’ve been tagged by several people over the last month to find select sets of words in my WIPs. This time, I’ll find a set of words from @crypticcodexcreations, who tagged me awhile back. Thank you for the tag, and the chance to play this game again!
My Words: riveting, important, correct, halt, light
I’ll Tag: @late-to-the-fandom, @writewithfire, @i-can-even-burn-salad, @dumbthunder, @moondust-bard, @junypr-camus, @did-i-do-this-write, and as always anyone who wants to join in can use the following words and say I tagged them!
Your Words: false, side, tension, fade, worth
As always, I’m not sure how long this will get so I’ll put the actual excerpts under this cut.
I didn’t find riveting, so here’s a fun fact:
My current NaNo WIP takes place in a group of worlds collectively known as Ait'kulith, where several deities governing fate/destiny have given humans indicators to help them find their soulmates. On Ait'kulith 1B, that indicator is the voice. Hearing and deafness work normally for all other sounds, but speaking voices can only be heard between people who are connected by fate. You can hear yourself speak or sing, your fated connections speak or sing, and a small number of special exceptions can sing to the whole world but not speak outside their own fate. As a result, signed languages are the default and entertainment has taken on a slightly different form from what it is on an Earth world. For example, movies are usually either signed or "false captioned" – a term that means the actors are speaking their lines, the script comes up as subtitles on screen, and everyone has to suspend disbelief to pretend they can hear words that are actually silent to them. It's a controversial way to shoot a movie, but it's exciting and compelling to those who enjoy its fantastical reality of a world where everyone speaks without any fate-related caveats at all.
I found important in my novel WIP “To Be Honest”:
"The Island," some call him. Apparently, it's an allusion to the way he's supposedly "stranded" between places he could reasonably call home. Loyalty is the most important, the most sacred value of circle witches and it's expected that every witch is strictly loyal to the family who shares their blood. All clairvoyant Renners are loyal to their fellow clairvoyants, consulting each other about their prophecies and making decisions as a family based on the things they've predicted. All empathetically manipulative Shepherds are loyal to their fellow empaths, keeping each other's magic in check so that the family's affairs run smoothly. An empathetically manipulative Renner, following the examples of his elders and peers, should be loyal to... which side?
I found correct in my short story WIP “Kiyo”:
"I didn't mean that," I correct myself with a lie, hearing that heavy feeling in my quiet self-admonition, "You can do whatever you want, Kiyo." I make sure to use her name, too. Whether it's to show her she's seen as more than a supposedly non-sentient plant or to show I'm taking my own words seriously, either way it works. I think. She uncurls some of her vines. Disentangles them from each other. I think it's like a human sighing and letting go of the tension in their shoulders when they hear something reassuring.
I didn’t find halt either, so here’s another fun fact:
In Ait'kulith 1B, it's possible to stop hearing your fated voices. Your romantic soulmate's voice might gradually fade as your relationship deteriorates, your true family's voices might suddenly go silent when fate realizes you're meant to be somewhere else, your platonic soulmate might try to talk to you after years apart and find their voice no longer reaches you. Some say this proves that fate is fallible and shouldn't dictate your life. Others have a more pro-fate stance. Most of those who lose their fated voices just wish it didn't happen at all. In fact, one of the stories in my NaNo follows an orphaned boy who lost the voices of his parents and now assumes any adoptive parent's voice, even if he can hear it, will inevitably fade away – leaving him lost all over again.
I found light in my novel WIP “Apricots”:
"You don't have magic. None of the versions of you I've met have ever had magic. You might have close relationships with magic users -- Jess and Kade and me -- but as far as the Jaspers are concerned you're not a threat. You're not worth looking at, even. You acting unusual is just a human having trouble managing their little human emotions or having their brain fried after being overexposed to magic or whatever those arrogant, 'humans are lesser than us' Jaspers think separates witches from other people. You can go wherever you want, do whatever you need to find Jess! You can save her, and they won't give a single shit! Probably," Noah gently, urgently grabs Ian's left wrist -- his expression like someone lost in the dark, anxious that the light he's chosen to guide him might disappear. Ian doesn't shake him off, just uses his other hand to seal the heat in the mug.
I found fewer words than usual, hopefully my NaNo-based fun facts make up for those gaps. I did have fun finding all the words that were in my WIPs and coming up with fun facts, though, of course. Thank you again for tagging me!
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