#I’m actually sobbing at 11:30
wyrm-with-a-why · 5 months
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dyadicjustice · 10 months
can u do like a hazelxreader best friends to lovers
like they’ve both been secretly in love with each other and pining for years but were too scared to say anything (and maybe smut if u write that but if not that’s totally good)
ooooh let me see what magic i can work, bestie. aged up the characters to be in college, so rockbridge falls high is now rockbridge university. unfortunately no smut this time because i am awful at it 😅 but i hope you enjoy this little blurb instead
ao3 link for if u prefer to read there :)
At 11:30, Professor G's class let out without anyone having learned anything actually in the syllabus. But for you, there wasn’t much room in your mind for history lessons anyway. You were too distracted by Hazel sitting next to you, scrolling on Twitter and excitedly showing you every adorable cat meme she came across. 
You’d known each other since the 3rd grade, and it was safe to say that some things never change— especially not your love for one another as best friends. At least until the end of Senior Year, when you’d started to realize that change was inevitable, and you’d fallen hard for her.
You’d been overcompensating these past couple months. You’d purposely try to fly under the radar, so she wouldn’t notice you pining or the countless lingering looks and lip biting. Desperation was heavy in your bones, settled deep in your core. So when you finally return to your shared dorm, she asks, “Seriously y/n, it seems like you’re not even here most days. What’s going on?”  
You know you can’t lie to her. You can’t lie to those dazzling grey eyes, so warm and sweet and sincere. So you sigh and admit, “Are you ready to receive some potentially devastating information that could change the state of our friendship forever?”
She blinks and lets out a quiet chuckle, “Uh, no promises, weirdo. What’s up?” 
“Hazel, I’m being serious. It’s like... important,” you whine.
She hikes an eyebrow at your nervous demeanor, taking a beat to take in your features. She’s suddenly fully aware you’re uncomfortable when you start to wring your hands a bit. To calm your fidgeting, she slips her hands in between them and intertwines your fingers. You feel her sweet gesture start to soothe you, like when puppies snuggle up to you to help you stop crying.
She whispers, “What’s wrong, bean?”
Your eyes start to water at the nickname. “You have to promise you won’t get upset”, you choke out.
She wraps her arms around your neck in a comforting embrace, and whispers in your ear, “I promise. You can tell me, only if you’re comfortable and ready.” And her considerate nature makes you want to cave and sob right then and there.
“I love you, Hazel. But, I also… I just… I’m in love with you.” You can’t even meet her eyes out of pure embarrassment. You feel her fingers snake beneath your chin, and she gently tugs until you’re looking into her eyes. She stares into yours, into your soul, really. She whispers, “y/f/n, I’ve been dreaming of hearing you say that for years.” You both giggle. You joke, “That’s such a fucking relief because I would’ve shat myself if you rejected me.” 
“I could never reject you, bean! Thank you for being brave enough to tell me.” You can hear the smile in her voice. “But I am curious, when did you realize you felt that way?”
You sigh, “Honestly? I knew I was sure when we went to Senior Prom together, so 6 months maybe? But I also would say, I’d felt something since we were like 10. I just hadn’t realized how deep my love was back then.”
Hazel murmurs, “You made Prom Night so magical. You looked lovely. Not to mention, you just had this magnetism to you that had everybody staring. I was fighting the urge to kiss you the entire evening. It was hardest during the slow dance.”
You admit that you had felt similarly, explaining, “It was hardest for me to resist when you had that little bit of whipped cream stuck on your lip when we went to Denny’s after. I wiped it away with a napkin, but I wish I’d just gone for it.” 
You stare up at her lovingly as a subtle silence emerges between you, your eyes scanning her features before dropping to her lips. Without saying a word, you crash your lips together. Hers taste like… well, like nothing and like everything at the same time. Just chapstick and love. 
And it’s not your first time kissing a girl by any means, But you can already tell it’s your favorite after only ten seconds. 
Hazel pulls away, breathless, “So just to be clear, what does this make you and me?” She smirks.
You hold her cheek with one hand and hook the other around the back of her neck, scratching the back of her head. Her jaw goes slack and her eyes flutter. You reply, “Horny, Hazel. It makes us really fucking horny.”
She smirks, “Maybe we should… do something about that. Your place or mine?” She dopily wiggles her eyebrows. It’s made even more ridiculous by the fact that your beds are just feet away from each other.
You shoot back, giggling, “Yours. I don’t wanna fuck up my sheets right now.”
She scoops you up bridal style and sets you down on her bed. Those months of pre-season training for rugby had made her insanely strong despite her short and lean figure.
She kisses your forehead and replies, “Whatever you wish, Your Majesty.”
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cressthebest · 1 month
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 33
chapter 52:
1. why is the title “boggarts” …. i’m so worried
2. dorcas just put lucius in his place 😌
3. 😐 laser eyes at mcgonagall. i know why she’s doing it, but this boggart is pissing me off
4. nothing is a more powerful motivator than wanting to beat your siblings
5. NOOOoooo ELI! NO! i had hopes he’d last till the escape
6. once again, making connections. the horcrux hornet venom is like the cruciatus curse
7. that boggart to marlene was CRUEL
8. omg that boggart is getting worse. pulled out vanity and hodge. imma catch hands with someone
9. 😦 if marlene doesn’t make it out of the maze i’m gonna fucking lose it
10. “Like the person [Sirius] fought in his last games where he quite literally bit their finger off. A whole finger. Blood and muscle and bone. He bit right through and spit it out. Didn't choke, didn't gag, didn't even slow down.”
😦😦 also canon peter pettigrew reference!!
11. NARCISSA!! MY GIRL!! she has to make it out plsss
12. reg saved marlene ☺️☺️☺️
13. 😐 i am not amused by the james boggart at all
14. i am in fact PISSED at the james boggart
15. james boggart dying and regulus crying like he never has before has me SOBBING
16. james is both upset that reg thinks he’s dead, and so so pleased that he’s loved so intensely. and i- yeah. yeah, he’s right about that one, i’m afraid
17. reg even in his head is so casually like ☺️☺️ my fiancé
18. shit SHIT NO!! AUGUSTA!!
19. the augusta and alice scene is HEARTBREAKING and the fact that frank has to watch and can only touch the screen and AAAAHHH
20. “Now, this—oh, this is fucking brutal, and Sirius relishes in it.”
that fight with bellatrix was long coming yet i’m so scared for it
21. bellatrix has a spear and literally all sirius thinks is “Well, great. Just great. There she goes, and—yep, she has it. Lovely.” 😭😭😭 he sounds so british like “pip pip how unfortunate”
22. 😧 bellatrix admitted to having attempted to murder sirius by pushing him down the stairs. yo, i don’t think that’s how you treat a kid
23. holy shit holy shit, sirius just caught the spear as it was thrown at him. bro that’s wild
24. … um wtf. actually. sirius got pulled into the hedge and the cannon sounds. but like… pov??
25. nobody listens to reg. like my man was literally like “if you kill sirius, i kill you” and yet they’re somehow surprised when he kills them
26. “Regulus' very sense of identity is stamped with Sirius' signature. He is who he is because of Sirius, and he can never be anything else, and he doesn't even really want to be.”
um actually that’s the sound of my heart shattering into a million and one pieces
sirius: lmao no?
28. “"I'm not scared of anything," Regulus croaks, because he is scared of too many things to even count, because is scared of everything and everything itself.”
this is sad but like so so so relatable of him
29. when augusta dies and frank breaks down sobbing around everyone, i’m so fucking pissed that he had to witness that, that others had to witness his breakdown, and that he’s in the position of knowing she was in the arena for him. i’m so angry at riddle
30. fuck YEAH james is about to get recruited. thank fucking god
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all-risejd · 1 year
A New Judgment Chapter 12: A DDT and a Request (Poly Judgment Day)
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Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8. Part 9. Part 10. Part 11.
The rest of the week leading up to Smackdown was much the same. Finn and Nessa building Legos for stress relief, the boys doing interviews online, training almost every day to take bumps and maybe eventually fight and Rhea calling when she can with the time difference, Nessa secretly staying up to never miss the calls.
Early Friday morning Nessa gets one of these. Thankfully she was in Dominiks kitchen cleaning, unable to sleep so she snuck out to grab a snack then clean. She answers the phone.
"Hey Dems, any news?' Nessa asks quietly leaning on the counter and she hears Rhea whimper on the other line.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry Demi, what do you need?" Nessa asks grabbing a bag of marshmallows out of Dominik's cupboard and popping one in her mouth.
"I just need to talk to you, the boys will try to fix things you will just let me feel," Rhea answers and sniffles again trying to not sob into the phone.
"Of course mamela, do you want to tell me how you feel or just tell me about your Nonna? Whatever you need babe" Nessa offers and sits on the ground eating another marshmallow.
"My Nonna would have loved you. She always encouraged me to follow my dreams and to unapologetically be me..." Rheas voice cracks.
"I would have loved to have met her Dems. You are amazing and kind and sweet and an inspiration to many. Your Nonna was an incredible woman to be such an inspiration to you." Nessa praises leaning her head against the counter. "Would you like me to tell the boys?" Nessa asks knowing this isn't an easy topic to talk about. Rhea is silent on the other end for a moment.
"No, I think I need to call and tell them. I just can't at the moment it's like admitting it makes it too real.. You already know how to read me so well... I don't have to actually say the words..." Rhea trails off and Nessa's heart breaks for the woman.
"Of course, anytime you need anything I'm here Dems. I know what that is like..." Nessa yawns.
"Oh Bunny I'm sorry for keeping you up it must be 3 am there" Rhea apologizes, sadness still thick in her voice.
"No Dem's it's fine, I told you I'd be here for you and I will be for as long as you need me..." Nessa tries to reassure Rhea.
"Ok, Bunny. Thank you for everything." Rhea softly thanks Nessa.
"I haven't done anything, Darling." Nessa shakes her head even though Rhea can't see it.
"Bunny you have done so much without even realizing it, you have been so good and I don't know how I could handle this without you," Rhea praises making Nessa blush.
"Look, when you get back and we are at your house I am cooking for you. I am going to show you how I learned how to grieve and we will see if it helps you yeah?" Nessa offers wanting to help not fix.
"Yeah, that sounds nice. I'm going to let you sleep I have to go, I'm getting on a plane so I can be at Smackdown tonight. Goodnight Bunny, see you soon." Rhea says goodbye and Nessa does as well and they hang up.
Flying out the morning of Smackdown Nessa clearly tired, the atmosphere sad in the car as they drive to the venue. Rhea had called and told the boys the news. They get there 30 minutes before filming starts, The cameras already filming their first promo which is just them entering, Damien escorting Nessa with her holding his elbow as she did in previous shows since he is rolling in both their bags, security opening the doors for them. Dominik and Finn trailing close behind. Damien pauses and leans down to talk to Nessa his face close to hers, cameras catching every moment. Dom and Finn are behind the cameras, letting this Promo be shot.
"Mamita it has been such a pleasure getting to know you better." Nessa twirls her hair and giggles,
"It really has been great, especially the other night" Nessa strokes her finger up and down Damiens's chest, looking up at him even though he is leaning down to be closer to her.
"Well Hermosa, we can have a repeat tonight if you want" His voice deepens and Nessa wraps her arms around his neck and plays with his hair,
"I would like that very much" She answers and he wraps his arms around her waist. The cameraman raises his hand to signal the end of filming and Nessa breaks the embrace resuming the previous position where she grabs his elbow and they all walk to their assigned locker room. Nessa leaning more on Damien than before.
Once in the locker room, Nessa takes a seat on Damien's lap on the bench, this being a less cozy room than previous shows. She feels that he is still apprehensive about touching her since the signing but not all the time and she is so confused.
"Luis, have I done something wrong?" She asks her voice sounding soft and little. Damien glances down to Nessa and sighs wrapping his arms around her waist.
"Of course not Mariposa. I'm just trying to learn when certain touches are ok with you I can tell when you are starting to get uncomfortable like now... and you are forcing it. Don't force something that doesn't feel ok." Damien rests his chin on her shoulder and she leans into the embrace.
"Im just trying to work through touch aversion. You are safe, I know that. Finn is safe, I know that too. It's just sometimes it gets scrambled and I don't know how to stop it. I don't want you to feel like you messed up so I try to power through it." She bites her lip and Damien sighs again,
"Nessa, you powering through it makes it seem worse. Remember to communicate I need to know what is and isn't ok this isn't just about me." He tells her seriously and she deflates.
"I'm sorry, I just want to prove you didn't, and don't go too far because you assume you do. Just trust that I'll tell you when you do ok?" Nessa asks tapping her fingers on Damiens's arms.
"Ok, ill work on that and you promise to communicate when the touch is too much. Are you ok with this?" Damien asks and Nessa closes her eyes and nods her head. His hand travels up and grabs her chin turning her head to look at him.
"Words Nessa, I need words." Damien orders.
"Yes, I am ok with this. I promise I will tell you when it is too much" Nessa promises and Damien smiles in relief and tightens his arms around her, Dominik glancing over and smiling at them while Finn is stretching preparing for his match. Nessa pats Damiens's hands and he releases her and she gets off his lap and stretches. Damien reaches out and tickles her exposed stomach, her shirt riding up as she stretched. Nessa giggles and jumps back.
"I'm going to change and since there is no privacy in here I'm going into the bathroom." Nessa grabs her bag and enters the bathroom quickly changing and doing her makeup, going with a purple lipstick to better match the colors of the Judgment day. She walks out of the bathroom to see Rhea standing there already in her makeup and just needing to change her clothes. Nessa runs over and wraps her arms around Rhea's waist. Nessa doesn't say anything, just squeezes tighter as Rhea wraps her arms around Nessa's shoulders, the boys joining the hug and squashing Nessa between them.
"Help me" She squeeks almost unable to breathe making Rhea laugh and the boys break the embrace.
"I'm gonna change and get ready we have a promo in a bit" Rhea announces, just grabbing her clothes and starting to change in front of everyone.
"Woah, Woah, Woah..." Damien holds out his hands to stop her.
"Is Nessa ok with this? Have you asked her if she is comfortable with this she just went in the bathroom to change" He starts to fret glancing between Nessa and Rhea. Nessa shrugs and plops down on the bench.
"I have no issue with her changing in front of me, that is her choice if she is comfortable. We talked about it when we shared our hotel room this week." Nessa crosses her arms and smiles as Rhea finishes getting in her ring gear.
"You look good Mami" Nessa calls out and Rhea blushes doing a little turn just for Nessa's amusement, grateful she is trying to act normal and not treat her with kid gloves like the rest of the locker room and her partners. Rhea was annoyed at being stopped every 5 seconds by people apologizing for her loss but she is thankful they care for her.
Rhea holds out her hand for Nessa to grab and pulls her into another hug and places a quick kiss on her lips muttering thanks before breaking the hug and grabbing her title belt and Dom's hand. Nessa grabs Damiens's elbow and follows them out to go meet Kayla at Gorilla for their Interview. They all smirk as Kayla introduces them. Damien throwing his arm over Nessa's shoulders and pulls her close to him to the point where she braces her hand on his chest.
"Now, Damien, Dom last week you picked up a victory over Rey Mysterio and Santos Escobar... Despite Zelina Kind of embarrassing you, Nessa and Rhea..." Kayla starts and Rhea leans over and interrupts Kayla who puts the microphone in front of Rhea's face to capture what she is saying,
"Excuse me, Kayla! Embarrassed are you kidding me right now? She attacked our Nessa really!" Rhea rants and Kayla tries to say something but Dominik interrupts her as well.
"Kayla, just stop ok...You don't wanna make Mami mad. She is a little protective of our Nessa" Dom smirks and winks at Nessa. Damien speaks up, Kayla putting the Mic towards him careful not to bonk Nessa in the head.
"Kayla look, here's the deal. Santos Escobar, we all know he can go. What he can't do is pick friends. Rey Mysterio, The LWO, They shouldn't be getting involved in our business" He waves around the hand he isn't holding her with and Nessa bites her lower lip enjoying his accent that comes through when pronouncing their names and stares up at him as he continues talking, "And I know you are going to ask me about Bad Bunny, but I'm going to address that in the ring." He says and The Judgement Day's entrance music starts and he turns towards the curtain, Nessa still under his arm. Rhea and Dom following close behind after glaring down Kayla. Nessa steps out from under his arm once on the top of the ramp and stands between Rhea and Damien, her thumbs through her belt loop as the pyro goes off and they make their way down the ramp their names being announced and Damien doing his normal entrance moves. They reach the bottom of the ramp and he bumps forearms with Rhea before holding out his arm for Nessa again and strutting around the ring to the backside, Damien holds Nessa's hand as she climbs the steps before he joins her on the apron. This time stepping on the bottom rope and pulling up the middle rope to make it easier for her to get in since she struggled the last few times. This elicits cheers from the crowd. Once all four of them are in the ring the other three do their signature poses where Nessa does the belt loop thing similar to when Dom crosses his arms in front of himself before pyro. Damien goes to grab a mic and starts pacing around the ring, raising the mic to his lips, Nessa stepping back with Dominik and Rhea.
"Backlash is in San Juan Puerto Rico" Damien almost growls into the mic making Nessa shiver and smirk at Damien as he continues, " And the host, my friend Bad Bunny " Damien steps forward and grabs the top rope for a moment. "Now Bunny you wanna attend the show, sit in the front row again thats fine, have a great time. But if you put your hands on my family again" Rhea pats Doms shoulder and Nessa nods her head approvingly at Damiens Message as he continues "I mean we all know what can happen" Damien gestures to the Titantron. They all turn to watch the replay. Nessa and Dom clap watching Bunny go back through the table Rhea smiles in glee at what she saw and laughing doing a little jump in the ring as Damien lifts the mic to his lips again.
"I know that was bad" Nessa wipes away fake tears, "But I need you all to watch that again, can you play it in slow motion please" Damien asks gesturing to the Titantron again. Rhea laughs hard telling Damien, "that was amazing" And Nessa nods in agreement and claps again thanking Damien for defend Dom and her since Bunny wanted to mention her to goad Dom.
The LWO's entrance music comes on and Zelina comes out, Damien unzips his trenchcoat and takes it off, Rhea steps out of the ring onto the apron as Zelina waves a chancla and Rhea jumps down, Nessa leans on the ropes facing them. She jumps as Damien and Dominik fall to her feet having been attacked by other members of the LWO who after the one hit slid back out of the ring celebrating getting the jump on them. Damien whips around and glares them down, Dom doing the same as Rhea slides back into the ring to check on Nessa before also glaring.
Damien holds open the ropes where Nessa stands for her to get out, Dom does the same for Rhea and the three of them get out of the ring so the match can start between Damien and Santos.
Nessa claps and jumps up and down as Damien punches Santos after he tried to jump on Damien from the apron, Rhea calling out "You look like an idiot Santos." Before Damien throws Santos back in the ring and gets back in there as well. Damien gets a pin on Santos who kicks out at 2 and Rhea yells at the ref to learn how to count and Nessa yells out her agreement Dominik smiles like an idiot at the both of them. Nessa winces as Santos turns the match around and drop-kicks Damien.
"Come on Damien," Nessa yells out smacking the apron frustrated. Glad when Damien kicks out. Nessa cheers as Damien powers out of the corner and superkicks Santos out of the ring.
"That's right babe, Show him who is boss!"
Damien smiles at the encouragement and gets out of the ring and runs about delivering another hit to Santos that knocks him down and dazes him. Once back in the ring, Damien gets another pin on Santos who kicks out again causing Nessa and Damien to growl in frustration. Dominik whispers something in Rhea's ear that makes her laugh. Dominik stands on the steps raising his arms and Rhea and Nessa cheer as Damien stomps down on Santos maintaining control of the match and pulls Santos onto the lower rope from the apron. Santos gains control and lands a hurricanrana leaving Damien seemingly out in the middle of the ring.
"Damien" Nessa Calls out jumping on the apron only for Rhea to pull her off.
"Don't get ejected Bunny" Rhea whispers in Nessa's ear who relaxes in the hold so Rhea lets go. All three of them looking worried. Santos goes for the pin and Nessa sighs out in relief when Damien kicks out, Rhea on her knees looking relieved. Rhea gets up and the three of them bang on the apron trying to boost Damien and will him to regain control. Santos and Damien begin exchanging blows, Santos getting control, and ending in another pin which Damien kicks out of.
Santos picks up Damien who holds the top rope, Rhea pats Nessa's shoulder telling her it's time. Nessa and Dominik head over to that side of the ring while Rhea jumps up on the apron distracting the ref, Nessa and Dominik get on the apron, Nessa scratching Santos's thigh while Dominik hits his back causing Santos to Drop Damien and stumble into the ring gripping at both areas that were attacked. Nessa and Dominik dropping back off the apron, Nessa putting on her best innocent face as Damien hits the clothesline. Nessa gets pulled behind Dominik as the other two men from the LWO run toward them and start attacking Dominik. Nessa runs to Rhea to get to relative safety, eyeing where Zelina is. Rhea and Nessa look on concerned, thankful Damien hops out of the ring to save Dominik. Nessa throws up her arms as Santos dives out the ring shoving Damien onto the announce table and goes to grip her back which is still a little sore from her mishap.
Santos throws Damien back in the ring. Santos goes to the corner and Rhea grabs his ankle to stop whatever move he was going to do. Nessa backs up as Zelina slinks over knowing she isn't supposed to be physical this match. Rhea is prepared for this and turns int to it getting flung headfirst into the barricade. Nessa runs to check on Rhea seeing that Dominik is already back to his feet. Rhea is still on the ground gripping her head. Nessa grabs her face and looks into her eyes checking her pupils seeing they are the correct size and reactive. Once satisfied there is not a major head injury she kneels next to Rhea as Damien's entrance music plays signaling his win. Damien isn't finished punishing Santos yet, he throws Santos out of the ring and then Jumps out himself and goes over to the announce table. He rips everything off the table and gets ready to put Santos through the table as he did Bad Bunny but stops when Rey Mysterios music comes on.
Nessa and Dom turn to look at the Entrance ramp, Dom on one side of the ring and Nessa still kneeling next to Rhea who is clutching her head. Rhea powers through it to move in front of Nessa as Rey jumps over the barricade and attacks Damien and Dominik slides into the ring. Rey sets his sights on Dominik and gets in the ring. Nessa tries to move from behind Rhea only for Rhea to stop her until Rey throws the first punch, Dom fighting back, eventually Rey setting up the 619. Rhea and Nessa run around the ring to where Damien pulled Dom down out of the way and out of the ring, Nessa standing in front of them squaring her shoulders as the LWO start rolling into the ring, Rhea grabs her arm and switches places, putting Nessa under Damiens arm and then clutching her head as they back up the ramp, Damiens other arm over Doms shoulders. The two groups taunt each other Nessa holds up her hand to her hip taunting how short Zelina is even compared to her. Zelina sees and points to her,
"I'm coming for you again!" And Nessa Rolls her eyes and fakes scared again before waving off the threat as they disappear behind the curtain. Thankful they don't have to do anymore camera work they sigh in relief and Rhea stops clutching her head.
"Zelina is going to make me pay for that short joke next time we train together" Nessa groans leaning more into Damien and Rhea laughs.
"Hey Bunny if she goes too far let me know I'll take care of it" Rhea grabs Nessa's hand and they walk back to their locker room getting curious glances from a few people along the way. Nessa sees AJ sneer and she sneers back. Damien glances over and pulls Nessa closer.
"Ignore him Mariposa, he has a problem with anyone openly not straight." Damien whispers in her ear not knowing how angry that would make Nessa. Nessa spins out from under Damiens arm and Dominik is quick to grab her having heard what Damien said to her.
"Reinita it's not worth it, he's not worth it." Dominik struggles as she flails trying to kick out of his grip on her. Damien sighs and takes her from Dominik and throws her over his shoulder. She deflates knowing she isn't getting out of that and points to her eyes then towards AJ who just scoffs and rolls his eyes turning away from them. Nessa rests her elbows on Damiens's back and her chin on her hands just bouncing about as they walk back some other wrestlers laughing at the scene others waving at Nessa. Asuka waves joyfully at her, Nessa waves back and holds her hands in a praying position making Asuka laugh and shake her head, and Nessa pouts. Once they are in the locker room Damien puts her down and she huffs.
"I know Mamita but we can't go attacking people with different views from ours" Damien rolls his eyes.
"The difference of views is one thing but when he treats others differently and would celebrate and fight for the loss of our rights is another." Nessa grumbles adding on "may someone name a child after him and soon" She switches to yiddish she is so angry, "Lign in drerd un bakn beygl!"
"Uh what is that Mariposa?" Damien asks a little apprehensive seeing her so angry and pacing about the room.
"Basically wishing he would drop dead and burn in hell. The literal translation is may you lay in the ground and bake bagels" Dominik shrugs and laughs knowing she will burn through it soon enough. Nessa stops pacing about the room when there is a sharp knock on the door. Damien opens it and Zelina pushes in and heads straight to Nessa Rhea jumping in between them.
"It's ok Rhea, I got this" Nessa gently puts her hand on Rhea's arm and pushes so Rhea gets out of the way.
"Sorry, Thea got carried away out there. I know it is a sore subject." Nessa apologizes scratching her head.
"No that's fine the crowd loved it but now Vince is fighting with Paul about you wrestling me" Zelina warns and the rest of the people in the room start flipping out. The blood drains from Nessa's face.
"Hey no remember contractually that can't happen unless you agree." Dominik comes over and rubs Nessa's lower back trying to keep her calm.
"No, but he can try to punish you if I don't agree," Nessa says to the room and looks at Zelina who smiles sadly.
"Nooo Thea what did you do..." Nessa trails off.
"I told him I wouldn't do it you aren't ready and it is too dangerous. Little stunts here and there are fine because we practice those and you are learning the basics. You barely know how to take a bump let alone a match. So Paul and Vince are having it out about that too. I just wanted to warn you. And Jefe wants to talk to you." Zelina warns and Dominik violently shakes his head.
"Hell no, after last week he can't even come near her I won't allow it." He states as a matter of fact. Zelina and Nessa move in unison, leaning back and looking at him like "is he serious".
"While I agree I don't even want to see him right now you don't get to dictate what I do and do not do." Nessa pokes Dominik's chest who holds his hands up in surrender. "Thea thank you for looking after me and helping train me. You don't have to I know how you felt about mine and Doms relationship." Nessa genuinely thanks Zelina who glares at Dominik.
"You told her! Eres un comemierda!" She shoves him back. Nessa steps between them, knowing she can't win against Zelina but wanting to protect him nonetheless.
"Of course, he told me. What you said hurt him and he needed comfort." Nessa holds out her arm creating space between them.
"Wait and you aren't upset?" Zelina asks shocked and glances between the two of them.
"No, it is how you feel and you are allowed to feel that. You didn't try to break us up or come between us. You just stated your opinion and left it at that. It doesn't make you a bad person. You decided to take your own time to train me, you didn't have to do that." Nessa explains like it is the most obvious thing in the world. "Though I know Jefe probably asked you to train me" Nessa adds on knowing she is right. Rhea, Damien, Dominik and Finn smile at Nessa, at how kind and forgiving she truly is.
"Wow... Uh... Thank you. Just so you know I have no problem with you or people dating outside of their culture in general, It is just when those they date appropriate the culture and act like it is theirs. You are unapologetically you and you honor their culture while honoring your own and don't claim it as your own." Zelina steps forward placing a hand on Nessa's shoulder and continues "And this dynamic is weird, I don't understand it but I don't think any less of any of you because of it like some others. You be you" Zelina finishes, Nessa nods in thanks. Zelina takes that as her moment to leave.
Once Zelina is gone Nessa throws her head back and groans,
"I'm going to have to up the training, maybe Asuka will help me.."
"You know we can help you too? We are right here Luv?" Finn asks, partially offended.
"No I know but I am small and you guys are tall and can powerhouse. I'm not that strong or at least as strong as you guys but I can move. Their styles are more likely to work for me. I just don't want you guys to think I am trying to be too clingy with you all by spending all that time with you." Nessa fidgets with her fingers.
"We will help train you too if that is what you want Bunny, as will Asuka if you ask her. We want each other to be safe out there... for the most part..." Rhea explains and Finn looks happier with her response.
"Luv we have got to work on your self-esteem don't we." Finn shakes his head and goes to grab Nessa's bag so she can actually hold Damien's hand when they leave.
They return to the hotel that night, Rhea is quiet unsurprisingly with what she is dealing with. They are in the hallway, their rooms across from each other again, Rhea's hand in Nessa's. Rhea squeezes Nessa's hand before speaking up.
"I want us all to sleep together tonight, please." Rhea looks to Nessa her eyes pleading.
"Yeah of course, I've been sleeping in a room with them all week for the most part...." Nessa admits as they all pile into the boy's room.
"What is for the most part?" Rhea asks plopping on the bed and spreading out. Nessa doesn't answer she just joins her on the bed laying her head on Rhea's shoulder not realizing how much she had been missing Rhea's cuddles.
"We found Nessa on the kitchen floor this morning asleep with a bag of marshmallows in her hand." Dominik snickers stripping down to his boxers and jumping on the bed, ignoring the completely empty bed. Damien stands at the edge of the bed and crosses his arms.
"If we are all going to cuddle Rhea then we need to be on the floor or have Paul start booking us a king-size bed again" He starts stripping the covers and pillows off the other bed and tossing them on the floor. "Ooh" Nessa exclaims and jumps out of the bed and grabs her key card and disappears for a few minutes leaving the door open. She comes back with a bunch of pillows and blankets in her arms, piled high above her head and kicks the door closed.
"Hey can one of you macho men help me please I can't see where I am going" She calls out to the room causing Rhea to laugh and Nessa sighs in relief as the pillows and blankets get taken of of her. They make what can only be described as a nest of pillows and blankets on the floor. Nessa is the first to plop down and calls out to Rhea holding out her hand. Rhea smiles and joins Nessa, laying down and pulling Nessa onto her chest again. The rest of the group joining the cuddle pile.
The next morning they catch their flight to Arkansas for Raw the following day
All members of the Judgement Day are in their locker room getting ready for that nights Raw which starts airing soon. Nessa was quieter than usual and sitting off by herself after asking for a bit of personal space. The other members glance at her with concern, the young woman having been quieter than usual and just seeming off. Nessa looks around at them and sees their looks of concern.
"I just have a lot on my mind I am trying to sort through I promise it is nothing bad." Nessa gives a soft smile to the group who finishes getting ready, Rhea putting on leather pants which makes Nessa pout.
"I know Bunny, but I'm not wrestling tonight so there is no need for my ring gear" Rhea laughs and shakes her head at Nessa pouting, that pout changing when she sees Damien come out of the bathroom in a suit. He does a little twirl.
"Like what you see Mariposa" She nods and he chuckles as he walks over and kisses her forehead before continuing to let her have her space.
"All right looks like we are all ready and the dark match is over and the show is about to start. We need to head to Gorilla" Finn announces to the room gesturing to the door. Nessa gets up and grabs Damiens's arm, wearing one of Dom's flannels over her Judgement day shirt that is tied in the back to expose a sliver of skin and her shorts over ripped-up fishnets like Rhea normally wears.
"I wanted us to match Mami" Nessa pouts as they make their way to Gorilla, getting there just as the bloodline head out to their music.
"We can match next week Bunny. God I can't wait to be home and see my puppies." Rhea groans leaning against Nessa and Damien.
"I can't wait to meet them and make you some Kugel and Challah." Nessa momentarily grabs Rhea's hand.
"You don't have to do that Nes, I'm ok really." Rhea feels bad about how much Nessa has been doing for her so she tries to make her relax.
"I know I don't have to but I want to. It helps me so please" Nessa asks, fluttering her eyelashes so Rhea agrees.
"I thought Ojitos don't work on you Mami" Dominik pouts gesturing between Nessa and Rhea.
"Normally they don't, but who can deny this pretty face" Rhea coos while grabbing Nessa's chin making the people backstage laugh at them used to their antics and not at all surprised at the new member fitting in so well.
"Yeah yeah, let's not bruise that pretty face, right Hermosa" Damien gently pries Rhea's hand off Nessa's face as their music starts and he grabs a mic with his free hand.
"Yeah bruises are meant for below the chin" Nessa announces as they walk out smirking to herself knowing they have to control their reaction to what she said. They make their way down the ramp to cheers from the crowd, goosebumps rising up Nessa's spine. They reach the front of the ring and the other four just step up on the apron, Damien grabbing her hand and pulling her up to stand next to him. The other three get in the ring and face off against the bloodline while Damien sits on the ropes to give Nessa easier access to the ring. Once she is in she stands on the edge of the line Next to Damien so they are all staring down a member of the Bloodline except her. They stand like that for a minute, Jimmy pacing back and forth until Damien raises the mic to his lips.
"Paul." Damien turns to look at Paul before stepping in front of his partners and standing in front of Solo staring him down, Paul putting a hand on Solos chest trying to calm him down. The crowd chanting you suck. Paul holds out his hand to Damien,
"Mr Priest" He smiles his smarmy smile. Damien smirks and shakes his hand as Paul continues speaking, Damien resuming his position Next to Nessa
"Sir, an honor. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's a very good day to be a very bad buy. If there is a heaven none of us are getting into it except maybe Nessa and that is iff at best. A short-term deal engineered by the tribal chief Roman Reigns." Jey takes the mic from Paul,
"Hey OG we don't know anything about what you are talking about". He states and Paul takes the Mic back as Jey continues on about Roman not texting or calling him to tell him.
"I know, your tribal chief didn't want anyone on our side... well except for Solo" Paul explains and continues "You know because there aren't any raised voices or sudden moves from Solo because the tribal chief wanted his Usos to almost be caught off guard by the enormity of this short term deal. You see, Even mister Balor isn't that happy about this because mr Balor has deep-seated anger issues. Mr Balor is going to put aside his deep personal feelings about us aside in the name of good short-term villainy. Speaking of which the Judgment day has a concern a bunny concern a bad bunny concern and Solo is an expert in assuaging concerns." Paul praises Solo as Rhea just glares Solo down and he returns the glare. Paul noticing the tension asks Jey to switch with Solo and they do, but Rhea switches with Finn to stay in front of Solo.
"Is uh... is everything ok here?" Paul leans between them asking and Rhea leans forward to answer,
"For now" and Paul sighs,
"Let me get to this before this whole situation goes the wrong way. The Judgment day needs something taken care of that is the name of Bad Bunny, Solo will handle that before your concerns become a problem because we in the bloodline have problems, we have a Kevin Owens problem a Sami Zayn problem, we have a Riddle to solve. We all know at backlash a first-ever 6 man tag team match...." Nessa zones out getting annoyed at how long-winded this man is. She zooms back in when she hears the Judgment day but rolls her eyes when he just keeps talking. She has to bite her cheek to keep from laughing when Paul grabs Dom's wrist apologizing that he has to see Rey up close again and nods towards Nessa as Rey's music starts. Damien guides Nessa to the ropes and holds them open for her to step out which she does and stands there as he does the same. He jumps down and grabs her hips and picks her up off the apron and lowers her to the ground before offering his elbow again, their partners right beside them as they leave while Rey gets in the ring.
They go back to the next area they are supposed to be in for their next segment after the next 2 matches and just relaxing. Damien is leaning up against the wall Nessa leaning up against his chest, his arms wrapped around her. Dom and Rhea sitting in the two chairs provided, Finn lounging on their laps.
"What was that before we went out there Princesa" Damien whispers in her ear tightening his grip on her, and Nessa lets out a little embarrassed whine. Dominik glanced over and smirking not going to explain this one that has to be on Nessa.
"Sometimes, I like to... with... when...." Nessa struggles to form a coherent sentence and Damien kisses the top of her head. Nessa pauses and takes a deep breath steadying herself.
"Once I am more comfortable... I like to be handled a little roughly sometimes. sometimes I like the bruises because I can control when, where and who they came from..." Nessa blushes and turns to hide her face in Damiens's chest. He pats her head trying and failing to not laugh because if he did what he was thinking he would cross a line.
"Is that what has been on your mind all day." Rhea asks from her seat and Nessa groans and shakes her head no, careful to not rub her makeup off on Damiens's suit jacket.
"Then what is Mariposa?" Damien places his finger under Nessa's chin making her look up at him and she licks her lips trying to regain the moisture her anxiety has zapped from her.
"Can we table that until we are in Florida, I want to talk to you all together in private?" Nessa asks her voice cracking from the nerves.
"Why can't you when we get back to the hotel tonight?" Finn asks curiously.
"Oh,... I see," Rhea says out loud after seeing Nessa's expression.
"What?! What do you see?" Dominik asks, freaking out that he might have missed something when normally he is the one able to read Nessa.
"She has made her decision and wants us in a place familiar to us so we are more comfortable which will make her more comfortable" Rhea explains and Nessa looks at her grateful.
"Oh,..." Dominik softly responds, tension and worry filling his body.
"Oh calm down Dom Dom, I'm sure it is good news and she just wants to discuss some more boundaries with it" Rhea grabs Dom's thigh, Finn having hopped off previously to pace about the room. Nessa fights every muscle in her body to not nod and agree, wanting to discuss everything at once and not have to field a bunch of questions for the rest of the night.
"Ok the conversation is tabled as Mamita asked, don't pester her about it. Let her bring it up when she is ready" Damien announces to the group. He releases Nessa and pushes off the wall as the Cameraman enters signaling their segment is about to start. Nessa leans up against Dominik, Rhea looking at her nails and smirking before resting her hand back on Dominiks thigh.. Damien starts talking as the cameraman signals the start of the promo, Finn slapping Doms shoulders and squeezing them a maniacle smile on his face.
"Isn't that something huh guys? Bad Bunny returning to Raw next week. As long as he returns with a different attitude though..."
"Thats true" Finn agrees, the rest of them nodding along and Damien continues,
" For one he knows what can happen" Nessa cocks her head and raises her eyebrows like she is impressed looking Damien up and down. "And I'll just stop being his friend" Damien shruggs and Dominik scoffs and speaks up.
"Priest, You don't need to be Bad Bunnys friend, Just like I don't need Rey Mysterio to be my father." Finn puts one hand on Rheas shoulder keeping the other on Doms as he continues speaking, " But watching Solo rip piece by piece until there isn't any Rey mysterio left..." He trails off as they see Paul walk in.
Paul eyes them all, Nodding to Nessa who just maintains her stare.
"Satisfied?" He asks his phone in his hand. Damien turns to Finn and aks, "Finn what do you think?" Most of the members of the Judgement still looking at Paul who is smiling smugly. Rhea keeping her eyes on Dom and glancing to Nessa.
"Ehh" Finn answers crinkling up his nose and the smile falls off of Pauls face,
"Ehh?" Paul mimics back shocked and Nessa responds.
"Yeah Ehh", Paul rubs his palm on his chest thinking of how to respond,
"Allright I'll live with Eh, but now it is your turn to do Ehh, But do Ehh to Kevin Owens, Sammy Zayne and Matt Riddle tonight so you don't fall in to debt with your tibal chief." Paul explains and Nessah sighs in annoyance.
"In debt, no that sounds like an issue between Roman and the Usos, As far as the Judgement day goes we handle our business" Damien answers as he grabs Nessas hand and pulls her closer to him.
"The Tribal Cheif would also like to have a meeting with Miss Nessa, there is some business he wishes to discuss with her that is not for your ears." Paul announces. Damien tightens his grip on her and Rhea stands up blocking Nessa from Pauls view and gets in his face.
"Bye Paul" She nearly growls, getting protective of their newest member. Paul begins to side step away telling his phone to call Roman Reigns. They hear him explain what they said and that there is going to be a problem getting a meeting with Nessa. The camerman signals that the camera is off.
"Come on lets get ready for our match." Damien orders this time which surprises Nessa as it is normally Finn who keeps them moving. They all return to their locker room quickly only to be stopped before they enter it. Hunter leaning up against the door to the locker room.
"Ah Nessa perfect, I need to speak to you privately please. He pushes off of where he was leaning and gestures down the hallway. Damien gives her hand a squeeze for encouragement before letting go, Nessa following him down the hallway.
Nessa comes back about 15 minutes later, paler than before and knowing the news isn't going to go over well with the group who is already overprotective of her. She just walks in the locker room knowing they are already changed.
"Finally Mamita... Mariposa what's wrong" Damien gets up from where he was stretching and gently grabs Nessa's hand.
"Uh, please promise you won't get upset and you will not try to interfere with the decision." Nessa announces to the room but stays looking into Damiens eyes. Damien clenches his jaw but nods in agreement.
"Next week Bunny is going to come out with a kendo stick and attack you which you know,... I am to take a hit or two ." Nessa squeezes Damiens hand as he pops his neck clearly trying to control his temper, his jaw so taut she is afraid he is going to break some teeth.
"There is something else Princesa what is it?" Dominik asks coming over, Rhea and Finn doing the same. Nessa stares at the ground as she answers Dominik,
"There is going to be a fight ringside between me and Zelina instead of Zelina and Rhea. Rhea is going to get ejected because I won't do a match yet so I have to get physical. Vince is having a dick measuring contest with Hunter right now so if I play along nicely there may be more title opportunities, If I don't the draft may not go our way..."
"Nessa, I need to go for a quick walk, I am not upset with you but I need to calm down before our match so I don't go too far and hurt someone." Damien informs Nessa before storming out the room, the door slamming behind him making Nessa jump. Rhea grabs Nessas hand comfortingly. Nessa stands up on her toes to place a kiss on Rheas cheek.
"I think we are going to have to meet him at Gorilla because he will not be calmed down enough until then" Nessa says more so to herself than to the others but they hear and make varying noises of agreement.
"Nessa are you ok Luv?" Finn asks, remembering the last time Damien got that angry.
"Hmm... oh yeah, I was expecting and ready for that. I'm not as fragile as I seem not everything is going to trigger me. So please don't act like it. I will tell you or signal in some way if I am." Nessa sits down on Rheas lap as Finn and Dominik return to stretching and warming up.
"Thats fair Luv. When we get to Florida would you like to help me with some of the sets I have at Rheas place?" Finn asks trying to steer the conversation to something they have in common. Nessa's eyes light up at the invitation and she eagerly nods her head.
Eventually they get a knock on the door signalling it is time for them to head to Gorilla and as Nessa said Damien was there waiting for them. Clearly still upset but it is not radiating off of him as much. He relaxes more as he sees his partners and Nessa who bounces over to him and grabs his hand and tugging down making him bend over for her. She steals a quick peck on the lips before their music starts and they go out onto the top of the ramp, lights low and smoke billowing out at their feet. As the music swells Rhea lifts her title and Damien does his normal entrance moves before grabbing Nessas waist and pulling her close to him possesively as they reach the bottom of the ramp.
Rhea and Dom split to one side of the Ring, Finn goes to the immediate corner opposite and Damien and Nessa go to the far corner. Damien holds Nessa's hand as she walks up the steps then ascends them as well holding up the edge of his coat so he doesn't trip. Damien and Finn on the same side of the apron sit on the middle rope for Nessa who still has to hop over a little and is glad she doesn't stumble. Finn and Damien quickly join her in the ring and cross it so they can pose behind Dom and Rhea. Nessa standing between Finn and Damien holding the top rope and smirking glancing up at Damien and biting her lower lip appreciating how his arms flex and move when he bounces on the ropes and does his poses. Nessa and Rhea get out of the ring, Rhea tossing her arm around Nessas shoulders to keep her close and to drive home the point that Nessa is a full member of the Judgement day. Nessa and Rhea cheer on their men as the match continues on, Rhea and Nessa standing at the corner with Rhea as Finn kicks Kevin repeatedly until he rolls out of the ring.
"Oooooooh" Nessa giggles and jumps up and down as Rhea looks at him predatorially and drops her title as he rolls out on to his feet. She runs over and clotheslines him making him nearly do a flip. She keeps moving over to the barricade and sits against it smiling maniacally. Finn gets out of the ring and throws Kevin back in. Rhea gets back up once she is sure she isn't going to be ejected. Rhea struts back over to Nessa and pulls her in to her side and does her little running and jumping thing.
The match continues on with people getting tagged in and out leading to Sammy being the legal man with Dominik in the ring, Sammy getting on the top rope and Rhea jumping up and pulling his leg making him rack himself on the top rope and fall to the mat. Kevin seeing this picks up a shirt and throws it at Rhea.
"Hey don't you throw stuff at Mami!" Nessa yells at him as Dominik lands the frog splash and pins Sammy only for Kevin to slide in the ring and break up the pin. Finn gets in and drop kicks Kevin and Riddle gets in and knees Finn, only for Damien to get in the ring and hit the elevated flat liner. Sammy gets up and clotheslines Damien out of the ring. Sammy goes to slingshot off the ropes but Rhea grabs his leg and the ref sees ejecting her.
Nessa wants to plead Rheas case but Rhea is Yelling at the ref. Rhea storms out. Nessa tries to keep her hands from shaking knowing no matter how the match ends what comes after. Nessa groans as Kevin, Sammy and Riddle get the win. The Usos come out and before long there is an all out brawl with the LWO joining Zelina running straight to Nessa. Nessa is able to block a few hits and actually land a punch on Zelina who pauses shocked for a moment before preceding to land hit after hit on Nessa before landing a DDT leaving Nessa writhing on the ground in pain grasping her neck and head.
Finally the attacks end and the filming is over. Nessa knows she still has to sell the attack so she stays down on the ground, Damien and Dom helping her up, them also limping and selling their injuries. Damien picking her up holding her in both arms Nessa throwing her arms around Damiens neck and laying her head on his shoulder closing her eyes as they go up the ramp and backstage. Once they are safely backstage Damien gently sets Nessa down, Rhea already there waiting starts checking her over for injuries.
"Guys, i'm fine I landed right and she took care of me" Nessa tries to shrug off their hands and stretching to help with the tension she gained from the physical altercation.
She isn't shocked when Hunter comes up to them looking proud.
"Hey Nessa, you did great out there. He shouldn't be a problem going forward there have been some things brought to light again to the powers that be. That being said great job out there with having so little training you have a natural tallent for selling and potentially holding your own. In light of recent events I am cancelling your live events this week, you guys only have to do a few online interviews. So go enjoy a few days off and Rhea we are sorry for your loss. Take the time you need, we appreciate you coming back so fast after what happened." He shakes all of their hands individually before turning to walk away.
"Sir" Nessa calls out. He turns and she pops her neck before speaking.
"I need serious training, not just for bumps but for a potential future match that doesnt end with me getting my ass beat. I jumped in to this full time no training no clue what I am doing. I am a nurse not a fighter not a wrestler. If I am going to be expected to do these things to protect them then I need a new trainer. The current trainer is great but I Need more serious training than what he can offer. The judgement day will help but I need you to pair me with someone as well. I trust your judgement on that."
"I think I can swing that Miss Klein. After that excellent show you put on out there yeah we can swing that. I'll be in touch or Adam will be in touch if not me" Hunter smiles almost gleefully as he walks away.
"Come on the show is over lets pack up and head out so we can go get some sleep and be up early for our flight to florida tomorrow morning" Finn tries to herd the group who grumbles but follows along.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Chapter 14
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13
“He isn’t answering, Robin. I don’t know if I did something or if he isn’t okay or what,” Eddie said into the phone, his pacing across the floor making him more anxious instead of less.
“Eddie, take a deep breath. He was asleep in bed last night and probably is just busy at work today.”
“But he knows he has to at least send a quick text. It’s a rule.”
Eddie didn’t want to go into more detail, and he knew Robin didn’t want more detail, but he needed to know that Steve was safe, that he hadn’t dropped after their intense weekend together.
“I’m putting Chrissy on the phone,” Robin said suddenly, the sound of her handing her phone off loud in his ear.
“Chrissy. Where did Robin go?”
He was met with silence.
“Steve’s here.”
“Shit. Is he okay?”
Eddie’s heart was racing, his breath starting to come in short pants instead of normal inhales and exhales.
He could only hear small snippets of Robin’s voice in the background, but couldn’t hear what she was saying, and he couldn’t hear Steve at all.
“He’s not talking.”
“Chris, please let me try to talk to him. Please.”
She was walking, he could tell, but he still didn’t hear anything except for Robin whispering something.
“Let me talk to him!”
“Not until you calm the hell down, Eddie. He’s not okay and you aren’t okay, and nothing you do is going to help either of you with the way you are right now,” Chrissy said calmly, but seriously.
“Okay. Is he crying?”
“No. He’s just staring.”
“I don’t think it’s a drop, Eddie.,” Chrissy said, her voice remaining calm, but Eddie could hear Robin panicking and that wasn’t helping.
“You don’t know what his drop looks like.”
“Eddie, I am hanging up in 30 seconds if you don’t chill. Seriously, Robin is already making it worse. Actually, here.” The phone was set down, he heard Chrissy say something to Robin, and then it was picked back up.
“He hasn’t been like this for a long time. I don’t know what to do. I-”
“Robin, stop. Has he moved?”
“Not since he sat on the couch.”
“Has he made any noise at all?”
“Nothing except breathing.”
It wasn’t a drop, then. But something happened to make him dissociate, something big.
Was this why he hadn’t answered any of Eddie’s texts or calls? Was it something Eddie did? He didn’t know how it could be, they hadn’t spoken since he left his house yesterday.
Which meant this probably happened yesterday, whatever it was that was making Steve break their rule, make himself small and quiet, turn into the person Eddie had hoped was starting to disappear.
“Okay, let me talk to him.”
“I don’t know if he even knows we’re here,” Robin muttered, her feet shuffling on the carpet in their apartment.
“Put me on speaker then. Please.”
He heard Chrissy’s soft voice as soon as he was put on speakerphone, heard her trying to get Steve to focus on her and talk. Doing what he should be doing.
He didn’t have time to feel guilty or jealous, he just needed to hear Steve’s voice and make sure he knew he was on his way.
“Stevie? Sunshine?” Eddie paused, hoping for anything, any response other than silence. When he didn’t get anything, he kept talking. “You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to. Hopefully you’re listening and you can see Robin and Chrissy are there to help.”
“Keep talking,” Chrissy said close to the phone. “He’s looking.”
“Come back to us, sunshine. Whatever happened will be okay. We can figure it out. We’re a team, right? You and me? I just want to know what’s going on in that beautiful head of yours.”
He heard a small whimper and then shuffling, and a sob.
“Stevie? Okay, I’m FaceTiming.”
He didn’t wait for them to agree, he just switched over and waited for someone to press accept.
He was met with Chrissy’s face, and the sound of Steve’s sobs and hyperventilating.
He could just make out Robin’s shoulder in the background.
“Let me see him,” Eddie demanded.
Chrissy pointed the phone towards Robin holding Steve against her chest, whispering to him, but looking at the phone with panic written all over her face.
“Robin, can you please check his heart rate?”
“I’ll do it,” Chrissy interrupted, bringing the phone with her and focusing it on Steve’s profile as she checked his pulse. “A little fast. Steve, honey, you gotta take long, slow breaths. Let’s all do it together.”
Eddie let Chrissy handle this part, it was easier to get him to breathe correctly when he could see and feel someone doing it.
But he paced. He felt like his nerves were exploding under his skin, like his whole body was shaking with pent up energy, that his brain was yelling at him to be there for Steve right now.
“There ya go, keep going, honey,” Chrissy said softly, still managing to hold the phone so Eddie could see Steve taking in breaths.
“You’re doing so good, sweetheart,” Eddie added, wanting to let Steve know he was here, and watching, and waiting for him to be okay.
It went on for a few more minutes, until finally Chrissy said his heart rate was normal again, and Steve’s body had slumped further against Robin.
“Sunshine? Can I come over and see you?”
Steve shook his head.
That…well, it hurt. His chest immediately felt hollowed out and his throat and eyes stung with the threat of tears.
“Do you want to come here?” He asked, though he knew it sounded wet, maybe a bit detached.
Steve nodded against Robin’s chest.
Relief rushed through Eddie’s body. He let out an exhale, probably much too loud going off of the look Chrissy shot him through the phone.
“Do you want me to come get you or do you want Chrissy and Robin to bring you here?”
“Okay, sunshine. Can you look at me for a second?”
Steve moved his head, opened his eyes so that he could do what Eddie asked him to.
“There you are. My sweet boy,” Eddie ignored the whimper Steve let out, didn’t want to draw more attention to anything happening than was necessary. “They’ll take good care of you until you’re here, sweet thing. I promise.”
Steve nodded, but Eddie could still see fresh tears falling from his eyes.
Seeing Steve like this made Eddie feel unsteady, like the world around him could collapse at any moment.
He’d seen him drop, and he’d seen him upset before, but this was something entirely different.
Chrissy walked away with the phone, glancing over her shoulder once before shutting herself in, presumably, Robin’s room.
“Eds, this isn’t good. I don’t know what it is, but if Robin is panicking like this, it’s bad. She’s seen him through some tough shit. Isn’t he supposed to be at work right now? He works all day, right?”
That thought hadn’t even crossed his mind, but when he looked at the clock and saw it was only ten in the morning, his heart sank.
“Yeah. Something must have happened at work. I just wanna get him stable and then I can find out what it is.”
“I know you know this, but you can’t put him under like this,” Chrissy warned.
He would be upset that she thought he was that dumb, but he knew she was just worried and wanted to protect both of them.
“I know. Just get him here safe. Please.”
“See you in 15.”
Eddie used the time to call his only client for the day and reschedule, offered him a free hour session to make up for it even though he was understanding and didn’t mind.
He considered drawing a bath, but figured Steve was probably feeling vulnerable enough without also being naked.
He decided to heat up water for some tea, grabbed a few blankets and a pillow from his bed, and set up a fortress on the couch.
He wanted Steve to feel safe, and the only way to do that was to surround him with comfort and familiar things. As much time as he’d spent at Eddie’s house over the last week, most of it should be pretty familiar.
He was just stirring some honey into the tea when his front door opened. He didn’t rush, didn’t want to overwhelm Steve, so he slowly made his way out to the living room.
Robin had Steve against her side, his face buried in her shoulder and body curled in on itself.
Chrissy was on his other side, offering silent support and ready to step in if Robin needed her to.
Eddie owed them both.
“Hey, sunshine,” Eddie said as he got closer. “You look kinda tired. I made us a fort on the couch and some tea to settle you a little.”
Steve nodded against Robin’s shoulder, but didn’t move.
“Robin can go sit with you if you want.”
As much as he would love to be able to hold Steve himself, comforting him wasn’t about what he wanted. He knew Steve needed Robin for some things, just like he needed Chrissy for some things.
But Steve shook his head and pulled it away from her shoulder, then pulled away from her side, stumbling a bit.
“Woah. Easy, sweet boy,” Eddie hurried over to hover his hands around him in case he lost his balance. “Let me help you, okay?”
Eddie wrapped his arm around Steve’s waist, just to make sure he wouldn’t fall, but he immediately collapsed against his chest and let out a sob.
“Don’t go,” Steve cried.
Eddie looked over at Chrissy with a questioning look.
“I’m not going anywhere, sweet boy. Promise. I’m gonna help you to the couch,” Eddie said as he tried to guide him, but Steve wouldn’t budge, just wrapped his arms around Eddie’s waist tighter. “My love, it’ll be much comfier on the couch.”
Steve was crying into Eddie’s shirt, he could feel the moisture soaking through it and making it stick to his skin.
Eddie ignored the way Chrissy and Robin were staring and picked Steve up, making sure he wrapped his legs around his waist.
“That’s it, let’s get you cozy, sweetheart.”
Eddie slowly made his way to the couch, his hands tightening on the underside of Steve’s thighs as he walked, not wanting to risk him slipping even an inch.
He sat down with Steve in his lap, forgetting about the tea for now and hoping that just being here with him would settle him down.
“I think we’ll head out if you’ve got it from here,” Chrissy said quietly. “Robbie, you wanna say bye to Steve?”
Robin walked over to them, gave Eddie a sad smile, and leaned in to kiss the back of Steve’s head.
“I love you, dingus. Call me later?”
Steve nodded against Eddie’s chest.
“Love you,” he said without moving his head away from Eddie’s shirt.
Robin seemed to relax a bit at those words, like she was waiting for some verbal confirmation that he was actually aware of where he was and who he was with.
Eddie figured that was a good thing to be worried about with the state Steve was in.
He waved to both of them, thanked them for handling things so well, and told them he’d check in with them in a couple hours.
As they left, Steve shuffled in his lap a little, letting out small breaths against his shoulder and neck.
“Hey, sweet boy. You wanna lay down or stay like this for a bit?”
Eddie knew this position would get uncomfortable for both of them after a while, but he wasn’t going to move until Steve wanted to.
Steve was in control.
Always, but especially now.
Steve just let out a small whimper, which wasn’t an answer, and no matter how much Eddie wanted to let him get away with it, he couldn’t.
“Sunshine, I know it’s hard, but I need you to answer me. I want you to be comfortable and if you don’t tell me what you want, I won’t know.”
His voice was soft, gentle, but had just a hint of his dom voice so Steve would actually listen.
“Stay,” Steve responded.
It felt loaded, full of meanings that Eddie couldn’t quite grasp yet, but hoped Steve would be able to explain soon.
Eddie was a patient person, especially when it came to Steve, but his worry would far exceed any patience he had soon.
But for now, he stayed. He kept Steve. He held Steve close, let him cry, let him hold tight to his shirt, let him find comfort where he could.
He didn’t know how long they stayed like that, but eventually Steve started clawing at his shirt, barely pulling away as he tried to pull it off.
Eddie grabbed his hands, gently held them to his chest.
“I’m not taking off my shirt right now, sunshine.”
“Need you,” Steve whined, finally looking up at Eddie’s face.
Eddie broke.
Steve looked at him like he was saying goodbye, or like Eddie was going to say goodbye.
But that couldn’t be it. Eddie was with Steve, holding him through whatever pain he was feeling, letting him feel it.
The word came out desperate, more than any other time Eddie had heard him beg. It was gut wrenching, and Eddie had to fight himself to not give in. Now wasn’t the time, just like Chrissy said.
“Sweetheart, you’re hurting. I can’t let you push yourself like that until we talk about everything and you’re feeling better,” he cupped Steve’s cheeks in his hands, felt how warm his face was from the crying, and leaned in to kiss his forehead softly.
“You don’t want me?”
If Steve hadn’t spent the last hour or so crying, he probably would have started again. His lip was quivering, his voice barely more than a broken whisper.
“Stevie, listen to me.” Eddie felt like he needed to cry. “I want you so much all the time. It’s never about me not wanting you. It’s dangerous for you to get floaty on me when you’re like this, okay? You’d most likely drop hard after and I think it would be bad enough that I wouldn’t be able to help. I can’t put either of us in that position, sweetheart. It doesn’t mean I don’t want you, it means I want to take care of you. You understand?”
“But I need you.”
“I need you to feel better first. I love you, more than anything, and I need you to understand that before anything else happens.”
“But you won’t.”
Steve’s words took a minute to sink in. When they did, Eddie shook his head.
“What do you mean?”
“You won’t love me or want me or need me when you find out.”
“Find out what?”
Steve shook his head and looked down at his hands holding onto Eddie’s shirt at his chest.
“I might have lost my job.”
Steve couldn’t look up at Eddie after he admitted to the biggest failure of his life.
Eddie said he loved him, but how could he? How could he love someone who couldn’t even keep up with the basics of his job? The job he loved and worked so hard for?
How could he love someone who probably won’t get hired as a guidance counselor again?
He didn’t even know what his next step could be, and he couldn’t expect Eddie to stick around while he figured it out.
“What happened, love?”
Eddie was being so patient and loving with him. He didn’t want it to end.
But he had to tell him.
So he did.
He told him about his meeting request the day before, his meeting this morning, how he sat in his car in the parking lot for nearly an hour before finally being able to drive to his apartment. He explained how numb he felt as he walked in the door and how much he wanted to hide away, but Robin wouldn’t let him. And then he explained how Chrissy tried talking to him like Eddie does and how it felt wrong, but that it still helped him focus on where he was.
“And then I just wanted you, but I don’t want to need you like this, not when you’re just gonna leave me,” Steve finished.
He could feel the tears building back up behind his eyes, in his throat, in his damn chest.
He was so sick of feeling like he was going to lose everything.
He’d lost everything before, he’d survived it, and he knew he couldn’t do it again, especially not if Eddie was included.
“Sunshine,” Eddie said softly, kissing him on the nose. “I’m not leaving you. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. Whatever happens, I’ll be right by your side the entire time.”
Steve looked at him, really looked at him. He took in the way his eyes were shining with unshed tears, the way his hands were cupping Steve’s face like he couldn’t let go even if he wanted to. He thought about how easy it would have been for Eddie to just tell Robin he didn’t want Steve to come over, how he could have just left him on the couch to cry, but he didn’t.
He stayed.
He stayed before Steve even asked, and then he kept staying after that.
And maybe he would keep staying even if Steve didn’t give many reasons for him to.
“You love me?”
“I love you so much,” Eddie nodded.
“You’ll stay?”
“I’ll stay. No matter what.”
Steve fell into his chest, a few tears managing to fall despite the fact that he couldn’t imagine crying more.
“I’m so sorry, sweet boy. I’m sorry this is happening, and that I caused it, and that the rules are like this. What can I do to help?”
“No,” Steve sniffed. He kissed Eddie’s chest before sitting up and looking at him. “Don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong. You wanted to help and it was my fault that I didn’t stop you or realize that you shouldn’t have been there when a student was. It’s a basic rule that I should have known to follow.”
“Maybe so, but it’s still a stupid rule. You're not the one paying for it, so how does it fall entirely on you? Especially when it was technically your lunch break. I mean I get the confidentiality thing, and I would hope that it’s followed all the time, but Will gave permission for me to stay.”
Eddie was right. Steve knew he was right. It didn’t change anything though.
Eddie sighed when he realized that it didn’t change anything.
“So what do we do?”
“For now, I just have to wait. They’re investigating. I guess there’s still a chance they won’t terminate me, maybe just let this suspension be my slap on the wrist. I don’t know. I just know that not getting paid for a month is going to put too much on Robin. I haven’t even told her. I couldn’t.”
“Okay, we can talk about that. Actually, we need to talk about that. And then we can call Robin together if you want?”
This was the most hesitant Steve had ever heard Eddie. It almost seemed like he was worried that Steve would leave.
Well, he had been ignoring him. And he had been considering not talking to him ever again.
Steve leaned in to kiss Eddie’s lips, sweet, soft, calm. The opposite of how his last 18 hours had gone.
“I love you, too. You know how much?” Steve said as he rested his hands on Eddie’s shoulders.
Eddie shook his head, his eyes wide and searching, nervous.
“I love you enough to trust you to take care of me, even when I’m scared. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone, more than I will ever love anyone. I love you so much, and I don’t even want to be without you.”
“Then you won’t. I’m right here.”
“You’re right here.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“You’re not going anywhere,” Steve smiled.
Eddie smiled back, leaning in to give him a quick kiss on his lips, pulling away before Steve could turn it into more.
His emotions were everywhere, one moment he wanted to cry out of frustration and anger and sadness, the next he wanted Eddie to take him apart on the couch. But Eddie could see that, and he could help him avoid giving in to any extremes, keep him on a straight line where he could think things through.
“Let’s talk about this upcoming month. Do you have any savings?” Eddie was running his thumbs along his sides, holding him with enough of a grip to keep him focused, but not enough to make him want more.
“I have about $500 which is enough for my car payment and my portion of utilities, a little bit left for rent. But that leaves Robin paying for most of my portion of the rent, which she doesn’t have. I could maybe get a job at Starbucks too. It won’t cover everything, but it’ll help.”
Eddie nodded, but he looked like he was deep in thought.
“Or anywhere. It doesn’t have to be Starbucks, I just know she’d put in a good word for me. And maybe Chrissy would? I know she doesn’t really know me, but I worked as a barista in college for a bit and I think I could handle it and I could work any shifts really. Do you think they’d hire me?”
Eddie pressed his thumb into the dip of Steve’s hip.
“Sweet thing, take a breath. They would hire you and they’d be lucky to have you, but I have another option if you wanna hear it.”
“I could use some help at my shop. Not every day, and not the entire time I’m there, but it would be helpful for someone to be able to answer the phones and emails a few hours a day. It saves me from having to deal with it all between clients and after hours.”
“I couldn’t ask you to pay me for that, though, baby.”
“I know you wouldn’t. So here’s the other part of the plan: you move in with me, give your savings to Robin for rent for the month, and then we can figure out what happens if you end up needing a new job.”
That sounded…kind of insane. More than kind of, it was insane. More than that, it left Steve wondering how he could possibly allow himself to say yes.
“But what about my other bills? My car and cell phone? Gas and insurance? Whatever I still owe Robin for rent? I can’t just not pay them.”
“No, you can’t. But I can.”
Steve’s jaw dropped.
He should have caught on to where this was going.
He knew Eddie was doing well for himself. He owned a house alone, a nice house, plus a car, and his own business, and never seemed worried about paying for take out. He was financially stable in a way Steve may never be, but it was the price he paid to have his dream job.
His dream job that he may no longer have.
But regardless, Eddie doing well financially didn’t mean he could just cover someone else’s bills for an entire month.
“Eds, I love you, and I appreciate that, but that’s a lot of money. I mean I know you have your own bills, and we’ve only been together a week. I don’t-”
“Sweetheart, time doesn’t matter to me. I love you, and I want to support you. I have the means to help, I want to help, and I know it would take a lot of anxiety off of you. You’ll be dealing with enough through the investigation, you don’t need to worry about paying your bills on top of that.”
“Which is why I can just get a job.”
“You could. If that’s what you really wanted to do,” Eddie sighed. “But I know I would love to have you here, and at the shop, and it would make me really happy to be able to help you. I don’t expect anything in return, and if living with me turns into a nightmare, you can always go back with Robin, and your bills will still be paid for the month. Just think about it, okay? Maybe you can talk to Robin and see what she says.”
“She is gonna tell me I’m fucking insane.”
“Because I want to say yes.”
“Then say yes,” Eddie smirked. “It doesn’t have to be permanent. Just for the month. And you can still go back anytime you want. No expectations. It’s not a loan to pay me back. It’s just me wanting to take care of you.”
“But what if you change your mind?”
“I’m not gonna.”
“But you might.”
“Okay, I’ll entertain your thoughts for a second. Let’s say I change my mind. We don’t have any legal agreement in place. If I say I want you to pay me back, what could I possibly do? We don’t have this in writing. We don’t have a recording. We break up? You go back to live with Robin? Find a new job if you have to?”
Steve was silent.
“Do you really think that it’s possible for me to hurt you that way? Or any way?”
Steve shook his head.
He didn’t. He didn’t actually believe that Eddie would or could hurt him, not intentionally.
And he certainly didn’t think that Eddie would offer anything that he didn’t intend to make work in any way he could.
“I want to live here. I want you to take care of me for now. And I want to be able to take care of you too. Can you let me do that?”
Steve looked up at him through his lashes, his bottom lip jutting out.
Eddie smiled and poked it with his thumb, like he always did. He leaned in and kissed him, like he always did.
He pulled him close, made him feel safe, like he always did.
Chapter 15
TAG LIST: @invisibleflame812 @inmoonywetrust @captain-daryn @carlyv @lillemilly @spectrum-spectre @raisedbylibrarians @estrellami-1 @gregre369 @mightbeasleep @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @bornonthesavage @loguine-linguine @bejeweledbaby @bisexualdisastersworld @eddiemunsonswife @sadcanadianwinter @messrs-weasley @i-write-stories-not-sins-bitch @maya-custodios-dionach @sleepyboosstuff @novelnovella @f1ct1onwh0re @croatoan-like-its-hot @shrimply-a-menace @crazyhatlady86 @izzy2210 @phirex22 @crypticcorvidinacottage @yourebuckingkiddingme @sydthekid2004 @lovelylilbadone @abydell921 @wildflower-faun @lydi-cyan @lololol-1234 @221b-fandom @carlajim98 @azure-and-gold @space-invading-pigeon @crying-trashcan @hellomynameismoo @mrsjellymunson
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bratzforchris · 9 months
hi! I love your writing so much :) I was wondering if you could do a neurodivergent!luke x reader who struggles with ocd? (Specifically checking ocd e.g checking locks, taps etc and intrusive thoughts). I was hoping it could maybe be a little angsty but ultimately romantic/fluffy and like they’re both helping each other/supporting one another. Not sure what to suggest specifically happens - hope that’s not too vage! Thank you x :)
If We Have Each Other
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Summary: Above
Pairing: Neurodivergent!Luke x neurodivergent and fem!reader
Warnings: OCD tendencies, minor arguing, autistic meltdown
Word Count: 1185
A/N: Thank you for the request! I do not have OCD myself, so I'm not 100% sure if the following work is fully correct. Please educate me if it isn't! Also, OCD falls under the neurodivergent umbrella :)
“Y/N, come back to bed.” Luke mumbled sleepily, pulling the comforter up to his nose. 
“I just need to check that I turned the stove off and locked the doors,” You told him, standing up and wrapping your robe around yourself. “I’ll be right back.” 
“It’s bedtime, Y/N,” Luke said bluntly. “It’s 11:30, that means we're going to sleep.”
You frowned softly, kissing Luke’s head. You knew being autistic made Luke take things literally and also made him want to follow a strict routine. Having OCD unfortunately made it hard for you to sleep. You knew in your heart that you had turned the stove off and locked the doors, but your mind was telling you to check just one more time to be safe. 
You quickly hurried down the stairs and checked the stove. It was off, but you still tapped the gas knob five times to be safe. You then went around the house checking all the locks on the doors and the windows. You tapped each lock five times to make sure it was absolutely straight. You were checking the back door when you heard Luke creep down the stairs.
“Y/N, it’s time to go to sleep,” he insisted, playing with the zipper on his footie pajamas to stim. “We said bedtime is 11:30.”
“I’m coming, Luke,” You sighed. “Just go up and wait.”
“Y/N, the doors are locked and the stove is off, I promise. You’re fine. Stop being silly.” he huffed. 
Your face dropped when you heard what Luke said. You knew your OCD was irrational, but it hurt to hear that coming from Luke. He was always your rock, but now you were worrying that he had finally said what he actually thought. 
“Y/N, I…I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that!” Luke began to flap his wrists, trying to shake the awful feelings from his body. “It’s not silly, I promise.” 
“I think I’ll sleep in the guest room tonight. Go ahead and go to sleep.” You said, your voice cracking. 
You turned and walked up the stairs with your back to Luke so that he wouldn’t see you cry. You made a beeline for the guest room, completely disregarding the master suite. Once you had closed and locked the door, you leaned back against it and sunk to your knees, sobbing softly. All of your previous boyfriends had left you because of your OCD and now you were sure Luke felt the same way. 
After a few minutes, you slowly slid into the bed, pulling the covers up to your chest. You slowly began to calm down as you cried out all of your feelings, but you couldn’t help but to notice how empty and cold the bed felt without Luke beside you. 
Little did you know, Luke was also having an emotional moment. He was laid in your shared bed, sobbing into Petunia’s fur as he held her close to his chest. The blond couldn’t stop the thoughts that wandered into his mind; how being autistic made the things he said come out wrong, how his struggle with empathy affected his relationships, that funny thought that he was always going to be different. 
He hadn’t meant to hurt you. You were his person. Ever since you had started dating two years ago, Luke’s life had improved significantly. He no longer had to handle his meltdowns alone, and he felt like he had someone who understood him on a spiritual level. Now though, the blond couldn’t help the current meltdown he was having. He was angrily pulling on his hair as tears came to his eyes. These were the times where he hated being autistic. Luke knew you couldn’t help your OCD and that checking things helped you feel calmer. He hadn’t meant for you to think that he didn’t care about your fears or your worries. 
The night passed slowly for both of you. You eventually fell into a fitful sleep in the guest room, but Luke laid awake the entire night, running through how on earth he would ever make this up to you. He knew you weren’t just going to forgive him. After all, the way the words had come out of his mouth made it sound like he was calling your legitimate problems silly. 
As soon as the sun rose, Luke bustled down to the kitchen with Petunia nipping at his heels trying his hardest to be quiet. Your favorite breakfast probably wouldn’t immediately make you forgive him, but it would be a step in the right direction. The blue-eyed boy was absolutely terrible at cooking, mostly because he got distracted and left the stove on, so he opted to order some takeout from your favorite diner. 
He smiled as he set a fresh pot of coffee to brew and sat down at the table with a few of his fidget toys. He was feeling better than he had last night , and he was ready to deliver a romance-movie-worthy apology to you. Thirty minutes later, the food arrived and Luke set the table with your favorite French toast, a cup of coffee for you, and fidget toys by your plate. Being autistic, sharing his toys and “penguin pebbling” with you was his way of showing love. 
Before long, you walked downstairs, sleepily rubbing your eyes. The house was rather silent, so you almost assumed Luke had left in the middle of the night, probably to Ashton or Michael’s house. All that changed though, when you saw him sitting at the breakfast table with a huge smile on his face. 
“Good morning, Y/N.” he smiled softly, trying to be careful with the pet names. 
“What’s all this?” You asked skeptically. 
“Y/N, I’m sorry,” Luke started. “The way I talked to you last night wasn’t okay. Your OCD, or any of your fears or worries for that matter, are not silly. I never intended for what I said to come out that way, but that’s not an excuse. Will you forgive me?” he asked shyly. 
“Luke, you have to understand how I’m feeling. I don’t want to say ‘put up with’ cause that’s not right, but I have never called any of the things that come along with you being autistic silly.” You stated.��
“I understand that and I’m sorry,” tears began to well in Luke’s eyes. “You have made my life so much better and I am so thankful for you. I will do better, I promise.”
When Luke looked at you so solemnly like that, every bit of tension and anger you had faded away. You knew you wanted this man forever and ever and nothing was going to stop that. Sure, life was harder for you as a neurodivergent couple, but there was nothing you couldn’t accomplish as long as you had each other. 
“I forgive you, Luke,” You said, pulling him into a deep kiss. “Now, let’s eat before this gets cold.”
Luke laughed, encouraging you to eat on, smiling as he realized he really did have the girl of his dreams. 
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georgies-ftts · 3 months
my thoughts and opinions on this weeks episode as someone who didn’t have time to watch last weeks episode, has never watched live american telly before and has discovered a new found hatred for your adverts. Also i swear a lot.
let’s begin
(spoilers obviously don’t be a knob)
1. he cannae be captain he’s only got two stripes on his epilette why are we focusing so much on this man
2. Bobby eyeing up that gun I like that (the acting)
3. this guy is giving me uncanny valley and i don’t like it
4. hehe dongle
5. i mean fair enough… in and out just like he said
6. Hen love of my life where the hell have you been loca
7. “and you won’t be anymore either” that’s actually dead funny to me
8. husbands that saw together survive trauma together <3
9. “everyone survived” i know foreshadowing when i see it
10. there’s a lot of drunk driver hatred (as deserved) somethings gonna occurr
11. oh he’s dead… lol karma fuckhead
12. Hen, i love you but why can noone on telly give me actual realistic CPR… break them ribs girl
13. christ these american adverts are weird
14. let me tell you advertising prescription medicine isn’t actually a normal thing to do
15. I don’t know boss man am no a dr but that’s an awful lot of blood are you sure you should still be breathing????
16. “Are you happy” “Yeah, Yeah I am” i have a feeling that’s all about to change buddy
17. just me or can anyone else not see a fucking thing that’s going on this episode why’s everyone in the dark for?
18. moving on from that i love the lighting in the office scene… chefs kiss
20. Why do American comm’s systems always fail whenever you actually need them
21. They were axed to pieces. I will let you off -_- this time…
22. “I didn’t shoot him” honestly… same i hope you get yer pay out boss
23. Athena please for the love of god pop a paracetamol or a codeine and chill the fuck out
24. cause it has never been hard enough for them you just had to add a bastard bomb
27. The Rookie ad i love it carry on
28. If he wasn’t under the influence then he was just being a cunt and hen had every right to react as such thankyou very much
29. Oh my fuck what is happening - don’t tear them apart i’ll start crying
30. Bitch you’re taking on water stop being a pussy and help
31. “Don’t test me.” Queen, you rag his arse
32. “port stabilisers are gone” surely you should be tilting like a bitch right now or did i miss a frame
34. why’s that lizard from london?
36. “i didn’t save him either” he quite literally refused your help despite being detained
37. didn’t get that SS Menow reference… try the Mayflower next time
38. “Saving the ship” “course she is” GIVE THEM ONE MOMENT OF PEACE PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU
39. okay good they are tilting like a bitch i will shut my mouth
42. i don’t know but all your meds just seem to be doing the opposite of.. you know… keeping you alive.
43. woah therapy flash back get me one of those
44. you forgot to mention imminent death in your therapy session Mr Sir
45. “We did what we had to do” YOU’RE ALLOWED TO LIVE TOO.
46. “I couldn’t save my first family and I can’t save you either” and what if that was my last straw Robert Nash
47. ABC you can tone down the writing now i’m fucking sobbing
49. glad the us also have those Haribo ads
50. first time in my almost 20 years of life where i’ve seen an ADVERT for ANTIDEPRESSANTS that also actively make you MORE DEPRESSED
51. Hen i knew you were slaying you’ve never not slayed <3
52. no need for it was there mr boss man? no didn’t think so
53. You have no jurisdiction past the Gulf of Mexico??? ummmm??? distressed cruise ship full of your citizens???? idk??? do something????
54. oh. welp. no surviving that one, have fun with poseidon my loves
55. i don’t know about you but once i’ve been capsized like that in anything bigger than a kayak im giving up…
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livingfast04 · 1 year
Monster Au? Part 3
Part one Part two II Part Four TW: (kind of) Disordered eating, mentions of vomit, Body Horror (kind of again, I’m not 100% if this is creeping into Body horror yet or not, but it probably will the more parts I add, as it like goes-), Depression and just general. Bad?  --- Something changes after Steve snaps at Eddie in the bathroom.
They start arriving at Steve’s house before he gets home from Work. Robin has a key, and she just leaves the door unlocked, they pile in, and Steve normally looks off centered when he arrives to everyone just there. It makes his skin itch. What makes it worse is that they all but ignore his existence. Mike tells him off for being in the kitchen once, and his stomach rolled, the smell of whatever takeout had been brought over made him want to vomit. After whatever fit that Steve couldn’t even hear over the ringing in his ears, he stopped going into the kitchen to see if there was anything salvageable that he could actually eat. He just made a beeline for his room, locked the door and didn’t come back out. He wants his Mom. That was the thought in May, and the feeling didn’t go away, she’d know what to do. And- and he can’t call her, because then he’d have to go down stairs and be around everyone else- 
Wants his Mama, wants to talk to her, ask her to please, please, please, please come home now. As mean, and angry as his Dad is- he wants him to. He wants the familiarity of his own skin. Even if his parents hate it when he sheds the extra shape- maybe, maybe they’d let him. So he’s not so exhausted, so he can keep what he eats down- maybe his Dad won’t scream at him, if he knows that Steve feels like he’s dying. Ultimately he wants the familiar space to feel like his again, wants to hear his parents move around in the house. Steve wants space when it’s night, when it’s not so wrong to be a shapeless creature. When he can creep into his parents bedroom, Nineteen or not, and they let him tuck himself tiny, small- in between them. When his father curls around him, calm and easy, his bones pressed against his skin, a pile of Harrington’s, all the freckles, and short statures, all bones and no hiding. Steve desperately wants his parents. Wants his Dad to make everyone go away, wants him to make Steve feel better, in a way that he hadn’t craved since early Elementary school. Since Steve could understand that he was a horrible thing that the world hates.  He hides in his bedroom until he can tell everyone's left. Robin had come up earlier and told him bye through his door. He’d quietly told her he’d see her tomorrow at work, before dipping into the bathroom to re-bandage his stomach. Blood soaking the white wraps. Tore another set of stitches early that morning, waking violently from another round of nightmares. Steve creeps downstairs, swallows the pain it causes and drags a chair across the room. Doesn’t dare shed his shape lest someone decide that they want to come back and sleep in his house again. His fingers shook as he plugged in the phone number for the house in New York, if, if they weren’t there he’d try the one in Washington.
It rang, and then rang again. He didn’t care that it was almost 12 at night, he wanted his Mama. Steve swallowed around nothing, curling his legs up to his chest and biting his lip as his sides and back protested the stretch. It goes to voicemail, and he hangs up, and calls the New York number one more time. Just, Just in case. On the 5th ring- “Harrington Residence, New York, New York. This is Josefina Harrington, in what right mind are you calling at 11:30 at night-”
Steve lets out a small sob, doesn’t jam his fist into his mouth fast enough to muffle the sound, he curls over himself holding the phone tight in his grip. His Mom goes quiet, it’s just Steve’s harsh breathing- and he realizes he hasn’t spoken to them since March- and he desperately wants- “Stephan?” There's a small pause, “Stephan baby what's wrong.”
Oh, oh, it’s far enough into the night that they are bound, pack, skin eaters- He sobs a little more openly now, “Oh baby talk to me.” He shakes his head, makes his vision spin and he just cries. 
There’s shuffling over the line, and a quiet hushed conversation that Steve knows is probably with his Father, and he tucks in on himself a little more. He takes a few shaky breaths, “Mama?”
“I’m right here baby,” Her tone is soft, and Steve can almost see her, she only uses that voice when his father is curled around her, when she can smile with all her sharp teeth. Cup his cheek and not be terrified of their existence.
He swallows, opens his mouth and closes his mouth a few times. “When, when are you coming back?” The words feel sloppy coming out of his mouth, detached, and needy. Steve curls a little more in on himself. Holds the phone a little tighter, waits for her to relay what he said to his Dad. 
“We weren’t planning on coming back until later this summer, do you need us to come back now?” He hiccups, humming down the line, “What’s the matter honey, we’ll come home, but you have to tell us what’s wrong.” Steve shakes his head.
“Hurts, hurts, hurts and won’t get better-” There’s shifting on the phone again, talking that's muffled as his ears rattle around in his skull. “I- Mama it hurts and I-” “Stephan,” Dad, Dad. Steve shifts, sitting up some, rests his head on his knees. Tears drip over his cheeks, down his chin, over his lips. “What hurts?” There’s an urgency in his voice that Steve’s not used to, a softness. Maybe this is just a dream, maybe- maybe-
Steve breaths in a heavy gulp of air. “The- the Earthquake, and then, I, I mentioned I got attacked by dogs right? Real dogs, not-” He swallows, “They- they won’t get better. And they hurt, and I can’t eat. And there’s people in our house- my friends, and I’m not supposed to be- I’m supposed to be human. It’s just, just a house, but it’s my- yours- and they are here all the time, and I can’t- Dad please.” 
His father takes a sharp enough intake of breath that Steve can hear it, and he hiccups a little harder. “Okay, Stephan, we have two weeks here, I have to finish up some business, but as soon as it’s finished we’ll head to Hawkins.” And it’s, it’s warm hands, big, tucked against a chest- and he’s tiny. Steve hums, bobs his head. All he can think is- come home, come home. Pack-
“You think you can survive another two weeks?” No, no, No Steve can’t, he can’t- “Your Mother, or I will call every other day. It’ll go by without you even having to think about it. Do you understand me?” Steve hiccups again, his lungs felt too small, not- not enough.
He shakes his head viciously, his vision spins- “no, no, no- please- Dad-“ There’s a soft sigh, on the other end very gentle, and Steve sobs listlessly. 
“Okay Bubba. Okay, breathe bubba.” Dad’s voice is, is soft. Its never soft- it’s never, never gentle anymore. Not for Steve, so it’s bad, it’s all bad. He’s sick, he doesn’t want to be sick. It has to be bad bad for him to be this sick- Steve hiccups, the motion rattling through his body- presses against all of his bones. His sides hurt- “you have to breathe Stephan.” 
He craves the gentleness of his father’s voice. Steve sucks in a rough breath, his chest heaving. His back pulling- stomach rolling at the movement.
“I’ll call and get us plane tickets first thing in the morning- we’ll come home.” Steve keens, the sound loud and volatile in the empty house. He sobs louder- a reminder it’s just a cold conversation over the phone. There’s no bound, no pack. Just him and a house that didn’t smell like his parents. His father made a coo’ing noise that Steve hadn’t heard since he was small, real little. “Giving you back to your Mama while I go pack.” He says it so- so, Steve sniffs. Tucks his chin to his chest and swallows, tears sliding heavily down his cheeks. ---
hi yes, this took a completely different turn than I wanted, but it’s fine, ultimately, it’s chill. This also isn’t the whole part that I wrote over the past few weeks. I thought 1k was, a lot for this format, so cutting it up a little more. It got away from me, and It’s much longer, so I’ll probably post a part 4 pretty soon. (That is, if I don’t completely forget. Because that’s totally liable to happen. ha) Also, Steve’s parents, aren’t bad, but in all honestly, they aren’t good either. But that’s their baby. So like, Bad Parents, but also Good Parents. It’s a very gray area. (They are still shitty parents, at least shitty parents when they are trying to be something they aren’t.)  Uh, people asked me to tag them? and I apologize if my dumbass can’t figure this out. @ledleaf @gezell-igg
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understance · 8 days
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doing this in one sitting bc i want to!
1: marvin!
2: marvin 😡
3: …marvin
4: cordelia :/
5: marvin & whizzer bc their relationship shows how imperfect relationships can be, but they learn from their mistakes and change for the better
6: ‘what more can i say?’ or ‘the games i play’, because i love the solo songs and the spotlight it gives the characters (also they’re just amazing songs)
7: ‘marvin hits trina’ solely because i hate seeing trina go through that 😕
8: whizzer laying on marvin’s chest in ‘what more can i say?’ because GODDD IT MAKES ME SO UPSET. seeing them so happy makes me wanna cry bc they’re so sweet
9: literally every-time they’re dancing stupidly tickles me half to death
10: “we’re just gonna skip that stage” AAAHHH
11: basic answer but marvin for obvious reasons
12: MORE LESBIANSSS. i would’ve loved to see their friendship with marvin more
13: loved mendel until he said “i know more than you do” to trina cause SHUT UP
14: ‘days like this’ but i need to be singing every single part
15: unrealistically, MARVIN. however i am not a man and therefore will never 😕 realistically, cordelia bc i’m a non-jewish lesbian who can’t cook (and i can sing her parts decently well). i’d LOVE to play trina but i don’t wanna take away from the jewish representation
17: every single character bc i need to know all of their thought processes during every single event
18: whizzer leaving marvin was definitely for the best that first time around. ik it wasn’t really his idea bc he got kicked out but you get it
19: i need to sing with marvin bc CHRISTIANS VOICE IS SO BEAUTIFUL
20: andrew rannells my beloved
21: i actually DID convince a friend to watch falsettos, and i literally showed them pictures of bald christan borle, and i think i made them watch TTOFL
22: act 1 bc i love drama
23: marvin’s entire character is something i could talk about for days on end (+ m&w’s relationship is smth i analyze SO MUCH)
24: kevin price bc i just wanna see what the fuck would happen (honorable mention is connor mckinley, cause i feel like whizzer would help him realize he is, in fact, very gay)
25: MARVIN. (ik it’s not a good thing but a lot of him resonates with how i am)
26: whizzer and jason’s friendship makes me SOB
27: “whizzer, kid you’re looking very good today” but also “i’ll let you win, whizzer” “don’t let me win” “i’ll let you win” tears my heart into little pieces
28: marvin hitting trina will forever make me want to break smth
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30: fire musical 🔥 (it changed my life)
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tartarusknight · 1 year
King of the Freaks | Part 12
Ao3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
Eddie wakes up by staticky sobbing. A female voice whispered, “Steve? Steve, come in. Please, Steve, are you there?” Eddie blinks awake and glances around until he spots the walkie on the desk. “Steve please, are you okay?” The girl is crying and Eddie picks it up. He thinks about answering but he doesn’t want to make whoever’s talking, feel uncomfortable. And since it sounds like Max, he knows she’d feel uncomfortable.
 So, he hurries downstairs but Steve’s not in the living room. He heads further down and instantly notices the light on. Just a couple of lamps turned on around the area. And in the middle is Steve sitting up on the couch playing solitaire like it wasn’t 4 in the morning. He’s got a Walkman over his ears and he looks incredibly tense. Eddie moves over and the minute he touches Steve, Steve wheels around and looks like he’s about to punch Eddie. However, he pauses and his eyes widen at the sight of Eddie. Then he glances at the walkie in Eddie’s hand and pales.
 He pushes his headphones off and grabs the walkie, Max’s frantic sobs still echoing. “Max, hey I’m so sorry. I didn’t- I’m here now.” Eddie pauses and takes Steve in. The tension in his body, the fear in his eyes, and the bags under his eyes. “Byers or Junkyard?”
Max sobs, “B-Byers.”
Steve squeezes his eyes shut, “Billy, Will, or the dogs?”
“Billy,” The word is so quiet and Eddie watches Steve’s shoulders slump. Steve glances back at him and he’s silently begging Eddie but Eddie has no clue what he wants.
“Do you want me to come and get you?” Steve offered but he got a no.
 Everything was quiet as Steve took a deep breath before he started. “Alright, listen closely Max,” Steve says and Eddie takes a step back, forcing himself to let them have this conversation, let them have privacy. “Lucas is fine, Billy wasn’t able to touch him. We stopped him, Max. You and I stopped him. Billy’s not a problem anymore. He’s left you and your friends alone.” Steve murmurs into the walkie as Eddie heads upstairs. His movements are slow as he grabs the cup Steve had been using and refills it, along with another cup. His mind whirls as he pictures the kids freaking out because of Billy Hargrove. He pictures them watching as Steve went down… but Steve said that Max helped.
 Suddenly he’s got this image of Steve on the ground, barely breathing as Max beats Billy into the ground. It’s stupid and he knows he doesn’t know what actually happened, but it was traumatizing enough to give the kids nightmares. And then there was the obvious fact. Max had gotten Billy to back off of her and her friends, but Steve hadn’t been let off the hook. Billy still took his anger out on Steve and Steve kept that from Max, from all the kids. Shielding them from the sharp truth that Billy Hargrove was an asshole.
 Eddie isn’t tired enough to not wait and make sure Steve's okay. So he just stands in the kitchen. Watching time tick by until he felt okay heading back down there. Because there was no way he’d leave Steve alone after that. Not after seeing how Steve hides. After around 30 minutes he grabs the two cups and heads back down. The walkie is silent on the coffee table and Steve’s holding himself close, like if he didn’t move everything would be okay. Eddie gently sets the two cups down and sits down next to Steve. He doesn’t even look at Eddie, but it’s okay.
 He's careful as he shifts, but he stays firm. Sure, his brain isn’t completely on and he’s too exhausted to really think twice about his actions. But it doesn’t matter, he just pulls Steve so Steve’s back is against his chest and he holds him. Steve is tense for a moment before letting out a small sob. Eddie lays back against one of the pillows and Steve shifts so he’s on his side, curled around Eddie with his head on Eddie’s chest. They lay like that as Steve shakes. Eddie rubs gentle circles on his back and eventually, Steve falls asleep like that. Eddie holds him close and looks up at the ceiling of the basement. No stains, perfect just like the rest of the house. He wonders what it was like growing up here. Eddie thinks it's more of a show house than an actual home.
 When Eddie wakes up and Steve’s gone. It takes him a moment to get his brain back up and running but as he fully wakes up, he’s alone. There’s a blanket over him and Steve’s cup is gone. As if he wasn’t ever in Eddie’s arms. He rubs his eyes and heads up the stairs. Grant is awake and at the kitchen island as Steve is moving around making some coffee. His hair is freshly washed and Eddie wondered how long he’s been awake.
 “Wow, it’s before 10, and you're awake?” Grant teases and Eddie flips him off. He glances at Steve who looks content acting like nothing was amiss. That he didn’t break down last night in Eddie’s arms… he just looked like he wasn’t sure what to do around Eddie.
Eddie blinks, “okay, I can’t cook anything but breakfast foods. So,” he drawls and Grant rolls his eyes as Steve watches him. He starts pulling things out and Steve moves out of his way, looking like he wants to offer a hand.
 “Favorite breakfast food,” Eddie points at Steve, and Steve looks honestly shocked that he was asked.
He shifts and looks uncomfortable, “Er- I don’t normally eat breakfast.”
Eddie glances over, “but do you have a favorite?”
Steve shrugs half-heartedly. “I think the kids would kill me if I said anything other than waffles.” He’s got a small smile on his face and Eddie grins.
“I can work with that,” he nods and Steve helps him pull out the last few items.
 He works with Steve smoothly and Grant even makes some bacon to go with it. By the time Jeff and Gareth come down, there’s a feast fit for kings. Throughout breakfast, he keeps an eye on Steve and he looks fine for the most part. Like he’s used to being up at 4 in the morning. Like he’s used to kids calling him crying about a nightmare. Like he’s unfazed by it all even as he barely sleeps. There’s a small tension in his shoulders but somehow Eddie knows it’s because he got to see Steve break down. It makes him think about their meeting. Steve had been panicking in a closet, full-on melting down. Steve’s got his fair number of problems and Eddie might only be touching the surface of them. But he wants to keep digging.
 Eventually, they end up at the table and Steve teaches most of them (minus Grant who already knew) how to play poker. They bet with pretzels and Eddie is having fun even as he goes broke. Grant is winning and Steve isn’t too far behind him. However, around 1 his phone rings. “Excuse me,” he mumbles and leaves the room. Gareth takes the moment to look at his cards.
“Dude,” Jeff huffs but he just looks amused.
 Surprisingly, they could hear everything Steve said from the other room. “Hello--- good afternoon to you to Dustin… I’m actually busy ask Jon--- yes, with Eddie but I don’t see how- Kid, what the hell are you going on about? No- I’ve got more than just Eddie here. Why are you so focused on Ed--- I’m not- Dustin- I don’t understand what’s up… I still hang out with you every Wednesday… yes, I know that… Oh, you’re- um, kid, you’re still my favorite, I promise... Yeah, sounds like a plan, dipshit… I promise not to have too much fun without you--- Sure, dumbass, I believe you.” It goes quiet and Eddie can’t help but smile at all the care in Steve’s voice.
 As Steve enters, he’s got a small smile on his face but his eyes narrow at Gareth, “you looked at my cards didn’t you?” They all gave him their most innocent smiles which made him laugh. “Yeah okay,” he rolls his eyes and sits back down. He takes all the cards which makes Gareth groan. However, no one actually fights it, letting Steve deal it back out easily.
 “What did Dustin want?” Eddie can’t help but ask.
Steve smirks, “he and the brats wanted a ride to the arcade.”
Eddie nods and Steve pauses, tapping his fingers on the table. “Actually, Eddie did he act-”
“Like I was his biggest enemy? Like a little ball of jealousy?” He offered and Steve laughed, nodding.
 They played until both Eddie and Gareth were ‘broke’ and then Jeff moved to make up some dinner. Eddie bounced in his spot, “so movie and then smoke?” He questioned and everyone easily agreed. Steve moved to help Eddie get out all of his movies and they sat down on the carpet to go through them.
 Eddie couldn’t help but check on Steve throughout the day but now in this small bubble of peace… he felt like he could ask. “Are you alright?”
Steve looked over at him and blinked in surprise. “Uh, yeah. I’m alright, and you?” He asked softly, his body growing stiff.
Eddie tries to smile and relieve some tension, “I’m pretty good. Just concerned about you,” he says honestly. Steve doesn’t seem to take that well, his eyes refusing to meet his. “You know, it’s okay to cry. And I-”
Steve huffs, “I’m fine, Eddie. Okay, sure I- Max doesn’t-” He shakes his head like he can’t find the words.
 “I used to get really bad panic attacks when I was growing up.” Eddie blurts and Steve finally looks at him. “My mom, she died when I was a kid. Overdosed when my dad was off doing some shit. I was young and I didn’t understand why she wasn’t waking up. My old man took it out on me. I lived terrified for years until he did something stupid and got arrested for it. After that, I lived with Wayne. I was 12.” He rambles and Steve stares at him. “I was too young to understand why my dad hit me. So, I didn’t know how to tell if Wayne was going to be the same way. Everything set me off and Wayne would hold me until I could breathe again. He’d get them to, from the war. We dealt with them together,” Eddie blinks as Steve reached over and take his hand.
 He looked at Steve and held tighter. “I’ve helped a lot of people calm down after someone bullies them because I wish someone would’ve held me after my dad-” he cuts himself off. “So, if you need someone to lean on, you can lean on me.” He says, “I’d feel better if you did.”
Steve looks at him and he draws in a sharp breath, “okay. I- I promise to let you hold me next time I break down.” He smiles at Eddie and while it’s in a teasing tone, they both know it’s honest. Eddie knows Steve’s hiding with jokes and smiles, just like Eddie hides behind leather jackets and taunting words.
 They pick out a movie after that, and Steve doesn't want to talk anymore. It doesn’t hurt Eddie but he hopes it’s enough. They end up deciding to bring the TV down in the basement. He helps Steve haul it down and it's awkward but they make it work. Gareth starts setting it up, stating that he's great at this kind of shit. They all watch him as Jeff brings down dinner and they have dinner down there. Jeff had made Avocado cucumber rolls that reminded Eddie of egg rolls. He didn't complain about the vegetables not when Steve was actually eating. Instead he forced it down and hated that it didn't taste bad. 
 Once their done eating, Gareth had it hooked up and they put on Slumber Party Massacre because Eddie thought it would be funny. While Steve didn't look super happy with the choice he didn't argue. Plus it was his movie, so Eddie knew he at least had seen it. Eddie rolls a joint and sits down next to Steve. lighting it up. They all pass them around until their all a little high. Steve is surprisingly a lightweight. He leans against Eddie as they trade back and forth. “You don’t smoke much?” Grant asks and Steve blinks like he’s trying to focus.
He shakes his head, “Tommy didn’t like me to do it often.” He murmurs and Eddie’s eyes narrow as Steve snuggles a little closer to Eddie.
“Why not?” Gareth asks and Steve hums, taking a hit before passing it.
He shrugs, “He only ever wanted to when it was just him, Carol, and me. I get super clingy and they said it’s better if I didn’t smoke at parties.”
 Steve stands and grabs a soda from the small stack they made but he doesn’t come back to sit next to Eddie. Instead, he drops down in Jeff’s space. Jeff blinks but doesn’t say anything as Steve gets comfortable wrapped around him. Eddie can’t help the flip in his chest, wishing Steve would do that to him. Before he realized they did just this morning. “Okay?” Steve questions, ever the gentleman even high.
Jeff wraps one of his arms around Steve who grins at the touch. “Yeah, this is fine.” Steve takes a sip of the soda, making a noise in the back of his throat like a pleased cat.
 Gareth is snickering but no one says anything to make Steve feel uncomfortable and take his movements back. It was getting late but they all stayed right there, on the couches, relaxing easily. Steve had brought down blankets earlier and it felt like a slumber party. A slumber party for seniors who were high out of their minds. Eddie glanced over at Steve and tried not to let this little green monster out as Steve sits on Jeff’s lap sideways, curled into his arms with a tired smile on his face. No, Eddie couldn’t be jealous, not when Steve actually looked happy and was the one to reach out first.
@zerokrox-blog @cyranx @adaed5 @the-redthread @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @failedstarsandgoldenclouds  @bisexualdisastersworld @deadlydodos @anythingyouwanttobe @nburkhardtt @bestwifehaver @thehumblefigtree @megzdoodle @swimmingbirdrunningrock @mightbeasleep @bxlthazar @autumnal-dawn @chillichats @nonbinary-eddie-munson @the-daydreamer-in-the-corner @eddie-munson-is-my-wife @a-little-unsteddie @sharingisntkaren @a-huge-nerdy-nerd @0o-queendean-o0 @beckkthewreck @vi-an-te @vampireinthesun @newtstabber @dinosareawesome2137  @spicemallow @hellomynameismoo  @luthienstormblessed @briceslayed @angeldreamsoffanfic @dbquills @prideandsensibility @iwouldsail @ponfarrtimeatthevulcannightclub @spectrum-spectre @the-chilly-kat @yearningagain @loopsmd @starlight-archer @sleepy-time @goodolefashionedloverboi  @crazyshipper67  @sherrylyn628  @bidisastersworld  @v3lnys  @n0connections @pyrohonk  @cherixxx69 @theotalksalot @tailsfromthecrypt @ledleaf @grimmfitzz
(I can’t tag any more people I’m sorry!!! If you want to stay updated pls follow me or go onto Ao3 and subscribe to the story!)
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From the Ashes Pt. 20
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Pairing(s): Pairing(s): Rhaegar Targaryen x Lannister!Reader, one-sided!Jaime Lannister x Lannister!Reader, Jaime Lannister x Cersei Lannister
Warnings: slow burn fic, changing povs, MC POV, character death, blood
Words: 5147
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 3.5  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30 Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Part 34 Part 35
Book Two of Dārilaros hen ōrbar se perzys (Heir of Ash and Fire)
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You sob out loudly to the swirling dark shadows around you “P-Please let me go! I can’t breathe!”
Everything was closing in on you, mercilessly stabbing your chest and squeezing your heart until you felt like you were about to pass out. Not even the flickering lights of the candles could help banish the dark. You tried to think of what Melisandre had told you, but any comforting words were escaping you.
One lone piercing blue eye watched as you suffocated. Turned out it was his shadowy hand that had a tight vice on your heart. Claws digging into the large muscle that kept you alive. The darkin that had tried to kill you in Volon Therys. Why was he so intent on killing you? You couldn’t even ask why as the very breath from you ceased to flow. Whispers and chants were soft to your ear as you struggle to stay conscious. You didn’t want to die like this. Not when your life was finally going right for once. Not when you had finally earned a proud look from your brother, from everyone.
The lone eye swirls and morphs into a large golden shape until it finally takes the form of Cersei’s face. “You are nothing. You will always be the pathetic little mouse of Casterly Rock.” She gripped your heart until all the shadows disappeared and you were left in total darkness.
“Do not fear the dark, my love.”
There’s light from sweet Lady Joanna’s hands as she lifts your face up.
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“(y/n)! Wake up!”
Out of reflex you immediately strike out at whoever was shaking you awake. Unfortunately your victim happened to be Jaime. Gagging slightly from the punch you had delivered to his throat, Jaime holds onto his neck. Your room was still filled with the soft nighttime light.
“J-Jaime! Oh gods, are you okay? I’m so sorry!” You crawl over to him, trying to coax his hand away to examine the damage.
Shaking his head, Jaime clears his throat. “F-Fine. I’m fine. Nice reaction time, (y/n).” Despite the praise, his voice was raspy. It made you feel even worse.
Lighting a candle that was next to your bed, you could tell that Jaime had been roused from sleep since his long blonde hair was free and curled around his face. Beautiful hair that reminded you of the vision of Cersei you had just had.
“What are you doing out of bed so late in the night?”
Pressing his back against your massive amounts of pillows and cushions, Jaime rubs at his throat. “Actually it’s early morning. I normally wake up around this time to warm up on the training ground.” Indeed there’s a hair tie around his wrist so that he could pull back his hair. “I heard your cry when I was passing by. Normally there are guards on patrol, especially around your chambers. I was worried.”
You smile in relief. “I’m fine. It was just a nightmare.”
“Must have been a terrible one. You’re breathing a little heavy.” He points out. His shoulder bumps against you as he gets comfortable in your bed. Apparently he was going to keep you company.
Incredibly grateful for your brother, you nod. “Yeah. . . my dreams are always so real and intense. Normally they aren’t that scary though. The darkin was in my dream. Do you. . . Do you think that darkin can access dreams too?”
In a tone of distaste, Jaime asks “Did your Red Witch say anything about it?”
You knew he didn’t like Melisandre one bit. Which was odd considering how beautiful she was. Even more so than Cersei was. “She didn’t mention it. But the shadows in my dreams seemed so alive. The way they moved. . . It was exactly like when I fought him. I don’t understand. Melisandre said that darkin are supposed to be servants of Azor Ahai. Why does this one want to kill me?”
Pursing his lips, Jaime shrugs. “Who knows. In the stories mother told us, darkin were always portrayed as monsters and demons.”
“That’s because the people of Westeros don’t understand what goes on in the culture of Essos. We think them savage and backwards. Having traveled through the land, we know better now. I know better. Melisandre has no explanation as to why he’s after me.” Curling your arms around your legs, you place your chin on your knees. “I wish I knew. Nuahlin and Weles are nervous about letting me go into the city today. They want me to be escorted by fifteen Fiery Hands. Bennero doesn’t want my entourage to be that big. Says it would draw a crowd to me before my official ceremony.”
“Who cares about your official ceremony. Your safety is more important.” That had been Jaime’s argument during yesterday’s council. A darkin couldn’t possibly take on more than one person at a time. There was safety in numbers. However, Bennero thought differently and wanted you to disguise yourself as a red priestess. He wanted Melisandre and Alizah to attend you, with only two Fiery Hands.To Jaime, that wasn’t enough. The Fiery Hands that Bennero wanted to go with you was of course Weles and the big laughing Tyroshi Iyan. Of course Jaime wasn’t going to let that happen. If you were going out into a potentially dangerous situation, he wanted to be there. But apparently people knew of Azor Ahai’s reborn brother with bright blonde hair. Of course they had seen him with you when you first arrived in Volantis. It would be a tip off if your brother were to tag along.
He was worried. If something were to happen to you and he wasn’t there. . . the thought plagued him. “If that guy is as dangerous as everyone makes him out to be, I want to be by your side. I’m your sworn sword. Even if you can protect yourself now, I want to stay with you. I promised.”
Uncontainable joy envelopes you as you abruptly throw your arms around Jaime, perhaps for the first time. Jaime was so warm, that warmth fought off whatever lingering fear you had. “I’ll talk to Bennero and Weles. We’ll figure something out so that you can go too. You’re right. My sworn sword needs to be by my side at all times.”
Hesitantly, Jaime returns your hug. “I won’t let that shadow asshole hurt you.”
Trying to convince the High Priest to let Jaime go with you was easier said than done. Even Melisandre seemed to be against it, claiming that Jaime wouldn’t be strong enough against the darkin. That his faith was still weak. For once you put your foot down. If they didn’t agree then more than likely Jaime would sneak out of the Red Temple in order to be with you. He would always find a way.
Reluctantly they agreed that a slightly larger guard squad would be sent out ahead of you while Weles and Jaime stayed with your group. After all, you would be getting your very own sword so that you could better defend yourself. You wouldn’t have to rely entirely on Jaime and the Fiery Hand. Unfortunately this incident made Jaime resent Melisandre even more. He didn’t like being called weak by anyone, especially by the woman he called the Red Witch.
“I wish I could go with you too.” Rhiannon sighed as she helped you into a red gown. Hanging off of her arm was a red shawl that would cover your hair. The dress looked incredibly similar to the one that Rhiannon wore, fairly simple with nothing flashy. The red hue of the fabric was nearly faded, almost to a brown color.
Pulling your hand through the sleeve, you had to be careful as the wound on your palm still hurt and was healing slowly. “I wish you could go too. It’s going to be such an awkward walk to the blacksmith’s. As if Jaime didn’t need another reason not to like Melisandre.”
At that Rhiannon purses her lips and looks away, her fingers petting the shawl. “I don’t blame him. People from Asshai are a strange kind. They have powers that no human should have.”
Asshai was known as the Shadowlands, anything that came from there was cursed. It’s said that even the fish in the waters surrounding Asshai contained deformed fish that only shadowbinders dared to eat. Even according to Melisandre, nothing grows in her land. Even children are not seen in the Shadowlands. She had been helping you hone your skill in fire reading though and was always willing to share her wisdom on the darkin. A people that were now nearly extinct.
“She brought us Alizah though, so I can’t exactly dislike her.” admits Rhiannon quietly. Securing the shawl around your head, she tucks away your blonde bangs that were peeking out. “Her powers are nonetheless terrifying.”
“We should be thankful that she is on our side then.” You hold Rhiannon’s hands to ease her worries.
She squeezes them in reply. “Please be careful, my lady. I will pray for your safe return.”
“I’ll be fine. Jaime will be with me.” You had such faith in your older brother that you knew as long as Jaime was present, nothing bad could ever happen to you. He wouldn’t let that happen. After all, he was one of the best knights in Westeros. Gaining the title of knight at such a young age was an accomplishment that few could brag about it. And you had seen him further grow under the training of Weles. If you ever did return to Westeros, Jaime would be unstoppable.
Front doors of the temple slowly peel open to reveal a bright day ahead of you. At last you would get to see the city of Volantis first hand.
You were giddy, nearly bouncing on the balls of your feet at the excitement of it all. Behind you, Weles didn’t match your joy as his face was set in a stern expression. He was on duty after all to protect you, but Jaizme couldn’t resist the smile that crept up on his face as he watched you. Even Melisandre had to cover her grin with her hand. As scary as many found her, she had taken on a somewhat motherly role to you. Not entirely motherly, but Melisandre wanted to prepare you for the world that you were about to step into.
“Easy, Your Grace.” Melisandre chuckles. “It looks like you’re going to give poor Weles a heart attack.”
Ever smiling Alizah giggles while casting her dark eyes over at the captain of the Fiery Hand who merely huffed in response. Both of his hands were hovering above his weapons. “This is no laughing matter. There is an assassin still out there trying to kill her.”
Rolling her red eyes, Melisandre counters “Yes, we are all well aware. But what darkin can defeat our savior? She knows now how to fight. And she has her faithful brother.” There’s a certain glimmer in her gaze when she references your brother. You notice Jaime slightly bristle.
“Weles is right. We still need to keep our eyes open and our guard up.” Jaime insists, backing up his brother in arms.
“Yes, that’s all good, but do let (y/n) have her fun. She’s been cooped up in the temple for months. This is her first time outside in the real world.” Alizah takes your arm. “Shall I give you a tour?”
Your wide smile hurt so much but you didn’t care. “Yes please!”
Crossing the stone bridge that led up to the temple’s front steps, you looked over to see the sparkling water below. A few small boats were filtering through. The long bridge that you crossed was said to be strong enough to hold dozens of elephants if the need be. Ahead the cobble roads were wide; Alizah had told you that centuries ago when the city was built they made the roads large so war chariots could ride side by side.
The city was so rich in history that you felt your neck grow sore as you swiveled your head all around to truly absorb your surroundings. Citizens of Volantis didn’t give you a second glance as you were dressed in the red priestess garb which allowed you to fully enjoy your tour. Although you couldn’t help but notice many people that had tattoos on their face. Not like the ones the Fiery Hands had. They were in different shapes: tear drops, flies, large ones that resembled wheels. Alizah was hesitant to tell you what each tattoo meant, but Melisandre stepped in and told you the cold truth. Slaves were a normal thing in Essos. You knew that. Many in the temple were raised from a young age, initially bought as slaves from their mothers. Sirvart had once been a slave. Rhiannon and Thalina had entered the temple and started off as slaves before earning their title as red priestess. It helped that Thalina had the special talent for reading flames. The sight of them though still made you uncomfortable. There was no shortage of slaves in Volantis though. You saw that walking through the busy streets and listening to Valyrian being shouted back and forth.
Jaime and Weles kept close to you, giving anyone who strayed too close an evil glare; warning them that coming any closer could mean death.
After traveling across the continent, the walk to the blacksmith’s was a breeze. Heat radiated from the building as it was fairly open. Loud clangs met your ears as hammers slammed against steel. A hand few of Fiery Hands were already stationed outside, awaiting your arrival. Sighting you, they stood at attention. Iyan had been put in charge of the vanguard.
Weles siddles up to his Tyroshi comrade. “Anything that looks out of sorts?”
For once he didn’t have his normal smile. All business, Iyan shakes his head. “No. Not yet at least.”
Nodding, Weles turns to Melisandre and Alizah. “You two may escort her inside. Nuha Kosh, he only speaks Valyrian. Will you be able to keep up with him?”
Vidarr shot you a confident smile, the two of you had been studying after each training day along with Rhiannon. You were sure with your Valyrian vocabulary. “Yes, I’ll be fine.”
“Well, it is time for you to receive your Lightbringer.”
Before even stepping inside, the heat hit you. Beads of sweat sprung up on your temple and pooled above your upper lip. Inside were two men, one was hammering away; sparks flying in every way. The other was an old man, his leather apron matched the leathery lines on his face. Thick eyebrows overshadowed his eyes, nearly hiding them. Thinning white hair was tied back into a soft bun.
At the sight of the red priestesses, the old man yells at his son in Valyrian to stop. His son spins around and bows. Slowly the old man gets off of his stool to properly greet you. You were surprised that this man was still capable of making fine swords. Although he had muscles to his arms, his back was slightly stooped over. Hands strong yet nobby and dry from the work that he does.
In Valyrian, he begins to speak. “What an honor it is to be witness to the champion of R’hllor. For centuries, my family has been in the business of working with Valyrian steel. We are one of the only families left to still forge them.”
“The honor is all mine.” You place your right hand on top of your heart. A gesture Rhiannon had taught you. “I have been told that it was your ancestors who forged Blackfyre, one of the finest blades in all of history.”
That seemed to please him that you were already aware of his family’s renowned fame. Copying your gesture, he boys. “Call me Gez-par. Gez-par Uodiyn. My son, Dal-ber.”
Dal-ber keeps his head bowed until his father motions him to bring forth a long silk wrapped item. He carries it as if it was the most fragile thing in the world. Gez-par’s weathered hand runs over the silk in a loving manner. “It has been ages since the last time I made a sword so worthy of Valyrian steel.”
His son gets down on one knee and presents it to you, balanced on his palms. “Kostagon nyke rudhy naejot ao, Ōñosmaghare (I present to you, Lightbringer).”
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Even though there was no sight of any threat, the Fiery Hands still stood backs straight and eyes forward. Especially Jaime who couldn’t help but train his ear toward the blacksmith’s residence. The sound of hammering had stopped and it was quiet. His muscles twitched, wanting to be inside of there but he knew he was lucky enough to even be standing guard outside.
That damn Red Witch had been so insistent that Jaime wasn’t strong enough. That he was lacking faith to be able to properly protect his sister from the darkin. He didn’t need faith to be a good warrior, all he needed was a blade. Jaime even resented Weles a little bit for agreeing with Melisandre. It had been a stab at him. For so long, Jaime had trained with Weles. Thought of him as a comrade. And to have Weles turn on him. . .Jaime had never anticipated that kind of betrayal from him. Why had the captain not backed up Jaime? He knew how good Jaime was in a fight. Was it because Jaime did not have flames of R’hllor tattooed onto his face? Sirvart didn’t have the flames upon her cheeks, yet she was still regarded as a strong soldier.
“If you scowl like that too often, your face will get stuck like that.” Feichin lightheartedly chuckles. When Jaime’s face didn’t even twitch, Feichin grimaced. Dark brown eyes flick over to Weles who was in the center of their line and self consciously scratches at the orange ink on his face. Jaime was the only one in the line up without them.
Bitterly, Jaime whispers “What makes Weles think I’m not worthy enough to protect my own sister. Just because I don’t have those flames on my face.”
“Well, it doesn’t necessarily have to be on your face.” He reasons. “Sirvart’s tattoo is on the back of her neck to cover up her old slave brand.”
“They’re just tattoos.” Scoffing, Jaime crosses his arms in front of his chest. His biceps had grown since his days in King’s Landing. He had definitely gotten stronger thanks to training with the likes of the giant Yophiel and barrel chested Dritan.
Feichin smiles gently. “That’s not so my friend. Perhaps that’s why Weles thinks less of you because you criticize something you don’t know about. It’s an honor to be inked with the flames of R’hllor. There’s only a hand few of priests at the temple that are certified to do them. The formula of the ink is a secret but it does have magical properties. It wasn’t just Sirvart’s weapon that was able to fend off the darkin. It was the aura of her tattoo. I know it sounds absurd to a Westerosi like you who believes in different gods. But it’s reality for us.”
Jaime was quiet for a moment before speaking in a lower tone. “I don’t believe in any gods. I never have. I believe in (y/n) though. I have seen her survive through many things that would have killed a regular person.”
There was admiration in his voice that Feichin couldn’t deny and not for the first time. Whenever Jaime spoke of his sister or watched her train, there was a sense of awe in him. He was mesmerized by her entire being. At first Feichin had played it off as a doting older brother, but there was something off.
“There is no denying the mysticism of (y/n). But even she serves the Lord of Light who is a higher being.” As if struck by an arrow, Feichin’s smile completely shatters and his dark eyes grow wide; body going completely rigid.
“Are you-”
There was no time to ask questions as Weles and the rest of the men went still as well with Weles hissing out orders to keep your weapon at the ready. Weles doesn’t look at Jaime’s quizzical face. “The darkin approaches.”
How. . .
Oddly as if Feichin were reading Jaime’s mind, he points to the golden flames on his cheeks.
Magical properties. Jaime would have to eat his words and apologize to Feichin later. This should have been the least alarming thing that Jaime had learned while in Essos. The world continued to educate him.
Seconds ticked, matching the rhythm of Jaime’s heart. His eyes strained to see anyone. The streets were mainly empty with a few people going on with their daily lives. Then slowly, peeling away from a corner’s shadow, came a tall figure with red dreadlocks and a mask covering the bottom half of his face. What really made Jaime’s gut curdle were the shadows that slithered behind him. Alive like wreathing snakes.
This was the monster that Joanna would tell them stories about, a monster that was striding right to them.
Jaime wasn’t afraid though. In fact, fear was nowhere seen in his body. He was enraged. This was the monster that had been hired by his Cersei, the one that attacked (y/n). He had vowed that regardless of what threatened her, that he would slay all of (y/n)’s enemies. Those who meant to do her harm. Jaime lurched forward to blindly attack before
Feichin pulls him back. “Stay in line!”
No. He wanted to put an end to this darkin.
Stepping forward, Weles makes an arch with his sword as he presents it. “Stop right there darkin. What business do you have here?”
Falling on deaf ears, the darkin continues his path over to them. Weles gave them the command to unsheath their swords. The sight of them makes the darkin stop and flinch. One single light blue eye flicks over to Jaime.
“Jaime of House Lannister?”
Jaime licked his lips in agitation. “Answer my commander. What business do you have here?”
Pausing for a moment, the darkin slowly returns to his walk. “I have been charged with bringing you back to Westeros. Back to Casterly Rock.”
“Sorry to have to make you come all the way out here, but I’m not going back anytime soon.” He narrows his eyes. “What else were you hired to do? Surely I can’t be that important.”
“My employer would disagree.”
A cold hand reaching into him, Jaime felt himself jerk slightly before he realized that his entire body couldn’t move. His muscles wanted to, but despite their efforts all that paid off were a few twitches.
Everything broke loose; Weles’ shouts, commands being given and trained men immediately going into position. And there was nothing Jaime could do except watch as his comrades attacked while Iyan orders Vidarr and Yophiel to go into the blacksmith’s forge to alert the others. Fiery Hands crept slowly around the darkin who didn’t seem to mind them. That is until Weles struck at him, landing on his feet mere inches from the darkin as he slashed away like a berserker. The darkin fluidly evaded each one, his feet seemingly floating on air as he so effortlessly moved around Weles. Three men behind him made their move but were quickly stuck to their own shadow. Weles and the darkin continued to be entangled in this absurd dance. As good as the darkin was, Weles was just as good. His sword hissed as it made contact with the darkin’s own blade. It seemed to have appeared in his hand in a blink of an eye.
Cursing relentlessly, Jaime willed with all of his strength to move his body. He wanted to scream. Never before had he felt so helpless. The feeling of being binded to someone else’s will, it made him go crazy.
Everything was happening so fast. Fiery Hands were falling down, whether dead or stunned, Jaime didn’t know. From watching though it became clear that the darkin could only keep control of so many shadows. He’d be forced to release some in order to grab hold of others that dared to come too close. Maybe that was due to the magical properties of their tattoos, whatever it was kept everyone relatively safe. Even grabbing hold of someone’s shadow didn’t last too long.
“Still think these are just silly tattoos?” Feichin managed to chuckle as he grabbed Jaime’s arm. Once his fingers come into contact, the shadow beneath his feet trembles before retreating to it’s master who subsequently glares over in their direction. “You okay?”
Jaime gasps, finally able to move his body. “Y-yes.” He meets the darkin’s glare with equal fire. “He is going to regret doing that.”
“Whoa whoa. Slow down. We need to get (y/n) out of here safely.”
“We need to kill that thing. Otherwise (y/n) will never be safe. He’s obviously not going to kill me. He was given orders to return me alive most likely. At least I hope.” Brandishing his blade, Jaime charges. Behind him he could still hear Feichin calling him an idiot.
The darkin was still in the midst of his battle with the other Fiery Hands, like a horse swatting flies with it’s tail. He handled them so effortlessly. Then again, when you can skip and hop through shadows it makes evading an attack simple. If he was holding people with his shadow though and disappeared through a shadow, it would ultimately release whoever he had held captive. He couldn’t keep his enemies still while jumping through the dark.
Mid fight with Weles, the darkin suddenly sinks through the ground. Swallowed up by an unforeseen force before popping up in front of Jaime.
Jaime skitters and stops just in time to prevent himself from crashing into the assassin. From behind him, Feichin charges with his blades making the darkin bring up his own weapon to block it. Taking the opportunity, Jaime swiped his sword at the darkin’s feet to try and throw him off balance. His attack kissed air as the darkin once again disappeared.
Gritting his teeth, Jaime stumbles to stand up. The Fiery Hand kept their guard up, prepared for when the darkin decided to arise. Jaime kept glancing at the blacksmith’s forge with worry.
Feichin jerks, choking on air until Jaime realized that blood was coming from his mouth; the tip of a blade peeking out from his gut. Fingers hover around where the sword pierced him, slightly confused. Fiery Hands howl at their fallen comrade.
The darkin pushes Feichin off of his sword and onto the ground. Without protest, Feichin’s body collapses against the ground; his fingers still grope around for his sword so that even as he lay dying, he could continue to fight. It was over for him though.
Even the blood on the darkin’s black sword was still glistening brightly. Now that most of the Fiery Hand were behind him, the darkin was more capable of keeping them pinned to the ground. The soldiers that were still protecting the forge took the initiative and prepared for attack.
“Jaime Lannister.” His voice was dull, lacking any vibrancy. Again, Jaime felt that cold feeling enter him. “It’s time for you to return to Westeros.”
Before he could even touch him, the darkin hisses and whips around. On his back was a deep cut that ran across the back of his torso.
The culprit stood, cheeks flaming with anger and eyes that were normally a muddied green were now pits of hellfire. The Red Witch and Alizah were right behind her as Vidarr and Yophiel look on with concern.
“Stay away from my brother.” (y/n) growls.
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“Oh gods, Jaime!” you move for the exit but Yophiel and Vidarr immediately block your way. Yophiel towered over everyone in there, even Gez-par’s son Dal-ber was no height match for him.
“We can’t let you out. We need you to stay here until he’s been dealt with.” Vidarr replies.
However neither one of your trio didn’t agree with this plan. Melisandre places a hand on your shoulder and a pleasant smile on her face. “Ilva Kosh wants to be out there with the rest of you. You forget your place.”
Even Alizah chimes in “Are you saying you do not believe in her?”
Yophiel paled. Women were his one weakness. He was definitely raised as a mama’s boy, forced to be a gentleman even under extraneous circumstances. “Of course not. . . But-”
“Weles gave the order.” Vidarr is slowly crumbling under who to follow, Weles’ orders or your insistence. “You have done well in your training, but you’re still ways from becoming a master of the blade and dance.”
“Act like a champion.” Alizah’s whisper reaches you. “Give them the order and they will obey.”
“They have to.” Melisandre nods.
Your fingers run along Lightbringer’s hilt. It conformed perfectly into your hand and further extended your arm. Freshly styled Valyrian steel against your hip gave you warmth. “I command both of you to stand down. I’m joining my brother and my men out there. The darkin is after me. I won’t go down so easy this time.”
Biting his lip, Yophiel turns to Vidarr but even he could offer no help. “Ziry's īlva kosh. Weles iksis sepār īlva jentys (She's our champion. Weles is just our captain).”
Frowning, Yophiel slowly gets out of your way. “If Weles asks me what happened, I’m blaming you.”
With a chuckle, Vidarr agrees. “Fair enough.”
“R’hllor is with you. Remember that.” Melisandre ushers you outside.
You thank Gez-par and his son for all they had done for you. Gez-par said a few words in Valyrian that you did not know. They were probably ancient Valyrian words. Right as you step out, the sight of a Fiery Hand falling to the ground made you pause. You heard Vidarr and Yophiel curse, moving around Melisandre and Alizah to aid their comrades. Seeing that Vidarr and Yophiel were still with you, the others that had been guarding the front spring into action against the darkin. They were just as quickly disposed of. All you saw was the back of the darkin. You would know those red dreadlocks anywhere.
Something screamed inside of you. Pure anger. Anger and rage as the darkin immobilizes your brother. He was getting too close to him for comfort. Not even thinking, you hurl yourself, sword swinging at his back. His shoulders shudder as a hiss escapes him. You pivot back and await for him to turn around. That single blue eye that haunted your sleeping hours. Fingers grip even tighter around the hilt of Lightbringer. The steel sung at the fresh blood it had been offered.
“Stay away from my brother.”
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goddamnosamu · 2 years
Can I request a fluffy treasure jihoon imagine/fic?
Pairing: non-idol!jihoon x reader
Genre: fluff
Word count: 1205 words
Warning: its too cute it might kill you
a/n: i am off to college in a few weeks and i honestly cant comprehend it to the point where i don’t want to think about anything so i ended up pushing a lot of work aside BUT i am hopefully back. As a sorry gift, this is a very fluffy fic i thought about while watching treasure map (i miss them so much SOBS) so enjoy this fic and hopefully, i could get back to giving yall fics every week!! 
“Hurry up jihoon, or else you’ll be late for your date!” hyunsuk yelled outside his room while jihoon was still struggling to figure out what to wear for your 1st date. You and Jihoon have known each other for quite some time, but never really got the chance to know each other because of the hectic schedules you both have to deal with as college students.
“Ah hyung, I still have like 20 minutes left. Should I wear a blue jacket over my white shirt? Or should I…” jihoon said as he should hyunsuk his outfit ideas not realizing the way his hyung immediately took his phone from the side table.
“Yah, didn’t you say your date is at 11:00am? It’s 11:30, and you’re still here deciding your outfit?? What would y/n think?” 
Jihoon gaped at him, still processing the words his hyung said. As he rechecked the time to see if hyunsuk was lying, oh god he hoped he was lying, he saw a message you left about 10 minutes ago.
“Are we still on for the lunch date you asked?” 11:20am
“Hello??” 11:22am
Jihoon immediately called you, while putting the phone on speaker and asking hyunsuk to leave his room where the latter grumbled about his poor time judgment.
After the 3rd ring, you answered: “hello? Where are you park jihoon?”
“I am so so sorry, I wasn’t checking the time since I was busy preparing and I just didn’t check the time, and I’ve been trying to get the other members to hurry up in the shower and I just forgot to check the time–” he stopped as he heard you laughing in the other end of the phone.
“Hey hey, it’s fine. Just try to come as fast as you can because we might not be able to get a seat at the restaurant you suggested.” you explained while still giggling at how panicked he was.
“Okay okay, I’ll see you in a few. I’m sorry again.” jihoon said in a frantic state. Not even bothering to hear you reply, he ended the call and immediately put on whatever clothes he saw.
You, on the other hand, just smiled while waiting for him to join you for lunch. You were actually infatuated with the mischievous, yet sweet boy in one of your classes in college. You were always fond of the way he brings himself with confidence and friendliness whenever you see him interacting with practically anyone. But despite the teasings, you hear him receive from his friends before he approaches you, he would always make sure that you were comfortable in whatever way possible. He was a soft person when interacting with you as if seemingly wanting to actually get to know you and not just beating around the bush with confusing actions towards you. It’s probably what lead you to say yes when he asked you for a lunch date. Though Jihoon didn’t explicitly mention that he likes you when he asked you for a date, you were at least hoping to enjoy each other’s company for today. (you have a glimmer of hope, though, that he did like you back.)
Waiting for a few more minutes, you finally spot jihoon jogging up to you. He was wearing a very casual outfit that showed his well-built physique. You hate to admit it but he definitely looked dashing in his outfit, and you couldn’t help but blush at the thought that you were going to spend your day with him. Too preoccupied with seeing jihoon, you didn’t realize how close he was when he immediately engulfed you with a hug which you reciprocated almost eagerly. On his hand were beautiful flowers with a mix of red and pink colors. 
“These are for you, I’m no flower expert but I picked them with the thought of you.” He said looking at you with a soft smile that graced his features. You were a bit taken aback by the thoughtfulness of being given flowers, and you couldn’t help but be awestruck by him. 
Before you could say anything, he continued: “I am so sorry for making you wait for so long. I’ve been trying to get ready in an hour and a half because I know you’re going to look so good and I need to try and match up, but apparently, it took me more than an hour and a half and a lot of scolding from my friends about poor time management.” He said rather sheepishly, smiling awkwardly to mask his embarrassment for making you wait for a long time.
You happily took the flowers and admired the arrangement that made it aesthetically pleasing to look at. You never really got flowers from anyone, apart from flowers from friends and family so receiving flowers with the thought of you was something new. It warmed your heart to know that jihoon, despite being late and all, still thought about giving you flowers.
“Thank you for the flowers jihoon, it means a lot to me,” you said in a bit of a hushed tone, still wrapping your head around the matter that you were going on a date with jihoon.
“No need to thank me, seeing you lit up when you receive the flowers is more than enough for me.” Jihoon said, still smiling down at you with a faint blush on his cheeks. He, then, took your bag out of your arms and immediately held your hand, and pulled you towards the restaurant.
 But as you both were nearing the restaurant, you saw that there was a long waiting time and waiters bustling in and out of the restaurant to cater to their customers. Jihoon visibly slumped down and looked at you with a frown: “Sorry for not getting you to one of the best restaurants in town. If it’s not a problem with you, we could take another restaurant that you like and you could brag to me about how your choice is way better than mine.” 
“Then prepare to admit that I have better choices in restaurants” You taunted him in a teasing manner, and he couldn’t help but laugh at how cute you were challenging him.
“Well, there’s so much to do in this mall and I’m happy that I get to spend it with you.” he said while he allows you to drag him to the restaurant you had in mind.
You were visibly flustered by his remark. You tried to hide your smile (and your blush) with your hands but he took them off you. He pinched your cheeks to admire how cute you were and took your hand again while telling you to show him the restaurant.
You both enjoyed your time with each other. Laughing here and there in the arcade because of both of your competitiveness, strolling through the mall with ice cream on your hands and sharing it with each other, and a bunch of storytelling from both of your lives. It’s safe to say that you both are going on another date next week, and you were more than happy to get to know the boy who was always with you in the library for college.
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cressthebest · 4 months
Art Heist, Baby! thoughts pt. 12
chapter 30:
1. sirius pov fuck yeah
2. ..frank that mf used sirius’ deepest and most secret thoughts about reg against him. i’m pissed beyond belief
3. i know i say it a lot, but i love how bitter sirius is about reg and barty’s brotherhood
4. he chose the marauder + reg crew and i’m very worried. i still don’t trust peter
5. sirius will choose reg over everyone but remus every single time. and i love him. sirius drops his life on the good side and drops his freinds and frank and pandora all to go back to reg.
6. i’m so glad both james and sirius trust remus enough to BOTH tell him. i love that remus is james’ best friend. it’s healing
7. i was so optimistic the heist would go right. idk why i was surprised and still am surprised
8. james’ phone call to his mum is gonna break me so bad
9. shit i’m sobbing on the bus over this phone call. his mum loves him no matter what. fuck, this hurts so bad
10. 😳😳😳 they’re about to fuck i think
11. oh shit wait reg is crying
12. i hate knowing in my heart that peter betrayed them. cause everyone is guessing the mole. everyone is worried. nobody knows. but I KNOW. ASK ME!!! I KNOW THE MOLE!! THIS FOLLOWS CANON BITCH
13. marlene and dorcas being the richest lesbians in the world <333333
14. 😳😳😳 oh shit they might actually fuck this time
15. oh shit they fucked
16. oh shit wait what’s happening. it’s one am and they’re getting up. what’s happening
17. “James tried not to read too much into the fact that while he was in a sex induced, euphoric, sleep, Regulus was thinking about the heist and traitors and not about how amazing their day had been. Well, maybe he had done both. If anyone could multitask, it was Regulus.” 😭😭😭
18. oh. reg thinks it’s lucius that turned them in. i have… suspicions about that. it seems too easy of a fix.
19. 😳😳 tom riddle is lucius’ new business partner
20. he signed the sunflower note R.A.B. i’m gonna sob. that’s probably his last note ever, jsut like in canon. i’m so scared. jesus. i’m crying rn and nothing bad has happened yet
21. evan in barty’s room 😳😳 i was right about the rosekiller.
22. barty and evan are “james-napping” him. my beloveds <3333
23. james would marry regulus tomorrow if he asked. james would. marry. him. tomorrow. he would marry him. tomorrow ifheaskdjdjdhuejdk
24. reg is back alive, thank god
25. reg is trying to join him in the shower, but the door is locked 😭😭 james is so funny
26. jesus, that’s a lot of money. i’m just flabbergasted that that much money even exists in this world
27. 🤢🤢🤮🤮 severus
28. official apologies to peter. i never doubted you bud
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spn-lesbian · 2 years
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#dean x castiel - 273 posts
#deancas - 271 posts
#incorrect destiel - 250 posts
Longest Tag: 120 characters
#im actually gonna be cas for halloween but sadly i just threw shit together from my wardrobe and didn’t get this perfect
My Top Posts in 2022:
Cas, drunkenly sobbing: and I keep trying to make Dean understand that I’m in love with him but he’s so oblivious and never understands it
Dean: when did you meet someone else named Dean?
1,568 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
Dean: what's the word for when hands are bisexual?
Cas: you mean ambidextrous?
Dean: I'm in love with you
1,683 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
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1,756 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
obsessed with the fact that Dean and Cas could break heavens mind control with their love and John and Mary couldn’t even break a ghost possession
4,094 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
me: *looks for fic with extremely specific scenario that I made up*
fic: *doesn’t exist*
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8,348 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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achillestiel · 2 years
11, 18, 29 & 30 for the ao3 wrapped tag 💕
Aoife I promise I wasn't ignoring you, Tumblr never told me you sent this 😭
11. What work took you the longest to write?
The ongoing WIP/fic the last great american dynasty (it will be finished one day)
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Dean in my Pinefest fic It's Only Teenage Wasteland. I knew how I wanted to write him but getting there was a struggle. Some dialogue took days to write out and perfect.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Oh my god, this is a hard one. I love a lot of my Pinefest fic even though it was brutal to write but this part of dialogue was written super early on in the drafting process and stuck with me throughout:
“Cas, you gotta know… you… you could have been it, you know? You… you were it.”
“Please, just… for me, you were it. I’m sorry.”
“This is a really shitty goodbye.”
“I know.” Dean sighed, the tears now freely flowing down his cheeks as he hung his head. On the other end of the phone, he heard Cas let out a stifled sob. “I… shit, I have to go. I’m sorry Cas, I’m so sorry.”
“Dean, wait,” Cas said. “You were it for me too. From the moment we met. You were it.”
It's so sad in the context of the fic but it set up so much dialogue later on down the road.
There's also bits of my endverse fic that I'm posting tomorrow that just makes my brain go BBRRRRRRR
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
I don't suck? I'm such a chaotic perfectionist and I get so hung up with self doubt but the insanely amazing feedback I get from my beloved here makes me think I can actually write?? People like seeing the jumble of words I write??? It's an amazing but surprising feeling.
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starport-seven-five · 2 years
Hello! For the ao3 wrapped:
3, 6, 11, 29, 30
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
The Beauty and the Grace I’m proud of because it’s the only multi chapter fic I have ever completed, and really, the first one I had even attempted since I was a kid. It was also a very low engagement fic but I can honestly say that I did write it for myself, and I completed it despite that, because it was important to me, so I’m proud of myself for that, too.
I also have to say (Can’t get) Away From This Love Affair because it was also a pretty big undertaking for me, and had a clear storyline (not exactly a plot), rather than being a pile of feelings and/or porn, and rather artsy, and I’m really happy with how it came out.
6. Favorite title you used
I actually answered this in a previous ask! But basically, my titles from the Bible, lol
11. What work took you the longest to write?
With the exception of the multichapter, definitely my soul shall be sated. I did actual research for it, I meticulously crafted the aesthetic and feel I wanted, and I pored over every single line and word that I wrote to make sure everything was perfect, because I had a very specific idea in my head and I wanted to do it justice. I had the idea in December or January, and didn’t post until mid May.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year
Probably a toss up between this, from Parts of one whole:
He chokes out a little sob at the sound of Mobius’s voice, so gentle and still such a balm to the state of frantic overwhelm that he’s trapped in. Loki hones in on that soft, even cadence, still whispering words of comfort and affirmation and praise, and slowly, slowly, feels himself sink deeper into them. Into these two precious entities who hold him, who behold him, who have taken him apart and put him back together so many times there’s not a single cell of his body, a grain of his soul, they’ve not seen and held and turned over in their hands in reverent examination before replacing it, all of it, exactly as it was. Exactly as he is.
Or this really indulgent, sexy extended metaphor from in the face of certain doom:
It begins slowly, gradually, with Loki’s fingers still dancing along Sylvie’s back- a steady beat, to start off. Then Sylvie’s light, almost tentative touch, stroking along the invisible midline of Loki’s chest and abdomen, up and down, adding melody. And finally, Mobius’s hand between them, skimming along the wake of Sylvie’s touches with the tips of his fingers, his knuckles brushing the underside of her wrist and forearm, a harmony layered perfectly to round it all out.
It’s a symphony that winds through a meandering first movement, soft and experimental as hands and lips roam in a consonant pattern, each phrase wrapped up neatly with a sigh or gasp as it builds to a sweeping crescendo that has them all breathless and writhing.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
So many! I mean, firstly, the sheer volume of fics I’ve put out. Then, the fact that I’m still just as obsessed and just as full of ideas for this fandom and these characters and ships.
Also, the fact that I STARTED AND FINISHED a whole ass multichapter fic this year.
Probably also the amount of FLUFF I wrote, and the amount of porn-less fics I wrote, in general.
Thank you so much for the ask! I love doing these :)
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