#I’m but a teenage girl who is simply going through it
the-broken-pen · 9 months
I suffered a mental break after writing like eighteen college essays and wrote the newest one about a bagel and I just call it college essay bagel and it haunts me but like objectively it’s funny because it’s about a bagel you know? And my English teacher is gonna throw a book at my head when she finally reads it
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on-leatheredwings · 4 months
Yandere! Damian Wayne x (Fem!) Reader
romantic > summary: During a sleepover, Damian makes his first foray into infatuation. > word count: 1605 > [ a/n: i just love writing from the yandere’s point of view! Damian is 19 or college-age here. honestly not much plot, just musings~ i will try to write from the Darling’s POV next time hehe.]
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This must be love.
“Wow, Damian… I’ve never noticed but your nails are so pretty,” you compliment, satisfied with the boy’s upkeep. Damian feels his heart thrumming against his ribcage. You are holding his hand. 
Not for the first time either, but the thrill never fades. 
If this had occurred a year ago, before Damian learned of how casual (generous, even!) you were physical affection, he might have dumbly stated, “You’re holding my hand.” Instead, he simply thinks it, on loop, in one long string. 
You’re holding my hand. You’re holding my hand. You’re holding my hand.
Unbeknownst to all this, you simply paint his forefinger with a stripe of green so dark it looks black. 
“If we’re going to do this, it’ll be by my rules,” he had said. 
In reality, if you needled him any harder, he would’ve accepted pink nails with glitter on them. Who cares? There wasn’t anyone who dared to make fun of him at school. Not to mention, it’d be obvious to everyone that you painted them. You'd be marking him as yours, essentially. And at night… well, Robin wears gloves.
“Hn. How so?” Damian asks with feigned coolness. Mainly because he wants to hear you praise him. In your hushed, awed voice. When he dreams, you often sound like that. (And he quickly pushes that thought away.)
You look at him pointedly, grinning. Oh, he’s not so slick. You acquiesce to his whims anyway.
“Your cuticles are impeccable and your nails are finely trimmed… I’m impressed. Don’t you do martial arts, too? Crazy they aren’t more dinged up.”
Martial arts. That was supposed to explain his abnormal strength and fighting capability, the one time you saw him nearly break a man’s wrist for trying to pickpocket you. 
You accepted the excuse with only a little suspicion.
“It’s simple grooming.”
A catlike grin forms on your face. “Hm~ I don’t knowwww… Seems like you may be trying to catch the eye of a girl – you know, girls look at stuff like that.”
Damian frowns. 
He’s infatuated but not delusional. He’s aware this ‘sleepover’ is pretty platonic on your end. After nails, it’ll be skin care. Maybe you’ll even do your makeup and take goofy pictures with him. You’ll laugh and platonically huddle against him during a movie. You may doze off on his shoulder while he’ll be committing your every dewy, moisturized pore to memory. 
Because of Damian’s (self-admitted) social awkwardness with your peers, you think that gives you some sort of elder sibling-esque edge on him. You are the social butterfly, leading a naive, but well-meaning social pariah through the perils of young adult life. You don’t know you are so much more naive than he is, and he adores that.
Rather than addressing the question, he snorts. “When are you going to turn on the movie?”
You hum, completing his nail’s first coat. “Oh yeah, that’s right!” You grab the remote and press play. You continue painting, gingerly admiring his long, golden brown digits. Damian preens at the attention. 
As the movie plays, you pause often to look up and gape at the screen. It’s a horror flick, and boasts an abundance of cartoonish gore. While a bit more sensational than something he’d put on, he likes your dark taste. An annoying teenager gets their head hacked off with a chainsaw. You laugh and Damian feels his heart sing. 
There’s a chime that rings through Wayne Manor, and he has to bite back a groan.
“Pizza’s here!” you cheer. You begin to get up when Damian whips out his card in an instant. 
“I’ll pay.” To his delight, you gape in surprise, cheeks warming. 
“Oh… Thanks, Damian!” You never quite get used to him paying for things, but you at least know by now not to argue. You grab his credit card and – thank God – your fingers brush against each other. It sends the most pleasant trill down his spine. “Since you’re paying, I’ll go bring it! I won’t be long.”
A corner of his lips quirk. “I’ll be pleasantly surprised if it gets back to this room at all.” You stick out your tongue on the way out.
As soon as he hears your footsteps disappear down the hall – such clumsy, loud steps – Damian’s attention falls to the messenger bag you threw to the ground of his bedroom. He knows your diary is in there. (In his mind, he can hear you protest, It’s a journal!)
He’ll be quick. He flips open to a random page, and he already is laughing at your writing style. There’s little care for capitalizing letters and full of what you explained are “emoticons”, despite being handwritten. He flips to today’s entry, half-finished.
February 01. 
there’s a guy in class who’s pretty cute… one may even say HOT xP
Damian’s jaw tightens. He knows exactly who you’re talking about, and he won’t allow that neanderthal anywhere near you. At least, not again. Yesterday, you told him that your crush had smiled at you. Brushed fingers with you when passing papers. In the only class you have without Damian.
(Also, “your crush,” he scoffs. What a juvenile concept. You and Damian share something much deeper. His feelings for you are not so trivial.)
The semester is still young. Damian can pull any string to land himself in your anthropology class.
The rest of your entry for today (and the past days prior) isn’t anything notable except for when he’s mentioned. 
stressful day, but at least i have tonight with damian to cheer me up. he’s seriously the best …. i should tell him more often !!! (but it’d give him an even bigger head)
He doesn’t even attempt to stop the smile splitting his face. 
Damian’s keen hearing catches you striking up a conversation with Alfred in the kitchen. Despite your promise, he knows you will, indeed, take long. You love talking to everyone, even in passing. It’s an admirable quality, and one he envies.
He unlocks your phone and rifles through some messages of yours. He uses his own phone for documentation purposes. What else is there to do… He spies your jacket on his bed.
There is a shameful thought and Damian’s heart skips a beat. It is… frankly, it’s humiliating as a concept. Yet he’s enticed. It’s your jacket, after all. He brings it to his face delicately and inhales, almost shyly. Once he catches the familiar scent of your body wash, however, he allows himself to breathe it in. After being lost in it for a few seconds, he rips it away. 
Only to see his father standing in his doorframe. 
He knows what this looks like. Damian knows what this looks like. After years of working with the man, Damian can hear his thoughts as if they were his own, as they happen. 
Damian just smelled your clothes. Even if it was investigative in nature, he could’ve retrieved a sample some other way. Someone’s personal journal is open on the floor. A phone that he knows is not Damian’s is unlocked and displaying text messages. All these things are splayed out in a circle around him. It’s uncharacteristically messy of him, as well. Damian’s own phone is actively on his camera. Was he taking pictures? And most notable is the absence of you.
In summary? Damian must have some interest in you. And by this sloppy job, it’s quite emotionally charged. And at his age, it’s likely romantic.
Damian’s skin rises to what feels like a boiling heat. What is Father going to say? He can’t stop him – he can’t. Damian doesn’t even want to talk about it, let alone be reprimanded. A feral need to escape bubbles underneath his skin. Despite the panic, he channels years of League training and hardens himself. 
Bruce watches his son’s expression morph from dazed, to fearful, to steel, in real time. From Damian’s seat on the floor he offers his father only silent defiance. Bruce knows his son, his darker needs that stem from his cruel childhood. And perhaps he should’ve expected this to happen someday. Bruce exhales, eyes closing. When they reopen, his slate-grey eyes are firm and hard. 
“No one gets hurt.”
And by that, Bruce means no one dies. Because Bruce and Damian are Batman and Robin – they’re all in the business of hurting people. People who deserve it, yes, but it’s still hurt. Pain.
Damian feels immense relief. He wouldn’t have killed his father – he’s not that boy anymore. But a life without you seems similarly unbearable. Damian feels… shaken. He doesn’t know what he would’ve done. He also feels grateful, that it didn’t turn out any other way. 
His eyes drop to the jacket he holds in a fist.
“... Yes. Thank you, Father.” Bruce’s gaze lingers, but he leaves wordlessly.
This encounter reminds Damian of who he is. He is a detective, vigilante, assassin, and creature of stealth. He can’t be this careless, even if he knows you won’t notice. 
Damian returns your belongings to their place, exactly how you left it. Diary back in your bag, jacket to where you were lounging, your phone underneath a pillow, because you carelessly tossed it aside. You’ll inevitably begin to look for it and he’ll grin once he places it in your hand.
You finally return to his room, two pizza boxes of deluxe cheese (for him) and pepperoni (for you) in your arms. You laugh sheepishly. 
“Sorry for the wait, Dami.” His heart skitters at the nickname.
“It’s fine.” Your eyes glitter with excitement and optimism and purity. He finds it hard to look away, you raining down a gaze like that upon him.
“I was waiting for you.”
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igotanidea · 4 months
A moment of weakness: Damian Wayne x reader
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part 1 : Family rules
Everything that happened after seemed like a blur.
Her hand in his when they were sneaking out the ballroom.
Escaping watchful gazes of both their fathers.
The rustle of her dress on the carpeted floor that muffled the sound of their feet.
And then.
His lips on hers.
One of his hand on her cheek, and the other on her waist as he was pulling her closer to him. Stubbornly yet lacking the proficiency his older brothers may possess. Which was perfectly understandable since she was the first girl to capture Damian Wayne’s attention. The first that put so much charm on him that beyond all that hateful, snarky attitude something much more delicate and caring started to bloom.
“I still hate you…” she whispered pulling back, feeling the need to make it very clear that this kiss was stemming only from that emotion and nothing beyond. Even if her ragged breath and dilated pupils were enough of an evidence of her lying.
“Naturally” he responded. His rapidly beating heart and the sensation of her body in his arms causing this young boy to almost tremble. At this moment, when they were finally alone for the first time in years since they have known each other he was torn in two directions. Not making a fool of himself in front of her and proving that he wasn’t a foolish boy who could be easily charmed but a strong, capable and dominant man. Regardless of the fact they were both seventeen.
“I hate you too. And if you think there’s something more just because of the fact I’m kissing you right now you’re gravely mistaken.” Damian whispered brushing his lips over hers again, already intoxicated and losing his cool head.
“Kissing?” she mocked melting into him and snuggling closer to his embrace “Didn’t notice…”
“We shouldn’t…”
‘You’re absolutely right…”
“No one should know about it…”
“No one will. You won’t tell anyone out of fear of daddy dearest, right?” he looked at her with eyes shining with the familiar mischief and mockery.
“And you will keep the steam out of your mouth due to embarrassment, won’t you?” she retorted, matching his level of sarcasm.
And then they kissed again.
Her hands in his hair, running through soft dark strands.
His arms wrapping around her securely as if never wanting to let her go.
Just a little moment of weakness they both would deny if asked.
But for now, with no one around they decided to indulge in the lack of rationality, with both intensity and shyness of two teenagers confused by their own emotions.
So good. So right. So messed up.
Lost in the best meaning of the word, as if the world stopped turning and even existing just because they wanted to cherish the moment.
Foolish little kids.
Torn from the fantasy by the sound of cameras and flashes of light shooting straight into their eyes.
“Damian! Damian, look here!”
“Damian, who’s your mystery girl!?”
“Come on, pretty one, smile for the picture!”
“What is your name girl?!”
Too many questions and sounds for the person who was not used to having any attention at all. And being attacked by paparazzi and reporters who were skilled in intimidating was simply too much for poor Y/N whose head started spinning immediately.
‘Hey, I know that girl!” one of the scribblers yelled “she’s the daughter of Wayne’s competitor on the market!”
Now that was a problem.
While her first instinct was to run away and hide in whatever hole would appear first, Damian stood proudly without an ounce of emotion on his face, preventing her from doing anything stupid or reckless.
And that cold, strong façade, making him look just like his father, finally got the reporters to stop yelling and taking photos.
“leave.” He said coldly spurring on another wave of shouting. ‘LEAVE. You were not invited here nor asked to interrupt the private life of the habitants. Your sole purpose on this gala was to focus on the official part. Therefore, you are trespassing beyond your scope of passage. And that will not be tolerated. I will not repeat myself. LEAVE NOW unless you want to deal with the consequences.”
Under any other circumstances this would probably be grotesque, but no one wanted any trouble from the son of the Bruce Wayne aka Bruce Wayne himself, so the intruders finally retreated.
“I’ll take care of it.” He retorted coldly moving away from her turning back to his cold self, hiding in the shell.
“But what if-?” she could only fear what were to happen if the photos of them together leaked into the press – or worse – internet.
“I said I’ll take care of it, haven’t you heard?!” he snapped.
“Oh I heard loud enough! You’re just not very capable in taking care of things, forgive my audacity. So are you really that surprised I’m skeptical about it?!”
“Don’t you dare—” he took step forward reaching for her arm but she wriggled out swiftly
“You stay the hell away from me Wayne.”
“No. you stay the hell away from me Y/L/N.”
“With pleasure!”
“fine!” she cried out crossing arms over her chest
“fine!” he barely held back from sticking tongue out at her
And with that they got back to the gala, using two different ways to not be seen together and pretended like nothing had happened.
The next day, Sunday passed without anything extraordinary happening.
Not a word from either of them.
Even if she was reaching for her phone countless times ready to shot him a quick message and check up if he was doing fine.
Even if he was one foot out the door every time a thought of her crossed his mind.
“Idiot” she was thinking throwing her phone away for a hundredth time scrolling through her contact list.
“Harridan.” he was smacking his forehead trying to get some sense in his brain throwing the coat away and retrieving into his room.
And then there was Monday.
One of those grey-clouds, rainy, windy Monday when getting out of bed and focusing on duties seemed impossible.
But from the moment she walked through the school door something felt odd. Just like in those stupid teenage movies she was met with whispers and furtive glances followed by malicious giggles and finger pointing.
The hell?
Y/N barely got to her locker when one of the most popular and obviously, the meanest girl in school crossed her way slamming the locker door into her face.
“Lisa.” Y/N almost rolled her eyes.
“Y/N.” the self-appointed queen B grinned like a predator “did anything fun this weekend?”
“Are you trying to make yourself feel better now or something?”
“Don’t you dare talk back at me, you little slut!”
“I’m sorry, what did you just call me?!”
“oh, it’s not just my opinion.” Lisa smiled mockingly “the whole internet keeps talking about the entertainment you got yourself on Saturday.”
Lisa clicked on something in her phone and put the screen into her face.
So it was officially settled.
Damian fucking Wayne was completely helpless when it came to dealing with things.
And the fact that she was looking at the picture of them both, taken at the gala, showing each details of them kissing and holding each other was enough of a prove.
All the problems stemming from the leak put aside as she focused on one thing and one thing only.
She was going to kill him.
Meanwhile Damian was greeted in school with charming smiles and encouraging shouts.
It’s always easier for the boys.
“Was she good?” one of the boys smirked at him.
“Y/N Y/L/N. Was she good?”
“Huh?” none of that were making any sense to Damian who frowned in confusion.
And then he saw the same photo and the blood drained from his face.
Someone was going to pay for this.
That is- if he could actually convince Y/N that he had nothing to do with the publishing of it. That it was his intention to actually protect her himself from scandal.
However, judging by the way she was walking his way, with the rage of a buffalo, it was going to be rather complicated.  
part 3: Despite everything
@gabriiiiiiii @6000-fandoms @jinviktor
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pit-and-the-pen · 2 months
Unrequited Love
A/N: I had to get to the airport to return a rental car like 5 hours early so I’m so sorry for the pure amount that I’ve been posting today but as a socially awkward girly, if I’m on my own phone then for sure no one is going to talk to me.
Anywho here is some angsty angst about day court!reader and Azriel.
Part 2: Here Alt Ending: Here Part 3: Here
Forgive any typos I wrote this on my phone.
Warnings: none
My blood was boiling beneath my skin. Azriel has been complaining for the better part of an hour about Rhys gag order regarding Elain. I was trying not to roll my eyes as I had reached my wits end with his lamenting.
“I just don’t understand why he needs to meddle in this. I get she’s Feyre's sister but he doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” he runs a hand through his hair and leans back in his chair. “I just can’t help but think that sometimes the cauldron gets it wrong.”
His words were spoken so plainly. Anger wanes for a second as I swear I could feel my heart break inside my chest. The words seemed to echo in my head Maybe the cauldron gets it wrong. I almost would have rather had him carve out my heart with truth teller.
“What do you think?” He asks me and I sit reeling over his words. I can’t think of anything to say to him. The comforting words I would normally have for him can’t get past the anger starting to cloud my vision. So I simply shrug, avoiding the question. Desperately trying to change the subject.
“So this new book I’m reading…”
“Oh c’mon.” He interrupts me. “I know you have something to say. And I trust your advice more than anyone else. There isn’t anyone else I would rather talk to about this.” His eyes softened as he looked towards me. Instead of melting under his gaze like I normally do, red bites at the edge of my vision.
“I think you should leave her the hel alone.” My tone is not gentle. He freezes.
“She has a mate already. And regardless of if you think the cauldron got it right. Lucien is the one mated to Elain,” I tried to keep my voice neutral. “And Lucien is a wonderful male who has been through a lot of shit. He deserves someone as sweet as Elain, if she ever comes around. You should stop meddling.”
His mouth opens, when no words come out, he closes it again. You see the muscles in his jaw tick as he clenches his teeth.
“What has gotten into you? When did you become Lucien’s spokesperson?” He spits at me. His face starts to get closer to mine as he leans over the table, slowly starting to rise to his feet.
The sane part of me is telling me to stand down. That one of the most powerful warriors in all of Prythian was starting to get angry at me. My mate was starting to get mad at me. But I would not cave under his intimidation.
“I became his spokesperson when you showed no respect for him. Or for Elain.” I noticed I was starting to get to my feet. “What about what she wants? She doesn’t owe you anything more than she owes Lucien. Rhys told you to stay away from a girl you feel entitled to and now you want to mope like a petulant teenager. Grow up Azriel.” He flinches before something stoney sets in his eyes.
“At least I’ve actually told her how I felt. What about you?” My stomach drops into my knees. “Sitting and pining over the same person for a century.”
“You knew?” My voice was nothing more than a whisper. This was not happening. I should have left when I had the chance.
“It’s not like you tried to hide it. I thought at some point you would get the hint that it wasn’t going to happen but yet there you always were trailing behind me like a sad little puppy.”
My hands on the table started to glow faintly. My anger was finally breaking through the surface.
“You asshole. You stupid Illyrian bastard.” The smirk that graced his face fell instantly. “After everything that I’ve done for you, you want to use my feelings for you as some fucking weapon against me.”
Even I was surprised at the venom in my words but I was on a roll. “I sat by for five hundred years. I sat by as you pined over Mor, someone I consider my sister. I felt that bond go unreturned.” He completely froze at my words. Words I have never spoken out loud to anyone.
“No. You get to hear this shadowslinger.” I pressed my finger to his chest and he stepped back like I had hit him. A small part of me wishes I had. But this. This right here is why Rhys kept me around. I didn’t need to throw a punch to put someone on their knees.
“I followed you around like a lost puppy and you loved it. Every second of it. I was stupid enough at some point to believe that it was because you felt it too. And I couldn’t get away from those feelings,could get away from you. Every time I tried I would damn near drive myself crazy and then you would smile or say some funny joke and I was right back to where I started.” I willed the slight shake in my voice to disappear. “You just wanted to feel important because the one you truly loved wouldn’t have even entertained the thought. Took other males into her bed, but not you right? So why not go for the next available thing. Me. Who cares if I got hurt? Who cares that I still fucking loved you through all of it? Not you clearly. You played me like a fucking fiddle and I played my part well.”
When I finally looked back up at his face I saw nothing but a shell of the male that stood in front of me. Even his shadows had retreated from his side. Looking down I realized they were sitting at my feet. I pushed down the glimmer of something I didn’t have time to think about at the sight.
“Please. Just stop.” He pleaded.
“Why? Because it hurts to hear? Fuck you. “And you think that didn’t hurt me too?” I watched him pale. “You didn’t think it killed me to feel that empty weight in my chest every time I looked at you. Everyday that I waited and wished that you would feel that stupid bond I’ve had to live with for the last two centuries.”
He gasped at my words cutting me off
“You never told me about that. I just thought it was… I don’t know… I thought it was a crush like how I felt with Mor”
A muscle in my jaw ticked. “I shouldn’t have had to! The whole point is that you feel it too. Bonds aren’t supposed to be one sided but for some gods unknown reason, you didn’t,” I felt the anger really starting to boil over.
“Every time I heard you rambling on and on about how perfect Mor was, about the females you took into your bed. I sat by all of it, for what? Three sisters for three brothers?!” I was screaming now, my hands shaking by my side
“What happens when she’s all fixed up too Azriel? When she feels this same thing I feel when she looks at Lucien. Onto the next one for me to hear about I guess . Always on the sidelines. Always the sweet face to come back to at the end of the day but never the one you want to be with.” I took a deep breath for the words about to come out of my mouth, steeling my nerves.
“I’m done. With this. With you. Fuck this entire gods damned city. I will not sit by and play second to whoever you deem worthy enough for the rest of my life.”
He held up his hand like he was going to reach up for me but the light that was glowing off my skin was warning enough.
“Where will you go?” Was all he had the nerve to say.
I let out a cold, twisted laugh. “Anywhere but here. Hel I could finally go home. Helion has
been asking me to come back for years now. All I know it will be somewhere where you can’t come and ruin another half a century of my life. Because that’s what you did. I wasted all this time on someone I knew wouldn’t love me. But I can agree with you on something, Azriel.” I paused long enough to see the hope in his eyes as he whispered “what?”
“That sometimes the cauldron does get it wrong.”
I walked out of that room with my head held high
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repulsiveliquidation · 7 months
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Alexia Putellas x Reader [SMUT!]
word count : 3.6k
warnings of degrading name calling, edging, spitting, choking.
“Mi amor, I’m home!” yelled Alexia as she walked into the house with Nala. Nala took off running as soon as Alexia unleashed her, chuckling as the little thing went running in search for you. Your dog Zeus, who was a big Doberman was sat lounging on the couch but ran after Nala. They both got along well, Zeus was protective of his big sister but had Alexia wrapped around his finger. She claimed to not liking big dogs and was scared that Zeus would, in her words, eat Nala but Zeus proved to be the perfect companion for Nala.
“I’m upstairs!” you yell back, just walking out of your office and finding your dogs both excited and jumping up on you. “Where’s Mama, baby?” you ask Nala and pick her up, walking towards the bedroom you just saw a head of blonde hair disappear into. Zeus trailed behind slowly, jumping onto the bed with Alexia as you walked in.
“Hola, cariño. What were you up to today? Were you a good boy for Mamí?”
“You greet the dog you didn’t want before your own wife. I’m deeply hurt, Ale.”
“You’ll get over it,” she teases as you roll your eyes. Nala cuddles comfortably on your chest, licking your chin as you run your fingers through her freshly groomed fur.
Alexia smiles and leans over, kissing your cheek. “Hola, mi vida. I missed you.” You blush, leaning into her and kissing her slowly. She hums into the kiss, scooting closer to deepen the kiss. You’ve been married a significant amount of time now but kissing her just never fails to bring you to your knees.
“Did you manage to get your work done?” she asks, rubbing Zeus behind the ears.
“Yes, got a lot more done than I thought I would so I’m all yours.”
“Perfect, the girls would have been disappointed if you couldn’t go out tonight.”
“I think you’ll like the outfit I got planned.”
“Oh? Can I have a sneak peek?”
“You wish.”
She grabs you, startling both dogs. They run out, supposedly having had enough of your shit.
“Show me.”
“You can see it when I’m done getting ready, missy.”
“You’re mean.”
“You’ll get over it.”
“Babe, can I borrow your gold–Dios mío.”
“Borrow what, Ale?”
“Forget the earrings. We aren’t going anymore.”
“What? Why?”
“No one else can see what you are wearing right now. For my eyes only; it says it on our marriage certificate.”
She saunters over to you, wrapping her arms around your exposed middle as you apply the finishing touches to your makeup.
“Do you like it?”
“Like it? I’m about to fuck you right here, right now.”
“You’re worse than a teenage boy, are you ready?”
“Bebé, we’re not going.”
“Yes we are, at least I am. I will leave your horny ass here!”
“Y/N! Oh, I’m so glad you could make it. Girls, look who’s here!” Ingrid pulls you to the corner of the club the girls are at. All of them wolf-whistle at your outfit, the revealing black dress you wore brought out your confidence like no other. You didn’t dress this way that often and when you did you went all out. Ale had a scowl on her face, her black suit matching your dress perfectly. She came up to you and kissed your cheek, softly muttering “The usual, hermosa?” You simply nod, fixing the lapel on her jacket as she walked to the bar with Mapi.
She kept her cool throughout the night, hand wrapped around your waist tightly as the both of you danced together. She made sure your glass was always filled and ice cold, your favorite whiskey coke never watered down the whole night. The dress you had on was one that she had never even seen you purchasing, let alone wearing; all she wanted to do tonight was rip it off and show you just who you belonged to. It was borderline driving her insane, your hips swaying to the music lightly brushing up against her hips. Her hand wrapped itself around your waist again, pressing you back into her. You obliged, wanting to tease. You subtly kept grinding back into her more and more, your free hand grabbing onto hers around your waist.
“You’re being a naughty girl tonight, hermosa.”
“I’m just dancing with you, Ale. Like we always do.”
You feign ignorance the whole night, dancing with all the girls who wanted a turn with you. Mapi was being particularly touchy tonight, not that that was odd for the woman. She and Ingrid had you sandwiched between them as the music began to boom louder and louder into the night. Alexia had walked over to the bar to get you another drink when the two girls had dragged you over to them and began to dance. You were enjoying yourself, Alexia was not.
“You look like you’re going to kill someone.” Ona quipped at her captain, smirking as she sipped on her 5th margherita for the night.
“I am. Mapi.” Alexia gruffed at Ona, eyes seeing red as she marched over to you. You smiled and waved, about to walk over to her when she grabbed your arm and pushed you over to the bathrooms.
“Ale, what–“
“Don’t Ale me, you slut. What the hell was that?”
“I was just dancing, isn’t that what we came here to do?”
“You dance that way with me, not her.”
“They dragged me over there, what was I supposed to d–“
She rushed forward and kissed you hard. Her hands groped where they could, pressing you up against the wall. You whine into the kiss, hands flying around her neck. She picked you up suddenly, sitting you on the counter.
Her eyes were dark and lustrous, pulling your legs apart and yanking your underwear off. She stuffs them into your mouth to keep you quiet, hiking your dress up to reveal your soaked folds. She smirks, leaning in and giving you no mercy. She slurps and suckles, growling deeply into your pussy as she devours you. Your hands simply hold her head in place, legs trembling as they wrap themselves around her head. She presses them open easily, grumbling a low “Stay,” before diving back between your legs. She maintains eye-contact the entire time, tongue darting into your hole momentarily as she assaults your folds incessantly. You feel that familiar coil in your stomach wind itself up, lips chanting her name as they are drowned by the loud club music and muffled by the risqué lace in your mouth.
Just as you’re about to hit your high, she pulls away with an annoying smirk on her face. She’s covered in your juices as they drip down her chin. She pulls your underwear out from your mouth, uses it to wipe her own and tucks it into her jacket like a pocket square. You’re beyond shocked at her actions, she fixes herself and walks straight out of the bathroom with one last request.
“Freshen up, I’ll be in the car.”
“Where are you going? The night is still young!” Mapi yells over the music. You grab your bag and rush towards the exit.
“Ale isn’t feeling too good, we’ll see you guys soon, we had a great time!”
“What she means is Ale isn’t feeling too good about how you were touching Y/N Mapi. They totally just fucked in that bathroom.” Ona tells the table laughing but stops when Mapi smiles devilishly.
“She’s the one who told me to; she wanted to rile La Reina up.”
“What took you so long?”
“I don’t know, maybe explaining to the girls why my wife took off like that and why I look like a disheveled mess right now because you’re jealous! Of your best friend!”
“I did tell you to freshen up, cariño.”
“You’re insatiable.”
“I don’t like it when other people touch what is mine.”
“So? Remind them.”
Her eyes turn even darker at your words; she starts the car with a locked jaw and a tight hand on your thigh. The whole drive home she doesn’t say a word, occasionally huffing angrily. You know you’re in for it this time; you really were pushing it with Mapi only because you planned on it. The dress, the dancing, the teasing on the dance floor was all to get her riled up and jealous on purpose. But she didn’t need to know that.
She parks the car and pinches the bridge of her nose. She checks her phone briefly before she uses her strict tone on you, you know better than to disobey her.
“I want you upstairs at the foot of the bed naked and on your knees, do you understand me?”
You rush out of the car and run upstairs, doing as she says. She walks in 10 minutes later, cool as a cucumber. She reaches into the bedside drawer and grabs something before walking to the bathroom. She takes her own sweet time, sauntering out with her hair fixed and clothes perfectly on.
She walks over to you, a smirk on her face. You’re kneeling exactly where she wanted, hands obediently behind your back.
“You’ve been disobedient the whole night, mi amor. Why is that?”
“I didn’t mean to.”
“That’s not what it looked like to me.”
“I was just dancing Ale, maybe I got carried away but you know I would never do anything to upset you.”
“Then tell me why did I get a text from Mapi saying that you had asked her to touch you so ravishingly all night? With the intention of, and I quote, “riling Ale up”?”
Your blood runs cold as the words leave her mouth. That bitch. You had sworn her to secrecy with the promise of doing her a favor when she next asked but it seems like you had made a pact with the devil.
“Save it. You have been quite the handful all night and I intend on making sure that by the end of it you know who owns you.”
She leans forward, eyes sharply looking into yours.
“Who do you belong to?”
“Good. Let’s make sure you never forget it.”
She takes her jacket off, your underwear still in the same spot she tucked it into. She’s got on a gorgeous lace bralette that you recognize as your own, her abs making a statement around her middle. Even like this she looks completely composed, hair perfectly in place; not a strand astray.
You become face to face with her crotch, which seems to be bulging. Your mouth waters and eyes widen when you realize what she had taken from the drawer and disappeared into the bathroom to do. She’s got her strap on in her pants. She rarely did this; she knew it made your pussy drip at the idea that she’s got it on under her clothes, ready to fuck you the moment she deems you deserve her cock.
“I think you’re starting to understand the agenda for tonight.” She smirks, leaning down and forcing your jaw open. She gathers her saliva and spits it directly into your mouth; some of it missing and landing on your cheek. “Don’t swallow,” she says as she stands and undoes her pants, the fake appendage springing out. She’s picked a bigger one today; one that would leave you sore and constantly reminded for a while.
She steps closer, the tip of her cock rubbing against your spit-covered lips. She wrenches your jaw open wider and slides into your mouth, throat letting out a drawn-out moan as you immediately begin to suck on her.
She grabs your head and thrusts into your slick mouth, you make a show of hollowing out your cheeks and earnestly sucking on the silicone cock. Alexia likes to pretend she can almost feel the pleasure elicited, throwing her head back and pulling on your hair animatedly. She gives you a soft “mierda,”, eyes watching with great focus as you wet the cock with your spit. She pulls away and strings of saliva follow, your eyes blown with pleasure.
She spits into your mouth again and makes you swallow, shoving her cock back into your mouth and fucking your face with it. She gathers your soft locks into a makeshift ponytail and speeds up her strong hips, praising you softly as she goes. She shoves it down too far one time, causing a loud gag to follow. Somehow it gives her an ego boost; shoving the silicone down your throat periodically as she continues to fuck your throat. Your hands remain behind your back obediently, not wanting to risk making La Reina angrier than you know she already is.
She pulls away again and grins maniacally. “On the bed,” she growls; pulling you up and shoving you back onto the bed. The both of you had a mutual understanding about bedroom dynamics and knew each other’s boundaries very well. She knew how hard she could push you; you knew how far she would take it.
She reaches into the drawer again and pulls out a bullet vibrator. You lean back on your elbows and watch her as she turns it on. “Open your legs; do not hide from me,” she tells you, settling herself between your now open legs. She runs the vibrator over your nipples causing them to harden. She glances down at your folds, they glisten back at her. She smiles proudly, eyes going back to admiring your body. She leans in and finally touches you, the vibrator travelling lower to rub through your folds. You jolt and make a noise, hand instantly flying to your mouth in shock. The vibrator immediately pulls away, her eyes darkening once again.
“I will let that one slide; one more sound from you that I don’t ask for and you will be left here to cum until you pass out, understand?” you can only nod, scared to say the wrong thing.
“Words, puta.”
“Yes, La Reina.”
“Good girl.”
The vibrator returns to your clit, you hold yourself back from making a noise this time. She presses it right on top of your clit and grins, watching you convulse and hold yourself back. She makes things harder for you when she leans down and begins to suck on your breasts; lips locked around them with suction that makes your head spin.
You’re really holding back now, a moan sitting uncomfortably in the back of your throat like its teasing you. She nibbles on your nipple a little aggressively and your hands grasp the bedsheets so hard your knuckles are white. You’re trying to divert your attention to anything but, scared that you’ll accidentally set her off again. Everyone knows better than to piss off an already pissed La Reina; the last time you did she didn’t let you come for 2 months. She got off often though, making you watch each time she did. It was not pleasant.
The coil in your stomach returns for a second time tonight, legs trembling as you try your absolute hardest not to cum. La Reina owned all your orgasms she liked to remind you. It was unsaid that there was to be no cumming unless she says so. Again, that was a lesson you learnt the hard way.
Just as you were about to tap out, she pulls away completely. You breathe heavily, trying to catch your breath. You look up at her with pleading eyes but hers do not soften. You are her biggest weakness but you had to commend her; the girl had unwavering iron will.
“That’s two of many more tonight, my love.” The tears follow suit, frustration beginning to set in. You knew you deserved it, but you also knew that you wanted to cum; and if there was one woman who was a woman of her word, it was Alexia Putellas.
You were edged five more times after that. She moved onto much more intense things after the third edge. By the sixth one, she was fucking you; hips as powerful as ever as they pounded into you with unrelenting force.
She had given you permission to moan now, wanting to hear your voice tell her how good she was and how only she could provide you with the bliss you were in now. You were past sensitive, toeing the line of delirium. It was euphoric, her thrusts were executed with terrifying precision. She knew you, you knew her. It was scary to be honest, it was beyond intimacy.
Your orgasm was creeping up now, her hand kneading your tender breasts with refreshing affection. They were secretly her favorite part of you, their perky and firm characteristics made her, like you had accused earlier, like a horny teenage boy.
She felt you clenching on the toy, whining high in your throat. Your hands were gripping the sheets tightly again, desperately needing to hold onto something so that you felt that you had just a sliver of control. Alexia pulled away as soon as she knew you were close, crocodile tears following soon after she pulls out.
“That’s the last one, mi vida. Gonna take care of you now, you’ve been such a good girl for me tonight.” She wiped your tears away as you nodded frantically. She kept her word, kissing your swollen lips tenderly as you calmed down. She reached for a bottle of water and fed you it, kissing your forehead as you took big, much needed sips.
“Turn over, baby. Wanna see your pretty ass when you come on my cock.”
You turn over obediently, pressing your chest to the bed and pushing your ass up. She hums appreciatively, grabbing your cheeks and pulling them apart. She leaned in and licked up your ass, which makes you yelp; she hadn’t done this before. She kept licking, tongue frantically flicking over your loose hole and asshole. It felt good, you moaned loud to tell her you liked it. She grinned and slipped two fingers into your pussy before suckling on your asshole enthusiastically. You lurched forward and reached back to cradle her head, she dove in deeper and curled her fingers into you deeper.
"Qué buena chica. mi niña perfecta y obediente.”
“Please, Ale…please let me cum…”
“Yes, my love. I’m gonna make you cum so good bonita.”
She slides her fingers out and pushes her cock in so smoothly you don’t even have time to miss feeling full. She does as she promised, pounding into you from behind. She does lean back and admire the fullness of your ass, the ripples that follow each thrust only spur her on. Her own pleasure is forgotten, the harness rubbing against her clit combined with the most beautiful woman she’s had the privilege of being married to between her legs was more than enough stimulation for her.
She pulls you back up against her chest, fucking into your at this new angle with fervor and purpose. Her arms wrap themselves around you, hand gently applying pressure to your throat as she whispers dirty things into your ear. Your body shudders and writhes, your pleasure wholly dependent on her.
“Are you going to cum on my cock, cariño? Gonna make a pretty mess for me?”
“Yes, Mi Reina, yes! Please!”
“Go on, cum for me. My perfect girl.”
Your legs shake and body convulses as you make a mess on her cock. Her hand around your neck restricts airflow just enough to make you light headed and floaty while her other hand presses down against your clit and rubs hard. It makes you gush, a cry of her name echoing through the house. She cums at the same time, her own legs shaking from watching your own unfold in front of her.
She lets go of you and you flop forward. She pulls out and pulls the strap off, kissing your face all over. She whispers sweet nothings to you, praising you for holding out for her and being a good girl. She leaves you for 5 minutes to quickly run a hot bath, carrying you in her arms and slipping into the steaming water with you.
You snuggle into her strong arms, they rub and massage your legs softly as the warm lavender water wafts through the air. She turns you around in her arms as you settle in her lap. Her big hands hold your waist softly when you cup her face and kiss her tenderly. She kisses back the same way; she pulls you flush against her chest and make out till you become wrinklier than raisins.
She insists on wrapping you up in the fluffiest towel and carrying you back into bed. She sits you on the couch as she changes the sheets as fast as she can, pulling you into bed with one of her old jerseys on like she did.
She held you close, hand rubbing your back softly as your fingers drew random patterns on her arm. She kissed the top your head, smiling softly.
“I love you so much, bonita.” She whispered, pulling you closer to her.
“I love you too, I’m sorry I danced with Mapi like that.”
“Don’t be, it was kinda hot.”
“What? I knew you were up to something with that gorgeous dress and the dancing, when Mapi texted me, it all made sense.”
“That wretched woman betrayed me; we had a deal!”
“I think I can get her back for you, cariño.”
“Five extra laps for you today, Mapi.”
“What the fuck for, Alexia?!”
“Going against your word with my wife.”
“Just run, Maria. You’re lucky I’m the one punishing you, not her. Trust me, you don’t want her getting back at you. I tell you this with love and first-hand experience; I still have scars.”
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middlingmay · 24 days
Gale Cleven never learned to flirt
And I have some HCs about that and how it came to bite him in the ass.
Here, have 2K+ words of the Buckies being an absolute mess.
Gale managed to reach his mid-twenties without ever flirting.
He and Marge had been inseparable since they were kids. Being together was second nature, so by the time their teenage years hit, the awkward rituals of their classmates trying to catch some guy or girl’s attention just didn't apply. Gale simply told Marge whatever he thought and felt. If it never strayed into the territory their classmates were so eager to dive into head (or pelvis) first; if it never sounded like the cheesy lines boys used to ease past a skirt, then that’s because he was too much of a gentleman. Everyone knew it. Marge’s dad never batted so much as an eye when she spent time with Gale, because he was such a good boy.
Really, that should have been the biggest clue among many before he signed up.
But then he did sign up, and he met John Clarence “Bucky” Egan, who flirted with everyone and everything.
No, really—everything.
One night after one too many beers, John was leaning against a coat rack, regaling Gale with some story or other. He gave a particularly enthusiastic wave of an arm, and nearly sent it toppling over, and him with it. But John's reflexes were still good even three sheets to the wind. He caught it before it hit the ground, set it up right and said, “Sorry, doll. I’m normally a gentleman. I’ll show you, sometime.”
It was the first time Gale laughed until he cried.
Gale had been flirted with plenty, of course. Others back home had batted eyelashes at him and sidled up to him and placed fleeting, coy touches in innocent places.
John did absolutely none of that.
He drawled and called Gale doll, sweetheart, dilly and beau. He’d look Gale in the eye whilst talking to someone else entirely and say, “My guy, Buck, here…”
He pressed their foreheads together and grabbed Gale's thighs tight and put an arm over the back of Gale's chair.
He’d chuck Gale's chin and press hands firm into the small of Gale's back, around the curve of his hip, into the dips of his waist and that was usually followed by a quick, deliberate clench of his sizeable hands.
John outright called him gorgeous, “a real heartbreaker”, and the others would laugh but that was always one of the few times John didn’t join in.
He watched Gale’s training and his flights like a hawk, bugging others over the radio: “Where’s Buck?” He’d bugged those in the tower so much, that he nearly got himself banned.
John sang love songs - badly - and smirked at Buck the whole time.
Finally, in the after, when they’d left Wyoming and Wisconsin behind for good, John had stepped up behind Gale in the kitchen in the house they shared and reached forward. He placed a whisky glass of apple juice on the counter and came round to Gale’s side. He leaned his forearms on the counter and looked up at Gale through tumbling curls he’d been letting grow a bit and said,
“Lookin’ awful lonely there, doll. What’s a guy gotta do to be your fella?”
And apparently Gale was easy, because he downed the apple juice to wet his parched throat and lips and threw his arms around John’s neck and kissed him with a fire he hadn't felt this side of a plane.
He threw the rest of himself at John, too, who caught him easy and hoisted him up on the counter. He pulled Gale's hips forward by the belt loops and ground his own hips up against him just as his tongue slid home dragged and teased out the gaps and moans Gale couldn’t control—
That afternoon, evening and night had been incredible. But, if Gale thought finally getting what they had been stepping towards for all these years would have taken some of the pressure off, he was dead wrong. He craved more.
Only, he had no idea how to go about getting it.
He wasn’t like John. Never had been. Flirting and being so damn bold didn’t come easy to Gale. Truth be told, he’d never has a reason to flirt before. And for the first time in his life, John was being absolutely no help.
If Gale didn’t know him any better, he would have said he was being shy.
But ain’t no man who could do those kinds of things with his tongue got any business being shy.
And Gale knew John wanted it, wanted him, just as badly. He caught the heated looks; heard the aborted gasps when Gale did something - anything - that showed off his physique (and his brain, he’d later discover). Christ, he felt it every time he woke up before John in the morning.
But it didn’t seem fair to always leave it to John. John had done the bulk of the legwork throughout their whole relationship, even before they finally figured it out. It was Gale’s turn.
So, he started easy.
The next morning that he woke first, the heavy weight of John at his back, he buried his smiling, blushing face in the pillow and rocked back into Bucky’s hardness. He did it harder than he expected, and Bucky woke with a groan pulled from the depths of him and grabbed Gale and pulled.
Gale revelled in his easy and rapid success and coyly teased, “John. You woke me up with that thing.”
And John abruptly released him, full of apologies and sweet kisses to his shoulders before he toddled off to the bathroom, leaving Gale painfully disappointed.
Disappointed, but not deterred. His next idea involved Bucky’s favourite hobby: lookin’ at Buck. There were horses stabled in a field nearby, and Gale had permission from the owners to take them out for some exercise anytime he wanted.
John had never been, but agreed readily enough when Gale asked him to come along.
Gale made sure to wear his tighter pants, and when they got there stripped off his shirt so he was left in only his tank, and mounted a horse called, of all things, Major.
Gale didn't go overboard. He was still workin’ an animal that demanded respect and care. But he made sure to show Bucky the flex of his thighs, the roll of his hips, the strength in him, staying in the saddle when Major wanted to jump.
He got a little lost in it and wasn’t sure how long it had been. But when he looked up, John was gone.
He found him back at the house, stumbling down the stairs red-cheeked, glassy-eyed and a little breathless. And Gale knew. He knew that look; had seen that look so many damn times since they were cadets in basic.
He looked at John with such vicious fury, that he’d gone and done that without him, that John had turned tail and given him a wide berth for the rest of the day.
Gale was going to pull out every damn hair on his head. He’d tried everything he could think of: pressing up against Bucky whenever he moved past; biting his lips like he knew John loved. He even rubbed Coppertone on John’s shoulders and back when he was out doing yard work in the heat one day. But, when Bucky had turned to him and rasped a husky, “Thank you”, Gale got so worried that John was dehydrated, he’d rushed back into the kitchen to fetch him a glass of water and glowered at him until he drank it all, before fetching him another one.
One day, Gale had had enough and decided to take a leaf out of John’s book. He was gonna flirt with that man like he’d seen John do a dozen times before, even if it made him feel like the stupidest man alive.
He allowed himself a small whisky for courage. In return for John dramatically reducing his alcohol intake, Gale sometimes, rarely, let himself indulged and shared a glass with John.
He downed this one in one go and headed into the living room where John was trying to pick a record.
Gale sidled up to him, placed his arms around his waist and said, “Hi darlin’. Can I buy you a drink?”
John’s eyes crinkled, he smiled so wide, and leaned back into Gale's arms. “Oh, I dunno. My ma warned me about guys like you.”
Gale thrummed with excitement that John was playing along, finally, finally getting the damn hint. He let his hands move from John’s hips to the spot on his belly, just above the waistband. His fingers tickled and traced along the hem. “Guys like me?”
“Mhmm. Y’just wanna get me outta my skirt.”
Gale's breath hitched. He moved the palm of one hand to John’s thigh. Heavy and slow, he stroked it up and up, letting John feel the drag of each finger. “I think you’d look good outta your skirt,” he mumbled with a nip to John's ear. He stilled his hand on John’s upper thigh and with one finger, drew a teasing line across the expansive width of it. “Maybe keep the stockings on, though.”
John choked on a laugh, on thrilled disbelief, and Gale grinned into his neck and let John turn in his arms.
And the best part, Gale quickly decided, was that for the first time ever, he managed to make John blush—at the mention of women’s stockings no less, which he had much more experience in than Gale.
Gale rejoiced as John careened forward, tongue slipping straight into Gale’s panting, waiting mouth, and Gale whimpered in the dizzying satisfaction of it as they fucked their tongues into each other and their bodies writhed standing there, in a promise of what was to come.
But then, John pulled away. Gale watched him suck on his own tongue, like he was savouring the taste of something, before clarity and realisation descend over John’s face.
“Ah,” he said. “That make sense.”
Gale frowned, even as John drew him in close and pressed their foreheads together so softly and asked, “Wanna go to bed?”
Gale could have crowed. “Mhmm. Yeah. Yes.”
John brushed a hand through Gale’s hair. “Yeah. Lets get you all tucked in, before you wake up with a sore head.”
Drunk. John thought he was drunk. And rather than giving Gale what he wanted, he was trying to be a gentleman and send him to bed. But Gale was too frustrated to be endeared by the evidence of John’s goodness. Not tonight. No siree.
He almost screamed and threw his hands up in the air. “Goddamn it, John! I’m not drunk!” He even stamped his foot. “I am trying to fuck you!”
John just stood there dumbstruck while Gale raged.
“I have been trying for days! But you, for the first time in your sorry life, have become as dumb as a bag of rocks! How come a girl used to just have to look at'cha long enough and you were all over her, but I try every trick I got and nothing!”
That jolted John out of his Gale-induced stun. “Tricks? What tricks?!”
“Oh I don't know: how about rubbin' against you like a damn bitch in heat the other morning!”
“You said I woke you up! You haven’t been sleeping good!”
“And showing off with the horses—!"
“That was on purpose?! Buck - I left because I got hard watching you! I didn’t want you to think I was some kind of perv! No one should feel like that around an animal!”
“The I rubbed you down with Coppertone?!”
“I was gonna! I got that one and I was gonna, Buck! I swear to God, but then you made me shotgun water and started yellin’ at me about dehydration!”
Gale had worked himself into a fervour and paced the living room, barely looking at John.
“After that first night, you ain’t come near me like that again. And I know I’m hopeless at this kinda thing, and you got a lot more experience than me. But I don’t want it all to be on you. And Christ, John, I was starting to think you didn’t want—what are you doing?!”
John’s shirt was on the floor and he was using one hand to wrestle his undershirt over his head and the other to unbuckle his belt.
Muffled under the fabric of his shirt Gale heard him say, “You said you wanna fuck,” he finally pulled the shirt over his head and his curls sprung free and wild, “we’re gonna fuck.”
Gale stood with hands on his hips, still in his lecture pose. “Right here?”
John lost the belt and went for the buttons on his pants. “Right here.”
Gale drummed his fingers against his hips and stared as John dropped his pants. “Well…that’s, good.”
John snatched Gale by the belt and dragged him him. “Don't be getting shy on me, now.”
And normally that was exactly the kind of thing that would send all of Gale’s bravado running for the hills, but he’d been so desperate for so long that he pounced on John before he even made the conscious decision, and together they undressed him in record time.
John got him on the floor, somehow, and twisted and flipped them so Gale was on top, and Gale looked at him with one eyebrow arched in breathless judgement. “Really?”
John nodded wide-eyed. “Oh, yeah. Really. I’m serious, Buck. I don’t think I can go near those stables with you again. It’s indecent.”
Gale gave an experimental roll of the hips, and when John keened and bucked underneath him, Gale clenched his thighs and drove him down and brought him back under control easy. So he didn’t see that much difference between the skill this would take and what he used to work Major. But still. After what he’d put him through, John didn’t deserve to have it too easy. “Hm, I don’t know. How long you gonna last like this? You got a lot of making up to do.”
And John looked mortally offended, but he’d learned something about Gale through all of this too, and said, “About a long as you will when you see me in those stockings you’ve been fantasizing about.”
And Gale’s hips jerked without his permissions, and things descended beyond the power of words after that.
Later, as they languished on the living room floor with the throw from the couch tossed over them to ward of the evening chill, John turned to him and said, delighted, “You could just ask me to fuck you, you know. Ever thought of that?”
And Gale smirked and nipped at the finger tracing his cheek. “Don't count on it.”
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darkwolf989 · 2 months
Omg do you know the Valentino x reader period pains thing can you do that but with vox's teenage daughter like how would he react straight panic. Most men in the 50's didn't know anything really about period cramps or periods in general. So he probably not know much besides what Vel talks about. I can imagine him doing the wtf which one do I get her in the store thing so he buys everything lol.
Another super fun request! Enjoy!
Vox stared at the shelves in a mixture of embarrassment and confusion. His gaze fell from the shelves to the list, and back again. So many colors, and why was one woman playing volleyball? He cursed himself for not simply putting Velvette’s requests on the list and pushing it off. How was he supposed to know this could happen in the middle of the night?
“Dad? Dad, I need help. I think I’m dying.” 
Vox had heard his daughter's voice from across his bedroom. He instantly sat up and turned on the bedside light, swung his legs over the side of the bed and hurried to her. 
“What’s the matter baby?” He asked frantically. 
“My belly hurts, and I’m bleeding,” she sobbed. “Daddy, what’s wrong with me?”
He felt a cold chill and sheer panic settle through him as he noticed the bright red stains on her pajama pants. No, she couldn’t be. She couldn’t have her period already, right? She was only thirteen. God, he was so not ready for this. 
“You’re not dying babydoll, come on. We need to go see your Aunt Velvette,” he said as calmly as he could. “Come on now, follow me.” He put a hand on her shoulder and guided her down the hallway. He pounded on Velvette’s door. “Vel? Vel get up! We need you!”
He heard frantic footsteps and the door swung open.
“Vox you better have a damn good reason to-”  Velvette cut herself off mid sentence at the sight of reader. “Oh. Yep, that’s a good reason. Come in honey, go to my bathroom. I need to talk to your dad for a moment. You’re okay, I promise.” 
Vox watched as his daughter walked across the room and vanished behind closed doors. He turned to Velvette, who was scribbling something down on a pad of paper. 
“Vel, you still good to handle this?” He asked cautiously. “I just-”
“Vox, it's the middle of the night. I told you ages ago to have housekeeping order the supplies she needs and you put it off. Now you need to go to the store yourself while I convince sweet reader she isn’t about to kick the bucket,” Velvette grumbled as she ripped the paper off the pad and handed it to Vox. “Everything you need is on that list. You’re going to have to go out and buy it right now.”
Vox felt himself flush with embarrassment. This was a female issue- it shouldn’t involve him. 
Velvette gave him a look. “If you had listened to me in the first place, we wouldn’t be in this situation would we? Now shoo.” 
Now here he stood, with a list of what he firmly believed were made up words. What exactly was a “tampon” anyway? Or a “thin panty liner”?
“Excuse me sir, do you need any help?” A cheerful voice came from behind him.
Vox whirled around. He could feel his face turn even more red as he thrust the list towards the unsuspecting sales girl.
“I..I need these. I mean, I don’t need them. My daughter needs them. I just…”
The sales girl seemed unphased. “How old is your daughter?”
“Okay! She needs this, and this, and this…” she loaded the items into his cart. “Easy enough! Extra chocolate too, might be a nice thing to do.”
Vox could only nod and add an extra bar of chocolate to the cart. To his relief, she packaged everything up in discrete brown paper bags. As he swiped his card, he wondered why such a necessary product was priced so ridiculously high. 
When he got back to the apartment, he knocked on Velvette’s door. She stuck her head out and took the bags. 
“I woke up Val and he’s making hot cocoa. We’ll join you two in a few minutes. Now shoo.” She slammed the door in his face. 
Vox resigned himself to the kitchen. He took a seat at the table and buried his attention in his phone as Valentino stood at the stove in his pajamas, stirring the hot chocolate pot. 
“How are you, amicito?” He asked. “Big day for our little princessa.”
Vox groaned. “Can we not talk about it?”
“I think you need to get with the times. Your little girl needs you,” Valentino replied easily. “So get over yourself.”
Vox raised an eyebrow and looked over to him. “You’re not freaked out about this?”
Valentino shrugged. “Why should I be? Our little girl is simply growing up. If you treat her like the plague she will feel shame- and that’s the last thing we want, right?”
Vox considered. He hadn’t thought about it that way, how his reaction to what was admittedly a natural event, might affect her. 
“Do you think she knows I’m…”
Valentino cut him off. “I think you did just the right thing, bringing her to Vel.”
“Here she is!” Velvette’s voice called through the kitchen. “Officially a young lady!”
Reader flushed and looked down. “Not…it’s not that big a deal I guess.”
“Oh, baby princessa, it is.” Valentino said as he ladeled the hot chocolate into a mug and added whipped cream. “The heating pad is all set on the couch. Remote is yours.” 
“Thanks Uncle Val,” she mumbled as she made her way out to the living room. 
“What’s wrong with her?” Vox asked with concern. 
Both Valentino and Velvette looked at him with a mix of annoyance and shock. From the living room, the television blared top volume. All three recognized the theme to her favorite show. 
“She hurts, she’s bleeding for the first time and she’s embarrassed about it,” Velvette answered. “Even though I told her there was nothing to be ashamed of. It’s normal.”
“So, what do I do?” Vox asked. “How do I help her?”
“You love her, and give her chocolate and give her a bit of grace if she’s crabby. Her hormones are all over the place,” Velvette replied. “And for god sake, get over yourself.”
Vox winced. He didn’t want to think about his daughter having hormones, or growing up. He knew it was a fact of life, but what he wouldn’t give to be unaware of it. Valentino handed him a cup of cocoa and he took a sip. He watched as Velvette flopped down on the couch next to his daughter. 
“She’s going to grow up, Vox. You can’t stop it,” Valentino warned. 
“I know I can’t,” Vox replied tiredly. “But I’m not ready to lose my little girl.”
Valentino gave him an irritated look. “What are you talking about? She’s still your little girl- she always will be. And right now she needs her family to support her,” he replied as he turned and left the kitchen. 
Vox sighed as he watched Val collapse on the other side of the couch. He could barely make out their chatter. After a moment, he stood up and joined them and took the seat next to reader. Concern flooded his face as he looked at his daughter. She looked pale, paler than usual. 
“How are you feeling, babygirl?” He asked. He reached over and brushed the hair out of her eyes, the palm of his hand lingering on her forehead for a moment. Was it him, or did she feel warm?
“I’m okay, Daddy, just tired,” she replied quietly. “My tummy hurts. Can I go to bed?”
“Of course you can, princess,” he replied as he pulled his hand away. “I’ll be in to check on you in a bit.” 
She climbed off the couch and wrapped him in a hug. “Night night, Daddy.”
“Goodnight baby.” He replied. 
She did the same with Valentino and Velvette before trudging back to her room. He heard the door close and looked to Velvette. 
“She felt warm, is that normal?”
Velvette rolled her eyes. “You know what? Figure it out on your own. I’m going to bed.”
“Not a bad idea to do some research, amicito,” Valentino added as he stood up. “If nothing more than to help our little princessa.” 
Vox watched them both retreat back to their rooms before shutting off the lights and returning to his own bed. He pulled out his phone and hesitated for just a moment. Breaking free of the ideas that he had been so held to in life was uncomfortable to say the least. But at the same time, he felt he owed it to his little girl to at least try to understand what she was going through. And he was willing to do whatever was necessary to make sure he was the best dad he could be.
Even if it meant figuring out exactly how to handle a period. 
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writerslittlelibrary · 9 months
Girls night... I mean mission
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summary: when you go on a mission with Natasha Romanoff and her girlfriend Maria Hill, it goes a little differently than what you expected, especially when you end up sharing a room in the hotel 
pairing: Natasha x teen avenger reader, Maria x teen avenger reader
warnings: human trafficking, nightmares
genre: fluff/angst
words: 1329
a/n: I enjoyed writing the ‘I’m not sleeping on the floor’ fic so much I decided to write another one that kind of looks like it but this time with Blackhill :)
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work 
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The mission left all three of you broken, bruised and exhausted. You three were assigned to do an important mission together, going undercover at some auction that ended up being a human trafficking ring. Both you and Natasha struggled with it, both having lived through a similar situation. You supposed that’s why Fury assigned Maria to go with you, to ensure there would be someone capable of keeping a clear head.
Neither Natasha nor Maria knew about your past, or what you had been through. Fury decided to respect your choices and not tell anyone, leaving it up to you whether you wanted to share your story or not. 
You hated the way people would look at you differently when they learned what had happened to you. Hated the sympathy they got and the way they started treating you differently. For that exact reason, you had decided to keep your past a secret from all the Avengers, not wanting them to treat you differently too. 
They knew you had an extraordinary past though. Being an Avenger at such a young age didn’t happen to any normal kid, unless you were bitten by a spider of course. They knew something must have happened to you. Your extreme intellect and fighting skills didn’t just appear, you had to have learned them somewhere. 
You were a gifted child, simply being able to see things and connections other people didn’t. Your mind worked in a different way, making you incredibly smart. 
That, of course, helped with the decision to recruit you with the Avengers. What also helped was the fact you had no parents and no known family. You knew what happened to your parents, of course you did, but that was just another thing you’d rather not share. 
You were sitting in the back of the car, staring out the windows and seeing the colors blur together. Maria was driving while Natasha sat in the passenger seat, still being a bit shaken up from what you’d seen that night. The situation of the night made Natasha relive some painful memories, but the thing that bothered her the most, was how you seemed to react to it. 
She had kept her eye on you the entire evening, not wanting to lose you in the crowd, especially not when these people were human traffickers. She was afraid you might get snatched when she wasn’t watching, and you’d be sold among the others. 
Because of the close eye she’d kept, she saw your body language change. You seemed to react badly to the situation you were in, and you seemed to struggle with the idea of the traffickers.
Of course, any sane person would struggle with the idea of human trafficking, but you seemed to react differently to it, like you experienced it yourself. Natasha made no move to tell you this, deciding it would be better to simply keep a close eye on you and protect you from a distance. 
Once you arrived at the hotel, you grabbed your bag and got out, following Maria and Natasha who walked ahead of you. 
Maria walked up to the reception, telling the man behind the counter she wanted a room for the night for her wife and their daughter. You found it was easier that way. Every time you went on a mission the person you were with pretended to be your parent. That way no one batted an eye as to why a teenager would be staying with two strangers. 
The man smiled and handed Maria a key, pointing her to the elevator. 
When you made it up to the room, you set your bag down on the single person bed that was shoved into the corner. “You should take the first shower,” Maria told you, setting her own stuff down onto the big bed. 
You thanked her and made your way into the bathroom, showering quickly before drying off and changing into your comfortable clothes.
You came out of the bathroom and headed for the bed. You saw Maria and Natasha sitting on the bed, seeming deep in conversation. They abruptly stopped when they saw you. Maria smiled and told you goodnight. You wished her goodnight as well before falling down onto the bed, almost immediately falling asleep. 
Unbeknownst to you, Maria and Natasha had been talking about you, and your behavior that evening. Natasha told Maria what she’d seen. The way your body language changed, the way you seemed to be on your toes worse than you normally would on a mission. Maria agreed, having seen the way you behaved as well. She suggested talking to you about it in the morning, when all of you would’ve calmed down and be well rested.
Natasha agreed and after both showering quickly, they too climbed into their bed. They made sure to be quiet, not wanting to wake you. 
Before they fell asleep, however, they could hear you murmuring. At first they just thought you were talking in your sleep, until your body started jerking a little and you seemed to let out terrifying gasps. You were clearly having a nightmare. 
Natasha looked at Maria, unsure of what to do. 
Suddenly you started talking louder, seemingly telling someone to get away from you. You had been good, you kept saying. You were being good and you were begging someone not to hurt you. 
Natasha quickly got up, walking to your bed and sitting down on it, carefully trying to wake you up. The moment her hand landed on your shoulder, you sat up quickly, trying to scurry away from Natasha, as far against the wall as you could go. 
Tears were streaming down your face, and you were whimpering softly. 
“It’s okay,” Natasha told you quietly. “You’re okay. You’re safe.” Your body relaxed a little and your sobs increased. Natasha took that as an okay to scoot a little closer to you and pull your body into hers, letting you cry on her shoulder. 
She wrapped her arms around you, holding you tightly as you cried your heart out. “It was just a nightmare,” Natasha ensured you. You just shook your head. “No it’s not, it’s real,” you cried out. Natasha just held you tighter, and you soon realized Maria had joined you on the bed, rubbing you back comfortingly. 
“What do you mean it’s real?” Natasha asked you carefully, wanting to make sure not to overstep. “He’s real, he hurt me,” you cried out.
Natasha seemed to quickly connect the dots, getting tears in her own eyes as well. “You don’t ever have to be afraid anymore. I will always protect you,” she told you. “We both will,” you heard Maria say from your side. Your sobs died down, now being little sniffles. “You promise?” you asked while looking at Natasha. “I promise.” 
After a few minutes of holding you, Natasha pulled away a little. “Do you want to try sleeping again?” she asked you. You quickly shook your head. “Please don’t leave me,” you cried out as tears started collecting in your eyes again. 
Natasha quickly shushed you, dismissing her idea. “You can sleep with us if you want too,” Maria suggested. You looked up at Natasha who just smiled at you.
You slowly nodded your head before letting Natasha guide you to their bed. 
Once you were all lying down, you being in the middle of them, you finally felt safe. Natasha had not once let you go, and Maria was behind you, alternating between rubbing your back and playing with your hair.
It didn’t take long before you were once again consumed by sleep, this time a peaceful slumber.
“We might as well could’ve booked a room for two people,” Maria joked, referring to the fact all three of you were sleeping in the big bed anyway. Natasha smiled and leaned over, giving Maria a quick kiss before lying back down, holding you a little closer as they too fell asleep.
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munsonsreputation · 10 months
steve's dating a girls girl
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word count: [3.5K]
warnings: brief mention of homophobia & sexism (not explicitly stated but having regards to)
summary: steve doesn’t get what it means to be a girls girl but after watching his girlfriend stick by his friend’s side he starts to understand and appreciates what it means.
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Two teenage girls sit in the back of Steve Harrington’s car. The same two girls he used to babysit when they were middle schoolers, and now who he occasionally gives rides to on weekends when their parents are too busy.
But one of them is crying, brunette hair spilling over the shoulder of her red head best friend who does her best to console her during the short ride to your place.
Steve had tried to calm her down, to get her talking in order to figure out what had upset her so much that Max called him from the mall payphone in order to get him to come pick them up an hour early, but she wouldn’t budge.
Instead, she simply requested for one thing: to go to Steve’s girlfriend’s house. And who was he to deny her that, after all you would know what to do in this situation, you called yourself a girls girl…whatever that meant.
It’s not long before they arrived, the two girls speedily hopping out of the backseat with El still glued to Max’s side as they walked up to your front door. Steve’s spare key, quickly turning into the lock and pushing open, being greeted with the sight of you sitting on the couch painting your nails.
Your eyes dart up to the door, delighted to see your boyfriend here with your two favorite girls, but immediately they fill with worry and heartache at seeing the way El forces a smile on her somber face.
“What happened?!” It comes out rushed, almost desperate.
You quickly cap your bottle of nail polish, striding towards the two girls and embracing them with a hug not caring about your freshly manicured fingertips that are surely smudged now.
El instantly takes up most of the hug, and Max doesn’t seem to mind one bit, clinging to your side as you smooth down the hair on both of their heads before she pulls away and lets you get some time with her best friend.
You can feel her tears soaking through your t-shirt, heavy sobs that leave her back heaving and her breaths shallow.
It tears Steve right in half, seeing her so sad and not knowing what he can do to make it all better. He shuts the door softly, answering for El, knowing she can’t right now.
“Max called and asked me to come get them. When I showed up she was crying, but she hasn’t told me why, just asked to come here.” Steve says gently, greeting you with a kiss to the cheek as his hand comes to soothe El’s back tenderly.
Your brows furrow, looking down at her as she still keeps her face buried. “Hey, you know you can tell me anything, right? You know that I’m always here to listen no matter what, honey.”
Your voice is gentle yet stern, needing her to know that whatever was bothering her was more than valid and she could take as much time as she needed before she felt comfortable talking about it to you.
She pulls away, loosening the hug as her fists came up to wipe away at her tears and nods her head understandingly — she knows you’re always gonna be there for her, that’s why she wanted to come and see you.
You smile a bit, letting your hands come up to grasp her cheeks and swipe away at the stray tears with your thumbs, careful not to tug too harshly on her delicate skin, “Why don’t you sit? I’ll go get you water and some tissues, okay?”
You pat her shoulder, letting Max guide her to the couch as you swiftly head for the kitchen, swinging open the fridge to grab two water bottles. You can feel Steve’s presence behind you, and you don’t blame him for following you and not knowing what to do with a crying teenage girl.
After all, he was an only child.
“Did she say anything else on the drive here?” You murmur, closing the fridge and turning around to see him biting nervously on his thumb as he shook his head.
He pulls open one of your cupboards, retrieving a new tissue box and then looking at you.
“I…I really tried to get her to talk and calm down. Those breathing exercises and whatnot, but maybe I was doing it all wrong—”
He’s panicking as if he did something wrong, which you know he didn’t. If anything, he already did the right thing by following El’s request and giving her space.
You smile fondly, pecking his lips to get him to shut up, which he does so happily. When you pull away, he’s a little more at ease, letting his shoulders relax as you give his chest a pat.
“I’m sure you did great and I’m positive that El appreciates it, but right now she’s really upset and sometimes breathing exercises don’t solve the problem in the moment. But just know you did really good babe, and I’m so glad that you brought her here.”
You give him another kiss before you took the tissues from his hand and head back to the living room where El seemed to calm down a bit. He follows behind you, still standing nearby while you sat between her and Max, offering the brunette the water and resting the tissues in her lap.
She took small sips, gradually draining the bottle before looking at you, “I—It’s about Mike…he made me cry.”
You take a sharp intake of breath, nodding as you’ve been in this predicament when you were her age too.
“Stevie, do you mind running to the store?”
He blinks, nodding his head vigorously because he knows he can do that right. His hands already begin to reach into his pocket as he answers, “Yeah, yeah sure…for what exactly?”
You stand, walking over to him as you explain the long yet very needed list of items.
“Ice cream. Chocolate bars. Frozen Pizza. Popcorn. Coca Cola. And brownie mix.” You list firmly, like he can’t dare to forget anything.
“And twizzlers!” Max adds.
Steve nods, patting his back pocket to make sure he has his wallet, as you mouth “thank you,” to him.
“I’ll be back in twenty.” He promises giving you a peck before he’s out the door and you’re already back on the couch listening as El explains the whole story which confirms your reasoning that Mike is the biggest idiot of all time.
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Steve can see the steam coming from the top of your head as you both sit across from Nancy and Jonathan. The way your fists are clenched under the table and how your knee bounces with every word that comes out of Nancy's mouth.
You’re furious, nearly livid as you turn red.
“He’s just awful! I mean just terrible scum on the bottom of my shoe, if I’m being honest. He dehumanized me in front of everyone and just expected me to stand there and take it.” Nancy is in shambles, about to burst into tears any second now.
You can see her hands shake while she retells her pervious shift of her summer job at the Hawkins Post. She’s about to full on breakdown in the middle of Benny’s and you don’t blame her one bit especially for the way she’s been treated so far. It was supposed to be a fun experience; her pursing an opportunity for something she’s insanely talented and passionate about, but now it was the complete opposite.
She shakes her head, groaning as she rests her head on the table. “I thought this was supposed to be a cool summer job. Now I just feeling like submitting my two weeks and quitting.”
You couldn’t take it anymore.
“Fuck that!” You explode, slamming your open palm against the diner tabletop making a loud noise that got Nancy pulling her head back up.
You look her dead in the eyes, saying your words as firm as you can, “Tom and the rest of those men don’t deserve shit from you, not even a two weeks’ notice.”
Nancy swallows and keeps her eyes on yours that don’t even seem to blink for a second, “You’re too good for them, Nance, and I swear to god, I’m not going to let you walk back in there and get treated like that all over again.”
You point your finger towards Jonathan and Steve, looking as determined as ever with your jaw clenched tight.
“You guys are with me on this, right?”
Both boys don’t even dare to take more than a millisecond to respond. Nodding their heads and sitting up straighter than before.
You nod, letting your hand fall as you reach across and grab Nancy’s, pulling the both of you up and out of the booth, “C’mon, there’s a payphone outside and you’re gonna give them hell.”
“God, I love you.” Nancy thanks you with a relieved smile letting you charge the way towards the outside of the diner.
Steve bites back a smile, patting the top of Jonathan’s palm and tilting his head towards the door. “Let’s go dude, you’re up next.”
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The bed feels too empty, and he was way too much of the blankets over his body, so it’s no surprise when he peeps his eyes open that you're nowhere to be found.
He can see the light from the living room protruding from under the door and faint talking. It’s probably your insomnia again and not wanting to wake him up, but he goes to check on you, anyway.
“It’s gotta be in here somewhere,” you mutter, flipping harshly through the worn textbook pages.
Max groans, flinging her head back on the couch swiping her notebook off her lap. “We should just give up. Let’s face it, I suck at history and I’m gonna fail this stupid midterm.”
From behind the dim corridor, he can make out the stacks of paper scattered across the floor and the coffee mugs that are still steaming on the table.
It’s really late…too late for Max to even be over at this hour when she had school in the morning, but it must be for a good reason.
“You’re not stupid, Max.” You claim, slapping the textbook shut and sitting crisscrossed in front of her.
She sulks and sighs like she presumes you’re lying, but you aren’t.
“You’re so smart and just because you struggle doesn’t mean you’re stupid. I mean look at you,” you gesture at her with a smirk, “you know so much about skateboarding, Dig Dug, and you even know how to drive shift—”
“Wellllll, I almost crashed,” she retorts with a raised brow.
You both share giggle, covering your faces as she goes on about how driving shift was only for people who could multi-task. And Steve stifles his laughter behind a fist he’s biting down on because he doesn’t want to ruin the moment.
You grab her hands and give it a squeeze. “You’re smart, Maxine — whether you want to believe it or not, you’re insanely smart. And no matter what grade you get on the midterm, it’s not gonna define you. Got it?”
She grins, closing her eyes as she gets up and wraps you up in a hug before pulling away and rubbing her hands together.
“We’re gonna find this stupid textbook page and I’m gonna ace that stupid quiz.”
Steve watches in adoration, the both of you beginning to shuffle through the bulky books once again. He’ll be sure to cuddle you extra when you finally come to bed and he’ll grab Max her favorite donut, before he takes her to school in the morning.
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“You don’t find this…weird?” Robin urges while her fingers pull on themselves while you sweep some blush over the apples of her cheeks.
“Nope!” you say, popping the ‘p’ and giving her a reassuring smile.
Steve never thought he’d see you in your prom dress again, the same prom dress you had worn to the prom he took you to. But it’s for a good reason. You’re going to prom again, but this time with Robin.
“Do you find this weird?” She directs the question to him, looking up through her lashes to where he’s sitting across the kitchen table watching.
He purses his lips and shakes his head no, looking as nonchalant as ever as he watches his girlfriend continue the makeup on his best friend’s face.
“I think it’s perfectly fine…what’s the difference between guys taking girls to prom?”
Robin scoffs because she knows she has had this conversation with Steve time and time again.
“A girl taking another girl to prom is like social suicide in our town! Have you met Jason Carver? He’ll probably try to put me into conversion therapy if he sees me on the dance floor with her.”
You frown, withdrawing your hand away from her face while you drop the brush onto the table. It’s a terrifying thought that someone would have to hide who they were because a bunch of people didn’t want to accept that girls could like girls and boys could like boys.
If it’s terrifying for you, you can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like for Robin. Having to hide who she was in order to protect herself against a bunch of grade A asshole.
But you’d be damned if she was going to miss out on her one and only prom night because of them.
Your forehead creases as you begin to speak. “He’s an idiot and if him or anyone thinks that there’s something wrong with you because you like girls then that just shows how close-minded he really is.”
Robin feels like the sister you never had, which is ironic because she and Steve pretty much act like brother and sister. Always bickering and poking trouble at each other, but when it comes down to it, they’re always there for one another.
“Yeah, but what if they try something?” She reveals with uncertainty, “You know, pour punch over us while we’re dancing or make some crude comment—”
Your hands hold her face, not caring that you’re messing up her foundation, but you just knew she needed to hear this.
“Just breathe, Robs…relax, it’ll be okay.” You breathe with her, letting your hands fall from her cheeks to her shoulder as she begins to calm.
“No one is going to hurt you. I’ll stick by your side the entire night and I swear to God if someone tries anything I’ll be throwing the first punch before they can touch you.” You promise, gripping her shoulders reassuringly.
The protective side jumps out of you when it comes to people you love, but your heart has a special place for Robin. Out of everyone, Robin hates confrontation, and so do you, but the only difference is Robin hangs her head low and is the bigger person, walking away and not wanting to escalate it.
You’re the exact opposite of that, so when you heard that Robin was getting teased for not having a date to prom but not wanting to go with a guy, you didn't hesitate to volunteer yourself to accompany her. Prom is something she’s been looking forward to, and you weren’t going to let anyone ruin that for her.
You swallowed, giving her a comforting smile as you pour your heart out to her because she deserves to hear it.
“You deserve to go to this and have a blast without feeling like you’re a problem, because you’re not. You’re human like everyone else and if they have a problem with whom you show up with, then they’re. the. problem.”
It’s a genuine smile, her eyes glazed with a layer of tears she’s struggling to hold back. Her lips are quivering and you can feel her blood run warm under your touch.
“I’m trying really. really. really hard not to blink because I don’t want to mess up my mascara.” She chokes, biting her lip.
You gasp, reaching over the table for Q-Tips as you gently press the cotton into the inner corners, demonstrating for her to blink as it soaks up the salty tears.
The two of you are laughing now, having Robin make a comment about how she was already crying like a baby and the night didn’t even begin yet.
“You’re the bestest,” she declares, chuckling tenderly as you gently swipe the swab over her waterline collecting the remainder of tears.
Being careful, you press a light kiss to her cheek, “You’re the bestest of the best because you’re taking me to prom…making me feel young again!” you quip, nudging her arm with your elbow.
Steve finally speaks, scoffing as he begins to get up and head towards something in the living room, “We’re only two years older than her,” he calls out behind him.
“Yeah…old.” Robin replies with a snort while you shake your head and stifle your laughter.
He comes back not even a minute later with the polaroid camera in his hands. “Shut up and pose for the camera, Buckley.”
Safe to say, he captures all the behind-the-scenes photos of you two getting ready for prom. Even makes the both of you do those corny poses and proceeds to label each one with prom ‘86 while he waits patiently in the parking lot for prom to end.
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It’s a party. A big self care, junk food, Madonna blasting party.
The video games were long abandoned in the Wheeler basement as the boys couldn’t stand to hear the singing and especially the dancing coming from above them any longer.
They felt like they were missing out and they sure were.
“Are the face masks really necessary?” Dustin grumbles standing in the middle of the living room looking less than pleased.
Erica smirks wickedly, bowing her head as she turns over her shoulder where you’re doing something with El’s hair — weaving glittery strands of neon hair within the roots.
“So are the tinsels, so hurry up and get in line.” Erica demands popping open the jar of clay mask mixture.
Steve’s pretty much accustomed to all of this, beside the glittery tinsel. You and him have self care nights once a week and it’s pretty relaxing if he does say so himself so he doesn’t mind that he’s the first one to step up and get his face lathered in the detoxing mask.
By the time the shimmery green tinsel is nested in his hair, El and Max take over your job having too much fun yanking on the guys hair and making their Friday night miserable.
You and Steve are cozied up on the recliner, watching the movie play over the slight hisses and curses of the kids. It isn’t long after that Steve spots a tiny figure lingering in his peripheral.
He sits up, looking closer as they come more into the light, “…Oh, hey, Holls.”
She’s wrapped up in her favorite blanket, the thick fabric nearly weighing her down as she waddles closer. You shift against him, smiling as you wave over the girl. She approaches you both wearily, not knowing if she’s allowed to be up this late.
“Did you have a bad dream?” You propose gently, brushing a stray hair behind her ear as she shakes her head and lowers the blanket from where it’s covering her mouth.
“Nuh-uh, just couldn’t sleep.” She replies sadly, wiping her tired eyes because though she’s only five, she knows how precious sleep is.
You pout just as wistfully, standing up and offering her a hand, which she gladly takes.
“Wanna put some pretty tinsel in your hair?” You suggest, showing her the strand of pink that is in your hair. She looks amazed, like you have superpowers and she desperately wants the entire rainbow scattered all over her head.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in bed?” Mike retorts, sneering over at Holly as she furrows her brows, giving him a mean mug that shows she’s less than intimidated by her older brother.
Steve whistles sharply, snapping his fingers, “Shut it, Michael. Don’t you have some zits to be treating?”
Mike doesn’t try to rebut, instead rolling his eyes and crossing his arms like an upset little boy put in timeout. Steve thinks this is what he gets for making El cry like that a few days ago, and he’s not sorry one bit.
Nancy reaches forward, rubbing her little sisters back affectionately, “You can stay up but just as long as you don’t tell mom and dad, alright?”
The girl beams widely, feeling more awake than she has been for the past hour. “Kay!”
It’s a sight, watching you carefully weave the rainbow strands of tinsel throughout her head of hair. It’s only a matter of time before the girls created their own little circle within the living room gushing over Barbie dolls and everything else while the boys just sat and watched.
But Steve is doing way more than watching…he’s admiring. Especially you. The way you make all his friends feel comfortable, but especially the way you make all his female friends feel loved and appreciated.
He’ll never really fully understand this whole womanhood thing, but he knows that it’s special. The bond you have with them means everything to you and your friendships that you have with each and everything single one of them is special.
It a girls girl world and he’s just living in it…he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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💌 reblogs, tags, comments, + likes are greatly appreciated! leave a comment and let me know if want to be added to my taglist!! 💌
a/n: i saw the Barbie movie a few weeks ago and it completely broke me down into full tears at the movie theater. i had this concept of a girls girl fic/blurb for a while but just needed more inspiration to get it done. it's not easy being a girl then following that up by going through womanhood -- there are so many complex things about it that i cannot even begin to go on about rn because i'll probably cry. i just hope you know that im incredibly proud of each and every single one of you. it's okay to cry and be vulnerable. feel things for what they are and take the time to understand where they are coming from. be there for the people you love and be kind to the people you meet in passing. take the time to enjoy life and reflect on how far you've come. and in the wise words of Dr. Taylor Alison Swift, "So make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it. You've got no reason to be afraid."
taglist: @translatemunson @kennedy-brooke @manda-panda-monium @tvserie-s-world @givemeth @steveharringtonswife @astolenkiss @loving-and-dreaming @awkotaco24 @engenelxver @elfiaaaa @pbs-theundeadmaggot @johnricharddeacy @gaysludge @scoopshxrrington @micheledawn1975 @ihatepeanutss @bakugouswh0r3@arunabrak
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cagesofgold · 10 months
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eren jaeger headcanons <3
🎵teenage fever - Drake 🎧
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His favorite way to unwind is to play with your hair. Due to having longer hair himself he’s grown accustomed to the different skill sets required to craft different hair styles, and actually, is really good at it. His fingers are lithe and nimble and are able to weave through strands with ease.
He drives an all black car with tinted windows, and has a polaroid of you in a photo booth with him on your first date in a plastic case hanging from his rear view mirror.
he also always makes sure to keep your favorite snacks in the car, as he’s a guy who’s bound to text you at 2am asking bout some “you up for a drive?” 💀
in terms of tattoos despite popular belief, i personally think he’d keep it on the minimal side. He’d maybe have some on his arms - or a sleeve, but he likes to keep them tidy. Although, he is one of those guys that would have that tiktok thirst trap spider on his chest or adjacent to his v line…..
this mf smells gooooood, he’s so paranoid about smelling bad because of Jean saying he smelt like a burning pile of bodies in high school and hasn’t been able to shake the fear since.
despite not being overly adorned in tattoos he does like piercings. He’s got about five on his ears and has a nose piercing but he always forgets about it.
loves reality shows. A few months into your relationship he noticed you watching them and acted with his full chest that he had no interest, yet as the weeks rolled by he somehow got closer and closer to the couch and before you knew it he was fully shouting over Lisa Rinna. (You’ve also seen him following over 30 housewives from the different shows on instagram…)
cannot stand metal music because he spent his entire childhood covering his ears from where it bled from under Mikasa’s door. (Otherwise he’d probably enjoy it)
he’d dress quite simply, mainly with blacks and whites and would sometimes mix and match with some red or green, but i don’t think he’s as ambitious as some of his friends fashion wise, but he still looks good as hell.
his favorite holiday is with out a doubt halloween, is some of this because he spent so long as a child building the most elaborate scares for the kids on his street? maybe. but he also likes autumn as a season so that has something to do with it.
doesn’t get along with his dad too well but is a total mamas boy. He visits her at least twice a month considering they live in different cities.
is a cat person, but when he was younger he liked dogs more as according to him they were “much radder” - his own words 💀, but as he got older and became more subdued he developed a preference for cats.
has anxiety that he manages to hide, he wasn’t used to being comforted and it took a while for him to fully open up to you.
despite smoking weed with Jean and connie almost every other day he still makes a dramatic scene any time Zeke lights a cigarette around him, i’m talking coughing and clutching his chest, Zeke’s standing there like this 🧍‍♀️waiting for him to stop his fucking shenanigans.
if you want to go out with Eren Jaeger prepare to be a victim of the sassy man apocalypse, because my god, this man is relentless, and the SIDE EYE on this mf is ridiculous. He could knock down an army with his sass alone.
takes good care of his hair, oils it twice a week and does hair masks in order to keep it soft and shiny. He can’t have his gorgeous girl going out with some guy with brittle, greasy ass hair…
goes to the gym but doesn’t like it very much. he goes most days for at least an hour but never posts gym pics on his instagram or anything, he just has no interest apart from maintaining his body.
cannot sleep without you. he can try, sure, but he’ll never be successful. Before you both decided to move in together he was at your house every night, nuzzled against your body with light breaths slipping from his lips, which sparked the conversation, why not just move in, you’re here everyday anyway?
tends to bottle things up, and if something is bothering him you will have to work it out of him slowly…but he’s trying, for you he’s trying.
his lock screen is a photo of you asleep against his chest, he just thought you looked so peaceful.
gets embarrassingly competitive in just dance, threw a Wii at Connie once because he made him lose a perfect score on timber.
finally, he loves stargazing, especially with you. He’ll take you out to a deserted street, a bag full of snacks and a joint as you both lay on the hood of his car, chatting about whatever comes to mind, and it’s at those moments, when his eyes focus on the slope of your nose and the shape of your mouth, that he feels a warmth inside him he’s never felt before. <3
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trashpandato · 9 months
“In hindsight, I probably should have known what it meant,” Alex groans, bringing both hands up to cover her face. “I made sure that I only hung up the posters that had Kristen Stewart on them.”
Kara remembers all those posters, the too pale boys possessively flanking the movies’ main female character. She’d always wondered why Alex was so into the Twilight series; they were all just…so bad. Now it made more sense.
“Aw, babe,” Kelly teases, “let me know if you want me to reenact any of your teenage dreams about biting. I’m game.”
Alex groans again, but this time it’s accompanied by a bright blush. 
Laughter fills the room. They’ve been sharing stories about their first significant celebrity crushes for the last few minutes, the board game temporarily abandoned in front of them.
Kara has learned that Nia had a thing for Keanu Reeves after watching that bomb on a bus movie one too many times, but that she also “wouldn’t have kicked Sandra Bullock off her bed”, as she put it. 
Brainy mentioned that he went through a rather intense phase of trying to learn more about Earth culture, specifically American pop culture, and that he got stuck on the OG Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter, for a while. Not a bad choice, Kara thinks while Nia jokes that she’d be more than happy to tie him up with a lasso. 
Kelly then rattles off a few actors that Kara thinks were on the L Word, with a particular emphasis on Jennifer Beals. Kara half expects Alex to make a joke about Flashdance, but instead, Alex simply leans into Kelly and presses a soft kiss to her cheek. 
When they get to Kara, she has to disappoint.
“I don’t think I have anything to offer here. Not really.”
Alex hums. “The posters on your walls were all images from the Hubble telescope. I mean, I know you liked NSYNC for their music, but I don’t think you ever swooned over any of them. Not really. There was definitely a mental love affair with Lilo and Stitch, though.”
When Alex mentions the Hubble images, Kara feels a cool pale hand slip into hers to give it a short squeeze. It’s brief, a quick show of support, but it means everything to Kara. She turns to Lena and smiles gratefully. At the same time, the attention of the rest of their friend group shifts to Lena as well.
But Lena just shrugs. “I definitely wasn’t allowed to hang up any posters in the Luthor mansion.”
“Yeah, but what about boarding school? Come on, Luthor,” Alex probes, “you can’t tell me there wasn’t a ton of celebrity gossip going around at an all-girls school.”
“Oh there was gossip alright. I can’t say I ever really knew what it was about, though. I didn’t really watch movies or TV growing up, so most of the names the girls were talking about meant nothing to me.”
This time, it’s Kara who squeezes Lena’s hand. She knows that Lena doesn’t like to talk about what growing up was like for her. She doesn’t like the pitying looks, or the constant assumptions that just because her family was rich, Lena must have had everything she ever wanted. But before the mood in the room turns too gloomy, Lena sits up a little, a small smirk on her face.
“So maybe I was a bit of a late bloomer that way. I would say I had my first real celebrity crush in my early 20s.”
That gets everyone’s attention.
“Oh really? Who was it?” Nia asks gleefully.
“Well, I was still in Metropolis at the time. But I had watched them on TV, followed their budding celebrity status.”
Lena pauses for a moment before she turns to face Kara more fully.
“And then I gave Jack Spheer an impassioned speech about why I had to move to National City, about how important it was to me to be the Luthor living in the same city as Supergirl. I believe I even said I wanted to share my home with her.”
There’s a stunned silence in the room for a few seconds before Alex barks out a laugh.
“Really? Your celebrity crush was Supergirl?”
And Kara considers if she should intervene, tell Alex to lay off on the heavy teasing she knows is going to happen now, but Lena is looking at her and she’s still smiling, calm and confident, and Kara simply smiles right back.
Lena chuckles, her eyes never leaving Kara’s. “Of course it was. I mean, have you seen that skintight suit and very, very short skirt she was in at the time?”
“Ugh,” Alex huffs, “I didn’t need to hear that. That’s my sister you’re talking about.”
Lena shrugs again. “You asked, I answered.”
And then she leans in and kisses Kara and Kara makes a mental note to figure out how to send a message to Winn into the future to thank him for his incredibly “male gaze” costume design for her first Supersuit. 
(She does very much prefer the pants these days, though.)
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sleepinthrumyalarms · 2 years
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— protective instincts
pairing: wednesday addams x fem!oni!reader
warnings: graphic descriptions of violence, spoilers
summary: a full blood moon brings out the worst in oni demons: anger, jealousy, and extreme protectiveness over what is theirs
word count: 2.5k
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It was late evening as the (h/c) – haired demon stood in her bathroom, hands on the sink as she looked down, gaze unfocused. Her head hurt badly, and there was weight behind her eyes as she raised her palm to rub at them, hoping to ease the pain.
The night of the Full Blood Moon came faster than she was prepared for, and her body felt all sorts of aching in unpleasant kind of anticipation. Because of her condition, the demon was one of the few people in the campus not assigned a roommate – and, while it did get lonely sometimes, she knew it was a necessary precaution. But still, she felt… isolated. As if a ruthless beast in need of a personal cage, lest she hurt anyone around her.
In her palm (Y/n) clenched an accessory adorned by a rope-like lace. It was a golden dragon pendant, eyes of rubies glistening in the light, toothy maw wide open as the snake-like creature wrapped its tail around itself. Her father gave it to her when the girl was younger, a protective charm with a purpose to lessen the fury that burned in her heart every Blood Moon. A symbol of wisdom, immortality and metamorphosis.
The demon stared at the pendant in her hand, tracing the outline of the dragon’s scales with a clawed finger, lost in thought.
She found it weird how she had never seen her father wear one of those during Full Blood Moons before. Like she was the only one in need of restraint.
(Y/n) sighed and put the charm on, taking a quick look at herself in the mirror. Her chest felt heavy, and not because of the golden trinket now adorning her being. The oni had always put her trust in her intuition and feelings rather than logic and cold calculation, and it had never failed her before. At least she believed so. She knew a person who probably wouldn’t agree.
(Y/n) didn’t want to be there. She wanted to be with Wednesday, wherever the grumpy girl was at the moment. They didn’t even have to do anything – simply being in her presence brought (Y/n) so much serenity that she wished she never had to leave the ravenette’s side.
Maybe Wednesday would play the cello for her. The demon loved watching the other girl play, how concentrated her gaze was, how her perfectly manicured fingers moved on the strings with swan-like lightness, producing grand tunes that bore a piece of the girl’s personality in its melody.
The oni’s eyes glistened, and she looked out the window – it was time to go. The (h/c) – haired girl left the bathroom reluctantly to grab her silk haori off the chair and put it over her naked shoulders and, mumbling a short prayer under her breath, moved to exit her room.
When the girl opened the door, she was greeted by the sight she had least expected – Thing, standing at her doorstep, and (Y/n) flinched, startled at the way she had almost stepped on the poor guy.
“Thing?” She raised her eyebrows, crouching in front of the appendage, “Not that I’m not happy to see you, but… are you alright?”
Thing began to sign hurriedly, his digits shaking as he tried to explain his sudden visit.
“Dude, slow down, it’s bad when you’re stuttering,” the girl scolded as gently as she could, now on her full guard at the hand’s uncharacteristic behavior, “Wednesday is… what? Where?”
Thing signed again, and (Y/n) didn’t waste any more time to grab him, letting the hand take perch on her shoulder before starting out of the room.
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Wednesday ran through the dark forest, breath staggering. She could barely make out the path, stumbling over twigs and boulders, but never slowing her pace down. The girl knew she had to make it to the school, and that she had to do it quick. Even though she didn’t have anything against arson commitment, and, more importantly, encouraged it, and on a teenage prison no less, this was a different case. There were people she cared about. Friends she’d do anything to protect. And someone who she’d risk her life for, as cheesy as it sounded.
Near-death experiences really could change one’s life, the ravenette guessed.
As she came to a clearing of the forest, a dark silhouette appeared from behind a tree trunk, and, stopping in her tracks, Wednesday had to squint to let her eyes, not used to the pitch blackness around her, recognize the person blocking her way.
“Thornhill said you were dead.” Tyler mumbled incredulously, staring down at Wednesday with a frown.
“I’m feeling much better now.” Wednesday deadpanned in reply, eyes wide open and on alert, body frozen in place as she watched the young man walk over to her.
“You’re like a cockroach,” he seethed through gritted teeth, grabbing the much shorter girl by the lapels of her suit.
Wednesday didn’t flinch, looking up at Tyler with the same amount of hatred in her eyes, “This will not end well for you.”
As the man stared down at Wednesday, his face started to morph, skull deforming and eyes ugly and protruding as his bones shifted, and the ravenette fell down on the forest floor.
Now two feet taller than before, Tyler’s body tore the clothes he wore, and he growled, his back bending unnaturally, huge clawed hands almost reaching the ground. Standing back up on her feet without tearing her gaze away from the monster, Wednesday realised she might have spoken too soon.
With a sharp twist of his long arm, the hyde grabbed at her neck, and the girl’s back hit a stump painfully as she clawed at his huge hand, desperate to get out of his choking hold to no avail. As the monster raised his free arm over his head, talons ready to deliver the final strike, a loud roar tore through the midnight air.
A force equal to that of a charging bull rammed into the hyde’s side, sending him flying away into the trees. Wednesday fell down, taking big fulfilling breaths into her aching lungs before looking up.
A creature twice the size of the monster that was standing over her a few moments ago now towered in his place, broad shoulders rising and falling as it breathed heavily. Huge horns were sticking out of its head, and its disheveled (h/c) hair shined in the moonlight like an animal’s fur, pointed ears flicking in the wind.
The being turned its big head to look at Wednesday, and the girl instantly recognized the (e/c) slitted eyes glowing in the dark.
“…(Y/n)?” She whispered.
The demon’s tusks were now as big as to not let her lips close around them properly, steam coming out from the gap and out of her snout. Her gaze slid down the bloody streak on Wednesday’s forehead, and she growled, rage boiling under her grayish skin.
She turned back to the hyde who seemed to had come back to his senses, shaking his head and looking up at the intruder, baring his sharp teeth at the demon. (Y/n)’s huge mouth slowly opened impossibly wide with a low intimidating growl, saliva dripping down her tusks, gaze furious under her furrowed brows.
Oh, she was mad.
The oni lunged at the monster with a snarl, knocking him off his feet, her sharp claws tearing into his face, and the hyde howled from the pain, trying to push the demon away with his legs. He drove one of his taloned hands into her side, piercing the meat and muscle there, but (Y/n) didn’t budge, seizing the hyde’s arm still buried between her ribs in a grip strong enough to break the bone in half, and grabbed at his upper jaw, claws digging into the roof of his mouth, before throwing him further into the forest and away from Wednesday who watched the scene with astonishment, frozen.
But she quickly realised that the demon was giving her a chance.
For the first time in her life, the ravenette felt genuine fear creep up her neck. She was afraid to leave (Y/n) in the dark forest, forced to fight the hyde all by herself. While Wednesday was aware that the oni was in her element under the red light of the Blood Moon, her heart ached immensely.
A loud growl tore her out of her thoughts, and, sparing her last glance at the hurricane of teeth and claws a few feet away from her, the girl turned around and ran as fast as her feet could carry her.
Please, be careful.
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To say that (Y/n) was angry would have been an understatement. She was furious, blood threatening to boil over in her veins as she tore at the monstrous creature in front of her, claws and teeth and fists almost not enough to satisfy the deep aching feeling in her guts.
How dare you?
Who do you think you are?
Did you think you could get away with this?
The image of Wednesday’s bloodied face, contorting under the hyde’s grip, flashed in front of the demon’s eyes again, and the golden pendant dangling on her neck did little to soothe her wrath as she clawed at Tyler’s face, carving deep wounds that would surely leave nasty scars even in his human form.
It was the first time she had ever seen the ravenette so helpless. She didn’t like the way it made her feel.
So (Y/n) tore, bit and clawed until she was satisfied. Until the monster was almost rendered to a bloody pulp, laying on the ground, motionless but still breathing.
For a split second, a pleasurable idea of burying her claws into the hyde’s ribcage to tear his still beating heart out coursed through the demon’s mind, hazy with fuming wrath. But she held back. She wasn’t a murderer, unlike him.
The Blood Moon illuminated (Y/n)’s body, muscles shifting under the oni’s skin as she stepped away, breathing uneven, and let out a loud roar that scattered across the whole forest, announcing her victory.
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It was over. Crackstone was defeated, and Nevermore was finally safe, no longer haunted by the bloody past of the Jericho city. All of the outcasts breathed with relief seeing Wednesday come out of the front gates, victorious. But there was no rest for the wicked.
Wednesday couldn’t relax.
As Enid ran up to the shorter girl to pull her into a tight embrace, Wednesday’s eyes scanned the crowd, looking for the familiar face of the oni. But she found none.
“Where’s (Y/n)?” She asked, pulling away to look at her blonde friend, who turned her gaze towards the dark forest, not saying anything.
Without a second thought, Wednesday turned to set off into the darkness, but Enid was quick to grab her hand, stopping her.
“Wait. You… you probably shouldn’t.”
The look in Wednesday’s eyes was enough for the werewolf to let her go with a sigh, and the ravenette went past her fellow students and into the forest.
As she walked, she called (Y/n)’s name, dread crawling at her black heart with each step she took and each minute her desperate calls remained unanswered.
She tried to recall the path she took when she ran to the school, looking under every nook and cranny to find the signs of the oni’s presence – a body, anything.
Wednesday felt bitter tears gather in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall, her stride unrelenting. She knew (Y/n) was still out there. She could feel it.
The ravenette felt a tug at her stomach as she heard a painfully familiar voice call out her name.
And there she was. Her demon girl, back to her normal size and horns gone, sitting in the shade of a tree in a far-from-perfect seiza position, her back a bit slouched with exhaustion. Her (e/c) eyes shined in the dark, illuminating her bloodied face in a warm glow, a clear remainder of her demonic spiritual power that was slowly fizzling away along with her anger. Her silk haori was draped over her naked shoulders that were rising and falling with heavy but steady breaths.
“I get it that we won?”
It took Wednesday a few moments, and then she was running towards the oni, falling into her embrace and wrapping her arms around her neck, completely ignoring the sticky red liquid the taller girl was covered in. (Y/n) was quick to return the hug, sitting back against the trunk of the tree to let Wednesday rest comfortably in her lap, bloody claws clutching at the fabric of her suit jacket.
They were quiet. No words needed to be said as Wednesday buried her face in the crook of the demon’s neck, inhaling deeply. She was real, and she was there, alive and breathing, in her arms.
Wednesday pulled away, pale hands on (Y/n)’s cheeks to inspect her face, and the demon leaned into the cold touch, closing her eyes and almost purring. The ravenette gently rubbed at a blood stain under the girl’s eye, smudging her own thumb with red in the process. (Y/n)’s eyes opened, and their gazes met.
“I’m glad you’re okay.” the (h/c) – haired demon whispered, squeezing the girl’s waist comfortingly.
“After that stunt you pulled? Of course I am. Are you hurt?”
“Oh, no. Did you think I was there to save you, silly? What I had with Tyler was personal,” (Y/n) laughed when she felt the smaller girl pinch her thigh reproachfully, “Sorry. Too soon.”
Adjusting her hold on Wednesday, the demon pressed both her hands into the ravenette’s thighs, pulling her closer to herself, “I’m fine. I humbled the guy real quick. He needed that,” she smiled, baring her bloodied canines, “Honestly, you’re underestimating me. A hyde? That’s the weakest thing I’d fight for you. Keep them coming, bring a whole army in –,” the oni wasn’t able to finish her sentence, her mouth pressed against Wednesday’s as the smaller girl pulled her into a kiss, hands on her cheeks to press herself impossibly close.
(Y/n) sighed and melted, the ravenette’s plushy lips against her chapped ones, and Wednesday tasted blood as she pulled away.
“Your overconfidence is going to get you killed one day.”
The demon averted her eyes, and her smile dropped suddenly, grip tightening, “You have no idea how badly you scared me.”
But Wednesday had. She had felt the same fear, after all, like a cold serpent crawling up her body. To her own surprise, she didn’t enjoy it.
“I’m quite notorious in the scaring department,” the girl grabbed (Y/n)’s chin to gently make the demon look into her eyes, “But with you it doesn’t feel an accomplishment.”
(Y/n) huffed through her nose and smiled again, a bit bashfully, and Wednesday’s way with words had never failed to fluster her.
“You didn’t lie. They really were quite big. Your teeth, I mean.”
They stayed like that, basking in each other’s presence, as if having spent many years apart, hearts yearning for one another, and (Y/n) finally felt the serenity she had longed for, in the arms of the person who saw her at her worst and still stayed.
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supernovafics · 1 year
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meeting eyes with steve harrington across a crowded room
wc: 778 words
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
twenty feet, give or take.
that’s how far you and steve were from each other.
however, your eyes still somehow met from across the room. through the throngs of rowdy people dancing to the loud music that was playing and the many others that were yelling over it to be heard by their friends.
he smiled at you and it felt almost second nature to smile back at him.
the two of you hadn’t shown up to this club together. in fact, you had no idea that he’d be here. but that didn’t change how giddy you suddenly felt seeing him.
your “relationship” with him couldn’t even necessarily be considered as such. it was still so early that you hadn’t even told your friends about him yet; it was a precaution for you just in case things suddenly imploded as many of your previous relationships had. a big part of you felt that the relationship that eventually bloomed with steve would be different, but you still felt the need to protect yourself at least a little bit.
he was currently surrounded by his friends, who didn’t notice his eyes were now solely focused on you, and you were with yours, who were also too preoccupied to notice where your attention turned to.
you broke eye contact with him for a brief second, taking note of the dark hallway nearby that seemed secluded and away from all of the chaos that was a staple of clubs in this city. when you looked back at steve, you nodded your head in the direction of the hallway and started moving toward it, hoping that he would pick up on your hint and follow you. which he did.
“hi,” was the word that fell from your lips when the two of you were in the hallway, happily alone.
“hi.” he smiled at you again and even in the near complete darkness he still looked so fucking beautiful to you.
it had been nearly a month since you’d known him and he had come so out of the blue, so unexpected. it was like one day he wasn’t in your life and then the next he was consuming practically all of your thoughts. and somehow you were completely okay with that.
and you didn’t know but the feeling was completely mutual— you were constantly on his mind too.
a song that you didn’t recognize was playing and filling the quiet that was already filled by the look you and steve were sharing that felt like a million things were being communicated right then.
“wanna get out of here?” he asked, breaking the silence.
you were so close to saying yes to him and letting your hand slot in his and have him lead you wherever he wanted to go. but, then you remembered the reason you were at this club in the first place.
“i can’t. i’m here celebrating a friend’s birthday,” you said, feeling genuinely sad that you had to say no to him.
at first, he nodded at your answer but then thought for a brief moment before smiling a bit and saying, “but pancakes from 5th street?”
the mention of the diner that, according to both yours and his strong opinions, had the fluffiest pancakes in the world, pulled at your heartstrings. the two of you had found it two weeks ago and had been there five times already. and you had to admit, they sounded so good to you right then too.
you ignored steve’s question for a moment as you looked around the party, spotting your friends. the birthday girl was currently draped over her boyfriend who must have just shown up. because of that new turn of events, you quickly came to the realization that she wouldn’t notice if you left. and your other few friends probably wouldn’t care as much either because they were too busy having their own fun. and you wanted to have fun with steve; eating pancakes at the diner, sitting on the same side of the booth like lovesick teenagers, and talking until the sun came up. simply the thought of that warmed your insides and made your heart swell.
you knew that probably tomorrow you’d have to finally mention him when your friends eventually asked why you left the club early, and the thought of that future conversation actually didn’t scare you.
“okay, let’s get pancakes,” you ultimately said, smiling up at him. “you know how to win me over way too easily.”
his hand found yours, lacing them together and pulling it up to press a kiss to the back of your hand; you swore you could’ve combusted right then.
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marypaol · 2 months
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One With The Wind
Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader has a fear of heights and doesn’t understand what all the hype about flying around is about, until she asks Fred to show her.
Warnings: Playful teasing? Friends to “lovers”, Acrophobia (fear of heights), that’s all I know of.
Note: For the lovely @marriinachoo -I hope this was enough fluff for you! (And I hope you enjoy it- thanks again for requesting!!)
Request Requirments
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“I still don’t understand how you guys do that.” The girl said while the two flaming haired boys discussed the famous Wizard game every boy and girl wanted to try (besides her.) Putting a spoonful of food into her mouth, she looked up at the two.
The red head in front of her raised an eyebrow in question, and the replica of him did the same, making her laugh.
“Do what?” George asked.
She waved her utensil in front of her as a way to gesture to the two twins.
“You know, climb on a stick and go into the air in intention of beating a ball to other students; potentially killing them.”
The two boys laughed in unison despite her seriousness, so much so you couldn’t tell the difference between them and their laughs. They both smiled wide, the noise of happiness filling her ears as she watched them. Their heads turning to each other, eyes meeting with a mirror image as they only chuckled harder when the other person made a funny face that set them off.
“First off, love, it’s a broomstick, and we’re Beaters. That’s our job: to beat the ball to the other team?” Fred explained with a teasing smile sitting on his lips.
George chuckled. “I thought you’d know that by now. You’ve been dealing with us since First Year.”
The girl rolled her eyes in response at their teasing words despite the blush threatening to rise on her cheeks from the nickname Fred gave her.
“Whatever it’s called, I don’t know why it gets you guys all riled up. I’d rather watch than fly, thank you very much.”
George shrugged her comment off and turned to Lee Jordan who grabbed his attention, but Fred raised his eyebrow at her. Not in a confused questioning way, but in a teasing manner.
“Really? Rather watch than fly? Blimey.”
The last word was murmured, his wild head trying to comprehend the fact that she would rather stand around a bunch of sweaty teenagers and young children than to feel the wind in her hair as the simple yet powerful excitement of completion roared through her veins.
She shrugged in response, finding nothing of it. “I mean, yeah, because I’m too scared to; I could never.”
Fred made a face. “Scared? To fly?”
She nodded sheepishly. “I mean I can’t name a thing that isn’t scary about it.”
Fred scoffed, and since they were at the end of the table, he quickly got up and swiftly moved next to her, their shoulders brushing.
“Nonsense. It’s very exciting, actually.” He assured gently. He then grabbed his plate from the other side of the table, his silverware now in his hands.
He continued to eat as if her fears were simply silly, something so small she was making so big.
She hesitated before asking for conformation. “Really? But you go so….high.” She fought back a shiver when she said the word but her heart failed, the organ in her chest seeming to stagger out of fear just from the thought.
Fred nodded and turned to her. “You do go pretty high, but when you’re playing the game you don’t really think much of it; you’re distracting yourself from the height by doing so.”
She hummed softly, mind taking what he said and turning it over so she could see all the angles.
“So… if I were to go up on a broom and distract myself, then I wouldn’t be as scared as I think I would be?”
Fred shrugged, moving his fork to her plate and stealing a piece of cut up chicken that was there.
“I mean, it might not work for you, ‘cause I don’t even have a thing of heights, but it works for me despite my absent fear.”
She thought about it for a moment. I mean, she trusted the twins; maybe even trusted one more than the other. (Fred.)
So it wasn’t that that was keeping her from asking, rather it was the deep fear of the biggest, most negative solution to come out of it. What if she fell to her death and never saw any of her friends again? She’s too young to die.
She blinked, realizing she was staring into space while thinking such negative thoughts.
Her blink must of re-set her brain, causing her head to turn towards the boy.
“C-could I try for myself and see?”
Fred coughed out pumpkin juice at the sudden question, his mind so used to the comfortable silence they fell into he didn’t expect her to talk again.
“What?” He rasped, patting his chest. She chuckled, picking up her napkin and giving it to him to wipe his mouth.
She watched him do so as she repeated the question.
When she did a small smirk formed on his lips.
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“Yeah, no, I change my mind.”
Fred laughed in the breeze, the noise blessing her ears.
“Come on, it was your choice and you’re in Gryffindor for a reason. Hop on.”
Fred was currently standing on the ground with the broomstick in between his legs, the sand on the Pitch almost covering his shoes.
She shifted, her stomach turning at the thought of leaving the ground but she followed his order despite, legs swinging over the stick and arms wrapping tightly around Fred’s waist.
Her cheeks flushed but she didn’t take the time to recognize it, her chest occupied with a squeezing sensation of fear.
His voice broke out her fear, the soft question falling from his lips so effortlessly, like it was a bird with wings and claws, using them to take her fear and fly it off into the wind, never to be seen again.
Sadly the feeling of courage only lasts for a second because as soon as she nodded softly against his robes, his leg kicked off the sand and they were no longer on the ground.
She bit back a scream but some of it slipped, causing a small squeal to escape.
Fred chuckled but she didn’t hear it over the wind, instead feeling his body shake from the laughter.
“Open your eyes!”
She didn’t want to, but the trust for him was strong so her eyelids fluttered open, the broom coming to slow yet calming pace.
Her cheek was still pressed to his back, but her eyes scanned around her and she was met with the breathtaking view of Hogwarts, the building standing as strong as ever as the wind flooded her hearing.
Her mouth came agape at the sight, her head leaving his back as she turned to look at everything possible, leaving no angle unseen.
“Hey, hold on tight back there.”
She rolled her eyes even though her arms were wrapped around his waist so tight he was struggling to breathe she bet, but she still laid her head back down on his back.
His skin was warm through the fabric, and it wasn’t the reason for the deep flush on her cheeks, traveling to her neck.
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“Rather watch than fly, huh?”
She threw her Quidditch uniform on the floor roughly, despite the background noise of Oliver yelling to put it on so they had time to get out there.
She used the precious time she had to walk an over and give Fred a well deserved slap on the arm, his beautiful laughter once more filling her ears.
-I hoped you liked it! 💕🥺
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February Monthly Recap
I had a lot of fics this month. Every one of these deserves a dedicated post of its own but in the interest of efficiency this roundup will have to do!
Uptown Girl by orphan_account (Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain), 60k, Case Fic, Friends to Lovers Stephanie Brown has three problems: a supervillain father with a deadly scavenger hunt in the works, a mysterious rich girl who's way too interested in her life, and one really, really painful hobby. Alternatively: a different kind of Spoiler origin story.
The Lois Angle by cabezas_de_vaca (gen), 15k, Bruce & Lois Friendship, Case Fic What she had with Bruce was novel, exhilarating. She had fallen in love several times, and that was like a great swoop of a wing, a flash and flush and then long tumble, but this was like a warmth that welled up from within. This was Bruce grappling up to her thirtieth story Metropolis apartment, stowing the Batsuit in the bathroom, and watching StarTrek with her. This was her driving to the manor when she couldn't sleep, only to find she could do it there. This was having a friend. Or: Despite the long shadow Batman casts and the demands of being one of the youngest Pulitzer winners ever, Bruce and Lois manage to steady each other, in the way that only friends can. Also, there's a case they need to solve. 
the scientific method by orphan_account (gen), 20k, Sibling Bonding, Duke-centric 5 stupid ways Duke's siblings discovered how his powers worked, and 1 time he figured it out for himself. "You have no idea," Dick said. "I had to live through all of their teenage years. They were each independently obsessed with Mythbusters at separate points in their life. I'm pretty sure Cass and Tim have wanted a meta to experiment on since they were 14, but Bruce always said no."
Meet Me Where You're Going by Hinn_Raven (Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain), 68k, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining When things get complicated in Hong Kong, Cass requests help from Batman Inc. Unbeknownst to her, Bruce dispatches not one of her brothers, but Stephanie Brown, who Cass has not spoken to since she gave up the Batgirl mantle. Steph is eager to reunite with her best friend, but things between them are complicated. Not the least of the problems is the fact that Steph might be falling in love… but of course, Cass is straight, so Steph really shouldn’t dwell on that. Friendship and romance, conspiracy and adventure await the two of them as they try to unravel a complicated plot that seeks to stop Batman Incorporated before it can truly begin.
when you move, fall like a thunderbolt by orphan_account (Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain), 5k, Villain!Steph, Canon Divergence In another universe, Stephanie Brown's plans to kill her father aren't interrupted by Batman. Which means nobody stops her from tripping and falling headlong into running her own gang, and then a little more intentionally rising to the top of the underworld. Meanwhile, seeing as Bruce only has one kid who actually wants to carry on the good name, Cassandra Cain takes over as the Batman of Gotham's future. This would be a fine turn of events if it weren't for the fact that they've been dating on-and-off for ten years.
falling without caution by coffeecrowns (gen), 17k, Bad Parent!Bruce, PTSD Jason is twenty, decidedly less into murder, trying to avoid developing agoraphobia, and putting together some pieces into a life. Tim is sixteen, riding the edge of burnout, and in a show of his truly baffling survival instincts, decides Jason is friend shaped. 
MICE ON VENUS by NEOCULTUREDAUS (gen), 3k, Tim & Damian Bonding “Timothy, if this is revenge for me trying to kill you, I need you to know I’m not sorry.” Damian’s eyes were clamped shut, hands fisting Tim’s hoodie so tightly that if Tim tried moving, he simply wouldn't be able to. “I’m not trying to get revenge. And open your eyes, you can’t ride a skateboard with them closed.” Tim patronized, prying Damian’s hands off him, you know, like someone evil who didn’t care for the wellbeing of his younger brother. Or The one where skater Tim takes his artist younger brother graffiti painting
So Sweet Saluteth Me by Lishalalalalala (gen), 7k, Good Dad!Bruce Sleep deprived™ Jason hangs out with Dick then they surprise Bruce at work with early lunch and some love. This fic is inspired by farmers’ markets on those summery days and the belief that if I run fast enough the sad can never catch me. (I mean you are telling me that Bruce Thomas/Alan Wayne wouldn’t be absolutely BASKING in joy if his kids just decided to randomly show up at Wayne Enterprise and pay him a little midday visit? )
to count by miles or days or people (when will i stop missing you) by jcp_sob_rjl_lmep (gen), 22k, Angst, Hurt/Comfort When Duke is kidnapped off of the streets of Gotham on his way back to the Manor from visiting his parents, it sends the entire Batfamily into a panic. With very little evidence to go on and time slipping past them, there's no help coming as Duke is forced to make a grand escape and get himself home before his kidnappers find him once more.
birds and brothers and other assorted synonyms by Ao3time, hoebiwan, quandaries_and_contradictions (gen), 21k, Series, Found Family A Reverse Robin AU in which Damian is a tired older brother, Duke is a ray of sunshine, and Dick is a baby talon.
Emergency rooms and chicken nuggets by Lilac_hyacinth (Bernard Dowd/Tim Drake) 7k “So…” Duke drawled, sounding suspiciously wide-awake for the day shift kid at two-thirty in the morning. “If I said Damian and I are in a bit of trouble, on a scale of Jason to Cass, how likely are you to kill us?” Clearing his throat and rubbing his eyes to try to wake himself up, Tim grimaced. “What the fuck did you do?” “Nothing.” Or Tim and Bernard get out of bed at two in the morning to go across town and pick up Tim's reckless little brothers.
Pick a Pocket Full of Pennies by Trekkele (gen), 24k, Found Family, Fluff, AU-No Powers The life and times of Dick Grayson, unintentional ringleader to a gang of pickpockets, and how he learned to let go and get adopted. Or something. 
Death Before Inaction by hppjmxrgosg (gen), 37k, BAMF Peter Parker, WIP “Fuck off, Nicky.” “Hasn’t anyone ever told you spider-napping is illegal?” “You can’t hold me here, I know my spider-rights.” “God, you guys are so old. What are you? Like 27?” “Scale of 1 to 10, how upset would you be if I told you I banged your mom?” - Or, I got my grubby little hands on the spider-man time line and fucked around a little bit. Not much (everything) changes.
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sixzeroes · 1 year
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moon taeil’s basement is where dreams come true. at least, that’s how it goes for no celestial, a pop rock band on the rise. part-time students, full-time artists—the four of them are booked and busy, their entire souls poured into their musical careers. but what the quartet want more than just fame is a taste of love—something taeil’s basement can’t exactly fulfil.
maybe, college might offer some help.
alternatively, a retelling of my college experiences through a not-very-researched band au because i’m desperate for band!nct </3
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TRACK #01 _ is this song about us?
► eight years ago, you decided to end things with your first boyfriend after agreeing that the relationship wasn’t working. it was heartbreaking, but you got over him with time—or so you thought. your heart is starting to run at an all-too-familiar erratic pace. perhaps, your feelings for him never went away. and perhaps, he’s in the same predicament as you, considering that the band’s latest album is allegedly dedicated to his first love.
pairing. vocalist!renjun x psci-major!reader(f). genres. exes-to-lovers, pop rock band au, university au, non-idol au, tbd.
status. unreleased.
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TRACK #02 _ the mundane things in life.
► you’re a little plain, but it’s not like you really care. there’s nothing wrong with simply living life on do not disturb, low power mode, silent mode on. but some alarm begins ringing in your monotonous lifestyle—and all of a sudden, you’re out on your very first clubbing night, drinking your very first cocktail, listening to a live band for the very first time, and having your very first kiss with the hot drummer in the restroom.
pairing. drummer!jeno x art-major!reader(f). genres. strangers-to-fwb-to-lovers, pop rock band au, university au, non-idol au, tbd.
status. unreleased.
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TRACK #03 _ keeping tabs on lee haechan.
► this is the first time you’ve seen your best friend in love, and to be frank, it’s kind of scary. she’s developed a crush on some guy she slept with who just so happens to be a student in your faculty, too. so, you’re tasked with keeping tabs on her newfound love. no biggie, except for the fact that you’re starting to fall in love with the guy who was lowkey an asshole at first but is now caring and gentle and—wait, he has a twin brother?
pairing. guitarist!donghyuck x bio-major!reader(f). genres. (one-sided) enemies-to-lovers, pop rock band au, university au, non-idol au, tbd.
status. unreleased.
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TRACK #04 _ ditto (hope you feel the same).
► one month, and not once have you seen the face of your student’s guardian. you’re more of a babysitter than a tutor at this point, teaching the teenage girl a few basic survival tips. when you begin to doubt the existence of her uncle, he comes stumbling through the front door, reeking of alcohol. you aren’t sure who you had been expecting, but nothing would’ve ever prepared you for the sweet family guy no celestial’s bassist is.
pairing. bassist!jaemin x econ-major!reader(f). genres. acquaintances-to-lovers, pop rock band au, university au, non-idol au, tbd.
status. unreleased.
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IN A CERTAIN SENSE, MOON TAEIL IS A FATHER TO FOUR YOUNG ADULTS. In the same vein, he’s basically the manager of a pop rock band. Don’t ask him how or why; he’s not too sure either. At one point in his life, he ended up babysitting his younger brother and three of his friends. They must’ve had one hell of a time because afterwards, four little gremlins would show up at Taeil’s bedroom with expectant eyes.
Those four little gremlins are the same ones that have now established a band and utilise Taeil’s basement for all sorts of things. Not only is it their studio, it’s also become their makeshift living space. At least they pay rent through the revenue their gigs bring in.
Club Moonlight is located at the edge of Neo Culture University, amidst a plethora of restaurants that close by ten p.m. It’s a sensation on campus, a must-go-to-at-least-once-in-your-life sort of place. With the nightclub alone, Taeil rakes in a good amount of money. But when No Celestial performs, the income is outstanding.
Taeil, to be frank, is a little worried for the boys. He can’t even refer to them as ‘boys’ anymore, either. They camp out in the basement and live off of cup ramyun whenever Taeil forgets to feed them. But then again, it’s not like they lack survival abilities or social skills. Perhaps, Taeil is just overthinking as a result of practically raising them for nearly fourteen years.
He sighs, setting down the cup he’d been drying for the past ten minutes. In thirty minutes, the club is to open and No Celestial is planning to play a few songs. Taeil looks over at the stage, where the DJ set had been pushed aside for the band’s equipment.
Huang Renjun, the lead vocalist and keyboardist, is busy messing around with his electric keyboard, adjusting the volume to his liking. Taeil is the least worried about him; he’s quite the competent kid who has demonstrated independence on many occasions. Renjun is just…a little too mean to people with his blunt truths. Taeil fears he might end up creating several enemies here and there without actually meaning to.
Lee Jeno, the drummer, is flipping through his music sheets with his lips pressed into a thin line. Taeil is very, very worried about him—not that Jeno is incapable of surviving, but as his older brother, Taeil can’t help but feel nervous at the thought of allowing the kid to live all on his own with no adult supervision. Additionally, Jeno likes to sleep around. Taeil respects the game, but he’s concerned about, you know, STDs and the like.
Lee Donghyuck, the rhythm guitarist, is off to the side with his guitar, plucking the chords and fixing the tune. Taeil is also very worried about him. He’s a smart kid and will probably survive just fine, but he comes from a rich family who are rather dead set on making him a doctor. Donghyuck is also an alcoholic, although the kid firmly denies the accusation. Taeil just hopes that the habit of downing soju will disappear soon.
Na Jaemin, the bass guitarist, is nowhere to be seen. Taeil technically has nothing to worry about as Jaemin is already a legal guardian and has been taking care of his niece for three years now. But the kid is overworking himself to provide for the girl, and it’s evident that the hours spent doing physical labour is taking a toll on his body. Taeil can only pray that graduating will allow him to land a stable career with a hefty income.
The clock strikes ten forty-five. In fifteen minutes, the nightclub will be in full swing, with No Celestial on stage and his employees running around to keep things in order. Taeil scans the bar, ensuring that everything is tidy. He clasps his hands together.
It’s time for another night of fun.
now playing ► no celestial by le sserafim.
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nabi’s note | whaaaat a pop rock band au when i have zero clue as to how bands work??? (dawg could i even count this as a band au it just feels like a college au,,) n e ways i am so so excited to start this series bc it’s a mix of my fantasies and my irl experiences lol we’ll see where this goes 👀 ngl this was supposed to be a university/college au but i really felt the need to make it a band au so i decided to shift some things around to make them a band 😹😹 i am a sucker for rockstar!00line so it was about time i made a cute lil bad boy rockstar band au for the dudes that i’m obsessed with ^^ ik i’ve been lowkey uploading a lot of stuff but i just have sm ideas rahhh i need to get them out asap! also yes this is inspired by le sserafim!! i don’t really listen to them but this song is so good i just had to <3
btw | i’m not too sure yet but depending on the flow of my feelings, these works may contain smut! for now, the series is definitely suggestive, but i might write smut if i feel brave enough lol ^ 
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taglist | @strangevante @bockhyun @matchahyuck @ablackbtsstan @jlsavy @thesunsfullmoon @hwanunjin @loveazri @sundamariis @just-michell @mora134340 @haechology @leleluvss @loevngyuno @rum-gone-why @dandelionxgal​ @byungbyungbaek @littlestarjasmine @iheartchoerry​ @ldhstrap @wonforgyu @lovesuhng @schwizhies @ahnneyong @jenyoonoh @patitotodd @eaglesnotravens @sukistrawberry @haedgaf @vivisoni @shentlngz @haechoshi @minkyuncutie @maeyoung @carelessshootanonymous @hibernatinghamster @1oving-j4em
please send an ask or comment if you’d like to be added to the tag list! <3
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