#I’m feeling really sick if my sister gave me the flu again I’ll kill her
svampira · 6 months
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visionofhope04 · 3 years
Hii I was lowkey wondering if you would do something maybe like a one shot of neglected where reader is older (18-20) and dipped out of the house and became a singer and one of her songs basically exposed them for how they treated reader and in like an interview she full on tells them how she doesn’t even talk to them and like only Jason
This is literally perfect. I love this idea! I was planning on making a singer batsis reader anyway so here you go! I'll be making this part 4 of the series instead of a one shot. There’s a bit of angst. Btw, thanks so much for your support everyone! I'm glad you enjoy this series! Feel free to request anything you'd like besides smut as well!
This is the longest thing I have ever written so there will be a part 5. I planned on this being the last part but it's just so much. It’s not proofread and neither are all of the other parts because I post at 1 am most of the time lol. Hope you like it!
f/n = friend name
Y/G/N = your group name
N/S = news station
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (Current) Part 5
You were sick of it. Sick of how even after confronting them about how you felt and almost dying because of it, they still neglected you. You couldn't wait to move out at the age of 18, even if it proved to be a struggle. You had taken mini jobs since you turned 15 and saved up since then. You just couldn't see them anymore as it would remind you of how they treated you that day at that hospital. None of them apologized either. They just pretended it never happened and continued to ignore you. The media had a field day with speculation of what had happened but eventually stopped because Bruce had claimed it was “just a bad case of the flu” which they believed.
Jason was always the only one that would talk to you. He was the only one that actually cared enough to make sure you were taking proper care of yourself and that you wouldn't have a repeat of what happened. He took you places, spent time with you and gave you advice. You even had a tradition where you'd always meet up at the manor's library every week at the same time that same day every week and just have a mini book club together. He always made time for you and never bailed on you.
So on your 18th birthday, he helped you move out. You managed to rent a small apartment in Star City with the money you had saved up. It wasn’t that close to the manor which was a good thing. The neighborhood wasn’t good but it wasn’t as bad as Gotham’s neighborhoods so you would be fine. You could handle yourself with your assassin training if needed. You also managed to get hired at a cafe which was about a five minutes walking distance from your apartment.
It had taken a while but eventually, you had packed all of your belongings into color coded containers and moved them into Jason’s car with his help. You didn’t say goodbye to anyone as you had no friends to say bye to and you knew that your so called “family” couldn’t care less about what you did with your life. ‘This is it, hopefully the last time I’ll ever be near this place.’ You thought. You didn’t plan on stepping foot in Gotham ever again after you left. It would bring back too many memories you prefer to keep buried away deep inside your mind.
The car ride to Star City was entertaining. You and Jason conversed the whole time, telling jokes and listening to his funny tales with the radio playing softly in the background. Eventually, a song you both loved came on and you both started yell-singing along to the lyrics. You wished those moments could be permanent. You were both so carefree and nothing else mattered besides having fun and enjoying yourselves.
You now stood in the doorway of your new apartment, admiring your new home. Jason and yourself had just finished unpacking all of your belongings. You really liked how it looked and thought you both did an amazing job at designing the place perfectly according to your style. Jason, unfortunately, had to leave in order to avoid raising suspicions. Once you both said your byes, he left you to your apartment.
Jason drove back home in silence. He hated to admit it but he would miss you dearly. You were always there for him and helped him with anything. You tried your best to always comfort him and make him feel better on his darkest days and it would always work. Somehow you seemed to always have the right words to say or knew exactly what to do to help him. Out of everyone he was closest to you. He assumed it was because he could relate to you the most. More so how you felt. He’d felt like the black sheep of the family before you came, and he was. When you came, you took that role from him. It pained him to see how much their insults would affect you, even if you were good at hiding it. He could just tell.
Jason made it back to the manor after a while and went straight to the library. He didn't want to deal with the others. After the whole hospital situation, he'd never really bother interacting with them. He hated how they treated you as if you didn’t exist and hated how much pain they had caused you and that they didn’t even care. He guessed that they'd probably be doing something for Damian's birthday and forgot that you were his twin. They probably couldn’t even remember that Damian had a twin.
He made it to the library and pulled out one of his favorite books. He’d read it so many times you’d often joke that he could probably recite the whole book by heart at this point. Sitting down in a chair, he started to read. However, he couldn’t bring himself to stop thinking about what it would’ve been like if they treated you how they did Damian. The both of you were Bruce’s real children. You both even looked like clones of him! At first, Jason thought you would’ve been the favorite twin due to your personality. Even though you were twins, your personalities were polar opposites. You even refused to kill! You were trained by the League so why didn’t you kill as Damian did?
Jason knew you would benefit them greatly if you joined. You had self control, didn’t kill, could act perfectly, lie perfectly, do well under pressure, and not to mention your skills. Being raised by the League may have been torture, but you managed to gain incredible skills out of it. You could take on at least ten guys who doubled you in size and beat them within five minutes. You even bested Damian in spars and he was supposedly dubbed the “better twin” by Talia, so why hadn’t they let you join their nightly crusades like they had let Damian when the both of you first arrived?
Damian passed by your room but noticed something was off. He decided to take a look. He twisted the doorknob and pushed. The room which was once occupied by you now looked extremely plain and bare, stripped of all of its accessories. The only things left were the bed itself, multiple dressers, and a vanity. It looked as if it had been vacant the whole time. It might as well have been. Damian couldn’t really remember what it had looked like since he’s never paid much mind to it but he could tell there was a drastic difference. He knew that you disliked just leaving your room plain unlike himself and wanted at least something to make it look less boring.
He couldn’t help but wonder what had happened. Had you finally been kicked out by Bruce? Did you get shipped off to a boarding school like he had been suggesting to your father for years? He decided to go ask. He exited the room and closed the door behind him, taking off for Bruce’s office. Walking down the hall, he suddenly remembered that he had seen you leave with Jason. This meant that you were not at a boarding school like he had originally thought. But then why was your room vacant?
Instead of going to see Bruce, he decided to go see Jason and bring up the matter with him instead. He changed directions and headed to the library where he knew he’d find Jason. It was no secret that Jason was a book worm so Damian had a fifty percent chance of finding him there.
He entered the library and was immediately greeted with the sight of Jason sitting comfortably on a chair, legs crossed with a book opened in his hands. Jason didn’t bother to look up from his book as he spoke.
“What do you want Demon Spawn?”
“I’ve come to obtain the whereabouts of my sister.”
“You mean my sister?”
“She’s not your sister!” Damian exclaimed.
“Well I act more like a brother than you do.”
“Where is Y/N? Her whole room is bare.”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”
“Just tell me, you imbecile!” Damian said, growing increasingly frustrated by Jason’s blunt answers.
“She’s not here.”
“Then where is she?”
“Not here.”
“Just tell me already Todd, I have no time for your foolish games!”
“She moved out.” Jason said, giving in.
“What?! Where.” Damian demanded.
“Why would I tell you?”
“Because I demand to know!”
“Okay and?”
“Tell me!”
“Why not!”
“Because you don’t even care.”
“And you do?”
“Yes, I actually do Damian! I’m there for her when she needs me the most. I’m there for her while she’s watching you live the perfect life that she’s just a background character in! While you and the others ignore that she even exists! I’m there for her when she breaks down and has panic attacks! And what were you all doing to try and help her? Nothing! Absolutely nothing!” Jason snapped.
“Y/N’s fine, I know my twin!” Damian screamed.
“Do you even know what her favorite color is?” Jason questioned in a harsh tone.
“...” Was Damian’s reply.
“Exactly! You don’t! You and the others have never cared about her, so why all of a sudden do you care now? You don’t know anything about her so don’t act like you do!” Jason then stood up and walked out of the room in a fit of rage.
Damian stood there, shocked. Had Jason just refused to answer his question? He was about to follow him but decided against it. Why was Damian going to chase Jason down just for her? She was just an annoyance, a mistake, imperfect. He had been wanting to get rid of her for so long, so why doesn’t he feel relieved? Why does he feel guilty? He decided to stop dwelling on it and get on with life. He figured it would happen eventually if it hadn’t happened then.
It had been a year since that day. The day you left your old life behind and started a new life, a better one. One where you weren’t constantly ignored. One where you actually had more than one person care about you. Instead of seeing yourself as a failure and disappointment, you now saw yourself as an amazing person (which you always were). You had been going to a community college in Star City. You made many friends there and started up a music career with three of them.
Their names were f/n, f/n and f/n. You all started off by taking random gigs anywhere you could. You performed covers of songs and would receive standing ovations all the time. Seeing as your group was well liked, you decided to write and produce your own songs. At the age of 19, Y/G/N released their first album. It went viral within a day and everyone was talking about it. After a week, several articles were posted, praising your work. News Stations talked about all the records Y/G/N managed to break. People started to stream it like crazy, and you couldn’t be happier with all the positive feedback you were receiving.
You had been a Wayne once, meaning you had experience in dealing with the media. Since you had already been used to it, you knew you’d all eventually be invited to interviews. So, when you had received an email stating how N/S wanted a one on one interview with you, you weren’t sure how to feel. You weren’t looking forward to interviews with your whole group, let alone one where you would be alone. You knew how unfiltered interviewers could be and didn’t feel comfortable with it.
However, you decided it would be best to go. So here you were, sitting in front of the interviewer in an uncomfortable chair preparing for the interview to start. You had somehow managed to keep a smile plastered on your face the entire time while you were a nervous wreck on the inside. You hoped none of the questions would be sexist as they usually were towards women. However, you had no more time to think about that. You heard clicking, signaling that you were about to go live. Once you heard the last click, you knew you were live and the interview had begun.
“Hello everyone, welcome back to N/S. My name is Jerald Tangleberry and I’m here today with songwriter, singer, and celebrity, Y/N Wayne! How are you?”
You waved to the camera and then answered, “Hello everyone! I’m doing good, how about you?”
“I’m doing great, thanks for asking! So by now I’d assume everyone knows that you’ve released an album with your group. How does it feel to gain more fame?”
“It doesn’t feel any different. Fame wasn’t our goal when we released the album. It was to express ourselves.”
“Mhm, well Ms. Wayne, what inspired you to write songs?”
“Well we know people may be in a tough spot in their life right now and want them to know they aren’t alone.”
“That’s so true. Some fans have been speculating that every member has three songs that specifically relate to them since there are twelve songs in total and three of the songs have the same group member as the introduction part of the song. Is this true?”
“Yes, it is true.”
“So all three of your songs relate to family issues of some sort. Is that hinting that you have family issues?”
“Yes, actually. My family isn’t the best. They ignored me all the time, even when they weren't busy. The only person who didn’t was Jason.”
“You’re saying it in the past tense.”
“I moved out about a year ago. When I was around 14, I suffered from anorexia. My family would always ignore me since they were either busy doing work or hanging out with each other. The only family member that acknowledged me was Jason. I assumed it was because there was something wrong with me. I started to hate myself so much to the point of starvation. One day, I passed out right before a gala and my oldest brother Dick found me passed out on the floor. They took me to the hospital and when I woke up, Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian started fussing about how I’d ruin their image if the media knew what actually happened. They started to yell at me and told me how I was a useless burden. I started to have a panic attack so I kicked them out. Jason stayed behind with me and comforted me. Ever since then I made a planed to save enough money so I could move out when I turned 18, which I did.”
“Oh, wow. So Jason was the only one who interacted with you?”
“Looks like the Wayne family isn’t as perfect as they seem.”
“No family is actually perfect.”
“Did your family try contacting you at all after they found out about Y/G/N?”
“Not yet. They’re probably too busy or don’t care.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“It’s alright, I got over it. What’s the next question.”
“Oh-” He cleared his throat and continued the interview. (So basically I don’t wanna bore you all lol)
Jason had woken up late into the afternoon that day. Patrol that morning had exhausted him. There was a huge breakout at Arkham they had assisted with. They successfully locked up every escapee, so today, Jason just wanted to relax until it would be time for patrol again. Even though he was exhausted, he knew he couldn’t take a break. The others wouldn’t and it would be unfair to them if he did.
He headed over to his couch with his phone and a bowl of popcorn in hand, ready to watch random movies the entirety of the day. He set down his phone on the coffee tables and grabbed the TV remote. When he turned on the TV, he almost dropped the popcorn and remote. You were sitting on a chair, giving an award winning smile while you politely answered the man’s questions. He was baffled. He didn’t know why you were being interviewed, let alone on TV at all! You made it clear you didn’t want to have any relations with your family any longer and you couldn’t stand publicity, so what were you doing?
He placed the bowl down and snatched his phone off the table. Unlocking his phone, he quickly dialed your phone number. However, he realized that the interview was live and that he would be interrupting it if he called you then. Deciding to wait, he placed his phone back down, picked up the bowl, and then got comfortable.
Tag list: @fake-id-69 @pepelachanel @loxbbg @what-0-life @yoongi-holland @omnivorousfangirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @sexysamsungl @iceddonuts @buginetye @portrait-ninja @azazel-nyx @alculai
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mac-kd8 · 3 years
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                                                 Law x pregnant readers
Waking up, (Name) only felt tired as if she hadn't slept in months.  She  just blamed it from the late nights of working and nothing else. Not even realizing when she woke up it was already in the afternoon and the Heart Pirates were currently eating in the galley.
With a loud groan (Name) took off her Pj's and walked into the shower, she gasped slightly when the water presser felt a little more sensitive on her chest than usual.
(Name) shrugged it off, thinking it was because she was still healing from the last battle she took part of, so she didn't think much about it. Propping herself next to her captain like she always does, she quietly ate her late lunch while trying to keep her eyes open. Law being the observant man he is, grew quite worried about his beloved wife acting so fatigue. "Are you alright?" Law asked, trying to act he wasn't concerned. She only nodded before face-planting into her food with a loud smack. No one panicked or thought it was something to worry about, guessing (Name) was just having a narcoleptic attack.
Later that day, (Name) was currently laying on her bed while reading a book. Feeling like she was about to throw up, she put down her book next to her and quickly opened the bathroom door. She then puke out all of her lunch and maybe last night dinner as well into the toilet. Wipeing her mouth, (Name) then headed toward the sink to splash some cold water on her face.
Feeling a familiar presence, (Name) then turned her head to where Law was currently standing with a worried expression on his face. "Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, I guess it's just a little food poisoning." (Name) said while scratching the back of her head.
"Alright but let me know when it gets worse."Law stated as he exited the bathroom.
(Name's) heart almost escaped from her chest when the submarine started shaking and yellow lights started flashing. Running onto the deck she could already see a battle taking place with men in white and blue uniforms on one side and men in colorful hats and white overalls on the other side. Unsheathing her twin katanas, (Name) then started cutting one marine after another but for some strange reason she already felt like she was out of energy. 20 minutes into the battle, with a large pant for air she finishes off the last of the marines before wobbling back to the submarine's doors.
"Damn why am I already out of breath, those marines were just small fries. My training methods haven't changed one bit, why do I feel so weak. "(Name) muttered to herself in annoyance.
(Name) only pushed her food around on the plate, hardly nibbling then she looked around the room. Everyone was so cheerful and she couldn't help but smile.
"Not eating much I see." Law commented, leaning over to whisper in her ear. Not like he needs to, over the usually loud noise that the Heart Pirates made at each meal.
"I'm just not hungry." She responded.
"Strange and I thought for someone who was out of breath just by fighting a few marines would be starving." Law stated in a matter-of-factly tone.
"Is it not to your liking, (Name)?" The head chef asked, catching sight of Law's actions.
"It's good. I'm just not hungry right now"(Name) said as she pushed back the plate.
"I'll put it in the fridge until you feel like eating again,"The chef said as he scooped up her plate of uneaten food.
"Do you need to lie down again?" Law asked her again for the third time today.
"I'm okay."
"Could I get some orange juice though?"(Name) sweetly asked the cook.
Then immediately , the crew got back to their usual antics paying no mind to (Name's) odd behavior.
She got to her feet while squeezing Law's shoulder gently. "I'm going to read a book." She said before taking a sip of the juice.
She was hoping that it was simply a case of stomach flu and not something alot more serious.
(Name) was once again in the bathroom and vomiting all of what she ate yesterday, which was not that much. (Name) felt terrible , as would anyone in these types of situations would, however, she still didn't want to bring the matter up. Luckily, Law hasn't woken up from his deep slumber , which made her sigh in relief. Slipping back into bed, she then let her eyelids close as she slept all the way through the afternoon again.
Then that cycle of having no appetite and vomiting lasted for this day as well, which made Law start to worry even more about his wife.
"(Name)!" She picked up her head by the ship's railing in surprise as she heard her name being called by Penguin. Her stomach hadn't seemed to settle, and now she is throwing up into the sea.
She then turned her head to the mechanic, trying her best not to look sick.
Penguin walked up to (Name) getting rather closer, causing (Name) to become nervous.
"You look pale." Penguin commented.
"I haven't been feeling well the last few days Penguin. So I'm probably a bit pale." (Name) stated .
"You're sick (Name)?" questioned Shachi. (Name) nodded her head, however quickly realized what she had brought up.
"I'm only slightly sick, just a little headache. Really."
"You sure (Name)?" Law asked as he walked up to the swordswoman, worried about her health.
She then gave a reassuring thumbs up to everyone to show that she was okay. Though internally, she was kicking herself for lying to the crew, even more so to her trusting and loving husband. The crew soon believed the lie as they continued with their day, however, Penguin, Shachi, and Law didn't seem to be convinced, so they kept an eye on her.
"Damn it, damn it, damn it." (Name) thought as she ran to the bathroom for the third time this week. She still was getting lucky with Law having once again already left their room or sleeping, but she knew that it was only a matter of time before they really began to be suspicious.
"This will pass. This will pass."(Name) kept telling herself furiously as she finished with her recent vomiting episode. She picked herself up, taking in deep breaths trying to settle her stomach. As she looked into the mirror, she noticed that she is even paler than yesterday.
Putting on a brave face, she then walked out of the bathroom and went onto the deck.
"Land ahoy!" Shachi shouted as he pointed at the piece of land.
All of the Heart Pirates gather around the railing in a disorderly long line, and lean over it, while watching the island they were about to dock. They had docked at a unique island well-known in the areas as vicious wild blood thirsty animals live there.
"Yahoo, a new adventure!" (Name) said happily before walking off the submarine's plank. As she got closer and closer onto the island, she felt someone grabbing her shoulder.
"I think it's for the best if you stay back in your current state."Law stated with a worried look on his face.
She only shrugged his hand off. "I'm fine, I feel a lot better today."
Before Law could protest, (Name) had already made her way onto the island.
And then she left, not running, but walking kinda in a slow pace into the forests.
After some time had passed, both Penguin and Shachi had returned after a troublesome adventure with some saber-tooth monkeys. Law was starting to get a little worry since (Name) wasn't back yet, so he went the same direction she walked in.
As Law walked deeper and deeper into the forest he finally made eye contact with the swordswoman. "Help!" (Name) called out as she was kneeling onto the tall grass while clenching her slightly bleeding shoulder.
Law was surprised, (Name) never called for help unless it's something really serious or life-threatening .
Activating his Room he switches places with (Name) while killing the beast in the process.
While Law was carrying (Name) through the forest, she leaned away from his chest so she wouldn't get vomit onto his clothes
"I'm going to take a blood sample." (Name) nodded as she rolled up her sleeve allowing Law to apply the alcohol onto her skin then inserting the needle. Only taking a tiny amount, Law removed the needle and quickly placed a band-aid on where he poke her. "You can leave, I will give you your results as soon as possible."
She only nodded before leaving the infirmary room.
Law stood there from where he was sitting in shock, not knowing how to feel after reviewing the results of her blood test. It was a mix of happiness, relief, fear and mostly parental love. It took all of his strength not to jump down like a crazy man who just won the lottery, because it was the middle of the night and he didn't want to wake up his crew. When he finally made it to the doors of his room, he put on a calm face and slowly and quietly opened the door. "Hi Captain, so did my blood test turn out good?" (Name) asked casually.
"Yep, it seems that both of you are fine." Law said with a big goofy smile on his usually calm and serious face. (Name) looked at her captain in surprise and in slight confusion, even already knowing the answer. "W-what do you mean the b-both of us?" (Name) managed to stutter out.
"I mean our baby. You're 9 weeks pregnant."
He was in love with (Name), and the idea of her having his baby was ideal to him, but it was still a shock, they'd never even spoken or brought up the subject. He wanted a family, but the idea still scares him. All the memories of his mother and father, and his little sister Lami all stuck to him. Then, the struggles and problems of them being famous pirates with both of them having large bounties on their heads. And all of the struggles that their child will face as well, everything he, (Name) and his unborn child, everything they will face together suddenly hit him in one go.
"Law I'm sorry, I should have been more careful." (Name) said while sobbing.
Law quickly, but carefully picks her up and sits her onto his lap while stroking the spot where their child was growing.
"Sorry for what? Making this the happiest day of my life." Law said before kissing her still flat stomach.
(Name) began to cry more but it wasn't tears of sadness, they were tears of joy. "We're going to be parents. I'm going to be a mom."
"And I'm going to be a dad. " Law said while showering her with even more kisses. (Name) squeaked when Law gently swooped her off her feet and began sprinting across the metal halls.
"What the... Law?!"
"Your shoulder, your shoulder was wounded. You're staying overnight, no, 3 nights in the infirmary. What if the baby got hurt. What if the baby got killed?"Law started listing off the things that could happen to their unborn child.
"Everyone, we have an announcement!" Law shouted loudly to get everyone's attention who was on the deck.
"We're getting a new crew member." (Name) said while trying to hold back her giggles.
"Oh, that's nice, when can we meet them?" Penguin asked.
"Less than 9 months." Law answered which made everyone go completely silent.
"We're having a baby!" Both (Name) and Law shouted cheerfully.
They were all staring at the expected couple, completely dumbfounded.
Astounded, flabbergasted, shock whichever word to describe their expressions and the tense atmosphere. Law's hand started to turn purple just by how hard (Name) was squeezing his hand.
"CONGRATULATIONS," Penguin and Shachi shouted in perfect unison.
"This is amazing, this calls for a party!" A Heart Pirate exclaimed.
"No alcohol for the pregnant woman though," Bepo smiled warmly at her from Law's side.
"(Name), don't cry, " Law said, reaching around her shoulders to comfort her.
"I know, it has to be the unbalanced hormones. I'm just so happy, this is a new chapter of my life." (Name) said as she cried into Law's chest.
Throughout the day everyone was partying while congratulating the new parents-to-be.
"So who will be the godparents?" Bepo asked.
"We have already decided that Ikkaku and you will be the godparents of our child."(Name) answered. Bepo then lifted both (Name) and Law off their feet and gave them a big hug while crying tears of joy. "Thank you, I'll be the best godfather ever." Bepo said, which made everyone in the Heart Pirates stare in jealousy, especially Penguin and Shachi.
"You guys will make great uncles." (Name)said with a big smile while hugging both of them in her arms.
"Lucky bear." Shachi muttered.
The 2 mechanics' faces turned a deep shade of red when (Name) kissed both of them on the cheek. "Don't worry, there is enough love to go around."
Then out of nowhere, a large explosion could be heard across the deck.
"Heart Pirates, Give up now or prepare to die."A marine holding a megaphone demanded.
(Name) smirked before unsheathing her twin katanas as she got into a fighting stance.
"Do your worst.''She retorted before Law used his devil fruit ability to transport her back into the sub.
Law shut the metal doors, ignoring the loud banging noises that were coming from the other side.
"Law, you ass, I want to fight too. Let me out, let me out." (Name) demanded as she kept on banging her fist onto the metal door.
"No, as your captain and doctor I order you to stay back and let us handle this. You're pregnant, you need to take it easy for now on."Law stated, which made (Name) slump down in disappointment. She hated being useless, she wanted to fight, she wanted to help, she wanted to do something besides laying down and doing nothing.
"Oh great, 7 more months of being totally useless." (Name) muttered under her breath while sighing.
A few weeks later-
(Name) felt like she was already going crazy. She wasn't allowed to do anything and she meant she couldn't do anything. First, the large weights she and Jean Bart can usually lift with ease have been replaced with 5 pound weights and she wasn't even allowed to use them for more than 5 minutes. Law had also forbidden( name) in certain places in the submarine as well, which was almost one half of the metal vessel that was off limits for her.
(Name) also swears, Law has super hearing because when she decides to get out of her bed, Law uses his devil fruit abilities to teleport himself right next to his wife's side.
"Law, go back to work. I'm just getting a snack."(Name) protested.
"Then ask me or someone else from the crew to get it for you. You're still in your first trimester of pregnancy, there is still a possible chance of miscarriages or physical deformities or all sources of possible medical stated as he called forth his room again then instantly a jar of peanuts appeared in his hand.
"Here, take these and go back to our room." Was all Law said as he pointed the direction of where their room was located, as if she was completely clueless of where she had been living for most of her life.
Rolling eyes (Name) went back to her room while munching down on the jar of peanuts on the way.
When the Heart Pirates docked onto an island, (Name) thought she could get some alone time to herself while getting the necessary items for the future stages of her pregnancy. And it was a good thing too since her pants and shirt had been feeling tight lately. "Bye Captain, I'm going to do a little shopping." (Name) said before she jumped off the submarine's front deck.
"Room, Shambles." Law now had (Name) in his arms.
"What the hell Law?" (Name) questioned.
"I'm coming with you, " Law stated as he tightly held her hand.
"Law, I'll be just fine. It's just a little shopping, I'm barely showing." (Name) retorted while trying to slip her hand from Law's strong grip.
"Nope, as long as you're carrying my child you're stuck with me." Law said, securitly wrapping around his arm onto her waist.
After 5 medical and clothes stores later, Law's arms were both covered in shopping bags while (Name) just carried a single bag with a small bottle of medicine inside of it.
"Law, let me carry that for you. You know I can lift 1000 times my own body weight." (Name) Stated with an annoyed frown.
"I got this, I don't want you to lift even one eight of your body weight. Your-" (Name) then cut off Law before he could finish the rest of this statement. "Yeah, Yeah, I know I'm pregnant and pregnant women shouldn't be exerting themselves."
Smirking devilishly, (Name) came up with a small plan to get away from her overbearing husband.
"Hey honey, I really need to use the bathroom."(Name) said as she pretended her bladder was about to burst.
"Very well."He responded, then they headed to the closest bathroom.
Reaching down in her left sock, (Name) grabbed a screwdriver and began unscrewing the bathroom's top window.
When (Name) was finally outside of the building, she began to grin like she has been in prison for 20 years and just now escaped. She was free, she could do whatever she wanted without worrying about Law dragging her back to their room and making her stay there until the next day.
In a swift motion, (Name) unsheathed her twin katanas and blocked an attack from a familiar mask man.
"Yo... it's been a while, when was the last time we fought together."(Name)greeted, enjoying the weight and feel of her swords when fighting. "Too long and this time I will become victorious." Killer responded.
Killer and (name) have been rivals ever since their crew had first met. The 2 of them will always break into fights everytime when they see one another. But so far they're about even, most of the time their fights usually ended up in draws.
The fight soon stopped when Killer stepped away and put back his scythe blades into its case. "Hey what gives, why are you chickening out now! The fight was just about to get better." (Name) shouted.
"I'm not fighting a pregnant woman, I want to kick your ass at your best."Killer stated while pointing to her slightly rounded stomach. "Damn, I knew I should have put on more baggy clothing."(Name) thought to herself as she tried to cover her baby bump.
"You're a pirate, why should you even care? Pirates do whatever they want."(Name) exclaimed while pouting slightly.
"I may be a pirate but I'm still a man who doesn't like fighting weak women." Was all he said before walking away.
"I'm not weak...fight me, please! Law won't even let me hold a fork. Please, I'm only on my 16 week."(Name)whined as she tugged onto Killer's shirt.
"No, and you look alot more further along than that."Killer retorted which made (Name) gasp loudly of being called fat.
Before Killer had any time to dodge, (Name) kicked him square in the balls which made him groan in pain.
"Meanie!" (Name) spat out before taking off into the forest nearby with small tears running down her face.
"Ouch!"He groaned loudly, laying on the ground while holding his sore nuts.
Law was pissed. But mostly Law was extremely worried. He couldn't find his wife anywhere, but what really worries him is that the Kid Pirate's ship has been spotted as well.
What if the Kid Pirates took advantage of his wife's current state or even worse killed her on the spot.
No matter how much observation Haki Law uses, he didn't have any lead on where his wife is.
"Captain, we know where she is." Penguin reported.
"Yeah, Killer from the Kid Pirates told us she kicked him in the nuts and went into the forest,"Shachi added.
"And why did she kick him in the nuts, (Name) doesn't usually use low blows?"Law stated with a raised eyebrow.
"Well,"Penguin started off while scratching the back of his head.
"He kinda called her fat." Shachi answered.
In a blink of an eye, Law called forth his room and teleported himself into the forest. Without even trying, Law hears small whimpers coming from the top of a tree so he looks up and sees the person he was looking for all day.
"(Name!)Law called out his wife's name.
"Go away!" She screamed then resumed crying again.
"No, I know I've been a little too clingy lately, but it's only because I want the best for you and our future kid as well. And to be fair, I don't really blame you for running away from me, so that is why I promise you I will try my best to give you your space."Law promised as he kneeled down.
(Name) stopped crying and looked at her husband.
"Okay, I'm coming down now."(Name) responded as she started climbing down onto one branch after another.
She gasps when one branch snaps from her weight and she begins to fall, face first into a painfull fall, and Law swears his heart stops for 5 seconds as his throat hitchs.
"Room, shambles!"
When his wife's stomach was only inches away from hitting the hard ground, she instantly appeared in Law's arms.
"Law, I'm sorr-"(Name) whispered her husband's name.
"That was way too close." He then looked and touched her baby bump gently.
"You're never ever leaving my sight until that baby is out of you. That's an order." Was all he said as he started walking back to the sub with his wife in his arms.
(Name) found herself laying flat on her back in the medical bay as Law prepared the new ultrasound equipment.
"Damn, that's cold." She hissed when the clear gel made contact with her stomach.
"Sorry," he apologised half-heartedly.
"Usually I would just use my scanning ability, but I think it would be a lot more useful to check in like this."Law stated then he turned on the monitor. He moved the device around her stomach slowly with his eyes on the screen, instantly stopped when he saw a gray blob in the middle.
"There's our child."He pointed to the blob.
As (Name) looked closer at the screen, she cock an eyebrow when another blob had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "Honey, why are there 2 of them?"(Name) stated while pointing where the 2 blobs were located.
"You're just seeing things, there is no-"Law stopped himself when indeed there were more than 1 blob. "We're having twins."Law whispered so softly that (Name) had to ask him to repeat himself.
"We're having twins. Yes,! Now you don't have to get pregnant again."Law said again as his wife just stood there in shock, not knowing how to process the new information.
"Wait, you're not satisfied with one kid." (Name) yelled at her husband in which he only nodded.
"Great. I already get smothered enough with one baby, I'm sure it's gonna get worse."
"It's now double," his lips formed into a smirk. "For now you're going to have daily instead of weekly check ups. And you're no longer allowed to practice swordsmanship with real swords anymore."
"Excuse me? No way, I've been holding swords since I was only 5 years old, you can't do that." She sat up sharply.
"You lost all of your rights when you started carrying precious cargo. Now you must be twice careful with our little ones." He brushed his fingers against her stomach before kissing it gently.
The more (Name-s) belly got bigger and bigger, the more cautious everyone, especially Law became. In only her 30 weeks of pregnancy, (Name) already looks like she could give birth any day now.
The Heart Pirates were currently docked on a winter island while (Name) only watched from a sideline.
"But Law, I want to play in the snow like everyone else. Please, I've been cooped up in this submarine for far too long."(Name) begged while giving Law the puppy eye look.
"Fine, but you need to bundle up."Law exclaimed.
6 layers of thick clothing later, (Name) walked off the Polar tang's deck with Law right next to her side.
Working on her snow fort for about 30 minutes, (Name) started to feel a sneeze coming along and tried her best to hold it in.
"Achoo!" She then covered her mouth, in hopes Law didn't hear it.
She sighs and doesn't even put up a fight when Law's room incases her, and teleports her into his arms.
"You're going back to the sub, I knew it was a bad idea to let you play in the snow."Law stated flatly.
And once again (Name) was laying flat on her back as she watched Law move the ultrasound equipment around her stomach for the fourth time this week.
"Is this really necessary?"(Name) questioned while pouting.
"Yes, unless you don't want our babies to be healthy. You're now forbidden to leave our bed until your cold has subsided. If you break any of those rules then I will bind you to the bed until your pregnancy has ended. Do I make myself clear?" Law questioned which only made (name) stick out her tongue.
"You 2 need to get out of mommy soon because I can't take another minute with your daddy."(Name) talk and rub to her rounded stomach when Law left the room.
2 weeks later and (Name) Was finally on her last trimester of pregnancy. "Law!" (Name) shouted his name loudly.
"Yes my darling, is there something you need." Law responded as he headed toward where his wife was currently sitting down.
"The babies are kicking, they're kicking again."(Name) said excitedly then grab's Law's hand to guide him where the kicking was happening.
Then the day when his children would be born.
(Name) woke up in the middle of the night when she felt a warm wet substance in between her legs and soon realized her water just broke.
"Law...Law." She shakes her husband awake.
"Yeah, what is it?" He muttered as he tried to rub away the sleep from his eyes.
"My water just broke."She then yelled in agony after she felt a contraction.
"Shit?!" Law then quickly moves to her side to help her into the wheelchair he had laying by for this day. "Bepo, round up the medical squad, it's time." Law shouted through a den den mushi.
"Whatt, I thought she wasn't due for at least another couple weeks." Bepo shouted.
"Well, the kids have decided to come now!" Law stated.
12 hours of shouting and a lot of pushing later, the first one came out.
"She's a beautiful girl!" Law said before handing the bundle of joy to Bepo.
"Come on just one more push." Law said then he could see the head of the baby.
"It's a handsome boy," Law said before handing the other baby to Penguin's arms.
"Law, what should we name them?"(Name) asked as she panted for air.
"Rosey for our baby girl and Corazon for our baby boy." Law answered, then placed a sweet and tender kiss on his wife's forehead.
"You need rest now, I will take care of them in the meantime."
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heavenunderthemoon · 4 years
A fic request for Emily and daughter!! Where you are dating a guy and have not told her and she finds out when she comes to you and your boyfriend making out on the couch
“My mom would kill me if she found out I had a boy over. And then she’d resuscitate me, and then kill me again.” You said with a sigh, scrolling through the movie options on the flatscreen.
Harry gave a low chuckle, throwing another piece of popcorn in his mouth.
Harry. You thought dreamily.
You had known him since you were about twelve, a rather annoying boy in your physical education class. You recalled the various times in which the two of you were captains for your respective teams in that class, the rivalries and the fights that ensued. How long had it taken for the two of you to realize that the hatred stemmed from tiny little crushes on each other? Looking at him now, his curly hair overflowing into his eyes- something you adored because it meant you had an excuse to touch it, moving it out of his eyes- you couldn’t imagine hating him.
The two of you had only begun dating three months ago, your mother still didn’t know. You had planned on telling her the minute it became official, really, you had, but she had gone away on a case that night and you didn’t want to tell her over the phone. So then you postponed for when she would be back, staying up late until her flight landed, making her dinner, telling her that way. But, when she had come back you found the case had been a really difficult one and the wariness on your mother’s face, the pure exhaustion, had your lips sealed.
And it went on. Everytime you meant to tell her was just bad timing - and you needed good timing, because your mother really didn’t like Harry. Alright, that wasn’t fair. She didn’t even know Harry, she had never event met him, but you knew she wouldn’t like the idea of him. Your mother wanted you to like nice boys, prim and proper boys, smart boys who had crystal clean records and good intentions and Harry was a little far from the mark.
Harry wasn’t a horrible person, you knew that. He was misunderstood, incredibly so. His past wasn’t very kind to him, and he acted out frequently because of it. He likes to read and write and paint (he was rather good at it but he really only painted for you just to see the smile on your face when he did). He got detentions and was caught stealing (clothes for his little sister, and they let him off with a warning). He rode a motorcycle he found in the dump and fixed up himself, and he was a little rough around the edges appearance wise. But damn, was he good to you. He was caring, like the kind of caring where he always walked you home from school, no matter what. He offered you rides on his motorcycle (even bought a pretty helmet that had plastic bunny ears on the top bc you liked bunnies and he thought you would like it), but you refused. If your mother found out you rode a motorcycle you were sure she’d have a heart attack right then and there. And he was kind. Everytime Emily was away he called you to make sure everything was okay, talking as you walked through the house and double checked all the locks, and sometimes even read to you over the phone until you fell asleep. He wrote you poems and slipped them in your textbooks when he held them on the way to class, and he gave you flowers when you least expected them -no occasion, just because.
He was a boy, a boy you loved, and that was enough to make Emily go a little crazy and you knew that so you kept him away. You kept him a secret. Your little secret love, a piece of you, hidden away and locked up tight.
And that was why he was here, at your house on a Thursday evening. Your mother was off on a case, she had only been gone two days and when Harry had called you, asking how you were (he had been home for the past three days, his sister sick with the flu), you told him how much you missed him. Next thing you knew he was showing up on your doorstep with all your favorite snacks and the gesture had you flinging yourself into him, squeezing him tightly. It hadn’t mattered to you that Emily might get mad because how would she even know? She had been gone for two days, which meant she probably wouldn’t be back for at least another one. You and Harry could have this night.
So, despite the uneasiness in your stomach, you let him in.
“She wouldn’t kill me first? Or is she saving the best for last?” He asked thoughtfully, eyes turning to you. Oh you loved when he looked at you like that, a look thrown your way, a look filled with such...trust. Devotion. Love.
You sighed wistfully. “Me first. She’d be beside herself at the very thought that I hid something from her. She hates lying.”
He snorted. “A little rich coming from an FBI agent. Isn’t her job centered around lying?”
You rolled your eyes, throwing a popcorn at him. He was right. Your mother lied as a profession, bluffing that she had more information than she really did, or even lying that she was dead as the two of you foed to Paris. That hadn’t been very fun. She lied all the time. But that was to protect people. You were just protecting yourself.
“I just feel bad. I don’t want you to think I’m ashamed of you. I just don’t want you to feel her wrath. She’s a lot..you know? She means well she’s just protective.”
Harry didn’t know. He didn’t really get that parents should be protective because he didn’t really have any. Just a dead beat dad that drank himself into a stupor every night and was typically found passed out on the couch. He didn’t get that parents were supposed to love and nurture, and the fact that you had that seemed foreign, but he tried to understand, for you. And you knew that.
He nodded with a frown. “She doesn’t have to protect you from me, though. I would never hurt you. If you ever asked me to go, to leave, all you’d have to do is say the word and I’m gone. But I love you and you love me, our relationship doesn’t concern her.” He wasn’t snippy, just speaking softly, as if not to scare you away because he knew how much you loved Emily and he didn’t want to scare you away by speaking about her badly.
You smiled softly, taking his hand in his. The remote remained abandoned on the table that you had set it upon and he removed the popcorn bowl from his lap, setting it on the table as well, giving you his full attention. “It doesn’t but it also does. She’s my mom, she’s...I don’t know, it’s weird. I shouldn’t need her approval. I don’t. But I want it. I want her to know you, and not just surface level background checks, I want her to know the Harry that I know.”
He scoffed with a smirk. “Oh, you think you know me?” And a twinkle in his eyes showed you a twinge of fear, a fear that maybe you did. That you knew him better than anyone he had ever known. And it was the twinkle that made you nod.
“I do.” You responded confidently, and there was only silence in the room for a small moment. A moment where Harry’s heart was racing, and he was sure it was loud enough for you to hear it, and a moment where you were searching his eyes for an acceptance. Acceptance that he wouldn’t get scared away just because you knew him, knew every part of him, because you knew that it was something he tended to do. He tended to back away when he felt exposed and you were praying that he knew he didn’t have to do that with you.
Finally, he nodded, lips pursing. “Alright. Well then we’ll tell her when she gets back.”
“We?” You asked skeptically, because the thought of him and Emily in the same room had been something you had been trying to avoid for so long.
And he nodded once more. “We. Together. I’ll wear a suit and you can wear that pretty little black dress and I’ll come for dinner. I’ll knock on the door- not ring the bell because that’s a little prentious-“ you giggled and he smiled at the sound. “And I’ll bring her flowers, compliment her home,”
“Compliment her home?”
He gave you an incredulous look. “Well I can’t very well tell her that I’ve been here now can I? Besides, it’s what they do in books. I figure it’s how I’ll make a good impression. And I’ll tell her how very much I adore her daughter.” He set his chin, a blazing look in his eyes, the kind that made you think he might be invincible. One that made you think he could do anything and damn would you follow him to the depths of the earth as long as he had that look.
With newfound confidence, you grinned. “Oh? And just what, pray tell, do you adore about me?” And there was a certain impish tone in your voice that had him smirking mischievously.
He leaned closer, burning his hand up to caress your cheek. “Hmm, well, I love your eyes,” He wiped underneath them, his warm hands making delicious contact with your face. “The way I can literally see into your mind with them. You’re awful at hiding your emotions and just one look into those beautiful little orbs, I know everything I need to know.”
Your breath hitched as he leaned closer. “What else?”
“I love your lips.” And his finger was tracing the contours of your own, claiming his territory. “How you’re never afraid to speak your mind, those words of passion, or humor, or hatred tumbling from your plump lips, ones that I very much like to kiss.” And he bent down and pecked you, lingering just a moment longer to nibble on your bottom lip.
You let out a shaky breath, eyes fluttering shut as you forced them back open. “Is that all?”
He had that god awful smirk on his face and you forced yourself to look away. “Everything about you, baby. Your wit, your determination, your compassion,” and with each word he was peppering your jaw with a kiss and finally you gave out, grabbing his face in yours and crashing your lips onto his. He was grinning into the kiss, savoring his victory but not for long. You wouldn’t let him win.
You flipped positions, pushing him slightly and straddling the boy. Your lips were ferocious against his, a mess of passion and intensity and his hand was going to your sides, sliding under your shirt and running upward. Everywhere he touched was set instantly on fire and you moaned into his lips.
And just as you were about to take it a step further, the door opened. You flew off the boy, landing onto your ass with a groan. Harry was springing upward, readjusting his hoodie and hair, though it was no use. Your hands had gone rampant through his curls and it would take an actual brush to fix it. Both of your lips were swollen from your previous activities, clothes a bit ruffled, and the look on Emily’s face made your heart stop.
She was looking at Harry, and then you, and then back to Harry with an unreadable expression on her face.
She was home. Home incredibly early, and her bag was discarded at her feet, dropped when she saw you and Harry.
No one was speaking, Harry was looking at you as for what to do, Emily was just staring and you...you were standing from your post on the floor, going to Harry’s side as if you protect him. “Mom, this is Harry-you’re home-“ You swallowed when her lips pursed. “He, um-we were- He’s my boyfriend.” And then a look you did recognize appeared on her face.
“Harry, you can go home.”
Your mouth went dry. This was not how this was supposed to happen. Harry turned to you, eyes questioning if that was what y oh wanted, if you wanted him to leave and with a mournful smile you nodded, walking him to the door. He mouthed an “I love you” which you returned before shutting it.
“You had a boy over.”
“A boyfriend, come to find. How long have you been seeing this boy?”
You winced. “Three months. But we were going to tell you, he was going to knock on the door-“ And you were beginning to ramble with panic as she cut you off.
“Three months? Three months of you sneaking around behind my back? And when I’m gone you do...that.” She was shaking her head in disbelief, hand going over her face.
“We weren’t sneaking I just...He came over tonight and that was an anomaly, we don’t do that-“
She scoffed. “And I’m supposed to believe you? You want me to believe anything that comes out of your mouth when you’ve been lying to me for months?” You stayed silent, swallowing. “Go to your room. We’ll discuss this in the morning.”
You sighed, turning on your heel and walking off.
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loversamongus · 4 years
Friends, Fevers, Family Movies
a/n: first one shot for @fromthewatertribe‘s 1k follower event! This turned out to be A LOT longer than I expected and it was also originally for a whole other prompt??? And then just??? Evolved into this??? I knew I wanted to write something that featured a Sokka friendship (and a Katara one!) but also feature good ol’ Zuko fluff. So here ya go. Word vomit. TO CELEBRATE NINA BEING AWESOME.
Also important: written as a world without covid, but does mention the flu. prompt: go to bed, you idiot.
words: 2k
relationship: Zuko x reader
Sharing an apartment with your best friends has its highs and lows. On the bright side, you truly lucked out between the epic prank wars, overly competitive game nights, and the bureaucratic division of chore responsibilities. However, there’s also the constant paranoia that someone can jump out of your closet in a gorilla costume, the frustrated search for the last blue Sorry piece after a certain sore loser flipped over the coffee table, and Katara’s insistence on hand washing all dishware even though the kitchen has a perfectly good dishwasher. The three of you never experience a dull moment.
And you’re so grateful to be living with them. Sokka and Katara are your best friends but now it’s like having a brother and sister of your own. Due to the smaller size of the apartment, you and Katara share a bedroom but neither of you would have it any other way. Though you both have your own corner of the room, you’ll spend hours laying on the gray shag rug in the middle between your beds just talking.
“Today, at the diner, a man had the AUDACITY to call me ‘pretty girl’ and like, yes I am pretty but I don’t need an old coffee-breathed, wrinkly limp noodle to tell me that so I assumed he was just stating the obvious and that I should also call him by obvious nicknames in order to better communicate with and understand the customer, as my manager puts it.”
“And what did you call him?”
“When I came back with their food, he said, ‘Can the pretty girl also get us some mayonnaise packets?’ And I said, ‘Not a problem, ‘crusty man.’”
Katara tried her darnedest to flash you a severe look but couldn’t help choking on a fit of giggles.
“Suki approves of it and we spent the rest of our shift calling each other different names when we crossed paths!”
The rest of the night would linger on with more work day stories, giggles, and Sokka occasionally pounding on the door for you both to shut up already because he is trying to sleep goddamnnit and can’t do that while the apartment is filled with your shrill girlish squeals.
Finally, when you both struggle to fight off sleep, you wave the white flag and drag yourself into bed. But just before you drift off, you hear Katara whisper your name from across the room. You’re not even sure if she’s awake, you’re both so tired, but you answer anyways.
“What do you think of Aang?”
“He adores you (yawn) it’s so sweet. I like him for you.”
There’s a silence and you think you’re free to finally fall into your dreams until Katara speaks again.
“What do you think of Zuko?”
“Hmm? I dunno, he’s our (yawn) friend and I like when he brings over (yawn) fireball for game night (yawn) why?”
Your exhaustion overpowers you before you could hear Katara respond, “Because he adores you, it’s so sweet. I like him for you.”
Although also your best friend, living with Sokka feels much less sweet and much more chaotic. Somehow you’re at each other’s throats more so than he is with his own blood related sister. It may have started when the Sock Battle started, a game in which Sokka made it his mission to hide his stenchiest pair of socks somewhere in your stuff. By now, you’ve found his socks in your pillowcases, in textbooks, in your gym bag, and in a picture frame next to your bed. You deliberately retaliate in any way you can during game night. While these instances often have you second guessing your friendship with him, you and Sokka could both put the bickering aside with a Disney movie and a bucket of buttered popcorn.
You could have killed him though when he gave you the flu. Katara was spared thanks to her daily regimen of vitamins and obsession with cleanliness, and Sokka had even recovered rather quickly. But you were not as lucky. Even though it was only the beginning of October, you had Katara dig out your flannel holiday pajamas to warm you up from the chills. The darling that she is, Katara made you her famous homemade soup and set it by your bedside table before heading out to see Aang. In the meantime, it was time for payback.
“Sokka, I need you to refill my water bottle.”
“Do it yourself.”
“Fine and when I get over to the kitchen I’ll lick every bag of beef jerky you own.”
“Oh my god, fine. Give me your water bottle.”
“Sokka, I need to charge my phone. Give me your charger.”
“No? Yours in your room, go get it.”
“If only my legs weren’t so weak from this terrible flu I’ve contracted from someone I trusted to be more hygienic.”
“Here, take it.”
“Sokka, you need to light a candle in the bathroom. Ooh do the rose petal one.”
“Ugh, no. You know I hate yours and Katara’s girly scented candles.”
“Okay, but then don’t complain about the smell when you go in.”
By the fourth day of having the flu, Sokka was sick. Not of the flu. Of you. Katara had been spending as much time with Aang as she could to avoid catching anything from you so the responsibility of taking care of you fell on Sokka. And he was finally reaching the breaking point after you left used tissues all over “his side” of the couch. You snuggled into your pile of blankets as you watched your best friend grumble about the living room, every so often glancing at you while muttering incoherently.
After picking up the last of your snot filled, flu infected tissues, Sokka stood in front of you and took a long, exaggerated breath.
“I am leaving this Land of Disgusting to eat at the diner before driving Suki home.”
“Sokka, you had me at ‘I am leaving.’”
“Shut up. You still have a fever so I’ve called in reinforcements to look after you while Katara and I are both out. They’ll be here shortly after I’m gone. Can you handle yourself for 10 minutes?”
“Aye aye, captain.”
Before leaving, Sokka grabbed one more blanket from your room to bring to you on the couch. You realize how lucky you are to be such a pain in the ass and still be so loved by your little family. These happy thoughts, along with the utter amusement over the possibility of Toph being the one taking care of you, lulled you into a short, soft nap.
When you open your eyes next, the living room is dark, save for the small lamp in the corner of the room. As you go to stretch out your legs on the couch, your feet kick into something that wasn’t there before.
“Sokka?” you ask wearily, assuming your friend is back from dropping Suki off home.
It wasn’t Sokka’s voice. Nor was it Toph’s. Trying your best to sit up under the weight of five blankets, you turn your head to see Zuko’s face illuminated by his phone’s screen as his thumb continued to scroll.
“Oh. Hi.”
He looked over at you. “Hey. Can I get you anything?”
It takes you a moment to get over the fact that Zuko is the reinforcements, the one called to take care of you while your roommates are out of the apartment. But finally you respond, “Actually, my throat is really dry. Can you grab my water bottle for me?”
He reached over to the coffee table to grab your water bottle for you. Then, after handing it you, Zuko went back to looking at his phone.
“Katara says you have to take your medicine once you’ve woken up.”
“Ugh noooooo. I don’t want to.”
Taking pills has never been your been your strong suit. Maybe it’s your irrational fear of choking on them or just your innate ability to be stubborn about everything but you try to put up your best fight.
“You have to. Or else we’ll have to cancel another game night or you just won’t be able to play with us. And then who would kill Sokka first in Among Us.”
“You’ll have to continue my legacy, that’s all.”
“Just take the pills. I already cut them up for you.”
“Fine... thank you.”
After you swallow the last pill, you lay back down on the couch but Zuko gets up.
“Where are you going?”
“Since you’re up now, let’s watch a movie. There’s nothing else you should really be doing in your condition.”
“I have my DVDs on my shelf in my room. Pick me a Disney movie?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Oh my god, please? I am very sick and frail and only the nostalgic joys of my childhood can cure me.”
You muster up a squeal that quickly turns into a cough as Zuko leaves the room. After a few minutes he comes back with Toy Story 2, a choice that makes you raise an eyebrow considering its heartbreaking song is not something you’d expect Zuko to want to watch. Nonetheless, you hardly protest as the two of you settle in on the couch for the movie to begin.
To your surprise, the animated movie managed to steal a couple chuckles from Zuko. After all the bickering throughout the week with Sokka, it was a welcome and pleasant sound ringing in your ears. Despite your better judgment, you shift closer to him, especially when you know Jessie’s big song is getting closer. He doesn’t move away though and even wraps an arm around you. When a chill runs down your spine, you wonder if it’s due to the fever.
“Are you crying?”
“It’s just SO sad, how could you not, Zuko?! Somebody needs to LOVE HER AGAIN.”
Grinning, he hands you the tissue box, which you fully accept both for your tears and flu-inflicted runny nose. But once the song ends and you’ve let out a good cry, your eyelids start to feel enormously heavy. Zuko must sense this because he scoots a bit closer to you, allowing you to rest your head on his shoulder. You hesitate for a moment, not wanting to pass the flu onto Zuko, but for some reason he feels warmer than the mountains of blankets you’re buried under.
The rest of the movie plays on and you struggle to keep your eyes open, often shifting against Zuko to wake yourself back up. You know there’s more to the movie but Zuko picks up the remote and turns off the tv. Before you could even question what he’s doing, he’s lifting you up and walking you to your room.
“But we didn’t see the end of the movie!”
“You weren’t going to stay up to see the end anyways.”
“But you needed to see Jessie and Bullseye find new homes! With Andy! And Wheezy!! Wheezy gets fixed!!”
He helped you under the covers and sat beside you on your bed for a moment. You still feel enough energy to offer up a few more protests.
“Only the end of the movie can cure me with its pure, unadultered childhood joy! You can use some, too! Disney fixes all things!”
He scoffed and rolled his eyes, but before getting up, Zuko leaned in to kiss your forehead lightly.
“Go to bed, you idiot.”
You didn’t even register when he left your side because you were asleep again within minutes. In fact, when the sunlight from the bedroom window wakes you up hours later, you could have sworn it was all just a fever dream anyways. Disney movies cuddled up with Zuko? Definitely sounds fake. However, later on in the morning, you do begin to suspect it was all real when you find your Toy Story 2 DVD still in DVD player and catching Katara and Sokka trying to discreetly give each other a high five.
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fiery-assassin-arc · 3 years
꧁༒☬𝓒𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓮 –𝓘𝓻𝓲𝓼’𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥☬༒꧂
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He remains still, not wanting to attack. Hands behind his back. Gentle smile. I am still holding the fire poker in my hands, aimed at him. Part of me wants to attack, but he knows I wouldn’t. I was blinded by rage that day.
 He knows I’m haunted by what he did.
 I wonder if he had time to reflect.
 “Put that down, Phoenix.”
“Why are you in my home?” I accuse, taking a step closer, placing it by his chest. “How are you in my home?”
 “I’m the Grandmaster of lock-picking as well as the Lin Kuei.” He explains, raises his eyebrow ever slightly. I should have known. “As for the why,” He looks at the fire poker, me, then at the improv weapon again. “I would like to talk it over with you, if you’re willing to listen to me.”
 I chew the inside of my cheek. Contemplating my options. I could listen to him, or get him out of the house. I never did listen to him that day. Even at the pyre, I stood far away from the others as they mourned. I was angry, but how I had to force his hand to have Frost be buried along with the others… I don’t know if I can forgive him. But I’ve also grown so much with him, he’s helped me slowly overcome my fear of the dark (managed, not completely eradicated).
 I put the fire poker on the rack, and gesture him to the kitchen. “Hungry? I’m sure you’ve had a long journey.” At his shrug of indifference, I make my way to the kitchen, checking to see if he follows.
 Just because I’m angry at him, doesn’t mean I no longer respect him.
 He sits on the bar stool, looking uncomfortable as I grab ingredients for colcannon. Potatoes, kale, butter, heavy cream. His cold is familiar I clear my throat, hoping it could ease the tension here. “How are things?”
 “The temple has slowly come back to normal. Some new recruits have joined.” He tells me, looks at how I cut the potatoes. Even, use the knife to peel the skin carefully. “Some of the other members miss you, Phoenix. I have missed you.”
 The knife slams down on the cutting board, remembering the name I gave myself.  It was the rebirth from the ashes. But now I am ash, nothing to spark me. “I don’t know if I can come back stronger like last time.” I say to him. I continue cooking. Boiling the potatoes.
 “I have watched you go from a little, barely sparking ember on wood to a forest fire. Destructive, powerful, confident. You have grown in the past five years. Whatever ails you, you will overcome.” There’s pride in his voice, a gentle smile that I haven’t seen in a while.
 “Yeah, but now I’m back to where I started.” I argue, before chopping up the kale. “You never did answer my question on why you’re here.”
 “I know you have taken a leave of absence. Because you are upset with me.” Sub-Zero sighs, and his hands slap his thighs. “On that day, I thought I could possibly disengage her thoughts, put her in temporary rest. But Raiden decided that it was best to eliminate her entirely. And I’m sorry I couldn’t stop him in time, or didn’t say anything to prevent it.”
 I look over at him. His ocean eyes show an amount of regret. I never did look at him that day. All I say was someone who indirectly took something most important from me.
 “You both had such a powerful bond, the same Hanzo and I once had. When she challenged me, I made the choice of exile because I would not, could not kill her; deep down I cared for her like one would a daughter to a father. Same with you.” He sighs, and I pass him the bowl of potatoes, and the masher. He chuckles. “What’s this?”
 “Mashing potatoes is better than hurting yourself. Trust me. Do it.” I offer, leaning on the kitchen counter.  
 “That won’t be left unchecked.” Sub-Zero says, and proceeds to mash the vegetable, continues. “I was angry with her when I found she had allied herself with Sektor. I did not hold her back, she simply needed more guidance, even though she was Chief. And I remember how you were hurt by my choices, yet you remained loyal. Why?”
 Why. That’s what it all boils down to, does it? Everyone has a why, but do I? I sigh, crack my knuckles. “I did what I thought was right that day. I argued with her earlier that it was foolish to do so, but she didn’t push me to join her.” I look into the bowl of potatoes—looks good enough. But he’s still mashing them in a clockwise motion. “I trusted your judgment, in the end. And I believed, maybe, maybe she’d come back to us.” To me.
 “I remember you told me Frost didn’t cyberize you. She set you free.”  
 “She did. But we fought before that. I don’t know what provoked her, but I noticed her movements…” Sub-Zero pushes the bowl to me, and I prepare the rest of the dish. Adding butter, cream. “It was if she held some sort of restraint. Not completely, but enough to overpower, and get a chance to escape. It was before you and Master Hasashi arrived.” I add salt and pepper. “I think then, she still protected me.” Toss in the kale. Get some bowls for us.
 “At least there were still parts of her that were human. Her love for you never left her even when she changed.” He reaches a hand over, hesitant. I slowly take it, embrace the chill. “I hope what I said is enough for closure.”
 I feel a lump in my throat, unable to melt with the heat, and I feel tears burn my eyes. Second time today. It’s nice to hear how he really felt that day.
 “It’s a start, but it doesn’t mean I’ll forgive you right away. I may need time.”  
 “That is something I will accept, Phoe—Iris.” He sends me a crooked smile. It’s a comfort to me.  “And know, you will always have a home at the temple.”
 “And you have a place to stay at the palace,” I offer. “But why do I sense there’s something else…”
 Sub-Zero presses his lips into a thin line. “What you said earlier. About cooking is better than hurting yourself. The way you held the fire poker, I notice a look in your eyes: fear.” When I eat as a distraction, he goes on. “Something happened to you, did it?”
 I swallow, my food suddenly bland in my mouth. “Grandmaster . . .”
 Sub-Zero takes a deep breath, gently pats my shoulder. “I won’t make you tell me, but when you get the chance, you know I’ll be lending an ear.”
 I nod. “I appreciate it. You should eat your colcannon, it’s going to get cold.”
 “I’m sorry—my what?”
 “Colcannon. It’s potatoes with a green vegetable in it. It’s really good.” I gesture to his bowl.  “Try some.”
 “I guess I will indulge.”  Sub-Zero takes a spoonful of the dish, his mouth twisting into a frown. “It’s . . . good.”
 “Do you not like the food or my cooking?”
 “You’re a shit liar, Grandmaster Sub-Zero.” At that, we both chuckle softly, the fireplace our music as we try to reform a bond like a lost father and daughter.
 This is something. Not like therapy. Or maybe it is. Because a slight weight is off of my chest.
  Bend the knee. Lift the leg, Stretch. Repeat until it does something.  My pointe shoes are almost ruined, the dirt under the padding and blood seeping at the toe. But it shows dedication, it shows my determination.
 I landed the role of the Black Swan, and I’m doing my best to make my moveset more . . . seductive. I would have once gone for the White Swan, but shockingly enough I landed a role that was new to me. I’ll take it.
 I walk to the center of the room, and start the dance, Christian screeching words of encouragement with Wren watching. I made one of my rooms a makeshift ballet studio. “Thanks buddy.” I say softly.
 “How does it feel being the Black Swan instead one of the little swans?”
 “It feels great.” I say, doing a pirouette. “It was fun being the cute swan, but now, being kind of like the bad guy, I’m enjoying it.”
 Wren smiles, and lightly coughs into her hand. That’s the second time today.  And earlier this morning at brunch. “Let’s hope you won’t become like that ballerina in that movie. Don’t overwork yourself, and don’t stress.” Wren reassures me, shaking off an invisible feeling.
 “Do you want some tea? You’re acting like you have a cold.” I stop my practice, and lean against the bar. “Please don’t tell me you caught a cold.”
 She scoffs. “What are you worried about? You don’t get sick.”
 “Not often. But it’s annoying when the symptoms pop up. I’ll get chills instead of fevers.” I shudder, before redirecting our conversation back. “But you’ve been warm. Your temperature is higher.”
 “Maybe I am catching a cold.” I take a step back in fear. She scratches her head. “Or the flu. I’ve been a little nauseated.”
 “Have you? For how long?”
 “A few days.” Wren sighs. “I’m pretty sure it’s nothing. Now, you’ve made me your ballet coach. So I say we keep going. Come on, show me . . . something alluring.”
 I laugh,  turn the music back on. I arch my back, my hand floating above my head, spinning on my toes. I make my movements fluid, but sharp. As I look at  Wren, I notice how she almost looked a little tired than usual.
 Ever since the marriage between her and my brother, Wren has been like a big sister to me, making me laugh and giving me advice, especially when it came to dating. Being myself. But how can I, now? When I no longer know myself?
  I spin in a flurry, going at least five times. Stopping once and going once again. Looking at the mirrors. Then I see her.
 Someone who died years ago.
 The vibrant red hair. The ember eyes, red from angry tears. A bruise under her eye. Blood on her lip. The dress she’s wearing is black. Darkened by obvious stains.
 It’s a younger version of me.
I trip my spin and fall on the ground, pain radiating up my leg. My breathing is fast. My heart hurts. What the—why am I seeing a young version of me?
 Christian screeches in worry and flies over to me. His head touches my cheek. “I’m okay, boy.” I tell him. Wren looks at me with concern, helping me up. “No, really I’m fine. Let’s keep going, yeah?”
 “…Are you sure? That was a nasty fall.”
 “I’m sure. And turn up the music louder.” I say, and practice on the other side of the room. Making sure not to look at any mirrors.
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cmanonstillinhiding · 4 years
second impact
 @enbies-and-felonies pt 5!! i’m gonna call this one the end but i might write an epilogue of sorts at some point? i hope you like it! <3
Hotch was gracious enough to wait until 7:30 to call them in later that day, so they drove Ellie to school on their way to the BAU. 
‘I’m getting my uniform today! We’re meeting our coach too, and having our first practice and-’
JJ groaned. ‘-and drowning your mothers in release forms, physical forms, contact forms, the list goes on.’
‘Oh, yeah. We got those already, they’re on the hall table. They need to be in by Friday.
Emily smirked. ‘Well, Ellie, I think your mom can help you with that. She does have experience.
‘Yeah, from the athlete’s perspective. I feel bad for my mother, having to fill all those out every year.’
Ellie rolled her eyes. ‘It’s not that bad. You have case reports longer almost every day.’
Emily sighed as they stopped in front of Ellie’s school. ‘All the more reason for you not to add on top of them! You have your things? Alright, we’ll pick you up after practice. Have a good day!’
Ellie hopped out of the car, waving as she headed into the building. Emily dodged through the rush hour traffic as they drove the familiar route to the BAU, neither one wanting to break the silence that had settled once Ellie left.
Hotch only kept them until around noon that day, just finishing up paperwork and tying off any loose ends that had been left in the investigation. After Morgan and Reid left arm-in-arm at 11:30, he gave up on anything productive and gave them the rest of the day off.
JJ drove home, half watching the road and half lost in thought until Emily reminded her she’d just missed the turn down their road. JJ sighed and turned the car around, aware of Emily’s eyes drilling into her. ‘You really want to have that talk, huh?’
‘Yeah, I do.’
‘Okay. As soon as we get home.’
JJ tossed her keys onto the hall table, grabbing Ellie’s small mountain of sports forms as she walked into the kitchen where Emily, who was already making coffee, stared at the stack. ‘All that for a middleschool sport?’
JJ sighed. ‘Oh, yeah. All that plus impact testing, insurance forms, allergy information, and gosh knows what else.’ She pulled the top packet off the pile. ‘This at least is information. Her team roster, game times, uniform rules, and her-’
Emily frowned over the counter at her pause. ‘Her what?’
JJ tossed the form back onto the table. ‘I’m going to go pick up Ellie.’
‘What? It’s 1:00, she doesn’t even get out of school for another hour and a half.’
‘I don’t want her going to practice today.’
Emily come around to grab the packet off the table. ‘I thought we were going to talk about this? What happened?’
‘Her-’ JJ’s voice broke. ‘Her coach. He used to be-’
Emily met her eyes. ‘Brian Andrews. That’s your old coach, isn’t it?’
JJ closed her eyes, barely nodding. ‘Yes. He was.’ 
‘You need to tell me what’s so bad about him. I don’t want your perception of him to affect Ellie.’
‘Why don’t you just trust me?’
‘JJ, you know I do. I just can’t-’
‘Can’t what? Can’t just please, please, listen to me without needing to hear exactly how he hurt me? Exactly what happened? Em, stop. Just stop, please. I don’t want to hear how I ‘need to look on the bright side’ and ‘just because I had a bad experience doesn’t mean Ellie will.’ Because that’s so, so, not what I need to hear right now. You think Ellie should be allowed to play, great, she can play. But I cannot look the man that almost killed me in the eye and tell him I’m glad he can do the same to my daughter. Emily, you have to hear this. I don’t want my life to ruin Ellie’s. But I need my life, my experience to mean something to you.’
Emily, entirely taken aback by her outburst, paused for a moment. When she spoke again, her voice had none of its previous edge. ‘What do you mean ‘he almost killed you?”
JJ shook her head, lips pressed together.
Emily nodded. ‘Okay. If you don’t want to talk right now, fine, but will you sit with me?’
Emily shifted over to make space for her on the couch. ‘Sit with me. Please.’
JJ sat down gingerly, bracing herself for Emily to continue the conversation.
Emily laid her hand on JJ’s knee, waiting for her to make the next move. JJ placed her own hand over Emily’s, leaning into her until she could rest her head on the other’s shoulder. Emily threaded her fingers into JJ’s hair, stroking gently until she felt her relax. ‘Hey, sweetheart. You with me?’
JJ nodded, tucking her head against Emily’s shoulder. 
‘Okay. Do you want to talk now, or just stay here?’
Barely more than a whisper. ‘Talk.’
‘Can I ask you a question?’
‘What did you mean when you said your coach almost killed you?’
JJ stiffened, her entire body tensing against Emily’s. She took a deep breath before beginning to speak. ‘I was 17, and got the flu just before a game. I had a fever of 102°. But missing a practice, let alone a game, as a captain was grounds for dismissal from the team. So I went. I almost passed out just walking to the field, so I swallowed my pride and asked to sit out.’
She paused, closing her eyes against the memory.
‘I stumbled out there, and he said to me,’
‘Are you serious? I trained you for years! Years! I made you everything you are, everything you will be, and you ask to sit out? How do you think that looks for me? My best senior, on the bench in the postseason? Not a chance! Get moving, girl. Three laps for your attitude, then practice.’
JJ had caught one word in five of his tirade through the pounding in her head. The tylenol the nurse had given her was wearing off, and she didn’t think making even one lap around the field was a possibility. She’d paused too long though, and a hand between her shoulder blades had her on the ground, facedown in the damp turf.
‘That’s four laps now, lazy. Get to it.’
JJ pulled herself up slowly, waiting for the world to stop spinning, then started a miserable jog around the field, barely upright. Pain, she was used to that. But this was different, a loss of ability, coordination, senses. Just three more laps, just two more laps, just-
‘I didn’t know I’d passed out until I woke up in the ER. I was left on the ground until practice was over. I was hypothermic and my temperature had spiked to 104°, but as far as Coach was concerned, I was useless.’
Emily was silent for so long JJ pulled back, turning her head up to look at Emily, hoping she hadn’t just ruined...well, everything. But Emily was staring down at her, mouth slightly open. ‘Sweetheart...I don’t know what to say.’
JJ didn’t answer, so Emily pulled her onto her lap, tucking the blonde’s head against her chest, wrapping her arms around her. ‘Shhhh, hey, I’m here. I have you.’
JJ nodded, staying where she was. ‘Do you understand now?’
‘Yeah. At least better than I did.’ Emily turned to look at her. ‘You lived like that for four years?’
‘Four years, year-round. We had an indoor rec league and spring games too. I saw him more than I saw my mother.’
‘Why didn’t you say anything?’
‘Because that’s normal! He wasn’t out of the ordinary at all for what he did, and it made us better players.’
‘I can assure you none of that made you a better player.’
‘It made me stronger.’
‘You’re repeating something he said, aren’t you.’
‘Yeah. I don’t know what else to say.’
‘What else happened?’
Emily waited a minute before JJ answered, her voice flat and detached.
‘He kept us on the field for as many as six hours, running almost the whole time. We were to attend practice no matter what, sick, injured, sister had just died, whatever. We would bleed through our cleats from blisters. When I got home every night, I would have to soak my socks and uniform to make sure my mother didn’t see the bloodstains. I played concussed and on stress fractures for two years, almost all without any access to medical care, because that would mean I had to sit out, and I couldn’t do that. On weekends we played dawn til dusk, before and after our games, with laps if we weren’t performing well enough. I wanted to quit so badly, but I had no other way out, and he knew that. For all of us.’
‘How could he do that? You were a child!’
‘We were children, and had no idea what we’d gotten into. When you don’t know anything else...I didn’t even know something was wrong with what he did until I graduated college.’
‘My god...JJ, why didn’t you tell me this earlier?’
‘I really, really don’t like talking about it, and I was hoping you’d trust me enough I wouldn’t have to.’
‘I should have. I’m so, so sorry that happened to you, love.’
JJ nodded, still curled against Emily. ‘I can’t let that happen to Ellie.’
Emily kissed her hair, pulling her closer. ‘No. We won’t let that happen. But, if there’s a rec league, or maybe a travel team around here...she really does want to play.’
JJ paused. ‘I think I could handle that, if she had a different coach. I want her to be happy, but I-I can’t have her near that man.’
‘I understand. We’ll figure it out, okay?’
They stayed like that for a while, until JJ’s phone buzzed with a text from Garcia. Emily opened it with a sigh. ‘You’ll never guess what this says...’
JJ groaned. ‘We have a case?’
‘Four dead in Providence, Rhode Island. Hotch wants us there ASAP.
‘Of course he does. I’ll call my mom to get Ellie.’
Emily groused into the hall the grab the keys. ‘They really can’t give us a day off, huh?’
‘Oh, where else would you get your adrenaline if not from chasing down the scum of the earth?’
‘We’re going to be chasing down a teenage daughter soon, I think that should about cover it.’
JJ grinned. ‘You have a point.’
Emily smirked back. ‘I know.’ 
She turned just as she reached the door, reaching for JJ’s hand. ‘I love you.’
JJ took it. ‘I love you too.’
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victorianwestpiano · 4 years
Hi! How do you think Holt and Colette would be if the Spanish Influenza hadn't ended in 1919 but continued into 1920, after they'd met and started working together?
Dreamland 1920:
A lot of people thought that the Spanish Influenza would end on 1919, however, this pandemic lasted a little bit more than everyone had expected. All the plans were either cancelled or postponed and it wasn’t pleasing at all. Now, on 1920, the virus had made its way to New York city and the situation became critical, not as much as the countrysides or fields, but still.
The famous impresario VA Vandevere had just bought a flying baby elephant, who he thinks, it’ll bring his park joy through all this trouble. When he arrived at the circus where the animal is from on the first day, he, his driver and butler Sotheby, bodyguard Skellig and his principal star Colette Marchant, they were all wearing medical masks. Not a very fancy first impression but it was necessary, specially on that circus, since some members already died there.
The meeting with Max Medici, the owner of the circus, was quick but convincing, the ringmaster thought that, outside Dumbo’s future fame, moving his troupe would keep them safer, since the conditions in a city were better than in a field. After a few days, the Medici Bros.Circus moved to New York, not knowing what to expect.
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Unfortunately, bad news did arrived after all at Dreamland; the Spanish Influenza dis reached the park and most of the workers became sick because of the epidemic, including the Medici truope. Max, Rongo, Puck, Miss Atlantis, Ivan, Catherine, Pramesh and his nephew Arav caught the virus and all of them stayed in one place at an appartment, so they won’t spread the flu. They stayed at Max’s appartment which fortunately, it was big enough for his friends, but the only ones who hadn’t became sick were Holt, Colette, Milly and Joe, so they stayed in Holt’s own appartment.
Mr Sotheby called a good doctor who VA trusted and went to see the sick workers. The doctor was called Dr Mendes and he suggested to Holt and Colette to help him by deliver the medicine to the troupe and changing the cold compresses, since they were the only ones of the bunch who were still healthy. And Holt was not going to risk his children’s health so he told the kids to stay inside, he was not going to loose them because of this illness… like the way he lost Annie.
The Stallion Star and The Queen of Heavens barely knew eachother, in fact since their first encounter they had a lot of disagreements and tease one another, however, in this situation they had to forget their differences and cooperate to help.
Dr Mendes gave Colette and Holt medic masks and ask them to wear them everytime they were near the patients, there were trays with all the medicine needed on a table.
“Put this masks on now,” Dr Mendes ordered, “use gloves too, is very important and take this trays to your friends, they’ll need this compresses.” the doctor looked directly at the cowboy to make sure he understood. “I’ll take this one to the other group of workers, call me if something happens.”
Holt and Colette nodded and the doctor went with the medicine for the local Dreamland workers. The french woman put her gloves on and tied up behind her head the mask, then she saw Holt who hasn’t put on his medical equipment yet.
“May I help you with that, cavalier?” Colette asked finishing tying her own mask.
Holt’s head turned to see her, “Thank you but… I can do it myself, princess. With a hand behind my back.” he said with pride without humor.
Colette rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, “Trés bien, do it yourself.” she waited for the cowboy to realize he was being ridiculous.
Holt grabbed his glove and leaned his head to his hand so he can put it on with the help of his mouth, but Colette interrupted him.
“Wait, no!  Are you an idiot?” she abruptally took Holt’s glove before it touched his lips. “You can’t put this thing in your mouth! Don’t you know there are already bacteria on this? You can also spread them with your own saliva, is gross!” the aerialist scoled the Kentucky rider. “Come on, give me your hand”
Holt rolled his own eyes, “I’m perfectly clean woman,” still, he obeyed and offered his hand and the french woman who placed the glove on his only hand, “just because I have one arm, it doesn’t make me a cripple---”
“Oui, oui, turn around you stoic.” Colette ignored Holt and with her index finger made a swirl as a sign for him to turn his back.
The cowboy sighed, his back facing her while she put the mask carefully in front of his mouth, then she started to form knot at the back of his head. “You are very proud, eh ma cherie?” Colette commented with a teasing tone, her voiced a little low due to the cloth of the mask she was wearing.
However, Holt wasn’t in the mood for joking around, he spun to see the french lady again when she finished tightening up the knot, “For some things I am proud woman, for others… not much.” Holt responded serious while his words pierced his mask wich gave him a nasal tone. “But thank you for the help...c’mon let’s deliver this stuff and get this over with.” he rapidly picked up a tray with his hand and went outside.
Colette made a puzzled look at him while he was leaving, nevertheless, she grabbed the other tray carefully and followed him.
Hours later, Colette and Holt finally ended thier duty, the Medici troupe were given water, new compresses and some cough syrup. The good news were that, because the troupe admitted early they had the symptoms, the doctor treated them in time and they were going to get better soon. The bad news this was a constant reminder for Holt that he could save his friends but not his wife, thing which hurted his heart. This whole Influenza situation left him numb and tired, he wanted this whole damn thing to end.
The cowbow walked through the hallway inside the hotel where he and his family were living, he stood still, leaning his back on a wall and slid down until he sat on the ground. He stepped on a finger of his glove with his boot, pulling his hand harshly to take it off. Once he managed to do that, Holt removed the mask of his face leaving it below his jaw. He leaned his head back and rested it on the wall, he closed his eyes and let out a big sigh.
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Suddenly, Holt heard fotsteps coming towards him, he opened his eyes and saw Colette approaching him. “You are tired now, cavalier?” she responded leaning on the same wall as Holt.
“Please, leave me alone…” the ride exhaled.
“Why are you so serious? You should be happy, your friends are going to recover and your children are not sick.” the aerialist exclaimed with curiousity.
“I know that, but that is not reason to celebrate... not for me.” Holt bowed his head.
Colette rised an eyebrow and started to untie her medical mask. “What’s wrong Holt? Something tells me that there is something you are hiding.”
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Holt turned his head again to see how the french aerialist joined him sitting on the floor, taking off her mask, she was smiling at him, maybe to give him confidence to talk.
“I lost somone I love because of this, and I couldn’t even be with her when... it happened.” the voice of the rider was scratchy and sorrowful.
“Who?” Colette looked at him concerned.
Holt took a deep breath, “My wife... Annie was her name...”
“Oh I’m so sorry,” Colette replied with genuine surprise and sadness. “When... did that happened?”
“An year ago,” Holt answered feeling a lump in his throat “I was away in the war while she... she... was dying Colette, and.... it was my foult.”
The french woman rised her eyebrow once more, “Wait, do not tell me you are blaming yourself of her death. Being away in the war or not... she could’ve still caught Influenza, mon amie.” she said softly.
“But I could’ve still be there!” Holt cried out loud. “Since they told me by letter that she died, it was like... losing air from my lungs. And my children... they where there watching her own mother die!! And I wasn’t there!!! I wasn’t there...” Holt’s shoulders were shaking and tears began to fall. “I’m not letting this fucking disease kill Milly and Joe, I won’t let that happen!” then, Holt’s voice broke and started to cry.
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Colette could only watch him cry, they had known eachother for a few days but she always saw Holt as someone strong and stoic like she called him before, now she was seeing that man breaking down in tears because he lost the love of his life due to this horrible virus when he was far away from her. It wasn’t his fault, it was true, but who could not feel guilty not being beside their wife when she is saying her last words?
Colette gingerly placed her hand on the man’s shoulder and gently whispered to him, “I’m sorry for your loss. Holt, I really am. Shhh.” she tried to give him comfort “And I know how you feel, because... I also... lost someone I loved because of an illness.”
Hearing what she said, the cowboy slowly lifted his head and looked at the woman’s blue eyes. “You, you lost someone too?... Who was it?” he whimpered.
“My father.” the aerialist mournfully admitted, “But it wasn’t Influenza.”
“Oh,” Holt sniffed loudly. “For what... did he died?.“
“Cancer.” Colette inhaled deeply looking down.
Holt sighed and wipped away his tears to look better at the woman’s sad expression.
“I was only 15...my papa, was the head of the family, he was... the one who encouraged me to do trapeze...” Colette looked at the ceiling to try not to cry “and... I’ve suffered a lot when he died, I saw him having his last breath. My sister, my maman and I went through a lot of difficulties because of that. So, oui, everything went to hell for me too, you are not the only one, cherie.” she bit her lip, not wanting to cry as well.
Holt gulped, he deeply breathed to talk again normally, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know, I’m so sorry... I didn’t mean to yell at you either.” he said regretful, “Is just... I’m so stressed out right now.” the rider passed his palm on his face.
“I accept your apology, ma cherie, it’s ok” Colette affirmed giving a small smile at him, her hand still caressing his right shoulder. “Will try to defeat this virus, everything will be fine from now, je te le promets.”
Holt gave her a confused look not understanding her mother language, “What did you said?”.
“ ’Je te le promets’, it means that I promise that everything will be fine” Colette said.
“Oh! Now I understand... uhmm thank you...” Holt responded.
“This surprises me of you amie, you went to fight in France in the war and you don’t know nothing of french.” the aerialist showed him a sideway smile.
“Well,” Holt scratched his head “the thing is at the battlefield we already had french guys as allies who spoke english or americans who knew french, so we have them as translators. We didn’t need to learn.” he said a tiny embarassed.
“Oh mon dieu, there is a lot you have to learn.” she said pretending to be insulted in a very exagerated way leaning her back on the wall, then she formed a teasing smile.
Holt couldn’t help but smile too, after the pain they both shared it was completely refreshing to try to have a moment of glee, at least a tiny one. Holt looked deeply into Colette’s eyes again, they were... beautiful, he never saw eyes so blue and so expressive, her smile was so genuine too... and her lips... those were the most cute lips he ever saw, they looked pretty without makeup. In fact, she, this woman, looked beautiful without makeup at all, he didn’t get why she had to wear those big red wigs and tons of makeup on her face. Holt always prefered women’s natural beauty, Annie never used half of the makeup Colette wore on the first day he saw her, and she still looked gorgeous. Colette is the same, the cowboy thought for himself, she’s a gorgeus woman indeed... Suddenly he shook his head at such idea and a tiny blush appeared on the tip of his ears, Did I really thought of that? But his thoughts were interrupted by a sudden voice.
“Mr Farrier, Miss Marchant,” Dr Mendes walked towards them, “Why are you not wearing your masks? It could be dangerous for you, put them on.” he ordered.
Colette and Holt rose up from the floor, the french woman tied up again her own mask whilst Holt put it on before his mouth again.
“Alright, look, I have to tell you something important.” Dr Mendes pointedly replied.
“What is it doc?” Holt talked through his medical mask, sighing.
“Some people of your circus troupe will get better soon, but others won’t be recovering as fast as the rest, the same happens with some of the park’s roustabouts.” the doctor told them.
“So, what does that mean?” Colette asked.
“Well, since you two, your kids Mr Farrier, and Mr Vandevere are the only ones who are not sick or don’t present any symptoms, the thing I ask of you is.... blood samples.” Dr Mendes said.
Holt’s eyes widened and eyebrows rose, “Blood samples? You mean taking blood from us?”
“Exactly,” the doctor affirmed, “I’ll need those samples so I can make an antydote for the patients with a more critical state,” then the doctor opened his firs aid kit and and grabbed something from the inside.
“Aaand, how are you going to do it doc?” Holt asked nervous.
“With this.” in the doctor’s hand there was a huge syrenge with a large needle in it he took from his kit.
At the simple sight of that needle, Holt’s pressure dropped, his knees felt weak and his whole body collapsed. He closed his eyes, he was about to faint into the ground.
“Holt!” but Colette caught him on time. His only arm was around her shoulders while she was carrying his dead weight, Colette grabbed him with all her strength, however, she quickly placed him against a wall. His body slid into the floor again, his head hunging down.
“Holt, please wake up mon dieu!!” Colette knelt and yelled while she was lightly slapping him in the face so he can get back his conciousness.
“Oh my God! I’ll bring him something for his pressure, I’ll be right back.” Dr Mendes left them so he can find what Holt needed for fainting.
Holt little by little started to react and mumbled with his mouth, “Don-don’t let th-that crazy doc-tor get near me-me....” he weakly said to Colette “I- I h-hate needles.”
But Colette rolled her eyes at his statement, “Come on Holt, get up, you are an adult. You are like almost 40 years old and you are afarid of a needle? Act like a grown up... Sacre bleu this is embarrassing!” she sighed indignant, trying to pick him up.
“Okay...I’m sorry.” Holt tried to get up, although he felt his head was still deezy. Because of that he lost his sence of balance when his foot slipped in the shiny floor when he tried to take his first step. When that happened, his body went forward to Colette, landing on her, he grabbed strongly her body, their noses brushed and their masks crushed into eachother,
Colette was frozen at such accident and stood there with eyes wide open. When Holt finally recovered his consciense he fixed his eyes on the french woman’s face, which it was closer than he could’ve expected. Once the cowboy realized in what kind of position he was, he felt Colette’s breath on his mouth, giving away the closeness of thir lips. If it weren’t for the masks, their mouths would’ve touched.. .they would’ve... kissed.
Both adults blushed red on their cheeks and abruptally moved away from eachother, not wanting to look the other’s eyes. Holt felt his collar tight and coughed a bit.
Colette did the same removing a strain of hair and place it behind her ear. “Trés bien!” she wanted the akwardness and the blush to fade away fast, “Let’s give him those samples now, oui?”
“Oui,” Holt nervously agreed, “but I can’t promise you that I won’t faint again, since I was a boy I was afraid of needles, woman....”
With that, Holt and Colette went to the doctor’s place, still not looking at eachother. The silence between them was uncomfortable, their blushes took their time to disappear and both their hearts were pounding uncontrollably.
But, fortunately, they were wearing masks on their moths, because none of them could saw that the other was smiling with pure sincerity and even... joy.
The End.
This was loooonger than I expected but still it was fun to do. Honestly it could’ve been better in my opinion but I’m satisfied with the result. Wow... so this is how it feels to respond an ask with a mini fic?.... This is great ;)
Thank you so much @vandeverefan for this ask, I had a lot of fun being creative with this!!!
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Not The Last Time
A/N: 10 smooches down and 9 to go! This one wraps up the Logan requests with a little follow up to The Bottom AU. 
Word Count: 2,497
Prompt from: @gollyderek 
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She told me this would happen. Logan thought back to your warning, to the serious way you looked at him when you begged him to heed your words. He remembered the way you’d squeezed his hand, eyes watering as you’d said his name. She told me, and I didn’t listen, and now… He groaned and rolled over in bed, his bones aching and his head on fire, pulling the sweat-soaked sheet up to his chin. It was day three of absolute misery, and he couldn’t deny any longer that he should have listened to you. But even in his feverish suffering, a small part of him knew it wouldn’t be the last time that this happened. He clamped his swollen eyes shut and tucked his face into the pillow, shivering as his joints screamed and another pitiful groan emanated from the back of his sore throat. 
But I don’t regret a minute.
It was the flu, and you’d had it first. Well, Juliet had it first, and then she generously spread it to you and Tony in the conference room. Juliet was likely the most dedicated person you’d ever met, aside from Logan, and she hated missing work for any reason. Logan had been away meeting with investors who hadn’t come out to the last fundraising event because they had chosen to remain anonymous. Out of the four of you, he was the one best suited to handle donor relations among a few other administrative responsibilities having had such a strong background in dealing with investments for various Delos Incorporated projects and campaigns. While in the two years since breaking ground on The Door rehabilitation facility he’d stepped back from a few of his duties, handing the reins over mostly to you and Tony and the staff that had been hired, he and Juliet remained largely involved in important decisions and operations. With him gone for several days to secure this new substantial donation, Juliet simply couldn’t justify staying home for what she thought were just some sniffles, despite you and Tony assuring her that she should. 
One sneeze led to another, and before you knew it all three of you were down for the count with high fevers, debilitating head and body aches, and a barking cough that left your throat raw. You were sure that working at the facility, being around lots of different people in lots of different states of addiction and rehabilitation, lots of different states of health would mean that eventually, your immune system would become invincible. But eventually was still a ways off, and this particular strain of the flu was ruthless. By the third day of Logan’s absence, you were completely bed ridden, and when he called that night you hardly had a voice to answer with. 
“You sound terrible,” he groaned after your weak, raspy greeting. 
“Miss you too, Logan,” you tried for sarcasm but ended up sounding pathetic. 
“You need me to come back early?” 
You shook your head back and forth across your pillow, dizzying yourself further as you clutched the phone to your ear. “No. No, you have to meet with the donors, Logan, it’s” you paused to cough, a wet hacking wheeze that you knew was only making him more concerned. “It’s important for the center.” 
“But you sound…”
“I’ll be fine, Logan,” you tried to sound assuring, but you knew you didn’t. “Promise. It’s just the flu.” 
You’d made him swear not to cut the trip short just because you were under the weather, and he begrudgingly agreed. You’d then proceeded to sleep for most of the remaining two days that he was gone, forcing down some broth and tea in the few hours you’d spent awake.  
You and Logan had been officially seeing one another for about 8 months before he’d left on this trip. You hadn’t moved in together yet, but you had keys to his place and he had a copy of yours that he used regularly. You rarely spent more than two consecutive nights in separate beds, Logan letting himself into your apartment with a bag full of groceries to cook dinner for both of you, or you heading to his place after a long day, arms laden with takeout bags. It was amazing how different things were for the two of you now, compared to how things were when you met. Now when you sprawled out on couches, draped across one another, it was because you were exhausted from a full day’s work, or full from a healthy meal. Even though you’d known every inch of Logan’s body back then, and he was an expert on yours, you’d taken things slowly this time. Between the two of you you’d had enough brushes with death to make you truly appreciate all the little things in life, bringing your focus to the future; to ensuring that you’d have one together. You were afforded time now that you didn’t know you’d have then, and you spent every last second of it like pennies in a change jar. 
You’d been asleep on the couch, giving yourself a change of scenery from the bedroom, when the scraping sound of a key in the lock opened your eyes. You slowly sat up as the door opened, peeking out from under your blanket cocoon and over the back of the couch as Logan stepped into view. Even though you still felt awful, the second your eyes landed on him you were comforted. He’s home. But at the same time, you didn’t want to get him sick. You’d told him not to come over until you were better, and it was a testament to how delerious you were that you believed he’d listen. He shut the door behind him and turned in your direction, a deep sigh falling from his lips at the sight of you. 
“Hey,” he said softly, already halfway to the flu infected pile of sweatpants and blankets you’d become. “How are you feeling?” He scooped up your legs and sat on the couch with you, draping them over his lap. 
“Logan,” you groaned. “You’re gonna get sick… I told you not to-” the rest of your sentence was swallowed by a sneeze as you turned your face into your pillow. 
He brought one hand up to your cheek, his fingertips delightfully cool on your feverish skin. “I know what you told me.” His eyes met yours as you turned back to him, and as always you were socked by the affection you saw there. He leaned down to kiss your opposite cheek, and you whimpered at the feeling of his beard brushing your face. “I don’t care if I get sick,” he told you, one arm winding beneath your shoulders, the other going back under your legs. “You need me, so I’m here.” You tried to protest again, but he placed another kiss to your cheek. “Shh, come on,” he stood and you felt his strong arms flex under your weak frame as he cradled you close to his chest and carried you to bed. “You eat anything today?” he asked, nudging the door open with his foot. 
“Had some soup. Juliet dropped it off. She’s back to work already.” He settled you into the bed and you sunk into the mattress, a yawn slipping out as he slipped his shoes off. 
“Good.” Logan unbuttoned his jacket and removed it, tossing it over the back of the chair in the corner before doing the same with his dress shirt and pants. 
“Logan, what are you-” you tried to sit up but he laid a hand on your shoulder and gently but firmly pushed you back into the pillows as he climbed into bed beside you. Wrapping one arm around you, he dragged you against his body and pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“You’re sick. And I missed you. I’m staying. I’m taking care of you, and,” he swiped your sweat slicked hair from your eyes. “I’m holdin’ you. C’mon, take a nap with me. I’m jet lagged as fuck and you need your rest.”
You shook your head against his chest, but you gave in knowing there was no changing his mind. “You’re gonna get this damn flu.” 
His fingers traced up and down the back of your neck and it was the most soothing thing you’d felt in days. “That’s okay, I’m sure it won’t be the last time.” 
As much as you hated the idea of him going through what you’d been feeling for the last few days, you couldn’t help but smile at his words. He meant it, and you knew it- he was in it for the long haul with you, and while you both would prefer not to catch bugs like this one, you knew that what he was really saying was that he was there for you, always. You drifted off to sleep, lulled by the rhythm of his breathing and the way it felt to have his arms around you again. 
You woke up the next morning feeling head and shoulders better, and by the following morning you were over the worst of your symptoms. But Logan’s had just begun. 
..  .. ..  .. .. ..  .. ..
“You should stay here,” you suggested, brushing your hair in the mirror but looking at him laid out in your bed behind you as you spoke. “Keep all the germs in one place.” 
He grunted a response that sounded like “I’m not sick.” And you turned, setting your brush down on your dresser to cross the room to the bed. 
“Yes, you are, Logan. You have the flu.” You pulled the blanket over him, tucking it around his shoulders. “I’m only going in for a few hours, just to catch up on what I missed the last couple of  days.” You combed your fingers through his hair as he blinked up at you, eyes swollen and watering. “Then I’ll be right back here with you.” 
“I’m gonna kill my sister for spreading this fuckin flu,” there was absolutely no conviction in his voice.
“I know,” you leaned down to kiss the corner of his eye, and he weakly gripped your wrist, running his thumb slowly over your pulse point. 
“I hate bein sick...feels so… useless…” he broke off into a fit of coughs that you felt in your own chest. 
“You’re not useless, Logan. You just need to rest and get better. I’m gonna be back before you know it, and then I’ll take care of you like you did for me. Promise.” You set him up with some tea, a box of tissues, and changed out the blanket he’d been using for a fresh one. By the time you were satisfied with the level of care you’d provided, he was already snoring and you quietly crept out of the room, wishing you could stay but knowing you needed to get into the office to return some calls and emails. I’ll be back as soon as I can, Logan, you thought, closing the door behind you. Love you, Delos.
You hadn’t started using that word yet, even though you both knew that it was there. But you hadn’t kept it from your thoughts, and you found yourself thinking it often. Over the next few days you worked partially from home, spending a few hours each morning in meetings and helping out with intake at the center, and then returning with some work so that you could be around to take care of Logan, loving him like he loved you. 
..  .. ..  .. .. ..  .. ..
On the fourth day after coming back from his trip, Logan woke up feeling completely better, but alone in your bed. Running his hands over the sheets on your side, he thought about how miserable the last week had been, the two of you sick as dogs. But I would do it again in a heartbeat. I love her… 
He got up and showered, changing into a clean pair of sweats and pulling a tee shirt over his head before emerging from the bedroom for the first time in days. He found you in the kitchen, cursing under your breath as you tried to scrape the burnt eggs from the pan. She’s a terrible cook. He leaned against the door frame, arms crossed over his chest as you deposited the burnt eggs in the garbage, frustration on your face. You set the pan back on the stove and turned to the refrigerator to grab new eggs, muttering to yourself, when you saw him and stopped. “Oh!” You smiled, forgetting how annoyed you were with the eggs and your endearing lack of culinary skills. “Hey, how are you feeling? Better?” 
Logan nodded. “Much.” 
“I was trying to cook you breakfast...been a couple days since you ate real food. I know the broth diet sucks,” you shrugged. “But, I suck at cooking so…” 
You do. He let his arms drop as he walked into the kitchen, and took the egg carton from your hands, setting it on the counter. Gripping your hip, he tugged you closer and pressed his lips to your for the first time since he’d been home. He felt your gasp against his mouth before you eased into the kiss, and he moved the hand at your hip around to your back, fingers clutching the fabric of your tee shirt. Sunlight spilled in through the skylight in your kitchen, and he felt its warmth combined with the warmth of your body as you melted against one another. He broke away with a gentle tug at your bottom lip, then swept his thumb under your eye. 
“What was that for?” You asked, breathless and grinning. 
“That?” Logan shrugged, his hands still on you. “That was for nothing.” No reason was his favorite reason to kiss you, but the next few reasons he was about to share were right up there on the list. “But this is for takin care of me.” He leaned back in capturing your lips once more. “And this is because I love you.” You let out another gasp as he spoke the words against your mouth. “And this…” He pulled back and looked into your eyes, and what he saw there made him completely sure of his next words. “This is because I want you to move in with me…” he left a small kiss on your cheek before pulling back again. “What do you think about that?” 
You let out a breath, your mouth open in shock, but you recovered quickly reaching up and tangling your fingers in his hair. “I think you were right. It’s not the last time we’re gonna get each other sick. I think I love you, Logan Delos, and I think this is my answer,” You kissed him then, and his arms tightened around you. When you pulled away, you were both grinning ear to ear. “And I think you should take over in here, if you actually want your food to be edible.”
@something-tofightfor @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @suchatinyinfinity @agent-bossypants @lexxierave @thesumofmychoices @belladonnarey @ymariejp @obscurilicious @ms-delos @songtoyou @gollyderek @traeumerinwitzhelden @breanime @drinix 
let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!! 
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tea-and-cardigans · 5 years
‘Sick’ - Harry x Macy - Hacy
Day Fourteen - ‘Sick’ for @fluffcember2019
Read on Ao3
“I’m fine, really,” Macy insisted as she tried to get up from her bed, for what must have been the fifth time, managing to balance momentarily on her arms, before the weight was too much and she collapsed onto the pile of pillows that Maggie had stacked behind her.
“You are going nowhere,” Mel told her, and Macy could tell from her tone that she was getting the ‘big sister’ treatment that Maggie had spoken about so often. “You need to rest.”
“But the board,” Macy started again, trying to will her body to cooperate with her and allow her to at least sit up to argue.
“Maggie and I will look after the board,” Mel assured her, reaching up to press the back of her hand against her forehead, frowning as she did so. “You still have a temperature.”
She moved across the room, to an assortment of bottles that she had brought with her to Macy’s room. Macy eyed them suspiciously. As good as Mel’s potion-making had gotten over the last few months, there were still the occasional unintended side effects and Macy was not keen to ingest one of these slip-ups.
“Maybe I should just take regular Western Medicine at the moment,” Macy said, as Mel continued to examine the bottles, taking one in her hand as she returned to Macy’s bed.
“This should work,” Mel said as she tipped the bottle upside down to mix up its contents.
Macy tried to edge away from Mel in her bed, but simply didn’t have the energy, “What is it?”
“A simple tonic, Mandrake, Hyacinth, and Morning Dew,” Mel rattled off the ingredients which made Macy feel a little better that there was nothing too unusual in there, “then a simple incantation and we are done.”
Macy pursed her lips, wondering whether she should refuse, but Mel really had gotten better at her potions and if it did make her better quicker, she could get back into the fight. Her family would not be defenseless without her. She could protect them better, than being here confined to her bed.
“Okay,” Mel responded with a broad smile, Macy a little wary about how excited Mel was to experiment on her, then again she knew the draw of the unexplored and the rush of experimentation and discovery herself.
“Here,” Mel handed her the small bottle, the cork removed, “you drink as I say the incantation, on three.” Macy went to raise the bottle to her nose, but Mel’s hand on her forearm stopped her.
“I wouldn’t smell it.”
‘Great, ’ Macy thought in her head, wondering why their potions never actually tasted of anything good, or even palatable.
“One, Two, Three.” Mel counted and Macy started to drink, the liquid burning her tongue as she forced herself to swallow.
“Sanationem corporis sanitatem mentis sa mali dimitte me.” Mel chanted, as Macy finished the last of the potion handing Mel back to the bottle before she fell back into her pillows. Her head resting gently as Mel examined her.
“Do you feel any different?”
Macy shook her head, as Mel pressed her hand against her forehead again.
“Maybe a little cooler, it probably takes some time to take effect.”
Macy nodded as she closed her eyes. She continued to struggle to breath through her nose, her mouth opening slightly so she was still able to breathe.
“I can get Harry to come and stay with you.”
Macy’s eyes opened, “No.”
Mel’s brow furrowed in confusion and Macy busied herself playing with the edge of her duvet, intent on not meeting Mel’s eyes.
“I mean he’s busy with the book and-”
“I still think he should be here with you Macy. Just in case.”
Macy nodded, knowing that Mel was right. At the end of the day whatever had happened between her and Harry, he was still their whitelighter and if she did get worse he was the one who actually had healing powers. And the one who seemed to fix Mel’s spells when they went a little sideways.
“Harry,” Mel shouted and their whitelighter appeared instantly in a blast of light.
“Mel, what can I?” His eyes turned to Macy and he was by her bedside in an instant, “Oh Macy, what happened?”
“I’ve got the flu,” Macy said sadly, a little ashamed that a common human non-magical illness had secured her to her bed.
“Okay, I’ll take head over to the command centre, to stay with Maggie, just look after her okay?” Mel said, placing her hand on Harry’s shoulder a gentle squeeze before she left the room.
Harry met Macy’s eyes again as he moved to her bed, sitting gingerly on the edge. He had been more distance in the last week, so had she she supposed. Ever since she had revealed to him that the demon with his face appeared in her dreams, and he had told her the truth, it should have brought them back together, but instead, it seemed to have driven a wedge further between them.
“You’re okay?” he asked, and Macy gave a nod before relaxing back in her bed.
“Yeah,” she took a deep breath, a little feeling of disappointment that Mel’s potion hadn’t taken any effect. She was confined to her room, her bed, by a common virus. Unable to assist the other witches out there, her family, completely useless.
“You’re not useless,” Harry said, placing a hand on her covered knee, giving her a gentle squeeze.
Macy shot him a look, and Harry removed his hand, a look of regret crossing his face like he had gone too far crossed a line that he shouldn't. A line that he had created for himself.
“I didn’t say that,” Macy said, narrowing her eyes.
“Yes, you did.” Harry asserted.
“I- I thought it.” She had thought it right. She couldn’t remember saying it. She would never actually say those things out loud.
“Mel’s spell,” they both said in unison, as Macy fell back against her bed in defeat. It would figure that she would get one of Mel’s not quite right spells.
“What did she use?”
Macy rattled off the ingredients and the small parts of the incantation that she could remember. While Harry pinched the bridge of his nose, giving a groan that Macy was all too familiar with. It was the sound he made when one of his charges had made a mistake.
  ‘Unbelievable, if she has been using banned spells again I swear I’ll-’  
“It’s not her fault Harry, she was trying to help.” Macy crossed her arms in front of her.
  ‘I mean I know most of these ‘spells’ go a little wrong but-’
“See you’re thinking about it too.” He says with an accusatory finger pointed at her.
“I was.” Macy’s eyes widened at the realisation that if Harry could hear her thoughts than he could-
  ‘Calm streams, calm streams, calm streams.’
“She cast a healing spell, it clears out toxins to heal the physical ailment sure, but it also removes psychic blocks to help heal the mind, which for your normal human is probably okay but when you are dealing with magical beings.”
“So you can hear my thoughts-”
“And you can hear mine.”
  ‘I’m going to kill Mel.’
“I don’t think that would help Macy.” Harry's eyes soften as Macy turns away, “Sorry. There’s no way to stop it.”
“It’s permanent,” Macy almost shrieks.
  ‘I’m going to be picturing calm streams forever.’
“No, I mean I can’t stop myself from hearing what you’re thinking any more than you can stop hearing mine. The spell will get rid of that flu. Just until it does, the side effects will remain.”
Macy slumped back in her bed, noticing that her nose did feel a little less stuffy in that she could actually breathe through it again.
“Maybe I should go,” Harry offered, getting up from her bed.
  ‘But I don’t want to.’
  ‘I don’t want you to.’
Macy smiled at Harry as their thoughts collided, and Harry sat back down on the bed. It was true despite what she might reveal to him, she didn’t want him to leave. They had been here so many times before offering comfort to one another.
Macy gave a loud sniff, as Harry reached to her bedside table grabbing the box of tissues and handing them to her.
She took one, blowing her nose, putting it into the bin beside her bed as she took a deep breath in through her nose. Her eyes closed at the immediate relief.
  ‘God that feels good.’
“You look better already,” Harry replied.
  ‘Although you always look good.’  
Macy’s eyes snapped to Harry’s and he looked away, knowing that she had heard him. He pulled at the collar of his shirt and Macy couldn’t help the blush that spread across her cheeks at his comment.
“You still think that?” She asked, her hand reaching out to settle on his arm as he turned to face her.
It had been a few weeks since the Source had taken her over and she had read his mind. He had told her to pretend she had never heard it and she had reluctantly agreed. It had been her invasion of his privacy, he should be the one to decide what happened next.
But she couldn’t stop thinking about it. She had always known that Harry was handsome, that he was kind, generous and caring. But the snippet of knowledge that he thought of her as something more than a member of their makeshift family or his charge, had ignited something she didn’t know was there.
Or she had just become incredibly practised at ignoring it. At storing away the feelings and emotions that didn’t agree with her world view of how things should be and a relationship with Harry, a crush on Harry was very much outside the realm of possibilities.
But she felt it. Perhaps that was why the demon that visited her in her dreams used his face because he knew what she wanted, what she craved almost every day.
Harry continued to stare at her, his eyes moving over her face as she gasped realising that her thoughts had drifted away from her and that her mind was very much still open.
“You feel it too?” He asked, moving closer, his hand reaching up to cup her face, as she allowed herself to lean into it.
  ‘Is that why you’ve been avoiding me?’
“I didn’t mean to,” she answered.
  ‘With the assassin visiting me in my dreams, I didn’t want to complicate things.’
 'I didn't want to be around as a constant reminder of your torturer, I couldn't bear to think that I could cause you harm.'
“I didn’t want to lose my focus,”  Macy looked up at him, "I needed to keep fighting. But I-"
“I can’t stop thinking about you,” he admitted, out loud no longer a secret he kept in his head.
“I know,” she said with a chuckle having being privy to his thoughts.
“Right.” He nods as his thumb moves across her cheek, and Macy swears that she forgets how to breathe just for a moment.
“You should probably keep your distance, wouldn’t want you to catch this.”
“It’s okay, your sister has a useful spell for it.”
And before she could argue further he presses his lips against hers and her mind goes completely blank.
25 days of Christmas
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schnooglepuffs · 6 years
Can you do an isugou cuddling? It's my religion
Sorry for the slowness again ^^;Here you go, two of our best girls snuggling ^^
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Fic below the click!
In Flew Isu=======
Isuzu chapped the door impatiently. She had already knocked a few times but to no avail. She opened the letterbox and yelled “Helloooo?” through it, starting to worry that perhaps noone was at home.
Finally the door opened and an incredibly annoyed Rin with extreme bedhead answered.“Oh hey sleepy! Momo told me you were back.” She looked him up and down, staring at his bare chest. “Nice cleavage, more impressive than mine!” She joked, sticking out her tongue. Rin snarled slightly, he was clearly not in the mood. “C'mon, don’t be like that, you know I’m just messing with you Rin-Rin. Can you allow me in to visit the princess? Or is she in another castle?” She chuckled with the characteristic Mikoshiba grin. Rin rubbed his eyes and yawned. “Don’t call me Rin-Rin. Just be glad you aren’t one of your brothers,” he replied grumpily.“…and why is that?” She enquired, smirking at him.“Well, for a start, I would have punched you for calling me that. Also there is NO chance I’d be allowing either of them in here right now. Sou and I both have a hangover and-”“Oooooh SOU IS HERE! Is that why you’re only wearing pantsu? Oh my god, is he naked? SPILL THE BEANS!” she teased, raising an eyebrow. “Is that why my brothers wouldn’t be allowed in, hmmm? Incase they discover some dirty little… or even dirty BIG secret?” she winked. Winding Rin up was so much fun.
He slid his palm down his face and groaned. “Urgh. Momo is too loud and hyper for this hangover, I’d literally have to kill him to shut him up. Seij is far less irritating but his laugh would cut glass and right now my brain can’t deal with loud noises,” he said, defeated. “If you can keep maniacal laughter to a minimum then I guess you can come in. Gou is in her room, I’ll show you where it is.”
“Here we are,” Rin said, suppressing a yawn. “Try not to be too loud, I have a splitting headache.” Isuzu gave out a mischievious giggle. “I’m sure that Sou can help you with your ‘head’ if you ask him nicely,” she grinned. She heard a snort of laughter coming from further down the hallway and couldn’t supress the guffaw that escaped her lips. She grinned at Rin and winked at him again; He facepalmed and muttered “Damn it, Sou…” beforeretreating to his room.
“Gou-chan…” she said as she knocked on the door, awaiting a response. She heard a hacking cough then a small voice saying “Come in,” followed by some more coughing. Isuzu opened the room door and stuck her head in. “Hey Gou-chan!” She said cheerfully, looking around the room. It was her first time visiting and she knew not to expect it to be perfect; she had arrived entirely unannounced and knew it was unlikely that Gou would have tidied the place while unwell. The room wasn’t particularly untidy, but the blinds were drawn, the window was closed and the room smelled of stale air and sweat. Gou was bundled up in a large pile of blankets, shivering despite the large number of layers.
“I heard you were sick,” Isuzu began. “Momo told me you had the flu or something… I genuinely thought he was exaggerating, but now I can see that he was telling the truth.” She couldn’t hide the look of concern on her face. Gou coughed and smiled weakly. “Yeah, I can barely move,” she replied. “Everything hurts. I can’t even get to the window to open it. It smells like illness in here. Sorry that your first visit is disgusting,” she said sadly, trying to hide under a blanket in embarrassment.“That’s okay, don’t worry about it” Isuzu said, striding across the room to open the blinds and window. “There, at least you can get some fresh air now,” she added as she sat on the edge of the bed, patting the human sized lump under the pile of duvets.
“Thanks for coming to visit me, Isu-chan,” Gou croaked as she reemerged from the blanket. “I appreciate the company,” she added before a wave of realisation hit her. “Wait… Isu-chan, doesn’t it take seven hours by train to get to Iwatobi from Tokyo?” “Yes it does,” Isuzu grinned. “I didn’t get the train though, a flight plus a taxi to your door took around an hour and a half. I even stopped to buy you some soup from a cafe on the way here.” Smiling, she handed a styrofoam cup to Gou.“I hope you like chicken, they didn’t have any other types of soup left.”
Gou was overwhelmed. Isuzu had literally travelled around 700km and through 9 different prefectures just to bring her soup. “Th-thank you, Isu-chan!” Gou buried her face into the cup, hoping she could blame the blush on the soup’s heat.“Hey it’s no problem,” smiled Isuzu, noting the pink hue that had graced Gou’s cheeks. "I am assuming I can stay for a few days though? That way I don’t have to travel all the way home until Sunday evening and I can keep you company,“ she said, clasping Gou’s hand in her own; it was cold and clammy due to the sickness.
“Of course you can stay,” said Gou, her voice cracking as yet another coughing fit started. Isuzu raised the back of her hand, pressing it to the other’s forehead to check her temperature. “Geez, you have a cold sweat all over! You poor thing, you are still shivering. Do you feel cold? As your brother has self-inflicted head pain, he will be no use whatsoever when it comes to looking after you. Good thing I arrived when I did!”Gou smiled. “Great, you can nurse me back to health,” she said jokingly between coughs.“Oh dear, I didn’t bring my nurse outfit…” Isuzu teased, earning another blush from Gou. “Move over. I’m going to try and warm you up.”
Isuzu climbed in under the mountain of duvets and blankets as Gou moved to the side. The bed was only a single, so it was a tight squeeze to fit both of them in it without one of them falling off. “C'mere,” Isuzu whispered, pulling Gou closer, resting her chin on the other’s shoulder. Gou did the same, tightening their embrace.“You have great deltoids, Isu-chan,” she sighed. “You’re really nice and warm, too…”“…and you have great glutes, Gou-chan!” Isuzu teased, squeezing a buttock with one hand. Gou squealed. “Oh my god Isuzu…!” She giggled. Isuzu couldn’t keep a straight face and began laughing as well.
Loud banging on the wall interrupted their amusement.“So help me Gou, you are my sister and I love you, but if you two don’t stop being so noisy in bed together I will personally barge in and suffocate you both!” Rin yelled.“Awesome, suffocate me with your pecs, Rin!” Isuzu yelled cheekily with a wide grin. She winked at Gou before they both broke out into shrieks of laughter, tears streaming down their faces.
“Feeling a little better?” Isuzu asked when they finally managed to calm down. She cuddled Gou more tightly, still sharing her bodyheat. Gou snuggled in a bit closer. “A little, thank you. Oh my god, I can’t believe you yelled that at nii-chan, I wish I could have seen his face,” Gou giggled, trying to stifle yet another bout of laughter with a duvet. “I can just imagine the look of annoyance and confusion; Sou probably laughed at him for quite some time, he will never hear the end of it,” she chuckled.“Maybe Sou managed to take a picture… or maybe even a video!” Isuzu sniggered.“Oh god, I hope so,” snorted Gou.
Outside the sky grew darker and the conversation died down. Isuzu was determined not to let go until Gou felt warmer. She herself was overheating slightly due to the volume of blankets, but Gou still felt rather cold to the touch. “Mmm, sleepy.” Gou sighed into Isuzu’s ear. “Isu-chan… lets just go to sleep. Your shoulder is really comfortable and your hugs are warm,” she said as she began to drift off. “Thank you for taking care of me…”Isuzu smiled as Gou let out a tiny snore. “Cute,” she thought, gently brushing her fingers through Gou’s hair as she slept. “Sweet dreams Princess; I’ll be here when you wake up.”
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minyare2906 · 6 years
A little story about sadness, loss and ictus
Ok, I’ve decided to tell you this partly as a warning, to keep an eye on the people around you, and partly as an explanation for the groups I’m doing redraws for about my delay in doing the things I was asked for. It’s just a sad story but it may help. I’m with the flu, bored in bed (great Three Wise Men Day present from my sis...), so it’s a great time to talk about sickness. That’s why I’ll put it under a “keep reading” in case you don’t wanna read anything sad.
Let me take a look at the past first, cause it’s related to those last months of 2018.
In November 2001 one of my aunt’s on my dad’s side died suddenly. She went to the doctor and they prescribed her the wrong medicines which ended her life. I didn’t go to the funeral, I was in my exams period, but I clearly remember the face my dad wore when he came back. He was devastated, pale, he really looked as if he was somewhere else.
About a month later, I woke up to go to high school and he woke up at the same time, as he did every day. I noticed that he was still a bit unfocused and his face looked a bit weird, but gave it no importance, so we chatted and I left to pick the bus. When I came back, not my dad nor my mother were at home, but there was a note on the table saying that they left for the hospital. So I waited for my big sister to come back and we left. My mom told me that, as soon as I left the house that morning, my dad lost the ability to speak and to move the left side of his body. He suffered a cerebral ictus, a brain stroke, luckily a weak one. He couldn’t speak and for months he had to re-train his brain to be able to. Looking back on that, I think I should have dedicated more of my time to him, but I was a stupid teenager and had no time for others than myself.
In November 2002 my dad had a second ictus. My mom screaming his name woke me up. This one hit stronger. He lost his speaking again and couldn’t move at all. It exploded his femoral vein as well, so he was alive for as long as his organs received the rest of the blood and the hole in his vein expelled all that blood out of it. The most terrifying and long 10 minutes of my life. When the ambulance came, it was too late. I don’t remember much from the next days aside from one of my aunts on my mom’s side telling me I was cold and heartless as I didn’t cry. She couldn’t see I couldn’t do it cause I was in shock and not believing what was happening (I felt I was gonna see my dad on the couch when we went back home). Whatever, she has never liked me much.
Why did I tell this tale of woe? Well, history tends to repeat itself. My uncle on my mom’s side died in November 2018. He was diagnosed with cancer one month before that, it was a fast one. While it was eating his body for 4 years apparently, no doctor ever saw it. Here comes my first warning: My uncle had a lot of cancer precedents in the family, his father (who died of brain cancer), a brother and a sister (who were diagnosed at the right time and are now in constant checkups and free of it) and several cousins. Cancer has killed a lot of men in my mom’s side. In fact, her doctor always checks her cancer markers via blood tests due to this precedents. My uncle never had this tests done. 4 years ago he couldn’t breathe and he was diagnosed with pneumonia. That was apparently the first sign of the cancer. But no doctor took a moment to make a simple blood test to check his cancer markers. If you have ancestors with cancer, take a blood test with cancer markers, tell your doctor to do it, it may save your life.
So when my aunt called and said that he was already on morphine, we took a bus and left for Asturias, in the north of Spain, where they live. My big bro, sster-in-law and nephew live there as well, so we stayed with them for about 2 weeks. I spent a day in bed cause I get really carsick while my mom visited him to say goodbye and spend his last moments together, I went a few days after. My cousin Elena, who is the same age as me and was one of my great childhood friends, asked me how could I recover from my dad’s death. I said “You don’t, you learn to live with it. It will hurt you like hell today and be a distant pain tomorrow. At least you have time to say goodbye and tell him how much you love him, so do it as much as you can”. The hug she gave me still hurts.
We took a bus back on a Sunday, my mom was planning to go back for Christmas to be with him for as long as she could. The next Tuesday, my aunt called to say that he paseed away. Once more, my mom’s screams woke me up. She was obviously devastated. We started calling my aunts and uncles to plan how we were going to travel to Asturias. I got carsick again (this time was worse cause I was vomiting the whole funeral and my dear aunt criticized me for it). The family went back to Madrid the next morning, while we stayed a few more days so that I could recover.
One month later, I was in the kitchen when my mom entered saying that she felt weird. I asked her what was wrong and she said “Nothing, it’s gone now, I’m fine”. She picked the phone and called my sis while I was still asking her what was she feeling. Seeing as she didn’t answer me. I yelled at my sister saying “Try to make mom tell you what is going on with her, cause she won’t tell me”. And then all the alarms went on. She couldn’t speak properly. It wasn’t like my dad, she could speak, but she couldn’t finish some words, she stuttered a lot. So off to the hospital we went while she was in the car saying how exagerated we were and that it’ll be nothing and she’ll hit us for that. As I was in the waiting room (my sis went in with her cause she’s a nurse) I started thinking that it was history repeating itself: My aunt died in November, my dad had an ictus in December; my uncle died in November, my mom has an ictus in December. That got me worried sick and thinking (me being the negative person I am) that she only has a year left. I’ve never been in the best terms with my mom, but that doesn’t mean that I want something bad to happen to her.
In the end, it wasn’t an ictus, it was a TIA (transient ischemic attack). She has hypertension and diabetes, two factors that can lead to this. It’s very similar to an ictus anyway, though weaker and reversible. She’ll get medicated and will have to follow a new diet to eliminate the cholesterol that’s clogging a part of the arteries in her neck. Though the doctor has to check her thorough this week and she’ll have to go through several more checkups in the next months.
What I wanted to say writing this, is that you should keep and eye in your family members, friends and loved ones once they lose someone important and dear to them. Stress and sadness can lead to really important health issues. Some of them can be easily seen from a blood test (like cancer) or by body signs (ictus make one side of the mouth fall). Make sure they eat well, sleep as good as they can and are entertained. Going on walks is a very good option. Don’t let them say it’s nothing. Do all you can before it’s too late.
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walkingdeadfan25 · 7 years
Fandon: The Walking Dead
Character: Carl Grimes
"Widows, especially ones that look like that.....whew they are....special. I love 'em. Right after their husbands go they are just empty inside. But usually not for long.", Negan says as he chuckles.
"Ahh. Now where is she? I would love to see her."
"Do you care to pay your respects?", a voice says from behind him. Negan turns around in surprise. "Holy crap! You are creepy as shit, sneaking up on me, wearin' that collar with that freaky ass smile." Father Gabriel continues to smile as he apologizes and introduces himself. Negan looks to Rick with a look of slight disappointment. He asks if she didn't make it, believing Gabriel's on-the-spot thinking. Rick, still giving Negan the 'side-eye', gives him a remorseful look as they head to Maggie's 'grave'.
"It's a damn tragedy. That's what this is.", Negan replies not really giving a shit aboit how one might feel considering the circumstances. He goes on about how it sucked he had to kill her husband and then saying how he wanted to take her back with him. "I know what you're thinking. How can I have a shot, the guy that just bashed her husband's head in? Haha you'd be surprised. Boy, people, they-", all the sudden he's cut off by a gun going off. They all turn then with Negan giving Rick a look that screams 'you better hope you're people haven't fucked up again'.
They quickly run to where the sound came from. As they enter the house they find Carl holding a gun at some of Negan's men. "Carl, Carl, put it down."
In a deadly calm voice he replies, "No. He's taking all of our medicine. They said only half our stuff."
"Of course. Oh ho. Really kid?" Carl looks at him with a voice that says 'I'm done with your shit' replies, "And you should go. Before you find out how dangerous we all are."
Negan looks at him with amusement in his eyes, "Well, pardon me, young man. Excuse the shit out of my goddamn French, but..... did you just threaten me? Look, I get threatening Davey here, but I can't have it. Not him, not me." Rick interupts pleading his son to put down the gun, fearing for everyone's lives but Negan isn't having it.
"Don't be rude, Rick. We are having a conversation here. Now boy, where were we?", Carl continues to stare down Negan not blinking an eye. Before Negan can continue they hear creaking coming from behind them as a soft and scratchy voice calls out. "Carl", coughing interupts the person before they finish, "Everything ok? I heard a gun shot."
Everyone in the room looks behind Carl as a female around the age of eighteen stumbles around the corner holding the wall for support. She was short and due to being sick was frail looking. Her hair, a dark chestnut brown and curly falling down her waist, hung slightky knotted around her swinging with her movements. Her normally vibrant blue eyes werr dull grey and blood shot and her pale skin had a sickly hue. To anyone she looked like one of the dead almost.
*Aurora POV*
Aurora is jolted awake by the sound of a gun going off down stairs. She has been sick with sone flu virus for a couple days now. Carl has been taking care of his fiancée to ensure she gets better. She struggles to stand almost falling over. Her body too weak to hold her up and her high fever is making her dizzy, not helping by way of moving arpund without Carl. She makes her way slowly down the stairs, hearing voices. She calls out to Carl as she rounds the corner.
*End of POV*
Carl rushes to Aurora's side gently holding her frail body in order to keep her standing. He gently lays the back of his hand against her forehead, ignoring the men staring at him in slight confusion. "Aurora! You're still burning up! You need to get back to bed." As he goes to pick up Negan says, "Oh no we're not done here let's finish this."
Carl reluctantly moves closer, Aurora clinging onto his arm in fear of Negan. Carl gently presses a kiss to her forehead meant to reassure her. She settles closer to his side. "Now we were just talking about your giant man sized balls. No threatening us. Listen, I like you, so I don't want to go hard proving a point here, not in front of your sister."
"She's not my sister. She's my fiancée." Negan lets out an indignant laugh. "That she is.", he says as he spots the nice but simple ring on the female's ring finger. It was Lori's but Rick gave it to Carl to give to whomever he decided to marry if he married. "Anyway, you don't want that, I don't want that. So tell me, why were you threatening my men?"
"Look, I just want my fiancée to get better. In order to do that I need medicine. The medicine in which your men are taking All of, not half. So leave some so I can take care of her."
"I said half your shit, and half is what I say it is. I'm serious. Do you want me to prove how serious? Again? Maybe to your sick little fiancée who hell, I'd probably be doing a service? I mean she looks like the damn dead out there. How do you get it up looking at that? Hell how do you even have sex with it? Do you put a bag over its head?"
"She's sick you asshole, she's not suppose to look like a damn model and she’s my fiancee, show her some respect!”
Negan has the decency to look slightly bashful. “Sorry kid. I should have more respect for your girl.” He goes over to Davey an riffles through the contents around them. He grabs two bottles and a foil packet that has some pills in it. “Here’s some antibiotics, fever reducers/ pain relief and to ensure there’s not a slight chance of any little ones running around that look like her, some birth control. Now don’t say I’m not a nice guy and haven’t done anything for you. I should kill your girl but I don’t want to soil my pretty girl Lucille with her diseased blood. So off you go, take your  ugly ass diseased woman with you back to the ditch she crawled from.” Carl moves to punch Negan but Aurora pulls him back.
“Thank you Negan for your generosity. Perhaps as a thank you once I am not ill, I can make you a nice scarf to keep you warm during the cold weather that’s coming?”
“Sure darlin’. I’ll hold you to it.” With a wave of his hand, he dismisses Carl. Carl turns to Aurora and pus a hand under her knees and then behind her back, moving as slowly as he can to keep her from becoming dizzy. She wraps her hands around his neck, snuggling into his warmth in order to fight off the chills from the fever. “You’re fever is higher than when I last checked. We need to lower it.”
“No, please not the tub. It makes me feel worse.”, she begs. “I know Aura, I don’t want to but I need to make sure you get better. You’re fever is too high and needs to be lower.” As he reaches their room, he gently sets her on the bed.
“I’ll tell you what, I will make sure the water is lukewarm but please don’t fight me.”, he asks as he enters the ensuite bathroom and begins to run her bath. As the tub fills, he pours in her favorite scent of vanilla and mint. “W-Will you join me?”, she asks in a small voice as tears gently fall down her cheeks. He kneels in front of her as he wipes away her tears. “Of course.”, he replies with a smile. He begins undressing and despite being sick, she enjoys the show. Once he’s in his boxers he turns to her. 
He gently removes the socks from her chilled feet, moving to the waist band of her black cotton shorts. He moves her arms carefully through his favorite navy blue long sleeved shirt. He eases it over her head and takes a moment to look down her torso, noticing a few of her ribs have began to poke through and a new bruise has formed on her right side. “How did you get this?” “I did it in my sleep. I’ll be fine when I get better.”
He leans down and places a soft kiss to it. He then presses a light kiss to each rib, breathing a ‘sorry’ into the skin. Aurora laces a hand through his hair. “You don’t have to be sorry. It’s just cause I am not able to keep food down.” Carl lays his head against her bare thighs, her hand running through the soft strands. He presses a quick kiss to her thigh and stands up, moving her to the bathroom. He sets her on the edge of the big tub and turns the water off. Then he sets her in the bath.
She waits for the slight pain from the cold water against her heated skin. However, she is pleasantly surprised by the little over room temperature water. She sighs in content, “Thank you.” Before he gets in, Carl grabs one of the fever reducers and Aurora’s glass of water from the bed-side table. “Here, go ahead and take this so hopefully by the time we get out it will kick in.” He sets the glass on the bathroom sink’s counter after she swallows the pill. He slides into the water, his body thankful for the slightly cool water. He puts his legs on the outside of hers. He moves her hair over one of her shoulders and presses a few kisses against the burning skin on her left shoulder. He notices the ends of her long dark waves are floating in the water.
“May I see your hair tie. I’m going to put up your hair, the ends are wet and can make you more sick.” She holds up her left wrist and he removes the elastic band and puts it around his wrist. He gathers her long silky tresses into a bun atop her head and secures it with the hair tie. “Later if you’re feeling better, I’ll braid your hair.”, he says as he gently pulls her back to his chest. He moves so his back is against the tub. Aurora gently turns so she is on her side and snuggles into Carl. They sit in the water, the sweet and sharp smell of vanilla and mint filling their nostrils. After a while the water gets to be too cold for them both. Carl gets out and grabs a towel. He quickly dries off and removes his soaking boxers. He wraps the towel around his waist as he goes to their vanity drawers, grabbing Aurora some clean, dry underwear, her favorite pair of leggings and one of his shirts. 
“Carl can I wear the flannel you had on?”
“You sure? It might be sweaty, I have been wearing it all day.”
“True but it smells like you and your scent comforts me. Plus, I know you’ve got to go back out there, so I want something that smells like you. Your pillows lost your scent.”
Carl looks at her apologetically as he retrieves his discarded flannel. He sets it with the other clothes. He grabs her a towel and helps her dry off. He kneels, sliding his fingers in the elastic of her underwear and guides them down her legs. He sets them next to his wet boxers. Carl grabs the dry underwear and leggings, guiding them up her legs to rest snugly against her hips. He stands and reaches around her back and unclips her bra, sliding it down her arms, he tosses it into the wet pile. He guides her arms through his favorite flannel and buttons it up. He notices how the blue of the fabric make her eyes shine impossibly blue. 
He picks her up, lays her in the bed and moves to gather himself some clothes. Once he is dressed, he tucks her into their bed. “I’m feeling a lot better Carl. Thank you for everything. Do you think when you get back later I can maybe try to eat some soup?” “Of course. I love you and I’ll be back shortly.” “I love you too, my dear.”, with a kiss on her forehead, he leaves. Aurora snuggles into the blankets, burying her nose into Carl’s flannel, breathing in his scent as she slowly falls asleep.
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hawaiianshirt-s · 7 years
↪Title: A Goodbye Note
↪Pairing: Loser’s club/reader, Beverly/sister reader, slight stan/ reader
↪Summary: Life got too much for you in the small town of Derry. You needed something new. You needed to say goodbye. 
↪Author’s notes: Hey guys, remember, you can request at any time! And please do :)
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Beverly knew life wasn’t great. But she thought that maybe, just maybe, after her and her friends had defeated that damned clown, life would get better. She was wrong. 
The clown had ruined a lot of things for her, that summer included, but there’s one thing it made even better. Her relationship with her little sister, (y/n). Her sister was only a few months younger than her, just old enough to be in the same school grade as Bev. She didn’t look quite like Bev, and they both knew why. (Y/n) was the product of one of Mr. Marsh’s drunken outings, left at his doorstep by her estranged mother just days after being born. 
Beverly was always there to protect (y/n). After all, it was the two of them against the world. When their father got particularly bad, Beverly always made sure to take the brunt of the beatings. When bullying at school got bad, she always diverted the bully’s attention from (y/n) to herself. 
But here she was, and all of that- her whole life dynamic- had been swept out of the window, right under her nose. She should’ve known something was wrong when (y/n) stayed home from school. She never stayed home. Even that one time in third grade when she caught the flu, she hauled her ass over to the elementary school until the flu passed. Neither Marsh girl wanted to be caught in that house alone, without her sister. So, when (y/n) said she was gonna stay home, it should have raised some red flags in Beverly’s mind. But it didn’t. 
All the losers asked where (y/n) was that day. Bev told them she stayed home sick, and it didn’t sit well with any of them, but they didn’t voice these opinions. They all hung out shortly at the arcade after school, but the sun set earlier in November and they all had to go home sooner. 
Beverly knew something was wrong as soon as she stepped foot in the house. 
She knew her father wouldn’t be home yet, so she walked in easily, not masking her step, or shutting the door quietly. She was humming the tune of a song they were playing in the arcade before she left. But, when her humming stopped after she unlaced her boots, she noticed how eerily quiet the apartment was. Not only that, but not a single light was on in the apartment, not even the lamp in the living room that was always on. 
Panic started to rise in Beverly’s stomach, as she automatically assumed the worst. What if It was still kicking around down there in the sewers, and had gotten you while you were sick and vulnerable at home? What if it had already killed you, like it did mercilessly to little Georgie Denbrough?
Beverly ran to your room. The door was shut tightly, and no light shone through the crack under the door. A shiver ran down Beverly’s spine, as she timidly knocked on your door. 
“(Y/n)? How are you feeling?” she asked, her voice feeling far too loud in the unrelenting silence of the apartment. When she heard no reply, she decided she was going in. Twisting the knob, your door slowly pushed open, again, the creaking of the hinges feeling far too loud. 
Your bedroom was empty. 
Your bed was perfectly made, the top left corner of your blanket folded diagonally the way you always folded it. Everything else in your room was in order, the way it always was. But, one thing was out of place. The piece of paper left neatly in the center of your desk, the word ‘Beverly’ being big enough for the girl to make out from across the room. In three quick strides, the redhead made it to the desk, and was able to figure out that the piece of paper was indeed a note, for her. She picked it up, eyes scanning over the words. 
Dear Beverly, 
My sweet sister. Beverly, if there’s one thing I want you to know above all else, it’s that I love you with my whole heart. If there’s one thing I need you to take away from this letter, it’s that. I love you so much, and that will never change. But I had to leave. 
What we went through this summer, it was too much for me. I never said anything, because I didn’t want you to worry. But everything just keeps piling on. Henry Bowers and Greta Bowie, having to be in this house with dad every day. I can’t take it anymore, Bev. 
I thought about taking myself out. Ending it all. Finally being rid of this stupid dusty old town. But when I started being completely honest with myself, I knew I didn’t have the courage to do it. So, I decided to do the second best thing. I’m just leaving. Catching a train straight out of the state. I’m going anywhere but here. 
Maybe I’ll go to New York City. Could you imagine, Bev? All those skyscrapers. All the people. Broadway! The point is, I don’t want you to worry about me. I’m going to be fine, really. Tell the boys I’ll miss them so so so so so much. And also tell Richie to stop being a dick to everyone, and that he doesn’t have to try so hard, he’s already funny. And tell Eddie that he’ll grow taller one day. Tell Stan that whenever I see a pretty bird I’ll always think of him. Tell Mike that his baking always made a bad day better. Tell Ben that his music taste rocks, and I still have to poem he wrote for me. And tell Bill that the flannel he gave me is going to be keeping me warm at night. Tell them I love them. 
But most importantly, remember that I love you. You’ve been there for me every step of my entire life, and I’m sorry I’m leaving you like this. I swear, when I find somewhere new, I’m gonna come back for you. I’ll take you somewhere pretty, and you won’t have to see the sewers or our father ever again. Just hang in there. 
By the time Beverly got to the last line, fat, hot tears were streaming down her face. She didn’t bother to wipe them away, she didn’t have the strength. Her knees buckled under her, and she didn’t even realize that she had fallen to the floor, harsh sobs wracking her body. That night, she fell asleep on the cold floor of her sister’s room, the note clutched to her chest. 
The next day, when Beverly showed up to the quarry (where they met every Saturday) alone yet again, the boys were immediately worried. However, when they got a look at Beverly’s distraught face, the worst thoughts started racing through their minds. Bill was the first to say something. 
“B-Bev, what happened? W-what’s wrong?” He asked, getting up and walking towards the redheaded girl. The rest of the boys followed suit, matching looks of concern on their faces.
 “(y/n),” Beverly whispered, her voice harsh from sobbing the entire night, “she’s gone. She ran away.” The words didn’t register with the boys right away. 
“What do you mean she ran away? Where did she go? Is it permanent? Fuck!” Richie started asked, hand going straight up to tug at his raven curls. At his words, tears started welling up in Beverly’s eyes once again. Wordlessly, she handed the note to the boy nearest to her, Stan. He started to read it, and when he reached the end, he was crying also. 
The boys quickly passed the note between themselves, and by the time they had all read it, there was not a dry eye left.
“What are you guys waiting for? We have to find her! We have to do something! We have to…,” Stan started yelling, but his own tears cut him off, and he sat on the ground, face in his hands. Everyone knew Stan had a soft spot for you, and vice versa. And currently, he felt like his heart was being ripped right out of his body. Bill sat down next to Stan and put an arm around him, trying desperately to comfort him. 
“There’s nothing we can do. This is what she wanted,” Bev said, not daring to look any of them in the eye, “if she wants to come back, she will. But for now, we have to let her go.”
It wasn’t easy, but they all knew she was right. You were never one who could be controlled. 
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bennykopus · 4 years
Save Me // drab
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  // This drabble was inspired by the goodbye letter left by Thea Kopsu--Benny's little sister. This drabble is a co-drabble written by the writer of Thea Kopus and Me. This is very emotional. . . fair warning. Song posted with this drabble is "Save Me" by Jelly Roll. Benny was just getting off a 30-hour shift from the hospital, pulling into his driveway and turning off his vehicle. He decided it was too cold for the motorcycle. He felt his phone begin to vibrate and smiled when he noticed it was his darling sister, Thea. Answering the phone, his smile turned into a frown at the seldom look upon her features. "Thea? Is something wrong?" “Hi big brother,” She croaked as she tried to clear her throat. “I’m not doing so good Benny. Remember how I said I thought I had the flu? Turns out it’s Covid and I’m not getting any better. And I’m scared. And I’m alone. And I need you, Benny.” She cried on the phone, making Benny's heart sink. He was walking up to his door as she spoke, his heart stopped when she told him what was going on. His body froze, looking down at the screen he held in his hand. He locked eyes with his little sister as fear began to swell inside him. "Don't worry, sissy, I'm on my way. You gotta send me the address and I will book a flight as soon as I can." He rushed into his home and began to immediately pack his belongings--getting his affairs in order. Over the next four hours--after getting the name of the hospital--Benny had packed, told his work that he was heading out of town for a while, and booked a flight. The flight only took two hours, but with traffic and the crowded airport, it took a little longer than he wanted. Before he knew it, he was outside the room number that she had told him. He felt as though he was floating--as if everything going on around him was just a nightmare that he wanted to wake up from. Before he could get any closer to the door, he was stopped abruptly. His fist clenched as he was ready to strike anyone who was going to stop him from seeing his sister, but as soon as he saw it was a doctor, he stopped himself. “Sir, you can’t go in there without authorization or proper protection.” She said sympathetically. "Get me the proper protection, please. I need to be with my sister." She nodded to him and walked back to the desk. Another team of people came around to get him fitted with the helmet and the disposable gown to put over his clothes. The doctor came and handed him a form to fill out. “You need to sign this that you’re ignoring medical advice and cannot hold the hospital liable.” It was the only way she would be able to let him in the room. He got fitted into the proper protective equipment and immediately grabbed the form to sign. He didn't hesitate--all that mattered was being there for Thea. When everything was completed he was allowed into the room. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door and walked into the room. "Hey, sis." He approached her bedside, looking down at his precious little sister who was hooked up to machines and breathing tubes. He absolutely hated seeing his sister in this condition. Something about it made him think the worst. She had to get better--she could, he felt it in his bones. Having him there with her would surely lift her spirits and help her fight. Approaching the bed, he reached his hand out to grab hers--feeling how weak she really was. He frowned. "I'm here, sissy." Over the next few hours, Thea got worse and worse. She explained to him why she went to New York and how frustrated she was that she was two days away from coming home before she got sick. Benny gave Thea an iPad that he brought from her home--something she requested he bring before he left Hartsville. Then she called Joel to talk to him and their daughter, Lovette--Benny sat there quietly, only talking when the iPad was facing him and Lovette was waving at him. Thea had just gotten off the phone with Joel--saying her goodbyes--something Benny didn't want to hear. “My daughter deserves to be raised in the truth and not a lie. And she’s going to need her uncle Benny as she gets older and she wants to know more about her mom.” Thea's eyes swelled in tears. “I’ve always been the one who kept you both going. I don’t know who's gonna look after you and him when I’m gone.” Benny's eyes widened when she began to talk about her not being there for Love, and it made his heart sink. "Thea, don't talk like this. You gotta keep fighting. . . I don't want to lose you. . ." Tears began to swell in his eyes. “I don’t wanna go.” She said shaking her head as she tried to sit up. Clutching her chest in pain as she gasped for air. Her blood pressure rising on the monitors, alerting the nurses who came rushing in. Benny stepped back as the nurses came rushing in to help his sister get stable once more--tears swell in his eyes as he fought the urge to cry. They helped get Thea comfortable in her bed before getting her back on the oxygen mask. When the nurses were gone, Thea looked at Benny. “I can feel it in my soul. The only way I’m leaving this hospital is in a body bag. I’m trying to fight so I can hold my daughter, but my body is giving up.” He hated seeing his sister like this and wanted to take her pain away. He would switch places with her in a heartbeat if he could. "I really want you to hold her again, too. . ." His voice broke. Thea patted the bed beside her as she laid against the bed trying not to move too much and conserve her energy. He immediately crawled into the bed beside her as she gestured for him to get on the bed. He did it slowly so he didn't hurt her, and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest. Holding her hand tightly as she spoke, the tears began to fall. “My sweet brother,” she smiled taking his hand into hers. “I love you so much. You grew up because you had to raise me. And now it’s time for you to do the same with Lovette.” She said unable to hide the tears anymore. “Every time I close my eyes I’m afraid I’m not gonna wake up. So I need to say this alright? You’re gonna go to a dark place if I don’t wake up and I don’t want that for you. You have so much more living to do. And if you’re not gonna do it for you. Then do it for me.” Benny couldn't stop the flow of tears that streamed down his face. "I don't know if I can, sissy. . . We've never not been together. We've never been apart. You are my reason for living and I don't know what I'm going to do if I can't see your smiling face or you help me with advice. . ." His voice cracked, trying to keep his breathing steady. “You’ll have everybody who loves me--they are gonna wanna be there for you. I don’t want somebody else living in my house, so it’s yours. You can keep it for Lovette or for yourself.” She said as she looked up at him. “I’m so scared Benny.” She kept giving up and it was killing him--he couldn't stand her saying all this and it was terrifying him. "I love them, sissy, but they aren't you. You have always been that constant in my life, no matter what. Even in my darkest moments, you brought me back to the light. I can't do this without you, Thea. . ." He held her tight, the tears beginning to flow down his cheeks. "I'm scared, too, sissy. . ." “I’ll always be with you,” She said as she slowly began to fall back asleep. It seemed that’s all Thea did. The next day the lawyer came and Thea got her affairs in order. Benny barely got any sleep over the few days he stayed in the chair by her hospital bed--each day her spirit was getting weaker and weaker--shutting down much like her body was. Benny stayed in his protective gear, as uncomfortable as it was, he only left to use the restroom and to shower. It felt like he was living in the hospital now, and the amount of sleep he was getting was unhealthy for him--but he just couldn't risk leaving her side. By the fourth day, Thea had taken a turn for the worst. The doctor had warned Benny that morning. “Hi babe,” she said as she gasped for air when Joel answered the call. Oxygen mask firmly on her face to help her breathe. “I ... love ... you.” She staggered to say as she looked at him. “Don’t be sad,” she said trying to smile as she pulled at the oxygen mask. “Kiss our little wolf for me,” she said as she cried, putting the oxygen mask back on. “I don’t want you to see me go, so you gotta hang up okay? You gotta let me go, baby.” She cried harder which only made her wheeze more. “I’ll always be with you.” Benny sat there quietly as Thea spoke to Joel on the phone--hating that she was saying her goodbyes. With each passing moment, his heart broke more and more, shattering into a million pieces that he felt wouldn't be able to be put back together. He didn't want this--he wanted to go back in time and stop her from ever leaving Hartsville. Or he should have gone with her, something to help her. Maybe he could have prevented the worst from happening. He felt like such a failure as a brother. He should have been there for his little sister--like she had always been there for him. He was supposed to be her protector, the one that always kept her away from harm. Yet here she was, dying right before his eyes. "I love you..." Joel said trying to fight back the tears that were unstoppable at this point. He shook his head "Baby don't leave me. Don't leave us." He said as he cried harder as she told him he had to hang up, that he had to let her go. "You always be in my heart," he said through his sobs, forcing himself to hang up the call once and for all. Silent tears cascaded down his cheeks as Joel cried on the other end of the line--before the line was disconnected. When the call ended, Thea took a slow breath as she looked at Benny. She was circling the drain. She was beyond scared but her body was done fighting. Her eyes wide as she looked at Benny confused about what was happening now. It was like a domino effect, as soon as she said her goodbyes to him it was like her body was ready to go. Finally feeling as if it was time. It wasn't fair to him. He felt selfish, but he wanted more time with his sister. He wanted to do things with her--share happy memories. Have her go out with laughter--not this. Not in pain and scared and lonely. Yes, he was there, but he knew more than anything that she wanted to be surrounded by people she cared about. All her friends--her daughter. He wanted to hear her laugh, see her smile, full of life. Most of all, he didn't want to be left alone. After Thea--he would be completely alone. Yes, he had Love, but she would be a constant reminder of his best friend. His heart. His world. It was going to be painful. He sat at the edge of his seat--reaching his hand out to grasp onto hers. "Don't be scared, sissy. . . I am right here. I'm not going anywhere. I promise." The monitors around the room beeped steadily, Benny sat on the bedside of his little sister as she battled the sickness inside her. She was talking to him normally--he hadn't left her side since he first arrived in New York. He felt his heartbreaking the worst she got--fearing that he was going to lose his sister. How was he going to be able to continue on without her? Even when she left Hartsville without a word to anyone, they still stayed in contact. Growing up it was just the two of them. Their mother passed when they were little and their father wasn't usually around--he focused on work until his own death. It had always been Thea and Benny--she was his best friend. She was his world. To even think about a world without her in it--it was too much to bear. Thea grasped his hand. Her breathing shallow as she held on as tightly as she could. “I. . . love you.” She said as a tear fell from her eye. She didn’t want to leave her brother. He needed her. Her grip slowly easing as she faded away. “Dad is waiting for me,” she smiled as her eyes closed. It happened suddenly, he looked away for a moment and that was all it took. The monitors began to beep rapidly, panic ensued as he stood up--pushing back the chair he was sitting on. "Thea!" He called out, crystal blue optics scanning around the room for anything that would help. Before he knew it, there were doctors and nurses swarming the room and pushing him back to get to his little sister. Everything began to slow down--going in slow motion as his eyes stayed locked on the motionless body of his sister. He felt his heart sink into his stomach--tears began to swell in his eyes. His fear coming to life and taunting him like a sick game. Somehow he ended up in the hallway, and the realization hit him like a freight train. "No!" He began to move his way into the room, only for a few nurses to push him back--as if he could hold him. "No! I have to be in there!" He escaped their grasp, and it was then that a couple of security guards rushed to the scene--grabbing onto him and pulling him back. "Please!" He cried out, tears of sorrow and anger falling down his face like a waterfall. He twisted his body and punched one of the security guards, sending him flying to the hard floor. He acted out of pure adrenaline--unthinking of the consequences of his actions. The only thing on his mind was getting to Thea. "Sir, you have to calm down, please don't make us escort you outside." Those words resonated in his mind and brought him back, a nurse looking at him with worry as the other security guard put him in a Full Nelson hold. Benny looked at the woman, tears flowing from him as his voice began to call out--croaking with each word that escaped his lips. "Please, I have to be next to her, I have to be the last thing she sees. She can't leave this world and think I wasn't there until the very end. I can't do that to her, please!" He cried out, his heart shattering within his body. "I don't want her to leave this world feeling scared and alone. . ." He paused, as the nurse nodded and motioned for the security guard to let him go. Once released he adjusted himself, situating the protective equipment that he wore in a better position. "Thank you. . ." He spoke barely above a whisper as he began to walk back into the room--calmer as to not capture the heat of the security guard once again. The doctors knew she was going to be taking her last breath soon, it was inevitable. His words resonated with them--and they allowed his wishes. He reached the bed and took his sister's hand in his for what felt like the thousandth time. His heart shattering with each moment that passed. "S-Sissy. . . Can you hear me?" He leaned near the edge of the hospital bed, his vision blurry from the tears that he tried to hold back. He reached his hands out to grasp her cold, lifeless hand--hoping that the warmth he radiated off him would somehow help. "I-I want you to know that it's okay. . . You can go see dad. You can hug mom for me. Tell her I wasn't a complete screw-up, okay?" His lip shook as he tried to keep his breathing steady--but he was failing. "Love is going to grow up knowing what a strong, amazing woman you are. You hear me? I promise. . . I. . ." Loud sobs escaped his mouth, tasting the salt that his tears produced. "It's okay, I'll be okay. . ." The heart monitor flatlined as the doctors and nurses stood by. There was nothing they could do. Thea had signed a DNR. "Time of death. . ." Sobs of sorrow and heartbreak got louder as he buried his face into his sister's body, clinging onto her lifeless body--as if letting her go would somehow be the end of him. The words of the people around him faded into the background as he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. Doctors and nurses surrounded him and let him grieve in peace before a nurse finally placed a hand on his shoulder. "Mr. Kopus. . . It's time. . ." He wanted to object but his body refused--he was weak. A nurse guiding him away from his sister--looking back one last time to see her in such a peaceful state. She was no longer hurting, she was free. And he felt himself grow numb at that moment--leaving his heart in that room with her. Before he knew it--he was in a New York hotel room, sitting silently on a chair as he let the past few days replay in his mind like a nightmare. He couldn't move, he didn't want to eat, he felt as though his happiness was gone. His best friend in the entire world was now no longer in it. How could he possibly go on without her? He didn't want to. He felt cold, alone, and wondered if this was how she felt as she passed. It had only been a short few hours since he left the hospital but it felt like an eternity. He felt all motivation to move obsolete as he just sat there in that dark room--bottle in hand. "I miss you. . ."  
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Pandora Chapter 6
Pandora: FF l Wattpad l Quotev
Pandora (Original):
Pandora (chapter 1-18) (WITH REVIEW FEEDBACK)
Pandora (chapter 1-18) (WITHOUT REVIEW FEEDBACK)
A/N Please note when this chapter is uploaded on my story sites (FF, Wattpad, Quotev), they may or may not be modified. This is not a finalised version until it’s uploaded on other sites. 
Coughs, sore throats and headaches, were the first warnings that your defences are being weakened. When Jessica woke up the next morning, she felt the dry aches in her throat like a skin raw after rubbing it against 50 grade sandpaper. She let out her first tickly cough soon after, temporarily alleviating her itchy, irritated throat. Maybe deciding to stand out in the rain wasn’t a bad idea. She touched her forehead with the back of her hand and suspected she was coming down with a fever as well.
“Great…sick too..out of all times I get cold, I get it now.” Jessica rolled her eyes to herself before giving herself a sarcastic pat on the shoulder, “Well done, Jessica. Just great. Why are you like this?”
She wondered if she packed any cold medicines her mum told her to before she left. Dragging her heavy, protesting body along to her suitcase inside the closet a distant down from her bed, she opened the bag and searched through her half unpacked bag.
Of course she hasn’t! As expected from Jessica Stanley! Yay! She was torn between towing her half unconscious body down the stairs, to the drug store or just staying in bed all day and suffer through the pain. Neither sounded appealing. Her body never did handle well with something as simple as cold or flu. Ever since she was young, once she became sick – which was not that often – but when she did, the illness went on for a long time.
Within an hour later, her body grew hot and feverous; the little clothes she wore did nothing to help to cool the sweats forming on her skin. Her fever would still rise. She should quickly go to the drug store before it became too much for her to handle. Donning a hoodie over her shirt and shoes, she staggered to the near drug store, paid for the medicine and back into her bed.
It had taken her half an hour. The time lost in many times she had to stop and gather her balance before moving off again. It wasn’t worse like this and she, in her hazy state, suspected being in another country had something to do with the fast deteriorating pace.
The bed sheet underneath her was already becoming sticky and moist with her own perspiration. Maybe if she just sleeps for a while. Just close her eyes for a moment and rest.
Alec wondered what was so interesting about a flower. His sister, after all these years, still held onto her peculiar fondness for flowers.
“What a pretty flower.” Jane mused, noticing the new bubs of blue rose blossoming. Blue roses had existed, long ago, before they became extinct but Jane had a habit of collecting rare flower seeds and watching them grow which resulted in the castle’s only floral garden with the most rarest and one-of-a-kind specimens that became a favourite among female residents.
“Don’t you think so, Alec?”
“You’re the pretty one, sister.” Alec commented with a smile.
Jane turned away from the rose she had buried her nose in, looking at him with a smile, “We all know you’re the pretty one out of us two. Our mother always said so.”
“I’m not pretty.” He pressed, Jane’s voice overlapping with the human’s.
Jane raised a brow; her brother always took the phrase well.
“Alec, you won’t ever lie to me, would you?” She asked after a moment of ponder.
He slid down from the handrail he had been resting upon with his back against the column of the Victorian style gazebo to approach his sister. Cupping her cheeks and a kiss to the forehead he looked into her eyes, “Never, sister.”
Jane studied him before asking, “Where have you been going these past days?”
A normal person’s reaction would have been caught by Jane’s sharp, discerning stares but Alec hid his true thoughts and emotions well. Always have. Ever since they were child, the only one Jane always found it tricky to read was her own brother.
“Do I worry you?” He asked.
“Answer the question, Alec.” Jane never did like to prevaricate around a topic.
“Out.” He told her.
“Exploring the Volterra.”
Jane stared at him from under her long lashes. She would always give someone half-lidded look if they were wasting her time or irritating her.
“Alec.” She warned, brows furrowing with irritation.
“Don’t frown, Jane. It’s unbecoming of you. Smile for you look most beautiful.” He teased, “Do not worry about me. That’s my job.”
“Alec, you’re my twin therefore one half of me.” Touching her brother’s cheek, she muttered, “We’ve been together since in our mother’s womb. How could I be so selfish as to burden my brother with all?”
But Alec refused her offering, gently bringing her hand down from his face, “Jane, you don’t have to worry. I promise nothing will come to harm.”
“You’re leaving.” She stated knowingly.
“I am not.”
Jane didn’t believe him – a thought that he could see in her eyes.
“No, not now.” She said, “But later you will.”
He did not deny nor confirm her retort.
Jessica let out another barking cough for the hundredth times that day. Two days had past and while it seemed to be getting better, the aches and soreness of her throat, head and body was a huge pain in her ass. Everything she touched and touched her hurt as if her skin became overly sensitised to pain.  
That morning, she had turned on her phone and instantly she was bombarded with missed calls, messages and emails. Most of them were from her parents or friends and she took time to answer them each. Lastly, she turned her attention to Bella. As expected, ten missed calls, one was just a few hours ago and twenty messages, some short and some long.
She read them all as attentively as she could before typing out her reply. Few messages stood out.
Bella: Alec was the one who gave me the choice to either have you killed or turned. I know it was wrong of me to decide but I just couldn’t let you die. I’m sorry.
Bella: You know how I’ve been telling you Mike’s fine? Yeah, he’s not actually fine. He’s been moody and angry ever since you left.
Jess: Hey Bella, I’m still alive. But not for long. I’m sick. Like real, bad sick. Got cold. Or flu. I don’t know – what’s the difference? Don’t blame yourself. I’d have done the same. I’ve been meeting with Alec ever since and I think we’re OK. My throat hurt so I can’t use my voice for a while until it passes but yeah, I’m alive. Half alive. Might not reply immediately.
Jess: Fuck Mike.
The message was sent and read almost straight away. The speech bubble appeared in Bella’s section and series of full stops suggesting she was replying back.
Bella: Do you think it’s wise to get close to him? I’m not sure if he explained to you about the difference between Edward and his family and Alec’s coven but he’s dangerous. I’m worried he might not be able to control himself around you since you’re a human.
Bella: Don’t be so mean to Mike.
Jess: Well he’s doing well with his controlling his thirst since I’m still alive and breathing. I’m pretty sure this cold is going to kill me before he does. He seems alright; not a bad kid.
Jess: Fuck Mike.
Bella: ‘Not a bad kid?’ I’m not sure if I should tell you about his coven but I think I shouldn’t. Edward told me not to say anything more than you already know but he’s not a kid and he’s dangerous. Like lethal dangerous.
Bella: You can be such a savage sometimes.
Jess: Well he’s a vampire, of course he’s lethal! I know he has a gift of taking away your senses – I experienced that and it’s not a good feeling to have your senses taken away. I don’t know how people who are deaf or blind or mute can do it; huge respect for them.
Jess: Thank you. Fuck Mike xx
Bella: How do you know about his power? What do you mean you experienced it? JESSICA WHAT THE HELL?!
Bella: I’m not even gonna comment.
Jess: Well he offered and I was like sure why not? Hardest challenge of a lifetime.
Her phone screen changed from text chat background to an incoming phone call from Bella. Jessica picked up and she swore she lost her hearing for a second or two.
“Are you trying to deafen me?” Her voice came out as a hoarse whisper, “I’m still alive aren’t I?”
She heard Bella take a deep breath before saying in a composed tone, “W-what are you talking about? What do you mean he offered?”
“After I turned off my phone, I went to find him and I told him to kill me because I don’t want to turn into a vampire. And he said that I had to pay the price of my action and few days later we got talking and I said I wanted to die in my sleep. He said he could give me that option and I was like ‘sure why not?’ and yeah. Not a nicest feeling in the world but I’d rather go through that again than see Mike’s face.”
She heard a heavy, frustrated sigh from the other line. Jessica could almost imagine Bella rubbing the bridge of her nose.
“Y-you don’t DO THAT! What if he killed you?! Or what if he turned you then?!”
“Well he didn’t!” Jessica countered, voice straining at the slight increase in loudness, “He doesn’t look like someone who’d stab you in the back.”
“I don’t even know what to say Jess.”
“Don’t.” Jessica said, “Beside, I’m gonna really lose my voice soon so I’ll speak to you when I get better, okay?”
“Are you sure you’re gonna be okay? If you want, me and Edward could come and get you right now. We can tell him that we’ll turn you after we take you back to Forks.”
“Bella, don’t worry about me – well not too much, just enough. I made all this happen, I’ll take care of it.”
“Bella.” Jessica stopped her before finally saying, “Thanks for everything. Really.”
The end of the phone was silence. But Jessica knew Bella had a smile in her face.
“I’ll talk to you later. Bye.”
“..Get well soon.”
“I will.”
She hung up and leaned her head back against the bed headboard with a small, grateful smile. For better or worse, this whole situation seemed to have brought them a bit more closer.
“What did she say?” Edward asked with a tender touch on Bella’s shoulder.
“She’s alive.” Bella said, worried, “I mean, she said she’s doing fine but I-I don’t know.”
“She will be fine.” He said with undoubted confidence. Something Bella found strange. Not too long ago he was just as equally worried about Jessica’s safety but yet he seemed to know something she doesn’t.
“How do you know that for sure?”
Edward sheepishly smiled, glancing sideways amused, “You’ll find out soon.”
Bella rolled her eyes and inwardly decided going to Alice would be a faster route. In the meantime, Bella deeply prayed for Jessica’s safety.
Jane knew something was occupying her brother’s mind. Distracted. Her brother had always been reckless and curious. Even as a human. The troublemaker of the two and, often, the root of their mother’s ire with his little mischievous ways. He always carried the air of confidence and apathy; he could care less about anything – even what others thought of him. Mocking and always ready to take aim. Independent. She envied that. Sometimes, a little resentful. Always wondered why she had to be opposite when they were essentially one being. Even their powers were on the extreme end of the spectrum. Why was it that her brother fared better with the circumstances? Why was he happier? Why was his gift more benign than hers’? Moreover, he didn’t mind his eternal adolescence, stuck in the body of a fifteen year old. Forever. Although she wondered to what extent that was true and a façade.
Despite their closeness, she sometimes found it difficult to understand him. That older-brother-maturity persona which meant he always had to be the bravest, strongest, secretive, protective one. Even though she was older by few minutes.
“Demetri.” She called and few minutes later, the tracker appeared. His amicable expression never betraying the apprehensiveness simmering beneath.
“Yes, Jane?”
“I need you to do something for me.” She said while remaining with her back toward him.
“What is it?” He asked courteously.
“I need you to track Alec.”
“Alec?” Other than a slight downward twitch of his brows, his countenance remained composed.
“He’s been distracted.” Jane said, “I need to know why.”
“Of course, Jane.” He nodded before backing away.
Sitting on a small round table chair in a balcony outside her room, Jessica eyed the mountain the back of the hotel was facing. The slight cool wind was doing well cooling her body down but not enough. Closing her eyes to feel the forest air breezing through, she slid down from her chair so that her back was comfortably resting on the seat in C position.
“This is horrible.” She groaned, staring at the mocking blue sky that seemed to laugh at her fate.
“What’s so horrible?”
Jessica jumped, startled, and she’s thrown out of her chair and her backside painfully collided with the hard, wooden floor. The chair clacked loudly as it fell to the floor away from her. Her head was aching and dizzy and there was loud ringing in her ears from the fall. A black, polished shoe came into her double vision and settled there until she could regain her balance.
“Alec, you scared the shit out of me.”
He didn’t say anything although he continued to stare at her.
“Are you not getting up?”
Jessica brought herself on all fours before gently, using her left knee and a hand on the chair as anchor, brought her right knee to her chest and heaved herself up.
“You’re ill.” He stated.
“Yes, well done for the excellent observation, Alec.” She sardonically replied as she righted up her fallen chair and heavily collapsed into it. “Everything hurts right now.”
“Is it serious?” He questioned.
“It’s just a cold.” She explained, “I always come down with illness more worse than an average person I suppose.”
“You’ll die then.”
Jessica shook her head hastily, “No, no, no, humans don’t die from cold that easily now days. Unless you can’t afford medical care or other reasons, but I’ll live. It’s just mean that I’ve got few more days to suffer.”
“I see.”
“Great timing, Alec, I was becoming so bored. I can’t go out because I don’t wanna infect everyone with my germs. Glad I’ve got a vampire pal I don’t have to worry about.”
“You shouldn’t trust me too easily.” He warned.
“Well for now, you didn’t do anything to break my trust.” She countered wittily, “Unless you’re planning to, then it’d be nice if you can tell me 5 working days beforehand. It’s Sunday today so I’ve got one more day.”
“How fortunate.”
“Right!” Then, “Alec, where are you from?”
“No, like where are you from as in did you live here as a human too?”
“England. I was born in the Dark Ages.”
Jessica let out a low, impressed, ‘oooh’.
“That’s so..ages ago! I can’t imagine how it must feel to be born at that time and see the world change so much!”
“The world changes but the humans within remains the same.” He answered.
“Okay, Mr. Realist.” Jessica laughed, “I’m sure you’re right but I also hope you also meant it the good way.”
“Same old avarice. Same old selfishness. Same old malice. They’re boring.”
“Not all humans are like that.” Jessica said, “We’re all innocent at birth. But at one moment, some become evil. They might mistake it as happiness – the good they seek or scared or something like that. Evil turns people into monsters. But I want to believe that good will prevail.”
“That’s naïve notion.”
“Sometimes I think so too. But you never know. If a vampire can exist, what else is out there?”
“Those thoughts will only bring you despair.” He warned in a dejected tone. There was something gleaming underneath his usual stoic demeanour. Was it melancholy? Sympathy? He almost seemed disappointed like watching someone shatter his expectation with avoidable mistakes.
“Maybe.” She shrugged, agreeing with him, “You can call me stupid or naïve, but some people need that second chance.”
“A fool’s hope.” He named, “It would be interesting to see which expression you make when that time comes.”
“Me too.” She agreed. “If you don’t mind me asking, but what makes you think my belief is stupid.”
He shifted in his seat, hinting that their little debate was finished. She didn’t try to push on it more and left it at that. Although she was nosy, she knew when to back off.
Using her hand, Jessica fanned her tomato red face boiling with heat and sweat. Even with this chill weather and wind, her body heat didn’t seem to cool even slightly. The ice that she brought from the kitchen had already melted into lukewarm water from the heat. She wished she had a never melting ice cubes. Then her eyes landed at Alec. Then to his hand. Then to his face again.
“Yes?” He tilted his head, noticing her intense staring.
“You’re a vampire.” She thought out loud.
“Yes.” He answered with confusion, not realising her statement was rhetorical.
“No, no, I know you’re a vampire. Your skin is ice cold.” She muttered slowly, “Do you mind if I ask you a teeny tiny favour.”
“Depending on what it is.”
“Well, I have to be comfortable.” She stood up and gestured him to the inside of her room, “Do I have to give you permission to come in?”
“No.” He wearily stood up, “Myths.”
“Good.” She said, “Well, don’t just stand there, come in.”
It was only when she had arrived by her bed that he stepped inside. Jessica dragged a chair from the table inside to beside her bed.
“Well, what is it?”
“Can you seat here?” She pointed toward the said chair.
He did. The image was almost comical. Dressed in expensive looking pearl grey suit on a small dingy chair in a budget hotel room plastered with tacky orange coloured wall papers that was peeling apart, half faded rusty oak wood tiles and cheap polka dot bed sheet; he was laughably out of place.
He didn’t suit light, bright colours. She can imagine his room to be adorned with dark, rich colours like burgundy or dark emerald and probably draped with expensive silk and wool.
Jessica got in her bed, pulling up her blanket, “I haven’t slept properly in like a week now.”
“What does that have to do with me?” He replied stoically, void of mocking intention.
“Well, I thought since you’re here, you can help a sick friend.” She smiled then reached out for his hand. The touch startled Alec who immediately flinched back but Jessica patiently waited until he relaxed and she had the permission.
“What are you doing?”
“Just trust me.”
Jessica rolled her eyes, “Stop being childish.”
“I’m not.”
“Then give me your damn hand.” This time she was successful in grabbing his hand and bringing it toward her temple and sighed in bliss as coolness pierced through the heat and spread down her body.
“It’s so nice to have something this cold that won’t melt.” Jessica said, looking up, “Do you mind just staying like this for a while? Just until I could fall asleep. Do you think you can use your power on me? Just take away my senses for a while – just until I fall asleep. I just need some sleep.”
“This is absurd and ridiculous.”
Letting out another bout of hacking cough, Jessica tiredly met his eyes, pleading.
“Please, Alec.” She said, “Just for ten minutes. I just need undisturbed rest.”
He didn’t move for a long time. Jessica couldn’t help but think he will leave. Mock her fragile morality; angry at suggesting to use his gift for something as trivial as this. After all, they certainly weren’t friends; she liked to think they were although Alec might have a clear sense of what they actually were. In the end, she was a pig. A pig with a name, yes. But it still did not make any difference.
“You’re a peculiar human.”
“Thanks – people tells me I can be weird sometimes.”
“Are you not afraid?” He asked, “Afraid of me – afraid of what I’ll do?”
“You didn’t give me a reason to be afraid of you.” She said then added, “Other than the time you tried to eat me but you didn’t.”
More silence.
Alec held up his other hand hovering away from her face. The familiar shimmering smoke oozed out from his fingertips, stalking toward her with deadly obscurity. Her desperate mind was begging for the thief that would steal her senses. Quick. Quickly. Take it away. The pain. The heat. The tiredness.
And soon, numbing nothingness enveloped her. This time it was more comforting than gripping panic she felt the first time. Don’t fight it, she said to herself, go with it.
Soon to the sound of her own thoughts, Jessica Stanley fell into deep slumber.
A vampire. A human. In a sparse, confined room. It was a disaster waiting to happen. Yet one of his hand still remained on her forehead while his other free half was propped on his thigh in an uncharacteristic show of mercy and tenderness. He stared at the fluttering curtains at the balcony door that was ajar.
Jessica’s eyes fluttered open with refreshed, charged up energy only a deep, recovery sleep could afford. Immediately, she could sense her body was lighter, cooler and limber than the night before. This time she didn’t wake up to the soaked sheet and sticky skin. The soreness that irritated her throat seemed to have gone and her blocked nose could taste the dry air again. Oddly enough, her forehead seemed to be much more chilly than the rest of her body.
Then she saw a dark figure sat on the chair beside her bed that made her eyes go wide in surprise.
“Alec?!” She gasped in unexpected shock. She had expected him gone.
“You’re not as feverous as yesterday.” He said as he turned to her and removed his hand.
“You’ve been here all night?”
“Why? You could have gone?”
“You wouldn’t let me.”
Jessica blinked rapidly. Then frowned, confused as she desperately searched through her absent memory to answer his statement.
“W-wait, what do you mean?”
“Whenever I try to take my hand away, you would not let me and grip my hand back.” He revealed in a story-telling tone. She searched through his eyes to see whether he was irritated by her mortifying sleeping habit. He didn’t seem too bothered by it so as much as eager to tell her this which he undoubtedly knew would embarrass her.
“And it has only been seven hours I believe.” He nodded toward balcony where she could see the sky was completely dark and a full moon was at its peak.
“You could have just slapped my hand away or something.”
“I didn’t want to break a bone or kill you by accident.”
Jessica’s lip made a perfect ‘O’ shape, having a cold was already torturous; she didn’t want to imagine how it’d feel to have a cold and a broken hand, “W-well…uh, thank you for not breaking my hand or killing me in my sleep. I feel so much better now. Thank you, really.”
He stood up to leave, walking toward the open balcony and disappeared in flash that her human eyes couldn’t catch.
Beneath the hotel, behind the tree across the balcony, Demetri watched as Alec landed on the floor with feather-like ease and headed back to the castle. An amused smile curved his sculpted mouth, enhancing his alluring magic.
A/N Please note when this chapter is uploaded on my story sites (FF, Wattpad, Quotev), they may or may not be modified. This is not a finalised version until it’s uploaded on other sites.
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