#I’m gonna make myself cry
slyvester101 · 6 days
Tucker’s line “All I wanted to do was sit around and talk to my friend” feels like it runs in the same vein as “In another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you”
And that fucking destroys me
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brennan-lee-mother · 3 months
She stuck to her guns and they killed her.
Do you think she suspected anything, did she confront them? Or did she go into that forest believing herself safe because she was with her party?
Did a conflict get out of hand or did they enter that meadow knowing they would kill her?
Did the rats try to help her like she had them? Did they try to bring her back like they’d seen her do so many times, not understanding why she wouldn’t wake?
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legobenkenobi · 2 years
i like to think force ghost obi-wan guided leia the same way he did luke.
“you’re really naming your son after a tired, old man?” or something. because he’s a sarcastic bastard and he loves her
he’d tell her he’s proud of her for making the right choice- the one anakin couldn’t make. she sacrificed being a jedi for her son. she did what anakin didn’t, and even though that couldn’t save him in the end, it did save the galaxy. he’d tell her he’s proud of her.
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candiedfain · 2 years
Tell me this isn’t Muta and Miwa🥹
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nanoa1foryou · 2 years
Saw a bost about Murderbot and it took me like a minute to realize why it sounded familiar. I have never heard of whatever it is and I was reading the post like ”why did this hit my brain with familiarity?” And then I got it.
I miss Dice Camera Action. I miss Paultin and I miss Simon. He wanted to be a real boy so bad. Paultin loved him like the son he never had. I miss them both so much.
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bizarreandjarring · 1 year
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harrier if you didn’t want this to be romantic why did you wear your most boobylicious shirt ???
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sagaubeloved · 22 days
I wonder if I should change the title of my user name because I swear I’m entering every game with the sagau idea.
First Genshin
Then HSR
And NOW Wuthering Waves
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cat-brrr · 4 months
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timoswerner · 8 days
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peachyhoolagan · 7 months
Honestly the most unrealistic thing about ahsoka to me that really sunk the last nail into the coffin was in the finale when sabine force pushed ezra into the ship.
Two reasons
1. Sabine should not have been able to wield it that well that quickly. From what we’ve seen I feel like the force doesn’t really work like that. Idk it could just click for some people but she’s not a natural. If she WAS she would’ve been using the force all throughout rebels.
2. I know damn well ezra could’ve made that jump on his OWN. Dude made that massive leap from one cliff to another in the rebels finale with no assistance and it’s been YEARS. You’re telling me he hasn’t gotten even better at doing his big jumps????
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sunnibits · 9 months
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literally fucking sobbing screaming tearing my hair out shitting bricks looking at this image bc it hurts me SO fucking bad now that we’ve seen izzy in s2. look how fucking devoted and in love he is even THEN when they were ALREADY fucked up and falling apart. he was still so in love. he was still so fucking happy to serve. so sure that everything was gonna work out his way. that they could be happy (or as happy as pirates can be). and now it has actually gone so far that IZZY FUCKING HANDS OF ALL PEOPLE is fucking broken and can’t take it anymore. izzy fucking hands is crying because of how hurt he is. izzy fucking hands is going to leave edward teach. the man who was still in love even after he was fed his own severed toe. they have fucked up that fucking badly. it’s over.
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ivyllamauwu · 6 months
I just know damn well that Lancelot is the one that carried Percival back to Zeldris and Gelda after he died, and that breaks my heart..
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688199 · 1 year
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i will, don’t test me thomas doodooballs. my hatred for you triumphs everything 🔥🔥🔥 once i familiarise myself with mlb (🤮) i will maybe write a test script for an episode.
thomas and his writing team is proof that just because you have a job in something doesn’t mean you’re good at it.
huge rant and ramble:
as an avid enjoyer of story telling, i strongly despise everyone behind the writing of mlb.
firstly, marinette is supposed to have bad luck through her ditziness. i watched a few episodes, and her “bad luck” seems to just be with anything regarding adrien? it’s actually just more of her being obsessive and leading to stupid mistakes. on the other hand, bridgette obviously has bad luck. getting drenched, burning her tongue, yet she smiles through it. THIS IS POTENTIAL FOR BRIDGETTE’S CHARACTER. marinette’s character has never been properly explained. why is she this way? why is she different as ladybug? (honestly is she even different? kinda, but it’s not obvious) we sure do know why adrien is more carefree as chat noir. but not marinette. on the other hand, the set up for bridgette’s character can lead to so many plot possibilities. why is she so optimistic? is it because it’s what is expected of her? is she purposefully dense? when she gets drenched by the car, she pauses for a short while looking solemn, then smiles. but that smile looks pained almost. like she’s sick of acting that way. (yes i know i’m looking too much into a pv but that’s the point. i’m saying why the pv has potential.) therefore, as ladybug, she can be herself. someone who does whatever she wants, going ahead without thought, being the person she cannot be. anyways, why the hell is marinette even in love with adrien anyways. he just gave her a god damn umbrella or smth idk. i believe my baby bridgette loves felix because she truly sees his soft side. it may be cliche but it sure is a better reason than an umbrella.
secondly, felix. thomas and his team said he was too much like a cliche male anime protagonist, and adrien would let them tell more interesting stories. i mean sure, but it’s most ironic how they even FAILED AT THAT. i rather a cliche male anime protagonist than bitch boy adrien who is as bland as cardboard. felix being cold to those around him is very reasonable because as a model, he’s used to people only liking him for looks and his money. he thinks that bridgette only likes him for those reasons, so he pushes her away. but as chat noir, felix, like bridgette, is able to be someone he truly feels. unrestrained by societal pressures. EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE BOTH POLAR OPPOSITES, ONE BEING COLD WHILE THE OTHER IS TOO WARM, THEY SUFFER FROM THE SAME ISSUES DEEP DOWN. AS HEROES THEY ARE THEMSELVES. ISNT THIS COOL????? ISNT THIS A GOOD STORYTELLING POINT?????????? then even though he needs to kiss ladybug to break the curse, he soon falls in love with her because he admires her boldness, which is something he lacks when he’s himself. he doesn’t have the courage to stand up against his father. i think mlb chat noir likes ladybug for similar reasons but i don’t remember it being connected like that. (never watched the entire 100+ episodes, only bits and pieces, and read up other stuff so might be wrong.)
i believe his team is just straight lazy. they watered down the relationships and characters to the point that dynamic contrast is just not as powerful as before. in early preproduction art, the concept shown is supposed to revolve heavily around the idea of opposites. marinette is now just an obsessive stalker and adrien takes it. chat noir flirts with ladybug and she takes it. where’s the rejection from the opposite party??? where’s the oomph?? where’s the spice???
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i do enjoy the concept of them letting go of their crushes. but i didn’t like how it was done in the series. it’s as if the writers don’t fucking know the hell they’re going. felix struggles with understanding whether he truly loves bridgette or is it because of the effects of the ring’s curse. does he really want the curse to be gone? while it gives him bad luck, he gets to be himself. what does he truly want? for bridgette, she realises that she is bothering felix too much. wanting the best for him and for her to focus on being ladybug, she learns to leave him in the past for both their good. she also suffers with the weight of being the main heroine. even though she uses her identity as ladybug to be free of expectations and responsibilities, yet it’s coming back to haunt her so she starts to feel stress. while chat noir and bridgette backs away, felix and ladybug realise that they miss the other’s company since the other was always there for them when they needed it the most. the way this was written in mlb was awfully horrible.
look at what i can do thomas astruc, look at the potential. “their chemistry sucks it’ll never work” SUCK MY BALLS WHAT BULLSHIT IS THAT.
anyways, other than the obvious reason as to why the animation is a lot more visually striking and can express more things the cgi can’t (dynamic movement, special effects, etc) (funny enough, the people behind mlb said the cgi made the show more dynamic???), this is why the pv has much more potential and i will never stop believing that.
(also why didn’t the cgi ever put in effort to make ladybug and chat noir look different than their normal selves. it’s the biggest fucking plot hole that never attempts to change. even the pv tries to make bridgette’s hair change.) (sorry for low quality but see, her hair is more messy too.)
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thomas astruc and zag you’re just lazy money grabbing bastards 🗣️ i stand by that. if you’re truly passionate about what you want to do (which i believe you guys were until you weren’t), you wouldn’t have sacrificed quality for money.
“the concept of the original show dealt with political themes geared towards teens and young adults but it failed to gain traction with networks so it retooled for a younger audience.” other than the team failing to realise that “cliche” doesn’t automatically mean bad, the other huge fault is that they think children are stupid and can’t handle heavier themes. look at bluey, look at all the series out there with a relatively large children audience which also deal with such stuff. it’s not impossible, it just needs exceptional writing skills. but what can i expect from a team like that.
sorry not sorry, i’m pretty mad. i have a lot of other complaints but i already spent 2h writing this. down with thomas astruc!!!!! all hail ladybug pv!!!!!!
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polarsirens · 1 year
oh my god guys.
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ash-eats-film · 4 months
So I was just randomly scrolling through insta stories when I saw someone had added a post to their story of a horror com Jeffrey Combs was gonna be at so I looked into it cause it’s within a distance I’d be willing to drive, AND OH MY GOD LIKE ALMOST EVERYONE IVE EVER WANTED TO MEET IS GONNA BE THERE ALL OF THE REANIMATOR TRIO INCLUDED
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justsomeguycore · 1 month
like. nona LOVES hot sauce. and honesty and born in the morning and beautiful ruby and kevin. john would have everyone believe that 10000 years worth of generations and generations away from the dickbags who fucked her up and left her should make alecto understand why he still hates them all. but nona doesn’t care and i don’t think alecto would either. they’re her children. they’re HER CHILDREN
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