#I’m legit crying this is Peter
eastons-creations · 5 months
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weirdo09 · 7 months
no because lunella and miles would bond so hard with being black kids who love science and math, they’re so 🥰🥰
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miralparis · 1 year
do you ever get emo thinking about olivia in fringe season 5 and her emotional turmoil over seeing etta alive? like how her marriage fell apart and she was convinced etta wasn’t alive but seeing she was alive makes her feel guilty for not searching like peter had? and she feels like she doesn’t deserve to be happy when they have those moments together as a family? only to lose her again once she’s allowing herself to lean into the happiness and the second chance she has to be with her daughter? 🙃 also just seeing olivia as a kind, wonderful mom but that she doesn’t believe herself to deserve her daughter?? ahhhh - just - olivia??? y’know?? 🤪
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
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What fans say:
The Lorax:
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse:
It had a very big impact on meme culture. And a really catchy soundtrack. Plus it has the silly sexy green man. What more could you want from a film.*
The Once-ler and the let it die song. This movie is glorious.
It is legit the mother of all great animated movies nowadays. From Mitchells vs the machines to the new mutant mayhem movie! The plot is so good and you can really see character development from almost all of the characters, plus the designs are BANGER.
BRO THE ANIMATION IS SO SICK. The amount of sheer effort put into this movie is insane. The character growth was so amazing to watch and such a great movie to analyze. Best scenes are obviously the leap of faith. Actually gorgeous. And also the scene where aunt May sees Peter b after her Peter died. Her “you look tired, Peter” is just so heartfelt
Where the hell do I even start. The visuals are incredible and the plot is engaging. Every scene is perfect.
This film has EVERYTHING. Humor, action, inspirational scenes, kickass music, absolutely killer animation, an art style that is an homage to comic books, loveable characters, a talking pig, DR OLIVIA OCTAVIUS, I could go on
This is the best superhero movie ever made, the leap of faith is one of the best movie scenes of ever
The animation style is better than all the others, and makes the movie funnier too! The representation is also good, and the romantic storyline isn't too prevalent in the movie. Probably the best animation Marvel has made. My favorite scene is when the villains show up to Aunt May's house -- its my favorite fight scene!
I’m sure this movie’s been submitted already because it’s arguably the greatest animated film of all time. I have a personal connection to it because I saw it in theaters on opening night with my late father, and we both loved it and I still do. The animation is revolutionary and it’s one of the only 3 movies that make me cry.
gsksvbsvsbsvs I love everything about it, I love the animations, the story, the soundtrack also the style of animation AAAAAA its so beautiful its art it belongs in a museum i get goosebumps everytime I rewatch it
It’s just so good. All the characters are amazing and I love Miles dad. It’s hilarious and sparked my love for spider-man. It’s such a sweet movie about finding yourslef and has such a powerful message. I totally recommend it so I’m not adding spoilers, but like. Ohhhh, it’s so good.
Interesting villains, well-developed character arcs, a fresh take on Spider-Man, unique use of animation, funny, good use of multiverse that adds to the nature of the story being told, complicated character dynamics
It's the best animated movie because A: it takes one of the most well known comic characters of all time, kills him off in the first few minutes, and then shows you every cooler version of him. B: Has a large amount of representation in its main cast, considering that they're all versions of Spiderman, and that requires a white guy by default. C: everything in it is so well done I can't pick a favorite scene, but the most iconic is the jump off the skyscraper window.
The animation is incredible, the movie has so much story and heart, and there’s a perfect balance between humor and seriousness. And the soundtrack slaps
This is probably the best animated film I've ever seen. The animation is definitely the highlight, the way they blend comic book art styles and 3D animation is an absolute joy to look at and is so overwhelmingly creative, every frame of this movie is gorgeous. The impact this had on the industry is undeniable, as we start to see more and more movies getting more creative with their animation styles. It's not just the animation though. All of the characters are entertaining, all of the jokes land and the story is really well done. It leaves me blown away every time I watch it.
This movie kind of changed the western animation industry from the ground up. Apart from being expertly written, funny, and heartfelt, it is also stellarly animated, with a unique visual style that takes direct inspiration from the comic books it adapts and mixes 2d- and 3d-animation in a way and to a degree that hadn't really been seen before in western mainstream. Its critical and monetary success paved the way for mainstream 3d animation to open up to new and excitingly stylised movies that were like a breath of fresh air between the generic Pixar-style animation that had been the largely unchanged norm in the industry since Toy Story circa twenty years earlier**. ITSV divides the screen like panels on a comic page, it uses dots and lines for shading and gradients, doesn't shy away from lowering framerates for stylisation, and makes liberal use of onomatopoeia, both to comedic and dramatic impact. Impact frames and SFX are often hand-drawn and stunningly colourful, and even the simple dialogue scenes astonish with an expressiveness and realism in their depiction of emotions that makes me rewatch a two-second scene of Miles laughing fifteen times in a row. My favourite scene has to be the What's Up Danger scene, the emotional climax of the movie. Set to an absolute banger of a song, it is the moment the entire film has been building up to. I won't spoil anything plot-wise in case you somehow haven't seen this movie, but both from an emotional and a visual standpoint it is Fucking Dope. Conclusion: Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse is my favourite movie of all time and I could talk about it for hours. If you haven't seen it, go watch it. Thank you.
Have you SEEN the Whats Up Danger/rising and falling scene? it's a work of art that makes me fall in love with storytelling all over again whenever I see it. Also the impact that it's had on animated film is absolutely being felt at current, if incrementally. Incredible film.
It has an amazing art style based on comics and mixed up due to genre differences. It's really fun and the characters are great, even the side ones. The story line is great and I love Miles and his family.
*Mod note: errr, quite a lot more than memes and music actually
**Mod note: amen
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kelppsstuff · 7 months
So like what if Adam didn't die and lute managed to come out of the battle WITH an arm?
I want both of them to suffer a little so hear me out
What if our dear reader is an exorcist? So of course she's an angel!
What'll their reaction be if the two witnessed their dear close friend, the sweetest angel and friend they had the fortune to meet in their long lives, sacrifice herself so that the two of them would go back safely? (Forcing herself to go beyond her limits, healing all of their wounds and even opening a portal back to heaven just for the two of them.)
+ the fact that they're both horrible people and the only person who cared for both of them, tended their wounds, always there to back them both up, is now gone?
Angst is calling for me to make the two of them suffer a lil
Omg yes! This is such a good idea! I love making characters suffer! ALSO I do every request so don’t be afraid to send them! And it may take me some time to get to them, but I shall get to them. Sorry it took so long hope you enjoy! By far the favorite thing I’ve ever wrote. Like legit made me cry.
“I’m so fucking sorry!”
Part One| Part Two
Warning: death, angst, cursing
Summery: Adam and Lute watch you die, the only person they loved
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“Are you guys sure about this? I mean what if her father shows up?” You spoke to the two exterminator angels.
They both looked to you simultaneously and there eyes softened on your worried form. Lute was the first to speak up to ease your worries. “It’s gonna be okay. Lucifer was the one who let us do this yearly anyways.” You nodded your head. She was right but you still worried.
“Don’t worry about it, hot stuff. If he shows up I can handle him.” Adam spoke ever so confidently. “Promise?” You were so afraid for them. Adam walked over and gave you a hug, kissing the top of your head. “Promise.” You reached out for Lute, wanting her to join the hug as well.
As she joined the hug you spoke from between their chest. “After the battle let’s all go and have a beach day.” The two angels laughed and agreed.
You hurried to Lute as you so saw her rip her arm off. You never flew so fast in your life. When you got to her you stopped her from flying after Vaggie. “We have to help Adam!” She spoke frantically.
“And I will. You need to sit down and let me help you first.” You sat her on the ground and placed your hands over where her arm should be.
A white glowing light came from your hands as you focused on rebuilding her arm. You started to feel dizzy as blood pooled in your moth. You could see black spots but when you were down Lutes arm had been good as new. You would t even know it’s been severed if not for her uniform sleeve. You two went to stand but the ground rumbled. You looked up and saw a golden light. Adams golden light came down in the middle of the hotel.
You quickly threw Lute away from the beam and got hit instead. A cut was in your shoulder. In went clean through. Your arm was fucking toasted from the severed nerves. You finally blacked out.
“Welcome to heaven.” Saint Peter spoke as you arrived at the golden gates. Though you weren’t interested in him, more so the man beside him talking to another female. “Then when the concert was over a BUNCH of girl came to the back to meet me. It was awesome.” The man spoke. You quickly intruded the conversation. “You play in a band?”
The man is what seemed like a mask turned to look at you, while sipping his drink loudly. “Sure am babe! Your looking at the first man!” Your eyes widened, but not because he was first man. “What part in the band do you play.”
You showed no interest in him being the first man. Normally that would piss him off but this time he didn’t care. “Guitarist.” Your smile widened.
You looked to the girl, clearly wanting her to joking the conversation as well. “Are you apart of the band?!” You were so excited and nice. It felt refreshing for Lute. “No.” Her voice sounded cold, though talking to you sparked a warmth inside her. “I’m Y/N.”
Lute smiled and extended her hand. “Lute.” You started to excitedly shake her hand. Happy to make a new friend.
Adam wrapped his arm around you both. “I’m Adam.” Well two new friends.
“You guys what?!” You asked, eyes wide at what just came out of Adams mouth. It was a slip up on Adams part. They had just gotten done with the extermination and Adam was use to telling you everything. So he may have slipped up and started talking about the extermination.
“Listen babe. It has to be done.” Adam was worried. Worried that you would get kicked out of heaven if Sera found out you knew.
Lute was the one who explained the whole situation. How the sinners were up-rising. How it needed to be done to protect heaven.
To both Adam and Lutes surprise you understood. It made them happy that you were accepting of it. For the first time they truly felt like someone wouldn’t leave. Sure they had each other before this but there friendly relationship really started from you being there glue.
“Okay babe but now that you know you have to become an exterminator like us.”
That made you nervous but Adam and Lute always stayed with you during it. They also didn’t expect you to kill anyone. All you needed to do was wear the uniform one day a year.
You stared at the papers that needed to be done. Since you didn’t kill the demons you demanded to do Adams paperwork.
You slowly blinked. You were tired but you had an hour to finish this and give it to Sera.
A coffee was placed right in front of you. You looked up and saw Lute. You smiled at her and grabbed the coffee. You also grabbed her hand and gave her a friendly kiss on the lips.
It was something you two had started doing recently. A way to give each-other the attention you craved.
Just as that had happened Adam walked through the door. His eyes widened. You were quick to explain it was platonic before he could assume anything. One he understood what happened he demanded you start doing that with him. He demanded the same thing from Lute as well.
As time went on many people believed you were in a poly relationship. But y’all were platonic friends who did romantic things sometimes.
Sure y’all all had sex together quite a bit, but no one ever felt any romantic feelings. It was all friendly and it felt natural.
You groaned awake at the sound of Adam shouting. “All of man-kind came from these nuts!” You opened your eyes to see Lute staring down at you, panic in her eyes. You smiled at her. Though your moment was cut short at the sound of Adam gasping. You looked over to him and saw a little maid stabbing him. You and Lute shouted Adams name as your hurried to fly to him. Fuck.
“Adam look at me your going to be fine.” You spoke your tone in confidence despite the tears running down your face. He smiled at his two girls looking over him.
He may have lost two wives, but he gained two best friends he would never replace for a damn thing.
You started to heal his wound with your hand like you did Lutes arm. You could feel pain all throughout your body as you pushed your limits. Your eyes started bleeding as did your nose.
Lute was conflicted as she watched you. She knew you needed rest but she didn’t want Adam to die. All you had to do was save Adam she would get you to a hospital.
But you weren’t making it back.
As Adam eyes opened he felt better than the first day he was made. He looked to Y/N and she smiled at him. Happy he was okay. He went to talk but she fell to his side. Her breath shallow. He hurriedly got up and looked her up and down. At that moment the portal closed and all the angels were gone beside him, you and Lute.
“Fuck babe look at me.” Your eyes were distant but you focused back in on him. Your Adam. Your apple.
“I love you, Apple. I love you too, wild girl.” You said to them both. Making them cry harder. “I love you too. More than anything.” They both said to her simultaneously. You closed your eyes and a portal opened.
“Fuck!” Lute shouted. She knew you weren’t going to make it.
“I’m so fucking sorry!” He spoke loudly as your eyes started to flutter closed. “It’s okay. Be happy. And go have that beach day.” Lute sobbed in her hand as she fell to the ground.
Adam gripped to you harder his tears falling to your chest as he cried silently. He couldn’t shout anymore. “Come back to us.” He whispered. You didn’t complete his wish. The one time you didn’t give him what he wished for.
Your breathing stopped and your halo fell. “I’m sorry baby.” Adam cooed in your ear, as he started to rock the two of you. Begging for god to give him back the one of the two woman he ever loved. You and Lute.
He looked to the sky. “You cruel manipulative bastard! Was a good person. I thought god was supposed to be merciful.” Lucifer watched as the first man shared the same rage he once had with god. “I have never asked for anything! I didn’t ask for Lilith. I didn’t ask for Eve! All I ask is to bring Y/N back to us.” But god did not respond. Leaving Adam to turn his rage to the group watch.
“I will kill you all!” He shouted, the tears coming from his eyes seeming endless. “I will have my vengeance.”
He picked you up as Lute grabbed your halo. The two walked through the portal.
They did have that beach day, but it was your funeral. Where your body was buried where no one could find. Only him and Lute. The two hugged each other as they both lost the person they loved most.
OMG I HAVE NEVER CRIED WHILE WRITING SOMETHING UNTIL THIS DAY! But I hoped you enjoyed! And I do take requests so please send away!
- kelp 💛 (someone help I’m dying from heartache)
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webslingingslasher · 5 months
I’m on my period and my cramps are kiiiilling me. Like legit so bad I threw up. And ofc I can’t stop thinking about nerdy!peter, and how much better he would make me feel rn:((((
So if you have the time, I would really like to request a blurb of nerdy!peter taking care of reader that has a more intense period lol<3
(ALSO I need to say that I love you so much!! And I literally read everything you write hehe. Thank you for feeding my tasm addiction!! <33)
*cleaning out my inbox.*
this but you're also not trying to make him feel bad so you're trying to hide it but peter keeps noticing you wincing or awkwardly shifting and he knows it was a planned meet up but:
'do you want me to leave?'
'huh?' you sit straighter and ignore a stab in your lower stomach. peter doesn't sound the least bit offended either. 'you seem a little off. if you don't want to hang out today we can do something tomorrow?'
no, you can't lose your only lifeline. 'i want you here, i promise.' peter knows you get a period but you haven't really talked about it and you're not about to start crying to him over cramps and a headache.
'then are you feeling okay?' the back of peter's hand rests on your forehead, the light touch has your shoulders releasing unnoticed tension. 'no. yeah. sorry, yes.'
peter has an amused look, 'care to explain, ma'am?' a pretend microphone is held under your chin. you lean into it, 'tummy hurts.'
your boyfriend acts like he's been shot. 'my girl is hurting on my watch, i've failed.' then looks up at you from your bed, 'what can i do? do you need a snack, or a sprite? what about chocolate, don't girls like that when they're on their period?'
you freeze, 'period?' peter's eyes widen, he might've just messed up big time. sitting up, he does his best to not make it worse. 'i'm so sorry, i thought you were on your period but i should never make that assumption. i'm sorry, i love you and i am ready to repent.'
shifting and tugging at your sweater you look at the ground, you feel a little embarrassed. 'why do you think i'm on my period? have i been mean or something?'
peter coos and shakes his head while tugging you halfway over his lap. 'you're never mean to me, why else would i call you my sweetheart, hm?' peter softly cups your face and pouts. 'i said that because you always have a tummy ache this time of the month. and maybe a little hangry.' another breath, 'you also cry more.'
he knows you better than you thought. 'you picked up on all that?' it's a little warming, he notices everything. peter scoffs at the assumption that you thought he wouldn't. 'it took a couple months. i said something to may one day and she looked at me and said something like 'c'mon, peter. put two and two together and get her some chocolate.' so i brought you m&m's and you cried. so, yeah, i kinda figured it out then.'
you remember it. peter showed up and said he stopped for something at a corner store and saw them by the register and thought you'd like them. the memory sends tears stinging at your eyes. 'it was just so nice. you thought of me and spent money on me.'
peter laughs a little, 'i did.' you nod, as if his answer explained your tears. 'peter?' he lights up, 'yeah?' you give him puppy dog eyes, you're praying for his sympathy. 'i have cramps and they really hurt.'
it's all you needed to say for peter to jump into action, for a moment you regret not saying anything sooner. you've been missing out on cuddles and forehead kisses and unwavering attention. 'my poor baby. what do you need from me?' 
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internetaddict104 · 2 months
My live thoughts on Deadpool and Wolverine
* I’m torn between wanting to fangirl over the fight scene and wanting to sing and dance to *NSYNC
* Also I’m crying at the shots of DP doing the Bye Bye Bye choreo cut into the fight 😂
* The Iron Man helmet covering Tom in the photo with RDJ 😂
* Hearing Matthew Macfayden’s natural British accent is so jarring after watching Succession
* Wait I’m so confused on how Wade was interviewing for an Avengers position with Happy on Earth 616 and then it cuts to 6 years later on Earth 10005
* Wambsgans being the villain is insane
* This movie takes place within 3 days?
* The little cgi Logan is so jarring
* *turns around* “I’m Marvel Jesus you dull creature and I-“ *gets bitch slapped by the Hulk and dies*
* CHRIS EVANS?!?!?!?!?!
* Did he just die
* I knew Wolverine was gonna just slice Sabretooth’s head off but I’m still sad there wasn’t any real fight
* Oh thank God Johnny is still alive
* Wait where’s the rest of the og FF? Where is my Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, and Michael Chiklis???
* Fuck she killed Chris 😭 I knew it was coming but it still hurts
* Why do I lowkey feel like whatever this Logan did to fuck up his world is gonna be something jokey and/or stupid
* Lady in Red playing during Dogpool’s intro 😂
* Also I did not know Dogpool was a girl
* The intro to The Greatest Show on the radio 😂
* There’s a lot of random music in this movie and idk if I’m really feeling it
* I saw a Scarlet Witch statue… 👀
* Oh shit Garner Elektra
* My jaw literally dropped for these 3 I’m dead serious
* Oh this is where X23 comes in
* Wait is this Laura the same one from Logan or is she a variant
* So he’s the worst Logan because he went to a bar and the rest of the XMen got killed by humans? That’s so stupid he wasn’t even there like he didn’t lead the humans to them or run away
* Should I know who the purple girl with Cassandra is bc I feel like I should they keep focusing on her
* Should I know the bearded guy in the striped tank top bc they keep focusing on him too and I don’t recognize him
* Wait so Logan did run away when the XMen were attacked?
* Wait Logan betrayed the XMen?
* Huh so the portal was just white anyway it wasn’t an editing trick to hide anything in the trailer
* I know I should know who Pyro is but I don’t 😭
* Did they digitally elongate Emma Corrin’s fingers bc they look way too long
* Cassandra without the coat looks so sickly idk why the coat made her look fuller
* Logan’s disgusted look when Wade and Dogpool reunite 😂
* Oh I was wondering when Ladypool would show up
* I need to know if any famous actor is in the Deadpool Corps
* Logan holding Dogpool as far away from him as possible like a dirty dishrag 😂 he’s so disgusted by this dog
* Why is Kidpool a girl
* Cowboy Deadpool sounds familiar too who is he
* THE COWL 😭❤️
* I can’t make out what Blind Al says during the Deadpool fight and I really wanna know what she says 😭
* So Logan is gonna sacrifice himself isn’t he
* Yeah I knew Wade would go in Logan’s place over the heartfelt speeches began
* And Wade isn’t gonna die he can’t he’s too popular
* Oh they both went
* Logan’s top disintegrating 😂
* “You look damn good in that suit” “I’m so sorry” I love Peter
* Wait that’s so cute they’re all in the main universe now (or Wade’s universe idk if they’re the same yet or not)
* I need to find the post credits scenes apparently they were leaked online but I can’t find them anywhere please I wanna watch them I read what they are but I still wanna see them myself
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firecrackerhh · 8 months
Thoughts: S1E5 for some reason I find Lucifer to be autism coded.
OH MY GOOOOOD “we’re all VERY proud of her.” Alastor you little shit “I could be a better daddy than you” are the vibes like legit maybe I’m reading it wrong but MAN lmaoooooo!
NO WAIT MY SUSPICIONS WERE CORRECT OH MY GOOOOD “you could almost call me daaaaad” LMAAAAOOOOOO!!!!!! I love it I am HERE for this!
Uhhhh HI Mimzy!?
“Big talk for someone’s whose also on a leash” YOOOOOOO!!! Husk is lucky Al didn’t kill him right there.
“I…may have stolen a car…and crashed it…into the loan shark’s girlfriend…but that bitch had it coming!” Lmao.
I’m not surprised we don’t get to see Lilith’s face but I neeeeed to knoooooow
VERY cute song.
LMAO Charlie just giving Cherri a bribe and she’s all “let’s fucking go!”
ITS ST PETER DARREN CRISS!! Ah, the memories of Glee…
Ooooh Lute without her helmet!
…the people of heaven don’t know…oh dear…
“Don’t fucking shush me bitch.”
Vagasaurus oh my god
“Low blow Karen!”
The heavenly courtroom scene is pretty much a bigger version of the interview with 666 news from the pilot.
Oh my god I love Patina Miller’s voice.
Lmao I’m Niffty when I get drunk and people tell me I’ve had enough I’m like “Noooo that’s not faaaaiiiirr I feel sober as a…rover.”
“I was wondering if you would like to do a sex with me.”
“I’m having sex with everyone!”
“I may have to put up with your bullshit but you ain’t fucking with any of my friends!” TELL EM ANGIE!!!
Oh FUCK Charlie’s fucking FACE when she finds out!
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glitchaxolol · 8 months
I’m rewatching all Marvel movies chronologically, and goddamn, I always cry when Peter dies. He was just a fucking kid and he was scared to die despite risking his life so often😭 Ik he comes back but it’s one of the saddest MCU deaths (saddest legit death for me would be Loki tho).
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Wish Analysis Pt. 1/3
I just saw Wish and 😍😍✨🤩!!!!!! I love it SO MUCH!!!! I have a rule for myself: watch first, analyze later, so I only really have surface level analysis right now, but I figured I’d write and post it anyway! Sorry this is gonna be super long, I typed a whole essay! Obviously spoilers ahead:
First of all, let me just say that I was absolutely dazzled! The animation, the songs, the story, AHHH so good! And STAR 🤩🤩!! YES! The songs felt very Disney, but in a new way that I absolutely loved. I was crying, stifling screams (because movie theater), and I nearly fell off my chair a few times. I’m legit thinking about going to see it again tomorrow.
Ok, enough of me just fangirling haha. There were so many references to other Disney movies in Wish. I know I missed some while watching and I’ve forgotten some since then, but I’ll try to summarize what I saw. Beginning with a storybook was a beautiful choice as a nod to old Disney movies. So many Snow White references, it was insane. Dahlia and the other kitchen workers were the seven dwarves, the wishing well (that was also a hidden Mickey), Magnifico’s whole hidden lair (especially the poison apple and listing ingredients). There was a bear named John (Little John from Robin Hood), a bunny did Thumper’s foot tapping thing, a deer named Bambi, the mushrooms and flowers dancing could be Alice in Wonderland all in the You’re a Star sequence. There were lanterns and the boats as a reference to Tangled. The vines of magic across the castle at the end looked very much like Maleficent’s magic. The swirling clouds above the castle looked like Night on Bald Mountain. When Magnifico got trapped in the staff at the end was very Jafar in the lamp. At one moment in the forest Magnifico directly mirrored a shot of the Headless Horsemen from The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr Toad. Asha riding on a deer surrounded by other deer could have been a reference to Lost in the Woods. And all the wishes briefly mentioned/shown were references to other Disney movies; one directly used footage from Peter Pan (and then showed Peter and Wendy in the very end), a wish for true love could be any number of movies, the wish to sail a ship could be Peter Pan, but I think was probably Moana, the wish for a perfect nanny for their children must have been Mary Poppins (which is slightly odd, since every other reference I caught was to an animated movie, but whatever), and the one to climb a mountain was about Strange World. I know I’ve missed dozens of references, but that’s all I can think of right now!
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amazingmsme · 1 year
would cry scream sob if for ghost in tickletober is was like miguel and peter b with the spider kids on halloween. peter b thinks up some game of like tickle ghost or some shit and when tickling them is like “i’m possessing you!” and he somehow ropes miguel into it and on the inside miguel is kinda like aw happy reminds me of my past nostalgia and he’s so competitive so he actually kinda gets into it?!?! OMG AND MAYBE IF WHEN THEYRE GETTING “POSSESSED” BY TICKLING THEYRE LIKE THE NEXT PERSON THATS ‘IT’ ABD THEYRE THE NEXT TICKLE GHOST?!?!? OMG AND THATS HOW MIGUEL BECOMES INTO IT BECAUSE PETER B TICKLES HIM AGH!!!! IM TOTALLY SPIT BALLING HERE CHANGE ANYTHING BUT THATS MY IDEA LOL
LEGIT SCREAMED IN DELIGHT WHEN I SAW THIS!! This prompt is so damn cute I absolutely love it! I wasn’t sure what I would write for that day, but this prompt is literally perfect! It’s so cute & playful & just skanakqhoaqnwks it makes me so happy & excited!! Seriously, this prompt must be a Barbie, because it is everything
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ask-ursa-tonypeter · 5 months
[original DB and Kidnapping AU] I’m curious about the differences between both extremis Tonys (Tonies plural? Idk). So in the original, when Peter did his whole “distract him with sex” thing, Tony was very aware of Peter’s reactions and willing to stop if things took a turn and Peter no longer wanted to have sex. I’m the kidnapping AU, it sounds like this Tony is not the same way. Is it just that his Peter dying caused him to just be completely delusional or is there a part of him that recognizes that this Peter isn’t his actual son and is therefore willing to cross that boundary a little more forceful? Or is it something else entirely?
[[🐻ursa interlude🐻
It's both! KidnappingAU!SIM is uhhhh very unhinged and much less connected to reality and potential consequences than even fic-Extremis!Tony was, and he's also less respectful of P!Peter's consent and boundaries because P!Peter isn't his actual son. That's not something he recognizes consciously-- he genuinely does filter everything he does to P!Peter through a lens of ~fatherly love and guidance~ in his mind, so he does see it as guiding P!Peter towards something that will ultimately make him happy instead of forcing something on him that he doesn't want at all-- but he's willing to push past P!Peter's discomfort to get to that point in a way that he wouldn't if it was origiPete.
But like, if he did somehow get back origiPete, and he initiated sex and origiPete just totally froze up instead of verbally protesting or resisting, KidnappingAU!SIM would also keep going because he just genuinely wouldn't notice that as a sign of distress the way that fic-Extremis!Tony would have. Fic-Extremis!Tony was also somewhat delusional but he understood, like, basic human psychology enough that he was actively on the lookout for signs that Peter was becoming upset or being triggered because he recognized those things as possibilities, but it just. Legit wouldn't cross KidnappingAU!SIM's mind that sex was something that Peter might not want with him after the whole, y'know. Assault and murder thing??? Things are perfect and they're back together now and obviously Peter would want the same things that he wants, duh???????
But, unlike with P!Peter, if origiPete did protest or cry or resist, SIM would actually stop. It's a boundary origiPete might have to draw more than once because SIM would likely hear "no" as "not right now" rather than "never," but he wouldn't push origiPete the way he does P!Peter.]]
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softspiderling · 1 year
watching the teen wolf movie bc i’m bored out of my mind i’ll answer the asks when i get in the right head space guys don’t worry
@stilinskiderek this is mostly for you😭
sorry but liam speaking japanese cracked me up
the alpha???? plssss can you make it more obvious i’m crying
not allison😭
uh oh the red blinking light cannot mean smth good
what’s going on (i have not watched the trailer btw i do not know the plot)
chris’ reaction to bardo help😭😭😭
still??? like she’s been stuck between life and death for like 10ish years??
i thought that’s where they were but i guess they’re in la
wait he hasn’t been back in beacon hills??
the way they act like they left after allison’s death lmao
bruh. i cannot look at holland the same after the shit she said about arden
she still does the same face
the outfit is not giving
the ending of the series doesn’t even match up with the beginning of the movie but pop off i guess
you cannot tell me he’s NOT stiles’ son they’re exactly the same
he’s so babey
OMG ZADDY jordan
not that guy again (i forgot his name)
“his son” bruh the fixation on the jeep is family given
derek is so daddy
eli is so derek and stiles’ son
“bc he knows i hate it” HELP
he even jumps out of the jeep likes stiles
he doesn’t even look like derek’s son😭
sorry but what was jeff thinking writing miniature stiles even though he despises sterek he’s so dumb
the trauma of allison’s death seems way too recent
there were like 3 seasons after her death and he never seemed to be affected by it until knoow
i know i know it’s bc of the plot
this outfit is way better
so what pairing was canon when the series ended? i legit can’t remember
Not them
the amount of dirt seemed to have doubled in his fist lmaooo
LMAOO wait isn’t melissa here??? weird asf
jackson’s entrance is weird asf
how did lydia and stiles leave off?
jackson and ethan are still a thing😭
that is not how i pictured derek’s house to look like
i missed his lil annoyed expression
i’m so confused
oh dang
so where’s his ‘mom’
oh jordan my man where’s all your hair
is he still a
that pairing doesn’t even make sense to me
he prolly left derek
oh man he’s so fed up poor baby
wasn’t he dating lydia at one point???
help that dude couldn’t have been chris right
LMAO right scott and malia used to date
awkward asf
this is so sus
what is GLING ON
LMAOOO ELI stiles’ son
it’s giving stiles
so they were walking through the woods for like an entire day
eli’s entire character is stiles coded
are they resurrecting her
they prolly did. and she’s gonna show up the next day or smth
why are all of them naked
omg it is melissa
omg it’s coach
“no that’s stiles’ son”
if she’s supposed to come back to life looking like she did when she died when is her hair long
why aren’t they sniffing her out
i am so confused
omg no chris 😭
bruh none of it makes sense
they killed derek just like that?
doesn’t make any sense
that’s fucked up
oh okay he’s not dead yet
but like close
why isn’t he healing
doesn’t make any sense
bruh really peter
i do not understand the plot man
also liam’s role is so unnecessary??? and so is his gf??
what the hell just happened
“did you see your eyes”💀😭😭😭
why doesn’t derek turn into a real wolf tho
lmaooo ewwww
Emotional damage
why did derek have to sacrifice himself??? sorry but that doesn’t make ANY sense but okay
okay i need to process this shit
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maerenee930 · 1 year
4, 9, 11, and 48 for the 50 question ask game
aww, thank you so much for asking these ellie!! ☺️🩵
4.) which television series do you use as a form of escapism?
- so not so surprisingly lol, i have a quite a few series that i use as a form of escapism 😅 those series are the umbrella academy, the office, psych, doctor who, derry girls, misfits (but like tbh, just first two series cause i have a hard time with no nathan lol), supernatural, schitt’s creek, steven universe, russian doll, wandavision, quantum leap (the original series and the new one 🥰), bob’s burgers, gilmore girls, the haunting of hill house and altered carbon 😅🖤
(i’m sure there are probably a lot of other shows lol. but those were the ones that i though of like right away 💙)
9.) what is you favorite environmental season? why?
- summer. summer is my favorite 🥰 i love the sunshine, i love it being warm, i love being able to swim 💙 ooh or those days where you swim for hours and then when you get out of the pool and get dressed and then it hits you that you’re reeeally tired so you decide to take a nap, those are some of the best naps! and i usually take those naps in the summer lol. or i love being able to take a nap in the summer when the sun is shining through the window and laying in the warmth of the sun ☺️ i love the sun being out until after 9pm. i love how the sky looks when the sun does finally start setting in the summer. when it gets all pink, purple-ish blue 🥺 omg and i love being able to wear flip flops! i love how summer time makes me feel 🖤 i mean not everything is perfect or suddenly/magically better and all my problems are gone lol. but summer just gives me a little hope. there are more things i love about summer but i’ll leave it at that for now lol.
so my answers for the other questions are under the cut 😅 i realize that like always, i wrote a lot and don’t wanna make anyone have to scroll through all this if they don’t necessarily wanna read all of it lol
11.) what is one song that’s able to bring you to tears?
- so there are quite a few songs that are always able to bring me to tears lol. but one for sure is The Way by Fastball. (it always does and has since i was a kid. also. if you don’t know the song, i recommend looking it up. it is a good song and the lyrics are beautiful! it just breaks my heart.) ooh!! i also have to mention the song After All by Peter Cetera and Cher. (it’s my parents song/the song they danced to at their wedding and it always makes me cry 😅 idk totally know why it does, but it does lol. like no joke, i saw Cher in concert in 2019, and i had no idea she was gonna sing that song, and when she did, i was recording a video and crying while i sang along lmao!)
48.) which animal would you be the most terrified to encounter?
- there are a lot of animals i’m terrified of lol. idk if this is the one that i’m like the most terrified of if i were to ever encounter them but, i am legit very scared peacocks. like no joke, i am 😳😂 i am very terrified of them! like they let them walk around at the zoo and people will purposefully like mess with them and try to piss them off and they are sooo scary when they’re mad! but i always just assume they’re mad when ever i’ve gone to the zoo, so i’m just always very on edge when i’m at the zoo or if they’re in the same/general area i’m in lmao.
50.) what purpose do you get out of using tumblr?
- the purpose i get out of using tumblr is that it’s an escape for me. it’s where i can go to when everything feels like too much and i can let myself get distracted by all of the random, chaotic, funny, crazy and interesting things that are on here. i use tumblr as a place where i can indulge in my love for all of my favorite shows, characters, movies, musicians/bands, songs/albums and actors/actresses. where i can fangirl hard over those things with people and friends who love them just as much as i do 💙☺️ and i can let myself get distracted in the things that make me happy and it gives me a little break from my mind/anything and everything that’s going on.
i use tumblr/my blog as journal. this is somewhere that i feel safe and comfortable enough to get out my thoughts and feelings. i know/realize that journals are usually very private and most people use like actual notebooks or maybe the notes app on their phone and maybe not the internet 😅 but idk… i just feel like this is a safe place for me. this feels right to me to come here and use my blog as a journal for myself.
thank you so so much for asking these ellie 💙
i can’t tell you how much i appreciate it and you so much! this was a very good distraction that i really needed these past few days.
i hope you’re doing well and that things are going alright 💖
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bonbon42 · 2 years
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💗🌈 Disney’s Most Obvious Cry For Help That We Completely Ignored❣️ 🌈💗
If You Look At Toontown Online’s Premise & Think It’s Ironic That Disney, A Humungous Cash Cow Mega Corporation, Wants Us To Take Down Every Giant Cash Cow Mega Corporation In This Kids Game, Well You’re Not Wrong❣️ But I Think There’s More To The Story Then Just Grim Irony❣️ I Think This Was A Cry For Help From The Disney Family (As Well As The Jesse Schell, The Creator Of Toontown Online) Themselves❣️ Hear Me Out❣️ When Walt Disney First Drew Mickey Mouse, He Wanted To Appeal To Kids & Families❣️ So He Gave Him Red Shorts With Big White Buttons & Big Yellow Shoes❣️ He Also Gave Him Black Fur & A Tan Face (Remember This Was The 20s)❣️ I Think He Also Gave Minnie Mouse A Similar Look (But Obviously Made Her More Feminine) Cuz There’s Minnie Mouse Plushies With Her Dress & Bow Having A Red With White Polka Dots Theme (& Also Yellow Heels)❣️ You’re Probably Wondering Why I’m Talking About Their Appearance & What This All Has To Do With Toontown Being A Cry For Help❣️ Well If You Look At Disney’s Whole Vibe Now Compared To 20 Years Ago, It Kinda Looks Like The Toons & Cogs In The Game❣️ In 2003, Disney Was Still The Big Company It Is Today, But It Also Had A Very Colorful Aesthetic To It (Like A Toon)❣️ I Absolutely Loved It As A Kid & I Still Love That Era Of Disney❣️ But It Was Also Becoming Apparent That It Was Being Corrupted By The Root Of All Evil: Money❣️ & So Now Disney Is Buying Everything From Marvel To FOX❣️ & With The Release Of Disney+, They’ve Become Cold & Corporate (Like A Cog)❣️ Especially Since They’ve Decided To Make Dull & Terrible Live Action Movies Of Classic Animated Movies Like Beauty & The Beast, Aladdin, Pinocchio, & Even Peter Pan❣️ If You’ve Made It This Far & Paid Attention To The Brackets, Then You Probably Came To The Same Conclusion I Did❣️ Which Is That Disney Had It’s Own Inner Struggles❣️ They Wanted To Make More Money, But It Also Wanted To Stay Colorful & Fun❣️ A Guy Named Jesse Schell Noticed This & Decided To Help Them Be Colorful Again❣️ He Then Pitched An Online Game Called Toontown To Disney, But Didn’t Mention Why He’s Pitching It Or What It’s About❣️ Disney Green~Lit It As There Were Literally No Family Friendly MMO’s At The Time❣️ He Then Developed The Toons VS Cogs Conflict After Pitching It To Really Get The Message Across❣️ But When The Game Launched, No One Got The Message & Saw The Conflict As Legit Grim Irony❣️ Then In 2013, Disney Pulled The Plug & Became Cold & Corporate❣️ Jesse Schell’s Potential Message Was Completely Ignored… Until Now❣️ Now I’ll Be Honest With You❣️ I Never Got To Play Toontown & I Don’t Have The Tools To Play Toontown Rewritten Yet❣️ But I Can Still Finish What Jesse Schell Allegedly Started❣️ If You Haven’t Read My Cartoon Network Memorial Post, I Invented A New Alternative Fashion Style Called “Toon Kei” (Or As I Like To Call It “Fluffy Kei”)❣️ It’s Basically Just Kawaii Fashion With Fingerless Gloves & Animal Ears❣️ I Mentioned You Can Wear It In Memory Of Cartoon Network❣️ But You Can Also Wear It As A Way To Express The Colorful Fun That Toontown Did❣️ I Might Make A Full Dedicated Post On This Fashion Style, But You’ll Probably Have To Wait On It❣️
🎀🌸 Be Good & Be Cute❣️ 🌸🎀
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skywitchmaja · 2 years
they are giving me whiplash flipping and flopping between 24 episode seasons and 12 episode seasons but here we are again at the end of season four!
s tier: lydia and stiles! that’s right! lydia pulled out ahead this round bc she had more to do than stiles this season, which is all well and good, stiles is canonically sleep deprived and NEEDS to rest. well this season it’s lydia’s turn to be sleep deprived and as someone who went to bed at 7:00am last night, uh, morning, i have to honor that
a tier: scooooottt!!!, kira, malia, melissa, sheriff stilinski (still don’t know his first name), meredith (i legit cried at her fake out death i very rarely cry at fake out deaths bc i’m psychic but LYDIA’S apology got me actually. probably horrible mental health representation but her bond with lydia was very sweet)
b tier: chris (allison’s dad coming THROUGH), satomi (she’s cool i like her), coach, derek (not only is he a failalpha he’s failwolf in general<3 at least until he evolves an ability to shift into a real wolf with a tail and everything good for him ig), deputy parish
c tier: liam (liam himself i could go either way on, but i love watching sciles comedy of errors trying to raise this baby werewolf), brayden or however you spell that hired gun’s name (i’m glad we got more of her but tbh i think the mystery was a big part of the draw and now…), lydias mom (i like that they’re giving her a bigger role but i’m not invested like i am with scott and stiles parents), kira’s parents (they’re still cute but don’t make kira move she’s so good at lacrosse!), deaton (tbh i feel like he was barely in this season), scott’s dad (he is making an effort good for him), alba from jtv (not a good enough villain for me to have fun watching her electrocute teenagers sorry)
f tier: aunt kate and uncle peter (STAY DEAD ffs), that serial killer orderly
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