#I’m not actually a college dropout I’m going back in the fall (I hope)
lesbianfakir · 4 months
If anyone’s wondering why I haven’t been posting on this blog I had a breakdown, dropped out of college for the time being, moved back home, and now I’m deeply addicted to stardew valley while I wait for one of the damn jobs I applied to to call me back
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fruitcoops · 3 years
I'm having a shit day all around and the only way it could be better is to have my sister around lol but she's away for college. I was wondering if you could do a fic with Jules or Reg? Where they're having an awful day and seek sibling hugs? :) Thank you
Anon, this is such a mood right now and I hope you can see your sister soon <3 SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
Regulus didn’t miss the Snakes. Far from it, actually—he hated them and everything they stood for, and he would never forgive them for what they did to his brother. For all he cared, they could burn alongside his parents.
But sometimes…sometimes he regretted dropping out of hockey.
The spotlight was constantly on Sirius, now; there were no more comparisons between the brothers, but that also meant the papers never looked deeper than the surface of Regulus’ personality. Sirius was overwhelmingly, ridiculously proud of him for going to college—almost too proud, in Regulus’ opinion—and lit up like a candle whenever it was brought up at an interview.
He’s my little brother, Sirius had said during the most recent conference. I’m happy he’s following his heart for once.
So reporters fawned over him whenever they saw him at the grocery store and peppered him with endless questions, only to sprinkle in the bare minimum around all the amazing, wonderful things Sirius had done in the past 24 hours since they last interrogated him. They spoke to Regulus like he was some dumb high schooler who had dropped out because he couldn’t handle the pressure—simpering, sympathetic, and a little pitying.
They didn’t care about him. They cared that he was the great Sirius Black’s kid brother, and there was nothing he could do about it now that he was off the ice.
Regulus scrolled past a few more articles with his face plastered on the front, gripping the cool marble countertop tightly. Let it roll off, he reminded himself. They don’t know you or Sirius.
NHL Dropout to Attend NYU
Younger Black ‘Following His Heart’
Sirius Black: Proudest Brother in the NHL
See Sirius Black’s New Interview Here!
“I’m heading out!” Remus called from the front door, snapping Regulus’ train of thought.
“Alright, drive safe.”
The door closed behind him with a clickand Regulus sighed, sliding down to sit on the floor. He rested his head back against the cabinets, simultaneously too upset to be productive and too energized to mope around. He lingered there for a few minutes, staring at the ceiling, before sighing again and heading into the basement. Only one thing would make him feel better.
“Bonjour,” Sirius said absentmindedly as he skated along the outside of the rink.
“Got room for one more?”
Sirius looked up and grinned. “Course.”
Lacing his skates was muscle memory, and pushing out onto the ice was more of a relief than he cared to admit. Part of him had been afraid it would be soured by his decision to leave the NHL—maybe that was a silly thought, but hockey still held a large piece of his heart.
Maybe I’ll go back someday, he thought as he flicked a puck to Sirius. Not now, but…later.
The puck bounced off the front of his skates. “You’re thinking too loud.”
“You don’t think loud enough,” he countered.
Sirius barked a laugh and checked him lightly. “Head in the game, petit enfant. Head in the game.”
“I hate it when you call me that.”
“Why do you think I do it?”
“Because you’re an asshole.” He slapped the puck toward the goal, but it bounced off the crossbar. Irritation flared hot and white in his chest. “Pass it back, yeah?”
“There’s one right next to your—”
“Just pass it back!” Regulus snapped. His throat felt tight; the back of his neck itched, and there was unwelcome pressure building behind his eyes.
Sirius’ teasing smile dimmed. “Reg?”
He sniffled. “Just pass the fucking puck, okay?”
The soft shush of skates was familiar and more soothing than Regulus cared to admit. Nobody skated as quietly as Sirius—there was a reason they called him ‘Padfoot’ after all. He stared at the ground, willing the tears of hurt and frustration to vanish into thin air. Arms wound around him.
“Stop it,” he demanded, though his voice broke. “Sirius, let go.”
Sirius pulled him closer and rested his chin on top of his head. Regulus felt something crack a little inside, and his shoulders began to shake with silent sobs. Sirius rubbed his back like he was eight years old again, falling apart in the backyard because his feet hurt, and it was cold, and that stupid play just wasn’t clicking.
“Nobody likes me,” he blubbered. In any other scenario, he would’ve felt like the biggest wuss in North America, but Sirius was safe. Sirius was home.
“People like you.”
“Only because they like you better.” He took a few shallow gulps of air. “They—they pretend to care an’ I can’t even do anything about it anymore.”
“Is this about reporters?”
“It’s about everyone.”
Sirius sighed heavily. “Reg—”
“It’s fine, I can handle it—”
“Stop.” Silence fell over the rink. Sirius pulled back and held Regulus’ face between his hands, looking straight into his eyes. “You are outstanding, and one of the bravest people I know. If reporters don’t take the time to see that, they aren’t worth your energy.”
Regulus wiped his cheek dry. “I know.”
“And the Lions think you’re pretty damn cool, too. James is still waiting for that rematch after you kicked his ass. Leo’s your best friend. Remus has been talking about that book you recommended for a week straight, which I don’t know whether to thank you for—” That drew a weak laugh from him, and he saw Sirius’ face soften. “—and I’m your brother. I missed you, and I love you. So please don’t dwell on tabloids or some shit like that. They have no right to make you feel unloved.”
Regulus leaned forward into his chest with a few deep breaths. “How are you so good at pep talks?”
“Ugh, right.”
“I was terrible at them in the beginning,” he said. Regulus snorted. “Ask Pots or Kasey sometime. It was mortifying. I’m pretty sure Coach almost took my badge away for that.”
“Mhmm. Now come on, your slapshot still sucks.”
“It does not!” Regulus protested, punching him in the arm as he pulled away. “My slapshot is perfect!”
“Tell that to the crossbar.” Sirius their skates together. “Come on, put some power into it!”
“I regret being related to you.”
“Says the one who got snot on my shirt five minutes ago.”
Regulus’ next (entirely perfect, thank you very much) slapshot went directly toward Sirius’ shin. He dodged, unfortunately, but the undignified yelp it earned him was well worth the trouble.
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A Whole New World
Into The Unknown Masterlist
Note: takes place just after chap 23 of Into The Unknown
Marinette bit her lip nervously. “Are you sure you’ll be okay watching him?”
Tim glanced over at Damian, who was fast asleep. “Yeah, I think I can handle it.”
She was still a little hesitant. “You deserve a break, too…”
Tim wasn’t having it, though. He looped his arm over her shoulders with a wide grin. “Go have fun with your friends. You should probably explore the city a bit. It’s a whole new world, after all.” His free hand made a sweeping motion, as if he was showing her said world and not a blank wall.
But, her shoulders relaxed minutely beneath his arm, so he counted it as a win.
Marinette returned his grin, however hesitantly. “Really? Shining, shimmering, splendid?” She teased.
“Yup! Dadadada I don’t know the rest of the words, whoops~,” he sang in what he was pretty sure was the right tune.
She gasped overdramatically and spun out from under his arm. “Really? You don’t even know the chorus?”
“Honestly, the fact that I caught on to ‘shining, shimmering, splendid’ is a miracle.”
“Oh? Looks like you’re due for a rewatch, then,” she said.
He hummed a little. “Not a rewatch, I’ve never seen it before.”
Marinette couldn't fully keep the surprise off of her face.
He wasn’t quite sure why she was surprised. She knew that Tim didn’t have much of a childhood in the same way that he understood just how much of her teenage years were lost to being a superhero. It was an unspoken understanding between them. Obviously he didn’t spend his time watching Disney movies that depicted families he would never be a part of, obviously things like drinking with friends made her nervous when she hadn’t gone out with friends in years.
… but, again, these understandings were unspoken. Neither of them were interested in going into depth about things like this, into digging up old problems that couldn’t even touch them in this ‘whole new world’.
So, she brought a softer expression to her face and knocked her shoulder against his. “Well, I don’t think Dami has seen Aladdin before, either, so this is the perfect excuse.”
“No, he actually managed to steal the remote, navigate all the way to whatever this universe’s version of Aladdin, and watch the entire thing without me noticing.”
“I always knew my kid would be a prodigy,” she said, rolling her eyes.
He  grinned. “It’s my influence, not yours, actually.”
She leaned over where Damian was sleeping on the couch, his thumb in his mouth and his blanket close to falling off. She smiled a little, pulling the blankie up to his chin and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
And then she turned around and rested her hands on her hips. “I’m sorry, your influence? I’d hope not, no child of mine is dropping out of high school.”
He laughed and rested his arm around her shoulders. “You know, technically, you’re a college dropout.”
Marinette stuck her tongue out at him as he led her along, murmuring under her breath about how technically he was a bitch…
She was so busy being annoyed about this particular comment to realize he was pushing her out the door until it had slammed shut behind her. She hissed a curse and tried the knob, but it was locked… and he had stolen her keys.
She tried the knob again and he could practically see the way she set her jaw when she was annoyed with him. “Timothy, I swear to fuck –.”
“I’ll let you back in later! Have fun with your friends!”
She groaned a little.
He waited, leaning against the door, until she left. He didn’t think she would try and battering-ram her way in, but old habits die hard. He sighed and made his way back through the apartment, the key ring he had slipped from her belt loop jingling as he twirled it around his finger idly.
(He couldn’t help but smile a little bit when he saw the tiny, bird-shaped charm.)
Tim hummed to himself, a string of discordant notes, before leaning over to check on Damian.
His baby brother had taken to sucking on the dinosaur-patterned blanket instead of his thumb. It was… pretty cute to watch, especially since the pattern made it look like there was a pterodactyl struggling to escape his mouth. The kid looked completely peaceful – admittedly a rarity when Damian was asleep, usually he moved around a lot more – and he couldn’t help but examine the child’s face, admiring the lack of stress lines and the way Damian’s signature scowl was nowhere to be seen.
A whole new world, thought Tim. He gently brushed dark curls away from his brother’s face. A second chance. This time, things will be okay. I promise.
Marinette crossed one leg over the other. “Y’know, Paige, I don’t think drinking matters when you’re not pregnant yet,” she said, her lips tinted a deep red thanks to her cosmopolitan.
“You’re not supposed to drink for at least a year before getting pregnant,” her friend sighed.
“Everything I hear about pregnancy makes it sound worse and worse.” Marinette scrunched her nose. “Just steal a baby like I did and be done with it.”
Ava and Paige were both amused by her baby-stealing joke. If only they knew.
Ava grinned, swirling a martini absently. “Is your baby up for grabs? Dami-bear already likes me, so that seems best.”
“... nope,” Marinette said, frowning at the idea of losing her kid even if it was a little hypocritical. And then, because that was a little too serious for her liking, she added a quick: “You can’t double-steal a baby.”
“Mmm. I must have forgotten that rule,” Ava said, unperturbed.
“There’s a ton more at the daycare for you to steal, anyways.”
“Maybe I can steal twins and we can both have one.” Ava downed the rest of her drink with a tiny sigh and then rested her head on her hands. “It could be like really intense friendship bracelets.”
“I feel left out,” Marinette pouted playfully.
“Then triplets. I’m sure Dami would love a brother.”
Marinette almost snorted the last of her cosmopolitan.
Paige watched the bartender out of the corner of her eyes as the man made seconds and only turned her attention away when the drinks were firmly in their hands. Then, she cracked a grin. “It does sound cute, but no thanks. I want one that looks like Lance and I.”
“I can arrange that,” Ava said instantly. “There are so many options at WE alone.”
Paige rolled her eyes.
Marinette smiled and held out the rest of her original drink for Paige. There was only a sip or two left, but it was the thought that counts. “Seriously, though, are you sure you don’t want to drink at all?”
Paige rolled her eyes and pushed it back into Marinette’s chest. “Sorry, do you want to be driven home or not?”
Marinette, local bad influence, shrugged with a playful smile. “Nah. I can always just call Tim and make him walk me home.”
“Speak for yourself,” Ava huffed. “Some of us don’t have partners, Mari.”
Marinette rolled her eyes and motioned to the full bar. “Then find one. What color d’you want? What kind of model?”
“Please don’t talk about people like they’re things you can buy at a store,” Paige sighed.
Ava, however, was snickering into her hand. “No thanks. People are a little too expensive for me, I’ll just get some cake instead.”
Marinette raised an eyebrow and wordlessly pointed downwards.
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Mari, I meant an actual slice of cake.”
Marinette’s mouth formed an ‘o’ shape.
Paige rested her head in her hands with a deep sigh. Poor Paige. Being the only fully sober friend was already getting to her.
(Technically, Marinette wasn’t supposed to be drinking, either. She wasn’t old enough to drink in America. But even Damian was old enough to drink in Gotham, so it didn’t matter that much.)
“I know a great cake place,” Marinette said. “Mr. Wayne loves it.”
Ava grinned. “I’m sure it’s great, but there’s no way I could afford that.”
“I could probably try and replicate a recipe,” Marinette said absently, looking down at her drink consideringly. She didn’t want to be too out of it… but it had already been made and wasting money wasn’t great…
Ava took her hand in her own, startling her into looking up.
“Mari, will you marry me?”
“Sorry, already married to Tim.”
Paige snickered. “There goes your chance at free cake.”
Ava hung her head in an overexaggerated display of sadness. “Tim just had to snatch you up before I could marry you for your baking abilities.”
“Another loss for the aroace community,” deadpanned Paige.
Marinette blinked a few times, mulling over everything Ava had ever said, before hanging her own head. “I’m stupid.”
“True. I mean, who falls in love these days?” Ava teased.
Marinette opened her mouth to retort.
And then it hit her.
“Oh my god. I’m in love with Tim.”
Ava withdrew her hands from Marinette’s. She exchanged glances with Paige, and then Paige slowly started tugging the glass out of their friend’s hand.
Marinette was too lost in her existential crisis to even notice, using her newly freed hands to press her palms into her eyes. “What the fuck? Fuck. I. Love. Tim.”
“I would hope so,” Paige said gently.
“You don’t get it,” she complained.
Ava patted her on the head. “I get that you’re a total lightweight.”
Marinette snapped out of it enough to give a playful pout.
Tim raised an eyebrow at the half-drunk person that was practically thrown into his arms the moment he opened the door. Not that he hadn’t caught Marinette, of course he had, but he was more than a little confused.
She smiled up at him. “Hi.”
“Hi?” He said, tightening his hold to make sure she didn’t fall. He looked up at Ava and Paige questioningly.
“She’s drunk,” Paige said, as if that explained anything. It kind of did.
Ava nodded her agreement, though she might have nodded a few times too many.
Marinette huffed. “I’m not that drunk.”
And, as she looked up at him, her eyes cleared and the slightly dopey look on her face disappeared.
Then she shifted back, her gaze clouding as she turned to Paige and Ava. “I think he fell for it!” She stage-whispered, followed by a giggle.
Ava nodded again, leaning against her friend for support.
Paige rolled her eyes and glanced at Tim, giving him a shrug lined with exasperation. “Take care of her.”
“I’m her husband, that’s my job,” Tim said instantly.
“Good answer,” Ava said, nodding even more. Was her neck okay?
Marinette waved. “Byebye,” she cooed.
Tim waved them off as well. The moment they rounded the corner Marinette straightened. He let her go, though she didn’t seem all that intent on getting out of his personal space quite yet.
“... are you using my shampoo?”
He blushed and backed up a step, quickly shoving his hands in his pockets and looking away, which was very suspicious, he knew… but sue him, he was caught off-guard. “Aren’t you supposed to be drunk off your ass?” He deflected.
She squinted at him for a few moments before seeming to give it up. “Ah, I just had to fake for the sake of our identities.”
His eyebrows furrowed questioningly. “Huh? Why?”
Marinette went still. Part of it was definitely delayed reaction time from drinking – even if she wasn’t as drunk as her friends thought she was, she wasn’t sober, something evidenced by the lack of tension in her shoulders and the fact that her skin was cool to the touch – but the silence was just a little too long for him to be fully convinced she wasn’t making something up on the spot.
She grinned and rubbed the back of her neck. “I asked about Aladdin, and they were all shocked I had forgotten the name of it.”
A lie. But it wasn’t like he hadn’t just deflected her shampoo question, so…
“Hm. What’s it called here?”
“Feels weird. It’s too short.”
She hummed a little in agreement.
Marinette woke up the next morning with a headache. She didn’t remember much after getting home, but she was pretty sure she didn’t want to because she vaguely remembered almost crying over how cute Damian was.
She pushed herself up to sit with a long sigh. She fumbled for her phone on the bedside table, only to blink when she felt something smooth and cold.
She smiled at the bottle of aspirin and glass of water that had been set out for her.
Beside it was one of Tim’s hoodies.
There was a note on top of it, written in Tim’s careful cursive:
As an apology for the shampoo, you can ‘steal’ this.
… well, of all people to love, she supposed Tim wasn’t the worst option.
Tim rested his chin atop Marinette’s head as colors whirled on the screen. Damian had been squirming on their laps, but now he was at full attention, his eyes fixed on the screen in front of him.
He grinned and looped an arm around Marinette’s shoulders loosely. He wasn’t personally that much of a fan of Disney (or, as this world insisted, Gisney) movies, he didn’t really believe in the whole ‘love at first sight’ thing that they preached. Maybe it happened for some people, but there was something about a slow descent into loving someone, where you come to know the exact way that they laugh or the particular expression they make when they’re frustrated, that he couldn’t help but prefer. It was far more intimate.
… for the sake of storytelling, of course.
He sighed lightly. “Man, they barely know each other’s names…”
Marinette elbowed him in the side. “Shhhhhhh, it’s for the plot.”
“The plot needs work.”
She sighed and brought a hand up to rest over his mouth. “You’ve lost your speaking privileges.”
He pouted at her. It was ineffective. Probably because his mouth was currently covered.
Marinette let her hand drop.
“But, seriously, we both agree that they don’t know each other that well, right?”
The hand came right back up, perfectly covering the fond smile that came over his face.
He held her hand there by the wrist and pressed a kiss to her palm, chuckling when her cheeks flared red, and after a moment she joined him in his quiet laughter… sort of. She was doing the specific little wheezing sounds she did when she was trying not to give him a win.
But he felt like a winner regardless, so who cares?
Damian, frustrated by the interruptions, shushed them and they were quick to silence themselves.
Marinette smiled and the hand that had been over his mouth moved to play with Damian’s hair. She leaned against Tim’s side. He was happy to reciprocate, squeezing the arm he had around her shoulders.
Eventually, they got to the carpet ride scene.
Tell me, princess, when did you last let your heart decide?
That was the line that he had forgotten.
He glanced down at Marinette and Damian. They were both watching the screen intently. Damian was leaning so far forward you might have thought it an action scene. Marinette’s lips were pulled into the slightest of smiles, resting her cheek on one of her hands.
It was all temporary, he knew that. One day they would head back home.
… but, for now, he just tugged both of them closer.
@unoriginalmess @hammalammadamdam @astrynyx @laurcad123 @927roses-and-stuff @toodaloo-kangaroo @queenz-z @imarivers8 @jeminiikrystal @adrestar @twsssmlmaa @literaryhiraeth @trippingovermyfeet @ev-cupcake
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accio-victuuri · 3 years
Hi can you provide the link to read manhuas you prefer?
Hello Anon! OMG Manhua/Manhwa Rec! Here we go! I’ve only been reading for 2-3 months (consistently), so this will be pretty limited. I will link to the legit sites. A google search will direct you to others.
Most of these are WIPs and some, sadly, are discontinued. I won’t add TGCF or MDZS here cause those are already a given. 👇🏼
• Body Electric by Dong Ye ( completed, supernatural, lots of trigger warnings and plotty )
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Ba Song is the hotshot cop who’s been handed an open-and-shut case: the suicide of a young woman. Except… who commits suicide by stabbing their own body and strangling themself? There's only one man who can help him with this mystery — Bo Shan, the renowned forensic pathologist with a severe and cold personality. What's more, his body produces bioelectricity, allowing him to acutely sense bodily injury with his touch. There's an electric current between them, and each touch sizzles with energy
If you like crime dramas and stories where they solve mysterious cases then this is for you. The romance is subtle, and their relationship is not insta-love. strangers to colleagues to friends to lovers trope. This also discusses alot of issues the society has that will make you stop and think. Ba Song is really the honorable MC in here who always wants to help people and do good. While Bo Shan is the reluctant one but deep inside, he wants to make a difference too. I wish they would make a donghua or live action out of this.
• 30 year old by S-Monkey - ( ongoing, age difference, blind dates, slice of life)
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Charlie Wei is a single and handsome executive. He’s also a closeted gay guy who’s been on way too many bad blind dates with women. Charlie’s still hung up on his ex-boyfriend James and is… gasp, 30! Charlie’s family thinks he’s straight and too old to be without a wife! During another bad blind date, Charlie meets the flirty Ethan, who both annoys and intrigues him. Can Charlie finally come out and find true love with Ethan or will he continue on his streak of bad blind dates?
The cover looks melodramatic but it’s really not. This is so funny! I read this because people were saying it reminded them of BoXiao. And yes, there are moments here that remind me of them, but it’s more like an AU of BoXiao. I stayed up late trying to get caught up in the chapters and you won’t realize it cause it’s just that good. I love seeing the older MC loosening up and being more of himself. and the younger one being more responsible in his career. They just become better versions of themselves because of each other. It’s so sweet!
• I ship me and my Rival - by Pepa ( ongoing, comedy, reads like a meta )
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This follows the adventures of Wei Yanzi, a third-rate actor in the Chinese entertainment industry, stumbles onto a shipping fandom for himself and another actor (Gu Yiliang) while trying to escape from the flame wars and negativity. He's so taken with this group of fans who actually see him as a good guy instead of an enemy/rival of Gu Yiliang that he falls head-first into fandom and becomes actively involved in trying to provide shipping fuel and the fans' daily dose of fluff.
IF THERE IS ONE thing you will read here, let it be this. It is hilarious. If you are a CP fan you will relate so much and it’s a good time. It just shows how people who think are rivals can actually be really good friends in real life. What we see is not always what it seems. and people will interpret things based on their bias. The MC here is so dramatic! how his inner feelings/reactions were drawn will make you laugh.
• Path to You - by Sinran (completed, slice of life, age gap fluff and comedy )
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When almost college dropout Jensen attempts to drink away his problems, unemployed Nathaniel suddenly pukes on him and ruins his night. As an apology, Nathaniel offers to help Jensen with his studies. Despite Jensen's difficulties in getting along with people, the two become friends and something deeper begins to grow between them
The story is so soft. If you want something with mild angst/misunderstandings— then pick this. I love the progression of their relationship and how they take care of each other. There are other themes showed here other than the romance.
• Red Candy - by Hanse (completed season one with a cliffhanger, explicit scenes, assassins )
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Shihyeon, aka “Red Candy,” is a secret agent whose code name comes from bathing in the blood of his marks on dangerous missions. Shihyeon’s tasked with seducing and obtaining intel from Hajun, a hot college professor. Shihyeon can disarm enemies, but didn’t expect to be disarmed himself by Hajun’s own tight body. Now Shihyeon’s caught between loyalty to his spy agency and Hajun. Can Red Candy survive the incoming wave of enemies and still indulge in the sweet ecstasy of Hajun’s embrace?
THIS STRESSED ME OUT MAAAN. Wow. I loved this. That season one cliffhanger. It’s definitely up there as my favorite. If you think about it, the tropes are really not original. An assassin is sent to shadow a person and they develop a relationship. That simple. But NOOOOO! There are so many things going on. The Main mystery plot, Their relationship, their shared past plus you have other sketchy secondary characters. And did i mention explicit scenes? Lots of them. I want this two to have a happy ending!!!
• Lone Swan - by Chu Man (discontinued, cultivation, star crossed lovers)
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After losing his memory, Yiqiu Shen, a disciple from the decent sect meets a very special man named Luofeng Yan, who is the leader of the evil Divine Wind Cult. When escaping and conflicting with Yan, Shen gradually finds his original self as well as his previous love back. Together they rip off the facade of the martial world and reveal the hidden true
I didn’t want to add a discontinued story here, with no novel as a source material but this one made an impact on me. so. yeah. THE ART. breathtaking. The plot = layered. There are times I don’t even know who is telling the truth. It had so much potential and i hope it will get picked up again at some point. People rec this to those who enjoyed TGCF and MDZS, and they are right. 👍🏼
• Dragon in Distress by Si Wang Wen Hua - ( ongoing, dragons, past life, lost power, fantasy )
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This is a story about a little Eastern green dragon and a little Western black dragon playing together.
The synopsis is pretty simple if you look at it but this one is pretty interesting. and surprisingly funny. tinie AoAo is so cute! 🤍 the other MC has tsundere tendencies tho. Lots of lore and more truths to uncover as the story progresses. I’m not giving it enough justice with how i’m reccing it, but if you like dragons and fantasy — give this a go.
• Breaking through the clouds 2: Swallow the Sea - Huaishang (ongoing, based on a novel, crime, drama, cases)
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Wu Yu, a newcomer of the Public Security Bureau, is gentle and frail. He doesn’t care about the difficulties posed by Bu ZhongHua, his strict boss, and only wants to stay in the background to be paid on time with enough for food. However, no one knows that this young man’s head is targeted by top drug traffickers for a large bounty or that this courageous young man has once slaughtered the dragon of the abyss. With a chain of interlocking cases, a series of troubles come one after another. Can the two people work together to survive through the difficulties?
Do you see a pattern with me? lol. I like crime themes. This one is the same and by the looks of it, the cases they solve will take longer to unravel. I haven’t read the novel it’s based on yet so i’m just going with how the manhua is progressing. I like it when Wu Yu turns full on action-mode and when ZH takes care of him. Plus it helps that they are both gorgeous. I’ll get back this with a proper link.
• Where the Wind Stays - by Yusa (completed season one, curses, demons, possession, timeskip, explicit scenes)
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To break an ancient curse that plagues the royal bloodline, young Prince Tasara is destined to be sacrificed in death. Nara is enlisted as a palace servant to carry out the prince’s execution when the time comes. But he develops a soft spot for the cursed prince, and after committing an atrocious and unforgivable act against Tasara, Nara is desperate to right his wrongs. Soon, their lascivious relationship that had been kept under wraps tests his resolve. Will Nara be tempted away from his original mission? There’s no telling how far he would go to earn Tasara’s forgiveness.
This story broke my brain, in a good way. I don’t wanna say much cause it will spoil the story. It’s the type that you gave to see and suffer through yourself. I am excited for what happens in season II!!!
Honorable Mentions:
I’m placing these here cause I have only read a few chapters and tho I liked them, I wanna read more before reccing it in full. 👍🏼
• I accidentally saved the Jinghu’s enemy
• Global Examination
• Monster entertainment
• Demon Apartment
And that’s it! Hope enjoy Anon! 😊
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
At Home
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Rodrick Heffley x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1284 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Rodrick goes to a party with his band, but gets a call from his gf who is sick at home
You and Rodrick had both been invited to a house party that his band was going to but when you got sick, he insisted that you both stay home.
He thought a movie night would make you feel much better than sitting on the couch trying not to be sick. However, you weren’t going to let that happen.
This could be an excellent opportunity for the band to get even more fans and you weren’t going to let him miss it, even if you were sick.
You just didn’t have to go out.
There was nothing wrong with that.
Even so, it took a solid few hours to convince him of that before he actually agreed to go.  In fact, by the time you did, he was going to be late.
So, you forced him out the door, content to sit on the couch in your pajamas for the night. It was your comfort zone, something you did frequently and it was going to be nice.
Usually, you and Rodrick would sit in his room together, just cuddling in his bed and watching terrible tv but having a solo chill night was good too.
Which meant that Rodrick was headed to a house party all by himself.
...He didn’t like it.
Rodrick hadn’t gone to a party by himself since the two of you got together and he didn’t like the whole ritual of it without you by his side.
All it would be was a night of drinking, staring aimlessly, and fending off college dropouts who found their way in from the street. They always hit on him but he didn’t care for it at all, not knowing that he had you.
They couldn’t compare.
In any case, the party was in full swing by the time he arrived with Ben, Chris, and Bill already there. While Rodrick now had other things to do on a friday night, they didn’t.
His friends would never miss a party.
“Where have you been, man? We’ve been waiting for you” Bill grinned, tapping his buddy in the back a little harder than maybe he should have, a giggle on his lips.
He had already been drinking much more than he should have been for something for the band but nothing more could be expected from him at this point.
It was just part of who he was.
“Sorry, Y/N’s home sick but she wanted to make sure that I came out” he shrugged, doing his very best to keep as cool and chill as he could, though he couldn’t stop thinking about you at home.
It was just a common cold, you both knew that, but he couldn’t help but worry. You were the only thing Rodrick really cared about and he couldn’t keep from worrying.
“That sucks man. Hope she’s better soon” he tried, moving on further into the crowd of people, all dancing and jamming to the music busting from the speakers.
It was something you would have loved, but without you, Rodrick couldn’t help but be in a sour mood.
He couldn't focus on the energy of the party or having a good time when everything came back to you and how much better he would feel if you’d been able to come tonight.
It just wasn’t the same party scene he had been so into a few months prior.
Still, he did his best to have a good time, getting a drink and listening to the music. This could be really good for his band, and that was all he had to think about right now.
You were just fine, and as long as he kept reminding himself of that, it was much easier to relax and try to have a good time.
Not that keeping that in mind changed the way he reacted when his phone buzzed in his pocket. The movement itself was a small one but in his tight jeans, there was no way he could have missed it.
“EVERYBODY SHUT UP!” he called at first, finding the silence he’d been searching for almost immediately, though it was followed closely by his friends hollering and joking about his ‘old lady’ calling.
They were jerks.
“Shhhhh” he tried again, much more aggressive in the direction of the three of them before answering, his demeanor changing almost immediately.
There was a grin on his face now, his tone much more soft and happy than before. Hearing your voice had always done that to him, and if they wanted to tease him for it, so be it.
He was in love, and if those losers couldn’t accept that, that wasn’t his problem. You made him happy, and he wasn’t going to apologize for that.  
“Hi baby, I’m sorry if I’m interrupting. I was just wondering how it’s going?” you started, your voice relatively gentle, making the male wonder if you had been sleeping.
He hoped so.
Rodrick was constantly telling you just how adorable he thought you were, and that usually came right after you woke up from a nap, tucked under his arm.
It was your favorite place to sleep, and he only wished he could be there with you right now. 
“It’s alright so far, super lame without you though” he commented, his grin widening more when you laughed at him. He could be so cheesy sometimes.
“To be fair, I don’t think I’d add much with the way I’m feeling” you shrugged, knowing the pounding in your head wouldn’t couple well with the loud music and large crowd.
You loved to party, and would do so often but not when you weren’t feeling up to it. There was no fun to be had if you weren’t in it one hundred percent.
You both knew that.
“How are you doing though baby? Holding up okay?” he wondered, his voice a little lower in the receiver as he spoke to you, not wanting everyone in the room to hear your conversation…
Not that it was working out well for him. He had told everyone in the room to be quiet a few seconds prior to answering which meant they were all pretty invested.
In fact, most of them just wanted to know what was so important that he would stop a party. After all, Rodrick’s parties had always been legendary, but he clearly wasn’t in it tonight.
....And now that made sense.
He was far too preoccupied with you to focus on anything else.
“I’m okay Rod, don’t worry about me” you assured, pulling the black blanket of his bed up further to tuck just under your chin. If you weren’t careful, you were going to fall back to sleep right now.
“Just have a good time, okay? I love you” you smiled, pecking a kiss lightly by the receiver of the phone so he could hear it before hanging up, just after hearing him mutter it back.
The night was far from over, and you didn't want to keep him any more than you had to. Besides, you knew that he would be home to cuddle you as soon as he could.
Rodrick may not have wanted everyone to know but you were an exception. He was the biggest teddy bear in the entire world and he wouldn't pass up any snuggle time.
Even if it meant getting razzed by the band.
“I love you” they purred in unison, baby voiced and doe eyed as they batted their eyes at him, mocking the way he’d spoken to you. It was real mature but he knew better than to react to them.
If nothing else, they were just mad they didn’t have a babe like you waiting at home for them.
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morkleemelon · 4 years
off the ice || chapter 2: heading in
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previous || m.list || playlist || next
pairing:  college hockey player! mark x college figure skater! reader
genre: fluff, humor, sports au, college au
warnings: swearing
word count: 7k
copyright morkleemelon all rights reserved
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"And we can see here in the figure that the data currently suggests-"
Your pen flies across the notebook page, desperately trying to capture everything your economics professor said in multicolor vigor. Jotting down the figure frantically, your eyes dart back and forth between the powerpoint screen and your paper, high ponytail bouncing up and down from the motion.
Being on scholarship means that you can never let your grades fall past a certain point or else they'd give the money to someone else. As harsh as it is, without the financial aid, you would not be able to continue to go to school. One of the only things that motivates you to work harder than your sleeping peers, sometimes, is the looming fear of becoming a jobless dropout, never able to achieve your dreams. 
In a lot of ways, not having money is already bad enough, but the thought of not even being able to earn it in the future is even worse.
"Does anyone know how this company should manage production costs?," your professor asks the crowd of tired students.
You immediately shoot your hand in the air. You know it. This answer was in the textbook reading last night it's-
"Yes" Your professor points behind you.
You slowly set your hand down, disappointed, turning around to see who could've raised their hand before you did.
"They should modernize their marketing efforts with more affordable tools and focus on reducing supply costs," the boy answers expertly.
That's exactly what I was going to say.
Examining his face a little more, something about him seems a little familiar, but you can't quite put your finger on it. Looking around at who he was sitting with, you begin to piece it together.
"He must be one of the Lee's if he's sitting between Ten and Jeno" you ponder to yourself, taking one final look at the boy, "is he... Haechan?". Thinking back to last spring, one of your teammates had a huge crush on the one called 'Haechan'. She always gushed about his fluffy brown hair, handsome face, and how he asked to borrow her biology notes once. You weren't exactly well versed with the university's popular people and honestly, the fact that this school has an 'F4' called "the Lees" is pretty funny to you.
This boy's hair is blonde, though, brushed down into a fringe and slightly messy from, you're assuming, taking off the hood of his sweatshirt before class. Glancing down, you take notice of the mess of white bandages wrapped around his knuckles.
Right, they just had a hockey game. He doesn't have brown hair so this must be-
"That's exactly right, Mark. Nicely done" the professor praises.
Mark. You note the name to yourself, turning back to the board as the professor continues with the lecture.
"Dude she's looking at you," Ten whisper-yells to his younger friend, nudging him sharply in the ribs.
Mark doesn't dare look down at you yet, already feeling his cheeks grow warmer with each passing second. He feels your gaze pull away from him and finally frees the breath he was previously holding captive. Shoving back at the senior boy, his gaze flutters back to you like it usually does during this class, however much to his strong denial. 
You always sit in the first row, colored pens and highlighters arranged neatly upon your favorite desk. 
Mark watches the way your hair bobs back and forth as you move your head with keen eyes. The delicate gold glint of a necklace clasp at the nape of your neck fascinates the junior boy's attention more than the mundane lecture ever could.
Spotting the slight smile on the older boy's face and the direction of his gaze, Jeno laughs quietly to himself, happy that something interesting is finally happening during the boring lesson. Leaning over behind Mark's back, he gives Ten a silent high five.
"You're a simp" Jeno whispers in Mark's ear, eager to provoke him. Mark slaps the blue-haired boy's face away.
"Fuck off," Mark whispers harshly back as Jeno and Ten laugh to themselves in the lecture hall. He habitually glances back to your focused form. And this is nothing short of how class usually goes for them: Mark fawns over you 'secretly' whilst you haven't the slightest clue. On either side, his friends tease him endlessly for it.
"Yuna and I are planning something for you guys," Ten persists.
Mark's eyebrows scrunch in confusion at the older's ominous words. The professor's voice drones on in the background as his attention shifts to Ten.
"What do you mean?"
"Don't worry about it, man". Ten smirks, smacking a firm hand on the confused boy's shoulder.
"Don't do anything weird," Mark warns, recalling the time when the senior had planned on starting a fist fight outside of your dorm building last semester in hopes to gain your attention and provide an excuse for Mark to talk to you. Although the thought was there, no it wasn't.
The hour ticks by and exhausted students groan in relief as the professor wraps up the stale lesson on fundamental economics. A mass shuffle of notebook pages flipping closed and backpacks zipping up fills the hall as students make their way out, eager to do anything but be there.
The Lee's always gather for lunch at this time at the basketball courts, attracting an impressive crowd of envious guys and adoring girls at the sidelines. Although the place is fairly beaten down and otherwise unimpressive, the Lee's choose to be there which consequently deems the courts the coolest lunch spot on campus.
Putting his things away into his trusty black Jansport bag, Mark gets ready to head down to the courts to meet up with Haechan like they always do until he feels a hand unexpectedly grip his left shoulder, stopping him in his tracks.
"Some people are gonna join us for lunch today," Ten discloses casually, keeping his gaze forward as the line of students in front of them slowly file their way out of the crowded room.
"Oh, who?" Mark questions. It's not like it's rare for other people come hang out with them, in fact, it's almost always the case. But the fact that Ten is specifically telling him beforehand feels suspicious. Another strong hand grips his other shoulder as Jeno's navy blue hair comes into view.
"Don't worry about it man. You got meal points left for this week? Lend me some," the younger boy expertly diverts.
"Let's hurry though, Haechan is probably there waiting already. I told the brat to get food for us early today". Ten ushers Mark forward and pushes his way through the herd of people.
"Aight," Mark sighs in confused defeat, picking up his pace to keep up with the senior. There's definitely something weird going on, but he doesn't have the energy to pry further. 
Then again, has he ever lived a day where his friends aren't doing some sort of weird shit?
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"Thank you, professor," you smile and bow politely.
"Thank you, y/n, enjoy the rest of your day," the older man smiles back, waving you off as he packs up his lecture notes. It's small things like this that you always make sure to do to make others' lives a little better.
After all, the best thing to give-better than any monetary gift- is kindness. Right?
Your phone buzzes in the back pocket of your frayed denim shorts and you reach to check the notification.
Der sum hoez in this houz:
Yuna: guys!! Let's grab lunch somewhere new today! :DD
Hope: yassss ;););)
You: oh why? The caf has chicken nuggets today :(
This is definitely suspicious -you, Yuna, and your other friends, Lisa and Hope, always ate together at the round table in the university's better dining hall nicknamed "the caf". It's been your unbroken tradition since freshman year and the lunch lady at the caf even likes you enough to give you extra servings sometimes.
Yuna: we can still have the nuggets but Ten knows a cool place we can sit! He says he already got the food so we don't have to pay today ;)
Free food?
Your inner Mr.Krabs reveals himself as you perk immediately at the mention of her boyfriend paying for lunch. Neither guilt nor modesty had time to catch up as your thumbs rush to type a speedy reply.
You: I'm there. Where at?
Yuna: I'm coming to your classroom rn! We can walk together
Lisa: Hope and I are coming from bio :) excited
You: lol why does everyone know but me
You: is it gonna be weird with us third wheeling you yuna?
You: if y'all start kissy kissy touchy touchy I might puke just saying
Yuna: don't worry some of ten's friends might be there too
Oh. To be honest, you're caught off guard at your best friend's last message. Ten has been over to your shared dorm a few times and you've exchanged enough awkward greetings to call him an acquaintance at least. But generally, his friend group and yours stay separate.
Not that there is any actual beef there, but, no pun intended, nobody's tried to break the ice yet.
Closing the group chat as you reach the entrance of the economics building, you hold a hand up to block the glaring rays of summer sun from your eyes. The sudden brightness harshly contrasts the musty dark of the lecture hall, making you squint in discomfort.
"Y/n!" a familiar voice calls out. A flash of platinum blonde hair and Chanel perfume filled your senses as Yuna throws your smaller body into a crushing, sweaty hug.
"EWw!" you yelp, shoving the taller girl away from you half-playfully, catching the attention of a few concerned passer-bys.
You nod your head at them in a shy apology.
Yuna, seriously.
The guilty party laughs, the musical sound travelling through the humid air like a refreshing breeze. Your best friend sticks out her elbow for you to link your arm through.
Eyeing her with short-lived contempt, your lips break into a smile as you slip your forearm around hers, unable to be actually mad at your best friend.
"Where are we going?" you ask.
"You'll see. It's Ten's spot"
"Hi-his spot?!" You stop in your tracks, wondering why you were going to eat where Ten dealt weed.
Since when did he deal weed though?
"Not that kind of spot!," Yuna cries out, smacking a manicured hand over the top of her forehead as to not ruin her perfect foundation, "he's not like that!".
"Right good," you scoff.
The summer heat swelters as Yuna leads you down campus towards the sports center. It's early September and Seoul is notoriously hot.
Ice cream vendors with big, striped umbrellas litter the streets, calling out for business from sweaty pedestrians who crave a moment of sweet, cold relief. The sky tints a beautiful shade of blue with fluffy wisps of white clouds dotting its never-ending canvas. No matter how hot the weather is, the day is undeniably beautiful.
You don't ask Yuna more about where you're headed, accepting that your best friend likes to be spontaneous and that her boyfriend was paying for your food. This is more than enough for you to follow her down the sketchy alleyway shortcut to the basketball courts. Sometimes you wonder if you'd be really easy to kidnap...
The alley opens up to reveal a worn-out basketball court planted in the middle of a grassy area. Looking around, you noticed there are quite a few people there, most of them unfamiliar to you.
They scatter across the grass in groups, eating and chatting casually amongst their friends atop their patterned picnic blankets. You catch the gaze of a group of girls sitting at the edge of the court; they eye you up and down, taking you aback with their lack of subtlety.
Breaking the awkward eye-contact, you suddenly feel very out of place.
"Hey!" Yuna calls out, slipping her arm out of yours to wave at a group of people sitting at the other side of the court from the judgmental girls.
Her hand slips into yours, snapping you out of your uncomfortable dilemma, pulling you towards the group she waved to. A big willow tree stretches towards the sky and casts a precious spot of shade over the area. Immediately, you spot Hope and Lisa as they wave to you and you let out a breath of relief.
At least I'm not alone, maybe I won't be so awkward now.
You recognize Ten's face and you give him a smile and nod of acknowledgement. Scanning over the rest of the group carefully, you faintly recognize the other boys sitting under the tree.
The boy with the blue hair and the fitted white tee- that's Jeno.
Fluffy brown hair-definitely Haechan.
Your eyes flit to the next boy and you're taken aback when he's already staring at you. His ashy blonde fringe hair, almost grey, seems dearly familiar. His eyes widen before quickly looking away.
He's part of the Lee's... bandaged hands and that hair- that's Mark, the dude who stole your answer from earlier.
The little devil on your shoulder whispers to hold a small grudge. The little angel on the other argues that it was never your question and you shouldn't be so petty. Right, kindness is the best virtue. You will let it go.
You and Yuna reach the edge of their picnic blanket and your best friend immediately goes to sit by Ten who doesn't hesitate to pull her hips smoothly into his lap.
You look away in embarrassment. Good for her for finding love, but by golly are you painfully single.
Eyeing the space on the picnic blanket, Hope and Lisa are almost strategically sitting at the end chatting with Jeno so there is no reasonable way you could sit next to them. Setting down your bag awkwardly, you debate where you should sit, silently cursing at Hope and Lisa for not leaving a space for you. Maybe coming here was a mistake because you feel kind of left out-
"Oh, here," a small voice lets out. You look up to see Mark getting up and moving his stuff out of the way and clearing a space for you next to him.
"Ah, thank you!" You smile, kneeling down to sit in the empty space.
Thank God.
Glancing at his face, a blush even Maybelline would envy rests on his cheeks as his gaze remains glued to the food in his hands.
The first thing you notice is how handsome he is up close. You didn't get a good look at him in the lecture hall, but his face is a perfect mix of feminine and masculine beauty. His eyes are soft and round, but his jawline sharp and angled. The most chiseled cheekbones you've ever seen are handsomely defined under the mosaic of shadows and light created by the branches of the willow tree. A slight, shy smile graced his delicate, pink lips.
He's super cute. I take back everything I thought in lecture.
"Hey, welcome!," a sudden high-pitched voice rips your attention away from ogling the blonde boy. Turning your face, you see Haechan on your other side eagerly holding out a hand for you to shake. You take his hand and he shakes it vigorously, "I'm Haechan nice to meet you! What's your name?".
"I'm y/n," you reply with a smile. He's really outgoing, huh.
"Y/n what year are you?"
"Oh I'm a sophomore this year"
"Ayyy! Jeno and I are sophomores too," the friendly brunette slaps the other boy on the arm, "say hi, Jeno".
"Hey, I'm Jeno". He gives a heart-fluttering eye-smile and you could hear hushed gasps and coos ensue from the onlooking girls across the court.
"Hi, y/n," you respond shyly.
Dang, these guys are all so good-looking.
You always hear about the 'Lees' and their 'godly' visuals, but you never truly paid attention. Yet now that you're sitting with them at their cool-people-only hangout spot, you have no choice but to admit how exactly spot-on those descriptions were.
"Here, y/n" Haechan hands you a paper tray full of chicken nuggets.
"Nice! Thank you," you cheer, taking the food perhaps a little too excitedly. Working out and training nearly everyday means you're inevitably hungry most of the time. Not to mention, your stomach always rumbles at the sight of your all-time favorite food.
Digging into the free food reward, you turn back to Mark who hasn't said anything to you yet.
"What's your name?" you ask. Technically, you already know it, but you don't really know a better way to start a conversation.
Visibly surprised, Mark chokes on his chicken.
You let out a single note of laughter at his unexpected coughing before slapping a hand over your mouth to stop yourself.
"Are you okay?" you ask stupidly.
"Bruh," Haechan teases with a smirk, amused at his best friend's embarrassment.
Mark nods quickly with a hand covering his mouth as he continues coughing. Unsure of what to do, you reach over to pat him on the back firmly.
"Here, dude". Jeno tosses Mark a filled water bottle, the older boy accepting it gratefully, gulping down the water like his life depends on it (which it... actually does).
Gasping in relief as he sets the bottle down, Mark looks back at you with flushed cheeks and wet lips. You realize your hand is still on his back and you quickly snatch your hand away, suddenly flustered by the contact.
"I'm Mark," he finally answers, voice hoarse from the ordeal.
"Hi Mark, I'm y/n" you giggle.
He looks absolutely hilarious with water dribbling down his chin and cheeks as red as fire. There is something intensely endearing about him as he looks down, front teeth biting down on his bottom lip in embarrassment.
"What year are you?," you continue.
"Uh-I'm a Junior"
"Oh nice! What do you study?"
"Uh-business and sports management"
"Wow! Wait you're In Econ31 right?"
"Yeah I am," Mark smiles.
"I thought I recognized you! I'm in that class too," you exclaim. Usually, you aren't terribly sociable with people you just met, but there's something about the softness of his voice that makes him easy to talk to. That and the way he's just choked on a chicken nugget in front of you at your first meeting- you have little to nothing to lose.
"Oh yeah I-I've seen you around sometimes"
"Yeah we've seen you around sometimes," Ten calls out, a shit-eating grin plastered across his face. Yuna laughs and hits his chest in warning.
"Shut up!" Mark grabs a nugget from his tray and chucks it at the older boy. Like a slow-motion scene in a movie, Ten catches the piece of chicken between his teeth and flashes a wink back at the flustered junior.
You burst out in laughter at the interaction, slapping a hand onto your knee at the dumbfounded look on Mark's face.
Mark feels his heart clench at the sound of your bright laughter filling the air. You gasp with glee, one hand slapping your knee repeatedly and the other gripping your fork. Truth be told, he is freaking out inside. And this is not how he imagined you would meet. 
All thoughts about Ten abandoned, a wide smile spreads back onto his face as his eyes scan across your laughing form. You sport a casual outfit consisting of a grey t-shirt and denim shorts like you usually do. A simple gold chain hangs from your neck, tucked away under the collar of your shirt. Up close, Mark feels even more drawn to you than ever before.
Beautiful as ever.
"I-I can't breathe," you wheeze, "what just happened?"
"My talent," Ten states, moving his arms from around Yuna's waist to hold them up in a 'well duh' shrug.
"Nah bro, it was a good throw from me," Mark cuts in, holding up a hand to stop the gloating boy.
"Nah bro, it was a good catch from me," Ten sasses back, moving Yuna off his lap to kneel up. You meet Yuna's eyes and you both hold back laughter at the ridiculous argument.
"Nah bro" Mark moves onto his knees as well.
"Nah bro's," Haechan suddenly interjects, "It was me. I have telepathy and I moved the chicken". Haechan promptly stands up and does a body wave, posing with a finger gun pointed over the slope of his nose to his forehead.
You laugh silently between the three boys who are suddenly all standing as they argue over who was responsible for the nugget trick. You had just met these guys a few minutes ago, but you're more confused and intrigued at them than you've ever been with anyone.
Look at you go, making new friends and everything!
"Guys..." Jeno tries, but his low voice isn't nearly loud enough to be heard over the chaos.
The boys point accusing fingers at each other like in a Renaissance painting. You scooch your way over to the other girls to get out of their way, bringing your food with you.
"You're dating..." You gesture your fork at Ten who was is caught in a three-way head lock with Mark and Haechan.
"Yeah". Yuna's face remains expressionless as she nonchalantly pops another piece of chicken into her mouth. After dating Ten for almost five months now, she is well aware of what the expression 'boys will be boys' really means.
"Are they always like this?" Hope asks, bewildered. Lisa just laughs on the side, enjoying the spontaneous fight more than she should. Jeno gives up, laying down to stare at the sky and wonder why his friends are like this.
Your ears perk at  strange noises coming from behind you. Turning around, you notice that several of the girls you saw earlier are now pulling large, fancy cameras out of their book bags. Baffled, you watch incredulously as they shamelessly snap photos of the tussling, oblivious boys.
"What the heck?," you gawk. You haven't been here but twenty minutes and it's already one surprise after the other.
"Tell me about it. Those weirdos are these guys' fans, the 'Lovelees' as they call themselves," Yuna explains, "You would not believe how crazy they can get. Remember when I had to put all my socials on private a few months ago? It's because they found out I was dating Ten".
"Right, I remember that" you nod your head sympathetically. Your eyes move between the unsuspecting boys and the audacious crowd of girls. Maybe you haven't known them for long, but the Lees seem like a regular group of guys. Admittedly, they are above average in the visual department (and in the strange department), but the existence of the Lovelees is really unnerving. Is it just you?
One particular girl at the forefront stares you down intently. Her hair is a mousy brown with two striking streaks of bright red down her bangs in a distasteful take on E-girl style hair. Too-light foundation is packed onto her skin and you winced internally at the severe creasing by her nose. Black eyebrows not matching her hair, her fake eyelashes bat at you threateningly.
"What's up with her?". You are genuinely confused. Why does she look like she wants to murder you?
"She's so scary," Hope's eyebrows knit in worry.
"Yeah, what's with her? She's staring at y/n," Lisa suddenly adds, attention turning to the concerning conversation.
"That's Hillary, the club president or something," Yuna confirms with a shudder, "she's super psycho about Mark. Definitely stay away from her".
"Gotcha... but why is she looking at me like that? Is it just me?"
Hillary's creepy stare never leaves your face and you feel chills run down your spine like a thousand invisible spiders. Generally speaking, you sometimes shy from even ordering food over the phone. Being under her flaming gaze makes you want to shrivel up like a raisin.
If someone could write a story about Seoul University campus life, you'd for sure be a background character. Attracting negative attention to yourself for no reason is surely a new feeling and unequivocally uncomfortable... perhaps because there is any attention on you at all?
"Well for one," Yuna smiles, poking an accusing finger into your side, "you seem to be getting along with these guys pretty well. Especially Mark". The blonde wiggles her perfectly threaded brows at you. Flustered, you shove a nugget in her mouth before she could say more.
"What are you even talking about, we literally just met". You fight to keep your voice steady and expression unaffected, but alas you can't stop the heat from spreading onto your unwilling cheeks. Admittedly, it's been a while since you've gone out with a guy. More honestly, you haven't really dated anyone since you came to campus last year. So needless to say, your single self is a little bit flustered to be thrown into the notion that you even have a chance to be with a super popular, charming guy like Mark.
You shake your head to clear the ridiculous thoughts.
Let's not err on the side of desperation today.
Peering back at the crazy fangirl who you now know as Hillary, you're relieved to find her piercing gaze has shifted from boring holes in your skull to her cell phone and she types away at lightning speed.
"I have a feeling that he likes you, y/n," Yuna presses. Hope and Lisa giggle and nod in agreement, exchanging knowing glances at each other. 
You don't have ample time to ponder more as your attention is ripped away by the fighting boys. They've shifted from the shade of the willow tree to the basketball court, disregarding all onlookers and fighting like their lives depended on it.
"Let's go. Rooftop. Right now!" Haechan screeches, taking a leap at Ten while Mark struggles to hold him back.
"Fight me here, bro," Ten taunts, "we all know I'm built different". The sass in his voice gives Haechan the strength to break away from Mark's grasp and tackle the senior boy. All eyes glue to the two boys rolling around on the hot pavement, screaming.
"Yuna, can you-" Jeno starts, eyes closed as he lay on the blanket listening to his friends beat each other up.
"Yeah," Yuna gives the tired boy an apologetic pat on the knee. "Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul".
Her boyfriend's entire body immediately freezes at the sound of his full name. Letting Haechan go from his chokehold, Ten scurries back over to his spot on the picnic blanket to kneel by an unamused Yuna like a scolded dog. "I'm sorry".
You suppress another laugh. This... this is what the cool kids are like? You were really nervous for nothing. Mark shuffles back next to you, supporting a limping Haechan who insists he's fine.
"Sorry girls. They're not... actually no, they are usually like this," Jeno apologizes, "Hope we didn't scare you away".
"No, actually. I think you guys are really... funny. It's cool how comfortable you all are". You smile at the hockey players. Weird as they may be, you don't feel uncomfortable.
"She thinks you're cool!" Haechan cries, slapping Mark on the back.
"Shut up!" Mark smacks the back of the younger's head, ready for another fight already.
"But don't you guys think it's weird we haven't met earlier? We always see the hockey team around our practices but I think this is our first time officially talking," Hope suddenly points out the elephant in the room.
"Yeah I guess that's true," Haechan ponders, "to be honest, we didn't think you guys liked us very much... or let me rephrase that- we were kinda scared to approach you".
"YOU were scared to approach US," Lisa exclaims in shock, "did you forget that you four are, like, the most popular guys on campus or what?".
The four boys look amongst each other blankly. "No, but we thought...," Haechan starts.
"... that figure skaters hated hockey players," Mark finishes. Silent glances are exchanged between all parties as this new information is revealed.
At the sheer awkwardness of the situation, you decide to interrupt the silence with light laughter. "Why would we hate you?"
"You- agh," Haechan's reasoning is cut off by a sharp jab to the ribs from Mark. No way is he going to let the blabbermouth sophomore spoil that they stalked your Facebook last year and found your post.
"I mean you all seem really cool and," Mark saves, looking at you, "I'm really glad we got to meet you today. But we were just... intimidated before".
You raise an eyebrow and your eyes meet Yuna's, Hope's, and Lisa's who shared similar expressions.
"Babe, I'm intimidating?" Yuna asks her boyfriend, peering into his eyes. Ten promptly places a hand at the back of her neck and brings her in for a deep kiss. Everyone in the group groans in disapproval and you hope the sour expression on your face isn't too obvious. Why, Ten. Why.
"Uh.. ok then," you divert, "I was never a fan of hockey itself, to be frank. The sport, not the team. And maybe I've been annoyed at you guys for hogging the ice sometimes, but I've never ever hated you! Don't worry haha".
"Bro what?!" Haechan cries, "hockey is the greatest sport of all time! It's all about strategy, speed, strength, and skills. If anything, figure skating doesn't have a point".
You gasp in full-offense. Sure, you just gave your honest opinion on their sport and it was only fair that they give theirs, but that one burns. Before you can make your counterargument, the boy next to you beats you to it.
Tapping the back of his hand to Haechan's arm, Mark's next words made your heart skip a beat: "dude, you don't know what you're talking about," he turned to look into your eyes, "it's beautiful".
Mark's eyes are a deep brown color, you notice, and they sparkle gold in the light streaming past the branches of the willow tree. Softly, they peer into yours, bringing with them a rare kindness that pinches at your chest.
"Thank you" you smile at him. Is your face always this warm?
"Okayyy," Jeno finally opts to sit up, "now that we've determined that we don't hate each other and we're all cool, are we good to be friends?". A chorus of "Heck yeah"'s and "duh"'s filled the picnic area and your heart swells with happiness. You look back at Mark and smiled again.
New friends
"You should come eat with us here more often," Mark suggests to you, warm gaze making your heart strain for the hundredth time that afternoon. What is happening? "All of you should," he corrects, looking away shyly.
"Yeah we're here everyday," Ten adds. Looking down to Yuna who had laid her head in his lap, he stroked her hair lovingly. "You should come hang out with us whenever".
"I'd like that," you grin.
"Let's make a group chat. Everyone gimme your numbers," Haechan declares.
While the brunette went around collecting numbers, you chatted with Mark, wanting to get to know him more. You quickly find that he's so very endearing, blushing and fiddling with the bandages on his fingers at your every word. His words are kind and he listens to you thoughtfully when you speak. Talking to him is so easy, surprisingly easy, and you feel the conversation unfold out effortlessly. You hardly notice as the minutes of your lunch break tick to an end.
"That's crazy! There was this one time that-" the jarring sound of your phone alarm cuts you off. Scrambling for your phone, you tap on the screen desperately to shut it off.
"Sorry guys," you apologize, "Lisa, oh my goodness, it's time for us to go to Frankie's".
Lisa checks her own watch and gasps, "Oh gosh! We gotta go guys".
"Who's Frankie?" Mark questions, eyes slightly crestfallen.
"No," you laugh while picking up your bag, "Frankie's. The diner down the street next to the lake. We work there".
Haechan, Ten, and Jeno crack up silently at their sensitive friend. 
"It was nice meeting you all!" you exclaim, "It was nice meeting you, Mark".
"Great meeting you, y/n. Hope to see you around," he waves back at you.
Bidding their goodbyes, you and Lisa make your way down the alley to her parked car.
"Y/n don't you think Mark is super into you?" Lisa says excitedly once the others are out of earshot.
"What are you saying!?" you proclaim, looking back to make sure the Lovelees aren't following you. Seeing the coast is clear, you consider your friend's accusation. So much has happened in the last 2 hours than in your year and a month at college, or your entire life honestly. 
You walked into the alley with no guy friends and are leaving with four. Is it greedy to say that Mark really does stand out to you and you might be starting to like him, or are you just like every other girl who likes him too? The last thing you want is to be like Hillary.
"He's probably just friendly to everyone," you decide.
"No way, y/n, you good in the head? This dude only looking at you the whole time," Lisa retorts.
You shake your head in denial but thinking back, it could be true.
There it is again. That nervous, light feeling in your chest.
Oh, God. What if I like him?
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Mark flops down on his bed, still not down from the high that he's been on all day. No, not that kind of high. Smile plastered on his face, he runs his fingers through his freshly washed hair, recounting your conversations from earlier.
"Dude, you look so stupid," Jeno walks into their shared room, shirtless from just getting out of the shower. A simple white towel wrapped around his lean torso is the only thing censoring the spectacular scene. Messing his hair with a second towel, he chucks the wet fabric at Mark's face.
"Fuck off," Mark swings it back at the sophomore. This year, he chose to live in a suit with the rest of the guys to save some money. Him and Jeno shared a room while Ten and Haechan occupied the other. It's undeniably small and only has one bathroom, but he is grateful he at least doesn't have to room with Haechan anymore.
Mark's phone buzzes with a notification on his nightstand. Propping himself up with his elbow, he checks to see who it's from.
1 new message from unknown
Mark sighs. If it's these crazy girls again he's going to get really annoyed. Today was a really good day and the last thing he wants is another stranger asking him to father her children. 
Maybe: Yuna?: hey mark, it's Yuna. I got your number from the group chat! If you're not too busy I'd love to talk to you about a few things
Oh crap.
Suddenly nervous, Mark scrambles to sit up properly.
"Text from your new girlfriend?," Jeno taunts unknowingly.
"No, dickhead, it's Yuna," Mark rebuts, thinking hard about a good, casual reply.
"Oh, shit," Jeno states, taken aback. The sophomore swaggers onto his own bed, now sporting a pair of grey sweatpants and a fitted white t-shirt. The bare minimum makes him look like a poster boy every magazine photographer would clamber for. The man could put all models out of work if he had the heart for it. Fortunately, he only has the heart for hockey, video games, and pizza.
Mark: Hey Yuna! What's up?
Yuna: Hey :) nothing much! Not to freak you out, but I know all about your crush on y/n from Ten
Mark: ahaha... yeah I figured
Yuna: ok, so as her best friend and someone who cares about her a lot I just wanna put a few things out there
Yuna: is typing...
Mark watched as the three dots of the impending message taunted him. What could she be talking about? What if you have a boyfriend and Yuna's telling you to back off?
Yuna: if you're going to get close with her, you gotta make sure you keep her safe from those crazy fangirls. Y/N is a shy and sensitive girl she'll definitely take the hate to heart and if Hillary and those other crazy bitches come after her, I won't let you live
Hillary? Mark wracks his brain for any memory of a girl with that name. That girl from calc? No, that's Helen. Hillary...
An image of a mousy girl with red bangs comes into his mind. Ah yes, that's Hillary. She sends him love tweets and gave him chocolates for Valentine's Day.
Mark: I barely know Hillary and I'm pretty sure I've told her I'm not into her, but i'll make sure she knows. Yuna I'm serious about y/n
Yuna: as you should be! She's a real diamond in the rough and she's never confident in herself. All she does is work and study and practice. She never does anything for herself but she never complains either. Also, I don't wanna butt in too much, but I gotta you ask one thing
Mark: yeah ask away!
Yuna: y/n says today is the first time she met you but Ten says you've "been simping for like a year". Add it up for me?
Mark: It's kind of hard to explain... it like... do you believe in love at first sight?
Yuna: HA!!! You're too cute omg
Mark: It's like that but I never had the chance to talk to her... it never seemed right idk
Yuna: boy
Yuna: I had to force y/n to go to your game with me and Ten had to bribe Haechan to set up the picnic today early
Yuna: not to mention we made Hope and Jeno sit together even though they're both awkward just so y/n would have to sit next to you. you better make ur fucking move now
Mark curls his fingers into his blow-dried hair, letting out a low, stressed groan. He's gonna owe the guys big time.
Mark: I really appreciate it! :)))
Yuna: oh and one more thing
Mark: yeah?
Yuna: If you hurt her, I will gouge out your eyeballs and stick them up your ass and while you cry, I'll force feed you your own severed balls until you choke and die. Got it? :D
Holy fuck.
Mark: understood
Yuna: Yay!!! Approved :) good night mark! Nice getting to know you today!
Mark: same here. Night!
Mark's thumbs shake as he types out his final message. So this is what your friends are like, huh? It's such a contrast to your easy-going attitude. A smile spreads across his lips at the thought of you again.
Stretching up to shut off the lamp on his night stand, Mark tucks himself into bed. It's finally happening. You're here. You're right within his grasp. And he wants nothing more than to give you everything you need.
Mark contemplates Yuna's messages as he lay there in the dark; she said you aren't confident in yourself. This comes as a surprise to him. You're so beautiful, smart, kind, funny, and talented, the last thing he expected was that you didn't know it. You exude put-togetherness and wear elegance like a favorite sweater.
His eyes squeeze shut as Mark replays the first night he saw you in his mind. The image is engraved in his brain as he must have revisited that unintentional performance a thousand times.
This whole time, he never got to know you, but today he dipped his hand in the water. And he wanted so much more, to dive in completely and surround himself with you. All this time, he's only been on the sidelines.
I want her so bad
It's time to stop waiting around and get in the game. He's going to talk to you, walk you to class, make you feel special. So much time has already been wasted due to his own fears and misunderstandings. If it's confidence you need, it's confidence he will give you.
Wait for me, y/n, I'm gonna do it right this time
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
A Girl’s Choice
Draco X Reader (highschool!AU)
Summary: Everything was absolutely fine in his small town, until you stumbled in and began to defy the status quo.
A/n: So, guess who got Midnight Sun and has been reading it non-stop for the past few days? Me. It was me. So, please enjoy this Twilight Parody of our favorite characters. Also I get to move back to college in like a week and I am EXCITED--mainly because there’s a good chance that I get a room to myself bc of the virus. So yay me. I love you guys a lot and really thank you for your patience and enthusiasm. It makes me smile. 
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“So, Gin asked me to the dance this morning,” Harry was chatting you up—a normal occurrence before class started.
Draco didn’t mean to eavesdrop on you. He really didn’t, but he was intrigued about how this would go down. Since moving to the small town, you had been a buzz among the boys in the grade level. Draco could all but assume that most of the fantasized about you asking them to the girl’s choice dance coming up.
“That’s great!” You genuinely smiled. “You’ll have a lot of fun!”
Harry fumbled, losing his casual composure. You noted on it, and your look became more skeptical and judgmental—something Pansy would approve of.
“Well, I told her I’d think about it,”
This surprised Draco as much as it seemed to surprise you. It was no secret that star lacrosse player Weasley and Potter were all but official and had been for almost all of high school.
“Why in the world would you tell her that?” Your words mimicked his thoughts.
“Well... I thought maybe you’d... want to ask me?” He ran a hand through his usually untidy mass of curls.
Draco could not make this up if he wanted to. He barely suppressed the laugh that threatened to escape his lips. How in hell had Harry figured that you’d want to go to the dance with him? You’d been here maybe a month. As far as Draco knew, you weren’t interested in anyone. Perhaps the small town didn’t have enough shine for your city lights.
“You should tell Ginny yes, Harry,” You scolded him like a child. “It’s rude to make a girl wait,”
“Yeah, I guess,” Harry sulked, his face falling as the bell rang, signaling the start of class.
Draco couldn’t wipe the amused smirk from his face. You huffed annoyed and opened your notes, already prepping a new page for today’s lesson. You didn’t pay him any mind during class—a normality between the pair of you. Draco ignored you and you returned the favor. It was almost easier this way for him. Your shiny new toy status had no effect on him. He had every shiny toy he ever wanted. You had no appeal to him.
Harry, however, Draco stole glances over from time to time. The green-eyed jock pouted throughout the entire lesson, stealing glances over to you. You hardly noticed. Instead you were doodling in your notebook, waiting for the teacher to move on.
Maybe the stars aligned, or maybe you did fascinate him, but Draco found himself in the lunch line next to you the following day as another tried to ask you to the girls choice ball.
“So, I heard you turned down Potter,” Cedric gave off-hand. “Waiting to ask someone else then?”
Draco snorted, and this time you did give him the slightest glare before turning back to Cedric.
“I’m not going,” You answered curtly, grabbing fruit from the stand. “And no, I don’t plan on asking anyone.”
“Why aren’t you going?” Cedric almost pouted.
“There doesn’t have to be a reason.” You snapped. “I’m not going,”
Draco could only imagine the glare that you gave Cedric for him to back off so quickly. Again, a smile quirked at his lips. You might be the shiny new toy, but you weren’t going to be used like a porcelain doll.
“So, has she asked anyone yet?” Pansy asked as he sat beside her at their usual lunch table.
“She’s not going, and you totally missed her going off on Diggory,” Draco grinned. “That girl has to have a glare that rivals yours,”
“She turns down Potter and Diggory... do you think maybe she’s into chicks?” Pansy asked almost hopeful.
“Wouldn’t know and don’t care,” Draco shrugged. “Besides, she’s not going to the dance so go ask Greengrass before it’s too late,”
Pansy sulked and stabbed her salad with a bit more vigor than before.
You stormed into the chemistry classroom a bit more irritated than he had seen you in the cafeteria. He wanted to guess that another guy had tried to ask you to the girl’s choice dance because honestly it amused him to see you so upset. It was cute how riled up you could get from some unwanted attention. He wondered how far you’d have to be pushed before you actually started swinging. Maybe he wanted to find out.
“So,” He asked pointedly. “Anyone else try to ask you to the dance?” 
“Oh, fuck off Malfoy,” You hissed making him grin wider.
“Well, I was wondering if—”
“If you even start to finish that, I won’t be so forgiving,” Your hand clenched into a fist and Draco thought that maybe you’d actually try to hit him, but Snape walked in as the bell rang, taking any chance away from you.
Draco sat back smugly in his chair—to your great annoyance—as class droned on. At the end of the hour Draco followed you out, calling your name. You froze in the hallway, before turning to face him.
“I’m really not in the mood right now Draco,” Your strained voice gave a hint of weariness. “What is even with you guys? Can’t you just leave a girl alone? I’m not going to the stupid dance and I’m not just saying that so I can ask someone else,”
Before Draco could get a word in you stalked away, disappearing in the crowd. And he stood there, dumbfounded. Was he not amused an hour ago about your annoyance? Did it not make him smile that you were tortured by your suitors? Why all of a sudden was he frowning and loathing Potter and Diggory—and whatever poor bloke had the unfortunate courage to ask you before class—even more for winding you up?
“It was Krum,” Pansy didn’t even say hello as she sat next to him in Spanish. “He was the one who tried to ask her,”
“She said no to Krum?” Draco’s eyebrows shot up. “You might be right, she really might swing the other way,”
“Aw, but I already asked Daphne,” Pansy pouted.
“Pans, darling, I think if anyone else breathes near her about the dance she’s gonna send someone to the nurse,” Draco chuckled. “So maybe you dodged a bullet there,”
She sighed wistfully. “Still, it’s nice to dream,”
“So, did you ask anyone to the dance yet?”
“Dad, I really don’t want to talk about this,” I huffed, kicking off my shoes. “I’m not going to that stupid dance,”
“Well, I know it’s probably not as glitzy as your uptown shindigs, but you should still go and have fun,” My dad set down his paper. “Make some friends while you’re here,” His tone was hopeful, as I knew it would be.
He wanted me to be happy here. He wanted me to fit in and enjoy my time in the middle of nowhere. It was a farfetched dream. But it was mine, I supposed.
“I have a few friends,” I insisted. “But I’m not one for dances... and the guys in town aren’t exactly... appealing,” I decided.
“Well, not that a father will complain about his daughter not wanting to date, but maybe you should go with a group of friends or something?”
“Everyone’s paired off, dad,” I sighed, looking in the fridge for something to make for dinner.
As I set off to do my chemistry homework, my mind meandered to my chem partner. It was out of character that he spoke to me today. Normally we disregarded another in comfortable silence. It had been that way since I showed up. And though it might have stung a bit in the beginning, I could tell quickly that Draco and his friends were the wrong sort of crowd that I didn’t want to be caught up in. The kind of crowds that I escaped by moving from my city life.
And I liked the crowd I had found; Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Neville were all very sweet and welcoming on my first day and had sort of adopted me into their group without looking back. Not that there was much depth in any of their lunchroom conversations, but at least I wasn’t alone. Hermione was the only one I could hold a conversation with—she had AP classes as I did and was a saint when I needed homework guidance.
Chemistry, however, was the one subject she couldn’t help me with. She had opted out for AP Environmental instead, claiming she had done her time with Snape and would rather dropout than be in his class another year.
So, it left me begrudgingly texting Draco about tonight’s homework. He was the only other one in class that seemed to keep up easily. Maybe it was because he was a shoe shiner class pet of Snape’s.
Malfoy: Oh, so you’re talking to me now. Don’t want yell at me again?
My cheeks flushed in anger and embarrassment at his response. He was never one to hold back what he was thinking—even if it was brutal.
Y/n: I’m sorry for snapping at you. It wasn’t fair to you. I’d give a reason, but I doubt you’d care
Malfoy: Pansy already told me that Krum tried to ask you to the dance. That’s what? Three guys now? If I hadn’t stopped her, Pansy wanted to ask you too.
Y/n: At least it would have been a girl asking me to a girl’s choice
Y/n: And you’re short one, Ron asked me too
Malfoy: Weasel? Wow. Never thought he’d have the guts to ask anyone 
Y/n: He’s actually going with Hermione
Y/n: Now will you please help me on 7?
And to my surprise, Draco was quite civil about walking me through the covalent bonding prompts. It made me feel a bit more guilty about snapping at him earlier today.
Seeing how I struggled on the homework, I wasn’t surprised that Harry came over during study hall and asked me for help on the same, if not more, questions. After the first couple, he griped that I was too similar to Hermione for knowing it all. And that it wasn’t fair that it came so easily to me.
“Actually, Draco helped me,” I smiled as I showed my notes to Harry for the next question. “He might help you if you ask,”
That was a long shot. Harry hated Draco and vice versa. It didn’t take me long to figure that one out.
“Malfoy helped you? Like actually helped you?” Harry scoffed. “The little prat,”
“Hey,” I warned snatching my notes away. “If you’re not gonna be nice about it I won’t let you use my notes,”
“Oh, come on, don’t be like that,” Harry pouted. “You know I was kidding,”
“Yahuh. Sure Harry,”
“Oh, come on,” Harry tried again. “He’s a prat. Always has been,”
I rolled my eyes, not wanting to hear anymore of Harry’s lamenting, and grabbed my bag. “I’ll be in the library,”
Wordlessly I left, fuming slightly. The music from my headphones thawed out my anger towards Harry a bit as I pushed the doors of the library open and sat at a table, pulling out my calculus homework to go over it one last time.
“This seat taken?”
I barely heard the question over my music. My eyes darted up to meet steady grey ones.
“It’s a free country,” I shrugged then remembered that I want particularly irate towards Draco at the moment. “Thank you, by the way,” I murmured, taking out one of my headphones. “For the chem help,”
“I might have had an ulterior motive,” Draco mumbled, pulling out a binder.
“If you think I’m gonna ask you to the dance because you helped me with my homework you have another thing coming Malfoy,” I warned.
“I think every guy in the school has got that by now,” a smile played at his lips. “No, I... I need help in McGonagall,” He was almost sheepish to admit it.
I raised an eyebrow at him skeptically, but he did seem genuine about needing help.
“I’m not sure I’ll be much help, but I can try. My old teacher, Jones had a different way of explaining it...” I trailed off, a pang of remorse about leaving my old school in my chest.
And maybe the way Jones taught me made more sense to Draco because he did eventually start to understand the calculus on the paper beneath us. I realized that Draco was very methodical. He enjoyed having rules that worked every time no matter the question. A failsafe that kept him ahead of the curve.
“Do you miss it?” He asked as we started to pack for the next hour. 
“Miss what?”
“Your old school? It has to be a lot different than this hell hole,” His words were nonchalant but still skeptical.
“It’s not so bad here,” I defended weakly. “But... I miss it, yeah. I feel like I have to prove myself all over again. Back home—back in New York no one questioned me. The teachers trusted me... the staff knew me...” I sighed. “I’m a stranger here.”
The warning bell rang and the same sense of dread that settled upon me reflected in Draco’s eyes: we were halfway across campus and there was little hope of getting to Snape’s class in the two minutes we had left.
Both scrambling, we headed for the doors and tore down the hall. I followed Draco’s path because if I was honest, I still didn’t quite know my way around the school nor the quickest ways to certain buildings.
“Miss Y/l/n,” Snap looked down disapprovingly at me. “I hope you have reason for being late or it’s Saturday detention for you,”
My anxiety spiked as I fumbled out an explanation. In the corner of my eye, I saw Harry stand, ready to come to my defense, but there was no need. Flawlessly Draco directed the attention of the irritated teacher to him with a sly smile and quick lie, that wasn’t really a lie at all.
“It was my fault,” Draco smoothed quickly. “I was having Y/n help me with McGonagall’s homework and I kept her late.”
Snape’s eyes darted between the two of us before he sighed, telling us to get to our seats before he gave out detentions for disrupting his class.
With a breath of relief, I sat beside Draco. 
“Thank you,” I murmured.
He shrugged and took out his notes and homework just as Snape began to go over it. And we went back to ignoring each other. Except, this time, it deemed impossible for me not to glance at him every so often, or for my eyes not to drift to his notes on the table, making sure that I hadn’t missed anything. The hour seemed to end quicker than normal. As usual, Harry walked to gym with me, chatting about the upcoming game before the dance this weekend.
“So, you and Malfoy?” The comment caught me off guard. “I don’t like it,”
I rolled my eyes. “It’s nothing Harry,” I shrugged. “No need to let your little feud make up wild stories. He just needed help with calc,”
“Sure, the golden boy needed help with his homework,” Harry said flatly. “That’s believable.” 
“And what about it is so farfetched?” I demanded.
“He’s doing it for some reason. He knows you turned me down, maybe he’s trying to get at me by being nice to you,” The offhand comment had my blood boiling.
“Are you serious right now!?” I snapped. “What is so wrong with you that you can’t see past your own ego!?”
Storming off, the only relief from my anger I was allowed happened when I ‘accidentally’ pelted Harry with a ball in the face, sending him to the nurse. When my anger faded, doubt remained. Was Draco only trying to be nice to me to get at Harry? From what I knew of Draco secondhand, I wouldn’t put it past him.
Draco was shocked when Snape had called on you for a homework answer, and you admitted that you didn’t know. Didn’t you know that he didn’t mind you texting him about the homework? That helping you wasn’t the worst waste of his time in the world? You had done it before. Not days ago. And yet you allowed yourself to be ridiculed by Snape for your lack of habitual knowledge.
You didn’t notice the small frown that lingered on his face for the remainder of class as you kept your head down and doodled in your notebook. Deciding that he didn’t like your comatose, he did something that deemed childish: he passed you a note.
You ok?
You stared at the paper and looked over at him, biting your lip before scribbling: 
Fine. Pay attention.
Rolling his eyes, he took the paper back and wrote:
I can’t if you’re over here moping.
You took the small piece of paper and crumpled it in your hands, shoving it into your bag. Draco decided to leave you alone for the rest of the hour his curiosity still burning through him. A quick meeting of Harry’s livid stare, and Draco had a better idea of what was going on. He just hoped, for perhaps the first time ever, that he was wrong.
“Oi, what the hell did you say to Y/n?” Draco demanded, singling Potter out in the hall the next morning.
His curiosity and suspicions had festered over the night. Draco had made the conscious decision to text you, asking if you needed help with chem, and your lack of response had him worrying again.
“What are you going on about Malfoy?” Ron crossed his arms, coming to Harry’s defense.
“Stay out of this weasel,” Draco hissed, noticing the crowd that began to gather around the small confrontation. Most of his attention, however stayed focused on cold green eyes.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Malfoy,” Harry tipped his chin back. “What? Is she not bowing down at your feet like you’re used too?” A laugh barked out of him and Weasley and a few other onlookers.
“At least she’s got enough self-respect to not be on her knees for you,” Draco heard the familiar condescending voice of Pansy beside him. A grin curled onto his face at her words.
Harry didn’t know what to say to that it seemed, and it further proved Draco’s suspicions. 
“So, you did say something to her,” He accused. “She got her not a month ago and you’re already dragging her into our mutual hatred?” Draco wouldn’t stoop that low. It was pathetic. 
“Well if you hadn’t gone and pretended to need help with McGonagall’s work, there wouldn’t be a problem,” Harry gritted, as if he had the high ground.
“As opposed to you who pretends he doesn’t need help them blames others when he fails?” Draco snapped.
There was quite a large crowd gathering around now, and he and Harry were less than a foot apart. Both boys were on the verge of snapping.
Your voice was enough to distract him that he didn’t see Harry throw the first punch. Pain blistered across his jaw as fury burned in his eyes. Now the kids around them were chanting and egging on the fight. But Draco never had the chance to swing back.
Because you had drove yourself into the cleared circle and delivered a few punches of your own.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!?” You shouted at him kneeing him in the groin leaving him keeled over, groaning. “I told you to back the fuck off!”
Draco wasn’t as surprised at the comment as he was about the knowledge that you knew how to beat the pulp out of a star football player without a whim. You never seemed like the athletic type but the blood pouring from Harry’s nose begged that you were slightly more dangerous than Draco had originally thought.
“Are you okay?” Your wild worried eyes were trained on him.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” He didn’t mean for the words to be so harsh, but the hurt that flickered across your face made him regret them.
He wished he had time to explain exactly why you shouldn’t have done that, but McGonagall and Snape were already upon the scene and threatening detentions. He and Harry, of course, were called out as the other students scattered.
“McGonagall, please,” You stood loyally beside him, despite his harsh words. “Draco didn’t have a hand in this, I did.”
Both teachers raised their eyebrows in surprise. Draco just gaped at you. Harry was glaring and still bleeding.
“I see. All three of you go to Dumbledore’s office.” She said, her careful eyes not leaving yours.
Harry strode off first, perhaps feeling smug in the fact that either way, you or Draco would be in trouble for this encounter. Draco wondered if you knew you had just bought yourself three days suspension for fighting.
You were silent beside him as you flexed your hand. He pondered if you had hurt it in your fervor. He almost asked you. Then he remembered the hurt on your face at his last words and decided against it. You wouldn’t want to talk to him.
“So,” Dumbledore said pointedly. “I heard there was a bit of a skirmish today in the hall,” An amused smile sat upon the principal’s face, no doubt taking in Harry’s state. Draco wondered if his skin was bruising yet.
“It was me,” Draco said not realizing what he was doing.
“Oh, don’t you even,” You were scathing at him, your hands clenched again, pain flitting across your face—you definitely hurt your hand then. You turned to Dumbledore. “Harry swung at Draco and I stepped in. I’m the one who did it.”
“Mr. Potter?” Dumbledore raised an ancient eyebrow.
Harry seemed like he was debating whether or not he wanted to admit getting beat up by a girl. The thought made Draco smile, causing his jaw to hurt. He tried to flex it but halted when pain blossomed again.
“That’s what happened,” Harry admitted under his breath.
“And why, Mr. Malfoy, did Potter swing at you?” Dumbledore turned to him, an amused smile lingering on his face.
“I thought that Harry had said something to her that hurt her. She... wasn’t keeping up on homework and it was unlike her. After she turned Harry’s proposal to the dance down, I thought...”
“You turned down Mr. Potter’s proposal to the girl’s choice dance?” The principal turned back to you.
“His, Weasley’s, Cedric’s, Viktor’s,” You muttered, much to Dumbledore’s delight as the older man began to chuckle.
“Had quite a welcome here, haven’t you?”
“You could say that again,” Folding your arms, your face became solemn. 
“And do you have a reason for your actions?”
“I don’t like bullies, no matter where they come from,” Confidence founded your voice as you squared your shoulder. Never once had Draco ever heard someone call Harry a bully. The words had always been reversed. Everyone in the school saw the reputation in Draco, never Harry.
“Well, under normal circumstances, I’d have to suspend you and Mr. Potter here, but instead, I’m suspending you from being allowed to the dance this weekend. All three of you,”
“But sir!” Harry argued.
“Not another word Mr. Potter.” Dumbledore rose from his office chair. “My decision is final.”
Three ‘yes sir’s were mumbled as the three of you filed out of the office. You began to walk away, towards your next class Draco assumed, but he caught your non-injured hand, Harry slinking away himself.
“Let me go,” You shrugged him off.
“Wait,” Draco caught up to you, blocking you in the narrow hall of the office. “Look, about what I said,”
“Forget it Draco,” You snapped, and he could see unshed tears in your eyes. “Just leave me alone,” You pressed past him with a bit more force than necessary that had him after you again.
“I didn’t mean it like that!” He called, and you actually paused, your head turning in interest.
“Then what did you mean?” Your voice with thick. “Cuz all I see is a rich little prat who can’t say thank you. Or a self-centered guy who thinks I need someone to fight my battles for me. A high and mighty guy who thinks he can tell me what to do,” Your words were sharp and snarled. “So please, tell me what you meant.” The challenge dripped dangerously from your scowl.
“I...” Draco fumbled for the right words. “I’m not worth getting suspended for,” Your anger turned to confusion, turned sympathy, turned neutral.
“But I’m worth fighting for,” It was a stubborn and bold declaration. “And I know that,” A pause as you turned to leave. “So yeah, I should have done that,”
I couldn’t help the tears that streamed down my face as I nearly ran to the parking lot, yearning for the safety of my car. Slamming the door shut, I let out a frustrated yell and slumped in the seat.
The backroads under my tires held a calming solace as I drove the long way home. It was something that New York couldn’t replace: the backroads I had grown up on. With the windows down and the radio blaring, all of my thoughts were tuned out.
At a red light, I found the courage to call my father and explain what happened. He said I was grounded this weekend for fighting, but I didn’t mind much. It got me out of having to go to the dance, even if Dumbledore hadn’t already said I couldn’t. I smiled when my dad told me he was proud for standing up for myself and beating the hell out of Harry.
I found myself smiling as I pulled in at home. Icing my hand and popping some pain killers just in case, I scrolled through my notifications, only answering Hermione. I didn’t care what the school gossiped about or what rumors started because of the fight. Hermione just wanted to know if I was okay and if I’d want her to send the homework from the classes I missed. I told her yes to both and thanked her.
Another notification popped up.
Draco: are you okay? how’s your hand?
I stared at the notification, and instead of deleting the icon like I should have, I opened it and gazed at the words. His mood swings were giving me whiplash. I thought about ignoring it, but he had already seen that I had read it. Cursing modern technology, I responded.
Y/n: fine
Mulling it over, I sent another text.
Y/n: can you send me the chem homework? please
The messages that followed were unexpected. Steady and clear photos of his notes for the day— and week it looked like—as well as the worksheet Snape had given. I felt a pang if gratitude towards Draco in that moment and his words from earlier settled in.
Draco has confronted Harry because he was worried about me. Somehow, he had picked up on how Harry’s words had affected me and driven me into doubt and a few missing homework assignments. Tears sprung back up in my eyes without my consent. It left me regretting the words I had snapped at him earlier. I let him know as much with another text.
Draco: most of it was justified
Draco: I know I’m not the easiest person to know 
Y/n: I was still wrong to say it. I’m sorry
Y/n: and you’re not so bad :)
There wasn’t a response from him for half an hour, so I settled down and began to transcribe his notes into my own notebook, then began to untangle the questions that the worksheet gave me. The crumpled note from a few days ago spilled out of my bag. I took it, unfurling it, running my hand over his words. I tucked it in my chemistry binder, smiling softly at his kindness.
Anxiety fluttered in my chest the next day as I drove up to school and parked in my usual spot. I felt torn between two clicks—probably the only two clicks this school had, and I had managed to get caught in the middle of a turf war—the thing that I wanted to escape by moving back in with my dad and I still managed to find myself in the same situations. Maybe it was just me. Maybe I was the problem.
Shaking the thought, I headed to first hour just as the bell rang in my efforts to avoid confrontation. Other than a few approving comments from my sorta friends, no one seemed put out that I had fought their golden boy. It eased my anxiety as the day went on. I was quelled a bit more when I heard that Harry wasn’t in school today. And maybe I smiled at that a bit.
“The jackass deserved it,” Ginny shrugged, “If you hadn’t shown up, I wouldn’t have hesitated either,”
She calmed the majority of my fears with her words unknowingly. If there had been one person I didn’t want to cross it was Ginny—she was fierce and took no prisoners. If the school had a queen bee, it would have been Gin.
“Is your hand alright?” Luna asked during art class. “You seem a bit off your game today,” She noticed my failing live portrait.
Luna was always quiet but observant of others, and it drew me towards the peaceful girl. Her calm nature as well as my fierce need to protect her from bullies kept me as her partner despite the seat changes in Trelawney’s art class. The teacher didn’t seem to care as Luna and I were some of her best students although Luna’s whimsical style contrasted my realistic preference heavily.
“It hurts a bit,” I answered truthfully. “But not enough to cry about,” There were yellow and purplish tinges to my knuckles, but nothing was broken.
“Everyone’s talking about it,” Luna semi-whispered. “Are you and Draco together?”
“No,” I answered a bit more harshly than I meant and refined my answer. “I was tired of Harry being an egotistical ass and dragging me into it,”
“He’s probably just jealous,” Luna gave offhand, adding some shading to her sketch. “Boys are like that,”
“Jealous? Of what?” I scoffed. “He’s with Ginny, and it’s not like I fancy anyone at this school,”
“Yes, I heard about all the failed proposals to the dance.” A smile touched her lips, “Regardless, from the outside, the only person you’ve shown interest in is Draco, and Harry doesn’t like it,”
“Well, he needs to get over it,” I muttered. “I’m not some prize to be won,”
My annoyance didn’t fade as I slumped into my seat at lunch, grateful that Harry was absent today because I might have just gone off on him again. Stupid teenage boys thinking they have some claim over a girl.
Harry was back the next day, looking worse for wear. I went to apologize, but he didn’t allow me too, saying he deserved it and the he was the one who was sorry. I wondered if Ginny had a hand in his apology. Shrugging, I decided it didn’t matter. At least Harry, and maybe everyone else at the small school, knew that I could handle myself.
The weekend passed, and I didn’t notice much. Hermione sent me a few pictures of the dance. They held no interest to me, but at least they were having fun.
On Monday, it seemed that Draco had gone back to ignoring me. At least that’s how it appeared for about the first half of Snape’s lecture. Then every so often I’d catch him staring at me, or my notes. His eyes would quickly dart down when he realized that I had noticed his gazes. It left me frowning and struggling to focus.
It was Wednesday that Hermione and I talked about the calculus test coming up on Friday. I glanced over to Draco, wondering if he’d need help or a study partner for the exam. I wondered if he’d be too proud to ask. Or if I’d be too stubborn to offer.
“Go over there and ask,” Hermione nudged my arm, picking up on my train of thought.
“I shouldn’t,” I shook my head. “Besides, you’d be a better tutor than I am,”
“Yes, but Draco doesn’t like me. You on the other hand,” An amused smile lingered on her face.
“We’re friends,” I insisted. “That’s all,”
“More than it was last week,” She pointed out. “Draco’s always been a stuffy prat, but I see how he is with you. He’s almost... normal.”
My eyes shifted back over to his lunch table, where he was hunched over a book, tuning out the dark-haired girl beside him as she prattled about something adamantly. Something the girl said must have caught Draco’s attention, perhaps she warned him about my gaze, because his eyes met mine. I looked down quickly, my cheeks flushing.
“He’s coming over,” Hermione whispered.
“Stop staring,” I hissed under my breath, breaking my own rule by looking up.
“Can I talk to you?” His voice was quiet and guarded, his eyes sliding over my company. 
“What’s up?” I asked casually.
I looked to Hermione who was saying if I didn’t go, she’d never forgive me with a single look.
“Sure,” I stood, gathering my things and followed him out of the cafeteria and down the halls, to the library. “Did you want help for the calc test Friday?” I asked softly as we sat at the same table as our previous encounter.
“Well, yes,” He chuckled softly. “I... also wanted to talk to you... about last week, and...” His eyes refused to meet mine. I waited in silence for him to continue. “This... this doesn’t have to be anything, and I know you’d probably rather it weren’t... but I’ve never actually...”
I raised my eyebrows, leaning closer to him, the butterflies in my chest growing more restless with each second that passed. They had begun to arrive on the day of the fight, and now it seemed like they were taking flight for the first time.
“You came here a month ago... and in that time have managed to capture every guys heart in this school and then proceeded to turn most of them down. You’ve gotten into fights and out of trouble and you’re really someone I should avoid, but... I don’t want to, not anymore.”
“You think you should avoid me?” The question was soft on my lips. His eyes flashed to mine in brief panic.
“Again, not what you think,” He sighed and scrubbed his face, then proceeded to wince at the pain that no doubt was triggered by his action. “I should avoid you because if I’m being honest, I’m not much better than Harry, and I wouldn’t be someone you’d want to be with. And it would make it easier for the both of us if I avoided you.”
“Cards on the table then?” I mused softly and he nodded, begging my candor. “I know what they say about you. And I have my own opinions, but...” I paused and smiled. “You are the first guy who hasn’t acted like an arrogant jackass to me,” Then mended, “At least in a way that hasn’t made me want to deck you,”
“That’s comforting,” A smile reached his eyes this time.
“And... if it had to be anyone... I’d probably want it to be you,” This surprised him, told by the expression on his face. “In terms of intelligence, I feel semi-confident to say that you wouldn’t drive me mad with your lack of knowledge, because most of the kids at this school are so dull,” I muttered then continued. “You’ve been kind to me, and never pushed me into doing anything I haven’t wanted to do,”
“So, you wanted to beat the shit out of Potter then?” The same smile turned to a grin.
“It was bound to happen eventually,” I chuckled softly. “You gave me a valid excuse, to which I thank you,”
“Shouldn’t I be thanking you? For ya know, being my knight in shining armor coming to my rescue?”
I laughed at his words and shook my head at his antics.
“Does that make you my damsel in distress?” It never occurred to me how easy it might be to talk to Draco, considering we’d barely said a word to each other since my arrival.
“If I must be,” He feigned distaste, the smile not leaving his face long enough to convince me of his façade.
A silence fell between us.
“Is this something then?” His words were riddled with uncertainty.
“It’s not nothing,” I offered. “But I don’t know what it is yet.”
“Would you be willing to see what it is?” Draco’s voice turned hopeful.
“If you’re willing to be patient,” My eyes met his grey ones, storms above the seas held in them. “I don’t really... date. Flings and a list of exes isn’t really on my bucket list ya know?”
“Understandable,” His smile returning. “Not that I prefer them either,”
I sighed softly. “People are gonna talk, if they’re not already,” It was a defeating thought.
“Let them talk,” Draco shrugged, lost in thought. “That’s all they do. No matter where you go,”
“It’s a bit worse in a small town,” I challenged.
“I’ll give you that,” He chuckled. “But things are a bit less scandalous in a small town,”
“Granted,” I thought of New York and how the smallest things morphed into rumors and gossip that took down empires. Here, in the middle of nowhere our problems seemed almost trivial.
“So,” He raised an eyebrow at me, awaiting my verdict.
“So,” I mimicked. “This... this can be something,”
Draco had never once thought of dating. Ever. Whereas Pansy couldn’t wait to have her next summer love, Draco... he was reserved. Not that he ever held it against Pansy, and of course he was there to curse the name of her exes with her, but him dating? It was laughable.
He could claim that ‘you weren’t like other girls,’ but it’d be a lie. You were just the perfect mix of being like other girls that appealed to him so much. The girls he had passed in the halls for years and never once felt attraction to were now suddenly a bit more interesting. Granger had calculus with you and was very good at the subject, sharing your passion for it. Ginny had the same fire in her eyes as you did when you were angry. Even Lovegood seemed less like a spaz and a bit more down to earth in the few passing moments that he saw her when picking you up from art class.
“I might warn you,” he whispered gently the next day, hand in yours as you headed to the cafeteria. “Pansy has been dying to talk to you... so heads up,”
A laugh fell through your lips as he opened the door for you, the cafeteria, once buzzing solemnly was now almost hushed as eyes turned to the couple at the door.
“Oi! Malfoy!”
Draco tensed at the curt calling of his name but relaxed when you smiled and waved to Ginny.
“Come sit with us,” The redhead offered. “No need in you taking Y/n away from us,”
“Get Pansy,” You smiled, letting his hand go as you went to drop your stuff at the table before heading toward the lunch line.
“Can I talk to her now?” Pansy demanded.
“She’s all yours,” Draco chuckled, trailing behind his dark-haired friend, a smile resting on his face as you entertained all of Pansy’s question with unbelievable grace.
Tensions were high as Draco sat with you at your usual lunch table, Pansy on his other side, but it seemed that you, Ginny, and Hermione had the boys under control, so nothing more than loathsome glares were exchanged before the conversation settled into something pleasant.
It took a couple weeks, but the bruises on your hand and his jaw faded, then soon Harry’s broken nose was healed, and it was as if nothing had ever happened. As if it were preposterous that your group ever had animosity against another.
True to your word and his, it wasn’t exactly dating. He dedicated a lot of his effort to figuring out what you were comfortable with and what you weren’t. Something that appealed to both of you was holding hands in the hallways. The gawking faces of those around you seemed to keep a smile on your face. You had tamed the rich prat and he had tamed the spitfire in their eyes. And perhaps he was a bit kinder to those around him. And maybe you weren’t as volatile. Maybe you had finally settled into the small town.
Slowly it seemed, you sifted into the role of a girlfriend—well, whatever the equivalent was for you and him. It took some coaxing and a compromise, but you allowed him to pick you up and drive you to school—three out of five days of the week. He looked forward to those mornings and didn’t mind leaving earlier as long as you were at the end of the road under his tires. You were defiant about him paying for things, mundane things like lunch or random gifts, so he tried to keep it at a minimum, or at least didn’t let on how much he had spent on you.
Draco was never one for physical affection. His parents had been distant and reserved. Closed off. He wasn’t bitter about it, but he was worried that it might affect how he was around you. But it seems that you were a bit standoffish as well. The abrasion faded over time, but it was still never over abundant. You held his hand, that was easy and almost routine for the both of you, and though he hadn’t kissed you yet, displays of make outs in the halls never appealed to any part of him. Ever.
But he wouldn’t forget the first time you kissed him. It was a quiet night at your place after you two had studied for Snape’s final. You declared if you looked at another carbon bond you were going to scream, so you slammed your binder shut and led him to the old sofa and pulled him down, both of you nestled beside another as you flickered through TV stations, settling on something that held half your interest.
His arm draped around your shoulder, a gentle sign of affection that you returned by resting your head on his shoulder, your arm stretching across his stomach, holding him. His hand absentmindedly played in your hair, earning soft sounds of agreement from your lips as he continued. Your exhausted face in the TV light held all of his interest. The way your eyelashes fluttered eleven your eyes changed focus, or the way you worried your lip now and again almost thoughtlessly. Never knowing that it drove him mad.
Draco called your name softly, earning your attention. Your faces were inches apart and he could feel your soft breaths mix with his. Your eyes searched his for something—what exactly he wasn’t sure. But you must have decided that whatever you found was enough, because you leaned up and closed the distance between your lips and his.
He smiled at the moment and the ones that followed. The desire that built in his chest and the gentle pant of need that left your lips, flushing across his as you pulled away.
“Thank you,” You had murmured.
He smiled at you simple gratitude and wondered why you thought it necessary. Did you believe that he didn’t want to kiss you? That you weren’t constantly in his psyche? Imagining how soft and warm your skin must be? Wondering if the rest of you was worked and scarred like your hands from years of use?
Not knowing what you were thinking—or why he was for that matter—he pulled you into his lap as the two of you sat on the couch, cradling you close, letting you know that he craved your affection though he wasn’t the best at portraying the ideal.
You had fallen asleep in his lap that night. When your dad came in to check on the two of you, Draco thought your father would be furious but instead he smiled and suggested that Draco carry you to your room so that you could stretched out on your bed and sleep for the night. Those were the few moments that Draco had ever been in your room. It was one of your fathers rules—which he humbly agreed to. The sight made him smile. It was perfectly you. An organized chaos of all of your favorite things.
You barely noticed him setting you into your bed and pulling the covers over your shoulders after removing you shoes.
He preferred your home over his. It took about two months before you coaxed him into the idea of meeting his parents formally. Draco was terrified, knowing that his parents disapproved just about everyone in the town they lived in, save a few families. He wasn’t sure how they felt about the divorcee and his daughter living on the outskirts of town.
“You understand how much of a bad idea this is?” Draco hissed as he walked you up the front steps of the pristine farmhouse—it was the last attempt he made before it was too late to back out.
“They’re just your parents,” You took his hand, saying the words nonchalantly.
“That’s why I’m worried! They’re my parents!” He dismayed.
“Dray, love, it’s gonna be okay,” You reassured, and he couldn’t argue with the honesty in your eyes.
You’d never stop surprising him. He didn’t think ever. He knew his parents were hard people to entertain. There were thousands of unspoken rules that they forced him to follow and you picked up on them as easily as you knew calculus. Sit one way, speak another, you blended in flawlessly. Your persona differed from the one he knew, but it was still perfectly you.
“And you moved here? From New York?” His father eyed you skeptically.
 “Father—” A cold look silenced Draco.
“Yes sir,” Your smile was sweet and conniving.
“Was the city not satisfactory for you?”
“It had a certain charm,” You spoke softly. “But I didn’t want to give my teenage years to a concrete jungle when I could call here my home,”
“Well,” Draco’s mother cut in before his father had a change to reply. “You sure do have quite a spirit in you. I can see what our Draco likes about you,”
You smiled and looked over at him. The blush on your cheeks matched his.
“Thank you,”
Lunch came and passed. If it was out of the ordinary in any way to you, you gave no sign.
You did however, pause, gazing at his grand piano that sat in the drawing room, your face pensive.
“You play?” He mused, curious. You hadn’t let on if your hidden talent. 
“Not very well,” You muttered back. “It’s been years.”
“Y/n, do you play my dear?” His mother cut in. “You must play for us,”
“I...” Glancing at the piano, you caught your lip in worry.
“Mother, if she isn’t comfortable, she doesn’t have to,” Draco defended.
“No, it’s alright... you must forgive me, it’s been a few years since I’ve played properly.”
The shy smile on your face didn’t fade as you made your way to the instrument. He shadowed you all the while, asking one more time before you began to play.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes,” Your smile turned warmer. “It’ll be alright.”
Draco watched as you placed your hands on the glossy white keys and fell into a pattern as they searched for the next note, the next chord, the next verse. And you kept forging ahead until your piece had come to an end. Draco should have known that you’d lie about having the talent tucked away.
“That was lovely,” His mother fawned from somewhere behind. “Draco you must play with her,”
The eyebrow you raised at him informed him that maybe he also hid the talent from you unintentionally. Who did you think the piano belonged to?
“Any ideas?” He muttered softly, placing his hands on the keys next to yours.
“Moonlight Sonata?” It was a simple request, and one that he knew decently enough to nod.
Draco began the repetitive harmony as you waited for the melody and joined him. Your fingers played in time and in tune as the song unfolded—your hands trailing along the treble clef and his adding in the deeper bass tones.
It wasn’t until one of his hands ran into yours that the dance faltered, and four hands banged on the keys in frustration. Draco laughed at the simple fact that you had the same response to making a mistake as he did while playing. Your soft laughter joined his.
Someone cleared their throat behind him, and you both turned, meeting the scrutinizing gaze of his father. Draco looked down anxious and respectful and you followed suit, your hand finding his in reassurance.
“Perhaps if you two had more time to practice together, you two wouldn’t be tripping over another.” His father mused.
“Father?” Draco looked up. “Does that mean?”
“Yes, she is welcomed here any time she wishes.” His father gave a small smile.
 Relief flooded through both of you. Draco might have even slouched momentarily. 
Tags: @coffee-addicti @msmcsmutt @ravn-87@artemismohr18@whygz @crazywritingbug @fuzzy-panda@bitemebro522@zombiesnips-blog@savingdraco@welcometomyworldwithoutrules @akari180@slytherin-emerald@memalfoy-spidey @queenfeatherwings@fanficflaneuse @go-whovian-universe @spicyshenanigans@darling-im-not-okay-i-promise  @dietkiwi @katsukink@takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things @tmnt-queen@hxneybgb @justsomerandomgur@belcvayelena@moviesbooksandfandoms @howdycharlie@xtrashmouthxtozierx@cocochanelthepupper @ninacotte@braelynn-j @jiggllyy@honeymarvel @darcypotter-blog@atomicpunkrock @thiccheerioss@lottie289 @boredashaeck@beautiful-pegasus @tceedlmao @deadlynyghtshayde @iconjuresnapeingrandmaclothes @anonymous034 @bi-andready-tocry @lunna-does-real-doodle @dragonsandbread  @okaydraco @the-queen-of-hell-things @cmxreader @alienmotel @oh-itsnothing @sunflowerxsadnessw @fattycooter @angelotakunerd08 @thisisahugemistake @fanficsigottaread @gweaslvy @strawberriesonsummer @gaysludge @cleopatera @ray-of-sunrise @artist-bby @shadowsingeraxolotl @quillsareforwriting @ghostlytoadalmondhairdo @wollymalfoy @lilpieceoftoast  @paper-cats @floweryjh @sdicapriox @peachesandpinks @hufflautia @livize75 @annie-mcl @riathearora @live-like-luna @justathoughtfulangel @coconutdawn @skteaiy @wannabeskinny-thinspo @naughtygranger @queenofmankind @dragonsandbread @abundantxadorations @moony-artnstuff @myforeveryoungblog @and-then-a-girl-with-luv @1-800-luvsick @pandas-rice-field @strawberriesonsummer @jjustsomerandomgirl @mrvlfangirl3190 @in-slytherin-we-trust @emmaa-t @introvertedrae @infinity1o1 @stoleurmomsvan @echpr @sunkissed-hufflepuff @dekulover @marshmallowtraver @cereuselle @lonely-skywalker @xlosttdreamss @sleepysnapesnake @hoeforthefictional @coldlilheart @helen-paris @romance-geek @rosie-starlit-sky @californiaa-babyy @vulture-withafile @hogstupefy @littlepanda-love @eveft @iraniq @groovyfluxie @cool-weirdo-wannabee-author @siriusblackdies @in-slytherin-we-trust @rosegold-thorns @criminaly-supernatural​
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asimovsideburns · 4 years
While I appreciate the speed with which college humor is putting out new episodes of dimension 20, I also feel like… I wish they would slow down? Is that a weird take?
Like, first of all, they’re consistently down to the wire with editing. The trailer for the newest season wasn’t finished in time, so they had to push it back and release just the title reveal portion instead. Adventuring Party episodes consistently come out without captions, which are them added later as soon as they’re completed. Editing on seasons happens as they’re airing at least some of the time, if I understand correctly.
So, just from a standpoint of “I don’t think it’s great for the crew to be always racing the deadline” I would be more than willing to wait a bit longer between seasons, or between episodes.
Second, the fact that they’re releasing 2+ hours of episode AND 1+ hour of talkback every single week is just. SO much content. Especially when I’m also trying to keep up with other shows in addition to like. Life. And the fact that they come out so fast means that if you fall behind, it feels impossible to catch up, at least for me. I’ve watched two episodes of A Crown of Candy, less than half an episode of Pirates of Leviathan, 5.5 episodes of TUC2, and the first episode of Mice and Murder comes out in two weeks. It’s going to release full length episodes every week. I don’t know if it’s going to have talkback episodes or not, and while I would absolutely love to see them I find myself hoping it doesn’t just because I feel so overwhelmed with content.
I can’t even keep up with the, for the amount of content, honestly frenetic pace of new releases, let alone watch/finish older seasons. People talk about doing rewatches and I think, how do they have the time?
Plus, I think that the show would benefit from 1) giving fans more time to theorize and discuss between episodes, 2) more time to process the finales and analyze seasons before new premieres, and 3) a bigger window for people to submit Adventuring Party questions. I mean, for that last one, Adventuring Party is sometimes recorded the night the episode goes up, or the next day, just so that there’s time to edit it. That’s not a lot of time to submit! If I don’t watch when it drops at 7pm eastern, without pausing, I feel like I’m not going to be able to get my question in before they record.
AND, all of that is not even considering the OTHER content that college humor produces! I know that d20 is the biggest draw but the fact that it’s so nonstop means that people who want to keep up with it naturally have less time to check out other shows like game changer or um, actually. There’s years of shows on dropout and I feel like I can’t take the time to give any of them a try if I want to even attempt to stay current with d20.
tl;dr: I think that college humor could benefit in a lot of ways by slowing down their release schedule.
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httpjeon · 5 years
❝first time together❞ jjk ― m.
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― summary: you never thought you’d fall for the charms of jeon jungkook, the campus heartthrob, play boy, and fuck boy.
jungkook/reader| college!au | fluff, smut, angst | 8.4k ↬ content warnings: light virgin kink, dirty talk, cunnilingus (with jk’s pierced tongue), blow job, praise kink, creampie, manipulation, fuckboy!jk, pierced!jk, u may hate jk sorry
a/n: thank you to my lovely beta @yoonqiful for editing this baby for me!
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You remember seeing him on campus before — how could you miss him, really? Your circle of friends ran close but not close enough that you really knew him.
He was handsome, easy enough to admit with dark, curly hair overshadowing bright doe-like eyes. He had a nose ring and a lip ring which he constantly played with. You'd also heard on the grapevine the man possessed a tongue piercing as well.
He was basically every girl’s fantasy — a good looking bad boy who would break your heart after giving you the best night of your life. He lived up to the hype of his reputation as well.
You were a freshman and within your first two semesters, you learned just how big of a name Jeon Jungkook was on campus. Most likely hundreds of notches on his bedpost and none making it past a one night stand.
Many women would agree to sleep with him in hopes they could “change” him, only to be disappointed and heartbroken in the end. It was a vicious cycle that he was, no doubt, proud of.
So, you vowed to never get anywhere near Jeon Jungkook. That sentiment worked fairly well for a while, but well, it wasn’t in the cards for you to avoid meeting the man.
Walking onto campus for a shitty morning class, you were exhausted from staying up late studying for a test. You take a sip from the coffee you got earlier from the cafe. It hasn’t quite kicked in yet, leaving you drowsy.
You hadn't even realized anyone was near you until you tripped over someone's foot, crashing to the ground harshly.
“Hey,” A voice grumbled, harshly grabbing the back of your shirt to pull you up. You choked slightly as the collar of the shirt dug into your neck. “You got coffee all over me, you know?”
“I-I'm sorry,” You grumbled, shaking his grip off of you as you stood — peeved that he didn't even care he literally tripped you. “I didn't mean to.”
“This shirt cost me a lot of money,” He pestered. You finally looked up at him. “How much cash you got on you now, maybe that'll cover it.”
You scoffed. “I'm not paying for your shirt when you tripped me,” You argued, crossing your arms over your chest. “I have a class to go to.”
You turned your back to the stranger, intending to walk away before he harshly grabbed your arm. You gasped, nearly losing your footing once again when he tugged you closer.
“Look bitch,” He growled. “I told you this shirt is expensive. You ruined it so pay me for it.”
You opened your mouth to tell him to go to hell before someone cleared their throat behind you.
“What the fuck do you want Jeon?” The stranger snapped, grip tightening on your arm.
“Man, no wonder you never get laid if this is how you treat a lovely lady,” You looked over your shoulder to find yourself gazing into the ridiculously handsome face of Jeon Jungkook.
“You're a dick, Jeon,” Your harasser let you go, lightly shoving you so you stumbled towards Jungkook before stalking off.
“Are you alright?” Jungkook asked, smiling. His lip ring sparkled in the early morning light.
“Yeah,” You signed, rubbing where the man had a rough grip on you. “Thanks for that, Jungkook.”
“Oh, you know my name!” His grin broadened.
“Yeah,” You nodded, adjusting your bag on your shoulder. “You're friends with Jimin who’s friends with Taehyung. Plus, no offense, I think every girl on campus knows you.”
He nodded, smile not diminishing in the slightest as he shoved his hands into his jeans pockets. “That's fair. It was nice to finally meet you, though. Can I walk you to class?”
You hesitated, wanting to say no but he had just done you a favor in chasing that asshole off. Sighing softly, you nodded and motioned for him to follow you.
“Oh you have anatomy with Mrs. Park huh?” He asked, recognizing the direction you were taking. “I took this class my freshman year as well.”
“What grade are you in?” You asked.
“Junior,” He replied. “Just clocked in 65 credit hours.” He shrugged.
Jungkook was the type of man you'd expect to be a dropout. Learning he'd been working hard, no doubt aiming to graduate, surprised you. It just showed that you shouldn’t judge someone by their reputation.
Shortly after your exchange with Jungkook, with him walking you to class, you found yourself seeing him a lot more frequently. Sometimes it seemed almost too coincidental, like being around your anatomy class when it ended claiming he was just seeing a friend who had a class on that same hall.
"Hey _____," A familiar voice had you pausing and turning around.
"Oh Hoseok," You smiled, smiling up at him as he walked closer to you.
"You got a minute?" He asked, hands stuffed in his pockets.
"Yeah, actually class was canceled today. I was about to go home," You explained. "You want to head to the cafe?"
"Yeah that'd be great," You noticed how his shoulders were tense and his smile didn't seem as bright. It appeared something was on his mind.
"Do you want to invite Taehyung?" You asked, beginning to walk along with him. "No it's not necessary," He said. "I just need to talk to you."
"Not gonna lie, you got me a little worried here Hobi," You chuckled nervously.
"Don't worry," He patted your back. "It's not that bad! But I am going to get called back into work in a minute so I don't have long."
You hummed, the two of you falling into silence as you navigated the familiar path to the campus cafe.
It was bustling, as expected, but since a lot of people had class at that time, there were still a couple tables open. Hoseok picked the most secluded table to sit at, not unusual for him. Despite his sunshiney nature, he was still a bit reclusive — not really liking hustle and bustle and preferring to keep away from prying eyes.
"So, what's bothering you?" You asked, resting your chin on your hand.
"It's about Jeon Jungkook," He sighed, making you stiffen immediately.
"Wh-What about him?" You gulped.
"_____," He sighed. "You know I care about you. You're my best friend. I mean this with...so much sincerity." He met your eyes. "Stay away from him, okay?"
"Wh...What?" You shook your head, not understanding.
"He's been asking around about you," Hoseok whispered. "I heard from Taehyung about it. Please stay away from him. He is the most..." His phone started buzzing, making him sigh. "He's—"
"Do you need to get that?" You asked.
Hoseok sighed again, looking at his phone. "Yeah but..." He started to stand up. "I've got to go but, ______. Please listen, he's the most notorious cherry picker ever. So, just stay away from him!"
"Hey!" You called after him, watching as he put the phone to his ear and started jogging out. "What does that even mean?"
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Sighing, you crashed onto your bed — letting the familiar scent of your detergent calm you.
Your phone vibrating in your pocket alerted you to a new text. You pulled it out and unlocked it, realizing it was a text from an unknown number.
From: Unknown [2:18PM] Hey😏
They were typing so you sat there and waited.
From: Unknown [2:18PM] Is this _____?
They started typing again and you raised your brow — growing impatient.
From: Unknown [2:18PM] It's Jungkook btw
Your brows shot straight up at the reveal. Fingers hovering over the keyboard, you thought of a response, unsure of what you could possibly say.
To: Jeon Jungkook [2:19PM] Yes...this is _____. How did you get my number?
From: Jeon Jungkook [2:19PM] It's a secret😬
To: Jeon Jungkook [2:20PM] Okay. What do you want?
From: Jeon Jungkook [2:20PM] Do you have class tomorrow?
To: Jeon Jungkook [2:20PM] Yes I have a class at 10.
From: Jeon Jungkook [2:21PM] Cool. Meet me at the campus cafe at 9?
You sat there and stared at the message as it settled in. You weren't sure of what to say but you knew you wanted to say yes. Jungkook was intriguing — dangerously so. The way he acted, the air he carried with him had you wanting to see more. It was like he had a magnetic pull.
But Hoseok's words were still there, lingering in the back of your mind. Stay away from Jeon Jungkook.
Before you realized what you were doing, however, a message was sent.
To: Jeon Jungkook [2:22PM] Um, sure...that'd be nice. See you then!
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You tugged the hood of your hoodie over your head as you reached the cafe. It was packed as usual and you were more than a little tired from not sleeping well. Tugging the door open, you cringed as the noise level rose.
Looking around, you spotted Jungkook sitting in the corner with his eyes glued to his phone. He had a little smirk on his face as he typed something and your heart began to race.
Weaving through the people, you finally reached his table and took a seat. He immediately looked up and locked his phone, bright eyes finding yours as he greeted you good morning.
"Oh I got you a coffee and a muffin," He said, gesturing to the two items on the table. "I didn't know what you liked so I got something a little sweet."
"I like everything here to be honest," You muttered, pulling your hood down before bringing the still hot coffee to your lips.
"You look like you haven't slept a wink," He said, cocking his head to the side.
"I didn't really," You shrugged. "But this coffee should wake me up, thank you Jungkook."
"It's not a problem," He smiled, a cute bunny-like smile that contrasted with the black piercing on his lip.
The two of you drifted easily through conversation; topics coming easily as you discovered different things you had in common. You learned Jungkook was actually a really big fan of anime and used to collect manga before he had to move into the dorms.
The hour passed faster than you could have expected and you found yourself...disappointed when it was time for you to leave.
"How about I walk you to class?" He asked, standing up as soon as he realized the time.
"I'd like that," You muttered, blushing when he opened the door for you to escort you out.
You found yourself glancing at him whenever you were sure he wasn't paying attention. You noticed his ears were gauged and today he wore his curled bangs parted in the middle — allowing just a peek of his forehead. It was unfair how attractive he was.
And when he smiled, you found yourself smiling along with him. Everything about Jeon Jungkook gave you butterflies.
It made you understand why so many women were wanting him. Deep down, you could feel that same urge building inside of you. The only thing it was held back by was Hoseok's warning.
"I'll see you later, Jungkook," You smiled, standing outside your classroom door. "Yeah, I look forward to it," He flashed you a big smile with a short wink before he turned on his heel and walked the same way he'd come.
You were unable to tear your eyes off of his form. Even the way he walked exuded so much confidence.
They say confidence is sexy and Jungkook definitely fit the bill.
He vanished from your sight and you finally entered the classroom.
"Curse you Jeon Jungkook," You whined when you got home, flopping down on your bed.
Class hadn't gone well at all with said man plaguing your thoughts. You found yourself daydreaming every 5 minutes about Jungkook; his handsome face, pretty smile, and sparkling eyes refusing to leave your mind.
Still, despite the fact he was such an unpleasant distraction in class, you found yourself holding your phone hoping it'd buzz with an incoming text.
After more than an hour, it did and you jumped at the chance to see the sender.
From: Jeon Jungkook [11:11AM] You know, I really liked hanging out with you, _____.
Your heart skipped a beat and you bit your lip to contain the girlish giggle that was threatening to spill out.
To: Jeon Jungkook [11:12AM] I really liked it too. You're really fun to talk to.
From: Jeon Jungkook [11:12AM] I'm glad.😜 I was wondering...
You sat up, eyes locked on those that typing bubble — watching as he erased and restarted several times.
From: Jeon Jungkook [11:13AM] The school hosts a summer fireworks show this weekend. I was wondering if you'd like to go...as a date?
To: Jeon Jungkook [11:13AM] I would love to!
You cringed as you realized you sounded too eager. Your cheeks burned even though it wasn't even a face to face interaction. Swallowing thickly, you watched the bubbles appear again and your heart began to race hoping you hadn't just made a fool of yourself.
From: Jeon Jungkook [11:14AM] I'm glad. I'll pick you up at about 5 on Friday.
And like that, you had planned a date with Jeon Jungkook.
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Even though you knew you'd regret it later in the night, you put on the cutest summer dress you owned. It complimented your figure and made your legs look fantastic. You only hoped Jungkook would notice it too.
For some reason, it filled you with excitement to dress up for someone — for a date.
You and Jungkook had been texting nonstop since he asked you on a date. He apologized for asking over text but it was the only opportunity that you had.
Truth be told, you didn't get the cute highschool romance experience so it was fun to have a little taste of what that would have been like.
Your doorbell rang and you grabbed your shoes, hurrying to slip them on and open the door. Jungkook was leaning against the railing wearing a loose tank top and jeans. You couldn't help but stare at his biceps for a quick second before forcing yourself out the door. As you locked it, you could feel Jungkook's eyes burning holes it you.
"What is it?" You asked, turning around to find his eyes scanning your whole body. Immediately, you felt your cheeks heat up all the way to your ears. "You look really good...wow," He grinned, a sideways quirk of his lips.
"I..." You bit your lip and smiled. "Thank you."
"Ready to go?" You nodded and hopped down the stairs to follow after him. He led you down the sidewalk to where his car was parked near the curb. A simple act such as opening your door for you made your heart flutter and you swear you almost gave a deep, dreamy sigh.
Jungkook was well-prepared, he even brought a blanket for you both to sit on so you could comfortably enjoy the fireworks. The place was lively, music playing from some speakers set up nearby and people laughing and having fun.
"Let's pick a spot," He said and grabbed your hand.
Effortlessly, your fingers laced together and he gave your hand a light squeeze before throwing a smile over his shoulder. Your gaze fell to your linked hands and you giggled, the sound drowned out by the noise surrounding you.
Jungkook ended up picking a rather secluded place on a hill. It was peaceful, but you were still able to hear the music playing so it wasn't awkwardly silent. You helped him lay down the blanket and laughed when he let himself flop onto it with a groan.
"That was such a long walk!" He complained.
"It wasn't even that bad," You chuckled, sitting down beside him.
The sun was beginning to set and before you knew it they were getting ready to start the show. You watched as people all around took seats together in preparation for the fireworks. It was buzzing with good energy and you felt a burst of confidence flow through you.
Reaching over you took Jungkook's hand in yours. Immediately, he laced your fingers together and gave your hand a squeeze. His skin was so soft and his hands were warm, comforting almost.
When it was time for you to go home, you were filled with the same disappointment you felt last time you were with him. Having him around was so nice, you felt so happy with him.
You never wanted it to end.
He parked the car in front of your apartment and got out, jogging to the other side to open your door for you.
"Thank you," You said, as you slowly began to walk up to your stoop with him, wanting to draw it out as long as possible. "I had a great time tonight."
He shoved his hands in his pockets and nodded, curls bouncing in his face. He nibbled on his lip ring and paused when you were standing in front of your door.
"A friend of mine is having a party tomorrow at his place," He said. "Would you like to be my date there?"
You hesitated this time; you wanted to go, really you did. Just for Jungkook though. Truthfully, you weren't a party person. You always end up feeling awkward and out of place, unable to have a nice time.
But with Jungkook standing there, pretty pierced face looking hopeful at you, you found yourself nodding.
"Okay, I'll go," You gave him a tight-lipped smile and he beamed.
"Great!" He began to back off. "I'll see you tomorrow!"
You waved and watched as he got into his car and pulled off. Sighing, you wondered why the hell you were so enamored with him.
Deep inside, you knew why.
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You step out of the car, already feeling the bass of the music playing inside. Jungkook took your hand and any apprehension inside you vanished the second his fingers laced between yours.
Once inside, you were shocked at how many people were packed inside. It was a decently sized house but even so, you couldn't even comfortably move through the crowd. All around you people were crowding you as they drunkenly swayed to the beat.
"Let's head to the kitchen and get a drink!" He called over the music, tugging you in the direction of what you assumed was the kitchen.
"Have you been here before?" You asked as you entered the kitchen, where it was much quieter.
"Yeah," Jungkook replied, grabbing a couple bottles and cups off the counter. "This is my friend Seokjin's house."
"Is he here?" You asked, looking around. "Shouldn't you let him know you're here?"
"Nah," Jungkook replied, opening the bottle of vodka. "He's floating around, we'll run into each other eventually! Here!" He handed you a cup with a smile. "Drink up!"
Though you didn't like to drink too much, you did do it on occasion. You tipped the cup back to take a quick swig, noting the cranberry juice Jungkook had mixed in to help it go down easier.
"Jungkook!" Someone called, squeezing between the two of you. It was a guy a bit shorter than Jungkook. "I knew you would come!"
"You know I don't miss Jin's parties," Jungkook laughed, meeting your gaze of the friend's shoulder. "Oh this is my date, _____."
You flushed hearing Jungkook so openly call you his date, unashamed as he motioned to you. The person turned around and you quickly recognized him as Park Jimin — a friend of Taehyung's.
"Oh well hello _____! Didn't expect to see you at this little get together," Jimin grinned. His charming quality making you smile. "I hope you don't mind if I borrow Jungkook real quick?"
"Um..." You shrugged and glanced over at Jungkook.
"Yeah I'll be back, sweetheart," Jungkook patted your back as he passed you, his touch lingering on your lower back as he did so. The touch sent tingles down your spine and you watched him disappear in the crowd with Jimin. And like that you were alone.
You had finished half of the drink Jungkook made you when someone's hand dropped on your shoulder, making you jump. You turned around and found yourself face to face with Taehyung.
"What-Hey," You greeted awkwardly, not expecting to see him.
"What're you doing here?" He asked, frowning as he looked over you.
"Um well," You shifted awkwardly on your feet. "I came here with...Jungkook."
Taehyung was silent for a moment, frown still in place as he blinked at you. Slowly, he opened his mouth, as if thinking over what he was going to say.
"Does Hoseok know?" He asked. "That you're even talking to him?"
"Well, no," You admitted, swirling your cup to watch the liquid slosh around. "_____," Taehyung sighed, warning in his tone. "Hoseok wouldn't like this, you know he doesn't want you fuckin' around with him."
"I know," You admitted, watching as he suddenly poured himself a cup of straight vodka and threw it back, downing it. "How did you find me anyway?"
"Jimin told me you were here," Taehyung said, pouring himself another drink quickly.
You fell silent, watching Taehyung chug another drink. Within minutes, you could tell they were kicking in and he placed his hand on your shoulder.
"I'm going to assume you can take care of yourself," He said. "I'm going to go find someone to get laid. But remember, ______, be careful of Jungkook."
"Yeah, so I keep being told..." You muttered as he walked away, quickly disappearing and leaving you alone again.
All by yourself, you watched people walk in and out to get drinks. As the minutes ticked by, you found yourself wanting to go home. You weren't drunk, you could call a cab since Jungkook drove you.
Finally, you wandered out of the kitchen into the living area where people were dancing and shouting over the music. You mingled in the corner, keeping to yourself and sipping on your drink that you still hadn't finished.
"Well hey there," Someone greeted beside you. You turned to find a man with sharp, cat-like eyes staring at you as he leaned against the wall clad in a leather jacket and ripped black jeans.
"Hi," You greeted bashfully.
"You all by yourself?" He asked, smiling softly. You nodded and shrugged your shoulders in response, unsure of what he wanted. "Well, you're too cute to be by yourself. How about I keep you company. I'm Yoongi. Min Yoongi."
"Your name sounds familiar," You muttered.
"Well, a lot of people know me," He had a gummy grin that was actually quite cute. Despite the fact you could tell he was a little drunk, he still smelled quite pleasantly of cologne.
"I'm ______," You introduced with a polite smile, holding your hand out for him to shake.
"Well, ______," He stood up straighter, taking your hand firmly in his. "I'm gonna be real honest with you. I think you are absolutely stunning and truthfully, I'm looking to get la-"
"Yoongi, what're you doing?" A familiar voice had Yoongi freezing immediately, turning to look over his shoulder.
"Ah, Jungkook!" He greeted happily, as if Jungkook wasn't glaring daggers at him. "Fancy seeing you here. I was just about to ask this lovely young lady to go up—"
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Jungkook growled, cutting Yoongi off again by grabbing his arm and tugging him away.
They didn't go far and you could see Jungkook leaned in close to say something to Yoongi. Immediately, the shorter man's mouth fell open at the same time his eyes widened.
"No shit!" Yoongi shouted. "She's yours? Ah, sorry man. I got it."
Jungkook seemed to visibly relax as Yoongi waved goodbye to you and disappeared as quickly as he reappeared. Jungkook walked back over to you with a smile — no sign of the glare he once nursed towards his friend.
"I'm sorry for disappearing," He said. "I won't do it again. I just got caught up. Namjoon was doin' some shit, it's not important. I won't bail again, I promise."
"Why don't I believe that one?" You scoffed, taking a sip of your drink. Your own words sounded like a petulant, needy girlfriend and you mentally cringed. But Jungkook didn't seem to mind, keeping that small smile on his lips. He no doubt could sense your disappointment with his vanishing.
"Come with me," He said, taking your hand.
He didn't give you much of a choice as he tugged you through the crowd. You met the stairs and you realized he was bringing you somewhere away from the party. From your knowledge, that usually indicated he was expecting to have sex. Your heart sped up as you found yourself in the hallway, several of the doors shut and a couple open. The music was much quieter and you could hear the faint sounds of moaning every once in a while, making your cheeks burn.
As Jungkook stopped in front of a door, your mind was racing with ways to tell Jungkook that you were a virgin and certainly didn't want to lose it at a party. But as he opened the door, you were surprised to see it wasn't a bedroom at all. It had a few bean bag chairs, a small couch, and a large screen TV with a shelf of movies.
"Ah, good, it's empty," Jungkook chuckled, ushering you inside as he followed, closing the door behind you and flicking the lock. "People are learning finally!" "Learning what?" You asked as you sat down on the couch.
"This room is basically off limits to anyone who isn't a personal friend of Kim Seokjin's," Jungkook explained, grabbing the remote of the DVD shelf. "We hang out in here to escape the parties sometimes."
"Sometimes people come in here anyway?" You asked, watching as the TV came to life.
"Yeah, we kick them out if they do and slowly people began to learn," He said, bringing up Netflix.
Briefly, the phrase, Netflix and Chill popped in your mind but you shook it away as Jungkook pulled a blanket off the back of the couch and placed it over the two of you.
The alcohol you were drinking throughout the evening was finally beginning to kick in even though you'd stopped drinking. Jungkook, on the other hand, was continuing to drink out of his cup. He also pulled open a cabinet next to the TV which held an array of alcohol that was otherwise unavailable to the other partiers.
You had no idea how much he'd had but about halfway through The Day After Tomorrow, he was showing his buzz. His words were slurred and slow and he was clearly very relaxed, resting his arm around your shoulder shamelessly.
"Hey _____?" He suddenly asked, drawing your attention away from the movie.
You noticed how close your faces were, you could feel his breath fanning across your face. It smelled like alcohol but you assumed yours did too.
"What?" You asked, eyes flicking from his eyes to his lips.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked, slowly beginning to lean in before you could even process his words. He did, however, pause before he met your lips, waiting for your consent.
"Y-Yeah," You whispered, holding your breath as he finally closed the gap and kissed you.
His hand came up, cupping your cheek as his lips moved expertly against yours. You'd only had a few kisses in your lifetime but you knew right away that he was the best.
He pulled away, smiling as his thumb stroked the soft skin of your cheek. It surprised you how it wasn't awkward in any way. Jungkook really had a knack for making you feel comfortable. The way he looked at you made your heart race, his eyes sparkled as if you were an angel.
Before long, the alcohol had finally kicked in to Jungkook's system and you convinced him that it was time to go home. He was way too drunk to drive and you really didn't have any clue what dorm he lived in. So, you decided to just take him to your apartment.
He was alert enough to walk on his own, but he kept cracking jokes and having to stop because he began to laugh too hard.
"You really are so pretty," He cooed when he leaned against your wall, watching as you unlocked your door. "How on Earth did I manage to snag you?"
It was drunk ramblings but his words still set your heart on fire.
"You can crash on the couch, Jungkook," You said. "It pulls out into a bed so I'll do that for you."
Jungkook hummed, eyes not leaving your form as you moved the cushion until you could pull the bed out. Immediately, he crashed down onto it without a care and smiled happily.
"I'll see you in the morning, Jungkook," You smiled, patting his head before flicking out the lights and retiring to your room.
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It felt like you were only sleeping for a few minutes before there were a series of light taps against your door. You groaned until your pillow as you were pulled from the gentle lull of sleep.
Sitting up, you looked towards the door before calling for them to come in, knowing it could only be one person.
He crept his way in, the light from the hallway casting his shadow across your floor.
"Are you okay, Jungkook?" You asked, rubbing the sleep away from your eyes so you could focus on him better.
"Yeah, I..." He cleared his throat and shifted where he stood. You could tell his drunken stupor had fizzled into quiet sobriety. "I just want to thank you."
"What for?" You asked, watching as he took a couple strides forward until he was close enough to touch.
"It's just..." He smiled. "You're so sweet and you're so kind, you even let me crash here even after I dragged you to a stupid party you didn't even want to go to."
"How did you know—"
"You're clearly not the party type," He chuckled. "I can tell. But you still went with me and..." He trailed off, unsure of what to add.
"And what?" You pressed, tangling your hand in your blanket in an effort to keep yourself from touching him.
"I think I like you," He shook his head quickly. "I know I like you. I do, _____." You couldn't believe your ears.
Jeon Jungkook, the man who slept around with anything that had a pulse and was impossible to nail down, liked you? The man women tried, time and time again, who was notorious for never even developing feelings...had a crush on you?
"I..." You shifted to sit on your knees so you could reach his height. "I like you too, Jungkook. I've had such a great time with you and...I really feel lucky that you chose me."
"Of course I did," He smiled, combing his fingers through your hair. You leaned into his touch, eyes flicking to his lips with a sudden urge to kiss him. "You're an...incredible woman."
“Jungkook…” You whispered, getting lost in the way his eyes sparkled even in the dim light.
Before you could even think of stopping yourself, you surged forward and pressed your lips against his. He tasted vaguely like the alcohol he’d consumed hours earlier. You whimpered, clutching the front of his shirt in your fists as if he would slip away if you let him go.
His hands gripped your hips, your body being pressed into his at the motion. As your lips moved together flawlessly, you wrapped your arms around his neck to thread your fingers through his hair. Your heart skipped a beat in your chest when you felt him lightly grinding his hardening length against your stomach. Suddenly, he pulled back from the kiss — lips swollen and chest heaving as he caught his breath.
“A-Are you sure you want to do this?” He asked, brushing his nose against yours as he pecked your lips softly once again.
“Y-Yes please,” You whimpered, tugging his shirt to pull him onto the bed.
You laid back as he climbed on top of you, balancing his weight on his hands on either side of your head. He looked so delectable, eyes dark and pierced lip caught between his perfect teeth.
“This is your first time, right?” He asked softly, leaning down to rest his forehead against yours as you nodded. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll take care of you.”
A cocky smirk crossed his lips as he sat up, reaching down to tug the hem of his shirt over his head. Your breath caught in your throat at the sight; his body was toned and it was clear he worked out judging by the muscles adorning his body.
His hands travelled up your calves and across your bare thighs. Goosebumps prickled the skin in the wake of his touch as he skimmed over your shorts to sneak up the hem of your shirt. His fingers were soft as they touched the smooth skin of your stomach.
He leaned down and met your lips in another searing kiss as his hand finally cupped your bare breast. He thumbed at your nipple, making you whimper into the kiss and arch your back. Pinching your nipple, he smirked at the way you gasped and closed your legs tightly around his waist in an effort to ease the tension growing between them. Taking your squirming and whining as a good sign, he worked your shirt above your head.
You let him, panting beneath him as he threw the clothing away — leaving your breasts exposed to him. Immediately, he was showering them with attention as he cupped them and pinched your perked buds before his mouth enveloped one into his hot mouth.
You cried out, tugging at his hair as his tongue made an appearance — a foreign object brushing against your nipple.
“J-Jungkook!” You gasped, biting your lip to hold in the embarrassing noises that wanted desperately to escape.
He popped off your bud with another smirk. “You like that?”
“Y-Your tongue it’s…” You trailed off.
“Pierced,” He completed your thought, sticking his tongue out to show off the silver ball situated on it. “Yeah and it can feel a lot better on your little cunt than your pretty tits.”
You flushed at his dirty words but couldn’t deny the way you gushed into your panties. He chuckled darkly, no doubt catching onto your thoughts.
“Do you want that?” He asked which you immediately nodded, not even bothering to hesitate.
He hooked his fingers into the band of your shorts and panties, tugging them both down. Perhaps there was still a bit of a buzz in your system because you couldn’t find it in yourself to be embarrassed. You felt needy, your cunt dripping wet because of him — and he’d barely done anything.
He scooted down the bed until his head was between your thighs. He pushed your knees open, eyes falling to your pussy. You watched as he licked his lips, using his thumbs to spread your folds apart so your twitching hole was exposed to him.
“Kook…” You whimpered, embarrassment catching up to you finally the longer he stared at your cunt.
“So pretty baby,” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your thigh. “So wet and ready for me. Can’t wait to sink my cock in this tight little cunt.” “P-Please, Jungkook,” You whimpered, arching your hips towards him as his dirty words made you gush.
“Good girl, so polite,” He grinned, before he dove in and licked a thick strip up your cunt — collecting your juices on his tongue with a moan. His tongue ring grazed your clit, making your back arch.
He gripped your hips, anchoring you in place as he began to eat you like a man starved. He was sloppy and wet, letting your juices and his saliva drip down his chin. The moans he let out were sinful, as if eating your cunt was the best delicacy he ever tasted.
You gripped his hair and the sheets, needing something to ground yourself through the overwhelming pleasure. He sucked on your clit, lashing at the sensitive bud with his tongue until you were trembling beneath him.
Suddenly he pulled his face away, his lips and chin soaked with a mixture of your juices and saliva. His gaze was dark and he was breathing heavily — arousal weighing down his very being. You whined at the loss when he sat up, wiping his mouth quickly before he began to pull at his belt.
“Fuck, you got me so hard,” He growled. “Got my cock so hard. Your little cunt gets so wet, doesn’t it?”
“Jungkook…” You whined, sitting up as he pushed his jeans down to reveal he wasn’t wearing any underwear beneath them.
“What is it, baby?” He asked, wrapping his fist loosely around himself with a sigh of relief.
“Can I…” You cleared your throat, averting your gaze from his as his eyes burned into you. “Can you...teach me how to…”
“How to what?” He asked, reaching forward to brush some hair out of your face. ”How to suck my cock?”
“Y-Yes…” You whispered, swallowing thickly.
“Fuck,” He breathed, nodding his head as he fisted your hair. You whimpered, allowing him to drag your face closer to his cock. “Open your mouth.”
You did as you were told, allowing your mouth to fall open. Jungkook’s own mouth fell open as your mouth enveloped the hot head of his cock. You closed your lips around him, swirling your tongue on the tip of him. The taste of his precum on your tongue made your cunt clench pathetically.
Jungkook groaned, eyes rolling back. “Take me a bit deeper. You’ll probably have a bad gag reflex but we’ll work on that.”
Your heart fluttered at the promise of seeing him again and allowing him to teach you new and exciting things. Doing as he told you, you took him as deep as you comfortably could. He felt hot and heavy on your tongue, hard as steel with a thick pulsing vein on the underside but velvet soft skin.
Jungkook cupped the back of your head, leading you in the proper motions of sucking him off. With every pulse of his cock, more of his precum danced along your tastebuds.
Then with a defeated groan, he pulled out — wrapping his fist tightly around himself.
“Don’t wanna cum in that dirty mouth,” He growled, letting go of your hair to let you lay back down.
“Please Jungkook,” You whined, wrapping your arms around him to pull him into a kiss.
“Fuck,” He growled, spreading your thighs over his so your cunt was open for the thick head of his cock.
You held your breath as he positioned himself at your entrance. You were wet enough for him to slide in with ease, the stretch stinging but not unbearable. He stopped to let you adjust, his body trembling as your cunt spasmed around him.
Once he felt you relax beneath him, he pulled back — a long gasp escaping you as he did so before being cut off when he slammed himself back. His hips slapped against yours as he leaned over to kiss you once again. Every gasp and whine you let out was captured in his mouth, which he eagerly swallowed down.
He set a soft pace, not wanting to be too rough for your first time. The idea that his cock was the first in your pussy had him throbbing, on the verge of cumming. It was almost pathetic how quickly the idea of stuffing your virgin cunt set him off.
“J-Jungkook!” You sobbed, digging your nails into his back. “F-Feels so good.” “Yeah?” He growled, angling his hips to hit your g-spot with terrifying accuracy. “You’re so tight. Wanna make you cum…”
As soon as the words left his lips, he was bringing his thumb to his lips, wetting it with his tongue before circling your hardened clit in time with his thrusts. Your eyes rolled back in your head as you sobbed out in pleasure, trembling beneath him as you were pushed closer and closer to the delicious release you were desperate for.
Jungkook let out a series of soft curses as you tightened impossibly around him as you came, walls clamping and spasming in the throes of your pleasure. He didn’t slow or stop until you were sobbing and pushing his hand away from your sensitive bud.
One glance at the blissful, fucked out look in your eyes was enough to send him over the edge as well. He pulled out, making you whimper at the loss before wrapping his hand around his cock and jerking himself until he came in hot ribbons across your stomach. It dripped down to your cunt and he had to urge to use his fingers to stuff it into you but fought it.
The two of you sat in silence for a second, catching your breath before he stood up and grabbed your shirt from the floor to clean up his cum. You didn’t mind, the soft material also wiping away the sweat that had built up over your skin.
After a moment, Jungkook laid beside you, taking you into his arms with a sigh. “You owe me breakfast,” You mumbled sleepily.
“Huh?” He replied.
“In the morning,” You whispered. “Take me for breakfast before class?”
Jungkook was silence for several long seconds, opening his mouth before closing it again as he decided what to say before settling on “Y...Yeah.”
His response was the last thing you heard as you finally fell asleep with his warmth around you and his heart pounding in his chest against your ear.
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Your eyes fluttered open and the first thing you noticed was the bright sunlight filtering through the window. You blinked sleepily, waiting for yourself to wake up a bit more.
The second thing you noticed was the soreness of your body, it felt like you had a touch workout the day before but it was a pleasant feeling. You rolled over onto your back, noting the way your stomach was starting to growl with hunger.
The memory of the promise of a nice breakfast date made you smile and you looked beside you only to be met with an empty bed. Sitting up, you touched to sheets, they were cold. He'd been gone for a while.
You grabbed your phone off the night table, noting you would have to go to class soon, and brought up Jungkook's contact.
To: Jeon Jungkook [11:22AM] Where are you?
You waited for several seconds, watching as it tried to send. Your heart began to speed up in your chest when you realized it couldn't be delivered.
As you stared at your screen, your alarm began to ring indicating you had to get up for class.
It was difficult to get ready as you kept checking your phone to see if your text got delivered. Every time you did, you were only disappointed.
You went to class with a dull ache in your chest.
As you walked across campus towards the cafe, you heard rowdy laughter, drawing your attention to a group of men. In the center, being playfully shoved by his friends was Jungkook. Adjusting your bag on your shoulder, you made a beeline for him.
"Jungkook!" You called, watching as all five men stopped and turned their attention to you. "Where did you go this morning?"
There was a beat of silence before Jungkook let out a big sigh and shook his head.
"Come on guys," He said.
As he passed you, not even casting a single glance at you, you got a whiff of his sweet perfume and tears filled your eyes. His friends let out soft snickers and whispers you couldn't make out, leaving you there feeling humiliated.
You realized immediately you had been a complete fool the entire time.
Shaking your head, you decided going to class was the last thing you wanted to do. You skipped and trekked the familiar path to your close friends dorm.
Knocking harshly on the door, as the doorbell was broken, you bit the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from crying. The lock on the door clicked and then Hoseok's face came into view.
"Hey, what're you doing here?" He asked, running a hand through his wet hair. He must have just gotten out of the shower, you noted. "What's the matter?" He quickly asked, noticing immediate that you were upset.
"I'm an idiot is what's wrong," Your voice came out a harsh whisper as your throat felt too tight from holding back your tears.
Hoseok looked behind you and down the halls before pulling you inside his dorm. Locking the door, he turned back to you to find tears falling down your cheeks.
"What happened?" He asked, leading you to sit beside him on his couch.
"You were right," You nodded, sniffling softly. "I should have stayed away from him."
"From who?" He asked, brows furrowed.
"Jungkook," You spat his name.
"Oh..." He sighed, jaw locking. "Taehyung mentioned you were with him at the party..."
"I'm sorry, Hoseok," You cried. "I know you told me to stay away but...I didn't think he was really that bad."
He sighed, pulling you in for a hug. "It's alright, he's a charming bastard. I understand why you would end up liking him."
That day, Hoseok also skipped work to hang out with you and cheer you up. He even invited Taehyung over after he got done with class.
"Where the hell is he?" Hoseok complained, watching the hours tick by as Taehyung was later and later than his promised arrival time.
"Hopefully he's picking up food," You called from the kitchen as you looked through his barren fridge. "How do you not starve?"
"I eat out mostly!" He called back.
You were about to open your mouth to tell him how unhealthy h is diet was when the door opened and slammed shut. Wandering into the living area, you saw Taehyung huffing as he kicked his shoes off.
"You alright Tae?" Hoseok asked, brow raised.
"I am never speaking to Park Jimin again!" Taehyung growled, storming past you into the kitchen where he opened the fridge and groaned. "Why haven't you got any fuckin' food?!"
"He eats out," You replied, chuckling softly when Taehyung threw his head back and groaned obnoxiously.
"Why aren't you friends with Jimin anymore?" Hoseok asked as the two of you wandered in and took a seat around him.
"Because he's a scumbag along with that Jeon Jungkook fucker!" Taehyung snapped, grabbing Hoseok's beer can off the table and taking a few sips. The eldest didn't complain, simply watched and waited for Taehyung to continue.
"Care to share with the class?" Hoseok asked. Your eyes were fixed on Taehyung, waiting eagerly for any word on Jungkook. Maybe an explanation since you couldn't get one from him — judging by the fact he'd blocked your number.
"Apparently," Taehyung huffed. "Jungkook had called dibs on ______ to get her to sleep with him," You gasped at the admission. "Jimin knows you're one of my best friends and he didn't even think of telling me that Jungkook was gonna fuck with you like that! What kind of bullshit is that?"
"What are they, in high school?" Hoseok growled. "Claiming girls like that, what the fuck, man."
"I'm sorry, _____," Taehyung mumbled, standing up to bring you in for a hug. "I know you liked him."
"It's okay," You whispered, fighting back tears again. "It was my fault for being tricked."
"It's not your—"
"It is though," You sighed. "I was stupid. I knew the stories and reputation he had. Hoseok even warned me. I have only myself to blame," There was a beat of silence as Hoseok and Taehyung shared a look. "How about we watch a movie, huh?"
Like that, the topic dissipated and it wasn't brought up again.
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When Im Changkyun approached you, cheeks dusted a cute pink, you were charmed immediately. You didn't know much about him, he was a new transfer but he was kind and funny so you agreed to the date.
It wasn't until a month into your new relationship that you realized you apparently attracted douchebags. You found out, stupidly, that he'd been cheating on you.
You fumed just thinking about it; he'd texted you a risque text while drunk but it wasn't meant for you.
The second he was sober, you dumped him and found yourself watching movies with Taehyung and Hoseok once again to cure your heartbreak.
"I'm never dating again," You whined, slouched on the loveseat wrapped in Hoseok's favorite blanket that you loved to steal. He wouldn't tell you where he got it so you hijacked it whenever you were at his house.
"Don't be dramatic," Hoseok chuckled from where he sat beside Taehyung. "I'm serious! Almost all men are trash and I'm tired of it!" You whined, eyes fixed on the TV.
"Holy shit..." Taehyung suddenly whispered, sitting up straight, where he sat. "What?" Hoseok and you asked at the same time.
"Im Changkyun and Jeon Jungkook got into a fight," The three of you immediately fell silent.
"...Why?" You asked, suspicious that your two exes had beefed.
"Um, well..." Taehyung shifted nervously, seemingly not wanted to reveal the reason.
Hoseok, suspecting such as well, yanked his phone from his hands — ignoring the argumentative cry that came from the younger.
"Because Jungkook..." Hoseok's jaw fell open in surprise, making you finally sit up fully.
"What? What?!" You cried. "Tell me!"
Taehyung stole his phone back from Hoseok and stuffed it in his pocket with a sigh.
"Because Jungkook found out Changkyun cheated on you!" They both told you at the same time.
You were frozen still, brows furrowed as you attempted to process that information. A litany of questions clouded your thoughts but the main one was; why did Jungkook even care?
Later, when you had just stepped into your apartment and kicked off your shoes, your phone buzzed. Sighing, you pulled it out, hoping you wouldn't have to go back to Hoseok's for something.
What you saw, however, made your heart race.
From: Jungkook [8:19PM] Can we talk?
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© httpjeon 2019. do not repost or modify.
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
Title: Christmas Eve
Summary: Toru goes out at midnight in the dead of winter to experience her first white Christmas and Kyo gets a little worried. 
Part one of my present to @hizashi-yamadas for the Animanga Secret Santa 2020
Link to cross-postings: AO3
Other One Shots:
December 25: Christmas Day (Haru x Rin)
December 26: The Day after Christmas (Arisa x Kureno)
Note: Merry Christmas Elisha and I hope you enjoy! Keep your eyes out for the next installment :D
"You didn't have to stay in, you know."
Toru jumped, once again becoming aware of her surroundings. She had to look back at the clock by the mantle to see how long she had been staring out the window.
"No, I'm happy to stay in!" Toru hoped that saying it out loud would be enough to quell that knot of disappointment in her stomach which only tightened as she looked back at Kyo who was curled up under the kotatsu.
She looked down at Kyo right next to her who was looking more like a cat as he was curled up into a ball under two blankets of the kotatsu. Toru only had to hover her hand lightly over his forehead to feel warmth radiating from it. What alarmed Toru more though was how indifferent he was to her touch.
"Maybe we should see a doctor."
"It's just… really cold…" Kyo answered in between shivers.
Of course it's cold. They were in the northernmost region of Japan in the middle of winter.
It was Momiji who had suggested they spend Christmas in Hokkaido. He first gushed about it one lunch time in late fall and how he hadn't seen one since the last time he'd been to Germany for winter almost a decade ago. When the young blond pitched the plan when he visited their house a week after, Shigure was quick to approve.
Christmases in Tokyo are cold. The trees are bare. The sky is almost always dark, the atmosphere grim. The only things which made the scenery any better were the giant Christmas trees in malls and the Christmas lights that lined the streets.
Tokyo was too near the ocean though to get any snow so early in winter. Having spent every single Christmas in Tokyo, Toru had never experienced a white Christmas in her life. Snow usually came in January or February in Tokyo if they ever got any. They rarely piled up enough though to classify as a white landscape, similar to those she had seen in the figurines at Christmas shops.
Hokkaido was different. The snow piled up by the foot. They were like added decoration, complementing the Christmas lights which shine much brighter against the pure white landscape.
While she kept Kyo company, she entertained herself by watching the colors dance on the roofs, shining for a split second longer than what her eyes had gotten used to watching the Christmas lights on the streets of Tokyo as a child.
Yellow. Green. Red. Blue.
It alternated between the four colors. By the third time, she should have known what to expect. The contrast of the bright lights against the white landscape and the dark night, had only made the colors stand out more. The flashes were brighter and at times, Toru could pick out the small moments where the flashes of red would mix with those of green that had yet to fade.
"I'm sorry for doing something stupid like that, getting sick…" Kyo held the blanket tighter over his mouth. “And now you’re stuck here with me.
Toru noticed a slight blush and wondered if it was from embarrassment at losing to Yuki or the fever that followed being buried in the snow after their fight.
"No! I don't have to be outside every Christmas. Besides it's warm here and if we watch some Christmas specials, we could still get into the atmosphere of Christmas." Toru turned on the television.
“We are now at Odori Park for the Christmas market!”
That’s where Yuki and the others went. Toru thought to herself. She entertained herself by turning her watching TV into a game, challenging herself to maybe find Yuki, Momiji, Shigure or Hatori among the crowd. Do I get bonus points if I find them? Toru thought to herself playfully.
“Looks like a lot of people visiting are couples! Christmas is a time for couples to spread the love after all!” The host walked deeper into the crowd. “Excuse me, may I ask a few questions?”
“Sure!” A girl who looked to be college age answered. Next to her, was a slightly taller, college aged boy.
“Are you locals?”
The girl shook her head. “No, we’re from Chiba.”
“Wow that’s cool! What brings you to Hokkaido?”
The girl looked at the boy next to her and blushed. “It was a surprise actually.”
“It’s our five year anniversary.” The boy chimed in. “And Yuka has never experienced a white christmas.”
“How’s your first white Christmas then?” The reporter turned to Yuka.
“It’s a dream come true.”
The girl’s cheeks turned a little redder, maybe from the biting cold or the questions. As her eyes glimmered when she spoke, Toru guessed it was the latter.
It’s a dream come true. The wonder in her eyes and the words that followed only reminded Toru of herself and another dream she had had decades ago.   
                                   Christmas Eve                                                      
Along Hibiya park, there was an old man who sold figurine parts of a Christmas town, all displayed on a table for everyone to see. Every year since before she could even comprehend the commute to the center of Tokyo, Toru had always rushed to that small shop on the corner of the market with a frazzled Kyoko trailing behind.
At the start of the morning, it was saturated — or rather to Toru, it was complete. A complete replica of the bustling Christmas market in her daydreams and the fairy tales her mother told her about.
The frozen lake with people gliding on top, the children engaging in snowball fights with snow forts twice their size and to the right of it a miniature version of the Christmas market, a more rustic version at least and a snowier version.
It was only a few years after she started to visit the small shop did she start to go back multiple times a day. First, the shoe shop disappeared, then the bakery then the rink.  For a six year old, it was oddly depressing to see the town dwindle into just a few figurines of people walking through. Toru would find herself crying on the way home that night.
Frosty the snowman is gone!
There are no more children playing in the sleds.
How will Santa give the gifts!
It must have been just unintelligible babble to her mother then. On their way home though from the market, as they stepped out of the train and out into the dark streets of their small suburban neighborhood, her mother hugged her tight.
Frosty is fine.
Santa is fine.
Children will still be playing on the sled next year.
Somehow, the conversation had evolved into a little planning. “Let’s go see a Christmas Market like that together Toru! With the frozen like and the snow forts and the sleds.”
They would go through pictures and videos of the towns in Finland, Germany, France, and even in nearby Hokkaido.
“I’ll make sure to save some funds. Maybe we can try for Hokkaido next year?”
Next year never came. There was always something more important than a winter vacation to spend on — electricity, textbooks, hospital bills, house repairs. As Toru grew older she had to forget that dream herself as the reality dawned on her that a single mother and high school dropout was in no position to ever dream of a profound of an experience as travel.
That same dream Toru had forgotten so many years ago made itself known again, manifesting as an ache in her chest and a small tear as she looked out the window the eve of December 24th.
I’ve never had a White Christmas myself. Her mother had mentioned then, as they looked through albums of winter landscapes and Christmas Markets.
Even for just a second. I have to do it. When would she be able to do it again? Life had disappointed her multiple times already. At that moment, it was right in front of her already and Toru was determined to make it come true then.
“Kyo, I’m going to go out for a while if that’s okay?” She went for her coat. “I just need to see something for my mother.”
“Your mother?” Kyo shifted his gaze from the television to her.
“I wanna experience a White Christmas for her.”
“Hey, I’ll come with you.” Kyo offered as he pushed himself out of his comfortable position under the kotatsu.
“You don’t have a coat though,” Toru said looking pointedly at the coat that was still hanging next to the heater to dry. Kyo had soiled his only coat, having been buried in the snow after his fight with Toru.  
“Yeah...” Kyo grimaced
Toru took a peek at her phone while she readied her boots
“I’ll be back in an hour.” She assured Kyo. Just one white christmas. The next few words were for herself.
Momiji had picked a strategic place to rent a house in Sapporo. The Christmas Market was only a ten minute walk away.
Koibito Park. Lover’s Park. Toru had made sure to google the place before going there. It had a bustling market, not as busy as Odori but enough for Toru to be able to appreciate the festive mood.
As she took in the snow lined roofs, the Christmas lights and the crowds of people bundled up in their own coats, Toru was starting to feel like one of the figurines walking through the Christmas Market in that winter wonderland she’d play with as a kid. Just like what she had imagined, there was a skating rink to the side, a bakery stall,  a cart selling chestnuts and a small German stall selling sausages and spiced wine.
Toru did not need to buy anything, completely satisfied already by the variety of scents — a mixture of cinnamon, apples and bread — wafting through the air. She had closed her eyes for a second as she focused all her senses on that small yet comforting sign that Christmas was nearing.
People were starting to talk about it too. As Toru made her way through the crowds she could hear conversations of Christmas wishes.
What’s your Christmas wish?
Kiss me under the mistletoe? A joke referencing a familiar song Kyoko had sung to her before.
I love you.
Somehow that was what made Toru freeze on the spot. Koibito Park, Lovers Park. Toru found herself looking at the crowd around her.
I’m used to this. I’ve spent new years alone already. This shouldn’t be a big thing. It could have been from instinct but Toru ended up navigating more quickly out of the crowds and into a less saturated part of the market. And to the corner was a little market with a few tiny figurines, all arranged in a little Christmas market.
The six year old in Toru was crying again.
It had been more than a decade since then but Toru found herself walking away farther and farther and into the almost empty back entrance of the market. She quickly wiped away the tears that she had formed and mustered up the biggest smile.
Why am I crying? The atmosphere around the Christmas town is not something you see everyday! You have to enjoy it! Toru scolded herself. As she peeked back around the corner and back at the park, she could not help but put a hand over her stomach, placating the knot that had built up there. Most of the couples were still walking around, some families were carrying sleeping children on their backs --- a sign that it was pretty late already.  
She had spent the past few Christmases in the Soma household over home cooked dinners she had prepared. Years before that, she had spent it with her mother over take out from the nearest fast food chain and Christmas specials.
That was the first time she was counting down alone. She had her white Christmas and she was alone.
From Toru's position behind the park, she could still see some of the Christmas decorations bright across the white landscape. The houses that lined the street had roofs decorated with actual snow.
Just like in the Christmas market figurines she and her mother would admire. Just like in the fairytales her mother would share. Just like in the pictures she and her would look through.  
"Merry Christmas mom," Toru whispered to herself. Admiring the view at least, she remembered why she had decided to make that journey in the first place. "It's a White Christmas."
Toru found herself smiling like she always did, overcompensating for that little something that was missing. Like how the Christmas market wouldn't have even the Christmas market without the people, the view in front of her was not a view without someone to share it with.
Toru looked back at her phone. Ten minutes until midnight. So it wasn't even Christmas yet. Toru made sure to circle around the outskirts of the Christmas market on the way back. She had told herself it was so she wouldn't have a bother to anyone. Deep inside her though, she knew that walking through there would probably make her feel lonelier than she would have been walking along an almost empty street.
The path less taken turned out to be the better choice.
As she made a turn towards the entrance of the park, she made eye contact with those orange eyes she had come to know so well.
Kyo was bundled up in a scarf, a beanie and a buttoned down coat that Toru was sure he did not own.
"Merry christmas."
Kyo's scarf was covering much of his lower face. Toru could see though with the way his cheeks rose, the pink in them becoming a little more distinct that he could possibly be smiling.
Either way, she was committed to return his smile with one ten times wider. "Merry Christmas.
As if by magic, the melancholic atmosphere of a while ago dissipated. Toru was finally able to realize the festive mood she had been willing herself to enjoy the past hour.
"Let's go through the market?"
"You're sick though?" Toru put her hand to his forehead.
"It's a cold. I've had worse." Kyo took her hand from its place on his forehead and pulled her into the park. "Besides, it's not everyday you get a white Christmas."
Somehow, the Christmas market started to have a little more color. The lights were a little brighter and being guided through the crowds of people was more exciting than perplexing.
"You want anything to eat?" Kyo asked as soon as they had arrived towards the end of the main path.
Toru's mind was elsewhere. The corner with the stall which sold christmas figurines was almost empty. A few stalls, a few stores and the only human figurines left were a couple on a bench.
Oddly enough, Toru was not fighting back tears. She wasn't lonely. She wasn't empathizing with figurines in an empty Christmas village.
They aren't alone.
"Last one left," The stall owner said.
It was only then did Toru realize she had brought her hand out to touch the figurine. As she looked closer she realized that the boy and the girl were one figurine, molded together and onto the bench below it. "This is so cute!" Toru chimed excitedly, as she ran her hand through the simple yet well placed patterns that made up the lovers on the bench.
"Good thing I prepared a lot of these. It's popular with couples. Christmas is your favorite time after all."
"Our favorite time?" Toru repeated.
"Yeah, I guess it is." Kyo answered the question.
The stall owner grinned. "I hope you're able to have a fun one then. Christmas is a day for lovers."
It had dawned on Toru then, the implications of his statement. She could feel the blood rush to her face, she looked away, completely torn between hiding the truth, consequently lying and correcting him, risking embarrassing him in the process.
"Hey let's go."
Toru realized then that she had spent more than a few minutes pondering that thought a few feet away from the stall.
Kyo guided her back out of the park and as she looked back, she could see the stall owner grinning and waving goodbye.
"Merry Christmas." Kyo pressed the handle of a Christmas bag on her open hand as they made their way out of the park.
Toru peeked inside to see the last remaining Christmas figurine from the stall inside. "This is for me?"
"Who else?"
“You didn’t have to… Really…” Toru tapped at her coat pockets, trying to remember where she had placed her wallet. She started to scramble after a while, her movements a little more chaotic. She dug towards one of the jacket pockets only for it to fall out as she pulled out her hand.
Kyo bent down to get it even before she could move from her spot. “You didn’t have to stay behind either but you did.” He pressed the wallet on her palm. “Besides, you had this goofy smile when you were staring at it. I’d feel bad if I didn’t.”
“I don’t even have a gift yet.” Toru looked away in embarrassment. In fact, she did have the gifts, she had just completely forgotten to take it with her when they were preparing for their trip.
“Just take care of it.” Kyo pulled the scarf further up his face and dug his hands into the coat pocket. “Let’s get back home.” Kyo started to walk a little faster.
Toru found herself trailing behind him. The coat Kyo was wearing started to become a little more recognizable as they reached a part of the streets dotted with more street lights. A blue buttoned down coat that fell too neatly towards the ground, uncharacteristic of Kyo. Toru was aware as well that only one person among them packed an extra winter coat for a two night trip.
“Are you wearing Yuki’s extra coat?”
Kyo didn't look back. “It was the only one I could find at short notice.”
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
For the writers prompt! 16 with jalex please and thank you, I love your work!
damn yall are really obsessed with sleepy jalex huh? well i can’t blame you because i am too <3 thank YOU for sending this in i liked writing it
read on ao3
There's a tap at Alex's window. Alex ignores it. Sometimes branches sweep down over the house on particularly stormy nights, and sometimes there are birds, and there's always the possibility that he's imagined it.
The tap comes again. Alex sighs. He knows where the sound is coming from, and it's not like he'd been falling asleep to begin with, so maybe this will help in some way. 
Slowly he kicks away his covers, drags himself out of bed, and opens the window.
"Hi," he says.
"Hi," Jack whispers. "Did I wake you?"
"Not really." Alex shrugs. "It's okay. I couldn't sleep anyway. What's up?"
Jack peers into Alex's room, which looks strange for how empty it is. So much of it is in suitcases or boxes, ready to be packed into the car tomorrow and driven off to college. The only thing in Alex's room that isn't quite ready to leave is Alex.
"You wanna sit out here with me?" Jack asks. He's on the roof, a place Alex's parents have repeatedly instructed them both not to climb on. Alex thinks Jack only really does this for the drama of breaking the rule, but he has to admit there is something unique about sitting on the rooftop. Especially doing so with Jack. 
"Yeah," Alex says, because why not. Sleep had been a failed venture, and Jack is a familiar presence. In the strangeness of Alex's room right now, he'll take all the familiarity he can get.
Jack shuffles away so that Alex can slide the window open wide enough to climb through, trying to tread as lightly as he can. It's not that he thinks the roof will cave under them, necessarily, but it's definitely an ever-present possibility of which Alex is hyper-aware. Four years ago, when Jack first climbed up the tree to the roof outside Alex's bedroom window and knocked like some Juliet-esque forbidden lover, they'd both been a lot smaller. As they've grown up — and gotten more freedom — they've taken up residence less and less on this roof.
It hasn't changed at all, though. Maybe it's a little leafier now. Alex brushes away some leaves and stretches his legs out in front of him, and at his left, Jack does the same.
"So I guess you couldn't sleep either?" Alex finally says.
Jack breathes a laugh. "Ya think?" He shrugs. "Yeah. I don't know. I've been excited to go to college this whole time, but now that we're going it feels like…"
"Yeah," Alex murmurs.
"Yeah. I don't think I'm scared, you know? But, I don't know, maybe. It's all just so weird."
"Yeah, who'd have thought we'd ever make it this far?" Alex deadpans. "I thought for sure we'd be high school dropouts."
"I seriously didn't think they would let me graduate," Jack says. 
"Nobody thought they would let you graduate. I'm still in shock."
"Just waiting for the call. 'Hello, Jack Bearcat?'" Alex laughs. Four years at their high school and somehow their principal had never managed to correctly pronounce Jack's last name. "'Yeah, we need to revoke your diploma. You actually don't get to graduate because you skipped so many classes and we hate you.'"
"It's too late," Alex giggles. "They already let you. No take-backsies."
"No take-backsies," Jack repeats, folding his hands together between his legs. "Yeah."
They fall silent, and for a moment Alex doesn't break it. 
Through the open window into his room, Alex can see a bare stretch of wall where there used to be a blink-182 poster. That poster is now folded up and hidden somewhere in the depths of one of the myriad boxes stacked upon Alex's floor. When he gets to college, he'll put it up in his dorm, and hopefully it'll feel more like home. But when he comes back for holidays and breaks, his room won't have the poster. The room where he grew up — really grew up, not from a baby to a boy but from a boy to a man, or whatever it is they’re calling him now — won't have Mark Hoppus, Tom DeLonge, and Travis Barker's judgmental gazes watching over it anymore, and neither will Alex as long as he's here. 
Packing for college is just deciding how much of home you want to take with you, and how much you want to leave to come back to in the summer. Alex still isn't sure if he's one of the things he wants to leave or take with.
"At least we'll be close," Alex finally says. His voice is a little rough, but it doesn't get better when he swallows. He clears his throat. "Right? An hour, that's not far."
"You won't be able to escape me," Jack says. "I'll be at your dorm every weekend, like it or not."
"I'm counting on it," says Alex. "I’m really gonna miss you, y’know?”
Jack exhales. “I’m really gonna miss you too.” He glances around them. “I’m really gonna miss this. I don’t know what I’ll do when I can’t just walk five minutes and be at your house. Knock on your window. How am I supposed to be your annoying best friend if I can’t wake you up in the middle of the night and make you sit on the roof with me?”
“Hey, you’ll always be my annoying best friend,” Alex says, linking his left arm in Jack’s right. He leans his head carefully on Jack’s shoulder, and Jack slump down a bit so it’s more comfortable for both of them. “And I’ll sit on any roof with you. Time and place, I’ll be there.”
Jack hums. “But I don’t want to sit on any roof,” he mumbles. “I like this one.”
A dizzying feeling swoops through Alex’s stomach. He closes his eyes. “Yeah, me too.”
They’re quiet again, and so is the world. It, like Alex, might be holding its breath, waiting for some kind of resolution, some happy ending to this moment. Where Jack and Alex realize that they would rather stay together no matter the cost, and one of them decides to transfer schools; some kind of sweeping rom-com finale that has the audience in tears. But Alex knows it won’t come. Life isn’t a romantic comedy. Life is just life, and they’re both forging paths. Setting down each stone right before they take the next step across it, maybe, but forging paths nonetheless. 
They’re not starkly different, but they’re not the same. As much as the two of them had dreamt of being together forever, pointing at adjacent unclaimed clusters of stars in the sky with bright, optimistic fifteen-year-old eyes and calling them the Jack and Alex constellations, Alex had never really thought they’d end up in the same place. 
That might be part of the magic, though. If Alex is searching for a silver lining, he can find one in this: however far apart he and Jack drift on the map, they’ll always come back to each other. It’s only an hour now, but Alex knows the way that life can grab you by the collar and whisk you away to another state, another country, another continent, how forcefully it can shake away all the strings you try to attach to yourself to keep you from being adrift in the world. He’d been too young after his first move; now he knows better. It’s not a string this time so much as an anchor, locked around Jack’s heart, braced against his rib cage, and Alex knows with almost unyielding certainty that wherever he goes, or wherever Jack goes, they’ll always find each other. 
“Hey,” Alex says, cracking the silence down the middle. “Can I give you something to bring to college?”
“Sure,” Jack says.
Alex pats his thigh. “Okay. Give me a minute to find it.”
He detaches himself from Jack and crawls back through the window into his bedroom. Compared to the breezy nighttime atmosphere, the house is eerily silent. Alex hurries over to the stack of boxes — thankfully he’d had the presence of mind not to seal them shut yet — and begins digging through the first one. He’s pretty sure it’s in this one. He’s pretty sure it’d been one of the last things he’d packed.
After emptying the box of almost all its contents, he hits jackpot. “Aha,” he mutters, carefully tugging it out from under a stack of notebooks. Ignoring the mess of stuff on his floor, he returns to the window and clambers back through it.
“What’s this?” Jack asks.
Alex unfolds the poster and holds it out for Jack to take. “You should take this to school.”
“Your blink poster?” Jack looks up from the poster and through the window, and Alex knows he’s picturing it fastened to the wall across from them. That poster has been up for almost the entire duration of their friendship. “Don’t you want this?” 
“No, I want you to have it,” Alex says. “If you want, I mean.”
“Yeah, sure,” Jack says, glancing back down at the poster. “Man. The things this poster has seen. The things this poster will see. I hope these dudes can keep a secret.”
Alex knows what the poster has seen: the two of them, growing up in tandem, constantly pulled together by something akin to gravity, making a home not out of any room or rooftop but out of each other. 
If all Jack brings of Alex to his dorm is this poster, Alex thinks that’s enough. 
“I should probably go,” Jack says reluctantly, and panic seizes Alex, because however much he can kid himself that he’s ready to say goodbye, he’s never really going to be. They’ll be counting down the hours once it’s tomorrow, but until then they have forever. And Alex isn’t letting go.
“Please don’t,” he says quietly, looping his arm in Jack’s again and shifting closer to him. “Please just stay a little longer.”
Jack breathes out, leans his head on Alex’s shoulder, and nods. “Yeah. I didn’t want to go anyway.”
The breeze ruffles Alex’s hair. He closes his eyes, cheek to the top of Jack’s head, and breathes as quietly as he can, like maybe if they’re still enough the world will mistake them for statues and they’ll never have to leave. Like breathing slowly will delay the inevitable. These things are impossible. Alex knows that.
But Jack makes a lot of things possible, and Alex isn’t willing to give up just yet.
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Seen ✓ - 2
Pairing: Sam x Fem!Reader Warnings: light anxiety Word Count: 2.2k Series Summary: On her way home, Y/n finds an abandoned, cracked phone on the sidewalk. Anxious about the well-being of its owner, she picks it up and texts the first contact she finds; Sam. A/N: Chapter 2! Our pals are kicking it off already. Can you smell the chemistry? The rOMANCE? LESSGO
Pictures used in this chapter were found on google images :)
Beta: no one.
Catch up! : Part 1 Masterlist
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Chapter 2: overthinker.
From: y/n_andrews85 To: D_impala67 Subject: I have your phone. That sounds creepy. I don’t think there’s a non-creepy way of writing this. Whatever.
Dear Dean, is it?
I just wanted to let you know I found your phone at the bus stop the other night. I wasn’t planning on holding on to it, really, but I got worried that you may have been in trouble, and then you never really looked for it either so, I don’t know, I figured better than someone who’ll snatch it and leave, you know?
Anyways, that’s why I’m emailing. I snooped through it a little, sorry, hopefully you’ll understand it was kinda necessary? Maybe we can arrange something so I can get it back to you. This girl, Jamie, keeps sending me (well you technically) topless photos of her. It’s not really what lights my candle. I’m assuming you’d like it back too.
I hope you’re safe. Looking forward to hearing back from you!
Y/n Andrews
Do you believe me now?
oh god
you didn’t
Sure did
wow. just wow.
you just handed his ass back to him holy shit!
last time he called, he said he dropped his phone while walking back to his motel, so
he’s okay.
That’s good, I’m glad he’s safe.
I was planning on including something along the lines of “This would’ve been easier if you were an active member of the 21st century and used social media”
But I figured the Jamie thing was motive enough?
yeah. topless Jamie? that’s something else.
Don’t be getting any ideas, dude, I don’t do nudes lmao.
oh god, no i didn’t think that
you did not just type lmao though. how old are you again?
oh god, you’re not 14 or something right? i don’t know what that would make me.
Don’t worry about it, I turned 16 last week.
are you serious?
Lmao, no, I’m kidding. I’m twenty-two.
But I think the word you’re looking for is a creep. Oh, and an ageist.
Haha, I’m joking.
Lighten up, what are you, ninety?
hi pot meet kettle.
Shit I walked right into that one.
also i’d like to think i don’t text like a ninety-year-old man. could be wrong though
to answer your question i’m twenty-four.                                
Twenty-four huh? I assume you’re done with college, no?
Or- wait, I guess not everyone goes to college.
Yes, this is me fishing for information.
well… i kinda dropped out.
decided to go on a road trip with my brother.
things went a little south I ended up continuing the family business.
Damn, college drop-out ey? Where from?
Also, Family business? What do you do?
Is this too interview-y? I’m sorry, I don’t mean to snoop.
you’re good.
stanford. pre-law.
and my brother and i are private investigators. that’s why he’s not in Kansas with me. he’s working a case.
Daaaaamn. Stanford AND a lawyer? And now working as a PI? You’re pretty smart, then.
an ageist and a generalist? i didn’t take you for such y/n.
Fuck, okay, you sound like a lawyer too.
so what about you?
What about me?
are you in college?
Oh yeah! Film school. My dream has always been to be a director. It’s rare to find someone who loves movies more than I do.
that’s really cool.
hey i’ve been meaning to ask.
Thinking of me, Sam?
Do tell.
how come you were walking home through a park in the middle of the night the other day?
Ooh, I was coming back from work.
I’m a bartender and I had a late shift on Friday.
oh I see. That makes sense yeah.
I’m sorry to cut this conversation short, but I’m legitimately three seconds away from falling asleep. I’m gonna hit the hay.
See you later, Sam :)
See you, y/n :)
A smile creeps on Y/n’s features at the thought of more conversations with Sam. He has given her something to look forward to, something to make her a little more excited during her boring every-day life. As she tucks herself in under her covers, eyelids heavy enough to droop involuntarily, the last thing she thinks of is him, the clever, sassy, twenty-four year old college dropout on the other side of the cracked phone screen. The overwhelming urge to get to know him overtakes her as she succumbs to sleep
Do you believe in ghosts?
that’s… random.
May be
why do you ask?
Idk, just wanna get to know you better.
that’s what you ask people you want to get to know better?
Are you avoiding the question?
i do. believe in ghosts.
So do i.
Well, sorta. I guess I believe in souls more than anything.
Well… I guess I hope (more than believe) that we are more than our corporeal selves.
In the sense that, it’s comforting to me that when we die, and our bodies stop working, we don’t evaporate.
I guess.
yeah I understand.
i don’t know. i guess i wanna believe in science more than anything but i know better.
How do you mean?
call it a hunch.
Oh c’mon, it’s gotta be more than that.
Y/n huffs out a breath, gnawing at her lip. She hopes her anxiety isn’t right, that Sam isn’t sick of her silly questions and existential dread, and is actually doing something. Perhaps his battery ran out.
She was doing something too, before she decided to text him. Eyes falling on all her books and notes, spread around her like ugly, depressing, anxiety-inducing flower petals. There’s a blanket over her legs, chilly fall weather seeping through her bones, and there’s a half empty pizza box in front of her. She’s full and the left overs are kept for her sister, Emily, who’s currently locked up in her room.
Damn it. Y/n is stressed and tired, and now her distraction is refusing to reply. This sucks. She hates the crawling, awful, gooey feeling of cold anxiety gripping every beat of her heart and stupidly convincing her he’s purposefully ghosting her, because he doesn’t like her.
Not knowing what to occupy herself with, she heads to take a shower. In the back of her head, she knows that she’ll probably not study any longer, so she takes it upon herself to sink under the hot water and wash thoroughly, trying to get her mind off Dean’s phone. When her feet step out of the shower and she has towel-dried herself as best as she can, she tosses her wet hair in a haphazard bun, and gets dressed.
Books stack under the rickety, stained coffee table, and she grabs her sketchbook, her favorite pencil, as well as her and Dean’s phone. She shoots Connor a text, arranging a hang out of some kind, and opens her little booklet, when a text vibrates Dean’s phone.
hey i’m sorry i got caught up in something.
It’s alright.
She doesn’t press the ghost subject, because he doesn’t seem into it and she really doesn’t wanna make him dislike her any more than he possibly already does.
The empty page of her sketchbook daunts her. With a tight grip on her mechanical pencil, she urges her creativity pumps to use some gasoline, but they seem limp and dead, and once more unwilling to help her. As her eyes fall on Dean’s phone, like a light bulb out of a cartoon, she gets an idea.
Hey, this might sound creepy, but what do you look like?
She stares at the phone. This feels like a risky question. God, if he wasn’t done with her before, he certainly must be now. But then, he surprises her.
why do you wanna know?
I’m in the mood to sketch some, and my creativity has officially left the building.
Care to help a girl out? Maybe your literary descriptions will spark something in me lmao.
i didn’t know you sketched.
Yeah, sometimes. Nothing great though, I promise. I’m certainly no Picasso.
i mean you don’t have to be picasso to sketch well. and you don’t have to sketch well to sketch at all.
Yeah, may be.
I don’t wanna pressure you into anything, you really don’t have to humor me.
If you do feel like it though, don’t send me a picture. Kinda wanna spark some life into my brain cells.
haha i will. only if you show me the finished product tho.
You’ve got yourself a deal :)
She simply cannot believe he has just agreed to this. Her breath is caught in her throat.
what do you want me to start with?
Just whatever. Idk, tell me about your face.
i have brown curly-ish hair that reaches my ears. uh, my eyes are hazel.
Okay, that’s a start.
What’s your nose like?
it’s a bit pointy. thin i think?
sharp? i guess?
this is by far the weirdest thing i’ve done.
Lmao, yeah, this is pretty weird.
Exciting though.
She shouldn’t have said that. Fuck, that is definitely overeager.
yeah it is.
Her stomach feels floaty at his response.
How do you classify “normal” eyebrows, exactly?
i don’t know? they’re simple i guess.
Are you implying complicated eyebrows exist out there?
Elaborate, Sam. Are you shy? Do you not have eyebrows? Are they bushy? Or too thin? Or pointy?
i’m telling you they’re average.
You officially suck at this.
oh fuck off how would you describe yours?
Y/n proceeds to write a cohesive sentence that includes adjectives apart from “normal” and “average”. Words like bushy, thin, arched and curvy.
well shit yeah i guess i do suck at this.
i think it’s not a skill i mind not having.
That… is a confusing sentence.
just… draw them however. what difference can eyebrows make?
Oh you have no idea.
Okay, last thing.
Do you have a fringe?
yeah but not for long. i’ll probably let it grow out.
Okay, I can do something with that. Thanks :)
no problem
Her creativity is finally servicing her according to her commands, and Y/n puts pen to paper and scribbles messily. Line after line, they curl and sit on the page, forming a smile with thin lips, a sharp jaw, a pointy nose. She has to guess the eyebrows a bit, and the eyes are more cartoonish and generic than she likes. In the end, she gets anxious at the prospect of having to show him, and gives him a hood, so she won’t fuck up the hair.
Okay, I’m done.
that was quick, actually.
Well I didn’t have much to go on.
Sam doesn’t reply. She worries he might have misinterpreted her teasing tone.
Gimme a sec, I’ll send it over.
Ugh, Dean’s camera is such shit. Do you mind if I send it from my phone?
no go ahead.
[Y/n has sent a picture]
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As you said, it didn’t take long. It’s really not the best.
is actually not too far from the truth
it kind of looks like me from two years ago
wow, really?
and it’s honestly a pretty good sketch. good job.
Thank you :)
Sam doesn’t say anything after this, and she huffs. Her head falls back on the couch, and she stares at the ceiling. She should go to bed soon, it’s getting late.
isn’t this strange?
Oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit oh shit, she thinks. He’s regretting this. He doesn’t like her. He’ll stop talking to her and that’ll be it.
Why does she care so much? It’s a thought that passes through her mind. It hasn’t been long since they started talking and, after the near-kidnapping encounter, they’ve been having nearly daily conversations, but that still doesn’t mean much. She knows barely anything about him.
She guesses, she wants to get to know him better. He seems like the type of guy she’d enjoy hanging out with and she has so far. Stopping any kind of conversation would surely feel like a loss. She’d have to go back to her boring routine. This is the most exciting thing she has allowed herself to do in years.
A part of her feels rather lame for finding such a thrill at something so trivial. She’s talking to a stranger, and that’s all it is, but the prospect that he could be anyone at all, and she’s never even seen his face… well… It feels refreshing, new. Scary in an adrenaline-rush kind of way.
What is?
us. texting.
isn’t it a little odd?
I guess it is a bit.
I mean we’ve only known each other for, what, a week? And a half?
should we stop?
I don’t know
Do you want to?
The extra moment his reply takes to arrive makes her want to vomit.
Then there’s your answer.
okay then
can I save you in my contacts?
Sure, go ahead.
I just did too.
Okay :)
I’m sorry, I have to go.
I guess I’ll text you later, Sam.
Go be whoever Sam Something is.
it’s winchester.
Like the shotgun?
That’s BADASS. Can you even get more badass than this? Pre-law, now a PI, and you’re named after a shotgun? Damn dude.
Well, it’s nice to meet you Sam. I’m Y/n Andrews.
Haha thanks.
nice to meet you, too
goodnight Y/n Andrews.
Night Sam Winchester :)
--- Part 3
A/N: Thoughts? How are you liking the newer version of this? right after I post it, I’m gonna delete the other one.
Old Can You See The Stars taglist: @shutupiminlooove @sammysgirl1997 @kymberlytorres @bambi95-blog @demonic-meatball @thekarliwinchester @littlekay15 @li-m-ii  @thinspo-isuppose @carryonmywaywarddemigodwitch @ellen-reincarnated1967 @moonlitskinwalker @marichromatic @illuminatus42 @lazy-author @mirandaaustin93 @hauntedsiriel @pilaxia @devilgirlsarah @nobodys-baby-now @captiveties @calamitychaos @midiocris @wordswillscream​
Sam taglist @kymberlytorres @theboykingsam @depressed-moose-78 @andi-mendes-barnes @captainmarvelcorps @nerd-in-a-galaxy-far-away @nellachain
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raccoonhearteyes · 4 years
Clarke vs. The Hot Customer
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Meanwhile in DC, CIA Agent Lexa Woods and NSA Agent Anya Forrest sit across the desk with Homeland Security General Indra Beckman.  
Beckman starts, “Last night at 18:00, CIA operative Costia Daniels was killed in action. Before her death, she sent the entire Intersect Project to a civilian, a top-secret mission known only among those with the highest clearance in the CIA. The project consisted of every CIA mission and intel since the CIA’s founding in 1947. All contained in a supercomputer. The goal was for the intel to be downloaded into the human brain. While it has yet to be tested, it would give the agency’s top agents every piece of information necessary to complete their missions, without having to read every file, look through every photo, and analyze every document. This project is now in the inbox of one Clarke Griffin. As I’m sure you can guess, this is not ideal. The recipient’s unsecured g-mail means that every terrorist and their mother can track who it went to. And they will go after them without hesitation in order to get their hands on our intelligence.”
“Why did she send it to a civilian instead of a CIA contact?” Anya asks.
“We don’t know. As far as we can tell, she’s just some random college dropout. She works at a Buy-More. Your job is to find Clarke Griffin, find out what she knows, and download the e-mail yourselves so our nation’s secrets are not floating around in the head of some idiot civilian.”
Clarke wakes up on her bedroom floor to the blaring alarm on her nightstand. She’s groggy, and doesn’t quite remember why she apparently passed out on the floor instead of changing into pajamas and climbing into her bed.
Slowly, the memories of last night trickle in. She remembers a hot pocket, going to her room to play video games, and… an e-mail from Costia? That can’t be right. They haven’t spoken in years… But she distinctly remembers getting an e-mail from her, then a bunch of weird pictures, and that’s it.
She goes over to her computer to try and reread the email, but the thing won’t turn on. It seems to be fried from the inside. “Great, so not only did Costia ruin my life, she sent me a computer virus that destroyed my computer?” Clarke wonders.
Clarke’s still a little woozy from the unending strobe light of incomprehensible images her brain was exposed to the night before, so she skips breakfast, and thanks her past self for not even changing out of her work clothes so she can just walk right out the door and head to the Buy-More.
Raven is sitting at the Nerd Herd help desk waiting for her.
“You never logged on to LoL last night,” Raven complains. “Yeah, I got a weird e-mail from Costia and it torpedoed my computer.”
“I’m sorry what? Costia? Costia Daniels? The one that ruined your life and got you stuck working at a Buy-More with me?”
“The one and only.”
“What did she want?”
“I don’t know. It was a weird e-mail. It spazzed through a bunch of images and then fried my hard drive.”
“What a bitch.” “Yup.”
It’s a slow day at the Buy-More so Raven and Clarke spend most of the day chit chatting about nothing, planning their next video game all-nighter, and talking about starting their own electronics company to beat out the Buy-More. It’s an idea they’ve talked about for years, but is nothing more than a pipe dream. Neither of them have the capital to get that thing off the ground. No matter how many engineering degrees Raven collects. Eventually they fall into a game of “Guess what that customer is thinking.”
“I am going to hoard this for when the nuclear apocalypse hits us and toilet paper is scarce,” Raven says about the guy with 100 rolls of toilet paper and nothing else in his cart.
“I need a copy of Die Hard for every TV in my house,” Clarke gruffs about the old many with 8 copies of Die Hard in his basket.
The two are so enthralled in their game that they hardly notice a customer approach the help desk.
In a high-pitched valley girl voice, Clarke says, “I’m getting this video camera so I can finally make a sex tape with my boyfriend!” Raven laughs way harder than Clarke thinks the joke earned, but then the customer clears her throat and Clarke whirls around. The customer raises her eyebrows in surprise.
“Um… I… did you? That wasn’t… Hi, welcome to the Nerd Herd. How can I help you?”
Clarke chokes on her tongue a little when she realizes just how beautiful the customer is. She’s wearing tight fitting jeans, a tank top, and an unbuttoned flannel over her shirt. Clarke’s gaydar lightly pings in the back of her mind. Her hair is a mane of curly brown locks. She has a pair of sunglasses perched on the top of her head, and the greenest eyes Clarke has ever seen. When her gaze flicks back up to make eye contact, there’s something… intense about the way this girl looks at her.
“I’ve been having phone troubles. It doesn’t seem to be receiving calls.”
“Can I have a name for the intake form?”
“Well Lexa, I’ll see what I can do.”
Clarke fiddles around with the phone, looking for external damage or immediately obvious reasons for malfunction. When she finds nothing evident, she tells Lexa, “It must be something internal, I’ll take it to the back and see what’s going on. Come back in about an hour, and it should be all set.”
“That sounds perfect. Thank you…” Lexa pauses waiting for a name
“Thank you, Clarke. I’ll see you in an hour.”
As Lexa turns to walk away, Clarke stares at her ass and says a quiet, “Bye Lexa.”
“HEY CLARKE! You telling this customer goodbye or are you announcing that you’re bi?” Raven says a little too loudly for it to not be intentional.
Lexa turns to flash a smile at Clarke, and Clarke turns to Raven and says, “Reyes, I will kill you in your sleep.”
An hour spent tinkering in the repair shop, and the phone is back to fully functional. Clarke waits at the help desk for Lexa to return. This time she ensures that she’s not mid-game so she doesn’t embarrass herself a second time in front of this customer. She most certainly notices when Lexa walks into the store. This time, the flannel is tied around her waist and Clarke stares at the tattoo curling around her bicep. Then she stares at the biceps themselves and considers tracing the lines with her tongue. Scolding herself for being just as big of a perv as fellow Nerd Herders Jasper and Monty, she smiles and pointedly does not stray from making eye contact. Lexa is less successful as she sneaks a peek down Clarke’s shirt that may have one or two fewer buttons done up this time around.
“What’s the verdict doc?” Lexa asks, leaning into Clarke’s space at the counter.
“All fixed,” Clarke smiles.
“How do I know it works?”
Clarke grins, “Aha, watch this.”
She digs her own phone out of her pocket and dials a number. She waits a few seconds until the phone in Lexa’s hand starts to vibrate and “NERD HERD HOTTIE” pops up on the screen.  
“See? Good as new”
“Thank you, Clarke. I really appreciate it,” Lexa says, and turns to leave the store. Clarke’s bubble of hope pops as she watches her walk away. But then, after a few steps, Lexa picks up her phone, scrolls through a screen and lifts the phone to her ear.
A few feet behind her, Clarke’s phone buzzes on the counter. She answers.
“Do you want to get dinner tonight?” Lexa asks.
They agree to meet at Grounders at 7:00. Lexa arrives 15 minutes early and waits at the entrance. She’s wearing a green button up, tight grey pants, and her hair is done up in a neat braid. She has a stun gun tucked into her jacket, a knife hidden in each boot, and a blade laced within the braid. But this is supposed to look like a first date, not a mission, so she tries to make herself look nervous by shifting her weight from one leg to the other, and gets ready to flirt some information out of her mark.
Clarke steps out of an Uber at 7:06 wearing a light blue sundress that makes her look even more like a ray of sunshine. It’s a stark contrast from the unisex Nerd Herd uniform, and Lexa can’t help but give her a once over. Twice maybe thrice if she’s being completely honest. “I thought you might have changed your mind,” Lexa confesses, looking at her watch.
“Of course not! Just bad LA traffic,” Clarke replies and leads them into the restaurant.
Conversation is easy. They make each other laugh. The waitress comes over three times in 45 minutes before either of them have even glanced at the menu. Lexa assures the waitress that they do, in fact, know how to read, and a few minutes later they actually order their food. Neither can stop themselves from long looks and bashful smiles. Clarke learns that Lexa just moved to town and is still looking for the right fit job. They talk about their childhoods and interests. Eventually, they stumble on the topic of whether or not it’s weird that Lexa asked out her phone repair woman. Clarke immediately reddens at the memory of the first words Lexa heard her say. Clarke apologizes for her having to overhear the game she plays with Raven at the Buy-More.
“Speaking of which, how does a girl as beautiful and smart as you end up working for the Nerd Herd?” Lexa asks incredulously.
“That’s kind of a long story. The spark notes version is that I am one semester shy of a computer science degree at Stanford. My senior year, my former best friend and roommate Costia framed me for cheating and got me kicked out of school. No explanation. Since then I haven’t really had the drive to finish the degree. Or trust anyone. I’ve really just been surviving ever since. No sense in living when everything you loved is gone, right? Sorry, that was probably a little heavy for a first date…”
“No, no, it’s fine,” Lexa assures. The name Costia did not go unnoticed, so Lexa presses on, “What ever happened to that Costia girl?”
“The funny thing is I haven’t really thought about her in a few years, but the last two days it’s been at nagging in my mind. I actually got an e-mail from her yesterday, but all it contained was a virus that fried my computer,” Clarke shrugs.
The waiter interrupts to fill their wine glasses, and Lexa’s opportunity to press more about this e-mail vanishes as Clarke switches the subject completely, and they fall back into easy conversation, longing and somewhat thirsty looks, and grinning at each other.
Lexa pays their check while Clarke runs to the bathroom, and they have decided that 3 hours taking up this restaurant’s table is probably long enough. Yes, it’s a mission, but Lexa is genuinely enjoying talking to this girl. She’s sweet and funny, and looks damn good in that dress.
“Can I drive you home?” Lexa asks.
The drive is a comfortable silence. Lexa’s hand rests on Clarke’s knee and mindlessly draws patterns on her thigh until Clarke intertwines their fingers. The drive ends too quickly as they pull up to the complex where Clarke lives.
Lexa walks Clarke to her door. Clarke’s walk slows to a crawl, trying to prolong her time with Lexa as much as possible. But the trip from the car to the stoop is only so long, so she settles for pretending to struggle to find her keys. God she wants to kiss her. She wants to kiss her so badly she hasn’t listened to a word Lexa has said because she can’t think about anything else. Lexa pauses in front of the door, and shuffles a bit closer to Clarke.
“Goodnight, Clarke”, she says as she leans in. Clarke closes her eyes in anticipation, and then feels Lexa’s lips land just left of the mark. Lexa places a chaste kiss on the corner of Clarke’s mouth, then turns to walk away. She turns back with a wink and a wave as Clarke unlocks her front door, and melts to a puddle once she’s crossed the threshold.
Lexa paces outside the front of the Buy-More while on the phone with the General. “Beckman, she’s just a normal girl. She hasn’t done anything wrong. I don’t even think the e-mail made it to her. She said she hasn’t heard from Costia since college!” “Agent Woods, Daniels was one of our top agents. There must be a reason she sent it to her. Now, go find out if she’s just a really good liar, or if she’s actually as innocent as you seem to think.” She hangs up without a greeting or dismissal.
Lexa tries to shake off the conversation, and walks through the Buy-More doors to go find Clarke, who at the moment is helping someone pick out a blender. Lexa pretends to be interested in a video camera and presses random buttons while waiting for Clarke to be free.
“Looking at cameras for our sex tape?” Clarke asks with a cheeky grin.
Lexa rolls her eyes and replies, “No, I was just in the neighborhood and wanted to say hi. I had fun last night.”
Clarke lights up with a goofy grin and thinks about how she didn’t kiss her last night. Clarke eyes her lips, and catches Lexa doing the same. She does a quick scan of the floor, hoping to confirm that no manager is there to catch her making out with a girl while on the clock. She’s made it almost a full 360 when it happens.
She sees a man standing in the DVD section. He doesn’t look that much different than a normal customer, but once she sees the scar on his neck, images flash before her eyes. The scar. The man’s name, and seven different aliases. A Russian Prison manifest. A rank within Russian Intelligence operations. They flash before her eyes in rapid succession, pulling the information to the forefront of her brain, and making her a little dizzy with the completely unconscious recall of information she doesn’t remember learning in the first place. The images stop and her eyes refocus
“Lexa, this is going to sound crazy, but that man in the DVDs section is a Russian spy and he
is armed to kill. Don’t ask me how I know that, I just do.”
 Clarke watches Lexa’s eyes widen in alarm. “Holy shit, you downloaded it.”
“The Intersect.” “The what?” “I have to get you out of here.”
Lexa grabs Clarke’s hand and pulls her towards the back of the store.
“Lexa, what is going on.” She doesn’t answer. Instead she goes into the breakroom, punches a series of numbers into the vending machine, and watches the machine slide to the right to reveal a passageway. Lexa pulls Clarke through, ignoring her questions and utter shock at what is going on. Clarke is led down some stairs into a conference room with screens taking up a full wall, a wall full of weapons, and a video conference call happening at the table in the center. An angry looking Asian woman sits at the table talking to the screen with a black woman with more medals on her military coat than Clarke knew existed. 
Lexa interrupts their conversation with, “She’s the Intersect.”
“She what?”
“She’s the Intersect. She downloaded it. She just recognized a Russian operative upstairs.”
The other women in the room and on the screen look shocked and horrified.
“So it works?” the woman on the screen asks. “WILL SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON. WHERE AM I? WHAT IS THE INTERSECT? WHY IS THERE A SECRET BASE IN THE BUY-MORE? WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?” Clarke yells, finally getting Lexa’s attention.
Lexa starts, “My name is Lexa Woods. I work for the CIA.”
“Anya Forrest, Colonel in the NSA.”
“And I’m General Indra Beckman, head of Homeland Security”
Clarke begins to laugh hysterically. “Did Raven put you up to this? She always goes WAY TOO BIG or way too small for pranks. Jeezus how much did she spend on this?!” She wanders the base touching weapons, poking screens, and searching for a hidden camera.
“This isn’t a joke, Miss Griffin,” Beckman interrupts.
The tone sobers Clarke immediately.
Beckman continues, “Three days ago, CIA operative Costia Daniels sent you an email. That email contained every secret the CIA has in what was called the Intersect Project. That information is now in your head. Until a new Intersect can be built, the CIA and NSA’s number one priority will be protecting you.”
“I’m sorry, what now?” Clarke asks.
“You will assist in missions as needed.”
Clarke is, again, much too stunned to grasp anything that was just said. Instead, she asks every question that has run through her mind since she thought she was about to kiss Lexa at work to the current moment. Costia was CIA? Why did she send it to me? How does it work? Can I get it removed? You’re sure this isn’t an over the top prank? Costia is dead?
Lexa, Anya, and Beckman patiently answer every question Clarke has. For the most part, they are very understanding of the barrage of questions. The questions continue for about thirty minutes, but eventually die down. This is real. Clarke will be working with the CIA. Other countries will try to find the Intersect, so she is in danger. She is now their most important asset, and they will protect her at all costs. She doesn’t really have a choice in this.
“I didn’t ask for this,” Clarke states. “We know, but your country is calling,” Beckman answers.
General Beckman hangs up the call, Anya goes back to cleaning an enormous gun, Lexa starts to organize files, and Clarke… Clarke sits at the table staring at her hands. Deep in thought, and too stunned to form coherent thoughts. After ten minutes, she takes a deep breath and addresses Lexa.
“So that date then?”
Lexa reads the implied question and answers, “Was part of my mission to find out what you knew.”
“I don’t know why I thought it was anything else. No one that model hot dates a girl from the Nerd Herd. Is that like a requirement for spy work?”
Lexa cocks her head like a confused puppy.
Clarke glances between Anya and Lexa, and waggles her fingers between the two of them. “You know, the mind-blowing hotness? I mean, it works. Girl that looks like you asks me to jump off the roof and I’d probably do it without asking any follow up questions. Of course it was all fake. You’re probably straight. Really deluded myself into this one. Big yikes.”
Anya looks up from the barrel of her gun and chuffs, “Definitely not straight”
Lexa blushes but doesn’t disagree with Anya. Instead she addresses Clarke directly. “You do realize that we will need to continue dating, right?”
Clarke continues rambling to herself about being an idiot for thinking a girl like Lexa was into her, but then the content of Lexa’s question sinks in. Her brain jolts like a record scratch. “Huh?”
“It’s the perfect cover for why I’m suddenly in your life and may suddenly vanish from it. I can keep a close eye on you when you’re not at work, and it won’t seem suspicious if I stay over. During the day, Anya will work at the Buy More with you.”
Clarke still hasn’t wrapped her head around “continue dating” so instead asks, “I’m dead, right? That Russian operative in DVDs killed me and I’m bleeding out on the Buy-More floor, right? Because there is no way the US government just asked me to fake date a bombshell agent for the safety of our country.”
Anya finishes reassembling her gun, looks up at the newly christened fake couple, and says, “Believe it, babe.”
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lveclouds · 4 years
pianos and coffee (myg x reader)
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(in which yoongi is a music major and you, the reader, pass by the music room occasionally to watch him as he plays the piano)
dedicated to: @dylanxmin @agustd02 @agustkive @yoongislovecult @softguks @joonglows @sketchguk @sweetheartjeongguk @flowerseok @yourdelights @dreamingofkoo @jksmoongf @gukwluv @gguksbby @yoonminos @minsprings @yoongismykink @outroshooky @kimcritique @brilliantlybasicb @thinksshesawolf @roguebangtan @nahfamily @jungkooksmoon @swanqook @koosgrl @yoonsgiggle  @daechwitas​
word count: 1k (my first drabble thats at least 1k hehe)
genre: fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, college/university au, music major yoongi, arts major reader 
rating: pg (for mild swearing) 
(lowercase intended)
a/n: another yoongi drabble for you all because why not? yoongi’s been providing us with so much content lately, like i stg we are so spoiled:((( anyways, please stream D-2 for good grades, clear skin, and clear skies. also, yoongi is the cutest bub ever and i wanna put him in my pocket but agust d makes me want to light stuff on fire you feel?? 
a soft, tired sigh escaped your mouth as you trudged down the empty hallway, feeling both mentally and physically drained. the late afternoon sun shone through the massive glass windows that took up the right side of the hall, bathing the tiled floor in golden beams of light. your arts professor was bombarding you and your peers with endless projects, and, top of that, you also had a literature essay due in two weeks. stress and anxiety were emotions that constantly plagued you, and it seemed as if they would never go away, due to the veritable mountain of assignments your professors were throwing your way. so far, your second semester of college wasn’t looking all that great. Your parents’ words lingered in your mind constantly. “do well in college so that you can get a good job and be able to provide for your own family one day.” “don’t become a college dropout, ok? promise us?” “don’t become a college dropout, my ass.” you mumbled. your schedule was quite hectic, and you barely had anytime for yourself, and you felt as if you were going to reach a breaking point sooner or later. 
“feeling great” you muttered, your tone dripping with sarcasm. suddenly, soft piano music filled your ears, and it occurred to you that you were standing right in front of the music room. you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to get lost in the gentle and soothing notes of the piano keys. the piano was an instrument you found to be quite beautiful, as you thought it possessed a delicate sort of nature. after the music had subsided, you opened your eyes and snapped back to reality, sighing heavily.  as you were about to leave, something, or rather, someone caught your eye, and you felt your face flush scarlet when you realized who had been playing. 
min yoongi, music major, and the guy you’d been crushing on ever since your first year at college, was sitting at the piano bench, delicate fingers hovering over the keyboard. not only was he one of the most talented guys on campus, but he was absolutely stunning, breathtaking, even. with messy, raven hair that was always falling into his eyes, feline shaped eyes that could pierce your soul with one look, a cute button nose, perfect eyebrows, and the softest pair of lips you’d ever seen on a guy, yoongi was, if not one of the most breathtaking guys you’d ever laid eyes on. everyone on campus was intimidated by yoongi and usually avoided him at all costs, due to the “cold” aura that radiated around him. however, you knew that yoongi wasn’t really what people on campus made him up to be, at least, according to your classmate, jeon jungkook, who happened to be close friends with yoongi. you had met jungkook on your third day on campus, all smiles and doe eyes bright and sparkling, and he was someone that you quickly became fond of. when he had asked you if you knew yoongi, you had shook your head, admitting that you were a bit scared to talk to him, due to the rumors that yoongi was extremely intimidating. to your surprise, jungkook had giggled, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “yoongi hyung? intimidating? don’t believe anything those people say. he may look intimidating, but he’s actually a big softie with the biggest, kindest heart and is really caring, trust me. he’s one of the kindest people i’ve ever met and has the biggest amount of patience and is really calm, even in stressful situations. he also gives great advice and is a great listener; i rant to him all the time about my problems.” despite this, however, you were still too shy to try and talk to yoongi, which resulted in you pining after him from afar, refusing to initiate a conversation, much to jungkook’s dismay. “you just need to talk to him.” jungkook would say, making it sound like something that was as easy as breathing. “kook, it’s not that easy,” you’d protest, causing him to pout. “why?? yoongi hyung’s not going to bite you, if that’s what you’re afraid of.” that earned him a light shove to the shoulder. the real reason why you were so terrified of talking to yoongi was the possibility of being rejected, and now that you admitted it out loud, you felt kinda pathetic. 
you were sensitive and your feelings were easily hurt, even from a young age. if yoongi knew, you thought, he’d probably laugh in my face, you thought, your heart sinking down into your chest. you were snapped out of your trance when the door to the music room suddenly swung open, and min yoongi was standing right in front of you, expression unreadable. “can i help you?” he asked. his voice was deep and a bit husky, which sent a shiver down your spine. “I-i “ you stuttered, face flushing scarlet. your mouth suddenly felt dry, as if you had swallowed sandpaper at the sight of yoongi right in front of you. yoongi sighed. “you’re one of jungkook’s friends, right?” “w-what? h-how do you know?” “the kid keeps talking about you.” yoongi stated plainly. “o-oh. well, i’m y/n.” “i’m yoongi.” after a long, awkward pause, yoongi cleared his throat. “wanna get coffee? there’s a cafe that’s a two minute walk from here.” a shade of pink settled across your cheeks. “s-sure.” yoongi nodded and gestured for you to follow him. 
minutes later, you and yoongi were tucked into a booth near the back of a cafe, with warm cups of coffee in your hands. “so, what’s your major?” yoongi asked, taking a long sip of his coffee, dark eyes fixed on you. “i’m an art major.” “ah, so you know you taehyung?” your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. why does the name sound so familiar? you thought. “he’s also an art major too, so i thought you might’ve seen him around campus.” “ah! wait! wasn’t he that guy whose watercolor painting everyone was raving about at the art exhibit last year?” yoongi nodded. “ok , then yes, i have seen him around. I’ve never talked to him, though.” “taehyung’s a good kid, a bit clueless at times, but he’s one of the nicest people i know. plus, he’s pretty fashionable, at least, that’s what everyone says whenever they see him.” “i like his fashion sense, its unique.” “so, how long have you been playing piano for?” “ever since i could walk. my parents weren’t really into music, but i knew from the moment that i had my first piano lesson that i wanted to pursue some kind of music career.” “i’ve heard you play, you’re incredible.” a light blush spread across yoongi’s face. “t-thanks.” you felt a small smile forming on your face. jungkook was right, you thought amusedly. yoongi is really a softie. Then, you and yoongi ended up talking for hours, and your conversation with him was halted when one of the employees, a tall, handsome man with the plushest lips you’ve ever seen came over to tell you that the cafe would be closing soon. before you could say anything, yoongi’s face suddenly broke out into a smile, gums on display, and you thought your heart was going to jump out of your chest. The corners of his eyes crinkled, and his feline eyes were bright with happiness. “hello to you too, jin-hyung.” “wait? you know him?” the older male rolled his eyes. “yeah, he does, and often takes advantage of the fact that i work here so he can get a discount.” “i do not!” yoongi protested, a slight pout forming on his lips, and you tried not to melt at the sight. “yes, you do, now take your girlfriend and go.” jin said plainly, but his eyes were alight with mischief and the corner of his lips curved into a small smirk. “she’s not my girlfriend, hyung. we just met.” yoongi mumbled, blush deepening. “ok, ok, whatever you say, yoongi.”jin teased. “we’re leaving.” 
jin laughed as you followed yoongi out of the cafe, waving cutely. “bye yoongi!! use protection, ok?” “i’m sorry for him.” you waved off his apology. “it’s fine. jin seems nice.” “he is, but he teases me too much.” “but he makes great coffee.” yoongi smiled. “that he does.” and before the two of you parted ways that night, yoongi slipped a folded napkin from the cafe into your hand. “just text me if you ever need someone to talk to.” and with that, he left, giving you a small wave as he went. you finally allowed yourself a smile. not only had you managed to talk to your crush, but you had his number. jungkook’s going to be so proud of me, you thought as you walked back to your dorm. talking with yoongi had made all of your worries melt away, and you squared your shoulders a bit. maybe college won’t be so bad after all, you thought. 
a/n: omg this is my first drabble that’s at least 1k words!! I hope you all enjoyed this drabble, and please let me know what you think!! my next drabble may or may not be a jin one hehe
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incensuous · 4 years
demon!NezuTan AU
fandom: KNY character(s): Nezuko/Tanjirou (not explicit, but they are together), Yoshiteru (Zenitsu), Aoba (Inosuke) rating: T, pretty gen tho words: 1522
basically, what if NezuTan had stayed demons and lived to the present-day. mild spoilers for ch 205/end of KNY
read on AO3
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“Are you reading those stories again, Yoshiteru?” Aoba sits down across his friend, at a cafe, rolling his eyes. “We’re supposed to be studying, not reading some sci-fi, fantasy stuff.” 
“Hey, my great-grandpa wrote these, you know!” Yoshiteru huffs. “Apparently, he was good friends with the Kamado demon siblings, and helped in the fight against Muzan. So I might be related to the reason Japan is still standing today!”
“Okay, sure, then maybe I am, too,” Aoba rolls his eyes again, before opening his book. “Can we get to business, now? I want to go into research. I’m not gonna make it there if I don’t get into the university I want.”
“Ugh, you’re so boring, Aoba,” Yoshiteru grumbles. “I think they’re real.”
At the sight of his friend’s incredulous face, Yoshiteru frowns. “You don’t think they’re real? There’s so many sources and stories about them--”
“Yeah, just a bunch of people spreading the same rumors, and wanting to get some attention,” Aoba shrugs. 
“But these stories are from all over Japan, and there are even some from outside too in recent decades. And they corroborate, even though there’s no way these people would know of each others’ stories--not back then.”
Aoba raises an eyebrow. “Well, even if those stories are true, there certainly aren’t any demons now.”
“Probably because they don’t want us to know they’re around. And maybe the Kamado siblings got rid of most of them!”
He snorts. “What next? You’re probably gonna say the Kamado siblings are still running around in modern day Tokyo, being vigilantes or something.”
His friend’s eyes sparkle.
Aoba grimaces. “You actually do think that? I bet you’re only so interested because Kamado Nezuko was said to be a great beauty.”
Yoshiteru leans forward, eyes ablaze, and practically drooling. “She is a great beauty! My great-grandpa writes how any man seeing her would be overwhelmed with emotion!”
“You’re disgusting. Sounds like your great-grandpa was the same.”
Suddenly, Yoshiteru’s eyes intensify and Aoba sighs, because he knows that look. 
“Aoba! Your six o’clock!” Yoshiteru half-whispers, as if trying to be discrete, but nothing about the boy was discrete, from his personality to the volume of his voice. 
Regardless, the cafe is quite bustling, so Aoba hopes whoever Yoshiteru is pointing out to him hasn’t heard the whisper. 
When he stealthily tries to peek over his shoulder (not that he really cares, but he knows his friend wouldn’t let it alone), he’s briefly worried they were overheard after all, because a beautiful girl is in fact sitting across the cafe, and she’s staring directly at them now.
There’s no way she should’ve heard them, not as far as she was. Her stare isn’t threatening or annoyed, more like curiosity. 
Aoba quickly turns away. “Yoshiteru, don’t you dare go and bother that girl.” But it’s too late, and Aoba can see the hearts forming in his friend’s eyes. 
Almost as if in a trance and true to his convictions, Yoshiteru strolls over to the girl in question and Aoba frets before rushing after his friend to wrangle him away. 
By the time he reaches them, he gets a better look at the beautiful girl Yoshiteru is currently talking nonsense to. She seems a bit older than them, perhaps in college. 
She looks the part, in a cozy sweater, jeans, and combat boots in contrast to his and Yoshiteru’s high school uniforms. Her long, pink-tipped hair is free flowing, with a small clip to keep it from falling into her face. But most strange of all, she was actually smiling at Yoshiteru. 
“Miss, I’m so sorry,” Aoba apologizes, slightly bowing at her, as he insistently tugs on his friend’s arm, whispering harshly of how they needed to sit back down because he really didn’t want to get banned from another cafe, dammit. The one owned by the strange, mismatched couple had the best donuts, and he was lucky the pink-haired woman still let him in on occasion. “My friend was dropped on the head as a baby many times, so he has no working brain, you see.”
For his credit, the taller boy remains obstinately in place. “You said your name was Toko? Toko-chan?” 
Aoba smacks the back of his friend’s head, and normally he would wail, but it’s as if Aoba turned into a ghost, his strike having no more effect than a breeze. 
The girl, apparently Toko, giggles and waves a small hand. “It’s okay,” she assures him. “It’s nice to meet you two. And your name is?” She turns to Aoba. 
“Uh, Hashibira Aoba,” he offers, after a beat. He can’t believe a pretty college girl is actually giving the two of them the time of day, even if out of pity. 
He might be imagining it, but when he says his name, it seems like her eyes soften at the two of them. 
“Hashibira-san,” she nods her head, still smiling. 
Suddenly, he feels a tingle down his spine, like a deep rooted instinct, passed down from his ancestors. But when he turns around, all he sees is a kind-faced boy with light purple eyes, smiling at him. 
“Hello,” the boy grins gently, tilting his head. “Have you two been keeping Toko company?”
Aoba freezes--crap, is this her boyfriend? Is he about to beat the two of them up for trying to hit on his girlfriend? This guy’s face is one of the softest faces he’d ever seen, but there’s no mistake there’s a lot of muscle hidden underneath his hoodie and jacket, and he doesn’t disregard the shock down his spine from earlier--
“Onii-chan, you’re pretty late.”
Okay, they’re siblings, it changes things but still does not rule out the possibility of getting beat up for bothering Toko-san. 
“Sorry, Toko,” the red-haired boy ducks his head sheepishly. “I’ll buy you a pastry, I promise.”
“I made some new friends,” Toko says instead. “This is Hashibira Aoba-kun and Agatsuma Yoshiteru-kun.”
“Nice to meet you. You can call me Sumihiko,” the newcomer bows and beams at them, almost too friendly. 
Yoshiteru is giving Sumihiko a dirty glare, as if Sumihiko somehow insulted him by being related to a beautiful girl. 
“Nice to meet you,” Aoba bows, forcing his friend to bend forward as well. “I’m sorry to have bothered you two, we’ll leave you to it.”
“Wait, Toko-chan, can I get your number, please?” Yoshiteru howls, and Aoba can never stop getting embarrassed when he’s loud enough people around them start to take notice. “Just your number, and I swear I won’t text too often, maybe just once every other day, maybe once a day, okay?”
Aoba futilely attempts to drag his friend away. “Goddammit Yoshiteru, if someone calls the police on you one more time, you really might not get away with it--”
Even Yoshiteru himself is in shock at Toko’s ready agreement, and dumbly hands over his phone for Toko to input her contact information. Again, Aoba isn’t sure if it’s the lighting in the cafe, but now it’s as if both siblings are looking at him and Yoshiteru with tender, fond eyes. 
Before he can stop himself, he blurts out, “Have we met before?”
Sumihiko shakes his head, slowly. “No, I don’t think we have.”
“Oh… sorry, I thought you two just looked a bit familiar,” he blushes, feeling like an idiot in front of these two very attractive siblings now. 
“It’s alright, we get that more often than you’d think,” Toko assures him. 
Aoba isn’t sure why, because the two of them definitely stand out enough to not be confused with other faces, but he doesn’t question it further. 
“Toko-chan, perhaps we met in a past life!” Yoshiteru croons, cloyingly. “Maybe we were even married!”
Aoba notices the matching grins on Sumihiko and Toko--and also realizes they really do look alike, considering at first glance, he could hardly believe they were actually siblings, with neither their hair nor eyes matching. 
“Okay, I think it’s really time we start studying, Yoshiteru,” Aoba grits his teeth, and with herculean effort, wrenches the boy away from his newfound infatuation. “I don’t think Toko-san will want to talk to a high school dropout.”
“We’ll meet again soon, Toko-chan!” Yoshiteru blubbers, reaching out towards her. 
“Do you think we acted weird?” Nezuko ponders quietly, when Tanjirou returns to her with the promised croissant. “We smiled like fools the whole time.”
Tanjirou shrugs, the grin not leaving his face. “I couldn’t help it. I was so happy to see them again.”
Nezuko giggles, wistfully. “I know. Me too.”
(“Let’s bring Yushiro some cake pops, later.”
“He’ll only eat them once we leave.”
“I know.”)
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shinahbee · 4 years
November Favorites 2020!
So as you may have seen I have been uploading a bunch of art all of November, not every week because of my crippling job at the moment taking away my sanity.lol. But i did try my best to update whenever I can. I do have so much more to complete so please look out this December for more digital art being pumped out
How are you all doing?  I'm holding up decently, I'm trying to avoid talking about covid since that's all i've been hearing from work and home and it's really making me anxious since i'm not able to work from home due to the nature of my job. I hope you all are holding up hope and taking care of your selves, let's all remember that there is a time after this and we will get through this.
with that being said I will have a lot more time to spend on my art after January since my work term is going to end and I don't plan to stay for an extension, so maybe then I'll catch up on all of my previous art that I was supposed to upload, a.k.a my hero academia ones.lol
also I'm still chugging along reading more manhwa (web toons ) from korean and chinese artists, i'm so disappointed in myself for not discovering these sooner, these stories are really good and so much effort was put into the art panels, as I have said all I've read was manga so i'm used to just seeing black and white panels, so i never really dove into web toons though I have appreciated the work put into it, now that I'm down the rabbit hole I am discovering really good story lines that are different from the manga I've read thus far and I'm really enjoying it!
so i'm excited to share my thoughts on everything I've been liking
so previously in last months recommendations I have talked about a few of the manhwa I've been reading so I'll briefly list those below since they are all still ongoing
1) who's baby is it
2) to be or no to be
3) social temperature
4) salad days
all of them are still ongoing and i'm still in the process of reading them so I can't give a full review till it's completed but so far I am still enjoying them, that's definitely a good sign since i tend to just drop something after I don''t find it interesting anymore at some point in the story. If you have not read my October favorites journal please do so for my initial thoughts on these manhwas. Now i'm actually going to talk about some of the ones that are completed   , so you can definitely read all of them without waiting for the an update from translators, lol
this is in no particular order, just fyi
1) Path to you
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"When almost college dropout Jensen attempts to drink away his problems, unemployed Nathaniel( Neil ) suddenly pukes on him and ruins his night. As an apology, Nathaniel offers to help Jensen with his studies. Despite Jensen's difficulties in getting along with people, the two become friends and something deeper begins to grow between them...”
this is the summary from one of the manga websites I was able to find, it does not even describes the emotional plot line that goes along with this later, this is ones of my absolute favorites! I love this manhwa so much, its a great depiction of a coming of age story for collage students going through their life journey and slowly getting though life's difficulties  and challenges, one character is going though emotional trauma and trying to over come it for years and another character is going through anti social disorder and discovering his sexuality, it's a plot line that portrayed human aspects in life quite well. I love the relationship between the two main character and how their relationship developed over time from being friends to being a couple. there is a lot of relationship building and minimal drama, which is really refreshing from mangas that I've read, so if you are just starting to delve into BL webtoons, please read this first! you will not be disappointed
with that being said, I love Neil, so much.... you don't even know. lol. He's so precious, literally like an actual cinnamon roll. LOL. i'm exposing myself ...so i'll leave it at that, i’m also wondering why his name is neil instead of nathan or nate...? lol.
2) Here U Are
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"Orientation of  the newcomers is a task for YuYang, and he ends up helping the unsociable and towering LiHuan, the kind of person that does everything to be disliked. But after better knowing each other, he discovers that the giant isn’t that bad of a person at all...”
I really wish I could find better summaries, lol. but it's to the point without giving away too much so i'll take it. This is one of the most popular series and I can totally see why after reading it, this story has every possible human aspect and relationship building  between the two main leads, I actually teared in some parts of this manhwa and I've never done that before! such a good story and plot line, if I were to pick any series in a web toon to be animated then I would choose this series hands down. There's also sub plots between different characters as well and how they deal with their interpersonal relationships and relationships between the two main leads, I love it! This is everything I want in a story, so please check this one out
also yuyang looks a lot like miyuki Kazuya from Daiya no ace and that just made me drawn to him.I really liked his personality and in the manhwa he has girls and guys in love with him and dude...I get it.
3) BJ Alex
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"Every night at 10, Dong-gyun locks himself up in his room, grabs a box of tissues, and watches a live cam boy show hosted by Alex, a BJ (broadcast jockey). Timid Dong-gyun admires not only Alex’s ripped body, but his candor in sharing his sexual experiences with viewers. One night, Dong-gyun downs too many drinks at a school networking event and passes out. When he wakes up, he’s in bed staring up at a shirtless hunk. A hunk who looks an awful lot like...Alex.”
so um...this is more yaoi than shounen ai cause of all the graphic scenes in the manhwa, if you are veteran you may have already read this one cause its really popular. It also has a lot of comedic elements to it too so it's not too serious, but the relationship developed between the two characters later on is really sweet despite the infinite amount of sex scenes. Not much else to say about this story, it's easy to follow and the only abuse in here is the emotional kind
I'm not really entirely sure how i felt about it in the beginning but the end is really good
4) No way, vampires don't exist
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"Four college housemates — Juwon, Eunho, Seongjae, and Gyumin — are in desperate need of a fifth person to fill a vacant room in their place. But their main concern isn’t about paying rent: they’re ravenous vampires, dying to sink their teeth into a fresh, live human! So they can’t believe their luck when Dongha, who grew up isolated from society, eagerly moves in with no idea of what awaits him. To the vampires’ dismay, however, Dongha doesn’t weigh enough for them to suck his blood! As they shower their unsuspecting new housemate with food and attention to fatten him up, have they gotten too attached to their would-be prey? And is there more to sweet, naive Dongha than meets the hungry vampires’ eyes?”
I have to preface by saying that ever since my twilight phase, I didn't consume anything that had to do with vampires for a very long time, for obvious reasons, but this one I just came across after reading path to you and thought I would at least check it out. It started off really comedic and I was like...what am i reading?  but it gets really light hearted and wholesome later on in the story. What I like about this is the character juwon, If you look at him he's that type of character that would look like the stoic a-hole of the story and those characters never appeal to me. But turns out he's the sweetest person most decent person of this story, it makes you want to route for him  and another thing I like about this story is that it looks like a harem but you can tell that there’s only one person the main character doungha treats differently from the rest and how the two are compatible with one another.  in these kind of stories, it’s always treated as every character is a possible route that leads to their own story but in here....there's only one...let's be real. This is one that is an odd ball cause it's technically completed but the translations are not...so i had to read the rest in korean, which makes it a good practice for me since i'm learning korean at the moment, it’s a good exercise...lol
                             Anime/ Drama
Not going to lie this department is lacking...lol. I have only been watching Heavens official blessing as mentioned in the last journal
but I have just found out that there is a remake of Shaman king in the making....and my little girl heart is screaming cause I loved shaman king when i was younger...so I can't wait for that
as for dramas, I've tried watching Start Up but I didn't like it so I dropped it, I might try watching crash landing on you since my best friend was obsessed with it, I watched a little of it but I left it since I was busy so i may get back to watching it from the beginning
i'll put together a play list for you when you read these manga/manhwa...lol. cause that's what i've been doing
Crush- No words
Sam kim - Breathe
Crush - let us go
Kim feel - falling
Paul kim - Dream
Kim feel - Hallelujah
Davichi - please don't cry
Yoo mirae - say
taeyeon - a poem called you
baek yerin- Here I am again
I wish tumblr has a way to play music on your page, without copy right..lol. I would share all of these songs cause they are so good
so that's it for the month of November, lets' see what i get up to for December, I will be updating as frequently as possible so please look out for more art from me and follow me on my social media , I will see you all next time
     Social media      
Devianatart: she-be.deviantart.com
Instagram: shinb_art
Tumblr: shinahbee
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